FAS-008 - Facility Users Insurance Program_2012SAINT 101 IN Subject: Facility Users Insurance Program Category: Policy Policy No.: FAS -008 M&C Report No.: Effective Date: 2012-06-04 Next Review Date: (3 years) Area(s) this policy applies to: Transportation and Office Responsible for review of this Policy: Environment, Finance and Administrative Services Finance and Administrative Services Policy Sponsor: Related Instruments: Document Pages: This document consists of 30 pages. Revision History: Common Clerk's Annotation for Official eRecord Date of Passage of Policy: October 29, 2012 1 certify that this Policy was adopted by Common Council as indicated above. _May 16, 2017 Common Clerk Date Date Created: Common Council Approval Date: Contact: 2012-05-30 2012-06-04 Insurance and Claims Officer TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. COUNCIL RESOLUTION.................................................................................................................1 2. COUNCIL REPORT.........................................................................................................................3 3. POLICY/PROGRAM.......................................................................................................................5 POLICY — FACILITY USERS INSURANCE PROGRAM Common Council Meeting—lune 4, 2012 RESOLVED that as recommended by the Commissioner of Finance and Administrative Services, Common Council direct the Insurance and Claims Officer and the applicable departments to set up the described program. C REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL 30 lay ,101-71 E& Worship hotel Ii Wt= Md Member of Coon Cain Yocr Wbx* p and Counefflam: SUBJECT: F:r, dlity Uwrs Insunme Program BACKGROUND: The City las a variety of locations and facilities (community ccatras, ball Bettis, hac;ey► rinks, meeting apses, large VOW Picnic arms etc) used by the public or outside organizations and this rrpoit seeks to came the City is adequatelypr in case of a loss or claim fi+om one of those activities. The City aurently hen Liability bmance in place to protect the City ftm Iona or acadents. but the scope of this program' eacks to set up a wpm -ate policy to in$= outside arganizaticns. Currently, we ask that Organizations or individuals renting or using our ihWities obtain adequate if Wmhty umaa m to pmftd themseives anal the City fmm Ucpected losses. The cast of the insurance requirwncas can be prohibitive and we haven't contwHW the coverage our the =istenee ofthe policy for sat -going events. In some cases we do ask for proof of insurance byet the requirements and application of the policy are not staadsrd or consistent The purpose would be to ensure each organization or individual using our facitityhas adequate inga=oe, the Cityis adequatelypvotected, make inswww avai'leble at on afmdable rate and take the loss expedence away fmm oar own policy. ANALYSIS: The dgwtm" would be responsible far awniag rho presnium and recording the event: This would be done at tha same time the location or fitdlity is hocked and the rental cost paid. The premium cost would be included in the cost of the rental. The inaura nce progrem and reaanciliati m would be provided through Iasu mm and Risk Managemcat Division. Cftl Facility Users Insurance Program. C=mtiy, without this program, if 8020091mg were to occur at a City &Cft wbile in use by an outside orgea zation and there was no of w Wsutranoe in place, the City's insurance policy would necessarily respond and dcfimd the City, That claim or occurrence, would be reflected ir.the City's insuninceexpmience and could affectcw rating and translate to an maea:se in premiums long twzL This program will take That loss eacperience array from the City's policy and provlde coverage to both the organization and the City though a separate policy; a policy which preaaiums are paid by the facility usecj4 not the aveyers. There are c=mfly organizations or individuals wbo rent acre facilit m that do not Lave adequate protection in place for themselves. If something were to happen, an organizer of an event could be fmncially burdened to ported themselves frmn a claim brought apinst them, This progrnm will also ensure that to citizess or organizations that rent the City's &GRities also have adequate protection. There may be occasions when the City is providing a facility or location for use by outside orgm zations at no cost to them. It i$ summed that in sine instances, it is in the community's best interest to help that event occur and not create obstacles. In those mantes, it will be up to the City to pay the premium an behalfof that goap or organization to allow such an event to take place. The Queen square farmers market could be an example where the City is orgauizing the event and pays the premium an behalf of tine organizers for the betterment ofthe community. FIRANCIAL 1€ OPUCATIO : This program can be sex up at no cost to the City. The City would collect the premium form those renting our fatality (the premium to part of the cost afrental, included in the price) and track the usage of ow facilities. Once a year we would submit the collected premium to the inn. From our ur.% r, it appears the cost of obtaining liability insurance drbugh this program would be leas to obtain, rather than each organization leaking their own coverage through their own pmvidcr. To be clear though, this will be an increase in cost to those organizations that did not have the proper eovcmgc arno covatsge at all in plem Attached to this report is the Facility User Insurance Program. s t0 tt c f That cormc it direct the Insurance and Claims Officer and the applieahle dieputments to set up the described program. 478 Facility Users hmmance fang ico and Ifiusffi, CGA MMA of Mponee and Admi olmtnWvs Services :fie.] MUNICIPAL FACILITY USER GENML LIABILITY PROGRAM F �ANADA 'RFL CANADA D A R13 and Insurancogervifts Inc. } r s [!,V * _ j. r m ER CNODA Msk and iwumm SWC Inc. CXIMME OF RMPAL USER GENEFA.. LIA.SiL" PRWiLW 2 WING STFtCMM FOR' E UBER PROGMU LIOUOUR LU8lLrTY'APP'LICAMN p SAMPLE CEMF r..ATE OF INSUR E ESR LrA= e MUNICIPAL APPUCATION FM UWR PFMRAM 481 E1 -Y, _ Y �� � ,� .1. ri fl''; : �/rte .. 11 . 114 _ells'_. a �� .* � .ak L' gy. ,• an Cw*ft I@ oft of ft kmem mmw rom ma vd insufffm flgro r,y c turdB fiirnis in CwwgkL cub". We pride mnss°v= In our es jo 'tN* oL*Aft io bans mWqWmmtl MUM=�f10WOO ofcw�� �10�IMvpmgW mss. BSirGiow" 8FL Canada undmUn r to a mrd 5 awe PWM Is dalmd ffam an OWWWiS PhftpWW twordg ft W4 ke *b*Mvis In mmof dAr*wgkm. It b the broom mb tm +fir mm4am alt *a ft exMigs phgmphyaWin BJMud Of +00 =Wmmt 'Of" Mtk Mamom acid &Ahxft vb jvw Ow wPbrm CM MW our dbM feel L ft tib awry efAd to d t e� 2nik Our arT# m has GMacftd mwiy kw and s WcW pmtmlwg #00 0rga� m— sed" Bim. Mrads r& only theirbroke% btA pvbw so WOOL 483 SECTION 2 484 Rib Is nM a .Pig* Erft Imwm= PW= vo ft ang mplaw or advwftgss to fir tis ft .kuoit ,m tf It erre a$ 8 M=UV W bft MrMA_o91ftY tD ftUM 1=6 LIMI �,�eri tom' du�ia�f irr�t. c b MftUm and the fmntgalftbutly cft�w k sur+ ' vilad dVmi*V upon the tc) *d E#rte kms, kms and of pvoW4 ma am tram a h. a drdnam tt aqmft nt knum pm:Mm wst to tM Uv r for -ens ftr poll. • f# dMnalw fm nwd fr?rft lksn 4Ifr to e CWWMW of kmrmm ftn ire UWL if is a tmtrtr kW and t`jrmrwkni to brdh the m'jo*mft OW l& UWL Afl open %Utsc PbW le WmAd 10 the Tend WW& 4f on Fundft cmed a(POWOpr d by 'no liame of Mur ipe;W Ob In r Nr humkipaw. 9PPOas 0* V* a a mrer d to OW btv 10PA bythe •fir polar". Terarbm c:ft FacOm on wddWd ee ?ImW ManidejDtfg l�ru�. T� ibQui����14�.�}� � �lrr��►en "�� �` s� � A r*ff&U d fry aeh be bwM to ft TamwMawliftw FMme. 485 An eW3�Won bw tt TowedmaAme Is rtnt ragW d us bng ag ft fbk*#V m. maWm cm bo Smmomted kto fto )rrt TcTW a rerm x2mMI* • LSOW tom of Uwr fDWa ofd LosaW-tn of Eunt Mntiw Of c Nwmber of Raft HbLu ter Clqc (dspw*rp on how the Mo-jolpft rwb Bps i • Ltd' Prat Nwber ff #Vpftrbte. R Bq 4 kafbn br rvW*W jbbs wwpkW by tt Ubiv. SMOR & Pwdum jute ookftd by to Murictaft aid rwriled to Man a m nft boob uft boMema *aikr to tioaaamVb aftdrd w SEVM & A adwdJ6 d PMVAM Ulm !br Covamp of $2,=,ODD tw oamomme ow to per owxmnoF aw in to awamb umb we 4bo ammhk�. itvcwviow to SW ft pamttwrr rakes it71" nth ammum ; 10 i is!sdvb& A dopmt Pmtnhft (MIOW to bo debrodboA VMI be dra*d to ft !Mu-MANNOMy an kvsp6m digs and each ftnmW tem d : iftdopwk p rr u n is wedbd a W MWre wrbb of MmMVd WW.*. Tft MurtE RkF wW W dqmM bab PWiVlmsummlbrsddFdaWmrftjx. SECTION 3 487 Plmse so adsohr" Em C% C: r% I" I ION 4 m 7VL3 Lowuli-kma "A414ammRs X= dAn*,4mVMrLd 15=d�R%=mh EbMw. AtaftAddmm Phow- . . .. DW&GROMM011madm To. Dow, Who k"PUdlohmd1a tb& Mbft (A)bw*O&P*Cmvkmfmdymsrxbn Mp cadamp kwd Tft jtx*"4fttq* saimmumoveft. "bomm C*Cft ofapdkvetvmbmbkft modbadtymdmdud bye% oowqmzgm* e*dmlvtbo�--ti*mfwiaasmoli poWdUA,-2MmAwmmftI I No pm vMj Av&mftd Paid= mm D" Will SECTION 5 Wil MTHLY REP l�l ..�,... CYLLY 5-1 :% 493 Ird twwmfltr kom, Sub IBM Toomm flralaft mom lin T Tt; OF INSURANr. LIN to arm lfx Addmm. Isr . •s�ii�� M tM fakm4M damlW bra) & bt W@rte) In bwAhs ! t 11 fa t 1D Qp1► P aaa ~ Alk mom of OpeMbra tD WM* ft� by tho mad brad pothey'll a POM NW - NOW., inns : cam, MM o=upd% cr rmod Opg*-Cmh Conatt-ftU t. I OVALmdb-U--4� T* OmWob N w4ad 10 OR Vo UML-lh5rw. ctdt rams of tocbme pft m MW rr-w mdA or mly twwg*&. 4 fid. I't .b wWwrkW Bad ft taa %) ramped In thb (� b se an edd V tick to dift bdbWW v6wiL M CANA44 Moft CA t mx,%P umzAw kv, P29 -, z 494 SECTlGtN 7 t, P11. rm 11 W; a 0 MI W.. wjji. lv; am pmmdmw Padd Co&. Oft. PaiC bkloj Dewy= =m3b*Myvqm. in my offt &8~ —C=MN*EbU mmftftk —WPII CUmbift COMMINak Rvpwko — 3P Lion swinofthd Umbw ffilbc�oPm& Dvp-InCMIv Too&omqm — Chad Cos i I NO A, r m 4vtah nopmd Cmubf-WAY Sdwol olbw For mydihe bm Amyou hm "MadYa, plum ad*a iffim vdb*is 100%.Vft&Ahydw haUk ortridih IS* 04pOWWd FUJI= Tft dW*, =Mkipft&l dlk= *bo=phMft hffi=o& BR MarPksift %*30" Fjftft smith Uka sfiri f;acntc:; & be to-vired by Olf* PEVVMML boil Rd Itm*j- A=W,IRM=ftmlWRWW — �, &611.ql rawg=mxadbm 110ift" Ccwkwdkalbf —Y y —N 1.) Y N 2, Dveud � Y Y Y N 74 Do ym pMh e ? Y rT iii Y 'N b dvdW un*e _Y _N i � � c+�p�o�'p+� in �► ed:ffic � spacial �s7 Zia Gad= - iDt Tam crTaurgmvpr _ Pimm Fer a� of thg �l�ro pae l� ,ed �, plate �d�f r.� Rp=WEvrat Bd m W N=bx Ruft Thbd'Pizdy rT d qty b AlwW y N Y -N Y 1 Y—N Y N :.Y N N Y Y !!� � —Y—.F Y l �k�e dash raw Ouftt h43t& MOM. a0inyo eboulw whM nd immd byPMdwW Awadahm- um 497 owiliotto 1.Adowd Rmmm S 2. Anoadlvm6aw 4. Mu"ddpdmlcq irodcmdAqm gymioahad f. ca _3r N 7. M=b m wnmW of cal? nd � -Y Iq 1. �i��i dna (sj yeax, !tee � a�►�or �� s cLdm o� �n � oo�d�d ts► 8 dim? Andmod a Dw Pdo wwo 4 m I. OftW N6M d Fit r &dwd. I Phi 14"ber: FmcH�unber. d. Laaalhn and dei, a(MoSwSdhod & V.4w It ftta WON ay )ur hates Wmv! B. CwA yx' adm* tmh arhave drft a& air. d**M ar baaro ms%Pbmzgpwv T. Tot of kwb Tom Nu raf WOO f � i& Total dumber o'fpuWpoft it ia: Todd Nunbw a," WuWpwb ilk Ph" CKT ckamhw ft * Lwor ~ Cmlft�&actTadrfl�e,kowLvjm-w Lid Xwnw of NAWcW& oW wr raqww" Apo: Narde Am i+a D OW MW ewat dfY%Wtakft dW U&S Mm dwft ywsr whW. '11, Alii r- copy of yaw WW, Wt batt-% w*=, Awloc C jWtfWM J Pit : ---fthod pMwh 9 I& ymmarap:dam VFW.." Mactoy 12. Any Amoftm 8d -vb It Do yah hM aay WratdW ho, Owd to 4a Lidbd 7'i. _ 499 lei. DMAMMMWONVI ftyorave and lm�-t Kebxr m* Ids owI4 vwynWft �m pW EM bpi! bpi" for the id ma (s� Irt�amm oIr+r m icy hjsjwy :revd". Noowkmmm Ompvw =mkd or rdwuwyourownuaw ow~ V10— Dotvvd Comsem Ljmlt-eowd Li&Wkdudv Pmo*mrh owiamm __jixw,uo.00 SZOA4G __ _ AoddM Cbvuw�i -SaMt man w.D"mOka&*Q*01hr owmJOIC etwt i8. ArW arMnnd kAmislon er remerb W you Wimtoy dip u6insvehaft y e�ortllf he �.Ia ttae t ptrd �� �e § i µ eti; ar «� r • ; r> I h�'ti Of AMWA r1ilRlwf iI M USM INSUMN CE RATES FOR FACIUW MWTALS (madift zmmw2. mv MnWSU';z Rrteff Mmildsid b1► NFL Owmda AMP OF �&IORTS y low P- S—as $ PWWuMbam%=Mtf, 25-50 bcomimor, AMIONA $Z wafto f�51-75 r6- Mr 10 — 290 $ .101-290 mi -M lhrm OFL �ul alr� 1-21 $ S AO p -so mftlL L AZiI%U j W - $4M $i�fia• l ��•.__&�MCy,rnrm nftwft aff41 rmlt 7'0n —un $5 A �1 Rice. , of 3 Sal—ZW $7.0 ftft% low lxmft ft+im Om dmor. AW ftT-balt k,kf hadw, Rdw to NFL W cK drplamlla7 t rhe sbft j% +oOQeb�l4 1-31 4= ke hodw Om MA04defto 2w -so Y /q Ml. Y hcdwv, U-75 $1Z aU lam=, oftumb ort; 76 -no $ Wa In aM Afte =nWnp, byvlft OA ' rifer ammoRTs�� • �airrds iw lrjrl p� 1-23 3 26—Um $:ate fkffrm ftwple-. 9e 1 b&*kW M-20 $113 W $M=OFl zot ogmewrAwr lm*w or Mo hkrto Pdwta VdoW mt0ft, on 5FL Ike t, m de%gwu of b% mairrll W= fdril4'�i1� 501 CO& DAY SXWr VOF WWI AM, Mn —winahm"Mmm TOMM M-31A.Mv riff I PARTXV*M AM n M- Am MIOUN"Morri call3mv nz #2 I& OU4 gat& Tobeu"wft=kmwwtmt 1-n $ M= $ 2MM OK un'rCUMAMWIWOUM 20-10 mm $ 2=0 oto jim*A*&dftmdkm,ncdk= im-M 75M $ LU= SFL wA bah ft uAMM umkr 2514 NNIVID w_lw tp umthaddAmmobw,mokm am ML awhthfi*mrioted wdw I opom Aorww Im mh24 ---I F LLM" vbdm*Uwt-m POW ism Hodwtowminon mmiam L —winahm"Mmm mxckdc6. Ins ftelmy It k*XM- -mlw:�� S moftmAmmit- I MM.- Anew IMLOUN4 somwww~ hmm - LM = SUM VW L&WX;fACfflff r n" jo A" MIOUN"Morri call3mv nz L$7M $3MM Warqwa Tobeu"wft=kmwwtmt MMM $ M= $ 2MM OK bmdmd &F- Mud uwnmumw 2sl+ PAkrto Rsfwo& jim*A*&dftmdkm,ncdk= BFL IR wA bah ft uAMM umkr "JWM ACffVM im dool LLM" vbdm*Uwt-m POW ism Hodwtowminon mmiam upummm —winahm"Mmm Lmmo & �. I -mlw:�� S moftmAmmit- I MM.- Anew IMLOUN4 somwww~ hmm - LM = SUM VW L&WX;fACfflff r n" jo A" owwLs/we'.44 VIM Itst upftu . haftlAmmol"" U -M cmmw Came-" Sal M.w%--" nz $swim owwLs/we'.44 VIM Itst Aillm . haftlAmmol"" I s via cmmw Came-" Sal M.w%--" nz $swim $2-w Nolloff"4- -I�qrlt . A= MIX �:Gmr�i7pOr�ta �brtc �t ��A�Tithi�ieR��l�at�c,F��ss�laa��pn�+1► lt:�rmlrr;r�,lr,a�R�w�eln.sek,�ar..�al�l:!a�.e�r,Y._�� FAUMM r4m AO _4w 1M-250 LSD wwmow —aw m . t7Nrr T al wa dolor hew OMr tam EiwalhoseidR i ie +�arq f h wwmw a Nft akoMt mfar ee SMK FIA W-m,,A— rtla"�e 3 PATE ig mc*4 rsem►ItL $ $" �—�wro" IM-250 %am IND ii(! kdR�1 tt ria to `�+0�lL F4+�° aat�nr�r 11tl ...Y..a.. L.rLail.+. l . do m mmin sw_ad& —pR add 09 PSrto the fins! PmWfjmdt.Mo • NOW mi -& try q�tjr+Spe�lal Ott knits the 1�r+ts1 �nes�t bs� at► fltew�i the �'1P� rnd � i� ban:�6sr � to aprs�r o�tho; rnonli�fy std�r: do �R 3 503 0W'l Obi L DUKP% $S: l $ I"W ?ACWt[NL$6 M M-200 $71M $ WO -W $:LMM � 7 �r (% nww arM mW# pom r W.3$ MM 'limen �ia��s� am-sm y`TrLr= $Rom MM ftnkm we �:Gmr�i7pOr�ta �brtc �t ��A�Tithi�ieR��l�at�c,F��ss�laa��pn�+1► lt:�rmlrr;r�,lr,a�R�w�eln.sek,�ar..�al�l:!a�.e�r,Y._�� FAUMM r4m AO _4w 1M-250 LSD wwmow —aw m . t7Nrr T al wa dolor hew OMr tam EiwalhoseidR i ie +�arq f h wwmw a Nft akoMt mfar ee SMK FIA W-m,,A— rtla"�e 3 PATE ig mc*4 rsem►ItL $ $" �—�wro" IM-250 %am IND ii(! kdR�1 tt ria to `�+0�lL F4+�° aat�nr�r 11tl ...Y..a.. L.rLail.+. l . do m mmin sw_ad& —pR add 09 PSrto the fins! PmWfjmdt.Mo • NOW mi -& try q�tjr+Spe�lal Ott knits the 1�r+ts1 �nes�t bs� at► fltew�i the �'1P� rnd � i� ban:�6sr � to aprs�r o�tho; rnonli�fy std�r: do �R 3 503