CLERK-011 - Proclamations Policy_2016(P - SAINT pOHN Proclamations Policy Policy Category: Council Policy Policy No.: COS -CC -011 Report No.: M&C 2016-35 Effective Date: 2016-02-22 Next Review Date: (Term of Council) Area(s) this policy applies to: Owner Service: Proclamations issued by the Mayor and Corporate Services / Common Clerk Common Council of the City of Saint John Related Policy(ies) Pages: This Policy consists of 6 pages Revision History: Common Clerk's Annotation for Official Record Date of Passage of Current Policy: February 22, 2016 I certify that this Policy was adopted by Resolution of Council on the date indicated above. ............... ...,� December 22, 2016 Common Clerk Date Contact: Jonathan Taylor, Common Clerk, 8t" floor City Hall. P.O. Box 1971, Saint John, NB, E21L 4L1 Tel: 506-658-2862 Email: Jonathan.Taylor@saintjohn.ca Proclamations Policy of the City of Saint John TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. POLICY STATEMENT 2. SCOPE ..................... ..3 .. 3 3. LEGISLATION AND STANDARDS.............................................................................................. 3 4. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES................................................................................................. 3 5. MONITOR AND REVIEW.......................................................................................................... 3 6. IMPLEMENTATION.................................................................................................................. 3 7. AUTHORIZATION.................................................................................................................... 3 8. RESOURCES............................................................................................................................ 3 9. PROCEDURES.......................................................................................................................... 3 10. GLOSSARY............................................................................................................................. 5 11. INQUIRIES..............................................................................................................................5 12. APPENDICIES............................................................................................................................................6 Proclamations Policy of the City of Saint John 2 1. POLICY STATEMENT The Mayor and Common Council issue proclamations to recognize individuals, events, organizations, and community groups of significance to the City. A proclamation will recognize a particular, day, week, month or year. 2. SCOPE The Policy applies to all Proclamations issued by the Mayor and Common Council. The Purpose of the Proclamation Policy (the Policy) is to provide a standard to govern requests for proclamations issued by Common Council of the City of Saint John (the City) in recognition of individuals, events, organizations or community groups of significance to the City. 3. LEGISLATION AND STANDARDS Proclamations will not be issued for: matters of political controversy, ideological or religious beliefs, or individual conviction; events or organizations with no direct relationship to the City of Saint John; campaigns or events contrary to City policies or by-laws; campaigns intended for profit-making purposes; and attempting to influence government policy. 4. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The Common Clerk is responsible for the implementation and interpretation of the Policy. S. MONITOR AND REVIEW The Policy is subject to review at the beginning of each new term of council. 6. IMPLEMENTATION Implementation of the Proclamations Policy is immediate, on approval of Common Council. 7. AUTHORIZATION This Policy has been approved by Common Council on February 22nd, 2016. 8. RESOURCES Human Resources The Common Clerk or his/her designate is responsible to review proclamation requests in accordance with the Policy. 9. PROCEDURES Proclamation procedures are the responsibility of the Common Clerk or his/her designate. Proclamations Policy of the City of Saint John Proclamation requests must be submitted in writing on an organization's official letterhead following a standard format as outlined in the City of Saint John Application for Proclamation, attached to the Policy as Appendix "A". Proclamation requests must be submitted in writing each year, on an organization's official letterhead, a minimum of 3 weeks before the event, and follow the City proclamation guideline as outlined on the Proclamation Request Form, see Appendix "A". Requesters must clearly identify the significance and connection of the proclamation to the mandate and strategic goals of the City of Saint John. Requests must include details of the organization, initiative and/or event. Requests must include suggested wording of the proclamation of no more than 200 words. The proclamation itself is issued to acknowledge the effort and commitment of an individual, organization or community group and should not be interpreted as an endorsement by the City. The Common Council of the City has authority to approve or deny requests for proclamations. The decision of Council is final. 9.1 Proclamation Criteria: Proclamations will demonstrate an interest in or relationship to the City, including but not limited to: (a) Arts Celebrations (b) Cultural celebrations (c) Charitable fundraising campaigns (d) Civic Promotions (e) Public awareness campaigns (f) Honouring individuals or organizations for special achievements Proclamations related to the following will not be approved, including but not limited to: (a) Individuals, events, organizations or community groups with no demonstrated significant interest or relationship to the City (b) Political parties or political organizations (c) Religious organizations or the celebration of religious events (d) Business or commercial enterprises (e) Illegal matters, including matters contrary to corporate policies or bylaws (f) Matters which defame the integrity of the City (g) Discriminatory or inflammatory matters (h) Matters designed to incite hatred or disorder Proclamations will not be issued if the first day to be recognized has passed. Proclamations Policy of the City of Saint John 4 Council will decide on requests for proclamations which do not fall into any of the criteria outlined above. 9.2 Application Procedure: (a) Requests for proclamations must be submitted to the Clerk in writing on the organization's official letterhead, following the guidelines in the application form prescribed by the Clerk, attached as Appendix "A" to this Policy, at least (3) weeks in advance of the first date of recognition. (b) The Clerk will review all applications and determine if the proclamation is consistent with the Policy. (c) The Clerk may make any amendments to the proclamation Previously Proclaimed Request: (d) If the proclamation request was previously proclaimed by Council within the past calendar year, and is consistent with the Proclamation Criteria in section 3.1, the proclamation will be issued, and noted on a Council agenda for information purposes. Not Previously Proclaimed Request: (e) If the proclamation request was not previously approved by Council in the past calendar year, the request will first be reviewed by the Clerk against the approved eligibility criteria and if eligible, the Clerk will place the request on an agenda for the Committee of the Whole and/or Council for approval. Proclamation Request denied by Clerk: (f) If a proclamation request is denied by the Clerk as part of the eligibility review, the Clerk shall advise Council. Council may uphold or reject the Clerk's recommendation. If Council denies the proclamation request, a letter will be sent to the requester advising that the request was denied. If Council allows the request, then the Proclamation will be placed on a Council agenda corresponding to the date of the proclamation request. 10. GLOSSARY/ DEFINITIONS A proclamation is an official public announcement or declaration given by the Mayor and Council to formally recognize a special event which is deemed to be of interest and/or benefit to a significant number of citizens of the City of Saint John. 11. INQUIRIES For more information on the Policy, please contact the Office of the Common Clerk. Proclamations Policy of the City of Saint John 5 12. APPENDIX "A" - Application for Proclamation Proclamations Policy of the City of Saint John