Water and Sewerage By-law Amendment 2018-12-03BY-LAW NO. M-16
Be it enacted by the Common Council of Lors d'une reunion du Conseil municipal,
The City of Saint John as follows: The City of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit :
A By-law of The City of Saint John
entitled "A By-law Respecting Water and
Sewerage", enacted on the 7'h day of June, A.D.
2004, is hereby amended as follows:
1. Section 1 is amended by adding the following
""by-law enforcement officer" means a by-law
enforcement officer appointed under this By-law
and designated by resolution of the City's
Common Council. (agent charge de !'execution
des arretes municipaux)"
Par les presentes, Parretti de The City of
Saint John intitule « Arrete concernant les reseaux
d'eau et d'egouts », decrete le 7 juin 2004, est
modifie comme suit:
1. L'article 1 est modifie par 1'adjonction de la
definition suivante:
""agent charge de 1'execution des arretes
municipaux" Agent charge de 1'execution des
arretes municipaux nomme en vertu du present
arrete et designe par resolution du conseil
communal de la ville. (by-law enforcement
2. The following section is added immediately after 2. L'article suivant est ajoute immediatement apres
section 1: Particle 1:
"1.1 The City's Common Council may, for the
purposes of the administration and enforcement of
this By-law, appoint by-law enforcement officers
who may exercise such powers and perform such
duties as may be set out in this By-law or the Local
Governance Act."
"1.1 Le conseil communal de la ville peut, pour
des fins d'administration et d'execution du present
arrete, nommer des agents charges de 1'execution
des arretes municipaux qui exercent les pouvoirs et
remplientt les functions que prescrivent le present
arrete ou la Loi sur la Gouvernance Locale."
3. Section 50 is repealed and replaced with the 3. L'article 50 est abroge et remplace par ce qui
following: suit :
"50(1) A person who violates any provision of this
by-law commits and offence and is liable upon
conviction to a fine of $2,100.00.
50(2) if an offense continues for more than one
day, the fine shall be the fine established under
subsection (1) multiplied by the number of days
during which the offence continues.
50(3) A person who violates any provision of this
by-law shall, within 20 business days after
receiving a penalty notice from a by-law
v 50(1) Quiconque contrevient a une disposition
du present arrete commet une infraction et est
passible, sur declaration de culpabilite, d'une
amende de 2100,00$.
50(2) Si une infraction se poursuit pendant plus
d'une journee, 1'amende correspond a l'amende
fixee au paragraphe (1) multipliee par le nombre de
jours pendant lesquels elle se poursuit.
50(3) Quiconque contrevient a une disposition du
present arrete doit, dans les 20 jours ouvrables
suivant la reception d'un avis de penalite emis par
enforcement officer, pay an administrative penalty
of $1,500.00 at the Payment Center, City Hall, 15
Market Square, Saint John, NB, Monday to Friday
between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm.
50(4) A person who violates a provision of this by-
law and pays the administrative penalty pursuant to
paragraph (3) is not liable to be prosecuted for said
violation. "
IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John
has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said
City to be affixed to this by-law the 3'd day of
December, A.D. 2018 signed by:
un agent charge de l'execution des arrdtes
municipaux, acquitter une penalite administrative
de 1500,00$ au bureau de perception a 1'H6tel de
ville, au 15 Market Square, Saint John, N. -B., du
lundi au vendredi, de 8h30 a 16h30.
50(4) Quiconque contrevient a une disposition du
present arrdtd et acquitte la penalite administrative
tel que prevu au paragraphe (3) n'est passible
d'aucune poursuite a cet egard. »
EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait
apposer son sceau municipal sur le present arr&6
le 3 decembre 2018, avec les signatures suivantes :
First Reading
- November 19, 2018
Second Reading
- November 19, 2018
Third Reading
- December 3, 2018
Premiere lecture - le 19 novembre 2018
Deuxieme lecture - le 19 novembre 2018
Troisieme lecture - le 3 decembre 2018