Zoning By-Law Amendment Cannabis Businesses (CP 111-53)1 . That I am the Common Clerk of the said City of Saint John,
15 Market Square, P.O. Box 1971, Saint John, N.B. E2L 41-1 and as such
have the custody of the minutes and records of the Common Council of
the said City of Saint John and of the Common Seal of the said City.
2That hereto attached and marked "A" is a copy of a by-law
entitled "By-law Number C.P. 111-53 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law
of the City of Saint John", enacted by the Common Council of the City of
Saint John on the 23rd day of April, A.D. 2018.
111 1111111 pij�i �i
I , 11, :
Saint John held on the 23rd day of April, A.D. 2018.
4. That I have carefully compared the said by-law and
Common Clerk of The City of Saint John havt
Al[Mftt No C.P. 111-53
ARRftlt MODIFIANT LWRN.0_74�0jf�
Be it enacted by The City of Saint Le conseil communal de The City
John in Common Council convened, as of Saint John 6dicte ce qui suit:
The Zoning By-law of The City of
Saint John enacted on the fifteenth day of
December, A.D. 2014, is hereby amended
as follows:
1. Section 3.1 is amended by deleting
the definitions for "agricultural use",
"farmers market", "forestry use"garden
centre", "health services laboratory"light
industrial use", "regional commercial
centre", "research and development
facility", "retail convenience", "retail
general", "retail warehouse" and "special
industrial use" and replacing them with the
Ccagricultural use" means the cultivation of
the soil to produce a crop, or the raising of
a domestic animal, including, •',
r rt
aple syrup production, nursery, orchard,
or vineyard, or the keeping and raising of
bees, fish, fowl, livestock, or fur or wool
bearing animals, but does not include a
cannabis production facility. (usage
"farmers market" means an establishment
where local farm products, which may also
include other foods, beverages, or arts and
crafts, are sold to the public by a group of
retailers from within a building or outside
of a building. but does not
retail use. (march6fermier)
"forestry use" means any use of land,
building, or structure, where timber
resources of any cumulative ground area
are cultivated, managed, or harvested, but
does not include manufacturing or
processine of such iroducts or a cannart
jutumumquits" ("Illy
"garden centre" means any use of land,
building, or structure for the display and
sale of plants, gardening, or landscaping
a cannabis production facility or cannabis
retail use. (centrejardinier)
"health services laboratory" means an
establishment where bio -medical samples
• 11 I . I MR." I
,2insi modifi6:
1. L'article 3.1 est modifi6 par
suppression des d6finitions de << centre
commercial r6gional )>, o centre j ardinier >>,
<< d6panneur >>, o entrep6t de vente an
Mail >>, << installation de recherche et de
rt. veloppernent >), << laboratoire de services
de sant6 >), o march6 fermier )>, << usage
agricole �), << usage d'industrie 16g6re >>,
o usage forestier >>, o usage industriel
Darticulier >> et << v nt
<< centre commercial r6gional >> Lot on
complexe commercial comportant un ou
aire de plancher brute totale minimale de
3 000 m&res carr6s et oii sont exerc�s un
r6pondre aux besoins en rnati6re d'achats
dans la r6gion de Saint John : studio
d'artiste on d'artisan, boulangerie, bar,
salon -bar on boite de nuit, bureau
d'affaires, vente an d6tail du cannabis,
divertissement A des fins commerciales,
centre communautaire, bureau de police
communautaire, garderie, institution
financi&e, salon fundraire, Oicerie, centre
de sant6 et de conditionnernent physique,
biblioth6que, clinique m6dicale, boutique
de services personn_e_L%,%",
d'animaux familiers, bacs de recyclage,
restaurant, vente an d6tail g6n&rale,
entrep6t de vente au Mail, entreprise de
service et de r6parati1n d'articles
professionnelle et clinique v6t6rinaire.
(regional commercial centre)
<< centre jardinier >> Vise l'usage d'un
terrain, d'un bitiment on dune
construction pour 1'exposition et la vente
de plantes ou d'6quipement et de
fournitures de j ardinage ou Wam6nagemenlj
paysager, mais ne vise pas les installations
vente an d6t,
o d6panneur » ttablissement ofi sont offerts
are tested, medical research is conducted,
or medical and or dental aids, devices, or
prostheses are serviced, but does not
include a cannabis processing facility or a
cannabis production facility. (laboratoire
de services de sant6)
"light industrial use" means any use of
land, building, or structure, involving a
manufacturing process whether or not a
finished article is produced, and may
include the repairing and or servicing of a
vehicle, machinery, or building where the
manufacturing process occurs or the
material is used or stored, and the
transportation of material, goods, or
will not cause injury to or prejudicially
?ffect the amw4ty *f the 1,41tality f,y reas*r,
of the following restrictions:
(a) Water usage being restricted to
employee washrooms, indirect cooling and
pressure testing of equipment, cleaning of
vehicles an
I=t. a-tid sig.J.7r u-ses,
(b) No effluent discharge or
contaminant which may contribute to the
biological, chemical, physical, or aesthetic
pollution of land, water, and or air; and
(c) No manufacturing processes or
activities, other than outdoor storage,
parking, and loading, shall take plac+
outside of a building.
C�regional commercial centre" means a lot
or commercial group containing one or
more commercial buildings having a total
gross floor area of 3,000 square metres or
more which contains one or more of the
following uses intended to serve the
shopping needs of the Saint John region:
Artist or Craftsperson Studio, Bakery, Bar,
Lounge, or Nightclub, Business Office,
Cannabis Retail, Commercial
Entertainment, Community Centre,
Community Policing Office, Day Care
Centre, Financial Services, Funeral
Services, G—rocejyi
Facility, Library, Medical Clinic, Personal
Service, Pet Grooming, Recycling Bins,
Restaurant, Retail General, Retail
Warehouse, Service and Repair,
Household, Technical or Vocational
School, or Veterinary Clinic. (centre
commercial r6gional)
de gros des biens, articles, marchandises,
substances, produits ou choses diverses, y
compris notamment des confiseries, des
provisions, de la quincaillerie, des boissons
non alc1olis6es, des articles de soins
,�ersoniiels- dez m6 *46,vj�k�
et du tabac, mais ne vise pas les usages de
vente . au d6tail du cannabis. (retail
convenience use)
o entrep6t de vente an d6tail �>
ttablissement ou point de vente grossiste-
d6taillant oii sont vendus au public des
biens pour lesquels une grande superficie
d'exposition est requise, tels que,
des meubles ou des gros appareils
6lectrom6nagers, mais ne vise pas les
usages de vente au d6tail du cannabis.
(retail warehouse)
<< installation de recherche et de
d6veloppement >> ttablissement oii sont
effectu6s des recherches, des 6tudes, des
essais ou des ex16riences scientifiques A
l'int6rieur d'un b5timent en vue du
d6veloppement de technologic de
de fabrication de produits de technologic de
pointe et pouvant comporter de nombreux
usages secondaires li6s A 1'6tablissement,
tels que, notamment, des salles de
conf6rence- des services de-r-w2y&W�e-
sant6 et de bien-8tre, des laboratoires, des
salles de r6union, des services
d'imprimerie, des services professionnels
ou juridiques, des services de consultation
tPXAX:14,UC, r&S
d'autres installations similaires, mais ne
vise pas les installations de production du
cannabis. (research and development
<< laboratoire de services de sant6 >>
ttablissement oa se fait I'analyse
d'6chantillons biom6dicaux, la recherche
m6dicale ou 1'entretien de proth6ses, de
dispositifs ou d'appareils m6dicaux ou
dentaires, mais ne vise pas les installations
de transformation du cannabis et les
installations de production du cannabis.
(health services laboratory)
(( march6 fermier >> ttablissement oih sont
vendus au public par un groupe de
bdtiment des produits agricoles locaux et
oit peuvent aussi 6tre vendus d'autres
-- -W -Ilk
�• . –24 Al
1es ovuvres d'art et 1e I'artisanat, mais ofa
"research and development facility" means
an establishment, where scientific research,
investigation, testing, or experimentation
takes place within a building for the
development of advanced information
technology, prototypes, or manufacturing
of advanced technology products, and
includes a wide variety of secondary uses
relating to the operation such as, but not
limited to, conferencei. iif
health and wellness, laboratory, meeting
facility, printing service, professional and
or legal service, technical consulting,
training facility, or other similar facilities,
facility. (installation de recherche et de
"retail convenience" means an
establishment where goods, wares,
rtt.-erchandise substances, articles_Dr!hinL,+1_
are offered for sale to local area residents
or employees on a daily basis at retail or
wholesale value including, but not limited
to, confectioneQ"groceries- hardware non-
alcoholic beverages, personal care items,
pharmaceutical, printed material, or
tobacco, but does not include cannabis
retail use. (d6panneur)
Caretail general" means the sale of goods,
wares merchandise., substances.. articles. or
things to the public and may include the
accessory storage and servicing of such
items, but does not include cannabis retail
use. (vente au d6tail g�n&ale)
"retail warehouse" means an establishment
,Maere gii4s ro,#,v_iA-&g 2 larle ?is7,l?,y A**r
area are sold to the public such as, but not
limited to, building material, furniture,
major appliances, or wholesale retail
outlets, but
use. (entrep6t de vente au d&ail)
S7OTnd-T1_TnL YM7,70- Incans an THIMM
use, principally for one or more of the
(a) The manufacture or assembly of
products using innovative or advanced
technology where substantial value is
created or added to the product through the
process of its manufacture or assembly;
(b) Research and development uses
are employed; and
(c) Any indoor display office, technical,
administrative or emDlo ee sw A
la-_IwiAkpnjm# fft VII
(farmers market)
<< usage agricole >> S'entend du travail du
sol en vue de produire une r6c1lte et de
1'61evage d'animaux domestiques; sont
notarnment vis6s la culture de produits
agricoles, les activit6s agroforesti6res, les
jardins, les serres, les productions de sucre
1'6rable, les pdpini6res, les vergers, les
vignes, I'apiculture, la pisciculture,
I'aviculture et 1'61evage de Mail et
d'animaux. A fourrure on A laine, mais ne
vise pas les installations de production du
cannabis. (agricultural use)
o usage d'industrie ldg6re >) Usage de
terrains, de bAtiments ou de constructions
ayant recours A un proc6d6 de fabrication,
peu importe qu'un article fini soit produit
ou non, et pouvant comprendre la
r6paration on Pentretien de v6hicules, de
machines ou de bAtiments, oA ont lieu le
proc6d6 de fabrication on lutilisation on
Pentreposage du mat6riel, ainsi que le
transport, jusqu'aux lieux et A partir de
ceux-ci, de mat6riaux, de biens on de
produits, qui Woccasionne pas de
#i •.. et ne porte pas pr6judice A
Fagr6ment de la localit6, 6tant exerc6 dans
les respect des conditions suivantes :
a) Putilisation de I'cau est limit6e aux
usages accessoires au proc6d6 de
fabrication, notarnment I'alimentation en
eau des toilettes des employ6s, le
refroidissement indirect, les essais de mise
v6hicules et d'6quipement;
c) aucun proc6d6 de fabrication ni
aucune activit6 manufacturi6re, sauf
Pentreposage en plein air, le stationnement
et le chargement, Wont lieu A 1'ext6rieur
d'un bdtiment.
Ne vise pas les installations de production
du cannabis. (light industrial use)
<< usage forestier >> Vise l'usage dun
terrain, dun bhtiment on d'une
construction A des fins de culture, de
gestion ou de r6colte des ressources
ligneuses de tout agr6gat de terrains, mais
ne vise pas la fabrication et la
transformation de ces ressources et les
installations de production du cannabis.
product, shall be considered accessory to
any Special Industrial Use, but does not
include industrial uses that process raw or
petrochemical materials.
A cannabis production facility and a
cannabis processing facility are not
included. (usage industrielparticulier)
2. Section 3.1 is amended by deleting
the definition for "medical marijuana
production facility"
o usage industriel particulier)) Usage
industriel servant principalement A une ou
plusicurs des fins suivantes :
a) la fabrication ou Passemblage de
yroduits ayant recours, h des technologies
innovatrices ou A des technologies de
pointe cntrainant la cr6ation d'une valeur
consid6rable ou Pajout d'une valcur
consid6rable h ces produits;
b) les usages de recherche et de
d6veloppement ayant recours a des
technologies innovatrices on a des
technologies de pointe.
c) Les bureaux dexposition int6rieurs,
les aires de soutien technique on
administratif ou de soutien A Femploy6, ou
1Mt�-JF11*F1tJ11L6 &9011L "LLC6 d UOIAL
usage industriel particulier. Ne sont pas
vis6s les usages industriels visant la
produits p6trochimiqucs.
•- t i I I V Pris,4"LUE110111
du cannabis et les installations de
transformation du cannabis. (special
industrial use)
o vente an Mail g6n6rale >> La vente de
biens, d'articles, de marchandises, de
substances, de produits ou de choses
diverses an public, et peut viser leur
entreposage accessoire et leur entretien,
mais ne vise pas les usages de vente au
d6tail du cannabis. (retail general)
2. L'article 3.1 est modifi.6 par
suppression de la d6finition d'<< installation
de production de marihuana
th6rapeutique >>.
3. Section 3.1 is amended by adding 3. Larticle 3.1 est modifi.6 par
the following definitions: insertion des d6finitions suivantcs :
"cannabis" means cannabis as defined by
JwKifw-1*4 Jky
Cannabis Act. (cannabis)
"cannabis processing facility" means any
use of land, building, or structure
(a) the processing of raw Cannabis
Gouvernement. du Canada dans la Loi sur le
cannabis. (cannabis)
o installation de production du cannabis >>
Installation on lieu titulaire d'une licence
d6livr6e par le Gouvernement du Canada
en vertu de la Loi sur le cannabis
Fautorisant A cultiver, A produire, h
analyser, A d6truire, A entreposer ou A
1uer le cannabis, mais ne vise pas les
(b) the making, testing, manufacturing,
assembling or in any way altering the
chemical or physical properties of semi-
finished or finished goods and products
involving cannabis; or
(c) the storage or transhipping of
materials, goods and products.
A cannabis processing facility includes, but
is not limited to the laboratory testing,
research and development and the
production of pharmaceutical -like
products. (installation de transformation
R u cannabis)
"cannabis production facility" means a
facility or premises licensed by the
Government of Canada pursuant to the
Cannabis Act for growing, producing,
testing, destroying, storing, or distributing
cannabis, but does not include cannabis
retail use. (installation de production du
"cannabis retail" means the sale of
general public. (vente au ditail du
4. Subsection 4.2(b) is amended by
deleting the following words under thv
following headings:
Use Minimum Number of
Required Parking
Medical I per 200 square metres
Marijuana for the first 2,000 square
Production metres plus I per 500
Facility square metres of
additional floor area
5. Subsection 4.2(b) is amend --
adding the following words lumn
following headings:
Use Minimum Number of
Required Parking
Cannabis 1 per 50 square metres
usages de vente au d6tail du cannabis.
(cannabis production facility)
(( installation de transformation du
cannabis )) Terrains, bhtiments ou
constructions servant, selon le cas :
b) A la cr6ation, A. I'analyse, A la
fabrication, A I'assemblage ou A la
modification de quelque mani6re que cv
soit des caract6ristiques chimiques ou
ill ptiukf. Temi gilk,
on finis contenant du cannabis;
C) A Ventreposage ou au
transbordement de mati6res_dr_hio_-,-k�r!
'1' sont notamment effectu6s Fanalyse en
laboratoire, 1'extraction et la purification de
cannabinoldes, la recherche et le
d6veloppement ainsi que la production de
produits assimil6s aux produits
pharmaccutiques. (cannabis processing
7=0 L-0=71 .. I C all
grand public de cannabis on de produits
li6s. (cannabis retail)
%1. Le paragraphe 4.2b) est modifi6 par
suppression des mots suivants sous les
titres suivants :
Usage Nombre minimal
d'emplacements de
Installation un par 200 metres carr6s,
de plus un par 500 mtitres
production carr6s au -dela de
de 2 000 metres carr6s
by 5. Le paragraphe 4.2b) est modifi6 par
the adjonction des mots suivants sous les titres
suivants, :
Usage Nombre minimal
d'emplacements de
Installation un par 50 mtitres carr6s
Cannabis I per 200 square metres
Production for the first 2,000 square
Facility metres plus I per 500
square metres of
additional floor area
Cannabis less than 5,000 square
Retail metres:
1 per 30 square metres
greater than 5,000 square
I per 25 square metres
rnstallation un par 200 m6tres carr6s,
ie plus un par 500 m6tres
carr6s au-delA de
du cannabis
2 000 metres carr6s
Vente au
moins de 5 000 mtitres
d6tail du
carr6s :
un par 30 metres carr6s
plus de 5 000 mtitres
carr6s :
un par 25 mtitres carr6s
6. Section 9.20 Medical Marijuana 6, L'article 9.20 Installations de
Production Facilities is repealed. production de marihuana th6rapeutique est
7. The following section is added 7. L'article qui suit est insdr6
immediately following section 9.19: imm6diatement apr6s Yarticle 9.19 :
k, MFIN 11,?V"
lvroduc�ion facility is subject to the
following requirements:
(a) all functions associated with a
cannabis production facility shall be
conducted within a completely enclosed
(b) no lot containing a cannabis
production facility shall be permitte4i
within 150 m of any residential zone or ?
lot containing an existing public or private
school measured to the property line; and
9.20 Installations de production du
LA oA le pr6sent arrdt6 les permet, les
a) toutes les activit6s rattach6es A
Vinstallation de production du cannabis
sont exerc6es A l'int6rieur d'un bitimenli
compl6tement ferm6;
b) il est interdit d'am6nager une
installation de production du cannabis A
d'un lot sur lequel se trouve une 6cole
fue ou priv6e existante, distance
mesur6e A partir de la limite de propri6td;
c) 1'entreposage A I'air libre rattach6 A
une installation de production du cannabis
est inter4ht.
8. The following section is added 8. L'article suivant est insdri
immediately following section 9.20: imm6diatement apr6s Particle 9.20 :
Where permitted by this by-law, cannabis
retail is subject to the fbllowinj�
requirements -
(a) a lot being used for cannabis retail
shall be at least 300 m away from any lot
containing a school (K-8) or school
measured to the property line; and
Lh oA le pr6sent arr8t6 la permet, la vente
au d6tail du cannabis est subordonn6e aux
conditions suivantes :
a) la vente au d6tail du cannabis est
interdite sur un lot situ,6 A moins de 300 m
d'un lot sur lequel se trouve une 6cole
(maternelle A la huiti6meann6e) ou une
6cole (neuvi6me A la douzi6me ann6e),
(b) a lot being used for cannabis retail
shall be at least 1000 in away from another
lot also being used for cannabis retail
measured to the property line.
1'. Section 11 is amended by adding to
Table 11 - 1 the following words under th*
following headings:
Use Zone Perinitted
Cannabis CCC CR
Cannabis CU CRC CCC CG
10. Subsection 11.1(1) is amended by
adding the words "Cannabis Retail, subject
to section9.21;" immediately after the
words "Business Office, subject to
paragraph 11.3(3)(b);".
adding the following words
"Cannabis Processing Facility;"
immediately after the words "Business
Office;", and
(b) adding the following words
"Cannabis Retail, subject to section 9.21;"
immediately after the words "Cannabis
Processing Facility;".
12. Subsection 11.4(l) is amended by
adding the following words "Cannabis
Processing Facility;" immediately after the
words "Business Support Service;".
13. Subsection 11.5(l) is amended by
adding the following words "Cannabis
Retail, subject to section 9.2 1; -
immediately after the words "Business
Support Service;".
distance mesur6e A partir de la limite de
b) la vente au Mail du cannabis est
interdite sur un lot situ6 A moins de
1000 m d'un autre lot servant aussi A la
vente au d6tail du cannabis, distance
mesur6e A partir de la limite de propri6t6.
9. L'article I I est modifi6 par
adj oriction, au tableau I I - 1, des mots
suivants sous les titres suivants :
Usage Zone o® permis
Installation CRC CBP CR
n du
Vente au CU CRC CCC CG
d6tail du
10. Le paragraphe 11.1(1) est modifi6
par insertion des mots << vente au Mail du
cannabis, sous r6serve de Particle 9.21; >>
ou coll6ge; >).
a) par insertion des mots << installation
de transformation du cannabis; >>
ixtic6ii,qteacext. ?.yr6s les Im,ts << tcst?JI;-.ti!rx
de services d'urgence; >>;
b) par insertion des mots << vente au
d6tail du cannabis, sous r6serve d+
Particle 9.21; >> imm6diatement apr6s les
mots << universit6 ou coll6ge; >>.
12. Le paragraphe 1 1.4(l) est modif16
par insertion des mots << installation de
transformation du cannabis; >>
13. Le paragraphell.5(l) est modifi6
cannabis, sous rdserve de Particle9.21;>>
imm6diatement apr6s les modio de
toilettage d'animaux familiers; >>.
14. Subsection 1 1.6(l) is amended by: 14. Le paragraphe 11.6(l) est modifi6 -
�a) adding the following words
"Cannabis Processing Facility;"
immediately after the words
(b) adding the following words
"Cannabis Retail, subject to section 9.21;"
immediately after the words "Cannabis
Processing Facility;", and
1,C) adding the following words -
"Cannabis Retail, subject to section 9.21; "
immediately after the words "Business
Office, subject to paragraph 11.6(3)(d);" in
the list of permitted uses under Regional
Commercial Centre.
15. Subsection 11.7(l) is amended by
adding the following or"Cannabis
Retail, subject to section 9.21;"
immediately after the words "Business
Office, subject to paragraph I 1.7(3)(b);".
16. Section 12 is amended by deleting
from Table 12-1 the following words under
the following headings:
Use Zone Permitted
Medical IM IH
17. Section 12 is amended by adding to
Table 12-1 the following words under the
following headings:
Cannabis IL IM
Cannabis IM III
subj ect to
section 9.20
a) par insertion des mots << installation
de transformation du cannabis; ))
imm6diatement apr6s le mot
<< h6bergement;
b) par insertion des mots (< vente au
d6tail du cannabis, sous r6serve de
Particle 9.21; )) imm6diatement apr6s les
mots << station -service, sous r6serve du
paragraphe 11.6(3)a); >>;
c) par insertion des mots << vente au
d6tail du cannabis, sous r6serve de
Particle 9.21; >> imm.64iatement apr&s les
mots o studio de toilettage d'animaux
familiers; >) dans la liste des usages permis
dans un centre commercial r6gional.
15. Le paragraphe 11,7(l) est modifi6
par insertion des mots (< vente au d6tail du
cannabis, sous r6serve de I'article 9.21; )>
imm6diatement apr6s les mots o vente
accessoire de v6hicules; >>.
16. L'article 12 est modifi6 par la
suppression, an tableau 12-1, des mots
suivants sous les titres suivants :
Usage Zone ob permis
Installation IM III
de marihuana
17. L'article 12 est modifi6 par
zdJonction, au tableau 12-1, des mots
suivants sous les titres suivants :
Usage Zone oii permis
Installation IL IM
n du
Installation IM III
18. Subsection 12.1(1) is amended by 18. Le paragraphe 12.1(1) est modifi&
adding the following words "Cannabis
Processing Facility;- immediately after the
words "Business Support Service;".
19. Subsection 12.2(l) is amended by
deleting the words "Medical Marijuana
Production Facility, subject to section
20. Subsection 12.2(l) is amended by:
(a) adding the following words
"Cannabis Processing Facility;"
immediately after the words "Business
Support Service;and
(b) adding the following words
"Cannabis Production Facility subject t,*
section 9.20;" immediately after the words
"Cannabis Processing Facility;".
21. Subsection 12.3(l) is amended by
deleting the words "Medical Marijuana
Production Facility, subject to section
22. Subsection 12.3(l) is amended by
adding the following words "Cannabis
Production Facility, subject #....
9.20" immediately after the words "Bulk
Fuel Storage Depot;".
Saint John has caused the Corporate
Common Seal of the said City to be affixed
to this by-law the 23' da,
2018 and signed by:
[#,ar insertion des mots << installation de
transformation du cannabis; ))
imm6diatement apr&s les mots << installation
de recherche et de d6veloppement; )).
19. Le paragraphe 12.2(l) est mod4
par suppression des mots << installation d*
production de marihuana th6rapeutique,
sous r6serve de Varticle 9.20; )>.
a) par insertion des mots << installation
de transformation du cannabis >>
e -mom .Aw
b) par insertion des mots o installation
de production du cannabis, sous rdserve de
Particle 9.20; >> imm6diateme1t apr6s les
mots << installation de distribution; >>.
21. Le
i. .+" 12.3(l) est modifi6
*ar su,#-yressi*x ies M(frft << i2lSt,? gi-*,?i 't
production de marihuana th6rapeutique,
sous r6serve de Particle 9.20; )).
22. Le paragraphe 12.3(l) est 1.odifi6
par insertion des mots (< installation de
production du cannabis, sous r6serve de
Particle 9.20 )) imm6diatement apr6s les
mots << gare de
EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John
a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le
pr6sent arr6t6 le 23 avril 201 �
ILF irst Reading - April 9, 2018
Second Reading - April 9, 2018
Third Reading - April 23, 20M
Premiere lecture
- le 9 avril 2018
Deuxi6me lecture
- le 9 avril 2018
Troisi&me lecture
- le 23 avril 2018
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of the City of Saint
John" proposing amendments to the Zoning By-law which would define three land uses:
cannabis retail, cannabis processing and cannabis production and list these uses as permitted
uses in select commercial and industrial zones, be read a third time, enacted, and the Corporate
Common Seal affixed thereto.
AlUeste que crat histrumort
enir.Visfr6 our ftosd au WA AU
do I'sorepWrevuent du cullimb", 0
dateldste fimeffie''to''Y"e, numbelliflUM61M
; Conseuvateur
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