2006-08-23_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour,z 3� °� ���� AEP T TO COMMON COUNCIL July 27, 2006 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Common Council: SUBJECT: Community Consultation Survey Results BACKGROUND 2eelk The City of Saint John Through an April 10, 2006 resolution of Common Council, staff was asked to engage the Community in consultation and that the information collected be used as background during a Common Council priority setting session. As a first step in consulting with the Community, staff prepared and distributed a survey during a two week period in May, 2006. Community groups were asked to distribute the survey to their membership and the survey was available to the general public on the City of Saint John's web page or by obtaining a copy from the Cashiers Office located at the Lobby Level of City Hall. Attached for your information is a report, Community Consultation Survey Results, which summarizes the survey responses. Respectfully submitted, Kim Graham Program Manager Vision 2015 Pdtrick Wood s Deputy City Manager REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL August 23, 2006 _d w° His Worship Mayor Norman McFarlane and The City of saint John Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: RE: Discussions on Role of Council On July 10, 2006 Common Council meeting in open committee began discussions with Mr. Stu Baker regarding the role of Common Council. A series of slides is attached which attempts to capture the essence of the points discussed during this session. The meeting concluded with Stuart presenting a possible role proposition for Council that being "Leading Sustainable Growth ". The purpose of the next discussion with is to revisit this role proposition and see if any questions have arisen since the first discussion. Following that Stuart will facilitate a further discussion on the implications of this role and how Council can take steps to "make it real ". We look forward to your participation in this discussion which will provide key background for the governance project that is currently under -way associated with Vision 2015. Respectfully submitted, Mlf An 9w P. Beckett C.A. Deputy City Manager Terry L. Totten FCA City Manager 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) City of Saint John Vision 2015 Role of Council Process Value Audit Value Proposition Make It Real • Organization • Property /Product . Personality Live The Proposition Communicate to Citizens Evolve — Measure Success U Observations Due to fiscal pressure City Hall's cultural emphasis has reacted to transactional need. • There is no single entity dedicated to policy development as a whole. • There are no "Evolving" based areas. Value Audit ENRICH DEMOCRAC 4 SUPPORT ECONOMIC Supportive Horticultural Public Library Parking Commission Aquatic Centre Harbour Station Saint John Water Transit Energy Waterfront Development Trade & Convention Centre Solid Waste Airport 6 Port Economic Enterprise SJ Tourism NE Museum Arts Centre Imperial Theatre Enrich UNB Opportunity • Align the governance function with desired policy outcomes and the respective productive cultures. • Form /Promote organizations that will fulfill the policy goals by interacting with the public. Value Audit Recommendation Summary • The core purpose of City Hall is to develop policy around three outcomes and six determinants for each outcome. • The outcomes are Personal Freedom, Wealth Development and Evolutionary. • All "transactional' relationships should be organized with the purpose of fulfilling policy. 0 10 Policy Outcome # 1 Personal Freedom (Supportive Sector) The ability for individuals to engage with the community and contribute. Determinants: Safety Shelter Skills Mobility Health / \ Inclusion a� Personal Freedom - Culture Value Attribute Benefit Honest Trustworthy Can count on Industrious Hard work Gets job done Friendly Considerate Enjoyable Loyal Dependable No arbitrary change Traditional Original Classic 12 Personal Freedom —Transactional Organizations • Organizations that promote equal access to their service. • Equal opportunity is more important than operational efficiency. • The inclusion and independence of all citizens is the priority and deemed a public good. 13 Policy Outcome # 2 Wealth /Trade (Economic Sector) Develop financial resources through trade and provide material wealth. Determinants: Financial Investment Workforce /Ideas Workplace Access / \ Business Climate Network 14 Wealth Development - Culture Value Attribute Benefit Competitive High Intensity Winner Confident Self- Assured Takes Risks Driven Uncompromising High Quality Decisive Specialist Best at Craft Committed i Focused Reaches Goals Logical Rational Efficient Wealth Development — Transactional Organizations Organizations that are "for - profit' and base their success by their ability generate wealth in the market place through trade. • Organizations that directly support the development of trade or represent market organizations. 16 Policy Outcome # 3 Evolutionary (Enriching Sector) Create better ways to be as a society. Determinants: Safety /Stability Skills/Workforce Shelter/Workplace Mobility /Access Health /Business Climate Art 17 Evolutionary - Culture Value Attribute Benefit Honest Trustworthy Can Count On Passionate Dedicated Inner - directed Quality Holistic Balanced Sustained Growth Spiritual Centered Do What's Right Evolutionary Future Oriented Try New Things Simplicity Uncomplicated Easy to Use Inductive Creative Better Ideas Inclusive Cooperative Win/Win 18 Evolutionary Transactional Organizations *Organizations that primarily generate ideas and suggest how we can better. • Organizations that are constantly attempting to redefine "truth ". IS Policy Outcome Summary Personal Freedom wealth Development/ Trade Evolutionary Safety Financial Investment Safety /Stability Skills Workforce /Ideas Skills/Workforce Shelter Workplace Shelter/Workplace Mobility Access Mobility /Access Health Business Climate Health /Business Climate Inclusion Network Art zo Process 1) Value Audit 2) Value Proposition 3) Make It Real • Organization • Property /Product • Personality 4) Live The Proposition 5) Communicate to Citizens 6) Evolve — Measure Success 2, Value Proposition (Role for Council) • Leading Sustainable Growth City Hall will lead sustainable growth for Saint John and work with surrounding municipalities to lead sustainable growth for the region. 22