2007-05-09 Finance Committee MinutesFINANCE COMMITTEE CITY OF SAINT JOHN MINUTES WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 2007 - 4:30 p.m. Present: Deputy Mayor Hooton, Chairperson Mayor Norm McFarlane Councillor Ferguson Councillor Titus Greg Yeomans Terry Totten Cathy Graham Also present - Jackie Ferrar, Recording Secretary Messrs. Bob Crowley and Jon Morin of Ernst & Young entered the meeting. 1. Approval of minutes - March 13, 2007 On motion of Mayor McFarlane Seconded by Councillor Ferguson RESOLVED that the minutes of the March 13, 2007 meeting be approved. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 2. Audit Report - Ernst & Young Mr. Crowley distributed their presentation document and provided the Committee with an overview of their audit approach noting that they are now in the final stages of the audit. The audit scope was reviewed with Mr. Crowley advising that the audit report, a Section 5600 report, is a qualified audit opinion on disclosed basis of accounting for the following financial statements: General Fund, Water and Sewerage Utility and Reserve and Trust Funds. He explained that the report is a qualified opinion, as were the two previous years, due to the pension solvency funding obligation not being paid or recorded by the City for the General Fund and Water and Sewerage Utility. Mr. Totten advised that the City is currently in the voting process with regard to pursuing solvency exemption. Discussion continued with Mr. Crowley commenting with respect to the General Fund net unadjusted equity difference of $8,604,267 - unaccrued pension expenses of $8.4 million and reversing the prior year error of $.2 million. Page 2 May 9, 2007 Mr. Yeomans reviewed the General Fund - Statement of Revenue and Expenses noting the year end surplus of approximately $1 million. Continuing he provided a detailed review of the Expense Items, and Notes to the Financial Statements. A brief discussion followed regarding the Heart and Lung liability for 2006 in the amount of $2,015,5000. Councillor Ferguson expressed concern that the December 31, 2003 actuarial valuation for the Pension Plan is used for these financial statements and questioned why a more up -to -date valuation was not carried out. Revenues, expenses and fiscal services for the Water and Sewerage Utility were reviewed with Mr. Yeomans advising that consumption is down for all customers resulting in less revenue. Speaking with regard to the capital fund and long term debt for the General Fund and the Water and Sewerage Utility, Mr. Yeomans stated that in the General Fund the debenture debt in 2006 was $54.8 million versus $51.6 the previous year noting with the aggressive capital program over the next couple of years this will continue to increase and if the borrowing rates escalate it could cause hardship on the utility budget. He explained that the Utility budget has gone from $42.1 million to $44.3 million long term debt and a considerable amount of work is anticipated in this area as well. Responding to a question raised with respect to the $1 million surplus, Mr. Yeomans expressed the opinion that it should be carried forward into 2008. Discussion came to a conclusion with Mrs. Graham providing an overview of the Reserve and Trust Funds pointing out that all the Funds are earning interest with only one receiving any significant use, that being the Land Subdivision Fund. On motion of Mayor McFarlane Seconded by Councillor Ferguson RESOLVED that the proposed Financial Statements for the City of Saint John General Fund, Water and Sewerage Utility and Reserve and Trust Funds as at December 31, 2006 be forwarded to Common Council on May 22, 2007. Question being taken, the motion was carried. A brief discussion followed concerning the management letter with concerns being expressed by Councillor Ferguson. Responding, Mr. Crowley stated it will go to management first for their response, and then it will come back to the Finance Committee for final approval. The meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m. Chairperson