2015-12-17_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourCity of Saint John Common Council Special Meeting AGENDA Thursday, December 17, 2015 4:00 p.m. Council Chamber Please use Chipman Hill entrance S'il vous plaft utiliser 1'entree Chipman Hill Call to Order 1.1 2016 General Operating Budget 1.2 2016 General Capital Budget Powered BY:._, RIBr Q ' if ji'om COUNCIL REPORT M &C No. 2015 -274 Report Date December 15, 2015 Meeting Date December 17, 2015 Service Area Finance and Administrative Services His Worship Mayor Mel Norton and Members of Common Council SUBJECT: 2016 General Operating Budget OPEN OR CLOSED SESSION This matter is to be discussed in open session of Common Council. AUTHORIZATION Primary Author Commissioner /Dept. Head City Manager Kevin Fudge Kevin Fudge Jeff Trail RECOMMENDATION 1. That the sum of $151,542,184 be the total operating budget of the City of Saint John for 2016; 2. That the sum of $120,141,178 be the Warrant of the City of Saint John for 2016; 3. That the tax rate for the City of Saint John be $1.7850; 4. That Common Council orders and directs the levying by the Minister of Environment and Local Government of said amount on real property liable to taxation under the Assessment Act within the Municipality of Saint John; 5. That Common Council authorizes the Commissioner of Finance and Administrative Services to disburse, at a time acceptable to him, to the named Commissions, Agencies and Committees, the approved funds as contained in the 2016 budget; 6. That Common Council approves the 2015 Establishment of Permanent Positions at 646. Ira EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 2016 General Operating Budget report was presented to Council at its December 7th Council meeting. The report was received and filed. The budget was later recommended by staff on the December 14th Council meeting and the report was referred to the City Manager by Council for adjustment. The following report is the recommended 2016 General Operating Budget, adjusted from the version presented on December 14th, based on Council's feedback. PREVIOUS RESOLUTION Motion: Receive and File STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT Common Council has pursued a strategic and focused approach to establishing its priorities over its four year term. The General Operating Budget is strategically aligned with Council's priorities. REPORT The 2016 General Operating Budget report was presented to Council at its December 14th Council meeting. At the meeting, Council provided feedback that funding be increased for the Economic Development Agencies. In addition, Council requested that funding for the Human Development Council and PRUDE Inc. be separated into its own line items and funded at $50,000 and $20,000 respectively. Notable adjustments have been made to address this input. Funding has been separated to provide a dedicated envelope to each of the Human Development Council, Cherry Brook Zoo and PRUDE Inc. The total amount of funds for unspecified grants has been reduced by the amounts allocated to these three organizations. The budget has been adjusted in Strategic Services to reflect an amount that would have been used to procure consulting services associated with the launch of a corporate continuous improvement initiative. That initiative will continue, but costs associated with the launch will be charged back to departments instead of being funded centrally and the use of consultants will be reduced by using internal resources and leveraging partnerships with other municipalities and other levels of government. Finally, funding has been reallocated to the four economic development agencies, increasing to full funding to Enterprise Saint John, a substantial increase to Destination Marketing, and additional amounts for Industrial Parks and Waterfront Development. am The following table summarizes the major adjustments that have been made ADJUSTMENTS TO DECEMBER 14th PROPOSED GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET Human Development Council $50,000 Separated from Unspecified Grants and increased to $50,000 ($15,000 in 2015) Cherry Brook Zoo $50,000 Separated from Unspecified Grants (Funded at $50,000 in 2015) PRUDE Inc. $20,000 Separated from Unspecified Grants (Funded at $20,000 in 2015) Enterprise SJ $28,200 Increased Funding to $475,000 ($475,000 in 2015) DMO $25,000 Increased Funding to $965,600 ($1,000,000 in 2015) Saint John Industrial Parks $16,080 Increased Funding to $270,000 ($270,000 in 2015) Waterfront Development $10,720 Increased Funding to $270,000 ($275,600 in 2015) Funding adjusted to $59,721 ($120,000 Unspecified (Community - $142,000 separated out for Cherry Brook Zoo, Grant Program) Human Development Council and Prude Inc.) Strategic Services — Will leverage both external New Consulting Services Brunswick public sector and internal (Continuous Improvement - 58,000 cross - functional support from all service Program Launch) areas in launching the City's continuous improvement program in 2016 BALANCE - CONCLUSION The recommended 2016 General Operating Budget allocates funds to Council's strategic priorities, contains costs, and minimizes service impacts to the Community while maintaining a stable tax rate. -4- ATTACHMENTS 2016 RECOMMENDED GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET Residential Property Tax Federal Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PI LT) Equalization & Unconditional Grant Surplus 2nd previous yr. Protective Services Sports and Recreation Emergency Dispatch Administrative Support Permits & Licenses Parking Rentals Other 118,325,922 120,141,178 120,729 41,244 20,935,308 19,923,206 567,702 - 1,350,200 1,270,200 900,027 992,027 943,662 961,168 2,153,000 2,209,000 1,099,500 801,400 2,796,900 2,891,900 845,504 1,031,561 1,104,900 1,279,300 -5- Community Planning & Development Service 1,660,163 1,396,533 Development Engineering 432,278 524,659 Geographic Information Systems 326,379 364,834 Heritage Conservation 205,343 231,905 Permitting & Inspection Service & By -Law Enforcement 1,970,593 1,948,602 Tourism Service 1,000,000 965,600 Destination Marking Organization 1,000,000 965,600 Economic Development Service 2,521,497 2,602,379 Regional Economic Development (Enterprise) 475,000 475,000 Saint John Trade and Convention Center 569,420 619,314 Harbour Station 524,882 473,782 City Market 952,195 1,034,283 Urban Development Service 2,608,716 F 2,603,116 Saint John Development Corporation 275,600 270,000 Market Square - Common Area 2,333,116 2,333,116 Industrial Parks Development Service 270,000 270,000 Saint John Industrial Parks 270,000 270,000 Neighourhood Improvement 566,194 624,313 Community Development 329,116 326,824 Neighbourhood Development 30,000 152,000 Loch Lomond Community Center 45,000 45,000 P.R.O. Kids 112,078 100,489 Community Development Fund 50,000 - Community Development Service Grants 469,193 598,579 Human Development Council - 50,000 PRUDE - 20,000 Cherry Brook Zoo 50,000 Library 469,193 478,579 Recreation, Parks & Cultural Programming 1,566,762 1,474,531 Recreation Programming 974,984 906,052 Contract Service - Boys & Girls Club 127,991 129,911 Contracted Service - YMCA-FGCC /MCC 171,633 159,085 Contracted Service - North End Community Centre 158,194 144,795 Cultural Affairs 118,960 119,688 PlaySJ Recreation Programming Grant 15,000 15,000 Arts & Culture Grants & Other Funding 722,315 603,760 Imperial Theatre 343,823 347,920 Saint John Arts Center 84,769 84,119 Arts and Culture Board 35,000 35,000 Public Art - Maintenance and Repair Budget 10,000 10,000 Unspecified Grants 231,723 59,721 Remembrance Day Ceremonies 2,000 2,000 New Year /Canada Day Celebrations 15,000 15,000 ECMA - 50,000 Total • wth & Community Development • • 1 Fire Rescue and Suppression Service 21,726,535 21,721,402 Water Supply and Hydrants 2,500,000 2,400,000 Emergency Management Service 292,601 316,239 Pol i ce Services 24,269,759 24,219,759 Public Safety Communications 2,488,769 2,480,400 Street Lighting 1,030,000 937,300 Public Total 1 .. $52,075,100 -6- Roadway Mai ntenance Service 12,586,777 12,029,407 Snow Control Streets 4,849,817 6,036,446 Street Cleaning 1,663,684 1,648,448 Street Services (Surface Maintenance) 6,073,276 4,344,513 Sidewalk Maintenance Service 1,898,367 1,801,681 Snow Control Sidewalk 907,160 1,092,271 Sidewalk Maintenance 991,207 709,410 Pedestrian &Traffic Management Service 2,352,228 2,124,882 Stormwater Management 3,385,292 3,769,988 Solid Waste Management 3,546,103 3,592,409 Engineering 484,575 501,353 Parks & City Landscape 2,985,833 3,133,337 Parks Maintenance 2,540,655 2,634,276 Lifeguards 120,663 158,245 Urban Forestry 279,515 295,816 Mispec Park 5,000 5,000 Saint John Horticultural Association 40,000 40,000 Sports & Recreation Facilities Service 3,919,850 4,040,753 Arena Operation & Maintenance 1,502,745 1,464,580 Sportsfield Operation & Maintenance 1,273,653 1,188,022 Other Facility Operation & Maintenance 388,740 404,733 Minor Hockey Subsidy 173,000 173,000 Aquatic Clubs 15,822 15,822 Lord Beaverbrook Rink 159,000 158,102 Aquatic Centre 406,890 636,494 Parking Service (Administration Support) 648,379 690,655 Administration Support 560,379 602,655 Grant - Property Tax 88,000 88,000 Tra nsit Service 7,105,000 7,212,717 Total Transportation • $38,912,404 $38,897,182 Finance . Administrative Services 2015 Approved 2016 Proposed Financial Management Service 3,159,670 3,001,188 Finance 1,873,663 1,695,452 Assessment 1,286,007 1,305, 736 Asset Management 6,893,698 6,919,601 Purchasing & Materials Management 1,061,631 1,048,413 Insurance Service 267,860 269,215 Liability Insurance 650,000 295,000 Fleet 1,190,274 1,583,263 Facilities Management 1,150,203 1,116,755 Carpentry Shop 419,205 409,014 City Hall Building 1,824,110 1,878,337 Real Estate 330,415 319,604 Total Finance & Administrative Services $10,053,368 1 MR Human Resources 1,570,024 1,564,248 Corporate Planning 471,177 412,970 Corporate Communications 540,385 499,945 Information Technology 2,222,368 2,245,634 Total Strategic Services $4,803,954 Legislated Services 2015 Approved 2016 Proposed City Manager 859,613 627,223 Lega 1 751,815 739,942 Common Clerk 662,296 642,938 Regional Service Commission 41,085 28,381 Mayor & Council 601,043 549,933 Mayor's Office 178,893 167,583 Council 422,150 382,350 Total Legislated Services $2,915,852 $2,588,417 Other Charges 2015 Approved 2016 Proposed Fiscal Charges 18,586,679 18,972,732 Pension & Benefits 9,244,000 9,356,810 Deficit 2nd Previous Year 799,546 Total • 1: General Fund Surplus (Deficit) - - INPUT FROM OTHER SERVICE AREAS AND STAKEHOLDERS Click here to enter text. ATTACHMENTS Appendix 1— 2016 General Operating Budget — Meeting Date December 14 M &C 2015 -271 Appendix 2 — 2016 General Operating Budget — Meeting Date December 7 M &C 2015 -259 Q , ifjio K\ COUNCIL REPORT M &C No. 2015 -269 Report Date December 09, 2015 Meeting Date December 14, 2015 Service Area Finance and Administrative Services His Worship Mayor Mel Norton and Members of Common Council SUBJECT: 2016 General Operating Capital Budget OPEN OR CLOSED SESSION This matter is to be discussed in open session of Common Council. AUTHORIZATION Primary Author Commissioner /Dept. Head City Manager Craig Lavigne Kevin Fudge Jeff Trail RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Common Council approve the 2016 Recommended General Operating Fund Capital Budget in the amount of $21,926,300 (gross) with contributions from other sources of $10,000,000 yielding a net Capital budget in the amount of $11,926,300 (net) as set in Exhibit 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 2016 General Capital Budget was presented to Council at its November 91" and its November 23, 2015 meeting. The purpose of this report is to allow Council to approve the 2016 General Capital Budget. PREVIOUS RESOLUTION 2016 General Capital Budget, M &C 2015 -240: "Resolved that item 12.6 2016 General Capital Budget be tabled until after the 2016 Operating budget is approved." STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT The 2016 Proposed General Capital Budget is aligned with Plan SJ and Play SJ. The concentration of investment is in prime development and intensification areas and is aligned with Council's strategic priorities. 100 Ira REPORT The proposed 2016 General Capital Budget totals $21,926,300 of which $10,000,000 is funded from other sources (gas tax, reserves, etc.) and the remainder $11,926,300 is to be funded by debt issue. ($11,749,010 in 2015) There in an increase in the City share by $70,000 and an increase in Other Share by $41,951 compared to the General Capital Budget presented to Council on Nov. 23rd, 2015. The following modifications are as follows: Transportation $1,500,000 Asphalt Roadway Maintenance and Rehabilitation program Information Technology $41,951 PSCC GIS Mapping Program (Other Share) Transportation - $350,000 Boars Head Road — Curb and Sidewalks Parks and Public Spaces - $250,000 Rainbow Park Transportation - $160,000 Storm water — Model King Square North — New Fully Transportation - $335,000 Signalized Intersection —Top of King Street King Square North — New Fully Transportation - $335,000 Signalized Intersection — Front of City Market Total Adjustments $111,951 Rainbow Park has been added to the not recommended 2016 Capital list. This project does not have the funding in place; however a recommendation to approve this project will be brought to Council at a later date if funding from other sources is committed and secured. SERVICE AND FINANCIAL OUTCOMES This Capital Budget is making investments in long term municipal infrastructure and other public assets. The projects included in the 2016 General Capital Budget meet Council's priorities such as reducing flood risk, continual improvements to roads and sidewalks, community of choice, and public safety; while maintaining sound fiscal management of debt and operating costs. INPUT FROM OTHER SERVICE AREAS AND STAKEHOLDERS Glick here to cfitcr te.kt_ 101 -3- ATTACHMENTS Exhibit 1— 2016 Recommended General Capital Budget Exhibit 2 — Not Recommended for 2016 General Capital Budget M &C 2015 -225 M &C 2015 -240 102 Exhibit 1- 2016 General Capital Budget Recommended Project BUDGET-OTHER BUDGET - CITY CATEGORY DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION # SHARE SHARE 1 Transportation Transportation & Asphalt Roadway Maintenance and $ 750,000 $ 1,500,000 Environment Rehabilitation program Transportation & Concrete curb and sidewalk including drainage 2 Transportation $ 750,000 $ - Environment with Asphalt Program various locations 3 Transportation Transportation & Canterbury Street - Curb & Sidewalk, $ - $ 150,000 Environment 4 Transportation Transportation & Exmouth Street - Street reconstruction (W &S) $ - $ 660,000 Environment 5 Transportation Transportation & Golding Street - Concrete sidewalk and $ $ 255,000 - Environment renewing the asphalt (W &S) Transportation & Grannan Lane - Replacement of concrete 6 Transportation $ - $ 150,000 Environment driving surface with new concrete. 7 Transportation Transportation & Guide Rail Replacement Program - Phase 2 of 4 $ - $ 200,000 Environment Transportation & Harmony Drive - Street reconstruction (curb, 8 Transportation $ - $ 275,000 Environment sidewalk, landscaping and paving), 9 Transportation Transportation & Union Street /Patrick Street Signalized Lights $ - $ 250,000 Environment 10 Transportation Transportation & Newman Street - Street reconstruction - (W &S) $ - $ 370,000 Environment 11 Transportation Transportation & Paddock Street - Street reconstruction $ - $ 215,000 Environment 12 Transportation Transportation & Princess Street - Charlotte to Syndey Street - $ $ 700,000 - Environment Street reconstruction - (W &S) Replacement of existing deteriorated retaining 13 Transportation Transportation & walls supporting streets and sidewalks in $ - $ 125,000 Environment various locations 14 Transportation Transportation & Skyline Drive - Street reconstruction $ - $ 175,000 Environment 15 Transit Transportation & Bus Replacement $ - $ 475,000 Environment 103 Exhibit 1- 2016 General Capital Budget Recommended 16 Transit Transportation & Handi -Bus $ - $ 155,000 Environment Transportation & Exmouth Street - Richmond St - Brunswick Drive 17 Storm $ 300,000 $ - Environment -Storm Upgrade - (W &S) Transportation & Golding Street - Waterloo to Bayard Street - 18 Storm $ 115,000 $ - Environment Storm Sewer upgrade - (W &S) Transportation & Hanover Street - Crown to March Creek - Storm 19 Storm $ - $ 400,000 Environment sewer upgrade - (W &S) 20 Storm Transportation & Honeysuckle, Sherbrook Street Culvert # 4 - $ 2,600,000 $ - Environment replace culvert by NBDTI Transportation & Honeysuckle, Sherbrook Street Culvert # 3 - 21 Storm $ 1,200,000 $ - Environment replace undersized culvert by NBDTI Transportation & Honeysuckle, Sherbrook Street replace 22 Storm $ 475,000 $ - Environment undersized culvert # 5 and Removal of culvert # Transportation & Kelly Lane - End of Kelly Lane to Sandy Point 23 Storm $ - $ 115,000 Environment Road - Storm sewer for separation Transportation & Paddock Street - 39 Paddock to Coburg -Storm 24 Storm $ - $ 115,000 Environment sewer for separation - W &S 25 Storm Transportation & Princess Street - Charlotte to Syndey Street - $ $ 85,000 - Environment Storm sewer for separation - W &S 26 Storm Transportation & Ready Street - Main to Catherwood Street - $ $ 250,000 - Environment Storm sewer for separation - W &S 27 Storm Transportation & Westgate Park Drainage Basin - Trunk Storm $ 1,060,000 $ - Environment Sewer - New storm sewer 28 Storm Transportation & Westgate Park Drainage Basin - Property $ $ 110,000 - Environment acquisition for construction of collector Swale 29 Parks &Public Spaces Transportation & Renewal of existing infrastructure such as $ $ 550,000 - Environment sportfield assets, playground, tennis courts 30 Parking Commssion Transportation & Coin Wrapper $ - $ 20,000 Environment 31 Public Safety Strategic Services Trunk Radio for Emergency Services - Public $ $ 1,250,000 - Safety Required 32 Information Strategic Services Replace City Network Infrastructure $ - $ 100,000 Technology 104 Exhibit 1- 2016 General Capital Budget Recommended 33 Information Strategic Services One Stop Applications & Hardware $ - $ 50,000 Technology 34 Information Strategic Services Upgrades to ERP $ - $ 30,000 Technology 35 Information Strategic Services Additional Disk Storage Systems & Tape Backup $ 200,000 $ 20,000 Technology 36 Information Strategic Services Computer Replacement Program $ 400,000 $ - Technology 37 Information Strategic Services PSCC GIS Mapping Program $ 150,000 Technology 38 Economic Waterfront Development Harbour Passage Eco -Hub $ - $ 35,000 Development 39 Economic Waterfront Development Harbour Passage and Boardwalk $ - $ 30,000 Development 40 Facilities Harbour Station Replace Cooking Equipment $ - $ 48,000 Management 41 Facilities Harbour Station Replace Replay Video Equipment $ 32,000 Management 42 Facilities Harbour Station Purchase new Computers /Servers $ - $ 17,500 Management 43 Facilities Harbour Station Replace Video Switcher /Playback Equipment $ - $ 45,000 Management 44 Public Safety Fire Replacement of aged SCBA packs and Bottles $ - $ 75,000 (2016) 45 Public Safety Fire Purchase of New Fire Engine (2016) $ - $ 500,000 46 Public Safety PSCC Upgrade Back PSCC Consul of Firestation #1 $ - $ 40,000 47 Facilities Library Shelving - mobile display shelves for new East $ $ 10,000 - Management Branch 48 Facilities Library Shelving - mobile periodical display units for $ $ 8,000 - Management new East Branch 49 Facilities Library Furniture - for space at new East Branch, in $ - I $ 15,000 Management Transit Building 105 Exhibit 1- 2016 General Capital Budget Recommended 50 Facilities Library Move to Saint Transit - Approved in 2015 $ - $ 203,200 Management 51 Facilities Library Signage - East Branch at Transit Building $ - $ 35,000 Management Recreation & 52 Municipal Owned Canada Games Aquatic Replace flow control valves $ - $ 28,350 Centre Facilities Recreation & 53 Municipal Owned Canada Games Aquatic Replace Flow Meter $ - $ 7,000 Centre Facilities Recreation & 54 Municipal Owned Canada Games Aquatic Facility Capital Renewal $ - $ 200,000 Centre Facilities Recreation & 55 Municipal Owned Canada Games Aquatic Retrofit Breaker Panels: Filter Rooms $ - $ 47,250 Facilities Centre Recreation & 56 Municipal Owned Canada Games Aquatic Epoxy filter tank (leisure tank) $ - $ 20,000 Centre Facilities 57 Facilities City Market City Market Renovation $ - $ 580,000 Management 58 Facilities City Market City Market Pedway Elevating Devices $ - $ 120,000 Management Replacement 59 Facilities Lilly Lake Pavillion Year 3 of 3 year commitment of Captial $ - $ 150,000 Management 60 Economic Trade & Convention Centre Year 4 of 5 year Commitment of Capital $ - $ 170,000 Development 61 Facilities Facility Management Carleton Community Center Replace Windows $ $ 60,000 - Management Phase 1 62 Facilities Facility Management Carleton Community Center Replace $ - $ 80,000 Management Foundation Wateroroofing 63 Facilities Facility Management Forest Hill Canteen - Connect Sanitary Systems $ $ 40,000 - Management to Municipal Services 106 Exhibit 1- 2016 General Capital Budget Recommended 64 Facilities Facility Management Fire Station #4- Replace Roof $ - $ 80,000 Management 65 Facilities Facility Management Fire Station #4/ #6- HVAC Upgrade $ - $ 40,000 Management Facility Capital Renewal - Petes Frootique 66 Facilities Facility Management Leasehold, Rockwood Park Int Center, Arts $ - $ 110,000 Management Building 67 Facilities Lord Beaverbrook Rink Exit Fire Doors and interior Doors Replacement $ - $ 50,000 Management 68 Finance & Admin Fleet Management Fleet Replacment $ 2,000,000 $ - 69 Economic Trade & Convention Centre Chair Replacements $ - $ 100,000 Development 70 Economic Industrial Parks Industrial Park Land Development $ - $ 200,000 Development $10,000,000 $11,926,300 107 Exhibit 2 - Not Recommended For 2016 General Capital Budget Project BUDGET - OTHER BUDGET - CITY CATEGORY DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION # SOURCES SHARE Creighton Avenue - Road reconstruction (storm 1 Transportation Transportation & sewer, road widening, excavation, curb, $ $1,200,000 Environment landscaping, paving) Bonita Avenue - Street reconstruction 2 Transportation Transportation & (excavation, backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping $ $950,000 Environment and paving) Pidgeon Terrace - Street reconstruction 3 Transportation Transportation & (excavation, backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping $ - $105,000 Environment and paving) Whipple Street - Street reconstruction 4 Transportation Transportation & (excavation, backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping $ - $700,000 Environment and paving) Cedar Point - Cedar Wood Drive - Street 5 Transportation Transportation & reconstruction (excavation, backfill ditches, $ - $1,480,000 Environment curb, sidewalk, landscaping and paving) 6 Transportation Transportation & King Street North - Three new bus lanes for $ - $250,000 Environment additional bus parking 5 Transportation Transportation & Boars Head Road - Curb and sidewalk $ - $350,000 Environment 5 Transportation Transportation & King Square North - New Fully Signalized $ - $335,000 Environment Intersection -Top of King Street 6 Transportation Transportation & King Square North - New Fully Signalized $ - $335,000 Environment Intersection - Front of City Market 7 Storm Transportation & Cedar Point - Cedarwood Drive - Install approx. $ - $1,770,000 Environment 1045 m of new storm sewer 1: Exhibit 2 - Not Recommended For 2016 General Capital Budget 8 Storm Transportation & Development of a stormwater model for the $ - $160,000 Environment East and Central catchment Area Includes for the replacement and renewal of 9 Parks & Public Spaces Transportation & existing infrastructure such as sportfield assets, $25,000 $20,000 Environment playground, tennis courts and other facilities. 10 Parks & Public Spaces Transportation & Rainbow Park $ $250,000 Environment 11 Parks &Public Spaces Transportation & Swanton Street - Playground equipment $25,000 $25,000 Environment replacement and park improvements. 12 Parks &Public Spaces Transportation & Market Place West - Includes new splash pad $250,000 $250,000 Environment adjacent to existing playground. 13 Saint John Transit Transportation & Buses Seek Funding $950,000 $ - Environment 14 Saint John Transit Transportation & Small Bus Trial $100,000 $50,000 Environment 15 Saint John Transit Transportation & Small Bus Trial $226,667 $113,333 Environment 16 Saint John Transit Transportation & Video Upgrade $56,667 $28,333 Environment 17 Saint John Transit Transportation & Service /Plow Truck $ - $55,000 Environment 18 Saint John Transit Transportation & Uptown Bus Shelter $26,667 $13,333 Environment 19 Saint John Transit Transportation & Garage Tools /Equipment $ - $50,000 Environment 20 Safety Fire Three Bay Garage at Training Academy (2016) $ - $350,000 21 Safety Police Replace Firearms $ - $200,000 22 Facility Management Fire Installation of Drafting Tank at Training Grounds $ - $150,000 (2016) 109 Exhibit 2 - Not Recommended For 2016 General Capital Budget 23 Information Strategic Services Trunk Radio for Emergency Services $ - $2,250,000 Technology 24 Information Strategic Services Server Infrastructure Replacement $ - $100,000 Technology Information Applications and Systems (upgrades and 25 Strategic Services $ - $30,000 Technology implementation of ERP) 26 Information Strategic Services Data Center Air Conditioner $ - $100,000 Technology 27 Information Strategic Services Connectivity $ - $40,000 Technology 28 Facilities Library Signage - Exterior facade at Market Square $ - $8,000 Management 29 Facilities Library Signage - Wayfinders at Central Library $ - $5,000 Management 30 Facilities Library Widen meeting room doors to accommodate $ $4,000 Management wheelchairs at Central Recreation & 31 Municipal Owned Canada Games Aquatic Deck scrubber $ - $20,000 Centre Facilities Recreation & 32 Municipal Owned Canada Games Aquatic Replace Exit Sign $ - $7,020 Centre Facilities Recreation & 33 Municipal Owned Canada Games Aquatic Replace AHU #2 to Heat Pump Technology $ - $600,000 Centre Facilities Recreation & 34 Municipal Owned Canada Games Aquatic Refurbish lift car $ - $28,350 Centre Facilities Recreation & 35 Municipal Owned Canada Games Aquatic Facility Capital Renewal $ - $50,000 Facilities Centre 36 Saint John Parking Transportation & Electronic Chalking Machines $ - $40,000 Commission Environment 37 Saint John Parking Transportation & Pay and Display Parking Machines (5 Machines) $ - $80,000 Commission Environment 110 Exhibit 2 - Not Recommended For 2016 General Capital Budget 38 Economic Waterfront Development Market Slip dredging $ - $195,000 Development 39 Fleet Management Finance and Admin Fleet Replacment $ - $500,000 40 Economic Industrial Parks Development of Land $ - $100,000 Development 41 Economic Waterfront Development Market Slip dredging $ - $195,000 Development 42 Economic Waterfront Development Design renderings - infill strategy project $ - $45,000 Development 43 Economic Waterfront Development Loyalist Plaza final design /const. drawings $ - $290,000 Development 44 Facilities Harbour Station Complete Phase 2 of LED Lighting Project $ - $40,000 Management 45 Facilities Harbour Station Replace Audio Routing Equipment $ - $25,000 Management 46 Facilities Harbour Station Replace Wireless Beltpacks $ - $5,000 Management 47 Facilities Harbour Station Replace 1993 Chairs $ - $100,000 Management 48 Facilities City Market City Market Renovation $ - $360,000 Management 49 Facilities Facilities Management Replace Windows -TIC West $ - $55,000 Management 50 Facilities Facilities Management Hurley Arena Interior Renovation $ - $250,000 Management 51 Facilities Facilities Management Sustainable Energy Management Program on $ - $45,000 Management City Owned Buildings 52 Facilities Facilities Management Hurley,Gorman and Belyea Arena- Building $ - $10,000 Management Electrical Systems Assessment 53 Facilities Facilities Management Facility Management Capital Renewal of $ - $240,000 Management Building Systems and Equipment $1,660,001 $15,007,369 NOTE: FUNDS FROM OTHER SOURCES HAVE NOT BEEN COMMITTED OR SECURED. PROJECTS WILL BE BROUGHT FORWARD IF FUNDING IS COMMITTED AND SECURED. 111 F1 I COUNCIL REPORT M &C No. 2015 -225 Report Date November 02, 2015 Meeting Date November 09, 2015 Service Area Finance and Administrative Services His Worship Mayor Mel Norton and Members of Common Council SUBJECT. MC 2015 - 225 2016 General Capital Budget Council Report.docx OPEN OR CLOSED SESSION This matter is to be discussed in open session of Common Council. AUTHORIZATION Primary Author Commissioner /Dept. Head City Manager Kevin Fudge Kevin Fudge Jeff Trail RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Common Council reflect upon the attached document and make any and all inquiries and recommendations to staff; and receive and file this report. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Purpose of the Report is to propose a 2016 General Fund Capital Budget. PREVIOUS RESOLUTION Click here to enter any previous relevant resolution. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT The 2016 Proposed General Capital Budget is aligned with Plan SJ and Council's strategic priorities REPORT The Capital Budget is Council's plan for making investments in long term municipal infrastructure and other public assets. The projects included in the 2016 General Capital Budget are driven by the need to renew or replace existing infrastructure, to increase service standards, or to provide new infrastructure to support growth initiatives. 112 sa The requests received for capital projects exceed funding that is available. Approximately $37 million in Capital requests were submitted. Staff has strategically prioritized the capital submissions based on the following key criteria: 1) Alignment with Council's priorities and Plan SJ; 2) Impact on employee or public safety; 3) Required by existing contractual commitments; 4) Co- funding opportunities; 5) Improves efficiency or effectiveness of the City; 6) Improves service to the community; 7) Produces incremental municipal revenue or reduces city operating expenses; 8) Whether the project is linked to projects identified for funding in the Utility Capital Fund or to another investment 9) Investment protects the City's assets. The proposed 2016 General Capital Budget totals $21,662,349 of which $9,958,049 is to be funded from other sources (gas tax, reserves, etc.) and the remainder $11,704,300 is to be funded by debt issue. ($11,749,010 in 2015). As illustrated in Exhibit 1, excluding the non - location specific investments, virtually all of the proposed 2016 General Capital Budget investments are located in the Primary Development Area. In addition, more than half of the proposed investments are planned for the intensifications areas, with the majority of those intensification investments being focused in the Uptown and Central Peninsula Urban Core Neighborhoods. 2016 CAPITAL ENVELOPE Transportation - It is a Council priority to continue to invest in direct road improvements including asphalt, curb and sidewalks, and surface reinstatements associated with water and sewer projects. The 2016 Capital Budget includes $4.6 million of investment in asphalt, curb and sidewalk and street reconstruction. This represents a year over year increase of approximately 10% compared to the 2015 Capital Budget. In addition, funding is included for ongoing guard rails replacement program ($200,000), two new fully signalized intersections at King's Square ($700,000), and the ongoing program of replacement of deteriorating retaining walls ($125,000). Drainage - Upgrades to the storm water system include new storm sewers, channel improvements, and separation of storm and sanitary sewers in 9 locations. With a total investment of $6.8 million ($5.7 million from other government sources to offset this cost), the City continues to make focused investments to address surface drainage and flooding issues throughout the community. 113 am Recreation - Key spending in recreation includes renewal of existing sport fields, playground, park revitalization and tennis courts ($800,000). Funds are also included to provide equipment replacements at Harbour Station ($110,500), and key investments in the Canada Games Aquatic Centre for facility and equipment renewal ($302,600). It is anticipated that the Canada Games Aquatic Center will require considerably higher capital investment in future years. City Market - City Market is in need of major upgrades and maintenance. The exterior brickwork is decaying and the upper windows, pedway escalator and lift are in need of replacement. The mezzanine is in need of upgrading as well as general lifecycle renewal investments in windows, doors, and roof is required. The City Market Tower suffered major water damage from a burst pipe. A total investment of $3.5 million is required to restore the interior of the Market Tower. The City committed $270,000 in 2014, $700,000 in 2015 and staff proposes $700,000 in 2016. In 2017 a final investment of $360,000 would bring the total City investment to $2.03 million. Along with committed funding from ACOA for $2.03 million and a pending application from the Province for another $2.03 million, a total investment in the City Market would total $6.09 million to restore this City treasure Public Safety Services: A. Trunk Radio Emergency System - Communication is an essential component for public safety (Fire, Police and EMO services). Trunk radio systems provide the communication backbone for protective services in Saint John, throughout New Brunswick and across Canada. The existing analog trunk radio system technology is outdated, over 30 years old and was installed in Saint John in the early 1990's. It is used by the Saint John Police Force, Saint John Fire Department, Saint John Emergency Measures Organization, and Saint John Municipal Operations. The equipment, radios and infrastructure are no longer supported by the manufacturer. The Province and other New Brunswick municipalities have also been dealing with aging and obsolete trunk radio systems. The Provincial Government is making a significant financial investment to upgrade and enhance its mobile trunk radio communication system in partnership with Bell Mobility. The project includes configuration of a new network, digital mobile equipment and the construction of communication towers. Bell Mobility has commenced work on the new system and it is being carried out in stages with completion expected in late 2016. The current Bell Mobility analog system will continue to be used until the new one is fully functional. 114 -4- The Provincial project presents a strategic window of opportunity to align the City investment with the investment in the Provincial network. The Trunk Radio Emergency System project is estimated to cost approximately $2.5 -$3 million dollars. The City investment is expected to include new subscriber gear (radio equipment for Police and Fire) estimated between $1 to $1.5 million dollars; equipment and conversion build costs for the Public Safety Communication Center (911) in the range of $500 thousand to $1 million dollars; and additional tower requirements for City wide coverage, yet to be determined, that could cost $500 thousand to $1 million dollars. Monthly subscription charges are expected to be similar to the current subscription charge of the analog system. Detailed quotes, specifications and implementation timelines are still not final. The Public Safety Communication Center (911) conversion is estimated to take place in Q3. Implementation of subscriber equipment could be late Q3 or Q4. It is optimistic for the City to be fully converted by early December. A robust City business case must be performed to ensure value for money. Although project costs are estimated at $2.5 million to $3 million dollars, given the uncertainty in timing, the 2016 Capital Budget includes funding of $1.250 million for the Trunk Radio Project with the remaining investment planned for 2017. When project timelines are finalized, Staff will report back to Council with a request for any required adjustments to the Capital envelope accordingly. Staff is seeking Council's formal commitment to the Trunk Radio Emergency System Project given its critical importance and risk to public safety. Staff will present a business case to Council in 2016 with options that provide best value for money. B. Fire Service - A fleet replacement schedule for the 10 primary fire units was established approximately 10 years ago with the objective of getting the most effective and efficient use of these capital purchase ( including the goal of minimizing large scale maintenance issues related to operating cost and availability). Three of the ten fire service units have now exceeded their replacement period and in turn maintenance cost have risen. The maintenance cost for Engine # 2 (2001) has exceeded $40,000 in 2015. The proposed 2016 Capital Budget includes funding to replace Engine #2 ($500,000). Funding has also been included to replace aged SCBA packs and bottles ($75,000). Investments are proposed to upgrade the HVAC in Fire Station #4, 36 Courtney Avenue and Fire Station #6, 286 King Street West ($40,000) as well as to replace the roof in Fire Station #4 ($80,000). Transit - The City will continue its investment in Public Transportation by committing to the purchase of a new bus ($475,000) which will positively impact the average age of the transit fleet. The Transit average fleet age is currently 10.79 years whereas the national average is 7.5 years. The General Manager of 115 -5- Saint John Transit believes a sustainable target should be 9 years. 11 of the 47 buses in the fleet were acquired in the year 2007 through external funding. Given this distribution curve, the average age of the bus fleet is expected to increase to 11.50 years in 2016 even with the purchase of 1 new bus. Information Technology - The City's information technology supports the effective and efficient delivery of the services provided to residents, and is largely dependent on current and modern IT systems. The proposed budget includes $800,000 in IT investments, with $600,000 being funded from the computer reserve fund for a net capital requirement of $200,000. Network infrastructure and upgrades to the enterprise resource planning system ERP ($130,000), needed disk storage and backup systems ($220,000), One Stop Development Shop Application & Hardware ($50,000) and the regular replacement of monitors, laptops, workstations and licensing agreements funded from reserves. Finally, a funding commitment has been secured for a Public Safety GIS mapping solution that creates a common operating picture for emergency services ($108,049). Fleet - $2.5 million (including the investment in a fire truck of $500k) in fleet replacement will ensure the City has the equipment and fleet required to provide necessary public service. The cost is offset by a contribution of $2.0 million from the fleet replacement fund. Staff will present a list of proposed acquisitions for Council approval in the coming weeks. Economic Development — includes year 4 of 5 commitments for the Trade & Convention Centre as well as funding for chair replacement ($270,000) to maintain competitiveness in the marketplace. The budget also proposes an investment in land development for the Saint John Industrial Parks ($200,000). Waterfront Capital is based on the City's committed contribution to the Loyalist Plaza refurbishment. The City has committed $3.4 million provided the campaign raises the funds needed to proceed with the refurbishment. The 2016 Capital Budget includes funds for the engineering, final design and construction drawings, in the amount of 290,000. Also included in the Budget is $35,000 for the third Eco Hub on Harbour Passage which will be located at the back corner of the Fort Latour site. Funding from TD Bank for this Eco Hub has already been received. The budget also includes $195,000 for dredging at Market Slip. Currently most boats cannot get into Market Slip because there has been no dredging done since 2005. This will provide the boating community with a place to get their boats into Market Slip and be able to enjoy what Uptown Saint John has to offer. Facilities — Lily Lake will receive its final installment for the 3 year commitment of capital for $150,000 to improve accessibility, fire protection, audio /visual equipment and energy efficiency as part of a three year renewal plan. The East Branch Library will be re- locating to Saint John Transit Atrium. Rents will be paid to Saint John Transit, resulting in financial savings for the City of approximately 116 sm $100,000 per year that the Library would have been paying in Rent at its current location. Funding is included for new shelving, furniture, moving costs, and signage ($221,200). A repair envelope will allow for improvements at the Rockwood Park Interpretation Centre, the Arts Building and for Leasehold improvements ($110,000). Window replacement and foundation waterproofing will be carried out at the Carleton Community Center ($140,000) and the Forest Hills Canteen will be connected to the municipal sanitary system ($40,000). Contingent Funding Envelope - While a nominal budget allocation is shown for each of these projects, actual disbursement by the City is contingent on certain conditions being met. It is contemplated that the City will seek to secure funding for these projects through any of the Building Canada Fund, Gas Tax Fund or other Federal or Provincial programs. A. Exhibition Centre - this $22 million dollar project involves the construction of a new Field House at Exhibition Park. The Centre would include an indoor track and facilities for a range of indoor sport activities. The Exhibition Association is willing to commit land and funding to initiate the development. The City has been requested to consider a contribution of $4.2 million over a three year period. It is unlikely that a City contribution would be required prior to 2017. The City funding is contingent on the project sponsors identifying the capital funding to construct the project and a strict limit on the City's exposure to fund any future operating deficit. B. Loyalist Plaza — the estimated cost of the Plaza Development is $6.4 million with an anticipated City contribution of $3.4 million. A master plan has been developed, after a series of public consultations, that when implemented will serve to rejuvenate this anchor location in the Uptown. The City's commitment is contingent on the remainder of the capital funding being secured. Fiscal Responsibility The 2016 Capital Budget places more financial pressure on future operating budgets as the cost of principle and interest payments become fixed costs for the City, thus committing future operating budgets to these expenses. Through responsible fiscal management, based on an annual $11 -12 million dollar Capital program, debt retirement will start to exceed new debt issues in 2017. The Capital Budget must strike a balance between sustainable infrastructure needs and affordable and responsible fiscal management. The Finance Department, continuing to build upon the completion of identifying and tracking of the City's Tangible Capital Assets, will work in 2016 to develop a Financial Sustainable Planning Program which includes an Asset Management Plan, Long Term Debt Policy and Long Term Capital Plan. The success of the project 117 -7- involves the participation of not only Finance, but the major stewards of the City's assets, such as Water, Transportation, Fleet, and Facility Management. Along with input from Council, Staff and other Stakeholders, a Financial Sustainable Planning Program must be developed to help guide how Financial Resources are managed moving forward. CONCLUSION Planned capital expenditures total $21,662,339 with $9,958,049 coming from other sources for a net Capital budget of $11,704,300. The annual funding from the gas tax program has helped reduce projected borrowing costs and has allowed the City to undertake needed infrastructure improvements. Funding from bond issues is within the City's borrowing capacity. The Capital Budget addresses a range of community needs with a strong emphasis on Council priorities. The investments made will contribute to Saint John being a Community of Choice — with better roads, reduced flooding, improved recreation facilities, better public spaces, improved protective services and continued enhancement of strategic assets. Fix: ��l[ �1�1P /�IyIP/_AT►T[ /_AW�I�jC��1uI7 INPUT FROM OTHER SERVICE AREAS AND STAKEHOLDERS Input has been received from the Senior Leadership Team and the Finance Committee of Council ATTACHMENTS Exhibit 1: 2016 Capital Investment Map Exhibit 2: 2016 General Capital Recommended Exhibit 3: 2016 General Capital Not Recommended 118 9:9 Exhibit 1 119 Exhibit 2 - 2016 General Capital Budget Recommended Project BUDGET-OTHER BUDGET - CITY CATEGORY DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION # SHARE SHARE 1 Transportation Transportation & Asphalt Roadway Maintenance and $750,000 $ - Environment Rehabilitation program 2 Transportation Transportation & Concrete curb and sidewalk including drainage $750,000 $ - Environment with Asphalt Program various locations 3 Transportation Transportation & Canterbury Street - Curb & Sidewalk, $150,000 Environment $ - 4 Transportation Transportation & Exmouth Street - Street reconstruction (W &S) $660,000 Environment $ - 5 Transportation Transportation & Golding Street - Concrete sidewalk and $255,000 Environment renewing the asphalt (W &S) $ - 6 Transportation Transportation & Grannan Lane - Replacement of concrete $150,000 Environment driving surface with new concrete. $ - 7 Transportation Transportation & Guard Rail Replacement Program - Phase 2 of 4 $200,000 Environment $ - 8 Transportation Transportation & Harmony Drive - Street reconstruction (curb, $275,000 Environment sidewalk, landscaping and paving), $ - 9 Transportation Transportation & King Square North - New Fully Signalized $335,000 Environment Intersection - Top of King Street $ - 10 Transportation Transportation & King Square North - New Fully Signalized $335,000 Environment Intersection - Front of City Market $ - 11 Transportation Transportation & King Street North - Three new bus lanes for $250,000 Environment additional bus parking $ - 12 Transportation Transportation & Newan Street - Street reconstruction - (W &S) $370,000 Environment $ - 13 Transportation Transportation & Paddock Street - Street reconstruction $215,000 Environment $ - 14 Transportation Transportation & Princess Street - Charlotte to Syndey Street - $700,000 Environment Street reconstruction - (W &S) $ - Replacement of existing deteriorated retaining 15 Transportation Transportation & walls supporting streets and sidewalks in $125,000 Environment various locations $ - 120 Exhibit 2 - 2016 General Capital Budget Recommended 16 Transportation Transportation & Skyline Drive - Street reconstruction $175,000 Environment $ - 17 Transit Transportation & Bus Replacement $475,000 Environment $ - Transportation & Exmouth Street - Richmond St - Brunswick Drive 18 Storm $300,000 $ - Environment -Storm Upgrade - (W &S) 19 Storm Transportation & Golding Street - Waterloo to Bayard Street - $115,000 $ - Environment Storm Sewer upgrade - (W &S) Transportation & Hanover Street - Crown to March Creek - Storm 20 Storm $400,000 Environment sewer upgrade - (W &S) $ - Transportation & Honeysuckle, Sherbrook Street Culvert # 4 - 21 Storm $2,600,000 $ - Environment replace culvert by NBDTI Transportation & Honeysuckle, Sherbrook Street Culvert # 3 - 22 Storm $1,200,000 $ - Environment replace undersized culvert by NBDTI Transportation & Honeysuckle, Sherbrook Street replace 23 Storm $475,000 $ - Environment undersized culvert # 5 and Removal of culvert # Transportation & Kelly Lane - End of Kelly Lane to Sandy Point 24 Storm $115,000 Environment Road - Storm sewer for separation $ - 25 Storm Transportation & Paddock Street - 39 Paddock to Coburg -Storm $115,000 Environment sewer for separation - W &S $ - 26 Storm Transportation & Princess Street - Charlotte to Syndey Street - $85,000 Environment Storm sewer for separation - W &S $ - 27 Storm Transportation & Ready Street - Main to Catherwood Street - $250,000 Environment Storm sewer for separation - W &S $ - Transportation & Development of a stormwater model for the 28 Storm $160,000 Environment East and Central catchment Area $ 29 Storm Transportation & Westgate Park Drainage Basin - Trunk Storm $1,060,000 Environment Sewer - New storm sewer $ - 30 Storm Transportation & Westgate Park Drainage Basin - Property $110,000 Environment acquisition for construction of collector swale $ - 31 Parks & Public Transportation & Renewal of existing infrastructure such as $550,000 Spaces Environment sportfield assets, playground, tennis courts $ - 121 Exhibit 2 - 2016 General Capital Budget Recommended 32 Parks & Public Transportation & Rainbow Park $250,000 Spaces Environment $ - 33 Public Safety Strategic Services Trunk Radio for Emergency Services - Public $1,250,000 Safety Required $ - 34 Information Strategic Services Replace City Network Infrastructure $100,000 Technolo gY $ 35 Information Strategic Services One Stop Applications & Hardware $50,000 Technolo gY $ 36 Information Strategic Services Upgrades to ERP $30,000 Technolo gY $ 37 Information Strategic Services Additional Disk Storage Systems & Tape Backup $200,000 $20,000 Technology 38 Information Strategic Services Computer Replacement Program $ 400,000.00 $ - Technology 39 Information Strategic Services PSCC GIS Mapping Program $ 108,049.00 Technology 40 Economic Waterfront Development Loyalist Plaza final design /const. drawings $ - $290,000 Development 41 Economic Waterfront Development Harbour Passage Eco -Hub $ - $35,000 Development 42 Economic Waterfront Development Market Slip dredging $ - $195,000 Development 43 Facilities Harbour Station Replace Cooking Equipment $ - $48,000 Management 44 Facilities Harbour Station Purchase new Computers /Servers $ - $17,500 Management 45 Facilities Harbour Station Replace Video Switch er /Playback Equipment $ - $45,000 Management 46 Public Safety Fire Replacement of aged SCBA packs and Bottles $ - $75,000 (2016) 47 Public Safety Fire Purchase of New Fire Engine (2016) $ - $500,000 48 Public Safety PSCC Upgrade Back PSCC Consul of Firestation #1 $ - $40,000 122 Exhibit 2 - 2016 General Capital Budget Recommended 49 Facilities Library Shelving - mobile display shelves for new East $ - $10,000 Management Branch 50 Facilities Library Shelving - mobile periodical display units for $ - $8,000 Management new East Branch 51 Facilities Library Furniture - for space at new East Branch, in $ - $15,000 Management Transit Building 52 Facilities Library Move to Saint Transit - Approved in 2015 $ - $203,200 Management 53 Facilities Library Signage - East Branch at Transit Building $ - $35,000 Management Recreation & 54 Municipal Canada Games Aquatic Replace flow control valves $ - $28,350 Centre Owned Facilities Recreation & 55 Municipal Canada Games Aquatic Replace Flow Meter $ - $7,000 Centre Owned Facilities Recreation & 56 Municipal Canada Games Aquatic Facility Capital Renewal $ - $200,000 Centre Owned Facilities Recreation & 57 Municipal Canada Games Aquatic Retrofit Breaker Panels: Filter Rooms $ - $47,250 Centre Owned Facilities Recreation & 58 Municipal Canada Games Aquatic Epoxy filter tank (leisure tank) $ - $20,000 Owned Facilities Centre 59 Facilities City Market City Market Renovation $ - $580,000 Management 60 Facilities City Market City Market Pedway Elevating Devices $ - $120,000 Management Replacement 123 Exhibit 2 - 2016 General Capital Budget Recommended 61 Facilities Lilly Lake Pavillion Year 3 of 3 year commitment of Captial $ - $150,000 Management 62 Economic Trade & Convention Centre Year 4 of 5 year Commitment of Capital $ - $170,000 Development 63 Facilities Facility Management Carleton Community Center Replace Windows $ - $60,000 Management Phase 1 64 Facilities Facility Management Carleton Community Center Replace $ - $80,000 Management Foundation Wateroroofing 65 Facilities Facility Management Forest Hill Canteen - Connect Sanitary Systems $ - $40,000 Management to Municipal Services 66 Facilities Facility Management Fire Station #4- Replace Roof $ - $80,000 Management 67 Facilities Facility Management Fire Station #4/ #6- HVAC Upgrade $ - $40,000 Management Facilities Facility Capital Renewal - Petes Frootique 68 Facility Management Leasehold, Rockwood Park Int Center, Arts $ - $110,000 Management Building 69 Finance & Admin Fleet Management Fleet Replacment $2,000,000 $ - 70 Economic Trade & Convention Centre Chair Replacements $ - $100,000 Development 71 Economic Industrial Parks Industrial Park Land Development $ - $200,000 Development $9,958,049 $11,704,300 124 Exhibit 3 - 2016 General Capital Budget Not Recommended Project BUDGET- BUDGET - CITY CATEGORY DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION # OTHER SHARE SHARE Creighton Avenue - Road reconstruction (storm 1 Transportation Transportation & sewer, road widening, excavation, curb, $ - $1,200,000 Environment landscaping, paving) Bonita Avenue - Street reconstruction 2 Transportation Transportation & (excavation, backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping $ - $950,000 Environment and paving) Pidgeon Terrace - Street reconstruction 3 Transportation Transportation & (excavation, backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping $ - $105,000 Environment and paving) Whipple Street - Street reconstruction 4 Transportation Transportation & (excavation, backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping $ - $700,000 Environment and paving) Cedar Point - Cedar Wood Drive - Street 5 Transportation Transportation & reconstruction (excavation, backfill ditches, $ - $1,480,000 Environment curb, sidewalk, landscaping and paving) 6 Storm Transportation & Cedar Point - Cedarwood Drive - Install approx. $1,770,000 Environment 1045 m of new storm sewer $ - 7 Parks & Public Transportation & Includes for the replacement and renewal of $25,000 $20,000 Spaces Environment existing infrastructure such as sportfield assets, 8 Parks & Public Transportation & Swanton Street - Playground equipment $25,000 $25,000 Spaces Environment replacement and park improvements. 9 Parks & Public Transportation & Market Place West - Includes new splash pad $250,000 $250,000 Spaces Environment adjacent to existing playground. 10 Saint John Transit Buses Seek Funding $950,000 $ - 11 Saint John Transit Saint John Transit Small Bus Trial $100,000 $50,000 12 Saint John Transit Saint John Transit Small Bus Trial $226,667 $113,333 13 Saint John Transit Saint John Transit Handi Bus $ - $155,000 125 Exhibit 3 - 2016 General Capital Budget Not Recommended 14 Saint John Transit Saint John Transit Video Upgrade $56,667 $28,333 15 Saint John Transit Saint John Transit Sevice /Plow Truck $ - $55,000 16 Saint John Transit Saint John Transit Uptown Bus Shelter $26,667 $13,333 17 Saint John Transit Saint John Transit Garage Tools /Equipment $ - $50,000 18 Saftey Fire Portion of New Radio $ - $400,000 19 Safety Fire Three Bay Garage at Training Academy (2016) $ - $350,000 20 Safety Police Replace Firearms $ - $200,000 21 Facility Fire Installation of Drafting Tank at Training Grounds $ - $150,000 Management (2016) 22 Information Strategic Services Trunk Radio for Emergency Services $ - $2,250,000 Technology 23 Information Strategic Services Server Infrastructure Replacement $ - $100,000 Technology 24 Information Strategic Services Applications and Hardware to Support One Stop $ - $24,000 Technology Shop initiative 25 Information Strategic Services Applications and Systems (upgrades and $ - $30,000 Technology implementation of ERP) 26 Information Strategic Services Data Center Air Conditioner $ - $100,000 Technology 27 Information Strategic Services Connectivity $ - $40,000 Technology 28 Facilities Library Signage - East Branch at Transit Building $ - $ - Management 29 Facilities Library 7 Signage - Exterior facade at Market Square $ - $8,000 1 Management 126 Exhibit 3 - 2016 General Capital Budget Not Recommended 30 Facilities Library Signage - Wayfinders at Central Library $ - $5,000 Management 31 Facilities Library Widen meeting room doors to accommodate $ - $4,000 Management wheelchairs at Central Recreation & 32 Municipal Owned Canada Games Aquatic Deck scrubber $ - $20,000 Centre Facilities Recreation & 33 Municipal Owned Canada Games Aquatic Replace Exit Sign $ - $7,020 Centre Facilities Recreation & 34 Municipal Owned Canada Games Aquatic Replace AHU #2 to Heat Pump Technology $ - $600,000 Centre Facilities Recreation & 35 Municipal Owned Canada Games Aquatic Refurbish lift car $ - $28,350 Centre Facilities Recreation & 36 Municipal Owned Canada Games Aquatic Facility Capital Renewal $ - $50,000 Centre Facilities Recreation & 37 Municipal Owned Canada Games Aquatic Replace flow meters $ - $ - Centre Facilities 38 Economic Saint John Parking Coin Wrapper - Existing one surpased life $ - $20,000 Development Commission expectancy 39 Economic Saint John Parking Electronic Chalking Machines $ - $40,000 Development Commission 40 Economic Saint John Parking Pay and Display Parking Machines (5 Machines) $ - $80,000 Development Commission 41 Fleet Management Finance and Admin Fleet Replacment $ - $500,000 42 Economic Industrial Parks Development of Land $ - $100,000 Development 43 Economic Waterfront Development Boardwalk repairs /maintenance $ - $15,000 Development 127 Exhibit 3 - 2016 General Capital Budget Not Recommended 44 Economic Waterfront Development Harbour Passage refurbishment /maintenance $ - $15,000 Development 45 Economic Waterfront Development Design renderings - infill strategy project $ - $45,000 Development 46 Facilities Harbour Station Complete Phase 2 of LED Lighting Project $ - $40,000 Management 47 Facilities Harbour Station Replace Audio Routing Equipment $ - $25,000 Management 48 Facilities Harbour Station Replace Video Replay /Recording Equipment $ - $32,000 Management 49 Facilities Harbour Station Replace Wireless Beltpacks $ - $5,000 Management 50 Facilities Harbour Station Replace 1993 Chairs $ - $100,000 Management 51 Facilities Lord Beaverbrook Rink Exit Fire Doors and interior Doors Replacement $ - $50,000 Management 52 Facilities City Market City Market Renovation $ - $750,000 Management 53 Facilities Facilities Management Replace Windows -TIC West $ - $55,000 Management 54 Facilities Facilities Management Hurley Arena Interior Renovation $ - $250,000 Management 55 Facilities Facilities Management Sustainable Energy Management Program on $ - $45,000 Management City Owned Buildings 56 Facilities Facilities Management Hurley,Gorman and Belyea Arena- Building $ - $10,000 Management Electrical Systems Assessment 57 Facilities Facilities Management Facility Management Capital Renewal of $ - $240,000 Management Building Systems and Equipment $1,660,001 $13,748,369 128 Q , ifjio K\ COUNCIL REPORT M &C No. 2015 -240 Report Date November 17, 2015 Meeting Date November 23, 2015 Service Area Finance and Administrative Services His Worship Mayor Mel Norton and Members of Common Council SUBJECT. MC 2015 - 240 2016 General Capital Budget Council Report.docx OPEN OR CLOSED SESSION This matter is to be discussed in open session of Common Council. AUTHORIZATION Primary Author Commissioner /Dept. Head City Manager Craig Lavigne Kevin Fudge Jeff Trail RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Common Council approve the 2016 Recommended General Capital Budget. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 2016 General Capital Budget was presented to Council at its November 9t" 2015 meeting. The purpose of presenting the 2016 Capital Budget was to allow Council to provide feedback and allow staff to incorporate that feedback into a final version of the 2016 General Capital Budget. PREVIOUS RESOLUTION 2016 General Capital Budget, M &C 2015 -225: It is recommended that Common Council reflect upon the attached document and make any and all inquiries and recommendations to staff: and receive and file this report. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT The 2016 Proposed General Capital Budget is aligned with Plan SJ, Play SJ and the concentration of investment is in prime development and intensification areas and is aligned with Council's strategic priorities. 129 sa REPORT The proposed 2016 General Capital Budget totals $21,814,349 of which $9,958,049 is funded from other sources (gas tax, reserves, etc.) and the remainder $11,856,300 is to be funded by debt issue. ($11,749,010 in 2015) The following modifications were made based on the feedback from Council, there in an increase in the City share by $152,000 compared to the Capital Budget presented on Nov. 9th, 2015. SERVICE AND FINANCIAL OUTCOMES This Capital Budget is making investments in long term municipal infrastructure and other public assets. The projects included in the 2016 General Capital Budget meet Council's priorities such as reducing flood risk, continual improvements to roads and sidewalks, community of choice, and public safety; while maintaining sound fiscal management of debt and operating costs. 130 Handi -Bus —Additional Handi -Bus Transit Commission $155,000 needed to increase service and reduce expenditures Parking Commission $20,000 Coin Wrapper— Replace existing wrapper which is at end of useful life Harbour Station $32,000 Replace Replay Video — Contractual agreement LBR $50,000 Replace Exit Fire Doors and Interior — Safety Issue Transportation $350,000 Boars Head Road — Curb and Sidewalks Transportation $250,000 Union Street — Street Signalized Lights - Safety Issue Transportation - $250,000 King Square Work- Delay Work on Bus Lanes Waterfront Development - $290,000 Loyalist Plaza —Await to see if funding is in place before supporting Waterfront Development - $195,000 Dredging Market Slip- Seeking support from Port Authority Waterfront Development $30,000 Harbour Passage and Boardwalk Total Adjustments $152,000 SERVICE AND FINANCIAL OUTCOMES This Capital Budget is making investments in long term municipal infrastructure and other public assets. The projects included in the 2016 General Capital Budget meet Council's priorities such as reducing flood risk, continual improvements to roads and sidewalks, community of choice, and public safety; while maintaining sound fiscal management of debt and operating costs. 130 -3- INPUT FROM OTHER SERVICE AREAS AND STAKEHOLDERS Council Members asked a variety of questions during the discussion of the 2016 General Capital Budget. Many of the questions were answered by staff at the meeting. The following questions were not answered at the November Stn meeting; please see attached answers to the following questions. Library — Please confirm follow up with Library concerning the widening of meeting rooms not recommended for approval. Staff followed up with Library to confirm request does not meet capital guidelines and would be considered maintenance item. Facility management will add this item as part of their 2016 maintenance program. Waterfront Development — Is dredging the City's responsibility or should the Port look after this? Market Slip is owned by the City and does not fall under the responsibility of the Saint John Port Authority; however discussions with the Port Authority have been initiated. There floating docks will not be able to be put in for the 2016 season. Waterfront Development — Loyalist Plaza Design Costs — This request has been deferred until Staff has more information on the project and there is a reasonable expectation that third party funding for the project will be met. Transit — I<ing Square Bus Shelters — Referring to the list above of adjustments; Transportation will not be proceeding with adding bus lanes on King Street North in 2016, therefore this request will be deferred until Transportation proceeds with this project. Transit — Small Bus Trial — There has been no business case presented to Council to make an informed decision on whether the City should proceed with smaller buses. The request should be deferred until the new CEO is hired and a business case is prepared to justify the investment. Transit — Tools — $75,000 was approved in 2013 for tools and staff will have a discussion with Transit on a detailed listing of tools for the 2017 Capital budget. Parking Commission — Electronic Chalking Systems — In order for Parking to fully leverage this asset, there needs to be By -law changes for the increased area to be patrolled for parking violations. A business case has yet to be developed therefor, the request should be deferred until the new CEO is hired and a business case is prepared to justify the investment. Transportation — Cedar Point — Staff was asked to look at improvements to the area. The addition of 350K to complete the curbs and sidewalks on Boars Head 131 -4- Road will fill in a gap in the sidewalk and curbing, address safety concerns for pedestrians and improve the area near the entrance to Cedar Point. Transportation - Grannan Lane — Should the City continue to redo street with concrete or look at using asphalt? With the proper quality control in place, Transportation staff recommends continue with using concrete. Transportation — The City is spending an extra 10% this year and Council would like to know what that 10% is and please confirm Gas Tax Funding for 2015 to 2016. The additional 10% is directly related to additional road work. Staff also confirms the Gas Tax Funding for 2015 and 2016 as it relates to roads was $1.5 for both 2015 and 2016. Included in the investment of the additional road work is fixing cuts in asphalt and backfilling resulting from necessary underground work as was the case in the 2015 Capital Budget. Information Technology — Is there a huge risk by not replacing Air Conditioning unit as requested. Staff continues to monitor the Data room and is confident the risk can be reduced through ongoing monitoring and minor repairs. Fleet — Where is the new fire truck going to be used and confirm Fire Department contributes to the Fleet Reserve? The proposed Fire Truck will be located at #2 Fire Station (Loch Lomond Road). The Fire Department does contribute to the fleet reserve when it comes to their smaller vehicles (passenger vehicles); however Fire Trucks are not part of the Fleet Reserve Capital Budget — What is on the deferred list that is not approved because it would be considered a Maintenance Expense? See Appendix 2 for items that would be considered maintenance. Police — Is there a safety risk by not replacing firearms. Police agreed it would be acceptable to purchase these firearms out of the 2017 Capital Budget. However, if Council wishes to proceed with the replacement of firearms this year, the total capital budget would be increased by $200,000. This amount has not been included in the recommended budget. 132 2015 2016 Gas Tax Funding 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 City Share 2, 665, 000.00 3, 075, 000.00 Total 4,165,000.00 4,575,000.00 Information Technology — Is there a huge risk by not replacing Air Conditioning unit as requested. Staff continues to monitor the Data room and is confident the risk can be reduced through ongoing monitoring and minor repairs. Fleet — Where is the new fire truck going to be used and confirm Fire Department contributes to the Fleet Reserve? The proposed Fire Truck will be located at #2 Fire Station (Loch Lomond Road). The Fire Department does contribute to the fleet reserve when it comes to their smaller vehicles (passenger vehicles); however Fire Trucks are not part of the Fleet Reserve Capital Budget — What is on the deferred list that is not approved because it would be considered a Maintenance Expense? See Appendix 2 for items that would be considered maintenance. Police — Is there a safety risk by not replacing firearms. Police agreed it would be acceptable to purchase these firearms out of the 2017 Capital Budget. However, if Council wishes to proceed with the replacement of firearms this year, the total capital budget would be increased by $200,000. This amount has not been included in the recommended budget. 132 -5- ATTACHMENTS Appendix 1— 2016 Recommended General Capital Budget Appendix 2 — Not Recommended for 2016 General Capital Budget M &C 2015 -225 133 Exhibit 1 - 2016 General Capital Budget Recommended Project BUDGET-OTHER BUDGET - CITY CATEGORY DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION # SHARE SHARE 1 Transportation Transportation & Asphalt Roadway Maintenance and $ 750,000 $ - Environment Rehabilitation program 2 Transportation Transportation & Concrete curb and sidewalk including drainage $ 750,000 $ - Environment with Asphalt Program various locations 3 Transportation Transportation & Canterbury Street Curb & Sidewalk, $ 150,000 - Environment $ - 4 Transportation Transportation & Exmouth Street - Street reconstruction (W &S) $ 660,000 Environment $ - 5 Transportation Transportation & Boars Head Road - Curb and sidewalk $ 350,000 Environment $ - 6 Transportation Transportation & Golding Street - Concrete sidewalk and $ 255,000 Environment renewing the asphalt (W &S) $ - 7 Transportation Transportation & Grannan Lane - Replacement of concrete $ 150,000 Environment driving surface with new concrete. $ - 8 Transportation Transportation & Guide Rail Replacement Program - Phase 2 of 4 $ 200,000 Environment $ - 9 Transportation Transportation & Harmony Drive - Street reconstruction (curb, $ 275,000 Environment sidewalk, landscaping and paving), $ - 10 Transportation Transportation & King Square North - New Fully Signalized $ 335,000 Environment Intersection - Top of King Street $ - 11 Transportation Transportation & King Square North - New Fully Signalized $ 335,000 Environment Intersection - Front of City Market $ - 12 Transportation Transportation & Union Street /Patrick Street Signalized Lights $ 250,000 Environment $ - 13 Transportation Transportation & Newman Street - Street reconstruction - (W &S) $ 370,000 Environment $ - 14 Transportation Transportation & Paddock Street - Street reconstruction $ 215,000 Environment $ - 15 Transportation Transportation & Princess Street - Charlotte to Syndey Street - $ 700,000 Environment Street reconstruction - (W &S) $ - 134 Exhibit 1- 2016 General Capital Budget Recommended 135 Replacement of existing deteriorated retaining 16 Transportation Transportation & in $ 125,000 walls supporting streets and sidewalks Environment various locations $ - 17 Transportation Transportation & Skyline Drive - Street reconstruction $ 175,000 Environment $ - 18 Transit Transportation & Bus Replacement $ 475,000 Environment $ - 19 Transit Transportation & Handi -Bus $ 155,000 Environment $ - 20 Storm Transportation & Exmouth Street - Richmond St - Brunswick Drive $ 300,000 $ - Environment -Storm Upgrade - (W &S) 21 Storm Transportation & Golding Street - Waterloo to Bayard Street - $ 115,000 $ - Environment Storm Sewer upgrade - (W &S) 22 Storm Transportation & Hanover Street - Crown to March Creek - Storm $ 400,000 Environment sewer upgrade - (W &S) $ - 23 Storm Transportation & Honeysuckle, Sherbrook Street Culvert # 4 - $ 2,600,000 $ - Environment replace culvert by NBDTI 24 Storm Transportation & Honeysuckle, Sherbrook Street Culvert # 3 - $ 1,200,000 $ - Environment replace undersized culvert by NBDTI 25 Storm Transportation & Honeysuckle, Sherbrook Street replace $ 475,000 $ - Environment undersized culvert # 5 and Removal of culvert # 26 Storm Transportation & Kelly Lane - End of Kelly Lane to Sandy Point $ 115,000 Environment Road - Storm sewer for separation $ - 27 Storm Transportation & Paddock Street - 39 Paddock to Coburg -Storm $ 115,000 Environment sewer for separation - W &S $ - 28 Storm Transportation & Princess Street - Charlotte to Syndey Street - $ 85,000 Environment Storm sewer for separation - W &S $ - 29 Storm Transportation & Ready Street - Main to Catherwood Street - $ 250,000 Environment Storm sewer for separation - W &S $ - 30 Storm Transportation & Development of a stormwater model for the $ 160,000 Environment East and Central catchment Area $ 31 Storm Transportation & Westgate Park Drainage Basin - Trunk Storm $ 1,060,000 Environment Sewer New $ - storm sewer - 135 Exhibit 1- 2016 General Capital Budget Recommended 32 Storm Transportation & Westgate Park Drainage Basin - Property $ 110,000 Environment acquisition for construction of collector swale $ - 33 Parks & Public Transportation & Renewal of existing infrastructure such as $ 550,000 Spaces Environment sportfield assets, playground, tennis courts $ - 34 Parks & Public Transportation & Rainbow Park $ 250,000 Spaces Environment $ - 35 Parking Transportation & Coin Wrapper $ 20,000 Commssion Environment $ - 36 Public Safety Strategic Services Trunk Radio for Emergency Services - Public $ 1,250,000 Safety Required $ - 37 Information Strategic Services Replace City Network Infrastructure $ 100,000 Technolo gY $ 38 Information Strategic Services One Stop Applications & Hardware $ 50,000 Technolo gY $ 39 Information Strategic Services Upgrades to ERP $ 30,000 Technolo gY $ 40 Information Strategic Services Additional Disk Storage Systems & Tape Backup $ 200,000 $ 20,000 Technology 41 Information Strategic Services Computer Replacement Program $ 400,000 $ - Technology 42 Information Strategic Services PSCC GIS Mapping Program $ 108,049 Technology 43 Economic Waterfront Development Harbour Passage Eco -Hub $ - $ 35,000 Development 44 Economic Waterfront Development Harbour Passage and Boardwalk $ - $ 30,000 Development 45 Facilities Harbour Station Replace Cooking Equipment $ - $ 48,000 Management 46 Facilities Harbour Station Replace Replay Video Equipment $ 32,000 Management 47 Facilities Harbour Station Purchase new Computers /Servers $ - $ 17,500 Management 48 Facilities Harbour Station Replace Video Switcher /Playback Equipment $ - $ 45,000 Management 136 Exhibit 1- 2016 General Capital Budget Recommended 49 Public Safety Fire Replacement of aged SCBA packs and Bottles $ - $ 75,000 (2016) 50 Public Safety Fire Purchase of New Fire Engine (2016) $ - $ 500,000 51 Public Safety PSCC Upgrade Back PSCC Consul of Firestation #1 $ - $ 40,000 52 Facilities Library Shelving - mobile display shelves for new East $ $ 10,000 - Management Branch 53 Facilities Library Shelving - mobile periodical display units for $ $ 8,000 - Management new East Branch 54 Facilities Library Furniture - for space at new East Branch, in $ $ 15,000 - Management Transit Building 55 Facilities Library Move to Saint Transit - Approved in 2015 $ - $ 203,200 Management 56 Facilities Library Signage - East Branch at Transit Building $ - $ 35,000 Management Recreation & 57 Municipal Canada Games Aquatic Replace flow control valves $ - $ 28,350 Centre Owned Facilities Recreation & 58 Municipal Canada Games Aquatic Replace Flow Meter $ - $ 7,000 Centre Owned Facilities Recreation & 59 Municipal Canada Games Aquatic Facility Capital Renewal $ - $ 200,000 Centre Owned Facilities Recreation & 60 Municipal Canada Games Aquatic Retrofit Breaker Panels: Filter Rooms $ - $ 47,250 Owned Facilities Centre 137 Exhibit 1 - 2016 General Capital Budget Recommended $9,958,049 $11,856,300 138 Recreation & 61 Municipal Canada Games Aquatic Epoxy filter tank (leisure tank) $ - $ 20,000 Centre Owned Facilities 62 Facilities City Market City Market Renovation $ - $ 580,000 Management 63 Facilities City Market City Market Pedway Elevating Devices $ - $ 120,000 Management Replacement 64 Facilities Lilly Lake Pavillion Year 3 of 3 year commitment of Captial $ - $ 150,000 Management 65 Economic Trade & Convention Centre Year 4 of 5 year Commitment of Capital $ - $ 170,000 Development 66 Facilities Facility Management Carleton Community Center Replace Windows $ $ 60,000 - Management Phase 1 67 Facilities Facility Management Carleton Community Center Replace $ - $ 80,000 Management Foundation Wateroroofing 68 Facilities Facility Management Forest Hill Canteen - Connect Sanitary Systems $ $ 40,000 - Management to Municipal Services 69 Facilities Facility Management Fire Station #4- Replace Roof $ - $ 80,000 Management 70 Facilities Facility Management Fire Station #4/ #6- HVAC Upgrade $ - $ 40,000 Management Facility Capital Renewal - Petes Frootique 71 Facilities Facility Management Leasehold, Rockwood Park Int Center, Arts $ - $ 110,000 Management Building 72 Facilities Lord Beaverbrook Rink Exit Fire Doors and interior Doors Replacement $ - $ 50,000 Management 73 Finance & Admin Fleet Management Fleet Replacment $ 2,000,000 $ - 74 Economic Trade & Convention Centre Chair Replacements $ - $ 100,000 Development 75 Economic Industrial Parks Industrial Park Land Development $ - $ 200,000 Development $9,958,049 $11,856,300 138 Exhibit 2 - Not Recommended For 2016 General Capital Budget Project BUDGET- BUDGET - CITY CATEGORY DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION MAINTENANCE # OTHERSHARE SHARE Creighton Avenue - Road reconstruction (storm 1 Transportation Transportation & sewer, road widening, excavation, curb, $ - $1,200,000 Environment landscaping, paving) Bonita Avenue - Street reconstruction 2 Transportation Transportation & (excavation, backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping $ - $950,000 Environment and paving) Pidgeon Terrace - Street reconstruction 3 Transportation Transportation & (excavation, backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping $ - $105,000 Environment and paving) Whipple Street - Street reconstruction 4 Transportation Transportation & (excavation, backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping $ - $700,000 Environment and paving) Cedar Point - Cedar Wood Drive - Street 5 Transportation Transportation & reconstruction (excavation, backfill ditches, $ - $1,480,000 Environment curb, sidewalk, landscaping and paving) 6 Transportation Transportation & King Street North - Three new bus lanes for $ - $250,000 Environment additional bus parking 7 Storm Transportation & Cedar Point - Cedarwood Drive - Install approx. $1,770,000 Environment 1045 m of new storm sewer $ Includes for the replacement and renewal of 8 Parks & Public Spaces Transportation & existing infrastructure such as sportfield assets, $25,000 $20,000 Environment playground, tennis courts and other facilities. 9 Parks &Public Spaces Transportation & Swanton Street - Playground equipment $25,000 $25,000 Environment replacement and park improvements. 10 Parks &Public Spaces Transportation & Market Place West - Includes new splash pad $250,000 $250,000 Environment adjacent to existing playground. 11 Saint John Transit Transportation & Buses Seek Funding $950,000 $ - Environment 139 Exhibit 2 - Not Recommended For 2016 General Capital Budget 12 Saint John Transit Transportation & Small Bus Trial $100,000 $50,000 Environment 13 Saint John Transit Transportation & Small Bus Trial $226,667 $113,333 Environment 14 Saint John Transit Transportation & Video Upgrade $56,667 $28,333 Environment 15 Saint John Transit Transportation & Service /Plow Truck $ - $55,000 Environment 16 Saint John Transit Transportation & Uptown Bus Shelter $26,667 $13,333 Environment 17 Saint John Transit Transportation & Garage Tools /Equipment $ - $50,000 Environment 18 Safety Fire Three Bay Garage at Training Academy (2016) $ - $350,000 19 Safety Police Replace Firearms $ - $200,000 20 Facility Management Fire Installation of Drafting Tank at Training Grounds $ - $150,000 (2016) 21 Information Strategic Services Trunk Radio for Emergency Services $ - $2,250,000 Technology 22 Information Strategic Services Server Infrastructure Replacement $ - $100,000 Technology 23 Information Strategic Services Applications and Systems (upgrades and $ - $30,000 Technology implementation of ERP) 24 Information Strategic Services Data Center Air Conditioner $ - $100,000 Technology 25 Information Strategic Services Connectivity $ - $40,000 Technology 26 Facilities Management Library Signage - Exterior facade at Market Square $ - $8,000 27 Facilities Management Library Signage - Wayfinders at Central Library $ - $5,000 Maintenance 28 Facilities Management Library Widen meeting room doors to accommodate $ - $4,000 Maintenance wheelchairs at Central 140 Exhibit 2 - Not Recommended For 2016 General Capital Budget 141 Recreation & 29 Municipal Owned Canada Games Aquatic Deck scrubber $ - $20,000 Facilities Centre Recreation & 30 Municipal Owned Canada Games Aquatic Replace Exit Sign $ - $7,020 Facilities Centre Recreation & 31 Municipal Owned Canada Games Aquatic Replace AHU #2 to Heat Pump Technology $ - $600,000 Facilities Centre Recreation & 32 Municipal Owned Canada Games Aquatic Refurbish lift car $ - $28,350 Facilities Centre Recreation & 33 Municipal Owned Canada Games Aquatic Facility Capital Renewal $ - $50,000 Facilities Centre 34 Saint John Parking Transportation & Electronic Chalking Machines $ - $40,000 Commission Environment 35 Saint John Parking Transportation & Pay and Display Parking Machines (5 Machines) $ - $80,000 Commission Environment 36 Economic Waterfront Development Market Slip dredging $ - $195,000 Development 37 Fleet Management Finance and Admin Fleet Replacment $ - $500,000 38 Economic Industrial Parks Development of Land $ - $100,000 Development 39 Economic Waterfront Development Market Slip dredging $ - $195,000 Development 40 Economic Waterfront Development Design renderings - infill strategy project $ - $45,000 Development 41 Economic Waterfront Development Loyalist Plaza final design /const. drawings $ - $290,000 Development 42 Facilities Management Harbour Station Complete Phase 2 of LED Lighting Project $ - $40,000 43 Facilities Management Harbour Station Replace Audio Routing Equipment $ - $25,000 44 Facilities Management Harbour Station Replace Wireless Beltpacks $ - $5,000 Maintenance 141 Exhibit 2 - Not Recommended For 2016 General Capital Budget 45 Facilities Management Harbour Station Replace 1993 Chairs $ - $100,000 46 Facilities Management City Market City Market Renovation $ - $360,000 47 Facilities Management Facilities Management Replace Windows -TIC West $ - $55,000 48 Facilities Management Facilities Management Hurley Arena Interior Renovation $ - $250,000 49 Facilities Management Facilities Management Sustainable Energy Management Program on $ - $45,000 City Owned Buildings 50 Facilities Management Facilities Management Hurley,Gorman and Belyea Arena- Building $ - $10,000 Study not Capital Electrical Systems Assessment 51 Facilities Management Facilities Management Facility Management Capital Renewal of Building $ - $240,000 Systems and Equipment $1,660,001 $13,577,369 142