Street Closing By-law Amendment Clovelly Drive:11Y-LAIV 11"UMBER M-23 A BY­L.Aw TO AMEND .A BY-LAW RESPECTING THE STOPPING UP AND CLOSING OF HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by the Common Council o�f The City of Saint John as follows'., I A by-law of The City of Saint John entitled, "A R -law Resecting The y p Stopping Up and Closing of Highways in The City of Saint JoIlln"', enacted on the nineteenth. day of December, A.D. 2005, i's herebyamended by adding thereto Section 240 immediately after Section 239 thereof, as followsSaint - .5 The City of St John does, hereby ,;40 stop, up and close permanently the following highway: CLOVELLY DRIVE- All that portion of Ctovelly Drive a public street in the City of S nt John in the County of Saint John and Province of New Brunswick, comprising 1,011 square metres as shown. on a Plan of Survey titled, ""Ian of Survey Showing portion of Clovelly Drive, City of Saint John, Saint John County,, N.B.,"' prepared by Kierstend Quigley and Roberts Ltd. and dated June 16, 2015 attached hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said, City to be affixed to -this by-law the 4th day of August, A.D. 201 5 and, signed by-. 10 M,-23 A�'ETE N ARRETE MODIFIANT VARRETE SUF.R VINTERRUPTION DE LA CIRCULATION T. FERMETURE DES ROUTES DANS THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Cors dune reunion du conseil communal., The City of Saint John, a secrete ui, suit : I Par les presentes, Parre2te' de The City of Saint John intlituI6<<U'arrrete' sur 1interruption de la circulation et la fermeture des routes dans The City of Saint John>>, secrete le 19 de"cembre 2005, est modifie" par I ajout de I'arte cle 240 imnie'diateinent apre"s Particle 239, comme it. U i F 240 Par les presentee, The City of Saint Joh,rre et Terme de fagon permanente la route suivante * PROMENADE LOVELLY .: Toute la partie de: la promenade Clovelly, une rue publique dan.s The City of' Saint John, com,te" de Saint John., dans, la province du. Nouveau -B run swick, d'une superficie d'ej,iviron 1 0 11 ane comme le montre le plan d'arpentage intitule" << Plan d'ai&perat age indiquant une partie de la promenade Clovelly, City of Saint Jobe, Comte, de Saint John., Nouveau - Brunswick >>, prepare par Kierstead Quigley and Roberts Ltd. et date" du 16 juin 2101.5. EN FOI DE Q 1, The City of'Saint John a fai,t apposer son sceau communal sur le asset arre^te" le 4aol^lt 20,151, avec lessigna tures suivantes , First Reading July 20, 2015 Premi"ere lecture le 20 juillet 201.5 Second Reading July 20, 2015 Deuxi e"melecture le 20 juillet 2,0 15 Third Realdinu ,g August 4, 2 1. 5 Troisi.&me lecture le 4 ao^t 201.5 1 ce". that this Instrument il"atteste, quie cet, instrument ast is registefed lorfiled In the enasistrb ou dpos,6 au buteau de Vanmgistrement du comt* de Saint J01"11", County Registry Office New Stunswick, Nouveau-Bminswick 01 3 SEP 2015,1V daidate 'Um, m rinum6ro ----------- Regisbw -Corse tear