Municipal Plan ByLaw Amendment, Ocean Westway, 2086/ A Wi\ I;, A LAW TO AMEND THE MUNICIPAL PLAN BY-LAW Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common CoLiacil, convened, as follows: The Municipal Plan By-law of The City of SaInt John enacted on the 30t day of January, A. D., 2012 is amended by,: 11 Amending Schedule A — City Structure, by redesignating a parcel, of land with an area of approximately 1.4 he .r s, located at 2086 Ocean, Westway, also identilfied as being a portion of PID No. 00287474, from. Urban, Reserve to Stable Area classification; 2 Amending Schedule B — Future Land Use,, by redesignating a parcel of land with an area ofapproximately 3 hectares.,, located at 2086 Ocean Westway, also, identified as being PID Nos. 55222061, 55222079 and a portion of PIID No. 00287474., from Stable Residential and Urban Reserve to Stable Commercial classilfication - all as shown on the plans attached hereto and fon-ning part of this by-law. FrI IVITIESS '1TI'-!L.ERE01F The City o Saint John, has caused the Corporat Common Seal of the said City to be affixe to this by-law the 16th day of February A.D. 2015 and signedby: Mayor .ARRETE NO'C.P. 106-9 A P, .ARRETE MODIFIANTVARRIETE RELATIF AU PLAN MUNICIP11, I s dune re" Lin. 'ion, du conseil. communal,, The City of Saint John a e"'dicte" ce qui &uit .: L'arrefte' concernant le plan municipal, de The City of Saint John de"cre"te" le 30janvier 20,12 est modifie" par 1 la modification de Pannexe A — Structure die la rnunicipalite,, afin de faire passer la de"signation dune p,arcelle de terrain dune superficle d'environ 1,4 hectares,, situe"ie au. 2086, avenue voic or Ocean,, et e"tant, a,ussi u,ne partie du NID 00287474, die reserve urhaine 'a secteur stable ; 2 la modification, de Fannexe B — Utilisation future des sots, afin de faire passer la, de'signation d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficle d'environ 3 hectares, si . tuele au 20,861, avenue vole ouest Ocean, et portant les NID 5522210611 552220,79, et e"tant aussi Line partie du N'ID, 002874741, de secteur rie"isidenfielle stable et reserve urbaine 'a secteur commercial stable -, - toutes le s modifications sont, indiquie"es, stir, les plans ci-joints. et r pert ie du pre sent a r re"" t NF 1 DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait app loser son s communal sur te Present arrefte" le 16, f6vrier 20,15, avec les signatures suivantes, eCom,rnon Cl K/Greffier comi-nunal First Reading - February 2, 2015 Premie're lecture le 2.f6vri.er � 015 second Reading - February 2, 2015 Deuxiie'ine lecture le 2 f6vrier 2015 Third Reading - February 16, 2,01 5 Troisie'rne lecture I-le 1.6 f6vrier 2 015 PVT M- Schedule Amending, A Modifiant annexe A rr Applicant City of Saint John Location: 2086 voie Ocean Westwal I� �ill III! 111 11 IF lllllllq� iiiiiii , "d Considered by P.A.C./conisi ere par le C.C.U.: January 20 janvier,2015 Aft A, Drawn By/Creee Par John Ellefsen Date Drawn/Carte Creee: February 5 f6v,rier, 20,15 . ....................................................................... ................................... uROW'TH & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENIT� SERVICES 3"EIRVICE �DE LA CROISSANCE �ET DU M ENT M it i I:,' ii, ',.. UTAIRE 'AMENAGEMENT MUNICIPAL MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN D Amending Schedule B, Modifiant a,nnexe B Ito % 0. 41e'� ec P1 1§ 4 Or! oni r, cL 51% pirotn,'Day Or FROM Stable Residential &J!ih-,a-nJR Ir I I secteur res I iaentiie] stable seIc eur commercial stable reserve urbai I ne 11 i 6 ru , evurds n It ment, f bd in th e "ry''Office, c'ge it ins trumen't est rnsise. au bure3m comt6 de, 9 i c k Considered by P.A. C./consi de"re", par le January,20 j*,anv*iE:.ir,20115 or 1w -1 February 5 f6vder 2,015 Drawn By/creee Par.: John Ellefsen Date Drawn/Carte Cre"e"e. ------------- - ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- --- - ---- - -