2014-05-12_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour
City of Saint John
Common Council Meeting
Monday May 12, 2014
Committee of the Whole
1. Call to Order
Si vous avez besoin des services en français pour une réunion de Conseil communal, veuillez
contacter le bureau du greffier communal au 658-2862.
Each of the following items, either in whole or in part, is able to be discussed in private pursuant
to the provisions of subsection 10.2(4) of the Municipalities Act and Council / Committee will
make a decision(s) in that respect in Open Session:
4:00 p.m. 8 Floor Boardroom City Hall
1.1 Approval of Minutes 10.2(4)
1.2 Employment Matter 10.2(4)(j)
1.3 Financial Matter 10.2(4)(c)
The City of Saint John
Séance du conseil communal
Le lundi 12 mai 2014
18 h Salle du conseil
Comité plénier
1. Ouverture de la séance
Si vous avez besoin des services en français pour une réunion de Conseil Communal,
veuillez contacter le bureau de la greffière communale au 658-2862.
Chacun des points suivants, en totalité ou en partie, peut faire l'objet d'une discussion en
privé en vertu des dispositions prévues à l'article 10 de la Loi sur les municipalités. Le
conseil/comité prendra une ou des décisions à cet égard au cours de la séance publique :
16 h Salle de conférence, 8 étage, hôtel de ville
1.1Approbation du procès-verbal alinéa 10.2(4)b)
1.2Question relative à l'emploi alinéa 10.2(4)j)
1.3Question financière alinéa 10.2(4)c)
Séance ordinaire
1. Ouverture de la séance, suivie de la prière
2. Approbation du procès-verbal
2.1 Procès-verbal du 28 avril 2014
3. Adoption de l'ordre du jour
4. Divulgations de conflits d'intérêts
5. Questions soumises à l'approbation du conseil
5.1 Les Originaux Demande de fermeture de rues dans le cadre du festival
d'art de Saint John (recommandation : accepter à titre informatif)
5.2 Lettre du port de Saint John Semaine maritime écologique
(recommandation : approuver la proclamation et programmer la levée du
5.3 Lettre du port de Saint John : Journées portuaires
(recommandation : accepter à titre informatif)
5.4 Terrain pour planchodrome Rue Station (recommandation figurant au
5.5 Examen de la politique relative aux spécifications générales (sections 2 et
6) (recommandation figurant au rapport)
5.6 Examen des spécifications générales pour l'année 2014 (recommandation :
accepter à titre informatif)
5.7 Lettre de l'Union des municipalités du Nouveau-Brunswick Adhésion
(Recommandation : transmettre au directeur général)
5.8 Transfert d'un bien-fonds à Dykeman's Hardware Ltd. (recommandation
figurant au rapport)
5.9 Soumission relative à la restauration des tranchées en béton destinées aux
services publics Travaux de béton (recommandation figurant au rapport)
5.10 Réponse à la demande adressée par Hardman Group (recommandation
figurant au rapport)
5.11 Remorque pour le nettoyage communautaire (recommandation figurant au
6. Commentaires présentés par les membres
7. Proclamation
8. Délégations et présentations
8.1 Services de transport et d'environnement Présentation de l'examen relatif à la
prestation des services durables
9. Audiences publiques
10. Étude des arrêtés municipaux
10.1 Troisième lecture de l'Arrêté de zonage visant le 368, avenue Rothesay
10.2 Troisième lecture de l'Arrêté de zonage visant le 3636, chemin Westfield
10.3 Présentation publique Modifications relatives au projet d'adoption du
nouvel Arrêté de zonage
11. Interventions des membres du conseil
12. Affaires municipales évoquées par les fonctionnaires municipaux
12.1 Démolition du bâtiment vacant, inoccupé, délabré et dangereux situé au
55, promenade Simpson
12.2 Ajustements au programme d'immobilisations du fonds des services
d'aqueduc et d'égouts et du fonds d'administration
12.3 Services d'ingénierie : Modernisation du réseau d'égout pluvial du
boulevard Fairville et du canal du ruisseau Manawagonish
12.4 Arrêté concernant les excavations dans les rues
12.4.1 Modification de l'Arrêté concernant les excavations dans les rues
de The City of Saint John (première et deuxième lectures)
12.5 Contrat 2014-5 : Dixième étape du nettoyage et du revêtement de la
conduite d'eau principale
12.6 Élimination du modèle de collecte des déchets solides en soirée (point
reporté lors de la séance du 14 avril 2014)
13. Rapports déposés par les comités
14. Étude des sujets écartés des questions soumises à l'approbation du conseil
15. Correspondance générale
16. Ordre du jour supplémentaire
16.1 Destruction du bâtiment dangereux et peu solide situé aux 167-171,
rue Prince William (NID 11486)
17. Comité plénier
17.1 Contrat relatif aux services de sauvetage avec Maritime Daytripping
18. Levée de la séance
APRIL 28, 2014/LE 28 AVRIL 2014
CITY HALL April 28, 2014 - 6:00 P.M.
Deputy Mayor Shelley Rinehart
Councillors Farren, Lowe, MacKenzie, McAlary, Merrithew,
Norton, Reardon and Strowbridge
Regrets: Mayor Norton and Councillor Fullerton
- and -
W. Edwards, Acting City Manager and Commissioner of
Transportation and Environment Services; J. Nugent, City
Solicitor; C. Graham, Comptroller; J. Hamilton, Commissioner of
Growth and Community Development Services; K. Rice, Deputy
Commissioner Municipal Operations; K. Clifford, Fire Chief; P.
Anglin, Acting Deputy Common Clerk and R. Evans,
Administrative Assistant.
1. Call To Order Prayer
Deputy Mayor Rinehart called the meeting to order and Rev. D. McElhinney offered the
opening prayer.
2. Approval of Minutes
2.1 Minutes of April 7, 2014
On motion of Councillor McAlary
Seconded by Councillor Strowbridge
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of
Common Council, held on April 7, 2014, be approved.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
2.2 Minutes of April 14, 2014
On motion of Councillor McAlary
Seconded by Councillor MacKenzie
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of
Common Council, held on April 14, 2014, be approved.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
3. Approval of Agenda
On motion of Councillor McAlary
Seconded by Councillor Reardon
RESOLVED that the agenda of this meeting be
approved with the addition of item 17.1 Committee of the Whole: Recommended
Appointments to Committees
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest
5. Consent Agenda
That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted reportThe City of
Saint John v. Torch for Truth Tabernacle Inc. 60 Church Avenue, Saint John, N.B. (the
"building") Parcel Identifier: 36632, Common Council authorize the Withdrawal of
Judgment registered in the Land Titles Office in Saint John on the 14th day of February,
2013 as Number 32424690 respecting property identified by Parcel Identifier 36632,
which property is also known as civic number 60 Church Avenue in the City of Saint
APRIL 28, 2014/LE 28 AVRIL 2014
John; and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the
appropriate Withdrawal of Judgment form prescribed by the Land Titles Act, S.N.B.
1981, c. L-1.1.
That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M&C 2014
52: Sale of former Vimy and Freedom Courts to Vimy Estates Inc.:
1. The City of Saint John enter into an Agreement of Purchase and Sale in the
form as attached to M & C #2014-52 for the sale of two parcels of land (formerly Vimy
and Freedom Courts), identified as being PID # 55221352 and 55221543, comprising a
combined total area of 1,339 square metres +/-; and
2. That the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute any document(s)
necessary to finalize this transaction.
That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M&C 2014
053: Proposed Public Hearing Date 350 Ashburn Road, Common Council schedule
the public hearing for the Section 39 amendment application of Hughes Surveys &
Consultants Inc. (350 Ashburn Road) for Monday, June 9, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in the
Council Chamber, and refer the application to the Planning Advisory Committee for a
report and recommendation.
That the letter from V. Matheson re Sink Hole be referred to the City Manager.
On motion of Councillor McAlary
Seconded by Councillor Strowbridge
RESOLVED that the recommendation set out for
each consent agenda item respectively be adopted.
6. Members Comments
Council members commented on various community events.
7. Proclamation
7.1 Emergency Preparedness Week - May 4 -10, 2014
The Deputy Mayor proclaimed the week of May 4 -10, 2014 as Emergency
Preparedness Week in The City of Saint John.
8. Delegations/Presentations
12.1 Asphalt Spreader Replacement
On motion of Councillor McAlary
Seconded by Councillor Strowbridge
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager in the submitted report M&C 2014 54: Asphalt Spreader Replacement,
Common Council approve the purchase of one (1) asphalt spreader at a price of
$198,448.00 plus HST from J.A. Larue Inc. as per the City's RFP documents.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
12.2 Contract No. 2013-16: Millidgeville Stormwater Detention Pond
Mr. Edwards commented that the bid came approximately $1,000,000 less than was
budgeted for this project.
On motion of Councillor McAlary
Seconded by Councillor Merrithew
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager in the submitted report, Contract No. 2013-16: Millidgeville Stormwater
Detention Pond be awarded to the low Tenderer, Debly Enterprises Ltd., at the tendered
price of $3,982,866.93 (including HST) as calculated based upon estimated quantities,
and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary
contract documents.
APRIL 28, 2014/LE 28 AVRIL 2014
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
12.3 2014 Asphalt Pavements Work
On motion of Councillor McAlary
Seconded by Councillor Merrithew
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager in the submitted report M&C 2014 47: 2014 Asphalt Pavement Works be
received for information.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
12.4 Contract 2014-1: Douglas Avenue (Bentley St to Clarendon St) Water,
Sanitary and Storm Sewer Renewal and Lift Station Installation
Mr. Edwards pointed out that the low bid was approximately $1,000,000 under budget
and will go towards repairing other streets.
On motion of Councillor McAlary
Seconded by Councillor Merrithew
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager in the submitted report M&C 2014-56, Contract 2014-1: Douglas Avenue
(Bentley Street to Clarendon Street) - Water, Sanitary and Storm Sewer Renewal and
Lift Station Installation, be awarded to the low tenderer, Fairville Construction Ltd., at the
tendered price of $2,134,957.53 (including HST) as calculated based upon estimated
quantities, and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the
necessary contract documents.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
12.5 Contact No. 2014-8: Asphalt Resurfacing 2014
On motion of Councillor McAlary
Seconded by Councillor Merrithew
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager in the submitted report M&C 2014 49: Contact No. 2014-8: Asphalt
Resurfacing 2014:
1. Contract No. 2014-8: Asphalt Resurfacing - 2014, be awarded to the low tenderer,
Classic Construction (2012) Ltd, at the tendered price of $4,153,173.75 as calculated
based upon estimated quantities;
2. That the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
12.6 Tender 2014-084901T - Reinstatement of Utility Cuts - Asphalt Work
On motion of Councillor McAlary
Seconded by Councillor Reardon
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager in the submitted report M&C 2014-51, tender 2014-084901T: Reinstatement of
Utility Cuts - Asphalt Work, be awarded to the low bidder meeting all tender
requirements, NRB Construction Ltd., at the tendered price of $968,000.00 plus HST,
and further, that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary
contract documents.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
12.7 Engineering Services: - Waterloo Street (Castle St. to Richmond St.) &
Richmond Street (Waterloo St. to Prince Edward St.) - Street
On motion of Councillor McAlary
Seconded by Councillor MacKenzie
APRIL 28, 2014/LE 28 AVRIL 2014
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager in the submitted report M&C 2014-46, the proposal from Crandall Engineering
Ltd. for engineering services for the Waterloo Street (Castle Street to Richmond Street)
& Richmond Street (Waterloo Street to Prince Edward Street) - Street Reconstruction,
Project No. 2014-091501P (the "Project"), be accepted as follows:
a) Detailed design and construction cost estimates are to be completed by Crandall
Engineering Ltd. under the 2014 Capital Program, at a cost of $63,090.27, all applicable
taxes included;
b) Subject to Common Council's approval that the funding for the construction
component of the Project will be included in the 2015 General Fund and Water &
Sewerage Utility Fund Capital Programs, the remainder of the engineering services work
for the Project is to be carried out by Crandall Engineering Ltd. after Common Council
approval of the 2015 Capital Programs at a cost of $88,734.72, all applicable taxes
included; and
c) That the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the Consulting
Engineering Agreement.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
12.8 2014 Snow and Ice Control Budget Update
On motion of Councillor McAlary
Seconded by Councillor Reardon
RESOLVED that the report M&C 2014-48: 2014
Snow and Ice Control Budget Update be received for information.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
9. Public Hearings 6:30 P.M.
9.1 Presentation to Council - 368 Rothesay Ave
9.1.1 Proposed Zoning ByLaw Amendment - 368 Rothesay Ave
9.1.2 Planning Advisory Committee Report Recommending Zoning ByLaw
Amendment - 368 Rothesay Ave
The Deputy Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was completed with
regard to a-
zoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 284 square metres, located to
the rear of 368 Rothesay Avenue, also identified as being a portion of PID Number
to - with no letters of objection or support
being received.
Consideration was also given to a report from the Planning Advisory Committee
April 15, 2014 meeting at
which the committee recommended the rezoning of a parcel of land located at 368
Rothesay Avenue as described above.
The Deputy Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the amendment
with no one presenting.
The Deputy Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favour of the amendment
with Rick Turner of Hughes Surveys and Consultants speaking on behalf of Brett Realty
and he stated that they are in agreement with the recommendation from staff and the
Planning Advisory Committee.
On motion of Councillor Merrithew
Seconded by Councillor McAlary
RESOLVED that the by-
Amend the Zoning By-
Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re-zoning a parcel of land having an area of
approximately 284 square metres, located to the rear of 368 Rothesay Avenue, also
identified as being a portion of PID Number to -
Industrial, be read a first time.
APRIL 28, 2014/LE 28 AVRIL 2014
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a first time by title, the by--Law of The
On motion of Councillor Farren
Seconded by Councillor McAlary
RESOLVED that the by-
Amend the Zoning By-
Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re-zoning a parcel of land having an area of
approximately 284 square metres, located to the rear of 368 Rothesay Avenue, also
identified as being a portion of PID Number to -
Industrial, be read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a second time by title, the by--Law of
9.2 Presentation to Council - 3636 Westfield Road
9.2.1 Proposed Zoning ByLaw Amendment - 3636 Westfield Road
9.2.2 Planning Advisory Committee Report Recommending Zoning ByLaw
Amendment - 3636 Westfield Road
The Deputy Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was completed with
regard to a-
zoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 8050 square metres, located at
3636 Westfield Road, also identified as being a portion of PID Number 55063614, from
-to - with no letters of objection or support
being received.
Consideration was also given to a report from the Planning Advisory Committee
, 2014 meeting at
which the committee recommended the rezoning of a parcel of land located at 3636
Westfield Road as described above with Section 39 conditions.
The Deputy Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the amendment
with no one presenting.
The Deputy Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favour of the amendment
with Bob Darling of Darling Construction presenting. Mr. Darling stated that they are in
agreement with the recommendation from staff and the Planning Advisory Committee.
On motion of Councillor McAlary
Seconded by Councillor Strowbridge
RESOLVED that the by-
Amend the Zoning By-
Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re-zoning a parcel of land having an area of
approximately 8050 square metres, located at 3636 Westfield Road, also identified as
being a portion of PID Number 55063614, from -to -
Business, be read a first time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a first time by title, the by-law entitl-Law of The
On motion of Councillor McAlary
Seconded by Councillor Reardon
RESOLVED that the by-
Amend the Zoning By-amending Schedule
Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re-zoning a parcel of land having an area of
approximately 8050 square metres, located at 3636 Westfield Road, also identified as
being a portion of PID Number 55063614, from -to - General
Business, be read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
APRIL 28, 2014/LE 28 AVRIL 2014
Read a second time by title, the by--Law of
9.3 Presentation to Council - 11 Pickard Street
9.3.1 Proposed Zoning ByLaw Amendment - 11 Pickard Street
9.3.2 Planning Advisory Committee Report Denying Zoning ByLaw
Amendment - 11 Pickard Street
J. Cyr, Planner provided an overview of the proposed Zoning ByLaw Amendment at 11
Pickard Street. Referring to the submitted presentation, Mr. Cyr advised that the
application supports the vision of Plan SJ.
The Deputy Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was completed with
regard to ant John, by re-
zoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 670 square metres, located at
11 Pickard Street, also identified as being PID Number 55173066, from -
Two Family Residential to - with letters of objection and
support being received.
Consideration was also given to a report from the Planning Advisory Committee
, 2014 meeting at
which the committee recommended denial of the rezoning of a parcel of land located at
11 Pickard Street as described above.
The Deputy Mayor called for members of the public wishing to raise objections to the
proposed amendment. Merle Hoben of 859 Manawagonish; Debbie Long of 24 Pickard
Street; Jim Long of 24 Pickard Street; Lloyd Fitzpatrick of 17 Pickard Street; David
Huestis of 15 Lloyd Street each appeared before Council and expressed the following
new water and sewer lines required for the development would traverse some
y lines due to a variance that may no longer be legal
potential water drainage problems, water run-off, and flooding caused by the new
increased parking on street
issues with snow removal in the winter
possible problems with emergency vehicle access in winter
lot size and height of building
parking lot and
garbage dumpster
4 unit dwelling would not be beneficial to neighbourhood
The Deputy Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favour of the
amendment. Brian Reed, the applicant, presented and made the following points:
his applications for parking and building height variances were denied by PAC
and therefore a revised property design was produced
sewerage connections would come from Manawagonish Road and water
connection from Pickard Street
the proposed development would provide in-fill, increased property tax, and new
public transit users
if a satisfactory storm management plan cannot be devised then the proposed
development would not proceed
Responding to a question about the new site plan, the City Solicitor advised that the role
of Council is to consider the provisions of zoning bylaw with respect to the subject
property. The provisions of the bylaw would allow a number of configurations in the site
Staff members made the following comments:
if a storm management plan could not adequately address water drainage
issues, then the dwelling would not be built
APRIL 28, 2014/LE 28 AVRIL 2014
is on the rezoning aspect of the proposal and not the
the proposed plan adheres to PlanSJ
private garbage collection is not required with a 4 unit building
the opportunity to impose a restriction on the storm water management plan
would not exist if the proposal were a 1 or 2 family dwelling
Councillor MacKenzie stated that he would not support the motion because he respects
the decision of the Planning Advisory Committee.
Councillor Reardon stated that she would not support this motion as she has concerns
with the water issues and the breaking up of the lots in the neighbourhood.
On motion of Councillor Merrithew
Seconded by Councillor McAlary
RESOLVED that the by-
Amend the Zoning By-
Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re-zoning a parcel of land having an area of
approximately 670 square metres, located at 11 Pickard Street, also identified as being
PID Number 55173066, from - to -
Family Residential, be read a first time.
Question being taken, the motion was defeated with Councillors Farren,
Lowe, MacKenzie, Norton and Reardon voting nay.
9.4 Public Presentation - 11 King William Road
A Public Presentation was given for a proposed amendment to the Municipal
Development Plan which would re-designate, on Schedule A of the Plan, a parcel of land
with an area of approximately 15.8 hectares, located at 11 King William Road, also
identified as being PID Number 55159719, from Stable Area to Employment Area
classification; and re-designate, on Schedule B of the Plan, the same parcel of land from
Stable Residential to Light Industrial classification to permit a light industrial park.
10. Consideration of By-laws
11. Submissions by Council Members
12. Business Matters - Municipal Officers
12.9 2014 Fleet Replacement Program
On motion of Councillor McAlary
Seconded by Councillor Merrithew
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager in the submitted report 2014 Fleet Replacement Program, Common Council
approve the acquisition of vehicle and equipment as identified in the submitted schedule
1 at a cost not to exceed $3,518,896 plus applicable taxes.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Farren
voting nay.
(Councillor Farren withdrew from the meeting)
12.10 2014 Service Based Budget - Final Adjustments
On motion of Councillor McAlary
Seconded by Councillor Norton
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager in the submitted report 2014 Service Based Budget - Final Adjustments,
Common Council approve the final adjustments to the 2014 Service Based Budget.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
13. Committee Reports
13.1 Subdivision Application - 3 Water Street
APRIL 28, 2014/LE 28 AVRIL 2014
On motion of Councillor Reardon
Seconded by Councillor MacKenzie
RESOLVED that Common Council assent to the
submitted photo-reduced Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. Subdivision Plan that
would vest approximately 1,210 square metres of land as part of the Water Street public
street right of way.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda
15. General Correspondence
15.1 North Star Holdings Letter re Developer Incentive
On motion of Councillor Reardon
Seconded by Councillor McAlary
RESOLVED that the letter from North Star Holdings
re Developer Incentive be referred to the City Manager to return back to Council in two
months i.e. the end of June 2014, with a staff recommendation.
(Councillor Farren re-entered the meeting)
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Lowe voting
16. Supplemental Agenda
17. Committee of the Whole
17.1 Committee of the Whole: Nominating Committee Recommended
Appointments to Committees
On motion of Councillor McAlary
Seconded by Councillor Reardon
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
Committee of the Whole, having met on April 28, 2014, Common Council make the
following appointments to committees:
PRO Kids
: to appoint Raylene Rice, Jeffrey Kelley, and Natalie Hatt each for a three
year term from April 28, 2014 until April 28, 2017.
Trade and Convention Centre Oversight Committee
: to appoint Eric Savoie for a 3
year term from April 28, 2014 until April 28, 2017.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
18. Adjournment
The Deputy Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Deputy Mayor / mairesse suppléante
Common Clerk / greffier communal
April 30, 2014
Dear Mayor Mel Norton & Common Council
City of Saint John
P.O. Box 1971
Saint John, NB E2L 4L1
Dear Mayor Norton & Common Council,
We are pleased to advise that Green Marine (www.green-marine.org) a voluntary environmental
program for the Canadian and American marine industry, is holding their annual conference in Saint
John from June 10-12, 2014. Port Saint John is a member of Green Marine and was the first Atlantic
Canadian port to become a member in 2008
In attracting this conference to our city Port Saint John encouraged the organizers to co-incide the dates
of their annual event with the own to further connect the importance of sustainable
development in the marine sector to a week that now focuses heavily on trade and transportation growth
as a key success factor for our region.
Leaders in sustainable marine practices, researchers and scientists from around the continent will be in
Saint John beginning on the final evening of Port Days (June 10) and continuing over the next two days.
Their preliminary program is outlined on their website atwww.green-marine.org/annual-conference.
At this time we would encourage Council to declare the week of June 8-14, 2014 as Marine
in Saint John and also to fly from the official flag post of the City, Green flag. Port Saint
John has a flag that you may use to carry this out. We would also ask if the Mayor would take part in
an official flag raising in front of City Hall the morning of June 11, 2014.
We trust that members of Common Council will appreciate the importance of welcoming these delegates
to the Renaissance Port City and we look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
Jim Quinn
President & CEO
Registration & Breakfast
7 : 30
Welcoming address: Mel K. Norton, Mayor of Saint John
8 : 30
8 : 45
Moderator: Jim Quinn, CEO, Saint John Port Authority
Kurt Nagle, President & CEO, AAPA
Paul MacIsaac, Senior VP, Halifax Port Authority
Mario Girard, CEO, Quebec Port Authority
10 : 00
10 :30
Gilles Morel, Canadian Fuels Association
Mark Gillan, Emergency Solutions International
12 : 00
Peter Boyd, Carbon War Room
Pace Ralli, Clean Marine Energy
Ducks Unlimited & Irving Oil
Mylène Paquette
7 : 30
8 : 15 Communicating sustainability
Peter Boyd, Carbon War Room
Isabelle Curau, Ellio
10 : 00
10 :30
Christina Wolfe, Environmental Defense Fund
Smart Ocean-Smart Industries for Canada: Data Collection
Paul Holthus, World Ocean Council
12 : 00
Jim Crandles, Port Metro Vancouver
Closing Remarks
April 30, 2014
Dear Mayor Mel Norton & Common Council
City of Saint John
P.O. Box 1971
Saint John, NB E2L 4L1
Dear Mayor Norton & Common Council,
We are pleased to enclose, for your information, details about this year's annual Port Days event which
begins on Sunday, June 8, 2014 from 11 am to 3 pm with our annual Community Day. As you are
aware Community Day grown in both steadily size and scope since its introduction at Port Days 2011.
We trust that members of Council and residents of Saint John will again enjoy a day on our waterfront
with our port and community stakeholders.
Port Days 2014 has the theme of "Community. Connections. Commerce." and has several key partnerships
bringing strength to the overall business program. In addition to regular Port Days programming there
are some key new and unique features to this week which focus on sustainable trade, business and
economic development which will impact our city, region and province for years to come. The program
details and registration are now live at http://www.sjport.com/portdays/
On the evening of Monday, June 9th, we have partnered with New Brunswick's Economic Development
Department to hold the New Brunswick Exporters Awards at the Marco Polo Cruise Terminal. This event
will bring exporters from across the province together to celebrate the success of New Brunswick
For your further information, the New Brunswick Exporters Awards are being held concurrently to the
Canadian Manufactures & Exporters Symposium (June 9-11). This three-day event is organized by
Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters Association and is offering workshops on international supply
chains, global market awareness and the Canadian European Trade Agreement in conjunction with Port
Days events. This is the first year these workshops are being hosted in Saint John and the event is
expected to attract many New Brunswick-based manufacturers and exporters.
Port Days programming resumes on Tuesday, June 10th with an opening breakfast with remarks from
Premier David Alward and Mayor Mel Norton followed by a distinguished business panel (details
attached) and a keynote luncheon which is also a Saint John Board of Trade Distinguished Speaker
Series event. The luncheon features Francois Poirier, President, Energy East Pipeline Project.
Later that evening Port Days annual Seafood Fiesta will provide the perfect celebration to bring all of
these partners together to network with new and renewed business contacts and community leaders from
across the region.
We look forward to seeing members of Council at the various events of Port Days 2014 as we celebrate
trade and commerce in the Renaissance Port City.
Best regards,
Jim Quinn
President & CEO
M & C 2014 067
May 9, 2014
His Worship Mel Norton
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Councillors:
Demolition of the structurally unsound and dangerous building at 167-171 Prince
William Street (PID #11486)
The building at 167-171 Prince William Street (PID # 11486) is a large three-storey
masonry building, which has been deemed to be a hazard to the safety of the public due
to unsoundness of structural strength. This building is in a dense urban area of the
Uptown, and is in close proximity to a neighbouring commercial establishment, an
adjacent privately-owned parking lot and an adjacent mixed use commercial/residential
building. The property is a designated heritage property in the Trinity Royal Heritage
Conservation Area.
Inspections conducted by Staff at the subject building found major structural issues which
pose a hazard to public safety. The masonry of the left side wall at the rear left corner of
the building has shifted, creating a vertically oriented opening in the wall approximately
50mm in width. The crack in the masonry extends from just below the roof line to
approximately the floor level of the second storey. The integrity of the structure at the
corner of the building is compromised as the structural bond between the left wall and the
rear wall appears to have been broken, therefore removing the ability of the side and rear
wall to share loading and to stabilize the structure. There is an extensive vertical crack at
the rear right corner of the building that extends at least two full storeys upward from the
foundation. Such cracks indicate that the connection between the exterior walls at the
corner may have been severed leaving the structure in a weakened condition, unable to
adequately transfer imposed loads.A large portion of the wall of the second storey
adjacent to the parking lot is bulged outward. There is evidence of extensive water
infiltration in the building. The s conditions are outlined in greater detail in the
attached inspection report and Notice to Comply.
M & C 2014 - 067 - 2 - May 9, 2014
For the reasons described in the inspection report, a Notice to Comply was issued on
February 13, 2014 and posted to the front door of the building on the same day. The
Certificate of Registered Ownership for the property lists Queen City Properties and
Development Ltd. as the registered owner. Personal service of the Notice upon the
director of Queen City Properties and Development Ltd. was carried out on February 21,
2014. Discussions with the director of Queen City Properties and Development Ltd. did
not result in any remedial actions or a plan to repair the building. The notice required
compliance within 60 days of service; compliance was therefore required by April 22,
2014. A compliance inspection was conducted on May 1, 2014 which found no changes
to the conditions which gave rise to the notice.
In February 2014, Staff notified neighbouring property owners by letter of the unsafe
condition of the building at 167-171 Prince William Street, noting in particular the
unstable upper rear corner of the building and the risk to public safety. Three owners
with properties on Water Street at the rear of the subject building were also notified that it
would be prudent to keep the paved lot behind the building free of parking, storage and
dining use until the unsafe conditions have been remedied. The letter (attached), also
advised that a Notice to Comply had been issued for the building and that enforcement
action is being pursued.
Attis the Notice to Comply, an affidavit attesting to the
s posting as well as an affidavit attesting to service of the Notice on the director
of Queen City Properties and Development Ltd. Also included are photographs of the
building. The Municipalities Act indicates that where a Notice to Comply has been
issued arising from a condition where a building has become a hazard to the safety of the
public by reason of dilapidation, unsoundness of structural strength, or being vacant or
unoccupied, the municipality may cause the building to be demolished. As required in
the Act a report from an engineer is attached, forming part of the issued Notice to
Comply, and provids structural unsoundness, dilapidation
and resulting hazard to the safety of the public.
It is also worthy to note that the property is a designated heritage property and is subject
to the Saint John Heritage Conservation Areas By-Law; however, the conditions at the
property pose a danger to public safety, therefore section 16 of the Saint John Heritage
Conservation Areas By-Law applies, which states:
Nothing in this by-law shall be construed so as to affect the demolition of any
building that Common Council has found, under the by--law
Respecting Dangerous or Unsightly Premises within the City of Saint Joh
, 2014, Building
Inspector, Amy Poffenroth, notified the Board that a Notice to Comply, pursuant to the
Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings and Structures By-law, had been issued to
Queen City Properties and Development Ltd., for the building at 167-171 Prince William
M & C 2014 - 067 - 3 - May 9, 2014
Recognizing that a demolition of the subject building would be unusually complex due to
the site and building conditions, Staff engaged the engineering consulting services of exp.
Services Inc. (exp.) to: (1) perform an independent review of the structural integrity of
the building and (2) prepare a detailed demolition plan that would be used to direct a
contractor(s) in the safe execution of On May 8, 2014, exp.
conducted a visual structural assessment of the building and provided a report on its
In summary, the report indicates that
conditions, portions of the structure could collapse, that a potential
life safety issue exists, and recommends that the City take immediate action to mitigate
the life-safety issue. The next step is for Staff to work with the consultant to have the
demolition plan prepared.
As is written in the Act that a municipality must commence in the proceedings of
remedial action, approval of Common Council is required prior to starting demolition
activities at this property. Due to the complexity of the demolition and the site conditions
and given that a demolition plan is not yet in place, Staff can only estimate at this point
that the demolition cost could be in excess of $150,000. Staff will have a better
understanding of the costs and how long a demolition would take once the demolition
plan has been completed. Staff will seek competitive bidding in accordance with the
he cost of the work will be billed to the property owner. If
the bill is left unpaid, an application for cost reimbursement will be submitted to the
Minister of Finance for the Province of New Brunswick.
Your City Manager recommends that Common Council direct one or more of the
Officers appointed and designated by Council for the enforcement of the Saint John
Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings and Structures By-law, to arrange for the
demolition of the building at 167-171 Prince William Street, PID #11486 and cleanup of
the premise. All work will be carried out in accordance with the applicable City
purchasing policies.
Respectfully submitted,
Christopher McKiel, MIT
Technical Services Officer
Growth and Community Development Services
M & C 2014 - 067 - 4 - May 9, 2014
Amy Poffenroth, P.Eng., MBA
Building Inspector & Deputy Commissioner
Growth and Community Development Services
Jacqueline Hamilton, MURP, MCIP, RPP
Growth and Community Development Services
Patrick Woods, CGA
City Manager
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
Crack Viewed From Exterior
Photo 5
Photo 4
Photo 5
Photo 6
Southwest Corner
Photo 7
Enlargement of Photo 6 Top Corner
Photo 8
Photo 9
Photo 10
Photo 11
Photo 12
Photo 13