Municipal Plan ByLaw Amendment, Commerce Dr, 59-119, Consumers Dr, 1-15 and Mark Dr, 130-160Ag$111h e ifP'1111 11,111, 4V"?" tU1�1, j�il tt' I A0111 00- IN BY-,LAW NUMBER C.P. 106-5 ,A LAW TOAMEND THE MUNICIPAL PLAN BY-LAW Be it enaleted by The City of Saint ,John in Common Council convened, as, folliows: The Municipal, Plan By-law of The City of Saint John enacted on the 30th, day of January, A.D. 2012 is amended by­ I Amending Schedule A — City Structure,, by reldesignating seven parcels of lark naving a total area, of approximately 4.5 hectares, located, at 59-119, Commerce Drive, 145 Consumers Drive and 130-160 Mark Drive, also identified as being PID Nos. 5,5149777, 55151336, 55151310 0043777211 00,0000041) 55200448 and 552004301, from Stable Area to Regional Retail C'en classification; 2 Amending Schedule B — Future Land Usel, by redesigna try g the same parcesl of land from 5tiable Residential to Regional Retail C'elntre classification - all as shown on the plans attached, hereto and formin.g part of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common S, al of the said City tio be affixed to, this by-law the 15"' day of October, A.D. 2013 and signed by,- A AIMETE No' CT. 106-5 r ARRETE MOMFIANT VARRETE RELATIF AU PLAN MUNICIPAL Lois, dune reunion du ores 11 communal, The City of Saint John a .1 to cle qui suit - L"arreRe" concernant le plan municipal de The City of Saint, John, de'ere"te le 30 i anvier 2012 est, modifie" par : I la mod,lification de Vannexe A — Structure de la municipalite", afin de faire passer la designation. de sept parcelles de terrain. d'une superficie total. e 'e it 41,'5 hectares, sit au 59-119, promenadle Commerce, 1-15, promenade Consumers et 130-160, promenade Mark., et port ant les N1D 551.49777 55151336, 5151513101 004377721> 010001 010,04, 5520,0448 et 55201043101 de secteur stably 'c" region,al, de icom erce de d6tail 2 la modification de Vannexe B — Utilisation future des sots, afro. .ire passer la de"signation des. parcellies de terrain pre"cite"es de siectettr re'sidentiel 01 stable 'a centr,e regz . onal de comniercie de de'tail - - toutes les modifications sort indique"es sur le s plans 1-j it et font partie du present a �t' rre e EN F DE Q , The City of Saint John a fait, apPoser son sceau communal sur le present arre""te" le 15 octobre 2013, aver Ies s,ignatures suivantes First Reading - September, 30, 2013 Pr e lecture le 301 septembre 20 1, 3 Second Reading - September , 20113, Deuxie'me lecture le 30 septea e 2013 Thkd Reading - October 1. 5, 2 013 Troisie'me lecture 1 e 15 oct e 2013 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT / URBANISME, ET DEVELOPPEMENT MUNICIPAL, DEVELOPMENT PLAN, / PLAN VAMENAGEMENT Amending Schedule B Modiflant annexe B R11 LV001M R%iwalm LIU FROM I DE TO-,­/ Stable Residential/ Regional Retail Centre secteur r6sidientiel stable centre r e` gional del commerce de detal Applalcant: Hlarbiary Holdings Inc. and Crity of'Saint John Lolcatlion: 59- 1191 p romelnade Co mmerce D rive,,, 1 - 15 prorne n ade Consu mers D rive, & 1301-l1610 promenade Mark Drive PID(s)/NIP(s).: 5515,11336, 55149777, 55151310, 552004301 55200448, 00000004 & 00437772 Con,sildiereid bly RA.C./conswide"re' par le Ui:, Septembeir 17septembre, 2013. r 17��illl III 791,11, MI-It wn P, F Dlrawn By/Creee Par: David Couture Dalte, Drawn/Carte Cre'eei: October 3 octiobre,