Arrêté relatif à l’utilisation des plances à roulettes et autres équipements de loisirs 2013-08-26SAINT THE CITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK U By-law respecting of Skateboards and Other Recreational Equipments within The City of Saint John An uncertified copy of this by -law is available online Unc copie non certifiee de Parretti est disponible en ligne -2- • ;' 1 1 Section Description Page Article D6signation Page Recitals 2 Prdambule 2 1 Title 3 1 Titre 3 2 Definitions 3 2 Definitions 3 3 Interpretation 5 3 Interpretation 5 4 Prohibited Areas 6 4 Zones interdites 6 5 Permitted Areas 6 5 Zones permises 6 6 Josh's Law 7 6 Loi de Josh 7 7 Offences 7 7 Infractions 7 8 Repeal 8 8 Abrogation 8 Schedule A 9 Annexe A 9 WHEREAS Common Council deems it advisable to pass this by -law because it establishes standards to regulate and control the use and operation of skateboards and other recreational equipments on streets, sidewalks and parks within the City of Saint John; AND WHEREAS Common Council deems it necessary to prohibit and regulate the use and operation of skateboards and other recreational equipments for promoting the safety PREAMBULE Attendu que : le CONSEIL COMMUNAL juge opportun de prendre le present arret6 car it dtablit des normes pour rdglementer et contr6ler Futilisation et Popdration de planches a roulettes et autres 6quipements de loisirs dans les rues, les trottoirs et les parks de la MUNICIPALITE ; le CONSEIL COMMUNAL juge opportun d'interdire et de reglementer Futilisation et 1'op6ration de planches A roulettes et autres 6quipements de loisirs pour promouvoir la sdcuritd et le bien -titre des habitants de la and welfare of the inhabitants NN ithin the City of Saint John; AND WHEREAS subject to the Motor Vehicle Act, paragraph 7(3)(c) of the Municipalities Act authorizes municipalities to make by -laws with respect to such powers and services carried or provided under the Municipalities Act; _3r MUNICIPALITA ; sous reserve des dispositions de la Loi sur les vehicules a moteur, l'alinea 7(3)c) de la Loi sur les municipalites autorise les municipalites a prendre des arretds concernant les pouvoirs ou services conferds ou fournis qui sont prdvus par la Loi sur les municipalites NOW THEREFORE, the Common Council of A CES CAUSES, le CONSEIL COMMUNAL de The City of Saint John, enacts as follows: The City of Saint John edicte fim 1. This by -law may be cited as the Saint 1. Le present arrdte peut etre cite sous le titre John Skateboard By -law (hereinafter the Arrete relatif aux planches a roulettes de "B) - law "). Saint John (ci -apres « 19ARRETE »). lr � 2. Whenever a word is used in this By -law with its first letter capitalized, the term is being used as it is defined in this Section 2. Where any word appears in ordinary case, its regularly applied meaning in the English language is intended. "City" means The City of Saint John (Municipalite); "Common Council" means the elected municipal council of the City (Conseil communal); "Designated Area" means an area listed in Schedule A (Zone designee); 2. Dans le present ARRETE, les termes en petites majuscules sont employds au sens defini au present article, les autres mots ayant leur sens ordinaire en frangais. CONSEIL COMMUNAL)) designe les membres elus du Conseil municipal de la UNICIPALITA (Common Council); DIVISION DES PARCS ET ESPACES I3LICS » ddsigne la division des pares et espaces publics de la MUNICIPALITA ou un division avec autoritd et responsabilitds similaires (Parks and Public Spaces Division); EQUIPEMENT DE LOISIRS » designe des patins, patins A roulettes, patins A roues -4 "Parks and Public Spaces Division" means the division of parks and public spaces of the City or a related division with similar authority and responsibilities (Division des pares et espaces publics); "Recreational Equipment" means any skates, rollerskates, rollerblades, non- motorized scooter, push cart, soap box vehicle or other similar items, but for certainty, excludes a bicycle or tricycle (Equipement de loisirs); "Sidewalk" has the meaning ascribed thereto in the Motor Vehicle Act, and also includes Harbour Passage (Trottoir); "Skateboard" means a board constructed of any material which has affixed thereto rollers or wheels designated to be mounted or operated by any individual or individuals; and "Skateboards" shall have a corresponding meaning (Planche a roulettes); "Special Event" means a one time event or annual event within the City authorized as such by Common Council (Evenement special); "Station 1 Skatepark" means the Skateboards park located at the Harbour aligndes, scooter non motorise_ charrette, vdhicule de caisses A savon ou autres articles similaires, mais pour plus de clarte exclut un vdlo ou tricycle (Recreational Equipment); o tVENEMENT SPECIAL » design un seul dvdnement ou un dvdnement annuel se ddroulant dans la MUNICIPALITE autorisd comme tel par le CONSEIL COMMUNAL (Special Event); MUNICIPALITE » ddsigne The City of Saint John (City); PLANCHE A ROULETTES » ddsigne une planche construite de matdriaux quelconques fixde a des roulettes ou des roues, ddsignde a etre montde ou utilisde par un individu ou des individus; et PLANCHES A ROULETTES » a un sens correspondant (Skateboard); PLANCHODROME DE LA STATION 1 » ddsigne le pare de PLANCHES A ROULETTES situd sur le site de Harbour Station ddlimitd au sud par la rue Station dans la MUNICIPALITE (Station 1 Skatepark); o RUE » a le sens attribud daps 1'Arrete relatif a la circulation dans The City of Saint John, y compris un TROTTOIR, mais pour plus de clartd exclut une ZONE DESIGNEE (Street); TROTTOIR » a le sens attribud dans la Loi sur les vehicules a moteur, y compris -5- Station site bounded southerly by Station Street in the City (Planchodrome de la Station 1); "Street" has the meaning ascribed thereto in the Saint John Traffic By -law and includes a Sidewalk, but for certainty, excludes a Designated Area (Rue). Interpretation le Passage du Port (Sidewalk); ZONE DESIGNEE » designe un endroit enumere a I'annexe A (Designated Area). Interpretation 3. Rules for interpretation of the language 3. Les regles d'interpretation suivantes used in this By -law are contained in the s'appliquent au present ARRETt. lettered paragraphs as follows: (a) The captions, article and section names and numbers appearing in this By -law are for convenience of reference only and have no effect on its interpretation. (b) This By -law is to be read with all changes of gender or number required by the context. (c) Each reference to legislation in this By -law is printed in Italic font. Where the name of the statute does not include a year, the reference is to the most current applicable Revised Statutes of New Brunswick. Where the name of the statute does include a year, the reference is to the Statute of New Brunswick for that year. In every case, the reference is intended to include all applicable amendments to the legislation, including successor legislation. Where this By -law references other by -laws of the City, the term is intended to include all applicable a) Les titres, intertitres et numeeos des dispositions ne servent qu'a faciliter la consultation de 1'AR ZPTE et ne doivent pas servir a son interpretation. b) Le genre ou le nombre grammaticaux doivent &re adaptes au contexte. c) Les renvois legislatifs paraissent en italique. Its visent les Lois revisees du Nouveau - Brunswick courantes et applicables sauf mention d'une annee particuliere, auquel cas ils visent les Lois du Nouveau - Brunswick de cette annee -IA. Dans tous les cas, le renvoi A une loi vise egalement les modifications qui s'y appliquent, y compris toute legislation de remplacement. Les renvois a d'autres arretes de la MUNICIPALITE visent egalement les modifications qui s'y appliquent, y compris tout arrete de remplacement. M amendments to those by -laws, including successor by -laws. (d) The requirements of this By -law are in addition to any requirements contained in any other applicable by -laws of the City or applicable provincial or federal statutes or regulations. (e) If any section, subsection, part or parts or provision of this By- law, is for any reason declared by a court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the ruling shall not affect the validity of the By -law as a whole, nor any other part of it. (f) The schedule attached to this By -law is included in and shall be considered part of this By- law. Prohibited Areas 4(1). No person shall ride on or operate a Skateboard on any Street. 4(2). No person shall ride on, operate or use any Recreational Equipment on any Street. Permitted Areas d) Les obligations qu'il crde s'ajoutent a celles decoulant d'autres arretes applicables de la MUNICIPALITE ou des lois ou reglements federaux o provinciaux applicables. e) Si une disposition quelconque est declaree invalide par un tribunal competent pour quelque motif que ce soit, la decision n'entache en rien la validite de 1'ARRETE dans son ensemble ni de toute autre disposition. f) L'annexe jointe au present ARRETE est incluse et doit Etre consideree comme faisant partie du present ARRETE. Zones interdites 4(1). Nul ne peut monter ou operer une PLANC14E A ROULETTES sur une RUE. 4(2). Nul ne peut monter, operer ou utiliser quelconque EQUIPEMENT DE LOISIRS sur une RUE. Zones Permises 5(1). A person is permitted to ride on or 5(1). Une personne est autorisee A monter ou operate a Skateboard within a A operer une PLANCHE A ROULETTES Designated Area. dans une ZONE DESIGNEE. 5(2). Skateboards are only permitted in the 5(2). Les PLANCHES A ROULETTES sont Station 1 Skatepark. seulement permises au -7- 5(3). A person is permitted to ride on, operate 5(3). or use any Recreational Equipment within a Designated Area or during a Special Event, but for certainty, is not permitted in the Station 1 Skatepark. PLANCHODROME DE LA STATION]. Une personne est autorisde A monter, opdrer ou utiliser tout EQUIPEMENT DE LOISIRS dans une ZONE DESIGNEE Ou lors d'un EVENEMENT SPECIAL, mail pour plus de clartd, n'y est pas autorisde au PLANCHODROME DE LA STATION 1. 5(4). A request for street closure must be 5(4). Une demande de fermeture de rue doit submitted to the Saint John Police Force etre soumise au Service de police de in order to allow a Special Event on any Saint John afin de permettre la tenue Street. EVENEMENT SPECIAL dans une RUE. 5(5). No more than one (1) person at a time 5(5). Pas plus d'une (1) personne a la foil shall ride on or operate a Skateboard or devrait monter ou opdrer une PLANCHE use an item of Recreational Equipment. A ROULETTES ou utiliser un article d'EQUIPEMENT DE LOISIRS. R . A person riding on or operating a Skateboard, or using a Recreational Equipment, must wear a helmet approved or certified by the Canadian Standards Association, or similar agency, within a Designated Area, or during a Special Event. 7. Any persons who violates any of the provisions of this By -law is guilty of an offence and liable upon summary conviction to a fine of not less than twenty -five dollars ($25) and not more than five hundred dollars ($500). Loi de Josh 6(1). Une personne montee d ou opdrant une PLANCHE A ROULETTES, ou qui utilise un EQUIPEMENT DE LOISIRS, doit porter un casque approvvd ou certifid par 1'Association canadienne de normalisation, ou un organisme similaire, dans une ZONE DESIGNEE, ou lors d'un EVENEMENT SPECIAL. Infractions 7. Toute personne qui contrevient a une disposition du present ARRETE est coupable d'une infraction et passible sur condamnation sommaire d'une amende d'au moins vingt -cinq dollars (25 $) et d'au plus cinq cents dollars (500$). -8- 8. A By -law of The City of Saint John enacted on the 21" day of November, 2005 entitled "By -law Number M -27, A By -law Prohibiting the Use of Skateboards on Streets" and all amendments thereto are repealed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City- to be affixed to this By -law the 20h day of August, A.D. 2013 and signed by: Abrogation 8. L'arretd de The City of Saint John 6dict6 le 2le jour de novembre 2005 intituld « Arrete N° M -27, Arrete interdisant l'utilisation des planches a roulettes sur les rues », ainsi que les modifications affdrentes sont abrogds. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau municipal sur le present ANTE le 26 aout 2013, avec les signatures suivantes : First Reading - August 12, 2013 Premiere lecture Second Reading - August 12, 2013 Deuxieme lecture Third Reading - August 26, 2013 Troisieme lecture - le 12 aout 2013 - le 12 aout 2013 - le 26 aout 2013 ,e'. _ 1. Station 1 Skatepark 2. Harbour Passage 3. Rockwood Park, including all Sidewalks and paved pathways within the park 4. Old tennis courts at Latimore Lake forming part of Parcel Identifier 55125496 5. The designated area within Market Place West forming part of Parcel Identifier 00361675 Annexe A 1. Planchodrome de la Station 1 2. Passage du Port 3. Parc Rockwood, y compris les TROTTO]RS et les voies pavees dans le parc 4. Les anciens courts de tennis au lac Latimore faisant partie du numero d'identification de is parcelle 55125496 5. La zone ddsignee a 1'interieur de la place Market Ouest faisant partie du numdro d'identification de la parcelle 00361675