2013-04-15_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaire � � � ��i,.' City of Saint John Common Council Meeting SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA Monday, April 15, 2013 6:00 pm Council Chamber Please use Chipman Hill entrance S'il vous plai� utiliser I'entree Chipman Hill Si vous avez besoin des services en francais pour une reunion de Conseil Communal, veuillez contacter le bureau de la greffiere communale au 658-2862. Pages 8. Delegations/ Presentations 8.2 Revised Presentation Re: The Procurement Process for Public Tender Calls 1 - 17 and Requests for Proposa/s 17. Committee of the Whole 17.1 Committee of the Who/e: Sett/ement Terms-Pomer/eau Inc. 18-25 Powered 6y:_��,[*]'^,[f�pF� .�±�r� ra 1 f/.' „�,� ;' l _ u�„__, -_ �� :�: � ;:, ,: � �� _=�s , ; . City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday Apri115,2013 Committee of the Whole 1. Call to Order Si vous avez besoin des services en fran�ais pour une reunion de Conseil Communal, veuillez contacter le bureau du greffier communal au 658-2862. Each of the following items, either in whole or in part, is able to be discussed in private pursuant to the provisions of section 10 of the Municipalities Act and Council/Committee will make a decision(s) in that respect in Open Session: 4:30 p.m. 8th Floor Boardroom City Hall 1.1 Approval of Minutes 102(4) 1.2 Land Matter 10.2(4)(d) 1.3 Land Matter 10.2(4)(d) 1.4 Land Matter 10.2(4)(d) 2 T e Procu rement Process or Pu ic Ten er a s an Re uest or Pro osa s q p . . . . . . . . . . . - • . . . . . . . /,r-_.� IIV � R � � I IV 2 _ PR�CIJ REM ENT LAV11� TRA� E � A� REEM ENT� AN D P� LI � I ES ► Procurement in New Brunswick is subject to a hierarchy of: ➢ TRADE AGREEMENTS ➢ Agreement on Internal Trade (Goods &Services > $100K & Construction > $250K) ➢ Quebec-NB Trade Agreement (Goods, Services and Construction > $100K) ➢ Atlantic Procurement Agreement (Goods > $25K, Services>$50K, Construction > $100K) ➢ LEGISLATION ➢ Public Purchasing Act & Regulation 94-157 of the Province of New Brunswick (Goods and Services) ➢ Crown Construction Contracts Act (Construction) (Municipalities may choose to abide by this standard) ➢ POLICY ➢ City of Saint John's Policy for the Procurement of Goods, Services and Construction The City of Saint John is subject to the above legal obligations. 3 _ � row r� � o n � t r u �t i o n � o n t ra�t � A�t ► Crown Corporations of NB are governed by this the Crown Construction Act for highway and bu i Id i ng construction . ► Although this legislation does not apply to municipalities , our Engineering Department have chosen to abide by its standard as its basic principles are consistent with the Trade Agreements . 4 _ PlJ � LI � PlJ RCHA� I N � A�T � RE� U LATI � N � 4 - 1 � 7 This Act and Regulation covers the procurement of Goods and Services by the Province and public funded bodies including Municipalities. It defines: ➢ the tendering process; ➢ responsibilities of those responsible for procurement; ➢ defines circumstances and services which are exempted from the application of the act and regulations. Exemptions include: � Engineers ; Land Surveyors � Medical Practitioners �- Architects ���� Barristers and solicitors 5 _ � ITY OF �AINT JOHN PROCIJRMENT P� LICY ► The City' s Procurement Policy expands on the requirements of the Trade Agreements and the Public Purchasing Act of the Province of NB by detailing : ➢ Spending Authorities for Staff ➢ Bidding Processes ➢ Contract Administration 6 _ ■ ■ � er� i � a u ic � n er u � e . ► When the expenditure is in excess of: • $ 25 , 000 for Goods • $ 50 , 000 for Services • $ 100 , 000 for Construction ► When requirements can be adequately defined to allow fior evaluation against clearly stated specifications . ► When the award is made on the basis of lowest compliant bid . � � ■ u ic en er roce � � ► Tender documents are prepared and include detailed specifications, drawings and contract terms. ► Tenders are publicly advertised on NBON. ► Tenders are opened publicly and reviewed by the "Tender Opening Committee" for completeness and compliance with the tender requirements. ► Bid prices of compliant tenders are read aloud and then referred to staff for additional review. ► Incomplete tenders are rejected and returned to the submitting bidders immediately following the meeting. ► Recommendation for award is prepared. s � . � W ni nRFP . e s a use ➢ When the City has defined an objective, need or problem and requests respondents to propose the best method for accomplishing it; ➢ When specifications of the project cannot be clearly defined . ➢ When the skills, expertise, or technical capability of the respondents will be evaluated ; ➢ When price is not the primary consideration ; or ➢ When staff require the opportunity to ask respondents to clarify their proposals by issuing questions or through an interview process ; If the project fits any of these situations, then an RFP is the procurement tool to utilize. 9 _ e ro � � � � ► RFP's are publicly advertised on NBON. ► After closing, copies of proposal submissions are distributed to an established evaluation committee consisting of staff with procurement knowledge and staff who understand the project. ► The proposal submissions are independently scored by each committee member against established criteria. ► The committee meet, discuss each proposal and come to a consensus of total scoring. ► Financial Proposals are opened and once a score is assigned, it is added to the technical score to obtain an overall total score. ► If additional information is required to obtain a final consensus, the committee may choose to: � provide written questions to respondents for clarification of their proposals � interview all respondents or a shortlist of respondents. ► Recommendation for award. 10 _ R r Pr RFP e ue � t � � o � � � ► Standard Criteria consists of: � (i) Quality and Completeness � (ii) Company Experience � (iii) Experience of Employees / Sub-Contractors � (iv) Methodology / Approach � (v) Val ue Added � (vi) Cost 11 _ Wh it i � n �t � n ���� ted ra�ti �e v p � to di � cl � � � � id ric� � �f ar� RFP? p ► Proposals received may vary greatly with respect to: � levels of expertise or qualifications � levels of effort (man hours) � Approach to completing the work ► Standard practice in the procurement industry is to disclose only the total price of the successful proponent. ► Unsuccessful proponents may request a proposal debriefing where information is given in the form of general statements as to their strengths and weaknesses for each criteria and in relation to the successful proponent. 12 _ �rofe � � ional �� rvi �e � / � ire�t En a er� ent g g Notwithstanding the noted exemptions in the New Brunswick Pu,blic Purchasinq Act, the engagement of Professional Services , including but not limited to architects , engineers , surveyors , and solicitors , will be undertaken in a fair, open , and equitable fashion utilizing the method outlined in section 5 . 8 (Professional Services) of the City's Procurement Policy. ► Service providers are selected on the basis of their ability to provide the specific professional service required . 13 _ P r i r� r� i o e � � o a e � e � The following standard is in accordance with the estimated cost of Professional Services: Estimated Cost Process Approval Level Up to $15,000 Based on ability and experience Division Manager $15,000-25,000 Based on ability and experience Department Head Written Submissions by Invited Bids $25,000-50,000 City Manager (Minimum of 3 where possible) $50,000-$75,000 Advertised Public Call for Proposals City Manager $75,000 and up Advertised Public Call for Proposals Council 14 _ i ■ on - � r� etitive u r� a� � � ► Section 5 . 1 1 of the City' s Procurement Policy states : "The requirement for a competitive Bid Solicitation for Goods, Services and Construction may ,be waived under the authority of the City Manaqer or Common Council and replaced with neqotiations ,by the Division Manager and Materials Manaqement under the fol%winq Circumstances: (i) ...application of a piece of leqislation or existence of patent riqhts, copyriqhts ... (ii) ...Special Circumstance exists. (iii) ...fol%w-on contract was identified in the oriqinal ,bid solicitation. (iv) in any of the circumstances listed as exemptions to competitive pu,blic purchasinq in Req. 94- 157 under the Pu,blic Purchasinq Act. " 15 _ Follow- on Non -Cor� etitive �� ntr�cts p ► Section 5 . 1 3 of the City' s Procurement Policy deals with Follow-on or Non -competitive contracts for professional services . ► There are instances where a likelihood exists that it will be necessary to award a non -competitive contract for additional related professional services . ► Where possible , this additional work should be identified in the original award . 16 _ an ou 17 _ �� i �� =�� �� � _� ����,o� April 9 5, 2013 Deputy Mayor Rinehart and Councillors, Subject: Committee of the Whole —Settlement Terms — Pomerleau Inc. The Committee of the Whole, having met on April 15, 2013, adopted the following resolution: RESOL.VED that the Committee of the Whole recommends that Cammon Cauncil approve the settlement agreement with Pomerleau Inc. regarding alf outstanding clairr�s for construction af the Police Headquarters and that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorizsd to execute the agreement Sincerely, ��i�' r Mel Norton Mayor ��- --- SAINT IOHN P.O.8ax 19TI Sair�t Jahn,NB Canada E2�418� �vww.saintjohn.ca � C.P.1971 Saint johr�,N.-B�Canada E2L 41.7 —�� [7• � 5ETTLEM�NT AGRE�MENT This SETT�,EMENT AGREEMENT rnade in tripiicate this day of April, 2013 (the "EffecCive Date"). BETWEEN: The City oF Saint John(hereinafter the"City") -and- Pomerleau Cnc. (hereinafter"Pomerlea�") WHEREAS the City and Pornerleau entered into a contract on the 15� day of July, 2�10, Project No. 2010-081201T, for the construction of the Saint John Police Headquarters, municipally known as Civic IVo.l Peel Plaza,Saint Johr�, New Bruns�uvick�the"Contract"]; AND WHEREAS Pomerleau advanced a claixn against the Gity for compensation for outstanding accounts,approved change orders,holdbacks, delays in the performance of the Work,extra costs,other expenses and interests; AND WHEREAS the City and Pornerleau have agreed to arnicably and fully resolve the dispute; A1VD WHEREAS the words defined in the Definitions section of the Contract when used in this Settlement Agreement shall have the same rneaning as the said C�nfiract; AND WHEREAS the Common Councii on tlpril [�+],2013, resolved: a] That[t��][Enter resQlution af Common Council before signing] b) That the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to sign any required documents. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and mutual covenants and agreements hereafter contained and other good and valuable consideration,the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, and ip complete settiement of the dispute, the Parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: 19 Fage j2 1. Pomerleau shalI: (a) Execute,file and deliver a Notice of Discontinuance barring further actions i❑ the format attached hereto as 5chedule "A"with the Court of Qtaeen's Bench in the action filed by Pomerleau against the City associated with Cause No. S/G/118/13; [b) Remove the Certificate of Pending Litigatior� filed in the Saint John County Registry Office as No. 32501257 and 32501Z32 on March 18, 2p13 as against PID Idos.: OOQ37374, 55208318, 00037473, 00037382, O1�037465, 00037390� and 00037408 (the"Property"),by obtaining and registering a Revocatian of the Certificate af Pending Litigation in the form prescribed by the Rules of Court; [c} Remove the Claim for Lien filed in the Saint John Connty Registry Office as No. 32294598 and 32417934 on December 21, 2012 as against the Property, by obtaining and registering a Certificate of Discharge in the form prescribed by the Mechanics'Lien Act, R.S.N,B. 1973, c. M-6, and amendments thereto (the"Mechanirs'LienAct"); (d) Execufie and del�ver a Statutory Declaration as per the terms and conditions of the Contract;and, (e) RemovE any Claims For lien or Certificates of Pending Litigation arising ovt of the Contract and registered against the Property. Z. Subject to provisions herein,the City shall pay to Pomerleau,pursuant to Artic�e 4.1 of the Contract,the ba]ance af the Contract Price,as follows: (a) All Work perf�rmed by Pomerleau from November 2p12#o �ebruary Z013 as specified in the respective certificates for payment, ali amounts retained pursuant ta section 15 of the Mechanics'Lren Act, and a!1 approved �hange Ordecs, in the amount of Four Million Four Hundred Ninety-Six Thousar,d Seven Hundred Ninety Dollars and Forty-One Cents ($4,496,790.41), HST included; (b) All claims for char►ge in the Contract Price for additional Work, in the annount of Two Hundred Twenty-Sax Thousand pollars ($226,000.00), HST included; and (c) A delay claim anaount resulting frQm delays in the performatace of Poznerleau's Work, in the amaunt of Five Hundred Sixty-Five Thousand Dollars ($565,QQO.OQ),HS'1'included. 20 Page � 3 3. The Contract Price identified at section 2 of this Settlement Agreement is detailed in Schedule "B". The Contract 1'rice includes Change Order - additional Work and Change Order-Delay Claim as listed in Schedule"B". 4. The City shall retain from the Contract Price pursuant to General Condition 5.�.0.3 of the Contract,a holdback for the following liens: (a) First Choice VentiIation Ltd. Lien No. 32404262 and 32404296, dated February 6, 2013; (b) Clayton Woodworking Ltd. Lien No. 3241793� and 32417991, dated February 12, 2Q13; (c) Royal Doors Ltd./Portes Rayaie Lt�e. Lien No. 324$7739, dated March 1Z, 2013; For a totai of retained amount oF One Million pollars ($1,400,000.00) being the lien haldback pursuant to Gener�l Condition 5.10,3 of the Contract [the "Lien Holdback"). 5. The City shall pay the Lien Holdback to Pomerleau upon removal of all liens and Certificates of Pending Litigation from the Property. The Lien Holdback shall not be reduced as the resUlt of the removaI of an individual lien. 6. The City shall retain Erom the Contract Price, pursuant to General Condition 5.7.5 of the Contract, a holdback for defciencies in the amount of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars {$2SO,OOO.pO) (t�e "Deficiencies Holdback"]. 7. The CiLy shall pay the Deficiencies Holdback to Pornerteau once the Work has been completed to th�satisfaction of the Consultant and Cit_y. 8. Pornerleau requests that the City pay the balance af the Contract Price, as specified in section 2 hereta,by cheque made payable to Pomerleau inc, 9. This Settlement Agreement does not, in any way, affect or extiriguish any existing right or obligation of Pomerleau to the City contained in thc Contract, including the obligations of Pamerleau pursuant to the Contract v►�ith respect to campletion or any obligation with respect to indemnity, insurance, warrdnty or requirements to carry out such carrection of defects and deficiencies as may be required pursuant to the Contract. 1Q. Pomerleau hereby waives and releases the City Crom all claims, including any clairns fnr an increase in the Contract Price, compensation, extras, deiay costs, breach of contract or any similar claims, which Pomexleau has or reasonably ought to have knowledge of that cauld be advanced by Pomerleau against the City arising from Pomerleau's involvement 4n th� v,rork prior to or an the date of this Settlement Agreement mcluding,without limitation,those arising from negligence or breach of 21 Page � 4 contract in respett of which the cause of act�ion is based upon acts ar amission which occurred prior to pr on the date of this Settlement Agreement. 11. This Settlement Agreement shall be governed by and construed by the laws of the Province of New Brunswick. The Parties irrevocably attarn to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the Province of New $runswick in relation to the enforcement of this SettJement Agreement. 12. The Parties acknowledge that each of them has had a reasonable opportunity to read and consider this Settlemeht Agreement and to obtain such legai or other advice in regara to the Settlement Agreernent as they consider advisable. The Farties hereby acknowledge that each of thern understand the meaning of the provisions of this Settlement Agreement and the conseyuences of signing it. The Parties hereby acknowledge that each of thern has signed this Se�tlement Agreement voluntarily,without coercion and without reliance on any representation, express or implied by the other. 13. This Settlement Agreement contains the entire agreement between the Parties v►rith respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes and cancels all prior cornmunicatians, understandings and agreements between the Parties,whether oral or written, express pr ir►�,plied with respect to the subject matter hereof. There are no representations, warranties, collaterai agreements or conditions affecting this Settlement Agreement other than expressed herein. The Parties further acknowledge and agree that in entering into this Settlemcnt Agreement they have not in any way relied upon any oral or written agreements, representatiuns, warranties, statements,nr information,either express or iznplied,not speci�cally set forth in this Settlement Agreernent. 14. The Parties hereby acknowledge and confirm that this Settlement Agreement may be executed in counterparts and that a facsianile, eiectronic copy or a photacopy of this Settlement Agreement is as binding as the original. 15. P�rnerleau acknowledges that the within Settlement Agreement including the Schedules attached hereto, is not binding upon�he City untit such time as the within SettIement Agreernent is sealed with the carporate seai of The City of Saint John and signed by the Mayor and the Assistant Common Clerk of th�City. �b. �omerleau further acknowledges and agrees that regardless of any representat�ons ar warranties, the within Settlement Agreernent is not binding on any party until such time as the City and Pomerleau have executed the Sett�ement Agreexnent as required by the Municip�tlities Act,R.S.N.B., 1973 c.M-22,and amendments fihereto, 17. The Parties agree to do, execute, acknowIedge, and deliver or cause to be done, executed, acknorivledged and delivered such further documents, assurances ar things as may be reasonably required for the more cornplete and perfect observance and performance by each of the parties�ereto of this SettlementAgreement. 22 Page � 5 18. These minutes shall enure to the benefit of and be hinding on the Parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns. DATED at Saint John, New Brunswick,this day of April,2013, THE CITY OF SAINT JQHN Me1 Norton, Mayor Jonathan A.Taylor, Assistant Common Clerk DATED at Dartznouth,Nova Scotia,this day oFApril, ZQ13. POMERLF�IU INC. Patrick Stiles, P.Eng.,LEED�AP, GSC Regional Director-Atlantic 23 1'age �6 SCHEDULE"A" Cause No.;S/C/118J13 IN THE COURT OF(�UEEN'S BENCH OF NEW BRUNSW[CK TRIAL DIVISIpN JUDICIAL DISTRTCT OF SAINT JOIiN BETWEEN: PUMEMtLEAU INC., Plaintiff, -and- THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN, Detendant NOTICB OF DISCONTIIVUANCE [Form 25A) T�e PIaintiff, Pomerleau Inc., wholly discontinues this claim against the DeFendant, The City of Saint John,without costs. Pursuant to Rule 25.06,this discancinuance shall be a defence to any subsequent action by the Plaentiff. DAT�D at Dartmouth,Nova Scotia,this day ofApril,A.D.2023. POMERLEI#�J I]VC. Patrick Stiles,P.Eng.,1,�ED�AP,GSC Regional Director-Atlantic Pursuant to Rule 25.01[c),1 HEREBY CONSENT ta the filing flf the within Notice af I?iscontinuance. DATED at Saint John.New Srunswick,this_day of April,2013. THE CITY OF 5AINT JUHN Per: Mel Norton,Mayor Jonathan A.Taylnr, Assistant Common Clerk Council Resoiution:Apri)�2013 24 Page j7 SC�iEDULE°B" HST Origfnal Con.tract Price $2Q,675,000.00 $2,b87,750.00 Approved and paid changes $855,632.24 $111,232.19 CO-Addifiianai Work $200,OOD,OD $26,000.00 CO-Delay Claim $500,000.00 $65,000_DO 25