Fire Protection ByLaw 2012-12-17®aye. A By -law respecting Fire Protection in The City of Saint John By -law Number M -34 The City of Saint John New Brunswick Arrete concernant la protection contre les incendies dans The City of Saint John Arrete numero M -34 The City of Saint John Nouveau - Brunswick 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE DES MATIERES Section Description Page Article Designation Page Recitals 1 Preambule 1 1 Title 1 1 Titre 1 2 Definitions 2 2 Definitions 2 3 Interpretation 2 3 Interpretation 2 4 Fire Prevention Officers 3 4 Agents de prevention des 3 Incendies 5 Inspections and Orders 4 5 Inspection et Ordres 4 6 Offences 5 6 Infractions 5 RECITALS PREAMBULE Attendu : 1. WHEREAS The City of Saint John deems 1. que The City of Saint John juge it advisable to pass this by -law because it opportun de prendre le present arrete will protect property from fire; destine a proteger contre le feu les proprietes; 2. AND WHEREAS The Municipalities Act 2. que I'article 109 de la Loi sur les authorizes municipalities to pass by -laws municipalites autorise les municipalites respecting fire protection pursuant to a prendre des arretes concernant la Section 109 of the Act; protection contre les incendies; NOW THEREFORE, the Common Council of A CES CAUSES, en vertu des pouvoirs que The City of Saint John, under authority vested lui confere I'article 109 de la Loi sur les in it by Section 109 of the Municipalities Act, municipalites, le conseil communal de The enacts as follows: City of Saint John edicte: 1 TITLE 1 TITRE 1 This By -law may be cited as the "Saint 1 Le present arrete peut titre cite sous le John Fire Protection By -law." titre : Arrete sur la protection contre les incendies de Saint John. 2 2 DEFINITIONS 2 Whenever a word is used in this By -law with its first letter capitalized, the term is being used as it is defined in this Section. Where any word appears in ordinary case, its regularly applied meaning in the English language is intended. "City" means The City of Saint John; (municipalite) "Council" means the Common Council of the City; "Deputy Fire Chief' means the Deputy Chief of the Fire Department of the City. "Fire Chief' means the Chief of the Fire Department of the City; "Fire Prevention Officer" means a fire prevention officer appointed pursuant to subsections 4(2) or 4(3) of this by- law. 3 INTERPRETATION 2 DEFINITIONS 2 Dans le present arrete, les termes en petites majuscules sont employes au sens defini au present article, les autres mots ayant leur sens ordinaire en frangais. AGENT DE PREVENTION DES INCENDIES» agent de prevention des incendies nomme en vertu des paragraphs 4(2) et 4(3) du present arrete (Fire Prevention Officer) CHEF ADJOINT DES POMPIERS » le chef adjoint de la division des services d'incendies de la MUNICIPALITE (Deputy Fire Chief) CHEF DES POMPIERS » le Chef de la division des services d'incendies de la MUNICIPALITE (Fire Chief) CONSEIL » le conseil Communal de la MUNICIPALITE (Council) MUNICIPALITE » The City of Saint John. (City) 3 INTERPRETATION 3 Rules for interpretation of the language 3 used in this By -law are contained in the lettered paragraphs as follows: (a) The captions, section names appearing in thi: convenience of and have no interpretation. article and and numbers > By -law are for reference only effect on its Les regles d'interpretation suivantes s'appliquent au present arrete. a) Les titres, intertitres et numeros des dispositions ne servent qu'a faciliter la consultation de 1'arrete et ne doivent pas servir a son interpretation. 3 (b) This By -law is to be read with all changes of gender or number required by the context. (c) The requirements of this By -law are in addition to any requirements contained in any other applicable by -laws of the City or applicable provincial or federal statutes or regulations. (d) If any section, subsection, part or parts or provision of this By- law, is for any reason declared by a court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the ruling shall not affect the validity of the By -law as a whole, nor any other part of it. b) Le genre ou le nombre grammaticaux doivent titre adaptes au contexte. C) Les obligations qu'il cree s'ajoutent a celles decoulant d'autres arretes applicables de la MUNICIPALITE OU des IOIs et reglements applicables des gouvernements federal ou provinciaux. d) Si une disposition quelconque est declaree invalide par un tribunal competent pour quelque motif que ce soit, la decision n'entache en rien la validite de I'arrete dans son ensemble ni de toute autre disposition. 4 FIRE PREVENTION OFFICERS 4 AGENTS DE PREVENTION DES INCENDIES 4 (1) There shall be appointed members 4 (1) Le service d'incendie de la of the City's Fire Department to be MUNICIPALITE comprend dans ses rangs known as Fire Prevention Officers. des membres nommes AGENTS DE PREVENTION DES INCENDIES. (2) Fire Prevention Officers shall be appointed by Council on the recommendation of the Fire Chief. (3) Council shall appoint the Fire Chief and the Deputy Fire Chief or any person holding the position of Acting Fire Chief or Acting Deputy Fire Chief as Fire Prevention Officers. (4) Fire Prevention Officers shall be responsible for the enforcing of the provisions of this by -law. (2) Les AGENTS DE PREVENTION DES INCENDIES sont nommes par le conseil sur recommandation du CHEF DES POMPIERS. (3) Le conseil nommera le CHEF DES POMPIERS et le CHEF ADJOINT DES POMPIERS OU toute personne occupant a titre interimaire I'un ou I'autre de ces deux postes AGENTS DE PREVENTION DES INCENDIES. (4) Les AGENTS DE PREVENTION DES INCENDIES sont charges de I'application des dispositions du present arrete. 0 (5) A Fire Prevention Officer may, upon complaint of a person interested, or when he deems it necessary, inspect any building or premises within the City, and for the purpose of inspection, at all reasonable hours, enter into and upon any buildings and premises. 5 INSPECTIONS AND ORDERS 5 (1) When the Fire Prevention Officer finds a building or other structure that, for any cause, is especially liable to fire, or that there are in or upon any building or premises, combustible or explosive material or conditions dangerous to the safety of persons, buildings or premises, he may order the owner or occupant to remove such combustible or explosive material or remove or repair anything that may constitute a fire hazard. (2) An order made under subsection 5(1) shall be served on the person named in the order by the Fire Prevention Officer (a) by leaving a copy of the order with the person, or (b) by sending a copy of the order by registered or certified mail addressed to the latest address of the person known to the Fire Prevention Officer through reasonable inquiry. (3) Where an order is served on a person by registered or certified mail under paragraph 5(2)(b), it is deemed to have been received by the person (5) Un AGENT DE PREVENTION DES INCENDIES peut, sur formulation d'une plainte par une personne interessee ou, en I'absence de plainte, lorsqu'il le juge necessaire, inspecter un batiment ou des Iocaux dans Ies Iimites de la municipalite et, a cette fin, penetrer a toute heure raisonnable dans un batiment ou des Iocaux. 5 INSPECTION ET ORDRES 5 (1) Lorsque UAGENT DE PREVENTION DES INCENDIES constate qu'un batiment ou toute autre construction est, pour toute cause, particulierement exposee aux incendies, ou qu'il existe dans le batiment ou dans Ies Iocaux des matieres combustibles ou explosives ou d'autres conditions dangereuses pour la securite des personnes, des batiments ou des Iocaux, it peut ordonner au proprietaire ou a ('occupant d'enlever Ies matieres combustibles ou explosives, ou d'enlever ou de reparer tout ce qui peut constituer un risque d'incendie. (2) L'ordre donne en application du paragraph 5(1) doit titre signifie a la personne qu'y designe UAGENT DE PREVENTION DES INCENDIES par a) Remise d'une copie a cette personne, ou b) Son envoi par courier recommande ou certifie a la derniere adresse de cette personne connue par UAGENT DE PREVENTION DES INCENDIES par suite d'une enquete raisonnable. (3) Un ordre signifie a une personne par courier recommande ou par courier certifie en vertu de I'article 5(2)b) est repute avoir ete regu par cette 5 within ten days of the mailing thereof (4) In carrying out the duties herein prescribed, the Fire Prevention Officer shall apply all relevant sections of this By -law, the Fire Prevention Act and the Regulations made thereunder. 6 OFFENCES 6 An owner or occupant who fails to comply with an Order of a Fire Prevention Officer made under this By- law is guilty of an offence and liable to a penalty of not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and not more than five thousand two hundred dollars ($5,200.00). IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the 17th day of December, A.D. 2012 signed by: personne dans les dix jours qui suivent sa mise a la poste. (4) Dans 1'exercise des fonctions ci- prescrites, UAGENT DE PREVENTION DES INCENDIES applique tous Ies articles pertinents du present arrete, de la Loi sur la prevention des incendies et des reglements d'application de cette derniere. 6 INFRACTIONS 6 Tout proprietaire ou occupant d'un batiment qui omet d'observer un ordre d'un AGENT DE LA PREVENTION DES INCENDIES emis en vertu du present arrete commet une infraction et est passible d'une amende de 1000$ a 5200$. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau municipal sur le present arrete le 17 decembre 2012, avec Ies signatures suivantes : Mayor /Maire Assistant Common Clerk /greffier communal adjoint First Reading - December 3, 2012 Premiere lecture - le 3 decembre 2012 Second Reading - December 3, 2012 Deuxieme lecture - le 3 decembre 2012 Third Reading - December 17, 2012 Troisieme lecture - le 17 decembre 2012