2012-11-19_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourCity of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday, November 19, 2012 Committee of the Whole 1. Call to Order Si vous avez besoin des services en frangais pour une r6union de Conseil Communal, veuillez contacter le bureau de la greffi&re communale au 658 -2862. Each of the following items, either in whole or in part, is able to be discussed in private pursuant to the provisions of section 10 of the Municipalities Act and Council /Committee will make a decision(s) in that respect in Open Session: 4:30 p.m. 8th Floor Boardroom City Hall 1.1 Financial Matter 10.2(4)(c) 1.2 Employment Matter 10.2(4)(b,j) 1.3 Personal Matter 10.2(4)(b) 1.4 Governance Matter 10.2(4)(e) 1.5 Security Matter 10.2(4)(b,h) 1.6 Labour Matter 10.2(4)0) Regular Meeting 1. Call to Order — Prayer 6:00 p.m. Council Chamber 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Adoption of Agenda 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 5. Consent Agenda 6. Members Comments 7. Proclamation 7.1 Restorative Justice Week, November 18 - 25, 2012 8. Delegations / Presentations 9. Public Hearings 7:00 p.m. 9.1 Proposed By -Law Amendment Stop Up & Close Portion of King William Rd 9.2 Proposed By -Law Amendment Stop Up and Close a Portion of Market Place 10. Consideration of By -laws 10.1(a) Third Reading Proposed Zoning By -Law Amendment 317 City Line 10.1(b) Section 39 Conditions 11. Submissions by Council Members 11.1 4 -Plex (Mayor Norton) 11.2 Provincial Pension Task Force's Final Report to the City of Saint John (Councillor Snook) 11.3 Community Plans - Revitalization Strategy for Urban Core Neighbourhoods (Councillor Snook) 12. Business Matters — Municipal Officers 13. Committee Reports 14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda 15. General Correspondence 15.1 Committee of the Irving Oil Saint John Christmas Tournament Letter - Arena Fees 16. Supplemental Agenda 16.1 Exhibition Association: The Field House at Exhibition Park (Presentation to Common Council) 16.2 Meetings between City Staff and Local Builders and Developers (Councillor Merrithew) 16.3 Professional Services - Hargrave & Company 16.4 a) Section 39 Amendment and Rezoning - 290 Ludlow Street 16.4 b) Third Reading Proposed Zoning By -Law Amendment 290 Ludlow St 16.5 City Manager: Core Service Review Progress Update 16.6 City Manager: City of Saint John and Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency's Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund 16.7 City Manager: 2013 Water & Sewer Utility Capital Budget 16.8 Actionable Resolutions - Reflecting up to the November 13, 2012 Council Meeting 16.9 Chris Archer Request for a Letter of Support for MMANB (Mixed Martial Arts New Brunswick) 16.10 NB Road Builders and Heavy Construction Association - Position Statement on Government Tenders 16.11 CGANB - Letter of Thanks 16.12 Congratulatory Letter to Francis McGuire and the late Neil McKelvey (Deputy Rinehart) 16.13 City Manager: Proposed 2013 Operating Budget - Water and Sewerage Utility Fund 16.14 Common Clerk: Proposed 2013 Common Council Schedule 16.15 Common Clerk: Scheduling of Committee of the Whole Meetings 17. Committee of the Whole 18. Adjournment The City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le lundi 19 novembre 2012 Comite pl6nier 1. Ouverture de la seance Si vous avez besoin de services en franrais dans le cadre d'une r6union du conseil communal, communiquez avec le bureau de la greffi&re communale au 658 -2862. Chacun des points suivants, en totalit& ou en partie, peut faire l'objet d'une discussion en priv6 en vertu des dispositions pr6vues a Particle 10 de la Loi sur les municipalites. Le conseil /comit6 prendra une ou des d6cisions a cet 6gard au cours de la s6ance publique 16 h 30 — Salle de conf&rence du 8e 6tage, h6tel de ville 1.1 Question financi&e — alin6a 10.2(4)c) 1.2 Question relative a 1'emploi — alin6as 10.2(4)b), j) 1.3 Question relative au personnel — alin6a 10.2(4)b) 1.4 Question juridique — alin6a 10.2(4)e) 1.5 Question relative a la s6curit6 — alin6a 10.2(4)b),h) 1.6 Question relative au travail — alin6a 10.2(4)j) Seance ordinaire 1.Ouverture de la s6ance, suivie de la priere 18 h — Salle du conseil 2. Approbation du proces- verbal 3. Adoption de 1'ordre du jour 4. Divulgations de conflits d'int6rets 5. Questions soumises a 11approbation du conseil 6. Commentaires pr6sent6s par les membres 7. Proclamation 7.1 Semaine de la justice r6paratrice, du 18 au 25 novembre 2012 8. Delegations et presentations 9. Audiences publiques 19h 9.1 Projet de modification de 1'Arr8t& concernant la fermeture et le barrage d'un tron�on du chemin King William 9.2 Projet de modification de 1'Arret6 concernant la fermeture et le barrage d'un trongon de la place Market 10. Etude des arretes municipaux 10.1a) Troisieme lecture du projet de modification de 1'Arr&6 de zonage visant le 317, chemin City Line 10.1b) Conditions impos6es par Particle 39 11. Interventions des membres du conseil 11.1 4 -flex (maire Norton) 11.2 Rapport final du groupe de travail provincial sur le regime de retraite de The City of Saint John (conseiller Snook) 11.3 Plans communautaires — Strat&gie de revitalisation pour les quartiers du noyau urbain (conseiller Snook) 12. Affaires municipales 6voqu6es par les fonctionnaires municipaux 13. Rapports deposes par les comit6s 14. Etude des sujets 6cart6s des questions soumises a 1'approbation du conseil 15. Correspondance g6n6rale 15.1 Lettre du Comit6 du tournoi de Noel d'Irving Oil de Saint John — Frais de 1'ar6na 16. Ordre du jour suppl6mentaire 16.1 Association de 1'Exposition : Le complexe sportif a Exhibition Park Rapport pr6sent6 au conseil communal 16.2 R6unions entre le personnel municipal et les entrepreneurs en construction et les promoteurs locaux (conseiller Merrithew) 16.3 Directeur g6n6ral : Services professionnels — Hargrave & Company 16.4 a) Modification et rezonage en vertu de Particle 39 — 290, rue Ludlow 16.4b) Troisieme lecture du projet de modification de 1'Arr6t& de zonage visant le 290, rue Ludlow 16.5 Directeur g6n6ral : Compte rendu des progres r6alis6s de 1'examen des services de base 16.6 Directeur g6n6ral : Fonds d'amelioration de 1'infrastructure communautaire de The City of Saint John et de 1'Agence de promotion economique du Canada atlantique 16.7 Directeur g6n6ral : 2013 Budget d'immobilisations des services d'eau et d'&gouts 16.8 R6solutions pouvant faire l'objet de mesures de suivi — jusqu'a la reunion du conseil du 13 novembre 2012 16.9 Demande de Chris Archer pour une Lettre d'appui a la MMANB (Mixed Martial Arts New Brunswick) 16.10 Association des constructeurs de routes et de la construction lourde du Nouveau - Brunswick — Enonc6 de position sur les appels d'offres du gouvernement 16.11 CGA Nouveau - Brunswick — Lettre de remerciements 16.12 Lettre de f6licitations a Francis McGuire et au d6funt Neil McKelvey (mairesse suppleante) 16.13 Directeur g6n6ral : Budget d'exploitation propos6 pour 2013 — Fonds du r6seau d'aqueduc et d'6gouts 16.14 Greffiere communale : Calendrier propos6 du conseil communal pour 2013 16.15 Greffiere communale : Etablissement du calendrier des r6unions du comit6 pl6nier 17. Comit6 pl6nier 18. Lev& de la s6ance The city of Saba John Mayor Niel Nerton Mayor's Office Bureau do maire SAINT JOHN PROCLAMATION WHEREAS: in the face of crime or conflict, restorative justice offers a philosophy and approach that view these matters principally as harm done to people and relationships; and WHEREAS: restorative justice approaches strive to provide support and opportunities for the voluntary participation and communication between those affected by crime and conflict (victims, offenders, community) to encourage accountability, reparation and a movement towards understanding, feelings of satisfaction, healing and a sense of closure; and WHEREAS: this year's theme for Restorative Justice Week is "Diverse Needs; Unique Responses", it is an opportunity to learn about restorative justice, educate and celebrate along with other communities across the country during the week; and NOW THEREFORE: I, Mayor Met Norton, of Saint John do hereby proclaim November 18 - 25, 20 2 as Restorative Justice Week in the City of Saint John. In witness whereof I have set my hand and affixed the official seal of the Mayor of the City of Saint John. P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 I ~msaintjohn.ca ' C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada E2L 4L7 5 BY -LAW NUMBER M -23 A BY -LAW TO AMEND A BY -LAW RESPECTING THE STOPPING UP AND CLOSING OF HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by the Common Council of The City of Saint John as follows: 1 A by -law of The City of Saint John entitled, "A By -law Respecting The Stopping Up and Closing of Highways In The City of Saint John ", enacted on the nineteenth day of December, A.D. 2005, is hereby amended by adding thereto Section 232 immediately after Section 231 thereof, as follows: 232 The City of Saint John does hereby stop up and close permanently the following portion of highway: KING WILLIAM ROAD: All that portion of King William Road, a public street in the City of Saint John in the County of Saint John and Province of New Brunswick, comprising 217 mz as shown on a Plan of Survey titled, "Survey Plan Portion of King William Road, Saint John, Saint John County, N.B. ", prepared by Genivar and dated September 27, 2012 attached hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the * * ** day of * * * * *, A.D. 2012 and signed by: ARRETE No M -23 ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE SUR L'INTERRUPTION DE LA CIRCULATION ET LA FERMETURE DES ROUTES DANS THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lors d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a decrete cc qui suit : 1 Par les presentes, 1'arrete de The City of Saint John intitule, « L'arrete sur Finterruption de la circulation et la fermeture des routes dans The City of Saint John », decrete le 19 decembre 2005, est modifie par Fajout de Particle 232 immediatement apres Particle 231, comme suit: 232 Par les presentes, The City of Saint John barre et ferme de fagon permanente la portion d'une route suivante : CHEMIN KING WILLIAM: Tout le trongon du chemin King William, une rue publique dans The City of Saint John, comte de Saint John, dans la province du Nouveau - Brunswick, d'une superficie d'environ 217 m2 comme le montre le plan d'arpentage intitule « Plan d'arpentage indiquant une partie de la rue King William, City of Saint John, comte de Saint John, Nouveau - Brunswick », prepare par Genivar et date du 27 septembre 2012, ci joint. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arrete le * * * * * * * * 2012, avec les signatures suivantes : Mayor /Maize Common Clerk/Greffiere communale First Reading - Premiere lecture - Second Reading- Deuxieme lecture - Third Reading - Troisieme lecture - 0 SIMPSON'S TRUCK & TRACTOR PARTS LTD. Doc. 21796082 PID 55179519 TOUS LES CALCULS EFFECTUES ET TOUTES LES COORDONNEES INDIQUEES AU PRESENT PLAN SONT BASES SUR LE SYSTEME DE PROJECTION STEREOGRAPHIQUE DOUBLE DU NOUVEAU- BRUNSWICK, ET SUR L'ELLIPSOIDE NAD83 (SCRS) REALISE PAR LE SYSTEME DE CONTROLE ACTIF DE SERVICE NOUVEAU- BRUNSWICK. 1 2525883.513 7356380.355 2 2525885.732 7356389.077 3 2525891.546 7356387.598 4 2525893.025 7356393.413 5 2525901.748 7356391.195 6 2525898.051 7356376.658 A 28156 2534232.573 1 7362095.001 N.B. GRID COORDINATE VALUES ALL COMPUTATIONS PERFORMED AND COORDINATES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE BASED ON THE NEW BRUNSWICK STEREOGRAPHIC DOUBLE PROJECTION AND THE NAD83(CSRS) ELLIPSOID AS REALIZED BY SERVICE NEW BRUNSWICK'S ACTIVE CONTROL SYSTEM. I Q O S� Q 0 2 z Z "-ft- NOTE a 2 C, ° `64.16'06- 9. pop ° ° PUBLIC o STREET° of 217m2 to ° 15.000 1 28476'06- o 6, �yFM� N 5 �0%t — LES DIRECTIONS SONT LES AZIMUTS GRILLE PROVENANT DES REPLRES D'ARPENTAGE DU N. —B. ET SONT PRCSENTES CI— CONTRE. — LE FACTEUR D'CCHELLE UTILISE CTAIT 1.000039. — LES NUMCROS DU DOCUMENT INDIQUES SUR CE PLAN SONT CEUX DU BUREAU D'ENREGISTREMENT DES ACTES DU COMTe. — LES RENSEIGNEMENTS DES TERRAINS CONTIGUrS ONT I`Te OBTENUS DES DOSSIERS DE SNB. — TOUTES LES DISTANCES MONTReES SONT DES DISTANCES DE GRILLE CALCULCES. —LA CERTIFICATION NEST PAS DONNeE QUANT AU TITRE DE PROPRItTt, QUI RELLVE D'UN AVOCAT, NI QUANT AUX REGLEMENTS DE ZONAGE ET DE MARGE DE RECUL, QUI RELLVENT D'UN AGENT D'AMeNAGEMENT. —LA CERTIFICATION NEST PAS DONNE QUANT AUX CLAUSES RESTRICTIVES INDIQUEES DANS LE(S) DOCUMENT(S) NI QUANT A L'EMPLACEMENT DE SERVICES ET /OU D'ACCESSOIRES FIXES, PERMANENTS OU AUTRES. —LE LEVY SUR LE TERRAIN INITIAL A ETC FAIT LE 27 SEPTEMBER, 2012. CURVE POINT RADIUS I ARC I CHORD I AZIMUTH C3 3 6.000 1 9.425 1 8.485 39'16'06 NOTES — DIRECTIONS ARE N.B. GRID AZIMUTHS DERIVED FROM THE N.B. GRID MONUMENTS TABULATED HEREON. —THE SCALE FACTOR USED WAS 1.000039. —THE DOCUMENT NUMBERS REFERRED TO ON THIS PLAN ARE THOSE OF THE COUNTY REGISTRY OFFICE. — ADJACENT OWNER INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM SNB RECORDS. —ALL DISTANCES SHOWN ARE CALCULATED GRID DISTANCES. — CERTIFICATION IS NOT MADE AS TO LEGAL TITLE, BEING THE DOMAIN OF A LAWYER, NOR TO THE ZONING & SETBACK BY —LAWS OR REGULATIONS, BEING THE DOMAIN OF A DEVELOPMENT OFFICER. — CERTIFICATION IS NOT MADE AS TO COVENANTS SET OUT IN THE DOCUMENT(S) AND THE LOCATION OF ANY UNDERGROUND SERVICES AND /OR FIXTURES, PERMANENT OR OTHERWISE. — INITIAL FIELD SURVEY WAS COMPLETED SEPTEMBER 27, 2012. PURPOSE OF PLAN —TO ACCOMPANY A PROPOSED STREET CLOSING OF A PORTION OF KING WILLIAM ROAD. BUT DE PLAN — D'ACCOMPAGNEMENT PROPOSE LINE RUE DE FERMETURE D'UNE PARTIE DE CHEMIN KING WILLIAM. rA o �SURVEY AREA LOCALITY SKETCH LEGEND / LEGENDE SYMBOL GENIVARFAX: SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 506 693 - 80186 DESCRIPTION WWW.GENIVAR.COM SYMBOLE SYMBOLE SURVEY SYSTEM COORDINATE MONUMENT DOCUMENT /VOLUME /PAGE Doc. /Vol. /Pg. REPERE GEODESIQUE DU SYSTEME A REGISTERED Reg. DE COORDONNEES ENREGISTREMENT Enr. STANDARD SURVEY MARKER PLACED @ FOUND Fd. BORNE D'ARPENTAGE UNIFORME PLACEE TROUVt Tr. STANDARD SURVEY MARKER FOUND CALCULATED �c� BORNE D'ARPENTAGE UNIFORME TROUVEE CALCULE CALCULATED COORDINATE POINT SQUARE METRE 2 POINT DE COORDONNEE CALCULE METRE CARRY TABULATED COORDINATE REFERENCE SERVICE NEW BRUNSWICK SNB REPERE DE COORDONNLE CALCULE SERVICE NOUVEAU- BRUNSWICK ROUND IRON BAR FOUND CERTIFICATE OF REGISTERED OWNERSHIP CRO TIGE DE FER RONDE TROUVE CERTIFCAT DE PROPRIETE ENREGISTRE SNB PARCEL IDENTIFIER PID EASEMENT NUMBRO D'IDENTITE DE SNB NID SERVITUDE NBLS REGISTRATION NUMBER #372 FENCE NUMBRO D'IMMIATRICULATION DE A- G -N. -B. CLOTURE MUNICIPAL SERVICES EASEMENT M.S.E. PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT P.U.E. SERVITUDE DE SERVICES MUNICIPAUX SERVITUDE DE SERVICE PUBLIC NEW BRUNSWICK LAND SURVEYOR NBLS LAND DEALT WITH BY THIS PLAN ARPENTEUR- GEOMETRE DU LES BIENS -FONDS FAISANT L'OBJET DU NOUVEAU- BRUNSWICK A -G -N -B PRESENT PLAN SONT DELIMITES AINSI SURVEY PLAN / PLAN D'ARPENTAGE: PORTION OF / UNE PARTIE DE CHEMIN KING WILLIAM ROAD CHEMIN KING WILLIAM ROAD, SAINT JOHN, COMTE SAINT JOHN COUNTY, N.B. metres 10 0 10 20 30 40 1:500 SURVEYOR'S,_ STATEMENT 4N • s Q' �!� 194679 p,.✓ �', N.B.L.S. NO. SURVEYED BY: ANDREW K. TOOLE, N.B.L.S. DATED: SEPTEMBER 27, 2012 # 379 �G N� DRAWN: AKT FIELD: AKT CHECKED: JOB No.:SJO9055 I CAD:SJO9055 -610 580 MAIN STREET, HILYARD PLACE SAINT JOHN, NEW BRUNSWICK GENIVARFAX: PHOE: 506 1 9 N 506 693 - 80186 WWW.GENIVAR.COM SURVEYOR'S,_ STATEMENT 4N • s Q' �!� 194679 p,.✓ �', N.B.L.S. NO. SURVEYED BY: ANDREW K. TOOLE, N.B.L.S. DATED: SEPTEMBER 27, 2012 # 379 �G N� DRAWN: AKT FIELD: AKT CHECKED: JOB No.:SJO9055 I CAD:SJO9055 -610 STREET CLOSING KING WILLIAM ROAD Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending "A By -law Respecting The Stopping Up and Closing of Highways In The City of Saint John" at its regular meeting to be held on Monday, November 19, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. to stop up and close the following highway: KING WILLIAM ROAD: All that portion of King William Road, a public street in the City of Saint John in the County of Saint John and Province of New Brunswick, comprising 217 m2 as shown on a Plan of Survey titled, "Survey Plan Portion of King William Road, Saint John, Saint John County, N.B. ", prepared by Genivar and dated September 27, 2012 attached hereto. (INSERT PLAN) The proposed amendment and plan of the above described highway may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday inclusive, holidays excepted. Written objections to the proposed amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall. If you require French services for a Common Council meeting, please contact the office of the Common Clerk at 658 -2862. FERMETURE DE RUE CHEMIN KING WILLIAM Par les pr6sentes, un avis public est donne par lequel le conseil communal de The City of Saint John indique son intention de modifier 1'« Arr&6 sur l'interraption de la circulation et la fermeture des routes dans The City of Saint John » lors de la reunion ordinaire qui se tiendra le lundi 19 novembre 2012 a 19 h afin d'interrompre la circulation et de fermer la rue suivante : CHEMIN KING WILLIAM: Tout le trongon du chemin King William, une rue publique dans The City of Saint John, comt6 de Saint John, dans la province du Nouveau - Brunswick, d'une superficie d'environ 217 m2 comme le montre le plan d'arpentage intitul6 « Plan d'arpentage indiquant une partie de la rue King William, City of Saint John, comt6 de Saint John, Nouveau - Brunswick >>, pr6par6 par Genivar et dat6 du 27 septembre 2012, ci joint. (INSERER LE PLAN) Toute personne int6ress6e peut examiner le projet de modification et le plan de la rue d6crite ci- dessus au bureau de la greffi&re communale a 1'h6tel de ville au 15, Market Square, a Saint John, au Nouveau - Brunswick, entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours f6ri&s. Veuillez faire part de vos objections au projet de modification par &crit a 1'attention de la soussign6e a 116tel de ville. Si vous souhaitez des services en frangais pour une reunion du conseil communal, veuillez communiquer avec le bureau de la greffiere communale au 658 -2862. 0 BY -LAW NUMBER M -23 A BY -LAW TO AMEND A BY -LAW RESPECTING THE STOPPING UP AND CLOSING OF HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by the Common Council of The City of Saint John as follows: 1 A by -law of The City of Saint John entitled, "A By -law Respecting The Stopping Up and Closing of Highways In The City of Saint John ", enacted on the nineteenth day of December, A.D. 2005, is hereby amended by adding thereto Section 233 immediately after Section 232 thereof, as follows: 233 The City of Saint John does hereby stop up and close permanently the following portion of highway: MARKET PLACE: All that portion of Market Place, a public street in the City of Saint John in the County of Saint John and Province of New Brunswick, comprising 785mz as shown on a Plan of Survey titled, "Portion of Market Place (also known as Winslow Street), Market Place, City of Saint John, County of Saint John, N.B. ", prepared by Genivar and dated October 4, 2012 attached hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the * * ** day of * * * * *, A.D. 2012 and signed by: ARRETE No M -23 ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE SUR L'INTERRUPTION DE LA CIRCULATION ET LA FERMETURE DES ROUTES DANS THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lors d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a decrete cc qui suit : 1 Par les presentes, 1'arrete de The City of Saint John intitule, « L'arrete sur Finterruption de la circulation et la fermeture des routes dans The City of Saint John », decrete le 19 decembre 2005, est modifie par 1'ajout de Particle 233 immediatement apres Particle 232, comme suit: 233 Par les presentes, The City of Saint John barre et ferme de fagon permanente la portion d'une route suivante : PLACE MARKET : Tout le trongon de la place Market, une rue publique dans The City of Saint John, comte de Saint John, dans la province du Nouveau - Brunswick, d'une superficie d'environ 785 m2 comme le montre le plan d'arpentage intitule « Trongon de la place Market (aussi appelee rue Winslow), Place Market, City of Saint John, comte de Saint John, Nouveau - Brunswick >>, prepare par Genivar et date du 4 octobre 2012 ci- joint. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arrete le * * * * * * * * 2012, avec les signatures suivantes : Mayor/Maire Common Clerk/Greffiere communale First Reading - Premiere lecture - Second Reading- Deuxieme lecture - Third Reading - Troisieme lecture - 0 TOUS LES CALCULS EFFECTUES ET TOUTES LES COORDONNEES INDIQUEES AU PRESENT PLAN SONT BASES SUR LE SYSTEME DE PROJECTION STEREOGRAPHIQUE DOUBLE DU NOUVEAU— BRUNSWICK, ET SUR L'ELLIPSOIDE NAD83 (SCRS) REALISE PAR LE SYSTEME DE CONTROLE ACTIIF DE SERVICE NOUVEAU— BRUNSWICK. 8 2533598.061 7362333.402 9 2533613.253 7362323.220 10 2533589.140 7362287.741 11 2533573.948 7362297.923 A 28156 2534232.573 7362095.001 N.B. GRID COORDINATE VALUES ALL COMPUTATIONS PERFORMED AND COORDINATES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE BASED ON THE NEW BRUNSWICK STEREOGRAPHIC DOUBLE PROJECTION AND THE NAD83(CSRS) ELLIPSOID AS REALIZED BY SERVICE NEW BRUNSWICK'S ACTIVE CONTROL SYSTEM. NOTE NOTES - LES DIRECTIONS SONT LES AZIMUTS GRILLE PROVENANT DES REPtRES D'ARPENTAGE DU N. -B. ET SONT PReSENTeS CI- CONTRE. - LE FACTEUR DTCHELLE UTILISe tTAIT 1.000039. - LES NUMttROS DU DOCUMENT INDIQUtS SUR CE PLAN SONT CEUX DU BUREAU D'ENREGISTREMENT DES ACTES DU COMTE. - LES RENSEIGNEMENTS DES TERRAINS CONTIGUES ONT CTe OBTENUS DES DOSSIERS DE SNB. - TOUTES LES DISTANCES MONTRtES SONT DES DISTANCES DE GRILLE CALCULCES. -LA CERTIFICATION NEST PAS DONNI`E QUANT AU TITRE DE PROPRItTt, QUI RELIVE D'UN AVOCAT, NI QUANT AUX R�GLEMENTS DE ZONAGE ET DE MARGE DE RECUL, QUI RELEVENT D'UN AGENT D'AMtNAGEMENT. -LA CERTIFICATION NEST PAS DONNE QUANT AUX CLAUSES RESTRICTIVES INDIQUtES DANS LE(S) DOCUMENT(S) NI QUANT A L'EMPLACEMENT DE SERVICES ET /OU D'ACCESSOIRES FIXES, PERMANENTS OU AUTRES. -LE LEVY SUR LE TERRAIN INITIAL A ETt FAIT LE 27 SEPTEMBER, 2012. - DIRECTIONS ARE N.B. GRID AZIMUTHS DERIVED FROM THE N.B. GRID MONUMENTS TABULATED HEREON. -THE SCALE FACTOR USED WAS 1.000036. -THE DOCUMENT NUMBERS REFERRED TO ON THIS PLAN ARE THOSE OF THE COUNTY REGISTRY OFFICE. - ADJACENT OWNER INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM SNB RECORDS. -ALL DISTANCES SHOWN ARE CALCULATED GRID DISTANCES. - CERTIFICATION IS NOT MADE AS TO LEGAL TITLE, BEING THE DOMAIN OF A LAWYER, NOR TO THE ZONING & SETBACK BY -LAWS OR REGULATIONS, BEING THE DOMAIN OF A DEVELOPMENT OFFICER. - CERTIFICATION IS NOT MADE AS TO COVENANTS SET OUT IN THE DOCUMENT(S) AND THE LOCATION OF ANY UNDERGROUND SERVICES AND /OR FIXTURES, PERMANENT OR OTHERWISE. - INITIAL FIELD SURVEY WAS COMPLETED SEPTEMBER 27, 2012. PURPOSE OF PLAN -TO ACCOMPANY A PROPOSED STREET CLOSING OF A PORTION OF MARKET PLACE (ALSO KNOWN AS WINSLOW STREET). BUT DE PLAN w LOCALITY SKETCH -N- 1 � PLAN OF SURVEY / PLAN D'ARPENTAGE: PORTION OF / UNE PARTIE DE PLACE MARKET PLACE (AUSSIE APPELLE /ALSO KNOWN AS RUE WINSLOW STREET) PLACE MARKET PLACE, CITY OF SAINT JOHN, COUNTY OF /COMTE DE SAINT JOHN, N.B. metres 10 0 10 20 30 40 1:500 LEGEND / UGENDE SAINT JOHN, NEW BRUNSWICK GENIVARFAXN: SYMBOL SYMBOL DESCRIPTION WWW.GENIVAR.COM DESCRIPTION SYMBOLE SYMBOLE SURVEY SYSTEM COORDINATE MONUMENT DOCUMENT /VOLUME /PAGE Doc. /Vol. /Pg. REPERE GEODESIQUE DU SYSTEME REGISTERED Reg, DE COORDONNEES ENREGISTREMENT Enr, STANDARD SURVEY MARKER PLACED @ FOUND Fd, BORNE D'ARPENTAGE UNIFORME PLACEE TROUVt Tr. STANDARD SURVEY MARKER FOUND O CALCULATED �c� BORNE D'ARPENTAGE UNIFORME TROUVEE CALCULE CALCULATED COORDINATE POINT 0 SQUARE METRE 2 POINT DE COORDONNEE CALCULE METRE CARRY TABULATED COORDINATE REFERENCE SERVICE NEW BRUNSWICK SNB REPERE DE COORDONNEE CALCULE SERVICE NOUVEAU- BRUNSWICK ROUND IRON BAR FOUND CERTIFICATE OF REGISTERED OWNERSHIP CRO TIGE DE FER RONDE TROUVE CERTIFICAT DE PROPRVI! ENREGISTRE SNB PARCEL IDENTIFIER PID EASEMENT NUMBRO D'IDENTITE DE SNB NID SERVITUDE NBLS REGISTRATION NUMBER #372 FENCE i NUMBRO D'IMMIATRICULATION DE A- G -N. -B. CLOTURE MUNICIPAL SERVICES EASEMENT M.S.E. PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT P.U.E. SERVITUDE DE SERVICES MUNICIPAUX SERVITUDE DE SERVICE PUBLIC NEW BRUNSWICK LAND SURVEYOR NBLS AN LAND DEALT WITH BY THIS PLAN ARPENTEUR- GEOMETRE DU LES ENS-FONDS FAISANT DU NOUVEAU- BRUNSWICK A -G -N -B PRESENT PLAN SONT DELIMITES AINSI PLAN OF SURVEY / PLAN D'ARPENTAGE: PORTION OF / UNE PARTIE DE PLACE MARKET PLACE (AUSSIE APPELLE /ALSO KNOWN AS RUE WINSLOW STREET) PLACE MARKET PLACE, CITY OF SAINT JOHN, COUNTY OF /COMTE DE SAINT JOHN, N.B. metres 10 0 10 20 30 40 1:500 SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT N.B.L.S. SURVEYED BY: ANDREW K. TOOLE, N.B.L.S. DATED: OCTOBER 4, 2012 # 379 — D'ACCOMPAGNEMENT PROPOSE UNE RUE DE FERMETURE D'UNE I DRAWN: AKT FIELD: AKT CHECKED: PARTIE DE PLACE MARKET (AUSSI APPELLE RUE WINSLOW) JOB No.:121- 23973 -00 CAD:121- 23973 -610 10 �OW. B IV No. 194760 580 MAIN STREET, HILYARD PLACE SAINT JOHN, NEW BRUNSWICK GENIVARFAXN: 719 506 693-801 6 WWW.GENIVAR.COM SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT N.B.L.S. SURVEYED BY: ANDREW K. TOOLE, N.B.L.S. DATED: OCTOBER 4, 2012 # 379 — D'ACCOMPAGNEMENT PROPOSE UNE RUE DE FERMETURE D'UNE I DRAWN: AKT FIELD: AKT CHECKED: PARTIE DE PLACE MARKET (AUSSI APPELLE RUE WINSLOW) JOB No.:121- 23973 -00 CAD:121- 23973 -610 10 �OW. B IV No. 194760 STREET CLOSING MARKETPLACE Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending "A By -law Respecting The Stopping Up and Closing of Highways In The City of Saint John" at its regular meeting to be held on Monday, November 19, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. to stop up and close the following highway: MARKET PLACE: All that portion of Market Place, a public street in the City of Saint John in the County of Saint John and Province of New Brunswick, comprising 785m2 as shown on a Plan of Survey titled, "Portion of Market Place (also known as Winslow Street), Market Place, City of Saint John, County of Saint John, N.B. ", prepared by Genivar and dated October 4, 2012 attached hereto. (INSERT PLAN) The proposed amendment and plan of the above described highway may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday inclusive, holidays excepted. Written objections to the proposed amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall. If you require French services for a Common Council meeting, please contact the office of the Common Clerk at 658 -2862. FERMETURE DE ROUTE PLACE MARKET Par les pr6sentes, un avis public est donne par lequel le conseil communal de The City of Saint John indique son intention de modifier 1'« Arr&6 sur l'interraption de la circulation et la fermeture des routes dans The City of Saint John » lors de la reunion ordinaire qui se tiendra le lundi 19 novembre 2012 a 19 h afin d'interrompre la circulation et de fermer la rue suivante : PLACE MARKET: Tout le trongon de la place Market, une rue publique dans The City of Saint John, court& de Saint John, dans la province du Nouveau - Brunswick, d'une superficie d'environ 785 m2 comme le montre le plan d'arpentage intitul& << Trongon de la place Market (aussi appel6e rue Winslow), Place Market, City of Saint John, comt6 de Saint John, Nouveau - Brunswick >>, pr&par6 par Genivar et dat6 du 4 octobre 2012 ci joint. (INSERER LE PLAN) Toute personne int6ress6e peut examiner le projet de modification et le plan de la route d6crits ci- dessus au bureau de la greffi&e communale a 1'h6tel de ville au 15, Market Square, a Saint John, au Nouveau - Brunswick, entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours f6ri&s. Veuillez faire part de vos objections au projet de modification par 6crit a 1'attention du soussign6 a 1'h6tel de ville. Si vous souhaitez des services en frangais pour une reunion du conseil communal, veuillez communiquer avec le bureau de la greffiere communale au 658 -2862. 11 BY -LAW NUMBER C.P. 110 -203 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY -LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN ARRETE No C.P. 110 -203 ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint Lors dune reunion du conseil John in Common Council convened, as communal, The City of Saint John a follows: The Zoning By -law of The City of Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of December, A.D. 2005, is amended by: 1 Amending Schedule "A ", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 912 square metres, located at 317 City Line, also identified as being PID No. 00386193, from "R -2" One and Two Family Residential to "R -4" Four Family Residential pursuant to a resolution adopted by Common Council under Section 39 of the Community Planning Act. - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by -law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the * day of *, A.D. 2012 and signed by: Mayor /Maire d6cr&6 cc qui suit : L'arret6 sur le zonage de The City of Saint John, d6cr&6 le dix -neuf (19) d6cembre 2005, est modie6 par: 1 La modification de 1'annexe «A », Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, permettant de modifier la d6signation dune parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 912 metres carr6s, situ6e au 317, ligne City, et portant le NID 00386193, de zone r6sidentielle- habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales « R -2 » a zone r6sidentielle — habitations de quatre logements « R -4 conform6ment a une resolution adoptee par le conseil municipal en vertu de Particle 39 de la Loi sur Furbanisme. - toutes les modifications sont indiqu6es sur le plan ci joint et font partie du pr6sent arret&. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le pr6sent arr8t6 le 2012, avec les signatures suivantes Common Clerk/Greffiere communale First Reading - November 5, 2012 Premiere lecture - le 5 novembre 2012 Second Reading - November 5, 2012 Deuxieme lecture - le 5 novembre 2012 Third Reading - Troisi6me lecture - 12 GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES / SERVICES DE DEVELOPPEMENT ET DE CROISSANCE REZONING / REZONAGE Amending Schedule "A" of the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John Modifiant Annexe «A» de I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John o� o t i FROM / DE TO /A R -2 R -4 One And Two Family Residential / Four Family Residential / zone residentielle- habitations zone residentielle- habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales de quatre logements Pursuant to a Resolution under Section 39 of the Community Planning Act Conformement a une resolution adoptee par le conseil municipal en vertu de I'article 39 de la Loi sur I'urbanisme Applicant: Serge Ethier Location: 317 ligne City Line PID(s) /NIP(s): 00386193 Considered by P.A.C. /considers par le C.C.U.: October 16 octobre, 2012. Enacted by Council /Approuve par le Conseil: Filed in Registry Office /Enregistre le: By -Law # /Arrete # Drawn By /Crese Par: David Couture Date Drawn /Carte Creee: November 7 novembre, 2012. 13 Section 39 Conditions — 317 Citv Line That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the proposed development of the parcel of land with an area of approximately 912 square metres, located at 317 City Line, also identified as being PID Number 00386193 be subject to the following condition: a. Appropriate landscaping be provided around the parking area at the rear of the property to visually screen the parking area and prevent headlight trespass onto adjacent properties. 14 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL October 31, 2012 Deputy Mayor Rinehart and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: 4 -flex The City of Saint John Our agreed upon priorities include a commitment to work with community partners to develop and maintain a new signature multi - purpose recreation facility. A 4 -Plex type facility will provide multiple recreation opportunities throughout the year and provide a venue for other events that would require a large in -door floor space. During a recent meeting with Jim Quinn from the Port Authority the idea of using the Long Wharf site as a potential suitable location was discussed. The Long Wharf site is central to both the LBR and Harbour Station, provides for adequate onsite parking and will be linked to several areas of the City by the bike trails and Harbour Passage and offers easy access to residents of the City and the region. I think it would be beneficial to initiate preliminary discussions with the Port to explore this idea further (restrictions, cost, size of land available, site conditions etc etc). RECOMMENDATION That the City Manager and appropriate staff be directed to initiate discussions with the Saint John Port Corporation to explore the potential for using the Long Wharf site as a potential location for a 4 -Plex recreation facility. Respectfully submitted, Mel Norton Mayor 15 November 13, 2012 His Worship Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: Subject: Provincial Pension Task Force's Final Report to the City of Saint John Motion: I propose that Common Council receive the final report from the Provincial Pension Task Force concerning the City of Saint John's pension plan in an open session of Council. Furthermore, there should be at least a 10 day "vetting" period in order to provide an opportunity for public input before Council makes a final decision concerning changes to our City's pension plan. Respectfully Submitted, (Received via email) Donnie Snook, City Councillor —Ward 3 City of Saint John (a-$ )_ SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 I www.saingohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada E2L 4L1 16 I.: s t November 13, 2012 His Worship Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: Subject: Community Plans/ Revitalization Strategy for Urban Core Neighbourhoods During Common Council's recent priority sessions, Commissioner Ken Forrest spoke to us about the PlanSJ process and our City's new municipal plan. He reaffirmed that the center piece of this document is placing Saint John on the leading edge of urban thought and creating healthy, unique and inclusive neighbourhoods. He also challenged us and said that "the heavy lifting is to now bring our new municipal plan to life." PlanSJ calls for the end of "urban sprawl" by focusing on "urban opportunity areas" which predominantly are located in the "heart of our City ". We, therefore, must encourage more density in our already existing "urban core neighbourhoods ". Without question, our City's urban core neighbourhoods represent the greatest opportunity for future redevelopment and transformational change. With a creative vision we can witness and help create the right conditions to see the heart of our City's residential neigbourhoods revived. To that end, I believe, we need to begin the process of developing community plans as a part of an overall revitalization strategy for our City's urban core neighbourhoods. PlanSJ will only be effective when we translate it in a meaningful way and we must articulate specific actions that should be taken to ensure urban renewal happens sooner than later in the center of our City. Saint John, I believe, is on the cusp of overseeing the transformation of our City's oldest neighbourhoods. We need to take action and develop an innovative and comprehensive strategy to unpack and implement the smart growth principles endorsed during the PlanSJ process. We cannot afford to leave these principles in a state of ambiguity as it relates to implementing change in our urban core neighbourhoods. Urban core density and redevelopment must be supported by an innovative approach to developing creative policies and standards that attracts new growth and development. SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada EK 40 I www saint ohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada E2L 4L1 -----------� 17 Specifically, I believe neighbourhood plans should first be developed first in 3 specific areas: The "Old North End ", the lower South End and the Waterloo Village area. These areas face challenges with regard to having pockets of urban decay because of vacant /boarded up buildings and subsequently vacant lots when structurally unsound buildings are removed. These neighbourhoods represent for us the greatest opportunity for transformational change. We must dedicate resources to develop a comprehensive neighbourhood revitalization strategy for these three priority neighbourhoods. This strategy should include short term and long term goals. In recent years we have seen an example of community mobilization in partnership with government to develop and execute an exciting vision for Crescent Valley. Focusing on these areas first will represent a significant shift in Saint John and also complies with the directives and principles contained in PlanSJ. We need to create a comprehensive revitalization strategy consisting of short and long term goals which includes and not necessarily limited to, the following: 1. Incentives for new development and restoration of dilapidated buildings 2. An aggressive plan that sets specific goals /targets for addressing vacant and /or structurally unsound buildings 3. Creation of a schedule that makes the resurfacing /reconstruction of roads a priority for these areas 4. Review the current waste management program, insuring the unique needs of these communities are being addressed. The idea of a curb side recycling pilot project program should be revisited. 5. Collaborate with community groups to insure adequate "cleans -ups" are happening throughout the year. This includes looking at whether or not we have enough public garbage containers, implementation of a "poop & scoop" program, "Adopt a Block" program etc. 6. Public Safety - Is Community Policing meeting their objectives? Are we promoting our SCAN task force enough? 7. Beautification - Increase the number of trees /flowers planted. Can we ensure unsightly buildings are painted and are being properly maintained? Motion: Refer to City Manager for input and direction from our City's Growth and Development Services Department with regard to the creation and implementation of Community Plans/ Revitalization Strategy for the above named urban core neighbourhoods. Respectfully Submitted, (Received via email) Donnie Snook, City Councillor — Ward 3 City of Saint John in Saint John Christmas Tournament November 5th, 2012 Dear Worship and fellow Council, On December 27 — 30th, the Committee of the Irving Oil Saint John Christmas Tournament will be having their 45th Annual tournament in the City of Saint John. I, on behalf of the committee, am writing you to request you take a look at the present fee structure for ice time from Leisure Services. In the past, we have had a set right of approximately $ 2000.00 for the ice time at the city arenas. This season, after consulting with Ray Walsh, the Invoice is $ 12,000.00. He advised me to send an email to Mayor and Council to see what could possibly be done. As you know, The Saint John Christmas Tournament donates to local Minor Hockey Associations and Non Profit organizations, such as City of Saint John Pro Kids and MADD Canada. We feel if this invoice is not changed, we will not be able to donate this season to these worthwhile charities and any further tournaments will be in jeopardy. At this time of season, the tournament brings in many teams for our local community, a direct benefit to our economy in terms of Restaurants, hotels and shopping centers. We would like Council to advise Leisure Services to revisit this situation and to invoice us as previous years. If council would like to speak to the committee, we would not hesitate to do so at a Council meeting or at your convenience. Respectfully submitted, Scott Geikie SJ Christmas Tournament Committee 19 Exhibition sso-c-lation P.O. Box 284 of the City and County of Saint John Saint John, N. B. E21- 3Y2 Phone, (506) 633 -2020 F= (5066) 636 -GM Mayor Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Octoberl9, 2012 City of Saint John PO Box 1971 Saint John N. B. E21.41.1 Dear Mayor Norton and Members of Council Re: Proposed Field house @ Exhibition Park Enclosed you will find some material in regards to a Field House that the Exhibition Association proposes be built at Exhibition Park. We had originally presented this proposal to Saint John Council some two years ago and had the support of the Council of that time - dependent on participation of the other levels of government. Given there has been an election in the past few months and the existence of the provincially mandated District Commissions as ofJanuary,2013,we felt it necessary to present the concept to the new Council and be available to answer any questions there may be. The Field House concept arose from the need for the Association to construct an exhibition facility to replace space that for one reason or another was lost over the past several years. The Board then looked at leveraging the Association funds into a facility that could be used for two weeks for the exhibition and be available for the community at large for the other fifty weeks. A recreation consulting firm and architectural firm were engaged to carry out a feasibility study and make a recommendation as to the most appropriate facility. Their recommendation was a 107,000 sq ft building which would contain a 66,000 sq ft full size indoor turf field and a walking track. Additional studies were conducted on soil and placement of the building as well as storm water and wet land management. The cost of the building has been estimated at $14,000,000 and added to that is $6,000,000 in upgrades to existing buildings, development of parkland, landscaping as well as design fees and contingencies. The total project cost is estimated to be $21,000,000 including the land. The Association has committed to contributing the land plus $3,000,000. The askfrom the City of Saint John is foremost, supportfor the 20 project and secondly a contribution to the $3,000,000 required, over a three year period, from the Greater Saint John municlpallties. The support of the City of Saint John and the other municipalities in the District Commission would then be needed to approach the Federal and Provincial Governments to each contribute $7,000,000 to the project, again over a three year period. In addition to the land and a capital contribution, the Exhibition Association is also committed to funding any operating deficits for the facility. There is no facility of this nature in Southern New Brunswick thus there is little opportunity for the thousands of participants in field sports such as soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, rugby etc to play in the October to May period. The few that are able to participate are travelling to Moncton, Fredericton or even Halifax. By not having a facility of this nature in Greater Saint John, the region is lacking both a significant quality of life asset as well as the opportunity to enhance the sports tourism industry on a year round basis. A recent interview with Jason Brown of Fundy Soccer in the Telegraph Journal indicated that the number of youth registered in soccer in New Brunswick exceeds those registered in hockey .When fall comes, by and large the majority of players in this area wait until May except for perhaps 200 who have the opportunity to play indoor soccer on hard court surfaces. Corporate Research Association included a number of questions in their August quarterly survey of Greater Saint John .The results of this survey indicate that 78% of Saint John residents support the field House and 52% indicate they or a member of their household would use the facility. A copy of the survey is included with this material. We would be pleased to do a presentation to Common Council on this project and to answer any questions you may have at this time. ours Truly, Paul Gilbride President 21 Corporate Research Associates (CRA) Survey Part of Quarterly Greater Saint John Survey that was carried out August 10 -20, 2012 Results of survey statistically valid 95 times out of 100( Le there can be a level of confidence that the results would represent the population of Greater Saint John correctly 95% of the time) Question Support Overall Support Saint John Support Other Areas Support or oppose field 73% 78% 63% House At Exhibition Park? Would you or Members of Your 49% 52% 42% Household Use Facility? 22 11_rhan_ Third quarter 2012 3 Sample Distribution The overall results are based on 352 interviews with lndividuals from the Saint John and surrounding areas population. A sample of 352 respondents would be expected to provide results accurate to within plus or minus 5.2 percentage points in 95 out of 100 samples. Sample Distribution Region sample Marsh of Error" SeintJohn 227 t 6.5% Other 125 ± B.Sx sain:John a swro ndfrg wow 195%con5dence Interval Corporate Research Assaclates Inc., 2012 23 SAIMT JOHN URBAN REPORT - THIRD QUARTER 2012 - Saint John Exhibition Association - TABLE EA1: Indoor teal or may not be aware, the socc tlor► of 06iatbn b proposing develop a 100A00 aclurne toot mutt purpose Indoor sport and reo n tadllly. The fadRry win have an NW be roeponeble for the operating used for soccer, footb k 6ieroaae, baboWK and other sports. The Efddbidon Aseocirdbn would provide the the r mate ng a break svErr basis. They would seek a onetime contdbudon from the surroundln �' a sb m capkal Co 0111, and t Federal Govenrrnent to provkte the rem�ning fearding, g m�rrlClpdRlss, the Provinolal Go�remarent, and the AR thtngs Considered, do you completety support, rrastly support, mostly oppose, or com to ExhibRlon Park grounds? Fb h► oPP� the derelaPmwd of a multHWrpeee Indoor sport and racm-i -Vor, _r,vulty on Completely supp°d OVERALL % COMMUNM Saint John Other GENDER d I F I iB-34 AGE 35454 155, L.T. H.S. EDWATION Gred N.B. Sane P$ Grad PA INCOME 33DK- t;74.9K S7SK + Mostly support 31 37 21 31 32 1 37 34 25 31 41 26 27 -<$=K 32 29 37 Mostly oppose 41 41 43 42 40 41 43 40 31 31 55 46 43 41 42 Completely oppose 12 10 15 11 13 11 12 12 8 iD 9 14 7 16 12 Nelther support nor oppose 6 6 4 9 9 3 5 3 8 ii 8 3 4 8 5 3 Don't know/No answer 4 4 9 3 9 5 5 8 1 t 2 8 8 8 2 VfMGKTED SIMPLE SUE (#) 332 4 227 3 t26 4 163 3 109 1 91 2 8 8 4 5 3 4 t) 4 UNVMGHTW OMPLE SIZE 132 129 26 102 37 183 106 59 � % SUPPORT' 362 227 125 163 iM 93 129 130 20 99 � 1B6 iO4 61 98 '�6 OPPOSE 73 78 63 73 72 79 77 85 62 72 81 73 75 71 79 is 14 24 19 16 I 16 16 20 19 18 11 19 15 21 15 Corporate Research Associates Inc., 2012 M {SJUREP -1027) Page 1 SAINT JOHN URBAN REPORT - THIRD QUARTER 2012 - Saint John Exhibition Association - TABLE EA2a: [ASK IF'SUPPORr IN O.EA1] Why do you support the davebpmeM of a mWll- Puirpoa* Indoor Sport and rocreali0n WRY on ExhibNbn Park grounds? OVERALL % IDOLVAUNI Y OENDER AGE EDLICATM fl'fCOdE NOW a Sportlmome8an fadikyA ack Saint John Qther )W I F 1 8.34 1 3"i-F55. L.T. H.S. Grad -KB. Boma P.S. Grni P S = $UK WK- $744K g75K + of racreattonel fa Nidas 32 32 32 33 32 22 35 87 18 30 33 34 2B 32 38 Benefits dtlldren/Gtvm chWren Something to do 30 34 22 25 35 34 30 26 38 32 35 2d 3B 1B 23 Good for the comet ityr 20 20 20 26 14 21 21 17 18 21 15 Encourages hmeItlVfitneswxesps 8 6 11 7 21 18 28 24 Pie aceve 9 5 12 4 0 5 16 B 4 8 12 Provides more sport opporhmltles 5 3 11 5 6 8 4 5 Provide sports year roundrAN waafhpr 8 4 0 3 ! 1 6 4 4 4 �y 7 2 7 4 7 4 0 1 7 e 6 5 3 Good fur the economy 4 4 4 4 3 5 4 WiN provide jabs 2 2 2 0 8 p 4 5 5 Convenient location 2 1 1 9 2 3 1 0 4 4 1 2 0 4 Good Lme of the land 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 D 0 3 3 p 8 1 Other 2 1 3 1 2 0 2 2 0 3 0 2 0 2 3 EJon't 7 6 7 7 6 8 5 7 6 5 3 8 5 4 11 WSWIM SAMPLES (0) 4 2w d 177 3 78 4 1>DD 4 in 2 71 2 10t 7 84 0 7 3 2 5 5 0 iHWOMIGFTFED SAMPLE SHE E$1 258 1 178 1 00 73 Be 84 1e 73 30 133 79 42 77 1120 1138 I I 18 1 T2 1 20 1 .137 78 43 76 Corporate Research Assockfts Ina., 2012 api [3JUREP -1027] Page 2 SAINT JOHN URBAN REPORT - THIRD QUARTER 2012 • Saint John Exhibition Association - TABLE EA2b: [ASK IF WPOW IN aEIU] Why d0 You oppose the derd0pmee4 Of a mult4mrposs Indoor sport and recremum feel M1y an EihfblHon Park grounds? DOrli need ItlHBVe enough recrea#an OVERALL % Swni Joln Other CiEM1aEA M F 1834 AGE 35-; 56+ L.T. H.S. EDUCATION Grad H 9. Sams P.S. dyad P.S. INCOME a WOK !<60K- lj74.eK $73K+ kNalea 27 28 2B 2D 34 32 1 D 31 6t1 31 0 28 28 16 35 Tao much money/Canl afford K 22 28 18 no Poor eoomy it 28 18 32 14 23 0 18 0 32 12 31 14 Money should be sperq 17 17 16 18 18 10 23 20 18 0 18 0 18 14 ebewherefWaste of money 16 25 8 22 11 15 19 15 2Q 15 31 15 24 1B 23 Wil be paid by wVeyers 12 11 13 13 10 15 14 8 0 12 Other 14 7 23 10 18 6 24 12 6 18 0 45 14 12 14 7 14 Don't know 7 8 10 10 3 0 14 4 0 1!1 7 14 W�[IIFJiIs� Sd11IPLE 813SE (j 62 11 24 3 12 1s 0 tii1VV!!�#TED 9Aif6+I.E SSE (0j 31 31 31 30 14 22 26 5 10 4 34 Is 13 14 0 1 90 30 1 37 1 28 L 13 1 21 1 26 1 6 1 18 1 4 33 16 43 14 CarporAte Research Assadates Inc., 2012 P40%, [SJUREP -1027] Page 3 SAINT JOHN URBAN! REPORT - THIRD QUARTER 2012 - Saint John Exhibition Association TABLE EA3: Im alne for a moment ihs Exhbfflon Auaochdon constructed a multipurpose indoor Sport and r�eorsatlon facility, how likely, If at all, we you or other members of yaw household to use such a fadRlyF Would you defimW% P�h►. Probably not or deflnit* not use such a faoMty? Deflnilety Probably Probably not Do%ftely not Uont knowlNo answer WEEMM SAMPLE SIZE (f) 1811W8GHTED SAMPLE 9¢E (f) % DEFIWELYIPROBABLy % PROBABLY N01MEFINITELTY NOT OVERALL % COIMUNf Y GENdER 19 17 AGE 17 saint Jahn OBter M F 1834 3554 16 20 10 14 18 23 18 33 33 33 37 29 39 37 33 32 36 31 36 24 32 17 15 21 18 17 14 12 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 3t 227 125 153 188 91 182 952 227 125 153 189 Ili 129 48 52 42 S1 47 62 58 51 47 57 49 52 38 44 Corpprate Research Asst>clatw Inc., 2012 27 55+ a LT. NS 12 EmUCATi0N Cmd N.$. Some P.S. Bred P.B. twmit1E c $30K 990X- $749K $75K • 19 17 15 17 18 22 25 24 32 22 37 32 29 98 41 38 29 50 31 W 35 31 2S 27 20 11 15 20 i8 9 2 0 0 a 1 1 0 1 129 25 1012 37 let 106 59 $1 180 26 99 36 188 104 61 as 33 35 51 39 53 46 46 5g 85 55 49 61 46 51 54 40 IS.lUAEP -1027) Page 4 1!•ai�. Iss•ssa ! s s I�etsate19 s 1•i tstls leaa••si.0 sa•a! 4t�e Ise:: ::4 :aatla . f.! t t a t t �ffiff.i••ttsa�`i` �a.af`fifstt•tatat a 9 -a_• V. a[� i • �i.;silisioi.•••.•.•! !o.•i •sA�t 0 010ls•a•a.�.�•••a. *.t.aa•i . i i•.• �S'••a'a'a'aaaaaa•a.li•!s.l� t 1•!!t '�'.�asat•t.t.l.!•l.ii .••!!• �t�i l�.i!•�•iat •t.'t .s't!t`asa.• y :• :•�•:10 t .:.:• !!!•! °oi !• ii•�Rt•s.•••.•i • i•••i .s - asss••!•.• ~ ~ ~" �-� '-� ~q0� �"�mw �� TableU f Contents - ~ � �� Ourplan ............................................................... 2 An historic organization ................................................. 4 Benefits h]the region ................................................... 4 What will �h�f8dlhv - � - �U ...,0OUO8/.............-.......^......','^,^,.- ','^5 . . ! Exhibition grounds redevelopment .............. ^^^'^`'^-- .-^'^..^^'^6 How much will it cost? ................................................... 7 How long will it take t0build? ..........' ....'..'..... .............. / How will itbG funded? '..............'^,^.^'^,,,^^,_,^,^_,,,^,,,_,..=^7. ' Other bonuses ................ .........'...,..'-....,....'!..,�^,.'.� location........................................ .._.. .,,..,.,^8 Appendices � � We want to hear from you ......' ...'.,....... .......... Inside back cover 29 / - - - '-'- . , - ' . ' .. . .. . / ^- Enhanci_n_, sports and recreation in outrhern New Brunsiovick Our plan We want to breathe new life into Saint John's historic exhibition grounds by constructing a multi - purpose indoor sport and recreation facility for Southern New Brunswick. This state -of- the -art facility, the first of its kind in New Brunswick, would be part of the Exhibition Association of the City and County of Saint John's overall redevelopment plan for its exhibition grounds. This facility would boost participation in the region's historic annual exhibition and serve as a year -round venue to improve the health and wellness of residents and increase our entire region's sports tourism. It`s a bold, sensible and future - focused plan. And we are prepared to make it happen. -t S •� O 0 v a v N- � V v N Featuring an indoor field house with artificial turf, spectator seating, a raised, three -lane walking track and exhibition space, this facility would be used for a wide variety of sport and recreational activities, including: • Soccer • Lacrosse • Tennis • Football • Field Hockey • Rugby • Track and field Winter baseball Golf • Ultimate Frisbee • Lawn bowling • Pre - school children's programs • After - school activities • Seniors' walking/ fitness programs • Trade shows • Arts and crafts fairs • Agricultural exhibits {a r historic ORGANIZATION Established over 170 years ago, the Exhibition Association of the City and County of Saint John is a non - profit, incorporated organization whose purpose is to promote the local economy, the social and cultural aspects of the region and provide opportunities for social and recreational experiences. We are best known for hosting annual agricultural and industrial exhibitions, usually as part of a fall fair, but also at other times of the year. In order for us to continue to fulfill our mandate, we need to improve our aging facilities and boost attendance. We will do that by meeting the changing needs of our society with this new multi- purpose sports and recreational facility and our overall site redevelopment plans. BENEFITS A multi- purpose sports and recreational facility would bring numerous benefits to the Southern New Brunswick region; • Provide a year -round venue to help citizens adopt a healthy lifestyle • Help combat our high rates of obesity • Provide multiple sports with a "winter' home, especially the rapidly growing sport of soccer • Boost attendance and interest in exhibition activities, particularly during Exhibition Week • Provide an improved venue for new exhibition activities and concerts • Create a sports tourism industry for the region based on field sports n 4 32 What will this FACILITY include? This permanent, steel structure (not a dome) will house- An indoor 60m X 100m field surface with artificial turf • A three -lane walking track, on a second level, allowing use while field play in progress • Sport spectator seating for 150 Dressing rooms • Referee rooms Training /meeting rooms • Lounge /concession area • Storage area • First aid room • Reception /ticket area • Entrance /exhibition display area r • *1P .+ • to �r v � V �I► r Y • v r V V v W d The design allows for the lower level to connect to outdoor temporary structures during the annual fall fair exhibitions. The turf field can be covdggd to provide 66,000 square feet of space for crafts and agricultural. exhibits. Also included in the plans are exhibition office and storage space, a staff rood -5 and locker room as well as maintenance areas. l ti ti � 1 i 1 L • • • A w a Exhibition grounds REDEVELOPMENT Apart from the new facility itself, we will renovate the existing exhibition building (Building #1) and add a new lobby /entrance. Building #1 is currently used for a wide variety of community events including meetings, bingos, commercial exhibits and shows. It will become the main entertainment venue at Exhibition Park following renovations. We'll construct a new parking lot which will also serve as the seasonal midway zone. And, under the parking lot, we are constructing a storm -water containment unit that will improve the entire site's storm water retention capabilities. We'll also re -do the landscaping and add flowers and trees that complement and enhance the nearby wetlands, so that visitors can see and learn about what a wetland is and does. The current building #3 used as a paddock, and during the fall fair for displays, is past its useful life and will be demolished. The existing horticultural, fruit and vegetable building will be converted to a paddock for use by Norse Racing New Brunswick. i �' ' .+� � • : !` rl � ice. ,! �+Sa �.. 1 mum •10 1 RbN 11 - �,'"°`' ten.• -�.� �• \ � � f.A1Y>Jt G �y(A�� � ,F. I 1 � :�� .• �xwo 1. :�rel., .�.}• /'; lero ho ' �- �� ` . ` � � G � � �.le y'. ,-tom. ;��•,, "t . ' V, • \ yF7 � ' J - ���� '\ `•ayi � i. it w,y % KY� �1,r {� `\ ``..5 � '� ��W�. ',,' �� ��`��a` \,�. `�Ri � ��.. � -I��/ � ^j - "�� �.��\ X. .yam � '11. �•��r i �' �... � . ° / � 1••x'1. r:.� � \ � � • ; "�•. � ��/ 1t t �, �.,4 1 '�'i'' .` `.. \r /• �... f � ?. �� �v...,�,• emu.' ,N S, .`a,� JQ'.� � % .,.�•� ".! W lip, v y - � r W How much will it COST? The total capital costs, including land, of constructing the multi- purpose sports and recreational facility and redeveloping the remaining exhibition grounds is estimated at $21 million. As the owner and operator of the new facility and the other exhibition infrastructure, we will be responsible for all on -going operational costs. The facility will operate on a break -even basis, and facility rental rates will be reasonable. How long will it take TO BUILD? The overall project will be scheduled over a three - year period, with construction starting as early as possible. The multi- purpose sports and recreation facility could be open within a year of construction commencing. How will it be FUNDED? As the field house will be a facility that benefits the `' 1W entire region, the Saint John Exhibition Association is proposing the following capital funding arrangement: One -third from the Saint John Exhibition Association, Municipalities within the Regional Service Commission, and Corporate Sponsors. Approximately $4.0 million of that cost will be contributed by the Saint John Exhibition Association. With the support of the Regional Service Commission, an additional one - third of the capital cost will be sought from each of the provincial and federal governments. All costs would be spread over a three -year period. 35 •*1Q�t l Other BONUSES A w b w H wr �t wwww�w•w w w w Am Our plan has other added advantages: Attract more visitors to our region to attend sporting events and tournaments Provide valuable infrastructure to help develop our `sports tourism' industry • Bring economic spin -offs for hotels, restaurants and the retail sector as the result of increased visitors Complement the new indoor soccer facility in Halifax, leading to inter - provincial tournaments Location, LOCATION Our new facility will be ideally located to serve the Southern New Brunswick region, with easy access to the city from Highway 1 and conveniently situated close to the retail sector and hotels. 12 minutes from Rothesay • 40 minutes from St. Martins 16 minutes from Quispamsis - 50 minutes from Sussex 30 minutes from Grand Bay Westfield - 90 minutes from Fredericton • 30 minutes from Hampton . 108 minutes from Moncton 36 � v . v p � V r v Y O Q V W r W V L M EXHIBITION ASSOCIATION OF SAINT JOHN SUMMARY OF COSTING Facility Capital Cost Budget CONSTRUCTION New Multi- Purpose Building $ 14,000,000 Building 1 Renovation $ 1,485,000 Demolish Building 3 $ 15,000 Public Park $ 800,000 Landscape Upgrades to Existing $ 600,000 CONSTRUCTION COST $ 16,900,000 OTHER COSTS $ 1,600,000 SUB -TOTAL CONSTRUCTION & OTHER COSTS $ 18,500,000 10% Contingency $ 1,85000 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION & OTHER COSTS $ 10,350,0 O ' Does not indude value of land. 7 R a 37 10 • w � s gin' r ^., • 4 e R n w e e M - Operating Cost Projections for Initial Full Year of Operation EXPENSE ITEM $ ESTIMATED COST Full Time Staff $ 151,200 Part Time staff $ 76,500 TOTAL STAFF $ 227,700 Total Administration $ 55,000 Total Utilities and Maintenance $ 235,000 Total Program Costs $ 10,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES (estimated / rounded) $ 524,500 Revenue Items Rental Revenues Sport Facility $ 426,500 Advertising Sales $ 5,000 Walking Track Revenues $ 48,000 concession and Equipment Sales $ 20,000 Program and Staffing Grants $ Z5,000 TOTAL REVENUES (estimated / rounded? $ 524,500 NET ANNUAL COSTS $ 0 Capital Fundraising ITEM Capital Cost plus land costs Land & Reserves from Association / Anticipated Contribution from regional municipalities and Corporate Sponsors Anticipated Contribution from Provincial Government Anticipated Contribution from Federal Government Total Capital Contribution w r s •' w Y r Y � M • v w r � � AMOUNT $ 11,000,000 $ 7,000,000 $ 7,000,000 $ 7,000,000 $ 11,000,000 � _ —-•� Via.. - �-^A- w - -w - -e A e G r. n -, Arm ^•'A�.w... ••w"��1AA• • • w w .. A A A ^• A 0 A A �► w n .. - A Usage Assumptions Field House Full Field - Prime Time Adult 12 30 Full Field - Prime Time Minor 10 30 Half Field - Prime -time Adult 15 30 Half Field - Prime -time Minor 15 30 Full Field - Non -Prime Time Adult 1 30 Full Field - Non Prime Time Minor 2 30 Half Field - Non Prime -time Adult 2 30 Half Field - Non Prime -time Minor 5 30 Commercial rental Full Field (e.g., trade show) 1 4 Program Hours - Adult 8 3 Program Hours - Minor 8 3 Summer Camps - Minor Field Revenue NA 6 Board Room Meeting 2 40 Multi- Purpose Room MP Room - Prime Time Adult 5 20 MP Room - Prime Time Minor 25 Z5 MP Room - Non Prime Time Adult 15 25 MP Room - Non Prime Time Minor 5 25 Use of Walking Track 2500 monthly passes annually (approximate) plaZIA iN !��.. 40 a • , 'j. . v - J V v r r V Proposed Rates and Fees Full Field - Prime Time - Adult $225 Per Hour Full Field - Prime Time - Minor $180 Per Hour Half Field - Prime -time - Adult $125 Per Hour Half field - Prime -time - Minor $90 Per Hour Full Field - Non -Prime Time - Adult $180 Per Hour Full Field - Non Prime Time - Minor $150 Per Hour Half Field - Non Prime -time - Adult $80 Per Hour Half Field - Non Prime -time - Minor $60 Per Hour Board Room $25 Per 2 Hours MP Room - Prime Time - Adult $40 Per Hour MP Room - Prime Time - Minor $30 Per Hour MP Room - Non Prime Time - Adult $30 Per Hour MP Room - Non Prime Time - Minor $20 Per Hour Track Pass $20 Per Month Commercial rental Full Field (e.g., trade show) $3,500 Per Day Advertising $500 Per Year Directly provided program minor $1,200 Per Program 00 weeks @ $80 /wk, l hr /wk) Directly provided program adult $1,200 Per Program (10 weeks @ $100 1wk,1 hr /wk) Weekly Revenue from Summer Camps $9,600 Per Week :f M1I .y 13 t' 13 14 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION TIMELINE FWLYEAR Yf1P.1 ao I WAR2 ©ao ©oNO�o ©N ■o ©noo � 1fAR3 nnn �. ■ uNN■ ■�N ■■■■■■� . ■m■■■� ■ ■■■■■■■■■■o � son ■■■�■�■■■■■■■■■■■ monolog , . : „ oN■■ N ■n■■ N N■ f ■■■Nn■■■ n , . , N■N■■■■■■N■■ ■■■■NNNNN■I E■Nn�uE■■■I ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■N N■■■i■■N■I■■N■■■; ■ ■NINE ■ ■ ■■ ■� i $2 milion SIMMIDn Province of NB- t7 I 42 .j R 9 j 1 3 7 t r 1 3 We WANT to hear from YOU We want to hear what you think about our plans, and we're anxious to work with all interested community groups as we move forward with this exciting project for our region. For more detailed information about our project, please visit our website at: www.exhibitionparksj.com We encourage you to leave comments on our Facebook page (search Thef/eldHozeatExNNVonPark) or call our office at (506) 633 -2010 with your questions and comments. You can also visit our office at 159 McAllister Drive, Saint John between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. Our association members would be happy to speak to interested community groups about our plans. We need your SUPPORT You can help us turn our plan into a reality by: • Talking to your family and friends about our project Contacting your municipal, provincial and federal representatives to voice your support • Signing up for our Facebook page and leaving a comment - search ThefieldXazeatFxhihitimPark Invite us to present the plans to your group @ Exhibition Park (506) 633 -2020 www.exhibitionparksj.com 34 43 10 }s t •st •f i° o •° s • • ri •!• �i fss l�ff• ;•s•s • e + °e i•sile•tfst•isfsfstts •!t•• °i ••! 0•0 °9 °0 ttt0 /s 1t•t °•� 1!••!!ftlt /tt• / //ft ••ttie• °• °• �•••t•lttt• /•f• otss!••fes••!e!t•tt••tttp! ett /•s� f•fff°•tststs•t °p! •+s •�•�•�•�s�e�oes�as s t� s ! e • s + • s i�� ♦ se • P1 i • • • • • • i s • s OO**$�••••! i•••••s•a• v • s • ► s t • a • s • • •� � • o + s : i i i i • • • �•� !ar °! �•3 s °• °a °s° � November 15, 2012 His Worship Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: Subject: Meetings between City Staff and Local Builders and Developers Motion: That the City Manager be directed to schedule, the first by January 2013, regular bi- monthly meetings between our appropriate staff and local builders and developers. The purpose of the meetings would be to critique our processes and to promote development. These meetings should be scheduled at a regular time and place. Respectfully Submitted, (Received via email) David Merrithew, City Councillor —Ward 4 City of Saint John SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 I www.saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada E2L 41 45 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL November 14, 2012 M &C2012 -280 His Worship Mayor Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: Professional Services — Hargrave & Company BACKGROUND 1n The City of Saint John At its September 27, 2010 meeting, Common Council authorized the engagement of Hargrave & Company to provide engineering services related to the Safe Clean Drinking Water Program for 2010 and 2011. At its December 19, 2011 meeting, Common Council authorized to extend the engagement for 2012 with an option to renew the Agreement for Professional Services in future years. ANALYSIS Staff are of the opinion that the services of Hargrave & Company are not required for 2013 based on the Safe Clean Drinking Water project schedule. The Agreement for Professional Services requires a 30 day notice to terminate the agreement. RECOMMENDATIONS NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Saint John terminates the Agreement for Professional Engineering Services between the City of Saint John and W. J. Hargrave & Company Inc. dated March 29, 2012 (the "Agreement ") pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager is directed to deliver written notice thereof to W. J. Hargrave & Company Inc. in accordance to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Respectfully submitted, Wm. Edwards, P. Eng. J. Patrick Woods, CGA Commissioner, City Manager Transportation and Environment Service REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M &C- 2012 -278 November 8, 2012 His Worship Mayor Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Section 39 Amendment and Rezoning 290 Ludlow Street BACKGROUND: C.is A City of Saint john At its October 16, 2012 meeting, the Planning Advisory Committee considered an application to amend existing Section 39 conditions that Common Council placed on the rezoning of the subject property (PID 00365106) in 1985. In addition to the Section 39 amendments, the applicant is seeking to rezone the adjacent parcel (PID 00365098), which has been used as a parking area for the subject site for several years, from "R -1B" One Family Residential to `B -2" General Business in order to align the zoning with the rest of the property. The Royal Canadian Legion has owned the subject site for over 30 years, but is now in the process of selling it. The current applicant is the prospective purchaser of the property; however, he would like to continue the operations of the subject property in the same manner as the Legion, including holding banquets, weddings, meetings, bingo games and seminars. The applicant would like to retain the ability to cater events with a liquor licence, which requires an amendment to the existing Section 39 conditions, because the existing conditions restrict the use to a legion hall. The PAC recommended a number of revised Section 39 conditions. Common Council, at its November 5, 2012 meeting, asked City staff to clarify and revise the proposed conditions, which Council will consider at its November 19, 2012 meeting. These conditions are discussed below. 47 M & C — 2012 — 278 - 2 - November 8, 2012 I• R-1111I&M RS The Section 39 conditions proposed by the Planning Advisory Committee included condition (d), which stated "The barbed wire located on the perimeter of the roof be removed and replaced by a more suitable barrier ". Council considered this condition and indicated a willingness to consider that the wording be revised to provide a period of up to one year for this work to be completed. Proposed Section 39 condition (g) stated "a wooden privacy fence be installed along the perimeter of the parking area in the rear yard where it abuts neighbouring properties ". Council indicated that this condition could be revised to include only the property line abutting the neighbouring property at 102 and 106 St. George Street on top of the existing or any future retaining wall. Council also suggested that the work must be completed within one year. Proposed condition (h) stated "that the condition of the retaining wall along the property line abutting the adjacent properties along St. George Street be reviewed, and repaired if required, to the satisfaction of a professional Engineer ". Council indicated that the condition should include a review of the current drainage situation on the property to ensure that stormwater runoff does not drain onto the neighbouring properties. Council also indicated that, should the retaining wall need to be repaired or replaced, it should be designed by a professional engineer to the satisfaction of the Building Inspector. Any work required for the retaining wall must also be completed within one year. Finally, Council indicated that a condition requiring the installation of adequate safety lighting in the rear yard be added to the proposed Section 39 conditions. As with the previous conditions, this work should also be completed within one year. In addition to the revisions to the proposed Section 39 conditions, Council requested staff to follow up with further analysis of the water and sewerage lines accessing the adjacent properties abutting 290 Ludlow Street. Staff visited the subject site and dye tested the area and found no problems with City lines. The Deputy Commissioner of Saint John Water offered the following comments: "Field staff investigated the City owned sanitary piping around George Street, St. John Street and Ludlow Street and did not find any issues with the piping. Field staff dye tested the Legion and confirmed the connection to the sanitary sewer on Ludlow Street. Field Staff also dye tested several homes in the area, including 106 St. George Street, and confirmed the connection of these properties to the sanitary sewer. After an extensive field investigation Saint John Water staff cannot find any problems (water and Sanitary) with our infrastructure that would cause the surface water issues found at 106 St. George Street behind 290 Ludlow Street." .• M & C —2012 —278 - 3 - November 8, 2012 The following proposed conditions have been revised to reflect the items discussed above. RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council amend the Section 39 conditions imposed on the March 25, 1985 rezoning of a parcel of land with an area of approximately 1272 square metres, located at 290 Ludlow Street, also identified as PID No. 00365106 by deleting the existing condition limiting the use to the activities of the Royal Canadian Legion, and replacing it with the following: a) The use of the property be limited to a facility for banquets, weddings, meetings, seminars, bingo games, and other related uses; b) Any liquor licence on the property be limited to a "Special Facility" liquor licence, or a similar class of licence should a "Special Facility" licence be changed as a result of the Province's licence review process; c) No physical additions to the building shall be permitted; d) The barbed wire located on the perimeter of the roof be removed and replaced by a more suitable barrier; e) All required off - street parking be provided on site or on a property within a 100 metre radius of the subject site; f) No mobile signs are permitted; g) A wooden privacy fence be installed on top of the existing or future retaining wall abutting the properties at 102 and 106 St. George Street; h) The condition of the retaining wall along the property line abutting the adjacent properties on St. George Street be evaluated by a professional engineer to the satisfaction of the Building Inspector. If the Building Inspector determines that it is necessary to repair or replace the retaining wall, the required work shall be designed by a professional engineer to the satisfaction of the Building Inspector. i) The applicant shall submit a drainage plan for the subject site prepared by a professional engineer, to the satisfaction of the Chief City Engineer or his designate, ensuring all water runoff on the subject site is directed away from the adjacent properties; j) Adequate safety lighting be installed to enhance the safety of the subject site, subject to the approval of the Development Officer; k) The work identified in conditions (d), (g), (h), (i) and 0) be completed within one year of the amendments to the Section 39 conditions. 2. That Common Council rezone a parcel of land with an area of approximately 426 square metres, located at 290 Ludlow Street, also M & C — 2012 — 278 - 4 - November 8, 2012 identified as PID No. 00365098, from "R -1B" One Family Residential to "B -2" General Business. 3. That, pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the use of the parcel of land with an area of approximately 426 square metres, located at 290 Ludlow Street, also identified as PID No. 00365098, be limited to a parking area developed in conjunction with the adjacent PID 00365106 and subject to the same conditions as are applicable to PID 00365106. Ken orrest, MCIP, RPP Commissioner Planning and Development J. trick Woods, CGA City Manager JK Project No. 12 -253 50 BY -LAW NUMBER C.P. 110 -204 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY -LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: The Zoning By -law of The City of Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of December, A.D. 2005, is amended by: 1 Amending Schedule "A ", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 426 square metres, located at 290 Ludlow Street, also identified as being PID No. 00365098, from "R -113" One Family Residential to `B -2" General Business pursuant to a resolution adopted by Common Council under Section 39 of the Community Planning Act. - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by -law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the * day of *, A.D. 2012 and signed by: Mayor /Maire ARRETE No C.P. 110 -204 ARRETE MODIFIANT VARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lors d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit : L'arret6 sur le zonage de The City of Saint John, decrete le dix -neuf (19) decembre 2005, est modifi6 par: 1 La modification de 1'annexe <<A >>, Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, permettant de modifier la designation pour une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 426 metres carres, situee au 290, rue Ludlow, et portant le NID 00365098, de zone residentielle unifamiliale <<R -1B» A zone commerciale generale <<B -2» conform6ment a une resolution adopt6e par le conseil municipal en vertu de Particle 39 de la Loi sur 1'urbanisme. - toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur le plan ci joint et font partie du present arret6. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arret6 le 2012, avec les signatures suivantes Common Clerk/Greffi&re communale First Reading - November 5, 2012 Premiere lecture - le 5 novembre 2012 Second Reading - November 5, 2012 Deuxi&me lecture - le 5 novembre 2012 Third Reading - Troisieme lecture - 51 GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES / SERVICES DE DEVELOPPEMENT ET DE CROISSANCE REZONING / REZONAGE Amending Schedule "A" of the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John Modifiant Annexe «A» de I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John �o o� r� �o �o i r4 e 04, S� FROM / DE TO /A R -1 B B -2 One Family Residential / General Business / zone residentielle- habitations zone Commerciale generale unifamiliales Pursuant to a Resolution under Section 39 of the Community Planning Act Conformement a une resolution adoptee par le Conseil municipal en vertu de I'article 39 de la Loi sur I'urbanisme Applicant: 664638 NB Ltd. Location: 290 rue Ludlow Street PID(s) /NIP(s): 00365098 Considered by P.A.C. /considers par le C.C.U.: October 16 octobre, 2012. Enacted by Council /Approuve par le Conseil: Filed in Registry Office /Enregistre le: By -Law # /Arrete # Drawn By /Crese Par: David Couture Date Drawn /Carte Creee: November 7 novembre, 2012. 52 h'-5- REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL. November 15, 2012 His Worship Mayor Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Common Council: SUBJECT: Core Service Review Progress Update BACKGROUND The City of saint john On July 18, 2012, Common Council endorsed a strategic framework for the 2013 service -based budget process inclusive of Council's priority setting and a multi -year core service review. With Council's priorities finalized and the budget process underway, the purpose of this report is to provide an update on the progress of the core service review and set expectations for year one results. A core service review is a commonly used tool used by municipalities that will support the City in identifying what services should be delivered and how to best deliver those services (i.e., appropriate level of service and service provider). The review is informed through a public engagement process to ensure community priorities are reflected in the recommendations. The core service review is intended to be completed over a three year period. On September 4, 2012, Common Council awarded the Core Service Review to Performance Concepts Consulting Inc. to complete the scope of work defined for year one of the three year review initiative. Council will approve the scope and budget for each subsequent year of the core service review. In year one of the core service review the following scope of work was to be complete by the consultant. Facilitation and design of a public consultation program to obtain citizen input required to develop recommendations on core service offerings, service levels and options for changes to service delivery that reflect community priorities. • Recommend core continuum criteria to determine to what degree the City's current service offerings are core. The consultant proposed that this work would guide decision - making in determining year one services for review. • Identify comparable jurisdictions to complete benchmarking of the City's current service levels. 53 M &C Core Service Review Progress Update — November 15, 2012 • Review relevant reports, service plans or recently completed service reviews including public engagement and benchmarking results to identify opportunities for service change (i.e., service level, revenue generation or discontinuation of service including an analysis of benefits, risks, community impact, financial and human resource implications). ANALYSIS The consultant has completed the majority of the scope of work defined for year one of the core service review. The following work has been completed in draft. Facilitation and design work for the four community workshops conducted September 11 through 20, 2012. Over 200 citizens participated in the workshops, providing valuable input into what they would like in terms of service delivery and suggestions for service improvements. More than 400 citizens completed the on -line questionnaire. Working collaboratively with City staff, outcomes of the public engagement program were weighed against the 2012 citizen survey results and presented to Common Council during their priority setting session of October 12, 2012. A core continuum assessment of the City's public- facing services has been completed in draft. Five core `families' with corresponding definitions were developed and include survival, beneficiary, regulatory, quality of life and fairness services. These families describe the degree to which service delivery is core. The consultant evaluated City services against the core family continuum to identify services for inclusion in the workshops. • Further assessment of the City's public- facing services was completed to determine which ones would be evaluated during the first year of the core service review. The consultant refers to this exercise as a service triage. Services identified include Community Planning, Heritage, Fire (medical first responder, fire prevention and suppression), Police, Roads (winter maintenance and pavement), Sidewalks (winter maintenance), Parks & City Landscape, Sports and Recreation Facilities, Transit, and Drinking Water. Attached is a chart prepared by the consultant that outlines how services were selected for year one and recommended services to be evaluated in years two and three. • Benchmarking has been completed for ten service areas identified for year one of the core service review. Five peer municipalities were selected for the benchmarking exercise. These municipalities were selected based primarily on region, population, density, and community characteristics and include Fredericton NB, Moncton NB, St. John's NF, Sarnia ON, and Sault Ste. Marie ON. In some cases, nationally recognized benchmarking references were used (i.e., larger comparator group). While data has been complied, the consultant is working through an analysis on how Saint John's service delivery `stacks -up' against these comparable municipalities. • Analysis of year one services including some combination of benchmarking, user -pay and service level rationalization, and opportunities for more cost - effective service delivery. As a note, the service opportunities evaluated in year one of the core service review align well with Council's priorities approved on October 29, 2012. 54 M &C Core Service Review Progress Update — November 15, 2012 A two day staff workshop will be conducted November 15 and 16, 2012. The purpose of this workshop is to provide an opportunity for staff to engage in the core service review process and to collectively address the challenges facing the 2013 budget process. The workshop is designed to generate synergies amongst service areas, where participants will be encouraged to contribute ideas to their own service areas as well as others. While the consultant will provide independent analysis related to the core service review, input from staff will ensure that recommendations are solid and will achieve desired results. The staff workshop will not only serve to support core service review analysis, but will also address budget requirements. More specifically, identification of opportunities for service efficiencies and service level options that align with Council's priorities will be undertaken as part of the workshop. Council provided direction on these budget requirements during the Financial Framework presentation of October 9, 2012. This work will build off the benchmarking and efficiencies analysis being completed by the consultant and will provide direction for subsequent years of the core service review. Staff is proposing that Council evaluate the results of the core service review and service level options to be considered as part of the 2013 service -based budget at two special Council meetings. This will provide a better opportunity for Council to focus on results of the core service review and work collaboratively to make decisions about service levels that will be incorporated into the 2013 service -based budget. In order to approve a budget prior to the Christmas holidays, these meetings are proposed for Friday November 30 (3 p.m. to 6 p.m.) and Saturday December 1(9 a.m. to 2 p.m.). This schedule is similar to the one used to support Council in setting their priorities. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that Common Council: 1. receive and file this report as a progress update on year one of the core service review; and 2. direct the Common Clerk to schedule two Council meetings, one on Friday November 30 (3 p.m. to 6 p.m.) and the second on Saturday December 1(9 a.m. to 2 p.m.) for core service review results and service level options to be considered as part of the 2013 service -based budget. Respectfully submitted, Stephanie Rackley- Roach, P.Eng., MScEng Manager, Corporate Planning Jacqueline Hamilton, MCIP RPP Commissioner, Strategic Services 55 Patrick Woods, CGA ity Manager Cil 0) M &C Core Service Review Progress Update — November 15, 2012 CSR Service Deployment Year 1 & Out -Years 2 -3 Property Tax on-TaxRevenue Outsourcing or Probabllltyof Public Expedation ub SuSupportfo Overall Assessment Recommended Out -Year Burden "Materiality' Generation Competitive Service SPR Efficiency for Service User Pay & Recommended Deployment in CSR - __. Pot¢nt/al Deliv¢- ,Qot¢tttla! or Quality Dividend Delive Chon a Year 1 CSR De loyment Years 2 -3 Growth &Development Services Community P anninq &Development High High _ High High Moderate /High _ User Pay &Delivery Process! rp ovemenL Development Engineering Moderate High High High ___ - User Pay & Delivery Process Improvement Geographic Information Systems Moderate _ _ High _ Low Heritage Conservation Permitting & inspection Moderate Low High Low Moderatre High User .- ehve Process lmprovemertt co Com rehenslve rants subsidy review_ s sub By-low Enforcement _Moderate Low Low_ Low Moderate /High M_o_de_rate /High __ Staffing utilization & my review _ Staffing utiliratiion & eJjlciencyreNew - -- Tourism _ Moderate _ _ Low _Low _ _ Low _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ Economic High Low Low --- Year2- ContinueorShedOpportunity - Waterfont Urban Development - Waterfront High Low Low _ _ __ __ - - -- - - - -- - - - - _ Industrial Park Development Moderate Law Low Urban Environment Services - - Neighbourhood improvement Moderate Low Low mmunity Neighbourhood Grants Moderate Low Low Recreation /Parks /Culture Programming High Moderate Moderate High Moderate is /subsid r,.,,. Arts & Culture Grants _ Moderate Low Low trm / rants /subsid review Comprehensive rants /subsidy review Utilization & station location analysis Fire &Emergency Emergency Management _ _ Low Cow _ Moderate Low _ Low Low High Very High Hi h level SM & Tiered R onse & Prevention Police Public Safety High Low Low Cow Moderate High Level SM & "Best Praq - Detailed Operational Review Communications (Dispatch) High Low Low -- -- Streethghting High _ _ Low Low Transportation & Environment Services Roadway Maintenance _ High Low High High Very High Winter Service Level & Business Processes Non - winter service levels beyond pavement Sidewalk Maintenance High Low High High Very High Winter Service Level & Business Processes Pedestrian & Traffic Management High Low High - StormwaterManagement High _ _. Low _ _ High - Solid Waste Management ,High High High High High _ Routing £ffldency Re dew Parks &City Landscape Sports &Recreation Facilities _ Htgh _ Hlgh _ _ _ Low High Hiqh High _ H7gh High _ Hlgh Moderate /High _ __�.. Transportation /Environment Engineering Moderate High _ _ High _ High - - - --' - - - — - -- Transit High _ _ Low _ Moderate Very High -- User Pay & Delivery Process improvement Routing Efficiency & Cost Recovery Review Parking -_High -` Low _ _ High High _ - - Saint John Water - Drinking Water _ _ Low _ High -y Low Low Very High - Industrial Water Cow High Low Low - Wastewater _ Low _ High Low Low - U[ififyBusinessManagement Low High Cow - - -- -- - - Water &Sanitary Engineering Low _ High High High - - - - - -- 1 )b" REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL November 13, 2012 His Worship Mayor Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: The City of Saint John SUBJECT: CITY OF SAINT JOHN AND ATLANTIC CANADA OPPORTUNITIES AGENCY'S COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT FUND Background In July 2012, the Government of Canada announced a new funding program — Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund (CIIF), which seeks to support the rehabilitation and improvement, including expansion, of existing community infrastructure facilities such as community centers, recreational buildings, local arenas, cultural facilities and other community facilities. The Fund will not consider projects that involve new construction, as the focus is truly on rehabilitation. The Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) received $16.6 million to distribute within the Atlantic region, $4.75 million of which will is dedicated for projects originating from New Brunswick. The CIIF can fund a maximum of 50 per cent of total eligible project costs, at a maximum CIIF contribution of $1 million per project. Analysis In order to identify those priority projects from the City of Saint John that best meet the criteria of CIIF, City Staff developed a rigorous pre- screening process. The objective was to undertake a high -level and evidence -based evaluation to identify the City of Saint John's funding priorities under CIIF. To facilitate the process, the City Manager created the External Funding Evaluation Working Group, which is composed of the Commissioner of Growth and Development Services, Commissioner of Strategic Services, Commissioner of Finance and Administrative Services, and Intergovernmental Affairs. The Working Group developed an evaluation matrix which required linkage to the City's capital priorities and ensured all minimum requirements under CIIF. The City's pre - screening process included the following steps: 1. Initial solicitation to City Staff to self - identify potential projects under CIIF. 2. City Staff who proposed potential projects were required to demonstrate linkage to CIIF criteria (see Appendix A). 57 Page 2 3. External Funding Evaluation Working Group determined level of priority of submitted projects in relation to the 2013 capital project submission process, which in turn evaluates projects against Plan SJ, Council Priorities, amongst other criteria. 4. External Funding Evaluation Working Group measured the strength of each proposed project in relation to CIIF criteria (see Appendix B). 5. External Funding Evaluation Working Group amalgamated findings from both the 5 -year capital project submission process and evaluation from linkage to CIIF criteria to calculate highest priority project. 6. After submitting findings to City Manager, External Funding Evaluation Working Group to share findings with Mayor and Council. Findings The External Funding Evaluation Working Group reviewed four proposed projects, all of which were submitted as capital priorities for 2013 and met minimum requirements for CIIF. The four projects reviewed by the Working Group included: (1) Shamrock Park Artificial Turf Field; (2) Rainbow Park Revitalization; (3) Market Place West Revitalization; and (4) City Market Head Tower Revitalization. The highest ranking project from the Working Group's evaluation is the Saint John City Market Head Tower Revitalization. While all projects demonstrated important linkages to CIIF, the Working Group felt that the City would be best served to pursue only one project under CIIF, and the City Market project stood - out amongst the four submitted projects. The following characteristics are expected to improve the City's ability to leverage a maximum amount of funding from ACOA for the City Market project: • City Market was designated as a National Historic Site of Canada in 1986 as Canada's oldest public market. • Because of deferred maintenance within the Head Tower, there are public safety concerns associated with the building. • City Market serves a broader regional audience. • The Market invites high volume of visitors throughout the year, which supports the regional economy. • There are non -profit organizations currently housed within the City Market Head Tower, who in turn support a vibrant greater Saint John region. Above and beyond the above, the City Market project demonstrates strong linkages to the desired program outcomes of CIIF, and falls within the desired price range for a City of Saint John project under CIIF. Financial Implications The total submitted request tied to the City Market Head Tower Revitalization project that will be pursued with ACOA totals $1,710,000. If ACOA approves all the project expenditures, the City could receive $855,000 of support from ACOA, and therefore requiring $855,000 of RN Page 3 expenditures on the City's 2013 capital budget. If the approved funding is less than requested, staff will adjust the scope of the project accordingly. RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends that Common Council: 1. Direct City Manager to immediately prepare and submit an application to ACOA for the City Market Head Tower Revitalization project under the Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund. Respectfully submitted, Phil Ouellette, MA Intergovernmental Affairs Coordinator Jacqueline Hamilton, MCIP, RPP Commissioner, Strategic Services -t1 atrick Woods, CGA Ci y Manager 59 J Cy Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund (CIIF) Grant Application Screening City of Saint John Project name: Project cost: (including portion to be covered by City /ACOA) Description: Community / private sector partnership: Link to CIIF criteria: Link to Council, corporate or departmental priorities: Any legislative, i regulation or compliance factors: Lead department: Timeline: A PP-e t." I x City of Saint John Grant Application: Pre - Screening City of Saint John Grant Application: Pre - Screening Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund OBJECTIVE To undertake a high -level and evidence -based evaluation to identify the City of Saint John's funding priorities under the Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund (ACOA) GOALS • Ensure a fair and just evaluation process • Maximize the City's likelihood of receiving a favorable grant funding allocation from CIIF • Identify projects that are of the highest priority for the City of Saint John all while fulfilling the eligibility requirements of ACOA • To present Common Council with strategic recommendations tied to ACOA grant funding Project Name: COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT FUND LENS Please place a check mark in the appropriate box for your answer (1 = poor, 2 = below average, 3 = above average, 4 = superior). 1 September 2012 61 SAINT JOHN 1 2 3 Link to rehabilitation, renovation or expansion? Link to one of CIIF's eligible infrastructure requirements? Link to eligible costs through CIIF? How "project ready" is the proposed project? Capacity to materially complete project by March 31, 2014? Extent to which other funding is leveraged? Anticipated economic benefits, including potential for job creation? Total Score: 1 September 2012 61 SAINT JOHN REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL h rt M & C 2012-260 October 1, 2012 His Worship Mayor Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: 2013 Water & Sewer Utility Capital Budget INTRODUCTION In November 2004, Common Council established 3 fundamental goals /objectives for the Water and Sewer Utility. These were 100% treatment of collected wastewater effluents; Full treatment/filtration of drinking water; Adequate annual investment in existing infrastructure renewal. Subsequent Councils have demonstrated their commitment to these goals through continued aggressive expenditures in these pursuits. This is evidenced through the Harbour Clean - Up program (nearing completion), the Safe Clean Drinking Water program (now beginning) and the substantial investments in existing infrastructure. The attached proposed 2013 Utility Capital Budget is consistent with the established goals, is fiscally responsible, and if approved, will move the Utility closer to achieving Council's stated priorities. The Utility Capital Budget is unlike other Capital budgets in that it is financed exclusively by the water and sewer rates charged to the customers (users of the system). This budget is not directly linked to the property tax rate, unconditional grant, assessment base or other fiscal pressures and uncertainties. Nevertheless, the Council is acutely aware of the need to establish affordable rates for its Utility customers. This proposed Capital Budget respects that overriding concern. The Components Treatment of Wastewater Effluent As Council is aware, the Harbour Clean-Up project is nearing completion. Presently, there remains only one significant project: Sewerage Lift Station No 31. This project is expected to be tendered by the end of 2012 and completed in 2013. The funds for this project ($2.3 Million) were 62 M &C2012 -260 Page 2 October 1, 2012 included in the 2012 Capital Budget and will be carried forward to 2013. This construction completes the overall project. Final project costs are anticipated to be $99,400,000, including the City's eligible HST rebate as reported to Council on September 28, 2009 (M & C 2009 -318). Of that amount, $39,200,000 will be funded directly by the Utility, an amount of $28,400,000 ($26,600,000 CSIF Agreement + $1,800,000 approximate interest) from the Province and $31,800,000 ($26,600,000 CSIF Agreement + $5,200,000 GTF) from the Federal government. There are a number of carry- forward projects, (projects which have begun in 2012 and will be completed in 2013) related to Harbour Clean-up carrying a total cost of approximately $11,300,000. Full Treatment of Drinking Water Safe, Clean Drinking Water Safe, Clean Drinking Water is this community's most significant infrastructure initiative. Common Council has clearly expressed the importance of this project to the community and has identified it as one of Council's top priorities. This multi -year project requires huge financial commitments from the ratepayers of the Utility. It is essential that the City explore all alternatives for construction of the facilities required, determine the most cost effective service delivery model, and secure funding from the senior levels of government. The City currently has an application to P3 Canada for funding participation in the project. All aspects of a potential P3 project are being considered; those being design, build, finance, operate and maintain. The initial examination of a P3 model, the business case analysis (value for money), has just begun. This will guide the City's decision making with respect to aspects of service delivery. This will also be a determinant in P3 Canada's decision to financially partner with the City. The provincial government has also expressed strong support for the Safe Clean Drinking Water project; although the level of financial support has not been determined. The approved 2012 Utility Capital Budget includes approximately $5 Million for the project; most of that amount not allocated to specific projects. Approximately $100,000 will be expended on the initial business case analysis and an additional approximate $95,000 on ground water feasibility usage. The proposed 2013 Utility Capital Budget includes $8,065,000 for the project. Of that amount $3,065,000 is identified for the replacement of an existing watermain across the Reversing Falls Bridge. At this time, it is unknown as to whether or not this project will proceed in 2013. Work on the Harbour Bridge, structural capacity of the Reversing Falls Bridge, results of the groundwater availability analysis all must be determined before this project can proceed. 2013 Water & Sewer Utility Budget 63 M &C2012 -260 Page 3 October 1, 2012 The remaining $5,000,000 recommended in the 2013 Capital Budget, is intended to advance the P3 investigative process, secure property, exploratory investigation of groundwater supply, etc. Much more significant expenditures are identified in subsequent years' Capital Budgets as we begin construction of facilities. Infrastructure Renewal Sanitary Like all municipal water and sewer utilities, there is a perpetual need for reinvestment in existing infrastructures. Infrastructure, by its very nature, is installed incrementally over the years and consequently must be incrementally upgraded, replaced and repaired. Notwithstanding the patently obvious need for Harbour Clean Up and Safe, Clean Drinking Water, significant funding must be made available annually to safeguard the functionality of the existing systems, and protect the environment. Council has acknowledged this basic need each year by providing funding for infrastructure renewal. The proposed 2013 Capital Budget proposes construction totaling $5,330,000 to maintain this sanitary infrastructure. Investments will be made in all geographic sectors in accordance with the greatest need and the most cost effective choices. A listing of these specific projects is included in the appendix to this report. In addition to the new projects recommended for 2013, there are a number of carry over projects which were previously approved in the 2012 Capital Budget. These projects are currently underway and will be completed in 2013. The carry over projects for sanitary renewal will be an investment of approximately $4,100,000. All combined, total investment in sanitary sewer infrastructure renewal will total about $9.4 Million in 2013, including the carry over projects. Water The 2013 proposed Capital Budget also continues to invest in water system renewal projects. A total investment of $3.7 Million combined with $900,000 in other funding will result in approximately $4.6 Million in new work in 2013. The $900,000 will be provided from the gas tax fund for the cleaning and lining of existing cast iron watermains. The cleaning and lining program improves pressure, water quality and fire flows; avoiding a much more costly complete piping replacement. The carryover projects, in water infrastructure renewal amount to approximately $3,000,000. A complete listing of water system infrastructure renewal projects is included in the attached appendix. 2013 Water & Sewer Utility Budget E M &C2012 -260 Page 4 October 1, 2012 Watershed Protection Lastly, an amount of $200,000 is identified in the proposed budget for purposes of watershed protection. The City's water supply is currently predominantly supplied by surface water in Loch Lomond and Spruce Lake/Musquash. The City has, for many years, invested in measures designed to protect (limit risk to) the water supplies from harmful influences/occurrences. These measures have been primarily in purchasing property proximate to the lakes so as to control development or activity near the water supply. Also, measures may include erection of barricades /guiderails, forestation projects, etc. The $200,000 is set aside only to be used with Council authority; as opportunities arise. Plan SJ — Community Development The City's new municipal plan was an important input into the preparation of the 2013 budget for the Utility Fund. Section 9.1 of the Plan sets out the community's goals for the provision of municipal services and infrastructure and Policy MS -1 states that the first priority of the community is to maintain and upgrade existing service systems. This Capital Budget emphasizes improvements to the existing system and does not involve the further extension of utility infrastructure. The investments proposed are consistent with the Plan's goal of improving infrastructure to meet the needs of the residents and businesses in the community in support of Saint John's economic prosperity and protecting our natural environment. The investment decisions recommended in this budget are therefore consistent with the City's development objectives. CONCLUSIONS The proposed Utility Capital Budget has been prepared with the involvement of Staff of Saint John Water and our Engineering Department. It is a reflection of Council's priorities respecting Water & Sewerage. Significant strategic investments will be made in infrastructure renewal; safe, clean drinking water and wastewater. Similar to other fiscal challenges facing the City of Saint John, Saint John Water must balance the needs of the Utility, the priorities of Council and the community, with the ability and appetite of the users to fund the costs of Capital improvements. The proposed Capital Budget strikes this balance. The work proposed for 2013 is a part of a longer term strategic investment plan for the Utility. The longer term plan includes estimates for the Utility's expenditures on safe, clean drinking water. Funding commitments from senior levels of government will be instrumental in determining the affordability and the delivery schedule of this Council's objective. 2013 Water & Sewer Utility Budget 65 M &C2012 -260 Page 5 October 1, 2012 RECOMMENDATIONS 1) That Common Council Approve the 2013 Capital Budget for the Utility Fund in the amount of $20,665,000 (gross) with contributions from other sources of $4,835,000 yielding a Capital Budget in the amount of $15,830,000 (net) as set in Appendix A 2) That the City of Saint John and Saint John Water make no expenditures from the envelope identified for safe, clean drinking water, or from the envelope identified for watershed protection, without express approval of Council. Respectfully Submitted Wm. Edwards, P. Eng. Commissioner Saint John Water atrick Woods, CGA City Manager 2013 Water & Sewer Utility Budget .. Proposed Program Summary For - 2013 Category No. of Other Utility Total Projects Share Share Infrastructure Renewal - Sanitary 12 $1,800,000 $3,530,000 $5,330,000 Infrastructure Renewal - Water 10 $900,000 $3,745,000 $4,645,000 Safe, Clean Drinking Water 2 $2,100,000 $8,065,000 $10,165,000 Wastewater Treatment 3 $35,000 $290,000 $325,000 Watershed Protection 1 $0 $200,000 $200,000 TOTALS: 28 $4,835,000 $15,830,000 $20,665,000 Summary of Capital Costs (Utility Share) Was teOWersb • dtRr *tR ction 1.8% 1.3% Infrastructure Renewal - Sanitary 22.3% Safe, Clean Drinking Water 50.9% Infrastructure Renewal - Wate r 23.7% Page 1 of 8 67 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C --: PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at anytime. ": PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Infrastructure Renewal - Sanitar Project Location Description Other Share Utility Share 01 * Beach Millidge Avenue Construct new sanitary sewers and services as 1,800,000 1,200,000 Crescent, Meadowbank reccommended in the Beach Sanitary System Crescent/Meadowbank Drainage Basin Study, including design and construction management services. Project to be partially funded under G.T.F. 02 Atlantic Avenue Russell Street to St. Catherine Renewal of approx. 45m of 150mm sanitary 0 40,000 Street sewer in conjunction with the One -mile interebange/Russell Street renewal, including design and construction management services. 03 Loch Lomond Road Russell Street to Westmorland Renewal of existing sections of sanitary sewer 0 275,000 Road; Atlantic Avenue in conjunction with road realignment as part of the One Mile Interchange project; includes construction management services. Will seek to tender as part of D.O.T. contract 04 Duke Street West Watson Street to Ludlow Street Renewal of approx. 140m of saintary sewer, 0 250,000 including design and construction management services. 05 Douglas Avenue Civic #228 to Bentley Street Renew approx. 125m of 300mm T.C. with new 0 730,000 250mm sanitary sewer and install lift station to eliminate existing outfall, including design and construction management services 06 Wastewater Pumping Milford Randolph Greendale Renewal of sewage lift station Y, including 0 325,000 system design and construction management services. 07 Dever Road Dever Road area near ballflelds Renewal of 45m of existing 200mm sanitary 0 75,000 sewer and design of over flow structure off Dever Road, including construction management services. 09 Milford Sanitary System Kingsville Road Renewal of various lengths of deteriorated 0 300,000 sanitary sewer as reccommended in the Milford Drainage Basin Study, including design and construction management services. 12 Wastewater Pumping Milford Randolph Greendale Design services for renewal of forcemain x- 0 100,000 system station to y- station and easement and land acquisition. 13 University Avenue Millidge Avenue to Royal Design services for cured in place structural 0 100,000 Parkway lining of approx. 1300m of existing sanitary sewer. MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. w &s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C -- PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. ': PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Infrastructure Renewal - Sanitar Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share 14 Union Street Waterloo Street to Wellington Design services for cured in place structural 0 100,000 Row lining of approx. 650m of existing 375mm sanitary sewer. 15 Chesley Drive Between Ocean Steel and Preliminary design for outfall redirection and 0 35,000 Thornes renewal of approx. 380 of existing sanitary sewer. TOTAL: $1.800.000 $3.530.000 Page 3 of 8 .• MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listin g of proposed ca p ital projects. w &s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C' ": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Infrastructure Renewal - Water Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share 01 Loch Lomond Road Russell Street to Westmorland Renewal of existing watermains including the 0 1,125,000 Road; Atlantic Avenue installation of two sections of 600mm transmission main for future use in conjuntion with road realignment as part of the One Mile Interchange project; includes construction management services. Will seek to tender as part of D.O.T. contract 02 * Watennain Cleaning and Various locations Cleaning and lining of existing unlined C.I. 900,000 0 Lining Phase 8 & 9 watermains to improve pressure, water quality, and fire flows. Project to be funded under G.T.F. 03 Water Meter Renewals Various Renew approximately 1200 existing water 0 800,000 meters that require replacement, including installation of automated reading system. 04 Fairville Boulevard Catherwood Street to Civic # Renew approx. 720m of 300mm C.l. 0 715,000 885 (Sobeys) watermain, including design and construction management services. 05 Cottage Hill Zone Champlain Heights pump Replacement of the portion of the existing 0 165,000 station to Cottage Hill tank 300mm watermain that presently traverses the Silver Falls reservoir, including design and construction management services. 06 St. James Street West Watson Street to Lancaster Street Renewal of approx. 175m of existing 200nun 0 200,000 diameter watermain, including design and construction management services 07 Rodney Street Watson Street to Civic # 256 Design services for renewal of approx. 120m of 0 140,000 existing 150mm diameter watermain, 120m of existing 225mm sanitary sewer for separation and installation of new storm sewer. 08 Musquash Pump Station Musquash Facility evaluation and preliminary design for 250,000 upgrade'reconstruction including appropriate pump sizing, electrical upgrades, reduction in flooding, electrical substation upgrades etc. 09 North End - Forest Street to Reversing Falls Rehabilitation of the 900mm "Central Spine" 0 250,000 Transmission Bridge Phase 2 pipeline chambers and associated equipment to improve the delivery security 10 Water Pumping Station Golden Grove Road Facility evaluation and design for upgrades. 0 100,000 TOTAL: $900.000 $3.745.000 Page 4 of 8 70 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listin g of p r p osed ca pital projects, w &s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C - ": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR priority assignments are subject to change at any time. PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Safe, Clean Drinkinia Water Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share * Reversing Falls Bridge Reversing Falls Bridge Renew existing 475mm watermain with two 2,100,000 3,065,000 new 500mm watermains including design and construction managementsery ices. Project funded under G.T.F. as a contingency plan should the project funding not be a-, ailable under the SCDW program. Sate, Clean Drinking TBD Safe, Clean Drinking Water Program enN elope 0 5,000,000 Water Program for 2013. Details of program for 2013 to be established and approved by Common Council. TOTAL: $2.100.000 $8.065.000 Page 5 of 8 71 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. w &s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C - ": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. `: PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Wastewater Treatment Project Location Description Other Share Utility Share 08 Wastewater Treatment Lancaster Wastewater Treatment Access road realignment, including design and 0 200,000 Facilities Facility construction management services. 10 Sustainable Energy Millidgeville Wastewater Installation of VFD and control system for the 30,000 80,000 Management Treatment Facility bio -cell and blower pumps. Other share from Efficiency NB I 1 Sustainable Energy Market Place Pumping Station Installation of pump upgrades. Other share 5,000 10,000 Management from Efficiency NB TOTAL: $35.000 $290.000 Page 6 of 8 72 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS g This is a tentative program listing of proposed osed ca Ital projects. RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS p g P p P J w &s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C - ": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. ': PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Watershed Protection Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share 1 I Watersheds Loch Lomond Watershed Land acquisition for watershed protection (as 0 200,000 required) OTAL: , O $200,000 Page 7 of 8 73 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. G*': PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. `: PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Watershed Protection Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share Page 6 of 8 74 Proposed Program Summary For - 2014 No. of Other Utility Category Projects Share Share Total Infrastructure Renewal - Sanitary 11 $1,380,000 $4,140,000 $5,520,000 Infrastructure Renewal - Water 11 $1,500,000 $4,345,000 $5,845,000 Safe, Clean Drinking Water 1 $0 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 Watershed Protection 4 $0 $600,000 $600,000 TOTALS: 27 $2,880,000 $19,085,000 $21,965,000 Summary of Capital Costs (Utility Share) Safe, Clean Drinking Water 52.4% Watershed Protection 3.1% III I 75 Infrastructure Renewal - Sanitary 21.7% Infrastructure Renewal - Water 22.8% Page 1 of 7 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. w &s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C -": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. ': PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Infrastructure Renewal - Sanitary Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share " Beach Kennebeeasis Drive, Construct new sanitary sewers and services as 900,000 0 Crescent,Meadowbank Meadowbank Avenue rcccommended in the Beach Sanitary System Crescent/Meadowbank Drainage Basin Study, including design and construction management services. Project to be funded under G.T.F. Chesley Drive Between Ocean Steel and Outfall redirection and renew approx. 380 of 0 360,000 Themes existing sanitary sewer, including construction management services Combined Sewer South / Central A strategy prioritizing the separation of 0 300,000 Separation Reduction combined sanitary and storm sewers for the Strategy - South ; Central Southend and providing an estimate for budget purposes. One of the deliverables would be maps showing all existing sewers (storm, sanitary and combined) with proposed new sewers for separation including a Sanitary Sewer model. Douglas Avenue Clarendon Street to Civic #170 Renew 335m of 450mm sanitary sewer, 0 500,000 including design and construction management services Hillcrest Drive Manawagonish Road to Fenton Renew approx. 560m of 200mm and 300mm 0 435,000 Drive T.C. sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services, * Milford Sanitary System Greenhead Road Renewal of various lengths of deteriorated 480,000 0 sanitary sewer as reccommended in the Milford Drainage Basin Study, including design and construction management services. Project to be funded under G.T.F. Rodney Street Watson Street to Civic # 256 Renewal of approx. 120m of existing 225mm 0 130,000 diameter sanitary sewer, including construction management services Union Street Waterloo Street to Wellington Cured in place structural lining of approx. 0 850,000 Row 650m of existing 375mm sanitary sewer, including construction management services. University Avenue Millidge Avenue to Royal Cured in place structural lining of approx. 0 850,000 Parkway - Phase 1 650m of existing sanitary sewer, including construction management services, Wastewater Pumping Milford Randolph Greendale Renewal of forcemain x- station to y- station, 0 515,000 system including construction management services. Page 76 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. w &s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C - " ": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. ": PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Infrastructure Renewal - Sanitary Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share Wastewater Pumping Milford Randolph Greendale Design services for overall review of lift 0 200,000 system stations in the Milford Dominion Park area and renewal of lift stations "x" and "B" TOTAL: $1.380.000 54.140.000 Page 3 of 7 77 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. w &s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C --: PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Infrastructure Renewal - Water Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share Beaver Court Fairville Boulevard to Throughway Chesley Drive Ocean Steel to Douglas avenue Douglas Avenue Clarendon Street to Civic #170 Green Head Road Milford Road to Civic # 745 Phase 1 Harding Street Main Street to Catherwood Street Hillerest Drive Manawagonish Road to Fenton Drive North End - Forest Street to Reversing Falls Transmission Bridge Phase 3 Ready Street Main Street to Catherwood Street Rodney Street Watson Street to Civic # 256 Water Reservoir Mixing Cottage Hill Tank, Lakewood System Heights Tank, Lancaster Tank and Spruce Lake Tank * Watermain Cleaning and Various locations Lining Phase 10 Renewal of approx. 330m of existing 300mm diameter watermain, including design and construction management services Renewal of approx. 175m of existing 300mm diameter watermain, including design and construction management services Renew 335 m of 300 mm watermain, including construction management services. Renewal of approx. 1000m of existing 200mm and 300mm diameter watermain, including design and construction management services Renewal of approx. 345m of existing 150mm diameter watermain, including design and construction management services Renew approx. 520m of 200mm C.I. watermain, including design and construction management services. Rehabilitation of the 900mm "Central Spine" pipeline chambers and associated equipment to improve the delivery security Renewal of approx. 300m of existing 150mm diameter watermain, including design and construction management services Renewal of approx. 120m of existing 150mm diameter watermain, including construction management services Evaluation and design of mixing systems for the reservoirs 0 380,000 0 240,000 0 800,000 0 1,200,000 0 400,000 0 510,000 0 250,000 0 350,000 0 140,000 0 75,000 Cleaning and lining of existing unlined C.I. 1,500,000 watermains to improve pressure, water quality, and fire flows. Project to be funded under C.T.F. 1 TOTAL: $1.500.000 $4.345.000 Page 4 of 7 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS POH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. w &s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C -` ": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Safe, Clean Drinking Water Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share Safe. Clean Drinking TBD Safe, Clean Drinking Water Program envelope 0 10,000,000 Water Program for 2014. Details of program for 2014 to be established and approved by Common Council. TOTAL: $Q $10.000.00 0 Page 5 of 7 1 79 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. w &s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C - ": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. ": PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Watershed Protection Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share Watersheds Loch Lomond Watershed Watersheds Loch Lomond Watershed Watersheds Spruce Lake Watershed Watersheds Various locations Land acquisition for watershed protection (as required) Design for structure rehabilitation, including design services Structure evaluation and dam condition report including design services. Construction of facilities to protect watersheds from runoff from highway hazards, including design and construction management services :1 0 200,000 0 100,000 0 100,000 0 200,000 $0 $600.000 Page 6 of 7 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. w &s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C- PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Watershed Protection Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share Page 7 of 7 Proposed Program Summary For - 2015 Category No. of Other Utility Total Projects Share Share Infrastructure Renewal - Sanitary 11 $400,000 $2,581,000 $2,981,000 Infrastructure Renewal - Water 13 $1,500,000 $4,406,000 $5,906,000 Safe, Clean Drinking Water 1 $0 $30,000,000 $30,000,000 Watershed Protection 2 $0 $400,000 $400,000 TOTALS: 27 $1,900,000 $37,387,000 $39,287,000 Summary of Capital Costs (Utility Share) Infrastructure Renewal - Watershed Protection Sanitary 1.1% 6.9% Infrastructure Renewal - Water 11.8% Safe, Clean Drinking Water 80.2% Page 1 of 8 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. w &s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C - ": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR priority assignments are subject to change at any time. PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Infrastructure Renewal - Sanitar Project Location Description Other Share Utility Share Autumn Street Wright Street to Glenburn Court Renew approx. 120m of existing 200mm, 0 170,000 construction management services (including Glenbum Court to 300mm, and 375mm T.C. with new 200mm, Haw-trey Street, Gilford Road, Renewal of various lengths of deteriorated 400,000 0 dead end) and install approx. 50m of new 200nun sanitary sanitary sewer as reccommended in the Milford Drive sewer, including design and construction construction management services. Project to management services City Road Area Behind City Road Bakery and Renewal of existing sanitary sewer, including 0 365,000 0 150,000 under Colonial Inn design and construction management services. with 300 mm and 375 mm sanitary sewer, Edward Avenue Lancaster Avenue to end Renew approx. 220m of 150mm and 200mm 0 170,000 services T.C. with new 200mm sanitary sewer, University Avenue Millidge Avenue to Royal Cured in place structural lining of approx. 0 850,000 including design and construction management Parkway - Phase 2 650m of existing sanitary sewer, including services construction management services. Jack Street Sandy Point Road to end Jack's Field Gooderich Street to Wright Street, including James Fan Court to Autumn Street Renew approx. 175m of 200mm T.C. sanitary 0 126,000 sewer, including design and construction management services. Renew approx. 175m of 300mm T.C. and line 0 385,000 approx. 85m of 300mm and 375mm sanitary sewer, easement acquisition, including design and construction management services .King Street West Market Place to Watson Street Renew approx. 260m of 300mm T.C. with new 0 210,000 200mm sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services * Milford Sanitary System Haw-trey Street, Gilford Road, Renewal of various lengths of deteriorated 400,000 0 Starburst Lane and Balmoral sanitary sewer as reccommended in the Milford Drive Drainage Basin Study, including design and construction management services. Project to be funded under G.T.F. St. John Street Market Place eastward to Renew 170 m of 300 mm and 500 mm T.C. 0 150,000 Railroad Tracks with 300 mm and 375 mm sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services University Avenue Millidge Avenue to Royal Cured in place structural lining of approx. 0 850,000 Parkway - Phase 2 650m of existing sanitary sewer, including construction management services. Victoria Street West Queen Street West to St. John Renew 75 m of 300 mm sanitary sewer, 0 60,000 Street including design and construction management services Visart Street Adelaide Street to Natalie Street Renew approx. 1 l Om of 225 mm T.C. (1925) 0 95,000 with new 200 min sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services Page 2 of 8 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. w &s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C -- PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR priority assignments are subject to change at anytime. PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Infrastructure Renewal - Sanitary Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share TOTAL: $400,000 $2,581,000 ., MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C - - ": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Infrastructure Renewal - Water Project Location Description Other Share Utility Share (9 -A) Transmission - Forrest Street to Reversing Falls Inspection and rehabilitation of the 900mm 0 250,000 North End Bridge "Central Spine" pipeline chambers and associated equipment to improve the delivery security Autumn Street Wright Street to Glenburn Court Renew approx. 170m of existing 150mm C.I. 0 170,000 (including Glenbum Court to with new 200mm watermain, including design dead end) and construction management services Edward Avenue Lancaster Avenue to end; end of Renew approx. 185m of 150mm C.I. with new 0 210,000 Edward Avenue to end of Earle 200mm watermain; install approx. 75m of new Avenue 200mm watermain to loop end of Edward Avenue to end of Earle Avenue, easement acquisition, including design and construction management services Green Head Road Milford Road to CiN is # 745 Renewal of approx. I 000 of existing 200mm 0 1,200,000 Phase 11 and 300mm diameter watermain, including design and construction management services Hayes Avenue Civic # 511 Bay Street to civic # Renewal of approx. 940m of existing 150mm 0 1,180,000 555 Gault Road and 300mm diameter watermain, including design and construction management services Jack Street Sandy Point Road to end Renew approx. 175m of 50mm copper with 0 126,000 new 200mm watermain King Street West Market Place to Watson Street Renew approx. 320nr of 150mm with new 0 250,000 250nmr watermain, including design and construction management services. Pokiok Road McLellan Street to Dead End Renew approx. 90m of 50mm brass watermain, 0 65,000 including design and construction management services Riverview Drive Cicic # 69 to Civic # 360 Renewal of approx. 530nt of existing 150mm 0 615,000 diameter watermain, including design and construction management ser-%ices St. John Street Market Place eastward to Renew 200 m of 200 mm watermain (1914), 0 155,000 Railroad Tracks including design and construction management services Victoria Street West Queen Street West to St. John Renee 75 m of 200 mm watermain (1904), 0 60,000 Street including design and construction management services Visart Street Adelaide Street to Natalie Street Renew approx. 150m of 200 mm C.I. (195 7) 0 125,000 watermain, including design and construction management services Page 4 of 8- MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C - * *: PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. *: PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Infrastructure Renewal - Water Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share * Watermain Cleaning and Various locations Cleaning and lining of existing unlined C.I. 1,500,000 Lining Phase 11 watermains to improve pressure, water quality, and fire flows. Project to be funded under G.T.F. TOTAL: $1.500.000 $4.406.000 0 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. w &s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C ": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. ": PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Safe, Clean Drinking Water Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share Safe, Clean Drinking TBD Safe, Clean Drinking Water Program envelope 0 30,000,000 Water Program for 2015. Details of program for 2015 to be established and approved by Common Council. TOTAL: $Q $30.000.00 0 Page 6 of 8 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing Of proposed capital projects. w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C- PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. •: PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Watershed Protection Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share Watersheds Loch Lomond Watershed Land acquisition for watershed protection (as 0 200,000 required) Watersheds Various locations Construction of facilities to protect watersheds 0 200,000 from runoff from highway hazards. including design and construction management services TOTAL: 10 $400,000 Page 7 of 8 Proposed Program Summary For - 2016 Category No. of Other Utility 9 y Projects Share Share Total Infrastructure Renewal - Sanitary 17 $5,200,000 $2,435,000 $7,635,000 Infrastructure Renewal - Water 17 $1,500,000 $2,675,000 $4,175,000 Safe, Clean Drinking Water 1 $0 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 Watershed Protection 2 $0 $400,000 $400,000 TOTALS: 37 $6,700,000 $15,510,000 $22,210,000 Summary of Capital Costs (Utility Share) Watershed Protection 2.6% Infrastructure Renewal - Sanitary 15.7% Safe, Clean Drinking Water 64.5% Infrastructure Renewal - Wate r 17.2% Pagel of 8 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This IS a tentative program listing Of proposed capital projects. w &s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C - ": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. ": PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Infrastructure Renewal - Sanitary Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share • Beach Meadowbank AN enue Construct new sanitary sewers and services as 3,000,000 0 Cresccnt/Meadowbank reccommended in the Beach Sanitary System Crescent Meadowbank Drainage Basin Study, including design and construction management services. Project to be partially funded under G.T.F • Beach Millidge Avenue, Kennebecasis Construct new sanitary sewers and services as 2,200,000 0 Crescent.'Meadowbank Drive and Manners Sutton Road reccommended in the Beach Sanitary System Crescent /Meadowbank Drainage Basin Study, including design and construction management services. Project to be funded under G.T.F. Celebration Street Stanley Street to end Renew 100 m of 300 mm sanitary sewer, 0 95,000 including design and construction management services Currie Avenue Balfour Street to Visart Street Renew 320 m of 300 mm sanitary sewer, 0 265,000 including design and construction management services Dominion Court Tower Street to St. George Street Renew 160 m of 200 mm cone. sanitary sewer, 0 175,000 including design and construction management services Durham Street Bryden Street to Newman Street Renew 75 m of 300 mm sanitary sewer, 0 70,000 including design and construction management services Elgin Street Victoria Street to Main Street Renew approx. 95m of 375mm (1899) with 0 100,000 new 250mm sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services Magazine Street Metcalf Street to Webster Street Renew approx. 130m of deteriorated 200m1n 0 110,000 sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services Milford Road Civic #101 to end of road Renew approx. I I 5 of 200mm and 180m of 0 220,000 300mm sanitary sewer, casement acquisition, including design and construction management services Pokiok Road Spar Cove Road to Belleview Renew approx. 45m of 300mm T.C. sanitary 0 45,000 Avenue sewer, including design and construction management services Prince William Street Princess Street to Duke Street Renew approx. 130m of existing 225mm and 0 110,000 300mm T.C. and cone. sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services a MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing Of proposed capital projects. wRs: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. ": PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Infrastructure Renewal - Sanitary Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share Princess Street Charlotte Street to Sydney Street Renew approx. I l0m of 300mm T.C. (1870) 195,000 0 sanitary sewer, including design and 0 485,000 construction management services Sand Cove Road Young Street to Windsor Street Renew 230 in of 225 mm T.C. with 250 mm sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services Summer Street Winter Street to End Renew approx. 185m of 225mm T.C. sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services. Tower Street Market Place To City Line Renew approx. 535 in of 500 mm and 750 mm brick sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services Waterloo Street Haymarket Square to Castle Renew approx. 330m of 300mm and 375mm Street T.C.sanitary sewer (1869), including design and construction management services Winona Avenue Gooderich Street to end Renew approx. 31 to of 225mm conc. (1958) with new 200mm sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services TOTAL: 91 0 95,000 0 195,000 0 120,000 0 485,000 0 320,000 0 $5.200.000 $2.435.000 30,000 Page 3 of 8 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR priority assignments are subject to change at any time. ": PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Infrastructure Renewal - Water Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share Belmont Street Courtenay Avenue to Mount Design services for construction of 400mm dia. 0 120,000 Pleasant Avenue East (or smaller) watermain to strengthen service feed from Loch Lomond Road to Courtenay Bay Causeway area including sanitary sewer and pavement renewal, and new storm sewer. Celebration Street Stanley Street to end Renew 100 m of 300 mm watermain, including 0 95,000 design and construction management services Currie Avenue Balfour Street to Visart Street Renew 290 m of 150 mm with 200 mm 0 220,000 watermain, including design and construction management services Dominion Court Tower Street to St. George Street Renew 180 m of 200 mm C.I. watermain, 0 185,000 including design and construction management services Durham Street Bryden Street to Newman Street Renew 75 m of 200 mm watermain, including 0 70,000 design and construction management services Elgin Street Victoria Street to Main Street Renew approx. 155m of 200mm and 300mm 0 165,000 C.I. watermain, including design and construction management services Magazine Street Metcalf Street to Webster Street Renew approx. 130m of 200mm C.1. (1959) 0 110,000 watermain, including design and construction management services Milford Road Civic #101 to end of road Renew approx. 250m of 150mm C.I. and PVC 0 275,000 with new 200mm watermain, including design and construction management services Pokiok Road Spar Cove Road to Belleview Renew approx. 115m of 200mm C.I. 0 105,000 Avenue watermain, including design and construction management services Prince William Street Princess Street to Duke Street Renew approx. 170m of existing 300mm C.I. 0 135,000 watermain, including design and construction management services Princess Street Charlotte Street to Sydney Street Renew approx. 130m of 250mm C.I. (1912) 0 115,000 watermain, including design and construction management services Sand Cove Road Young Street to Windsor Street Renew 125 m of 300 mm watermain, including 0 100,000 design and construction management services Summer Street Winter Street to End Renew approx. 185m of 150mm C.I. 0 135,000 watermain, including design and construction management services. Page 4 of 8 92 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. w &s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C- PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at anytime. ': PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Infrastructure Renewal - Water Project Location Description Other Share Utility Share Tower Street Market Place to City Line Renew approx. 615 m of 150 mm with 200 mm 0 480,000 watermain, including design and construction management services Waterloo Street Haymarket Square to Castle Renew approx. 330m of 300mm C.I. watermain 0 335,000 Street (1856), including design and construction management services * Watermain Cleaning and Various locations Cleaning and lining of existing unlined C.I. 1,500,000 0 Lining Phase 12 watennains to improve pressure, water quality, and fire flows. Project to be funded under G.T.F. Winona Avenue Gooderich Street to end Renew approx. 55m of 25mm copper (1958) 0 30,000 with new 50mm water service, including design and construction management services TOTAL: $1.500,000 $2.675.000 93 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listin g of ca pital projects. w &s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council, C- ": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. ": PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Safe, Clean Drinking Water Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share Safe, Clean Drinking T$D Safe, Clean Drinking \N'ater Program envelope 0 10,000,000 Water Program for 2016. Details of program for 2016 to be established and approved by Common Council. TOTAL: $Q $10.000.00 Q Page 6 of 8 91 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. W &S: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C - ": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Watershed Protection Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share Watersheds Loch Lomond Watershed Land acquisition for watershed protection (as 0 200,000 required) Watersheds Various locations Construction of facilities to protect watersheds 0 200,000 from runoff from highway hazards, including design and construction management services TOTAL: 95 LD $400,000 Page 7 of 8 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listen of proposed capital projects. RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS P 9 9 P P P P 1 w &s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C - "': PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. - PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Watershed Protection Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share Page 8 of 8 M Proposed Program Summary For - 2017 No. of Other Utility Category Projects Share Share Total Infrastructure Renewal - Sanitary 12 $0 $2,605,000 $2,605,000 Infrastructure Renewal - Water 14 $1,500,000 $3,070,000 $4,570,000 Safe, Clean Drinking Water 1 $0 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 Watershed Protection 1 $0 $200,000 $200,000 TOTALS: 28 $1,500,000 $15,875,000 $17,375,000 Summary of Capital Costs (Utility Share) Safe, Clean Drink Ii Water 63.0% Watershed Protection 1.3% Infrastructure Renewal - Sanitary 16.4% 97 Infrastructure Renewal - Wate r 19.3% MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C - *': PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. ': PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Infrastructure Renewal - Sanitary Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share Adelaide Street Between Victoria Street and Renew approx. 125m of 300mm sanitary 0 160,000 Newman's Brook sewer, including design and construction management services. Albert Street Victoria Street to Main Street Renew approx. 170m of 375mm T.C. (1899) 0 195,000 with new 250mm and 300mm sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services Belmont Street Courtenay Avenue to Mount Renew approx. 435m of 200mm T.C. sanitary 0 380,000 Pleasant Avenue East sewer, including construction management services Bryden Street Durham Street to End Renew 150 m of 300 mm sanitary sewer, 0 150,000 including design and construction management services Ellerdale Street Civic #506 to Westmorland Renew approx. 200m and install approx. 65m 0 320,000 Road of new 200mm sanitary sewer in conjunction with street reconstruction, including design and construction management services Jean Street Loch Lomond Road to Renew approx. 210m of 200mm T.C. (1926 & 0 240,000 Courtenay Avenue 1941) sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services Leinster Street Sydney Street to Carmarthen Renew approx. 115m of 300mm T.C. with new 0 95,000 Street 200mm sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services Paddock Street Waterloo Street to Coburg Street Renew approx. 240m of 225mm, 300mm, and 0 220,000 375mm T.C. sanitary sewers, including design and construction management services Princess Street Wentworth Street to Crown Renew approx. 250m of 225mm and 300mm 0 220,000 Street T.C. with new 200mm and 300mm sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services St. James Street West Lancaster Street to Albert Street Renew approx. 600m of 225mm T.C. sanitary 0 450,000 sewer, including design and construction management services. Wentworth Street King Street East to Orange Street Renew approx. 105m of 150mm and 300mm 0 95,000 T.C. with new 200mm sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services Page 2 of 8 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. w &s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C - * *: PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR priority assignments are subject to change at any time. PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Infrastructure Renewal - Sanitary Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share Wentworth Street Union Street to Elliott Row Renew 90 m of 300 mm T.C. sanitary sewer, 0 80,000 including design and construction management services TOTAL: 19 52.605.000 Page 3 of 8 .. MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing Of proposed capital projects. w &s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council_ C -- PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. ": PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Infrastructure Renewal - Water Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share Adelaide Street Between Victoria Street and Renew approx. 125m of 250mm C.I. 0 135,000 Newman's Brook watermain, including design and construction management services. Albert Street Victoria Street to Main Street Renew approx. 160m of 200mm C.I. (1889) 0 165,000 with new 200mm watermain, including design and construction management services Belmont Street Courtenay Avenue to Mount Installation of 400mm dia. (or smaller) 0 630,000 Pleasant Avenue East watermain to strengthen sen•ice feed from Loch Lomond Road to Courtenay Bay Causeway area, including construction management services. Bridge Street Atlantic Towing location to Spar Renew approx. 560m of 150mm and 200mm 0 440,000 Cove Road, including C.I. with 200mm watermain, including design Hammond Street and construction management services Bryden Street Durham Street to End Renew 90 in of 150 mm with 200 mm 0 70,000 watermain, including design and construction management services Ellerdale Street Civic #506 to Westmorland Renew approx. 200m of400mm Hyprescon 0 280,000 Road Transmission Main in conjunction with street reconstruction, including design and construction management services Jean Street Loch Lomond Road to Renew approx. 240m of 150mm and 200mm 0 300,000 Courtenay Avenue C.I. (1926 & 1935) with new 200mm watermain, including design and construction management services Leinster Street Sydney Street to Carmarthen Renew approx. l 15m of 200mm C.I. 0 95,000 Street watermain, including design and construction management services Paddock Street Waterloo Street to Coburg Street Renew approx. 200m of 200mm watermain 0 165,000 (1949), including design and construction management services Princess Street Wentworth Street to Crown Renew approx. 275m of 250mm C.I. (1924) 0 240,000 Street watermain, including design and construction management services St. James Street West Lancaster Street to Albert Street Renew approx. 600m of 150mm and 200mm 0 335,000 watermain, including design and construction management services. Page 4 of 8 100 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. w &s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at anytime. PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Infrastructure Renewal - Water Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share " Watcrmain Cleaning and Various locations Cleaning and lining of existing unlined CA. 1,500,000 0 Lining Phase 13 watermains to improve pressure, water quality, and fire flows. Project to be funded under G.T.F. Wentworth Street King Street East to Orange Street Renew approx. 155m of 150mm and 300mm 0 135,000 with new 200mm and 300mm watermain, including design and construction management services Wentworth Street Union Street to Elliott Row Renew 90 m of 300 mm watermain, including 0 8000 design and construction management services TOTAL: $1.500.000 $3.070.000 Page 5 of 8 101 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. w &s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C ": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at anytime. PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Safe, Clean Drinking Water Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share Safe, Clean Drinking TBD Water Program Safe, Clean Drinking Water Program envelope 0 10,000,000 for 2017. Details of program for 2017 to be established and approved by Common Council. 102 TOTAL: U $10.000.00 0 Page 6 of 8 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects, w &s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C-**: PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. `: PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Watershed Protection Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share Watersheds Various locations Construction of facilities to protect watersheds from runoff from highway hazards, including design and construction management services TOTAL: 103 200,000 ,W $200.000 Page 7 of 8 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. w &s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS This list has not been approved by Common Council. C - - ": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Watershed Protection Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share Page 8 of 8 104 Actionable Resolutions - Reflecting up to the November 13, 2012 Council Meeting Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that city staff bring forward a recommendation to Common Council on the feasibility of implementing anti - whistling legislation which would limit the use of train horns during specific hours in locations where railway crossings are in close proximity to residential neighbourhoods and people are subsequently 6/9/2008 affected. Donnie Snook City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the submitted letter from Karen Kincade dated October 21, 2008 be formally referred to the Ability Advisory Board for a full and comprehensive report on all of the various topics; and further, that upon request, City staff provide the Council's Ability 12/22/2008 necessary support to the Advisory Committee; Joe Mott Advisory Board Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager bring forward a report to Council, outlining the mandates and /or justification for the various commissions, boards and committees of common council and subsequently make recommendations on how we could create greater efficiencies by reducing the number of commissions, boards and committees of Council through the elimination and /or consolidation of any of these bodies and 1/12/2009 through the establishment of clear reporting procedures. Donnie Snook City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the letter from Councillor Killen dated January 21, 2009 regarding an exemption from flat rate water use increases be referred to the City manager and the City Solicitor for a report City Manager and 1/26/2009 and recommendations. Carl Killen City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that the priorities outlined in the presentation from the Ability Advisory Committee be referred the Acting City Manager for a report and recommendation, and further, that the report include a review of the City of Saint John's workforce and 8/31/2009 1 human resources practices to ensure inclusion /diversity practices. I n/a I City Manager lIncomplete iWei Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that Council consider strengthening whatever by -laws exist that safeguard monuments and public spaces, specifically that sitting, standing, skate - boarding and /or other activities be prohibited on monuments; that signage be erected that indicates such prohibitions; that consideration be given to some form of general prohibition on loitering, the details to be provided in a report on the issue developed by the City Manager in 9/29/2009 consultation with the City Solicitor and with the police. Carl Killen City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to develop a policy framework which will allow City Staff to work safely within the area of community engagement forums, and further, that a report and recommendation be submitted to Council by June 1, 3/29/2010 2010. Peter McGuire City Manager Incomplete Staff report back to Council with the results of the Environmental Impact Assessment and a plan for phased implementation of the 5/25/2010 detention ponds and remaining Associated Works. n/a City Manager Incomplete Direct that a multi disciplinary staff team, including the City Solicitor, examine the existing legislative context in light of the proposal set out herein and identify any amendments which might be required to realize this proposal; and, additionally, that the nature and scope of authority of a public utilities commission, together with its terms of reference, guiding principles, stewardship responsibilities and relationship with Council, be 7/19/2010 articulated for submission to and consideration by Council. n/a City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager report back to Council in one month's time with a short term and long term plan for the enhancement of the green space area adjacent to the Martinon 9/13/2010 lCommunity Centre. I Peter McGuire I City Manager lIncomplete 1[111. Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that the City Manager and the City Solicitor be directed to investigate the feasibility of creating a deferral payment plan, or other options, for citizens who cannot afford to City Manager and 12/20/2010 pay for future water utility increases. n/a City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager explore the feasibility of creating an "After Hours" PALS program support model for the City of Saint John's Community Centres in order to ensure that children and youth have an increased level of mentorship, support, and recreational opportunities. The goal is to ensure there are sustainable and enhanced programs in our community centres through the establishment of creative partnerships with 1/4/2011 local businesses. Donnie Snook City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager direct the appropriate City of Saint John staff to open discussions with the owners of the listed properties on Manawagonish Road to begin the process of remediation, with a forthcoming report updating Common 2/14/2011 Council. Peter McGuire City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that as recommended by the Committee of the Whole (Closed Session), the City Solicitor or his designate be authorized to commence legal proceedings against the Town of Rothesay before the Court of Queen's Bench of New Brunswick arising from the Town of Rothesay's breach of a 1996 Agreement between its predecessor, the Village of Renforth, and The City of Saint John respecting the supply of water by The City of Saint John to the areas known as Kennebecasis Park and Hastings Cove 2/14/2011 1 in the Town of Rothesay. I n/a City Solicitor lIncomplete i to] rA Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status Seek appropriate cost sharing agreements with the Province of New Brunswick and the Government of Canada for total Program funding over four years (2012 to 2015) of $172,300,000 (or approximately $57,433,000 from each funding 4/11/2011 partner) n/a City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the letter from Councillor Farren entitled By -Law to Prevent the Feeding of Deer Within City Limits be referred to 5/24/2011 the City Solicitor for a report and recommendation. Bill Farren City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2011 -149: Glen Falls Flooding and Residential Relocation, Common Council: 3) Reviews the Flood Risk By -law as it may be applied to the flood risk area identified in the forebay; reviews By -law for changes to prevent further residential construction in the flood risk areas; revises flood risk areas based on Stormwater Management 6/20/2011 Strategy model; n/a City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to examine every option to find the funds for the noted repairs at Seaside Park and report back to Council as soon as possible so these repairs can 7/4/2011 move ahead in 2011. Bill Farren City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that Council refer to the City Manager for a review, recommendation (and, if recommended implementation prior to the end of September 2011) on a trial basis the installation and broadcast of a live webcam feed from Rockwood Park and Rainbow Park with a view to establishing similar webcam feeds 7/4/2011 from other popular Saint John locations. Mel Norton City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the submitted letter from the Leisure Services Advisory Board be referred to the City Manager for a report and 7/4/2011 recommendation. n/a City Manager Incomplete I[I1:? Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that the City Manager review the steps necessary for direct investment from the General Fund in clean water infrastructure in Saint John, and how the payment of this investment can be generated beyond the water ratepayers, and 8/15/2011 to report back to Council on this matter. Mel Norton City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the matter of chalk art and busking on the City streets and sidewalks be referred to the City Manager and City City Manager and 9/12/2011 Solicitor for a report and recommendation. Ivan Court City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to explore the possibility of establishing a closer financial relationship with the Parking Commission whereby the City could potentially receive 9/12/2011 revenue from on- street and off - street parking. n/a City Manager Incomplete That the City give written notice to the New Brunswick Power Nuclear Corporation and the New Brunswick Power Holding Corporation in the submitted form of the City's desire to negotiate a new or replacement agreement to the agreement executed on November 2nd,1999 between the City and the New Brunswick Power Corporation respecting the City's provision of fire protection services on the latter's behalf at the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station in accordance with Article 5 thereof (the "1999 Agreement "), and further Common Council direct the Acting Fire Chief or his designate, in collaboration with the City Solicitor or his designate, to negotiate and draft a new or replacement agreement to the 1999 Agreement with the appropriate corporate entity for the subsequent consideration of Common Council and such City Manager and 10/3/2011 jappropriate corporate entity. I n/a I City Solicitor lIncomplete iWel Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that the Common Clerk forward all previously submitted reports regarding Safe Clean Drinking Water and all future reports on the subject to the local provincial caucus and to 10/24/2011 MP Rodney Weston. n/a Common Clerk Incomplete That the letter from Kirby Lucas regarding parking on Regent 11/7/2011 Street be referred to the City Manager. n/a City Manager Incomplete Commissioner of Refer this report to the Commissioner of Finance for an Finance and affordability analysis of the PS &I Plan Version 2 and financial Administrative 11/7/2011 recommendations; n/a Services Incomplete That Common Council direct the City Solicitor to commence the process of revising the By -law in a manner that incorporates the 12/5/2011 1 reform recommendations outlined in this report; I n/a I City Solicitor lIncomplete 110 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status That the Advisory Committee be immediately tasked with studying and making recommendations to Common Council regarding: (1) the setting of the technical /operational requirements of the meters to be used in the Taxi Industry, and (2) the setting of a program to inspect and test the integrity of meters and to develop a system that renders meters "tamper proof ". Once the work of the Advisory Committee is carried out, Common Council will consider the resulting recommendations and direct the City Solicitor to incorporate, where necessary, the recommendations of the Advisory Committee into the By -law. That the Advisory Committee be immediately tasked with studying and making a recommendation to Common Council regarding the curriculum and implementation of taxicab driver training program. Once the work of the Advisory Committee is carried out, Common Council will consider the resulting recommendations and direct the City Solicitor to incorporate, where necessary, the recommendations of the Advisory Advisory 12/5/2011 Committee into the By -law. n/a Committee Incomplete That the Chief of Police and the City Solicitor to be directed to review the administration and enforcement requirements under the By -law and advise Common Council of the resources required to properly carry out these functions. The purpose of this exercise will be to ensure that the license fees charged under the By -law Police Commission 12/5/2011 will achieve cost recovery for administration and enforcement. n/a and City Solicitor Incomplete 4) Follows up to determine the current storage space available in 6/20/2011 the forebay area; n/a City Manager Incomplete 111 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status 5) Prepares a comprehensive program of inspection and 6/20/2011 maintenance for Marsh Creek Drainage system; n/a City Manager Incomplete 6) Updates a flood response contingency plan in the event of flooding with warnings and public communications for severe 6/20/2011 events — through Saint John EMO; n/a City Manager Incomplete 7) Engages the services of a consultant to determine the benefit and feasibility of constructing detention reservoirs on Kelly Lake 6/20/2011 and Ashburn Lake and models the performance of Majors Brook n/a City Manager Incomplete 8) Consults with the YMCA (owners) concerning Ashburn Lake to determine interest in possibly re- building an outlet control structure for the dual purposes of the recreation facility and flood 6/20/2011 water storage; n/a City Manager Incomplete 9) Consults with appropriate staff of other government levels (eg NBEMO) regarding flood assistance and other programs that may 6/20/2011 be pertinent to this situation; n/a City Manager Incomplete 10) Consults with owners (Irvings) of the forebay lands to City Manager and 6/20/2011 determine current status; n/a City Solicitor Incomplete 11) Develops a feasible assistance program for private property owner based on an appropriate cost sharing model and pursue tri 6/20/2011 level government support; n/a City Manager Incomplete 12) Directs the City Solicitor to review the legal ownership of the creek system and physical structures and responsibilities arising therefrom for maintenance and efficiency performance in 6/20/2011 carrying flows. n/a City Solicitor Incomplete 112 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that report dated December 9, 2011 entitled Consultant's Report — Fleet Evaluation Project, and the Executive Summary from Mercury Associates, be referred to the City Manager and Fleet Staff with a directive to report back to Council with; a) The development of a comprehensive fleet utilization and replacement policy, b) The development of a business model that will see the complete recovery by the Fleet Services Division of their operating costs while providing sufficient funding from the annual operating budget to facilitate a stable and sustainable fleet replacement program, c) The development of a Fleet operational model that will support an efficient and effective division that will work cooperatively with the user departments to provide them with the information they need to determine the most cost effective levels of service they can provide with the available assets, and d) To create a process for the periodic review of the size, configuration and effectiveness of the fleet related to service 12/12/2011 delivery. n/a City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to submit a plan and recommendation so as to bring the City of Saint John's water and sewerage rates within the average cost of communities in New Brunswick, within a defined period of time, including a review of other similarly situated municipalities throughout Canada, including comparators in terms of the technology of water and wastewater systems along with scenarios based on cost sharing 12/19/2011 land non -cost sharing models projecting out to 2025. n/a City Manager lincomplete 113 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to ensure that necessary and appropriate steps are taken to communicate Council's support with regard to the proposed tax relief measures for public transportation systems in New Brunswick as outlined in Councillor Snook's submitted letter entitled Public Transportation Tax Reforms, Generation of New Revenue for Transit and 1/3/2012 Innovative Transportation Solutions. Donnie Snook City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to explore potential City Manager, partnerships /funding for the creation of innovative transportation Parking options in the City of Saint John; and further that this be referred Commission and 1/3/2012 to the Parking Commission and to Enterprise Saint John. Donnie Snook Enterprise SJ Incomplete RESOLVED that Council direct the City Manager to draft a governance policy on the appropriate use and non - appropriate use of City owned vehicles; and further, that this draft report be presented to Council no later than the first Council meeting of 1/3/2012 March 2012. Bill Farren City Manager Incomplete That the request to present by the Saint John Port Authority be 1/16/2012 referred to the Common Clerk for scheduling. n/a Common Clerk Incomplete RESOLVED the report entitled M &C 2012 -013: Traffic Line Painting Truck be tabled and the City Manager be directed to investigate whether the neighbouring municipalities would be interested in cost - sharing the traffic line painting truck; and further, that the cost of contracting out the service also be Common Clerk and 1/16/2012 1 investigated. I n/a City Manager lincomplete 114 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2012 -20: Traffic Line Painting Future Service Delivery: 1. Delay the purchase of updated traffic line painting equipment and salting /sanding attachment, and 2. Direct the City Manager to complete a detailed Traffic Line and Marking Service Outsourcing Decision review and recommend a 1/30/2012 service delivery model to Council in 2012. n/a City Manager Incomplete That the letter from the Saint John Ability Advisory Committee 2/13/2012 regarding Transportation be referred to the Transit Commission. n/a Saint John Transit Incomplete That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2012 -046: Space Needs Analysis: 1. That The City of Saint John accept Ashford Properties Inc.'s offer to perform, for the City, a space use optimization analysis for the City's leasable area at City Hall; and further 3/12/2012 2. That Staff report back to Council upon receipt of the Report. n/a City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the submitted letter from the Cities of New Brunswick Association, dated February 14, 2012, regarding the adoption of a by -law respecting Jacob brakes be referred to the 3/26/2012 City Solicitor for a report. n/a City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that item 11.2 Graffiti from the Common Council agenda of March 26, 2012, be referred to the City Solicitor with a view to preparing a report and recommendation on the implementation of the graffiti management by -law for the City of 3/26/2012 Saint John. Mel Norton City Solicitor Incomplete 115 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status Common Council convene a Water Committee Meeting with provincial and federal counterparts. The meeting would provide an opportunity to exchange updates on the Safe, Clean Drinking Water Program, and inquire as to whether the Government of Canada is able to fund 50 percent of the costs to conduct the P3 Business Case and value for Money Study, and finally, to determine the level of support and cooperation from the 4/10/2012 Government of New Brunswick. n/a City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that scenario four in the submitted report entitled Sport Field Fee Increases proposing an hourly sports field rate structure of $23.00 per hour for adults and $2.00 per hour for youth, be approved by Council; and that as recommended by the City Manager in said report, staff be directed to consult with members of the public and stakeholder groups about an overall policy guiding decisions on sport user fees and bring same back to 5/7/2012 Council for consideration. n/a City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the funding for lifeguards at our beaches previously withdrawn be re- instated, and further that the item be referred to the City Solicitor to examine if there is a legal process by which funding for lifeguards could be guaranteed annually and 5/7/2012 report back to Council. Ivan Court City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report entitled ONE Change Inc. Proposal - Community Centre Management & Operations, the City Manager be directed to finalize a formal service agreement with ONE Change Inc. for the operation of the C.E. Nicolle Community Centre for Council's 5/7/2012 1consideration and approval. I n/a I City Manager lIncomplete i`[. Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to present a progress report to Council with regard to Rainbow Park. This report should provide P.U.LS.E with the opportunity to update 6/18/2012 Council on the work it has undertaken with regard to same. Donnie Snook City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that report to Common Council highlighting the key components of City's internal and external communication strategy updating Council with regard to the various items 6/18/2012 outlined in Councillor Snook's submitted letter. Donnie Snook City Manager Incomplete That the Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc. request for a representative from The City to the Board of Directors of the Multicultural Association, be referred to the Nominating Nominating 6/18/2012 Committee. n/a Committee Incomplete RESOLVED that the Parking Commission be requested to investigate a text -to -pay (mobile payment) system for submitting parking violations and report back to council with a Saint John Parking 6/18/2012 recommendation in six weeks. Greg Norton Commission Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to add a staff 6/18/2012 directory listing to the City of Saint John website. Donna Reardon City Manager Incomplete That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2012 -173: Contractor Access on City of Saint John Land that Council: 1. Give permission to a contractor or contractors to undertake improvements to Rainbow Park subject to direction from City staff. 2. Direct staff to prepare for Council's consideration a policy that would set out suitable guidelines and criteria to allow staff to 'fast 7/3/2012 track' certain projects without seeking explicit Council approval. I n/a I City Manager lIncomplete 117 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that the letter from Councillor Farren entitled Formation of the Energy and Trade Development Committee of Common Council, be referred to the City Manager to seek input 7/3/2012 on the matter from representatives of the Irving Oil Refinery. Bill Farren City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Solicitor be directed to prepare a Procedural By -Law amendment so as to make it expressly clear in section 3.10 of the By -Law that the two - thirds vote required is two- thirds vote of the entire Council; and that the City Solicitor be directed to prepare for Council's consideration that amendment and, in addition the Solicitor be directed to bring to Council's attention all provisions of the By -Law which establish a two - thirds vote requirement and make any recommendation necessary so as to clearly establish in each case of reference to a two - thirds vote that it is either a two - thirds vote "of the entire council" or "of the members present and not disqualified from 7/3/2012 voting ". David Merrithew City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that the letter from Mary Ellen Carpenter dated June 20, 2012 Regarding Truck Routes be referred to the City 7/16/2012 Manager. n/a City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the Police Commission be requested to investigate the implementation of a Citizen Online Crime Reporting System and report back to council with a 7/23/2012 recommendation in six weeks. Greg Norton Police Commission Incomplete iNF:? Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that, as Council's representative on the Transit Commission, Councillor Snook will work directly with other Municipalities in New Brunswick to ensure that necessary and appropriate steps are taken in order to successfully advocate tax reforms for public transportation in New Brunswick as outlined in Councillor Snook's submitted letter, dated July 12, 2012, entitled Public Transportation Tax Reforms and Innovative Transportation Saint John Transit 7/23/2012 Solutions Tax Relief and Reforms. Donnie Snook Commission Incomplete RESOLVED that as suggested in Councillor Snook's submitted letter, dated July 12, 2012, entitled Public Transportation Tax Reforms and Innovative Transportation Solutions Tax Relief and Reforms, Common Council request that Enterprise Saint John explore potential partnerships /funding for the implementation of Enterprise Saint 7/23/2012 creative and innovative transportation options. Donnie Snook John Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager, or his designate, be directed to review upcoming Council agendas and prepare briefing notes on 7/23/2012 those issues which are likely to attract media attention. Shelley Rinehart City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager and /or the Common Clerk be directed to develop a briefing document for all groups or organizations to which Council is asked to nominate or appoint members. Those briefing booklets should, among other things, clearly define the relationship between the group and Council, any contractual or other documented agreements between the group and Council and the nature of their appointment by City Manager and 7/23/2012 lCouncil. IShelley Rinehart I Common Clerk lIncomplete 119 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that the Nominating Committee be tasked with developing a mechanism whereby (i) Council appointees provide regular written updates on the activities of the organization to which they have been appointed; (ii) Council appointees provide a record of their attendance; (iii) Council appointees provide Nominating information should a time sensitive issue come up that is of Committee and 7/23/2012 particular importance to Council or the City. Shelley Rinehart Common Clerk Incomplete RESOLVED that the letter from Councillor Merrithew entitled Budget Process Study be tabled pending a report from the City Common Clerk and 7/30/2012 Manager. David Merrithew City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that Council instruct the City Manager and City Solicitor to determine the process and mechanics required to join the two boards (Transit and Parking) and to report back to City Manager and 7/30/2012 Council. David Merrithew City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to provide a report outlining the legal and financial relationship between the City and the Trade & Convention Centre and a summary of needed work 7/30/2012 and related costs. John MacKenzie City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that item 12.6 Synopsis and Comment Upon the Regional Service Delivery Act be received for information; and further, that the City Solicitor be authorized to distribute this report to the Cities of New Brunswick Association and other 7/30/2012 municipalities. n/a City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that item 11.5 Criminal Record Checks for appointees Common Clerk and 8/13/2012 be referred to the Common Clerk and City Solicitor. Susan Fullerton City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to examine the truck routes in Saint John and make recommendations to 8/13/2012 improve public safety. Shelley Rinehart City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Solicitor be directed to prepare a draft fire prevention by -law, which is to include the cost of 8/13/2012 lenforcement and cost recovery fees. n/a City Solicitor lincomplete iW Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that the submitted report entitled By -Law Respecting Unsecured Refuse on Properties, be received for information; and further, the City Solicitor be directed to report back with a draft By -Law Respecting Unsecured Refuse on Properties, by the end of 8/13/2012 November 2012. n/a City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to devise a plan to complete the outstanding resolutions of Council appearing on the 8/13/2012 Actionable Items /Record of Motions document. Bill Farren City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the report M &C 2012 -203: Adding Topsoil and Grass Seed to Vacant lots after a Dangerous Building has been Demolished by the City be received for information; and further, the City Manager be directed to examine additional possible 8/13/2012 methods to supply topsoil to vacant lots. John MacKenzie City Manager Incomplete That the letter from Carleton Branch #002 regarding moving the 8/27/2012 cenotaph back to Tilley Park be referred to the City Manager. n/a City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that Common Council direct the Common Clerk to report back to Council regarding the creation of an electronic solution whereby the Nominating Committee: (1) Would have safe, secure and convenient access of applicant's resumes and CV's. (2) Could view a comprehensive list of the ABCs, their respective 8/27/2012 members and mandate Greg Norton Common Clerk Incomplete RESOLVED that item 11.3 Press Releases (Councillor Fullerton) be 8/27/2012 referred to the City Manager for a report and recommendation. Susan Fullerton City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that all lawsuits presently underway by the City be disclosed, in detail, to Mayor and all members of Common Council immediately, and that this is done in each and every City Solicitor and 8/27/2012 1 instance going forward. ISusan Fullerton I City Manager lIncomplete 121 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that all lawsuits currently being advanced against the City, and all lawsuits against the City, of which the City is aware, be disclosed, immediately, in detail, to the Mayor and all members of Common Council, and that this is done in each and City Solicitor and 8/27/2012 every similar instance going forward. Susan Fullerton City Manager Incomplete That the request to present to Council from the Saint John Board 9/10/2012 of Police Commissioners be referred to the Clerk to schedule. n/a Common Clerk Incomplete RESOLVED that the letter from Councillor Norton entitled Simms Corner be referred to the City Manager to arrange a meeting between City staff and Mr. Alan Benton, P. Eng.; and further, prior to a presentation being scheduled with Common Council that a report and recommendation be received from the City Manager 9/10/2012 on this item. Greg Norton City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that Council direct the City Manager to report to Council in closed session within the next 30 days with respect to filling various staff vacancies, including that of the Deputy Fire 9/10/2012 IChief. IShirley McAlary I City Manager lincomplete 122 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2012 -233: Construction of Mattro Street, Bally Desmond Subdivision Phase 3 that Common Council agree to reimburse A.J. Mallette and Sons (1985) Limited for those costs associated with the cost of constructing the extension of Mattro Street from the Mallette and Sons property line westward to Jadvo Street consistent with the Saint John Subdivision Bylaw and the City's General Specifications respecting the construction of streets. Further, it is recommended that the City Solicitor be directed to prepare or revise the necessary City /Developer Subdivision Agreement to ensure provision of the required work and facilities 9/10/2012 and the City reimbursement proposed. n/a City Solicitor Incomplete 2. Direct staff to examine all remaining Truck Routes in the City of Saint John in conjunction with the preparation of an updated 9/10/2012 Transportation Strategic Plan. n/a City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the letter from the Millidgeville -North End Lions regarding the Charles Gorman Canteen be referred to the City 9/10/2012 Manager. n/a City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that Council request that the City Solicitor report back to Council regarding a previous Council resolution respecting 9/10/2012 vendors in public spaces. n/a City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that the report from Morgan Lanigan regarding a proposed traffic calming pilot program for Douglas Avenue be 9/24/2012 referred to the City Manager. n/a City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager arrange for senior staff to complete a confidential 360 Review of members of Council the results of which would only be shared with the individual who is reviewed and the Mayor; and further, that Council complete a 9/24/2012 360 Review of the Mayor. Mayor Mel Norton City Manager Incomplete 123 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that Council direct the City Solicitor to amend By -law M -27 to include the mandatory use of an approved helmet and 9/24/2012 further that the amendment be referred to as Josh's Law. Greg Norton City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that Council direct the City Manager to investigate the 9/24/2012 elimination of Chesley Drive and Douglas Avenue as truck routes. John MacKenzie City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager arrange a time to have all of Council brought up to speed on the pension changes that were put forward to the legislature for needed changes, otherwise 10/1/2012 known as S7b. Bill Farren City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to create a policy whereby heavily traveled streets in The City are paved in the off hours, and further, in cases where off hour paving is done that it not exceed 10 percent of normal cost and if so it is brought back 10/1/2012 for Council to decide on the value of doing so. Bill Farren City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the report entitled Planning Advisory Committee: Skills Matrix be referred back to the Planning Advisory Committee with the request that it submit a skills matrix to Common Council Planning Advisory 10/1/2012 in order to help ensure diversity on the committee. n/a Committee Incomplete RESOLVED that the request from the Canadian Folk Music Awards 10/1/2012 2012 Saint John Committee be referred to the Clerk to schedule. n/a Common Clerk Incomplete That the Discover Saint John request to present be referred to the 10/9/2012 clerk for scheduling. n/a Common Clerk Incomplete RESOLVED that item 15.1 entitled Harbour Skating Club — Request for Free Ice Time be referred through the City Manager to the 10/9/2012 Regional Mayor's Caucus. n/a City Manager Incomplete 124 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that item s11.1 entitled Parking on Douglas Avenue (Councillor MacKenzie) be referred to the City Manager to receive 10/9/2012 input from the Parking Commission and Municipal Operations. John MacKenzie City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that item s11.2 Animal Control By -Law (Councillor MacKenzie) be referred to the City Manager and City Solicitor to draft appropriate language for a proposed by -law amendment, and further that this be brought back to Council for approval City Manager and 10/9/2012 within thirty days. John MacKenzie City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that the City look into maintaining its vacant lots and 10/15/2012 that an acceptable standard of maintenance be established. Donna Reardon City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that a revised policy with respect to requests by organizations to present to Council wherein organizations would provide a written submission to the Common Clerk's office to be added to the agenda for Council's review and that Council will make a decision as to the organizations that will appear before Council and further that the presentations be grouped together; and that Items 15.1 through 15.3 regarding the requests to present by various organizations are subject to this policy, be 10/15/2012 adopted. n/a Common Clerk Incomplete 11.1 RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to advise Council of the list of vacant lots and lands, including parking lots, 10/22/2012 that could be advertised for sale. David Merrithew City Manager Incomplete 12.6 RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C2012 -272 City Market Head Tower — Hydraulic Flushing of Sprinkler Lines: 4) The Common Council refers the recommendation for a two - phased approach to the renovation of the City Market Head City Manager 2013 10/22/2012 ITower to 2013 budget deliberations I n/a IBudget lincomplete 125 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status 14.2 RESOLVED that the Actionable Resolutions — Reflecting up to City Manager, City the October 15 Council Meeting be referred to the City Manager, Solicitor, Common 10/22/2012 Solicitor and Common Clerk to update the list. n/a Clerk Incomplete 5.1 That the letter from the Saint John Fire Fighters' Association 10/29/2012 regarding collective bargaining be referred to the City Manager. n/a City Manager Incomplete 5.2 That the Fred Trail request to build within the street right of City Manager and 10/29/2012 way be referred to the City Manager and the City Solicitor. n/a City Solicitor Completed 11.1 RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to provide a report on the current status of Glen Falls flooding issues by December 1, 2012, which is to include the current schedule for 10/29/2012 emptying the trenches, and the current status to maintain them. Ray Strowbridge City Manager Incomplete Ij!• I Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status 1. All agencies, boards and Commissions ( "ABCs ") appointed by Council must give a written report outlining number of meetings, attendance, activities and decision making on a bi- annual basis; by the end of June and before mid - November unless otherwise directed by Common Council. Some major ABC'S may wish to report in person to Common Council on a more regular basis and that will be determined on an individual basis at the wish of Common Council 2. All appointments made by Council for all ABC'S will be for a period of three years with the possibility of one re- appointment term of three years which would allow an individual to serve a total of six years. After an individual has served a total of six years the individual must remain off that particular ABC for a period of at least one year. This will become effective as of the date of this report being approved by Common Council. 3. If Members of Common Council are nominated to serve on any given ABC they will serve only their full term of Council period. 4. The Nominating Committee should be conscious of the fact of appointing citizens to only one ABC, in order that more individuals may have the opportunity to serve. 5. As a first step towards ensuring that our ABC'S are more Common Clerk and accountable to Common Council, each ABC should fully Nominating 10/29/2012 understand their mandate and should understand what skill sets Shirley McAlary Committee Incomplete 11.3 RESOLVED that the report entitled Funding for Transit in 2013 Budget (Councillor Snook) be referred to the 2013 budget City Manager 2013 10/29/2012 Ideliberations. I Donnie Snook IBudget lIncomplete MAN Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that Council request a report from the Saint John Transit Commission which outlines all of the revenue generated outside of daily operations, or normal routes (ie chartered tours for cruise ship passengers) and any new initiatives that Saint John Saint John Transit 10/29/2012 Transit has taken since May 2012 to improve revenue generation. John Mackenzie Commission Incomplete 11.4 RESOLVED that the report entitled Affordability of Aquatic Center Public Swims (Councillor Snook) be referred to the Aquatic Aquatic Centre 10/29/2012 Centre Commission. Donnie Snook Commission Incomplete 11.5 RESOLVED that the following resolution adopted by Council on June 7, 2010: "RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010 -195: Cedar Point Estates Development Standards and Infrastructure Maintenance, Common Council consider the issues and options outlined in said report, and direct staff to develop a long term strategy, in consultation with the neighbourhood and developers, for appropriate future standards for these developments" be prioritized by City Staff and that a follow up has occurred within 10/29/2012 14 days of today's date. Susan Fullerton City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the report entitled City Owned Vehicle Policy be referred back to the City Manager to return with a recommendation to update the policy, for example remove the provision that permits vehicles to be taken home by staff, or prohibit vehicles being taken outside the city boundaries unless it 10/29/2012 is for city related business. Bill Farren City Manager Incomplete 15.1 RESOLVED that the report entitled Saint John Theatre Company — Fundy Fringe Festival be referred to the 2013 budget City Manager 2013 10/29/2012 deliberations. n/a Budget Incomplete 15.2 RESOLVED that the report entitled Saint John Theatre Company — Annual Operating Funding be referred to the 2013 City Manager 2013 10/29/2012 1 budget deliberations. I n/a IBudget lIncomplete im-11 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status 11.1 RESOLVED that Council consider reinstating the Spring Clean Up program beginning in the spring of 2013; and further that the City Manager be directed to submit a report including the cost of administering this program as well as any savings realized by the City when it discontinued the outsourcing of curbside garbage pick -up to FERO Waste & Recycling Inc.; and further that this 11/13/2012 matter be referred to budget deliberations. David Merrithew City Manager Incomplete 12.1 RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2012 -275: Bike Route - Campus Harbour Connection Common Council: 4. Direct the City Solicitor to place in proper translated form the following amendments to the City's Traffic By -Law for Council's consideration when the bike route is implemented in 2013: a. Add Adelaide Street with limits Harrington Street to Metcalf Street to Schedule M -4 (40 KM /H Speed Limits); b. Add Metcalf Street with limits Main Street to Lansdowne Avenue to Schedule M -4 (40 KM /H Speed Limits); and c. Delete Metcalf Street with limits Main Street to Lansdowne 11/13/2012 Avenue from Schedule K (Truck Routes). n/a City Solicitor Incomplete 15.2 RESOLVED that the letter entitled The Hardman Group Ltd. — New Year's Eve Celebrations 2012 be referred to the City 11/13/2012 Manager. n/a City Manager Incomplete 16.1 RESOLVED that Common Council request that the Saint John Police Commission submit a report within 30 days regarding the feasibility of using existing City By -Laws such as the Sidewalk By- Law and Traffic By -law to be more proactive in removing prostitutes from the uptown area, specifically on Cliff Street, Coburg Street, Paddock Street, Peter Street, Garden Street and 11/13/2012 1 Waterloo Street. ISusan Fullerton I Police Commission I Incomplete 129 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status 16.3 RESOLVED that the submitted report entitled Saint John Parking Commission — Feasibility of Text to Pay System for 11/13/2012 Payment of Parking Fines, be referred to the City Manager. n/a City Manager Incomplete 16.4 RESOLVED that the submitted report entitled Saint John Parking Commission — Pay by Phone System for Parking Meters, 11/13/2012 be referred to the City Manager. n/a City Manager Incomplete 16.6 RESOLVED that the letter entitled Hodges Hamm - Real 11/13/2012 Estate Signs on Public Property be referred to the City Manager. n/a City Manager Incomplete 16.7 RESOLVED that the Common Clerk's Office prepare a letter to be signed by the Mayor on behalf of Mayor and Council congratulating Mr. Arthur Irving on receipt of the Order of New Brunswick, and Mr. Jim Irving on his induction into the Business 11/13/2012 Hall of Fame. Shelley Rinehart Common Clerk Completed 17.1 RESOLVED that the Commissioner of Finance and Administrative Services be directed to request from the Commissioner of Superintendent of Pensions deferral of additional contributions Finance and required as a result of the 2011 Actuarial Valuation until such Administrative 11/13/2012 Itime as the result of the reform process has been finalized. I n/a IServices lincomplete 130 Mayor and Council Saint John promotions company Ground N Pound Entertainment, along with the Lord Beaverbrook rink would ask for councils support of a mixed martial arts regulatory body named MMANB, (Mixed Martial Arts New Brunswick) This Not - For - Profit association would regulate and supervise mixed martial arts events around the Province ensuring that events are being held and are properly run with competitors safety as its first priority. The Association is headed by Dave Vautour of Richibucto along with directors Guy Marquis, Marc Janes of Moncton, Jeff Johnson, Mike Landry, Rick Turnbull, Eric Poitras all R.C.M.P officers from around the Province who have an interest in mixed martial arts as well as back grounds in various martial arts and have attended several events in Moncton held by Ground N Pound Entertainment, Cage Rage Promotions and Elite 1 promotions. Currently no municipality outside Moncton has a sanctioning body to legally hold these events. Should the Province recognize MMANB as a governing body for MMA in NewBrunswick it would be possible to expand and grow this exciting sport. Athletes who compete in MMA dedicate hundreds of hours to train in Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, Karate, Wrestling and Boxing. Ground N Pound Entertainment has thrown its support behind MMANB and would ask the Mayor and Council to supports Mr. Vautour's efforts and would recommend that the Province recognize his association as a governing sanctioning body for New Brunswick in a letter addressed to: Honorable ROBERT TREVORS MINISTER OF PUBLIC SAFETY Argyle Place, PO BOX 6000 Fredericton NB E313 5H1 And Premier David Alward 107 Connell Street Woodstock, NB E7M 1K7 Thank You Chris Arche 131 /L, New Brunswick Road Builders R B HCA and Heavy Construction Association a i4CRCL Association des constructeurs de routes et de la construction lourde du Nouveau - Brunswick November 8, 2012 City of Saint John 15 Market Square PO Box 1971 Saint John, NB E21, 4L1 Dear Mayor & Council: HECE-IVED COMMON CLERK'S OFFICE NOV 16 2012 CITY OF SAINT JOHN Please find attached our Association's Position Statement on Government Tenders in New Brunswick. If you require further information or if you have any questions please feel free to contact the undersigned. B st Regards, Tom McGinn Executive Director 00eaaeae4C ARBA Za qBHCA 50 ACRCL 1958 -2008 5 -59 Avonlea Court Fredericton , N.B. y E3C INS, T: 506 454 5079 F;5064527646 —1.9 the Industry for over 30 yean ,Mae do111MeetnedeWtaVleedoSoaee www.rbanb.Q?n rbanb@nb.aibn.com 4 BHCA ACRCL New Brunswick Road Builders & Heavy Construction Association Position Statement on Government Tenders in New Brunswick November 8, 2012 The New Brunswick Road Builders and Heavy Construction Association (NBRB &HCA) supports a fair and competitive tendering process with respect to all government tenders, whether they be sourced from the New Brunswick Department of Transportation and Infrastructure or from the various municipalities across the province. Typically, New Brunswick tenders follow the Crown Construction Contracts Act, the Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC), or the Standard Construction Contract Documents 2012 Version (DCC), which all support competitive, fair and reasonable procedures and practices. This includes tender calls, submission processes, bonding and security requirements, tender openings, and tender evaluation processes. Environments where these aspects of tendering are not followed do not create a fair and competitive process and the NBRB &HCA does not support the agencies or jurisdictions that chose to operate in this manner. About NBRB &HCA The New Brunswick Road Builders & Heavy Construction Association is a non - profit organization representing contractors, support service firms, suppliers and engineering consulting firms. Collectively our members are responsible for the vast majority of provincial road building and municipal infrastructure projects in New Brunswick. Formed in 1958, we are independent of any other organization or association. Funded by private sector members, we provide a means of sharing upcoming road building and construction project information. We also keep members abreast of the latest industry changes and trends. Our Association advocates sustainable investments in public infrastructure and the positive influence it has on New Brunswick's economy. For more information on NBRB &HCA, visit our website at www.rbanb.com For more information, please contact: Mr. Tom McGinn Executive Director New Brunswick Road Builders & Heavy Construction Association (506) 454 -5079 tmcginn.rbanb @nb.aibn.com 133 HEGEIVED - COMMON CLERK'' nFFICE NOV 16 2012 We see more than numbers. Comptez sur notre vision. CITY OF SAINT JOHN November 9, 2012 Mayor and Common Council City of Saint John 15 Market Square Saint John, NB E2L 4L1 Subject: Sponsorship Mr. Norton and Council, N O N ,'�4 N New I Nouveau CGA Brunswick °' On behalf of CGA New Brunswick's Fall Conference Organizing Committee, I would like to thank you for being a sponsor at our event last month in Saint John. This sponsorship helped CGA -NB organize our various seminars and it also helped ensure the success of the Gala for our 37 graduating students. As you know, CGA New Brunswick is the leading provider of development, training and professional support services for the accounting profession. It is committed to innovation, member service excellence and advancing the public interest. Our members are leaders and highly respected professionals in a complex and changing environment. I want to thank you again for your sponsorship during the past Fall Conference and hope to see you again in the near future. Sincerely, Victor Richard MBA Director, Strategic Development Certified General Accountants Association of New Brunswick Association des comptables g6n6raux accr6dit6s du Nouveau - Brunswick P.O. Box 5100, 236 rue St. George Street Suite 403 Moncton, NB E1 C 8R2 Tel: 506.857.0939 1 Fax: 506.855.0887 1 eml'�4ganb@cga- nb.org I www.cga - nb.org November 16, 2012 His Worship Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: Subject: Congratulatory Letter to Francis McGuire and the late Neil McKelvey Motion: That the Common Clerk's Office prepare a letter on behalf of Mayor and Council congratulating Francis McGuire and the late Neil McKelvey c/o son Peter McKelvey on their inductions to the New Brunswick Business Hall of Fame. Francis McGuire and the late Neil McKelvey have recently been inducted to the New Brunswick Business Hall of Fame and as such I am suggesting that Mayor and Council extend congratulations. Respectfully Submitted, (Received via email) Dr. Shelley Rinehart, Deputy Mayor City of Saint John SAINT" JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada F2L 4L1 I www saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N.-B. Canada E2L 4L1 135 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M &C2012 -281 November 13, 2012 His Worship Mayor Mel Norton & Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: cin The City of Saint John SUBJECT: PROPOSED 2013 OPERATING BUDGET —WATER AND SEWERAGE UTILITY FUND Council will find attached the proposed 2013 Operating Budget for the Water and Sewer Utility, complete with projections through to 2016. This proposed budget is a "status quo" document. The approved 2012 Operating Budget has been slightly modified to account for increased costs in very specific areas as well as to account for changing trends and needs of the Utility. The Utility Operating Budget provides the funding for the ongoing maintenance and operating of the significant infrastructure currently providing services to the citizens of Saint John. This budget includes the following general components: • Drinking water • Industrial water • Waste water • Infrastructure management • Internal charges (including pension considerations) As required by the Municipalities Act, the services provided by Saint John Water must be paid for by the users of the system (rate payers). Budgets must be balanced, such that revenues must equal the costs of operating the Utility. The proposed budget therefore makes the recommendation with respect to user rates for 2013; as well as provides projections thru to the year 2016. 136 M &C2012 -281 November 13, 2012 Page 2 Drinking Water Common Council provides drinking water services under an "Approval to Operate" for the operation of the Drinking Water Treatment and Distribution Facilities. The Drinking Water Service is regulated under New Brunswick's Water Quality Regulation — Clean Environment Act and Potable Water Regulation — Clean Water Act. Wastewater Common Council provides wastewater services through six separate Approvals to Operate; one for each treatment facility: Millidgeville Wastewater Treatment Facility Lancaster Wastewater Treatment Facility Eastern Wastewater Treatment Facility Marsh Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility (to be decommissioned with Harbour Clean -Up) Greenwood Wastewater Treatment Facility Morna Heights Wastewater Treatment Facility All municipal wastewater facilities must be in compliance with the Federal Fisheries Act and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. As stated above, this proposed Operating budget is a "status quo" budget in that it is very similar to the 2012 budget. However, the Utility is in the process of completing a very major initiative, Harbour Clean-Up, and is in the early stages of initiating a very significant Safe, Clean Drinking Water project. Both of these initiatives carry very significant capital expenditures, and significant recurring operating and maintenance components. The proposed Operating budget recognizes the perpetual operating costs associated with these initiatives, as the facilities come on -line. In recognition of these increasing annual maintenance and operating expenses, the expenditures of the Utility will gradually increase, year after year. These increased expenditures must be offset by increased charges to the users of the system (rate payers). The proposed 2013 Operating budget recommends an increase for flat rate customers of approximately $72 or roughly 7.4 %. A corresponding percentage increase is recommended for the by -law Block Rate Schedule. A gradual increase of approximately this magnitude over the next 4 years will protect against a rate shock increase in subsequent years when very large expenditures are made to advance the Safe Clean Drinking Water project. The attached spreadsheet, Appendix A, contains high level expenditure detail for years 2012 through to 2016. The corresponding annual flat rate charges are also included. Further details of the proposed Utility expenditures for 2013 are included in Appendix B. 137 M &C2012 -281 November 13, 2012 Page 3 RECOMMENDATION The purpose of this report is to present to Council a proposed Water and Sewage Operating Budget for 2013, with a look ahead for subsequent years. Following a high level verbal summary from Staff, Council is asked to table this proposed budget for one week. Following some reflection and further information that Council may require, Staff will finalize an Operating Budget for Council's adoption which will include: • Estimated revenue for 2013 • Estimated expense for 2013 • First and second readings of bylaw amendments Respectfully submitted, Wm. Edwards, P. Eng. Commissioner Saint John Water I 1�;)3, J trick Woods, CGA Manager 138 SAINT JOHN WATER SERVICE BASED BUDGET 2013 -2016 133 2012 Budget 2013 Budget 2014 Budget 2015 Budget 2016 Budget Operating Expenditures Drinking Water Watershed Management 249,000 244,000 248,000 252,000 256,000 Water Treatment 2,092,000 2,076,000 2,097,000 2,118,000 2,139,000 Water Pumping & Storage 996,000 1,086,000 1,101,000 1,116,000 1,132,000 Transmission & Distribution 4,370,000 4,456,000 4,517,000 4,579,000 4,643,000 Customer Metering 667,000 708,000 719,000 730,000 741,000 Industrial Water Watershed Management 476,000 403,000 408,000 413,000 418,000 Water Pumping & Transmission 822,000 1,063,000 1,081,000 1,099,000 1,118,000 Customer Metering 104,000 100,000 102,000 103,000 105,000 Wastewater Wastewater Pumping 2,097,000 2,180,000 2,213,000 2,247,000 2,281,000 Wastewater Collection 2,520,000 2,604,000 2,646,000 2,687,000 2,730,000 Wastewater Treatment 4,398,000 4,208,000 4,277,000 4,346,000 4,418,000 Infrastructure Management Municipal Engineering 1,306,000 1,099,000 1,103,000 1,121,000 1,139,000 Other Internal Charges 509,000 542,000 555,000 565,000 576,000 Net Pension Costs 883,000 2,196,000 2,196,000 2,196,000 2,196,000 21,489,000 22,965,000 23,263,000 23,572,000 23,892,000 Fiscal Charges Debt Servicing 9,833,000 9,229,000 8,890,000 10,378,000 12,429,000 Capital from Operating 5,605,000 6,574,000 8,794,000 9,729,000 9,906,000 Total Fiscal Charges 15,438,000 15,803,000 17,684,000 20,107,000 22,335,000 Total Expenditures 36,927,000 38,768,000 40,947,000 43,679,000 46,227,000 Revenues Flat Rate Accounts 16,065,000 17,266,000 18,468,000 19,866,000 21,068,000 Metered Accounts 17,377,000 17,907,000 18,884,000 20,018,000 20,994,000 Fire Protection Levy 2,200,000 2,270,000 2,270,000 2,450,000 2,800,000 Storm Sewer Levy 1,060,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,120,000 1,140,000 Other Revenues 225,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 Total Revenues 36,927,000 38,768,000 40,947,000 43,679,000 46,227,000 Key Metrics: Flat Rate - Water & Sewerage 972 1,044 1,116 1,200 1,272 Meter Rates Block 1 1.0974 1.1786 1.2599 1.3544 1.4357 Block 2 0.6988 0.7505 0.8023 0.8625 0.9142 Block 31 0.2466 0.2648 0.2831 0.3044 1 0.3226 133 Staffing Complement 2013 Full Time Equivalents 140 18 486 Mgmt Student Total Watershed Management 1.00 0.06 0.76 0.00 1.82 Water Treatment 9.60 1.33 0.76 0.37 12.06 Water Pumping 4.67 0.27 0.76 0.06 5.76 Transmission /Distribution 22.33 2.32 1.06 0.06 25.77 Customer Metering 5.00 0.08 0.66 0.00 5.74 Total for Drinking Water Service 42.60 4.06 4.00 0.49 51.15 Watershed Management (Ind) 1.50 0.05 0.51 0.00 2.06 Pumping & Transmission (Ind) 3.16 0.69 0.71 0.00 4.56 Customer Metering (Ind) 0.40 0.04 0.46 0.00 0.90 Total for Industrial Water Service 5.06 0.78 1.68 0.00 7.52 Wastewater Pumping 10.67 0.41 1.25 0.06 12.39 Wastewater Collection 12.67 3.12 0.66 0.06 16.51 Wastewater Treatment 15.00 2.51 1.26 0.67 19.44 Total for Wastewater Service 38.34 6.04 3.17 0.79 48.34 Municipal Engineering 3.12 5.16 8.28 Total for Saint John Water 86.00 14.00 14.01 1.28 115.29 140 The city of Saint John November 19, 2012 His Worship Mayor Norton, Deputy Mayor Rinehart and Councillors Subject: Proposed 2013 Common Council Schedule Mayor Norton, Deputy Mayor and Councillors, At a meeting of the Common Council, held on November 13th, 2012 the following resolution was adopted, namely: "RESOLVED that the regular Common Council meetings in 2013 be held weekly starting at 6:00 p.m. with the exception of July and August during which time the meetings will be held every two weeks; and that the Common Clerk submit a revised schedule at the next meeting." Attached please find the proposed 2013 Common Council Schedule for your review and approval. Sincerely, Elizabeth Gormley Common Clerk 7/ (P-4 SAINT JOAN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 I www.saingohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada E2L 41-1 �`� 141 COMMON COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE 2013 January 2, 2013 (Wednesday) REGULAR MEETING with PUBLIC HEARING January 7, 2013 REGULAR MEETING January 14, 2013 REGULAR MEETING January 21, 2013 REGULAR MEETING January 28, 2013 REGULAR MEETING with PUBLIC HEARING February 4, 2013 REGULAR MEETING February 11, 2013 REGULAR MEETING February 18, 2013 REGULAR MEETING February 25, 2013 REGULAR MEETING March 4, 2013 REGULAR MEETING with PUBLIC HEARING March 11, 2013 REGULAR MEETING March 18, 2013 REGULAR MEETING March 25, 2013 REGULAR MEETING April 2, 2013 (Tuesday) REGULAR MEETING with PUBLIC HEARING April 8, 2013 REGULAR MEETING April 15, 2013 REGULAR MEETING April 22, 2013 REGULAR MEETING April 29, 2013 REGULAR MEETING with PUBLIC HEARING May 6, 2013 REGULAR MEETING May 13, 2013 REGULAR MEETING May 21, 2013 (Tuesday) REGULAR MEETING May 27, 2013 REGULAR MEETING June 3, 2013 REGULAR MEETING with PUBLIC HEARING June 10, 2013 REGULAR MEETING June 17, 2013 REGULAR MEETING June 24, 2013 REGULAR MEETING July 2, 2013 (Tuesday) REGULAR MEETING with PUBLIC HEARING July 8, 2013 If required July 15, 2013 REGULAR MEETING July 22, 2013 If required July 29, 2013 REGULAR MEETING with PUBLIC HEARING August 6, 2013 (Tuesday) If required August 12, 2013 REGULAR MEETING August 19, 2013 If required August 26, 2013 REGULAR MEETING September 3, 2013 (Tuesday) REGULAR MEETING with PUBLIC HEARING September 9, 2013 REGULAR MEETING September 16, 2013 REGULAR MEETING September 23, 2013 REGULAR MEETING September 30, 2013 REGULAR MEETING with PUBLIC HEARING October 7, 2013 REGULAR MEETING October 15, 2013 (Tuesday) REGULAR MEETING October 21, 2013 REGULAR MEETING October 28, 2013 REGULAR MEETING with PUBLIC HEARING November 4, 2013 REGULAR MEETING November 12, 2013 (Tuesday) REGULAR MEETING November 18, 2013 REGULAR MEETING November 25, 2013 REGULAR MEETING December 2, 2013 REGULAR MEETING with PUBLIC HEARING December 9, 2013 REGULAR MEETING December 16, 2013 REGULAR MEETING December 23, 2013 REGULAR MEETING with PUBLIC HEARING December 30, 2013 REGULAR MEETING 142 November 19, 2012 Mayor Norton, Deputy Mayor and Councillors, Subject: Scheduling of Committee of the Whole meetings The Committee of the Whole directed the Common Clerk to schedule two separate meeting dates, outside of the regularly scheduled Monday night meetings, to discuss a personnel matter and a financial matter. Recommendation: That a Committee of the Whole meeting be scheduled on Wednesday, November 21st, 2012 at 4:30 p.m. in the 8th floor boardroom of City Hall to discuss a personnel matter; and further that a Committee of the Whole meeting be scheduled on Thursday, November 29th, 2012 at 4:30 p.m. in the 8th floor boardroom of City Hall to discuss a financial matter. Respectfully Submitted, Elizabeth Gormley Common Clerk r� - Iw SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 I www saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada E2L 4L1 143