2012-10-23_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourCity of Saint John Common Council Meeting Tuesday, October 23, 2012 @ 7:00 p.m. — 9:00 p.m. Location: Ludlow Room, 8"' Floor City Hall Regular Meeting Si vous avez besoin des services en frangais pour une reunion de Conseil Communal, veuillez contacter le bureau de la greffiere communale an 658 -2862. 1.1 a,b,c,d) Priority Setting Session REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL October 22, 2012 His Worship Mayor Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Common Council: SUBJECT: Council Priority Setting - Final Session (October 23) and Materials - rim oil The City of Saint John On October 12 and 13, 2012 Common Council participated in priority setting sessions to set a strategic direction for their term. These priorities are intended to guide decision - making over the next four years including the annual budget process. Public consultation was the cornerstone of Council's strategic planning process to identify goals and objectives that reflect the priorities of our citizens. Engagement with citizens helped Council complete a SOAR analysis, recognizing the Community's strengths, opportunities and aspirations while focusing on results. From there, Council worked collaboratively to agree on priorities for the community and some of the actions required to successfully achieve these goals during their term. Following these sessions, the external facilitator in consultation with City staff, completed a draft of Council's Priorities. The attached document outlines priority outcomes (what Council wants to accomplish) and the actions that will support achievement of these goals. The document also describes the leadership role that Council and the Administration (i.e., City staff) have in working collectively toward successfully achieving Council's Priorities. In developing the draft set of Council's priorities, focus was placed on capturing the key priority areas agreed to by Council while ensuring alignment with the results of the SOAR analysis. The final session of priority setting scheduled for Tuesday October 23, 2012 is designed to finalize the draft priority outcomes and actions developed by Council. The session will run from 7:00 PM — 9:00 PM and will be held in the Ludlow Room, Stn Floor City Hall (note the change in start time and location from the schedule approved by Council October 1, 2012). M &C Council Priority Setting - Final Session (October 23) and Materials — October 22, 2012 A number of documents have been provided to support Council in finalizing their priorities. The session will also focus on next steps in terms of communicating priorities and more detailed planning. • Council's Priorities 2012 -2016 (Draft) • Council Priority Setting Sessions — Summary of Outputs (external facilitator notes) Council Priority Setting — Transcribed Notes Respectfully submitted, Stephanie Rackley- Roach, P.Eng., MScEng Manager, Corporate Planning Jacqueline Hamilton, MCIP RPP Commissioner, Strategic Services J. Patrick Woods, CGA City Manager Our Community and Corporate Strengths What are Council's Priorities? I I Our Saint John • We enjoy strong community support and ability for diverse groups to rally around a common purpose • We have a strong urban flare with plenty of space to live, work, and play • Our history is strong, with numerous heritage properties to complement our modern amenities • Our parks, natural environment, and waterways offer a variety of recreation options • We boast highly qualified and internationally - recognized staff and community leaders • Our entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well • We are a modern industrial leader Our Community and Corporate Aspirations • We will become a community of choice for people and business • We will create a culture of forward - thinking, positive action, within City Hall and around our community • We will actively promote the development of a diverse and growing population • We will be seen as a well -run municipal government • We will focus on sustainability — a clean, green city with public transit that meets the of our citizens • We will work toward integrated walkways and bike paths to connect our neighbourhoods and waterways • We will boast an active network of community of champions, advocating economic, social and community investment that drives positive change Setting priorities is about determining what goals and objectives will be acted upon during Council's term to support the community in achieving its long -term vision — Our Saint John. Council's Priorities will also support the implementation of PlanSJ our new municipal plan. As part of its governance role, Common Council establishes strategic priorities that will guide decision - making and allow the City to demonstrate accountability for service results. Building Our Priorities Public engagement was the cornerstone of the strategic planning process to identify goals and objectives that reflect the priorities of our citizens. Engagement with our citizens helped us to recognize the community's strengths, opportunities and aspirations while focusing on results. From there, Council agreed on priority outcomes for the community and the actions required to achieve these goals during their term. Keep the conversation going with your Council on Twitter using #sjcouncil Our Priorities Saint John Common Council Priorities 2012 -2016 U N C 0 0 0 U Y O 0 U d 7 O � c o a Q C 0 m 0 'c of Saint John Common Council Priorities Saint John Common Council will create policies that foster social, economic and sustainable growth in Saint John; have the courage to follow through on the tough decisions that are in the best interests of the whole community; and govern with a positive, supportive tone while being respectful of each other, City employees and our citizens. Economic Health Community of Choice Sustainable Infrastructure vestSJ I nvestSJ In • Implement clear and consistent internal • Implement policies that create a livable • Implement policies that maintain and processes to facilitate investment and community, one that provides diverse protect the quality and integrity of all development in Saint John while and accessible opportunities to engage our infrastructure assets in an maintaining City standards that align in arts, culture and recreation in a safe environmentally sustainable way and with PlanSJ. and caring environment. reinforces with the principles of PlanSJ. • Deliver an integrated approach to • Continue to invest in recreation • Execute a city -wide strategic road economic development. facilities such as Rockwood Park, improvement plan that aligns with Harbour Passage and neighbourhood PlanSJ, considers usage and is • Cooperate with neighbouring projects. equitable. municipalities to advance the economic • Work with community partners to • Implement a city -wide recreation prosperity of the region through the develop and maintain a new signature master plan that 'right- sizes' the True Growth 2.0 initiative. multi - purpose recreation facility. delivery of quality recreation programs • Invest wisely to continue to build our • Improve the 'face' of our City by and facilities for our diverse population. community and deliver services while increasing investment in our roadways • Secure funding for projects to deliver maintaining a healthy financial position. and sidewalks that connect our quality drinking water to our citizens. neighbourhoods. • Implement an affordable and sustainable plan in 2012 to address • Build a more robust transit service that pension issues. is aligned with the principles of PlanSJ. Citizen Focused Service Delivery • Strategic communication • Accountability for service results • Responsive customer service • Service -based decision - making n 0 3 3 rr 0 3 m D 90 D n o' lr_r me n � wee SAINT JOHN Council Priority Setting Sessions Summary of Outputs October 16, 2012 5� What to Expect: Oct 12/13 the Ci� a4 tiaYni Mhn ■ Day 1: Friday, Oct 12 (4pm — 7pm) • Welcome /Agenda /Guiding Principles • Background: Plan SJ; Vision 2015; Public Consultations • Summary of one -on -one discussions • Examples of Outcomes • Start Facilitated Exercise: SOAR (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results) ■ Day 2: Saturday, Oct 13 (9am — 2pm) • Continue Facilitated Exercise: SOAR • Shortlist Priorities • List Aspirations /Outcomes for each Priority Area • Metrics Discussion • Resource Discussion and Council Role in Leading Change SAINT IOHN 1 Summary: One -on -One Discussions ■ 1 asked: what is your view of priorities and what are you hearing? Fiscal Roads Water Quality of Growth & Responsibility/ Life /Liveable Development Pension City Most want to let the Priority area since All brought this up Outcomes within this Absolutely need to be open for task force come back roads are the as a high priority: priority vary by business and focus on growing with recommendations "face' of our city — "need to get this Councillor, but all agree our city through increased sends a message done' it is a priority business investment Most believe public doesn't understand the scale of this issues and the long term budgetary implications Need to determine to visitors what we City needs to move from are all about Some would like to do All citizens use "homework" and prepare and need the for what the task force roads — whether will come back with driving, taking the funding model? bus, biking, etc Most believe public doesn't understand the scale of this issues and the long term budgetary implications Need to determine Continue to focus on City needs to move from best way to deliver the urban core and "policing" to "facilitating ": on this priority. priority areas : renew provide incentives for What is the best the plan and developers funding model? commitment Transportation: includes Focus on internal and external transit, walkways, messaging so every staff roads, member thinks about growth and development; every citizen understands opp's for growth Recreation: need to Consider resource requirements maintain facilities and to facilitate internal business ensure efficient delivery investments processes: "QB" Facilitated Exercise: SOAR Analysis With SOAR, our focus is on the community and corporate strengths, and enhancing what is currently done well, rather than concentrating on perceived threats and /or weaknesses. Strengths What are our greatest strengths? Aspirations What is our preferred future? Opportunities What are our best opportunities? Results What are the measurable results that will tell us we've achieved that vision of the future? SAINT IOHN �i ■ SOAR: What Council Said the CRY aFsWm Whn • Strengths: ❑ Strong community support and ability for diverse groups to rally around a common purpose /cause • Cosmo /urban flare with plenty of space to live • Recreation /parks /natural environment/waterways • Highly qualified and internationally - recognized staff and community leaders • Entrepreneurial spirit • Industrial leader /industrial assets • History/heritage • Opportunities • Neighbourhood redevelopment • Leverage industry partners and increase focus on corporate sponsorships • Increase focus on multi -use facilities • Planned network to connect our neighbourhoods through bike paths /walkways /waterways • Launch "InvestSJ" campaign, comprehensive of economic, social, and commun."_ investment / /ice-\ _ SAINT 101IN SOAR: What Council Said SU Ury of SW. loho • Aspirations ❑ Operate and be seen as well -run municipal government ❑ Have a diverse and growing population ❑ Be a clean /green city with public transit that meets the needs of citizens ❑ Be the community of choice for people and business ❑ Implement a meaningful 'Pat on the back" program for city staff to encourage positive feedback • Results • Higher score on Ipsos -Reid question on Quality of Life • Population growth targets /increased tax base • Increased employment/decreased unemployment • Higher average household income • Decrease in poverty levels and associated social issues • Achieved 2012 -2016 priorities; ready to define a very different set of priorities • Active and open municipal government • Baseline needs addressed; some room for "wants" • Following and renewing our strategic and municipal plans (PlanSJ) l+ q SAINT 1011N I Outcome of Priority Sessions , kyar5alnl I.hn Good Pension Roads Drinking Economic Transit Recreation Governance Water Development Listen, Learn, Lead Plan Identify policies to Secure Approve and follow Create and Continue to approved ensure the integrity funding for through on True implement develop our Focus on team unity: in 2012 to of our infrastructure water Growth 2.0 a more signature Conduct ourselves fix the project recommendations robust recreation with integrity and pension this term transit plan facilities such as class, Govern with a issues that is Rockwood Park positive and aligned with and Harbour supportive tone and the Passage be respectful of each principles other and of our staff of PlanSJ Empower our staff Improve the "face" Approve an integrated Implement and seek their of our city by and coordinated PlaySJ opinions respectfully increasing initial method for delivering investment in our on Economic roadways and Development priorities sidewalks Create policies to Identify and Improve our internal Work with drive the social and execute a city -wide processes to increase community and economic growth of strategic road work investment and industry partners our city and have the plan aligned with development in the city to develop a courage to follow PlanSJ that while maintaining City 4PIex in Saint through on the tough considers usage, standards according to John decisions that will is equitable PlanSJ drive our city forward N Transcribed Notes from Common Council Priority Setting Sessions October 12 -13, 2012 SOAR Analysis Strengths Quality of Life- Geography/ water, proximity to "cottage country" People, diversity History, heritage Passion, spirit, community pride, friendly Innovative/ entrepreneurial Nationally recognized Industrial leader Staff- innovative and well qualified (ex. PlanSJ), ownership/ community involvement Established industry Number of industrial clusters Not overpopulated/ developed Welcoming/ confident/ permissive community Council familiar/ interested in economic and social development Respectful council Open for business attitude Plans/ strategies/ initiatives internationally recognized Water front/ boardwalk area, Port, Reversing Falls, Saint John River, Partridge Island, Rockwood Park, Cherry Brook Zoo, Signature events- arts, culture, festivals and concerts, Fundy Trail, Imperial theatre, University, IT sector, Health sciences Transcribed notes from Common Council's Priority Setting October 12 -13, 2012 Page 1 of 10 Opportunities Launch Invest Saint John campaign- leverage industry partnerships to drive change, "TeamSJ "- business and government Airport- more access VIA Rail Neighbourhood redevelopment, urban redevelopment/ infill housing, undeveloped vacant land, under populated areas Opportunity to attract new people, ideas, investment Space, permissive community, university/ community college, immigrants Willing partners for collaborative economic/ social growth and development Our community/ Council has the opportunity to come together to develop, resource and implement an economic/ social plan to drive our future. Job creation 4 plex recreation facility/ wave pool, multi -use facilities Parking lots- development Waterfront development- slips, shops and restaurants Tourism- destination Market urban experience- conventions/ trade shows Leverage corporate sponsorships to increase development Develop Partridge Island, Fort LaTour for tourism Complete Harbour Passage Develop sugar refinery site Plan network to connect our boroughs- bike/ water/ walk Transcribed notes from Common Council's Priority Setting October 12 -13, 2012 Page 2 of 10 Goals Robust, inclusive, multi - cultural city High performance machine, more efficient overall, remove barriers Clean and green city- public transit, clean drinking water, recycling (incl. curbside), spring clean -up, more trees More employment- retain youth and immigrants Beautification - better roads Better financial picture Vibrant metro lifestyle Diverse housing opportunities Attract tourists Increase education opportunities, average wage, diversity of employers Decrease poverty levels and associated issues Increase population, tax base Increase quality of infrastructure, implement PlanSJ Increase public engagement/ involvement, partnerships with communities Support what we already have (Heritage, TCC), don't let it deteriorate. Have ongoing maintenance plans or partnerships Results Population growth numbers Uptown traffic "off regular hours" Tax base growth (eg new development) Positive news story that is far reaching Continued growth that meets or exceeds industry standards (eg. Energy efficiency) Shifting the conversation to the positive Transcribed notes from Common Council's Priority Setting October 12 -13, 2012 Page 3 of 10 Destination of choice for industrial knowledge and innovation Take those points of negative talk (roads) off the list because they are fixed. Attraction and retention of youth Customer Vt service approach to business "Pats on the back" Community of choice that is global (NB #1 choice is Saint John) 4 years from now- much different Council priorities • Achieved short term goals, continue to pursue long term goals • Baseline needs addressed, now some room for "wants" • Following and renewing our strategic and municipal plans Priorities Pension Plan approved in 2012 to fix pension. A plan implemented to address unfunded liability Sustainable (affordable) go forward for pension plan and liability repayment City responsibility appropriate levels- level agreed to by 90 days after report (pension task force) Reforms must offer new model Communication- to public / stop penalizing New pension model adopted and implemented within 90 days Indexing and disability and OT out. Accumulation of time served. No stacking. Economic Growth Opportunity in a/ to welcoming, clean, innovative community Invest SJ- Economic, Social, Community (Full Pkg) Transcribed notes from Common Council's Priority Setting October 12 -13, 2012 Page 4 of 10 Invest/ Team/ Renaissance City/ Saint John Open to people, ideas and investment. Turnaround Innovative Industry- focused on environment (pollution control, reforestation) Permissive community for responsible industrial development Rich in: a. Quality of Life i. Water ii. Under populated/ underdeveloped iii. Green space b. Strong human resources c. Innovation, forward thinking d. Awards and recognitions for plans e. Face challenges f. Collaborative solution Innovative problem solving Efficient/ effective use of limited resources Prodevelopment Active lifestyle Smart city Compact= varied opportunities Unique but connected boroughs Standards- sidewalks On the move, growing opportunity, not static Cooperative- voice of the citizens Well run- government Population- varied demographic Redefined taxation allocation model- great control (portion of non- residential tax base) More discretionary budget Transcribed notes from Common Council's Priority Setting October 12 -13, 2012 Page 5 of 10 "Profitable" (revenue, social sustainability) economic development True growth 2.0- see plan to completion, sectors take ownership and complete their respective part Integrated and coordinated approach to delivering on economic development goals. (agencies) Improve our internal processes to increase investment/ business in city- need to enable staff, win/ win Streamline processes, decrease red tape/ increase incentives Identify and remove barriers for growth Create a culture of inclusivity What are the measurable? — let's get them in place Policies and opportunities developed Fully support and commit to our economic development agencies and partners Link between economic strategy and processes at City Hall Prioritize and streamline facilitating services and projects Council and staff must create/ facilitates an environment that supports economic development Develop and implement plans that produce ROI- ex. Upper floor program ESJ- $1- $6 Transit 3- 5 yrs Increase funding ROI- not profit but user satisfaction and usage rates Increase effective and efficient system Transit as an attractive option for all Environmental impact Focus on user needs and development areas Maximize current resources Tax reform- fuel and property Transcribed notes from Common Council's Priority Setting October 12 -13, 2012 Page 6 of 10 Address community needs- shuttles? More robust transit plan that is aligned with/ focused on our PlanSJ intensification area. Recreation Increase usage of what is already here Assess current use of what we already have Finish Harbour Passage Pull in InvestSJ- community/ people Continue to invest in existing facilities such as Rockwood Park and Harbour Passage "PIaySJ " - right size Look to future for next big "win" ROI for community- work with partners 4plex project- players for completion TBA Multiple services for multiple groups Implementation of "PIaySJ " - right sizing of current number of recreational facilities, fields and etc; Maintenance plan for what we have before, new/ strategic new investment Finish what we start Make use of caring and collaborative community as partners in creating a liveable city. Regional strategy is important Infrastructure (Water) Secure funding for water project Investigate P3 option Funding in place/ sources identified Rate analysis- industrial, residential; with an eye on economic development affordability Source- ground vs surface Transcribed notes from Common Council's Priority Setting October 12 -13, 2012 Page 7 of 10 Water meters- conservation Raw (industrial) vs treated (human consumption) water Communication- facts/ info for public General pipe condition/ ageing infrastructure Plan B- filtration of drinking water- home by home Focus on completing water project, we can't accomplish only a portion of the project Defined, strategic and long term Completion only acceptable outcome Educate Tax vs Pay for service fee Infrastructure (Roads) Identify policies to ensure the integrity of our infrastructure Improve the "face" of our city by increasing initial investment in our roadways/ sidewalks Identify and execute plan aligned with PlanSJ. Consider strategic factors such as usage/ equitable/ PIanSJ neighbourhoods Community Planning New paint for lines that last longer Increase investment in roads Increase quality Better communication/ coordination with external service providers and City Hall when road work is done Currently at 70 score- PCI Increase 3.5 million capital Long term goal of continued maintenance and upgrading Maintenance plan in place and resourced Focus prioritize main routes Transcribed notes from Common Council's Priority Setting October 12 -13, 2012 Page 8 of 10 Full focus on reconstruction of roads No "falling off map" More long term approach for external service providers who compromise the road What would 100% PCI mean? Make sidewalks part of the plan Communication to public- advise public when work has been completed each year Core Service review to reflect efficiencies of roads/ infrastructure planning- quality to higher standard Leadership Role Your Leadership Role Be respectful of each other and staff- Positive/ supportive tone with council, staff and community Business, not personal- team unity Transparent- goes both ways, it is Council's job to create the environment Support team- shared decision making Seek to understand/ be curious Voice for issues Be visionary/ commit to solutions together Meaningful 360 degree performance review Be willing to make tough decisions and follow through Listen, learn, lead Create policies to drive social and economic growth of the city- empower staff- seek staff opinions/ FB "modeled leadership ". Conduct ourselves with integrity and class Transcribed notes from Common Council's Priority Setting October 12 -13, 2012 Page 9 of 10 Reporting Process Annual report Tie staff reports to council to council priorities Consultations/ Accountability: ABC's "Push" comms to publics: review comms strategy (internal/ external) to support staff needs Ask staff: what do you need? — engage tools and resources Implement vision: coaching support Transcribed notes from Common Council's Priority Setting October 12 -13, 2012 Page 10 of 10