2012-08-20_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaire r� '
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City of Saint John
Common Council Meeting
Monday,August 20th,2012
Location: Common Council Chamber
Supplemental to Agenda
1.1(b) Governance Training Presentation by Daryl Wilson
1.2 Scheduling of Priority Setting Sessions
City of Saint John
Seance du conseil communal
Le Lundi 20 ouut 2012
Lieu : SaIle du conseil communal
Ordre du jour supplementaire
1.1(b) Presentation au sujet de gouvernement—Daryl Wilson
1.2 Calendrier des sessions d'etablissement des priorites
mm n n il
to Co o Cou c
Daryl Wilson, FCA
August 20, 2012
A w hin hink
e t stot a out
• What is your job ?
• What a re you tryi ng to accom pl ish ?
• What is the vision for the City of Saint John ?
• How will you measure success four years from
n ow?
— How will our citizens measure success?
• How can good governance help you achieve
great th i ngs for the City?
Wh i v rn n �
ats oe a ce .
• Governance, "is the structure and process
used to direct the business and affairs of an
organization, with the objective of achieving
the organization's goals and objectives."
Cit 's Structu re a nd Processes
( list may not be complete)
• St r u ct u re
— Mayor and Common Council
— City Manager Reports to Common Council
• So does Solicitor, Commissioner of Finance, Common
— City Manager responsible for City administration
• Exceptions for legal, common clerk and finance
— City has a number of Agencies, Commissions
Boards (ABC)
Cit 's Structu re a nd Processes
( list may not be complete)
• P rocesses
— Approve Annual Budget
— Evaluate Performance of City Manager
• And City Solicitor, Common Clerk and Commissioner of
— Regular Council Meetings
• Agendas with reports and recommendations
• Decisions by majority vote ( Mayor breaks a tie)
• Minutes of ineetings
— Town Hall Meetings
Tw w I k v r n n
o a s to 0o at Go e a ce
1 . Are you conforming?
2 . Are you performing?
• My focus is on Perform i ng i
— Be su re we know what we a re tryi ng to
— Be sure everybody knows their roles and
What a re ou r roles a nd
res onsibilities ?
• First, some history
— Major corporate failures in United States
• Enron and WorldCom
— Questions were asked
• Where were the Directors?
• What are the roles and responsibilities of Directors?
— A numberof organizations undertookto answerthe
second question
• TSX, CICA, Conference Board of Canada
— Major 2005 study in UK for the Public Sector
• "The Good Governance Standard for Public Services"
Ei ht roles a nd res onsi bi I ities for
� p
Ma or a nd Com mon Cou nci I
1 . Participate in and approve Strategic Plan and
Risk Assessment
2 . Hire and evaluate the performance of the City
— And City Solicitor, Common Clerk and
Commissioner of Finance
3 . Appoint members to ABC's and evaluate
performa nce of ABC's
Ei ht roles a nd res onsi bi I ities for
� p
Ma or a nd Com mon Cou nci I
4. Receive adequate and timely information to
hold ma nagement a nd ABC's accou nta ble for
5 . Initiate/approve policies
6 . Approve annual report to Citizens
7 . Be satisfied there is adequate succession
planningforCityManagerand KeyStaff
8 . Be satisfied there is adequate turnover of ABC
members .
1 . Pa rt i c i ate i n a n d a rove St rate i c
p pp �
Pla n a nd Risk Assessment
• Strategic Plan should include
— The vision/mission for our City
— Goals and objectives
— Basis for measuring success
— Values and ethics for Council and City
• Risk Assessment should include
— Risk identification, evaluation and mitigation
1 . Pa rt i c i ate i n a n d a rove St rate i c
p pp �
Pla n a nd Risk Assessment
• Strategic Plan should be inspiring and
— It should be a community plan and live beyond the life
of this council
— It would require citizen input and should have a broad
basis of support
— It should look beyond the programs and services
funded by the City
— The plan could include priority strategies; funding by
city hall, engaging partners in the community,
lobbying governments & encouraging citizen
1 . Pa rt i c i ate i n a n d a rove St rate i c
p pp �
Pla n a nd Risk Assessment
• Risk Assessment looks at those th i ngs that ca n
stand in the way of achieving goals and
objectives .
— What a re the risks?
— What impact can they have on goals and
— How can we mitigate or deal with them ?
H othetica I Strate ic Pla n a nd Risk
vp �
Assess m e nt
• vision
— "The Place to Prosper"
• A few goals
— Grow the population
— Grow the economy
— Green the City
• A few targets
— Increase population by x% by 2016
— I ncrease tax base by z% by 2016
H othetica I Strate ic Pla n a nd Risk
vp �
Assess m e nt
• Strategies for popu lation i ncrease
— Clearly understand why citizens are moving out of City and
make appropriate changes to counter this.
— Understand what citizens want to make urban living more
— Develop programs to attract more immigrants
— Request City Manager to receive ideas from all City
— Request all ABC's to make suggestions to achieve this goal
— Set completion dates for all strategies !
• Example of risk coming from risk analysis
— What if there are not enough quality housing units?
Wh r nn I i In �
e e oes a u a u et t .
• With Strategic Pla n i n Place
— Annual budgetwould bepartofanannual
business plan
• Resources would be allocated to align with goals and
objectives of the plan
• With no Strategic Plan in Place
— Annual budget is extremely important but will lack
long term context and focus
. � .
n il r I in r
Co u c s o e u et ocess
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• Cou nci I's role is to decide what is to be done
— Management/Commission's role is decide how
things get done.
• Cou nci I focuses on the end resu It
— Management /Commissions focuses on the means
• Cou nci I decides on tax rate, services a nd
service levels
— Management/Commissions role to identify the
operating alternatives for Council consideration
2 . Hire and evaluate the erformance
of Cit Ma na er & 3 other officia ls
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• City Manager is your most important employee
• Evaluation only effective if expectations are set
• Cou nci I shou Id set cha I lengi ng performa nce
— Goals from the strategic plan
— Goals from the annual budget
— Other improvements that Council wants to see
• All of the above should be measurable
• Performa nce eva I uation ta kes place shortly after
yea r end
3 . A oi nt mem bers to ABC 's a nd
evaluate erformance of ABC 's
• Appoi nt best people you ca n
— There should be a position description for board
chair and members
• Set out annual measurable expectations for
A B C's
• Evaluate ABC performance after year end
• Board of ABC is accountable to Council for
— Not the General Manager, Chief, etc.
4 . Receive ade uate a nd ti mel i n - ea r
a v v
• Council must monitor progress of
Management and Commissions on timely
— Is good progress being made towards achieving
performance targets?
— If not what corrective action is being taken ?
• Qua rterly reporti ng wou Id be a ppropriate
5 . I n itiate a rove ol icies
pp p
• Three types of policies
— Service levels for City Services
• i.e. Snow plowing, fire response times, road re-
— Set out relationship between Council, and City
Manager and Commissions
• i.e. spending authority, tendering requirements,
— Cou nci I governa nce pol icies
• i.e. Decision making process, values and ethics, conflict
of i nte rest
Pol ic for i nformed a nd tra ns a rent
y p
decision ma ki n
• Policy statement should clearly state which
decisions are to be made by Management and
which ones are reserved for Council
— I mportant to balance the ability to achieve goals
and objectives and the need to have a level of
— Important to state that only a resolution of
Council provides direction to management
• Mayor and individual councillors on their own have no
Pol ic for i nformed a nd tra ns a rent
y p
decision ma ki n
• You must be well informed
— City Manager should present a report which :
• Explains the reason for the report (i.e. the problem)
• Sets out various options to solve the problem
• Obtainsinputfromfinance, legal, planningetc. etc.
• Provide an analysis of each option
• Make a recommendation explaining why it is the best
• A key to making a good decision is fully
u ndersta nd i ng the problem
Pol ic for i nformed a nd tra ns a rent
y p
decision ma ki n
• How does Mayor and Councillor make a decision ?
— Make sure you have all the information you need
— Speak your mind and explain your position
— Respect the opinions of your colleagues
• The best idea may not be your own
— Be able to think and act independently
— Ask yourself, how will this decision impact on our
vision or goals?
— Rememberyour legal requirement "considerthe
welfareand interestsoftheentiremunicipality"
Pol ic for i nformed a nd tra ns a rent
y p
decision ma ki n
• What do you do after a decision is made ?
— Respect the decision of the ma jority
• You received a report
• You had your say
• A decision was made
• It is now time to move on
— Focus on the future
Promoti n va I ues a nd demonstrati n
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va I ues th rou h behavior
• As Mayor and Councillor's you set the tone for
City Hall and the administration
• Values and Code of Conduct should be
— Thingslike :
• Honesty * Public Engagement
• Respect for each other * Responding to Complaints
• Fairness
6 . A rove a n n u a I re o rt to C i t i ze n s
pp p
• There should be an annual accountability
docu ment to the taxpayers
— Set out actual results in relation to the goals and
objectives for the year
— Explain the reasons for shortcomings and the
corrective action being taken
• Staff will assist in preparation but it must be
approved by Council !
7 . Ensu re there is succession la n for
Cit Mana er and ke staff
v � v
• Loss of key employees could impact on
achieving goals
• Council is not required to develop plan, just be
sure it is done
8 . Be satisfied there is ade uate
tu rnover of ABC mem bers
• I m porta nt to get new ideas a nd energy
• Skill set requirements change over time
• The objective is to get good performance from
A B C's
— Avoid lapsingintofamiliarpatterns
n I in mm n
Co c u Co e ts
• We started with five questions
— What is your job?
— What are you trying to accomplish ?
— What is the vision for the City of Saint John ?
— How will you measure success four years from now?
• How will our citizens measure success?
— How can good governance help you achieve great
things for the City?
• I hope I have given you some ideas that will help
you move our City forward and meet the
aspirations of our citizens.
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City of Saint John
Common Council Meeting
Monday,August 20t'',2012
Location: Common Council Chamber
Supplemental to Agenda
1.2 Scheduling of Priority Setting Sessions
City of Saint John
Seance du conseil communal
Le Lundi 20 Aout,2012
Lieu : Salle du conseil communal
Ordre du jour supplementaire
1.2 Calendrier des sessions d'etablissement des priorites
The City of Saint]ohn
Mayor Norton, Deputy Mayor Rinehart
And Councillors
Subject: Scheduling of Priority Setting Sessions
Mayor Norton, Deputy Mayor and Councillors,
In order for Council to engage in priority setting sessions as described in a report to Council submitted
on July 18, 2012 the following dates need to be scheduled: August 29th, September 29t''and October
13th, 2012.
Recommendation: that Council approve the following dates for Council meetings, Wednesday,August
29tn 2012 at 5:00 p.m.; Saturday, September 29th, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. and Saturday, October 13th, 2012,
8:30 a.m. all to be held at the Rockwood Park Interpretation Center.
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Gormley
Common Clerk
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SAINT JOHfd R�.Box 1971 Saint John,NB Canada E2L 4L1 I wvwv,saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John,f�l.-B. Canada E2L 4L1