2012-08-13_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaireCity of Saint John
Common Council Meeting
Monday August 13th 2012
Location: Common Council Chamber
Supplemental to Agenda
11.6 Function Mapping (Mayor Norton)
11.7 Manawagonish Road Truck Route (Deputy Mayor Shelley Rinehart)
12.12 City Manager: Contract No. 2012 -23: Frederick & Seaton Street — Watermain, Sanitary and
Storm Sewer Installation and Street Reconstruction
12.13 City Manager: Somerset Street (Wellesley Avenue to Samuel Davis Drive) Storm Sewer
Installation and Street Reconstruction
City of Saint John
Seance du conseil communal
Le Lundi 13 Aout 2012
Lieu: Salle du conseil communal
Ordre du jour supplementaire
11.6 Cartographic (maire Norton)
11.7 Voies r&serv&es aux camions sur le chemin Manawagonish (mairesse suppl6ante
Shelley Rinehart)
12.12 Directeur g6n6ral — Contrat ri 2012 -23 : Rues Frederick et Seaton — Installation de la conduite
d'eau principale et des 6gouts sanitaires et pluviaux et travaux de r6fection
12.13 Directeur g6n6ral : Rue Somerset (de Pavenue Wellesley a la promenade Samuel Davis) —
Installation des 6gouts pluviaux et travaux de r6fection de la rue
lop N-
August 6, 2012
Members of Common Council
RE: Function Mapping
Dr. William Howatt
Recently senior members of our staff including Ms. Gormley, Mr. Nugent, Mr. Yeomans, and City
Manager Patrick Woods and I met with Dr. William Howatt. Dr. Howatt (www.howatthr.com) came to
my attention in relation to work he is doing in Saint John with regard to assisting a Pd. D. candidate. Dr.
Howatt's background includes working with and for some of the largest organizations in North America
including leaders in a major manufacturing, fmance as well as the Provincial and Federal government.
Dr. Howatt and his colleagues have developed a process for Function Mapping workplaces. The Function
Mapping process involves several components including quality of work life benchmarking process,
assessing an organizations customer relationship management approach, and determining the functions
which are being carried out within our organization.
Function Mapping
Practically speaking, Function Mapping allows for a systematic an objective based approach to making
strategic reallocation of function and resources as required within an organization. It provides a visual
representation of the functions within an organization so that those functions which an organization
wishes to focus on can be readily identified in a concrete objective manner. By making alterations to
functions based on evidence and objective information the organization, and more particularly its
leadership, is empowered to make the best possible decision in terms of the allocation of resources and
the best return on investment, in this case, for the taxpayer.
Dr. Howatt has offered to assist the City of Saint John at a greatly reduced rate. Dr. Howatt normally
charges $275.00 per hour for his services while those of his junior resource personnel are normally
charged at $130.00 per hour. Subject to approval from Council, Dr. Howatt has agreed to assist the City
of Saint John at a capped rate of not more than $2,000.00 per day for a maximum period of ten (10) days.
It is anticipated that the budget envelope required in order to carry out the work proposed above would
SAINT JOHN PO. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L4L1 I wwwsaintjonn.ca C.P. 1971 Saint john, N. -B. Canada E2L4L1
cost between $16,000.00 and $20,000.00. In addition, Dr. Howatt would have some out of pocket mean,
accommodation and travel expenses anticipated to be approximately: $2,000.00.
Council has traditionally struggled with making decisions as to where to spend taxpayer money. As
individual Council members we are drawn to certain initiatives. While supporting all initiatives would be
ideal, function mapping would empower Council with an objective evidence based approach from which
to make strategic re- allocation of resources (money) within our organization. Within the cost envelope
noted above, our staff would be able to regularly update the Function Mapping process and Council
would have a continuous means by which to strategically re- allocate resources (money and therefore
services) based on objective analytics.
That Council approve entering into an agreement with Dr. Howatt to carry out implementing a Function
Mapping process for the City of Saint John with a maximum budget envelope of $20,000.00, plus
incidental expenses, to be completed by the end of October, 2012.
Yours very truly,
Mel K. Norton
City of Saint John
SAINT JOHN PO. Box 1971 Saint john, NB Canada E2L 40 1 www.saintjohn.ca C.P. 1971 Saint john, N.-B. Canada E2L 4L1
The City of Saint John
August 10, 2012
His Worship Mel Norton and
Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Councillors:
Subject: Manawagonish Road Truck Route
Recently there was a serious accident on Manawagonish Road involving a transport truck. The incident
occurred in the early morning hours when a truck left the road, clipping a utility pole and narrowly
missing two houses. Area residents have raised concern in the past regarding truck traffic on a road
many believe to have been signed as not a truck route when they purchased their homes. There is in
fact a sign toward the end of Ocean Westway directing truck traffic to the thruway. The upper end of
Manawagonish road is not designated as a truck route.
Motion: That, for safety reasons, the City Manager investigate the historical and current designation
of Manawagonish Road as a truck route.
Respectfully Submitted,
(Received via email)
Deputy Mayor Shelley Rinehart
City of Saint John
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M &C2012 -209
August 8, 2012
His Worship Mayor Mel Norton
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Members of Council:
The CCy of Smw john
SUBJECT: Contract No. 2012 -23: Frederick & Seaton Street — Watermain, Sanitary
and Storm Sewer Installation and Street Reconstruction
The 2012 General Fund and Water & Sewerage Utility Fund Capital Programs include funding
for a complete street reconstruction of Frederick and Seaton Street as well as new watermain and
storm sewer.
In additional to the above noted programs funding was provided as part of the Harbour Clean-up
Program in order to eliminate the sanitary sewer outfalls to Marsh Creek.
The work consists generally of the supply of all necessary labour, materials and equipment for
the installation of new watermain, sanitary and storm sewer along Frederick and Seaton Street as
well as complete street reconstructions.
Tenders closed on August 8, 2012 with the following results:
1. Galbraith Construction Ltd., Saint John, NB $1,129,406.75
2. Fairville Construction Ltd., Saint John, NB $1,142,864.32
3. Gulf Operators Ltd., Saint John, NB $1,194,264.23
4. Dexter Construction., Saint John, NB $1,346,814.80
The Engineer's estimate for the work was $1,384,071.46.
M & C 2012- 209
August 8, 2012
Page 2
The tenders were reviewed by staff and all tenders were found to be formal with the exception of
tenders from H. E. Merchant & Sons Ltd. and Gulf Operators Ltd. H. E. Merchant & Sons Ltd.
tender submission failed to bid all tender items. The H. E. Merchant & Sons Ltd. tender was
rejected by the Tender Opening Committee in accordance with General Specifications Division 2
— Instructions to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures Items 2.8.03 c). Gulf Operators Ltd.
tender submission contained a mathematical error. The error was corrected in accordance with
Division 2 — Instructions to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures, section 2.11(s)(i) and the
corrected amount is reported herein.
Staff is of the opinion that the low tenderer has the necessary resources and expertise to perform
the work, and recommend acceptance of their tender.
The Contract includes work that is charged against the 2012 General Fund and Water &
Sewerage Utility Fund Capital Programs as well as the Harbour Clean -up envelope. Assuming
award of the Contract to the low tenderer, an analysis has been completed which includes the
estimated amount of work that will be performed by City forces and Others.
The analysis is as follows:
Project net cost
Variance (deficit)
On July 16, 2012 (M &C 2012 -187) Staff reported the Alward Street Sanitary Sewer Installation
contract had a positive budget variance of $ 300,000. The Alward Street project is being funded
from the Gas Tax Fund (GTF) and the positive budget variance was reported to the Province of
New Brunswick Department of Local Government. Staff from Local Government have advised
that the $300,000 surplus from Alward Street can be allocated to the Frederick & Seaton Street
reconstruction project with the approval of Council.
The recommendation in this report is made in accordance with the provisions of Council's policy
for the tendering of construction contracts, the City's General Specifications and the specific
project specifications.
M &C2012 -209
August 8, 2012
Page 3
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It is recommended that:
1. Contract 2012 -23: Frederick & Seaton Street Watermain, Sanitary and Storm Sewer
Installation and Street Reconstruction be awarded to the low tenderer, Galbraith
Construction Ltd., at the tendered price of $ 1,129,406.75 as calculated based upon
estimated quantities, and further, that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to
execute the necessary contract documents.
2. Council approve utilizing the $300,000 surplus GTF funding from the Alward Street
Sanitary Sewer Installation project towards the Frederick & Seaton Street Reconstruction
Respectfully submitted,
4 "
Michael Baker, P. Eng.
Municipal Engineer
Wm. Edwards, P. g.
Transportation and Environment
Brian Keenan, P. Eng,
Engineering Manager
J. Patrick Woods, CGA
City Manager
M &C2012 -207
August 7, 2012
His Worship Mayor Mel Norton
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Members of Council:
The Cky of Saint lohn
SUBJECT: Somerset Street (Wellesley Avenue to Samuel Davis Drive) Storm Sewer
Installation and Street Reconstruction
The purpose of this report is to update Council on the status of the Somerset Street (Wellesley
Avenue to Samuel Davis Drive) Storm Sewer Installation and Street Reconstruction project and
estimated costs.
This Project was approved in the 2012 General Fund Capital Program as follows:
• Somerset Street (Wellesley Avenue to Samuel Davis Drive) — Street Reconstruction
(storm sewer, excavation, backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping), including design
and construction management services.
Common Council, at its meeting of May 7, 2012, awarded the Engineering Design and
Construction Management Services (2012- 0836B) for Somerset Street to GENIVAR at a
negotiated price of $256,932.90.
Funding for this project includes an approved City share amount of $1,100,000 and a proposed
other share amount of $350,000 from the Province of New Brunswick. This budget estimate was
established with very preliminary information.
GENIVAR has completed the design work which included the submission of a Design Brief
illustrating the proposed design, design rationale and cost estimates.
M &C2012 -207
August 7, 2012
Page 2
The design proposes the reduction of the two southbound lanes between Samuel Davis Drive and
Pugsley Avenue to a single lane while maintaining a dedicated turning lane to Thornborough
Street. Consistent with Council's Active Transportation Policy, the rebuilt road will include
provisions for shared bike lanes.
During the preliminary design stage of the work GENIVAR brought forward several necessary
upgrades that are required in order to construct a modern road system, that were not included in
the original preliminary budgetary estimate.
Some of the additional upgrades are as follows:
I. A dedicated storm sewer system — the proposed design will remove the storm sewer
flows from the existing combined sewer system.
2. 900mm Combined Sewer Upgrade — The existing combined sewer in the Wellesley and
Somerset Street intersection needs to be replaced.
3. Road Structure — Due to the large amounts of truck and vehicular traffic on Somerset
Street, GENIVAR has recommended upgrading the thickness and quality of granular road
base material in order to limit future road deformations. The proposed road structure is
similar to the road structure that was chosen for the Reconstruction of Somerset Street
from Barker Street to Wellesley Avenue.
4. Traffic Light Upgrades — Traffic Light upgrades are included at the intersection of
Somerset Street and Wellesley Avenue.
The updated budget estimate for the project based on the detailed design is $2,900,000 which
would result in a $1,800,000 shortfall. It is recommended that Council pre - approve $1,800,000
under the 2013 General Fund Capital Program to allow this project to proceed.
Each year the City submits an updated 5 -year program of improvements for Provincially and
Regionally Designated Highways through Saint John. The 5 -year submission made in October,
2011 included a request for $350,000 towards the reconstruction of Somerset Street in 2012. To
date, the Province has not yet approved this request. It is Staff's understanding that funding
allocations from the Province have been completed for 2012. Staff remains optimistic that the
Province will cost share in the reconstruction of Somerset Street and recommend requesting an
additional $350,000 in 2013 as part of the City's 5 -Year Capital Improvement Plan submission
to the Province.
Staff proposes that Council authorize the pre - approval of $1,800,000 as well as proceeding with
tendering for the reconstruction of Somerset Street between Wellesley Avenue and Samuel Davis
It is anticipated that the detailed design will be completed in time to allow the advertisement of a
tender on August 22, 2012 with a tender closing date of September 12, 2012. Construction could
then get underway in September depending on contractor schedules with the majority of the
work completed in the spring /summer of 2013.
M &C2012 -207
August 7, 2012
Page 3
It is recommended that Council pre - approve supplementary funding in the amount of $1,800,000
under the 2013 General Fund Capital Program to allow the reconstruction of Somerset Street
between Wellesley Avenue and Samuel Davis Drive to proceed as outlined in this report.
Respectfully submitted,
"k a r
Michael Baker, P. Eng.
Municipal Engineer
11 �
Wm. Edwards, P. Eng.
Transportation & Environment
Brian Keenan, P. Eng.
Engineering Manager
.atri�ck Woods, CGA
City Manager