2012-06-25_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourCity of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday, June 25, 2012 Committee of the Whole 1. Call to Order Si vous avez besoin des services en frangais pour une r6union de Conseil Communal, veuillez contacter le bureau de la greffi6re communale au 658 -2862. Each of the following items, either in whole or in part, is able to be discussed in private pursuant to the provisions of section 10 of the Municipalities Act and Council /Committee will make a decision(s) in that respect in Open Session: 4:30 p.m. 8th Floor Boardroom 1.0 Land Matter 10.2(4)(c)(d) 1.2 Legal Opinion 10.2(4)(f) 1.3 Legal Opinion 10.2(4)(f) 1.4a) Property Matter 10.2(4)(f,g) 1.4b) Property Matter 10.2(4)(c,g) 1.5 Personal Matter 10.2(4)(b) Regular Meeting 1. Call to Order — Prayer 5:30 p.m. Council Chamber 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Adoption of Agenda Items Forwarded from Agenda of June 18, 2012: 3.1 Letter from Uptown Saint John regarding Council Appointment to Board of Directors 3.2 City Solicitor: Amendment to the Procedural By -Law Time for Delivery of Meeting Agenda 3.3 City Solicitor: 501631 N.B. Ltd. - City Lands 3.4 City Manager: Peel Plaza Update 3.5 City Manager: 2012 Roadway Construction Projects 3.6 Saint John Police Force: 2012 Operating Budget April Financial Results 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 5. Consent Agenda 5.1 Appointment of Acting Commissioner of Growth and Development 5.2 Demolition of a Fire - Damaged and Dangerous Building at 55 -57 Victoria Street (PID #376269) 2 6. Members Comments 7. Proclamation 8. Delegations/ Presentations 8.1a) Growth and Development Services 8. lb) Zoning By -law Review Briefing 8.1 c) Dangerous Buildings Briefing 8.2 Intergovernmental Affairs 8.3a) Financial Overview Orientation 8.3b) General Capital Expenditures 8.3c) Water and Sewerage Capital Expenditures 9. Public Hearings 10. Consideration of By -laws 11. Submissions by Council Members 12. Business Matters — Municipal Officers 13. Committee Reports 14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda 15. General Correspondence 16. Adjournment 3 The City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Lundi 25 juin 2012 ComW pl6nier 1. Ouverture de la seance Si vous avez besoin des services en frangais pour une reunion de Conseil Communal, veuillez contacter le bureau de la greffi&e communale au 658 -2862. Chacun des points suivants, en totalit6 ou en partie, peut faire l'objet d'une discussion en priv6 en vertu des dispositions pr6vues a Particle 10 de la Loi sur les municipalites. Le Conseil /Comit6 prendra une ou des decisions a cet &gard au cours de la seance publique 16 h 30 — Salle de conference, 8e etage 1.0 Question relative aux biens -fonds — alin&a 10.2(4)c)d) 1.2 Avis juridique — alin6a 10.2(4)f) 1.3 Avis juridique — alin6a 10.2(4)f) 1.4.a) Question relative aux biens -fonds — alin&as 10.2(4)f), g) 1.4.b) Question relative aux biens -fonds — alin&as 10.2(4)c), g) 1.5 Question d'ordre personnel — alin6a 10.2(4)b) Seance ordinaire 1. Ouverture de la seance, suivie de la priere 17 h 30 — Salle du conseil 2. Approbation du proces- verbal 3. Adoption de 1ordre du jour Points reports de la seance du 18 juin 2012 3.1 Lettre d'Uptown Saint John au sujet de la nomination des membres du conseil au conseil d'administration 3.2 Avocat municipal: Modifications proposes a 1'Arret6 relativement a 1'heure de distribution de dordre du jour des r6unions 3.3 Avocat municipal: 501631 N.B. Ltd. — Terrains municipaux 3.4 Directeur g6n6ral : Mise a jour concernant la place Peel 3.5 Directeur g6n6ral : Projets de construction d'une route pour 2012 3.6 Service de police de Saint John: Budget de fonctionnement de 2012 — Bilan financier jusqu'au mois d'avril 4. Divulgations de conflits d'interets 5. Questions soumises a 1'approbation du conseil 5.1 Nomination du commissaire a la croissance et au d6veloppement 9 5.2 Demolition d'un bdtiment endommag6 par un incendie et jug& dangereux au 55 -57, rue Victoria (NID 376269) 6. Commentaires prksent6s par les membres 7. Proclamation 8. WNgations et pr6sentations 8. La) Services de d&veloppement et de croissance 8. Lb) S6ance d'information sur 1'examen des arret6s de zonage 8.1.c) S6ance d'information sur les bdtiments dangereux 8.2 Affaires intergouvernementales 8.3.a) Orientation sur les aperqus financiers 8.3.b) 136penses g6n6rales en immobilisations 8.3.c) D6penses en immobilisations pour les Services d'aqueduc et d' &gouts 9. Audiences publiques 10. Etude des arrWs municipaux 11. Interventions des membres du conseil 12. Affaires municipales 6voqu6es par les fonctionnaires municipaux 13. Rapports d6pos6s par les comit6s 14. Etude des sujets 6cart6s des questions soumises a 11approbation du conseil 15. Correspondance g6n6rale 16. Lev6e de la seance 5 cr C� rI W Z Z x June 7, 2012 ~' Mayor Mel Norton Members of Common Council Z City of Saint John PO Box 1971 ¢ Saint John NB E2L 4L1 Your Worship and Members of Common Council H On behalf of the Board of Directors and staff of Uptown Saint John I wish to congratulate you on your recent election to Common Council. These are W challenging times and we encourage you to deal expeditiously with the big issues currently impeding our city's progress. H Cn Many of you already know that USE is the Business Improvement Area organization that represents the interests of the property owners and businesses in 17 a 30 block area of the uptown. ., Our Act of Incorporation states that one member of the Board of Directors may be appointed by Common Council. Donna Reardon has been actively engaged on our board for the past few years prior to being elected to council so her choice as Councils representative is welcomed if that is the wish of Common Council. Sincerely, C 0 Matt Alexander, President Uptown Saint John Inc. C td N T 506.633 9797 F. 506.652.3525 www.uptownsj.com 0 City Solicitors Office Bureau de Pavocat municipal The city of Saint John (P4­1 SAINT JOHN June 14, 2012 Common Council of The City of Saint John Your Worship and Councillors: Re: Amendment to the Procedural By -Law Time for Delivery of Meeting Agenda At its meeting held on June 4, 2012, Common Council resolved that amendments which were attached to Mayor Norton's correspondence to Council be referred to the City Solicitor and the Common Clerk to prepare the appropriate amendments to Council's Procedural By -Law. The effect of the proposed amendments would be to change the delivery date of Council's agenda kit from the Friday immediately preceding a regular Council meeting to the Tuesday immediately preceding such meeting. We have prepared and arranged translation of the amendments in question. The changes listed below have been made to reflect the clear intention expressed in Mayor Norton's correspondence. Those changes are as follows: (1) We changed reference to "officials" of the corporation to "officers" of the corporation. (2) We added a sentence at the very end of Section 8.7 which is exactly the same as the last sentence to Section 8.6. This was required in order for the by -law to be consistent. (3) At Section 8.10, we changed that portion of the provision which read "...the 4:00 pm Monday deadline established by Section 8.10 and before 4:00 pm on the Thursday" to "...the 4:00 pm Monday deadline established by Section 8.9 but before 4:00 pm on the Thursday ". The Monday deadline referred to in Section 8.10 is established at Section 8.9. P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 I wwwsaintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada E2L 4L1 7 Common Council June 14, 2012 Re: Amendment to Procedural By -Law City Solicitor Page 2 (4) Section 8.11 references requests received by the Clerk "pursuant to Section 8.11" respecting items for the Supplemental Agenda. This appears to be a typo. We have changed the latter to "Section 8.10 ", as 8.10 is the provision which stipulates that a request may be made to the Clerk for her to include in a Supplemental Agenda a submission filed after 4:00 pm Monday deadline. (5) At Section 8.14, there was reference to "a matter automatically tabled pursuant to Section 8.14 ". This also was another typo. We changed it to Section 8.13, which provision provides for a matter to be automatically tabled. At Section 8.14, we also reworded the sentence "at the same meeting that it is tabled" to "at the same meeting at which it is tabled" and moved it to the beginning of the sentence. This, we felt, made the sentence more clear. (6) At Section 8.15, it was stated: "Any matter included on the Supplemental Agenda for a regular meeting ... ". We removed the words "for a regular meeting" as we felt that they were superfluous. Having sent the amendments to be translated, the translator responded with the advice that there are a number of internal inconsistencies in the current French version of the by -law which lead to uncertainty in its interpretation. We reviewed the French version and agree. We therefore recommend that Council direct the Common Clerk to have the entire French version of the Procedural By -Law revised to properly reflect the English version. It is in order for Council to give first and second reading to the attached amendment if it wishes. Respectfully Submitted, r- L'I John L. Nugent City Solicitor Enclosure BY -LAW NUMBER M -5 A LAW TO AMEND A BY -LAW RESPECTING THE PROCEDURE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN ARRETk N° M -5 ARRETk MODIFIANT L'ARRETE CONCERNANT LE REGLEMENT INTERIEUR DU CONSEIL COMMUNAL DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by the Common Council of Lors d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John as follows: The City of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit: A By -Law of The City of Saint John entitled "a By -Law Respecting the Procedures of the Common Council of The City of Saint John" enacted on the 29`h day of November, A.D. 2010, is hereby amended as follows: Par les presentes, 1'arrete de The City of Saint John intitule « Arrete concernant le reglement interieur du conseil communal de The City of Saint John)), edict& le 29 novembre 2010, est modifi6 comme suit: 1 Sections 8.6 to 8.11 are repealed and the 1 Les articles 8.6 a 8.11 sont abroges et following is substituted: remplac&s par ce qui suit : "8.6 Delivery — to members — prior to meeting The Clerk shall use his/her best efforts to ensure that copies of the agenda and Council kit for regular meetings of Council are delivered in printed format and/or distributed electronically to each member so that they are received in each case by 4:30 pm on the Tuesday immediately preceding the regular meeting. In no case shall the Clerk deliver the agenda and Council kit for regular meetings of Council to a member later than 4:30 pm on the Wednesday immediately preceding the regular meeting. 8.7 Made available — to officers — staff The Clerk shall use his/her best efforts to ensure that electronic copies of the agenda and Council kit for regular meetings of Council are made available to all Corporation officers and staff who are to receive copies thereof as determined by the Chief Administrative Officer on the Tuesday immediately preceding the meeting. In no case shall the Clerk deliver the agenda and Council kit for regular meetings of Council to a member later than 4:30 pm on the Wednesday immediately preceding the regular meeting. 9 8.6 Distribution aux membres avant la reunion Le greffier ou la greffiere doit faire tout ce qui est en son pouvoir pour s'assurer que les copies de l'ordre du jour et les trousses de documents relatives aux reunions du conseil sont distribuees sous forme imprimee ou electronique de maniere A ce que chaque membre les regoive avant 16 h 30 le mardi prec&dant la reunion ordinaire. En aucun cas, le greffier ou la greffiere ne devrait distribuer A un membre, Pordre du jour ou les trousses de documents relatives aux reunions ordinaires du conseil, apres 16 h 30 le mercredi precedant la reunion ordinaire. 8.7 Mis a la disposition des dirigeants et des employes Le greffier ou la greffiere doit, le mardi precedant la reunion, faire tout ce qui est en son pouvoir pour s'assurer que 1'ordre du jour et la trousse de documents, presentee aux membres dans le cadre des reunions ordinaires, sont transmis sous forme electronique a tous les dirigeants et employes de la Corporation qui doivent les avoir regus, comme l'indique le directeur general. En aucun cas, le greffier ou la greffiere ne devrait distribuer a un membre, Pordre du jour ou la trousse de documents relative aux reunions du conseil, apres 16 h 30 le mercredi precedant la reunion ordinaire. 8.8 Made available — agenda — public Copies of the agenda shall be made available to the general public at the Office of the Common Clerk and on the website of The City of Saint John by 4:30 pm on the Tuesday immediately preceding the regular meeting. 8.9 Submissions — to Clerk — deadline All submissions for inclusion in the agenda for regular meetings of Council shall be submitted to the Clerk no later than 4:00 pm on the Monday immediately prior to the date on which the agenda is to be distributed pursuant to Sections 8.6, 8.7 and 8.8. 8.10 Supplemental Agenda — Submissions Any person, including a member of Council and an employee or officer of the Corporation, may request that the Clerk include in a Supplemental Agenda a submission filed after the 4:00 pm Monday deadline established by Section 8.9 but before 4:00 pm on the Thursday immediately preceding the regular meeting. 8.11 Supplemental Agenda and Council Kit — Delivery If the Clerk receives any request pursuant to Section 8.10, the Clerk shall prepare a Supplemental Agenda and Supplemental Council kit, which shall be distributed electronically to all members of Council and all Corporation officers and staff who are to receive copies as determined by the Chief Administrative Officer no later than 4:00 pm on the Friday immediately preceding the regular meeting. 8.8 Disponibilite de Fordre du jour, grand public Des copies de Pordre du jour devraient titre mises A la disposition du grand public au bureau du greffier communal ou de la greffiere communale et sur le site Web de The City of Saint John, au plus tard a 16 h 30 le mardi precedant la reunion ordinaire. 8.9 Propositions an greffier on a la greffiere, date limite Toute proposition devant etre inscrite a Fordre du jour des reunions ordinaires du conseil doit etre remise au greffier ou a la greffiere avant 16 h le lundi precedant la date a laquelle Fordre du jour doit titre distribu6 en vertu des articles 8.6, 8.7 et 8.8. 8.10 Ordre du jour supplementaire, propositions Toute personne, incluant un membre du conseil et un employe ou un dirigeant de la Corporation, peut demander que le greffier ou la greffiere inscrive, dans un ordre du jour supplementaire, une proposition deposee apres la date limite, fixee A 16 h le lundi, conformement a Particle 8.9, mais avant 16 h le jeudi prec6dant la reunion ordinaire. 8.11 Distribution, ordre du jour supplementaire et trousse supplementaire de documents relative aux reunions du conseil Pour toute demande reque par le greffier ou la greffiere en vertu de Particle 8.10, le greffier ou la greffiere devra preparer un ordre du jour supplementaire et une trousse supplementaire de documents, presentee aux membres dans le cadre des reunions ordinaires. Ceux -ci devront etre distribu6s electroniquement a tous les membres du conseil et a tous les dirigeants et employes de la Corporation qui doivent recevoir des copies, comme 1'indique le directeur general, avant 16 h le vendredi precedant la reunion ordinaire. 8.12 Supplemental Agenda — made available — 8.12 Ordre du jour supplementaire mis a la public disposition du public Copies of the Supplemental Agenda shall be made Des copies de Fordre du jour supplementaire 2 10 available to the general public at the Office of the Common Clerk and on the website of The City of Saint John by 4:30 pm on the Friday immediately preceding the regular meeting. 8.13 Supplemental Agenda — automatic tabling Any matter appearing on the Supplemental Agenda may be debated pursuant to Section 12 at the regular meeting immediately following its filing with the Clerk, however, at the conclusion of such debate, or if no such debate occurs, the matter is deemed to be immediately tabled and, except as provided for herein, shall not be considered further at the same meeting. doivent etre mises a la disposition du grand public au bureau du greffier communal ou de la greffiere communale et sur le site Web de The City of Saint John avant 16 h 30 le vendredi precedant la reunion ordinaire. 8.13 Ordre du jour supplementaire, report automatique Toute question figurant a l'ordre du jour supplementaire peut etre debattue en vertu de ]'article 12, au cours de la reunion ordinaire, immediatement apres son dep6t aupres du greffier ou de la greffiere. Toutefois, lorsque ledit debat est termine ou si la question n'est pas debattue, elle est consideree etre immediatement reportee et, sauf disposition contraire dans le present arrete, ne devrait pas &re examinee davantage au cours de la meme reunion. 8.14 Supplemental Agenda — restriction of 8.14 Ordre du jour supplementaire, taking up tabled matter restrictions relatives i la remise en debat des questions reportees Any matter automatically tabled pursuant to Section 8.13 may not, at the same meeting at which it is tabled, be taken up for further debate, voted on pursuant to Section 16 or made the subject of any motion pursuant to Section 15, unless, by vote on a motion made and seconded by any two members present, two thirds of the members present at the meeting agree to take up the matter, at which time the matter may be further debated and considered by Council as if it had been included on the Agenda for the regular meeting. 8.15 Consideration at next regular meeting Any matter included on the Supplemental Agenda that is not taken up pursuant to Section 8.14, shall be included by the Clerk on the Agenda for the regular meeting immediately following the meeting at which it was tabled, and shall be taken up by Council at such regular meeting without the requirement for a motion to take it up pursuant to Section 15.10, and shall be dealt with as otherwise provided herein for any matter included on the Agenda for such meeting. Toute question reportee automatiquement en vertu de I'article 8.13 ne peut, au cours de la reunion au cours de laquelle elle a ete reportee, etre debattue A nouveau, faire l'objet d'un vote en vertu de I'article 16, ou faire ]'objet de toute proposition en vertu de Particle 15, sauf si, par un vote sur cette proposition, deposee et appuyee par deux membres presents, les deux tiers des membres presents a la reunion sont d'accord pour reprendre les discussions concernant la question, en quel temps, la question pourra etre debattue et examinee par le conseil comme si elle avait ete incluse a l'ordre du jour de la reunion ordinaire. 8.15 Examen i la prochaine reunion ordinaire Toute question figurant a 1'ordre du jour supplementaire qui ne fait pas ]'objet de discussions en vertu de Particle 8.14, devrait etre incluse, par le greffier ou la greffi6re, a 1'ordre du jour de la reunion ordinaire du conseil qui suivra la reunion au cours de laquelle elle a ete reportee. Elle devra de plus faire ]'objet de discussions par le conseil lors de cette prochaine reunion ordinaire du conseil sans devoir faire ]'objet d'une proposition pour reprendre les discussions conformement a Particle 15.10, et devra &re 11 8.16 Special meeting — preparation — requirements For special meetings, the agenda shall be prepared as the Mayor, or in the case of a petition, the Clerk, may direct. traitee, sauf disposition contraire dans le present arrete, et ce pour toute question figurant a Pordre du jour d'une telle reunion. 8.16 Reunion extraordinaire, preparation, exigences L'ordre du jour des reunions extraordinaires est redige sous la direction du maire, ou dans le cas' d'une petition, selon les directives du greffier ou de la greffiere. 8.17 Not delivered — on schedule — meeting valid 8.17 Defaut de distribution en temps opportun, validite de la reunion Failure by the Clerk to meet any deadline set out herein shall not invalidate the Council meeting or any proceedings thereat." IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the day , A.D. 2012 and signed by: Mayor/Maire Si le greffier ou la greffiere ne respecte pas le calendrier etabli par le present arrete, la reunion du conseil ou les deliberations n'en seront pas invalidees pour autant. EN FOI DE QUOI The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arrete le 2012, avec les signatures suivantes : Common Clerk / Greffiere communale First Reading - Premiere lecture - Second Reading - Deuxieme lecture - Third Reading - Troisieme lecture - 4 12 L, PWIq City Solicitors Office Bureau de Pavocat municipal The City of saint John June 14, 2012 Common Council of The City of Saint John Your Worship and Councillors: Re: 501631 N.B. Ltd. - City Lands Common Council received at its meeting of the 4th day of August, 2009, correspondence from Mr. Walter Vincent respecting possible development of property owned by 501631 N.B. Ltd., Southern N.B. Railway (NBSR) and the City of Saint John, Mr. Vincent, in his correspondence, described himself as the controlling shareholder of the numbered company. The land is in the Seaside Park vicinity and indeed the City land in question is a portion of the Park. As you can see this matter has been outstanding for some time and in fact the topic was first raised in the 1990's and in 2007 1 provided Common Council with a written opinion respecting the prospect of an easement over City property in order to provide access to the property of the numbered company. Councillor Farren had inquired of me in 2011 as to the status of the referral of this matter and I replied that it was "firmly on the back burner ". That was not written facetiously but rather in realistic recognition of the circumstances of this matter and other land related files requiring attention. We are now able to advise Council with respect to Mr. Vincent's request and it will begin with a brief background of the proposed development and the City's involvement to date. The numbered company (the "Owner ") has title to two (2) parcels of land lying to the south of the portion of the New Brunswick Southern Railway line which runs from Lancaster to the Port; it is a portion of the Carleton City of Saint John Branch Railway. The most southerly lot is bounded on the east by Seaside Park, on the north by City land expropriated for the Western Beaches collector sewer, on the west by lands owned by the City and on the south by the Bay of Fundy. The second parcel is bounded on the north and east by lands owned by New Brunswick Southern Railway ( "NBSR ") and on the south by City land expropriated for the above -noted collector sewer. The Owner most recently submitted a proposal in May of 2008 through the Terrain Group to develop the above -noted lands together with parcels of land owned by the City and NBSR. The original proposal was to construct a seventy -nine (79) unit townhouse development on an extension of the western end of Sea Street with a tie into the southern end of Bardsley Avenue. In June of 2008 the Planning Department, as per the long- established process, circulated a memorandum to various City Departments and utility providers outlining the Owner's _- proposal. While the memorandum noted that the proposed development required a SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 41 I www.saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada E2L 4L1 -------� 13 2 Common Council June 14, 2012 rezoning and subdivision approval, it further noted quite correctly that before any approvals are sought three issues required resolution: (1) the need for an agreement between the City and the Owner for the purchase of City property required to access the Owner's land; (2) a similar agreement between the Owner and NBSR for the purchase of land owned by the latter; and (3) the need for an agreement between the Owner and NBSR permitting the Owner to cross a working rail line. The City land required by the Owner was the southern portion of Seaside Park and a right to cross the lands expropriated by the City for the collector sewer. The Owner proposed a land exchange whereby the City would be given part of the lands the Owner would acquire from NBSR and a portion of the Owner's lands, while the Owner would receive the southern portion of Seaside Park and parts of four (4) parcels of City -owned lands. The Owner proposed to accomplish its development in several phases, the first of which proposed to extend Sea Street westwardly into Seaside Park. Responses to the Planning Department memorandum were varied. Building Inspections advised that because of the geography of the land, engineered soil reports would be required to ensure that slope failure would not occur. Municipal Operations commented that there should be no buildings over sewers and that City lands should not be sold. Development requirements for water quantity and pressure, storm water collection and disposal, sewers and road construction were itemized. Additionally the response from Municipal Operations raised three (3) issues: (1) slope stability; (2) access to and from the development, and (3) Seaside Park. The response from the Fire Department pertained to street design, the turning of fire apparatus in a cul -de -sac, fire separations in the units and hydrant installation. The response from Leisure Services also raised the issue of the sale of part of Seaside Park. In August of 2008 the Owner, through Terrain Group, advised the City's Real Estate Department that the Owner had not been successful with its negotiations with NBSR and proposed an alternate arrangement between the Owner and the City under which the City would convey 1.6 hectares of Seaside Park to the Owner and the Owner, in turn, would convey 2.4 hectares to the City. Of this 2.4 hectares, 1,2 hectares is steeply sloped along the shore and, accordingly, is not suitable for development. The Owner's revised development proposal would see thirty (30) townhouse units built on an extension of Sea Street. This alternate proposal, however, still required the extension of Sea Street, the land exchange between the Owner and the City as well as the required rezoning and subdivision approvals. In September of 2008, Staff determined that the land exchange proposal put forward by the Owner was not in the City's best interests because the lands to be conveyed to the City were largely unusable owing to the aforementioned steep slope. Moreover, the lands the Owner was seeking to have conveyed to it by the City are perceived to be part of 14 3 Common Council June 14, 2012 Seaside Park and, accordingly, Staff anticipated considerable opposition from residents should part of Seaside Park be sold for development. Finally, Staff could not support the extension of Sea Street without an alternative access. This position was communicated to Terrain Group in September of 2008. Though it is a matter of policy and not of law, we have consulted with the Commissioner of Development & Growth who has advised that he continues to be of the view that disposition of the City lands in question is not advisable. It should be noted that the Owner first approached the City in the mid -1990s with a proposal for development. At that time, the Owner's development proposal required that it obtain land from the City and NBSR. The Owner endeavoured to negotiate terms with the City and NBSR and was not successful in that regard. The outstanding issues at that time were access over the working rail line, secondary access and the heavily sloping topography of the land. In 2007, 1 wrote to Common Council advising that "the City, as owner of the lands comprising the former Shoreline Railway, has the authority to grant a right of way over its lands to 501631 N.B. Ltd. for the purpose of providing ingress, egress and regress. However, any such right of way must be upon such terms and conditions that will ensure the City's use of its lands is not jeopardized or interfered with by any use or user of any rights of way ". I have nothing to add today to my advice to Common Council of 2007. The foregoing is a synopsis of the consideration given by Civic Administration to the Owner's development propositions. Mr. Vincent concluded his correspondence with the following: "If the City chooses to leave matters as to re- zoning as they are with no change in policy, I then ask the City to purchase the property I run or control at a fair price for further development of the property as housing or recreation as the City sees fit." The matter of the possible rezoning is within Mr. Vincent's control — he may apply to rezone his lands if he chooses. However without the City lands required for his proposed development, the usefulness of a rezoning is questionable. With respect to Mr. Vincent's request that the City purchase his land for fair market value, there is in my opinion no legal obligation upon the City to do so. Respectfully Submitted, Jo 15 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M & C 2012 -155 OPEN SESSION June 18, 2012 Mayor Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Peel Plaza Project Update Background Oily {rf 5.HdTil. Tphn A number of years ago the City of Saint John identified the need for a new police headquarters to meet the operational requirements of the Police Force. At about the same time, the Province of NB identified the need for a new integrated justice building to modernize and centralize their operations in the City of Saint John. It was patently obvious that certain efficiencies and cost savings could be realized should the parties jointly engage in their respective developments. The Province of NB preferred an uptown location for their new facility. After extensive discussion with the City of Saint John, it was determined the Peel Plaza site would be advantageous for both parties. Because of the projected occupant load (number of persons in the facility) of the Law Courts, a significant public parking component was identified as being necessary. This presented an opportunity to the Saint John Parking Commission to partner with the Province and construct a new parking structure. Collectively, decisions were made to proceed at a site "North of Union" with an integrated development. The development would include a new police headquarters, a new provincial law courts, a new municipally owned parking garage, street and infrastructure renewal in and surrounding the site, and the construction of a new public space (Peel Plaza). It is anticipated that this aggressive development in the uptown would yield ancillary benefits to the community: Potentially trigger additional development in the uptown area. Set the development bar for further renewal in the area. Build on the substantial public infrastructure in the area, Arts Centre, pedway, etc. Create public facilities and public space, which will be a lasting source of pride in the community. 16 M & C 2012 — 155 - 2 - June 18, 2012 During the land assembly process required for the development, the City of Saint John also acquired peripheral properties with the expectation that these properties would become part of the overall development, or be redeveloped by the private sector subsequent to substantial completion of the project. These properties have become known as the ancillary development lands. The purpose of this report is to provide Common Council with an update of the project; specifically the construction status, and financial status. Cost Sharing Opportunities One of the key decision - making factors influencing the City's decision to proceed with this development was the Provincial participation and cost sharing. The Province of NB, very early on, acknowledged both the operational and financial advantages in partnering with the City for their development. The Province indicated a willingness to cost share with the City on those elements which mutually benefit the Province. Specifically, the Province agreed to cost share in the construction and operation cost of the common areas of the police facility (holding area, booking area, vehicular and pedestrian tunnels); the capital construction costs and maintenance for 180 parking spaces in the new parking garage; and a $500,000 contribution toward the development of the public park. The Province also indicated a willingness to pay a proportionate share of annual property taxes for each of the municipally owned buildings. Notwithstanding the Provincial government's willingness to cost share in the project, it remained incumbent upon the City to critically examine the development options to ensure best possible value for money. In this regard, the City of Saint John fully investigated a possible P3 scenario. This scenario would see a third party designing, building, operating, maintaining, and financing the development over a 30 -year period. The City would essentially be tenants of the facility throughout this concession period, following which; full ownership and operational cost would be the responsibility of the City. This very in -depth analysis unfortunately did not result in a financial benefit to the City of Saint John. In fact, it was determined a traditional procurement process would result in a significant savings to the City as opposed to the P3 scenario. Given the above, the City began the traditional tendering process. Progress to Date Police Headquarters: In July of 2010, the City of Saint John called tenders for the construction of a new Police Headquarters, and subsequently awarded the contract to Pomerleau Inc. in the amount of $20,675,000 +HST. As of May 31, 2012, construction is approximately 73% complete, with progress payments having been made of 17 M & C 2012 — 155 -3 - June 18, 2012 $14,545,659.00 +HST. The projected substantial completion is mid -late July 2012. As with any construction of this complexity, several adjustments and /or change orders are necessitated as construction proceeds. To date, there have been approximately 160 proposed changes to the project. Many of these proposed changes were deemed necessary and instruction was provided to the contractor to carry out the work. Several proposed changes are currently being assessed by the project office. For Council's information, the dollar value of approved changes to date is $642,562.74 and further proposed changes totaling $346,731.34 are pending. The above additional costs are within the budget envelope approved by Council (see attached spreadsheet). The Project Manager advised Common Council, prior to award of the contract, that it was typical to expect tender price overruns in the order of 7 -12% for this type of project. Contingency funding was set aside by Council. At this time, it is anticipated that the Police Headquarters will be completed within the budgeted amount identified by Common Council. Parking Garage: In October of 2010, the Saint John Parking Commission called tenders for the construction of a new parking garage and subsequently awarded the contract to PCL Constructors Canada Inc. in the amount of $16,546,400 +HST. As of May 31, 2012, construction is approximately 57% complete with progress payments having been made of $9,439,467.68 +HST. The projected substantial completion is mid -late October 2012. As with any construction of this complexity, several adjustments and /or change orders are necessitated as construction proceeds. To date, there have been approximately 20 proposed changes to the project. Many of these proposed changes were deemed necessary and instruction was provided to the contractor to carry out the work. Several proposed changes are currently being assessed by the project office. For Council's information, the dollar value of approved changes to date is $212,143.17 and further proposed changes totaling $81,247.83 are pending (net). The above additional costs are within the budget envelope approved by the Parking Commission (see attached spreadsheet). The Project Manager advised the Parking Commission, prior to award of the contract, that it was typical to expect tender price overruns in the order of 7% for this type of project. Contingency funding of 4.5% was set aside by the Parking Commission. At this time, it is anticipated that the Parking Garage will be completed within the budgeted amount identified by the Parking Commission. Infrastructure: An integral part of the Peel Plaza development is the renewal /reconstruction of below - ground and surface infrastructure in the immediate area. Infrastructure has been (is being) renewed on Union St. between St. Patrick and Wellington in M & C 2012 — 155 - 4 - June 18, 2012 Row, Wellington Row, Carleton St. from Wellington Row to the end, Hazen St. /Chipman St. /Peel St. complete, now called Peel Plaza. This project was awarded by Council in August of 2012 to Gulf Operators in the amount of $5,390,000. To date we have made progress payments in the amount of $4,032,497.89 +HST. As of May 31, 2012, construction is approximately 75% complete. The projected substantial completion is Summer 2012. The infrastructure renewal, particularly on Union St, was extremely complex due to the large volumes of buried infrastructure located below the surface (see Slide #12). The contractor performing the work encountered a number of "surprises" as the street was excavated. These surprises resulted in a number of adjustments being made in the contract to accommodate the required changes in scope. There were a number of change directives /orders issued to the contractor in this regard. The total amount of the project approved by Council is $6,190,000. It is anticipated that the cost of the infrastructure component will be within the approved budgeted amounts. Public Plaza: The public park, or plaza, is the last component of the development to be constructed. The total amount approved by Council for this project is $2,500.000. Of this amount, $500,000 is being contributed by the Province of NB. This being the truly public component of Peel Plaza, significant public input was requested by the City in regards to landscaping specifications. A number of public sessions were held and significant input was considered by the City's architect in the development of the specifications. The views expressed by the public were often divergent, but had the affect of providing a balanced approach to what would be the final product. Tenders for this project were issued in March 2012, with closing date of June 13, 2012. A subsequent report will be provided to Council dealing with award. The above four projects comprise the essence of Peel Plaza. Peripheral to these construction projects are the issue of public art, and the disposition of the ancillary lands. No decisions have been made by Council on either of these issues. With respect to public art, Common Council has set aside an amount of $200,000 (see attached spreadsheet). There has been no clear direction provided by Council as to how this funding allocation is to be spent. The City owned ancillary lands are comprised of two adjacent buildings on Union St.; two adjacent Jellybean buildings (so- called); former Synagogue — Carleton St.; and 19 M & C 2012 — 155 - 5 - June 18, 2012 upper three floors of the new Parking Garage. There has been some discussion by a subcommittee of the Peel Plaza Steering Committee regarding the appropriate marketing /disposition of these properties. Planning and Development Office have assembled and packaged preliminary call for proposals for each of the identified parcels. No decision has been made as to the timing as to when these will be sent out for public offering. Simply put, each of the four constituent projects of Peel Plaza now have a final completion date later than that initially envisioned. All of these projects, however, are within budgets approved by Common Council at this time. Respectfully submitted, Wm. Edwards, P.Eng. J. Patrick Woods, CGA Commissioner City Manager Building and Inspection Services WmE /pmc 20 CONSTRUCTION COST Police Station Provincial Contribution - Police H/O Peel Plaza Provincial Contribution - Plaza Parking Garage Provincial Contribution (Parking Garage) Total - Construction OTHER CAPITAL Police Other Capital Architect Art Plaza Office Infrastructure - Municipal Services - Contribution from SJ Energy - Peel Street Services Total - Other Capital PEEL PLAZA CAPITAL COST 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 Total July - Dec Jan -June July - Dec Jan -June July - Dec Dec -12 3,323,167 9,825,084 6,360,219 2,475,434 21,983,904 - POLICE H/O 3,323,167 9,825,084 2,719,044) (2,719,044) 19,264,860 - PLAZA 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 15 YEAR TERM (500,000) (500,000) 1,000,000 5,000,000 6,700,000 3,500,000 2,747,500 16,200,000 8,290,000 (6,634,260) (6,634,260) 4,323,167 14,825,084 13,060,219 8,475,434 (9,853,304) 30,830,600 85,000 80,000 347,500 1,482,500 3,927,500 1,995,000 250,000 250,000 500,000 200,000 200,000 500,000 250,000 250,000 245,000 1,245,000 1,400,000 350,000 2,610,000 4,360,000 (760,000) (760,000) 100,000 350,000 300,000 750,000 2,335,000 1,280,000 2,747,500 1,927,500 8,290,000 TOTAL 6,658,167 16,105,084 15,807,719 10,402,934 (9,853,304) 39,120,600 GRANT OPTION - THE PARKING COMMISSION RETAINS OWNERSHIP OF THE PARKING GARAGE DEBENTURE ISSUES Jun -11 Dec -11 Jun -12 Dec -12 Jun -13 TOTAL 25 YEAR TERM - POLICE H/O 3,323,167 9,825,084 6,116,609 19,264,860 - PLAZA 2,000,000 2,000,000 15 YEAR TERM - INFRASTRUCTURE & OTHER 2,335,000 1,280,000 2,747,500 1,927,500 8,290,000 TOTAL 5,658,167 11,105,084 8,864,109 3,927,500 29,554,860 21 Peel Plaza Future home of the Regional Justice Complex in partnership with: Province of New Brunwick Sant john [a� Courts City of Saint John Sant john Pobce Force Headquarters Saint John Parking Commission (afteton Street Parking Facr!1t, Comumbon aomprUon diet: i&11010 La Peel Plaza Ifisft- b_ _ .rte I'MW i Le site futur du Centre judiciaire regional, un projet collaboratif de: Province du Nouveau - Brunswick Polars de justice de Saint John Ville cle Saint John Poste central du caps policier de Saint John Commission sur le stationnement cle Saint John Stationnement de to rue Carleton U aoratnxbw drama u twmmtr a Warm 2010 M I Overall Site Plan W a M1ru'i.n.kila SVKr.�trN LAW MRM wn ew SIM w rw A___ rss�s�wrw+ ]C,h:01 Police Headquarters First Day of Excavation August 2010 M,I Police Headquarters December 2010 MI I.4� _tom • I t • - - ! it-i t � FF V son1 `.fin S Police Headquarters May 2011 26 y .rj r Police Headquarters First Floor Pour June 2011 MA r• •1 `.. � - . try, '�` � ' R 1+ • t)+: :.. -� .: jy � - �''� ` � '� - � -1�,�y4�- '' - . - - `�� � `�.r�rxt. s. a . ±� • � ter• -"' . CJ •-S _ 1�j�!Yk jy . PoliERLE F `tom' ••. - _ :�. `� _NE1= Police Headquarters Vehicular Tunnel Excavation June 2011 28 fit: iI im tir Police Headquarters Double Pour June 2011 29 Police Headquarters D� September 2011 01 J Police Headquarters January 2012 `` 31 Police Headquarters May 2012 32 Parking Garage First Day of Excavation February 2011 W Parking Garage March 2011 01 Parking Garage Drilling for Rock Anchor April 2011 mel Parking Garage 5 April 2011 W. Parking Garage May 2011 Kul 1 a �'_�� : "YT�� ��y- 'y{': � ilk•• �= -�N- � l _ �'[ ' /`:. ��.�' �1 ' (�• OJT •�. � +����• � J•.1 ` -+ _ •� •'�►� Parking Garage May 2011 U -11 Parking Garage January 2012 K0'7 Municipal Infrastructure Wellington Row September 2010 ., Municipal Infrastructure Carleton Street December 2010 41 JJ -r 2 -' - v3 T•. !( r ,.f..pa ,leer + J �. . u.. � 1I I .�-. ','�� �. � ��' �, � f J r.,x � :. s ✓ _fir$ - sat .� } � •f e''``.TT'� •• r? ��'�. i• y"' ... .�i� Jam, p� WOW y ice„ /!•1y4 .Yti f;ji _ •. 3' r t Municipal Infrastructure Hazen Avenue January 2011 42 Municipal Infrastructure D� Union/Wellington /Germain Intersection June 2011 43 Municipal Infrastructure Union Street June 2011 .. .. r � f• � 1[1 y Municipal Infrastructure Union /Chipman Hill /Hazen Intersection October 2011 Public Plaza Overall Plan ice- - -_ RTS 1 PALAiS DE JUSTICE SAINT ]OHN LAW COU '�'• ° - . to ` 1 40 NPCiNn... Conceptual View of Plaza from Police Facility Entry 47 �1 JJ i 1� `•ta j +�' f ► O 4� i Ll Conceptual View of Plaza Stairway D� from Carleton Street REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M &C2012 -147 June 12, 2012 His Worship Mayor Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: 2012 Roadway Construction Projects BACKGROUND The City of Saint John Staff of local road authorities - New Brunswick Department of Transportation ( NBDOT) and the City of Saint John — plus the Saint John Police Force and Saint John Transit, met in March to exchange information on planned construction projects (primarily the NBDOT Harbour Bridge project) and to consider effects of the construction on the transportation network and traffic in the Saint John region. The meeting was productive; with groups sharing information on major projects that will impact traffic flows during the 2012 construction season. During the March 2012 meeting NBDOT advised that they were planning to close the two eastbound lanes of the Harbour Bridge beginning the week of April 15, 2012 to continue rehabilitation of the provincial asset. The two remaining lanes would serve east and west traffic over the bridge. This highlighted the need for a coordinated approach and comprehensive communications program to advise network users and other stakeholders on what to anticipate in 2012. The process continued with a second meeting on May 30 and included local utilities Saint John Energy, Enbridge Gas, Bell Aliant, Irving Refinery, and Rogers, in addition to NBDOT, Police Force, Transit and the City's Transportation and Environment Services Division. The 2012 construction season will again have many large projects with impacts to traffic flows on major traffic arteries. The purpose of this report is to update Council on current and planned roadway construction and the steps being taken to help mitigate impacts on users of the transportation network. ANALYSIS The second phase of the Harbour Bridge project (eastbound lanes of the structure) is anticipated to proceed, but at the time this report was being drafted NBDOT was unable to give a firm timeline for the start of construction - pending the outcome of ongoing contractual discussions. The Harbour Bridge project, once underway, will have an impact on traffic in a very significant way and will require a combined public communications effort between NBDOT and the City to keep motorists updated on construction activities and alternate routes. Access to Harbour Passage for pedestrians and cyclists will not be affected until work actually commences at the Harbour Bridge site. 50 M &C2012 -147 June 12, 2012 Page 2 The One Mile House Interchange project schedule has been affected also as the project was being constructed by the same contractor as the Harbour Bridge rehabilitation project. Traffic flows will be affected at times when the One Mile House Interchange project recommences. The City of Saint John also has a number of major construction projects under both the General Fund and Utility Fund Capital Programs that will have an impact on traffic arteries. A map identifying the location of 2012 City projects is attached. Projects that will have a significant impact on traffic are highlighted later in this report. Communications — Construction Information Keeping citizens informed is a key component of a successful construction season. Operations, Engineering, SJ Water, Saint John Police and Communications will work together with SJ Transit, SJ Parking Commission, NBDOT, the Active Transportation Group and the various other utilities and contractors to ensure that the public is kept informed on projects, delays and changes to traffic patterns. The various groups will also work together to promote information regarding alternate routes and modes of transportation. The public should consider car pooling, public transit, and employers may wish to consider alternate hours of operation to help reduce traffic at peak times when the Harbour Bridge rehabilitation project recommences. A coordinated communications campaign is being initiated to keep the public informed on construction progress throughout the season, along with impacts on the highway and road networks and various forms of transportation. The following will be utilized to communicate information to the public: • Public information sessions for major projects where required (example: separate reports on this council agenda advise of planned Public Information Sessions for the Champlain Heights Water Pumping Station Upgrades project and Beach Crescent/Alward Street Sanitary Sewer Installations); • The weekly construction updates report that is sent to the media and posted to the City's website each Friday. The weekly update for June 8, 2012 is attached for information; • Placement of the attached City of Saint John Projects Map on the City's website; • Utilizing "Insight" to detail project information; • Construction/traffic information in summer safety campaign radio advertising; • "Spot" traffic advisories and disseminating through various channels; • Onsite information signage where needed; • Working with Destination Saint John and the Visitor Information Centres to keep visitors /tourists informed; 51 M &C2012 -147 June 12, 2012 Page 3 • Distributing information through the Board of Trade magazine "Currents" (circulation 5,000). Saint John Harbour Bridge As stated in the Analysis section, the 2012 Harbour Bridge rehabilitation project has yet to recommence and there are ongoing contractual discussions being undertaken by NBDOT. Once construction timelines are known, staff will coordinate communication efforts with NBDOT. One Mile Interchange Good progress was being made on construction of the One Mile Interchange previous to the contract interruption. A closure of Rothesay Avenue at the intersection with Russell Street will be required this season when work recommences to allow for overhead beam placement. City Projects The attached City of Saint John Projects Map for 2012 includes projects under several categories: • Asphalt Maintenance Resurfacing • Street Reconstruction • Water and Sewer Renewals • Harbour Clean-Up Program Generally, the asphalt maintenance resurfacing projects are carried out in stages: asphalt cold milling, structure adjustments and paving. These projects are normally of short duration with each location taking a few days to complete depending on length of roadway to be resurfaced. Water & Sewer Renewals and Harbour Clean -Up collection and forcemain piping projects require trench excavation in roadways and will result in lane reductions, but there will be full road closures only in special cases where buried infrastructure is complex. Street Reconstruction projects normally involve underground infrastructure renewals and replacement of roadway granulars in preparation for new curb, sidewalk and asphalt installations. This type of construction work normally requires full road closure. From the Projects Map, the following projects will result in significant impacts to traffic flow. • Somerset Street Reconstruction — Samuel Davis Drive to Wellesley Avenue (will likely result in road closures and detours) • Broad Street/Crown Street Forcemain & Sewer - Charlotte Street to Haymarket Square (lane reductions) • Hilyard Street/Chesley Drive Forcemain & Sewer (lane reductions and detours) 52 M &C2012 -147 June 12, 2012 Page 4 • Main Street West/Harding Street West Forcemain & Sewer (lane reductions and detours) • Rothesay Avenue Microsurfacing — Russell Street to McAllister Drive (lane reductions) • Thorne Avenue Forcemain — Russell Street to Egbert Street (lane reductions and detours) • Rothesay Avenue Forcemain — Reserve Street to Frederick Street (lane reductions) Traffic disruption could be subject to change depending on particular design and/or construction circumstances. Detailed traffic control plans will be developed with contractors and design consultants for all major construction projects. In addition to those identified above, other planned projects shown on the Projects Map should be less disruptive. There will also be normal operational and maintenance activities carried out by Saint John Water and Transportation & Environment Services crews. These are smaller in scope and usually only disrupt traffic on a street or street sections for a relatively short period. Staff will also be communicating with other local utilities — Enbridge Gas, Bell Aliant and Saint John Energy — to exchange information about their work activities in order to coordinate respective programs and plans. CONCLUSION Many construction projects and activities have begun or are planned for the 2012 construction season. Agencies are coordinating their public communications effort and this will continue as projects progress. Despite these, the public should expect disruption to traffic flows. Patience and understanding on the part of all network users will be important. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Common Council receive and file this report. Respectfully submitted, Brian Keenan, P. Eng. Engineering Manager J. Patrick Woods, CGA City Manager Wm. Edwards, P. Eng. Commissioner - Transportation & Environment 53 gal 2 e po• L.S. #31A cb o oF� Ja uo /oy, y L.S. #31 y 3 D g v Ma�otiPS P f0 I cam ,� J,rmrc c iJ .4 m o h QP hoc °, Pa 0 3 0 m a° r 0cl ° v 54 0 i✓ �a ti orm tea. \ep9 0 rc of Q� Fm m" - P Jm Qn95 of o^ts • City of Saint John Projets 2012 Projects Asphalt Maintenance Resurfacing Entretien at resurfapage de la chaussde asphalt&e Street Reconstruction Reconstruction des Routes Water and Sewer Renewals Renouvellement Eau / Egout Harbour Clean -Up Program Programme de Netloyage du Port c n ml 7 o� \ndJS \ca \Qa�K JJa` son 5 • Kennebecasis L.S. #2 s N �' C o BE8CI1 Crescent L.S. 'O �C mmm o y" �m 0 G 2e � yy� tl�s �L av Wo ward AV. 5 . Detention Pond "A" �o g ear °F in e3,F counouo . ,eA L S. #4 e 9reggen Cr g• '"o. ch Highland Rd. O L.S. it3" L.S. p2• to �,5. #21 3 o mGatden 2. N n 2e • v S yf m� oh Indiantown Mi /In2'R0 L.S., M32 S °iAf1 ~^ir,,, L'S' #7 �A,, Z SalUn�wn SL . L.S. VA L.S. #23 LS. #24 etdS\ o Ne�� \`7 �gFSN Ne }Cm9 SLE im r i £ park Rd' L.S #10A St' oh Dom1nton L.S. 'A" n�DoKe 114 L.S. #I1, rue } L.S. #33 k +� eio o9sy p /k ells /fib' RQ A� L.S. #9 /er `a rm p ryO o'c Q�mF h' L.S. #31A cb o oF� Ja uo /oy, y L.S. #31 y 3 D g v Ma�otiPS P f0 I cam ,� J,rmrc c iJ .4 m o h QP hoc °, Pa 0 3 0 m a° r 0cl ° v 54 0 i✓ �a ti orm tea. \ep9 0 rc of Q� Fm m" - P Jm Qn95 of o^ts • City of Saint John Projets 2012 Projects Asphalt Maintenance Resurfacing Entretien at resurfapage de la chaussde asphalt&e Street Reconstruction Reconstruction des Routes Water and Sewer Renewals Renouvellement Eau / Egout Harbour Clean -Up Program Programme de Netloyage du Port c n ml 7 o� \ndJS \ca \Qa�K JJa` son 5 / WEEKLY CONSTRUCTION UPDATE r —� Municipal Operations and Engineering Ingenierie et operations municipales (506) 658 -4455 Fax /Telecopieur : (506) 658 -4740 SAINT JOHN municipaloperations @saintiohn.ca http: / /www.saint4ohn.ca The City of saint John Construction Update / Nouvelles hebdomadaires June 8, 2012 / le 8 juin 2012 Drive with Caution or Use Alternate Routes Police Will Be Monitoring Traffic Weather Permitting Expect Traffic Interruptions CITY OF SAINT JOHN PROJECTS NEW/ NOUVEAUX TRAVAUX: Conduisez prudemment ou utilisez un trajet de rechange. La police surveillera la circulation. Si le temps le permet... S'attendre a des interruptions de la circulation. Hilyard Street Closed to Westbound Traffic La rue Hilyard fermee a la circulation en direction de I'ouest Hilyard Street is closed to westbound traffic (between La rue Hilyard sera fermee a la circulation en direction de I'ouest Chesley Drive and Simonds Street). (entre promenade Chesley et rue Simonds). Motorists are advised to observe posted signage and to Nous recommandons que les conducteurs observent la signalisation et prennent la route rue Main nord. use alternate route via Main Street N. Project Completion: Monday, June 11, 2012 Achevement du projet : lundi, 11 juin 2012 Westfield Road and between Gault Road and Route 177 Chemin Westfield et entre chemin Gault et route 177 0 Co -op) at Co-op). - Beginning next week - Motorists are advised - a compter la semaine prochaine. that over the next week sections of Westfield Road are being paved and patched and between Gault Road and On s'attend a des retards mineurs clans I'ecoulement du trafic. Route 177 (at Co -op). II est demande aux automobilistes de reduire leur vitesse et de conduire prudemment clans la zone de construction. At times traffic will be reduced to one lane. Boars Head Road Chemin Boars Head Gas Pipeline Installation by Enbridge Gas Installation de gazoduc par Enbridge Gas Please drive carefully. Veuillez conduire prudemment clans la zone de travaux. Projected Completion: June 14, 2012 Achevement prevu: 14 juin 2012 CONTINUING / ENCOURS : Haymarket Square - Sewer installation beginning Haymarket Square - ('installation d'une conduite de refoulement Tuesday, May 15, 2012. a compter du 15 mai 2012. Project Completion: 3 weeks Achevement du projet : trois semaines 55 Construction Update / Nouvelles hebdomadaires - 2 - Milford Storm Sewer Separation — Phase 1 (2011 -5) Beginning March 26, 2012 - Storm separation work to be completed on Kingsville Road, Milford Road, Greenhead Road, Balmoral Crescent, and St. Clair Avenue. Motorists advised to reduce speed in construction zones and obey all construction signs. Construction work on Balmoral Crescent will require the portion between River Hill Drive and Greenhead Road to be closed to through traffic. Local traffic only will be allowed access to this portion of Balmoral Crescent and Saint Clair Avenue for the duration of the closure. A marked detour will be in effect starting on or around May 14, 2012 and ending on or around June 1, 2012. Traffic will be directed to use Greenhead Road and Russell Hill Road for the duration of the detour. Motorists are asked to reduce speed and obey all signage in the construction zone and on the detour route. Project Completion: June 15, 2012 (Jodi Stringer -Webb) Peel Street Closed to Through Traffic Construction June 8, 2012 / le 8 juin 2012 Separation des 6gouts pluviaux de Milford — Phase 1 (Contrat no 2011 -5) A compter du 26 mars 2012 — Des travaux de separation des egouts pluviaux seront effectu6s Sur le chemin Kingsville, le chemin Milford, le chemin Greenhead, le croissant Balmoral et I'avenue St. Clair. On demande aux automobilistes de reduire la vitesse clans les zones de travaux et de respecter tous Ies panneaux de signalisation relatifs a la construction. La section du crois. Balmoral entre le rue River Hill et le chemin Greenhead sera ferm6e a la circulation en raison des travaux de construction Sur le crois. Balmoral. Seule la circulation locale sera permise clans cette section du crois. Balmoral et avenue Saint Clair durant la fermeture. A compter du 14 mai 2012 et jusqu'au 1 juin 2012 ou aux alentours de ces dates, la circulation sera redirigee vers le chemin Greenhead et le chemin Russell Hill pendant la duree de la deviation. On demande aux automobilistes de reduire la vitesse et de conduire prudemment clans la zone de travaux et clans I'itineraire de deviation. Achevement du projet : Le 15 juin 2012 (Jodi Stringer -Webb) La rue Peel ferm6e a la circulation Peel Street is closed to through traffic. The street will be I La rue Peel sera fermee a la circulation. La rue restera ferm6e closed until later in the construction 2012 season Motorists are advised to observe posted signage and to use an alternate route. Sewell Street Closed to Through Traffic Sewell Street is closed to through traffic to allow for construction on the Carleton Sewell Street Parking Facility. The street will be closed until later in the construction 2012 season. Motorists are advised to observe posted signage and to use an alternate route. Harbour Clean -up Project — Lower Cove Loop — Sanitary Lift Station #9 and Force Main Beginning April 12, 2012 — Work includes construction of a new lift station at Lower Cove Loop near Water Street. A new sanitary force main will be installed on Lower Cove Loop to Charlotte Street. jusque plus tard clans la saison de construction 2012. Nous recommandons que Ies conducteurs observent la signalisation et prennent une autre route pour se rendre a leur destination. La rue Sewell ferm6e a la circulation La rue Sewell sera ferm6e a la circulation en raison des travaux de construction Sur le garage de stationnement Carleton Sewell. La rue restera ferm6e jusque plus tard clans la raison de construction 2012. Nous recommandons que Ies conducteurs observent la signalisation et prennent une autre route pour se rendre a leur destination. Pr_ojet de nettoyage du port — Lower Cove Loop — Station de relevement no 9 et conduite de refoulement A partir du 12 avril 2012 — Les travaux comprennent la construction d'une nouvelle station de relevement a Lower Cove Loop, pres de la rue Water. Une nouvelle conduite de refoulement sera installee de Lower Cove Loop jusqu'A la rue Charlotte. Traffic interruptions will occur. Please drive with caution Des interruptions de la circulation sont prevues. VeuHlez conduire in the construction zone prudemment clans la zone de travaux. (John Campbell) (John Campbell) 56 Construction Update / Nouvelles hebdomadaires - 3 - Harbour Clean up Proiect — Tippet Drive — Sanitary Lift Station 33. Forcemain and Sewer Beginning March 12, 2012: Work includes the construction of a new lift station and installation of a sanitary force main along Dominion Park Road. Please reduce speed in construction zone. Project Completion: July 31, 2012 (John Campbell) Harbour Clean up Project — Chesley Drive Lift Station 10A Force Main & Sewer (2011 -13) Beginning March 6,2012: Work includes the construction of a new lift station on Chesley Drive, force main and sewer installation on Chesley Drive and Hilyard Street. Some traffic delays will occur. Motorists are asked to reduce speed in construction zones. Project Completion: September 30, 2012 (John Campbell) Rothesay Avenue Wastewater Pumping Station and Simpson Drive Wastewater Pumping Station Mechanical and Electrical Upgrades (2010 -14) — Beginning August 22, 2011 - supply and install three new pumps at Rothesay Avenue WWPS and one new pump at Simpson Drive WWPS. Project Completion: July 2012 (Susan Steven - Power) Bridge Street Sanitary Lift Station #23 (Harbour Cleanup) (2011 -12) — Beginning August 29, 2011 - Work will begin on Kennedy Street with the installation of a new forcemain. Traffic delays are likely. Motorists are advised to reduce speed and drive carefully in the construction zone. Project Completion: June 2012 (John Campbell) Harbour Cleanup Project — Crown Street Sanitary Lift Station #8 and Forcemain (2011 -9) Beginning August 9, 2011. Motorists are advised to reduce speed and drive carefully in the construction zone. Traffic interruptions occurring along Broad Street. Project Completion: June 2012 (John Campbell) Construction June 8, 2012 / le 8 juin 2012 Proiet de nettoyaee du port — Promenade Tippet — Station de relevement n° 33, conduite de refoulement et egout Debut le 12 mars 2012: Les travaux comprennent la construction d'une nouvelle station de relevement et ('installation d'une conduite de refoulement sanitaire le long du chemin Dominion Park. Veillez reduire la vitesse clans la zone de travaux. Achevement du projet : Le 31 juillet 2012 (John Campbell) Proiet de nettoyage du port — Promenade Chesley — Station de relevement no 10A, conduite de refoulement et egout (2011- 2013 Debut le 6 mars 2012 : Les travaux comprennent la construction d'une nouvelle station de relevement sur la promenade Chesley ainsi que ('installation d'une conduite de refoulement et d'egout sur la promenade Chesley et la rue Hilyard. Des retards de circulation sont a prevoir. On demande aux automobilistes de reduire la vitesse clans les zones de travaux. Achevement du projet : Le 30 septembre 2012 (John Campbell) Postes de pompage des eaux usees de I'avenue Rothesay et de la promenade Simpson — Ameliorations des systemes mecanigue et electrigue (2010 -14) - A compter du 22 aout 2011 - fournissez et installer trois nouvelles pompes au WWPS I'avenue Rothesay et une nouvelle pompe a la WWPS promenade Simpson. Achevement prevu: le juillet 2012 Rue Bridge - Station de pompage sanitaire #23, egouts forcee et sanitaire (Marche no 2011 -12) — A compter du 29 aout 2011 - Les travaux debuteront sur la rue Kennedy avec ('installation d'une nouvelle conduite de refoulement. Des retards de circulation sont a prevoir. On recommande aux automobilistes de faire preuve de prudence. Achevement prevu: le juin 2012 rue Crown - Station de relevement sanitaire numero 8 et conduite de refoulement (2011 -9) A compter du 9 aout 2011. On demande aux automobilistes de reduire la vitesse et de conduire prudemment clans la zone de travaux. Des interruptions de la circulation sont prdvues a la rue Broad. Achevement prevu: le juin 2012 (John Campbell) 57 Construction Update / Nouvelles hebdomadaires - 4 - Construction June 8, 2012 / le 8 juin 2012 Harbour Clean Up Project — Thorne Avenue Sanitary Lift Proiet de nettoyage du port - avenue Thorne - Station de Station #4 (2010 -1) - Beginning June 6, 2011 relevement sanitaire #4 - le Conduite de Refoulement de Harbour Station (2010 -1) - A compter du 6 juin 2011 Construction De La Porte D'entree De La Route 1 Projected Completion: June 30, 2012 the Fox Farm Road Overpass. This is in the area of Exit 133, Achevement prevu: le 30 juin 2012 (John Campbell) de la circulation a la hauteur du passage superieur sur Fox Farm removed from the overpass and replaced, with work (John Campbell) Harbour Clean Up Proiect — Milford Road Sanitary Lift Proiet de nettoyage du port - chemin Milford — Station de relevement sanitaire numero 32 et conduit de refoulement Station #32 and Force Main Installation (2011 -33) Beginning February 1, 2012 2011 -33 prevue pour le 15 juin de cette annee. A compter du 1 fevrier 2012 Project Completion: July 30, 2012 Achevement prevu: le 30 juilliet 2012 (John Campbell) (John Campbell) OTHER PROJECTS Traffic Delays - Fox Farm Road Overpass Construction Of Ralentissement De La Circulation Sur La Route 1 A La Hauteur The Route 1 Gateway Du Passage Superieur Sur Fox Farm Road Construction De La Porte D'entree De La Route 1 Starting the week of April 16, there will be traffic delays at the Fox Farm Road Overpass. This is in the area of Exit 133, A compter de la semaine du 16 avril, it y aura un ralentissement which is the exit to and from Rothesay. Barrier walls will be de la circulation a la hauteur du passage superieur sur Fox Farm removed from the overpass and replaced, with work Road. Cela aura lieu clans les environs de la sortie 133, a la sortie scheduled to conclude on June 15 of this year. de et vers Rothesay. Les murs de protection sur le passage superieur seront enleves et remplaces. La fin des travaux est Traffic control will be in place and construction will occur prevue pour le 15 juin de cette annee. six days per week (Monday— Saturday). II y aura une regularisation de la circulation et la construction Please plan your travel accordingly. We apologize for any aura lieu six jours par semaine (du lundi au samedi). inconvenience and will work efficiently to minimize Veuillez prevoir vos deplacements en consequence. Nous nous disruption. When the Route 1 Gateway is completed by July 31, 2013, travel will be safer and more reliable for excusons du desagrement et nous prendrons toutes les mesures residents, commuters and visitors. possibles pour limiter les consequences des travaux pour les usagers de la route. Le 13 juillet 2013, quand le projet de la FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: porte d'entree de la route 1 sera termine, les deplacements t: 1- 888 - RoutelNB (1- 888 - 768 -8316) e: info @R1G.ca seront plus securitaires et plus faciles que jamais pour tous les www.R1G.NB.ca usagers de la route. POUR OBTENIR DES RENSEIGNEMENTS SUPPLEMENTAIRES : Tel.: 1- 888 - RoutelNB (1- 888 - 768 -8316) Courriel : info @R1G.ca; www.R1G.NB.ca Maintenance and Operation of Route 1 Gateway between Exploitation et entretien de la Route 1 passerelle entre St. St. Stephen and River Glade (excluding the Saint John Stephen et River Glade (a 1'exception du pont de Saint John Harbour Bridge) - Beginning June 1, 2011 — Transfield Harbour ) — A partir du le` juin 2011— Transfield Dexter Gateway Dexter Gateway Services Limited started operating and Services Limited a commence a 1'exploitation et le maintien de 240 maintaining 240 km of the Route 1 Gateway between St. km de la Route 1 passerelle entre St. Stephen et River Glade. Appel Stephen and River Glade. Toll free number to call with any le numero sans frais avec des questions ou des soucis concernant questions or concerns about the road conditions, 24 hours 1'etat des routes, 24 heures par jour, 7 jours par semaine per day, 7 days per week: 1- 888 - 860 -8399 1- 888 - 860 -8399 Sussex — viaduc de Smith Creek, construction du parapet de Construction Update / Nouvelles hebdomadaires - 5 - Construction June 8, 2012 / le 8 juin 2012 Sussex — Smith Creek Overpass, concrete barrier wall construction, anticipated to be complete by December. Lindys Area — 4km east of Route 114, detour construction and replacement of Eastbound Bridge over Kennebecasis River, anticipated to be completed by January. beton, achevement prevu d'ici decembre. Region de Lindys — 4 km a 1'est de la Route 114, chemin de detour durant la construction du pont enjambant la riviere Kennebecasis en direction est, achevement prevu d'ici janvier. Conduisez prudemment et reduisez votre vitesse clans les zones Drive safely, and reduce speeds in construction zones. We de construction. Nous vous remercions de votre patience et thank you for your patience and apologize for any nous excusons du desagrement. Quand le projet de la porte inconvenience. When the Route 1 Gateway is completed d'entree de la Route 1 sera termine d'ici le 31 juillet 2013, les by July 31, 2012, travel will be safer and more reliable for deplacements seront plus securitaires et plus faciles que jamais residents, commuters and visitors. pour tous les usagers de la route. 59 SAINT JOHN BOARD PUBLIC SESSION OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS PO Bog 1971 June 5, 2012 Saint John, New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 Bureau des Commissaires du Service de Police de Saint John M &C 2012 -137 C-P. 1971 Saint John Nouveau - Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 His Worship Mayor Mel Norton and Chair / Pressident dent CHRISTOPHERIN UTZ Members of Common Council MARY•EILEEN O'BRIEN Vice ChairlVice Pn3sident JONATHAN FRANKLIN Your Worship and Councillors: SecretarylSecr&aire MAYOR MEL NORTON CommissionerlCommissaire Re: Saint John Police Force 2012 Operating Budget KAREN KEILLER April Financial Results Commissioner /Commissaire TIMOTHY CHRISTIE Commissioner /Commissaire The Saint John Board of Police Commissioners, at its meeting on WILLIAM G. REID Tuesday, June 5, 2012 accepted and approved the Saint John Police Chief of Police/Chef de Police Force 2012 Operating Budget - April Financial Results. JACKIE FERRAR Executive Administrator! On behalf of the Saint John Board of Police Commissioners, I am Secrdtaire Administrative pleased to provide a copy of this report to Common Council in accordance with Section 7(3) of the New Brunswick Police Act, TelephonelT616phone: Respectfully submitted, (506) 674 -4142 (J Fax/T616copieur: (506) 648 -3304 C E- mail/coumfel: Christopher Waldschutz policec_ommis_sion(fteintiahn.c Chairman Saint John Board of Police Commissioners CW(af SAINT JOHN encl. Explore our past! Explorez notre pass6 Discover your future! D6couvrez votre avenir •1 REPORT TO SAINT JOHN BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS PUBLIC SESSION June 5, 2012 Chris Waldschutz, Chairman and Members of the Board of Police Commission Chairman Waldschutz and Members SUBJECT 2012 Operating Budget - April Financial Results BACKGROUND The purpose of this report is to provide the Board with an update on the financial position of the Saint John Police Force's Operating Budget for the period ended April 30, 2012. FINANCIAL POSITION/RESULTS For the period ended as at April 30, 2012, the Saint John Police Force was under budget year -to -date by $333,758 or 4.45 %. There were six key expense categories that contributed to this budget variance. 1. Salaries and Wages were under budget by $268,050. 2. Overtime costs exceeded budget by $106,255. 3. Wage costs for On -Call and Court Time were over budget by $24,381 4. Fringe Benefits were under by $33,243. 5. Good and Services were over budget by $163,101. 61 Chris Waidschutz, Chairman and Members of the Board of Police Commission June 5, 2012 Page 2 Subject. 2012 Operating Budget — April Financial Results Budget Analysis REVENUE Revenue exceeded budget projections by $25,793 which for the most part is funds recovered for overtime paid to officers to work Extra -Duty assignments. Budget Revenue Source Variance Prisoner Lodging Accident Reports Taxi Licences Security Clearances Secondments and Peacekeeping Missions Extra -Duty Billings SALARIES AND WAGES (1,000) $2,336 $20,611 ($1,585) ($19,428) $24,859 $25,793 Salaries were under budget by $268,050 and this is associated with the number of police and civilian vacancies that have not been filled to achieve a balanced budget for 2012. OVERTIME Saint John Police Association The overtime costs were over budget by $103,818. The Patrol Division accounted for $70,380 and the Criminal Investigation Division was over budget by $29,838. This variance in overtime for both divisions is mitigated by $24,793 in revenue that was recovered from billings to third parties for extra -duty assignments. OTHER PERSONNEL COSTS On -Call Pay On -Call Pay is over budget by $12,204 and the weekly on -call allowance has been discontinued for some areas to minimize the impact on the 2012 budget. W., Chris Waldschutz, Chairman and Members of the Board of Police Commission June 5, 2012 Page 3 Subject: 2012 Operating Budget — April Financial Results Court Time - Local 61 The cost for court time exceeded budget by $13,052. GOODS & SERVICES The various Goods and Services accounts were under budget by $163,101. However, there are a number of key expense categories that are showing under budget due to billings not being received or processed at the end of this reporting period. RECOMMENDATION Y It is recommended that the Board accept and approve this Financial Report for the period ended as at April 30, 2012 and forward a copy to Common Council as required under Section 7 (3) of the New Brunswick Police Act. Attached reports and documents: Budget Variance Analysis — April 30, 2012 Consolidated Statement of Operations — 2012 vs. 2011 Respectfully submitted, /ft404L /r Marven E. Corseadden, CGA D. Todd DIRECTOR HR & FINANCE OFFICER CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER JlAel'e� CHIEF OF POLICE 63 Saint John Police Force Consolidated Statement of Operations For the Period Ended April 30, 2012 M:1A! 2012 2011 Budget Actual Variance Budget Actual Variance Salaries & Wages Overtime 4,725,225 4,457,175 268,050 4,845,187 4,438,435 406,752 Other Personnel Costs 85,264 191,519 (106,255) 86,264 122,720 (36,456) Fringe Benefits 52,860 1,177,021 77,241 1,143,778 (24,381) 33,243 64,392 88,946 (24,554) Total Wages & Fringe Benefits 6,040,370 5,869,713 170,657 1,202,844 6,198,687 1,175,116 5,825,217 27,728 373,470 General Services Insurance 222,480 113,174 109,306 218,976 186,402 32,574 Professional Services 31,828 114,780 78,673 (46,845) 99,347 75,276 24,071 Other Purchased Services 51,484 94,131 20,649 135,328 127,647 7,681 Repairs & Maintenance 65,880 53,967 39,882 (2,483) 25,998 41,484 50,932 (9,448) Rentals 373,164 326,282 46,882 30,328 319,664 88,744 292,626 (58,416) 27,038 Purchased Goods Government Services 174,180 148,777 25,403 171,880 177,133 (5,253) Internal Corporate Charges 9,000 253,116 6,191 249,147 2,809 3,969 6,000 6,191 (191) Asset Purchases Total Goods & Services 164,228 186,814 (22,586) 248,116 46,216 214,206 265,879 33,910 (219,663) 1,460,140 1,297,038 163,101 1,317,339 1,485,036 (167,697) Surplusl(Deficit) $ 7,500,510 $ 7,166,751 $ 333,758 $ 7,516,026 $ 7,310,253 $ 205,773 4.45% 2.74% M:1A! SAINT JOHN POLICE FORCE BUDGET VARIANCE ANALYSIS For the Period Ended April 2012 Budget Expenses Variance Current Variance is: Timing Actual $ 7,500,510 $7,166,751 $333,758 $333,758 Expense Category Variance Explanation of Variance Revenue $25,793 Prisoner Lodging ($1,000) Accident Reports $2,336 Taxi Licences $20,611 Security Clearances ($1,585) Secondments and Peacekeeping Missions ($19,428) Extra -Duty Billings $24,859 $25,793 Salaries & Wages $268,050 - Salaries -Local 486 under budget by $6k. - Police Officer salaries are under budget by $266k. There are current vacancies that have not been filled to achieve the budget target for 2012. Overtime ($106,255) - Overtime -SJPA- Patrol: Over budget by ($70k) and this amount is reduced by $25k in revenue charged for Extra —Duty assignments. e Overtime - SJPA - Criminal Investigations: Over budget by ($30k) and this amount is reduced by $25k in revenue charged for Extra —Duty assignments. Other Personnel Costs ($24,381) . On -Call: On -Call Pay is over budget by ($12k). - Court Time: Over budget by ($13k). 65 Saint John Police Force — April 2012 Budget Variance Analysis Expense Category Variance Fringe Benefits $33,243 General Services $109,306 Insurance ($46,845) Professional Services $20,649 .. Explanation of Variance • Benefits are calculated at 24.5 %. This expense calculation is based on actual wages and other earnings for the year. • Telephone: Under budget by $291k and the processing of the monthly billing is lagging by 1 -2 months. • Radios: Under budget by $171k and the processing of the monthly billing is lagging by 1 -2 months. • Employer Training: Under by $461k and this relates to the timing of courses and the allocation of the budget over a 12 -month period. • Employee Initiated Training : Under by $71k and this relates to the timing of when officers complete courses and the allocation of the budget over a 12 -month period. • Vehicle Insurance: The premium cost for insurance coverage in 2012 (fleet and facilities) was $79k and the $80k budget was allocated over the 12 -month fiscal year. This account will be in -line by year -end. • Deductible Account: Under budget by $61k and this relates to the timing of any charges back to Police via the City's insurance department for 3'd party claims. • Legal Expense — Over budget by ($18k) and this expense is projected to exceed the $25,000 budget by $40 -$50k in 2012. This significant expense results from a number of labour management issues and labour board hearings that has already occurred in 2012. • Detention Security - This expense is under budget by $241k and this relates to lag time for processing of the monthly invoices. 21 Page Saint John Police Force — April 2012 Budget Variance Analysis Expense Cate o Variance Explanation of Variance Professional Services Other Expense - This expense category is under budget by $15k and this relates to the timing of the actual expenditure and the allocation of the budget. Other Purchased Services ($2,483) • No significant variance at the end of April 2012. Repair & Maintenance $25,998 • Computer Maintenance - This expense is under budget by $261k and this relates to the timing of the annual billing for computer licence /maintenance contracts and the allocation of the budget. Rentals $46,882 City Hall Rental — This budget account is under by $36k which includes the rental costs for both City Hall and Peel Plaza and the timing of the charges will vary each month based on when the actual move is completed to ONE Peel Plaza. There are still a number of unknown factors regarding the overall budget but the goal is for it to be on target by year- end. Purchased Goods $25,403 • Safety Supplies ($151k) - Timing difference between the budget allocation and the actual purchase of replacement body armour for officers. • Other Goods $23k - Timing difference between the budget allocation and the purchase of goods. • ETS Equipments and Supplies $81k — Timing difference between the budget allocation and the purchase of goods. • Firearms and Ammunition ($101k) — Timing difference between the budget allocation and the purchase of goods. 31 Page 67 Saint John Police Force — .April 2012 Budget Variance Analysis Expense Category Variance Explanation of Variance Purchased Goods • Imprest Fund ($8k) — Timing difference between the budget allocation and the replenishment of the fund. • Special Operations $16k — Timing difference between the budget allocation and when special Investigative Operations are launched and completed in 2012. Government Services $2,809 . No significant variance at the end of April 2012. Internal Services $3,969 . Fleet Maintenance - $42k — The maintenance costs at the end of April was under budget. There is a pending expense of $10k that will be processed in May. • Fleet Fuel - ($28k) — The fuel costs at the end of April was over budget and this is due mainly to record high fuel prices that carried over from 2011. • Building Maintenance - ($14k) — The expense to maintain and repair all the Police operated facilities was over Budget. Asset Purchases ($22,586) Vehicles ($34k) —The budget for the acquisition of new units was over budget at the end of April. This relates to a timing difference between the budget allocation and when the vehicles are actually purchased. This line item will be under budget for 2012. • Other Assets $12k - Timing difference between the budget allocation and the acquisition of items considered to be Other Capital Assets. 41 Page .: REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M &C2012 -164 June 21, 2012 His Worship Mayor Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: Appointment of Acting Commissioner of Growth and Development BACKGROUND i The City of Saint John From time to time, the Commissioner of Growth and Development Services is unable to exercise his duties as a result of vacation, business outside the city, and other situations that arise. It is therefore important that someone be empowered to act in his place when necessary. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS There are no financial impacts as a result of this appointment. RECOMMENDATION RESOLVED that in the event of the absence of the Commissioner of Growth and Development, appointment to the position of Acting Commissioner of Growth and Development is hereby made of Amy Poffenroth with the Commissioner of Growth and Development to administer the arrangement. Respectfully submitted, Ken Forrest, MCIP, RPP Commissioner Growth and Development Services J. Patrick Woods, CGA City Manager .• REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL OPEN SESSION M &C2012 -151 June 19, 2012 His Worship Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT ;;-IA City of Saint John Demolition of a fire - damaged and dangerous building at 55 -57 Victoria Street (PID #376269) BACKGROUND The dwelling at 55 Victoria Street is a three- storey building that was extensively fire damaged on May 18, 2012. The building's roof has almost entirely collapsed and there is debris, bricks and glass scattered around the building, in the grass and on the sidewalk of Victoria Street. The fire caused the collapse of most of the building's roof and destroyed much of the building's interior finishes. There is fallen debris on the floors of the building and the window panes are broken in many locations. Fire - damaged materials are hanging from the building, broken and loose glass is hanging in window frames and there is a significant amount of debris and junk on the property. The rear attached shed is tearing away from the building and is full of debris. After becoming vacant in August 2011, the building has not been kept secure. On May 18, 2012, the building was intentionally set on fire which caused the damage described in this report and the attached Inspection Report and additionally, caused significant damage to the formerly- occupied, adjacent building at 53 Victoria Street. The debris that is in the yard, hanging from the windows and on the ground is a danger to anyone passing close by the building, or on the sidewalk and the lack of security and care for the building only leaves it as a further danger in the neighbourhood. The building is a hazard to the safety of the public, by reason of its dilapidation and unsoundness of structural strength and by reason of it being vacant and unoccupied. A Notice to Comply was issued on May 29, 2012. On that same day, the building was posted with the Notice which is deemed as acceptable service as per Section 190.011 of 70 M &C2012 -151 -2- June 19, 2012 the Municipalities Act. Additionally, a process server was sent with documents to serve to the owners of the building at their last known address (the owners are a husband and wife). This task proved difficult as they had relocated. After some research, their whereabouts were found and the process server was able to serve the wife, however, the husband has not been served despite several attempts. Compliance was required by June 18, 2012. No appeal hearing was applied for and the owners have not made an attempt to contact the office, nor secure the building. An inspection was conducted on June 19, 2012 and the inspector found that compliance with the Notice had not been met. Attached for Council's reference are the Notice to Comply that was issued, the affidavit attesting to service of the Notice on the owner and an affidavit attesting to the building's posting. Also included are photographs of the building. The Municipalities Act indicates that where a Notice to Comply has been issued arising from a condition where a building has become a hazard to the safety of the public by reason of dilapidation, unsoundness of structural strength, or being vacant or unoccupied, the municipality may cause the building to be demolished. As required in the Act a report from an engineer is attached, forming part of the issued Notice to Comply, and provides evidence to the building's condition and resulting hazard to the safety of the public. As is written in the Act that a municipality must commence in the proceedings of remedial action, approval of Common Council is required prior to starting demolition activities at this property. Cost of the demolition work is approximated at $25,000 to $30,000 and will take approximately 4 weeks before it is complete. Staff will seek competitive bidding in accordance with the City's purchasing policy and the cost of the work will be billed to the registered property owners. If the bill is left unpaid, it will be submitted to the Province with a request for reimbursement. 71 M &C2012 -151 -3- June 19, 2012 RECOMMENDATION Your City Manager recommends that Common Council direct one or more of the Officers appointed and designated by Council for the enforcement of the Saint John Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings and Structures By -law, arrange for the demolition of the building at 55 -57 Victoria Street (PID #376269), in accordance with the applicable City purchasing policies. Respectfully submitted, aw , & -1�1 � Pamela Bentley, P.Eng. Technical Services Engineer Buildings and Inspection Services L1. �-J Amy Poffenroth, iP.ng., MBA Deputy Commissioner Buildings and Inspection Services C�1� P ck 4 � toods, CGA City Manager 72 CANADA PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK COUNTY OF SAINT JOHN CITY OF SAINT JOHN AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE I, l/ rU j'� A-S of the City of Saint John in the County of Saint John and Province of New Brunswick MAKE OATH AND SAY AS FOLLOWS: 1. On the day o U ey'^ , 2012, I served with the following documents: • a Notice to Comply, attached hereto as Exhibit "A'; • a Notice of Appeal, attached hereto as Exhibit `B "; by leaving a copy with him 0her 5 -� , New Brunswick. 2. I was able to identify the person served by means of the fact that he / hi) acknowledged to me he sh was Sworn To before me at the City of Saint John, N.B., on the 12-- day of :jj j _ , 2012 PAMELA M H BENTLEY COMMISSIONER OF OATHS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DECEMBER 31 n, 2013 73 FORM 1 NOTICE TO COMPLY (Municipalities Act, R.S.N.B. 1973, c.M -22, x.190.01(3)) Parcel Identifier: 376269 it im la mxniott F t - -Refe d to in th Affi .t of l Sworn befor me at the City of Saint John, New B swiok the, day�pf 20A CO M ft BFN TL D EMBER 01V S AN. 31sr 2,,13ftS Z Commissioner of OathsF &_ E AVIS DE CONFO ITT (Loi sur les municipalites, N: B. de 19733, ch. M -22, par. 190.01(3)) Numbro d'identification de la parcelle : 376269 Address: 55 and 57 Victoria Street, Saint John, New Adresse : 55 et 57, rue Victoria, Saint John, Nouveau - Brunswick Brunswick Owner(s) or Occupier(s): Name: Bassarab, Benjamin Address: 31 Charles Crescent, Rothesay, New Brunswick, E2E 5G6 Name: Bassarab, Katharine May Address: 31 Charles Crescent, Rothesay, New Brunswick, E2E 5G6 Municipality issuing notice: The City of Saint John By -law contravened: Saint John Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings and Structures By -Law, By- law Number M -30 and amendments thereto (the By- law' ). Provision(s) contravened: Paragraphs 190.01(1.1) and 190.01(2) of the Municipalities Act, and amendments thereto. Description of condition(s): The building has become a hazard to the safety of the public by reason of being vacant or unoccupied, and, has become a hazard to the safety of the public by reason of dilapidation and unsoundness of structural strength. The conditions of the building and premises are described in Schedule "A ", a true copy of the inspection report dated May 28, 2012 prepared by Pamela Bentley, P. Eng., By -law Enforcement Officer and reviewed by Amy Poffenroth, P.Eng., By-law Enforcement Officer. Remedy or remedies required: The owners are to remedy the conditions by complying with the required remedial actions of the aforementioned inspection report and bring the building and premises into compliance with the aforesaid By -law. In the event that the owners do not remedy the condition of the building and premises in the time prescribed by this Notice to Comply, the building may be demolished as the corrective action to address the hazard to the safety of the public and the premises may be cleaned up. In the event of demolition, all debris and items on the premises will be disposed of as the corrective action to address the hazard to the safety of the public. 74 Propri6taire(s) ou occupant(s) : Nom: Bassarab, Benjamin Adresse : 31, croissant Charles, Saint John, Nouveau - Brunswick, E2E 5G6 Nom : Bassarab, Katharine May Adresse : 31, croissant Charles, Saint John, Nouveau - Brunswick, E2E 5G6 Municipalit6 signifiant I'avis : The City of Saint John Arret6 enfreint : Arrete relatif aux lieux inesthetiques et aux bdtiments et constructions dangereux de Saint John, Arr8t6 num&ro M -30, ainsi que ses modifications ci- aff6rentes (1' « Arret6 »). Disposition(s) enfreinte(s) . Les paragraphes 190.01(1.1) et 190.01(2) de la Loi sur les municipalites, ainsi que les modifications aff6rentes. Description de la (des) condition(s) : Le batiment est devenu dangereux pour la s6curit6 du public du fait de son inhabitation ou de son inoccupation et, est devenu dangereux pour la s6curit6 du public du fait de son d6labrement et de son manque de solidit6. Les conditions du batiment et des lieux soot d6crites a P annexe « A)>, une copie conforme du rapport d'inspection en date du 28 mai 2012 et prepare par Pamela Bentley, ing., une agente charg6e de 1'exdcution des arret6s municipaux et revise par Amy Poffenroth, ing., une agente charg6e de 1'ex6cution des arret6s municipaux. Mesure(s) i prendre : Les propri6taires doivent restaurer les conditions en se conformant aux recommandations du rapport d'inspection susmentionn6 et d'amener le batiment et les lieux en conform,it6s avec I'Arret6. Dans 1'6ventualit6 que les propri6taires ne rem6diaient pas le batiment et les lieux dans le temps prescrit par le present avis de conformit6, le batiment pourront titre d6molis comme mesure corrective compte tenu qu'il repr6sente un danger pour la s6curit6 du public et les lieux pourront titre nettoy6s. Dans 1'6ventualit6 de d6molition, tous les d6bris et autres items sur les lieux seront disposes comme mesure corrective dans le but de rem6dier le danger pour la s6curit6 du public. Les mesures correctives susmentionn6es relativement The aforementioned remedial actions relating to the demolition of the building and the disposal of debris and items on the premises do not include the carry-out clean- up, site rehabilitation, restoration of land, premises or personal property or other remedial action in order to control or reduce, eliminate the release, alter the manner of release or the release of any contaminant into or upon the environment or any part of the environment. Date by which the remedy or remedies must occur: a) The demolition of the building, clean-up of the Property and related remedies must be complete, or plans and permit applications for repair related remedies, must be submitted: within 15 days of being served with the Notice to Comply. b) The repair related remedies must be complete within 180 days of being served with the Notice to Comply. Date by which notice may be appealed: Within 14 days of being served with the Notice to Comply. Process to appeal: The owners may within 14 days after having been served with this Notice to Comply, send a Notice of Appeal by registered mail to the Common Clerk of The City of Saint John, City Hall — 8'h Floor, 15 Market Square, Saint John, New Brunswick, E2L 4L1. Potential penalty for non - compliance within specified time:z Paragraph 190.03(1) of the Municipalities Act states that a person who fails to comply with the terms of the Notice to Comply given under Section 190.011 of the said Act, commits an offence that is punishable under Part II of the Provincial Offences Procedure Act as a category F offence. Where an offence under paragraph 190.03(1) continues for more than one day, the minimum fine that may be imposed is the minimum fine set by the Provincial Offences Procedure Act for a category F offence multiplied by the number of days during which the offence continues pursuant to subparagraph 190.03(1.2)(b)(i). Municipality's authority to undertake repairs or remedy:3 Subparagraphs 190.04(1)(a), 190.04(1)(a.1) and 190.04(1)(b) of the Municipalities Act states that if a Notice to Comply has been given under section 190.011 of the said Act and that an owner or occupier does not comply with the Notice to Comply, as deemed confirmed or as confirmed or modified by a committee of council or a judge under section 190.021 of the said Act, within the time set out in the Notice to Comply, the municipality may, cause the premises of that owner or occupier to be cleaned up or repaired, or cause the building of that owner or occupier to be repaired or demolished, and the cost of carrying out such work, 75 a la d&molition du batiment et la disposition des debris et autres items sur les lieux ne comprennent pas le nettoyage, la remise en &tat des lieux, des terrains ou des biens personnels ou toute autre mesure corrective dans le but de contr6ler ou de rdduire, d'&liminer le d&versement, de modifier le mode de d&versement ou le d&versement d'un polluant dans ou sur Penvironnement ou toute partie de Penvironnement. Date i laquelle la on les mesures doivent titre prises : a) La d&molition du batiment et le nettoyage des lieux doivent titre completeds, ou a laquelle les plans et demande de permis pour les mesures des reparations, doivent etre soumises, dans les 15 jours qui suivent la signification de Pavis de conformit6. b) Les reparations reli&es aux mesures doivent titre complet &es daps les 180 jours qui suivent la signification de Pavis de conformitd. Date a laquelle un appel de Pavis pent titre d6pos6: Dans les 14 jours qui suivent la notification de Favis de conformit6. Processus d'appel : Les propri&taires peuvent dans les 14 jours qui suivent la notification de 1'avis de conformit6, envoye un avis d'appel par courrier recommandd a la greffi&re communale de la municipalitd, a The City of Saint John, Edifice de Ph6tel de ville, 8` dtage, 15 Market Square, Saint John, Nouveau - Brunswick, E21, 4Ll . Wnalit6 possible pour non- conformit6 daps le d6lai prescrit2 : Le paragraphe 190.03(1) de la Loi sur les municipalites prevoit quiconque omet de se conformer aux exigences formulees daps un avis de conformit6 notif.6 aux termes de Particle 190.011 de ladite loi, commet une infraction qui est punissable en vertu de la Partie lI de la Loi sur la procedure applicable aux infractions provinciales a titre d'infraction de la classe F. Lorsqu'une infraction prevue au paragraphe 190.03(1) se poursuit pendant plus dune joumde, 11amende minimale qui peat titre impos &e est Pamende minimale pr&vue par la Loi sur la procedure applicable aux infractions provinciales pour une infraction de la classe F multipliee par le nombre de jours pendant lesquels Pinfraction se poursuit conformement a 1'ahnea 190.03(1.2)(b)(i). Pouvoir de la municipalit6 d'entreprendre les r6parations ou de prendre les mesures3 : Conformdment aux alias &as 190.04(1)(a), 190.04(1)(a.1) et 190.04(1)(6) de la Loi sur les municipalites, si un avis de conformit6 a &td signifid aux termes de Particle 190.011 de ladite loi et, que le propri6taire ou Foccupant ne se conforme pas a cet avis de conformit6 daps le d&lai imparti et tel qu'il est r&pute confirmd ou tel qu'il est confirm& ou modifi& par un comit6 du conseil ou par un juge en vertu de Particle 190.021 de ladite loi, la municipalite peut faire nettoyer ou r6parer les heux de ce propri6taire ou de cet occupant ou de faire r&parer ou d&molir la including any related charge or fee, is chargeable to the owner or occupier and becomes a debt due to the municipality. Dated at Saint John the 7 -5day of May, 2012. Municipality: The City of Saint John Signature of Municipal Officer: Municipal Officer's Contact information: Name: Pamela Bentley Mailing address: Buildings and Inspection Services Department The City of Saint John 15 Market Square City Hall Building, 10th Floor P. O. Box 1971 Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 4L1 Telephone: (506) 658 -2911 Telecopier: (506) 632 -6199 Email: pamela. Seal of municil Notes: 1. All appropriate permits must be obtained and all relevant legislation must be complied with in the course of carrying out the required remedial action. 2. Payment of the fine does not alleviate the obligation to comply with the by -law, standard or notice to comply. 3. Costs become a debt due to the municipality and may be added to the joint municipal and provincial Real Property Assessment and Tax Notice. 76 propri6te de cc propri6taire ou de cet occupant, et les frais relatifs a 1'ex6cution de ces travaux, y compris toute redevance ou tout droit afferent, sont a la charge du propri6taire ou de Poccupant et deviennent une cr&nce de la municipalit6. Fait h Saint John le _ mai, 2012. Municipalit6 : The City of Saint John Signature de la repr6sentante municipale: Coordonn6es de la repr6sentante municipale : Nom: Pamela Bentley Adresse postale: D6partement aux services d'inspection et des batiments The City of Saint John 15 Market Square Edifice de Ph6tel de ville, 10' 6tage Case postale 1971 Saint John (Nouveau- Brunswick) E2L 4L1 T616phone : (506) 658 -2911 T616copieur : (506) 632 -6199 Courriel: pamela.bentley @saintjohn.ca Sceau de la municipalit6 Notes : 1. Tous les permis prescrits doivent dtre obtenus et toute la ldgislation pertinente doit titre respectee, pendant 1'ex6cution de la mesure de recours. 2. Le paiement de Pamende n'annule pas 1'obligation de respecter 1'arr6t6, la norme ou Pavis de conformitd. 3. Les coilts deviennent une dette envers la municipalit6 et peuvent titre ajoutds a I'avis d'dvaluation et d'imp6t foncier municipal et provincial. INSPECTION REPORT Schedule "A" 55-57 Victoria Street Saint John, New Brunswick PID# 376269 Inspection Date: May 22, 2012 Inspector: Pamela Bentley, P. Eng. Introduction I b4inby ccntif -j 'ilelt dw C ;ti,' _wo eP i3 tr re iJfipy of Gy'asinot. a ted zt Saint john - 20 l2- The three- storey vacant building at 55 -57 Victoria Street suffered extensive fire damage on May 18, 2012. An inspection of the property on May 22, 2012 revealed that the dilapidated building's roof has almost entirely collapsed, the rear shed roof has partially collapsed and the building is no longer structurally sound. Fire - damaged debris and discarded household items are on the front and side lawns at the property and the building's condition poses a hazard to the safety of the public by reason of dilapidation and structural unsoundness. Discussion The subject building suffered a fire on May 18, 2012 which caused extensive damage to the structure. In many locations the floors, walls, roof and supporting structural members are now charred and damaged as a result of the fire. Observations for the inspection report have been made from the exterior of the building only. Entering the building is not considered safe. The building is not in compliance with the Saint John Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings By -law, By -law Number M -30, and amendments thereto (the `By -law ") for the following reasons: Paragraph 190.01(2) of the Municipalities Act states: No person shall permit a building or structure owned or occupied by him or her to become a hazard to the safety of the public by reason of dilapidation or unsoundness of structural strength. The building is a hazard to the safety of the public by reason of being dilapidated and structurally unsound. 1. The building's roof has almost entirely collapsed, with a small section remaining intact at the front right side of the building. The building is estimated to have been built in 1906 and to be of balloon -frame construction. In this type of construction, exterior wall studs run the full height of a building and intermediate floors and roof provide a component of lateral strength and wind resistance. The upper portion of the exterior walls are now unsupported against lateral loads (like wind). The fire has left the building structurally compromised and in its current condition, the building is not structurally sound. 2. The building has fire- damaged debris and shingles hanging and loose at several locations of the building. This is most noticeable at the front and right side of the building where there is also a significant amount of debris on the ground. The building is within. 2.5 metres of the Victoria Stmt sidewalk and the hanging materials could come loose and fall on someone causing physical harm. The building is also in close proximity to its neighbouring building at 61 Victoria Street. Material and debris from the subject building could become loose and fall, causing damage to the neighbouring building, or harm to its occupants. 77 3. Several of the building's window panes are broken and glass is hanging in the frames and broken glass is lying on the ground nearby. The glass poses a hazard to the safety of the public because it could cause injury, whether it is from glass falling from the broken windows or from stepping on the glass on the ground. 4. There is a considerable amount of fire- damaged debris and discarded household items covering the front and side lawns of the property. The fire - damaged debris contains sharp nails and protruding objects which could cause harm to anyone who may be in the yard or passing by on the sidewalk of Victoria Street. These items pose both tripping and safety hazards and are a danger to the public. 5. The missing roof and window openings will allow the rain and other elements to penetrate the building and further deterioration of the structure will take place. With time, this deterioration will further weaken structural members. Paragraph 190-01(l. 1) of the Municipalities Act states: No person shall permit a building or structure owned or occupied by him or her to become a hazard to the safety of the public by reason of being vacant or unoccupied. 6. The building has been left open to the public on several occasions since at least August 11, 2011 when it was first noted as being vacant. At present, it is accessible through a number of window openings and through the rear side door. The building has not been kept adequately secure to prevent unwanted entry and since 2011, written letters have been sent to the registered owners to inform them of the building's unsecured openings. Periodic inspections conducted by the Buildings and Inspection Services Department found little change in the building's condition. Following the fire of May 18, 2012, the interior conditions are unknown. It is likely that the floors, in particular at the second and third level, are covered in debris and fire- damaged materials. The fire may have also weakened structural members and anyone accessing the building could be in danger from these hazards. 7. There is a higher risk of another fire event occurring at the building due to the public's knowledge that the building is vacant and because it is easily accessible. Additionally, the debris in the yard could be used to fuel another fire. The subject building is in close proximity to its neighbouring buildings and the fire of May 18, 2012 caused severe damage to the building at 53 Victoria Street. Another fire at the subject building could significantly impact the safety of the occupants at 61 Victoria Street - a multi- family residence - or other neighbourhood residents in nearby homes, as well as harm to the safety of fire fighters. The fire of May 18, 2012 has been established as an intentionally -set fire. In its current state, the building is not structurally sound and is not suitable for human habitation. Without immediate, significant and likely costly repair, the structure is not salvageable. A Court Order issued on May 3, 2011 by Judge W. Andrew LeMesurier required the owner to bring the property into the standards established in the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By -law, By -law Number M -14 and amendments thereto (the "Saint John Minimum Property Standards By- law "), and/or the Residential Properties Maintenance and Occupancy Code Approved Regulation — Municipalities Act, New Brunswick Regulation 84 -86, under the Municipalities Act and amendments thereto (the "Code'). The owners did not conduct the repairs and have left the building vacant as an alternative. 2 Required Remedial Actions The owner must comply with one of the two options stated below: Option 1: Remedy the conditions of the building through all repair and remedial actions as follows: 1. The building must be completely repaired so it may become occupied. A building permit must be applied for an all work must be conducted in accordance with the Saint John Building By -law, By -law Number C.P. 101 and amendments thereto. 2. As part of the building permit application, detailed plans must be submitted to the Buildings and Inspection Services Department of the City of Saint John (the "Department") for review and approval. This plan should also include a schedule for the work that is to be carried out. The repaired building must meet the National Building Code of Canada (2005) as well as other applicable codes. 3. The building must be made and kept secure and monitored on a routine basis while the property remains vacant. 4. The premise must be cleared of all debris and the rear shed must be cleared of its contents. The debris must be disposed of at an approved solid waste disposal site, in accordance with all applicable by -laws, acts and regulations. Documented proof, that clearly demonstrates an approved solid waste disposal site was used for the disposal of debris, must be provided to the Department. The premise must comply with all applicable by -laws, acts, codes and regulations. Option 2: Demolition of the building and cleanup of all debris on the premise by complying with all the remedial actions as follows: 1. The building must be demolished to remove the hazard to the safety of the public by reason of dilapidation and unsoundness of structural strength and by reason of being vacant or unoccupied. 2. A demolition permit must be obtained from the City of Saint John in order to comply with the Saint John Building By -law. 3. The premise must be cleared of all debris, discarded items and debris from the demolition. The lot must be made reasonably level with grade so as to not create a tripping or falling hazard. All debris must be disposed of at an approved solid waste disposal site, and in accordance with all applicable by -laws, acts and regulations. Documented proof, that clearly demonstrates an approved solid waste disposal site was used for the disposal of debris, must be provided to the Department. 4. The property must be in compliance with all applicable by -laws, acts and regulations. 3 79 Prepared by: 2-01z.- Pamela Bentley, P, Eng. Date Technical Services Engineer Standards Officer Buildings and Inspection Services Department Reviewed by: Amy PoffenroVY Eng., MBA Date ig Deputy Commissioner Buildings and inspection Services Department M NOTICE OF APPEAL FORM 1 (MunicipaUdes Act, R.S.N.B.1973, c. M -22, s.190.021(1)) File No.: BETWEEN: Appellant(s), and THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN, Respondent. Parcel Identifier: PID # Parcel Address: Owner(s) or Occupier(s): ILI 00t t- Address: Telephone: Name: Address: Telephone: AVIS D'APPEL FORMULE 1 (Loi sur les municipa&'tc;s, L.R.N.-B. de 1973, ch. M -22, par. 190.021(1)) N° du dossier: x "AMELA M H BENTLEY COMMISSIONER OF OATHS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DECEMBER 31sT, 2D13 ENTRE: This is Exhibit ti �B 'o in tie Afn avit f Saint John Nemw t Fe—C-6 of ��da of runawictc mmiaaioner of Oaths Appelant(s), -et- THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN, Intimee. Numero d'identification de la parcelle : # NID Adresse de la parcelle : Proprietaire(s) ou occupant(s) : Nom: Adresse : Telephone: Nom: Adresse: Telephone: -2- The above named appellant(s) is (are) not satisfied with the terms and conditions set out in the notice that has been given under section 190.011 of the Municipalities Act and appeals to the .Saint John Substandard Properties Appeal Committee. L'appelant(s) susnomm6(s) n'accepte(nt) pas les modalit6s ou les conditions qui y sont 6nonc6s dans P avis qui a 6t6 notifi6 aux termes de 1' article 190.011 de la Loi sur les municipalites et fait appel au Comite d'appel des proprietes inferieures aux normes de Saint John. The appellant's grounds for this appeal are as follows Les motifs d'appel de 1'appelant(s) dans le pr6sent appel (set out the grounds clearly but briefly): sont les suivants (enoncer les motifs de faVon claire et concise) : Dated at the day of Fait a 2012. Signature of owner or occupier The appellant(s) intends to proceed in the English ❑ or French ❑ language (Please check the appropriate box). le 2012. Signature du propri6taire ou l'occupant L'appelant(s) a (ont) l'intention d'utiliser la langue frangaise ❑ ou anglaise (Yeuillez cocker la case appropriee). Please forward your Notice of Appeal by registered Yeuillez faire parvenir votre Avis d'appel par courrier mail to the clerk of The City of Saint John within recommande au secretaire de The City of Saint John fourteen (14) days after having been given the notice dans les quatorze (14) fours qui suivent la notification at the following address: de 1'avis a l'adresse suivante : Common Clerk's Office 15 Market Square, City Hall Building, 8th Floor P. O. Box 1971 Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 4L1 Telephone: 506-658-2862 Tclecopier: 506- 674 -4214 Notes: Bureau du greffier communal 15 Market Square, Edifice de 1'h6tel de ville, 8` 6tage Case postale 1971 Saint John (Nouveau- Brunswick) E2L 4L1 T616phone: 506- 658 -2862 T61e'copieur: 506- 674 -4214 Notes : 1. A notice that is not appealed within fourteen (14) 1. Un avis dont it n'est pas interjet6 appel daps les days after having been given the notice shall be quatorze (14) jours qui suivent la notification de 1'avis deemed to be confirmed. est r6pute'e confirme'. -3- 2. On an appeal, the Saint John Substandard Properties Appeal Committee shall hold a hearing into the matter at which the owner(s) or occupier(s) bringing the appeal has (have) a right to be heard and maybe represented by counsel. 3. On an appeal, the Saint John Substandard Properties Appeal Committee may confirm, modify or rescind the notice or extend the time for complying with the notice. 4. The Saint John Substandard Properties Appeal Committee shall provide a copy of its decision to the owner(s) or occupier(s) of the premises, building or structure who brought the appeal within fourteen (14) days after making its decision. 5. The owner(s) or occupier(s) provided with a copy of a decision from the Saint John Substandard Properties Appeal Committee may appeal the decision to a judge of The Court of Queen's Bench of New Brunswick within fourteen (I4) days after the copy of the decision was provided to the owner(s) or occupier(s) on the grounds that (a) the procedure required to be followed by the Municipalities Act was not followed, or (b) the decision is patently unreasonable. 2. Lors d'un appel, le Comite d'appel des proprietes inferieures aux normes de Saint John doit tenir, sur le point en litige, une audience au cours de laquelle le(s) proprietaire(s) ou l'occupant(s) qui intedette(nt) appel a (ont) le droit d'etre entendu(s) et peut(vent) se faire representer par un avocat. 3. Lors d'un appel, le Comite d'appel des proprietes inferieures aux normes de Saint John peut confirmer, modifier ou annuler 1'avis ou proroger le delai pour s'y conformer. 4. Le Comite d'appel des proprietes inferieures aux normes de Saint John doit fournir une copie de sa decision au(x) proprietaire(s) ou a l'occupant(s) des lieux, du batiment ou de la construction qui lui a(ont) intetete appel dans les quatorze (I4) jours suivant la date A laquelle it a rendu sa decision. 5. Le(s) proprietaire(s) ou l'occupant(s) a qui une copie d'une decision a ete fournie par le Comite d'appel des proprietes inferieures aux normes de Saint John peut(vent), daps les quatorze (I4) jours qui suivet, intedeter appel de la decision devant un juge de la Cour du Banc de la Reine du Nouveau - Brunswick au motif que (a) la demarche a suivre en vertu de la Loi sur les municipalites n'a pas ete suivie, ou (b) la decision est manifestement deraisonnable. CANADA PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK COUNTY OF SAINT JOHN CITY OF SAINT JOHN IN THE MATTER OF THE BUILDING THAT IS LOCATED AT .55 51 rf �L- try -�P• ST , SAINT JOHN, N.B. (PID# 91 &,2 (,q ) SOLEMN DECLARATION OF SERVICE D0 Wf the Town of Quispamsis, in the County of- ► ings and Province of New Brunswick solemnly declare: 1. On the �day of /�#L 2012, at approximately ` ,22 posted a copy of the attached Notice to Comply, marked Exhibit "A" and a copy of the attached Notice of Appeal, marked Exhibit `B" to the front door of the g b7 Saint John, New Brunswick. building that is located at V iC�O�.�. �, Solemnly declared before me at the City of Saint John, N.B., on th 30 day of M /Z,(A_ .2012 PAMELA M H BENTLEY COMMISSIONER OF OATHS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DECEMBER 31ST, 2013 ., Referred to in the A#44 of - �k-t- �vfemr�it n bef a me at the City of 1�ec .2 rd Saint John, New B unswick th day Of PAMELA M H BENTLEY COMMISSIONER OF OATHS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DECEMBER 31ST 201,, FORM 1 Commissioner of Oa th s FORMULE 1 NOTICE TO COMPLY AVIS DE CONFORMIA (Municipalities Act, R.S.N.B. 1973, (Loi sur les municipaliMs, L.R.N: B. de 1973, c.M -22, x.190.01(3)) ch. M -22, par. 190.01(3)) Parcel Identifier: 376269 Numbro d'identification de la parcelle : 376269 Address: 55 and 57 Victoria Street, Saint John, New Adresse : 55 et 57, rue Victoria, Saint John, Nouveau - Brunswick Brunswick Owner(s) or Occupier(s): Name: Bassarab, Benjamin Address: 31 Charles Crescent, Rothesay, New Brunswick, E2E 5G6 Name: Bassarab, Katharine May Address: 31 Charles Crescent, Rothesay, New Brunswick, E2E 5G6 Municipality issuing notice: The City of Saint John By -law contravened: Saint John Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings and Structures By -Law, By- law Number M -30 and amendments thereto (the `By- law"). Proprietaire(s) ou occupant(s) : Nom: Bassarab, Benjamin Adresse : 31, croissant Charles, Saint John, Nouveau - Brunswick, E2E 5G6 Nom : Bassarab, Katharine May Adresse : 31, croissant Charles, Saint John, Nouveau - Brunswick, E2E 5G6 Municipalitd signifiant Favis : The City of Saint John Arrete enfreint : Arretd relataf aux lieux inesthitiques et aux Mtiments et constructions dangereux de Saint John, Arrete numdro M -30, ainsi que ses modifications ci- affdrentes (P «Arrete ))). Provision(s) contravened: Paragraphs 190.01(1.1) and Disposition(s) enfreinte(s) . Les paragraphes 190.01(2) of the Municipalities Act, and amendments 190.01(1.1) et 190.01(2) de la Loi sur les thereto• municipalites, ainsi que les modifications afferentes. Description of condition(s): The building has become a hazard to the safety of the public by reason of being vacant or unoccupied, and, has become a hazard to the safety of the public by reason of dilapidation and unsoundness of structural strength. The conditions of the building and premises are described in Schedule "A ", a true copy of the inspection report dated May 28, 2012 prepared by Pamela Bentley, P. Eng., By -law Enforcement Officer and reviewed by Amy Poffenroth, P.Eng., By -law Enforcement Officer. Remedy or remedies required: The owners are to remedy the conditions by complying with the required remedial actions of the aforementioned inspection report and bring the building and premises into compliance with the aforesaid By -law. In the event that the owners do not remedy the condition of the building and premises in the time prescribed by this Notice to Comply, the building may be demolished as the corrective action to address the hazard to the safety of the public and the premises may be cleaned up. In the event of demolition, all debris and items on the premises will be disposed of as the corrective action to address the hazard to the safety of the public. Description de la (des) condition(s) : Le batiment est devenu dangereux pour la securite du public du fait de son inhabitation ou de son inoccupation et, est devenu dangereux pour la securite du public du fait de son ddlabrement et de son manque de soliditd. Les conditions du batiment et des lieux sont decrites a Pannexe a A », une copie conforme du rapport d'inspection en date du 28 mai 2012 et prdpard par Pamela Bentley, ing., une agente chargee de 1' execution des arr@tds municipaux et revise par Amy Poffenroth, ing., une agente chargde de 1'execution des arretes municipaux. Mesure(s) i prendre : Les propriEtaires doivent restaurer les conditions en se conformant aux recommandations du rapport d'inspection susmentionne et d'amener le batiment et les lieux en conformites avec 1'Arretd. Dans 1'eventualM que les proprietaires ne remediaient pas le batiment et les lieux daps le temps prescrit par le prdsent avis de conformite, le batiment pourront dtre d6 molis comme mesure corrective compte tenu qu'il represente un danger pour la securite du public et les lieux pourront dtre nettoyes. Dans 1'eventualite de demolition, tous les ddbris et autres items sur les lieux seront disposes comme mesure corrective dans le but de remedier le danger pour la securit6 du public. Les mesures correctives susmentionnees relativement The aforementioned remedial actions relating to the demolition of the building and the disposal of debris and items on the premises do not include the carry -out clean- up, site rehabilitation, restoration of land, premises or personal property or other remedial action in order to control or reduce, eliminate the release, alter the manner of release or the release of any contaminant into or upon the environment or any part of the environment. Date by which the remedy or remedies must occur: i a) The demolition of the building, clean-up of the property and related remedies must be complete, or plans and permit applications for repair related remedies, must be submitted: within 15 days of being served with the Notice to Comply. b) The repair related remedies must be complete within 180 days of being served with the Notice to Comply. Date by which notice may be appealed: Within 14 days of being served with the Notice to Comply. Process to appeal: The owners may within 14 days after having been served with this Notice to Comply, send a Notice of Appeal by registered mail to the Common Clerk of The City of Saint John, City Hall — 8th Floor, 15 Market Square, Saint John, New Brunswick, E2L 4L1. Potential penalty for nom - compliance within specified time:z Paragraph 190.03(1) of the Municipalities Act states that a person who fails to comply with the terms of the Notice to Comply given under Section 190.011 of the said Act, commits an offence that is punishable under Part H of the Provincial Offences Procedure Act as a category F offence. Where an offence under paragraph 190.03(1) continues for more than one day, the minimum fine that may be imposed is the minimum fine set by the Provincial Offences Procedure Act for a category F offence multiplied by the number of days during which the offence continues pursuant to subparagraph 190.03(1.2)(b)(i). Municipality's authority to undertake repairs or remedy:3 Subparagraphs 190.04(1)(a), 190.04(1)(a.1) and 190.04(1)(b) of the Municipalities Act states that if a Notice to Comply has been given under section 190.011 of the said Act and that an owner or occupier does not comply with the Notice to Comply, as deemed confirmed or as confirmed or modified by a committee of council or a judge under section 190.021 of the said Act, within the time set out in the Notice to Comply, the municipality may, cause the premises of that owner or occupier to be cleaned up or repaired, or cause the building of that owner or occupier to be repaired or demolished, and the cost of carrying out such work, 0 A la demolition du bdtiment et la disposition des d6bris et autres items sur les lieux ne comprennent pas le nettoyage, la remise en &tat des lieux, des terrains ou des biens personnels ou toute autre mesure corrective dans le but de controler ou de reduire, d'eliminer le deversement, de modifier le mode de d&versement ou le deversement d'un polluant dans ou sur Fenvironnement ou toute partie de Penvironnement. Date 6 laquelle la ou les mesures doivent titre prises : a) La demolition du batiment et le nettoyage des lieux doivent etre completes, ou h laquelle les plans et demande de permis pour les mesures des reparations, doivent titre soumises, dans les 15 jours qui suivent la signification de Pavis de conformit&. b) Les reparations reliees aux mesures doivent etre completees daps les 180 jours qui suivent la signification de Pavis de conformite. Date a laquelle un appel de Pavis peut titre depose: Dans les 14 jours qui suivent la notification de Pavis de conformite. Processus d'appel : Les proprietaires peuvent dans les 14 jours qui suivent la notification de Favis de conformitd, envoy& un avis d'appel par courrier recommande A la greffi6re communale de la municipalit, A The City of Saint John, Edifice de Ph6tel de ville, 8` &tage, 15 Market Square, Saint John, Nouveau - Brunswick, E21, 4L1. P&alit6 possible pour non- conformit6 daps le delai prescritz : Le paragraphe 190.03(1) de la Loi sur les municipalites pr&voit quiconque omet de se conformer aux exigences formulees dans un avis de conformite notif.6 aux termes de Particle 190.011 de ladite loi, commet une infraction qui est punissable en vertu de la Partie 11 de la Loi sur la procedure applicable aux infractions provinciales a titre d'infraction de la classe F. Lorsqu'une infraction prevue au paragraphe 190.03(1) se poursuit pendant plus d'une journee, Pamende minimale qui peut etre imposee est Famende minimale prevue par la Loi sur la procedure applicable aux infractions provinciales pour une infraction de la classe F multipliee par le nombre de jours pendant lesquels dinfraction se poursuit conformement d Palinea 190.03(1.2)(b)(i). Pouvoir de la municipalit6 d'entreprendre les reparations ou de prendre les mesures3 : Conformement aux alineas 190.04(1)(a), 190.04(1)(a,l) et 190.04(1)(b) de la Loi sur les municipalites, si un avis de conformite a et6 signifib aux termes de Particle 190.011 de ladite loi et, que le proprietaire ou l'occupant ne se conforme pas d cet avis de conformit6 daps le delai impard et tel qu'il est rbputd confirm& ou tel qu'il est confirm& ou modi.6 par un comite du conseil ou par un juge en vertu de Particle 190.021 de ladite loi, la municipalit& peut faire nettoyer ou roarer les lieux de ce proprietaire ou de cet occupant ou de faire roarer ou demolir la including any related charge or fee, is chargeable to the owner or occupier and becomes a debt due to the municipality. Dated at Saint John the 2 day of May, 2012. Municipality: The City of Saint John Signature of Municipal Officer: U Municipal Officer's Contact information: Name: Pamela Bentley Mailing address: Buildings and Inspection Services Department The City of Saint John 15 Market Square City Hall Building, 10th Floor P. O. Box 1971 Saint John, New Brunswick E21, 4L1 Telephone: (506) 658 -2911 Telecopier: (506) 632 -6199 Email: pamela. Seal of municil Notes: 1. All appropriate permits must be obtained and all relevant legislation must be complied with in the course of carrying out the required remedial action. 2. Payment of the fine does not alleviate the obligation to comply with the by -law, standard or notice to comply. 3. Costs become a debt due to the municipality and may be added to the joint municipal and provincial Real Property Assessment and Tax Notice. propri6t6 de cc propri6taire ou de cet occupant, et les frais relatifs a 1'ex6cution de ces travaux, y compris toute redevance ou tout droit affi6rent, sont a la charge du propri6taire ou de l'occupant et deviennent une cr6ance de la municipalit6. ]Fait a Saint John le _ mai, 2012. Municipalit6 : The City of Saint John Signature de la repr6sentante municipale: Coordonn6es de la representante municipale : Nom: Pamela Bentley Adresse postale: D6partement aux services d'inspection et des batiments The City of Saint John 15 Market Square tdifice de Ph6tel de ville, 10` 6tage Case postale 1971 Saint John (Nouveau- Brunswick) E2L 4L1 T616phone : (506) 658 -2911 T616copieur : (506) 632 -6199 Courriel: pamela.bentley @saint ohn.ca Sceau de la municipalit6 Notes : I. Tous les permis prescrits doivent etre obtenus et toute la legislation pertinente doit etre respectee, pendant 1'execution de la mesure de recours. 2. Le paiement de I'amende n'annule pas l'obligation de respecter 1'arrete, la norme ou Pavis de conformit6. 3. Les cofits deviennent une dette envers la municipalit6 et peuvent titre ajoutes a 1'avis d'&aivation et d'imp6t foncier municipal et provincial. INSPECTION REPORT Schedule "A" 55-57 Victoria Street Saint John, New Brunswick PID# 376269 Inspection Date: May 22, 2012 Inspector: Pamela Bentley, P. Eng. Introduction I ?; re,iy cer if; *.ha*. #Ius eQi,- -w]r.-.nt i3 u tvie copy of tt o.-iginul. Dued at aaint John day of - The three- storey vacant building at 55 -57 Victoria Street suffered extensive fire damage on May 18, 2012. An inspection of the property on May 22, 2012 revealed that the dilapidated building's roof has almost entirely collapsed, the rear shed roof has partially collapsed and the building is no longer structurally sound. Fire- damaged debris and discarded household items are on the front and side lawns at the property and the building's condition poses a hazard to the safety of the public by reason of dilapidation and structural unsoundness. iscassio-n The subject building suffered a fire on May 18, 2012 which caused extensive damage to the structure. In many locations the floors, walls, roof and supporting structural members are now charred and damaged as a result of the fire. Observations for the inspection report have been made from the exterior of the building only. Entering the building is not considered safe. The building is not in compliance with the Saint John Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings By -law, By -law Number M -30, and amendments thereto (the `By -law') for the following reasons: Paragraph 190.01(2) of the Municipalities Act states: No person shall permit a building or structure owned or occupied by him or her to become a hazard to the safety of the public by reason of dilapidation or unsoundness of structural strength. The building is a hazard to the safety of the public by reason of being dilapidated and structurally unsound. 1. The building's roof has almost entirely collapsed, with a small section remaining intact at the front right side of the building. The building is estimated to have been built in 1906 and to be of balloon -frame construction. In this type of construction, exterior wall studs run the full height of a building and intermediate floors and roof provide a component of lateral strength and wind resistance. The upper portion of the exterior walls are now unsupported against lateral loads (like wind). The fire has left the building structurally compromised and in its current condition, the building is not structurally sound. 2. The building has fire- damaged debris and shingles hanging and loose at several locations of the building. This is most noticeable at the front and right side of the building where there is also a significant amount of debris on the ground. The building is within 2.5 metres of the Victoria Street sidewalk and the hanging materials could come loose and fall on someone causing physical harm. The building is also in close proximity to its neighbouring building at 61 Victoria Street. Material and debris from the subject building could become loose and fall, causing damage to the neighbouring building, or harm to its occupants. 3. Several of the building's window panes are broken and glass is hanging in the frames and broken glass is lying on the ground nearby. The glass poses a hazard to the safety of the public because it could cause injury, whether it is from glass falling from the broken windows or from stepping on the glass on the ground. 4. There is a considerable amount of fire- damaged debris and discarded household items covering the front and side lawns of the property. The fire - damaged debris contains sharp nails and protruding objects which could cause harm to anyone who may be in the yard or passing by on the sidewalk of Victoria Street. These items pose both tripping and safety hazards and are a danger to the public. 5. The missing roof and window openings will allow the rain and other elements to penetrate the building and further deterioration of the structure will take place. With time, this deterioration will further weaken structural. members. Paragraph 190.01(1.1) of the Municipalities Act states: No person shall permit a building or structure owned or occupied by him or her to become a hazard to the safety of the public by reason of being vacant or unoccupied. 6. The building has been left open to the public on several occasions since at least August 11, 2011 when it was first noted as being vacant. At present, it is accessible through a number of window openings and through the rear side door. The building has not been kept adequately secure to prevent unwanted entry and since 2011, written letters have been sent to the registered owners to inform them of the building's unsecured openings. Periodic inspections conducted by the Buildings and inspection Services Department found little change in the building's condition. Following the fire of May 18, 2012, the interior conditions are unknown. it is likely that the floors, in particular at the second and third level, are covered in debris and fire - damaged materials. The fire may have also weakened structural members and anyone accessing the building could be in danger from these hazards. 7. There is a higher risk of another fire event occurring at the building due to the public's knowledge that the building is vacant and because it is easily accessible. Additionally, the debris in the yard could be used to fuel another fire. The subject building is in close proximity to its neighbouring buildings and the fire of May 18, 2012 caused severe damage to the building at 53 Victoria Street. Another fire at the subject building could significantly impact the safety of the occupants at 61 Victoria Street - a multi - family residence - or other neighbourhood residents in nearby homes, as well as harm to the safety of fire fighters. The fire of May 18, 2012 has been established as an intentionally -set fire. In its current state, the building is not structurally sound and is not suitable for human habitation. Without immediate, significant and likely costly repair, the structure is not salvageable. A Court Order issued on May 3, 2011 by Judge W. Andrew LeMesurier required the owner to bring the property into the standards established in the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By -law, By -law Number M -14 and amendments thereto (the "Saint John Minimum Property Standards By- law "), and/or the Residential Properties Maintenance and Occupancy Code Approved Regulation — Municipalities Act, New Brunswick Regulation 84 -86, under the Municipalities Act and amendments thereto (the "Code'). The owners did not conduct the repairs and have left the building vacant as an alternative. N :• Required Remedial Actions The owner must comply with one of the two options stated below: Option 1: Remedy the conditions of the building through all repair and remedial actions as follows: 1. The building must be completely repaired so it may become occupied. A building permit must be applied for an all work must be conducted in accordance with the Saint John Building By -law, By -law Number C.P. 101 and amendments thereto. 2. As part of the building permit application, detailed plans must be submitted to the Buildings and Inspection Services Department of the City of Saint John (the "Department ") for review and approval. This plan should also include a schedule for the work that is to be carried out. The repaired building must meet the National Building Code of Canada (2003) as well as other applicable codes. 3. The building must be made and kept secure and monitored on a routine basis while the property remains vacant. 4. The premise must be cleared of all debris and the rear shed must be cleared of its contents. The debris must be disposed of at an approved solid waste disposal site, in accordance with all applicable by-laws, acts and regulations. Documented proof, that clearly demonstrates an approved solid waste disposal site was used for the disposal of debris, must be provided to the Department. The premise must comply with all applicable by -laws, acts, codes and regulations. Option 2: Demolition of the building and cleanup of all debris on the premise by complying with all the remedial actions as follows: 1. The building must be demolished to remove the hazard to the safety of the public by reason of dilapidation and unsoundness of structural strength and by reason of being vacant or unoccupied. 2. A demolition permit must be obtained from the City of Saint John in order to comply with the Saint John Building By -law. 3. The premise must be cleared of all debris, discarded items and debris from the demolition. The lot must be made reasonably level with grade so as to not create a tripping or falling hazard. All debris must be disposed of at an approved solid waste disposal site, and in accordance with all applicable by -laws, acts and regulations. Documented proof, that clearly demonstrates an approved solid waste disposal site was used for the disposal of debris, must be provided to the Department. 4. The property must be in compliance with all applicable by -laws, acts and regulations. 3 M Prepared by: J-4 Pamela Bentley, P. Eng. Date Technical Services Engineer Standards Officer Buildings and Inspection Services Department Reviewed by: Amy Poffenro . Eng., MBA a to Date Deputy Commissioner Buildings and Inspection Services Department 91 NOTICE OF APPEAL FORM 1 (Municipalities Act, R.S.N.B.19739 c. M -22, s.190.021(1)) File No.. BETWEEN: Appellant(s), 9"1 am THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN, Respondent. Parcel Identifier: PID # Parcel Address: Owner(s) or Occupier(s): Name: Address: Telephone: Name: Address: Telephone: AVIS D'APPEL FORMULE 1 (Loi sur les municipaWs, L.R.N. -B. de 19739 ch. M-22, par. 190.021(1)) No du dossier : This ,, .htbtt Ei �- k rr, Referred to in the � of `� I�G�Q rb�i� ENTRE : Abe le at the City of 6o fekn Saint ohn, New r nswick be. cam/ y of m ssloner of Oaths 92 PAMEA, M H BENTLEY COMMIS ,00NER OF OATH'S my rpomml ION EMRES -et- THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN, Intim6e. Numero d'identification de la parcelle : # NID Adresse de la parcelle : Proprietaire(s) ou occupant(s) : Nom: Adresse : Telephone: Nom: Adresse : Telephone: -2- The above named appellant(s) is (are) not satisfied with the terms and conditions set out in the notice that has been given under section 190.011 of the Municipalities Act and appeals to the Saint John Substandard Properties Appeal Committee. The appellant's grounds for this appeal are as follows (set out the grounds clearly but briefly): L'appelant(s) susnomm6(s) n'accepte(nt) pas les modalit6s ou les conditions qui y sont 6nonc6s dans I'avis qui a 6te' notifi6 aux termer de Particle 190-011 de la Loi sur les municipalites et fait appel au Comite d'appel des proprietes inferieures aux normes de Saint John. Les motifs d'appel de I'appelant(s) dans le pr6sent appel sont les suivants (enoncer les motifs de faVon claire et concise) : Dated at the _ day of Fait a .2012. Signature of owner or occupier 2012. Signature du propri6taire ou l'occupant le The appellant(s) intends to proceed in the English ❑ L' appelant(s) a (ont) 1'intention d'utiliser la langue or French ❑ language (Please check the appropriate frangaise ❑ ou anglaise ❑ (Veuillez cocher la case box). Please forward your Notice of Appeal by registered mail to the clerk of The City of Saint John within fourteen (14) days after having been given the notice at the following address: Common Clerk's Office 15 Market Square, City Hall Building, 8"' Floor P. O. Box 1971 Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 4L1 Telephone: 506- 658 -2862 Telecopier: 506- 674 -4214 Notes: 1. A notice that is not appealed within fourteen (14) days after having been given the notice shall be deemed to be confirmed. 93 appropriee). Veuillez faire parvenir votre Avis d'appel par courrier recommande au secretaire de The City of Saint John dans les quatorze (14) jours qui suivent la notification de 1'avis a l'adresse suivante : Bureau du greffier communal 15 Market Square, Edifice de 116tel de ville, 8e 6tage Case postale 1971 Saint John (Nouveau- Brunswick) E2L 4L1 Telephone: 506- 658 -2862 T616copieur: 506- 674 -4214 Notes : 1. Un avis dont it n'est pas intetW appel dans les quatorze (14) jours qui suivent la notification de 1'avis est r6put6e confirm6. -3- 2. On an appeal, the Saint John Substandard Properties Appeal Committee shall hold a hearing into the matter at which the owner(s) or occupier(s) bringing the appeal has (have) a right to be heard and may be represented by counsel. 3. On an appeal, the Saint John Substandard Properties Appeal Committee may confirm, modify or rescind the notice or extend the time for complying with the notice. 4. The Saint John Substandard Properties Appeal Committee shall provide a copy of its decision to the owner(s) or occupier(s) of the premises, building or structure who brought the appeal within fourteen (14) days after making its decision. 5. The owner(s) or occupier(s) provided with a copy of a decision from the Saint John Substandard Properties - Appeal Committee may appeal the decision to a judge of The Court of Queen's Bench of New Brunswick within fourteen (14) days after the copy of the decision was provided to the owner(s) or occupier(s) on the grounds that (a) the procedure required to be followed by the Municipalities Act was not followed, or (b) the decision is patently unreasonable. ., 2. Lors d'un Appel, le Comite d'appel des proprietes inferieures aux normes de Saint John doit tenir, sur le point en litige, une audience au cours de laquelle le(s) propri&taire(s) ou 1'occupant(s) qui inter ette(nt) appel a (ont) le droit d'etre entendu(s) et peut(vent) se faire representer par un avo cat. 3. Lors d'un appel, le Comite d'appel des proprietes inferieures aux normes de Saint John peut confrmer, modifier ou annuler 1'avis ou proroger le delai pour s'y conformer. 4. Le Comite d'appel des proprietes inferieures aux normes de Saint John doit fournir une copie de sa decision au(x) proprietaire(s) ou a 1'occupant(s) des lieux, du batiment ou de la construction qui lui a(ont) intedete appel dans les quatorze (14) jours suivant la date a laquelle it a rendu sa decision. 5. Le(s) proprietaire(s) ou l'occupant(s) a qui une copie d'une dicision a dte fournie par le Comite d'appel des propridtds inferieures aux normes de Saint John peut(vent), dans les quatorze (14) jours qui suivent, inteteter appel de la decision devant un juge de la Cour du Banc de la Reine du Nouveau - Brunswick au motif que (a) la ddmarche A suivre en vertu de la Loi sur les municipalites n'a pas ete suivie, ou (b) la decision est manifestement deraisonnable. EJ I Ilk C , n 55-57 Victoria Street, Saint John, NB m AA Street, Saj I gyp. I � � -1 t v rk lk alL C"'.� A SO lit 55 -57 Victoria Street, Saint John, iB ��'" R _ 13:32 55 -57 Victoria Street, Saint John, NB 4 r� 40'; 5 Common Council Orientation Ken Forrest Commissioner June 25, 2012 100 F AO "renewing places to live, work, and invest" r4 -- SAINT JOHN F AO Community Phannirkg & Development Servke Heritage Conserv-at an Service Rermittn,-, & Inspe<rti ci n Service By -Lave Enforcement Service D ve,?opment Support (;e€igraphie Information Systems (GI' S' Total Staffing Complement Total Operating Budget Total Revenues Net Budget Growth and Development qqM 37 FTE $9,756,518 $3,068,715 $6,687)803 Departmental revenues cover 31 % of the gross budget. 102 SAINT JOHN rA Staff Budget Revenues Net Budget 12 FTE* $1,483,282 $143,000 $1)3407282 *3 FTE are administrative for multiple divisions Ultimately, this service is about the creating a better future for Saint John. Service is broken out into 2 functions: • Policy Planning • Current Planning SAINT JOHN 1 P&W & OUR CITY-OUR FUTURE NOTRE ALE-NOTRE AYfhfIR 3.a S-- Sllh I.pd.tun a• veWon <r Iiywlvr. Se. Rr.A.nRt aou n.nrrer.Ia Aoslemnru u. xou -xPlx wAnax�,l,rin u. mnamx BILL PROJET DE LOI 61 61 lt,& W S,r D.Ilrrry Ao I.I.R. Y Pr. d.. "r k. rigs —, Rnd f l u— W, 30.2012 P w, Ircrwr: lv 30"2012 Rr.d wewd uwe l,mvnbs RnA mini Arnr Ueuxkme loaur<. tOnM: Tmiciimr I..A.n: HON. DRAG[ IIt'CB 11,11— RRIICPw- FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS OF PLAN SAINT JOHN City of Saint John P�tn$J HESISON cnn. i,r i, FA—, 201 I Fj 080000 I % PLANSI, OUR NEW MUNICIPAL PLAN IS MOVING FORWARD. NOUS ALLONS DE UAVANT AVEC PLANSJ, MOVINC IOMARD I AILEA DE rAVANl NOTRE NOUVEAU PLAN MUNICIPAL. SAINT JOHN 1 REVIEW OF DEVELOPMENT FINANCIAL INCENTIVES City of Saint John HEMSON C--h—, Ltd. I— 2010 Play � Recres] PLANNING FEES REVIEW City of Saint John HEMSONConsult— eta. j—, _1110 SAINT JOHN 1 • Current Planning refers to the administration of the Community Planning Act including the implementation of the Municipal Plan, Zoning Bylaw, and the Subdivision Bylaw. Type of Application 2007 -2010 Average 2011 -2012 Average Plan Amendment 10 1 Rezoning /Section 39 40 35 Subdivision (PAC) 25 30 Variance (PAC) 105* 30 Variance (DO) 0* 45 Totals 180 141 • The Community Planning Act requires that the Development Officer review every building permit application. SAINT JOHN rA Staff Budget Revenues Net Budget 2 FTE $317,672 $10,000* (will $317)672 *Council did not approve fees be $0 in 2012) Conserves the built heritage of Saint John through a combination through regulation, professional advice, and public education. ALP- -T SAINT JOHN • Saint John has one of Canada's largest inventories of designated heritage properties (11 areas, 771 properties). • Over 110 permit applications are processed each year. • Available grant funding is now $90,000 per year. Challenges • Resourcing is a major challenge given the number of properties designated. • There is public concern about the level and extent of regulation. SAINT JOHN rA Staff Budget Revenues 3 FTE $372,287 Nil Work with developers to facilitate the installation of new community infrastructure to support growth. Take a long term view to ensure that municipal services and infrastructure meet the City's future needs and that the public interest is protected. SAINT JOHN W Specific areas of responsibility include: • Managing the development of new infrastructure; • Natural gas and utility approvals; • Water & Sewerage and Excavation Permits; • Right of way reinstatements; • The inspection of services as they are installed; and • Maintenance of infrastructure records and customer service. Challenges • The City's requirements need to be further refined and documented. • Climate change and drainage issues require a more comprehensive approach to storm water management. SAINT JOHN rA Staff Budget Revenues Net Budget 10 FTE $960,142 $1,225,400 ($265,258) Supports health and safety of citizens by ensuring construction and occupancy meets minimum acceptable standards as established by the National Building and Plumbing Codes and related by -laws. 0 Focus is on life safety issues. Goal is voluntary compliance. SAINT JOHN W The City issues building permits and plumbing permits and provides inspections in support of each. Each year... — 1,615 building and plumbing permits issued — 12,550 inspections conducted — 450 enforcement cases addressed — 520 violation letters issued Challenges New provincial Building Code Act and regulations will necessitate a major Building Bylaw review. — Adoption of a new building code and energy code will require extensive staff training. ALP- -T SAINT JOHN r AO I i Staff Budget Revenues Net Budget 6 FTE $575)330 $38,000 $537)330 Supports a safe and healthy community and an enhanced quality of life. Focus on life safety issues. Goal is voluntary compliance. SAINT JOHN F AO Dangerous and Vacant Buildings $137,341 — 130 active cases and 47 cases resolved — 440 inspections and 12 Notices to Comply Minimum Property Standards $269,646 — 660 inspections , 300 active cases, 35 Notices to Comply — 12 court appearance (2011 - $22,020 in fines) Other By -laws $168,343 — Unsightly premises, Zoning, Heritage, Animal Control — 385 active cases Challenges — The caseload for dangerous and vacant buildings is increasing. The service is focussed on life safety issues. The level of enforcement on zoning and other bylaw infractions is limited. SAINT JOHN rA W Staff Budget Revenues Net Budget 2 IFTE $2851314 $37,500 $2471814 Provides the data, mapping, and spatial analysis required to support all service delivery in Saint John. • An important source of information about the community that is heavily used by residents, developers, and others. ---I Growth and Development 115 SAINT JOHN W • Coordinates spatial information collection projects for City departments and maintains the City's spatial information datasets. • Maintains the City's Enterprise GIS for employee use and produces maps for City departments. • Maintains the Maps and Air Photos section of the City's web site for public use. • Responds to public and employee enquiries regarding mapping and geographic information and fulfills data requests. • Provides spatial analysis services to City departments. • Assigns official civic addresses, maintains the official street list for the City of Saint John and ensures street names meet NB 911 guidelines. SAINT JOHN Economic Development Service - City Market - Enterprise SJ - Trade and Convention Centre - Harbour Station Industrial Park Service Tourism Service Urban Redevelopment $2,183,237 $300,000 1 FTE $845,000 $27343)939 - SJ Development Corp. - Waterfront Development Corp. - Market Square, Common Area rA -r 117 SAINT JOHN Project Description With adoption of the new Municipal Plan (Plan SJ) in January 2012, the critical next step under the Community Planning Act is enactment of a new Zoning By -law. The Zoning By -law is the key tool in implementing the Land Use Vision and Policy Framework established in the Municipal Plan and its importance is highlighted by the fact that 111 of the 507 policies contained in the new Municipal Plan outline implementation initiatives specific to the Zoning By -law or issues within the scope of the Zoning By -law. The last comprehensive review of the City's current Zoning By -law was in 1983 and it is time to revise the document to ensure it meets the community's vision for future development established in PlanSJ. The new Zoning By -law will build on the key tenets of the Municipal Plan including: • Establishing zoning to promote growth in existing serviced areas. • Promoting a greater variety of housing choice. • Incorporating best practices in zoning for industrial and commercial developments which seek to minimize impacts on adjacent land uses and allow for continued economic development. • Promoting a greater mix of supporting land uses to create complete communities and increased density to support transit demand. • Promoting increased consideration of urban design principles in new developments. • Improving standards for environmental protection. Development of the new Zoning By -law will incorporate principles of the Plan SJ process including community engagement, leading edge best practices, and effective implementation and monitoring techniques. A Zoning By -law sets out what activities and land uses can occur on properties within the City and also sets standards for where buildings and structures are located on properties through criteria such as setbacks from streets and property lines. Sizes of buildings and structures are also regulated along with site design criteria such as landscaping and parking requirements. In conjunction with the Zoning By -law review, Staff will also undertake a series of amendments to the Subdivision By -law to align the Subdivision By -law with the land use vision established in the new Municipal Plan. These amendments will focus on critical issues to implement PlanSJ such as lot creation in rural areas. Following completion of the new Zoning By -law and Corporate Reorganization, Staff will focus on a comprehensive update to the Subdivision By -law to clearly outline standards for new subdivision development such as infrastructure design and servicing. In addition, staff will review the Department's public engagement process used for planning applications. Progress Status Report Under the provisions of the Community Planning Act, municipalities have between 12 and 24 months to adopt a new Zoning By -law following adoption of a Municipal Plan. The process began in January 2012 with the adoption of PlanSJ and is targeted for completion in mid -2013 with adoption of the new Zoning By -law. A Public Open House was held in March 2012 to officially launch the project and focused on building awareness about the scope of the By -law and the process to complete the new Zoning By -law. This event provided the opportunity to begin to solicit input from the Community. Staff have begun developing a series of new land use 118 SAINT JOHN zones and other by -law content based on best practices within Canada and North America. As with the PlanSJ process, public engagement will be an integral component of the development of the new by -law. Next Steps and Deliverables Over the course of the summer, staff will be developing by -law content focusing on land use zones and related development standards. This will include the creation of a series of land use zones for the City and zone- specific standards such as lot dimensions and setbacks, density and building height. Work will also commence on developing general provisions relating to all land uses including parking standards, signage standards, standards for environmental protection, local agriculture, landscaping, access requirements and standards relating to specific land uses such as home occupations. This information will be presented to the Community at a Public Open House planned for September 2012 and consultation will also occur with development industry stakeholders. Building on the extensive Community Engagement that was a component of the new Municipal Plan, the Zoning By -law Review will also include Public Open Houses, stakeholder focus groups, website programming, social media, a Public Review period for the Draft Zoning By -law and content in the City's citizen newsletter, Insight. Input from the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) will be used over the course of the project. This approach will allow for input from a "Citizen -at- large" steering committee familiar with the delivery of planning in Saint John. This approach will also provide for a learning opportunity for Committee members with respect to the technical foundation underlying the by -law standards. Following the Community consultations in September, Staff will work towards incorporating input from the consultations into a refined document that will form a Draft By -law for public review and comment. The draft will be reviewed by City Legal Staff and then presented to the Public at a Public Open House in early -2013. This community engagement event will initiate a 30 -day Public Comment period prior to the legislated adoption process under the Community Planning Act. Staff will incorporate relevant public comments received during the 30 -day comment period and then translate the document into French. The deliverable for this stage will be the final Zoning By -law to be adopted in accordance with the Community Planning Act. The required adoption process under the Community Planning Act will include referral of the proposed By -law to the Planning Advisory Committee by Common Council along with the required Public Hearing and three readings to the Zoning By -law at Common Council. The final deliverable will be adoption of the new Zoning By -law scheduled for mid -2013. Budget / Resourcing Staffing for the project will be from in -house Planning and Development staff, building on the capacity and expertise that was developed in the Plan SJ process. Financial resources totalling approximately $200,000 are budgeted over the course of the project to cover items such as expenses for the Public Engagement component, translation, advertising and external data requirements. The vast majority of the financial resources dedicated to this project will be invested in communications and public engagement to ensure that residents and property owners are fully involved in the development of the new by -law. 119 SAINT JOHN Common Council Briefing Report — Dangerous and Vacant Buildings The Saint John Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings and Structures By -law adopts section 190 of the Municipalities Act, which includes the following sections: 190.01(1.1) No person shall permit a building or structure owned or occupied by him or her to become a hazard to the safety of the public by reason of being vacant or unoccupied. (amended June 2011) 190.01(2) No person shall permit a building or structure owned or occupied by him or her to become a hazard to the safety of the public by reason of dilapidation or unsoundness of structural strength. If one or both of these conditions exist, inspectors will first send a series of violation letters to gain compliance (this is practice, but not required by the Act /By -law). If compliance is not forthcoming, or the condition is such that it needs immediate attention, a formal Notice to Comply is issued. A detailed inspection report signed by an engineer in our office is attached to the notice. The notice also requires a legal title search, to be in the form prescribed by legislation, and review by the City Solicitor's Office. It is served to the owner(s) of the property and /or posted at the property and is also registered at the SNB Land Registry Office. The Notice requires compliance, either repair or demolition, within a specified period of time (depending on the severity of the condition). Property owners can appeal to the Saint John Substandard Appeals Committee within 14 days of being served a Notice to Comply. If the Notice is not complied with, the City has a number of enforcement tools available to it: • Lay a charge in Provincial Court (fines range from $240 - $10,200 — can charge daily fine), • Issue a violation ticket ($240), • Repair or demolish the building or structure (demolish is the only option if it complies to 190.01(2)). The City often chooses to demolish the buildings to eliminate the hazard to the safety of the public, even if they only comply to 190.01(1.1). A ticket or Provincial Court proceeding does not necessarily eliminate the hazard, but results in fines to the owner only. If the recommendation is to demolish the building, Common Council is presented with the case, and makes the decision whether or not to proceed with demolition. Once approved, staff arranges for demolition and cleanup of the property by a qualified contractor hired in compliance with the Policy for the Procurement of Goods, Services, and Construction. Again, following policy, the demolition invoice is paid and the owner is billed the full amount. If the owner does not pay, the City requests reimbursement by the Province of New Brunswick; the amount is typically reimbursed with the March transfer payments from PNB and the outstanding amount is then added to the property tax bill. Costs of Program 2012: Staffing: Wages and Benefits $106,137 0.35 Management Goods and Services 31,203 0.56 Technical (Local 486) $137,341 0.30 Administrative (Local 486) *Not included in costs are Legal resources, which is a significant contribution 120 SAINT JOHN Statistics (from 2011 *): Service level for 2012 8 cases resolved / year Number of inspections 440 Number of cases 133 Number of violation letters 173 Number of Notices to Comply 12 Number of demolitions (by owner or City) 26 Number of repairs (by owner) 21 Number of vacant buildings to date (this changes weekly) 99 *Note — 2011 stats include efforts from enhanced program with additional resources Staff monitors the vacant buildings on a regular basis to inspect the condition of the buildings and to check if the condition has deteriorated or the building is open to the public. Appropriate letters are sent and personal contact is made with property owners, if possible. Detailed inspections are conducted and inspection reports are written. Staff coordinates efforts with the Fire department, if possible. Buildings are categorized with use of a detailed matrix system that is used to prioritize buildings. Buildings of greatest concern are dealt with first. High priority buildings are those that are structurally unsound, open to the public, have been vandalized and /or set on fire, are close to schools, community centres, playgrounds, priority neighbourhoods, have been abandoned, etc. Since legislation was amended in June 2011 to include a wider range of conditions of buildings that would be applicable to the by -law, the department saw a significant increase in the number of new cases — 42. The number of buildings that apply to the legislation /by -law are higher now that the legislation has been broadened to include vacant and unoccupied buildings (regardless if they are structurally unsound or not). Through enhanced efforts in 2011, 44 buildings were removed from the vacant building list. Enhanced Enforcement Program (mid -2011 to early -2012) In 2011, Council added resources to the program budget ($185,000) to enhance the program to deliver a service level of 15 cases resolved / year. A new staff person was hired in July 2011 and was laid off in February 2012. In the 7 months of the enhanced program, 15 Notices were issued (5 buildings were demolished by the City, 4 were demolished by the owner, 6 were repaired by the owner). As a result of the enhanced enforcement actions prior to issuing formal Notices to Comply, 10 buildings were demolished by the owner. Total results for the 7 month enhanced program are 19 demolitions and 6 repairs. Many other buildings were repaired by the owners without having received a notice by the City. From July 1, 2011 — December 31, 2011, the enhanced program cost $81,000 (this included the cost for 4 demolitions, for which the City will be reimbursed). Respectfully Submitted, Amy Poffenroth, PEng MBA Deputy Commissioner 121 SAINT JOHN Questions from Council June 4, 2012 and Frequently Asked Questions: 1. Can the City take title of the property? a. There is no authority for the City to take ownership of these properties either before or after demolition without purchasing it outright from the owners 2. Is there a time limit that a property owner can have a vacant building before they have to do repair /demolish it? a. There is no authority to put a time limit on the length of time a building can be vacant; however, the longer a building is vacant, the higher it is considered on the priority setting matrix. The issue of time limit was considered by PNB when passing legislation amendments, and it was not approved. 3. Does the City always get reimbursed by the Province if it demolished a building? a. In all but one case, the City has been reimbursed by the Province for the full amount of demolition. Since 2009, 11 demolitions were reimbursed by the Province, for a total of $91,000. In the one case that was not reimbursed, the property was in the process of a tax sale, which caused the Province not to reimburse. Since that case, processes have been modified in consultation with the tax sale office of PNB so this situation will not happen again. 4. Can the City facilitate the sale of the property? a. It could be argued that it would be inappropriate or acting in bad faith for the City to, on the one hand, pursue enforcement actions against a property while facilitating a property sale. It is not the role of the City to assist property owners with the sale of their properties. 5. Can City crews carry out the demolition in order to save on costs? a. This is specialized work that is more appropriate to be carried out by qualified demolition contractors with appropriate training, experience, equipment and insurance. Having city crews do the work would take away from them carrying out their core services. Where the City gets reimbursed for the full cost of demolition, it is more efficient to outsource this work and have city crews focus on their core service areas. 6. What happens to the vacant land? a. The property, vacant after a demolition, is still owned by the property owner to rebuild, sell, or leave as is. Ideas for how to encourage development will be brought forward to Council later in the year. 7. Why are the program costs what they are? a. 77% of the program costs are wages and benefits. The rest of the budget is goods and services, including costs for demolitions, appeal hearings, service of documents, etc. 8. What costs can / cannot be recovered? a. Full demolition costs can be recovered, including permit fees and tipping /dumping fees. Costs to register documents can also be recovered. Staff time cannot be recovered. 122 SAINT JOHN Common Council Orientation Phil Ouellette Intergovernmental Affairs Coordinator June 25, 2012 123 ?I The Intergovernmental Affairs Office advances the City's financial and policy interests by pursuing opportunities and addressing priorities of the community. Budget: $143,151 (includes one FTE) Human Resources Service Corporate Planning Service Intergovernmental i Affairs Service Corporate Communications Service Information Technology Systems Service SAINT JOHN Economic Environment Integrated Community Sustainability Plan Governance 4z�. <�;r <3, Q Plan Saint Council Corporate John Priorities Strategic Infrastructure Social Plan Our Saint John: Community Vision and Goals 125 IGA Plan SAINT JOHN rA I Environmental Scan Administrative Recommendations IGA Files SAINT JOHN rAP-M INTERVIEWS ■ City of Saint John staff ■ IGA Coordinators from other municipalities ■ Fed /Prov Public Servants ■ Elected Officials ■ Government Relations Experts Communuity Partners SAINT JOHN rA Threat Opportunity I Weakness Strength Risk damaging trust and credibility Limited external funding Advance City priorities with municipal associations and multilateral cooperation Transactional and reactive relationships Weak flow of IGA information between Council and City Staff 128 Strong reputation for project manag- ement History of effective policy and financial coordination with external partners r� -� SAINT JOHN IM. • Continue investigation orientated Action Plan IOL I* AW 4 5 and build high - performing and result Construct sustainable intergovernmental infrastructure and office solutions Facilitate exchange of information on intergovernmental files across structure of City of Saint John • Facilitate exchange of information on intergovernmental files between City of Saint John and external entities • Develop issue - specific action plans for key intergovernmental objectives J Strategic Services 129 SAINT JOHN rA FINANCIA�.Mj 1001 - Orr Safe, Clean Drinking Water Saint John Pension Reform Ir Implementation of Plan Saint John Road Infrastructure Action Plan for a New Local Governance System SAINT JOHN Tat JOBS AGENDA Wednesday March 21-,2012 City of Saint John Council Chamber New l oca16 1 * 1 Intrastructwo 2nd Session. 57th Legislarurr _ Canada New11. ,i,k J �unswick 60 -61 Elizabeth II. _011 -Sc112 2nd Session. 57th Legislature New Brunswick 60-61 Elizabeth IL 2011-2012 BILL 68 An A,,,. Repeal the 6:30 pm -7:00 pm C ir, of Saint John Pension .art Welcoming attendees into Council Chambers q;'°sh 700 pm -7:05 pm Welcoming Remarks PhblOuellette Read Srst ume luue 1.?Ol? 7:05 pm -7:15 pm ^ mor,e,�Z* Me'"'ae me }^rm,s'ds pa old EleetlonsNew Brunswick Michael Quinn Read second time: Daigle, Richard 7:15 pm– 7:25 pm Department of LocalGovernme nt Stephenflont Committee. 7:25 pm -7:35 pm City of Saint John, Solid ROr's Office Melanie Tompl Read third time -. 7:35 pm -7:45 pm City of Saint John, Office ofthe Common Clerk Elizabeth Gorn 7:45 pm -8:00 pm Questions/Wrap-up Ph II Oue Ilette 8:00 pm -8:30 pm HON. 11ARIE- CLAL'DE BL9LS, Q.0 Kiosksin lobby 57• legislature Noas'raa- Brunswick 60 -61 Elizabeth H. 2011 -2012 PROJET DE LOI 68 Lot ab,.geam la Loi snr le regime de retraite de la sill, de Saint John Premiere I— : le I• join 2012 Deuneme lecture, Comite Trotveme lecture: L'HON. ]L4RIE- ClA.UDE RIAIS, c.r. Light refreshments will be oroiloble in the lobby of the Council Chamber oJrer tree pzesenwoona. I spa q r• g.� 1a 31 BILL 61 Regional Senice Delivery Act st time: Mav30.2012 ram tip nee: led tin- 'on 51, legisbamre Nooreau- Bronswick 60 -61 Elzabeth M 2011 -2012 PROJET DE LOI 61 Loi sur la prestatlon de services regionam Premiere lec ure le JO mas'01? Deaveme lecnne Commie: Troineme lecture HON. BRUCE FITCH L'HON. BRUCE FITCH panes: .of -Way Z 11_.S aeX�i"te q;'°sh <or 'C ^PFe�yi ^ „4pW M ^tyy .apyra /l �'. r^vz yy tsg W,�,� ^ mor,e,�Z* Me'"'ae me }^rm,s'ds pa old ° �,.< SAINT JOHN "a. a ,aa',b._. rA 1. Regular briefing material 2. Support for participation in municipal associations (FCM and CNBA) 3. Biennial Environmental Scan 4. Government Relations and External Partnerships Plan to support Council Priorities 5. Annual submissions to pre- budget consultations 6. Track /monitor intergovernmental priorities 7. Support effort to access external funding 8. Departmental coordination and capacity building 9. Orchestrate intergovernmental meetings and responses Strategic 132 SAINT JOHN rA 1. Connect with City Manager if you have a meeting with a major external partner (support through briefing material) 2. Update City Manager and fellow Council Members on information collected during meetings with external partners I Regularly update and connect with federal /provincial elected officials 4. Support a coordinated approach to intergovernmental affairs 5. Commitment to priorities established by Council 6. Consider best practices Strategic Services 133 SAINT JOHN • Focus and discipline on key priorities • Strategic and intentional intergovernmental relationships • Interest -based partnerships / Shared priorities • Seek advice from administration, and updates on intergovernmental files • Political + Political / Public Service + Public Service • Council is the ultimate spokesperson and ambassador on intergovernmental priorities • Respect jurisdictional boundaries • Appreciate difference between municipal governance and fed /provincial governance 134 SAINT JOHN • Internal /External marketing of intergovernmental capacity of City of Saint John • Upcoming briefing on Action Plan for a New Local Governance System in New Brunswick • Setting of Council priorities • Government Relations and External Partnerships Plan • Regular briefing /updating... Strategic 135 SAINT JOHN Phil Ouellette Intergovernmental Affairs Coordinator phil.oueilettec�saintjohn.ca 658 -4022 136 SAINT JOHN Common Council Orientation Greg Yeomans Commissioner Finance and Administrative Services June 25, 2012 137 rA i1el a 0 1 pyi • Introduction • Legislative Responsibilities • Budget — Operating versus Capital — General Fund versus Water and Sewerage Utility • Debt and its Relation to Capital • Pension Funding • Municipal Comparatives 138 SAINT JOHN r AO • Municipalities Act — S 74 (2) The council of every municipality shall appoint a clerk, a treasurer and an auditor. — S 77 (1) The treasurer is the Chief Financial and Accounting Officer of the municipality. — S 87 (1)The fiscal year of every municipality is the calendar year. — S 89 (1) Subject to this section and the Municipal Capital Borrowing Act, a municipality may borrow money for municipal purposes. — S 89 (2) to S (89) 7 contains the parameters related to municipal borrowing 139 SAINT JOHN F AO • Municipalities Act — S 189 — Utility Commissions — Where under this Act a municipality provides • (a) water, or • (b) a sanitary sewerage system, — the municipality shall construct, operate and maintain such service or utility on a user charge basis, which may be established on an amortized basis as to the municipality shall seem fit, and may establish a separate or joint rate therefore. 140 SAINT JOHN rA • Operating budget — Relates to the expenditures required to run the business on a day to day basis • Wages and benefits • Utilities — telephones, electricity, water • Vehicle — fuel, maintenance, tires, parts • Snow removal — salt, sand • Debt service costs — principal, interest, other • Grants to related entities • Capital Budget — Relates to the expenditures required to build infrastructure 141 SAINT JOHN F AO • General fund — Revenues and expenditures related to the following services: • Growth and Development • Urban Environment • Transportation and Environment Services • Administrative Services • Strategic Services • Water & Sewerage Utility — Revenues and expenditures related to the following services: • Saint John Water • Administrative Services 142 SAINT JOHN Growth & Planning Neighbourhood Roadway Drinking Financial Human Services Improvement Maintenance Water Management Resources Permitting g Recreation and Sidewalk Industrial Pension Corporate P Inspection Services Cultural Programming Maintenance Water Administration Planning Development Fire and Rescue Pedestrian and Traffic Asset Intergovernmental Support Services Management L`a a ste :`;ate r Management Affairs Geographic Emergency Stormwater Utility Business Corporate Information Systems Management Management Management Communications Solid Waste Information Technolog,� Collection Systems Engineering Parks and Public Spaces 01— 7„ jr SAINT JOHN F AO • Capital is the expenditure of money for the acquisition of tangible capital assets (PSAB) • There are several methods to fund capital expenditures — Contributions from 3rd parties — Contributions from the operating fund — Borrowing (debt) 144 SAINT JOHN F AO CAPITAL BUDGET Transportation Recreation Transit Others Sub-Total Peel Plaza TOTAL Contributions from Others Contributions from Prov. of NB for Peel Plaza Sub-Total Net cost of capital to be borrowed ACTUAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 12,240,000 21,790,000 9,034,000 12,459,528 5,741,000 1,879,190 11,105,000 2,460,000 600,000 1,260,000 10,000,000 24,577,000 600,000 150,000 1,100,000 36,047,513 20,312,900 15,786,100 6,311,000 7,929,302 11,931,538 60,166,703 77,784,900 27,880,100 19,520,528 16,030,302 5,658,167 20,972,803 6,902,934 60,166,703 77,784,900 33,538,267 40,493,331 22,933,236 - 19,795,000 - 26,782,000 - 11,969,000 - 7,485,528 - 4,814,202 - 3,979,044 - 19,795,000 - 26,782,000 - 11,969,000 - 7,485,528 - 8,793,246 40,371,703 51,002,900 21,569,267 33,007,803 14,139,990 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 (Y -T -D) 23,848,867 27,878,550 31,836,681 31,104,919 11,931,538 SAINT JOHN r AO Opening Balance Borrowings Spring Fall Total Borrowings Payments - Principal Ending Balance Assessment Base Current year borrowings as a percent of assessment base Total outstanding debt as a percent of assessment base 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 52,390,700 58,726,600 73,364,000 79,864,000 102,528,000 8,500,000 14,000,000 15,000,000 27,000,000 5,500,000 8,500,000 4,500,000 38,200,000 14,000,000 22,500,000 15,000,000 31,500,000 38,200,000 7,664,100 7,862,600 8,500,000 8,836,000 10,298,000 58,726,600 73,364,000 79,864,000 102,528,000 130,430,000 4,329,841,900 4,751,846,100 5,074,214,300 5,290,304,496 5,565,280,704 0.32% 0.47% 0.30% 0.60% 0.69% 1.36% 1.54% 1.57% 1.94% 2.34% fr -7„ jr 146 SAINT JOHN rA Total Expenses 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Debenture Principal 7,664,100 7,862,600 8,500,000 8,836,000 10,298,000 Debenture Interest 2,617,622 2,974,894 3,460,512 3,943,894 4,219,951 Other debt charges 451,238 517,011 613,643 913,967 1,162,396 Total Fiscal Charges 10,732,960 11,354,505 12,574,155 13,693,861 15,680,347 Total Expenses 118,361,926 126,175,260 135,069,648 139,820,873 144,642,653 Debt Service Ratio 9.07% 9.00% 9.31% 9.79% 10.84% SAINT JOHN rA CAPITAL BUDGET Harbour Clean -up Program Infrastructure Renewal - Sanitary Infrastructure Renewal - Water Water Service Needs Safe, Clean Drinking Water Watershed Protection TOTAL Contributions from Others Net cost of capital to be borrowed ACTUAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 36,150,000 27,675,000 22,880,000 25,760,000 6,503,500 1,990,000 3,185,000 1,705,000 4,575,000 2,365,000 5,675,000 4,080,000 4,295,000 1,615,000 4,930,000 770,000 12,955,000 18,642,334 16,765,000 18,557,635 14,815,000 1,420,000 5,059,135 550,000 800,000 550,000 400,000 600,000 45,135,000 48,695,000 44,245,000 33,770,000 19,457,635 - 24,100,000 - 26,620,000 - 25,602,666 - 17,005,000 - 900,000 21,035,000 22,075,000 18,642,334 16,765,000 18,557,635 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 (Y -T -D) 9,994,413 26,208,682 53,290,541 33,329,059 16,166,980 1M -7„ jr SAINT JOHN Opening Balance Borrowings Spring Fall Total Borrowings Payments - Principal Ending Balance 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 45,307,000 45,504,000 46,279,000 45,832,000 61,448,000 2,500,000 1,500,000 5,000,000 14,000,000 3,500,000 5,000,000 7,000,000 28,000,000 6,000,000 6,500,000 5,000,000 21,000,000 28,000,000 5,803,000 5,725,000 5,447,000 5,384,000 6,010,000 45,504,000 46,279,000 45,832,000 61,448,000 83,438,000 fr -7„ jr 149 SAINT JOHN rA 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Debenture Principal 5,803,000 5,725,000 5,447,000 5,384,000 6,010,000 Debenture Interest 2,167,168 2,160,790 2,208,148 2,370,401 3,069,056 Other debt charges 325,627 188,502 374,995 608,582 690,000 Total 8,295,795 8,074,292 8,030,143 8,362,983 9,769,056 Capital from Operating 2,898,392 5,605,034 5,605,000 6,421,500 5,605,000 Total W &S Utility Expenses 28,946,350 32,013,019 33,491,745 35,287,310 36,927,000 Debt service costs as a percent of 28.66% 25.22% 23.98% 23.70% 26.46% Total Expenses SAINT JOHN r AO Thank you Questions? 151 SAINT JOHN CAPITAL BUDGET Transportation Recreation Transit Others Sub -Total Peel Plaza TOTAL Contributions from Others Contributions from Prov. of NB for Peel Plaza Sub -Total Net cost of capital to be borrowed ACTUAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 12,240,000 21,790,000 9,034,000 12,459,528 5,741,000 1,879,190 11,105,000 2,460,000 600,000 1,260,000 10,000,000 24,577,000 600,000 150,000 1,100,000 36,047,513 20,312,900 15,786,100 6,311,000 7,929,302 60,166,703 77,784,900 27,880,100 19,520,528 16,030,302 5,658,167 20,972,803 6,902,934 60,166,703 77,784,900 33,538,267 40,493,331 22,933,236 - 19,795,000 - 26,782,000 - 11,969,000 - 7,485,528 - 4,814,202 -3,979,044 - 19,795,000 - 26,782,000 - 11,969,000 - 7,485,528 - 8,793,246 40,371,703 51,002,900 21,569,267 33,007,803 14,139,990 2008 23,848,867 2009 27,878,550 2010 31,836,681 2011 31,104,919 2012 (Y -T -D) 11,931,538 152 Opening Balance Borrowings Spring Fall Total Borrowings Payments - Principal Ending Balance Assessment Base Current year borrowings as a percent of assessment base Total outstanding debt as a percent of assessment base 2008 52,390,700 2009 58,726,600 2010 73,364,000 2011 79,864,000 2012 102,528,000 8,500,000 14,000,000 15,000,000 27,000,000 5,500,000 8,500,000 4,500,000 38,200,000 14,000,000 22,500,000 15,000,000 31,500,000 38,200,000 7,664,100 7,862,600 8,500,000 8,836,000 10,298,000 58,726,600 73,364,000 79,864,000 102,528,000 130,430,000 4,329,841,900 4,751,846,100 5,074,214,300 5,290,304,496 5,565,280,704 0.32% 0.47% 0.30% 0.60% 0.69% 1.36% 1.54% 1.57% 1.94% 2.34% 153 154 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Debenture Principal 7,664,100 7,862,600 8,500,000 8,836,000 10,298,000 Debenture Interest 2,617,622 2,974,894 3,460,512 3,943,894 4,219,951 Other debt charges 451,238 517,011 613,643 913,967 1,162,396 Total Fiscal Charges 10,732,960 11,354,505 12,574,155 13,693,861 15,680,347 Total Expenses 118,361,926 126,175,260 135,069,648 139,820,873 144,642,653 Debt Service Ratio 9.07% 9.00% 9.31% 9.79% 10.84% 154 CAPITAL BUDGET Harbour Clean -up Program Infrastructure Renewal - Sanitary Infrastructure Renewal - Water Water Service Needs Safe, Clean Drinking Water Watershed Protection TOTAL Contributions from Others Net cost of capital to be borrowed ACTUAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 36,150,000 27,675,000 22,880,000 25,760,000 6,503,500 1,990,000 3,185,000 1,705,000 4,575,000 2,365,000 5,675,000 4,080,000 4,295,000 1,615,000 4,930,000 770,000 12,955,000 2010 2011 2012 (Y -T -D) 9,994,413 26,208,682 14,815,000 1,420,000 5,059,135 550,000 800,000 550,000 400,000 600,000 45,135,000 48,695,000 44,245,000 33,770,000 19,457,635 - 24,100,000 - 26,620,000 - 25,602,666 - 17,005,000 - 900,000 21,035,000 22,075,000 18,642,334 16,765,000 18,557,635 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 (Y -T -D) 9,994,413 26,208,682 53,290,541 33,329,059 16,166,980 155 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Opening Balance 45,307,000 45,504,000 46,279,000 45,832,000 61,448,000 Borrowings Spring 2,500,000 1,500,000 5,000,000 14,000,000 Fall 3,500,000 5,000,000 7,000,000 28,000,000 Total Borrowings 6,000,000 6,500,000 5,000,000 21,000,000 28,000,000 Payments - Principal 5,803,000 5,725,000 5,447,000 5,384,000 6,010,000 Ending Balance 45,504,000 46,279,000 45,832,000 61,448,000 83,438,000 156 Debt service costs as a percent of 28.66% 25.22% 23.98% 23.70% 26.46% Total Expenses 157 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Debenture Principal 5,803,000 5,725,000 5,447,000 5,384,000 6,010,000 Debenture Interest 2,167,168 2,160,790 2,208,148 2,370,401 3,069,056 Other debt charges 325,627 188,502 374,995 608,582 690,000 Total 8,295,795 8,074,292 8,030,143 8,362,983 9,769,056 Capital from Operating 2,898,392 5,605,034 5,605,000 6,421,500 5,605,000 Total W &S Utility Expenses 28,946,350 32,013,019 33,491,745 35,287,310 36,927,000 Debt service costs as a percent of 28.66% 25.22% 23.98% 23.70% 26.46% Total Expenses 157