2012-05-28_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourLL _ City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday, May 28, 2012 7:00 p.m. Council Chamber National Anthem Swearing in Programme Oaths of Office Call to Order — Prayer 1. Invocation by Rev. Melrose T. Norton 2. Election of Deputy Mayor 3. Address of the Mayor 4. Remarks by Councillors Adjournment City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le lundi 28 mai 2012 19 h Salle du conseil Hymne national Ceremonie D'Assermentation dans le Programme Serments professional Ouverture de la seance, suivie de la priere 1. Invocation du reverend Melrose T. Norton 2. Nomination du maire suppleant 3. Discours du maire 4. Commentaires formules par les conseillers Cloture de la seance 2 The city of saint John SWEARING IN OF COMMON COUNCIL PROGRAMME Monday, May 28th, 2012 1. National Anthem — Elizabeth Cormier 2. Oath of Office administered by the Honourable Justice B. Richard Bell, Court of Appeal to the Mayor -elect Mel K. Norton 3. Oath of Office administered by the Common Clerk Elizabeth Gormley to the Councillors -elect as follows: .Shirley A. McAlary . David J. Merrithew . Donnie Snook . Susan Fullerton . John C. Mackenzie . Dr. Shelley M. Rinehart . Ray Strowbridge . Donna Reardon . Greg Norton . William D. (Bill) Farren 4. Meeting called to Order 5. Invocation by Rev. Melrose T. Norton 6. Election of Deputy Mayor 7. Address of the Mayor 8. Remarks by Councillors 9. Adjournment 3 The City of Saint john On May 18, 1783 United Empire Loyalists landed on this ground and two years later Saint John by Royal Charter became Canada's first incorporated city. On this site was established the first City Hall. The present City Hall is dedicated to those who have gone before from their example may renewed faith be born- - From the Inscription in the lobby at City Hall 9 favors of Saint John from the V Incorporation of The City 1785 Appointed by Governor -in- Council Walter W. White, M.D. 1926 -1932 Gabriel G. Ludlow 1785 -1795 Thomas M. Reed 1870 -1874 James W. Brittain 1932 -1936 William Campbell p 1795 -1816 A. Chipman Smith 1874 -1877 D. Laurence MacLaren 1936 -1940 John Robinson * 1816 -1828 Sylvester Z. Earle 1877 -1879 Charles R. Wasson 1940 -1944 William Black 1828 -1829 Charles R. Ray 1879 -1881 James D. McKenna 1944 -1948 Lauchlan Donaldson 1829 -1832 Simeon Jones 1881 -1884 Ernest W. Patterson 1948 -1950 William Black 1832 -1833 James McGregor Grant 1884 -1885 George E. Howard 1950 -1952 John N. Wilmot 1833 -1834 J.S. Boies DeVeber 1885 -1887 Ernest W. Patterson 1952 -1954 Benjamin L. Peters 1834 -1835 Henry J. Thorne 1887 -1889 Gilbert B. Peat, M.D. 1954 -1956 William H. Street 1835 -1836 George A. Barker * 1889 I. Allen Jack (Recorder from death of William W. Macaulay 1956 -1958 John Robertson 1836 -1837 Geo. Barker July 6th until 9 Aug. 1889 D. Laurence MacLaren *, P.C., 1958 -1960 Robert F. Hazen 1837 -1840 under Charter provisions) James A. Whitebone 1960 William Black 1840 -1843 Elected by Citizens Eric L. Teed 1960 -1964 Lauchlan Donaldson 1843 -1847 W. Albert Lockhart 1889 -1891 Stephen Weyman, M.D. 1964 -1966 John R. Partelow 1847 -1848 Thomas W. Peters 1891 -1894 ,gym. L. Gould 1966 -1967 William H. Street 1848 -1849 George Robertson 1894 -1898 Joseph A. MacDougall, M.D. 1967 -1969 Robert D. Wilmot 1849 -1850 Edward Sears 1898 -1900 H. Avard Loomer* 1969 Henry Chubb 1850 -1851 John W. Daniel 1900 -1902 James E. Calvin 1969 -1971 Elected by Common Council Walter W White 1902 -1906 Robert Lockhart 1971 -1974 Thomas Harding 1851 -1852 Edward Sears 1906 -1908 Edis A. Flewwelling 1974 -1977 William O. Smith 1852 -1853 Thomas H. Bullock 1908 -1910 Samuel Davis 1977 -1980 James Olive 1853 -1854 James H. Frink 1910 -1916 Robert Lockhart 1980 -198 Elected by Citizens Robert T. Hayes 1916 -1920 Elsie E. Wayne 1983 -1994 James Olive 1854 -1855 E. Allan Schofield 1920 -1922 Thomas J. Higgins 1994 -1995 William O. Smith 1855 -1859 Harry R. McLellan 1922 Shirley McAlary 1995 -2004 Thomas McAvity 1859 -1863 G. Frederick Fisher 1922 -1924 Norm McFarlane 2004-2008 Isaac Woodward 1863 -1866 Frank L. Potts 1924 -1926 Ivan Court 2008-2012 Aaron Alward 1866 -1869 Mel K. Norton ** 2012 *n currently in Office *Died in lice 9 The City of Saint john CEREMONIE D'ASSERMENTATION DES MEMBRES DU CONSEIL COMMUNAL PROGRAMME Le lundi 28 mai 2012 19h 1. Hymne national — Elizabeth Cormier 2. L'honorable juge B. Richard Bell La Cour d'appel du Nouveau - Brunswick fait preter serment au maire elu Mel K. Norton. 3. Elizabeth Gormley, greffiere communale, fait preter serment individuelle- ment aux conseillers elus suivants Shirley A. McAlary David J. Merrithew Donnie Snook Susan Fullerton John C. MacKenzie Shelley M. Rinehart Ray Strowbridge Donna Reardon Greg Norton William D. (Bill) Farren 4. Ouverture de la reunion 5. Invocation du reverend Melrose T. Norton 6. Nomination du maire suppleant 7. Discours du maire 8. Commentaires formules par les conseillers 9. Cloture de la seance 5 "16 The qty of Saint John Le 18 mai 1783, les loyalistes de !'Empire -Uni ont pose le pied sur ces terr-es. Deux ans plus tard, en ver- tu de la Charte royale, la ville de Saint John, premiere ville constituee en corporation du Canada, voyait le jour. Le premier hotel de ville fut erige sur ce site. L'hotel de ville actuel fut erige en memoire de toes ceux qui nous ont precedes, afin que de leer exemple puisse naftre une foi nouvelle. - Tire de la plaque commemorative situee daps le foyer de !'hotel de ville. Maires de Saint John depuis la constitution de la. ville en 1785 Maires nommes par le gouverneur en Conseil Gabriel G. Ludlow 1785 -1795 William Campbell 1795 -1816 John Robinson* 1816 -1828 William Black 1828 -1829 Lauchlan Donaldson 1829 -1832 William Black 1832 -1833 John N. Wilmot 1833 -1834 Benjamin L. Peters 1834 -1835 William H. Street 1835 -1836 John Robertson 1836 -1837 Robert F. Hazen 1837 -1840 William Black 1840 -1843 Lauchlan Donaldson 1843 -1847 John R. Partelow 1847 -1848 William H. Street 1848 -1849 Robert D. Wilmot 1849 -1850 Henry Chubb 1850 -1851 Maires Ous par le couseil communal Thomas Harding 1851 -1852 William O. Smith 1852 -1853 James Olive 1853 -1854 Maires elus par les citoyens James Olive 1854 -1855 William O. Smith 1855 -1859 Thomas McAvity 1859 -1863 *d6c6d8 daps 1'exercice de ses fonctions * *actuellement dans 1'exercice de ses fonctions Isaac Woodward 1863 -1866 Walter W. White, M.D. 1926 -1932 Aaron Alward 1866 -1870 James W. Brittain 1932 -1936 Thomas M. Reed 1870 -1874 D. Laurence MacLaren 1936 -1940 A. Chipman Smith 1874 -1877 Charles W. Wasson 1940 -1944 Sylvester Z. Earle 1877 -1879 James D. McKenna 1944 -1948 Charles R. Ray 1879 -1881 Ernest W. Patterson 1948 -1950 Simeon Jones 1881 -1884 George W. Howard 1950 -1952 James McGregor Grant 1884 -1885 Ernest W. Patterson 1952 -1954 J.S. Boies DeVeber 1885 -1887 Gilbert B. Peat, M.D. 1954 -1956 Henry J. Thorne 1887 -1889 William W. Macaulay 1956 -1958 George A. Barker* 1889 D. Laurence MacLaren *, C.P., 1958 -1960 I. Allen Jack (rapporteur i partir du deces de James A. Whitebone 1960 George A. Barker, le 6 juillet, jusqu'au 9 aofit 1889 Eric L. Teed 1960 -1964 confonnement aux dispositions de la charte) Stephen Weyman, M.D. 1964 -1966 Maires Rus par les citoyens Arthur L. Gould 1966 -1967 Joseph A. MacDougall, M.D. 1967 -1969 W. Albert Lockhart 1889 -1891 H. Avard Loomer* 1969 Thomas W. Peters 1891 -1894 James E. Calvin 1969 -1971 George Robertson 1894 -1898 Robert Lockhart 1971 -1974 Edward Sears 1898 -1900 Edis A. Flewwelling 1974 -1977 John W. Daniel 1900 -1902 Samuel Davis 1977 -1980 Walter W White 1902 -1906 Robert Lockhart 1980 -1983 Edward Sears 1906 -1908 Elsie E. Wayne 1983 -1994 Thomas H. Bullock 1908 -1910 Thomas J. Higgins 1994 -1995 James H. Frink 1910 -1916 Shirley McAlary 1995 -2004 Robert T. Hayes 1916 -1920 Norm McFarlane 2004 -2008 E. Allan Schofield 1920 -1922 Ivan Court 2008 -2012 Harry R. McLellan 1922 Mel K. Dorton ** 2012 - G. Frederick Fisher 1922 -1924 Frank L. Potts 1924 -1926 0 2012 Council Seating IENTRAN CE Mayor Mel K. Norton Arrangement City Manager Common Clerk Councillor Dr. Shelley M. Rinehart Councillor Ray Strowbridge Councillor Donna Reardon Councillor Greg Norton Councillor William D. (Bill) Farren Reserved Seating: Hon. Justice B. Richard Bell, Mrs. Maureen Bell City Solicitor Order of Swearing In: Mayor Mel K. Norton , Hon. Justice B. Richard Bell Councillor McAlary Common Clerk Councillor Merrithew Councillor Snook Councillor Fullerton Councillor Mackenzie Councillor Rinehart Councillor Strowbridge Councillor Reardon Councillor Norton Councillor Farren N Councillor Shirley A. McAlary Councillor David J. Merrithew Councillor Donnie Snook Councillor Susan Fullerton Councillor John C. Mackenzie Sergeant -at -Mace Standing Reserved Seating: Sergeant -at -Mace, Jon Taylor Elizabeth Cormier - National Anthem, Rex. Norton - Prayer, Mrs. Sandra Norton, Chief of Police William Reid Order for May 28, 2012 Procession Mayor and Councillors -elect stand in front of their places at the Council table Proceed into Council Chambers as follows: Honour Guard Piper —Mark Wilson Sergeant -at -Mace, Jonathan Taylor Common Clerk, Elizabeth Gormley Elizabeth Cormier Rev. Melrose T. Norton Honourable Justice B. Richard Bell Councillor -elect Shirley A. McAlary (1) Councillor -elect David J. Merrithew (2) Councillor -elect Donnie Snook (3) Councillor -elect Susan Fullerton (4) Councillor -elect John C. Mackenzie (5) Councillor -elect Dr. Shelley M. Rinehart (6) Councillor -elect Ray Strowbridge (7) Councillor -elect Donna Reardon (8) Councillor -elect Greg Norton (9) Councillor -elect William D. (Bill) Farren (10) Mayor -elect Mel K. Norton, escorted by Chief of Police E: The City of Saint John OATH OF OFFICE FOR MAYOR Municipalities Act, R.S.N.B. 1973, c.M -22, s.33(1) I, Mel K. Norton, of the City of Saint John, Swear that I am, to the best of my knowledge and belief, qualified for the office of Mayor for the municipality of The City of Saint John, to which office I have been elected, and that I do hereby accept the office of Mayor and will diligently, faithfully, and impartially discharge to the best of my ability the duties of the office as may be imposed upon me by law so help me God. SWORN TO before me at The City of Saint John, in the County of Saint John, and the Province of New Brunswick on the 28th day of May, 2012. Honourable Justice B. Richard Bell, Court of Appeal of New Brunswick 9 Mayor, Mel K. Norton The City of Saint John SERMENT UENTREE EN FONCTION DU MARE Loi sur les municipalities, L.R.N.B. 1973, c. M -22, art.33(1) Je, Mel K. Norton, de The City of Saint John, jure que, pour autant que je sache, je possede les qualities requises pour exercer les fonctions de Maire pour la municipalite de The City of Saint John, poste auquel f ai ete elu et par les presentes accepte les fonctions qui me sont imposees par la loi et je jure que je les remplirai fidelement sans partialite, crainte ni faveur. Dieu me soit en aide. FAIT SOUS SERMENT devant moi a ) The City of Saint John, dans le comte ) de Saint John, et la province du ) Nouveau - Brunswick, le 28 mai, 2012. ) } L'honorable juge B. Richard Bell, } La Cour d'appel du Nouveau - Brunswick ) 10 Maire, Mel K. Norton The City of Saint John OATH OF OFFICE FOR COUNCILLOR Municipalities Act, R.S.N.B. 1973, c.M -22, s.33 (1) I, , of the City of Saint John, Swear that I am, to the best of my knowledge and belief, qualified for the office of Councillor for the municipality of The City of Saint John, to which office I have been elected, and that I do hereby accept the office of Councillor and will diligently, faithfully, and impartially discharge to the best of my ability the duties of the office as may be imposed upon me by law so help me God. SWORN TO before me at The City of Saint John, in the County of Saint John, and the Province of New Brunswick on the 28th day of May, 2012. Common Clerk, Elizabeth Gormley 11 Councillor The City of Saint John SERMENT WENTREE EN FONCTION DU CONSEILLER Loi sur les municipalities, L.R.N.B. 1973, c. M -22, art.33(1) Je, , de The City of Saint John, jure que, pour autant que je sache, je possede les qualities requises pour exercer les fonctions de Conseiller pour la municipalite de The City of Saint John, poste auquel jai ete elu et par les presentes accepte les fonctions qui me sont imposees par la loi et je jure que je les remplirai fidelement sans partialite, crainte ni faveur. Dieu me soit en aide. FAIT SOUS SERMENT devant moi a ) The City of Saint John, dans le comte ) de Saint John, et la province du ) Nouveau - Brunswick, le 28 mai, 2012. ) Greffiere communale, Elizabeth Gormley) 12 Conseiller