2005-11-21_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourCOMMON COUNCIL AGENDA — November 21 2005 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING 1. 5:00 p.m. — Call to Order 2. Personnel Matter 10.2(4)(b) 3. Saint John Development Corp. 10.2(4)(d) 4. Nominating Committee 10.2(4)(b) 5. Personal & Labor & Employment Matter 10.2(4)(b,j) 1.1 7:00 p.m. -Call to Order— Prayer REGULAR MEETING 1.2 Approval of Minutes (November 7, 2005) 1.3 Approval of Agenda 1.4 Proclamation 1.5 Members Comments PRESENTATIONS 2.1 7:30 p.m. Uptown Saint John — Festival & Events Committee PUBLIC HEARINGS 4.1 7:00 p.m. (a) Proposed Amendment to Section 39 Resolution to amend conditions imposed on the March 28, 1988 re- zoning of property located at 53 -75 Leinster Street, also identified as PID Numbers 9431 and 55059992 to permit a four - storey apartment building with an underground parking garage as requested by Saint John Non Profit Housing Inc. (b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee recommending the proposed re- zoning amendment (c) Letter Objecting to Proposed Amendment (d) Submission from Non Profit Housing Advocating for the proposed amendment COUNCIL MEMBERS 5.1 Proposed Rockwood Park Pipeline (Mayor McFarlane) 5.2 Routing of Proposed L.N.G. Pipeline (Councillor Tait) 5.3 Assignment of Staff to Vision 2015 (Councillor Tait) (Tabled Nov. 7, 2005) 5.4 Suggested Live Telecast of Council Meetings (Councillor Ferguson) 5.5 Update on Minimum Property Standards for Dwelling Units (Councillor McGuire) 5.6 Old North End Charrette (Councillor McGuire) CITY MANAGER 6.1 2005 Summer Playground Program Final Report 6.2 Highway Usage Permit with Province — Lancaster Ave. - Route 1 Underpass 6.3 Licence to Access Federal Property for Red Head Secondary Access Rd. 6.4 Public Hearing Dates — 186 Queen St. West & 70 Thorne Ave. 6.5 Sale of 215 Rothesay Avenue 6.6 Residential Infrastructure Assistance # 34 — Piper's Brook 6.7 Similar /Compatible Use Application for Temporary Gypsum Storage Site — Willet Ave. /Bayside Dr. COMMON CLERK 8.1 2nd & 3rd Readings Translated By -laws (1' Readings Given Nov. 7, 2005) (a) By -law Prohibiting the Throwing or Depositing of Litter (b) By -law Relating to the Clearance & Removal of Snow and Ice from Public Streets (c) By -law Prohibiting the Placing of Signs on Poles (d) By -law Prohibiting the Use of Skateboards on Streets (e) By -law to License Coin Operated Vending, Service or Mechanical Amusement Machines (f) By -law to Regulate Trailer Courts (g) By -law Relating to Fire - damaged Buildings 8.2 3`d Reading Traffic By -law Amendment — Water St. (1 s' & 2nd Readings Given Nov. 7, 2005) 8.3 3'd Reading Proposed Zoning By -law Amendment— Drury Cove Road (15' & 2 "d Readings Given Nov. 7, 2005) COMMITTEES /COMMISSIONS 9.1 Saint John Board of Police Commissioners — 2005 Operating Budget Ended Aug. 31, 2005 9.2 City of Saint John Environment Committee — FCM Partners for Climate Protection Program 9.3 Greater Saint John Regional Facilities Commission — 2006 Budget & By -law Amendment 9.4 Enterprise Saint John Request to Present to Council 9.5 Planning Advisory Committee — Subdivision Assent & Cash -in -lieu Land for Public Purposes 315 Norris & 43 Morrison Rds. 9.6 Justice Complex Advisory Committee - Property Negotiations GENERAL 10.1 Letter from Saint John Trojans Rugby Football Club Requesting Support for Recreational Facilities 10.2 Letter from Ritchie's Discount Warehouse Advocating for Traffic Signals at Rothesay and Broadway Avenues 10.3 Letter from Conservation Council of NB Objecting to Proposed Pipeline Through Rockwood Park 10.4 Letter from Robert Holmes- Lauder Objecting to Proposed Pipeline Through Rockwood Park 10.5 Letter from Elsie Wayne Suggesting Street Re- Naming 10.6 Request of Rodney McGrath to Present to Council 10.7 Letter of Thanks from Seniors' Resource Centre 10.8 Letter from Dennis Griffin Regarding Expropriation at Red Head 10.9 Letter from Horst Sauerteig Following Up on his Oct. 4, 2005 Letter to Council 10.10 Letters from South End Citizens Objecting to Present Location of Recycle Bins in South End 10.11 Letter from Loyalist Zone Regarding Seniors' Advisory Committee 1012 Request of Roly McIntyre, MLA, to Present — Red Head Secondary Access Rd. REUNION EN COMITE PLENIER 3. 17 h — Ouverture de la reunion 4. Question relative au personnel 10.2(4)b) 3. Saint John Development Corp. (corporation d'amenagement de Saint John), alinea 10.2(4)d) 4. Comite des candidatures 10.2(4)b) 5. Question relative au personnel et a 1'emploi, alinea 10.2(4)b) et j) DIRECTEUR GENERAL 6.1 Rapport definitif de 2005 relatif au programme de terrains de jeux d'ete 6.2 Permis provincial d'utilisation de I'autoroute relatif a I'avenue Lancaster au passage inferieur de la route no 1 REUNION ORDINAIRE 1.1 19 h - Ouverture de la reunion, suivie de la priere 12 Approbation du proces- verbal (7 novembre 2005) 5.2 1.3 Adoption de I'ordre du jour gaz natural liquefie propose (conseiller Tait) 1.4 Proclamation Affection d'employes 1.5 Commentaires presentes par les membres 7 novembre 2005) PRESENTATIONS 5.4 2.1 19 h 30 Uptown Saint John relativement au Comite sur les festivals et les evenements la diffusion en direct des seances du conseil (conseiller Ferguson) 5.5 AUDIENCES PUBLIQUES Mise a jour relative aux 4.1 19 h a) Modification proposee a la resolution en vertu des conditions imposees par I'article 39 le Old North End [vieux 28 mars 1988 relativement au rezonage de la propriet(5 situee au 53 -75, rue Leinster, portant les NID 9431 et 55059992, afin de permettre un immeuble a Iogements de quatre etages y compris un garage de stationnement souterrain, a la demande de I'organisme Saint John Non Profit Housing Inc. [Logement sans but Iucratif de Saint John] b) Rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant le projet de modification de zonage c) Lettre d'opposition a la modification proposee d) Soumission presentee par I'organisme Logement sans but Iucratif, appuyant la modification proposee DIRECTEUR GENERAL 6.1 Rapport definitif de 2005 relatif au programme de terrains de jeux d'ete 6.2 Permis provincial d'utilisation de I'autoroute relatif a I'avenue Lancaster au passage inferieur de la route no 1 MEMBRES DU CONSEIL 5.1 Installation proposee d'un pipeline au part Rockwood (maire McFarlane) 5.2 Trajet du pipeline de gaz natural liquefie propose (conseiller Tait) 5.3 Affection d'employes au programme Vision 2015 (conseiller Tait) (proposition presentee le 7 novembre 2005) 5.4 Proposition relative a la diffusion en direct des seances du conseil (conseiller Ferguson) 5.5 Mise a jour relative aux normes minimales regissant les residences (conseiller McGuire) 5.6 Old North End [vieux quartier nord] (conseiller McGuire) DIRECTEUR GENERAL 6.1 Rapport definitif de 2005 relatif au programme de terrains de jeux d'ete 6.2 Permis provincial d'utilisation de I'autoroute relatif a I'avenue Lancaster au passage inferieur de la route no 1 6.3 Licence permettant I'acces aux biens -fonds de la Couronne relativement a la voie d'acces secondaire Red Head 6.4 Dates d'audiences publiques relatives au 186, rue Queen Ouest et au 70, avenue Thorne 6.5 Vente du bien -fonds situe au 215, avenue Rothesay 6.6 Programme d'aide a ('infrastructure residentielle relativement au no 34, Piper's Brook 6.7 Usage similaire ou compatible relatif a 1'emplacement temporaire d'entreposage de gypse, a I'avenue Willet et a la promenade Bayside GREFFIER COMMUNAL 8.1 Deuxieme et troisieme lectures relatives aux arretes bilingues (premiere lecture ayant eu lieu le 7 novembre 2005) a) Arrete visant a interdire le rejet ou le depot de detritus b) Arrete relatif au deneigement et au deglagage des rues publiques c) Arrete interdisant I'affichage sur les poteaux d) Arrete interdisant ('utilisation de planches a roulettes dans les rues e) Arrete relatif a la delivrance de licences visant les distributeurs automatiques, les appareils de service at les jeux mecaniques automatiques payants f) Arrete relatif a la reglementation des parts de maisons mobiles g) Arrete relatif aux batiments endommages par incendie 8.2 Troisieme lecture d'une modification apportee a 1'arrete concernant la circulation visant la rue Water (premiere et deuxieme lectures ayant eu lieu le 7 novembre 2005) 8.3 Troisieme lecture d'une modification apportee a I'arrete sur le zonage visant le chemin Drury Cove (premiere et deuxieme lectures ayant eu lieu le 7 novembre 2005) COMITES ET COMMISSIONS 9.1 Bureau des commissaires de la police de Saint John relativement au budget d'administration de 2005 pour 1'exercice se terminant le 31 aoOt 2005 9.2 Comite sur 1'environnement de Saint John relativement a I'organisme Partenaires dans la protection du climat de la FCM 9.3 Commission regionale des installations du Grand Saint John relativement au budget pour 2006 et a la modification de I'arrete sur le zonage 9.4 Demande presentee par Entreprise Saint John visant a se presenter devant le Conseil 9.5 Comite consultatif d'urbanisme relativement au consentement visant le lotissement et une compensation monetaire pour les biens -fonds aux fins d'utilite publique situes au 315, chemin Norris at au 43, chemin Morrison 9.6 Comite consultatif sur le centre judiciaire relativement aux negotiations visant les biens -fonds GENERALITES 10.1 Lettre de demande regue du club de rugby Saint John Trojans Rugby Football Club voulant un soutien pour des installations de loisirs 10.2 Lettre regue de 1'entreprise Ritchie's Discount Warehouse voulant que soient installes des feux de circulation a ('intersection des avenues Rothesay et Broadway 10.3 Lettre regue du Conseil de la conservation du Nouveau - Brunswick s'opposant a ('installation de pipelines au travers du parc Rockwood 10.4 Lettre regue de Robert Holmes- Lauder s'opposant a ]'installation de pipelines au travers du parc Rockwood 10.5 Lettre regue de Elsie Wayne suggerant un changement de nom de rue 10.6 Demande regue de Rodney McGrath visant a se presenter devant le Conseil 10.7 Lettre de remerciements regue du Seniors' Resource Centre [centre de ressources pour les aines] 10.8 Lettre regue de Dennis Griffin relative a 1'expropriation de terrains a Red Head 10.9 Lettre regue de Horst Sauerteig pour faire suite a sa lettre du 4 octobre 2005 adressee au Conseil 10.10 Lettres regues des citoyens du quartier sud en opposition au present emplacement des bats de recyclage dans le quartier sud 10.11 Lettre regue de I'organisme des aines loyalistes relative au Comite consultatif des aines 10.12 Demande presentee par Roly McIntyre, depute, visant a se presenter devant le Conseil relativement a la voie d'acces secondaire Red Head WHEREAS P.O. Box /C.P. 1971 Saint John, NB /N. -B. Canada E2L4L1 PROCLAMATION The consequence of family violence affect all of us; and WHEREAS: family violence includes abuse of children and youth, of older persons, of a partner or persons with disabilities; and WHEREAS: it can take a number of forms: physical assault, emotional and sexual abuse; and WHEREAS: family violence is one of the most insidious, widespread social issues in society; and WHEREAS: the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Foundation, a charitable trust, was established to fund research into the causes, incidence and forms of treatment of family violence as well as to promote and sponsor effective public programs to counter widespread ignorance of the pr le , NOW THEREFORE: I, Mayor Norm McFarlane' ' -Z f Saint John do hereby declare the month of November 2005 as "FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION MONTH" in the City of Saint John and urge all citizens to acknowledge the work of the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Foundation and all others who strive to end family violence. In witness whereof I have set my hand and affixed the official of the Mayor of the City of Saint John. Explore our past Explorez notre passe Discover your future Decouvrez votre avenir Grand Bay - Westfield • Quispamsis • Rothesay • St. Martins Saint Johr www.saintjohn.ca d. I m V Jc O n .ro O Om Z) ro () 4� W Tow ro > LL LA O O N o C G7 •— L = O ._ y. 0 ._ CO MOMMIN sounin aaaa c (L) 'rn s Q) ul C L •- U G7 � L •� U O •C E rM r U d7 S� N � O ORION _ no fC = ui 3i o ca cnmannin T •- uns C H c n t L O Y•. 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O N CIMMONS 'a m 0 O O O NAMME MOMMIN I� MOMMIN IMMOM -° o �a M� .OMOM •U a� L cw> .(A 'o ow •v a� W O t'U) ME c$ ~ ' > O MOMOM NAMME t! 401 LL 0 c a� a = CL F- O V 0 CL O ._ c w Q) 7 Q) cm MW ul m •0 3 E U O a� 3 o, o C Im L = m .� O 7 C1 Uf > ow fC •= O O = 3 o . •a n MEMOS' C._ O EMMMM E No f0 E O ._ U V tiM M �a a" r C O •- � = Nf O O On LU c e?i M- ra NO .> w w LL � 3s L •O 4 •U .� O Cu L > .0 c MUMMO O C 3 MINES c .� O �MENEM C V c E t' 0 Ea� =v�03 �0 U) 0a� GOMME mij Mimi = O y _c vnc34w O 0 47 •c cEma�i's EOL�o G7 > *+.+ }; MMC r coo as ANSI '0 'c O ra?� � MEMOS O U C O w O O V 01 Nl U H 0 r1 m Ln 0 O �. O � N Planning Advisory Committee OPEN SESSION September 8, 2005 Your Worship and Councillors: P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2800 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E21, 4L1 SUBJECT: Proposed Section 39 Amendment 53 -75 Leinster Street City of Saint John On August 15, 2005 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached report at its September 7, 2005 meeting. The applicant, Mr. Narinder Singh (General Manager) of Saint John Non -Profit Housing Inc., appeared before the Committee in support of the proposal. Mr. Singh indicated that his company was also in general agreement with the staff recommendation, but that further time was needed to fully review the staff report and recommended conditions. Furthermore, in light of the concerns by local residents, the applicant requested that the Committee table the matter in order to allow sufficient time for a meeting with local residents. The Committee took a recess in order to allow the residents present at the meeting to consider this tabling request. Upon recommencement of the meeting, a representative (John MacQueen, 160 King Street East) of the local residents appeared before the Committee and expressed a willingness to meet with the proponent. The residents had no objection to the tabling of the matter, provided Common Council did not proceed with the advertised Public Hearing that is scheduled for September 12, 2005. There was also a presentation from a local resident (Don Gillis, 231 Princess Street) in support of the residential project, and another presentation by a property owner in the area that raised concerns. There were also quite a number of letters of concern and objection from local residents (see attachments). The Committee resolved to table the application, and recommend to Common Council that the advertised Public Hearing be postponed. This will require further advertising in order to establish a new hearing date. Planning Advisory Committee September 8, 2005 Ur It was residents understanding that after consultation with the proponent, and possible revision to the original plans, that the matter would then be considered by the Committee and Common Council at a new Public Hearing. The Committee, however, made it clear that the postponement of the Public Hearing would be the sole decision of Common Council. Should the Hearing be postponed as requested, then further advertising will be prepared for a future hearing date. RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council postpone the Public Hearing for the Section 39 amendment request by Saint John Non -Profit Housing Inc. for 53 -75 Leinster Street. lly submitted, 41hilip Hovey Chairman MRO /m /ref. OTIWOiM- OM Project No. 05 -254 Planning and Development P.O. Box/C.P. 1971 Urbanisme et developpement Saint John, NB/N. -B. Canada E2L 4L1 www.saintjohnxa DATE: SEPTEMBER 2, 2005 TO: PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FOR: MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 7, 2005 Mark O'Hearn Planning Officer SUBJECT: Name of Applicant: Saint John Non - Profit Housing Inc. Name of Owner: Saint John Non - Profit Housing Inc. Location: 53 -75 Leinster Street PID: 00009431 & 55059992 Municipal Plan: District Centre Commercial Rim Zoning: `B -2" General Business Proposal: To construct a four - storey apartment building with an underground parking garage. Type of Application: Section 39 Amendment to permit a revised proposal, and Variances that would: (a) Increase the permitted building height from 3 storeys to 4 storeys; (b) Reduce the minimum side yard requirement of 3 metres to approximately 2.7 metres; and Leinster Court 53 -75 Leinster Street Page 2 September 2, 2005 (c) Reduce the minimum parking aisle width of 7.5 metres to approximately 7.3 metres. JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: Common Council has requested the views of the Planning Advisory Committee concerning the proposed amendment to the Section 39 conditions. Common Council will consider the Committee's recommendation at a Public Hearing on Monday, September 12, 2005. The Community Planning Act authorizes the Committee to grant reasonable variances from the requirements of the Zoning By -law. Conditions can be imposed by the Committee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE: 1. That Common Council amend the Section 39 conditions imposed on the March 28, 1988 rezoning of the subject property located at 53 -75 Leinster Street, also identified as PID Numbers 00009431 & 55059992, in order to also include a development involving a multiple dwelling with an underground commercial parking garage on the following conditions: (a) That the site must be developed in accordance with a detailed site plan approved by the Development Officer, and being in accordance with other conditions, illustrating all necessary landscaping and amenity space. (b) The exterior fagade of the proposed building must be in accordance with architectural plans approved by the Development Officer to ensure compatibility with the surrounding buildings along the adjacent portion of Leinster Street. (c) The maximum height of the proposed building must not exceed 120% of the average height of the existing main buildings of the adjacent properties surrounding the subject site, including the existing buildings located on the properties directly across from the building block on the other side of Leinster Street. (d) A minimum yard of 7.5 metres must be provided between the proposed building and the lot boundary of the abutting properties along King Street East. Leinster Court C1_74Z T P;nster Street Page 3 September 2, 2005 (e) A new 2 -metre high board -on -board fence must be constructed along the entire northern property boundary abutting the residential properties along King Street East. (f) Any existing retaining walls situated on or near the subject property must not be adversely affected by the proposed development, and any necessary repairs or reconstruction (should such walls be situated on the subject property and relocation be necessary) must be undertaken to the satisfaction of the Chief City Engineer. 2. That the Planning Advisory Committee grant the following variances from the requirements of the Zoning By -law for the proposed development at 53 -75 Leinster Street that would: (a) Increase the permitted building height from 3 storeys to 4 storeys, provided that the maximum height of the proposed building does not exceed 120% of the average height of the existing main buildings of the adjacent properties surrounding the subject site, including the existing buildings located on the properties directly across from the building block on the other side of Leinster Street; (b) Reduce the minimum side yard requirement of 3 metres to approximately 2.7 metres for the closest point along the eastern side of the proposed building adjacent to the funeral home property at 91 Leinster Street, and as illustrated on the submitted site plan; and (c) Reduce the minimum parking aisle width of 7.5 metres to approximately 7.3 metres for the proposed underground parking garage. BACKGROUND: On October 20, 1987 the Planning Advisory Committee considered an application by the Disher Steen Partnership for the Province of New Brunswick seeking to develop a surface parking lot for a proposed justice facility development in the area. This parking lot was to be developed for approximately 87 vehicles. The surface parking lot proposal required a Municipal Development Plan Amendment and rezoning. Specifically, the proponent sought to redesignate the subject property from Medium Density Residential to District Centre Commercial, and concurrently rezone the same from "RM -I 11 Three Storey Multiple Residential to `B -2" General Business. Leinster Court 53 -75 Leinster Street Page 4 September 2, 2005 The Committee resolved to recommend in favour of the proposal with the following Section 39 conditions, which would: ■ Limit the use of the site to a surface parking lot related to the justice facility; and ■ Require the submitting of detailed plans for the landscaping and a fence to be approved by the Director of Planning. The Committee also granted the necessary approval to allow for the nature of the parking arrangement (i.e., off - premise parking), and a variance to reduce the required landscaping along the north property line, on the condition that landscaping along Leinster Street be increased and a board -on -board fence be constructed along the northern property boundary. On October 26, 1987 Common Council gave first and second reading to the requested amendments. However, on November 2, 1987 Council tabled third reading to consider the preservation of a historic water reservoir that occupied a portion of the site. Third reading was eventually given by Council on March 28, 1988 with the following additional Section 39 condition: ■ Permit the water reservoir to be retained on the site as a heritage structure. The justice facility proposal did not proceed as anticipated, and the water reservoir was eventually demolished by the City. However, a paved parking lot for 65 vehicles was established and has been operated by the Saint John Parking Commission since that time. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Municipal Operations and Engineering has no objection to this proposed residential development. Building and Technical Services has indicated that any building code issues related to the proposal will be dealt with when detailed plans are submitted for approval. Saint John Transit has been advised of this matter. Saint John Energy has advised that overhead facilities are available along Leinster Street to service the proposed apartment building. Any extension of service would be at the Developer's expense. Aliant Telecom has no concerns with regards to this residential proposal. Leinster Court Page 5 53 -75 Leinster Street September 2, 2005 Rogers has been advised of this application. Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline has no concerns with regards to this development. Fire Department has no objection to the application, provided the design and construction is in accordance with the National Building and Fire Codes as well as the Fire Prevention Act. Saint John Parking Commission has been advised of this proposal. School Board has been advised of this residential project. ANALYSIS: Subject Site and Neighbourhood The subject site is situated at the intersection of Leinster Street and Carmarthen Street to the southeast of the Loyalist Burial Grounds (see attached location map). The site has an area of 2770 square metres (29,817 square feet), with a 73 -metre (240 -foot) frontage along Leinster Street and a 38 -metre (125 -foot) frontage along Carmarthen Street. Most of the site has been developed as a paved surface parking lot for 65 vehicles. The eastern portion of the site is also used for parking but has not been properly developed. The parking lot is operated by the Saint John Parking Commission. While a parking lot was approved by the City in 1987 (see Background section of this report), the existing Section 39 conditions imposed limits a parking lot specifically to a justice facility project that did not occur. This condition should have been amended to permit a commercial parking lot. In addition, the eastern portion of the lot has not be developed to acceptable standards (i.e., gravel with no landscaping). Should the proposed residential project not proceed, it will be necessary for these matters to be addressed. The immediate neighbourhood is comprised by a number of different building types. Directly across the street is the large Central United Baptist Church at 42 Leinster Street, and across from the other adjacent street is a fire station at 47 Carmarthen Street. A funeral home (Hillsley Funeral Home) is immediately to the east at 91 Leinster Street. There are three smaller building: to the east of the Central United Baptist Church. Two of these properties are residential, but a business is operated from 70 Leinster Street. There is also another former church building at the other end of the adjoining Leinster Street block at 95 Leinster Street. The properties to the north, east and south are mostly multiple residential buildings. Many of these properties contain well maintained historic buildings. Of particular note is the nearby streetscape along King Street East to the north of the subject property. The Loyalist Burial Leinster Court 53 -75 Leinster Street Page 6 September 2, 2005 Ground is to the northwest, and St. Malachy's Memorial High School is to the west at 20 Leinster Street. Development Proposal and Requested Variances The applicant, Saint John Non - Profit Housing Inc., is seeking permission to construct a 4- storey apartment building (see attachments). The building would contain a total of 51 apartment units with underground parking for up to 89 vehicles (only 46 spaces are required by the Zoning By -law). The brick exterior design contains solariums with large windows. The site plan illustrates landscaped grounds surrounding the building, with a central garden area and water fountain. Please also refer to the submitted Architect's Brief attached to this report. The proposal can satisfy all the applicable Zoning By -law requirements, except for the following: (a) A maximum building height of 3 storeys is imposed, but the proposal would increase this standard an additional storey; (b) A minimum side yard requirement of 3 metres (9.8 feet) is required, but the closest point along the eastern side of the proposed building (adjacent to the funeral home property with an adjoining parking lot) is approximately 2.7 metres (9 feet). The remainder of the building is about 4.9 metres (16 feet) away; and (c) A minimum parking aisle width of 7.5 metres (25 feet) is required, but the underground parking aisle is about 7.3 metres (24 feet). With regards to the side yard and parking aisle width variances, these are numerically minor in nature and can be supported for approval. The building height variance can also be supported, but only if the height of the proposed apartment building is no greater than 120% of the average height of the surrounding buildings in the neighbourhood. This matter is discussed further in this report. Municipal Plan and Proposed Section 39 Amendment As mentioned in the Background section of this report, the subject site was redesignated from Medium Density Residential to District Centre Commercial, and concurrently rezoned from "RM -I " Three Storey Multiple Residential to "B -2" General Business in March 1988. There were also Section 39 conditions imposed by the City, including restricting the use of the site to a surface parking lot related to the justice facility. Saint John Non- Profit Housing Inc. purchased of the property, and commissioned the architectural plans, based upon the existing `B -2" zoning that permits a multiple dwelling and a Leinster Court 53 -75 Leinster Street Page 7 September 2, 2005 commercial parking facility, which the proponent intends to operate with the surplus of parking spaces in the underground garage. Notwithstanding, the landowner is also aware that an amendment to the existing Section 39 conditions is necessary in order to proceed with this project. Neighbourhood Compatibility and Recommended Conditions The surrounding area is designated by the Municipal Development Plan as Medium Density Residential. While the Plan indicates "it is desirable to have a relatively high intensity residential concentration situated as close as possible to the uptown, such a focus should recognize and preserve the unique heritage character of the older central part of the city composed as it is of well - built, structurally sound, well - maintained buildings. In keeping with that consideration, redevelopment for residential uses in the Central Peninsula will be limited in extent and confined to those locations where it can be designed in a manner which is compatible with the character, scale, density, and quality of the existing residential development." While the subject property has been redesignated to District Centre Commercial, and this portion of Leinster Street contains non - residential land uses, the compatibility of the proposed project should be considered in the context of the surrounding neighbourhood. Indeed, when the City considered the redesignation of the subject site from Medium Density Residential back in 1987, it was recognized that should alternative parking facilities be found for the justice facility project, then the subject property ought to be "aggressively pursued" for residential development. Therefore, it is prudent that any new development for the subject property be carefully considered in the context of the surrounding neighbourhood. To this end, the proposal for a high - quality multiple residential building is supported by the Municipal Plan in general. The manner of the proposed landscaping, amenity space and parking facility is also acceptable. The recommendation requires that detailed plans be submitted for the approval of the Development Officer. This will ensure that the appearance of the building and property is compatible to the area. With regards to further compatibility, however, there remains concern with the proposed building height and proximity to the adjoining buildings along King Street East. Most of the residential buildings in the surrounding area are 2 storeys in height. There are some buildings that are 2'/2 and a few even 3 storeys. Then there are also other much higher buildings such as the mentioned church properties along Leinster Street. The proposed building would be 4 storeys aboveground with an approximate height of 17.7 metres (58 feet). The "B -2" General Business zoning normally restricts the height of buildings to 3 storeys or 14 metres (46 feet). In order to be more compatible, it has been recommended that the height of the proposed building be restricted to a maximum of 120% of the average Leinster Court 53 -75 Leinster Street Page 8 September 2, 2005 building height in the area. This standard has been adopted in the "RM -IF" Multiple Residential Infill zone applicable to residential properties in the Central Peninsula. It is also the standard used in the Heritage Preservation Areas. It is also recommended that a minimum yard of 7.5 metres (25 feet) be required between the proposed building and the rear lot boundary of the adjoining properties along King Street East. Again, this would be the normal residential standard, and can be accommodated by moving the building towards Leinster Street. Related to this area of the site, it is further recommended that a new board -on -board fencing be constructed to replace the existing fencing, and constructed along the common property boundary for the entire length of the site. Retaining walls in the area will need to be protected from development, or reconstructed if encroaching onto the subject property (and needed to be relocated). This matter is also included in the recommendation. While these recommended conditions will address these mentioned concerns, it may also be desirable for Common Council to not proceed with the requested Section 39 amendment until the Planning Advisory Committee can make a further recommendation based upon a revised proposal incorporating these changes, which would also include detailed information with respect to actual building heights in the area. A meeting with area residents and the proponent would also be prudent in light of the concerns raised surrounding property owners. CONCLUSION: The proponent is proposing an attractive multiple residential building with ample parking facilities. Such a residential project would be generally consistent with the surrounding neighbourhood, and can be supported provided the project is undertaken in an appropriate manner as discussed in this report. Of particular concern is the building height and proximity of the new apartment building to the adjoining properties along King Street East. Approval of the proposed project can only be supported with the recommended conditions. MRO /m Project No. 05 -254 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT / URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT an S ♦Kh'+1g 99 PID(s) /NIP(s): Subject Site: ® site en question: 00009431 155059992 Location: 53 -75 rue Leinster St. Date: September /septembre 22, 2005 Scale /echelle: 1:3000 3 - ed'K'♦ wAll •54 E' _ • �•E. pn rue — �i •i P an S ♦Kh'+1g 99 PID(s) /NIP(s): Subject Site: ® site en question: 00009431 155059992 Location: 53 -75 rue Leinster St. Date: September /septembre 22, 2005 Scale /echelle: 1:3000 .. : �...... . dd rr � z . : .� \> . \ -a:.�� • \.� § E 2 \, a ... g..... J !. ' \ � \4 ? \� \ � \§ \k E /(. » 2--7 CZ.. — — — — - .. : �...... . dd rr � z . : .� \> . \ -a:.�� • \.� § E 2 \, a ... g..... J !. ' \ � \4 ? \� \ � \§ \k E /(. » 2--7 .. : �...... . dd rr � z . : .� \> . \ -a:.�� • \.� § E 2 \, a ... g..... J !. ' \ � \4 ? \� \ � \§ \k E /(. H J i ! E sr +I J E I1 - % I ' 1 : I : • I ,g b X= I e �m i.._., .._---- _-- ------- . m i i m i i 6 a < � h ________________ ________ ------- __ EM y a$ I e_ 6Ge I ry ry a u �t 7 I I �• 1 : I � O i i i � tiaLS.• I i i a 9 al. j m i i 1 — i � z p ;U 5 U N m � O W 3 - 0 ' - XIIWVb e L N ZZ . ________ .. ---- _ .. 4 r] O U O s i = U EO a =j §i _ } � ! — r� e \) \\ \ \. ! e \) \\ \ \. w � O U�� vi w aw 3xw In F w CO) wOpW aC)Wz aQ 3QF aw UFC7Z. OOa aH�w z N> w O F w vFi�.w.d O� A woa w z � aa,o w�x FAO dFOwu n F O O W pF Fw.,UDwwFF ¢a 04 QXv~Ai WWa0 awj Uda..Qcn xo0 avQ3 www zE Fq OQC) w zn p Aw CO 0 3 F w wwAA 3A UFUa 4rypd„ W xwz� FQ¢a pp'pzaz wcn."Ca >OQ °Q 0Wa.z `ozw wUxo0 da Age co www ad�aW ads >6��gwmw d >�ar�Uz� Hp dpw wdp�w z w O w F A X F AWOAO U dwz ¢ ww <uF c. d CIO 0 FFV)CQcn F O a u, FU Fz z �a oUz �A �Do QQ a¢ Fqr a Fz p3x U 0Fwx ] 0w w�p p �0 v p'° OU W O F C d z >OW FO www U�� F dDO wwC7 3r„ ww wFw ¢Q Ox F�a U A> p�a `n W W U w Qw ]Q zO> ao wp Qwo a¢ za> UX¢ w f' O po .D W W ¢ U d F z A mz a� avw0 wa 3ao ww�a ul wax a 3 a' Q w z oQ oo �Fo O ¢� Xa OUF oAw d ,F w� wAW Upz F3 Fw wa° E y Y w w 0 zxF a QAZ 0 a¢x ] C) z cn z U WP4 cn ¢o C7 0 Paz > w F O U ^w W pa U A w 0 a ¢xz tau QO� a U Q W F P4 U w a Owe ¢ cf) O WW Q WWU Q w3w > x¢F OwWO a_ w¢> 3 o va° a �D 0 0- UOW O ¢ W F U w p w w3 W0 [Fn V]i U U o �aFz w aN August 30, 2005 Mercer and Terry Munn 190 King Street East Saint John, N.B. Canada E2L 1H1 too Phone: +1 506 - 634 -8917 Fax: +1 506- 693 -8730 Website: www.tannershomeinn.com Re: Leinster Court (Section 39 Amendirnent and Variance Application) 53-75 Leinster Street To: Planning Advisory Committee Please accept this letter concerning the amendment application identified above. In summary, we are against the proposal to place a 4 storey building in this location, as it does not fit with the surrounding historic streetscapes. As members of the uptown community, first living on Orange Street and now on King Street East, we have been following the ongoing debates regarding building design and suitability to location. In the past the issue of building height has been identified as an important factor. If I am correct, in previous rulings where higher buildings were requested under similar conditions, they were not allowed. We do not see why it should be any different now. Protecting our uptown historic streetscapes is still important to our identity. We see many tourists come through our doors each year who are greatly impressed by the efforts to preserve the historic flavour of the uptown area. If one of the contributing factors is building height, then stick by your guidelines. As for the overall design of the building, the black and white pictures in the mailout make it difficult to fully appreciate the architecture other than it will certainty be an imposing structure. However, our initial observation is that the general nature of this reasonably large complex Is a little out of sync with the majority of the Leinster Street / King Street East architecture and would be better suited in an area with complimenting structures. Thank you for your time. Mercer and Terry Munn r Li I. hb-rr I Planning Advisory Committee City of Saint John Saint John, NB Dear Sir or Madam, September I, 2005 I wish to speak against the proposed Leinster Court Section 39 Amendment and Variance application at your meeting on Wednesday September 7, 2005. I object to this proposal and I want an opportunity to explain my objections at the PAC meeting. Sincerely, Name: PiV 61 LOP e r& Address: yJ 5't', C- Telephone number: c� _f g 9'2 Signature: RUZUU('iL.Q/ -t% s �S� Planning Advisory Committee September 1, 2005 City of Saint John Saint John, NB Dear Sir or Madam, I oppose the proposed Leinster Court Section 39 Amendment and Variance application. I am the owner and one of the residents of the house at 168 King St.E. There is a movement underway to try to make King St. E. a designated heritage street. So, on one hand there are people who are trying to maintain and improve the image and value of the homes in my area. I am not a supporter of the heritage designation of the street but I am a very proud owner of a well- maintained building. My house is shown on the tours for visitors and I have gone to great expense to keep it well maintained over the 11 years I have owned it. I had every reason to believe that my investment in the house would pay off one day. When I received this letter it showed me that there is another movement underway which undermines all of that. I understand that non - profit housing is needed in the city. I do not object to the city building residences for people with low incomes. I do not object to residences being built on Leinster St. I object to a building being built with no consultation with the people who will be affected by it. I object to the variances and amendment being requested. I assume that you want the residents of such a building to be welcomed into the community. With the plans as they exist today, that would not happen. I assume you want to attract residents, homeowners and business owners to the city centre. If this building goes ahead, people will be nervous to do that since they would have no assurance that similar developments wouldn't spring up beside them, without proper warning and consideration, to negatively impact them. People would not make such a risky investment. For me, I am upset at what would happen to the investment I have already made. I assume you would be open to consulting with interested parties to redesign the building to accommodate the rights and needs of the people who will be affected. This was done for the St.Malachy's project, with great success. !S& DE 4' RECEIVED �r0 QED 7. 2905 y 1 of 3 .2. I object to this proposal on the following grounds: The excessive height of the building would have a very negative impact on my house and the people who live in it. It would deprive us of sunlight, resulting in negative consequences of all kinds. The back of my house has a southern exposure which compensates for the lack of light I get at the front. The effects of the extreme dampness of the climate would only be made worse if there would be no sunlight to dry out the plants and trees and ground in the -yard. Victorian houses are dark enough inside as it is, without sun barriers being built near them The lack of sunlight and the lack of space between the proposed building and my house on King St. E and Carmarthen St. would lower the property value of my house. The pictures presented with the letter I received from you only show the front of the building itself. They do not show it in the context of Leinster St. and more importantly they do not show it from the perspective of the houses on King St. E. The distance between the back of the proposed building and the edge of my backyard is less than 16 feet (probably more like 9 feet) at its closest. Looking up from my backyard at the back of a four storey building would be like looking up at a cruise ship parked behind my house. Also, you would have created a secluded alley way there where we fear people would gather, unseen, potentially creating problems. ■ The retaining walls at the rear of the houses on King St. E must be considered. Ground level on Leinster is higher than ground level in the back yards of the homes on King St. E. This adds to the overall height of the building, from the point of view of the residents of King St. E. and Carmarthen St. It makes the building more like a five story building from our perspective. Also, these walls are not engineered for such a building to be put into the place proposed. • The design of the proposed building would not blend well with the surrounding structures. This changes the character of the area, thereby: o lowering the appeal of the neighbourhood to potential home owners/business owners and residents o lowering the value of the homes and other buildings in the area. Surely, a more appropriate design could be developed which would suit the needs of the project and also suit the needs of the people who already live and work in the area. 2 of 3 _3- This project has been in the works for years, it appears. Why have we, the residents, only been told about it with so little time to react? I want to assure you that I am prepared to fight this in every way possible, for as long as it would take, through all the channels available to citizens who are put in this needless, inconsiderate predicament. I am very interested in coming up with a solution that works for all concerned. Sincerely, Name: Debbie Levere Address: 168 King St.E., Saint John, NB Telephone number: 642- 9882 Signature: 3 of 3 Planning Advisory Committee City of Saint John Saint John, NB Dear Sir or Madam, September 1, 2005 to I oppose the proposed Leinster Court Section 39 Amendment and Variance application. I object to this proposal on the following grounds: ■ The excessive height of the building would have a very negative impact on the residents/homeowners /business owners who live and work nearby. It would deprive these people and homes of sunlight, resulting in negative consequences of all kinds. The homes on King St. E. have a southern exposure which would be negatively impacted by this structure. ■ The lack of sunlight and the lack of space between the proposed building and the houses on King St. E and Carmarthen St. would lower the property values of these existing houses. The retaining walls at the rear of the houses on King St. E must be considered. Ground level on Leinster is higher than ground level in the back yards of the homes on King St. E. This adds to the overall height of the building, from the point of view of the residents of King St. E. and Carmarthen St. Also, these walls are not engineered for such a building to be put into the place proposed. ■ The design of the proposed building would not blend well with the structures. This changes the character of the area, thereby: • lowering the appeal of the neighbourhood to potential 1 owners/business owners and residents • lowering the value of the homes and other buildings in Sincerely, Name: To - �QLIKIk Telephone number: Signature: D J OFSNo" Address: rjfl c6RiJ /�rf/G,✓ Sr) SR•� /'oN� fs l0 Planning Advisory Committee September 1, 2005 City of Saint John Saint John, NB Dear Sir or Madam, I wish to speak against the proposed Leinster Court Section 39 Amendment and Variance application at your meeting on Wednesday September 7, 2005. I object to this proposal and I want an opportunity to explain my objections at the PAC meeting. �.r .,tee► -� Sincerely, e. Name: �Be,47+j 'Reu p KPJ Address: / j, (p k i 0 q �t Telephone number: •�33 _ `J C7 G Signature: 15 Park Lawn Court Saint John, N. B. E2K 4P2 September 1, 2005 Planning Advisory Committee City of Saint John P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, N. B. E2L 4L1 Dear Sir or Madam: l0 05EV4U aE�E��O ���t_ I oppose the proposed Leinster Court Section 39 Amendment and Variance Application. I own the property at 166 King Street East which is directly behind the subject property. I object to this proposal on the following grounds: The excessive height of the building would have a very negative impact on the residents/homeowners /business owners who live and work nearby. It would deprive these people and homes of sunlight, resulting in negative consequences of all kinds. The homes on King Street East have a southern exposure which would be negatively impacted by this structure. Our back walls could develop moss and mildew. The building, as per John Johnson's attached letter, is actually 5 stories. To compound matters the hip roof adds more height. The lack of sunlight and the lack of space between the proposed building and the houses on King Street East and Carmarthen Street would lower the property values of these existing houses. The retaining walls at the rear of the houses on King Street East must be considered. Ground level on Leinster is higher than ground level in the back yards of the homes on King Street East. This adds to the overall height of the building, from the point of view of the residents of King Street East and Carmarthen Street. Also, these walls are not engineered for such a building to be put into the place proposed. See attached photos. The design of the proposed building would not blend well with the surrounding structures which are mostly two stories. This changes the character of the area, thereby: (a) lowering the appeal of the neighbourhood to potential home owners/business owners and residents (b) lowering the value of the homes and other buildings in the area. I also understand that the rezoning in March 1988 was for surface parking only and I am concerned that this will be disregarded. Sincerely, Betty R rke, Tel No.: 1 -506- 633 -5968 Johneon Engineered 5ofution6 Limited (� 323 Mavlc Rnw. Sainb John. N5 E2M 2A4 August 29, 2005 'ele.phone (50n) 635-4.'.390 Fax (5 00) 672.5185 -Ma:l Eohjtior:®nbnet.rb,a Via Fax 652 -9072 Betty Rourke Prudential Summit Real Estate Inc. 580 Main Street, Building B, Suite 100A Sant John, NB E2K 1J5 Re. Proposed Leinster Court Dear Ms. Rourke: The application to the Planning Advisory Committee is to amend the existing Section 39 conditions pertaining to this property. Since the existing zone is a B2 general business zone which does not specifically include a multiple dwelling unit, the property should be rezoned back to RM -1 or to RM -IF. An amendment to a Section 39 condition must go back to Common Council for approval after PAC give their recommendation. The proposed building is actually five storeys not four as stated in the letter from Mark O'Hearn. The existing buildings in this block are typically two storeys with a few three storey buildings. The proposed lot occupancy is very high. The lot occupancy would be at the parking level which is almost the entire lot. An RM -1 zone only permits 30% and even, a B -2 zone only permits 600k lot occupancy. The visual appearance of the building should be scaled back to be more sympathetic to the existing architectural style of the area. For that to occur, the courtyard should be at the rear of the building, the front yard setback should be reduced and the appearance should be that of a series of connected buildings with smaller windows similar to the existing streetscape. The maximum height should be two to three storeys. engineers aneA rnanaL•pa,cnt. r;,el'.arita Dui'dinq h ^'dyes baCween. the prehent and the `bturr Betty Rourke Re: Proposed Leinster Court August 26, 2005 Page 2 of 2 Further, this development will undoubtedly result in damage to your retaining wall at the rear. The proponents should Incorporate a new retaining wall into their design proposal. If the project does not proceed, you should request the Parking Commission to upgrade the parking lot to meet the City's standards. Specifically, the lot would appear deficient with respect to 1. landscaping 2. dilapidated fence 3. site drainage —needs a catch -basin system 4. asphalt drtving surface. If I can be of further sssistanoe, please call. Yours Vey truly, p ^G'tSStO John H. Johnson, P. Eng. englneere and management uonauftarre building bridgro bvvween the preeertt and the future ASSOCIATED BENEFIT CONSULTANTS LTD. 60 Carmarthen St., Saint John, N.B. E2L 2N5 Phone: 506-648-9989 — Fax: 648 -9764 r® September 2, 2005 City of Saint John Planning and Development P O Box 1971 Saint John, NB E2L 4L1 Dear Sir /Madam Re: Leinster Court (Section 39 Amendment and Variance Application) 53 -75 Leinster Street I am the owner /occupant of 60 Carmarthen Street, a 3 unit apartment building facing Carmarthen St. with one side (south) bordering the existing parking lot and the rear (back yard) bordering, my neighbor's apartment building with that front on King St. E. I am in objection to this building for the following reasons 1) Height ( 4 stories), do we not have height restrictions for a reason? 2) Loss of very valuable parking spaces especially with the City's winter storm restrictions in South End. Concerned about downtown shopping, entertainment, and etc. 3) My property (back yard) would become inaccessible there by marooning me. 4) No stopping on Carmarthen re: Firehall /Head Quarters - garage parking doors on Carmarthen St. Increased traffic coming and going. 5) Isolation re: Break & Enter. (Security) Since Z�RC to V. M. Robson `o OF SPA Planning Advisory City of Saint John Saint John, NB SEe Dear Sir or Madam, I oppose the proposed Leinster Court I object to this proposal on the following grounds: September 1, 2005 and Variance application. • The excessive height of the building would have a very negative impact on the residents/homeowners/business owners who live and work nearby. It would deprive these people and homes of sunlight, resulting in negative consequences of all kinds. The homes on King St. E. have a southern exposure which would be negatively impacted by this structure. ■ The lack of sunlight and the lack of space between the proposed building and the houses on King St. E and Carmarthen St. would lower the property values of these existing houses. The retaining walls at the rear of the houses on King St. E must be considered. Ground level on Leinster is higher than ground level in the back yards of the homes on King St. E. This adds to the overall height of the building, from the point of view of the residents of King St. E. and Carmarthen St. Also, these walls are not engineered for such a building to be put into the place proposed. • The design of the proposed building would not blend well with the surrounding structures. This changes the character of the area, thereby: • lowering the appeal of the neighbourhood to potential home owners /business owners and residents • lowering the value of the homes and other buildings in the area. Sincerely, Name: �� //ytrck� Address %it 14{�atG, Telephone number: Signature: �U Planning Advisory Committee City of Saint John Saint John, NB Dear Sir or Madam, RECEIVED ccQ 2 05 September 1, 2005 I oppose the proposed Leinster Court Section 39 Amendment and Variance application. I object to this proposal on the following grounds: The excessive height of the building would have a very negative impact on the residents /homeowners/business owners who live and work nearby. It would deprive these people and homes of sunlight, resulting in negative consequences of all kinds. The homes on King St. E. have a southern exposure which would be negatively impacted by this structure. ■ The lack of sunlight and the lack of space between the proposed building and the houses on King St. E and Carmarthen St. would lower the property values of these existing houses. The retaining walls at the rear of the houses on King St. E must be considered. Ground level on Leinster is higher than ground level in the back yards of the homes on King St. E. This adds to the overall height of the building, from the point of view of the residents of King St. E. and Carmarthen St. Also, these walls are not engineered for such a building to be put into the place proposed. ■ The design of the proposed building would not blend well with the surrounding structures. This changes the character of the area, thereby: o lowering the appeal of the neighbourhood to potential home owners /business owners and residents o lowering the valup of the homes and other buildings in the area. Sincerely„ 1a(�//�(j,C'�Q� Name:SCI /1% pc�(C2TUv� Telephone number: K93 -// 7/ Signature: Address: (? Cdr /1/// (d A.W. CAVANAGH FUNERAL HOME & CREMATION CENTER September 2, 2005 Planning & Advisory Committee City of Saint John P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB E21, 4L 1 RE: Leinster Court Variance To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to inform you that we are in favor of a 3 story apartment complex located at 53 -75 Leinster Street. I think it is vital to develop the uptown for obvious reasons. However, we are opposed to a four story apartment complex for the following reasons: Although I believe that the population needs to be increased in the city, I am not willing to approve of a 4 story building because it will not fit in with the streetscape. Many of the home owner's and business owner's have an investment in the area and would prefer to have something similar built. I also believe there should be the same rules and guidelines for everyone. Thank you in advance, I look forward to reviewing any further information pertaining to this issue. Sincerely, 0�% RECEIVED 1 / / ti 2 2095 Andrew Cavanagh Owner & Operator A.W. Cavanagh Funeral Home Inc. Independently Owned & Operated 91 Leinster Street, Saint John, NEI E21- 1J2 T: (506) 634 -1712 - F: (506) 634 -1901 www.awcavanagh.com Planning Advisory Committee City of Saint John Saint John, NB Dear Sir or Madam, September 1, 2005 `'V I wish to speak against the proposed Leinster Court Section 39 Amendment and Variance application at your meeting on Wednesday September 7, 2005. I object to this proposal and I want an opportunity to explain my objections at the PAC meeting. Sincerely, Name: c _� Address: U Telephone number: 6`7 2- - 3tl q3 Signature: C Planning Advisory Committee City of Saint John Saint John, NB Dear Sir or Madam, September 1, 2005 I wish to speak against the proposed Leinster Court Section 39 Amendment and Variance application at your meeting on Wednesday September 7, 2005. 1 object to this proposal and I want an opportunity to explain my objections at the PAC meeting. Sincerely, Name: 2le'A/l, of 1'1✓let'6�✓eon� /, 1 Address: Telephone number: F Signature: IbV � r h'OF S� Ib Planning Advisory Committee City of Saint John Saint John, NB Dear Sir or Madam, September 1, 2005 16 I wish to speak against the proposed Leinster Court Section 39 Amendment and Variance application at your meeting on Wednesday September 7, 2005. I object to this proposal and I want an opportunity to explain my objections at the PAC meeting. Sincerely, Name At C? +„- (= - -L Address: /�, 7_ � ;,.�1 S T Telephone number: Signature: ze / 0 Leinster Court Development (Corrected Copy) Subject: Leinster Court Development (Corrected Copy) Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2005 09:49:47 -0400 From: Bill & Cony Brienza <sden @nbnet.nbca> To: The Scholar's Den Bookstore <SDEN .c nbnet.nb.ca> Dear Members of the Common Council No doubt I am against growth. I have experienced a lifetime of unwise decisions in the name of growth. My knee jerk reaction to every new building and roadway is to ask what will be its impact? So it is not surprising a personal alarm rang recently when I read about the proposed Leinster Court project in the Telegraph - Journal. This project is tied to one of the biggest issues of the recent by- election: harbour cleanup. A fifty -one unit apartment complex will be the point of origin for a great deal of untreated sewage. That sewage is going to be piped directly into the harbour. Our harbour needs to be free of untreated sewage to protect our fish, our beautiful Saint John River waterway, and our health. Clean water does not happen by accident. Government has to plan to produce it methodically. When the City Council reviews the Leinster complex it should consider approval very carefully. If the city adds fifty -one new units, maybe it should destroy fifty -one substandard units. That action would balance an otherwise massive increase in untreated sewage. Another option for the city council to consider is to enforce its "water and sewerage" bylaw by requiring a mechanical "central sewage disposal system." This equipment could treat waste materials that originate from Leinster Court before reaching the harbour. Regardless of the council's decision, the time has come to place a moratorium on new construction anywhere in the city that will produce untreated sewage. A moratorium is the right thing to do. It is even a courageous action of leadership. The city council should stand up and say "no more" to raw sewage and be serious about harbour cleanup. Even if the money from the federal and provincial governments is to be placed into city coffers tomorrow, it could be ten years before the entire city has sewage treatment. That may be too late to save the harbour for its fishery or the lower river valley for even recreation. In ten years, with continued global warming, the harbour could become a dead zone. Additionally, a moratorium on new construction could make existing buildings more valuable. If real estate sales on existing buildings bring higher prices, then the city could realize greater property tax revenues from increased assessed evaluations. Sometimes the free market needs a little help. A moratorium on new construction in areas with untreated sewage is the help our substandard housing stock desperately needs to be revitalized or mercifully destroyed. William M. Brienza Owner /Operator r The Scholar's Den Bookstore r 105 Prince Edward Street Saint John NB Canada E2L 3S1� 1 1 of 2 11/16/2005 9:51 AM ~- SAINT JOHN 5.1 November 11, 2005 Mr. Stephen Rankin Maritimes and Northeast Pipeline 1801 Hollis Street, Suite 1600 Halifax, NS B3J 3N4 Re: Proposed Rockwood Park Pipeline P.O. Box /C.P. 1971 Saint John, NB /N. -B. Canada E2L4L1 www.saintjohn.ca Mr. Rankin; Over the last few months Saint John has been named the third best city in which to do business in Canada, has the third highest projected GDP growth for 2005 and similarly high growth is predicted for 2006. Make no mistake Saint John is on the move. A large part of our recent and future sucoesses are due to historic investments in energy. Saint John is without a doubt becoming the energy hub of the eastern seaboard and I am very pleased that natural gas is a large part of our positive reputation. I also hope that in the future investments in renewal energy can become a reality for Saint John. As we solidify our position as the energy hub of the eastern seaboard, we must maintain a balance between industry, our natural beauty and our public green spaces. Considering this, my preferred route for the natural gas pipeline is not through Rockwood Park. Ultimately final route decisions are with you and the National Energy Board of Canada and I urge you to consider alternative options available for this pipeline. :Z;000 Mayor, Norman McFarlane CC. Common Council, City of Saint John kP National Energy Board of Canada Explore our past/ Explorez notre passel Discover your future Ddcouvrez votre avenir Grand Bay - Westfield , Quispamsis • Rothesay • St. Martins • Saint John 5,a www.saintjohn.ca November 21, 2005 Mayor Norman McFarlane; Members of Common Council; Your Worship and Fellow Councillors; P.O. Box/C.P. 1971 Saint John, NB /N. -B. Canada E2L 4L1 Re: ROUTING OF THE PROPOSED L.N.G PIPELINE Background: Several weeks ago in a Committee of the Whole Council Meeting a brief presentation was provided by Maritime and Northeast Pipelines regarding the routing of the proposed L.N.G. gas line. The gas line when constructed would extend from the L.N.G. terminal through the City Of Saint John to the United States. The representatives of Maritime and Northeast Pipelines presented three options to Council for the routing of a 30" in diameter transfer line through the City of Saint John. Options: 1. The crossing of the line from the L.N.G. terminal located on the Eastern side of the city under the ocean bed to the western side of the city 2. The routing of the 30" pipeline from the L.N.G. terminal through a low density populated area most likely in close proximity to the new proposed Road through Redhead and traveling through central parts of the City. 3. The routing would be the same as option 2 until the L.N.G. line reached the most inner part of the City and then the routing would change in course that would see the line travel through Rockwood park following the already established corridor created for the hydro line, onto the Northern part of city and crossing the waters at Indian town to the Irving Pulp Mill and continuing to the United States. In the weeks that have passed since the presentation to Council by Maritime and Northeast Pipelines, concerns have been expressed by the citizens of Saint John with respect to the routing of the pipeline through Rockwood Park outlined in option three. Many Citizens have expressed a strong view that this unique natural green space located in the center of the city must be protected at all cost. Many are the view that if this routing plan is allowed it will be the first of other pipelines to follow. The view expressed is that Rockwood Park must be preserved and kept in its natural state. Analysis: The representatives of Maritime and Northeast Pipelines stated to Council that Option 1 was no longer a consideration because it had been determined that the integrity of the 30" line would be jeopardized because of the experience of high tides in the Bay of Fundy. The representatives stated that option 2 was feasible but would require the disruption of a number of city streets and would see the 30" line travel through a more heavily populated part of the city then option 3. The company representatives concluded by stating that their preferred routing would be option 3. This option that would see the L.N.G. 30' pipe line go through Rockwood Park. If one could except that only two options of the three presented really exists then from a practical point of view the routing through Rockwood Park makes sense. This route would be less disruptive to the city street network and would lessen the risk to the safety of the greater population of Saint John should an incident occur. The question that remains to be answered is there really just two options? The ordinary lay person will need much more convincing, for they find it most difficult to understand why it is that the proposed L.N.G. pipeline cannot cross the ocean bed and still maintain its integrity. When one considers that the transfer lines that presently exist in this city extend from the floor of the Bay of Fundy, that off Sable Island a line crosses the ocean bed for a distance of over 100 miles and when one also considers that many petroleum operations located in the North Seas pipe product under the ocean bed, how can the circumstances associated with the Bay of Fundy be so different with a pipeline crossing that would only be approximately 8 miles in length? Resolution : That the City Manager draft a letter for the Mayor's signature advising Maritime and Northeast Pipelines that the Mayor and Council is not willing to agree to or endorse any terms with Maritime and Northeast Pipelines that would see the proposed 30 inch L.N.G. gas line extend through Rockwood Park, unless ancl; un'q it *16learly be demonstrated through a credible scientific and engineering feasibility study that crossing the ocean bed would jeopardize the integrity of the pipeline due to the high tides of the Bay of Fundy. Un Further that the preferred route of this Mayor and Council is the option that would see the proposed L.N.G. line cross the ocean bed. M That the position outlined in this report supplemented with input from staff be put forth to the National Energy Board of Canada. Res Xectfully itted; Councillor Glen Tait S,3 wwwsaintjohn.ca November 16, 2005 Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Fellow Councillors, P.O. Box/C.P. 1971 Saint John, NB/N. -B. Canada E2L 4L1 Re: Appointment of Vision 2015 Champion At the last meeting of Common Council, the appointment of the Vision 2015 Champion was tabled pending a special meeting to discuss the implementation of the recommendations of the Operational Review Program. The appointment of the `Champion' is a critical milestone in moving the Operational Review Program forward. In fact, in referencing the Executive Champion, the Chartwell report is unequivocal; One of the most critical projects in the start up or launch phase is to seek out and dedicate one Executive Champion to supplement the assignment of the Program Manager. The reality is that no further progress can be made until this action is taken by Council. The City Manager has submitted his recommendations (attached) and it now up to Council to make a decision. Council's willingness to act will demonstrate our commitment to this undertaking. I have set out some of the key considerations below in an effort to clarify the roles and responsibilities of the Executive Champion. What is the Role of the Champion? Again, Chartwell is clear, " The first task of the Executive Champion will be to assign specific Project Champions, Project Managers and Resources to each of the projects that constitute the Program. The Executive Champion and specific Project Champions have ultimate accountability and responsibility for the programs and projects, respectively. The Executive Champion is responsible for overseeing the specific Project Champion and Project Managers. The determination of what projects will require external consulting resources will be the responsibility of the Executive Champion and Program Manager" Who does the Champion report to? In the text of the report it suggests that the Executive Champion reports to the Chair of the Vision 2015 Steering Committee. Given the current legislative requirements of the City of Saint John it is necessary that this position report through the City Manager to the Committee. This is a common reporting relationship in a Committee form of government. It should be noted, however that the Committee is a committee of Council and it in turn is responsible to make any and all recommendations to Council. What are the deliverables /performance standards expected of the Executive Champion? The Executive Champion position is intended to be a senior level position in the City Administration operating at the Deputy City Manager level. The incumbent is expected to demonstrate strong leadership, interpersonal and communication skills. Once a more detailed work plan has been developed by the Executive Champion, the resources, time lines specific expectations for successful implementation can be established. These will be matters of ongoing discussion between the Committee and the incumbent. The deliverables are equally clear- successfully implement the 11 projects that Council has approved to achieve the Vision 2015 — Saint John's Program of Excellence. Why appoint the Champion now? As noted above the Champion has specific responsibilities to implement the 11 projects already approved by Common Council over the next 4 years. Wholesale changes in the City structure and organization will be required to be successful. A new governance structure, a corporate strategic plan and developing service level standards are but a few of the key projects that are pending. Chartwell has recommended a start up phase of five projects as part of the initial Program launch given the substantial requirements of the implementation program. The start up phase requires that we; • Dedicate resources to the project(s) • Find funding sources and partners • Develop a more detailed schedule • Establish the standards and principles of project management • Develop a communications plan Clearly, the implementation of the projects has both budgetary, workload and human resource implications that should be addressed as part of Council's 2006 budget deliberations. These actions cannot be left to another day and require the attention and direction of the Executive Champion. Conclusion Given the critical role that the Executive Champion will play in achieving the Vision 2015 Program of Excellence, given the fact that the City Manager has made the appropriate recommendations to Common Council, given the significant financial and human resource issues that must be resolved as part of the 2006 budget process and most importantly given the need to move the City of Saint John forward as contemplated in the recommendations of the Operational Review Program final report, I am requesting Council's support for the following resolutions. Recommendation That Common Council lift the recommendation regarding the appointment of the Executive Champion from the table and That Common Council adopt the recommendations as set out by the City Manager (attached). Respectfully submitted, Councillor Glen Tait Chairman Vision 2015 Committee RECOMMENDATION: That the position of Deputy City Manager, Programs and Priorities, be added to the City's establishment. 2. Associated with the position are entitlements of five weeks vacation and the receipt of $200.00 per month in lieu of all mileage claims for in- Province travel. 3. That Council accept Mr. Andrew Beckett's resignation as Commissioner of Finance and Commissioner of Corporate Services effective January 1, 2006. 4, That Mr. Andrew Beckett be appointed under Section 74(3) of the Municipalities Act, to the position of Deputy City Manager, Programs and Priorities, effective January 1, 2006. November 16/05 Your Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and members of Common Council, Subject: Rogers Television coverage of Common Council meetings. Back rg ound Channel ten television coverage of Common Council meetings has been a familiar service in Saint John for many years. The service has been excellent and the staff of Rogers Cable Television should be commended for their dedication and long hours of service. Many citizens tune in and watch the civic proceedings each week to stay informed of municipal matters. Over the past several months I have had many calls suggesting the Common Council meetings be aired "live ". The present scheduled format on channel 10 airs at 9:30pm. This delayed air time schedule often means citizens must stay up into the early morning hours to view the Common Council meeting. I understand that television scheduling is complex and the regular programming is important. However, as a result of so many requests and comments I suggest we discuss this opportunity with Rogers Television. Be it resolved: That this matter of Common Council televised meetings be referred to the Common Clerk or City Manager and they negotiate, if possible, a live air broadcasting schedule for Common Council meetings and to report back in 4 weeks. Respectfully submitted, Councillof i Jobn gilson 6 � J November 17, 2005 SAINT JOHN Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council City of Saint John Dear Mayor McFarlane and Fellow Councillors: UPDATE REGARDING PROCESS BEING MADE BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN AND THE PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK CONCERNING MINIMUM PROPERTY STANDARDS AS IT RELATES TO DWELLING UNITS P.O. Box /C.P. 1971 Saint John, NB /N. -B. Canada E2L4L1 www.saintiohn.ca A meeting has been scheduled for November 29, 2005 in Saint John with key senior City of Saint John officials including John Nugent, City Solicitor and William Edwards, Commissioner of Building and Technical Services and key officials from the New Brunswick Department of Environment and Local Government to discuss the following: Proposed by -law enforcement changes, Executive Summary of ICCUR Research, ticketing and enforcement proposal and Provincial requirements i.e. change to Municipalities Act, Provincial Offenses Procedures Act. Officials will review the results of ICCUR National Research examination with respect to what by -laws may be appropriate for the needs of Saint John. Data from the following municipalities will be examined; London, Ontario; Halifax, Nova Scotia; St. John's, Newfoundland; Summerside, Prince Edward Island; Edmonton, Alberta and St. Catherine's, Ontario. It should be noted that Premier Bernard Lord recently stated in Saint John that the necessary changes would be included in the Speech from the Throne during the next session of the New Brunswick Legislature. A written update will be provided to Mayor and Council post the November 29th meeting. Respe ZIlys mitt e eter Mc COUNCILLOR Explore our past/ Explorez notre passel re Discover your futu Decouvrezvotreavenir Grand Bay - Westfield • Quispamsis • Rothesay • St. Martins • Saint John SAINT JOHN �j November 17, 2005 J1 Mayor Norm McFarlane and Council Re: Old North End Charrette P.O. Box /C.P. 1971 Saint John, NB /N. -B. Canada E21_41_1 www.saintjohn.ca Two weeks ago I had the privilege of participating in the 5 day long Old North End Charrette at the Victoria Street Community Center. Organized by the dedicated members of the One Change Community Group and Canada Mortgage and Housing the successful event drew strong community participation as they delved into issues facing the North End community. It is their hope and mine that the City will take a lead role in addressing the issues raised either on our own or through partnership development. In fact the Mayor has committed $1000 from his budget to kick -start their efforts. Further, consultants from Dalhousie University are preparing a community plan that will be presented to Council, and will lead to the resolution of many of the issues identified. It is my hope that a number of these issues will be considered during our budget process. During the Charette several issues were identified that the City could assist with based on four key criteria; 1. there is a role the city can play 2. that the City could act on sooner than later 3. that would have a significant and visual effect 4. that would create / maintain momentum of the Charrette effort Nine issues meeting the criteria include; 1. Garbage Collection — Everything once a week (no secure place to keep it 2 weeks) Consider at least a pilot project for 2 years 2. Better Street Lighting — A few worst areas first (block or two radius around community centre) Decent design & pedestrian scale — Orange Street example Do a street or two each year 3. Neighbourhood Clean Up — Regular effort - City partnership with ACAP, ONE, etc. 4. Sidewalk Repair — • A few worst areas first 5. Street Trees — Grass median wherever possible - Orange Street example Do a street or two each year Partnership Tree Fund Explore our past/ Explorez notre pass€ Discover your Tutu re Decouvrez votre avenir Grand Bay - Westfield • Quispamsis • Rothesay • St. Martins • Saint John • Orange / Horsfield Street examples 6. Transit Improvement— frequency/ hours • Including responding to needs for grocery shopping, doctor appointments, seniors services, etc. 7. Pride in Heritage, Advice on Building Repair- 0 Most effective use of repair monies for owners and landlords • Serious interest in heritage /history = pride in neighbourhood • Request HPI funds for heritage study • Consider involvement by students (with or without designation / registry result) • Possible community sensitive rehabilitation "business" (training program- community college looking at this; Federal Historic Places Initiative / Provincial Heritage funding — Vancouver Community college example) 8. Parking lot improvements — paving / clean up / planting • Example — church lot across street from community centre: find funds to pave and find corporate partner for landscaping improvements (similar to St Andrews Street, South End). 9. Snow clearing • Discuss with community options (example alternate side parking per Central Peninsula Recommendation: Receive and file. Res ul Councillor, Peter McGuire REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M &C 2005 - November 18, 2005 f < His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane The City of sit John And Members of Common Council: SUBJECT: 2005 Summer Playground Program Final Report BACKGROUND: During the budget process in preparation for 2005, Council stressed a concern of the public about the lack of programming for children during the summer months. As a result $100,000 was provided to the 2005 Leisure Services budget to initiate a program whereby the children and the youth of the community would have recreation opportunities during the summer months. Staff developed a program which was offered at a number of locations across the city. Fifteen playgrounds and community centers around the City were selected based on the amenities available and the need in the neighborhoods. The Leisure Services Department also partnered with others to expand the program through additional grant funding. The program ran from June 27 to August 19, an eight week period. Below is a summary report of the program prepared by staff of the Summer Playground Program. ANALYSIS: Staff received a number of calls from the community over the summer stating very positive comments about the program. To measure the success of the program and to prepare for next season Leisure Services staff conducted a survey of the participants of the program and Human Resources conducted exit interviews with the supervisory staff. The following were sited as issues to be addressed for next season: 1. Transportation — a variety of means were used to transport children to various activities around the city, including public transit, hired buses and parents. Staff will investigate a more affordable means for next summer and a way not to involve the use of private vehicles (insurance issues). Transportation appeared to be the issue that affected access to the programs in some areas and the ability to take trips off site. Trips were sited by the participants as most valued. 2. Some of the indoor locations needed for inclement weather were not the best or were non existent. 3. Some of the outdoor locations require additional maintenance. 4. Evening programs were generally poorly attended and perhaps need a different focus such as special programs for teens or family nights. 5. Supervision and reporting relationships for staff was sometimes unclear. This was an issue where we had partnership arrangements. 6. All staff found the job rewarding and an enhancement to their area of school study or personal development. Generally the program was well attended. The total head count for the entire summer was 11,960. This was based on daily attendances at all locations. There were 641 children who registered for the program. The program not only provided an opportunity for the youth of the City to be involved in a positive activity and to be active over the summer but also provided employment and a development opportunity for 30 staff involved in the supervision and delivery of the program. FINANCIAL: Council provided $100,000 to initiate a program. Staff applied for various grants and developed a number of partnerships. The City received a grant for $15,147 (S.E.E.D. / SCP Grants) and managed to partner with other agencies to provide programs valued at another $30,852. As well $4,633 was raised through fees charged at the Integrated Day Camp. The total program cost $151,622. The $100,000 provided by Council not only provided the initial program but assisted in leveraging other sources of funding. RECOMMENDATION: This report be received and filed. Respectfully submitted, Bernie rrison Direct of ure Se es errence L. Totten, C.A. City Manager REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL r� M &C 2005 -347 November 17, 2005 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane And Members of Common Council City of Saint John Your Worship and Members of Council, SUBJECT: Highway Usage Permit with the Province of New Brunswick Lancaster Avenue / Route 1 underpass, Saint John BACKGROUND: Common Council approved the addition of Lancaster Avenue Underpass — Rehabilitation of Water Main Hanger System to the 2005 Water & Sewerage Utility Fund Capital Program on August 29, 2005. Repair / Replacement of the water main support hanger system, involves working on the Lancaster Avenue Route #1 Underpass Structure. The New Brunswick Department of Transportation has reviewed the design drawings and has no objections to the project. A Highway Usage Permit is required before tendering the project to repair / replace the water main support hangers. The Department of Transportation has presented staff with the required permit. The purpose of this report is to present the agreement to Council for its consideration. The agreement is not unlike a railway crossing license in that the permit holder is required to commit to a standard set of terms and conditions in return for the right to run infrastructure under their overpass. The document is standard for the most part although one clause of interest is 5.04 in which the City must provide DOT with a $10,000 security deposit. This is unique when compared to similar licenses granted by others. The agreement is attached for reference. RECOMMENDATION: That The City of Saint John enters into a Highway Usage Permit (HUP) with the Province of New Brunswick, subject to the terms and conditions contained in the attached agreement; for the purposes of repairing /replacing the water main hanger system on the Lancaster Avenue / Route #1 Underpass Structure; and that the Mayor and Common Clerk be a 1horized to sign agreement. Res tfully sub fittedr,�? in Baird, MCIP Commissioner, Planning and Development Terrence L. Totten, F.C.A. City Manager News s 6F Nouveau Brunswick Department of Transportation Highway Usage Permit Permit No. 2005110L10500111 HIGHWAY USAGE PERMIT PERMIT NO.200511OL10500111 THIS PERMIT issued in duplicate this of 2005. FROM: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of the Province of New Brunswick, as represented by the Minister of Transportation (hereinafter called the "Minister "); TO: CITY OF SAINT JOHN a municipal corporation duly incorporated, under and by virtue of the laws of the Province of New Brunswick (hereinafter called the "Applicant ") WHEREAS the Minister, under and by virtue of the Highway Act, Chapter H -5 R.S.N.B. ( "Highway Act "), has the administration and control of highways, as defined therein, in the Province of New Brunswick ( "Highways "); AND WHEREAS the Applicant submitted an application on October 19, 2005 to the MINISTER to install, replace and repair watermain pipes and hangers below, and attached to, the underside of Lancaster Avenue/Route 1 Underpass ( "Watermain "); AND WHEREAS the Applicant has requested that the Minister consent to the Watermain being constructed within the Highways pursuant to an application and plan submitted, and the Minister has agreed to review this application and plan pursuant to Section 44.1 of the Highway Act for permission to enter upon, use and cross and construct a portion of the Watermain in, under and over those portions of the Highways more particularly described in Schedule "A" hereto attached and forming a part hereof ( "Approved Highways ") for the purpose of installing, replacing and repairing the Watermain, AND WHEREAS the Minister has, in his discretion, agreed to issue a highway usage permit pursuant to Section 44.1 of the Highway Act containing terms and conditions as more particularly described herein ( "HUP "); THEREFORE the Minister issues this HUP permitting the Applicant and persons acting under the authority of the Applicant to install, replace and repair the Watermain upon the following conditions: 2 1. GENERAL 1� 1.01 The Minister, pursuant to Section 44.1 of the Highway Act, hereby authorizes the Applicant, subject to the terms and conditions herein contained, to enter upon, use and cross the Approved Highways for the purpose of installing, replacing and repairing the Watermain ( "Construction ") for the periods of time more particularly hereinafter described. 2. CONSTRUCTION 2.01 The Applicant shall carry out the Constriction in accordance with and meeting the prescribed standards by all applicable federal and provincial statutes, as amended from time to time, and municipal by -laws and all regulations, orders, directives, permits and licences in respect thereof which apply to or otherwise affect the Constriction or which apply to or otherwise affect the Applicant and its business assets, insofar as same relates to the Constriction, including, but not limited to, this HUP, the Highway Act and all environmental and occupational health and safety laws. 2.02 The Applicant shall submit all plans and specifications detailing location, timing and duration of Construction to the Minister for his approval prior to the commencement of any Constriction on the Approved Highways. The Applicant shall not undertake or commence any Construction prior to receiving written approval from the Minister of the plans and specifications. The approval of the plans and specifications for any Construction to be carried out on the Approved Highways does not in any way affect or alter the Applicant's responsibility for the design and construction of the Watermain and the Minister hereby specifically denies any such responsibility. 2.03 The Applicant shall complete and deliver to the Minister for approval a final "as built" plan of the Watermain at locations where it is on the Approved Highways, within one (1) month of the completion of the construction of the Watermain. 2.04 The Applicant shall carry out the Constriction in such a manner as to comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Chapter 0 -0.2, R.S.N.B. 1973, including any regulations or orders made thereunder. 2.05 The Applicant shall during the period of Construction: (i) take every reasonable precaution to ensure the health and safety of its employees and the health and safety of any other person having access to the place of employment where any of the Construction is taking place; and 3 0 (ii) ensure that its employees comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the regulations and any order made in accordance with the Act or the regulations. 2.06 The Applicant shall, upon the request of the Minister, provide to the Minister, within seven (7) days of such request, a letter outlining the steps taken by the Applicant to comply with the provisions of Paragraph 2.04 and Paragraph 2.05 hereof. 2.07 No material or equipment shall be deposited or stored on the Approved Highways without the prior written approval of the District Engineer of the Minister ( "the District Engineer "). 2.08 All brush and debris is to be disposed off the Approved Highways. 2.09 The method of installation and construction of the Watermain shall be as per Schedule "A" and Schedule 'B ". 2.10 No Construction is to take place during darkness or reduced visibility, except with the prior approval of the District Engineer. 2.11 The Applicant shall give the District Engineer not less than two (2) weeks written notice before commencing the Construction, excluding normal maintenance activities. 2.12 The Applicant shall ensure that it, its contractor, workmen or agents abide by and will be bound by the terms and conditions of this HUP. 3, PUBLIC NOTICE 3.01 No Construction excluding normal inspection maintenance activities shall be commenced or carried out prior to the Applicant giving timely and sufficient notice to the travelling public using the Approved Highways, warning of the Constriction and of the disruption to traffic that may result therefrom. 4. STANDARD OF CONSTRUCTION 4.01 All constriction shall be performed by the Applicant in a good and workmanlike manner at its own expense. The Minister may order the Applicant to stop Constriction if, in the Minister's opinion, it is not being carried out in a good and workmanlike manner according to the plans and specifications submitted and approved by the Minister for such Construction. The Applicant shall immediately stop Constriction after being ordered to stop by the Minister. The ordering of the stopping of Construction by the Minister, regardless of the reason, shall not give rise to any claim by the Applicant against the Minister and any such claim is hereby specifically barred. Failure of the Minister to give instructions in regards to the Construction does not relieve the Applicant of any responsibilities and liabilities under the HUP or otherwise. 4.02 The Applicant shall use every reasonable effort to ensure, where practical, that: (a) all Construction is performed in a manner that causes as little damage as possible to the Approved Highways; (b) through traffic flow is maintained on the Approved Highways during all Construction according to the Department of Transportation Work Area Traffic Control Manual, as amended from time to time, the receipt of which the Applicant acknowledges; (c) the Construction does not interfere with or obstruct the Approved Highways or traffic thereon except as may be reasonably necessary or required during actual periods of Construction; and (d) the Construction does not alter or interfere with the drainage pattern of the Approved Highways or any property that is adjacent to the Approved Highways. 51 REPAIRS TO THE APPROVED HIGHWAYS 5.01 Upon completion of any Construction, the Applicant shall, at its expense and so far as is practical, restore, repair and landscape the Approved Highways to the extent necessary to restore the Approved Highways to at least the condition existing prior to the commencement of such Construction in a manner satisfactory to the District Engineer. 5.02 All repairs to the Approved Highways, including repairs required to rectify any damage, alteration or environmental disruption to the area surrounding the Approved Highways where the Watermain are located, occasioned by subsidence or caused by the Construction or existence of the Watermain, at the request and to the reasonable satisfaction of the District Engineer, shall be the responsibility of the Applicant for the entire period that the Watermain remain on the Approved Highways. 5.03 If the Minister is required to make any repairs to the Approved Highways as a result of the Construction by the Applicant, or as a result of the presence of the Watermain on the Approved Highways, the Applicant shall, upon demand, reimburse the Minister for the cost of all expenses reasonably incurred in connection therewith, provided however, that, except in emergency situations, the E Minister shall first give the Applicant written notice of any situation necessitating the use of the power conferred under this section and allow the Applicant a reasonable opportunity to forthwith proceed to diligently repair the same. 5.04 The Applicant shall provide to the Minister, at the date of the start of construction, a cash security deposit in the amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) for the purpose of this section to be held by the Minister, on a without interest basis. The Minister may use portions, or all of the security for the purposes of ensuring that the Applicant meets its obligations herein contained during the construction. On the final date of Construction and upon inspection and final approval of the Approved Highways by the District Engineer, subject to the provisions of Paragraph 5.01, Paragraph 5.02 and Paragraph 5.03 hereof, the Minister shall return to the Applicant that portion of the security that remains unused, without interest thereon. Payment of the surety may be made by certified cheque or by Letter of Credit. 6. RELOCATION OF APPROVED HIGHWAYS 6.01 Notwithstanding any other provisions of this HUP, if the Minister relocates, either permanently or temporarily, repairs, or redesigns the Approved Highways, he may request the Applicant to alter, remove or relocate, either permanently or temporarily, the Watermain at the Applicant's expense, within a reasonable length of time after being requested in writing by the Minister. The Applicant shall alter, remove or relocate, either permanently or temporarily, the Watermain within a reasonable length of time after being requested to do so by the Minister, provided, however that the Minister shall, if possible, grant to the Applicant a new HUP containing similar terms and conditions as herein set out allowing the Applicant to install the Watermain on an alternate or replacement site, if any. Nothing herein contained obligates the Minister to pay any costs of the Applicant or to provide the Applicant with an alternate m6ans or replacement Watermain. 7, LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY 7.01 The Minister shall not be responsible for any damage to the Watermain from any cause whatever. 7.02 The Applicant shall indemnify and save harmless the Minister from and against all liabilities, damages, claims, suits and actions whatsoever resulting in any way from the Constriction or the operations of the Applicant or of its employees, agents, contractors or subcontractors of the Applicant. 0 7.03 The Applicant shall promptly pay. compensation to the Minister for all damages suffered by the Minister as a result of the Construction or the operation of the Watermain on the Approved Highways. 7.04 The Applicant agrees that if any contamination should be encountered, on, in, under or around the property owned by the Minister that: (i) all work will cease immediately in that area; and (ii) the Minister will be immediately advised of the said contamination in order for the Minister to assess the situation. 7.05 If the Applicant fails to abide by Section 7.04 and contamination is later determined to have been present, the Minister shall not be responsible for the resulting deterioration or damage. 8. INSURANCE 8.01 The Applicant, at its own expense, shall purchase and maintain in full force during the term of the HUP and any extensions or renewals thereof general liability and pollution insurance in form and content acceptable to the Minister, acting reasonably, to protect the Applicant, their contractors and subcontractors, as well as the Minister, his respective successors and assigns, and his respective directors, officers, legislators, employees, agents and servants. 8.02 Such insurance shall provide coverage for property damage to the Approved Highways, including loss of use thereof, and shall protect the Minister, his successors and assigns, and his respective directors, officers, legislators, employees, agents and servants from all claims arising out of liability for property damage, bodily injury (including death and personal injury) arising out of the existence, construction, use, operation, maintenance and rehabilitation of the Watermain and use and occupancy of the HUP. 8.03 This liability insurance shall provide for, but shall not be limited to: i) a five million dollar ($5,000,000.00) limit of liability per occurrence; fl) Sudden & Accidental Pollution coverage for all insured perils; iii) broad form occurrence property damage; iv) cross liability and separation of interest with respect to each Insured; v) the Minister, his respective successors and assigns, and his respective directors, officers, legislators, employees, agents and servants included as Insureds with respect to liabilities arising out of the Watermain; 0 vi) breach of any of the terms or conditions of the policy, or any negligence or willful act or omission or false representation by any other Insured or any other person, shall not invalidate the insurance with respect to the Minister, his respective successors and assigns, or his respective directors, officers, legislators, employees, agents and servants included as Insureds. 8.04 All policies shall be insured by financially sound insurers licensed to carry on business in Canada. Insurers shall not cancel or materially change the policy without sixty (60) days prior written notice to the Minister, his respective successors and assigns, his respective directors, officers, legislators, employees, agents and servants included as Insureds. 8.05 If closely held insurance facilities (e.g. captive, reciprocal or any other form of alternate risk financing) are used instead of conventional insurance the Applicant shall provide ninety (90) days prior written notice to the Minister of the program structure and participants with sufficient information to determine what, if any, supplementary insurance requirements may be needed (e.g. "cut- through" endorsement to captive reinsurers) to ensure continued, adequate protection for the Minister. 8.06 Certified true copies of all insurance policies maintained in compliance with this provision, or other documentation in form and content acceptable to the Minister, shall be delivered to the Minister, prior to any construction work on the Watermain that may affect the Approved Highways and prior to commencement of the operation of the Watermain. Certificates of insurance, or other documentation in form and content acceptable to the Minister, evidencing any renewal of or replacement insurances, shall be delivered to the Minister, not later than fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration of existing policies. Certified true copies of all renewal or replacement policies shall be delivered not later than ten (10) business days after a written request from the Minister. 9. TERMINATION 9.01 This HUP shall terminate: (a) on the 31st day of December 2030 or (b) at the option of the Minister upon written notice to the Applicant: (i) if the Watermain are used for any purpose other than a conduit for water; (ii) in the event the Applicant shall not have commenced operations on the Approved Highways for the Construction of the 0 Watermain within five (5) .years from the date hereof, the permission hereby granted shall thereupon immediately terminate without further act or notice; (iii) if the Applicant defaults in observing or performing the obligations herein and it fails to remedy or to diligently take steps with a view of remedying such default after the same has been brought to the attention of the Applicant by the Minister by way of written notice thereof, the Minister may in his sole discretion and without recourse by the Applicant terminate the HUP; but the obligations of the Applicant under this HUP shall . survive such cessation and determination of such permission. If this HUP is terminated pursuant to Subparagraph 9.01(b), the rights hereby granted shall thereupon immediately terminate without further act or notice, and all rights of the Applicant shall thereupon cease and expire, and the Applicant shall execute and file such documents as may be necessary to confirm or to give public notice of such termination. 9.02 At the expiry of the twenty -five (25) year term under Clause 9.01(a) this . HUP may be renewed at the discretion of the Minister for successive periods of ten (10) years until the Watermain are abandoned as set out in Clause 9.04 or until it is terminated in accordance with Clause 9.01(b). 9.03 The Minister shall not be liable to pay any amount for costs or damages incurred by the Applicant as a result of the termination of this HUP for any reason. 9.04 In the event the Applicant elects to abandon the operation of the Watermain in whole or in part, the Applicant shall provide notice in writing to the Minister of its intention to abandon and the notice of such abandonment shall effectively terminate this HUP, provided that the Applicant shall thereafter have the obligation hereunder, to forthwith undertake and complete all those demolition, removal, remedying and rehabilitation undertakings or conditions necessary to comply with the conditions of this HUP. 9.05 As a condition of abandonment, the surface and the right -of -way of the Approved Highways concerned shall be restored, so far as practicable, to the same condition as it was prior to the entry and use of the Applicant. Any such work done by the Applicant pursuant to or recognized by this provision is to be carried out completely at the expense of the Applicant. 9.06 Where the Minister has obligated the Applicant as a condition of abandonment, to maintain, remedy or take other measures with respect to the Watermain, the Applicant shall have fiill right and permission at any time where necessary thereafter, notwithstanding the termination of this HUP, to enter upon W P. the said Approved Highways with people, machinery and material, for the purpose of carrying out such obligations, but always restoring or repairing however, any damage to the Approved Highways thereby occasioned, and where required, paying compensation for damages to the Minister arising from such entry. Any such work done by the Applicant pursuant to or recognized by this provision is to be carried out completely at the expense of the Applicant. 9.07 Except for those matters contained in Paragraph 9.01(b), if the Applicant defaults in observing or performing any of the terms and conditions herein set forth to be observed and performed by it and it fails to remedy or to diligently take steps with a view of remedying such default after the same has been brought to the attention of the Applicant by the Minister by way of written notice thereof the Applicant agrees to pay, as liquidated damages to the Minister for each such default or breach, the amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00). 10. NATURE OF HUP 10.01 The Applicant's right to occupy the Approved Highways for the purpose of the Watermain pursuant to this HUP is as a mere licence. This HUP does not grant or convey to the Applicant any title to the Approved Highways. 10.02 It is understood and agreed that any plans, including the plans specified in Section 2.02 and Section 2.03 are to be prepared by the Applicant for purposes of the Constriction or for identifying property or the status of title of property, that the Minister does not, in any way, represent or warrant to the Applicant that its Approved Highways is located as shown on the said plans or that the Minister owns or controls all or any portion of the right -of -way shown. The location of the Approved Highways is determined by the Applicant at its sole risk and the Watermain are placed thereon solely at the risk of the Applicant. If the Applicant wishes to confirm or determine the title or ownership of the Approved Highways, it shall examine such title and ownership at its own expense and the Minister shall not be required to produce any abstract of title, title deeds, or copies thereof or any evidence of title other than those in possession of the Minister. 10.03 This HUP is non - exclusive. The Minister hereby reserves the right to grant permission to other persons to use the Approved Highways for whatever purpose the Minister deems necessary provided, always, that the Minister shall not permit any other person to use the Approved Highways for any such purpose if such use or any constriction of other work in connection therewith would in any way damage the Watermain or interfere with the Applicant's use thereof. 10.04 This HUP, and any right conveyed herein by the Minister to the Applicant, is subject to any other agreement, permission or right previously entered into or granted by the Minister to any other persons or corporations to use the Approved Highways. The Applicant shall not damage or in any way interfere with any other 10 E7 person's or corporation's use of the Approved Highways. The Applicant shall reimburse any person or corporation for the costs of any damages to their plant or equipment located on the Approved Highways arising from or caused by the negligence of the Applicant in the carrying out of the Construction. 10.05 While the provisions of this HUP are intended to be fully binding and effective between the parties, in the event that any particular provision or provisions hereof or a portion of any said provision is found to be void, violable or unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, then the same shall be deemed to be severed from the remainder of this HUP, and all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 10.06 This HUP in no way affects or binds any other Minister, department, agency or crown corporation of the Province of New Brunswick. 11. NOTICE 11.01 Any notice, direction or other instrument required or permitted to be given to the Minister hereunder shall be in writing and may be given by registered post, postage prepaid, or by delivering the same addressed to the Minister as follows: Minister of Transportation PO Box 6000 Fredericton, NB E3B 5H1 Facsimile (506) 453 -7987 or to such other address as the Minister may from time to time designate in writing to the Applicant. Any notice, direction or other instrument required or permitted to be given to the Applicant hereunder shall be in writing and may be given by registered post, postage prepaid, or by delivering the same addressed to the Applicant as follows: City of Saint John 15 Market Square PO Box 1971 Saint John, NB E2L 4L1 Facsimile (506) 658 -4740 or to such other address as the Applicant may from time to time designate in writing to the Minister. Ill r 11.02 Any notice, direction or other instrument aforesaid, if delivered, shall be deemed to have been given or made on the date on which it was delivered or, if mailed, shall be deemed to have been given or made on the second business day following on which it was mailed. 120 NEW BRUNSWICK LAWS OR REGULATIONS 12.01 This HUP will be interpreted according to the laws and regulations of the Province of New Brunswick. In the event this HUP or any portion of this HUP is or appears to be in conflict with any provision of the Laws or Regulations of the Province of New Brunswick, then the provisions of the Laws or Regulations of the Province of New Brunswick shall prevail and this HUP or the portion of the HUP in conflict shall be void and of no force or effect, but any portion of this HUP not in conflict shall continue in full force and effect. 12.02 The Highway Act and regulations made thereunder, as each may be amended from time to time, and any act or regulations made in substitution thereof apply to the HUP and the Applicant agrees to be bound thereby. 13. SINGULAR - PLURAL 13.01 Whenever herein the context permits, words denoting the singular shall include the plural, the masculine shall include the feminine, and a person shall include a corporation and vice versa. 14. BINDING EFFECT 14.01 This HUP, and everything herein contained, shall be binding upon the Applicant and its respective successors and assigns provided, however, that the inclusion herein of the word assigns shall not be construed as permitting any assignment by the Applicant not authorized by this HUP. 15. ASSIGNMENT 15.01 This HUP, and the permission granted hereby, shall not be assigned by the Applicant without the prior written consent of the Minister. 16. NON - WAIVER 16.01 The failure by the Minister to exercise any right or to require or insist that action be taken according to the terms of this HUP in no way waives the right of 12 0 the Minister to require or insist that an action be taken according to the terms of this HUP. 17. AMENDMENTS 17.01 If at any time during the continuance of this HUP the Minister deems it necessary or expedient to make any alteration or additions to this HUP, he may do so by means of a written notice to the Applicant, which shall be supplemental to and form part of this HUP. 18, DISCONTINUANCE 18.01 In the event that the Minister intends to discontinue any of the Approved Highways, the Minister shall provide reasonable notice to the Applicant of such intention (and the applicant shall be responsible as per Section 6). HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in Right of the Province of New Brunswick as represented by the Minister of Transportation Minister of Transportation DOT (05110694) APPLICANT'S ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Applicant, by its duly authorized signing officer, accepts the terms and conditions of this HUP and agrees to be bound thereby. City of Saint John Per: Title: Schedule "A" Transportation District 4 SAINT JOHN COUNTY Highway/Location Type/ Classification Descri Description p Length of Lineal Occupation Km P � ) Method of Installation Permit Number Lancaster Ave/Rte 1 Underpass Arterial (BM) Crossing Hanger 200511OL10500111 Lancaster Ave/Rte 1 Underpass Arterial (BM) Crossing Hanger 200511OL10500112 See Plan: LANCASTER AVENUE ROUTE #1 UNDERPASS SERVICE HANGERS, PLAN AND DETAILS, Dwg.. No. 501 -1 and SECTIONS AND DETAILS, Dwg. No. 501 -2 (BM) - Bypass Mileage (M) - Municipal - No Fees November 4, 2005 | ,| 4 \ || ' w [ / t -- �( /\ ;! § \ e. e■ ; vflf� m _ ! ! Qh/ # ! ! 4 ° �a :i b^ _ SO i !4 i @o Nil! €BTI. boo 9 N 2 0 w N Z O r w w N J H n Z O F N W w N C W k ❑ J H J y'Y i N O U N 4 � a 9 C k 6i wNM j fa a t w I 1 m nv 6 ❑ N , 3 ��w H 1€ J y'Y i N O U N 4 � a 9 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M & C — 2005 -345 November 17, 2005 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Licence to Access Federal Property for Red Head Secondary Access Road BACKGROUND: city of Saint John Common Council at its November 7, 2005 meeting entered into a legal agreement with Irving Oil Limited to proceed with the acquisition of lands for the construction of a new secondary access road to service the Red Head/Mispec area. ANALYSIS: The City does not have the authority to expropriate land from neither the Province nor the Federal Government. There are approximately four parcels of land owned by the Province and one property owned by the Federal Government, of which the proposed route would cross. Staff is in the process of contacting the Province to receive approval to gain access to their lands for the purpose, as noted above. The Federal owned property is located at the end of Proud Road (see attached plan). This property serves the Department of Fisheries and Oceans whom operate a radar tower at the end of their property. Staff has had discussions with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans regarding the purchase of a portion of their property from the point where it intersects with the proposed access road back to the end of Proud Road (public road). They are prepared to convey the land necessary for this project. The attached Licence is required to allow the City and its agents (surveyors, etc.) to enter upon the Federal property for the purposes of preparing a land survey. Report to Common Council November 17, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: That The City of Saint John enter into the attached license from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans for the right to gain access to their property for the purpose of preparing a land survey /geotechnical investigation, located at the end of Proud Road, identified as PID Number 55153316, and that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to sign the license. (664 Baird, MCIP Z and d Develop ent Terrence Totten, F.C.A. City Manager CL /c Description of Plan: License to enter upon Federal property for the purpose of conducting a land survey. N PID: 55153316 Address: Federal property at end of Proud k Road A Pan: N/A Date: November 16, 2005 W U N Fl a D a z H i W z W U H a H b) N >+ U) . 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•luauuuano0 luool pue luauuzoainug3o;uauTlauda(I )lotmsumg nsabl agl3o Ilenoadde oql loafgns st Ipsodoad aqI `nA,ginaa a0uluzuao0 01 uoT;tppe in `lugl polou oq pinogs 11 •popuaunnooaa aq upo uoiluoilddu asn algiluduxoo /seltugs oip jo uotlleziaoglnV •Iaaals aauu03 agl d3AUO0 o; p93JS72 dppaale suq liouno0 `anoqu polou sV •uoT.lpoilddle aqI jo lied su li opniout of daessooau si uoiluziaotpnp s,113uno0 uouuuo0 `leaae laaals iauug3 ag13o aaumo oql hips si d ;10 oql sV •asn pasodoad ogl3o Gaud paaapisuoo si pule anuanV Pl 11!A:1 aauug3 oq; uin oq Ipm ails afuiols daleaoduxal ail o; ssgooy •auoz lutalsnpul dnuaH ,.Z -I„ aql ui asn algt ;ndwoo ao aa1tuns u su aglltuzuzo0 daosinpy 8uiuuuld ag13o llenoaddu pule Matnaa agl soainbga Iesodoad ags 61fluu aadud oql auou gnuQ opisdug jo Tpaou poleooi `«lid lgiltAA„ aql ui ails a2uaols umsdB ,fauaoduml p 3o luauulsilqulsa agl pgsodoad anuq •pIZ agded 8uinal puu •pl'l BuitiA •Q -f SISA'I�'l�i� •aojsuual gqI of aoiad palaldmoo oq of paau 172gl sa5uego uzglsds aaliam oT3lo3ds gale gaagl se `paaan000 lad IOU suq 2uinal of ag3suual lunlou aqZ •0002 `8 duW uo posolo sung laaals aq j •plrl aadud Suieal 01 eaau ag1 Jo alas aql pule anugny 1011iA'1 3o oansolo oql jo 8uiluiliui oT paztaoglne liouno0 uouituoO OOOZ `OZ gojrW u0 �aunoxox�vg aelaQ aplsdeg/anaanV;apiAA, a ;IS a2uao ;S tun4(!) ,Geaodma L ao; 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(sadnpeo) ,slutiallaw Ieltutts puu FiaAaoja `Sutppoq `ssulS `poom `sanual `Soutddtlo pmA `suuo utl `pjeogpjuo sallazu�ta `sSutddujm `jaded su gons `salsem olgtlsnqutoo -uou pue glq ?lsnqutoo glo43o 2ullstsuoo salsem ptlos algtosoilnd -uou (t ? ?) puu `. salsem lu?jlsnput ptlos pue soltgomolnu pouopuuqu `sluuttuu poop `sagse `gstggnj `o&ylaS `salsem ptlos (?t) :poo33o uotldutnsuoo puu 5upl000 `uotluredajd `9utlpueg aql utog Sutllnsai salsem algela00A puu leuttuu olgtosajlnd (t) sapnlout „tall ?I„ -plain luosoid nu luonbtlddu,s puaATns mb suotptugap sal Z mu -1 -xg s?ql III Z 'madoad vl .ins ugof III lDS ap a ;a.IaV mwl -Ag jall ?"I-tpuV uqo f oiltp of snos alto azla lnod alaue luasazd all I luteS agl su papa aq Kum mu(1-Ag sM L I NHOP JNIVS 30 AJ13 dHL SNVQ SaIMC[HO SdQ HHSOdaQ 3Q f10 HdZdr 3Q LKVSIQd3J.Nl 21 L3UHV NHOP ,LNIVS 30 A113 aHJ. N1 UH L LI'I 30 ONI.LISOddQ HO ON MOtHLL HH,L ONLLIHIHOUd MV'I-AH V 1` bZ-W RHUNaN MV'I-Ag : alp ?Pa ego f :smollo3 Se `utlof putuS 3o Il?D gq L lu1eS 3o X11D QU ap leunututoo 1?asuoo a-1 3o I ?ounoD uouttuoD ag1 ,Aq polouuo 1! ag NHOP JNIVS 30 AJ13 dHL SNVQ SaIMC[HO SdQ HHSOdaQ 3Q f10 HdZdr 3Q LKVSIQd3J.Nl 21 L3UHV NHOP ,LNIVS 30 A113 aHJ. N1 UH L LI'I 30 ONI.LISOddQ HO ON MOtHLL HH,L ONLLIHIHOUd MV'I-AH V 1` bZ-W RHUNaN MV'I-Ag alaut luasald np manSln ua 0911n041 sap aSolge lso `suopeog!pom sas alquzasua `uyof ;u!vS fo djjo ayL uI naa-og uo .ian!7 fo $upigodaQ ,ro gulmoeyL ay,I Su ? ;lgtyo ed mvl-d8 N alnnlu! la 8961 laII!nf ZZ of alolPa ugof lu1tS 30 4110 aq L ap a1g1118,7 6 -p1e39 loo v ollnsmod oilne ounonv,p olglssed lsa,u uollaei3ui,l ap lnaln18,1 `1uoulalud ao ap osnual ms 61a `alaue,I op uolltloln inod oll0 alluoo aaSeBua oouelsm aun,p uollonpoilul,l salde 1!os `luunt 1los uolllsodslp 11110 ap n11an ua aa9cIIuc alumlunu apuauit,l t 0Jt90 aunuos aun alallse luosold up alll nu zl8t u asuolnu I!,nb auuoslad 181 e no ootlod op Sago nu 19k18d lnad alazre luasald up anbuoalanb uoll!sodslp aun linoquo !nb ouuoslad el `8 0I011Jt.I t uotlu.$olap 1ud (18 .slullop alu18nbulo snld ne,p l0 bulo -Oulu op sutom nu,t apuamt aun,p olglssud la uopot13ut oun,p olqudnoo lsa alazce luasald of lu!a.guo anbumno g •samplo sap no Awgo es op nuoluoo of ant aun ins sasodap lualos anb no lualon anb 1ag0adma 18 aycos ollai op a$rego no 11rulsuoo lsa 91notgan oo is anus 'uqof lutuS 3o X110 ag3, suep lnalom q 01nolg3n a11ne no uonnto un onnpuoo lnod ou InN L 'ani aun ins sampio sap `10 -mloo slndap saasodap no olnolgan up saalaf lualos anb a111auuad no a11os uo a1tt3 no `lasodap no gala( 'uqof lutes 3o X110 ails suep lnolom u alnolgan un luuslnpuoo uo `lnod ou InN 9 'on1 aun ins lasiodstp sal op no 1310n 011183 sal op onbsu luau al anb ayuos o1131 op samplo sap 10lmmnoot �,s lasstel lnod ou sanud sgmllon lnod aallt oun,p no 1lolloll un,p no ultual un,p no luamlluq un,p anelaudoid of S •sanud soml!on mod 0allt oun,p no nolloll un,p 1!os `uttual un,p no luouigpq un,p ltos 1utu0noid somplo,p uolltlniumou,1 losodap . ,p no ant ul suep 1a,Sultq ap 1lp1alul ISO II b •uyo ,r;ulvS fo d710 au ul agvgiDD fo uO11091103 ay; aof apznold o; MV7 N alnnlu! a1a1118,I op amn$a1 of snos llgelo ollgnd 9unuoo all uo poltgdai s1 olalogl sluampuame [IV pue ,uqof lu!vS 3o X110 al.L ul s1a011S u0 zall! I30 $ulllsodaCl 10 ;Iuimonl.I, m4l $ulllglgold meI -,tg V,, pat111ua 8961 `AInf 3o Sup pu000s- /Sluaml all uo polouua uqof luleS 3o X1!0 ag,L 3o Mei- ,(q d 6 •103a1ag1 uopnoosold laglcn3 of olgtcl IOU sl uoll18lotn all 2ul;lccuucoo uoslad oql luam ud qons uodn put mul -,Sq all 3o uollulom 1o3 uosiod t lsul732t sSulpaaoold 3o uoclnlilsuc agl ia13t 10 alo3aq 19141!0 uollaos sup lapun loe of mcq Xq pozuoglm uoslad fut uo oollod 3o 3oulD agl of uoclaas 1eg1 lapun posoduzl All18uad mnmunu oql of lunbo lunomu up Xvd ftuc mtl -,Sq still 3o uolslnold Sue soleloln ogm uosiod u `8 uolloaS lulpuulsgl!mlobl (e) '(00'05$) sre1I0Q I(813 uugl atom 1ou (00'SZ$) SMIIoQ an13- ,iluamZ all ssal 1ou 3o flleuod u of alqull puu aaua33o ut 30 X111a st mt•I -gig Still 3o suolslnoid aq1 3o Xuu salelom ogm uosiod fud g 61aa11s !ue uodn pollsodap in umolq $ulaq mo13 ia11II 10 slu0luoo ptol ,Sue luonald 01 se papuol 10 palan11su03 os st alatgan gans ssolun uqof luleS 3o Alto ag,L unlllm aloplan lolom laglo 10 31on11 v olulado hugs uoslad ON L &laails Sue uodn lallll `3101lan lolom agl mo13 paltsodop 10 umolgl aq of mollu 10 asnvo 10 `ltsodop 10 molgl Ilegs 'uqof lutuS 3o X110 oql ul 0101 QA 1o1om 18 9ullulado 0l,lm `uoslad ON 9 .1a011s Xut uo palalltas 10 umolq oq of XIo)l!I sl 11 118141 os uoalagl alulmmnoo18 01 1a111I mo1118 lou Iltgs �umanup 10 )lltmapts alenud `1ol `�?ulplmq Xue 3o mumo gigl S •Xtmanup 10 �11emapls alenud `lol `$ulpllnq Xu18 mo13 111111 3o uolltlnumoot aql 1aa11s XUB uo ltsodop 10 olu! dooms llugs uosiod ON b •ugof lu1tS 3o X1!0 aq L in a9tgm[) 3o uopoollo0 ag1 103 apinold 01 mtrl d„ 3o suolsuold gill aznlool ouzacsioj L aznlool owaixno(I SOOZ azquxanou L - oinloat azanuazd SOOZ `L J;)quzanoN - Iuunuuuoo zat33azOpjsa1O uouT[uoO : saluuntns saznIuuSts sat oane `SOOZ at o1guU tuasaid Q1 ins Iuununuoo moos uos Tasoddu I!u3 u ugof ju?eS jo /CIto aTIL `IOflo dQ IOd Na azteyq/.soj(uw Suipeag p qq L Sul uag puooaS Sucpuag IsiT3 :,Cq pouSTS pue SOOZ'Q'd ` * * * * * * ** 3o Cup * * * ** agI mui Xq stgj of pax!jju oq of XI!D pros agp 3o IuaS uounuoO opmodcoO oqj posnuo seq ugof ju1eS 30 �I!O agZ dOa�jgIIM SSa LUIM NI mut -Xq stgl3o oo of olut SOOZ aignianou L - amloaj aucatstoz,I, amlool ouzatxnaa amlaat azanuazd 90OZ `L saquzaAON Immunuoo zac-l3azOriza10 uounuo0 salutntns samltuSts sat oanu `SOOZ a1 alauu Iuasaid at ins ltunuttuoo moos nos sasoddu Mi t ugof lutes 3o 40 aqL `IOfld gQ I0a Ng •olazzt luasazd np moat no aazlua,t s luogtpow sas o14ucasuo `uqo f IuteS 3o X110 aqs uI slowIS otignd aql utoid aaI put mouS 3o Iteouca21 Pup 00utre010 OM of 21tlulag Mrl V aInlllut la Z96I zatzna3 ZI of alotpa uqof IuteS 3o .K1t0 agL op algjn,q Z •pie9a 100 e notssctu0,p alou onbugo znod szullop buto op opmum oun,p outad snos `1sa utosaq puenb Iuauzanatua mat V iop000ld op nuol 1sa osm utuzzal np no luauctleq np uatpit9 of no onelupuew uos `aztelaudoid Q[ `a21au allaa ap no suo6e12 sao ap `oout.� 01100 ap snossop -m anz oun ms Iuussud suatq sal anb sauuoszad sal ualq Issne aingo mol red saSnep ua azllauc a alios anal op a .2tau ap no `luaucailne no suoStl$ ap ouuo3 snos `aael$ ap aSzego annoil as azlaua3 op Inddu un,nb no az0tllno2 aun,p no ltol un,p allzud no Inol anb st03 anbug0 I :alalpa uqo f 1uteS 3O XIIO ag.L op ltunuimoo Itasuoo a7 NHOf ,LNIVS 30 AJ3D all L SNNa SIIfibI'Igfld Saflu saa aov�lvzgja az .La iwal ammaNja arl ILNVN2IIION00 HLaWHV 9Z-WoN HJpmv $mpeag p is 8utpeag puoaaS Sutpta21 l5ztd :�q pauSts pue SOOZ'a'V ` 3o .Ctp all mul-Xq sail of poxg ;e aq of XIIO plus ag13o ItaS uounuo0 aitiodzo0 oql pasneo sel ugof Imes 3O f1I0 ag,L `dOHXJ M SSgN Lim NI •mul -Xq slg13o ooso3 olul Sunuoo oqI uo paluodaz sc olazall sluautpuaucu 11u put ,ugof 1utuS 3o ,f110 ags uI slaa.ilS otignd aqI utoi3 aol Pau mouS 3o Itnoutag pue a0ueze910 aq1 01 Bullelag mt-I v )f ` OlMua Z96I `Jimniga3 30 Xtp gglaml aql no polmua ngof 1utuS 3o X1 ?0 oq.L3o mtI -fq V Z •mouS so sa10101 `aot lons anouzai 01 109129U ,tzana so3 szuttop ang 3o X11mod oq1 zapun auul 01 aunt ucoz3 mouS zo sa1aI0I `aac gans anoucai 01 101 zo 8uiPltnq gans 3o aseo oql 9uimel uoszad fuu zo zaumo og13o luoOu all zo zaumo aql 3o Xjnp oqI oq 11e1s II `Xliadozd zo suoszad gans uodn 3oazall IIu3 aql Xq mous so solotai `a0t Ions gltauaq hails Xuu uo 9urssed Xlzadozd zo suoszad za9uupua of se iouLmui u gans ut mous gltm .10 `astmiaglo .10 89101013o uu03 all ut saglta aac 111m uapet sI Tlts- mopulm ,fuu zo 43Ata zo 3ooz 3o uotliod zo anea 3ooz Xue zanauagM I - :smo11o3 se ugof lu1eS 3O XIIO mil 3o pouno0 uounuo0 ag1 Xq palatua 11 og NHOf .LNIVS 30 AID IIH,L Na S121aH.LS OPIEnd dH,L WOHJ ail (INV MOMS 30'IVAOWaH aNV IIJNN variO all L OIL ONLLV'IIIZI mvrI V 9Z-w H21a am MV'I-AH \ 'b561 aigoloo gZ np ialduioo ? 1a33a iailuo nos uimpoid alaire,l la `sonbilgnd iced el 10 alunoos el clues ul luauialeppauniu ianiasoid ap sug xnu oluaBin lso algae luosoid np uoildopu,1 anb a.reloap lso II £ '1los 011a,nb amleu anblanb ap mogo ailne alnol no anulnoiio gun `anbuinunuoo un `agog ;e gun `amgaoiq gun `olreouud gun `oloeloods ap auieloai neauued un `nuauuud un `nuaauouud un `gluupuod ouSiosua gun ins anbipui lsQ Qilil uos no uiou uos anb Uj of alaue luasoid of lumquo u ollo,nb la altouloala,p no ouogdalal ap `agdu 2aial ap ouol.Sd un no nualod un ins uailuiuui uos op no asod us ap `uoilailuo nos ap `uoilisodxo uos ap `ogoulle nos ap `uoilullulsui uos op `aBugooioae uos op aiqusuodsai Iso auuosiod oun,nb lte3 np atom ncuud annoid Ines Z •uaplailua,i omsse uo mb ailoo op 1pos `auol4d ao ap no nualod ao ap aimpudoid Isa mb Quuosiad el ap lios oluaa uoissmuod el algeleaid nu nuolgo gonu sues ugof 1uieS 3o Ai!D oqy soup aulan l uaa olXd un no nualod un ms Ipos ollo,nb gmluu anblanb op asoga ailnu olnol no Qipuinono aun `anbpunuuuoo un `agaT3e aun `aingooiq aun `alreoupd aun `alouloods ap aureloai- nuouued un `neauued un `nuamouud un `aluepuod ouBiosuo aun nuolureuc no asod `nuoloiluo `agaullu no asodxa `agooioou lios anb louuad no opumop pnb no `luailuiuuc no asod `luatlailua `asodxa `agaullu no allelsup `agooiaau mb auuosiod ul siellop sluoo xnop ap opuauiu Qun,p `oniaunuos ompaooid zed allllqudlno op uopeieioap ms `olgpssed Iso la uoploegup aun launuoD I :aloipa uqo f Iup3S 3o ,�IID oU op leunuimoo gosuoo a7 AIHOf .LAIIVS AO AIM HHI SKVQ XfIV9104I SII'I RaS XfIVHNNIVd Al HSOd V'I ILAiVSI(maLhII a.LUWHV SZ -W ON R LauxV •mo; -,Cgg pue poipung ouiu puusnogl Quo piorl mo 3o mQA oql up izgoloo 3o Sup g1Pp0- xlu0ml aq1 no uouuiodo pup loa33a olui o$ llegs ouius aql pue `aoead oplgnd pue Xla3us oilgnd `glluoq oilgnd aql ;o uopleAiasoid aleppounui oql io3 luo5m st mel -,Cg spgl jo aBussud aqi will paieloap Agaiag si 1I £ .Mel -Aq sigl jo uoilelotA u polliunuoo seq pue piupums io clod lgBpl ouloaia io auogdalal `gdeiBalal Xue uodn Bans 3o do BuidaQN io Buiould `Bupuieluteui `Builpgnlxa `Butualsu; io BuplaaiQ `Bui$ueLI ag1 103 aigisuodsai si ianaoslugm uoilduosap fue 3o Bupgl iaglo io lliq-Puuq `uilallnq `IIIq `lalgduiud `preo -mogs `pieoq -mogs `Ois `piuoq -ats `uBis- Buiguims Cue no paluuBisop si 311p io oumu osogm `uosiod ag1 legl aauappna aiM miud aq Ilugs 1I Z '00'00Z$ 3o aug u of uotlotnuoo faeununs uo aiq q st pue oouojjo uu sll=oo pmpuels io clod lgBil . aulaala io ouogdalal `gduiBaial Bans suiulupuui puu sumo gopgm io ogm uosind agl 3o uoissnuiad mIlum agl pauuulgo Buinuq lsig lnoglpm ugof luiuS 3o Xijo agy nt pmpuels io alod 1g4i1 ouloala io auogdalal `gduiBaial ue uodn `ianaoslegm uoilduasap AM 3o Buigl iaglo io IIIq pueq `m Qiinq `IIIq `lalgdured `prey -molls `pieoq -mogs `ais `pieoq -uBis ` 2ts- SupBuims fue `dn idol io `poould `poupulupuui `poualsu3 io paligpgxo `paloaia aq of slpuuad io sasneo io `dn sdaaN io somid `suiulupnui `slignlxa 4suolse3 io sloaia `sBuug ogm `uosiod V I - :smollo3 su ugof lup3S3o XI!D gq,L 3o IpounoD uounuoD aql Cq paloeua II og 11HOf ,LAIIVS AO A.LIO aH,L AII Sa'IOd AIO SMOIS AO DMDVrld dH,L OAII LIUIHOHJ MV l V SZ-W I HENfINI MV'I-As C7� I i aznlool auialsloiy aznlool auzalxna(I 900Z azquunou L - aznlaal azaccuazd 9002 `L iaquiano61- luununuoo zat33azO/)1za1O uouzuuoD : saluunms saznluaIS sal 03AU `9002 of alauu luosaid al ins luunuuuoo moos uos zasoddu Ipu3 u ugof lulus jo 43 agy `IOflo gQ IO3 Nd &alauu luosaid np in3aTA ua aazlua,I sap osozqu lso `suolluoglpow sos alquusua `ugof IupuS 30 XI!D aqy up solod uo sals 30 Bulould aqI OUT .Ilgpgo -zd MuI V aInlllut Ia 17961 azgoloo 8Z of alolpa uqof lupus 30 �IpO aqy op ala.uu,7 b azluyq/zo�tuy�l Sulpuau piggy 2ulpuag puoaas Sulpuag Isu3 ':. q pou8ls pLm SOOZ 'Q'd `....... 3o fup ......... agI MuI - iq slgl of poxgju aq of Xj!D Plus ago Jo 1139S uouuuO3 oluzodzoo oql posnuo sug ugof IupuS 30 �I!O Q IL 3OaZIgIL4A SSgNU Al I II Mug -Xq slgl JO aozo3 olul 8unuoa agl uo paluado.z sl olazagl sluauzpuouzu Ilu Puu 1 LIIof IupuS 30 XID oqy up salod uo saTS 3o Sulould agl $ullpgpgozd MuI d.. PaIIIIua 17961 `zagolaO 3o Sup gIq$la- XjuaMl aql uo palauua ugof IupuS 3o -�I!D gill 3o mtl-Xq V 17 : sglutnlnS samluu TS sal aant `SOOZ of alazre luosaid of ins leununuoo moos uos igsoddu 1Iu3 p ugof 1uleS 30 X110 oqL `IOflo g(I IO3 Ng -919im luosaid up inan4tn ua aailua,l sap g2oigt 1so `suolleoglpoui sas olquzasuo `shailS no spieogalv�jS 3o osfl gql 2ulllglgoid mu[ -X11 V alnlllul la 996I umf iZ ai ghlpa ugof luleS 30 A1I0 oLIL op alazre,q b •asniuuoo 1101139i3ul onbego inod siullop bulo op opuaure aun,p olglssud la uolloui3ul aun,p olgtdnoo 1so alain luasaid aI lulgi3uo onbuoolno £ •uqo f lujvS 30 X110 oqy sutp oni gun ins sallalnoi V ogoutld gun ailnpuoo op 11piolul 1sa II Z Oaa os) •silolloil sal la !o-xnoo ms sluod sal suduioo ,C `salnolggA sap uollelnoiio el .mod ollgnd of ied aaslllln lsa sallied sas op oun,[ puenb ootld oun,p no oind un,p `allani oun,p `aloA aun,p `unuggo un.p `olnoi oun,p saluull sal oiluo osuduioo aialluo inogml erI « oni» (p.tvog9m4s) •oumumq uolhuil .red oni oun ms aaill no aaliodsueil ails lnod no 1so ouuosiod oun lanbol ied no Ianbol ms sonoi sap ins aluoui npualeui oilnt lnol op no onbgsuld ap `sloq ap 3illsodslQ a sollalnoi a ggouuld» (Sunup) •aigll anoi uo oluaosop el op luounuplou pualua,S a ailnpuoo v •chit luosaid nt luonbllddu,s luanms mb suopuigop sorl I :ahlpa ugof luluS 30 X110 oqS, op Itunuuuoo Ilasuoo orI Sgf1H STT HAS S2[1,L3rM0H V SgHONVrld SgQ NOILV SIME11I .LN V SI(RIg,LNI 2[,LaUH V LE-WON 4,LPHHV :,(q pguOis put SOOZ 'Q'V �........ 30 ,ivp........ aql m,31-,Sq s?ql of paxg3e oq of j(1i0 pots gg13o IlounoO uounuoO alpiodioO aq1 posneo seq uqo f lumS 30 X110 QTU 4dOMMA1 SSgN.LL1A NI &Aml -.�q sull3o goio3 olul Bunuoo oql uo poleadai sl olaiagl sluouipuom Ile put „slogilS uo spiuogolu)IS 3o osfl ggl 8uglgigoid met -,Sg V„ paIlllua 9961 `aunf 30 ,Cup lsig-�fluaml 9111 no polouua ugof 1ultS 30 �IIO oT1130 iAvl-Xq V b •aaua33o clota 1010069$ 3o aug e of algtll put aaua33o ue 30 ,C1I1$ gq Ilegs mtI -Xg aq1 3o suolslnoid oql salelolA oqm uosiad XuV £ uqo f luteS 30 Aj!0 oq j uI hails ,Suu uo pieogaltals p anup llpgs uosiod oN Z (aw) •si[lumopls pup uogiggl sa8puq oql Oulpnloul `salalgaA 3o mussed aql io3 allgnd luiouog oql Aq pasn sl3ogiagl lied Suu uagm aould io )I.red `,CaIIt `auel `ptoi `fUMT15Iq faQAQ 3o scull /npunoq aql uaamlag glplm aigug gql supoui „hails„ (saj ;ajnod v ayouv1d) :iamod upuinq ,Cq hails e uodn umeip io paltodsuuil gq Am io sl uosiod ,Sue golgm dq io uodn slaggm uo palunoui luuglum iaglo io ogseld `poom 30 pahnilsuoo aatAap u sutaui ,pieogojujs,, (adjnpuoo) ` 81111stoa sgpnlaul „ ?ulnup„ :mul -,Sg slgl uI - :smollo3 se ugof lu1tS 30 XIIO Ou 3o IlounoO uounuoO aql ,Sq pahuua 1! gg S. 9MUS NO S"VOgg.LVNS 30 gSf1 gH,I JNI 191HOHd AkVrI-AEI V LZ-b1I HgHWaN AtVrI-AEI Lf / mrs amjoo[ ouzacsioij amlaai auutxnaa SOOZ aaquzanou L - amlaai aiaauazd SOOZ `L aaquzanoN iuunuzuzoo aag;aag/xaajD uounuoD aatumaoxew 4ucpuag pacgl Butpuag puoaaS �mpua'j Isn3 ($) sluund llazuddu,p no ap llo.TQ Inalnqulslp op acUl smumd ap sllozp sap ouzaiug S •saxel SOP manaOPI la suolldaazad sap inaloanp np sazdnt sazlsTBazua luouTaletpaunui luos alep ollao sazdu sanloa33a sllazedde,p no smainglzlslp op sino[p sal la suajsuezl sal snot `azlno ug •sonqulslp no smuno3 `sanot ala luo saolnzas Pp somglulsazd sonblltutolne sllazuddu sap no sonblltuzolnu sznalnqulslp sap Mb a souuoszad sap sossaipe la suxou sal luenblpul al5lt Pun aauut anbtlo op moC iamuazd at SPxel sap manaaaz la suopdoozad sap moloaiTp nu lauzaz saolnzas op amultlsazd onblluuzolm llazeddt un no anblleuiolm inalnqulstp un anglilslp no 1lumo3 `onol onbuoomb b aauuu onbugo azgw000p I£ nu,nbsn13ouezngap mol op alup ul op zaldwoo u soplten luos alaue luasazd np auzl8az al snos sopi000e sluuad sal s ololue,l e luumOU ouzazuq ne axg scuuad op llozp al alud smuzad ap apueuzap oun,p malnt,l la smuzad sal aznitap uqof luleS 3o AI!D all op soxul sap manaaaz la suolldaazad sap znoloom al £ •olo-uu luasazd of Pant almzu03uo3 ua uqof 1u?uS 3o fl!D al,l, red aznllap ala sud e,u smuzad un lonbol mod saouTas op anululsaid anbllumolnu Ilargddu un no anblleuzolnu znaingulslp un uqof luleS 3o ,�llD oqs, op azloluzal al ins (Iluq e mauazd op no Pmulaudozd ap azlll g sapassod lualos sll,nb) xnall sas Ins zlone,p no zanol ap `amulaudozd op allll u iopgssod op llpzalul lsa II Z 'sauos salnol op soowas sap no sluauzassluanlp sap `xnaC sap muno3 op sug xnu sooald op no suolaC ap ua,iow nu luuuuollouo3 no onb=oauT llazuddu no mainglzlslp inol ap puolua,s saolnzas ap a.Tleltlsazd onbllmolnu Ilazuddu no anblleuzolm mainglzlslp ouual al I NHOf INIVS 30 A113 aH,L as amoLMH21L aZ Has Saa6mvDaw s3nbi Lvwo Lfly xflaf as no MIAUas as saulvs,Vssaud sanaliNwolfiv Smauvadv6a `Saflbl,Lvlv0 Lfly SHMILfIRMISIa as NOI.LV.LIorlaxa,a SINuad as a3KvuAlz2la vl,LNV,LNgw:lrlJaIH.Lpr v 8Z -woN 21Lauuv asuaoll outgmWjo od,SS, :saa3 asua0113O PItoS S -s3xuZ3o ianlaoag pue suolloatIOD JO IOloazlQ all TtllM pazalsT$az 41aleipounul oq Ilugs alup lugl zalle Sauil0LUI 3o suolllppe put sz33suuzl Qe oslu pug palnqulslp zo pagsluug 4poluaz uaaq aneq saulgPeuT aolnzas zo 4ulpuaA paluzado uloo TuogM of uoszad ,liana 3o ssazppt pug aureu aql $ulMOls lslt u saxg L ;o Ianlaoag PTre suolloQIIOD 3o zoloazla all of ,Slddns jma louo 3o ,Stp lszg Pill no ltegs oulTlaeuz aOlnias io $ulpuaA paluzado uloo ,Sut 9upnqulslp zo 62utgsnun3 `8ulluaz suoszad Xuy b -zea,S goes ul zaquzaoPQ3o fup lsn3- ,Slzlyl oql of do asuaall eons 3o Plup agl moz3 uual u Io; anulluoo puu oq Iltls Mul slgl zapun poluuz8 sosmoll Bans JIV .s uollOaS ul olnpagos zad se oa3 asuaall u pa8zugo aq Bugs luuollddu all puu uqof luluS JO XJID aqy 3o saxtd, ;o zanl909 -d puu suollOalloD 3o zoloama oql ,Sq panssl oq llegs sasuaall £ •mel -,Sg slgl g1TM POUtpz000e UT ugof lures JO XllD plus aql ,Sq posuoml uaaq suTl on ulovua omAlas Io 8ulpuan plts ssolun `uqof luleS 3o X4TD oql ul aulg0VUl aolnias zo 2ulpuan palezado mon ,Suu (posual zo poumo zaglalm) sosmuazd zlall uo antq io luaz `umo llegs suoszad zo uoszad ON Z •punt,Sut3o sPOlnias zo sluauzasnure `sauzu4 zoj 8ucpinozd ;o osodmd aql Io3 uloo zo gnls ,Sg aslmzaglo zo ,flluoTueloatu paluzado aolnap zo aullatui Sue uuaTU llugs auTgoulu aolnzas zo Oulpuan palezado uloo uuol aqy I NHOf ,LNIVS AO AII0 dH.L NI SaSIIHOVW LNaW3SfIIRV 'IV3INVH33W u0 513IAUHS `JNIQNaA aa.LVHadO NI03 aSNaOPI 01 AA V'I V 8Z-L1l uaguvam mvrl-AS 'J 91moo up lealsi2m a1 luenap aaagplsuo0 anbod0,1 e `ugof 1u[eS 3o -K110 agy op soxul sap maAa00a lQ suolldooaad sap anoloanp up mou nu suodop Oane saaannooaa IQ ooilsnf u0 soinmsmod luos alaue luosaad al 1lonaad onb sapuau -m sal L •SQX91 Sop manaaaz IQ suolldawad sap inolaanp up saadnp aalslgama spo lsa,u mb no aanllap ala e,u spxuad unom ianbol mod soolnaas op aalelelsaad anblluuzolne Ilaaedde un no onbllumolne malnqulsip un (Ileq e anouaad op no anelaudoad op aa111 n sopossod lualos sll,nb) xna1l sas ins u no onol `anelaudozd op will e apassod anbuoolnb sluugd ap 11oap np lueluouz np algnop ne luplenmba apuauie aun,p olglssed ISO 40Snuuzoo uollat gul anbego mod 9 00`92 (solue,(pd sopollol sap IQ sluuXed (Slouo L PTTt souogd0lal sap `saalelnms sollolnaas ap la saaqugl op `areuuom op smalnqulslp 00401 sap ollu3 uolldaoxo) snssap -lo alsil el /aullueS pup dumIS 'Q2uegD uloo seep sladmoo uou sod�j saalne sal snot' 00'I SomoTloaS 0041 sasn0ne7 00,1 saalseD 00`Z ((ID Op mane.10) aadfy -OS1Q OWZ saanssnego op o2mD 00`Z uonuS 094Z amluane auuoq op smaslQ 09`Z souuosaad -osad WE alogonoux aalded 00`£ souasguoD 00`£ aag0eui u au¢uoo 00'£ soplg0eiy 00`£ SOIXIS 00`9 anbllsuld uQ anlssai a SOUS 00`9 slue3ua mod sa3auuUZ 10 IUQWOssllaanlQ 09`L sasnoze2 suosslog 00401 allolal0ala,1 e no zeS ne XPUUD luUUU011ouo3 sonbimmolnu saalauiooaud 00401 suollplloo mod sluouzlld 00601 salaasSll?d 00`01 Mrl 00`01 sP1oa3 STUQUITIV 00`01 spnego sluouzl[V 00`01 QQOe19 auzaao 00`9 sallaar2TD 00`01 ologd 00`92 o1PUw 00`92 uolsln0101 00`009 anblupoom naf olealstSeW XlndOQ ao 31eals!$i1aW Alunoo agl oio3aq `Bulaq Quip oql zo3 ugof 1uluS 3o X110 a11,L3o saxey 3o aanla0QX pue suollOQ11003o aolaanQ agl jo 0TUUU 0111 Of SISOO gl1M p013n0001 pup palnoosoad oq XvLa pue 1113gs me[ -gig slgl Cq posodun sou3 [Id L •aa3 0su0011 agl 3o lunouau agp algnop 3o oug e of aiqull aq aoua33o 110e3 a03 ITegs saxey 3o aanl300-d pue suol100110D 3o aoloOnQ 0111 g11t+ paaalsl2aa IOU so pasuaoll IOU OIIlgapUI 001na0s.10 21lpuan poleiodo uloo ,fuu (posuol ao poumo mgizgm) sosnuaad alagl uo 2ulnUg ao duiluas `2ulumo suosiod ao uosaad Xud g 00' 5Z (Slouo L PTTt NOT souogdolay ,ied `soulgoPW Sur, idUl l 00401 /aullueS pup dumIS 'Q2uegD uloo 00'01 3o uolldooxo gill g11M)1S1I anogU 00'01 gill ul papnloul lou sod,CI aagpo IId 00' I sag iaQ 0041 sia11sum 00'I samloo'l 00'Z a.3cul -os1Q 00'Z QUIgS QogS 00'Z dpoS 097 sounlaod 094Z saIUOS WE xauaal}l 004E XPUUD 00' £ UMD 00'£ lnuuad WE uQd 00'9 8pg kTunp7 011se[d 00'9 luouaasnuTV pup sopl-d solppl,I 09PL )rUi -IQ 8oS 0u1g0ew jalow NOT paleaado uloo ouloo[g ao suH Sud 00401 xOeuS 00'01 Xi1sed 00'01 311M 00'0I Pood Ploo 00601 Pood 1oH 00401 cupaao 001 0049 ollaauSlo 00001 ologd 0069Z oTPUN 00'92 uolslnaiay 004009$ luauzasnuzy luolupgooW omiool autaisioj L omiool auiaixna(I SOOZ arquianou L - amiaai argauard SOOZ `L raquianorl - Ipununuoo iojjjoj J/)jza1O uounuoO saJupnins sarnjvats sal oanu `SOOZ ai aiauu Juosard al ms Iuununuoo nims nos rasoddv llu3 e ULM Inn 30 XIIO aqL `IOfld gQ IOd Ng •gigue luasazd np man2in no aa.iiva,l sap a2orge iso `suoiiuoglpoui sas alquiasuo `uyof x.ing fo dj!D ays ul sauTyovN puawasntuV lvoluvyoayy eo aoin,ras BuzpuaA palmado uzo,� asu9027 os mv7 y alnitiul 10 E961 101 in?3 Ti of ?JoIP? ugof iuluS 30 XJIO oq L aP aJgrru,'I 8 •smof xip op opouad aun Juppuad uqof JujuS op aiuioo np aununuoo uosud el suep aauuosuduia Iso osnvo ua ouuosrad el `iarado,s Jiop uoiidoorad pi slonbsol ms slouuosrad suaiq op oouesg3nsui,p spa ug •opuauie,i ap Juauiafed m aaumpuoo ouuosrad el op slouuosrad suaiq sap aJuan 19 91192e2 - alsips ap aion Jed sonbrad Juos sollo `to-aiiao ap Juouiomd -uou op is apuauip aun r uolleuuiupuoo op suo sal snot sueCI 'Juaiaduioo Ipunqui Inol Juenap aane910 op ivauiarnnooar ua uoiioe,p aion red no oludmiunw oLmgo pi u Juaui0uuo3uo0 To fol ei uolas saainduii Ja saa,Ced Iuos salld aiiledlaiunui el op spJarre saj Juajonard al anb isule `ugof JuipS op Qjuioo np iujofpp ierisi2pui ai no aripy�ijro6ui,�i 2utppag PrILI L Sul Bo-d puoaaS 2ulpua21 Is.itg :/Sq pau2is pup SOOZ 'Q'd ` 3o Cup all mui -Cq slgi of paxS3e oq of Silo Plus agi3o IvoS uouiiiioO aierodioO oqJ posneo suq ugof lulms 30 X11O ag.L JoaNFIHM ssatulm KI •mul -Xq slgl3o aoro3 oiul 2unuoo aqJ no palpadar sl oiaragJ sivauipuauip lie pue „ugof Jules 30 A1!0 aqy ul soujgopw luauiasnu V leoiuegoaW ro aalntaS `21jpuan pgJpradO uiOO asuoo17 oy me7 V., PaIJIJua E961 `.tjurugad 30 ,ipp gJUanaig agJ uo Pool= uqo f Jujus 30 ,iilO oq L jo mpt-,�q d 8 •sSq uol3o oouds oqi zo3 ugof JuipS 30 XjunoO oqi ul IopO uounuoO agJ ul pauosliduii aq Ijugs uosud aqj `Anai of uoaragm slaJJpga pue spool 3o jimm zo3 pup `pasoduii oq Ilegs X11mod aqJ uiogm uodn uosrad agJ3o slaJJego pup spoo23o ales pup ssgrisip Sq poinai oq Begs gulps oqi `3oaiogl Juauued -uou Pup oug guns Cup 3o uoiipoipnCpe 3o oseo tirana UT pup `uoiiaipsunC Juaiadmoo 3o iinoo Am ui Jgop 3o not Sq ro `XII0 oip 3o raiiegO oqj puu mpi of 2uiproom poildde pup pjpd oq of AIID sup 3o smul oqi ,iq popinord sp `ugof IuieS 30 XUmoO aqj 30 lnod ou sollolnoi >3 ozud a1 `saluosazd sueld sal oane altuuojuoo ua sollolnoi t amd un,p uojlotulsuoo el oujuual e opueujap aun,p malnu,l onbsjo-j (Z)£ •leunuuuoo Ijasuoo of aSjxo,nb sluauxauSjasuoi soilm snot anb jsuje oalafoid anu,l op sueld sal apumop mal op jnddu,t e luassjumo3 la uqof jujus 3o d1T0 aqZ op luununuoo 11muoo ne opuumap el juo3 no sollolnoi u axed un aztu3 m mod altaoied aun jo2vuaum luollulnos jnb sa mosiod sarj WE •ala.uu luasazd np oujlSaz 31 snos ajnjtap snzuad un,p anelnjjl sallolnoi u ozud un suup anus `ugof lujuS 3o A1t0 aqZ op wiolluol of ms ollolnoz oun zadn000,p ljpjalul lsa II (Z)Z •alazje luasazd aj oanu aljuuO3uoo ua smuad un alquleaid m nuolgo none sues sollolnoi u oaud un ugof jujus 3o XI!D alZ ap anoll.UQj of ms ioj!ojdxo,p no iTuol op j1p olut Isa II (I)Z (lalivdl) •analua lsa sonoi op uje.jl uos anb no ouo ins aoeld lso olnolgaA ao no oljgouj uojluljquq,p aljun olloo anb jjp3 np luouimpuodapuj lo-jnjao .jed nut la ail surd `molow e alnojgaA un e aloelle oila jionnod u aljos a11a1 Pp ljn4suoo la zaSueuj no znutop mod nail op souuoszad sap V luenios olnojgaA no ajjgow uojleljgeq,p allufl « d.LLO'MO -I» (ldnoo dallvdy) •sallolnoj ap uotlujjelsuj,j no luamoould al iamssu a oljos a11aj op a11ol no aaSeuaum la aauoz a11ao jud « Sg L L0'Iflou d 02Nd >> 691a.up luosazd ne luanb11ddu,s luaAlns jnb suotljuj -jap sal `luawajlnu alo1P ou alxaluoo of anb sutow V I : alojpa ugof jujus 3o llt0 agy ap 1punujLuoo Ijasuoo arl NHOf IMNS 30 A.LIO anL WWI sallilO'IIIOZI V S02IVd Sd'I INV, NIHN21 LO9I H LaHHV 6Z-IV oN H.LMTHV oq jou llegs moo iallml Bons `palj!mgns suuld oql gljm aouupz000e uj ljnoo iajjerl u 3o uojlajulsuoo palaldwoo spl lueolldde uu ajagM (Z)£ •ljouno0 uo=o0 agl Xq painbw oq lluls se uojlpuuojul zalpo Bans pup uazu pasodmd all ;o sueld oql gljm uojluajldde qons ljoddns 11egs puu ugof lu1eS 3o X1j0 a 3o Ijouno0 uouzuzo0 aql of �jdde llegs lmoo ialluil u su puul 3o loozud u dojanap of Suulsop uosiod .fuV (I)£ • Aur14a sjgl jo suojsjnoid all zapun pasuaojj lmoo za1lezl u uj ldooxa uqo f lujpS 3o Xjt0 agj ulgljm .iojjesl e Xdn000 Ilpls uosiod oN (Z)Z 6mp148 stgl jo suolslAoid all gltm oouppz000e u1 asuaoll u Sujujujgo lsxg inoglcm lmoo zaljuzl u ugof lutes 3o x1t0 als ulgljm oluzado zo ujplujeujlluls uosiod oN (I)Z (s,ajpolnod v odvd) sio1pul 3o uojlupouuu000e .jo luatwould all ioj apjnojd of muuuuz u Ions uj popjAlpgns jo podolanap pue pouueld uaaq seq lojgm puul 3o loozud u suvow ,,.L�MOD - dg'Ifd2I.L„ (allolno,r) 'panouja.z ieaS Suluutu s11 jo do paijouf s1 alollaA so IT= Sujsnol olqunoux fans legl Sulpuelsgljmlou ajojgaA zolouj u Xq pollodojd puu umujp puu of poloullu Sujaq ioj olquljns aq of se os palon-ilmoo os puu suosxad 3o uojlupourmoom Sujlua xo Sujdaals iq3 posn ajojgaA zo JIM Sulsnoq olgenouj a sueauj „ggrljygy„ `sa.zjnbaz asjmjaglo lxoluoo aql ssolun mur14q sjgl ul :smollo; se `uqo f Jujus 3o alto al.L 3o Itouno0 uourujo0 oql Xq poloeua It ag NHOf LNIVS 30 A,LIO 3HI M S,LHaO3 H3MVH,L g.LV 9nf)HW OZ MV'I-Ag V 6Z -W HaflWIIN MVL-AS l l/ ,aIgjm luasazd at luraz3uo (q 'alazze luasazd np nlzan up 1llduz000u alla,nb suo1lau03 sap aotazaxa,l suep auuoszad aun anezluo no aua2 (u onbuoornb ltnsmod as uotlaez3ur,I lonbnp smog nu znoC onbugo mod sxullop Iwo snld nu,p 1a buto -l2um surouU nV,p opu;)wt oun,p o.TTuuzuzos ampaoozd zud altltgedlno op uorlUZelaap .ins `algtssed lso 1a uotlouz3ur aun launuoD •uorluogddu,p sluauzal9gi sas op no ala.uu luasazd tip uopenzasgo,l op xamss,3,s mod xnatl sap no sutuUal sap ms algeuuostuz aznoq olnol e zazlauad u ostzolne 1sa sluaurtluq sap moloodsui,rl 09 •sanutluoo aaua33o aql Kep goeo z03 00'001$ uegl azouU 1ou pue 00'SZ$ uegl ssol lou 3o oug u 01 uo1laTnuoa dxUm=s uo algerl sr pue aoua33o ue 3o x1lTn2 si :Merl-gig scgl3o suoisinozd Am saletotn (q) `Merl fg sIUIl zapun satlnp stq 3o oouuuuo3zad oql ut uoszad Niue szaputq zo slonxlsgo (e) ogm uoszad y 'gltm parlduzoo 2uraq am `zapunazagl opum suotlUln2ai ,Cue zo `Merl -Xg stgl3o suotstnozd oql zaglogm urUlTaose of sosnuaxd zo spuel hue `omp olquuoseaz Xuu 1u zaluo of paztzoglnu st iolo3dM 8utppng oq L (Z)9 •alaue luasazd np uorluogdde,l ap 92Uego lsa uqo f lutes •Merl -gig sTl13o suoms nozd oq1 aoxo3ua llegs uqo f 3o,Cltj oqy op sluounIN sap inoloodsut.'I (I)9 luluS3o.�l !DogL3ozoloodsul2ulPirngagL (I)9 6sruuod np ooueznilap op alep -xa2uol ou pue `asuaail Bons u1 luenrns TUTU „1 nu,nbsnC anb aptlen 1sa,u sruuad 3o aoumsst 3o olup aq1 2utmotlo3 ipin13o dep lszg al 1a szellop oluunbuto ap isa Z olotlze,l op nyTan agl Itlun pllUn oq hugs pup 0040S$ oq Ilegs 3oazaq no smuod un ztuogo inod zatud u op o S Z uorloas zapun pansst asuaa11 e zo3 aa3 ags S axg It,nb apotzad ul luupuod sallolnoz e axed un,nb azlnu ante aun suep allolnoz aun zallulsut,p `1a33a Igo e opueuiop oun.p uotleluasazd sazdu `auuoszad aun e azllauuad lnod leununuoo Itasuoo aq b •leununuon ltasuoo at zud sud sallolnoz u soznd sal ms sluauz3l2az sal aane 1a suUld Sao 03AL oltuuo3uoo no anagoeznd ala e sallolnoz u and at Is luoptoap rnb `aledtonmuU luauUa2uuauln4p uotssrunuoo 131 10 ugof luaus 3o XI!D aqj op sluaUUTlnq sap maloodsut,l zud aauaop 01a 11e,u uorlanzlsuoa Op an11nn3ap uotlegozdde,I anb 1uenU sallolnoz sap zed adn000 azla -pogtoads aq ,fuuU se pound gans zo3 unoo zaltezl e uugl zaglo pate Sup ur zaltezl B oluool of `opuuz uaaq seq uollpatlddp zage `uoszad ,fuu luzuod feuU ItounoD uounuoD aq,L b •slmoo xalruzl 2urloodsaz Irounoo uounuoD oql Aq opum uaaq omq legl suorleln2az .fue pup suuld pans agl gIIM Xli uIo3uoo ut polaldumo uaaq seg lznoo zaltezl gans 3I ouUUUalop hugs oqm `uotssrunuoD 2utuupld umol aq1 pue uqof lutes 3o XltD oqS, 3o zoloodsul 2utplrng aq1 ,Sq opum st uoponzlsuoo 30 lenozddu leug ltlun zaltezl Xuu ,Cq patdn000 amlool auzatsIOIL omloal au[atmo(I 90OZ a.zqulaeou L - am1031 aipccuazd SOOZ `L zaquxanoN - Ieununuoo joUjoiOPlialo uounuo0 : saluunins samleu8is sal oane `SOOZ Q1 ala.uu luasaid of ms luununuoo moos uos zasodde lte3 e ugof 1utuS 30 A110 aq,L `IOfId ffQ I01 Na •alazre luasaid np inan&n uo apiluo,l sap a$ozqu lsa `suopuogipouz sas olqucasua `uyof iusys fo dl!D ayL uI spnoD aa7lvjL a;vinSag o,L mv7-dg V Qlnlllul 19 £961 utnf bZ al alotpo ugof lu1eS 3o A1i0 oqs op ?1?-ue,'I 8 aiteyVIOXE N 8uipea2I pjT L 1lutpea� puooas 8utpea-a 1sIi3 4q pau$is pup SOOZ •Q•y ` 3o Sep aql mul -Aq siT41 of paX83u oq 01 X11.7 pips alp 3o luaS uouuuo0 owjodlo0 aql seq ugof 1utuS 3o S110 aqL joaUgRM SSgNnM NI •mul -Xq sull jo aoio; olul 9unu03 aql uo poluodoi si olasagl sluompuome 11e pup ,uqo f lutuS 3o S110 aqL uI slmo0 zallwl olepu4ag oL mu7-XH Y,, p3111lua £961 `aunf 3o Xpp qung3- Xjuoml aql uo palouua uqo f luleS 3o X1t0 aq L 3o mui-Xq d 8 : salupnins samlpuSIS sal oane `SOOZ al alaue luasazd of ms 1pununuoo neoos nos zasoddu llu3 p uqof lulpS 3o fllO all `IOfld gQ I03 Ng 'alazze luasazd rap man2nA no aazlua,l sap a2ozgv Lisa uyor Iulns Jo BIRD aqy up s,2u1P11ng pa8vu vQ 911Z 01 $uzln10g mv7 V Nullun to Z96I zaiznaJ 9Z aI alolpa uqof 1uleS 3o X110 all ap alazzu,Z b 'aapueunuooaz azllaT red a,Sonua llos `soidozd sulpul uo snllaz llos pigs ml lonbal `luoo slnp,I op uo1ldaoaz el ap zoldmoo B smof aluazl op Lisa soluopaoazd sum Lsodsip sap uolluollddu zud nloulap gl mod na3 of zud oseunuopuo luouuIvq lnol op aznplaudozd ne opmoou 1plop a'l £ 1. 'allmoas alnol no analua 1a lloulap llos ll,nb azllouuad mod sutwoddo luozlluiudde mb xnao 3nes `lo -mloo ms xnpnezl sgzlne snot aianlpul azlnp anblonb ap iQnjoojjo Tu uollundaz op no uolleoglpoul op `luaulosslpupz2134p `u0110nzlsu00 ap xneABZ1 sap B luauzllgq of ms zapaoozd ezmod ou 1uou111?q rap oizealzdoid o `anaa 1a uap luaugzalua azla slop luaunleq of anb munblpul mT swounlpq sap maloodsul,l ap 1u00 STAB un,p uolldooaz znS Z •azlsmis aI 1uuAV maTBA Bs op Imo mod oluunbulo llezapaoxa 91puaOUl.T luuAB luauzalelpauuuI 11BAnoz1 os 11 no IBla,I p zomulsaz al mod anessooau 1101lonzlsu000z el ap no suolluzudaz sap lnoo of `sluauzlleq sap inmodsun,l ap snnp,l op `anb lunod lal v na3 al zed a2puuuopua Lisa mb uqof 1uluS ;o XiID all op aznoluzal al ins onlns l ompeq lnol analua 10 lloulap luaulazallua azla 1upA3p luouujl q un zanlllsuoo alndaz 1sa `SZ61 'IoV Bu ?P11ng uyoC mvS ayl aalnIgul lol ul a luoulauuojuo0 I : alolpa uqof lulus 3o Xi10 all ap Ipunuzuloo Ilasuoo a-1 AIHOf INaVS 30 A.LIO gH.L SAIVa flg3 g7 HVd SjDVWWO(lNla S,LKaW IVII S211 ILNVKH93NOD $.Lplav I-vg ON a LaHHV ,Cq pouSis pup SOOZ'a'V` 3o Cep a11l muT Xq snll of poxgjp oq of ,CllO plus aLil30 IuaS uoulcu00 alezodzo0 all posneo seq miof lulus 3o 4D all joauaHm Ssa[ uim NI mpI- fq slgl3o aoio; olul 2unlzoo aLi1 uo poleadaz sl ,uqof luluS 3o �C110 aqL ul s2ulPTing pa2pulpQ azl3 011 2ullpla�l me7 d„ P011llua Z96I `X-zMgad 30 XBP glxls- ,Cluoml oq1 no polopua uqof luleS 3o Xu0 ou 30 mvl -sg v b •zaumo aLil 01 zgllal pazalsn2az ,Cq pollem zo zaumo all of Xlleuoszad p0.zanllap zaglla aq llegs oollou uallum Lions pup 'aopou uallum Lions 3o ldngoai all uzoz3 s,fpp ,flnll aq llpgs suopoos -qns Out paaazd 0111 zapun auies gsllomop of 2ulpinnq pa2pump -azg ,Cup ;o zaumo all pollollu aural aq,l, £ •2ulpl!nq gans 3o Ipnoulaz pup uollnloulap a3BS mollp 01 pazlnbaz 6lgpuosuaz oq Xvui se aliom Lions ueLil zaglo OutPtlnq Lions uodn Sliom uuo3zad aslmzaglo zo `neda.l `zalle `o2zplua ` plmq lou llegs lenoulaz pup uopiloulap olalduloo sazmbaz 2ulpllnq all will s2ulpinng 3o zoloodsul all u1oz3 aollou uallum 2ulnnaoaz uodn 2unpllnq Ions 3o zaumo gql Z •lpnoulaz pup uomloulap alalduloo sazmbaz laclm 2ulplmq p oq of poulaap aq Ilpls `a2pulmp azg Lions azojoq 2ulplmq all 3o onleA 01113o woo mcl Ug poaoxo pinom `azg Lions azojoq ,flalplpounul sum 11 golgm ul u0131Pu00 all of OUT plmq all azolsaz 01 kmss000u u0110nzlsuo031 .zo snedaz 3o lsoo all zoloodsul 2ulpling aql 3o uoundo all ul lull 1ualxa up Lions of azg ,Sq pa&tupp sl Liolgm uqof luleS ;o ,(110 aLi L ul Palenins 2ulm`Z6I lad 2ulPilnff t uqof luluS 3113o suolsnnozd all of luunsiM I smollo3 Sp `uLiof luluS3o X110 oqj ;o Tlouno0 uounuo0 aql ,Cq polopua 111 ag AIHOf LNaVS 30 A,LIO HML All S9KIQ'IIflg agOvWva -mJ OIL OAII.LV'IaH mvrl v r I-VEI H21a l aN mv'I-Ag ��� l aznloai aucatstozy aznioai owatxnaa SOOZ azqutanou L azatucazd SOOZ `L zaqutanoN - Ieununuoo zat33az [)pfzai3 uounuoD azteyVzo,SeK 2utpeag pztgy 3utpeag puooaS 2utpea7a Isn3 .nolodap un suep no ug alloo e snuno3 sollgnd sluuuoluoo sap suep ;nus `axu oun ms saanpio sap ioso& op no zalof ap llpzalul lso II £ 60aad1a) •ugof lulus 30 X110 aqj ap azlolliTal al ms luunnozl as oilqnd luou[auuoilels ap omd la onbilgnd could `ollom `aloA `unuago inol anb aucaw op `dna ;ow p salnalyaA sal dns l07 ul auuop uo,nb uoppgap ul uolos ziollog la alnog a anz (dally) -ain;eu aucauc ap sazalluuc sazlne la ollossiuA VI ap `aualll ap saloilze sap `az3aA np `sioq Up 4sallina3 sap `uipze( ap snpisaz sap `ouelq za3 ua solloq sap `uoi mo np `sallazeSio sap 4Q2ulluqu-m.p slinpozd sap `zaidud np anb slot `uou no saigllsnqucoo slagoap sap uo ;uulsisuoo salgiosazlndwi sapllos slagoap sal (ni) `saulsnpui SOP ;ueuanozd sapllos s ;agaap SO[ la saznlion Op SOSSeazea sal `xneucnm,p saznepeo sal `sazpuao sal `singai sal `sazaSuuaui saznpzo sal `sapllos slagaap sal (ll) `sluaucile,p uoiluunuosuoo eI op ;a uossmo BI op `uoilumdaid ul ap `uoilulndluuuc el Op luollnsaz mb soleiggaA la saluunue sa.zailRu ap salgiosazlnd slagaap sal (l) sapcuissu luos A « saznpzo v zapun pagsggelsa dump oilqnd e ui zo asodznd lugs zo3 papinozd salouldaoaz oilqnd ui ldooxo hails Xuu uodn.milli llsodap To moRp llugs uoszad oN £ (and) •uqo f lines 3o j(llD oLLL uiglim;ol Sunpzed aclgnd puu azenbs aclgnd `,CaT1e `ouul `peon ,Cue su Liam su `lad apoigan zoloyq alp ,Cq paugap SL 31lemopis pue ,CemgSiq a sueow „hails„ (sadnpdo) •sleuale U zelnzns puu faoa 100z0 `Suippaq `sselS `poom `saneal `sSuiddgo pze,C `sueo up `pzeogpno `sollazuSlo `sSuiddezm `iodud su gons `salsum algllsnqucoo -uou pue algllsnquzoo gloq ;o Supsisuoo salsum pilos algiosazlnd -uou (!I!) pue `salsum Iuulsnpui pilos puu salcgouiolne pouopuuge `sluuciue peop `sogse `gsigqnz `aSegzuS ` msum pllos (ll) `poo33o uoilducnsuoo pue Supl000 `uoilezudazd `Suilpueq agl uzoz3 Suillnsaz salsem alqula$aA pne pumiuu apgiosaz;nd (i) sapnpoul ,,.zalllb, -chile luasazd nu luanbilddu,s luanins mb suoiliuUop sal Z mel -Xq slgl ul Z ayaddodd vi dns uyor ;upvs ap a ;addy 'mul -XIa zalll'I-lluV ugof Ogg of snos olio azla inod alaz u luasazd al I ;ides oql se patio aq Xuui mul-/�g srq L I aloipa ugof :smollo3 se `ugof luleS3o X110 aqL luTS 3o lliD agy op luununuoo Ilasuoo al ;o Ilounoo uounuoo oql dq poloeua li og NHOf .LNIVS 30 ALIO MI SNVa SaHaCIHO SHa H3S0aHa as flo HaZar Ha INVSICIRai AII �I,LaRIV bZ-L1IoN �,L'3iI2IV NHOf .LNIVS 30 AIM 21H,L Na 2IH,L,LPI 30 ONILISOd3Q HO ONIAAO Hi.L 51H.I ONI.LIUIHOHJ AAV'I-AS V /y bZ-w Haurif1N MV'L-Ag dalauu Juosazd up man3ln no aazlua,l sap D4oigp lsa `suOppoglpouT sas olqutasuo `ugorlutes fo dl!D ag,L uL sla0119 up ,r911!7 fO 8urltsodag eo $ulmoeq,L ag,L 8up?41go.td navl-dg V alnlllu! 1a 8961 la[Ilnf ZZ of alalp3 ugof lulus 3o X1!D aqZ op alaue,7 6 •pzef0 loo e ollnsmod oune ounonu,p alglssed Jso,u uogoujul,1 op inalnv,l `4uautalud no ap osrLuoi ms 440 `olpim 13p uopulotn mod olla ailuoo 0a3u2ua aouplsul 0un,p uollonpozlul,l saidu llos `luenu llos uolllsodslp allao 3p nitan ua 3921gul alpununu QPUDnIe41 u oleso autuzos Dun alollre luosaid Up Dilll Up Tl .2u a aslzolnu I!,nb 0uuosiod el z no oollod Pp 3ago ne z0,fed inad ala.uu luosaTd Up anbuoolanb uolllsodslp Dun lulaquo mb auuosaad ul `8 ololuu,l e uolJU4otap .red (e •snllop oluenbula snld ne,p l0 bulo- 419utn op sulout np,u opuoutp Dump olyssud 1a uopotijul Dump olqudnoo lsa alau luasatd o ula3ua onboolno g •sampTo sap no a2.te110 es ap nualuoo of ant Dun ms sasodap lu0los anb no lualon anb Tagoodwo V 04TOs anal op 92jego no llnalsuoo 4sa olnollan as is Pus `uqo f luluS 3o Ai!D aqZ suup mOloLu u alnolgan as4np no uoTtuuo un azlnpuoo inad on InN L •ant Dun ms sompio sap `lo -lnlao smdop saasodap no olnolgan Up saalaC luolos anb Dillauxtad no altos ua anu3 no `Tasodap no zalal `ugof lulpS 3o x110 aqZ suep znD4ouT a olnolgan un luesinpuoo ua `Jnod on InN 9 bans Dun ms iosaadslp SDI ap no talon a.np3 saI op onbsu Juan of anb altos 31101 ap s3mpzo sap zalnumom S,s Tasslul inad on sanud samJlon mod Dane Dun,p no nonojl un,p no ulustal un,p no Juaunl?q un,p a.uelaudoid a7 S •sanud samllon mod oalle oun,p no molloil un,p llos `ulu of un,p no luauullpq un,p loos luuuanoTd sompzo,p uolJulnumoou,l zasodap ,i,p no ant ul suep joXquq op llpjolul ISO II b 'ugorlulvsfo d110 aqj ul 92vq vD f uo:loa 103 ag1 aof apino rd 01 MV7 V aln4llul alazre,l op aun90i of snos 11quJa otlgnd 8unuoa Dill no poleadai sl ola.TogJ sluautpuoum jr pup ,mlof luleS 3o X1!D DlI.L ul s1a0a4S u0 zallilJ0 2ulllsodaQ z0 8ulmo-ulZ aqZ $ulllgnlozd mej -,Sg V,, p0llllu0 8961 `XInf 3o Ap puooas- ,Sluom4 Dill no pa10uua ugof lun:S 3o AI!D aq L3o mul-Xq d 6 .10jaiagl uollnoosoxd iaglm3 of olgml IOU St uolleloln all Sullllunuoo uosiod agl luautiud qons uodn pup meI -,Sq 011J 30 uolluloln To3 uosiod a lsulpov s$ulpaaooid 3o uolnuRsul a11l zagu To oiojoq JOLMa uollaas sell zapun lap o4 uul tq pazuollne uosiod ,Sup no aollod 3o;atgD 0114 01 1101100s 1u111 zapun posoduzl Xllmod utnuuunu 0114 of lenba lunoutu Lm Spd ,SeLu mu1 -Xq sll4 3o uolslnoTd Xue soluloln oqm uos.iod a `8 uolloaS 8ulpuelsclllmloN (e) '(00'0S$) srelloQ ,S3jt3 uegl a.IORT zou (000m) szullocl an13- ,fluamy aq4 ssol lou3o Xlluuad e of olgell pup aouDgo up 3o ,SIIma sl mu -I -/ig STgI 3o suolslnoad aql 30 ,tuu saleloln oqm uosiod Xuy g •40az4s Xue uodn pallsodop ao umolq 8ulaq utoi3 tall!! So slualuoa peol ,tue luanaid of Sp pappol .TO pa4an.zlsuoo os St alolgan gans ssolun uqo f lutes 3o XIIO aqZ uMllm Dim on iolow zaglo io )lonzJ a oluiodo !lugs uoszad ON L •hails Xue uodn xallq 'alolgan soJouT all utoi3 pollsodap xo umo.tgl aq of molle zo osneo zo `llsodop io mozgl llpgs ugof luleS3o X110 oqZ ul 010lgan zolouT e 9ullezado ollgm `uos.Tad ON y walls fup no pazallpos zo umolq nq of Xlol!l sl 11 lull os uoaTalJ olulnumoop of za1111 mollu IOU T1els kemanup io )11umapls alunud lol `8utpllnq ,fuu 3o iaumo aqZ S -Xemanup zo )1112map!s alunud `Jol `Sulpllnq Jiuu utog iallll 3o uollulnumooe agl JOazls Sue uo llsodap zo olul dooms hugs uoszad ON b •uqo f lu1eS 3o X110 aqZ uT o5eq.Tu9jo uolloollo0 aql zo3 apino.Tcl 01 me7 d„ ;o suolslnozd al! aznlool auzalsloi,l, amloal auualxnaQ amloal wapuazd 8utppoN pir L &ulpeag puoaaS Bulppag Isz13 leunuuutoo zac33aiDpliolo uouauoD atceyq/zoxUw : saluuntns :Xq pouBts pup SOOZ'Q'd sainluaIs sal aanp `SOOZ 3o app * * * ** OLII Mel-,�q salt of paxS3p aq of �1!D of alauu luasazd of zns leununuoo neaos uos msoddu pies gill jo IpaS uouuuuoD omodto0 oql pasnuo seq 1cu3 u ugof lulpS 3o Xi10 oqZ `IOf 6 FfQ IOd Na Lalof lujvS 3o XIIO OLi,L d032IdHM MNIIAA NI Mpl -Xq slgl3o oozo; olul amlaal auzaisiou L 8uipeag p.q L amlaal aujafx o(I Suipeag puoaaS amlaal azOfujazd OUTpeag lszid leunujujoo zaT33azO/)lza10 uounuo0 : sajuenms samleUSfS SDI aaAe `SOOZ OI ajazze juasgzd of ms Immunuoo moos uos zasodde lle3 e uqof juiRS 3o Xj!D DELL `IOfld gQ I03 Ng •algae luasazd np matiStA ua aazjua,I sap a80.1qu jso `suoijuogfpouu sas olquuasua 'uqof jujus 3o ,Cljo al,L Uf slaazlS O1lgnd aqj Uuozd 301 puu MouS 3o IuAOCUO -d pue aouezuai0 oqj of 3uilelad murl V olnlilui lO Z96I la1JAa3 Z of ajofpa uqof juieS ;o Sjio oqL OP aj?z-n 4rj Z •pzega lag e uoissnuo,p aloe onbugo mod szullop buio op opuauje oun,p oumd snos `isa ufosoq puunb juaujanapja mat V Topaoo .1d op nual 1sa asiA ufezual np no luouiileq np uoipmO of no auiulupuvLu uos `aziulaudozd of `adiau olloo op no suo6uld Sao op `oouli? olloo op snossop -ne gnu gun ms luussud suoiq sal anb sauuoszad saI uaiq issnu oingo znol zed za;Iuup no azlIgm V aljos algal op Q&Qu op no `luauuaulnu no suo6el3 op ouuo; snos `ooejO op a:fzugo annozj os aulaua3 op jjndde un,nb no azafjjno9 oun,p no liol un,p aijzud no jnol anb sio3 anbul0 I :alafpa uqof juiuS 3o ,5110 oq,L op leununuoo Iiasuoo a7 NHOr INIVS 30 A.LIO HH L SNVQ saribirund Saflu saa agvivrIJaQ drI La ,LNHw2INl` lHKa(l drI IKVKH213NOD �L�u2iV 9Z-I1IoN alaw IV auiuyqjzo,Aew :Xq pau2is PUB SOOZ'Q'V ` ;o ,Cep acll Mel -,Cq sigj of POxg3e oq of X110 pies all jo IuOS uoujjuo0 ojuzodzo0 aqj pasnuo sul Uqof lutes 3o 4D Ou `jomla m SSdNLIM Ni -mul -Xq sfgl jo aozo3 olul Ouiuma agl no poleadaz si ojauagl sluauzpuauue IP' PUB <,uqof luleS 3o ,Sl!o oq,L ui slaazlS oilgnd oql Umud gal puu mouS 3o IunoUlag PUB aouuzua10 agj of 2uilBIQ -d mu7 d ,5 `POPRUO Z96I 4,Szenuga3 3o SUP gglaml aql no palOeua Uqof juiuS 30 fSj!o OTI.L 3o MEI-Xq d Z •MouS zo saloioi `Doi Bons anoujaz 011001SOU klQAa uo3 szullop ang 3o klpuod all zapun gaup of anvil ujoz3 mous zo solofoi `ooi Bons anoUZau 01 101 zo 2UTPllnq Bons 3o azeo all fufnuq uoszad Sue zo zaumo oql jo jm& oqj zo zaumo all 3o finp all aq Bugs 1i `,iljadozd uo suoszod Bons uodn 3oa.1agj lle3 all ,Cq mous zo soloioi `aoi Ions gluauoq hails Cue no Ouissud ,iljadozd zo suosuad za;Iuepuo of se iouuuui u Bons of mous llim zo `miMZaglo zo salofof 3o uuo3 all ui zagjia aoi glim mpu1 si Ilis- MOpufM XUe zo `anua uo 300.1 3o uoijuod zo omo 3ooz ,Sue zanauagM I - :smollo3 se Uqof lulus 3o XJIO Olt 3o lfouno0 uounuo0 all ,Cq poloeua 1! ag NHOr INNS 30 Ama am NI urnmL5 alriunj mi b OHJ dal QNV MONS 30 rIVAON31H (INV daNV2IVdrla 9H,L O.L `)NI LVrlgH MVrl V 9Z-W 2I9lIIVaNI MVrl-AS l5� &Ilos alla,nb amleu anblanb ap asoga aslnu olnol no anulnoz ?o gun `anblununuoo un `agoS3u gun `Pmgoozq gun `auuoutd Dun `alouloads op aumloai nuauued un `nuaaued un `nuomoutd un `aluepuod auSlasuo Dun ms anblpul 180 a ill nos no uiou nos anb Ip33 PI algae luosaid Pl unaijuP e ollg,nb 1a a1 ?ouloala,p no auogdalal op `agdvaolal op Duol id un no nualod un ms uailureui uos op no asod es op `umloijun uos op `uo ?1lsodxa uos op `agoelle nos gp `uopellElsul uos ap 609ugooiooe uos op alqusuodsar Iso Puuosiod aun,nb 1 ?t3 tip atovf vurud annazd InuA Z .u01131JU041 Pmssu uo mb 01100 01) Jlos auolfcl Do ap no nualod ao op aiiulaudoid Iso mb ouuosiod el Pp 1?os 01u09 uo?ssauiad ul algelugid nu nuoloo moms sups ugof lu?es 3o tl ?3 agL soup aliauloala,p no auogdalal ap `00raal9l ap auolXd un no npPlod un ms Ilos allo,nb amluu anblanb ap asoga Pilot alnol no aziulnoz ?o gun `anbiunuiiuoo un 6agoi33u gun `amgooiq Dun `almoued gun `aloeloods op Pumlool- neaumd un `nuauuud un `npaououed un `oluepuod ouSlasua gun nuolureu no asod `nualazluo `Pgoul3e no asodxa `agooiooe Jios anb lauuod no opueuiap mb no cluopui mu no asod `luailailua `asodxa `Pgoujjv no ollelsul `Qgooiaou mb auuosiod el srellop sluao xnop op opuaum aun,p ailpunuos ampaooid .red a1?l?gtdlno op uolle.iuloap ms `Plglssed Iso ID uo?loe.gul Dun JgunuoD I mjn0j -d133 pup poipung au ?u pupsnogl Duo pto-I mo ;o IEQA oq1 ui iogoloo 3o sup gl119la- SluaMl 0111 uo uolluzado put loa33a olul 08 Ilegs cures 0111 put `Dopod oggnd put Xla3us o?Ignd `glleaq a?Ignd acll 3o uollun.fasazd alp?paunui 0111 Io3 lua9m s? MEI - fg supjo aSesstd oql lEgl p0iuloop Xgazaq s? II £ 'MEI ,�q s ?g13o uolltlo ?n p palllunuoa seq pup prepupls zo Plod lg9il ouloolP zo PuogdalPJ gdvjS3lal 'Sup uodn Bons 3o do 91I?d3931 10 Sulould `9upmalu?uui `9u?Ilq?gxo `9ulualse3 TO Snllaazg `9ul9upq 0111 103 olglsuodsP.i s? .ianaoslpgM uollduosap Xuu 3o Suigl is po zo ll ?q -pupq `u?lallnq `II ?q `IDlgdumd `pmo -MOgs 4p.ieoq -M011s `ais 'pmoq -n91s `n91S- 21119u1MS hue uo pglpuSisap s? 91111 .10 aumu osogm `uoszad aql IMP aaugp?na 913p3 uunzd oq llegs lI Z '00,003 ;o Pull t 01 uo?loinuoa kmuuuns uo olquq s? put a0ua330 up sl?muioa p.lupuEls jo Plod 111911 aulaala io auogdalal `11du.iSalol gans sulplulpui put sumo golgm zo oqm uosiod aq1 ;o uo?ss¢uiod uallum agl poululgo 9nintq lssg 1nogllm uqo f 1u?uS 3o X110 PILL u? pmpuels so Plod 1gSil aulaala .io auogdalal `gdujSolal ,Sue uodn `.zanaoslpgM uollduosop ,Cut 3o Sulgl mtlio io II ?q puEq `u?laTInq `II ?q `iDlgduied `preo -molts `pzeoq -molts u9 ?s `pipoq -u9ls `01s- Sul9ulms ,Cup `dn ldasl so `pooeld `paultluluui p0nalsE3 zo pa1 ?gnpca `poloojo oq of slnuiad zo sasnua io `dn sclowl zo would `suiplu!m `sl ?glgxo 4 su3lsu3 Jo slooio `s9upq oqm `uosiod V I :01a?p3 ugof -:smollo3 su ugof JoltS Jo XI?D ggs lu?ES 30 j(1 ?0 PILL op Ipununuoo l?asuoa a7 3o I ?aunoD uounuoD ag1 /Sq poloeua 1? all NIHOf ,LNIIVS d0 A,LI dHI SNIVQ XIIVd,LOd Sd'I uaS dQ Mod V'I.LNIVSIQ?Id,LNII SZ -w ON H La HIV O KHOf INIIVS d0 A LIO dH.L Xf1VdNAIVd NI Sd'IOd NIO SNIOIS .Law mw 30 ONIIOV`Id JH,L ONIILIUFH02Id MV'I V �'� SZ-1v U21a am MV'I-Ag 1 'b96I P.igoloo gZ np zalduioo e Ia33a ia?luo nos Pimpoid DID 13,1 Ja `sonbilgnd x?ud el 1a ollmoas el gluts EI luacualplpgunni .ianzasard ap sug xnv gluaSm 1sP ala.uv luasazd up uolldopu,l anb arelogp Iso II £ &Ilos alla,nb amleu anblanb ap asoga aslnu olnol no anulnoz ?o gun `anblununuoo un `agoS3u gun `Pmgoozq gun `auuoutd Dun `alouloads op aumloai nuauued un `nuaaued un `nuomoutd un `aluepuod auSlasuo Dun ms anblpul 180 a ill nos no uiou nos anb Ip33 PI algae luosaid Pl unaijuP e ollg,nb 1a a1 ?ouloala,p no auogdalal op `agdvaolal op Duol id un no nualod un ms uailureui uos op no asod es op `umloijun uos op `uo ?1lsodxa uos op `agoelle nos gp `uopellElsul uos ap 609ugooiooe uos op alqusuodsar Iso Puuosiod aun,nb 1 ?t3 tip atovf vurud annazd InuA Z .u01131JU041 Pmssu uo mb 01100 01) Jlos auolfcl Do ap no nualod ao op aiiulaudoid Iso mb ouuosiod el Pp 1?os 01u09 uo?ssauiad ul algelugid nu nuoloo moms sups ugof lu?es 3o tl ?3 agL soup aliauloala,p no auogdalal ap `00raal9l ap auolXd un no npPlod un ms Ilos allo,nb amluu anblanb ap asoga Pilot alnol no aziulnoz ?o gun `anbiunuiiuoo un 6agoi33u gun `amgooiq Dun `almoued gun `aloeloods op Pumlool- neaumd un `nuauuud un `npaououed un `oluepuod ouSlasua gun nuolureu no asod `nualazluo `Pgoul3e no asodxa `agooiooe Jios anb lauuod no opueuiap mb no cluopui mu no asod `luailailua `asodxa `Pgoujjv no ollelsul `Qgooiaou mb auuosiod el srellop sluao xnop op opuaum aun,p ailpunuos ampaooid .red a1?l?gtdlno op uolle.iuloap ms `Plglssed Iso ID uo?loe.gul Dun JgunuoD I mjn0j -d133 pup poipung au ?u pupsnogl Duo pto-I mo ;o IEQA oq1 ui iogoloo 3o sup gl119la- SluaMl 0111 uo uolluzado put loa33a olul 08 Ilegs cures 0111 put `Dopod oggnd put Xla3us o?Ignd `glleaq a?Ignd acll 3o uollun.fasazd alp?paunui 0111 Io3 lua9m s? MEI - fg supjo aSesstd oql lEgl p0iuloop Xgazaq s? II £ 'MEI ,�q s ?g13o uolltlo ?n p palllunuoa seq pup prepupls zo Plod lg9il ouloolP zo PuogdalPJ gdvjS3lal 'Sup uodn Bons 3o do 91I?d3931 10 Sulould `9upmalu?uui `9u?Ilq?gxo `9ulualse3 TO Snllaazg `9ul9upq 0111 103 olglsuodsP.i s? .ianaoslpgM uollduosap Xuu 3o Suigl is po zo ll ?q -pupq `u?lallnq `II ?q `IDlgdumd `pmo -MOgs 4p.ieoq -M011s `ais 'pmoq -n91s `n91S- 21119u1MS hue uo pglpuSisap s? 91111 .10 aumu osogm `uoszad aql IMP aaugp?na 913p3 uunzd oq llegs lI Z '00,003 ;o Pull t 01 uo?loinuoa kmuuuns uo olquq s? put a0ua330 up sl?muioa p.lupuEls jo Plod 111911 aulaala io auogdalal `11du.iSalol gans sulplulpui put sumo golgm zo oqm uosiod aq1 ;o uo?ss¢uiod uallum agl poululgo 9nintq lssg 1nogllm uqo f 1u?uS 3o X110 PILL u? pmpuels so Plod 1gSil aulaala .io auogdalal `gdujSolal ,Sue uodn `.zanaoslpgM uollduosop ,Cut 3o Sulgl mtlio io II ?q puEq `u?laTInq `II ?q `iDlgduied `preo -molts `pzeoq -molts u9 ?s `pipoq -u9ls `01s- Sul9ulms ,Cup `dn ldasl so `pooeld `paultluluui p0nalsE3 zo pa1 ?gnpca `poloojo oq of slnuiad zo sasnua io `dn sclowl zo would `suiplu!m `sl ?glgxo 4 su3lsu3 Jo slooio `s9upq oqm `uosiod V I :01a?p3 ugof -:smollo3 su ugof JoltS Jo XI?D ggs lu?ES 30 j(1 ?0 PILL op Ipununuoo l?asuoa a7 3o I ?aunoD uounuoD ag1 /Sq poloeua 1? all NIHOf ,LNIIVS d0 A,LI dHI SNIVQ XIIVd,LOd Sd'I uaS dQ Mod V'I.LNIVSIQ?Id,LNII SZ -w ON H La HIV O KHOf INIIVS d0 A LIO dH.L Xf1VdNAIVd NI Sd'IOd NIO SNIOIS .Law mw 30 ONIIOV`Id JH,L ONIILIUFH02Id MV'I V �'� SZ-1v U21a am MV'I-Ag 1 amloal auiaTsiozy amloal auialxnaQ asnloai azanuazd OUTpuag P.I?q L 2uipuag puooaS SuTpuag 1ssTd pununuoo zaS3azO/xia1O uounuo0 : saluunms samzuuSis sal oanu `SOOZ of alaire luasajd of .ms luununuoo nuoos uos iosoddu 1Tu3 u ugof lulus Jo I(110 aq.L `IOflo dQ IOd ma •alauu luasoid np man5u uo oailua,I sap aSoiqu lsa `suoTluogipouz sos aigwasua `ugof luTuS 30 11T0 aqL UT saTod uo SUSIS jo 2ulould aql 2uilTq!gozd mu7 y almilui la b56I oigoloo 8Z Q1 aloTpa uqof lu1uS30 X110 oqL op alauu,7 b anulq/iostw •:,Sq pou3Ts puu SOOZ 'G.v • ....... jo Xup ......... oql mul -Xq sTgl of paxg ;u aq of 0110 MIN aql jo 1739S uounuo0 aluodio0 oql posnuo suq triof lupS 30 ' 110 aqs `dOaXaHlA SMd U Al i\II •mui-Xq sigl JO aoiO3 oluT $nnuoa oql uo paivadaz si olazagl sluauipuauiu Ilu PTl ugof luTuS 30 X1T0 oqL ui solod uo sals 30 2uTauld aql $u11igTgo -zd mul d„ PlIPUa b961 `zagoloO JO fup glg3ia4juoml aql uo polouuo ugof luTuS 30 X1I0 oTi L 3o mul-Aq d b : saluenlns soinleu3Ts sal oaAe `SOOZ of alaire luosaid of ins leununuoo moos uos msoddu 3Ie3 e uqof lulus 3o 43 3ql `IOfld gQ I03 Ng •alazre luosaid np maalA ua 93x1110,1 sap 92oige lsa `suolleoglpouJ sas olqucasu3 `slaailS no spreogojgS 3o asn 9g1$ulllglqoJd mv14q V oln3llul la 996I ulnC IZ 31 9101p3 uqof lulus 3o ,C1i0 agZ op opim47 b '9snznuo0 uollougul anbego inod smTlop bulo 3p opu3uie oun,p olglssed la uop gui oun,p 9lgednoo lsa ola.uu luasaid of lulaJ3u3 anbuootno £ :Xq pouSis Pue S00Z .Q.V .........3o ,Cep........ aql mel -Xq sigl of poxtd3u oq of AI!D plus oql ;o 11ouno0 uounuo0 aleiodio0 3ql posnuo sug uqof lulus jo XI!D oqL 4A09HUHM SSaNUIM NI •mel-,Sq sIT113o ooio3 olul 2unuoo aql U0 polead3J sl ol3iagl sluauipuaute IIe pee „slaailS uo spmogaluxs 3o asn Dip ftllglgoid mul -,Cg V1, Po`lMua 996I `aunf 30 ,Cup lsig- Xlu3ml 9ql no pal0uuo uqof 3uleS 3o Al ?O aq L 3o meI-Aq V b 63oua33o goua io3 006S$3o 9ug e of a10.ug pee 3oua33o ue 3o XlliiS oq hugs mul -XE[ aql 3o suolsTnoid aql salulolA oqm uosiod XuV £ '11140f lutes 3o 43 9qy suup otu Dun ms sollalnoi uqof 3uluS 3o X110 oql ul hails agoueld aun aimpuoo 3p 1Tpialul lso II Z Xuu no p vogojmjs e 9AUp 1173gs uosiod oN Z Oaaaps) .silolloil sal To Io -xnoo ins sluod sal sudumo `s3lnxg3A sap uoTlelnoilo ul mod ollgnd of and a9s11lin lsa swgud sas op aun,l puunb aoeld aun,p no Died un,p `ollaTu oun,p `9IoA 3un,p `unuago un,p `alnoi oun,p salnuTl sal oilua asuduioo ai3Tluo xnAml u'l a oni» (p tvogalvafs) 0uluumg u0pouil Jud otu aun ins aaip no aaliodsueil Dip in3d no 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sal `luauzallnu aq lou IluTls unoo zalltll gons `pallluigns suvId 9ql glim 9oueploom ul unoo zallell u 3o uollonzlsuoo palaldwoo seq lueogddu ue gzaT[m WE -pouno0 uounuo0 aq1 /Cq poimbaz oq 1legs se uolluuuo3ul 19g10 gans pue u91e posodmd agl3o sueld ogl g1lm uolleoTldde gans uoddns I[egs puu uqof luluS3o X110 aq,L3o Ilouno0 uouuuo0 3ql of Xlddt legs lino zallull t se pup, 3o lowed e dolanap oI Buulsop uosiod XLrV (I)£ •me7 -,Cg slgl3o suolslnozd agl 19pun posuoml lino iogeSl u ul ldaoxo uqof lines 3o A1I0 aqy ulgllm za[Iu.TI e Sdn000 Iluqs uosiod oN (Z)Z 'mul -Xg SIgl30 STIOISTA01d aql gum aoueplOOOe ul osu9oiq e Bululelgo Islij Inogllm ymoo TaIIPII u ugof lulus 3o Al10 OU ury1m 9lezado 10 uleluluuz Iltgs uosiod oN (I)Z (sapolno.i v odvd) •siollezl 3o uollupounuoaou 10 womooeld aql 103 9pinozd of zauutui e gans uI p9plAlpgns 10 padolanap puu pauuuld ugoq seq goTgm puu, 3o 19o1ed a sueauT „y-&nOO 1IIIIIV1Iy„ (al;olno t) -panouza11ea8 Buluutu slI 10 do p3310uf sl alalgaA 10 1lun Bulsnoq olqunouz gans legl Bulpuelsglimlou a101gaA 1o1oTu e Xq pollodold put umelp puu of pogoellu Bumq io3 olgelms 3q of se os poloiulsuoo os put suoslad 3o uopepounuoaou Bullea 10 Suld9als 103 pasn a[olggA 10 1TUn Bulsnoq olgenouz u Sue9uI 4<1Id'IIV2Iy„ alolp on glxaluoo 91 anb suloui V I Ixoluoo agl ssolun Sallnbal aslmzaglo me7 -Ag slgl uI i :: OJOIPa ugof :smollo3 Su 'uqof Iu!vS 3o X1I0 oqy lulus 3o X1I0 aqy op luununuoo llasuoo a7 3o [TOunoo uouuuo0 aql Xq polmuo 1! ag NHOf INIVS 3O ALIO IIH.L SNVQ S2[,L.LWMOlI NHOf JMVS AO A,LIO 2[H,L Nl s,LHaO3 V S01Vd SII I LNV LNaLaO �L�11 1H.2 j � 6Z-N oN alprIV 6Z-N 1I3EMN AAV'I-Ag 1\ J -Q in luasazd al Ju ?az3uo (q `alauu luasazd np nlzan ua l ?ldw000e alla,nb suollouo3 sap oolazaxo,l suup auuoszad aun anezluo no oua2? (u : onbuoomb llnsmod as uolloez3u ?,1 lanbnp smog nn moC onbugo mod szellop Juoo snld ne,p la bulo -iSuln suloLu nu,p opuauzu oun,p `azluuzutos ampaoozd red alglqudlno op uollezeloap ms `3i0.1ssud lsa la uo?1oez3ul aun lauuuoD L .uo?leolldde,p sluomolOaz sos op no alaue luasazd np uo ?lunzasgo,l op ioinsse,s mod xnall sap no suleual sap ms algeuuoslez aznag alnol u zazlauad e asuolne 1sa sluauujuq sap moloodsuc,7 (Z)9 •sonulluoo aaua; ;o aql Sep gaea 103 00.001$ UUul azocu lou pun 00'SZ$ ungl ssal 1ou 3o aug e 01 uollalnuoo dznununs no olqull s? pun ooua33o ue 3o ftipa sl meZ- fg s1g13o suolslnozd ,fue salnloln (q) `me'j fg slgl zapun sallnp snl 3o ooueuuo3zad oql u1 uoszad ,Sue szapulq zo slonzlsgo (e) oqm uoszad y L •ql ?m pa?lduzoo $ulaq azu `zapunazagl apuuz suo?1elaaz ,iun zo mu7 - Sg s? uond agl zaglagm ureaasu of sasnuazd zo spuel ,Sue `aural algeuosuaz ,Cue 1u zalua of poz?zoglnu s? Toloodsul Bu ?piing aqy (Z)q •ilia¢ luasazd np uoquollddu,l op 9.5mlo lsa ugof Jules •mu7 -,tg sill 3o suolslnozd oql aozo3uo 11egs uqo f 3o ,Cl?D oqZ ap sluauzpuq sap znojoadsu ?,-I (I)9 Jules 3o �1 ?D aq,L 3o zoloadsul 8ulplmg agZ (I)9 •sluuad np ooumilap ap alup •108u01 ou pue `asuoo ?l Bons 21 luunins leuz „l ne,nbsnC anb ap1lun Jsa,u snxuad 3o aauunssl 3o alup a1q1 8u1mo1103 A,3w 3o ,fup lszg of la szellop aluunbula Op 1sa Z alaclze,l ap nlzan aqJ 11lun p ?Ien og Hugs puu 00.05$ oq lures 3oazag no sumod un ztuolgo mod za,fud u J?ozp a7 S Z uolloas zapun ponssl osuao ?1 a zo3 3a3 aq I, 'axg 1 ?,nb opouad el luepuod sallolnoz u ozed un,nb azlnu aim aun suup allolnoz aun zallulsul,p `1a33a Igo u opuuump aun,p uo?leluosazd sazdu `ouuoszad nun u azllauuad inod luununuoo 113suoo a-1 b •leunuzuzoo l?asuoo of zed sud sallolnoz e sozed sal ms sluauzalSaz sal oane 1a sueld soo aanu 3lluu03u0a ua anagaezud a1a u sallolnoz u ozud a1 ?s luoploop mb `oludlolunul luauza8uuauzu,p uolssnuuzoo el Ja ugof Jules 30 ,S1 ?D au op sluaunluq sap maloodsul,l zed aauuop 91a l?u,u uollanzlsuoa ap anlllugap uollegozdde,I anb Juunu sallolnoz sap zud adn000 azla •poSloads aq ,ieuz se polzad gans zo3 lino zalluzl u uegl zaglo uazu ,Sue ul zaliezl u oluool of `opew uaaq seq uolluailddu za13e `uoszad ,Sue 11uuod Amu IlounoD uounuoD oql, h •slmoo zalrezl 2upoodsaz 1 ?ounoD uouzuzoD oql dq opeuz uaaq anuq lugl suop,21n8a r ,Cue pm mold plus oql gllm ,Clnuzo3uoo ui palaldwoo uaaq sug unoo io1pul gans 3? aulpuzalap 11ugs oqm `uolssnuuzoo $umueld umol, aq1 puu ugof lures 3o (1 ?D aq,L 3o ioloodsuj Ouip11ng oq1 Aq opuut sl uollonusuoo 3o lunozddu Iuug I ?Jun zallezl Xuu ,Sq paldn000 amlool ouraisloj amlooT ouraTxnau amlool 01a!Urazd gujpeaZl psjgL OUTpeag puooaS 2ucpzag lsnd leununuoo taS3az0p1za10 uounuo0 : saluenlns samjeaIs sal oane `500Z al alazru juasaid of ms luununuoo nuoos uos rasoddu 1Te3 e ugof lures 30 40 ou `IOfId du IOd Nd •alaue luosazd np moarA ua aa.zlua,l sap ogoige 1sa 'suoTleoj31P0w sas alqurasuo `ugof;utvs fo ditO aqj uL s'ldno0 ial!v iL alvin8a?L 01 mv7 -dg y alnlTlul 10 £961 uTnf bZ Q1 alolpa ugof lutes 3o X5110 aqZ Op alazze,7 8 anew /zoXeN Aq pouBTs puu SOOZ 'u'y ` 3o Xup a11 MeT -,Sq sr ql 01 paxi33e aq 01 I(110 PTes ag1 Jo IMS uoumro0 ajerodzo0 ag1 sag Ugof lulus 3o X110 ou dogugfiAA ssa Laim NJ 'Mel-Xq sTg1 jo oo.jo3 olul 2unuoo ag1 uo paleadas sT olajogl sluourpuauu ITu pue ,ugof jujus` 30 43 ag.L ul slmo0 .jaTTujL aleln2ag 01 Aye -I -Xg V,, PRIM £961 `aunf 3o Sep gjino3- ,ijuomj ag1 uo Polouua uqo f lujeS 30 X1T0 agZ 30 A1ul-Aq V 8 i : saluunms saminc SIs sal Dann `SOOZ Q1 alaire luosaid al ms luunuzuioo moos uos iasoddu im u ugof lulus 3o 4o Diu `IOfld gQ IOd Ng •alauiu luasoid np maain ua aa.1lua,I sa a8oiqu p 1so uyof lupvg fo eij!D oyl u} s8upppng pagvumQ 9-'& op 8u11vpa?1 mv7 N 91MIIUi 10 Z961 i3iin93 9Z ai aloipa Uqof luluS 30 A1i0 DILL op 019zre,rl b aapusUZU 03ai oillal .red a,Conua lios `saidoid sugui uD spu3i lios uios ml lanbal `luoo sin13,1 ap uoildaoa.1 el op .1aldwoo y sinof aluoil op ]so soluop9oa.1d suoilisodsip sap uoiluDllddu .red slouiap ai inod na3 ai iud a$guzuzopuo luounluq lnol ap anuloudoid nu opioom Ielop a7 £ 1. •alunoas alnol ua analuo la ilouzap lios ii,nb oillauuad rood sunlioddo luoil[uieddu inb xnoo anus `io -Inloo ins xnunuil sailnu snot aiaiuuuc oilm onblonb ap ionlopgo pi uoiluredai op no uoiluogipoui ap luoLuQssipuLiOe,p `uoporulsuoo op xmmeil sap u luouuleq ai ms iop000id uimod au luauzil?q np aiiulaudoid of `analuo 1a ilouzap luauiaiailuo Dula liop luauuluq of anb luunbipui mI sluauiilgq sap inoloodsui,l op luoo sinu un,p uoildaoai inS Z 011spus ai Iugnu malun IN Op luoo mod aluunbuio liuiap03xa aipuaDln,i luunu luauzaluipaunm 1lunnoil os ii no 1ula,l u iainulsoi of mod 01113SSD32u uollonilsu000i el op no summ.1uda.1 sap lnoo ai `sluautiluq sap inglogdsui j op sinu,i op `anb luiod ial u na3 of .1ud oOtuzuzopuo 1so inb uqo f luiuS 3o A110 aq L op auioluual of ms anus luauuluq lnol 9n91uo 1a iloUlap luauz9iailua 3.119 luunap luouzil q un ionIgsuoo alnda.1 lsa `SZ61 `yoy ffupppng uyof ;upvs ay,1 oalnIpui iol ul g luauiauugjuo0 I : 913T9 Uqo f 1uinS 3o A1i0 oq L ap Im u moo posuoo orl NHOf .LNIVS 30 AJLIO Ml SNVQ fld3 Hrl HVd Sj9VWW0(INd S,LNIaWI.LVg SdI ,LNVNI Hd0N00 �Il4m V I'VS ON alamHv Xq pars Pun s00Z'Q'V` 3o Xup oql mvl -Xq snp of poxS3g aq of f1!0 plus og13o luoS uounuo0 aluiodco0 all pasnuo suq ugof luiuS 3o X1i0 OU 309=A1 SSHN.L M NI •mq -Xq sigl jo ooio3 olui 9upuoo all uo polmdai si „ulof luiuS 3o A1i0 oql ui sOuipling paOuureQ and 01 Suilgla1I murl V„ Paililua Z961 `faunig3d 30 A3P glxis- AIuaml all uo p910uua Uqo f luinS 3o 1�110 Dq L 30 mui -jcg d b •iaumo all of iallal paialsi2oi Xq palpuui .10 iaumo aql of Xiiuuosiod paianilap ialli9 aq 11ugs oopou uallum qons pug `.Q3ilou uallum Bons 3o 1dmoi oql uioi; sXup 41cul1 oq hugs suoiloas -qns Suip000id 3ql iapun cures gsilouiop of SuiPlinq pQSvump -Dig IU'2 3o iaumo oq1 popollu aural aqj £ ' .guiPlinq fans 3o igAOWOI pug uoi1110111ap aJus moiiu of paunbai 6lquuosua.1 3q kaw su Niom gans uugl iaglo 2uiplmq gans uodn 31iom uuo3.1ad asimualpo io `uuda.1 `.1alle `adreluo ` plinq lou Ilugs Iunouzai puu uoililowap alaldwoo sounbai OUTPiinq aql lugl sOuiplmg 3o ioloodsul all umi3 aopou uallum Ouini9Doi uodn Suipl!nq gans ;o ioumo aqy z IunoUiai pug uopiloulap olaiduzoo saumbau goRm Ouiplinq u 3q of pauza9p oq hugs `a9uurep Dig gans a.1o3aq Ouiplmq oql 3o amen oql 3o luao .1ad egg paaoxo pinom `Dig fans a.1ojoq dlalumaunul sum 1! gollm ui uolllpuoo all of Euiplmq ag1 aiolsai of kmss000u uoilonilsuooa.1.10 siredai 3o lsoo 9ql ioloodsul Suiplmg all jo uoiuido oql ui lull imixo uu gans of Dig Xq poSuurep si loigm ugof 1uiuS ;o .�1i0 ogs ui Palmils BuiPlinq fuu `9Z61 lad $uTI!ng uqo f 1uinS all ;o suoisinoid oql of lugnsmd I smoilo3 sg `ugof 1uinS 3o X110 oqj 3o Itouno0 uounuo0 aql ,iq polmua 11 og NHOf INIVS 30 A,LIO Elul NI SONIQ'IIIIg Qd0Vb1iVQ-TH3 OZ ONIIV'IHH MV'I V I-VS U51M ii1N MVI-Aft ain4aaj auzacsioIL a.mloaj auuatxnaQ amloaj aianuaza 3ujpeaw P-'M L $utpeaa puooas 9ucpeag Is.n3 jeununuoo saSpioMiajo uo=oD aneyv/iotey� •Ilaununuoa ITasuoo of aSfxa,nb sluoumaiasuaz sazlnu snot anb isure aalaCozd ane,l op sueld sal opuuuiap.inol op mddu,l V luossnuno3la ugof lup3S 3o SI!D aqy op luununuoo liasuoo nu opuecuop ul luo3 no sallolnoi u axed un anu3 uo mod ollaaied oun zaSuuauiu luolfugnos Tnb souuosiod sal (I)£ •alaue luosazd np aunSai of snos aznflap snzuad un,p azTelnill sallolnoz la o ed un suup anus `ugof luleS 3o fl[O aqy op anoli.ual Q1 ins ollolnoz gun zadn000,p 11Pzalul lsa II (Z)Z •alazzla luosazd of oanla alTuuo3uo3 ua sazuad un afgeluazd nu nualgo none sues sallolnoz ¢ oxed un ugof lufeS 3o XjtD agy op aziolT.ual Q1 ms iol!oldxo,p no auaI op lipzalui lsa II (I)Z (iallvi9) •analua lso sonoz op uilazl nos anb no oizo ms could lso a[noTgan oo no oligoui uoflelTqug,p 91Tun allay anb 1!u3 np luoummpuadapuT `fo -fnloo .red nui la azT1 surd `moloui e alnonlan un e 0 oulle azla zfonnod e altos a[lol op linzlsuoo la za8ueuz no :rmuop mod nail op souuoszad sap E lumias olnoigan no o[igouz uoillalfqug,p aliull « g.LLOjnO2i» (y.inoo ealiml) •sallolnoz ap uoflullelsuT.l no luauzmuld of zamssu a altos allay op opol no aaSeuauzu la aauoz allaazlad << Sg L,Lo' mow V OZiV(l >> X02) - li!a7n +TrT1 ^n �fa.rP ;iq �j�.;�i�,i 7� an3 ski�4a y el alpuu luosaid nu luonbT dde,s luanins mb uoijjugap vro�a sal alxaluoo np .azTlazluoo- uoT3TSOdstp_IneS i 1ms 1!,nb TsuTu ouuopzo `luununuoo �Tasuoo ua aTunaz `ugof lu?uS 3o A110 au 9 -pouno0 uounuo0 sill Xq pazinbaz oq Ilugs se uoillauuo;ui zaglo qons pue ease posodmd agl3o sueid oql glim uoiluoilddu gans lzoddns [Tugs puu uqo f luTuS 3o X110 oq L 3o ITounoo uounuo0 aql of Xlddu hugs 1-moo zalluzl u su puel ;o hazed u dolanap of Suufsop uoszad XuV (I)£ •mu7 -gig sfgl3o suotsfnoxd oql zapun posuooil lmoo zalluzl e of ldaoxo ugof lufuS 3o A110 oqy unp!m zalfuxl u Xdn000 llugs uoszad oN (Z)Z 4mla7 -,tg sigl ;o suofsfnoid aql g1Tm aanupxoaala of asuaoT1 e SufuTelgo iszg lnogpfm yinoo zalTezl u uqof luluS 3o X1I0 gq.L uTgllm olezado zo uTuluTeui llegs uoszad oN (I)Z (samolno.i v oevd) •szalTuzl 3o uoflepouzui000u zo luauzaould oq1 ioj opfnozd of zaumm u gans uT papinipgns zo podolanap puu pauueld uoaq slag goigm puul 3o looted e sueow „y-&nOO gg•IIVM,, (allolnoi) •panouzaz =2 Sum= slf zo do pailala( si 910Igan zo lmn SuTsnog algenouz gans Iegl SulPulalsglTmlou alaTgan zoloui u Xq pollodozd pup umuzp pue of pagoellu Sufaq io3 alglalms oq of se os palonzlsuoo os pue suoszad 3o uoTlupouzuz000e SupleQ io Suidaals zo3 pasn oloTgan zo liun Suisnoq olqunouz u sueaui „ggrjjV%Iy„ `sannbaz asTmzaglo ixoluoo oql ssalun murl -,Cg sigI ul i - :smollo; su pauanuoa ITaunoO uouicuo0 uT ugof luluS 3o i(i10 oqL �q pauTupio 1! og 17 NHOf ,LNIVS 30 A113 r 9H.L SNVQ Sg LLO'MOU V SOZIVd s r j NHOP ,LNIVS 30 A.LIO RH.L NI S,LHaO3 a.LpRIV ° 2IgI"l g,LVrMf)J I OZ MVl-Aa V lG aN alau IV ��° — ( Hauv IIN MV'l-Ag ` (uoflulsuezl gouazd) .L3V�dQ U20 L0 (S'Ouuz3 no uoflonpuzl) LL.LO flu g2IIVNIm'IaId g LXff.L 4 -alguu luosgzd a1 lulagua (q `alauu luosaid np nitan uo lgdut000u olla,nb suollouo3 sap oolotaxo,l suup ouuostad oun anuzluo no aua2 (e : onbuoolnb 1 ?nsinod as uopoegu ?,l lonbnp smog nu roof gnbugo znod siullop luao * bulo- l.5urn a ° opuauiu aun,p `o.ttuunuos,0mpaoo.td zud al1lAedlno op uollem[oap ms `algzssud lsa la uo ?lauij Caun launuoD L •uolluo11dde,p sluouiolSaz sas ap no olaue luosazd np uoilunsasgo,l op zgmssu,s mod xna ?l sap no sulu.uol sap ms olymuostei amaq olnol a saalauad e asuolnu lso suet ;anils2Ylyopa sap malaadsul,7 (Z)q •alazre luasazd rap uolleo1ldde,I op ogzego lso ugof lu?eS 3o ,C11D aqL op tuepan lat{ao sap moloodsul, -1 (1)9 [�MflL -sluuad np oouuznggp ap olup El luuntns luuz „j nu,nbsnC anb opllun lso,u snumd 31 To szellop oluunbulo op lso Z alaluu,l Op than uo snxuod un nualgo mod zgAud u l ?OZp a7 S •gxg 1 ?,nb opouad el luepuad sollolnoi e otud un,nb ailm Qju? gun suup ollolnoi oun zallulsul,p `logo loo e opueutap oun,p uopuluosazd sazdu `auuoszad oun e azllouuad lnod leunuturoo 1?asuoo a7 y leununuoo 1lasuoo al nd slid sollolnoz u sored sal ins sluoutal8az sal oanu 10 suuld sao aanu altuuo3uoa ua anagaexed alg e sallolnoi e o.md a1 ?s luoploap cnb `aledlonmut luauza .2uuaute,p uolsspuuloo el la ugof lupaS 3o -�l?D QYL ap —sgff i� sap maloodsu ?,l red aauuop `7 �glg l ?u,u uollonzlsuoa Op anlllugap uollugozdde,l anb luenu sallolnoz sap red adn000 ails ;nad on sallolnoi a oted of `spluosgzd suuld sal aaee alputo;uoo uo sollolnos u o.ed un,p uollanzlsuoo ul aunzual u apuuutap aun,p malnu,l anbsio -1 (Z)£ •sonulluoa aaua33o aql fep goua zo3 00.001$ uugl aiout lou puu 00•SZ$ UGgI ssal lou 3o aug e 01 uollalnuoa but urns uo olge ?l s1 pue ooua33o ue 3o (ll ?n2 s? `me7- Cg slgjjo suolslnozd Sue solulou (q) `.me'1 Sg s?tIl tapun sallnp slq ;o goueuuo;iad oql m uoszad Xuu saapulg so slatulsgo (e) ogm uosiad y L •gllm pa?ldwoo Sulaq are `tapunazagl opuut suollulnSoi Xuu zo 9me7 -Xg snp 3o suolsuoid aql taglogm umpoosu of sosnuoid zo spuel fuu `aural olquuoseai Xuu 1u zalua of pozuoglne s? zoloadsul 4ulpling all (Z)9 •murl -Ag stgl jo suolsmoid ag1 oozojuo hugs uqo f lu1eS3o .Kl ?Dggjjozoloodsul OUT plmgagL (I)9 •xa$uol on pue `osuao ?l Bans 3o aouenssi jo olup agl Sulmollo3 fuW jo Xep lstg oql 1?lun pqun oq llegs puu 00.05$ oq Bugs 3o3zag Z uogooS zapun ponssl asuoo ?l a io; aa3 aqS. S •pog ?cads oq X ut se polzad qons zo3 1-moo zalteil u uegl xaglo eaiu ,iuu ui jopeil e aluool of `opum uaaq suq uolleo1lddu zaLlu `uosiod Niue 1?utad Xm 1lounoo uounuoD aqL b •slmoo iolluil 2ulloadsaz 1?ounoo uounuoD aql Xq opeut uaaq anuq legl suoll131a0i XUe pue suuld Plus agl ql ?m Flntuo3uoa u? palaldutoo uaaq sug lino aalleil gans d? aulturalap 11u1qs oqm `uolssnznuoD $untuuld umo L oql pu?a ugof lu ?BS 3o (1 ?o oq L 3o ioloQdsul 2ulplmg aql Aq opuut s1 uollotulmoo 30 lenozddu luug 1pun xg1luil Xuu Xq paldn000 aq lou llugs lmoo zalluil gans `pollttugns sueld a p ql ?m oouupz000u u1 lmoo zalluxl a 3o uollontlsuoo palaldutoo suq lueollddu ue azagM (Z)£ aznloal auzaisiozL amlool oumixnaQ aznlOal azanuazd 8ucpuag p.TUq L Sulpuag pu0OaS 4uipuag isn3 luununuoo zag3azO/3jza10 uounuo0 : salupnuns saznipugus sal oane `SOoZ ai alauu luasazd al ms Ipunuunoo nuaas uos zasoddu lie3 e uqof luiuS 3o A1i0 QqL `IOflo 21Q I03 Na •alaup luosazd np znaain ua aazlua,I sap a8ozgp 'so `suoiluagipouT sas alquzasua `uyof luzvs fo X710 ayZ uI syrno7 salty iL alvltt8a� o f nav7 �S V ainlllul la £96I uinC bZ 0191 0ipa ugof luipS 30 x1i0 ag,L ap alaup,7 8 aneyvzo, EN Xq pouois pure g00Z •Q•v ` ;o fup oql mpl -Xq s?ci1 0l paxS3p ag of Kilo pies agl3o IpaS u0unu00 alpzodzo0 agl seq ugof luiuS 3o 4110 OIL J0JHaHAk SSTUIM NI ampl -,fq sugl jo oozo3 olul 9uTwoo agl uo palpadaz sl ola.Togl sluompuauze Ilu pup ,ugof lupaS 3o -Kl ?0 ag,L ill sI.mo0 zallpzL alulaox oL mu -I-Ag V,5 Pallilua £961 `ounf 3o Cep gimo3- ,tluoml aql uo polauua unto f lu!vs 3o X1i0 oq,L 3o mp1-Xq d 8 smuod ap sllozp sap ouiazeg S •saxel sap m0na09z Ia suolldaozad sap maloanp np sazdnv 8911sl8ama luauzalecpaunuc luos alvP 01130 sazdp saniapga s113zuddv,p no sznainglzlsT op s;no(e sal Ia slza3suezl sal snol `azino ug sgn0.1nsiP no srLuno3 `sonol a1a luo saou um ap saneluls3zd sonbllvutolnu s1lazeddu sap no sonblleumine smannqulslp sap 1nb @ souuoszad sap sossazpe 13 sutou sal luenblPul olsll oun aauue onbutlo op moC zanuazd of sowl sap inana0az IQ suolldoozad sap znal0azlp np l3umz soomMs op anelulsazd onblluuzolnu Ilazeddu un no onblluutolne malnqulslp on onglzlslp no lltuno; `anol anbuoolno b •aauuu anbugo azqumoap I£ nn,nbsnCaoueznllap mal ap alup el op ioldwoo v sapi113A Iuos alazzv luasazd np auuBaz of snos sopzo0oe suozad sal •s aloiun,l u lueTn3g autazuq m axg smuzad ap 11ozp of algid snuzad op opuputap aun,p malnp,l 1a suosad SDI azA11ap ugof luleS 3o d11D oqs, op saxul sap mana0az la suollda0zad sap mal3a.z1P a7 £ •alazze Iuasazd of 00nv 0lluu0su03 ua uqo f IMES 3o C11D als, zed azA11ap a1a sed u,u snut3d un lonbal mod saolAms op anvlulsazd anbllputolnu Ilazmddv un no anbllvutolnu malnqulslp un uqo f Iu1uS 30 X11D oq L op a.zloluzal aI ms (11nq u mauazd op no azlulaudozd op 0x111 e sapassod lumos s11,nb) xnall sos ms ztonv,p no zanol op `azTVlaudozd op azlp ? iapossod op 11pza1ul Iso 11 Z •sopos solnol op soolnzas sap no sluautassllzaAlP sap `xno C sap znuno3 op sug xnu saoald ap no suojoCap uoXouT nu luuuuollouo3 no anbluu0auz11azvdde no malnqulslp Inolop pualuo,s soolnzas op auululsazd anbllpumolnv Ilazeddv no anblleuzolm inojnqulsTP ouual a7 I NHOf INIVS 90 AJ13 IIH.L IIa amo Lma L arl Res SIInbINviaw s3nbi,Lvwo Lnv viar as f1O SIIOIAUIIS da SaulvJ,v,LSaud S3n61 Lvw0 Lf1v S'IIIIUVddV,a `Saf1b1 LVb1I0.LfIv Sund.Lnglu.LSla da NOLLV,LIOZdxa,a sivivad da Hamva IZaa V'I ,LNV,LNaW21 9O [H jJTdUV ON �Urdav I :goad asua3rlso aleoS S •saxus,so zaAl909g Poe suo110311003o z010011Q all 111m paz31s18az Slalucpouzun aq Ilmis alvp Iugl zagu saulgonuz 3o Suolllppe pue s.Tojsuezl Ile osle pue palnqulslP zo pagscuxT `poluaz uaaq anvil soullouut a0TAZas zo Bu1Pu3A polmodo uloo uiogm of uoszad f ana Jo ssazppv puv auzeu aql Bulmols IS1l a saxes, 3o zaAlaaag puu Suoll0a1103 so zoloazlQ aqI 01 ,Clddns mPA gouo 30 ,Cup Iszg aqI no llegs aunlonuT a3LUas .TO Bu1PuaA palvzado uloo Xuu BullnqulsT zo `Bulgsnuns `Bullu0z suoszad XuV b •zvai gov3 u1 zagtuaoa(j 30 )Cvp lszg -Xp1g1 all of do asua3ll Bons ;o alup acp utoz3 uuol u zo3 onulluoo pup og hugs mvi sell zapun palum2 sosuaoll fans IIV 'S uolloos u1 olnpogos sad se aas asuooll u paBzulo og Begs lueo11ddv all puu ugof lu1vs ;o ,CIID ails, 3o saxes, so JaA1003g pue su011031100 3o zol0azlQ all ,Cq ponssl aq Iluls sasuoo17 £ 'mui-fg SIT gllm oouepz000u u1 uqo f lu1vS 30 XII3 ples all ,Cq pasuaoll uaaq gel aull0mi oolAZas zo BulpuaA ples ssolun `ugof Iu1vS so 4110 ags, u1 3u1110euT 001AZ3s zo Bu1PuaA polvzado u1o0 /uv (posu3l zo poumo zallagm) sosTTUazd uagl no aneq zo low `umo lluls suoszad zo uoszad oN Z •purl JCuu ;o s001A3as zo sluomosnuze sauTeB zos BulplAoid 3o asodind all zo; uloo zo Bnls ,Cq oslmzallo zo XIlvotuugoauz polvzado 001A3p zo aulg0u U XUR ueaul Ilpls aulgovul a0TAZas .TO BulPuan palvzado uloo uual aqs, I NHOf I IIVS 30 AJLI3 IIH L NI SIINIHDVW .LK2FWaSf1WV JVDINVHJaW WO HDIAHM `ONIaNIIA aIIJ.vuIIdo NIOO IISNIIOI'I OZ MV'I V H219waN mv'I-Aa I 'A (uoTlvlsuuzl louazd) ldVuQ fILD (SiOuvzJ uo uollonppzl) fj,10 fIQ g-dIVN pajg2Id g,LXg L Dane saaznnooaz IQ oousnC uo satninsmod luos 0111 uT SISOO cpTm pazanoOQl puu palnoasozd aq ,Sew alaue luosazd al ltonasd anb sapuoum sal L pue llegs mel -gig si111 ,fq pasoducT saug IIV L •saxes sap manaDOi IQ suotldomod sap mala0np np saadnu azlstBam0 sud ls0,u mb no azntlap ala u,u snzuod unom lonbol inoc sootnsas ap onplulsaid anbpuuiolne Ila.meddu an no onbtluucolnp malnqulstp un (Iiuq e mauazd ap no axtelaudoid Op azlp e sopossod luatos sit,nb) xnoil SOS ms u no anol `onelaudozd ap QI311 e apassod anbuootnb stuuad ap ltoip Up lueluoui up olgnop nu lupluntnba opuaum oun,p algtssud ISO 'asnznuoo uotloejuT anbpgo mod 9 00492 (salue,Ced SOTIOTT01 sap in slueXed (s1QlTO,L pue souogdalal sap `somin[es sallOTn Qs ap souo11dolQ L Ae(I `sou1110eyq sunlduN IQ soiqunl op `Qipuuow op smalnqulsTP sap ollu3 uoTldaoxo) snssop -to olstl ul suep sudumo uou sod21 saxlnu sal sno L 001 sasnagoas 00`1 sasnane7 0041 szatseD 00`Z ((ID ap mane) iad�J:OsTQ 004Z somssnugo op 04unD 00`Z uonpS 09`Z amluane ouuoq ap smosTQ O9`Z sauuoszad -asad 00`£ stogonoLu mided WE sauasgUOD 00`£ jogoeui e aunuoD 00`£ saptgopv 00`£ souls 00`5 onbTlseld uo antssai a SOUS 0065 sluujua mod sa8auuuz lQ luaucasstlzanTQ 09`L sosnoze$ suosstog 00`01 alTouloala,i a no ze$ np 00'£ lupuuoT1ouo3 sanbtlmolnu sazlaumomd 00`01 suotlulloo mod sluaunlV 00`01 saTsasstl> d 00`01 lief 00`01 sptoz; sluauzclV 00`01 spnego sluaunlV 00`O I oaoel$ ouiaz� 00`9 sollomflD 00`01 ologd 00492 o1pu -1 00692 uotstn0101, 006009 onbtueoom nap ($) smuod Itazedde,p no ap 1101Q moinqulstp op od/f,L •aa3 asuOOTI aql 3o lunoure aql olgnop 3o Dug e of olqutl aq oou033o gDea Jos Bugs saxes, so aant0DOd Pug suoTTOO1103 JO .10100JT(I acp 11ltm paialsTRas sou .zo pasuaOT1 IOU autgOpuz QOtnias .10 8utpuan palmodo utoo uu (paseal .zo paumo ia11lagm) sosnuaid na111 uo �utnp11 .zo Supuas `Sutumo suosiod zo uoszad CuV q osuooTZ outgm3Wjo odfs, (s1QlTO,L pue souo11dolQ L Ae(I `sou1110eyq sunlduN kwituuS pup dumjS `P$WmID utoo 3o uotldOOxa aql gltm) ISTl anoqu c gz Q111 ut popnlout sou sadAl iaglo I1V 0 sia C tQ 00'1 sia11se� 00' I ssa�IDO 1 004Z locu , -OST(I 007 Quills Qoqs 00'Z duos 097 s3unuo3 OSZ soluos 004£ xouaalx 006E IfpueD 00'£ umD WE inuead 00'£ u0d 00,9 Bug kipunurl atlsuld 00'9 luauusnuzV puu sopT .H saTPP1x 09'L )MuQ 8OS aumoew zalow 00'0T poluzadp uTOD ouloolgjo suo,CuV 00'01 alODUs 00601 Jjsud 0040T 311M 00'DI pood PLOD 00601 pOOd log 00'01 ure013 001 00'9 al;ase &D 00601 ologd 00492 otpuU 00' 9Z uotstnalas 006009 $ luauzasntuV Ieonmgoalnl osuooTZ outgm3Wjo odfs, amlool ouia[s[ozy amlaal guz0lxnaQ amlaal azattuazd Sui ug-d pSrgj, Oulpuag puoaOS Suipeow ls.t13 luunuuuoo zat_lloj9ppo10 uounuo0 saluumns samlpu9is sal cams `SOOZ of glazzp luasazd a1 ms Iuununuoo nuaos uos iosoddu llp3 u uqof IuIES 3o (1 ?O aq,L `IOfld dQ I03 Ng •alazzu luasa.zd np matiB1A u0 aazlua,l sap afotg72 lsa `suolluoSlPow sas olgw3suo `uyof ;utvg fo 413 ays ul saulyovN ;uawasnwy lvazuvyaaN e0 a'-puds 2tgpudA pa ;v.+adp WD asuaa17 os nav7 V alnlllul 19 £961 JO1zA93 11 31 aloi o uqof lultS 3o �1I0 ag.L 0p al?.uu,'l 8 •smof x1P ap opouad oun luppuod uqof lu1uS op alumo np ounutuzoo uosud ul supp aauuoslzduza lso osnuo uo ouuoszad ul `zazado,s flop uolldoozad ul slanbsal ms slouuoszad suai4 op aouus33nsu1,p suo ug •opuaum.1 op luauzalud nu 0auumpuoo 0uuosmd 721 op slauuoszad suotq sap aluaA la a1zaS728 - OISIps ap 910A zpd son6iod luos sallo '10 -alloo Op wautalud -uou op l0 opuatuu gun u uotluuumpuoo ap spa sal snot su72Q •lualaduzoo luunqul lnol luungp aau72aza ap luautamnoaaz ua uollau,p aioA red no aludlomnuz olmgo ul u luammuo3uoo la I01 el uolas saalndun la sac iud luos sallg 'allludlalutnu ul op sala.uu saI lualonazd of anb Isu1u `uqof lu1uS op alumo np luloCpu luzlsl8uut of no aluloo np 1uz1sl8uut of lupeap aazgPlsuoo anboda,I U `ugof 1uIuS 3o dITO 911,1, ap 83x721 sap man9091 la suolldoozad sap malaazlp np uzou nu suadap aztuyvzoxlaw :Xq pau8ts pup SOOZ 'Q'd ` 3o Cup oql mu1 -Xq sIt11 of poxg ;p aq of fill plus agl3o 1739S uounuo0 omodtoD oql posnuo suq uqof luTeS 3o X110 oqL joaUgHM SSUNLIM NI *me[-Xq s1g13o oozo3 olul Supuoo 0111 uo polpadaz sl 010za11l sluauzpuaure Ilu pup „uqof lulus 30 A1I0 aq L ul sounlaulnl luautasnutd Iuoluu11oayq z0 00PUOS `8uipuan paluzad0 u1o0 osua0i'l oy mu7 V., pagllua £961 `XlRnJgad 30 Aup gluanala 0111 uo paloum uqof lulus 3o X1I0 agl3o mp1-Xq H 8 6s.(pp u913o aouds a11l zo3 uqof luluS 3o ,ClunoO aql uI 10720 uoututo0 aql uI pouosudutl oq Ilpgs uoszad agl `SAa1 01 uoazagm slallu11a pup spoo3 3o luum zo3 pup `pasoduzl oq 11pgs ,Clluuad gill utogm uodn uoszad agl3o slollp110 pup spoof 3o alus pup ssazlslp Xq pa1A91 oq Bugs cures aql `loazagl luauL ed -uou pup aug Bons Sue 3o uolluolPnfpp 3o osuo 6t0Aa u1 pup `uo11olpsun.fluolodwoo 3o lmoo Xuu u1 lgap 3o uotlou Sq zo `,Clio ag13o z3lzu110 oql pup mul of dui 000u pailddu pup plud oq of XIID slgl 3o smul o111 Xq paplAozd s72 `ugof lu1uS 3o ilunoo agl 3o 31u14sl8uyq AindaQ zo a172z1s &W lluno0 oql azo3aq `.8u1aq owil oql zo3 uqof luluS 3o S1I0 ag L 3o saxu L 3o zaAlaaag pup suolla9110D 3o zoloazl(I agl3o autuu salupnms saznluuSis sat aanp `SOOZ a[ ala.ue luasazd al ins 1pununuoo npoos uos zasoddp l ?u3 p uqof lulus 3o 43 aqL `IOflo da I03 Na 6alaiiu luasazd mans ?n ua aailua,l sap a$ozgp lsa `suolluag ?pout sas alquiasua `spaadls uo spivogolv7 fo ONR ayl Su?itgtyo.td MVI -dS N a[nl?lul la 5961 umC IZ al alalpa ugof lum r oo ag.L ap 9191m,"I b -asniuuoa uollovijul onbpgo znod srellop bu ?o op apuaure oun,p olglsspd la uo ?lapz3u? oun,p algpdnoo lso olque luasazd a[ lu!oguo anbuoo ?no £ •ugof lu ?pS 3o ,Cl ?a ag L supp ani aun ins sollalnoi u ogoupld aun aunpuoo op l ?pialul lso II Z (yaa.[ps) -snolloil sal la ?o -xnoo ins sluod sal suduioo X `Solna ?qan sap uollpinoz ?o ul znod o ?lgnd of and aas ?l?ln lso sa ?lied sas ap oun,l pupnb could aun,p no amd un,p `alloni aun,p 'aiOn aun,p `uuuago un,p `olnoi oun,p saluuq sal ailuo os ?idwoo aia ?lug zno0jq uZ o ani » (p.rvogapvals) •au ?puinq uo ?lovil red oni aun ins aaz ?l no aaliodsupil aila lnod no lso auuosiod aun lanbal znd no lanbal ins sanoz sap ins aluoui rmuigmui oilnu lnol op no onb ?lseld Pp `sloq ap 3?l ?sods?a a sallalnoz p ogouuld» (8u2(Lup) •aigg anon un aluoosop p[ ap luaunumlou puolua, s u ai ?npuoo » •chop luasazd ne luanbllddp,s luauins ?nb suo ?l?ui-lap saZ I 1?ns ll,nb ,sure a opzo `Ipununuoa l?asuoo uo a ?unai `ugof lums 3o SI?O au ' ; 3 STI RaS SH,L,Ld MOO V S3H3NV'Id Sda NOIJ.VSPII.Lfl.l I iVSIQtIdIM 21J.aUaV aN H,Lawuv :,Sq pou8 ?s pup SOOZ 'a'V 3o Xvp ..... ... oql mpl -Aq s?ql of poxS3u oq of il?O pips aql 3o pouno0 uouauo0 omiodio0 oql pasnuo spq ugof lums 3o 43 aqL `joaxaHm ssaf im, Ni -mul -,fq s ?gl3o ooio3 olul 4uiiuoa aq no polpadoi si olaiagl sluauipuoum 11u pup ,sjo"oT uo sp.mogalpxS 3o asfl aql 2u ?l ?q ?goid mul -,ig V a pall ?lua 9961 `ounf 30 ,iup Isn3- ,Sluaml aql no paloguo ugof lu ?uS 3o .Kl ?a ogy3o mu1-Xq V b 6901la33o gaga zo3 00'9$3o aug p of olqutl pup aaua33o up 3o ,Sllln2 aq [Ipgs mu[ -Aq oql 3o suo?s?noid agl solploln oqm uoszad ,fuV £ uqo f lumS 3o ,Cl ?0 oqy u? laazls ,fup uo pmogalpxs p anup [lugs uoszad oN Z (aru) •qlpmap ?s pup uoazagl saSpuq oql 2u ?pnlau? `Sala ?qan 3o o5psspd oql zo3 ollgnd 1pzaua$ aql Aq posn s? 3ooiagl and Sue uogm oopld io died `,iallu `aupl `ppoi `,i9mq!3?q etiana 3o sou ?l Kiepunoq ap uaamlaq qlp ?m oipua oql sueaui „laazls„ (sanalnoi v ayouv1d) :zamod upuing Aq laazls e uodn umuip io poliodsupil oq Sum io s? uoszad ,Sup qo ?qm ,Sq io uodn slaagm uo polunoui leumpui iaglo zo opsuld `poom 3o palanilsuoa as ?nap p Supaui „preogalpzls„ (aimpuoa) ` Bullseoo sapnloui „2u ?nup„ :mul -Aq SIT ul - :smol[o3 sp `pauanuoa Icounoa uouuuoa III `uqo f lumS 3o jCl ?a aqs dq poum io l? og SlaaH.LS NO Sa2IVO92l,LvxS JO dSfl 21H L ONIJ.ISIHOUd MVl-A8 V 2H3ffWaN AkV l-AS (uo ?lplsupil gauaid) .L3V -Ia filD (sm6imi3 no uo ?lonppil) f.L.LO fla a2aWNIYU'IH2Id d LXg.L �j A 6 aznloaj ouzajscozy amloaj auzajxnaQ a m;oaj aiaiuzaid Sujpea-d Piju.L 8ujpeaW puooaS 8ujpeag ;sn3 Ieununuoo iagp io/ No uounuoD OJILWIJOSEW sap iasodpp op no zalof op I ?piolui iso II £ uodn tang l ?sodop zo mozgl Ilugs uoszad oN £ •(;aa a ;s) •uqo f IuieS 3o iI ?D oql op azioi ?ziai ai ms iuunno.Tl as oilgnd luouiouamIs Op ozud is anb?Ignd ooeid `ollanz `aioA `uicuago Inol anb auiaui op `zna ;oue v salnolgaA sal ans l07 VI auuop ua,nb uoilnigap el uolos ziollozl is olnog « oni » (aa ; 171) ainieu auuui op soioill?m sazlnu la aliasluA ul ap `aual ?I Op saia1112 sap `a zaA np `sioq np 4saliina3 sap `uipzuf op snp?saz sap °auulq ia3 no solioq sap `uopl?o np `sollazeSto sap `a8utluquia4p slinpozd sap `zaidpd np anb slol `uou no solgilsnquioo slagoap sap uo luelsisuoo salq ?osa.zlndun sopilos slagaap sal (I ? ?) `saulsnpui SOP Iuuuanozd sopgos siagoap sal is soini?oA Op SOSSeaiea sal 'xnuuipiu,p saznupuo sal `sazpuaa sal `singaz sal `soi�Suuaui sampzo sal `sapi?os slagaap sal (n) :sluaualu,p uoiluuituosuoo el ap Ia uossino ul op `uoiluiudaid q ap `uoiietndiuuuz ut ap luollnsaz inb saiulaSaA TO saluuiiuu sazailuui op solgiosazind slagaap sal ( ?) saliunssu luos k o sampzo » •oloiiu luosazd nu luonbildde,s IuaAins inb suopiugap sorl z a ;aado ed nj rns uclor ;urt7s ap a;aut azl ?l of snos 3I o aiia inod alazzu ivasazd a7 i : olo ?pa LTgof lu?uS 3o Aj!o oqy op leununuoo Iiasuoo a7 (an+) 'Trio f lulpS 3o AIID ail uTgl ?m lot BuTnlzud ailgnd pup azunbs oilgnd `6allp `auul `peon Sup sp Ilam su `Iay aiaigaA ioioW aql Xq paugap su )Ilemap ?s pup ,CumgB ?q u suuaLu „laazls„ (sainpao) •sluTzai'm Iel!Luls pup xz03100io `Suippoq `sselS `poom `saeeol 'sSuiddilo pzu,C `sueo uil 4pmogp uo `sallazu8 ?3 `sSuidduim `zadud su gons `salsum algilsnquioo -uou pup alq ?lsnquioo glo0.3o 8upsisuoo salspm pilos algiosoiind -uou ( ? ??) pup `salsum IpulsnpuT p ?los pup soligouiolnu pouopuequ `sluiuTn peop `sagse `gsiggnz `a8eq 2 `salsum p ?los (n) `poo3 3o uoildumsuoo puu Supl000 `uoilumdaid `Suilpuug agi mog 8ugTnsaz saisem a?gela8aA pup ?uuinre atq ?asazind (i) sopnioui „tall ?b, /Awl-, a stgl ul z )� �1f � h 'I'•i mp'I -Xg joll ?-I -?luV Tnlof luluS agi su polio aq fuw muZ-Xq s?TIL i :smollo3 se `ugof iu ?uS 3o Ai?o oqs 3o liounoD uouiuioo oqi Xq paioeuo l? og NHOP.LNIVS 30 A,LIO allL SNVQ NHOf INIVS 30 saimcl I0 SdQ HasodaQ dQ f10 HalaP A,LID dH.L NI HALLPI 30 ONILISOdaQ HO IIQ N d �(.LaHHV ONI O H 1 alll ONI UMH02Id A1VI-AS V roG Z � ON 3,LHHHv — HHU IIN AW I-All n �' I I' (uoTlulsuuzi gouazd) jjv*uQ fd o r' (s ?e3uuz3 ua uo?lonpuzi) f L.LD f1Q d?IIVNIPII`I�Id d.LXII.L ^l, ul syaaeys uO da ;117 f0 2tgj!sod9(T do 8ulmodtff ( aqj $uj)!gjgoed mvl -dg V alnl ?1u? la 8961 lallmf ZZ of alolpo uqo f lu!vS 3o .SllD oql ap alaum,7 6 •p ego laa e a;msznod az;ne ounone,p olglssud 1so,u uollouJ;ul,I op molne,l `luoucared ao op asnuai ms `1g `plain I op uollploln mod alga oiluoo ogMuo aouelsul oun,p uollonpoulul,l saidv ;cos `luene llos uolusodslp olloo ap nuan uo aa8tguc olpturu QPUQLUE61 a a1pSa ounuos gun % atolue luosaud up aJlll ne n8p a asuolnu IT,nb auuosuad ul u no oollod op Sago ne JaAed lnod a ;autu ;uasaud np anbuoatanb uocJlsodslp gun 1ula.guo Inb ouuosiod et `8 alollce.t u uollu .2ouop Jed (e •suullop a ;u nbuTo bula -12uln l ��. 219P opuaucu oun,p olglssud la uol;oegul oun,p algpdnoo Jsa alauum luosaud al luig4ua onbuoomb 8 •sampJo sap no a2ue110 es ap nualuoo of onu gun ms sasodap lualos anb no 1uglon anb Jggoaduca B auos algal ap aBJugo no llculsuoo;so atnolgan ao is anus `ugo f 1uluS 3o .fjjo a11Z suup moloui u olnolgan gilnu no uouupo un annpuoo Jnod au InN L •onu oun ins sompuo sap `lo -mloo slndap saasodap no olnolgan np saalof luolos anb a.1llouJtad no auos no aulp3 no `uasodap no Jalo `ugof lu1uS ;o 411D oqJ, supp molow e alnolgan un Jcreslnpuoo ua `]nod au InN 9 •anu aun ms uasiodslp sal op no Jalon aJle3 sal op anbsu Juan aI anb auos algal ap sampuo sap Jalnumoou S,s uosslel lnad ou sanud somll0n mod aallp oun,p no nollouJ un,p no ulpuuol un,p no JuauclJeq un,p acreloudo.1d oZ S sanud samllon mod aallu oun,p no nolloul un,p llos `uluJCol un,p no luauuleq un,p p� Jlos ;ueuanoud sounpuo,p uopulnuinooe,I Jasodop Yid c /i,p no gnu PI supp uaXuleq 0p llpualul Jso II b fti I'T ugof x'i dj!o ay; In ut aBvgjvO P uopaa110D 9W aof apinoed 01 mv7 �V alnJllul aJaJJe,l ap au.1lBaJ al snos llqulo ollgnd 4" ulolodap un sump no ug olloo e slumej sollgnd y� sJupualuoo sap suup 3nes `atu aun ins samp.10 $ulllsodaQ .1p dulmo.nl,I, aqy Sui;rgtgoid mel -gig V,, P01111ua 8961 `XInf 3o Sup puoom- Sluoml ail] uo polamuo uqo f JuluS 3o .5113 oq j jo Mel-Xq d 6 •Jgjoiaq; uopnoosoud zaqun3 o; olqull 1ou sl uoueloln oqJ 8uijUui moo uosuad ag; ;uoux lid gons uodn pup mel -Xq all 3o uol;uloln Jo3 uosuad m ;suge9p s$ulp0000ud 3o uounipsu1 ag1 Jage Jo a.1o3aq JagJla uollaas s1111 Joplin Jae 01 uclg Sq pozuogJnu uoszad Auu uo aollod 3o 3a1gD oql o; uopoos 1egJ uapun posoducl ii;lumd tunuuUnu aq1 o; Ipnbo lunouie up stud ,Seut meI -,Sq slgJ 3o uolslnoud Sup sa ;eloln ogm uoszad u `8 not oaS $ulpue;sq;lmloM (e) '(00'05$) smIJOQ 5731d uegl auout Jou (00'SZ$) siello(l ani3- /luamy 0111 ssal Iou ;o ,S;luuod u of olgvq pup aaua33o up ;o SIIIn2 sl mu7 -Xg si1113o suolsJn0Jd 0111 3o 6uu sa;uloln oqm uosuad SuV g •loou]s Sue uodn pollsodop Jo umolq $ulaq uto.13 Ja1;ll Jo slualuoo peol ,Sue ;uanaud 01 sm papu01 10 palotulsuoa os sl alacgan gans ssalun uqo f 1ulpS 30 /iJ10 aqL ulq ;lm al0lgan JoJoul uaglo Jo 3IonuJ u aluuado Ilegs uoszad ON L -Jaouls ,Sue uodn uaJ1ll `alolgan uoloui agl ucoJ3 pallsodgp Jo umoJgl aq of moll Jo asneo Jo `11sodap uo mougJ tlugs `uqo f lu1eS 3o -i11D aqZ ul 3101113n JoJout e �utleJado ollgm `uosuad ON 9 .100J1s �Uu uo paualleos Jo umoJq aq of XIaNII sl JI Jug1 os uooua11] a;elnumoom 01 .101711 mope 1ou JIMIS JSemOnlJp Jo )Jlmmapls aJenud `1ol `$uipltnq Auu 3o Jaumo oqs S •AumanlJp in Sllemopls almnud ` ;ol `8ulpllnq ,Sup utoJ3 Jaliq 3o u011elnumoou agJ Ja3J1s ,Sue uo 11sodap Jo olul dooms hags uosuad oN b •uqo f 1uleS 3o ,511D aqZ ul o &quuD 3o uocloQ11oo agJ Jo3 apinoJd 01 me-J v„ 3o suolslnoud oql uapun pogsllqulso dump ollgnd e ul Jo osodumd ;uTp Jo3 papino.1d salouldaoau ollgnd ul ldooxo laa.1ls Xuu amloal auTalsloi L ajnlaal awoixnaQ amlool ajanuajd leunuawo jag3aj0/SIja10 uounuoa 9ulpeag pjigl SuTpeag puoaaS ;Iuipaag ISZld : saluenlns :Xq pougls pue SooZ'Q'd sajnleals saI aanu `SooZ 3o pup * * * ** agl mvI-Xq slgl of poxg3u aq of ,i ;TO of alai¢ luosajd of ms Iuunujuzoo nuoos uos josoddu plus aTp ;o IeoS uounuo0 alejodjo0 agl posnea sell llu3 u uqof luluS 3o X1I0 auL `IOflo gQ IOd Mg ugof luleS 3o XI!D ag.L dOUNEIR 1 SSMUTAY MI meI-Xq sql jo aojo3 olul alajje luasajd np man8ln uo aajluo,l sap o2ozge lsa Sunuoo oql uo paluadaj sl olajogl sluauTpuauTe Ile suolluoglpotu sos olgcuosua `uqo` yuzvs fo d1 ?D ak,L puu , ugof luluS 3o X1I0 agZ ul slaajlS u0 jolll'I30 •uyor yuivs �o (00 OYL % nav7 -(Cg 91svAI ppos acp io3 app p3pulsuuzl au; llllm poouldoi 3q pinogs uolsi3A gou3z3 3111 ul 311!13g1 `os 3I �mul -Xq cures 3ql s?gl sl 'info!' lu ?vsfo (O?j 9111 %o nav7 -door alsvAl pyos p3lipu3 mul-Aq u 3lulsuell pip 3m `.l3A3molq - mvj-,Cq Bons olulsuuxl 1ou PEP 3A, -,,u Iof lulus 3o 43 3ql ul 3iugrecg 3o uolloolloD 3ql zo3 3pinozd of muZ y„ of 3ouojojoz u sl omgl `C uolloos ul Mel -,Cg iaJJt'I -IJuV ugo f Jules 'bS6I z la; ;a zailun uos ennpoid xted PI la oj!moas eI `alt ia,uasoid op sug xne azgoloo gZ np multuoo alo.uu,1 la `sanbt[gnd vs el luoluolulpauzurt aJu02m lsa alacre luasazd np uojldope,l anb a eloap lso II £ Tos 0110C nb amleu anblanb op osogo gllne alnol no omelnom gun `anbjunumzoo un `og3S3e aun `amgoozq gun `olteourd gun `ojoeloods ap auteloat nuauuud un `nuauuud un `neaouougd un `oluupuad ou2tgsuo gun ms anbipUT ISO aslTl uos no utou uos anb lje3 Q1 claim luasazd of lutaguo r olla,nb la allouloaja,p no ouo11dalgl op `agdez2ajol ap guo[Xd un no nualod un ms uallulnux uos ap no asod es op `uatlazlua uos ap `UOTI!Sodxo uos ap `agoullu uos ap `uollu[jrlsuj uos ap `a2ugoamou uos ap alqusuodsoi jsa auuostad oun,nb 1ju3 Up apvf vauud annwd ingA Z -u01lo.Tlua,1 omsse uo tnb 31103 ap Jjos `ouolAd ao ap no nualod a3 op a.zrelaudotd ISO mb ouuosiod ul op ljos oj!3g uotssjuuad ul olge[eatd nu nuoloo moAe Surs Uqof Jujus 30 ,0110 al,L SUep aljotx;oal0,p no auogdalal Op `ogduz2alal op ouolfd un no nualod an ms llos ollo,nb omleu anblanb op asoga azlnu olnol no aztulnomo oun `anbjunuxutoo un `agoS3u oun `amgooTq oun `alreoued oun `olouloods Pp ourelow- nuauurd un `ngouued un `neaauoued un `alurpuad ou2tasuo oun nualutuut no asod `nuala zluo `agoejju no asodxa `agoome ljos anb l0uuad no apumap tnb no `luatlu.mm no asod `luatlazluo `asodxa `ogoelle no ollulsul `agoojooe tnb ouumad 131 snllop sluao xnap ap gpuaute oun,p `azjuututos ampaoozd ird oj!jtgvdjna op uopezuloop ms `algtssud 1sa la uojlouijut aun launuoD I ;tns 11,nb lsutu ouuopzo `lrunun too p 711 %?7v/ (Ilasuoo uo ajuna.T Ugof lulus 30 4D aqL 11HOf .LNIIVS 30 ,i.LI)3 JJ dH,I SNiVG XfIV2110a SHJ RaS XflVaMNVa Wl asod V'I ,LN[VSIC[HaJLNII A LJHHV •mo; -,Cgg pue potpun11 ouTU puesnogl auo pto7 mo 3o zugA all ut tagoloo ;o ,Cup glg2la- ,CluaMI 0111 no uolluzado pue loa33a olut o$ Ilugs cures aqj pue `ooeod oggnd pue flajus otlgnd `g1lua11 ot[gnd oql 3o uolleAtasatd alutpau an aql zo3 lua2m sj Mel -,Cg stg d a; le e ll pamjogp ,Cq=ij st lI £ 'Me[ -,Cq sjgl jo uotlrlom u palljututoo sel pug prepuels .to clod 1g2t1 ojzloglo io 0uo11da1al `gdex2a[al ,Cur uodn fans ;o do 2utdawl to 2utould `2uuutulureut 2u[ a ul 2auuq all xo3 g[gtsuodsaz st tanaoslegtA u0tldu3sap ,Cur Jo 2ujgJ zaglo io IIIq-pueg `ullgl[nq `[Ilq `lalgdmud `pxro -MO11s `p.reoq -Mots `u21s `pxeoq-u2hs `u21S- 2u12uIMS ,CUL uo palgU2js9p sj 01111 to amgu asogM `uoszad aql lggl oomplAa ajar; rUITA oq IIu11s lI Z 600'OOZ$ 3o oug e of uotlotnuoo Xieuntms uo olgetl sj pup goua33o un slmnu03 pmpuels io g[od ;11211 ouloolo .TO auogdalal `gduaolol qons suteluteut pug sumo gojgm zo oqm uoszad oqJ 3o uotssmuod ualluM agl poulelgo autnuq ls.u3 Jnogltm uqo f lutuS jo XIID a11Z uj pmpuels zo clod ;11211 aulaala zo auogdalal `gduz2ajal Am uodn `ioAooslu11m uotlduosap ,Cuu 30 2utgl igtllo io [ljq pueq `ut1011nq `Itjq `la[gdmud `p eo -molts `preoq -moqs `oats `pzeoq -u2ts `oats- 2ut2utms ,Cuu `dn ldoN io `poould `poureluteut paua;sg3 so pa ;tgtgxo `polooia oq of s;tuuad zo sasnro io `dn sdooN jo sooujd `suleluleut `sltgjgxo `sualsg3 .10 s130z0 `saueq o11m `uoszad V I - :smollo3 se pouanuoo Itounoo uounuoD uT ugof lumS jo 511,7 aqL Xq poulupzo 1! og NIHM INIIVS 30 ALIO HHI NII SH IOa NIO SNIOIS 30 ONIIOVZd allL ONII.LIIHHO2Ia MV'J V ?IaUMNt MVJ-AS I 'A (uojlg[suezl gouazd) .Ljv a(l fJ..LD (sjeduei3 uo uotlonpvij) f1lo fIQ a�dIVNIIyU'IffMcj d,LXd L aanloai ouiacsiolj, aznloai oucacxna(j aznloal asanuaTd 2ucpuag pj?TI L 2utpeag puoaaS But puag;sila Iuununuoo ia33azO/)jzaiD uourcuoO : saluunms saznleu2is sa[ 09AU `SOOZ ai alaue luosazd a[ ms Iuununuoo neaas uos zasoddu MU e ugof lu[uS 30 40 aq,L `IOflo gQ IO3 NEI •alauu luosaid np man2m ua aaalua,i sap 92ozge lsa `suotleoglpouT sos algtuosua `uyof zutvs fo 410 aq7 W sapod uo su; tS fo 8ulovld ay; 8up!gtgoid mv7 V ainl[lui la b56I a.Tgolao 8Z Q1 alaipo uqo f luleS 30 AI!D aTI L aP olguu,'I b aneyjioAeyq •:,iq pou2is Put 500Z 'Q'd 90...00. jo kap ......... aql Mel -Xq sigl of paxg3u oq of A1iO plus aql ;o IwS uounuoO aluaodzoD aql posnua suq ugof lu?uS 30 A1ID aqL 9dOMUHM SUN.LIAA NI Me[ -,ig sall3o aoig3 olui 2unuoa aql uo pateadai ST olazagl sluaucpuouce tie PL ugof luluS jo ,Cl[O aqy ui saiod uo su2?S 30 2uiauid aql 2uPig gOJd Merl y„ POPRUa P96T `.TagoloO 30 Jfep Tilgata- ,iluaMl aql uo paloeua uqo f lucuS 30 XI!D oq L 30 /Au[`Aq d b yy� �7,, r , saluenms sainivats sal aaAU `SOOZ ai MIR? luasazd al ms luunuuuoo nuaos nos zasoddu 11e3 ,2 ugof lums 3o 4D aqy IOcio dQ I03 Nid •olazzu luasaid np man2iA uo aazlua,l sap a8ozge lso 'suoil,2ogipouz sas olgwosuo `ugor yuzvs fo d17D ag,L ul syaadys oilgnd agy a Odd aal puv mouS fo Ivnozuay puv aouvzva1J agy oy SuiyvlaY mv7 V alnlilui 1a Z96I zalJAW Z at 910ipa ugof 1ureS 3o X1iJ agy ap alazze47 Z 6pze8a Igo a uoissnuo,p 010,2 onbego mod szellop bulo ap opuouzu aun,p aulad snos `lsa ulosoq puenb luaucanalua maI V zap000id op nuol lsa osiA uiuual np no worm RV np uaipzu8 ai no anulupueuz nos 'onulaudoid of `o2mu allay op no suo6ul8 say op 'aoul8 a1100 op snossop -n,2 anz oun ms guessed suaiq sal anb sauuoszad sal uaiq issn,2 aingo anal zed za8uep uo azllau[ a altos allay ap a8lau ap no 'luouiazlnu no suo6el8 op ouuo3 snos '00,218 op a8zugo annozl as azlaua3 ap lnddu un,nb no azaillnoO oun,p no liol un,p ailzud no lnol anb sio; onbegJ I lins li,n isule luauuopzo 'Ieunuumo Ilasuoo uo siunaz luela,s 'ugof luluS 3o X110 agy ap aludiolunuz uoilezodsoo el 10 xnudialunui szalllasuoo sal 'aziew aZ NIHOf LNaV S 30 Aim alu SNIVu SdIIUI'igad mu Sm 219V�5vrlf l dZ in .LmawaAmIama(l d'I ,LAIVNRIdJNOJ HIa RIV ON luau IV :Xq pou8is puu g00Z 'Q'V ` 3o Xep oql mul -Xq sng o1 poxg ;e oq of if1iJ Ares agl jo 1e3S uounuoJ aluiodzo0 oql posneo suq ugof luluS 3o XliJ agL 430MIdHM SSaKLIM NI •mul4q sigl jo aozo3 olui 8unuoo oql uo poluodaz si olazagl sluauzpuauiu 1112 puu „ugof luluS 30 XliJ aqy ui slaazlS oiignd oql moi3 gal puu mouS 3o Iunouzau puu 00,2,21,2010 oql of 8uilelag murl d >f `Pailuua Z961 `kmtuga3 3o (PP Tiloml aql uo palouuo uqo f luleS 3o Xi!j agy 3o mul-iCq V Z •mous 10 saloloi 'aoi Bans anouiaz 0110018au X13A9 .io3 szellop aAg ;o ,Clluuad aql zapun aunt of omil uzoz3 mous zo salol0i 'aoi Bans anouzaz 01 101 zo Buiplinq Bans 3o azeo aql BulA,2q uos zad , uu zo zaumo ogl3o 1ua8u aql .10 zaumo alp 3o Xinp aql oq ll,2gs 11 'Xindoid zo suoszad qons uodn 3ooiagl Ite3 oq1 Xq mous zo saloloi 'got gans gl,2auoq laazls iWe uo 8uissud Alladoid zo suos.zad za8uupu4) of su zauuuuz a gans ui mous glim z0 'asimzaglo zo saloloi 3o uuo3 oql ui zagila aoi g1lAm uopul si llis- mopuim ,Cue zo 'anea .zo 3001 ,Io uoilzod zo aA,2a '3ooz Jfuu zanauagM I :smolio3 se'pouanuoo llaunoJ uounuoJ ul `uLlof lulus 3o X11D oql 3o 6ll,2uounu03 puu uouzzaplV 'zo.KvW og1,Cq poul,2pio 11 ag AIHOf .LAIIVS 30 A.LIJ IIHI M SLddHLLS OI'I$fld alu WORT HJI (INV MOATS 30 'IVAOb1IdHI QNIV aDNVHIVII'IJ dH.L Oy JNII,LVIAHI MV'I V HIdffI1 m MV'I -Aff I _A (uotluisuezl gouazd) j dVXCI f.LLJ (siu5u,2z3 ua uoilonpezl) f.LLJ fl(l dHIIVAIIY�IIIff2Id d.LXd.L amloaj auzacsiozy aznloaj auzacxnaQ azn;oai azauua.zd 4utpuag pz. U 2ucpuag puoaaS gutpuaX zszi3 iuun=oo zac33azD/xzajo uouuuoD azcuwpokaw saluentns samleuBis sal oane `SOOZ al alaup Iuasazd alms leunuuuoo nvoos nos zasoddu lre3 p Tniof Imes 3o SI!0 auL `IOflo dQ I03 Ng / alone Iuasazd np maii?tn ua aazluD,l sap oBozge lso uyor pulvS fo dIlD at/,L ui s8uip/tng pa8vurv(7 ar },g o; But ;vpag Mv7 y ainigut 1D Z96I zauna3 9Z DI alotPa UIof IutpS 30 X1t0 Qqj op 2i2zze,7 b aapupuuuoaaz azliai red aXonua Itos `sazdozd scum ua stuzaz itos pzas inl lonbal `Iuoa stne,l ap uoudooaz ul op zaldutoo a smof oluazl ap Isa soluopaoazd suoilisodsip sap uotleogddp zed ztlomop al mod na3 of zpd aSpuzuzopuo luaurtleq Inol op aztelaudozd nv opz000e ieI?p a7 £ 1. .9ltmoas olnol ua analua lD tiouzap Itos It,nb azllouuad mod sumioddo luoillmeddp inb xnoo 3nes `to -mloo ms xnpnezl sagm snol azaiupur azlnp anblanb op zanioa3 o to uotiupdaz op no uoiluogtpoui op `Iuaurasstpuez3e,p `uotlanzisuoa Op xnpnezl sap e luotuileq of ms iapaowd punod ou luouniLq np aztplaudozd of `analua la tlouzap Iuaurazatlua azla 1toP luauii4q of anb lumbipui in[ sap malaadsut,i ap luaa stop un,p uotidaaaz m z r azistuts ai'Iue a malen es ap luaa mod alupnbuta ltpzapxuaa i,l luene luautaiptpaunt Itennozl _,j mressaaau as ,f S uotionzlsuooaz el op no suotlezpdaI sap lnoa Dl_!su�eo sap maloodsut,l ap stnp,l ap `anb L—lutod lal a na3 al zed a8eunuopuo lso inb uqo f lujuS 3o XItO aqL op aztolutal ai ms onits luomjjVq Inol analua la ilomop Iuourazatluo azla luenap luauul?q un zanitlsuoo alndaz Isa `SZ6l '10V 8u}p/mg uyor puivs ays aainlilui tol el e luaurauuo3uo0 I Ims li nb isuip ouuopzo `leununuoo n�fpran �ltasuoo ua atunaz `ugof IuteS 3o XItO Dg.L � r NHOf .LNIVS 30 A,LIO r�> � HH.L SNVQ fig3 H'I HVd SHOVNWO(INg S,LmalvU va sari ,LNVKHAL)NOO a.LaHHV oN rAlyd- IV Aq pou2is pup 50OZ •Q'V` 3o AvP Dql mul -riq still of Paxi33p ag oI XItO ptps agl,lo IeDS uounuo0 31pzodso0 aql pasnuo seq ugof IutpS 3o Si!o oTIL dOg2jgHM SSdMUM NI •mel -riq sell ;o oozo3 olut Ounuoo Dill uo palpadaz si ,ugof luteS 3o Alto oqy ut s8utpltng pa$eure(j az13 01 Outleiag mp7 d„ palltlua Z96I `)Lzpnzgad 30 Hipp Txts- iluaml agl no palaeua ugof lutpS 3o SI!D oqL 3o mpt -AE1 d b •zaumo Dill of zallol pazalsifaz Xq palteuz zo zaumo Dgl of Xlleuoszad pwomlop ioglta aq lfegs aoilou uallum Bons pup `aatlou uallum gons 3o Idtaoaz oql mog s6pp ,Singl oq Ilpgs suollaas -qns Sutpaowd oql zapun acres gsilourap of $utpltnq pofutuup -a.tg iue 3o zaumo oql PaIIOile aurtl agZ £ r •$utpltnq gans 3o Ienoura pup uotlllourap a;ps mollp of pannbaz Slquuosuos aq Xmi su Niom gans upgl zaglo Ouipitnq ons no( :Isom uuo3zad astmzagio .io `.itpdaz `zaile `aSzelua ` pltnq lou llegs Ienouraz pup uoiltiowop ololdumo sazinbaz $uipllnq aqI Ipgl s8utpltng 3o zoloadsul ogl uroz3 aatlou uallum 2utntaoaz uodn 9uipltnq gans 3o zaumo oq L z �1 •Ipnouzaz pup uoiltloump ololdmoo sazinbaz gotgm 2utpitnq p aq of poumap oq Ilpgs `oguurep gig gans aiojoq $utpltnq ag13o onlen agl ;o ludo sad dgg paaoxo pinom `azg gans azo3aq (laletpauuut sum It gatgm 4° ut uotltpuoa aql of $utpltnq agl azolsaz of f tessaoou ya' uotionzlsuooaz zo snpdoi 3o lsoo aql s —e j&., agl 3o uotu!do all ut legl lualxa up gans of azg Xq pa$euzep st gotgm ugof lutpS ;o FItO ' oq.L ui polpnits Ouiplmq Niue `9Z6I IoV $uipltng uqof luteS oqi jo suotstnozd aqi of Iuensznd I - :smoiio3 se pauanuoa I10uno0 uounuo0 ut ugof luteS 3o �I!D agZ Xq poutepzo it og NHOf INIVS 30 A.LIO gH,L Na SJN ([rMH QgJVPVVQ-aId OZ JNI.LVIJH MV'I V HgWaN MV'I -Ag I •n (uotlulsuezl gouaz j) y3yKQ fd.d,0 (sie6upz3 uo uotlonpezl) fLLO f1Q d2IIVNIyU'Ig�dd d LXal aznloat auzacstozZ azn ;oat =oTxnoQ QR4001 azatuzazd $utpzag PJTU Scnpeag puooaS 4utpaog �szt3 teun=oo joUjozDptzatD uouuuoD azteyq IOAL nt rd 4« Xlquuosuaz» pzom aqj gjim poouidoi oq c aiguuoms» p.zom oqj pinogs `Z uoijoos uj mui -gig s$uipimg po &um(j -aijd ugof jujus azunbS lo3iju I pzou W1211 UM aOUtrd ang $ut?I ang pns uuuzdtg0 a190 ins;ip.aa ;m 0213.11 uou0ar►(l ang soluuAms salalua sat snos sluunms slow sap uotlouofpu,t .red aagcpoul lso - aganu$ e ramnol ap uoclatpralul - u d v axauuV,rl £ $uTx ang prou MUTTI AA oolnzd an-d hails azunbS la)Izuyq AlraquoN umillIM aouud laazlS $u.X XIJQTIlnOS IIIH tmwdtg0 pa;iq!goad su.iny aogOa.nQ s ;aaa ;s :s9utpuag $ulmotloj agl rapun sp.IOm !?utmoiiO3 0111 �?Mppu Xq popuatm st — sum,l, gall pal ?gt11osd — ,d„ OlnpagOS £ 1aar1S laarlS 2u.N ,ClraguON uretlitM gout d .ins ;tpra ;ulaSurlA uouOanQ ang pa ;Igigordsn�ny uouaaala s ;aaa ;s saluuntns salalua sal snos sluuAtns slolu sap uoissalddns ul nd aagtpouT lso - aganu3 u zauinol ap uotlotpralul - « d » axauuV,rl Z pns uculug ang ul u arunbS lo3pla t op miuM ang uol;0ar►(1 sa ;cmlrl ang SOTUBAms salalua sal snos sluunms slow sap uotssarddns ul red aagcpom lsa - anbtun suns q sang - « Q » oxouu1R47 I lms aunuoo agtpoul ISO `LL61 arqutaldos q of alaraap `« suotluogtpom sos olqurasuo 'inayout p salnatyaA sat ins £L61 ap a07 ut ap nl.IaA uo uqof lutuS ap atttA uI Op Sato sal soup uotlutnorta uI raluoulatilar u luus[A 3 u » alnitlul uqof lutuS 3o ,tli0 agy op alarru,I `saluosard sal sed :sSutpuaq 8utmotiO3 ag1 rapun sprom SutmollO3 oql Butlatap ,Sq papuauru st —sunny gal pa ;tgtgord — „d„ alnpagoS Z /flzaglnoS laoils uculug of arunbS 1a3t.IUTAI laazlS raluAA uogaaalQ s;rtatrl s;aaa ;s :sfutpuaq Eucmo110j aq1 rapun sprom Outmollo3 aql Bui101op Xq papuaure st — slaarls I(EM ouO — „Q >, alnpagaS I :smollo3 su popuouce,tgarag st LL61 'Q-V `ragTuojdoS 3o Xup m9 aql uo polouua `„olaragy sluaurpuaulV puu `£L61 `10V alOtgaA rololnl agy 3o AluoglnV a11L rapun opLW ugof lutuS 3o XII0 oqy ul slaarlS uO og;ury 8utloadsag mot -ka V„ polilluo uqof 1uluS 3O A1IO 011.L 3o muI-Ag V ltns mb ao alaraap u uqof jujuS jo S1T0 :sm01103 se uqof lutuS,lo ,0110 agy `Iuununuoo Itasuoo np uocunaz oun,p sro-I oqL jo Ilouno0 uounuo0 oql dq polouua 1! og SNIOLLV0I3IQONi Sas H'IffwHSKa `HIIa,LOIV V SYMIH3A Sa'I HIIS £L61 gQ IO'I V'I HQ fI LHUA Na NIHOf ,LMVS aQ H IMA V'I M MR S211 SNIVQ NIOLLV'In0HI0 V'I HrA.LNIHwrA'IJ4[H V,LNIVSIA9yMHHVc'I LNVIdIQOIAI21LAMW O,LaHHH.L S.LNIaW(1KaWV QNIV `£L61 `,LOV 2113IMA HO.LON HH.L 30 A,LIHOH LfIV all L H9QNIa 21QVIAI NHOf ,LMVS AO AID HH,L m Maxis NIO 0L3dVH.L JNII,LOaisau MV'I-AS V (IM21 ATV 01 MVI-Ag V t1h amlool auialsloil SOOZ aiquianou L - amloal oulalxna(l SOOZ `L .zaqutanoN- SOOZ azquzanou L - amloal azalucazd SOOZ `L zaquianoN - leunuuuoo azlelaioasplzalO uounuoO : sa;uunlns samleals sal acne `SOOZ of a;aue luasazd al ins luununuoo nuoos nos iasodde llu3 u ugof luleS 30 -�11O aqL `IOfld g(l lO3 Ng peozg ong PI a aienbS la)lieW ap JQJU 1 ang azenbS la3lmW V uolufl ong ul op 3Iouled •iS ong sa ;IunZ anH saluenms sala;ua sal snos sluunlns slom sap uolssazddns ul red aaglpow lsa - suo=o mod sazleiaulll - «N» ax3uud,7 S azlew/ JO,(13 I �iulpeag pjygl 2ulpeou puoaaS 5ulpea-a ;snd :,(q pou2ls SOOZ '(I'd ` 30 Cup aql Mel -Xq slgl of poxgle og of AIIO ples aql jo IuaS uouuuoO olezodioO aq; posnuo suq ugof luluS 30 AuO ag,L dOHUaHAA SSgN.UM NI laazlS peoig of ojunbS laalreW ;aaz1S za ;eA, arenbS la)lseW of laailS uolufl loads xolllud'IS s;lunZ s;aa.a ;S :s9ulpeaq fulmollo3 agl iapun spiom $ulmollo3 agl 2?upolop ,Cq popuoum sl — sa ;nog Noni L — „N„ olnpagoS S .zaleAk ang lsono ssaoulzd ong ;aazlS ioIrm zns ;lpla ;al a2ezIA uor;aa.nQ ang u.iny 61131sam loans ssaoulid uopaa.uQ s;ao.a ;S : saluenlns solalua sal snos s;uunlns :s8ulpeaq Oulmollo3 slow sap uolssoiddns ul red oaglpouc lso - a;loip aql zapun spzom $ulmollo3 oql $ullalap , q popuouiu E aaumo; op uol ;olpalul - O axa, b s — sZ l$I . b 2 , ,, alenbS laxseW $u ?x ang ins gpia ;al a2uilA prou urelll?M lawlS aouud anal arenbS laxseW KlzaglioN use ?ll ?M aauud pns uuurdnlo oloD lgaslS Our KlxaglnoS II?H ueurd?go aouaailQ anH pa;iglgoid saint' aol ;gailQ s;aai ;s : saluunlns salalua sal snos sluen?ns slow sap uo?louofpu,l Iud aag ?pout lso - ggonu.9 e raumol op uollalplalul - « d» axguuV47 £ 8u ?x onN piou ure ?II ?A1 aauud ang ins llpia ;ul a2uilA aouaailQ anH : saluunlns salalua sal snos sluen?ns slour sap uolssoiddns el xud aaglpour lsa - agonu8 e zaumol op uo?lolpiolul - u d» axaulsV, -1 Z pus ulelug anal el e arenbS lalzelnl Pp ioluM anal aopaailQ sa;luFI an-d saluunms salalua sal snos sluenlns slow sap uolssoiddns el nd aag?pom lsa - anbpm suas e sand - «Q» oxouue,l I : lms aurUIOa 091PouI lsa 4LL6I azquraldas q al alalaap `<< suolluoulpom sas alqurasua `anaposu v salnoNan sap ,ens £L61 ap t07 ul Op nuan ua uqof lu?eS Op allin el Op SOW sal suep uo?lelnol ?o el zaluaural$az a lues[n alaud » alnl?luj uqof luluS J0 4o oqy Pp alazre,l `saluosaid sal aed :s$ulpeaq Bulmollo3 aql spun sprom Sulm0ll03 aq1 Bu?ppu Xq popuoum s? — sumy ga-1 Pal ?q?goid — .,d„ olnpagoS £ Jowls halls $urx AjiaquoN uru?II?M aauud pa;iglgoid sain,L aogaailQ s ;aai ;s :SOulpeaq $ucmoll03 aql .Iapun spiom Oulmollo3 Pill 2u?lolop Xq papuaure s? —sunny 33a7 pal ?glgoi.1 — .d„ alnPagoS Z ,ipoiglnoS loans ulelug of arenbS laxlelnl laailS joleM aolaaailQ s;Iwl'I s;aai ;s :s$ulpeaq 8ulmoll03 oql Iapun spiom 8u?mollo3 aql 9u ?loloP Aq popuoure sl — slaazls XPM ouo — „Q„ olnpogoS I :smollo3 se popuaure Agaiaq s? LL61 'Q'V `.IaqumjdoS 30 ,Cep qq oql uo paloeuo ` „olazagy sluauspuauzy PUe 4£L6I `lad PlolrlPA r010W ag.L 3o AjjjoglnV oqL iopufl opeW uqof lu ?eS 30 Al ?D aqy ul slaarlS uo og3exy Sugoodsag mui4g V,, Pgll ?lug uqof lu ?uS 30 �l ?D agL 3o mui -Ag V lms mb ao alaroop u uqof 1u1e53o Al ?o :sm01103 se uqof lulus ;o fq!D aqy `leununwo Icasuoo up uolunai oun,p sio7 aqy ;o Icounoo uounuoo gql Aq palouua 1? og SNOLLVOIAMONi SffS a'IffWHSNff 6ZIIIff,L0W V SarMJIHHA Sff'I IMS £L61 aQ IO'I V l ffQ flJ HaA Na NHOf INIVS ffQ ff`I'IIA V l ffQ SffflH SH'I SNVQ Nl0l LVla3Hl3 V'I H31NNN arlDa I V LNVSIA �L�HHV i LNVI3IQONi �LUWHV OlauaH.L S,LNHNIQN3N?V QNV `£L61 `,LOV TIDMA HO,LOW 3H.L 30 AJRLOHJLfIV HHJ, mg(Wa HGVw NHOf ,LNIVS 30 Alla HH,L NI S,LMMIS NO 311AVHLL ONLLOffclSAH MV'I-Aff V QNHNIV 01 MV'I-Aff V S00Z asquTanou I - asnloalauTacslosy SOOZ `IZ saquxanorl- S00Z asquzanou L - asnlool auzalxnaQ SOOZ `L sagTUa^oN - 50OZ asquTanou L - amlaal asauuasd SOOZ `L sQgUIOAoN - alulo[pe aluuntumoo asaTUjasO uounuo0 luelslssy asleyq/ so,Celnl a Oulpeag psnly Oulpua'l puoaaS BulpeaN 1ss ?g : saluenlns :Aq pans ?s SOOZ 'Q'd `zaquianorl sasnleu8 ?s sal Oane `SOOZ asquzanou IZ of 3o ,Cep IsiZ oql muI-Xq slgl o1 paxT33u aq of 40 olain luosasd of ins Ieununuoo moos uos sasodde plus Qtpjo IeaS uounuo0 a1esodzo0 oql posneo suq 11e3 u ugof lulus 3o X113 oqL `IOfld gQ IOg Na ugof lulus 3o Al ?O OTI.L JoMdaHM SSffNLIM NI puoig on21 ul a asunbs la3jmw ap saleM onX laaslS puoig of asunbS w1sew 100i1S Salem onnbS jo3jmW e uolufl ang el ap 310 -ijud •1S ang onnbS la>jselnl of laaslS uolu fl 3aas1S Mauled '1S Salim ang s ;lull I s ;aaljs saluenlns salalua SDI :s9u?peaq snos sluenms sloui sap uolssasddns el nd aaglpouz Sulm01103 aql sapun spsom 2u ?m0ll03 aTll $ullalap lsa - suommo mod saslesaupj - « N» axouuy,7 S Aq popuauie sl — solnog 310Tuy — „N„ alnpagoS s Salem ang lsano ssaauud ang 10011S saleAN ins ;Ipaalal agenA nogaaalQ anH soluenms salalua sal snos sluenms slouT sap uolssasddns el and aag ?pour lsa - O3l0sp P sausnol op uollolpsalul - « O» axauuV,rl b n.my AVOISOM laaslS ssaoulsd aogawlQ slaalls Aulpeoq Sulmollo3 aql sapun spsom $ulmollo3 aql $ullalap.Kq popuouu! sl —suety 1TIft pal ?glgosd — .,o,, alnpaTlOS b a11i iW -: sluouuloi?jjV .toltatjoS �JID =uainN ''I nTto f `palltuignS XjjnjloadsoW "soisim os pounoo3t japao ui axe Outpeat pu000s pue ISZtd •soinog )Iotu L — «N„ olnpagoS uio:g `aaenbS IoNxeW pue po4S uotull uoompq `Iao4S 3joulud luteS do uoilolop otp su Ilom su .taouueW XIto oql Xq popuauuuooaz onm lutp asogl opnjout sluatupuouue pagoeilu ail, •olnot �jonzl u su `asenbS IoNiuW pue laatlS uotufl uoamjaq `joo4S )to1zlud luteS alajop oslu of Xmss000u si It legl sn postnpe XIluonbosgns suotluzado Iediotunw •palelsueul puu utxod loauoo ui ind oq of zoltotjoS XIto ail of jopum ail paua3az puu `slaazls 2impunoims autos pue laazlS .taluAk of loodsaa ijm popuouuu aq Nu(l -Xq oS3ezZ ail legl za$uuuW Xlto otp jo uotlepuouutuooaz e paaaptsuoo SOOZ `bZ zagoloo uo pjaq Ougo3m sit le ol•q wall se Itounoo uounuoo lao.ilS [alum — sluampuamv meZ- ,ig alu3u .[.L :ag T'Ib'Iza epeuuD 'g- "N /gN 'ugOf IufuS IL6I 'd')IXOg'o'd :szolltoumoo pue dtgsaom moA uqo f IujuS jo XIto aq L jo Itounoo uouuuioo SooZ `£ jogWanoN eO ugoflufus'NNN judjatunui leoone,j op neaing aoglo s,iollojlos -1m aaunbS lo31aeW paou MINIM aauud and Suix and pns uumdlg3 aloD ans;ipaa;ul a�ualA aol ;aaalQ anH saluunlns sal2lua sal snos SlueAins slom sap uollauofpuj and oaglpouz lsa - agan30 e aauanol ap uollaipaalul - u 3» axouuv,•l £ duiX and paou mutlllAk aoulid and ans ;ipaa;ul a2ua1 A uol;aaal(l anH : saluunms salaluo sal snos sluenlns slouz sap uolssaaddns ul sed aaglpouz ISO - ogona u aaumol ap uollolpaalul - u 3)> axauuvc'l Z pns ululug and ul u aaunbS la3laeyq op aalurn and no[ 311(1 sa;im17 anH : saluenins solaluo sal snos sluunlns slom sap uolssaaddns ul aed aaglpom ISO - onblun suss a sand - <<(I>> axauuu,rl I : Ims auxuzoa aglpouz ISO `LL6I aagmaldos g aI alaaaap `« suolleogipom sas olgmasua `dnagozu n sapn:�npaA sap ans £L 61 ap !07 PI ap nlaaA ua uqo f IuleS ap alllA eI ap sang sal seep uollulnoalo eI aaluamal3aa E lueslA 019JJV » alnlllul ugof luleS ;o /CIID agy op olaaae,I `soluasaad SO[ and ;aanS aaenbS lo3lauW ,ClaaglaoN mellliA� aauud loaals 8ul}1 IM uumdlgo ( pa;iglgoad suan,I, uopaa.nQ s ;aaa }g :Soulpnaq oulmollo3 agl aapun spaom 2ulmollo; 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Milan The Highlands of Drury Cove no am" � l: Dr." Cell wra,ral ,r.. s Phase 2, n¢ Subdivision RIO 5md- <raoo., re ussw •Laabl'<�s •To .A,s, a1. - DIW COw Drury Cove Developments "v :s 'xw... llK. y.,em t ^.�s x �oer.o alver .m Sew m u ua .+� . .a sda`u and x61 III. .nm.. xa . Key Platy T, yOm / ........ ............................... e.. A P No 3320, `•°P �a worRomptivi ar s' ^.� r ,t� 9 e .a Ga Drury Cove Devel*P nts Inc." _ ad 5 s wuwn. ^ ° o rra ssw,l rt- AIR ss it xnes ; Ran /JK�/ F.e r» en - .Pro. No r i. V �iT.W.i:a`..�,mu:., ea.,eno VV 'D s J -neunr biro .ern m,e TCOd. ...... ,^gyp rw � rsrvn =% . "n>In cal fi fox 6eo om mrtu oM — — . m -srrm. u.n�nu cmwar �r+W I P � � :5 �� dot 91 -1, Ivok PA. Wiaoe,.swmM:WO'.u" w. •" llall Drury Cove $asset Salmon Form Ltd. <u5., TRIP att"OkI III 111, and no aroffir II Lot A-9 ando I Ain't, dal,m) of In. ceeckir ..,... Iran nm In. al al 1737 Too 90ARSTRI. In~ To thin All' IF" Ctt P ^as ,.,r..r.r U11111, ane�rn: �I n¢ Subdivision Plan w LY 717111a W<x: The Highlands of Drury Cove � l: Dr." Cell wra,ral ,r.. ::::nc::aa_ e Phase 2, n¢ Subdivision RIO 5md- <raoo., re ussw City of octal John. - Drury Cove Developments Inc. r 16155 l - .a n an .. / .m Sew m u ua .+� . sda`u and x61 III. .nm.. xa . 19. PIT: ........ ............................... e.. »a �C2 worRomptivi Dwa. Nod. -e6 -7 llall u r A 0 a 1 0 T a L I e C a rid Co- ordinate valued c OBM.316 ncil MIT: TO AM 52.51 all 12 :wlvw III Iran a" lot Pay. THAI 73�.213 CI And 415 POOL Goo I'- IT IT low 7 1"3.ne O'cono And, My: m 93 Turn 54.Z7 (III mail 717 372 103 AD, Wal Talacninal TMa pan Ali 35.32 MI 62-19 OR An, or TV 3874 Saint Ad. WNP ?WOMII CAP Pan ITT 31 22 31 295-31 PAT RI IT26 3684 17 0. 5510.405 TJROP radc 107 UP 7.13 1. 10 101-M AS M.0c, I ru firr."I 7370100.261 "1 129 13 Ad. 73 44.n 920, 14 Our IWAT PRIOR 6795.1" 73701yalve MI 130 347 ".Or 35.01 21 Sir I I Tay WIT1.610 T�y�.DZO VITT oil MI me PA. as 2 1 an or IT 11,00 1737 GMT.783 Talcaln.9211 CALC 132 356 15,11 15.14 211-W AT naw 1736 GMI real 211 MC Ad 134 21.54 21.20 'W's Or 35.00 1711 aaw around IT I c,Lc 13, it 33 45 33.11 Poe" day ".an LIPP a I RITIONI Nucleon 141 3" 4? 75 GI eleaff AT 70, W Find 7M.679 FARM,@ &I mactop" 142 136 50 76 PI RIO? IT 50.00 cali FT a 4 39 4.39 106-M 30 15.00 111 TOP To 6 34 W, IT IT 45.00 RIL Drury Cove $asset Salmon Form Ltd. <u5., TRIP att"OkI III 111, and no aroffir II Play 1761 Ain't, dal,m) of In. ceeckir ..,... Iran In. al al 1737 Too 90ARSTRI. In~ To thin All' IF" ^as ,.,r..r.r U11111, ane�rn: n¢ Subdivision Plan w LY 717111a W<x: The Highlands of Drury Cove � l: Dr." Cell wra,ral ,r.. ::::nc::aa_ e Phase 2, n¢ Subdivision RIO 5md- <raoo., re ussw City of octal John. - ,_,_,,,, ' ^ "" Ad "° Int John county, r 16155 l - .a n u5 al u con t�P. m u ua .+� . sda`u and x61 III. .nm.. xa . 19. PIT: ........ ............................... e.. »a �C2 worRomptivi Dwa. Nod. -e6 -7 45 U xl G aC,�'� o/� a �Rw A R ° ° U o U p° C. A O b'dN C bb 0 Sy,d �'°G ° o o 0 ?? 43 b-0 p 0 bA ' U U 7 o�ro Fi o d o 0 cjY cp tj i:� F 0 C7 a ti p ctl Q O �}" N G y to kn Q U bo v a�iboNF rA Or a c UJ ' O to i11 z •-• N R C id R b 00 C o 0 o y b N 5 U � 'O CC 0 Fi 0 ctl C N b boy F �b 4 °J 0 .Ly o o cd �O 0 05� LM U b N o •• U •� W W o U F o ca '. 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O F r y zz ❑❑x d b 0 ° F fl u d � 00 G u 00 N o 'a vy d CKS kn v y CJ U .tii O knkn O U U C� F U it .N U U W � o pa C� Q 0 C o H � 7A Li si U W O O a 0 W i. O F r y zz ❑❑x d b 0 ° N 00 00 N 00 CKS kn O knkn O Q d r: W U � F E-4 U 0� 0 W � O 3 cad o UO ti N H � O N b O s+ CZ pp CL V7�WO O ,EAR a�U y �b p V OU b O q a O O z V] .tj Lam' c b >' 0 c to C1 z�oH wo o z FIZJ� 0 Cdq N y O o ^ o w �z `°� O O Cl w N ° d U N to 'd 41 m N O � tiw a.`ooU Q " p ICJ oC4" cq w G O � ° O m O �0cpd4�� ^� b -�N N o� 0E� U C) ,(e q P4 O N O 5 O v O N � rte - bll w iL o ate. k O b �UpLa 0 Cd ZS � Y w (� O U N O W � 3 O N p bA Cd N 0 fA O U N W U 0 U i i T ° e4 G c �0b N N Q 'r w cn Q T ° e4 G c �0b U � 'r w cn S� Common Clerk's office Bureau du greffier communal N ww saintjohn.ca December 13, 2005 Drury Cove Developments Inc. P.O. Box 275 Saint John, NB E2L 3Y2 Dear Sirs: P.O. Box /C.P. 1971 Saint John, NB /N. -B. Canada E2L 4L1 s:. At a meeting of the Common Council, held on November 21, 2005, the following resolutions were adopted, namely:- "RESOLVED that by -law entitled, "By -law Number 100 -704, A Law To Amend The Zoning By -law of The City of Saint John" by re- zoning two parcels of land located at Drury Cove Road, having an area of approximately 1 hectare, also identified as being PID Number 55027163 and portions of PID Numbers 53207 and 55161384, from "R -F" Rural and "TH" Townhouse to "B -2" General Business classification be read a third time, enacted and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto." - and - "RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the proposed development of two parcels of land located at Drury Cove Road, also identified as being PID Number 55027163 and portions of PID Numbers 53207 and 55161384, for commercial uses be subject to the following conditions: a) the use of the rezoned area is restricted to professional offices, hotel and restaurant facilities; b) each lot in the rezoned area must not be developed except in accordance with detailed site plan and building elevation plans, to be prepared by the proponent of the development and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, showing the 1b) Planning Advisory Committee November 2, 2005 Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Proposed Rezoning Drury Cove Road P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2800 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E21, 4L1 City of Saint John On October 11, 2005 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached report at its November 1, 2005 meeting. Mr. Scott MacDonald attended the meeting on behalf of the applicant and expressed agreement with the recommendation in the attached report. No other persons attended the meeting and no letters were received. After considering the matter, the Committee adopted the recommendation in the attached report. 1. That Common Council rezone two parcels of land with an area of approximately 1 hectare, located at Drury Cove Road, also identified as being PID 55027163 and portions of PID 53207 and 55161384, from "RF" Rural and "TH" Townhouse to `B -2" General Business. 2. That, pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the proposed development of two parcels of land located at Drury Cove road, also identified as being PID 55027163 and portions of PID 53207 and 55161384, for commercial uses be subject to the following conditions: a) the use of the rezoned area is restricted to professional offices, hotel and restaurant facilities; b) each lot in the rezoned area must not be developed except in accordance with detailed site plan and building elevation plans, to be prepared by the proponent of the development and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, showing the location and dimensions of all buildings and structures, freestanding signs, paved parking, concrete Plamning Advisory Committee November 2, 2005 am curbing, landscaping of all disturbed areas not occupied by buildings, structures and parking areas, exterior lighting, underground utilities and exterior building materials, and the approved plans must be attached to the application for building permit for the development of the applicable lot; c) all site improvements shown on the approved plans mentioned in condition (b) must be completed within one year of approval of the building permit for the development of the applicable lot; d) the provisions of the Section 39 agreement between the City of Saint John and Drury Cove Developments Inc., dated December 24, 2002, with respect to the payment of a $2,500 lot levy, shall apply to the rezoned area, where 1,000 square feet of building floor area shall be considered equivalent to a lot and therefore subject to the $2,500 payment requirement as well as any credits provided for in the said agreement; e) the $2,500 per 1,000 square feet payment mentioned in condition (d) shall be in the form of a certified cheque delivered to the Development Officer at the time of submission of the application for building permit for the building on the applicable lot; and further that upon the rezoning the area, the land and any building or structure thereon must be developed and used in conformity with the proposal and conditions identified herein. Respectfullyy submitted, Yilipvey Chairman RGP /r Attachments Project No. 05 -297 Planning and Development Urbanisme et developpement wwmsaintjohn.Ca DATE: TO: FROM: FOR: SUBJECT: Name of Applicant: Name of Owner: Location: PID: Municipal Plan: Zoning: Proposal: Type of Application: OCTOBER 28, 2005 P.O. Box/C.P. 1971 Saint John, NB/N. -B. Canada E2L 4L1 PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT MEETING OF NO) Drury Cove Developments Inc. Drury Cove Developments Inc. Drury Cove Road 2 55027163 and portions of 53207 and 55161384 Low Density Residential Existing: "RF" Rural and "TH" Townhouse Proposed: `B -2" General Business To incorporate the lands into the proposed business park area Rezoning JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to give its views to Common Council concerning proposed amendments to the Zoning By -law. Common Council Drury Cove Developments Inc. Drury Cove Road Page 2 October 28, 2005 will consider the Committee's recommendation at a public hearing on Monday, November 7, 2005. STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE: 1. That Common Council rezone two parcels of land with an area of approximately 1 hectare, located at Drury Cove Road, also identified as being PID 55027163 and portions ofPID 53207 and 55161384, from "RF" Rural and "TH" Townhouse to `B -2" General Business. 2. That, pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the proposed development of two parcels of land located at Drury Cove road, also identified as being PID 55027163 and portions of PID 53207 and 55161384, for commercial uses be subject to the following conditions: a) the use of the rezoned area is restricted to professional offices, hotel and restaurant facilities; b) each lot in the rezoned area must not be developed except in accordance with detailed site plan and building elevation plans, to be prepared by the proponent of the development and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, showing the location and dimensions of all buildings and structures, freestanding signs, paved parking, concrete curbing, landscaping of all disturbed areas not occupied by buildings, structures and parking areas, exterior lighting, underground utilities and exterior building materials, and the approved plans must be attached to the application for building permit for the development of the applicable lot; C) all site improvements shown on the approved plans mentioned in condition (b) must be completed within one year of approval of the building permit for the development of the applicable lot; d) the provisions of the Section 39 agreement between the City of Saint John and Drury Cove Developments Inc., dated December 24, 2002, with respect to the payment of a $2,500 lot levy, shall apply to the rezoned area, where 1,000 square feet of building floor area shall be considered equivalent to a lot and therefore subject to the $2,500 payment requirement as well as any credits provided for in the said agreement; e) the $2,500 per 1,000 square feet payment mentioned in condition (d) shall be in the form of a certified cheque delivered to the Development Officer at the time of submission of the application for building permit for the building on the applicable lot; and further that upon the rezoning the area, the land and any building or structure thereon must be developed and used in conformity with the proposal and conditions identified herein. Drury Cove Tievelopments Inc. Drury Cove Road BACKGROUND: Page 3 October 28, 2005 On December 16, 2002, Common Council rezoned the northerly parcel of the subject site, as well as substantial additional lands, to "RSS" One Family Serviced Suburban Residential in order to permit the applicant's proposal to develop a residential subdivision containing approximately 330 lots for the construction of one - family dwellings. The rezoning was enacted subject to an agreement pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act dealing with the design, timing, construction, contract administration and cost responsibilities for the required extensions of trunk services to the site. The agreement provided that the developer would undertake this work and be reimbursed by the City, up to a maximum of $1,150,000. The developer was required to pay the City a $100,000 "up front" payment upon completion of the trunk extensions; however, this payment could be reduced, according to a formula contained in the agreement, if the final project cost was less than the $1,150,000 maximum. The agreement also provides that the developer will pay to the City a "lot levy" of $2,500 for each residential lot created on the lands. Up to the first 40 lots are exempted from this lot levy, with the exact number of lots exempted depending on the final amount of "up front" payment by the developer. Finally, the agreement provides that the City is responsible for any necessary upgrading of existing downstream infrastructure to accommodate the development of up to 330 residential units. On November 10, 2003, Common Council rezoned portions of the original site to `B -2" General Business and "TH" Townhouse to permit the area near the entrance to the subdivision to be developed with a mixture of duplexes, triplexes, professional offices and an inn and restaurant. The rezoned areas are subject to similar Section 39 conditions concerning cost sharing of the trunk service extensions, as well as specific site plan approval conditions. To date, fourteen lots have been created in the one - family residential portion of the development. In addition, a three -unit condominium has been constructed in the condo area directly north of the subject site. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Municipal Operations and Engineering has no objection. Building and Technical Services has submitted no comments. Saint John Transit advises there is no bus service in this area and, given the light density, there are no plans to start up service. Drury C oVe�Devr opments Inc. Page 4 Drury Cove Road October 28, 2005 Saint John Energy has submitted no comments. Aliant Telecom has no objection. Any facilities issues will be discussed with the developer and co- ordinated jointly with Saint John Energy. ,, Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline has no objection. Enbridge Gas N.B. has submitted no comments. Fire Department advises that it is imperative that the Drury Cove Road that permits access to the properties that were previously accessed by the "Old Drury Cove Road" conforms to NBC with regard to access route design and supports fire fighting apparatus. Currently the Fire Department's assessment is that the Drury Cove Road does not provide a stable access to the two buildings adjacent to Drury Cove or that area. With the Old Drury Cove Road blocked by concrete barriers, the Drury Cove must always be passable. Further it is recommended that water supply be extended incrementally as development is carried out to support fire fighting operations. ANALYSIS: The subject site is located at the entrance to thelftd Uighlands of Drury Cove development. The overall development is being undertaken by the applicant. The site includes two parcels of land, as illustrated on the attached subject site map, having a total area of approximately one hectare (2`/2 acres). The northerly parcel consists of an irregularly- shaped parcel (currently zoned "TH" Townhouse) that is a remnant left over after creation of the condominium property and a small triangle on the shore of Drury Cove (zoned "RF" Rural) that was unintentionally left out of the original rezonings of the development. The southerly parcel is the former Sussex Salmon Farms property (zoned "RF" Rural), which contains the house /office for the former salmon farm operation. This property was acquired by the applicant subsequent to the original rezonings. The area between the two portions of the site is the area that was rezoned to `B -2" General Business in 2003 in conjunction with the applicant's business park proposal. To the south of the southerly parcel are Old Drury Cove Road, residential lots on Stagecoach Drive and undeveloped land. As suggested above, the area to the north and on the opposite side of Drury Cove Road from the northerly parcel is the condominium area of the applicant's subdivision. The applicant proposes that the two parcels comprising the subject site be rezoned from "TH" Townhouse and "RF" Rural to `B -2" General Business. The parcels would be incorporated into the adjacent proposed business park, which isilimited? by the current Section 39 conditions to business offices, hotel and restaurant facilities. 41 pV Drury C",oV'elYeveiopments Inc. Drury Cove Road Page 5 October 28, 2005 The staff report on the original business park proposal observed that the area to the east of the subdivision's entrance is currently zoned "I -1" Light Industrial. A "B -2" General Business zoning with professional offices and an inn and restaurant on the cove was considered to be an appropriate transition between the light industrial area and the residential area. The Municipal Plan's policies for Low Density Residential areas allow limited commercial development within residential areas, provided that these uses are rezoned to an appropriate zone and are required to observe suitable performance standards that minimize impacts on the residential neighbourhood. It was concluded that the proposed business park concept could be supported provided that the permitted uses are limited to the applicant's proposal, and subject to Development Officer approval of detailed site plans and building elevation plans for each site. The 2003 rezoning was approved on this basis, with Section 39 conditions tying the site development requirements to a business park type standard, including undergco tffdkwiring, paving curbing, high quality landscaping and high quality materials for building exteriors. In addition, the Section 39 conditions also provide for a levy on each development to recover the cost of the trunk service extension to the area. The present proposal to incorporate an additional 2'/2 acres into the business park area can be supported. The southerly parcel is surrounded by the proposed `B -2" General Business zoning on three sides, while the northerly parcel represents a minor adjustment in the boundary between the business park and the condominium area. The recommendation includes the same Section 39 conditions that are applicable to the original business park area. The concerns expressed by the Fire Department will be addressed as the business park develops by means of the submission and approval of acceptable site plans for each portion of the development. RGP /r Project No. 05 -297 PLANNINS AND DEVEL JPMENT /URBAN ISME E DEVELOPPEMENT NNNN UP er Ln. TH In I I RS -2 IN 1 RF M I; e u iI c- : I: II 1 L 6 IN n ij r I R F ° `eea RF r� � G �� • R �I `oa a A as �r,� •� Rrl.. 1w 3 4 t� Subject Site cw site en question: Pid(s)lNIP {s): �y 55027163 Location: chemin Drury Cove Road Part of /pantie du 00053207 Part of /partie du 55161384 Date: September 27, septembre, 2005 Scalelechelle: N.T.S. 4 rn SAINT JOHN 30ARD OF POLICE PO Box 1971 Saint John, New Brunswick Canada E21, 4L1 Bureau des Commimaires du Service de Police de Saint John C.P. 1971 Saint John Nouveau - Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 RAYMOND T. FRENCH Chair /President President WESCOSMAN Secretary/Secretaire IVAN COURT Commissioner/ Commissaire CHARLENE HAVES Commissumerl Commissaire NORMAN MCFARLANF. Mayor/Maire ANDREW BRITTON Commissioner SARAH WILSON Executive Secretary/ Secretaire Administrative Telephone/Tdiephone: (506) 674 -4142 Fax/Teldcopieur: (506) 648 -3304 E- maillCourriel: Sarah. w ilson@saintj ohn. ca SAINT JOHN Explore ourpasil Explorez noire passe Ducoveryourfuturel Decouvrez votre avemr November 2, 2005 His Worship Mayor Norman McFarlane And Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: Re: Saint John Police Force Operating Budget YTD August 31, 2005 Financial Results I am pleased on behalf of the Saint John Board of Police Commissioners to provide you with a copy of the Saint John Police Force 2005 Operating Budget report for the financial period ended August 31, 2005. This is forwarded for the information of Common Council in compliance with Section 7(3) of the New Brunswick Police Act. Council will note that as at August 31St, the Saint John Police Force Budget was under- expended by $387,075. This surplus is mainly in the area of Goods and Services because of the variance in the time between the purchase of materials and the materials actually being paid for. In addition, there were six vacancies in the Police Force establishment contributing to an under expenditure in the salary line. However, this budget surplus has been significantly reduced in intervening period because • invoices for Goods and Services have been received and paid, • eight new police officers have been hired, and • Local 61 members have received the retro - active adjustment in their salaries Based on this report, and current projections, the Commission expects to deliver a balanced budget at year's end. Respectfully submitted, Raymond T. French Chair Attachment '( /n) REPORT TO SAINT JOHN BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS PUBLIC SESSION November 1, 2005 Raymond French, Chairman and Members of the Board of Police Commission Chairman French and Members SUBJECT 2005 Operating Budget — August YTD Financial Results BACKGROUND r4;yA': The purpose of this report is to provide the Board with an August 31, 2005 update on the financial position of the Saint John Police Force's Operating Budget. FINANCIAL POSITION/RESULTS For the period ended as at August 31, 2005 the Saint John Police Force was under budget by $387,065, which is equivalent to 2.1% of the annual operating budget of $16,969,816. ➢ Explanation of the Under Budget Variance There were five key items that contributed to the $387,065 positive variance for the second reporting period in 2005. The savings identified in the Goods and Services accounts relate more to the timing of purchases rather than the actual reduction in expenditures, 1. Salaries and Wages were under budget by $170,022. 2. Fringe Benefits were under by $83,689. 3. Good and Services were below budget by $327,195. 4. Overtime costs exceeded budget by $131,126. 5. Wage costs for Odrer Personnel auul Cuua Time were over budget by 562,716. Raymond French, Chairman and Members of the Board of Police Commission November 1, 2005 Page 2 Subject: 2005 Operating Budget - August YTD Financial Results ANALYSIS The Variance Analysis Report explains any variance of +/- $5,000 from Budget to Actual results for a specific reporting period. In addition, there is a commentary section of the report that identifies and provides an explanation of significant variances from the budgeted amounts. Budget — Variance Analysis SALARIES AND WAGES Local 61 Salaries were under budget by $208,234. This cost saving was attributed to six vacancies that occurred during the year. In addition, there is also an allocation in the 2005 budget for anticipated wage settlement for Local 61 members and contract negotiations were finalized on August 24, 2005. There will be a retroactive —pay adjustment of approximately $150,000 that will be paid in September and this amount will reduce this under budget figure accordingly. OVERTIME Local 61 The overtime incurred for the past eight months has exceeded the year -to -date budget by $129,712. The peak period for overtime is typically during June- September when resource levels are reduced due to higher number of members on vacation, star time, and other time off. A Summer Relief program was introduced in the Patrol Division during June- September (Thursday- Saturday) to add four additional resources (on an overtime basis) to the Platoon system on each of these days for eight hour shifts to: Focus on problem areas or hot spots in the City that required special police attention. • Increase platoon strength to cover off staffing shortages due to vacations, sickness, injuries, and other leaves. Raymond French, Chairman and Members of the Board of Police Commission November 1, 2005 Page 3 Subject: 2005 Operating Budget — August YTD Financial Results GOODS & SERVICES The under budget amount of $327,195 for the various Goods and Services is primarily attributed to the timing of purchases and the allocation of the budget over the twelve months. There are a number of major goods and services items that were requisitioned and actual delivery will not take place until September to November, which is normal practice each year. The August financial report is always a good measuring device to project the final budget results at year -end but there often is unforeseen circumstances that occur at an operational level that are not predictable and this can substantially increase overtime costs. However, the favorable position at the end of August will be impacted in the final months with pending purchases and by all indications the Force will be able to deliver a balanced budget. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES The financial data used for this report was extracted from the financial information that was generated and provided from the HTE financial reporting system by City of Saint John finance staff. CONCLUSION Based on all known variables that can have an impact on the Operating Budget, the projected year -end financial position for the Saint John Police Force is estimated to be the approved budget $16,969,416 with no significant variance anticipated. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Board accept and approve this Financial Report for the period ended as at August 31, 2005 and forward a copy to Common Council as required under Section 7 (3) of the New Brunswick Police Act. Raymond French, Chairman and Members of the Board of Police Commission November], 2005 Page 4 Subject: 2005 Operating Budget - August YTD Financial Results Enclosed reports and documents: • Budget Variance Analysis —August 31, 2005 • Consolidated Statement of Operations — Comparative Report 2005 vs. 2004 • Detailed Statement of Operations Respectfully submitted, 0 Marve E. Corscadden, CGA DIRECTOR HR & FINANCE r Brian C. Fillmore DEPUTY POLICE CHIEF Allen G. Bodechon CHIEF OF POLICE SAINT JOHN POLICE FORCE BUDGET VARIANCE ANALYSIS For the Period Ended August 31, 2005 Budget Expenses Variance Current Variance is: Timing Actual $ 1170883990 $10,701,925 $ 387,065 $ 337,065 $ 50,000 Details of Actual variance: (Comment on Actual variances over /under $5,000) Variance Explanation of Salaries & Wages $170,222 Salaries- Non Union is over budget by ($16k). • Salaries -486 is under budget by $20k and there is an offset in Salaries -Temp for ($33k). • Local 61 Salaries are under budget by $208k and this amount will be reduced by Retroactive -Pay of $150k paid out in September. • The increase in Salaries -Temp for ($33k) has a corresponding offset of $31 k for Salaries -486. Overtime ($1319126) • Local 61 Overtime ($130k) —The Patrol Division is over budget by $84k and the Criminal Investigation Division is over by $27k. • A Summer Relief program was introduced in the Patrol Division during June - September (Thurs -Sat) to add four additional resources (on an overtime basis) to the Platoon system for each of these days for eight hour shifts to: - Focus on problem areas or hot spots in the City that required special police attention; - Staff shortages due to vacations, sickness, injuries, and other leave; The cost for this initiative is projected to be around $50k and the savings in the Salaries and Wages line for six police vacancies will ofrsel iNs unbudoeted e.mense. Saint John Police Force — August 2005 Budget Variance. Analysis Expense Cateclory Variance Explanation of Variance Other Personnel Costs ($62,716) • Court -Time: Payment for overtime relating to court appearances for Patrol members ($47k) and Criminal Investigation Division officers for ($17k) attributed to this over budget item. Benefits are calculated at 21 %. This Fringe Benefits $83,689 expense is directly proportional to actual wages and other earnings for the year. General Services $58,182 . Telephone: The expense for telephones is under budget by $24k and this is a timing issue on the receipt and payment of invoices for each month. • Employer Training: This account is under budget by $9k and this is the result of no major training courses during the summer. • ETS Training: The $20k credit balance is the financial commitment from Rothesay Regional Police towards the 2005 ETS training and this amount will be fully used at year -end. • Other Training: This account is under budget by $8k and this is a timing difference of the budget allocation and when employees access this program. Insurance ($19,545) • Vehicle Insurance: The actual premium cost for 2005 insurance coverage (vehicles /facilities) exceeded the annual budget of $100k by $20k. Professional Services $14,800 Legal Fees — Under budget by $13k and there is an unpaid invoice for $6k to be processed in October. • Lock -up Security: Under by $8k and this is a timing issue on when invoices for services is received and processed. • Police Act Investigations — There were unbudgeted legal and other related fees for $19k at the end of August. Saint John Police Force — August 2005 Budget Variance Analysis Expense Category Variance Explanation of Variance Other Purchased Services $7,871 Police Other Purchased Services 8001 ($13k): Timing issue on when services are acquired and when budget is allocated for year. • Other Purchased Services 8100 $9k: Timing issue on when services are acquired and when budget is allocated for each monthly period. • Other Purchased Services 8200 — Over budget by ($10k). • Other Purchased Services 8300 — Under budget by $7k. Repair & Maintenance ($4,504 Purchased Goods $60,992 • Footwear and Apparel $8k and $19k respectively —Timing differences with purchases and the budget allocation. • Off ice Supplies: $5k— Timing differences with purchases and budget allocation. • Other Goods- 8001: ($8k) — Purchases YTD have exceeded the overall annual budget by $5k. • Other Goods- 8300: $14k - Timing issue with purchases. • Firearms /Ammunition: $17k -This is a timing issue and all requisitioned supplies will be ordered and received by November 2005. • Imprest Fund $12k —This fund has not been used in 2005 as compared to other years. • Special Operations ($6k) —Timing issue with the utilization of the fund and allocation of budget. Internal Services $68,682 • Fleet Maintenance: Maintenance costs were under budget by $56k and approximately 50% of this saving relates more to the timing of cross charges from the City's Fleet department. • Fleet Fuel: Fuel costs were under budget by $10k. However, there was a significant spike in fuel prices during the summer months and this is more than li! <Pi;� 2. t ^mporary sarin�7. Saint John Police Force - August 2005 Budget Variance Analysis Expense Category Variance Explanation of Variance Asset Purchases $730,472 Vehicle Purchases: $78k - This is a timing issue with purchases and this amount will be fully utilized by the end of the year. • Office Furniture, Equipment, Computers & Other Assets: Under budget by $53k and these amounts are related more to the timing of purchases than actual savings. :7a City of Saint John Environment Committee November 21, 2005 Mayor Norm McFarlane & Members of Common Council City of Saint John Subject: FCM — Partners for Climate Protection Program The Environment Committee requests to make a presentation to Common Council at your earliest convenience regarding the FCM — Partner for Climate Protection Program (PCP). A draft of the proposed presentation is enclosed, and we would update it somewhat for the presentation date. We would like to review with you the advantages and benefits that the Committee sees for Saint John in being a member of the program. We would encourage Council to initiate, in the coming year, Phases 1 to 3 of the Partners for Climate Protection 5 step program: • This implies receiving 50% funding from FCM for milestones 1 -3 to prepare a recommended action plan. • Council would be requested to fund the other 50% of the initial resource requirement. • This could be as much as $50,000, depending on contributions from other local stakeholders. This would be a request for the 2006 budget year. These initial phases are expected to improve the City's potential to maximize senior government funding programs to deal with climate change, sustainable infrastructure, and related environmental concerns. Recommendation 1. The Environment Committee recommends that Common Council adopt a resolution to engage in the Partners for Climate Protection program sponsored by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. 2. The committee further recommends initiation of Phases 1 to 3 of the Partners for Climate Protection 5 step program in the 2006 budget year. Thank Attachments: Draft slide show Peter McKelvey — Chairman Terry Gray David Keeping Tim Vickers —ACAP David Dean - Vice Chairman Christine Saumure Susan Atkinson Karen Kidd Melanie Frier Steve Crighton Tim Curry Crain Camobell — Staff Cit W hn F assI i =2N 1 _ _ n.a My Draft 16 November 2005 Recommendation • The Environment Committee recommends that Mayor and Council adopt a resolution to engage in the Partners for Climate Protection program sponsored by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities • The committee further recommends initiation of Phases 1 to 3 of the Partners for Climate Protection 5 step program - Implies receiving 50% funding for milestones 1 -3 of recommended action plan - Council to fund the other 50% of initial resource requirement 17 Z05 cq d Sent Jtl M,vf rent 3 anmaee Organizational Content • Operational review - Vision Statement for City to be'community of choice in Atlantic Canada ...' - Environmental protection identified as target program - Target standing committee on environment, public health & energy • Environment Committee appointed by Council to advise on environmental issues • Initiative supports City's Transportation, Energy and Public Health programs relatmgg to management of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions 1711 v mwP dlya srN Jahn Em m, 5 CammMe I Contents • Recommendation to engage in the Partners for Climate Protection program • Background — Policy framework and guidelines — Supporting programs and initiatives • Program elements - Milestones - Resources • Achieving Results — Program targets — Ensuring success — Benefits to the City and its Citizens 17N mbn 2Wh CTyNSaMJd,nF '�onmdi 2 cwnmMee Background • The Government of Canada has committed the nation to support the climate protection measures adopted under the Kyoto Accord • The City has adopted measures to commit to energy conservation and environmental initiatives under Section 3 of its Municipal Plan • Mayor and Councillors have provided guidance that the City should look for ways to leverage applicable program funding from senior governments where appropriate 17 NO ,m A05 Cry daeMJ Emimnment < w MWw Current Situation • City employs energy coordinator resulting in - Many energy conservation initiatives undertaken (primarily in building management) - Savings of -$1 Million / yr. - <Insert graph from initiating presentation> • Energy initiatives in Transportation / Fleet management currently underway • More opportunities exist, but are yet to be quantified 17N Mbx Me Cn d Seint Jdn Ermwn S Ca Programs available • Partners for Climate Protection Program (FCM) • Environmental Trust Fund (Province of New Brunswick) • Some potential for Natural Resources Canada programs - wind power production incentives - Private sector programs • Energy audna • Renewable energy deployment • Energy remain assistance • Federal Government "new deal for cities" — Release to environmentally sustainable municipal infrastructure initiatives ss latum in Gas tax funds — Bill C48 $80 Million for Transit funds 1'/NmemEer Xqe CTy dSa C,sr, Em#mnmt ] Conma Mce Program Milestones (Partners for Climate Protection) 1. Perform Inventory and Forecast of Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2. Set reduction targets 3. Develop a Local Action Plan 4. Implement the Plan 5. Measure Progress 17 WwmM 205 city W Saw Jdn nM,anmml 9 mmmN•• Specatfic Program Targets • Achievement of milestones 1 -3 lays out speck plan to implement milestones 4 & 5 — Also sets targets for operational savings from implementation program • Establishes policy framework to maximize opportunities to leverage senior government programs • Establishes guidelines/framework to optimize economic, social and environmental benefits of specific initiatives - e.g. fleet management, buildings management, municipal infrastructure development 1]Nwmt4erAYi City Wam[Jdm EnMmme,r 11 Cwn Needs To be successful in reducing the City's Greenhouse Gas Emissions, we need: —A specific, rational way to get started —A comprehensive approach to leverage senior government. programs —A defined process to achieve tangible results 17 Nnwmbn ]nn5 City M effitt JMn Eminmmnl S Cum,[ a Resources • Currently Available — City's Environment Committee — Mayor & Council — One staff resource — Potential to leverage fleet management staff activities • But, need additional resource(s) dedicated to achieving new objectives relating to GHG management 1'/Nwmbar Jlpa Cky,FG,hMnemmsaa 1n CwnmlMee Ensuring Success • Good process in crafting and administering request for proposals will - ensure money Is not wasted • Obtaining guidance from Council and senior staff and alring with other transportation and building initiatives will - ensure program is compatible with other priorities in Saint John • Strategic leverage of senior government and private sector initiatives will — reduce nsk of not obtaining sufficient ROI to meet requirements • Careful implementation of program as recommended will - avoid communicating inappropriate message to citizens and stakeholders and compromising City's position 1]NwemlaaWb on d raw nEmYorsaw 12 cmad 2 Benefits to the City (f of 3) • Achieves specific reductions in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions • Achieves Kyoto compliance • Shows leadership in addressing environmental initiatives • Public profile is improved - both from investment & quality -of -life perspectives, encouraging more in- migration 17 Nwe 2005 Liy Q6tiNJdm EnvnmmeM 13 do i Benefits to the City _ (3 of 3) Maximizes leverage of funding programs from other levels of government & private sector Minimizes impact of GHG emissions on human health Maximizes environmental benefits associated with GHG emissions programs 17W ff PY CTy dsn John EnvYm 15 GmmNce Benefits to the City (2 of 3) • Reduces its consumption of non - renewable resources and saves on municipal operating costs • Captures available emission credits to benefit operating budget • Profiles energy conservation as part of City's emergence as "energy hub" • Fosters innovation & application of conservation technologies in local context, possibly driving export potential 17Narc ZY35 cer d sdn JOnnfi.;.mmM 1e cnmmMee Recommendation • The Environment Committee recommends that Mayor and Council adopt a resolution to engage in the Partners for Climate Protection program sponsored by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities • The committee further recommends initiation of Phases 1 to 3 of the Partners for Climate Protection 5 step program - Implies receiving 5D% funding for milestones 1 -3 of recommended action plan — Coundl to fund the other 50% or initial resource requirement — Could be as much as $50,000, depending on contributions from other local stakeholders — request for 2006 budget year 1]NwertbeeAF CiydS,WN nem meM 1G Cwnm�Na 3 November 9, 2005 GRAND BAY WESTFIELD Mayor Norm McFarlane and Common Council City of Saint John PO Box 1971, 15 Market Square Saint John, NB E2L 4L1 Subject: Greater Saint John Regional Facilities Commission Your Worship and Council: P.O. Box 3001 Grand Bay- Westfield, NB Canada E5K4V3 T:506- 738 -6400 F: 506- 738 -6424 www.tow n. g ra n d bay- westfi a Id. n b.ca I am writing to advise you of the approved budget for the Greater Saint John Regional Facilities Commission 2006 fiscal period. After careful consideration of submissions received from all designated regional facilities, the Commission has approved amounts which total $1,554,496 for 2006. The attached sheet provides details on the budget by facility and shows the amount allocated to your municipality based on the 2005 Uniform General Assessment Figure. In addition, I am enclosing a copy of an amendment made to our general by- law that requires each of our facilities to provide us with a financial review of operations no later than May 31St of each year in order that we may schedule a meeting with each facility in early June. submitted Grace Lf sier, Chair Greater Saint John Regional Facilities Commission GL /wb Enclosures (2) 05mayor: M &C City of Saint Joh Explore our past/ Explorez notre pass6 5iscoveryour future D €couvrez votre avenir Grand Bay - Westfield • Quispamsis • Rothesay • St. Martins • Saint Joh 2005 Submission Operating Capital Surplus/ (Deficit) TOTAL 2006 Request Management fee Taxes Capital Expenditures Surplusl(Defict) from 2nd preceeding year (2004) Approved Municipal Contributions: 2006 Approved: REGIONAL FACILITIES COMMISSION 2006 Budget Harbour Station Imperial Trade Centre Aquatic Centre 3993719 391,000 597,235 0 0 0 (137,676) (32,129) 537,395 391,000 629,364 $ 378,992 $ 412,000 $ 390,783 152,145 74,500 83,978 (28,674) $ 491,644 $ 491,644 $ 412,000 $ 401,000 (25,292) $ 642,720 $ 642,720 422,679 60,000 (1,561) 484,240 $ 421,550 117,000 12,972 $ 525,578 $ 525,578 Arts Centre 75,000 0 0 75,000 $ 90,000 $ 90,000 $ 90,000 Total 1,885,633 60,000 - 171,366 2,1 16,999 $1,693,325 152,145 74,500 200,978 (40,994) $ 2,161,942 _L2,160,942 2005 Approved 2005 Tax Total Share Quarterly Grand BayNVestfield Base $ 209,806,301 3.59% 17,647 14,393 23,070 18,665 3,230 $ 77,205 $ 19,301 Quispamsis 724,947,550 12.40% 60,976 49,734 79,713 65,184 11,162 266,768 66,692 Rothesay 686,099,508 11.74% 57,708 47,068 75,441 61,691 10,564 252,473 63,118 Saint John 4,224,371,183 72.27% 355,313 289,805 464,497 379,838 65,043 1,554,496 388,624 Total $ 5,845,224,542 100.00% 491,644 401,000 642,720 525,578 90,000 $2,150,942 $537,736 2005 Approved 2004 Tax Total Share Quarterly Grand Bay/Westfield Base $ 196,224,400 3.58% 19,251 14,007 22,546 17,347 2,687 $ 75,838 $ 18,960 Quispamsis 645,060,400 11.78% 63,286 46,046 74,117 57,026 8,832 249,307 62,327 Rothesay 632,947,751 11.56% 62,098 45,181 72,725 55,955 8,666 244,626 61,156 Saint John 4,003,318,746 73.09% 392,760 285,766 459,976 353,911 54,814 1,547,228 386,807 Total $ 5,477,551,297 100.00% 537,395 391,000 629,364 484,240 75,000 $2,116,999 $529,250 GREATER SAINT JOHN REGIONAL FACILITIES COMMISSION General By -law No. 1 Amendment The Greater Saint John Regional Facilities Commission General By -law No. 1 is amended by deleting section 8.01 and replacing it with a new section 8.01 as follows: 8.01 The Commission shall meet in June of each year with the managing personnel of each of the Regional Facilities to review financial reports to May 31st of the current year. The Commission shall also meet with each of the Regional Facilities as often as needed in September /October of each year to approve each of their respective budgets. These meetings may be attended by whomever the particular Regional Facility designates as their representatives. 05gengov:reg.fac.by -lawl Amendment I Page 1 of GREATER SAINT JOHN REGIONAL FACILITIES COMMISSION General By -law No. 1 Amendment Motion carried unanimously. Dated at Grand Bay - Westfield this 21 day of September , 2005. Original signed (Grand Bay - Westfield) Original signed (Saint John) Original signed (Saint John) Original signed (Quispamsis) Original signed (Rothesay) 05gengov:reg.fac.by -lawl Amendment Page 2 of 2 4#or November 17, 2005 Mr. Pat Woods Common Clerk CITY OF SAINT JOHN P. 0. Box 1971 Saint John, NB E2L 41-1 .,ENTERPRISE SAINT JOHN 40 rue King Street Saint john, NB/N.-B. Canada E2L 1C3 T: 506 -658 -2877 1- 800 -561 -2877 F: 506 -658 -2872 i nfoCenterprisesj . com www.enterprisesj.com Dear Mr. Woods: This is a request for myself and our CEO, Mr. Steve Carson, to appear before Council to provide Council members with an economic update and a brief overview on a number of positive True Growth community initiatives. We look forward to your response. Yours truly, Dale Knox, Chairman DK:sa Grand Bay - Westfield • Quispamsis • Rothesay • St. Martins • Saint John Community Economic Development Agency • Agence de d6veloppement @conomique mmmunoutoire Planning Advisory Committee OPEN SESSION G. November 17, 2005 Your Worship and Councillors: P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2800 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E21, 4L IM City of Saint John SUBJECT: Subdivision Assent and Cash -in -lieu Land for Public Purposes 315 Norris Road and 43 Morrison Road The Planning Advisory Committee considered the attached report at its November 15, 2005 meeting. Mr. Richard Turner of Hughes Surveys and Consultants Inc. appeared before the Committee in support of the application and staff recommendation. There were also a couple of presentations made area residents concerning drainage and on -site servicing relating to this subdivision development. The applicant later responded to these questions raised by the residents. There was also a letter in support received from one resident (see attachments). After considering the report and presentations the Committee resolved to adopt the staff recommendation, which is set -out below for your convenience. The Committee also granted the requested lot width variances. RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council assent to the attached photo- reduced Shawn Doucette and Donald Morine Subdivision, including any necessary municipal services and public utility easements, as well as accept a cash -in -lieu Land for Public Purposes dedication for this subdivision development. Respectfully submitted, hilip Hovey Chairman MRO /m Attachments Planning and Development P.O. Box/C.P. 1971 Urbanisme et developpement Saint John, NB /N. -B. Canada E2L 4L1 www.saintjohn.ca DATE: NOVEMBER 10, 2005 TO: PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FOR: MEETING OF NOVEMBER 15, 2005 SUBJECT: P�Wmq ,ya„_�r. Planning Officer Name of Applicant: Hughes Surveys and Consultants Inc. Name of Owner: Shawn Doucette and Donald Morine Location: 315 Norris Road and 43 Morrison Road PID: 00326686,55100663 and 00421883 Municipal Plan: Unserviced Residential Zoning: "RS -1" One and Two Family Suburban Residential Proposal: To resubdivide three parcels of land in order to create five (5) unserviced residential lots. Type of Application: Subdivision and Variance that would reduce the minimum lot width requirement of 54 metres to approximately 53 metres and 20 metres. Shawn Doucette and Donald Morine Subdivision 315 Norris Road and 43 Morrison Road JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: Page 2 November 10, 2005 The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to advise Common Council concerning subdivision developments, including the assent of public easements and the acceptance of Land for Public Purposes dedications. The Act also authorizes the Committee to grant reasonable variances from the requirements of the Zoning By -law. Conditions can be imposed by the Committee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE: That Common Council assent to the attached photo- reduced Shawn Doucette and Donald Morine Subdivision, including any necessary municipal services and public utility easements, as well as accept a cash -in -lieu Land for Public Purposes dedication for this subdivision development. 2. That the Planning Advisory Committee grant a variance from the requirements of the Zoning By -law that would reduce the minimum lot width requirement of 54 metres to approximately 53 metres and 20 metres for proposed Lots 05 -06 & 05 -07 respectively. BACKGROUND: In 1994 the Planning Advisory Committee considered two subdivision applications by the previous landowner (Donald Galbraith) for the original subject property. The applicant was seeking to subdivide the property into a total of six (6) unserviced residential lots. Due to concerns expressed by the N.B. Department of Health only three (3) of these lots were approved (175 -225 Norris Road). The Developer provided the necessary cash -in -lieu Land for Public Purposes dedication for the previous subdivision development. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Municipal Operations and Engineering has no objection to the proposed subdivision. They have, however, expressed concern that proposed Lot 05 -05, which is adjacent to Lots 1 to 4 along Morrison Road, may have a problem with effluent from the existing septic disposal fields. These adjoining properties are rather small and there is little doubt that outfall from their systems is in the groundwater of this proposed new lot. Also, a stream from Douglas Lake crosses the property in the vicinity of Lot 05 -03, which will have to be properly protected from development. Shawn Doucette and Donald Morine Subdivision 315 Norris Road and 43 Morrison Road Building and Technical Services has no objection to this application. Page 3 November 10, 2005 Saint John Energy has indicated that overhead facilities are available along the public roads to service the proposed lots. Any costs associated with pole extension can be discussed with the Developer later. Aliant Telecom has existing overhead facilities along Norris Road and Morrison Road to service the proposed lots. Rogers has been advised of this application. Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline has no concerns with regards to this subdivision. Leisure Services has recommended a cash -in -lieu Land for Public Purposes dedication in similar subdivision applications. Fire Department has no objection to the proposed unserviced residential development. N.B. Department of Public Health and Wellness has received an application concerning this subdivision proposal. However, necessary test pits for percolation have not yet been supplied in order to complete their investigation. The applicant expects to resolve this matter shortly. N.B. Department of Environment and Local Government has been advised of this matter. ANALYSIS: The subject area is situated at the intersection of Norris Road and Morrison Road in East Saint John (see attached location map). The site consists of three parcels of land with frontage onto these mentioned public roads, as well as access to Douglas Lake at the rear. The proponents are seeking permission to resubdivide the property in order to create five (5) unserviced residential lots (see submitted tentative subdivision plan). Requested Lot Width Variances The area is zoned "RS -1" One and Two Family Suburban Residential. The Zoning By -law requires a minimum lot area of 4000 square metres (43,560 square feet), a minimum lot width of 54 metres (177 feet), and a minimum lot depth of 38 metres (125 feet) for one - family dwellings. The proposed lots can exceed these By -law requirements except for the requested widths of proposed Lots 05 -06 & 05 -07, which are technically 53 metres (167 feet) and 20 metres (66 feet) respectively. It should be noted that these lots widen to over 55 metres (180 feet) where the future homes would likely be constructed. In order to approve the proposed subdivision the Shawn Doucette and Donald Morine Subdivision 315 Norris Road and 43 Morrison Road Page 4 November 10, 2005 Planning Advisory Committee would have to grant the necessary width variances for these two lots. The dimensions of the proposed lots are consistent with the general area, and there is sufficient area to construct homes with on -site facilities. Therefore, approval of the requested lot width variances can be recommended. It should be noted that the proposed lots would abut developed public roads with adequate overhead utilities. As regulated by N.B. Department of Environment, no development will be permitted within 30 metres (100 feet) of Douglas Lake (unless a Watercourse Alteration permit is granted). Also, the proponents are aware that a stream from the lake runs over proposed Lot 05 -03 near the common property line with Lot 05 -04, and development is prohibited within 30 metres (100 feet) of this stream unless a permit from the NBDOE is obtained. In any event, there is sufficient area to accommodate the construction of the new dwellings while adhering to the mentioned Provincial setback, though a more ideal (central) building site will likely be sought. The Subdivision By -law requires that all unserviced residential lots be acceptable to the N.B. Department of Public Health with regards to on -site disposal systems. While an application has been submitted to this Department their investigation has not yet been completed. Therefore, the Development Offacer will not be able to provide tentative subdivision approval until such time that written confirmation is received from the Department of Public Health. Land for Public Purposes The Subdivision By -law requires a Land for Public Purposes dedication for the subdivision of land. In this particular case a cash -in -lieu dedication would be appropriate for proposed Lots 05 -03 to 05 -05. Such monies are used to acquire or develop public lands in the community. As noted in the Background section of this report, the original property had been previously subdivided and the necessary cash dedication was provided. No dedication for Lots 05 -06 & 05 -07 is required by the By -law. Approval of the proposed subdivision with the necessary approvals and assents is recommended. MRO /m Proimt No. 05 -330 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT / URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT RS -1 RS -1 Douglas Lake RS -1 PID(s) /NIP(s): Subject Site: site en question: 00326686 55100663 00421883 Location: 315 ch. Norris Rd. & 43 ch. Morrison Rd. Date: November 1 /novembre 1, 2005 Scale /echelle: 1:6000 m� m d 8 �{ BE min x $3F d n Sx°• I Y Sp IE i q Apo S I {z / a / a et! \ aov m z\ r O�� 1 Q i REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL q M & C - 2005 -346 e� November 16, 2005 a °� The City of Saint John Deputy Mayor Hooton and Councillors Re: Property Negotiations - Police Facility /Justice Complex PURPOSE The purpose of this letter is to seek the support of Council in giving the City Manager direction to engage professional expertise to prepare a Plan or Vision for the area of the community which has been identified as the location of a new police facility and justice complex. Specifically, the current site of the YM /YWCA and those lands bounded by Carleton, Hazen, Union and Peel Streets BACKGROUND In the summer of 2005 Common Council appointed a Committee to work with staff in an effort to assist in moving this project forward. The Committee members are Raymond French, John Rocca, Councillors Tait and Titus and myself. From our initial meeting it was always the Committee's intention to try to leverage the proposed investments by both the City and the Province into something much more. From the Committee's perspective it was important that a total public investment of as much as $40,000,000, coupled with the possibility of a new YM/YWCA building, should attract some private sector interest. With the recent Provincial announcement, it would appear as though Provincial staff will now be pursuing the detailed design of the Justice Building. As was indicated at the news conference, AD] Limited and Murdoch Boyd have been engaged as the architects. As for the Police facility, the Board of Police Commissioners has a long standing contract with DFS Report to Common Council Page 2 Architects to provide architectural services for the police station. Given this the Committee has reached a conclusion that a possibility exists that: "Without a proper plan or vision for the area there is a real danger that this significant public sector investment will do nothing more for the community than see the construction of two separate and distinct buildings on the site." The Committee believes, as do staff and those in the development business that the City should take a much more active role in laying out community expectations with respect to this area of our community and the two or possibly three new structures that are being contemplated. In particular the Committee is of the opinion that notwithstanding the fact that architects have been engaged by the proponents of the new structures, the City should seek expert advise with respect to the following questions - • Which, if any streets should be closed? • How would the new buildings be located on the proposed site(s) so as to gain maximum public exposure? • Should provisions be made to widen Union Street? • How can the parking requirements of these new structures be accommodated i.e. a separate parking structure or should each building be required to make its own provision? • How will the buildings be connected to the pedway system? • How will the new development interact with the Mercantile Center, the Red Rose Tea building or even Market Square? • Should there be linkages, either structural or visual to the current City Hall, Brunswick House, the NB Tel Tower or even Heritage Place? • What should the community expect with respect to an appropriate amount of green space? Where should it be located? • What role will public art play in the entire development? • Should public transit services be integrated into the entire development? How? • To what extent will these structures be identified as Icons for the uptown area? • What should the community expect in terms of design guidelines? • What possibilities exist for development along the entire length of Union from Saint Patrick Street to Coburg? Report to Common Council Page 3 TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE As indicated, the Provincial announcement has set a process in motion. If the City is to have any direct influence on the design, exact location, and orientation of this facility, the City must be able to articulate a vision or plan for the area sooner rather than later. To do otherwise will simply result in a lost opportunity. RECOMMENDATION As a result of these discussions, the Committee at its last meeting concluded it would be appropriate to make the following recommendation to Common Council. That Common Council give authority to the City Manager to engage a consultant to develop design criteria considerations and a conceptual plan for the area identified for a new justice building and police station and the surrounding area, The plan must be sensitive to the budget and time lines of both the City and the Province and shall deal with elements of pedway connections, traffic patterns, public art, parking and green space. And further, the authority provided to the City Manager be limited to $50,000 without having to seek further Council approval. Ily submitted Norm McFarlane Mayor 9 " Common Clerk's Office Bureau du greffier communal www.saintjohn.ca January 23, 2006 Ms. Theresa Ellefson Administrator Saint John Development Corporation P.O. Box 7200 Saint John, NB E21- 4S6 Dear Madam: P.O. Box /C.P. 1971 Saint John, NB /N. -B. Canada E2L 4L1 At a meeting of the Common Council, held on November 21, 2005, the following resolution was adopted, namely:- 'RESOLVED that Peter Zed be appointed to the Saint John Development Corporation (Saint John Port nominee) for a term of three years to November 15, 2008. Y urs truly,04� �\ Patrick Woods Common Clerk JPWlslc 9/1 Common Clerk's Office Bureau du greffier communal www. saintjohn. ca January 23, 2006 Mr. Jim Bezanson Secretary Preservation Review Board City of Saint John P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB E2L 4L1 Dear Sir: P.O. Box /C.P. 1971 Saint John, NB /N. -B. Canada E21, 4L1 At a meeting of the Common Council, held on November 21, 2005, the following resolution was adopted, namely:- "RESOLVED that Greg Patterson be re- appointed to the Preservation Review Board for a term of 3 years to November 30, 2008." Yours truly, J. Patrick Woods Common Clerk JPW /slc C 4e Mayor & Council City Hall PO Box 1971 Saint John, NB E2L 2B7 November 4, 2005 SAINT JOHN LABATT TROJANS RFC P.O. BOX 6531 - STATION A - SAINT JOHN, NB - E2L 4R9 Dear Mayor & Councilors, I am writing this letter, on behalf of the Saint John Trojans Rugby Football Club, to show support for building and enhancing our recreational facilities here in Saint John. More specifically, the addition of an artificial turf field here in our city would be a huge benefit to not just the sporting community but to all of our citizens. Currently with our local weather conditions, fields are constantly being closed, hence the cancellation and re- scheduling of local sporting events. Also, depending on the weather in the spring sometimes there is a delay just getting on the fields. An artificial turf field would eliminate all of these problems because no matter what the weather conditions, the turf field could be used. Worse case scenario, the prep to have it ready would be very minimal. Also, it would only make sense to have this facility under lights in order to maximize the use by sporting teams and citizens. It is true that the up front cost would be significant, but one only needs to look at the long term in order to see the cost savings and benefits it would give to our great city. Annual maintenance costs on the turf field would be dramatically lower and more sports teams could use the field without the worry of ever ripping up the surface. This new facility would certainly be an advantage in attracting major sporting events to our city, which now go to cities like Moncton and Halifax. This would be a shot in the arm for local businesses. The Saint John Trojans compete in the Aliant Atlantic Premiere Rugby League, which is comprised of the very best rugby clubs in all of Atlantic Canada. To have the ability to host our home matches at such a facility would be such a showcase for our club, city, and league! I'm confident that would lead to even bigger things, such as Rugby Canada showing interest in hosting an International match here in the Port City. This very event was very successfully done 14 years ago at Canada Games Stadium when Canada beat Scotland. These big games could be much more frequent if Rugby Canada knew we had an artificial turf facility always ready to play on. Even more important than just sports headlines, building quality recreation facilities gives the youth of our community a place to play, be physically active, and socialize. It helps keep youth off the streets, out of trouble, and physical activity is preventative health care, meaning projects like this can help contribute to the heath and well being of our children. Moncton and Halifax both have artificial turf complexes. If Saint John does not act soon we will only fall farther behind. I strongly believe this project is absolutely necessary for positive growth in Saint John. It will affect our city in so many constructive ways outside of just the "sporting arena ". Your In R by, Peter Fitzgerald President Saint John Trojans Rugby Football Club RITCHIE'S DISCOUNT WAREHOUSE LTD, Mayor and Council City of Saint John Your Worship and Councillors, 715 ROTHESAY AVE. SAINT JOHN, N.B. E211 2G9 Ritchie's Carpet Warehouse Ltd. located at 715 Rothesay Avenue, Saint John submit this letter for your consideration and assistance in the installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Rothesay Ave., Broadway Ave and the new entrance to our proposed development and expansion. (PID. # 55074355 & PID # 298232 ( lands adjacent 715 Rothesay Avenue ) . Ritchie's Carpet Warehouse has operated out of the current location for some 40 years. Increased volume and consistent growth has placed Ritchie's in the position to expand and renew its operations. In addition to the construction of a new 34,000 square foot retail warehouse facility scheduled for the spring of 2006 a renewed opportunity for the adjacent property is presented. This proposed development will create new significant employment opportunities for the City of Saint John. With the increased growth of the retail sector in East Saint John, Rothesay Avenue has seen an identified substancial increase in traffic volume. While the traffic counts have increased speed coming down off the highway has not been reduced. In recent discussions with Jim Baird MCIP ( Commissioner of Planning ) and Burt Steeves P. Eng. ( Manager of Urban and Traffic Services ) both are in agreement that traffic signals at the intersection of Rothesay Avenue and Broadway Avenue and the relocation of our entrance would be a positive response to the current situation and help to address all of our concerns for safety. In an effort to increase the safety of employees and customers Ritchie's have gone to considerable expense with this initiative through a site analysis and the relocation of our entrance directly across from Broadway Avenue. Mr. Baird and Mr. Steeves concur with our analysis and agree that the installation of traffic signals will achieve desirable results for vehicles entering and exiting, Glen Falls, the Ritchie development and indirectly St Ann's Church. Traffic signals in this location complement the neighbourhood and are consistent with good planning practice. To date Ritchie's have engaged the services of a traffic engineer ( +/- $5000.00) (ADI Limited) upon the advice of city staff to design the intersection and specify equipment to City of Saint John standards. The entrance has been relocated to a location further west of the existing entrance and directly across from Broadway Avenue, a main thoroughfare to Glen Falls. Subsequent to the preparation of the design documents the equipment has been tendered and we are now in receipt of the tender submissions. (Total supply and installation costs including the underground are in the order of $45,000). We have been advised but have not yet confirmed the particulars of other agreements with the city supplying and installing similar equipment to assist other developments particularly on Rothesay Avenue and Westmorland Road . Considering these precedence Mr. Baird and Mr. Steeves have both suggested that we make application to council for consideration. Our purpose then in writing is threefold; * To bring to your attention our concern for safety Our position that while we have shown our good will in preparing and paying for the design and tendering of equipment of the traffic signals, we are not prepared to finance completely what we see as a city responsibility. We respectfully request the city contribute a reasonable share of the costs, which we are prepared to discuss. * Precedence has been set by the city paying for and installing traffic signals on initiatives of new business's (who have not contributed to our tax base for the last 40 years) competing in similar markets in areas where safety is less at risk. In closing we are available to meet with city staff to discuss this further. We would appreciate a timely response as we anticipate the relocation of our entrance completion this fall in preparation for an early spring start construction. Thank -you in advance for your consideration. Respectfully submitted, Daryl Ritchie President Ritchie's Carpet Warehouse Conservation Council of New Brunswick . Conseil de la conservation du Nouveau- Brunswick P.O. Box 24056 RPO Lancaster Saint John N.B. E2B7 5R8 People for Environmental Responsibility L'environnement, ga nous.regarde! November,8, 2005 Mayor and Council City of Saint John Dear Mayor and Councils We have learned the prefered route for Maritimes & NortheastIs proposed natural gas.export.pipeline from the .Irving LNG facility `. to the American border will run thru the middle of Rockwood Park. .Rockwood Park is a.treasure' and Saint John is extremely blessed to have such a large nature park within walking distance of the central core of the. city. Few, cities anywhere have a park.of this size and quality: Rockwood park'must not be disturbed or turned into.a route for further industrial energy corridors.:The park must be kept in its` natural state for the species who inhabit.. it and the public. who. use and enjoy it: We request that the city of Saint John refuse to sign any option agreement or give permission of any kind for this natural gas, pipeline to pass thru.Rockwood Park. Sn 1y YES D David H. Thompson Saint John Director Phone 506- 635 =1297 . UN Global _500 Kii!! of Honour /�eurerUe V1vlf /�eureal du Club global .506 tle PfJNU pope �/ I► OVA 1 m e W64 _I ' i Mayor and Members of Council, As this is the "Year of the Ver here in Saint John we need to recognize them, and I ask that we change Water Street to Veteran's Drive. This is a step in the right direction when you look at the number of our people who shipped out of here in the I" and 2 "d World War and Water Street fronting the Port where they left. I ask that we make this change right away. I would like to speak at the next Council meeting please re this. Thank you, Dr. Elsie Wayne November 8, 2005 Rodney McGrath 32 Midwood Ave. Saint7ohn,N.S. E2P1K6 Attention Mayor, Common Council: I am writing to request 15 minutes at the next common council to show some of my format presentation to the Mayor and Common Councilors. My presentation is on Labor Cost, Workforce shrinkage, the markets, And projects of Theme Parks. Thank you for the time and consideration Rodney M ath (506) 696 -8505 2 a�' 4 -* Zkw ti o� c� h ° O � km 3� Y � �Q V 63 Imo' cn, cu I� �>z H t � � e E5 g 3 I� 14 2 April 22, 2005 Mr. Arthur irving Mr. Rodney McGrath 32 Midwood Avenue Saint John, NB E21? 1K6 (506) 696 -8505 Dear Mr. Irving: I am writing to request an urgent meeting for I hour to review with you my format presentation. The Honourable Norman McFarlane does not have any business experience in Job creation. Enterprise Saint John has failed with job spin offs. The Deputy Mayor and common Councillors did not know about the meeting in November 2004 with the Mayor and me. Communication is one of there biggest problems that exist in every aspects of all departments in the city. Rodney's Reforming Strategy will correct the problems and with your help we can pull together and pull our people out of bondage. There is a market for recipes of tires for our roads. Recycling of forestry products plant at the old dry dock is an option that we need to consider. Thank you for yours time and concern Mr. Rodney McGrath Out of Control Costs There is no dream that ;o impossible!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Th °re is no dream that can be undone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Government wages and inflation has to come down in order for the organizations, management, banks, City of Saint John, and the University of New Brunswick. Out of Control costs will follow the downward trend. Negative, Negative is not in my line of work. Businesses and markets will increase rapidly and will increase my line of work. Productivity and positive measures will give businesses the boost they need. Out of Control Costs to be reduced Cost of Living People living beyond their means Medicine Property Tax Too many wants and not enough needs Support farmers and animals Insurance Business Tax Markets Food Restaurants Hydro Telephone Cable Parts Tourism Government Wages Parts for Houses Water and Sewerage Motor Mechanic from $65.00/hr to $12.00/hr Government leaving small businesses alone Docking ships in port Mortgages Contractors Building materials Buying a Car Gas Prices Student loans tuition fees keeping families together get rid of the HST "Canada cannot compete across the world" Canada cannot compete in the export market because of the control and they cannot get the world market... "Our productivity is not there." 6Vhy„ If the government at all levels had done this years ago and froze everything this would not have happened, but we all became greedy and that's why the levels of government are going in circles. NO WAY! NO WAY! YES! YES! YES! You the people are being misled and used "I Rodney McGrath" will now have you and others to help me to turn the city in the right direction. Wake Up Call Attention: To all businesses, organizations, management, banks, City of Saint John and the University of New Brunswick. I am letting you know that I already had a meeting with Honorable NormMcFarlane for 1 '/2 hours. Rodney's reforming Strategy of everyone together to turn the city back to work. The Government system has been passed on to the new government. The workers have been trained by the old system and nothing changes. What is happening with the governments and workers have overloaded the system. 1 have already sent a letter to the Honorable Bernard Lord and his secretary Murphy Picard telling them about my wake up call and my reforming strategy. I am now waiting for the Board of Trade and give them my presentation. I need everyone's support because I am only one person and I also received a letter from the Irving family and they are helping me make our city and save our economy and put the city back on track, the high wages and overhead costs are out of control and they must come down. The cost of everything we use on a daily basis and aI the costs associated with our land and our homes. This is what it's all about with positive. Negative is not in my line of work. You people wanted jobs, my objective is turning the old dry dock into a recycling plant for tones of lumber from processed wood and stop lumber from heading into the dump and recycled tires. The other job is taking 65 pipes of our ocean floor. The Jamaica research has the best filtration system and they don't pollute the ocean floor. My meetings are to progress quickly and no dilly dallying around and not wasting time getting things done with all the red tape and all this negativity. Motivation is getting the governments to work together with the poorer people and not just with the rich and powerful. We discussed Rodney's theme park, pictures the hard work and progress of waterfalls, to build Mohawk Mountain, pirate ship, castle, shoe house, two hundred tires, palm tries, bridge, pumpkin house, uceking, sheriff wood, forest overhang walkways and works department too use recycled culvert pipes in half. To extend palm trees from the street lights on Red Head to Midwood Avenue entrance. Red Head is famous for the smell of beautiful roses. The city does not need a new police station, the owner needs his property tax reduced in order for the lease to come down and the rest of the departments when there contracts run out plain and simple to bring down cities cost. We talked about Murphyville here in town and tiny town at Baxter's Corner and I showed pictures of them. The city does not need all bad news about the city all the time and travelers across Canada and the U.S.A. won't travel here if it is bad reports all the time. The city and businesses need too be reconstructed and fast. The businesses are losing revenue in this city. The city will be bankrupt by 2008 Enterprise Saint John was well in support of Rodney's Reforming strategy of 2 hours and reviewed my format presentation and pictures. Large organizations are loosing their jobs and labour costs are rising and businesses do not have breathing room. Too learn how the Amish people live and how they are functioning as a unit working together and they are involved with tourism. The Banks are not sure what to do with all the house that are abandoned because the owners cannot pay the mortgages and the taxes are too high. The people and students don't know what is really happening around them. Jobs are list because of everything is out of control. Overhead costs and the government is causnig the inflation. What the meeting is about Port- reducing the labour costs, ol7erhead and reduces the cost to dock the ships and increase the markets. Wind turbines and people that have wind power and the government will let you know how high the towers are and where to put them. Using the rotor from your vehicle acting like a plate to get your alternator on top, storage battery, generator and converter and have a licensed electrician. Mayor, Deputy Mayor, and the common council, works department, and wages need to be rolled back to build up the finances department, and manager's wages need to roll back too. I let the Mayor know there are 28 dump sites or may be more and concrete blocks, railroad ties, telephone posts, metal, lumber, oil, gas, soil, recyclable material and use your head and common sense. Engineers do not know how to use recycle materials on certain things to save costs and learn to use the resources we have. Mayor and I talked about wind wheels on wells and pumps of cost saving. Fort Howe we talked about it and I let him know to disconnect the power and replacement that hydro and use the funds towards the water and sewage to bring their costs down. Take the old culvert pipes and cut them in to make tree planters. 1< > i Y i 1 ti f , Ib 4�a _ s i I i Q AF 1j N z i t e•, ti �- r A 1 e 'r -•� �f -•� �f i! 146, •� w� ',{l 00 e j�.: z r> OIL d L. s k d f Of I qO Or �- .. s{�.� 4 }y► y d j Or a ix • 1 ' F i Or y� .r ; eir ASENIORS' RESOURCE CENTRE 10 OFFICE: 633 -8781, INFORMATION - MESSAGE: 633 -8787 Wednesday, November 9, 2005 Mayor Norm McFarlane and Council City of Saint John P.O. Box 1971 Saint John NB E21, 5A1 Dear Worship and Council: The Seniors' Resource Centre would like to thank you and Council for their very generous and continued support. We are constantly working within a limited budget and our funding sources are always and forever concerned with the needs of the Centre and the thousands of Seniors looking for the services we provide. You are to be congratulated on your decision to assist the Seniors' Resource Centre and are encouraged to visit the Centre and allow us to satisfy or answer all your questions. Thank you again for your very generous donation. Please convey our appreciation to your members and suggest that they spread the word regarding our ongoing need for new members. Sincerely, Don Shaw ecretary Seniors' Resource Centre DS /je BRUNSWICK SQUARE, LEVEL III, 39 KING STREET, SAINT JOHN. N.B. E21, 4W3 To the Mayor and Common Council of the city of Saint John of New Brunswick This is an open letter to you the mayor and common council of Saint John to explain how \` your decision of Novembers 7h/05 to expropriate land that I own in Red Head. As most of you are new on common council I feel that you may not be aware of certain facts prior to making your decision on how this will effect me personally and financially and I will try to explain. FACTS 1— The land is listed as PID 336701 and is found between two other properties owned by the provincial government of NB in the McAllister Subdivision Plan of 1972 (pid 00424564 & 00420422 ) . This clearly indicates that this land has a potential of an I 1 to 4 zoning rating and a potential to someday be part of the McAllister Industrial Park Subdivision as laid out in 1972. This can also be verified by a letter that I have from Industrial Park Saint John stating such ! 2 — In August 1998 I asked for the same thing of common council that you are asking of me today and that was a right of way to access my land in the McAllister Park so as to haul gravel from my land. The outright rejection by the province and IPSJ caused me to loose the sale of a valuable and much needed resource here in Saint John . I find it very distasteful to watch over the last decade the hundreds of thousands of yards of gravel and top soil leaving this industrial park and that I am not permitted the same considerations . 3 - At the open house that the city held the representatives of the city were unable to tell me if I would have access to my land off this new road . If this is true then I will have land that I can not get legal access to and that the gravel resource is again held captive by legal restrictions placed upon it by the city _ 4 - In 2003 NB Power set about to do the same thing you are now trying to do to the land owners of Red Head for the same Irving Oil Ltd. It was discovered that hying Oil Ltd was going to own and operate the Orimulsion line from Canaport to the refinery and that they then needed a three hundred and fifty foot right of way through our community. Fortunate for us land owners the Orimulsion deal fell through! 5 - In the past I have tried to sell to the province and the city of Saint John this land all but a few acres on the Red Head Road side but the buyer side was not interested in paying fair market values . When asked how they arrived at their figures it was clearly shown that they had not considered that this land is best suited to be part of the McAllister Industrial Park and the hidden values of the gravel it contain. There are many more reasons you the common council of today should consider in making your final approval on this matter and I am willing to talk more on this if you wish it. S Dennis Griffin of 865 Red Head Road ph 633 8223 10 HORST SAUERTEIG `58l4e<k41 A-wc 'Ntuo Mi %.N.B EZK 2C'4; �,(aue t5f)r:� 5iA -133b, nwttwSF �xue[tuuaYiFstln}x�tiov ur November 15, 2005 To Mayor Norm McFarlane and Councillors of the City of Saint John Re.: Request to reconsider my letter of October 4, 2005 Your Worship and Councillors, A Notice dated October 31, 2005 from the Common Clerk, Mr. J. Patrick Woods, informed me that the above letter has been referred to the Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission (FRSWC). This decision seems illogical to me. I make in the letter three suggestions; 1) That the city's website should be revised 2) That the City Manager should elaborate on a letter to the FRSWC, and 3) That the Administrator of the Lancaster Lagoon should report on its siltation All three suggestions do require responses and/or actions from City staff and not from the FRSWC, as I explain in the following: 1) I understand that the City has contracted out the maintenance of its website, and I had expected that with all the talk about accessible and transparent management a citizen's report on communication deficiencies with City Hall would be acted upon. 2) I had also expected the City Manager to state if his letter to the FRSWC contained a proviso recognizing the Clean Environment Act and all Legislation flowing out it as well as limits to the liabilities which the City will accept by agreeing to receive untreated leachate for the next 73 years. To give an example: I have learned that the City accepts leachate with a BOD level exceeding the lagoon's limit if the FRSWC pays a premium. Does this disturbing arrangement remain in force for the next 73 years? 3) I am concerned with the continuing unchecked accumulation of sludge in the lagoon and had suggested that Common Council should request a report about this situation and what remedies other that digging around the edges are under way or are planned. Where Common Council will discuss in detail a variance to add a few feet to the garage of a homeowner, on matters of potentially large financial liabilities for the City it refers a letter dealing with this matter to the wrong address instead of considering it and possibly asking the relevant City staff for input. I submit that this decision of Common Council is not in the best interest of the City's taxpayers and I request that you reconsider it. Sincerely, LVO ev& Mayor and Council °L City of Saint John. N.B. C/o Common Clerk If the city is serious about recycling we must have recycling bins in tlx South End and \ uptown area. The old sugar refinery parking lot site is not visible and not as aPPrWFnte location Many people have stopped reoycrI8, not comfortable going to the present location as you have to cross a busy highway, Broad Street. and proceed a quarter of a mil e to reach the recycling bins. la sevmal other locations in Saint John there are two or more rm7ciing sites. They ate in business, shopping, and residential arras which the public visits daily. We the South End are the walking public, recycxng bins should be located conveniently for the taxpayers who walk dally. Recycling saves the city money. The boundary of uptown and the South End is fiiom Broadview Ave., to City Road and from Crown St. to WaW St., the penhzula 13 very large, bins_ should be accessible to all areas. Take recycling "serious" or forget about us recycling. . Sincerely disgusted Whh lack of interest in uptown and South End. , Y e IAIs Mayor and Council City of Saint John. N.B. Clo Common Cleric If the sty is serious about recycling we must have t=cycIiag bins in the South End and uptown are:. lot site is not visible and not as � loCRtlon. 'The old sugar have stopped p ed ing not comfortable Spin$ to ibe � location as �y people !rave stopped quarter of a mile to reach you have to cross a busy highway, Broad Su=et. and proceed a 46 1 the recycling bins. In several other locations in Saint John thee= are two or more recpcling sites. They are in arras which the public visits datiIy. We in the South businesst shopping, and lr ,j,-y al bins should be located �y for the End are the walking pubitc,1'aY�B taxpayers who walk daily. Recycft saves the soli! mot '• . and the South End is from Broadview Ave., to City Road and The boundary ofvpto t rge should be accesst'ble to all $ om Crown St. *.o astir St, the peninsula is vets ..... o .. cling "serious° or forget about is recycag. ' areas. Take ,. o3 r 3'incereiy disgusted whit lack of in== in uptown and SouM Ead. r Mayor and Council City of Saint John. N \B. Go Common Clerk A!I � If the city is serious about recYcling we must have recycling bins in the South End =d uptown arcs. 1 .1\\ .. ., ..• you have to cross busy I the recycling bins. In several other locations in Saint John there ate two or more recycitng sites. They are in business. shopping, and residential, areas winch the public visits daily. We is the South End are the waMing public, recycling bias should be located conveniently for the taxpayers who walk daily. R=YcEq saves the taffy money. The boundary of uptown and the South End is from Broadview Ave., to City Road and from Crown St to Water St., the peamsnia Is very Iatge� bins should be accesable to all areas. Take recs►cling "serious" or forget about us, rtcyrrng. Sincerely disgusted `with lack of interest in uptown and South Ead. \ n VI 2 �7 �,j 1( G ,5aL rel6 11 / 10 -� Mayor and Council City of Saint John. N.B. C/o Common Clerk Ifthe city is serious about recycling'we rnust have recycling bins in the South End and uptown aren orhe old sugu refinery parking lot site is not visible and not 211 appropriate lo=orL Many people have stopped recyding, not comfortable going to the present location as gre.IrrmawtT 9 11 * I F :: - :mdmu=daquanerofamHeto=ch -IDIPW V A-FV In several other locations in Saint john th= are two or mom recycling sites. They are *111 businem shoppffig, and residential arws which the public visits daily. We in the South 0 End are the wallcing public, recycling bins should be lo� cnnvemently for the wxpayers who walk daily, RwIcling saves the C.ftY MMLW 11= boundary ofuptown and the South End is ftm Bmadview Ave, to City Road and is IV 11 bins be accessible to all �,&m Crown SL to Wa= St, the peninsula UY IRrgCo 0 in c�rm Take recychng *seri=7 Or Irset about us".. tZincerely &gusmd v.*h lwk of interest in uptown, and Son& ED& 14 Al A 544��t to&~ . & 5-7� 1 � 1 V' f7um top 644�k-l% OtV a�4 ell Mayor and Council City of Saint John. N.B. CJo Common Cleric If the city is serious about recycling we must have recycling bins in the South End and uptown area. . lot site is not vistble and not an � lo=tion. The old sugar refinery parkin8 location as Many people have stopped recycling, not comfortable going to the t present mile to reach you have to cross a busy highway Broad Streeto and proceed a quart the recycling bins. In several other locations is Saint John there are t" or more recycling sits- They are in business. shopping, and residential atlas which the public visits dally. We in the South End are the walking public, recycling bits should be located conveniently for the taxpayers who walls daily. Recycling saves the �Y money The boundary of uptown and the South End is firma Broadview Ave.+ to Chy Road and from Crown SL to Water St., the peninsula is very large, bin should be accessible to all areas. Take recycling_ 'serious" or forget about us � , with Lack of utterest is uptown and South End. = Sincerely disgusted �- Y Mayor and Council City of Saint John. N.B. C/o Common Cleric If the city is serious about recycling we must have recycling bins in the South End and uptown arcs. The old sugar refinery parking lot site is not virile and not an appropriate location. Many people have stopped recycling, not comfortable going to the present location as you have to cross a busy highway, Broad Streit. and proceed a quarter of a mile to reach the recycling bins. In several other locations in Saint John theca are tsvo ar more recycling sites. They are in business. shopping, and rwidentiai arras which the public visits dairy. We is the South End are the walking public, recycling bins should be located coavenicutly for the taxpayers who walk daily. Recycfing saves the c y rnoruq . b m-ia7 nf mtnwn and the South End is from Broadview Ave., to Oty Road and from Crown St. to Water St., the peninsula is very large, bias should be'Acarsible to W an ,. arras. Take s�ecycitag "serious or forget about us >zcyciiag- S'utcarily disgusted with hack of interest in uptowamand Song End. Y : C C,1: C_, /�- �'L€L.� —.. � l ✓/LCr2G'c'. ���cic3r c'• ' Cy /LC1 �(CLI� /(d,C'� P f -C'/ (/ / -C, j 13 Mayor and Council City of Saint John. N.B. Clo Common Cleric :1 7 If the city is serious about recycling we must have recycling bins in the South End and uptown are:tt. _ The old sugar refinery pig lot site is not visible and not an appropriate loc don. Many people have stopped recycling, not comfortable going to the present location as you have to cross a busy highway, Broad Street. and proceed a quarter of a, mire to reach the recycling bins. In several other locations in Saint John then sm me or more M,7cimg sites- They are in businem shopping, and residential atlas which the public visits dairy. We is the South End are the walking public, recycling bins should be locaped =venicudy for the mgnyas who walk daily. B Ycft saves fire CRY taottey. a The boundary of uptown and the South End is from Broadview Ave., to City Road and $om Crown SL to Water SL, ritep�a Is �ety � b� should be accessible to all areas. Take =,=frog "serious" or forpt about us tecyclmg. ;. =: . Sincerely disgusted with lark of'interest is uptown and South lino. _ JY Mayor and Council City of Saint John. N.B. CJo Common Clerk If the city is serious about recycling we must have roc5'gT South End and uptown arcs. The old sugar refinery parking lot site is not visible and not an VPMrate location. Many people have stopped recycling, not comfortable going to the Pint location as you have to cross a bury highway, Broad Street. and Proceed a quarter of a mile to reach the mcyeIing bins. In several other IH \ 11. . .1 . 11 ... _ 1 • 11 r 1 1 Eft 1 • bins 1 \ 1 / be • V:11e• =veniently for 1 Ave. tCIty Ilie boundary of uptown :If • the South End is f \III Broad Road and view 1 • / • • 1 ,. •1 •1, ":• •. i.. { /11 1 1. 1 • I .111• I U11 LI 621, aG4 Mayor and Council City of Saint John. N.B. Clo Common Cleric Irthe city is serious about recycling we must have in$ bins in the South End and uptown area. sum my parking lot site is not v;sibie and not ass appropriate location as The old refin to the present Many people have stopped recycling, not comfortable Boma of a snil e to roc' you have to cross a busy highway, Broad Street. and Pro=d a 4 the recycling bins. In several other locations Saint John the: asz tm or more Itxyc�g Sit= are in i the South business. shopping, and residential Z=s which the public visits daily. We is End are the wandng public, xgcling bias should be located convenicady for the taxpayers who walls daily. R=Ycrmg saves the '*Y.MOMO The boundary of uptown and the South End is fromBmadview Ave., to City Road and from Crown SL m Wamr St., the Peamsnla is vest' � Tz>izs should 'ble to al areas. Take reo:xling "serious" or forget about tts & and South End. S'sntzz?y disgusted astir lack of interest in llptovva - �. 1)N U 1, tii Td L /LJ- qL�Z A/` 0-1 OJA it r Mayor and Council City of Saint John. N.B Clo Compton Cleric iin e must have recycling inns in thr South End and If the city is serious about rec}'c w g uptown arcs. lot site is not vin le and not as � lo=tion. The old sugar refinery a a stopped pig not comfortable gotag to the Prt seas location as M�►Y people have stopped recYB, quarter of a mile to reach you have to cross a busy highwaY� Broad Streit. and proceed a the recycling bins In several other locations in Saint John thers are t= or mare rec7enng We in s they are in businem sho and resid=tW assns which the public visits dairy. End are � ,�ng pubitc, �,� *� should be iocaied caaveaicrtlY for the taxpayers who wails daily. RecYCIIIIS saver the CftY t =7O The boundary of uptown stirs the South End is fivm Emadview Ave., to City Road and from Crown St.10 water St., the peamswa is very 1=99 �_ s� � act�st3le to all are ac. . Take t=ycas "Serious" or forget about us *7BIgs ' south Ends nce sty disc usted With lack of trste:�t in uptowa md Si y ° r and Council 'Saint John. N.B. immon Cleric ity is serious about recycling we must hav area. Uvlaai (n Amoutalaa sugar refinery parking lot site is not visit �ft�imaln. rx(11C'�ieitr.: ecple have stopped recyclIng, not com& Wr vem a„ Cr l a to cross a busy hiOwaY= Broad Strmt. f A cling bins. 506% 01 -1171 y other locations 'in Saint Join ttieSZ $L• �,_ z. shopping, and residential arras which tlb � -- .,..� . w the walking public, n=ycrmg bi= s1w taxpayers who walk daisy. Recycung saves the , � 1 f The boundary of uptown and the South End is fist svrn crown St. to water St., the penhmtiIa its vets` - areas. Take recycling "serious or forget about Sincerely disgusted with lack of Interest in Paz a�- Mayor and Council City of Saint John. N,B, C/o Common Cleric lve'VY1613� If the city is serious about recycling we must have r=ycling bins in the South End and uptown areas. The old sugar refinery pmking lot site is not visible and not an appropriate locuion. Many people have stopped recydhlg, not comfortable going to the present location as you have to cross a busy highway, Broad St. and proceed a quarter of a mile to mach mach reet the recycling bins. ; In several other locations in Saint Join the = two or more rcgcbg sitar- They are in business, shopping, and rssideatial arras which the Public visits daily. We in the South End are the walking public, rccyc&g bins should be located cm venic tly for the wxpayers who walls dally, RWjcrM9 saves the y::r MOW The boundary of uptown and the South End is from Broadview Ave., to City Road and from Crown SL !D Water St., the peninsula is vaY WV, bias should be scce mole to all areas. Take reevciing % serious" or forget about US .Tic . 4 Sincerely disgusted whit lack Of'iutterest in upiowtt nerd South End. -- y I. Paz aa7 of � Mayor and Council City of Saint John. N,13 CIo Common Cleric If the city is serious about recycling we must have =YcHng bans in the South End and uptown area. _The old sugar refinery parking lot site is not visible and not an apprcprL lotion ga Many people have stopped rcgc mg, not comfortable going to the present location as you have to cross a busy highway, Broad Street. and proceed a quarter of a mile to reach the recycling bins. ` In several other locations in Saint John there are two or more r�yc $ 'The} are it d restderrt4ai auras which the public visits daily. We in the South Ber ne sho6 0 W. as , v for the End are the waUdng public, recgefia& bins should be c =venientl, taxpayers who wails day. Aecycring saves the taffy mQnt e The boundary of uptown and the South End is fmm Broadview Ave., to City Road and from Crown St. to Water St., the peninsula is ' bias should be %le to all areas. Take recycling " serious" ar forget about usuttcyciiag. Sincerely disgusted with back Of interest in uptown attd south End ke �t f W o0 ct /I C t �LC2 (q'1(//�[1f �? / /�' WC CA I (1 010 �v Mayor and Council City of Saint John. N.B. Clo Compton Clerk If the city is serious about recyeling we must have recycling bins m the South End and uptown ar=L The old Sugar refinery parking lot site is not visible and not =appropriate locution. Mazy people have stopped rccycrm& not comfortable goiag to the present location as you have to cross a busy highway, Broad Street. and procttd a auater of a mile to reach the recycrng bins. In several other locations in Saint John there are two or more tscycring sits- TbeY are businem shopping, =d: =id` -'loll =as Which the public visits daily. We in the South End are the waWng public, recycling bins should be l =weui�ly {tr!fie taxpayers who walk dally. Regcring saves the City MOM70 The boundary of uptown and the South End is fNm Hivedview Ave., to City Road and from Crown Ste to avatar St., the Pia is verq iarga, bim should be a=zdble to all areas. Take recycling "serious" or forget about Us,* Saceiziy disgusted with .lwk of interest in uptown and South End. i. d OI fi/O re 1 &A4- 1_� r S ci %7r�� /'} �s �aL Mayor and Council �:rrf �y City of Saint John. N.B. Clo Common Cleric If the city is serious about recycling we must have recycling bins in the South End and uptown ar=L The old sugar refinery parking lot site is not visible and not an app10Pnate location. Many people have stopped recycling, not comfortable going to the preseat location as you have to cross a busy highway, Broad Strt r» and proceed a quarter of a mile to rttcn the recycling bins. ' In several other iocadons in Saint John there are iwo or more recycling sites. They are in business. shopping, and residential areas Which the public visits datgy. We in the South End are the wamnz public, recycrmg bins should be located conveniently for the taxpayers who wails daily. Aecycl n$ saves the City MwV. The boundary of uptown and the F4uth End is f m Broadview Ave., to City Road and peamsula is very Iargr, l Ons should be accessible to all from Crown SL to Water SL, the , areas. Take recyciing " serious" ar forget about ns.rzcyclia& S'tncr zly disgusted with, lack of interest in uptown =d South End. .l . Mayor and Council City of Saint John. N.B C/o Common Cleric If the city is serious about recycling we must have tzcycling bins in the South End a^,d uptown arcs. The old sugar refinery parking lot site not vimlle 11 • .. .1• appropriate Many people have mpped mvfcfin& not comfortable • •• Present locadon • . • • « • Lu see: era, other ic�cns ir: Saint John their are two or more recpciutg sites. They are u business. shopping, and residratial areas which the P� visits �y We in the South End are the walking public, recycling bins should be located conveniently for the taxpayers who walk daily. Recycling saves the sdiy mosey. The boundary of uptown and the South End is . ioro Broadview Ave., to City Road and from Crown SL to Water St., the peninsula is VM7 large, ns should be =essi'ble to all areas. Take recycling " serious" or forget about usyzecycnng. Sincerely disgusted wirh lark of int=t m uptown and Souris End. 1 ' e. � Jk-Le AU kca at,v� � « �b P Mayor and Council City of Saint John. N.B. Go Common Cleric %v lithe city is serious about recycling we m= have recycling bins to the South End and uptown area The old sugar refinery parir� lot site is not Many people have stopped =cycling� not comfortable 90mog to the .resent location as In several other locations in Saint John the:^- ate tm ar more recycling sites. They are i1 businem shopping, and residential arras which the public visits daily. We in the South End are the wandng public, tm7ciing bins should be located c;oavesicrztiy for the taxpayers who walk daily. Recycling saves the ChY �.. . The boundary of uptown and the South End is from Broadview Ave., to City Road and from Crown St. W Water St., the permsula is very b biro should be acxsst'ble to aL' areas. Take recycling " serious" Or forget about us ztcycl'iag- S*ncetLy disgusted with lack Of lm=t in uptown and South End. �1Ct2G�l��fi C •� C9- �eIU..: t' ,3L.a LOYALIST ZONE New Brunswick SENIOR CITIZEN'S FEDERATION P. O. Box 6446, Station A, Saint John, NB, E2L 4R8 U . I Phone (506) 632 -0096 Fax (506) 634 -7423 November 17, 2005 Common Council City of Saint John P. O. Box 1971 Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 4L1 Your Worship and Councillors: Re: Seniors Advisory Committee The Common Council on February 12, 2001 approved the establishment of a Seniors Advisory Committee. On April 2, 2001, 14 members were appointed to the Committee. The objectives of the Committee are as follows: 1. To bring to Council matters concerning the quality of life of senior citizens, which have been identified by the Committee, that require action by the Municipality. 2. To advise Council on any maters concerning seniors, which maybe referred to the committee by council. 3. To advise City council on matters which may particularly affect the quality of life of Seniors. 4. To encourage and facilitate dialogue throughout the community regarding Civic matters, which directly affect Seniors. 5. To work cooperatively with Municipal Departments and Committees, by providing advice and information, to ensure that the needs of seniors are included in policy development and service delivery. 6. In particular, to consider and offer advice on the following topics: Communication, Crime and the Elderly, Transportation New Technology relevant to seniors, Health Services, Housing, Transit services -rider ship & access, Educational programs on Elder Abuse It appears some members of the present Council are not aware of these objectives. The terms of all appointments have expired. Applications have been sent to Council for appointment by several persons. The Committee itself has sent a letter informing Council of vacancies. These have been referred to the nominating committee but no action has been taken. It appears the Mayor may have been mis- informed as to the interest of the Loyalist Zone that such committee be continued or the objectives of the Committee. The Zone, made up of 15 Seniors Clubs in Metropolitan Saint John, is firmly of the view a Senior's Advisory Committee reporting to Council should be continued. Other municipalities in the Province have Seniors Advisory Committees or the equivalent. Even the Prince has a Seniors Advisory Committee. The leadership Saint John initiated in 2001 by appointing such a committee seems to be waning. The Zone members were pleased to read in the recent publication of the Leisure Opportunities for 2006, in reference to the Seniors Advisory Committee the publication read" Leisure Opportunities - Spring /Summer 2005, Page 17 states "If you have concerns as a senior please contact one of the members that have been appointed ". As one cannot see City Staff publishing information which is contrary to policy, it is assumed the policy of a seniors committee is still in force. However, the Advisory Committee cannot operate without members. If Council has any sound reason why the Council should not have the benefit of a Senior's Advisory Committee it would be appreciated if the Zone could be so informed. If Council is of the view that the Senior's Advisory Committee not have persons appointed so it can continue its' work then it should be dissolved. Council should tidy up the present unsatisfactory position and dissolve the Committee. Then the Zone can consider what steps should be taken to bring matters effecting Senior Citizen's to the attention of the Council. Yours truly, {3t Secretary Loyalist Zone NB Senior Citizens Federation 11/10/2005 14:27 5066436005 Leglsladve Assembly of New Brumwlck P.O. Baax 6000 Frode"cton, N.B. d B3B 5HI a reb (506) 453-2548 Fax (506) 453 -3956 Mayor and Common Council SAIRT JOHN 02 Casepostale 6000 E3B 5111 u, ��..�� r 4�ZF��lr FaX r. Subject: Secondary Access Road to Red Head Your Worship; The process to acquire the land for the proposed secondary road is moving very quickly and does have the support of the residents of Red Head that I have talked to in recent days. They do however have two major concerns that have not been addressed. The first issue is the amount of land that is needed for the access road. The residents believe that the land needed souls only be the standard size for a two -lane highway that is 20 meters wide. The plan at the moment is to acquire as much as 100 meters, which is far in excess of the requirement. This opens up the possibility that the land could be used in the future for purposes other than intended, Secondly, the proposed new road will land lock most of the properties. What exactly does controlled access mean in reference to the new road and exactly who will control the access. For example one land owner will not have access to as much as 20 acres if no access is provided. In the case of this proposed new road Common Council will invoke the clause under the expropriation act that no public hearings be held in order to accommodate the needs of Irving Oil to construct the road in a timely manner, Their fore the people of Red Head need a vehicle to express their concerns and I would ask for your indulgence to appear Monday November 21 at your next Common Council meeting for 15 minutes. I y9uld appreciate your consideration of my request. V aclutyre, lGiLA ohn Champlain