2012-04-23_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaireCity of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday, April 23, 2012 Location: Common Council Chamber Supplemental to Agenda 3.2(b) City Manager: Traffic Calming Policy 7.4 Proclamation: Global Youth Service Days 9.5(c) Planning Advisory Committee report Recommending Rezoning with Section 39 conditions 13.3 Committee of the Whole - Proposed Traffic By -Law Amendment 13.5 Committee of the Whole — Appointments to Committees 13.6 Committee of the Whole - Declarations of Conflict (Councillor Higgins) 13.7 Committee of the Whole — Sanitary Lift Station for Mountain View Drive City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal le lundi 23 avri12012 Lieu: Salle du conseil communal Ordre du jour suppl6mentaire 3.2b) Directeur g6n6ral: politique visant a ralentir la circulation 7.4 Proclamation: journ6e mondiale du service des jeunes 9.5 c) Rapport du Comit6 consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant le rezonage conform6ment aux conditions impos6es par Particle 39 13.3 Comit6 pl6nier: modification du r6glement propose de la circulation 13.5 Comit6 pl6nier: rendez -vous recommand6es aux comit6s 13.6 Comit6 pl6nier: declarations de conflits (le conseiller Higgins) 13.7 Comit6 pl6nier: station de pompage sanitaire pour le lecteur de Mountain View CITY OF SAINT JOHN TRAFFIC CALMING POLICY Presentation to Common Council April 23, 2012 Pedestrians, Cyclists and Motorists Sharing Street Spaces Balancing Uses of a City Street 9 Traffic Calming reduces speed or volume of vehicles on a street to re- establish a balance Past Projects Heather Way Simpson Drive Rockwood Park � -V ,Mm �V. y �1� Ar yam•" -1 Why a Traffic Calming Policy? Creates a fair, equitable, transparent and effective way of producing results Over 80 citizen requests since 2008 • Policy TM -43 of new Municipal Plan — "Develop a traffic calming policy for residential streets" Policies in other cities Community Participation • Input sought from 29 community groups • Good suggestions resulted in changes to proposed policy • Participation in developed Traffic Calming Plans • Prevention of problems as system users Stakeholder Input Program and Service Providers — Police, Fire, Ambulance NB — SaintJohnTransit — City Solicitor — Planning & Development — Leisure Services Policy Goal Reduce vehicle speed or volume to within acceptable limits —Speed Limit —1000 vehicles or less per day on a Local street Proactive Planning Prevent problems in the first place —Plan S1 considers various transportation modes — Subdivision development • Not possible everywhere — Traffic Calming Plan required Clarifying Where Problems Exist • Commit resources with a measured problem • Traffic speed and volume study • Study results compared to criteria Prioritize Plans • Solve most critical problems first • 10 point scale — Neighbourhood Intensification Area (PlanSJ) — No sidewalks — Sight distance at crosswalks compromised — No cycling facilities — Daycare, pre /elementary /middle school (2 points) — Other gathering places (2 points) — Significant speeding: 5 km /h over the speed limit — Significant volume: 1500 vehicles per day Identify Timing of Plan Priority of Plan compared to others Coordinate with planned Capital project or PlanSJ Neighbourhood Plan 0 0 0 0 0 Traffic Calming Measures Land Use Planning Transportation System Improvements Speed Limit Enforcement Speed Hump Raised Crosswalk Street Narrowing um Traffic Circle /Roundabout • Painted White /Yellow Lines r--1 T �,r�I 0 0 0 0 0 Traffic Calming Measures Directional Closure Change Speed Limit Speed Display Sign School Zone Signs Brighter Crosswalk Signs Pedestrian or Traffic Signals Multi -Way Stop Intersection STOP 4 -WAY Plan Implementation Contingent on resource availability Performance Measurement Did the Plan solve the problem? Promotes continuous improvement Updates to Policy Living document Mechanism to update Policy Recommendations to Council Approve Policy Traffic By -Law Amendments — Reduced speed zones — School zones 711 The City of Saint John Mayor Ivan Court Mayor's Office Bureau du maire Al PROCLAMATION WHEREAS: On April 20 -22, 2012, millions of children, teens, and young adults, ages 5 -25, and their adult allies and champions in over 100 countries on 6 continents will change the world, addressing critical issues including health, education, environment, hunger, poverty, disaster preparedness and response, and human rights; and WHEREAS: The Resource Centre for Youth in Saint John is a Lead agency partnering with Youth Service America to provide Canadian participation; and WHEREAS: Over 30 schools and organizations in the Greater Saint John area will be celebrating and promoting youth service and the value it brings to the City of Saint John. NOW THEREFORE. I, Mayor Ivan Court, L�0__ of Saint John do hereby proclaim that April 20 -22, 2012, are Global Youth Service Days. All citizens are encouraged to recognize the accomplishments and contributions of the youth of Saint John. In witness whereof I have set my hand and affixed the official seal of the Mayor of the City of Saint John. P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E21- 4L1 wwwsaingohn.ca C.T. Plannin P 0 B 1971 506 658 2800 g Advisory Committee April 18, 2012 Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Rezoning 191 Churchill Boulevard . ox - Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 On March 21, 2012 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached report at its April 17, 2012 meeting. Mr. Richard Turner of Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc., the consultant representing the YMCA -YWCA, attended the meeting. He advised the Committee he had received the staff report and was in agreement with the staff recommendation. There were no letters received and no one present from the public who requested to speak. After considering the matter, the Committee decided to adopt the staff recommendation that the application be approved. RECOMMENDATION: City of Saint John 1. That Common Council rezone a parcel of land having an area of approximately 1.75 hectares, located at 191 Churchill Boulevard, also identified as PID Numbers 55160410, 55160691, 55217145 and 55217137, from "RM -1" Three Storey Multiple Residential to "IL -2" Major Institutional. 2. That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the proposed development of the parcel of land with an area of approximately 1.75 hectares, located at 191 Churchill Boulevard, also identified as PID Numbers 55160410, 55160691, 55217145 and 55217137, be subject to the following conditions: a. The use of the area to be rezoned to "IL -2" Major Institutional be limited to the use of a YMCA -YWCA only; -2- b. Any development of the site be in accordance with a detailed site plan and building elevations, to be prepared by the proponent and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, indicating the location of all buildings, structures, parking areas, driveways, loading areas, signs, exterior lighting, outdoor storage areas, landscaped areas, other site features and relevant site statistics including coverage; c. Any development of the site be in accordance with a detailed landscaping plan, to be prepared by the proponent and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, indicating the location of all proposed landscaping features on the site; d. That the approved plans mentioned in conditions (b) and (c) above must be attached to the application for a building permit for the development and that no permits, other than site preparation permits, be issued until the Development Officer has approved the Plans; e. The developer provide an engineering water and sewer analysis determining the impact of the development on the existing infrastructure, and a detailed engineering servicing plan for the approval of the Chief City Engineer or his designate; f. The developer provides adequate site drainage facilities in accordance with a detailed drainage plan / report, prepared by the developer and subject to the approval of the Chief City Engineer or his designate. This report must also determine the impact this development will have on the existing storm sewer infrastructure and also to ensure that this proposal does not exceed the current capacity of the existing storm system; g. That any costs to extend or improve off -site infrastructure to serve the development be completed at the developer's expense; h. The developer must provide all utilities underground, including power and telephone from the existing overhead facilities; L That access to the site and infrastructure improvements to facilitate vehicular and pedestrian access to the site be determined through the site plan process and subject to the approval of the Chief City Engineer or his designate and the Development Officer, upon receipt of further information regarding this proposal; and -3- j. All site improvements shown on the approved plans for the development, except for landscaping, must be completed prior to the opening of the Facility for business, and the landscaping must be completed within one year of the building permit approval. Respectfully submitted, ;elellr"' Eric Falkjar Chairman SF Project No. 12 -072 Y_- DATE: TO: FROM: FOR: PREPARED BY: APRIL 13, 2012 PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE COMMUNITY PLANNING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT MEETING OF APRIL 17, 2012 - , , Z"�_ �_� Stacey , MC1P, RPP Plann SUBJECT: REVIEWED BY: 1:Z /rl/ Mark Reade, P. Eng., MCIP, RPP Senior Planner Name of Applicant: Hughes Suveys & Consultants Inc, (on behalf of the Saint John YMCA -YWCA) Name of Owners: Province of New Brunswick, Department of Social Development City of Saint John Location: 191 Churchill Boulevard PID: 55160410, 55160691, 55217145, 55217137 Municipal Plan: Low to Medium Density Residential Zoning: Existing: "RM -1" Three Storey Multiple Residential Proposed: "IL -2" Major Institutional Proposal: Rezone land to "IL -2" Major Institutional to accommodate a YMCA -YWCA Type of Application: Rezoning 64)— SAINT ;OHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, N8 Canada E2L 41 wvw.sainq(,hn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N.•B, Canada E2L 4L1 Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. (YMCA) Page 2 191 Churchill Boulevard April 13, 2012 JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to give its views to Common Council concerning proposed amendments to the Zoning Bylaw. Common Council will consider the Committee's recommendation at a public hearing on Monday, April 23, 2012. STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE: That Common Council rezone a parcel of land having an area of approximately 1.75 hectares, located at 191 Churchill Boulevard, also identified as PID Numbers 55160410, 55160691, 55217145 and 55217137, from "RM -1" Three Storey Multiple Residential to "IL -2" Major Institutional. 2. That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the proposed development of the parcel of land with an area of approximately 1.75 hectares, located at 191 Churchill Boulevard, also identified as PID Numbers 55160410, 55160691, 55217145 and 55217137, be subject to the following conditions: a. The use of the area to be rezoned to "IL -2" Major Institutional be limited to the use of a YMCA -YWCA only; b. Any development of the site be in accordance with a detailed site plan and building elevations, to be prepared by the proponent and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, indicating the location of all buildings, structures, parking areas, driveways, loading areas, signs, exterior lighting, outdoor storage areas, landscaped areas, other site features and relevant site statistics including coverage; c. Any development of the site be in accordance with a detailed landscaping plan, to be prepared by the proponent and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, indicating the location of all proposed landscaping features on the site; d. That the approved plans mentioned in conditions (b) and (c) above must be attached to the application for a building permit for the development and that no permits, other than site preparation permits, be issued until the Development Officer has approved the Plans; e. The developer provide an engineering water and sewer analysis determining the impact of the development on the existing infrastructure, and a detailed engineering servicing plan for the approval of the Chief City Engineer or his designate; f. The developer provides adequate site drainage facilities in accordance with a detailed drainage plan / report, prepared by the developer and subject to the approval of the Chief City Engineer or his designate. This report must also determine the impact this development will have on the existing storm sewer infrastructure and also to ensure that this proposal does not exceed the current capacity of the existing storm system; Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. (YMCA) Page 3 191 Churchill Boulevard April 13, 2012 g. That any costs to extend or improve off -site infrastructure to serve the development be completed at the developer's expense; h. The developer must provide all utilities underground, including power and telephone from the existing overhead facilities; L That access to the site and infrastructure improvements to facilitate vehicular and pedestrian access to the site be determined through the site plan process and subject to the approval of the Chief City Engineer or his designate and the Development Officer, upon receipt of further information regarding this proposal; and j. All site improvements shown on the approved plans for the development, except for landscaping, must be completed prior to the opening of the Facility for business, and the Iandscaping must be completed within one year of the building permit approval. BACKGROUND: The subject site is approximately 1.75 hectares and is located on the west side of Churchill Boulevard, south of Somerset Street and north of Cabot Court. The property is vacant and contains two stopped -up and closed public streets, Wigmore Court and Phillip Court. These streets previously provided access to approximately 44 units of subsidized housing, owned and operated by the Province of New Brunswick, Department of Social Development, all of which were demolished between 2008 and 2009 as part of the Crescent Valley Re- development Initiative. In total, there are four parcels of land that combine to make- up this site which the YMCA is currently in negotiations with the City of Saint John and the Province to purchase. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Municipal Operations and Engineering provided the following comments: Site Servicing: a. Water and sewer servicing is available at this location however it is not clear from the proposal how the developer intends to service the site. All grades and pressures must be verified by the developer's engineering consultant. A servicing proposal will need to be submitted to the City by the developer's engineering consultant for review and approval. b. An engineered water and sewer analysis must be completed by the developer's engineering consultant and submitted to the City for review and approval in order to determine the impact this development (including but not limited to capacity requirements, peak flows, fire flows; etc.) will have on the existing water and sewer infrastructure and also to ensure that this proposal does not exceed the current capacity of the existing systems. If any upgrades to existing infrastructure are necessary, this will be the responsibility of the developer, Detailed engineering plans must be submitted by the developer's engineering consultant to the City prior to determining this. Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. (YMCA) 191 Churchill Boulevard Page 4 April 13, 2012 c. The developer's engineering consultant must provide a detailed storm water management plan/report, indicating how storm water collection and disposal for this development will be handled, for the City's review and approval. d. Without any detailed information provided at this time, for instance, elevations, grades, usage demands, traffic, etc. a more detailed review of the project will be required by the City once the required information is provided from the developer. Traffic Impact Study Comments: a. Effort should be made to align the main driveway for the YMCA with the main driveway of the proposed residential driveway on the east side of Churchill, at the approximate location of Vimy Court, to create a central 4 -way intersection; b. Trip Generation of vehicle traffic assumed in the Traffic Impact Study should be verified for both the YMCA and future full -build out of the proposed residential development to ensure they are representative of what will occur, such as impact of drop -offs and pick -ups from a large proposed daycare at the YMCA facility. The consultant should provide additional information on the trip generation rates clarifying the following: i. YMCA: how do the ITE rates compare with traffic volumes experienced at other facilities i.e. Moncton; ii. Apartments: Was the Age restricted Apartment Units trip generation based on Land Use Code 252 for apartments or a rowhouse / townhouse form use? The consultant should provide the land use description from the Trip Generation Manual for further review and comment why the rates were selected as opposed to the equations (if available); and iii. Table 6 of the Traffic Impact Study, referring to the Townhouse units: Is land use code 231 the right ITE Land Use code to use or is 230 more appropriate? Land Use Code 230 has a larger data set than 23 L c. If a street between Churchill Boulevard and Somerset Street, in the approximate location of the residential development on the east side of Churchill is proposed as part of the larger Crescent Valley redevelopment plan, then associated vehicle and pedestrian volumes should be considered in addition to those generated by the two developments. d. Assumed Trip Generation of pedestrian traffic should be developed. In particular, pedestrian crossings across Churchill Boulevard at approximately Vimy Court should consider the following: i. Transit users accessing or leaving a Transit stop on the east side of Churchill Boulevard from/to the YMCA; ii. Residents from Crescent Valley and other neighbourhoods on the east side of Churchill and within walking distance of the YMCA; and iii. The proximity of the YMCA main entrance that would entice pedestrians to cross at this location. e. The Traffic Signal Warrant should be updated based on comments (a) -(d) above. Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. (YMCA) 191 Churchill Boulevard Page 5 April 13, 2012 f. If traffic signals are warranted based on the analysis referred to in point (d) above, pedestrian signals and an Accessible Pedestrian System for the crossing of Churchill Boulevard should be included in the signal system design. g. A Pedestrian Crossing Warrant using Transportation Association of Canada's "Pedestrian Crossing Control Manual" (199 8) should be completed for the crossing of Churchill at Vimy Court using the previously acquired traffic volume data and considerations of items (c) and (d) if a full set of traffic signals as a result of 5 are not deemed warranted. Should this analysis indicate a "Special Crosswalk" or "Pedestrian Signal" is warranted then a "Pedestrian Signal" shall be used as the City does not install "Special Crosswalks ". h. Warrants for an exclusive left turn lane from each of the four directions at the 4 -way intersection referred to in (a) should be re- evaluated based on items (a) — (d) with or without a warrant for signals. i. Engineering & Operations concur with Saint John Transit's position that bus Iay -bys on Churchill Boulevard are not required; however, appropriate Transit stop infrastructure should be installed on either side of Churchill Boulevard at a location that would mitigate impediment of sight lines between motorists and crossing pedestrians in relation to a stopped Transit bus and ensure safe crossing for pedestrians and transit users. j. The 2nd paragraph on page 2 of the Traffic Impact Study indicates the access serving the residential development on the east side of Churchill will be a "street". Will this be a "street" or just a "driveway "? k. Section 1.4 on page 4 of the Traffic Impact Study is a repeat of section 1.3 on page 3. 1. Page 4 of the study indicates no traffic accident data was available when the report was finalized. Saint John Police since reported there were 13 collisions in 2011 on Churchill Boulevard with 3 of those resulting in injury. This data should be incorporated into a revised report. m. Page 13 indicates Churchill Boulevard has "paved shoulders ". This street actually has marked bike lanes and forms part of a designated future arterial cycling route defined in the City's Trails & Bikeways Master Plan. These facts should be referenced in the study. n. Trip Distribution: 3% of the traffic is shown accessing the area from the east on Somerset. This could increase with construction of the YMCA. The consultant should provide commentary regarding available left turn capacity and queue storage at the Churchill Boulevard / Somerset Street intersection to accommodate this anticipated increase in traffic. o. The report references increasing the throat length of the YMCA driveway to allow for a storage length of 2 or 3 vehicles. This should be addressed further along with the impacts on parking and site circulation. What about other parking issues such as the overall adequacy of parking and provision of short term parking for drop off / pick up traffic at the daycare? Two lanes should be provided for traffic exiting the YMCA and the internal site circulation should be evaluated. The driveway throat area looks like it could become congested quite easily and therefore the consultant should consider simulating traffic operations in SimTraffic to identify performance issues that may not be evident in the HCM analysis. Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. (YMCA) Page 6 191 Churchill Boulevard April 13, 2012 General Comments: a. With the anticipated residential development across the street from the proposed YMCA, it would be practical to have the servicing cuts into Churchill Boulevard coordinated (i.e. do not have two separate trenches and two reinstatements; perhaps one large trench and reinstatement to accommodate both sites). With any cut into the asphalt, the structural integrity of the road is reduced, thus it is better to coordinate the excavations rather than have 2 side by side. b. Driveways and pedestrian crossings to the YMCA and the residential housing site across the street should be coordinated to ensure traffic and pedestrian safety and ease of travel. Buildings and Inspection Services has stated they have no concerns with the proposal at this point in the process. Saint John Fire Department has been informed of this application. Saint John Police Force has been informed of this application. Saint John Transit has stated that they are in agreement with the Traffic Impact Study conclusion that bus lay -bys are not required at this site. Street infrastructure, however, including bus shelters are appropriate on both sides of the street at the bus stops for this location. The bus stops should be located in such a fashion so as to not impede vision lines for traffic leaving the parking area at this site. Lastly, a crosswalk is essential at this location to allow bus passengers and pedestrians to cross the east side of Churchill Boulevard to safely access the YMCA. In all instances, bus stops should be placed beyond crosswalks to encourage passengers to cross the street at the back of the bus. Leisure Services has responded they have no objection to the rezoning application or the preliminary site plans however they will be reviewing and commenting further on the refined site plan once it is submitted. They have also advised that feedback on the site and building plans be sought from the Crescent Valley neighbourhood at an appropriate time as this represents a major opportunity for improved services to their community. Real Estate Services has been informed of this application and advises they will be working with the applicant to complete the sale of the two stopped -up and closed roads and the third piece of City -owned property in the north -west corner of the site. Geographic Information Systems (Planning and Development) has been informed of this application. Saint John Parking Commission has no concerns with the rezoning. N.B. Department of Community Services has been informed of this application. N.B. Department of Social Development has authorized the YMCA -YWCA to make application for the rezoning and provided a letter of support and commitment for the development. School District 8 has been informed of this application. Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. (YMCA) Page 7 19I Churchill Boulevard April 13, 2012 Saint John Energy has stated there are overhead facilities on Churchill Boulevard that can be used to service the proposed YMCA facility and any costs will be dealt with by the developer at a later date. Bell Aliant has been informed of this application. Rogers has been informed of this application. Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, Enbridge Gas, and Brunswick Pipeline have stated the site is clear of their infrastructure. ANALYSIS: Subject Site The subject site has an area of approximately 1.75 hectares and is located on the west side of Churchill Boulevard, south of Somerset Street and north of Cabot Court. The property is vacant and contains two closed public streets, Wigmore Court and Phillip Court. These streets previously provided access to approximately 44 units of provincially subsidized housing, all of which were demolished between 2008 and 2009. Proposed Development The applicant is seeking to rezone the lands from "RM -1" Three Storey Multiple Residential to "IL -2" Major Institutional to accommodate a new Saint John YMCA -YWCA (YMCA). The proposed YMCA is expected to be between 6,410 square metres (69,000 square feet) and 6,875 square metres (74,000 square feet) in size and is to include facilities for health, fitness and recreation, aquatics, child care programming, government and settlement services, and administration and multi - purpose rooms. Details with respect to building space allocation and programming have not been provided at this time as the design is being finalized. The total number of estimated members for the new YMCA ranges from 4,500 to 6,000. The Saint John YMCA currently provides services to over 7,000 people per year in its existing facility. A detailed site plan will be submitted for review at a later date and any required variances to accommodate the development will be determined at that time. Surrounding Area The subject site and adjacent lands to the north, east and west are included in the Crescent Valley Intensification Area. The subject site and the land immediately east is designated Low to Medium Density Residential in the Municipal Plan with areas further east designated Medium to High Density Residential. These lands are currently zoned "RM -1" Three Storey Multiple Residential and "R -2" One and Two Family Residential and are primarily vacant with some single family dwellings located on the periphery. To the south of the subject site, the lands are outside of the Intensification Area and are designated Stable Residential in the Municipal Plan. These lands are zoned "RM -1" Three Storey Multiple Residential, and contain townhouse units that are owned and managed by the Province of New Brunswick. Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. (YMCA) Page 8 191 Churchill Boulevard April 13, 2012 To the west of the subject site, the lands are within the Intensification Area and are designated Low to Medium Density Residential in the Municipal Plan. These lands are zoned "RM -1" Three Storey Multiple Residential and "IL -1" Neighbourhood Institutional and contain the former Crescent Valley School (now being utilized as a community centre and providing classroom space for the New Brunswick Community College), a church and residential apartments. To the north of the site the lands are designated Local Centre in the Municipal Plan and are zoned "SZ -3" Special Zone #3. The land contains a commercial plaza that abuts the intersection of Somerset Street and Churchill Boulevard. Beyond this is the central area of the Crescent Valley neighbourhood, containing approximately 300 units of residential housing, all of which is within the Intensification Area. The area is designated Low to Medium Density Residential and Medium to High Density Residential in the Municipal Plan and is zoned "RM -1" Three Storey Multiple Residential and "RS -2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential. Crescent Valley Revitalization Study (2009) The proposed site for the YMCA is within the boundary of the Crescent Valley neighbourhood, located in the North End of the City. This neighbourhood was built in two phases between 1949 -1950, and 1953 -1954. The larger development contains approximately 300 subsidized residential housing units, built north -east of Somerset Street between 1953 and 1954. The smaller of the two phases contained 88 units of subsidized housing, built south of Somerset Street between 1949 and 1950, and demolished between 2008 and 2009. The west side of this vacant development site contains the 1.75 hectare site where the YMCA is proposed to be built. The housing stock that was on the site where the YMCA is proposed had reached the end of its lifecycle by 2008, the Department of Social Development made the decision to demolish the units and retain a consultant with the expertise to develop a new Master Plan for the entire Crescent Valley neighbourhood. The new Master Plan, known as the Crescent Valley Revitalization Study, was drafted with input from the residents of Crescent Valley with a purpose to guide the redevelopment of this neighbourhood into a mixed - income, mixed -use community. In 2009, the Study was released and included a Concept Plan for all of Crescent Valley that increased the linkages into and out of the neighbourhood through new streets, proposed a broader range and mix of residential housing, commercial and community uses, and put a greater emphasis on best practices in urban design to create a safer, more attractive and inviting neighbourhood. The site where the YMCA is proposed depicts the extension of Phillip Court to link to Wigmore Court, and then Wigmore Court to extend north and link into a newly created public street that is currently a private right -of -way for the former Crescent Valley School. This new street would then connect through to Rope Walk Road to the west providing greater connectivity for this neighbourhood to the adjacent areas. This new street network was proposed to support a mix of neighbourhood commercial uses, outdoor recreation space, low to medium rise apartment buildings, row housing and single family homes, Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. (YMCA) Page 9 191 Churchill Boulevard April 13, 2012 In 2010, the Department of Social Development issued the Crescent Valley Re- development Initiative: Phase 1 Churchill Boulevard. This was a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the re- development of the east and west sides of Churchill Boulevard that had been vacant since the 88 units were demolished in 2008. The RFP sought residential re- development opportunities for both sides of Churchill Boulevard, consistent with the Plan for Crescent Valley re- development, requiring potential applicants to ensure their proposals' consistency with the principles that had been established through the consultation process for the Crescent Valley Revitalization Study. Although the YMCA proposal is not consistent with the concept for the area in the Revitalization Study or the Re- development Initiative, this does not imply that it should not be considered. At the time of the publication of the Crescent Valley Revitalization Study, discussions concerning a potential YMCA in this location had not begun. Today, the YMCA proposal is viewed as a potential catalyst for this area's ultimate re- development and an excellent fit for this location in the City. Guided by the Crescent Valley Revitalization Study and the policies of the Municipal Plan, which designate this area as an Intensification Area, it is expected that this area will re- develop over time with a mix of neighbourhood commercial, community and residential uses. In response to the application for the YMCA, the Department of Social Development has committed to amending the Master Plan for the Crescent Valley neighbourhood as part of this process, to reflect the new YMCA, and has committed to ensuring the anticipated loss in housing units from this proposal will be re- gained elsewhere in this Intensification Area, over time. The Department has also indicated their willingness to review the final YMCA plans to ensure the proposal is consistent with the Design Guidelines established in the RFP, Crescent Valley Re- development Initiative: Phase 1. Municipal Plan The subject site is designated Low to Medium Density Residential in the Municipal Plan with a small section to the south of the site designated Stable Residential. The Low to Medium Density Residential designation permits a range of residential housing types with an emphasis on the provision of lower density forms of housing. Other compatible uses, including community facilities, may be permitted without amendment to the Municipal Plan. The YMCA is proposed as a community facility and as such, no amendment to the Municipal Plan is required to permit the facility in this location. Thus, this proposal is consistent with the intent of the Municipal Plan policies. This land use designation seeks to achieve a minimum gross residential density of 35 units per net hectare, calculated in the Intensification Area as a whole, not on a lot -by -lot basis. The Intensification Area in which the YMCA is proposed to be located is approximately 48 hectares (gross) in size and contains a mix of vacant land, commercial space, townhouses, apartments and institutional uses including a former school and a church. The YMCA site, at approximately 1.75 hectares (gross) in size represents approximately 3.5 % of the Intensification Area lands as a whole that will not yield residential density. However, it must be recognized that the ability to achieve the desired residential density in this Intensification Area is not anticipated to be hindered with the YMCA locating here. Rather, it is anticipated that the YMCA development will have the potential to act as a catalyst for residential investment in this area that will ensure that as this area is re- developed and reinvested in, the minimum residential density of this Intensification Area is achieved over time. Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. (YMCA) Page 10 191 Churchill Boulevard April 13, 2012 It should be noted the City has had preliminary discussions with a developer and the Department of Social Development regarding the property across the street from the proposed YMCA. These preliminary discussions have been around the potential proposal for approximately 64 units of mixed income residential housing in a mid -rise apartment building and potentially 30 townhouse units, located across the street from the YMCA, and within this Intensification Area. Zoning Bylaw & Site Development The "IL -2" Major Institutional zone permits a community centre, such as a YMCA, subject to the zone standards for lot size, setbacks, height restrictions and landscape and building coverage. Without a finalized site plan, any required variances from these standards cannot be determined at this time. The applicant has submitted two conceptual site plans with this rezoning application; however these are only for illustrative purposes. The conceptual site plans provided do raise a number of concerns from a staff perspective. The following preliminary comments on the two draft site plans submitted are being provided at this time for their consideration as the consultants work toward finalizing the site plan. The proposed access to the main parking lot for the YMCA, depicted on both preliminary site plans, is a concern as it is not central for either the YMCA or the anticipated residential development on the opposite side of Churchill Boulevard. Effort should be made to align the main driveway for the YMCA with the main driveway of the proposed residential development on the east side of Churchill Boulevard, at the approximate location of Vimy Court, to create a central 4 -way intersection. It is also noted that the main YMCA parking lot has only one proposed entrance /exit in and out of it. With the volume of traffic anticipated to be utilizing this parking lot to access YMCA programming, the lack of a secondary access is of concern. The importance of ensuring an easily accessible route into and out of the site is critical to providing a safe area for users to be dropped off and picked up safely and quickly and allowing for the provision of a safe parking lot for users to manoeuver through on -foot and in their vehicle. Care should be taken in the design of the parking lot space and entrance(s) to ensure adequate access into and out of the site for vehicles and pedestrians is provided. As such, trip generations of vehicle traffic assumed in the study should be verified for both the YMCA and future full -build out of the proposed residential development to ensure they are representative of what will actually occur when the building is fully programmed. Once this information is better understood decisions to provide any necessary infrastructure, such as additional lanes into and out of the site and /or proper pedestrian crossings, will be made. Building on the previous comments concerning the site access, circulation and parking in the main parking lot are also of concern. The proposed programming for the building has not been disclosed by the applicant at this time however this information is essential to gaining an understanding of the way in which this site will need to be laid out to function optimally. Having reviewed the experience of other YMCA facilities in North America, these facilities are generally programmed for multiple functions 12- 18 hours per day, 5 -7 days per week, depending on the range of services being offered. In addition to this, there is the drop -in component for members using open services such as the fitness facilities. Unlike a school facility or other single -use facility, the YMCA operational model creates peak periods of activity at multiple times throughout the day, which has been found in other jurisdictions to lead to higher trip rates and higher demand for parking than what is found when measuring this demand using conventional means. Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. (YMCA) Page 11 191 Churchill Boulevard April 13, 2012 When it comes to parking, the higher than normal demand that has been found with other YMCA's is consistent with the information received to -date from the applicant regarding anticipated demand for parking at the Saint John YMCA. The information received regarding the proposed parking space requirement speaks to the recent experience for parking at New Brunswick YMCA's being greater than anticipated resulting in the need to add additional parking after opening to alleviate the shortage. With the Saint john YMCA proposed in a similarly suburban location as the Moncton YMCA and the Fredericton YMCA, and proposed to be of similar size and with similar programming, without additional information staff are in agreement that this YMCA will probably require more parking than the 1 space / 25 member standard that the YMCA uses. More information and further review of this issue will be required during the site plan review stage. One of the conceptual site plans depicts a third parking lot in the north -west corner of the site, with an access from the private driveway owned by the Department of Education. It should be noted that without a cross - access agreement, or other such legally binding agreement in place securing the right to use this driveway, this parking lot cannot be considered. Further, concerning the second smaller parking lot to the south of this one, it is not ideal to have another driveway entrance /exit within close proximity to the existing private driveway serving the Department of Education property. Although this can be considered, it would be better from a traffic management perspective to have these parking areas linked and/or utilizing one driveway access in and out of the site. It should also be noted, the road would also require a rezoning to be used as an access for the YMCA. Servicing and Access Municipal Operations & Engineering have provided detailed comments with respect to the need for additional information regarding servicing, the Traffic Impact Study, and site access infrastructure. The applicant must provide a detailed storm water drainage plan and design brief indicating how storm water collection and disposal will be handled and a verification of sanitary sewer capacity and water supply availability and pressures for the site. Detailed engineering plans must be submitted for review and approval. Preliminary comments have been provided concerning the proposed site plans, for the applicant's consideration in generating the final site plan for this site. CONCLUSION: Renewal and investment are economically and socially important to the health and well -being of the City of Saint John and responsibly managing the impact of growth on existing infrastructure is as important. The City must ensure the required infrastructure to accommodate impacts from investment decisions is provided through the development approval process. As with any new development, growth related investment is the responsibility of the developer. The proposal for a new Saint John YMCA in this central location is a good fit for the neighbourhood and for the broader City. Churchill Boulevard serves the community as a major public transit route, a central spine for active transportation users and is a major thoroughfare for vehicular users, making it an excellent location for such a busy community facility. That said, the anticipated impact of this facility on City traffic infrastructure requires further review, as staff are of the opinion that this facility will have an impact on traffic that will require infrastructure investments to accommodate it. As additional details of Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. (YMCA) 191 Churchill Boulevard Page 12 April 13, 2012 this proposed YMCA facility become available, it is prudent for staff to reserve the right, through Section 39 conditions, to require the applicant to make infrastructure investments to accommodate the facility. This will ensure that Saint John residents will not be required to make significant infrastructure investments in future years to fix transportation related challenges that have been created as a result of the YMCA opening. Given this and the potential benefits of this proposal for the community as a whole, it is recommended that this proposal for rezoning be approved with conditions. SF Project No. 12 -072 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT / URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT ♦� A w CQo �' M-1 3lLT r ;1. 4- church;Pi SZ -3 �i'aaea�as �a�e�F�tlifi r � B -2 ± B -1 -C a+� Op d�e IL -1 C°rrr Vm,y Ct. a a u` RM -1 savor F OW%C R -2 your Cilba M. cr, yy R M -2 t r� `o our o�A t °w. R -1 B a Subject Site /site en question: Q 55160410, 55160691, 55217145, and 55217137 Location: 191, boulevard Churchill Boulevard Date: April 12 avril 2012 Scale /echelle: Not to scale /Pas a Mchelle � sk�i SINN y iow. JO r t, •c r *�17' M IYP r• ` cow fendom Ct ♦ 1 • ��� �WOAf v- v% Leloloy. 4i PAW 74� ►� i • �i� -'tea '.A4 v. •:,i c ♦ .1 ti w +, ti "! ,y., .. _ ., ',, 1. .•. to I� -•.! ;ti Akf P. ?r Asir Crescent Valley Intensification Area .ta,.. �' ���" ♦ ��^ s�,j � StutlyArea '•' t. �'' "" Land �., Use Designation Low to Medium Density Residerttial Medium to High Density Residential r #6 +M 20C a ' L ?�' ,r� - �.p�r.•Nb ey:ne c�rymsalnt.nhn �` �(*. , _ . L•M pro•uNewrT Cl[y,FW j," 4 •� `.ApN201] The C11r of 8ahu john •1, . '11' NMIM MAIN ENT NCE 1 PARIQNG (180 SPACES) r �9 i.AN06CAPE0 AREA c.2 _ r� CHURCHILL BLVD. i Mu nock u yd ARCMITCCTB f 1` L.� SAINT JOHN FAMILY Y CHURCHILL BLVD. Project No. 10 -415 Site Plan Scale 1:750 0 5m 10m Wm 40M Al 2012.03.13 ' \f 1 RbCK CUt-BACK PLAY AREA DROP-OFF LANE MWNN ENTMRANCE MN FLOOR ELEV. 19.50 PARKING IN SPACES 0". 19.00 NCE L'j� 6N I -,M AREA CHURCHILL BLVD. Murdock Ll u 1'0&V*ff JOHN YMCA mwxw. NEWMU%V" F "T' l A Lin 0.�11 , , _.,; 4,011till, Murthrck • 8i�yd u u SAINT JOHN FAMILY `\ YMCA SIGNAGE 2.23m W x 2,4m H 5.35M2 total area YMCA SIGNAGE 2.23mWx2.4mH 535m2 total area EAST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION Muni Aiwet Li u- SAINT JO HN YMCA SIGNAGE ELEVATIONS nms -7-7-T-J lt7 L-4- -- � DESIGN DEVELOPMENT IN PROGRESS DRAWINGS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION p. T 71 | | � . ' -�----- | '------�--- | | | | . . M-ld nr��yd | | | | . / .--- --�'-- -~^ | � | SAINT JOHN YPACA NEW BRUNSMCK Ill F DE IN P NOT B MRPLAN n Murdock • Soyd u u AACxIT.C1.- 0 SAINT JOHN YMCA SANT.nHH. NP' SRLW!ACK BY -LAW NO.: A LAW TO AMEND A BY -LAW RESPECTING TRAFFIC ON STREETS IN THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN MADE UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE MOTOR VEHICLE ACT, 1973, AND AMENDMENTS THERETO ARRETE NO: ARR9A MODIFIANT L'ARRETE RELATIF A LA CIRCULATION DANS LES RUES DANS THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN tDICTE CONFORMEMENT A LA LOI SUR LES VEHICULES A MOTEUR (1973) ET LES MODIFICATIONS AFFERENTES Be it enacted by the Common Council of Lors d'une reunion du conseil municipal, The City of Saint John as follows: The City of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit : A By -law of The City of Saint John entitled "A By -law Respecting Traffic On Streets In The City of Saint John Made Under The Authority of The Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, and Amendments Thereto ", enacted on the 19"' day of December, A.D. 2005, is hereby amended as follows: Par les prdsentes, Parretti de The City of Saint John intitule « Arrete relatif a la circulation daps les rues dans The City of Saint John edicte conformdment a la Loi sur les vehicules a moteur (1973) et les modifications affdrentes », decrdtd le 19 decembre 2005, est modifie comme suit: 1 Section 2 is amended by adding the following 1 L'article 2 est modifie par I'adjonction de la definitions: definition suivante : "street event" means temporary processions or assemblages and includes marathons, triathlons, road races, public processions, a continual passing by of people, vehicles, objects or events, and street markets. «evenement sur rue» ddsigne des corteges ou rassemblements temporaires et inclut des marathons, des triathlons, des courses sur rue, des defiles publics, un passage continu de personnel, vehicules, objets ou evenements, et des marches sur rue. 2 Subsections 3(3) and 3(4) are repealed and 2 Les paragraphes 3(3) et 3(4) sont abroges et replaced by the following: remplacds par ce qui suit: " 3(3) The Chief of Police is authorized in connection with any emergency to re -route traffic and to prohibit the movement of traffic on any street in The City of Saint John. 3(4)(a) Subject to paragraph (b), the Chief of Police is authorized in connection with Street Events to re -route traffic on any street in the City of Saint John. «3(3) Le chef de police est autorise, en cas d'urgence de ddtourner la circulation ou d'interdire la circulation sur toute rue situde dans The City of Saint John. 3(4) Sous reserve de 1'alinea (b), le chef de police est autorise, aux fins d'un evenement sur rue, de detourner la circulation sur toute rue situde dans The City of Saint John. 3(4)(b) The Chief of Police shall issue a permit for 3(4)(b) Le chef de police ddlivrera un permis pour a Street Event once the conditions stipulated in un evenement sur rue lorsque les conditions Schedule S to this by -law have been met. stipulees a 1'Annexe S du present arrete ont etd remplies. 3 By adding the attached Schedule S Regulations concerning processions or assemblages on public streets — to the by -law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the day of , A.D. 2011 signed by: Mayor /Maire 3 Par Padjonction de 1'Annexe S — Reglement concernant les corteges ou rassemblements sur les rues publiques — ci jointe a Parretti. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau municipal sur le present arrete le 2011, avcc les signatures suivantes : Common Clerk/greffiere communale First Reading - Premiere lecture Second Reading - Deuxieme lecture Third Reading Troisieme lecture SCBEDMk S REGULATION RESPECTING PROCESSIONS AND ASSEMBLAGES ON PUBLIC STREETS Scope This regulation applies whenever a request is received to facilitate an Event occurring wholly or in part within the streets in the City of Saint John (a "Street Event "). This regulation does not affect the public status of streets where events are sought to be held. This regulation does not apply to permanent closure of streets, temporary closure for road construction, or street closures made under the authority of the Fire Chief in emergency situations or under the authority of the Chief City Engineer. Purpose Every year numerous Street Events are held throughout the City of Saint John. These events - often organized by community groups and volunteers - greatly enrich our cultural lives and our communities. The City of Saint John recognizes special events as an important part of the City's quality of life. Special events enhance tourism, culture, recreation and education as well as providing an economic benefit to businesses in Saint John. This regulation has been produced to provide event organizers with information about what is required to obtain approval for Street Events and the associated temporary street closures. Authority This regulation has been adopted by Common Council of the City of Saint John. Authority to administer this regulation has been assigned to the Saint John Police Force Chief of Police, except with respect to Street Events involving consumption of alcoholic beverages in public places, as noted below. Authority to administer this regulation is referenced at Section 3 of the Br -Law NUMBER M -10: A By -Law Respecting the Traffic on Streets in the City of Saint John Made Under The Authority of the Motor Vehicle Act 1973 and Amendments Thereto (the "Saint John Traffic By-Law"). Page J2 The consumption of alcoholic beverages in public places is prohibited; however a Street Event organizer may apply for an exemption. Application once again is to the Chief of Police, but the request is then routed (by the Chief) to Common Council for consideration and approval. A Street Event request which will involve alcohol consumption must be received at least 90 days prior to the event, in order to accommodate scheduling of consideration by Common Council. It is the responsibility of the event organizer to acquire any and all licenses in accordance with the applicable Provincial legislation for consumption of alcohol. In all other respects an application for street closure for such a Street Event must satisfy the Conditions for Consideration and all application requirements. The Chief of Police will process the request accordingly, contingent on and subsequent to Common Council granting the exemption for consumption of alcoholic beverages in public places. Definition Street Events are temporary processions or assemblages (section 113(c) Motor Vehicle Act) and include, but are not limited to, parades; marathons, triathlons and road races; public processions; a continual passing -by, as of people, objects or events; and street markets. Street closures for Street events are temporary, in that they are less than 24 hours in duration. PROCEDURES Application A person or group requesting the temporary closure of a street to facilitate a Street Event is encouraged to submit the application at least 90 days before the event, in order to facilitate processing of the request. Applications received less than 60 days before the proposed event (90 days if exemption for consumption of alcoholic beverages in a public place is required) may be refused on the grounds that adequate review, consultation and agreements cannot be completed in the time available. Application in writing to the Chief of Police shall include a completed application in the prescribed form and required documentation. The application shall indicate: • The reason for the proposed street closure and a brief explanation of the event. • The requested time(s) and date(s) of the Street Event and street closure, and rain date if applicable. Page 13 • The required Insurance documentation (See 'Insurance', below). • An Event Plan containing the following information, if applicable: o Detailed event schedule: When does the whole event begin and end (preparation, execution, clean -up), and what is the schedule for specific activities of the event? o Site plan of gathering area o Site plan of event set -up o Detailed event route o List of marshals who will direct participants along the route while respecting crosswalk safety and the rules of the road (minimum of i marshal per 25 people) o List of volunteers and responsibilities o List of event security personnel o Detailed request for Saint John Police Force assistance o Parade lineup (list of floats); or vehicles permitted in event area, if not a parade o Fencing or barricades - if any o Evacuation plan to provide access to emergency vehicles in the event area o For distance run events, list the location of water stations and volunteers along the route o List of tents or other structures (indicate size, quantity, ownership & anchorage) o Number of participants anticipated o Is alcohol being served? o Contact information for the event organizers o Process for notification to community and area businesses o Volume (loudness) and nature of noise created by the Street Event and participants in the event o Plan for collection, separation and removal of recyclables, organics and garbage o Any other pertinent information Insurance A person or group requesting a street closure - other than City departments, agencies, boards and commissions and agents of the City of Saint John - may have to carry third party liability insurance for the Street Event. Whether all or part of the event takes place on or passes over City of Saint John public property the Page 14 Street Event organizers may have to obtain and maintain in full force a Commercial General Liability insurance policy with limits of not less than $2,000,000, naming the City of Saint John as an "Additional Insured ". Where liquor will be served or sold at a Street Event, the organizers shall obtain and maintain in full force a Commercial General Liability insurance policy with limits of not less than $5,000,000, naming the City of Saint John as "Additional Insured "; and additional liquor liability insurance shall also be obtained. Evidence of all required insurance coverage(s) shall be forwarded to the City of Saint John, care of the Common Clerk, at least 10 working days before the Street Event. Conditions for Consideration The following Conditions for Consideration are the requirements which must be met before the Chief of Police may deliver a Street Event Permit. Review and approval involves a two -part test as follows: 1) Are each of the conditions a significant concern in the context of the requested location and the nature of the Street Event; and 2) If so, has a satisfactory remedy been proposed to adequately resolve the concern? 1. Events will be considered on their merits with respect to the Conditions for Consideration; and on a first come, first served basis. Notwithstanding this, subsequent Street Event requests for same or proximate locations and /or some day /time will also consider concerns arising from the possible compound effect of multiple Street Events. 2. Priority will be given to Events which are community - oriented, - beneficial to the Uptown, specific neighbourhoods, or the community as a whole - and promote the City or subject area as a gathering place. 3. Noise associated with an approved Street Event is exempted from provisions of the Saint John Noise By -law (see s. 4(e)) as "noises in relation to parades, street dances, and other community activities." Nevertheless, volume (loudness), nature and hours of noise created by the Street Event and by participants in the event must be reasonable in the circumstances. 4. Notwithstanding that approval of a Street Event may allow for temporary street closure or restricted access to public areas, a degree of access remains necessary. A fire lane of at least three (3) metres must be left clear to allow access for emergency vehicles. Provision must be made for Page IS reasonable pedestrian access and wheelchair access for employees and customers of businesses in the area; and for residents and guests. 5. If the proposed Street Event requires enclosing the site with fencing or barricades, or blocking some of the entrances to the site, a person must be designated to stay at the blocked entrance(s) at all times. This designated person must be prepared to move the fencing, barricades or other equipment quickly to allow emergency vehicles through. 6. Pursuant to the Motor Vehicle Act, volunteers are not authorized to direct traffic. Volunteers may direct participants and moving equipment only when deemed necessary. 7. Public safety concerns will be assessed based on whether there are any known threats /concerns. Security shall be provided for all Street Events using volunteers, Salvage Corps, private security companies, and /or the Saint John Police Force, within the respective appropriate levels of authority and ability. If the Chief of Police determines that a particular event requires the services of the Saint John Police Force, the specific requirements will be reviewed with the event organizer and an Operation Plan will be drafted and provided to the event organizer. All arrangements and costs for Saint John Police Force Services are the sole responsibility of the Event Organizer and must be negotiated in advance of the Street Event. 8. Limitations and impact of the Street Event street closure on the conduct of business - including customer access and retention, deliveries, security and operations - must be identified and addressed by the Event Organizers. 9. The Event Organizers shall deliver to the Chief of Police a written consent in the prescribed form from all the owners, tenants and residents residing on the stretch of street where the event is intended to be held. The Event Organizers shall also ensure that owners, tenants and residents on said stretch of street are accommodated if need be. 10. Impacts and concerns respecting vehicle flow, construction activity, availability of adequate fire protection, and street cleaning must be identified and addressed by the Event Organizers. 1 V. The Street Event application must include a waste management plan which shall address how recyclabies, organics and garbage will be Page 6 separated and managed. The City of Saint John does not supply garbage, organic or recycling containers or collection services for any special events. It is the sole responsibility of the event organizer to secure a contractor to supply properly signed garbage, organics and recyclables containers and collection services, at the cost of the Event Organizer. 12. Street closures for Street Events are to start and stop at intersections wherever practical. 13. Event Organizers and the Street Event shall comply with all Federal and Provincial laws and regulations, and Municipal by -laws. The City of Saint John reserves the right to cancel an event at any time if applicable laws, regulations or by -laws are not being followed. 14. The closure or re- routing of Transit routes cannot occur without direct consultation between event organizers and Saint John Transit, and confirmation to the Chief of Police by Saint John Transit that Transit route issues have been resolved to their satisfaction. 15. Many events have some form of vending. In any such case, it is the responsibility of the event organizer to see that each individual vendor has the proper permits and licenses. All food vendors are subject to approval and licensing by the Province of New Brunswick. The Street Event application must indicate if food will be served, and must confirm that the applicant and vendors will comply with all applicable legislation. 6. If live or recorded music will be a part of the event, Canadian copyright law requires that the organizer /performers obtain a performing rights license from SOCAN (www.socan.ca) to use music. The Event Organizers shall contact SOCAN at 1- 800 - 557 -6226 to obtain the required account number. A Street Event Permit will be issued upon approval, detailing the terms and conditions of approval. The permit must be available on request at the Street Event. The City of Saint John reserves the right to cancel an event and /or revoke a Street Event Permit at any time upon violation of any legislation, regulations, by -laws or upon violation of any of the conditions of the Street Event Permit. City of Saint John Street Event APPLICATION FORM Please complete all sections of this application and return to: Chief of Police Saint John Police Force PO Box 1971 Saint John, NB E2L 41-1 FAX: 506 -648 -3304 Date: 1. Name of Street Event: Date Received: 2. Name of organization hosting / planning event: 3. Specify nature of your organization: commercial, non- profit, charitable, etc. (please give tax number if applicable) 4. Key contact for event: Address: Postal Code: Phone #: (H) _ Email Address: Secondary contact for event: Address: Postal Code: _ Phone #: Email Address: (H) 5. Name & Main theme of event: 6. Main activities of event: 7. Objectives of event, in order of priority: 8. Date(s) and times to be held: (0 (0) (F) (F) (Office) Page 7 Page 18 9. Please identify the frequency of this event (approval is for current event only): Annual Biennial One time only Other Please Specify 10. Location (Streets to be closed): 11. Historical Background: 12. Number of volunteers involved in event: 13. Target audience: (Please describe the demographic reach you expect with this event) 13 .1 Percentage of potential audience: Adults Children Youth Families Seniors 14. Estimated attendance: 14.1 Estimated type of attendance: [for statistical purposes only; not mandatory] a) % who are participants b) % who are spectators c) % from the city of Saint John d) % from outside the city of Saint John e) %from outside the province 14.2 From d and a above, please provide an estimated percentage breakdown for the accommodation type that will be used for out of area visitors. [for statistical purposes only; not mandatory] a) % Visiting friends & relatives b) % Campground c) % Hotel / Motel d) % Bed & Breakfast Page 9 e) % Other Please Specify General Financial Information: Only required in order to understand the scope of the proposed event, and to confirm that the applicant /organizer has resources necessary to cover costs associated with the conditions of permit. 'Total Operating Budget' is the key information. Financial information will remain confidential. 15. Total operating budget: 16. Funding sources: (detail estimated amount) A. Grants Provincial: _ Federal: _ Other: Tota I: Revenue from other sources: Source: _ Funds: Source: Funds: Source: Funds: Funds on hand from other years: Total Revenue expected: B. Sponsorship Private: Corporate: Other: Total: If available, please attach a detailed budget of projected expenditures (confidential use only). 17. Identify any major sponsors that may be involved: 18. If this event is to be used as a fund raiser, who is the beneficiary? 19. Has your event received support from the City of Saint John in past years? Yes No P :ge 110 Please identify the year in which you received support: Please detail the level of support you received in the past: 20. Briefly outline your marketing strategy for this event. (Include any print or electronic exposure you expect to receive): 21. A person or group requesting a street closure — other than City departments, agencies, boards and commissions and agents of the City of Saint John — may have to carry third party liability insurance for the Street Event. Whether all or part of the event takes place on or passes over City of Saint John public property the Street Event organizers may have to obtain and maintain in full force a Commercial General Liability insurance policy with limits of not less than $2,000,000, naming the City of Saint John as an "Additional Insured ". Where liquor will be served or sold at a Street Event, the organizers shall obtain and maintain in full force a Commercial General Liability insurance policy with limits of not less than $5,000,000, naming the City of Saint John as "Additional Insured "; and additional liquor liability insurance shall also be obtained. Evidence of all required insurance coverage(s) shall be forwarded to the City of Saint John, care of the Common Clerk, at least 10 working days before the Street Event. 22. How will this event be evaluated ?: A. Will you require City of Saint John services? If so, please detail: Please Note: Many municipal services are subject to costs and are the sole responsibility of the organizer. The municipality reserves the right to ask for pre - payment for these costs in the form of a money order or a certified cheque made payable to the City of Saint John, otherwise the costs will be invoiced to the organizer after the event is completed. B. Using a separate sheet(s), please provide as much detail as possible on your event logistics. Please include all route maps and site plans if applicable and any additional information that you feel will explain your event. With regard to the City of Saint John requirements outlined in this application I have signing authority for the above stated event. I understand the City of Saint John requirements of an event organizer as outlined in this application and will ensure that the event I represent will comply with these requirements: Name Signature Name Print SCHEDULE S REGLEMENT CONCERNANT LES EVENEMENTS TENUS SUR LES RUES PUBLIQUES Champ d'appliication Ce reglement s'applique chaque fois qu'une demande est repue pour un evenement qui dolt se derouler, en tout ou en partie, dons les rues de The City of Saint John (un ((evenement sur rue))). Ce reglement n'a aucune incidence sur le statut public des rues ou des evenements pourraient se derouler. Ce reglement ne s'applique pas aux fermetures permanentes de rues, aux fermetures temporaires lors de construction routiere, ou aux fermetures de rues effectuees sous I'autorite du chef du service d'incendie lors de situations d'urgence ou sous I'autorite de l'ingenieur -chef municipal. Objectif Chaque annee, de nombreux evenements sur rue se tiennent dons les rues de The City of Saint John. Ces evenements, souvent organises par des organismes communautaires et des benevoles, enrichissent considerablement noire vie culturelle et nos collectivites. The City of Saint John reconnait que les evenements speciaux jouent un role important dons la qualite de vie de The City. Les evenements speciaux augmentent le tourisme, enrichissent la culture, les loisirs et I'education, tout en procurant des retombees economiques aux entreprises de Saint John. Ce reglement a ete elabore pour fournir aux organisateurs d'evenements de ('information sur ce qui est requis pour pouvoir tenir un evenement sur rue et sur les fermetures temporaires de rues, qui lui sont associe. Autor!M Ce reglement a ete adopte par le conseil communal de The City of Saint John. L'autorite pour gerer ce reglement a ete conferee au chef de police du service de police de Saint John, sauf en ce qui a trait a aux evenements sur rue au (ours desquels des boissons alcooli -sees seront consommees dons des lieux publics, tel que mentionne ci- dessous. Page 12 L'outorit6 pour g6rer ce r6glement est conf6r6e au paragraphe 3 de I'arr&6 numero M-10: Arr6te modifiant 1'arr6te relafif d la circulation dons les rues dons The City of Saint John, 6dict6 conform6ment a la Loi sur les vehicules 6 moteur (1973) et les modifications aff6rentes (l'r( Arr6te relafif 6 la circulation dons The City of Saint John n). La consommation de boissons alcoolis6es dons des Iieux publics esf interdife, toutefois, un organisateur d'6vbnements sur rue peut d6poser une demande d'exemption. La demande doit, une fois de plus, etre effectu6e aupr6s du chef de police. Toufefois, la demande est par la suite r6achemin6e (par le chef) au Conseil communal pour examen of approbation. Une demande d'6v6nement sur rue qui impliquera la consommation d'alcool doit 6fre regue au moins 90 jours pr6c6dant 1'6venement, et ce, afin de permettre de planifier la date 6 laquelle Celle -ci sera examin6e par le Conseil communal. La responsabilit6 d'obtenir toutes les licences requises pour to consommation d'alcool, en vertu de la legislation provinciale applicable, incombe a l'organisateur de I'6v6nement. En tout autre point, une demande pour la fermeture de rues, pour la tenue d'un 6v&nement sur rue, doit satisfaire aux conditions et exigences d6finies dons la demande. Le chef de police donnera suite a la demande en consequence, une fois que le Conseil communal aura accord6 1'exemption pour consommation de boissons alcoolis6es dons des Iieux publics. Definition Evenements sur rue d6signe : des cort6ges ou rassemblements temporaires (paragraphe 113 c) de la Loi sur les vehicules moteur) et inclut, mais sans s'y limiter, des parades; des marathons, des triathlons, des courses sur rue; des d6fil6s publics, un passage continu de personnel, vehicules, objets ou 6v6nements, et des march6s sur rue. Les fermetures , de rues pour des 6v6nements sur rue sont temporaires, en ce sens qu'elles ne sont que pour une duree inf6rieure a 24 heures. PROCEDURES Demande Afin de faciliter le traitement de la demande, un individu ou un groupe, qui demande la fermeture femporaire d'une rue afin d'y tenir un 6v6nement sur rue, est encourag6 6 soumettre se demande au moins 90 jours avant la tenue de 1'6v6nement. Les demandes reques moins de 60 jours avant is tenue de Page 13 1'evenement propose (90 jours si une demande d'exemption pour consommation de boissons alcoolisees dons des lieux publics est requise) peuvent titre rejetees sous motifs qu'un examen adequat de la demande, la tenue de consultations et la conclusion d'ententes ne puissent titre completes a temps. Une demande par ecrit adressee au chef de police doit inclure une demande dument remplie selon la forme prescrite, ainsi que la documentation afferente. La demande devrait preciser : • La raison pour laquelle une demande de fermeture de rues est deposee ainsi qu'une breve description de 1'evenement. • Les dates et heures auxquelles 1'evenement sur rue doit avoir lieu et pour lesquelles la fermeture de rues est demandee, ainsi que la date a laquelle 1'evenement sera reporte en cas de pluie, le cas echeant. • Les documents d'assurance exiges (voir ((Assurances)) plus bas). • Un plan de 1'evenement contenant ('information suivante, le cas echeant: o Horaire detaille de 1'evenement : Quand 1'evenement doit -il commencer et se terminer (incluant la periode de preparation, le deroulement ainsi que la periode de nettoyage)? Quel est I'horaire des activites qui doivent avoir lieu pendant 1'evenement? o Plan du site ou le rassemblement aura lieu; o Plan du site ou les preparatifs en vue de la tenue de 1'evenement auront lieu; o Un parcours detaille de I'evenement; o Liste des signaleurs qui dirigeront les participants tout au long du parcours, tout en respectant la securite des passages pour pietons et les regles de la route (minimum de 1 signaleur pour 25 personnes); o Liste des benevoles et des taches qui leur seront attribuees; o Liste du personnel qui sera charge de la securite lors de I'evenement; o Une demande detaillee de I'aide requise par le service de police de Saint John; o Listes des chars allegoriques qui doivent prendre part a la parade; ou des vehicules qui auront le droit de se trouver dons la zone ou I'evenement doit se derouler, dons le cadre d'un evenement autre qu'une parade; o Clotures ou barricades, le cas echeant; Page 14 o Plan d'evacuafion pour fournir un acces aux vehicules d'urgence dons la zone de 1'evenemenf; o Pour des evenements d'epreuves de courses qui doivent se derouler sur une certaine distance, la liste des endroits ou les stations d'eau seront situees ainsi que les endroits ou les benevoles seront posiflonnes le long du parcours; o Listes des tentes ou autres structures (indiquez la taille, la quantite, les attaches ainsi que le proprietaire); o Nombre de participants attendus; o Est -ce que de I'alcool sera servi? o Coordonnees des organisafeurs de 1'evenement; o Processus pour informer la collectivite et les entreprises des environs; o Volume (intensite sonore) ainsi que la nature du bruit genere par 1'evenemenf de rue et par les participants a 1'evenement; o Plan pour la collecte, la separation ainsi que 1'enlevement des matieres recyclables, orgoniques et des ordures; o Toute autre information perfinente. Assurances Un individu ou un groupe, autres que les services de la municipalite, les agences, les comites, commissions et agents de The City of Saint John, qui demande la fermeture d'une rue, peut se voir dons ('obligation de prendre une assurance responsabilite civile pour la tenue de 1'evenement sur rue. Que 1'evenement se deroule ou passe, en totalite ou en partie, sur une propriete publique de The City of Saint John, it se peut que les organisafeurs de 1'evenement sur rue soient tenus d'obtenir et de maintenir en vigueur, pendant la duree de 1'evenement, une police d'assurance responsabilite civile des entreprises avec une limite d'au moins 2 000 000 $, designanf The City comme cc assure addifionnel ». Dons les cas ou de la boisson alcoolisee sera servie ou vendue lors d'un evenement sur rue, les organisafeurs devront obtenir et maintenir en vigueur, pendant toute la duree de 1'evenement, une police d'assurance responsabilite civile des entreprises avec une limite d'au moins 5 000 000 $, designant The City comme cc assure additionnel ». De plus, une assurance responsabilite civile en matiere d'alcool devrait titre obtenue. Une preuve de toute couverture d'assurance requise devra titre acheminee a The City of Saint John, a I'attention du greffier communal, au moins 10 jours ouvrables precedant 1'evenement sur rue. Page I5 Conditions Les conditions qui suivent constituent les exigences auxquelles la demande doit se conformer avant que le chef de police puisse delivrer un permis pour un evenement sur rue. La revision et ['approbation comporte un test en deux parties et se divise comme suit: 1) est -ce que chaque condition constitue une preoccupation considerable dons le contexte de 1'emplacement desire ainsi que dons la nature de 1'evenement sur rue; et 2) si tel est le cas, est -ce qu'une solution acceptable a ete proposee pour remedier a la preoccupation? 1. Les evenements seront consideres sur le fond en ce qui a trait aux conditions; et sur le principe du premier arrive, premier servi. Nonobstant ceci, des demandes pour la tenue d'evenements sur rue subsequentes, pour le meme endroit ou pour des endroits situes a proximite et /ou pour la meme journee, meme heure seront aussi evaluees sur la base de preoccupations qui pourraient titre soulevees par 1'effet cumulatif de plusieurs evenements sur rue. 2. La priorite sera accordee aux evenements qui sont orientes vers la collectivite; benefiques pour le centre - ville, pour des quartiers en particuiier ou pour la collectivite dons son ensemble, et qui font la promotion de The City ou de 1'endroit ou 1'evenement a lieu en Cant que lieu de rassemblement. 3. Le bruit associe a un evenement sur rue approuve est exempte des dispositions de I'Arrete de Saint John concernant le bruit (voir par. 4e)) en tant que cs bruits produits ou cours d'une parade, d'une danse de rue et autre activite communautaire fr. Neanmoins, le volume (infensite sonore), la nature du bruit ainsi que I'heure a laquelle le bruit est produit par les participants a 1'evenement sur rue, doivent titre raisonnables compte tenu des circonstances. 4. Nonobstant le fait que I'approbation de la tenue d'un evenement sur rue requiere la fermeture temporaire d'une rue ou confere un acces restreinf a des lieux publics, un certain niveau d'acces demeure necessaire. Une voie d'au moins trois (3) metres, reservee au service d'incendie, doit demeuree degagee afin de permettre I'acces aux vehicules d'urgence. Des dispositions doivent titre prises pour permettre un acces raisonnable aux pietons et aux fauteuils roulants pour les employes des entreprises dons le quartier, pour les residents et pour leurs invites. _..,.- ._...._...._ Pa g e l 6 5. Si 1'6venement sur rue propose requiert la cr6afion d'une enceinte par ['erection de clotures ou de barricades ou si des entr6es au site doivent titre bloqu6es, une personne d6sign6e doit demeur6e, en tout temps, aux entr6es bloqu6es. Cette personne designee doit titre en mesure de d6placer rapidement les clotures, barricades, ou tout autre 6quipement, afin de permettre aux v6hicules d'urgence de circuler. 6. Conform6ment a la Loi sur les v6hicules a moteur, les b6n6voles ne sont pas autoris6s a diriger la circulation. Les b6nevoles peuvent diriger les participants et 1'6quipement mobile seuiement lorsque jug6 n6cessaire. 7. Les preoccupations Mes a la s6curit6 publique seront 6valu6es en fonction de menaces /de preoccupations connues. La s6curit6 devrait titre assur6e pour tout 6venement sur rue, soit par des b6nevoles, un service de protection, des agences de s6curit6 priv6es et /ou le service de police de Saint John, selon leurs niveaux d'autorit6 et leurs capacit6s. Si le chef de police determine qu'un 6venement requiert les services du service de police de Saint John, les exigences particulieres seront revues avec I'organisateur de 1'6venement et, un plan op6rationnel sera 61abor6 et remis a I'organisateur de 1'6venement. Tous les arrangements et les couts reli6s aux services fournis par le service de police de Saint John sont la responsabilit6 exclusive de Porganisateur de 1'6venement et doivent titre n6goci6s avant la tenue de 1'6venement sur rue. 8. Les restrictions et les impacts de la fermeture de rues sur la poursuite des activit6s commerciales, incluant I'acces aux commerces par les clients, la r6tention des clients, les livraisons, la s6curit6 et les op6rations, doivent titre identifi€s et examines par I'organisateur de ['6venement. 9. L'organisateur de 1'6v6nement devra fournir au chef de police le consentement 6crit, selon la forme prescrite, de tous les propri6taires, iocataires et r6sidants qui demeurent sur la portion de rue ou 1'6venement dolt se derouler. Si n6cessaire, l'organisateur de 1'6venement dolt s'assurer de r6pondre aux besoins des propri6taires, locafaires et r6sidants. 10. Les impacts et pr6occupations li6s a la circulation des v6hicules, les activit6s de construction, la disponibilit6 de protection ad6quate en cas d'incendie, ainsi que le nettoyage des rues, doivent titre identifi6s et pris en compte par I'organisateur de 1'6venement. Page 7 1 1. La demande pour la tenue d'un 6venement sur rue doit inclure un plan de gestion des d6chets qui devra pr6voir comment les matieres recyclables, les matieres organiques et les ordures seront tri6es et g6r6es. The City of Saint John ne fournit pas de bats a ordures, a matieres organiques ou recyclables et n'offre pas un service de collecte lors de la tenue d'6venements sp6ciaux majeurs. Cette responsabilit6 repose uniquement sur I'organisateur de 1'6venement, qui dolt retenir, a ses frals, les services d'un entrepreneur qui fournira et offrira le service de collecte des bacs a ordures, a matieres organiques et a matieres recyclables, dement identifi6s. 12. La fermeture de rues pour la tenue d'6venements sur rue dolt, dans la mesure du possible, d6buter et se terminer a des intersections. 13. Les organisateurs de 1'6venement ainsi que 1'6venement sur rue doivent se conformer a toutes les Lois et tous les r6glements f6d6raux et provinciaux, ainsi qu'aux arr6t6s municipaux. The City of Saint John se r6serve le drolt d'annuler un 6venement, en tout temps, si les iois, r6glements ou arret6s applicables ne sont pas respect6s. 14. La fermeture ou le r6acheminement de parcours du Saint John Transit ne peut avoir lieu sans une consultation directe entre les organisateurs de 1'6venement et Saint John Transit et, suite a I'obtention par le chef de police, d'une confirmation provenant de Saint John Transit comme quoi toute question relative aux parcours des autobus a 6t6 r6solue a leur satisfaction. 5. Plusieurs 6venements incluent une forme de vente quelconque. En pareils cas, la responsabilit6 de s'assurer que chaque vendeur d6tient les permis et licences requis incombe a l'organisateur de 1'6venement. Les vendeurs de nourriture sont tous assujettis a I'approbation et a l'obtention de licences de la province du Nouveau - Brunswick. La demande d'6venemenf sur rue dolt sp6cifier si de la nourriture sera servie, et doit confirmer que le demandeur ainsi que les vendeurs se conformeront a la 16gislation applicable. 16. Si 1'6venement inclut 1'ex6cution publique de musique, en direct ou enregistr6e, la Loi sur ie droit d'auteur exige que l'organisateur et les interpretes obtiennent une licence de droits d'ex6cution de la SOCAN (www.socan.ca) pour pouvoir utiliser ladite musique. Les organisateurs de Page 18 1'6venement doivent communiquer avec la SOCAN au 1 -800- 557 -6226 pour obtenir le num6ro de compte requis. Un permis d'ev6nement sur rue sera d6livr6 suite a I'approbation, pr6clsant les modalit6s de ['approbation. Le permis dolt titre pr6sent6, sur demande, lors de la tenue de 1'6v6nement sur rue. The City of Saint John se r6serve le droit d'annuler, en tout temps, un 6v6nement et /ou de r6voquer un permis d'6venement sur rue, suite a la violation de toute ioi, tout reglement ou arret6, ou suite a la violation de toute condition reli6e au permis d'6v6nement sur rue. City of Saint John Evenement sur rue FORMULAIRE DE DEMANDE Veuillez completer toutes les sections de cette demande avant de la retourner a : Chef de police Service de police de Saint John C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B. E21- 41-1 Telecopieur : 506 -648 -3304 Date : 1. Nom de I'evenement sur rue: Date regue : 2. Nom de l'organisation hbtesse /qui planifie I'evenement : (Bureau) 3. Specifiez la nature de votre organisation : commerciale, sans but lucratif, caritative, etc. (veuillez svp fournir un numero d'enregistrement aux fins d'imp6t, le cas echeant) 4. Person ne-ressource pour 1'evenement : Adresse : Code postal Numero de telephone Adresse courriel : {M) Personne - ressource secondaire pour I'evenement : Adresse : Code postal Numero de telephone Adresse courriel : 5. Nom et theme principal de 1'evenement : 6. Activites principales qui auront lieu pendant I'evenement : 7.Objectifs de I'evenement, en ordre de priorite : (B) (Telec.) (B) (Telec.) Page 19 Page J 10 8. Dates et heures de la tenue de I'evenement : 9. Veuillez indiquer la frequence a laquelle cet evenement se deroulera (I'approbation sera fournie seulement pour le present evenement) : Annuelle Bisannuelle Une seule fois Autre Veuillez specifier 10. Lieu de la tenue de I'evenement (rues qui devraient titre fermees) : 11. Contexte historique : 12. Nombre de benevoles qui seront impliques clans ('evenement : 13. Public cable: ( veuillez decrire la portee demographique que vous pensez atteindre avec cet evenement) 13 .1 Pourcentage du public potentiel : Adultes Enfants Jeunes Families Personnes agees 14. Nombre estime de participants : 14.1 Types anticipes de participants: (a des fins statistiques seulement; pas obligatoire) a) % qui sont participants b) % qui sont spectateurs c) % qui proviennent de la ville de Saint John d) % qui proviennent de 1'exterieur de la ville de Saint John e) % qui proviennent de I'exterieur de is province Page X11 14.2 En vous basant sur les reponses fournies en d) et e) plus haut, veuillez fournir une repartition estimee du pourcentage associe a chaque type d'hebergement utilise par les visiteurs de 1'exterieur de la region (a des fins statistiques seulement; pas obligatoire). a) % heberges par la famille ou les amis b) % terrain de camping c) % hotel /motel d) % gite du passant e) % autre veuillez specifier Informations financi&es generales : requises uniquement pour permettre de comprendre la portee de I'evenement propose et pour confirmer que le demandeur /organisateur dispose des ressources necessaires pour couvrir les frals associes aux conditions du permis. Le budget operationnel total fournit des renseignements cles. 15. Budget operationnel total : 16. Sources de financement : (expliquez en detail le montant estime) A. Subventions Provinciales Federales : Autre Total Revenus provenant d'autres sources : Source. _ Fonds: Source : Fonds Source : Fonds Fonds disponibles provenant d'annees anterieures : Revenu total anticipe : B. Commandites Privees : D'entreprises Autre Total Si disponible, veuillez joindre un budget detaille des depenses projetees (cette information sera utilisee a des fins confidentielles seulement) 17. Identifiez les commanditaires majeurs potentiels : P„ge 112 18. Si cet evenement constitue une collecte de fonds, qui en sera le beneficiaire? 19. Est -ce que votre evenement a obtenu un appui financier de The City of Saintlohn au cours des annees anterieures? Oui Non Veuillez identifier I'annee au cours de laquelle vous avez obtenu cet appui : Veuillez expliquer en details le niveau d'appui obtenu dans le passe : 20. Exposez brievement votre strategie marketing pour cet evenement. (Veuillez inclure la publicite imprimee ou electronique a laquelle vous vous attendez) : 21. Un individu ou un groupe, autres que les services de la municipalite, les agences, les comites, commissions et agents de The City of Saint John, qui demande la fermeture d'une rue, peut se voir clans ('obligation de prendre une assurance responsabilite civile pour la tenue de I'evenement sur rue. Que 1'evenement se deroule ou passe, en totalite ou en partie, sur une propriete publique cle The City of Saint John, it se peut que les organisateurs de 1'evenement sur rue soient tenus d'obtenir et de maintenir en vigueur, pendant la duree de I'evenement, une police d'assurance responsabilite civile des entreprises avec une limite d'au moins 2 000 000 $, designant The City of Saint John comme « assure additionnel ». Dans les cas ou de la boisson alcoollsee sera servie ou vendue lors d'un evenement sur rue, les organisateurs devront obtenir et maintenir en vigueur, pendant toute la duree de I'evenement, une police d'assurance responsabilite civile des entreprises avec une limite d'au moins 5 000 000 $, designant The City comme a assure additionnel ». De plus, une assurance responsabilite civile en matiere d'alcooi devrait etre obtenue. Une preuve de toute couverture d'assurance requise devra etre acheminee a The City of Saint John, a I'attention du greffier communal, au moins 10 jours ouvrables precedant ('evenement sur rue. 22. Comment cet evenement sera -t -il evaluO A. Aurez -vous besoin des services de The City of Saintlohn? Si oui, veuillez fournir plus de details : Page 13 Veuillez noter que plusieurs services municipaux sous assujettis d des frais et sont a 1'entiere responsabilitd de I'organisateur. La municipalitd se rdserve le droit d'exiger un paiement anticipd pour ces couts par le biais d'un mandat -poste ou d'un cheque certifid, libelle au nom de The City of Saint John, sinon, les frais seront facturds a I'organisateur une fois I'Mnement compldtd. B. Sur une ou plusieurs feuilles sdpardes, veuillez fournir le plus d'informations possibles sur la logistique entourant I'dvenement. Veuillez inclure tous les itindraires et les plans des sites le cas dcheant, ainsi que toute information additionnelle que vous jugez pertinente pour decrire votre dvenement. En ce qui a trait aux exigences de The City ofSaintlohn exposde dans la prdsente demande, je suis titulaire du pouvoir de signature pour Nvenement ddcrit plus haut. Je comprends les exigences de The City of Saint John envers un organisateur d'dvenement, teiles qu'elles sont ddfinies clans cette demande, et je vais m'assurer que Nvenement que je reprdsente se conformera a ces exigences : Signature Nom (en caracteres d'imprimerie) j IN k, K01 =r April 23, 2012 Your Worship, Deputy Mayor and Councillors: Subject: Committee of the Whole — Appointments to Committees The Committee of the Whole, having met on April 23, 2012 adopted the following resolution: "RESOLVED that the Committee of the Whole recommends the following appointments to committees: Saint John Energy: to re- appoint Bruce Court for a three year term from May 8, 2012 to May 8, 2015 and to re- appoint Elizabeth Gormley from May 8, 2012 to December 31, 2012. Saint John Board of Police Commissioners: to re- appoint Mary - Eileen O'Brien for a four year term from April 28, 2012 to April 28, 2016. Aquatic Centre Commission: to appoint David Emerson for a three year term from April 23, 2012 to April 23, 2015. Harbour Station Commission: to re- appoint Peter Murray and John Correia each for a three year term from May 26, 2012 to May 26, 2015." Respectfully Submitted, Jonathan Taylor Assistant Common Clerk P4_1. SAINT JOHN P.D. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 I www,saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint Jahn, N. -B. Canada E2L 4L1 City Hall 15 Market Square April 19, 2012 Mayor Court and Common Council, Re: Declarations of Conflict P.O. Box 1971 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4LI 1� 1t':A + +. City of Saint John Motion : That Common Council accept the Declarations of Conflict of Interest from members of the City of Saint John pension plan and seek no further advice or actions from said members With Respect, (Received via email) Councillor Patty Higgins IIM April 23, 2012 Your Worship, Deputy Mayor and Councillors: Subject: Committee of the Whole - Sanitary Lift Station for Mountain View Dr The Committee of the Whole, having met on April 23, 2012 adopted the following resolution: "RESOLVED that the City Solicitor be directed to prepare an appropriate agreement between the City and North Star Holdings Ltd. to articulate the responsibility of both parties with respect to the construction of municipal infrastructure related to the development of 40 Mountain View Drive comprising 5.6 hectares and that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute said agreement reflective of the following terms and conditions: The City is to upfront all costs directly related to the sanitary lift station servicing the 26.1 hectare site, as identified in the City Manager's report to Committee of the Whole (Closed Session) dated June 17th, 2011. North Star Holdings Ltd. is to assume all responsibility for the costs associated with storm water management infrastructure for the Project, as identified in City Manager's report to Committee of the Whole (Closed Session) dated June 17th, 2011. Provided that it is determined that the City has authority to impose and does, in fact, impose a levy to recover the costs incurred by the City with respect to the design and construction of the Sanitary Lift Station, such levy shall be calculated in accordance with the following formula: Total cost divided by area of drainage basin equals levy per gross hectare developed. • Notwithstanding the City's previous program of development financial incentives or any future development financial assistance programs, the parties agree that: • The City will pay a materials rebate to North Star Holdings Ltd. as per the practice in place on June 21, 2010 under the Subdivision By -law, as it then existed, for all eligible costs associated with the Project. • Residential Infrastructure Assistance ( "RIA ") costs will be paid by the City to North Star Holdings Ltd. in accordance with the practice in place on June 21, 2010 to a maximum of /not to exceed $50,000. • The City will forgive North Star Holdings Ltd. of paying any levy, if collected in the future, for the Project. lr - SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L41-1 1 wwwsaintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada E21- 4L1 • In return, North Star Holdings Ltd. will surrender any and all rights to any additional assistance from the City under any existing or future development financial assistance programs for the Project. Provided that it is determined that the City has authority to impose and does, in fact, impose a levy to recover the costs incurred by the City with respect to the design and construction of the Sanitary Lift Station, North Star Holdings Ltd. shall be obligated to pay such levy in respect of lands falling outside the bounds of the Project. North Star Holdings Ltd. will coordinate and execute all of the work required for the design and construction of the Sanitary Lift Station and the City will not assume ownership of the Sanitary Lift Station until the work is completed in a manner satisfactory to the Chief City Engineer or his designate." Respectfully Submitted, Jonathan Taylor Assistant Common Clerk SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 I wwwsaintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada E2L 4L1