2012-03-12_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaire �
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City of Saint John
Common Council Meeting
Monday,March 12,2012
Location: Common Council Chamber
Supplemcntal to Agenda
10.3 Third Reading By-law Respectiug the Closing of Retail Bnsinesses
City of Saint John
S�ance du conseil communal
Le lnndi 12 mars 2012
Lieu : Salle du conseil commun�l
Ordre du jour suppl�me�utaire
10.3 Troisieme lecture d'arrete relatif a Ia fermeture des cornmerces au detail
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A By-Iaw respecting the Arrete relatif a la fermeture
Closing of Retail Businesses in des commerces au deta�l
The City of 5aint John dans The City of Saint John
By-law Number M-32 Arrete numero M-32
An uzzcertified copy of this by-law Une copie non certifiee de I'arrete
is available online est disponibile en ligne
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Section Description Page Article Designation Page
Recitals 2 Preambule 2
1 Title 3 1 Titre 3
2 Definitions 4 2 Definitions 4
3 Interpretation 5 3 Interpretation 5
4 Perinitting/Prohibting thc b 4 Permettre/Interdire 6
Operarion of Retail 1'cxploitaiion de
Businesses commerces au detail
5 Offences 6 5 Infractions 6
6 Repeal 7 b Abrogation 7
Schedule A 8 Annexe A 8
Attendu que :
WHEREAS Common Council considers le CONSEIL COMMUNAL considcre qu'il est
that it is accepted in society that people accepte dans la societe que les gens ont droit a
have a right to a moment to be together un moment d'etre ensemble en dehors du
away from work; travail ;
AND WHEREAS paragraph 11(1)(e.l) of 1'alinea 11(1)e.l) de la Loi su�- les
the Municipalites Act states a municipality municipalites prevoit qu'une municipalite peut
may make by-laws permitting or prohiting prendre dcs arretes municipaux afin de
the operatian of Retail Businesses on the permettre ou interdire 1'exploita.tion de
Weekly Day of Rest, provided that the cOMMFRCES AU DETAIL Ie JOUR DE REPOS
Weekly Day of Rcst is not also a HEBDOMADAIRE, cn autant que ce JOUR DE
Prescribed Day of Rest under the Days of REPOS HEBDOMADAiRE n'est pas aussi un
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Rest Act (1985), and estabiishing hours 70UR DE REPOS PRESCRIT en vertu de 1a Loi sur
during which Retail Businesses may les jours de repos (1985), et etablir les heures
operate on the Weekly Day of Rcst; pendant lesqucllcs les COMMERC�S AU D�1'�L
peuvent etre exploites le 70UR DE REPOS
AND WHEREAS subsection 97(2) of the le paragraphe 97(2) de la Loi sur les
Municipalities Act states a council may, municipalites prcvoit, sous reserve des
subject to the excmptions found in exemptions au paragraphe 97(7} de laditc Loi,
subsection 97{7) of the said Act, ma.ke by- qu'un conseil peut prendre des arretes
laws requiring Retail Businesses to be obligeant les COMMERCES AU DETAIL a fermer
closed and remain closed during the wholc au a rester fermes durant tout ou pariie d'une
or any part of any day as the by-law journee que 1'arrete prescrit ;
AND WHEREAS paragraph 100(1)(a) of 1'alinea 100(1}a) de laLni sur les municipalites
the Municipalities Act states that a person prevoit qu'une personne qui contrevient a une
who violates any provision of a by-law disposition quelconque d'un arrete commet une
commits an offence and is liable on infraction et est passible d'une amendc sur
conviction to a fine; declaration de culpabilite; ct
AND WHEREAS notice of this by-law un avis du present arrete a et� donne
was providcd in accordance with conformement a 1'alinea 12(1}b) de la Loi sur
paragraph 12(1)(b) of the Municipalities les municipalites.
NOW THEREFORE, the Common Council of A CES CAUSES, Ie Co1vSEn. CoMMiINAL, de The
The City of Saint John, enacts as follows: City of Saint John edicte :
Title Titre
1. This by-law may be cited as the Saint John 1. Le present arrete pcut ctre cite sous le titre
Closing of Retail Businesses By-Law Arrete relatif a lu fermeture de commerces
(hereinafter the `By-law"). au detail cle Saint John (ci-apres «
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Defmitio�s Defmitions
2. Wbenever a word is used in this By-law 2. Dans le present ARRETE, les termes en
with its first letter capitalized, the term is petites majuscules sont employes au sens
being used as it is defined in this Scction 2, d�fini au pr�sent article, lcs autres rnots
Where any worcl appears in ordinary case, ayant leur sens ordinaire en franrais.
its regularly applied rneaning in the English
language is intended.
"City" mcans The City of Saint John «COMMERCE AU DETAII, » designe un
(Municipalite); commerce au detail tel qu'il est defini dans la
Loi suN les jours de repr�s (1985); et,
cquivalent (Retail Business) ;
"Common Council" means the electcd « CONSEIL COMMiJNAL » dcsigne les
municipal council of the City (Conseil membres elus du conseil municipal de la
communal}; MUNICiPAI.ITE (Conzmon Counci� ;
"Day of Rest" mcans a day of rest listed in «J�UR DE R�;POS HEBDOMADAIRE »
Schcdulc A (.Iour de repos); designe un jour de repos hebdomadaire tel
qu'il est d�fini dans 1a Loi sur les jou�-s de
repos (1985) (Weekly Day ofRest) ;
"Prescribed Day of Rest" means a «JOUR DE REPOS » desi�e un jour dc repos
prescribed day of rest as defined in the �numere a 1'annexe A {Day of 1Zest) ;
Days af' Rest Act {1985) (Jour de repos
"Retail Business" means a retail busincss «JOUR DE R�;POS PRESCRIT » designe un
as defined in the Days of Rest Act (1985); jour de repos prescrit tel qu'il est defni dans
and "Retail Basinesses" has a Ia Loi sur les jours de repos (1985)
corresponding meaning (Commerce au (Prescribed Day of Rest) ;
"Weekly Day of Rest"means a weekly day « MUNICIPALITE » designe The City of
of rest as defined in the Duy,s of Rest Aet Saint�ohn (City}.
{1485) (Jnur de repos hehdomadai�e}.
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Interpretation Interpretation
3. Rules for intcrpretation of the language 3. Les regles d'interpretation suivantes
used in this By-law are contained in the s'appliquent au present A1tRE`rE :
lettered paragraphs as follows:
(a) The captions, article and section a} Les titres, intertitres et numeros
names and numbers appearing des dispositions ne servent qu'a
in this By-law are for faciliter la consultation de
convenience of referencc only I'A�utE1'E et ne doivent pas
and have no effect on its servir a son interpretation.
(b} This By-law is to be read with b} Le genre ou le nornbre
all changes of gender or nurnber grammaticaux doivcnt etre
required by the context. adaptes au contextc.
(c} Each referencc to legislation in c) Les renvois legislatifs paraissent
this By-law is printed in Italic en italique. Ils visent les Lois
font. Where the name of the revisces du Nouveau-Brunswick
statute does not include a year, dc 1973 sauf inention d'unc
the reference is to the Revised annee particuliere, auquel cas ils
Statutes of Ncw Brunswick, visent les Lois du Nouveau-
1973 cdition. Where the narne Brunswick de cette annee-la.
of the statute does include a Dans tous les cas, lc renvoi a une
year, the reference is to the loi vise egalement lcs
Statute of New Brunswick for modifications qui s'y appliquent,
that year. In every case, fihe y compris toute legislation de
refcrence is intended to include remplacement. Lcs renvois a
all applicable amendments to d'autres arretes de la
the Iegislation, including MiJNICIPALITE visent egalcment
successor legislation. Whcre les modifications qui s'y
this By-law references othcr by- appliquent, y compris tout arrete
laws of the City, the term is de remplacement.
intended to include all
applicablc amendments to
those by-laws, including
successor by-laws.
(d) The requirements of this By- d) Les obligations qu'il cree
law are in addition to any s'ajoutent a ccllcs decoulant
requirements contained d'autres arretes applicables de la
in any other applicable by-laws MLINICIPALIT� ou des lois ou
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of the City or applicable reglements federaux ou
provincial or fedcral statutes or provinciaux applicablcs.
(c) If any section, subsection, part e) Si unc disposition quelconque
or parts or provision of this By- est declaree invalide par un
law, is for any reason dcclared tribunal wmpetent pour quelquc
by a court or tribunal of manf que ce soit, la decision
competent jurisdiction to be n'e�tache en rien la validite de
invalid, the ruling shall not 1'ARRETE dans son ensemble ni
affcct the validity of the By-law de toute autre disposition.
as a whole, nor any other part of
(� The schedule attached to tlnis fl L'annexe jointe au preseni
By-law is included in and shall ARRETE est inclue et doit eixe
be considered part of this By- consideree cornme faisant partie
law, du present ARRETE.
Permitting/Prohibting the Operation of Retail Permettre/interdire 1'exploita�ion de commerces
Businesses au detail
4{1). No person shall operate a Retail Busincss 4(1). Il est interdit a quiconque d'exploiter un
on the Weekly Day of Rest, provided that COMMERCE AU DF,TnIL le JOUR DE 1tEPOS
the Weekly Day of Rest is not also a H�BDOMADAIRE, en autant que ce .►OUtt nF
Prescribed Day of Rest, except between ItEPOS HEBDOMADAIRE n'est pas aussi un
the hours of 12:00 to i 7:00. JOUR DE REPOS PRESCRIT, sauf entre I2 h et
17 h.
4(2). No person shall operate a Retail Business 4(2). Il est interdit a quiconque d'exploiter un
on a Day of Rest. COMM�;RCE AU DETATL durant un JOUR DE
Offences Infractions
5. Any persons who violates any of the 5. Toute personne qui contrevient a une
provisions of tlus By-law is guilty of an disposi�ion du present ARRETE est coupable
offence and liable upon summary d'une infraction et passible sur
canviction to a fine of not less than five condamnation sommaire d'une amende
hundred dollars ($500} and not morc than d'au moins cinq cents dollars {500 $) ct
two thousand one hundred dol]ars d'au plus deux mille cent dollars (2 100 $).
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Repeal Abrogation
6. A By-law of The C�ty of Saint John 6. L'arrete de The City of Saint John edictc le
enacted on the 9"' day of February, 2004 9e jour de fevrier 2004 intitule « Arrete
entitle� "A By-law related to the Closing relatif a la fermeture des etablissements de
of Retail Establishments in the City of vente au detail dans la ville de Saint John
Saint John" and all amendments thereto », enscmble ses modifications, sont
are repealed. abroges.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City of Saint John EN FOI DE QUOT, The City of Saint John a fait
has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the apposer son sceau municipal sur le pr�sent ARRETE
said City to be affixed to tbis By-law the _ le mars 2012, avec les signatures suivantes :
day of March, A.D. 2012 and signed by:
Common C1erk/Greffiere communale
First Reading - February 27, 2012 Premiere lecture - Le 27 fevrier 2012
Second Reading - February 27, 2012 Deuxieme lecture - Le 27 fevrier 2d12
Third Reading - Troisieme lecture -
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Schedule A Anuexe A
1. New Year's Day 1. Le jour de 1'an
2. Good Friday 2. Le ti�endredi saint
3. Easter Sunday 3. Le dimanche de Paques
4. Victoria Day 4. Le jour de Victoria
5. Canada Day 5. La fete du Canada
6. New Brunswick Day 6. La fete du Nouveau-Brunswick
7. Labour Day 7. La fetc du Travail
8. Thanksgiving Day 8. I,e jour de 1'action de graces
9. Rernembrance Day 9. Le jour du Souvenir
I0. Christmas Day 10. Le jour de Noel
11. Boxing Day 11. Le lendmain de Noel