2012-02-27_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour � _ � �: f City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday,February 27,2012 Committee of the Whole 1. Call to Order 5:00 p.m. 8th Floor Boardroom Si vous avez besoin des services en franrais pour une reunion de Conseil Communal, veuillcz contacter Ie bureau de la greffiere communale au 658-28$2. Each of the following items, either in whole or in part, is able to be discussed in private pursuant to the provisions of scction l 0 of the Municipalities Act and CounciUCommittee will make a decision(s) in that respect in Open Session: 1.0 Nominating Comrnittee10.2(4)(j) 1.1 Personnel Matter10.2(4}(j) 1.2 Personnel Matter 10.2(4}(j) 1.3 Personnel Matter 10.2(4)(j) 1.4 Financial Mattcr 10.2(4)(c) 1.5 Personnel Matter 10.2(4)(j) 1.6 Personnel Matter 10.2(4){j) 1.7 Agreement 10.2(4}(c) 1.8 Legal Opinion 1Q.2(4)(f,g) 1.9 Property Matter 10.2{4}(b) 1.10 Financial Matter 10.2(4)(c) Regular Meeting l. Call to Order- Prayer b:45 p.m. Council Chamber 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Adoption of Agenda 3.] Heritage Development Board - Annual Heritage Awards 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 5. Consent Agcnda 5.T Design and Construction Management: Honeysuckle/Shcrbrooke Drainage Basin - Storm Sewer Improvements (Recommendation in report) 5.2 Public Information Session:Chesley Dr-Sanitary Lif't Station 10A, Force Main & Sewer-Harbour Clean-Up Construction Project (Recommendation in report) 5.3 Proposed Public Hearing Date: 895 Ashburn Road, 2$8 Duke Street and 549 Millidge Avenue (Recommendati.on in report) 5.4 Asscnt of a Municipal Se�-vices Easement- 250 Bayside Drive (Recnrnmendation in report) 5.5 Dashwood Letter Re: Opinion (Recommendation: Receivec� for information) G. Members Comments 7. Proclamation 8. Delegations/Presentations 8.1 Entcrprisc Saint John 9. Public Hearings 7:00 p.m. 9.1(a) Proposed Zoning ByLaw Amendment- 8 Rockwood Ave. 9.1(b) Request to Withdraw Application 9.2(a} Praposed Zoning ByLaw Amendment- 548-550 Milford Rd 9.2(b) Planning Advisory Committee Report Recommending Re-Zoning be Denied 9.3(a) Proposeci Section 39 Amendment- I 120 Loch Lomond Rd 9.3(b) Planning Advisory Committee Report Recommending Section 39 Amendments 9.4(a} Proposed Section 39 Amendment- 101 Kenncay St. 9.4(b) Planning Advisory Committee Report Recomrnending Sec�ion 39 Amendrnents 9.Sa} Proposed ByLaw Amendment Stop Up and Close portion of Saddlebrook Ct 9.Sb) City Manager: Saddlebrook Court- Stop-Up and Close 9.5(c) Letter of Opposition 10. Consideration of By-laws l 0.l Third Reading - Stop Up and Close a portion of Ludlow Street 11. Submissions by Council Members 11.0 Rockwood Park Advisory Board Request to Present(Mayor Court} 11.1 Pension Reform Advocacy Ptan (Councillor McGuire) Tablcd Feb 13, 2012 1 I.2 Speed Limits on Westfield Road (Councillor Farren) 113 Safe, Clean Drinking Water- A �'ath Forward (Councillor Titus) 11.4 Second Annual Volunteer Reeogiition Event (Couneillor Sullivan) 12. Business Matters-Municipal Officers 12.0 Common Clerk: Rescinding Resolution for Revised Digital Geo�-aphic Information Distrib�tion Policy 12.1 City Manager: 2012 General Capital Budget 12.2 City Solicitor: Saint John Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings and Structures By-law (1 st and 2nd Reading) 12.3 City Solicitor: Proposed Annendments to thc Saint John Closing of Retail Businesses By-1aw 12.4a) City Manager: Arnendment to Saint John Building By-law - Fee Adjustments, MC2012-38 12.4b) City Solicitor: Inerease af Building Permit Fees Arnendment to the Saint John Building By-law (1 st and 2nd reading} 12.5 City Manager: Building Pcrmit Application- 109 Crowley Rr M&C 2012-39 13. Committee Reports 13.1 Froposed Subdivision - 125 Gault Road 14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda 15. General Correspondence 16. Adjournment � �* t ���,' � The City of S�int John Seance du conseil communal Le lundi 27 f�vrier 2012 Comite plenier 1. Ouverture de la seance 17 h—Salle de confcrcnce du 8e etage Si vous avez besoin de services en franrais pour une reunion du conseil com�nunal, communiquez avec le bureau de la grcffiere com�nunale au 658-2862. Chacun des points suivants, en totalite ou en partie, peut faire 1'objet d'une discussion en prive en vertu des dispositions prevues a 1'article 10 de la Loi sur les municipalites. Le conseil/comitc prendra une ou des decisions a cet egard au cours de la seance publique : 1.0 Cornite des candidatures—alinea 10.2(4)j) 1.1 Questzon relative au personnel—alinea l 0.2(4)j) 1.2 Question relative au personnel—alinea 10.2(4)j) 1.3 Question relative au personnel—alinea 10.2(4)j} 1.4 Question financiere—alinea 102(4)c} 1.5 Question relative au personnel—alinea 10.2{4)j} l.6 Question relative au personnel—alinea 10.2(4)j) 1.7 Convention—alinea 10.2(4)c) 1.8 Avis juridiquc—alineas 10.2{4)f}, g) 1.9 Qucstion relative aux biens-fonds—alinea 10.2(4)b) 1.10 Question financiere—alinea 1 Q.2(4)c) Seance ordinaire 1. Quvertarc dc la seance, suivie de la priere 18 h 45—Salle du conseil 2. Approbation du proccs-verbal 3. Adoption dc 1'ordre du jour 3.1 Conseil d'amenagement du patrimoine—prix annuels relatifs a ia preservation du patrimoine 4. Divulgations de conflits d'interets 5. Qaestions soumises a 1'approbation du conseil 5.1 Gestion de la conccption et de la construction : Bassin versant du secteur Honeysucklc-Sherbro�ke—Modernisation du reseau d'egout pluvial (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.2 Seance informative publique : Station de relevement ri 10A de la promenade Cheslcy--Conduite d'eau principale et egout sanitaire dans le cadre du projet de construction et de nettoyage du port (recommandation figurant au rapport} 5.3 Date proposee de la tenue d'une audience publiquc rclativement au 895, chemin Ashburn, au 288, rue Duke et au 549, avenue Millidge (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.4 Approbation d'une servitude aux fins de services municipaux visant le 250, prornenade Bayside (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.5 Lettre de Dashwood concernant 1'avis (recommandation : aecepter a titre informa�i fl b. Commentaires presentes par les membres 7. Proclamation S. DelegaHons ct presentations 8.1 Enterprise Saint John 9. Audiences publiques i� n 9.1 a) Projet de modification de I'Arrete de zonage visant le 8, avenue Rockwood 9.1b) Demande dc retrait de la demande 9.2a) Projet de rnodification de 1'Arrete dc zonage visant les 548-550, chemin Milford 9.2b} Rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant le rejet de Ia demande de zonage 9.3a) Projet de modification des conditions imposecs par 1'article 39 visant le 1120, chemin I,och Lomond 93b) Rapport du Coxnite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant les modifications des conditions imposees en vertu de 1'article 39 9.4a} Modification proposcc aux conditions imposees en vertu de 1'article 39 relativement au 101, nze Kennedy 9.4b) Rapport du Comite c;onsultatif d'urbanisme recomnaandant Ies modifications des canditions imposees en vertu de 1'article 39 9.Sa) Modification proposee de 1'Arrete concernant la fermeture et le barrage de routes - Tron�.on de la cour Saddlebrook 9.Sb) Directcur general : Fermeture et barragc dc la cour Saddlebrook 9.Sc} Lettre d'opposition 10. Etude des arretes municipaux 10.1 Troisicmc lecture de 1'Arrete concernant la fcrmeture et le barrage de routes —Tron�on de la rue Ludlow 11. Interventions des membres du conseil 11.0 Demande presentee par le Conseil consultatif du parc Rockwood visant a se presenter devant le conseil (maire Court) 11.1 Plan d'action relatif a la reforme du regime de retraite (conseiller McGuire)— Point reporte lors dc la reunian du 13 fevrier 20I2 11.2 Lirnites de vitesse sur Ie chemin Loch Westfield (conseiller Farren) 11.3 Salubrite et proprete d.e 1'eau potable—La voie a suivre{conseiller Titus) 11.4 DeUxieme�venement annuel relatif a la reconnaissance des benevoles (conseiller Sullivan) 12. Affaires munic�pales evoquees par les fonctionnaires municipaux 12.0 Greffiere communalc : Resolution d'annulation relativement a la politique revisee concernant la diffusion de 1'information geogxaphique numerique 12.1 Directeur general : Budget d'immobilisations du fonds d'administration de 2012 12.2 Avocat municipal : Arrete sur Ies lieux inesthetiques et les batirnents ou constructions dangereux (premicrc et deuxieme lectures) 12.3 Avocat municipal : Modifications proposees a 1'Arretc relatif a la fermeture des etablissements de ventc au detaiI dans The City of Saint.Tohn 12.4a) Directeur gcncral : Modification de 1'Arrete relatif a la construction de Saint Johri—Rajusternents des frais—Rapport M/C 2012-38 12.4b) Avocat municipal : Modification de 1'Arrete relatif a la construction de Saint John—Angmentation des droits rc�atifs au permis de construirc (premiere et deuxieme lectures) 12.5 Directeur general : Demande de permis de constr�ire concernant le 109, chemin Crowley—Rapport M/C 2012-39 13. Rapports deposcs par les comites 13.1 Projet de lotissement au 125, chemin Gault 14. Etude des sujets ecartes des questions soumises a 1'approbation du conseil 1S. Correspondance generale 16. Levee de Ia seance .�� - � - - - � - ,• . — — -- s � ��3 , � :��� :t„. ° - _ = '�,�`���� - ,.a� , � � ._� - _� -T � ,�j-=Y�' ;r�-� � .y .. � �� - � _ � 7���_ 1 I 141G i � KF ,�Lt '$ i1Qa.Gi} o- � , ��.�T � '7 �`w � F � rrr, � M A � � �, ��������� ��,. . � � �� � . - --�.- �` -�� � � r ,y 3�-�• �:: � .�� � — �wn �xos � � _ - - � � , . � � �_ �,� ;.i _ 4 � � �� B- yt!_ - _ � �; -� � r. ` � A � ARDS 6 �a_:, ,�' - -��.�, �r+,� _ — � `� � � � ,� � � � I � � :+�;.f� � � �: �. _ � , t�C+�'lf��f.5�I.� iF I.,r C'� !� _ _ '_ _ -_ I � _ _ �� � � � I-I � l� I7'AC � D ��I� L�O P 1VI � 1�i7' B OAI� D L�O l�iA LARAG�Y �--� G HAI R GOLII�i �ALDSCHUT'z �--� � ST �IIC� GHAIR PAT'RIGK 1VIGGAF'F'l��Y �--� 2,ND �IIG� GHAIR DOl�il�iI� S1�i00K �--� GOUI�iGILLOR RIGHARD CRADOI�i I� �A7"H�R U RQ U HAR7" A��x P�so�� C O RDO l�i I� ��IT'T' ��_:, _ ,�. -� --�.�. �`� _ - ,� � � � I � �� 'Y� �" � .� � I�i � � �'.f,� � � � �� �. 41��: t,�� �_ .%'. ..` '�' _ _ ���f.' 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R � P � R'T 'T � C � I1��. 11I� CJ �1 CU � I�JC � �, � � .�Yu� ��t`�� � Y '� ) � _�� �� � �c&� c:;�-t� ��_ � n+�r;w r�-. M & C 2012—36 The fity of sainc iohn February 22, 2412 His Worship Mayor Ivan Court and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: Design and Construction Management: Honeysuckle/ Sherbrooke Drainage Basin—Storm Sewer Improvements BACKGROUND The approved 2011 General Fund Capital program include projects for the design and installation of storm sewers as well as the design of a box culvert and completion of a Harmful Alteration, Disruption or Destruction of fish habitat study (HADD) in the Honeysuckle / Sherbrooke Drainage Basin. The projects include funding necessary to engage engineering services to complete the following: ♦ Part A— Site Survey, Preliminary Investigation and Data Collection ♦ Part B —Preliminary Design, Cost Estimates and Design Report ♦ Part C—Public Consultation ♦ Part D—Detailed Design ♦ Part E — Tender Period Services, Materials Testing & Inspection, Redbook Notes and Record Drawings ♦ Part F—Construction Management PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to make a recommendation for consulting engineering services for these projects. 46 -- M & C2012— February 22, 2012 Page 2 ANALYSIS With a comprehensive terms of reference docuinent developed by staff, a public call for proposals was made for consulting engineering services. Submissions were received from six consulting engineering companies. A Review Committee of staff was selected to complete an analysis of all aspects of the submissions: ♦ Brian Keenan, P. Eng. Engineering Manager, Municipal Engineering ♦ Michael Baker, P. Eng. Municipal Engineer, Municipal Engineering ♦ Jodi Stringer- Webb, P. Eng. Municipal Engineer, Municipal Engineering ♦ Cindy Calvin, C.P.P.B. Acting Manager of Materials Management Each member completed an independent review of the submissions, and a joint discussion was held to develop the final ranking of submissions. The Review Committee came to a conclusion on their recommendation, which follows later in the report. The evaluation process uses the expertise of a variety of staff froin Purchasing and Engineering to ensure a thorough review of the various submissions. The work contemplated is very significant and vital to the overall management of stormwater. Care must be taken to ensure that the necessary level of effort and expertise is being directed to the various tasks involved in the work, while still ensuring that costs to be incurred are appropriate and controllable. It is for these reasons that cost, although very iinportant, cannot be the sole nor most critical deciding factor in making the selection of a consulting engineering firm. Proposals were received from six firms: • exp Services Inc., Saint John,NB � CBCL Limited, Saint John, NB � Stantec Consulting Ltd., Fredericton, NB � Crandall Engineering Ltd., Saint John, NB • GENIVAR, Saint John, NB • Dillon Consulting Limited, Saint John, NB As previously stated, the proposals were reviewed on the basis of the comprehensive and detailed terms of reference and their relationship to the following criteria: 47 M & C 2012— February 22, 2012 Page 3 1. Quality and CompCeteness — Does the proposal address all of the needs raised? Is the proposal presented in an organized and professional manner? 2. Consultant's Experience— Has the consultant demonstrated a level of expertise with the requirements of this project? 3. Expef�ience ofEmployees/Sub-consultants —Has the consultant demonstrated a level of expertise for the employees of the company and sub consultants listed. 4. Metliodology — Does the approach to the project outlined in the proposal address, in a realistic sense, attainable goals and is it in keeping with the City's expectations for the project? 5. Value Added — What additional information, technology, process or options has the consultant included in his proposal? Is there value added to the consultant's response for this additional information. 6. Cost— Is the pi•ice quoted in line with the City's estimate for the work and has it allowed for each aspect of the project to be adequately addressed? After careful, independent consideration of presentation, company experience, personnel and technical proposal, the Review Committee met to analyze the findings of each meinber. After completion of the "technical" evaluation, the financial proposals were opened and addressed. These had been submitted in separate, sealed envelopes. A$er due consideration the Review Committee selected the submission of Dillon Consulting Limited as the best proposal based on an overall rating of the evaluation criteria - presentation, company experience, personnel, technical proposal and cost. The submission from Dillon Consulting Limited met all of the requirements of the proposal call, in a manner acceptable to the committee, with a cost-effective bid for the project. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The proposed cost of work from Dillon Consulting Limited to provide the design and construction management services is $531,270 including the City's eligible HST rebate. An amount of $3,325,000 is included in the 2011 General Fund Capital programs for the design, construction management and construction. Engineering fees to cover the costs of design and construction managernent generally do not exceed 12 — 17% of the total overall project costs depending on the nature of the project and the engineering services required. This upset fee is approximately 16% of the total overall project costs, which is considered appropriate for this type of project. 48 M & C2012— February 22, 2012 Page 4 POLICY—ENGAGEMENT OF ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS The costs incurred by the consultant will be paid in accordance with the terms of the Request For Proposal at the rates submitted and accepted in the consultants proposal not to exceed the Recommended Minimum Hourly Rates as contained in The Association of Consulting Engineering Companies — New Brunswick fee guideline. The Construction Management component of this project fee is based on an estimated construction period. The final fee will be calculated based on the actual construction management period. RECOMMENDATION It is recominended that the proposal froin Dillon Consulting Limited for engineering services (design and construction management) for the Honeysuckle / Sherbrooke Drainage Basin — Storm Sewer Improvements project be accepted and that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute appropriate documentation in that regard. Respectfully submitted, j��- ���\Qr��c--�� . ti 1 Brian Keenan, P. Eng. atrick Woods, CGA Engineering Manager City Manager 49 �. 2 REPQR'T TC� CCJ � �If'IC� N C � �CJNC � L �� __�..� ��. ;��� � : r �,�,. � � � � � �� T,�--�.�, M & C2012 - 34 ���.��� �y�S ��•,�.., _ =a Febi-uary 22, 2012 The City of Saint)ohn His Worship Mayor Ivan Court and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: Public Information Session Chesley Drive—Sanitary Lift Station 10A, Force Main and Sewer. Harbour Clean-Up Construction Project PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to inform Council of a Public Information Session that will be held in relation to the construction of the Chesley Drive Sanitary Lift Station 10A, Force Main and Sewer project, and to update Council on the status of the project. BACKGROUND The approved 2011 Water& Sewerage Utility Fund Capital Program includes a project under the Harbour Clean-Up program to construct the Chesley Drive Sanitary Lift Station 10A, Force Main and Sewer. ANALYSIS The Tender for the Chesley Drive - Sanitary Lift Station 10A, Force Main and Sewer project closed on February 1, 2012. Fairville Construction Ltd. was awarded the contract (M&C 2012- 29). Construction work is anticipated to start in March 2012 and be completed by October 2012. This project will have an impact on the local area during construction. For this reason it is appropriate to hold a Public Information Session to allow local residents and others an opportunity to view the project design drawings, ask questions and give their feedback on the construction project. This Public Information Session is scheduled to be held at the Lord Beaverbrook Arena, 536 Main Street North, on Wednesday, February 29th, 2012 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. This report is being provided for the information of Council and to extend an invitation to any Councilors who may wish to attend the Public Information Session. 50 -- M & C2012-34 February 22, 2012 Page 2 The Public Information Session will be advertised and a copy of the attached notice will be delivered door to door in the project area. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that this report be received and filed. Respectfully subrnitted, �J L ��,-.�.�-� Brian Keenan, P. Eng. Engineering Manager � ` CI �� J. trick Woods, CGA City Manager 51 � The Ciry of saint john PUBLIC INFORMATION SESSION Harbour Clean-up Project Chesley Dr. - Sanitary Lift Station 10A, Force Main and Sewer The City of Saint John will be constructing a Sanitary Lift Station and Force Main project in the area of Hilyard St. from Paradise Row to Chesley Dr. and along Chesley Dr. from Hilyard St. to HMCS Brunswicker. Also affected by construction activities will be the Harbour Station parking lot. This sanitary sewer project is part of the Harbour Clean-up Program. Construction work is anticipated to start March, 2012 and will have a completion date of October, 2012. Representatives from the City of Saint John and the project design team will be available to answer questions related to the proposed project. The public is invited to attend an information session on this project on the following date and times: Date: Wednesday, February 29th, 2012 Place: Lord Beaverbrook Rink at 536 Main St North Time: 2:00 p.m. —4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. —8:00 p.m. For further information about this project, contact the Consultant, CBCL Limited, Consulting Engineers, at (506) 633-6650 or City of Saint John Customer Service at (506) 658-4455. 52 j . 7 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL � ;o= � M & C-2012 -37 - D�lvA � City o#' saint John February 22, 2012 His Woiship Mayor Ivan Court and Members of Coinmon Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Proposed Public Hearing Date 895 Ashburn Road,288 Duke Street and 549 Millidge Avenue BACKGROUND: As provided in Common Council's resolution of August 3, 2004, this i�eport indicates the rezoning and Section 39 amendment applications received and recommends an appropriate public hearing date. Details of the applications are available in the Common Clerk's office and will form part of the documentation presented at the public hearings. The following applications have been received. Name of Location Existing Proposed Reason Applicant Zone Zone Hughes Surveys 895 Ashburn Road "RF" "1-1" To permit an &Consultants (area to rear) existing outdoor Inc. (for A.C. storage area to Fairweather& remain in its Sons Ltd.) present location John Howard 288 Duke Street "RM-IF" "1L-1" To permit a Society group care facility for up to seven adults Michiko Gehrig 549 Millidge Avenue "IL-1" "SZ-17" To permit an animal hospital within the existing building 53 M&C—2012—37 -2- February 22,2012 RECOMMENDATION: That Cotnmon Council schedule the public hearings for the rezoning applications of Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. (895 Ashburn Road), John Howard Society(288 Duke Street) and Michiko Gehrig (549 Millidge Avenue) for Monday, March 26, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, and refer the applications to the Planning Advisory Committee for report and recommendation. Respectfully submitted, (!--L� Ken Foirest, MCIP, RPP Coinmissioner Planning and Development .�� � �-� P trick Woods, CGA Cit Manager 54 � - � K�.1��..��lrl� �C'U (.,(a1��� :V1C)N CvOI�NCIIJ � :� ��a �� p FOHTUN,i' MoEN\PS�p�`T M & C -2012-35 O �4M City of Saint John February 22, 2012 His Worship Mayor Ivan Court and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Assent of a Municipal Services Easement- 250 Bayside Drive ANALYSIS: As part of the Harbour Clean-Up Project, the subject site has been identified as a necessary location for a wastewater pumping station. The proposed pumping station would be located on a lot that the City is in the process of acquiring from Irving Oil Limited. While the proposed lot would conform to all of the requirements of the Subdivision By-law, because the proposed subdivision would create a municipal services easement, the assent of Common Council is required before the plan can be endorsed. The proposed municipal services easement would extend in an "L"-shape across the adjacent Irving Oil property, connecting to Bayside Drive near the Courtenay Bay Causeway. The location of the proposed easement is designed to accommodate the necessary piping to service the lift station and the tentative plan has been prepared in full cooperation with the property owner. Normally the vesting of municipal services easements is considered in a recommendation from the Planning Advisory Committee when dealing with more significant subdivision applications. However, the Community Planning Act does not require their involvement when dealing only with municipal services easements therefore no Committee recommendation is necessary in this instance. RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council assent to the submitted Irving Oil Limited Subdivision with respect to the proposed municipal services easement. 55 M&C—2011 —306 -2 - February 22,2012 Respectfully submitted, ��2��A-L/� Ken Forrest, MCIP, RPP Commissioner Planning and Development �. .�1 � J�P trick Woods, CGA City Manager PF Project No. 12-027 56 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT/URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT , „ .• "y . r, . � � ! �... � ,. �' �. f i ' .. • /;'a� �_ � ^ « �� � � /�. ♦ . . " o . � � ' /'`, � � �;r , i �. . ,>, � °�, ', .,'' I L - 1 _ �, . , - : -; , � ��' � � �'",, a�• G��ya4' . � � � , = �� ,:H � . � • - •• • ay • . • ' ��� , a`!� ` � � ` � ;:,� t .`• >„ Go��en \ � ,.•'" . \. �,•� `�o� Af ���' . � ' ,�.�� 1� �� \ �e � � � - �'� � .,'t °� �., ! ,�� " ,`� o� '•. �• • "���' � �:. m�'. + �• � �• , R�. . � �j, •. . '+'. e i - , � < `1 : . l7- 2 : T .,,,:. " „. � ; � �.. �,, : / , �' - , �,_, " � : , i ! s ,�, . � � r��t • ��.-. � � �. • . � ; � '�.n . • �\ • s!. ' ..P�d �,e - .. � • ♦ �et � ��y�"' . a . �• � ��1 � , , . ' .. i. � f �`: � . �♦ '��V� , . . : , �� ,� : . ,� � ,� • . --. . y. � � `�`♦ y . '� �♦ � � . \ .� ��• , . ,� '• ' ••• . . .., �• '�,� • : . ,� _.___ __ ,.� s � , . < , i''� , ► c --- - .-._. . s : _ . r _ .r, • � � � • ♦ - � t � � t j _ � ,' � , ,,. ,� -.��. .� PID(s)/NIP(s): Subject Site/site en question: �----� Portion of 55164214 Location: 250, promenade Bayside Drive Date: January /janvier 27, 2012 Scale/echelle: Not to scale/Pas a I'echelle 57 APPROVALS �O � ti ,r roy ,j. Ho ,o� � P \ �� �r �.. � � � �e e,�o`! � �,o�Ge� � ;�. •� . , �i GpJ G�vS j. e�Q o< ! s o3 0 �? �/ 1 ��04.� °i '� �,o ,� � � � � � � , *� �,-� -�� � � � � 19,g0 ,p 5��phy`1�a$ `1 �. ' \ � }` ` ' ,� 1 4g >> G0 , �\ . e ..� �I' %/ � / 66 '1�' 1 �. 2� � _.Y�/ .+ + / ..,_' 15 � � 1 � � � �� �1 ( 11 0 1 . �� �.�v ;�e� � c`t��f t �f bd ,1 N`�`. ', �� ^ �; �e�i ��':'1C ,36.�o � .�r_. �: � � 11 \ Key Plan s�ai� i : ts,000 7 36{500 u + � p ��. �09' �+ Registrotion Dato 1 � 7 1, ° 'o � 1 0.��.N,me�iM�y oa uma�e \ P.I,D.: 55761214 � N %a ' � Etfectcve Dele:2006-11-0♦ 1 1� ' O i�:v�me�<:r�a�sre./z2siazsz aey.zoae-io-u � � -p � O' � ��strument:Nome CM1Onqe/26�16966 Rcq.2009-01-14 ?. \ �°�, �1 ��'�. N ' o.�e. o � ` � � �, � Irvin g Oil Limited- o ° � `0 1�1 � Notes o. N \ � (e see Plvn No. 16990179 O � � 1 )D�racGOns r N.B.Grid �m�ths tlenved imm obaervationa on N.B. 7 \ 2 �r� 1 � ` � IAan's.20125,28160.29882 ond 29883- ` U. � remnant ef �,}-0� � � ` ' Q (bosed on NID83 CSRS MPN Voluea for N.B.IAOn.20160) \\ � � P.1.0.SSi6s21s � R 2 Pll Orston e aro�n metrea,to conveR to' I N L ) s �mperia equivolenta OiviOe ��\ y Irving Oil Limited Property � � � � �p by 0.3048. a e' ��. N Doc.22910252 Rag. 2006-10-73 � \�\ 1 / 3)Nea of aurvq outlfneE thue a.��o ,per'�Pnerol inlormotion � �o Ooa 2671698fi Rag.2009-Oi-74(NOme Chonge) � l �omc��ea r�om�;o�e �« .� � / !)Pll dawment ond plon re�iarences rcfer b Regialry Offce ior � ? `1 1' ��' e Sainl JoM1n County �\ � \ �` �J s)��m s r�y�omPi<«e o 9 0,o ' \ � p,�e a)ai�omP�ior�o��ano.m�a a�a oaord��oiez�no.�o��n�s pio� i�'o- ;o�l are bosed n New Brvnsrick Stereagraphic Oouble ProjecGon onE 4 0 '�, l 9�\, , GQ� the NAD83(CSRS)Elfipsoi6 as realiied by Sa�rn�'m New Brvnswick � �,\ `o�y 1 , �J / Mig�Pracision Network coortlinate aurvey mo ents. � :N 1 0�n i� SQ �' � �. .:�\ N �'m�� �. Dimension Table � 3N 1��p�1 . // a�-ac, otsmnce ��mutn � ... �W�F " ! 3s8-349 0.71 151'46'30' o �,�^' � ��� l,�.�,�\ 1 ' �. 1 Purpose Of Plan � � to o��o�e m�u-o� ro��� a��ne���e o�o s.ag�iai � //.� � ' '� �\ � , � stot�on anE tAat t�e use reatrictetl ta only Not use,on0 l/ , , to veate a N�nfcipal Scrv�cu Eascmmt ` z; New Brunswick Grid Co-Ordinate Volues 7 J60 400 �ee Plan No.200683 ,,�� ��I� � �\ ����- � ' $lo. X Y Fmks. Parcel 88 � '/��T ' �36�100 332 2 5J6 323.306 �36a 370.716 CALC.PT. � t��� + }33 2 5}fi 329A62 ]364 375213 CALC.PT. �/ � � �� � y � / "'�--�� . 33� 2 SJfi 330.614 7 364 372.861 GLC.PT. Y � . . . . .. �'>�' � / '�'1..._�` y�' ' \ 366 2 536 d51.321 7 364 567JT7 CALC.PT. 1 / . . . . . 56 � . M1 _ �"'.- . 747 2 5J6 277.18a 7 J66 502A60 CALG PT. 6�9 ��_O�''� ��-p 7t � � J48 2 536 J14.445 7 364 389.555 CPLC.PT. �`. . . .. . . ,n 2 JB oo. � �e w`1���'--'-'i�� ` (� 350 2 536 319 837 7 36a 39225� CALC.aT. cm.��r rZ�.�,.er x.u.o. j 1. .�.�.�.�.�.�� a62 ._' ` \\ ' \ oz. 61�x Vd.ui�Vo-6i _-� , .{. . -. . .. .y iT, G�5"�,-___ � 351 2 5}6 278.921 7 J6{199.�83 CALC.PT. . / . . _ .N� J.� -0��� i -.--.✓� 1 1\ 353 2 536 J55.377 7 36�5 6.�05 CALG.Pi. �``�� 1�.�.'.�.-. � < oj=" 'm.� ' 03 o-P � �( Qa.emcni fn Iow�r ot�n�mea 3q9 2 576 3fa.758 7 366 388.890 GLC.GT. `.' �`/ �1. .. . . � . . o• � � �._y,_h _,�..'/ \ R�gnt of Wq In Common \ �Parul S,If-19t Ra�1b.1]]{5352 35t 2 5J6 331.190 7 3b6 399.70s CAIC.PT. Eo.�merrta'��a..o� / . . . ... . . . 6 '�' '-_ See FFIe 15 Na.190 S w.�oo�-o�-oa / \ Oc<.�656�W5 R 355 2 SJ6 343.280 7 364 380.952 CALC.PT. �^'�^9 Oii limite0 u��Q` Y � � � � � � � � • _ �� Doc. 11�361 � 20f25 2 SJ6 463.036 7 364 300.378 N.B.MON.OBS Doc.IBT/ail)Juy Z2.'',2W1� � / . . . .. . . � .-..__58 P.I.O.0039809b� V I.206 Pq.312 \ 28160 7 535 354.190 7 363 IB8.696 N.B.AION.HPN Se Pan aS�-p�an 18762162 ' ' ' � '�' G�, \---- . File 18 Na. 15} � �\ 29882 2 535 395.748 7 364 141.334 N.B.AION.OBS See Pio t8)6228] i�. . . . . !.t___ � � l. . . i�--�_.`ro� Inq Oil Operot�ons Ltd.� \ � 29883 2 5}6 220.I}7 7 364 505.395 N.B.MON.OBS � ,f Stao 'rnng pera ons G.P. Easemenl in tovo�r f - \ �� '��Q� _1a ' Mi nlenol o �'ons Limite � � \ Scole Foctor opplied 1.000037 �,g pera Irving 0�1 Um�ted � � Poriner Limitetl ��� � � o« na}n 1 . ` . �'°c \ i � o�i o � \ Subdivision Plon ol.152 Pg.350 i__ � �oc. 281384�8 Reg.2009-12-OB � \ \ ��/In QI� Limited Subdivision �'� 1 i ';'#'_�_--."" c 2 49823 Re9.2010- -9 \ � E��=m������������� ,., �'�=� \0"'°9���9� � �� Ba s de Drive , City of Saint John Leqend eo:m�e.aok e�terpns� `. �,� ea,.,*,«�e.M rwaw o�. ze+sena . OS-Ot \ umx�a oo�as�su ' �, . �- �� �i�,�9 oau,;r<e k<9.zow-��-�� 6ee Pio„ No.27441691 � � \ SOi t I�Ohfl County , New Brunswick � oi. i 26 Pg.249 f ���,.._,,,�� D�r.18))4217 J,Jr�,ypp�, ��(Neme eno�ye) P.�.p.552ooaeo \ � ca.crea co�aa teu 4................ 5vuvtuL �_S.� Se�vort tU'..py���6Z�B2 �rvi� � \ HVCFiES SU6VEYS & CONSULTANTS INC. ............... C�ntr• In� 1// �1� 'Se.Pbn 18762287 \, / 9 Oil ODerations LtE. � \ a--�—................ HYd�o Vole/UtFOUnE tl�e ^ i -'__ _ �0 \ / Hignlontle Operal�ona l�miled � . Re�na I.o�Ba. ` ,_ � Irv�ng Oil Operatlons Grneml Partner LimiteG � B $�rveyed by O ..................... Calculal�a Co-orelnot.volnt \Y/ � Oec. 14.2011 � .........._........ stan0a.tl Su.v.y uark.r Ploue -:1 .Fi1p.�P P�0 �\ i���9 o;i oo«aa�o�s c.a. � t Wade M. MocNutt ooc. ♦ ..................... M.B. wia:o�ral�a[��o�u.wnt .� ���� ; 1 �'. . � � �o<. 28157049 Re 2009-12-16 � S —'—'—" 5ti1 � ` 4f�'f' ' � 9' NBW BrunSwick Land Surve 384 � � Oo<.29459]]�Re 2010-11-10 Name Cho� T yor p Q .................... Ad/acm�a.ov.rtr LI�� .`` `" , � i \. . ` p�c. 19dy82J6 Rcg.2010-11-19 SName Chongc2 10 0 10 20 70 40 Taeulot.a Co-O.el et.Polnc . �"'Y- .� i � ` / Ull11tY Ee��vnt^ I � I '� ` NO. 1:500 metres � e Plp No.200290 �_-- .............. Sten e.d S�r..r arwar iouna s� � '� a+. � loreu.oi OA��mM1N 0...................... tronevly�fwnE y ``� , Pafcel �A� pa9iJ3N}�0 100Yt2-OS 9. poa Disk No. ■...................... snuar.��o�e,,ro��a `l� � 9 0 Ow No.S7t151D��sk No. 201� T� H1tt5l 20�1 .................... r.o.....co�vo,va�i �/• ,11 i , � n.w-�va�vsao�us � s � � � � a e . . ., Fe�. .................... re��datlo� ' \`. r 1 �_ ' \ � A G D.n.by Job No. Rev.No. MaP Ref. � B.S.M. Yt1-151 G/OB-TjD,SW(3) J.� February 6, 2012 Mayor& Councillors 30 Colpitts Avenue Saint John,NB E2M SG7 A great deal of thought has been given before writing this letter. Sometimes it is easy to let it go but sometimes it is time to write. Sometimes when things are wrong not much can be done about it. It has been stated it can make you stronger and build character but sometimes it is times to speak up when people go too far. In Politics lots of things happen and many untruths are stated. In our news many lies and character��7girat'rari of people axe printed and for some they believe it is true after reading it. It seems to be an acceptable form of attack. ��SasS ,��►u�iu� Years ago we had a radio station that allowed people to call in and voice their opinion but that was taken away. Many people write letters but they don't get printed; not everyone is so negative. Last week I wrote an email to Mayor, Council and Managers;just giving an opinion. I received an email from the Deputy Mayor stating, "I should get legal advice on libel because he would not hesitate to pursue should I or anyone else state matters that is untrue." I wonder what advice the Deputy Mayor would have for others who really do have untrue facts written and said. I know I did nothing wrong. It is concerning after just stating an opinion and questioning things in an email. Sincerely, �� �-�-�-�-� Pat Dashwood 59 ENTERPRI S E � � SAINT OHN T SAINT JOHN COMMON COUNCIL ,�-= - � �- ,y ��, �0�2 -�. i- � .� . ou r Se rv� ces 1 . business &t investment attraction 2. immi�rant investor attraction 3. business support, retention &t expansion 4. entrepreneur development 5. youth entrepreneurship 6. small business financing 7. business training &t counselin� 8. labour force development and workforce - r.� �� � I .,. j. •1 key Outcomes 2011 • reviewed by the city�s task force on economic development • attracted investment, supported business start ups &t business expansions • saint john named one of the world's tOp7 intelli�ent � �: communities _ key OutCOI�IeS 2011 • coordinated knowledge cluster strategy at tucker park • energy &t advanced manufacturing workforce development • potash ri�hts for millstream • job fair with 28 employers for 300 workers • established strong relationship with - r.� �� � I .,. j. key Outcomes 2011 � provided counselin� services to over 1 ,000 investor &t entrepreneur clients • saint john board of trade's 2011 chair's award • saint john multicultural &t newcomers resource centre 2011 outstanding partnership award trended well below the province �t peer group for most of the year . , . _ � ..�._ �� � � . , • • • for 2012 P riorities for 2012 • work with all economic development partners to ensure our respective plans are integrated to support implementation of PIanSJ (SJ Industrial Parks, Discover Saint John, SJ Waterfront, SJ Port Authority, Uptown SJ, SJ Airport) • continue to develop investment attraction strategy for tucker park - r.� �� � I .,. j. p riorities for 2012 • maximize opportunities for saint john companies to participate in the $25 billion Irving shipbuilding contract • build on the success of the intelligent communities designation to attract new investment, particularly to the uptown ict ecosystem • finalize plans for downstream potash manufacturing opportunities P riorities for 2012 • continue to lead the business immigrant mentorship program • continue to lead workforce development & retention initiatives in partnership with business & organized labour groups • establish saint john community _ - r �� � I .,. j. creatin g ro s e ri t P P Y by supporting and attracti ng . peop e , � eas and i nvestment ENTERPRI S E � � SAINT OHN T _ inspirin� peop(e, _ir��restment -_- � - _ _ _ � :� BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 110- ARRETE N° C.P. 11d- A LAW TO AMEND ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE THE ZONING BY-LAW SUR LE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint Lors d'une reunion du conseil John in Common Council convened, as communal, The City of Saint John a follows: d�cr�t�ce qui suit : The Zoning By-law of The City of L'arret� sur le zonage de The City Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of of Saint John, decrete le du�-neuf (19) December, A.D. 2005, is amended by: d�cembre 2005,est modifie par : 1 Amending Schedule "A", the 1 La modification de 1'annexe aA», Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, re-zoning a parcel of land having an area of permettant de modifier la designation pour approximately 930 square metres, located une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie at 8 Rockwood Avenue, also identified as d'environ 930 metres carres, situee au 8, being PID Nos. 55037535, 00306928, avenue Rockwood, et portant les NID 00309344 and 55037543, from "R-2" Qne 55037535, 00306928, 00309344 et and Two Family Residential to "I-1" Light 55037543, de zone r�sidentielle — Industrial habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales «R-2» a zone d'industrie legere«I-1» - all as shown on the plan attached hereto -toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur and forming part of this by-law. le plan ci joint et font partie du present arrete. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John Saint John has caused the Corporate a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le Common Seal of the said City to be affixed present arrete le 2012, to this by-law the * day of *, A.D. 2012 avec les signatures suivantes : and signed by: Mayor/Maire Common C1erk/Greffi�re communale First Reading - Premiere lecture - Second Reading- Deuxi�me lecture - Third Reading - Troisi�me Iecture - 66 B Ad N u mber: A655 ' Current Date: Jan 23 2012 11:22AM Ad►►ertiser Name: SAlNT JOHN COMMON CLERK 5tart Date: 1/31/2012 Advertiser Code: S71206 End Qate: 2/21/2012 Size: 4.00 x 12.00 in, Color: B�/V 5ales Rep• Elizabeth Cook Client Appro�al OK❑ Corrections ❑ • ' ' �.i —r- • ' ` � • PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW PROJET DE MO�IFICATfON DE AMENDMENT L'ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE RE: 8 ROCKWOOD AVEI�lUE OBJET:8,AVENUE ROCKWOOD Public No[ice is hereby grven that the Par les presentes,un avis public est Common Council ot The City of Saint donne par lequel le tonseil com- John intends to consider amending munal de The City of Saint �ohn The City of Saint John Zoning By-law indique son intention d'@[udier la at its reguEar meeking to be held in modification suivante a I'arr�t@ sur the Counci! Chamber on Monday, le zonage de The City of Sain[John, February Z7, 2012 at 7:00 p,m., lors de la reunion ordinaire qui se by: tiendra dans la salle du conseil fe lundl 27 fevrler 2012�79 h: Rezoning a par�el of land having an Rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain area of approximately 93D square d'vne superficie d'environ 930 metres, m@tres car- located at S a' N r�s,situee Rockwood � au 8,avenue Avenue,also Q ���'� Rotkwood, k identified �d `3V R et portant as being �o D�,f � les NID PID Nps. ,, \ , Zi'p� 55037535, j 55037535, � � � a,qV a 00306928, 06306928, � �y' � �C 003D9344 et D0369344 � ��..;'\ � 55037543, and ,`� �� de zone r�- 55037543, � m sidentielle- from"R-2" �J habttations One and '� unifamill- Two Family ales et bl- Residential famlliales.. m"I-1"Llght Industrial,as R-2.+a zone d'industrle I�g�re ilfustreted below, u 1-1 .,,comme le montre la carte ci-dessous. RfA50N FOR CNANGE: RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: To develop the property in Pour developper la propri�t2 conjunction with the adjacent car conjointement avec le terrain sales lo[. affeete a la vente d'automobiles adjacent The proposed amendment may be Toute per°onne interessee peut inspected by any interested person examiner le projet de modiflcation at the office of the Common Clerk, aubureaudelagreffierecommunale or in the office of Planning and ou au bureau de 1'urbanisme et du Development, City Hall, 15 Market d�veloppemenE � Photel de ville Square,Saint John,N.6.between the situe au 15, Market Square,a Saint hours of 830 a.m. and 430 p.m., lohn, au Nouveau-Brunswick., Monday through Friday, inclusive, entre B h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au holidays excepted. vertdredi,sauf les jours f@ries. Written objections to the amendment Veuillez faire part de vos objections may be sent to the undersigned at au projet de modification par�[rit� City Hall. I'attention de la soussignee�I'h6tel de ville. If you require French services for a Si vous auriez besoin des services en Common Council meeting, please fren4aispouruner�uniondeConseil contart the offce of the Common Communal, veuillez mntacter le Clerk. bureau de la greffi�re mmmunale. Eliza6eth Gormley, Eliza6eth Gormley, I � Common Clerk Greff@re communale =' 656-2862 658-2862 � I lr� �� . 67 � I� - - - - - - N - - - - - - - - - - - 0 � i � � F1RE LANE �� - �� 1� I� �� �- - - - — — � _ . — !� ¢ — � o . l Z � 6.1m NA�E SfRVICE �I m EASEMEN7 IN FAVOUR OF I THE piY OF SWNT JOHN. I � PROP4SE� HEDGE TO � I� W � BLOCK VtSIBIUTY FROM � I1 O I(� RESIDElJT1AL AREA � �� � � � �� �� � � �� .9m—� .9m � �� 2.Om—�M � � � � � W r l-i--� � + 1 0 � If--�---�.sm�" M �� � N r W �II t5.5rn� J � /�co � �II � � � •� I � ¢ w�� � ��y�� P�TY 80UNDARY� _ � � � o �I � a O h I I ° � � i I � � z � � � __ � v �� I _ ---- _- - � - 0 O �� r , ° � � � 'I N �I � � � II y °o q � I � m q �I I � II '� - - - __ __= EX CIJRB === ===f __ a — � _ + _�_.. �}.. ,..�. _ " �� � �I - - - - I 4 � a � �I I I �� �� EXfSTlNG DEVELOPMENT �o �j � � �� — — — �% � W � s I i �� � �� — — — � I �1 I � f� � I � il � �]C nnE: " scn�: ��aN: � KING I�AZDA/HA�DOR 1�300 � 1 �' � �i����t� oa�: c�n���� 1 = I 1SPECTACLELAl�{]FUVE SITE PLAN 2011 12 13 �AM1NG N0: � � �,��;p M $ ROCKWOOD AVENUE PRD,�CT N0: � PF701@9��5�956-FA1C902g1&1&15 � S�8U70101 �a �.a��.� � sasa�u ,� . ._. , _ �._ 68 � 9�. � ��� Haldor (1972) Ltd 474 Rothasay Avenue p0 Box 1289 SaintJohn,NB E2L4G7 February 16,2012 I I � City of SaintJohn PO Box 1971 SaintJohn,NB E2�4L1 Attention:Common Council ; Re: Rezaning and Variance Appllcation—8 Rockwoad Avenue � Expansion of Car Sales Lot(Mazda Dealership) I i Please be advised that Haldar{1972)Ltd.requests that its Applica#ion for Rezoning,dated December 21, 2011,for a parcel of land located at 8 Rockwood Avenue be withdrawn at this time. � iYours truly, � � r' , � � � j Haldor(1972)Ltd ; John Wheatley I I i � � � � � 69 BY-LAW NUNISER C.P. 110- Al2RETE N°C.P. 110- A LAW TO AMEND ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE THE ZONING BY-LAW SUR LE ZONAGE DE THE CTI'Y OF OF TAE CITY OF SAINT JOHN SAINT JOPIN Be it enacted by The City of Saint Lors d'une r�union du conseil John in Common Council convened, as communal, The City of Saint John a follows: decre#e ce qui suit : The Zaning By-law of The City of L'arrete sur le zonage de The City Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of of Saint John, decrete le dix-neuf (19) December, A.D. 2005,is amended by: decembre 2005, est modifie par: 1 Amending Schedule "A", the 1 La modification de 1'annexe «A», Zoning Map of The City of Sai.nt John, by Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, re-zoning a parcel of land having an area of permettant de modifier la designation pour approximately 3200 square metres, located une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie at 548/55d Milford Road, also identified as d'environ 3 200 metres carres, situ�e au being PID No. 00405399, from "B-1" 548/550, chemin Milford, et portant Ie NID Local Business to "B-2" General Business 00405399, de zone commerciale locale «B- 1» a zone cammerciale generale <<B-2» - all as shown on the plan attached hereto - toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur and forming part of this by-law. le plan ci joint et font partie du pr�sent arrete. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John Saint John has caused the Corporate a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le Common Seal of the said City to be affixed present arret� le 2012, to this by-law the * day of *, A.D. 2012 avec les signatures suivantes : and signed by: Mayor/Maire Common C1erk/Greff'iere communale First Read�ng - Premiere lecture - Second Reading- Deuxieme lecture - Third Reading - Troisieme lecture - 70 Ad Number: A654 Current Date: Jan 23 2012 12:07PM Ad�ertiser Name: SAINT JOHN COMMON CLERK Start Date: 1/31/2Q12 Ad�ertiser Code: 571206 End Date: 2/21/2012 Size: 4.00 x 10.25 in. Color: B/W Sales Rep: Elizabeth Caak Client Appro�al OK❑ Correctinns ❑ � � �� � - � ., .. PROP05E�,ZONING BY-tAW I P1tOJET DE MODIFICATION DE. AMENDMENT L'ARR€T�5UR LE ZflNAGE RE: 548/SSO MILFORD ROAD I OBJEf:S48/550,CHEMIN MILFORD I Public Notite is hereby given that �, E�ar les presentes, un avis public the Common Council of The City ', est donn� par lequel le conseil of Saint John intends to consider , communal de The City of Saint amending The City of 5aint �ohn ', lohn indique son intention Zoning By-law at its regular d'etudier la modification suivante meeting to be held in the Council a I'arret�sur le zonage de The City Chamber on Monday, February of Saint John, lors de la r@union 27,2012 at 7:00 p.m.,by: � ordinaire qui se tiendra dans ' la salle du conseil le lundi 27 fevrier 2012 a 19 h: Rezoning a parcel of land with Rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain an area of approximately 3200 d'une superficie d'environ 3 20Q square metres, located at 548/550 metres carres, situee au 5481550, Milford Road, also identified as chemin Milford, et portant PID No. 00405399, from "B-1" le NIR 06405399, de zone Local Business to"6-2"General commerciale {ocale �.B-7.� a Business. zone commerciale generale u8-2», REASON FOR CHANGE: RAISON DE LA MODIFICATIDN: To permit the continuing Permettre I'operation continue operation of a second-hand store d'un magasin d'occasion et d'un and pawn shopwithin the existing bureau de preteur sur gages dans building. le batiment existant. � The proposed amendment may be � Toute personne int�ress�e peut inspected by any interested person examfner le projet de modification at the office of the Common Clerk, au bureau de la greffiere or in the office of Plann�ng and communale ou au bureau de Development,City Ha11,15 Market I'urbanisme et du developpemenY Square, 5aint John, N.B. between a I'hotel de ville au 15, Market the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 Square,5aint John,t�l.-B.,entre 8 h p.m., Monday through Friday, 3�et 1 b h 3Q du lundi au vendredi, inclusive,holidays excepted. sauf les jours feries. Written objections to the Veuillez faire parvenir vos amendment may be sent to the objections au projet de undersigned at City Hall, modification par�crit a I'attention de la soussign�e a I'hotel de ville. If you require French services for a Si vous auriez besoin des services Common Countil meeting,please en fran4ais pour une r�union contact the office of the Common de Conseil Communal, veuillez Clerk. contacter le bureau de la greffiere communale. Elizabeth Gormley, Elizabeth Gormley, Common CEerk Greffiere communale 658-2862 558-2862 - ��� � + 7� Re Zoning Applicafion Attachment 550 Milford Road �1D 405399 I was unaware that my property was not zoned properly for my new tenant "Canadian Junkies", a used goods and pawn shop. I recei�ed a notice from the city so I am applying for a re-zoning application to change the zoning of my property from a B1 Zone to a B2 Zone,to allow a used goods sf�op and make sure that I follow all the proper procedures. They will be selling various used goods (�x.Jewellery, electronics, furniture, household items, music equipment, etc.). 7heir hours of operation will 10am to 7pm, The square footage of the space is approximately 564 with 2Q feet of store frontage. They have refac�d an existing 1D'x2' sign box (as shown in the pictures) and have a 3%' x 4%' sign in the front window (which cannot be seen in the pictures), It states "Pawn—We Buy Gold", The other sign in the picture has been removed (as noted on p+cture}, I have attached a floor plan—no renovations were done. There is a lot of parking space available on the property. I have attached a site plan showing the size of the parking area. When I called the Building Inspection Departmen# I was told to apply for the rezaning first and then if my application was approved I will then apply for the required building permit to occupy th�space. ReSpectfully, Dae Youl Kang �,�-G% 72 � �� �� �,��� � ;��� �,�, � ���������� . �' � �--T � _ �,��� � � � ���- � ;z� 5�� ���� � Y , � ,� � . _� ����� � t � ���� L - . -- _. ��Shna� � F p�1+�n�-r,�,c'-e� �� ���.e. �r�,e"� �c�� ,, ,, �� 5nc�c.�e� �,�.a � � ��z x 7� ��C,{N � --1,�'1� G�'kt1�r I rtxM� I � . ` � � � -.i.--.. __...---...._ ._.. .__..._. -- ---�—f , \ �v���c�� � � J 1� W l��k�u N 3�,zr �� �- G.atc. . '��'Z` 73 � • � "� .I �,' tl'y . .. �'c�.� .' a _,� • t. _ , u . ,� ' ,'' _ � � �. _ '� =3-_ _ , �t ``� r ` � '. � � . t � �M .. � '±: _ . _ e� � � � ♦ f . •�y : � � * J �� • ` ` ti � 4� ,. -a `' ' • �, • s .� • - � � : . ` , _ � � . O �*� ; � . _ - . � � v. C �� ��'� ti. •�' ' ,� v � C;`i � � : `.r � � , , +: . � , •,, �� , �: , . - :�� ��. . � • . _ �r�• � ? } ' � !, ` � . � � � � ' /: � � � •, � �.- � --. 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Bax J.971 506 558-280Q Advisary Commi�ee Saxnt]ohn New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 February 22, 2412 _ � � .� . �� Your Worship and Councillors: °`°�'�� � �'�Gry �� City af Saint ]ohn SUBJECT: Proposed lZezoning-548-550 Milford Road On January 30, 2Q12 Conunon Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committcc for a rcport and recornmendation. The Committee considcrcd the attached report at its February 21, 2012 meeting. Dae Youl Kang,the applicant,vva5 in attendance at the meeting and was opposed �o S�rc's recomxnendation. Mr. Kang stated that he purchased the property seven years ago and was unaware that the zoning did not permit the establishment of a pawn shop. I Ie argued that the property should be rezoned to enable the existing pawn shop to continue to exist at the current location because a second hand stare had previously been located in the same space. Staff responded that if there was a second hand store located at the subject property in ihe past, it was operating illegally and did not seek the proper zoning to enable the operation of such a busincss. Gordon Hunt and Blaine Beddow, ihe awners and operators of the "Canadian Junkies"pawn shop located at 548-550 Milford Road, were also in attendance and spoke against staff recommendation. They argued that the pawn shop offers a desired service to the local community and should therefore noi be forced to relocate. Tn addition to thc comments made by the property awner and the owners of the pawn shop, three letters were received in opposition to the proposed rezoning of the subject property. After considering the report, the letters received, comments madc by the applicant and the owners of the"Canadian Junkies"pawn shop,the Committee recommen.ded denial of the rezoning of the property from "B-1" Loeal Business to "B-2" General Busiaess. 78 _2_ RECOMMENDATION: That the proposed Loning By-law Amendment be denied. Respectfully submitt� `�� �, _... Eric Falkjar Chairma.n JI� Project No. 12-014 79 �� ._-_ � ; ;�::., �a��� The Ciry of Saint John DATE; ��;�3RUARY 17, 2012 TO: PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: COMMUNITY PLANNING PLANNING AND D�V�LOPMENT FOR: MEETING OF FEBRUARY 21, 2012 PREPARED BY: �,VYEWED BY: ��� .� Jody Kliff � Mark Reade, P. Eng., MCIP, RPP Planner Senior Planner SUB.TECT: Name of Applicant: 616462 N.B. Inc. Name of Owner: 616462 N.B. Inc. Location: 548-550 Milford Road PID; 00405394 Municipal 1'lan: Stable Residential (pending provincial approval) Zoning: Existing: "B-1" Lacal Business Proposed; "B-2" General F3usiness Proposal: To rezone the property in order to enable thc continn�d use of a pawn shop in the existing building. Type of Application: 1. Rezoning 2. Conditional Use ��. - --- _ - - -- - :� 3A1NT J�HN P.O.aox 1971 Saint�ohn,N8 Canacia �?L4L1 ww�NSaintjohn.ta C.P.1471 S�i,Et jo�n,N:B.Canada E2L�►L� r�1 $� 61 b462 N.B. Inc. Page 2 548-SSO Milford Road February 17, 2012 JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: The Community PlanningAct authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to give its views to Common Council concerning proposed amendments to the Zoning By-law. 7'he Committee recommendation will be considered by Common Council at a public hearing on Monday, February 27, 2012. The Zoning By-law authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to impose terms and conditions upon the establishment and operatzon of a second-hand store in the "B-2" General Business zone. STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE: That the application�e denicd. BACKGROUND: In l 98S an application was made to rezone the subject site from "R-2" One and Two Family Residential to "B-1" Local Business in order to permit the construction af a convenience store. The rezoning was approved by Comznan Council, subjecE to a resoluiion pursuant to Section 34 of the Community Planning Act whereby-the use of the property is subject ta the following conditions: a) Existing trees be retained, particularly along the northern bo�ndary; b) A solid fence no less than 4 feet in height be erected between the site and 534 Milford Road; c) There be no driveway off Greenhead Road within 100 fect of the intersection; and, d} The hours of operation be no carlier than 7:00 a.m, and no later than 1 i:00 p.m. In 1987 a new owner of the convenaence siore proposed to establish a gas bar operation in conjunetian with the store. A gas bar is a conditional use in the "B-1" zone, requiring review by the Committee. The report to the Committec concerning the gas bar proposal noted that the rcquircd fence had not been erected and the store was operating 24 hours a day, contraty to the Section 39 cor�ditions. The Committee imposed a condition on thc proposed gas bar development requiring site improvements be constructed in accordance with a site plan showing the asphalt parking area, concrete curbs and a row of coniferous trees to be planted along the northern boundary of ihe property, adjacent to 534 Milford Road. Since the gas bar development was not ut�dertaken, all of these impravements were not made. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Mnnicipal Operations and Engineering has no objections to the proposed rezaning and conditional use application for 548 Milford Road. All required parking is to be provided for on-site. The application indicaies that therc will not be any changes to thc parking area. Further, ii �s assuxned from the application that the existing servicing conditians and entry/exits will remain unchanged. Should any site, servicing or driveway modifications be required, this Department must be contacted for further review and approval. 81 616462 N.B, inc. Page 3 548-550 Milford Road February 17,2Q12 In addition, it should be noted that SJ Works has advised there is a�istary of accidents at the intersection and that traffic calming requests from the neighbourhood have been submitted. Buildings and Inspection Services received a coznplaini regarding the establishment of a pawn shop at this property in late November, 2011. As a result, the area Inspectar checked the property and issued a Violation Natice, which initiaied the process for the rezoning of the property. Enforcement actions by the Buildings and Inspection Services Department are on hold during this phase of the process; however, the pawn shop continues to operate. The notice sent by Buildings and Inspectio� Services rcquired the operation of the pawn shop to cease immediately. Saint John Fire Department has revicwed the proposal and offers the following comments: Therc is no objection to this application provided that the National Building & Fire Codes are adhcred to, and appropriate building permits are obtained. Some of the areas of concern within the National Building and Fire Codes include: • A cornplete fre inspection vvill be required to be completed by the SJFD Fire Prevention & Investigation Division prior to occupancy • Proper fire separations are maintained within the building • Rated doors anc�closures are installed where required • All access to any and all rneans of egress paths are clear at all times • Exii daars have the proper door hardware, and swing in the proper direction • The installation ofminimum 2A-IQBC fire extinguisher(s} • A fire safety plan would need to be developed, and submitted to the Saint 7ohn Firc Department for approvaI • The possible requirement for a Fire Alarm System • "l�he possible requirement Ior installation of emergency lighting • The possiblc requirement for installation of exit signs throughout • If applicable, all plans are to be submitted to the Office of the Fire Maxshal, in accordance with section 1 S of the New Brunswick Fire Prevention Act ANALYSIS: Sitc and Nci�hbourhood The subject property is located at the corner of Milford Road and Greenhead Road in the Milford area of West Saint John. The�roperty has a frontage of approximately 37.5 metres along Milford Road and about 128 metres along Greenhcad Road. The property has an area of 3,200 square metres with a single building that h.ouses three separate commercial enterprises: "Snacker's Convenience", "Canadian Junkies" and"UliimaEe Mavers". Thc subject site is currently zoned"B-1" Local Business. The neighbourhood surrounding 548 Milford Road has a mix of industrial, residential and commercial zones. The land uses in this neighbourhood include the Sl. Rose Church across from Milford Road, residential uses along Milford Road and Greenhead Road, Irving Equipment and areas af vacant land. 82 616462 N.B. Inc. Page�4 548-550 Milford Road February 17, 2fl12 Hovvever, the most prominent zane in the surrounding area is"R-2" One and Two Family Residential, reflecting the strong residential character#hat has historically defined the Milford/Randolph communities. Proposal The applicant is seeking permission to legalise an existing second-hand store located an the west side of the building located at 548 Milford Road. As mentioned above,the property is currently zoned"B-1" Local Business, which does not permit the establishment of a second-hand store. The "B-1" zone has a limited number of permitted uses compared to other zones that are predominantly retail in nature. The intent the zone is to capture the types of land uses typical to a suburban commuriity, which includes low- impact commercial uses that complement the character a residential neighbourhood. "I�his is done to ensurc that the permitted commercial uscs are contextually appropriate and serve to enhance the neighbourhood, but not alter its existing form. As Bui.lding and Inspcction Services has stated,this applicatian is a result of an enforcement action taken by the Building Inspector. The property owner was unaware that a second-hand store is not a permitted retail use ai the subject site, and has since met with Building and Inspection Services and Planning staff to discuss the issue and submit the proper application. Proposed Zonin�By-Law Amendment In recent years, the irend in Planning practice and theory has siY-ongly endorsed the creation of mixed use neighbourhoods. Adding comrnercial land uses to residential neighbourhoods can help create more vibrant communities. Mixed neighbourhoods grant greater access to residents of a community to the types af shops and community facilities that they more regularly utilise. The `B-1" Lacal [3usincss zonc was creaied with this sort of residential and cornrnercial land usc mix in mind. The permitted uses in the `B-1" zone include a bakcry, bank, drug store, grocery store, Laundromat, community centre, etc.(see attachment for a full description of the zone); all of which are land uses ihat serve to sirengthen the community fabric. A"second-hand store" is not a permittcd use in this zoning category as it is not the type of retaii store envisioned by the "B-1" zone. A"second-hand store" is identified as conditional usc in the"B-2" General Business zonc, while a"pawn shop" i.s a permitted use in the "I-1" Light Industrial zone and the "I-2" Heavy Tndustrial zone; all of which are zones that rellect the form and character af a rnore urban, retail-oriented area. The subject site is not located i.n an urban area and should therefore not have a zone that would indicate otherwise. Staff feel that the "B-1"Local Business zone is appropriate for the subject site, and any commercial use proposed for the area should be in keeping with the intentions of that zone. Based on this analysis, planning staff recornmcnds refusal of this application for rezoning. Conditional Use A second-hand store is a conditional use in the proposed"B-2" General Business zone; that is, ii is subjeci to such additional terms and conditions as may be deemed necessary by the Planning Advisory Comrnittee. As the proposal includes rezoning of the property, it is alsa passible for conditions to be 83 6164b2 N.B. lnc. Page S 548-550 Nlilford Road February 17, 2412 irnposed by Common Cauncil in the form of a Sectian 39 resolution. Since the recommendation is to deny the application, this report does not include any recommended conditions. CONCLUSION: The applicant is seeking to rezone the subject site to "B-2" General Business in order to allow for thc cantinued use of a second-hand store within the existing building. A second-hand store,however, is not deemed to be compatible by planning Sta.ff in the context of a residential communiTy. There�ore, ii is rccommended#hat the pxoposed Zoning By-law amendment be denied. JK Project 3�10. 12-014 84 ��� y� � � �;'!�(_'1 l��L 'W S 1 '� �)i C'{U 1 _ _._. - — ---- r �',�� .` , " - r y'F _ � M � i,.... � `�Z ��;.�1' ��'�'i � ► '!.� .. ' ' �� , f ..' . . _ ,..� ��'/'�� �i r jd � � �r���.J,"�' �•.'> 1' C �� `•.9 y - ��` �..� 'l ' �� �. w , �� �•' _.�. . , ' 1� �;v :r, ;::c �.�•, � M �` . � ',. � ' ' �'�' •�,� i 1. � ' . •�<?� .J',� �:4. �- -..�, � ,�►J � a� ' . •.a 1� � ' ' �� �r��Ca�ti ' . � � _ :i y,� � � ��!` `�'� � � - • �� r�, Y��!�. � 'fs!p.V �t� �' 1�1 ; .. ���'�>.. ;_ ` . T �� r ,..� �, ,: F ' �� „ �� .� . `�'`r . . � .�r J , � 1,�.� y 1' < �� �' "� � '.1��` . ,y _ .'r, ,� •` • �;,� �`:� � 9 .,�._� '� '�*� _ >. " ` -,�f;��r. .� k - :;�'� � . �-- '► • �� ,'� •ti � . ! +��.` �f� �.' �°'��.'�� :i �., � �.g,, .,. �, �. , d; � � �s+'., .g' �1 * . . - . • . / p/ 'Sp �' �pa� 1 �r + e. • �°� � / y��r �' �� �. 'K. } �tv,. ' `` �-d5..�..�' ,' ,.� r �r- y • � `o��( � ��. (n,`. . �� ~ � `' ' ` �.1,.� ♦'... . ' - . � � • �I/ ��t' n���/, �� � �� '�� 1 �� .. . }. ..� �►�/4��'�' _ ♦1 . * Q�` , f � I'�'�' ♦� � F � ���i� Te�B''�}�, .. _ . ; �;f � � . _ yy� �' � p r+ , t . ' N , ' j _ �. � _ < .4 � � �'f � ` `, � � . ' .. , �. — . .-` ,����, ., � • �� '<. � , . __- �, .<(`� � I , - ,, ;5:� < � � ';r►,. �. � . • � '"' - ^<'� `. , w � "'l.;` �:�•!ti � �._'... _ ,� 7 K, � ` _ •� I �► . ---,r_ � .� - \ + �' : � . � _ — , � � F y� #��'°� � � `` � �r'�, r'' � •° - '' P ,� t. �� �� y ,.,���• a�.�. � . r'.i� . � , � ; - ' ..f �,'.'. � � f �! � a . • �x � � � � �.+ , f � • • ., . '+ , .� � � '�" �'� !�.�� < t � 1 . . , ,�� a � . , �,� . � � 1 � � ' ' . ��i �� - 3"' • � _ �. � . Y` ��'��� , . `! �`r�r, �� � 1'�• .i� :'i � _ . 'Y�y► . .. _ , w� . �v t 7��� ?� r- . ... 6^ -. 85 510 LOCAL BUSENESS �2 {1} Uses Any land, bu9lding ar structure may be used for the purposes of, and far no other purpose than, (a} the following uses: - �akery goods shop; - bank; - barber shop or beauty par{our; - book or stationery store; - community centr�; - confectionery store; - d�licatessen; - drug store; - subject to subsection (2)(b), a dwelling unit; - florist or gift shop; - grocery store; - hardware or household appliance store; - laundry or dry cleaners' depat; - library; - personal service shop; - photographer's studio; - restaurant without a license under tF�e New Brunswick Liquor Control Act; (b) the following uses subject to such terms and conditions as may be imposed by the Committee: - as a secondary use to a retail stare, a bakery af less than 38 square metres; - subject to Section 810(3), a home occupation; - a business office; 65 86 3�Q B-1 ZONE (1) (b) - an outdoor stand for the sale of goods in season; - subject to subsection (2)(c), an office or parking area for a taxi business; - secondary to a bakery goods store, delicatessen or a grocery store, a take-out restaurant; - a gasoline bar; - subject to subsection {2)(a), a service station; (c} subject to Section 830, an accessory building, structure or�se, incidenta!to a use, building or structure permitted in this Section. {2} Conditions of Use (a) a service station use shall nat be permitted if: (i} another service station is lacated: - within the same zone; or - outside the zone but within 8Q0 metres from such kot; (ii) the lot does no# have: � a minimurn iot area of 930 square metres; and - a minimum lot width of 30 metres; (iii) any proposed entrance ar exit for motor vehicles is closer than 30 metres from an entrance or exit of a fire hall, public or pri�ate school, playground, theatre, church, hospital, institutional residence, or other similar institution; (iv} any port+on of the building is used as a dwelling unit; {v) any part of a buiiding, accessory building or gasoline pump island is closer than 7.5 metres to a street line; (vi) the site adjoins an "R"Zone on the street on which it fronts. (b} the number of dwelling units permitted in a building shaH not exceed the maximum number of dwelling units permitted on a lot of the same area in the more restrictive adjoining zone on any street on which the lot abuts. 66 87 ��o B-� zvNE (2) {c) an offioe or a parking area for a taxi business sha{I only be permitted if it is {i} further#han 1.6 kilometres from a similar use in a "B-1"Zone, (ii) not located adjacent to an "R"Zone on the street an which it frants. (iii) notwithstanding subsection (ii) above, an office or parking area for a taxi business may be located at 24 Taylor A�enue (NBGIC number 46276 and 412'!14}. (3} Zone Standards (a) Minimum lot area: - inte�or lot ............................................................460 square metres - corner lot.............................................................550 square metres - gasoiine bar.........................................................93Q square metres when a dwelling unit is contained in #he building the minimums above shall be increased as per#he standards in Section 310(3}(a). (b} Minimum lot width - interior lot ----�......................................................... 15 metres - corner fot.........................................................:..... 18 metres - gasoline bar.............�-��-----�--..............__..................3� metres (c) Minimum frant yard........................................•.--.-.----•.---.._7.5 metres (d) Minimum side yard ................................................................ the greater of: (i) 10 per cent of the width o#the tot to a maximum af 3 metres, or (ii) 1.5 metres. {e) Minimum rear yard............................................................7.5 metres (� Minimum ground floor area for a one-family or two-family dwefling: - single-storey..........................................................89 square metres - split-level...............................................................71 squafe metres - 1�/z, 2 or 3-starey ...................................................62 square metres 67 88 ��a s-1 ZONE {3) (g} Minimum gross floor for a dwelfing unit in a multiple dwelling: - for a 3-bedroam unit..............................................69 square metres plus 92 square metres for each bedroom in excess of 3 - for a 2-bedroom unit..............................................60 square metres - for a 1-bedroom unit..............................................41 square metres - for a bachelor apartmEnt........................................31 square metres - for an efficiency unit...............................................21 square metres (h) Maximum height.................................................................... the greater of: - 9 metres, or - the height permitted in an adjoining "R" Zone an the street which the Iot fronts (i) Maximum ground floor area for a building........................280 square metres (j} Maximum lot occupancy.............................. .......................... o �� 89 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENTIURBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT ° ��\ /-� � �� / � G a \/ " `�� � \ ,i, `�\ y �` � aa ` su � l •«� �s `� � `�,\` \ •� s / '\ �� � / m �/ '\ C � aq �J ♦ ' �i \ �(�� �.�� ``�` �\ �` �., '�t r,re �� , .., � �� �.. � � `_,_ � n a il! �'. \ �� �� � \ Nt /..i� M �� N ' —_ `• � � \ � / ` • � \ � t] // ,`1� `� o �'�-��.� � u e��l /�/ `+ •��,+`• / _ , . � ,t� ��i• �• ���f+, s� �• _ � V '����.�� �* � `\ fi}� y�� __ .� . /. ���.��v�.r.*,_ \ f] i� f9� ��r� \_. . 1Z] , • •' ``� ;+�•��`F IN �' s � ��. • ��Cr � � � ��6 ���� �_t S-..�.�ff. . �� v �., R– 2 � � �y `-� �. .;d� ; —�_ . ,� �, ' '-�r::':�;�.`.�; � . � �• � ��� B— � JY . ��� � '• 9, � f � •�� '� •�� • s�� ♦ ��� i. f �'� r. '� �S� ♦ '� ` .' �� I• � .r r: I – 1 �' ,, �.,. �,� ~ � � , • n C. �o /! `� '� /� � �� O � vs ^ " � � » Q' � ��-x. -r.� � � ^r � Q. » ' � „ vv �` ��l" � \\ n � x � �S' / / � , : / a � n „ o �+ � u N� n � � � S 1\ " �� �J4 _h���• /" . • �� PID(s)/NIP(s): Subject Site/site en question: ����� 004Q5399 Location: 548/550 Milford Road Date: January 27, 2012 Scale/echelle: Not to scale/Pas a I'echelle 90 FEB/151�01?/'�`�ED 1?: �4 PM Carleton Kirk Ladge FAn ido. 506-6�370�0 P, 0�1,�001 l r� � February 9, 2012 ,,...-- : ;�. ..= d'''. e y.;' 't:` , �., ,. ,�.�'� �* �: � -,�-�, Plannin�Advisory Committee ;��"' ;��, %b. • :, City of Saint lohn, Plannirsg and De�elo�ment 3 �,�-� � t� ';',-_; PQ Box 1971 ��,.; . ,' ;,.�. Sa�ntJohn, NB � � � � E2L 4�1 � , _ ;;::;. . ,.' "` ..� �: FAX; 506,558.2837 `�°''-.=''.� �� , To Whorn It May Cancern, R�: Propased RezQning and Gonditional Use—580 Milford Rd. we, as residents, living an Hernani Court in the community surrounding the New Pawn Shop, we're adamantly against proposing the rezoning fron� B-1, LOG�I B115111Q55 t0 B-2 General $USI��SS. We, have great concerns over the type of ir�dividuals for which this type �f business is know�3 to attra�t. Regards, C�i�,f�-��l ��-+�-~ 91 � � � r-�: � f�.t_. :;1 February 18, Z012 _��� ':',�'�, ,., .:4 �� ..:� City of 5aint lohn ��:� �,�°. �R� ,� � � F, � ..:� � - Planning and Dev�lopment .. t� SaintJohn ��� �^ :�;. (°;;� '�.�+"�� :;r t- ��� ,,r -,,�i.-�'' 1. k, 4 \.�,. Attention: Mr.loey KlifFer -..�°'�•,� Re: Pawn Shop Operation at Corner of Greenhead and Milfarcf Road Pursuant ta our recent discussion about the above mer�tioned.As I have stated to you previously, I am strongiy opposed to the operation of a Pawn Shap at this location.This defies rational thought, loca�ing an operation of this type in a residential area. First of all I understand tf�at this was apened prior to obtaining the necessary permitting, it has defied closure and continues to operate even after a directive fram the city to do so. Furthermore, as I understand,an application has since been filed and the applicant is a numbered company and the owners of which are unidentified.This is all problematic; I and many in this area have been subjected to less than transparent applitations at this location before. In some cases the applications were absdlutely deceptive as was the case in the gas bar application years ago. Are we going to be continually subjected to business applitations#ar this locations that try to circumvent the current zoning and good taste. This area is a quiet residential neighborhood with relatively little and/or nonexistent problems and one would need to question the owner's motives(which are at the outset contrary to standard business models). In any business,an owner is always trying to locate in a well travefled locatian and this type of business would rec�uire no less. Therefare is it,the fact,that it is in a quiet residential area and ifso why7 Is it because it would �e reEatively out of the public eye? One would have to conclude for nefarious purposes if so. I have asked severa! people what their first impressions ar�when 1 mention pawn shop ancf the majority responded, stolen merchandise, drug users pawning for their next fix and a variety of other criminal activity. Only one person stated, "[t's not that bad,"alluding to some show on N of a g[itzy Pawn Shop in Las Vegas. This pawn shop is not appropriate, it wili lower property values,and it will attract persons and activities that are not in the interest of this area. Is the city, if it approves the application, prepared to increase police presence and lower property taxes of the residents? After aEl,this is across from an active church. Regards ,r—�'"'____ Hernani Nunes •�h;��� � � 42 year resident and tax payer of the area 92 � Lockhart, L nda From: Brian Thibodeau <sonofbailey@ragers.com> Sent: February-2Q-12 3:49 PM To: External - Planning Subject: PROPOSED REZONING AND CONDITIONAL USE BY 548 MILFORD RD Dear City of Saint John, RE: Proposed rezoning and conditional use S4$ Milford Road I adamentally reject the proposed rezoning to allow a Pawn Shop to be located next to my property. I have lived in Milford for over 40 yrs. orignally Ilived in the North End. I have seen first hand what a Pawn Shop represents. It represents an area that is not growing and is in decay. At the time, before the store was built and rezoned, we were asked by the City of Saint John if it was a good idea to have a store built next to our property we now regret that decision. NOt only will ii:be located next to my property but also righf next door to the St. ROse Church, which is totally unacceptable. I now understand why 99% of my friends have movcd out of this city. When i meet these people the first thing that comes ou.t of their mouth is "What are you doing still living there". Our community has a vision for the future; we know what type of community �ve�vant our chilclren and grandchildren to grow up in. However, although we know whcre we want to be, our community today is constantly changing, a pawn shop is not the direction that the good people of Miiford or the St,Rose of Lima Church want to undertake. The present owner has not mainntained the area behind the store. The landscape has become overgrown, the fence is delapitated and needs to be replaced. Also,the bathroom in the store is not clearly identified for public use and therfore, the rear of the store has becn used for a place ta urinate and for young adults to hang out. Also on this property the building houscs a moving company and storage with approxiamately 6large trucks which are parked ai the side of the buiiding, which was not intended for parking. When I first noticed ihis Pawn shop that was operating without approval i contacted the llept. of Bylaw cnforcement Building and Property Use. Instead of doing their job and shutting down this pawn shop. I was made to feel that i was at fault. 1 hope in thc future that I wi11 still want io live in the City oi'Saint John. I now ask that you help me in denying this proposed rezoning of 54$ Mil£ord Rd. Thank you 5incerley, BRIAN THIBODEAU 534 MILFORD RD SAINT JOI-1N � 93 B Ad Number: A638 Current Rate: Jan 26 2012 09:03AM Advertiser Name: SAINT JOHN COMMON CLERK Start Date: 1/31/2012 Advertiser Code: S712Q6 End Date: 2/21/2012 Size: 4.00 x 11.00 in. Calor: B/W Sales Rep• Efizabeth Cook Client Approval OK❑ Carrec#ions ❑ > r � � � � PROPOSED SECTION 39 PROJET DE MpDIFICATIQN AME�dDM£NT DE LARTIClE 39 RE: 172Q LOCH LOMOND AOAD OBJET:1120,CHEM[N LOCH LQMOND Puhlic Notice is hereby given that par les pr�sentes,un avis public est the Common Council of The City donne par lequel le conseil com- of Saint John intends to consider a munaf de The City of Saint�ohn proposal at its regular meeting to indique son intention d'examiner be held in the Council Chamber on une proposition lors de la reunion Monday,Febraary 27,2012 at 7:00 ordinaire qui se tiendra dans la salfe P-m-•�Y= du conseil le lundi 27 fevrler 20i2 a 19 h en apportant Ics modifications suivantes: Amending the Section 39 condi- Modification des conditions impo- tions imposed on[he Decembcr 17, s�es en vertu de I'article 39,le 17 i979,�uly 28,1980 and Detember decembre 1979,le 28 juillet 1980 et 22,1986 rezoning of lhe properiy le 22 decembre 1996,re�ativement located at 1120 Loch Lomond Road, au rezonage de la propriet�situee afso idenlified as PID No.55146120, au 1120,chemin Loch Lomond,et as amended on May 7,199U,Oc- portant le NID 55146120,et modi- to6er 25,1493 and November 16, fiees le 7 mai 1990,le ZS octobre 1998,to permit a revised proposal. 1993 et le 16 novem6re 7998,pour permettre la presentation d'une praposition revisee_ REASON FOIt CHANGE: RAISON DE LA MOPIFICATION: To permit the developmenl of two Permetve I'am@nagement de deux commercial buildings,having a total immeubles commerciaux,ayant une gross floor area of approximalely supe�cie totale de plancher brule 2000 square metres,beside the d'environ Z OOD metres carr�s,� existing hardware store. c8te de la quincaillerie existante_ The proposed amendment may be Toute personne interessee peut inspected by any interested person examiner la modification proposee at che office of lhe Common Clerk, au bureau de la greffiere communale or in the office of Planning and ou au 6ureau de I'urbanisme et du Development,City Hall,15 Market developpement a I'h8tel de ville au Square,Saint John,N.B,between 15,Market Square,Saint John,N:B., the hours of 8:30 a.m.and 4:36 entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au p.m.,Monday through Friday,inclu- vendredi,sauf les jours feries. sive,holidays excepted. Written o6jections to the amend- Veuiilez faire part de vos ok�jections ment may be senl[o the under- au projet de modification par ecrit a signed at City Hall. I'attention de la soussign�e a I'h8tel de viile. If you require French services for a Si vous auriez besoin des services en Comrnon Council meeling,plcasc fran4ais pour une r�union de Conseil contact the office of the Common Communal,veuillez contacter le Clerk. 6ureau de la greffi�re communale. Eliza6eLh Gormley,Common Clerk Elizabeth Gormley,Greffiere Communale 658-2862 658-2862 - lr-�, �� . Q . 94 PROPOSED SEC'1'lON 39 AMENDMENT PROJET D�MODIFICATIQN DE L'AR'I'ICLE 39 RF.: 1120 LOCH LOMOND RQAD OBJET : 1i20,CH�:MIN LOCH LOMOND Public Notice is hereby givcn that the Common Par les �r�sentes, un avis public cst donne par Council of The City of Saint John intencis to lequel le conseil communal de "I7ie City of Saint consider a proposal at its regular meeting to be hcld John indique son intention d'examiner une in the Council Chamber on Monday,February 27, proposition lors de la reunion ordinaire qui se 2012 at 7:00 p.m.,by: tiendra dans la salle du conseil le lundi 27 f�vrier 2012 � 19 h en apportant les modifications suivantes : Amending thc Section 39 conditions imposed on Modification des conditions imposees en vertu de the December l7, 1979, July 28, 1980 and 1'article 39, le 17 decembre 1979, le 28 juillet 1980 December 22, 1986 rezoning of the property et le 22 d�c;embre 1986, relativement au rezonage located at 1120 Loch Lomond Road, also identified de la propriet� situee au 1120, chemin Loch as PID No. 55146120, as amended on May 7, 1990, Lomond, et portant le NID 5514612Q, et modifiees �ctober 25, I993 and November 16, 1998, to le 7 mai 1990, le 2S octobre 1993 et le lb permit a revised proposal. novembre 1998, pour permettre la presentation d'une proposition revisee. REASON FOR CIIANGE: RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION : To permit tbe development of two commercial Permettre 1'amenagement de deux immeubles buildings, having a total gross floor area of corninerciaux, ayant une superficie totale de appro�mately 2000 square m.etres, beside the plancher brute d'environ 2 000 metres carres, a existing hardware store. cot�de la quincaillerie existante. The proposcd amendment may be inspectcd by any Toute personne interess�e peut examiner la interested person at the office of the Cornmon modification proposee au bureau de Ia grefFiere Clerk, or in the ofi-ice of Planning and communale ou au bureau de 1'urbanisme et du Devclopmcnt, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint d�veloppement a 1'hotel de ville au I5, Market John, N.B.between the hours of 8:30 a.m_ and 4:30 Square, Saint John, N.-B., entre 8 h 30 et 1G h 30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusivc, holidays du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours f�ries. excepted. Written objections to the arnendment may be sent Veuillcz faue part de vos objections au projet de to the undersigned at City Ha11. modification par �crit a 1'attention de la soussignee a 1`hotel de ville. If you require Frcnch services for a Common Si vous auriez besain des services en fran�ais pour Council meeting, please contact the office of the une reunion de Conseil Communal, veuille� Common Clerk. contactcr le bureau de la greffiere communale. Elizabeth Gormley, Common Clerk Elizabeth Gormley, Greffi�re communale 658-2862 658-2862 95 i / i� i . ,�/ /�.,/ / � / /�i-= � i � /' N / � C //' � Q � �d �' �`"o ' 2 Q ���. 1 Sq. ora R � .���"'" �.�� �o� '�� � m / ��'('(� ��s� y g omo Lot 93-3 /� See'am Na 31 pp � ��Gr �� ,1t ' � / ' , �� � � $yti �.� `t^ .�,d �;.,� ,� ���, �1 � � r� ,�� Ly,a ���1 ..(�� P�,�� / , �� s �. �� • ,/ � Y tZ; l _�\ `., Y��` s ��' ' ¢ i `.�� \� �' • v � . " �� ti` ,i!` �1 i0 \�. \ \ ,�,�\�• � a , '' 1 �" � � /�: , ,,k,.\�� j- .i� —_`�.�t J��� `.i. . '�+o�'w • -.:`s �':.�' p0 'k.'�,1•,�`�`•'� ' '.r / /� +� ��`„;` "����w.; .::` ,a�:,r`,��' 14 •,�.\�� �°�, �0� r� / / � - \ '� b\\`,� :�.� rn �/� � /1``1 3v� C\ ,.;1 .`a`\. `r� I // . L i / / 1 � � �b�� M1d-�p��~y � / s� 1 1�1i ,�' ` ,�1�',L� ,, ea�' i / A .� '�` \ '.�'''.._.% �9 e ve ^���,f�. � / 11` , i �a� +�', � ` �� g� � Lot 9J-7 1 ' c: 's � �e � / , � : ��ro.,, / s<�re,n�o.3ioo � \ ./.". ;,,��'', ` � ���o'� / /� � \ �` \� i' /S 4'S� � Y \ � F.\\` � '����, -�-.;" \ � �+o: � s. `�'.�c.s \ � \ � \\ �6�9 a'd r� 9� ea� � .''a�� 1 }�uy��lo�m�m�a�d,cror �� ���,'' aAi�a��\\ 5 \l ;e som, � \ +'' ��'i 1; ' c� LOt 1 1—i � 1 t��°sd,ko�ara��� � �� a� ���\ \ � Area = 1.71 hector_s q\ g wa�6 n�icrr i OQ�y i�pl° 9�� F�' � S� �% HxdmP Perki�o V / �' \�\\ ;p `,\ � .���� � y�. � `\ '�\ O.o. \ .\ 2O� ` �ot 98_, ° \`\ (�� �'`; �� \ ; Tenlative Plan \ + � � Scott Bros. Limited M1�' � ; �\`` � h Subdivision � I \ � `\ `� "ZCit�of Saint JohROad � �`"' \\�`��»�.°�e�dz=«�.�-y 1 Saint John County, N.B. � _. � -� _ ,��_ �. � p i � _ --.-.-.�--�= - -, _ ,�,.� - � — �=a o:�%:..e'�'--�*T'— _.�J r,s..., � �. __ s�b.i.sao I Ni � � ~~y������ r' � KI�RSTEADQUIGLEY Ckey Road �and ROBERTS Ltd, i �.�, n SelntMhn,New BrungwiCM ���. � '��.� caec ww��n 7.2o�i w,c..e:wuwi+s.2oi� �. �� Dwg. No. 7-04D4 96 � Planning P.O. Box 1971 506 658-2800 Advisory Committee Saint John New Bnznswick Canada E2L 4L1 February 22, 2012 - Y � o• � � Your Worship and Councillors: °""��� M, a,��cG� ��ty aF Saint john SUBJECT: Amendment to Section 39 canditions 1120 Loch Lomond Road On Jaanuary 30, 2012 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisor}- Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committcc considered the attached report at its Febrtxary- 21, 2012 meeting. Gerald Roberts, of Kicrstcad Quigley Roberts Ltd., was in attendance ai the mecting and spoke on behalf of ihe application. He indicated that he was in agreement with the staff recommendation and that he would be working with Staff to prepare a revised site plan that would resolve some of the issues identified in ihe staFf report. No one appeared to speak in favour of or in opposition to ihe application and no letters were received. After considering the report and presentation,the Committee adopted the staff recommcndation as set out below. The Committee did not approve the creation of the proposed lots on a private access and did not grant thc rcqucsted variances. RECOMMENDATION: 1} That Common Council amend the Section 39 conditions imposed on the December 17, 1979, July 28, 1980 and December 22, 1986 rezonings of the properly located at 112Q Loch Lomond Road, also identified as YID No. 55146120, as amended on May 7, 1990, October 25, 1993 and Novem�er 1998 by replacing them with the following: a) All parking areas, loading areas, vehicle manoeuvring areas and driveways must be paved with asphalt. b) All paved areas must be enclosed with continuous cast-in-place concrete curbs in order to protect the landscaped areas and to facilitate proper drainage. c} Adequate site drainage facilities, including necessary catch basins, must be provided by the Ucvcloper in accordance with a detailcd « 97 -2- drainage plan, prcpared by ihe proponent and subject to the approval of the Chief City Engineer ar his desi�ate. d} All developed areas of the site not occupied by buildings, driveways, walkways,parking or loading areas must be landscaped by thc Developer. The landscaping must extend onto the City street right-of- way to the edge of ihe street curb/sidewalk. e} F.lectrical and telecornmunications services be provided undcrground. fl Exierior light standaxds must direct light dawn onto the parking area and not toward adjacent properties. g) Any areas utilized for the storage of refuse or composting, including areas for the location or commercial waster bins, shali be fully screened by an opaque fence at least 2 metres in height. Further, waste is not to be piled higher than the required screening. h) The site shall noi be developed except in accordance with a detailed site plan, landseaping plan and building elevation plans, prepared by the Developer and subject to the approvai of the Develapment Officer, indicating the location of all buildings, parking areas, driveways, loading areas, signs, exterior Iighting, exteriar building materials and f nishes, landscaped areas, refuse/solid waste containers and other site features. i} The appraved plans referred to in conditions (c} and (h) above must be attached to the applicatian for building perimit for the development, except that such plans are noi required for permit applications for site preparation and/or fo�r►dation only; j) All site improvements shown on the approved site and drainage plaris (other than landscaping} shall be completed prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit for any part of the building; and the landscaping musi be cornpleted within one year of building permit approval. 2) `1'hat Common Council not assent to one or more subdivision plans, in one or more phases, in general accordance with the submitted Scott Bros. Limited Tcntative Plan located at 1120 Loch Lomond Raad, with respect to any required municipal scrviccs easements and public utility easements; 98 -3- Respectfully submitted, ��''-�.�r " Erik Falkjar Chairman PF ProjectNo, 12-024 99 ��: �� ��M.� 1� �.� ��. The Ciry of Saint John DATE: FEBRU�IRY 17, 2012 TO: PLANNING ADVISORY COMMTTTEE FROM: COMMUNITY PI,ANNING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FUR: MEETING OF FEBRUARY 21, 2012 PREPARED BY: REVIEWED BY: � > , _, � ; /� .J�, �;� , .....�_. � . �4- c.�d. � 4 �._ !���� Patrick Foran Mark Reade, P. Eng., MCIP, RPP Planning Officer Senior Planner SUBJECT: Name of Applicant: Kierstcad Quigley & Roberts Ltd. (c/o Gerald Roberts} Name of Owner: John Cudmore Enterpriscs Inc. c/o Scott Bros. Ltd. Location: 1120 Loch Lomand Road PID: 55146120 Municipal Plan: Stable Cornmcrcial (pcnding Provincial approval} Zoning: "B-2" General Business and"SC" Shopping Centre Proposal: Ta construct two strip malls Type of Application: Amendment to Section 39 conditions, subdivision and variances to: 1) reduce the minimum required lot area for the proposed Lots 11- 2 and 11-3 frorn 10,000 square metres to appraximately 4,Q33 sq�zare metres and 3,441 square metres, respeciively; l��r,_`— - � �AINT JOHN P.O.Box 1971 Saint John, �:B Canada EZL 4L1 wwvv.saintjohn.ca C.P.1971 `aint Johii,t�l.-B.Cansda f2L 4t1 �� 100 John Cudmore Enterprises Inc. Page 2 112Q Lach Lomond Road February 17,2012 2) permit the parking areas to straddle the proposed property lines; 3) reduce the minimum required number of on-site parking spaces frorr� 72 to 56; �} reduce the minimum required number of loading spaces from 2 to nit; 5) inerease the maximum permitted width for a one-way access from 7 metres to 8 metres (for the entrance) and l0 znetres (for the two-lane exit); 6) reduce the minimum required side yards from 15 metres to 3.04 metres and 10 metres along the western and eastern side, respectively, as well as to rcduce the minimum required rear yard setback from 15 metres ta 12.5 metres for the building on the proposed Lot 11-2; 7) reduce the minimum required rear yard setback.from 15 metres to distances varyin�between 3.04 metres and 12.5 metres for the building on the proposed Lot 11-3; 8) increase the maximurn permitted lot oce�pancy of the�ropased Lot 11-3 from 25%to approximately 29% JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: Common Council has requested the views of the P�anning Advisory Commiriee concerning proposed amendments to Che Section 39 conditions of the subject property. Common Council will consider the Committee's recomrnendation at a public hearing on Monday, Februai-y 27, 2012. The Subdivision B}--law autharizes thc Planning Advisory Committee to apQrove the creation of Iots abutting such access other than a public street as bcing advisable for the development of land. The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to grant reasonable variances from the requirements af the Subdivision and Zoning By-laws. 71ic Committee can impose conditions. STAFF RECOMMENDATYON TO COMMITTFE: 1) That Common Council amend the Section 39 conditions imposed on the December 17, 1979, July 2$, 1980 and Decernber 22, 1986 rezonings of the property located at 1120 Loch Lomond Road, also identified as PID No. 5514b12p, as amendcd on May 7, 1990, October 25, 1993 and Navember 1998 by replacing them with the following: 101 John Cudmore Enterprises Inc. Page 3 1120 Loch Lomond Road February i 7,2012 a) AlI parking areas, loading areas, vehicle manoeuvring areas and driveways must be paved wiih asphalt. b) All paved areas must be enclosed with continuous cast-in-place concrete curbs in order to proleci the landscaped areas and to facilitate proper drainage. c) Adequate site drainage facilities, including necessary catch basins, must be provided by ihe Developer in accordance with a detailed drainage plan, prepared by the proponent and subject ta ihe approval af the Chief City Engineer or his designate. d} All developed areas of the site not occupied by buildings, driveways, walkways, parking or loading areas must be landscaped hy the Developer. "1 he landscaping must extend onto the City strcct right-of-way to tlne edge of ihe street curb/sidewalk. e) Electrical and telecommunications services be provided underground. fl Exterior light standards must direct light down onto the parking area and not toward adjacent properties. g) Any areas utilized for the storage of refuse or composting, including areas for the location or commercial waster bins, shall be fully screened by an opaque fence at least 2 meires in hcight. Further, waste is not to be piled higher than the required screening. h) "1'he site shall nof be devcloped except in accordance with a detailed siie plan, landscaping plan and building elevation pians, �rcpared by the Developer and subject to the approval of thc llevelopment Offlcer, indicating the locatian of all buildings, parking areas, driveways, loading areas, signs, exterior lighting, extcrior building materials and finishes, landscaped areas, rcfuse/solid waste containers and ather site features. i) The approvcd plans referred to in conditions (c) and(h) above must be attached to the application for building permit for the development, except that such plans are nat required �or permit applications for site preparation and/or foundation only; j} All site improvements shown on lhe approved site and drainage plans (other than landscaping) shall he completed prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit for any part of� the building; and the landscaping must be completed within one year of building permit approval. 2) 'That Common Council not assent to one or more subdivision plans, in one or more phases, in general accordance with �he submitted Scott Bros. Limited Tentative Plan located ai 1120 Loch Lornond Road, with respect to any required municipal services easements and public utility easements; 102 John Cudmore Enterprises Inc. Page 4 1120 Lach Lomond Road February 17, 2012 3) `1'hat the Planning Advisory Committee: a) not approve the creation of Lots 11-2 and 11-3 abutting an access other than a public street; and b) deny the requested variances. BACKGROUND: In December of 1974, a portion of the site was rezoned to "B-2" Gencral Business in order to facilitate the development of a Home Hardware retail store. The rezoning of the property was subject to the condiiion that the developer enier into an agreement with the City,pursuant to Section 39 of the Communily Planning Act, setting out the dctails of the proposed developrz�enl. Further,the development and use of the site was required to be undertaken in accordance with the provisions of the aforesaid agreement. In July of 1980,the remainder of the parent parcel v�-as rezoned to "SC" Shopping Centre� to facilitate the development of a furniture storc and a co-operative grocery store, subject to the following conditioz�s: 1) the uses of the property be restricted to those set out in the Market Study approved by Common Council at its meeting of July 21, 1980, 2) the proposed grocery sfore {if established) be limited to a co-operative establishment, and 3} the gross leasable floor area of the shopping centre be restricted to a maximum of 7,000 square mctres Notwithstanding the above-amendments, none of ihe aforementioned deveiopments were undertaken. In Deccmber of 1986, Comrnon Council amended the Zoning By-law by adjusting the zoning 3ine dividing the "13-2" General Business and"SC" Shopping Centre portions of the site in order to accomrrzodate a larger area for the as-yet unconstructed hardware siore; there were no specific plans for development of the remainder of the site at thc time. The zoning line adjustment was subject to an agreemeni that: 1) limited the developmcnt of the site to a hardware store as proposed by the applicant, 2) restricted the access to the street to those indicated in the applicant's proposal, 3) required a 6 meter setback from Hickey Road of the lumber yard fence and ihe development and maintenance of a landscaped screen adjacent to the �umber yard suitable to ihe Deputy Comrr3issioner of Planning, 4) required the submission of plans to be approved by the Deputy Commissiorter of Engineering indicating hov�- storm water wiil be accommodated from the Loch Lomond Road frontage and along Hickey Road, 5) required the extension of curb, sidewalk on IIickey Road to the north edge of thc lumber compound, ' The parcel was rezaned to"SC" Shapping Centre,as indicated in the text of the amendment.However,the accompanying map schedule indicates the parcel was rezoned to"B-2"General Business. 103 John Cudmore Enterprises Inc. Page 5 1120 Loch Lomond Road February �7, 2Q 12 6} required that a letter of credit be received of equal value of the work to be done, and 7) required the granting of neccssary easements The above conditions pertain to ihe "B-2" General Business portion of the site only. Sometime after the construction of the hardware stare, Council amended the Section 39 conditions in May of 1990 to permit the construction of a warehouse for cold storage. Specifically, the conditions were amended to permit the following: 1) the proposed 50 foot x 200 foot building be permitted in the rear yard storage compound as indicated on the praposed Schedule A; 2) the existing chain link fence surrounding the storage compound and gate facing Hickey Road be permitted as indicated on Schedule A, 3) the applicant provide to the Develapment Officer, for approval prior to the issuance of a building permii, a detailcd landscaping plan prepared by a qualified professianal, showing the location and size of planting materials for the buffer to screen the storage compound; 4} the work in condition#f3 be compleied to the satisfaction of the Development Officer prior to July 31, 1990; and 5) the curbing requircd in the originaI agreement bc completed prior to the issuance of a building permit Based on the building permit history of the site, it appears that instead of the proposed dctached warehouse, the presently existing attached warchouse was constructed. In October of 1993, Council amended the Section 39 canditions to permit the development of thc Tim Horton's site. In additian to arnending the then-cxisting conditions to permit ihe restaurant, the conditions periaining to the overall develapment werc also axnended by: 1) reducing thc maximum allowable gross floor area for the future shopping centre from 7,000 square rrtetres to 3,700 square rnetres (resulting from a decrease in the loi area of the portion zoned "SC" Shapping Centre due to subsequent subdivisions); and 2) requiring each site to be developed in accordance with a detailed site plan to be approved by the Development Officer. Common Council further amended the Section 39 conditians in November of 1998 to facilitatc the deve�opment of the AutoPro /Ultramar automotive service station and gasoline bar. None of the conditions perta.ining to this development affect the subject siie. Finally, in 2008, a building permit was issued for the construction of"The Power Store", which sells small motorized vehic�es (snowmobiles, motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles, sea-doos, etc.). As the proposal was in conformity with the Section 39 conditions, no amendments were necessary. JNPUT FROM OTH�R SOURCES: Municipal Operations and Engineering has the following cornments regarding the proposal: 104 3ohn Cudmore Enterprises Inc. Page 6 ]120 Loch Lomond Road February 17, 2012 • There arc three existing major water transmission mains through this parcel and the City has a right- of-way to such. Absolutely nothing is to be built o�crtop of these major transmission mains; ihe ovvner's contractor must have these water mains located prior to construction to deterxnine locations of such and ensure the building fooiprint is not over-top of the transmission mains or within the easements. "I'hese buildings will need to be connected to the existing 600 mm (#2) water transmission main. . It is not clear from the information received how the two propased strip malls are to be serviced. Detailed servicing drawings and design brief will be required from the owner's engineering consultant. • AlI businesses must have a City approved water meter installed. • Paving or parking over ihe limits of the water transrriission mains shall be engineered by the owner's enginecrin� consu}tant (qualified to do such a submission) and drawings and a design brief submittcd to the City for re�view. If additional weight(including asphalt, gravcl, heavy equipment, etc.) is being proposed to be placed over top of the transmissions mains, ihis must be enginecred to verify that the watcr mains can withstand the additional loadings. • A single shared two-way acccss {one entrance and two exits) onto Loch Lomond Road is Supportcd. The shared access over the limits of the water transmission mains shall be engineered by the owner's engineering consultant(qualified to do such a submission}to vcrify that the water mains can withsiand any additional loadings and drawings and a design brief submitted to the City for revicw. Loch Lomond Koad is a major arterial and thc addition of multiple c3riveways is not supported. The primary purpose of arterials is to rnove t;raffic and not provide access to properties. Multiple wider drivcways (as compared to one) also create more risk of a pedestrian to motorist interactian. • Should Lot ] 1-2 be subdivided, it should be a condition of subdividing that no new cntrancc/exits be created bui rather this lot must use the existing shared driveways with proposed Lot I 1-1. • Proposed Lot 11-3 does not abut a public street. Ft is the ov�ner's responsibility to ensure ihat access for proposed Lot 11-3 is viathe shared driveways with proposed Lot 11-1. • Thc relocating of thc existing utility pole may be bcneficial rather than installing an island. The turning movement of larger trucks likely will need a wider driveway. Withoui a defined island, this may be achieved with the proposed widths {i.e. if an island is installed, may require wider driveways). The owner's engineering consultant must verify that if the existing utility pole is to remain,therc is adequate line of sight with the creatian of the new driveway. • The owner's engineering consultant musi verify that the planned relocation of the sign does not interfere with sight lines between moioxists at the access and those on Loch Lomond Road. • A11 requircd parking is to be provided for an-site. • There is a proposal for a development at 1147 Loch Lomand Road (across from this site). The proposed driveway for this site and the site across the street should be aligned. The owner's surveyor/engineer should review this in order to line up the driveways. • If thc owner/developer foresees a potential concern with accessing Loch Lomond Road for�heir customers/client, then a signal warrant should be completed by the owner's engineering consultant to confirm one way or the other. Otherwise, it should bc noted that the developer does not foresee this as being a concern and therefore accepts the potential for unreasonable delays if they do occur in the fiitezre. Should traffic modifications be required,this would be at the full responsibility of the owner/developer. 105 John Cudmore Enterprises Inc. Page 7 112U Loch Lomond Road February 17, 2Q12 • Any construction of a new driveway that alters the existing curb and sidewalk is to be the responsibility of the applicant to reinstate to the City's satisfaction. A dropped concrete sidewalk wili be required for the driveway and lhis shall be the applicant's responsibility to install. • There is no municipal sanitary or stortn sewer at this location on Loch Lomond Road; municipal sanitary and storm is available on Hickey Road. The owner's engineering consultant and contractor will have to verify ability to service from Hickey Road, grades and connectians. • A site stormwater management plan and design brief are required to be submitted by the owner's engincering consultant for review and approval of the City. • All applicable permits frorn the City must be applied for and received prior to construction. Issuance of permits from Municipal Operations & Engineering will not be considered until all engineering requirements have been satisfactorily met by the owner's engineering consultant and approved by the City. Buildings and Inspeetion Services has expxessed a concern that due to the distance between the proposed strip mall buildings and the new property line (3.04 metres),the construction siandards required by the National Building Code may vary widely depending on the type of occupancy and whether the �wner chooses to install sprinklers. While there is no reason to prevent construction of the proposcd buildings from a Code siandpoint, thc owner may wish to consider different construction options and their associated costs. Saint John Fire Dcpartment indicates that it has no objection to this application provided that the National Building Code of Canada (NBC) &the National Firc Code of Canada (NFC) are adhered to, and appropriate building permits are obtained. Same of the areas of concern within t�ie NBC and NFC codes includ.e: • A complete fire inspection �vill be required to be complctcd by the SJFD Fire Prevention& Investigation llivision prior to occupancy of either strip mall • Access for Fire Fighting must be constructed and maintained as per NBC and NFC � Praper fire separations are installed and maintained within the building • Proper rated doors and closures are installcd where required • All access to a�y and all means of egress paths are kept clear at a�l times • Exit doors have the proper door hardware, and swing in the proper direction • "1'he installation of 2A-1 OBC (minimum size) fire extinguisher{s) in each suite • A fire safety plan would need to be developed, and submitted to the Saint rohn Fire Department for approval • The possible requirement for a Fire Alarm System • "I'he possible requirement for a Sprinlcler System * The possible requirement for installation of erriergency lighting • The possible requirement for installaiian of exit signs throughout • If applicable, all plans are to be submitted to the Office of the Fire Marshal, in accordance with secti�n 18 of the New Brunswick Fire Preveniion Act Saint John Transit has been advised of the application. Saint John Energy has been forwarded a copy of the application. 106 dohn Cudmore Enterprises Inc. 1'age 8 I 120 Loch Lomond Road February 17, 2012 Maritimcs & Northeast Pipeline, Enbridge Gas, and Brunswick Pipelinc have advised that the area is "all clear" and thai the proposal is not near any pipeline facilities. ANALYSYS: Sitc and Nei�hbourhood The subject site is located within the commercial node located at the intersection of Loch Lomond Road and IIickey Road in East Saint John. The subject site preseniiy contains the Home Hardware retail store and associated outdoor lumber yard. There is a large, undeveloped area to the easi of the parking lot which provides surpius parking and provides some outdoor storage for larger retail items such as storage shed kits. The site amenities (driveway accesses,parking, landscaping, etc.) are shared with some of the adjacent sifies, such as the Tim Horton's restaurant. �ther cornrncrcial uses, in addition to those mentioned above, includc the AutoPro/Ultramar auiomobile service s#ation,the On the Vine inarket, thc East Side Carwash and sclf-storage facility, and the Galbraith strip mall. Proposal Betweert the Home Hardware retail store and the adjacent Power Store to the east is an undeveloped area that tne applicant is proposing to utilize for the construction of two strip malls. This area was rezoned to "SC" Shopping Centre in thc 1980's in anticipation that the site would dcvelop as some form of shopping centre development. The propased strip malls have been designcd to function within the overall site as a single, unified developmer�i{i,e., integrated parking and landscaping with shared access points). The present application would see the existing access to the Loch Lomond Hardware stare be redesigned to allow a shared access point frorn Loch Lomond Road. Instead of the existing single,two-way driveway (one entrancc lane, one exit lane),the applicant is proposing to implement a pair of onc-way accesscs (a one- lane entrancc, and a two-lane exit, with one lane for eastbound trafrc and one lane for wcstbound vehicles). A new parking area would be provided bctween the two strip malls which would also be integrated with the parking area of the Home Hardware store and Tim Horton's restaurant{see attached site plan). Amendment to Section 39 Conditions As outlined in the Background section of this report, there have been a number of conditions imposed on the site, which have been revised several times over the past thirty years. Essentially, the conditions can be categorized as restrictions pertaining to the use of land, requiring development of the site as per a detailed site plan to be approved by the Development Officer, and a restriction on the grross leasable floor area of the proposed shopping centre. Many of these conditions were imposed at an early stage of the commercial node's development, when the neighbourhood context was different. Originally,the node was supposed to provide small-scale, neighbourhood-based commercial uses, as identified in the Market Study undertalcen in 1980. However, a number of residential subdivisions, such as the Eastwood Subdivision and the Simonds Subdivision, have developed since that time creating pressures for a wider range of uses within the commercial node. 107 John Cadmore Enterprises Inc. Page 9 1120 Loch Lomond Road February 17, 2012 In addition, the area ceniered on the Loch Lomond/Hickey Road intersection has since transitioned away from being primarily a suburban corridor to the Uptown to includc being a destination node of its own with the ongoing commercial inlensification of the node that has taken place over the past thirty years, Given the aforementioned changes in the developrnent pattern since the preparation and adoption of the Markct Study, a review of the existing condifions can be considered appropriate. In the present instance, the list of uses permitted in both the "R-2" Generai Business and"SC" Shopping Centre zones reflect vvhat has already been established in the immediate neighbourhaod, such as restaurants, retail slores and service stations /repair garages. It is therefore no#anticipated that any of the uses permitted in eiiher of these zones would result in an incompatibility with surrounding land uses. With dcvelopment of the original parent parccl now almost complete and the surrounding area having transitioned to commercial uses, the res�-ictions limiting the use of land more beyond the provisions of ih.e Zoning By-law can be considered superfluous. It is thercfore Staffls recornmcndation that the existing conditions restricting the use ot�the praperty be removed. As is cammon with major developments, conditions were imposed when ihe various portions of the siie werc developed requiring certain sitc improvements to be implemented and maintained, as per a detailed site plan. Staff does not consider it appropriate to simply remove these conditions however it is recagnized that the current assemblage of conditions presents difficulties in trying to develop the site. Consequently, to simplify how the site may be developed on a go-forward basis, Staff is recommending replacing all o�lhe existing conditions relating to site impzovements vvith the "urban standard"lypically recommended with reroning applications. This would clarify the site improvements required of the developer as well as �rovide Staff with a mechanisrn to ensure proper site improvernents can be implementcd and maintained. Note that the existing site plans previously approved would remain in effect and any additional improvements would only be rEquired at the time of redevelopment. Finally, with regard to thc Iimitation on the maximum permiited gross leasable floor area, the provisions of the "SC" Shopping Centrc zone already limit the size of shopping centre that can be developed. In addition to the maximum permitted lot occupancy, the size of the shapping centre musi be balanced with the mirumum required seibacks, parking, loading/unloading spaces and landscaping. These controls automatically limit the size oCany proposed shopping centre or commercial development. Stafftherefore does not considcr it necessary to further lirnit the sizc of the shop�ing centre. It appears that the restriction on the gross leasable floor area originated with the Market Study prepared as part of the 198� rezoning to "SC" Shopping Centre. At ihe time, the Municipal Plan required that a Market Study be prepared as part of the rezoning process ta ensure that any proposed shopping centre wou�d not have a detrimental effcct on the Uptown commercial area. The recently adopted Municipal Plan (YIanSJ) also seeks to strengthen the Uptown, but does allow further commercial development within existing Stable Commercial areas, such as in the present case. Consequently, in light of the above observations, Staff is recommending the removal on the restriction on the gross leasable fIoor area. Subdivision The current proposal is designed to funefiion as a single, unified developmcnt with the existing Homc IIardware site. Howevcr, for financing purpases, il is proposed to subdivide a scparate lot for cach strip mall pad. Due to ihe proposed lot configuration and site design, the two proposed lots wauld nat have 108 John Cudmorc Enterprises Inc. Page 10 1120 Loch Lomond Road February 17, 2012 access via a public strect. As provided for in the Subdivision By-law, the Planning Advisory Comrnittee has the authority to approve the creation of lots on such access other than a public street as deemed appropriate for the development of land. As with similar applications in the past, such as the develapment on Plaza Avenue (off of Fairvilie Boulevard), Staff can support the creation of the commercial lots with a shared acccss, especially when the proposed lots would otherwise abut a busy arterial or collector street, provided that the necessary ri�hts-of-way arrangements are included with the lease agreements. While Staff can be supportive of the cancept, there are concerns that the proposed pair of onc-way accesses may negatively affect the safe and cfFcient traffic flow to and from Loch Lomond Road. Instead of the proposed means of access, Staff is of the opinion that a single two-way access point should be implcmcnted, designed to the satisfaction of the Chief City Engineer in such a manner as to be properly aligned vvith the proposed development across the street at 1147 Loch Lomond Road and to accoinmodate the iraffic load /pattern along ihe adjacent Loch Lomond Road. Conscquentiy, Staff is recommending that the Committee not approve the proposed means of access as being advisable for the development of land. However, as indicatcd previously, the concept of a sharcd access point is supported and a reviscd access configuraiion could likely be favourably considered by Staff. In addition,the Subdivision By-law does not differentiate between creating lots for financing purposes and rnore traditional forms of subdivision. Consequently, while the proposed lots would remain integraied with (and function as part of}the overall developmcnt, the proposed lots are required to conform to the minimum lot dirnension standards of the Subdivision By-law. In the present instance the averall site would cxceed the minimuzn requircd lot area of 10,000 square tnetres. However, neither of the proposed infant lots would conforrn fo this standard, having an area of only 4,03 3 square metres for Lot 11-2 and 3,�41 square metres for Lot 11-3. The purpose of the minirnurn tot area is to en5ure that there is sufficieni space to accommodate a proposed building and the site amenities (parking, landscaping,etc.) required to service it. Given that the proposed lo#s are intended to be integrated with the overall site and to have shared site amenities, a reduction in the lat area can be considered appropriate, so long as all of the site amenities required for the entire site are provided. As outlincd in more detail below, the overall site design appears to contain deficiencies in both the parking and loading/unloading requirements. Based on thc current site design, it does not appcar that the overall site can accommodate all of the necessary site improvements and Staff therefore cannot suppart the proposed lot area variances. A reduced lot area variance could potentially be supported if it were based on a redesigned site that contains the minimum requircd site improvements. Site desi n and related varianccs The proposed site design entails a nutnber of variances which can essentially be grouped into two categories: those stemming from the fact that the By-law does not recagnize shared site improvemenis "by-right", and ihose arising from a.tx inability of the overali, integrated site to conform to the minimum By-law standards. 109 John Cudmore Cnterprises Inc. Page 11 1120 Loch Lomond Road February 17, 2012 For example, with regard to the former, reducing the minimuxn setbacks frorn the interior property lines of the site, or allowing the parking areas to straddle the proposed lot lines, would be entirely in keeping with the development of a unified development and could therefore be supported. However,concerning the latter, a variance to permit an overall parking deficiency, or to eliminate the requirement for loading /unloading spaces, would not be good planning and cannot be recommended. Based on the submitted plan, there would be a parking deficiency of sixteen parking stalls and two loading/unloading bays. It does not appear that this shortfall can be compensated for on the already developed portion of the site. These deficiencies suggest that the size of the proposed strip malls may be too large for the site and that a reduction in the ground floor area would bc appropriate. In addition, the submitted site plan does not illustrate the overall parking loi design or canf guration of the internal drive aisles. As such it is difficult to comment on the suitability of the overall site layout. Furlher, it appears that a different configuration, such as an L-shaped building, could better frame the site in relation to the streetscape as well as provide a higher profile storefront for the individual tenants. This redesign could also resolve some af ihe more substantial variances that are not supported by Staff. Consequently, while Staff can be supportive of the general concept, the specific details of the present proposal are not seen as satisfying the intent of the Zoning By-law. It is suggested that a revised proposal bc prepared, that can better reflect the intent of the Zoning By-law, although variances may still be invalved, CONCLUSION: f1 number of condiiions have been imposed on the site as part of numerous rezoning applications,which have been amended several ti�nes over the past thirty years. These conditions were ariginally imposed to limit the scale of the developing commercial node so as not to compete with the Uptown commercial district as well as to limit the impaci on the surrounding area,which was signif cantly less commercial at the time. As commercial development of the area has intcnsified over the years, some of the initial conditions intended to limit the potential impacts have become increasingly superfluous to the standards contained in the Loning By-law. Staff can support a relaxation of some of the conditions previously irnposed, but is not in favour of outright eliminating the requirements that the site be developed in accordanec with a detailed site plan,to be approved by the Development Officer. However, given the myriad conditions imposed, it is recornmended that the current urban standard of site irnprovements be utilized t� replace the previous conditions in order to simplify development of the site on a go-forward basis. The proposal also involvcs �he creation of two Iots utilizing an access shared with the existing Loch Lo�nond Home Hardware store. While Staff can be supportive of the general concept of shared commercial access along an arterial street, this support is rendered sornevvhat rx�oat in lighf of the concerns with the overall site design which Staff is not regarding favourably. Similarly, a number of the requested variances related to the integrated nature of the site ihat can �e viewcd positively by Staff. However there are deficiencies that are not related to the shared site amenities that cannot be supported preventing Staff from fully supporting the application as a whale. These deficiencies suggest that a redesign of the proposed development would be appropriate, which would require a new assessment from Staff. Consequently, Staff is not recommending approval of the 110 3ohn Cuc�rnore Enterprises Inc. Page 12 1120 Loch Lomond Road February �7, 2412 requested variances. The applicant is advised,however,th.at a revised plan addressing the aforementioned concerns may be supported. PF Praject No. 12-029 111 PLANNING AND DEVEL�PMENTIURBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT ; / %� -- ��.\ `�� Rs-2� �" ';%%-� 1 � / �. � � Y1 --� r ; � , `�, `� � �—��. � �,\ ,�.�.- ,F. -— —? / ..ti. _ %/' ,!/' .��, f'.r'�.��f'1 I ��. _. .{ ._ _. _ ' ���"\ ' `\`\i _ �r�~, �\I � �� � � 1� ---�-- -- -- --._.._.!'� � \I 1 .•--'"1. \'� \ � - 1 �� ' _ °'" l r \ - ,� .�°\... ! , ,' /, � � RM-1 \�� '"� \\ � .!'.- n�,, � � � ,� � ��;_,.. � f.- •� \ �;... I' ��_ ;� "� �� `�`" - +, ''r� +f'� 4 �\:��� � � �, '� i i" � . `. �:.,-- � y--:.. ••�-' \ � , ;` � ' �� =j., `�( . �.�`� ''�, �, R S - 2;\� , \ � _/' ` \. � `� �� �=�.V:. ��; 2 \ -! �� j/''R 5 �%�2.;� \� \� �'� \, �'" \��!' �\ \.�='"�'y� ..�-��i:l \ I �'\ ;'\ :"\ �'� �i� \•` `` \ J \` •'\ m,�,;" � '.\ ' ` � � � �� `i. ' \ �� ` ��-i � `\ `^ •�- \\ 1 \ � I� '\ ��.� \' \ \ - "� ' y,, ' l ��..� � . 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Limited \ ` � � \\; ' �� h Subdivision � �,,, \ \ 1120 Lach Lomond Road '�, `�`\ � City of Saint John �_' `�,,` \\` �,,,�G � Saint John County, N.B. �. � `�-••,�, — _ ��a:,b-.+"`� � � 1! _ -�""" --r ^ � i��w�is� .b'Y'—•�•--.•_ r sw..s....a,.Y. sa.-1:5oa �' ,�s.s� —————�_._-u f�1 KIERSTEAQ QUIGLEY Hickey Road " {.�j and ROBERTS Ltd, � ' � . R� SalntJehn,New Brunsw]ck � . . i o�:uaren 7,xo�i i —�-_ R.N.ea:Au9u�t t5�So�t �.� i �_� Dwg. No. T-0404 113 B ' Ad Number: A653 Current Date: Jan 19 2Q12 03:47PM Ad�ertiser Name: SAINT JOHN COMMON CLEftK Start Date: 1/31/2012 Advertlser Code: S712�6 End Date: 2/21/2fl12 Size: 4.00 x �2.OQ in. Color: BNV Safes Rep: Elizabeth Cook Client Approva! OK p Corrections p � � 0 4� , . p � PROPOSED SECTION 39 PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE AMENDMENT L'ARTICLE 39 RE: 101 KENNEDY STREET OS�fT:101,RUE KENNEDY Publlc Notice is hereby given that Par les presentes,un avis public the Common Council of 7he City est donne par lequei le consell communal de The City ot Salnt of Saint John Intends to consider a John indique son lntentlon proposal at its regular meeting to d'examiner une proposilion lors be held in the Council Cham6er de la r�union ordlnaire qui se on Monday,February 27,2DlZ tiendra dans ia salle du conseil at 7:00 p.m.,by: le lundi 27 f�vrier 2U12 a 19 h en apportant fes modifications suivantes: Amend- Modifica- ing the N tion des Section 39 �1 � conditions condi[ions �r�.., � imposees imposed on "�1�� �- � en vertu de the June Y0, -`�- � I'article 39, 1992 rezon- —� N - le 10 juin ing of the � 1992,rela- property lo- � "� W tivement au cated at 101 V rezonage de Kennedy �� la propriEt€ Street,also `— , situ�e au iden['rfled � _ 1Q7,rue as PID No. Kennedy, 55214738, et portant aa amended le fJID on April 14,2008,to pertnit a 55214738,et modifiees le l4 avril revised proposal. 2008,pour permettre la presenta- tlon d'une proposition revis�e. REASON FOR CH/WGE: ftAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: To permit the development of a Permettre I'amenagement d'une sewage pumping station, station de pompage d'eaux us�es. The proposed amendment may Toute personne int�ress�e be inspected by any interested peut exam3ner la modification person at the office of the Com- propos@e au bureau de ia gref- mon Clerk,or in the office ot fi�re communale ou au bureau Planning and Development,City de 1'urbanisme et du d�vel- Hall,15 Market Square,Saint oppement�I'hStel de ville au Jah�,fV.B.between the hours of 75,Market Square,Saint John, 8;30 a.m.and 4:30 p.m.,Monday N.-6.,entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 through Friday,inclusive,holidays du lundi au vendredi,sauf les excepted. )ours f�ri�s. Writtenobjectionstotheamend- VeuillezfairepartdevasobjecGonsaupro- ment may be sent to the under- je[de mod'rfication par€tril�I"attention signed at City Hall. de la soussignee�I'hdtel de ville. It you require French services for a Si vous auriez besoin des services en Common Council meeling,please franyais pour une r�union de Consell contact the office of the Common Communal,veuillez contacter le bu- Clerk. reau de la grefii�re communale. Ellzabeth Gormley, Elizabeth Gormley, K Common Clerk Gre(fi�re communale � 658-2862 658-2862 lr_,.,.r, • i 114 � N8 LYd Ce-ardmte 1Wuee(Abjuehd Nelworli} . I 16le des aoadm6�qfcdbeiqua Au 11&(AjMe1€Itd�atJ ` � ., 4 M aor�t ca.e�a/�.i w.m.w/�.a wan��.�t s s i I� 25.'.24Q7.822' 73A7�4.413 Pqn 2006N t a 23fi 2532543SB2 7J63�6D.0lA Pbn 2006T➢ y� D0.3 2GS2!50].832 '77&7Q:d.010 SIS !�✓ 905 253Y5024{1 I 7J0�55H.33V A6 9Ub 2552�99201 .136J614.773 5415 t, G06 1?31194.072 ;7:793837.528 516 38AB 27R507.176 ]J8392B.17P 1HCY(bJJJ))) � I 1 36� � 773268.453 T56S9B3AS5 f6CU(Ad� � .�I� 3V]! � ]53DP6.261 'l3015BE.535 NBW AE � �OCO�� 20112 I 3T51E0�.1�1 1361]06.669 XPL114b, P�o/N�o 377143 St4e FoUV�1,pppp73 Douglcs Hlckman ra�wr a'ew,�s<o�.en,ee�v�-�.0000�a CYa3re Hickman ��0 y � ��� � nEUSSw�-u�ao ,t.6� �n,nx • 54d-SEOnaora euivey martar Tx.�a >$0 � Bome daryentapa N:r«me 1�aurae �� sus-asraab s�r y mar�r�e � C Kgy Plan/Cnrta de REfbrence Bom�d'ar�t�g.inYorme P�k � Scok/filrolb�1:75.00D O cK.0-CaioAOted r..�t � PaiM,de rdaml cdculi ♦ NBCfl-�LB.Ca-MrE�Ote MOMA'nlll! Manumm!Eu rlxau qdodbabr N 1:8 I.A6iW�aN p-afi�vd��nlw b Ew IE11 • m'-SC1a"s meUea/46ba car.(m � HR1N911CJf 9C0 m��uM17YlE SYSRY U6�ba�IGhak1 PD-Parcd'dvM1!!W ruRber (p ad�ne OnM�d kan dn t�eW4d Nn d Num�ro e'Ider�f�r,a!'qn de le pppYb �����10�����qW� AN.B.LS-IaxtlNion al N.B.Lmd Swe�crt I � ��'�°`+N- �FMa'�� MIGN�&-MecEfatbn On�Gun-G6dnM�M � W Y�n a�GuW m h Xw&�rwk's E�M1'wnau-9 •� � �cplic Eo1bY M1Fr��1�H WL61(CSS) � TObulvletl oo-er�rtol�rN�rynw .^� � lf""'Ra4M'a de ceardenMe�eulC a i.w�rro.c.a bni.�x war mmU? w a ok� —M1—Um nak ta rca4/b Acne ca�d Picne�e �.[ � �m!e�.:,s,n a�FN�v�a*b.t:wu.w we,.aravrkt a fw�p�uw K'oe7(cssl ma w� I PID/N4D 379354 °a'"r'w a"°m°'°""'w'°N�"a�`"°"""e � Sofr�t John Po�er Boat pub °,�,�°odbo,°`�°�„��p��p�gi,�� z w...m u.rooe.a w ra.m.r.�o.�a. � �n�.�w eni mwaa w ia.ma.�.�n See deN;n b E.YOPrd.e Pa�Nc 7C71BI18 � 1 axaw.o.�n mebd ad n ioxOk lo tM �d Padtl�k mt1�5-t0 � w�falvs<w�l..mH��I ammda a v!'Min Yo�f.:nkitioi Rvyepk.Plon no.�19119 /rt � Fm�hi iC11iK-ID 1�'.TO��eT Iry 1AS plm m bnim Ta� la Rpim uDMil mt en8w dio. �,IbY�Mwm�lla�aN�'O�t IIOR+�.�en��ee M1en wa.w.�w oee dvld d�eMea L1:amcLEr oFohf�iaw IU mRP�G�oucu I PiD NID 3T/150 Q'��' • ,�+�°�` 's"°`°`a°'°S.rb"t+° Applied Presaure Inc. � p�'�u icr��a�av�ck���r�' Coeumertl 7HD�936 � Teu b yav k Ooon�B Nd�6 rnl dpvYn a °1 � Yiccu ELn�NimM m;rsMf b Sdvl Jaln w 2u . q R2 Fucw G h Prwise bJ brem&vuad. 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Your Worship and Councillors: °°"'°.�` � ,"`°� �i�y of Saint john SUBJECT: Wastewater Lift Station 121 Kennedy Street On January 25, 2012 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning l�dvisary Corrunittee for a report and recommendation. The Committce considered the attached report at its February 21, 2012 meeting. Mr. Paul Wilson of the City of Saint John Real Estate Services attended the meeting. I Ie advised the Committee he had received the staff report and he was in agreement with the staff recommendation. There were no letters received rcgarding this application nor did any members of the public attend the meeting. After considering the report,the Committee adopted the staff recommendation to approve the proposal and the Committee approved a variance to reduce thc minirrzunn depth of landscaping along the front lot line from 6 metres to nil. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Common Council amend the Section 39 eonditions imposed at the time of the 3une 10, 1992 rezoning of the property located at 12 i Kennedy Strcet(formerly part of 101 Kennedy Street), also identified as PID No. 55214738, by deleting the existing conditions and replacing them with tkxe fallowing: a. The use of the site is restricted to a wastewater lift station; b. That the proponent prepare building elevaiion drawings for all four facades of the building which are subject to the approval of the Development Officer, prior to issuance of a building permit for the lift station and all work shown on the plans must be completed within one year of issuance of the building permit; and 118 -2- c. '1"hat a site stormwater management plan and a final lot grading plan for the proposed lift station site are prepared by the proponent, subject to the approval of the Chief City�ngineer or his designate. These plans must be attached to thc application for a building pernnii and all work shawn on the plans must be completed within one year oF issuance of the building permit. Respectfully submitted � _,_._._. Eric Falkjar Chairman SF Project No. 12-023 119 ��� ��� �.�' ; � '� a The City of Saint 1ohn DATE: F�BRUARY 17, 2012 TQ: PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: COMMUNITY PLANNING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FOR: MEETING OF FEBRUARY 21, 2p12 PREPIIR�D BY: REVIEWED BY: �f � � /��� 4 � r�i ' ��.. i �:. Stacey iorf A, MCIP,RPP Mark Reade, P. Eng., MCIP, RPP Plannc Senior Planner SUBJECT: Namc of Applicant: City of Saint John Name of Qwncr: City of Saint John Location: 12I Kennedy Street (farmerly part of 101 Kennedy Street) PID: 55214738 Municipal Plan: Medium to High Density Residential{pcnding Provincial approval) Zoning: "I-1" Light Industrial Proposal: To permit the developrnent of a wastewater lift station as pa.rt of the Harbaur Clean-Up project Type of Application: Amendment to Section 39 Conditions and a Variance to: a. Reduce the minimum depth of landscaping along the front lot line from 6 metres to nil. 1����, � SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 197� Saint john,NS Canada �21.4L1 vwwvsa�nt}ohn.ca C.P. 1971 5aint John,1V.-r3.Car�ada E2L 4L1 ---�� 120 City of Saint John Page 2 121 Kennedy Street February 17, 2012 JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: Common Council has requested the views of the Planning Advisory Committee concerning proposed amendments to the Section 39 conditions of the subject property. Common Council will consider the Committee's recomrnendation at a public hearing on Monday, February 27, 2012 The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to grant reasanable variances from the requirements of the 7aning By-law. The Committee can impose conditions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE: 1. That Common Council amend the Section 39 conditions impased at the time of the June 10, 1992 rezoning of the praperty located at 12� Kennedy Street(formerly part of I O1 Kennedy Street}, also identified as PID No. 55214738, by deleting the existing conditions and replacing them with the following: a, Thc use of the site is restricted to a wastewater lift station; b. That the proponent prepare building elevation drawings for all Four facades of the building vvhich are sub,}ect to the approvai of the Development Officer, prior to issuance of a buildin.g perrnit for the lift station and all work shawn on the plans must he completed within one year of issuance of thc building permit; and c. That a site stormwater management plan and a final lot grading plan for the proposed lift station site are prcpared by the proponent, subject to ihe approval of ihe Chief City Engineer or his designate. These plans must be attached to the application for a building permit and all work shown on the plans must be compieted within one year of issuance of the building permit. 2. That the Planning Advisory Committee grant ihe requesied variance to reduce the minimum depth of landscaping along the front lot line from 6 metres to nil. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Munieipa! Operations and Engincering have advised that construction of the site and the f nal lot grading must ensure there are no adverse drainage issues to adjacent lands. A site storm water management plan is to be provided to Municipal Operations and Engineering department far review and approval. Buildings and Inspection Services have advised they have na cancerns regarding this proposal. Saint John Fire Department has no objection to this application provided that the National Building Code and Fire Code are adhered to and appropriate building permits are obtained. 121 City of Saint John Page 3 12I Kennedy Street February 17, 2012 Saint John Energy has been advised of the proposal. Bell Aliant has been adviscd of the proposal. Rogers has been advised of the proposal. Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline and Brunswick Pipeline have advised they have no concerns regarding this proposal. Enbridge Gas has been advised of the proposal. BACKGR�UND: In 1992, the parent-parcel (141 Kennedy Street)to the subject site (121 Kermedy Street}was rezoned frorn "RM-1" Three Storey Multiple Residential to "I-1" Light Industrial !o perrnit the operation of a rnaxina and boat repair facility. The Municipal Plan designation of the site was also amended to Lighl Industrial to be consistent with the rezoning. Pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the rezoning was subject to conditions, essentially limiting the development to a boat repair facility and a marina, and setting out detailed site development requirements. In 2008, an application was received io amend 1he Section 39 conditions to permit a hydraulic rcpair and service shop vvithin the cxisting building. On April 14, 2008, Common Council granted approval to this application and perrnitted the proposed use. ANALYSIS: Subject Site The subject site was expropriated from the parent-parcel at 101 Kennedy Street in December of 201], after a two-year negotiatian with the parent-parcel owner. The site is located near the base of Kennedy Street in the Old Norlh Fnd, wherc Kennedy Street terminates at the Saint John River. It is across the street from the entrance to the Saint John Power Baat Club. `l`he subject sitc has approximately 22 metres of frontage on Kennedy Street and extends approximately 14 metres back from the raad, irregularly on one sidc, for a total land area of approximately 269 square metres. The proposed wastewatcr lift station will collect untreated wastewater flows from the area north of the subject site throughout the Old North End. From here the untreated wastewater will be pumped northbound to lift stalion 22 {Shamrock Park) and then pumped to the Millidgeville treatment facility. 122 City of Saint John Page 4 I 2] Kennedy Street February 17, 2012 The proposed location is on an undevelaped portion of the parent-parcel, near the base of Kennedy Strect. The engineering design for thc wastewater collection and pumping systems associated with the Harbour Clean-Up project identi�ed the requirement for a lift station on the proposed site to accommodate the wastewater flows from this area in the Old North End. A detailed site selection process was undertakcn by the City's consultant and the proposed site was chosen because it is located at the point where the cxisting wastewater infrastructure naturally intersects as it drains to the harbour. To accommodate the proposed lift station on a site other than the proposed site, a iarger parcel of�and would need to be acquired because thc fiu-ther away from the proposed site a lift statian is built,the deeper the lift station needs to be to intersect the existing wastewater infrastructure's slope. The additional depth required to capture wastewater flows, creates additional casts and risks with the requirement to managc the impact of the wafer table on construction and operation of the lift station. The design of the praposed lift station is currently being reviewed and finalized. lt is currcntly proposed to be fcnced with a chain link fence and the site area paved with asphalt. Tt is proposed that the �inal design be approved by the Development Officer at the time of issuance of a Building Permit. Surrounding Arca Surrounding the site on the north, west anc� south sides of ihe proposed sitc is land owned by Applied Pxessure Inc. 1'his property is zancd"I-1" Light Industria3 and has site-specific Section 39 conditions attached to the property's operation for Applicd Pressure Inc. The lands directly easi of the subject site are zoned "P" Park and are owned by Saint John Power Club, currently used for marine storage and operation including a service shop, outdoor boai storage and docking facilities. Lands further north and north-east of the subjeci site are primarily zoned "RM-IF" Multiple Residcntial Infill and primarily cantain multipie-family dwellings. The proposed lift station site is the least intrusive option providing no physical disruption to the existing neighbourhood fabric of the predorninantly residential ncighbourhood located to the north of the subjeci site. Municipal Plan Direction The subject sitc is located within an area currently designated Medium to High Density Residential in the Municipal Plan. The Municipal Plan permits utility uses, which include the proposed lift station use, in all land uses, provided they ft with the charactcr of the surrounding neighbourhood. Staff are of the opinion the proposcd lift station meets the intent of the Municipal Plan and the proposed structure is appropriate for the stzrrounding neighbourhood. 123 City of Saint John Page 5 121 Kennedy Street February S 7, 2012 Zoning Bylaw The Zoning By-law permits a public utility building or installation in the "I-1" Light Industrial zone. However, the current Section 39 conditions applicable to the site restrict the use to a boat repair facility and a marina, or a hydraulic repair and service shop and, therefore, a Section 39 amendment is required. The proposed development meets the requirements of the "I-1" Light Industrial zone with the exception of the proposcd variance for front yard landscaping. Staff support the variancc rcquest and are of the opinion that there will be no impact on adjacent land uses in the area as a result. CONCLUSTON: The variance can be supported given the proposed conditions for building design and site drainage. The proposed amendment to the Section 39 conditions can be supported as the proposed wastewater lift station site is not associa#ed wiih the land use activities of thc parent-parcel at ]O1 Kennedy Street, for which the Section 39 Conditions were originally granted. �F Projcct No. l2-Q23 124 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENTIURBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT '� - � - . � � � �- :,a . , _���till�6t� �, � ' . . � ., - �. 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' �.\ .o dl,� `"�`.'�',, �,..��, LIFTSTAi10NBUILDING-ELEVA7foNNORTH I:FfS�AT10N8UILOING-EL�VA7I�NSWTH �-�----;�--'�� I TM � / A��� �� r� v�eu�a Bf � r.�Fn Wv.• [�sFa�YOMw�nr Qa1W,'v.y�w ti a n R005-014 127 BY-LAW NUMBER M-23 ARRET�N°M-23 A BY-LAW TO AMEND ARRETE MODIFIANT A BY-LAW RESPECTING THE L'ARRETE SUR L'INTERRUPT�ON STOPPING UP AND CLOSING OF DE LA CIRCUL.�TION ET LA HIGHWAYS IN THE CTTY OF SA.ZNT FERMETURE DES ROUTES DANS JOHN THE CITY OF SAINT J�HN Be it enacted by the Common Lors d'une reunion du conseil Council of The City of Saint 3ohn as communal, The City of Saint John a follows: decret�ce q�zi suit : 1 A by-law of The city of Saint John 1 Par les presentes, 1'arrete de The entitled, "A By-law Respecting The City of Saint John intitule, «L'arrete sur Stopping Up and Closing of Haghways In 1'interruption de la circulation et la The City of Saint John", enacted on the fermeture des routes dans The City of Saint nineteenth day of December, A.D. 2005, is John », d�crete Ie 19 decembre 2005, est hereby amended by adding thereto Section modifie par I'ajout de 1'article 225 225 immediately after Section 224 thereof, immediatement apres 1'article 224, comme as follows: suit : 225 The City of Saint John does hereby 225 Far les presentes, The City of Saint stop up and ciose permanently the John barre et ferme de fa�an permanente la following portion of highway: portion d'une route suivante : SADDLEBROOK COURT: All that RiTELLE SADDLEBROOK: Tout le portion of Saddlebrook Court, in its tronron de la ruelle Saddlebrook, dans sa entirety, a public street in the City of Saint totalite, une rue publique dans The City of John, in the County of Saint 3ohn, and Saint John, comt�de Saint John, dans la Province of New Brunswick, as shown on province du Nouveau-Brunswick,telle an Amending Subdivision Plan titled, qu'elle es�d�crite dans le plan modificateur "Amending Subdivision Plan Douglas de lotissement intitule «1Vlodification au Heights Subdivision — Phase �, City of plan de lotissement—Phase 4 du Saint John, Saint John County, New lotissement Douglas Heights,The City of Brunswick", prepared by Kierstead Saint 3ohn, comte de Saint John,Nouveau- Quigley and Roberts Ltd. and dated March Brunswick»,prepar�par Kierstead Quigley 11,2009, attached hereto. and Roberts Ltd. et date du 11 mars 2009, ci-j oint. IN WTTNESS WHEREOF The City of EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John Saint John has caused the Corporate a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le Common Seal of the said City to be affixed pr�sent arrete le 2012, avec les to this by-law the _ day of m A.D. signatures suivantes : 2012 and signed by: MayorlMaire Common C1erk/Greffiere communale First Reading - Premi�re lecture - Second Reading- Deuxieme lecture - Third Reading - Troisieme lecture � 128 STREET CLOSING FERMETURE DE ROUTE SADDLEBROOK COURT RUELLE SADDLEBROOK Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par Council of The City of Saint John intends to lequel le conseil communal de The City of consider amending "A By-law Respecting The Saint John indique son intention de modifier Stopping Up and Closing of Higl�ways In The 1'« arrete concernant la fermehu�e et le barrage Gity of Saint John" at its regular meeting to be de routes dans The City of Saint John » lors de held on Monday, February 27, 2012 at 7:00 la reunion ordinaire qui se tiendra le lundi p.m. to stop up and close the following 27 fevrier 2012 a 19 h afin de fermer et de highway: barrer la rue suivante : SADDLEBROOK C�URT: All that portion RUELLE SADDLEBROOK : Tout le tronron of Saddlebrook Court, in its entirety, a public de la ruelle Saddlebrook, dans sa totalite, une street in the City of Saint.Tohn in the County of r�e publique dans The City of Saint John, Saint John and Province of New Brunswick, as comte de Saint John, ans la province du shown on an Aanending Subdivision Plan Nouveau-Brunswic , telle qu'elie est decrite titled, "Amending Subdivision Plan Douglas dans le plan modi cateur de lotissement intitule Heights Subdivision—Phase 4, City of Saint «Modification au plan de lotissement—Phase 4 John, Saint John County, New Brunswick", du lotissement Douglas Heights, The City of prepared by Kierstead Quigley and Roberts Saint John, comte de Saint John, Nouveau- Ltd. and dated March 11, 2009, attached Bnznswick », prepare par Kierstead Quigley hereto. and Roberts Ltd. et date du 11 mars 2009, ci- joint. (INSERT PLAN) (INSERER LE PLAN} The proposed amendment and plan of the Toute personne interessee peut examiner le above described highway may be inspected by projet de modification et Ie plan de la rue any interested person at the office of the decrite ci-dessus au bureau du greffier Common Clerk, City Hall, 15 Market Square, communal a 1`hotel de ville au 15, Market Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 Square, Saint John, N.-B., entre 8 h 30 et a.m. and 4:3Q p.m. Monday to Friday 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours inclusive, holidays excepted. feries. Written objections to the proposed amendment Veuillez faire part de vos objections au projet may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall. de modification par ecrit a I'attention de la soussignee a 1'hotel de ville. If you require French services for a Common Si vous exigez des services fran�ais a la Council meeting, please contact the office of reunion du conseil comrnunal, communiquez the Cornmon Clerk at 658-2862. avec le bureau de la greffiere communale au 658-2862. 129 r•s- d � N.B.Ohf Gre�dncle Ya1u�� � ✓ ' _— �f�1 'wrt udra lat 68--2 ���J` M 1 ��f 7AMY!# fY IO�75-d ti IY�r h1Y�WM 14]O� �lin MR 7q0 ' 3 miiTM�62 7S VAlsed 9riF .� �� . ! ��7f.Nf Ya��1.��F Ro � 7F!U i4 771 !�. � 7w Er 11�-711A11� • �R6l.370 70�Itli./GO Lf - 71 EKl77LEb 7AlE�147 t�P }h0�� • IJ 'OOMR7M 7a11�Tf6NE ivi . ' 1 Radd �aa y1--� . yi � 77euRrH .ulr n !ow ra�r feo0r� � ln 77ER76�77 CNf. —' d Htl Cpe�qf 7761taa34s lll9 I'� '� v,� 1V aNll.]N 7J�� �yY f1� si4�L07� 7��1{K� IOt�•S _— li' l6BPGF! 7!l�8ID0 ONL _ � � -!'F�711.7�7 7]IRA.W 1W � Sb 1�14 1f10 .7r s�ept.s� �i�ECwo wr . m aQiau v.�wtno ar � ' - . tw acwre.w '+�'rris�a w - � i� �ia�ie ��.ae m�im * lel 76�12{ s.r�i.��.�Srn 1.a1 Ah5 � ' �' �`: tm w�etssa�ti r�cr.m aa � so n.�wa s.rt«u.a�e -�' 14! �ii1�1 TNi�p7� �e � ' Pi�h Ilt �p�= 1]L � �(�y-1� �n a�o�N nq}M�►1 Ctt A � {yg�� !�f � �.� �� � Y� �Y �N.OfI 75W16Ati 10 1M ?a1�.7Pi l.7Af1lU! i ts hp ,o .MwpdT/ YIkM►�a sas 9�7Z o9.m, � W..re....a.e�o.xu.a iN 75i�iJ11 TlGlp}�JI{ ]p 1M iNRFLNP 77�iiJtlltf{ y1C �i; � ' lAt ��-� ��_�I�i r.'�°�"""� �as r��� sawewa sa $ � , �-aw�rm.ee.�ema w arna.�.v ra�e�arn cae v, - IVao , avs-we.pp.� tn sMartee7e s,�oi�a ew � �. ��'4''^" aw�a-�iu.�"'a-.w"`e.��.n�.a m s+emnn rxre�cwa tur �eAr-ahewd r...��...e. m a++e��w :�v�.ms �r wAw m�rtr�mew �� .-- �CD�ft �`i°' ,,. �v �i �iw�fm4 r�fain 911r ' �,•_s..e�.m.e.. � �➢� �r� � rer u;y E�ee��i_+Y w-"-�",_ wr.rr�c rae•�c ��., Q � •-w. w-a�+ sa n s.�ee �����,r �y t{��"�P'F � � ��v..R in0m �,m� eT�sei.�+.oee �san w.. � 48-1 �p� � �r.r,�,w --t-w.�.c a.or. 77tt 70}A�l�Oi T7R771Mt x� �{�'�'A 1Wl.KM ryllrLL d 1� � � t�-M1J YAYr r�lr 5Tl7 lMNfi.il�� '�b1.7.fef Ye�ifs xrT.� ��,,��}y e�w Ca�w�tY 1'WYw M ��° k � �+� �-N1eYrt�e-.�oR nkaww TTN ?1HV�M� ?7YN).1f► b1AR ����IAII m tlk M11 ab�Merm 10 - ,S�sG�M. .`� s � � SiF bIM/AN7 77r61M�e uAP ti 1llfkc9 q-�Iv�L9�fPM MMM b Y� ]ri ILtlM�Atl �d�lEfi.lm � M�siiv�wti d A h�e.HO�dIE��s�1i�c � ' � II�QlF)=llw�RiwkR�i�h lneib. ItlQf 5�IM7 �J�KTA �IYI��M.} �a' nA.�A W nn r�t DI� TJlm14,q IWI �,��., ��/ �� ' 7t1Et �Tast a�•li9aJ7� IYd -MaC�..��!�J1l�A........... ��+ L9� Q�Z ����a���W w� � aar n�.-immn i4e° � - kw M�j�eb The QuMn +�ir�r r wr�.�.s*wra 4 u.y�c ar cmeeo APPRQNALS: � .�a:�':�_'- sei> >nm- �t � M�i.r��tt��� �".��:' � ��� 1 �pe �wa..rr. r �r'� wr.a �by Ferod S�rMe��LtQ. -l ��"'� ��..�. � rDil1�0! y�i�. � . mpatf.�y � ►Mrrrr��"wla�i��rMin�r�wt S kI i y ic a��r ���M��irr�Mri��M«���.w w a�.�tw� �t d �r..11rrs.ab.+�.l a s' J� ����:��:��;�. " :�..wS.�",�:':"e�..�r�r...,..,�. curvs o oto iae 1 r � rr�.M�rr.a ayy�� �r " � �e�t 1�+nt w. 4ai+ a�nl R�Y. eKrt • O x ���q +'�i li�f/��.r b sy l Rw�NY � � 1U Its �TO LMQ TilOFi7 7u�o nw ' . �F- rrr�rerM. �wna I+ 17�' =es stm a�aaqr ���r asns �7ar �p�" �' ��,� ~ r��W�4��•••�r�• ;A � � SLM �!{Yt6'iP ��e[ 17W �.• � a � � re�ar awa nx � � � � L fiQ I7� �i /Q •Jt slm SCmbC q�pa 177f r� ( Srltii��lliiM0Y1p�� Nf iR 0.7 7A11 A'IYOC t ��a7 .. a!Y t aeA tWt i�e 76u� ,aro �ar�r �t°� nn 1M �a wa x� � a :m lm Or � y�{ t� jR]6 H�� /?'76Y0fP b.U2 l�Yl H Y� �ny ��`�w.�.i.�� � � l�Fd��-Cl htP3 w::�..d.e.�..�.r►. � ' ' Sit�d�10�) -- ��$e � �� �� LDt �S-8 � se��Je�hn�Ra�mmt)�r.hi1,B. ���7 sitx.�.m. - "9�m � tir.-�nom Ip41i6 Na ���b �fUfJ47.Gl71f��VlL� � �MO Ylx r,v]srr_.n• __ - . a�qmz �x, r�,s,€� L .1 and � •'�- Clqr af Setn{Jele� �� a�mu�a a �..rw�n.a e,r,i: M..sa� '• vo]V1n� r � ..�,M�1q m _ �* ( .• w W esN�f. lilm . 1Y�. cspT � 130 �� L � �� � � � d�.� � � � J.�J � � �J � � � � � � � !'�' - -i- �+ � ��o February 24, 2012 ,� 'M ' I�•, '�'�• � .� „ His Worship Mayor Ivan Court ���o€�� and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Coun.cil: RE: Saddlebrook Court—Stop-Up and Closc At its meeting held on January 30, 2012, Common Council resolved that thc Public Hearirng for the consideratian of the passing of a by-law to stop-up and close a public street known as Saddlebrook Court in its entirety be set for Monday, February 27, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Council also authorized the publishing of a Notice of its intention to consider the passing of such a by-law on the same date. After the Notice was published, staff was contacted by an interested party who has indiciated a willingness to reso�ve the incomplete public strect issue without the zieed to close same. The said party indicatcd it would file a letter of objection in order to maintain its rights in this respect however it is currently working with staff to resol�-e the issue. In the circumstances, staff recommends that Common Council proceed with this evening's Public Hearing but the third reading of a By-Law to Stop-up and Close a public strcet known as Saddlebrook Court be tabled unti] April 23, 20i 2, in order to givc the parties sufficient time to pvssibly resol�re the incomplete street issue without the need to close the said sireet. Respectfully submittcd, --:C���h� Ken Forrest, MCIP, RPP J. Patrick Woods, CGA Commissioner City Manager Planning &Devclopmcnt 131 FEB. 24. 2012 2:�3PM GORMRN NRSON N0. 149 P. � q, SCL� .. .. .:. :.:. .:1:::::�_::�..� Y:=�:�:.:::..�.: '.:.f�';.I�_���.u.f":�..�I}f==,�l� .._I.'� - .«Iy��:.:: :< ' • :�;:=C,c:: : Y;i-;'ti ?Ll:�,,,SI�' ;;�N'` �„';�;;=3:' ' • .'G,. ,., ,.,.,,':.-., LAwX��S =;yaa�.-'�s'-; �;?;7.?�`'i'�. ,.�:rJ;_.::.a';�:, :;:,-:<�:��;.;ti>;.••;.•a • � rr .? F�-.�e'� ��;� ��f�6 �' d F �i a r 1�1 a n �18 0 ' r: A 7,: L� �r;";?, ��,�i'����J _ ' .°• � , '�,�. � r a ' : • � xed tv: ���'����,.,��# {2 a es).5.�,�-'� .��L� ,.-����. :.,, •�!; �..:,:�-: 3.: F� _ _ P B , y°�-:- -f. ., � a�:- -r .�r_.���:�,�� �-.: '��� ,- . f�;�:��' . �� < :�-'- .�: �r�:,.::Y;n-;::>s" i>>'�, ,,'.�;:�:, w: - . • '•�'?' :4{:.[..�� � .��a ��`��_:i!�;_�I,I �Ii t_,iery=• . ..f5.1^i:�; a :.. - �, ,:'t ;�:i�1. �_ V,1:.t�.t��� : '•1•r� �.:.�. '1.����:: •:' � '._�S'..:2," 7�_.��.yt.I 4.�:'::` u', !. �. Mayor&�� j��ion Counc��'�i-=�=� ��-:..,;�; - �,;;� ; .<;�:,;�:: �".P� ,'�'a.,:,'!�v �t:i:.: �:.:��; ::`z��.;:rNv;.'?: City of Sa���. n . ,,. ";?. ,iK,:,y,,;, ,:,:,::. r;:.:,:,,,.:-. `!/:' '��![,.i:° �+ -�A' '.; 'T,r /� {. .:_ �r:�:�i:�:' ....:IY .�y� , :r...�. I.y11I1 I�.�a¢vhi K•�" � : °i' "=.-�^�' �,�'';.. - �`?, .•:�c,r:�r:"' P. O. Box'�.��"k�-. ., .� °'- .,:�.-�' :';s:,;z_t:.: ; ''�>t:,�;;'::;�' �..;.;� p1�p ation ..�,.:>;i;`,��� -� .:?:..,+1;`''-S==:J� .,...: Pra�saivna1 C ox E ;�; ,a; . • ..-°'. Saint lahn �I�����;. : :, . t: �.� ,�,� . ��:a;;�.,:;. � �i __�;; ry.i� i�,i'.. 2,4;., ;r.i ;�e;,}G".�;;i!'.j: 1.phD,pa - ;: -�yY:S .— �!h',:_?��,' z� �v E2L�L1 >>��t:' -:�� .,,.=- , :�. ;_�_:. ^,-�..:=�; : .-�;`�= ;:;;"'.�;j�: -'_::,;°... �+s�nk p.�iana� ,��;,��W��;,°:•, ;,"`...+;;". `;�`•._r°,_. ,r: You r Wv .'� � � , ,;' ;.,:;�.: . ,., rshi- �. cilla�s: ����==t- ;�� .. ...:- .,:. �a�:c�A,w � -p�;�.. , :_.,,,;;: ,,,:: � �,�a .t ;�:.�;,;f��;:� ::�::' •:,... :.�,;:,,: =: - =:';:.� :��::. =;.� � ;;.;_.��;,-:::..:":.;.:�. a;�`_ :° $ :., :. � �.. _..;. `::;�::`-��:�u;`- ::i�"_� ;.,,r:.i r '' ��i;ari::>';.�et. jolui7.M�c�Qllfivtay '',: " -'�''' - +���i'il' O�i +';: '��l ._:)F,.� ��;.,'y',iii::'=}„ .. ... ... i=.:=j:ri} - ''i�:�if'r�`r- Ti�ak�yM.I�d�jCiOiB 'i� :;i�'t ';��',Cr`. ;' . `' y •'t�,; t C+•::':xJ.'��:. li::151"`' •y j•.�`2�rs:..'ilti4` •�::�e.•''.�' . _ Petar YI,M�c��sli :�!'�::`--��,r,` '..� '4:,''-_ 'i�-�F'�:��?sf., This Firm acts for G�bl����:��dings Ltd. which holds mortgage security �n the c�tc�.I4��' � 2`'°'� "- �Cvurt, Dou las Hei hts in Saint vhn, ��d premises on Sadc�l�� � g � �`�'.Sf�i,':y'� �'t,:'. -:t -j. fi `��,:;_".�_:. , .;.,. ,.,•�F:;�i� ::.°' ,Aleo aMcnlbes oFt�e :'�:�::'�,;,: :':'ic,,;^��..;,::-�:, ..,_�:' �:4�:.,::.1..� one�tpe� ' �Tl����gt�trric�+��this matter is as fallows: �yy��,Q,c, 1. The awner of the lands, ��7255 N.B. Ltd. (the �Developer") entered into a 1934��oa� Developer's Agreement with the City to develop Dougfas Heights Subdivisian- ��j.x�,� phase 4 on May �8, 2009; 1964-Z41Xp • 2, The Dev�loper provided the requi red Letter of�redit�o the City d�ted May 7�, 201� with an expi ry date of May i 8, 201�; �zi c��s,�a� 3. Cifiy Hall allawed th� Letter of Credit fo expire witt�out ensuring the required p.o,�7a86,��i�fon A �yor��,� ��ympleted �r withaut reqt�sring the renewal of the Lett+�r of Credit; salac Jo6n,lve9r Brunawlclr. ce�a� �zLas� �. The Devel�p�r has abandaned the development and Saddlebrook Court has anly bee� completed tn the granular B stage; 'r�,�:t�)s3�-a�oo 5. 7he mortgage security our client holds is in defauit by the developer.Martga�e pQ��: ����34,� Sale proc�edings have not been commenced yet by our�lient; t��3��b b, We understand the City has commenced street clasur�proceedings in order to terminat�the City's c�bli$ation to complete or maintain the s#t'e�t; W qryV.c�DAaiAt11VA&ON�COM 7, SaddlebrookCourtprovid�stheonlyacc�sstathe5ubdivi�ivr�, IftheCitycloses Saddlebrook �au�k, it will effectively make the 7 lofis within the Su�divisian ulandlacked" with no available acces6; 132 FEB, 24. 2012 2:�3PM GORMA� �ASON N0. 149 P. 2 Page......2 � rl�:... .fii,l;h},s'.''.,2�.�.;�=��:��.x. ���. C.' ':�`. _1e1....'.. �d:i�3'�� ..,r •:. �3iu• ... ^_:r:_;,....t� .., .r..:'::q}+?'a ,,��. ;� �',..�ti;_ '.�� ,€��+�'' _:;i,- �� -.'S•j: . �:r.:t=•.,..':�`:': , e '"'i.�_. au �. r�•� �t. .�`"- '-tfJ;.':.,i :Y:��,.. ° , ,:.. .::,., •.; .•". < . �.ii._T� ..�v.1�.•i��:r::_�.1:1` ".},�".�-i^;'y:`,. :7n'�'.'';�.4^�^ 8. Th� �,�a r had 2 ho `� ,��der c� ���on Sad�:l�'����'�ta�'t, one�f � �- -. ��� �:�....:� >.:: �._�!- �A. .� ;,,. �. . . ;�J.,,., . . - - '� wh►����:;�'�Proximat�l,�; � '���v.���te a,����;�titrre,;:,� campl�t�'i��af thes� $�'_. i� y• ..�,r»' �+S„'w'�tI'�_ ho��;�s b�en aba���.��by'��e Dev���i� _�,.;. < <... ,�;: � �r:_ .�:�;'::C; -q c..f i;; •t tyr?�;:_ ,=•ij� .:,., ,, ,.�,•'„ r�ti�. ...�'�''- i''''''�-'�'•.'.3�y�" .�.i:.:�''�:_ .:cEf�i;.C^?:' '��:,-�ai.�'�-'���� .�.,'�: N�;�I. ��<< . 9. �'1����ing af 5��� ����ok Court wi1����-J�'�`�irkually im��"�:��to sell the �._., ��:.:,• �;: hoti����?r art � ��'���er I4ts within:���;-���:'�+visivn and � �> �,:���::� ���,�re make our " almast w ,,c,���� ,�,. clien����:�i�r���''securi#y , :. ;; -`` °'_�' ,. .���,. �•�� ->,� �---.- ��:��:��`'�� ':�;`:` :;_;;- .:,.,,;.;_ s.,��.,,;:,,.��* ':E^r ' P;' 10. Our ��"�� relied upon the Ciry's�:;��v�l of the Su���an Pla�;;.�and th� 3.'�'.::... enfar�i�'��_ � � terms o�tt�e De. ,:�r`s Agreement_ .�i� L�i�?i�'ta Credit ;t' =:�:.� ��. �;,,. _..�: �= wh�rr� 1�;���i���:finance this ;�pment and ha�:;��;�,���°ti�C�dit not .����tf'`�vv��:,���f��.�ir�dF:�urids wauld hav��'•�.��de a�ailable to d'��:`� r��� V '�ry a ..u�., •s. __-, ,� ::.'�=='��i�mplete the req�� , �;lc.� ,�� �� .y. � `•�i.' :.,,F, t y' _ .� -.,•......;4'.. � '-:=^�1..;.,.,,;� :�....:--.�wt' -:;-.,-Y1 �-`'. .�d.��.g�;�;' As our client anly lear��,�.�'the Street Ci�sure praceeding upan seeing the •.:f.,::;.,�,e.': �;�� �:;,,;�:�:�.�;•r;_::Notic� in the newspapi,,...;;�, ere has been insufficient time to consider what °5'� ���'>:-`�.,����are,�.,v.,.�i:I�;I�C�esolve this matter; ..,;;:��::�"r'��'`,�;:'�,:?�---:::;;�:yn.,�__ ...�.� . �• FQr these reasons we request that City�ouncil either: (a) terminate the str+�et cic�sure proceedings; �r (ia) if Cvuncil decides to prac�ed with first a�d second readin�, then ta delay third reading until aur client and City��aff have an oppartunity to discuss vther pas�i�{� svlutians to this issue anc4 hopefully avaid any potential legaf proceedings. A representative af Ga6by Haldings Ltd. will be in attendance at the h�aring ta speak ta this matrer. Yours v�ry truly, C�R NASON � � Frank P. Mamm E-mai1:fph�CurmanNasan.cc�m Direct T�lephor�e:506.63bJ33i FPH/ae cc:City Qf Saint)ohn �.egal Department 133 BY-LAW NU11'IBER M-23 ARRETE N°M-23 A BY-LAW TO AMEND ARRETE MODIFIANT A BY-LAW RESPECTING THE L'ARRETE SUR L'INTERRUPTION STOPPING UP AND CLOSING �F DE LA CIRCULATION ET LA HIGHV4'AYS IN THE CTTY OF SAINT FERMETURE DES ROUTES DANS JOAN THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by the Common Lors d'une reunion du conseil Council of The City of Saint John as communal, The City of Saint John a follows: decrete ce qui suit : 1 A by-law of The City of Saint John 1 Par les presentes, l'arrete de The entitled, "A By-law Respecting The City of Saint John intitule, «L'arrete sur Stopping Up and Closing of Highways In !'interruption de la circulation et la The City of Saint John", enacted on. the fermeture des routes dans The City of Saint nineteenth day of Deceznber, A.D. 2005, is John », decr�t� le 19 decembre 2005, est hereby amended by adding thereto Section modifie par 1'ajout de 1'article 224 224 immediately after Section 223 thereof, immediatement apres 1'article 223, comme as follows: suit : 224 The City of Saint John does hereby 224 Par les presentes, The City of Saint stop up and close permanently the John barre et ferme de fagon permanente la following portion of highway: portion d'une route suivante : LUDLOW STREET: All that portion of RUE LUDLOW : La totalite d'une partie Ludlow Street, a public street on the de la rue Ludlow,une rue publique situ�e western side of the Harbour in the City of ouest du Port dans The City of Saint John, Saint John, County of Saint John and comte de Saint John et province de Province of New Brunswick, being sixty Nouveau-Brunswick, ayant une largeur de (60} feet wide, more or less, and lying plus ou moins soixante(60)pieds etant between the northern sideline of Riverview entre le cote nord de la promenade Drive, formerly Water Street and Saint Riverview,ant�rieurement la rue Water, et John Harbaur. See City o£ St. (sic) John le Port de Saint John.Voir le plan Survey Sheet No. 81 dated January 151, d'arpentage design.e City of St. (sic) John 1926 signed by Gilbert G. Murdoch, Survey Sheet No. 81, signe par Gilbert G. Deputy Land Surveyor, attached hereto. Murdoch, Arpenteur-geometre adjoint, dat� du 01 janvier 1926, ci joint. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John Saint John has caused the Corporate a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le Common Seal of the said City to be affixed present arrete le 2012, avec les to this by-law the _ day of , A.D. signatures suivantes : 2012 and signed by: Mayor/Maire Cornmon C1erk/Greffiere communale First Reading -February 13, 2012 Premiere lecture -le 13 fevrier 20l 2 Second Reading-February 13,2012 Deuxieme lecture -le 13 fevrier 2012 Third Reading - Troisieme lecture - 134 City� Hall P.O. Box 1971 15 Market Sguare saint john New Brunst-vick Canada E2L 4L1 February 27, 2012 � °' e�a � � �FOR>� r'UNGV n �4 i MOfN�> Deputy Mayor Chase & Councillors: °°°"°,";^4 City of Saint �oh�l Subject: Rockwood Park Advisory Board Request to Present to Council The Rockwood Park Advisory Board would like the opportunity to provide Council with a brief update regarding the on-going efforts at Rockwood Park. Motion: That the Common Clerk be directed to schedule a presentation with the Rockwood Park Advisory Board on March 26, 2012. Respectfully Submitted, Mayor Ivan Court Rockwood Park Advisory Board Chair �- -- --, 135 �` 1 City Hall P.O. Box 1971 � 15 Market Square Saint John Nev�Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 February 10,2012 � :o, �� . , � _ ,. caA}� g AOU Yaur Worship Mayor Ivan Court& ���a�u„ Members of Comman Cauncil: �ity oP Salnt ]ahn lssue: Pension Reform Advocacy Plan Context: • Pension reform can be seen as the most critical issue facing the Saint lohn community at the present time. • Numerous community stakeholders have been negatively affected due to reform not being implemented. • Mayor/Council,Saint John MLA's, UNB Saint John, Enterprise Saint John,Saint John Board of Trade,the board of PRO Kids,the Arts Community, Human De�eiopment Council and others now need to speak up in an organized and professionaf manner. Motion: That through the City Manager,the appropriate City of Saint John staff develop an action pian for the Saint John community to advocate for Pension Reform from the Province of IVew Brunswick. Resp Ily submitted, L� Peter c ire Councillor —City of Saint John 136 _.-- - � -7:`v idFan. City Hall P.O. Box 1971 15 Market Square Saint John New Bruns�vick Canada E2L 4L1 � � o-�a ���'-�.- 0 FOAt�NqT UPOy j February 27'h, 2012 �� C'*y o¢ ��i�;t �ohn His Worship Mayor Court and members of Council: Subject: Speed Limits on Westfield Road Motion: That the City Manager be directed to examine the speed limits on the Westfield Road from the Co-op to the new section at the Saint John Marina and report back to Council whether this entire section can be changed to 50km per hour. I have been asked to question why the new section of this road is marked 50km per hour when the older part is still marked 60km per hour and to ask that the entire road be marked at 50km. Respecfully, (received via e-inail) Bill Farren Councillor Saint John 137 - --- — � _ .��:.�� City Hall P.o. Box 1971 15 Market Square Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 February 27, 2012 a�� �� Your Worship Mayor Ivan Court & -`� p fOAr����/� yVnG4ryn ''aTi d.5�,,pfN�P Members of Common Council: G-p� �ity of Sain� )ot�,r? Subject: Safe, Clean Drinking Water-A Path Forward The Saint John Water Coinmittee has been meeting with politicians form the Provincial and Federal Government for some time. The committee has been exploring various options and possibilities to fund the multi-inillion dollar water project-the number one priority of our cit� The Committee has concluded that a Public-Private Partnership ("P3") model is the only way to achieve the funding for this project at this time. While we need to know the pros and cons of this process, we also need to move ahead. It is my understanding this project will qualify. Thus far it is my understanding that the Federal and Provincial Governments are very supportive of the P3 approach. The City needs to take the lead to bring this tri-government partnership and funding agreement together. This being the case, I would propose the following: Be it Resolved: That the City Manager be directed to engage professional and expert services necessary to develop an R.F.P that will explore different P3 infrastructure models consistent with the plan to upgrade our water system. And further that the City Manager make a timely recoinmendation to Council. Respectfully Subinitted, (source verified) Chris Titus Councillor- Saint John - �- -- --i 138 City Hall P.O. Box 1971 15 Market Square Saint John New Bruns�vick Canada E2L 4L1 2/23/2012 �° ° a�a Your Worship Ivan Court � � Members of Common Council �� City of Saint John �flT`� J �£�\�SUpcL� � Dear Mayor Court and Members of Council City of �aont john Motion: Receive and File The City of Saint John's 2°d Annual Volunteer Recognition event is scheduled to take place at the Hatheway Pavilion at Lily Lake on Wednesday, April 18. As co-chair of this year's committee, along with Councillor McGuire, I would like to formally Mayor Court and all of Council to join us on that date to welcoine and serve those volunteers who have served residents of our city. Respectfully Submitted (received�-ia e-mail) Gary Sullivan _..� __— 139 REPORT T � COMMON C � UNCIL � .�, ,-o. 1 1�)� G.a'l' 1 �'_ � • His Worship Mayor Ivan Court �' and Members of Common Council The City of Saint ►ohn Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: Rescinding Resolution for Revised Digital Geographic Information Distribution Policy BACKGROUND: At the February 13, 2012 Council meeting Council approved the recommendation in the submitted report entitled Revised Digital Geographic Information Distribution Policy. This recommendation required the rescinding of a Council resolution carried at the March 29, 2005 meeting in order to adopt the proposed digital geographic information policy as submitted in the February 13, 2012 report. RECOMMENDATION: That Council rescind the March 29, 2005 digital geographic information sales policy, as follows: "RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council adopt the policy that the GIS group may sell the Corporation's digital geographic information to outside users at the prices listed in the submitted Appendix A"; and further that Council adopt the digital geographic information policy providing authority to the GIS Division to sell the Corporation's digital geographic information to outside users at the prices listed in Appendix B and to provide authority to the GIS Division to continue to provide digital geographic information at no cost to firms hired by the City, to non-profit or charitable organizations and to educational institutions. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Gormley, Common Clerk 140 REPORT TO COMM�N CDUNCIL M &c—Za12 - 33 �� February 24, 2012 @'" `�' � �. .�, - His Worship Mayor Ivan Court and Mcmbers of Common Council ctty of saint John Your Worship and Councillors: SUSJECT: 2012 General Capital Budget INTRODUCTION Attached is the proposed 2012 Capital Budget for the General Fund. The proposed budgct is the culmination of a nuinber of months of work from staff in ncarly all City dcpartments to ensure that appropriate investments are made in the community's infrastructure. The General Capital Budget includes important investments in aur transportation system, our storm water �nanagement infrastructure, municipal facilities and buildings, information technology, fleet vehicles, our leisure facilities, and other assets. This infrastructure enables and enhances the quality of life of our citizens and contributes to our economic prosperity. Thc nct cost of capital expenditures incurred by a City is financcd by way of formal debt obligations. The annual payments on these dcbt instrumcnts are made through the operating budget and financed through the tax rate. Current global and local economic conditions have a very real impact on the City's ability to invest in its assets. In adopting the "Plan B" 2012 Operating Budget for the City, Com�non Council directcd staff to prescnt a budget for the General Capital Fund that included no more than $10,000,000 in new expenditures excluding funded projects that must be carried over from tlie approved 2010 and 2011 capital budgets. The $10 million hudget cap is a significant reduction from previous years hut this level of expenditure is much better aligncd with the fiscal capacity of the City of Saint John at this time. Thc capital budgets approved by Common Council in rcccnt ycars havc bccn exceptional�y ambitious and maintaining a level of expenditwe comparable to recent years is simply unsustainable for this community. Prior to providing further detail with respect to the proposed budget for the 2012 Gcneral Capital program, Council should be reminded that the following additional direction was provided to staff in advanec of the preparation of this budgct: • Projects identified in the General Capital Fund must align with the objectives and principles of P]anSJ. The infrastructure investments included as part of the Gcneral Capital Budget must contribute to higher density objectives, discouragc urban sprawl, and enhance livability and sustainability. 141 2 • The 2012 General Capital Fund shall not include projccts appro�-ed in pre�•ious ycars for City funding support conditional on contributions frorn the Government of New Brunswick ancUar the Government of Canada. This aligns with the direction received from the federal and pro��incial governmcnts that the City must only maintain one priority for capital works and that priority rernains Safe, Clean Drinking Water. • The City shall limit its capital expenditures in ordcr to reduce future debt repayment costs. • Available funds in the General Capital Fund slxall be used for the highest priority City needs (infrastructure, roads, buildings, etc.) and be linked to P1anSJ and Council's priorities. DISCUSSION The process followed by staff to arrive at this praposed budget for the General Capital Fund was tborough and carefully considered. The first task undertaken as part of the process was to collate all of thc funding requesls froin City departments, agencies, boards, and commissions, as well as fiznding requests from various community groups. It is clear that the needs in the community are �-eat and far exceed the municipality's fiscal capacity. This is not a circumstance unique to Saint Jol�n and is perhaps the most significant problcm facing all urban communities in Canada. Regardless of the fact ihat Canada's urban arcas are home to more than 82% of the Canadian population (Source: 2011 Federal Ccnsus) generating 86% of the nation's gross domestic product (Source: Statistics Canada, 2001), znunicipalities receive only 8 cents of every tax dollar collected by the three levels of government in Canada. As a result,municipal governments across the country lack the resources they need to address dcteriorating anc� inadequate infrastructure. In Saint John, the result is that thc City siinply d�es not have the money it requires to appropriately maintain even its existing infrastructure, without considering what is truly required to support the city's future growth and prosperity. After all of thc capital funding requests were collated, more than $35 million in important invcstments were identified just from City departments, agcncies, board, and commissions. Groups in the community identified projects wherc municipal contributions totaling tens of milli.ons of dollars af additional invcstmcnts were sought. As identified prcviously, this proposed budget limits new expenditures to $10 million. As a result, though many important projects will bc fundcd in 2012 resulting in substanti�•e community impravernents, many more projccts could not be funded. EstabGshin�the 2012 General Capital Pro�ram The full 2012 program in General Capital is a product of identifying projects vvhich fall within four gcncral categories: 142 3 Carry Forward Projects Underway — The proposed budget for the 2412 Gencral Capital Fund includes all of those projects that were funded in 2010 and 20ll and are underway but have not becn complcted. Carry Forward Prajects Not Yet Started — In order to ensure that the limited resources available for general capital expenditures in 2012 are utilized for those projects most necessary, all projects funded in 2010 a.nd 2011 that have not been started have bcen forccd to compcte for funding with all new investments. Previously Approvcd 2012 Investments At the request of a City depart�nent or commission, Cominon Council has already pre-approved a number of expenditures which must come from the $10 million envelope identified for new investments in the 2012 capital program. New lnvestments — Projects which are seeking funding in 2012 whcre no funding has been previously approved. For the sake of clarity, projects in this category are often subsequent unfunded phases of a largc projcct that has already been initiated. Carry Forward Proiects Underway Many of the projects undertaken by the City of Saint John arc largc and coinplex and cannot be cornpleted in a single fiscal year. ln many situations, project work and expenditures are realized over multiple years. In order to com�lete these projects, provision must be made in the 2012 General Capital Fund Budget for their completion. A full detailing of the carry forward projeeis is included in Appendix "A" but the following table provides a summary of the financial reyuirements by major funding category. A total of$7.4 million in projects are underway carry forve�ard pro�ects including the completion of infrastrueture work on Prince William Street, storm water improvements at Rodncy Tcrminal and Honeysuckle, and a variety of other projects. CATEGO1tY Carr Forward-Cit Share Other share TOTAL BLTILDING&ASSET PROTECTION $413,090 $413,09d CORPORATE $170,939 $170,934 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT $1,036,600 $1,036,600 RECREATION&GRFEN SPACE $471,000 $471,000 SAFETY $227,36b $227,366 SOCiAI, $1 i 2,82] $112,821 SPQRTS $155,653 $155,653 STORM (FLOOD CON"f'KOL) $2,526,472 $4,818,028 $7,344,500 TRANSPORTATION $2,288,021 $2,288,021 Grand Total $7,401,9b2 $4,818 028 $ 12,219,990 Carrv Forward Proiects Not Yet Started Given the challenging financial tiines facing the City, all capital projects that were approved in 2010 and 2011 but have yet to begin were specifically identified and were forced to compete for funds with the ncw projccts identified for 2012. In total, approved projects with a budgeted cost of $4,010,045 have not been startcd. Staff are recomrnending that a number of these funded projects proceed in 2012 as they are important community investments. All of the projects are 143 4 listed in Appendix "B" and the column on the far right identifies those projects which are recommended to mave forward in 2012. As a result of this evaluation, a further $1,213,247 of funding previously approved in 2010 or 2011 is available to fund new invcshnents frorn the 2012 rec�uest list. Of the projects that are not recommended for carry forward, Council may want to reconsider the specific project if funds bccome available through land sales rei�enue or other revenues that accrue ta the City from time to time. Previousl A roved 2012 Investments Common Council approvcd requests submitted from Saint John Transit, Waterfront Devcloprnent, and the Department of Municipal Operations and Engineering to pre-approve certain capital expenditures fro�n the 2012 General Capital Fund. The following expenditures have already been approved: Purcbase of 2 New Transit Buscs $900,000 Purchase of 3 Ncw Packer Trucks for Solid Waste Collection $b15,000 Rodncy Terminal Storm $975,000 Fire Department Pumper Truck $SOO,Q00 Coast Guard Site Legal, Real Estate and Other Costs $200,400 Total $3,190,000 It should be noted that the pumper truck listed by the l�ire Departmcnt is a crucial piece of new equipinent required given the redeployment of fire personncl and equipment from the North End to the East Side. A truck with the ability to store water as well as provide fire suppression, rescue and extrication services is rcquired in East Sai��t John given the largc amount of unserviced developmcnt in this part of the community. The acquisition of this truck was prcapprovcd for 2012 when Common Council adopted the 2011 Gcncral Capital Budget. New Investments—Pro'ects Not Previousl A roved or Funded 1'o review the approach takcn to prepare the proposed budget for the 2012 Gencral Capital Fund, thc amount of money available to undertake new projects has been established as follows: Amount Identified for New Investinents $10,000,000 Plus Carry Forward Projects Not Started $ 4,010,045 Minus Not Started Carry Forward Projects Recommended to Proceed $ 2,79b,798 Minus Previously Approved 2012 Investments $ 3,190,000 Total $ 8,023,247 As mentioned previously, requests for funding as part of the 2012 General Capital Prograrn far exceeded tl�e number of dollars available. In the instructions provided to City deparhnents for the capital budgct proccss, the following information had to accompany each requcst for funding: • Project Description • Funds Required: 144 5 a City Share o Other Share (Province, Federal Government, Other) • An assessment of the relative significance of thc project in terms of: a Public or occupational health and safcty; o An existing contractual rcquircment; o 'Whether the project is an identified Council priority; o Whcthcr co-funding ar cost sharing is available; o The strategic significance ofthe in�estment; o Whether the investment will inerease municipal revcnues ar reduce City operating expenses; o Improved efficiency or cffecti�-eness; a Whether the investment protects City assets; and o Whcther the investment improves City services. • An examination of whether the project implements the City's municipal plan and is consistent with the vision, directions, and policies of Plan SJ. • Whcther the project is linked to a project identified for funding in the Utility Capital Fund or is linked to another capital investment {for example: a transportation project that is linked to a storm water or sanitary sewer project). As part of the process identified above, projects within each major funding category (such as transportation, storm water, municipal facilities, etc.) were ranked in order of priority bascd on all of the considerations identifled. A comprehensive list of tl�ose projects submitted for consideration is appended as Appendix "C". The Proposed 2012 General Capital Fund Sud�et In suinrnary, the proposed 2012 budget for the General Capital Fund continucs to place priority on those projects which protect the health and safety of Saint John residents and advances the City's quality of life and economic objectivcs. The 2012 General Capital Budget has been prepared in full recognition of the cnormous effort invesied inio the City's new inunicipal plan, P1anSJ and thc futurc direction for Saint John clearly articulated in the Plan. Thc successful implernentation of PIanSJ and the prosperity and satisfaction of our ci�izcns dcrnands that the City's capital investments advance ou.r long-term vision for Saint John. The listing of projects recominended for funding in the 2012 General Capital Fund Budget is attached as Appendix «D» . Transportation and Storm Water(Drainage) Infrastructure Renewal The proposed capital budget advances a strategic a.nd targetcd utilization of the very limited financial resources of the City to makc Saint John a better place to live and invest. The renev��al of the City's existing transportation and storm water infrasixucture is essential �o encouragc development in the City's urban and suburban core and to facilitate continued economic developrnent. As a result, the budget contains $2,345,000 in new investrncnts in trans�ortation in addition to the $3,033,021 in projects already started and carricd forward from previous years for a total investment of more than $5.35 miliion in transportation projects. 145 6 Common Council is keenly aware of the many challenges that the City faces with respect to drainage and storm water management. "l�hc City's difficult geology and topography poscs many challenges when dealing with thc cnvironrnental impacts of urban de�-elopment. It is essential that thc City maintain an efficient and effective system of storm water management to ensure that our natural and built environments are appropriately protected while cnsuring that the community is positioned to aceept growth and deal with thc impacts of climate ehange. Consistent with the direction provided by Council to prioritize storm water management, this budget proposes $3,396,OOQ in new storm water investments added on top of a further $$,399,500 in projects that havc been started and are on the carry forward list for a total invcstmcnt of almost $11.8 million. The Ciiy's commitment to effectively dealing with storm water issues is conveyed most clearly by the substantial investment the community is making in this critical infrastructure. The projects identified for funding are dctailcd in Appendix "D". It is clear from the lists that the investments are focuscd in arcas that have the potential to receive new development while scrving thosc citi�ens wha frequent those areas regularly. Transportation projects that are proposed to move forward including iinprovements to important thoroughfares including Garden Street, Rot]Iesay Avenue, Westmorland Road, Loch Lomond Road, and Somerset Street. Invest�nents will also be inade in nearly all corners of the City in curb and sidewalk. Significant storm water system improvements will be carried out in the Honeysuckle, Rodney Terminal, and Milford areas on the Wcst Side as well as the Brentwood-Boars Head area in Millidgeville and areas near Rothesay Avenue and Marsli Creek. It is iinportant to note that the City does make stratcgic use of funding from other sources sucb as gas tax funding to advance the City's transportation and storm water objectives. Ovcr $7,000,040 of non-City funding will help advance these important projects in 2012. Buildings, Equipment Up�rades, and Ener�y Mana ea� ment The City is responsible to operate and maintain a nurnber of buildings and facilities that providc services and amenitics to our residcnts. These facilities require ongoing investmenl to en�ure that thcy will continue ta serve our community for many years to come. The City has significant challenges in making ali of the investments necessary to best managc these irnportant assets. In reality, the limited financial resources available to municipalities leaves cities like Saint John without the money needed to optimize building and cquiprnent preventative inaintenance. The proposcd 2012 Gcneral Capital Budget does continue to place significant emphasis on taking care of the eommunily's assets to avoid much more significant replacement cosis later. A budget envelope of$455,000 has been proposed for municipal facilities to undertake work at a number of locations including the community centres and other City-owned buildings. Funding has also been provided for a number of other important initiatives including energy management and street lighting projects to reduce energy consumption and decrease operating costs tor the City on an ongc�ing basis. In addition, in�-eshnents in cquipment will proceed to ensure that tl�e services provided by the Fire Department, the Saint John Parking Commission, 146 � the Tradc and Convcntion Centre, Harbour Station, the Aquatic Centre, and t1�e Library continuc to serve our citizens well. Overall, this capital budget provides for $1,1$2,100 in new invest�nents in buildings, equipment, and energy managcment in addition to $640,456 in carry forward projects (identified as Building and Asset Protection and 5afety projects in the carr5� forward items) for a total investment of more than $1.8 rnillion in 2012. Recreation ar�d Leisure Council has identified recreation and leisure ser��ices as a community priority. The City has dedicated significant resources to the renewal of many rccrcational ameni�ies in previous years and has undertaken significant planning work in this area including the recreation inventory/asset study and the soon to be completed P1aySJ. The new Municipa] Plan emphasizes the importance of providing an appropriatc nurnber of high quality recreation facilities to enhance the quality of life oi-�ered by this comrnunity and encourage citizens to lead an active and healthy lifestyle. The 2012 budget significantly increases the amount of capital funding devoted to recreation and leisure when compared to 2011. The budget includcs thc prorrision of $1,260,000 in new investments including $700,000 for thc rcnewal of existing facilities, $500,000 for a major investmcnt in Market Place Wcst on the Lower Wesi Side as well as continuing the City's investment of$60,000 in street trees to improve the quality of the public realm on our roadways and sidewalks. A further $b26,653 has been identifed as carry forward projccts frorn 2030 and 2011 including arena improvements and projects in the South End and Crescent Valley. Almost $1 million has also been identified as carry forward for the North End Community Centre so this budget provides for a total investment of nearly $2.9 million ir� recreation and leisure capital in 2012 when thosc projects ihat include buildings (listed in the Buildings, Equipment Upgrades, and Energy Management category) are included. Technolog.y and Communications Thc City's inforn�ation technology and communieations infrastructure supports the dclivery of every service that is received by residents of the City of Saint John. Keeping this infrastructure current and modezn is critical to protect all of the information asscts of the corporation and is also crucial to maintaining and enhancing productivity within the organiLation. Saint John is an acknowledged leader in this area as cvidenced by the City's selection as one of top seven Intclligent Coinmunitics. Thc 2012 budget establishes a line item of $914,202 to acquire the appropriate tools including servers and other technology and there is a further $154,000 in approved carry forward items from previous years. This amount is offset by fiznds availabie in the Computer Reserve to reduce the amount of capital financcd from borrowing. In 2412, $4b4,202 of the acquisitions will be funded from thc Rcserve leaving a net ex�enditure of only $450,000 in 2012. Fleet Reulacement Common Council will recall that a full review of the City's fleet management system was undertaken in 2011. The City's currcnt approach to fleet rnanagement was generally given positive rcviews although it was acknowledged that the City struggles to replace fleet assets in a timely manner therefore increasing repair and operating costs for the corporation. Cornmon 147 8 Council has alrcady appro��cd sigmificant expenditures totaling $2,015,000 for new packer trucks for the solid waste managernent service, new transit buses, and a new pumper truck for thc Fire Department. In addition to #hese vehicle purchases, a further municipal investment of $2,200,000 is recommended for a total investment of $4,215,000. The lirnited financial resources available to the City for general capital will result in furlher aging oI�ihe City's fleet and will undoubtedly lead to higher operating costs for the City. The City is very fortunate to fund a significant proportion of the City's fleei costs frorn the operating fund which reduces thc amount of borrovving required for fleet replace�nent by$2 million. As a result, the net fleet eosts to be financed in 2012 will only total $2,215,000. Waterfront Development "I'he City of Saint John has madc signiticant and irnpot-lant investrnents in the community's bcautiful waterfronts. The community's ftesh and salt water waterfronts are a defining feature of the community; much valued by residents and an important feature that attracts visitors to Saint John. "Ifie City's new municipal plan also emphasizes the importance of the City's r�•aterfronts as an amenity that must be further developed and enhanced to attract population and economic growth. investments in the waterfront havc the potential to return many times more property tax revenue to thc City in the future as the appro�riate conditions are created to secure in�-estmcnt. Saint John Waterfront Development advanced an ambitious capital program for 2012. Requests for almost $2.5 million were submitted to fund the Coast Guard project as well as Loyalist Plaza, the North Market Slip and Boardwalk rcfurbishrncnts, work related to Market Square, and the eco hub dcvcloprncnt In addition to these requests, a further $265,000 has been reyuested for costs related to the Coast Guard adrninistration building and preparing the Coast Guard site for development. The major investment that the City must make in 2012 is the acquisition of the remaining portion of the Coast Guard site. An allocation of$1,9bS,Q00 has been made to facilitate the complc�ion of this real estate transaction. Unfortunately, the City is unable to fully fund all of thc other requests to further enhance our urbar� waterfront. A further $450,000 inveshncnt has been proposed to complete the Boardwalk and eco hub work and to undcrtake necessary work at Smythe Street related to Market Square. A cairy forward arnount tataling $125,000 has also been identified which is necessary to complete an earlier phase of the work related to Market Squarc at Smythc Strcet. Thc work related to Loyalist Plaza and North Market Slip is important work but perha�s it is e��en inore appropr�ate for this work to be deferred until thc City has a private sector partiner engaged in the development of the Coast Guard site. Economic Developrnent In difficult economic times, it is necessary for the City to make hard decisions respecting the investments it can afFord to make in capital assets. In past years, the City has invested considerable money in private suburban development projects to create tax base and encourage growth and investment in the community. P1anSJ advocatcs a major shift in the City's position with respect to growth and development. The Plan advocates more dense residential and commcrcial growth in urban at�d suburban neighbourhoods within a defined Primary 148 9 Devclopment Arca. The Plan recornrnends that the City pursue this new growth patte;-n through significant, regular, and reliable infrastructure investments in designated Intensification Areas. A consistent program of invesiments in core municipal infrastructure (roads, water, sewer, storm water, etc.) should be viewed as a necessary pre-condition for economic developxnent and necessary to maximize the community-'s growth opportunities. In the current fiscal environment, the City must thercfore focus its Iirnited resources on infrastructure renewal and investments in municipal facilities and recreational amenities. Without these public investments, the conditions will not be appropriate for sustainable private sector investment in residential or comrnercial development. As a result, this proposed budget maintains funding lcvels for irnportant public infrastructure including transportation, stonn water managemcnt, curbing, sidewalks, street trees, recreation facilities and the Waterfront. Consequentially, however, it has proven impossible to providc any funding to a ncw suitc of development incentive programs that was intended to be released subsequent to the adoption of P1anSJ. This is not an ideal scenario but staff cannot recommend redirecting funding away from core infrastructure to subsidizc ncw private sector de�-elopment. The Hemson Report on the City's development incentives clearly pointed out that the City's contribution through incentives to ncw development only averaged about 2% of the purchase price of a new home so the climination of the incentive programs is not anticipated to have any substat�tive impact on development activity. Conversely, reducing funding to core infrastructure in i-avour of maintaining some incentive funding could significantly irnpact the desirability of developing, living, or working, in the City. When econornic conditions permit, the City should re-examine whether there is role for thc municipality ta play in incenting de�-elopment. In the future, incentives could be directly tied to the ixnplementation of neighbourhood plans which is one of the important cominunity deliverables identified in PlanSJ. This budget contains anly a small amount of funding necessary ($100,000} to meet thc City's obligations under the incentive programs that were terminated in 241 L It will bc necessary to continue to pro�Tide these payments until March 14, 2014. Thc industrial devclopmcnt scctor differs markedly from the residential and commercial development business. Saint John Industrial Parks {SJIPL), an entity wholly owned by thc City of Saint John is practically the only inajor de��eloper of industrial lands in thc colnmunity. Council is well aware of the importance of maintaining an inventory of industrial lands to increase non-residential tax base and to increase employmcnt and therefore housing demand in the community. Funding of $20Q,000 is recommended far SJiPL in 2012 which leverages an investment of$785,000 directly from SJIPL. This investment will help realize work to move the barge facility at Lorneville forward as well as further land acquisition and servicing at Spruce Lake. Streetscape improvements will also continue at Spruce Lake and McAllister Industrial Parks. Unfunded Items The financial resources available to the City to undertake projects in the Generai Capital Fund are significantly limited in 2012 and this will eontinue to be the case for thc next number of years going forward. This reality calls for careful decision making to ensure that the recommended investmcnts in infrastructure and facilities arc consistent with the goals and objectiz-es of the community. Unfortunatety, tl2e City of Saint John, and nearly all Canadian urban municipalities, 149 10 are unable to raise the amount of revenue necessary to fully support community invcstment and reinvestment. As a result, a number of worthy and important projects cannot bc funded in 2012 adding to further to the community's infrastructure deficit. Following is a summary of some of the projects that arc not proposcd for funding in 2012: - Transportation— 1 l of 17 new projects identified are unfunded - Stonn Water Management—9 of 16 new projects identified are unfunded - The new YMCA in Crescent Valley - Funding for nev�municipal infrastructurc in Crescent Valley to implement the Province's housing plan for thc arca - The Field House being pursued by the Exhibition Association - The 1'aramount Theatre Restoration - City Market Office Tower renovations - Phase 2 of the North End Community Centre Building Rcncwal Program - Major renovations to the Tradc and Convcntion Centre - Major renovations to the Canada Games Aquatic Centre - The Fire Department Training Facility - Further investments in Rainbow Park - Further investments in Rockwood Park - An artificial turf field at Millidgeville North - Improvcrncnts to Fallsvicw Park - Impro�-einents at Reversing Rapids - Coxnmencing the implementation of the Shaznrock Park Master Plan and mountain bike trail construction - Elimination of the majority of the funding for thc Customer Service Praject - No funding for any ncw residcntial and commercial de�•elopment incentive programs - The purchase of additional transit buses (2 additional buses wiIl not be purchased} - Funding to improve the Coast Guard administration building and site preparation work for the Coast Guard site Council should be aware that there may be opportunities for some �f these unfunded projects to move forward in the future with ihe proceeds of various land sales that are being contemplated by the municipality. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES Sta.ffof all City departments have provided input in the development of the eapital budget. THE PATH FORWARD Imxnediately following the approval of the budget for the General Capital Fund,work will begin to finalize the capital budget for the Utility Fund. The Utility Capital Budget must align with the General Fund budget to ensure that the financial resources necessary to complete a numbcr of 150 11 important infrastructure projects are available. Staff anticipate being able to provide thc Utility Fund Capital Budget two weeks after approval of the General Capital Budget. Following completion of tbe Utility Capital Budget, staff will thcn focus on the five-year capital budget which must be appended to thc City's nev�municipal plan and must be aligned with ihe City's planning objectives, council priorities, and ihe municipaiity's fiscal reality. Staff hope to have the fivc year budget ta Council for review in four weeks time. Given the significant financial challenges facing the City of Saint John, staff and Council must adopt a rigorous discipline to the capital budget proccss. Following approval of the City's capital budgets, it is recommended that Cornmon Council adopt a resolution providing that the ovcrall envclope for cach capital program shall be fixed and there shall be no new projects added to the 2012 capital program without finding the required funding from within the pre-established envelopes. Further, it is recommended that Common Council not pre-approve any project for inclusion within the 2013 capital program without first making any consequential revisions necessary to the five-year capital budget. CONCLUSIONS The proposed 2012 General Gapital Fund Budgct stratcgically uses the City's very limiied financial resources to rnake substantial investments in Saint John's community assets. The bu�get continucs to position Saint Jahn t��r population and economic �rowth while ensuring that the municipal corporation li�res within its means to avoid property taxation increascs. This proposed budget is fully consistent with P1anSJ and begins the process of implcmenting the Plan. The inves�nents contained within the budget will makc noticcable improvements to our infrastructure and to the ameni�ies that makc Saint John a great place to ]ive and invest. As has been the case for many years now in Saint John and in all other urhan m�nicipalities in Canada, this budget clearly deinonstrates the need for a new financial relationship bctween cities and the provincial and federal governments. The future of New Brunswick and the future of Canada is increasingly in the hands of urban cornmunities like Saint John that house the creative and intclligcnt capital rcquircd to propel regional and national economies. 4ur cities require the f scal capacity necessary to take care of critical urban infrastructure to support growth and development and improve quality of life. Saint John must compete with cities around the world for �owth. Saint Jahn needs to provide excellent infrastructure and an cnviable quality of life nat just to ensure the community's success, but also thc succcss of our province and our nation. Scnior lcvcls of govcrnmcnt nced to prioritize changes that provide Saint John and other cities with the financial resources they require to be sustainable and successful. This is a critical issue for the City and one which will benefit from the City's recent investment in intergovcrnmental affairs. 151 12 RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Comrnon Council, Approve the 2012 Capitai Budget for the General Fund in the amount of $16,030,302 (gross) with contributions frorn other sources of$4,814,202 yielding a capital budget in the arnount of $11,21 b,100 (net) as set out in Appendix "D". 2. That Common Council adopt the following resolutions: a) That the overall funding envelope for the 2012 Capital Budget for the General Fund bc fixed and there shall be no new projects added to the 2012 capital program without finding thc req�ired funding from the fixcd cnvclo�e. b) That Co�xa�iion Council not pre-approve any project for inclusion within the 2013 capital program without first making any consequential revisions nccessary to the five-year capital budget. Respectfully submitted, L �� ,���,���.�°'� Ken orrest, MC�P RPP Commissioncr of Planning and Development J. Patrick Woods, CGA City Manager 152 13 A endix"A"—Car Forward Pro'ects from the 2010 and 2011 Gencral Ca ital Bud ets Currently Underwav Carryo�er- Carryover-City Description Other Share Share Notes Category BUILDING& ASSET 7RADE&COfVVENTION 20Z,000 Trade&Convention Centre-Other Capital PROTECTION BUILDING& Ventilation system upgrades,overhead ASSET OPERATIpNS GARAGE 142,754 door replacement,transit panel removal PROTECTION BUILDING& ASSET VARIOUS 37,130 Development of Standard Specifications PROTECTIQN BUILDING& ASSET WORKS NORTH DEPQT 18,928 Exterior�ightings PROTEC710N BUILDiNG& ASSET AQUATIC CEIVTRE-ROOF 12,278 Fitness centre roof replatement design PROTECTIOIV MGMNT TNFI SYSTEMS 150,aoo Information System CORPORATE ENERGY MANAGEMENT 20,939 Energy NEanagement measures CORPORATE ECONOMIC HABOUR CONDO PLAZA 323,000 Harbour Front Condominium Plaza DEVELOPMENT ECONOMIC INDUSTRIAL PARKS 145,840 Industrial Park capital expenditure DEVELOPMENT ECONOMIC MAftKET SqUARE COMPLEX 125,OD0 Expansion Joints Smythe St. DEVELOPMENT ECONOMIC HARBOUR PASSAGE 100,OQ0 Harbour Passage repairs DEVELOPMENT ECONOMIC DERELICT BLDG AC4UISITION 1QO,OQO Derelict building DEVELOPMENT FAIRVILLE BLVD ECONOMIC iMPROVEMEN 1QO,OQO Fairville Blvd Improvement DEVELOPMENT City Market-lighting upgrades,Linja storefront upgrades,preservation ECONOMIC CITY MARKET 92,760 program DEVELOPMENF RECREA71dN& SOUTH ENp PLAYGROUND 280,Od0 South End Playground GREEN SPACE RECREATION& RECREATIOfV MASTER PLAN 100,000 Master plan GREEN SPACE RECREATION& CRESCENT VALLEY 46,000 Crescent valley GREEM SPACE RECREATION& GLEN ROAD PLAYGRQUND 45,OOD Glen Road Playground GREEN SPACE RECORDING SYS-INTERVIEW 85,000 Recording system SAFETY FIRE STATION ti4 53,392 Under slab floor drain reinstatement SAFETY FIRE STATION#S 41,146 Basement area emergency egress SAFETY 153 14 FIRE STATION#1 20,b00 Bunker gear storage improvements SAFETY FIRE STATION#5 10,590 Building code upgrades SAFETY FIRE STATION#7 9,238 Building code upgrades SAFETY FIRE STATION#2 8,0�0 Washroom improvements SAFE7Y STANDREW H-SW,CURB,PAVE 46,000 Curbs,sidewalks ^ SOCIAL CARLE70N COMMUfVITY CENT 28,050 Building renewal program SOCIAL A B E C EXTERIOR 2b,391 Washroom/Interior renovations SOCIAL SJ FRE�PUeLIC LIBRARY 7,93.0 Library capital expenditure SOCIAL PEDWAY SYSTEM 4,470 Eievator design SOCIAL LORD BEAVERBRO�K RINK 39,190 Ice surFace expansion feasibility study SPOR7S GORMAN ARENA 32,465 Building code and fire alarm SPORTS BELYEA ARENA 30,355 Building code and fire alarm SPORTS PETER MURRAY ARENA 27,188 Building code and fire alarm SPORTS STU HURLEY ARENA 26,455 Building code and fire alarm SPORTS Renewal or structural lining of approx 3$Qm of 2150mm diameter CMP.Project to be funded under G.T.F.{Design and approvals to be completed in 2Q10 for construction in 2011J(GTF fund: $1,645,665), Design services for renewal or Structural lining of approx 380m of STORM(FLOOD RODNEY TEliMINAL 1,721,528 1,398,472 215pmm diameter CMP. CONTROL} Install approx 694m of new storm piping and structures for separation in the area per the 2010 Drainage study,including HOfVEYSUCKLE-FUNDY design and construction management STpRM(FLOd� HEIGHTS 725,000 700,000 services.Project to be funded under G.T.F. CONTRQL) Remove catch basins from sanitary sewer and pipe to existing storm sewers per 2010 Drainage 5tudy. Includes design and STORIIR(FLOO� BEACH C�tES-MEADOWNBANK _ 175,006 construction management services. CONTROL) Install approx.365m of new 300mm storm sewer for separation,including design and construttion management STORivI(FLOOD HONEYSUCKLE-BLEURY S7 166,000 services CONTRpL� Local drainage improvements-various loeations as per 2009 drainage basin study S70RM(FLOOD MILFORD DRAINAGE BASIN 58,000 CONTROL) Install approx.210m of new 600mm concrete class III storm sewer,including design and construction management STORM(FLOOD HONEYSUCKLE-MOLSON AVE 35,000 ser�ices CONTROL) Install approx 400m of new storm piping and structures for separation in the area perthe 2p10 Drainage study,including HONEYSUCKLE-LANCASTER design and construction management STORM(FLOOD MAL 845,D00 - services. Project to 6e funded under G_T.F. CONTROLy 154 15 Install approx. 460m of new 200mm and 300mm storm sewer and structures for separation in the area including 160m of new 450mm storm outfall piping, including construction management STORM{FLOOD MILFORD-BALMORAL CRES 515,000 - services.Project to be funded under G.T.F. CONTROL} Install approx.310m of new 900mm storm sewer and structures for separation in the area and new storm outfall near"X" Lift Station,including tonstruction management services.Project to 6e STORM{FLOOD MILFORD-ST CLAIR AVE 500,000 - funded under G.T.F. CON7ROL} Install approx.300m of new 200mm and 300mm of new storm sewer piping and structures for separation in the area and 140m of new 450mm outfail piping. Includes construction management STORM(FLOOD MILFORD-KINGSVILLLE RD 295,500 services.Project to be funded under G.T.F. CONTRdL) Construction of community retention facilities-Caledonia Brook,including land acquisition and en�ironmental approvals, drainage improvements along Woodward Avenue as per 2009 drainage basin study. Project to be funded by under G.T.F. {2009). Design,approvals and EIA to be completed in 2010 for construction in STORM(FLOOD BRENTWOOb DESIGN/CONST 216,000 2611. CONTROL) Street reCOnstruCtion(excavation,storm sewer,underground utilities,curb, sidewalk,landscaping,paving)to 6e done as part of tf�e proposed Peel Plaza Development,including construction BUILDING 51TE SELECTION 906,880 management ser�ices TRAIVSPOR7ATEON Culvert renewal including design and KENNEBECASIS-BROTHERS construction management services. COV 400,000 TRANSPORTATI ON Supplemental fundingfor street rehabili#ation(excavation,backfill,curb, sidewaik,landscapingand paving), includingconstruction management WES7FIELD RD-ACAMAC 230Q 360,OOD services.Project to be funded under G.T.F. TRANSPORTATION Street reconstruttion(excavation,backfill, [urb,sidewalk,landscaping and paving}, including design and construction management services.Asphalt pavements BLEURY STREET 200,000 $145,00�/0.54LK TRANSPORTATIpl1f Street Reconstruction PRINCE WILLIAM STREET 150,000 TRAEVSPORTATION Install approx.170m of new concrete curb and sidewalk on western side,including design and construction management SIMPSON DRIVE 105,000 services. TitANSPORTATIpN STREET LIGHTING 50,000 Facility Management TRANSPORTATIQIV TRANSIT-BUILDING 50,000 HoldbackforTransitBuilding TRANSPORTATIpN 155 16 SAINTJOHM TRAN5IT 50,000 SaintJohn Transit capital expenditure TRANSPORTATION Design for road reconstruction (excavation,backfill,turb,sidewalk, landscaping,paving)in conjunction with road realignment as part of the One-mile I LOMONb-S7 Interchangeconstruction,includingdesign CA7HERINE/WES 16,141 services TRANSPORTATION TOTAL 4,818,028 7,401,962 156 l7 A endix "B" -Car Forward Pro'ccts from the 201U and 20i1 Gencxal Ca ital Bud ets Not Yet Started Carryover-City Pro�ect to proceed DescripYion Share IVotes Category in 2012?Yes/Na Instaliation of traffic signals and otherintersection improvements,including design and construction management GARDEN STREET 225,000 services. TRANSPORTATION YES ~ Insta�lation of traffic signals, including design and construction management ROTHESAY AVE-TRAFFIC SIG 120,000 services. TRANSPORTATION YES SIMMS CORNER/BRIDGE Retaining Wall Repairs Project- ROAD 400,000 Simms Cprner/Bridge Road TRANSPORTATION YES Complete a Harmful Alteration, Disruption or Distruction of fish habitat study(HADD}in advance of Manawagonish Creek channei improvements STORM{FLOpD HdNEYSUCKLE-HADD 220,000 project. CONTROL} YES Install approx 77m of new storm piping and structures for separation in the area per the 2010 Drainage study,incluriing design and construction STORM{FLOOb HONEYSUCKLE-ONTARIO ST 145,000 management services. CON7ROL} YES Design services for tv✓in HONEYSUCKLE-DE51GN 2400mm x 1200mm box STORM(FLOOD CULVER 50,OflQ culverts. CONTROL) YES Install approx 232m of new storm piping and struttures for separation in the area perthe 2010�rainage study,including NONEYSUCKLE-LANCASTER design and construction STORM {FLOOD AVE 495,000 managementservices. COIVTROL) YES Install approx 77m of new storm piping and structures for separation in the area per the 2010 Drainage study,including design and construction STORM (FLOOD HONEYSUCKLE-BEAVER CT 145,D00 management services. CONTROLJ YE5 Facility Management,North End Comm Centre, Legal NORTH END COMM CEN7RE 956,798 dealing with land issue SOCIAL YE5 THERMAL IMAG&SCBA EQU1P _ 525,000 FireDept.-TrainingTower SAFETY NO CUSTOMER SERVICE PROJ 546,000 Customer Service Project CORPORATE YES(only$40,000� Fatility Management-T&CC BUILDING&ASSET TRADE&CONVENTION CENT 182,247 Renovation go ahead or not PROTECTION NQ TOTAL VALUE OF PROJECTS TO TOTAL 4,010,045 PROCEED 2,796,798 157 18 A endiac "C" —Submissions Received for Fundin in thc 2012 Gcncral Ca ital Fund Sud�et Project BUDGET-OTHER BUDGET-CITY # CATEGpRY DEPqRTM�NT DE5CRIPTION 5HARE SHARE 1 Corporate IT Sewer Video System and Storage 37,Q00 2 Corporate IT Tape library(Combined) 62,000 3 Corporate IT Disk Storage City Hall 117,500 4 Corporate IT Disk 5torage Expansion-City 10,000 5 Corporate IT bisk Storage Expans+on-Police 10,Q00 6 Corporate IT MediaSolve-New Pofice HQ 7,000 7 Corporate IT 5ecurity Review-Penetration Audit 30,600 8 Corporate IT 6 Security Cisco Switches New Police HQ 45,a00 9 Corporate 1T 6 Door Access Switches New Police HQ 45,OOQ 10 Corporate IT Firewall-New Police HQ 33,000 11 Corporate IT Replace VMWare F51 ESX 17,000 Peel Plaza Connectivity-Conduit 12 Corporate !T Installation 40,000 13 Corporate IT 18 User Cisco Swit[hes New Police HQ 135,000 14 Corporate IT Fibre-City Hall to New Police HQ 10,000 15 Corporate IT Police HQ IT Implementation Team 62,500 35 Corporate IT Automatic Vehicle Location(AVL� 6,000 158 19 17 Corporate IT Exchange-Store 7,000 18 Corporate IT Exchange-5tore 7,000 19 Corporate IT Exchange-CAS b,000 HTE Professional Services(upgrades and 20 Corporate IT implement new features) 30,000 21 Corporate IT VMware ESX-Police 13,50Q 22 Corporate IT VMware ESX-Police 13,500 23 Corporate IT IBM A5400 Upgrades 10,00d 24 Corporate IT 20 WiFi Ac�ess Points f�ew Police HQ 10,000 25 Corporate 1T Wireless Bridge Fire 6,000 26 Corporate IT Fleet Management System 140,�00 27 Corporate IT Agenda Management Software 24,000 28 Corporate IT Replace WCS and Apps Server 8,000 29 Corporate IT SQLSer�er 8,OOd 30 Corporate IT SQL Server 8,000 31 Corporate IT VMware E5X-City 10,000 32 Corporate IT Replace vCenter VMWare Server 8,000 33 Corporate IT VMWare ESX-City 7,d00 34 Corporate IT Website-Tools,upgrades 10,000 35 Corporate IT Replace ORCA Web Server 8,000 159 20 3fi Corporate IT Mobile Device Security 15,OQ0 37 Corporate IT Citrix/Virtual Desktop Software 10,000 38 Corporate IT VMWare DMZ ESX 17,000 39 Corporate IT Replace Utility Numera 9,000 40 Corporate IT 1D WiFI Access Points Rothesay A�enue 5,000 2 iJser Switcltes-City Hall and Rothesay 41 Corporate IT Ave. 15,000 42 Corporate IT Communication Server 7,OQ0 Des[ctop Computers{Chargeback 464,202 43 Corporate IT Program) Economic 44 Development Planning DeveEopment Intentive Program 500,000 Economic Saint John Barge Facifity-Major infrastructure 45 De�elopment Industrial Park project in support of#abricators 250,000 Economic Saint John 45 Development Industrial Park Land Acq.Lorneville-purchase of LIS 50,000 Lorneville Hydro Extension-hydro Economic Saint John looping from Coleson Cove to Paddy's 47 Development Industrial Park hill along King Will. 50,000 Economic Saint John Spruce Lake Beautification-ongoing 48 Development Industrial Park beautifciation 25,Q00 Economic 5aint John McAllister Beautification-ongoing 49 Development Industrial Park beautifi[aYion 25,OOfl Materials& Fleet 50 Fleet Management 1 PumperTruck 500,000 Materials& Fleet 51 Fleet Management 3 Packers 848,000 Materials& Fleet 52 Fleet Management Fleet replacement 2,000,000 Canada Games Municipally Aquatic 53 owned Facilities Centre Aquatic centre capital expenditure 1,830,265 160 21 Municipally Harbour 54 owned Facilities Station Forklift 40,000 Municipally Harbour 55 owned Faciiities Station Snow blower 10,OOQ N{unicipally Harbour 5b owned Facilities Station Evaporative Condenser 80,OOfl Municipally Harbour 57 owned Facilit+es Station Phase 2 Ffuorescent Lighting Retrofit 40,000 Municipally Harbour Video/Audio 5ystem Component 58 owned Facilities Station Upgrades 25,06Q Munitipally Harbo�r 59 owned Facilities Station Roof and Facade Cleaning and Repairs 30,000 Rockwood Municipally Park Golf Rockwood Park Golf Course capital 60 owned Facilities Course contribution 25,000 Municipally SaintJohn fil owned Facilities Arts Centre Carpet 15,000 Municipally SJ Free Public Renovations,signage,painting,Self 62 owned Facilities Library check-out-West Branch 55,000 5J Trade& Municipally Convention Relocation&Renovation of Trade Centre 63 owned Facilities Centre 5ales dfFice 100,000 Parking 64 Parking Commiss+on 5 Pay&Display Machines 80,000 Parking 65 Parking Commission 800 New alternate Parking Signs 70,000 Real Estate& IVORTH END COMMUNITY CENTRE- Facility Facility Building Renewal Program-Ph 2: 66 Management Management Interior/M&E/Life Safety 1,300,OQ4 Real Estate& CARLETON COMMUNITY CENTRE- Facility Faciiity Building Renewal-Phase 2(Second 67 Management Management Floor, M&EJ 35,000 Real Estate& Facility Facility S7EWART HURLEY ARENA-Floor Drain 68 iVlanagement Management Repair 40,000 Real Estate& Facility Facility LOCH LOMOND COMMUNITY CENTRE- 69 Management Management Replace Septic System 25,000 Real Estate& CITY MARKET-Office Tower Fatility Facility Renovations-Phase 1{Building 70 Management Management Envefope) 1,08Q,000 RealEstate& Facility Facility CITY MARKET PEDWAY-Replace 71 Management Management Elevator 55d,000 161 22 Real Estate& Facility Facility CARLETON COMfVIUNITY CENTRE- 72 Management Management Replace Windows 120,000 Real Estate& Facility Facility CITY MARKET-Install New Security 73 Management Management System 50000 , Real Estate& NORFH END COMMUNITY CENTRE- Facility Facility Building Renewal Program-Ph 3: 74 Management Management ExteriorCladding/Glazing 4p,000 Real Estate& Facility Facility CHARLES GORMAN qRENA-Replace 75 Management Management Lighting System 70,000 Real Estate& Facility Facility '76 Management Management STREET LIGHTING-Replace Street Lights 75,Ofl0 Real Estate& Facility Facility SHAMRQCK PARK CLUBHOUSE/FIELD- 77 Management Management Install New Plumbing Fixtures 50,000 Real Estate& Facility Facility SHAMROCK PARK CLUBHOUSE/FIELD- 78 Management Management Washroom Renovations 10,000 RealEstate& Facility Facility CHARLES GORMAN ARENA-Low 79 Management Management Emissivity Ceiling 4p,000 Real Estate& Facility Facility CHARLESGORMANqRENA-Structural 80 Management Management Steel Painting 40,000 RealEstate& Facility Facility CITY HALL-Interior Renovations for 81 Management Management Organizational Re-Alignment 35fl,000 RealEstate& Facility Facility PETER G.MURRAY AREI�A-New Water 82 Management Management Flooding System 35,000 Real Estate& Facility Facility CHAR�ES GORMAN ARENA-Install New 83 Management Management Ammonia Heat Reeovery System 50,000 Real Estate& Facility Facility FIRE DEPAR7MENTTRAINING CENTRE- $4 Management Management NewTrainingTower-Phase2 450,000 Real Estate& Facility Facility MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS COMPLEX- 85 Management Management Replaee Lighting Equipment 30,000 Real Estate& Facility Fatility Rothesay Avenue Fleet Services Garage- 86 Management Management New Fire Alarm System 45,000 Real Estate& SUSTAINABLE ENERGY MANAGEMENT- Facility Facility Miscellaneous Energy Management 87 Management Management Measures 50,000 Real Estate& Facility Facility FIRESTATION NO. 1(LEINSTER)- 88 Management Management Modifications to Vehicle Exhaust System 30,OD0 Real Estate& Facility Facility FIRESTATION NO.5{ADELAIDE)- 89 Management Management Modifications to Vehicle Exhaust System 30,OQ0 162 23 Real Estate& Facility Facility FIRESTATION N0.8(MILLIDGE)- 90 Management Management Modifications to Vehide Exhaust System 30,000 Recreation& Leisure Facility Renewal Fund-to perform 91 Green Space Services necessary repairs&replacements 800,000 Recreation& Leisure 92 Green Space 5erviees Shamrock Park Master Plan Phase 1 2,833,D00 Recreation& Leisure 93 Green Space 5ervices Rainbow Park Revitalization 1,800,000 Recreation& Leisure 94 Green Space Services Rockwood Park Event Signage 50,000 Recreation& Leisure 9S Green Space Services Rockwood Park Phase 3 500,000 Recreation& Leisure 96 Green Space Services Shamrock Park Mountain Bike Trails 250,OOQ Recreation& Leisure 97 Green Space Services Market Place West Phase 1 SOO,OOQ Recreation& Leisure 48 GreenSpace Services StreetTrees 60,QOQ Fire Dept.- Urban Environment Equipment Renewal-Personal 99 Safety Service Protective Equipment 62,500 Fire Dept.- Urban Environment Equipment Renewal-Self Contained 100 Safety 5ervice 8reathing Apparatus 76,000 Fire dept.- Urban Environment Equipment Renewal-Ropes and 101 Safety Service Harnesses 28,600 Rodney 7erminal-Supplemental Funding for renewal and structural lining of 38Dm of 2150mm diameter CMP to Municipa! include the installation of a check valve Storm Operations to pravide additional backflow g60,000 975,000 prevention not part of the original design that has been determined to be a necessary component of the overall 102 project. Storm Water Management-Brentwood -Boars Head Road Construction of stormwater detention pond on Storm Municipal Caledonia Brook -High Pond"A", Operations including land acquisition,design and 3.,140,000 construction management services. Subject to environmental approvals.. 103 Projectto be funded under G.T.F. 163 24 Boars Fiead Road-Near Caledonia Brook,construction of a detention swale along Boars Head Road at the Aliant Storm Municipal building,installation of inlet control Operations devices and a new storm sewer outfall 225,OQ0 to Caledonia Brook from 8oars Head Road,including design and construetion 104 management services. Milford Drainage Basin-Gifford Road- Gifford Road from Milford Road to approximately Civic#90.Install approx. 160m of new 300mm and 100m of Storm Municipal z00mm storm sewerand structuresfor Operations separation in the area and 25m of 500,060 375mm storm outfall piping with headwall. Includes construction 105 management services. � �� Milford Drainage Basin-River Hill Drive- pwyer Road to Silvermount Crescent, including existing storm outfall.Install approx_300m of new 300mm and&5m Storm Municipal pfi 375mm storm sewer for separation in Qperations the area and renew existing 300mm 510,OQ0 with new 375mm storm outfall, including construction management 106 services. Milford Drainage Basin-Russell Hill Road-Russell Hill#�oad from Civic#484 to Greenhead/Dwyer Road Storm �Unicipal interseetion.Install approx.14Qm of Operations new 200mm and 300mm storm piping 175,000 and structures for separation in the area. Includes construetion �07 management services. Storm Water Management-Brentwood -Cambridge Estates Modifications to the Municipal storm outFall at Boars Head and Storm Operations Cambridge Estates-new outfall to 35,060 Caledonia Broak including construction 1Q8 management services. Storm Water Management-Brentwood -Various locations Property acquisition Storm Municipal for construction of stormwater Operations detention ponds in various locations in 15Q,060 109 M i Ilidgevi I le. Allison Street-Milford Road to Francis Street.Replace existing 375mm storm Storm Municipal sewer with new 6QOmm storm sewer, Operations 140,060 in�luding design and construction 11� management services. Frederick Street-Rothesay Avenue to end. Install approx. 1pOm of new Storm Municipal 300mm storm sewer for separation, Operations 60,000 including design and construction 111 management services 164 �5 Honeysuckle,Sherbroake Street Municipal prainage Basin-Culvert#2- Storm Honeysuckle Drive.Install twin 2400mm Operations x 1200mm box culverts induding 415,000 112 construction management services. Loch Lomond Road-Russell Street to Westmorland Road;Atlantic Avenue. Renewal of existing sections of storm 5torm Municipal sewer in conjunction with road Operations realignment as part of the One Mile 210,Q00 Interchange project;includes construction management ser�ices. Will 113 seek to tender as part of D.O.T.cor�tract Mystery Lake Flow Control Structure- Storm �unicipal Mystery Lake Environmental Impact Operations Assessment for the Flood Controf 90,�Ofl 114 System Seaton Street-Rothesay Avenue to end. Install approx.90m of new 300mm Storm Municipal storm sewerforseparatian,including Operations design and construction management 50,000 115 services Adelaide Street-Between Victoria Street and Newman's Brook. Install Storm Municipal ap�rox.125m of new storm sewerfor Operations 100,000 separation,including design and 116 construction management services. Sea Street-Sea Street to outfall_ ApQrox.335m of various size pipe with Municipal associateci swales,manholes, Storm Operations landscaping and reinstatements, 400,000 including outfall analysis,design and 117 construction management services. 5aint John 118 Transit Transit 2 Buses(Pre-approved in 2011) 900,600 Saint John 119 Transit Transit Fleet Replacement{2 new buses) 860,600 Saint John Handi-Bus replacement{1 new 120 Transit Transit paratransitvehicleJ 100,OOa Saint John Garage Equipment,Bus 5top&on 5treet 121 Transit Transit Infrastructure i60,000 Transportation Master Plan-Plan SJ. Development of a comprehensive plan that guides implementation of Transportation and Mobility policies of Transportation Municipal PIanSJ. The developed plan will Operations recommend means of improving the 350,000 movement of people and goads within, to,from and the City in tMe mode of choice,be it walking,cycling,public 122 transportation or driving. 165 26 Westfield Raad-Civic#2184 to Civic #2300(�75m).Road recanstruction Municipal �drainage control,curb and sidewalk Transportation aPerations (north side),landstaping,expanded 1,175,000 foam asphalt resurfacing},including construction management services_ 123 Phase A2. Anglin Orive-Thornbrough Street to Sandy Point Road(including storm sewer on Pidgeon Terrace from Anglin Drive to endJ Design services for storm sewer, Transportation Municipal curb,sidewalk, landscaping,told milling, dperations paving_pesign in 2011 for construction 125,OOd in 2013,design to consider local traffic calming measures and an assessment of the pedestrian crosswalk at Sandy Point 124 4 Road. ~ Curb&Sidewalk Renewal- Neighbourhoods-Various locations. Transportation Municipal Renewal of concrete curb and sidewalk Operations in conjunction with the annual asphalt 650,000 roadway maintenance and rehabilitation 125 program. Frederick Street-Rothesay Avenue to end.Street reconstruction(excavation, Transportation Municipa! baekfill,curb,sidewalk,landscaping, Operations paving),including[fesign and 150,000 construction management services. 126 Asphalt Pavements$100,000/0.42LK Loch Lomond Road-Saint Catherine Street to Westmorland Road including Westmorland Road Intersection Road. Reconstruction{excavaYion,backfill, Municipal curb,sidewalk,utilities,traffic lights, Transportation Operations landscaping,paving)in conjunction with 805,000 road realignment as part of the One Mile Interchange project;including land aequisition and construction management services. Will seek to 127 tender as part of D.O.T.�ontract Seaton 5treet-Rothesay Avenue to end. 5treet reconstruction(excavation, 7ransportation Municipal backfill,curb,sidewalk,landscaping, Qperations paving),including design and 140,000 construction management services_ 12g Asphalt pavements$1d0,000/0.42LK Upland Road-lohn T.McMillan Avenue to Reading Crescent.Street reconstruction(excavation,backfill, Transportation Municipal curb,sidewa{k,landscaping and paving) 4perations including design and construction �55,000 management serviees.Asphalt 129 pavements$85,0�0/LK 0.33 166 27 Westmorland Road-At Loch Lomond Road intersection Intersectian. Reconstruction to be done in Municipal conjunction with construction of One- Transportation Operations Mile House�nterchange including land 250,000 acquisition,design and consYruction management services.Will seek to 130 tender as part of D.d.T.contract. Westmorland Road-Kervin Road to Golden Grove Road.Street Munieipal rehabilitation(curb,sidewalk and Transportation Operations landscapingj,including design and 350,OOb construction management services,in conjunttion with asphalt resurfacing 131 (operating budget) Whippie Street-Sea Street to Fundy Drive.Street reconstruction(excavation, backfilf,curh,sidewalk,landscaping and Municipal Paving)along with access improvements Transportation to Beaconsfield School,including design Operations 400,000 and construction management services. Street asphalt pavement width to be narrowed.Asphalt pavements$1b0,000 132 /0.61LK Somerset Street-{RDH)-Wellesley Avenue to Samuel Davis Drive Street. Transportation Municipal Reconstruction(storm sewer, Operations excavation, backfill,curb,sidewalk, 35Q,000 1,1Op,000 landscaping},including design and 133 construction management services Adelaide Street-Victoria Street to Visart Street Street.Reconstruction {excavation,backfill,curb,sidewalk, Municipal Transportation landscaping and paving),incEuding Operations design and construction management 490,000 services.Asphalt pavements$3b0,600/ 134 1.42LK. Golden Grove Road-Dresden Avenue to Essex Street East(May need to reduce Nlunicipal scope)Road reconstruction(excavation, Transportation Operations drainage control,curb,sidewalk, 1,650,000 landscaping,paving),including design and construction management services. 135 Asphalt pavements$770,Od0/3.00LK Loch Lomond Road-Between Commerce Drive and bld Champlain Municipa4 Drive.Slope remediation-slope the area Transportation Operations between the curb and existing guide rail 100,000 towards the roat!and resurface this area 136 with asphalt. Roundabout Analysis-Rothesay Avenue. Engineering services to evaluate Transportation Municipal potential for a traffie roundabout at Operations RothesayAvenue/AshburnLake 40,000 Road/Retail Drive and preparation of a 137 conceptual design report. 167 28 Municipal Trails and Bikeways-Various.Design Transportation Operations and construction of projects from the 100,000 Trails and Bikeways Master Plan 138 Waterfront WaterFront Land Acquisition-CCG 2nd and Final 139 Development Development Phase 1,968,000 Waterfront Waterfront 140 Development Development Expansion Joint#2-Smythe Street 150,OOD Waterfront WaterFront 141 Development Development BoardwalkArea refurbishment 50,000 WaterFront Waterfront CCG-Administration Bldg:HVAC 142 �evelopment Development design/engineering 75,000 Waterfront Waterfront 143 Development Development Eco-Hub infrastructure development 40,000 WaterFront Waterfront 144 Development Development Loyalist Plaza&North Nlarket SI9p 40,000 Waterfront Waterfront CCG-Administration Bldg:interior 145 Revelopment Development renovations 30,000 Waterfront Waterfront 146 Development Development Site Re-Development/Construction 80,000 Waterfront WaterFront CCG-Administration Bldg:Sewer/water 147 Development Development hook-up 70,000 Waterfront Waterfront CCG-Administration Bldg: 148 Development Development interior/exterior signage 10,000 Waterfront Waterfront CCG-EA,Legal,Real Estate,engineering 149 Development Development professional services 2D6,000 GRAND TOTAL 4,814,202 34,470,365 168 29 Ap�endix"D"—The 2012 General Cauital Fund Budset Project CATEGORY DEPARTMENT DESGRIPTION �UDGE7- BUDGET- � OTHER SHARE CITY SHARE 1 Corporate IT MediaSolve-New Police HQ 7,QOd 2 Police!iQ IT Implementation Team- Corporate IT New Police HQ 62,500 3 Peel Plaza Connectivity-Fiber CorpOrBte IT Installation(in CH) 12,OOQ 4 Corporate IT Mobile Device 5ecurity 18,oaa 5 Corporate IT Fleet Management System 140,OOQ 6 Corporate IT IBM A5400 Upgrades 10,000 7 Corporate IT Sewer Video System and Storage 10,000 8 Corporate IT Tape library(Combined) 40,000 9 Corporate IT Citrix/Virtual Desktop Software 10,000 10 Corporate IT Website-Tools,upgrades 10,000 11 CorpOrdte IT Repiace VMWare FS1 ESX 17,000 1Z 2 User Switches-City Hall and Corporate I� Rothesay A�e. 15,000 13 Corporate IT VMware ESX-Police 13,500 14 Col'porate IT Disk Storage Expansion-City 10,000 15 Corporate IT Disk Storage Expansion-Police 10,000 16 10 WiFI Access Points Rothesay Corporate IT Avenue 5,000 1� HTE Professional Services{upgrades Corporate IT and imp{ement new features) 20,000 18 Corporate IT SqL Server 8,000 19 Corparate I"f 54�Server 8,000 20 Corporate IT VMware ESX-City 13,500 Zl COrpordte IT Exchange-Store 10,500 ZZ Desktop Computers(Chargeback Corporate IT Program� 464,202 169 30 23 Economic Development Pldnning Development Incenti�e Program 100,000 24 Economic Saint John Barge Facility-Major infrastructure De�elopment Industrial Park project in support offabricators 100,000 Lorneville Hydro Extension-hydro 25 Economic Saint John looping from Coleson Cove to Paddy's Development InduStridl Park Hill along King William. 50,000 Z6 ECOnomlC Salnt John Spruce Lake Beautificat+on-ongoing Development Industrial Park beautification 25,000 2� Economic Saint John ivlcAliister Beautification-ongoing Development fndustrial Park beautification 25,000 Materials& 28 Fleet _ Fleet Management 3 Packers 615,OOQ Materials& 29 Fleet Fleet Managemerlt Fleet replacement from Fleet Reserve 2,000,000 Materials& 30 Fleet Fleet Management 1 Pumper Truck{Fire) 5Q0,000 Canada 31 Games qquatic centre capital expenditure Municipally Aquatic (Earth Filters,Controi actuators witf� owned Facilities Centre electronics,Energy Audit) 71,450 32 Municipally Harbour owned Facilities Station Evaporative Condenser 80,000 33 Municipally Harbour qwned Facilities Station Phase z Fluorescent Lighting Retrofit 40,000 34 �unicipally Harbour owned Facilities Station 5now blower 10,000 Rockwood 35 Municipally Park Golf Rockwood Park Golf Course capita! owned Facilities Course contribution 25,000 36 Municipally Saint John owned Facilities Arts Centre Carpet 15,000 37 Municipally SJ Free Public Reno�ations,signage,painting,Self owned Facilities Library check-out-West Branch 45,000 SJ Trade& 38 MuniCipally Convention Relocation&Renovation of Trade owned Facilities Centre Centre Sales Office 100,000 39 Parking Pdrking Commission EquipmentandSignage 80,QOp 40 Parking Parking Commi55iOn EquipmentandSignage 13,550 R2al Estate& Sustainable Energy Management- 41 Facility FaCility Miscellaneous Energy Management Management Management Measures 50,000 Real Estate& 42 Facility Facility Management Managernent Street Lighting-Replace Street Lights 50,000 170 31 Real Estate& North End Community Centre- 43 FaClllty FdCillty Building Renewal Program-Ph 2: Management Management Design consuiting) 235,000 Real Estate& 44 Facility Facility RoYhesay Avenue Fleet Services Managernent Management Garage-New Fire Alarm System 45,000 RealEstate& 45 Fatility Facility Loch Lomond Community Centre- Management Management ReplaceSepticsystem 25,OOQ Real Estate& 46 Facility Facility Management Management Renewal of City-owned buildings 150,000 4� Recreation & Leisure Green Spate Services Market Place west Phase 1 SOO,OOQ 48 Recreation & Leisure Green Space Services Street Trees 60,000 49 Recreation & Leisure Facility Renewal Fund-Yo perform Green Space Se1vICeS necessary repairs&repla�ements 700,000 Fire Dept.- 50 Urban Environment Equipment Renewal-Personal Safety Service Protective Equipment 62,500 Fire Dept.- 51 Urban Envl�onment Equipment Renewal-5elf Contained Safety Service Breathing ApparaYus 56,000 Fire Dept.- 52 Urban Environment Equipment Renewal-Ropes and Safety _ Service Harnesses 25,600 Rodney Terminal-5upplemental Funding for renewal and structuraf 53 StOrm MUI71CIpal lining of 38Qm of 2150mm diameter Operations CMP to include the installation of a $60,000 975,000 check valve to provide additional backflow prevention. Loch Lomond Road-Russell Street to Westmorland Road;Atlantic Avenue. Renewal of existing sections of storm 54 StOrm MunlClpal sewer in conjunction with road Operations realignment as part of the One Mile 21 000 , Interchange project;includes construction management services. Frederick Street-Rothesay Avenue to MufllClpal end.Install approx.100m of new 55 StOrm Operations 300mm storm sewerfor separation, 60,000 including design and construction management services 171 32 Seaton 5treet-Rothesay Avenue to Municipal end.Install approx.90m of new 56 Storm Operations 300mmstormsewerforseparation, 50,000 including design and canstruction management services Allison Street-Milford Road to Francis Street.Replace existing 57 Storm Municipal 375mm storm sewer with new OpErations 600mm s#orm sewer,including design 140 000 and construction management � services. Storm Water Management- Brentwood-Boars Head Road Construction of stormwater detention Municipal pand on Caledonia Brook-High Pond 5$ Storm "A",including land atquisition,design Operations and construction management 1,140,000 services. Subject to environmental approvafs.Project to be funded under G.T.F. Storm Water Management- Mu�IClpal Brentwood-Various locations 59 Storm Properiy acquisition for tonstruttion Operations 150 000 of stormwater detention ponds in ' various locations in Mil[idgeville. 60 Saint John Transit Transit 2 Buses(Pre-approved in 2011) 900,000 61 Saint John Handi-Bus replacement(1 new Transit Transit paratransit vehicle} 100,000 62 Saint John Garage Equipment,Bus Stop&on Transit Transit Street Infrastructure 100,000 Westmorland Road-At Loch Lomond Road intersection.Reconstruction to Municipal be done in conjunction with 63 Transport2tlon construction of One-llAile House OperdtiOnS Interchange including land 25,000 acquisition,design and construction management serv9ces. Loch Lomond Road-Saint Catherine Street to Westmorland Road including Westmorland Road. Reconstrudion(excavation,backfill, Municipal curb,sidewaNc,utilities,traffic lights, 54 Transportation Operation5 landscaping,paving)in conjunction gp ppp with road realignment as part of the One Mile Interchange project; including land acquisition and construction management services. 172 33 Somerset 5treet-{RDH}-Weilesley Avenue to Samuel Davis Drive. 65 Transportation Municipal Reconstruction(storm sewer, Operations excavation,backfill,curb,sidewalk, 350,OOQ 1,100,000 landscaping),including design and consYruction management services. Frederick Street-Rothesay Avenue to end.Street reconstruction 66 TranSpOrtdtion MunlClpal (excavation,6ackfill,curb,sidewalk, Operatlons landscaping,paving),including design 150 OOQ , and construction management services. Seaton Street-Rothesay Avenue to end.5treet reconstruction 67 Transportation Municipal {exca�ation,backfill,curb,sidewalk, Op2r8t+On5 landscaping,paving),including design 14Q,000 and construdion management services. Curb&Sidewalk Renewal- Neighbourhoods-Various locations. MunlCip21 Renewal of concrete cur6 and 68 Transportation Operation5 sidewalk in conjunction with the 500 000 , annual asphalt roadway maintenance and rehabilitation program. 69 Waterfront Wat�rfront CCG-EA,Legal,Real Estate, De�elopment Development engineering professional services 200,000 �� Waterfront Waterfront Development Development Boardwalk Area refurbishment 50,000 71 Waterfront Waterfront Development Development Expansion Joint#2-Smythe 5treet 160,OQ0 72 WaterFront Waterfront Development Development Eco-Hub infrastructure development 40,Q00 73 Waterfront Waterfront Land Acquisition—Coast Guard�nd Development Development and Final Phase 1,96S,QOQ TDTAL 4,814,202 11,216,100 173 � City Solicitors O�ce Bureau de Z'avocat municipal e o February 23, 2012 Common Council of The City of Saint John Your Worship and Councillors: Re: Saint John Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings and Structures By-law (New format of by-law) Common Council has enacted a wide range of by-laws over the years ranging from animal control, buildings, City Market, parking meters, traffic and zoning, to name a few. Many of the municipal by-laws have different formats and we are submitting this new format in order to standardize and clarify the wording to be used in drafting future municipal by-laws. The current by-laws shall be standardized upon a case by case or upon the requirements of an amendment. The attached Saint John Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings and Structures By-law reflects this new format which has been developed by FranCOis Beaulieu with the assistance of Melanie Tompkins. This format is different in the following features: 1. A title page reflecting the name of the municipality and province including the complete name of the by-law, the by- law number and a note confirming that uncertified copies are available online; 2. A table of contents complete with section numbers, a description of the sections and page numbers; 3. Recitals which will provide background information about the by-law and providing the authority for the passing of the by- I aw; 4. An enactment clause; 5. The operative portion of the by-law, composed of the following order: ��' SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 I www.saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N.-B.Canada E2L 4L1 —�� 174 2 Common Council February 23,2012 a. a title which provides how the by-law may be cited b. definitions in order to assist the reader in understanding the rest of the document c. interpretation clauses in order to avoid having an unintended meaning imposed upon the words used and to avoid repetitive phraseology d. the prescribed requirements or prohibited activities e. provisions of enforcements f. penalties for infractions 6. A repeal section; 7. Date of enactment; 8. Officials signatures with municipal Corporate Common Seal; 9. First, Second and Third Readings dates; and 10.Schedules, if applicable. The attached proposed By-law does not amend the substance of the current By-law. The text of the Saint John Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings and Structures By-law is particularly straightforward since the by-law is essentially a declaration that specified provisions of the Municipalities Act apply within the territory of the City. It is also a by-law which is applied very regularly and consequently an appropriate candidate to be the first by-law reconfigured in the new format. Other by-laws will be similarly reconfigured when the opportunity arises, either by virtue of significant rewriting or otherwise resources are available to tackle that task. Consequently, I recommend that the Sarnt John Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings and Structures By-law be repealed and replaced with the attached. It is in order for Council to give first and second reading to the submitted proposed by-law. Respectfully Submitted, �� � � �f y ��` j�� / John L. Nugent t City Solicitor 175 THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN NEW BRUNSWICK A By-law respecting Arrete relatif aux lieux Unsightly Premises and inesthetiques et aux Dangerous Buildings and batiments et constructions Structures within dangereux dans The City of The City of Saint John Saint John By-law Number M-30 Arrete numero M-30 An uncertified copy of this by-law Une copie non certifiee de 1'arrete is available online est disponibile en ligne 176 - 2 - TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE DES MATIERES Section Description Page Article Designation Page Recitals 2 Preambule 2 1 Title 3 1 Titre 3 2 Definitions 3 2 Definitions 3 3 Interpretation 4 3 Interpretation 4 4 Declaration of Sections 5 4 Declaration des articles 5 5 Repeal 5 5 Abrogation 5 RECITALS PREAMBULE Attendu que : WHEREAS Common Council considers le CoNSE1L COMML7N�, considere que des lieux that unsightly premises, dangerous, vacant inesthetiques, des batiments ou constructions and unoccupied buildings or structures are dangereux, inhabites et inoccupes representent a major blight affecting the quality of life un reel delabrement urbain qui affecte la qualite in residential and non-residential de vie dans les quartiers residentiels et non- neighbourhoods, and that these conditions residentiels, et que ces conditions peuvent avoir can negatively impact the property value un effet nefaste sur la valeur des proprietes en of real estate due to negative perceptions raison de perceptions negatives reliees aux of unsafe and deteriorating residential and quartiers residentiels et non-residentiels non-residential neighbourhoods; dangereux et degrades ; AND WHEREAS buildings or structures des batiments ou des constructions qui that become vacant or unoccupied, deviennent inhabites ou inoccupes, delabres ou dilapidated or unsound due to their dont la structure est mal fondee en raison de la structural strength, can become a hazard to resistance structurelle, peuvent devenir the safety of the public; dangereux pour la securite du public ; 177 - 3 - AND WHEREAS section 190 of the 1'article 190 de la Loi sur les municipalites, Municipalities Act, states that a prevoit qu'une municipalite peut, par arrete, municipality may by by-law provide that disposer que les articles 190.001 a 190.07 sections 190.001 to 190.07 apply to such s'appliquent aux secteurs de la municipalite que areas of the municipality as the by-law determine 1'arrete ; et prescribes; AND WI3EREAS notice of this by-law un avis du present arrete a ete donne was provided in accordance with conformement a 1'alinea 12(1)b) de la Loi sur paragraph 12(1)(b) of the Municipalities les municipalites. Act. NOW THEREFORE, the Common Council of A CES CAUSES, le CONSEIL COMMLTNAL de The The City of Saint John, enacts as follows: City of Saint John edicte : Title Titre 1. This by-law may be cited as the Saint John 1. Le present arrete peut etre cite sous le titre Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Arrete relatif aux lieux inesthetiques et aux Buildings and Structures By-Law batiments et constructions dangereux de (hereinafter the `By-law"). Saint John (ci-apres « 1'r�RETE »). Definitions Definitions 2. Whenever a word is used in this By-law 2. Dans le present ARRETE, les termes en with its first letter capitalized, the term is petites majuscules sont employes au sens being used as it is defined in this Section 2. defini au present article, les autres mots Where any word appears in ordinary case, ayant leur sens ordinaire en fran�ais. its regularly applied meaning in the English language is intended. "Area" has the meaning ascribed thereto «CoNSEIL COMMiJNAL » designe les under New Brunswick Regulation 66 — 52 membres elus du conseil nnunicipal de la under the Municipalities Act (O. C. 66 — MLTNICIPALITE (Common Counci� ; 1053) (Region); "City" means The City of Saint John « MLJNICIPALITE » designe The City of (Municipalite); Saint John (City) ; 178 - 4 - "Common Council" means the elected « REGION » designe le sens impute au municipal council of the City (Conseil Reglement du Nouveau-Brunswick 66 — 52 communa�. pris en vertu de la Loi sur les municipalites (D. C. 66— 1053) (Area). Interpretation Interpretation 3. Rules for interpretation of the language 3. Les regles d'interpretation suivantes used in this By-law are contained in the s'appliquent au present Arrete comme lettered paragraphs as follows: suivent : (a) The captions, article and section a) Les titres, intertitres et numeros names and numbers appearing des dispositions ne servent qu'a in this By-law are for faciliter la consultation de convenience of reference only 1'.�xRETE et ne doivent pas and have no effect on its servir a son interpretation. interpretation. (b) This By-law is to be read with b) Le genre ou le nombre all changes of gender or number grammaticaux doivent etre required by the context. adaptes au contexte. (c) Each reference to legislation in c) Les renvois legislatifs paraissent this By-law is printed in Italic en italique. Ils visent les Lois font. Where the name of the revisees du Nouveau-Brunswick statute does not include a year, de 1973 sauf inention d'une the reference is to the Revised annee particuliere, auquel cas ils Statutes of New Brunswick, visent les Lois du Nouveau- 1973 edition. Where the name Brunswick de cette annee-la. of the statute does include a Dans tous les cas, le renvoi a une year, the reference is to the loi vise egalement les Statute of New Brunswick for modifications qui s'y appliquent, that year. In every case, the y compris toute legislation de reference is intended to include remplacement. Les renvois a all applicable amendments to d'autres arretes de la the legislation, including MUNICIPALITE visent egalement successor legislation. Where les modifications qui s'y this By-law references other by- appliquent, y compris tout arrete laws of the City, the term is de remplacement. intended to include all applicable amendments to those by-laws, including 179 - 5 - successor by-laws. (d) The requirements of this By- d) Les obligations qu'il cree law are in addition to any s'ajoutent a celles decoulant requirements contained in any d'autres arretes applicables de la other applicable by-laws of the MUIVICIPALITE ou des lois ou City or applicable provincial or reglements federaux ou federal statutes or regulations. provinciaux applicables. (e) If any section, subsection, part e) Si une disposition quelconque or parts or provision of this By- est declaree invalide par un law, is for any reason declared tribunal competent pour quelque by a court or tribunal of motif que ce soit, la decision competent jurisdiction to be n'entache en rien la validite de invalid, the ruling shall not 1'A.RRETE dans son ensemble ni affect the validity of the By-law de toute autre disposition. as a whole, nor any other part of it. Declaration of Sections Declaration des articles 4. Common Council hereby declares that 4. Le CONSEIL COMMLrNAL declare par le sections 190.001 to 190.07 of the present �xRETE que les articles 190.001 a Municipalities Act shall apply to the Area 190.07 de la Loi sur les municipalites comprising the City. s'appliquent a toute la REG�oN constituant la MUNICIPALITE. Repeal Abrogation 5. A By-law of The City of Saint John 5. L'arrete de The City of Saint John edicte le enacted on the 30th day of July, 2007 30e jour de juillet 2007 intitule « Arrete N° entitled "By-law Number M-30, A By-law M-30, ArYete concernant les batiments et respecting Unsightly Premises and stYUCtures inesthetiques ou dangereux dans Hazardous Buildings and Structures the City of Saint John », ensemble ses withing the City of� Saint John" and all modifications sont abroges. amendments thereto are repealed. 180 - 6 - IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City of Saint John EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the apposer son sceau municipal sur le present ARRETE said City to be affixed to this By-law the le fevrier 2012, avec les signatures suivantes : day of February, A.D. 2012 and signed by: Mayor/Maire Common Clerk/Greffiere communale First Reading - Premiere lecture - Second Reading - Deuxieme lecture - Third Reading - Troisieme lecture - 181 � City Solicitors O�ce Bu�eau de l'avocat municipal rne ciry oP sainc)otu� February 23, 2012 Common Council of The City of Saint John Your Worship and Councillors: Re: Proposed Amendments to the Saint John Closing of Retail Businesses By-law Pursuant to the authority given to municipalities at section 97 of the Municipalities Act, The City of Saint John enacted A By-Law Relating to the Closing of Retai! Establishments in the City of Saint John (the "By- law"), in February 2004. Having examined the provisions of the existing By-law in light of the applicable sections of the Municipalities Act and the Days of the Rest Act, it is my opinion that the by-law must be amended to properly reflect the authority conferred upon municipalities in this Province by the enabling legislation. In June, 2004, the Province enacted An Act Respecting Sunday Shopping (the "Sunday Shopping AcY'). The Sunday Shopping Act not only changed the Days of Rest Act, it also changed section 97 of the Municipalities Act. The Sunday Shopping Act amended section 97 of the Municipalities Act by replacing "retail establishments" with "retail business", thereby expanding the application of any by-law enacted thereunder to all services. Before this amendment, any by-law enacted under section 97 applied only to the limited range of services, for example, "barber shops" and "hairdressing establishments". The Sunday Shopping Act also added, at subsection 97(7) of the Municipalities Act, a list of exceptions to the application of a by-law enacted under the authority of section 97 and amended section 11 of the Municipalities Act by adding paragraph (e.1) thereto so as to authorize municipalities to make by-laws "permitting or prohibiting the operation of retail businesses on the weekly day of resY'. li' - SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 I www.saintjohn.ca � C.P. 1971 Saint John, N.-B,Canada E2L 4L1 --�� 182 Common Council City Solicitor February 23,2012 Page 2 Re: Closing of Retail Establishments The definition of "retail establishmenY' in the current By-law is the definition as was found in section 97 of the Municipalities Act before the latter's amendment in 2004 by the Sunday Shopping Act and the current definition must therefore be modified to reflect the amendments effected to the Days of Rest Act by the Sunday Shopping Act. On June 10, 2011, an Act fo Amend the Provincial Offences Procedure Act received Royal Assent which not only changed several provisions of the said Act but also increased the maximum amount of fines that may be imposed by a court under sections 56 and 57. Pursuant to Section 5 of the attached By-law which deals with the imposition of a fine, it provides that a person who violates any provision of the By-law is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of not less than $500 and not more than $1,000. As it stands, the fine structure of the current By-law does not reflect the maximum fine that may be imposed under the revised provision of the Provincial Offences Procedure Act ("POPA"). If Common Council wishes to increase the maximum fine so as to reflect the current maximum fine that may be imposed for these types of offences under the provisions of POPA, such additional change can be made prior to third reading. Consequently, I would recommend that the By-law Related to the Closing of Retail Establishments in the City of Saint John be repealed and that the attached revised by-law be enacted. The attached By-law adopts the new format addressed in separate correspondence to Council of this date. First and Second reading would now be in order. Respectfully Submitted, � '�� � G r� John L. Nugent City Solicitor 183 THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN NEW BRUNSWICK A By-law respecting the Arrete relatif a la fermeture Closing of Retail Businesses in des commerces au detail The City of Saint John dans The City of Saint John By-law Number M-32 Arrete numero M-32 An uncertified copy of this by-law Une copie non certifiee de 1'arrete is available online est disponibile en ligne 184 - 2 - TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE DES MATIERES Section Description Page Article Designation Page Recitals 2 Preambule 2 1 Title 3 1 Titre 3 2 Definitions 4 2 Definitions 4 3 Interpretation 5 3 Interpretation 5 4 Permitting/Prohibting the 6 4 Permettre/Interdire 6 Operation of Retail 1'exploitation de Businesses commerces au detail 5 Offences 6 5 Infractions 6 b Repeal 7 6 Abrogation 7 Schedule A 8 Annexe A 8 RECITALS PREAMBULE Attendu que : WHEREAS Common Council considers le CONSEIL COMMUNAL considere qu'il est that it is accepted in society that people accepte dans la societe que les gens ont droit a have a right to a moment to be together un moment d'etre ensemble en dehors du away from work; travail ; AND WHEREAS paragraph 11(1)(e.l) of 1'alinea 11(1)e.l) de la Loi sur les the Municipalites Act states a municipality municipalites prevoit qu'une municipalite peut may make by-laws permitting or prohiting prendre des arretes municipaux afin de the operation of Retail Businesses on the permettre ou interdire 1'exploitation de Weekly Day of Rest, provided that the COMMERCES AU DETAIL le JOUR DE REPOS Weekly Day of Rest is not also a HEBDOMADAIRE, en autant que ce JOUR DE Prescribed Day of Rest under the Days of REPOS HEBDOMADAIRE n'est pas aussi un 185 - 3 - Rest Act (1985), and establishing hours JOUR DE REPOS PRESCRIT en vertu de la Loi sur during which Retail Businesses may les jours de repos (1985), et etablir les heures operate on the Weekly Day of Rest; pendant lesquelles les COMMERCES AU DETAIL peuvent etre exploites le JOUR DE REPOS HEBDOMADAIRE; AND WHEREAS subsection 97(2) of the le paragraphe 97(2) de la Loi sur les Municipalities Act states a council may, municipalites prevoit, sous reserve des subject to the exemptions found in exemptions au paragraphe 97(7) de ladite Loi, subsection 97(7) of the said Act, make by- qu'un conseil peut prendre des arretes laws requiring Retail Businesses to be obligeant les COMMERCES AU DETAIL a fermer closed and remain closed during the whole ou a rester fermes durant tout ou partie d'une or any part of any day as the by-law journee que 1'arrete prescrit ; specifies; AND WHEREAS paragraph 100(1)(a) of 1'alinea 100(1)a) de la Loi sur les municipalites the Municipalities Act states that a person prevoit qu'une personne qui contrevient a une who violates any provision of a by-law disposition quelconque d'un arrete commet une commits an offence and is liable on infraction et est passible d'une amende sur conviction to a fine; declaration de culpabilite; et AND WHEREAS notice of this by-law un avis du present arrete a ete donne was provided in accordance with conformement a 1'alinea 12(1)b) de la Loi sur paragraph 12(1)(b) of the Municipalities les municipalites. Act. NOW THEREFORE, the Common Council of A CES CAUSES, le CONSEIL COMMUNAL de The The City of Saint John, enacts as follows: City of Saint John edicte : Title Titre 1. This by-law may be cited as the Saint John 1. Le present arrete peut etre cite sous le titre Closing of Retail Businesses By-Law AYrete relatif a la fermetuYe de commerces (hereinafter the `By-law"). au detail de Saint John (ci-apres « 1'ARRETE»). 186 - 4 - Definitions Definitions 2. Whenever a word is used in this By-law 2. Dans le present ARRETE, les termes en with its first letter capitalized, the term is petites majuscules sont employes au sens being used as it is defined in this Section 2. defini au present article, les autres mots Where any word appears in ordinary case, ayant leur sens ordinaire en fran�ais. its regularly applied meaning in the English language is intended. "City" means The City of Saint lohn « COMMERCE AU DETAIL » designe un (Municipalite); commerce au detail tel qu'il est defini dans la Loi sur les jours de repos (1985); et, «COMMERCES AU DETAIL » a un sens equivalent (Retail Business) ; "Common Council" means the elected « CoNSEIL COMMUNAL » designe les municipal council of the City (Conseil membres elus du conseil municipal de la communa�; MUNICIPALITE (Con2mon Counci� ; "Day of Rest" means a day of rest listed in «,TOU1� DE REPOS HEBDOMADAIRE » Schedule A (Jour de repos); designe un jour de repos hebdomadaire tel qu'il est defini dans la Loi sur les jours de repos (1985) (Weekly Day of Rest) ; "Prescribed Day of Rest" means a «JOUR DE REPOS » designe un jour de repos prescribed day of rest as defined in the enumere a 1'annexe A (Day of Rest) ; Days of Rest Act (1985) (Jour de Yepos prescrit); "Retail Business" means a retail business «JOUR DE REPOS PRESCRIT » designe un as defined in the Days of Rest Act (1985); jour de repos prescrit tel qu'il est defini dans and "Retail Businesses" has a la Loi sur les jouYS de repos (1985) corresponding meaning (Com�nerce au (Prescribed Day ofRest) ; detai�; "Weekly Day of Rest" means a weekly day « MLTNICIPALITE » designe The City of of rest as defined in the Days of Rest Act Saint John (City). (1985) (Jour de repos hebdomadaire). 187 - 5 - Interpretation Interpretation 3. Rules for interpretation of the language 3. Les regles d'interpretation suivantes used in this By-law are contained in the s'appliquent au present ARIZETE : lettered paragraphs as follows: (a) The captions, article and section a) Les titres, intertitres et numeros names and numbers appearing des dispositions ne servent qu'a in this By-law are for faciliter la consultation de convenience of reference only 1'.�xRETE et ne doivent pas and have no effect on its servir a son interpretation. interpretation. (b) This By-law is to be read with b) Le genre ou le nombre all changes of gender or number grammaticaux doivent etre required by the context. adaptes au contexte. (c) Each reference to legislation in c) Les renvois legislatifs paraissent this By-law is printed in Italic en italique. Ils visent les Lois font. Where the name of the revisees du Nouveau-Brunswick statute does not include a year, de 1973 sauf inention d'une the reference is to the Revised annee particuliere, auquel cas ils Statutes of New Brunswick, visent les Lois du Nouveau- 1973 edition. Where the name Brunswick de cette annee-la. of the statute does include a Dans tous les cas, le renvoi a une year, the reference is to the loi vise egalement les Statute of New Brunswick for modifications qui s'y appliquent, that year. In every case, the y compris toute legislation de reference is intended to include remplacement. Les renvois a all applicable amendments to d'autres arretes de la the legislation, including MUN�crnALiTE visent egalement successor legislation. Where les modifications qui s'y this By-law references other by- appliquent, y compris tout arrete laws of the City, the term is de remplacement. intended to include all applicable amendments to those by-laws, including successor by-laws. (d) The requirements of this By- d) Les obligations qu'il cr�e law are in addition to any s'ajoutent a celles decoulant requirements contained d'autres arretes applicables de la in any other applicable by-laws MLTNICIPALITE ou des lois ou 188 - 6 - of the City or applicable reglements federaux ou provincial or federal statutes or provinciaux applicables. regulations. (e) If any section, subsection, part e) Si une disposition quelconque or parts or provision of this By- est declaree invalide par un law, is for any reason declared tribunal competent pour quelque by a court or tribunal of motif que ce soit, la decision competent jurisdiction to be n'entache en rien la validite de invalid, the ruling shall not I'A�ETE dans son ensemble ni affect the validity of the By-law de toute autre disposition. as a whole, nor any other part of it. (fl The schedule attached to this � L'annexe jointe au present By-law is included in and shall ARRETE est inclue et doit etre be considered part of this By- consideree comme faisant partie law. du present ARRETE. Permitting/Prohibting the Operation of Retail Permettre/interdire 1'exploitation de commerces Businesses au detail 4(1). No person shall operate a Retail Business 4(1). Il est interdit a quiconque d'exploiter un on the Weekly Day of Rest, provided that COMMERCE AU DETAIL le JOUR DE REPOS the Weekly Day of Rest is not also a HEBDOMADAIRE, en autant que ce JOUR DE Prescribed Day of Rest, except between REPOS HEBDOMADAIRE n'est pas aussi un the hours of 12:00 to 17:00. JOUR DE REPOS PRESCRIT, sauf entre 12 h et 17 h. 4(2). No person shall operate a Retail Business 4(2). Il est interdit a quiconque d'exploiter un on a Day of Rest. COMMERCE AU DETAIL durant un JOUR DE REPOS. Offences Infractions 5. Any persons who violates any of the 5. Toute personne qui contrevient a une provisions of this By-law is guilty of an disposition du present ARRETE est coupable offence and liable upon summary d'une infraction et passible sur conviction to a fine of not less than five condamnation sommaire d'une amende hundred dollars ($500) and not more than d'au moins cinq cents dollars (500 $) et one thousand dollars ($1,000). d'au plus mille dollars (1 000 $). 189 - � - Repeal Abrogation 6. A By-law of The City of Saint John 6. L'arrete de The City of Saint John edicte le enacted on the 9�' day of February, 2004 9e jour de fevrier 2004 intitule « Arrete entitled "A By-law related to the Closing relatif a la fermeture des etablissements de of Retail Establishments in the City of vente au detail dans la ville de Saint John Saint John" and all amendments thereto », ensemble ses modifications, sont are repealed. abroges. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City of Saint John EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the apposer son sceau municipal sur le present �RRETE said City to be affixed to this By-law the le fevrier 2012, avec les signatures suivantes : day of February, A.D. 2012 and signed by: Mayor/Maire Common Clerk/Greffiere communale First Reading - Premiere lecture - Second Reading - Deuxieme lecture - Third Reading - Troisieme lecture - 190 - 8 - Schedule A Annexe A l. New Year's Day 1. Le jour de 1'an 2. Good Friday 2. Le vendredi saint 3. Easter Sunday 3. Le dimanche de Paques 4. Victoria Day 4. Le jour de Victoria 5. Canada Day 5. La fete du Canada 6. New Brunswick Day 6. La fete du Nouveau-Brunswick 7. Labour Day 7. La fete du Travail 8. Thanksgiving Day 8. Le jour de 1'action de graces 9. Remembrance Day 9. Le jour du Souvenir 10. Christmas Day 10. Le jour de Noel 1 l. Boxing Day 11. Le lendmain de Noel 191 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL _ .._.._� �.� OPEN SESSION �` +'`` � ,i'�'�(, ' � ��. ' M & C2012 - 38 f8 r- � . February 23, 2012 �ity of �alnt ��hn His Worship Ivan Court And Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT Amendment to Saint John Building By-law—Fee Adjustments BACKGROUND During budget deliberations, departments were directed to review fees to consider all potential increases to revenue accounts. For the Buildings and Inspection Services Department, this means a review and increase of fees for various building permits pursuant to the Saint John Building By-law. ANALYSIS Building By-law permit fees have remained unchanged for 14 years; prior to increases in 1998, fees remained unchanged for 10 years. With a few exceptions, current permit fees are calculated by a base fee of$100 + $8 per thousand dollars of construction value. There are three aspects of the fee structure — the base fee, the fee per thousand of value, and the valuation of the construction. The base fee is to account for the costs of reviewing and processing the permit application. The fee per thousand of value is to account for the costs of the technical inspection service. The valuation of the construction is to account for an accurate reflection of actual construction costs of the project including all labour and materials. Base Fees The base fee is recommended to be increased to $110 to more accurately reflect current administrative costs to process permit applications. The fee per thousand of value is recommended to be increased to $8.50 per thousand of construction value, which reflects a 6 percent increase since the fees were last increased in 1998. With this increase, the fee will more accurately reflect costs of the technical aspects of the inspection service. 192 M&C2012—38 -2- February 23,2012 Most permits will have the same fee structure of $110 + $8.50 / $1,000 of the estimate. This is a change in the base fee for some permits of lower value. For eXample, the current base fee far a single family addition with an estimate of $20,000 and under is $20 (+$8/$1,000); the $20 base fee does not cover the administrative costs of processing the permit application. The new base fee of $110 will apply to all permits that utilize the formula. There are some permit types that use a flat fee structure. Flat fee permits are being increased to reflect the actual administrative costs and the basic inspection service that is required. For example, the current permit fee for installation of a swimming pool is $50 — this does not cover the administrative costs nor does it cover the costs of an inspection to ensure all requirements have been met. In the case of a swimming pool, the flat fee has been increased to $210 —this covers the costs to process the application and to conduct at least one inspection. The recommended fee schedule is attached as Schedule "A-1". A comparison of current fees with recommended fees is attached as Schedule "A-2". For Council's information, the attached Schedule "C" provides permit fees for new construction for other municipalities in our regions, including a fee comparison for new home construction valued at $200,000. Construction Valuation During the application stage, applicants are to provide the value of the construction project. For residential projects, Schedule 9.3 of the Building By- law provides per square foot valuation figures to be used in calculating the value of the project. To ensure the most accurate valuations as possible, there is a provision in the by-law that allows the Building Inspectar to require an applicant to provide all such documentation as may be required to determine the value of the work. The per square foot valuations listed in Schedule 9.3 have not been changed since 2003. Since that time, construction costs have increased substantially; therefore, the valuation figures used to calculate permit fees do not accurately reflect actual construction costs. This contributes to an artificially low permit fee and buildings that are undervalued for assessment purposes. It is important to note that construction values on permit applications are considered by Service New Brunswick when determining property assessments; therefore, adjusting the valuation figures in Schedule 9.3 may contribute to more accurate assessments for property tax purposes. Staff recommends adjusting the per square foot valuation figures as shown in Schedule `B-1" attached. For Council's information, staff used RS Means Costwarks, a recognized construction cost estimating software, to determine and verify that the new valuations more accurately reflect actual construction costs in today's dollars. 193 M&C2012—38 -3 - February 23,2012 The recommended valuation schedule is attached as Schedule `B-1". A comparison of current valuations with recommended valuations is attached as Schedule "B-2". Revenue Generation For Council's information, the following revenues have been generated by the building permit fee structure over the last 5 years: YEAR REVENUE VALUE OF NUMBER OF CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 2011 $892,259 $100,986,385 1174 2010 $1,178,097 $137,748,669 1275 2009 $1,522,112 $190,595,921 1552 2008 $1,709,331 $200,464,763 1686 2007 $1,018,055 $114,230,081 1600 It is estimated that these proposed fee increases will generate approximately $180,000 annually in new revenue. For Council's information, staff sent a letter via email to the following stakeholders to advise that adjustments to building permit fees would be considered at the next meeting of Common Council: • Architect's Association of New Brunswick, • Association of Professional Engineers & Geoscientists of New Brunswick, • Canadian Home Builders Association— Saint John Region Inc., • Saint John Board of Trade, and • Saint John Construction Association. The groups were asked to forward the letter to their members. A copy of the letter is attached as Schedule "D". INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES The City Solicitor has prepared an amendment to the Building By-Law which reflects the fee increases outlined in this report and is submitting a report to Common Council concurrently in this respect. Planning advises that,pursuant to section 66(1) of the Community Planning Act, Common Council must request the written views of the Planning Advisory Committee concerning the proposed changes to the Building By-law. 194 M&C2012—38 -4- February 23,2012 RECOMMENDATION Your City Manager recommends that; 1. Common Council amend the Building By-Law to increase the building permit fees as outlined in this M&C 2012-38; and 2. The said By-law amendment be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee for its written views, pursuant to s. 66(1) of the Community Planning Act. Respectfully submitted, Amy Poffenroth, P. Eng., MBA Deputy Commissioner, Buildings and Inspection Services Patrick Woods, CGA City Manager 195 SCHEDULE "A-1" SCHEDULE 9.5 Estimate of work includes cost of labour and materials. Accessory Buildings Greater than 10 mZ (108 sq.ft.) $110 base fee+$8.50/ $1,000 of the estimate Additions $ll0 base fee+$8.50/ $1,000 of the estimate Change of Use $210 flat fee Demolition Garage or accessory building $210+deposit All other $310+deposit Fence Greater than 2.4 m (8 ft.)in height $210 flat fee Mobile Homes Permanent placement in a mobile home park $210 flat fee Permanent placement on lot $l 10 base fee+$8.50/ $1,000 of the estimate Temporary placement on lot $310 flat fee New Construction All new construction $ll0 base fee+$8.50/ $1,000 of the estimate Pools $210 flat fee Renovations $110 base fee+$8.50/ $1,000 of the estimate Retaining Walls 1 &2 family residential $210 flat fee All other $110 base fee+$8.50/ $1,000 of the estimate Signs All except mobile signs $l 10 base fee+$8.50/ $1,000 of the estimate Mobile signs $210 flat fee Temporary Buildings $110 base fee+$8.50/ $1,000 of the estimate 196 ANNEXE 9.5 L'estimation des travaux comprend le cout de la main d'oeuvre et des materiaux. Batiments annexes Superficie superieure a 10 m� (108 p�) Frais de base de 110 $ + 8,50 $par tranche de (residentiels) 1 000 $ d'estimation Ajouts Frais de base de 110 $ + 8,50 $par tranche de 1 000 $ d'estimation Changement Frais fixes de 210 $ d'utilisation Demolition Garage ou batiment annexe Frais fixes de 210 $ +depot Tous les autres batiments Frais fixes de 310 $ +depot Cloture Dont la hauteur depasse 2,4 metres (8 pieds) Frais fixes de 210 $ Maisons mobiles Etablie en permanence dans un parc pour 2l0 $ maisons mobiles Etablie en permanence sur un terrain Frais de base de 110 $ + 8,50 $par tranche de 1 000 $ d'estimation Etablie temporairement sur un terrain Frais fixes de 310 $ Nouvelle construction Frais de base de 110 $ + 8,50 $par tranche de 1 000 $ d'estimation Piscines Frais fixes de 210 $ Renovations Frais de base de 110 $+ 8,50 $par tranche de 1 000 $ d'estimation Murs de soutenement Habitations unifamiliales et Frais fixes de 210 $ bifamiliales Tous les autres Frais de base de 110 $ + 8,50 $par tranche de 1 000 $ d'estimation Panneaux Tous les panneaux a 1'exception de ceux qui Frais de base de 110 $ + 8,50 $par tranche sont mobiles d'estimation de 1 000 $ Panneaux mobiles Frais fixes de 210 $ Batiments temporaires Frais de base de 110 $ + 8,50 $par tranche d'estimation de 1 000 $ 197 SCHEDULE "A-2" SCHEDULE 9(5)OF SAINT JOHN BUILDING BY-LAW-FEES CURRENT FEES RECOMMENDED FEE 2012 Estimate of work includes cost of labour and materials. Accessory Buildings(Residential) Not greater than 10 m2 (108 sq.ft.) No permit No permit Less than 60 m2 (645 sq.ft.), 1-2 family residential, 1 storey $100 flat fee $110+$8.50/$1,000 of estimate All other $100 base fee+$8/1000 of est. $110+$8.50/$1,000 of estimate Additions Single family(with estimate$20,000 and under) $20 base fee+$8/1000 of estimate $110+$8.50/$1,000 of estimate Multi-residential (with estimate$20,000 and under) $SO base fee+$8/1000 of estimate $110+$8.50/$1,000 of estimate All other additions $100 base fee+$8/1000 of estimate $110+$8.50/$1,000 of estimate Change of Use $100 flat fee $210 flat fee Demolition Garage or accessory building $SO flat fee+deposit $210+deposit All other $200 flat fee+deposit(varies) $310+deposit Fence (Commercial) If less than 2.4 m (8 ft.) in height No permit No permit (Commercial) If more than 2.4m (8 ft.) in height $100 flat fee $210 flat fee Mobile Homes Permanent placement in a mobile home park $200 flat fee $210 flat fee Permanent placement on lot Same as new construction $110+$8.50/$1,000 of estimate Temporary placement on lot $100 flat fee $310 flat fee New Construction All new construction $100 base fee+$8/1000 of estimate $110+$8.50/$1,000 of estimate Pools With an area greater than 10 m2(108 sq.ft.)or dimension $SO flat fee $210 flat fee greater than 4m (13 ft.) Renovations Single family(with estimate under$5,000) $SO flat fee $110+$8.50/$1,000 of estimate Single family(with estimate of$5,000-$20,000) $20 base fee+$8/1000 of estimate $110+$8.50/$1,000 of estimate Multi-residential (with estimate$20,000 and under) $SO base fee+$8/1000 of estimate $110+$8.50/$1,000 of estimate All other renovations $100 base fee+$8/1000 of estimate $110+$8.50/$1,000 of estimate Retaining Walls Greater than 1 m (3 ft.) $100 flat fee $210 flat fee Signs All except mobile signs $100 base fee+$8/1000 of estimate $110+$8.50/$1,000 of estimate Mobile signs $100 flat fee $210 flat fee Temporary Buildings $100 flat fee $110+$8.50/$1,000 of estimate 198 SCHEDULE "B-1" SCHEDULE 9.3 New home construction $110 per square foot Finished basements & additional floors $55 per square foot Additions With foundation $110 per square foot Crawlspace Less 20°/o Post and Beam Less 30°/o Renovations $22 per square foot Decks $15 per square foot Garage (attached or detached) $40 per square foot Siding Vinyl $6.50 per square foot Aluminum/Steel $7.00 per square foot Shingles/Clapboards $5.00 per square foot ANNEXE 9.3 Construction d'une maison neuve ll 0 $ le pied carre Amenagement du sous-sol et etages 55 $ le pied carre additionnels Ajouts Avec fondation ]l0 $ le pied carre Vide sanitaire Moins 20 % Poteau et poutre Moins 30 % Renovations 22 $ le pied carre Terrasses 15 $ le pied carre Garage (attenant ou isole) 40 $ le pied carre Parement Vinyle 6,50 $le pied carre Aluminium ou acier 7,00 $le pied carre Bardeaux et planches a clin 5,00 $ le pied carre 199 SCHEDULE "B-2" SCHEDULE 9(3)OF SAINT JOHN BUILDING BY-LAW-VALUATIONS CURRENT VALUE RECOMMENDED VALUE 2012 New home construction Basic bungalow $70 per square foot $110/sqft Mid-range $75-90 per square foot $110/sqft Luxury $90 and up per square foot $110/sqft Additions With foundation Same as new construction $110/sqft Crawlspace Less 20% Less 20% Post/Beam Less 30% Less 30% Renovations N/A $22/sqft Decks $6.00 per square foot $15/sqft Finished basements&2nd floors 50%of new construction. $35 per square foot $55/sqft Garage Attached $20 per square foot $40/sqft Detached over 50 m2 (538 sq.ft.) $20 per square foot $40/sqft Siding Vinyl $2.50 per square foot $6.50 per square foot Aluminum/Steel $3.50 per square foot $7.00 per square foot Shingles/Clapboards $2.00 per square foot $5.00 per square foot 200 SCHEDULE "C" Building Permit Fee Based on $200,000 City Base Fee Value Fee Value Saint John $110 $8.50/ $1,000 $1,800.00 Moncton no base fee more than $3,000 $7.50/$1,000 $1,500.00 Fredericton no base fee more than $1,000 $7.50/$1,000 $1,500.00 Dieppe no base fee $7.50/$1,000 $1,500.00 Riverview $25 1 & 2 unit dwellings $6.00/$1,000 $1,225.00 $25 all other construction $7.50/$1,000 $1,525.00 Quispamsis no base fee up to $5,000 value $10.00/ $1,000 no base fee over$5,000 thereafter $6.00/ $1,000 $950.00 Rothesay no base fee $100 to $25,000 $20 to $136.00 $25,000 up to $100,000 thereafter $2.50/ $1,000 over$100,000 thereafter $2.00/ $1,000 $523.50 Grand Bay/Westfield no base fee first $1,000 $10 $2,000 to $5,000 thereafter $5.00/ $1,000 over$5,000 thereafter $4.00/ $1,000 $810.00 St John's, Nfld up to $100,000 $9.00/ $1,000 over$100,000 thereafter $7.20/$1,000 $1,620.00 201 SCHEDULE "D" February 21, 2012 As a part of 2012 budget deliberations, City staff was directed to review fees and recommend necessary increases, where applicable. Staff of Buildings and Inspection Services has reviewed fees charged under the Saint John Building By-law and will be recommending increases at the next meeting of Common Council. Building By-law permit fees have remained unchanged for 14 years; prior to increases in 1998, fees remained unchanged for 10 years. At its meeting on February 27, 2012, Common Council will consider an amendment to the Saint John Building By-law to increase permit fees and to adjust the valuations used in estimating residential construction costs. The report from staff recommending permit fee increases will be available for review at www.saintjohn.ca by 4:30 pm on Friday, February 24, 2012. Thank-you, Amy Poffenroth, PEng MBA Deputy Commissioner Buildings and Inspection Services 202 � City Solicitors O�ce Bureau de l'avocat municipal The City of Saint)ohn February 22, 2012 Common Council of The City of Saint John Your Worship and Councillors: Re: Increase of Building Permit Fees Amendment to the Saint John Building By-Law In a report submitted concurrently, the City Manager recommends that Common Council amend the Building By-Law to increase the permit fees in order that the fees more accurately reflect current administrative costs to process permit applications, and current costs of the technical aspects of the inspection service. This amendment is borne of the City's 2012 Operating Budget. Currently, section 9 of the Building By-Law regulates the building permit fees, which fees are set out at Schedules 9.3 and 9.5 to the by-law. Subsection 59(1) of the Community Planning Act provides that a council may enact a building by-law to prescribe standards for the building, relocating, demolishing, altering, repairing or replacing of a building or structure. Paragraph 59(2)(b) provides that in relation to work mentioned in subsection 59(1), a by-law under the said section may prescribe "a system of permits for such work, their terms and conditions, the conditions under which they may be issued, suspended, reinstated, revoked and renewed, their form and the fees therefor". Subsection 66(1) of the Community Planning Act provides that a council shall request in writing, before enacting a by-law under the Community Planning Act, the written views of the advisory committee or commission on any proposed by-law in respect of which such views have not been given previously and any change made in a proposed by-law subsequent to a giving of views by the advisory committee or commission. Subsection 66(2) provides that a by-law enacted under the Community Planning Act by a council is not valid unless the views of the advisory committee or commission have been requested. �r SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 I www.saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John,N.-B.Canada E2L 4L1 ��� 203 2 Common Council February 22,2012 The attached amendment will result in the desired increase of the permit fees as outlined in the City Manager's report. It is in order for Common Council to give it first and second reading. However, before it can give third reading to the attached amendment, Council must request in writing the written views of the Planning Advisory Committee. Otherwise, the By- Law, if enacted, would not be valid. Respectfully Submitted, � � �ti� �� � John L. ugent City Solicitor Attachments 204 BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 101-2 ARRETE N° C.P. 101-2 A BY-LAW TO AMEND A BY-LAW ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE RESPECTING THE CONSTRUCTION, RELATIF A LA CONSTRUCTION,A LA REPAIR AND DEMOLITION OF REPARATION ET A LA DEMOLITION BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES IN DE BATIMENTS ET DE STRUCTURES THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN DANS THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by the Common Council of Lors d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John as follows: The City of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit : A By-Law of The City of Saint John Pars les presentes, 1'arrete de The City of entitled "A By-Law Respecting the Saint John intitule «Arrete relatif a la construction, repair and demolition of construction, a la reparation et a la demolition buildings and structures in the City of Saint de batiments et de structures dans The City of John", enacted on the 5"' day of August, 2003 Saint 7ohn» decrete le 5 aout, 2003, est is hereby amended as follows: modifie comme suit: 1 Schedule 9.3 is repealed and replaced by 1 L'Annexe 9.3 est abrogee et remplacee par the Schedule attached to this amendment as 1'annexe«A»ci jointe. Appendix"A". 2 Schedule 9.5 is repealed and replaced by 2 L'Annexe 9.5 est abrogee et remplacee par the Schedule attached to this amendment as 1'annexe«B»ci jointe. Appendix"B" IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City of Saint EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a John has caused the Corporate Common Seal fait apposer son sceau communal sur le of the said City to be affixed to this By-law present arrete le the day of , A.D. 2012 2012, avec les signatures suivantes : and signed by: Mayor/Maire Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading - Premiere lecture- Second Reading- Deuxieme lecture- Third Reading - Troisieme- 205 Appendix "A" / Annexe "A" SCHEDULE 9.3 New home construction $110 per square foot Finished basements & additional floors $55 per square foot Additions With foundation $110 per square foot Crawlspace Less ZO% Post and Beam Less 30% Renovations $22 per square foot Decks $15 per square foot Garage(attached or detached) $40 per square foot Siding Vinyl $6.50 per square foot Aluminum/Steel $7.00 per square foot Shingles/Clapboards $5.00 per square foot ANNEXE 9.3 Construction d'une maison neuve 110 $ le pied carre Amenagement du sous-sol et etages 55 $le pied carre additionnels Ajouts Avec fondation 110 $ le pied carre Vide sanitaire Moins 20 % Poteau et poutre Moins 30 % Renovations 22 $ le pied carre Terrasses 15 $ le pied carre Garage(attenant ou isole) 40 $ le pied carre Parement Vinyle 6,50 $ le pied carre Aluminium ou acier 7,00 $ le pied carre Bardeaux et planches a clin 5,00 $ le pied carre 206 Appendix "B" SCHEDULE 9.5 Estimate of work includes cost of labour and materials. Accessory Buildings Greater than 10 m2 (108 sq.ft.) $110 base fee+ $g,50/$1,000 of the estimate Additions $110 base fee+$8.50/$1,000 of the estimate Change of Use $210 flat fee Demolition Garage or accessory building $210+deposit All other $310+deposit Fence Greater than 2.4 m (8 ft.) in height $210 flat fee Mobile Homes Permanent placement in a mobile home park $210 flat fee Permanent placement on lot $110 base fee+ $8.50/$1,000 of the estimate Temporary placement on lot $310 flat fee New Construction All new construction $110 base fee+$8.50/$1,000 of the estimate Pools $210 flat fee Renovations $110 base fee+$8.50/$1,000 of the estimate Retaining Walls 1 &2 family residential $210 flat fee All other $110 base fee+$8.50/$1,000 of the estimate Signs All except mobile signs $110 base fee+$g.50/$1,000 of the estimate Mobile signs $210 flat fee Temporary Buildings $110 base fee+$g.50/$1,000 of the estimate 207 Annexe "B" ANNEXE 9.5 L'estimation des travaux comprend le cout de la main d'oeuvre et des materiaux. Batiments annexes Supe�cie superieure a 10 mz (108 p2) Frais de base de 110 $+ 8,50 $par tranche de (residentiels) 1 000 $ d'estimation Ajouts Frais de base de 110 $+ 8,50 $par tranche de 1 000 $d'estimation Changement Frais fixes de 210 $ d'utilisation Demolition Garage ou batiment annexe Frais fixes de 210 $+depot Tous les autres batiments Frais fixes de 310 $+depot Cloture Dont la hauteur depasse 2,4 metres (8 pieds) Frais fixes de 210 $ Maisons mobiles Etablie en permanence dans un parc pour 210 $ maisons mobiles Etablie en permanence sur un terrain Frais de base de 110 $+ 8,50 $par tranche de 1 000 $ d'estimation Etablie temporairement sur un terrain Frais fixes de 310 $ Nouvelle construction Frais de base de 110 $+ 8,50 $par tranche de 1 000 $ d'estimation Piscines Frais fixes de 210$ Renovations Frais de base de 110 $+ 8,50 $par tranche de 1 000 $ d'estimation Murs de soutenement Habitations unifamiliales et Frais fixes de 210$ bifamiliales Tous les autres Frais de base de 110 $+ 8,50 $par tranche de 1 000$ d'estimation Panneaux Tous les panneaux a 1'exception de ceux qui Frais de base de 110 $+ 8,50 $par tranche sont mobiles d'estimation de 1 000 $ Panneaux mobiles Frais fixes de 210 $ Batiments temporaires Frais de base de 110 $+ 8,50 $par tranche d'estimation de 1 000 $ 208 � � �� REPORT TO CO M M ON COUNCIL M & C - 2012 - 39 February 24, 2012 � ° � _� p FOq� yUPC�,t, Nqn^ r His Worship Mayor Ivan Court and o�� Members of Common Council City of Saint John Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Building Permit Application - 109 Crowley Road BACKGROUND: On September 29, 2009, Common Council passed a resolution pursuant to Section 40 of the Zoning By-law resulting in the refusal of a building permit applicatior� at the above- mentioned address due to unsatisfactory arrangements for access, electric power and other municipal services. Subsequent to several discussions with relevant stakeholders, the applicant has revised the proposal such that the technical considerations have been addressed to Staff's satisfaction. Further, the applicant is prepared to enter into an agreement pursuant to Section 101 of the Community Planning Act in order to ensure that the necessary services are implemented as agreed with Staf£ This agreement also includes a condition that the maximum number of dwellings permitted on the property would be limited to one. Consequently, in light of the changes to the proposed manner of providing services to the site, Staff is recommending that Common Council rescind its resolution of September 29, 2009 thereby facilitating the issuance of a building permit for the proposed single-family dwelling. RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council rescind its resolution dated September 29, 2009 as satisfactory arrangement have been made for the supply of access, electric power and other municipal services in order to facilitate the issuance of a building permit for a single-family dwelling on the subject property. Further, that Common Council, pursuant to Section 101 of the Community Planning Act, enter into an agreement with the developer to assure the performance of the agreed to conditions. The conditions to be included in the agreement will generally pertain to the following: 209 Report to Common Council Page 2 1} provision of public street construction, including drainage; 2) provision of private driveway construction to the specifications approved by the Chief City Engineer and/or the Fire Department; 3) requirement that any necessary work be completed not later than 25 months following the adoption of this resolution; 4) the developer providing security in an amount deemed suitable by the Chief City Engineer by way of certified cheque, an irrevocable standby letter of credit or performance bond; 5) no more than one single-family dwelling being constructed on the site. Respectfully submitted, '���-�� Ken Forrest, MCIP, RPP Commissioner Planning and Development Patrick Woods City Manager PF 210 Planning P.O. Box 1971 506 658-2800 Advisory Committee Saint]ohn New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 February 22, 2012 � :� T�� .. ,� �� Your Worship and Councillors: °`°"'°�.����°"°°� �4 City of Saint Ja�hn SUBJECT: Proposed Subdivision - 125 Gault Road The Planning Advisory Comrniitee considered tl�e attached report at its February 21, 2012 zneeting. Mr. Rick Tumer of IIughes Surveys & Consultants Ltd. appeared to speak on behalf of the application. Mr. 1'urner noted that he was in agreement with the staff recommendation set out in thc attached repori,with the exception of the recommendation to relocate the access frorn Ticehurst Circle to the northern Land for Public Purposes parccl. No one appeared to speak in opposition to the application; howcver, one letter of objeciion was received and is attachcd. Mr. Turner instead proposed to realign individual driveway locations for proposec! lots l6, 42, 51 and S2 as shovvn on the attached sketch. The Committec adopted the revised sta.ff recommen.dation as set out below. The Committce also accepted the proposed names for the streets within the subdivision and granted a varia�nce to reduce the minimum required rear yard for one proposed lot. RECOMMENllATION: 1. That Common Council assenl to one or more subdivision plans, in one or rnore phases, in general accordance with the submitted"Scotneygate at Ticehurst Circle" tentative subdivision plan, with respect to the vesting of the proposed public streets, any required municipal services and public utility easements and Land for Public Purposes with the follawing modifications: a. Scotneygate Way be reduced to a maximum width of 20 metres, with no landscaped median, and aligned with Hitachi Crescent; b. A 1 metre wide Land for Public Purposes sirip be added to Lot 4 and Lot 5 to prcvcnt driveway access lo Gault Road; c. The access from Ticehurst Circle to the southern Land for Public Purposes parcel be reduced in width to approximately 3 metres; 211 -z- d. The location of driveways for lots adjaccnt to thc Dantes Drive/ Ticchurst Circle intersection,propased Lats 16, 42, 51 and 52, be noted on the engineering design drawings for ihe subdivision and are subject to the approval of Municipal Operal;ions and Engineering; and e. A note be placed on the subdivision plan indicating the proximity of the City of Saint John water mains and notifying potential residents that they will be with the Emera Brunswick"Emergency Ylanning Zone" for the natural gas pipeline. 2. That Common Council authorize the preparation and execution of one or more City/Developer Subdivision Agreements to ensure provision of the rcquircd work and facilitics, including: a. Detailed site, drainage, water and sewerage plans for the approval of the Chief City Engineer or his designate; b. A fence constructed by the developer along the property line separating the southern Land for Public Purposes parcel over thc City of Saint John water easement from adjacent residential lots; and c. The installation of curb and sidewalk by the developer on the west side of Gault Road for the length of the development. Respectfully submitted, � Eric Faikjar Chairman 5H Project No. 11-253 212 �Y' ��."J, ]�' L s� a The City of Saint Johu DATE: FEBRUARY 17, 2012 `1'O: PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: COMMUNT'1 Y PLANNING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FOR: MEETING �F FEBRUARY 21, 2012 PREPARED BY: REVIEWED BY: f , j ��� r /` � � - �����:• .. S'a�i erring, MCIP, Rl'� Ken Forrest, MCIY, KE'P Ylanner Commissioner SUBJECT: Name o1�Applicant: Hughes Surveys & Consultants Ltd. (for Simpco Development Ltd.) Name of Owner: Simpco Development Ltd. Location: 125 Gault Road PID: 00403535 Municipal Plan: Low Density Residential (pending Provincial Approval} Zonzng: "R-2" One and Two-Farxaily Residential and`B-2" Gcneral Business Proposal: To develop a one- arid two-family residential subdivision and a large lot for general cammcrcial use. "1'ype of Application: Subdivision and Variance to reduce the minimum required rear yard from 7.5 metres to approximaiely 5.6 metres for a portion of Lot 17. l" ;����., i SAINT JOHN P.O.Box 1971 Saint}ohn,N8 Ca�ada E2L 4L1 ` www.saintjohn.ca I C.P.197Z Saint John,N.-B.Car�ada E2L4L3 ~� 213 I Iughes Surveys & Consultants Ltd. (for Lois Ellis) Page 2 125 Gault Road Febrnary 17, 2012 JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: "I'he Community Planning Act author��es the Planning Advisory Committee to advise Common Cot�ncil concerning the vesting of public streets and land for public purposes in conjunction with the subdivision of land. The Act also authorizes the Committee to grant reasonable variances from the requirements of the Zoning By-law. The Committee can impose conditions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO CUMMITTEE: 1. That Common Council assent to one or more subdivision plans, in one or more phases, in general accardance with the submitted "Scotneygate at Ticehurst Circle"tentative subdivision plan, with respect to ihe vesting of the proposed public streets, any required municipal services and public utility easements and I,and for Public Purposes witli the following modifications: a. Scotneygate Way be reduced to a maxtimum vvidth af 20 meires,wiih no landscaped median, and aligned with Hitachi Grescent; b. A 1 metre wide Land for Public Purposes strip be added to Lot 4 and Lot 5 to prevent driveway access to Gault Road; c. The access from `1'icehUrst Circle to the southern Land for Public Purposes parcel be reduced in vvidth to approximateiy 3 metres; and d. The access from Dantes Drive to the northern Land for Public Purposes parcel be relocated to be bctwcen Lot 42 and Lot 51 in order to distance driveway accesses from the Dantes Drive-Ticehurst Circic intersection. e. A nate be placed on the subdivision plan indicating the proximity of the City of Saint John water rnains arid notifying potcntial residents that they will be with the Emcra Brunswick"Emergency Planning Zone" for thc natural gas pipeline. 2. That Camrnon Council authorize the preparatian and execution of one or more City/Developer Subdivision Agreements to ensure provision of the required work and faciiities, including: a. Detailed site, drainage, water and sewerage plans for the approval of the Chief City Engineer or his designate; b. A fence canstructed by the developer along the property line separating the southern Land for Public Purposes parcel over the City of Saint John water easement from adjacent residential lots; and 214 Hughes Surveys& Consultants Ltd. (for Lois Ellis) Page 3 125 Gault Road Februar}• 17, 2012 c. The installation of curb and sidewalk by the developer on the west side af Gault Road for the �ength of the development. 3. That the Planning Advisory Committee grant the requested variance to reduce the minimum required rear yard for Lot 17 from 7.5 metres to approximately 5.6 metres. 4. That the Planning Advisory Committee approve the proposed s#reet names Scatneygate Way, Ticehurst Circle and Flimwell Place. BACKGROUND: The subject site was rezoned from"RSS"One Family Serviced Suburban Residential to"R-2" One and Two-Farnily Residential and"B-2" General Business in November of 2011 to permit the crcation of the proposed development. The following Section 39 conditions were imposed on ihe `B-2" General Commercial portion af thc site: a. "1'hat any access to ihe site be only via Gault Road; b. That thc use of the site be limited to the following: i. A bank ar financial institution; ii. A bakery; iii. A convenience store; iv. A day care centre; v. A persanal service shop; vi. A repair service shop; vii. A restaurant(excluding a drive-through); �-iii. A retail store; ix. An office; and x. A gasoline bar, subject to such terms and conditions as may be imposed by the Planning Advisory Corninittee; c. That the gross iloor area of the structures on the site be limited to a maximum af 1,Q00 square metres. Subdivision plans were not approved at the time of rezoning due to concerns with aspects of the street layout and Land for Public Purposes designations. 215 Hughes Surveys &Cansultants Ltd. (for Lois Ellis} Page 4 125 Gaalt Road �ebruary 17,2012 INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Municipal Operations and Engineering has the following comrnents on the proposed development: - Detailed engineering drawings from a qualified professional engineering consultant must be submitted to the City for review and approval. - Waier capacity and fire flow requirements will have to be verified by the develaper's engineering consultant and included with the detailcd drawing submission. The City musl have from the developer's engineering consultant what the expected average and peak water consumption flows will be from this proposed development and confirmation that there is enaugh capacity to support this proposed development. This information is to be provided to the City for review and approval. - Any new r�vater mains installed must be interconnected with existing mains; there are to bc no dead-ended water mains. - There is no dedicated municipal storm water system in the az'ea. The developer must provide a detailed site storm water drainage plan and report indicating how storm water collection and disposal will be handled. - The iift station and the forcemain from Monte Cristo have had recent upgrades. However, a sanitary review on the existing gravity sewer will need to be completed by the developer's engineering consuitant to confirm capacity. Detailed engineering plans must be submitted prior to determining this. If any infrastructure improvements are required, this will be the responsibility of the developer. - All grades for existing water and sewer systems must be vcrified hy the developer's engineering consultant. - AlI driveway entrances should be within the proposed development site on the proposed streets, where possible, and not directly onto Gault Road. - The proposed Scotneygate Way should be configured to align with the proposed Hitachi Crescent entrance and shauld also be 20 rnetres in width. Having a wider entranceway with a landscaped median as proposed on Scotneygate poses rnaintenance operational issues for snow plawing. - There are tnajor water transmission mains (1500 mm and 500 rnm diameter) in an easement through this development site, specifically to the rear of the lois adjacent to Parcel "A". The proximity of homes to these transtnission mains is not recommended. Development and construction near rnains of this size is of great concern with respect to future maintenance, possible failure and potential property damage. - The length of the leg af the proposed Flimwell Place is short anci may hinder effective snow plowing. 216 Hughas Surveys&Consultants Ltd. {for Lois Ellis} Page S 125 Gault Road February 17, 2012 - Proposed grades for the streets have not been provided at this time but appear as if they may be steep. This should be properly designed to not have steep grades. - The proposed location of driveways from 6 dwclling units onto the interseciion of Dantes Drive and Ticehurst Circle pose concern and thc street alignmeni or lat layout should be reconfigured so that driveways do not access the s�reet in this intersection. - Gault Road should bc upgradcd with curb and sidevvalk along the frontage of the proposed development to irnprove pedestrian and cyclist safety. Buildings and Inspection Services has no issues with the application at this time, but notes that sorne dwellings may have minimal sideline setbacks. The basic Building Code sidcline setback standa.rd for dwclling units is a minimum of 1.2 metres to avoid having to employ upgraded construction standards. Saint John Fire Department has no objection to the application provided that the National Buidling and Fire Codes are adhered to and appropriate buildin.g permits are obtained. Sections of the Codes pertaining to Access for Fire Fighting are particularly important and the hydrant network rrtust be installcd and maintained according the standards adopted by tne City of Saint John. Saint 3ohn Transit provides scrvicc along the Gault Road at the Scotneygate entrance to the proposed developrnent. Leisurc Services is concerned about the required maintenance for the landscaped median on Scotneygate Way-. If the City of Saint John is required to maintain this landscaping, additional funds will be required in operating budgets. This should be built into the budgct as a matter of course, or alternate agreements shauld be made for the maintenance of this space. In addition, Leisure Services would prefer cash-in-lieu of Land for Public Purposes for this development as there appears to be a sufficient amount of LPP in the nearby area. Geographic Information Systcros (Planning and Development) advises that all proposed street narnes for the Scotneygate at Ticehurst Circle Subdivision (Flimwell Place, 7'icehurst Circle and Scotneygate Way) are acceptablc and have been reserved for the proposcd devclopment. Saint John Energy has no issue with the praposed subdivision. Bell Aliant has been notified of this application. Rogers has been notified of this application. Bru�swick Pipeline advises that no development or construction activity of any kind can take place within the 30 metre �mera Brunswick pipeline easement. Any activity or devclopment occurring within 30 metres of thc easement on either side must be discussed with Brunswick Pipeline, and any blasting within 1 SO metres must be subject to a blasting plan developed in consultation with Brunswick Pipelines. In addition, the developer should communicatc to all potential residents of the subdivision that they will be within the"Emergency Planning Zone"for the pipeline. 217 Hughes Surveys&Consu�tants Ltd.{for Lois Ellis) Page 6 125 Gault Road February 17,2012 The developer is asked to contact Andrew Langiile with Spectra Energy Transmission with regard to the devel opment. ANALYSIS: Subject Site and Neighbourhood The subject site is located at the intersection of Gault Road, Manawaganish Road, Ocean Westway anci Route 7 in West Saint John, directly south of the existing Monte Cristo subdivision. The site is approximafiely 4 hectares in area and is currently undeveloped save for a cleared 6 metre wide municipal services easement extending south and then east across the site from Dantes Drive. The site also contains a 20 metre wide City of Saint John water pipeline easement and a 30 metre wide Emera Brunswick natural gas pipeline easement. The proposed residential portion of the subject site is designated as a Suburban Neighbourhood Intensificaiion Area by the new Municipal Plan, adopted by Council on January 30, 2012 and was also recently rezoned frorn "RSS" One Famiiy Serviced Suburban Residenfial to "R-2" One and Two Family Residential. The commercial portion of the site is designated as Stable Commercial by the new Municipal Plan and is zoned"B-2" General Business with Section 39 conditions. The su6division proposed in conjunction with the November 2011 reroning application was not approvcd due to issues with streei alignment and Land for Public Purposes; but has been redesigned for this subdivision application. Proposed Development The applicant is seeking approval for a residential suhdivision on three new public streets (Scotneygate Way, Ticehurst Circle and Plimwell Place) and a continuaiion of Dantes Drive as well as a large (ot for commercial use at the interscction of Gault Road and Route 7. The resideniial developrneni is proposed to contain 55 lots far single- or two-family dwe�lings, for a possible maximum of 110 dwelling units. The applicant has indicated that the development would be undertaken as a phased project using consistent themes/styles in building canstruction with the appearance of an independent development. Access from the Gault Road via Scotneygate Way would bc accompanied by signage, a landscaped median and lighting, similar to that at the Monte Cristo gateway,to establish the development as a narned residential community—"Scotneygate at Ticehurst Circle". The applicant has a�so indicated that while the submitted subdivision plan illustrates all semi-detached dwellings, single-family dwellings could be incorporated depending on znarket conditions. Municipal Plan Direction The City Structure included as Chapter 2 of thc ncw Municipal Plan, adopted by Council on January 30, 2012, designates the residential portion of the subject site as a Suburban Neighbourhood Intensification Area. The Plan indicates that: Suburban Ncighbourhood Intensification Areas contain lower densities than Urban Neighbourhood Intensification Areas, but more elements of complete community than traditional 218 Hughes Surveys& Consultants Ltd. (for Lois E11is) Page 7 125 Gault Road February 17, 2012 suburban neighbourhoods. Council shall encourage suburban growth in these areas that assumes a more compact urban far�n and provides a range of different housing options with access to local and community services by a range of transporlation modes. The Future Land Usc Map (Municipal Plan Schedule B} designates the subject sitc as L�w Density Residential, permitting a limited range of housing iypes with an emphasis on singlc dctachcd, semi- detaches and duplex dwellings at a gross residential density not less than 20 dwelling units per net hectare and not more than 45 dwelling units per net hectare (calculated for the Intensification Area as a whole). "I'he Plan also permits a limited rangc of non-residential uses and higher density uses in these Areas. Zoning B�law As previously noted,the residential portion of the subject site was rezoned to "R-2" One and Two- Family Residential on December 5, 2011. The proposed development rneets the siandards of fhe "R-2" zone, vvith the exception of proposed Lot 17, which requires a variance to reduce the minimum required rear yard from 7.5 rnetres to approximately 5.6 mctres over a portion of the lot for the building envelope and location currcntly shown on the submitted subdivision plan. Given the relatively minor nature of thc requested variance and the speculative nature of the building envelope and location, the requested variance can be supported. Subdivision Bylaw Yn response to issues noted during review of the original subdivision plan submitted in conjunction with the November rezoning application for the subject site, the applicant has submitted the attached revised plan. The current plan illustrates, as requested: - A street connection from Dantes Drive to Ticehurst Circle; - Removal of an LPP strip between the rear of residential lots and Route 7; and - Relocation of I.PP over the City of Saint John water easemcnt between the residential and commerciai porlions of the site. The reviscd subdivision plan was circulated to other Departrnents and agencies as part of the application process, and additional comments from Municipal Operations and Engineering and Leisure Services have prompted Planning staff to discuss additional changes with the applicant. Staff recommend that the landscaped median on Scotneygate Way be removed and the street width be reduccd to 20 metres to align vvith Hitachi Crescent on the opposite side of Gault Road. This will alleviate issues with snow plowing and landscaping maintenaxice and provide additional land for adjacent lots, some of which could be uscd for a sign demarcating the developmeni on the side of the street. To reduce the number of driveway entrances onio Gault Road, staff recommend that the lots fronting on both Gault Road and Scotneygate Way use Scotneygate for access. The applicant 219 Hughes Surveys&Consultants Ltd. (for Lois Ellis) Page 8 125 Gault Road February ]7,2012 has been asked to pro�ide a l metre wide Land for Public �'urposes strip along the Gault Road frontage of these lots to ensure that driveways are directed to Scotneygate Way. To ensure that the Land for Public Purposes parcel separatin�the residential and commercial portions of the sitc (and located over the City of Saint John water mains and easement) is used only by pedcstrians, the applicant has been asked to reduce the width of the access from Ticehurst Circle. �s well, staff recommend that a fence be erected along the property line separating the LPP parceI from adjacent residential Iots to ensure that no residential construction or activity take place over the water mains, Staff have also requested that the access ta the LPP parcel at the northwestern edge of the development be relocated to the area of the Dantes Drive-Ticehurst Circle intersection in order to shift residcntial driveway locations away from that intersection. 1�inally, the developer is requircd to install sidewalks on Gault Road along the length of the develop�nent to provide safer pedestrian connections to Manawagonish Road. The developer of the Hitachi Cresccnt development on the opposite side of Gault Road vvas required to, and has, installed sidewalks on that side of Gault Road in conjunetion with that development. CONCLUSION: Provided that the recommended revisions axe rnade to the January 5, 2012 "Scotncygate at Ticehurst Circle"tentative snbdivision plan, staff recommend approval of the subdivision and the requested variance far Loi 17. SH Projcct No. 11-253 22� PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENTIURBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT .� - . - _ - � /��s s +�I - R-I / � _ , _-� - R_ 1 '`- - - - :•• - /. °�o ��c��� - _ .4y. ,:�� _ _ � +p�•� � . . �E/6� 61vd. � � _ O '� �� _ M , � - - , � _ � 1 - --o n ' — — � �L , _ • - �g,.d. - ..�: , v-1�n�1n - � . bo'�• J.� 1 � � � —~ n �•!+1' �� ����.�.. _1..- :`�'� : �g � - ..�..-" _ . '' �'H •--.. . ' - ,.... ;.-_,%;;-;;�_" �.' - ;; �'� _. - , ; -,;�:_}.,-, .:�'":' i: �:� `��.,;�,� � - z .: v �-_,� E2 ia '1- R F ``'�,�, Jf �. Ui ---� �``�� __.�,:,� ;�`"' �. R F'�'�� .�.:' A.��� ~ _ \ � - � ___ - ' _ _ _: a � - _—��`• � _ � _ �- - B- 2 I-1 - "-•., - _� _ - � ' � - cp�o ♦. .I`• _ O ����♦ � PID{s)/NIP(s): Subject Site/s�te en question: �.,._,, �� 00403535 Location: 125, chemin Gault Road Date: January 30 janvier 2012 Scale/echelle: Not to scale/Pas a I'�chelle 221 APPROVALS °; / $ v�.� � �'-� �1 � ' `r- � ` 1 � / �_ � _ y `� '� \ / i I �y` 1 � / 1i � ��J � 0 �wFh\ �� 1 �_y /� �� � ARFA4IF �C / � I � �-- �� � � j S�� , � ti � o �e�ard � � ` .✓` '� I I' va4e�tine =�.�`� ,I' � �I � 1 � ' �a� r � S" � O � � ae-3? R r,<�c r�o ,aa � 1` �� � �v j � � `.- p� � y � 68-3 1 � 4 �\ .� l. � S i BG-a 1 1 na�o �" I. �f .� ii 86-5 1 m�Ao���, xsis � �;Key Pla� soo�s i�.+s.00e 74-1 / 1 1; mzs � Reglsiratlon �7ata �/ \ �L \ / I 8B_6 ` � m.:*°�'".. ����s � _ r�r s6�3i � I'w��.r,e ��mxo��oo-+mn:K. � N P�'� �y 6$-7 2S l.I�M1 .N` A^y�.RA � I'E��ee4�0�35 � ,�B m 1 3a1�� 2 isa� . .,ro',^o�'i��S� > q, 74-2 I:rr,�M-r,e�.�.,i sassr�.-�ay 2n�-o�-is �ssa o00 / _$,ae m i , i-,���, 9,m.o�,i...�-=�--t ,ps5,o. �+ ��so ooe I; a.Pon W.13'6 \t/eee Pion�c ]^I6\"'•. fi�' .• •.N�. •• . ��.. • •�0.ne+ La�d For Publie Purposes � as-B � �5`�"�M19�'"�'. 9� r m�:�• a�m� ��1��.. . '!r= 7�� 6j55 yo s I '.mnm o�,na�,em im -karc«v.<.rom� y .559 si " Pi'm y ' -rr 1fG1B s„ � ., : Notes � . C7� � ' r �� � *S {St C, s�.� . ��.1AY I � ���.c�, � swe�,e=�.••.�nna3 csRS wwka vei�esl��.e -11'':.. � . �? o . �ceh� t� . 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Number oi Potentiol �.a�� y�:P ����� .ry..,ba ��":�r � 1 � . . ±-� y ;.y,a-," .58 � ¢ 4 / / / � Resldentfal UnNS = SS Lots (110 units) .r�.P'' � �� '�a.., r m�. 3 � . . a'.' u 4�gg �o�� � / / / i �ec ,;��; ¢�g J re� °'. �9,l g. a m1e ,. � l Total a o1 Residential Lots anc ♦`'�� . . �C� .. . �p�' . ' `SOq;,�„ . . ^ ���j19 .=69 � / / I Commerciol Site= F;.29B mz C ` `�''{ a°P'0. ��j ``���Q��` •.o�. .@S��.ohF �.'37A� f � ` �� / Land �or puhlic Purpoaes = 9.951 m2(16.2 7.) � c \ o. Q �mz q 'M1' J � + >' Pcrcet 'A' �� / °ls�°y����,ro��; �l.o?_ W `r,ybP�mg!9 95��`��,e9+ i� �.�r.�:rn.:y . [ �.�` / 1 AroDosed Semi-Detached B��:Iding ::es�'g��p.0;� �/\ ��.�•P c,a',�,2�,,�.�v•, ' �� `;�s s / � . �°'a 4 ° .,a�.a°'. ,\ ��`\ .,.hh,• r '�'' j' :,\vse�+1 / i �'h' �'�J 3 �,.�4�' .: �i\ � / .. yc'. �'' � (� �°�/ , SJ6• i'P , \S(p .4 r i� `'c-'j � / ,S li �.,;�vfe �. �4r �TZ',�`i�';,y0�: \e1, �„p�� ,� � ��` 1 + '°,e,� �, �r �?2�'.g5';v,'0'.�/' Y� � �i��p��m�s.��;`k/..� f_J�� � �i�5 ��4i1:�:•'^QP`".� -�. �J�'•Y�• ��� l �urDDSe Of Plan 'n j'`+$']� ^J� AJ' -� B�•'.�.�'�. . .`;`Si� _l� n ceat�Ouk..rq btr.Lane 1's P.lfe i�.Ga�•'.Se�l��io!�Wul. 0.,�. 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J� � / �r cmrn co...ci �._:_— :����<<�,n. i• ' �%� Ocean Westway — x�cuES su�� .oormu�r.�.-� �.�o. � � ;'' 6 � :,o,r,e� .,.s.�oix _ .,.� ' /� r.r —�. m� .abr.�' >: / ��.� ��__ + �ass sw w+ a�..�s. sv�s �'�_ _ R-�o�sri.�.M �'/' �/ ' � ----, � m o zo w e� �� � /. / I N�. t-1000 �_'" .. .. s�i.mesi+�r�arrs+e g � _. mel.w p .,.... r�re. w� / � 0 IOp No OuL He Topm Ue4 W. a . ...-_ n4a��OM�e�i�� ;%, r r / / 9 4 G a An L/BS10B9C ;OfOB9 �E �}�SlC.SC(31 222 APPROVALS °a / 1 E ��-� �� � 1 � � a: `�l', ni � f 1 1 j � 4 ` i �� 1 � rLl �� � 11� � / ` 1 1�l 1 ry Y�� � l naEa�7� �` p� I �I � ` / / �\ �I 1 � .�.u�18Y4Sd ���� � I � SUfiVEY I .v�� �'�' ./ i � , / ao �./ �entine !� � * � ,Pe° � i < I vo ��T � ec-�A ���,�..��; ,� �� 3� -..t �,o�,d � / � 0 —� � 89-3 �,.�- . �.�. ���-�-- j � ��� l 4 �7 ��' 1 88-4 1'. �' ' _..Yi� 3s. i ` �v� �� fNS '� 89-5 1 . «a�s^.u�. .�a 1.. �%�. : , ! 74-! Key Plan sowe�.is.000 � L x 7 . � � Registration Cato \// // $8-6 � . x.laE� ? i .`�.' '�s�ar3 � a.o,00 a:si�:mo�o�.w'nr�.i ue ` c ,i; ;: � �.�^9e -. a �,r. C �OP ` P8-7 1 � . .z'tvseM i � 1'�':��:n R m , � Em;�;�i����n.� aaee��ssa 10i0-01-19 ' � \. � � .�� ]t�49" '..�.,. N N f.o-•6 Q� ' } � : 76`2 .. I+ 1 360 OOC j L4 ]]6COG, \✓+ !�� ' ��L��fT N. qm. i � -_� '. •'1cn M� 451E \ ,.�n Ra Ne 2+16 �yt �q1fi^ .• (Nt m. y'Q l f + Y h'I b�� S • �•+x, Me�a. � ����m�M�a _ � sm� LcrC �or'ubPc Purooses 89-8 � �• . .5'.+�`-�3 �y , � � �,m ? � 7' , �0 Notes ' Sg8 �" r�v�� �� i(C10 . 1„� ? � . i)a-•u�one arc 48 r+�a�m�nn.awma nor,oeaa-�mo+� �.B � �� � 5 y ,�,\ -�a' ti C �' � cu co-�d,e� ��,. �w�ea csRS.mrm� �,.� '%� .,�r^•S��y1�j � � xA r�?4' i* .+ TIG��UCSS.re t) , , �;g.2Aa, : 3�L6 � z)u�ene.�.o,. ,mevn,e w�..n ie+�w.,�a.a wk�. �g L ,Y ti�, �v ot= . cE.� � .w ` a q o�aa LL . \ �. �.. �l- �8 15�"lv'\Y F�S� :e� S r '�? �- . - ' � pA'� • . �Sl.tS� 1 3 J Nw ei.w. wa,cc u� aec^..c 'nra+,e�e� � `2 . �� .., �"3.:54. .cE� ��� � y.�+ u3' l. 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'49A-����y a' CO � Ff. ���'p ,'0 � � :� � . sP � '� ` R°a. 3 e �7P� . •o� i` �k �. � O / / / ; Moa. YunS�r et Potentiol `,q,. �� §� ^� . by� . � � ��e98„'� H - 1 . 3a5M�» a � / / - - L y5 t�� �'L \� �.\ +5�� � ��ir 3m � + � '0 q ,.�. � �S���s Q / / /� Resident�al Unts � 55 Lots(110 �nits; _� x � , . . h y �� �t � v H ay �/ / / Total area of Re5�enliol Lots ond ,� .��@ �;� :'•,af� FoG yS ,.� Sq�M1 3�9� �,��� 0 6 ' 1/� / Commerc oi S:e- 61 298 m Z ``'�; o��; : ��� � �Q,d s� �a>�e � �-���''• , .� i � �{ � Land For PubPc PurPases = 9,951 m 2(16.2 R) !�. - °��� �+aj ,p�-�.�''.; � r ,a� Po e! A� � � 0.�. 4 p.,. c�, r'�• .. 1�l J'9� % u e r a�S¢-H e?S'� Y1 din e�o,j•e °j�.lq-� `�(���`(\4�„►;�',�,sS e`3�s@, l.r� ....,+ / �i�y .• PrePOSetl Semi-Detached B��i q �S� ��wP-Q,..•' '��� k' ,'o-l.�, .o � `:�+R / ��0 � �Ay� ; \ �sh� R se� � / ' ���Y e4 -�' .'��� . r \rW � �\f �� "�, 's. „z��,�0 . .. �q�t.. ... i �. � 'QO�f �'sb �J �'MZ �'�m�. �s�\ . `'� ,y' � 4 •�-� a� : )359 B00 . r`"�'°Pl '> �s a��-�ry�'�:O,J�.v �� .i� �e .:„r.� i���� - fy �ass y�p..,^�, � _ 'd� i�,� ' :l Purpose a a�a� ``• -•, � �'� V �, `;� •'A2. 94�1.OQ,�� �..'-yb ��- " lab(v Pua�G 'ro1 . • e� ?-," � . .� j .�- F�,�,�<<,��e„ � �,�.w>,. ^ku tlwnl C ob oe Pbic a MU a�0 my � 29A� "y9��l` ,�r p 1:- .-'-: • . �.a,:ea �W s�.,ncr. a we�uua ca�.,r�u a.oxn `���. � �� \ ; ,� .e.;�3z ,/ .2�MN",� y -�`. .�, ,�..i�? :e ne ep,.oc.a.,w�� 1 �1 � �,\ �,�/' �z.pf',�y . `\� , � Ner Bru wick Grid Cc-Ordi�ote �aLes j . �' �' •����t P��p .\ .�_-". Sk. Y j �\ `(j�`k'�� ' �/ �'"�Qy���W993 _ .' y;o����t \ jl!+���1D.���.CM /� °�P� ' r~ ' �)Voi:e Stcdon ` ' � i'fTA' ~ ' - \„�} f t1 W s M / �. `Ho a�,' . " ••• _-Y'CFm�'�wrGwl-W[ 1 zs65]a90� � \ � '.�Oi _ �99'a t ._��� • a � /i'/%�� . ?1a ..,�,- %;a,.. _.. . � . ' . . �� �. 1 ~�- /� / / ..7 ,' I 1 — � � %--�-- \ ' ;j, , + /r� --`� '=:%%i \\ 1 ka, �o � ,�,� ���� I , i �' r�� =' ,' � � ; I Tentative Plan �� �� �, i �� \ Scctneygate at Tcehurst Circle , � � � � > I L__� �� /� � ^� City of Soint 3chn , � � � � �__ , ` Saint John County , New Brunswick . � _ i � �r� :.fKS �� .,,.,•,•• � �n""", , � � ��� Westwoy ,a�axEa suR.�s r�oaus�,ta.rns�nc. ���- -'ro:'�'.�a-i«�u��u... i� /� //� �C� �—.�_.� �`� a t w�ma� ia�.s.2oiz � _ �.o.o.pc.=o�"��..���.:,� i w soo � ,' / / .�.I � + �3ss ea� S e,.,�� u�i � oou ——— '� �o.�, . ''`/ / �. �' �r�.. o ao .o co s� w : ; q . ,_ ��:i�i�� a� gl :'� / � ._ ho - +iaao s.:" .. .. i,,. ���� �n.e a.._.._... ..,... ni %:' `S j `` 4 . --a �.o.q Ho snr,;coea He �,� Twe. as:n. ■ �e�w:Wi g . . � ( � 4 � 'B.s.r. _ .iw '°°P t_z�C.se(�1 223 �� � �s�.'4'l=�*�,, r� �.� t=,��`; Feb 16t'`, 2dT2 /`;� .� /'� � � ��>� Ta: Planning Advfsory Cammi#tee `� �i r �:. if�.� ���' � � b;f � ��� ` City Of Saintlohn � ' `� ,�; Attention: 5arah Herring '�, ��� �:•z'�` ;_,.� `' Ld,T,.Jy,�� R�: Proposed 5ubdi�ision 125 Gau�t Rodd �.--° As per pur Con��rSatior► IdSC week I�m formafizing my disapprov�l of revised subdivision prop�sal for 125 Gault Road. My toncern as lot nwner 88-7 is with th�thfrd bullet in letter dated February 3'a. It sta�tes"The depths of rnost af the pro�osed lots a Ipng the boundary of Monte Cristo Park have been incrQased ta 34 meCres tc�pravicie greater privacy snd#o avoid a sn3dll ravine. "Whife this 9s true for the majarity of the residents of Va�lentine Boulevard it mast certainly is not for!ot 88-7. The revised pl�n with the extension of D�r�t�� priv�ca!{s for the c4nstruttion of a two-family dwe�ling directly on my prnperty line(minimutn 1eg81 bufferf_ pue ta the nature of construct�on nf my single- f�mily home and det�ched garage on Int 88-7 f would have�bso�ut�ly no privacy.As the hame and g�rdge�re lacated at or near the back pf the lot neither bwner will an adequate buffer 6etween dwQllings. My b�st esCimdte b�tween E�omes is les5 than ].(}metres and approxim�tely 5 mekres be#ween garage ancf two-family.Ta be cortfirmed once snow is n4t covering prop�rty stakes. !f the prppasal Is allawed t0 proce�d as is!will have no choice but to mpve. Due to the drnount of dwellirtgs�nd the proximity I c�n only assume that this will cause finanGial hardshlp in the form of reduted property vaiu�. I arrl greatly concerned with this new praposa!�nd pl�n to attend Pl�nning Advisary Committee meeting on Tuesday Feb�15t. If fpr some rea5on I tannot attend I wish this letter to be addressed. 5incere�y TodcE �inton 224