1999-05-10_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourAGENDA
COMMON COUNCIL - as at May 7r 1999.
1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., Monday, May 10, 1999 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (May 3, 1999).
3_ 7.00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By -law amendment to re -zone property at 31 Golden Grove Road,
from "RS -2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "B -2" General Business
classification, to permit construction of a one - storey commercial building with an
approximate ground floor area of 843 square metres (9,074 square feet), as requested
by Dante Foriere.
(b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
4. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By -law amendment to re -zone property at 1360 Manawagonish Road
(Fairport Motel & Restaurant), from "R-1A" One Family Residential to "13-2" General
Business classification, to recognize the existing use of a portion of the property for a
restaurant and to permit a licensed lounge to be established within the existing
restaurant building, as requested by 045771 (NB) Ltd. (Fairport Motel & Restaurant).
(b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
5. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By -law amendment to add special zone SZ #2, its uses and standards,
and re -zone property at 721 Chapel Street (Assumption Centre), from "IL -1"
Neighbourhood Institutional to SZ #2 Special Zone #2, to permit the existing community
centre to operate with a club or lounge liquor license, as requested by the Knights of
Columbus Council No. 6770.
(b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
(c) Letter from Arthur W. Crowley objecting to proposed amendment.
6. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Municipal Plan amendment to amend Section 3.4.1 of the Millidgevillle
Secondary Plan (Development Area Design Guidelines - Projects and Proposals -
Development Area A: Millidgeville Core) by adding a new paragraph to permit the
development of two- family dwellings at intensity 5 on the peninsula located on the
western shore of Brothers Cove to the north of Manners Sutton Road, to permit re-
zoning of the property at 177 -187 Manners Sutton Road and the development of a
mixture of one- family and two - family dwellings on the portion of the subject lands to be
re -zoned to "R -2" and the consolidation of the subject lands to be re -zoned to "RF" with
an adjoining property that is presently zoned "RF ", as requested by G.A (Sandy)
(b) Proposed Zoning By -law amendment to re -zone a parcel of land located at 177 -187
Manners Sutton Road, from "R -IA" One Family Residential to "R -2" One and Two Family
Residential and "RF" Rural classification.
(c) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendments.
7. 8:15 p-m. - Presentation by Seawood School Playground Committee re upgrade of existing playground.
8. Mayor's remarks.
Page Two. COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at May 7, 1999.
9_ Re proposed Section 39 amendment, 1922 Manawagonish Road (see also item #26).
10. Response to Taco Pica Worker Co- operative Ltd.'s request to serve liquor, Germain Street.
11. Re HIP application #88 for development at White House Court.
12. Re grant of easement for encroachment at 48 Cunard Street.
13. Re proposals for engineering inspection and testing services - 1999.
14. Re Canada Games Aquatic Centre's proposal for lifeguard supervision.
15. Proposed Traffic By -law amendment re parking on Woodville Road (1st and 2nd readings given May 3,
16_ Committee of the Whole report (May 3, 1999) - (1) re conveyance of quit claim interest in property at 3
Chubb Street.
17. Parking Commission re appointment of Andrew Farmakoulas as By -law Enforcement Officer.
17A. Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission re intention to vote on borrowing resolutions.
18. Letter from Minister of Municipalities and Housing re Year 2000 (Y2K) problem.
19. Letter from Jane Barry, MLA, re MacLaren's Beach.
20. Application of James and Phyllis Crilley for re- zoning of property at 130 Dorothea Drive.
21. Request of Greater Saint John Ministerial Association for land at Fort Howe for commemorative cross_
22. Letter from Saint John Volunteer Centre in appreciation for volunteer time.
23. Letter from Co- operative Education Program Facilitator, Schools District 6 & 8, in appreciation for
assistance given in tree planting.
24. Letter from Gregor Hope, Team of Champions, fostering implementation of Imagine The Possibilities
Committee's recommendation on waterways.
25. Letter from Daphne Wetmore re need for secondary access road in Sand Cove Road area.
26. Letter from Austin Sleigh and Doug McCaig re application for Section 39 amendment to conditions of re-
zoning of 1922 Manawagonish Road.
27. Request of Wayne J. Burke to put landfill on property at 106 Glen Road.
28. Letter from Saint John Horticultural Association re appointments to Rockwood Park Advisory Board.
28A. Application of Glen Carpenter / Tabufile for amendment to Section 39 conditions of re- zoning of 2441
Golden Grove Road.
LEGAL SESSION - 4 :30 p.m.
29. Re Board of Inquiry regarding Human Rights complaint (City Solicitor).
30. 5:30 p.m. - Presentation by Lancaster Kiwanis Club Inc. re concessions.
31. Re land transaction, Westfield Road (Councillor Fitzpatrick).
32. Re proposed advertising agreement for marketing services at specified City facilities (City Manager).
33. Re sale of 134 Queen Street West (City Manager).
34. Re Deputy City Manager (City Manager).
35. City Manager's update.
36. Mayors update.
Office of the Mary L. Munford
Common Clerk Common Clerk
May 18, 1999
Mr. Dante Foriere
2207 Loch Lomond Road
Saint John, NB
E2N 1A1
Dear Sir:
P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862
Saint John
New Brunswick
Canada E2L 4L1
At a meeting of the Common Council, held on the 10th instant, the
following resolution was adopted, namely:-
City of Saint John
" RESOLVED that as recommended by the Planning Advisory Committee,
the application of Dante Foriere for the re- zoning of property at 31 Golden Grove
Road be denied."
Yours truly,
Mary L. unford
Common Clerk
Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John
intends to consider amending the City of Saint John Zoning By -law at its regular
meeting to be held on Monday, May 10, 1999 at 7:00 p.m., by:
Rezoning a parcel of land located at 31 Golden Grove Road, having an area of
approximately 6313 square metres (67,954 square feet), also identified as being a
portion of NBGIC #55050322, from "RS -2" One and Two Family Suburban
Residential to "B -2" General Business, as illustrated below.
REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit the construction of a one - storey commercial
building with an approximate ground floor area of 843 square metres (9,074
square feet).
The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of
the Common Clerk, or in the office of Planning Department, City Hall, 15 Market
Square, Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday
through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted.
Written objections to the amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall.
/ I ! II,
fl!., IA
- --------- 10
fl!., IA
City of Saint John
For City of Saint John use only:
Budget Number: 110 0000 442 20 10
Department: Common Clerk's Office
Contact: Mary Munford
Phone: 658 -2862
Fax: 658 -2802
Special Instructions (if any):
News a er Insertion Dates
(Check as applicable)
(ETG = Evening Times Globe; T -J = Telegraph Journal)
ETG City Information AD
Date(s): Tuesday, April 13, 1999
Tuesday, May 4, 1999
ETG Independent Placement Date(s):
ETG Classifieds Date(s):
T -J Independent Placement Date(s):
T -J Classifieds Date(s):
(Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad)
Section Headline: 173
Proposals(s) X Public Notice(s)
Mayor's Message
General Notice(s)
Sub - Headline (if applicable):
Call to Action: Mary L. Munford
Common Clerk
I Telephone: (506) 658 -2862
office of the Mary L. Munford P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862
Common Clerk Common Clerk Saint John
New Brunswick
Canada E2L 4L1
March 18, 1999
Mr. Dante Foriere
2207 Loch Lomond Road
Saint John, NB
E219 1A1
Dear Sir:
At a meeting of the Common Council, held on the 15th instant, the
following resolution was adopted, namely:-
" RESOLVED that the application of Dante Foriere for the re- zoning of
property at 31 Golden Grove Road be referred to the Planning Advisory
Committee for a report and recommendation and that the necessary advertising
be authorized in this regard, with the public hearing to be held on Monday, May
10, 1999, at 7:00 o'clock p.m."
Enclosed is a copy of the Public Notice in this regard.
Yours truly,
Mary L. Lford
Common Clerk
City of Saint john
Application for a Zoning By --law Amendment
Applicant Related Information
r i
Name of Applicant � 1.11 i`'i t y �!' c' "f✓
Mailing Address of Applicant :2 2-0 7 �'��%�I�'• ,'� d� � -
�i�s Postal Code e :2 N ✓/�J
Telephone Number Home- �_l �' ! �S �'S�_ Business
Fax Number (if any) 96 °5;e
Name of Property Owner (if different)
Mailing Address of Owner ,41--1 _
Postal Code
Property Information
Location_ Co GOoyE- W_� _
Civic# Street NBGIC9
Lot Area
Existing Use of Property ACfrNT '11W49 _
Municipal Plan Land Use Designation
Amendment Requested
Present Zoning
Change Zoning to
❑ Text Amendment (indicate particulars)
MAR 12 1999
, - -�,-.21.
Telephone 1-506-432-6317-
FAX 1-506-432-6317
C � �
FLT f-
E4E 352
, - -�,-.21.
Telephone 1-506-432-6317-
FAX 1-506-432-6317
C � �
FLT f-
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b Ilitr
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BY -LAW NUMBER C.P. 100 -*
Be it enacted by the City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as
follows: -
The Zoning By -law of the City of Saint John, enacted on the fourteenth
day of November, A.D. 1983, is amended by:
Amending Schedule "A ", the Zoning Map of the City of Saint John, by re-
zoning a parcel of land located at 31 Golden Grove Road, having an area
of approximately 6313 square metres (67,954 square feet), also identified
as being a portion of NBGIC Number 55050322, from "RS -2" One and
Two Family Suburban Residential to "B -2" General Business classification
- all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by -law.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City of Saint
John has caused the Corporate Common Seal
of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the
day of * A.D. 1999 and signed by:
*, the member of Council who presided at the
meeting at which it was enacted; and
Common Clerk
First Reading
Second Reading
Third Reading
Planning F.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2800
Advisory Committee Saint John
J New Brunswick
Canada E21, 4L1
May 6, 1999
Your Worship and Councillors:
SUBJECT: Proposcd Rezoning City of Saint John
31 Golden Grove Road
On March 15, 1999 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory
Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached
report at its May 4, 1999 meeting.
Mr. Gerry Webster appeared before the Committee on behalf of the applicant and
expressed objection to the staff recommendation. Mr. Webster indicated that the
proposed commercial access could be modified in accordance with the Zoning By -law,
and, therefore, no variance would be required for the commercial development. Mr.
Webster also indicated that the necessary compensatory flood storage could be provided
through an existing credit that the Developer already has in the Glen Falls Flood Risk
Ms. Sandra Taylor appeared before the Committee and expressed objection to the
proposed development. She indicated concern regarding increased traffic and noise, and
also the potential increase in flooding for the immediate area. Ms. Taylor suggested that
commercial activities should not be allowed to expand in this residential area. There was
also a letter of objection from another area resident.
After considering the matter, the Committee resolved to adopt staff recommendation.
The recommendation is set out below for your convenience.
Ihat this application be denied.
Respectfully submitted,
Brian Cu ingham
Chairman i
Community Jim Baird MCIP P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2835
Planning Manager Saint John 506 658 -2837 (Fax)
New Brunswick
Canada E2L 4L1
Name of Applicant:
Name of Owner:
Municipal Plan:
Type of Application:
APRIL 30, 1999
City of Saint John
rMaih ok
Mark O Hearn
-' � I
Planning Officer
Dante Foriere
Dante Foriere
31 Golden Grove Road
55050322 (portion thereof)
Low Density Residential
Existing: "RS -2" One and Two Family
Suburban Residential
Proposed: `B -2" General Business
To construct a commercial building.
Rezoning and Variance that would allow a
commercial access to be approximately 9.14
metres (30 feet) wide, whereas the Zoning
By -law only permits 7 metres (23 feet) for
one -way operation.
Dante Foriere Page 2
31 Golden Grove Road April 30, 1999
The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to
advise Common Council on proposed amendments to the City of Saint John
Zoning By -law. The Committee's recommendation will be considered by
Common Council at a Public Hearing on Monday, May 10, 1999.
The Act also authorizes the Committee to grant reasonable variances from the
requirements of the Zoning By -law. Conditions can be imposed by the
That this application be denied.
On April 2, 1996 the Planning Advisory Committee considered a rezoning
application from the landowner. The application involved the rezoning of the
subject property to "TH" Townhouse in order to permit the development of twelve
(12) one- storey townhouse units and a new private street. While staff and the
Committee supported this application, it was denied by Common Council due to
concerns regarding flooding.
On January 12, 1999 the Committee considered another rezoning application from
the same property owner. The application involved the rezoning of the subject
property to B -2" General Business in order to permit the development of two
commercial buildings with a total ground floor area of 1161 square metres
(11,840 square feet). This previous application involved a number of variances
relating to commercial access and reduced landscaping.
After careful consideration of the matter, the Committee resolved to adopt staff
recommendation and deny the application. In addition, the Committee also
suggested that the property be acquired by the City and used as a retention area
for storm water management. This matter has been explored by City staff, but due
to the property's configuration and small area, it was not considered suitable for
floodwater storage. Therefore, Common Council has resolved not to seek the
acquisition of the property.
On January 15, 1999 the applicant requested to withdraw the application, and,
then later January 18, 1999 the applicant requested to have the matter considered
Dante Foriere
31 Golden Grove Road
Page 3
April 30, 1999
at the scheduled Public Hearing. Due to the possibility that some residents may
not be attending the advertised Public Hearing, given the applicant's previous
request to withdraw, Common Council resolved to re- advertise a new Public
Hearing for March 1, 1999.
In order to provide additional time to undertake improvements to the design of the
proposed commercial development, the applicant requested that the matter again
be withdrawn.
On March 15, 1999 a revised proposal with only one commercial building was
referred by Common Council to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report
and recommendation.
Engineering has provided the following comments regarding this application:
(a) All site surface water must be directed to Marsh Creek, not Golden Grove
Road. Catch basins will be required to prevent erosion of the bank.
(b) Concrete curbing and sidewalk must be constructed across the full
frontage of the property with proper dropped panels at the driveways.
(c) Municipal water is available from Golden Grove Road, and municipal
sewer is available in the rear of the property in a service easement.
Building and Technical Services has indicated that the proposed commercial
development must be constructed in accordance to the Flood Risk Area By -law.
Saint John Energy has adequate facilities along Golden Grove Road to service
the propose commercial development. A 3 -metre (10 -foot) wide utility easement
will be required. The costs associated with the service extension will be borne by
the Developer.
NBTel has indicated that facilities are available from Golden Grove Road to
service the proposed development.
Fire Department has no comments regarding this proposal.
Saint John Police Force has not submitted any comments regarding this matter.
Dante Foriere Page 4
31 Golden Grove Road April 30, 1999
Site and Nei hbourhood
The subject property is situated near the intersection of Golden Grove Road and
Simpson Drive in the Glen Falls area (see attachments). The site is undeveloped
with a flat, low -lying topography.
One - family dwellings surround the site on the east, and the Marsh Creek and a
City pumping station are at the rear. A newly constructed six -bay car wash
facility is adjacent to the west at the intersection of Simpson Drive and Golden
Grove Road. The Exhibition Park horseracing track is to the south, which is
enclosed by a high board -on -board fence.
Development Proposal and Required Variances
The landowner, Dante Foriere, is requesting permission to construct a commercial
building. The building would be perpendicular to Golden Grove Road, and have a
ground floor area of approximately 843 square metres (9,074 square feet). The
building would provide for five (5) new businesses. The application does not
indicate the nature of these businesses
The development requires a minimum of 30 off -street parking spaces. The
applicant is illustrating 82 spaces. The application does not address signage. The
Zoning By -law permits facia signage to a maximum total area of 48 square metres
(514 square feet), plus one free - standing sign with a maximum of 6 square metres
(65 square feet) — double-sided.
In regards to signage, Common Council can impose conditions that are more
restrictive if deemed desirable. For instance, when the adjacent property (9
Simpson Drive) to the west was rezoned for the car wash facility, a Section 39
condition was imposed that limited the height of all free - standing signs to a
maximum of 7.5 metres (25 feet). If this development were to be approved such a
condition would also be appropriate.
The proposal can satisfy all applicable Zoning By -law requirements with the
exception that the proposed commercial entrance is approximately 9.14 metres
(30 feet) wide, whereas the Zoning By -law only permits 7 metres (23 feet) for
one -way operation.
Dante Foriere Page 5
31 Golden Grove Road April 30, 1999
Municipal Development Plan and Proposed Rezonin
The proponent is requesting to rezone the subject property from "RS -2" One and
Two Family Suburban Residential to `B -2" General Business in order to carryout
the proposed commercial development.
The Municipal Development Plan has designated the area as Low Density
Residential. The policies of the Municipal Plan for such areas permit the
development of small -scale commercial uses, if measures can be undertaken to
prevent any nuisance or inappropriate impacts on adjacent residential uses.
Specifically, the Municipal Plan restricts commercial developments to
approximately 1000 square metres (10,764 square feet) within residential areas.
Rezoning is also required.
The adjoining property to the west where the newly constructed car wash is
situated is on the edge of the existing Rothesay/McAllister Service Corridor area.
The appropriate boundary of this commercial district is the Simpson
Drive /Golden Grove Road intersection. The lands to the east and north are
residential. The Municipal Plan does not specifically provide any support for the
extension of the commercial Service Corridor. While design improvements far
the proposed project have been undertaken, which has resulted in a greater
degree of By -law compliance, the close proximity to the established residential
neighhourhood cannot be changed.
There is also concern regarding the appearance and quality of the proposed
commercial development. Given the constraints of the site, the plaza will not
possess any significant visibility to the public street. While there are several
plazas of this nature, they enjoy exposure towards public thoroughfares. In
addition, given the depth of the commercial project, the rear yards of the
surrounding residential properties will be impacted. An ideal situation would
involve the acquisition of additional lands.
Perhaps in the future as commercial development continues in the McAllister
Drive /Westmorland Road area, and a new street connects that area to Golden
Grove Road, there will be justification to extend the Service Corridor further east
along Golden Grove Road. Until such time, commercial development cannot be
supported beyond the edge of the ident!Fted commercial district. Therefore, staff
cannot support the approval of the requested development. The previous proposal
by the landowner for townhouses in 1996 still seems to be a more appropriate
land use.
Dante Foriere Page 6
31 Golden Grove Road April 30, 1999
The Flood Risk Abatement Program
The subject property is situated within the Glen Falls Flood Risk Area, and is
subject to the provisions of the Flood Risk Area By -law of the City of Saint John.
The Flood Risk Abatement Program allows for development within areas subject
to flooding, provided prescribed engineering and building techniques are followed
to minimize the possible risk of damage to new development, while at the same
time reducing the risk of adversely affecting surrounding developed properties
already in the flood risk area.
Should this development be approved, all site work and construction would be
subject to the requirements of this By -law. In particular, the Flood Risk By -law
requires development not to obstruct or interfere with the normal floodway or free
flow of floodwaters during a flood period. This will require that no building be
situated closer than 13 metres (43 feet) from the centre of Marsh Creek.
Another important aspect of the Flood Risk By -law is where development will
reduce the flood storage capacity of a property, the developer must provide
compensating flood storage. It is staff's understanding that the proponent would
provide compensation immediately to the north on the remaining portion of the
The applicant is requesting to rezone the subject property from "RS -2" One and
Two Family Suburban Residential to `B -2" General Business in order to carryout
the proposed commercial development. This application would extend the
commercial zoning further east along Golden Grove Road. Staff cannot support
the extension of the commercial Service Corridor beyond the Simpson Drive
.& -
_ ..:... NBGIC Number (s):
' ✓` 55050322 (part
Subject Site: �- s,.�:� "��� - -- of)
Address: 31 Golden Grove Road
Map Number: 07P -02SW
Date: December 15, 1998 Scale: N.T.S.
. �• _ - - _Mrs _ ^F
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Office of the Mary L. Munford
Common Clerk Common Clerk
May 18, 1999
Knights of Columbus
Council No. 6770
P.O. Box 3693, Station B
Saint John, NB
E2M 5C1
Dear Sirs:
P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862
Saint John
New Brunswick
Canada E2L 4L1
At a meeting of the Common Council, held on the 10th instant, the
following resolution was adopted, namely:-
City of Saint John
" RESOLVED that the application of the Knights of Columbus Council No.
6770, for the re- zoning of property at 721 Chapel Street, be withdrawn as
requested by the applicant."
Yours truly,
Mary L('Munford !
Common Clerk
' -
Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John
intends to consider amending the City of Saint John Zoning By -law at its regular
meeting to be held on Monday, May 10, 9999 at 7:00 p.m., by:
Rezoning a parcel o cated at 1360 Manawagonish R , aving an area of
approximately one acre, also i e i as being NB 97786, from "RAA" One
Family Residential to "B -2" General Bu U .ect to a resolution or agreement
pursuant to Section 39 of the Co y Planning Ac.
REASON CHANGE: To recognize the existing use of a portion of1Re�
y for a restaurant, and to permit a licensed lounge to be established within
the existing restaurant building.
_ Adding the following to the list of zones in Section 30(1):
"specia[ zones SZ #2"
2. Adding the following as Section 740(2):
(2) S ecial Zone #2 SZ #2
(a) Uses
Any land, building or structure may be used for the purposes of, and for no other
purpose than,
(i) the following uses:
- a church;
a community centre and grounds;
a group care facility not including a public hospital or a jail or similar
correctional institution;
a public building intended primarily for public assembly or for social or
cultural activities;
- an elementary school, kindergarten, nursery or day care centre;
- a public library;
senior citizens housing in association with a group care facility and
subject to the unit size requirements of Section 310(3)(g);
a club or lounge, operated in conjunction with and as a secondary use
to a community centre or public building intended primarily for public
assembly or for social or cultural activities;
(ii) subject to Section 830, an accessory building, structure or use, incidental
to a use, building or structure permitted in this zone.
(b) Zone Standards
Standards for development in Special Zone #2 shall be as set out in Section 410,
and Section 810 to 910 where this zone shall be considered an "IL -1" zone, an
"IL" zone, or an institutional zone, as the case may be."
3. Rezoning a parcel of land known as the Assumption Centre, located at 721
Chapel Street, also being NBGIC # 394767, from "IL -1" Neighbourhood
Institutional to "SZ #2" Special Zone #2.
REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit the existing community centre to
operate with a club or lounge liquor license.
Rezoning a parce nd located at 31 Golden Grove Road, having a of
approximately 6313 squa tres (67,954 square feet), alsoj0o.Fffied as being a
portion of NBGIC #55050322, fro -2" One and >G-amity Suburban
Residential to "B -2" General Business, ed below.
REASO CHANGE: To permit the construction of a one - stores mercial
b g with an approximate ground floor area of 843 square metres (9,07
square feet).
The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of
the Common Clerk, or in the office of Planning Department, City Hall, 15 Market
Square, Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday
through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted.
Written objections to the amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall.
City of Saint John
i8 -2802
Newspaper Insertion Dates
(Check as applicable)
(ETG = Evening Times Globe; T -J = Telegraph Journal)
ETG City Information AD Date(s): Tuesday, April 13, 1999
Tuesday, May 4, 1999
171 ETG Independent Placement Date(s):
r7l ETG Classifieds Date(s):
1711 T -J Independent Placement Date(s):
C3 T -J Classifieds Date(s):
(Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad)
Section Headline: 0 Tender(s) 173 Proposals(s) X Public Notice(s)
171 Mayor's Message 171 General Notice(s)
Office of the Mary L. Munford
Common Clerk Common Clerk
March 30, 1999
Knights of Columbus
Council No. 6770
P.O. Box 3693, Station B
Saint John, NB
E2M 5C1
Dear Sirs:
P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862
Saint John
New Brunswick
Canada E2L 4L1
At a meeting of the Common Council, held on the 22nd instant, the
following resolution was adopted, namely.-
City of Saint John
" RESOLVED that the application of the Knights of Columbus Council No.
6770 for the re- zoning of property at 721 Chapel Street be referred to the
Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation and that the
necessary advertising be authorized in this regard, with the public hearing to be
held on Monday, May 10, 1999, at 7:00 o'clock p.m."
Enclosed is a copy of the Public Notice in this regard.
Yours truly,
Common Clerk
Application for a Zoning By --law Amendment
Applicant Related Information
Name of Applicant f� 11i /(9 IJ T S 161 Al 13 l hid_ 6T7
Mailing Address of Applicant . 1 J1 - ! C57 eel ez U f
cam. 0 111 d J �' Al I %y. .3. Postal Code Z tvi Sn
Telephone Number Home- _672- 6 ,,Yo In Business 6 7 Z_ 060 0 9
Fax Number (if any) -�
Name of Property Owner (if different) �S 0 D � s ,ICS,A i - �J Zit%
Mailing Address of Owner Lo tK I U Q)
G l h t w 1 V_ C'S Postal Code ,61 L 5 L 5
Property Information
On P
Lot Area /q5 f
x q
Street Frontage
� �%�
Oo m m u
N l Lv (
e l ��`tup- � ss u „� ptry fi se-oo
Existing Use of Property
Municipal Plan Land Use Desination
/l1 I } 6 p
Sty ; S r G e rl l ! C_i L
Amendment Requested NQ-1 T
Present Zoning
EkfChanaeZoningtoSP,ee1at ZOrIfQ_ Whle.k JQQnn;ts t6 e-x stlriy
and/or I
O Text Amendment (indicate particulars)
4_1 6et1$ ! rta 0 °t--t
Development Proposal
Description of Proposal
You must provide a scaled site plan that !!lustrates your proposal. You may also provide
photographs, building plans, elevation drawings and any other form of information. The plan
must show the dimensions of. the property, the location of all buildings, driveways, parking
areas, landscaping and signs. It is important that the distance between the property
boundary and buildings are shown.
Provide reasons why this amendment should be approved
Provide any other information about your proposal that would be helpful
CekztYAbUS tipL677O 1
PRe te, �JZgY1� I<n9ht
Signature of Applicant
Date 1 9 q q $400 Application Fee Enclosed
Ifyou are not the owner of the land In question please have the owner sign below. The
signature from the owner is authori =ing this application to proceed for consideration by
Common Council.
Signature of Owner (if applicable)
Date �S�I? f 9%
Development Proposal :
The Knights of Columbus Council no. 6770 was formed in February 1976 for the Saint John
West area members. The Council's residency was then established at the " Assumption Center "
located at 721 Chapel Street , Saint John , N. B. , renting the facilities from the administrators of
the Center, The Assumption Church,
In May 1997 , Council no. 6770 took over the administration of the building from the Church
subject to a five ( 5 ) year lease agreement with the property owner, Roman Catholic Bishop of
Saint John.
One of the purpose of the Knights of Columbus organisation is to provide support and commitment
to the needy in the community . To accomplish this goal , every council has to develop a plan to
raise money.
Council no. 6770 have been succesful during the past twenty three years in their campaign to raise
fund for various charities by conducting weekly bingo, sponsoring monthly breakfast and socials.
Since May 1997 the council have been catering to all wedding banquets, socials etc held at the
Center and providing entertainment ( including liquor) to guests. A special liquor license was
obtained from the" Liquor Licensing Branch" for each event without any difficulties . ( Over
twenty special liquor licenses were received in 1998) .
Our Administration Committee feels that a permanent " Lounge License " would be more
convenient and less costly to operate . The Committee further maintains that our facilities meet
all the requirements described in the Community Planning Act including the verbal approval of
the area property owners within 300 feet of the subject property .
Attachements : - site plan
application fee
f '
tik ;
1 �'t
February 23, 1999
Parish Council
Our Lady of the Assumption Parish
360 Dufferin Row W
Saint John, M3 F2M 2J8
Knights of Columbus Council 6770 is in the process of applying for a ponnanent liquc
for the Assumption Centre. As you are aware, the hall has been very busy over the ]3,5t.
has generated a fair amount of revenue required to maintain a building of this sixo:
present time we apply for a liquor license for every event at which alcohol is served,
costly and time- consuming effort.
Council 6770 would like to assure you that should a permanent liquor license be d*
the financial aspect of insurance, maintenance, etc. for this building, we would wift
application immediately.
We would appreciate your approval in writing by signing this document Which
forwarded to City Hall for their final approval. Please do not hesitate to contAct me ilk
require further information or clarification on this application. .':.
. :"
Yours truly, *`
Rheal Guerrette /�WV rYGc�L�✓ �`
Grand Knight L ry
CourAcil 677
M2 672 -0506
/ L
EiJ TI ,Wc,e 110` A 20"
A_ss u M PT ioN
MAIN .��ooR
✓F - 0
BY -LAW NUMBER C.P. 100 -*
Be it enacted by the City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as
follows: -
The Zoning By -law of the City of Saint John, enacted on the fourteenth
day of November, A.D. 1983, is amended by:
1. Adding the following to the list of zones in Section 30(1):
"special zones SZ #2"
2. Adding the following as Section 740(2):
(2) Special Zone #2 (SZ#2
(a) Uses
Any land, building or structure may be used for the purposes of, and for no other
purpose than,
(i) the following uses:
- a church;
- a community centre and grounds;
a group care facility not including a public hospital or a jail or similar
correctional institution;
a public building intended primarily for public assembly or for social or
cultural activities;
an elementary school, kindergarten, nursery or day care centre;
a public library;
senior citizens housing in association with a group care facility and
subject to the unit size requirements of Section 310(3)(g);
- a club or lounge, operated in conjunction with and as a secondary use
to a community centre or public building intended primarily for public
assembly or for social or cultural activities;
(ii) subject to Section 830, an accessory building, structure or use, incidental
to a use, building or structure permitted in this zone.
(b) Zone Standards
Standards for development in Special Zone #2 shall be as set out in Section 410,
and Section 810 to 910 where this zone shall be considered an "IL -1" zone, an
"IL" zone, or an institutional zone, as the case may be."
3. Rezoning a parcel of land known as the Assumption Centre, located at 721
Chapel Street, also being NBGIC # 394767, from "IL -1" Neighbourhood
Institutional to "SZ #2" Special Zone #2.
- all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by -law.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City of Saint
John has caused the Corporate Common Seal
of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the
day of * A.D. 1999 and signed by:
*, the member of Council who presided at the
meeting at which it was enacted; and
Common Clerk
First Reading -
Second Reading -
Third Reading -
Planning P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2800
Advisory Committee Saint John
New Brunswick
Cj Canada E2L 4L1
May 6, 1999
Your Worship and Councillors;
SUBJECT: Proposed Zoning By -law Amendment
721 Chapel Street
7116°R %J
City of Saint John
On March 22, 1999 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning
Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee
considered the attached report at its May 4, 1999 meeting.
Roger Ouellette addressed the Committee on behalf of the Knights of Columbus
Council No. 6770, and spoke in favour of the proposal. Mr. Ouellette indicated
that the proposed bar will only be open for the special events that they host at the
community centre (i.e. banquets, etc.) The bar will not be open past midnight
when these events are held. He also indicated that the Knights have no plans to
install video lottery terminals. He noted all of the improvements that his
organization has done to the property, and requested that the Committee
recommend approval of the proposal.
Charlene Hayes, Special Events Co- ordinator of the St. Joseph's Hospital
Foundation, also addressed the Committee in support of the application. Ms.
Hayes noted all of the work that the Knights undertake for the foundation and the
community. She advised that, under the present system of Special Occasion
permits, the Knights are forced to turn people away because of the time required
to get a Special Occasion permit. (An application for a Special Occasion permit
must be received by the Liquor Licensing Branch at least 15 days prior to the
A large number of neighbouring residents attended the meeting in opposition to
the proposal. Lillian Clark, Clifton Street, Fred Whelan, 358 Clifton Street, Norm
Vautour, 354 Clifton Street, and Val St. Onge, 337 Clifton Street addressed the
Committee. All of the speakers praised the applicant for its work in the
community. They indicated that, except for a few problems with parking and
occasional noise, they are generally comfortable with the present situation.
PIanning Advisory Committee
May 5, 1999
Page 2
However, the speakers indicated that they were opposed to the proposed rezoning
which, if approved, would allow the organization (or some other group or
individual in the future) to obtain a permanent lounge licence for the facility.
The Committee also received one letter in favour of the application, one letter of
objection, and an 84 -name petition against the application. Copies are attached.
After considering the report, letters, petition and presentations, the Committee
decided to recommend that the application be denied.
That the proposed amendment to the Zoning By -law be denied.
Respectfully submitted,
Brian Cu ingha
Fly., N
Jim Baird MCIP
P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2835
Saint John 506 658 -2837 (Fax)
New 'Brunswick �
Canada E2L 4Li
APRIL 30, 1999
City of Saint John
Randall G. Pollock, MCIP
Name of Applicant:
Knights of Columbus Council No. 6770
Name of Owner:
Roman Catholic Bishop of Saint John
721 Chapel Street
Municipal Plan:
Low Density Residential
Existing Zoning:
"IL -1" Neighbourhood Institutional
Proposed Zoning:
"SZ #2" Special Zone #2
To obtain a lounge liquor licence for the
existing community centre
Type of Application:
Zoning By -law Amendment
Knights of Columbus Count,.. No. 6770 Page 2
721 Chapel Street April 30, 1999
The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to
give its views to Common Council concerning proposed amendments to the
Zoning By -law. Council will consider the Committee's recommendation at a
public hearing on Monday, May 10, 1999.
That the proposed amendment to the Zoning By -law be denied.
Engineering has no objection.
Building and Technical Services has no objection.
Fire Department has no objection. The department advises that there will be a
number of requirements that will have to be met under the Fire Code before a
licence can be approved. These items have been addressed with the operators of
the facility and they are now undertaking the changes. These changes will be
required whether or not the application is approved.
Saint John Police Force has submitted no comments.
N.B. Department of Health and Community Services (Public Health Services
Branch) notes that the applicant has never applied for a food - service
establishment licence in accordance with Regulation 88 -200 under the Health Act,
for catering to wedding banquets and social events. The Department is not in a
position to recommend a lounge licence until the catering issue is addressed.
N.B. Department of Finance (Liquor Licensing Branch) has advised that the
community centre is currently not licensed. A "special occasion" permit must be
obtained for each event that involves the serving and consumption of alcohol.
The "special occasion" permit is valid only for the day of the event. A lounge
licence would permit the licence holder to serve liquor in the facility at any time
(subject to the regulations regarding hours, etc.), and would also permit alcohol to
be kept on the premises at all times. The Liquor Licensing Branch also advises
that, if the application is approved, the establishment will be permitted to have a
total of five video lottery terminals (VLTs).
Knights of Columbus CounL.. No. 6770 Page 3
721 Chapel Street April 30, 1999
Site and Neighbourhood
The subject site is located at the intersection of Chapel and Clifton Streets in West
Saint John. This is a pleasant and well - maintained residential neighbourhood of
(mainly) one and two - family dwellings.
The site itself has a frontage of approximately 145 feet on Chapel Street and
approximately 200 feet on Clifton Street. It contains the 1 %z- storey "Assumption
Centre ", which was formerly a school. The centre now houses various meeting
rooms and a hall that can be rented by the public for receptions and other
community events. The building faces Chapel Street, and has a paved parking
area for approximately 45 cars off Clifton Street. Additional paved parking has
been developed between the building and City sidewalk adjacent to Chapel Street,
providing an additional three spaces. There is little in the way of buffering or
separation of the building and parking area from surrounding residential
properties. However, the site is well maintained and appears to fit into the
neighbourhood, although some residents report occasional problems with parking
overflowing onto adjoining streets.
The applicant, Knights of Columbus Council No. 6770, has used the Assumption
Centre as its meeting place for many years. In 1997 the Council entered into a
five -year lease agreement with the Roman Catholic Bishop of Saint John,
authorizing the Council to take over administration of the building.
One of the purposes of the Knights of Columbus organization is to provide
support and commitment to the needy of the community. To accomplish this
goal, every council must develop a plan to raise money. Fund raising events held
by the applicant have included weekly bingo, monthly breakfasts, and "socials ".
Since 1997, the applicant has also catered to all wedding banquets and social
events held at the centre, including provision of entertainment and liquor to
guests. At present, a "special occasion permit" must be obtained from the N.B.
Liquor Licensing Branch for each individual banquet or event that includes the
serving of alcohol. The applicant indicates that over twenty such permits were
issued in 1998 for events held at the centre.
The applicant is not satisfied with the current method of obtaining permission to
serve alcoholic beverages at its functions. The applicant wishes to obtain a
Knights of Columbus Courn__ No. 6770 Page 4
721 Chapel Street April 30, 1999
permanent licence for the centre so that there would no longer be the need to
apply for individual permits for each event. The applicant feels that a permanent
licence would'be more convenient and less costly to operate.
The Liquor Licensing Branch has advised that the applicant's proposal for a
permanent liquor licence would require that the facility be licensed as a lounge.
This is the same type of licence held by several restaurants and nightclubs
throughout the City. A club licence would also permit the serving of alcohol,
except that it would restrict the patronage to members and their guests only. Most
of the Royal Canadian Legion branches in the City are licensed as Clubs.
Proposed Zonine By -law Amendment
The current practice of obtaining occasional permits for events is permitted under
the Zoning By -law because an occasional permit is considered to be incidental to
the use as a community centre. A club or lounge, on the other hand, is not a
permitted use in the "IL -1" Neighbourhood Institutional zone. The applicant has,
therefore, requested the creation of a special zone for the property. If approved,
the proposed "SZ #2" Special Zone 42 would permit the variety of institutional
uses currently permitted by the "IL -1 " zone, and the following additional use:
"a club or lounge, operated in conjunction with and as a secondary
use to a community centre or public building intended primarily
for public assembly or for social or cultural activities ".
The full text of the proposed amendment is attached as Appendix A.
The proposed amendment will tie any club or lounge licence directly to the
community centre operation, thereby preventing the establishment of a "night
club" in the traditional sense. There is also an opportunity to impose additional
restrictions, pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, upon the
proposed rezoning in order to further limit the scope of the operation (e.g. days
and hours of operation, maximum number of events in a year, etc.). The
Committee may wish to take this approach, keeping in mind that it will be the
City's responsibility to enforce any restrictions above and beyond what is
normally permitted in a lounge environment.
However, the proposal, if approved, will still result in the creation of a facility
which is licensed to serve alcohol on more than just an occasional basis. This is
not consistent with the intent that such activity in a neighbourhood community
centre be incidental to the main use as a community centre, and is not supported.
The fact that this particular site is located in the middle of a mature low- density
Knights of Columbus Counu- No. 6770
721 Chapel Street
Page S
April 30, 1999
residential neighbourhood serves to compound the concern about the applicant's
proposal. The need for individual permits provides for an extra measure of
control that would be weakened if a permanent licence were granted. Under the
existing situation, if a function is not accurately identified on the special occasion
permit application and/or it is not operated in accordance with the permit
conditions, then the privileges of obtaining further special occasion permits for
functions at the centre may be suspended or cancelled.
While the need to obtain special occasion permits may be inconvenient to the
applicant, and result in some additional costs, staff do not feel that the
inconvenience and additional cost justifies changing the zoning of the site to
permit it to be licensed as a lounge.
The subject site is located in a mature and stable residential neighbourhood. The
existing facility appears to fit in with the neighbourhood with only minor
problems reported. The present zoning of the property permits the serving and
consumption of alcohol for special events on an occasional basis, and is consistent
with what would be normally expected for a neighbourhood community centre. It
is recommended that this situtation be maintained by not approving the rezoning.
RGP /r
355 320 ``17B - 183 � IL - 1
362 v 326 O 325
359 302
164 � � �31 109 ♦� 04 • ..
361 33 r 35 �♦ 306
38 193 •R K Y���
f,� 369 34842 4 342 320 28 9
50 Q 195 296
353 320 317 197 296
199 298 300
324 319 295
360 2 330 325 203
B 35T 334 A 7 205 30
0 33
• r 1
340 365 5
623 339
36 ijs 371 348 O= 743 320 247
�• `,
♦ -,< 345
' %lb% • 679 0 35b 354 � 51 330 O 14
♦� • 53 331 ��
63 ♦�� ♦� 691 358 • _r.'x 33d Q- 327325 / 25
�, 633 _24
fr 695 /4 �
640 3
i• 335 33
PR F 6971 I, "....: rti �'N o.. 3 C /
93 692 379
686 690 f• _ i 350
=52 379
403 694 754 lbF
/ 75 687 ♦���' -�[_aT` 358 19
698 t?�
425 710
77 71 727 .Z9 362 353 Q� 37
695 �6A
�� 427 — 4 716 � 366 359
8�1/ 707 722 726
� 365 0
430 431 688 9 R P�q C 719 728 367 350
436 69879 732
67 679 706 ]12 371 356
4d2 68 7T0 376 YV2
69 732 Tai
r7? 680 864 767 382 3
084 CSF7 707 73d 747 387 368 ��Z
696 698 7 2 (� gL, FN o 71 21 391 374 765
1 457 Oa 709 12 71a � 72, 31 395 382 371
U 716 718 739 D
d53 724728 7437`7 405 389 O�5 379
469 732 34 757757 409 396 395
—4 736 40 759
M 745
r 473 G 0 75 ^_ 395
754 d;0
766 401
493 dG0 U a21 •
430 a 433
NBGIC Number (s):
Subject Site: _= 00394767
Address: 729 Chapel Street
Map Number: 06N -86SW
Date: March 29, 9999 Scale: N.T.S.
eu17mce Ito, A2o
rARf,iv-;-7 L c7F
I10' x 140'
f �!
1Q' -b'
Appendix A
721 Chapel Street
Adding the following to the list of zones in Section 30(1):
"special zones SZ #2"
2. Adding the following as Section 740(2):
(2) Special Zone #2 S( Z #2)
(a) Uses
Any land, building or structure may be used for the
purposes of, and for no other purpose than,
(i) the following uses:
a church;
a community centre and grounds;
a group care facility not including a public hospital or a jail or
similar correctional institution;
a public building intended primarily for public assembly or for
social or cultural activities;
- an elementary school, kindergarten, nursery or day care
a public library;
senior citizens housing in association with a group care facility
and subject to the unit size requirements of Section 310(3)(g);
a club or lounge, operated in conjunction with and as a
secondary use to a community centre or public building
intended primarily for public assembly or for social or cultural
(ii) subject to Section 830, an accessory building, structure or use,
incidental to a use, building or structure permitted in this zone.
(b) Zone Standards
Standards for development in Special Zone #2 shall be as
set out in Section 410, and Section 810 to 910 where this
zone shall be considered an "IL -1" zone, an "IL" zone, or
an institutional zone, as the case may be."
3_ Rezoning a parcel of land known as the Assumption Centre, located at
721 Chapel Street, also being NBGIC # 394767, from "IL -1"
Neighbourhood Institutional to "SZ #2" Special Zone #2.
---- - - - - -- --
-APR 16; 1999
697 Chapel St.
Saint John, N.B.
E2M 2K1
April 30, 1999
City of Saint John
Planning & Advisory Comm.
P.O.Box 1971
Saint John, N.B.
E2L 4L1
Attention: Randall G. Pollock, MCIP
Dear Mr. Pollock:
RE: Proposed Zoning By -law Amendment
MAY 3 1999
We have owned the property and resided at 697 Chapel St.
(Corner Clifton) for the past twenty -eight years. We are
We understand the Zoning Change is requested to facilitate the
Knights of Columbus Councij No. 6770 in obtaing a permanent
Lounge License which would allow the additional use of operating
a club or lounge, in c onjunction with and as a secondary
use to the centre.
We feel changing the Zoning would set a precedent - opening
up the whole neighbourhood to other uses not compatible with
the family residential tone of the area, decreasing property
values and encouraging more drinking and driving on our street.
Even if the current centre management only want , as they say,
the permanent license to save the trouble of getting a liquor
permit for each event they catered they could (NOW OR LATER)
indeed open a club or lounge. All this apears to be a lot of
trouble to save a little clerical work on the Knights part.
We definitely feel there is already as much traffic around
that building as the street can accomodate. As we live
directly across from the centre the additional traffic and noise -
TO 2 A.M. as allowed by the new zoning.
.... 2 /
-- 2 -
We are also anxious about
playing in the centre yard
and going to meetings, soc
the safety of the children used to
and for the seniors and others comming
ials etc. at the centre.
Nov the main concern - PARKING. Spaces in the centre yard are
evidently unsufficient NOW as vehicles also park on both sides of
both Chapel and Clifton streets. FREQUENTLY you would be hard put
to get a fire apparatus or ambulance around the corner into Clifton
and adjacent driveways, the street wasn't built to accomodate
parking on both sides.
In addition many centre patrons ignore the fire hydrant nearby
and the curbs, they exit haphazardly and drive and park where
they please - especially at the corner. It is worth your life to
try and come or go from your yard when an event is getting out.
We wholeheartedly acknowledge the good work done by the Knights
in the community with the money they raise through efforts
at the centre and realize they are not responsible for how their
patrons drive and park. However, we are nervous about congestion
on the street and what changes could evolve in the centre use should
the Zoning change pass.
Loretta McNulty C a��P/� °�' I � r
Theresa McNulty AA �
672 -8031
We, the undersigned; residers_ is - and/or property owners on Clifton St. are G
against the proposed zoning by -law that would permit a lounge liquor
license for the Assumption Center, Chapel St. -
01(�w S�
?)qo ClIP-OrN 9-1L)
-3 V,3 el, 1
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We, the undersigned, residents and/or property owners on Clifton St. are
against the proposed zoning by -law that would permit a lounge liquor
license for the Assumption Center, Chapel St.
21e,v Y
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We, the undersigned, residents and/or property owners on Chapel St. are
against the proposed zoning by -law that would permit a lounge liquor
license for the Assumption Center, - Chapel St.
(-4,1 r
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We, the undersigned, residents and/or property owners on Chapel St. are
against the proposed zoning by -law. that would permit a lounge Iiquor
license for the Assumption Center, Chapel St.
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We, the undersigned, residents and/or property owners on Woodville Rd.
are against the proposed zoning by -law that would permit a Iounge liquor
license for the Assumption Center, Chapel St.
3 7 4IV4 X411/ ZZ
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We, the undersigned; residents and/or property owners on @49"r-St. are
against the proposed zoning by -law that would permit a lounge liquor
license for the Assumption Center, Chapel St.
April 29, 1999
682 Chapel Street
Your Worship and Common Councillors:
Re: Liquor Lounge Application for Assumption Centre
Chapel Street West, by K. of C. Council 6770.
I wish to record my objection to this application, as a
resident of the area. I understand this matter came before
the Planning Commission last week when I was out of the city.
And I will also be away next week when Common Council meets,
but I would like to put my objection on record through this
letter - and any subsequent meetings if possible.
I do not object to the present use of the hall, where the
K. of C. provides a community service, including the use of a
Special Occasion Liquor Licence for some events. I commend the
Knights for the way they handle this service.
But I STRONGLY object to the granting of a general lounge
licence, for these reasons:
1. This facility, a former school, is located in the
midst of a residential area populated by a number of older
families. Near several churches and on a direct bus line, this
is a busy traffic area.
2. There is also a mix of younger families here with
small children. We didn't build here to have our children next
to an ongoing liquor lounge.
3. I am also concerned about the precedent if this licence
were to be allowed. It could become more wide -open should the
Knights eventually sell the building, and it could open the
door to similar licence applications in the neighbourhood. A
six or seven- night -week liquor operation in this neighbourhood
would be extremely undesirable.
I appreciate any attention you could give to my concern
in this matter. Sincerely:
Arthur W. Crowle
(506) 672 -7490
4 1999
> x
�_ Seawood • • l Playground Committee
April 30, 1999
Common Clerks Office
City of Saint John, 8`h floor
PO Box 1971
Saint John, NB
E21, 4L 1
To whom it may concern:
On behalf of Seawood Elementary School, I would like to make a request for our
representatives to appear before Mayor and Council in open Session on Monday, May 10, 1999.
The appearance is to make a request to have the City of Saint John match all contributions and
funds which we have raised to upgrade (Phase 2) the existing playground equipment from the
Land for Public Purposes Trust Fund.
Through the efforts of the community and the school children we have been able to raise
$6639.07. Attached is a detailed plan which outlines our fund raising effort and the intended
addition and associated costs.
If you have any question regarding this request please feel free to contact either myself at 672-
3430 or our Vice - Chair, Dean Maidment at 635 -1365.
John McBriarty
Chair - Seawood School Playground Committee MAY 4 1999
Thank you from the children of Seawood School and the Seawood Playground Committee
W Seawood School Playground Committee
April 30, 1999
Her Worship Mayor Shirley McAlary
and Members of Common Council
City of Saint John, 8th floor
PO Box 1971
Saint John, NB
E2L 4L 1
Mayor and Members of Council:
The Seawood School Playground Committee has been raising funds since January of 1999 for a
much needed addition (Phase 2) to our existing playground. It was recognised about a year ago that our
existing playground did not have enough equipment to keep all of the children satisfied. To this end, a
committee of parents was created to see what could be done. The committee consists of a Chairperson, a
Vice - Chairperson, Treasurer and 4 committee members.
The first step was to see if the school children agreed with this and what they wanted. In talking with the
school children and the principal, it became evident that they were fully supportive. The children were of
a common voice in stating that they preferred playground equipment that they could climb on.
Over the past few months we have met with several suppliers of certified (CSA) Playground Equipment.
We have received several drawing, quotes and estimates and have settled on a system from Little Tykes.
This system will provide what the children requested and will fit into the area that we have. The total
cost of this system, plus materials and installation will be about 13,000. (See Attached Drawings) Our
thanks to the Community Services department and to Mr. David O'Toole who helped to guide us through
this process.
From Early January the Committee started planning various fund raising activities. These included, a
Family Skate Day at the school, Recycling, Raffles, A Book Fair, Corporate Donations, a Silent Auction
and a Penny Drive by the students. To date we have raised $6639.07. (See Attached Financial
Statement) A thermometer chart was set up at the school to chart our fund raising. This was watched
quite eagerly by the children.
We are asking for your financial support of this project through the Land for Public Purposes Trust Fund.
We are requesting funds to match the $ 6639.07 that we have raised_
John McBriarty
Chair _ Seawood School Playground Committee
APRIL 22, 1999
Xerox Corporate Donation
Donation of Sand from Simpson Const.
Chq #
17- Dec -98 Opening Bank Balance
04- Jan -99 Book Fair Profits
08- Jan -99 Partial Raffle Proceeds
02- Feb -99 Family Fun Day Proceeds
12- Feb -99 Recycling Proceeds
19- Feb -99 Irving Oil - Casual Day
29- Jan -99 Interest Income
19- Feb -99 Sign Rental
20- Feb -99 Interest Income
08- Mar -99 Silent Auction
04- Mar -99 Cash Donations
04- Mar -99 Recycling / Donations
12-Mar-99 Silent Auction
12- Mar -99 Peelers
12- Mar -99 Penny Bottles
15- Mar -99 Knights of Columbus
15- Mar -99 Penny Bottles
15- Mar -99 Penny Bottles
15- Mar -99 Penny Bottles
24- Mar -99 Pizza Delight
Silent Auction
Xerox Corporate Donation
Donation of Sand from Simpson Const.
Donation of Sand from Hi -Roc Const.
1,465.00 1,465.00
APRIL 30, 1999
Cost of Playground from Little Tykes (incl. all taxes) $ 12,112.06
Sand for expansion
Wood for expansion
Excavation for expansion
Hardware for expansion
Total Cost of Phase $ 13,272.06
Page 1
School Districts 6 & 8
New 3-LI Brunswick
April 23, 1999
Mr. J.E. McNeill, Principal
Seawood School
859 Sand Cove Road
Saint John, N.B.
E2M 3E5
Dear Ernie:
I write today in response to your letter of April 12, requesting permission to expand the
existing playground presently at Seawood School. School Districts 6 & 8 endorses your
plans for funding and expansion to the playground, and hereby grants the permission
Best wishes for a successful completion of your project.
Yours truly,
Christopher A. Toole
Finance and Administrative Services
Copies: ,4John McBriarty, Chairperson — Playground Committee
Gerry Boyce, Manager, Maintenance
Tel.: (506) 658 -5300 Office of the Superintendent
Fax: (506) 658.5399 School Districts 6 & 8
384 Lancaster Avenue
Saint John
New Brunswick
Canada E2M 2L5
'99 10:44 LTCPJ— HTLHr1 T I C OFFICE
Rubbermaid Juvenile Products
Fax Cover Sheet
Data : April 28, 1999
Pages : 1
To. John McBriarty
Company: Seawood School
Fax Number: 506- 632 -5407
FP"' 1- 500- P5? -OU-31 P. 1
comrnercld ploy srh-if m
(cenoda) kw.
21 Scott Avenue
P.O. Box 125, Paris, Ontario
Canada N3L 3E7
5191442 -8331
Fax: 519/442 -8200
From ; Kim St, Pierre Tel: 506 - 852 -8185 Fax 506- 852 -8181
Little Tires Commercial Play Systems (Canada) Inc. - Atlantic Region
Dieppe, New Brunswick
Subjsct : Quotation *1488257,.Rov. #t
Dear Mr- McBriarty:
Further to our recent telephone conversation, i am plaaW to confirm the following
revised prices for your consideration and approval.
1- 91268000 Recess Challenge Zone Steel Structure $ 10,174.68
1- 200011090 pair of (egs for existing slide runout $ 39.88
1- Installation of structurelslide $ 1.$97,50
Total $12,112.06
Please note, the above prices lncigge freight chprjM to Saint John, N. B., and include
I tryst #his information is useful and complete. Should you require further details, do not
hesitate to contact me- Thank -you for your interest in quality products and services from
Little Tikes Commercial Play Systems Canada.
Best Regards,
Primed on 10% poal- coYGKnner r[a vciod paper.
04/13/99 TUE 09:51 FAX 506 632 5407 Prostate Ultrasound F& 003
84- '12,'39 12:40 LITTLE TIl<ES 1:r71 IERCIAL PLAY 5Y5 y 5% 6�32 5407, Nil. 683 1`1991�,004
04113/99 TUE 09:52 FAX 506 632 5407 Prostate Ultrasound
04/12/9-9 1271:40 LITTLE TIKES COP PEW- I RL PLAY Sr'S 4 536 632 5497
3) Inslallation
- The above products are designed ft standard LIM Tikes Commercial Play Systems (Canada) Inc.
Installation. It unclear of the melttod please discuss ttrs with your Sales Coorokator or Sales Representative.
-The above ftoms are dosWned to s ccomrnodate reatil®M surface material to a total depth of: 12 'around
and under the play equipment. Picas raft as stated in item 2) Reelltent atxface rrwtedel is not included
unless Shown as a separate line item.
4) 5uppHOd chew SUP"sar Ineludasl:
- Harnixi&ed $aloe Tax Included,
1A 004
N0. @83 POCQ/004
-The number of volumes that will be mquw ford* aarnpleUm of the abtwe installation Is: NIA Individuals.
-The estimated time to completes the installation of all of the above play egwpment would be: Wk Day(s).
-You will fee rosportsibte for providing both ft Parawd cement and uravel mk frr a Mal at NIA bap of Portland
and N/A yards of gravel.
- Please refer to the attachod Gst of required Wpm for the irwAalfatlon of your ftoround equipment.
Thank you for the opportimity to provide a quote. please do not heskM to contact me tou free at 1 - aDo -2as aQ53
at Ext. 207 should you have any addldonal quesdord-
Pleas* refer to quotation #: 1499257
Littla likes Commercial Play Systems (Canada) Inc.
Sates ooroinamr
ac: Kim SL Pierre
Atlantic Sales Reperretve "dive
C 1 -' 12:'y9 1 : 40 LITTLE TIKES i OMMER- I RL PLHY Sr'S y 506 632 5407 7
q4 ♦
S 15
a� a 4 Y
� B �
110. CG, f-1303 -'004
04- 12-.'99 12:40 LITTLE TD-.ES CONMEF2 I AL PLAY SYS � 506 6332 540'7 N0.883 P004/004
Rubbermaid Juvenile Products
Dear Customer,
comkr•.erdal �bte �tan�t
Kar�al Vic.
21 Scott Avenue
P.O. Box 125, Paris, Ontario
Canada NX 3E7
Pax.- 519/442 -8200
Little Tikes Commercial Play Systems (Canada) Inc. would like to thank-you for the
opportune to quote on your playground project.
Kittle Tikes (Canada) is proud to feature the following.
Canada's leading playground supplier for over 50 years-
. Manufacturing facility located in Paris. Ontario, Canada_
Canadian Welding Bureau Certification.
Product that is designed and manufactured to comply with CAN/CSA Z614 -98_
Prcfessional representation across Canada_
A wide range of playground equipment in wood, steel or plastic for ages 2 -1 Z.
A Rubbermaid Company.
For additional information please contact.
Little Tlk" Commercial Play Systems (Canada) Inc.
Ph: 1- 800 -265 -9953
Fax: 519 -442 -8200
E -mail: Itcosf -svmt - 40o.ca
Web Page: www;ItcPs.corn
R. Todd Hickman
Canadian Sales Manager
e Printed on 10% peat -MR%VR "r Y"tw Pepe+.
fflagar's Office
Saint Ja4n, iN_ P_
WHEREAS: Sarcoidosis is a muitisystem disorder of unknown cause, most
commonly affecting young adults; and
WHEREAS: although we know some of the complex mechanisms of the disease,
the cause is still unclear and the diagnosis is still sometimes hard
to obtain; and
WHEREAS: no definite genetic marker or link has been determined, there is
indirect evidence of genetic predisposition of this disease.
NOW THEREFORE: I, Shirley A. McAlary, Mayor of
the City of Saint John, do hereby proclaim y 12, 1999 as" Sarcoidos s Awareness
Day" in the City of Saint John.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have set my hand and caused the seal of the Mayoralty of
the City of Saint John to be affixed hereto.
P O. SOX 1971, SAINT JOHN, NEW BRUNSWICK, CANADA E21L 41-1 • (506) 658 -2912
fflurr'S O ire
Saint T04n, N P-
WHEREAS: Canada is a signatory to the United Nations Declaration on the
Rights of the Child, which states in its preamble that "....the child,
by reason of his physical and mental immaturity, needs special
safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection "; and
WHEREAS. a section of the United Nations charter on civil and political rights,
which Canada has also signed states that "every human being has
the inherent right to life "; and
WHEREAS: the United Nations declaration does not discriminate about which
children should receive legal protection; it explicitly states "the
child ... before as well as after birth."
NO W THEREFORE: I, Shirley A. McAlary, Mayor of
the City of Saint John, do hereby proclaim ay 14th, 19 9 as "Childr n's Human
Rights Day" in the City of Saint John
IN WITNESS WIIE-REOF I have set my hand and caused the seal of the Mayoralty of
the City of Saint John to be affixed hereto.
P. O. BOX 1971, SAINT JOHN, NEW BRUNSWICK, CANADA E21- 4L1 . (506) 658 -2912
c agar's Office
I! Rk
1�-6ttini �044n, C_ P_
WHEREAS: the Saint John Police Force in recognizing National Police Week,
May 9, 1999 through May 15, 1999 honors all those who have
sacrificed their lives in protected their communities; and
WHEREAS: the Saint John Police Force is one of the oldest police forces in
Canada, being the first to have a two way radio communications
system; and
WHEREAS: the men and women of the Saint John Police Force have carried on
the proud tradition of working with the community celebrating our
150'' Anniversary in 1999; and
WHEREAS: the Saint John Police continues to operate under the philosophy of
Community Policing. TOGETHER WE CAN, in partnership
with the Community, preserve and enhance the quality of life in the
City of Saint John by making it a safer place in which to live, work
and play. ,
NOW THEREFORE: I, Shirley A. McAlary, Mayor of
the City of Saint John, do hereby procl ' the we of day 9-1-36' 1999 as
"NATIONAL POLICE WEEK" in the City of Saint John and therefore urge all
citizens to support and participate in Police Week activities occurring throughout the
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have set my hand and caused the seal of the Mayoralty of
I he City of Saint John to be affixed hereto.
P. O. BOX 1971, SAINT JOHN, NEW BRUNSWICK, CANADA E21- 411 • (506) 658 -2912
The loser stands in front of City Hall in the winner's city
with a sign reading:
1. I am Shirley McAlary, from Saint John, and your
Fredericton Canadians are #I
2. I am Brad Woodside, from Fredericton, and your Saint
John Flames are # l
(Whichever it happens to be, depending on which team
M &C99 -139
May 5, 1999
Her Worship Shirley McAlary
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Councillors:
Taco Pica Restaurant, 96 Germain Street
Request to Place Tables and Chairs on the Sidewalk
1 :101 ;[*Ili ►111
City of Saint John
At the May 3' meeting, Council considered a request from Taco Pica
Worker Co- operative Ltd. to serve liquor at four patio tables and chairs on
the sidewalk in front of the Taco Pica Restaurant at 96 Germain Street.
This request was referred to the City Manager for a report and
The City of Saint John has a Sidewalk By -law that regulates the use of
sidewalks within the City of Saint John. Persons are not permitted to
occupy portions of the sidewalk without receiving Council's approval.
Taco Pica has requested in the past, and received Council approval for
the placement of tables and chairs on the sidewalk at 96 Germain Street.
Council approved their request in 1996, 1997 and 1998. The placement
of these tables and chairs has not been a problem in the past. The
placement of cafe type tables and chairs on the sidewalk add to the
ambience of the uptown area during the summer months and, therefore,
their request can be supported.
The City Solicitor, as a result of Taco Pica's request to serve liquor in
June of 1998 at these tables on the sidewalk, advised that it was beyond
Council's jurisdiction to approve the sale of liquor. Such approval is
subject to the Province of New Brunswick regulations respecting liquor
Your City Manager recommends that Council grant permission to Taco
Pica Worker Co- operative Ltd. to place four patio tables with five chairs
each at the front of Taco Pica Restaurant at 96 Germain Street for the
summer months subject to the following conditions;
1. Beverages served at the tables and chairs on the sidewalk must be
in non - breakable containers (plastic cups).
2. Tables and chairs are to be placed so as not to impede pedestrian
traffic. Placement to be approved by Chief City Engineer.
3. Tables and chairs are not to be left unattended.
4. Adequate litter receptacles are to be available.
5. Tables and chairs are not to be placed within five meters of a fire
6. Tables and chairs are not to be placed within five meters of an
7. Tables and chairs are not to be placed within two meters of a
8. Approval is for the period May 14t", 1999 to September 30tH 1999
Respectfully submitted,
Wm. Edwards, P. Eng.
ClaudV/MacKinnon, P
EnJ it &menk & De,,telpfnent/Services
Terrence Totten, CA
City Manager
WE /lfd
Taco Pica Worker Co- operative Ltd.
96 Germain St.
Saint John, N-B.
EM 2E7
Tel: 506 633 8492
April 19, 1999
I would like to request your approval to serve liquor at four (4)
patio tables with five (5) chairs each at the front of Taco Pica
Restaurant on 96 Germain Street starting this summer.
Thank you for your attention to this matter,
e an r gel
es urant anager
15. Taco Pica Worker Co- Operative Ltd.
Approval For Table & Chair Placement
Councillor Knibb asked if Taco Pica's request to place tables and chairs on the
sidewalk in front of its location on Germain Street should be referred to the City Manager, or if
Council could grant permission at this time, to which the Mayor indicated that Council could grant
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that the letter from the Taco Pica
Worker Co- Operative Ltd, asking permission to set four patio tables with five chairs each at the
front of the Taco Pica Restaurant at 96 Germain Street, weather - permitting, starting this summer --
be received and permission be granted for Taco Pica Worker Co- Operative Ltd. to set up patio
tables and chairs subject to consultation with City staff.
The initial motion proposed was to grant permission of the above request and, in
view of a concern that the number of tables and chairs proposed might block the sidewalk to
pedestrian traffic, it was suggested that permission should be granted subject to consultation with
City staff, and the motion was changed accordingly. Mr. Totten confirmed that, as indicated to the
Mayor earlier this date, Council could approve the request if it so wished based on the Acting City
Solicitor's review of how requests like this have been handled in the past; and suggested that, if
there is a concern as to the numbers of tables and chairs, staff could speak to the owners and
clarify this prior to Council giving final approval.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Taco Pica Worker Co- Operative Ltd.
Request To Place Tables And
Chairs At 86 Germain Street
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that letter from Taco Pica Worker Co-
Operative Ltd. requesting authorization to set up 25 patio chairs and 4 tables at the front side of
the Taco Pica Restaurant at 86 Germain Street, beginning May 1 through the end of September --
be received and filed and permission be granted.
Councillor Waldschutz suggested that the Street Occupancy By -Law would
prohibit the placement of chairs, sandwich boards and such on sidewalks and that there should be
some way, in addressing the needs of such businesses in the summer, to specify that they do not
obstruct the sidewalk, and suggested that this matter should be referred to staff; and Councillor
Brown concurred with Councillor Waldschutz' comments made above in this regard.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors Brown and
Waldschutz voting "nay ".
The Mayor advised that, rather than entertain a motion on the matter of sidewalk
boards and chairs due to the time and her desire to proceed with the agenda, staff would take note
of the comments made.
4A. Re Taco Pica's - Request To
Serve Drinks & Place Tables
Sidewalk At 96 Germain Street
Read a letter from Mayor McAlary submitting a request from Taco Pica Worker
Co- operative Ltd. for approval to serve drinks at four patio tables with five chairs each at the front
of Taco Pica Restaurant at 96 Germain Street for the summer months.
On motion of Deputy Mayor Chase
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that permission be granted to Taco
Pica Worker Co- Operative Ltd. to place four patio tables with five chairs each at the front of the
Taco Pica Restaurant on the sidewalk at 96 Germain Street for the summer months.
Mr. Nugent advised that, as it was beyond Council's jurisdiction to approve the
sale of liquor, Council could essentially agree not to object to Taco Pica seeking that sort of
license from the appropriate authorities. It was suggested that, as he was concerned about requests
of this nature coming directly to Council rather than through staff with a recommendation to
Council, staff should be asked to develop a policy for Council's consideration.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
RED OR y' TO, 'C"'OA V.01 #4 COUNC "T
M &C -99 -143
May 6, 1999
Her Worship Mayor Shirley McAlary
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Councillors:
SUBJECT: Housing Incentive Program
Application HIP -88
City of Saint John
There have been 88 earlier applications, for a total of 692 units, previously approved for the
Housing Incentive Program. The potential assessment increase will be nearly $65 million when
all of the devclopments are completed. The following additional application has been received.
Applicant Location # and Type Estimated
of Unit Grant
#88 M. Wayne Moore White House Court 7 units $70,000
Bldg. Contr. Inc. townhouses
This application is the second application for this development. The earlier application (H.I.P_
#36) resulted in the construction of 16 townhouse units with a total assessment of over $1.6
million dollars.
1. Strateszic Plan Conformity/Existing Ci , Policy
The development meets the criteria of the program as approved by Common Council on
April 21, 1996.
2. Input from Other Sources
Estimates of construction have been reviewed and reflect submitted plans and building
permit estimates of value.
Report to Common Council
May 6, 1999
Page 2.
3. Financial Implications
The Capital Budget contains sufficient funds to meet this obligation.
It is recommended that Common Council approve the Housing Incentive Program applications
HIP# SS M. Wayne Moore Bldg. Contr. Inc. for the estimated grant of $70,000.
ly bmitted,
Baird, MCIP
Community Planning
Claude MacKinnon, P.Eng.
Co mmissi er
Enviro ent & Developm Services
Terrence Totten, CA
City Manager
� 1283
106 5 s
,07 3 1
32 T, 100 5 1309
21 22 90 13B— 2
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35 c�T •�
• /+7 � 1454 �� �� •*
H.l. P.#
Subject Site:
NBGIC Number (s):
Address: 9 - 21 White House Court
Map Number: 06N -65SW
Date: May 6, 1999 Scale: N.T.S.
May 6, 1999
M &C # 99 -143
Her Worship Mayor Shirley A. McAlary
And Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Members of Common Council:
SUBJECT: Easement: Charles & Yvonne Walsh — 48 Cunard Street
City of saint John
As a result of having received the attached request, the following resolution would
now be in order.
Resolved that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized, in consideration of the
payment of $1.00, to execute a Grant of Easement in favour of Charles E. Walsh and
Yvonne M. Walsh, the present owners to permit the encroachments of their building
at 48 Cunard Street upon the said Cunard Street, such easement to terminate with the
Terrence L. Totten, CA
Legal Department John L. Nugent
City Solicitor
April 30, 1999
Terry Totten
City Manager
8th Floor, City Hail
Saint John, NB
Dear Sir:
P.O. Box 1971
Saint John
New Brunswick
Canada E21, 4L1
Re: Charles & Yvonne Walsh — 48 Cunard Street
Tel.: 506 658 -2860
Fax: 506 658 -2802
:rE h6
City of Saint John
I have received a request from David Chase, solicitor representing Mr.
and Mrs. Walsh, the owners of property known by the civic number 48
Cunard Street, for a Grant of Easement to permit the encroachments of
the building at 48 Cunard Street upon Cunard Street.
Portions of the western side of the building encroach upon Cunard Street
as shown on the attached Certificate dated June 25, 1982 prepared by
Fulton Surveys Ltd. per Robert A.G. Fulton, N.B.L.S. The
encroachments have been extant for more than 70 years being shown on
the Murdoch Survey Sheet No. 60 dated October 1, 1925.
The requested easement would terminate with the demolition or the
removal of the encroachment as is customary in such circumstances. If
you are prepared to recommend to Common Council the granting of the
easement, the following would be a satisfactory form of resolution:
Terry Totten
April 30, 1999
Page 2
RESOLVED that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized, in
consideration of the payment of $1.00, to execute a Grant of
Easement in favour of Charles E. Walsh and Yvonne M. Walsh, the
present owners to permit the encroachments of their building at
48 Cunard Street upon the said Cunard Street, such easement to
terminate with the destruction or removal of the encroachments.
Yours truly,
Lynda D. Farrell
rt,om i'ultur, Sul -v y Ltd.
1 This is to certify that FULTC)N SURVEYS LTD hes aVende•d end v;eweo certain properly allegedly owned 6y
Charley E. & YL•onne M. Walsh Situate al 46 CuTiard Street, Saint John, 1;.P,
and known as a lot of land on t} `e E-f,'3t.err: -,ide of Cunard Str•(�et tieing, IS.:':
meters, INY 30.48 meters as dcsc:r:i bed in OE•ed registered in the:- Saint Jotitr,
County RegiEtry Office in Boob: 518 at $03 - EOG
2 Thr• purpoie of which is to determine the location of the building or buildings under conslrucGon or now fully
construcicd thereon.
3 We havv dclermined that the building or biildings under coostrurtion now or fully consl:ucled fltereon are Iocatrd
W shoyl-n on the sketch herein contained.
k That there ere no iAie encrcachm..nts or. Ike seid land
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Dated at S.•inl John This 25th- day of June AD 19 S?
M & C 99- 138
May 5, 1999
Her Worship Mayor Shirley McAlary
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Members of Council,
City of Saint John
Proposals have been received for the provision of testing services for Portland
Cement Concrete and for testing and inspection of Asphalt Concrete materials, as
well as for its placement.
These are two significantly different services in that Portland Cement requires only
a physical stress test, for which the city does not possess the equipment (all other
tests are performed by City forces), while Asphalt Concrete requires a number of
tests on both it's physical and chemical properties for which the City lacks both the
expertise and necessary facilities.
In order to obtain bids from experienced and qualified companies, the City issues
a call for proposals.
In the past, these proposals were called every two years. The specifications of the
proposal call for Asphalt Concrete Inspection and testing has been revised by staff
in 1999 to conform with the latest standards and methods of inspection and testing.
Also, additional information is provided with respect to the Scope of Work. Staff
are of the opinion that the City will obtain more competitive prices if these
proposals are called every year instead of every two years.
While the proposal call includes requirements for both services, companies are free
to bid either one or both depending on their capabilities. Similarly, the City
reserves the right to award the entire project to one company or to split it between
M &C -99 -138
Engineering Inspection & Testing Services - 1999
Page 2
The following is a breakdown of the bids received:
price per cylinder (300 /yr)
ADI Limited
Saint John, N. B. $13.50
Jacques Whitford & Associates Limited
Saint John, N. B. $13.80
*estimated cost /year
Jacques Whitford & Associates Limited
Saint John, N. B. $28,290.00
ADI Limited
Saint John, N. B. $29,900.00
Gemtec Limited
Fredericton, N. B. $50,000.00
All above include HST
* Based on the requirements of the proposal call and approximately 28,600
tonnes of asphalt
Staff of the Engineering and Materials Management Divisions have analyzed all of
the proposals submitted. This analysis took into consideration the bidders
qualifications, experience, facilities and equipment along with the staff's past
experience where applicable.
As a result of this review, staff have come to the conclusion that the best proposal
for testing Portland Cement Concrete was submitted by ADI Limited, while
Jacques Whitford and Associates Limited submitted the best proposal for testing
Asphalt Concrete Mixes.
Staff are of the opinion that both of the companies have the necessary expertise and
resources to perform these services.
M &C -99 --138
Engineering Inspection & Testing Services — 1999
Page 3
The total annual cost to test Portland Cement Concrete, based on approximately
300 cylinders per year, if awarded as recommended, will be $4,050.00 (tax
The total annual cost to test Asphalt Concrete Mixes, based on the requirements of
the proposal call and approximately 28,600 tonnes of asphalt, if awarded as
recommended, will be $28,290.00 (tax included).
Funds to cover the cost of these services are included in the Annual Operating
Budget and the Capital Budget.
It is recommended that the proposals of ADI Limited, in the amount of $13.50 per
cylinder, for testing of Portland Cement Concrete and of Jacques Whitford and
Associates Limited, in the amount of $28,290.00 for the testing and inspection of
Asphalt Concrete mixes for 1999 be accepted.
P roody, P. ng.
ommi oner, Municip operations
Terrence L. Totten, C.A.
City Manager
M &C99 -141
May 10, 1999
City of Saint john
At the request of staff, the Canada Games Aquatic Centre (CGAC) has submitted a proposal for
lifeguard supervision at three beaches: Dominion Park; Lakewood Reservoir; and Fisher Lakes.
These are the same beaches at which the CGAC provided lifeguard supervision in 1998. The
total cost to provide this service is $38,600, plus taxes. Since the total value of the service
agreement exceeds $25,000 Common Council approval is required.
The CGAC has proposed to supervise three beaches: Dominion Park, Lakewood Reservoir, and
Fisher Lakes daily from June 26 to August 22.
The period of lifeguard supervision is proposed to be increased by one hour each day over 1998.
Supervision will be from 11 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. at the three beaches. Notices will be posted at
each beach to inform the patrons about the hours of supervision.
As in 1998 the CGAC has proposed to provide additional programming at each of the beaches to
include swimming lessons, boating, special events, etc. These programs would operate on a user
pay basis.
The proposal presented by the Canada Games Aquatic Centre will cost $38,600, plus taxes.
Funds are provided in the Community Services Department budget for this purpose.
It is recommended that Common Council authorize staff to engage the Canada Games Aquatic
Centre to provide lifeguard supervision at City beaches in 1999, as outlined in the attached
proposal at a cost of amount of $38,600, taxes extra.
Respectfully submitted:
William Butler, P.Eng.
Terrence Totten, C.A.
City Manager
In an effort to provide the best possible service to the citizens of Saint
John in a fiscally responsible manner, the Canada Games Aquatic Centre and the City of
Saint John Community Services Dept. have teamed up to operate the City beaches in 1999.
The following outline will clarify the operating arrangements.
The goal of this service is to provide safety supervision at 3 beaches during the prime hours
of the day, 7 days per week. This supervision will allow for the free play and enjoyment of
the citizens at no charge. Additional services, including swim lessons, special events,
sports, boating, etc. will be provided on a user pay basis during non -prime time. An
additional benefit of these non -prime time programs is the "casual' safety supervision of
instructors and programmers at the beach.
Beaches will be operated at Dominion Park, the Lakewood Reservoir and Fisher Lake. All
beaches will have lifeguards on duty from 11 am to 5:30pm daily from June 26 to August 22.
Swim lessons will be offered at the Lakewood Reservoir and Dominion Park, Monday to
Friday, from l0am- 11:30am as registration dictates. Additional programs and special events
will be run at each of the beaches, including beach volleyball, boating safety programs,
kayaking and canoeing instruction etc. as dictated by the market.
The Aquatic Centre will select, train, supervise and employ lifeguards and other staff
required to operate the beaches and programs. The Aquatic Centre will develop, plan,
market and operate all user pay programs and will retain the financial costs and benefits of
such programs. The Aquatic Centre will also seek out program sponsors and arrange
agreements with sponsors including logo and product placement at the beaches.
The Aquatic Centre will provide uniforms. In inclement weather, lifeguards may be used to
develop and organize programs or in other productive work as long as safety supervision of
the beaches is maintained.
The Aquatic Centre will provide usage statistics and a complete report at the end of the
Community Services will provide, on site for opening day, and will pick up on closing day:
1) Lifeguard Chairs
2) Signage - Beach Hours & Lifeguard On/OffDuty
3) Access to Storage Area
4) Rafts and Buoy Lines
5) Row Boats, Paddle Boards, and Paddle Board stands
6) Spine Boards and other safety equipment.
7) Cellular phones
It will be the responsibility of Community Services to arrange physical maintenance of the
beaches including grass cutting, sand quality, etc. Lifeguards will assist with "house
cleaning" of the beaches and daily maintenance of equipment.
Community Services will pay to the Aquatic Centre $38,600 for the provision of services
outlined above.
Legal Department John L. Nugent P.O. Box 1971
City Solicitor Saint John
New Brunswick
Canada E2L 911
May 7, 1999
Her Worship Mayor Shirley McAlary
And Members of Common Council
City Hall
Saint John, NB
Your Worship and Councillors:
Tel.: 506 658 -2860
Fax: 506 658 -2802
Re: Traffic By -Law Amendment -- Woodville Road
City of Saint John
On May 3, 1999 Common Council gave first and second reading
to an amendment to the Traffic By -Law with respect to parking
on the south side of Woodville Road between Chapel Street and
City Line.
Third reading is now in order if Council wishes.
Respectfully submitted,
John . Nugent
City Solicitor
: cd
Be it enacted by the Common Council of the City of Saint John as follows:
A By -Law of The City of Saint John entitled "A By -Law Respecting Traffic On Streets
In The City of Saint John Made Under The Authority of The Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, and
Amendments Thereto ", enacted on the 6`b day of September, A.D. 1977 is hereby amended as
1. Schedule "B" - No Parking Anytime - is amended by adding the following words
under the headings:-
Street Limits Side
Woodville Road Chapel Street to City Line South
First Reading:-
Second Reading:-
Third Reading:-
May 3, 1999
May 3, 1999
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City of Saint John
has caused the Common Corporate Seal of the said
City to be affixed to this By -Law the day of
May, A.D. 1999, signed by:
Mayor, the Member of the Council who presided
at the meeting at which it was enacted; and
Common Clerk
Be it enacted by the Common council of the City of Saint John as follows:
A By -law of The City of Saint John entitled "A By -law Respecting Traffic On
Streets In The City of Saint John Made Under The Authority of The Motor Vehicle Act,
1973, and Amendments Thereto ", enacted on the 6th day of September, A.D. 1977 is
hereby amended as follows:
1. Schedule "B" - No Parking Anytime - is amended by adding the following words
under the headings:-
Street Limits Side
Woodville Road Chapel Street to City Line South
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City of Saint
John has caused the Corporate Common Seal
of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the
tenth day of May A.D. 1999 and signed by:
Aayor, the mem er of Co cil who pre d at
the meeting at xkhich it was enacted; and
', ��
First Reading - M
May 3, 1
R EPCA r," `0 CONWO 1,0U CH1.
M & C 99 - 129
April 26, 1999
Her Worship Mayor Shirley McAlary
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Members of Council,
Parking - Woodville Road
City of Saint John
Staff has received a request from the residents of Woodville Road to have
parking restricted on the south side of Woodville Road between Chapel
Street and City Line.
Woodville Road is a two way street on the west side running from City Line
in an westerly direction to Bay Shore Road. The street is 0.547 km in length
and is 9.3 metres wide between the curbs. Generally speaking, the street
is residential in character with no parking restrictions.
However, in the area between Chapel Street and City Line the street is also
on a city transit bus route. In this area the residents are asking to have
parking restricted to one side of Woodville Road.
The recognized standard for a two -way municipal street, for example, is at
least two 3 -metre wide travel lanes with an additional 2.4 metres for each
lane of parking for a total of 10.8 metres. Woodville Road is 9.3 metres
wide. This makes Woodville Road too narrow for two -way traffic when
parking is allowed on both sides, with conditions worsened during winter
Staff's review of this request has concluded that the residents in this area
use the street for parking purposes when ample off street parking is
available to them. Both the Works Division and the Police Force have
commented that a parking restriction would be an advantage particularly to
emergency vehicles and snow plowing equipment. Staff recommends that
parking be eliminated on the south side of Woodville Road between Chapel
Street and City Line.
M&C -99 -129
Parking - Woodville Road
April 26, 1999
Page 2
ANALYSIS - Cont'd.
This is consistent with the policy adopted on March 8, 1999"
"That, where a street is less than 10.8 metres (35.4 feet),
the TraEffic By -Law be amended to restrict parking to one
side only."
The Saint John Transit supports the recommendation.
The Saint John Fire Department supports the recommendation.
24 notices were delivered to the residents of Woodville Road, between Chapel
Street and City Line, with 5 positive responses being received and no
negative responses. Several of the comments suggesting the City look at
other areas on the west side to improve the flow of traffic on similar streets.
The additional signage necessary can be absorbed within existing budgets.
It is recommended that the following amendment to the Traffic By -Law
receive first and second reading and that it be deferred to the Legal
Department for appropriate action.
Traffic By -Law-
Add to Schedule B - No Parking Any Time
Woodville Road Chapel Street to City Line South
Terrence L. Totten, C.A.
City Manager
To whom it may concern,
We are writing this letter to have parking banned on one side of Woodville
Road from Chapel Street to City Line, Saint John, West, N. B.
The following are the reasons for requesting parking on one side of road
The above mentioned streets are the city transit bus routes. The buses travel
every 15 minutes. The bus comes down Chapel Street takes a left onto Woodville
Road and continues down onto City Line. The way the cars are staggered on both
sides of this narrow road causes the bus to have to give way to oncoming cars, as
well as the cars giving way to the bus because the two vehicles cannot drive by at
the same time. During the winter it is even worse due to winter storms. There are
quite a few people that take public transportation both summer and winter which in
turn helps out the city.
The road is narrow and due to cars staggered on both sides of the road, the
city plough cannot plough the road properly. Various times the plough truck has to
honk it's horn to get people on either side to move their car in order for him to
squeeze by to make a pass.
The cars that are parked on the road have got drivew=ays and yards, but do
not use them. They don't shovel or have their driveways and yards ploughed, so
they just park on the road, causing havoc for everyone. We are totally fed up with
constantly during the winter, having to shovel HEAVY and HARD ice and slush
before we enter our driveway due to the plough going out around these parked cars
and therefore not enabling the plough to clear the snow! Our taxes have gone up
and why? You can't even get your road ploughed or get in your driveway.
Something desperately has to be done concerning this problem before
anymore storms arise!
I have names of various neighbours, who like ourselves are fed up with the
above mentioned problems. I can give those names to Mr. Wayne Ough upon
Thank you for your time to read this letter and we look forward to hearing
from you as soon as possible.
Mr. & Mrs. D. Breau
672 -9732
December 23, 1998.
Municipal Paul Groody, P.Eng. P.O. Box 1471 506 658 -2818 (Tel)
Operations Commissioner Saint John 506 658 -2852 (Fax)
& Engineering New Brunswick
Canada E2L 4L1
City of Saint John
In order to maintain two travel lanes at all times the
Engineering Division of the City of Saint John is
proposing to amend the City of Saint John Traffic
By -Law by restricting parking on the south side of
Woodville Road between Chapel Street and City Line.
If you wish to express your view about this proposal,
you can do so by calling Wayne Ough at 658 -4456
before 3:30 p.m., April 21, 1999.
The proposal is expected to be put before Common
Council on Monday, April 26, 1999.
Dante Foriere Page 4
31 Golden Grove Road April 30, 1999
Site and Neighbourhood
The subject property is situated near the intersection of Golden Grove Road and
Simpson Drive in the Glen Falls area (see attachments). The site is undeveloped
with a flat, low -lying topography.
One - family dwellings surround the site on the east, and the Marsh Creek and a
City pumping station are at the rear. A newly constructed six -bay car wash
facility is adjacent to the west at the intersection of Simpson Drive and Golden
Grove Road. The Exhibition Park horseracing track is to the south, which is
enclosed by a high board -on -board fence.
Development Proposal and Rer "Rces
The landowner, Dante Forier �� .51-
building. The building we -°� �-
ground floor area of apps
building would provide for i.
indicate the nature of these busiix.
,n to construct a commercial
Grove Road, and have a
square feet). The
,dplication does not
The development requires a minimum of A parking spaces. The
applicant is illustrating 82 spaces. The apple, does not address signage. The
Zoning By -law permits facia signage to a maximum total area of 48 square metres
(514 square feet), plus one free - standing sign with a maximum of 6 square metres
(65 square feet) — double- sided.
In regards to signage, Common Council can impose conditions that are more
restrictive if deemed desirable. For instance, when the adjacent property (9
Simpson Drive) to the west was rezoned for the car wash facility, a Section 39
condition was imposed that limited the height of all free - standing signs to a
maximum of 7.5 metres (25 feet). If this development were to be approved such a
condition would also be appropriate.
The proposal can satisfy all applicable Zoning By -law requirements with the
exception that the proposed commercial entrance is approximately 9.14 metres
(30 feet) wide, whereas the Zoning By -law only permits 7 metres (23 feet) for
one -way operation.
To the COMMON COUNCIL of the City of Saint John
The Committee of the Whole
Your Committee reports that it sat on Monday, May 3, 1999, when there
were present Mayor McAlary and Councillors Ball, Chase, Court, Desmond, Fitzpatrick,
Titus, Trites, Vincent and White, and your Committee submits the following
recommendation, namely:
1. That as recommended by the City Manager, the City quit claim its
interest, if any, in 3 Chubb Street (NBGIC Number 28092) to Mike Cavanaugh Homes
Inc. for the price of $2,000 (plus HST, if applicable), and the Mayor and Common Clerk
be authorized to execute the quit claim deed.
Respectfully submitted,
May 10, 1999, Sh"�McAlary,
Saint John, N.B. C h a i r m a n_
I r-
Office of the Mary L. Munford
Common Clerk Common Clerk
May 18, 1999
Mr. Richard J. Smith
Saint John Parking Commission
11th Floor, City Hall
P.O. Box 1971
Saint John, NB
E2L 4L1
Dear Sir:
P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862
Saint John
New Brunswick
Canada E2L 4L1
At a meeting of the Common Council, held on the 10th instant, the
following resolution was adopted, namely:-
City of Saint John
" RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 14 of the Police Act of the
Province of New Brunswick, the Common Council of the City of Saint John does
hereby appoint the following member of the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires
as By -law Enforcement Officer with the responsibility to enforce provisions of the
Parking Meter By -law and the provisions of Section 5, Section 7 and Section 8(1)
of the Saint John Traffic By -law, namely: Andrew Farmakoulas:
AND FURTHER that this appointment shall continue until such time as
the appointee ceases to be a member of the Canadian Corps of
Commissionaires or until the appointment is rescinded by Common Council."
Yours truly,
Mary L.(Munford
Common Clerk
Saint John
April 29, 1999
Mary Munford
Common Clerk
City of Saint John
8th Floor, City Hall
Saint John, NB
Dear Ms. Munford:
RE: Appointment of Andrew Farmakoulas
Canadian Corps of Commissionaires
as a Bylaw Enforcement Officer
9th Floor, City Hall, P.O. Box 1971
Saint John, N.B. E2L 41-1 Tel_: 506 -658 -2897
Fax: 506 - 649 -7938
We are requesting that the following resolution be presented to Common Council
for approval:
"Resolved that pursuant to Section 14 of the Police Act of the
Province of New Brunswick, the Common Council of the City of
Saint John does hereby appoint the following member of the
Canadian Corps of Commissionaires as Bylaw Enforcement Officer
with the responsibility to enforce provisions of the Parking Meter
Bylaw and the provisions of Section 5, Section 7 and Section 8 (1)
of the Saint John Traffic Bylaw, namely: Andrew Farmakoulas.
And further that this appointment shall continue until such time as
the appointee ceases to be a member of the Canadian Corps of
Commissionaires or until the appointment is rescinded by Common
Yours truly.
Rich 4d J. Smith
11 A s
- F
..•.�.. FUNDY......
Region Solid Waste Commission
May 7, 1999
City of Saint John
8th Floor, City Hall
P.O. Box 1971
Saint John NB E2L 4L1
Dear Mayor and Council,
We are writing as required under the Clean Environment Act to inform you of the
Commission's intention to vote on the following three borrowing resolutions at a meeting on
or after June 8, 1999.
Short Term Financing
That the Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission submit to the Municipal
Capital Borrowing Board an application for authorization to borrow
$4,900,000 for capital expenses for a period not to exceed 3 years for the
provision of Environmental Health Services.
This is for renewal of the three -year term of the short term financing meant to fund the portion
of capital expenditures approved in the current and previous year's capital budgets that will be
ultimately paid by the Department of the Environment. The short-term fmancing will be
retired as provincial funding is received. The funds receivable from the Department of the
Environment will not be entirely received until 2002. Payment of interim interest costs is
included in the Commission's approved budget.
Long Term Financing�Restructuring
That the Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission submit to the Municipal
Capital Borrowing Board a request to amend the terms of its existing long
term borrowing to the following:
5 years $3,065,000
10 years $ 861,000
15 years $11,017,000
37 Hanover Street, Saint John NB E2L 3G1 P hone: (506) 634 -7928 Fax: (506) 657 -0964
Email: swat @nbnet.nb.ca
The terms of borrowing approved for the Commission require adjustment now that the
division of borrowing over 5, 10, and 15 years terms is accurately known (compared to 1997
estimates). As a result, the Commission is requesting that the current debt terms be amended
to reflect the debt retirement terms of the assets actually acquired by the Commission. There
is a modest shift away from 5 and 10 year debt toward 15 year debt. The total approved long
term borrowing does not increase as a result of this resolution.
Long Term Financing For the Depot Recycling System
That the Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission submit to the Municipal
Capital Borrowing Board an application for authorization to borrow
$1,480,000 for capital expenses for a period not to exceed 10 years for the
provision of Environmental Health Services as follows:
5 years $ 440,000
10 years $1,040,000
The Commission's approved 1999 capital and operating budgets includes implementation of
the depot recycling program within the Fundy Region. The 1999 budget anticipates leasing
the capital equipment necessary to undertake this project. In evaluating the most cost
effective method of acquiring the capital assets, the Commission has determined that
obtaining funds through municipal debentures would be more cost effective than leasing.
This occurs as a result of the favourable interest rates now available through municipal
debentures. This does not involve any unbudgeted capital expenditure.
Should you have any questions concerning the resolutions noted above, please contact the
Commission office at (506) 634792$.
Yours very truly,
Jens Jensen, P. Eng.
General Manager
NAY 7 1999
N` 0F
a Xl�w
Page 2 of 2
and Housing
et Habitation
Responsible for the
Responsable de la
Status of Women
Condition de la Femme
New Nouveau � Brunswick
April 29, 1999
Dear Mayor and Council:
As you may know, the Province of New Brunswick has undertaken a number of initiatives and has made
a great deal of progress in addressing the Year 2000 (Y2K) problem. A few weeks ago, I sent you a letter
and a document entitled "Municipal Guidelines for Year 2000 Emergency Planning" which I believe will
help your efforts in developing contingency plans to deal with potential emergencies or disasters which
may arise as a result of the Year 2000 problem.
From my department's perspective, there are additional areas of responsibility that warrant particular
One of the essential services that must be secure and protected from the Y2K bug is the overall
emergency response system in New Brunswick including the NB 9 -1 -1 Service. The service which was
implemented province -wide on September 3, 1997 consists of a 9 -1 -1 operator, located in each of the seven
Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP), taking 9 -1 -1 calls from anywhere in the province and transferring
that call to the designated emergency service provider (ESP) that the caller needs. The ESP dispatcher who
receives the call from the 9 -1 -1 operator then has to contact the emergency service provider directly who
responds to the call.
Since there are many components (computer systems, radio and other communications equipment,
emergency personnel, etc...) that make up the overall emergency response system in New Brunswick, it
is important that all the people who are responsible for them coordinate their efforts to ensure that this
important public safety service works well on January 1, 2000.
For that reason the Dept. of Municipalities and Housing has created a committee, which includes
emergency response system stakeholders, that will coordinate the overall effort in assuring the NB 9 -1 -1
System is fully operational through the millennium. The committee membership includes representatives
from NB Tel, the NB 9 -1 -1 Service including Municipal Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs), the Dept.
of the Solicitor General, the RCMP (J Division and Districts), Ambulance Services of the Dept. of Health
and Community Services, municipal and LSD fire departments, the Poison Control Centre, the Office of the
Fire Marshal and the Emergency Measures Organization.
The committee's objective is to take measures to ensure the province -wide 9 -1 -1 call taking and transfer
service (NB 9 -1 -1), the ensuing dispatch service and response from the emergency service providers are
fully operational on January 1, 2000 and beyond.
Tel./Telephone: P.O. Box 6000 Case postale 6000
(506) 453 -3001 Fredericton Fredericton
Fax/Telecopieur : New Brunswick Nouveau - Bruns ick
(506) 453 -3283 Canada E3B 5H1 Canada E3B 5H1
Mayor and Council
April 22, 1999
Page 2
I understand that a number of emergency service providers have already provided some information to the
RCMP or other agencies in conjunction with their Year 2000 project. Whenever possible, we will attempt
to use the information that you have already provided. However, during the months of April and May 1999,
committee members will be contacting your municipality with specific requests for information to
determine your level of Y2K readiness/compliance in regards to systems and equipment that you use to
respond to emergencies in your community whether they be related to the management of your PSAP (for
the cities only), the dispatch function, the actual response from your fire or police department, or fire
protection agreements you may have with outlying Local Service Districts.
This committee needs your cooperation in order:
• to complete the above mentioned assessment;
• to determine what work remains to be done;
• to reassure the public that every effort has been made by all the parties involved, and
• to ensure that the level of emergency response is not compromised by the Y2K problem.
As a first step, please provide the name of your municipality's Y2K coordinator to Ron Akerley. A
committee member will contact your coordinator to assess your level of compliance and to discuss any
issues that may arise. The next step will focus on contingency planning (what measures you will have in
place in case your systems are affected by the Y2K bug) and the final one will consist of getting a sign -off
from your municipality in regards to the millennium bug and its impact on your emergency response
systems and services.
I thank you for your anticipated cooperation and I trust we can count on your support in these very
important public safety matters.
__Pj M_
Marcelle Mersereau
C.C. Municipal Associations
Municipal Administrators/Clerks
Dept. of Municipality & Housing Y2K Sub - Committee
MAY 5 1999
Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick Assemble Ugislative du Nouveau Brunswick
P. O. Box 6000 Case postale 6000
Fredericton, NB Fredericton (N B.)
E3B 5H1 "j E3B 5H1
_ . ,
Tel: (506) 453 -2545 MI: (506) 453 -2548
Fax: (506) 453 -3956 Fax., (506) 453-3956
April 29, 1999
Mayor Shirley McAlary
and Members of Council
City of Saint John
P.O. Box 1971
Saint John, NB E2L 4L 1
Dear Mayor McAlary and Members of Council:
Over the past five years, the Province of New Brunswick has funded hundreds of
thousands of dollars for the rehabilitation of our coastal areas in Saint John West.
Last year's project saw the construction of picnic shelters and landscaping to enhance
MacLaren's Beach. I am writing to you to request that along with your street side
litter pick -up program, that you include a regular stop at MacLaren's Beach.
Residents of the area are happy that visitors enjoy the scenic view and beach, but are
concerned when garbage does accumulate, particularly over the winter months when
volunteers and workers from the Western Beaches Preservation Society projects are
not available. I am aware you have litter bins in many city locations and believe it
would be in the city's best interest to include this picturesque part of our community
on their regular pick up service.
Thank you for your consideration.
Sincerely yours,
Jane Barry, MLA
Saint John Lancaster
i i ; =f'z
OUV qp:-, (VAM
MY 7 1999
6 Douglas Avenue
Saint John, NB
E2K 1 E4
(506) 652 -4330
April 28, 1999
Mayor Shirley McAlary
and Members of Common Council
City of Saint John
P. O. Box 1971
Saint John, NB E2L 4L1
Your Worship and Members of Common Council:
Re: R uest land on Fort Howe
On behalf of the Christian community, I write this letter of request with eager
anticipation. As you are aware, the year 2000 is creating a great deal of excitement and
enthusiasm amongst the entire population. We, as the Christian community, are desirous to
mark this special event with some unique and inspiring venues during the year to come. After
some preliminary discussions, we have established a working committee comprised of Pastor
David Nicholson, Rev. Gordon O'Coin, Dr. Mark McKim, Rev. Bob Freill, and Father .Tim
Our intent is to erect a commemorative cross on Fort Howe that will stand as a
symbol of the historic contribution to the development of the City of Saint John and as a
symbol of Christian unity. It is our desire, therefore, to access a piece of land that could be
used for this purpose. In conjunction with this, we will be having a city -wide ecumenical
worship service on January 2, 2000. It is our hope that following this service, we would
proceed to Fort Howe to dedicate this memorial cross.
We would appreciate your earliest consideration of this request, for we have to
approach the federal government's 'Canada Millenium Partnership Program' to request
funding for this particular project.
On behalf of the committee, I thank you for your prompt and expeditious
consideration of this matter. I will N happy to address Council to answer any questions or
concerns you may have, or simply to clarify our intent, if need be.
David Nicholson
MAY 3 t9"
cm 001
April 30, 1999
City of Saint John
P.Q. Box 1971
Saint John NB
E2L 4L 1
Dear Mayor and Councillors:
5aint John Volunteer Centre Inc.
P.O. box 7091, Station A
Saint John, N.B. E21- 455
Phone: (506) 655 -1555
Fax: (506) 652 -5791
The Saint John Volunteer Centre would like to thank the Mayor Shirley McAlary,
and Councillors Carl White and Mel Vincent for volunteering their time to our
Transportation Program during National Volunteer Week.
With your support we were able to recruit more than sixty volunteers for National
Volunteer Week, bring awareness to the importance of volunteering and the
services the Saint John Volunteer Centre provides, for our community, such as our
Transportation Program..
On behalf of the Saint John Volunteer Centre Inc. staff, and board of directors we
would like to thank you for all your support.
Gina Wilson
Volunteer Coordinator -', "y 4 so
F" {,
•- iliil(��� t -Er
05 -04 -99 14:26 YOUTH APPRENTICESHIP ID =506 643 6883 P.01
2 1
School Districts 6 & S
New Q'Brunswick
May 4, 1999
Mayor Shirley Mc.Alary and Council
City of Saint John.
Fax: 63? -6120
Dear City Government'
On :1vfay 3, nine trees were planted near the former, Canadian Tire store on Thorne Avenue
by the Co-operative Education ation Program of School Districts 6 & 8_ The purpose of this
letter is to thank you for.the city's involvement in this endeavour.
One of the many businesses that work with our program and its students - .Brunswick
Nurseries = generously donated these trees and .%e. needed someone to prepare the ground
and assist with the planting. The city's Parks and Recreation Dgpartrnent was approached
and agreed to assist us. We are very grateful for the help of two workers who were very
accommodating. We could not have done it 'without them! We also had two police
officers in attendance - a group very much involved with the Co- operative Education
Partnerships only work when there are willing participants and we very 'much.4ppreciated
the help that your Department gave us. Please pass on our thanks to those concerned:
The city's landscape is better for it!
Sincerely yours,
Dixie Coughliff
Co- operative Education. Program Facilitator
Schools .Districts 6 & b
4AY 4 1M
Mil OF
Tel__ ($06) 653.5300 Of &cc of the Supatintcndcnt
Fox! (596) 658.5399 School Districts 6 & 8
384 Uncnstex Awnue
saint John
Navy Bruriswick
Canada E2M 2L$
ssIBR.i'll s
40 King Street
Saint John, NB
E2L 1 G3
Tel: 506 -657 -4727
Fax: 506 -658 -2872
7;z� fl/ c „:
Mayor & Council,
City of Saint John,
P. O. Box 1971,
Saint John, N. B.
E2L 41_1
Dear Mayor McAlary:
May 3rd, 1999
The Imagine The Possibilities Conference produced a number of
Muriel Jarvis, specific recommendations, which included the following relative to the
Chair topic of waterways.
Eileen Travis, "Our waterways are recognized as one of our greatest assets
Regional Cooperation
though under - developed and under - promoted. We recommend a
Heather Stilwell, regional waterway strategy be devised to insure that we are taking full
Youth advantage of development opportunities and promoting this superb
asset to its best advantage. Those devising such a strategy would
Carolyn Cole, benefit from studying the wide range of ideas on this topic found in the
Quality of Life y g g p
appendices to this report ".
Dr. Ken Coates,
Leadership I have been given the opportunity to assist in fostering the
implementation of this recommendation by the Imagine The Possibilities
Tourism RolfSpaism rg, Committee.
Gary McKay, I see the initial challenge is to develop a team whose
Transportation responsibility will be to prepare an overall strategy. The potential
Bill Carson, benefits for our four municipalities from the full utilization of our
Business Support waterways are enormous. On behalf of the more than 200 participants in
the Imagine The Possibilities .Conference, I am asking your support in
Gregor Hope, appointing a representative, either elected or otherwise to serve on the
Waterways Strategy Development Committee. They will be joined by others in our
Derek Riedle, area who have an interest and expertise. The goal is to produce a
Communications strategic plan by December of 1999.
Peter Jollymore, I believe we are on the verge of tremendous waterway
Economic Development Strategy
development. It is up to us to see that this opportunity is fully reached
for the maximum benefit, both commercially and for personal
Waterways development touches all our 4 communities
comprising the greater Saint John area, and if we are to reach the full
potential it offers, we need a team approach encompassing us all. As
such, I feel it is very important to have all 4 communities represented.
Your committee member will be responsible for periodically reporting
back to you relative to the progress of the project.
As our goal for completing the plan is December 1999, there is no
time to waste. I would therefore request your prompt consideration.
Should any aspect of my request require further discussion or
elaboration, I would be pleased to hear from you. My office number is
632 -1980.
Thank you very much for your consideration.
Yours t dly,
GYRE R H E /4�
NAY 5 1999
�, 1 o
969 Seawood Lane,
Saint John, NB
E2M 3G8
May 5, 1999
The Mayor and Councilors,
The City of Saint John,
PO Box 1971,
Saint John, NB
E2L 4L 1
Your Worship and Councilors,
In view of the rapid housing development off Sand Cove Road in west Saint John,
namely the Meadowland Subdivision and others in the area, I feel that it is definitely time
for the City to provide planning for a secondary access road into and out of that area.
Presently, Sand Cove Road is the only access to that area. With the ever increasing
volumes of traffic going to those new houses, and to and from the Irving Nature Park and
the Maritime Opportunity Center, I feel it is rapidly becoming a major safety issue to
have all that traffic using only one access road. The major intersection on that road, at the
corner of Bleury Street, is also a school crossing_
Before all the housing space is used up, perhaps a secondary access road could be
planned for to join up with one of the existing lateral roads off Bleury Street. If for some
reason Sand Cove Road were to be blocked (fire, accidents, ice or snow drifts), then there
is no other access for citizens or emergency crews to the housing areas or the Irving
Nature Park, or the Maritime Opportunity Center. With a secondary access road,
emergency crews would have faster response times to these areas.
Thanks for consideration of the matter.
Cc: Mr. Paul Groody, Municipal Operations
Yours sincerely,
Daphne Wetmore
90 q
MAY 6 1999
Common Clerk
City Of Saint John
P.O. Box 1971
Saint John New Brunswick
E2L 4L 1
Dear Common Clerk:
Re: Section 39 Amendment Application
1922 Manawagonish Road
May b 1999
We the owners of the property at 1922 Manawagonish Road will be present at the May 10 1999
Common Council Meeting and would like if necessary to speak on the Section 39 amendment
report being presented by the P.A.C.
Sinter ly,
stet Sle'
MAY 6 tiQ 9 9
May 6, 1999
To: Mayor Shirley MacAllary & Councilors
I am requesting permission from you people to allow me to get landfill
on my property at 106 Glen Road in order to level out my property.
I spoke to the Building Inspector, Bill Edwards and he advised me to
make a request to you people.
Thank you
Wayne J. Burke
•� II\ I I ��� I I!\ l I �• I'' I l l I. I I'' •� I. �� �, ��i l I •� I I {��
TELEPHONE 657 -1773
696 -3608
P.O. BOX 535
May 4, 1999
Common Council
City of Saint John
P.O. Box 1971
Saint John, New Brunswick
E2L 4S 1
Your Worship and Councillors:
Re: Rockwood Park Advisory Bard
At the annual meeting of the Saint John Horticultural Association the following were
nominated and recommended for appointment to the Rockwood Park Advisory Board as members
for the forthcoming year.
1. Eric L. Teed, O.C., Q.C., P.O. Box 6639, Station A, Saint John , NB E2L 4S1
2. Wallace P. MacMurray, 59 Rocky Terrace, Saint John, NB E2K 4B6
3. Brenda Farren, 117 Mount Pleasant Avenue, Saint John, NB E2K 3T9
4. John Noddin, 809 Manawagonish Road, Saint John, NB E2M 3W9
5. Stephen Ashford, 55 Seely Street, Saint John, NB E2K 4B3
Clause 9 (2) (b) the agreement between the City and the Saint John Horticultural Association
1967, states: 5 members appointed by Common Council on the recommendation of the Association.
For the information of Councillors, attached is a copy of the agreement setting out the
operation of the Rockwood Park Advisory Board.
As a matter of information we are pleased to show a graph showing the campground
registrations and how such was developed in the last 7 years. 1999 is expected to be an even better
year with a greater number of trailer caravans and persons. The campground has a * * * rating and
is one of the ten top campgrounds in the Province of New Brunswick. We hope this will become
a destination campground for visitors to the Province.
Yours truly,
A"�' �C ace, r, a-,. y
Julie Esselmont
0 Cks" mma
+SAY 6 1"
6500 — Number
1992 1993 1994 1995 19% 1997 1998
210665 31:1
T 11 1 S A G R E E It E N.T' made this sixth day of
March in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and
sixty -seven
D E T 91 E E III SATrr Y)irl Ir)M.CtrrTurAL ATYMATTOrl,
F__JY —poralya, est. -d)1i:ihed IYy Cluiptor 83
of 56 Victoria 1893 . , harcinnf ter
referred to as thq "Association" of rho
A N D -tin-, r_rrY or shwr 1ri, in tho'county of
Saint Flo lm and Ilrov.L—nca of tIew Brunswick,
hereinafter referred to as the "City' bf
the other part
If 11 r. R E A S the Association' Is tIw3 oav--r of curtain
lands and pranison nituated In Stanley Ifard-%-Ailch it holds for the purposes sot
out in the various Acts of tho 1,egislatura of tile Province of mw Brunstirld- re-
lacing to t1v3 Association and buirrj essentially the establishment and mainten-
ance of,pti3lic g4rdens, parks and pleasure. ri3rortar and
W If E R E A r. the City cbsires to carry out a long-rL.�xJa
development on the lands of the A=oclation referred to as Pockwood Park in
accordance with a report entitled "Trockwood Park Develorivont Plan" prerAred by
Acres Atlantic limited, and dated August 22nd, 1966 (roferred to as the "Acres
PepDre') which was•rocaived by the Common Camicil at a meeting hold an the
2401 day of August, 19GGI and
It I . frRrAS in order bi obtain t1w- partIcIt3ation of the
Governrient of Canada and tho Pmvinco of &low Drunswick. through the Centennial
Project, it is necessary that the lands mid prendses be vested in the City) and.
11 It E R E A S Ulo City clrstres to courance bmiediately a
portion of the devolopwilt not out in tho Acres Report, as a Centennial Pro-
ject, details of Which are hereinafter more particularly described) and
W IJ E R E A S • the 10sociation has agreed to oonvey to 't)-n.
City the .1muls and'preintses cayprising rtocko)od Par); for tho purposes of
carrying out the said devulopmnl::
1. Oil cxaci tion of thin Agret-umnt the Association shall convoy
to the City by deed, tho lands and promises rxmprisiryj lbrlwood Parkas das-
0 i
I ,
r. a.J J. �I�i w. - .. ti e. er1 rv. aM '. iUg.
cribed in Schedule "A ". 1110 cald Decd shall cwitain a aonditiori that the lands
and premises shall b0 used by the City for tlxl purposes set out in tltn various
Acts relating tottho Association and subject to tltc tents of this ajr0e r_nt.
2. • - -• - 'lit0 City intends to begin imtr_diato construction on tho
. lands-and ptranises of its Centennial Project t.ltich cmvrise3 the followings
(a) Tile Centennial Ski Development
(b) 1110 Centennial Childron's Fann
(c) 7110 Centennial Children's Gax&ns
(d) Picnic Ground at Fis1mr Lake 13
(o) 1110 Centennial Shelter
I £) Beach Improver_nta
(g) Parking Areas and Acces:] Roads
{11) Services
more p.Zrticularly deserbied in the Acres 1'epor1:1 at an estimated total coat of
$325,000.00 and further intends to cunploto tiul project within a reasonalilo
thm. Ater cmpletion tlw City shall have tl10 sole control and responsibility
Of the maintenance and further developnnnt of t110 Centennial Project.
3•. Aftor the cu"pletion of the Centennial Project the City
intends to develop with all reasonable promptness other areas of lhncla,rood park
as £ollot -rh t
(a) Fxtensirn and developn^nt of parking
at entrawn to Lily %ake
(b) CO.Ummi.ty Picnic Ground .
(c) DOvalopnent of Fisher 1-110 access roar]
(d) Fisher 7A o 11 Cllildrert's Playgrouhll
(c) Fisher Lake 11 Picnic Area
Hit- estulnted cost of which is $120,000.00.
4 • In addition to t11e work dasc1t'ilxx1 in r ra Its 2 and 3,
C� �J p. the City intotxls to further develop Rodwood Park galr_rally in aceoriUnon
with the Acres Report or in coat other manner that may be argreed upon by the
Association and tlt0 Cft~.1. In Lila amGnt tlho city does not carry out this pro-
posed dcvelolment within a period of ton years it shall, upon retie* bailor
given reconvey to m A
to sroc,ation that portion r5f the lands and premises not
so dr'volopad.
tt- r
I '
f. .
I •
17'10 City My, from tiMO to tj M" &rend Ox pater the work
aaxl projects clegcril'1ed in Paragraph 2, 3 and 4 but bufono doin g sd shall give
notiCa to taw Association in advance to enablo the Association to offer sug-
gestions and•recotm iulations Co
k, ;,�• ticernirq Old &Tending or altarlmj of the saicl
• .projects. -
G. {1) Y Subject to paragral4i. i taw Association may direct and
operate those areas of hod:wood Park othor� than t1le areas developed Irl.tho Cit
as die Centennial Project in the Same mas:nar as if such lands lead not be0� con .
veyat, to t}io City and in articular ma maintaln� direct and
_ �.. __�_ Y _- 0130kato the
follu,riruli �1 -`
(a) Campsite facilitieq
i (h) Park Pavilion
(c) -%r3mnin g# skating, boating .'1oating and fiahirvl facilities
(d) Par'. Gardena, �~
(2) On the mmmnenaation of the
• I:oard# hereinafter referrer;. to,
-'the City may I-nPrOvo -Intl develop the areas-'and facilitios described in clause
(1) hertof and construct other facilities tl'1ereon.
(3) Mle City shall .from. time to "ma mace Mtch
grants to
Association �sociation as tlle City s1la11 dOC140 upon,to assist the Association in carrying
out the wort: mentioned in tills Para?raph 6.
7• Tails, Mxlecl%ent nit, no:
- bo doCM-_ to affect any rxistir►q
ugrec�rrents made bobaoen tFio Association, the New DrunswiC}: Fish 6 raw Pro-
tectivo Association (Saint John DrancJl) and tam board of School Trustees of
Saint John. -
. ' • ' < a• • - All outstancl' -
"V bonds oz' debentures of tho Association and
interest thereat shall Cnntinuo to bo.d3ligations of t)xa A ^,sociation and Paid a
frcm 1►3sociation revenues and grants. ItOU"I herein shall affect the
guarantee by the City of the said bonds orrl0bw '1tures,
Within thirty days aftor the exenrtion of this A ?reaTnnt
theme shall b0 established a board to be knram'1 as "'!'110 !•od:sa0od Park .Advisory
Board" made up as. folla .,sa'
I +"r
I.I .
r .•
(a) tho Mayor of Uhe City who shall be Chairman
of tho Board)
(b) Five wmftrs appointed by the Cannon Council
on the reeomnendation'of the Association] and
(c) Five nvxWmrs appointed by the Cammn Council.
(2) Tile terns of office of Uha manlYars of tlua Board is ono year
but a :rcinber may,. be re- appointed from term to term.
(3) The Association or the Carnman Council may at any time re-
move or rep ace the momhors which they have appointed to tin Board.
(A) At any meotings of the Dwir t whom there is an equality
of votes time MI•hyor shall have a cast M. or deciding votes.
(5) 141cre Uho Nhyor is unable to attend a meeting of tho Board
to may designate the Deputy Mayor or sudh othor monlxar of Council 'to act .on
hie behalf.
(G) If -tha Mayor or a ;eprenentitive dosignatr_d by him does not
attend a meetingo the mitaers of the Board plusent may elect one of their
mum+rY as chairman of the'meeting.
(7) Meetings of Uho Board shall be called bry the Mayor on his
own initiative or xeien requested in writing by at least Uaree manhera of the
(fi) 'Ilia Board shall from time to time make rules for the .
notices of and proceedings at itv meetings.,
10. The duties of Uhe Board aro to Investigate, study and make
recmmndations to Uhe Association and the City on ouch matters regarding the
development of Rod_q," Park that may W referred to .it jointly irl the Assoc-
iation and the City# or bj oitlher of than.
IN SIMICSS IMERDOF the parties hereto have caused this
agreeoent to bca executed the day and year first hemid3eforYa written.
in Uho prresenoo,ofp. . ;) o
r ._:::•' )',� !'fay r.
•• tr • .'1 -• `' )�' A. By Order of thq Cchmon Council uwl,-r data
Uw 6f i &2V of A.D. 1967.
' ) GC,c t , FAA, t" .
I .
To: Saint John Horticultural Association
Paragraph 6 (1) of the agreement between the City of Saint John and the Horticultural Association
"The Association may direct and operate those areas of Rockwood Park other than the areas developed
by the City as the Centennial Project in the same manner as if such lands had not been conveyed to the City
in particular may maintain, direct and operate the following;
(a) Campsite facilities
(b) Park Pavilion
(c) Swimming, skating, boating and fishing facilities
(d) Park Gardens
(2) on recommendation of the Board the City may improve and develop the areas and facilities
described in clause (1) hereof and construct other facilities thereon.
(10) The duties of the Board are to investigate, study and make recommendations to the Association
and the City on such matters regarding the development of the Park that may be referred to it jointly by the
Association and the City, or by either of them."
Proposed resolution for Rockwood Park Advisory Board to obtain full information on plans and
projections for the Lily Lake Pavilion.
1. Resolved the Rockwood Park Advisory Board be requested to obtain full information about the
condition of the Lily Lake Pavilion, the cost of refurbishing and rendering it usable, the plans for use and costs
and information about swimming, biking and skating in Lily Lake and related uses.
Whereas Lily Lake is the most picturesque and usable waterway in Rockwood Park.
2. Whereas members of the public and others have expressed their view that there should be a walk for
pedestrians and wheelchairs around the circumference of Lily Lake so citizens can enjoy the lake to the fullest
and whereas a walk presently extends part way around the lake.
Resolved the Rockwood Park Advisory Board be requested to investigate the development of a walk
around the circumference of Lily Lake, including the projected cost of the extension of the existing path way
of construction and time table for such proposed development.
3. It has been proposed that the City of Saint John receive copies of all 11 stamps which can symbolize
something related to Saint John or New Brunswick such as the Marco Polo, John Humphrey and others which
will be forthcoming and establish a NB related stamp collection with City Hall which could be an educational
attraction for visitors.
In April 1999 an orchid postage stamp was issued. As The Horticultural Society is interested in
flowers would the Association consider adding to the collection by presentation to City Council of a block
of 4 stamps? Costs with frame approximately $50.00.
It is proposed a new committee, Lily Lake Development Committee be instituted to consider
improvements to the area surrounding Lily Lake, building, swimming, boating and fishing. -