1999-03-29_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourAGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at March 26, 1999. 1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., Monday, March 29,1999 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (March 22, 1999). PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Municipal Plan amendment to (i) adopt the Peninsula Neighbourhood Plan and (ii) amend Schedule 2 -C, the Central Peninsula Land Use Plan, to adopt a neighbourhood plan as an amendment to the Municipal Plan, as requested by the City of Saint John. (b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment. (c) Letter of objection to proposed amendment. (d) Letter in favour of proposed amendment_ 4. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By -law amendment to re -zone a parcel of land located at 91 Prince Edward Street, from "IL -1" Neighbourhood Institutional to "B -2" General Business classification, to develop the site in conjunction with an adjacent property (formerly St. Joseph's School) for commercial use, as requested by E & P Holdings Ltd. (b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment. 5. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed amendment to the Section 39 conditions imposed on the September 28, 1998 re- zoning of the property at 450 -500 Westmorland Road, to amend or delete the conditions which currently require the developer to assume the full cost of traffic light installation at Mark Drive and Westmorland Road, as well as the cost of construction of a dedicated right -hand turn lane on Rothesay Avenue at McAllister Drive, as requested by First Westmorland Shopping Centers Limited. (b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment. 6. Mayor's remarks. *6A. Re provision of compensatory storage (flood control). COUNCIL 7. Re parking in uptown area (Councillor Titus). 8. Re baseball user fees; West Side development; traffic concerns; and appointments to commissions (Councillor Court). CITY MANAGER 9. Re Year 2000 computer problem. 10. Re system of status reporting for capital programs. 11. Re acquisition of easement for storm sewer, 109 Glen Road. 12. Re 1999 Establishment of permanent positions. 13. Re 1999 maintenance agreement for Provincial highways. CITY SOLICITOR 14. Re enactment of amendments to Harbour Station Commission and Saint John Aquatic Centre Commission legislation. Page Two. COMMON COUNCIL — as at March 26, '1999 COMMITTEES 15. Planning Advisory Committee re subdivision, Stinson Drive. 16_ Planning Advisory Committee re subdivision, 1250 Latimer Lake Road. 17. Greater Saint John Economic Development Commission, Incorporated (Enterprise Saint John) re 1999 objectives. 18. Preservation Review Board re Provincial Planning Appeal Board appeal decision. 19. Letter from Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority re removing tolls; truck traffic avoiding tolls; and maintenance costs. 20_ Request of Saint John Art Advisory Board for special license and waiving of vendors fee for use of sidewalk for Deep See visual arts festival event. GENERAL 21. Letter from Total Golf Management, Inc. re contract with City for Rockwood Park Golf Course and Driving Range. 22. Letter from Saint John Board of Trade re appointments to boards and commissions. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - 4:30 p.m. 23. 4:30 p.m. — Teach -in re business process improvements. 24. 5:00 p.m. — Presentation by Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority. 26_ Re provision of compensatory storage — flood control (City Manager)_ 27. City Manager's update. 28. Mayor's update. LEGAL SESSION 29. Re Board of Inquiry under Human Rights Act (City Solicitor). I \- 5 Office of the Common Clerk June 7, 1999 Mary L. Munford P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Common Clerk Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 Mr. Jim Baird Manager Community Planning 10th Floor - City Hall Dear Sir: Re: 450 -500 Westmorland Road City of Saint John Enclosed is a copy of a Section 39 amending resolution regarding the above property. Pursuant to the provisions of the Community Planning Act, the resolution was filed in the Registry Office on May 12, 1999 and became effective on that date. Yours truly, f� Constance Mosher Assistant Common Clerk CM /jaf encl. cc: William Edwards, Building Inspector PENDING SECTION 39 AMENDING RESOLUTION PROPERTY LOCATION: 450 -500 Westmorland Road SUBJECT: Section 39 Amending Resolution REGISTRY OFFICE: certify 3 copies of amendment - 1 copy will be filed in Registry Office (letter size, do not include owner) 1 copy ~gill be registered in 1?egist y Office - ficiri,ui Size, r%%Amnr'aci nnMe incl.) 1- 1 copy will be returned to Common Clerk with filing and registration data stamped on it (legal size, owner's name incl.) 2" top margin, 1.5" side margins, legal size copies include owner's name at bottom COPIES TO JOHN NUGENT: (date) April 22, 1999 Copy of resolution with filing and registration data noted in letter to: Jim Baird, Community Planning cc: William Edwards, Building Inspector Office of the Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Common Clerk April 6, 1999 P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 First Westmorland Shopping Centres Limited city of saint John 259 Yorkland Road, Suite 300 North York, ON M2J 5132 Dear Sirs: At a meeting of the Common Council, held on March 29, 1999, the following resolutions were adopted, namely:- " RESOLVED that as recommended by the Planning Advisory Committee, Common Council (1) amend the Section 39 conditions imposed on the September 28, 1998 re- zoning of the property situated at 450 -500 Westmorland Road, also identified as NBGIC #55061139, 55061147 and part of 303479, by: (a) deleting conditions (h) and (i), being the conditions which currently require the developer to assume the full cost of traffic light installation at Mark Drive and Westmorland Road, and the cost of construction of a dedicated right -hand turn lane on Rothesay Avenue at McAllister Drive, respectively; and (b) re- numbering conditions G), (k) and (1), as (h), (i) and 0); (2) that Common Council authorize the incorporation of the changes outlined in (1) above, into the Section 39 agreement authorized by Common Council on September 28, 1998; and (3) that the traffic lights at the intersection of Mark Drive and Westmorland Road be installed by the City prior to the opening of Phase 1 of the proposed shopping centre, and the property acquisition and construction of a right -hand turn lane on Rothesay Avenue at McAllister Drive be included in the capital budget for 2000." - and - "RESOLVED that the above motion be amended by (1) amending clause (a) to require that the developer shall assume one -half the full cost of traffic light installation at Mark Drive and Westmorland Road, and (2) deleting clause (b) and substituting the following "(b) re- numbering conditions 0), (k) and (1), as (i), 0) and (k)."." _Yours truly, r� 1//e ��1. Mary L Wunford Common Clerk MLM:sc PROPOSED SECTION 39 AMENDMENT f RE: 450 -500 WESTMORLAND ROAD Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider a proposal at its regular meeting to be held on Monday, March 29, 1999 at 7:00 p.m., by: Amending the Section 39 conditions imposed on the September 28, 1998 rezoning of the subject property situated at 450 -500 Westmorland Road, also identified as NBGiC # 55061139, 55061147 and part of 303479, as illustrated below, to permit a revised proposal. (INSERT MAP) REASON FOR CHANGE: To amend or delete the conditions which currently require the developer to assume the full cost of traffic light installation at Mark Drive and Westmorland Road, as well as the cost of construction of a dedicated right -hand turn lane on Rothesay Avenue at McAllister Drive. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Community Planning, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B., between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. Written objections to the amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall. City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint John use only: Budget Number: 110 0000 442 20 10 Department: Common Clerk's Office Contact: Mary Munford Phone: 658 -2862 Fax: 658 -2802 Special Instructions (if any): Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (ETG = Evening Times Globe; T -J = Telegraph Journal) X ETG City Information AD Date(s): Tuesday, March 2, 1999 Tuesday, March 23, 1999 C] ETG Independent Placement Date(s): 171 ETG Classifieds Date(s): I3 T -J Independent Placement Date(s): 173 T -J Classifieds Date(s): INFORMATION FOR AD (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad) Section Headline: 0 Tender(s) 0 Proposals(s) X Public Notice(s) 0 Mayor's Message C3 General Notice(s) Sub - Headline (if applicable): Text: INSERT ATTACHED Call to Action: Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Contact: Telephone: (506) 658 -2862 Office of the Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Common Clerk March 2, 1999 P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 First Westmorland Shopping Centres Limited 259 Yorkiand Road, Suite 300 North York, ON M2J 5132 Dear Sirs: At a meeting of the Common Council, held on February 22, 1999, the following resolution was adopted, namely:- City of Saint John " RESOLVED that the application of First Westmorland Shopping Centres Limited for an amendment to the Section 39 conditions of re- zoning of 450 Westmorland Road be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation, and the necessary advertising be authorized in this regard, with the public hearing to be held on Monday, March 29, 1999, at 7:00 o'clock p.m... ,. Enclosed is a copy of the Public Notice in this regard. Yours truly, iGCr, Ma ry L. unford Common Clerk MLM:sc Enc Application for Amendment to Section 39 Resolution or Agreement Applicant Related Information Name of Applicant Mailing Address of Applicant L _5- 1 Lr cyZ V-- LAW L3 a' A-b / f - f 7 & 3t" os, Tephone Number: Business 3 i 1 Z Fax No.(if one) y� �" �a z`G Name of Property nwner(if different) _ Mailing Address of Owner 0 N • (3 Existing Resolution Home C(G-7t"rZ -v---, hq - RJc- Z Hr r; vI 61 H.7 -V je-- 14 &Cn & Ell' vZr SA 1-7 Js 17 Postal Code r— 2 3r Z C f. Date of resolution to be amended ��J f • 2 - 1'"l Location Wtas`M,cTC J/7 307 Civic# Street NBGIC# Applicants Interest in Property Own Other(exp Lease or—I 00 A, Vr71� What is your Proposal? Cy(f;%e JLT P+ �J Note: Provide a fully dimensional drawing r tan which illustrates your proposal. (D scribe proposal in detail) ` �-�o ���ep'F- Z °3 /qS ,ej jl�1 n,,rd //At oitr {1�iLn'L �� 1 0�/7r /w %ri O"j Y� %mlf,l A fee of $300.00 is enclosed in the form of a cheque or Money Order made payable to the City of Saint John. Date Signature of the owner must be included. FEB 19 cww 7 (? -M+ f jlld-h--t al ,,a "Wx% &J,11k Planning P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2800 Advisory Committee Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 ti k r r d OPEN SESSION March 25, 1999 Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Proposed Section 39 Amendment 450 -500 Westmorland Road City of Saint John On February 22, 1999 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached report at its March 23, 1999 meeting. Philip Wong attended the meeting on behalf of the applicant, First Westmorland Shopping Centres Ltd., and expressed agreement with the recommendation in the attached report. Stephen Cronk, a resident of Mark Drive, also attended the meeting and agreed that the traffic signals and right -hand turn lane need to be completed. However, he questioned why the taxpayers should be required to assume the cost of this work. Staff pointed out that there would be broader benefits to the general public with respect to both of these off -site improvements. No other persons attended the meeting and no letters were received. After considering the report and presentations, the Committee adopted the staff recommendation. The Committee also recommends that the City install the Mark Drive /Westmorland traffic light prior to the opening of Phase 1 of the shopping centre, and that the right -hand turn land on Rothesay Avenue be included in the capital budget for 2000. RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council amend the Section 39 conditions imposed on the September 28, 1998 rezoning of the property situated at 450 -500 Westmorland Road, also identified as NBGIC # 55061139, 55061147 and part of 303479, by: Planning Advisory Committee March 25, 1999 Page 2 a) deleting conditions (h) and (i), being the conditions which currently require the developer to assume the full cost of traffic light installation at Mark Drive and Westmorland Road, and the cost of construction of a dedicated right -hand turn lane on Rothesay Avenue at McAllister Drive, respectively; and b) re- numbering conditions 0), (k) and (1), as (h), (i) and 0). 2. That Common Council authorize the incorporation of the changes outlined in (1.) above, into the Section 39 agreement authorized by Common Council on September 28, 1998. 3. That the traffic lights at the intersection of Mark Drive and Westmorland Road be installed by the City prior to the opening of Phase 1 of the proposed shopping centre, and the property acquisition and construction of a right hand turn lane on Rothesay Avenue at McAllister Drive be included in the capital budget for 2000. Respectfully submitted, WA. (Sandy) Robertson Vice - Chairman RGP /r Attachments Community Jim Baird MCIP' P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2835 Planning Manager Saint John 506 658 -2837 (Fax) New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 DATE: TO: FROM: FOR: SUBJECT: Name of Applicant: Name of Owner: Location: NBGIC: Municipal Plan: Zoning: Proposal: MARCH 19, 1999 PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE COMMUNITY PLANNING MEETING OF MARCH 23, 1999 fitk&l Randall G. Pollock, MCIP Planner First Westmorland Shopping Centres Ltd. Clear View Mobile Homes Ltd. 450 -500 Westmorland Road 55061147, 55061139 and part of 303479 Regional Centre "SC" Shopping Centre (pending) To develop a shopping centre 'Ell z City of Saint John Type of Application: Section 39 Amendment, to amend or delete the conditions that currently require the developer to assume the full cost of traffic light installation at Mark Drive and Westmorland Road, as well as the cost of construction of a dedicated right -hand turn lane on Rothesay Avenue at McAllister Drive First Westmorland Shopping Centres Ltd. Page 2 450 -500 Westmorland Road March 19, 1999 JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: Common Council has requested the Planning Advisory Committee's views with respect to the proposed Section 39 amendment. Common Council will consider the Committee's recommendation at a public hearing on Monday, March 29, 1999. STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE: That Common Council amend the Section 39 conditions imposed on the September 28, 1998 rezoning of the property situated at 450 -500 Westmorland Road, also identified as NBGIC # 55061139, 55061147 and part of 303479, by: a) deleting conditions (h) and (i), being the conditions which currently require the developer to assume the full cost of traffic light installation at Mark Drive and Westmorland Road, and the cost of construction of a dedicated right -hand turn lane on Rothesay Avenue at McAllister Drive, respectively; and b) re- numbering conditions 0), (k) and (1), as (h), (i) and 0). 2. That Common Council authorize the incorporation of the changes outlined in (1.) above, into the Section 39 agreement authorized by Common Council on September 28, 1998. BACKGROUND: On September 28, 1998, the subject property was rezoned from "I -2" Heavy Industrial and "MH" Mobile Home Park to "SC" Shopping Centre, subject to an agreement pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act setting out the following conditions: (a) The development is limited to the applicant's proposal to develop a shopping centre with a maximum floor area of approximately 460,000 square feet in one or more buildings; First Westmorland Shopping Centres Ltd. 450 -500 Westmorland Road Page 3 March 19, 1999 (b) The developer must pave all parking areas, loading areas, manoeuvring areas and driveways with asphalt and enclose them with cast -in -place concrete curbs to protect the landscaped areas and facilitate proper drainage; (c) Adequate site drainage facilities must be provided by the developer in accordance with detailed drainage plans, prepared by the developer and subject to the approval of the Chief City Engineer; (d) All utilities, including power and telephone, must be provided underground; (e) All disturbed areas of the site not occupied by buildings, driveways, walkways, parking or loading areas must be landscaped by the developer. The landscaping must extend onto the City street rights -of -way to the edge of the City curb /sidewalk; (f) The development layout must include a driveway connection from the extension of Mark Drive to the adjacent Canadian Tire development, designed and constructed in a manner which is satisfactory to the owner of the Canadian Tire property and Development Officer; (g) The developer must extend Mark Drive to the north of Westmorland Road as a public street, in accordance with detailed plans prepared by the developer and subject to the approval of the Chief City Engineer; (h) The developer must install traffic signals at the intersection of Mark Drive and Westmorland Road in accordance with the specifications of the Chief City Engineer; (i) The developer is responsible for the cost of land acquisition and construction of a dedicated right -hand turn lane on eastbound Rothesay Avenue at McAllister Drive; (j) The size of the development may not exceed 230,000 square feet of floor area until such time as one of the following alternatives is achieved: i) the proposed connecting street from the extension of Mark Drive to McAllister Drive is completed in a manner which is acceptable to the Chief City Engineer and the Exhibition Association; ii) other driveway connection between this development and McAllister Drive is completed in a manner which is acceptable to the Chief City Engineer; First Westmorland Shopping Centres Ltd. 450 -500 Westmorland Road Page 4 March 19, 1999 iii) a traffic analysis is submitted by the applicant indicating that any development over 230,000 square feet can be accommodated on the existing street network in a manner satisfactory to the Chief City Engineer; (k) The site shall not be developed except in accordance with detailed site plans and building elevation plans, prepared by the developer and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, indicating the location of all buildings, parking areas, driveways, loading areas, signs, exterior lighting, landscaped areas and other site features. No building permit will be endorsed by the Development Officer (except site preparation and foundation) until the required site plan is approved. Such site plan will be attached to the building permit for the development; (1) All site improvements as shown on the approved site and drainage plans, except for landscaping, as well as all required off -site improvements other than that mentioned in condition (i), must be completed prior to the opening of the facility for business. Landscaping must be completed within one year of building permit approval. The rezoning to "SC" will become effective upon filing of the amendment in the Registry Office. This will occur once the agreement is finalized and executed. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Engineering has no objection to deletion of the two obligations, but wishes to point out that no provision has been made in the City's current budget to carry out this work. The traffic lights will have to be installed as soon as the new store opens. The turning lane on Rothesay Avenue is not as urgent but is definitely needed. Building and Technical Services has no comment. Saint John Energy has no objection. ANALYSIS: The applicant's proposal to develop a 460,000- square -foot shopping centre on the subject site was considered by the Committee last September. The proposal was recommended by the Committee and approved by Common Council, subject to an First Westmorland Shopping Centres Ltd. 450 -500 Westmorland Road Page 5 March 19, 1999 agreement incorporating all of the conditions listed in the Background section of this report. At the time of approval, the developer had expressed agreement with all of the proposed conditions, and anticipated being able to fulfil them. The following matters are included among the obligations of the developer, being conditions (h) and (i): • The developer must install traffic signals at the intersection of Mark Drive and Westmorland Road in accordance with the specifications of the Chief City Engineer. It is envisaged that these new signals will actually be a relocation of the existing traffic signals at the entrance to Canadian Tire. • The developer is responsible for the cost of land acquisition and construction of a dedicated right -hand turn lane on eastbound Rothesay Avenue at McAllister Drive. The total cost of these two obligations has been estimated at approximately $160,000 ($75,000 for the traffic signals and $85,000 for the land acquisition and street work). Since September, the developer has been working on detailed plans for the project and continuing negotiations with prospective tenants. The developer has indicated that, upon closer inspection, the site development costs will be substantially higher than originally anticipated. These additional costs are due mainly to the poor soil conditions on much of the site. The developer had been aware of these site constraints, but the full extent of piling requirements for foundations were not apparent until the more detailed tests were made. In order to reduce the overall costs, the developer has requested that the Section 39 conditions be amended by deleting the two above -noted obligations. The requirement to provide the traffic signals and the right -hand turn lane resulted from the recommendations of the developer's traffic study. The traffic consultant saw both items as necessary in order to handle the increased traffic flows resulting from the development. From a planning perspective, it is important that the negative impacts of developments (such as increased traffic) be addressed. Therefore, regardless of who is ultimately responsible for the costs, these facilities must be provided. The installation of traffic signals at the entrance to this development is particularly important, and will need to be in place when the first phase opens for business. Both of the items for which the developer is requesting relief are considered to be "off- site" improvements. The question of who should pay for various off -site improvements, in relation to previous major developments in the City, include First Westmorland Shopping Centres Ltd. 450 -500 Westmorland Road Page 6 March 19, 1999 examples of both approaches. In the case of the Superstore development on Somerset Street, the developer paid for and installed the traffic signals. Conversely, the City paid for and installed the traffic signals for the Superstore development on Rothesay Avenue. Whenever possible, it is desirable that the proponent of the specific development be responsible for such off -site costs, particularly in cases where the off -site improvement provides benefits to that specific development only. In this case, both improvements can be seen to have a general benefit to the entire area, and could be justified even if the First Westmorland project is not built. This would suggest that the City could assume the cost. It is a goal of the City to facilitate development while protecting the interests of the general public. The City's Municipal Development Plan has designated the McAllister /Westmorland area as a commercial centre of regional significance, and the proposed First Westmorland development is compatible with this policy. The changes requested by the applicant will help ensure that the development occurs and, therefore, the amendment is supported. RGP /r SCHEDULE "A" Parkway Mall E Canadian Tire- A Subject Site: Address: 450-500 Westmorland Road Map Number: 07P-01 SE Date: November 12, 1998 Scale: N.T.S. Mc,A(Ii*-;,+e-r Plcv-e- NBGIC Number (s): 55061147 55061139 00303479 (part of) r F City Hall 15 Market Square March 24, 1999 Her Worship Mayor Shirley McAlary and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: Yours truly, P.O. Sox 1971 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 411 �'L tl �l��!�1 City of Saint John I would like to discuss parking in the uptown area of Saint John. Christopher T. Titus Councillor City Hall IS Market Square March 25, 1999 Her Worship Mayor Shirley McAlary And Members of the Common CoUuncil City of Saint John Dear Mayor and Fellow Councillors: P.O. Box 1971 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 l City of Saint John I would like to discuss some issues with Common Council and staff regarding the following items. Baseball User Fees 2. West Side Development 3. Traffic Concerns 4. Appointments to City Commissions Respectfully yours, r COUNCILLOR 4,11- REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M& C 99- March 29, 1999 Her Worship Shirley A. McAlary and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Year 2000 Computer Problem BACKGROUND City of Saint John The matter of the potential impact of the Year 2000 computer problem on individuals, businesses and governments has been the source of much research, speculation and conjecture for a number of years and has received heighten public attention in the past 12 -- 18 months. Recently the City Solicitor discussed with Council various matters related to the Y2K issue and also outlined, in broad terms, an appropriate course of action to take in response. The purpose of this report is to advise Council of the action staff is undertaking as a result of the Y2K issue. ANALYSIS In the summer of 1998, the City established a Year 2000 Project Team. Comprised of representatives of all city departments, the Committee has held a number of meetings commencing in September 1998. The Project Team has established an `Action Plan' which is serving as a guide to a number of initiatives: M & C 99- March 29,1999 Pagc 3 Rule 2 Date -based functionality must behave consistently for dates prior to, during and after year 2000. Rule 3 In all interfaces and data storage, the century in any date must be specified either explicitly or by unambiguous algorithms or inferencing rules Rule 4 Year 2000 must be recognized as a leap year_ • Adopted the following as the Critical services: 1. Fire Suppression 2. Police patrols 3. Potable (drinking) water 4. Streets 5. Waste Water Treatment 2.0 Vendor Management • Developed and implemented a system to determine the current or future readiness of items supplied by vendors. • Developed and implemented a system to determine the Y2K readiness of vendors that supply products or services to the City. • Developed and implemented an attachment to all tenders/requests for quotations etc. regarding Y2K compliance of vendors. 3.0 Departmental Process • Undertaken an inventory of potential Y2K sensitive items by all City departments. M &C99- Mamh 29,1999 Page 5 1Z The City's Emergency Measures Organization (EMO) has initiated steps to prepare contingency plans to respond to potential Year 2000 associated incidents. El Staff is participating in a number of regular information sessions with other agencies regarding Y2K. It is important to stress to Council and to the public that while the City has made and is making efforts to identify and deal with the potentially adverse effects of the Year 2000 computer problem on its operations, the City does not, at this time, represent or guarantee that all of its operations, including the services that it provides, will not be adversely affected by the Year 2000 computer problem. We will continue to update Council on our activities on a regular basis in the coming months. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that this report be received and filed. --Re` pectfully Submitted, *.D. Todd Director, Information Systems and Support L An ew Beckett qommr#�s/ioner, Corpor S rvices I Terrence L. Totten, C.A. City Manager a �kll REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M &C99 -103 March 22, 1999 Her Worship Mayor Shirley McAlary and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council, SUBJECT: Status Reporting - Capital Programs Transportation /Storm/Water/Sanitary BACKGROUND -i 011M I City of Saint John Annually, Common Council adopts Capital Programs designed to address the long -term needs (repair, reconstruction and upgrading) of the City's transportation, storm drainage, water, and sewerage infrastructures. General Fund allocations, over the period 1994 to 1998, have ranged from $5.16 million to $3.2 million. The 1999 programs in transportation, storm drainage and environment total $4.25 million. In the Water and Sewerage Fund, capital levels have remained relatively constant in the range of $6.5 million to $6.8 million. The infusion of adequate Capital resources for ongoing programs of repair and reconstruction ensures the viability of street and utility systems, and protects against premature system breakdowns and much larger expenditures over the long -term. These annual allocations are critical in maintaining standards of service. Purpose As important as sufficient allocations of resources is the need to understand how those resources are being used - at all levels of the municipal organization. To that end, this report seeks to outline a proposed method for regular reporting on the status of Capital Programs, and to provide information to date on 1998 Capital Programs. We will also review costing issues and briefly outline the project administration process. M& C99-103 Status Reporting — Capital Programs March 22, 1999 Page 2 ANALYSIS Municipal Operations has sought to achieve two critical goals with respect to the annual Capital Programs: 1. submission of recommended project lists in conjunction with the budget preparation cycle, in the fall of each year; and 2. regular reporting on the status of programs. Budget Submission It has been our goal to advance the planning phase for development of Capital programs. We would like to see budget and program decisions made early - to allow the lead time required for engineering and design, tendering and effective project scheduling. A team of staff has worked hard to move the Capital Budget cycle ahead by about six months. The proposed 1999 project lists were available much earlier than had previously been the case. We hope that decisions can be made in September or October 1999 for Millennium Year programs. Status Re ortin The Capital Programs Status Report provides a detailed budget analysis - with cost information and work status provided by project. This particular report covers 1998 programs for the period ending February 28h, 1999. It is proposed that a project status update be provided to Council on a quarterly basis for the periods ending May 31'. August 31", November 30' and February 28' of each year. Regular and timely status reporting is an essential program management tool - for every level of responsibility. We are looking to provide a running picture on the status of approved Capital projects, with information made accessible to all stakeholders. Eventually, as our information systems develop, it should become available on -line. M& C99 -103 Status Reporting — Capital Programs March 22, 1999 Page 3 1998 Capital Pro rams Having established Capital Program funding levels (budget envelopes) on January 19t'', 1998, Common Council approved the actual project lists for transportation, storm drainage, environment, water, sanitary sewer and infrastructure on April 6', 1998. A total of 122 projects were approved at that time, a number of which represent different parts of larger combined jobs: • transportation - 50 • storm drainage - 9 • environment - 1 • water - 34 • sanitary sewer - 25 • infrastructure - 3 Projects for the reconstruction of McLaughlin Road and the completion of Dantes Drive were added later to the transportation program by Council, as was the installation of a new sewage lift station on Millidge Avenue to the sanitary sewer program. The additional resources required to restore the sewer outfall at Long Wharf resulted in deferral or partial deferral of seven smaller water and sewer projects. Estimated Versus Actual Costs The estimated costs put forward at the time of program approval represent the best predictions of individual project costs - from limited project information available at the time. Many factors come into play in estimating the scope and value of work required in addressing a particular need or problem. On a typical water and sewerage job, for example, these include land acquisition, type of infrastructure, soil conditions, existing storm drainage, overall length of project, replacement of service laterals, additional infrastructure required for improved service, surface reinstatement, possible engineering design fees, and work by City forces. We would emphasize the limited nature of hard data available in the earlier stages of project development. While the package of information becomes more inclusive as survey and detail design work is completed, it is unrealistic to expect that all eventualities can be predicted with certainty. Attempting to do so would be cost prohibitive - an inefficient use of limited engineering resources. M& C99-103 Status Reporting — Capital Programs March 22, 1999 Page 4 During the tendering and construction phases of a project, circumstances can change. In addition to the influence of economic conditions and competition within the industry, the cost of a particular project can be affected by changes in site conditions, actual work units (quantities) undertaken, and necessary extra work that is required to satisfactorily complete a project. A contingency allowance in the estimate is provided for unforeseen items and other conditions, which could not be reasonably anticipated. Achieving effective results in the field requires that the project engineer exercise a reasonable degree of discretion. This flexibility ensures timely, cost - effective decisions to deal with project circumstances as they arise. These can involve such things as changes in quantities from that previously estimated and extra work to properly complete the project or to correct an unforeseen construction problem. In most cases, such changes fall within the project's contingency allowance. On occasion, they will not. On project completion, all costs incurred are identified - contract, work by City forces and other costs, such as those for land acquisition and design services. The final (actual) cost of a particular project may vary from the amount originally estimated. Through timely cost analysis, these variations are monitored to ensure that individual project fluctuations do not exceed the program total approved by Council. Added expenditures in one project must be offset by known savings in others or the elimination (with Council approval) of one or more projects from the program. On the other hand, significant cost reductions or savings in any one or group of projects could free up funding for other necessary work - not originally thought possible. Final project costs are not available until final accounting of actual quantities (units of work) has been settled. This usually occurs some time after completion of work in the field. Progress Payments - Contracts Progress payments are made as work proceeds on a project. The contractor or consultant submits a progress claim to the engineer at the end of the month for estimated values of work completed during that month. The engineer reviews the claim for completeness and accuracy. Upon approval, a payment certificate is processed and forwarded to Finance for payment. A fifteen - percent (15 %) holdback is retained on the work performed to that date. The process continues on a monthly basis for the duration of the project. M& C99 -103 Status Reporting — Capital Programs March 22, 1999 Page 5 The nature of the work being carried out is such that projects often will require extra, previously unforeseen work to be undertaken during the construction phase. The contingency sum is included in contracts to cover the costs normally associated with these items. Extra work performed during any month may be included in that month's claim, however, in many cases the contractor will withhold the claim for "extras" to the end of the project. This is generally due to time restraints on the contractor during the construction season. When, in the opinion of the engineer, the project is substantially complete and any required tests have been successfully completed, a certificate of substantial completion is issued to the contractor. The contractor must then complete any finishing work expeditiously and finalize quantities with the engineer. Final quantities are based on measurements taken in the field and notes kept by City field inspectors. The "final cost" of a tendered project normally differs somewhat from the original "tender amount ". The Contractor is paid only for units of work actually completed (or actual quantities) in carrying out the project. These quantities may be more or they may be less than estimated in the "unit price contract" at the time of award by Council. The Contractor is only paid for the actual quantities of work performed, multiplied by the "fixed unit price" as approved by Council in the contract award. In other words, the quantity of any item in a tender award is essentially an estimate to be finalized at the end of the project. The unit price, however, is fixed for each unit of work. The "final tender amount" is the summation of actual measured quantities multiplied by the corresponding unit price and the addition of any contingency sum expended for unforeseen (extra) work performed to successfully complete the project. To that end, the final contract value can be more than that awarded by Council, but generally is less. After sixty (60) days from issue of the certificate of substantial completion, the contractor will claim the 15% holdback and payment for finalized quantities. If a deficiency in the work exists at this points, the City retains a "deficiency holdback" (equal to twice the estimated value of the deficient work). Upon corrective measures being taken, to the satisfaction of the engineer, final monies are released to the contractor by a payment certificate. M& C99-103 Status Reporting — Capital Programs March 2Z 1999 Page 6 CONCLUDING REMARKS The engineer usually manages a project from design through to completion. Along with preparing the design and specifications, project scheduling and coordination, contract administration and field liaison with contractors and City forces, is the important matter of tracking the status of work and related project costs. This is done on an ongoing basis. As early as it is feasible to do so, it is staff s intention to report to Council on individual projects and/or contracts where expenditures significantly exceed or are expected to significantly exceed the amount budgeted for that work. Doing so will minimize "surprises" and promote better understanding - of what is actually being accomplished. It will also ensure accountability and proper authorization of expenditures. Information on projects, which are within budget or only somewhat over budget, would be provided in the quarterly status reports. It is important that staff work closely with Council in ensuring that approved programs are successfully completed and responsibly managed, within the overall budget levels established by Council. A common understanding of the project management process and support for that process, combined with the regular sharing of information will ensure the best possible results over the long -term. The approach proposed for regular program updates and reports represents a significant step in that direction. As procedures develop further and full advantage is taken of automation, information sharing can be enhanced. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that Common Council approve the system of status reporting for Capital Programs proposed herein, and that this report be received and filed. Respectfully submitted, J. M. Paul Groody, P.Eng. Commissioner of Municipal Operations Terrence L. Totten, C.A. City Manager CAPITAL PROGRAMS STATUS REPORT 1998 CAPITAL BUDGET SUMMARY RR )J �G ' NA [STORM APPROWD COST MST RE A'�� NET COSH' BUDGET VAPJANCE COUMENTS RANSPORTATION - - - - - -- ............. ......... -.._........ ......... 2,550,000 ... -- .................................. 2,605,093 ......................................... '177,305 -------- - - - - -- ................... 2,427,788 ......................................... 122,212 ....... ---------------......................................................................................................... $250,000 to be recovered from Prov. not reflected --........................................................... SEWER . . . . . .. 700,000 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 639,925 44,488 595,437 104,563 ................................. ....... ......................... • ................................... . ............................................. ... ENVIRONMENT 400,000 399,327 29,762 369,565 ............................... 30,435 $200,000 to be recovered from Prov. not reflected RECOVERIES - 450,000 - 450,000 $6,675,0001 - 450,000 0 5,379,162 PROJECT NAME. AAPRE�I�EE1 BUDGET RD ECTEI: COST MST REBATE NET COST TO-0-Ty BUDGET VARIARC WATER 21549,000 2,310,946 150,787 2,160,158 388,842 SANITARY ----- -------------- --- -------------- ----------- - - - - -- 2,251,000 ..................... - .................. 2,192,141 ......................................... 146,530 ........... ............................... 2,045,611 ...................... . .................. 205,389 ......................................... INFRASTRUCTURE ....................................................... 4,075,000 .......................................... 3,645,061 ......................................... 271,668 3,373,393 701,607 RECOVERIES - 2,200,000 - 2,200,000 ......................................... ........ ................................. - 2,200,000 ....... .. ............................... 0 TOTAL $6,675,0001 T5,948,1481 568,986 5,379,162 1,295,838 GRAND TOTAL 1 $9,875,0001 $9.142.493r 820,541 8,321,951 $1,553,049 ...... I....... X2,200,000 to be recovered from Prov. & Fed.Gov't. not reflected ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ - - - - -- 26/03/99 9] " Contract quantities not finalized 26/03/99 CAPITAL PROGRAMS STATUS REPORT -1998 ' TRANSPORTATION { 12 - 900 NOTE :.. NOTE PROJEa T PR 3dEO7 NAME C4NTRAI;T; EST1{yIATEt3 TENDER HIMIL CONTRACT 0T ER PENI€�i{ 1 HST PF�43JEGTEi3 PROJECT °�a Is U € £GRI:PTION . NUMBER G#)S� A141101f1%�� ��RAt� I GT "i�A1Z11�NCE ��:S�S . COSTS ;�lEBA7� : Gt7'sT ��R�iAN��.. 1�Ifow 1 9139 Bayard Drive 98 -1 55,000 43,043 41,673 1,370 950 3,153 39,470 15,530 100% ...................... .................. ............- 2 9140 Curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving .........- •-- - - -- -- . -.... - - .- .............- Blrchmount Road (Priv} - - - - - -...........- - -- 98-9 ----- -- --- -.............- - - -- -- 25,000 - - - .......- ---- --- - - -• -- 6,305 - - .- ...............- - - -- -- 5,193 -- -- -- -...........- --- • - -- - -- 1,112 --- -- ---- -- •-- ...............- 18,963 --.-.-..-........----------...........--- 21000 1,435 --- ---- ..............--- - -- --- 24,721 ...............-•-- --- - -- ---- 279 ...-- ------- -- --- •..9596 Land acquisition, grading, ditching, chipsea�ng ... - -- -- -- -- -- - - - - -- --- ---- - - - - -- . - -- - -- ................... ............... ........... ------------ ........j ...............9141 Broad Street - - - -- - - - - -- 98 -3 - - -- 37,000 31,382 23,843 7,539 3,545 1,954 25,434 11,566 100% - --- --... 4 9142 Paving - - -- --- -- --- -- --- - Catherwood Street I- 9 8..-. 8-3 19,000 15,469 15,502 -33 120 1,161 14,461 4,539 100 0 ........ 5 9143 Asphalt planing, paving - Champlain Drive 98-6 .......... 69,000 ............. 19,586 ........ 12,631 ............. 6,955 24,504 2,167 34,968 34,032 100 -- ---- --- --- ------ --- - ... Curb & sidewalk, landscaping - - -- -- - . . ... .......... 98 4,000 4,325 3,800 525 172 292 3,680 320 ° 6 6j. 44 Cherry Tree Lace -3 7 9145 Paving ... Chipma - - n H._III ... 98 -1 19,000 17,499 11,478 6,021 140 862 10,756 8,244 100% - ---- --- ---- ---- Curb and sidewalk (west side) ------- - -- -- - - -- ..............- .. - - - -- - - -- ------.................---- ---- ----............I....... -- -- --- --- .............. -.. - 98 ---..............------.......... 50,000 ...........- ---- -.............- 42,418 - --- --- --........... 39,937 - ............. 2,481 ............... ----- 19,743 3,964 ....-,71 55,716 ............................. - 71 -5,718 _-.......-. IOOOA 8 9146 Chipseal -9 ,96 - �-- �- •- - - -� Single and Double Coat .... ... ........................•--------- -........................... -- ............................. ...--- --- -- --- -- - -- 8,000 ........ 0 3--,-7--8- 282 3,502 4,498 100% 9•• 9147 City Line ,784 Chain link fencin0 opposite St Patrick's School 11 994$ Crackseaiing 98-8 20,000 15,700 18,155 -2,455 1,353 16,802 3,198 100% Sealingasphalt pavement cracks • - ... .... ... ............ .. .... ............................ .... .. ... ............... . .. .... ... .. .......... ......................... ........... ...................... ........... .................... ...... - ... .... --- •�••12 9149 .... - Crown Street 9 &3; 98-8 57,000 28,877 29,888 - 1,211 25,499 3,503 51,884 5,116 0 Curb, sidewalk, landscaping. paw 13 9150 ..... --- -- - - - - -- ..---- - - - - -- Culverts 30,000 0 20,079 1,004 19,075 1-0---,-9--2- 0,925 900% Culvert renewal 14 9151 • -- -------- ----------------------- -- -------- ----- - - - - -- - •-- -- - - -. - - - - - -- Curb 8� Sidewalk Restoration -------- - - - - -I ....... - - - - -- -- ............ ---------..............---------...........---------...........- 14,000 Q 15,843 792 15,051 -1, /o Restoration of damaged concrete curb & sidewalk .........-----------..... ...........--- --- .............. ..........----------......... .....- ---- --- .................. -- --............. - ---- -.....i 16 9152 ....... --------------- - - - - -- .... .. . - . . ............. buck Cove Crescent •..................... ..... 98 -3 -- ............................ 7,000 8,754 7,822 932 775 672 7, 975 975 100% 17 9153 Paving.......... - - ....................................... Duck Cove Lane ..................... 9" .......................................................... 14,000 --- 14,809 --- .......-- --- ---- -........- 17,379 ---- --- ..........--- -- --- --- - 2,570 ..... . .................. 894 ...... ..----------- --- -........ .... ...... - ...... 1,340 .............. -................... 16,933 ............................. 2, ... --- - .................. 100% 18 9154 Paving Duke Street West 98-3 ........... 60,000 ............................ 55,351 .........................- -........- 51,616 ---- --- ........I..... 3,735 --- --- .............. - -- 1,421 .... ............... --- --- .................. 3,918 .................................. 49,119 ............................. , ....................... ...... -------- -- -- - - -- 19 9155 Paving......... ...........- ------- - - - - -- ................ ..------------ .... Ford Avenue ............. -- . ............. 98-3; 98 -6 ----- -..... 43,000 ----- ......... 28,015 28,334 -319 11,269 -- ........ 2,675 .............. 6, 2 36,928 .......... 6,072 1 ------ 100% Curb, landscaping, paving " Contract quantities not finalized 26/03/99 * Contract quantities not finalized 26/03/99 CAPITAL PROGRAMS STATUS REPORT -1998 ` TRANSPORTATION 12 - 900 NOTE PlE;ti.SECT ` PROJECT NAME CMTRWV EST1MATEI3 TENDER FINAL CONTRACT CxT�IER P1aISlDIN.'3 MT PROD , TED PROJECT NUMBER 01±S+�RFFTlQEtt I<IUIV OL COST AMOURr .. GfNTRACT : �1ARIAN�iw CATS aJITS ::.RI »SATE :. COST1RIA1V£> lfti'ORIf. 20 *9156 Fort LaTour 10,000 0 20 1 19 9,981 0% (Deferred) 22 .......- -9157 or parking area Gradingf-- -- -- - -.._. �9 ...... ....... _.._. _............- - General Specrtcations 10,000 ........................... 0 - - 10,526 - 526 ..... 10,000 ............................. 0 - ............. A Revises specifications, including Design services ....... - - --- 4,099 50,901 4,099 0% 24 '9158 We Road 9&25 55,000 55 000 25 9159 Excavation, paving (base only)- --------------- ------------------------- ------ golden Grove Road ............................ 98-3 - - -- - -- 49,000 ......... 42,628 ---- - - - - -- 34,531 ------ ...... - 8,097 ....... -. 4,225 ...........- - - - - -. 2,785 ------ ......... 35,971 ---- - - - - -- 13,029 •- ---- - - - - -- 100% ... ... .................... - ...._.._. Paving .......... _.... ---------------..... .............-- ----...... -..... 10,000 0 12,157 12, 608 1 .... 11,549 ............... 4 -1,549 ......... 0 100% 26 9160 6uiderail ........................ -........... 27 9161 Installation of new guiderails ..... .. -- -- - - - - -- ....................... ...........-•--------------.........---------------........ Hazen Street 98-1 ..-- -- ----- --- -- ............... 86,000 -------... ....-•---- -- --- -............... 86,644 ..... 78,902 7,742 - 6,200 - ---.... 6,191 ­­ ... -.. 78,911 7,0 - 7,089 ................ 100% ........... ........... ...•-- -------- - - - - -- Road excavation, curb, sidewalk, paving ...._.. - -- -- ----- --- ----.... •-- - -- - --- ......... .------- -- -- -...............4.8 _.......... - -- 48,000 -- - - -- ..................-- 0 ............................. - ---- ---.......... 23,177 .... 1,159 ........... 22,018 ..5, 25,982 - --- 100% 28 9162 Jack Street Cul -de -sac construction, paving --- - -- .........- - - .....- - - - - -- ........ - 20,000 - -.... 0 512 20,541 1,053 20, 000 0 ........... ... 0°/ ° 29 *9163 King Street 9164 Brick_ sidewalk renewal King Street 98-5 23,000 22,705 20,119 2,586 1,499 ..... 18,620 -- - - - - - --- 4,380 ............--- --.. 00 - 31 9165 Driveway entrance raising - - King Str eet East 98-1; 98-3 .. .... ... ... ................. 41,000 ........................................................................... 35,005 30,486 ............................. 4,519 .. 10,483 ........................ ................. 2,796 .......... ...................... 38,173 ........................ 2,827 - --- -_-_ -- 10 32 9166 Curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving ..... ... ..... .• - -_ PUngsvllle Road 98-3; 98-6 83,000 33,775 ...... ......... - - - -- 34,998 .........-------------- - - - - -- -1,223 ....................... 24,775 ------------------ - - - - -- ------------ -- --....................................... 3,847 55,926 ............................. 27,074 ---------------------------- Curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving - - - - ----- ... ---- ------ -- -- _---- --- -- --------....... -• .................. ._-_- -- - --- 10,000 .. ........................... 0 .- --- --- ----- ....... -- .........•...........- -- -------------- --- -- -- -- 7,870 ------------------------ ---------- --- -- --- - - - - -- 394 ---- -- ------ -------- ---- --- -- ----- 7,477 ---------------------------- 2,524 ---------------------------- 1 00° 34 9167 Main Street ....... ....... ..........._._.......... 35 9168 Stairway reconstruction - ­1 ........... ------ - - -- - -- ............ - - -- - -.. -- ........- Main Street West - - - ............. 98-1 .........- •-- - -- - - -- 92,000 ...........-- - - - -... --.. .......................-- 80,908 - - - - -- 66,377 ....... _....... 14,531 15,868 ............... 5,741 ... - -- 76,504 ..................... .... 15,496 1 36 9169 Curb, sidewalk (north side) Maaawagonish Road - - -- ----•----- 98-6 --- ---- --- --------------- --- --- 61,000 ---- -- ...................... 22,480 ................ -............ 20,812 ......... .. - .._........- 1,668 ............ ...--------- 29,503 - -- ..................... ................. - ------ 3,026 ... .....-- ---- -- -- .......--- -- - --- 47,289 -.......................... . 13,711 ........ - - -................. 100% Curb, sidewalk, landscaping. .. . .. . . . . .. ............ .. 0 .................. .. ......... ...................... .. ........... .... ......... . .. .. 62,119 ....... ................. . .. .. ... ... ....... .. . ... 3,106 ....... ........................... 59,013 .. .. .. ... ... ... ........... -4,013 . ..... ............. . .. .... 37 9170 McAlister Drive 55,000 ..................... . .. .. ............... Asphalt pavement rehabilitation (various locations) .. .. . . .. .. ..... --- ....... ................... 98-1 ............................... 14,000 .. .........--- --- -- --- ........... 11,903 -- .. ..... ......... -- 8,420 ............................. 3,483 .......---- --........... 619 - -- ---- -_...............- 658 ------------- - - - - -- 8,381 ......... ... ............ ........ 5,619 - -- - - -- - -- 100% 39 9171 Metcalf Street 40 9172 Sidewalk Metcalf Street 98-6 50,000 14,172 38,826 2,998 50,0 Retaining wall removal, curb, sidewalk, landscaping * Contract quantities not finalized 26/03/99 Contract quantities not finalized 26/03190 CAPITAL PROGRAMS STATUS REPORT -1998 TRANSPORTATION (12 - 9001 T IBE F(L L NOTE PRO,fECT PRGJECT I1#11M GS JTRAOT EST 4T U t�4k(�1TRACT OTHER F�Ef1[�I1rJQ' MST Pf�O,#E�`TEI? PROJECT NUMBER N fE& t21PI f 3IV NUMBER ; : Gt3ST AM AUNT CONT -i-T V R1141sTCN« ADM iP-- REBATE :: VW VARIAKE 1ikFC W 41 9173 Milford Road 98 -1; 98 -3 194,000 136,709 114,057 22,652 17,741 9,388 122,410 71,590 100% 42 9174 Curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving _..._..- -..... ............. .......................... Montreal Avenue ....... .. 98 -1; 98 -3 .. ... ... .. ................... .. 86,000 .................. ............ 59,402 .......... 54,352 .... ... ........... 5,050 ............. ---- -- - --- 13,825 ................. ................ ........... ... 4,742 •- - --- - -- .............. 63,435 ... ............. ............. 22,565 ............................ 100% 43 9175 Curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving _ _ _ Mount Pasant Avenue 98-3; 98-6 134,000 74,039 84,455 - 10,416 56,007 9,095 131,367 2,633 0 Curb, sidewalk, landscapirx�, paving.._...... ..................... ...... • - --- --............. 4,000 - --- -- .......... -- --- -.. 0 ...... - - ._........... - ................. ......... - - 798 .------- --- ........................... 3,000 190 ...... - -- ---... ..... -• 3,608 .......... -- --- ..........._.._.._ 392 ...................... ...... 45 9176 Old Black River Road ........ ...... 46 . ... .. ...... 9177 Land acquisition for drainage easement ..-....._.._ - ...... .......I ................ I. -.... Pleasant City Street ..... -- --.................................................... 98-3; 98-6 77,000 .- --- --............- - - 30,246 - ....... 28,163 2,083 18,567 .....- 3,027 - ........ 43,703 - 3...97 33,2 ............................ 100% - -- -- 47 ---- -- --------- - 9178 Curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving - ...e - -- t- re-..-............. Queen Street ..................................... 98-1 90,000 , - - - -- -..._-------- ---------------------- 79,630 -- -- -•- 80,939 •• - -1,309 .....--- -- ----- -..... 5,051 -- ................. . -- - -- ----- -- -••- •-- - - -- - -- 6,285 -- --- •-- -- --- --- -- --- ---- - - - - -- 79,705 ------- --- --- ------ - - - - -- 10,295 .............-----....----- 100 . . .. . ... ............. . . . ... Road excavation, curb, sidewalk, paving _._ ...........y- -- -- -.... •-- •--- ----- ----- .._.._........ ................ 98� ........... 29,000 - - ........... 25,356 - -........ - - _....... 27,904 -2,548 ...... ......... 1,327 ....... ........ 2,146 ..... ........ 27,085 , - -......... 100% 48 9179 Read Street 49 9180 Paving . . .. .. .. ......... .. vin - - ----------- .... Rothe say Avenue (PDH#100) ----------- --- ........• - -- 98 -3 ------.... .......- --- -- --- --- ............ 280,000 -- ........ - -- - -- 301,575 ................... ---- -..... 506,123 ................. .----------- - 204,548 ........................ 19,036 .....- • - -- -.. ......... -- • -------- ..... 38,673 ---- --......-- --- --- ........... 486,486 - - -- ...... .......486 -206, ................. 100% Curb 8, sidewalk repairs, asphalt planing, paving - 98 82,000 70,930 69,394 1,536 2,366 5,290 -- 66,470 . ... 15,530 - 1planing, 9181 Russell Street -3 9182 paving .............. Sherbrooke Street 98-3 18,000 12,285 ---- ........... - -- 10,070 ---- ........---- -- .........I. 2,215 -------......I................--------- 962 -- ...........------ ---- ........ 799 --- --- ...................... -- - -- 10,233 ----....... ...-- -- --- -- ----- ....- 7,76 •-- - -- --- ......51 I . 9183 Paving -••- - ............ -• Somerset Street --- -- -- --- .......- •-- --... 98-6 -- -.......... ...............- 110,000 --- --.......... - -- 54,999 ........... ......... - 89,587 - ... - 34,588 13,376 7,346 95,617 14,383 - ....... Road widening, - curb, paving (base only) - -- . ... ... .. ........ ... ... ..................... ............ ......... ......... ............... 0 ...... ---------.......... ...........- --- --- --........... - ---......- -- ---. .... 47,212 --- --- --- ---.......... --- --- -................ 2,361 -- .............................. 44,851 - --- ............._.-- 15,149 - - - - -- ............ 100% 57 9184 Traffic Signage & Signals 60,000 .......... ............. U rade controllers, arms, signs,- etc PO 125,000 --......--------- ..........-------- 163,245 .......... - -- 160,800 - --- .....---------- ....... 2,445 - •--- -- - --- .......... •------ ---- ...... ...... 11,984 -- ................ ......... - - - -- 148,816 ................ ........... - 23,816 ............ ................. 90% 58 '9185 Transportation Study Study of traffic patterns (add'I ;75,000 approved in 1997) . ........... .. . ...................... ................ ........... . . .. ... ....... .. ... ...... .. ..... ................ ........ ..... ........ .. ..... 232 .. ......... .......... 3,000 162 ...................... ........... 3,070 ............................ 2,930 ........ ............... 0% 59 9186 Ve Road Priv Y ( 6,000 0 ...... .. . .. ... ... ......... ................. Land acquisition for drainage easement - ...... -- -- - - -- -- - --- ......- •- -- -.. ----- ......... -. ........ - ----- -........ ......I.------ ............. 0 ------ .......................... 3.000 150 1 ... .................. 2,850 .. - ....... -850 ........................... . 0 °% 61 9187 Westfield Road 2,000 Retaining wall rep --------------------- - ------------ ------- - -------- --- - --------- ....... 11 ...... ----------- ...... - - - -- 0 .......................... ........................ --- ------- .............. 5,000 ........................ 250 ................................. 4,750 ......... I--------------- 250 ...------------ ............ 0% 62 9188 Westvlew Drive 5,000 Retaining wall construction ..tio a........ -- .....o ------- ------------- - -- ------ ------ ------------ --- - ------ 7,402 370 7,032 ---- - - - - -- -7,032 -- .............. -- _.. 100% 15 9199 Dantes Drive ....... 38 '9200 grading, ditchirxl, paving ... ..... - - - -- -- - - -- - -_- - -- ------ - - - - -- McLaughlin Road ....................... 98-9 ............---------- ....... 0 ...-- •----- - - - - -- 17,354 ............ ............._...... 17,354 ................... 0 .... ----- ........ -• - - -- 52,803 .......-.--- ........... 3,000 ........................ 4,084 ........................ ..... -- .......--...................... 69,073 - 69,073 --------............-------- grading, ditching, chipsealing $1,T62,323 $1,845,094 -$151,943 $601,934 $88,893 $177,305 $2,427,788 $122,212 TOTAL $2,550,000 Contract quantities not finalized 26/03190 CAPITAL PROGRAMS STATUS REPORT - 1998 STORM ( 12 - 904) (VOTE PROJECT NUMBER : PROJEW NAME DESCRIPTION. CONTRACT NUMBER ESTIMATEd` COST TENDER AMOUJ�ET FINAL ,CONTRA+ - T CONTRACT. VARIANCE. OTHER COSTS PENDINfi"; COSTS. HST : EiBi4T8 . PROJECTED GOFT PROJECT VARIANCE. % . 1N�7RK 10 ................... 4544 City Road 98 -14 70,000 81,530 71,608 9,922 404 5,357 66,655 3,345 100% Install 190m of new 450mm storm sewer -... ..........................- - ---- -- - -- - -- - -- - - - -- - -- .....................----------------- --------------------------------- I ............. - ----------- - - - -- .................... 21 . .. 4545 ..................... ------- ..----------- - - - - -- -- ----------- - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- Francis Street - ----- - - - - -- --------- - -• - -- 98 -16 ----------------- .- ............. 40,000 ... .......... ------------ 8,577 ............. ........- .. 1,739 726 9,590 30,410 100% Install ap orx. 80m of 300mm storm sewer - -- -- - - -- --------- .---- - - - - -- ..... ....................- - - -- - - -- -- --------------- ....... - - -- - - - -- --- ----- *.............................. - -- - - - --- - --- -- - - - - -- - -- -- ----------- - * - - -- -- ----------- -- -- - -- --- - .........-- - - - - -- -- - - - -- -- -- -- -- - ----- 23 '4546 Glen Glen Road 98 -25 125,000 186,976 6,000 14,235 178,741 - 53,741 10% Renew 400m of 250mm with 375mm storm sewer .................. ........... I ------------------------ - - -• - -- .......I-- -- ------------------------ -. -------------------------------- - -- ------- -- --- -------- 33 ........... 4547 . ................................................... ........... ...- ...------------------------ Local Drainage .. ................................ 70,000 ...............- - .- - - - - -- 0 --------- 54,620 19,064 3,684 70,000 0 78% Correctin small existing draina.$eP..roblems 9........- . ........... ... ................. - - -- --- - - - - -- 44 `4548 Oakland Street 98 -16 95,000 44,261 29,955 4,797 69,419 25,581 100% Install 150m of new storm sewer Rehab. Rockwood Ave storm sewer 52 45 4 9 .. . . . ....... ... ...................... Simpson Drive 98 -15 95,000 70,742 62,387 8,355 594 4,679 58,302 36,698 100% Renew 140m of 450mm storm sewer & regrade ditch for drainage 53 4550 Some rset Street 98 -11 65,000 37,867 37,867 0 2,797 2,962 37,702 27,298 100% Install 90m of 600mm storm sewer, including design services ....................... 56 4551 -- -- -- - - - - - -- --.-..-... ...---------------------- - - - - -- -- -- - - -- Tippett Drive - - -- ----------I.......---..- 98 -18 75,000 60,519 55,143 5,376 15,413 4,880 65,676 9,324 100% 150m of 300mm dia. Storm; (easement req'd) 60 4552 Walter Street 98 -15 65,000 51,006 42,435 8,571 85 3,167 39,353 25,647 100% Renew 100m of 300mm storm sewer TOTAL $700,000 $541,478 $269,440 $32,224 $111,607 $19,064 $44,488 $595,437 $1,34,563 " Contract quantities not finalized 26/03/99 CAPITAL PROGRAMS STATUS REPORT - 1998 ENVIRONMENT ( 12 - 940 ) 55 450 Spruce Lake Landfill Site 400,000 329,000 329,646 - 646 69,681 29,762 369,565 30,435 1001% Site Restoration 000 1 $329,000 " Contract quantities not finalized 26/03/99 CAPITAL PROGRAMS STATUS REPORT -1998 WATER t 22 - 9451 : * Contract quantities not finalized 26/03/99 ARCUWT R PROJECT AE OWRGT NUMBER ;"MAW Q-Q.W TENDER AMOUNT FIt ON"MTARWO "CONTRACT' OTHER & 'PENDING ctm REOA PROJ<�TD CQ PROJECT V�RAN�1UM MRIC 64 _ *8088 Belgian Road 98 -22 55,000 74,621 1,092 5,616 70,097 - 15,097 4% Install P.R.V. & Chamber,including design services ................ .. ............................ .. .. ........... - •- .---- -.................... ............................ -- - --- . ....... •-•- ............. .--- - .............. ........ ..... ----------- .. ........................... ---.. ........... ................... 64 *8089 - - Bon Accord Drive 98 -22 55,000 79,815 3,852 6,141 77,526 - 22,526 39/ Renew P.R.V. & Chamber,including design services -• ... ............................. ..I..................... - - -- -- --- ........ I....-- -- -- -- --------------•-- ...................- --- - - -- - -- ............... ------- .... ... .................. - - -- -- .............- - 65 8090 6 -- ---------- .._ ... .......... ------ .-- ----- - -- - -- -------------- CAD System _....... ........... .......... 1 15,000 0 991 50 941 14,059 7% Softwa relHardwareffraining 66 8091 Church Avenue 60,000 0 12,057 51,101 3,158 60,000 0 43% Supply & Install 1500mm meter & power -- - ................. 67 - - --- 8092 ..._ty CI Road 98-14 150,000 127,192 117,211 9,981 21,260 9,799 128,672 21,328 11 00 Renew 240m of 375mm transm. Main with 400mm transmission main -•---------------- ............ -.. ..._.. . ...... 69 ...... .. 8093 ... .........- •-- •----------- - - - - -- ------------.................... ..--- •------------------- - - - - -- Filler pipes ..............------------.. ...-------- .................. -- 20,000 ............................. 0 ............................ 9,076 11,977 1,053 20,000 0 50% 4 filler pipes required for flusher trucks -- ---- - - - - -- - --- ............. - -• ............................. .......... --- ......... I ............................. --• .......... --- ........ ......................... ............... ......... ...... --- ..... .... ............. ....- ............... -- -.-- ............ ................ .. -... - -- - - -- 70 -- - - - - -- -------- ---------- 8094 -- -- --------- .............................................. Fire Hydrant Markers ............ 15,000 0 850 6,872 386 7,336 7,664 12% Install fire hydrant markers ....... ............ -......---------- ------------.... ....................--- -....... ......... 71 - ................ 8095 ---- - - - - -- . ........................ ......- --- --- --- --- --- --. .. Fire Hydrant Relocation ............................. ..................... ---- 20,000 0 29,120 1,456 27,664 -7,664 o 100% Relocate existing fire hydrants _ .......... ............... _.. 73 8096 Genera- Specifications 10,000 0 10,526 526 10,000 0 0% Revises specifications, including esign-services P 9..... ------------------- - - - - -- ------- --------------- - - - - ---- - ............. 75 "8097 Glen Road 98-25 185,000 105,402 26,000 9,156 122,246 62,754 10% Renew 400m of 150mm C. I. With 200mm watermain - - ------- . . . .. ..................... - 75 ....•- *8098 ----- - ---------------........-.......---....--------------- ----- --- ----- -- ......... - - - - -- Glen Road ----------------------------.... 98-25 ... ..........-------------- .......----- 50,000 ---- -- --- --- -- - - -- 50,000 --- ...... - - ._._....... 3,727 46,273 3,727 10% Renew 50m of 150 mm C.I. With 200mm watermain undercreek .. ................. . . . . .. . .. - -- ............. - - -- ----------------- ....................... ......... ..---.....-----... ................. ----.......... ----- --- --- -........................ ........... 76 -- ------.. 8099 - -- ------------------------------------- ---------------•---- --- -- --- --- Haymarket Square ......••••••......,...... - - -- 98-14 •------------------ 90,000 90,000 ° .............. 90,000 0 8,095 7,112 90,983 -983 10D% Extend 500mm !i rescon to City Rd, install valves Y....! .......... ..... .... 78 *8100 --- ----------------------------- ------------------- •---- - - - - -. Hunter Lake Dam ------------ 98-24 60,000 0 3,869 59,289 3,158 60,000 0 6% Replace exist. Concrete dam, including design 82 8101 services Lead Services 150,000 0 136,673 6,834 129,839 20,161 100°% Renew lead services with copper --------- -- 83 - --- --- -- --- -- --- - -- - -- 8102 --_ - ---.-. - ---•--------------------------- --................ Little River 30,000 0 0 0 30,000 0 %(Deferred) Replace valves and eliminate old intakes - - - .......... ---------------- -------- - -- --- --- - ............... 84 *8103 . ........... ..I......... - _------------------- ...................... Lioyd Street 98 -16 160,000 63,474 30,060 6,234 87,300 72,700 100°% Eliminate dead end services, connect 2 mains with 200mm wm 85 8104 Loch Lomond Road 50,000 0 991 51,641 2,632 50,000 0 0 % Crass connect 300mm watermain from #3 to #2 transmission * Contract quantities not finalized 26/03/99 CAPITAL PROGRAMS STATUS REPORT -1998 WATER ( 22 - 945 ) NOTE PR WE -T PROJEU NfiME CONTRMT� �EM3R ESTIMATED pa : TENDER AMOUNT 'FINAL CtNTIC CONTFMff GE . ` COMER G�� PENptltT±N ES HST I EW. . PROJECTED SNUMBER. T PROJECT 'JAN __R__ R °,6 NtR� 87 8105 Manners Sutton Road 30,000 0 0 0 30,000 0 %(Deferred) ....... Renew & Lower 35m of 200mm watermain ........................ 88 8106 - ----._............................ ............................... ....................................... Marlborough Avenue ............................. 98-18 ......... • ............. ---...-..- 60,000 ......................... ......- 46,153 - - - - - 44,500 _. ..... 1,653 ................. ....... 19,054 ........................ ------......------.... ............................... 4,269 59,285 -- ----. 775 ......- ----------------------- 100% Install 120m of 200mm watermain 92 "8107 Oakland Street 98-16 65,000 41,429 10,537 3,615 48,351 16,649 100% Install 130m of 200mm watermain ................. . . . . .. ....... 93 8108 .............. ................ ....................................................................... -• - -- Pipeline Road East ------........ ............................... 98 -2; 98-10 200,000 -------- - - - - -- 244,665 ----- .............. ---- ...... 240,979 ............................. 3,686 ...... ..........._....... 5,750 ..... . ................. ........................ 18,248 ....................---- - - - - -- 228,481 -------------------- - - - - -- - 28,481 ............ .... 100% Rehabilitate main transmission line 94 8109 ........................................... ------- ------ --- -•---------......... ...... ............ Rothesay Avenue .............................................................. 75,000 ----------------------- - - - - -- 0 ---------------- - - - - -- - - - - -- ....... --------------- - - - - -- ........................ 3,427 ............... .-.. ...... 75,520 ..... ................... 3,947 .......... ........ 75,000 ------------- - ------ - - - - -- 0 - --- ------------- - - - - -- ........... 20% Replace 400x500x500x600mm cross and install gate valves, including design services ------- --- --- - -- - -- ......... - ................... -- ......................... ............. -•-............ -° ................... ................... ............----------- ------ -- -- ------------- ................ ..................................... ............................... -- 95 8110 Rothesay Avenue 75,000 0 60,000 3,000 57,000 18,000 0% Cross connect 900/6001400mm watermains, include (18,000 Deferred) ....... ..... ....... ........ ......T. ..... Design services ... ..........................._..- -- - - --------- - ............................... _... 96 8111 Rothesay Avenue 98 -13 250,000 179,830 169,830 10,000 53,186 15,317 207,699 42,301 100% -- °- °...... °- °- ........ Seals for 900mm dia. Watermain . . .... ................ 97 8112 ........ ..... ............ .........- - -- ----- ...-.............-........._............... ....... Rothesay Avenue complex ......... ....._._- - - - - -- --- -- ---- -- -- -- - - -- .......... 20,000 ---- °- °--- °--- °-- °...... 0 ............................. --- °--- °- °---- °...... °-- - °- °- °- °--- °--- °-- ........................ 21,053 ......-- °- °- °........ 1,053 - °- ...._._...._....... - 20,000 - 0 --------------------------- u 0% Office layout, i-IVAC, retaining_ wall, window shadin -- - -- - -g ..... . ---- - ------ - --- -- -- -- - --- -- --- --- -- --- ------ -------- - - - - --- -- --- ------- -- - - -- -- ----- ----- - - - - -- ............................. ........................ ........................ ........................ - --- -- ........... ...................................... ............................_.. 100 8113 Seawood Lane 98 -7 209,000 193,605 196,032 -2,427 27,278 16,643 206,667 2,333 100% New watermain, including design services --- -- -- •--- - ----• .................. ... .................. ---------..._...... ........... ............................. ..................... --- ...... ............... - - -- ------ ----- ------ -- -- --- - -- ........................... .. ........................ ...... . ...... .................................. .I................- .........................................------ 103 *8114 Simpson Drive 98-16 50,000 -- - - - -- 27,250 9,131 2,488 33,893 -- - - - -- 16,107 100% -- --- ----------------•-- ...... Renew 40m of 200mm watermain under the creek -• ------------- -- --...............------------------------------------------.....-........... 107 8115 ------ •• . ............................... Spruce Lake - 20,000 -- ------ - - - -- - - - - -- 0 - --- --- -- - --- ............................ .............. . ......... ..------....._._.............................. 0 .............. ........... .---- .----- 0 ........... ....... 20,000 .... ..... ................... ....... 0%(Deferred) .. -.. Chlorinate 1500mm main 108 8116 -- ---••----- --------------------------------------------------------•----.................. ........................... Suffolk Street .... 98-17 - -- -- --- --- -- ------ -- -- ---- - 50,000 --- --- -- - - -- --- ----- -- - --- 56,083 -------------..-..---............................ 50,609 ...............-- 5,474 .............. 9,041 . • .......................... .........-- 4,224 -- ......--- -•- - -- - -- 55,426 -----••--•--............... -5,426 ..........- .................... 100% ...... Replace 95m of 200mm watermain - .... - - _.._ . ............................... -- --- -- ----- ....... --- -- ------ ...... - - ...... ---- --........ ----............................_.........................._...._._..........................._.................................................... ............................... 109 8117 Transmission Mains (East) 45,000 0 12,280 614 11,666 33,334 2596 Remove gate valves on #2 & #3 mains; . .......................................................... - ---------------------------------- - - - - --.............................................................. ......................... .....--•-•--- •------- ...- - - - - -. ----------------------- - - - - -- - - - - -- --- -...._ ........................._... ------------ - - - - -- ------------ ... .............. 110 .8118 Walter Street 98-15 110,000 66,270 58,153 8,117 25,956 5,632 78,477 31,523 -- - - - - -- 100% Extend 200mm watermn to Roth. Ave to earn. Dead end; elim. 150mm watermn. In easemt, renew 140m Of 150mm with 200mm watermain .................. .. ... . .. .............. 113 8119 ............................................... --... ...................-- -- -- - - -- -- -- -- Water Pump Stations ----------------------------- ----- ...................... 50,000 ... ...._......... ...... 0 ....... - ---- -- -- -- -- - - - - -- ------------ - - -- -- .......... ........................ 57,369 ......................... ............... .. 2,868 ............... ............ ................... 54,501 .-.. ..... 4,501 ..... ............. . ----- - - - - -- 1000 Upgrade equipment and facilities ......................................... ............................... .......................... •-------- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- - ------ --•--- ...... -. -- ------------ ..........- ------------------ - - - - -- -------------- - - - - -- -- ---------- - ----- - -- ----------- ...._.... 114 8120 Water Treatment Plant 50,000 0 32,163 3,227 1,770 33,621 16,380 100% Upgrade equipment and facilities ........................... ............................... � -- - -- -- - ------------ - - - - -- . -- . . ._....._... ...................... _ . ................ ............................... - .................. ................................... 115 8121 Watersheds 15,000 0 1,277 64 1,213 13,787 100% Land acquisition for watershed protection TOTALI 1 $2,549,000 1 $1,445,7891 $967,3141 $36,4841 $550,4351 $351,2061 $150,787 $2,160,158 $39F,8-4-2 r- * Contract quantities not finalized 26/03/99 CAPITAL PROGRAMS STATUS REPORT - 1998 SANITARY ( 22 - 955 f�IOT1* PRoJ C: ISIUMBEh: O � ' : QE��F��?Q!k� _ . _. _ .... _. _ CQNTRA 151tJtVI;BER S I.- EI3 CST . TENDER _ A(tiF��4�• Mk `. £CI�T GT CONM.__ . __ �- V kMNV9 . OTHER COSTS; -. RI« #3?- COSTS HST REBATE PRO .E , . G[39T .:PROJECT '4tAtRiANCC �n . . _ K 63 8458 Bay Street 267,000 0 266,500 19,862 246,638 20,362 100% New Wastewater Pump Station - -- - -- --------- •-- • - - - -• ........ ............................... ....... . . . . .. .......... 65 8459 CAD System 15,000 ............................... 1 0 ................... ..... ..................... . . . .. 10,134 ...................................... ......................... 507 . . . . .. .... . . . . .. 9,627 ........... . . . . .. ... . . . . .. 5,373 ------------------------------- - - -- 100% .... - SoftwarelHardwarefrrainin� - - - - -_- -• .......................... ......................... . . . . .. . . ._ -- ---- - - - - -- ....... ----- .................. __ - - - - -- ............. --• ..... ........................ 67 8460 City Road 98 -14 110,000 110,505 113,454 -2,949 76,578 -------- - - - - -- 12,285 ...................... •--------- 177,747 - ---- -------- - - - - -- - 67,747 - - - - -- -- -•• - -• 100 ,� ...... ........ Renew 240m of 375mm Sanitary Sewer ------------------- 68 8461 •--......................................... Egbert Street ---- --- --- --- --- ---- -- --- - -- --------- -- - --- 100,000 ............................ 0 ------- - .................. ... ............................ ........................ ........ . ............... ........................ 0 ................................. 0 . .......... ............... 100,000 ...... ......................... 0 %(Deferred) Renew twin 375mm sewers with 150m of 600mm sewer to outfall 72 8462 --- • .. ........................................................................................... Forest Hllls ............... .. .............. .. . 25,000 0 26,316 1,316 25,000 0 0 °k Study of sewer facilities in area, including • .. ............................. design services - - 73 8463 General Specifications 10,000 0 10,526 526 i 0,000 0 030 ...... ..... Revise specifications, including design services --- -- -- - - -• -- . --- - - - - -- .............. 74 8464 Germain Steet West Sewer 98 -17 50,000 54,950 --------------- - - - - -- 62,168 -7,218 14,434 ........................ ........................ 5,355 ....... ..._.. -----•---.... ..._. 71,247 .......................... - 21,247 -- - - ----------- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- .... 100% ... ... ..................... Renew 20m of 375 T.C. with 450mm sanitary sewer........... - •---- ••-- --- -- --- -- -- -- -- -- ............................... -- ........................... _....................... ---- - - -- -- -- - - -- - -• ---- - - - - -- ---- - -.... 75 '8465 Glen Road 98-25 222,000 159,236 11,868 .._...... 147,368 74,632 -- ------------------ -- 15% ..................... Renew 450m of 200mm sanitary sewer 77 8466 -------------- Hazen Creek STP ...... - 100,000 - --------- ----------- - - - - -- 0 --------------------- - - - - -- ----------------------------- ------------- ----------- ------••----....-....... ............... .......................................... 0 0 ----- --- --•-- ---- -- •-•-- -- 100,000 -- --- ---- --- ------ - - - - -- ...... 0% Improvement re: comprehensive evaluation, including design services - -- - - -- ....................• ------------ ................•...._........................... ..........................- ---- --- .._- ...---------- - -- - -- -..............................................._..._..................................................._..........---........................... 79 8467 Irving Pulp 8� Paper Sewer e 2 98 21 98 75,000 78,215 7-7---j- 7,172 1,043 1,531 5,828 72,875 2,125 ...........-- -------- .......... 100% _ .______._.. ____._. ___.___.._._.__ ................ Line approx 40m of 200mm sanitary sewer _ __w „„ -, ,..w _ .. _ _ _ ____.___ .__._ ..._.___.__.__.._--- ____._._.._.._._ w „_, :.M .- ,�_,x,� t30 8468 Kennebecasis Drive 250,000 0 75,500 194,633 .:...:..:...:. -: -: _,... 20,133 , _._.. 250,000 ____.___..._.... 0 _ .__ .... 18% Install 2 sewage pump stations, forcemain, & ............................ gravity sanitary sewer, include. Design services .................. .............. ................. .................... ...._..._............................... ............................ .................. ......... ......................... ........... .------------ ---- --- -- --- - -- ------••------......................_......_..............................-- 87 8469 Lancaster STP 80,000 0 4,370 ------------------------ 219 - 4,152 75,849 59 ... Dn..dging of cell...... .. .. ................ ---- --- ---------- --- - - - -• -- - - -- - - - 86 8470 Long Wharf 98-20 22,000 295,501 285,746 9,755 10Q000 26,297 359,449 - 337,449 - 10036 Investigate and design _ collapsed outfall " Contract quantities not finalized 26/03/99 CAPITAL PROGRAMS STATUS REPORT - 1998 SANITARY ( 22 - 955) (VOTE :PROJZGT I - CONTRACT f1MBE:C #_- _ : 1W VA 'TED _ iST : l R M ©UT 1 NiV tTR0. T GL]NTFtAOT" 1 GE3S . OTHER S : (*1wNk [I1CG.. LTR HST A PROJECT" EST PROJECT R;E )AA-ft . ___ t? +LiR1 87 8471 Manners Sutton Road 30,000 0 0 0 30,000 0 %(Deferred) Extend sanitary sewer with 55m of 200mm sewer -- - ----- ------ - - -- -- ------------------ - - - - -- ------ •--- •---------- - - - - -- - - -- ...... ----------------- ---------- •---- - - -• -- • - - -- ---------------------.---....................... .......................... - - - -- ----------------- - -- - -- -- •- - - -- .............. ........-- •------- -- ........... - - -- ........ - --- - - - - -- 89 8472 Millldge Avenue 98 -18 30,000 9,936 7,766 2,170 597 609 7,754 22,246 20% .. ...... ............ . .•-- - Renew 35m of 300mm sanitary sewer .. - -- -- - -- --- - -- - -- ------ --- --- - -.... - ---- ................................... ............................. ............................... ------------- ........ ....... .- --- ----- ------ --- -- -- - -.. .--- --- --- -•- --- --- - - -- -• -- ....................... - - -- - -.. ................. -.. - - 98 8473 Russell Street 75,000 0 0 0 75,000 0%(Defened) Renew 190m of 300mm T.C. and 25m of storm sewer ...... 99 .. ...... ..... ..... 8474 ... .................................................................. ............................... Saint John Throughway . •-- •-•-- --- --- ---- •-- -• --• -- - -•- ••- -- .....- ...--- ••-- -- - --- 100,000 --- --- ---------------- - - - - -- 0 ---- ----- .------- .......... - ---- --- -- -- - -- - --- --- --- --- ----- -- -- 200 -- --- --- ------ ----- - -- 105,063 -- --- ---- --- -• ---- ..-..................-.......-.---..-...--------._.. 5,263 100,000 _...---- ....................... 0 ..- ....... .. ... ..... ..... .. ....... Renew 95m of 900mm trunk sewer, include des' n ................................................... .............. .•- --- --- -- -- - --- -- - - -- - -- - -- -- 100 8475 Seawood Lane 98-7 210,000 116,000 109,918 6,082 18,192 9,548 118,562 91,438 100% ....... -- - - - - -- -•---- -- - - - -- New sanitary sewer, including design services --- - -- - -- - -- -- ------------------- - -- - -- .......... -- ...................-. .... ...... ............................... -.- ........... ....... . .... .... ..- -- •.- --- •------------- -- ------ • ----- -- ------- - -• - -- --- --- -- --- --- --- - - -- - -- - ---- ------------ -• - - -- ---------------- - - -- -- ------------ ..........----- -- - - -- ------- ------------- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- -- -- -- - - - - -- 101 8476 Service Lateral Renewal 98 -1; 98 -6 150,000 0 82,952 5,000 4,398 83,554 66,446 60% Renew water services & sewer laterals to t .Line -------------------- - - - - -- -- -- - - -- - - -- -PP..Y. 0,000 Deferred ..................... 102 8477 Sewer Cleaning 20,000 0 3,346 167 3,179 16,821 18% Clean main trunk sewers and video ....................... 104 . .. 8478 ............................................................................ ......................... . . . . .• Sludge Design ............................. -- •--- • - - - - - - -._..._....................................................................... 40,000 0 ............................... ........ 13,053 --------------- - - - - -- ------------- - - ---- 653 ---------- ---- .......... ............................... 12,400 27,fi00 -------------- ........... 33% Final design, include_ Design services ......................................................................... .......................... .. .............. _............. ............ ------ - - - - -- --- --- --- --- ------ - - -- -- -- -- --- ---- -- --- -- - - - - -- -•----------............ .................................. ---------- --- --- --- • - - - -. ................................ 105 8479 Sludge Trailer 90,000 113,275 113,275 0 8,442 104,833 - 14,833 100% New sludge trailer required - --- ---- -- -- - -- - -- ................... - - ---- --- --- ---- --- -- --- - -- --- -- - --- -------- ------ - - - - -- .._............ ............................. ..... -- --- ---- -- ---- - - - -• -- - •--- •-- --- --- --- - - -- - -- ........................ ....................... .................................. .......... ............... -- ...........--- •-- -- -.......... 108 8480 Suffolk Street 98 -17 15,000 22,018 21,645 373 15,551 2,391 34,805 - 19,805 100% ...... . ................. .. .... Renew 35m of 200mm sanitary sewer. --- -- -..... ------°°----•------•----.............._................................... .........................._._.. ............................. ... ............................... ........ .....................- ......... ........ ..................... - ---. ..................................... . 111 8481 Wastewater Pump Stations 15,000 0 23,881 1,194 22,687 -7,687 100% Upradg safet)f standards 112 8482 Wasteiroa er STP 1501000 0 111,404 5,570 105,834 44,166 100% Upgrading mechanical equipment, include design services 90 "8486 Mlllldge Avenue 98 23 0 0 9,430 72,570 4,100 77,90Q - 77,900 10% New Sewerage Lift Station TUTALT 1 $2,251,000 1 $959,6361 $791,144 $9,256[_$827,6531 $414,1081 $146,5301 $2,045,617 $205,389 * Contract quantities not finalized 26/03/99 CAPITAL PRQGRAMS STATUS EP -199 INFRASTRUCTURE - SANITARY (22 -.955) 10 NOTE PROJECT PROJECT NAME CONTRACT ESTIMATED TENDER FINAL CONTRACT OTHER PENDING HST PROJECTED PROJECT % NUMBER (DESCRIPTION) NUMBER COST AMOUNT CONTRACT VARIANCE COSTS COSTS REBATE COST VARIANCE WORK 80 8483 Kennebecasis Drive 525,000 0 0 0 525,000 0% Install 2 Sewerage pump stations, forcemain, & gravity sanitary sewer, include. Design services 91 `8484 North End Sewerge Scheme 98 -11; 98-12; 3,300,000 217,176 271,668 3,373,393 - 73,393 70% 3,427,885 Install sewage pump station, 575m of 350m 98 -19 forcemain, & 650m of 600mm & 750mm gravity sanitary sewer 106 8485 Somerset Street 250,000 0 0 0 250,000 0% Install 450m of 350mm forcemain, including design services TOTALI 1 $4,075,000 3,427,885 $0 0 1 $217,1761 $01 271,668 3,373,393 701,607 * Contract quantities not finalized 26/03/99 OPEN SESSION M & C 99 -101 March 29, 1999 HER WORSHIP MAYOR SHIRLEY MCALARY AAND MEMBERS OF COMMON COUNCIL YOUR WORSHIP AND COUNCILLORS: SUBJECT: Purchase of an easement for a storm sewer - 109 Glen Road BACKGROUND: :r City of Saint John The City is proposing to construct a 750 min storm sewer through the above property. The storm sewer will drain a large area of undeveloped land located to the rear of the properties fronting on Glen Road. The project is part of the ongoing program to improve storm water drainage in Glen Falls. Staff has reached an agreement with the owners, Leonard and Winnifred Thorburne, to purchase an approximately 285 square metre easement for $2,000 with the City paying the Thorburnes' legal costs. The City will be restoring the landscaping and replacing the asphalt driveway. ANALYSIS• 1. Strategic Pan Conformity/Existing City Policy The installation of this storm sewer is part of the City's ongoing program of infrastructure improvements. 2. Input From Other Sources The Engineering Department requested this department to purchase this easement. Report to Common Council March 29, 1999 Page 2 3. Financial Implications Funds for this project are included in the 1999 Capital Budget. RECOMMENDATION Your City Manager recommends that Council: a) authorize the purchase of an approximately 285 square metre casement for a storm sewer from Leonard and Winnifred Thorburne for $2,000; b) authorize the payment of reasonable legal fees and disbursements incurred by Leonard and Winnifred Thorburne, (not to exceed $250); and C) authorize the Mayor and Common Clerk to sign any documents necessary to give effect to this resolution. Respectfully submitted Sid Lodhi, P. Eng. Manager Real Estate and Facility Management 1. J� aude MacKinnon, P. Eng. ommissi ner viro ent & Develo ent Services Terrence Totten, C.A. City Manager 00416228 %2'' 0 C^ ° o a w w N w i� /V 7 / n O m � ff n f /+ N O O R7 N q 7�1 1 4 ✓ P, 160 F� ,a. 6.9 6 B �\ B 01 66S p, V 00300962 0030168, t 0o302,, 4 . Rn N i� ° a ' 9 /91 66 � 9 9 1r 1a U 0 i 5 7 a a : O O 7 o1 7 I ! ' 1 9'I o � !O ' I o � � � _ � N 1 � ' g2 4 10A 16 0A '6 o ! jf y 1 ry 1I , 8� p l a1 1 i n %L — 3 r 1 , 165084321 6SD84339 V3 �3 N _ ' P w 0 ' 1 1 17 0 1 . 2 14 5 0 0p 012995 29, 003006 05 p4432 0� '1 500300 4 00 05044424 45 0209511 S 0 0 4a4T6 5-504410,, _ 003p_ 6 31 �9prbg 0p 0 A I — S044 B 7:!l a (? 49 9' L _ = 1 S ! ! 0 i 105 �0 SHED GLEN _ ROAD I`1 V B FE 41, L' 4 WrbE INEW 750mm STORM SEWERI 285m' TITLE Storm Sewer Easement at 109 Glen Road DRAWN BY FII; Ruck Iey SCALE 1 : 250 CHECKED BY DATE Dec. 02 1998 T_ 7- 0 91 I I LO REPOffr 10 COMNION COUNCIL M & C #99 -98 March 26, 1999 Her Worship Mayor Shirley McAlary And Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Common Council: SUBJECT: 1999 Establishment of Permanent Positions BACKGROUND: IC City of Saint John It has been the practice of Council to approve annually the "Establishment" of permanent positions. The Establishment provides a summary of permanent positions employed by the City. The "Establishment" does not include permanent positions within the City's Police Force. In accordance with the Provincial Police Act, both police officers and civilian staff employed to support the police force are employees of the Board of Police Commissioners. ANALYSIS: The City's administrative structure is constantly evolving as roles and responsibilities are reassessed. As a result, the 1999 Establishment reflects a number of title changes, additions and deletions within the permanent employee complement. These changes are necessary as administrative efforts continue to ensure delivery of efficient and effective services. All the changes contained in this report were presented to Council during departmental budget submissions and as such the financial impact of these changes have all been reflected in the 1999 approved budget. Finally, it should be noted that the only truly "new" position inherent in this report is that of Manager, Fleet Maintenance. Once again, Council was advised of this during the 1999 Budget process. r The following is a summary of the proposed changes to the Establishment for 1999: Manaiemertt/Professiooal Position$ * Delete the position of Director of Tourism and establish the position of Director of Corporate Services Administration Delt;te the position of Manager Building Maintenance and establish the position of Assistant Comptroller * Establish the position of Manager, Fleet Services • Delete two positions of Operations Engineer and establish positions of Engineering Manager — Transportation Services and Engineering Manager — Water & Wastewater NOTE: With the exception of the first change noted the positions are currently vacant. The salary groupings for these vacant positions are currently under review and will be reported separately to Council once finalized. The establishment of the positions at this time will allow staff to proceed with initial steps in the recruiting process. Inside Worker Positions Local 486 ■ Delete a position of Clerk/Typist- Finance (Group 1); • Delete two Recreation Supervisor I positions (Group 5) and establish one additional Recreation Supervisor IV position (Group 9); • Delete a position of Draftsman 1I (Group 5) and establish a position of Engineering Technician I (Group 5); • Delete a position of Instrumentation II (Group 4) and establish a position of Engineering Technician II (Group 4). Outside Worker Positions Local 18 * Delete a position of Heavy Equipment Operator (Group VI) and establish a position of Pipelayer (Group VI) in Water & Sewerage; • Delete a position of Labourer (Group II) and establish a position of Valve Truck Operator (Group VI) in Water & Sewerage; • Delete a position of Foreman (Group X), previously employed in Works, and establish a position of Plant Maintenanceman (Group V) in Water & Sewerage; * Delete a position of Foreman (Group X) and establish a position of Plant Maintenanceman (Group V) in Water & Sewerage; • Delete a position of Sub - Foreman (Group VII) and establish a position of Tradesman's Helper (Group V) in Fleet Services. * Delete a position of Gardener (Group VII) and establish a position of Gardener /Arborist(Group VII); INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: The proposed Establishment has been developed on the basis of submissions from all department heads and the changes have been discussed with the various civic locals as and where appropriate. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The proposals in this report have been reflected in the various departmental operating budgets for the 1999 fiscal year. Approval of the proposed Establishment will have no significant financial impact on the total personnel cost of the municipality. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Common Council adopt the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED that the Establishment of Permanent Positions, as set out below be approved. ESTABLISHMENT OF PERMANENT POSITIONS: Resp tfully submitt , Terrence L. Totten, C.A. CITY MANAGER lari�aettt. 1�1a1:. Nan- lnlaa�1 46 �idtr*e 1La 1alI ;. `1aa Mayor's Office 0 1 0 0 0 1 Solicitor's Office 3 2 0 0 0 5 Common Clerk 2 0 3 0 0 5 City Manager 3 1 0 0 0 4 Corporate Services 15 4 62 6 0 87 Community Services/Environment 8 0 20 39 0 67 Development Services 15 0 23 2 0 40 Municipal Operations 23 0 35 246 0 304 Fire Department 11 0 2 0 184 197 NA M4 Resp tfully submitt , Terrence L. Totten, C.A. CITY MANAGER Transportation Transports Nouveau,mmBrunswick. Vhen replying, please irt« iu our Pilr [,To. 0, Dans votre rcponse, iudiquv notre ref. P. O. Box 6000 v �� Fredericton, N. B. E3B 5H1 n ty March 5, 1999 �G""K Mr. Terrence Totten, Clerk City of Saint John G P. O. Box 1971�,r Market Square a41 P� Saint John, N. B. E2L 4L1 C r , Dear Mr. Totten: �. I am enclosing the revised contract agreement covering various maintenan ies in your `a' municipality for the coming calendar year. Please execute the attached documents and forward all copies to this office. One completed copy of each schedule signed by our Minister will be forwarded to you for retention. Sincerely, Stephane Vautour Administrative Services Officer Attachment ~' M &C99 -100 March 25, 1999 Her Worship Mayor Shirley McAlary & Members of Common Council: SUBJECT: Maintenance Agreement for Provincial Highways - 1999 BACKGROUND: +I City of Saint john The City enters into an Agreement annually with the Province providing for payment by the Province of agreed costs associated with the summer and winter maintenance of Designated and Regional Highways within the City as performed by the City. The City also provides payment of agreed cost to the Province for Summer & Winter Maintenance of Municipal and Regional Streets within the City as performed by the Province. ANALYSIS: The street inventory, that is, the length and number of traffic lanes has been verified by both Provincial and City staff. As a part of the budget process the Province establishes the rate to be paid to municipalities for the services provided. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The maintenance rates established by the Province for 1999 have been kept at the same amounts as for 1998. The City receiving payment of $368,974.71 and paying out payment of $12,587.42 for maintenance performed by the Province. In addition to the above, the rates for various types of Pavement Markings, such as lines and directional arrows, are also submitted for approval. The actual amount to be paid to the City will not be known until the actual quantities are measured in the fall, however, this payment usually results in an additional $36,000.00 being received. The preparation of the City's 1999 Budget made provision for the above revenue. M& 99 -100 Maintenance Agreement March 25,1999 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary Maintenance Agreement for Provincial Highways — 1999. Respectfully submitted, Paul Groody, P. Eng. Commissioner Qial Operations Terrence L. Totten, C.A. City Manager Legal Department John L. Nugent City Solicitor March 26, 1999 Mayor Shirley A. McAlary and Members of Common Council 8th Floor - City Hall Saint John, N. B. Your Worship and Councillors: P.O. Box 1971 Tel.: 506 658 -2860 Saint John Fax: 506 658 -2802 New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 Re: Amendments to Harbour Station Commission and Saint John Aquatic Centre Commission legislation City of Saint John The amendments sought by the City to the Harbour Station Commission legislation as well as the Saint John Aquatic Centre Commission legislation received Royal Assent on the 12th day of March, 1999. The amendments were enacted as proposed by the City and a copy of each is attached for Council's information. As a result of the amendments, in the future Grand Bay - Westfield, Quispamsis and Rothesay will each be able to appoint one member to the Harbour Station Commission and also the Saint John Aquatic Centre Commission. The current arrangement whereby it is the Common Council which makes the appointment of persons nominated by those municipalities, will cease. Yours truly, LI Joh . Nugent City Solicitor /llh Attachments 1998 BILL 3 An Act to Amend the Saint John Regional Exhibition Centre Commission Act WHEREAS the City of Saint John prays that it be enacted as hereinafter set forth; THEREFORE, Her Majesty, by and with the ad- vice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick, enacts as follows: 1 Section 2 of the Saint John Regional Exhibi- tion Centre Commission Act, chapter 102 of the Acts of New Brunswick, 1992, is amended (a) by repealing subsection (2) and substitut- ing the following: 2(2) The Commission shall be composed of: (a) four members appointed by the Common Council of the City of Saint John; (b) one member appointed by the Council of Grand Bay - Westfield; (c) one member appointed by the Council of Quispamsis; (d) one member appointed by the Council of Rothesay; and I PROJET DE LOI 3 Loi modifiant la Loi sur la Commission du Centre d'exposition regional de Saint John ATTENDU QUE ]a Cite de Saint John a de- mande qu'il soit decrdtd de ]a fa�on ci -apres enon- cde; A CES CAUSES, Sa Majesty, sur Favis et du consentement de I'Assemblee legislative du Nou- veau- Brunswick, ddcretc : 1 Particle 2 de la Loi sur la Commission du Centre d'exposition regional de Saint John, cha- pitre 102 des Lois du Nouveau- Brunswick, 1992, est modifie a) par la suppression du paragraphe (2) et son remplacement par ce qui suit : 2(2) La Commission se compose de; a) quatre membres nommes par le Conseil de ]a Cite de Saint John; b) un membre nomme par le Conseil de Grand Say = Westfield; c) un membre nomme par le Conseil de Quis- pamsis; d) un membre nomme par le Conseil de Rothesay; Loi modifiant la Loi sur la Projet de loi 3 Commission du Centre d'exposition regional de Saint John (e) the Mayor, City Manager and the Commis- sioner of Finance for the City of Saint John who shall be members ex officio, without a vote. (b) by repealing subsection (4) and substitut- ing the following: 2(4) A voting member of the Commission may be removed by majority vote of the appointing au- thority for inefficiency, neglect of duty or malfea- sance of office. (c) by repealing subsection (6) and substitut- ing the following: 2(6) When-any member's place on the Commis- sion becomes vacant for any cause before expiry of his term of office, the appointing authority may ap- point a person to be a member of the Commission for the remainder of such unexpired term. e) le maire, 1'administrateur et le Commis - saire aux finances de la Cite de Saint John qui sont membres d'office, sans droit de vote. h) par la suppression du paragraphe (4) et son remplacement par ce qui suit: 2(4) Un membre votant de la Commission peut Eire destitue par un vote majoritaire du Conseil municipal en raison d'inefficacite, de manquement au devoir ou de delit d'action. c) par la suppression du paragraphe (6) et son remplacement par ce qui suit: 2(6) Dins que Ie poste d'un membre .de ]a Com- mission devient vacant pour une raison quelconque avant 1'expiration de son mandat, 1'autorit6 char - gee de designer les membres peut nommer une per - sonne membre de la Commission pour la partie du mandat qui nest pas expiree. Ll 1998 BILL 4 An Act to Amend the Saint John Aquatic Center Commission Act Mme_ WHEREAS the City of Saint John prays that it be enacted as hereinafter set forth; THEREFORE, Her Majesty, by and with the ad- vice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick, enacts as follows: 1 Section 2 of the Saint John Aquatic Center Commission Act, chapter 73 of the Acts of New Brunswick, 1984, is amended (a) by repealing subsection (2) and substitut- ing the following: PROJET DE LOI 4 Loi modifiant la Loi sur la Commission du Centre aquatique de Saint John ATTENDU QUE la Cite de Saint John demande 1'adoption des dispositions qui suivent; ,k CES CAUSES, Sa Majeste, sur 1'avis et du consentement de 1'Assemblee legislative du Nou- veau- Brunswick, decr6te : 1 L'article 2 de la Loi sur la Commission du Centre aquatique de Saint John, chapitre 73 des Lois du Nouveau- Brunswick, 1984, est modifte a) par la suppression du paragraphe (2) et son remplacement par ce qui suit 2(2) The Commission shall be composed of 2 La Commission est composee de sept membres seven members consisting of qui sont (a) the City's Director of Recreation and Parks; (b) three members appointed by the Common Council of the City of Saint John; (c) one member appointed by the Council of Grand Bay - Westfield; (d) one member appointed by the Council of Quispamsis; 1 a) le directeur des pares et de la r6cr6ation de la cites; b) trois membres nommes par le Conseil mu- nicipal de ]a Cite de Saint John; c) un membre nomm6 par le Conseil de Grand Bay - Westfield; d) un membre nomme par le Conseil de Quis- pamsis; Loi modifant la Projet de loi 4 Loi sur la Commission du Centre aquatigue de Saint John (e) one member appointed by the Council of Rotbesay; (f) the Mayor, the City Manager and the Com- missioner of Finance of the City of Saint John who shall be members ex officio, without a vote. (b) by repealing subsection (4) and substitut- ing the following: 2(4) A voting member of the Commission may be removed by majority vote of the appointing au- thority for inefficiency, neglect of duty or malfea- sance of office. 2 e) un membre nomme par le Conseil de Rotbesay; }) le maire, 1'administrateur de la cite et le commissaire aux finances qui sont membres d'office sans droit de vote. b) par la suppression du paragraphe (4) et son remplacement par ce qui suit: 2(4) Un membre de la Commission ayant droit de vote peut titre destitue par un vote majoritaire de, 1'autorite 1'ayant nommt pour inefficacitd, negli- gence dans 1'exercice de ses fonctions ou malver- sation dans 1'exercice de son mandat. Planning Advisory Committee OPEN SESSION March 25, 1999 Your Worship and Councillors: P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2804 Saint John New Brunswick. Canada E2L 4L1 SUBJECT: Assent of Municipal Services and Public Utility Easements Stinson Drive City of Saint John On March 23, 1999 the Planning Advisory Committee considered the attached report. Mr. Dan LeBlanc, on behalf of Saint John Industrial Parks Limited, appeared before the Committee and expressed support for the staff recommendation. There were no other presentations made at the meeting. Given the nature of the application, no resident notification was provided. The Committee resolved to adopt staff recommendation, which is setout below for your convenience. RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council assent to attached photo - reduced tentative subdivision plan, and to any required municipal services or public utility easements. Respectfully submitted, lam. A. (Sandy) Robertson ,T Vice- Chairman MO/ Attachment Community Planning DATE: TO: FROM: Jim Baird MCIP P.O. Box 1971 1506 658 -2835 Manager Saint John 506 658 -2837 (Fax) New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 • MARCH 19, 1999 PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE COMMUNITY PLANNING FOR: MEETING OF MARCH 23, 1999 Mark O'Heam Planning Officer SUBJECT: Name of Applicant: Name of Owner: Location: NBGIC: Municipal Plan: Zoning: Proposal: Saint John Industrial Parks Limited Province of New Brunswick Stinson Drive rC'ii�; City of Saint John 55053136, 55112437, 55092522, 55092530, and 55092548 Heavy Industrial "I -2" Heavy Industrial To vest new municipal services easements within a developing industrial park. Type of Application: Subdivision Amending Spruce Lake Indu.,,rial Park Subdivision Stinson Drive JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: Page 2 March 19, 1999 The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to advise Common Council on subdivision developments, including the assent of municipal services and public utility easements. STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE: That Common Council assent to the attached photo - reduced tentative subdivision plan, and to any required municipal services or public utility easements. BACKGROUND: In October 1990, the Planning Advisory Committee recommended the assent of a subdivision plan vesting Stinson Drive, a new public street in the Spruce Lake Industrial Park, and the creation of a new large industrial lot (Lot 90 -1) for Regional Petroleum Products Recycling Limited. In July 1991, the Committee recommended approval of the creation of thirteen (13) more serviced industrial lots along Stinson Drive. At that time, Common Council assented to municipal services and public utility easements specifically illustrated on the tentative plan. This previous tentative plan did not indicate the additional easements now shown on the revised amending plan. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Engineering can support this application. Saint John Energy has no objection to the proposal. NBTel has indicated that there is an existing aerial pole line to the rear of the lots that will serve this area. This line will have to be extended depending on location of new buildings. The exact number of poles and locations will be determined when services are requested. The Developer will be responsible for easements (if required), and possibly may be required to pay line extension costs depending on the distance of service extension. Amending Spruce Lake Indu.,.rial Park Subdivision Page 3 Stinson Drive March 19, 1999 ANALYSIS: The subject area is situated on the northside of Stinson Drive in the Spruce Lake Industrial Park (see attachments). The applicant has submitted an amending subdivision plan that would rearrange the boundaries on the existing lots along the Stinson Drive, resulting in one less industrial lot along this public road. The amending plan would also slightly change the orientation of the future street (see attached Spruce Lake Industrial Park Subdivision, Parcel 5 concept plan). The area is zoned "I -2" Heavy Industrial. The proposed new lots can satisfy all applicable By -law standards. However, the amending plan illustrates several new municipal services easements not previously illustrated when the original subdivision plan was assented to by Common Council in 1991. Therefore, further assent by Council is necessary for these additional easements, particularly the easement shown over proposed Lots 99 -1 and 99.2. The proposed easements will facilitate the servicing of this portion of the Spruce Lake Industrial Park. Engineering can support this application. Assent of the amending subdivision plan with any required easements can be supported. Given the nature of this application, no resident notification was provided. u� P 3 a e F 3 v z Subject Site: COMMUNITY PLANNING .. 1 - �Dp \ 1:. \f �D 9Q Address: Stinson Drive Map Number: 06N -C1 Date: March 17, 1999 V. Scale: N.T.S. I- 2 Manawagonish Cove NBGIC Number (s): 55053136 55112437 55062522 55092530 55092548 � #��� • � dffffff lffff a° � �'� ! �s 1 i -21 His a$ x j 1 j 3 a_ f 1f! T f � II sasxEkR�l�kk$'sffa$�$$$xa - of S v , y e lit -Cn ` �X PDON u�D!lllAf guD4 m N I m z I Y R X � a� A / H �d �r I \� P 0 P � 1 f � A 1 P I I s I y I v s on ss t •Y x ' it3 ?'jf gg :II: 1�L -1iI P figs g m t q1 a • g w 4 �N - A 1 •p ... �L iY1 .KJ .-L�� . -�^ �� �� \mw ��� 1 i • a fP !M Sit g$ PDON u�D!lllAf guD4 m N I m z I Y R X � a� A / H �d �r I \� P 0 P � 1 f � A 1 P I I s I y I v s on ss t •Y x ' it3 ?'jf gg :II: 1�L -1iI P ti I !� 1� T., Future Lo 1' X, aY 1 _ Lit 6 (� Lot 99 -5A a 1 l CI- ti C !�- Lot 99 -4A � Future Lot I _— -- - - - - -- J U J - -- \ —0 ` Plan 4 5howing the proposed re- subdivision of Lots along Stinson Drive to accommodate the sale to LMC and the future White Rocks Road. F o i 9C 1p d lit y �o 0 —f� o� fp..�VW waN — Planning Advisory Committee OPEN SESSION March 25, 1999 Your Worship and Councillors: P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2800 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 SUBJECT: Assent of Land for Public Purposes 1250 Latimer Lake Road q.. City of Saint John On March 23, 1999 the Planning Advisory Committee considered the attached report. Mr. Dan LeBlanc, on. behalf of Real Estate and Facility Management, appeared before the Committee and expressed support for the staff recommendation. There were no other presentations made at the meeting, and no letters were received from area residents. After considering the matter, the Committee resolved to adopt staff recommendation, which is setout below for your convenience. The Committee also granted the necessary width variance to allow for the creation of proposed Lot 98 -6. RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council assent to the attached photo- reduced tentative subdivision plan that would vest Parcel "A" as Land for Public Purposes, and credit approximately 2.45 hectares (6 acres) of land for future subdivision development in the general area. Respelfully submitted, A. (Sandy) Robertson ' ice- Chairman MO/ Attachment Community Planning DATE: TO: FROM: FOR: SUBJECT: Jim Baird MCIP P.O. Box 1971 b06 658 -2835 Manager Saint John 506 658 -2837 (Fax) New Brunswick 3. Canada E2L 4L1 MARCH 5, 1999 PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE COMMUNITY PLANNING MEETING OF MARCH 9, 1999 Mark O'Hearn Planning Officer City of Saint John Name of Applicant: City of Saint John (Real Estate and Facility Management) Name of Owner: City of Saint John Location: 1250 Latimer Lake Road NBGIC: portion of 00335927 Municipal Plan: Unserviced Residential Zoning: "RS -IM" One and Two Family and Mobile Home Suburban Residential Proposal: To create two unserviced residential lots and vest a public park as Land for Public Purposes. Type of Application: Subdivision and Variance that would reduce the minimum lot width requirement of 60 metres (197 feet) to approximately 57 metres (187 feet). City of Saint John Subdivisio,, Page 2 1250 Latimer Lake Road March 5, 1999 JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to advise Common Council on the assent of Land for Public Purposes. The Act also authorizes the Committee to grant reasonable variances from the requirements of the Zoning By -law. Conditions can be imposed by the Committee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE: That Common Council assent to the attached photo- reduced tentative subdivision plan that would vest Parcel "A" as Land for Public Purposes, and credit approximately 2.45 hectares (6 acres) of land for future subdivision development in the general area. 2. That the Planning Advisory Committee grant a variance from the Zoning By -law that would reduce the minimum lot width requirement of 60 metres (197 feet) to approximately 57 metres (187 feet) for proposed Lot 98 -6. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Engineering has no objection to the proposed subdivision. Building and Technical Services has no objection to the application. Saint John Energy has indicated that overhead facilities are available to service the proposed lots. NBTel has indicated that overhead facilities are available to service the proposed lots. N.B. Department of Public Health Services has indicated that the proposed lots can exceed the minimum standards of the Health Act. These lots can be modified and made suitable for the installation of on -site facilities. Parks and Recreation supports the vesting of the existing Latimore Lake Sports Field as Land for Public Purposes. City of Saint John Subdivisiou 1250 Latimer Lake Road ANALYSIS: Page 3 March 5, 1999 The City (Real Estate and Facility Management) is seeking approval for the attached photo - reduced tentative subdivision plan. This plan would create two unserviced residential lots (Lots 98 -5 and 98 -6) along Latimer Lake Road. The City has no immediate plans for the remainder of the large wooded property, which would retain a 113 -metre (371 -foot) frontage along the public road. The subdivision plan would also vest Parcel "A" as Land for Public Purposes. The Latimore Sports Field complex is situated over Parcel "A," which has an approximate area of 2.48 hectares (6.13 acres). This dedication would greatly exceed the L.P.P. requirement for this subdivision, which is only required to be 345 square metres (3,714 square feet) — six (6) percent of the area of proposed Lot 98 -6 (first lot exempt from requiring L.P.P.). Therefore, the applicant is seeking a credit for the remaining 2.45 hectares (6 acres) of land. Parks and Recreation supports this proposal. The area is zoned "RS -1M" One and Two Family and Mobile Home Suburban Residential. The Zoning By -law requires a minimum lot area of 5400 square metres (5 8,127 square feet), a minimum lot width 60 metres (197 feet), and a minimum lot depth of 38 metres (125 feet). The two proposed lots can exceed the minimum area and depth requirements, but Lot 98 -6 is slightly below the required width standard. The applicant has indicated that there is a chain -link fence running along the proposed property boundary. This fence is part of the Latimore Lake Sports Field complex and would be costly to relocate. Approval can be recommended given the minor nature of the requested variance. The N.B. Department of Public Health Services has indicated that the proposed lots can be made suitable for the installation of on -site facilities. The public utility agencies have indicated that existing overhead facilities are available from Latimer Lake Road to service the proposed subdivision. Engineering has no objection to the proposed subdivision. Approval of this subdivision proposal can be supported with the mentioned variance. COMMUNITY PLANNING Subject Site: Address: 1250 Latimore Lake Road Map Number: 07P -CO Date: February 23, 1999 Scale: NBGIC Number (s): - 00335927 (part ofl N.T.S. z t 1. za I;J S �_ • t ° v I f. :J •. t } }i =� t J �_ �_ _:' � � ��� ! f f of ! t _:J:.,•�f:':J::17 }� •� =i' •' =t JuZ 04 3A Lj � {'�- ^ J 7 ° � ° • Lei. � � � _ i i '.\ L .�z Lj cL 1 r. cs qtr.. VD) 1 d"� dy�t - fr• ya U •+ i:i�J771.1 =I�JJ!e 17 ='tr'J � .rye j 1177�i:�1::�:1J: :f:�:• ......... f ?i::i::i .t p9 Builm Resource Came r777 — ENTERPRISE -01�aSu1 - Saint John. � Brun -xirk Canada E& 1C.3 T hone (506) 658 -2," -SAJNT JOHN Toll Free 1 800 561 -20" racmide (506) 658-28'2 ecnnomi�i'nhank. March 18, 1999 Mayor Shirley McAlary and Members of Common Council CITY OF SAINT JOHN P. O. Box 1971 8th Floor, City Hall Saint John, NB E21, 4L1 Dear Mayor McAlary and Common Council: Re: 1999 OBJECTIVES On behalf of the Greater Saint John Economic Development Commission, Incorporated, please find enclosed the 1999 Objectives of the Commission for your approval. The Board of Directors and staff look forward to presenting our Annual report and audited financial statements for 1998 to you at our special meeting of Councils on Tuesday, March 30, 1999, 7:00 PM in the Mary Oland Theatre, New Brunswick Museum. We encourage your continued involvement. Yours very truly, GREATER SAINT JOHN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMNIISSION, INCORORATED David G. Chairperson DGB:sa Enclosure AAR 190 i re Together we'regreater! • Plus forts ensemble. Grand Bay - Westfield • Quisparnsis ■ Rothesay • Saint John GREATER SAINT JOHN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, INCORPORATED (ENTERPRISE SAINT JOHN) Serving the Communities of Grand -Bay Westfield, Quispamsis, Rothesay and Saint John Enterprise Saint John is a non-profit community organization dedicated to promoting economic development within the greater Saint John region. 1999 Obiectives DEVELOP A COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR THE REGION • The Commission will assume the lead role with respect to the development of a comprehensive five -year Economic Development Strategy for the region. The region's Economic Development Strategy will be based on input from all four communities, local economic development partners and the general public. • The public will be provided with at least one opportunity per year to provide input into the Commission's Economic Development Strategy and Work Plan. APPROVE AND OVERSEE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ANNUAL COMMISSION ACTIVITY PLAN The Annual Activity Plan will be based on the region's long -term Economic Development Strategy, while also reflecting the current priorities of all four partner communities, the Province of New Brunswick, Government of Canada, and the local business community (Saint John Board of Trade, River Valley Chamber of Commerce, Kennebecasis Valley Chamber of Commerce. The Plan will include specific objectives with respect to entrepreneur development and new business attraction. • Progress made with respect to specific objectives will be reviewed at the Commission's Annual General Meeting. Together we're greater! • Plus forts ensemble! Grand Bay- Westfield • Quispamsis • Rothesay • Saint John 2 PROMOTE AND ENCOURAGE THE ESTABLISHMENT, DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH OF NEW BUSINESSES AND INDUSTRIES IN THE REGION. • The Commission and its Board of Directors, with guidance from the local business community through a Business Attraction Advisory Committee, will develop strategies to promote business and industrial development in the region • The Commission will take the lead role in attracting new businesses and industry to the region and provide the following business development services: a) Identification of new business leads through - Advertising and promotion Attending trade or industrial shows -joint business development activities with economic development partners (including the Dept. of Economic Development and Tourism (N.B.) and ACOA) - The expansion of the "Friends of Greater Saint John" network b) Prospect management - Qualification of prospects - Preparation of relocation or site selection proposals - Hosting site visits to the region - Visiting prospects - Follow -up and monitoring of prospects c) Aftercare - Ensuring prospects receive local support and assistance as they establish their new business in the region - Staff relocation assistance and community orientation - Assistance in sourcing real estate and recruiting local staff • The Commission will take a sectoral approach to business and industrial development, including the following sectors for primary support and development: - Plastics manufacturing - Metalworking - Information technology - Telecommunications and call centres - Tourism - Film industry Distribution and transportation - Retail Together we're greater. • Plus forts ensemble. Grand Bay - Westfield • Quisparnsis - Rothesay - Saint John • Other priority sectors include: - Shipbuilding - Medical services and research - Industrial minerals - Engineering & consulting services Value -added forest products - Food processing PROVIDE SMALL BUSINESS & ENTREPRENEUR ASSISTANCE SERVICES THROUGHOUT THE GREATER SAINT JOHN REGION • Promote entrepreneurship and self employment through the Region • Use leadership from the community through an Entrepreneur Advisory Committee to further develop and refine a strategy and infrastructure for entrepreneur support • Assist entrepreneurs, new and existing businesses through the provision of free and confidential development services at locations in each community: • assist clients in assessing the feasibility of projects and proposals • provide business counseling and assistance in the preparation of business plans, sales forecasting, financial statements, and marketing strategies • help them to identify local and external, markets, source suppliers, and distribution networks • assist clients in building a network of contacts in industry and government • help entrepreneurs and businesses source regulatory, research market, and demographic research upon which to base sound business decisions • assist clients in identifying sources of financing, including government financial assistance programs • help clients build a package of financing that is appropriate for their business, and make application for government programs ■ Identify the small business sectors with the most potential for job creation and wealth generation, and assist in the development of these sectors and companies on a proactive basis • Improve access to capital through cooperation with all levels of government and the financial industry • Work with all economic development partners to coordinate and streamline the programs and services available to entrepreneurs and companies in the Greater Saint John region [including the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, Economic Development Tourism and Culture NB, Department of Labour, Human Resources Development NB, Human Resources Development Canada, Business Development Bank of Canada, Enterprise Centre, local Chambers of Commerce, and others Together we're greater! • Plus arts ensemble. Grand Bay- Westfield • Quispamsis • Rothesay • Saint John • Partner with the local Board of Trade, Chambers and the New Brunswick Economic Commissions Association to implement a series of mentorship services to new entrepreneurs • Sponsor, host, or partner with other local agencies to source the management, marketing, and other training needed by entrepreneurs and existing businesses • Host and coordinate special events to build awareness and action around small business issues • Encourage networking and strategic partnerships among local businesses • Encourage youth entrepreneurship and self employment at the high school to post- secondary levels as a means of addressing youth unemployment • Support the continued development of small and home based businesses DEVELOP A COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY With the assistance of the Communications Advisory Committee, develop a communications strategy to: promote the Greater Saint John region nationally and internationally as a premier business destination • partner with local media and take a proactive role in promoting the positive attributes and achievements of the local business community • facilitate communications between the four Municipalities • promote the entrepreneur development strategy PROMOTE BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL PARKS IN THE REGION • To communicate and promote the implementation of recommendations from the Business Park Task Force with respect to the location of future business parks in the region • Assist individual communities and agencies (i.e., Saint John Industrial Parks) in promoting local industrial and business parks ............................................ PROMOTE THE RECOMENDATIONS OF THE TOURISM ADVISORY COMMITTEE WITH RESPECT TO THE INCLUSION OF REGIONAL TOURISM DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE MANDATE OF THE GREATER SAINT JOHN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Complete discussions with all four municipalities, the Province and Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency with respect to the inclusion of regional tourism development within the mandate of the Greater Saint John Economic Development Commission • If a decision is made to include tourism in the mandate of the Commission, the Commission's Board of Directors will oversee required changes to the Commission's structure and implement a regional tourism promotion and development strategy. Together we're greater! • Plus forts ensemble. Grand Bay - Westfield • Quispamsis • Rothesa.y • Saint John Preservation Review Board x OPEN SESSION March 25, 1999 Her Worship Mayor Shirley McAlary and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: P.O. Box 1971 Saint john New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 SUBJECT: Decision on Appeal: Robert & Louise Cloutier vs Preservation Review Board 506 658 -2835 506 658 -2837 (Fax) 77 City of Saint John A decision has recently been rendered by the Provincial PIanning Appeal Board in the appeal between Robert and Louise Cloutier, Appellant and the Preservation Review Board, Respondent. The Provincial Planning Appeal Board has ruled in favour of the Appellant. The Preservation Review Board has received advice from the Legal Department that sound grounds appear to exist to appeal this decision. These grounds go to the issue of whether or not the Provincial Planning Appeal Board is able to legitimately place itself in the position to replace or overturn a reasonable view /decision of a Board (i.e. Preservation Review Board) with a different reasonable view /decision (i.e. theirs) simply on the grounds that they disagree with the view /decision. In addition, it appears that material evidence presented during the hearing supportive of the Preservation Review Board decision was not considered by the Provincial Planning Appeal Board. If this decision of the Provincial Planning Appeal Board is allowed to stand, the future operation of the Preservation Review Board will be severely hampered. At a special meeting held on 25 March, 1999 the Preservation Review Board adopted the following resolution: The Preservation Review Board recommends that Common Council authorize the City Solicitor, or his designate, to commence and proceed with an appeal to the Court of Appeal from the decision of the Provincial Planning Appeal Board in the matter of Robert and Louise Cloutier, Appellant and the Preservation Review Board of the City of Saint John, Respondent. Respectfully submitted, Philip Hug ard, Chair (D Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority P.O. BOX 3728, STA. 'B', 29 KING STREET, WEST SAINT JOHN, N.B. E2M 5C1 / TEL. 506 635 -1320 March 18, 1999 Mayor and Council City of Saint John P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, N.B. E2L 4L 1 Dear Mayor and Council:- The Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority has requested that a letter be written to the Mayor and Council with respect to the Transportation study made public at your March 08, 1999 Council meeting. There are three points which the Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority wish to clarify. 1) REMOVING THE TOLLS There was discussion at your meeting on one of the recommendations in the report suggesting the abolishment of the tolls at the Saint John Harbour Bridge. The Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority agree that at some point in time the tolls should be removed from the bridge. However, federal and provincial approval are required before this takes place. The Four Party Agreement stipulates in article 3 that "schedule A shall not be amended nor the tolls removed without the approval in writing of Canada and the Province." 2.) TRUCK TR,4FFICAVOIDING TOLLS There were statements made at the open session of Council by Deputy Mayor Chase and Mr. Don Good that our General Manager, Jack Keir, told them trucks avoided the bridge so they didn't have to pay the tolls. The General Manager made no such statement. The statement made by our General Manger was "There are trucks using Chesley Drive and they are not paying tolls. The Saint John Harbour Bridge would encourage the City to change traffic bylaws to force commercial traffic to use our bridge instead of Chesley Drive." ./2 City of Saint John - Page Two - March 18, 1999 As a matter of fact, truck traffic is up on the bridge for the year 1998 -1999. Below is listed year to date numbers for 1998 -1999 versus 1997 -1998. As you can see from the above table, truck traffic is increasing on the Saint John Harbour Bridge. As a point of interest, all traffic is up on our bridge. Year to date total vehicles is up 3.07% to 8,572,683 vehicles year to date. Total year projections (April 98 -March 99) show our total traffic reaching 9,300,00 vehicles. This would be a record number of crossings in one year for our bridge. 3.) MAINTENANCE COSTS Our third and last point of clarification deals with maintenance costs. The Board at the Saint John Harbour Bridge wants the City to know that we take the responsibility of maintaining the bridge very seriously. We understand that the Saint John Harbour Bridge is the center piece of the city and that this infrastructure is now 30 years old and requires more maintenance then it did 15 years ago and we are sure that it will require much more maintenance 1.5 years from now. We have been able to maintain this structure for the past thirty years on the same toll structure that was put in place in 1968. A passenger car travelling the Harbour Bridge today pays the same 15 cents for a token as a vehicle travelling the bridge in 1968. We are confident that there are very few other services provided in this region that can claim prices haven't increased in 30 years. .../3 r 1997 -98 1998 -99 % Increase Two axle truck 289,582 309,386 6.84% Three axle truck 77,710 88,017 13.26% Four axle truck 13,681 17,735 29.63% Five axle truck 149,041 150,713 1.12% Six axle truck 1 90,316 100,800 11.61% As you can see from the above table, truck traffic is increasing on the Saint John Harbour Bridge. As a point of interest, all traffic is up on our bridge. Year to date total vehicles is up 3.07% to 8,572,683 vehicles year to date. Total year projections (April 98 -March 99) show our total traffic reaching 9,300,00 vehicles. This would be a record number of crossings in one year for our bridge. 3.) MAINTENANCE COSTS Our third and last point of clarification deals with maintenance costs. The Board at the Saint John Harbour Bridge wants the City to know that we take the responsibility of maintaining the bridge very seriously. We understand that the Saint John Harbour Bridge is the center piece of the city and that this infrastructure is now 30 years old and requires more maintenance then it did 15 years ago and we are sure that it will require much more maintenance 1.5 years from now. We have been able to maintain this structure for the past thirty years on the same toll structure that was put in place in 1968. A passenger car travelling the Harbour Bridge today pays the same 15 cents for a token as a vehicle travelling the bridge in 1968. We are confident that there are very few other services provided in this region that can claim prices haven't increased in 30 years. .../3 r City of Saint John - Page Three - March 18, 1999 We hope we have clarified some points with respect to the Saint John Harbour Bridge. If there are any questions or concerns, myself and the General Manager would be pleased to meet with you at your convenience. Regards, SAINT JOHN HARBOUR BRIDGE AUTHORITY 44-t--� A� Delvan G. O'Brien Chairperson DGO /jmd 44F, 241999 O'F Saint John Art Advisory Board c/o Cultural Affairs Office, City of Saint John P.O. Box 1971, Saint John, NB E21, 4L1 DELIVERED BY HAND March 25, 1999 Mayor Shirley McAlary and Members of the Common Council City of Saint John c/o Common Clerk's Office P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB E21, 4L1 Dear Mayor McAlary and Councillors: Subject: Request for short -term license Sidewalk by -law section 13 (a) (ii) On Saturday, May 8, 1999, as part of the Deep See visual arts festival which runs from May 1— 9, 1999, Off the Wall, an exciting street festival will be held on Canterbury Street (between King Street and Princess Street) from 12:00 noon to 10:00 p.m. As you know, Common Council granted approval to the Saint John Art Advisory Board to proceed with the proposed festival at its meeting, held on August 24, 1998. Off the Wall is an exciting outdoor festival of art, taking art from the walls, and brought to the street. Canterbury Street will transform into an artistic celebration with galleries, museums, art information kiosks, artists, live bands, performance artists, open houses, prize giveaways, and Epicurean Delights! This event is for everyone, of all ages, to enjoy and no admission will be charged. In order to create a European-style atmosphere for this event, local uptown restaurants have been approached to be involved by providing quality food items (Epicurean Delights) during the ten hours. All restaurants are licensed by the New Brunswick Department of Health. Item 13 (a) (ii) of the Sidewalk By -law for the City of Saint John states: "Permission of Common Council may be granted based on competitive bid for a limited number of annual licenses for locations on sidewalks and for such other special event or short -term licenses which Common Council determines will not compromise the annual licenses." As the street festival is a special event offered to the general public with the support of the City of Saint John, we would respectfully request that the Council of the City of Saint John grant permission to the Saint John Art Advisory Board for a special license and waive any associated vendors fee for this one day event for the participating restaurants. ../2 2— Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 649 -6040. Thank you in advance. Yours truly, Bernard J. Cormier Secretary ROCW4,d Park Saint John, New Brunswick A Division of Total Golf Management, Inc. P.O_ Box 784 Saint John, N. B. L`2L 4B3 March 24, 1999 City of Saint John 15 Market Square P.O. Box 1971 Saint John N.B. E2L 4L 1 Attention: Common Clerk, Mrs. Mary Munford Subject: Rockwood Park Golf Course and Aquatic Driving Range 500 -634 -0090 506- 033 -0258 (Faa) Reference: Contract between The City of Saint John and Total Golf Management Inc. (TGMI), dated March 05,1999. Dear Mrs. Munford, Please accept the attached Annex I and Annex II prepared in response to paragraphs 1V. (11), IV. (13) and IV. (15) of Reference. Annex I provides a summary of enhancements and accomplishments during the 1998 golf season. Annex H includes a list of the proposed 1999 fee structure and identifies the proposed plans / enhancements to golf facilities in 1999. Should the City wish to discuss any information contained herein please contact the undersigned. Your truly, 7 Gerry esnnolly President, TGMI LIAR 24 1999 C" ANNEX I AcroMplis me nh ment 998 Calf Seas n Both the Rockwood Park Golf Course and Aquatic Driving Range opened April 18, 1998; an early opening for both facilities. Given the early start and the mainly favorable weather throughout the golf season, a record 30,500 rounds of golf were played. All Season Pass categories were again filled in 1998_ Golf course maintenance remains TGMI,s number one priority and the course was again maintained to a standard exceeding contract requirements in 1998. The City and TGMI again worked cooperatively to improve the golf facilities in 1998. A major capital project was completed on the irrigation system at a total cost of approximately $ 70,000.00_ Funding of the project was shared between TGMI, The City of Saint John and The Province of New Brunswick. The project entailed modifications to the existing pump house and installation of new irrigation pumps and controls. The completion of this project now allows work to proceed towards completion of a state of the art irrigation system which services the entire golf course. Irrigation is a necessity at the golf course site given the shallow layer of top soil in the north park and the resulting need to employ unusually strict turf management practices. The following page lists accomplishments and enhancements completed in 1998. I'm proyMoM and Enhancements at thg Rockwood park Golf Con and Aauadc D 'vin Runge 1998 Golf Sg con. I M DETAH S COST Hole# 1 Extended cart path out 200 yards from new first tee_ $ 1,000-00 Hole #2 Cleaned and cleared brush along entire left side of fairway. $ 3,000.00 Hole #4 Cleaned and cleared brush along entire left side of fairway. $ 3,500.00 Hole #5 Constructed raised flower bed on cart path to tee #5. $ 750.00 Hole# 11 Cleaned and cleared brush along entire left side of fairway_ $ 2,000.00 Hole #17 Extended cart path from front tee to clubhouse. $ 1,000.00 Pump house Rebuilt irrigation pump house to accommodate new pump arrangement, insulated building and installed electric heat. $ 1,500.00 Pumps installed new pump arrangement for irrigation system. $ 66,092.00 Golf Carts Purchased 6 new EZ -GO power carts, bringing fleet to a total of 20 carts. Installed canopies on all carts. $48,000.00 ANNEX II Proposed 1999 Fee Structure Rockwood, Par It Goff Course and Aquatic Driving Rar��e GREEN FEES 1998 1999 Adult $ 25.00 $ 26.00 Senior /Student $ 21.00 $ 22.00 Junior $ 18.00 $ 18.00 SEASON PASS FEES Adult $ 740.00 $ 740.00 Senior $ 540.00 $ 560.00 Student $ 295.00 $ 305.00 Junior $ 210.00 $ 220.00 SERVICE FEES Pull carts $ 3.00 $ 3.50 Power carts $ 26.00 $ 26.00 $ 225.00 $ 225.00 (10 round pass) $ 400.00 $ 400.00 (20 round pass) Golf club rentals $ 12.00 $ 12.00 (1/2 set) N/A $ 18.00 (full set) *NEW 99 Large bucket balls $ 6.00 $ 6.00 Small bucket balls $ 4.50 $ 4.50 NO-IE TAX fiS INCLUDED IN ALL ABOVE FEES. Proposed .Plans /Enhancements 1999 Goff Season. ITEM DETAMS COST Irrigation system Replace existing piping arrangements between Pump bouse and I' green, including service to Holes # 17, # 18 and # 1, to specification. $ 50,000.00 Equipment Replace some existing golf course maintenance equipment with new equipment. $ 185,000.00 IgoSaint John Board of Trade Bureau de Commerce de Saint ,John 40 rue King St • C.P. /P.O. Box 6037 • Saint John, NB • EZL 4R5 slnWdepuis Tel: (506) 634 -8111 • Fax: (506) 632 -2008 • E -Mail: sjbtrade @nbnet.nb.ca 1819 March 25, 1999 Mayor Shirley McAlary & Members of Common Council City of Saint John P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, N.B. E2L 4L 1 Re: Appointments to Boards and Commissions. Dear Mayor McAlary and Members of Common Council: We recently put forward a nominee to serve as one of our appointees to the Board of Directors of the Greater Saint John Economic Development Commission (Enterprise Saint John). This economic development body has four members who are appointed by the City on the advice of the Saint John Board of Trade. Subsequent to our nomination, in a letter dated March 11"', we were asked to forward a list of two or more names of residents of the municipality of the City of Saint John. At your meeting of March 15 ', we understand that Council adopted a policy to appoint only Saint John residents to boards and commissions. This new policy is a concern to the Board of Trade. Our organization prides itself on its openness and its ability to work with business people in the City and throughout Greater Saint John. Throughout its long history, the Saint John Board of Trade has endeavored to represent their interests as taxpayers of the City of Saint John, as employers in the City of Saint John and as good corporate citizens of the City of Saint John. We cannot support any policy that would ask us to treat some of our members less equally because of their place of residence. Each of our members is concerned with the economic well being of Saint John. The community's economic success is critical to the success of Greater Saint John. We believe the principles of democracy include the notion of representation as a right of those who pay taxes. Commercial taxpayers in Saint John will contribute approximately $45 million in property tax revenue in 1999, of which some $25 million will go to the City of Saint John. Your policy will preclude a number of taxpayers, representing many small and large employers in our community, from the possibility of volunteer service. .../2 We Mean Business — Nous sommes fiffaires -2- At a time when more openness and cooperation should be a natural objective, we are concerned that excluding potential volunteers based solely on residency sends a negative signal to our community and to many of our business leaders. Volunteers must be applauded for putting their names forward, not rejected because of where they live. We need the very best to stand for these positions, and we need to encourage more volunteers to come forward for the betterment of our community. To our knowledge, no other economic development commission is required to live with as restrictive a residency requirement for membership on its Board of Directors. The message sent by this policy has been perceived as intolerant and discriminatory. As acknowledged in the document entitled `Essential Principles For A New Greater Saint John Regional Economic Development Commission ", the agreement which led to the creation of the new Enterprise Saint John, it is the Saint John Board of Trade's responsibility to nominate the absolute best in community business leaders. Those individuals whose business interests are clearly in Saint John or who are taxpayers to the City, but who may choose to live elsewhere, should not be excluded from volunteer service. The City of Saint John should accept nominees put forward by the Board of Trade using the previously established criteria. Nominees who own, manage or are employed by businesses within the City must continue to be eligible. Now is not the time in our history to build walls around our city -- we must show that we are open to consideration of the best people for the volunteer positions they graciously offer to fill. The precedent the City of Saint John seeks to establish could cause irreparable harm to our reputation as a City that is open for business and open to new ideas. We request that Council reconsider this policy. Yours truly, *de It Linda Forestell President cc. Hon. Roly Maclntyre, Minister Department of Economic Development, Tourism & Culture Carolyn Ryan, Editor Saint John Times Globe