2012-01-16_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaire ������ / ��; :.,; g"" 'i,.i��` o� ��� d'�„ - '.:p' �` ,� 1 City of Sainfi John Common Council Meeting Monday, January 16t", 2012 Location: Common Council Chamber Supplemental to Agenda 9. Public Hearings 9.1 Street Closing -Water Streefi 9.2 Stree Closing - Prince William 5treet 10. Consideration of By-Laws 10.2 PIanSJ Presenfiation - Municipal Pian Adoption Response to Public Feedback 13. Committee Reports 13.2 Commiftee of the Whole- Pension Reform Fees Period Ended Nov. 30, 2011. � .. L n��. �`� 4: , � �� City of Saint John S�ance du Conseil Communal le lundi 16 janvier 2D12 Lieu: Salle du Conseil Communal Ordre du jaur supplernentaire 9. Audiences Publiques 9.1 Projet de moditication de 1'Arrete concernant la fermefiure et le barrage de routes rue Water 9.2 Projet de modification de 1'Arrete concernant la fermeture et le barrage de routes rue Prince Wifliam 10. Consideration of By-Laws 1D_2 Les pages supplementaire de la presentation du PIanSJ '13. Comite Plenier 13.2 Comite Plenier- Retorme des pensions periode termin�e le 30 novembre 2019 � � BY-LAW NUMBER M-23 ARRETE N°M-23 A BY-LAW TO AMEND ARRETE MODIFIANT A BY-LAW RESPECTING THE L'ARRETE SUR L'INTERRUPTION STOPPING UP AND CLOSING OF DE LA C�RCULATION ET LA HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF SAINT FERMETURE DE5 ROUTES DANS JOHN THE CITY OF SAINT 30HN Be it enacted by the Common Lors d'une reunion du conseil Council of The City of Saint John as communai, The City of Saint John a follows: decrete ce qui suit : 1 A by-law of The City of Saint John 1 Par les presentes, 1'arrete de The entitled, "A By-law Respecting The City of Saint John intitule, «L'arrete sur Stopping Up and Closing of Highways In 1'interruption de la circulation et la The City of Saint John", enacted on the fermeture des routes dans The City of Saint nineteenth day of December, A.D. 2005, is John », decrete le 19 decembre 2005, est hereby amended by adding thereto Section modifie par 1'ajout de 1'article 221 221 im�mediately after Section 220 thereof, immediatement apres 1'article 220, comme as follows: suit : The Ciry of Saint John does hereby Par les presentes, The City of Saint stop up and close permanently the John barre et ferme de fa�on permanente la following portion of highway: portion d'une route suivante : WATER STREET: All that portion of RUE WATER : Tout le tron�on de la rue Water Street, a public street in the City of Water, une rue publique dans The City of Saint John, County of Saint 3ohn and Saint John, comte de Saint John, dans la Province of New Brunswick comprising 29 province du Nouveau-Brunswick, d'une Square metres as shown on a Plan of superficie d'environ 29m2 comme le Survey titled: "Plan of Survey S'howing a montre le plan d'arpentage intitule <cPlan portion of Water Street, Ciry of Saint John, d'arpentage indzquant une partie de la rue Saint John County, New Brunswicl�', Water, City of Saint John, comte de Saint prepared by Hughes Surveys &Consultants John, Nouveau-Bnulswiclo>, prepare par Inc. and dated December 9, 2011, attached Hughes Surveys & Gonsultants Inc. Et date hereto. du 9 decembre 201 I, ci joint. IlV WITNESS WHEREOF The City of EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint Jolln Saint John has caused the Corporate a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le Common Seal of the said City to be affixed pr�sent arrete le 2012, avec les to this by-law the _ day of , A.D, signatures suivantes : 2012 and signed by: Mayor/Maire Common C1erk/Greffiere communale First Reading - Premiere lecture - Second Reading - Deuxieme lecture - Thi.rd Reading - Troisieme lecture - STREET CLOSING FERMETURE DE ROUTE WATER STREET RUE WATER Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par Council of The City of Saint John intends to lequei le conseil communal de The City of consider amending "A By-law Respecting The Saint John indique son intention de modifier Stopping Up and Closing of Highways In The 1'«arrete concernant la fermeture et le barrage City of Saint John" at its regulax meeting to be de routes dans The City of Saint John » lors de held on Monday, January 16, 2012 at 7:00 la reunion ordinaire qui se tiendra le lundi p.m. to stop up and close the following 16 janvier 2012 a 19 h afin de fermer et de highway: barrer la rue suivante : WATER STREET: All that portion of Water RUE WATER : Tout le�ron�on de la St�eet, a public street in the City of Saint John rue Water,une rue publique dans The City of in the County of Saint John and Province of Saint dohn, comte de Saint John, dans la New Brunswick, comprising 29 square metres province du Nouveau-Brunswick, d'une as shown on a Plan of Survey titled, "Plan of superficie d'environ 645 mZ comme le montre Survey Showing a portion of Water Street, le plan d'arpentage intitule «Plan d'arpentage City of Saint John, Saint John County,New indiquant une partie de ia rue Water, City of Bruns�vvick",prepared by Hughes Surveys & Saint John, comte de Saint John, Nouveau- Consultants Inc. and dated December 9, 2011 Brun.swick », pr�pare par Hughes Surveys & attached hereto. Consultants Inc. et date du 1 mars 2011, ci- joint. {INSERT PLAN) (1NSERER LE PLAN) The proposed asnendment and plan of the Toute personne interessee peut examiner le above described highway may be inspected by projet de modification et le plan de la rue any interested person at the office of the decrite ci-dessus au bureau du greffier Common Clerk, City Hall, 15 Market Square, communal a 1'hotel de ville au 15, Market Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 Square, Saint John, N.-B., entre 8 h 30 et a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours inclusive, holidays excepted. feries. Written objections to the proposed amendment Veuillez faire part de vos objections au projet may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall. de modification par ecrit a 1'attention du soussigne a 1`hotel de ville. If you require French services for a Common Si vous exigez des services fran�ais a la Council meeting, please contact the office of reunion de Con.seil Communal, veuillez the Common Clerk at 658-2862. contacter le bureau de la greffiere communale au 658-28b2. IJ,A. s� �+�+W�..�d1i wrr r�il�erwsn+ck �� ��y'a.�rn�• - � • Rt i�s.fbM�3 7�t 1!/��#b L/c h�i.Wa �� �'"_ �S ��D{4M�Y� T 3{i lltf�► E1�.PF,%�1,w, � � � � �►� ? �� or.�m:.w: r_��`'� ri.iaa � � � ..�- . �s x , i ,�`"�, � � ..� � � a � � �,�r"°`' � �il. �. +rx'P�f�s � Q� ' � � Cnrc. e. rN�e�ence te�+�.+., :. �^ �0� d�� � � � � �� 'w � w�/r�N Ple�tle.27f77R18 .� +� ' � d + � ; �� �� . _- .. , � ` � � ,� �.��..�.�„�....�.�� � �,�..> � � �� ,� �.�.w ���. � •�� 4 � � � ' �,�..�.�i'�"'. � �►�g��� ! Z)��rr�t��au�..ee dw.t re�rnprw.qmw�w,r.exw � � p:i�.""`tlY w. wui�o �'�A +�q��y�"�:w��urr'rr��.�..�,w. , � � � 3 y�1 R�h r�xiw w— - -- .M�PI�d ara.emw� �uANr. � �"'Z� 3} MoWAW Wrl r--�—.+�r .Iry�re�lkn � � ��� ti ����. * +���,�...ww��,rMa,,orn..n. t . � � s�����rr�.whe e.ewwu � �±� � �y��ryr�ww;w�a.+w�r��rt...�rrs w��+na�..soi� . ��_*" ; •�11►�rx�.a�,r. rw�� pw � r 1� �Y� .._._..:.. � I�Y n�` '.A��iw�hc�tinlF�k. .� :�_1►Af� �� t 4)11��.�. ���`_�- p�awR rw!wr �� ` 1 �`~ �jw«w.-rw.rw�r ae � ■y t � �� 7 Y �� ��i�w��. . 0.. Y�M�p�iM� � fwkM w � � 7}r.x��awn.w c�er srane a.n�swy arower�a.�i a s i � � ��r�di�,k�`w,�+i a""�"`i "•""wrar a�apnroy.e.r. i � „ g, '� `=i1 + '� � ` + s� ��c� � �� �#, � ` � �1f ��. . �arBt �,�� #i ' '� w�n►.r�N r+.w. � a � � �f�r Strdst , � rw N� t� i� IIwN Vl�r , iw�ww w�u as �r 1� dMIMI , � ! � 1� iN$dq�dp� . . NMsW k�a�ufY�iwM -� � ��il!��. lilb�iwll��- �.:f1. �� ��.•y �_�� � �=`' `•'nr�e'-"'.i�WC.Iti1N� mi,�. � � ~���y�P�-sP � � �d��r� . • IY:i�.� 267f �v 'i �.�1 M dlr � �C �1 � �.1�Di. �'#�••T+F��� ��fyrr�l rYfK �'� � ��I1�R bIY�1tA II+Yl-'"�4(�uV�`�}�M�h�u 1�I1:'-Snhph.# ���- i�. - _ _.._.,.� �.r*++� -a�++w.rr.w�uw.w... �.�� f76��.LS�s� ��' . rrAw•�t��.�+ .'+�-�x�-. ��rnr i�yr��r r..�'�i1 �ip'1�ti+w4 �1 � ''_........�..w.-.,�... RYY�1+Inr w�Vw.dF�Y'..YdWYW� !1 F���. �'+�-.+� � :�id� � � y� z . :� . % BY-LAW NUMSER M-23 ARRETE N°M-23 A BY-LAW TO AMEND ARRETE MODIFIANT A BY-LAW RESPECT�NG THE L'ARRETE SUR L'INTERRUPTION DE STQPPING UP AND CLOSING OF LA C�RCULATION ET LA FERMETURE HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF SAINT DES RQUTES DANS THE CITY OF JOHN SAINT .�OAN Be it enacted by the Coznmon Council of Lors d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John as follows: The City of Saint John a decret� ce qui suit : 1 A by-law of The City of Saint John 1 Par les presentes, 1'arrete de The City of entitled, "A By-law Respecting T�e Stopping Up Saint John intitule, «L'arrete sur 1'interruption de and Closing of Highways In The City of Saint la circulation et la fermeture des routes dans The John", enacted on the nineteenth day af December, City of Saint Johra », decrete le 19 d�cembre 2005, A,D. 2005, is hereby amended by adding thereto est modifie par 1'ajout de i'article 222 Section 222 immediately after 5ection 221 thereof, immediatetnent apres 1'article 221,comme suit : as follows: 222 The City of Saint John does hereby stop 222 Par Ies pr�sentes,The City of Saint John up and close permanently the following portion of barre et ferme de faGon permanente la portion lughway: d'une route suivante : Prince Williatn Street: All that portion of Prince Rue Prince William : Tout le tron�on de la rue William Street,a public street in the City of Saint Water,une rue publique situee dans The City of John,in the County of Saint John, in the Province Saint John, dans le comt� de Saint John et dans la of New Brunswick comprising 1.0 square metre as province de Nouveau-Brunswick, d'une superf�icie shown on a Plan of Survey titIed, "Plan of Survey d'environ lmz comme le montre le plan Showing a portion of Prince William Street, City of d'arpentage intitule aPlan d'arpentage indiquasit Saint John, Saint John County, New Brunswick:, une partie de la rue Water,City of Saint Jobx�, prepared by Hughes Surveys& Consultants Inc. comte de Saint John,Nouveau-Brunswick», and dated December 14,2011. prepare par Hughes Surveys& Consultants Inc. et date du 14 decembre 2011, ci joint.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait has caused the Corporate Coznmon Seal of the said apposer son sceau communal sur le present arrete le City to be aff'ixed to this by-Iaw the_day of_, 2012,avec les signatures suivantes : A.D. 2012 and signed by: Mayor/Maire Common C1erklGreffiere communale First Reading - Premiere lectuxe - Second Reading- Deuxieme lecture— Third Readi.ng - Troisieme lecture - STREET CLOSING FERMETURE DE ROUTE PRINCE V�II�LIAM STREET RUE PRINCE WII.,LIAM Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par Council of The City of Saint John intends to lequel ie conseil communal de The City of consider amending "A By-law Respecting The Saint John indique son intention de modifier Stopping Up and Closing of Highways In The 1'« anete concernant la fermeture et �e barrage City of Saint John" at its regular meeting to be de routes dans The City of Saint John » lors de held on Monday, January 16, 2012 a# 7:00 la reunion ordinaire qui se tiendra le lundi p.m. to stop up and close the following 16 janvier 2012 a 19 h afin de fermer et de ��Way� barrer la rue suivante : PRIl\TCE WILLIAM STREET: AIl that RUE PRINCE WILLiAM : Tout le tronron portion of Prince William Street, a public street de la rue , une zue publique dans The City of in the City of Saint John in the County of Saint Saint Job.n, comte de Saint John, dans la John and Province of New Brunswick, province du Nouveau-Brunswick, d'une comprising 1.0 square metre as shown on a superficie d'environ 645 m2 comme le montre Plan of Survey titled, "Plan of Survey Showing le plan d'arpentage intitule«Plan d'arpentage a portion of Prince William Stxeet, City of indiquant une partie de la rue Water, City of Saint John, Saint 3ohn County, New Saint 3ohn, comte de Saint John, Nouveau- Brunswick",prepared by Hughes Surveys & Brunswick », prepare par Hugbes Surveys & Consultants Inc. and dated December 14, 2011 Consultants Inc. et date du 1 mars 201 l, ci- attached hereto. joint. {1NSERT PLAN) (1NSERER LE PLAN) The proposed amendment and pian of the Toute personne interessee peut exaaxziner le above described highway may be inspected by projet de modification et le plan de la rue any interested person at the affice of the decrite ci-dessus au bureau du greffier Common Clerk, City Hall, 15 Market Square, communal a 1'hotel de ville au 15, Market Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 Square, Saint John, N.-B., entre 8 h 30 et a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours inclusive,holidays excepted. feries. Written objections to the proposed amendment Veuillez faire part de vos objection.s au projet may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall. de modification par ecrit a 1'attention du soussigne a 17zotel de ville. If you require krench services for a Common Si vous exigez des services fran�ais a la Council meeting, please contact the office of reunion de Conseit Communal, veuillez the Common Clerk at 658-2862. contacter le bureau de la greffiere communale au 658-2862. - � New Brunewiek Grid Co-Ordi»ole Valaa� � � Uat* dea eoordonneea g6odeafquea du Nouveau-Brunewlck � �,J'� � SM. % Y Ponke. �� � 67 2 674 4ae.6eo 7 387 132.171 CALC.PI. 1 �ugB� �QO � 2'5.14 494.1a5 7 3q7 751.J9D CAIGpf_ et ortian � O�O 87 2 574 4E4Mx 7 38]1S1.J93 ��,p�. j St{e lf7 2 974 4�.�86 7�132YJ7 PIAN 2EB7D709 i f /� �L� �/� 26100 2 576 S54.lpp 7 SB3 19SE96 X,B.Man.(HPN) � R�,e � TN.Co.LId.� � 1 QUgen —��r' d. nrea o � r � e'a�n.. i �ae�.s2oa �� 1_ 1 �� 1 R6g�� � p 1 1 ` ��' 1 1 1+ �Jeasao arpent6e � . �� ` _� t '` � � 1` ��.. l 1 Key Plan/Carte de reference Ed,.e./5,�,i:�s.pao � � 1 Regiatration bata/Informotion d'enregfstroment � 1 1 ` 1 1 p���N1��_ � ��/ro1'Ran Ne.716]35�6 ' 1 1 .� �O �i02V02 � } P�n.IN _ f!� NOG9 � f_ � � 1 .� t)or�bo.o,.N.e.crta n:im�tne a.m�e rrom ow«rvmn�.m x.a 1Mm i.Y9160_ o� j �� � � � U l p1A IN.1.D-y51�74 -.'�._� . 1 )Lee m�lwrtaliona w�k tln'oilmu6 dv.�.�w� plodeNyu�du N.B. p 1 � dkw6a e'eMa�wuon.ee rmnurnmt 29160.� (�p �� i -� (ru�aR,Vauun qFPJ 1 �� c 'C7g.p• � �2 2)All dlelaze�m M mMm../u mM,.H eo rma.�i www�.,a arome g $6 0.� °�'j � 55��Ge nY O.SO�a. 5 P.UI.IN1.9. - 2)Lro A�alams.mt en mMro.VauYla ehiwr lu wl�un mi6lqiw � �fl � 1 � � l l w+r o.ao�a� hdNr�'.qWrnrn�imvsnm.. � ^ ' � � ! 1 -� 3)�N�ury oNin�d tlwn ��� 1 W � p T �S -' VnM nnm varlou�aawrof_ 'V�A��iiM1onmOOn � = � V1l t�� 55�pggM 3)In rfu�n ory�nbi a!mwdri�dmf m��. .I'Infartnellen � � � 4~ ` P}AJ'"LD. PMOhartque tul eampl�a.a.mrn*w�ewrc... ' �� 4�9tlM.fahn cwnq p���•rr.nc....y.tu rtybM ort�o�mr � W � �..�` +)u.�4:nriee.an aoewr.w.e a«o�.�e a�eunw � ' �tl7a� �.. e•��.qMtr,m.,,t a�aamta ae smM aen� _a, 'O 1r- a)F�a,.�...�,��q.da en xeveme.��e�zat+. 1 1(�/,b�r � � 1 .. 5o ppo0�''B � 5)l'arpeMag�vur Ia NaMh.7lit eemplif6 b;g no�bn.2D11 . '� 'o.m�A7 � � P,iu.P� s)/ui c a�km a��.e ana eeeMl�ok..nu.n �c.hdi.iopnkn -' { )p��y W rpli.d p�Sv.ice Ne�9�n�k 7]6]1C0 � l� � + � W 1 .f•• 1 73E3150 H{ph Pn4Kon!�elWa�r'k mo 'm�..�..er,,,�,,,,�,s,y e ` � T �K �� ..1' e)���e a i� eerea�:m �c.a.n,.a.q�wM w.b �_.«aa�+ w a�1�vo�e6d.:r.pnq�,ao�ue e�nd.Mm�-e�..�..r�.i � � oa^"� fN�b.al.wtoel(6R57 te�hr a�efe«m�nen yor In eeudonn.e. w i �ro� 1 P-LD.��D. Riaeu M Hauta Pr���bn a..memm�em,a.s.mce. • � Noweau-BM�wict. paf�Ofl of Prince wlGam Straet �n �,'� 1 l�J �)For nlmnm plon me CRy of Sainl.hhn 9m.p 9���Na_11 6 7. a Publie Stroet a�• W b -��J �)reor ie ven a�irm6ne..y.:�kumM,e�arpenueye e,m une pa�tle ds lo Rue Prince William � �'� ��y5 �ae so��aon�nw.n a r. une rue publique �p. , m� p- � � y PS�./�. 1 � }J � � 1 a � 1` �. 1 �:�' � - �—_— �. � l -- � 1 4 P).0-IµA.9-� _ � ' Plan pf Sunrey/�lan d'Arpentage 1 �`���INqIR ef Mey N Favor 4 _- .l'� .. °'�°t�0-01� Showin a rtion of P�ince Wlfliam Stroet , o�a a oe.�o�.R 1 1- ~ 9 Po i ; � taro�a���o-or T� ��n,5 MonG'ant une partie de la Rue Prince William, i .o �2oea� � 0 4.+_ � el.O.IK�� f' CIYy of Saint John , tt P,o.IN= �0_02 � �� �_� Vflle de Salnt John , Leqend/Ldqende t ` ��,,,we.�q7� �:, S �- y Soint John County , New Brunewiek . ���_� ���^i 1 .alw�` ,� �b_ � ��Q�9�,.�0.pp0�� Comt6 de Saint Johrt , Noweuu- Br�newkk. _.� c.n.u»i...hW��� � rc%g 1 a.�mea �..a ni w� ��....�..._� �m`.�„L.� a r.��°o,�s��.di.� �� �� avaH6e VLr.w�re arc. ....._.. aasM.e aa-ou�m s mvem�m4Yr tl $�rid M/ � Ow.14.2017 - --T� R�M Ca�ah�lb�um�/Mw�nwt��rlo��j�l�p�pr m xa [� � lvp�nl�por b f4�r�2017 •" ��'��° a"'��u"�'�`"" ors � s Wada M. 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V.� ��.c�4A!.t�OQPIdn�,l: �'•�b1.Ot111tt�t"..mo�SUl� i : ��Iw'�ur'ihtAli�51„M(t mfoil�hhqea; � �, � � � Progressive Support from Move forward with Support from smart growth Uptown SJ, Neighbourhood UNBSJ planning Fusion SJ, Planning Enterprise SJ - Like focus on inner city, Need Protect stable incentives to Applaud Sol id s u pport neighbourhoods make the plan public a reality engagement f o r t h e P I a n � - Clarify rural �, development opportunities Support from Vibrant Address site Communities, Recognizes importance of I specific ' BCAPI, Friends of natural environment Concern Rvckwood Park , development � about pits and requests quarries �: .�. � � � � , � • � � • . � , � . , • Detailed in "Respanse to Public input 2" Report • Reviewed by PIanSJ team, Citizen's Advisory Commit�ee & referred #o Planning Ad�isory Committee • 4verall 21 amendments recommended, to the Future Land Use and City Structure Maps, minor text changes • Address three areas of change: 1 . Amendments to Respond to Public Submissions 2. Amendmer�ts to Address Housekeeping Issues 3. Amendmenfs to Address Applications approved by Council during Plan adoption • Changes are consistent with the Policies and Directions of PIanSJ � � • - , w . ♦ - - � • 15 amendments to the Future Land Use & City Structure Maps; • 3 minor text amendments; • 3 application driven map amendments to reflect recent approvals of Council under existing Pian . � � � � , 1 • �verwhelming Public Support for #he Plan .:"�-�s ���r� � , K �� �°� � �� �� � - • Strong Le ac for the future ���. ��� ��� .�•` �� . . g Y .� , ,, , i � � �..,`e�, - � �. • Living document that wilf be refined through ..:� � '� y� �,�,� . �, regu�ar rev�ew � -- .� 5...� • Council has c m � F�•� • � �. , . ' o mitted to move forward Y v ' ' � �' .��� l�'' � `p • with the Zoning Bylaw re�iew, then . '�� ', � - .� , Neighbourhood Plans ���� ///��� �" �� ' . ' . J { �i•'' : ��. .. . , ' �Y �, '�L.'R '.1 I • Changes must align with the Poiicies and -� - °�� ~�"'� ,. .���'�'..�� r- -� ,�� . � .�� . �����. Directions of the Plan and meet the ; �,,�f � , , ,,� requirements of the Community Plannin � � ' - �� '��-=' � g Act � � � ' • ' • . • 1 . Give First Reading to the Municipal Plan ; 2 . Amend the Municipal Plan as recommended by staff to respond to public input ; 3. Give Second Read �ng of the Munic�pa� Plan as amended ; 4. Request PAC to provide written views on the Plan as amended prior to Council's adoption on January 30, 2012 . ro os � utur L e an se a an es � �� ��-� � �. � ,� � � . � ; ... ; � � �� .��.,� � � � �1.,s � � � �., � �.� al � I ,� � Janu�ry 2�12 J . D . Irvin : Pul & Pa er Mill � p p Remo�al of the 34m Park & Natural Area buffer Originally Proposed As Amended � �:�' V �� � _ _ , ',.. t �..y � � .�� ' � � � _ � � � `\ • � � � f \ � ' � � ,�'� - ; � .,� � �� - J'��`-_� '` � �.� , ' . ��- �. 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Irvin : Fallsview Road g Replace the Park & Natural Area des�gnation with Urban Reserve �riginally Proposed As Amended �- � � - . � � - � � ��� � .: .� � � � �� � . � . �,. ,� .� .. � ,�_. � � Ba rsa Ventu res : Ca m brid e Esta g tes Replace the Urban Reserve with Stable Residential Originally Proposed As Amended � �• _� � i ,•� — .... �� y� -��„ u �v{ s , � ����� ��•�] ��`-s�. � � ";� � �� . �� ,� �'f RL r�� I •� � 'l r � �. � .� r� ��' � � ti �� � � � Harbour Viev�r Subdivi i � S � I�1 �Wellfield Protection� Remove the Parks & Naturai Area designation around the Harbour View Subdivision Originally Proposed As Amended � : � � � � � - - - �_ ��, � � ��,, � � ��f ��- _ � — � �� �' � �� _�"�.�"�',�' , s ��`. � , � �r` ��� l , � ' -0�� � y � ,- ; � � - -�=� ' . .,, ,� �� -- � �� ��T' McAI I ister I nd ustria f Pa rk Expand the Heavy Industrial designation to serviced SJIPI land Originally Proposed As Amended f-—.,4.��� � ,, s � � _,: � � t� , • �, Il �Cl • ,` ♦ � � • J�, , , � � � � i� � /��� � �`` ��. f ,�-. �"�__ � ,._- . � � � �, � � � � � - � • � ,. �.1� � Manawa onish Road � Repiace the Urban Reserve designation with Stable Commercial 4riginally Proposed As Amended �;� ,,��- � ��. � -- � � � �a 1 �� �._� �� dm-�� �'�' � � .`''``�� , �� -�—�, � F *� � , �:s� � �.:, � �l ' m�a Y .1 �' a ��{� � �� i.�.�.�c. .:�-I�� �i �,.�""'`� � �. � �,. ,�� r ��''��_�s� `+ �,,r .�� . �1i� �y ' r�� ` ~ �` � �_ b a,.�—,.�: — i�, , _ Gault Road Manawa oni sh Road g Replace the Urban Reserve designation with Low Density Residential 4riginally Proposed As Amended � � � � � � � i � I � 1 ��� ��� � v Tucker Pa rk Beach Replace the Urban Reserve designation with Park & Natural Area 4riginally Proposed As Amended � _��- � ,. ...� ��, ��, , �, -- �\\. �� � _ ,.r■. � Extension of I ntensif ication Area Extend Intensification Area to replace Urban Reserve designation �riginally Proposed As Amended �`� .�, , ��-�{ ,,� _ , r��;. , ; � . � � � ��, � : z�. . �. �- � - � � .� "' . .� � .� '� _ � .� �och �omond Cha m I ' ' p a i n D ri�e Replace the Urban Reserve with Stable Commercial Originally Proposed As Amended � � �� i �� y-�� •'• 1 :� rL � I `�_r � �� � � � �- � Cham lain Hei hts S chool p � Replace the Urban Reserve with Stable Residential Originally Proposed As Amended �Lr � _ � .� � � ,��� ; �.� � I . � � � � _ -, - ''� ���� �.......x-�"i°!� � .....r � � Forest H i I Is S� hool & S orts Co m lex p p Replace the Urban Reserve with Stable Residential �riginally Proposed As Amended �' �� ����� � � �; � t , � � � �,,�, � ♦ � I� .� - Ba side Drive v Replace the S�able Residential with Stable Commercial Originally Proposed As Amended � �y ' � � ♦ � � i � Jf �l r� �/ f �=�.�7� 1 �.��� ,� 'I � V 3 � ti ,� t� 1 .� .��+;��M ��^ � y �. 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O � �'` � • '` � �� ' ,��'', � ���d� �.� .,�� �� � _ , �. _ . , 1515 Loch Lomond Road Replace the Urban Reserve with Stable Residential Originally Proposed As Amended ,� �.._- .� .. � - � � ��., � 4 - . ;`',� � � ; ���I � = � �—�� �a � .. ; �..�� Ct �''j �`° � . � �� ,� ���--.� i i '�- .� .�� �i ;�: J�� II � f . ��I l l{ �' ` � `�' .s'� r� � � � �, � �� ..���� "�—���" — yl ,j� �.;.� >� �° � - � � 1429 Loch Lomond Road Replace the Urban Reser�e with Stable Residential �riginally Proposed As Amended -.�— � � .. � � w � �' j,r,�.,.�- .�..�-�-,i �' ' f - .. �L� :, �, � � `w, �` � �� � - 1 4,, �� � -� � ,�, � �� 4 I� r �'��} 4 � �; �- i, ` � � �., r� � �J i � � i � ~� � ` _ � = � �.�+�*, � f� ' _ � . ' ��' � - � ` '� �. �� �� s 64� H i I I c rest Roa d Replace the Rural Resource with Rural Residential 4riginally Proposed As Amended �' � _ ,_Y� � � - ��-- . �. � 1 � �� �� � ` �� `� � �,� � �, { 1��-�--��� _.: t� , . �� .� i,� �.. �, + . ; � ��� . J►'� � , �� `+ � Ir � ���—`' �—'� .� `,--� � , �—�-�-- __.� �— � _�,"__ . . � j � ,�—.i+� 1"�f I I t , _, 's..,_,1 , I � J �i r 13 . 2, C' ��I P.o. 1Box t 971 �- ;�, quare saint John � New SrunsS.vick � Canada E2L 4L1 �� w. � �r�e a�.y oesa�c�olm � � ;�: �° , Jar�uary 16, 20112 � � ���4�.i pU011UM J�, Common Council of the City of Saint John City of Saint John His Worship Mayor Court, Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillors, Subject: Committee of the Whole— Pension Reforrn Fees for the Period Ended November 30, 2a11 The Committee of the Whole, having met on January 16, 2012, directed the Clerk to add the folfowing proposed resolution ta Council's open session agenda: RESOLVED that as recommended by the Committee of the Whole, ha�ing met on January 16, 2012, the payment of the outstanding fees for AON Hewitt for the period up to and including November 30, 20'i 1 in the amount of$141,100 plus HST incurred for the pro�ision of actuarial services with respect to developing a long-term solution to the pension plan funding issue be approved. Respec#fully Submitted, �" .� � ��� Jonathan Taylor, Assistant Common Clerk t"�"` -- � SAINT JOHN �O.Box 1971 Saintjohn,NB Canada E2L�4L7 www.saintjohn.ca C.P.1971 Saint john,N:B.Canada E2L4L1 � �--