1999-03-01_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourGENDA COMMON COUNCIL- 1• Meeting called to order 7:pp as at February 26, 1999 2 Approval of minutes (Febru� , Monday, March 1, 1999 - ry 22, 1999). prayer. PUBLIC HEARING 3. 7: (a) Proposed Zoning By_layv amendment to rezone a Grove, from "RS -2" One_ and Two Fa parcel of land located at 31 Golden Business classification, to milt' Suburban total ground floor area of 11per sit the construction of Residential to "B -2�� Genera! n square metres two commercial buildings with a (b) Previous report from Planning s of by Dante Foriere. 9 Advisory Committee re proposed amendment. (c) Letter from applicant requesting to withdraw application. 4 PUBLIC PRESENTATION M m. Public presentation of proposed Municipal Plan Milledgeville Secondary Plan (Development amendment to amend Section 3.4.1 Development Area q: pment Area Design Guidelines - Projects and Proposals the Development Theme: hill ageville Core) by adding a new paragraph roposals - peninsula located on the waste nishore of Brothers Cove 9 ph under the heading Road, and to development of two dwellings requested b Permit re- zoning of a parcel of land located at 177- 187the north ofg at intensity 5 y G_A. {Sandy) Robertson. Manners Sutton Manners Sutton Road, as 5. Mayor's remarks. 6• Re Fisher Lakes, and HST resolution COUNCIL urt) *6A•ApPointment to arbitration board in collective bar g ra' . nrng dispute. 7. Re concrete versus asphalt sidewalks (tabled Febr 8. 1999 Capital Budget _ CITY MANAGER 9. Borrowing resolutions. General Fund and Water and Sewerage 10. Re replacement of 113 AS400, Public Safety Communications Utility_ 11. Report re tender for 2 intermediate size 12. Report re tender for life insurance. municti Center. cars. 73. Re request of Saint John Youth Hockey Association to 14. Payment to Canada Games Aquatic Centre for costs r extend schedule for Gorman Arena re boiler and chiller systems. 15. Committee of the Whole re COMMITTEES lands surplus to City. P °rt (February 22, 1999 16. Planning - (1) re proposals for purchase and development 9 Advisory Committee re pment of Cook's Lake Road. Proposed Section 101 agreement re conditions imposed on prope at 71 17. Planning Advisory Committee re subdivision of 210 rty Osborne Avenue. 18. Request of Manufactured Houser GEC Communities ". g Association of New Brunswick for presentation of v 19. Request of Port New Brunswick - Saint John -'0• Application of Glen Carpenter for amendment to sponsorshi rdeo "Creating Grove Road. Section 39pond pins of re-zoning ation =1 •Application of John Cudmore Enterprises Inc. for Week of 243$_2441 Golden Loch Lomond Road. amendment to Section 39 conditions of re- zoning of 1120 Page Two. COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at February 26, 1999. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - 4:3� 0 p.m. 22. 5:00 p.m. - Teach -in re Potable Water Feasibility Study. 23_ (a) Nominating Committee report (available Monday). (b) Re Saint John Board of Trade's nominee to Enterprise Saint John. 24. Re strategic plan (Mayor McAlary). 25. Re communications strategy (Deputy Mayor Chase). 26. Request of Mispec Park Recreation Committee Inc. to meet. 27_ Re Council members on committees and commissions (City Solicitor - tabled February 22, 1999). 28. Re Brian Vaughan grievance (City Solicitor). 29. City Manager's update. 30. Mayor's update. LEGAL SESSION 31. Re Court of Appeal's decision in case of City v. Fish & Game Association (City Solicitor). 2(6z -� PROPOSED ZONING BY -LAW AMENDMENTS RE: 31 GOLDEN GROVE ROAD Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending the City of Saint John Zoning By -law at its regular meeting to be held on Monday, March 1, 1999 at 7:00 p.m., by: Rezoning a parcel of land located at 31 Golden Grove Road, having an area of approximately 6313 square metres (67,954 square feet), also identified as being a portion of NBGIC #55050322, from "RS -2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "B -2" General Business, as illustrated below. (INSERT MAP) REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit the construction of two commercial buildings with a total ground floor area of 1161 square metres (12,500 square feet). The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of the Planning Department, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. Written objections to the amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall. L -ate, I \je Road City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint John use only: Budget Number: 11 120 1212 2211 Department: Common Clerk's Office Contact: Mary Munford Phone: 658 -2862 Fax: 658 -2802 Special Instructions (if any): KI Q Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (ETG = Evening Times Globe; T -J = Telegraph Journal) ETG City Information AD Date(s): Tuesday, February 2, 1999 Tuesday, February 23, 1999 ETG Independent Placement Date(s): ETG Classifieds Date(s): T -J Independent Placement Date(s): T -J Classifieds Date(s): INFORMATION FOR AD (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad) Section Headline: 71 Tender(s) 0 Mayor's Message 13 Proposals(s) 71 General Notice(s) X Public Notice(s) Sub - Headline (if applicable): Text: INSERT ATTACHED Call to Action: Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Contact: I Telephone: (506) 658 -2862 (Q V�() Office of the Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Common Clerk January 25, 1999 Mr. Dante Foriere 2207 Loch Lomond Road Saint John, NB E2N 1 Al Dear Sir: P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 At a meeting of the Common Council, held on the 18th instant, the following resolution was adopted, namely:- City of Saint John " RESOLVED that the public hearing for the proposed re- zoning of property at 31 Golden Grove Road be rescheduled to Monday, March 1. 1999, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., and the necessary advertising be authorized in this regard." Enclosed is a copy of the Public Notice in this regard. Yours truly, V/'Z" a Mary L!%Munford ell Common Clerk MLM:sc Enc z� Application for a Zoning By -law Amendment Applicant Related Information Name of Applicant DANTE FORIER]E Mailing Address of Applicant 2207 Loch Lomond Road, Saint John, N . B . Postal Code E2N 1A1 Telephone Number Home (n 9 6 5_7' Business Fax Number (if any) Name of Property Owner (if different) Mailing Address of Owner N/A N/A Property Information 31 Golden Grove Road Location Civic# Street 1.56 acres Lot Area street Frontage. Existing Use of Property Vacant Lot Municipal Plan Land Use Designation Postal Code RO ft)orz J o PID 55050322 PAN 01513632 NBGIC# 278.68' Amendment Requested Present Zoning RS — 2 Residential • Change Zoning to B -- 2 General Business and/or • Text Amendment (indicate particulars) �27 Development Proposal Description of Proposal Erection of Commercial Building of approximately 00 0 -t- -9 9- --9990 square feer accommodating business tenants with f, !sufficient parking and landscaping as permitted and directed by the City of Saint John. You must provide a scaled site plan that illustrates your proposal. You may also provide photographs, building plans, elevation drawings and any other form of informatiom The plan must show the dimensions of the property, the location of all buildings, driveways, parking areas, landscaping and signs. It is important that the distance between the property boundary and buildings are shown. Provide reasons why this amendment should be approved Current vacant land will be used to provide business tenants with suitable business location to serve residents of Saint John East and entire area with goods and /or.services. Provide any other information about your proposal that would be helpful Signature of Applicant Ila et -\ Date November 27 1998 ® $400 Application Fee Enclosed If you are not the owner of the land in question please have the owner sign below. The signature from the owner is authorizing this application to proceed for consideration by Common Council. Signature of Owner (if applicable) Date Q J V � lu WEB'; 4 } w, Q J V � lu WEB'; 4 0 a n u 0 �0 n m J Q a J U " Mul �Q V v F l7 U o 7 m OM 4� K ay u1 y, vi w ►� � z � c1 • �F c r- 1,j U , J rU r[) Sri J Q a J U " Mul �Q V v F AU013H 71 o;yt _[N917N '7'70'71310 o 7 m OM ay u1 y, vi �o U AU013H 71 o;yt _[N917N '7'70'71310 a � oo •CiF � r co rJ +n / U in n � � o �. +n U s V Z J rL L!� C/) hy� bo INN 0 p � � ka 4 w u) �7 o� !N- T w u zz Is IQ �V rq U if) i- [n Cj Q ry r n} vj rL a � oo •CiF � r co rJ +n / U in n � � o �. +n U s V Z J rL L!� C/) hy� bo INN 0 o rvr NWCYj e --,, R ~ y I 1 r 4 I p � � ka 4 w u) �7 o rvr NWCYj e --,, R ~ y I 1 r 4 I own .Olds EL Powriz SEPIV/CE LTD. GOLD-,r-Al ( ROVE ROAD /41147' Jb14t4.s )V , Ba, DWq. AJO.P-1' 7 a L zt �r Z J I� oe - r I JC O+ 0 'A0 of 40 = c 4' 1 11A!u >=7I.�O0R. CIAI?OL)r SCALE] 3/3Z" = I = o" iZ 4 L sus p��rr�,�a ACOU STL G AAF 6L.S 4`sC Zf N ArA 5>- c-T i a+� zz fl u �o -C) mf I- 40'_0 Cie LCCA.TjO1j 1D ! rt1� i A i'Z /����•{ ± : AZ SC � S 0 5� � F' Ali a %O- GC L� �,c.1 C11ZGtil� �^�A� l i 'n i i V J i � 1 avv(i . Vol PM3, n 11�. r Z9 S -Sca 55Q503?2.. a� O -to 6 ro X05 CO 0 1 P�ieLC./�l cy a I ✓mil � w..r �` � � N • j � � N,. ,cam T JJJ A5 pl4AtT _ - -- r 3 2. C� �: D �Ee J glzc) VE, R.o^o 9 t--ASy iAL -r --:�, i :- _ 2--r.00 1 y a o z i 1 �a.Cot 426049 y � k.. ''+ter• r..ci... TREES I N I I I A _ 00 +4_C26-rF, WA t, K `fir c� OR 5 LVS CU2c3 — aiDE PAR1CrtiC} LCt UrV4 1 - POL E. slErZ I CE ,SAC ljgd r,A4 ,9 'G1 GAP AC 5SS FPIZ )CiAYG 31 TE P6t-' rJ Jam. L - ,r T 40' ' -'�• .� P2oP�S,cD .BUi[.�Di�G� D t S E L PC w9p- 5ER V /CE C-4 D�DEAJ g9OV& ROACH I PI., =2 DRAFT BY -LAW NUMBER C.P. 100 -* A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY -LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by the City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: - The Zoning By -law of the City of Saint John, enacted on the fourteenth day of November, A.D. 1983, is amended by: Amending Schedule "A ", the Zoning Map of the City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land located at 31 Golden Grove Road, having an area of approximately 6313 square metres (67,954 square feet), also identified as being a portion of NBGIC #55050322, from "RS -2 One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "B -2" General Business classification - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this By -law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the day of * A.D. 1998 and signed by: *, the member of Council who presided at the meeting at which it was enacted; and Common Clerk First Reading Second Reading Third Reading 6 (a) PROPOSED ZONING BY -LAW AMENDMENT Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending the City of Saint John Zoning By -law at its regular meeting to ba held on Monday, January 18, 1999 at 7:00 p.m., by: *" `ZRE: 31 GOLDEN GROVEAUAD Rezoning a parcel of land located at 31 Golden Grove Road, having an area of approximately 6313 square metres (67,954 square feet), also identified as being a portion of NBGIC #55050322, from "RS -2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "B -2" General Business, as illustrated below. (INSERT MAP) REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit the construction of two commercial buildings with a total ground floor area of 1161 square metres (12,500 square feet). The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of the Planning Department, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. Written objections to the amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall. City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint John use only: Budget Number: 11 120 1212 2211 Department: Common Clerk's Office Contact: Mary Munford Phone: 658 -2862 Fax: 658 -2802 Special Instructions (if any): X l� Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (ETG = Evening Times Globe; T -J = Telegraph Journal) ETG City Information AD Date(s): Tuesday, December 22, 1998 Tuesday, January 12, 1999 ETG Independent Placement Date(s): ETG Classifieds Date(s): T -J Independent Placement Date(s): T -J Classifieds Date(s): INFORMATION FOR AD (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad) Section Headline: 0 Tender(s) 0 Proposals(s) X Public Notice(s) 173 Mayor's Message Q General Notice(s) Sub- Headline (if applicable): Text: Call to Action: Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Contact: Telephone: (506) 658 -2862 Office of the Mary L. Munford P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Common Clerk Common Clerk Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 December 21. 1998 Mr. Dante Foriere 2207 Loch Lomond Road Saint John, NB E2N 1A1 Dear Sir: At a meeting of the Common Council, held on the 14th instant, the following resolution was adopted, namely:- " RESOLVED that the application of Dante Foriere for the re- zoning of property at 31 Golden Grove Road be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation and that the necessary advertising be authorized in this regard, with the public hearing to be held on Monday, January 18, 1999, at 7:00 o'clock p.m." Enclosed is a copy of the Public Notice in this regard_ Yours truly, Mary L. Munford Common Clerk MLM:sc Enc City of Saint John January 18, 1999 Her Worship Mayor Shirley McAlary and Members of Common Council City of Saint John Saint John, NB Your Worship and Councillors: Re Re- Zoning Application - 31 Golden Grove Road I am requesting that the letter from Northrup Bamford, my solicitors, be withdrawn from the January 18, 1999 Common Council agenda, and the public hearing for the re- zoning be held. Yours truly, T Dante Foriere 01/18/99 11:55 %T506 633 0389 NORTRUP BAMFORD NORTHRUP BAMFORD BAMSTERS AND SaLIMORS SUITE 420, BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA BUILDING 40 CHARLOTTE STREET SAINT JOHN, NJ3_ E2L 2H6 RICHARD A. NORTHRUP, BA_, LL-B MICHAEL H. BAMFORD, B.A., LL.B. p, r 6ax/0-/L j 4 Common Clerk Office P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, N.B. B2L 4L1 Attention: Mary Mumford, Common Clerk Dear Ms. Mumford: TELEPHONE NO-: (506) 6348 130 FACSIMELE NO.. (506) 633 -0389 January 18, 1999 RIE: Application of Dante Foriere for Re- Zoning of 31 Golden Grove Ro9d, Saint John, N.H. 1A001/001 Further to my letter of January 15, 1999 we have been advised by Mr. Foriere, that, in fact, he wishes to continue his application. Consequently, please disregard my letter of January 15, 1999 and return this application to the agenda of Common Council for January 18, 1999. We are forwarding a copy of this to the Community Planning Department. Yours v truly, Michael H_ Bamford 01/15/99 15:53 $506 6330389 NORTRUP BAMFORD 0001 /001 � (c) NORTHRUP 13AWORD BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS SUITE 420, BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA W iii.DINC 40 CHARLOTTE STRFZr SAINT JOHN, N -B. E21-2H6 RICHARD A. NORTHRUP. B,A., LL13 MICHAEL H. BAMFtiORD, B.A., Lt-B. Common Cleric Office P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, N.B. E2L 41-1 Attention_ Mary Mumford, Common Clerk Dear Ms. Mumford: TELEPHONE NO.. (506) 634-8130 FACSIMILE NO.: (506) 633 -0389 January 15, 1999 RIE: Application of Dante Foriere for Re- Zoning of 31 Golden Grove Road, Saint John, N$. We are acting on behalf of Mr. Foriere in respect of the above application and we have been instructed to discontinue Mr. Fouiere's application in its entirety. Please be so kind as to remora: this application from the Agenda of Common Counf-11 of January 18, 1999- We are sending a copy of this to the Community Planning Depaarnent. Thank you in advance for your assistance. MHB/klw Yours truly, 4( Michael ] JINN 151999 (p �C) RICHARD A_ NORTHRUP, B-A.. LLB MICHAEL K BAMFORri, B.A.. LLB. rj�- Common Cleric Office P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, N.B. E2L 4L 1 NORTHRUP BAWORD BAMUSTERS AND SOZrCMORS SU M 420, EANK OF NOVA SCOTIA B1UMD]Nra 40 OHARLOrra sTRRET SAINT JOHN, N.B. E2L 2H6 Attention: Mary Mumford, Common Clerk Dear Ms. Mumford: TELEPHOTIM NO.. (506) 634 -8130 FACSWILE No.: (506) 633 -0389 January 15, 1999 RE: Application of Dante Foriere for Re -Zoui [ig of 31 Golden Grove Road, Saint Jahn, N.R. We are acting on behalf of Mr. Foriere in respect of the above application and we have been instructed to disconflnue Mr. Foriere's application in its entirety. Please be so kind as to remove this application from the Agenda of CommoA Council of January 18, 1999. We, are sending a copy Of this to the Comer m ity Plarnxing Department. Thank you in advance for your assistance. Yours v truly, /1/( Michael l MHB/idw cn- JAN 1519"' 4 T00 /T001Z (rdoaRVS dliuuos 6900 CC9 9022 fig :9T 6 6, 3T /T0 RICHARD A. NORTHRUP, $A, LLB NflCHAEL ii_ BAMFORD, H.A.. LLB, p,j �� OA /Ll 4 Common Clerk Office P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, N.S. E2L 4L1 NORTHRUP BAMFORD BARRISTFMAND SOLICITORS STATE 420, BANK OF NOVA SCQ TLk 19UU.0WO 40 CHARLQTTI~ STREET SAINT JOHN. N.9. E21-2116 Attention: Mary Mumford, Common Clerk Dear Ms. Mumford. TELEPHONE NO.; (506) 634 -8130 FA.CSDAM9 NO-- (506) 633 -0380 January 18, 1999 RE; Application of Dante Foriere for Re- Zoning of 31 Golden, Grove Road, Saint John, N.B. Further to any letter of January 15, 1999 we have been advised by Mr. Foriere, that, in fact, he wishes to continue his application. Consequently, please disregard my letter of January 150 1999 and return this application to the agenda of Common Council for January 18, 1999. We are forwarding a cagy of this to the Community Planning Department. Yours v truly, Michael H. Bamford MHB/klw T00 /T00[A 0:2I0. KV19 dlluluolq 69G0 M 905$ 92: 1T X36/8'; TCi �;Scn ct Cl clgc PIanning P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2800 Advisory Committee Saint John New Brunswick. Canada E2L 4L OPEN SESSION January 13, 1999 Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Rezoning 31 Golden Grove Road El City of Saint John On December 14, 1998 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached report at its January 12, 1999 meeting. Mr. Michael Bamford of Northrup Bamford spoke on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Bamford indicated that a revised site design had been submitted prior to the meeting that would avoid the necessity of the consideration of any variances. Mr. Bamford indicated that the development would be constructed in accordance to the Flood Risk Area By -law provisions, and that the required compensatory area could be provided by two residential properties owned by the proponent on Simpson Drive. There were six (6) area residents that spoke against the proposal. The residents primary concern was related to the existing flooding for the area, and how the proposed development would adversely affect this situation. Many residents felt that the subject site should remain undeveloped since it acts as a detention area for storm water. There were also concerns raised regarding increased traffic, noise, lighting, and close proximity to long - existing residential properties. Three letters were also received, and one petition signed by a number of area residents was also circulated but it was returned so it could be submitted directly to Council. After careful consideration of the matter, the Committee resolved to adopt staff recommendation. In addition, the Committee also resolved to suggest that the subject property be acquired by the City and used as a holding area for storm water. Such acquisition could be accomplished by exchanging other City -owned land outside of the Glen Falls area, or, alternatively, the City could acquire the land through purchase. Planning Advisory Committee Page 2 January 13, 1999 RECOMMENDATION: 1. That this rezoning application be denied. 2. That Common Council consider acquiring the subject property located at 31 Golden Grove Road, as identified as a portion of NBGIC #55050322. Respectfully submitted, /5:- Brian ( Acting MO/ Attachments Community Jim Baird MC[P P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2835 Planning Manager Saint John 506 658 -2837 (Fax) New Brunswick Canada E2L 4LI DATE: TO: FROM: FOR: SUBJECT: Name of Applicant: Name of Owner: Location: NBGIC: Municipal Plan: Zoning: Proposal: Type of Application: JANUARY 8, 1999 PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE COMMUNITY PLANNING MEETING OF JANUARY 12, 1999 Mark O'Hearn Planning Officer City of Saint John Dante Foriere Dante Foriere 31 Golden Grove Road 55050322 (portion thereof) Low Density Residential Existing: "RS -2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential Proposed: `B -2" General Business To construct two commercial buildings. Rezoning and Variances that would: (a) allow two two -way commercial accesses onto Golden Grove Road where only one is permitted; Dante Foriere Page 2 31 Golden Grove Road January 8, 1999 (b) increase the maximum width for a two -way commercial access from 9 metres (30 feet) to approximately 9.8 metres (32 feet) and 15.24 metres (50 feet); (c) reduce the minimum landscaping width of 2 metres (6.6 feet) along the front and side property boundaries to approximately 1.5 metres (5 feet) and 0.6 metres (2 feet) respectively; and (d) reduce the minimum landscaping width of 3 metres (10 feet) between the subject property and the adjacent residential property (NBGYC #00426049) to approximately 0.6 metres (2 feet). JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to advise Common Council on proposed amendments to the City of Saint John Zoning By -law. The Committee's recommendation will be considered by Common Council at a Public Hearing on Monday, January 18, 1999. The Act also authorizes the Committee to grant reasonable variances from the requirements of the Zoning By -law. Conditions can be imposed by the Committee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE: That this application be denied. BACKGROUND: On April 2; 1996 the Planning Advisory Committee considered a rezoning application from the same landowner. The application involved the rezoning of the subject property to "TH" Townhouse in order to permit the development of Dante Foriere Page 3 31 Golden Grove Road January S, 1999 twelve (12) one - storey townhouse units abutting a new private street. While staff and the Committee supported this application, it was denied by Common Council due to concerns regarding flooding. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Engineering has provided the following comments regarding this application: (a) All site surface water must be directed to Marsh Creek, not Golden Grove Road. Catch basins will be required to prevent erosion of the bank. (b) If two driveways are permitted, the western access should be restricted to exit only for delivery vehicles coming from the rear entrances. The main entrance should be restricted to 11 metres (36 feet) as provided by the Zoning By -law. (c) Concrete curbing and sidewalk must be constructed across the full frontage of the property with proper dropped panels at the driveways. (d) Municipal water is available from Golden Grove Road, and municipal sewer is available in the rear of the property in a service easement. Building and Technical Services has indicated that the proposed commercial development must be constructed in accordance to the Flood Risk Area By -law. The spatial separation distance between the two buildings may be an issue depending on the area of the exposing building faces. This can be determined when building plans are submitting for approval. Saint John Energy has adequate facilities along Golden Grove Road to service the propose commercial development. A 3 -metre (10 -foot) wide utility easement will be required. The costs associated with the service extension will be borne by the Developer. NBTel has indicated that facilities are available from Golden Grove Road to service the proposed development. Fire Department has no comments regarding this proposal. Saint John Police Force has not submitted any comments regarding this matter. Dante Foriere Page 4 31 Golden Grove Road January 8, 1999 ANALYSIS: Site and Neighbourhood The subject property is situated near the intersection of Golden Grove Road and Simpson Drive in the Glen Falls area (see attachments). The site is undeveloped with a flat, low -lying topography. One - family dwellings surround the site on the east, and the Marsh Creek and a City pumping station are at the rear. A newly constructed six -bay car wash facility is adjacent to the west at the intersection of Simpson Drive and Golden Grove Road. The Exhibition Park horseracing track is to the south and surrounded by high board -on -board fencing. Development Proposal and Required Variances The landowner, Dante Foriere, is requesting permission to construct two commercial buildings. These buildings would be perpendicular to Golden Grove Road and have a combined ground floor area of approximately 1161 square metres (11,840 square feet). The two buildings would provide for eight (8) new businesses. The application does not indicate the nature of these businesses The development requires a minimum of 42 off-street parking spaces. The applicant is illustrating a total of 68 spaces. The application does not address signage. The Zoning By -law permits facia signage to a maximum total area of 48 square metres (514 square feet), plus one free - standing sign with a maximum of 6 square metres (65 square feet) — double-sided. In regards to signage, Common Council can also impose more restrictive conditions if deemed desirable. For instance, when the adjacent property (civic #9 Simpson Drive) to the west was rezoned for the car wash facility, a Section 39 condition was imposed that limited the height of all free - standing signs to a maximum of 7.5 metres (25 feet). If this development were to be approved such a condition would also be appropriate. The proposal can satisfy all applicable Zoning By -law requirements with the exception of the following: (a) The proponent is requesting two two -way commercial accesses onto Golden Grove Road where only one is permitted, and the proposed Dante Foriere 31 Golden Grove Road Page 5 January 8, 1999 commercial accesses are above the maximum width allowance of 9 metres (30 feet). (b) The design does not provide a minimum 2 -metre (6.6 -foot) wide landscaping area along the front property line or along the side property boundaries. There is also a requirement to provide at least 3 metres (10 feet) of landscaping width between the parking area and adjacent residential properties (NBGIC #426049 and #299008). Consistent with other similar proposed commercial projects, the requested variances relating to landscaping and increased commercial access width could not be, supported if this rezoning was approved. Given the close proximity to residential properties, especially the adjoining Eric Martin Property at 41 Golden Grove Road (N13GIC #00426049) to the east, adequate landscaping is critical in order to successfully integrate this commercial development into the neighbourhood. Staff would, however, be supportive of allowing a second access for only one -way use given the lot's frontage. Municipal Development Plan and Proposed Rezonin The proponent is requesting to rezone the subject property from "RS -2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "B -2" General Business in order to carryout the proposed commercial development. The Municipal Development Plan has designated the area as Low Density Residential. The policies of the Municipal Plan for such areas permit the development of small -scale commercial uses, provided that measures can be undertaken to prevent any nuisance or inappropriate impacts on adjacent residential uses. Specifically, the Municipal Plan restricts commercial developments to approximately 1000 square metres (10,764 square feet) within residential areas. Rezoning is also required. If this application would to be approved, a Section 39 condition would be necessary to reduce the overall ground floor area of the project to this maximum allowance. The adjoining property to the west where the newly constructed car wash is situated is on the edge of the existing Rothesay/McAllister Service Corridor area. The appropriate boundary of this commercial district is the Simpson Drive /Golden Grove Road intersection. The lands to the east and north are residential. The Municipal Plan does not specifically provide any support for the extension of the commercial Service Corridor. While design improvements for Dante Foriere 31 Golden Grove Road Page 6 January 8, 1999 the proposed project could be explored, the close proximity to the established residential neighbourhood will not change. Perhaps in the future as commercial development continues in the McAllister Drive /Westmorland Road area, and a new street connects that area to Golden Grove Road, there will be justification to extend the Service Corridor further east along Golden Grove Road. Until such time, commercial developments cannot be supported beyond the edge of the identified commercial district. Therefore, staff cannot support the approval of the requested development. The previous proposal by the landowner for townhouses still seems to be a more appropriate land use. The Flood Risk Abatement Program The subject property is situated within the Glen Falls Flood Risk Area and is subject to the provisions of the Flood Risk Area By -law of the City of Saint John. The Flood Risk Abatement Program allows for development within areas subject to flooding, provided prescribed engineering and building techniques are followed to minimum the possible risk of damage to new development, while at the same time reducing the risk of adversely affecting surrounding developed properties already in the flood risk area. Should this development be approved, all site work and construction would be subject to the requirements of this By -law. In particular, the Flood Risk By -law requires development not to obstruct or interfere with the normal floodway or free flow of floodwaters during a flood period. This will required that no building be situated closer than 13 metres (43 feet) from the center of Marsh Creek. Another important aspect of the Flood Risk By -law is where development will reduce the flood storage capacity of a property, the developer must provide compensating flood storage. Due to the proposed design, compensatory storage will have to be provided off -site, or, at the discretion of the City, the landowner may be able to provide a sum of money should the necessary storage area not be possible. CONCLUSION: The applicant is requesting to rezone the subject property from "RS -2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "B -2" General Business in order to carryout the proposed commercial development. This application would extend the commercial zoning further east along Golden Grove Road. Staff cannot support I?ante Foriere 31 Golden Grove Road Page 7 January S, 1999 the extension of the commercial Service Corridor beyond the Simpson Drive intersection. COMMUNITY PLANNING � R� J_ ry s S co 1 wR p !J dP i • B 2 • 1 . 77.�_ NBGIC Number (s): Subject Site: f 55050322 (part of) Address: 31 Golden Grove Road Map Number: 07P -02SW Date: December 15, 1998 Scale: N.T.S. I� f%.l la- J 4 Q J Q lu vi ��.-• 1 , I I rL I ' Q 1 V � oo•o�s N 1� • � Q � � � �/ � yeti �� � : a mr liz VA : " R / N' � s rJ F\, I((]j If) V) 'n 0 U IR 1!� "\ s A 0 h "1 7 "� p �a O � 1,. w � 41� 4� rn �l q J � 1�v / : " R / N' � s rJ F\, I((]j If) V) 'n 0 U IR 1!� "\ s A 0 1 All nlN:Iwd f -, J z R V a n Q 4 0 5 w 0 d 17 m h "1 7 "� p �a O � 1,. w � 41� 4� rn �l q � ul 1 All nlN:Iwd f -, J z R V a n Q 4 0 5 w 0 d 17 m 'o U v in to o _, N C, - os 0 7 _0 _a ,f) U Q of O (V U) syl N (T rt� _V QC 0 i) !V a row o � 3 v 0 9 J v � 0 Q �O � W � Q M'}( N W �l a x Z LA pp h uw 11 Q 3 n � I f (/I rn L!) Q ij 0 9 J 0 �O .f Hhr3N '!'7vM — `I hnr�N 'TTyN3A0 o, —,27. 0 �O '1 m Q M'}( N `0 r a x J J h uw ul VI m ") u I a 4i o -Zr Q I � 1 .f Hhr3N '!'7vM — `I hnr�N 'TTyN3A0 o, —,27. e. �u¢ z S2 Y N� Q O C7 5� � Q j O 0 w 7 4 4Z J cr1 4 1Ty p JAN 6 1999 C�y a� �z Q�. ` %� � U , Sandra Taylor 65 Ashton Place Saint John NB E2H 2E9 Phone: 696 -4761 Mark O' Hearn Planning Officer Community Planning City of Saint John Dear Mr. O'Hearn In reference to the proposed rezoning and Commercial Development of 31 Golden Grove Road I not be more opposed to the proposed plans for this site. I drive by this site everyday and the area is not large enough to house such a facility. It will stretch straight back to the Marsh Creek, through a very wet swamp area and is far too close to a residential property. The development on this corner has gone too far already. My family has lived in this area for close to 40 years_ We have had to put up with the development and expansion of the Three Mile, the Backrail Bar, race track fires and noise, and the unsightly view of the development on Mcallister Drive (Wendy's, BIockbuster, etc.) We already have too much traffic in the area. My son was struck, but fortunately not hurt, by a drunk driver from the back rail bar. Summer nights we are confined indoors because of the noise from the bars. I expect that there will be more traffic coming from the car wash as the weather warms. I am sure there are many more suitable areas for a business like the proposed one_ Could the city please consider the flooding in the area that greatly affects my property. Any more development will only increase the already present problems. It does not take much rain to flood my yard now. It had been improving over the years, but now I fear it will be a regular problem. I had water that reached my garage in the last rain, which represents about 20 or more feet of water. r + � JAN 12 1999. I try to keep my yard looking the best that I can. Floods make it very hard to maintain a nice lawn. I feel like I am throwing my money away each time I hear of a new development. Will I eventually be completely under water? This is a residential area, that was once a quiet and enjoyable place to live. It now has disruptions that we did not originally have to endure. I would like to see the area stay as quiet as it can be - as a residential area. If the city insists on developing the area like this, perhaps they would like to purchase my house so I could be rid of this constant fight_ do Sandra Taylor TueW y, February 23, 1999 Jim Baird F� 1999 City Of Saint John s City Nall 10 Th Floor P.O.Box 1971 �I Saint John, NB - Re: Dante Foriere 31 Golden Grove Road. And the application for rezoning. Dear Jim, Please be advised that we want to with draw this application as we discussed. It is our intent to reapply with a new design and plot layout. This will be forth coming in the next few weeks. Thanks for your assistance. Please forward this along to the proper people for me. b2c) Gerry Webster REALTOR® EGED OMMICLM"CM FEB 25 X994 =" OF City Hall 15 Market Square February 26, 1999 Her Worship Mayor Shirley McAlary and Members of Common Council City of Saint John City Hall Saint John, NB Your Worship and Fellow Councillors: P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2800 Saint John New Brunswick Canada 121, 41,1 would like to discuss two issues concerning Fisher Lakes and one issue concerning an HST resolution. Yours truly, Ivan Co rt COUNCILLOR City of Saint John iP REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL 1 March, 1999 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE M & C 99 — City of saint john HER WORSHIP SHIPLEY A. MCALARY AND MEMBERS OF COMMON COUNCIL SUBJECT: Appointment of Arbitration Board in the Matter of Collective Bargaining between the City of Saint John and the Saint John Fire Fighters' Association, I.A.F.F., Local 771 BACKGROUND The existing collective agreement between the City of Saint John and I.A.F.F., Local 771 covers the term January 1, 1994 to December 31, 1.997. Collective bargaining for a renewed agreement commenced in December 1997. Although all articles have been "signed -off' by negotiators, wages remain outstanding. We are advised in the attached letter from the Department of Labour that a request has been received from the I.A.F.F. Local 771 for the appointment of an Arbitration Board in the matter of the unsettled contract dispute. Further, the Minister has deemed it advisable to appoint a Board and has requested the name of the City's nominee to this Board. ANALYSIS This is an interest arbitration which will result in a collective agreement between the City of Saint John and the Saint John Fire Fighters' Association. As such, as in past arbitrations, the selection of a nominee for the Board is very important. In these particular circumstances, the issue central to the dispute is wages. Staff have considered a variety of options and put forward the name of Gerald M. (Gary) Lawson of the firm Lawson & Creamer. Mr. Lawson was the City nominee to the last interest arbitration Board. i Mr. Lawson has practiced law in Saint John for approximately twenty years and, in recent years, has concentrated in the fields of labour and commerciallbusiness law. He has been involved in labour negotiations for various employer clients, has represented employers in labour arbitration matters both as an appointee and as the lawyer for the employer, and acted in a number of other areas for employers. He is active in the community and will bring to the Board an appreciation for the economy and the needs of Saint John. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES This matter has been discussed with the Fire Chief and the City Solicitor. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Mr. Gerald M. (Gary) Lawson be named as the City's nominee on the Arbitration Board in the matter of the collective bargaining dispute between the City of Saint John and the Saint John Fire Fighters' Association, Local 771, I.A.F.F. Respectfully submitted, Terrence Totten City Manager )f REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M & C 99- 54 February 18, 1999 Her Worship Mayor Shirley McAlary and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council, SUBJECT: Concrete Versus Asphalt Sidewalks 1 11 • X4 i ' lN�f111Q11� City of Saint John Common Council, at its meeting of February 1, 1999, requested that staff prepare a report regarding the type of materials used in curb and sidewalk construction. Curbs and sidewalks are an essential component of the street infrastructure system. Curbs contribute to safety, by defining the edge of the street for motorists and pedestrians, and to control of storm drainage. Sidewalks provide pedestrian ways, separate and apart from those designated for vehicles. The primary objectives of building curbs and sidewalks are vehicle /pedestrian safety, appearance, satisfaction of citizens, attractiveness to business and tourists, durability and cost effectiveness. ANALYSIS Current Curb and Sidewalk Policy In conjunction with development of the 1987 Capital Budget, the question of asphalt versus concrete sidewalks was a matter considered by Common Council of the day. M &C- 99.54 February 18, 1999 Page 2 As a result, it adopted the following policy on April 21, 1987: ♦ All new sidewalks will be constructed of concrete. ♦ Any total reconstruction of existing sidewalks will be of concrete. ♦ In all cases new curbing or reconstructed curbing will be constructed of concrete. ♦ Maintenance of concrete curbs and sidewalks will be performed with concrete. ♦ Maintenance of asphalt curb and sidewalk will be asphalt. ♦ This policy does not preclude special curb and sidewalk surface treatment as approved by the City, for example, the CBD area. At the time, approximately two - thirds of our sidewalks were of asphalt construction, the greatest proportions of which were in the central and eastern parts of the city. The policy decision made in 1987 was a pivotal one for the development of the street infrastructure system. It set a course for higher construction standards that would eventually see the replacement of asphalt sidewalks with concrete. The result can be seen today on countless City streets - the progress since 1987 has been quite remarkable. Costs and Life Expectancy The table below shows the cost comparison and the life expectancy of asphalt and concrete curb and sidewalk. The approximate estimated cost includes excavation, backfill and supply and installation. * Cost includes a 600 mm wide asphalt pad required for the initial placement of asphalt curb. CURB SIDENVALK (1 5 in Wide) Initial Cost (per rm) $ Lite Expectancy (Years) Initial Cost (per m) $ Lite Expectancy (Years) -Asphalt 37.00* 12-15 33.00 12 - 15 Concrete 47.00 25-30 65.00 24-30 * Cost includes a 600 mm wide asphalt pad required for the initial placement of asphalt curb. M &C -99 -54 February 18, 1999 Page 3 Report to Common Council, M & C 87 -184, dated April 16, 1987, relative to the 1987 Capital Budget, stated: "There are many factors beyond economics that bear on this policy decision. It is recognized that concrete sidewalks have an aesthetic appeal, and that most other municipal jurisdictions have opted for concrete as a sidewalk surface, believing in its durability and visual appeal. Concrete also tends to create a more definite visual definition between the road surface and the pedestrian area in the street right of way. " Asphalt is a by- product of petroleum refining, a dark material, ranging from viscous to solid in consistency, and consisting principally of bitumen (hydrocarbon). Hot -mix asphalt used for curbing and sidewalk construction is made by mixing hot, dry aggregates (crushed sand) with hot asphalt cement in a mixing plant. Concrete is a building material made of Portland cement, water and sand, gravel or crushed stone. Portland cement contains lime, silica sand, alumina and iron components. The concrete mixture hardens by the crystallization of its components to form a solid material. The hardening is caused by the chemical reaction of the Portland cement and water, called hydration. As outlined in the table above, concrete is initially more expensive to install than asphalt. This is due mainly to the additional cost for formwork for sidewalk construction and the longer period of time required for the concrete to cure, before being subjected to pedestrian traffic. The major differences between concrete and asphalt occur after installation. Concrete, a non - flexible material, is not as prone to localized frost heaving nor are the effects as visibly noticeable and as permanent as in asphalt. Concrete surfaces are also not susceptible to damage by gasoline, oil or diesel fuel, all of which may cause rapid deterioration of asphalt. While concrete is more susceptible to cracking, cracking in asphalt cannot be controlled. Crack repair in concrete is comparatively more expensive than in asphalt but is generally more permanent. Repair of asphalt cracks does not provide any assurance against continued breaking of the surface. There is significantly less chance of continued cracking in concrete. M &C -99 -S4 February 18, 1999 Page 4 Sidewalk repair work caused by unanticipated underground utility repair, or other reasons, is costly. For concrete, the cost of the repair work is initially higher, although reinstatement can be done so that the concrete sidewalk is restored to its original condition. Repair work in asphalt sidewalk is less expensive initially, but presents constant maintenance problems thereafter. An asphalt sidewalk is never quite the same after a repair work. Asphalt sidewalks are susceptible to structural failure which may result from consolidation, or shear, developing in the subgrade, sub -base, or surface. Also, this movement may result from sub -base softening during the spring melt period. One of the first signs of failure is the occurrence of cracks and surface settlement. this is noticeable on various streets with asphalt sidewalks, or asphalt median strips between concrete curb and concrete sidewalks, or between concrete sidewalks and buildings, where the asphalt surface is lower than the concrete surface by approximately 40 mm. This causes a trip hazard and the asphalt requires resurfacing. Over the long term, when anticipated maintenance and inflation costs are projected over the life span of the facility, the concrete sidewalk is more cost effective than asphalt sidewalk. CONCLUSION The City's inventory of curb and sidewalk infrastructure has seen significant improvement since 1987. Streets generally look better, drainage is more effectively directed to storm sewers, pedestrians have safer routes and infrastructure is expected to last much longer. The end result is a more cost - effective, higher quality street system. We believe that the policy adopted in 1987 was sound and, in order to continue progress in improving transportation system infrastructure, should be maintained. M &C99 -54 February 18, 1999 Page S 19 DR11101651 Ali` "I ., COW It is recommended that this report be received and filed. Respectfully submitted, V -.0of r PafiTGroody, P. Eng. Commiss3,e%er, Municipal UILk-YU Terrence L. Totten, C.A. City Manager February 24, 1999 M&C # 99 -48 OPEN SESSION Her Worship Mayor Shirley A. McAfary And Members of Common Council Yours Worship and Members of Common Council: SUBJECT: 1999 CAPITAL BUDGET BACKGROUND: City of Saint John The purpose of this report is to present to members of Council, the staff's recommendation with respect to the 1999 Capital Budget for both the General Fund and The Water and Sewer Utility. The importance of the Capital Budget for both of these funds cannot be overstated. Each year considerable interest is shown with respect to the Operating Budgets in anticipation of possible increases in either the municipal tax rate or the rates charged for water and sewer services. However, all too often, little attention is paid to the recommendations contained in the Capital Budget Submissions. Citizens should understand that while the Operating Budgets have a very direct and immediate effect, the proposed plans, programs and expenditures contained therein are simply for the ensuing year. On the other hand, recommendations contained in the Capital Budget submissions have a far longer impact on the finances of the municipality. Indeed, proposed expenditures, or more properly referred to as "investments" in 1999 will have a financial impact on the Municipality in the form of debt retirement charges for the decade that follows. More significant is the fact that proposed investments in any one -year are an indication of the direction that the Council wishes to pursue over the next few years. The capital budget recommendations represent: an investment of taxpayers' monies in projects that are ongoing for a number of years that are of a magnitude that simply could not be funded in any one year; that are necessary to maintain the municipal infrastructure and to protect our environment and finally; necessary to serve as a catalyst to encourage private sector investment and to further economic development opportunities within the Report to Common Council 1999 Capital Budget Page 2 February 24, 1999 community. It is for these reasons that particular attention should be paid to these recommendations. THE PROCESS: During the last half of 1998, all civic departments, municipal commissions and other organizations made written submissions to Council with respect to their anticipated capital requirements for fiscal 1999. These particular submissions revealed that not only was there a need for significant investment in an aging municipal infrastructure, but that there was no shortage of ideas with respect to specific projects that would have been seen as desirable by citizens of our community. The initial submission reviewed by Council contained requests amounting to more than seventeen million dollars and, even then, would not see all of the projects completed in 1999. As Council reviewed the submissions, the community was meeting in a one -day session entitled `Imagine the Possibilities ", an initiative of Enterprise Saint John. The outcome of this session was a long list of community expectations that was created from the input of over 200 volunteers from the region. Staff reviewed all of the various capital budget submissions and cross referenced them to the expectations of the community, while at the same time listening to the views and comments of members of Common Council as the items were put forward. It must be stated that staff would very much like to be in a position to be recommending to Council a Capital Budget far in excess of what is before you. However, as Council is aware, we have previously advised that the Municipality should endeavor to maintain a relatively consistent borrowing level in order to avoid future upward pressure on the property tax rate. It is for this reason that not every item requested is being recommended and that the total recommended Capital Budget for the General Fund amounts to $11,927,000. When proceeds from the sale of other capital assets are considered, the result is that borrowings will be at a level somewhat higher than that which the administration has been promoting. While a concern, the increase is directly the result of a very proactive approach to spur economic development through the use of incentives. As for the Water and Sewer Capital Budget, staff had previously recommended that the funding levels be maintained at a level consistent with the preceding year. Finding an appropriate balance between the financial capabilities of the municipality and the need to replace infrastructure and to initiate projects is the challenge before Council as it considers the proposed capital program. The following summary attempts to find "this balance" while at the same time, responding to the major concerns of this Council and of this community. ENCOURAGING ECONOMfc DEVELOPMENT: The encouragement of economic development and tax base growth has been, and remains, the number one priority of Common Council. Just a few years ago the Capital Program contained little reference to this stated desire. While the municipality invested in roads and streets, it remained essentially reactive to certain requests that were made to encourage economic development. The 1999 Capital Program identifies a much more proactive role for the municipality in this area. The Budget contemplates an Report to Common Council : 1999 Capital Budget Page 3 February 24, 1999 investment of $3,613,000 in incentives aimed specifically at spurring development. Included in this total is $2,000,000 for incentives for the development of what has become known as Business Parks, $400,000 for continued enhancements to our three Industrial Parks, and a further $1,180,000 has been provided for the continuation of the residential incentive program along with programs to preserve our stock of historical properties. While this is a significant commitment by the Municipality, it must be acknowledged that the City's investment will only occur if there is an indication of willingness by the private sector to, in some cases, take the risk and in others to make necessary lands available. The point being made is that the recommendations are such that they are committing the municipality to a major investment in incentives should the private sector decide to take advantage of these programs. In the end it should be a 'Win-win" for both the private and public sectors. PROTECTING PROPERTY INVESTMENT IN THE FLOOD RISK AREA: In 1998 Council received information respecting a number of possible commercial developments in the eastern area of the City. During every discussion, foremost in Council's mind has been the protection of those homes and properties that currently exist within the Flood Risk Area. In response to the concerns of both Council and property owners in the area, and in an effort to provide for continued development, the 1999 Capital Budget recommends a number of specific projects in that area, namely; 1. Glen Falls Floodway Program Recently, the City has acquired a number of properties in the Glen for the purpose of constructing a series of floodways to provide compensatory flood storage. The system has been designed to allow for a phased implementation prior to actual development in the area. In 1999, the plan calls for an expenditure of $500,000 in addition to the design work and property acquisition that has already occurred. 2. Repair of Tide Boards along the entire Creek 3. Channel Improvements $500,000 $25,000 $50,000 4. An Analysis of the Potential Of Additional Storage Capacity $50,000 It has been recognized that a significant potential exists to reduce flooding in the area by increasing the storage capacity upstream. One such location would be the raising of the water level in Mystery Lake. There are many issues to be resolved prior to undertaking this step. The 1999 budget is recommending the initial investigation of the potential of this course of action. 5. Culvert Repair and Replacement on Golden Grove $60,000 • _ ._; �iI Report to Common Council : 1999 Capital Budget Page 4 February 24, 1999 Staff would suggest that, in total, this is a very significant commitment to ensure the protection of property in the area. In addition, staff has also begun discussions with the Province with respect to the replacement of the Rothesay Avenue Bridge at the Three Mile House. MAINTAINING AND ENHANCING THE TRANSPORTATION NETWORK: The 1999 Capital Budget includes a total allocation of $3,815,000 with $3,200,000 to be expended on roads, streets, and sidewalks and $615,000 on drainage improvements. Not only are these expenditures important to residents, but the condition of this infrastructure is always discussed in conjunction with economic development. The attachments list each job that is planned, however, staff would draw your attention to the fact that work is slated for Rothesay Avenue, Simms Comer, Loch Lomond Road, and a host of other locations in every area of the City. PROTECTING OUR ENVIRONMENT: During the last half dozen years there has been increased emphasis by the City on protecting the environment. The Municipality has spent millions of dollars to reduce the outflow of waste into the Harbour and the river system, as well as, to properly close out the old land fill site. The 1999 Capital Budget, if adopted, will result in the continuance of a number of programs and projects all aimed at improving the environment. Some of the more notable projects are: Closing of the Spruce Lake Landfill $250,000 Kennebecasis Sanitary Sewer $705,000 (including Provincial cost sharing) Millidgeville Treatment Plant $950,000 (including Provincial cost sharing) Churchill Boulevard Sanitary Sewer $2,345,000 (including Provincial cost sharing) Milford Road, Millidge Avenue, Oakland Street, $268,000 Loch Lomond Road, Egbert Street and others In addition to these projects, the budget also anticipates investments in many of our treatment plants, our processing equipment and in all areas where our environment could be affected. ENSURING A CONSTANT DELIVERY OF SAFE POTABLE DRINKING WATER: There is perhaps no other service that is provided to citizens that is so often taken for granted. Nevertheless, there is no other service that is as important and it is for this reason that the 1999 Capital Budget envisages a level of investment in this system that is consistent with preceding years. This is not an area where staff could recommend Report to Common Council : 1999 Capital Budget Page 5 February 24, 1999 delaying or reducing investment. Total investment in the water system is recommended to be $2,660,000. Most of the projects are to replace an aging infrastructure. Sections of the main transmission lines, gate valves, sections of the distribution lines and smaller projects designed to increase water pressure in certain areas are all planned for 1999 as the attachments indicate. MAINTAINING OUR COMMITMENT TO PROCESSES SUPPORTED BY TECHNOLOGY: Many of the processes that are employed by the municipality to provide service and to respond to citizens in need are dependent upon technology. Everything from issuing a cheque to a supplier, to preparing a letter, to dispatching emergency response crews is dependent on both hardware and software. It is for this reason that the Municipality must continue to invest in technology. The 1999 Capital Budget includes a recommended investment in technology upgrades amounting to $772,000 necessary to support processes needed to deliver service to citizens. Of this amount, $158,000 can be directly related to the Year 2000 issue. CONCLUSION As was indicated previously, not every request or identified need has been recommended to be funded, or if recommended, not necessarily to the level requested. In some cases, staff would acknowledge that very strong justification and rational has been offered in support of a request. Nevertheless, Staff is of the view that this recommended budget is a significant investment of taxpayers' dollars in those areas deemed most critical to this community at this point in our history. The recommended 1999 Capital Budget for the General Fund amounts to $11,927,000 and for the Water and Sewer Utility, $6,800,000, for a total investment of $18,727,000. The recommendations are intended to respond to the primary objectives of this Council and the Community. RECOMMENDATIONS: As a result of the foregoing, it is recommended that Common Council adopt the following resolutions. 1) RESOLVED that the amount of $11,927,000 be adopted as the estimate of the Capital Programs to be undertaken within the General Fund for the year 1999. 2) RESOLVED that the amount of $6,800,000 be adopted as the estimate of the net expenditures for Capital Programs to be undertaken within the Water and Sewer Utility for the year 1999. Report to Common Council - 1999 Capital Budget February 24, 1999 espe ully submitted Terrence Totten, CA CITY MANAGER Page 6 THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN 1999 CAPITAL BUDGET (TO NEAREST '000) FLOOD RISK ABATEMENT PROGRAM FLOODWAY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM BUDGET BUDGET 25 1998 1999 GENERAL FUND 60 UPSTREAM HOLDING PONDS ENCOURAGING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVES 500 2,000 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVES 1,350 1,100 INDUSTRIAL PARKS ENHANCEMENTS 600 400 HERITAGE AREA 30 80 UPPER FLOORS PROGRAM 30 SAINT JOHN DEVELOPMENT CORP- WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT 33 2,510 3,613 FLOOD RISK ABATEMENT PROGRAM FLOODWAY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 500 TIDE BOARD IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 25 CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS 50 GOLDEN GROVE CULVERT REPLACEMENT 60 UPSTREAM HOLDING PONDS 50 ENHANCEMENTS TO THE TRANSPORTATION NETWORK ROADS STREETS AND SIDEWALKS 2,300 3,200 STORM SEWER AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 700 615 3,000 3,815 ENVIRONMENT CLOSING THE SPRUCE LAKE LANDFILL SITE 200 250 PROCESSES SUPPORTED BY TECHNOLOGY COMMUNICATION AND DISPATCH 40 140 ADMINISTRATIVE SYSTEMS 1,810 156 YEAR 2000 READINESS 158 TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE 60 PROTECTIVE SERVICES OPERATING SYSTEM 189 PROTECTIVE SERVICES TERMINAL REPLACEMENT 49 69 1,899 772 THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN 1999 CAPITAL BUDGET (TO NEAREST '000) BUDGET BUDGET 1998 1999 CITY BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES EASTERN WORKS DEPOT 775 MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS 600 784 COMMUNITY PARKS AND FACILITIES 215 180 815 1 ,739 MUNICIPALY OWNED FACILITIES SAINT JOHN TRANSIT 930 660 SAINT JOHN TRADE AND CONVENTION CENTER 25 50 CANADA GAMES AQUATIC CENTER 50 100 SAINT JOHN FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY 50 LORD BEAVERBROOK RINK 20 20 1,025 880 PROTECTIVE SERVICES FIRE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING REPLACEMENT 45 45 APPARATUS THERMAL IMAGING EQUIPMENT 78 POLICE COMMISSION VOICE RECORDING SYSTEM 97 BUILDING - SITE SELECTION PROGRAM 50 142 173 TOTAL BUDGET $9,591 $11,927 THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN 1999 CAPITAL BUDGET (TO NEAREST'000) BUDGET BUDGET 1998 1999 WATER AND SEWERAGE UTILITY ENHANCEMENTS TO THE WATER SYSTEM 2,600 2,660 ENHANCEMENTS TO THE SEWERAGE SYSTEM 2,200 2,140 IMPROVEMENTS TO THE ENVIRONMENT 4,000 KENNEBECASIS SANITARY SEWER 705 MILLIDGEVILLE TREATMENT PLANT 950 CHURCHILL BLVD SANITARY SEWER 2,345 4,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 8,800 8,800 LESS: ANTICIPATED PROVINCIAL COST SHARING (2,000) (2,000) DEBENTURE ISSUE REQUIRED $6,800 $6,800 Information Systems and Support Proposed 1999 Capital Budget Revised: February 11, 1999 Area: Public Safety Computer Support De ent Reference Description Amount Fire 1 Terminal Replacement 34,500 Police 1 Terminal Replacement 34,500 Fire/Police 2 OperatiN System U rade V4R2 32,200 Fire/Police 3 Additional AS/400 Disk 23,E Fire/Police 4 Cat 5 cabling - 8 Remote sites 217,600 11,500 Fire/Police 4 Routers for Remote Site Connections 46,000 Fire/Police 5 UPS Battery Su Replacement 8,100 Fire/Police 6 HTE Schedule Manager 37,000 Fire/Police 7 HTE GUI Upgrade 50 clients) 31,000 subtotal - Protective Services 1 1 257,8001 Area: MIS Department Reference Description Amount Building Inspection 8 New BIS system, associated raining 75,000 MIS 9 Optical Disk Storage 81,000 12 Fault tolerance 30,000 Subtotal - MIS 156,000 Subtotal - Technology Support & Infrastructure 217,600 140,600 Area: Technology Support s Infrastructure Departrnent Reference Description Amount PSCC 10 Year 2000 preparation 157,600 11 Network mane ernent 30,000 12 Fault tolerance 30,000 Subtotal - Technology Support & Infrastructure 217,600 140,600 Area: Public Safety Communications Centre Deparbrient Reference Description Amount PSCC 13 lCentracorn II upgrades 25,E 14 Upgrade to the A3400 F45 110,000 7 HTE GUI Upgrade 8 diems 5,600 Subtotal - PSCC 140,600 TOTAL - ISS 772,000 il COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1999 CAPITAL BUDGET (PROPOSED) Revised December 4, 1998 Division Project Deseriptivn Community Communi • Provision of "seed money" to Services Development encourage community support for projects. Tourism - Barbour's General Store, Little Red School House (repairs, renovations, painting) Recreation & Rockwood Parks Park Golf Course • Visitor Information Centre renovations to create Fundy awareness/Attractiveness. • Production of video aimed to lure conference, meeting, sports market to Saint John. Sports Fields • /Parks Trees W. Butler Revised Feb 12/99 Design and construct signage for main entrance, facilities, amenities, trails, Construct additional picnic shelters Drainage improvements to Fisher Lakes Parking Lot. Construct family washroom at "A" frame and other improvements Resource inventory of Park, including all floral and fauna to be used for educational and developmental purposes. Improvement funds to match operator's contribution Fencing ,drainage and general improvements Plant new trees in new locations and replacement of trees where necessary. Total Estimated Cost 25,000 10,000 60,000 25,000 30,000 30,000 180,000 REAL ESTATE �l FACILITY MANAGEMENT 1999 CAPITAL BUDGET 1999 CAPITAL, PROJECTS CITY OF SAINT JOHN REAL ESTATE AND FACILITY MANAGEMENT ALL DEPARTMENTS u, ing Envelope $0 ntenor Renovations Systems $238000 $0 Site $0 ew Construction Total $775,000 $1,005,000 Department WORKS DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT $65,000 $6,000 $0 $0 $0 $71 ,404 PONCE FORCE $0 545,000 $0 $10,000 $0 $55,000 COMMUNITY SERVICES -PARKS $71,000 $110,000 $10,000 $10,000 $0 $201.000 RECREATION $0 512,000 $0 $0 $0 $12.404 TOURISM $20,000 $0 $o $10,000 $0 $30,000 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES $0 5185,000 $0 $0 $0 $185,000 - FACILITIES MANAGEMENT $588,000 $10,000 $30.000 $775,000 51,559,000 T 0 T A L 5156,000 1999 CAPITAL PROJECTS CITY OF SAINT JOHN REAL ESTATE AND FACILITY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT: WORKS DEPARTMENT Blti9 —�L2� BUILDING LOCATION = Building Interior New No. Scope of Work Envelope Renovations Systems Site Construction OPERATIONS COMPLEX - 175 ROTHESAY AVE. 1 RENOVATIONS - OFFICE COMPLEX $155,000 ROOF REPLACEMENT - PHASE 1 , MOVE FROM CITY HALL 7TH FLOOR 2 EMERGENCY MEASURES OPERATIONS $40,000 3 CONSTRUCT MEZZANINE, STORES $35,000 WEST WORKS DEPOT - 951 FAIRVILLE BLVD. 1 LAYOUT SITE FOR EMPLOYEES PARKING $0 AREA, PAVE, LANDSCAPE AND GRADE 2 AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENTS $0 & IMPLEMENTATION NORTH WORKS DEPOT - 20 MCINTOSH ST $0 1 CONSTRUCT COLD STORAGE BUILDING FOR SALTERS J SANDERS, SITE IMPROVEMENTS EAST WORKS DEPOT - UNDETERMINED SITE $775,000 1 CONSTRUCT NEW GARAGE AND OFFICES TOTALS : $0 $230,000 $0 $0 $775,000 GRAND TOTAL: # # # # # # ## 1999 CAPITAL PROJECTS CITY OF SAINT JOHN REAL ESTATE AND FACILITY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT: FIRE BldStN.Q� BudaetUQ- BUILDING LOCATION Building Interior New No. Scope of Work Envelope Renovations Systems Site Construction FIRE STATION #1 - 45 LEINSTER STREET ROOF REPLACEMENT $35,000 FEMALE WASHROOMS FIRE STATION #2 - 850 LOCH LOMOND ROAD 1 INTERIOR RENOVATIONS/ SITE WORK $0 FIRE STATION #4 -36 COURTENAY AVENUE 1 UPGRADE WASHROOMS, MISC. $0 RENOVATIONS FIRE STATION #5 - 35 ADELAIDE STREET 1 REPAIR LEAKING MASONRY WALL $1 5,000 FIRE STATION #6 - 290 KING STREET WEST 1 REPAIR AND SEAL APPARTUS FLOOR $0 FIRE STATION #7 - 41 MANCHESTER AVE 1 REPAIR LEAKS AT WINDOWS AND $15,000 MASONRY WALLS FIRE STATION #8 - 600 MILLIDGE AVE $0 1 SITE IMPROVEMENTS 2 INSTALL RADIANT HEATING IN BAYS FIRE STATIONS ALL LOCATIONS $0 1 LANDSCAPING $65,000 $6,000 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL : GRAND TOTAL: $71,000 1999 CAPITAL PROJECTS CITY OF SAINT JOHN REAL ESTATE AND FACILITY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT: POLICE FORCE Bldo No. BudUCt No. BUILDING LOCATION Building Interior New No. Scope of Work Envelope Renovations Systems Site Construction CITY HALL - LOBBY LEVEL $30,000 1 RENOVATIONS - POLICE RESPONSE 2 RENOVATIONS - DETENTION AREA $1 5,000 NORTH HDQTRS - SOMERSET ST. $10,000 1 PARKING LOT EXTENSION POLICE WEST - FAIRVILLE BLVD $0 1 RENOVATIONS, IMPROVE AIR QUALITY $0 $45,000 $0 $10,000 $0 TOTAL: GRAND TOTAL.: $55,000 1999 CAPITAL PROJECTS CITY OF SAINT JOHN REAL ESTATE AND FACILITY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES -PARKS n No. BUdaet No_ BUILDING : COMMUNITY ARENAS LOCATION : Scope of Work w mg Envelope ntenor Now Renovations Systems Site Construction No. LANCASTER ARENA - 710 DEVER ROAD 1 ROOF REPLACEMENT - PHASE 2 $35,000 2 BATHROOM AND DRESSING ROOM RENOVATIONS 10,000 9 REPOINT BRICK WORK, ENTRANCE UPGRADING BELYEA ARENA - 400 LOWELL STREET 1 EXTERIOR REPAIRS $5,000 GORMAN ARENA - 80 UNIVERSITY AVENUE 1 EXTERIOR REPAIRS $5,000 2 PARKING LOT RECONSTRUCTION SIMONDS ARENA - 115 MCALLISTER DRIVE $ 5,000 1 EMERGENCY REPAIRS PROVISION HURLEY ARENA - 1500 HICKEY ROAD $0 1 PARKING LOT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION $55,000 $35,000 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL: GRAND TOTAL: $90,000 1999 CAPITAL PROJECTS CITY OF SAINT JOHN REAL ESTATE AND FACILITY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES - PARKS Bldg No. Budget No BUILDING : VARIOUS LOCATIONS LOCATION No. Scope of Work Jiuilding Envelope interior Renovations Systems Site New Construction OFFICE BUILDING - 175 ADELAIDE STREET 1 OFFICE RENOVAITONS - PHASE 2 $50,000 $0 2 ADDITION FOR SEASONAL STORAGE OF EQUIPMENT - COLD STORAGE CITY MARKET - 41 -51 CHARLOTTE STREET 1 RENOVATIONS TO SOLARIUM $10,000 2 UPGRADE PUBLIC WASHROOMS , 3 RECONSTRUCT TOWER CHIMNEYS 4 IMPROVEMENTS TO HVAC SYSTEM $10,000 LILY LAKE PAVILLION - 445 MOUNT PLEASANT AVE F_ 1 MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS & UPGRADING so FISHER LAKES A -FRAME CANTEEN $0 1 ADD STORAGE FACILITY TO BUILDING ALL FACILITIES $10,000 1 SIGNAGE PROGRAM TOTAL : $16,000 75,00 0 $10,001 $d GRAND TOTAL: $111,000 1999 CAPITAL PROJECTS CITY OF SAINT JOHN REAL ESTATE AND FACILITY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES - RECREATION gId° No $39e5 No. BUILDING : LOCATION : Building ntenar New No. Scope of Work Envelope Renovations Systems Site Construction ROCKWOOD PARK INTERPREATION CENTRE 143 LAKE DRIVE SOUTH 1 ADDITION FOR OFFICE AND STORAGE SPACE COMMUNITY CENTRES - FIVE LOCATIONS 1 MISC. RENOVATIONS $12'000 2 SITE IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL: $0 $12,000 $0 $0 $0 GRAND TOTAL: $12,000 1999 CAPITAL PROJECTS CITY OF SAINT JOHN REAL ESTATE AND FACILITY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES I� da No. Budaet No. BUILDING : TOURISM FACILITIES LOCATION : VARIOUS IL— No. Scope of Work Building Envelope Interior Renovations Systems Site New Construction REVERSING FALLS T.I.C. 1 RENOVATIONS - STAIRWAY. DECK ETC Q $20,000 2 SITE IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL : $20,000 $0 $0 GRAND TOTAL: $10,000 $10,000 $0 $30,000 1999 CAPITAL PROJECTS CITY OF SAINT JOHN REAL ESTATE AND FACILITY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES - FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Bldg N°• Budget No. BUILDING : CITY BALL / PEDWAYS LOCATION : Building nterior Now No. Scope of Work Envelope Renovations Systems Site Construction CITY HALL 1 VARIOUS DEPARTMENTAL MOVES $65,000 2 8TH FLOOR RENOVATIONS $60,000 3 CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTRE $40,000 PEDWAY SYSTEMS! MISCELLANEOUS 1 ENERGY MANAGEMENT MEASURES $20,000 TOTAL : $0 $1859000 $0 $0 $0 GRAND TOTAL: $185,000 MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS 1999 CAPITAL PROGRAM PROPOSAL VISION SIIA A A) REVISIONS TO TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM Original Proposal $3,690,000 PROTECTS DEFERRED COST • Belmont Street $141,000 • By -Road #2 (Priv.) $ 21,000 • By -Road #3 (Priv.) $ 14,000 • By -Road #4 (Priv.) $ 15,000 • By -Road #5 (Priv.) $ 20,000 • Manawagonish Road $112,000 • McLeod Road (Priv.) $ 47,000 • Poplar Lane (Priv.) $ 9,000 • Sand Cove Road $ 65,000 Total of proposed deferrals $444,000 ... . ... .... ...... .. . ....( -) $444,000 PROJECTS REDUCED COST • Simms Corner $295,000 (original cost) $250,000 (revised cost) $ 45,000 (reduction) • Curb and Sidewalk Restoration $15,000 (original cost) $14,000 (revised cost) $ 1,000 (reduction) Total of proposed reductions $46,000 .... .. ... .......... .... ..( -) $46,000 Revised Proposal $3,200,000 Page 1 of 6 02/12/99 MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS 1999 CAPITAL PROGRAM PROPOSAL VISION SUMMAR B) REVISIONS TO STORM PROGRAM Original Proposal $960,000 PROJECTS DEFERRED COST • Fairville Boulevard $25,000 • Westmount Drive $180,000 Total of proposed deferrals $205,000 ....... . .. . .... • ... ..( -) $205,000 PROJECTS INCREASED COST • Local Drainage $70,000 (original cost) $90,000 (revised cost) Total of proposed increases $20,000 ..... . . .... . ......... .. . ( +) $20,000 PROJECTS ADDED COST • Victoria Street East $25,00 0 Total of proposed additions $25,000.... . .. .. , . . - . • • • ... ( +) $25,000 Revised Proposal $500,000 NOTE: The Victoria Street East project was added to correct an ongoing storm drainage problem in the area. Page 2 of 6 02/12/99 MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS 1999 CAPITAL PROGRAM PROPOSAL (REVISION SUMMARY Q REVISIONS TO ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM OTHER CITY PROJECTS REDUCED COST COST • Spruce Lake Landfill Site $300,000 $300,000 (original cost) $250,000 $250,000 (revised cost) Total of proposed reductions $50,000 $50,000 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM $3,200,000 STORM PROGRAM * ** $ 800,000 ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM 5 250,000 TOTAL COST FOR GFNF,RAL FUND 54,250,000 ** * Includes four projects, totaling $185,000, for work in the Marsh Creek Flood Risk Area Page 3 of 6 02/12/99 MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS 1999 CAPITAL PROGRAM PROPOSAL VISION SUMMAR D) REVISIONS TO WATER PROGRAM Original Proposal $2,585,000 PROJECTS DEFERRED COST ■ Fairville Boulevard $10,000 • Spruce Lake Tank $10,000 Total of proposed deferrals $20,000 ... ... . ..... .... .... .....0 $20,000 PROJECTS INCREASED COST ■ Rothesay Avenue Complex $25,000 (original cost) $35,000 (revised cost) Total of proposed increases $10,000 , .. . .... . ..............( +) $10,000 PROJECTS ADDED COST • Rockwood Avenue $85,000 Total of proposed additions $85,000 .... ... .... . . ........ ....( +} $85,000 Revised Proposal $2,660,000 NOTE: The addition of the Rockwood Avenue project is necessary at this time so it can be constructed in conjunction with the Oakland Street project. This is necessary because of elevation and grade problems recently discovered in the Oakland Street sanitary sewer that is to be renewed. Page 4 of 6 02/12/99 MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS 1999 CAPITAL PROGRAM PROPOSAL VISION SUMMAR E) REVISIONS TO SANITARY PROGRAM PROJECTS DEFERRED • Fairville Boulevard Total of proposed deferrals PROJECTS REDUCED • Unspecified Project Funding Total of proposed reductions PROJECTS ADDED • Rockwood Avenue Total of proposed additions Original Proposal $2,215,000 COST $60,000 $60,000 , . , . ... .. .. ......... .. . . . (-)$60,000 COST $232,000 (original cost) $127,000 (revised cost) $I05,000 . .... .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. ( -) $105,000 COST $90,000 $90,000 . ... .. . . ............. .. ( +} $90,000 Revised Proposal $2,140,000 NOTE: The addition of the Rockwood Avenue project is necessary at this time so it can be constructed in conjunction with the Oakland Street project. This is necessary because of elevation and grade problems recently discovered in the Oakland Street sanitary sewer that is to be renewed. Page 5 of 6 02/12/99 MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS 1999 CAPITAL PROGRAM PROPOSAL VISION SUMMAR F) REVISIONS TO INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM Note: There are no revisions to this program. Original Proposal $2,000,000 Revised Proposal $2,000,000 WATER & SEWERAGE FUND SUMMARY WATER PROGRAM $2,660,000 SANITARY PROGRAM $2,140,000 INFRASTRUCTURE (CITY'S CONTRIBUTION) $2,000,000 TOTAL COST FOR WATER & SEWERAGE FUND $6,800,000 Page 6 of 6 02/12/99 MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION CITY OF SAINT JOHN, N.B. PROPOSED 1999 CAPITAL PROJECTS THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS 1999 CAPITAL PROGRAM ANSPORTATION - PRIORIT OTHER CITY PROJECT LOCATION N SHARE SHARE Algonquin Place Prince Street to dead end Curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving 0 50,000 Beacon Street Mount Pleasant Avenue East to Curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving 0 146,000 Edith Avenue Burpee Avenue Mount Pleasant Avenue to Curb & sidewalk 0 106,000 Rockland Road Capital Program Staffing Engineering Division Supplementary staff for completion of capital 0 80,000 program Carmarthen Street King Street East to Leinster Street Curb, sidewalk, paving 0 58,000 Champlain Drive Champlain Heights School to Curb, sidewalk, landscaping 0 41,000 Sherwood Drive Charles Street Garden Street to end Retaining wall recapping, fencing 0 60,000 Charlotte Street Princess Street to Duke Street Curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving 0 108,000 Chip Sealing Various locations Application of single coat 0 60,000 Crack Sealing Various locations Sealing of asphalt pavement cracks 0 20,000 Culverts Various locations Culvert renewal 0 40,000 Curb and Sidewalk Various locations Restoration of damaged concrete curb and sidewalk 0 14,000 Restoration Glen Road Simpson Drive to MacKay Street Curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving 0 149,000 Greendale Crescent Mollins Drive to Dever Road Curb, landscaping 0 77,000 Guiderail Various locations Guiderail renewal 0 20,000 Guilford Street Ludlow Street to Watson Street Curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving 0 83,000 Hazen Street Civic #99 to dead -end Curb, sidewalk, paving 0 82,000 Hickey Road Between Simonds High School Curb, sidewalk, landscaping 0 105,000 entrance and Loch Lomond Road Highwood Drive Mount Pleasant Avenue to end Concrete gutter (south side), landscaping, paving 0 58,000 Holland Street Rothesay Avenue to Concrete gutter, landscaping, paving 0 95,000 Simpson Drive THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS 1999 CAPITAL PROGRAM TOTAL.: 360,000 3,200,000 T ANSpOgTATIO - PRIORITYY( nt' OTHER CITY PROJECT LOCATION I)ESCRIEIION SHAU SHARE King Street Various locations from Brick sidewalk renewal 0 20,000 Charlotte Street to Germain Street Kingsville Road Tulip Street to Magnolia Street Curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving 0 80,000 Lakewood Avenue Ext. McNamara Drive to end Grading, paving 0 32,000 Loch Lomond Road (RDH) McAllister Drive to Curb, sidewalk, landscaping 0 57,000 Garnett Road Loch Lomond Road (RDH) At civic #3542 Road realignment 30,000 30,000 Mount Pleasant Bayside Drive to Pleasant Curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving 0 133,000 Avenue East City Street Owens Road (Priv.) Civic #130 to dead end Ditching, grading, culverts, easement 0 13,000 Parks Street Ext. Civic #124 to Sandy Point Road Curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving 0 100,000 Princess Street Sydney Street to Curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving 0 146,000 Wentworth Street Ravenscliffe Court At N -W comer of Mount Retaining wall reconstruction 0 70,000 Pleasant Avenue Rothesay Avenue At McAllister Drive Intersection Land Acquisition for road widening 0 180,000 (PDH #100) Rothesay Avenue Marco Polo Bridge to Curb and sidewalk repairs, drainage control, partial 330,000 80,000 (PDH #100) Russell Street road excavation, planing, paving Russell Hill Road Green Head Road to Curb, sidewalk, landscaping 0 103,000 Balmoral Road Simms Comer At Simms Comer Land acquisition for intersection improvements, 0 250,000 design, specifications, project management Somerset Street Rope Walk Road to beyond Sidewalk, landscaping (south side), paving 0 114,000 new Superstore location Street Landscaping Various Locations Refurbish existing grass medians 0 25,000 Tilley Avenue McKenna Crescent to end Curb, landscaping, paving 0 24,000 Traffic Signage & Signals Various Locations Upgrade controllers, arms, signs, etc. 0 105,000 Union Street Wentworth Street to Curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving 0 135,000 Crown Street Walter Street Simpson Drive to end Concrete gutter, landscaping, paving 0 46,000 Westview Drive At civic #15 Retaining wall construction 0 5,000 TOTAL.: 360,000 3,200,000 PROJECT Bayside Drive Carpenter Place Golden Grove Road Local Drainage Manawagonish Creek Storm Sewer Marsh Creek Marsh Creek Milford Road Mystery Lake Sherbrooke Street Victoria Street East Westfield Road THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS 1999 CAPITAL PROGRAM STORM PRIORITY 1 OTHER CITY LOCATION DESCRIPTION SHARE SHAU Mount Pleasant Avenue East Renew approx. 60 m of 300 mm with 600 nun storm 0 35,000 toward Spruce Avenue sewer Carpenter Place to Saint John Storm separation, ditching, acquire easements 0 135,000 Throughway At Parkhill Drive Renew approx. 80 m of 450 mm and 600 mm storm 0 60,000 sewer across Golden Grove Road, including ditching for improved drainage Various locations Correct small existing drainage problems 0 90,000 At Meadowland Subdivision Rehabilitation of 1200 mm ARMCO storm sewer 0 65,000 Entire length Install tide boards to monitor creek level 0 25,000 Between Rothesay Avenue and Improve flow characteristics of creek in preparation 0 50,000 Ashburn Road for renewal of Rothesay Avenue bridge by Province of N.B. (in year 2000) Violet Street toward Green Head Install approx. 250 in of new storm sewer 0 100,000 Road At Golden Grove Road Investigate feasibility of future flood storage and 0 50,000 design, including design services Civic #308 to Sand Cove Road Install 230 in of new storm sewer for separation 0 125,000 Near Topeka Street Correct drainage problem in the area 0 25,000 Civic #3210 to Highfield Avenue Install approx. 80 m of new 300 mm storm sewer 0 40,000 TOTAL: 0 800,000 PROJECT LOCATION Spruce Lake Landfill Site Spruce Lake THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS 1999 CAPITAL PROGRAM RM' RSZNMENT I rO Site restoration, including design services OTHER CITY SHARE SHARE 250,000 250,000 TOTAL: 250,000 250,000 t OTHER THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN SHARE MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS 0 1999 CAPITAL PROGRAM 0 WATER - PRIO_R_1_T. 'I PROJECT LOCATION DES RIPTION CAD System Engineering Division, City Hall, Software/Hardware/Training 7th Floor Capital Program Staffing Engineering Division Supplementary staff for completion of capital program City Road At Marco Polo Bridge Renew existing leaking valves East 900 mm Transmission Rothesay Avenue to approx. Seals for 900 mm dia. watermain Main 300 m west of Loch Lomond Road Ellerdale Street At Jewish Cemetary Cross Connect 400 mm Hyprescon watermain from #3 to #2 Transmission Main Fire Hydrant Markers Various locations Install fire hydrant markers Fire Hydrant Relocation Various locations Relocate existing fire hydrants, and install new fire hydrants Flushing Chambers Market Place West Install new flushing chamber for water quality maintenance Lancaster Avenue Near Saint John Throughway Renew existing 300 mm cross connection between 2 overpass 600 mm watermains with 600 mm pipe and butterfly valve to improve fire protection Latimer Lake At Latimer Lake New caretaker's station Lead Services Various locations Renew lead services with copper Little River At pipe yard Replace valves and eliminate old intakes Loch Lomond Road Westmorland Road to Civic #68 Renew 110 m of 200 mm watermain Manners Sutton Road At end of road Renew and lower 35 m of 200 mm watermain Michael Crescent At Right -of -way Cross connect 200 nun watermain from #3 to #2 Transmission Main Milford Road Violet Street toward Green Head Renew 215 m of 300 mm watermain (1911) Road Mountain Road Former Mountain Road pump Install PRV and remove existing pumps to improve station flow for Forest Hills Oakland Street Rockwood Avenue to Abandon 25 mm copper service; transfer services to Marlborough Avenue existing 200 nun D.I. watermain Pipeline Road East Dry Lake Chamber to Wigmore Install 1050 mm replacement transmission main and Chamber eliminate Dry Lake Chamber, including design services OTHER CITY SHARE SHARE 0 5,000 0 35,000 0 150,000 0 550,000 0 50,000 0 15,000 0 20,000 0 20,000 0 20,000 0 100,000 0 100,000 0 50,000 0 50,000 0 30,000 0 70,000 0 115,000 0 50,000 0 10,000 0 600,000 THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS 1999 CAPITAL PROGRAM nt'd OTHER CITY PROJECT LOCATION DESCRIPTION SHARE SHARE Radio Frequency Meter Various locations Install transponders on existing water meters 0 50,000 Readers Rockwood Avenue Rothesay Avenue to Renew 170 m of 200 mm watermain 0 85,000 Oakland Street Rockwood Court Tilley Avenue to Davenport New Gate Valves and watermain at various locations 0 25,000 Avenue Rothesay Avenue At Russell Street Cross connect 900 /600 /400 nun watermains, 0 20,000 including design services Rothesay Avenue Complex At Rothesay Avenue Complex Office layout renovations 0 35,000 Seacliff Drive Civic #993 to sanitary Renew approx. 70 m of 150 nun with 200 mm 0 40,000 trunk sewer watermain, including design services Sherbrooke Street Benji Lane to Ontario Street Renew 170 m of 200 nun watermain 0 85,400 Spruce Lake Outside Intake Building Install 1500 mm Butterfly valve, chamber, and air 0 70,000 valve Tilley Lane Behind Carleton Community Renew 165 m of 200 mm watermain 0 85,000 Center Water Pump Stations Various locations Upgrade equipment and facilities 0 50,000 Water Treatment Plants Various locations Upgrade equipment and facilities 0 50,000 Watersheds Loch Lomond/Spruce Lake Land acquisition 0 25,000 watersheds TOTAL: 0 2,660,000 ,! , THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS 1999 CAPITAL PROGRAM OTHER CITY PROJECT LOCATION DESCRIPTION SHAM SHARE CAD System Engineering Division, City Hall, Software/Hardware/Training 0 5,000 7th Floor Capital Program Staffing Engineering Division Supplementary staff for completion of capital 0 45,000 program Egbert Street Egbert Street to outfall Renew twin 375 mm sewers with 150 m of 600 nun 0 100,000 sewer to outfall Hazen Creek STP Hazen Creek Improvement re: comprehensive evaluation, 0 150,000 including design services Inspection Manholes Rothesay Avenue Install inspection manholes on various commercial 0 15,000 laterals Kennebecasis Drive Brothers Cove northward to dead- Line approx. 182 m of 300 mm dia.& 48 m of 200 0 90,000 end sanitary manhole mm dia., and rehabilitate remainder of existing sanitary sewer Lancaster STP At treatment plant New septage receiving station, including design 160,000 40,000 services Lancaster STP At treatment plant Construction of access road for new septage 0 150,000 receiving station (City share) Lancaster STP At treatment plant Sludge reduction 0 80,000 Loch Lomond Road Westmorland Road to Civic #68 Renew and lower 110 m of 250 mm sanitary sewer 0 60,000 Milford Road Violet Street toward Green Head Renew 215 m of 200 mm sanitary sewer 0 105,000 Road Millidge Avenue At RKYC Renew existing sanitary lift station to increase 0 13,000 capacity, including design services Oakland Street Rockwood Avenue to Renew 85 m of 200 nun sanitary sewer 0 50,000 Marlborough Avenue Rockwood Avenue Rothesay Avenue to Renew 170 m of 200 mm sanitary sewer 0 90,000 Oakland Street Rothesay Avenue Civic #366 to Civic #394 Renew approx. 285 m of 750 mm trunk sewer, 0 225,000 including design services Russell Street Near 1 -Mile House Renew 100 m of 300 nun T.C. sanitary sewer 0 60,000 Saint John Throughway At Mill Street Viaduct Line approx. 65 m of 1500 mm corrugated metal pipe 0 120,000 under throughway Seacliff Drive Civic #993 to sanitary Renew approx. 20 m of 250 'nun, and relocate 0 85,000 trunk sewer existing with 100 m of 300 mm sanitary sewer, including design services Service Lateral Renewal Various locations Renew water services and sewer laterals to property 0 120,000 line I THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS 1999 CAPITAL PROGRAM TOTAL: 160,000 2,140,000 RY - PRIORITY I (cont' OTHER CITY PROJECT LO AAIM DESCRIPT]ON SHARE SHARE Sewer cleaning Various trunk sewers Clean main trunk sewers and video 0 20,000 Sherbrooke Street Bcnji Lane to Ontario Street Renew 340 m of 300 mm sanitary and 525 mm storm 0 155,000 sewers Sheriff Street Main Street toward Line 30 in of 750 mm sanitary sewer 0 40,000 Hilyard Street Tilley Lane Behind Carleton Renew 90 m of 200 mm sanitary sewer 0 45,000 Community Center Unspecified Project Various locations Funds to be specified and approved by common 0 127,000 Funding council at a later date wastewater STP Various locations Upgrading mechanical equipment 0 150,000 TOTAL: 160,000 2,140,000 THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS 1999 CAPITAL PROGRAM TOTAL: 2,000,000 2,000,000 INFRASTRUCTURE - PRIORITY l OTHER CITY PROJECT LOrAT DESCRIPTION NHARE SHARE Kennebecasis Drive Millidgeville Ferry Landing to Install 2 sewage pump stations, forcemain, & gravity 352,500. 352,500 Beach Crescent sanitary sewer, including design services North End Sewerage Churchill Boulevard from Install new gravity sanitary sewer to Churchill 1,172,500 1,172,500 Scheme Somerset Street to Sears Street Boulevard pumping station, including design services North End Sewerage Millidgeville Sewage Treatment Install 2 sludge presses as equipment upgrade, 475,000 475,000 Scheme Plant including design services TOTAL: 2,000,000 2,000,000 c office of the Mary L_ Munford Common Clerk Common Clerk March 10, 1999 Mr. Andrew Beckett Commissioner of Finance 9th Floor, City Hail P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB E2L 4L1 Dear Sir: P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4LI RE: BORROWING RESOLUTIONS Enclosed is a certified copy of a resolution adopted by the Common Council on March 1, 1999, regarding the above matter. Yours truly, Mary L. nford Common Clerk MLM:sc E: City of Saint John PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK COUNTY OF SAINT JOHN I, MARY L. MUNFORD, of the City of Saint John in the County of Saint John and Province of New Brunswick, DO HEREBY CERTIFY:- 1. That I am the Common Clerk of the said City of Saint John and as such have the custody of the minutes and records of the Common Council of the said City of Saint John and of the Common Seal of the said City. 2. That hereto attached and marked "A" is a copy of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of Saint John on the 1st day of March, A.D. 1999. 3. That I have carefully compared the said resolution with the original and the same is a true copy thereof. A.D. 1999. D A T E D at the City of Saint John on the 10th day of March, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I, the said Assistant Common Clerk of the City of Saint John have hereunto affixed the Common Seal of the said City the day and year first hereinbefore written. Mary L. Mu Common C "All "RESOLVED that for general operating purposes: The Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized to borrow, on behalf of the City of Saint John (the Corporation), from the Bank of Nova Scotia (the Bank) from time to time by way of promissory note, a sum or sums not exceeding at any one time three million two hundred thousand dollars ($3,200,000) to meet current expenditures of the Corporation for the year 1999; 2. Any two of the Commissioner of Finance, the Deputy City Manager, the Comptroller or the Budget Officer are hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Corporation and to furnish to the Bank from time to time a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal for the sum or sums so borrowed with interest at such rate as the Bank may from time to time determine; 3_ The Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized and directed to furnish to the Bank at the time of each borrowing and at such other times as the Bank may from time to time request, a statement showing the nature and amount of the estimated revenues of the current year not yet collected or where the estimates for the year have not been adopted, a statement showing the nature and amount of the estimated revenues of the Corporation as set forth in the estimates adopted for the next preceding year and also showing the total of any amounts borrowed in the current year and in any preceding year that have not been repaid; and 4. The Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed from the Bank, with interest thereon, all of the monies hereafter collected or received on account or realized in respect of the taxes levied for the current year and for any preceding years and all of the monies collected or received from any other source; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that for the purposes of bridge financing on Capital Expenditures: 5. The City of Saint John establish a revolving term loan to bridge finance capital expenditures to a maximum of $8,000,000 and the Commissioner of Finance be authorized to borrow from the Bank to the specified limit; 6. Any two of the Commissioner of Finance, the Deputy City Manager, the Comptroller or the Budget Officer are hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Corporation and to furnish to the Bank from time to time a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal for the sum or sums so borrowed with interest at such rate as the Bank may from time to time determine; and 7 Any two of the Commissioner of Finance, the Deputy City Manager, the Comptroller or the Budget Officer are hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Corporation and to furnish to the Bank an agreement or agreements under the Seal of the Corporation providing for payment to the Bank of all amounts required to be paid by the Bank pursuant to each promissory note of the Corporation guaranteed by the Bank with interest at such rate as the Bank may from time to time determine and of a guarantee fee in respect of each such promissory note at such rate as the Bank may from time to time determine. I Finance Dcpartment OPEN SESSION M & C - 99 -49 February 12, 1999 Her Worship Shirley A. McAlary And Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: P.O. Box 1971 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 41-1 506 658 -2800 BORROWING RESOLUTIONS rn. 77 City of Saint John The Bank of Nova Scotia has requested certain resolutions to be passed by Common Council to formalize the line of credit with the City. Council normally passes the required resolutions during the first part of the year. The Bank requires the appropriate resolutions for 1999. ANALYSIS: The City has had an $11,200,000 line of credit with the Bank of Nova Scotia for a number of years. This amount represents $3,200,000 for general operating purposes and $8,000,000 for bridge financing on capital expenditures. It is most unlikely that actual borrowings will reach these combined levels, but there is no harm in having the credit limits in place as a precautionary measure. PAGE TWO RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that for general operating purposes: I. That the Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized to borrow, on behalf of the City of Saint John (the Corporation), from the Bank of Nova Scotia (The Bank) from time to time by way of promissory note, a sum or sums not exceeding at any one time three million two hundred thousand dollars $3,200,000) to meet current expenditures of the Corporation for the year 1999; 2. That any two of the Commissioner of Finance, the Deputy City Manager, Comptroller or the Budget Officer are hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Corporation and to furnish to the Bank from time to time a promissory note or notes sealed with the corporate seal for the sum or sums so borrowed with interest at such rate as the bank may from time to time determine; 3. That the Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized and directed to furnish to the Bank at the time of each borrowing and at such other times as the Bank may from time to time request, a statement showing the nature and amount of the estimated revenues of the current year not yet collected or where the estimates for the year have not been adopted, a statement showing the nature and amount of the estimated revenues of the Corporation as set forth in the estimates adopted for the next preceding year and also showing the total of any amounts borrowed in the current year and in any preceding year that have not been repaid, and 4. That the Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed from the Bank, with interest thereon, all of the monies hereafter collected or received on account or realized in respect of the taxes levied for the current year and for any preceding years and all of the monies collected or received from any other source. PAGE THREE RECOMMENDATIONS (contd.) 4. And it is further recommended that for the purposes of bridge financing on Capital Expenditures. That the City of Saint John establish a revolving term loan to bridge finance capital expenditures to a maximum of $8,000,000 and the Commissioner of Finance be authorized to borrow from the Bank to the specified limit, and 5. That any two of the Commissioner of Finance, the Deputy City Manager, Comptroller or Budget Officer are hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Corporation and to furnish to the Bank from time to time a promissory note or notes sealed with the corporate seal for the sum or sums so borrowed with interest at such rate as the Bank may from time to time determine, and 6. That any two of the Commissioner of Finance, the Deputy City Manager, Comptroller, or the Budget Officer are hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Corporation and to furnish to the Bank an Agreement or Agreements under the seal of the Corporation providing for payment to the Bank of all amounts required to be paid by the Bank pursuant to each promissory note of the Corporation guaranteed by the Bank with interest at such rate as the Bank may from time to time determine and of a guarantee fee in respect of each such promissory note at such rate as the Bank may from time to time determine. Respectfully submitted, 6 F---,WA 19 K 4 4 n1l V r Em An&ew P. Beckett, C.A. Commissioner of Finance \�D l Ter ce L. Totten, C.A. City Manager M& C 99 -64 March 1, 1999 Her Worship Shirley A. McAlary and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Replacement of IBM AS400 Public Safety Communications Centre BACKGROUND City of Saint John The Computer Aided Dispatch system and other associated computer applications utilized by the Public Safety Communications Centre (PSCC) operate on an IBM AS400 Model F45 computer located at Fire Station #1. The City was recently notified by IBM that the Model F45, originally purchased in 1989, will no longer be supported by them after March 31,1999 unless an upgrade is performed_ To meet the requirements and expected service levels of the PSCC, and to maintain support for the system, it is necessary to upgrade the Model F45 to a Model 620. ANALYSIS As the AS400 is an IBM product, it can only be acquired through IBM with assistance through their local business partner, MITI Information Technology Inc. Staff have had a number of discussions with both parties regarding the most appropriate options to upgrade the Model F45 recognizing the current and projected operating and technological requirements of the PSCC. It is proposed to upgrade the Model F45 to a Model 620 at an estimated cost of $150,000_ This option provides the capability to expand for future technology requirements, as well as the ability to utilize and transfer some of the hardware from the existing F45 to the Model 620. As noted this upgrade has to be completed by March 31, 1999, in order to receive continued support from IBM_ M & C 99 -64 March 1, 1999 Page 2 FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS The 1999 Capital Budget includes funding for this project INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES This matter has been reviewed with the Materials Management Division as well as the Public Safety Services Board. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Common Council authorize the acquisition of an IBM AS400 Model 620 and associated installation services from MITI Information Technology Inc. at a cost not to exceed $150,000. ape y Submitted, W.D_Todd Director, Information Technology 2rew Beckett Commissioner, Corporate Services Te E. Totten, C.A_ City Manager REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M & C — 99 -63 25 February, 1999 City of Saint John Her Worship Shirley A. McAIary and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Tender for 2 Intermediate Size Cars BACKGROUND: Tenders have been received for the supply of two intermediate size 4 door front wheel drive cars for the Saint John Fire Department. These cars arc being purchased to replace two existing vehicles which have out lived their economical maintenance life. The first is a 1993 Chevrolet Caprice which was a retired police car and which presently has 194,808 kilometres showing. The second vehicle is a 1993 Chrysler Dynasty originally purchased for another department but which was transferred to the Fire service in 1994. This vehicle has an extensive maintenance history including repeated transmission problems. The odometer is presently showing 131,211 kilometres. ANALYSIS: Three companies responded to the City's tender call by submitting bids. A summary of the tenders is enclosed for your consideration. Staff of Materials Management and Fleet Services have reviewed the bids and have found them to be complete in every regard save one. It is important to note that even though not the low bidder, Downey Ford Sales Ltd, failed to include the required bid deposit with their tender. Downeys did include a certified cheque, however the tender required a deposit of 3% of the total bid price. Downeys cheque represented a deposit of 1.5% of the total price, in other words their deposit was based on the unit cost not the total cost. PAGE ANALYSIS ... cont'd; While this appears to be a minor error, it is important to note that given Council's procurement policy, had Downeys been the lowest bidder, staff would have had no option but to recommend against acceptance of their bid. Staff will advise the bidder of this error so as to avoid future confusion. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The replacement of two Fire Department vehicles is a planned expenditure and as such, funds to cover the cost are included in the 1999 annual operating budget. The total cost, if awarded to the lowest bidder as recommended and with all taxes included, will be $46,713.00. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the tender submitted by Lorne ➢Brett Chevrolet Oldsmobile Cadillac Ltd for the supply of 2 — 1999 Chevrolet Lumina 4 door, front wheel drive sedans for the Saint John Fire Department, in the amount of $20,310.00 each, plus tax, be accepted. Respectfully sub ' ted, David Logan,CVPB Purchasing Agent 4L /P8)�E - A60rew Beckett, CA Commissioner Finance VA Totten, CA City Manager rn � ON R, 410 N N w b cn U a 0 0 H Ooh N O� 6� O pG 3 H CD O o - W c> c) p O O M p N O) p m \D 0 O6 ,6 F6� EEO '_' F-� V bs bs GS ;> O0V� - U aaao O G V� W� W� O ',D 'D Wl I'D GS GG4 69 AGO fse a Cl) U; O x (D O C) � H a 0 0 o O N cF N 464 b4 b4 tn �x 7'± U o, z 1 O QW aw + a0U O A � H � PL4 W N J x REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL / 'Z M & C — 99 -62 25 February, 1999 Her Worship Shirley A. McAlary and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Tender for Life Insurance BACKGROUND: Each year the City calls a tender for the purchase of paid up life insurance policies for those individuals who have retired from city service within the previous 12 month period. Each of these policies has a face value of $5,000.00 and each has a different unit cost based on the age of the retiree. ANALYSIS: Two companies submitted bids for your consideration. Staff have reviewed both and have found them to be complete in every regard. The following is a breakdown of the bidders and the total costs offered. Clark Administrative Consultants Ltd. $39,428.10 (on behalf of The Co- operators Ltd) Saint John, N.B. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada $51,973.90 Halifax, N.S. ik"I" Page Two FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The total cost to purchase 19 paid up life insurance policies with a face value of $5,000 per each, will be, if awarded to the lowest bidder, $39,428.10 This is a yearly obligation for which funds are included in. the annual operating budget. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the tender of Clark Administrative Consultants Ltd, on behalf of The Co- operators Ltd, for the provision of 19 - $5,000.00 paid up life insurance policies for retired City of Saint John employees, at a total premium cost of $39,428.10, be accepted. Resnectfullv su David Logan, Purchasing A ,4 4' P&kis Ahdrew Beckctt, CA Commissioner Finance Tai,. Totten, CA City Manager Ig REPORT TO COMMON 'GUNIC11" City of Saint John M& C99-65 March 1, 1999 HER WORSHIP MAYOR SHIRLEY MCALARY AND MEMBERS OF COMMON COUNCIL YOUR WORSHIP AND COUNCILLORS: SUBJECT: Request from Saint John Youth Hockey_ Association t_SDaW to extend arena schedule BACKGROUND: At the Common Council meeting of February 22 a request from SJYHA to keep the Gorman Arena open for an additional 14 days was referred to staff. Council was advised that the Saint John Sports Plus Juvenile "A" has the opportunity to host a tournament know as the Atlantics, on April 9, 10 and l Vh. All City of Saint John arenas, as well as all surrounding community arenas, are scheduled to close for the regular season on or before March -28. Prior to the beginning of the hockey season each fall, all users are requested to submit required ice time for the entire season. SJYHA did not request ice time for this tournament until recently. In order to make the Gorman arena available it will be necessary to place the refrigeration plant in "idle" mode for 11 days, then in operating mode for the three days requested. Staff who work at the arena will be assigned to other maintenance duties at the arenas or in preparing city parks and sports fields for the coming months and be reassigned to arena operations during the tournament.. Based on past records the opportunity to sell additional ice time in early April is very minimal. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS: It is estimated that it will cost approximately $800 to keep the plant idle for the 11 days between the scheduled end of the regular season and the beginning of the Atlantics tournament. At this time staff has not been provided with the number of rental hours required for the tournament. Assuming that about 16 hours will be required for the three day tournament, the Recreation Department will bill the tournament operator $1888 (16 hours X $118, adult rate) less a minor subsidy of $944, from the youth arena rental subsidy account resulting in net revenue to the City of $944. SJYHA rents approximately $80,000 of ice time annually. As a policy the City also matches this amount of $80,000 from the youth arena rental subsidy account. Council should be aware that SJYHA currently has an outstanding balance of $26,885 on the 1998 -99 regular season rental. Staff has every expectation that this balance will be paid in full before summer, however, Council may wish to direct that the balance be paid in full by the end of the regular season. In order to accommodate summer operations all arena employees are scheduled to transfer to summer shifts from the normal winter shifts on March 28. All employees remain on day shifts until May at which time summer schedules and shifts begin. In order to service the Atlantic tournament on Friday evening and over the weekend it will be necessary to incur overtime costs. The overtime costs could be in the order of $500 depending on the final schedule of the tournament. For this event the tournament operator should pay any necessary overtime costs in addition to regular arena rental cost. These overtime costs would not apply if the tournament had been scheduled to occur during the regular season, when shifts were in place. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City of Saint John oblige the request of the Saint John Youth Hockey Association and make the Gorman arena available on April 9, 10 &11, 1999 in accordance with normal arena rental policy, plus any associated overtime costs. Respectfully submitte William Butler, P.Eng. Commissioner, Community Services J TeInnce Totten, CA City Manager February 18, 1999 SAINT JOHN YOUTH HOCKEY ASSOCIATION Attention: Common Council P.O. Box 2641, Saint John, N.B. E21- 4Z1 The Saint John Sports Plus Juvenile "A" team have the opportunity to host the Atlantics for the Juvenile "A" division. These young gentlemen are aged 18 - 20 years old. This is an opportunity that comes along once in a lifetime for some of these kids. They have come up through the system of minor hockey learning the fundamentals of the game, comradship and being a team player. It involves teams from New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia. They have played a long and hard season for the privilege of participating in this event. Even as we speak no one knows what teams will have the privilege of representing their province, that will be decided at the end of March. But because of regulations of the Minor Hockey Council, no team can host any tournament during the Easter Weekend thereby the posibility of not having an Atlantics seems to be a reality. We have been told that there will be no rinks open in Saint John after the end of March. Because of that we have looked at every other venue that had the possibility of being open to us, from Quispamsis to the River Valley Community Centre, but to no avail_ We are not looking for a free ride, we know that in hosting this event comes the financial responsibilty. What we are asking is that the City Council will look at keeping the Gorman Arena open so that we are able to host the Atlantics during the weekend of April 9, 10 & 11 /99. With Saint John Youth Minor hockey paying an average of approximately $80,000.00 a year for ice time, we do not feel that the extension would be too much to ask, as I would suspect that there is not one organization in the city of Saint John that does spend that much per year for ice time. The Saint John Sports Plus Juvenile "A" team and the Executive of Saint John Youth Minor Hockey thank you in advance for hearing us opt. Yours in Hockey, Dianne Warner Tournament Director, SJYMHA Manager, Saint John Sports Plus ohn Richardson President, SJYMHA REWV W comm ew`ls a 19 wOG MOP REPOR I' "TO COMMON COUNCIL OPEN SESSrON M& C -99 -66 February 26„ 1999 Her Worship Mayor Shirley McAlary And Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: RE: Canada Games Aquatic Centre BACKGROUND: City of Saint John In July of 1997 the Aquatic Centre Commission met with Common Council to alert them to the potential for expensive capital costs associated with the repair of the facility's chiller and boiler. Since that time the Commission has carried out the required repairs/replacements and is now seeking reimbursements of the costs involved. ANALYSIS: There are two components to the repairs carried out by the Commission the chiller system and one of the facility's boilers_ The total costs incurred for the repair of these two items was $82,989.36 as follows. Chiller System: In the spring of 1997 at start -up, a failure was reported in the HVAC unit of the Aquatic Centre. It was determined that the tubes of the chiller unit were leaking due to scoring of the tube face. At this time ADI Engineering Consultants were employed to consult on the problem and outline options for dealing with it_ Due to the high cost of equipment replacement a number of repair alternatives were attempted however all were unsuccessful and as such replacement of the tubes was required. Total costs incurred for this work was $46,989.36. ........2 Page 2 Boiler: The boiler in question has required a number of small repairs to its fire box over its lifetime. During the early months of 1998 the boiler deteriorated to the point where operations of the facility were being compromised as a result of limited heat and hot water. The repair costs were determined to be more extensive than total replacement of the unit. The costs associated with the installation of the new boiler were $36,000. Invoices for all costs associated with these items have been submitted to the Finance Department. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: There was no provision made in the 1998 capital budget for these expenditures_ These expenditures were incurred prior to the inception of the Regional Facilities Commission and as such the City is responsible for the costs incurred. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Common Council approve the payment of $82,989.36 to the Canada Games Aquatic Centre representing the capital costs associated with repair and replacement of their boiler and chiller systems as noted and that the costs be added to the 1998 capital budget for the facility. Respectfully submitted, An taw P_ Beckett C.A. Commissioner of Finance �� \A'�,/ �- Terry Totten C.A city Manager To the COMMON COUNCIL of the City of Saint John The Committee of the Whole reports Your Committee reports that it sat on Monday, February 22, 1999, when there were present Mayor McAlary, Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillors Ball, Chase, Court, Fitzpatrick, Titus, Trites, Vincent and White, and your Committee submits the following recommendation, namely: 1. That as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council (1) accept the proposal made by Corporation 1906 Inc. for the purchase and development of Lot 97 -1, Paradise Row (NBGIC Number 55143077); authorize the sale of Lot 97 -1, Paradise Row to Corporation 1906 Inc_ for the purchase price of $57,600 plus applicable taxes and closing costs, upon the terms and conditions of Proposal Call REFM 99 -1A, with the bid deposit of $2,880 to be held as a down payment on the property; and (2) accept the proposal by Stephen Halsall for the purchase and development of 471 Millidge Avenue (NBGIC Number 55115059; authorize the sale of 471 Millidge Avenue to Stephen Halsall for the purchase price of $31,100 plus applicable taxes and closing costs, upon the terms and conditions of Proposal Call REFM 99 -1 B, with the bid deposit of $1,555 to be held as a down payment on the property; and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the deeds, and all other bid deposits be returned. Respectfully submitted, March 1, 1999, Shirley McAla / Saint John, N.B. C h a i r m a n. 0 o The shaded area represents Lot 97 -1, Paradise Row �r �A LAND INFORMATION SHEET Location: 471 Mi li Zoning: R 1 -B Lot Area: 2.28 acres Probable Use: Residential Development Dimensions: Irregular PID: 5511 5059 Street Frontage: 98 m PAN: 04769559 Tax Assessment: $ 42,700 Municipal Services: Available along Millidge Avenue Comments: Parcel is low and retains water. Next to a power substation. Office of the Mary L. Munford P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Common Clerk Common Clerk Saint John New Brunswick Canada E21- 4L1 March 3, 1999 City of Saint John Mr. David Lunney President Corporation 1906 Inc. 44 Ashfield Street Fredericton, NB E3A 3E9 Dear Sir: At a meeting held on March 1, 1999, Common Council accepted the proposal made by Corporation 1906 Inc. for the purchase and development of Lot 97 -1, Paradise Row (NBGIC Number 55143077); and authorized the sale of the property for the purchase price of $57,600 plus applicable taxes and closing costs, upon the terms and conditions of Proposal Call REFM 99 -1A, with the bid deposit of $2,880 to be held as a down payment on the property. Please contact Lynda Farrell of the City's Legal Department at 658 -2860 to complete the details of this transaction. Yours truly, Mary L. unford Common Clerk M LM: sc office of the Mary L. Munford P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Common Clerk Common Clerk Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4Li March 3, 1999 Mr. Stephen Halsall One Boars Head Road Saint John, NB E2K 5B8 Dear Sir: At a meeting held on March 1, 1999, Common Council accepted your proposal for the purchase and development of 471 Millidge Avenue (NBGIC Number 55115059); and authorized the sale of the property for the purchase price of $31,100 plus applicable taxes and closing costs, upon the terms and conditions of Proposal Call REFM 99 -1 B, with the bid deposit of $1,555 to be held as a down payment on the property. Please contact Lynda Farrell of the City's Legal Department at 658 -2860 to complete the details of this transaction. Yours truly, WL, Y Ma n Mary ford Common Clerk MLM:sc City of Saint John Office of the Mary L. Munford P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Common Clerk Common Clerk Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 March 3, 1999 Mr. Jim Baird Municipal Development Officer Community Planning Department 10th Floor, City Hall P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB E21- 41-1 Dear Sir: •, I is I EWMFR*TeI,." 1. ;•� Enclosed is a certified copy of a resolution adopted by the Common Council on March 1, 1999, regarding the above property. Yours truly, Mary L. Ailunford Common Clerk MLM:sc Enclosures Cc: John Nugent City Solicitor FTLI 1 A a►1j' City of saint John 09A." J � , " RESOLVED that as recommended by the Planning Advisory Committee, 1 Common Council authorize the preparation and execution of an agreement pursuant to Section 101 of the Community Planning Act to ensure that the conditions imposed by the Planning Advisory Committee on 71 Cook's Lake Road, excluding conditions (g) and (h) as set out in the Committee's submitted report to Council dated February 24, 1999, are satisfied." Planning Advisory Committee l� OPEN SESSION February 24, 1999 Your Worship and Councillors: P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2800 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 41, 1 SUBJECT: Proposed Section 101 Agreement 71 Cook's Lake Road ;,ray Af; City of Saint John The Committee considered the attached report at its February 23, 1999 meeting. The applicant attended the meeting and spoke in favour of his application to permit the construction of a new one - family dwelling over a five -year period, while continuing occupy the existing dwelling. The applicant expressed agreement with the staff recommendation, but indicated that he may decide not to realign Cook's Lake Road as part of his proposal. He indicated that the proposed realignment of the road is something he was considering, but is not necessary because the existing alignment does not interfere with the proposed location of the new dwelling. Therefore, he requested that condition (g) be amended so that the road work is not tied to the issuance of the building permit for the new house. No other persons attended the meeting and no letters were received. After considering the report and the applicant's comments, the Committee adopted the staff recommendation with a change to condition (g) as requested by the applicant. For Council's information, the conditions imposed by the Committee are as follows: a) only one of the dwellings shall be occupied as a dwelling unit at any given time; b) subject to condition (c), the existing dwelling must be demolished no later than one year after completion of the proposed new dwelling; C) there shall be no more than one dwelling remaining on the lot after February 28, 2004; d) the applicant must provide to the City a certificate of liability insurance, naming the City as a beneficiary, in an amount not less than $1 million, to remain in force and effect until the certification by the Development Officer that the second dwelling on the lot has been removed; Planning Advisory Committee Page 2 February 24, 1999 e) the applicant must submit an additional fee of $500 to the City to cover the costs of the Building Inspector for the prolonged inspection period; f) the proposed relocation of Cook's Lake Road on the subject site, if undertaken, must be constructed by the applicant in accordance with detailed engineering plans, to be prepared at the applicant's expense and subject to the approval of the Chief City Engineer; g) no change to the alignment of Cook's Lake Road is permitted until the plans mentioned in condition (f) have been approved by the Chief City Engineer, and the applicant has provided a letter of credit to the City, in an amount necessary to permit the City to complete the work in the event of non - completion of the work shown on the approved plans; h) notwithstanding conditions (f) and (g), the relocation of Cook's Lake Road across the subject site is permitted provided that the owners of 71 Cook's Lake Road (NBGIC # 421750) and 97 Cook's Lake Road (NBGIC # 332973) release the City from any obligation to maintain the road, at which time it will revert to a private driveway and the standard of construction and all ongoing maintenance will be the responsibility of the owner. The Committee has also resolved that Common Council authorize the preparation and execution of an agreement pursuant to Section 101 of the Community Planning Act to ensure that the conditions imposed by the Planning Advisory Committee are satisfied. RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council authorize the preparation and execution of an agreement pursuant to Section 101 of the Community Planning Act to ensure that the conditions imposed by the Planning Advisory Committee are satisfied. Respectfully submitted, Brian Cup Chairman RGP /r Attachment Community Jim Baird MCIP P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2835 Planning Manager Saint John 506 658 -2837 (Fax) New Brunswick Canada E2L 41-1 DATE: TO: FROM: FOR: SUBJECT: Name of Applicant: Name of Owner: Location: NBGIC: Municipal Plan: Zoning: Proposal: FEBRUARY 19, 1999 PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE COMMUNITY PLANNING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 23, 1999 imaq rcxl�_ Randall G. Polloc c, MCIP Planner David and Susan Chiasson David and Susan Chiassou 71 Cook's Lake Road 421750 Unserviced Residential and Open Space "RS- I" One and Two Family Suburban Residential To construct a new one - family dwelling over a five -year period ;(r4'i?: City of Saint John Type of Application: Variance from the lot area and width requirements of the Zoning By -law to permit two main buildings on a lot with a width of approximately 45 to 60 metres and an area of 4060 square metres, whereas the Zoning By -law requires each dwelling to be on a separate lot or on a lot capable of being David and Susan Chiasson 71 Cook's Lake Road Page 2 February 19, 1999 subdivided into two lots, each having a minimum width of 60 metres and a minimum area of 5400 square metres JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to grant reasonable variances from the requirements of the Zoning By -law. The Committee can impose conditions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE: That variances be granted, from the lot width and area requirements of the Zoning By -law, to permit two dwellings on a lot having a width of approximately 45 to 60 metres and an area of 4060 square metres, being NBGIC 4 421750, subject to the following conditions: a) only one of the dwellings shall be occupied as a dwelling unit at any given time; b) subject to condition (c), the existing dwelling must be demolished no later than one year after completion of the proposed new dwelling; C) there shall be no more than one dwelling remaining on the lot after February 28, 2004; d) the applicant must provide to the City a certificate of liability insurance, naming the City as a beneficiary, in an amount not less than $1 million, to remain in force and effect until the certification by the Development Officer that the second dwelling on the lot has been removed; e) the applicant must submit an additional fee of $500 to the City to cover the costs of the Building Inspector for the prolonged inspection period; f) the proposed relocation of Cook's Lake Road on the subject site must be constructed by the applicant in accordance with detailed engineering plans, to be prepared at the applicant's expense and subject to the approval of the Chief City Engineer; David and Susan Chiasson Page 3 71 Cook's Lake Road February 19, 1999 g) no building permit for the proposed new dwelling shall be issued until the plans mentioned in condition (f) have been approved by the Chief City Engineer and one of the following has occurred: i) the Chief City Engineer has certified that the work has been completed in accordance with the approved plans; or the applicant has provided a letter of credit to the City, in an amount necessary to permit the City to complete the work in the event of non - completion of the work shown on the approved plans; h) notwithstanding conditions (f) and (g), the relocation of Cook's Lake Road across the subject site is permitted provided that the owners of 71 Cook's Lake Road (NBGIC # 421750) and 97 Cook's Lake Road (NBGIC # 332973) release the City from any obligation to maintain the road, at which time it will revert to a private driveway and the standard of construction and all ongoing maintenance will be the responsibility of the owner. 2. That Common Council authorize the preparation and execution of an agreement pursuant to Section 101 of the Community Planning Act to ensure that the conditions imposed by the Planning Advisory Committee are satisfied. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Engineering has no objection to the proposed new house or its extended construction schedule. However, Engineering does have serious concerns with the proposed relocation of the private road. The road is currently very narrow and does not meet City specifications in any respect. The City plows the existing road and carries out minimum maintenance. The sketch showing the new road does not have any detail of the road's construction and shows it to be under the minimum width. The proposed alignment will create a sharp turn at a small bridge at #97, which will be difficult for the City snowplows to negotiate. If this road is to be relocated, the City will require a 15 -metre -wide right of way, a minimum 7.3 -metre -wide travel surface, construction of the road bed with 450 mm. class `B" aggregate and 150 mm class "A" aggregate and 600 mm deep ditches on both sides and a turnaround for vehicles. A gravel surface will be David and Susan Chiasson 71 Cook's Lake Road Page 4 February 19, 1999 acceptable. Engineering plans will be required for the construction. As an alternative, the owners of 471 and #97 may release the City from any obligation to maintain this road, at which time it will revert to a private driveway and the standard of construction and all ongoing maintenance will be entirely up to the owner. Building and Technical Services advises that, if the variance is granted, Building and Technical Services will require (due to length of time to construct) a $1 million insurance policy with the City named as beneficiary. Also, if within the Committee's jurisdiction, an additional fee of $500 (non - refundable) should be required in order to provide for the prolonged inspection period. Fire Department advises that water for fire fighting is provided by water tanker in this area. The applicant's plans do not show turnaround facilities that will be required and capable of providing for fire fighting apparatus. N.B. Department of Health and Community Services (Public Health Services Branch) advises that Mr. Chiasson has fled an application for replacement of his existing on -site system in 1998 and engaged a licensed sewage contractor to act on his behalf. Mr. Chiasson's present house appears to have been a seasonal cottage that has been retrofitted for year -round use and is located close to the edge of Cook's Lake. A new on -site system cannot be located near the lake because of lack of space, saturated ground conditions and lack of conformity to the required setbacks_ Therefore, the required on -site system must be sited further back from the lake on Mr. Chiasson's land and will require an above- ground mound disposal field and a sewage lift pump for its functioning. It should also be noted that this Branch's approval lasts only one year, and viewing Mr. Chiasson's schedule for system replacement, it would have lapsed by the year he proposes to replace his sewage system. Therefore, he will have to reapply that year for approval ANALYSIS- The subject site is an approximately one -acre lot on the shore of Cook's Lake, near Douglas Lake in the eastern part of the City. This is a semi -rural wooded area of cottages and one- family dwellings. Cook's Lake Road is a private dead end road off Douglas Lake Road (which is also a private road) that serves less than ten dwellings. The road bisects the subject site, and ends at the next lot to the north. The location of the site is illustrated on the attached map. It contains a small older house and cleared yard area situated quite close to the lake. The balance of the David and Susan Chiasson 71 Cook's Lake Road Page 5 February 19, 1999 property is wooded. There is a small accessory building located across the road from the house and yard area. The applicants propose to construct a new house on the lot. Upon completion of the new house, the existing house will be demolished. Normally, this would be permitted, as long as the existing house is demolished within one year from commencement of construction of the new house. However, the applicants indicate that they will need up to five years to finish the new house, as they will be constructing it themselves. The proposed construction schedule is as follows: Year 1- foundation, totally framed and closed structure, complete roof and house totally wrapped Year 2- all windows and exterior siding including exterior doors Year 3- plumbing, heating, electrical, drywall and insulation and vapour barrier Year 4- septic system, well and interior finishing (doors, trim, etc.) Year 5- removal of existing old house and septic system In addition to constructing a new house, the applicants are proposing to realign Cook's Lake Road, as illustrated on the applicants' attached site plan. Engineering has indicated the minimum standard for the new road if it is to be maintained by the City. Alternatively, the owners of #71 and #97 may release the City from any obligation to maintain the road beyond the point where it enters the applicant's lot. Due to the length of time that there will be two houses on the lot, the Committee's approval is necessary in order to permit the applicants' proposal. This is because the Zoning By -law does not permit two dwellings on a lot in the "RS -1" zone unless the lot is capable of being subdivided into two separate lots, each containing a dwelling. The subject site is not capable of being subdivided because it has a total area of only 4060 square metres and a width of only 45 to 60 metres. The Zoning By -law requires a minimum area and width of 5400 square metres and 60 metres, respectively, for each dwelling. The end result of this proposal after five years (or sooner, according to the applicants) will be one dwelling on the lot, in conformity with the Zoning By -law. Therefore, the proposal can be supported provided that conditions are imposed to ensure that it occurs as proposed. Conditions with respect to occupancy and removal of the dwellings, liability insurance, costs of the prolonged inspection period and details of the proposed realignment of the road are recommended. It is essential that these conditions be incorporated into a Section 101 agreement David and Susan Chiasson 71 Cook's Lake Road Page 6 February 19, 1999 between the owner and the City. The recommendation includes specific authorization for preparation and execution of an agreement. RGP /r COWNUMTY PLANNING „ea „ RS - 1 a.,7 a. or ROAD 11 ,. a �0 ON 3-1 3„t LOCH 34" a .. e aa. ,.o. ,3r 0 t 4 11 8 15 \ N 3378 12 23 14 dV Oy 77 0 25 �f P O 63 q O 60 65 89 97 RS— 1 ee la 93 C'o t , 99 n or .hpTy' ,o is 5 31 126 131 F 4E 13 13 la —ti 55 134 ' 8 1= 1 54 136 RS 4, - 1 45 139 � 152 142 141 14_ v ' 6 160 143 130 749 147 s � 111 \! '11GLA5 LAKE EOnp 15 �0 / 75 6 0 r\ 180 �g 90 f_ - 4 NBGIC Number (s): 00421750 Subject Site: Address: 71 Cook's lake Road Map Number: 07P -C1 Date: February 10, 1999 Scale: N.T.S. ON U /I \ilk--- �G v irr.�Y ;; i - ,. . - _,: .�'+;.• • �s� tea: ". x,.: e�tis`?Oit� wilt; LcJ2 .tamp rye �. .S I �i�; .j�s h•floKe� 4- ro �X`S*iY�1'1� 1 �q� IS 1f151Y`0.l�.ne�a ��7�C I np -+� hope pps�� .hy Pb ,P;� Planning Advisory Committee OPEN SESSION February 25, 1999 Your Worship and Councillors: P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2800 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 SUBJECT: Subdivision Assent, Authorization of a City/Developer Subdivision Agreement, and Cost Sharing 210 Osborne Avenue 'non:: City of Saint John On February 23, 1999 the Planning Advisory Committee considered the attached report and recommendation. The applicant, Mike Cavanagh, appeared before the Committee and expressed support for the staff recommendation. No other presentations were made at the meeting, and no letters were received from surrounding property owners. After considering the matter, the Committee resolved to adopt the staff recommendation, which is setout below for your convenience. The Committee also granted the requested variances, including a variance that relieved the Developer from providing a Land for Public Purposes dedication. This variance was on condition that Lot "C" be retained by the City for potential sale to adjacent landowners (see attachment). Real Estate and Facility Management will need to prepare a further report regarding this matter. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Common Council assent to the attached tentative subdivision plans, which would vest a new public street (cul -de -sac) from Somerset Street and a 70- square metre (753- square foot) parcel of land for street purposes from the subject property, as well as to any required municipal services and public utility easements. Planning Advisory Committee February 25, 1999 Page 2 2. That Common Council authorize the preparation and execution of one or more City/Developer Subdivision Agreements to ensure provision of the required work and facilities, including drainage and site plans for the approval of the Chief City Engineer. 3. That Common Council authorize cost sharing outside the limits of the proposed subdivision. Respectfully submitted, Brian C ningha Chairman MO/ Attachment Community Jim Baird MC1P P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2835 Planning Manager Saint John 506 658 -2837 (Fax) New Brunswick Canada E2L 41.1 DATE: TO: FROM: FOR: SUBJECT: Name of Applicant: Name of Owner: Location: NBGIC: Municipal Plan: FEBRUARY 19, 1999 PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE COMMUNITY PLANNING MEETING OF FEBRUARY 23, 1999 Mark O'Hearn Planning Officer Mike Cavanagh Homes Incorporated City of Saint John 210 Osborne Avenue 55121875 Low Density Residential rg City of Saint John Zoning: "RM -1" Three Storey Multiple Residential Proposal: To create a new public street with twelve serviced residential lots. Type of Application: Subdivision and Variances that would: (a) reduce the minimum turnaround diameter of a cul -de-sac from 37.5 metres (124 feet) to approximately 28 metres (92 feet); Mike Cavanagh Homes Incorporated Page 2 210 Osborne Avenue February 19, 1999 (b) eliminate the requirement for a sidewalk along the full length of the proposed cul -de -sac street; and (c) not require the development to meet the hillside subdivision provisions of the Subdivision By -law. JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to advise Common Council on proposed subdivision developments, including the assent of public streets and municipal services and public utility easements, the authorization of City/Developer Subdivision Agreements, and the acceptance of Land for Public Purposes dedications. The Act also authorizes the Committee to the grant reasonable variances from the requirements of the Zoning and Subdivision By -laws. Conditions can be imposed by the Committee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE: 1. That Common Council assent to the attached tentative subdivision plans, which would vest a new public street (cul -de -sac) from Somerset Street and a 70- square metre (753- square foot) parcel of land for street purposes from the subject property, as well as to any required municipal services and public utility easements. 2. That Common Council authorize the preparation and execution of one or more City/Developer Subdivision Agreements to ensure provision of the required work and facilities, including drainage and site plans for the approval of the Chief City Engineer. 3. That Common Council authorize cost sharing outside the limits of the proposed subdivision. 4. That the Planning Advisory Committee grant the following variances from the requirements of the Zoning and Subdivision By -laws that would: Mike Cavanagh Homes Incorporated 210 Osborne Avenue Page 3 February 19, 1999 (a) reduce the minimum turnaround diameter of a cul -de -sac from 37.5 metres (124 feet) to approximately 28 metres (92 feet); (b) eliminate the requirement for a sidewalk along the full length of the proposed cul -de -sac street; and (c) not require the development to meet the hillside subdivision provisions of the Subdivision By -law. 5. That the Planning Advisory Committee grant a variance from the Subdivision By -law that would relieve the Developer from providing a Land for Public Purposes dedication for the proposed subdivision, on the condition that Lot C on the attached plan prepared by staff is retained by the City for potential sale to adjacent land owners, and that Lot C be used in conjunction with the adjoining property and not as a separate building lot. BACKGROUND: In September 1998 the Planning Advisory Committee considered a similar application from the same Developer (see attachments). The previous proposal involved the extension of Osborne Avenue in order to create ten (10) dwelling units on new serviced residential lots. The previous project consisted of two semi - detached buildings and two townhouse buildings of three dwelling units each. The previous application required similar assents and variances as the revised proposal. The following recommendation was adopted by the Committee, which also provided for a right -of -way to an adjoining property and traffic safety measures around an existing dwelling: L That Common Council assent to the attached photo- reduced subdivision plan and to any required municipal services and public utility easements. 2. That Common Council authorize the preparation and execution of one or more City/Developer Subdivision Agreements to ensure provision of the required work and facilities, including drainage and site plans for the approval of the Chief City Engineer. 3. That Common Council authorize cost sharing outside the limits of the proposed subdivision. Mike Cavanagh Homes Incorporated 210 Osborne Avenue Page 4 February 19, 1999 4. That Common Council accept a Land for Public Purposes cash -in -lieu dedication for the proposed subdivision. 5. That the Planning Advisory Committee only grant the following variances from the requirements of the Zoning and Subdivision By -laws that would: (a) reduce the minimum lot width requirement of 18 metres (59 feet) approximately 9.5 metres (31 feet) for proposed Lot 98 -2; (b) reduce the minimum turnaround diameter of a cul -de -sac street from 37.5 metres (124 feet) to approximately 24 metres (80 feet); (c) eliminate the requirement for a sidewalk along the proposed cul- de -sac street; and (d) not require the development to meet the requirements of the hillside subdivision provisions of the Subdivision By -law. 6. That the above mentioned variances only be approved on the following conditions: (a) That the Developer prepare a detailed site plan illustrating the relocation of the proposed street closer to the northern property boundary, a pedestrian walkway connection from Somerset Street to Osborne Avenue, and the location of all proposed property lines, buildings, and driveways for the approval of the Development Officer. That all engineering and subdivision plans and building permits are in accordance with this approved detailed site plan; (b) That the Developer identify all private easements necessary for the proposed driveway locations on the subdivision plan(s), and that these easements be specifically addressed in the deed of each affected lot, to be approved for registration by the Development Officer; (c) That the Developer provide a right -of -way over the existing gravel lane from the proposed street to the neighbouring properties presently owned by Charles Dunlop at 20 -22 Millidge Street (NBGIC #00031229 and #00031534); and (d) That the Developer install a curb no closer than 2.4 metres (8 feet) from the nearest point of the dwelling situated at 206 Osborne Mike Cavanagh Homes Incorporated 210 Osborne Avenue Page 5 February 19, 1999 Avenue (NBG1C #00031211), and that a steel guard barrier be installed around this dwelling along the eastern property line to the beginning of the right- of-way to the Dunlop property mentioned in clause (c). INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Engineering has no objection to the revised subdivision design. The connection to Somerset Street has been discussed with N.B. Department of Transportation. N.B. Department of Transportation has no objection provided the street connection maintains a proper sight distance from the intersection. Engineering provided the following applicable comments in regards to the original proposal: (a) municipal sanitary sewer and water are available from the Millidge Street and Osborne Avenue; and (b) the cul -de -sac shown is acceptable provided a paved surface with a diameter of at least 24 metres (80 feet) is constructed. Building and Technical Services has not provided any comments regarding this application. Real Estate and Facility Management has not provided any further comments regarding this matter. Real Estate and Facility Management concurs with the proposed retention of Lot C in -lieu of Land for Public Purposes. Saint John Energy has adequate facilities in the area to serve this development. Servicing will be underground beginning from the pole located near the end of Osborne Avenue. The exact location, costing and easement requirements will be discussed with the Developer when servicing plans are being prepared for approval. NBTcl previously indicated that adequate facilities are available to service the proposed development. Easement locations will be identified when servicing plans are prepared for approval. Fundy Cable has not provided any comments regarding the proposal. Mike Cavanagh Homes Incorporated Page 6 2I0 Osborne Avenue February 19, 1999 Parks and Recreation has not provided any comments regarding this application. Fire Department has not provided any comments regarding this matter. Saint John Police Force has no objection to the proposed development. ANALYSIS: Introduction The purpose of this report is to analyze the revised proposal and provide a recommendation based on the new street design. There are still outstanding issues under discussion such as the exact building and driveway locations, lot configuration, and even the possible number of proposed dwelling units. A further report regarding the necessary variances and street name will be prepared when a final tentative subdivision plan is received. Subject Property and Neighbourhood The subject property is situated adjacent to Somerset Street at the end of Osborne Avenue (see attachments). The property has an area of approximately 0.868 hectares (2.15 acres). The site is very steep and rocky with a panoramic view of the Saint John Harbour. Originally, there were two dwellings with a paved driveway that occupied this hillside. While these buildings have been removed, a portion of the former driveway is still present. There are two developed properties that are adjacent to the subject property — 206 Osborne Avenue and 210 Millidge Street. The property owner of 20 -22 Millidge Street presently gains vehicular access through an existing gravel roadway through the subject (City - owned) property. A steep embankment runs along the northern property boundary with a chain -link fence. A concrete walkway is situated over the property providing pedestrian access from Somerset Street towards Osborne Avenue. Revised Development Proposal and Re uired Variances The Developer has recently submitted a revised design for consideration. This new design involves the construction of a 40 -metre (130 -foot) long cul -de -sac Mike Cavanagh Homes Incorporated 210 Osborne Avenue Page 7 February 19, 1999 street from Somerset Street (see attachments). This revised plan would avoid the extensive site work and significant street grades of the previous concept design. The area is zoned "RM -1" Three Storey Multiple Residential. This zone allows for the construction two - family (semi - detached) dwellings and attached one - family (townhouse) buildings. The revised proposal consists of one semi- detached dwelling and three townhouse buildings. The semi - detached units can be further subdivided into "part- lots" in order to provide for separate ownership. Independent service connections (i.e., sewer, and water) and a properly constructed common wall between the units are required in the creation of "part- lots." The townhouse lots do not appear to satisfy all the Zoning By -law requirements. The distance between the building blocks appear below the By -law standards, and there is concern regarding the alignment of these buildings (i.e., the placement of Unit #7 in front of Unit #8). In addition, there are significant concern regarding the proposed driveway locations of Unit #1 and 42. Consideration of the necessary variances will be examined in a subsequent report when the final tentative subdivision plan is submitted. Subdivision and Servicing The project consists of the creation of a new cul -de -sac from Somerset Street in order to provide public street access to the proposed lots. Engineering and N.B. Department of Transportation have carefully reviewed the proposed connection to Somerset Street. Staff is also suggesting that a portion of the subject property adjacent to the existing Osborne Avenue right -of -way be vested for street purposes. This will ensure proper street frontage for the property (Lot Q. Please refer to the Land for Public Purposes section of this report for further information. The development would be fully serviced with municipal services (i.e., sanitary sewer, water and storm) and underground public utilities. Easements will be necessary in order to protect these underground utility conduits. Engineering has indicated that municipal sewer and water are available from Osborne Avenue. Saint John Energy and NBTel have indicated that public Mike Cavanagh Homes Incorporated 210 Osborne Avenue Page 8 February 19, 1999 utilities are also available from Osborne Avenue and would be extended underground to the proposed lots. The recommendation includes authorization for a City/Developer Subdivision Agreement to ensure provision of the required work and facilities. The recommendation also includes the assent of any necessary municipal services and public utility easements, as well as subdivision cost sharing for the extension of sewer and water trunks outside the limits of the subdivision (both Osborne Avenue and Somerset Street). Proposed Cul -de -sac Turnaround A variance is required for the proposed turnaround diameter, which is required to be at least 37.5 metres (124 feet). The Committee granted a variance for the previous application that would have allowed the cul -de -sac to be constructed with only a 24 -metre (80 -foot) diameter. The Committee also granted a variance to reduce the turnaround diameter for Cavanagh Court to only 24 metres (80 feet). Engineering can support the approval of a variance to allow the diameter of the cul -de -sac's paved turnabout to be reduced to 24 metres (80 feet), provided that the actual paved surface is constructed to this minimal diameter. The proposal is consistent with this standard and a right -of -way diameter of 28 metres (92 feet). Approval is recommended. Hillside Subdivisions The Subdivision By -law requires that the area and width of lots involved in hillside subdivisions be increased to 1.5 times that of the normal By -law standards. Hillside land is to be determined by the measurement of the average slope perpendicular to the street line between the proposed rear lot lines and the centre of the street. Although the subject property contains steep grades, the individual lots do not appear to have excessive slope. Therefore, it is appropriate to apply the normal lot standards to this development. Land for Public Purposes The Subdivision By -law requires a Land for Public Purposes dedication for the proposed subdivision. In particular, the By -law requires that eight (8) percent of Mike Cavanagh Homes Incorporated Page 9 210 Osborne Avenue February 19, 1999 the subject property be vested. Alternatively, the Developer could suggest a cash - in -lieu dedication. As mentioned, there is an existing driveway on the City -owned parcel of land used by an adjacent property owner (Charles Dunlop). The adjoining residence is also encroaching over the subject property. The Developer is agreeable to allowing the City to convey a significant portion of the property (Lot C) to the adjacent property owner(s). In order to provide proper street frontage, staff is also proposing to vest a 70- square metre (753- square foot) area for street purposes (see attachments). While this will reduce the area previously approved by Common Council to be conveyed to the applicant, it does not adversely affect the building site of the proposed residential project. A report from Real Estate and Facility Management to Common Council will be necessary in order to amend the existing resolution to sell the Developer the entire property. The recommendation includes a condition that would relieve the Developer from providing a Land for Public Purposes dedication provided the City retains the above - mentioned parcels. This arrangement also reflects the desire of the City to have this City -owned parcel developed, while appreciating the substantial development costs associated with the project. CONCLUSION: The proposed subdivision development and necessary variances are considered reasonable given the characteristics of the property. The recommendation includes the necessary assent and authorization to carryout the construction of a new public street with a reduced turnaround facility than permitted by the Subdivision By -law. Approval of the proposed subdivision with the mentioned variances can be supported as recommended. A further report will be necessary in order to consider the approval of a street name and any further variances once the final tentative plan is submitted. COMMUNITY PLANNING / • � v 22 Mr�� 51 0 22 al a3 ��f 41 24 348 4 5 3v 3 Oro 47 3 37 291 pq (`�`��'� `• •i 0 4 36 33 293 328 1 ~ QrFjl!" 1 39 33 • 287 9 26 `� 3� 37 34. 192 = . 2 3 3 '26 79 9 15 e 5 0 31a 2 1 42 • 11 275 308 a0 • 14 71 04 • 42 47 3 12 0 29B i6 l 00 02 �I���✓ A 1 s 1 � 39 Zs 46� #, 255 296 i 29 22 27 1io7 249 51 19 247 5 1ft��� R I•� S 5 p M E pr 4 0 F r 1 y 7w x tt r A i� 211 db 10 P� 10 ,53 0�� .. ... 91 149 � � 5ro 182 p 6 r R(c 6168 12 5 4 10 ` 14 r.�• • 90 • ./12 5 uy 200 J 7 NBGIC Number (s): Subject Site: Y -r. �' ' ` 55121875 Address: 210 Osborne Avenue Map Number: 06N -88NE Date: February 15, 1999 Scale: N.T.S. 00. le� -oo_: TO .. .......... Lli LIJ PL LLI LJ sr.tkL, \ 2 r1 Q CD LO IL I-A CL . zio� Z w tion zi tj in rj LL LL Ll "Y tz ,- )r�Av - Cr CT F4- REVISED P OPDgam �t.liW i..iGN� K�00 •y�'yo° i X00 4=r goFoOTNC. Dd Pwok loo °O tuiPS& PGAT UPgJ2C, IB G`rl •! ' B' 7�2 Hilo k IV � xa , �� - � �.� fir!/ Fr.�• WOO t��- 00 Z5 4 1 x.1) .' NEW I -5m CONCRETE SIDEWALK — o moor Jil X 31�_`�rJ Tr t'� Ct � ..�� 1,• 1 *S Tr-FF • -W�L- Fs Ill 3 FAG1L!T-r MWJS E- NAF-t�-T x. .Y,r:� r :sue' i i I co IIA M. A I cr Co. <r zz ,d on t W l D \ rs= 1 t J 1�3 \ �� CD �l� � actumd -40. rr Association of New Brunswick February 18, 1999 To Mayor and Council 43 Keating Road Saint John, NB Uhl 7136 Tel. 506 657 -8697 Pax 506 657 -8789 Email mhanb@nbnet.nb.ca The Manufactured Housing Association of New Brunswick represents Manufacturers, Retailers and Land Lease Community owners of the manufactured housing industry. Our mandate is to enhance the image of manufactured housing and to promote it as a quality, cost effective housing choice for Atlantic Canadians. Manufactured Housing reflected 24% of total housing starts during 1998 in the Province of New Brunswick_ This is well above the national average of 7 %. Manufactured Housing starts were up by 6 1/6, while total housing starts in the province were down 14% in 1998 New Brunswickers enjoy one of the highest home ownership rate in Canada at 74 %. While it is not the only factor to be considered, a correlation can be made that where Manufactured Housing market share is high, so is the home ownership rate. Enclosed is a copy of a video "Creating Communities" produced by the Canadian Manufactured Housing Institute (CMHI) in conjuction with the Provincial Associations across Canada. We request that this production be viewed at an open session of council in the near future. If desired, one of our representatives will attend for a Q & A session. We recently initiated a consultative process with the Provincial government and Land Lease Community Owners (formerly Mobile Home Parks). We are reviewing proposed amendments to the current regulation governing our Industry_ Our objective is to update this regulation to reflect todays industry practices and to provide a framework for the development of sound self - sufficient Manufactured Housing communities for the future. We wish to thank you for your consideration of our request and look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Sincerely, Don Lay Executive Director Manufactured Housing — Anything' Possible Ki�_� iavqaD F9 2$ {999 .-OF *f WAT acv 15 February 23, 1999 Mayor Shirley McAlary City of Saint John P.O. Box 1971 City Hall Saint John, New Brunswick E21L 4L1 Canada Dear Mayor McAlary: P'_ NE* BRUNSVICK S a 1 n t J o h n 133 Prince Wlliam Strect 5th Floor Saint John, Nev : Brunswick C knada F1.21135 Telephone: (506) 636 -4869 Uacsinn!e: (506) 6364443 I am pleased to inform you that Saint John Port Days will once again be held in conjunction with National Transportation Week, May 30 -June 1. The theme `Beyond the Horizon" has been chosen as we are planning into the New hMenniuff Opportunities are available for organizations like yours to participate through sponsorship dollars, this year there will be three levels: $ 2,500 gold $ 1,500 silver $ 500 bronze We will ensure that your contribution will be acknowledged through a sign at the event, your logo will appear on all advertisements, in the program of events, and the special newspaper supplement. In the past, we have very much appreciatedthe sponsorship support received from ourport community and transportation industry. We hope that we can count on your support for National Transportation Week / Port Days 1999_ Your support ofNational Transportation Week/Saint John Port Days throughthis sponsorship opportunitywill be greatly appreciated. Please contact Betty MacMillan at (506) 636 -5015 or via e-mail at het y - L'wr'nb.com to confirm your participation. Sincerely Yours, Alwyn Soppitt President & Chief Executive Officer PENDING SECTION 39 AMENDING RESOLUTION PROPERTY LOCATION: 1385 Hickey Road SUBJECT: Section 39 Amending Resolution REGISTRY OFFICE: certify 3 copies of amendment Filed in Registry Office - - 1 copy letter size, do not include owner Registered in Registry Office - - 2 copies legal size, owner's name incl. 1 copy will be returned to Common Cierk with filing and registration data stamped on it (legal size, owner's name incl.) 2" top margin, 1.5 " side margins, legal size copies include owner's name at bottom COPIES TO JOHN NUGENT: (date) May 3, 1999 Copy of resolution with filing and registration data noted in letter to: Jim Baird, Community Planning cc: William Edwards, Building Inspector office of the Mary L. Mnnford Common Clerk Common Clerk April 19, 1999 John Cudmore Enterprises Inc. 1120 Loch Lomond Road Saint John, NB E2K 1Z5 Dear Sirs: P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Saint john New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 At a meeting of the Common Council, held on the 12th instant, the following resolution was adopted, namely:- , City of Saint John " RESOLVED that as recommended by the Planning Advisory Committee, Common Council amend the Section 39 conditions imposed on the December 22, 1986 re- zoning of property situated at 1385 Hickey Road, also identified as NBGIC Number 55146138 (formerly part of the property at 1120 Loch Lomond Road, NBGIC Number 55098420), to permit a take -out restaurant." Yours truly, Walwki. Mary L. gunford Common Clerk MLM:sc e PROPOSED SECTION 39 AMENDMENTS Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider proposals at its regular meeting to be held on Monday, April 12, 1999 at 7:00 p.m., by: A. RE: 1385 HICKEY ROAD (FORMERLY PART OF 1120 LOCH LOMOND ROAD) Amending the Section 39 conditions imposed on the December 22, 1986 rezoning of the subject property situated at 1385 Hickey Road, also identified as NBGIC #55146138 (formerly part of the property at 1120 Loch Lomond Road, NBGIC #55098420), to permit a revised proposal. REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit a take -out restaurant in conjunction with the recently developed Autopro Centre at 1385 Hickey Road. B. RE: 24352441 GOLDEN GROVE ROAD Amending the Section 39 conditions imposed on the August 13, 1984 rezoning of the subject property situated at 2435 -2441 Golden Grove Road, also identified as NBGIC #469551, to permit a revised proposal. REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit the use of the property for the following uses: business office, trade school, warehouse, assembly of electrical components, assembly of heat treating furnaces, green house; and to permit removal of dead wood and thinning of trees in the existing treed area of the site. The proposed amendments may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Community Planning, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B., between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. Written objections to the amendments may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall. � (a) PROPOSED SECTION 39 AMENDMENTS Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider proposals at its regular meeting to be held on Monday, April 12, 1999 at 7:00 p.m., by: 'I4. RE: 1385 HlCl MM (FORMERLY PART OF 1120 LOCH LOMOND ROAD) Amending the Section 39 conditions imposed on the December 22, 1986 rezoning of the subject property situated at 1385 Hickey Road, also identified as NBGIC #55146138 (formerly part of the property at 1120 Loch Lomond Road, NBGIC #55098420), to permit a revised proposal. REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit a take -out restaurant in conjunction with the recently developed Autopro Centre at 1385 Hickey Road. City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint John use only: Budget Number: 110 0000 442 20 10 Department: Common Clerk's Office Contact: Mary Munford Phone: 658 -2862 Fax: 658 -2802 Special Instructions (if any): Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (ETG = Evening Times Globe; T -J = Telegraph Journal) X ETG City Information AD 171 ETG Independent Placement ETG Classifieds T -J Independent Placement T -J Classifieds Date(s): Tuesday, March 16, 1999 Tuesday, April 6, 1999 Date(s): Date(s): Date(s): Date(s): INFORMATION FOR AD (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad) Section Headline: 0 Tender(s) C1 Proposals(s) X Public Notice(s) r1l Mayor's Message L-3 General Notice(s) Sub - Headline (if applicable): Text: INSERT ATTACHED Call to Action: Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Contact: I Telephone: (506) 658 -2862 Office of the Mary L. Munford P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Common Clerk Common Clerk Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 March 3, 1999 John Cudmore Enterprises Inc. 1120 Loch Lomond Road Saint John, NB E2K 1Z5 Dear Sirs: At a meeting of the Common Council, held on the 1st instant, the following resolution was adopted, namely:- l• " RESOLVED that the application of John Cudmore Enterprises Inc. for an amendment to the Section 39 conditions of re- zoning of the property at 1120 Loch Lomond Road be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation and that the necessary advertising be authorized in this regard, with the public hearing to be held on Monday, April 12, 1999, at 7:00 o'clock p.m." Enclosed is a copy of the Public Notice in this regard. Yours truly, Mary L. �'unford Common Clerk MLM:sc Enc City of Saint John cl Application for Amendment to Section 39 Resolution or Agreement Applicant Related Information Name of Applicant __ — 0-3 C�) 6-,--0 jk!. E- 'r6-AA R, S r S �^3 C Mailing Address of Applicant 1 kocia �j S ostal Code E L3 1 Tephone Number: Business bS& " `I 6k,3 Home Fax No.(if one) - '-t (.L9 Name of Property Owner(if different) Mailing Address of Owner Postal Code Existing Resolution Date of resolution to be amended Location ! iQ -LOCEt (Q/A Q/liA k�,.._ Ss09'14 -,o Civic# Street NBGIC# Applicants Interest in Property Own — Lease Other(explain What is your Proposal? Note: Provide a fully dimensional drawing or plan which illustrates your proposal. (Describe proposal in detail) 0 :r-1hKF--CDUT- jPr1qV;TPqj A fee of $300.00 Saint John. / Signature of of a cheque or Money Order made payable to the City of",� ' � -A5 , j1-19 be included. 25 SW GF %tm j Planning Advisory Committee OPEN SESSION April 8, 1999 Your Worship and Councillors: P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2800 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 SUBJECT: Proposed Section 39 Amendment City of Saint John 1385 Hickey Road (formerly part of 1120 Loch Lomond Road) On March 1, 1999 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached report at its April 7, 1999 meeting. In addition to the proposed Section 39 amendment referred by Council, the report also deals with the consideration of terms and conditions by the Committee, as a take -out restaurant is a conditional use in the `B -2" General Business zone. Bill Madore, the operator of the Autopro Centre, attended the meeting and expressed agreement with the staff recommendation. No other persons attended the meeting and no letters were received. After considering the matter, the Committee adopted the recommendation contained in the attached report. This included the decision to impose no terms and conditions upon the take -out restaurant, pursuant to the Committee's authority under Section 43(3)(c) of the Community Planning Act (Part 2 of the staff recommendation). RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council amend the Section 39 conditions imposed on the December 22, 1986 rezoning of the subject property situated at 1385 Hickey Road, also identified as NBGIC #55146138 (formerly part of the property at 1120 Loch Lomond Road, NBGIC #55098420), to permit a take -out restaurant. Respectfully submitted, Brian C /ngham. Chairman / RGP /r Attachments Community Jim Baird MCIP P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2835 Planning Manager Saint John 506 658 -2837 (Fax) New Brunswick Canada EK 4L1 DATE: TO: FROM: FOR: SUBJECT: Name of Applicant: Name of Owner: Location: NBGIC: Municipal Plan: Zoning: Proposal: Type of Application: APRIL 1, 1999 PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE u18V t1jel 0 wag _ W.1110101 0 MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1999 U City of Saint John Randall G. Pollock, MCIP Planner John Cudmore Enterprises Inc. John Cudmore Enterprises Inc. 1385 Hickey Road 55146138 District Centre "13-2" General Business (Section 39) To include a take -out restaurant as part of the recently approved development Section 39 Amendment and Conditional Use JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: Common Council has requested the Planning Advisory Committee's views with respect to the proposed Section 39 amendment. Common Council will consider the Committee's recommendation at a public hearing on Monday, April 12, 1999. John Cudmore Enterprises Inc. Page 2 1385 Hickey Road April 1, 1999 The Zoning By -law authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to impose terms and conditions upon the establishment and operation of a take -out restaurant in the B -2" General Business zone. STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE: 1. That Common Council amend the Section 39 conditions imposed on the December 22, 1986 rezoning of the subject property situated at 1385 Hickey Road, also identified as NBGIC #55146138 (formerly part of the property at 1120 Loch Lomond Road, NBGIC #55098420), to permit a take -out restaurant. 2. That the Planning Advisory Committee impose no additional terms and conditions upon the establishment and operation of a take -out restaurant. BACKGROUND: The original Section 39 conditions limited the use of the parent property to a hardware store. In October 1993, an amendment was approved to permit the development of the Tim Horton's restaurant. Most recently, in November 1998, a further amendment was approved to permit the development of a multi -bay automotive service centre and gasoline bar, subject to the following additional conditions: • Concrete curbing and sidewalk must be installed along the full frontage of the development site; • Any existing landscaping within the street right-of-way must be maintained, except the area for a new commercial access; • The site and new driveway entrance must be paved with asphalt and enclosed by continuous poured -in -place concrete curbing; • Drainage facilities must be installed to the satisfaction of the Chief City Engineer; • The site must be developed in accordance with a detailed site plan, prepared by the proponent, and approved by the Development Officer, illustrating the above - mentioned requirements; • The Development Officer, except for site preparation and foundation, shall endorse no building permit until the required site plan is approved and attached to the building permit; and John Cudmore Enterprises Inc. Page 3 1385 Hickey Road April 1, 1999 • All work shown on the approved site plan, except for landscaping, must be completed prior to the operation of the business, and landscaping must be completed within one year of building permit approval. The Development Officer approved the site plan for this development on December 2, 1998, and construction began shortly thereafter. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Engineering has no objection. Building and Technical Services has no objection. A building permit is required for the additional use. Attention to fire separation of occupancies will be given at that time. In addition, if there is cooking which may produce airborne grease - laden vapours, an exhaust hood conforming to NFPA standards will be required. Fire Department has submitted no comments. N.B. Department of Health and Community Services (Public Health Services Branch) has submitted no comments ANALYSIS: An "Autopro" automotive repair garage and gas bar /convenience store is currently under construction at the subject site. The applicant indicates that it was always the intention to include a pizza take -out within the building. However, the plans and description submitted with the 1998 Section 39 amendment application did not mention this component of the proposal. Only the multi -bay garage, gas bar and convenience retail area were indicated at that time. As a result, a take -out restaurant was not considered and was not included in the subsequent Section 39 amendment. The proposed pizza take -out, if approved, will be located in a section of the convenience store /service desk area of the building. It is not proposed to be a separate business but, rather, will be integrated into the convenience store operation. The attached proposed floor plan illustrates the proposal. The District Centre designation of the subject site encourages the establishment of a wide range of retail and service uses, including restaurants and take -out restaurants. Site development requirements, such as paving, curbing and John Cudmore Enterprises Inc. Page 4 1385 Hickey Road April 1, 1999 landscaping, are already incorporated into the Section 39 conditions. The development will include 19 off - street parking spaces, which more than satisfy the minimum requirements of the Zoning By-law for the combination of uses. This is an appropriate location for the proposed use and, therefore, the amendment can be supported. No additional conditions are recommended. RGP /r DD r� v �7 OQ Zj rU m K I L1T w" �a j ti� J 1 J (� S R W � Q sQCQ Ic Z x 1Nywl� S"1A5 7YdI. NoW oZ ` t � �- 00•�4� �cs'� o r U U ?1�� y� o /t7�rn 9 o1n 4 �. •.� OP s r • /r' i r- • / Y - ;— LorA Lo � _ Q iy J O %, 11 '� Jw �J 02/22/1999 16:28 6523960 I 6523960 MADORES TIRE AUTO o Ul PAGE 01 VA : t?2:91 66d 9T QOM Tod Zit? 19926SP909T