1999-01-11_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourAGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at January 8, 1999. 1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., Monday, January 11, 1999 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (January 4, 1999). 3. Mayor's remarks. CITY MANAGER 3A. Re snow control plan. *3B.Planning Advisory Committee appointments. 4. Re Housing Incentive Program application HIP #31, for development on corner of Russell Hill Road and River Hill Drive. 5. Re Housing Incentive Program application HIP #80, and proposed amendment to HIP #74 re developments on Prince William Street and Meadowland Subdivision, respectively. 6. Re 1999 insurance. 7. Re proposed agreement with New Brunswick Power Corporation for fire protection services, Point Lepreau Generating Station. 8. Re Planning Advisory Committee's recommendation for widening to four lanes and curbing of Somerset Street. COMMON CLERK 9. (a) Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan amendment re property at 899 Somerset Street (1 st & 2nd readings given January 4, 1999). (b) Third reading of proposed Zoning By -Law amendment to re -zone above property (1st & 2nd readings given January 4, 1999). 10. Third reading of proposed Zoning By -Law amendment to re -zone property at 28 Richmond Street (1st & 2nd readings given January 4, 1999). COMMITTEES /COMMISSIONS 11. Committee of the Whole report (January 4, 1999) - (1, 2, 3 ) re appointments to committees /commissions. 12. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed subdivision, 899 Somerset Street. 13. Saint John Art Advisory Board - request for street and parking lot closures for Deep See Visual Arts Fest. 14. Saint John Development Corporation - request for funding for additional work re Bay of Fundy Discovery Centre study. GENERAL 15. Letter from The Rotary Club of Saint John, N.B., re nominee to Board of Directors of Saint John Non - Profit Housing Inc. 16. Letter from Eric L. Teed re Millennium projects. 17. Request of Patterson Palmer Hunt Murphy, on behalf of Imperial Oil Limited, for extension of closing date of property transaction beyond January 31, 1999. 18. Letter from South Central Citizens Council re January 4, 1999 presentation on its behalf to Common Council. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - 4:30 p.m. 19. Re various committee /commission appointments (Mayor McAlary). 20. Re tabling motions, and re land at corner of McAllister Drive and Rothesay Avenue (Councillor Court). 21. Re request of fire fighter for grievance hearing (City Solicitor). 22. Re proposed agreement with Total Golf Management Inc. for Rockwood Park Golf Course (City Manager). 23. Re Business Park Development Task Force report (City Manager). 24. Re proposed 1999 Capital Projects (City Manager). 25. Re Capital Budget process (City Manager). 26. City Manager's update. 27. Mayor's update. 1i REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M &C -99- 13 Her Worship Mayor Shirley McAlary and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: Snow Control Plan City of Saint john The presentation on the Snow Control Plan will be made, Monday evening, at the Open Session meeting of Common Council of January 11, 1999. submitted, giddy, P. Eng. sinner, Munic 1 OOperations Terrence L. Totten, C.A. City Manager � ,., � a CITY OF SAINT JOHN Snow Control Plan Public Safety CITY OF SAINT JOHN Snow Control Plan Zy 1 o I WINTER! We cannot negate the impact of winter conditions ... only strive to minimize their effect. Public Safety o MAJOR TASK Snow and ice control on public streets and sidewalks in Saint John is a major task ... it must be well planned and co- ordinated. Public Safety I PURPOSE 4 i of the Snow Control Plan To provide for the best possible use of available resources in response to winter conditions. Public Safety BUDGET Funds provided for snow and ice control are not unlimited... necessary to draw priorities. Public Safety �o REALITY! a Winter conditions do not permit the City to make guarantees ... the challenge is to work towards defined objectives in an organized and efficient manner. Zh'— FACTORS a that affect level of service possible • Funding Limits • Equipment (# of units, type, reliability) • Manpower (sufficient trained personnel) • Traffic (positive /negative effects) • Other (street parking, "private" roads) • Weather Conditions Public Safet }• ,s ® PRIORITIES a Based on relative importance in the overall transportation system. Public Safety PRIORITIES 0 1. Arterials, Hospital & Major Bus Routes 2. Collectors, Minor Bus Routes 3. Subdivision Streets 4. Limited Service C)— LEVELS OF SERVICE Objectives Priority 2 bare pavement 16 hours after the end of a storm CD LEVELS OF SERVICE Objectives Priority I bare pavement 8 hours after the end of a storm Public Safety LEVELS OF SERVICE S? � Objectives Priori1y 3 snow- packed 16 hours after the end of a storm Public Safety LEVELS OF SERVICE Objectives Priority 4 snow - packed 24 hours after the end of a storm Public Safety SANDING & SALTING a Key to snow and ice control is the use of salt (de- icers) and sand (abrasives) - these materials produce vastly different results. Public Safety REALITY'. w Severe conditions may not allow attainment of these objectives /service levels. Public Safety I SANDING & SALTING Temperature Salt is less effective as temperature decreases. Sand offers no melting action but can be used in very cold temperatures to improve traction. (ZD SANDING & SALTING Cost Salt 6 or 7 times more expensive than sand. Public Safety SANDING & SALTING Imo# Other Considerations Sand needs to be removed from streets and storm sewers (catchbasins). Salt is corrosive, requires traffic action to be most effective. Public Safety SANDING & SALTING i Street Priority Bare pavement on I and 2. Snow - packed surface on 3 and 4. Public Safeh• SANDING & SALTING I_ffi b �a 12 Routes • South I - Truck 4614 • Soul 2 - Truck *612 • East 1 - Tandem #654 • East 2 - Truck #604 • East 3 - Truck #603 • East 4 - Tandem 4656 • North 1 -Truck #606 • North 2 - Truck #601 • North 3 - Truck #607 • West 1 - Truck #609 • West 2 - Truck #603 • West 3 - Tandem #659 (ZD L�� a PLOWING OPERATIONS q Plowing is generally required when the snowfall accumulation exceeds 5 cm. Public Safety PLOWING OPERATIONS a Plowing commences with Priority 1 streets. Objective during storm is to keep traffic moving. Storm conditions may require that Priority 1 streets be plowed several times before others are plowed. CD PLOWING OPERATIONS a City is divided into 32 routes consisting of mixture of priorities, with each route assigned a piece of equipment. Public Safety SNOW PLOW ROUTES a ar • West 1 - Lower West Loader #708 (20.63 km) W • West 2 - Lancaster Avenue E Truck 4619 (26.78 km) • West 3 - Fundy Heights S Truck #631 (28.90 km) T • West 4 -Plateau Truck # 620 (25,57 km) • West 5 - Fairville Gault Road public Safety Truck #618 (49.29 km) SNOWPLOW ROUTES qoo • West 6 -Randolph Grader #672 (25.00 km) W • West 7 - Greendale- Churchill E Loader #704 (36.29 km) S • West 8 - Westfield Road T, Truck #639 (53.23 km) • West 9 - Lorneville Tandem #657 (45.65 km) Public Safety 7- Via' SNOW PLOW ROUTES a • East 5 - Westmorland E Truck #635 (33.09 km) Ei • East 6 - Rothesay Ave /Glen Falls A Truck #626 (51.58 km) S • East 7 - Golden Grove Road T Tandem #622 (60.76 km) T • East 8 - Loch Lomond Rd /Airport Truck #627 (54.94 km) C:) SNOW PLOW ROUTES • East 1 -Red Head Tandem #652 (51.06 km) E • East 2 - Black River Truck #617 (62.01 km) • East 3 - East Saint John'"* S Loader #702 (37.26 km) T • East 4 - Champlain (S)/Eastwood Truck #638 (28.40 km) Public Safety SNOW PLOW ROUTES a • East 9 - Forest Hills E Truck #615 (31.24 km) A • East 10 - Lakewood /Greenwood Truck #634 (35.31 Ian) S • East 11 - Silver Falls /Champlain(l) T Truck #616 (34.74 km) CD LiD � o � a SNOW PLOW ROUTES � • North 1 - Kennebecasis /Sandy Point N Tandem #655 (40.84 km) O • North 2 - Woodward Avenue Truck #633 (37.70 km) R • North 3 - University, Ave/Hospital T Truck #628 (31.08 km) H • North 4 - Somerset Street Grader #671 (19.06 km) Public Safety SNOW PLOW ROUTES A • South 1 - Uptown S Grader #675 (14.86 km) O • South 2 - Lower Cove Grader #677 (21.23 km) U • South 3 - Garden/Waterloo T Loader #713 (15.37 km) H • South 4 - Lower South End Loader #711 (16.94 km) CD i SNOW PLOW ROUTES • North 5 - Rockwood/Wright N Loader #712 (27.89 km) O • North 6 - Churchill/Portland R Truck 9624 (21.60) • North 7 - Pokiok/Indianton•n T Loader #703 (22.34 km) H • North 8 - Main Street Tandem #658 (26.97 km) Public Safety SNOWPLOW ROUTES Totals • Routes - 32 0 Plowing Kilometres - 1113.59 Public Safety PLOWING City Streets By Area • East - 480.47 km (43.2 %) • West - 311.28 km (27.9 %) • North - 225.74 km (20.3 %) • South - 96.10 km (8.6 %) Public Safety PLOWING �4 City Streets By Street Priority • Priority 1 - 375.80 km (33.8 %) • Priority 2 - 279.88 km (25.1 %) • Priority 3 - 393.25 km (35.3 %) • Priority 4 - 64.66 km (5.8 %) Public Safety EASTERN WORKS DEPOT A properly located and equipped Eastern Works Depot is essential to effective winter operations. Public Safety SIDEWALKS � Available Resources 6 Available resources have never allowed servicing of all sidewalks. After improvements in late 80's /early 90's, budget reductions have since lowered service levels. Public Safety SIDEWALKS a Priority System High priorities are those in the Uptown, around schools and churches, and along other heavily travelled pedestrian routes. Public Safety SIDEWALKS Only Some Serviced Existing routes do not cover all sidewalks and resources are not sufficient to provide a consistent level of service to all sidewalks included on those routes. CD SIDEWALKS Existing Routes • A -South ni,p=nt - seven (7) • B - South MT Trackless Sidewalk • C - North Units with plowing, • D - North/East snow blowing, and sanding capability • E -West CD SIDEWALKS J Recommended Coverage • A - South 1 • E- West 1 • B - South 2 • F- West 2 • C - North 1 • G -East 1 • D - North 2 • H - East 2 Equipment - tR•elve (12) Sidewalk Units with plowing, .snow blowing, and sanding capability Public Safety SIDEWALKS q � R Ploiring Sequence Plowed in priority sequence, as resources permit. Should a route not be completed before the next storm, the plow returns to the top of the list and the process begins again. CD -� SIDEWALKS o � Future Considerations Given the nature of winter sidewalk conditions, and the inherent limitations of equipment, there is a the need for either: more resources or a different philosophy, for servicing sidewalks. (ZD L� ! SIDEWALKS Level of Service Impossible to prescribe a level of service. Actual conditions determine service. De -icers less effective than on streets. Fluctuating temperatures cause icing. Public Safety SNOW REMOVAL • Selected areas, as resources permit • Uptown /Sidewalks/Major Bus Stops • Established Procedure • Not possible to remove all snow Public Safety �d WORK FORCE A Our employees are committed to providing the best snow control service possible... and they work hard doing so. Public Safety ORGANIZATION Snow Control Crews by Shift 1 • East Foreman + Crew 4 • East Foreman + Crew • W West Foreman + Crew • Nest Foreman + Crew • North Foreman + Crew • North Foreman + Crew • South/Sidewalks • South/Sidewalks Foreman+ Crew Foreman+ Crew 2 • Night Shift Foreman + Crew 3 •'Night Shift Foreman+ Cre)ti Public Safety ORGANIZATION O Snow Control - Shifts • 1 - Days, 7:00am- 5 :30pm, Sun -Wed • 2 - Nights, 8:30pm- 7 :00am, Sun -Wed • 3 - Nights, 8:30pm- 7 :00am, Tue -Fri • 4 - Days, 7:00am- 5:30pm, Wed -Sat Public Safety ORGANIZATION �I* For Snow Control • "Constant Manning" - No! • Manning Levels - Lowest Ever • Roles - Day Shift and Night Shift • Best Use of Available Resources Public Safety ORGANIZATION For Snow Control • Duty Personnel • Response Level 1 - Normal Shift • Response Level 2 - Plus "off' Shift • Response Level 3 - Plus "off' Day Shift • Response Level 4 - General Call -In • Back -Up Personnel Public Safety EMERGENCIES �a During a Storm Please call us in any personal emergency. Our employees will be happy to assist. CD ffyy\ COMMUNICATIONS Snow Control • Important • Operations Centre • Field Personnel • 658 -2823 (z) fir.. PRINCIPLES I Snow Control • Public Safety First! • Budget Determines Level of Service • Planned and ]Managed Response • Evaluate Before Committing • Manage the Whole Storm, Not Just the Hour at Hand Public Safety r EQUIPMENT CD 1� SALTER/SANDER TRUCKS *611X -1990 *603S-1990 •659T - 1992 •606S - 1992 0609S-1990 •601 S - 1992 *6088-1990 •6075 - 1992 +61 JS - 1992 + 654T -1991 0604S-1991 •656T - 1996 •6125 -1991 • 6285 -1986 Public Safety 11 444,� o " HEAVY EQUIPMENT Loaders Graders 0705-1979* + 703 - l 993 e671-1979 s711-1984 + 712 - 1994 •677 - 1982 *713-1987 •704 - 1995 o672-1990 o702-1989 •675 - 1991 +708 - 1990 o706-1990 Public Safety PLOW TRUCKS o • 6335 -1986 •6395 - 1989 • 6285 -1986 *626S-1989 + 655T - 1992 + 634S-1986 •657T -1989 •6245 - 1992 + 616S -1986 •65ST -1989 •652T - 1994 9621S-1986 + 6185 -1990 •622T -1995' *623S-1986 •627S - 1990 •631 S -1995* + 637 S -1986 0619S-1990 + 638S -1988 9617S-1990 + 635S -1988 *615S-1990 Public Safeh *620S-1988 11 444,� o " HEAVY EQUIPMENT Loaders Graders 0705-1979* + 703 - l 993 e671-1979 s711-1984 + 712 - 1994 •677 - 1982 *713-1987 •704 - 1995 o672-1990 o702-1989 •675 - 1991 +708 - 1990 o706-1990 Public Safety EQUIPMENT Comments • Two 1995 Plow Trucks* • 1 -Ton 4x4 Trucks • Sidewalk Equipment • Equipment Replacement Program • Mechanical Garage Critical * ** Public safety ZL SNOW CONTROL I0 *�° ! 1993/99 • Fewer Operators/Personnel ( -) • Aging Equipment Fleet ( -) • Fewer Mechanics () • 7- Day/Week Shift Coverage ( +) • No Changes to Service Levels (/) CD �1 1999 BUDGET Implications • Lower Allocations for Personnel • Additional Funding for Salt • Reinstatement of Equipment Replacement Program... long -tern, Public Safety i r_� r I SNOW CONTROL Comments • On- Street - Parking • Sub - Standard Streets • Flooding Response • Expectations vs Service Possible • Press - Invite Out in a Storm Public Safety WORKPLACE Labour/Management cooperation to make our delivery of services as effective as possible. CD F —� ° OUTSIDE WORKERS Very proud of the job our outside workers do. Dangerous, often thankless work, the hours are long, and the working conditions challenging. They are out getting the job done ... when no one else is. Public Safety J MANAGEMENT STAFF o Our management staff understand their responsibilities and work diligently to ensure the best use of available resources. Public Safety r a ' WINTER SERVICES ° The winter services delivered by our Snow Control Team are very important to the safety of the public. Public Safety �� Office of the Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Common Clerk January 14, 1999 Mr. Joseph Mallette Jr. 3005 Loch Lomond Road Saint John, NB E2N 1 B2 Dear Sir: P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 -611 This is to advise that at a meeting of the Common Council, held on January 11, 1999, you were appointed to the Planning Advisory Committee for a term of three years. Yours truly, Mary L. unford Common Clerk MLM:sc City of Saint John Office of the Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Common Clerk January 14, 1999 Mr. Tom Bayne 90 Gifford Road Saint John, NB E2M 5K8 Dear Sir: P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Saint john New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 .6111 City of Saint John This is to advise that at a meeting of the Common Council, held on January 11, 1999, you were re- appointed to the Planning Advisory Committee for a term of three years. Yours truly, yhdAyx Mary L. unford Common Clerk MLM:sc f Office of the Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Common Clerk January 14,1999 Mr. Donald F. Gillis 231 Princess Street Saint John, NB E2L 1 L2 Dear Sir: P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 ;n4�A City of Saint John This is to advise that at a meeting of the Common Council, held on January 11, 1999, you were re- appointed to the Planning Advisory Committee for a term of three years. Yours truly, Mary L. unford Common Clerk MLM:sc M Office of the Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Common Clerk January 14, 1999 Mr. Peter Robichaud 6 Cranston Avenue Saint John, NB E2K 3M5 Dear Sir: P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 At a meeting of the Common Council, held on the 11th instant, the following resolution was adopted, namely:- ' 00.140E " RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council extend the time limit for completion of the third unit in Housing Incentive Program application HIP #31 until May 31,1999, on condition that the foundation has been completed and a copy of the confirmed order for the modular unit is received by the Development Officer by March 3, 1999." Yours truly, Ma ry L.IGlunford Common Clerk MLM:sc City of Saint John REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL OPEN SESSION M &C -99 -5 January 7, 1999 Her Worship Mayor Shirley McAlary and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Housing Incentive Program Application HIP- 31 ANALYSIS: T, City of Saint John Peter Robichaud received approval for a grant (HIP # 31) on March 3, 1997. It was proposed that three single- family units would be constructed on the corner of Russell Hill Road and River Hill Drive in Milford. This is an infill development with only three lots that qualified for approval. Only one unit has been completed and the second unit has been started. The two -year time limit to complete construction is expected to occur prior to the completion of the third unit. The applicant is seeking an extension to the end of May 1999. This matter was first considered at the December 14, 1998 meeting of Council at which time it was referred to the City Solicitor. At the December 22, 1998 meeting the Solicitor's report suggested that if Council wished to approve a limited extension, that it be made conditional on the third unit having reached stipulated stage of completion prior to the original March 3, 1999 deadline. Discussions have been held with the applicant, who indicated that the foundation will be finished by March 3, 1999. It is proposed that this unit be a modular unit (constructed off site, in at least two pieces) but there is presently a 60 day waiting period for delivery. Delivery in mid March (or when spring weather permits would permit completion of the unit by the end of May. The foundation should be completed and a copy of the confirmed order should be provided by the original March 3, 1999 completion date. Report to Common Council January 7, 1999 Page 2. RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council extend the time limit for completion of the third unit in HIP # 31 until May 31 1999, on condition that the foundation has been completed and a copy of the confirmed order for the modular unit is received by the Development Officer by March 3, 1999. Respectfully submitted, 2x5a'�/ R. Baird, MCIP Community Planning < . P.Eng. Commissioner Enviro ent & Develo ent Services Terrence Totten, CA City Manager 5 Office of the Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Common Clerk January 14,1999 Mr. Donald Hazen Hazen Investments Limited 28 Sydney Street Saint John, NB E21- 21-3 Dear Sir: P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E21, 4L1 At a meeting of the Common Council, held on January 11, 1999, the Housing Incentive Program application of Hazen Investments Limited for an estimated grant of $4,160.00 for a development on Prince William Street, was approved. Yours truly, / Vunford Ma ry L. Common Clerk MLM:sc ., City of Saint John s Office of the Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Common Clerk January 14, 1999 Eastcan Trading Limited C/o Mr. Richard Turner Hughes Surveys & Consultants Ltd. 162 Charlotte Street Saint John, NB E21- 2J7 Dear Sir: P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 At a meeting of the Common Council, held on January 11, 1999, Common Council adopted a recommendation of the City Manager that approval be granted for an amendment to Eastcan Trading Limited's Housing Incentive Program application HIP #74 for 18 units in the Meadowland Subdivision. Yours truly, Mary L. unford Common Clerk MLM:sc City of Saint John 5 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL OPEN SESSION M &C -99 -4 January 6, 1999 Her Worship Mayor Shirley McAlary and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Housing Incentive Program Application HIP -80 and amended 74 ANALYSIS: City of Saint John There have been 79 earlier applications, for a total of 578 units, previously approved for the Housing Incentive Program. The potential assessment increase will be over $56 million when all of the developments are completed. The following additional application has been received as well as a requested amendment. Applicant Location # and Type Estimated of Unit Grant #80 Hazen Investments Prince William St 4 units $4,160 Limited apartments This application will result in 4 housing units being established over the next two years. The total increase in assessment is estimated to be approximately $52,000. In addition Eastcan Trading Limited, the applicant for HIP # 74, has requested two amendments to their application. On October 19, 1998, approval was given for 19 additional units on Phase 4 of the Meadowland Subdivision. This inadvertently included two lots that are not available for development, as they will serve as a temporary turning area until the street is extended. In addition they would like to add one additional lot that remained undeveloped in an earlier phase of the same development. Approval of these modifications is recommended. Report to Common Council January 6, 1999 Page 2. 1. Strategic Plan Conformity/Existing City Polices The development meets the criteria of the program as approved by Common Council on April 21, 1996. 2. Input from Other Sources Estimates of construction have been reviewed and reflect submitted plans and building permit estimates of value. 3. Financial Implications The Capital Budget contains sufficient funds to meet this obligation. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Common Council approve the Housing Incentive Program applications for: HIP# 80 Hazen Investments Limited for an estimated grant of $4,160. HIP #.74 Amended approval for 18 units for Eastcan Trading Limited Respectfully submitted, Jjn R. Baird, MCIP Community Planning Claude MacKinnon, P.Eng. Commis s' ner Enviro ent & Develo nt Services Terrence Totten, CA City Manager JRB /mmf 1031 \ JAS \ VX_ - j I / ' 1- v 459 1- 4 COMMUNITY PLANNING k1_ 1 I- 4 f! RF i r ♦J w� f 1 12 7 128 134 13 a 5 158 ff �,Og 11 II 13 / 02 799 eos 787 26 781 2 � � .; 773 • 21 D/ C / rree 'rl ra x/12-/\ $e;�qa�� 1119 96 10 a . n 97 4�Q1j COMMUNITY PLANNING ^t 20 T16 ,5 B 3 s5 B. 8 1 7 3 9 52 27 8 14• 7 44 15 17 s ,•,•� q 3 s c s e s a � "' 7 M 8 z •� RKET SQUARE 4 4 52 ��� •,•� 28 36 4 0 54 K VVHPRF •i,, 2 22 3^ 38 1 / 1�—� _ . �• 16 _ 12 18 • •� 2 4 14 s 7s 8 c ` _ 2 55 11 c ? 15 14 16 ;, 8 2 IT 1� _~ � 6 0 91 20 ' ? 66 '2 a90 • r2 1 92 72 76 N S� � T 30 9 9 Z 94'i CH1�.R 81 20 10 Z � V8 10 7 7 S ;O 60 2? • • VI 31 G 5 2 10 9 B • • 7 „ c f1 ee 3 •� '1 9 —< 54 117 115 116 s8 3 rn �1 �.:8 5 92 ( `5 119 r+ 1< `7] • 87 9d as 121 --A Is: £1 8 i )8 89 96 WHP(� RF • 9 1 9e 47 12 3 , ^e 79 -Z loo 49 rn 1 13^ 36 d pF� �RS v Y 95 io St ` 125 ~� 97 106 5` 7 6 80 5 38 001 49 74 02 991003 110 a3 ds d7 ' " 11< 3 dl � RD 44 "log 11 i' �. y t. E , 3 � 46485 '45 4 2 52 54 `I 14 7 57 116 15 �2 115 61 15 7 15 4 11 1 118 161 120 16 • s 12 2 ; 165 7 F 12 0 124 • 1' i 5 /J 62 1 17 3 15 3� • 1»17 r,� Subject Site: Address- 78 Prince William Street Map Number: 06N -88SE Date: January 7, 1999 Scale: N.T.S. NBGIC Number (s): 00011304 6 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL January 6, 1999 M & C 99 -6 Mayor McAlary and Members of Common Council SUBJECT: 1999 INSURANCE BACKGROUND: ®v City of Saint John The City's, "Agent of Record" has approached his markets and has obtained a renewal quote from the Frank Cowan Company in the amount of $601,134 for the 1999 term. Our account was offered to Thirteen Companies and the Cowan quote was the only response. This procedure is in keeping with the resolution approved by Council at the Open Session meeting of December 10, 1990. It is the responsibility of the agent to obtain quotations on all insurance requirements for the City and to provide this insurance at cost, without any commissions. The "agent of record" is paid an annual fee for his services, which has been specified until January 1, 2001. The fee for the 1999 term is $40,500. The cost of insurance coverage for the year 1999 is quoted as $601,134, plus the agency fee of $40,500 for a total 1999 cost of $641,634. This compares to a total cost of $734,893 for 1998 or a decrease of 15.38 percent in premiums, plus an increase of 2.53 percent in our agent's fee for an overall decrease of 14.54 percent. All coverage has been subjected to a Year 2000, Misinterpretation of Date, Exclusion. This was expected, and is the norm for insurers for the 1999 term. -2- ANALYSIS: The following will illustrate the loss ratios for the past five years on our major coverage Coverage Year Initial Losses Loss Premium To Date Ratio(%) 1) Property 1994 100,825 20,770 20.64 1995 126,391 22,337 17.67 1996 132,767 0 0.00 1997 133,463 0 0.00 1998 122,289 810 0.66 Totals: ------ - - - - -- 615,735 ----- - - - - -- 43,917 ------ - - - - -- 7.13. 2) Auto - 1994 122,588 148,295 120.97 Fleet 1995 137,660 309,588 224.89 1996 157,927 146,234 92.60 1997 167,150 222,525 133.13 1998 173,529 88,768 51.15 Totals: --- --------- 758,854 ------- - - - - -- 915,410 ------ - - - - -- 120.63 3) Gen. Liability 1994 192,906 277,200 143.70 1995 212,196 128,793 60.70 1996 244,255 301,912 123.61 1997 262,574 183,431 69.86 1998 299,138 231,712 77.46 Totals: -------- - - - - -- 1,211,069 -------- - - - - -- 1,123,048 ---- - - - - -- 92.73 4) E & O Liability 1994 8,690 0 0.00 1995 9,559 9,257 96.85 1996 11,301 0 0.00 1997 22,600 0 0.00 1998 27,445 -------- - - - - -- 0 ----- - - - - -- 0.00 ----- - - - - -- Totals: 79,595 9,257 11.63 -3- 5) All Other 1994 70,939 105 0.15 1995 78,882 313 0.40 1996 90,339 29,407+ 32.55 1997 97,663 150 0.15 1998 71,207 0 0.00 Totals: ------- - - - - -- 409,030 ------- - - - - -- 29,975 ----- - - - - -- 7.33 5) Total 1994 495,948 447,000 90.13 Annual 1995 564,688 470,288 83.28 Figures 1996 636,589 477,553 75.02 1997 683,450 406,106 59.42 1998 693,608 --------- - - - - -- 319,290 -------- - - - - -- 46.03 ------ - - - - -- Totals: 3,074,283 2,120,237 68.97 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Once approximately $45,000 of recoverable premium, from Saint John Non - Profit Housing Inc., Harbour Station, and The Parking Commission, is removed from the total cost, the City is left with approximately $596,634 overall insurance cost for 1998. Attached to this report are three schedules which set out the various coverage, deductibles, and premiums. The City's Insurance & Claims Officer and the City's Agent have analyzed the information and provide the following highlights; 1: PROPERTY: The premium for this coverage has decreased by $14,417, or11.79 percent UNDER the 1998 premium. The decrease is due to the excellent loss ratio for the past five years, and the removal of a couple of high premium properties from the City's property list. The 1999 quotation package removed a couple of properties that may be added back onto the City Property list. This will of course result in an additional premium. (a) The Red Rose Tea Buildings were removed, however if the buildings are not gone by January 1, 1999 we will have to add them back on the list. (Estimated premium $2,500) (b) The Works building Grandview Avenue was removed, but the replacement building will be added when completed, sometime in 1999. (Another additional premium.) -4- 2: AUTOMOBILE: The premium for this coverage has decreased by $6,372 or 3.64 percent UNDER the 1998 premium. The decrease is due to the reduction in the number of claims presented to the insurers and the hoped decrease in losses due to the City's new in -house claims handling procedure for claims under the deductible amounts. Although the City's five year loss ratio is not favorable, discussions on the new procedure with the City's Agent and the Insurer's Field Representative have fostered a positive attitude, and the City and its insurers are hoping that this new procedure will produce reduced loss ratios in the future. The number of vehicles will be reviewed just prior to January 1, 1998 The actual premium may rise or fall slightly, depending on whether the number of vehicles registered in the Fleet Lists for October 1998, rises or falls just prior to the January 1, 1999 renewal date. .3. PUBLIC LIABILITY: The premium for this coverage has decreased by $ 44,440 or 14.86 percent UNDER the 1998 premium. Once again, the decrease can be attributed partially to the in -house claims procedure implemented on June 1, 1998, with the creation of the Insurance & Claims Officer's position. The number of claims being presented to the insurers has been substantially reduced. 4.ERRORS & OMISSIONS: The premium for this coverage has decreased by $ 9,086 or 33.00 percent UNDER the 1998 premium. The decrease can be attributed to the removal of the 1993 losses from the five -year loss ratio. (The 1993 losses exceeded 100,000.) S.ALL OTHER COVERAGE: The premium for coverage including Environmental Liability, Excess Liability, Boiler, Computer, and Crime coverage, has decreased by $ 18,222 or 25.59 percent UNDER the 1997 premiums. "Other Coverage" is provided in conjunction with, and, as an enhancement to, our major coverage. Their premiums will generally correspond to the rise and fall of our mayor coverage premiums. Funds are included in the operating budget to cover the cost of the 1998 premiums. -5- INPUT FROM OTHERS: Our agent advises that the quotation is the best value in the market place at this time. There is a substantial reduction in the 1999 premium and according to our Agent this is due in large part to; 1. "The reduction in administrative expenses with the City handling a lot of claims in house." 2. Favorable loss experience. This can be, partially, attributed to the pro- active approach of City staff in becoming more aware of claims and Risk Management procedures. 3. The Insurer's underwriters giving the City benefit for their efforts, and pro- active approach in turning around the claims situation. Over the last five years, the Cowan Company has proven to be prompt and professional, and the lines of communication, between the City and its insurers have, been very open and beneficial. The insurers, as can be seen by the 1999 premium, are committed to work with the City in the further reduction of claims through in house claims handling, the risk management process, and the review of the deductible amounts.. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Council accepts the insurance package offered by the Frank Cowan Company Limited, and approves payments as follow: Frank Cowan Company Limited $ 601,134 Huestis Insurance Limited 40,500 Total $ 641,634 (;espe)tfully submitted David Logan Purchasing Agent Terrance Totten City Manager SCHEDULE "A" PROPERTY (ALL RISKI INSURANCE: 1997 1998 1999 Values Insured 157,726,551 161,265,651 161,883,800 Premiums 133,463 122,289 107,872 Percentage Increase 0.52% (9.14) % (11.79) % (or Decrease) The increase, in values, is minor, with a small inflationary increase to most items. Other items that are included as part of our Property Schedule: Fine Arts, Extra Expense, Valuable Papers, Accounts Receivable, Watercraft Floater, Survey Equipment Floater, Livestock Floater, etc.. Notable items removed from our 1999 quotation listing: 1. Red Rose Tea Building — Smythe Street - Amount Insured $ 258,300 2. Red Rose Tea Building — Mill Street - Amount Insured 758,000 (These were removed in hopes that the properties would be no longer part of the City Property list, however, they will be added back to the list if the properties are not gone by January 1, 1999.) 3. Works Office & Garage — Grandview Ave. — Amount Insured 630,900 4. Salt Storage Dome - Grandview Ave - Amount Insured 104,700 (Various other minor amounts,) Notable items added to our 1999 quotation listing: 1. New Storage Building — Spruce Lake - Amount Insured - $ 350,000 2. New Pumping Station — Bay Road (Ridgewood) — Amount Insured - 150,000 3. Contents at Works East — Bayside Drive - Amount Insured - 200,000 (Various other minor additions or increases.) 1 SCHEDULE "B" AUTOMOBILE FLEET INSURANCE: Coverage Limits Deductible Amount Premiums Percentage Increase (or Decrease) 1997 1998 1999 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 168,069 173,529 168,069 6.42% 3.25 % (3.64) % The number of vehicles listed for the 1999 quotation is 401. The number of City vehicles has remained fairly constant over the years and an up -to -date list of vehicles will be provided at the end of December. A small fluctuation in the amount of vehicles will occur and there will likely be a small additional or return premium, once the up -to -date list is presented to the insurers. i SCHEDULE "C" PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE: There has been no change in coverage. The decrease is due to restructuring of the claims handling system and the pro- active approach taken by the City to address claims and to reduce the cost of claims. 1997 1998 1999 Coverage Limits 5,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 Deductible Amount 5,000 5,000 5,000 Premiums 262,574 299,138 254,698 Percentage Increase 7.50% 13.93% (14.86) % (or Decrease) There has been no change in coverage. The decrease is due to restructuring of the claims handling system and the pro- active approach taken by the City to address claims and to reduce the cost of claims. SCHEDULE "C" PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE: There has been no change in coverage. The decrease is due to restructuring of the claims handling system and the pro- active approach taken by the City to address claims and to reduce the cost of claims. 1997 1998 1999 Coverage Limits 5,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 Deductible Amount 5,000 5,000 5,000 Premiums 262,574 299,138 254,698 Percentage Increase 7.50% 13.93 % (14.86) % (or Decrease) There has been no change in coverage. The decrease is due to restructuring of the claims handling system and the pro- active approach taken by the City to address claims and to reduce the cost of claims. r REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M & C 99 -2 January 5, 1999 Her Worship Mayor Shirley McAlary & Members of Common Council Your Worship & Councilors: Subj: Back Up Fire Protection — Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station BACKGROUND: City of Saint John In 1982, the City of Saint John entered into an Agreement with the New Brunswick Power Corporation to provide backup Fire Protection services to the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station. The backup Fire Protection consisted of ten (10) personnel and two (2) vehicles. As part of the Agreement, N.B. Power compensated the City of Saint John for services provided based on the following formula: Truck Car Person A monthly "on call" fee of $1,000.00 or $12,000.00 per year; A "user fee" for each person and vehicle sent on a call to Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station in accordance with the following table: FIRST HOUR * $150.00 $ 20.00 $ 15.00 ADDITIONAL HOURS & FRACTION THEREOF $50.00 $10.00 $15.00 *The hours charged would be hours away from the Fire Department Fire Station. * *In addition, any overtime rates (as provided by Collective Agreement between the City and the Fire Fighters) for those men /women responding to the call or those men /women called in to restore the on -duty fire fighting complement of the Fire Department. The initial Agreement was revised on two (2) occasions in 1989 and in 1996. The 1989 revision was minor with basically the date being changed from 1982 to 1989 and Council's reaffirmation and ratification of the Agreement. The later revision in 1996 consisted of changes to N.B. Power's compensation to the City for fire protection services in the following manner: On call fee went from $12,000.00 a year to $24,000 a year. iii) First Hour Truck $150.00 (Remained same) $150.00 Car $ 20.00 (Remained same) $ 20.00 Man $ 15.00 to Current Contract with Local 771 I.A.F.F. It is noteworthy to mention that 1996 was the first change in fee structure since the inception of the Agreement to provide backup Fire Protection to Point Lepreau dating back to 1982. ANALYSIS- Once again Staff is of the belief that the current agreement with New Brunswick Power Corporation for backup Fire Protection Services to Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station should be renewed with the following changes included: .01 An identified term of three (3) years January 1st, AD 1999 to December 31st AD, 2002 inclusive. .02 The current monthly on call fee of $2,000. Or $24,000 per year be increased to $3,333.33 or $40,000 per year. .03 The "user fee" for each person be changed from the current fixed hourly rate of $15.00 per hour per man to reflect the current hourly rate of the contract between the City of Saint John and its Fire Fighters Union, Local 771, I.A.F.F. .04 One Ladder Company Crew only ...Changed to read "One Ladder Company and Crew" ... (The Ladder Truck will accompany crew all- inclusive). Further to renewing the Contract, Point Lepreau has committed to providing three years of intense training to members of the Saint John Fire Department - Sixty employees per year at a cost to N.B. Power of $45,000.00. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Council approve a three -year Agreement 1999 to 2002 between the City of Saint John, N.B. and New Brunswick Power Corporation for Fire Protection Services and prior to the official signing that the Draft Agreement be forwarded to the City Solicitor for his review and input. Respectfully submitted, t ief Terry Totten City Manager Attachments — Expired Agreement & Proposed Agreement "DRAFT" 1999-2002 FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES AGREEMENT POINT LEPREAU NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN, N.B. A Municipal Corporation AND NEW BRUNSWICK POWER CORPORATION A Crown Corporation SCHEDULE "A" THIS AGREEMENT made this day of 1989 and revised in 1999 BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN, a Municipal Corporation, duly incorporated under and virtue of the laws of the Province of New Brunswick, hereinafter called "the City" of the first part; -and - NEW BRUNSWICK POWER CORPORATION, a Crown Corporation duly appointed under and by virtue of The Electric Power Act, Chapter E -5, R.S. N.B. 1973, hereinafter called "N.B. Power" of the second part; WHEREAS N.B. Power is the owner and operator of a 630 MW Nuclear Generating Station situated at Point Lepreau being in the counties of Saint John and Charlotte in the Province of New Brunswick; AND WHEREAS the City is the owner and operator of a fire department hereinafter called "fire department "; AND WHEREAS N.B. Power may from time to time require back- up fire protection services to supplement its fire protection capabilities at Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station; AND WHEREAS the City has agreed to provide the service of the fire department for the aforesaid purpose; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH as follows: 1. Responsibility of the City of Saint John 1.01 The Fire Department will provide back -up fire protection services for the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station, Responsibility of the City of Saint John 1.02 The Fire Department will participate in training /orientation sessions and exercises that are fully sponsored by the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station. It is understood that the personnel of the Saint John Fire Department that may be required to participate in any such sponsorship programs will be the crews that are expected to respond to Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station should the need arise. 1.03 Upon The Public Safety Services Communications Center receiving a call for assistance from the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station, the fire department will be immediately dispatch thereto: (a) One Incident Commander. (b) One Engine and Crew, consisting of one (1) Officer and three (3) Fire Fighters. (c) One Ladder Truck Crew consisting of One (1) Officer and Three (3) Fire Fighters comprising under this clause 1.2 (a), (b) and (c) a total of Nine (9) people with two (2) vehicles 1.04 The P.S.C.C. will confirm that the call is authentic by calling Lepreau control room. (659- 2540). 1.05 Upon arrival at the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station the fire department personnel will immediately commence to work and will continue to work under the direction and supervision of the Point Lepreau Shift Supervisor in cooperation with the Incident Commander until he determines that their assistance on the call is no longer required. 2. Responsibility of New Brunswick Electric Power Corporation 2.01 In the event that the back -up assistance of the fire department is required at the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station the Point Lepreau Shift Supervisor or his delegate will call the fire department at telephone number 911. The caller will identify himself, briefly explain the situation and request assistance. 2.02 The Point Lepreau Generating Station Shift Supervisor will be responsible in cooperation with the Incident Commander for the direction and supervision of fire department personnel while they are present at the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station. 2.03 At all times during which fire department personnel are present at the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station as the result of a call for assistance, N.B. Power will be responsible to protect them from exposure to radiation and will provide them with meals, dry clothing and such other accommodations as the situation may require. 2.04 N.B. Power will provide on an on going basis the necessary familiarization and /or orientation to the personnel of the Saint John Fire Department that are required to respond to the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station. Any and all specialized training and equipment that is not normally part of structural firefighting shall be provided by N.B. Power to those crews responding to Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station. 3. Payment 3.01 N.B. Power will compensate the City of Saint John for services provided under this Agreement as follows: (1) A monthly "on call" fee of $3,333.33 or $40,000 per year; (ii) A "user fee" for each person and vehicle sent on a call to Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station in accordance with the following table: FIRST HOUR ADDITIONAL HOURS AND FRACTIONS THEREOF Truck $ 150.00 $ 150.00 Car $ 30.00 $ 20.00 Person Current Contract with Firefighters Union Local 771 I.A.F.F. Pay Scale The "User Fee" does not come into effect until the commencement of the fourth (4th) hour from the Dispatch Time. ** The hours charged will be hours away from the fire department station. * ** In addition, any overtime rates (as provided by the current collective agreement between the City and the firefighters) for those men responding to the call or those men called in to restore the on -duty fire fighting complement of the Fire Department. 4. Term 4.01 This Agreement shall take effect and be binding on the parties hereto for the period from January 1, A.D., 1999 to December 31st A.D., 2002 inclusive and shall remain in force for successive periods of thirty six (36) months thereafter, unless either party request negotiation of a new or replacement agreement by giving written notice to the other party not less than sixty (60) days and not more than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration date of this Agreement of any renewal thereof. 5. Contact 5.01 The contact person at Point Lepreau for clarification of the arrangements herein provided will be the Director of Fire Prevention. The contact person in any emergency will be the Duty Shift Supervisor - Telephone 659 -6214 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City and N.B. Power have caused this agreement to be duly executed the day and year first above written. THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Mayor Common Clerk C.C.O. NEW BRUNSWICK POWER CORPORATION Secretary SCHEDULE "A" THIS AGREEMENT made this da,/ of 1982 ar,d revised in 1 989 BETWEEi{ c -, T�„ C: i ( 0= ,- S,;iNT JOHN, a Municipal Corporation, duly incorporated under and virtue o; the laws of the Province Of Ne'.v Brunswick, herein- after called d "the Irity" cz t.hE rirst part; - and - THE i' E,4 BRUNS,4TC;{ ELECTRIC PO'w'ER COi`I'l-TESIOV, a Crown Corporation duly a000int_=d under and by virtue of ;he Electric Power Act, Chapter E -5 R.S. N.B. 19;3, hereinafter called "thy (d- -iccjdn'� 0-F the second part ; WHEREAS the Cornet i ss ion is t ;e owner and operator of a 630 i'Pr! Nuclear Generating Stationsi:tua.tadat Point Lepreau being in the counties of Saint John and Charlotte in the Province of New�Brunswick; AND WHEREAS the City is t:-e owner and aoerator of a f i r` depart:len t hereinafter c I 1 ed i re d art:i en t AND WHEREAS the CO—mission may -From, tirne to t1iTe require back-up fire protection services to supplement itS fire protection capabilities at Point Lepreau Nuclear Station; ANO WHEREAS the City has agreed to provide the service of the fire depart:ent for the aforesaid purpose; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEM_`IT 1417`JESE_TH as follows: 1. Resoonsibiiit�of the City of Saint John l.l. The fire department will provide back -up fire protection services for the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station; Z Responsibility of the City of Saint John 1.2 Upon receipt of a caii for assistance from the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station, the sire department will i ediately dispatch thereto 1.3 (a) One District C ^ief wish Ore Company Officer and three men and station wagon, -_ (bj Cne PL70 Compan.1 cons. sting of one company officer and Tour men comprising under this Claus= 1.2 (a) and (b) a total of ten (10) men N i zh ,,vc (2) vehicles; C 0 n f i ri, that the ca11 is a thentic by cail1nc Lepreau control room, 1.4 Upon arrival at the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generatina station the fire department personnel will immediately corrumence to work and will cent i nue to work under the direction and supervision p1 the Point Lepreau Shift Supervisor until he determines that their assistance on the call is no lancer require.'.. Responsibility oI the New Brunswick Electric Power COmi,ission 2.1 In the event that the back -up assistance Of the fire department is require' at the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station the Point Le ^,reau Shift Supervisor or his de i egate will call the Tire department at telephone number 911. The caller will identify himself, briefly explain the situation and request assistance. P`scersibility c th Nel,,' Brun ss,gick Electric Power Cor - ,scion 3 . Pa1ment 2.2 The Point Lepreau Generating Station Sni,s Supervisor will be responsible for the direction and supervision Of fire department personnel while they are present at the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station. 2 -= At all times during which fire department personnel are present at the Point L' reau Nuclear Generatrrt Station as the result C1 a --al g 1 far assistance, ��,� New Srunswic'k Electric Power Ccr=issicn will be responsible to protect them from radiaticn and will provide them ,pith meals, dry cl0thinc and such other accCmradations as tie sit:ation may recuire. 3.1 The C=nission will ccmpensate the City of Saint John for services provided under this Agreement as follows: (ii) A monthly "on call" fee of $1,000.00 or �1 n�n per year; A "user ire" for each man and vehicle sent on a call to Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station in accordance with the r "ol l cwi ng table FIRST HOUR * ADDiTIO�(;�.L HOURS AND FrR1ACTIONs i -!EREOF- Truck $150.00 50.00 Car 20.00 10.00 Man 1.00 * i ne hours charged will be hours away from the fire depar� men station. de par `fire pa��ent ** In addition, anv overtime rates ateY collective acreemen t Citas D_ovided b� and the �.�ose men -espondinc to the call Cr those men caller: in to restore the On_ fighting duty complement t i re Of the Fir-- Deoa rt*1ent. 4 T rai 4,1 This acrep,ent will commence on .the Ist day o= Januarv, 1989 con t i n.ue in "c� and 1989-land uilti 1 t:�e exoi~1,r o_ � C a - least ninet.v days w =itten notice of -erg? nation (74 van by either party to the ogler. 5 Contact 5.1 The contact person at point Leo -aar_ for clari--cat-ion - o, ti_e arrance�ents ?:ere' -n provided w471 be the Director of Fire prevention. The contact person in any emercency will be the Dut_v Shift Sucerv_scr - Telephone 659 -2220. IN WITNESS the Citv aMA tree COIRm;sslon have caused 4- [t15 acres ^ent ex'cuted t:le day anc. year ;- �_ irst ab to be duly o , e wri .ter. . Tr;�CITY i � OF S =.I'L\iT JO�i r �Ferli-1o:. Cler:< C.C.O. bruary 6, 1989 THE N=;'i BRUNS',' IC.K ELECTRIC pOW? COM-`12SSIOr1 31 SecriE!:`ary REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M &C 99 -8 January 7, 1999 Her Worship Mayor Shirley McAlary and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT Somerset Street BACKGROUND City of Saint John On April 6, 1998, Common Council approved a two -phase project in the Capital Program for Transportation to widen Somerset Street to provide a four -lane arterial street between Ropewalk Road and the new Superstore. This project was required, in part, to accommodate the increased traffic volumes generated by the new development. The first phase of the project was completed in 1998 and involved curbing and paving (base only) on the south side of the street. Curb and sidewalk on the north side was built by the developer as per the development agreement. The second phase is to be undertaken in 1999 and involves sidewalk on the south side adjacent to the curb which was constructed in 1998 and asphalt resurfacing between Churchill Boulevard and the new Superstore. In addition, a new forcemain was installed between Churchill Boulevard and Lime Kiln Road under the North End Wastewater Scheme. On January 4, 1999 Council gave first and second reading to the proposed 34 -acre business park development between Ropewalk Road and Lime Kiln Road. In conjunction with rezoning, the Planning Advisory Committee also recommended the widening to four lanes and curbing of Somerset Street. Council has requested staff to prepare a cost estimate for street reconstruction and road widening to four lanes of the portion between Line Kiln Road and the new Superstore. M &C -99 -8 Somerset Street Page 2 ANALYSIS The work has not been included in the recommended 1999 Capital Program, but could be added to the 2000 Program. The preliminary design for a full four -lane facility has been completed and the project is presently identified in the Capital Program as a Priority #5. It was anticipated that the road widening to four lanes would be extended as need arose. The estimated cost of the work is $650,000.00 and includes storm sewer construction, rock excavation, road widening, curb, sidewalk and asphalt paving. Further, the estimated cost of extending the four lanes to Millidge Avenue would be an additional $255,000.00. This cost includes road widening, storm drainage improvements, curb, sidewalk and asphalt paving. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Common Council receive and file this report. Terrence L. Totten, C.A. City Manager Office of the Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Common Clerk March 17, 1999 P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 The Honourable Marcelle Mersereau Minister of Municipalities and Housing Province of New Brunswick P.O. Box 6000 Fredericton, N.B. E3B 5H1 Dear Madam Minister: City of Saint John Pursuant to Section 69(1) (d) of the Community Planning Act, enclosed is a copy of a newspaper advertisement with regard to the filing of by- laws enacted by the Common Council of the City of Saint John. Yours truly, Mary L. Yunford Common Clerk MLM /jaf encl. INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint John use only: Budget Number: 110 0000 442 20 10 Department: Common Clerk's Office Contact: Mary Munford Phone: 658 -2862 Fax: 658 -2802 Special Instructions (if any): X Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (ETG = Evening Times Globe; T -J = Telegraph Journal) ETG City Information AD Date(s): Tuesday, March 16, 1999 ETG Independent Placement Date(s): ETG Classifieds Date(s): T -J Independent Placement Date(s): T -J Classifieds Date(s): INFORMATION FOR AD (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad) Section Headline: 0 Tender(s) Q Proposals(s) X Public Notice(s) 0 Mayor's Message 0 General Notice(s) Sub - Headline (if applicable): Text: INSERT ATTACHED Call to Action: Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Contact: Telephone: (506) 658 -2862 ENACTED BY -LAWS Public Notice is hereby given that the following by -laws enacted by the Common Council of The City of Saint John have been approved by the Minister of Municipalities and Housing if required, and have been filed in the Office of the Registrar of Deeds in and for the County of Saint John and became effective on the dates noted below, namely: DATED FILED A Law To Amend The Municipal Plan By -law January 29, 1999 (amending Schedule 2 -A re 899 Somerset Street) 2. By -law Number C.P. 100 -487 A Law To Amend The January 29, 1999 Zoning By -law Of The City Of Saint John (amending Schedule "A" re 899 Somerset Street) 3. By -law Number C.P. 100 -489 A Law To Amend The February 10, 1999 Zoning By -law Of The City Of Saint John (amending Schedule "A" re Proud Road) 4. By -law Number C.P. 100 -490 A Law To Amend The February 10, 1999 Zoning By -law Of The City Of Saint John (amending Schedule "A" re 205 -207 Loch Lomond Road) 5. By -law Number C.P. 100 -491 A Law To Amend The February 10, 1999 Zoning By -law Of The City Of Saint John (amending Schedule "A" re 304 Lawrence Long Road) 6. By -law Number C.P. 100 -492 A Law To Amend The March 1, 1999 Zoning By -law Of The City Of Saint John (amending Schedule "A" re land adjacent to 570 Rothesay Avenue) 7. By -law Number C.P. 100 -493 A Law To Amend The March 1, 1999 Zoning By -law Of The City Of Saint John (amending Schedule "A" re land adjacent to 18 Sussex Drive) Office of the Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Common Clerk February 10, 1999 P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 Aw. City of Saint john Somerset Investments Ltd. 550 Somerset Street P.O. Box 5 Saint John, N.B. E2L 3X1 Dear Sirs: Re: 899 Somerset Street Enclosed are copies of amendments to the Municipal Plan and Zoning By -laws with respect to the above property. Pursuant to the provisions of the Community Planning Act, the by -laws were filed in the Registry Office on January 29, 1999 and became effective on that date. Yours truly, Mary L.6 �unford Common Clerk MLM /jaf encl. cc: Jim Baird, Manager, Community Planning William Edwards, Building Inspector (Section 39 Resolution) PENDING REZONING AND SECTION 39 RESOLUTION PROPERTY LOCATION: - CP 100 -487 899 Somerset Street SUBJECT: Amend Zoning By -Law and Section 39 Resolution REGISTRY OFFICE: - * *certify 2 copies of Rezoning By -law Amendment - letter size - attach "A" (signed copy of By -law) - attach the street map (which is part of the By -law - * *attach "B" the resolution from Council - single spacing - * *certify 2 copies of the Section 39 Resolution - legal size, incl. owner's name - * *attach "A" (resolution from Council) - single spacing ** margins for these documents only - 2" top margin, 1.5" side margins Legal Department will file the By -law, returning 1 copy to Common Clerk's Office and Register the Resolution, returning 1 copy to Common Clerk's Office COPIES TO JOHN NUGENT: - January 25, 1999 Copy to - - Applicant - copy of By -law and all attachments - cc: J. Baird - copy of By -law and all attachments - cc: W. Edwards copy of Resolution and attachment Municipalities, Municipalites, Culture and Culture et Housing Habitation Nouveau --I-% Brunswick January 21, 1999 Mary Munford, Common Clerk City of Saint John P. O. Box 1971 Market Square Saint John, N.B. E2L 4L1 Dear Ms. Munford: The following by -laws were approved by the Minister, as is described by Section 69 of the Community Planning Act: one copy of A Law to Amend the Municipal Plan By -law (899 Somerset St.). In addition to this approval, it is necessary to: (a) file in the Registry Office a certified, true copy of the by -law which has been signed by the Minister; (b) publish in a newspaper which is circulated in your community, a notice indicating: (i) the action taken by the Minister, (ii) the information relative to the filing as described in paragraph (a); (c) send to the Minister a copy of the notice as described in paragraph (b). The by -laws come into effect as soon as they are filed in the Registry Office. Yours truly, L' Daniel Savard Regulations Administrator Land Use Planning Branch Enclosures comm "I 4 -f fIW JAN 251999 Vri of-- P.O. Box 6000 Case postale 6000 Fredericton Fredericton New Brunswick Nouveau Brunswick Canada E3B 5H1 Canada E3B 5H1 PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK COUNTY OF SAINT JOHN I, MARY L. MUNFORD, of the City of Saint John in the County of Saint John and Province of New Brunswick, DO HEREBY CERTIFY:- That I am the Common Clerk of the said City of Saint John and as such have the custody of the minutes and records of the Common Council of the said City of Saint John and of the Common Seal of the said City. 2. That hereto attached and marked "A" is a copy of "A Law to Amend the Municipal Plan By -law ", enacted by the Common Council of the City of Saint John on the eleventh day of January, 1999. 3. That I have carefully compared the said by -law with the original and the same is a true copy thereof. D A T E D at the City of Saint John on the twentieth day of January, A.D. 1999. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I, the said Common Clerk of the City of Saint John have hereunto affixed the Common Seal of the said City the day and year first hereinbefore written. z2z,_�� Mary L. Munfor Common Clerk Office of the Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Common Clerk January 20, 1999 P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 The Honourable Marcelle Mersereau Minister of Municipalities and Housing Province of New Brunswick P.O. Box 6000 Fredericton, N.B. E3B 5H1 Dear Madam Minister: City of Saint John Enclosed are two copies of an amendment to the Municipal Plan By -law of the City of Saint John for your approval under the provisions of the Community Planning Act. Yours truly, Mary L. Munford Common Clerk MLM /jaf encl. A LAW TO AMEND THE MUNICIPAL PLAN BY -LAW Be it enacted by the City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: - The Municipal Plan By -law of the City of Saint John enacted on the twenty- second day of May, 1973 is amended by: Amending Schedule 2 -A, the Future Land Use Plan, by redesignating a parcel of land with an area of approximately 62 acres, located at 899 Somerset Street, having frontages on Somerset Street, Rope Walk Road, Millidge Avenue and Sussex Drive, also being a portion of NBGIC Number 55144109 and a portion of NBGIC Number 415216, from Medium Density Residential to Business Park classification - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by -law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the eleventh day of January, A.D. 1999 and signed by: ayor, the me/fiber of Co ncil who p s ded at the meeting at which it was enacted; and hill Common Cle First Reading - January 4, 1999 Second Reading - January 4, 1999 Third Reading - January 11, 1999 COMMUNITY PLANNING MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDING SCHEDULE 2 —A THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN a MERS�� k S0M n o � � f CERoy 92 T� s. y�F + OR,VE 0. (• O 9e ORIVF s ♦ \ r3 pAIVF ST MFMSCa FROM TO Medium Density Residential Business Park Applicant: Somerset Investments Ltd. Date Drawn: December 17, 1998 Location: 899 Somerset Street Drawn By: Tamara Duke Recommended by P.A.C.: December 22, 1998 File Number (s): 06N -79NE & 06N -79SE Enacted by Council: 55144109 (part of Approved by Minister: 00415216 (part ofl Filed in Registry Office: BY -LAW NUMBER C.P. 100 -487 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY -LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by the City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: - The Zoning By -law of the City of Saint John, enacted on the fourteenth day of November, A.D. 1983, is amended by: Amending Schedule "A ", the Zoning Map of the City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 62 acres, located at 899 Somerset Street, having frontages on Somerset Street, Rope Walk Road, Millidge Avenue and Sussex Drive, also being a portion of NBGIC Number 55144109 and a portion of NBGIC Number 415216 from "P" Park, "R -2" One- and Two - Family Residential, "RM -1" Three - Storey Multiple Residential, and "RM -2" High -Rise Multiple Residential to "BP" Business Park classification, pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Common Council under Section 39 of the Community Planning Act - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by -law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the eleventh day of January, A.D. 1999 and signed by: /g , the me ber of C uncil who e ided at the meeting at which it was enacted; and ILL 1 0 � NEAR Yo-sew, First Reading - January 4, 1999 Second Reading - January 4, 1999 Third Reading - January 11, 1999 9 x Z FROM P Park COMMUNITY PLANNING REZONING AMENDING MAP SHEET 123 SCHEDULE "A" OF THE ZONING BY -LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN s 55 --G i _ i SOME CESEY ST - 'vE R -2 One and Two Family Residential SO MFRSFr Sri tta .7 m r H >i: > #t r K2 ,: i s � � Q RM -1 Three Storey Multiple Residential RM -2 High Rise Multiple Residential opwE TO pB�Lit;• - . � • .Pursuant to a Resolution Under Section 39 of the Community Planning Act Applicant: Somerset Investments Ltd. Location: 899 Somerset Street Recommended by P.A.C.: Enacted by Council: Filed in Registry Office: December 22, 1998 E Date Drn.: December 17, 1998 Drn. By: T. Duke File No.: 06N -79NE & 06N -79SE 55144109 (part of) 00415216 (i)art of) % (a) A LAW TO AMEND THE MUNICIPAL PLAN BY -LAW Be it enacted by the City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: - The Municipal Plan By -law of the City of Saint John enacted on the twenty- second day of May, 1973 is amended by: Amending Schedule 2 -A, the Future Land Use Plan, by redesignating a parcel of land with an area of approximately 62 acres, located at 899 Somerset Street, having frontages on Somerset Street, Rope Walk Road, Millidge Avenue and Sussex Drive, also being a portion of NBGIC Number 55144109 and a portion of NBGIC Number 415216, from Medium Density Residential to Business Park classification - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this'�y -law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this 1$ydaw the day of, A.D. 1999 and signed by: b , the member of Council who presided at the meeting at which it was enacted; and Common Clerk First Reading - January 4, 1999 Second Reading - January 4, 1999 Third Reading - COMMUNITY PLANNING MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDING SCHEDULE 2 -A THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN R SO s O M R _ may; r3 MFRS Q/ 1. Q^ P QPIYE ST FROM TO Medium Density Residential Business Park Applicant: Somerset Investments Ltd. Date Drawn: December 17, 1998 Location: 899 Somerset Street Drawn By: Tamara Duke Recommended by P.A.C.: December 22, 1998 File Number (s): 06N -79NE & 06N -79SE 55144109 (part ofl Enacted by Council: Approved by Minister: 00415216 (part ofl Filed in Registry Office: Y� 1 Office of the Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Common Clerk January 14, 1999 Somerset Investments Ltd. 550 Somerset Street P.O. Box 5 Saint John, NB E2L 3X1 Dear Sirs: P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 At a meeting of the Common Council, held on the 11 th instant, the following resolutions were adopted, namely:- E��:�I� . City of Saint John " RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "A Law To Amend The Municipal Plan By- Law ", by redesignating on Schedule 2 -A, the Future Land Use Plan, a parcel of land with an area of approximately 62 acres, located at 899 Somerset Street, having frontages on Somerset Street, Rope Walk Road, Millidge Avenue and Sussex Drive, also being a portion of NBGIC Number 55144109 and a portion of NBGIC Number 415216, from Medium Density Residential to Business Park classification, be read a third time and enacted and the Corporate Common Seal be affixed thereto." -and - " RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 100 -487 A Law To Amend The Zoning By -Law Of The City Of Saint John ", insofar as it concerns re- zoning zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 62 acres, located at 899 Somerset Street, having frontages on Somerset Street, Rope Walk Road, Millidge Avenue and Sussex Drive, also being a portion of NBGIC Number 55144109 and a portion of NBGIC Number 415216, from "P" Park, "R -2" One and Two - Family Residential, "RM -1" Three - Storey Multiple Residential and "RM -2" High -Rise Multiple Residential to "BP" Business Park classification, be read a third time and enacted and the Corporate Common Seal be affixed thereto: AND FURTHER that pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the said re- zoning be subject to the following conditions: (a) the use of the site is limited to a business park subdivision which may include the following uses: assembly and manufacture of electronic devices; banks and REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M &C 99 -8 k January 7, 1999 Her Worship Mayor Shirley McAlary r and Members of Common Council City of Saint John Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT Somerset Street BACKGROUND On April 6, 1998, Common Council approved a two -phase project in the Capital Program for Transportation to widen Somerset Street to provide a four -lane arterial street between Ropewalk Road and the new Superstore. This project was required, in part, to accommodate the increased traffic volumes generated by the new development. The first phase of the project was completed in 1998 and involved curbing and paving (base only) on the south side of the street. Curb and sidewalk on the north side was built by the developer as per the development agreement. The second phase is to be undertaken in 1999 and involves sidewalk on the south side adjacent to the curb which was constructed in 1998 and asphalt resurfacing between Churchill Boulevard and the new Superstore. In addition, a new forcemain was installed between Churchill Boulevard and Lime Kiln Road under the North End Wastewater Scheme. On January 4, 1999 Council gave first and second reading to the proposed 34 -acre business park development between Ropewalk Road and Lime Kiln Road. In conjunction with rezoning, the Planning Advisory Committee also recommended the widening to four lanes and curbing of Somerset Street. Council has requested staff to prepare a cost estimate for street reconstruction and road widening to four lanes of the portion between Line Kiln Road and the new Superstore. A M &C -99 -8 Somerset Street Page 2 ANALYSIS The work has not been included in the recommended 1999 Capital Program, but could be added to the 2000 Program. The preliminary design for a full four -lane facility has been completed and the project is presently identified in the Capital Program as a Priority #5. It was anticipated that the road widening to four lanes would be extended as need arose. The estimated cost of the work is $650,000.00 and includes storm sewer construction, rock excavation, road widening, curb, sidewalk and asphalt paving. Further, the estimated cost of extending the four lanes to Millidge Avenue would be an additional $255,000.00. This cost includes road widening, storm drainage improvements, curb, sidewalk and asphalt paving. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Common Council receive and file this report. submitted, oody, P. Eng. i0 oner, Municipawpe Terrence L. Totten, C.A. City Manager (6) follows: - BY -LAW NUMBER C.P. 100 - 4_�7 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY -LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by the City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as The Zoning By -law of the City of Saint John, enacted on the fourteenth day of November, A.D. 1983, is amended by: Amending Schedule "A ", the Zoning Map of the City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 62 acres, located at 899 Somerset Street, having frontages on Somerset Street, Rope Walk Road, Millidge Avenue and Sussex Drive, also being a portion of NBGIC Number 55144109 and a portion of NBGIC Number 415216 from "P" Park, "R -2" One- and Two - Family Residential, "RM -1" Three - Storey Multiple Residential, and "RM -2" High -Rise Multiple Residential to "BP" Business Park classification, pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Common Council under Section 39 of the Community Planning Act - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this�y -law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the day of A.D. 1999 and signed by: , the member of Council who presided at the meeting at which it was enacted; and Common Clerk First Reading - January 4, 1999 Second Reading - January 4, 1999 Third Reading - COMMUNITY PLANNING MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDING SCHEDULE 2 -A THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN s o M E R '�re 51 .yN ' r'-4Y2 Y. F S V F - J NT � � r CE1e. )) J (� \jam \yam \Y ^\y\ � � ..._ j r•. K :: O � . >m a I YO /' OPIYF Ale i I1 NENS� FROM TO Medium Density Residential Business Park Applicant: Somerset Investments Ltd. Date Drawn: December 17, 1998 Location: 899 Somerset Street Drawn By: Tamara Duke Recommended by P.A.C.: December 22, 1998 Enacted by Council: Approved by Minister: File Number (s): 06N -79NE & 06N -79SE 55144109 (part ofl 00415216 (part oD Filed in Registry Office: �/r PROPOSED MUNICIPAL PLAN AND ZONING BY -LAW AMENDMENTS r j � RE: 899 SOMERSET STREET Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending the Municipal Development Plan and the City of Saint John Zoning By -law at its regular meeting to be held on Monday, January 4, 1999 at 7:00 p.m., by: 1. Redesignating on Schedule 2A of the Municipal Development Plan, from Medium Density Residential to Business Park, a parcel of land with an area of approximately 62 acres, located at 899 Somerset Street, having frontages on Somerset Street, Rope Walk Road, Millidge Avenue and Sussex Drive, also being NBGIC number 55144109 and a portion of NBGIC number 415216, as illustrated below. 2. Rezoning the same parcel of land from "P" Park, "R -2" One and Two Family Residential, "RM -1" Three Storey Multiple Residential, and "RM -2" High Rise Multiple Residential to "BP" Business Park. (INSERT MAP) REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit the development of a business park. The proposed amendments may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of the Planning Department, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. Written objections to the amendments may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall. /99y .c City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint John use only: Budget Number: 11 120 1212 2211 Department: Common Clerk's Office Contact: Mary Munford Phone: 658 -2862 Fax: 658 -2802 Special Instructions (if any): Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (ETG = Evening Times Globe; T -J = Telegraph Journal) X ETG City Information AD Date(s): Tuesday, December 8, 1998 Tuesday, December 29, 1998 0 ETG Independent Placement Date(s): C3 ETG Classifieds Date(s): 173 T -J Independent Placement Date(s): 0 T -J Classifieds Date(s): INFORMATION FOR AD (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad) Section Headline: 0 Tender(s) 173 Proposals(s) X Public Notice(s) 0 Mayor's Message 0 General Notice(s) Sub - Headline (if applicable): Text: INSERT ATTACHED Call to Action: Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Contact: I Telephone: (506) 658 -2862 Office of the Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Common Clerk P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 Is November 26, 1998 City of Saint John Somerset Investments Ltd. 550 Somerset Street P.O. Box 5 Saint John, NB E21- 3X1 Dear Sirs: At a meeting of the Common Council, held on the 23rd instant, the following resolution was adopted, namely:- " RESOLVED that the application of Somerset Investments Ltd. for a Municipal Plan amendment and re- zoning of property at 899 Somerset Street be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation and the necessary advertising be authorized in this regard, with the public hearing to be held on Monday, January 4, 1999, at 7:00 o'clock p.m." Enclosed is a copy of the Public Notice in this regard. Yours truly, Mary L. Munford Common Clerk MLM:sc Enc. office of the Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Common Clerk November 19,1998 Her Worship Mayor Shirley McAlary and Members of Common Council City of Saint John Saint John, NB Your Worship and Councillors: P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 11 City of Saint John Following the procedure for amendments to the Municipal Plan, the necessary advertising and public presentation have been completed with regard to the attached application of Somerset Investments Ltd. for a Municipal Plan amendment and re- zoning of property at 899 Somerset Street, and the date for written objections expired on November 18, 1998, with no written objections having been received in this regard. Council, it it so wishes, may now authorize the necessary advertising for the proposed Municipal Plan amendment and re- zoning, schedule a public hearing for Monday, January 4, 1999, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., and request the views of the Planning Advisory Committee Yours truly, Ma ry L. Zford Common Clerk attachment 0 MUNICIPAL PLAN AMENDMENT Re: 899 Somerset Street Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider an amendment to the Municipal Development Plan which would redesignate on Schedule 2A of the Plan, from Medium Density Residential to Business Park, the following property: A parcel of land with an area of approximately 62 acres, located at 899 Somerset Street, having frontages on Somerset Street, Rope Walk Road, Millidge Avenue and Sussex Drive, also being NBGIC number 55144109 and a portion of NBGIC number 415216, as illustrated below. (INSERT MAP) REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit rezoning of the parcel of land from "P" Park, "R -2" One and Two Family Residential, "RM -1" Three Storey Multiple Residential, and "RM -2" High Rise Multiple Residential to new Business Park zone, and the subsequent development of a business park. A public presentation of the proposed amendment will take place at a regular meeting of Common Council on Monday, October 19, 1998 in the Council Chamber, Lobby Level, City Hall. Written objections to the proposed amendment may be made to the Council, in care of the undersigned, by November 18, 1998. Enquiries may be made at the office of the Common Clerk or the Planning Department, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B., between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., from Monday to Friday inclusive, holidays excepted. City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint Jahn use only: Budget Number: 11 120 1212 2211 Department: Common Clerk's Office Contact: Mary Munford Phone: 658-2862 Fax: Special Instructions (if any): Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (ETG = Evening Times Globe; T -J = Telegraph Journal) X ETG City Information Ad ❑ ETG Independent Placement ❑ ETG Classifieds ❑ T-J Independent Placement ❑ T -J Classifieds Date(s): Tuesday, October 6, 1998 Date(s): Date(s) : Date(s) : Date(s): Information for Ad (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad) Section Headline: ❑ Tender(s) ❑ Proposal(s) ❑ Mayor's Message ❑ General Notice(s) X Public Notice(s) Sub - Headline (if applicable): Text: INSERT ATTACHED Call to Action: Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Contact: Telephone: (506) 658 -2862 / \ I Application for a Municipal Plan and Zoning By -law Amendment Applicant Related Information Name of Applicant Mailing Address of Applicant Saint John, N.B. Telephone Number Fax Number (if any) Somerset Investments Ltd. 550 Somerset St., P.O. Box 5 Postal Code E2L 3X1 Home Business ( 506) 632 -0022 (506) 633 -0251 Name of Property Owner (if different) Mailing Address of Owner Property Information 899 Location Civic# Lot Area 62 Arces Existing Use of Property Code Somerset St. 55144109(Formerly Part of 00049809) / Part 00415216 Street NBGIC# Street Frontage Varies Vacant Present Municipal Plan Land Use Designation Medium Density Residential Present Zoning "P" Park, "R -2 ", "RM -1", and "RM -2" Amendments Requested Municipal Plan L Change Land Use Designation to Business Park and/or O Text Amendment (indicate particulars on an attachment) Zoning By -law 0 Change Zoning to Business Park and/or 0 Text Amendment (indicate particulars on an attachment) Development Proposal Description of Proposal SQTEL---et TadYIQ10gy Pak "a-11 offer lv_gh visibility and a gtaality rxasiness ewirami t with an idml lccatien, offeriM t'-1- ;pest of both rural and netrqoolitan settirrr� with an cpez, park like dewloarent less than 5 mirutes from the central qzytaon tuslress district. Close proximity to a mnities ie. UZEJ, Atlantic ialth Scienms Corp. , m an�rtaticn ro ates, Haasirig, Rads d Park etc., mikes this a first clpice lcxatien. You must provide a scaled site plan that illustrates your proposal. You may also provide photographs, building plans, elevation drawings and any other form of information. The site plan must show the dimensions of the property, the location of all buildings, driveways, parking areas, landscaping and signs. It is important that the distance between the property boundary and buildings are shown. Provide reasons why these amendments should be approved To allow this property to be used for a Business Park as identified in the "Saint John Business Park Review ". Increased tax base opportunity for the City of Saint John. Affords expansion opportunity for existing businesses and increases the opportunities for new business and jobs as identified by Enterprise Saint John. Provide any other information about your proposal that would be helpful The proposed Business Park will also have a positive impact on the need for housing in the city, which again will increase the tax base. Signature of Applicant for Somerset Investments Ltd. Date September 17, 1998] $400 Application Fee Enclosed Ifyou are not the owner of the land in question please have the owner sign below. The signature of the owner authorizing this application to proceed is required for consideratio Common Council. Signature of Owner (if applicable) natA September 17, 1998 Application for a Municipal Plan and Z ing By -law Amendment Applica t Related Information Name of Applica t Somerset investments Ltd. Mailing Address of plicant 550 Somerset St., P.O. Box 5, Saint Joan, N. , Telephone Number I%pr Fax Number (if any) Name of Property Owner (if di Mailing Address of Owner — 506) 633 -0251 Property Information \ - -- Somer Location Civic# Street Lot Area 62 Acres Existing Use of Property Vacant Present Municipal Plan Land Use Designation Present Zoning Park Amendments Requested Postal Code Code E2L 3X1 ness ( 506) 632 -0022 00049809 / Part 00415216 Prk NBGIC# Varies Municipal Plan IN Change Land Use Designation to Business Park and/or ❑ Text Amendment (indicate particulars on an attachment) Zoning By -law ® Change Zoning to Business Park and/or ❑ Text Amendment (indicate particulars on an attachment) A� September 17, 1998 Mary Munford City of Saint John P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, N.B. E2L 4L1 Dear Mrs. Munford, SUBJECT: BUSINESS PARK This letter confirms my approval to allow the inclusion of a portion of property NBGIC #00415216 to be part of the application by Somerset Investments Ltd. NBGIC #0004989. 1 understand that the application is to change the land use designation and zoning from "Park" to "Business Park ". The portion of NBGIC #00415216 is to allow for the construction of a new city street. The portion of NBGIC #00415216 is shown on a drawing submitted with the application. Yours truly, BernatdElIiot Scottish Enterprises Ltd. 229 Metcalf Street, Saint John, NB E2K 1 K7 Tel: (506) 634 -1613 Fax: (506) 632 -2032 �q1p� 6S si:.1 d 4 � 4• a � M` w r [K O /1 + 5 514-410 9 -4 VCA4 •,ab.. d � caxex • °f °aa•�a kLvwr ems' a x"'r A office of the Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Common Clerk September 30, 1998 Somerset Investments Ltd. 550 Somerset Street P.O. Box 5 Saint John, N.B. E21- 3X1 Dear Sir: Re: 899 Somerset Street P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 ROM City of Saint John Enclosed is a copy of the Public Notice regarding a proposed Municipal Plan amendment for redesignation of the above property. Following the date for the receipt of objections, namely, November 18, 1998, Common Council may authorize the necessary advertising for the public hearing, and request the views of the Planning Advisory Committee. Yours truly, Mary Ltunford Common Clerk MLM /jaf encl. City of Sdhit John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint John use only. Budget Number: 11 120 1212 2211 Department: Common Clerk's Office Contact: Mary Munford Phone: 6., 1. Fax: Special Instructions (if any); Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (ETG = Evening Times Globe; T -J = Telegraph Journal) X ETG City Information Ad ❑ ETG Independent Placement ❑ ETG Classifieds ❑ T -J Independent Placement ❑ T -J Classifieds Date(s): Tuesday, October 6, 1998 Date(s): Date(s) : Date(s): Date(s): Information for Ad (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad) Section Headline: ❑ Tender(s) ❑ Proposal(s) ❑ Mayor's Message ❑ General Notice(s) X Public Notice(s) Sub - Headline (if applicable): Text: INSERT ATTACHED Call to Action: Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Contact: Telephone: (506) 658 -2862 MUNICIPAL PLAN AMENDMENT Re: 899 Somerset Street Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider an amendment to the Municipal Development Plan which would redesignate on Schedule 2A of the Plan, from Medium Density Residential to Business Park, the following property: A parcel of land with an area of approximately 62 acres, located at 899 Somerset Street, having frontages on Somerset Street, Rope Walk Road, Millidge Avenue and Sussex Drive, also being NBGIC number 55144109 and a portion of NBGIC number 415216, as illustrated below. (INSERT MAP) REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit rezoning of the parcel of land from "P" Park, "R -2" One and Two Family Residential, "RM -1" Three Storey Multiple Residential, and "RM -2" High Rise Multiple Residential to new Business Park zone, and the subsequent development of a business park. A public presentation of the proposed amendment will take place at a regular meeting of Common Council on Monday, October 19, 1998 in the Council Chamber, Lobby Level, City Hall. Written objections to the proposed amendment may be made to the Council, in care of the undersigned, by November 18, 1998. Enquiries may be made at the office of the Common Clerk or the Planning Department, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B., between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., from Monday to Friday inclusive, holidays excepted. 0 City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint John use only: Budget Number: 11 120 1212 2211 Department: Common Clerk's Office Contact: Mary Munford Phone: 658 -2862 Fax: 658 -2802 Special Instructions (if any): El Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (ETG = Evening Times Globe; T -J = Telegraph Journal) ETG City Information AD Date(s): Tuesday, February 2, 1999 ETG Independent Placement Date(s): ETG Classifieds Date(s): T -J Independent Placement Date(s): T -J Classifieds Date(s): INFORMATION FOR AD (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad) Section Headline: 0 Tender(s) 0 Proposals(s) X Public Notice(s) 0 Mayor's Message 0 General Notice(s) ENACTED BY -LAWS Public Notice is hereby given that the following by -laws enacted by the Common Council of The City of Saint John have been approved by the Minister of Municipalities and Housing if required, and have been filed in the Office of the Registrar of Deeds in and for the County of Saint John and became effective on the dates noted below, namely: DATED FILED A Law To Amend The Municipal Plan By -law December 1, 1998 (amended by deleting the existing Part One - General and adopting a new Part One) 2. A Law To Amend The Municipal Plan By -law December 1, 1998 (amended by deleting the existing Part Two - Land Use and Part Nine - Implementation and adopting a new Part Two and Nine) 3. By -law Number C.P. 100 -482 A Law To Amend November 26, 1998 The Zoning By -law Of The City of Saint John (amending Schedule "A" re land located adjacent to 1954 Manawagonish Road) 4. By -law Number C.P. 100 -484 A Law To Amend December 16, 1998 The Zoning By -law Of The City of Saint John (amending Schedule "A" re 270 Proud Road) 5. By -law Number C.P. 100 -485 A Law To Amend December 16, 1998 The Zoning By -law Of The City of Saint John (establishing specific zone for business park developments) 6. By -law Number C.P. 100 -486 A Law To Amend January 13, 1999 The Zoning By -law Of The City of Saint John (amending Schedule "A" re 88 Milford Road) 7. By -law Number C.P. 100 -488 A Law To Amend January 22, 1999 The Zoning By -law Of The City of Saint John (amending Schedule "A" re 28 Richmond Street) Office of the Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Common Clerk January 25, 1999 Roman Catholic Diocese 91 Waterloo Street Saint John, N.B. E2L 3P9 Dear Sir: Re: 28 Richmond Street P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 .N.- City of Saint john Enclosed is a copy of an amendment to the Zoning By -law of the City of Saint John with respect to the above property. Pursuant to the provisions of the Community Planning Act, the By -law was filed in the Registry Office on January 22, 1999 and became effective on that date. Yours truly, 7 � Mary L. Munford Common Clerk MLM /jaf encl. cc: Jim Baird, Manager, Community Planning PENDING REZONING PROPERTY LOCATION: - CP 100 -488 - 28 Richmond Street SUBJECT: Amend Zoning By -Law REGISTRY OFFICE: - * *certify 2 copies of Rezoning By -law Amendment - letter size - attach "A" (a signed copy of By -law) - attach the street map (which is part of the By -law ** margins for these documents only - 2" top margin, 1.5" side margins Legal Department will file the By -law, returning 1 copy to Common Clerk's Office and Register the Resolution, returning 1 copy to Common Clerk's Office COPIES TO JOHN NUGENT: - January 20, 1999 Copy to - - Applicant - copy of By -law and all attachments - cc: J. Baird - copy of By -law and all attachments BY -LAW NUMBER C.P. 100 -488 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY -LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by the City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: - The Zoning By -law of the City of Saint John, enacted on the fourteenth day of November, A.D. 1983, is amended by: Amending Schedule "A ", the Zoning Map of the City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land located at 28 Richmond Street, having an area of approximately 3,036 square metres (32,680 square feet), also identified as being NBGIC Number 12799, from "IL -1" Neighbourhood Institutional to "B -2" General Business classification - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by -law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the eleventh day of January, A.D. 1999 and signed by: /Z, �C or, the me er of C uncil who e ided at the meeting a which it was enacted, and 111 A 950t 4 - MISS% Common Clerr / First Reading - January 4, 1999 Second Reading - January 4, 1999 Third Reading - January 11, 1999 COMMUNITY PLANNING REZONING AMENDING MAP SHEET 124 SCHEDULE "A" OF THE ZONING BY -LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN �OJ � / QhC, / FT �4 yy A ,t FROM TO IL -1 Neighbourhood Institutional B -2 General Business Applicant: Carolyn Watters Date Drn.: January 6, 1999 Location: 28 Richmond Street Drn. B T. Duke Recommended by P.A.C.: December 22, 1998 Enacted by Council: File No.: 06N -98NW 00012799 Filed in Registry Office: �r in Office of the Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Common Clerk January 14, 1999 P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 7 *1 City of Saint John Mr. Harold Coughlan Coldwell Banker Coughlan Realty 55 Thorne Avenue Saint John, NB E2J 1W7 Dear Sir: At a meeting of the Common Council, held on the 11th instant, the following resolution was adopted, namely:- " RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 100 -488 A Law To Amend The Zoning By -Law Of The City Of Saint John ", insofar as it concerns re- zoning a parcel of land located at 28 Richmond Street, having an area of approximately 3,036 square metres (32,680 square feet), also identified as NBGIC Number 12799, from "IL -1" Neighbourhood Institutional to "B -2" General Business classification, be read a third time and enacted and the Corporate Common Seal be affixed thereto." Pursuant to the Community Planning Act, the said by -law will not become effective until it is filed in the Registry Office. You will be notified when this procedure has been carried out. Yours truly, Mary L. unford Common Clerk MLM:sc �a /0 BY -LAW NUMBER C.P. 100- 4�9 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY -LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by the City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: - The Zoning By -law of the City of Saint John, enacted on the fourteenth day of November, A.D. 1983, is amended by: 1. Amending Schedule "A ", the Zoning Map of the City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land located at 28 Richmond Street, having an area of approximately 3,036 square metres (32,680 square feet), also identified as being NBGIC Number 12799, from "IL -1" Neighbourhood Institutional to "B -2" General Business classification - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of thiAy -law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the day of A.D. 1999 and signed by: , the member of Council who presided at the meeting at which it was enacted; and Common Clerk First Reading - January 4, 1999 Second Reading - January 4, 1999 Third Reading - C1 PROPOSED ZONING BY -LAW AMENDMENT Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending the City of Saint John Zoning By -law at its regular meeting to be held on Monday, January 4, 1999 at 7:00 p.m., by: RE: 28 RICHMOND STREET Rezoning a parcel of land located at 28 Richmond Street, having an area of approximately 3,036 square metres (32,680 square feet), also identified as being NBGIC #12799, from "IL -1" Neighbourhood Institutional to "B -2" General Business. REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit the use of the building for office, dental assisting school and other commercial businesses. The proposed amendment . may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of the Planning Department, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. Written objections to the amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall. City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint John use only: Budget Number: 11 120 1212 2211 Department: Common Clerk's Office Contact: Mary Munford Phone: 658 -2862 Fax: 658 -2802 Special Instructions (if any): Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (ETG = Evening Times Globe; T -J = Telegraph Journal) X ETG City Information AD Date(s): Tuesday, December 8, 1998 Tuesday, December 29, 1998 ETG Independent Placement Date(s): ETG Classifieds Date(s): 173 T -J Independent Placement Date(s): C3 T -J Classifieds Date(s): INFORMATION FOR AD (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad) Section Headline: 0 Tender(s) 0 Proposals(s) X Public Notice(s) 173 Mayor's Message 0 General Notice(s) Sub - Headline (if applicable): Text: INSERT ATTACHED Call to Action: Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Contact: I Telephone: (506) 658 -2862 Wahl INTA IN Office of the Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Common Clerk November 26, 1998 Carloyn Watters 328 Model Farm Road Rothesay, NB E2G 1M7 Dear Madam: P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 At a meeting of the Common Council, held on the 23rd instant, the following resolution was adopted, namely:- " RESOLVED that the application of Carolyn Watters for the re- zoning of property at 28 Richmond Street be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation and that the necessary advertising be authorized in this regard, with the public hearing to be held on Monday, January 4, 1998, at 7:00 o'clock p.m." Enclosed is a copy of the Public Notice in this regard. Yours truly, Mary L. Munford Common Clerk MLM:sc Enc. In City of saint John 11/17/93 12:43 PJi i. 317 PF6 Application for a ,Zoning Bylaw Amendment Applicant Related Information Name of Applicant_( Lu(S�n LAX U I UA J Mailing Address of Applicant a�p _MM L( Q '&�_ - au L6 627%, rna; l iii 6�4 Postal ' ode EaCTZM17 Telephone Number Home r Busines Fax Number (if any) 'l -LX n _ � Name of Property Owner (if different) C`� l0f&sf, 0� y- aj; jo (7n Mailing, Address of Owner _ � 1 � 020,0/_, SY Postal Code Property Information Location Civic r Street P�NBGTC�# Lot Area ...t� �9 �"�_ street Fronta;e - -- Existing Use of Property Municipal Plan Land Use Designation Amendment Requested Present Zoning( C] Change Zoning to f and/or C3 Text Amendment (indicate particulars) w b8199b �1 w b8199b 11/17/58 1*2:43 NLI. 51Y LrU r You must provide a scaled site plan that illustrates your proposal, You may also provide photographs, building plans, elevation drmt rags and airy other farm cf uformatiotl. The plan must show the dimensions or the property, the localion of all buildings, driveways, parking areas, land- ycaping'717,1 signs. It is I- purtunt shat the distance bcnveen the property boundary and buildings are shown. Provide reaso s why this amendment should be approved '14 Al) Provide any other information about your proposal that WOUld be helpfiil Signature o f Applicant 00 Application Fee Enclosed Ifyou are not the owner oJ'the land In question please have the owner sign below. The signattue from the owner is author_ icing this a lication to oceed for consideration y COmnlon Council, ` Signatuie �Owner Date v v a Y s )' � Geographic Information Corporation Nouveau ' au ,I- Brunswick Corporation d'information gcographique NBGIC /CIGtir13 _ Scale 1 :-1000 Date Printed / Date imprimce wed Jul 23, 1997 Kcllellc Time /L'Heure 09:53:28 AM 0 20 40 60 metres Maile this map may not be free from error or omission, eve has been taken to ensure the best possible gswGy. i7 ism. ap is a graphical repranduYwm of property boemtaries r'Irwlt approxunates the size, configuration and location ofproperties. 1' o not a survey and is not Bisrnded to be used IJr Icgal desaiptiona or to celcu Ii erect dimauroru or area h::me si nous .rvons pis so. s+.urer la mei llnsre quWiW ponible, cone carte peut At pas Rea es;nnpte d'errews ou d'om i+sions. E ➢c pnssmue la limit. dm bseus -fonds so LL. I: +mre de 6rephblue t - dorm. la sud—, L —fig— .n el remplacanad appr— im-tifs. lill< u... ne timle pas on fwd d ne chit cue uti lie:•v pour five .Im d— iptioru juridiqum ni pour ca). Ier 1w Ji —aiJnr ou rave exacles C a — d by CARIS for Wcrdowa SofN.. (USL) 29.4` RW tN��� G��Mk1. M4 OCC•T RIGvT 1�)� DRAFT BY -LAW NUMBER C.P. 100-* A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY -LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by the City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: - The Zoning By -law of the City of Saint John, enacted on the fourteenth day of November, A.D. 1983, is amended by: 1. Amending Schedule "A ", the Zoning Map of the City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land located at 28 Richmond Street, having an area of approximately 3,036 square metres (32,680 square feet), also identified as being NBGIC #12799, from "IL -1" Neighbourhood Institutional to "B -2" General Business - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this By -law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this By -law the day of * A.D. 1998 and signed by: *, the member of Council who presided at the meeting at which it was enacted; and Common Clerk First Reading - Second Reading - Third Reading - Planning Advisory Committee OPEN SESSION December 23, 1998 Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Rezoning Application 28 Richmond Street P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2800 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 :(�n;•. City of Saint John On November 23, 1998 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached report at its December 22, 1998 meeting. Mr. Harold Coughlan appeared at the meeting representing both the property owner and the applicant. Mr. Coughlan indicated to the Committee that due to an unforeseen problem, the applicant would not be purchasing the property. However, the property owner would prefer that the rezoning application proceed and that approval be granted. One letter was received from an adjoining property owner, raising a number of questions regarding this proposal. No person spoke against the application. After considering the report, letter and presentation, the Committee adopted the recommendation contained in the attached report. RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council rezone a parcel of land located at 28 Richmond Street, having an area of approximately 3,036 square metres (32,680 square feet) also identified as NBGIC number 12799, from "IL -1" Neighbourhood Institutional to "B -2" General Business. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Bonnell Chairman CL/ Attachments Community Jim Baird MCIP P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2835 Planning Manager Saint John 506 658 -2837 (Fax) New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 DATE: DECEMBER 18, 1998 TO: PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: COMMUNITY PLANNING FOR: MEETING OF DECEMBER 22, 1998 City of Saint John Curtis L gil e Planning Offi r SUBJECT: Name of Applicant: Carolyn Wafters Name of Owner: Roman Catholic Bishop — Saint John Location: 28 Richmond Street NBGIC: 12799 Municipal Plan: Medium Density Residential Zoning: Existing: "IL -1" Neighbourhood Institutional Proposed: "B -2" General Business Proposal: To permit the use of the building for office, dental assisting school and other commercial businesses. Type of Application: Rezoning JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to give its views to Common Council concerning proposed amendments to the Zoning By -law. The Committee's recommendation will be considered at a public hearing on Monday, January 4, 1999. Carolyn Watters Page: 2 28 Richmond Street Date: December 18, 1998 STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE: That Common Council rezone a parcel of land located at 28 Richmond Street, having an area of approximately 3,036 square metres (32,680 square feet) also identified as NBGIC number 12799, from "IL -1" Neighbourhood Institutional to "B -2" General Business. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Engineering has no objections to the proposed rezoning of this property. Building and Technical Services will require detailed floor plans at the permit application stage for a "change of use" building permit. Fire Department has submitted no comments. ANALYSIS: Site and Neighbourhood The subject property is located in the City's Peninsula, near Prince Edward Mall. The site is surrounded by a number of commercial properties and a few multi - residential dwellings. The Waterloo/Richmond/Prince Edward Street area is a neighbourhood of mixed commercial, residential and institutional development on the fringe of the Uptown area. The subject property is formerly known as St. Joseph's School that was constructed in the late 1950's and closed in June 1997. The building has been vacant since that time. The property has street frontage along both Richmond Street and Waterloo Street. Vehicular access to the site is off Waterloo Street with existing on -site parking for 35 vehicles. The building consists of three floors, having a total floor area of approximately 2,682 square metres (28,866 square feet). Proposal The applicant is proposing to rezone the property from an institutional zone category to "B -2" General Business. The proponent is planning to utilize the middle floor which consists of six large classrooms, for a dental assisting school. The upper floor will be used for office space and the basement level will be used for a mixture of storage space and office use. Rezoning to "B -2" is required to allow these uses. Carolyn Watters 28 Richmond Street Municipal Plan and Rezoning Page: 3 Date: December 18, 1998 Although the property is designated in the Municipal Development Plan as Medium Density Residential, it is on the edge of the Uptown commercial area. The Peninsula Neighbourhood Plan (which has begun the approval process) designates this area, Neighbourhood Commercial. The redevelopment of this property is consistent with this proposed designation A majority of the surrounding area is already zoned "B -2" General Business. The rezoning of this property will nearly complete the commercial zoning along Water loo/Richmond/Prince Edward Street. Redevelopment of this property for commercial use as proposed by the applicant would be compatible with the surrounding properties. Rezoning of this property is supported. Parkin� There are presently 35 on -site parking spaces for this site. The amount of available parking can accommodate the proposed commercial use of the site. If alternative uses are considered in the future and the Zoning By -law standard for required on -site parking were to exceed 35 spaces, the applicant will have to consider adjacent vacant properties for increased parking or request a variance. CONCLUSION: Rezoning this property to "B -2" General Business would be in keeping with the properties presently zoned the same category in this neighbourhood. There is suitable on -site parking to accommodate redevelopment of this building for commercial use. Approval of rezoning to `B -2" General Business is recommended. COMMUNITY PLANNING / 13 ♦ 132 � CaN+erdrd 12 5 ! 1 ?6 L ♦ 16 IE r ♦ I' \ 59 / is fir.,. 1 2 C 1 25 ( F,mdy -Co:ie ? 7: U. 35 j / 74 ; ? / a nDL}Sn� . 3 9 SJ J OC 7 "[ 2C ' fC v 66 r `'j♦ 38 S� 60 30 73 � 42 ♦, • r r r 271 2 5� - `' 1 .�. I !•mss Subject Site: C C6 1 y \�- A, a 33 C= '0 o 31 ;a i J 29 1 3C O 0 i i 17 IS Is ♦ 9 16 � id J .,t� 139 r ♦ / r. 7s 1371 / •" r77 r J / t 12// ♦, ~��, � 'L "1 ., n J 36 yy ,B y95 ♦� Fnnce -Edwad BI Q i � 61 S+. •' �♦ ID C 9 20 B=2• �t „ r 1 f NBGIC Number (s): 00012799 Address: 28 Richmond Street Map Number: 06N -98NW 15 December 1998 Dear Curtis Thank you for your letter of 7 December (attached). My wife and I are pleased that Saint Joseph's School is about to be sold. We look forward to the building making a, productive contribution to the neighbourhood. In order to decide whether we favour or oppose the zoning change we have questions to be answered. 1. Where will the new owner have the primary entrance to be building? 2. What plan is there for spill -over parking beyond 37 spaces? (Where will visitors park ?) 3. Will the new owner develop the lot adjoining 36 Richmond Street? 4. Will the new owner pick -up litter on a daily basis? 5. Will the new owner light the building to provide better security in order to prevent break -ins, broken glass, beer parties, and graffiti? 6. Will the new owner remove the existing fencing? 7. Will the new owner allow predestrian access through the property from Waterloo to either Prince Edward or Richmond Streets? 8. Will the new owner provide food service within the building? If yes, will the Provincial Health Act be followed? 9. Will the new owner contract for commercial trash pick -up on a frequent basis? If so, where will the rented dumpster be located? 10. Will the new owner trim the large overgrown tree on Prince Edward Street? 11. Will the new owner modify the structure of the building and if so how? Thank you for accepting these questions. We await a response. Sincerely i C � ' Bill & Cony Brie za 36 Richmond Stree THE SCHOLAR'S DEN 105 Prince Edward Street 506 - 657 -2665 Ull O DEC 17 998 �N�O 11 - . ..A 4 /l To the COMMON COUNCIL of the City of Saint John The Committee of the Whole reports Your Committee reports that it sat on Monday, January 4, 1999, when there were present Mayor McAlary, Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillors Ball, Chase, Court, Desmond, Fitzpatrick, Titus, Trites, Vincent and White, and your Committee submits the following recommendations, namely 1. That Fred Fuller be reappointed to Saint John Non - Profit Housing Inc. for a three -year term_ 2. That Councillor Stephen Chase and Councillor Carl White be appointed as liaison Councillors for the Local 771, IAFF, Saint John Fire Fighters' Association Labour - Management Committee. 3. That Deputy Mayor Derek Chase be appointed to the Greater Saint John Economic Development Commission Inc. for a term of three years. Respectfully submitted, January 11, 1999, Shirley McAla , Saint John, N.B. C h a i r m a n. Office of the Mary L. Munford P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Common Clerk Common Clerk Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 January 14, 1999 Mr. Narinder Singh General Manager Saint John Non - Profit Housing 39 Charlotte Street Saint John, NB E2L 2H3 Dear Sir: At a meeting of the Common Council, held on the 11th instant, the following resolution was adopted, namely:- " RESOLVED that Fred Fuller be reappointed to Saint John Non - Profit Housing Inc. for a three -year term." Yours truly, ManR, Lunford Common Clerk MLM:sc =1 � City of Saint John 11.1 Office of the Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Common Clerk January 14, 1999 Mr. Fred Fuller 49 Westminster Court Saint John, NB E2K 4S3 Dear Sir: P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 This is to advise that at a meeting of the Common Council, held on January 11, 1999, you were re- appointed to Saint John Non - Profit Housing Inc., for a three year term. Yours truly, Mary 7Lunford Common Clerk MLM:sc City of Saint John 1I-� Office of the Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Common Clerk January 14, 1999 Mr. John McCarthy Recording Secretary Local No. 771, I.A. F. F. Saint John Fire Fighters' Association P.O. Box 54 Saint John, NB E21- 3X1 Dear Sir: P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 At a meeting of the Common Council, held on the 11th instant, the following resolution was adopted, namely:- " RESOLVED that Councillor Stephen Chase and Councillor Carl White be appointed as liaison Councillors for the Local 771, IAFF, Saint John Fire Fighters' Association Labour- Management Committee." �Y-ou %rs truly, / �r z& �f. Mary L. Munford Common Clerk MLM:sc City of Saint John office of the Mary L. Munford P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Common Clerk Common Clerk Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 January 14, 1999 Mr. Steve Carson General Manager Enterprise Saint John 49 King Street Saint John, NB E21- 1 G3 Dear Sir: At a meeting of the Common Council, held on the 11th instant, the following resolution was adopted, namely:- E'h'iil'J " RESOLVED that Deputy Mayor Derek Chase be appointed to the Greater Saint John Economic Development Commission Inc. for a term of three years." Yours truly, Mary L. Munford Common Clerk MLM:sc =� � /I City of Saint John )21 Office of the Mary L. Munford P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Common Clerk Common Clerk Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 January 14, 1999 Mr. Jim Baird Municipal Development Officer Community Planning Department 10th Floor, City Hall P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB E21- 41-1 Dear Sir: Enclosed is a certified copy of a resolution adopted by the Common Council on January 11, 1999, regarding the above property. Yours truly, Mary L. unford Common Clerk MI_M:sc Enclosures City of Saint John Iwo " RESOLVED that as recommended by the Planning Advisory Committee, Common Council (1) assent to one or more subdivision plans, in one or more phases, of 899 Somerset Street, with respect to the vesting of Technology Drive and Spectrum Court as public streets, together with any necessary municipal services easements and public utility easements; and (2) authorize the execution of one or more City /developer subdivision agreements with respect to the proposal." Planning Advisory Committee OPEN SESSION December 23, 1998 Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Proposed Subdivision 899 Somerset Street P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2800 Saint john New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 C1+1 City of Saint John The Committee considered the attached report at its December 22, 1998 meeting. The applicant was represented at the meeting by Messrs. Sterling Brown and Bruce Dowd of Somerset Investments Ltd., Mr. Richard Turner of Hughes Surveys & Consultants Ltd., and Mr. Don Good of FGA Consultants Ltd. Mr. Brown addressed the Committee in support of the application, provided an overview of the proposal, and expressed agreement with the recommendation in the attached report with respect to the subdivision issues. Mr. Dowd and Mr. Good answered specific questions from the Committee. Mr. Harry Colwell attended the meeting on behalf of the Somerset Park Homeowners Association. Mr. Colwell indicated that the residents' initial concerns with the proposal have been resolved by the deletion of the proposed cul -de -sac at the north end of Lime Kiln Road. He indicated that the residents strongly support the current proposal because it indicates that the Lime Kiln Road/Somerset Street intersection will remain open. No persons attended the meeting in opposition to the application, and no letters were received. After considering the report and presentations, the Committee decided to recommend that Common Council assent to the subdivision plan and authorize the necessary City/Developer agreement(s), as outlined in Parts 4 and 5 of the staff recommendation. The Committee also approved the street names Technology Drive and Spectrum Court, imposed standards of street construction and granted the .requested variances, all in accordance with the staff recommendation contained in the attached report. Planning Advisory Committee December 23, 1998 RECOMMENDATION: Page 2 1. That Common Council assent to one or more subdivision plans, in one or more phases, with respect to the vesting of Technology Drive and Spectrum Court as public streets together with any necessary municipal services easements and public utility easements. 2. That Common Council authorize the execution of one or more City/Developer subdivision agreements with respect to the proposal. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Bonnell Chairman RGP /r Attachments Community Jim Baird MCIP P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2835 Planning Manager Saint John 506 658 -2837 (Fax) New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 DATE: TO: FROM: FOR: SUBJECT: Name of Applicant: DECEMBER 18, 1998 PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE COMMUNITY PLANNING MEETING OF DECEMBER 22, 1998 Taamptoftl andall G. fro-flock, MCIP Planner Somerset Investments Ltd. Name of Owner: Somerset Investments Ltd. and Scottish Enterprises Ltd. Location: 899 Somerset Street "; City of Saint John NBGIC: 55144109 and part of 415216 Municipal Plan: Existing: Medium Density Residential and Light Industrial Proposed: Business Park Zoning: Existing: "P" Park, "R -2" One and Two Family Residential, "RM -1" Three Storey Multiple Residential, "RM -2" High Rise Multiple Residential and "I -1" Light Industrial Proposed: `BP" Business Park Proposal: To develop a business park Somerset Investments Ltd. 899 Somerset Street Type of Application: Page 2 December 18, 1998 Municipal Plan Amendment, Rezoning, Subdivision and Variances as follows: To permit proposed lots 8 and 9 to be created as through lots, whereas the Subdivision By -law prohibits through lots; 2. To permit a modified P -shape cul -de -sac turnaround on Eastridge (now Spectrum) Court, whereas the Subdivision By -law requires a symmetrical or reverse -P turnaround; 3. To permit buildings in the business park to have maximum heights of 6 storeys, whereas the Zoning By -law permits a maximum of 3 storeys or 14 metres; 4. To permit the issuance of building permits and the development of buildings in the subdivision in advance of Development Officer approval of the final subdivision plan, whereas the Subdivision By -law requires subdivision approval prior to the issuance of any building permits. JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to give its views to Common Council concerning proposed amendments to the Municipal Development Plan and Zoning By -law. Council will consider the Committee's recommendation at a public hearing on January 4, 1999. The Act also authorizes the Committee to advise Common Council with respect to the location of streets and easements on a subdivision plan. The Subdivision By- law authorizes the Committee to approve street names, as well as street construction standards for non - residential subdivisions. Somerset Investments Ltd. Page 3 899 Somerset Street December 18, 1998 The Act also authorizes the Committee to grant reasonable variances from the requirements of the Subdivision By -law and Zoning By -law. The Committee can impose conditions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE: That Common Council redesignate on Schedule 2A of the Municipal Development Plan, from Medium Density Residential and Light Industrial to Business Park, a parcel of land with an area of approximately 62 acres, located at 899 Somerset Street, having frontages on Somerset Street, Rope Walk Road, Millidge Avenue and Sussex Drive, also being a portion of NBGIC number 55144109 and a portion of NBGIC number 415216, as illustrated on the attached schedule. 2. That Common Council rezone the same parcel of land from "P" Park, "R -2" One and Two Family Residential, "RM -1" Three Storey Multiple Residential, "RM -2" High Rise Multiple Residential and "I -1" Light Industrial to "BP" Business Park, as illustrated on the attached schedule, subject to a resolution pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act setting out the following conditions: a) The use of the site is limited to a business park subdivision which may include the following uses: assembly and manufacture of electronic devices; banks and similar institutions; business office; communication and telecommunications facility; commercial school; data processing facility; daycare, nursery or kindergarten; laboratory or research centre; personal service shop; printing or publishing service; post office or postal station; repair service shop; retail store, as a secondary use to one of the permitted uses; restaurant; recreation facility, gym or health club; warehouse, as a secondary use to one of the permitted uses; wholesale business or store; subject to Section 611(2)(a) of the Zoning By -law and such other terms and conditions as may be imposed by the Committee, industrial service or general manufacturing; b) A buffer area with a minimum width of 10 metres, similar to the buffer illustrated on the tentative subdivision plan dated November 1998, must be maintained around the perimeter of the business park. Such buffer must be maintained in its undisturbed natural state or, if disturbed, must be landscaped with grass, shrubs and trees. This condition does not prevent the placement of access driveways, pedestrian walkways and municipal services and utility easements across the buffer area. Somerset Investments Ltd. Page 4 899 Somerset Street December 18, 1998 c) Notwithstanding condition (b), no driveway access is permitted from Rope Walk Road, Millidge Avenue or Sussex Drive to any lot in the business park. d) No lot shall be developed, except in accordance with a detailed drainage plan, prepared by the proponent and subject to the approval of the Chief City Engineer, and a detailed site plan, prepared by the proponent and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, illustrating all buildings, structures, landscaped areas, natural buffer areas, paved parking and driveways, concrete curbing, exterior lighting and signs, and other site features. 3. That Common Council initiate rezoning of a portion of NBGIC #55144109, located adjacent to NBGIC #47670 and identified as that part of Parcel A on the applicant's tentative plan which is currently zoned "P" Park, from "P" Park to "RM -2" High Rise Multiple Residential, by authorizing advertising for a public hearing to be held on February 15, 1999. 4. That, if and when third reading is given to the rezoning mentioned in Recommendation 2, Common Council assent to one or more subdivision plans, in one or more phases, with respect to the vesting of Technology Drive and Spectrum Court as public streets together with any necessary municipal services easements and public utility easements. 5. That, if and when third reading is given to the rezoning mentioned in Recommendation 2, Common Council authorize the execution of one or more City/Developer subdivision agreements with respect to the proposal. 6. That the Planning Advisory Committee approve the street names Technology Drive and Spectrum Court. 7. That the Planning Advisory Committee set the following standard of street construction of Technology Drive and Spectrum Court: a) Right of Way Width: 20 metres b) Paved Surface: 11 metres c) Curbs: Continuous cast -in -place concrete, both sides, dropped curbs at driveway entrances d) Sidewalks: 1.5 -metre wide, one side, dropped at driveways Somerset Investments Ltd. 899 Somerset Street Page 5 December 18, 1998 8. That the Planning Advisory Committee grant the following variances from the requirements of the Subdivision By -law: a) to permit proposed Lots 8 and 9 to be created as through lots, on condition that no driveway access is permitted from Rope Walk Road or Millidge Avenue; b) To permit the cul -de -sac turnaround at the end of Spectrum Court to be a modified "P" shape, as illustrated on the submitted tentative plan; c) To permit the issuance of building permits and the development of buildings in the subdivision in advance of Development Officer approval of the final subdivision plan. 9. That the Planning Advisory Committee grant a variance from the requirements of the Zoning By -law to permit buildings within the proposed business park to have a maximum height of 6 storeys. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Civic Addressing advises that the proposed street name Technology Drive is acceptable; however, the proposed Eastridge Court may be confused with other streets throughout the City which have the same prefix. The alternative street name, Spectrum Court, is acceptable as it will not be confused in sound or spelling with other street names. Engineering has provided the following comments: Water and sewer service can be provided. The applicant's engineering consultant is examining servicing options now. As much sanitary sewage as possible should be directed to Somerset Street, where it will go to the Cedar Point Treatment Plant. This may require a sewer extension on Lime Kiln Road to connect to the new sanitary trunk sewer in Somerset Street. Sewage directed to Sussex Drive will flow untreated into the St. John River. In addition, the sanitary sewers on Sussex Drive may be too small to handle the entire flow. Depending on the engineering consultant's analysis, some storm sewers off site may have to be enlarged. 2. The applicant's original proposal indicated that the Lime Kiln Road/Somerset Street intersection would be closed, with Lime Kiln Road becoming a cul -de- sac and a connecting street built from Lime Kiln to Technology Drive. Somerset Investments Ltd. 899 Somerset Street Page 6 December 18, 1998 Engineering continues to support this original concept, in order to minimize the number of intersections on Somerset Street. If Lime Kiln is kept open, the two intersections will be only 60 metres apart. Although this separation distance meets the minimum requirements of the Subdivision By -law, the TAC guideline recommends a separation of intersections on arterial streets of 450 metres. 3. Derby Street, or a new street connecting Lime Kiln Road to Technology Drive, should be built to local street standard with 9 -metre asphalt width, concrete curbs on both sides and concrete sidewalk on one side. If the Lime Kiln Road /Somerset Street intersection remains open, Derby Street (or other connecting street) will not be necessary. 4. The two new streets should be built with 11 -metre asphalt widths and concrete curbs. If the development has as many occupants as projected, sidewalks will be needed on both sides of Technology Drive from the cul -de -sac turnaround to at least Sussex Drive. One sidewalk will suffice from Sussex Drive to the three pedestrian exits at Sussex, Somerset and Derby Street (if built). One sidewalk is also sufficient on Eastridge (Spectrum) Court Building and Technical Services has no objection. The proponent should be aware that proposed buildings might require fire hydrants to be installed on the individual lots, depending on the size of the individual building footprints. Saint John Energy and NBTel advise that an initial line can feed off Somerset Street as a one -span aerial over the hill, and then underground across the lot with conduit to the building. The developer would then construct an underground conduit system along Technology Drive. This system would tie in with either Rope Walk Road or back to Somerset Street via Technology Drive. NBTel also proposes a new underground system on Sussex Drive, which will tie into the developer's project. The costs associated with this work (other than NBTel's planned work on Sussex Drive) will be borne by the developer, and details can be discussed at the time of request. There are also several other variations depending on how the business park develops. Easements will be required Fire Department has no objection to the proposal. The cul -de -sacs on Eastridge (Spectrum) Court and Technology Drive must be able to provide turn- around facilities capable of handling fire fighting vehicles. Somerset Investments Ltd. 899 Somerset Street ANALYSIS: Site and Nei hbourhood Page 7 December 18, 1998 The subject site is a large tract of land located in the northern part of the City, extending from Rope Walk Road to Somerset Street and Sussex Drive. A portion of the site also fronts on Millidge Avenue between Sussex Drive and Rope Walk Road. This rugged area has remained vacant while, over the years, the surrounding low land has developed with a variety of urban uses. The site consists of a number of plateaus overlooking the surrounding city. Access to the site is limited by the high elevation in relation to the surrounding streets, particularly Millidge Avenue, Rope Walk Road and parts of Somerset Street. The developer has roughed in a road off Sussex Drive in the area of the proposed Technology Drive, and levelled a number of development sites in the interior of the property. The area to the west and south, centred on Lime Kiln Road, Sussex Drive and Millidge Avenue is primarily a residential neighbourhood with a variety of housing densities and types. These range from a mix of older and newer one and two - family dwellings along Millidge, the Somerset Park townhouse development on Lime Kiln Road, and a mix of semi - detached dwellings and walk -up apartment buildings on Sussex Drive. To the north of the site is a mixed commercial/industrial area focussed on Somerset Street, the major arterial in the area. In recent years, this area has experienced a gradual transition from an exclusively industrial area to more commercial uses including a gas bar and convenience market, restaurant and, most recently, the new Atlantic Superstore. The area to the east of the site, beyond Rope Walk Road, is dominated by large institutional properties. However, there are also a few residential uses fronting on the east side of Rope Walk, across from the subject site. Proposal The applicant has submitted the attached proposal to develop a high quality business park subdivision, consisting of up to 10 large lots for office, commercial and light industrial uses in a landscaped, campus -like setting. The proposed lot sizes range from approximately 2 acres to approximately 6% acres. The proposal includes a minimum 10- metre -wide natural buffer area around the edges of the business park. Somerset Investments Ltd. 899 Somerset Street Page 8 December 18, 1998 Except for proposed Lot 10, access to all lots in the development will be via a new street off Somerset Street, to be called Technology Drive. Technology Drive will intersect with Somerset Street at a point approximately 200 feet east of Lime Kiln Road. Proposed Lot 10 will be accessed directly from Somerset Street. A small cul -de -sac, which was initially to be called Eastridge Court but has been changed to Spectrum Court (See Civic Addressing comments), will provide access to proposed Lots 8 and 9. Although Lots 8 and 9 also front on Millidge Avenue and/or Rope Walk Road, direct vehicular access from these streets is not feasible due to the topography. The applicant indicates that, depending on the size and needs of potential businesses, the lots may be combined to form larger development sites. For example, Lots 2, 3 and 4 could be consolidated to form one large lot. A small portion of the site, adjacent to Sussex Drive, is proposed to be excluded from the proposed business park. This land, identified as Parcel A on the applicant's proposal, is intended to be consolidated with the adjacent apartment site(s) at 6 and/or 18 Sussex Drive. If the applicant's overall proposal is approved, the portion of proposed Parcel A that is presently zoned "P" Park should be rezoned to "RM -2" High Rise Multiple Residential so that it matches the zoning of 18 Sussex Drive. Advertising and a public hearing will be required for this additional change. Municipal Plan Amendment and Rezoning The vast majority of the subject site is currently designated Medium Density Residential by the Municipal Development Plan. A small portion of proposed Lot 10, adjacent to Somerset Street and the recently- closed section of Rope Walk Road, is designated Light Industrial as part of the Shamrock Roof Truss property expansion in the mid 1980s. However, this small area was not included on the final subdivision plan that created the expanded Shamrock property, and thus remains a part of the subject site. The applicant has requested that the subject site be redesignated to the new Business Park designation and rezoned to `BP" Business Park. The Business Park concept was introduced by the recent Municipal Plan Update in order to update the former Restricted Industrial designation. Such areas are expected to provide the appropriate locations, facilities and environment for the current demand for research, high technology and light industrial implementation and related office uses, such as call centres and technical repair functions. A major Somerset Investments Ltd. 899 Somerset Street Page 9 December 18, 1998 feature of the Business Park concept is extensive landscaping, large lots and high quality design standards. The Municipal Plan Update did not include the subject site as a potential business park area. However, a subsequent study by the Business Park Development Task Force of Enterprise Saint John has identified the subject site, along with additional lands to the north of Somerset Street, as one of four locations in the Saint John metropolitan area that would be appropriate for such development. The subject area is adjacent to an established commercial/industrial corridor on a major arterial street. The elevation of the site in relation to the surrounding City provides panoramic views of the harbour and Uptown area, making it a potentially prestigious location for business park uses. At the same time, the physical characteristics of the site provide a natural separation and buffer from adjacent activities, including the adjacent residential neighbourhood. Permitted Uses and Buffering The `BP" Business Park zone permits a limited range of uses that are generally appropriate in most business park environments. It is recommended that all of these uses be permitted within the proposed business park, with a few exceptions. The exceptions are a motel/hotel and a movie theatre, neither of which would appear to be appropriate in this location. In addition, it is suggested that retail and warehouse uses only be permitted as secondary uses. These restrictions are included as suggested Section 39 conditions. In addition, the applicant's proposed i0 -metre (minimum) buffer area around the edges of the park should be incorporated into the Section 39 conditions. The majority of this buffer area should be maintained in its natural state and, where disturbed, should be landscaped with grass, trees and shrubs. Driveways, walkways and easements would be allowed within these required buffers, where appropriate. Traffic and Access Traffic and access are the major issues with respect to the proposed development. The applicant has submitted the attached traffic report prepared by FGA Consultants Ltd. to address these issues. The report examines access, traffic levels, trip generation, traffic impacts (including a signal warrant analysis) and street infrastructure requirements, based on a "full build -out" estimate of 300,000 square feet of business park uses. Based on this "worst case scenario ", a weekday Somerset Investments Ltd. 899 Somerset Street Page 10 December 18, 1998 traffic estimate of 3,870 vehicles is predicted, with a morning peak hour of 425 vehicles and an evening peak hour estimate of 405 vehicles. Access and Relationship to Lime Kiln Road and Sussex Drive The entrance to the development is via Technology Drive off Somerset Street. This intersection location provides acceptable sight distances both ways on Somerset Street; however, it is only 60 metres from the intersection of Somerset and Lime Kiln Road. Although this 60 -metre separation meets the requirements of the Subdivision By -law, Engineering has pointed out that the separation of intersections on arterial streets should ideally be 450 metres, according to Transportation Association of Canada guidelines. Although there are few instances in the City where this standard is met, the proposal should be considered carefully. Earlier preliminary versions of the applicant's proposal addressed this issue (at the suggestion of the City) by proposing the closure of the Lime KiWSomerset intersection and replacing it with a cul -de -sac turnaround at the north end of Lime Kiln Road. Derby Street or some other connecting street between Lime Kiln and Technology Drive would then be constructed to provide access from Lime Kiln Road to Somerset via the new intersection. This earlier proposal is still supported and, in fact, is recommended by Engineering. However, the initial feedback from Somerset Park residents with respect to changing Lime Kiln Road into a cul -de- sac was overwhelmingly negative. As a result, the applicant has proposed that both intersections remain open with no connection between Lime Kiln Road and Technology Drive. The configuration proposed by the applicant conforms to the Subdivision By -law and, in view of the desires of the community, can be supported. It should be noted that the attached traffic study does not raise the separation distance as a significant issue. However, the situation will need to be monitored on a regular basis as the business park develops. Similarly, the applicant's original proposal did not include any connection of Sussex Drive to Technology Drive, in order to avoid directing traffic through the residential area. Based on feedback from property- owners on Sussex Drive, who wish to maintain an alternative access, the proposal now includes such a connection. As noted in the traffic study, it is important to discourage the use of Sussex Drive as an access to the business park. The intersection has been designed so that Technology Drive is the through movement, and turns will be discouraged through the use of directional signage. These measures have been used successfully in other situations, but it is recognized that they will not be a Somerset Investments Ltd. 899 Somerset Street Page 11 December 18, 1998 deterrent to all through traffic. It will also be important for the City to monitor Sussex Drive on an ongoing basis to identify if the connection is becoming problematic. Somerset Street/Technology Drive Intersection A signal warrant analysis was completed by the traffic consultant with the assumption that all traffic would use the Somerset/Technology intersection. The study indicates that signals should not be required, even with full build -out traffic. The intersection will operate with an overall level -of- service A during the morning peak hour, and a level -of- service B during the evening peak. It is recommended that, as the business park develops toward full build -out, traffic volume counts should be recorded periodically and utilized to complete signal warrant analyses at different development stages. The traffic study recommends that a dedicated left -turn lane be incorporated into the Somerset Street approach to Technology Drive, as well as dedicated left-hand and right -hand turn lanes on Technology Drive at the intersection. Street Standards The applicant has submitted the attached "typical cross section" for the two proposed streets in the subdivision. It indicates a 20 -metre right -of -way, 11 -metre paved surface, concrete curbs on both sides, and concrete sidewalk on one side. This is a suitable standard for the proposed business park, and will help to project a high-quality image for the development. The need for sidewalks on both sides of the streets has been considered, and in fact is recommended by Engineering for a portion of Technology Drive. However, a sidewalk on both sides of the street is not considered to be necessary given the nature of the development. It should be noted that the applicant intends to provide a landscaped or natural separation between the sidewalk and curb wherever possible. In addition, although not shown on the tentative plan, the applicant has indicated that other pedestrian paths are envisioned throughout the business park (including pedestrian connections to adjacent streets). This concept is encouraged as it will contribute to the campus -like environment, as well as be convenient to employees in the business park. The cul -de -sac turnarounds at the end of Technology Drive and Spectrum Court will be 19 metres in diameter, which conforms to the Subdivision By -law and provides the necessary curb -to -curb radius for City equipment. Because of topographic considerations, the Spectrum Court cul -de -sac is not perfectly Somerset Investments Ltd. Page 12 899 Somerset Street December 18, 1998 symmetrical nor can it be configured in a reverse -P shape. A variance has been requested, and is recommended for this minor street that will serve two of the lots. Street Names The proposed street names Technology Drive and Spectrum Court are not similar in sound or spelling to existing streets. Therefore they can be approved. Lot Configuration and Site Development All of the proposed lots meet the requirements of the Subdivision and Zoning By- laws, except for Lots 8 and 9. These two lots are proposed as through lots, as they will front on both Spectrum Court and Rope Walk Road. Lot 8 will also front on Millidge Avenue. Nevertheless, vehicular access to these lots from either Rope Walk or Millidge would be difficult or impossible to achieve due to the topography. A variance to permit the creation of Lots 8 and 9 as through lots is recommended in view of the topography, on condition that no driveway access is permitted from Rope Walk Road or Millidge Avenue. Section 39 conditions are recommended with respect to submission of detailed site and drainage plans to the Chief City Engineer and Development Officer for approval in conjunction with the development of the individual lots. This condition will help to ensure that a high standard of development, as envisioned by the applicant and required by the policies of the Municipal Plan for Business Park areas, is maintained. Potential Development Opportunity The applicant is currently negotiating with a potential client who will be requiring a business park location in the very near future for a significant development project. If this development were to be realized, it would occupy a combination of three or more lots on Technology Drive. This client has specific needs, including a building height (office use) of up to six storeys. As the "BP" Business Park zone provisions limit the height of buildings to a maximum of three storeys, a variance has been requested. Approval of the requested variance can be considered in this situation on the basis of the relative isolation of the subject site from surrounding properties, due to the topography and elevation. The additional building heights will not block views or result in other negative impacts on the surrounding properties because of the characteristics of the site. In this situation, the requested variance can be supported. Somerset Investments Ltd. 899 Somerset Street Page 13 December 18, 1998 In view of the potential time constraints for this possible project, a further variance is recommended to permit the development of the subdivision streets and services and the proposed buildings at the same time. The usual procedure outlined by the subdivision by -law is that the roads and services must be completed to a certain standard before any building permits can be issued. This requirement exists in order to protect purchasers of residential lots from situations where the house has been built but cannot be connected to water, sewer and or power. In the case of a large office development, however, it is reasonable to permit construction of the building to occur at the same time as the subdivision is being developed. Therefore, a variance is recommended to provide for this possibility. CONCLUSION: The subject site has been identified as an appropriate area for the development of a high quality business park. Approval of the proposal is recommended, subject to a number of conditions designed to ensure that the development occurs in an appropriate manner, with minimal impact on the adjacent residential areas. RGP /r COMMUNITY PLANNING % iN i• �•• S All F ' ��•� p ....,...S.0.M R -\ '• -.Fr p -` rs o - '� • ' /i I t wey • � GEaCr S �j V ••'�' his, s'Vss b:.. . .��,' •'� iz =.FBI -" �- . P .r, R M. 1 ���'� •,A �• IL I ,tN f . • • .�V. R M 1 1 • .i . cr,J� � . NBGIC Number (s): Subject Site: = z.t 55144109 00415216 (part oo Address: 899 Somerset Street Map Number: 06N -79NE & 06N -79SE Date: December 3, 1998 Scale: N.T.S. 9 0. - u o $ m sm v vz a gin 1 i Y N � N i C s —In ww ••� Y a � A TCp a JO N M r N e - �o I r•�w Wt Q9 O' 6 CEO aCL x W4&ffAlK DRAINAGE. 111-4 U 2400 tn R.O.W. MOO 5500 CONCAM a" sculf'" UMTAH DRAINAGE TO SIRELT 75 mm Asm&r (50 + 25.—) 150 mm WMA.AR 450 MM OUNAM r NTS Trq fftc Impact Study for the Somerset 1.0 INTRODUCTION Spectrum Enterprises Ltd. of site as a Business Park. This Road to the east, Sussex west. The proposed mare of The tentative site plan (Drawin development. Discussion with as of yet, but the potential full with a maximum square footage build out estimate has been util 2.0 ACCESS The- primary access to the site Street 60 metres to the east of I on the site plan) extends from then turns in a northeasterly h, Park Page 1 t John is proposing to develop a 16.5 hectare (40.8 acre) is bounded by Somerset Street to the north, Rope Walk lillidge Avenue to the south and Line Kiln Road to the development is Somerset Technology Park. Number 14206 -Z) shows 10 potential lots available for developer indicated there were no committed tenants i out of the Park could result in upwards of 8 buildings 27,885 square metres (300,000 square feet). This full to address the traffic related issues. be via an urban local street that intersects Somerset Kiln Road. This new street (called Technology Drive Street in a southerly direction onto the site and to the centre of the site, ending as a cul -de -sac. The street will be constructed rithin a 20 metre right -of -way and will have an asphalt i width of 10 metres, face of curb) to face of curb. This permits two 3.3 metre lanes and a 2.4 metre park lane. A 1.5 me wide concrete sidewalk will also be constructed. At the i end of the street a 13 metre rad" s cul -de -sac is proposed. FGA Consultants Ltd. 7�4fflc Impact Study for the Somerset l technology Park Page 2 Shown below in Table 1 is a omparison of the proposed street dimensions with the Transportation Association Canada (TAC) minimum guidelines for local industrial/commercial streets. �csc guidelines are met. TABLE 1 COMPARISON OF STREET CHARACTERISTICS Street Characteristics , Proposed TAC Minimum Guidelines Lane Width 33 m 3.3 m Park Lane 2.4 m 2.4 m Sidewalk 1.5 m 1.5 m Cul -de -Sac Radius 13 m 11 m The proposed street has a mini towards.the middle of the site. urban local street with a design minimum radius curve of 85 m. Thum radius curve of 50 metres where the street swings is is representative of a minimum radius curve for an ,speed of 40 km/h. A 50 km/h design speed requires a As indicated above, the p 1conn ccess to the de velopment will be via Somerset Street. The site plan also shows a on to Sussex Drive from Technology Drive. With this connection, the intent is to a existing gravel road that connects to Line Kiln Road. The use of Sussex Drive as aIi secondary access to /from the development should be discouraged because of the gra s on Sussex Drive near Millidge Avenue and the local residential status of Sussex Dri e. However, there has been some desire to maintain a FGA Consultants U4 Trc{ffic Impact Study for the Somerset 1�echnology Park Page 3 connection between the pr000s�d street and Sussex Drive to enable an alternate access from the residential area in case Of bad weather or an erergency. This connection could also serve as an emergency acc* for the Business Park. If this connection is maintained j it is recommended the use as an access to the Park be discouraged. This can be parti: liy done by installing signs that do not permit specific movements, For example, a left turn sign should be installed on the new street I approach from the cul-de -sac to ' rohibit left turns to Sussex Drive. A no right turn sign should also be installed on the The connection to Sussex Drive and the residential development approximately 600 metres long. will access the Park via Someru control and turning movement, F Somerset Street. 3.0 EXISTING TRAFFIC The Traffic Engineering Section traffic volume data at various in traffic volume estimates on Drive approach to Technology Drive. provide an emergency access option to both the Park .g Sussex Drive. The proposed Technology Drive is discussed later, the traffic analysis assumes all traffic This provides a worst case scenario from a traffic of view at the intersection of Technology Drive with the Municipal Operations Department annually collects throughout the City, From these counts daily and collector streets are produced. In 1997, a traffic count taken at I ie MiWdge AvenaelSomerset Street imersmtion indicated there are 8,000 vehicles daily Z_ch omerset Street adjacent to the proposed development. Adding the additional traffic has been generated by the recent opening of the Superstore on Somerset Street.roults in a daily traffic estimate of 10,500 vehicles. FGA Consultants Ltd. Traffic ,Impact Study for the Somerset J�echnology Park Page 4 On NMdge Avenue adjacent to e site the daily traffic is 11,100 vehicles. There are no traffic volume estimates availabl j� for Rope Walk Lane or Line Kiln Road but the volumes would be considerably lower either Somerset Street or MHUdge Avenue. 4.0 TRIP GENERATION The proposed Business Park proceeds. An estimate of the Technology Drive with Some volumes and the potential full access to /from the Business Pa M ill generate traffic at various levels as development Mc volumes that can be. expected at the intersection of t Street has been produced based on existing traffic fild out of the Park. It is assumed that all traffic will at this location. As indicated in Chapter 1.0, ' Park could potentially contain 300,000 square feet of floor space. Utilizing the trip ra produced by the institute of Transportation Engineers for a Business Park, tbt followi jg traffic volume estimates have been produced: weekday t. -affic morning ak hour in out Total livening i? in out Total hour :W 355 425 95 11Q 405 FGA Consultants Ltd. Rgffic Impact Study for the Somerset `technology Park 5.0 Page 5 il These volumes have been assi andd to the intersection approaches of Technology Drive and Somerset Street based on the a ting population distribution. It is desirable that Sussex Drive not be utilized as an ace 1 s to the Park because of the grade and the residential development adjacent to it. It is J ikely, however, that some traffic will utilize this access location, even with appropriati I signing to restrict certain turning movements. To determine whether the inters "'on of Technology Drive with Somerset Street can accommodate traffic efficiently a� full build out of the Park, all the traffic to and from the site has been assigned to this to ` tion. TRAFFIC EMPACTS To determine whether a stop gn should be implemented on the Technology Drive approach to Somerset Street, o traffic signals installed, a signal warrant analysis was completed based on the exis traffic volumes on Somerset Street and the estimate of additional generated traffic by tie Business Park. It was assumed that 75 percent of the generated traffic will be new tr Mc along Somerset Street. In Canada, the decision to ins a traffic signal at an intersections has traditionally been guided by signal warrant process es which are documented in, n, a manual entitled Uniform Traffic Control Devices for CI ada. The manual is published by the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC' and the procedures have been adopted by several municipalities and provincial god ernments throughout Canada. The signal warrant investigation procedures take into consideration past or potential accidents at an intersection, a aiiable crossing gaps for turning traffic, progression potential, delay and vehicular s s and both vehicular and pedestrian intersection volumes. I FGA Consultants Ltd, Traffic Impact Study for the Somerset'Pchnology Park Page b The TAC methodology for evalititing the need for signals at any intersection is based on a priority rating point system in hich a total of 100 points or greater generally warrant the installation of signals. This ' 'on' point system reflects the contribution the various factors listed in the previous p graph have on signal requirements. However, the final decision t still be based on the experience and professional judgment of the traffic engineer Trd o is investigating their needs, since traffic signals exert a major influence on motorists ped estrians with respect to such things as delay, safety and transport costs. Generallyf signals are warranted h ted when e net effect will be an improvement in the safe, convenient and economical movement of persons and goods. Experience has shown that a si ` installation may decrease accidents, but at the same time increase delay and user c I ts, In other cases, the opposite is true. Consideration must also be given to fuel c1 nsumption requirements as a result of stop and go lFT3i i 0P['1t =3:w The traffic signal investigatio 4 warrant and priority rating work sheet used in the evaluation process is divided ini, three sections. The first section deals with the impact of past or potential accidents. S ce xao accident experience is available, a zero value has been given. The second section of the priori rating work sheet is concerned with available crossing gaps, delay and vehicular stops The primary concern with respect to these circulation characteristics and the installati� n of signals is the influence a new set of signals would have on existing signal iastallati . To the east of the proposed street, signals are located approximately 350 metres at the perstorc driveway. To the west and north there are no signals within the influence zon . FGA Consultants Ltd. Traffic Impact Study for the Somerset rechnology Park Page 7 The final section of the work she t addresses not only available crossing gaps, but also the influence of the magnitude of hicular and pedestrian intersecting volumes on traffic circulation. Utilizing the traffic volume es 'mates along Somerset Street and the trip generation estimates for the full build out of the Paris, 53 priority points were obtained. As indicated previously, this assumes no poirp are contributed by the potential accident experience. Based on the above analysis, si' s are not required at this intersection, even with full build out traffic. E If a stop sign is put in place on t ie Technology Drive approach to Somerset Street, there are three critical movements whi h must yield the right -of -way when negotiating a turning movement at the intersection, ese are left and right turns from Technology Drive to Somerset Street, and left turns fr m Somerset Street to the Technology Drive. A level of service analysis was completed t determine the efficiencies of these turning movements. Level of service of at-grade stop ign controlled intersections is a qualitative measure that characterizes operational coed ions within a traffic stream and their perception by motorists and passengers. The hree critical movements mentioned above are generally evaluated. The efficiency or operational l vel of service of a stop sign controlled intersection is measured in term& of the averag total delay per vehicle negotiating the critical movements on the intersection approaches ing a peak hour period. The level of service criteria for the critical movements are give in Table 2. FGA. Consultants Ltd. xis f, flc Impact Study for the Somerset rechnology Park Level of Service A represents ve traffic conditions which are a indicating some typo of street in implemented. Usually intersec Page 8 good traffic conditions, while level of service F reflects .oaching significant congestion and delay, generally structure and /or traffic control improvement should be is should be designed to operate at level of service C. TABLE 2 LEVEL OF SE VICE CRITERIA FOR TWO -WAX STOP -CO LLED (TWSC) INTERSECTIONS Average Total Delay Level of Al < 5 Bt >5 and-<.10 3 C' > 10 and ,520 D > 20 and X30 E > 30 and ,545. F > 45 This provides sufficient intersec ` on capacity to accommodate future traffic growth. The lower limit of level of service E r the intersection approaches is generally considered the capacity- The total delay is defined as the the queue until the vehicle depai for the vehicle to travel from tt tal elapsed time from when a vehicle stops at the end of from the stop line. This time includes the time required last-in-queue position to the first -in -queue position. FGA Consultants Ltd. Vafr1c impact Study for the Somerset rerhnology Park 6.0 Both the morning and evening morning peak, left turns into the left and right turns from the site The intersection will operate at majority of traffic in inbound to The evening peak hour will rm build out. Left turns into the s. from the site. However, left conditions with average total stc not exceeded, traffic negod' operate at level of service B build out. It is recommended that ini Technology Drive approach. counts should be recorded pi determine traffic increases. analysis at different develoF STREET EggWTR On the Technology Drive appros should be provided. This would turning traffic. Page 9 ak hour travel periods have been evaluated. In the z are projected to operate at level of service B, while e projected at level of service C and A, respectively. overall level of service A. As can be appreciated the site with little traffic outbound. in a much higher volume of traffic exiting the site at full will operate a level of service B, as well as right turns erns from the site will experience level of service E delays per vehicle of 37 seconds. Although capacity is this turn will experience delay. The intersection will .all. It should be noted that these conditions are at full the intersection be controlled by a stop sign on the ie Park develops towards full build out, traffic volumes :ally on both Somerset Street and Technology Drive to volumes should be utilized to complete signal warrant stages. REQUMENWNTS to Somerset Street, a separate left and right turn lank able right turns to be made without delays from the left FGA Consultants Lld. 7 7c,- nor 11 a Tlrv?7 nP me) I y) -4 66 e T (a 3,,A) 96. 9L 'oaa Tr4& Impact Study for the Somerset technology Park It is also recommended a separa traffic to pull out of the through The approach for this left turnip through traffic movements to p Technology Drive is located ( City's bylaws for street separ Because of the grade of Somerst of Technology Drive, available TAC guidelines. The available 120 metres, while to the west 3: required for a 60 kmlh design Page 10 loft turn lens on Somerset Street be provided to enable ne while they wait to negotiate their left turn movement. traffic is on an upgrade and a left turn lane would enable teed without having to stop. im east of the existing Line Yd1n Road. This meets the street and the crest vertical curve on Somerset Street east )piling sight distance was measured and compared to the Dpping sight distance to the east of Technology Drive is metres is available. Th minimum stopping sight distance ced street (posted speed of 50 km/h) is 85 metres. FGA Consultants Lra. COMMUNITY PLANNING MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDING SCHEDULE 2 -A THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN MRSEl 0�f so �a [[� r .. T p F k a a x a r - � s •.f -j ti �p t V }{ • r� L � � 1 :} v _ l• � FM �, C • I . ;Sr . . �,i; l cl' I�� wf T .2�.a� Lw•'•T•� m ~`f� s � •r •F�Q rn Ffi - aRIVF O ABP' DRIVE ° � N;If� - 4vEh- ♦ QA IYE 1 O le 40. �� ST yFNSU� FROM TO Medium Density Residential = - Business Park Light Industrial Business Park 'Applicant: Somerset Investments Ltd. Date Drawn: December 17, 1998 Location: 899 Somerset Street Drawn By: Tamara Duke Recommended by P.A.C.: File Number (s): 06N -79NE & 06N -79SE Enacted by Council: 55144109 (part of Approved by Minister: 00415216 (part of Filed in Registry Office: COMMUNITY PLANNING REZONING AMENDING MAP SHEET 123 SCHEDULE "A" OF THE ZONING BY -LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Y o FR s M_—""`'�` � z Fr - r M JI `i G . a { •+ t' DERBY 57 � ••• ....�Q � `•rte r� °� »... : =-1C rn JL • Y J, f Dy' z a C OBES npryF a 1 FROM TO P Park BP Business Park R -2 One and Two Family Residential a • BP Business Park RM -1 Three Storey Multiple Residential BP Business Park RM -2 High Rise Multiple Residential BP Business Park 1 -1 Light Industrial BP Business Park Pursuant to a Resolution Under Section 39 of the Community Planning Act Applicant: Somerset Investments Ltd. Date Drn.: December 17, 1998 Location: 899 Somerset Street Drn. By: T. Duke Recommended by P.A.C.: File No.: 06N -79NE & 06N -79SE Enacted by Council: 55144109 (part of) Filed in Registry Office: 00415216 (part of) �J Office of the Common Clerk January 14, 1999 Mr. Bernard Cormier Secretary Art Advisory Board 11 th Floor, City Hall P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB E21- 41-1 Dear Sir: Mary L. Munford P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Common Clerk Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 At a meeting of the Common Council, held on the 11th instant, the following resolution was adopted, namely:- Ift- City of Saint john " RESOLVED that the letter from the Saint John Art Advisory Board submitting a proposed outline of the plans for a Street Festival - Deep See - The Visual Arts for everyone, to be held May 1 to 9, 1999 to promote a week of visual arts within the Uptown area; and requesting the closure, from 7:00 a.m., Saturday, May 8 until 7:00 a.m., Sunday, May 9, of the first block of Canterbury Street from the beginning of King Street to the corner of Princess and Canterbury Streets, as well as the closure of the Church Street alley from the top of Germain Street to the bottom of Prince William Street, and the closure of the new parking lot located beside the IL Fornello Restaurant -- be referred to the City Manager and the Parking Commission." Yours truly, Mary L. unford Common Clerk MLM:sc Cc: Terrence Totten City Manager Office of the Mary L. Munford P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Common Clerk Common Clerk Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 January 14, 1999 Mr. Richard Smith Administrator Saint John Parking Commission 11th Floor, City Hall P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB E2L 41_1 Dear Sir: At a meeting of the Common Council, held on the 11 th instant, the following resolution was adopted, namely:- ;* 'R ?J City of Saint John " RESOLVED that the letter from the Saint John Art Advisory Board submitting a proposed outline of the plans for a Street Festival - Deep See - The Visual Arts for everyone, to be held May 1 to 9, 1999 to promote a week of visual arts within the Uptown area; and requesting the closure, from 7:00 a.m., Saturday, May 8 until 7:00 a.m., Sunday, May 9, of the first block of Canterbury Street from the beginning of King Street to the corner of Princess and Canterbury Streets, as well as the closure of the Church Street alley from the top of Germain Street to the bottom of Prince William Street, and the closure of the new parking lot located beside the IL Fornello Restaurant -- be referred to the City Manager and the Parking Commission." Enclosed is a copy of the above - mentioned letter. Yours truly,( Mary L.uVlunford Common Clerk MLM:sc Enc. set ftkbpr- `` \e e0u d(, 6, "n ;e 4 is May 1- 9,1999 Saint John, N.B. Honourary Chair: Sheila Mackay Dick Festival Management Committee, Co- Chairs: Wm. (Bill) Fitzpatrick, CA Carolyn Cole Communications and Marketing, Chair: Christine White Exhibitions, Co- Chairs: Peter Buckland Peter Larocque Off the Wall (Other Events), Co- Chairs: Judith Mackin Sue McCluskey School and Youth, Chair: Sandra Donnelly Secretary: Bernard Cormier Ways and Means, Co- Chairs: Peter Asimakos Dr. Carl Tompkins Workshops, Co- Chairs: Sheila Darkin Toby Graser Mailing Address: 11 h Floor, City Hall P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB E2L 4L1 Tel: (506) 649 -6040 Fax: (506) 632 -6118 December 18t", 1998 The City of Saint John P. O. Box 1971 City Hall, 8th Floor Saint John, New Brunswick Delivered by Band: ATTENTION: MAYOR SHIRLEY MCALARY AND MEMBERS OF COMMON COUNCIL Dear Your Worship Mayor McAlary and members of Common Council: Re: Deep See The Visual Arts Fest for Everyone May 1 - 91h, 1999 The Saint John Art Advisory Board Chairperson, Bill Fitzpatrick, CA has organized a committee to promote a week of Visual Arts within the Uptown Area. The name of this Event is called Deep See - The Visual Arts Fest for everyone. The dates that Deep See will be in progress are from May 1 - 9, 1999. Both myself, and Brittany Merrifield are acting as Co- chairs in the Special Events Committee (Off the Wall Committee) and are planning to hold a Street Festival in conjunction with Deep See on Saturday, May 8`i', 1999. With respect to this Street Festival we wish to ask the following requests of the City of Saint John. 1. The location we are desirous of using would be the first block of Canterbury Street. Therefore we are asking for closure from the beginning of King Street running till the corner of Princess Street and Canterbury Street. It will also be necessary to have closure of the Church Street alley, starting from the top of Germain Street and running down to the bottom of Prince William Street. 2. The other location we request to have closed and available for the Festival's use would be the new parking lot that is located beside the Il Fernello Restaurant, both the upper level of the parking lot, and the lower parking lot also. The time that we would need street closure and parking lot closure would be May 81h, 1999, Saturday morning from 7:00 am until 7:00 am May 91h, 1999, Sunday morning. A project of the Saint John Art Advisory Board Advisory Board Members Wm. (Bill) R. Fitzpatrick, CA, Chair Dr. Herzl Kashetsky, Vice -Chair Josh Beutel Mary K. Cormier R. Gary Faloon Constance Kingston Regina Mantin Dr. Fred Ross Bernard J. Cormier, Secretary page two.... Deep See We have enclosed for your perusal, a proposed outline for the Street Festival and an information package with respect to the Deep See Festival. As we are sure you can appreciate we are working on time limitations, and there is a large amount of planning with respect to this Street Festival. Accordingly, we would request that you reach us at your earliest possible convenience to advise our committee if we may count on the City of Saint John to support us by allowing us to use the Street and parking lots for this fun and innovative Festival. It is our hope that this Festival will draw thousands of people to the Uptown area and will not only be a success for the Deep See Festival, but the City of Saint John as a whole. Thank you for attention to this request, and we await anxiously for your response. /jm Encls: cc: Wm. (Bill) Fitzpatrick, CA Bernard C. Cormier Judith Mackin # 24 Horsfield Street Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 1L7 (506) 693 - 2281 Brittany A. Merrifield, B.A. P. O. Box 6935, Station A Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 4S4 (506) 658 - 9564 Yours truly, `'1uaitfi Mackin Brittany Merrifield KY, RF.Crl ".'.1c CORW1041111 JAN 5 1999 CAIT Y OF SAP - M �0 4Ej Deep See visual arts fest for everyone May 1- 9th, 1999 Draft - The Street Festival to be Held, Saturday May 8th, 1999 Four (4) main groups: A. Information Booths B. Artist/Workshop Booths C. Performance /Other Arts Booths D. Food Booths A. Information Booths 1. Mount Allison University 2. NSCAD 3. NB College of Craft and Design 4. Sunbury Shores 5. NB Arts Council 6. Trinity Galleries 7. Peter Buckland Gallery 8. Handworks Gallery 9. NB Museum 10. Gallery Connexion 11. ABEC 12. Saint John Art Club 13. Saint John Library 14. Irene Sutton Art Supplies 15. University of Moncton 16. ARTSatlantic 17. Sheila McKay Dick Foundation 18. National Film Board 19. Theatre New Brunswick 20. Canada Council for the Arts 21. Gallery Sans Nom B. Artist/Workshop Booths 1. Chris Lloyd 2. Hertzl Katchesky 3. Richard Flynn 4. Carol Taylor 5. Grant Kelly 6. Victoria Charters 7. James Wilson 8. Fred Ross 9. Freeman Patterson 10. Glenn Hall 11. Pat Schell 12. Alan Crimmons 13. Joanne Fitzpatrick 14. Beth McGloan 15. Kate Bradbury 16. Sonyia Manic 17. John and Kathy Hooper 18. Beth and Peter Powning 19. Libby Shakleton 20. Peggy Smith 21. Roger Gilman 22, Gerard Collins Aside from these artists, there will also be studio's open that are located on Canterbury Street and will be holding Studio tours at the same time as the festival: 1. Jason Fitzpatrick 2. Suzanne Hill 3. Octavio Riberio The Space - A Co -op Gallery also located on Canterbury Street, will be holding a special exhibit in conjunction with this event also. C. Performance /Other Art Booths 1. New City Theatre 2. Saint John Theatre Co. 3. Face Painting Aside from these Performance Booths, the Street Festival will also ask Musicians to rotate for 45 minute sets. They will be the following: 1. Snake Charmer (Flemenco Music) 2. Brent Mason (Folk/Light Rock) 3. Jazz for Brains (Jazz) D. Food Booths 1. Taco Pica 2. Incredible Edibles 3. The Wild Carrot 4. Jeremiah's 5. Slocum & Ferris 6. Caf6 O' le/ Maxamore 7. Billy's Seafood & Co. 8. Beatty and the Beastro In addition to these booths, we will also have the following: 1. Mimes 2. Clowns 3. Jugglers 4. White Christmas Lights 5. Tin drums with fires burning in them 6. Art Auction to be held by Tim Isaac Antiques and Auctions Judith Mackin Chairperson Street Festival Committee December 91ffi, 1999 r I i i • i • u �v� tfo�� �r bus ��k �at Outline of the Project Schedule of Events Committee Members November 3,1998 "deep see" the visual arts fest for everyone May 1 - 9,1999 OUTLINE What is it: Outline Page 1 of 4 A project initiated by, and under the auspices of, the City of Saint John Art Advisory Board. The project will consist of a series of visual art events concentrated in a few days involving and intended to interest: • the Greater Saint John community at large; • the arts community, including artists of every level of competency, and everyone involved and interested in the visual arts; and intended to create a connection between the public, the artists, public exhibitors and patrons of the visual arts. What are the objectives: The project has as its objectives to: • engage and involve the community at large in the visual arts; • create and or initiate a series of visual arts events concentrated in a short period of time; • expose the community to a full spectrum of visual arts; • increase the awareness, and encourage participation and enjoyment, of those who may not currently take an interest in the visual arts; • focus on, and highlight, the visual art resources and riches we have in our community; • enlarge and expand the powers of understanding and therefore of enjoyment, of the visual arts; and • provide the visual artist with resources, and forums, they may not otherwise have available to them. "deep see" the visual arts fest for everyone (continued) Outline Page 2 of 4 When: Who: The time frame targeted is May 1 to 9, 1999. With the exception of using, to the extent made available, existing City resources, the organization and execution will be on a "volunteer" basis. It is intended to seek the involvement, on a volunteer basis, of as broad a spectrum of those interested in the visual arts as possible. Refer to list attached of the Committee Members. Financial resources: The event, as a "non- profit" event, will be "self- funded" and "No deficit ". Given that, with few exceptions, the nature of the activities would be such that they would not be "ticketable" events, funding will come from various "sponsorships" and existing arts funding bodies. All financial aspects will be the responsibility and under the control of the Management Committee. Other organizations exhibitions /activities As part of Deep See various organizations have been approached to participate in Deep See in various manners. All aspects of the exhibitions /activities, including management and all expenses related to same, undertaken by those organizations will be the sole responsibility of the respective organization. "deep see" the visual arts fest for everyone (continued) Outline Page 3 of 4 Structure: It is organized on an unincorporated committee basis under, and as a project of, the City of Saint John Art Advisory Board. The structure is as follows: • Management Committee: Honorary Chair: Sheila Mackay Dick Management Committee, Co Chairs: Bill Fitzpatrick CA, Carolyn Cole Exhibits, Co Chairs: Peter Buckland, Peter Larocque Workshops, Co Chairs: Sheila Darken, Toby Graser Communications and Marketing, Chair: Christine White School and Youth, Chair: Sandra Donnelly Off the Wall (Other Events), Co Chair: Judith Mackin, Sue McCluskey Ways and Means, Co Chairs: Dr. Carl Tompkins, Peter Asimakos Secretariat, Chair: Bernard Cormier Treasurer: responsibilities temporarily assumed by Bill Fitzpatrick, CA Which arts: Subject to availability of resources, the visual arts which may be represented include: Painting Printing Installations Film Mixed media Art and our heritage Art and Graffiti Drawing Sculpture Video Photography Art and religion Art and the computer "deep see" the visual arts fest for everyone (continued) What activities: Possibilities include: Exhibitions Lectures /talks /panels Tours School activities Art and the Internet Artists in Action Workshops Demonstrations Outline Page 4 of 4 Contests Fine arts education institutes activities /displays Art taken to the Streets Attached is a schedule of events currently in the planning process. November 3, 1998 • • i • • • �N�6 dal rf�� Ur bus \e,� *� -V� Ml Events Page 1 of 2 Deep See Schedule of Events - Draft of November 3, 1998 Exhibitions Exhibitions: Feature Juried Exhibition - Fundy Region Artists Window Display Exhibition Graphic Artists Schools and Youth: Student Art Exhibitions - three separate exhibitions of three days duration each Children's Art Banners - uptown displays Uptown Wall Art and Graffiti Exhibitions /Activities - Other Organizations, Collaborations (All management and costs are the responsibility of the respective organization) Deep See "Hidden Treasures of ..." series of exhibitions by: Five Corporate/Professional Organizations: Ernst & Young, Chartered Accountants - selections from their collection Investors Group - selections from their collection Three other prominent corporations /professional bodies having a significant local presence have agreed to participate (names to be announced when their plans are appropriately advanced); Non profit organizations: ABEC - Exhibition of the School District's Art Collection City of Saint John National Gallery of Art New Brunswick Arts Bank - Exhibition of a selection of sculpture from the arts bank Owens Art Gallery University of New Brunswick's Art Centre Non profit organizations participating with exhibitions: Beaverbrook Art Gallery City of Saint John Gallery - Exhibition of William Martel's works New Brunswick Arts Bank, at the ABEC - Recent Acquisitions 1998 New Brunswick Museum Other Saint John organizations, private venues, etc., which will be participating with their own exhibitions and activities include: Imperial Theatre The Space Klausen Framing Tim Isaac Peter Buckland Gallery Trinity Galleries Saint John Art Club UNBSJ - Lorenzo Society Saint John Library Gallery Events Page 2 of 2 Deep See Schedule of Events - Draft of November 3, 1998 Deep See - Other Events Exhibitions: Openings for Exhibitions Artist breakfast - Feature Juried Exhibition Schools and Youth: The Tile Mile - Children and General Public Chalk Art Competition - youth Hands on Art Fest - youth "Off the Wall ": Street Festival and artist in action Studio Tours Workshops/Panel Discussion: Art at the ABEC "Prints and the Collector" by Ian Lumsden "Women Artists" by Kathy Hooper "Art Therapy" by Stephen Scott "Computer Graphics" (presenter TBA "Meet Your Artists" (presenter TBA) "Sculpture in the Square" by John Hooper Specific Artist Recognition Deep See - Dr. Fred Ross ABEC - Robert Percival i• ,ua1 am festfor � 'w otts Committee Members Page 1 of 2 DEEP SEE - MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE HONORARY CHAIRPERSON Sheila Mackay Dick Strathbutler 3107 Rothesay Road Rothesay, NB E2E 5V3 FESTIVAL CO- CHAIRS William (Bill) Fitzpatrick - Co -Chair KPMG 133 Prince William Street Saint John, NB E2L 2115 Carolyn Cole - Co -Chair Aitken Bicentennial Exhibition Centre 20 Hazen Avenue Saint John, NB E2L 3G8 S1 EXHIBITIONS COMMITTEE Peter Buckland - Co -Chair 69 Clarendon Street Saint John, NB E2K lA5 Peter Larocque - Co -Chair New Brunswick Museum 277 Douglas Avenue Saint John, NB E2K lE5 Office Home Fax 634 -1000 657 -7808 633 -8828 633 -4870 633 -6084 648 -4742 Office Home Fax 693 -9721 642 -9053 693 -9519 643 -2327 674 -1668 643 -2360 Other Committee Members: Paul Castle, Jo Anne Claus, and Eileen Cullen. COMMUNICATIONS & MARKETING COMMITTEE Christine White - Chair New North Media I Vh Floor, Brunswick Square Saint John, NB E2L 4R5 Office Office Home Fax 649 -4052 763 -3775 694 -6998 Other Committee Members: Lise Hansen and Bridget Oland. OFF THE WALL COMMITTEE Judith Mackin - Co -Chair DMR Consulting Group Inc. 1 Brunswick Square, Suite 1600 Saint John, NB E2L 4V1 Susie McCluskey - Co -Chair 70 Willis Road Saint John, NB E2N 1P6 Office Home Fax 649 -4551 693 -2281 648 -9970 N/A 693 -7465 648 -2652 Other Committee Members: Brittainy Merrifield. Committee Members Page 2 of 2 SCHOOLS & YOUTH Office Home Fax Sandra Donnelly - Chair 643 -6293 693 -1969 643 -6081 New Brunswick Museum 277 Douglas Avenue Saint John, NB E2K IE5 Other Committee Members: Kate Bradbury, Suzanne Hill, and Mariecke Reinders WAY & MEANS COMMITTEE Office Home Fax Dr. Carl Tompkins - Co -Chair 648 -5577 648 -3490 648 -5650 UNBSJ PO Box 5050 Saint John, NB E2L 4L5 Peter S. Asimakos - Co -Chair 658 -4545 642 -2437 658 -2837 254 Germain Street Saint John, NB E2L 2G6 WORKSHOPS COMMITTEE Office Home Fax Sheila Darkin - Co -Chair 633 -4870 847 -2354 648 -4742 ABEC 20 Hazen Avenue Saint John, NB E21, 3G8 Toby Graser - Co -Chair N/A 849 -7261 N/A 93 Horton Road Rothesay, NB E2H 1R1 Other Committee Members: Kate Bradbury, Irene Sutton, James Wilson SECRETARY Office Home Fax Bernard J. Cormier 649 -6040 642 -5815 632 -6118 Cultural Affairs Office City of Saint John PO Box 1971 Saint John, NB E2L 4L1 ARTIST RECOGNITION HONOURING DR. FRED ROSS Tim Isaac - Chair Tim Isaac Antiques 97 Prince William Street Saint John, NB E2L 2132 November 3, 1998 Iq Office of the Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Common Clerk January 14, 1999 Mr. Bill Grant Chairman Saint John Development Corporation P.O. Box 7200 Saint John, NB E21- 4S6 Dear Sir: P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 At a meeting of the Common Council, held on the 11th instant, the following resolution was adopted, namely:- " RESOLVED that the letter from the Saint John Development Corporation requesting, in connection with the Waterfront Strategic Plan being prepared by Malone Given Parsons, additional funding of $8,000 to cover the City's share of additional work associated with a Bay of Fundy Discovery Centre study -- be referred to the City Manager." Yours truly, Mary L. Munford Common Clerk MLM:sc Cc: Terrence Totten City Manager City of Saint John SAINTJOHN DEVELOPMENTCORPORATION P.O. Box 7200, Saint John, New Brunswick E21- 4S6 Tel: 506 - 649 -6066 Fax: 506 - 649 -6068 December 31, 1998 Her Worship Mayor Shirley McAlary 8th Floor City Hall City of Saint John Saint John, NB Your Worship Mayor McAlary: Re: 1999 Capital Budget Request In connection with the Waterfront Strategic Plan being prepared by Malone Given Parsons, we are requesting additional funding of $8,000 to cover the City's share of additional work associated with a Bay of Fundy Discovery Centre study. As you are aware, the Corporation's Board of Directors approved a recommendation from the Steering Committee, of the Waterfront Strategic Plan, to accept a proposal presented by the consultants to incorporate a Bay of Fundy Discovery Centre study into the waterfront master plan. The cost of the additional work is $32,000, plus taxes and disbursements. During the review process, the partners involved with the Waterfront Strategic Plan committed to cost share this additional work. We would be pleased to provide any additional information that you may require. Thank you for your participation and commitment to this project. Yours truly, SAINT JOHN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Bill Grant Chairman 77E- ` COUSCIJ CLE' ,23 OFFICE JAN 7 1999 CI OF Office of the Mary L. Munford P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Common Clerk Common Clerk Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 January 14, 1999 Elizabeth Ann Secord Secretary Saint John Rotary Club P.O. Box 6893, Station A Saint John, NB E2L 4S3 Dear Madam: At a meeting of the Common Council, held on the 11th instant, the following resolution was adopted, namely:- R'4A7 City of Saint John " RESOLVED that the letter from The Rotary Club of Saint John, N.B., advising of its nomination of Mr. J.C. Robert Lockhart to be one of the two Rotary members on the Board of Directors of Saint John Non - Profit Housing Inc. -- be received and filed and the appointment be approved." Yours truly, Mary L. dunford Common Clerk MLM:sc l ' C.' Office of the Mary L. Munford Common Clerk Common Clerk January 14, 1999 Mr. Narinder Singh General Manager Saint John Non - Profit Housing Inc. 39 Charlotte Street Saint John, NB E2L 2H3 Dear Sir: P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 At a meeting of the Common Council, held on the 11th instant, the following resolution was adopted, namely:- City of Saint John " RESOLVED that the letter from The Rotary Club of Saint John, N.B., advising of its nomination of Mr. J.C. Robert Lockhart to be one of the two Rotary members on the Board of Directors of Saint John Non - Profit Housing Inc. -- be received and filed and the appointment be approved." Yours truly, k Mary L. unford Common Clerk MLM:sc aotagr ►0� •Zp�/ ataP.. District No. 7810 Club No. 126 Organized May 22, 1914 Meeting Monday 12:15 o'clock Delta Brunswick Inn Abraham M. (Abe) Calp Honouraq President December 8, 1998 Ms. Mary Munford Common Clerk City of Saint John PO Box 1971 Saint John, NB E2L 4L1 Dear Ms. Munford: P.O. Box 6893 Station A Saint John, N.B. E2L 4S3 The Board of Directors of the Saint John Rotary Club at its meeting held on this day, December 8"', 1998 has nominated Mr. J. C. Robert Lockhart to be one of the two Rotary Members on the Board of Directors of the Saint John Non- Profit Housing Corporation. This motion was passed unanimously. Thank you for your attention to this. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. Sincerely yours, Elizabeth Ann Secord Secretary Saint John Rotary Club 0 r 9 1998 CITY OF SABWF E Office of the Mary L. Munford P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Common Clerk Common Clerk Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 January 14, 1999 Mr. Eric L. Teed 127 Prince William Street Saint John, NB E2L 2134 Dear Sir: At a meeting of the Common Council, held on the 11th instant, the following resolution was adopted, namely:- " RESOLVED that the letter from Eric L. Teed putting forth ideas as to how the community could make a fitting observance of the forthcoming Millennium; and suggesting that these ideas be referred to staff for a report on the feasibility of the concepts or forwarded to whomever Council feels is appropriate, or otherwise inform him what should or could be done -- be referred to the January 19, 1999 meeting of the Year 2000 Committee." Yours truly, �) - C� Mary L. unford Common Clerk MLM:sc IM City of Saint John I Eric L. Teed, O.C., C.D., Q.C. 127 Prince William Street, Saint John, New Brunswick, E2L 2134 Tel.: (506) 634 -7320 Fax: (506) 634 -7423 January 5, 1999 Common Council City of Saint John P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, New Brunswick E21, 4L 1 Your Worship and Councillors: Re: Millennium Projects The forthcoming Millennium Observance is bringing out a number of ideas as to how Communities make a fitting observance. "Towards the Millennium" a publication of Millennium Projects, set out one proposal which is being undertaken is a collection of objects and messages to be sealed away for 1,000 years. This idea could be adopted for Saint John in a modified form. Saint John is the only City in Canada where the term "Citizen" is used in it's Charter. This was used even before Canada adopted the word "Citizenship" instead of the word "National" used in the BNA Act. It is suggested the City have every citizen in Saint John write a note or have a page of biography or a photograph to be placed in a sealed container to be placed in a monument as a Citizen's memorial, such to be located in a public square and the container to be opened in the year 3,000. It is further suggested Queen Square West is a public square where such a memorial could be located. It would not interfere with those memorials already located in other public squares. Queen Square West also has a wonderful view of the Bay and Harbour which has made Saint John world famous. A further idea which could be pursued by the City is a Municipal memorial. Because Saint John is Canada's First City, and first Municipal Government the City could invite each City or even each municipality in Canada to submit a two page summary of the Municipality's history and attributes, such to be placed in a sealed container to be opened in the year 3,000. Saint John is the only Canadian City which existed before 1800 and can rightfully claim it should be the site of this form of memorial. As the City Council has not yet established a Millennium Committee, which could report to Council on the various projects, should these ideas have any merit, possibly you could refer such to staff for a report on the feasibility of the concepts or forward such to whoever you feel is appropriate or otherwise inform me what should or could be done. Yours truly, G JAN 1999 ELT /hh l`1 Office of the Mary L. Munford P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Common Clerk Common Clerk Saint John New Brunswick Canada E21, 4L1 January 14, 1999 Mr. Peter R. Forestell Patterson Palmer Hunt Murphy Barristers & Solicitors P.O. Box 1324 Saint John, NB E2L 4H8 Dear Sir: At a meeting of the Common Council, held on the 11 th instant, the following resolution was adopted, namely:- M-11 -I City of Saint John " RESOLVED that the closing date for the sale of the property on the corner of McAllister Drive and Golden Grove Road be extended to April 30, 1999, as requested by Patterson Palmer Hunt Murphy, solicitors for Imperial Oil Limited." Yours truly, Wes- ; . Ma ry L. fGlunford Common Clerk MLM:sc � PATTERSON PALMERHuNT Mu"fw Via Telecopier: 658 -2802 Mary Munford Common Clerk City of Saint John City Hall Saint John, N.B. Hear Ms. Munford: Atlantic Canada Lawyers peter R_ Forestall Direct Linc: (506) 633 -2715 c -mad A&rrss-- peter. f6rrstell0pphm_co,m January 7, 1999 Re: Imperial Oil Limited Our. File #9816163 At the meeting of Common Council on January 4`h last, Common Council passed a emotion tabling the application by imperial Oil to rezone the property at the corner of McAllister Drive and Golden Grove Road_ Accordingly, it would be in order for Imperial Oil to request Common Council to agree to extend the closing date beyond January 31, 1999 until such time as the rezoning application is dealt with by Common Council_ An extension of the closing date to on or before April 30, 1999 should give Council plenty of time to deal with the rezoning application- Accordingly, as solicitors for Imperial Oil, Z would request that you add to Council's Agenda for Open Session for Monday, January 111`, 1999 the matter of the extension of the closing date to a date on or before April 30, 1999_ Yours very truly, PA.TTERSON PALMER HUNT MURPHY Peter R. or stell PRF /jak cc: City Solicitor's Office Carl Brown Mel Vincent, Jr- One Brunswick Square, Suita 1500, PO Box 1324, Saint John, New Brunswick, E21- 4H8 Telephone: (5o6) 632.8900 FaX; (506) 632 -8809 Truro Saint John St. John's Charlottetown Halifax Moncton Montague Z/Z 30Hd 60e6ZE990S = t7I Bid NHOr ZN I VS WHdd n Iona GS = 0 I 66- G0 -NVr Office of the Mary L. Munford P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2862 Common Clerk Common Clerk Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 January 14, 1999 Mrs. D. LeBlanc Secretary South Central Citizens Council C/o 18 Horsfield Street Saint John, NB E2L 1 L7 Dear Madam: At a meeting of the Common Council, held on the 11th instant, the following resolution was adopted, namely:- n' A " RESOLVED that the letter from the South Central Citizens Council expressing the view that an apology is due to the citizens of Saint John and, specifically, to Dominick Eden further to his presentation to Common Council on January 4, 1999 on behalf of the Citizens Council -- be received and filed." Yours truly, Mary 7Lunford Common Clerk MLM:sc City of Saint John January 6, 1999 Mayor and Council City of Saint John, N.B. Your Worship and Councillors; On January 4th our Chairman made a presentation to Council on behalf of the South Central Citizens Council. Part of that presentation was critical of Council and part was suggestions to make the situation better. Instead of receiving the presentation as valid concerns of the citizens deserving of some consideration, Council chose to 'shoot the messenger' particularly by Councillor Chris Titus and the Deputy Mayor. We would like to point out that our Chairman, Dominick Eden, was speaking on behalf of the South Central Citizens Council which is the most active and viable citizens group in Saint John and deserves to be treated with respect. You do not have to agree with all of our views but we have a right to express them and have them received with dignity. Mr. Eden has done a great deal for Saint John by restoring some of our historic properties, saving them from the wreckers ball and making them tax generators. The work he has done to make Horsefield St. a desireable place to live speaks for itself. Councillor Titus on the other hand is a Civil Servant who draws from our taxes and should be appreciative of developers like Mr. Eden who provide the taxes to feed people like Titus. The Mayor, as Chair of the meeting, has a responsibility to ensure that all citizens and their representatives are welcome at the Council Chamber and does not allow Councillors to beat up on presentors. We would point out that even through the Deputy Mayor's silly berating and Councillor Titus' vulgarity, Mr. Eden conducted himself like a gentleman and stuck to the issues. An apology is due to the citizens of Saint John and specifically to Mr. Eden. Yours truly, SOUTH CENTRAL CITIZENS COUNCIL (Mrs.) D. LeBlanc - Secretary 1 :4,;FiLs JAN 7 19991 c/o 18 Horsefield St., Saint John, N.B. Tele: 657 -3413 -a L !L'I