2011-07-18_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaireCity of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday, July 18, 2011 Location: Common Council Chamber Supplemental to Agenda 3.1 Proposed Subdivision — Cedar Point Anchorage 8.1 Organizational Re- alignment Presentation 11.1 b,c) Parking —Dorchester Street 13.2 Committee of the Whole: Recommended Appointments to Committees 13.3 Committee of the Whole: Pension Funding 13.4 Committee of the Whole: Proposed NB Power Transmission Line to Saint John Port Authority Property on West Side City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le Lundi 18 Aout, 2011 Lieu : Salle du conseil communal Ordre du jour suppiementaire 3.1 lotissement propose - Cedar Point Anchorage 8.1 Harmonisation organ isationnelle 11.1 b, c) Stationnement - rue Dorchester 13.2 Comite plenier: nominations recommandees aux comites 13.3 Comite plenier: Financement des pensions 13.4 Comite plenier: NB Power ligne de transport d'electricite a I'autorite portuaire June 22, 2011 Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Cedar Point Anchorage Subdivision, Phase 7 554 Woodward Avenue (Project File) On May 24, 2011 Common Council referred the above matter back to the Planning Advisory Committee for a recommendation respecting the location of public streets within the proposed subdivision. The Committee had originally considered the attached report at its May 17, 2011 meeting. This matter was considered under other business at the June 21, 2011 PAC meeting. No further public input was sought, and there were no additional presentations made at the meeting concerning this application. In the Committee's deliberations, members still expressed the desire for a secondary access for the subdivision, which was also the desire of the PAC in 2007. However, due to the jurisdiction of the Committee a secondary access cannot be a condition of approval under the circumstances, nor can PAC recommend a secondary access as part of the assent of this phase of the development, since the land acquired for the secondary access is not part of this application. While members of the Committee continue to share the residents' concern with regards to increased traffic volume and safety with the approval of further residential lots, after further consideration the Committee resolved to adopt the staff recommendation provided in the May 17 report, which is set out below for your convenience. The Committee also approved the new street name Topsail Terrace, but at the request of the developer at the May 17 meeting did not grant the variance relating to the reduced street right of way width standard. RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council assent to one or more subdivision plans, in one or more phases, in general accordance with the submitted Cedar Point Anchorage Subdivision, Phase 7 tentative plan, as well as to any necessary municipal services and public utility easements, on the condition that: 349 -2- The plan is amended to include a 6 metre wide Land for Public Purposes dedication in the vicinity of proposed Lots 36 -G to 42 -G between Anchorage Avenue (extension) and the Nature Trust of New Brunswick Inc. property (PID No. 55198436). 2. That Common Council authorize the preparation and execution of one or more City /Developer Subdivision Agreements to ensure provision of the required work and facilities, including detailed site and drainage plans for the approval of the Chief City Engineer or his designate, and any required contribution to the pumping station and potential force main upgrades, as well as any additional infrastructure costs associated with this proposed subdivision development. Respectfully submitted, Colin Murray Chairman MO Project No. H -064 350 k NQE�WE N E E C APPROACH PRIORITIES STRUCTURE PEOPLE FINANCES PERFORMANCE CULTURE Purpose of the Re- alignment Identify the organization structure for the City of Saint John that best supports ahigh- performance public service •service -based • results- oriented • customer focused • resource conscious •accountable Current Organizational Model ----------- Con,Tc Cumr -v z:uncr Cp?� bolt CWh Mar.apem Abnin Ascsbr.t R fng�rr.•.•r�, er Deelpprnpnl Mayo /s cHhce llet ndr- .nivalian an Resaurut uecrcatgn lecirtr� Admnr_tr�. r; - b »bnl PeavrN Maroger Or/.:•� C, ran cin. Manage .. ^I rFr•.n.�� 9updirip R Intpxpont .cr-ptrdler J WtV U-53lp. Building, B In,peetiwn A-- -.taut camptrnller Deputy tluidn4 .; rrar:nntl Ircpe[lpr Iedmkal Service, Engineer Ik doings Enerp Manager Prpjecl Erraneer IP!ll Plaaal IICC until II r City Manager UlDUIY UlRty City Wily Ma.ap - -. Manager. agyaT. a � rxltrls I N�r�lwn C rporae Progra Marvper Marrag t (HArw Manager Ccrpprate elamreg Deutlopment Manripal Engineer Comnuni[nlion, In�tion ManaBa Technolo4y Corr telinn. 0;10 - i/e f 1 1 1 1 Deputy I r.e Chier I I I I rnnrkt I We /(4i I I I Umsicrvl [feel l TranitgE PralattloNl 1 Daxlppment 1 1 I I OrsMct Wei 1 SDeusl Opernlionf 1 I I nKMrt Ovnf I Preentlpn, 1 n•e,l�etion 8 Serell I I I I •L; rnini,bntic 1 art�ar � I I melm 1 I I Slf Mn Manager I ErlrgcrrY - -1 >Reparedne„ oily SDlkltd T Solrrtsz 14 Pu 0—`o ?dmlNnratiw AsstsbM Meroger Cumr -v z:uncr Cp?� bolt _ ra I....� rSer.k�: ncrpal Mar.apem Uperaucro Pt IngE R fng�rr.•.•r�, er Deelpprnpnl me oe•rlwpTlnl llet ndr- .nivalian an Resaurut uecrcatgn lecirtr� Admnr_tr�. r; - 0.dminl,tra4R Group g Untctpr Olplty CaTmlisbncr Maroger Or/.:•� Public Wwk, alsrnt�E Efflxtr.lrcss Oewbpmar'., —1 perrexr..rr nepn[YC mnccnner PcIKV nap,mf CCr- .nittlnnof MaruRer SaM Mho Water Murtlapal [)DSatwn, Nanny, acrnmr,trator c:rwp s (5 Petmontl Perk. 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OII4[arc(i) an a.omNm Supernle dent erytlrcennR Mt,r'uRer We,teweter reciitie, 101—kip .1 Ertg-4 Manager, watw r. /.1 — Fnginaer Jx MarvRemenl (1 Pp I[a,n, Deutlopment Manripal Engineer Comnuni[nlion, In�tion ManaBa Technolo4y Corr telinn. 0;10 - i/e f 1 1 1 1 Deputy I r.e Chier I I I I rnnrkt I We /(4i I I I Umsicrvl [feel l TranitgE PralattloNl 1 Daxlppment 1 1 I I OrsMct Wei 1 SDeusl Opernlionf 1 I I nKMrt Ovnf I Preentlpn, 1 n•e,l�etion 8 Serell I I I I •L; rnini,bntic 1 art�ar � I I melm 1 I I Slf Mn Manager I ErlrgcrrY - -1 >Reparedne„ oily SDlkltd T Solrrtsz 14 Pu 0—`o ?dmlNnratiw AsstsbM Meroger NUna{{tt Human R.sourcec Flpet a Nat rralc Mar.apem Naroger StarhrrQ Manage+ me oe•rlwpTlnl llet ndr- .nivalian an Resaurut Man.VB.r 0.dminl,tra4R Group g Fleel Malntertatce Mer,egw Orgeni<elipn Efflxtr.lrcss Manager SPlety E PcIKV Mr.NUrr Retnr. acrnmr,trator c:rwp s an pe,purce, Adminluraor Group 6 14 PUSRW..) Gaps in the Current Model Work is not organized way citizens expect to receive services Difficulty in meeting service expectations because work process and communications crosses functional organization silos Inconsistent service levels where several groups maintain city properties, enforce by -laws, interact with citizens Imbalanced distribution of work and resources Too many reports to the City Manager Hierarchical decision making slows decisions and dilutes accountability Decisions can be tactical rather than strategic Insufficient economic development and intergovernmental affairs support Accountability of the ABC's to the City is unclear Recommended Organization Model Growth & Planning Neighbourhood Roadway Drinking Financial Human Services Improvement Maintenance Water Management Resources Permitting& Recreation and Sidewalk Industrial Pension Corporate Inspection Services Cultural Programming Maintenance Water Administration Planning Development Fire and Rescue Pedestrian and Traffic Asset Intergovernmental Wastewater Support Services Management Management Affairs Geographic Emergency Stormwater Utility Business Corporate Information Systems Management Management Management Communications Solid Waste Water & Sanitary Information Technology Collection Engineering Systems Transportation & Envir- onment Engineering Parksand Public Spaces Features Groups functions to create a one stop shop for development related matters Includes support for economic development - better coordination and alignment with City objectives Department focused on creating a safe, livable community Neigbourhood Development is a focus area Brings together front door services for roads, sidewalks, drainage, and green spaces in one department allowing us to better respond to citizen needs and better allocate resources eatu res Establishes astand -alone water utility - accountable Links all asset management functions (cash, payroll, buildings, fleet, inventories etc) - better ensure that they are protected and managed Introduces a strategic services support group that addresses the policy, planning, human resource, information technology and communication needs in a coordinated and forward looking manner Creates a role for intergovernmental affairs Ensures cross - departmental collaboration Creates a strategically focused leadership team ABCs — Addressing the Disconnect Issues • Lack of coordination • Different points of access • No explicit alignment with CC •Overlap and duplication Proposed • Establishes explicit linkages • Encourages coordination and collaboration • Develop Service Accountability Agreements - Economic Development ABC - Alignment I Grcrly',h 8 Urban Environment I Transportation 3 I Saint John I Administrative I Strategic ------------- Developrnert Services - - - - -- Services ------------- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- Envlronmlgnt Servlce6 - - -- Water - - -- Services services Growth & Permitting 8 Neighborhood Fire and Roadway Stomtwater Drinking Financial Human Planning S—i— Inspection Services Improvement Rescue Services Maintenance Management Water Management Resources Geographical Recreation Dovalopment Information and Culture! Emergency Sidewalk Solid Wash Induslrlal Pension Corporate Support Management Maintenance Collection Water Administration Planning Systems Programming I ______________ i 1 I Sant John I _______ I I Eneerprix Saul DesMabon 1 1 Board of Palbe Comm1 - Pedestrian and Parks and Pubk Wastewater Asset Intergovemmental Jonn I 1 Markesry Crpinbatlon I 1 1 I 1 Ca 1 I Ennergency Meenurae I 1 I Traffic M t g'r' S paces Management g Affairs ---- -- - ' ______________ ' ' TIAn Ypnrtaaan r- __------ - - -__1 I �_-------- - - - - -i 9.1 Inw.ftwil ' Si WatCIkOM 1 ' Abld My 1 y I", I I CarNmn CC i 1 Fundy Regon Sdkl 1 U[I lry Business rJbJ RBVmai Corporate Parks I Developaeni Cammiltee 1 i Advison Board 8 Envirwnment Wade Commission Management Fadgies Canri®an I Communications --------- - - - - -J - -J ` "- " "-- - - - - -J Engineering `--------- - - - - -- I -------------- ' ' --'----- SJ 91Leten'ierd i ' ' ' r-------------i Jllaifte y NM Uptown Saint Saint John i Property � Council- i Sant'oM SeIry JIIM 4`iaterS Sanitary ' Information Jahn Inc 1 r Non Profit Housing i A 1 i Eanibnon Asrrcunon i Parkng Commlssam 1 t Emircamenc Committm� Engineering Ring Tachnobgy systems 1___________ ___J i______________- 1__________-_ I_____________ -� ______________ 1 ______ r-- -- ---- 1 ______ r-- ---- -- 1 ______________ r 1 r--------- - - - - -1 r--------- - - - - -1 r--------- - - - - -1 wam, a sewer i hYnbaur station ' I Municipal Plan j Saint Jahn ' ' GSJ Seniori j i San1 Jane 1 Roriyanod Park 1 1 1 Raise Appeals 1 ' Deed of Cities of NB Commisaiorl 1 Cleian Advsory Group Yolah Cabinet 1 AdNsory Comletitee TreWt Commission 1 I AdNeory CorMrotM i i Bllnlnyldr PI ine i ip AssocHtion ._____________J i______________J i______________J 1______________J i______________ J t______________J i- _____________J --- - - ---- - --' '--------------- --------- - - ---n __ 1 ______---- - -___n 1 ---------- - - - - -r I _--------- - - - - -1 I -------- ------ 1 1 "------- - - - -'j Pmsnrvabon i ' Planning Advisory i SJ MJtlralural i I Imperial Tncatm i Sant JaM i ' Arb —Day i ' W-1 I ' Taaatrn R-irw Board 1 Cammnee Aii -daaion 1 i Inc i !sport Auenrry 1 Commnee Waslewaler Commiux: eommrlro __Review ____! i_______! i______________! ------- 1 1 1________-----_- ---w------- I FIr1dIr Tlisil I 3J Jeua I I.aiBUM Mrs! 1 I I 1 1 I 1 Ft LeTaur Dow:l nit Alshad 1 Deyelopmem Author"' 1 1 I Canada GdrneB 1 I Culture Irnerkn 1 I 1 9enl JOM i IY I Part Artllol Power Calrnbsnn oh CSJ 1 ; Flronpe Task I — I1 ._____________J Irc 1 n______________J 1 Folrilrion Inc I n___________ -__J I Camnitxe -__J 1_____ -___ -- l______________ I 1______________� I----__--------- ______________ I Trade 8 -------------- I ___ r----- - - - - -- I r------- - - - - -- 1 -- - - - - -1 I------ - - - - -- I convention Overelgai I I t om I I John ; I 1 I 1 Marbour I 1 _ Gomm 1 I ' I I PWIC I I I OgMWMe 1 I 1 Bridge AU1roMy I I Generating Camm[Iw I r-------------- I r------ --- - - - - -1 r--------- - - - --1 Leisrro Sorvicrs ' I Salt Jahn Arts Tan Cab Adasory ' Adnsory Board 1 Cenina Comminsis I Commiuoe I n- _____________J 1 -------------- r--------- - - - - -I r--------- - - - - -1 PRO Klan saint John 225 ; 1 1 I Comnaea 1 `--------- - - - - -J r------- --- ----1 r- ---- ---- - - - - -1 SaintJaM ' AplaatoOwn, ; Legend Community ANN Board 1 i Cratxtwnmll i `--------- - --- -J `--------- - - - - -J ■ Programs - ----- -------- - ----- ; Service Areas Sant Jonn 1 Ar. Advsory BoaN LBR SJ Inc I O—rd M Trustees I ____________J I_________ - - -__ ABC (Delivers Service) ABC (Advisory Role) Implementation Considerations Implementation costs funded by budget for vacant Deputy City Manager positions and attrition Dept Head appointments to be addressed first Positions will be filled internally where possible through a fair, transparent, streamlined process for appointments. 6 -8 month implementation - cascade Moving Forward Structure is first step Recommendations for Senior Positions Service Accountability Agreements - Eco Dev Service Based Budgets Customer Service Risks are HR related - change /uncertainty Process adds to organizational demands Required from Common Council Approve the new organization model Approve the job profiles - senior team Common Council will be asked to approve recommendations for: Transition of current Section 74 appointees Appointments to the senior leadership roles Demonstrate support during implementation 11. \'\(2 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL * %4G M &C2011 -189 July Wh, 2011 = His Worship Mayor Ivan Court The City of Saint john and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council, SUBJECT: Parking - Dorchester Street BACKGROUND A request has been received to reinstate parking along Dorchester Street to service businesses in the area. Parking was removed when the street transitioned from one -way to two -way traffic. ANALYSIS An analysis of traffic flows under two -way conditions indicates that curb side parking is feasible along the west of the street. The attached figure shows space for eight spaces. As the Parking Commission would install a Pay -and- Display machine, painting of parking lines would not be necessary. The following changes to the Traffic By -Law and the Parking By -Law would be required to permit the re- establishment of parking on the west side of Dorchester Street: • Amend the Traffic By-Law by deleting Dorchester Street, Both Sides, from Union Street to Carleton Street from Schedule `B' (No Parking Anytime); • Amend the Traffic By -Law by adding Dorchester Street, East Side, from Union Street to Carleton Street to Schedule `B' (No Parking Anytime); • Amend the Traffic By -Law by adding Dorchester Street, Union Street to Carleton Street to Schedule `J' (No Overnight Parking); and • Amend the Parking By -Law by adding Dorchester Street, Union Street to Carleton Street, West Side to Schedule `A' (Parking Meters). Given the construction underway in the area and the urgency of the request expressed by the businesses concerned, this report has been prepared to enable positive action by Council in response to the request. Report to Common Council (M &C 2011- 189) Parking — Dorchester Street INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES July 18`h, 2011 Page 2 of 2 The Parking Commission has been consulted and staff there has advised that the Pay -and- Display machine could be installed soon; within the next two weeks. The City Solicitor's office is drafting appropriate wording for By -Law amendments. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that Common Council take steps to amend the Traffic By -Law and the Parking By -Law to permit the establishment of parking on the west side of Dorchester Street as outlined in this report and refer the matter to the City Solicitor for drafting of necessary By -Law amendments. Respectfully submitted, J. M. Paul Groody, P. Eng. Commissioner, Municipal Operations & Engineering atrick Woods, CGA City Manager P � opQ -an IN Typical 6.0 metre long on- street parking spaces. Pay and Display machine to be used so number of actual spaces day to day will vary. lr SAINT JOHN July 18th, 2011 Common Council of The City of Saint John Your Worship and Councillors: Re: Parking - Dorchester Street City Solicitors Office Bureau de Pavocat municipal Further to M &C No. 2011 -189 of today's date, please find attached for your consideration appropriate language for amendments to the Traffic By -Law and Parking By -Law respecting parking on Dorchester Street. Respectfully Submitted, John Nugent City Solicitor P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 41-1 I www.saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada E2L 4L1 BY -LAW NUMBER MV -10 - A BY -LAW TO AMEND A BY -LAW RESPECTING TRAFFIC ON STREETS IN THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN MADE UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE MOTOR VEHICLE ACT, 1973, AND AMENDMENTS THERETO Be it enacted by the Common Council of The City of Saint John as follows: A By -law of The City of Saint John entitled "A By -law Respecting Traffic On Streets In The City of Saint John Made Under The Authority of The Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, and Amendments Thereto ", enacted on the 19th day of December, A.D. 2005, is hereby amended as follows: 1 Schedule B - "No Parking Anytime" - is amended by deleting the following words under the following headings: Street Side Limits Dorchester Street Both Sides Union Street to Carleton Street 2 Schedule B - "No Parking Anytime" - is amended by adding the following words under the following headings: Street Side Limits Dorchester Street East Side Union Street to Carleton Street 3 Schedule J - "No Overnight Parking" - is amended by adding the following words under the following headings: Street Limits Dorchester Street Union Street to Carleton Street IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the day of , A.D. 2011 signed by: Mayor First Reading - Second Reading - Third Reading - Common Clerk BY -LAW NUMBER M -7 - A BY -LAW TO AMEND A BY -LAW WITH RESPECT TO PARKING ZONES AND THE USE OF PARKING METERS AND PAY AND DISPLAY MACHINES Be it enacted by the Common Council of The City of Saint John as follows: A By -Law of The City of Saint John entitled "A By -Law to Amend A By -Law With Respect to Parking Zones and The Use of Parking Meters and Pay and Display Machines" enacted on the 15th day of March, 2004 is hereby amended as follows: 1 Schedule A - "Parking Meters" - is amended by adding the following words under the following headings: Street Limits Side Dorchester Street Union Street to Carleton Street West Side IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the day of , A.D. 2011 signed by: Mayor First Reading - Second Reading - Third Reading - Common Clerk July 18, 2011 Common Council of the City of Saint John His Worship Mayor Court, Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillors, Subject: Committee of the Whole: Recommended Appointments to Committees The Committee of the Whole, having met on July 18, 2011, made the following recommended the following appointments to committees: Saint John Emergency Management Organization Advisory Committee: to appoint Dan Houghton for a two year term from July 18, 2011 to July 18, 2013. Rockwood Park Advisory Board: to re- appoint Greg Burgess, Steve Langille and John Acker each for a one year term from July 18, 2011 to July 18, 2012; to re- appoint Tom Chesworth for a one year term from August 30, 2011 to August 30, 2012; to appoint Jamie LeMesurier for a one year term from July 18, 2011 to July 18, 2012. Taxicab Advisory Committee: to re- appoint Donald LeBlanc, Gary Williston, Mack Tobias, and Christine Saumure from July 18, 2011 to December 31, 2011. Saint John Board of Police Commissioners: to re- appoint Christopher Waldschutz for a three year term from July 18, 2011 to July 18, 2014. Trade & Convention Centre Oversight Committee: to re- appoint Councillor Sullivan from July 18, 2011 until the end of his current term on Council; to re- appoint Ralph Holyoke for a three year term from July 18, 2011 to July 18, 2014. Harbour Station Commission: to re- appoint Mark McAuliffe for a three year term from July 18, 2011 to July 18, 2014. Saint John Industrial Parks: to re- appoint Councillor Farren from July 18, 2011 until the end of his current term on Council; to re- appoint Kathy Craig, Andy Simpson and Andy Lodge each for a term from July 18, 2011 to December 31, 2011. Saint John Substandard Properties Appeal Committee: to re- appoint Councillor Snook from July 18, 2011 until the end of his current term on Council. SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 I www.saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada E2L 4L1 Saint John Parking Commission: to re- appoint Lionel Bordage for a three year term from August 18, 2011 to August 18, 2014. Environment Committee: to appoint Craig Campbell for a three year term from July 18, 2011 to July 18, 2014. Greater Saint John Regional Facilities Commission: to re- appoint Mayor Court, Councillor Sullivan and Councillor Higgins from July 18, 2011 until the end of their current terms on Council. Justice Complex Advisory Committee: to re- appoint Mary Blatherwick and Scott Gibson each for a three year term from July 18, 2011 to July 18, 2014. Fundy Trail Development Authority Inc.: to appoint Graeme Stewart- Robertson for a three year term from July 18, 2011 to July 18, 2014. Taxation Review Committee: to appoint Don Watson from July 31, 2011 to December 31, 2011. PRO Kids: to re- appoint Connie Coffin and Charles Jensen each for a term from July 18, 2011 to December 31, 2013. Respectfully Submitted, Jonathan Taylor, Assistant Common Clerk Q).' SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 I www.saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada E2L4L1 July 18, 2011 Common Council of the City of Saint John His Worship Mayor Court, Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillors, Subject: Committee of the Whole: Outstanding Contributions re: Pension Plan Going Concern Unfunded Liability The Committee of the Whole, having met on July 18, 2011, made the following recommendation: "That payment of $8,700,000.00 be made forthwith to The City of Saint John Pension Fund, for special payments plus interest to date, due with respect to 2010, together with the increase residual current service cost plus interest to date, due for 2010." Respectfully Submitted, Jonathan Taylor, Assistant Common Clerk (P4— - -- . _ --- SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 I www.saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada E2L 41-1 July 18, 2011 Common Council of the City of Saint John His Worship Mayor Court, Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillors, Subject: Committee of the Whole: Electrical Power Lines on City Owned Land The Committee of the Whole, having met on July 18, 2011, made the following recommendation: "That the City refuses to consent to the installation of overhead electrical power lines on any City owned lands through which run the rail line described in the assignment of lease from Canadian Pacific Limited to New Brunswick Southern Railway Company Limited, to which the City consented and which assignment is dated January 5, 1995." Respectfully Submitted, Jonathan Taylor, Assistant Common Clerk 60-1 SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E21- 4L1 I vwvwsaintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada E2L 4L1