Water and Sewerage By-law Amendment 2018-04-09BY-LAW NO. M-16
Be it enacted by the Common Council of Lors d'une r6union du conseil municipAl
The City of Saint John as follows: The City of Saint John a d6cr6t6 cc qui,,s I
A By-law of The City of Saint John
entitled "A By-law Respecting Water and
Sewerage", enacted on the 7* day of June, A.D.
2004, is hereby amended as follows:
1. Section I is amended by repealing the definition
of "Commissioner" and replacing it with the
"Commissioner means the Commissioner of Saint
John Water or any person authorized by him/her
to act on his/her behalf. (commissaire)"
Par les pr6sentes, Parr&6 de The City
' I
Saint John intituld << Arr&td concernant les r6sea
d'eau et d6gouts >>, d6cr6t6 le 7 juin 2004, e
modifi6 comm suit:
1. L'article 1 est mot6 par Pabrogation de la
definition de "commissaire" et son remplacement
par ce qui suit:
en son nom. (Commissioner)"
2. Subsection 34(1) is amended by deleting 2. Le paragraphe 34(1) est modifie par la
"$25.00" and replacing it with "$225.00". suppression de "25,00V et son. rem place ment par
3. Section 46 is amended by adding the following: 3® L' fele 46 est modifid par I'adjone tion de ce
qui suit:
"46(3) A customer whose water service has be
discontinued pursuant to subsection 46(l), secti
42, subsection 44(4) or for any other reason, sh
not operate city valves or take any other action
relation to the City's water system to reinstate t
water service."
"46(3) Un abonn6 dont le service d'eau a 6t&
interrompu en vertu du aaa! 46(l), de
I'article 42, du paragraphe 44(4) on pour toute
autre raison, n'opdrera pas les valves d'eau de la
ville ni ne fera tout autre chose envers le syst&me
d'eau. de la ville-,.Tfm de
5. Section 48 is repealed and replaced with the 5. Larticle 48 est abrogd et remp]ac6 par ce qui
following: sit®
','a) the water service has been discontinued
pursuant to section 42, subsection 44(4) or
subsection 46(l) for a period of at least 72
hours, or
(b) the water has been turned off at the request
of the owner for a period of at least 72
"48(l) Lorsque, en cc qui a trait aux usagers munis
d'un compteur,
"a) le service d'eau a 6td interrompu en vertu
de Particle 42, du paragraph 44(4) on du
paragraphe 46(l) pour une p6riode
minimale de 72 hours, ou
(e) a serviced building is vacant and unused
for domestic, commercial or industrial
purposes; or
(d) fire has made a serviced building
the owner shall, upon the expiry of the 72 ho
period described in paragraphs (a) or (b) or up
the building becoming vacant or uninhabitable, p
a monthly water rate equal to the water servi
cha 9t--ha=d-an the—size of-Aw
as set out in Schedule "B",
"a) the water service has been discontinued
pursuant to section 42, subsection 44 x, or
subsection 46(l) for a period of at least 72
hours, or
(b) the water has been turned off at the request
of the owner for a period of at least 72
hours, or
(c) a serviced building is vacant and unused
for domestic, commercial or industrial
(d) fire has made a serviced building
the owner shall, upon the expiry of the 72 hour
period described in paragraphs (a) or (b) or upon
the building becoming vacant or uninhabitable, pay
a monthly water rate equal to what the water
service charge would be if the flat rate customer
was metered, based on the size of the appropriate
meter, as set out in Schedule "B".
demande de l'usager pour une p6riode
minimale de 72 heures, on
(c) le bitiment recevant Falimentation en eau.
est demeur6 vacant et. non-utilis6 A des fins
domestiques, commerciales ou
industrielles, ou
(d) le bfitiment est inhabitable en raison d'un
le proprietaire doit, d6s 1'expiration de la p6rio&
de 72 heures d6crite aux alin6as (a) ou (b) ou des
que le bdtiment est vacant on inhabitable, payer des
frais mensuels 6quivalant au tarif des services
tel qu'6nonc6 A I'annexe "B".
48(2) Lorsque, en ce qui a trait aux usagers A tarif
(a) le service d'eau a 6t6 interrompu en vertu
de Particle 42, du paragraphe 44 (4) ou du
paragraphe 46(l) pour une p6riode
male de 72 licures, ou.
,b) Palimentation. en eau a 6t6 interrompue A la
demande de Pusager pour une p6riode
immale de 72 heures, on
(c) le bdtiment recevant Yalimentation en. eau
est demeur6 vacant et non-utilis6 A des fins
domestiques, conimerciales our
industrielles, ou
(d) le bfitiment est inhabitable en raison dun
le proprietaire doit, d&s 1'expiration de la p6riode
de 72 heures d6crite aux alindas (a) on (b) ou des
que le bAtiment est vacant on inhabitable, payer des
frais mensuels 6quivalant au tarif des services
&4 ,�
tel qu'6noncd A Pannexe "B".
(a) the sewer service has been discontinued (a) le service d'6gouts a W interrompu en
period of at least 72 hours, or
(b) a serviced building is vacant and unused
for domestic, commercial or industrial
(c) fire has made a serviced building
the owner shall, upon the expiry of the 72 hour
period described at paragraph (a) or upon the
building becoming vacant or uninhabitable, pay a
monthly sewer rate equal to the applicable water
service charge in paragraph (1) or (2), multiplied
by the percentage set out in Schedule C .... ;
VZ7TCUTTTM=IcT u u paragrapfiFINU-(7
pour une p6riode minimale de 72 heures,
(b) le batiment recevant le service d'6gouts est
demeur6 vacant et non-utilis6 A des fins
domestiques, commerciales on
industrielles, on
(c) le bitiment est inhabitable en raison d'un
le propridtaire doit, d6s Pexpiration de la pdriode
de 72 heures d6crite A Falin6a (a) on d6s que le
bAtiment est vacant on inhabitable, payer des frais
d'6gouts mensuels 6quivalant an tarif des services
Wean 6nonc6 au paragraphes (1) on (2), multipli6
par le pourcentage identifi6 A Pannexe "C"".
7. Section 50 is repealed and replaced with the 7. L'article 50 est abrog6 et remplac6 par ce qui
following: suit :
person who violates any provision of tI
by-law is liable upon conviction to a fine
50(2) A person who violates any provision of this
by-law shall, within 20 business days after
receiving the penalty notice from the city's By -Law
En In Officer, 1&% qn administratiLa-:1enTl
50(3) A person who violates a provision of this b -m
paragraph (2) is not liable to be prosecuted for sa
violation. " i
<< 50(l) Quiconque contrevient A une disposition
du pr6sent arr8t6 commet une infraction et est
passible, sur d6claration de culpabilit6, d'une
amende de 2100,00$.
50(2) Quiconque contrevient A une disposition
pr6sent arr6t& doit, dans les 20 jours ouvrabl
suivant la reception de I'avis de p6nalit6 6mis p
]'agent charge de 1'ex6cution des arrdtds de la vill
acquitter une p6nalit6 administrative de 1500,0
an bureau de perception A 1'146tel de ville, an 1
Market Square, Saint John, N. -B., du lundi
vendredi, de WO A 16h3O. I
50(3) Quiconque contrevient A une disposition du
prdsent arrW et acquitte la p6nalit6 administrative
tel que pr6vu au paragraphe (2) West passible
d'aucune poursuite A cet 6gard. >>
IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John
has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said
City to be affixed to this by-law the 9h day of
April, A.D. 2018 signed by:
EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait
apposer son sceau municipal sur le pr6sent arrdt6
le 9 avril 2018, avec les signatures suivantes :
First Reading - March 26, 2018 Premi&re lecture - le 26 mars 2018
• Reading - March 26, 2018 Deuxi&me lecture - le 26 mars 2018
Third Reading - April 9, 2018 Troisi6me lecture - le 9 avril 2018