2011-06-06_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour �
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City of Saint John
Common Council Meeting
Monday,June 06, 20ll
Committee of the Whole
1. Call to Order
5:00 p.m. 8th Floor Boardroom City Hall
Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order—Prayer
6:00 p.m. Council Chamber
1.Oa,b) Approval of Minutes
1.1 Nominating Committee 10.2(4)(b)
1.2(a,b,c,d) Financial Matter 10.2(4)(c)
1.3 Financial Matter 10.2(4)(c,j)
1.4 Employment Matter 10.2(4)(c,j)
1.5 Land Matter 10.2(4)(c,d)
1.6 Employment Matter 10.2(4)(b,j)
2. Approval of Minutes
2.1 Approval of Minutes - May 24th, 2011
3. Adoption of Agenda
4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest
5. Consent Agenda
5.1 Harbourview Subdivision Water System Disinfection - Ocean Drive
(Recommendation: Receive for Information)
5.2 Loch Lomond Watershed Clean-Up Day Update (Recommendation: Receive
for Information)
5.3 License to Operate a Vendor Market (Recommendation in Report)
5.4 General Specifications Policy Revisions - Divisions 2, 4 & 6
(Recommendation in Report)
5.5 Engineering Inspection Services 20ll (Recommendation in Report)
5.6 Proposal for Eng. Design & Construction Mgmt. Services Lancaster Waste
Water Facility Entrance Road Alteration (Recommendation in Report)
5.7 Engineering Services: Bleury Street/Danells Dr- Street Reconstruction &
Molson Av - Storm Sewer(Recommendation in Report)
5.8 Engineering Services: Westfield Road - Street Reconstruction
(Recommendation in Report)
5.9 Funding Request - Saint John Track Club (Recommendation in Report)
5.10 Proposed Public Hearing Dates (Recommendation in Report)
5.11 Purchase and Sale Agreement - 1 ll Molson Av (Recommendation in
5.12 Relocation of Electrical Room/Washroom- Carleton Community Centre
(Recommendation in Report)
5.13 Washroom Upgrades Fire Station#2 (Recommendation in Report)
5.14 Easement Acquisition for Municipal Storm Sewer Line 440 Rothesay Av -
King Mazda Property (Recommendation in Report)
5.15 License Agreements with Hargo Jet Boat Tour Inc. Fallsview Park and Red
School House (Recommendation in report)
5.16 Business Community Anti-Poverty Initiative (Recommendation: Refer to
City Manager)
6. Members Comments
7. Proclamation
7.1 Shriners International Awareness Week June 6 - 12, 2011
8. Delegations / Presentations
8.1 East Side Motivators
8.2 Saint John Destination Marketing Organization
9. Public Hearings
10. Consideration of By-laws
101(a) Third Reading Zoning By-Law Amendment - 646 Fairville Blvd
101(b) Section 39 Conditions
10.2(a) Third Reading Zoning By-Law Amendment- 46 Westmorland Rd
10.2(b) Section 39 Conditions
10.3 Third Reading - Street Closing By-Law Amendment Portion of Milford Rd
11. Submissions by Council Members
11.1 Presentation from the Saint John Airport (Deputy Mayor Chase) - Tabled on
May 24, 2011
11.2 Morna Heights School Preservation (Councillor McGuire)
12. Business Matters-Municipal Officers
12.1 City Manager: Tenders for Various Trucks
12.2 City Manager. Westfield Road Phase A1 (Civic #1814 to Civic #1920) Street
12.3 City Manager: Riverview Avenue SLS No. 30 & Force Main
12.4 City Manager: Champlain Street West Overnight Winter Parking
12.5 City Manager: General Specifications - 2011 Technical Revisions
12.6 City Manager: "2 Bags or Less" Voluntary Pilot Project
12.7 City Manager: Fallsview Park Proposed Amendment to the Peddlers and
Hawkers By-Law
13. Committee Reports
14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda
15. General Correspondence
16. Adjournment
City of Saint John
Seance du conseil communal
Le lundi 6 juin 2011
Comite plenier
l. Ouverture de la seance
17 h Salle de conference du 8e etage, hotel de ville
Seance ordinaire
1. Ouverture de la seance, suivie de la priere
18 h Salle du conseil
1.Oa,b) Approbation du proces-verbal
1.1 Comite des candidatures 10.2(4)b)
1.2a),b), c), d) Question financiere—alinea 10.2(4)c)
1.3 Question financiere—alineas 10.2(4)c),j)
1.4 Question relative a 1'emploi—alineas 10.2(4)c),j)
1.5 Question relative aux biens-fonds—alineas 10.2(4)c), d)
1.6 Question relative a 1'emploi—alineas 10.2(4)b),j)
2. Approbation du proces-verbal
2.1 Approbation du proces-verbal de la seance tenue le 24 mai 2011
3. Adoption de 1'ordre du jour
4. Divulgations de conflits d'interets
5. Questions soumises a 1'approbation du conseil
5.1 Desinfection du reseau d'aqueduc du lotissement Harbourview—
promenade Ocean (recommandation : accepter a titre informati�
5.2 Mise a jour de la journee de nettoyage du bassin versant Loch Lomond
(recommandation : accepter a titre informati�
5.3 Licence d'exploitation d'un marche de vendeurs (recommandation figurant au
5.4 Examen de la politique relative aux specifications generales des sections 2, 4
et 6 (recommandation figurant au rapport)
5.5 Services d'inspection d'ingenierie 2011 (recommandation figurant au rapport)
5.6 Proposition relative aux services de conception technique et de gestion de la
construction—Degradation de la voie d'acces a 1'installation de traitement des
eaux usees de Lancaster (recommandation figurant au rapport)
5.7 Services d'ingenierie relativement a la rue Bleury/promenade Danells—
Travaux de refection de 1'avenue Molson et egouts pluviaux (recommandation
figurant au rapport)
5.8 Services d'ingenierie : Refection du chemin Westfield(recommandation
figurant au rapport)
5.9 Demande de financement—Club d'athletisme de Saint John/Saint John Track
Club (recommandation figurant au rapport)
5.10 Dates proposees pour les audiences publiques (recommandation figurant au
5.11 Convention d'achat-vente visant la propriete situee au 111, avenue Molson
(recommandation figurant au rapport)
5.12 Deplacement du local electrique et des toilettes du centre communautaire
Carleton (recommandation figurant au rapport)
5.13 Travaux d'amelioration aux salles de bains de la caserne de pompier ri 2
(recommandation figurant au rapport)
5.14 Acquisition d'une servitude relative au reseau d'egout municipal visant le
440, avenue Rothesay—concession d'automobiles King Mazda (recommandation
figurant au rapport)
5.15 Contrats de licence conclus avec Hargo Jet Boat Tour Inc.,Fallsview Park et
Little Red School House (recommandation figurant au rapport)
5.16 Initiative contre la pauvrete du secteur des affaires
(recommandation : transmettre au directeur general)
6. Commentaires presentes par les membres
7. Proclamation
7.1 Semaine de sensibilisation de Shriners International du 6 au 12 juin 2011
8. Delegations et presentations
8.1 Initiatives pour la valarisation du quartier est
8.2 Organisme Destination Marketing de Saint John
9. Audiences publiques
10. Etude des arretes municipaux
l0.la) Troisieme lecture du projet de modification de 1'Arrete de zonage visant le
646,boulevard Fairville
l0.lb) Conditions imposees par 1'article 39
10.2a) Troisieme lecture du projet de modification de 1'Arrete de zonage visant le
46, chemin Westmorland
10.2b) Conditions imposees par 1'article 39
10.3 Troisieme lecture du projet de modification de 1'Arrete concernant la
fermeture de routes visant un tron�on du chemin Milford
1L Interventions des membres du conseil
11.1 Presentation de 1'aeroport de Saint John (maire suppleant Chase)—Point
reporte lors de la seance du 24 mai 2011
11.2 Sauvegarde de 1'Ecole Morna Heights (conseiller McGuire)
12. Affaires municipales evoquees par les fonctionnaires municipaux
12.1 Directeur general : Soumissions relatives a divers camions
12.2 Directeur general : Phase A1 en vue de la refection du chemin Westfield(du
numero municipal 1814 au numero municipal 1920)
12.3 Directeur general : Poste de relevage des eauX usees ri 30 et conduites de
refoulement de 1'avenue Riverview
12.4 Directeur general : Stationnement sur rue en hiver la nuit sur la
rue Champlain Ouest
12.5 Directeur general : Specifications generales relatives a 1'examen technique en
12.6 Directeur general : Projet pilote de benevolat « 2 Sacs ou moins »
12.7 Directeur general : Modification de 1'arrete relatif aux colporteurs et aux
revendeurs proposee pour le secteur Fallsview Park
13. Rapports deposes par les comites
14. Etude des sujets ecartes des questions soumises a 1'approbation du conseil
15. Correspondance generale
16. Levee de la seance
MAY 24, 2011/LE 24 MAI 2011
CITY HALL— MAY 24, 2011 —7:00 P.M.
Ivan Court, Mayor
- and -
Councillors Court, Farren, Higgins, McGuire, Norton, Snook,
Sullivan, and Titus
- and -
P. Woods, City Manager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor; C. Graham,
Comptroller; S. Galbraith, Director of Works; K. Forrest,
Commissioner of Planning and Development; A. Poffenroth,
Deputy Commissioner of Buildings and Inspection Services;
J. Fleming, Police Staff Sergeant; D. Logan, Manager of
Materials and Fleet, E. Gormley, Common Clerk and J. Taylor,
Assistant Common Clerk.
Sont presents :
Ivan Court, maire
- et -
les conseillers Court, Farren, McGuire, Norton, Snook, Sullivan et
la conseillere Higgins
- et -
P. Woods, directeur general; J. Nugent, avocat municipal;
C. Graham, controleuse; S. Galbraith, directeur des travaux
publics; K. Forrest, commissaire au service Urbanisme et
developpement; A. Poffenroth, commissaire adjoint aux Services
d'inspection et des batiments; J. Flemming, sergent d'etat-major
du Service de police; D. Logan, chef de I'approvisionnement et
du parc automobile, E. Gormley, greffiere communale, et
J. Taylor, greffier communal adjoint.
1. Call To Order— Prayer
Mayor Court called the meeting to order and Reverend Eric Phinney offered the opening
1. Ouverture de la seance, suivie de la priere
La seance est ouverte par le maire Court et le reverend Eric Phinney recite la priere
Premier's Award for Energy Efficiency
The Commissioner of Buildings and Inspection Services advised that The City of
Saint John and the Saint John Transit Commission have been awarded the Premier's
Award for Energy Efficiency. Mayor Court and Councillor Titus accepted the awards on
behalf of The City of Saint John and the Transit Commission respectively.
MAY 24, 2011/LE 24 MAI 2011
3. Approval of Agenda
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the agenda of this meeting, with
the addition of items 13.6 Committee of the Whole: Draft City of Saint John Response to
the Draft Land Use Plan for the Saint John Port Authority; 13.7 Committee of the Whole:
Development of the HarbourFront Residences at Three Sisters, be approved; and further,
that items 8.1 Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) By-Law Proposal and 13.2a) Planning Advisory
Committee: Cedar Point Anchorage Subdivision (Phase 7), be moved forward on the
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Prix du premier ministre pour I'efficacite energetique
Le commissaire aux Services d'inspection et des batiments informe le conseil que The
City of Saint John et la Commission des transports de Saint John ont re�u le prix du
premier ministre pour I'efficacite energetique. Le maire Court et le conseiller Titus ont
accepte ce prix au nom de The City of Saint John et de la Commission des transports,
3. Adoption de I'ordre du jour
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que I'ordre du jour de la presente reunion
soit adopte, moyennant I'ajout des points 13.6 Comite plenier— Ebauche de reponse de
The City of Saint John au projet de plan d'utilisation des terres pour I'Administration
portuaire de Saint John et 13.7 Comite plenier—Amenagement des Harbourfront
Residences a Three Sister, et, de plus, que les points 8.1 Proposition relative a I'Arrete
sur les arts martiaux mixtes et 13.2a) Comite consultatif d'urbanisme — Lotissement
Cedar Point Anchorage (phase 7) soient avances dans I'ordre du jour.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
9. Public Hearings 7:00 P.M.
9.1(a) Proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment 646 Fairville Boulevard
9.1(b) Planning Advisory Committee Recommending Rezoning with Section 39
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was completed with regard to
amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re-zoning a parcel
of land with an area of approximately 5100 square metres, located at 646 Fairville
Boulevard, also identified as PID numbers 55056832, 00034140, 00034132, 00035030,
00036525, 55061295, 55203020, a portion of PID 55210694 and a portion of Fairville
Boulevard, from "I-1" Light Industrial and "RM-1" Three Storey Multiple Residential to
"SZ-22" Special Zone #22, with no objections being received.
Consideration was also given to a report from the Planning Advisory Committee
submitting a copy of Planning Staff's report considered at its May 17, 2011 meeting at
which the Committee recommended the rezoning of a parcel of land located at
646 Fairville Boulevard as described above with Section 39 conditions.
The Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the amendment with no
one presenting.
The Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favour of the amendment with
Doug Bundy, representing the property owner, stating that he is in agreement with the
staff report and recommendation.
On motion of Councillor Norton
Seconded by Councillor Sullivan
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled "A Law to
Amend the Zoning By-Law of The City of Saint John" amending Schedule "A", the
Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re-zoning a parcel of land with an area of
MAY 24, 2011/LE 24 MAI 2011
approximately 5100 square metres, located at 646 Fairville Boulevard, also identified as
PID numbers 55056832, 00034140, 00034132, 00035030, 00036525, 55061295,
55203020, a portion of PID 55210694 and a portion of Fairville Boulevard, from "I-1"
Light Industrial and "RM-1" Three Storey Multiple Residential to "SZ-22" Special
Zone #22, be read a first time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a first time by title, the by-law entitled "A Law to Amend the Zoning By-Law of The
City of Saint John."
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled "A Law to
Amend the Zoning By-Law of The City of Saint John" amending Schedule "A", the
Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re-zoning a parcel of land with an area of
approximately 5100 square metres, located at 646 Fairville Boulevard, also identified as
PID numbers 55056832, 00034140, 00034132, 00035030, 00036525, 55061295,
55203020, a portion of PID 55210694 and a portion of Fairville Boulevard, from "I-1"
Light Industrial and "RM-1" Three Storey Multiple Residential to "SZ-22" Special Zone
#22, be read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a second time by title, the by-law entitled "A Law to Amend the Zoning By-Law of
The City of Saint John."
9. Audiences publiques a 19 h
9.1a) Projet de modification de I'Arrete de zonage visant le 646, boulevard
9.1b) Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant le rezonage conformement
aux conditions imposees par I'article 39
La greffiere communale indique que les avis requis ont ete publies relativement a la
modification de I'annexe A, plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, en procedant au
rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 5 100 metres carres situee
au 646, boulevard Fairville, egalement inscrite sous les NID 55056832, 00034140,
00034132, 00035030, 00036525, 55061295 et 55203020, d'une partie du terrain portant
le NID 55210694 et d'un tron�on du boulevard Fairville, afin de faire passer la
classification s'y rapportant de zone d'industrie legere « I-1 » et de zone d'edifices a
logements multiples de trois etages « RM-1 » a zone speciale n° 22 « SZ-22 », et
qu'aucune objection n'a ete re�ue a cet egard.
Le conseil etudie egalement un rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme, accompagne
d'un exemplaire du rapport du personnel d'urbanisme examine lors de la seance du
17 mai 2011, pendant laquelle le Comite a recommande de proceder au rezonage de la
parcelle de terrain situee au 646, boulevard Fairville, telle qu'elle est decrite ci-dessus,
sous reserve des conditions prevues a I'article 39.
Le maire invite le public a exprimer son opposition quant a la modification, mais
personne ne prend la parole.
Le maire invite les membres du public a exprimer leur appui quant a la modification
proposee. Doug Bundy, qui represente le proprietaire de la propriete, se prononce en
faveur de la recommandation et du rapport du personnel.
Proposition du conseiller Norton
Appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule « Arrete modifiant
I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John » modifiant I'annexe A, plan de zonage de
The City of Saint John, en procedant au rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une
superficie d'environ 5 100 metres carres situee au 646, boulevard Fairville, egalement
inscrite sous les NID 55056832, 00034140, 00034132, 00035030, 00036525, 55061295
et 55203020, d'une partie du terrain portant le NID 55210694 et d'un tron�on du
boulevard Fairville, afin de faire passer la classification s'y rapportant de zone d'industrie
legere « I-1 » et de zone d'edifices a logements multiples de trois etages « RM-1 » a
zone speciale n° 22 « SZ-22 », fasse I'objet d'une premiere lecture.
,4 I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
MAY 24, 2011/LE 24 MAI 2011
Premiere lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule « Arrete modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The
City of Saint John ».
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule « Arrete modifiant
I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John » modifiant I'annexe A, plan de zonage de
The City of Saint John, en procedant au rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une
superficie d'environ 5 100 metres carres situee au 646, boulevard Fairville, egalement
inscrite sous les NID 55056832, 00034140, 00034132, 00035030, 00036525, 55061295
et 55203020, d'une partie du terrain portant le NID 55210694 et d'un tron�on du
boulevard Fairville, afin de faire passer la classification s'y rapportant de zone d'industrie
legere « I-1 » et de zone d'edifices a logements multiples de trois etages « RM-1 » a
zone speciale n° 22 « SZ-22 », fasse I'objet d'une deuxieme lecture.
,4 I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Deuxieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule « Arrete modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The
City of Saint John ».
9.2(a) Proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment 46 Westmorland Road
9.2(b) Planning Advisory Report Recommending Rezoning with Section 39
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was completed with regard to
amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re-zoning a parcel
of land with an area of approximately 990 square metres, located at 46 Westmorland
Road, also identified as PID numbers 00319657 and 55076053, from "R-2" One and
Two Family Residential to "RM-1" Three Storey Multiple Residential, with no objections
being received.
Consideration was also given to a report from the Planning Advisory Committee
submitting a copy of Planning Staff's report considered at its May 17, 2011 meeting at
which the Committee recommended the rezoning of a parcel of land located at
46 Westmorland Road as described above with Section 39 conditions.
The Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the amendment with no
one presenting.
The Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favour of the amendment with no
one presenting.
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled "A Law to
Amend the Zoning By-Law of The City of Saint John" amending Schedule "A", the
Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re-zoning a parcel of land with an area of
approximately 990 square metres, located at 46 Westmorland Road, also identified as
PID numbers 00319657 and 55076053, from "R-2" One and Two Family Residential to
"RM-1" Three Storey Multiple Residential, be read a first time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a first time by title, the by-law entitled "A Law to Amend the Zoning By-Law of The
City of Saint John."
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Snook
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled "A Law to
Amend the Zoning By-Law of The City of Saint John" amending Schedule "A", the
Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re-zoning a parcel of land with an area of
approximately 990 square metres, located at 46 Westmorland Road, also identified as
PID numbers 00319657 and 55076053, from "R-2" One and Two Family Residential to
"RM-1" Three Storey Multiple Residential, be read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
MAY 24, 2011/LE 24 MAI 2011
Read a second time by title, the by-law entitled "A Law to Amend the Zoning By-Law of
The City of Saint John."
9.2a) Projet de modification de I'Arrete de zonage visant le 46, chemin
9.2b) Rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant le rezonage
conformement aux conditions prevues a I'article 39
La greffiere communale indique que les avis requis ont ete publies relativement a la
modification de I'annexe A, plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, en procedant au
rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 990 metres carres situee
au 46, chemin Westmorland, inscrite egalement sous les NID 00319657 et 55076053,
afin de faire passer la classification s'y rapportant de zone residentielle — habitations
unifamiliales et bifamiliales « R-2 » a zone d'edifices a logements multiples de trois
etages « RM-1 », et qu'aucune objection n'a ete re�ue a cet egard.
Le conseil etudie egalement un rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme qui contient
un exemplaire du rapport du personnel d'urbanisme examine durant la seance du
17 mai 2011 pendant laquelle le Comite a recommande le rezonage de la parcelle de
terrain situee au 46, chemin Westmorland, telle qu'elle est decrite ci-dessus, sous
reserve des conditions prevues a I'article 39.
Le maire invite le public a exprimer son opposition quant a la modification, mais
personne ne prend la parole.
Le maire invite le public a exprimer son appui quant a la modification, mais personne ne
prend la parole.
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule « Arrete modifiant
I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John », modifiant I'annexe A, plan de zonage de
The City of Saint John, en procedant au rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au
46, chemin Westmorland, d'une superficie d'environ 990 metres carres, inscrite
egalement sous les NID 00319657 et 55076053, pour faire passer la classification s'y
rapportant de zone residentielle — habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales « R-2 » a zone
d'edifices a logements multiples de trois etages « RM-1 », fasse I'objet d'une premiere
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Premiere lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule « Arrete modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The
City of Saint John ».
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller Snook
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule « Arrete modifiant
I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John », modifiant I'annexe A, plan de zonage de
The City of Saint John, en procedant au rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au
46, chemin Westmorland, d'une superficie d'environ 990 metres carres, inscrite
egalement sous les NID 00319657 et 55076053, pour faire passer la classification s'y
rapportant de zone residentielle — habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales « R-2 » a zone
d'edifices a logements multiples de trois etages « RM-1 », fasse I'objet d'une deuxieme
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Deuxieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule « Arrete modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The
City of Saint John ».
9.3 Proposed Street Closing — Portion of Milford Road
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was completed with regard to
the proposed by-law amendment to stop up and close a portion of Milford Road, by
adding thereto Section 219 immediately after Section 218 thereof, with no objections
MAY 24, 2011/LE 24 MAI 2011
The Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the proposed amendment
with no one presenting.
The Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favour of the proposed
amendment with no one presenting.
On motion of Councillor Snook
Seconded by Councillor Norton
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled "A By-Law
Respecting the Stopping Up and Closing of Highways in The City of Saint John"
regarding a portion of Milford Road by adding thereto Section 219 immediately after
Section 218 thereof, be read a first time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a first time by title, the by-law entitled "A By-Law Respecting the Stopping Up and
Closing of Highways in The City of Saint John."
On motion of Councillor Snook
Seconded by Councillor Norton
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled "A By-Law
Respecting the Stopping Up and Closing of Highways in The City of Saint John"
regarding a portion of Milford Road by adding thereto Section 219 immediately after
Section 218 thereof, be read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a second time by title, the by-law entitled "A By-Law Respecting the Stopping Up
and Closing of Highways in The City of Saint John."
9.3 Projet de fermeture d'un tron�on du chemin Milford
La greffiere communale indique que les avis requis ont ete publies relativement au projet
de modification de I'Arrete concernant la fermeture et le barrage de routes—tron�on du
chemin Milford, I'article 219 ayant ete ajoute immediatement apres I'article 218, et
qu'aucune objection n'a ete re�ue a cet egard.
Le maire invite le public a exprimer son opposition quant a la modification proposee,
mais personne ne prend la parole.
Le maire invite le public a exprimer son appui quant a la modification proposee, mais
personne ne prend la parole.
Proposition du conseiller Snook
Appuyee par le conseiller Norton
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule « Arrete sur
I'interruption de la circulation et la fermeture des routes dans The City of Saint John »
concernant un tron�on du chemin Milford par I'ajout de I'article 219 immediatement
apres I'article 218, fasse I'objet d'une premiere lecture.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Premiere lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule « Arrete sur I'interruption de la circulation et
la fermeture des routes dans The City of Saint John ».
Proposition du conseiller Snook
Appuyee par le conseiller Norton
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule « Arrete sur
I'interruption de la circulation et la fermeture des routes dans The City of Saint John »
concernant un tron�on du chemin Milford par I'ajout de I'article 219 immediatement
apres I'article 218, fasse I'objet d'une deuxieme lecture.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Deuxieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule « Arrete sur I'interruption de la circulation et
la fermeture des routes dans The City of Saint John ».
MAY 24, 2011/LE 24 MAI 2011
2. Approval of Minutes
2.1 Minutes of April 26, 2011
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of
Common Council, held on April 26, 2011, be approved.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
2.2 Minutes of May 9, 2011
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of
Common Council, held on May 9, 2011, be approved.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
2. Approbation du proces-verbal
2.1 Proces-verbal de la seance tenue le 26 avril 2011
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que le proces-verbal de la seance du
conseil communal tenue le 26 avril 2011 soit approuve.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
2.2 Proces-verbal de la seance tenue le 9 mai 2011
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que le proces-verbal de la seance du
conseil communal tenue le 9 mai 2011 soit approuve.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest
The City Solicitor and the City Manager declared a conflict with item 13.2(a,b) Cedar
PointAnchorage Subdivision; Councillors Sullivan and Higgins declared a conflict with
items 11.4 Preservation of Morna Heights School and 13.7 Committee of the Whole:
Development of the Harbourfront Residences at Three Sisters, respectively.
4. Divulgations de conflits d'interets
L'avocat municipal et le directeur general declarent etre en conflit d'interets avec les
points 13.2a) et 13.2b) Lotissement Cedar Point Anchorage; la conseillere Higgins et le
conseiller Sullivan declarent etre en conflit d'interets avec les points 11.4 Sauvegarde de
1'Ecole Morna Heights et 13.7 Comite plenier—Amenagement des Harbourfront
Residences a Three Sisters, respectivement.
8. Delegations/Presentations
The City Solicitor stated that, as a result of Council receiving a request to consider
establishing a by-law to regulate mixed martial arts (MMA) in the City of Saint John, he
was directed by Council to examine the issue and report back.
Mr. Nugent advised that based on his review of the topic, having examined Provincial
and Federal legislation, he concluded that municipalities in New Brunswick have not
been delegated the authority to regulate and license mixed martial arts events. He
explained that the proponents who sought the by-law would be required to communicate
with Provincial or Federal officials to determine how to proceed with their request.
MAY 24, 2011/LE 24 MAI 2011
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that Council not proceed with the
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) presentation as Council does not have the authority to create
a mixed martial arts by-law.
Councillors Farren, Sullivan and Snook stated that they would like to hear the scheduled
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors Farren,
Sullivan and Snook voting nay.
Responding to a question, Mr. Nugent stated that in his view the Criminal Code of
Canada would need to be amended to resolve any legal restrictions associated with
holding mixed martial arts events.
On motion of Councillor Norton
Seconded by Councillor Snook
RESOLVED that having received a request to
establish a mixed martial arts by-law in Saint John, Common Council has determined,
based upon legal advice from the City Solicitor, that such a by-law is not within its
authority; and further, that this matter be referred to the Province of New Brunswick for
its review and consideration.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
8. Delegations et presentations
L'avocat municipal declare avoir ete charge par le conseil d'examiner une demande
voulant que le conseil envisage I'etablissement d'un arrete reglementant les arts
martiaux mixtes dans The City of Saint John, puis de se prononcer a ce sujet.
M. Nugent conclut que, d'apres son etude du sujet, et apres avoir examine les lois
provinciales et federales, les municipalites du Nouveau-Brunswick n'ont pas I'autorite de
reglementer et d'autoriser les evenements d'arts martiaux mixtes. II explique que les
personnes qui souhaitaient I'etablissement d'un tel arrete doivent communiquer avec les
autorites provinciales ou federales pour determiner de quelle fa�on elles doivent
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que le conseil n'aille pas de I'avant avec
la presentation sur les arts martiaux mixtes etant donne qu'il n'a pas I'autorite de mettre
en place un arrete sur les arts martiaux mixtes.
Les conseillers Farren, Sullivan et Snook mentionnent qu'ils aimeraient assister a la
presentation qui etait prevue.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Les conseillers Farren,
Sullivan et Snook votent contre la proposition.
En repondant a une question, M. Nugent indique que, selon lui, le Code criminel devrait
etre modifie afin de resoudre toute restriction legale associee a la tenue d'evenements
d'arts martiaux mixtes.
Proposition du conseiller Norton
Appuyee par le conseiller Snook
RESOLU que, apres avoir re�u une demande de
creation d'un arrete sur les arts martiaux mixtes dans The City of Saint John, le conseil
communal a decide, conformement a I'avis juridique presente par I'avocat municipal,
qu'un tel arrete ne releve pas de son autorite et, de plus, que cette affaire soit renvoyee
a la province du Nouveau-Brunswick pour examen et consideration.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
MAY 24, 2011/LE 24 MAI 2011
5. Consent Agenda
5.1 That the request to present made by the Saint John Board of Police
Commissioners regarding CrimeMapping.com be referred to the Clerk to schedule.
5.2 That the Mary Schryer request to present regarding the establishment of a
medical research program at Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick, be referred to the
Clerk to schedule.
5.3 That the submitted report M&C 2011-117: Public Information Session Westfield
Road Phase A1 Street Reconstruction, be received for information.
5.4 That the submitted report M&C 2011-120: Public Information Session Peel Plaza
Municipal Infrastructure Upgrades Project— Union Street, be received for information.
5.5 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M&C
2011-122: June 13, 2011 Special Committee of the Whole Council meeting on the Draft
Municipal Plan, Common Council agree to meet in an open session of Committee of the
Whole on Monday June 13th, 2011 to receive a briefing on the Draft Municipal Plan.
5.6 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M&C
2011-116: Uptown Saint John— Facade Incentive Program 2011, Common Council
approve a contribution of$10,000 from the General Capital Fund — Development
Incentive Program to Uptown Saint John Incorporated to partner in the implementation of
Uptown Saint John's Facade Program 2011 subject to the following conditions:
1) That the City's contribution be used to pay no more than 50% of the value of any
approved grant and that all program administration costs be the responsibility of Uptown
Saint John Incorporated; and
2) That any portion of the City's contribution not paid out in the form of a grant be repaid
to the City at the conclusion of the program;
And further that the Commissioner of Planning and Development be directed to name a
qualified staff member to serve as the City's representative on the Facade Program
5.7 That the submitted report Terms of the May 2011 Debenture /ssue, be received
for information.
5.8 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M&C
2011-114: Tender for the Scott Air Pack Upgrade, Common Council:
1) accept MicMac Fire and Safety's written request to withdraw from the competition and
2) accept the bid submitted by Levitt Safety in the amount of$2,817.00 each plus tax, for
the upgrade of Scott Air Packs to NFPA 1981 — 2007 Edition standards.
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the recommendation set out for
each consent agenda item respectively be adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
5. Questions soumises a I'approbation du conseil
5.1 Que la demande soumise par le Bureau des commissaires de la police de
Saint John concernant CrimeMapping.com soit transmise a la greffiere pour qu'elle fixe
une date de presentation.
5.2 Que la demande soumise par Mary Schryer visant a faire une presentation
concernant I'etablissement d'un programme de recherche medicale dans le cadre du
programme Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick soit transmise a la greffiere pour qu'elle
fixe une date de presentation.
5.3 Que le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2011-117: Seance informative publique
relative a /a phase A1 de la refection du chemin Westfield soit accepte a titre informatif.
5.4 Que le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2011-120 : Seance informative publique
relative au projet de modernisation de 1'infrastructure municipale de la place Peel—
Rue Union soit accepte a titre informatif.
5.5 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule
M/C 2011-122 : Seance extraordinaire du Comite plenier du 13 juin 2011 sur 1'ebauche
MAY 24, 2011/LE 24 MAI 2011
du plan d'amenagement, le conseil communal accepte de se reunir lors de la seance
publique du Comite plenier le lundi 13 juin 2011 pour etre mis au courant de I'ebauche
du plan d'amenagement.
5.6 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule
M/C 2011-116 : Programme d'encouragement d'amenagement de fa�ade 2011 de
Uptown Saint John, le conseil communal approuve une contribution de 10 000 $ a partir
du fonds d'immobilisation general — programme incitatif d'amenagement a Uptown
Saint John Incorporated afin de participer a la mise en oeuvre du programme
d'encouragement d'amenagement de fa�ade 2011 de Uptown Saint John, sous reserve
des conditions suivantes :
1) que la contribution de la Ville serve a payer jusqu'a concurrence de 50 % de la valeur
de toute subvention approuvee et que tous les frais d'administration du programme
incombent a Uptown Saint John Incorporated;
2) que toute partie de la contribution de la Ville non versee sous forme de subvention
soit remboursee a la Ville une fois le programme termine.
Par ailleurs, que le commissaire a I'urbanisme et au developpement soit charge de
nommer un employe qualifie pour agir a titre de representant de la Ville au sein du
comite du programme d'amenagement de fa�ade.
5.7 Que le rapport soumis intitule Modalites relatives a 1'emission d'obligations de
mai 2011 soit accepte a titre informatif.
5.8 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule
M/C 2011-114 : Soumission relative a la modernisation des appareils respiratoires
autonomes a bouteille d'air pulmo-commande Scott, le conseil communal :
1) accepte la demande ecrite presentee par MicMac Fire and Safety de se retirer de la
course et 2) accepte la soumission presentee par Levitt Safety d'un montant de 2 817 $,
taxes en sus, pour la modernisation des appareils respiratoires autonomes a bouteille
d'air pulmo-commande Scott selon les normes de la NFPA 1981, edition 2007.
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que la recommandation formulee pour
chacune des questions soumises a I'approbation du conseil soit adoptee.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
6. Members Comments
Council members commented on various community events.
6. Commentaires presentes par les membres
Les membres du conseil s'expriment sur diverses activites communautaires.
7. Proclamation
7.1 Jumpstart Day May 28th, 2011
The Mayor proclaimed May 28th, 2011 as Jumpstart Day in the City of Saint John.
7.2 Disability Awareness Week May 29t" to June 4t", 2011
The Mayor proclaimed May 29th to June 4th, 2011 as Disability Awareness Week.
7.3 International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia May 17t", 2011
The Mayor proclaimed May 17`", 2011 as International Day Against Homophobia and
MAY 24, 2011/LE 24 MAI 2011
7. Proclamation
7.1 Journee Bon depart, le 28 mai 2011
Le maire declare le 28 mai 2011 Journee Bon depart dans The City of Saint John.
7.2 Semaine de sensibilisation a la situation des personnes handicapees du
29 mai au 4 juin 2011
Le maire declare la semaine du 29 mai au 4 juin 2011 Semaine de sensibilisation a la
situation des personnes handicapees.
7.3 Journee internationale de lutte contre I'homophobie et la transphobie, le
17 mai 2011
Le maire declare le 17 mai 2011 Journee internationale de lutte contre I'homophobie et
la transphobie.
10. Consideration of By-laws
10.1 Third Reading — By-Law Amendment Respecting Traffic on Streets in The
City of Saint John
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled "A Law to
Amend a By-Law Respecting Traffic on Streets in The City of Saint John Made Under
the Authority of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, and Amendments Thereto" repealing and
replacing Section 24, be read.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
The by-law entitled "A Law to Amend a By-Law Respecting Traffic on Streets in The City
of Saint John Made Under the Authority of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, and
Amendments Thereto", was read in its entirety.
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled "A Law to
Amend A By-Law Respecting Traffic on Streets in the City of Saint John Made Under the
Authority of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, and Amendments Thereto" repealing and
replacing Section 24, be read a third time, enacted, and the Corporate Common Seal
affixed thereto.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a third time by title, the by-law entitled "A Law to Amend a By-Law Respecting
Traffic on Streets in The City of Saint John Made Under the Authority of the Motor
Vehicle Act, 1973, and Amendments Thereto."
10. Etude des arretes municipaux
10.1 Troisieme lecture de la modification de I'Arrete relatif a la circulation dans
les rues de The City of Saint John
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule « Arrete modifiant
I'Arrete relatif a la circulation dans les rues de The City of Saint John edicte en vertu de
la Loi sur les vehicules a moteur(1973) et modifications afferentes » abrogeant I'article
24 et le rempla�ant fasse I'objet d'une troisieme lecture.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
L'arrete intitule « Arrete modifiant I'Arrete relatif a la circulation dans les rues de The City
of Saint John edicte en vertu de la Loi sur les vehicules a moteur(1973) et modifications
afferentes » est lu integralement.
MAY 24, 2011/LE 24 MAI 2011
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule « Arrete modifiant
I'Arrete relatif a la circulation dans les rues de The City of Saint John edicte en vertu de
la Loi sur les vehicules a moteur(1973) et modifications afferentes » abrogeant et
rempla�ant I'article 24 fasse I'objet d'une troisieme lecture, qu'il soit edicte et que le
sceau communal y soit appose.
,4 I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Troisieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule « Arrete modifiant I'Arrete relatif a la
circulation dans les rues de The City of Saint John edicte en vertu de la Loi sur les
vehicules a moteur(1973) et modifications afferentes ».
11. Submissions by Council Members
11.1 Mill Wood Allocations (Councillor Court)
On motion of Councillor Court
Seconded by Councillor Sullivan
RESOLVED that the Mayor send a letter on behalf
of Common Council to the Province requesting that the government:
1. Keep mill wood allocation at 2007 levels so that no jobs are lost
2. Wait for the two task forces to complete reports by year-end 2011
3. Establish a timber objective that sustains jobs, investment and grows the forest,
by year-end 2011
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
11. Interventions des membres du conseil
11.1 Approvisionnements en bois d'usine (conseiller Court)
Proposition du conseiller Court
Appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan
RESOLU que le maire fasse parvenir une lettre a la
province, au nom du conseil communal, pour que le gouvernement :
1. maintienne I'approvisionnement en bois d'usine au niveau de 2007 afin qu'il n'y
ait aucune perte d'emploi;
2. attende que les deux groupes de travail aient termine leur rapport a la fin de
I'exercice 2011;
3. etablisse un objectif en matiere de bois d'oeuvre qui permette le maintien des
emplois et des investissements et la regenerescence de la foret d'ici la fin de
I'exercice 2011.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
11.2 By-Law to Prevent the Feeding of Deer Within City Limits (Councillor
On motion of Councillor Farren
Seconded by Councillor Snook
RESOLVED that the letter from Councillor Farren
entitled By-Law to Prevent the Feeding of Deer Within City Limits be referred to the City
Solicitor for a report and recommendation.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
MAY 24, 2011/LE 24 MAI 2011
11.2 Arrete visant a empecher que I'on nourrisse les chevreuils a I'interieur des
limites de la ville (conseiller Farren)
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appuyee par le conseiller Snook
RESOLU que la lettre du conseiller Farren ayant
pour titre Arrete visant a empecher que I'on nourrisse les chevreuils a I'interieur des
limites de la ville soit transmise au directeur general aux fins de rapport et de
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
11.3 Possible Development of an NB Power Transmission Line Through West
Saint John (Councillor McGuire)
On motion of Councillor McGuire
Seconded by Councillor Farren
RESOLVED that the City Manager report back to
Common Council in two weeks with respect to the possible development and
consequences to the City of Saint John — in particular residents of the West side—of an
above-ground power transmission corridor.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
11.3 Possible installation d'une ligne de transport d'electricite d'Energie NB
traversant Saint John Ouest (conseiller McGuire)
Proposition du conseiller McGuire
Appuyee par le conseiller Farren
RESOLU que le directeur general fasse part de ses
conclusions au conseil communal dans les deux semaines en ce qui concerne
I'amenagement possible — et les consequences pour The City of Saint John, en
particulier pour les residents du secteur ouest— d'un couloir de transport d'energie
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
11.4 Preservation of Morna Heights School (Councillor McGuire)
(Councillor Sullivan withdrew from the meeting)
On motion of Councillor McGuire
Seconded by Councillor Snook
RESOLVED that the submission from Councillor
McGuire regarding preservation of Morna Heights School be received for information.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
(Councillor Sullivan reentered the meeting)
11.4 Sauvegarde de I'Ecole Morna Heights (conseiller McGuire)
(Le conseiller Sullivan quitte la seance.)
Proposition du conseiller McGuire
Appuyee par le conseiller Snook
RESOLU que la soumission presentee par le
conseiller McGuire concernant la sauvegarde de I'Ecole Morna Heights soit acceptee a
titre informatif.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
(Le conseiller Sullivan se joint de nouveau a la seance.)
MAY 24, 2011/LE 24 MAI 2011
11.5 Presentation from the Saint John Airport (Deputy Mayor Chase)
On motion of Councillor McGuire
Seconded by Councillor Titus
RESOLVED that the letter from Deputy Mayor
Chase entitled Presentation from the Saint John Airport be tabled until the next meeting
of Council.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
11.5 Presentation de I'aeroport de Saint John (maire suppleant Chase)
Proposition du conseiller McGuire
Appuyee par le conseiller Titus
RESOLU que ce point— lettre du maire suppleant
Chase intitulee Presentation de I'aeroport de Saint John — soit reporte a la prochaine
reunion du conseil.
,4 I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
13.2a) Planning Advisory Committee: Cedar Point Anchorage Subdivision
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that notwithstanding the disclosure of
conflict of interest by the City Solicitor respecting item 13.2 on this evening's agenda, the
City Solicitor be requested to provide Common Council with an opinion as to the extent
of Council's discretionary authority respecting ascent to a proposed subdivision.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
The City Solicitor stated that the submitted report and recommendation from the
Planning Advisory Committee ("PAC") outlines a number of its concerns respecting the
subdivision proposal. He explained that the report does not provide the PAC's
recommendation with respect to the location of proposed streets within the subdivision,
which he noted is a role that has been assigned to the PAC through the Community
Planning Act, adding that Council should request this information from the committee.
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the Planning Advisory Committee
be requested to provide Council with the Committee's recommendation respecting the
location of public streets within the proposed Cedar Point Anchorage Subdivision
(Phase 7), as called for in accordance with s. 56 of the Community Planning Act.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
13.2b) Cedar Point Anchorage Presentation from Dr. Chris O'Brien
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the Cedar Point Anchorage
Presentation from Dr. Chris O'Brien be received for information.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
13.2a) Comite consultatif d'urbanisme : Lotissement Cedar Point Anchorage
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que I'on demande a I'avocat municipal de
rediger une opinion juridique quant a la portee du pouvoir discretionnaire du conseil en
ce qui concerne son assentiment a un projet de lotissement, et ce, nonobstant le fait qu'il
ait declare etre en conflit d'interets relativement au point 13.2 de I'ordre du jour.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
MAY 24, 2011/LE 24 MAI 2011
L'avocat municipal indique que le rapport et les recommandations presentes par le
Comite consultatif d'urbanisme donnent un aper�u d'un certain nombre de
preoccupations du Comite a I'egard de la proposition de lotissement. II explique que le
rapport ne mentionne pas la recommandation du Comite en ce qui concerne
I'emplacement des rues proposees dans le lotissement, ce qui, precise-t-il, est un role
qui a ete assigne au Comite aux termes de la Loi sur 1'urbanisme, et ajoute que le
conseil devrait exiger cette information du Comite.
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que I'on demande au Comite consultatif
d'urbanisme d'emettre une recommandation relativement a I'emplacement des rues
dans le projet de lotissement Cedar Point Anchorage (phase 7), conformement a
I'article 56 de la Loi sur I'urbanisme.
,4 I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
13.2b) Presentation du D� Chris O'Brien sur le lotissement Cedar Point Anchorage
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que la presentation du Dr Chris O'Brien
sur le lotissement Cedar Point Anchorage soit acceptee a titre informatif.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
12. Business Matters — Municipal Officers
12.1 City Manager: Tender Asphalt Resurfacing — Chesley Drive
(Councillors Titus and McGuire withdrew from the meeting)
On motion of Councillor Farren
Seconded by Councillor Sullivan
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager in the submitted report M&C 2011-124: TenderAsphalt Resurfacing, Chesley
Drive, the tender submitted by Debly Enterprises Ltd, in the total tax included amount of
$104,154.93, for the provision of all necessary labour, materials, tools and equipment
required to mill and resurface Chesley Drive between Hilyard Street and Bentley Drive,
and in accordance with the specifications and requirements of tender 084902T, be
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Norton
Seconded by Councillor Farren
RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to
submit a report and recommendation respecting the inclusion of performance
specifications for asphalt life expectancy and associated guarantees in future contract
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
(Councillors Titus and McGuire reentered the meeting)
12. Affaires municipales evoquees par les fonctionnaires municipaux
12.1 Directeur general : Soumission relative au resurfa�age d'asphalte de la
promenade Chesley
(Les conseillers Titus et McGuire quittent la seance.)
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan
RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur
general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2011-124 : Soumission relative au
resurfa�age d'asphalte de la promenade Chesley, la soumission presentee par Debly
Enterprises Ltd. concernant I'approvisionnement de la totalite de la main-d'oeuvre, des
materiaux, des outils et de I'equipement necessaires au fraisage et au resurfa�age de la
MAY 24, 2011/LE 24 MAI 2011
promenade Chesley entre les rues Hilyard et Bentley, conformement aux specifications
et exigences de la soumission 084902T, pour la somme de 104 154,93 $, taxes
incluses, soit acceptee.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Proposition du conseiller Norton
Appuyee par le conseiller Farren
RESOLU qu'une directive soit donnee au directeur
general pour qu'a I'avenir il soumette un rapport et des recommandations qui incluent les
specifications de rendement pour la duree utile prevue de I'asphalte ainsi que les
garanties connexes dans ses prochains documents contractuels.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
(Les conseillers Titus et McGuire reintegrent la seance.)
12.2 City Manager: Refuse on Private Property, Illegal Dumping and Improper
Storage of Garbage
On motion of Councillor Snook
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the submitted report M&C
2011-121: Refuse on Private Property, lllegal Dumping and Improper Storage of
Garbage, be received for information.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
12.2 Directeur general : Ordures sur les proprietes privees, decharge illegale et
entreposage inapproprie des dechets
Proposition du conseiller Snook
Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que le rapport soumis intitule
M/C 2011-121 : Ordures sur les proprietes privees, decharge illegale et entreposage
inapproprie des dechets soit accepte a titre informatif.
,4 I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
12.3 City Manager: Little River Reservoir Community Park
On motion of Councillor Court
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager in the submitted report Little River Reservoir Community Park, Common
Council approve the development of the Little River Reservoir Community Park as
presented, and that the 2012 Operating Budget make provision for the related facility
maintenance costs and that the City Manager and City Solicitor be directed to prepare all
necessary documentation for Common Council's approval.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
12.3 Directeur general : Parc communautaire dans le secteur du reservoir
Little River
Proposition du conseiller Court
Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport
soumis intitule Parc communautaire dans le secteur du reservoir Little River, le conseil
communal approuve I'amenagement du parc communautaire du reservoir Little River tel
qu'il est presente, que le budget de fonctionnement de 2012 prevoit les couts d'entretien
des installations y associees et que I'on demande au directeur general et a I'avocat
municipal de preparer tous les documents necessaires devant etre approuves par le
conseil communal.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
MAY 24, 2011/LE 24 MAI 2011
13. Committee Reports
13.1 Saint John Parking Commission: Salty Jam Festival 2011 — Request to Use
Water Street (Coast Guard) Parking Lot
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that Common Council approve the
request of the Salty Jam Festival to allow the use of the Water Street Parking Lot from
Wednesday July 6, 2011 after 5:00 p.m. until Sunday July 10, 2011 for the use as
indicated in said report and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to
execute the necessary documents.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
13. Rapports deposes par les comites
13.1 Commission sur le stationnement de Saint John : Festival Salty Jam 2011 —
Demande d'utilisation du stationnement de la rue Water (garde cotiere)
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que le conseil communal approuve la
demande de Festival Salty Jam relative a I'utilisation du stationnement de la rue Water
du mercredi 6 juillet 2011 apres 17 h au dimanche 10 juillet 2011 aux fins mentionnees
dans ledit rapport et, de plus, que le maire et la greffiere communale soient autorises a
signer les documents necessaires.
,4 I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
13.3 Planning Advisory Committee: Street Vesting (Widening) — 102 Spar
Cove Rd
On motion of Councillor Farren
Seconded by Councillor Sullivan
RESOLVED That Common Council assent to the
submitted Four Star Leasing Ltd. Subdivision plan that would vest approximately
594 square metres of land situated at the intersection of Spar Cove Road and
Belleview Avenue, also being identified as PID numbers 00040584, 00040592 &
00415588, into the adjoining public street rights of way.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
13.3 Comite consultatif d'urbanisme : Devolution de terrains a titre de rue
(elargissement) visant le 102, chemin Spar Cove
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan
RESOLU que le conseil communal donne son
assentiment au plan de lotissement soumis par Four Star Leasing Ltd., lequel attribuerait
aux voies de circulation generale adjacentes environ 594 metres carres des terrains
situes a I'intersection du chemin Spar Cove et de I'avenue Belleview, egalement inscrits
sous les NID 00040584, 00040592 et 00415588.
,4 I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
13.4 Planning Advisory Committee: Proposed Subdivision 237-249 Mount
Pleasant Ave. East
On motion of Councillor Court
Seconded by Councillor Snook
RESOLVED that Common Council assent to the
submitted Dobbelsteyn Care Home Ltd. Subdivision, located at the intersection of Mount
Pleasant Avenue East and Alma Street East with respect to the vesting of an
approximately 153 square metre (1,647 square foot) parcel of land, as a public street, as
well as any necessary municipal services easements and public utility easements.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
MAY 24, 2011/LE 24 MAI 2011
13.4 Comite consultatif d'urbanisme : Projet de lotissement—237-249, avenue
Mount Pleasant Est
Proposition du conseiller Court
Appuyee par le conseiller Snook
RESOLU que le conseil communal donne son
assentiment au projet de lotissement Dobbelsteyn Care Home Ltd. soumis, lequel sera
situe a I'intersection de I'avenue Mount Pleasant Est et de la rue Alma Est, relativement
a la devolution d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 153 metres carres
(1 647 pieds carres) comme rue publique, ainsi que de toute servitude aux fins de
services municipaux et d'utilite publique.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
13.5 Taxation Review Committee: Request for Information from City
On motion of Councillor Farren
Seconded by Councillor Sullivan
RESOLVED that Council direct the City Manager to
issue to the head of each of the City's various departments a list of questions
substantially in the form submitted as Exhibit A; and further that upon completion this
information be submitted to the Taxation Review Committee.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
13.5 Comite de revision de I'impot foncier : Demande de renseignements de la
part des services municipaux
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan
RESOLU que le conseil enjoigne au directeur
general de transmettre aux responsables des differents services municipaux une liste de
questions, essentiellement dans le format de I'annexe A soumise, et, de plus, que ces
renseignements, lorsqu'ils seront complets, soient presentes au Comite de revision de
I'impot foncier.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
13.6 Committee of the Whole: Draft Response to the Draft Land Use Plan for the
Saint John Port Authority
On motion of Councillor Farren
Seconded by Councillor Snook
RESOLVED that Common Council authorize the
Mayor to forward correspondence to the Saint John Port Authority detailing the official
comments of The City of Saint John respecting the Port's Draft Land Use Plan.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
13.6 Comite plenier : Ebauche de reponse au projet de plan d'utilisation des
terres pour I'Administration portuaire de Saint John
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appuyee par le conseiller Snook
RESOLU que le conseil communal autorise le
maire a faire suivre, a I'Administration portuaire de Saint John, toute correspondance
expliquant en detail les commentaires officiels de The City of Saint John relativement a
I'ebauche du plan d'utilisation des terres pour le port.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
MAY 24, 2011/LE 24 MAI 2011
13.7 Committee of the Whole: Development of the Harbourfront Residences at
Three Sisters and the Reconstruction of Prince William Street
On motion of Councillor Farren
Seconded by Councillor Snook
RESOLVED that notwithstanding the City's
Procurement Policy for engagement of professional services, Common Council
authorizes staff to conduct negotiations for the engagement of GENIVAR to carry out
design and construction management services for the improvements required to Prince
William Street pursuant to the Agreement between Ellerdale Properties Limited and The
City of Saint John.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda
15. General Correspondence
16. Adjournment
The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
13.7 Comite plenier : Amenagement des Harbourfront Residences a
Three Sisters et reconstruction de la rue Prince William
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appuyee par le conseiller Snook
RESOLU que, nonobstant la politique
d'approvisionnement de la Ville relativement a I'embauche de services professionnels, le
conseil communal autorise le personnel a entreprendre des negociations avec
GENIVAR pour realiser les travaux de conception et de construction pour la refection de
la rue Prince William, conformement a I'entente conclue entre Ellerdale Properties
Limited et The City of Saint John.
,4 I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
14. Etude des sujets ecartes des questions soumises a I'approbation du
15. Correspondance generale
16. Levee de la seance
Le maire declare que la seance est levee a 21 h 15.
Mayor/ maire
Common Clerk/greffiere communale
y _...
� �� �'O.
M & C20ll - 146 �,� .,� �
o .
May 31, 2011 The Cit��of Saint Iohn
His Worship Mayor Ivan Court
& Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Members of Council,
SUBJECT: Contract No. 2010-19:
Harbourview Subdivision Water System Disinfection—Ocean Drive
The purpose of this report is to update Council on the status of this proj ect.
The 2009/2010 Water & Sewerage Utility Fund Capital Programs included funding for
upgrades to the well houses and installation of chlorine disinfection systems at the Ocean
Drive and Seaward Crescent well locations in the Harbourview Subdivision. The Ocean
Drive Well has been isolated from the Harbourview Subdivision water distribution system
since work commenced in late fall of 2009. Contract 2010-19, which includes the work at
the Ocean Drive facility, was awarded to Fairville Construction Ltd (M&C 2010-286) on
August 30, 2010. Funding is included in the 2010/2011 Water & Sewerage Utility Fund
Capital Programs for upgrades to the well house and installation of a chlorine disinfection
system at the Seaward Crescent location which will be tendered in the coming months.
The contract work at Ocean Drive has now been completed. The chlorine disinfection
system for the Ocean Drive well has been tested and pending approval from NBDOE, the
well, chlorination apparatus and new main connection to the existing distribution system
will be disinfected. Following acceptable disinfection results and again approval from
NBDOE, the new system will be ready to introduce chlorinated water to the Harbourview
Subdivision water distribution system. This introduction will be done in phases to test the
reaction of the distribution system to the chlorine. The dosing rate of chlorine will initially
be set relatively high in arder to address any accumulation of material that may exist in the
currently unchlorinated distribution system. The dosing rate will be adjusted until an
acceptable level of chlorine is achieved and maintained at the extreme points of the system.
It is expected that residents will initially notice strong chlarine odours from their water
however this is expected to dissipate as acceptable dosing rates are achieved. Notices will
be handed out door to door explaining the commissioning process and notifying residents
M & C2011 - 146
May 31, 2011
Page 2
of a precautionary Boil Order (in conjunction with the Department of Health) to be imposed
during this initial introductory phase. The exact date for notification of residents will be
established in conjunction with NBDOE approval for introducing chlorinated water into the
Harbourview Subdivision water distribution system.
It is recommended that this report be received and filed.
Respectfully submitted,
J. M. Paul Groody, P.Eng.
Municipal Operations & Engineering
J. Patrick Woods, CGA
City Manager
�� m, ��o,
M & C2011 — 145 / '�' ;
�% � a ��
June 6`", 201 1 �
His Worship Mayor Ivan Court The Cit��of Saint�ohn
And Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Members of Council,
WEDNESDAY,�UNE 1 5T", 201 1, 9 AM - 3 PM
The purpose of this report is to inform Common Council and the public of the upcoming
Watershed Clean-Up Day that is planned for Wednesday, �une 1 5`", 201 1 , from 9 am to
3 pm.
Watersheds are the first and most fundamental step in the multi-barrier approach to
protecting drinking water. Healthy watersheds are naturally able to filter contaminants
and protect water quality. They can slow surface water run-off, increase the amount of
water entering the soil and result in more stable, cleaner, safer water quality for
downstream purposes - drinking water.
On November 10`h, 2010, the first Watershed Clean-Up Day was held, resulting in 23.5
metric tonnes (52,000 Ibs) of garbage and debris being removed from the Loch Lomond
Year after year, Saint �ohn Water crews clean up garbage within the watersheds - an
ongoing effort to protect our lakes and the natural ecosystems that we depend upon for
our drinking water.
Communication is received throughout the year from concerned residents in the Loch
Lomond area. The Watershed Clean-Up Day will be an opportunity to focus attention on
the watershed and bring the issue of illegal dumping and the importance of protecting
our watershed to the forefront.
� � .'
f U N E 6'",201 1
The Watershed Clean-Up Day will further engage the community. The details of the event
have been posted on the Facebook page entitled "Stop the Trashing of our Beautiful Loch
Lomond Lakes", that is administered by Ms. Bonny Culley (creator), Ms. Elizabeth Crowe
and Mr. Greg Hiltz. The ad has also been placed on the City's website as of May 27`",
and is being advertised in the local newspaper on June 1 3`h.
The event will be held on Wednesday,.June 1 5`", 201 1 , from 9 am until 3 pm. Volunteers
are welcome to gather at the Loch Lomond Community Centre which is located at Ben
Lomond Corner. The Community Centre will serve both as a home base for the event as
well as the location for the barbeque and refreshments that will be provided at midday.
Volunteers are asked to register by calling 658-4455 or by doing so on the City of Saint
�ohn website at www.saintjohn.ca.
Registration is necessary so that sufficient clean-up supplies, food and refreshments are
available for the volunteers. Members of Council are invited to support our efforts to
protect our drinking water supply by joining us for this event.
It is recommended that Common Council receive and file this report.
Respectfully submitted,
J.M. Paul Groody, P. Eng.
Municipal Operations and Engineering
J. Patrick Woods, CGA
City Manager
� � .'r
� .o
3 June 20l l �a
o�..�, =
Cdty oP saint John
His Worship Ivan Court
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Councillors:
SUBJECT: License to Operate a Vendor Market
At its meeting on May 25, 2010, Common Council resolved to authorize the
Mayor and Clerk to execute a License Agreement between the City of Saint Johzi
and the Saint John Development Corporation granting permission to the SJDC to
operate the Loyalist Plaza Market for local craftspeople and artis�s during cruise
The operation of the market during the 2010 cruise season was successful with
over 33 vendors offezing products for sale to cruise passengers, tourists and local
residents. Tb�e market also serves as a business development opportunity for
individuals with new product ideas.
Attached is a revised License reflecting the 2011 Cruise Ship Schedule.
That Common Council approve a license between the City of Saint John and the
Saint John Development Corporation for the operation of a market on Loyalist
Plaza as per the terms of the attached license and that the Mayor and Common
Clerk be authorized to sign all related documents.
Respectfully submitted,
\�� (�
. �� �7�
� . atrick Woods, CGA
THIS LICENCE made in duplicate as of the�day of , 2011.
THE CiTY OF SAlNT JOHN having its City Hall at
15 Market Square, Saint John, New Brunswicic, a
body corparate by Royal Charter, confirmed and
amended by Acts of the Legislative Assembly of the
Province of New Brunswick, hereinafter called the
- and —
body corporate duly incorparated under the laws of
the Province of New Brunswicic, having its head
office in the City of Saint John in the County of
Saint John and Province of New Brunswicic,
hereinafter called the "Licensee"
WHEREAS the Licensor is the owner of the lands bearing PID numbers 18614,
55027809 and 55006886 and of the fands known as Market Square in the City of Saint
AND WHEREAS situate upon the said lands is a an area commonly known as
Loyalist Plaza outlined in red on Schedule "A" attached hereto {hereinafter the "Lands");
AND WHEREAS the Licensor has agreed to give the within License under the
terms and conditions hereinafter set forth;
NOW THEREFORE THIS L.ICENSE WITNESSETH that for and in consideration
of the sum of Two Dollars of lawful money of Canada now paid by the Licensee to the
Licensor, the receipt and sufficiency whereof is hereby acknowledged, the Licensor does
hereby grant, subject to the terms, conditions, covenants and provisions herein
contained, permission and license to the Licensee to operate on the Lands a Market,
during the times and according to the terms ancf conditions stipulated herein.
License Agreement
7he City of Saint John and Saint John Development Corporation
Page 2 of 4
1. This Licence shall be for each calendar day on which a cruise ship is docked in
the Saint John Harbour between June 7, 2011 and October 25, 2011 at midnight.
2. Notwithstanding anything else herein cantained, this License may be terminated
forthwith without notice to the Licensee in the event that the Licensee shall, in the
opinion of the Licensor, be in default of any of the terms and conditions of this License
3. No Eransfer or assignment of this License or of any of the rights or privileges
herein granted shall be made, or caused or permitted to be made by the Licensee.
4. The Licensee hereby covenants and agrees with the Licensor as follows:
a) that it shall use the Lands or cause them to be used as a Market for local
craftspeople and artists to sell their products on days that cruise ships are
in dock;
b) that it shall ensure that all wares, products and merchandise sold on the
Lands are locally handcrafted;
c) that it shall ensure that the Market on the Lands is managed in
accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the "Loyalist Plaza
Market Vendor Information and Application Form" attached hereto as
Schedule "B";
d) that it shall obtain and keep in full force and effect, at its own cost,
throughout the Term, and during such other time as Licensee uses the
Lands, commercial general liability insurance. The coverage thereunder
shall include the activities conducted by Licensee and any other person
permitted by #he Licensee to participate as a vendor in the Market on the
Lands, or for whom the Licensee is in law responsible and any person
performing work on behalf of Licensee in any part of the Lands. Such
policy shall have inclusive limits of af least Two Million Dollars
($2,000,000.00) for each occurrence involving personal injury, bodily injury,
death or property damage. The policy shal! contain:
(i) a provision stating that such policy shall be primary and shall not
call into contribution any other insurance available to Licensor or
Licensee; and
(ii) an undertaking by the insurers that no material change,
cancellation or termination of any policy will be made unless
Licensor has received not less than thirty (30) days prior notice
License Agreement
The City of Saint John and Saint John Development Corporation
Page 3 of 4
In the event that the insurers provide the notice to the Licensor under (ii),
the Licensor may pay the premiums necessary to maintain the policy and
recover the costs of those premiums from the Licensee.
The Licensor shall be added as an additional insured on fhe commercial
general liability insurance poficy described herein.
e) that it shall, on or before June 7, 2011, submit to the City a Certificate of
lnsurance or other satisfactory evidence of having obtained and
maintained the insurance coverage required at paragraph d} hereof;
5. The Licensor hereby covenants and agrees with the Licensee that the Licensee
may permit vendors to participate in the Market on the Lands in accordance with the
terms and conditions set out in the "Loyalist Plaza Market Vendor Information and
Application Form" attached hereto as Schedule "B".
fi. No change or modification of this License shall be valid ur�less it is in wriking and
signed by the Licensor and the Licensee.
7. This License supersedes and takes the place of all prior agreements entered into
by the parties with respect to the Lands.
8. This License shall not be enforced or bind any of the parties thereto, until
executed by all the parties named in it.
9. Notwithstanding any clauses herein, the Licensee does hereby indemnify and
save harmless the Licensor from all damages, cost, claims, demands, actions, suits or
other proceedings by whomsoever claimed, made, braught or prosecuked in any manner
and whether in respect of property owned by okhers or in respect of damage sustained
by others based upon or arising out of or in connection with the use of the Lands
pursuant to the within License or anything done or purported to be done in any manner
hereunder, except for damages caused by the City's negligence
License Agreement
The City of Saint John and Saint John Development Corporation
Page 4 of 4
THIS LICENSE shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon successors and
assigns of the parties hereto respectively.
In the presence of: ) THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN
) Mayor
} Common Clerlc
} Common Council Resolution:
) , 20'{1
} '
) Pr ide
TenteGVe Guhe 2011 — - - ---
SAINT JOHN,N,B. Lest ll ed
-71 _.
No. o�re o�r rt� eH� eennrH oueeTe �a�r un. �on oRT
1 07-Jun 7ue 09:00-19 00 Cemival Gf PGA 35D0 Furtu�n CCL ]90 110000
2 11,hm Sat 09:00-i9.U0 Camival p AGA 3500 Fumcan CCL 110000
3 1rrJun Wed p8:00-17:00 Csmivel p PGA 3500 FumCan CCL 110000
4 2pJun Mon 07:00-15:00 Enrhentrnert oA Seas PGH 22pp FK Werren RCCL 301 B2910
5 21,1un Tues 09:00-18 00 Camivsl PGA 3500 Fumcan CCL 110000
6 25,hm Se1 09:00-19.00 CamWa! PGA 3500 Fumran CCL 110000
7 29,Iw Wed 08;OQ-17:00 Camivel PGA 3500 Fumcan CCL 110000
B 04JW Mon 08:00-17 00 Camivel p PCA 3500 Fumcan C 110000
9 09.1u1 Sal 09:00•19 00 Camivel PGA 3500 Fumr�n CCL 110000
10 13-Jul Wed OB:00-17;00 Gemival Gi PGA 3500 Furtfcan CCL 110000
11 19-JU1 Mon 07:00-15 00 Enchantme�rt o!l Sm� PGA 2200 FK Werrm RCCL 82910
12 19-Jul Tues 09:00-1800 Camivel PGA 3500 Fumr�n C0. 110000
13 23Ju1 Set 09:00-19 00 Camival PC,A 3500 Fumtan CCl 110000
14 27Jui Wed OB:OaS700 Camivel PGA 3500 Furtran CCL 110000
15 01- Mm 08:00-t700 C.arnfvel PGA 330p Fumtan CCl 710000
16 Sal 09:00-5900 CamNal PGA 35p0 fumran CCL 110000
17 Tuea 09:00-17:00 CanDbean Prv�cq9 PGq 3100 FK Warren PRINCESS 290 112994
18 14 Wed 08:00-17:00 Camival p pG�, 3500 Fumcan CCL 110000
1B 15 hbn OSflL•'17Q0 Cartvval PGA 35Q0 Fumcan CI.L 510000
20 1&A Mon 07:00-IS OQ ErKhantmmrt oA Seas LW 2200 FK Warr� RCC! 82910
21 1 Tu!! 09'00-17;00 Ceribbean PrLtcess PGA 3100 FK Werten PRINCESS 112894
22 Set 09'00-19.�00 CamNel q PGA 3500 Fumcan CCL 110000
23 7.�Au Tues 09.�00-17:�0 Caribbean PAnceav PGA 3100 FK Werten PRINCESS 112894
24 2 Wed 08:00-17:00 Camivel PGA 3500 Fumran C(x. 110000
25 Mon 08:00-17:00 C�mivd PGA 3500 Fumran CCL 110000
26 Tues 09:00-17:06 Carlhbean Rvicess PGA 3100 FK Werren PRINCESS 112894
27 Sel 09:00-19:00 Camivel PGN 3500 Fumtan CCL 110000
26 Mon 07:00-13:00 aer o(Ihe PGA 3300 FK Wercen RCCL 137308
29 OB- Tu6s 09:00-17 00 Cahbbean PrNCess PGA 3100 FK Wercan PRINCESS 112894
30 07- Wed OB:00-17U0 Camivel p PGA 3500 Fumcen CCL 110000
31 12 Mon 07:OQ-15:00 Er�antmmfl aR 5� PCA 2200 FK Werten RCCL 82910
32 13 Tues 08:00-16.U0 Areeda LW 2300 Fumcen P8A 285 8J791
33 73- Tues 09.00-1740 CanbCeenPrincess PCv4 3t00 FKWarren PRINCES5 112B9a
34 1 Wed 09.�W-19:90 Cemiva!q PGA 350Q Fvrnc�n CCL 110000
35 1 Sun 09:00-17:40 Grnm Prmcess PC,A 2500 FK Werrmi PHlNCESS 290 113581
38 1 Mon 07:00-15.00 af Ihe Seas PG4 3300 FK Warrat RCCI 311 137308
37 20•S',a� 7'�<<> Olo(i•t.�;iC JC+�c+o`CraSeis LW Y1Gi3 f=KS'iTrr,�n RCCI 29d 9.k�:�0
38 ?��Seu T�e G3I1!N•1SrC t;ennvalCs Pf;A 3�4 F�m:.an CCL 116C�C
39 2f� W9tl f2:00-20A0 NoM• wnJewr] LW 2300 FKWerren NCL 29d 935�Q
40 21• Wetl 08�00-11�00 CanbCean Pnnceas PGA 3700 FK Warren PRINCESS 112B94
41 2& Mon 07:00-15 00 EnU�anbnsil oR Seav PGA 7200 FK W ertert ROCL 82910
42 27- Tues 08.15-18:45 Jewef of Ihe Seas LW 210Q FK Werren RCC� 9p09Q
A3 27- Tues 09.00-19 00 Camival PGA 35Q0 Fumean CCl 11D000
44 T& Wed 1200-20:00 Nonv en Jewd PGq 2300 FK Werran NCL 83530
45 Thurs OB:00-17:00 Cenbhean PAncess PGA 3100 FK WerYen PRINCESS 112894
46 � Fn 70�00•18 Op Crpwn Rincees PGA 2500 FK Warten PRINCESS 290 513561
47 30 Fd OS.OQ-18i�U fel LW 900 F.K.Warren let 238 510a4
48 01-0d Set 0830-17:00 Aurae PGA 1800 Fumcen PSO 270 78152
49 0.'i-Oct Man 07:06-15.�00 ot the Seaa PGA 3300 FK Werten RCCL 137308
50 04-0d Tuev 07.00-17:3Q JeweloflhaSeas LW 2f00 FKWarren RCCL 90090
51 04-Oct Tues 09:OQ-19:00 Camival PGH 3500 Fumcan CCL 110000
52 05ac1 Wzd OI:iY1�S�.OL' Re tlai F9;G d^4 Famcan U[.eana 161 ?ir't?T
53 a51]Cl We] 1'ePu•20�:�G Mor.•r ianJea:�i Lti'I 2?�J FK�Y��an NCL 92�;�
S4 G5•OCt Ylzd CkiiJ4-1700 l;ar.YteanPri�ue„ ?f3A 31l;� FI�Nfa�'er F'RINCESS 11�!!7�4
55 0&acl Sal 08:00-17:00 Gam PNnce�s PGA 2500 FK Werren PRINCESS 113561
SB 09�Oc1 SUn 09:00-16:00 teI S PGA 900 F.K.WartEn 181 51044
57 10-0tt Nbn 07:00-75:00 Entrienhn�t oR Sees PGA 2Z00 FK Werten RCCL 82910
58 t 1�OCt Tua 07:00-17 C0 Jewel of tha Sees LW 2100 FK Warran RCCL 90090
59 t�.Oct Tues 09,00•1900 Camivel PGA 3500 Fumcan CCL 71�000
BO 17-CYl Wetl 1�OiA:O.(;0 hlc�r.�:t,��ian Jc.vc� L4Y 2;'OU �'H L'Jarrn VCL 43�"r3b
81 12�t)cl �Jed p"u.!IG-17�G0 Ca��cteaoPnncss; at;A 3iC0 FHV1arrEr• PRiN;;ESS ti.8d:
82 13-0t1 S�t D7.OQIB�W SOver PGA 300 Furtltan Sh�mlBB 18B 28258
83 77-0c! Mon 07:00-15:00 orx d Ihe See� PGA 3300 FK Werten RCCL 137308
64 18-OU Tuas 08:00-17:00 A1SCPooal� PGA 3000 THA 294 92400
85 19-0ct Wetl 12OQ-14.00 R ette LW fi8s Fumcan OCeania 3D277
fi6 79�Oc1 Wed 0&.Op-1700 CantbeanRruitess PGA 3100 FKWarren PRII�tCESS 1t2B94
fi7 20-0d Thun 07:00-19:00 Jewel�Ihe Seaa PGA 2100 FK Werrai RCCL 90090
b9 21-Oct Frl 08:00-6:00 Celebn Summll PGA 1950 FK Werten Celebri 294 90280
69 230c1 Sun i 1:Oo-22:00 Maesdam PGA 72{)0 FK Wertm Amd1 219 56575
70 2SOc1 Tues 07.OQ-13:15 Jewel o�Ne Seas LW 2100 FK Wanmi RCCL 9Q090
71 25-Od 7ues QB:DO-1190 MSC Pcesia PGA 3009 TBA MSC 92A00
72 25-Ocl iues 09:00-17:Q0 CanbGean Pnncpe AGC 3100 FK Wanen PRINCESS 11289A
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Loyalist Plaza Market
Vendor Information and Application Form
About the Market
Thank you for your interest in the Loyalist Plaza Market. The market was established in 2004 by
Enterprise Saint John to offer a place for craftspeople and artists to sell hand crafted products to
locals and tourists on davs that cruise shins are in nort. The market was designed as a place
where people can gain experience selling hand crafted products in an affordable and supportive
Loyalist Plaza Market has grown over the years, and in 2011 will find a permanent home with
Saint John Waterfront Development, the new owners of the market. The market will be
managed on a day-to-day basis by the Hardman Group, out of their offices in Market Square. All
products sold at the market must be local-handcrafted items.
The market is weather dependent ancf a schedule of all cruise ship visits can be downloaded at
Changes to Loyalist Market in 2011
Changes to the market in 2011 include new ownership and management.This new structure will
ensure the long-term viability of the market and also institutionalize new procedures. These
procedures include affordable liability insurance to help protect vendors while operating out of
the market. They also include access to full-time staff who will manage the day-to-day
operations of the market and any concerns that might arise.
Costs to Participate
Saint John Waterfront Development will purchase an insurance policy to cover all daily and
seasonal vendors. The policy will provide vendors with $2 million in liability insurance to help
protect them while operating out of the market. In 2011, insurance coverage will be a
requirement of registration for the market. The cost to purchase the insurance will be
$150/season per vendor and $75 for daily vendors who attend the Market less than 10 times.
In addition, the rates to participate in the Markets on days that cruise ships are in port will be
The total cost to participate in the Loyalist Plaza Market for the full �ruise Ship Season
will be $350. The market will be in operation commencing June 15, 2011 (Pending license
agreement has been received from the City of Saint John.)
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Market Set-Up
The Hardman Group will manage Loyalist Plaza Marke# on behalf of Saint lohn Waterfront
Development. Vendors will be responsible for their own Market set up including any material
required to display products.
Each vendor is given approximately 7 linear feet of space to set up a display. fach vendor is
permitted no more then one table that is 6 feet long and 2 %feet wide and has a table covering
deemed appropriate by market management. Vendor space must be presentable and tinrithout
obstacles that may present toncerns to pedestrian traffic. Vendors must specify their set up
requirements during registration so they can be plated in the most appropriate location. For
example, there are some spaces available for people who would like to bring in a canopy and
need a larger surface area.Vendors will be limited to a maximum of two spots each.
Vendors who pay for the season can request an assigned spot however spaces wilJ not be
guaranteed and will be assigned at the discretion of market management. Once assigned,
vendors will be expected to be set up by 8:45 a.m.Any vendor not set up by 8:45 a.m. will forfei#
their right to the spot for the day and it will be open to daily vendors. Any seasonal vendor who
misses three consecutive market days without permission will forFeit the right to their spot for
the season. To apply for an assigned spot, please indicate your request on the application form.
Past seasonal vendors, in good standing, will have first choice of an assigned spot.
How to Become a Vendor
Please read the following Vendor Regulations carefully and fill in the application form once you
have read and agreed to the regulations:
1. 7he mandate of the Loyalist Plaza Market is to offer an opportunity for focal craftspeople
and artists to promote and sell hand crafted products on a profitable basis to locals and
tourists in a supportive and affordable environment.
2. No person may offer for sale, exhibit or display goods, wares, products or any other
merchandise of any lcind in or about the market area without obtaining the permission
of the Market Management, fiJling out an application form, applying for insurance,
paying the appropriate fees and adhering to these Vendors Regulations.
3. When applying for a space in the market, all vendors must clearly specify the nature of
the products to be sold and shall not significantly change the nature of the products
without the approval of Market Management. Failing to follow this process may result in
the vendor losing his or her permission to sell goods in the market even though a fee
may have been paid in advance. All products must be hand-crafted locally in New
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4. Products commercially produced may not be sold at the Market unless they have a
specific local aspect approved by Market Management.
5. Articles of a "Flea Market" nature may not be sold at the Market under any circumstance.
6. Venders may not park their vehicles on the grass or boardwalk at any time, violator's
vehicles will be towed away.
7. No hot food products of any type will be sold at the market.
8. No baby clothes or toys may be sold at the market unless vendor can provide proof of
their own insurance coverage and that they are handmade.
9. Vendors must conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times. This includes a
kind, courteous manner to all customers, other vendors, and market management.
There will be no smoking in the Loyalist Plaza area, or any alcoholic beverages or illegal
drugs on the premises. Rude behavior and/or inappropriate actions will be cause for
termination of the vendor(s} permission to operate at the Loyaiist Plaza Market.
10. All reasonable precautions have been taken by Saint John Waterfront Development,the
Hardman Group, and the City of Saint lohn to ensure the vendors have a safe, clean and
well-maintained area to operate in the Loyalist Plaza Market. Vendors assume all
liabifity for theft or damage of their merchandise and will also assume all liability for
Bodily Injury or Property Damage arising from vendor operations. Vendors will
indemnify and save and hold harmless Saint lohn Waterfront Development, the
Hardman Group, and the City of Saint John from all claims arising from such operations.
The Saint John Waterfront Development, the Hardman Group, and the City of Saint lohn
will not assume any liability for damage or theft of Vendors property.
11.The Loyalist Plaza Market will open at 8:30 a.m. and close at 4:00 p.m. on days the cruise
ships are in port, however no venders will be allowed access to the market on Saturday
luly 23, 2011.
12. If a regular vendor fails to occupy an allotted space by 8:45 AM and has not given
advance notice of an anticipated delay, the space will be offered to a daily vendor for
that day. If a seasonal vendor misses three consecutive market days without notice, the
vendor will forfeit the right to their spot for the season.
13. Vendors must keep their stalls neat, tidy and remove all garbage and debris during and
at the contlusion of the day. Excess product inventory must be stored safely and in a
manner conducive to a well- managed vendor space.
14. Stall spaces will be allocated as per the following priorities:
a) Renewing seasonal vendors, in good standing, shall have the opportunity to choose
the space they otcupied at the end of the previous season, if avaifable.
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b) Renewing seasonal vendors wishing to change to a new, unreserved space shall
submit their request to the market management for review.
c) Daily vendors will be assigned available space on a first-corne, first-served basis.
Such vendors should apply for a space by contacting the Market Management at
b58-3600 in advance of an upcoming market. No vendors will be allowed to set up
on a cruise ship day without prior registration of at least two days before the ship's
d) All vendors wiil be limited to a maximum of two spots each
15. All Vendors renting space at the Loyalist Plaza Market are required to fill out an
application form clearly stating the products they intend to sell. Products rnust be hand-
crafted in New Brunswick.
16.Vendors occupying a space of 7 linear feet along the perimeter of the plaza or an interior
space with a canopy shaU pay in advance;
1.A daily fee of$25 per day or a seasonal fee of$200 plus HST
2.An insurance fee of$150
17. Failure to follow the rules and procedures outlined above will result in a vendor losing
his or her ability to sell at the market without reimbursement of any fees paid.
Loyalist Plaza Market Contact
All applications should be submitted with payment to the Hardman Group Management Office
in Market Square. For more information, contact Duncan Whitcomb, this year's Market
Phone: 65B-3600
E-mail: dwhitcomb@hardmangroup.ca
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Loyalist Plaza Vendor Application Form
Name of Vendor
Last name: First name:
fVame of Business (if applicable)
Mailing Address:
Telephone#: E-mail:
Items you plan to offer for sale. Please be specific. (ltems must be handcrafted in New
8runswick. Please include photos of items.J
(Note:Permission to se!!products not listed obove must be obtained from Market Coordinator)
Set up requirements:iD Space for Canopy 0 Space for Umbrella m Table only
�Other(Please specify)
Vendor Status (Please Circle): Returning Seasonal/ Returning Daily/IVew Daily/
New Seasonal
Space preference (exact# based on layout):
ist choice 2"d choice 3`d choice
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Last years space allocation (if returning seasonal vendor)
#of years as a vendor Please iist years
Type of Vendor Application(Please circle):Seasonal ($200)/Daily($25) plus HST or authorized
small suppliers certificates.
Method of Payment(Circle one): Cash/Cheque
(Please make cheques poyable to The Hardman GroupJ
I acknowledge that I have read a copy of the loyalist Plaza Market Vendors Regulations and I
understand that these represent the terms and conditions by which I may sell as a vendor.
Additional comments or questions:
For Office Use Only
Preliminary Approval
(To be signed by Market Management)
Final Approval
(To be signed by Saint John Waterfront Development Representative)
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M & C 2011-129 ' � ����
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May 30, 2011
The City of Saint►ohn
His Worship Mayor Ivan Court
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Members of Council:
SUBJECT: General Specifications—Policy Revisions (Divisions 2, 4 & 6)
The purpose of this report is to propose that Council adopt the attached revisions to
Division 2 — Instructions to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures, Division 4 — Form of
Tender and, Division 6 - General Administration of Contract.
On November 17, 2003 (M&C 2003-310), Common Council adopted a Tendering Policy
for Construction Contracts which included: Division 2 - Instructions to Tenderers and
Tendering Procedures, Division 4 - Form of Tender, and Division 5 - Form of Agreement.
On May 31, 2004 (M&C 2004-99), Council approved Division 6 —General Administration
of Contract. It was understood that from time to time it would be necessary to make
improvements to the language of certain clauses of the General Specifications to ensure the
document continues to represent the best interests of the City. This has been done on
several occasions since that time.
As a result of a review of General Specifications Division 2, 4 and 6, in consultation with
the City's Legal and Purchasing Departments, it is recommended that Division 2
(Instructions to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures) be substantially revised and that the
language of the current clauses of Division 4 (Form of Tender) and Division 6 (General
Administration of Contract)be enhanced.
The revised (new) Division 2 (Instructions to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures) is
attached in its entirety and the revisions to the current clauses of Division 4 (Form of
Tender) and Division 6 (General Administration of Contract) are shown in red and are
attached to this report.
The guidance of the City Solicitor's office has been pivotal to the proposed policy
revisions; incorporating the valuable experience gained by the City through its
development of Peel Plaza contract documentation.
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May 30, 2011
Page 2
Highlights of the proposed changes include:
• Requirement for contractors to have an audited safety program.
• Designated Alternate City Contact provided in addition to the Authorized Enquiries
Contact (Project Engineer) to ensure contractors communication with the City is
always available.
• Tenderers not to communicate directly with media or public regarding the project.
Communication responsibility rests with the City.
• City maintains `Reserved Rights' regarding acceptance/rejection of tenders.
• Tenderers must include a surety consent letter with their tender.
• Additional definitions added to clarify terminology utilized in specifications.
• Authority of the Engineer section- improved language.
• Liability Insurance requirement from Contractors increased from $2.0 million to
$5.0 million.
• Indemnity clause strengthened.
• Equipment rates for additional work shall be in accordance with the Machine Rental
Regulation under the New Brunswick Crown Constructions Act.
The City would also be moving, effective immediately, to full electronic advertising of
construction tenders, as has long been the case for its other procurement requirements. This
will significantly reduce the substantial expense associated with newspaper advertising,
while expanding the scope of advertising for tenders.
Construction tenders will be advertised on the City of Saint John website www.saintjohn.ca
and through Tenders Online — New Brunswick Opportunities Network (NBON). This
change in tender advertising was discussed with the Saint John Construction Association to
solicit feedback. Contractors routinely search Municipal websites as well as the NBON
system for tender notifications. The proposed change will not negatively affect the
contractors accessing tender information for City of Saint John construction tenders.
As has been the case for previous revisions (February 2005, March 2005, January 2007,
March 2008, March 2009, November 2009 and March 2010), the proposed policy changes
contained in this report have been reviewed by and discussed with the City's Legal and
Purchasing Departments.
M & C20ll - 129
May 30, 2011
Page 3
It is recommended that Common Council:
Adopt the attached revised Division 2 (Instructions to Tenderers and Tendering
Procedures) and the attached revisions to the current clauses of Division 4 (Form of
Tender) and Division 6 (General Administration of Contract) of the City of Saint John
General Specifications.
Respectfully submitted,
J. M. Paul Groody, P. Eng.
Municipal Operations & Engineering
J. Patrick Woods, CGA
City Manager
Div 2 (New) Instructions to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures
4.1 Tender ldentification
4.2 Tenderer's Responsibility and Agreement
4.3 Bonding and Insurance Commitments
4.3.01 Tender(Bid) Bond or Certified Cheque
4.3.02 Performance Guarantees
4.3.03 Insurance
4.4 Statements
4.4.01 Reference Regarding Tenderer's Financial Status
4.4.02 Particulars of Tenderer's Recent Contracts
4.4.03 Particulars of Current Construction Work by Tenderer
4.4.04 Tenderer's Senior Supervisory Staff
4.4.05 Tenderer's Plant
4.4.06 Tenderer's Other Resources
4.4.07 Sub-Contractors and Suppliers
4.5 Schedule of Quantities and Unit Prices
4.6 Certificate of Independent Tender Determination
4—Attachment Tenderer's Checklist
6.1 Definitions and Interpretations
6.2 Extent of Contract and Adherence to Drawings and Specifications
6.3 Authority of the Engineer
6.3.02 (New) Orders of the Engineer
6.3.03 (New) Construction Methods and Equipment
6.3.04 (New) Unauthorized Work
6.3.05 Work to the Satisfaction of the Engineer
6.3.06 Alterations, Additions and Deletions
6.4.04 Distribution of Contract Documents
6.5 Sufficiency of Tender
6.6 Assignment
6.7 Bonds
6.7.01 Performance Bond
6.7.03 Duration of Bonds
6.7.04 Certified Cheque(s) in Lieu of Bonds
6.8 Insurance and Worksafe NB
6.8.01 Liability Insurance
6.8.02 Automobile Insurance
6.8.03 Worksafe NB
6.8.04 Insurance Policies and Certificates
6.9 (New) Indemnity
6.9.01 (New) Agreement to Indemnify and Hold Harmless
6.9.02 (New) Loss or Damage
6.10 Labour, Materials, Workmanship and Testing
6.11 Engineer's Representative
6.12 Contractor's Representative
6.13 Schedule of Work
6.14 Commencement of Work, Possession of Site, Easements, Permits and Licenses
6.15 Time for Completion
6.16 Measurement of the Quantities of Work
6.17 Changes in the Work
6.18 Maintenance Period
June 2011 Page 1 of 2
6.18A Response to Defect, Fault or Deficiency Identified Prior to or During Maintenance Period
6.19.01 Certificate of Substantial Completion
6.19.02 Certificate of Final Completion
6.20.01 Interim Payments
6.20.02 Holdback Release
6.21 Liquidated Damages for Late Completion
6.22 Books and Records of the Contractor and Subcontractors
6.23 Contractor to Pay Promptly
6.24 Wages
6.25 Suspension of Work and Inclement Weather
6.26 Dismissal of Contractor
6.27 Bankruptcy and Insolvency
6.29 Contract Documents Available on Site
6.30 Notices
6.32.01 (New) Engineer to Decide Contract Related Issues
6.32.02 (New) Notice of Claim for Additional Time or Money
6.32.03 (New) Barred Claims
6.32.04 (New) Engineer's Decision
6.32.05 (New) Contractor's Obligations Following the Engineer's Decision
6.32.06 (New) Arbitration
6.33 Equivalents
6.34 Verbal Arrangements
6.35 Others Rights
6.36 Claims of Contractors
6.37 Elected Members
6.38 Night, Saturday, Sunday and Holiday Work
6.39 Right of Set Off
6—Schedule A Confirmation of Coverage
June 2011 Page 2 of 2
City of Saint )ohn
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City of Saint �ohn
Section Paqe
2.1 Trade Treaties and Tendering Policy.............................................................................. 2-1
2.1.01 Internal Trade Agreements................................................................................ 2-1
2.1.02 Tendering Policy................................................................................................ 2-1
2.2 Material Disclosures........................................................................................................ 2-1
2.2.01 General .............................................................................................................. 2-1
2.2.02 Permits Required for Project.............................................................................. 2-1
2.2.03 Deemed Examination and Acceptance.............................................................. 2-1
2.2.04 Availability of Services....................................................................................... 2-1
2.2.05 Tax..................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.2.06 Performance Guarantees Required Prior to Contract Execution....................... 2-2
2.2.07 Insurance ........................................................................................................... 2-2
2.2.08 WorksafeNB Certificate and Business Corporations Act Certificate.................. 2-3
2.2.09 New Brunswick Construction Safety Association .............................................. 2-3
2.2.10 Timetable for Completion of the Work............................................................... 2-3
2.3 Schedule for the Tender Process ................................................................................... 2-4
2.4 Tender pocuments.......................................................................................................... 2-4
2.4.01 Tender pocuments to be Obtained in Prescribed Manner................................ 2-4
2.5 Communications After Issuance of Tender..................................................................... 2-5
2.5.01 Tenderers to Review Tender pocuments.......................................................... 2-5
2.5.02 Fax and Email Communications........................................................................ 2-6
2.5.03 Addenda: Responses to Enquiries and Amendments or Clarifications to Tender
Documents......................................................................................................... 2-6
2.6 Submission of Tender..................................................................................................... 2-7
2.6.01 Location of Tender Box for Submission of Tender............................................ 2-7
2.6.02 Tenders Must be Submitted Only in the Prescribed Manner............................. 2-7
2.6.03 Contingency Allowance...................................................................................... 2-8
2.6.04 Tenders Must be Placed in the Tender Box Before Tender Closing ................. 2-8
2.6.05 Amending or Withdrawing Tender Prior to Tender Closing ............................... 2-8
2.6.06 Tenderers Shall Bear Costs of Preparing and Submitting a Tender ................. 2-8
City of Sain[ )ohn
Section Paqe
2.6.07 Tenders in English ............................................................................................. 2-9
2.6.08 Tender Acceptance Period ................................................................................ 2-9
2.6.09 Tender pocuments Incorporated Into Tender.................................................... 2-9
2.7 Amendment or Withdrawal of Tender Post Tender Closing ........................................... 2-9
2.7.01 No Amendment Post Tender Closing ................................................................ 2-9
2.7.02 Withdrawal Requests......................................................................................... 2-9
2.8 Tender Evaluation Process............................................................................................2-10
2.8.01 Delivery of Tender Box to Tender Opening Room............................................2-10
2.8.02 Tender Opening Process..................................................................................2-10
2.8.03 Stage 1: Evaluation of Mandatory Requirements.............................................2-10
2.8.04 Stage 2: Evaluation of Tender Price.................................................................2-11
2.8.05 Selection of the Successful Tenderer...............................................................2-11
2.9 Notice of Selection and Execution of Contract ..............................................................2-11
2.9.01 Selection of Tenderer........................................................................................2-11
2.9.02 Over-Budget Bids..............................................................................................2-12
2.9.03 Failure to Enter Into the Contract......................................................................2-12
2.10 Confidential Information and Media Communications...................................................2-12
2.10.01 Tenderers Confidential Commercial Information ..............................................2-12
2.10.02 Tenderers Not to Communicate with Media and Public....................................2-12
2.11 Reserved Rights.............................................................................................................2-13
2.12 Limitation of Liability and Waiver...................................................................................2-15
2.13 Invoices..........................................................................................................................2-15
APPENDIX A: Tendering Policy for Construction Contracts.................................................2-16
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� Division 2—Instruction to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures
2.1.01 Internal Trade Aqreements
Tenderers should note that the within procurement is subject to internal trade
agreements including the Agreement on Internal Trade and the Atlantic
Procurement Agreement.
2.1.02 Tendering Policv
Tenderers should note that the within Procurement shall conform with The
City of Saint John "Tendering Policy for Construction Contracts" which is
attached hereto as Appendix"A".
2.2.01 General
The City makes the following material disclosures with respect to this
Request for Tender. While the City has used considerable efforts to ensure
the accurate representation of all information in this Request for Tender,
including these material disclosures, such information is supplied solely as a
guideline for Tenderers. The City does not warrant or guarantee the
accuracy of such information, nor is such information necessarily
comprehensive or exhaustive. Nothing in this Request for Tender is intended
to relieve Tenderers of the obligation to form their own opinions and reach
their own conclusions with respect to the matters addressed in this Request
for Tender.
2.2.02 Permits Required for Proiect
Except as stated otherwise in the Tender pocument, any and all permits and
approvals required by the Authorities having jurisdiction, and arrangements
for all inspections of the Work by these Authorities shall be obtained and paid
for by the Contractor. The cost of such approvals, permits and inspection
shall be included in the Tender Price.
2.2.03 Deemed Examination and Acceptance
Tenderers should note that by submission of a Tender they will be deemed to
have examined and accepted the Specifications and Drawings, visited the site,
and informed themselves as to existing conditions and limitations.
2.2.04 Availability of Services
The Tenderer shall ascertain from the relevant Authorities the availability of
services, including, but not limited to, electricity, sewer, water, telephone,
natural gas and transportation to the project and shall ascertain what prior
notice each Authority will require for the installation of the service to the
June 2011 2-1
�"`z °.
� Division 2—Instruction to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures
2.2.05 Tax
a) Tenderers are advised to make special note of all applicable tax
b) The City is required to pay the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST).
c) The total tendered amount shall include the appropriate taxes on all
labour, material and equipment to be incorporated into the Work.
d) Tenderers shall submit their Tenders on the basis that the total amount of
the Tender shall include all taxes for which the City is liable.
e) Any increase or decrease in costs to the Tenderer due to the changes in
such taxes and duties, after the date of the Tender Closing, shall increase
or decrease the value of the Contract accordingly.
2.2.06 Performance Guarantees Required Prior to Contract Execution
Within five (5) Working Days following the City's notice of selection, the
selected Tenderer shall provide the City with the required Performance
Guarantees, in the form of either:
a) A Performance Bond and a Labour and Material Payment Bond, each at
fifty percent (50%) of the Tender Price covering the faithful performance of
the full Contract. The bonds shall be in favour of The City of Saint John
and show The City of Saint John as obligee; or
b) A certified cheque in the amount of twenty percent (20%) of the Tender
Price covering the faithful performance of the full contract.
2.2.07 Insurance
Tenders should refer to Division 6 (section 6.7)for details regarding insurance
June 2011 2-2
�"`z °.
� Division 2—Instruction to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures
2.2.08 WorksafeNB Certificate and Business Corporations Act Certificate
a) New Brunswick Tenderers shall provide to the City a WorkSafeNB
certificate which confirms proper registration and good standing with
WorkSafeNB and a Business Corporations Act Certificate which confirms
proper registration and good standing with the Province of New Brunswick
- Corporate Affairs within five (5) Working Days following the City's notice
of selection.
b) Out-of-province Tenderers shall provide to the City a WorkSafeNB
certificate which confirms proper registration and good standing with
WorkSafeNB or a letter or certificate issued under the equivalent
applicable legislation in the province of origin of the Tenderer confirming
extension of coverage from said legislation to the Province of New
Brunswick for the term of the Contract. Subject to paragraph c), out-of-
province Tenderers shall also provide a Business Corporations Act
Certificate which confirms proper registration and good standing with the
Province of New Brunswick - Corporate Affairs within five (5) Working
Days following the City's notice of selection.
c) Tenderers from Nova Scotia may submit the appropriate Business
Corporations Act Certificate from the Province of Nova Scotia.
2.2.09 New Brunswick Construction Safety Association
If the total Tender Price for the work, inclusive of HST, is one million dollars
($1,000,000.00) or more, Tenderers shall supply a Letter of Good Standing
under the Certificate of Recognition Program from the New Brunswick
Construction Safety Association. Out-of-Province Tenderers shall supply an
equivalent from the Tenderer's Province of origin acceptable to the Engineer.
2.2.10 Timetable for Completion of the Work
The Substantial Completion of the Work is
June 2011 2-3
�"`z °.
� Division 2—Instruction to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures
Issue Date of Request for Tender
Deadline for Enquiries
Deadline for Issuing Addenda
Tender Closing
The Schedule for the Tender Process is tentative only and may be changed by the City in its sole
discretion at any time prior to Tender Closing.
2.4.01 Tender pocuments to be Obtained in Prescribed Manner
Tender pocuments shall be obtained from Municipal Operations &
Engineering, 175 Rothesay Avenue, 1S' Floor, Saint John, New Brunswick.
In order to obtain the Tender pocuments the following requirements must be
a) deposit a non-refundable payment for each set of Tender pocuments in
an amount specified in the tender advertisement; and
b) the Tenderer must register on the City's official list of bidders for this
project, as follows:
(i) registration of the full legal name, contact person, telephone
number, email address and fax number of the Tenderer
obtaining the Tender pocuments; or, if applicable,
(ii) the registration of the full legal name, contact person, telephone
number, email addresss and fax number of the Tenderer on
whose behalf the Tender pocuments are being obtained.
The names of the Tenderers having complied with the above criteria will be
consolidated onto the City's official bidders list. Only Tenderers listed on the
City's official bidders list shall be entitled to submit a Tender. Any Tender
received from a Tenderer who has not obtained the Tender pocuments from
Municipal Operations & Engineering and is not registered on the City's official
list of bidders for this project in the manner set out above will not be
The City will not disclose its official list of bidders to Tenderers.
June 2011 2-4
�"`z °.
� Division 2—Instruction to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures
2.5.01 Tenderers to Review Tender pocuments
Tenderers shall promptly examine all Tender pocuments and:
a) shall report any errors, omissions or ambiguities; and
b) may direct enquiries or seek additional information
in writing by email or fax before the Deadline for Enquiries to the Authorized
Enquiries Contact or the Designated Alternate Contact (in the event of
absence) as set out below. No such communications are to be directed to
anyone other than the Authorized Enquiries Contact or the Designated
Alternate Contact.
Authorized Enquiries Contact Desiqnated Alternate Contact
, P.Eng. Brian Keenan, P. Eng.
Project Engineer Engineering Manager
Municipal Operations & Engineering Municipal Operations & Engineering
City of Saint John City of Saint John
Email: @saintjohn.ca Email: brian.keenan@saintjohn.ca
Fax: (506) Fax: (506)
It is the Tenderer's responsibility to seek clarification from the City on any matter it considers
unclear. The City shall not be responsible for any misunderstanding on the part of the Tenderer
concerning this Tender or its process.
The City intends to confirm receipt of a Tenderer's communication by way of an email or facsimile
in reply. If a Tenderer has not received a reply, the Tenderer may wish to resend its
communication as the lack of reply may have resulted from a technical problem. The City is
under no obligation to respond to enquiries or provide additional information but may do so at its
sole discretion.
June 2011 2-5
�"`z °.
� Division 2—Instruction to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures
2.5.02 Fax and Email Communication
The following provisions shall apply to any communications with the
Authorized Enquiry Contact or the Designated Alternate Contact by fax or
email where such fax or email communication or delivery is permitted by the
terms of this Tender:
a) The City does not assume any risk or responsibility or liability
whatsoever to any Tenderer:
(i) for ensuring that any fax transmission equipment or email system
being operated for the City is in good working order, able to
receive transmissions, or is not engaged in receiving other
transmissions such that a Tenderer's transmission cannot be
(ii) if a permitted fax or email communication or delivery is not
received by the City, or is received in less than its entirety, within
any time limit specified by this Tender; and
(iii) for any error that may occur in the submission of communications
or enquiries.
b) All permitted communications submitted by a Tenderer by email or fax to
the Authorized Enquiries Contact or the Designated Alternate Contact
shall be deemed to have been received on the dates and times indicated
on the Authorized Enquiry ContacYs or the Designated Alternate
Contact's fax transmission equipment or email system
2.5.03 Addenda: Responses to Enquiries and Amendments or Clarifications to
Tender pocuments
The City may, in its sole and absolute discretion, through the Authorized
Enquiry Contact or the Designated Alternate Contact, respond to enquiries
and/or amend the Tender pocuments before Tender Closing.
Written Addenda are the only means of responding to enquiries or amending
the Tender pocuments. Only the Authorized Enquiry Contact or the
Designated Alternate Contact, and no other employee or agent of the City, is
authorized to respond to enquiries and amend the Tender pocuments by
issuing an Addendum.
Responses to enquiries, changes, clarifications or corrections prepared and
circulated by the City form part of the Tender pocuments and will be issued
as Addenda. Responses will be made in writing and distributed by fax and/or
email to all Tenderers who are registered on the City's official bidders list in
accordance with the procedure outlined in section 2.4.01 b)above, as of the
date the response is prepared by the City. Each Addendum will contain a
signature page(s)which each Tenderer is required to sign and include with
its Tender submission. While the City will make reasonable efforts to deliver
each Addendum to all Tenderers, it makes no guarantee of timely delivery of
any Addendum to any Tenderer.
June 2011 2-6
�"`z °.
� Division 2—Instruction to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures
2.5.03 Addenda: Responses to Enquiries and Amendments or Clarifications to
Tender pocuments (Cont'd)
The City will not identify the source of the question in the response. If a
Tenderer requests that an enquiry be treated as confidential, the City, in its
sole discretion, will either treat the enquiry or any reply as confidential or
inform the Tenderer that it will not respond to the enquiry unless the
Tenderer withdraws in writing its request that the enquiry be treated as
Orally communicated information shall not be binding upon the City.
Information offered from sources other than the Authorized Enquiry Contact
or the Designated Alternate Contact with regard to the content, intent or
interpretation of this Tender is not official, may be inaccurate and should not
be relied on in any way, by any Tenderer, for any purpose.
2.6.01 Location of Tender Box for the Submission of Tender
175 Rothesay Avenue, 2�d Floor
Saint John, New Brunswick
2.6.02 Tenders Must be Submitted Only in the Prescribed Manner
a) Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed Form of Tender together
with the prescribed Schedule of Quantities and Unit Prices. The Form of
Tender and the Schedule of Quantities and Unit Prices shall be filled out
in ink or typewritten and bear the signature in longhand.
b) Tenderers must submit one completely filled out original Form of Tender
signed by an authorized representative and should include the following
information written on the outside of the sealed envelope:
(i) Tender No.;
(ii) Title of Work;
(iii) The full legal name and return address of the Tenderer; and
(iv) Tender Closing date and time.
c) Each Tender shall be accompanied by a Tender (Bid) Bond or certified
cheque in the amount of $ or
ten percent (10°/a) of the Tender Price.
d) Each Tender must be sealed and be addressed to the attention of the
Purchasing Agent, City of Saint John, 2nd Floor,175 Rothesay Avenue,
Saint John, New Brunswick E2S 2B4.
e) All Tenders shall include a surety consent letter or agreement to bond as
per the requirements in the Form of Tender.
June 2011 2-7
�"`z °.
� Division 2—Instruction to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures
2.6.03 Contingencv Allowance
The Tender Price shall include the contingency allowance as specified in the
Schedule of Quantities and Unit Prices, to cover additional costs that may
occur during the execution of the Contract attributed to approved additional
work not originally contemplated. No part of this allowance shall be
expended without the written direction of the Engineer, and any part not so
expended shall be deducted from the contingency allowance.
2.6.04 Tenders Must be Placed in the Tender Box Before Tender Closinq
It is the responsibility of each Tenderer to ensure that its Tender is placed in
the Tender Box before Tender Closing. Tenders submitted by fax or by any
other electronic transmission will not be considered.
Tenders submitted after Tender Closing will be deemed late, Disqualified and
returned to the Tenderer unopened. For the purpose of calculating time, the
City clock at the location of the Tender Box shall govern.
The City is not responsible for any Tender that has not been placed in the
Tender Box by the Tenderer. The City assumes no responsibility for
improperly addressed or delivered Tenders, Tenders that are left outside of
the Tender Box, or sent by electronic transmission.
2.6.05 Amendinq or Withdrawinq Tender Prior to Tender Closinq
At any time prior to Tender Closing, a Tenderer may amend or withdraw a
submitted Tender by placing an amending letter signed by the person who
signed the Tender in a sealed envelope in the Tender Box before the Tender
The amending letter should clearly specify that the Tenderer intends to
withdraw its Tender or, in the case of an amendment, clearly indicate the part
of the Tender that the amending letter is intending to replace. In the case of
a unit price contract, the amending letter shall show the revision to the
Tender Price. In the case of a lump sum contract, the amending letter shall
state the amount to be added or subtracted from the Tender Price.
The sealed envelope should clearly state the full legal name of the Tenderer,
as well as the Tender No., Title of Work, and Tender Closing date and time
as stated in section 2.6.02 b).
Amending letters that are left outside of the Tender Box, or sent by mail, by
facsimile, electronically, or by other means will not be considered.
2.6.06 Tenderers Shall Bear the Costs of Preparinq and Submittinq a Tender
Under no circumstances will the City be responsible for a Tenderer's costs of
preparing or submitting a Tender.
June 2011 2-8
�"`z °.
� Division 2—Instruction to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures
2.6.07 Tenders in English
All Tenders are to be in English only. Any Tenders that are not entirely in the
English language may be disqualified.
2.6.08 Tender Acceptance Period
Tenders submitted before Tender Closing shall remain open to acceptance in
the form submitted by the Tenderer for a period of sixty (60) calendar days
after Tender Closing. Failure of the Tenderer to keep the Tender open for
sixty (60) calendar days will result in the enforcement of the Tender (Bid)
Bond or the cashing of the certified cheque submitted in lieu of the Tender
(Bid) Bond pursuant to section 2.6.02 c).
2.6.09 Tender pocuments Incorporated Into Tender
By submission of a Tender, a Tenderer is deemed to have accepted and
incorporated all the instructions and terms and conditions contained in the
Tender pocuments into its Tender. Submission of a Tender shall also
confirm that the Tenderer is satisfied as to the correctness and sufficiency of
the Tender, the Tender Price and the prices entered in the Schedule of
Quantities and Unit Prices.
2.7.01 No Amendment Post Tender Closinq
No Tenderer is permitted to amend or withdraw its Tender after Tender
Closing. A Tenderer who discovers an error in his Tender after Tender
Closing may leave the Tender as is or request permission from Common
Council to withdraw its Tender. A request to withdraw a Tender after Tender
Closing must be delivered, along with the reasons for the request, to the
Common Clerk for consideration by Common Council within twenty-four (24)
hours of Tender Closing.
2.7.02 Withdrawal Requests
Common Council, in its sole discretion, will decide whether or not to grant the
withdrawal request based on the information supplied by the Tenderer and a
recommendation from City staff. Where Common Council, in its sole
discretion, decides to not allow the withdrawal, Common Council may require
the Tenderer to perform the Contract or forfeit the Tender (Bid) Bond or the
certified cheque submitted in lieu thereof pursuant to section 2.6.02 c).
June 2011 2-9
�"`z °.
� Division 2—Instruction to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures
2.8.01 Delivery of Tender Box to Tender Openinq Room
Immediately following Tender Closing, the Purchasing Agent shall deliver the
Tender Box to the tender opening room where it will be publicly opened by
the Tender Opening Committee.
2.8.02 Tender Openinq Process
All Tenders shall be removed from Tender Box, opened, evaluated pursuant
to Section 2.8.03, then read and recorded by the Tender Opening Committee
in public at the Tender Opening Location. The Tender Opening Committee
shall open each Tender individually. Tenders submitted by Tenderers who
are not registered on the City's official bidders list according to the procedure
outlined in section 2.4.01 b) will not be evaluated. The Tender Opening
Committee will conduct the evaluation of the Tenders in two stages.
2.8.03 Staqe 1: Evaluation of Mandatorv Requirements
Stage 1 will consist of a review to determine which Tenders comply with all of
the mandatory requirements. Tenders which do not comply with all of the
mandatory requirements set out below, shall be Disqualified and not
evaluated further.
Tenders shall be deemed as not complying with the mandatory requirements
a) The Tender is not in a sealed envelope which bears on its face the full
legal name and address of the Tenderer, the Tender number, Title of
Work and Tender Closing date and time.
b) The Tender is illegible or its pricing terms or conditions cannot be
understood by the Tendering Opening Committee.
c) Where it is a Tender for more than one item and where it is required that
all items be bid, there is a failure to bid an item or it does not contain a
unit price or extended total of all items to be bid.
d) The Tender contains a bid on an item not included in the Schedu/e of
Quantities and Unit Prices.
e) The Tender does not contain the total tender price, the unit prices or the
fixed price written in words or does not have the words "dollars" and,
where applicable, "cents" set out in the written total tender price, unit
prices or fixed price on the Schedule of Quantities and Unit Prices.
f) The Tender is not accompanied by the required Tender (Bid) Bond or
certified cheque pursuant to section 2.6.02 c).
g) The Tender does not include a fully completed prescribed Form of
Tender, signed by an authorized agent, which bears the Tenderer's
corporate seal, pursuant to section 2.6.02 a) and Division 4.
June 2011 2-10
�"`z °.
� Division 2—Instruction to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures
2.8.03 Staqe 1: Evaluation of Mandatory Requirements (Cont'd)
h) The Tender does not include all required documents specified in the
Form of Tender, does not comply with the provisions of the Tender
Documents, or does not include the signature page(s) of all addenda
issued to the Tenderers signed by the Tenderer.
i) The Form of Tender contains a change in price that is not initialed by the
person signing the Form of Tender.
j) The Tender contains an unsolicited alternative or a qualification to the
terms of the Tender pocuments.
k) Where a Tenderer submits more than one Tender in response to the
Request for Tender, all such Tenders shall be Disqualified.
Tenders which are Disqualified by the Tender Opening Committee will be
returned to the Tenderer at the address contained in the Tender or in person
if the Tenderer is present at the Tender Opening. Tender Prices of
Disqualified Tenders will not be announced at the Tender Opening.
2.8.04 Staqe 2: Evaluation of Tender Price
Stage 2 will consist of a recording of the Tender Prices by the Tender Opening
2.8.05 Selection of the Successful Tenderer
At the conclusion of Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the evaluation process and,
subject to the approval of selection by Common Council and the reserved
rights of the City, the selected Tenderer will enter into the Contract, as set
out in the Tender pocuments.
2.9.01 Selection of Tenderer
Notice of selection by the City to the selected Tenderer will be in writing.
Within five (5) Working Days following the City's notice of selection, the
Tenderer shall provide to the City:
a) those items listed at section 6.7.04 ("Insurance Policies and
b) an executed Form of Agreement(Division 5); and
c) the required Performance Guarantees pursuant to section 2.2.06
This provision is solely to the benefit of the City and may be waived by the
City at its sole discretion.
June 2011 2-11
�"`z °.
� Division 2—Instruction to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures
2.9.02 Over-Budqet Bids
If the Tender Price of the lowest compliant Tender exceeds the City's project
budget or the Engineer's estimate for the Project, the City may proceed with
negotiations with the lowest compliant Tenderer. Said negotiations shall be
conducted within a prescribed timeframe to identify changes in scope and/or
quantities of work, in exchange for a corresponding bid price reduction.
Where the City and lowest compliant Tenderer establish acceptable changes
and a corresponding bid price reduction, those changes shall be documented
as post-bid addendum.
Any such negotiations or resulting recommendations shall be conditional and
subject to the approval of Common Council and, in accordance with the
Limitation of Liability and Waiver set out in section 2.12 below, there shall be
no liability resulting from any failure to award a contract.
Where acceptable changes and a corresponding bid price reduction cannot
be successfully negotiated with the lowest compliant Tenderer, the City may
proceed with a new tender call at a later date.
2.9.03 Failure to Enter Into the Contract
In addition to all of the City's other remedies, such as the enforcement of the
Tender (Bid) Bond, if a selected Tenderer fails to execute the Contract, or
satisfy any of the applicable conditions set out above at section 2.9.01 within
five (5) Working Days of the notice of selection, the City may, in its sole and
absolute discretion and without incurring any liability rescind the selection of
the Tenderer and proceed with the selection of the next lowest compliant
2.10.01 Tenderer's Confidential Commercial Information
The City is committed to an open and transparent Tendering Process while
understanding the Tenderers' need for protection of confidential commercial
information. To assist the City in meeting this commitment, Tenderers will
cooperate and extend all reasonable accommodation to this endeavour.
2.10.02 Tenderer Not to Communicate With Media and Public
To ensure that all public information generated about the Work is fair and
accurate, and will not inadvertently or otherwise influence the outcome of the
Tendering Process, all public information generated in relation to the Work,
including communications with the media and the public, must be
coordinated with, and is subject to the prior approval of, the City.
Tenderers will notify the City of requests for information or interviews from
the media.
June 2011 2-12
�"`z °.
� Division 2—Instruction to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures
2.10.02 Tenderer Not to Communicate With Media and Public (Cont'd)
Tenderers will ensure that all of the Tenderers' Subcontractors and others
associated with the Tenderer comply with the foregoing requirements.
The City reserves the right to:
a) Reject an unbalanced Tender. For the purpose of this section, an unbalanced
tender is a tender containing a unit price which deviates substantially from, or
does not fairly represent reasonable and proper compensation for the unit of
work bid or one that contains prices which appear to be so unbalanced as to
adversely affect the interests of the City. The City reserves the right to use
tenders submitted in response to this Request for Tender or for other like or
similar work as a guideline in determining if a bid is unbalanced.
b) Amend or modify the scope of the Work, and/or cancel or suspend the Tender
award, at any time for any reason;
c) Require Tenderers to provide additional information after the Tender Closing to
support or clarify their Tender;
d) Not accept any or all Tenders;
e) Not accept a Tender from a Tenderer who is involved in litigation, arbitration or
any other similar proceeding against the City;
f) Reject any or all Tenders without any obligation, compensation or reimbursement
to any Tenderer or any of its team members;
g) Withdraw this Request for Tender and cancel or suspend the Tendering Process;
h) Extend, from time to time, any date, any time period or deadline provided in this
Tender (including, without limitation, the Tender Closing), upon written notice to
all Tenderers;
i) Assess and reject a Tender on the basis of:
(i) information provided by references;
(ii) the Tenderer's past performance on previous contracts;
(iii) the information provided by a Tenderer pursuant to the City exercising its
clarification rights under this Tendering Process;
(iv) the Tenderer's experience with performing the type and scope of work
specified including the Tenderer's experience as a general contractor;
(v) other relevant information that arises during this Tendering Process;
j) Waive formalities and accept Tenders which substantially comply with the
requirements of this Request for Tender;
June 2011 2-13
�"`z °.
� Division 2—Instruction to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures
k) Verify with any Tenderer or with a third party any information set out in a Tender;
I) Disqualify any Tenderer whose Tender contains misrepresentations or any other
inaccurate or misleading information;
m) Disqualify any Tenderer who has engaged in conduct prohibited by the Tender
n) Make changes, including substantial changes, to the Tender pocuments
provided that those changes are issued by way of addenda in the manner set out
in these Instructions to Tenderers;
o) Select any Tenderer other than the Tenderer whose Tender reflects the lowest
cost to the City;
p) Cancel this Tendering Process at any stage;
q) Cancel this Tendering Process at any stage and issue a new Request for Tender
for the same or similar deliverables;
r) Accept any Tender in whole or in part; or
s) Accept a Tender which contains the following errors:
(i) error in mathematics —whether this involves the extension of a unit price
or an error in addition, the mistake will be corrected and the correct total
will be used for evaluation purposes and will be binding on the Tenderer.
(ii) conflict between the written and numerical bid prices. In all cases, the
total bid price will be corrected to reflect the written bid price, whether
lump sum or unit price.
(iii) failure to include the contingency allowance in the total Tender Price. If
the contingency allowance was not included in the addition, the Tender
Price shall be corrected to reflect its inclusion.
and these reserved rights are in addition to any other express rights or any other rights
which may be implied in the circumstances and the City shall not be liable for any
expenses, costs, losses or any direct or indirect damages incurred or suffered by any
Tenderer or any third party resulting from the City exercising any of its express or
implied rights under this Request for Tender.
By submitting a Tender, the Tenderer authorizes the collection by the City of the
information set out at paragraph 2.11 i) in the manner contemplated in that
June 2011 2-14
�"`z °.
� Division 2—Instruction to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures
Each Tenderer, by submitting a Tender, agrees that:
a) Neither the City nor any of its employees, agents, advisors or representatives will
be liable, under any circumstances, for any Claim arising out of this Tendering
Process including but not limited to costs of preparation of the Tender, loss of
profits, loss of opportunity or for any other Claim; and
b) The Tenderer waives any Claim for any compensation of any kind whatsoever,
including Claims for cost of preparation of the Tender, loss of profit or loss of
opportunity by reason of the City's decision to not accept the Tender submitted
by the Tenderer, to award a Contract to any other Tenderer or to cancel this
Tendering Process, and the Tenderer shall be deemed to have agreed to waive
such right or Claim.
a) In light of the requirements of Section 169 of the Excise Tax Act, R.S.C. 1985,c.
E-15, and amendments thereto, the selected Tenderer shall provide to the City
properly documented invoices with all requests for payments. This includes a
government issued business number and the amount of tax included on the
b) Failure to provide properly documented invoices may result in delays in
processing payments or outright rejection of the payment request.
June 2011 2-15
- ,s,����
City of Saint John
January 2004 2-16
�"`z °.
� Division 2—Instructions to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures
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City of Saint john
Whereas the City of Saint John seeks to duly represent the public interest in the management of
its public tendering process for construction contracts;
And whereas taxpayers/ratepayers have the right to expect the benefits of free and open
competition, that is, the best goods and services at the lowest possible prices;
And whereas municipal tendering should duly respect the place of other stakeholders, including
vendors and contractors, in the process;
And whereas the values of integrity, effectiveness, due process and efficiency must be inherent in
the process;
Common Council establishes this tendering policy for construction contracts.
Persons and/or companies that submit tenders for construction contracts are deemed to have
understood and agreed to the requirements of this policy and all applicable tender
documentation, as well as all applicable Municipal by-laws and Federal or Provincial statutes.
Applicable federal and provincial statutes include, but are not limited to: the Canada Competition
Act; the New Brunswick Public Procurement Act; the New Brunswick Crown Construction Act;
and the New Brunswick Municipalities Act.
January 2004 2-17
�"`z °.
� Division 2—Instructions to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures
The City of Saint John seeks to optimize fair, open and independent competition for municipal
construction work and to afford interested and qualified contractors the opportunity to seek the
This policy has been established for construction contracts valued in excess of $25,000 (before
HST). The procedures detailed herein shall apply to all publicly advertised tender calls issued on
behalf of the City of Saint John for construction contracts, but do not apply to publicly advertised
tenders for the supply of goods and/or services or to invited bids or calls for proposal.
The following divisions of tender specifications for construction contracts form part of this policy:
Instruction to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures (Division 2); Form of Tender(Division 4); and
Form of Agreement(Division 5).
A public notice of tender shall be issued for all construction contracts valued in excess of twenty-five
thousand dollars ($25,000). The notice shall state the contract number, a brief description, the date
and the time for the closing of tenders, the location of the locked box for receipt of tenders, and the
date, time and location of the tender opening.
The following documentation shall be provided to those persons or companies who wish to submit a
tender, at an appropriate cost as determined by the Chief City Engineer:
1. Division 1: Project Description—as determined by the Chief City Engineer or his designate;
2. Division 2: Instruction to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures—forming part of this policy;
3. Division 3: Particular Specifications - as determined by the Chief City Engineer or his
4. Division 4: Form of Tender - forming part of this policy, and including a Certificate of
Independent Tender Determination;
5. Division 5: Form ofAgreement-forming part of this policy;
6. A notice that Division 6: General Administration of Contract and Division 7: Construction of
Municipa/ Services of the General Specifications of the Municipal Operations & Engineering
Department apply to all contracts, and that it is the responsibility of the tenderer to familiarize
himself with the provisions in Divisions 6 and 7, as well as those of any other division in the
General Specifications determined by the Chief City Engineer or his designate to be
applicable to the contract; and
7. Applicable contract drawings, as determined by the Chief City Engineer or his designate.
January 2004 2-18
�"`z °.
� Division 2—Instructions to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures
Tenders shall be received and processed in accordance with the provisions set out in Division 2:
Instruction to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures.
A tender opening committee is hereby established, consisting of a chairman and two members,
as follows:
Chairman: Purchasing Agent or his designate
Member: Chief City Engineer or his designate
Member: A member of staff designated by the City Manager
The committee shall proceed in accordance with the provisions set out in Division 2.
The City of Saint John reserves the right to reject any or all tenders, or to accept a tender other than
the lowest tender and to accept the tender deemed to be in its best interests, based on evaluation
of relevant criteria, including quality, service and price.
Common Council shall make the decision as to whether or not a contract shall be awarded and to
whom it will be awarded.
The Chief City Engineer may, from time to time, revise the technical provisions of the General
Specifications to reflect changes in technology, methods or construction industry practices.
This policy, adopted by Common Council on November 19, 2003, shall become effective on
January 1 St, 2004.
January 2004 2-19
- ,z����
City of Saint John
`°'�v a,:,�.
City of Saint �ohn
Section Paqe
4.1 Tender ldentification..............................................................................................................4-1
4.2 Tenderer's Responsibilities and Agreement.........................................................................4-1
4.3 Bonding and Insurance Commitments.................................................................................4-3
4.3.01 Tender Deposit........................................................................................................4-3
4.3.02 Performance Guarantee..........................................................................................4-3
4.3.03 Insurance.................................................................................................................4-4
4.4 Statements............................................................................................................................4-4
4.4.01 Reference as to Tenderer's Financial Status..........................................................4-4
4.4.02 Particulars of Tenderer's Recent Contracts............................................................4-4
4.4.03 Particulars of Current Construction Work by Tenderer..........................................4-7
4.4.04 Tenderer's Senior Supervisory Staff.......................................................................4-7
4.4.05 Tenderer's Plant......................................................................................................4-8
4.4.06 Tenderer's Other Resources...................................................................................4-8
4.4.07 Sub-Contractors and Suppliers...............................................................................4-9
4.5 Schedule of Quantities and Unit Prices................................................................................4-9
4.6 Certificate of Independent Tender Determination...........................................................4-9
(Schedule format shall be as specified by the Engineer)................................4-12
ATTACHMENT: TENDERER'S CHECKLIST .......................................................................4-13
(Provided for information only)
'`�=�y'"' Division 4—Form of Tender
Tender No:
Title of Work:
The undersigned hereby agrees that failure to complete all required parts of the Form of Tender shall
be subject to the reserved rights of the City and shall be grounds for rejection of the Tender in
accordance with Section 2.11
The undersigned Tenderer has carefully examined the site of the Work described herein, has
become familiar with local conditions and the character and extent of the Work, has carefully
examined every part of the proposed Contract, and thoroughly understands its stipulations,
requirements and provisions and has carefully examined all of the following documents which
together comprise the Tender pocuments:
1.Project Description (Division 1)
2.Instructions to Tenderers and Tendering Procedures (Division 2)
3.The Particular Specifications (Division 3)
4.The Form of Tender(Division 4)
5.The Form of Agreement(Division 5)
6.The General Specifications (Divisions 6 through 31)
7.The Plans and Drawings
8.Addenda Issued
together, the"Tender pocuments".
The undersigned Tenderer has determined the quality and quantity of materials required, has
investigated the location and determined the source of supply of materials required, has investigated
labour conditions, and has arranged for the continuous execution of the Work herein described.
The undersigned Tenderer hereby agrees to be bound by the award of the contract, and if awarded
the Contract, to sign the Form of Agreement (Division 5) within five (5) working days following the
City's Notice of Selection.
In the event the City accepts its Tender, the undersigned Tenderer hereby agrees to Substantially
Complete the Work no later than
The undersigned Tenderer agrees that he has received all Addenda and the Tender Price includes
the provisions set out in the Addenda.
June 2011 4-1
'`�=�y` ' Division 4—Form of Tender
The undersigned Tenderer further agrees to provide all necessary permits, approvals, labour,
material, plant, equipment, tools, incidentals, products, water, light, heat, power, transportation,
facilities, services and other means of the specified requirements which are necessary to complete
the work in accordance with the contract and agrees to accept, therefor, in payment in full, the unit
prices stated herein in the Schedule of Quantities and Unit Prices, plus applicable taxes, for the
actual quantities performed in accordance with the drawings and specifications, for the total sum of
in Canadian Funds, which price includes HST (the"Tender Price").
By submitting a Tender, the Tenderer absolutely waives any right, cause of action or claim for any
compensation of any kind whatsoever as a result of participating in this Request for Tender Call or
by reason of the City's failure to accept the Tender submitted by the Tenderer, and the Tenderer
shall be deemed to have agreed to waive such right, cause of action or claim.
Place of Signing: Signed, sealed and delivered at
Date of Signing: This day of , in the year
Name and Title: By
Legal Name of Tenderer.• PLACE
Signature of Tenderer or Authorized Agent: SEAL
Signature of Witness: HERE
Address of Tenderer:
June 2011 4-2
'`�=�y` ' Division 4—Form of Tender
Failure of the Tenderer to complete Sections 4.3.01, 4.3.02 and 4.3.03 may be grounds for rejection
of the Tender.
4.3.01 Tender(Bid) Bond or Certified Cheque
A certified cheque or Tender (Bid) Bond accompanies this Tender, as indicated
(a) Certified Cheque
Provided is a certified cheque payable to The City of Saint John in the amount of
Signature of Tenderer or Authorized Agent:
(b) Tender(Bid) Bond
Provided is a Tender (Bid) Bond payable to The City of Saint John in the amount
The Tender (Bid) Bond has been negotiated for, procured from and the premium
paid to a New Brunswick resident agent of an insurance company licensed to do
business in New Brunswick.
Signature of Tenderer or Authorized Agent:
4.3.02 Performance Guarantees
One of the following acceptable forms of Performance Guarantees will
accompany the Contract, as indicated below:
(a) Performance Bond
The Performance Bond and the Labour and Material Payment Bond, each at fifty
percent (50%) of the Tender Price covering the faithful performance of the full
Contract, will be negotiated for, procured from and the premium paid to an
insurance company licensed to do business in the Province of New Brunswick.
A surety consent letter or Agreement to Bond must accompany the Tender
Signature of Tenderer orAuthorized Agent:
June 2011 4-3
'`�=�y` ' Division 4—Form of Tender
4.3.02 Performance Guarantees (Cont'd)
(b) Certified Cheque
In lieu of the performance bond and the labour and material payment bond, we
shall supply a certified cheque in the amount of twenty percent (20%) of the
Tender Price.
Signature of Tenderer or Authorized Agent:
4.3.03 Insurance
The undersigned Tenderer has reviewed the insurance requirements in the
Contract. The following provision for contract insurances will be utilized, as
indicated below:
The insurance required in the contract will be negotiated for, procured from and
the premium paid to an insurance company licensed to do business in the
Province of New Brunswick.
Signature of Tenderer orAuthorized Agent:
A Tender which does not include completed statements at Sections 4.4.01 to 4.4.07 hereunder and
the duly completed Schedule of Quantities and Unit Prices at Appendix 4A may be Disqualified.
4.4.01 Reference Reqardinq Tenderer's Financial Status
Name of Reference:
Address of Reference:
4.4.02 Particulars of Tenderer's Recent Contracts
The Tenderer shall provide hereunder particulars of at least three (3), and if
possible, five (5) contracts which the Tenderer has successfully carried to
completion within the last three (3)years, or is now carrying to completion.
Tenderers shall be actually engaged in performing the type and standard of work
specified, and the projects referenced below shall be work of a similar character
to the Work now being tendered and shall be of comparable or greater size.
Tenderers who have not performed work for The City of Saint John within the last
three (3) years shall submit additional information with the Form of Tender that
would demonstrate the Tenderer's ability to perform the type and standard of
work specified and the Tenderer's financial, technical and project management
June 2011 4-4
'`�=�y'`' Division 4—Form of Tender
4.4.02 Particulars of Tenderer's Recent Contracts (ConYd)
Contract 1: Brief description of contract:
Owner and contact name:
Contractor's supervisor:
Year completed: Contract Value:
Contract 2: Brief description of contract:
Owner and contact name:
Contractor's supervisor:
Year completed: Contract Value:
Contract 3: Brief description of contract:
Owner and contact name:
Contractor's supervisor:
Year completed: Contract Value:
June 2011 4-5
'`�=�y'`' Division 4—Form of Tender
4.4.02 Particulars of Tenderer's Recent Contracts (Cont'd)
Contract 4: Brief description of contract:
Owner and contact name:
Contractor's supervisor:
Year completed: Contract Value:
Contract 5: Brief description of contract:
Owner and contact name:
Contractor's supervisor:
Year completed: Contract Value:
Contract 6: Brief description of contract:
Owner and contact name:
Contractor's supervisor:
Year completed: Contract Value:
June 2011 4-6
'`�=�y'` ' Division 4—Form of Tender
4.4.03 Particulars of Current Construction Work by Tenderer
If none of the projects described in 4.4.02 were in progress in Canada during the
twelve (12) months immediately preceding this Tender, the Tenderer shall provide
below particulars of a contract which the Tenderer satisfactorily carried out in
Canada during that period.
Brief description of contract:
Owner and contact name:
Date of commencement:
Date of(anticipated)completion:
Contract value:
Contractor's supervisor:
4.4.04 Tenderer's Senior Supervisory Staff
The Tenderer shall identify their senior supervisory staff in the spaces below.
Tenderers who have not performed work for the City within the last three (3)years
shall submit with their Form of Tender a completed resume for each staff
member listed hereunder outlining their experience, education,
designations/certificates and continued training/education.)
Name Position Qualifications #Years
June 2011 4-7
'`�=�y` ' Division 4—Form of Tender
4.4.05 Tenderer's Plant
The Tenderer shall list below the construction plant (type of machinery,
equipment, trucks, etc.) the Tenderer proposes to use, other plant under the
Tenderers control, and the plant the Tenderer proposes to hire, to complete the
work within the time allowed.
Model#8� Gas/ Net Engine Bucket Size
Type Make Year Diesel Horsepower Excavator
4.4.06 Tenderer's Other Resources
The Tenderer shall list below the batch plant, gravel pits or quarries, and the like
that the Tenderer proposes to use to complete the work within the time allowed.
June 2011 4-8
'`�=�y` ' Division 4—Form of Tender
4.4.07 Sub-Contractors and Suppliers
Tenderers shall state the name and address of each proposed sub-contractor or
The listing of more than one sub-contractor or supplier for any one sub-trade or
failure to submit a complete list of sub-contractors and suppliers may be grounds
for rejection of the Tender. After the the City has provided the selected Tenderer
with written notification of the City's acceptance of its Tender, the selected
Tenderer shall not substitute other sub-contractors or suppliers in place of those
named below without the written approval of the Engineer.
Sub-Trade or Name of Sub-Contractor/Supplier Address
The tenderer shall complete and attach as Appendix 4A the required Schedule of Quantities and Unit
Prices for the Work tendered, in the format specified by the Engineer.
I, the undersigned, in submitting the accompanying Tender to The City of Saint John for:
Tender No.:
Title of Work:
do hereby make the following statements that I certify to be true and complete in every respect:
I certify, on behalf of that:
(Corporate Name of Tenderer)
June 2011 4-9
'`�=�y'`' Division 4—Form of Tender
1. I have read and I understand the contents of this Certificate;
2. I understand that the accompanying Tender will be disqualified if this Certificate is
found not to be true and complete in every respect;
3. I am authorized by the Tenderer to sign this Certificate, and to submit the
accompanying Tender, on behalf of the Tenderer;
4. Each person whose signature appears on the accompanying Tender has been
authorized by the Tenderer to determine the terms of, and to sign, the Tender, on
behalf of the Tenderer;
5. For the purposes of this Certificate and the accompanying Tender, I understand
that the word "competitor" shall include any individual or organization, other than
the Tenderer, whether or not affiliated with the Tenderer, who:
(a) may submit a Tender in response to this Request for Tender;
(b) could potentially submit a Tender in response to this Request for Tender,
based on their qualifications, abilities or experience;
6. The Tenderer discloses that(check one of the followinq onlv, as applicable):
❑ the Tenderer has arrived at the accompanying Tender independently
from, and without consultation, communication, agreement or
arrangement with, any competitor; or
❑ the Tenderer has entered into consultations, communications,
agreements or arrangements with one or more competitors regarding this
Request for Tender, and the Tenderer discloses, in the attached
document(s), complete details thereof, including the names of the
competitors and the nature of, and reasons for, such consultations,
communications, agreements or arrangements.
7. In particular, without limiting the generality of paragraphs (6)(a) or (6)(b) above,
there has been no consultation, communication, agreement or arrangement with
any competitor regarding:
(a) prices;
(b) methods, factors or formulas used to calculate prices;
(c) the intention or decision to submit, or not to submit, a Tender; or
(d) the submission of a Tender which does not meet the specifications of the
Request for Tender;
except as specifically disclosed pursuant to paragraph (6)(b)above;
June 2011 4-10
'`�=�y'`' Division 4—Form of Tender
8. In addition, there has been no consultation, communication, agreement or
arrangement with any competitor regarding the quality, quantity, specifications or
delivery particulars of the products or services to which this Request for Tender
relates, except as specifically authorized by The City of Saint John or as
specifically disclosed pursuant to paragraph (6)(b)above;
9. The terms of the accompanying Tender have not been, and will not be, knowingly
disclosed by the Tenderer, directly or indirectly, to any competitor, prior to the
date and time of the official Tender Opening, or of the awarding of the Contract,
whichever comes first, unless otherwise required by law or as specifically
disclosed pursuant to paragraph (6)(b) above.
Name of Tenderer or Authorized Agent:
Signature of Tenderer or Authorized Agent:
Position Tit/e:
Address of Tenderer.•
June 2011 4-11
'`�=�y` ' Division 4—Form of Tender
(The onus is entirely on the Tenderer to understand all the requirements of the tendering
process.and the Tender pocuments. This checklist is provided for information only and is not
required to be submitted with the Form of Tender.)
❑ Has your Tender been signed and witnessed?
❑ Have you sealed the Form of Tender with your corporate seal?
❑ Have you enclosed your Tender(Bid) Bond or certified cheque?
❑ Have you enclosed the surety consent letter?
❑ Have you completed all sections of the Form of Tender?
❑ Have you completed all schedules and prices in the Form of Tender?
❑ Have you written each unit price or lump sum price out in words, including the words "dollars"
and "cents"?
❑ Have you included signed copies of all addenda signature pages?
❑ Have you listed your Subcontractors and suppliers?
❑ Have you listed your experience in similar work?
❑ Have you listed your senior staff?
❑ Have you listed the Tenderer's plant?
❑ Have you attached required appendices and required supplemental information?
❑ Are the documents complete?
❑ Is everything legible?
(a) Place the Tender in an envelope;
(b) Seal the envelope;
(c) Put the Tender number, title of Work and closing date and time on the sealed
(d) Put the full legal name and return address of the Tenderer on the envelope; and
(e) Deposit the envelope in the Tender Box located at the Municipal Operations &
Engineering building, 175 Rothesay Avenue, 2nd Floor, Saint John, N.B.
June 2011 4-13
� ��.
City of Saint John
City of Saint John
Section Paqe
6.1 Definitions and Interpretations........................................................................................ 6-1
6.2 Extent of Contract and Adherence to Drawings and Specifications ............................... 6-4
6.3 Authority of the Engineer
6.3.01 General .............................................................................................................. 6-4
6.3.02 Orders of the Engineers..................................................................................... 6-4
6.3.03 Construction Methods and Equipment............................................................... 6-4
6.3.04 Unauthorized Work............................................................................................ 6-4
6.3.05 Work to the Satisfaction of the Engineer ........................................................... 6-5
6.3.06 Alterations, Additions and Deletions.................................................................. 6-5
6.4 Contract Documents....................................................................................................... 6-6
6.4.01 Interpretation of Contract Documents................................................................ 6-6
6.4.02 Interpretation of Plans and Contract Specifications........................................... 6-6
6.4.03 Verification of Measurements and Dimensions ................................................. 6-6
6.4.04 Distribution of Contract Documents .................................................................. 6-6
6.5 Sufficiency of Tender...................................................................................................... 6-6
6.6 Assignment .................................................................................................................... 6-7
6.7 Bonds.............................................................................................................................. 6-7
6.7.01 Performance Bond.......................................................................................... 6-7
6.7.02 Labour and Material Payment Bond............................................................... 6-7
6.7.03 Duration of Bonds........................................................................................... 6-7
6.7.04 Certified Cheque(s) in Lieu of Bonds.............................................................. 6-8
6.8 Insurance and Worksafe NB........................................................................................... 6-8
6.8.01 Liability Insurance........................................................................................... 6-8
6.8.02 Automobile Insurance..................................................................................... 6-9
6.8.03 WorkSafeNB................................................................................................... 6-9
6.8.04 Insurance Policies and Certificates ................................................................ 6-9
6.9 Indemnity .......................................................................................................................6-10
6.9.01 Agreement to Indemnify and Hold Harmless.................................................6-10
6.9.02 Loss or Damage ............................................................................................6-10
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CiCy of Saint ]ohn
Section Paqe
6.10 Labour, Materials, Workmanship and Testing ...............................................................6-10
6.11 Engineer's Representative.............................................................................................6-11
6.12 Contractor's Representative...........................................................................................6-11
6.13 Schedule of Work...........................................................................................................6-12
6.14 Commencement of Work, Possession of Site, Easements,
Permitsand Licences.....................................................................................................6-12
6.15 Time For Completion......................................................................................................6-13
6.16 Measurement of the Quantities of Work........................................................................6-13
6.17 Changes in the Work......................................................................................................6-13
6.18 Maintenance Period.......................................................................................................6-15
6.18A Response to Defect, Fault or Deficiency Identified Prior To or During
6.19 Certificates (Non-Payment)............................................................................................6-15
6.19.01 Certificate of Substantial Completion ............................................................6-15
6.19.02 Certificate of Final Completion.......................................................................6-15
6.19.03 Certificate of Final Acceptance......................................................................6-16
6.20 Payment Certificates......................................................................................................6-16
6.20.01 Interim Payments...........................................................................................6-16
6.20.02 Holdback Release..........................................................................................6-17
6.20.03 Final Payment................................................................................................6-18
6.21 Liquidated Damages for Late Completion .....................................................................6-18
6.22 Books and Records of the Contractor and Subcontractors ...........................................6-18
6.23 Contractor to Pay Promptly............................................................................................6-19
6.24 Wages ..........................................................................................................................6-19
6.25 Suspension of Work and Inclement Weather................................................................6-19
6.26 Dismissal of Contractor..................................................................................................6-20
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CiCy of Saint ]ohn
Section Paqe
6.27 Bankruptcy and Insolvency............................................................................................6-20
6.28 Standard Specifications .................................................................................................6-21
6.29 Contract Documents Available On Site..........................................................................6-21
6.30 Notices ....................................................................................................................6-22
6.31 Waiver ....................................................................................................................6-22
6.32 Disputes-Arbitration......................................................................................................6-22
6.32.01 Engineer to Decide Contract Related Issues.................................................6-22
6.32.02 Notice of Claim for Additional Time or Money...............................................6-23
6.32.03 Barred Claims................................................................................................6-23
6.32.04 Engineer's Decision.......................................................................................6-23
6.32.05 Contractor's Obligations Following the Engineer's Decision.........................6-23
6.32.06 Arbitration.......................................................................................................6-23
6.33 Equivalents ....................................................................................................................6-24
6.34 Verbal Arrangements.....................................................................................................6-25
6.35 Others' Rights ................................................................................................................6-25
6.36 Claims of Contractors.....................................................................................................6-26
6.37 Elected Members...........................................................................................................6-26
6.38 Night, Saturday, Sunday and Holiday Work ..................................................................6-26
6.39 Right of Set Off...............................................................................................................6-27
SCHEDULE A Confirmation of Coverage Form.....................................................................6-28
Division 6—General Administration of Contract
In this Contract the following capitalized words and expressions shall have the following
"ADDENDA" or "ADDENDUM" means each and every written document issued by the
Authorized Enquiry Contact or the Designated Alternate Contact for the purpose of
responding to an enquiry, amending or clarifying the Tender pocuments and Tendering
"APPROVED" or "APPROVAL" refer to approval by the Engineer unless otherwise
"AUTHORIZED ENQUIRY CONTACT" means the person(s) identified at section 2.5.01.
"AUTHORITY" means any government authority, agency, body or department, whether
federal, provincial or municipal, having or claiming jurisdiction over this Agreement; and
Authorities means all such authorities, agencies, bodies and departments.
"CITY" and "OWNER" means The City of Saint John, a municipality in the Province of
New Brunswick.
"CLAIM" means any claim, demand, liability, damage, loss, suit, action, or cause of
action or other proceedings by whomsoever claimed and all costs and expenses relating
thereto and Claims shall have a corresponding meaning.
"COMMON COUNCIL" means the elected municipal council of the City.
"CONSULTANT" means a consulting engineer or engineering firm or an architect or
architectural firm who or which is currently licensed to practice within the Province of New
Brunswick and has been designated or approved by the Chief City Engineer to carry out
engineering or architectural services required to complete the project.
"CONTRACT" means a written contract to be entered into between the Contractor and
the City and includes the Contract Specifications (Project Description (Division 1), the
Instructions To Tenderers and Tendering Procedures (Division 2), the Particular
Specifications (Division 3), the duly completed Form of Tender (Division 4), the Form of
Agreement (Division 5), the General Specifications (Divisions 6 through 30), the Plans
and Drawings, and all addenda.
"CONTRACTOR" means the selected Tenderer who entered into the Contract with the
City, and includes a person who, the Contractor has advised the City in writing, is
authorized to act as the representative of the Contractor.
"CONTRACT PRICE" means the sum that has been approved by Common Council and
is set out in the Contract for the construction, erection, completion, testing and
maintenance of the Work subject to such additions thereto or deductions therefrom as
may be made pursuant to the Contract.
June 2011 6-1
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Division 6—General Administration of Contract
"CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT" means all fixed or mobile machines, tools or other
things, whether owned or rented by the Contractor, which are required in the execution of
the Work but does not include equipment, materials, or other things forming or intended
to form part of the permanent Work.
"DESIGNATED ALTERNATE CONTACT" means the person(s) as identified in section
"DISQUALIFIED' means exclusion of a Tenderer's Tender by the City from the
Tendering Process and Disqualification shall have a corresponding meaning and
Disqualify shall have a corresponding meaning.
"DRAWINGS" or "PLANS" means the drawings or plans referred to in the Contract and
any modification thereto approved in writing by the Engineer, for the purpose of the
"ENGINEER" includes the Chief City Engineer, or any Engineer who is employed by the
City and has been designated by the Chief City Engineer to act on his behalf, or a
Consultant which has been retained in writing by the Chief City Engineer or the Engineer
acting on behalf of the Chief City Engineer.
"ENGINEER'S REPRESENTATIVE" means any person who is employed by the City and
had been designated by the Engineer to act on his behalf.
"EQUIPMENT DOWNTIME" means time during which Construction Equipment used in
the carrying out the Work must remain idle because of decisions made by the City, or
investigations, clarifications or changes in the Work required by the City.
"INCIDENTAL SERVICES OR ITEMS" refer to any items of work, material, labour or
equipment necessary to complete the Work in accordance with the Contract, or otherwise
required by a manufacturer or in accordance with recognized standards and procedures
for which there is no particularly or specified item under the Contract, and for which no
payment will be made.
"LABOUR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND" has the meaning as set forth in section
"MACHINERY CONTRACTOR" means a person with whom the City has or will enter into
a Machinery Contract or has placed or will place an order for item(s) of electrical and/or
mechanical plant and/or equipment for incorporation in the Work.
"PERFORMANCE BOND" has the meaning as set forth in sections 2.2.06 and 6.7.01.
"PERFORMANCE GUARANTEES" means both the Labour and Material Payment Bond
and the Performance Bond;
"PLANT" includes all implements, machinery, vehicles, buildings, structures, equipment,
articles, etc. required for the execution of the Work.
"SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES AND UNIT PRICES" means the various rates and prices
entered by the Contractor in the Schedule of Quantities and Unit Prices attached as
Appendix 4A to Division 4— Form of Tender at the time of tendering.
June 2011 6-2
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Division 6—General Administration of Contract
"SITE" means the lands and other places, on, under, in or through which the Work, in
whole or in part, is to be executed or carried out and any other lands owned by the City
for the purpose of the Contract.
"SPECIFICATIONS" means the Project Description (Division 1), the Instructions to
Tenderers and Tendering Procedures (Division 2), the Particular Specifications (Division
3), the Form of Tender (Division 4), the Form of Agreement (Division 5) and the General
Specifications (Division 6-31).
"SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION" of the Work shall have been reached when the work is
ready for use or is being used for the purpose intended and is so certified by the
Engineer and the Work has passed any final tests required under the Contract, and the
Contractor has given a written undertaking to complete any outstanding work
expeditiously; and Substantially Complete shall have a corresponding meaning.
"TENDER" means a tender submitted by a Tenderer in response to this Tendering
Process, and Tender Submission(s) shall have a corresponding meaning;
"TENDER(BID) BOND" has the meaning set forth in section 2.6.02(c)above.
"TENDER BOX" means the locked box for receipt of Tenders, located at Municipal
Operations & Engineering, 175 Rothesay Avenue, 2nd Floor, Saint John, New Brunswick;
"TENDER CLOSING" means the time and date for submission of Tenders as set forth in
section 2.3;
"TENDER DOCUMENTS" has the meaning set forth at section 4.2.02.
"TENDER OPENING COMMITTEE" consists of a chairman (Purchasing Agent or his/her
designate), and two members (Chief City Engineer or his designate and a member of
staff designated by the City Manager) designated to evaluate each Tender;
"TENDER OPENING LOCATION" means the Municipal Operations and Engineering
Complex, 175 Rothesay Avenue, 2nd Floor Boardroom, Saint John, New Brunswick
"TENDER PRICE" has the meaning set forth at section 4.2.07.
"TENDERER" means any entity, including a company, firm, consortium, joint venture or
partnership, which responds to Tendering Process, who is registered with the City as
having taken or received Tender pocuments relating to the project;
"TENDERING PROCESS" means the overall process for the selection of a Tenderer to
provide the type and standard of Work in conformance with the Specifications and
Drawings as contemplated in this process;
"WORK" means the Work that is described in the Contract and is to be carried out in
accordance with the Contract.
"WORKING DAY" means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or statutory holiday in
New Brunswick.
June 2011 6-3
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Division 6—General Administration of Contract
The Work consists of the construction, completion, testing and maintenance of the Work that is
described in the Contract, and the provision of everything required to complete the Work,
including labour, materials, equipment, and temporary work.
The Contractor shall carry out the Work strictly in accordance with the Drawings and
Specifications, and with any supplementary directions, details or Change Orders issued or
approved by the Engineer as being required for the proper completion of the Work.
6.3.01 General
The Engineer has full authority to define the meanings of the Drawings and other
Contract Documents. The Engineer, either personally or through the Engineer's
Representative, shall be the sole judge of the workmanship and materials in
respect of both quality and quantity and has full powers to examine, inspect and
approve or reject materials, methods of procedure and workmanship provided or
used in the execution of the Contract and to determine whether or not materials
and workmanship are of the character required by the intent and meaning of the
Drawings and other Contract Documents.
Subject to section 6.32 (Disputes — Arbitration), the Engineer's decision shall be
final and binding upon the Contractor.
6.3.02 Orders of the Enqineer
a) The Contractor shall promptly and efficiently comply with all orders,
directions and instructions given at any time by the Engineer with respect to
the Work or the conduct thereof;
b) If the Contractor disagrees with any order, direction or instruction given at
any time by the Engineer, he shall perform the Work as instructed and shall
serve notice in accordance with the terms set out at section 6.32.02.
6.3.03 Construction Methods and Equipment
a) Equipment and methods used shall be appropriate to perform the Work
outlined in the Contract Documents.
b) The Engineer reserves the right to order the discontinuance or use of any
Construction Equipment or method which fails to consistently produce
satisfactory results.
6.3.04 Unauthorized Work
a) Any work done or material supplied by the Contractor which is beyond the
lines, grades, or descriptions detailed in the Contract Documents, or
established by the Engineer by written notification, shall be considered as
unauthorized and may not be measured for payment.
June 2011 6-4
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Division 6—General Administration of Contract
6.3.04 Unauthorized Work (Cont'd)
b) Upon order of the Engineer, unauthorized Work or materials shall be
remedied, removed or replaced by the Contractor, at his own expense.
(i) If the Contractor fails to comply promptly with any order made under
this section, the Engineer may cause unauthorized Work or material
to be remedied, removed or replaced in accordance with the terms of
this Division 6.
6.3.05 Work to the Satisfaction of the Enqineer
The Contractor shall construct, complete, test and maintain the Work in strict
accordance with the Contract to the satisfaction of the Engineer and shall comply
with, and adhere strictly to, the Engineer's instructions and directions on any
matter that the Engineer deems relevant and in the best interest of the City,
whether mentioned in the Contract or not. The Contractor shall take instructions
and directions only from the Engineer, or where applicable, from the Engineer's
6.3.06 Alterations, Additions and Deletions
The Engineer may order variations or changes to the form, quality or quantity of
the Work. The Contractor shall, upon receipt of a written Change Order from the
Engineer to this effect, do any of the following as may be necessary in order to
comply with said order:
a) Increase or decrease the quantity of any work included in the Contract;
b) Delete any such work;
c) Change the character or quality or kind of any such work;
d) Change the levels, lines, position, and dimensions of any part of the work;
e) Execute additional work of any kind necessary for the completion of the
No such variation or change will be made by the Contractor without first obtaining
a written Change Order from the Engineer, which shall set out the general
authority to perform the same, the details of the work to be performed and the
amount or basis upon which the Contractor will be paid for same.
All the provisions of this Contract shall apply to any change ordered by the
Engineer to the same extent as to the Work described in the Contract.
The valuation of such variations or changes shall be made pursuant to Section
6.17, "Changes in the Work".
June 2011 6-5
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Division 6—General Administration of Contract
6.4.01 Interpretation of Contract Documents
a) in the event of discrepancies or conflicts between the Drawings, the
Contract Specifications and the "General Specifications Division 6 - General
Administration of ContracY', the "General Specifications Division 6 - General
Administration of ContracY' shall govern; and
b) in the event of discrepancies or conflicts between the General Specifications
— Divisions 7 through 30 - and the "Contract Specifications Division 3 -
Particular Specifications", the "Contract Specifications Division 3 - Particular
Specifications" shall govern.
6.4.02 Interpretation of Plans and Contract Specifications
a) In the event of discrepancies or conflicts between the Drawings and the
Contract Specifications, the Contract Specifications shall govern;
b) in the event of discrepancies or conflicts between Drawings, the Drawings
drawn with the largest scale shall govern; and
c) in the event discrepancies between figured dimensions and scaled
dimensions, the figured dimensions shall govern.
6.4.03 Verification of Measurements and Dimensions
The Contractor shall verify all measurements and dimensions and report any
discrepancies to the Engineer.
6.4.04 Distribution of Contract Documents
The Drawings, Contract Specifications, and associated documents shall remain
the sole property of the City, but two (2) copies thereof shall be provided to the
Contractor at no charge. The Contractor shall promptly give notice in writing to
the Engineer of any further drawings or plans or Contract Specifications required
for the proper execution of the Work pursuant to the Contract and these will be
provided to the Contractor at cost price. The Engineer may supply to the
Contractor from time to time during the progress of the Work such further
additional or substitute drawings or plans and instructions as the Engineer
considers to be necessary or desirable for the purpose of the proper and
adequate execution and maintenance of the Work.
Tenderers shall inspect and examine the site and its surroundings before submitting a tender. A
Tenderer who submits a tender is deemed to be satisfied as to the nature of the ground and
subsoil, the form and nature of the Site, the quantities and nature of the Work, the materials
necessary for the completion of the Work, the means of access to the Site, any accommodation
which may be required, and in general to have obtained all necessary information as to the
proposed Work and as to any risks, contingencies, and other circumstances affecting the Work.
June 2011 6-6
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Division 6—General Administration of Contract
The Tenderer shall be deemed to have satisfied himself before submitting a Tender as to the
correctness and sufficiency of the Tender and the prices entered in the Schedules of Quantities
and Unit Prices, Division 4 of the Contract Specifications, and such prices shall be deemed to
cover and include all obligations under the Contract.
The Contractor shall not assign any of the rights, benefits or obligations under the Contract
without the written consent of the City. The consent of the City does not relieve the Contractor
from liability under the Contract.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Contractor shall, where required under the Contract, employ
specialized subcontractors for execution of those parts of the Work requiring special skills. The
Contractor is responsible to the City for all work done by its subcontractors and all work
performed by subcontractors shall comply with the Contract.
The Contractor shall comply, or bring about compliance, with all orders, notices, etc. given to it by
the Engineer with respect to the execution of the Work by the Contractor or its subcontractors.
The Contractor shall deliver the following bonds or certified cheques to the City within five (5)
Working Days following the City's notice of selection:
6.7.01 Performance Bond
The Contractor shall provide to the City a Performance Bond covering the faithful
performance of the Contract, including the period of maintenance, satisfactory to
the City as to form and issuer. The bond shall be for fifty percent (50%) of the
contract price, and shall be with a Guarantee Surety company that is satisfactory
to the City and is authorized to carry on business in the Province of New
Brunswick. The City shall, upon receiving and approving the Performance Bond,
return the Tender(Bid) Bond or certified cheque in lieu thereof.
6.7.02 Labour and Material Pavment Bond
The Contractor shall provide to the City a Labour and Material Payment Bond.
The bond shall be for fifty percent (50%) of the contract price and shall be with
a Guarantee Surety company that is satisfactory to the City and is authorized
to carry on business in the Province of New Brunswick.
6.7.03 Duration of Bonds
The Performance Bond and the Labour and Material Payment Bond shall remain
in effect until the Engineer issues the Certificate of Final Acceptance pursuant to
section 6.19.03.
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6.7.04 Certified Cheque(s) In Lieu of Bonds
The Contractors may provide a certified cheque in the amount of twenty percent
(20%) of the contract price in lieu of the Performance Bond and the Labour and
Material Payment Bond.
Sixty (60) days after issuing the Certificate of Substantial Completion pursuant to
section 6.19.01, the City shall release seventy-five percent (75%) of the certified
cheque. The remaining twenty-five percent (25%) shall not be released until
after the Certificate of Final Acceptance has been issued.
6.8.01 Liabilitv Insurance
The Contractor shall supply and keep in force for the full term of this Contract, a
Wrap up Liability policy against liability for bodily and property damage that may
arise with respect to the Work being performed under the Contract. This policy
shall include the following:
a) Coverage shall be on an occurrence basis with inclusive limits of at least five
million dollars ($5,000,000);
b) The City of Saint John, the Sub-Contractors, the Engineer and the Architect,
shall be named as Additional Insured with respect to the operations of the
c) Contractual Liability with respect to this Contract;
d) Coverage for bodily injury and property with the amount set forth;
e) A Cross Liability Clause;
f) Contingent Employers Liability coverage;
g) Non-Owned Automobile or licensed vehicle Liability coverage;
h) Completed Operations coverage, with respect to this Contract, that shall
remain in force for the duration of the guarantee period ( maintenance
period) which is a period of twelve (12) months from the date of issuance of
the Certificate of Final Completion;
i) Thirty (30) days' written notice shall be given to the City of Saint John in the
event of the cancellation, substantial amendment, or lapse, of this policy.
j) Coverage for Broad Form property damage; and
A separate policy endorsement shall be provided if any blasting is to be carried
out under the Contract.
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6.8.02 Automobile Insurance
The Contractor shall insure and maintain insurance against liability for bodily
injury and property damage caused by motor vehicles owned by the Contractor
and used with respect to the Work. Such insurance shall have an inclusive limit
of at least five million dollars ($5,000,000). For the purposes of this Contract,
the definition of a "motor vehicle" shall be the same as the definition of a "motor
vehicle" in the Motor Vehicle Act, R.S.N.B., c. M-17, and amendments thereto.
6.8.03 WorkSafeNB
The Contractor shall pay such assessments as will protect the Contractor and the
City from claims under the New Brunswick Workplace Health, Safety and
Compensation Commission Act, 1994, S.N.B., c. W-14, and amendments
thereto. The Contractor shall provide to the City a letter from WorkSafeNB
stating that the Contractor is in good standing and is fully covered under said Act,
pursuant to section 6.8.04.
6.8.04 Insurance Policies and Certificates
The Contractor shall, within five (5) Working Days following the City's notice of
selection deliver the following:
a) Insurance Certificates, acceptable to the City, indicating compliance with the
Liability and Automobile Insurance requirements set out in the Contract;
b) A Confirmation of Coverage in the form attached hereto as Schedule A
detailing the items listed in Clause 6.8.01 — "Liability Insurance". The
Confirmation of Coverage Form shall be attached to the Insurance
c) A certificate from WorkSafeNB which confirms that the Contractor is in good
standing under the Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation
Commission Act, 1994, S.N.B. c. W-14, and amendments thereto.
The Worksafe NB certificate shall also be delivered:
(i) At intervals of six (6) months during the course of the Contract, and
(ii) Sixty (60) days after the Certificate of Substantial Completion has
been issued.
d) A Certificate of Good Standing from Service New Brunswick - Corporate
e) For Contracts with a Tender Price exceeding $1,000,000.00 (inclusive of
HST), the Contractor shall provide a current Letter of Good Standing or a
Letter of Good Standing "In Process" under the Certificate of Recognition
Program issued by the New Brunswick Construction Safety Association.
Out-of-province Tenderers shall supply an equivalent from the Tenderer's
province of origin, acceptable to the Engineer.
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Division 6—General Administration of Contract
6.9.01 Aqreement to Indemnify and Hold Harmless
The Contractor hereby indemnifies, defends and saves harmless the City, its
employees, officers, agents, successors and assigns, from and against any and
all losses, costs, claims, demands, expenses, proceedings and actions of every
nature and kind for injury or damages, including indirect, consequential and
incidental damages, to persons or property which are or may be in any way
related to, or connected or associated with the Work done or purported to be
done in any manner under the Contract.
6.9.02 Loss or Damaqe
The Contractor hereby releases and forever discharges the City from and against
any and all losses, costs, claims, demands, expenses, proceedings and actions
of every nature and kind for injury or damages, including direct, consequential
and incidental damages to the Work or to any material, equipment or similar item
to be used or incorporated in the Work, which are or may be in any way related
to or caused by fire or any like circumstances. The Contractor shall properly
guard the Work and make good all loss or damage of whatever nature or origin
that may arise, until the Work is completed and the Certificate of Final
Acceptance has been issued.
The Contractor shall employ qualified personnel and pay wages in accordance with all applicable
Federal and Provincial rules, requirements and legislation.
All equipment, materials and workmanship described in the Contract shall be of the highest
quality and in accordance with the Engineer's instructions and shall be subjected from time to
time to such standard tests as the Engineer may direct at the place of manufacture or fabrication
or on the Site. The Engineer may forbid the use of any materials if, upon delivery, they are found
to be defective or if the Engineer considers them unsuitable for use or incorporation in the Work.
The Contractor shall keep the Engineer fully advised of the order and delivery dates of materials.
The Contractor shall, at no cost to the City, provide such assistance, instruments, machines,
labour, and materials as are normally required for examining, measuring and testing the Work
and the quality, weight or quantity of any material used for the Work. The Contractor shall also
supply samples of materials before use or incorporation in the Work for testing, as may be
required by the Engineer. The cost of doing so shall be deemed to have been distributed among
and included in the Schedule of Quantities and Unit Prices.
The Contractor hereby releases and forever discharges the City from and against any costs,
claims, expenses, proceedings and actions of every nature and kind for injury or damages,
including indirect, consequential and incidental damages to persons or property which are, or
may be in any way related to, or connected or associated with the rejection by the Engineer of
such materials, and the removing of such materials from the Work and /or the Site.
The Contractor is not required to provide for testing the material of any equipment obtained from
Machinery Contractors, unless, in the opinion of the Engineer, such equipment has suffered, or
may reasonably be assumed to have suffered, damage while in the care of the Contractor.
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Division 6—General Administration of Contract
The duties of the Engineer's Representative are to watch over and supervise the Work and also
to supervise the testing and examination of all materials to be used, or workmanship employed, in
connection with the Work. Except as expressly provided in the Contract, the Engineer's
Representative does not have any authority to relieve the Contractor of any of the Contractor's
duties or obligations under the Contract, to order any work involving delay or extra cost to the City
or to make variations in the Work.
The Engineer may from time to time in writing delegate to the Engineer's Representative any of
the powers and authorities vested in the Engineer, and shall provide to the Contractor a copy of
all such written delegations of powers and authorities. Only those written instructions or written
approval given by the Engineer's Representative to the Contractor within the terms of such
delegation shall bind the Contractor and the City as though it had been given by the Engineer.
Failure of the Engineer's Representative to disapprove any work or materials shall not prevent the
Engineer from disapproving such work or materials and ordering the pulling down, removal or
breaking up thereof.
The Contractor may, if he is not satisfied with a decision of the Engineer's Representative, refer
the matter to the Engineer who may confirm, rescind or vary such decision.
The Contractor shall, at all times during the continuation of the Contract, keep in full-time
employment on the Site a competent Superintendent, Foreman or Agent who shall act as the
Contractor's Representative and be fully empowered to act for and on behalf of and bind the
Contractor in all matters pertaining to the Contract. Any explanation, order, instruction, direction
or request given to the said representative shall be deemed to have been given to the Contractor.
The appointment of any Superintendent, Foreman or Agent as the Contractor's Representative
shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer, and such approval may be withdrawn at any
time. The Contractor's Representative shall, if the Engineer so requires, be solely employed for
work directly connected with the Contract.
The Contractor shall upon request of the Engineer remove from the Work any Superintendent,
Foreman, Agent or any other person employed by the Contractor to do work on the Contract who,
in the opinion of the Engineer, is incompetent or has been conducting himself improperly. The
Contractor shall not allow a person so removed by the Engineer to remain on the Site of the
The Contractor's representative shall be available to be contacted at any time on weekends,
holidays or after working hours. This representative shall carry a pager or mobile telephone at all
times and shall answer all calls made by the Engineer or the Engineer's Representative. The
Contractor's Representative will be expected to receive and handle calls regarding conditions of
the construction Site, safety, traffic, etc. The pager, telephone or mobile telephone number of the
Contractor's Representative shall be given to the Engineer prior to commencement of the Work.
Should the City be unable to contact the Contractor's representative, the City may, in its sole
discretion, correct any deficient conditions on the Work Site as are deemed necessary by the
Engineer, and recover the cost of doing so from the Contractor. The City may set off such costs
against any monies owed to the Contractor under the Contract.
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Division 6—General Administration of Contract
The Contractor shall as soon as is practicable, and in any case not later than ten (10) Working
Days after the City has issued its Notice of Selection, submit to the Engineer for approval a
schedule showing the order in or procedure and method according to which the Contractor
proposes to carry out the Work. The Contractor shall, whenever required by the Engineer,
provide particulars in writing of the Contractor's arrangements for the carrying out of the Work of
the construction plant and temporary works which the Contractor intends to supply, use or
construct as the case may be. The submission to and approval by the Engineer of such
information shall not relieve the Contractor of its obligations under the Contract, nor shall it
preclude the Engineer from ordering and directing at any time in what order or where the Work
shall proceed.
The Contractor shall commence the Work within ten (10) Working Days after receipt of an order
in writing to this effect from the Engineer and shall proceed with the same diligently, in
accordance with the Engineer's directions and the schedule approved by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall take possession of the Site as soon as practicable after receipt of the
Engineer's orders to commence the Work.
The City shall acquire all easements necessary for the Contractor to complete the Work.
Subject to section 7.12 "Environmental Compliance", the Contractor, at the Contractor's own
expense, shall obtain all permits, permissions, licences, and approvals in connection with the
Contract and shall deliver these to the Engineer.
When the Contractor is constructing an above ground structure, or an underground structure with
electrical works, the Contractor shall obtain and pay for building permits and electrical permits.
All permits and approvals shall be applied for so they are obtained well in advance of the time
they will be required. This includes but is not limited to electrical permits, building permits,
demolition permits, and excavation permits.
If the Contractor deems it advisable to acquire the right or rights to use, enjoy or occupy any
additional or adjacent land or lands in order to facilitate the execution of the Work, the Contractor
shall obtain such right or rights at the Contractor's expense, and the Contractor shall at all times
indemnify and save harmless the City from any and all claims arising from the acquisition of such
right or rights, or the use, enjoyment or occupancy of such land or lands. The Contractor shall
supply to the City a signed statement of such rights obtained from the parties involved.
The Contractor shall supply to the Engineer all forms, permits, certificates, licenses or other
documentation as required to complete the Work, including those referred to in the General
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Division 6—General Administration of Contract
The Work shall be completed within the time stated in the Contract calculated from the date of the
Engineer's written order to commence the Work or the date at which the Contractor received the
Form of Agreement duly executed by both parties.
If the Contractor wishes to extend the prescribed time for completion of the Work because of
delays occasioned by extra work, strikes, lockouts, fires, insurrection, acts of God, or delay in
delivery of equipment, the Contractor shall give notice in writing to the Engineer within ten (10)
Working Days after any such delay or other event listed above has first arisen stating the reason
for the request and, in such an event, the Engineer may, in his absolute discretion, determine
what extension of time, if any, will be allowed.
The Contractor hereby releases and forever discharges the City from any claim, demand, action,
suit, or petition whatsoever for any damage suffered by the Contractor which are or may in any
way be related to or connected or associated with delays from whatever cause arising in the
progress of the Work, whether or not the Engineer exercised his discretion to allow an extension
of time for completion.
The quantities set out in the Schedule of Quantities and Unit Prices, are the estimated quantities
of the Work only, and they are not to be taken as the actual and final quantities of the Work to be
executed by the Contractor in fulfillment of the Contractor's obligations under the Contract. The
City reserves the right, through the Engineer, to increase, decrease or eliminate entirely the
quantities of all or any of the items in the Schedule of Quantities and Unit Prices.
Monthly measurements of the work being carried out under the Contract shall be made jointly by
the Engineer's Representative and the Contractor's Representative at the end of each calendar
month. The Contractor's Representative shall attend upon, and assist the Engineer's
Representative in taking such measurements and shall provide all particulars required by the
Engineer's Representative. The Engineer's Representative will notify the Contractor when such
measurements are to be made.
The said monthly measurements shall not bind the Engineer in any manner in the preparation of
the Final Measurement of the Works constructed by the Contractor under this Contract.
The Final Measurement (see section 6.19.02, "Certificate of Final Completion") shall similarly be
made in detail as soon as is practicable after the Certificate of Substantial Completion has been
issued pursuant to section 6.19.01, or as soon as the whole of the Work has been completed,
and this Final Measurement shall be approved and accepted in writing by the Engineer and the
Contractor before the Final Payment Certificate (see section 6.20.02, "Holdback Release") is
The Engineer shall determine the amount, if any, to be added to, or deducted from, the Tender
Price, in respect of any additional work done, or work deleted pursuant to the Engineer's order.
The Engineer shall, in his absolute discretion, determine whether all such work shall be valued
using the Schedule of Quantities and Unit Prices.
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Division 6—General Administration of Contract
If the Contract does not contain an item in the Schedule of Quantities and Unit Prices, applicable
to the additional work, then reasonable prices shall be fixed by the Engineer. These prices shall
be based on the sum of the following six (6) items:
a) The necessary cost to the Contractor of the material required for the work, as
provided by the Contractor and delivered by the Contractor to the Site. All invoices
are to be supplied by the Contractor as directed by the Engineer.
b) Basic wages or salaries paid for labour plus a mark-up of twenty-five percent (25%)
(or more if submitted documents substantiate that additional payroll levies were paid
by the Contractor), which shall be compensation for all payroll levies and burdens,
small tools and other related items. No charge shall be made for personnel beyond
the class of Foreman.
c) Cost of consumable tools, other than tools customarily provided by tradesmen (small
tools), necessary for and used in the execution of the Work.
d) Fifteen percent (15%) of the sum of items (a), (b), and (c) which shall be considered
as covering all other expenses and profit.
e) Use of Construction Equipment other than small tools, at the rate set out in
Regulation 82-113 under the New Brunswick Crown Construction Contracts Act
(Machine Rental Regulation). The rates set out in the Machine Rental Regulation
shall apply to the Contractor's Construction Equipment whether said equipment is
owned or rented.
f) All applicable taxes.
The Engineer may at the Engineer's sole discretion approve payment of additional work based on
a quotation which has been received in writing from the Contractor.
No compensation for additional work or material shall be allowed unless such work or material is
ordered, in writing, by the Engineer.
When the additional work, which was not valued in the Schedule of Quantities and Unit Prices, is
carried out by the Contractor's approved subcontractor, the price for this work shall be based on
the subcontractor's approved invoice plus ten percent (10%) of the amount of this invoice, which
additional ten percent (10%) shall be considered as covering all the Contractor's expenses and
Whenever any extra work is in progress, the Contractor shall, each Working Day agree with the
Engineer, in writing, in full detail as to the amount of the labour, equipment and materials used in
carrying out each order for extra work on the preceding Working Day, and the City shall not pay
for such extra work or materials unless such agreement has been made.
Equipment Downtime will be paid at fifty percent (50%) of the rate set out in the Machine Rental
Regulation. This rate shall apply to all the Contractor's equipment whether the equipment is
owned or rented.
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Division 6—General Administration of Contract
The maintenance period commences on the date on which the Certificate of Final Completion is
issued and ends exactly twelve (12) months later.
The Contractor is responsible for and shall, at the Contractor's own expense and upon the
Engineer's request, execute to the Engineer's satisfaction all work, repair, alterations,
reconstruction or replacement required to remedy any defect, fault or deficiency (collectively
referred to as "Deficiency") which develop or are detected in the Work at any time between the
date when the Work begins and the date when the Certificate of Final Acceptance is issued.
The Contractor shall remedy or caused to be remedied deficiencies of a non-emergency nature
within five (5) Working Days after receiving the Engineer's written notice to remedy. The
Contractor shall remedy or cause to be remedied those deficiencies which are deemed by the
Engineer to be of an urgent nature immediately upon receipt of the Engineer's Notice to Remedy.
In the event the Contractor does not remedy the deficiencies within the timeframes above noted,
the City may cause the deficiencies to be remedied and recover the cost of doing so against the
Contractor. The City may set off said costs against any monies owed to the Contractor under the
At the request of the Engineer, the Contractor shall search for the cause of any defect or fault and
carry out remedial work directed by the Engineer, including reinstatement work. The cost
associated with finding the reason for and the cost of remedying a defect or fault shall be borne
by the Contractor if the Engineer determines that the Contractor is responsible for the defect or
Those same costs shall be borne by the City if the Engineer determines that the City was
responsible for the defect or fault.
6.19.01 Certificate of Substantial Completion
The Engineer shall issue a Certificate of Substantial Completion once the
Engineer is satisfied that the Work has been substantially completed, and the
Work has passed any final tests required under the Contract, and the Contractor
has given a written undertaking to complete any outstanding work expeditiously.
The Engineer may, in his sole discretion, issue a Certificate of Substantial
Completion with respect to portions of the Work.
6.19.02 Certificate of Final Completion
The Engineer shall issue a Certificate of Final Completion once the agreement of
final measurement has been approved and accepted in writing by both the
Engineer and the Contractor, and the Contractor has, in writing, released the City
from any further claims with respect to the Contract.
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6.19.03 Certificate of Final Acceptance
The Engineer shall issue a Certificate of Final Acceptance after the Maintenance
Period has expired and the Engineer is satisfied that the Contractor has fulfilled
all the requirements under the Contract.
6.20.01 Interim Pavments
At the end of each calendar month, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer,
for verification of the measurement, a fully itemized statement showing the
estimated value of the work executed up to the end of the month. The itemized
statement shall be broken down into the same sections as the Schedule of
Quantities and Unit Prices. A fully itemized statement of the values of the major
items of materials on the Site which are intended for incorporation into the Work
may be submitted at the end of each calendar month, accompanied with receipts
for all items submitted.
The statements shall be submitted on forms approved by the City and shall
a) The amount of HST component included in the payment certificate;
b) The Contractor's HST registration number; and
c) The signature of an authorized representative of the Contractor.
With each statement, the Contractor shall provide a Statutory Declaration to the
effect that all expenses incurred by the Contractor in carrying out the Contract as
at a date not greater than 45 days prior to the date of the statement have been
From each monthly statement, except the final statement, the Engineer will
prepare and submit to the City an Interim Payment Certificate and will include
therein an amount which the Engineer considers firm and reasonable in respect
of the value of the Work executed and of the major items of materials on Site.
The City shall retain money as a holdback in accordance with the New Brunswick
Mechanics'Lien Act, and amendments thereto.
For work done in respect of or upon, through or under a highway, including any
road, road allowance, street, lane, thoroughfare, bridge and pier, the City shall
retain from each progress payment an amount of fifteen percent (15%).
Contracts in excess of$150,000 awarded to non-residents of New Brunswick are
subject to an additional holdback of five percent (5%) of the Tender Price
pursuant to section 8.1 of the New Brunswick Social Services and Education Tax
Act, and amendments thereto.
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6.20.01 Interim Pavments (Cont'd)
A certificate issued under this clause is not to be considered as either an
approval by the City of the Work or materials or as a waiver by the City of any
rights it has arising under the Contract against the Contractor.
The Interim Payment Certificate will show the Engineer's gross valuation of the
Work and materials and the deduction of the appropriate amount of the holdback
and of the previous payments to the Contractor.
No Interim Payment Certificate shall be held to bind the Engineer in valuation of
the Work for the purposes of the Final Payment Certificate, and the Engineer,
may by any Payment Certificate, make correction or modification to any previous
Interim Payment Certificate which the Engineer may have issued.
The City reserves the right to refuse to process any Interim Payment Certificates,
or the payment of a Final Payment Certificate, if, in the opinion of the Engineer,
the progress of the Work or the conduct of the Contractor is not satisfactory or
the Contractor has done or neglected to do something which may prevent the
Contractor from completing the Work in accordance with the Contract.
The City may retain additional amounts, under the contract, for any known
claims, unpaid amounts due to subcontractors, labourers or suppliers, defective
workmanship, equipment, materials, penalties and liquidated damages.
6.20.02 Holdback Release
a) Subject to paragraph b), the City shall, upon receipt of the following
documents, release the Mechanic's Lien Holdback (15% or 20%, where
applicable, of monies due to the Contractor) sixty-one (61) days after the
Certificate of Substantial Completion has been issued:
(i) A Statutory Declaration to the effect that all expenses incurred by the
Contractor in carrying out the Contract have been paid;
(ii) A certificate issued to the City of Saint John by a lawyer who is in good
standing with the Law Society of New Brunswick wherein the lawyer
certifies that no Mechanics' liens have been filed in the Registry Office
with respect to the Work and/or the Site which remain outstanding sixty-
one (61) days after the Certificate of Substantial Completion has been
issued; and
(iii) A Clearance Certificate from WorkSafeNB.
b) If deficiencies are identified and remain outstanding prior to the release of
Mechanics' Lien Holdback, then the City may retain from the Mechanic's Lien
Holdback an amount equal to twice the Engineer's estimate of the cost of
remedying the deficiencies until the said deficiencies are remedied to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.
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Division 6—General Administration of Contract
6.20.03 Holdback Release (ConYd)
c) All the amount retained for work done in respect of or upon, through or under
a highway, including any road, road allowance, street, lane, thoroughfare,
bridge and pier shall also be released sixty-one (61) after the Certificate of
Substantial Completion has been issued, except that amount held for
deficiencies, upon production by the Contractor of the documents referred to
in paragraph a) above.
d) Where the Contractor does not provide a Statutory Declaration or does not
complete the Work as directed by or to the satisfaction of the Engineer, the
City may withhold payment of the monies which would otherwise have
become due, and during this time, the City shall not be required to pay
6.20.03 Final Pavment
The Final Payment Certificate will be issued after the Work has been completed
to the satisfaction of the Engineer and as soon as the Contractor releases in
writing the City from any and all further claims relating to the Contract.
Time is of the essence.
In the event that the Contractor fails to complete the Work on the day fixed in the Contract for
completion, or on the day to which the time for completion may be extended by the Engineer, the
Contractor shall forfeit and pay to the City the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each day
of delay, as liquidated damages and not as a penalty. The payment recognizes both the extra
cost to the City of the continued observation of the Work by the Engineer, and/or the loss of
revenue or additional cost incurred by the City by virtue of the delay. The City may deduct the
amount of such Liquidated Damages from any monies payable to the Contractor under the
The Contractor shall keep proper books and records showing names, trades and addresses of all
workers in the Contractor's employ and wages paid to and the time worked by such workers.
Also records, books and invoices showing all costs and expenditures related to the Work must be
made available to the Engineer upon request.
All records of the Contractor, relevant to the evaluation of the Work, including payrolls, time
books, books of account, invoices and statements, shall be maintained on the Site, or at some
other place approved by the Engineer, and shall be open at all reasonable times for inspection by
the Engineer. The Contractor shall in every way assist such inspection for the purpose of
establishing and determining labour costs, the cost of additional work, and progress payments to
be made.
The Contractor shall require that any subcontractors, doing part of the Work in this Contract, shall
keep proper books and records and make such books and records available for inspection in the
manner as is required of the Contractor.
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Division 6—General Administration of Contract
The Contractor shall pay any and all accounts for labour, services, and materials used by the
Contractor for the purpose of the fulfillment of this Contract as and when such accounts become
due and payable and shall provide the Engineer with proof of payment of such accounts in such
form and as often as the Engineer may request.
6.24 WAGES
The Contractor shall pay fair wages in accordance with the New Brunswick Employment
Standards Act, and amendments thereto, and shall pay rates of wages and allowances to various
classes of labour not less favorable than those prevailing in the areas where the Work is being
Vacation Pay, Provincial Social Service and Education taxes, where applicable, shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall comply with all laws and regulations in any
way affecting those engaged or employed upon or in the conduct of the Work. The Contractor
shall indemnify and save harmless the City from and against all claims or demands arising out of
or based on the violation of any such laws or regulations.
The Contractor shall obtain the written permission of the Engineer before making any interruption
to the agreed Schedule of Work.
The Engineer may, by an order in writing, at any time stop or suspend any part of the Work, or
direct any portion to be commenced or completed in priority to any other part or portion, or may
cancel the order to proceed with the Work, or with any part thereof, and the Contractor shall not
thereby be entitled to any additional payment, or to claim for loss of profit or anticipated profit, or
for damages or for any other loss whatsoever caused by reason of such order. The Contractor
shall, in the event that the Engineer has ordered or permitted work to be done during freezing
weather, or has ordered work to be discontinued for the winter, forthwith place the Work in proper
and satisfactory condition for the safety and accommodation of the public and for its effectual
protection against damage from rain, snow, frost, ice or other causes upon receiving a notice
from the Engineer to do so, and shall so maintain it for as long as is necessary without any
additional cost to the City.
The Contractor shall, when work is ordered or permitted by the Engineer to be done during
freezing weather, provide the means needed for heating all the materials required in the Work. In
a situation where any work may suffer damage as a result of frost or in a situation where the
Engineer is of the opinion that work should not proceed because of weather conditions or lack of
materials, the Contractor shall at its own expense put the Work into a condition that is satisfactory
to the Engineer and maintain and protect it against damage by frost, unless otherwise directed in
writing by the Engineer.
June 2011 6-19
N�,n�„ �
Division 6—General Administration of Contract
If the Contractor does not comply with the provisions of the Contract to the satisfaction of the
Engineer, the City may enter on the Site and all equipment, temporary works and materials
located thereon shall immediately become the property of the City. The City may discharge the
Contractor from further execution of the Work and employ some other person or persons to
complete and maintain the Work. In such an event, the City will not, at any time, be liable for the
loss of, or damage to any of the Construction Equipment, temporary works, or materials used in
the construction of the Work.
The entire cost of the employment of such other person or persons as may be necessary to
complete and maintain the Work shall be chargeable to and recoverable from the Contractor, and
may be set off against monies owed to the Contractor under the Contract.
The employment of such other person or persons shall in no way relieve the Contractor of any of
the Contractor's obligations under the Contract, nor limit the rights and remedies of the City under
the Contract.
In the event of the dismissal of the Contractor in accordance with this section:
a) The City shall not pay any monies due to the Contractor under the Contract until all
costs and charges to the City for the completion and maintenance of the Work,
including damages for delay (if any) in the completion of the Work, are paid to the
City by the Contractor.
b) The City may set off the cost incurred for completing and maintaining the Work
against any monies owed to the Contractor under the Contract.
c) If the costs incurred by the City exceed the amount to which the Contractor is entitled
under the Contract, the difference shall be a debt due by the Contractor to the City.
d) The Contractor may reclaim the Construction Equipment, and any surplus of the
temporary works and materials located on the Site at the dismissal of the Contractor
if, in the Engineer's opinion, they are no longer required for the purpose of the Work.
The removal of said equipment and materials from the Work Site shall be at the discretion of the
City and at the expense of the Contractor.
Should the Contractor become bankrupt, or insolvent, or compound with creditors, or propose any
composition or scheme to creditors for the settlement of the Contractor's debts, or shall commit
any act of insolvency, the City may request the Bonding Company (see section 6.7, "Bonds")
without previous notice and without process or suit at law, to take the Work or any part of the
Work out of the hands of the Contractor, and either assign the same to any other person without
being previously advertised or employ workers and provide materials, construction equipment,
and other necessary things at the expense of the Contractor, or take such other steps as may be
considered necessary, in order to secure the completion of the Work, in accordance with the
June 2011 6-20
N�,n�„ �
Division 6—General Administration of Contract
The properties of all materials and the design, performance and construction of all items for this
Contract shall, where not otherwise specified, comply with the latest applicable Canadian
Standards, and if no Canadian Standards exist with the latest applicable American or British
Recognized authorities for these Standard Specifications are listed below together with accepted
abbreviations of their names:
Table 6.1: Recognized Authorities
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials AASHTO
American Concrete Institute ACI
American National Standards Institute ANSI
American Standards Association ASA
American Water Works Association AWWA
American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME
American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM
British Standards Specification BSS
Canadian General Standards Board CAN/CGSB
Canadian Standard Association CAN/CSA
Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute CSPI
Dominion Board of Insurance Underwriters DBIU
Factory Mutual FM
National Electrical Manufacturers Association NEMA
National Sanitation Federation NSF
New Brunswick Department of Transportation NBDOT
Underwriters Laboratories UL
All electrical, plumbing, building, etc. materials, equipment, methods of installation and general
Works shall comply with the requirements of the applicable codes, latest editions.
The Contractor shall, during the Contract, keep one (1) set of all Drawings and Specifications,
etc. on the Work Site. Such Drawings and Specifications, etc. shall be available at all reasonable
times for the inspection and use of the Engineer. The Contractor shall have a copy of the latest
edition of the City of Saint John General Specifications available on site, at all times, during
June 2011 6-21
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Division 6—General Administration of Contract
Any notice, order or instructions issued by the City to the Contractor may be served by delivering
the document to the Contractor at its principal place of business or to the Contractor's
Representative at the Work Site office, or by sending the document by prepaid mail or prepaid
courier to the Contractor at its principal place of business or to the Contractor's Representative at
the Work Site office.
Any notice to be given by the Contractor to the City under the Contract shall be served either by
delivering it to the office of the Engineer or by sending it by prepaid mail or prepaid courier to the
Engineer at the Engineer's office.
A document that is sent by prepaid mail or prepaid courier shall be deemed to have been served
on the third day following the date that the document was sent.
No action or want of action on the part of the City or Engineer to exercise any right or remedy
conferred upon them under the Contract shall be deemed to be a waiver of such right or remedy.
6.32.01 Enqineer to Decide Contract Related Issues
If at any time before the Work has been completed and the Engineer has issued
his Certificate of Final Completion, any question arises as to whether anything
has been done as required by the Contract or as to what the Contractor is
required by the Contract to do, and in particular, and without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, as to
a) the meaning of anything in the plans and specifications,
b) the meaning to be given to the plans and specifications in case of any error
therein, and omission therefrom, or an obscurity or discrepancy in the
wording or intention thereof,
c) whether the quality or quantity of any material or workmanship meets the
requirements of the Contract,
d) whether the plan, material or workmen provided by the Contractor for
executing the Work and carrying out the Contract are adequate to ensure
that the Work will be executed in accordance with the Contract and that the
Contract will be carried out in accordance with its terms,
e) what quantity of any kind of Work has been completed by the Contractor, or
f) the timing and scheduling of the various phases of the execution of the Work,
the question shall be decided by the Engineer whose decision is final and
June 2011 6-22
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Division 6—General Administration of Contract
6.32.02 Notice of Claim for Additional Time or Monev
The Contractor shall, where he intends to submit a claim for additional time or
money arising out of the construction of the Work, give written notice of his
intention to claim
a) In the case of changes or alterations of the Work ordered by the Engineer,
within ten (10)Working Days of receipt of the Notice of Change, and
b) In the case of a dispute arising out of the interpretation of the Contract, within
twenty (20) Working Days of the first occurrence of the circumstances giving
rise to the dispute.
6.32.03 Barred Claims
The Contractor may submit a claim for additional time or money only on those
matters covered by the Notice of Intention to Claim given under section 6.32.02
and such claim if not submitted within twenty (20) Working Days of the
occurrence of the portion of the Work out of which the claim arises shall be
6.32.04 Enqineer's Decision
The Engineer shall within twenty (20) Working Days of receipt of a Notice of
Claim under this section render his decision in writing to the Contractor.
6.32.05 Contractor's Obliqations Followinq the Enqineer's Decision
The Contractor shall construct the Work in accordance with the decisions and
directions of the Engineer given under this section and in accordance with any
consequential decisions and directions given by the Engineer.
6.32.06 Arbitration
a) After the procedure outlined at sections 6.32.01 to 6.32.05 has been
completed and the Contractor received the Engineer's decision pursuant to
section 6.32.04, either party to the Contract may, upon written notice to the
other, refer the dispute for determination to a Board of Arbitration (the
"Tribunal") consisting of three persons, one chosen by and on behalf of the
City, one chosen by and on behalf of the Contractor and the third chosen by
these two.
b) In case of failure of the two arbitrators appointed by the Parties hereto to
agree upon a third arbitrator, such third arbitrator shall be appointed by a
Judge of the Court of Queen's Bench of New Brunswick.
c) No one shall be appointed or act as arbitrator who is in any way interested,
financially or otherwise, in the conduct of the work or in the business or other
affairs of either Party.
June 2011 6-23
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Division 6—General Administration of Contract
6.32.06 Arbitration (Cont'd)
d) Notwithstanding the provisions of the New Brunswick Arbitration Act, and
amendments thereto, the Tribunal, upon such terms as are deemed by it to
be appropriate, may allow a Party to amend or supplement its claim, defence
or reply at any time prior to the date at which the Parties have been notified
of the arbitration hearing date, unless the Tribunal considers the delay in
amending or supplementing such statements to be prejudicial to a Party. The
Tribunal will not permit a Party to amend or supplement its claim, defence or
reply once the arbitration hearing has been scheduled.
e) The Tribunal may encourage settlement of the Dispute and, with the written
agreement of the Parties, may order that mediation, conciliation or other
procedures be used by the Parties at any time during the arbitration
proceedings to encourage settlement.
f) If, during the arbitration proceedings, the Parties settle the Dispute, the
Tribunal shall, upon receiving confirmation of the settlement or determining
that there is settlement, terminate the proceedings and, if requested by the
Parties, record the settlement in the form of an arbitration award on agreed
g) Subject to paragraph (h), any determination made by the Tribunal shall be
final and binding upon the Parties and the cost of such determination shall be
apportioned as the Tribunal may decide.
h) Either Party may appeal an arbitration decision to The Court of Queen's
Bench of New Brunswick: (i) on a question of law; or(ii) on a question of fact;
or(iii)on a question of mixed fact and law.
i) The place of arbitration shall be the City of Saint John and Province of New
Brunswick and the provisions of the Arbitration Act, New Brunswick, shall
apply to the arbitration.
Where any particular brand of manufactured articles is specified, it is to be regarded as a
standard, but another brand equally as good may be accepted, at the discretion of the Engineer.
No change in the Specification will be made prior to the acceptance of the Tenders. A written
ruling on equivalents prior to tender opening may be obtained from the Engineer upon request
from a tenderer. All requests for equivalents must be submitted in writing to the Engineer at least
five (5) Working Days prior to the Tender Closing. Such requests will be accompanied by
complete descriptive and technical information so that a proper evaluation can be made. The
evaluation shall be made only with the information received. Only Tenderers can request a ruling
on equivalents.
When a request for approval of an equivalent product is made, the Engineer may grant approval
and will issue a notification to this effect to Tenderers. If an item is approved as an equivalent,
Tenderers may use that item in place of the specified item. In submission of bids incorporating
approved equivalents to products specified, Tenderers shall include in their bid price any changes
required in the Work to accommodate such approvals. Tenderers shall not have any claim
against the City for an addition to the Contract price because of changes in work necessitated by
use of approved equivalents.
June 2011 6-24
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Division 6—General Administration of Contract
6.33 EQUIVALENTS (Cont'd
If the Contractor wishes to substitute an equivalent after the Contract has been awarded, the
Contractor shall, seek in writing, the Engineer's permission, stating differences in cost in each
case. The Contractor will be held to the terms of the Contract unless he has received the
Engineer's permission in writing to substitute an equivalent. No change or substitution can be
made without the written consent of the Engineer.
Proposals for substitution will only be considered by the Engineer if:
a) Products selected by Tenderer from those specified, are not available; or
b) Delivery date of products selected from those specified would unduly delay
completion of Contract; or
c) Alternative products to those specified, which are brought to the attention of and
considered by the Engineer as equivalent to those specified, will result in a credit to
the Contract in an amount acceptable to the City, or the quality of the product is
deemed by the Engineer to be superior to those specified.
Where the Contractor proposes to use an item of equipment or product other than that specified
or detailed on the Drawings, and which requires any redesign of the structure, partitions,
foundations, piping, wiring or any other part of the mechanical, electrical or civil layout, all such
redesign, and all new drawings and detailing required therefor, shall be prepared by the
Contractor at the Contractor's own expense for approval by the Engineer. If a product is
accepted as an equivalent, the Contractor shall be responsible for all related costs associated
with any required modifications.
In all cases of misunderstandings and disputes, verbal arrangements will not be considered. The
Contractor shall produce written authority from the City in support of the Contractor's contentions,
and shall advance no claim in the absence of such written authority, or use, attempt to use, any
conversation with any parties against the City, or in prosecuting any claim against the City.
The Contractor shall allow reasonable access to other Contractors and their employees who are
carrying out work, and to person(s) owning or operating any railway, tramway, wires, pipes or
conduits, or works, or property on, along or near where the Work is being carried out. The
Contractor shall notify all such owners and operators before interfering with any of their property
rights, or privileges, and must work in harmony with them. The Contractor shall notify the
Engineer in writing as to any difficulty which he encountered with such persons and has not been
able to overcome. The Engineer shall attempt to resolve any such problem and the Contractor
shall abide by the Engineer's decision and direction.
The Contractor shall handle with care any property which the Engineer requires the Contractor to
move. The Contractor shall neatly pile and preserve such property in such a manner as to
prevent injury or loss to any persons and shall return the property to its appropriate place at the
appropriate time. All such work must be done by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the
Engineer and without extra charge to the City.
June 2011 6-25
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Division 6—General Administration of Contract
6.35 OTHERS' RIGHTS (Cont'd)
The Engineer has the right at all times to grant permission for an opening to be made or left by
the Contractor in the ground or roadway, as the said Engineer may deem advisable, for the
purpose of examining, repairing or laying any water, sewer, gas or other pipe, drain, tract or other
underground or surface construction or to cause any such work as the Engineer may deem
necessary or advisable to be done. Such permission, or the exercise of such rights, either by the
Engineer or by the other person(s) or corporation having the requisite authority(either statutory or
otherwise) shall not relieve the Contractor from any liability, nor shall the opening up of any
portion of the Work for these or any other purposes, or by any other parties, relieve the
Contractor of such liability.
It is intended that every allowance to which the Contractor is fairly entitled will be included in the
Engineer's monthly certificate but, should the Contractor at any time have additional claims of any
kind which are not included in the said monthly certificate, such additional claims shall be made in
writing to the Engineer within seven (7) Working Days of the discovery of said additional claim for
work performed that month. Failure to present such additional claims in writing to the Engineer
within the specified time will invalidate said additional claim, and cause the Contractor to lose its
right to recover same. The Contractor, in presenting claims of the kind referred to above, must
accompany them with satisfactory evidence of their accuracy and the reasons why the Contractor
thinks they should be allowed.
No member of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of New Brunswick shall be entitled to any
share or part of the Contract or to any benefit arising therefrom.
No member of the House of Commons of Canada and the Senate of Canada shall be entitled to
any share or part of the Contract or to any benefit arising there from if Government of Canada
funds are involved, whether directly or indirectly, in the payment for or financing of such Contract.
The Engineer may order or the Contractor may request, Work to proceed in whole or in part at
night, on Saturdays, Sunday or holidays if it is deemed necessary or expedient in order to
preserve and maintain traffic over or on any street or road or to complete any work that are of an
urgent nature. Such night or overtime work shall be performed by the Contractor at no additional
cost to the City.
The Contractor shall, as far as possible, refrain from performing the Work on statutory holidays in
the Province of New Brunswick. If work must be carried out on such a holiday the Contractor
must notify the Engineer in writing at least four (4) Working Days in advance of such holiday
stating those places where work will be conducted and what Engineering assistance may be
If the Contractor fails to give such notice in advance of any holiday, no Work requiring the
presence of the Engineer is to be done by the Contractor on such a holiday.
June 2011 6-26
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Division 6—General Administration of Contract
Without restricting any right of set off given or implied by law, the City may set off against any
amounts payable to the Contractor under the Contract, any payment due to the City by the
Contractor under this Contract or the Engineer's estimate of the dollar value of deficiencies which
he identified under this Contract. Without restricting the generality of the foregoing, the City may,
when making payment pursuant to section 6.20 - "Payment Certificates", deduct from the amount
payable by virtue of the right of set off from the Contractor.
June 2011 6-27
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Division 6—General Administration of Contract
The Insurance coverage designated on the Insurance Certificate to which this Confirmation is
attached are understood and agreed to include the following:
• Coverage is on an occurrence basis with inclusive limits of at least five million dollars
• The City of Saint John, the Contractor and Sub-Contractors, the Engineer and Architect,
are added as an Additional Insured with respect to the operations of the Contractor;
• There is coverage for bodily injury and property damage with the amount set forth;
• There is coverage for Contractual Liability with respect to this Contract;
• The policy contains a cross-liability clause;
• There is Contingent Employers Liability coverage;
• There is coverage for Non-owned Automobiles;
• There is Completed Operations coverage with respect to this contract and such coverage
shall continue to be in force for the duration of the guarantee period (Maintenance
period), which is a period of twelve (12) months from the date of issuance of the
Certificate of Final Completion;
• There is coverage for Owned Automobiles or licensed vehicles;
• The indicated policies will not be cancelled, substantially amended, or allowed to lapse,
without the City first being given thirty(30)days written notice;
• There is coverage for Broad Form Property Damage;
Date Signature of Authorized
Agent for the Insurer
June 2011 6-28
M & C 2011 - 130 � m, �.o,
1 � �
May 30, 2011 ° '
The Cit��of Saint�ohn
His Worship Mayor Ivan Court
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Members of Council:
SUBJECT: Engineering Inspection Services 2011
Common Council has approved the 2011 Water & Sewerage Utility Fund Capital Program
consisting of 35 projects totaling $33,770,000 and a 2011 General Fund (Storm &
Transportation) Capital Program consisting of 23 projects totaling $10,721,528.
A portion of the projects in the 2011 Capital Programs are being designed "in-house" and will
require engineering inspection services during construction. There will be a requirement to
provide engineering inspection for approximately 8 "in-house" designed projects during the 2011
construction season.
In order to ensure that adequate engineering inspection resources are available to the City for
the approved Capital Program projects, staff have issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for
engineering inspection services. The RFP was issued to seven local consulting firms that have
the appropriate resources on staff capable of providing engineering inspection services on
municipal type projects.
Six firms have submitted proposals in response to the RFP providing resumes for inspection
resources including hourly rates. No single firm has the resources in place to provide all the
required engineering inspection services. The hourly rates submitted by the consultants with their
proposals were similar so staff averaged the rates and established one hourly rate for each of the
three levels of inspectors—Junior, Intermediate and Senior—as follows:
Junior Inspectar - $72
Intermediate Inspector - $77
SeniorInspector - $86
M & C2010- 130
May 30, 2011
Page 2.
The hourly rates include all miscellaneous expenses (car, cellular telephone, digital camera, etc.)
and do not include H.S.T. All six engineering firms have confirmed they are in agreement with
the above rates.
The City will determine the appropriate level of inspectar required far a given project and then
request the engineering inspection services from the six consulting firms on a rotational basis.
The total overall cost for engineering inspection services for 2011 is difficult to predict as there
are a number of variables most significant of which is how many contractors and the number of
construction crews that will be working at a given time period. Staff has estimated the overall
value of the engineering inspection services for 2011 to be approximately $300,000 plus 13%
Funds to cover the cost of the engineering inspection service are included in the approved 2011
Capital Program project budgets.
The Request for Proposal document and this report have been reviewed with the City's
Purchasing Department.
It is recommended that Common Council authorize staff to establish a supply agreement for the
provision of engineering inspection services for 2011 Capital Program projects in accordance
with the hourly rates provided in this report.
Respectfully submitted,
J. M. Paul Groody, P.Eng.
Municipal Operations & Engineering
J. Patrick Woods, CGA
City Manager
��� .
M & C —2011-143 ��•����
June 1� 2011 ciry of Saint )ohn
His Worship Ivan Court
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Councillors:
SUBJECT: Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Management Services—
Lancaster Waste Water Treatment Facility Entrance Road Alteration
Proposals closed on Thursday, May 12, 2011 for engineering design and construction
management services for road alterations at the entrance to the Lancaster Waste Water Treatment
Facility. These services include preliminary design, detailed design complete with detailed cost
estimates for construction, construction management and inspection services.
The alterations include a new entrance road leading from the existing gravel access road into the
Lancaster Wastewater Treatment Facility to accommodate transport truck traffic. This work is
required as the primary entrance, which was off Highway#1 east bound, was closed by the
NBDOT in May 2011. Due to the nature of the land and multiple utility pipelines beneath the
surface, careful engineering design and consideration must be employed.
Design and tender documents are expected to be completed in time for the project to be
constructed in the 2011 construction season.
Seven companies chose to participate in this proposal call by submitting bids. They included;
Hatch Mott MacDonald Rothesay, NB
Genivar Saint John, NB
Crandall Engineering Ltd Saint John, NB
CBCL Limited Saint John, NB
EXP Saint John, NB
Stantec Saint John, NB
Dillon Consulting Saint John, NB
In keeping with the City's policy and procedures related to proposal calls for the Engagement of
Professional Services, immediately following the public opening the bids received were referred
to an evaluation committee consisting of staff representatives from Saint John Water and
Materials and Fleet Management.
Page Two
The evaluation committee reviewed each bid on its technical aspects as they related to the
standard criteria, including experience of the vendor with related projects and the methodology
to be employed. This review resulted in a shortlist of three proposals to continue to the financial
review: Genivar, Crandall Engineering Ltd, and CBCL Limited.
Once this step was completed the financial considerations were evaluated and added to the
technical review. At the end of this process the evaluation committee unanimously selected the
proposal submitted by Genivar as the one that best addressed the needs of the City of Saint John.
Genivar ranked high on their technical submission and even higher on cost as they submitted the
lowest price.
This is a planned expenditure, and as such, funds are available in the 2011 Operating Budget.
It is recommended that the proposal for consulting services for the design and construction
management of road alterations to the Lancaster Waste Water Treatment Facility be awarded to
Genivar in the amount of$42,131.49 HST included.
Respectfully submitted,
David Logan
Purchasing Agent
Patrick Woods
City Manager
�, r o.
,,; .� �
M & C2011 - 134 =
o .
May 25, 2011
The City of Saint►ohn
His Worship Mayor Ivan Court
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Members of Council:
SUBJECT: Engineering Services: Bleury Street/Danells Drive— Street Reconstruction &
Molson Avenue—Storm Sewer
The purpose of this report is to make a recommendation for consulting engineering services for
this project.
The 2011 General Fund and the 20ll Water & Sewerage Utility Fund Capital Programs include
funding for Storm Sewer, Sanitary Sewer, & Watermain renewals and Street Reconstruction
along Bleury Street and Danell's Drive as well as Storm Sewer improvements along Molson
Avenue. This project is scheduled to be completed by the end of the 2011 construction season.
On July 20, 2009 (M&C 2009-204) Common Council authorized CBCL Limited to carry out
Engineering Services for the Honeysuckle Drive and Bleury Street Drainage Basin Study and
Storm Sewer Installation project.
On May 9, 2011 (M&C 2011-98) Common Council authorized staff to conduct negotiations with
CBCL Limited for the direct engagement of engineering services for the Bleury Street/ Danell's
Drive— Street Reconstruction & Molson Avenue Storm Sewer project.
CBCL Limited has submitted a proposal which includes the required effort to complete the
remaining design work as well as the tender period and construction management services for
this project. In accardance with M&C 20ll-98, where this is a continuing project, it would be
appropriate to increase the existing engineering services agreement with CBCL Limited (M&C
2009-204) to include these costs.
M & C20ll - 134
May 25, 2011
Page 2
The proposed cost of the work for CBCL Limited to provide engineering services for the
completion of this project is $84,241.50 based on an estimated 10 week construction
management period. There is adequate funding in the 2011 General Fund and 2011 Water &
Sewerage Utility Fund Capital Program budgets to cover the proposed fees.
Engineering fees to cover the cost of design and construction management generally range
between 12-17% of the total overall project cost, depending on the nature of the project and the
engineering services required. Total Engineering fees to complete design and construction
management for the Bleury Street/ Danells Drive — Street Reconstruction & Molson Avenue
Storm Sewer project amounts to approximately ll.5 % of the total overall project cost, which is
considered appropriate for this type of project.
Notwithstanding the City's Procurement Policy for engagement of Professional Services,
Common Council has authorized staff with the approval of M&C 2011-98 to conduct
negotiations for the engagement of an engineering consultant for this project. The costs incurred
by the consultant will be paid in accordance with the terms of the Request For Proposal at the
rates submitted and accepted in the consultants proposal not to exceed the Recommended
Minimum Hourly Rates as contained in The Association of Consulting Engineering Companies—
New Brunswick fee guideline. The Construction Management component of this project fee is
based on an estimated construction period. The final fee will be calculated based on the actual
construction management period.
It is recommended that Common Council approve the increase of $84,241.50 to the existing
engineering services agreement 2009-0836-I with CBCL Limited as outlined in this report.
Respectfully submitted,
J. M. Paul Groody, P. Eng.
Municipal Operations & Engineering
J. Patrick Woods, CGA
City Manager
�, r o.
1 � �
M & C2011 - 133 =
o .
May 25, 2011
The City of Saint►ohn
His Worship Mayor Ivan Court
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Members of Council:
SUBJECT: Engineering Services: Westfield Road— Street Reconstruction
The purpose of this report is to make a recommendation for consulting engineering services for
this project.
The 2010 & 2011 General Fund Capital Programs included project funding for street
reconstruction and drainage control along Westfield Road. Phase A (civic # 1920 to civic #
2184) of this project began in 2010 and is scheduled to be completed by August 2011. Phase A1
(civic # 1814 to civic # 1920) of this project is scheduled to be completed by the end of the 2011
construction season.
On June 23, 2008 (M&C 2008-171) Common Council authorized GENIVAR Inc. (formerly
Terrain Group) to complete engineering design services for the Westfield Road Transportation
and Storm Water Systems Upgrades project.
On April 12, 2010 (M&C 2010-111) Common Council authorized GENIVAR Inc. (formerly
Terrain Group Inc.) to complete tender and construction management services far Westfield
Road Street Reconstruction Phase A.
On May 9, 2011 in (M&C 2011-98) Common Council authorized staff to conduct negotiations
with GENIVAR Inc. for the direct engagement of engineering services for the Westfield Road
Street Reconstruction project.
GENIVAR Inc. has submitted a proposal which includes the required effort to complete the
remaining construction management services on Phase A as well as tender period and
M & C20ll - 133
May 25, 2011
Page 2
construction management services on Phase A1. In accardance with M&C 2011-98, where this
is a continuing project, it would be appropriate to increase the existing engineering services
agreement with GENIVAR Inc. (M&C 2010-111) to include these costs.
The proposed cost of the work for GENIVAR Inc. to provide engineering services for the
completion of Phase A and Phase A1 of this project is $157,149.16 based on an estimated 14
week construction management period. There is adequate funding in the 2010 & 2011 General
Fund Capital Program budgets to cover the proposed fees.
Engineering fees to cover the cost of design and construction management generally range
between 12-17% of the total overall project cost, depending on the nature of the project and the
engineering services required. Total Engineering fees to complete design and construction
management for Phase A and Phase Al amounts to approximately 13.8% of the total overall
project cost, which is considered appropriate for this type of project.
Notwithstanding the City's Procurement Policy for engagement of Professional Services,
Common Council has authorized staff with the approval of M&C 2011-98 to conduct
negotiations for the engagement of an engineering consultant for this project. The costs incurred
by the consultant will be paid in accordance with the terms of the Request For Proposal at the
rates submitted and accepted in the consultants proposal not to exceed the Recommended
Minimum Hourly Rates as contained in The Association of Consulting Engineering Companies—
New Brunswick fee guideline. The Construction Management component of this project fee is
based on an estimated construction period. The final fee will be calculated based on the actual
construction management period.
It is recommended that Common Council approve the increase of $157,149.16 to the existing
engineering services agreement 2009-0836-M with GENIVAR Inc. as outlined in this report.
Respectfully submitted,
J. M. Paul Groody, P. Eng.
Municipal Operations & Engineering
J. Patrick Woods, CGA
City Manager
� :o
3 June 2011 0.�,�,,�=
City of Saint ]ohn
His Wors�ip Ivan Court
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Councillors:
SUBJECT: Funding Request—Saint John Track Club
The purpose of this report is to respond to the request from the Saint John Track
Club for municipal funding in support of the 2012 North American, Centzal
American and Caribbean Masters Track and Field Championships along with the
Canadian Masters A�hletics Association Championships to be held at the Canada
Games Stadium on August 12-19, 2012.
Briefly, this is an intemational event that will bring 500-600 athletes to compete
in a four day event at the newly refurbished Canada Games Stadium. The event
budget is projected at $400,000 with approximately 50% coming from
government partners and the remainder from sponsorships/registrations etc. The
organizers have requested a $50,000 contribution from the City of Saint John.
Specifically, the request is for assistance with funding to offset initial marketing
expenses and upgrading stadium equipment in preparation for this event.
This is a major sporting event for the City and will have a significant financial
impact on local businesses. In addition, the Saint John Track Club has identified
a number of lasting legacies to flow from the games including— new or upgraded
equipment, facility enhancements, youth/coach development and development
opportunities for track and field officials.
Sponsorship of the track meet was not included in the 2011 operating budget.
There are sufficient funds in the unspecified grant account to cover a portion of
the request. Given filie posi�ive financial impact and other identified benefits,
staff are suggesting a limited contribution in support of the event spread over a
two-year period.
The Saint John DMO have advised that they are providing some support for pre-
promotion, marketing and bid development costs. ��is outside of their manda�e to
fund the actual costs of hosting the event.
Leisure Services staff have also advised that they are prepared to support the
event with in-kind support for events planned for Rockwood Park and the Canada
Games Stadium.
Resolved that Common Council approve grant funding in the amount of $7,500
from the 2011 budget and allocate $15,000 in the 2012 operating budget for the
2012 North American, Central American and Caribbean Masters Track and Field
Championships along with the Canadian Masters Athletics Association
Championships to be held at the Canada Games Stadium on Angust 12-19, 2012.
Respectfully submitted,
.ti1 �
J. P trick Woods, CGA
NCCWMA 2012—Briefing document
Event: Narth America,Central American&Caribbean Masters Track Champs�Canadian Champs.
When: August 9-12,2012
Where: Canada Games 5tadium,UNBSJ
Key StatisNcs
Participants: 500-60U
Previous locations: 2010-Puerto Rico,2008—Florida,2006-Guatemala
Countries attending: Canada,USA,Mexico,South American Countries,Dominican Republic,
Goveming Body: World Masters Athletics Association
Notable Facts:
• Saint John's fust international track championships in nearly 20 years
• Canadian Masters Athletics Association decided to award Saint John the 2012 Canadian Championships to be held
in conjunction with the international meet.
• The dual Canadian/NCCWMA Championships will be among the largest track and field events held in the city
since the Stzdium originally opened in 1985.
• Athletes range in age from 35 to their nineties
Events competed in:
• Track from ]00 m sprints to 10 km zaces and hurdles
• Field events like jumps and throws.
• Raad events such as a 10 km,race walk and cross country race.
Key Parfiers(to this point):
• SaintJohn Track Club
• Athletics NB
• City of Saint John
Funding: Estimated total budget-5375,000-400,000 Goal
• 1/4 comes from Participant fees
• 1/4 from sponsors
• 1/2 from government sources
Legacy of the 2012 NCCWMA
The hosting of these games reflects an immediate return on the investrnent rnade to redevelop
the Canada Games Stadium at UNBSJ. We all know that this stadium was a Iegacy of the
1985 Canada Summer Games in Saint John. The NCC�A 20]2 will provide a legacy of its
own. Your investrnent will leave the following for Saint John.
Equipment: Most of the equipment used at the Canada Games Stadiuzn is from 1985. Much
is still usable but out dated. This is our opportunity to bring all equipment up to today's
specifications and standards. This equipment is also used by all schools and in hosting all
kinds of provincial events at the stadium. As a result, new equipment will serve the
youth/athletes of Greater Saint John and the province by bringing it up to date. Specifically
investments will be made in:
• Upgrades to high jump equipment
• New Pole vault mats
• Computer/timing equipment for electronic photo finish and instant results reporting
• Repairs and up�ades to hurdles & steeplechase equipment
• Additional cage equipment for safety around throwing event areas
• Competition grade shot put, discus,hannmers
Facility Enhancements: With the renova�.on, the stadium is one of the best in Atlantic
Canada however�here remain some items that will improve it further and equip it properly
for his international event as well as future regional or national events. These enhancements
• Provision of an additional throwing event zone and associated cage equipment
• Enclosure of the photo timing platform for better use during bad weather.
• Addition of some video display terminals for results reporting
� Possible addi�ions to the PA system
Money invested by government will primarily provide equipment and some final
improvements that will ensure our stadium is equipped to meet the full needs of our sport
going forward. This will make Saint John a leader in track and field. In addition there are
other legacies of your investment in this event.
YouthJCoach Development: A Youth Camp will be included in this event. Many of the top
master athletes also coach and a select number will be invited to attend and assist a�this
camp. The organizers along with our provincial sport body, Athle�ics NB will host it for the 3
days prior to NCCWMA 2012. This event will allow young athletes to improve in their sport
and also help coaches to learn from other coaches. These youth will also be encouraged to
stay on and volunteer at the event giving them an eye into the volunteer effort behind such an
event. All of this will contribute to a great opportunity to teach our young athletes more
about their sport and their event.
Officials Development: In the lead up to this event our club will be working to train more
officials for track and field. Officials are critical to this event but also any future events
hosted in Saint John. 2012 is a key opportunity to expand our officiating base and upgrade
current officials.
Hosting Experience: Our community already has a long history of event hosting. Each time
we host, we have the opportunity to strengthen those skills. With the NCCWMA we are
building on the skills attained through our own experience of hosting the national masters in
2007. Manry of our volunteers also bring experience from the 2010 J`eux de L'acadie. The
skills and experience gained in 2012 will go on to assist us in future bids along with all our
provincial and regional events.
Promoting Wellness: Finally, the athletes who will attend this event span a11 ages between
35 and up. Many are top athletes for their age. Most of them will be here just to improve, set
a personal best and the share the fellowship of sport with other active people. They exemplify
the ideals of"sport for life." Having them in our community interacting with our youth along
with the opporiunity to promote participation in this event by NBer's is a great chance to
promo�e wellness and healthy living. The message will be simple. Anyone can do this, so
come and challenge yourself. It will be an ideal opportunity to promote wellness and sport
for life which is an important message for our province and city.
Legacy 2012: There are lasting benefits to our city in hoshng this event. We see an opportunity
to u�grade equipment and do finishing touches to the stadium that will go one for many years to
benefit SJ youth at all levels. As well the event will have a positive unpact on our hosting
capabilities and in promoting wellness for our region.
� :�
M & C-2011 - 137 -
City of Saint John
May 31, 2011
His Worship Mayor Ivan Court and
Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Councillors:
SUBJECT: Proposed Public Hearing Date
1429 Loch Lomond Road, 1515 Loch Lomond Road, 2797
Loch Lomond Road, 1925 Bayside Drive and Lands Adjacent
to 460 Latimore Lake Road
As provided in Common Council's resolution of August 3, 2004, this report
indicates the rezoning and Section 39 amendment applications received and
recommends an appropriate public hearing date.
Details of the applications are available in the Common Clerk's office and will
form part of the documentation presented at the public hearings.
The following applications have been received.
Name of Location Existing Proposed Reason
Apulicant Zone Zone
Hughes Surveys 1429 Loch Lomond "RS-2" "R-2" To permit a 76-
&Consultants Road lot residential
Inc. (for 651413 subdivision
N.B. Ltd. and
Folkins Estates
Genivar(for 1515 Loch Lomond "RS-2" "R-2" To permit a 111-
654101 N.B. Road lot residential
Ltd.) subdivision
M&C-2011 - 137 -2- May31,20ll
Name of Location Existing Proposed Reason
Applicant Zone Zone
A. J. Mallette 2797 Loch Lomond "RF" "RR" To permit a 69-
& Sons(1985) Road lot rural residen-
Ltd. tial subdivision
Genivar(far 1925 Bayside Drive "RF" "PQ" To permit a
Barsa Ventures gravel pit
Genivar(for Lands adjacent to "RF" "PQ" To permit a
Fundy Bay 460 Latimore Lake gravel pit
Sand&Gravel Road
That Common Council schedule the public hearings for the rezoning applications
of Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. on behalf of 651413 N.B. Ltd. and Folkins
Estates Ltd. (1429 Loch Lomond Road), Genivar on behalf of 654101 N.B. Ltd.
(1515 Loch Lomond Road), A. J. Mallette & Sons (1985) Ltd. (2797 Loch
Lomond Road), Genivar on behalf of Barsa Ventures Ltd. (1925 Bayside Drive)
and Genivar on behalf of Fundy Bay Sand& Gravel Inc. (Lands Adjacent to 460
Latimore Lake Road) for Monday, July 4, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council
Chamber, and refer the applications to the Planning Advisory Committee for
report and recommendation.
Respectfully submitted,
Ken Forrest, MCIP, RPP
Planning and Development
J. Patrick Woods, CGA
City Manager
M & C 20ll-139
His Worship Mayor Ivan Court
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Members of Council:
SUBJECT: Purchase and Sale Agreement for 111 Molson Avenue
The subject property is located at the western end of Molson Avenue, adjacent to
Highway No. L The site is triangular in shape and has an area of approximately 600
square metres (6,553 square feet). The property is vacant and has been for sale for
some time, but without success.
In March of this year, David Blizzard, Executor and Trustee for the Will of Joyce
Blizzard, contacted Real Estate Services to inquire if the City would be interested in
purchasing the subject property at 1 ll Molson Avenue (PID #394999), as illustrated
on an attached map. Staff inquired with other City Departments to seek their level of
interest. Municipal Operations have commented that City vehicles, such as snow
ploughs and garbage trucks currently maneuver and turn on the site as Molson
Avenue dead-ends at this point. This parcel would also be advantageous for a storage
area for the City during snow clearing operations. This site would also allow access
for the City for maintenance, repair, and renewal of existing municipal infrastructure
adjacent to Highway No. 1.
The subject property is currently assessed by the Province at $16,100.00 for 2011
carrying an annual levy of$525.00. Real Estate Services have negotiated a purchase
price of $10,000.00 to acquire the property, subject to the approval of Common
Council. Since the intended use of this site includes maneuvering of vehicles, staff
intends to prepare a subdivision plan to have the property vested as Public Street.
Staff believes the offer price as noted above is good value for the purpose that
Municipal Operations has indicated above.
The attached Offer of Purchase and Sale is presented to Council for their
consideration. The recommendation contained in this report will facilitate the above
noted land acquisition.
Report to Common Council Page 2
June 6, 2011
1. That The City of Saint John purchase 111 Molson Avenue from David
Blizzard, in his capacity as Executor and Trustee under the Last Will and
Testament of Joyce Blizzard, in accordance with the terms and conditions
contained in the Purchase and Sale Agreement attached to this report(M&C
2. That the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary
Respectfully submitted,
Ken Forrest, MCIP, RPP
Planning and Development
J. Patrick Woods, C.G.A.
City Manager
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3he Purchaser agrees to purchas�from the Vendor and the Vendor agrees to sell to the Purchaser its
un�ncumbered freehold title to the Vendor's lands, civic address 111 f�olson Avenue, Saint John, NB
be�ring PI� lVurnber 394999 upon the terms and conditions as liereinafker set forth:
Vendor: David �lizzard, in his capacity as Execut:or and 1"rustee under the
Last Will and Testament ofJoyce Elizabeth Blizzard, deceased
38 John T. McfVIilBan Avenue
5ainfi 9ohn, NB E2H 2G5
Purchaser: The�ity af Saint John
P.O. Box 1971
15 Market Square
Sairit John, �B E2L 4L1
Attention: Cornmon Clerk
Premises: A parcel af vacant land identified as PID Number 394999 (civic address 111
Molson Avenue} comprising (i) Lots 11:and 12, Block 16, Pian of Fairville Plateau;
and (ii) Part "A" 1,6350 square f2et ori Subdivision Plan filed in the Sair�t ,lohn
�ounty Registry Office as Number 502.
Pu�chase Price: $10,000.00+ HST if applicable
Deposit: $ 200.00 payable upon the adoption ��f the Common CounciP Resolution
Balas�ce: $ 9,800.fl0+ NST if applicable payable on Closing
C9osing Date: (Jn or before August 31, 2011.
3. The Purchaser shall aequire from the Vendor good and marketable title to the Prernises
free and ciear from ail encumbrances exeept as may be provided herein and except as to
any registered restrictions or covenants that run with the Lands provided that such ar�
complied w�ith and do r�ot rnaterially affect marWcetability.
2. �h� Purchaser rnay exarnine the title to the L��nds at its own expense until closing. If
vuithin that time any valid objection to the titlE� to the Lands is rr�ade in writing by the
Purchaser ta the Vendor which the Vendor shall be unable c�r unwilling to rerr�ove�ithin
twenty (20} days of noti�ication of such objection or objections and which the Purchaser
wiil not uvaive, this agreement shall, notwithstanding any intermediate acts �r
negotiations in respect of such objections, be null and vaid and any deposit shall be
returned by the Vendor without interest and th�Vendar shaEl not be liable for any costs
or damages.
' Agreement of Purchase and Sale
Estate of Joyce Elizabeth Biizzard and The City of Saint lohn
3. Vaeanfi possession of the Premises is to be given to the Purchaser at the tirne of Closing.
4. All taxes, local ompravements, �nrater and ��ssessment ra�es and ail ather narrr�al
adjustmeilts shall be apportioned and aflo�n✓ed to the date hereinbefore fixed for
5. The llendor will f�arnish to the Purchaser at Closing a Deed/Transfer in registerable fc�rm
at the expense of the Vendor.
6. di the Rurchaser defaul�s in the closing of the sale under the terms of this Agreerraent,
any rnoney paid hereunder shalE be forfeited to the Vendor by way of liquidated
damages and the Vendar shall have no further recourse.
7. This affer shall be irrevocable by the!lendor until 4:00 p.m. focal�ir�e on
, 20 and upon acceptanc� by the Purchaser shail constitute an
Agreement of Purchase and Sale binding upon t:he parties hereto.
$. There are no representations, warranties, coll�teral ag€-eements or conditions affecting
this Agreement or the Premises or supporked faereby other than as expressed herein in
9. This Agreement shal! be binding upon the parti�s hereto,their respecteve heirs,
executors, administragors, successors and assigms.
IN WITiVESS WFIEREOF the Vendor has ca�ased these pre�ses�ts to be executed this�day of
David �lizzard, as Executor d Trustee
under the Last 1Nill an estament of
Joyce Ebizabeth Blizzard, Deceased
' Agreement of Purchase and Sale
Estate of Joyce Elizabeth Blizzard and The City of Saint lohn
AIVD the Purchaser has caused these presents to be exe�cuted this day of
, 20
T"he C61t��f�a6nt.Dohn
Comm��n Clerk
Comm��n Councif Resolution:
� ,o
� �.
M & C2011 - 144 �`
City of Saint John
3 June 2011
His Worship Ivan Court
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Councillors:
This project is the part of a phased building renewal program for Carleton
Community Centre that is planned over the next 4-5 years. The existing second
floor washrooms are in poor condition and do not meet current building code
requirements for barrier free accessibility since they have not been updated in
more than 30 years. Relocating the secondary electrical room from the current
location on the second floor down to the mechanical room in the basement will
provide the additional space needed to create new washrooms that meet today's
building and accessibility codes as well as provide space for a future expansion of
the kitchen. In addition, this work is in consideration of electrical service
upgrades which are planned for the future phases of the project.
A public tender call was issued, closing on May 25, 20ll. Five companies
responded by submitting bids. The results are as follows:
Castle Rock Construction $ 99,000
Avant-Garde Construction& Management Inc. $104,200
Bird Construction Company $109,900
Avondale Construction Ltd. $112,900
ICR General Contractors Ltd $134,500
(All above are plus tax)
The Engineer's estimate for the work was $130,000.00 plus tax.
M & C2011 - 144
Staffs of Facilities Management and Materials Management have reviewed the
tenders and have found them to be complete and formal in every regard. Staff
believes that the low tenderer has the necessary resources and expertise to perform
the work, and recommend acceptance of their tender.
This is a planned project, and as such, funds were approved in the 2011 Capital
Budget in the amount of$130,000.00. To deal with unforeseen costs associated with
the renewal of an existing building, staff of Facilities Management recommends that
a 10% contingency allowance be approved by Common Council. This contingency
allowance will only be used if required and approved by Facilities Management.
Total cost to the City of Saint John for this project if awarded as recommended,will
be $99,000 plus $9,900(contingency allowance),totaling$108,900 plus HST. This
is within the $130,000 budget previously approved by Common Council.
It is recommended that the contract for Tender No. 2011-085102T: Relocation of
Electrical Rooin/Washroom Renovation—Carleton Community Centre be
awarded to the low bidder, Castle Rock Construction, at the tendered price of
$99,000 plus $9,900 (contingency allowance), totaling $108,900 plus HST.
Respectfully submitted,
David J. Logan
Purchasing Agent
Patrick Woods
City Manager
.J � V._
� �
\ f l �� �_
M & C2011 - 132 �� �w•
City of Saint )ohn
May 31, 2011
His Worship Mayor Ivan Court
& Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Members of Council,
Fire Station 2, Loch Lomond Rd., was constructed in 1979 as a neighbourhood Fire Station. It
houses one Engine Company and one Tanker, for a compliment of 5 firefighters per shift. Over
the past 32 years there have been few, if any repairs or upgrades required to Fire Station 2.
The City of Saint John has four female firefighters. The Fire Department currently can only
deploy its female firefighters at stations with washrooms that can provide some level of privacy.
Fire Station 2, with no washroom egress doors does not provide the level of privacy that would
support the regular placement of female firefighters in that location.
In addition, the current washroom configuration does not meet the standards for accessibility.
Being a publicly owned facility there are compliance standards which must be met.
The proposed washroom renovations will facilitate the creation of privacy as well as providing
compliance to accessibility standards. The renovations will create two separate washrooms, one
of which will provide accessibility, from the eXisting single washroom. When completed, each
room will be equipped with a sink, a toilet, a shower and a lockable door.
Tenders were called for this upgrade wark on April 21, 2011 and closed on Wednesday,
May 18, 2011 with the following results:
M & C2010 - 132
Contractor Bid Price
(Exclusive of HST)
1. Bird Construction Company (Quispamsis, NB) $58,900.00
2. John Flood& Sons (1961) Ltd. (Saint John, NB) $49,679.00
3. ICR General Contractors Ltd. (Saint John, NB) $52,754.00
4. Cossey Corporation (Saint John,NB) $47,200.00
The Engineer's estimate for the wark was $47,500.00 +HST.
The tenders were reviewed by staffs of Materials and Facility Management and were found to be
formal and complete in all respects. Staff believes that the low tenderer, Cossey Corporation, has
the necessary resources and expertise to perform the work, and recommend acceptance of their
The total cost for this project, if awarded as recommended, will be $47,200.00 + HST. This is a
planned expenditure for which funds have been allocated in the City's 20ll Capital Budget for
It is recommended Tender No. 2011-085101T: Washroom Upgrades — Fire Station # 2 be
awarded to the low bidder, Cossey Corparation, at the tendered price of$47,200.00,plus tax.
Respectfully submitted,
David Logan
Purchasing Agent
Patrick Woods
City Manager
� :�
M & C-2011-119 —
May 18, 2011 ��������
City of Saint John
His Warship Mayor Ivan Court and
Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Councillors:
SUBJECT: Easement Acquisition for Municipal Storm Sewer Line
440 Rothesay Avenue-King Mazda Property
As part of their redevelopment plans,King Mazda will be rerouting storm water that is
currently flowing in a ditch across their property into a storm sewer on Rockwood
Avenue(the current ditch eventually enters this same storm sewer) via a new section of
storm sewer. This ditch takes overland flow from the King Mazda site as well as
Oakland Street. Due to the fact there is municipal storm water from Oakland Street
flowing through the ditch and entering into the new section of storm sewer,the City must
own the storm line in order to ensure it continues to function properly.
This easement will allow City staff or its agents to go onto the site should any future
work to the pipe be required. The following recommendation will secure the necessary
1. Provided that the owner of 440 Rothesay Avenue has laid starm sewer pipes to
the satisfaction of the Chief City Engineer, The City of Saint John acquire an
Easement for Municipal Services in and through the lands at civic#440 Rothesay
Avenue, as detailed on the attached Easement Sketch, titled"King Mazda
Parking Lot Expansion"; and
2. Authorize the Mayor and Common Clerk to sign any document(s)necessary to
finalize this transaction.
Respectfully submitted,
Ken Forrest, MCIP, RPP J. Patrick Woods, C.G.A.
Commissioner City Manager
Planning and Development
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Description of Pian: City Easemenfi Acquisition for New Storm Sewer Line.
N PID: 55039358, Address: 440 Rothesay Avenue
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Pan: N/A Date: May 18, 2011
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June 3, 2011
17�e Cii.y oFSaint Jobn
His Worship Mayor Ivan Court
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Members of Council:
Re: Licence Agreements with I3argo Jet Boat Tour Inc.
Fallsview Park and Red School House
Hargo Jet Boat Tour Tnc. have been operating boat tours from Fallsview Park for a number of
years and have also been operating a bicycle rentaUboat tour sales office from the "Red School
House" adjoining the Coast Guard property for the past two years. in 2010, both establishments
were operating under one year licence agreements, which have since expired.
Given the pending redevelopment plans for the Coast Guard site, staff negotiated a weekly
licence for the "Red School House" which automatically renews until October 29, 2Q11 unless
either party gives the other five (5} days notice that the licence will terminate. The licence fee is
Fifly Dollars ($50.00)per week.
With respect to the Fallsview Licence, the business operators have for years been reluctant to
agree to the City's terms and conditions and to a tenm� longer than one (1) to five (5) years
because of a number of concerns regarding the daily operations of the Park and the lack of
progress to improvements. Such issues include but are not limited to the ad hoc peddlers
operating from their vehicles in the Park on cruise ship days, the lack of signage d'uecting
tourists to the Park and the general appearance of the Park. After some negotiation, staff reached
an ageement with Hargo for a one (1) year licence which may be renewed yearly up to five (5)
years upon giving to the City three (3) months written notice. The fee for the licence is Two
Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) with a five per cent {5%) increase yearly.
if Council is in agreement, the following recommendation will secure both opera�ions.
That the City of Saint ]ohn grant a weekly licence to Hargo Jet Boat Tour ]nc. for the 2011
season for use of the "Red School House" off Water Street; and a one (1) year licence agreement
Page 2
with an option to renew yearly up to five (5)years for the use of a portion of Fallsview Park for the jet
boat operation, under the terms and conditions as contained in the attached license agreements and
that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to sign the license agreements.
Respectfully submitted,
� �
. atrick Woods, CGA
THIS LICENCE made in duplicate as of the day of , 2011.
7HE CITY OF SAINT JOHN having its City Hall at
15 Market Square, Saint John, New Brunswick, a
body corporate by Royal Charter, confirmed and
amended by Acts of the Legislative Assembly of the
Province oi New Brunswick, hereinafter called the
- and —
HARGO JET BOAT TOUR INC., a body corporate
duly incorporated under the laws of the Province of
New Brunswicic, having its head office in the City of
Saint John in the County of Saint John and
Province of New Brunswick, hereinafter called the
WHEREAS the Licensor is the owner of the lands bearing PID number 55011894
shown on Schedule A attached hereto and forming part hereof(hereinafter the "Lands"};
AND WHEREAS situate upon the Lands is a iittle red school house owned by the
Licensor and highligh#ed in red on Schedule A (hereinafter the "House");
AND WHEREAS the Licensor has agreed to give the within Licence under the
terms and conditions hereinafter set forth;
NOW THEREFORE TH1S LICENCE WfTNESSETH that for and in consideration
of the sum of Two Doflars of lawful money of Canada now paid by the Licensee to the
Licensor, the receipt and sufficiency whereof is hereby acknowledged, the Licensor does
hereby grant, subject to the terms, conditions, covenants and provisions herein
contained, permission and Licence to the Licensee to enter into and upon and exit from
the Lands for the sole purpose of using the House to sell bicycle rentals, boat tours and
pre-packaged snacks for the term of this Licence, on the following terms and conditions.
1. This Licence shall be for a period of one (1} week, commencing June 5, 2019 at
12:01 a.m. and ending June 11, 2011 at midnight.
Licence Agreement
The City of Saint John and Hargo Jet Boat Tours {nc.
Page 2 of 4
2. Provided the Licensee is not in default, the within Licence renews weekly
automatically until October 29, 2011 unless either party gives five (5) days notice, in
writing, to the other that the Licence shall terminate.
3. The Licensee shall pay to the Licensor for the privileges herein granted the sum
of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per week, not including HST, on the day prior to the
commencement of the week.
4. The Licensee agrees and acknowledges that there is a pending Development on
the Lands.
5. Notwithstanding anything else herein contained, this Licence may be terminated
forthwith without notice to the Licensee in the event that the Licensee shall, in the
opinion of the Licensor, be in default of any of the terms and conditions of this Licence
6. No transfer or assignment of this Licence or of any of the rights or privileges
herein granted shall be made, or caused or permitted to be made by the Licensee.
7. The Licensee hereby covenants and agrees wi#h the Licensor as follows:
a} that it shafl only use the House as a customer service office for the sale of
bicycle rentals, boat tours and pre-packaged snacks;
b) that it shall be responsible #o pay for utilities and phone services to the
c) that it shall only put up one sign up on the House, and that all other
signage shall be on the ground;
d) that at least half of the existing school benches and tables currently
located in the House shall remain in place and intact as public display in
the House for the term of the Licence;
e) that it shall not change or cause to be changed the current red color of
the House, and it shall ensure that the exterior of the House remains
intact and in the state that it was at the time of the signing of this Licence;
f} that it shall not use the House as a bicycle storage, or for any other
purpose than that which is stated at paragraph a} hereof;
g) that it shall keep the area around the House and the vehicle and trailer,
referred to in article 8, clean and tidy at all times;
h) that it shall, at no expense to #he Licensor, obtain and maintain in full
force and effect during the entire term of this Licence, a Commercial
Licence Agreement
The City of Saint John and Hargo Jet Boat Tours Inc.
Paga 3 of 4
General Liability Insurance policy with policy limits of not less than five
million dollars {$5,000,000.00) inclusive per occurrence for bodily injury
and property damage; which policy shall name the City as an additional
insured and shall contain a cross-liability clause;
i) that it shall, on or before June 3`d, 2011, submit to the City a Ce�tificate of
Insurance or other satisfactory evidence of having obtained and
maintained the insurance coverage required at paragraph h) hereof;
8. The Licensor, for its part, covenants and agrees with the Licensee as follows:
a) that it shall cause eiectrical power to be installed to the House;
b) that it shall permi# the Licensee to park a bicycle trailer adjacent to the
House during the term for bicycle rentals;
c} that it shall permit the Licensee to park a vehicle adjacent to the House
on cruise ship days listed in Schedule "B".
9. No change or modification of this Licence shall be valid unless it is in writing and
signed by the Licensor and the Licensee.
90. This Licence supersedes and takes the place of all prior agreements entered into
by the parties with respect to the House.
11. This Licence shall not be enforced or bind any of the parties thereto, until
executed by a!I the parties named in it.
12. Notwithstanding any clauses herein, the Licensee does hereby indemnify and
save harmless the Licensor from all damages, cost, claims, demands, actions, suits or
other proceedings by whomsoever claimed, made, brought or prosecuked in any manner
and whether in respect of property owned by others or in respect of damage sustained
by others based upon or arising out of or in connection with the use of the Lands and
House pursuant to the within Licence or anything done or purported to be done in any
manner hereunder, except for damages caused by the City's negligence.
Licence Agreement
The City of Saint John and Hargo Jet Boat Tours Inc.
Page 4 of 4
THIS LfCENCE shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon successors and
assigns of the parties hereto respectively.
In the presence of: ) THE CITY OF SAINT J4HN
) Mayor
) Common Clerk
} Common Council Resolution:
) , 2011
) Per. � � ��
) �\ , �
) � - -
) Ja�nine Ha is �
) President� nd General Manager
Schedule "A"
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i--� _ Tentelive Cruiae 2011 _ i `
SAlNTJOHN,N.B. W LastU atad�
1 07-Jun Tus C9:00-19:C0 Cemrval GI PGA 3508 CCl
2 11-Jun Sel 09:00-19:00 Cemivel GI PGA 3506 CCL
3 15-Jun Wed 08:00•17:00 r.emivel GI pGN 3500 CCL
4 2pJUn Mon 07:00•15:00 Enchenlment oR Seas PGA 2Z06 RCCL
5 21Jun Tuee U9:00-19;00 Carnivel GI PGA 350Q CCL
fi 25-.lun Sel 09:00-99:00 Camivef GI PGA 3500 CCL
7 29•JUn Wed OB:DO-77:00 Cemivel GI PGA 3500 CCL
8 04-Jul Mon 08:00-17:00 Csmival Glo PGA 3500 CCL
9 09-Jul Sel 09:OU-99:00 Camival Glo PGA 3500 CCL
10 13-Ju1 Wed 68:00-17'00 Cemivel Glo PGA 3500 CCL
1t 1B-Ju1 Mon 07:00-15,00 EnchanUnentdtSeaa PGH 2200 RCCL
12 19•JUl Tues 09�00-18:00 Camivel Glo PGA 3500 CCL
13 23Ju1 Sat 09:00-19:00 Cemivel Glo PGA 3500 CCL
]4 27-Jul Wed 06:00-17:00 Camivel Gro PGA 3500 CCL
i5 07-Au Man 08:00-17:00 Camivef Glo PGA 3500 CCL
t6 O6-Au Sel OB:00-18:00 CamivelGlo P6A 3500 CCL
17 09-Au Tues 09;00-17;00 CenDbeen Princesa PGA 3100 PRINCESS
1B f0•Au Wad OB:00-17:00 CarnlvelGl PGA 3500 CCl
1B t5•Au Man 08.00-1760 CarmvelGio PGA 3500 CCL
20 15-Au INOn 07:00-16 00 EnChanlment o!I Se95 LW 2200 RCCL
21 tB-Au Tues 09:00•17:p0 Caribbaan Pnncess PGA 3100 PRINCESS
22 20-Au Sel 09:00-19:00 Cemtval GI PfiA 3500 CCL
23 23-Au Tuea 69:00-17:00 Cari6hean Princess PGA 3i00 PRINCESS
24 24-Au WeE 08:00-17:00 Camival G1 PGA 3500 CCL
25 29-Au Man 08:00•17:00 Camival GI PGA 3500 CCL
26 30-Au Tues 09:00-17:00 Caribbean Pnncess PGA 3100 PRINCESS
27 03-Se Sal 09:OD-19:0p Camival G PGA 3500 CC!
28 OS-Se Mon 07:00•15:00 Ex forer of tl�a Seas PGA 3300 RCCL
29 OBSe Tues 09:00-17:00 Canbbeen Princeas PGA 3100 PR[NCESS
30 07•Se Wed 08:D0-17:06 CamivelGla PGA 3500 CCL
31 12-Se Mon 67:OD-15:UU Enchenlmenl o't Seae PGA 2200 RCCL
32 13•Se Tues 08:00•1fi:U0 Areadia LW 230Q P80
33 13-SC TVes 09:M•1 T UO CBribbean Prince55 PGA 3100 PRINCESS
34 14•Se Wed 08:00-14;00 Camlval Glo PGA 3500 CCL
35 18-Se Sun 09:00-17:00 Crown Pnncess PGA 2500 PRINCESS
36 19•Se Mon 07:00-15:00 Ex brer of the Seas PGA 3300 RCCL
37 �.�7Se 1'��� �;T.li4-rr'�.; Jr;nEdaftnr.S�;as LW _7np RCCL
.3B :��SP.' Tu9 95'?D-f 1.04 Gt+in�val G,or.• PGA 3;�Gp CCL
39 27- Wed 1200•Z0:00 Nuw iBnJdwel LW 2300 NCL
40 21-Se Wed D9:00•t7:00 CenbGeOn Pnncess PGA 31Q0 PRINCESS
41 29-Se Man 07:00-15;00 Enchenlment oA Sees PGA 2200 RCCL
42 27-Se Tues OT 00•173fl Jewel of lhe Sees LW 2100 RCCL
43 27-Se 7ues 09.00-t9:OD Carruvat Gi PGA 3500 CCL
44 .'r•�e• :.eh t�0•J•?U GC Nor,r�c���n Jev:r_.t LP: 23C� Nf;L
45 78-Se i 'JYetl Odt���9l.LC L'•r.nt:ne.an Pnr.c��s�s PGA 3'IC�1 PRINCESS
46 30-Se Fn 10:00•18:60 Crv�xn PnntCSS PGA 2500 PRINCESS
47 3U-Se Fn 09�.004B:6D C la1 S on LW 900 C lel
48 Oi�Oc1 Sel 08;30-17:00 Aurore PCA 1800 P80
49 03�Oc1 Mon 07:00-15:00 Ex lorer of Ihe Saes PGA 3300 RCCL
50 04-OG Tues 07:OD-17:30 Jewel of lhe Seas LW 2160 RCCL
51 04�Oct Tues 05.OD-19 00 Carnrosl Gio PGA 3500 CCL
52 4S�(1�t Yltd U'.!30-t'L.bli Ra nfta F'(iC r;F:v [1Ct.amR
53 Q°�-CcS L•lery S_�NJ�20 Cp N�-r.c�En Je�.p� LLS 2;u6 Nf;l.
54 OSdY.Y W�d C�1.UR�1TGO G[!r:h:,ebnP�im:r:S F'GA ?.'14Q PRI!y(:ESS
55 08-0ct Sal OB:00-17:00 Croym Princess PGA 2500 PRINCESS
56 09-0ct Sun 09:00-16:00 lel S hon PGA 900 lel
57 10-Oet Mon 07:00-15:00 Ertehanlmenl dl Seas PGA 2200 RCCL
56 11-OU Tues 07.00•17:3D Jewelo[IheSeas LW 210G RCCL
59 l7-0ct TuBS 09.00-79.00 Camival G! PGA 3CiW CCL
60 t2.ry» �r1�0 t70�•C�1.C!' N.,�xaner�Je.�.el L`N 2?!!0 NCL
B'{ 12-C::;! PJw1 C9 DG-17:(;p G,3r�Gt:::�n Fnac-[±;s PGA _{1�)t! k>Rlh(:ESS
62 55-Oct Sal 07:W�19:00 SYvc Wh PGA 300 Sivnsea
63 17-0c1 Man 07:00-�5:00 F�c orer af Ihe Seea PGA 3300 RCCt
64 78AC1 Tuas 08:06-17:00 MSC Poeala PGA 3000 MSC
65 19-0U Wed 12'OU-79'DO Re atla PGC 694 Oteania
66 19-0d Wed 09.00-i7.U9 CanhbeanPnncess PGA 31Q0 PRINCE55
67 20-0d Thurs 07:00-i9:00 Jawelaf the Seas PGA 2i00 RCCL
B8 23-Oc1 Sun 11:00-22:00 Maestlam PGA 1200 ollend Ameri
69 25�Oc1 Tues OT.00-t7.3o Jewa[oftheSeas LW 2100 RCCL
70 25-Qcl Tues 03:D0-17 Q0 MSC Pces�e PGA 3600 bfSC
71 25Ac1 7uen U8:00•t7.00 CaribbeanPrincess F'GC 3740 PRINCESS
No!!de !na ural
THIS LICENSE made in duplicate this day of , 2a11.
THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN, having its City Hall at
15 Market Square, Saint John, New Brunswick, a
body corporate by Royal Charter, confirrned and
amended by Acts of the Legislative Assembly of the
Province of New Brunswick, hereinafter called the
- and —
NAUTIQUES HARGO INC., a company duly
incorporated under the laws of the Province of
Quebec, having its head office at the City of
Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, hereinafter
called the "Licensee"
WHEREAS the Licensor is the owner of the lands outlined on Schedule "A"
attached hereto and forming part hereof; and
WHEREAS the Licensor has agreed to grant the within License upon terms and
conditions hereinafter set out;
consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00} lawful money of Canada and other good
and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the Licensor
does hereby grant, subject to the terms, conditions, covenants and p�ovisions herein
contained, non-exclusive permission and license to the Licensee, its servants, agents,
employees, contractors and invitees to enter into and upon and exit from the lands
shown outlined on Scheduie "A" (the "Lands") for the purposes of a) constructing,
erecting, operating, maintaining and repairing/replacing a boat tour, food stand facility,
bicycle rental facility and Geopark Trailer as well as undertaking any activities approved
by the Licensor necessarily incidental thereto from and including March 1, 2011 to and
including at 11:59 p.m. local time February 29, 2012 (the "term").
1. The Licensee shall not modify or expand the boat tour, food stand facility, bicycle
rental facility and Geopark Trailer without the prior written consent of the Licensor
{resolution of Common Council).
2. The Licensee shall pay to the Licensor for this License the surn of Two Thousand
Dollars {$2,000.00) to be paid on or before June 1, 2019. This License fee is
subject to the payment by the Licensee of harmonized sales tax(HST) or any tax
substituted in lieu thereof and such amounts are in addition to all license fees.
3. {1) (a) Provided that the Licensee is not in default and provided that the
Licensor did not terminate the License pursuant to section 7, the Licensee may
upon giving three {3) months written notice to the City extend this License from
and including March 1, 2012 to and including February 28, 2013 upon the same
terms and conditions as herein contained save and except clause 2 hereof.
(b) The License fee for the one (1) year extension hereby contemplated
shall be the amount of the License fee for the previous year plus five percent
(5%} of the said amount to be paid on or before June 1, 2012. This License fee
is subject to the payment by the Licensee of harmonized sales tax (HST) or any
tax substituted in lieu thereof and such amounts are in addition to aIl license fees.
(2) (a) Provided that the Licensee is not in default and provided that the
Licensor did not terminate the License pursuant to section 7, the Licensee may
upon giving three (3) months written notice to the City extend this License from
and including March 1, 2413 to and including February 28, 2Q14 upon the same
terrns and conditions as herein contained save and except c[ause 2 hereof.
(b) The License fee for the one (1) year extension hereby contemplated
shall be the amount of the License fee for the previous year plus five percent
(5%} of the said amount to be paid on or before June 1, 2013. This License fee
is subject to the payment by the Licensee of harmonized sales tax {HST) or any
tax substituted in lieu thereof and such amounts are in addition to all license fees.
(3) (a) Provided that the Licensee is not in default and provided that the
Licensor did not terminate the License pursuant to section 7, the Licensee may
upon giving three (3) months written notice to the City extend this License from
and including March 'f, 2014 to and including February 28, 2015 upon the same
terms and conditions as herein contained save and except clause 2 hereof.
(b) The License fee for the one (1) year extension hereby contemplated
shall be the amount of the License fee for the previous year plus five percent
{5%) of the said amount to be paid on or before June 1, 20'I4. This License fee
is subject to the payment by the Licensee of harmonized sales tax (HST) or any
tax subskituted in Iieu thereof and such amounts are in addition to all license fees.
{4) (a} Provided that the Licensee is not in default and provided that the
Licensor did not terminate the License pursuant to section 7, the Licensee may
upon giving three (3) months written notice to the City extend this License from
and including March 1, 2d15 to and including February 29, 2016 upon the same
terms and conditions as herein contained save and except c{ause 2 hereof.
(b) The License fee for the one (1) year extension hereby contemplated
shall be the amount of the License fee for the previous year plus five percent
(5%) of the said amount to be paid on or before June 'f, 2015. This License fee
is subject to the payment by the Licensee of harmonized sales tax (HST} or any
tax substituted in lieu thereof and such arnounts are in addition to all license fees.
(5} (a) Provided that the Licensee is not in default and provided that the
Licensor did not terminate the License pursuant to section 7, the Licensee may
upon giving three (3) months wriften notice to the Cify extend this License from
and including March 1, 2016 to and including February 28, 2017 upon the same
terms and conditions as herein contained save and except clause 2 hereof.
(b) The License fee for the one {1} year extension hereby contemplated
shall be the amount of the License fee for the previous year plus five percent
(5%) of the said amount to be paid on or before June 1, 2016. This License fee
is subject to the payment by the Licensee of harrnonized sales tax {HST) or any
tax substituted in lieu thereof and such amounts are in addition to al4license fees.
4. The Licensee shall not have any claim against the Licensor for loss or damage of
any nature, kind or description whatsoever arising from the exercise or purported
exercise of the License herein granted, unless such loss or damage is due to the
negligence or willful misconduct of the Licensor or its employees, servants or
5. {1} The Licensee shatl, at its sole cost, obtain and keep in force during the term
of this License, comprehensive general liability insurance for bodily injury and
property damage, on "an occurrence" basis which coverage shall have an
inclusive limit of not less than Five Million Dollars {$5,000,000.00} and shall
include the following:
i) the Licensor, added as an "Additional Insured";
ii) a cross liability clause; and
iii) contractual liability with regard to this License.
(2} The Licensee shall provide a Certificate of Insurance to the Licensor at the
time of the execution of this License evidencing the insurance coverage
described in (a) herein and annually thereafter on March 1 of each year for any
and all extension/renewal periods.
(3} The Licensee shall not alter or cancel or permit the insurance coverage to be
altered or canceiled until the Licensee has given to the Licensor thirty {30} days
notice in writing prior to any such intended alternation or cancellation.
(4} In the event the Licensor receives notice from khe insurer that the insurer
intends to cancel or alter the said insurance coverage, or in the event the
Licensee fails to provide proof of insurance, the Licensor in its sofe and absolute
discretion may forthwith terminate this License upon giving ten (10} days written
notice o# its intention to terminate this License unless the required insurance
coverage is maintained.
6. The Licensee hereby indemnifies, defends and saves harmless the Licensor, its
employees, ofFicers, agents, successors and assigns, from and against any and
all losses, costs, claims, demands, expenses, proceedings and actions of every
nature and kind for injury or damages, including indirect, consequential and
incidental damages, to persons or property which are or may be in any way
related to, or connected or associatec! with this License or anything done or
purported to be done in any manner hereunder; provided that the Licensee is not
obligated to indemnify the Licensor for claims arising from the negligence or
willful misconduct of the Licensor, its employees, ofFicers, agents, successors
ancf assigns.
7. (1} The Licensor may terminate this License and prevent the automatic renewal
referred to at clause 3 hereof by giving six (6) months written notice to the
(2) lf the License fee hereby reserved or any part hereof or any other sums or
charges payable hereunder or any part thereof shall be in arrears for thirty {30}
days whether or not the same shall have been in any manner demanded or in fhe
event of a breach or non-performance by the Licensee of any of the other terms
or conditions in the License contained which on the part of the Licensee ought to
be obsenred or performed, which breach or non-performance remains un-
remedied following a period of thirty {30) days written days of such breach or
non-performance having been received by the Licensee from the Licensor, then
and in every such case it shall be lawful for the Licensor by notice in writing to
terminate this License and no acceptance of any License fees subsequenk to any
breach or non-performance or any condoning, excusing or overlooking by the
Licensor on previous occasions of breaches or non-performance similar to that
for which this License shall be terminated shall be taken as a waiver of these
conditions or any way defeat or affect the rights of the Licensor hereunder.
(3} The Licensee shall within ninety (90) days of the termination of this License,
at its own expense, remove from the Lands any and all prope�ty constructed,
erected, made, brought or placed upon the said Lands by the Licensee and shall
restore the Lands to as good condition as prevailed immediately prior to the
commencement of the term hereof and, in the event of the failure of the Licensee
to do so the Licensor shall become the sole owner of any property constructed,
erected, made, brought or placed upon the said Lands by the Licensee and the
Licensee shall not by reason of any action taken or things required under this
paragraph be entitled to any resource whatsoever. Notwi#hstanding the
expiration or the termination of this License for any cause, the obligations of the
Licensee set forth in this clause shall survive any such expiration or termination
and shall remain in force until the obligation is discharged or such time to perform
the obligation expires, whichever event first occurs.
(4) Should the permissions and licenses of the Licensee under this License be
seized or faken in execution or attachment by any creditor of the Licensee, or the
Licensee maEces an assignment for the benefit of creditors, becomes bankrupt or
insolvent, or takes the benefit of any statute that may be in force for bankrupt or
insolvent debtors, this License terminates.
8. The Licensee shall pay promptly all charges, taxes, rates and assessments of
whatsoever description which during the term of this License shafl be chargeable
upon or become payable in respect to the operation of the Licensee or its
occupation of the Lands.
9. The Licensee shall at all time and at its own expense, keep the Lands free from
all garbage and debris related to the operation of the boat tour, food stand facility
and bicycfe rentals facility.
10. The Licensee shall at a11 times during the term hereof maintain the Lands in a
condition compatible with the natural state of Fallsview Park.
11. The Licensee shall in the interest of safety, maintain all buiidings or storage
containers on the Lands at all times secure from unauthorized use and
12, The Licensee shail at all times not obstruct or permit the obstruction of walkways
in any manner.
13. In the event any landscaping on adjacent Licensor-owned property is disturbed
during the construction and/or renovations to the boat tour, food stand facility,
bicycle rental facility, and Geopark Trailer, the Licensee shall at its own cost
immediately restore the said landscaping to the condition in which it existed prior
to such disturbance.
14. The Licensee is permitted to alter and expand its building and operations within
the area of the License provided that: (a} no building or site improvement worlc
commences until a site deveiopment plan, including architectural renderings of
the proposed building and site expansion are presented to and approved by the
Commissioner of Planning and Development; (b) the proposed building and site
expansion together with the existing building(s} comply with all Municipal By-
laws, rules and regulations; and (c) the proposed building and site expansion do
not adversely affect the future expansion of Harbour Passage Trail on and along
Fallsview Park.
15. The Licensee shalE conduct its business at all times in compliance with and in
conformity to the requirements of every applicable federal and provincial statute,
rule, reguiation and ordinance, and every municipal by-law, rule, reguEation, order
and ordinance that at any time or from time to time may be in force or effect
during the term.
16. The Licensee shall not assign or sub-License this License or any part thereof,
without the prior written consent of the Licensor.
17. The Licensor hereby grants to the Licensee, its servants, agents, employees
and con#ractors, permission and License to erect, use and maintain poles, guys,
anchors and lines for telephone and electrical power transmission in and over the
lands of the Licensor.
18. The Licensor hereby grants to the Licensee, its servants, agents, employees and
contractors permission and license to enter into and upon those lands adjacent to
the Lands as shown on Schedule "A" for the purpose of gaining access to and
egress from the Lands and further it grants permission and license to the
Licensee, its servants, agents, employees, contractors and invitees in common
with all other persons lawfully using the Fallsview Park Area to use the Parking
Lot and access road in connection with khe exercise of this License.
19. The Licensor may permit other uses within Fallsview Park save and except uses
which ofFer boat tours of the Reversing Fa11s Rapids and bicycle rentals, provided
that such other uses do not interfere in a material way with the operation of the
Licensee permitted hereunder.
20. The Licensor has the absolute right to construct and/or re-construct pubEic
street{s) including curb, sidewafks and landscaping in the area commonly called
"Fallsview Park" lying between the West sideline of Fallsview Drive/Avenue and
the Saint John River and to alter the area licensed without payment or
compensation to the Licensee or reduction of any annual License fee or po�tion
thereof, provided that such construction andlor re-construction or alteration do
not have any material effect on the operation of the Licensee permitted
hereunder, save and except in the event of any emergency.
21. All notices shall be in writing and shall be deemed validly given if personally
served, sent by courier, registered maiE or facsimile as follows or to any other
address that may be provided in writing from time to time by one party to the
The Licensor: The City of Saint John
15 Market Square
PO Box 1971
Saint John, NB E2L 4L1
Attn: the Comrnon Clerk
The Licensee: Hargo Jet Boat Tour Inc./Excursions Nautiques Hargo Inc.
PO Box 7094, Brunswick Square
Saint John, NB E2L 4S5
22. The Licensor and the Licensee acknowledge and agree that the relationship
between them is soiely that of independent contractor, and nothing herein shall
be construed to constitute the pa�ties as employer/employee, partners, joint
ventures, co-owners, or otherwise as participants in a joint or common
undertaking. Neither party, nor its employees, agents or representatives shall
have any right, power or authority to act or create any obligation, express or
implied, on behalf of the other.
23. This License shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the faws of
the Province of New Brunswick.
24. Any provision of this License which is prohibited or unenforceable shall be
ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability and shall be
severed from the baiance of this License without affecting the remaining
provisions of this License.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set their corporate seals duly
attested by the signature of their properly authorized officers respectively the day and
year first above written.
in the presence of: )
) Mayor
) Common C[erk
) Common Council Resolution:
) , 2411
} INC. 1
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) Pres�ent and General Manager
Schedu�e "A"
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Fallsview Park
Limit of Licensed Area NTS Saint John, NB
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His Worship Mayor Ivan Court anc4 Members of Common Council
City of Saint John
BCAPI Maior P.O. Box 1971,
Saonsors Sa[nt John, N.B.
Brunswick Pipeline E2L 4L1
Dowd Roofing
Fo�is Properties
Horizan Fiealth Network June 2, 2011
J.D. Iroing, Limited
Moosehead Breweries Your Worship and Members of Common Council,
The executive and members of the Business Community Anti-Poverty Initiative
BCAPI Leadershia (BCAPI} woufd like to congratulate the City for maintaining and increasing the
Bill Gale,Founder Neighbourhood Development Stimula#ion Grant Program this year. Council's
Gary Lawson,Past Chair commitment to revitalizing Saint John's priority neighbourhoods and improving
Tom Gribbons, Chair quality of life for thousands of citizens is commendable and will do much to help
Blair Northoott,Treasurer attract newcomers. BCAPI recognizes that this grant program is only one of a
John Adams
Brice Belyea number of ways Council is helping to rebuild specific neighbourhoods in our city that
Lino Celeste have suffered serious neglect and decline. However, these investments are proving
Nancy Creamer-Ervin their worth and are a powerful tool for citizen engagement— a critica{foundational
Regena Farnsworth element that research shows must be present to achieve successful neighbourhood
Charlie Harling revitalization.
Paulette Hicks
Gregor Hope Since the inception of the Neighbourhood Development Stimulation Grant Program,
J.K.�Jim)Irving BCAPI has observed with pride how#he program has helped Saint John's priority
Robert MacKinnon neighbourhoods strengthen their capacity to lead neighbourhood improvements. We
Dora Nicinski believe this ro ram has also attracted a si nificant number of other resources such
Derek Oland p g g
Gerry Pond as funds, volunteers and partners, to these neighbourhoods to help.
Mary Reeves
Sheri someroille The seed fund of$160,000 per year is reaping social and economic benefits for
Bob Vincent Saint Jahn and we aften wonder if our own citizens are aware of a[I the wonderful
�ohn B.wheatley work being done. We also believe that Saint John is a "best practice" example and
that other communities will want to learn from Saint John's leadership and
BCAPI Coordinator experience. We highly recommend that Council document, evaluate and
Monica Chaperlin communicate the value of this program along with other initiatives aimed at
rebuilding neighbourhoods. Saint John is a poverty reduction leader in New
300 Union Street, Brunswick and in Canada. The City should be recognized for its important
P.o.Box 5777, leadership role and contributions.
Saint John,N8
E2L 4M3 BCAPI has noted one opportunity and the City should consider submitting an
application to the Province (Local Government) for a Community Recognition
506.633.5588 Award. The Community Recognition Award highlights community programs and
promotes best practices and leadership in the municipal sector, Nominations are
chaperiin.monica being accepted until June 29'� and winners are awarded $5,000. BCAPI believes
@jdirving.com Saint John is deserving of such recognition.
�n behalf of BCAPI, congratulations for your leadership and work to help reduce
poverty in Saint J
��� �
Tom G ' bons
Chairperson, BCAPI
� �1';;
The City of Saint John
Mayor Ivan Court
Mayor's Office
Bureau du maire
WHEREAS: shriners international is a well-know,
respected fraternity dedicated to fun,
fellowship and philanthropy with
hundreds of thousands of inembers who
belong to 19]. chapters throughout the
world; and
WHEREAS: members support Shriners Hospitals for
Children�, a pediatric health care system
that was founded by the Shriners
fraternity and provides all care with no
financial obligation to patients or their
families; and
WHEREAS: membership in the Shriners fraternity
offers the invaluable opportunity to build
camaraderie and lifelong friendships with
other men of character and upstanding
values; and
WHEREAS: shriners international offers its members
professional development and leadership
opportunities in their local communities
and i.nternationally; and
WHEREAS: it is fitting and appropriate to
acknowledge and celebrate this wonderful
fraternity and its rich history on the
anniversary of the day the Imperial
Council of Shriners International was
formed - June 6, 1876.
/_�' -
SAINT JOHN P.O.Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 I www.saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N.-B.Canada E2L 4L1
NOW �{ TH�F�,RE: I, Macyor Ivan Court,
��'�°�- �'t of Saint John do hereby proclaim
June 6� to 12�, 2011 as Shriners International
Awareness Week in Saint John and do encourage all of
our citizens to Iearn more about Shriners International and
celebrate its many impressive achievements over the past
138 years.
In witness whereof I have set my hand and aff"ixed the
official seal of the Mayor of the City of Saint John.
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SAINT JOHN P.O.Box 1971 Saint John,NB Canada E2L 4L1 !, www.saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John,N.-B.Canada E2L 4L1
Luxor Temple Shriners Join Together to Celebrate Shriners International
Awareness Week
Contact: Rene Cormier, Luxor Shriners, 506-651-6262 renecormier(a�rogers.com
Saint John, N. B. —June 6-12, Shriners around the world will join together to participate
in an international week of recognition for the Shriners International fraternity.
This celebration began in 2006 and is an opportunity for Shriners to share information
about the fraternity, its history and the benefits of becoming part of an organization
dedicated to fun, fellowship and philanthropic support. The fraternity's governing board,
known as the Imperial Council, was founded on June 6, 1876.
Shriners will be wearing their fezzes, if appropriate, or hats, shirts, lapel pins and other
items with the fraternal logo to help recognize fellow Shriners and increase awareness
about Shriners International. Many Shriners are also organizing special events at their
temples and in their communities.
Luxor Shriners will cefebrating a bit early with a Parade being held in Sussex, N.B. on
Saturday, June 4rh. The parade will kick off from the Sussex Legion at 2:00 PM.
"Shriners International Awareness Week is the perfect opportunity for nobles to tell the
world about our feztastic fraternity," said Imperial Membership Committee Chairman
George Mitchell. "It is also a time to join together as an organization and celebrate our
many impressive accomplishments over the years. We have a lot to be proud of, and I
think it's important for us to recognize that and host events and activities that get people
excited about us."
These accomplishments include founding and continuing to operate Shriners Hospitals
for Children�, a pediatric health care system dedicated to improving the lives of children
by providing speciafty care, innovative research and outstanding teaching programs.
Children up to age 18 with orthopaedic conditions, burn injuries of all degrees, spinal
cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate are efigible for admission and receive all care in a
family-centered environment, with no financial obligation to patients or their families.
About Shriners International
Shriners International is a fraternity based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic principles
of brotherly love, relief and truth. There are approximately 350,000 members from 191
temples in the U.S., Canada, Mexico and the Republic of Panama. Shriners
Internationaf founded and continues to operate Shriners Hospitafs for Children�. Visit
www.beashrinernow.com for more information.
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Ou r Nei h bou rhood � � •
• We are the East Side Motivators (ESM ) — motiva ed
to make a difference within our community
• Located at Roxbu ry Drive/Read i ng Crescent
• Our vision is to engage residents and provide
positive experiences to make a difference within our
• We need a safe place for our children to play and
community to gather
• Which will help provide opportunities for a brighter
Where We Are Located � � �
. .
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Who are the Motivators ? � � •
• We are residents & youth
• Local businesses such as Little John 's &
Sterling 's Apples
• Community Partnerships with Vibrant
Communities ; Irving Oil ; Glen Falls School ;
Forrest Hills School ; Green Win ; Glen View
United Church ; Forrest Hills Baptist; Horizon
Health ; Social Development; Com m u n ity
Police ; and YMCA
Wh th is is so i m ortant to ou r : : :
. .
communit ' -
. . .
Area Demographics Our Area Saint John
Single Parent Families 42% 24.7%
Median Household Income $27,000 $41,459
Poverty Rate 43.5% 20.8%
Poverty Rate - Single Mothers 68. 1% 42%
Poverty Rate - C ildren under 6 years 71 .4% 33.7%
High School - completion 40% 22.6%
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Here are a few th i n s we 've � � '
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done i n the last 6 months � � •
• Neighbourhood Clean Up
• Leadership Training programs
• Saturday afternoon on the hill
• 2 yard sales
• Safe Halloween Party
• Ch ristmas Party
• S u rvey
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S u rve Sa s � '
y y
: : .
• 50% of residents filled out the survey
• 61 % of residents are fairly new to the
neig h bou rhood less than 5 years , 39% longer
than 6 years
• 56% feel they can make a d ifference .
• 85% would recommend the neighbourhood to
others .
• More than half (55% ) of the residents are
interested in putting in some time to improve
the neighbourhood .
� � �
� � �
Lots of Pos itive � '
: : .
• Bullying is the biggest safety concern .
• Only 28% of residents are even a little bit
uncomfortable at night
• Very positive feel i ngs about the role of pol ice
the community
• 57% rate the neighbourhood as excellent or
� � �
� � �
� �
Ou r Priorities from the Su rve � � •
Keep It Clean Keep it friendly
Garbage Get involved
Recycling Bullying
Keep it safe Keep it fun
Better Lighting Play area
Slow down traffic activities
� � �
■ ■ • • •
Ur ISIOn — Multipurpose Paved : '
. . : : .
Area w�th Commun�ty Garden
• Create a multipurpose area with community
garden and paved area for games , basketball ,
hopscotch , etc.
• To be centrally located in our community
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ASKS : •
. : : .
• Improved access to recreat�on
Safer pathway for kids to get to playground at
school : cross walk, sidewalk ; and flashing stop
I ig ht.
• Street Lights
• Traffic calming measures
• Transportation for children\youth to go to
activities (e . g . , Rockwood Park)
• Garbage- hel p us keep ou r neig h borhood
cleaner; reduce dumping ; and signage
• Invite you to tour our community
� � �
� � �
� �
� � �
• Now that you have "learned " . . . it is ti me for
us to "GO"
• Kim Williams (ESM ) 214 . 1363 , 721 -9674
• Penni Eisenhauer (Vibrant Communities)
343-5382 or commorg . penniC�gmail . com
� � �
Council U date une 201 I
• I 500 000 visitors annuall
, , y
• I /4 billion s endin
P g
• 371 businesses and 4530 em lo ees in Saint
P y
ohn 2006 census
• Pro ert taxes alone from hotels exceed
P y
I . 5 million annuall a able to the cit
yPy y
• Hotel levies are si nificantl chan in the
g y g g
com etitive landsca e in Canada.
• En a ement & fundin from industr laces
gg g yP
Sai nt o h n i n a h i h I co m etitive s itu ati o n
gy P
• Saint ohn in a leadershi osition ado tin
PP P g
this model
� � � �
� / /
• •
Fi��r�� E�-�I : ��1� F�r��ir�� ����il� � �r�r��r�
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T�,����� ����# .� ��,� ; Externa� ��IarKeting vs. visitor �ntorm�
� � � � � � � � . ,
�aa '��a�o �'��u ���u ��ao ���'a ���u ��a�o ���'� ���u '� ��{�a
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182 �IL� �� j��9� 8����� ��° �
Tourism S New DMO
• � 8 I 8 000
I 025 000 ,
Cit Bud et � �
y g
• • 345 000
Hotel Association
0 ,
60 000
I 00 000 ,
Other �
I 22 3 000
I 025 000 , ,
Total � �
Cor orate services estimated at I 00 000+ i uded. act.ual TS 2009 ud et
• O n e o o rtu n it to " et it ri ht"
PP y g g
• I I member board of directors
• 2 HotelAssociation
• 5 Cit of Saint ohn
• 4 Industr A ointed
y PP
• 5 ear co ntracts with C it an d S HA a roved i n
y y PP
N ove m b e r 2 0 I 0
� �
• I ncrease Tou rism Revenues b :
• Increasin visitation to Saint ohn in ke tourism
g y
• Extendin the avera e visitors len h of sta
g g � y
• Encoura in re eat visitation
g g P
Services Defined
201 I Work Plan & Budget
Marketing Strategy
ACOAApplication Pending
Creative Development
Creative Releases
Operations & Implementation TempWork Plan NewWork Plan
W ' � �
� �. � � . � . �. � : .
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� �
To increase tourism revenues in Saint ohn b
marketi n ou r u n i ue and com etitive
q P
tourism ex eriences to hi h otential marl�ets
P g P
Advocacy . Product
« . „ Support & Financial Development
one voice PP
�Coor�dinatio_n, Su ort
ina axes, Indus � � Community
iv Infrastructure
ar etin
c 's an - - • � � action (new
- gn et uppor tourism
,-, - � - � -_-T .T _ ,,._- .� � � - . . �_ . _________�
� . . � -
� � - -__ . � . _., � �
Industry Net orking and Give-Aways Post Bid �
rators specific Issues gusiness and Gifts Financial Etc.
Development Support
� � 5 + • � .
,r�� i� -' �+ .�H'*'. ti_ � i. til. _ .*�- } . - • • �+r ' � - , � r t
�� 1
� � � �� .
�r' � � t . �� � � � 4
t� 'i
- -- � -- - � - � General - - - - - -� � ost i Sta - _ . - - -
Coordination Support
ve ' n E se To _ s
eti n
- ch . 's and Sub-
� � . _ � - � ' L ' + . '+ .
�it�� -3.�`�_'�-s-��`t �"�- r-'�i -i _ � A�SY.���+ -��r �, , y,�. .
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. .. . � . � perators opment
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Pac kage u ppo rt
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: � - �
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• � : e
, I, _ � n � -
� � ��
A , _ , , . F Marketing for
SIG's and Sub-
.,. Bid
• Urban & Cultural Ex erience
• Pu b I i c I nf rastru ctu re & Bu i It Fo rm
• VVat e rf ro n t & B a o f F u n d
y y
• National and Provi ncial Marl�ets
, f --4
- - �
r � �
63% current leisure visitors
� po p 7 5 2,000
� 114% likelihood �
47% yield . -� - � �
� �
_ �
7% current leisure visitors
' pop 1,083,506
�� � ,
5 % current leisure visitors 8.6% likelihood
' 4 hr proximity
pop 13,210,667 EASTERN USA
0.5% likelihood 8% current leisure visitors 11% yield
12hr proximity (23% with cruise) 1.25x $
8.4% ield pop 14,429,720 (+)
y 0.7% likelihood
0.5% likelihood (2.2/ with cruise)
2x $ __� 10.8% yield
; '�.— �j (33% with cruise)
� j �
� � '� � 7X �
� �A4
a o u rc ase
M a rl�et S i ze = I 00 000 000
, ,
I 5 000 000
, ,
4 000 000
, ,
- ' - Conside 3 000 000
� �
4.Travel Planning
2 0�0 0�0
� �
5. Commitment/
� I 5 00 000
Boolcing > >
Path To Pu rchase
I ncrease # of People
Path From Purchase X (multiplied by)
� _ . .
- • _� . 'r. � �
k� - •�,:. -��• � � _
� •� F . �
-i��`I��4.l� '+fr�+�rsL�� 1s�
-r'� + - `�r - •- t {
i � � �. �
Plannin -
ajor Activities I ncrease the amou nt
� they spend
2.Travel to Destination
3.Visitation and Spending
(multiple purchases, meals sho in - '
d • .
Path To Pu rchase
Selling the
sinai �
rketi n
ki o ra
Path From Purchase
�. . � . Selling the
_ • _� . 'r. � �
k� - •�,:. -��• � � _
� .� - = � �� � Products In the
i Y�`I��4.�� '+f�T+�r.sL�'# {s�
Plannin * � � i ` � `� � - Destination
ajor Activities - , . , . _ � „ . � : - _ , � � � �
�''r - ��-- -� �' - - -r'�
� ISItOr
2.Travel to Destination perience
3.Visitation and Spending
(multiple purchases, meals sho in -
d •
. � �
- �
� A '
.-M�� �- , • � �', �:• .�-' �- :+• ��. i. _ _ �_. -_. - � . -
• � � � �
e ' F
,� ,''�II'"� `" ,� � ^ ��I �,,�.� , •
`�j I���
� Destination Marketing & Sales
� Visitor Experience Program
. , _ . .
"� � - i ' . � •t-.� .:- � � �y ' -" - .F - - �' � � ' _ -'i - . t.•
` � i x � `�� �� - _ F �r 4 t_ � � �
�-- � ! -� � � � � � - � eratioris X ens�es - � � � � � ��� Ly--� �
� Destination Marketing & Sales
� Visitor Experience Program
. . . _� . . , . ; -
_ .i , , *' k �� '�, .. I . -
i *' a'i''
201 I O erations Ex enses
c o sts
onsu mer ro ram
Trade Shows
20 000
AAA Marlcetplace New England
Saltscapes Expo (Halifax)
Maine Consumer Travel (Bangor)
Canada Media Marlcetplace (NY)
Advertisi n
. I 67 000
TBD (Marlceting Strategy) '
Des i n & C reative
5 I 000
TBD (Marlceting Strategy)
S onsorsh i s & Partnersh i s
I 0 000
P P P ,
Bay Ferries Marketing
Experience collection
Staff I +
• •
ee i n s onven ions or s
, ,
Trade Shows Conferences and Promotions
, , I 9 500
Advantage NB
Canadian Society of Association Executives
Tete a Tete
Canad ian Sports Tou rism Events Congress
Incentive Worlcs & Maritime Rocks
FAM Tri s & S ite Vi s its I
9 000
P �
' ' I 0 000
Membershi s / Other Promotion
P �
' ' 8 000
Advertisi n ,
' ' I I 000
S onsorsh i s & Partnersh i s �
CSAE GolfTournament (sponsorship)
Ambassador Program
rave ra e r u � s e o o rc o a c
Trade Shows & Marl�et Places 25 000
ABA Marlcetplace (motor coach Philadelphia)
Bienvenue Quebec (motor coach)
OMCA Ontario Motor CoachAssociation
Rendezvous Canada (travel trade)
Sea Trade M iam i
FAM Tri s 6 500
P �
Adve rti s i n 9 000
g �
S onsorsh i s & Partnersh i s 20 000
P P P �
Bay of Fundy Cruise Partnership
Maritime Kitchen Party
Staf f I /4
a or ven s n us r u or
Bid Su ort I 4 000
PP �
Memorial Cup
Canadian Follc Music
Other Su ort
PP 2 500
Po rte r Ai rl i n es, etc.
S onsorsh i s & Partnersh i s 4 000
P P P �
TIANB etc .
Staff 0 +
• • •
isi or � erience ro ram
V I C Staff I 72 000
Visitor Guide
5 I 500
Posta e and Deliver of Guides I 8 000
g y �
Oth e r 29 000
C o n f e re n c e I n te rc e pt St rategy
Cruise Intercept Strategy
Vehicle Rental
Training and Mystery Shop
� • � � � • ,
- - -- -- -____ .__. � � � . . � . . �
. .
' E�=
i� � � � �. �� � � � ��
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u � '
� a �� � � �k� � � . _ . '. S�INT JO�IN
.;, �,,� - �i�- ��� � � , i ����� � �
; - �° :� � �; �� , � � ��� ��. �. NEW BRUNSWICK, CANADA . • , . • . .
� �
�,j � � ' �,�. " ; 3 _ � _ _ � Where Urban Chic...Meets East Coast Charm
f ,f? r ; �-�� : � . .
�i����4�1��� "�` �i.AS � �.i ' � • 11111 i � i i. •. �� 1 �-.:
�`��� ��� J�� �����#,� . � ' ' " ' ' ' Saint John Destination Marketing �
i�o�•�. � � � s, �
H � � ,-.� - .
I ., � �. �,'ti , .�� � � , � � � � . � P.O.BOX1971�SAINTIOHN NB�E2L4L1 � �
� �!""r PHONE:506.658.2990�TOLLFREE:866.463.8639
_ �� -,� � �
�L� � � �� EMAIL•Shawnna@discoversaintjohn.com � � �� � ) ����
�_ . . . .-. . . .
—° - � -4,� , , , � .. , � . • �• ��. WEB: www.discoversaintjohn.com .. • � • - ...• �
- -_ � L..!!i. 1
"°"'��-.� ContactShawnnaDickie-Garnhum,5alesManagertaday.i t ;
- - , �; ' � � � � - � � I
= �� � � � � � ' � � � WherewarmMaritimehos itaf andurbanso histication . � . : ��� . � .� - ���'�-� ''���' i; - J'I
P rtY p � u�i�, -� _.
converge.Exploreourhistoricstreetscapesantldiscoverthe • , ,,, t�
naturalbeautyoftheBayofFundy.Anunexpectedone-of ,,, , . , , - , ,
kindexperienceawaitswithdistinctivevenuesandunique ��� , , �. , � II� F�
delegate activities. _ , �
� � • � ��.� *'P+��d�.
•InsideConnectionPedwaylinksover123,000sq.ft.of . • •� . . �. ;;.��` �� -'�- 1r�'';
'F -�a r _
conventionandexhibitspacebetween4majorfacilities, , -, , .- ,�� �+
allunderoneroofl � .' ��!
� . •. . �
-' y-� _ •SaintlohnTradeandConventionCentreanchorstwo
?' f !" ; �`�" ro -' majorhotelsuptown,with450guestroomsovedooking � '
; � � _ R
r^ �F, c �y r , t�
� �� �_� � w '�^ theharbour(ront. „ � -^
,r -- - -
� �__ � ..
° ';� �� :— '!��'�°f,y'�' __ •Maximumwalktimeofonly7minutesbetween � � ` —
venues induding: •r'>..''• •�s��
Sf�INT )OHN ON T�i� $fiY Of fUNDY •Anarrayofrestaurantsandboutiques �� y
•Olympic size pool at the Canada Games y� a �
Aquatic Centre ''
� � f ��,,,,.-�_„ � �_�-�� � �� •Fresh lobsterand seafood atthe Ciry Market
- � � •GreetaRi htWhaleattheNewBrunswickMuseum � �
.�� f� � � c�? � g �1
� n ..� �� � � �i � •HarbourStationmulti-purposefaciliryoffers
IF��` � �'- � ` r _ 1 _ . . r 78,OOOsq.ft.offloorspace. '' �q~� t
i���', �,�'� "` •ImperialTheatreprovidesanelegantbackdrop x
� "` ��� " � � ,�,� ' for200onstageandseats900. �
s �` � :.�� w=� � ��. �
� �.' ���,�,r �'�~��� °--'-+` , ' � �_ •ConvenientandaffordableairaccessonAirCanada � ����'^ �` �
� � � ���s� ��cru����'a ° %� ;r,�� �i withdailydiredflighutoToronto,HalifaxandMontreaL ,_/� � �-"� ►-�
��iio�����uoi /;;�1� �-_�� :�?��+....' , .�: � �
� '�' � ;�,-a �a�;� Shawnna Dickie-Garnhum �
mim ouu i �;������ �u�, �lt �� ,� �_ SalesManager
�� �..� .�• 1. 1
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� '� . Welcome to Saint John, New Brunswick
� �' Canada's First Incorporated City -- est. 1785
�" � �` �''
:� - - � Saint John brings a blend of urban sophistication and East coast charm
� � , " to your event with our colourful streetscapes,beautiful accessible waterfront,
and modern convention facilities.
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!'�� i����� ���� #�} ��m� First class accommodations,restaurants,shops,recreational and
__ ,� 4 .;a^�� altural facilities are linked by a dimate-controlled pedway system,the
}r��� ��� ������.� rn��+� "Inside Connection,"ensuring your comfort and convenience in any
�� ��- season. Step outside and you are moments away from breathtaking views
�� ��� �r����7y,r1��� of the Bay of Fundy,pristine natural parks,and history-lined streets bustling
with art,dining and entertainment inspired by our Maritime hospitality.
Y:$h�s�°p0Y�r.L j:�ti }•Ot,'r,31 v^ih+! }��i�^. ,• .�'�:•:::
.Ir,Mr_�rr�tMg$�y�t F4m�p!N�.v th�l yr�'M����r.n.�:•rr Saint John is experiencing a dramatic revitalization,bringing new
� ffy$�������� ,{y@��ti�.= opportunities to locals and visitors alike.I am thrilled you are a part of it.
wui4}qu m m��h��p�i�s�.�r rrore Qf our On behalf of the Common Council and the citizens of the City of
� ���lQpylQr prp.�inpq.Tfrqsq�r�p rr4n}•fixtrao�cl�r.7 : Saint John,I wish you a successful gathering and a memorable stay.
� •:•+ri�r�o��s�nn�i�y �or yau in Muw�v•i:wi�ti'
� We hope you visit us again soon.
� � • °' '— � ` ' '� ' Sincerely,
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BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 110-171 ARRETE N°C.P. 110-171
Be it enacted by The City of Saint Lors d'une reunion du conseil
John in Common Council convened, as communal, The City of Saint .lohn a
follows: decrete ce qui suit :
The Zoning By-law of The City of L'arrete sur le zonage de The City
Saint John enacted ott the nineteenth day of of Saint John, decrete le dix-neuf (19)
December, A.D. 2Q05, is amended by: decembre 2005, est modifie par :
1 Amending Schedule "A", tl�e 1 La modification de l'annexe «A»,
Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John,
re-zoning a parcel of land �vith an area of permettant de modifier la d�signatian pour
appraxitnately 5 i 00 square metres, located parcelle de terrain d'une superficie
at 646 Fairville Boulevard, also identified d'environ 5 I00 metres carres, situee au
as PID Nos. 55056832, 00034140, 646, boulevard Fairville, et portant les NID
00034132, 00035030, 00036525, 55056832, 00034140, 00034132,
55061295, 55203020, a partion of PID 00035030. 00036525. 55061295,
55210b94 and a portion of Fairville 55203020, et faisant e�alement une partie
Baulevard, from "I-l'' Light Industrial and du NID 55210694 et une partie du
"RM-1" Three Storey Multiple Residential boulevarci Fairville, de zone d'industrie
to "SZ-22" Special Zone #22 pursuant to a iegere « 1-1 » et zone d'editices a
resolutian adopted by Common Council lagements multiples de trois etages «RM-
under Section 39 of the Community ]» a zone speciale n° 22 « SZ-22 »
Planning Act. conformement a une resolution adoptee par
le conseil municipal en vertu de I'article 39
de la Loi sur 1'urbanisme.
- all as shown on the plan attached hereto -toutes les inodifications sont indiquees sur
and fonning part of this by-law. le plan ci joint et font partie dti present
IN W[TNESS WHEREOF The City of EN FOI DE QUO[, The City of Saint John
Saint John has caused the Carporate a fait apposer son sceau cammtinal sur le
Common Seal of the said City to be affixed pr�sent arrete le 2011,
to this by-law the * day of *. A.D. 2011 avec les signatures suivantes :
and signed by:
Comman Clerk/Greffiere communale
First Reading - May 24`h, 201 ] Premiere Iecture - le 24 mai 20l 1
Second Reading- May 24'h, 2011 Deuxieme lecture - le 24 mai 20l ]
Third Readin� - Troisieme lecture -
Amending Schedule"A" of the Zoning By-Law of The City of Saint John
Modifiant Annexe «A» de I'Arref� de zonage de The City of Saint John
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Three Storey Multiple Residential
/zone d'edifices a logements � SZ-22
muftiples de trois etages Special zone 22/
zone speciafe 22
Light Industrial/ �
zone d'insdustrie I�g�re
Pursuani to a Resolution under Section 39 of the Community Planning Act
* Conform�meni�une resolution adopi�e par le conseil municipal en vertu de
I'article 39 de la Loi sur I'urbanisme
Applicant: Retrocom/Smart Centers
(initially submitted by Counsel Fairville Limited)
Location: 646 boulevard Fairville Boulevard
PID(s)/NIP{s) 55061295, 00036525, 00035030, 00034132, 00034140,
55056832, 55203020, Portion of/de 55210694 et Portion of/de
boulevard Fairville Boulevard
Drawn By/Creee Par: David Couture
Date Drawn/Carte Creee: June 2 juin, 2011
Considered by P.A.C./consid�r�par{e C.C.U.: MSy 17 �T181, 2011
Enacled by Council/Approuv�par le Conseil:
Filed in Registry Office/Enregistr�le:
�v t � Cb�
Section 39 Conditions
That, pursuant to ihe provisions of�Section 39 of the Cnmmu��ity Pla��ninkAcr, the praposed
development of a parcel of land having an area of approximately 5100 Square metres, located at
646 Fairville Boulevard, also identified as PID Numbers 55056832, 00034]40, 00034132,
00035030, 0003b525. 55061295. 55203020, a portion of PID 552i0b94 and a portion of
Fairville Boulevard be subject to the foilowing conditions:
a) The develaper must pave all parking areas, loading areas, manoeuvring areas and
drive��vays with asphalt and enclose them with cast-in-place concrete curbs to proiect the
landscaped areas and to facilitate proper drainage;
b) The developer must provide adec�uate site drainage facilities in accordance with a detailed
drainage plan and design brief prepared by the developer and subject to the appro��al of
the Chief�City Engineer or his designate;
c) The developer must provide a servicing plan and report, subject to the approval of the
Chief City Engineer or his designate, to the City detailing the reyuirements for water,
sanitary and storm servicing and certifying that the City's infrastructure has sufficient
capacity and will not be adversely impacted by the development;
d) The developer must provide all utilities underground, including power and telephone
from the existing overhead facilities;
e} The developer rnust landscape all disturbed areas af the site not occupied by buildings,
driveways, walkways, parking and loading areas;
fl Direct street access to the site is limited to a maximum oftwo driveways, as generally
indicated on the submitted proposal:
g} The site design must include pedestrian connections into the site from the adjacent
signalized intersections and appropriate crosswalk markings in the parking area. Any
pedestrian walkways must be of a minimum 1.5 metre (5 foot) width;
h) The site shall not be deveioped except in accordance with a detailed site plan,
landscaping plan and building elevation plans, prepared by the developer and subject to
the approval of the Development Officer, indicatin�the location of all buildings, parking
areas, driveways, walkways, loading areas, signs, exterior li�htin�, exterior building
materials and finishes, landscaped areas (including location and types of planting
materials), and other site features:
i) The approved plans mentioned in conditions {b). (c) and (h) above must be attached io
the application for building perniit for the development, except that such plans are not
required for pern�it applications f'or site preparation and/or foundation anly;
j} All site improvements shown on the approved site plan, landscaping plan and drainage
plans, except for landscaping, must be completed prior to the issuance of an occupancy
permit for any part of the development; and the landscaping must be campleted wihin one
year of building,pernlit approval;
k) That the developers review the requirements for easements to accommodate existing
infrastructure with Saint Jahn Energy.
1 D . 2 (a�
BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 110-172 ARRETE N° C.P. 11Q-172
Be it enacted by The City of Saint Lors d'une reunion du conseil
John in Common Council convened, as communal, The City af Saint John a
follo�vs: decrete ce qui suit :
The Zaning By-law of The City of �,'arrete sur le zonage de The City
Saint Jol�n enacted on the nineteenth day of of Saint John, decrete le di;c-neuf (19)
December, A.D. 2005, is amended by: decembre 2005, est modifie par :
1 Amending Schedule "A", the 1 La modification de I'annexe «A»,
Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by Plan de zonage de The City of Saint Jalin,
re-zoning a parcel of land with an area of permettant de modifer la designation pour
approximately 990 square metres, iacated une parcelle de terrain d'une supe�cie
at 46 Westmorland Road, also identified as d'enviran 990 metres carres, situee au 46,
PID numbers 00319657 and 55076053, chemin Westmorland, et portant les NID
from "R-2" One and Two Family 00319657 et 55076053, de zone
Residential to '`RM-I" Three Storey residentielle — habitations unifamiliales et
Multiple Residential pursuant ta a bifamiliales «R-2» a zone d'edifices a
resolution adopted by Common Council lagements multiples de trois etages «RM-
under Section 39 of the Community 1» conformement a une resolution adapiee
Planning Act. par le conseil municipal en vertu de
I'article 39 de la Loi sur !'urbanisme.
- all as shown on the plan attached hereto -toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur
and forming part of this by-la�v. le plan ci joint et font partie du present
IN WITNESS WHER�OF The City of EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John
Saint John has caused the Corporate a fait apposer son sceau co�nmunal sur le
Common Seal of the said City to be affixed present arrete le 20l ],
ta this by-law the * day of *, A.D. 2011 avec les signatures suivantes :
and signed by:
M ayar/M ai re
Common Clerk/Gref�ere coinmunale
First Reading - May 24'h, 2011 Premiere lecture - le 24 mai 201 I
5econd Reading-May 24'h, 2011 Deuxieme lecture - le 24 mai 201 l
Third Reading - Troisieme lecture -
Amending Schedule"A"of the Zoning By-Law of The City of Saint John
Modifiant Annexe «A» de I'Arret�de zonage de The City of Saint John
� �a•
. � a
, � o`�a�
2 ' � �e,5`�
* ,> c,'r
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FR�M / DE TO / A
R-2 RM-1
One and Two Family Residential C 7hree Storey Muftiple Residential
/zone residentielle-habitafions /zone d'�difices � logements
unifamiliales et bifamiliales multiples de trois etages
Pursuant to a Resolution under Section 39 of the Communiiy Planning Act
* Conform�ment a une resolution adopt�e par le conseil municipal en vertu de
['article 39 de la Loi sur!'urbanisme
Applicant: Streekraft Holdings Ltd.
Location: 46 chemin Westmorland Road
P!D(s}/Nlp{s) 00319657 & 55076053
Drawn By/Cr��e Par: David Couture
Date Drawn/Carte Cr��e: June 2 juin, 2011
Considered by P.A.C./consid8r�par le C.C.U.: M2y 17 mal, 2011
Enacted by CouncillApprouv�par le Conseil:
Filed in Registry Office/Enregistr�le:
� o. �. �b�
Section 39 Conditions
That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of the Commurrity Plclr�ni���Act, the proposed
rezoning of a parcei of land with an area of approxin�ately 990 Square metres, located at 46
Westmorland Road, also identitied as being PID Numbers 00319657 and 55076053, be subject
to the following conditions:
a) That prior to the issuance of a building pennit for the proposal, a deiailed landscaping
and off-streei parking plan for the subject site be prepared by the proponent subject to the
approval of the Development Officer;
b) That the work shown on the landscaping and oif street parking plan be completed by the
proponent within one year ofthe rezoning of the subject site; and
c) That the use of the property be limited to a maximum of seven dwelling units.
lo. �
Be it enacted by the Common Council Lors d'une reunion du consei!
of The City of Saint John as follows: communal, The City of Saint John a decrete ce
qui suit :
1 A by-law of The City of Saint John 1 Par les presentes, l'arrete de The City
entitled, "A By-law Respecting The Stopping of Saint John intitule, « L'arrete sur
Up and Closing of Highways In The City of 1'interruption de la circulation et la fermeture
Saint John", enacted on the nineteenth day of des routes dans The City of Saint John »,
December, A.D. 2005, is hereby amended by decrete le 19 decembre 2005, est modifie par
adding thereto Section 219 immediately after 1'ajout de 1'articie 219 immediatement apres
Section 2l 8 thereof, as follows: 1'article 218, comme suit :
2l9 The City of Saint John does hereby 219 Par les presentes, The City of Saint
stop up and close permanently the following John barre et ferme de fa�on permanente la
portion of highway: portion d'une route suivante :
Milford Road: All that portion of Milford Chemin Milford : La totalite d'une partie du
Road, a public street in the City of Saint John, Chemin Milford, une rue publique situee dans
in the County of Saint John, in the Province of The City of Saint John, dans le comte de Saint
New Brunswick, comprisin�; 243 square metres John et dans la province de Nouveau-
as shown on a Plan of Survey showing a Brunswick, d'une superf'icie de 243 m2 etant
portion of Milford Road, City of Saint John, designee plus particulierement sur un pIan
County of Saint John, Province of New d'arpentage indiquant une partie du Chemin
Brunswick, prepared by Kierstead Quigley and Milford, Ville de Saint John, Comte de Saint
Roberts Ltd. and dated April 21, 2011, John, Nouveau-Brunswick, prepare par
attached hereto. Kierstead Quigley and Roberts Ltd., date du 2l
avril 2011 ci-joint.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint EN FOI DE QUOI. The City of Saint John a
John has caused the Corporate Common Seal fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present
of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the arrete '�********** 2011, avec les si�natures
**** day of*****, A.D. 2011 and signed by: suivantes :
Common Clerk/Greftiere communale
First Reading - May 2�th, 2011 Premiere lecture— le 24 mai 2011
Second Reading- May 24th, 2011 Deuxieme lecture—le 24 mai 2011
Third Reading - Troisieme lecture—
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Paree!/Parcelle SLS#32 L0�oi1a5e�L��P���°°mpttf�n M Atl.
" Area/Superficie = 243 m'
chemin Milford Road ,.
Stella Richard
ti �/�'a+���� Plan of Survey/Plan d'Arpentage
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N � � City of Saint John
� YUe de Saint-John
� Saint John Caunty, N.B.
Comt6 de Saint-Jahn, N.B.
•V Tammy W. Clork ����
m�avti C �o�-oz
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uxo�n eeod-weue s��.r� Pm/xm ssiao�n
7M Gly d SoiM JoM,SlWUIa a N..�.wk � r�, KIERSTFAD QUIGLEY
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(o.c.ea-ioss). a„�,Jr„�ne.A,r� �`9_-0d8. 3095
May 20, 2011
Your Worship and Members of Council,
Subject: Presentation from Saint John Airport
Council will be holding presentations from the Economic Development Task Farce and
Plan SJ on June 13th. I would recommend council hear a presentation from Bernard Leblanc,
President of the Saint John Airport Authority. The issues that the airport are grappling with are
directly related to the other two presentations, and therefore certainly relevant to this agenda.
Council needs to hear from the Airport so as to understand the reasons why the airport has
not been been able to secure federal funding and the consequences this will have on the airport's
operations. A key issue is that the Saint John Airport has not been identified in the Atlantic
Transportation Gateway network. Yet the airport cannot assert itself in this recognition
with federal authorities when the municipal government does not identify the airport as
a commercial opportunity area within its municipal plan. In today's competitive world
of integrated commerce and transportation, identifying the airport as a critical transportation link
is just not enough.
Mr. Leblanc would be able to eXpand on this issues and council would be wise and prudent to
hear from him.
Motion: Council schedule the President of The Saint John Airport Authority to present on
the June 13th agenda. This presentation shall be scheduled before the plans SJ
Respectfully Submitted,
Stephen Chase
Deputy Mayor
The Ciry oP Saint Jolut
June 6, 2011
Your Worship Mayor Ivan Court&
Members of Common Council:
Issue: Morna Heights School Preservation
• a very well attended meeting of citizens was held on May 26 at the KBM.
� this was a very well organized meeting which focused on the positive attributes of this `small'
• citizens are very passionate about what this school represents to their neighbourhood.
• citizen advocacy initiatives were discussed and have since been implemented.
• another citizen-driven meeting is scheduled for laterthis month.
• the River Road Alliance is a partner in this school preservation movement.
Motion: That this report be received for information.
spectful submitt d
eter McG i e
Councillor –City of Saint John
l� –
SAINT JOHN P.O.Box 1971 Saint John,NB Canada E2L 4L1 I www.saintjohn.ca I C.P.1971 Saint John,N.-B.Canada E2L 4L1
� ,o
� �.
M & C —2011-142 �`
City of Saint )ohn
3 June 2011
His Worship Ivan Court
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Councillors:
SUBJECT: Tenders for Various Trucks
Tenders closed on Wednesday May 25th and Wednesday June lst for the supply of
various sizes and types of trucks, as required on 4 different tender calls.
These are planned vehicle replacements that were included in the 2011 Fleet
Replacement Program as follows;
• Tender#232004T for 1(only) 3/4 tonne Crew Cab 4X4 c/w utility body to
replace vehicle 436 a 2001 3/4 tonne similarly outfitted
• Tender# 232005T for 2 (only) 1 tonne Crew Cab 4X4 c/w flat bed bodies
to replace vehicles; 424 a 2001 3/4 tonne 4X4 c/w utility body and 443 a
2000 1 tonne c/w flat bed body
• Tender#232002T for 1 (only) 43,000 GVW cab and chassis c/w
combination dump body, front plow and necessary hydraulic controls to
replace vehicle 608 a 2004 Sterling Cab and Chassis of similar
configuration, and
• Tender#232003T for 2 (only) 68,000 GVW cab and chassis c/w
combination dump body, front plow and side wing-plow and necessary
hydraulics to replace vehicles; 616 a 2000 International cab and chassis
and 655 a 2002 International cab and chassis, both similarly outfitted.
Notwithstanding efforts by staffs of Municipal Operations and Materials and Fleet
Management to encourage competition on tenders for these types of vehicles it
seems each year we end up receiving only one compliant bid for each truck
Page Two
Such was the case again this year where each tender called resulted in only one
compliant bid as follows;
• Tender 232004T: while both Centennial and Downey's submitted bids; the
Downey's bid was rejected at opening for not meeting all of the tendering
• Tender 232005T: only one manufacturer, Ford (Downey's) was able to
meet the gross vehicle weight requirements for this type of truck.
• Tenders 232002T and 232003T: Staff issued an addendum to modify the
truck engine specification to encourage more competition for the vehicles
covered by these tenders and while 2 bids were in fact received, once
again the second bid had to be rejected at opening for failure to comply
with all of the legal requirements of the tender.
Staff will continue to explore options that will encourage competition but bidders
have to do their part by submitting compliant bids.
If awarded as recommended, to the lowest compliant bidder in each case, the total
cost to purchase the 6 trucks identified in the four tenders called, will be
$890,655.14, plus applicable taxes.
As stated above these vehicle replacements were included in the 2011 Fleet
Replacement Program and as such funds to cover the cost were identified in the
Fleet Reserve Fund.
It is recommended that the tenders for the replacement of 6 trucks as identified in
the 2011 Fleet Replacement program be awarded to the lowest compliant bidders
as follows;
• Tender 232004T to Centennial Buick GMC for the supply of 1(only) 2011
Sierra 3/4 tonne 4X4 crew cab and chassis c/w utility body in the amount of
$47,876.00 plus tax, and
• Tender 232005T to Downey Ford Sales for the supply of 2(only) 2011
Ford F450 dual wheel 4X4 4 door crew cab and chassis c/w flat bed
bodies in the amount of$64,968.00 plus tax, and
• Tender 232002T to Applied Pressure Inc., for the supply of 1(only)
43,OOOGVW International cab and chassis c/w a combination dump body,
front plow and all necessary hydraulics installed in the amount of
$200,072.38,plus tax, and finally
Page Three
• Tender 232003T to Applied Pressure Inc., for the supply of 2(only) 68,000
GVW International cabs and chassis's c/w combination dumps, front and
wing plows and all necessary hydraulics installed in the amount of
$256,385.38 plus tax.
Respectfully submitted,
David J. Logan
Purchasing Agent
Patrick Woods
City Manager
�, r o.
� �
M & C 2011 140 rne�ity of Saint�ohn
June 1, 2011
His Worship Mayor Ivan Court
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Members of Council:
SUBJECT: Contract 2011-6: Westfield Road Phase A1 (Civic # 1814 to Civic # 1920)
Street Reconstruction
The 2010 and 2011 General Fund Capital Programs - Transportation category include funding
for street reconstruction and drainage control along Westfield Road between Dalton Court and
By Road# 7.
This project consists generally of the supply of all necessary labour, materials and equipment for
a full street reconstruction between civic #1814 and #1920 as well as the installation of
approximately 347 metres of storm sewer piping.
Tenders closed on June 1, 2011, with the following results:
1. Debly Enterprises Limited, Saint John, NB $ 809,659.80
2. Galbraith Construction Ltd., Saint John,NB $ 817,991.75
3. Fairville Construction Ltd., Saint John, NB $ 834,271.09
4. Maguire Excavating Ltd., Saint John, NB $ 887,185.32
5. Brad Gould Trucking and Excavating Ltd., Nauwigewauk,NB $ 905,247.85
6. Dexter Construction Company Ltd., Bedford, NS $ 970,652.82
The Engineer's estimate for the work was $ 977,187.28
M & C2011 - 140
June 1, 2011
Page 2
The tenders were reviewed by staff and all tenders were found to be formal in all respects. Staff
is of the opinion that the low tenderer has the necessary resources and expertise to perform the
work, and recommend acceptance of their tender.
The contract includes work that is charged against the 2010/2011 General Fund Capital
Programs. Assuming award of the contract to the low tenderer, an analysis has been completed
which includes work that will be performed by City forces and others.
The analysis concludes that a total amount of$1,030,000 was provided in the budgets under Gas
Tax funding and that the projected completion cost of the project is estimated to be $884,183.18,
including the City's eligible H.S.T. rebate — a $145,816.82 positive difference in the General
Fund Capital Program.
The recommendation in the report is made in accordance with the provisions of Council's policy
for the tendering of construction contracts, the City's General Specifications and the specific
project specifications.
It is recommended that Contract 2011-6: Westfield Road Phase A1 (Civic # 1814 to Civic #
1920) Street Reconstruction be awarded to the low tenderer, Debly Enterprises Limited, at the
tendered price of$809,659.80 as calculated based upon estimated quantities, and further that the
Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents.
Respectfully submitted,
J. M. Paul Groody, P. Eng. J. Patrick Woods, CGA
Commissioner City Manager
Municipal Operations & Engineering
M & C2011 - 138 ; � ��_
m. r�.
May 31, 2011 �� � �
o , 5
His Worship Mayor Ivan Court
and Members of Common Council The City of Saint�ohn
Your Worship and Members of Council:
SUBJECT: Contract 2011-10: Riverview Avenue SLS No. 30 & Force Main
Saint John Harbour Clean-Up is about good health, clean waterways and quality of life. City of
Saint John wastewater treatment and collection systems are being enhanced to protect people and
the natural environment, and to help sustain institutions and the economy. Substantial progress
has been made in the wastewater service.
The purpose of this report is to recommend award of the contract for the construction of
Riverview Avenue SLS No. 30 & Force Main.
The Harbour Clean-Up Program is comprised of two major project components, the Eastern
Wastewater Treatment Facility and a Wastewater Collection System. Construction is well
underway on the Eastern Wastewater Treatment Facility. The design work for the Wastewater
Collection System is continuing with the following projects tendered and constructed: Bayside
Drive Sanitary Forcemain Phase 1 and Phase 2, Monte Cristo Lift Station #34, Red Head Road
Lift Station #1, Red Head Road Lift Station #50, Bayside Drive Lift Station #2 and Newmans
Brook Sewer Separation. The construction of Spar Cove Pumping Station #22, and Harbour
Station SLS No. 10 & Force Main are scheduled to be completed by September 2011.
Tenders closed on May 25, 2011, for Riverview Avenue SLS No. 30 & Force Main with the
following results:
1. Galbraith Construction Ltd., Saint John,NB $680,006.88
2. Fairville Construction Ltd., Saint John,NB $696,385.10
3. Valley Excavation Services Inc., Rothesay, NB $741,985.12
4. Philson Ltd., Hanwell, NB $775,959.13
5. Gulf Operators Ltd., Saint John, NB $785,964.72
6. Maguire Excavating Ltd., Saint John,NB $924,422.49
The Engineer's estimate for the work was $812,885.84.
M & C20ll-138
May 31, 2011
Page 2
The tenders were reviewed by staff and all tenders were found to be formal in all respects. Staff
is of the opinion that the low tenderer has the necessary resources and expertise to perform the
work, and recommend acceptance of their tender.
The Contract includes work that is charged against the 2011 Water & Sewerage Utility Fund
Capital Program. Assuming award of the Contract to the low tenderer, an analysis has been
completed which includes work that will be performed by City forces and others.
The analysis concludes that a total amount of $788,650.00 was provided in the budget to
complete the construction of Riverview Avenue Lift Station No. 30, force main and gravity
sewer work. The projected completion cost of this Contract is estimated to be $726,057.13
including the City's eligible H.S.T. rebate, a $62,592.87 positive difference in the Water and
Sewerage Utility Fund Capital Program.
To date, the cumulative amount committed through award of Harbour Clean-Up Program
projects is $67,438,239.82 including the City's eligible H.S.T. rebate. The overall total
estimated cost of the Harbour Clean-Up Program as reported to Council on September 28, 2009
(M&C 2009-318) is $99,400,000 including the City's eligible H.S.T. rebate.
The recommendation in this report is made in accordance with the provisions of Council's policy
for the tendering of construction contracts, the City's General Specifications and the specific
project specifications.
It is recommended that Contract No. 2011-10: Riverview Avenue SLS No. 30 & Force Main be
awarded to the low tenderer, Galbraith Construction Ltd., at the tendered price of$680,006.88 as
calculated based upon estimated quantities, and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be
authorized to execute the necessary contract documents.
Respectfully submitted,
J. M. Paul Groody, P. Eng. J. Patrick Woods, CGA
Commissioner City Manager
Municipal Operations & Engineering
� _ .
M & C 2011 - 135 ' � r���
�, a� �.
May 31, 2011 , � y
His Worship Mayor Ivan Court The Cily of Saint►ohn
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Members of Council:
SUBJECT: Champlain Street West Overnight Winter Parking
At its May 9, 2011 regular meeting, Common Council resolved "to direct the City Manager to
examine the possibility of making Champlain Street West a no parking street during the winter
months and report back to Council in 4 weeks time, if not sooner." This report is in response to
this resolution.
In November 2009 Council adopted 3rd Reading of an Amendment to the Traffic By-Law that
prohibited overnight parking on most City streets during the winter. This change assists in
achieving snow clearing service objectives adopted by Council within an updated Winter
Management Plan for Streets and Sidewalks. The change also followed a period of public
consultation, including 5 meetings by staff in the 4 City wards. A list of streets eXempted from
this Restriction were included as part of the Amendment. Further Amendments have
subsequently been adopted, including shortening the time period when the Restriction is in effect
and modifying the list of exempted streets. A balance between residents' requirement for on-
street parking and service effectiveness and efficiency has been paramount.
In response to a Council request, staff submitted M&C 2010-25 that outlined the criteria used to
evaluate requests to consider exemptions to this overnight parking restriction. In addition to
engineering judgment, the City's Traffic Engineer completes a site visit to identify if off-street
parking is available at the property in question or land is available to convert to off-street
parking, if near-by business or institutional properties have excess parking available to share, if
near-by street blocks are already exempt for the Restriction, and if near-by residential properties
have a similar capacity issue suggesting a systemic problem. Space for one vehicle per
residential unit at a property (i.e. three spaces for a 3-unit building) is generally considered
sufficient parking demand. These criteria were used in staff's analysis within this report.
M & C 2011-135: Champlain Street West Overnight Winter Parking
May 31, 2011
Page 2
Current Status
Currently,parking during the overnight and winter period is permitted �' �
on the west side of Champlain Street between Maple Row and ������"'' �� "'� ��
Charlotte Street West because it was previously exempted from the �� � ���``� >, '°` �� �
Restriction. This section is highlighted blue on the adjacent map. � � � �°�,��,,`�;,��.o ;
This report discusses the potential elimination of this permitted on- z�,�, �
street parking. Parking on the east side of the entire length of � � "�
Champlain Street is currently not permitted at any time. �° ����
.,; °,
Other near-by street blocks are also currently exempt from the ��� �
Restriction. These street blocks are highlighted red on the adjacent map. Parking is permitted on
alternating sides of these street blocks during this winter and overnight period. Council recently
added one of these exempted sections (Winslow Street from Lancaster Street to Watson Street)
given residents' concern over lack of on-street parking options. The Restriction is in effect for
all street blocks on the map that are not highlighted either red or blue.
Temporary parking bans are also an available option within the Traffic By-Law to make any
street a "no parking street during the winter" far a short period of time (typically a day) to assist
snow clearing activities. This provision is used sparingly because it requires administrative
resources and temporary on-street signage for individual blocks but it is an option for exempted
blocks of streets that cannot be cleared of snow during the overnight period.
Assessment Area
Staff identified a one-block boundary around the section of Champlain Street in question. This
boundary is defined by the green lines on the above map. As the criteria states and as considered
in previous assessments, limiting impacts of on-street parked vehicles is balanced with the need
for this type of parking by providing one or more blocks of exempted sections within a boundary
of adjacent blocks rather than exempting more blocks. On-street parking to the north of this area
is served by other street sections such as those highlighted red.
Site Visits
The Traffic Engineer completed two site visits in the mid-mornings of May 25, 2011 and May
31, 2011 within the Assessment Area. The second visit was conducted as a result of specific
resident feedback. The Overnight Winter Parking Restriction is not in effect this time of year so
unfortunately a true observation of the on-street parking demand was not possible. Two vehicles
were parked on-street on Champlain Street between Charlotte Street West and Maple Row
during the first site visit. Four vehicles were parked on the next section of Champlain Street
between Maple Row and Duke Street West. Maple Row also had many on-street parked vehicles
lining both sides of the street between Champlain Street and Lancaster Avenue. Underutilized
driveway spaces appeared available near many on-street parked vehicles.
M & C 2011-135: Champlain Street West Overnight Winter Parking
May 31, 2011
Page 3
Nine on-street spaces were determined as being available on the exempted section of Champlain
Street (Charlotte Street West to Maple Row). Three less spaces would be available on the
adjacent block of Champlain (Maple Row to Duke Street West) if overnight parking was
available on this section instead.
No streets in the Assessment Area were noted as being ideal for on-street parking. Duke Street
West and City Line are higher traffic streets. Maple Row and Champlain Street are narrow. The
north-south oriented streets,particularly Maple Row, include steep hills.
Community Input
Staff sought input from all residents that live within the Assessment Area. A total of 156
residential units were provided witb a hand-delivered survey and covering letter. Ten questions
were asked to obtain input on their need for on-street parking, where they parked, specific input
on the current on-street option on Champlain Street, suggested alternatives, and opportunity for
general comments. Residents were presented with three options to respond including by mail, e-
mail of telephone. Previously obtained input from residents was also considered.
Thirteen residents provided input. Five of these thirteen residents supported the current
exemption on Champlain Street. The residents that indicated they needed on-street parking are
concentrated on the section of Champlain Street between Duke Street West and Maple Row and
not the currently exempted section between Maple Row and Charlotte Street West. The surveys
indicated three on-street spaces are in demand but this number is expected to be realistically
higher due to observations during the site visits and the low response to the survey.
Responding residents also provided additional valuable information. Eight residents indicated
that the presence of the on-street parked vehicles hindered City services such as snow clearing
activities and emergency vehicle access with one particularly noting the improvements when the
Restriction was started in the 2009-2010 season. Abandoned vehicles (parked on-street in the
same place for a continuous 24-hour period) were a concern to five residents. Three residents
that live on the exempted block of Champlain Street were concerned about the use of their block
for on-street parking by residents of other blocks. Overcrowding and blocking of driveways on
the exempted section was noted by one resident. The narrow width of Champlain Street was
noted by one resident. Two residents believed responsibility for providing and maintaining
adequate parking at multi-unit properties should lie with the property owner and one noted that
one such property owner does not allow tenants to use the available driveway. One resident
noted that on-street parking was used in the place of available off-street spaces at other
Finding a balance between providing on-street parking during the winter to residents that don't
have off-street options and reduction in level of service to snow clearing and other City services
that also occupy City streets is difficult. The varying community feedback included in this
M & C 2011-135: Champlain Street West Overnight Winter Parking
May 31, 2011
Page 4
analysis and previous ones is a testament to this. Solution to one concern often must be to the
detriment of the other.
Limiting the number of street blocks exempted from the Overnight Winter Parking Restriction is
one way staff has managed this balance when providing associated recommendations to
Common Council. However, citizens that live or travel on the limited blocks that are exempt
must accept a decreased level of service. Curb-to-curb snow removal cannot occur with the
presence of on-street parked vehicles.
The need for continued cooperation with residents and property owners was a consistent message
from the responding residents. Following parking rules such as not leaving (abandoning)
vehicles for more than 24 hours and not blocking driveways improves service and helps Police
and the Parking Commission manage enforcement resources. Maintaining and using available
off-street spaces provides more opportunity for those with unavailability and minimizes the
number of exempted streets required.
The demand for on-street parking in the Assessment Area totaled only three spaces according to
the returned surveys. The surveys also suggested the demand is more concentrated in the Maple
Row to Duke Street West block of Champlain Street rather than the adjacent block that is
currently exempt. Although additional demand is likely, staff can only assess using the
communications from residents given that the Restriction is not in place this time of year. It is
also important to note that the recently exempted block of Winslow Street from Lancaster Street
to Watson Street may divert demand previously satisfied by the nearby Champlain Street.
Exempting Champlain Street from Maple Row to Duke Street West appears more beneficial to
those requiring on-street spaces than the currently exempted block from Charlotte Street West to
Maple Row. There are three fewer on-street spaces on this alternate section but still appears
adequate to accommodate the demand communicated via the surveys.
Staff recommends that Council amend the Traffic By-Law and request the City Solicitor place in
proper form and translate the following:
1. Delete Champlain Street with limits Charlotte Street West to Maple Row from
Schedule R(streets exempted from the Overnight Winter Parking Restriction).
2. Add Champlain Street with limits Maple Row to Duke Street West to Schedule R
Respectfully submitted,
J. M. Paul Groody, P. Eng. J. Patrick Woods, CGA
Commissioner City Manager
Municipal Operations & Engineering
M&C 2011 — 131 m. ��s.
June 1 sr, 2011 �� �
His Worship Mayor Ivan Court rne ci�}�of Saint�ohn
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Members of Council,
The purpose of this report is to provide Council with an update on 2011 technical
revisions to the City's General Specifications. Of particular interest to many should be
the new Division 27, Asphalt Concrete.
The General Specifications provide an inclusive document for stakeholders bidding
and/or warking on municipal infrastructure (construction) contracts far the City of Saint
John - organized around a series of divisions, as identified below. The first five are
incorporated into each set of contract specifications and, along with Division 6, are
policies of Council. The remaining divisions form the general technical specifications.
These standards are updated on an ongoing basis, as technologies and methods evolve,
with the inclusion of specialty clauses for particular engineering projects tendered.
On November 17, 2003 (M&C 2003-310), Council authorized the Chief City Engineer,
from time to time, to revise the technical provisions of the General Specifications.
General Specitications-2011 Technical Revisions June lsr,2011
M&C 20ll-131 Page 2
A review process is undertaken annually to maintain engineering specifications for the
City of Saint John up-to-date. Coordinated by a staff Specifications Review Committee,
Municipal Engineering works closely with the Legal Department, Purchasing, and
operational units through a formal review of policy and technical provisions.
In addition to staff and consultant input on behalf of the City, stakeholders (contractors,
other consultants, etc.) are also encouraged to contribute their comments in writing at any
time. Staff has regular dialogue with the Saint John Construction Association and local
contractors/suppliers to consider the industry's perspective. Comments and suggestions
received are thoroughly reviewed by the Specifzcations Review Committee and, where
appropriate, incorporated into the revisions of technical specifications.
It is well understood by stakeholders that these revised General Specifications are to be
used in conjunction with individual contract construction specifications and recognized
authorities governing best practices for municipal engineering. Stakeholders will be soon
notified that 2011 General Specifications will be available for download from the City
website. The notification will also remind stakeholders that their input is important;
encouraging comments and suggestions for future improvements to the document.
A list of the technical sections revised for 2011 is attached to this report.
The most notable of these for 20ll is Division 27, Asphalt Concrete; to be covered in
greater detail beginning on page 3 of this report.
Other divisions where changes have been made are:
■ Division 7 Construction of Municipal Services
• Division 10 Water Systems
• Division 12 Manholes, Catch Basins and Valve Chambers
■ Division 31 Guide Rail and Guide Posts (new)
Also, a new standard drawing was added and 31 others were amended.
The changes to these sections, with the exception of Division 31 which is new, involve
specific technical details; improvements being made typically come from past
construction experience, new methods/materials or ideas/suggestions brought forward.
The new Division 31 (Guide Rail and Guide Posts) defines guide rail and guide post
standards, construction methods and measurement far payment.
General Specitications-2011 Technical Revisions June lsr,2011
M&C 20ll-131 Page 3
Asphaltic concrete is a miXture of dried aggregates, heated and bound together into a
mass by asphalt cement (oil-based binder). The "hot mix" material is placed on streets
with a mechanical spreader and compacted by heavy rollers while sufficiently hot.
Pavements are typically constructed in two layers (base course and seal) directly over a
prepared sub-base or in a single layer over an existing milled surface.
Pavements should be relatively durable and flexible, allowing streets to handle traffic
loading, weather conditions, extreme temperatures and the contraction-expansion of
freeze-thaw cycles. However, pavement materials have a finite life; over time even the
best constructed pavements deteriorate with normal usage. The objective is to maximize
service life of the street structure, including the asphalt pavement component.
Aging (Deterioration) Process
The aging or deterioration of asphalt pavements is generally predictable; a chemical
process (influenced by a variety of factors) breaks down the "binder" (cement) holding
the "mix" components together—causing its structure to become brittle and to lose ability
to flex. Although moderate at first, the rate of deterioration accelerates after a number of
years of service life—as shown generally in the figure below.
S'I.00 FOR
54.00 TO S5.00
Once the asphalt is in place, the focus becomes preservation; tracking condition, regular
maintenance (crack-filling, patching and other treatments) and timely resurfacing - to
maximize the economic service life of the pavement structure. Without timely
maintenance and resurfacing intervention, the pavement structure and, hence, its surface
condition transforms relatively quickly from fair to poor, and through to failure. Cost
implications also increase significantly as time passes. Even the best maintenance cannot
preserve pavements indefinitely; ultimately, replacement is necessary.
General Specitications-2011 Technical Revisions June lsr,2011
M&C 20ll-131 Page 4
A Conspir�acy of Deterioration Heavy loading (heavy trucks and transports) causes
pavement fatigue and combines with the effects of climate to cause cracking, weathering
and raveling (breaking apart of aggregates). The aging process is hastened where there
are poor soils, utility cuts and other breaches of the surface, poor drainage and water
infiltration. Heat and the ultra-violet rays of the sun accelerate decline. Water that
penetrates the surface gets into the base course and undermines its integrity, leading to
oxidization of the asphaltic cement binding the pavement materials together. Gasoline
and oil spillage also soften and deform asphalt, speeding up its eventual failure. Adding
to this "conspiracy of deterioration" are the freeze-thaw cycles of our winters; leading to
trapped moisture, freezing, break-up and potholes.
Comprehensive Review of Asphalt Specifications
A newly constructed (or reconstructed), well paved roadway represents an ideal state for
pavements. Rigorous engineering standards, good design and proper construction are all
essential to achieving quality.
Concern with the general quality of asphalt pavements led staff to initiate, in 2010, a full
review of the City's asphalt pavements specifications, specifically Division 27 (Asphalt
Concrete) of the General Specifications. One of the country's foremost experts was
subsequently engaged to provide experienced technical advice.
Areas of focus outlined for the review included the following:
■ Asphalt cement (binder) content
■ Asphalt mix type
• Ravelling
■ Methods of joint construction
• Asphalting around roadway structures
• Quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA)protocols
• Asphalt thickness standards
• Updated technologies and procedures
Kevin O'Brien, P.Eng., Municipal Engineer, and Rod Mahaney, CET, Asphalt
Pavements Coordinator, worked diligently with the consultant John Emery, Ph.D.,
P.Eng., to produce a comprehensive revision of the City's asphalt specifications.
Provincial and other municipal specifications were looked at, and local suppliers (paving
companies) and local engineering firms (involved with quality testing) were interviewed.
Recommendations from the review process can be summarized as follows:
1. Move to a municipal "Superpave Specification"
2. Design pavements for intended use
General Specitications-2011 Technical Revisions June lsr,2011
M&C 20ll-131 Page 5
3. Underground drainage—build curb drains in street structure
4. Establish a standard set of QC and QA reporting forms
5. Strict enforcement of asphalt specifications, including contractor QC plans
6. Consider unshrinkable fill for utility cut reinstatements
7. Consider different grade asphalt binder in some locations; "58-28"to "58-34"
8. Ensure proper and timely maintenance
9. Adequate (additional) funding for asphalt pavements infrastructure
Division 27—Asphalt Concrete
The most significant change for 2011 in the City's technical specifications is a new
Division 27 — Asphalt Concrete. Work over the last several months has produced a new
"Superpave" (SUPerior PERforming Asphalt PAVEments) Asphalt Specification.
The major benefits of Superpave include:
a. More stringent requirements for the selection and testing of the components of
the asphalt mix, including the asphalt cement(binder).
b. Asphalt Contractor will be required to submit a comprehensive, job-specific
Quality Control Plan (QCP) and to adhere to its requirements throughout the
contract. The QCP will include information regarding aggregates used, asphalt
binder source and properties, properties of the asphalt mix, and certifications
for the asphalt plant and the equipment used to transport and place the asphalt.
c. Asphalt binder is selected to suit the temperatures anticipated.
d. The asphalt mix is specifically designed to handle the types and volume of
traffic for the particular street or roadway; replacing the all-purpose mix.
A full teach-in on the new standards and procedures has been provided to operational and
engineering staff.
A "Superpave Specification" will be used for the 2011 asphalt resurfacing program and
all construction projects going forward.
In applying the new standard and related procedures, however, it remains critically
important that all asphalt pavements receive appropriate maintenance, including timely
resurfacing. This requires adequate investment in the inventory of asphalt pavements —
from year to year, on an ongoing basis.
Concerns from Council
At the March 28th meeting of Council, concern was expressed about the deteriaration of
roads and a review of quality control procedures for asphalt was requested. As indicated
above, enhanced QC and QA procedures have been put in place through Division 27.
General Specitications-2011 Technical Revisions June lsr,2011
M&C 20ll-131 Page 6
Then, at the May 24th session, Council adopted a resolution for a report and
recommendation respecting the inclusion of performance specifications for asphalt life
expectancy and associated guarantees in future contract documents.
Although the notion of guaranteed life expectancies is an attractive one, the nature of
asphalt pavements and the multitude of factars that influence surface condition (and the
deterioration process) do not readily lend themselves to such provisions.
The following observations are offered:
1) Many factors influence deterioration of asphalt surfaces, making guarantees
for resurfacing projects a complex and potentially very costly requirement.
2) The current warranty standard on asphalt work is 12 months; longer periods
specified in some jurisdictions are primarily through contracts where the road
builder also becomes responsible for maintenance over a defined period.
3) Longer warranty periods would require that contractors maintain bonding for
the duration; translating into increased bonding costs for the contractor that
would be passed on to the owner (the City) through higher unit costs (per
tonne) of asphalt provided.
4) Some reasons why an asphalt surface could deteriorate prematurely are
unrelated to the pavement work and, therefore, beyond a contractor's control.
5) With greater risk transferred to the asphalt contractor, the parties to the
contract would need appropriate legal and dispute resolution provisions that
clearly define the limits of a contractor's responsibility.
6) Our region experiences frequent swings in temperature through the winter
months; with repeated freeze-thaw cycles potentially causing substantial
distress to asphalt pavements.
The practicality of instituting life expectancy guarantees for asphalt pavements needs
more extensive analysis. Accordingly, Municipal Engineering will explore, with the
City's Legal Department, the viability of establishing such provisions and the conditions
under which those might be practical — for the next (2012) round of revisions to the
General Specifications.
Extending the Service Life of Asphalt
Deteriorated asphalt condition can often be attributed to water - within the asphalt layers
or trapped beneath. Surface water that enters the pavement through cracks, joints or
seams will freeze and expand during cold temperatures. The freezing exerts prying forces
within the asphalt structure and between layers potentially causing it to break apart (de-
lamination) or to spall off; evident at edges of patches and utility cut reinstatements.
Freezing and thawing of water trapped under the base course can also leave pockets of
uneven support, leading to break-up by traffic (heavy trucks) and formation of potholes.
General Specitications-2011 Technical Revisions June lsr,2011
M&C 20ll-131 Page 7
Preventing water infiltration requires prompt sealing of the cracks which arise. Crack-
sealing a newly resurfaced road within a couple of years following resurfacing, or when
cracks become evident, is important to maintaining the integrity of the surface layer.
Routine inspection of resurfaced roads followed by a comprehensive crack sealing
program is a necessary process to extend the service life of the asphalt pavements.
Staff believes the new Superpave specification will provide a better asphalt product; one
more resistant to shrinkage and wear. Additionally, the contractor's responsibility to
provide a comprehensive Quality Control Plan governing material, processes and
equipment will contribute to better quality and, therefore, service life. Also essential to
asphalt durability are adequate maintenance programs, including resurfacing and micro-
surfacing funded through the General Fund Operating Budget.
Implementation of the new Division 27 (Asphalt Concrete) specification, with strict
adherence to those standards at all levels, is the preferred and recommended approach for
improving the quality and service life of asphalt pavements at this time.
Need to Investment in Asphalt Pavements
Adequate investment in the inventory of asphalt pavements remains essential; maintained
quality means good economics over the long term. The failure to fully grasp and act on
this reality will lead to poor street conditions, dissatisfied citizens and premature loss of
value in tangible public assets.
Although short-term fiscal constraints push many cities to defer timely resurfacing and
necessary renewal (reconstruction) of asphalt pavements, the lack of commitment to
sustainability of infrastructure will eventually lead to premature deterioration and add to a
growing "pavements deficit". When the "need far resurfacing" becomes a "need for
reconstruction", cost implications increase substantially. It is more economical over the
long-term to invest in and look after infrastructure (streets) on an ongoing basis -
spreading out costs over time to all who benefit from the heavily used network of streets.
The real challenge comes annually at budget time; to make the essential policy and
financial commitments to good quality asphalt pavements.
It is recommended that Common Council receive and file this report.
Respectfully submitted,
J.M. Paul Groody, P. Eng. J. Patrick Woods, CGA
Chief City Engineer City Manager
7.2 Setting Out of the Works
10.4.13 Fire Hydrants
10.5.02 Connections
10.5.09 Thrust Blocks and Restrainers
10.5.17 Pressure and Leakage Tests
10.5.18 Flushing and Disinfection of Watermains
10.5.25 Installation or Tracer Wire
12.4.01 Precast Concrete Sections
12.5.03 Height Adjustments
27 (New) Asphalt Concrete
31 (New) Guide Rail and Guide Posts
SO45-100 Hydrant Installation
SO45-102 Valve Chamber Detail (Gate Valve)
SO45-103 Valve Chamber Detail (Butterfly Valve)
SO45-105 Horizontal Thrust Blocks
SO45-107 Air Valve Chamber Detail (Standard Frame and Cover)
SO45-118 Chlorination & Flushing Details
SO45-200 Trench Layout
SO45-203 Standard Manhole Sections
SO45-205 Typical Tee-Base Manhole—Large Diameter Pipe
SO45-206 Interior Drop Manhole Detail
SO45-207B Adjustable Manhole Frame &Cover Installation
SO45-208 Typical Catch Basins
SO45-211 Standard Service Connections
SO45-212 Service Connections Into Sewers
SO45-213 Sewer Service Inspection Chamber
SO45-216 Grade Ring and/or Adaptor Ring for Transition From Existing Concrete
Cone Section to Adjustable Manhole Frame and Cover
SO45-218 Swale and Underdrain Details
SO45-300 Typical Cross Section Local Street
SO45-301 Typical Cross Section Collector Street
SO45-302 Typical Cross Section 4 Lane Collector Street
SO45-303 Typical Cross Section 5 Lane Arterial Street
SO45-304 Typical Cross Section — Rural Road
SO45-307 Utility Restoration Asphalt Concrete "T" Patch
SO45-308 Street Restorations of Excavations Containing Structural Geogrid
SO45-309 Typical Section —Concrete Curb and Sidewalk with Grass Median
SO45-315 Typical Access Ramps With Medians Less Than 2m
SO45-315A (New) Typical Access Ramps With Medians Greater Than 2m
SO45-320 Underground Conduit Trench Detail —Asphalt Road
SO45-323 Typical Guide Rail
SO45-328A Culvert Inlet Grate
SO45-328B Culvert Outlet Grate
SO45-332 Sign Post Details
June 2011 Page 1 of 1
M&C 2011- 128 �r?
l m. �o,
/ ',�i��,
May 27, 2011 � ' `�o=.
His Worship Mayor Ivan Court Tn.c�«�or s.��„�►on�,
And Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Members of Council,
SUBJECT: "2 Bags or Less" Voluntary Pilot Project
The purpose of this letter is to apprise Council of a Solid Waste Management Service
waste diversion initiative beginning in June 2011.
A modern solid waste service involves much more than simply collecting and disposing
of garbage. Society has come to better understand that solid waste management should
minimize waste generation (and related costs) and seek more efficient use of resources.
The service must work with citizens and neighbourhoods towards high standards of
liveability; and be ever diligent in protecting against environmental degradation and
urban blight. Attending to our needs today, as well as of future generations, means
understanding wide-ranging environmental, economic and socio-cultural considerations;
and applying sustainability principles in delivery of this core municipal service.
Since 2007, data has been generated to demonstrate trends towards refuse, compost and
recycling collection;
Year Compost Compost Refuse Refuse Recycling Recycling
(tonnes) (%) (tonnes) (%) (tonnes) (%)
2007 2779 17.9 10725 68.9 2062 13.2
2008 2775 18.4 9860 65.5 2422 16.1
2009 3403 18.6 11774 64.4 3095 16.9
2010 3359 19.0 12152 68.6 2207 12.5
Table 1:Solid Waste Management Service disposal trends from 2007 to 2010
As noted in Table 1, refuse tonnage was highest in 2010 while recycling tonnage
increased steadily for 3 years and then decreased in 2010. In 2008 and 2009, recycling
and compost tonnage was higher and there was an associated decrease in the % refuse
disposed. The overall percentage of compost diverted has increased each year. This
demonstrates that waste diversion efforts can make a difference in this community. There
are currently 22,190 household units that receive the solid waste collection service.
Keeping in mind that there are an estimated 100 new homes projected to built each year
in Saint John, the overall population has not increased significantly to justify the
increased waste being disposed at the landfill. Relatively, the same amounts of people in
Saint John are increasing their overall waste generation. That is simply not sustainable.
The City of Saint John is working in partnership with Fundy Region Solid Waste
Commission (FRSWC) to develop and implement a "2 Bags or Less" voluntary pilot
project. The Town of Hampton successfully participated in this type of project in 2010.
This pilot project is scheduled June 9 — August 18 for the Douglas Avenue route
(identified on city website as Schedule E — Week 1-3). This route has been selected due
to: City bi-weekly collection, household mix and a high percentage of refuse compared to
compost. There are approximately 460 eligible residences. Although voluntary, all
residences will receive red bag quantities and monitoring will note actual participation to
see if the participants can decrease their refuse disposal level to 2 bags or less per week
(4 red bags per collection cycle). Participants will complete a survey to understand
attitudes and behaviours towards reducing refuse disposal. Baseline refuse and compost
disposal levels have been obtained and each household in the test group is given a kit that
contains 20 red garbage bags, 40 compostable bags, a recycling tote bag,
compost/recycling list and an information flyer (see attached). Residents are requested to
use the red bags each week and place out 4 red bags per collection. This is a voluntary
program where no limits are enforced where a household can put out 2 red bags per week
and any additional refuse in the black bags will also be collected. This project is aimed at
increasing awareness and waste diversion in the community. Funding for this initiative
(staff, printing/advertising, kits) has been received from the Environmental Trust Fund by
FRSWC with minimal staff administrative costs to the City. FRSWC have summer
students monitoring and creating a report upon the 10 week program completion. The `2
Bags or less' pilot project in 2011 will be reviewed to see what impact this project could
have on Service Objectives in coming years.
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2010 Pictures courtesy of FRSWC "2 Bags or Less"Project
In a related City — FRSWC partnership, FRSWC will distribute recycling and compost
information to the Silver Falls route (Schedule B Week 1-5) and the 447 eligible
households as an ongoing recycling and composting educational program.
It is recommended that Common Council receive and file this report.
Respectfully submitted,
J.M. Paul Groody, P.Eng.
Municipal Operations & Engineering
J. Patrick Woods, CGA
City Manager
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May 25, 2011 The City of Saint john
His Worship Mayor Ivan Court
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Members of Council:
Re: Fallsview Park
Proposed Amendment to the Peddlers and Hawkers By-Law
It was brought to my attention that the Traffic Unit of the Saint John Police Force has received a
number of complaints, regarding reduced travel area as well as reduced parking at Fallsview
Park as a result of peddlers. There is an obvious safety concern for both traffic and pedestrians
in the Park caused by the presence of peddlers. There is also the added problem related to the
tour buses which are unable to turn, maneuver and park safely within Fallsview Park when the
peddlers are in the area.
The Police confirmed that the peddlers in the Park are selling trinkets and souvenirs from their
vehicles without a license.
The Peddlers and Hawkers By-Law provides at section 3 that "no person shall engage in the
business of a peddler or hawker within the boundaries of the City unless he is in a possession of
a valid license which has been issued to him under the By-Law".
Subsection 14(4) of the By-Law provides that no person shall peddle or hawk at any of the
places or during any of the times set forth in Appendix "E". Appendix "E" lists the public parks
(Mispec Park, Dominion Park, Shamrock Park, Rockwood Park, Forest Hills Park, etc.). With
the help of the Legal Department, it was determined that when the Peddlers and Hawkers By-
Law was originally enacted, the City had not yet acquired (expropriated) Fallsview Park. This
likely explains why Fallsview Park is not on the list of public parks where hawking and peddling
is prohibited.
By adding Fallsview Park to the list of public parks already listed at Schedule "E" of the By-
Law, the City would prevent hawkers and peddlers from operating within Fallsview Park. That
being said, the City would not be preventing vendors from selling their goods. The vendors
Page 2
always have the option of obtaining a license to sell at Loyalist Plaza or even within the City
The attached amendment to the Peddlers and Hawkers By-Law will result in adding Fallsview
Park to Schedule "E" of the By-Law, thereby preventing hawking and peddling within the Park.
It was prepared by the City Solicitor's Office.
That the City give first and second reading to the amendment to the Peddlers and Hawkers By-
Law which will result in prohibiting hawking and peddling within Fallsview Park.
Respectfully submitted,
. atrick Woods, CGA
Ci Manager
Be it enacted by the Common Lors d'une reunion du conseil
Council of The City of Saint John in communal, The City of Saint John a
Common Council as follows: decrete ce qui suit :
A By-law of The City of Saint L'arrete reglementant la delivrance
John entitled "A By-law Respecting the de permis aux colporteurs dans The City of
Licensing of Peddlers and Hawkers in the Saint John, decrete le 5 juillet, 2004, est
City of Saint John" enacted on the 5`�' day modifie comme suit :
of July, 2004, is hereby amended as
1 Appendix E — "No Peddling or 1 L'Appendice E — «Aucun
Hawking" — is amended by adding colportage» - est modifie par
the following words under the 1'adjonction des mots suivants sous
following headings: les titres suivants :
Place Time Endroit Heure
Fallsview Park Anytime Parc Fallsview en tout temps
IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John
Saint John has caused the Corporate a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le
Common Seal of the said City to be affixed present arrete le 2011,
to this by-law the day of avec les signatures suivantes :
,A.D. 2011 and signed by:
Common Clerk/Greffiere communale
First Reading - Premiere lecture -
Second Reading - Deuxieme lecture -
Third Reading - Troisieme lecture -