2011-04-26_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaireCity of Saint John Common Council Meeting Tuesday, April 26, 2011 Location: Common Council Chamber Supplemental to Agenda 9.2 Proposed by -law amendment stop up and close a portion of Fallsview Dr. 10.1 a) City Solicitor: Proposed Subdivision By -Law Amendment 43 Melrose Street 11. 1 b) Managing the City's Woodlands 11.2b) Update Concerning Actions Under Section 190 of the Municipalities Act City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le mardi 26 avril, 2011 Lieu : Salle du conseil communal Ordre du jour supplementaire 9.2 Projet de modification de 1'Arr&6 concernant la fermeture et le barrage de routes — trongon de la promenade Fallsview 10.1a) Avocat municipal : Projet de modification de l'Arrete de lotissement 11.1b) Gestion des terrains boises de la Ville 11.2 b) Mise a jour des renseignements relatifs aux mesures prises en vertu de Particle 190 de la Loi sur les municipalites � . 40 BYLAW NUMBER M -23 A BYLAW TO AMEND A BY -LAW RESPECTING THE STOPPING UP AND CLOSING OF HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by the Common Council of The City of Saint John as follows: 1 A by -law of The City of Saint John entitled, "A By -law Respecting The Stopping Up and Closing of Highways In The City of Saint John ", enacted on the nineteenth day of December, A.D. 2005, is hereby amended by adding thereto Section 218 immediately after Section 217 thereof. as follows: 218 The City of Saint John does hereby stop up and close permanently the following portion of highway: Falls View Drive: All that portion of Falls View Drive, a public street in the City of Saint John, in the County of Saint John, in the Province of New Brunswick comprising 819 square metres as shown on a Plan of Survey showing a portion of Falls View Drive, City of Saint John, County of Saint John, Province of New Brunswick, prepared by Kierstead Quigley and Roberts Ltd. and dated March 10, 2011. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the day of A.D. 2011 and signed by: ARRETE No M -23 ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE SUR L'INTERRUPTION DE LA CIRCULATION ET LA FERMETURE DES ROUTES DANS THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lors dune reunion du conseiI communal, The City of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit: 1 Par les presentes, 1'arrete de The City of Saint John intitule, « L'arrete sur l'interruption de la circulation et la fermeture des routes dans The City of Saint John », decrete le 19 decembre 2005, est modifie par Pajout de Particle 218 immediatement apres Particle 217, comme suit : 218 Par les presentes, The City of Saint John barre et ferme de fagon permanente la portion dune route suivante : Promenade Falls View : La totalite d'une portion de la promenade Falls View, une rue publique situee dans The City of Saint John, dans le comte de Saint John et dans la province du Nouveau - Brunswick, dune superficie de 819 mZ etant designee plus particulierement sur un plan d'arpentage indiquant une portion de la promenade Falls View, dans The City of Saint John, le comte de Saint John, Nouveau - Brunswick, prepare par Kierstead Quigley and Roberts Ltd., date du 10 mars 2011, ci- joint. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arrete le _ 2011, avec les signatures suivantes Mayor /Maire Common Clerk /Gref We communale First Reading - Premiere lecture — Second Reading — Deuxieme lecture — Third Reading - Troisieme lecture — City Solicitors Office Bureau de Pavocat municipal The City of amt John April 26, 2011 Common Council of The City of Saint John Your Worship and Councillors: Re: Item 10.1(a) —Agenda of April 26, 2011 The attached is the By -Law text which was intended to accompany my correspondence of April 21, 2011 respecting this item. Please disregard the By -Law text included in the Council kit. Respectfully Submitted, /Z_1V John L. Nugent City Solicitor Attachment SAINT JOHN ---------- P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 I www.saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada E2L 4L1 BY -LAW NUMBER C.P. 121 - A BY -LAW TO AMEND THE SAINT JOHN SUBDIVISION BY -LAW ARRETE N° C.P. 121 - ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE DE LOTISSEMENT DE SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint Le conseil communal de The City John in Common Council convened, as of Saint John edicte follows: The Saint John Subdivision By- L'Arrete de lotissement de Saint law, enacted on the nineteenth day of John, edicte le 19 decembre 2005, est December, A.D. 2005, is amended by: modifie comme suit: 1. Amending the table in Section 13(1) by deleting "20 metres (66 feet)" and replacing it with "23.1 metres (75.8 feet)" as the minimum width for Country Roads; 2. Amending the English version of the table in Section 13(1) by deleting the words "Country Roads" and replacing them with the words "Rural Roads;" 1. La table figurant au paragraphe 13(1) est modifiee par suppression de « 20 metres (66 pieds) » et son remplacement par << 23,1 metres (75,8 pieds) » comme largeur minimale des routes rurales. 2. La table figurant au paragraphe 13(1) est modifiee, dans sa version anglaise, par suppression de << Country Roads » et son remplacement par << Rural Roads ». 3. Adding the following as subsection 3. L'article 13 est modifie par 13(6) immediately following Padjonetion du paragraphe qui suit subsection 13(5): apres le paragraphe 13(5) : 4. 5. "13(6) Notwithstanding any other provision in this by -law, the minimum width for rural roads in subdivisions for which the Development Officer has approved the tentative plan prior to April 26, 2011 is 20 metres (66 feet);" Amending subsection 25(6) by deleting "20 metres (66 feet)" and replacing it with "23.1 metres (75.8 feet);" Amending the English version of Schedule B, Section 5, by replacing the words "country standard roads" with the words "rural standard roads;" o 13(6) Malgre toute autre disposition du present arrete, la largeur minimale des routes rurales dans les lotissements pour lesquels 1'Agent d'amenagement a approuve le plan provisoire avant le 26 avril, 2011 est de 20 metres (66 pieds) ». 4. Le paragraphe 25(6) est modifie par suppression de o 20 metres (66 pieds) » et son remplacement par << 23,1 metres (75,8 pieds) ». 5. L'article 5 de Pannexe B est modifie, dans sa version anglaise, par suppression de « country standard roads » et son remplacement par << rural standard roads ». 6. Adding the following as subsection 6. L'article 26 est modifie par adjonction 26(4) immediately following du paragraphe qui suit apres le subsection 26(3): "26(4) Notwithstanding the above provisions, or any other provision of this by -law, no reimbursement shall be given: a) after March 14, 2014 for costs incurred with respect to subdivisions for which a Residential Infrastructure Assistance (RIA) grant has been approved by Common Council; b) after December 31, 2011 for all other subdivisions;" paragraphe 26(3) : <(26(4) Malgr6 les dispositions qui precedent et toute autre disposition du pr6sent arrdte, aucun remboursement ne sera accord6 : a) apres le 14 mars 2014 pour les frais engag6s a 1'egard de lotissements pour lesquels une subvention d'aide a Finfrastructure r6sidentielle a ete approuvee par le conseil communal; b) apres le 31 d6cembre 2011, s'agissant des autres lotissements. » 7. Adding the following as paragraph 7. L'article 5 est modifi6 par adjonction 5(1)(d): du paragraphe 5(1)d) qui suit : "(d) Notwithstanding (a) and (b), where the proposed subdivision does not result in a net increase in the number of lots already existing, the review fee shall be $250." IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the day of A.D. 2011 and signed by: Mayor/Maire d) Malgr6 les paragraphes a) et b), lorsque le lotissement propos6 ne g6nere pas une augmentation nette du nombre des lots existants, le droit d'examen est de 250 $. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le pr6sent arrete le 2011, avec les signatures suivantes : Common Clerk/Greffi6re communale First Reading - Premiere lecture - Second Reading - Deuxieme lecture - Third Reading - Troisieme lecture - I was concerned by staffs reaction about the potential benefits from my recent motion about select cutting of wood on city owned land, so I did a bit more research on my own. In researching this idea more thoroughly I have found that the City of Fredericton has very little forested land compared to Saint John but it has a forester on staff that manages their urban forests and Fredericton also has an arborist for looking after street trees. The City of Halifax Watershed Dept. also has a forester on staff and is currently working on some outdoor education programs linked to water quality initiatives to help all land owners and residents understand the importance of certain correct land use pratices in the watershed areas. The City of Moncton has approximately the same amount of acres of forested land as Saint John and they also have a forester on staff looking after their lands for the same reasons the other above noted cities do. The issues each city has is namely to help protect their watershed areas, best use of land issues, the theft of wood on city property, the education of land owners and residents of watershed areas and harvesting of wood in these areas to benefit these initiatives which also offset the cost of all of these programs. I have included a document which shows how Moncton has, in the years 2001 & 2002, taken only 400 acres of its land and select harvested and showed a profit after it paid the contractor for the cutting of wood and also paid its full time city forester as well as the city vehicle. I understand that Saint John, as Moncton, has approximately 15,000 acres of forested land with the majority of it surrounding and protecting our city's drinking water. I cannot find a better way to further help protect our drinking water and educate children and land owners of the importance of protecting these lands and doing it at no cost to the taxpayers of our city. I courage staff to be very active in ensuring that we do not just build a building, add chemicals and put pipes in the ground and think this is all we have to do to have safe, clean drinking water. Education on forested land as well as water usage in our watershed areas is as equally important as building a treatment plant. Bill Farren Overall Annual Action Plan 2002 Areas 2002 Location Type Activity Revenue 1 Ex ense Net Year End $ Turtle Creek (Reservoir FM Plan $65,00 $13,50 $51,500 78,000.0 McLaughlin Reservoir FM Plan $20,00 $2,5001 $17,500 $8,200.0 rishtown Reservoir FM Plan $2,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1405 Mapleton Park Planning Centennial Park Planning MID (12% of Stumpage Fee) Property FM Plan $25,000 $3,000 $22,00 Surplus Lands Property Planning Maple Syrup peration FM Plan $5,000 $3,00 $2,00 $3,50 Ginseng Misc.Project FM Plan Certification Misc.Project FM Plan Wood Theft IIMisc.Project Planning Spruce Budworm Initiative Misc.Project FM Plan - IS /GPS Mapping Initiative Misc. Project Planning Stewardship Plan Misc.Project FM Plan — alary $39,00 - $39,00 Vehicle $7,66 - $7,66 Parks taken out of FMP TAL 1 $117,0001 $69,6681 47,33 91,105.0 Future work needs to be done No cost associated Overall Annual Action Plan 2001 Areas 2001 Location Txee (Reservoir Activity FM Plan Revenue Expense Net Year End $ Turtle Creek $65,00 $13,50 $51,50 60,973.25 McLaughlin ;Reservoir FM Plan $45,00 $12,50 $32,50 $98,601.68 rishtown Reservoir FM Plan $34,00 $1,00 $33,00 Mapleton Centennial Park Planning Park Planning MID (12% of Stumpage Fee) Property FM Plan $25,00 $3,00 $22,00 Surplus Lands Property Planning $13,50 $13,50 $11,001.5 Maple Syrup peration M Plan $5,00 $3,00 $2,00 $2,000 Ginseng isc.Project FM Plan $1,00 -$1,00 Certification isc.Project FM Plan Wood Theft isc.Project Planning pruce Budworm Initiative isc.Project FM Plan lS /GPS Mapping Initiative isc.Project Planning - Stewardship Plan isc.Project FM Plan Salary $39,00 - $39,00 Vehicle $7,66 -$7,66 L 187,50 $80,6681$106,834$172,576. 47 re work needs to be done E ost associated Comparison for Tender # TCS5 -315, 1996 -1997 1996 Contractors Name Amount Darrell Geldart 436.16 Cd /Pw 979.28Ton /Sw 374.18Cd /Stud 36.53 bfm Logs -Pw 120.75Cd/Hwd 905.68Ton /Poplar 1997 Contractors Name Amount Darrell Geldart 217.10 Cd /Pw 627.11 Ton /Sw 215.96 Cd /Sw 48295 Bfm Logs 175.82 Ton /Poplar 73.50 Cd /Hwd 580.44 Ton /Hwd 156.30 Cd /Poplar 7.0 CdNeneer Price Total Total for Darrell Geldart $25.00 $10,904.00 $12.50 $12,241.00 (mostly fir tree length) $39.00 $14,593.02 $150.00 $5.48 $9.60 $1,159.20 $4.00 $3,622.72 $42,525.42 Price Total Total for Darrell Geldart $25.00 $5,427.50 $17.00 $10,660.87 (mostly spruce tree length) $39.00 $8,422.44 $150.00 $7,244 $4.00 $703.28 $9.60 $705.60 $4.00 $2,321.76 $9.60 $1,500.48 $30.00 $210 $37,195.93 Total for Completed Job $79,721.35 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL INFORMATION TO COUNCIL April 26, 2011 His Worship Ivan Court and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: City of Saint John SUBJECT: Update concerning actions under section 190 of the Municipalities Act Since the changes to the Municipalities Act in 2007 (which authorized the City of Saint John to strengthen the By -laws for Dangerous Buildings, Unsightly Premises and Minimum Property Standards), the City's Buildings and Inspection Services department has achieved the following results: Notice to Comply issued for Dangerous Building Condition being a danger to safety of the public by reason of: Dilapidation or unsoundness of structural strength • Notices issued for dangerous building 29 Notices condition under By-law • Where the City has remedied the condition 12 buildings /conditions and (demolition) 1 case pending • Where the owner complied with the Notice 8 buildings /conditions by demolition • Where a building permit was taken out by 6 buildings the owner to restore the building /repair the condition • Where the owner was charged in court for 2 cases andl case pending not complying Notice to Comply issued for Unsightly Premises • Notices issued for unsightly premises under 6 Notices By -law • Where the City conducted remedial actions 1 case F • Where the owner completed the work to 5 cases remedy the conditions Information of Council - 2 - April 26, 2011 Notices to Comply for Minimum Property Standards By-law • Notices issued for violations of By -law in • 40 Notices 2009 • 5 Charges • Charges laid for non - compliance with By- • $4,750.00 law • Total amount of fines related to non- compliance (by -law and act) • Notices issued for violations of By -law in • 31 Notices 2010 • 11 charges • Charges laid for non - compliance with By- • $12,500.00 law • Total amount of fines related to non- compliance (by -law and act) • Notices issued for violations of By -law in • 10 Notices (to date) 2011 (to date) • 6 Charges • Charges laid for non - compliance with By- . $17,780.00 law • Total amount of fines related to non- compliance (by -law and act) Respectfully submitted, - Amy Poffenroth, P. Eng., MBA Deputy Commissioner Buildings and Inspection Services Patrick Woods, CGA City Manager