2009-01-29 Finance Committee MinutesFINANCE COMMITTEE
THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 2009 - 4:00 p.m.
Deputy Mayor Chase, Chair
Councillor Court
Councillor Killen
Councillor Mott
Councillor Sullivan
Greg Yeomans
Cathy Graham
Kevin Fudge
Hilary Nguyen
Also present — Barbara Mahaffy, Recording Secretary
Mr. Bob Crowley of Ernst & Young was also in attendance.
1. Approval of Minutes — December 3, 2008
On motion of Councillor Court
Seconded by Councillor Sullivan
RESOLVED that the minutes of the December 3,
2008 meeting be approved.
2. Adoption of Agenda
On motion of Councillor Killen
Seconded by Councillor Mott
RESOLVED that the agenda for the January 29, 2009
meeting be adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
3. Presentation on PSAB — Cathy Graham
Mrs. Graham opened her presentation by reviewing what PSAB means to the City and
its importance. The Province of New Brunswick has not changed legislation but they
have mandated that we must adopt PSAB and be PSAB compliant by December 31,
2009. New Brunswick is one of the last provinces to be PSAB compliant. This also
affects the various agencies, board and commissions that are under the City's control.
Councillor Court asked if there was money in the budget for PSAB and was told that
there was.
Councillor Killen asked if the date of December 31, 2009 was earlier than expected. It
will be important when we report on the 2009 fiscal financial statements. We need to be
PSAB compliant to get Federal and Provincial funding. The Federal Government will
want to see PSAB compliance when items are submitted for funding for next year.
Whereas we may be required to be PSAB compliant in order to receive federal funding,
they realize, however, that it will take New Brunswick a long time to be fully complaint.
There has not been very much guidance from the Province of New Brunswick in order
for everyone to be PSAB compliant.
Mrs. Graham noted that this process requires support from the top down to ensure we
have the resources to do it, as well as guidance and team work. Deputy Mayor Chase
asked if we were providing resources to the other departments and was told that we are
to the extent that we can, but will require assistance in this regard. Councillor Court
inquired if there was funding available for PSAB from the Province of New Brunswick or
the Federal Government. Mrs. Graham responded that we have asked for funding but
have not had a response so far.
PSAB compliance will help Common Council meet its goal of running the city in a
sustainable manner because it will provide yearly information on the state of the
infrastructure, which will help in setting priorities. It will also help in asset management
by providing information to track, maintain and replace assets. The tangible capital
assets portion of PSAB will be a major change for the City. We must work with the
departments to determine the value of each asset with documentation for audit
Councillor Court asked how much money it will cost to do this. Mrs. Graham responded
that it depends on the condition of the information on assets. Each municipality is
different. Mrs. Graham stressed the importance of the 3 Cs — coordination, cooperation
and collection — to achieve this process with dedicated staff.
Councillor Killen asked how we put a value on a road (considered an asset) except
using replacement cost. Mr. Fudge responded that that is one way to do it, but there is
a calculation or formula that can be used to determine this value.
Councillor Sullivan inquired if depreciation cost is going to show up in the departmental
costs during budget time (fiscal charges and debt replacement represents depreciation
now) and will this have an impact on our budget next year. The response stated that we
will probably be submitting two sets of statements for the Province — one under the
funding model and one under PSAB requirements.
Mrs. Graham noted that an outside consultant cannot do this on their own. They would
need to have staff members involved who have knowledge of the City to work with
them. We will still need an outside consultant to review the processes and verify what
we have done and /or are doing.
She indicated that the City of Saint John, Fredericton and Moncton have appealed to
the Province to establish a working group and to provide dedicated resources for this
issue which they have not done.
It was mentioned that once PSAB is set up, the costs will not be as large. Fredericton
has hired a permanent position to focus solely on PSAB and other staff have been
dedicated to assist, as well as consultants have been used. We need to have all
departments working together on this for it to work. Mrs. Graham stressed the
importance of having everyone's support to make this happen or it will be particularly
difficult to put in place and noted that this must be a priority. She also stated that this
needs to be on the Common Council's priority list so all departments will realize the
importance of this issue.
Councillor Court asked if there is anything in writing from the Province mandating the
City to implement PSAB. Mrs. Graham has asked for a letter from them but, as yet, has
not received anything. We did receive an email on their current position. It is felt the
province currently does not have the human resources to deal with this.
Councillor Killen stated that the City of Saint John should go ahead with this as it will
make it easier to explain the issues that the City faces by showing actual numbers. It
does require Common Council's support for the long -term and it will help people
understand the spending.
Councillor Sullivan asked if PSAB compliance was necessary to receive funding from
the Federal Government. Mrs. Graham noted that there is nothing in writing to this
effect but they do use this terminology and reference it in their agreements. She did
note, however, that the Federal Government is looking for GAAP statements which
would indicate PSAB compliance. Currently, the Federal Government is requiring
PSAB on a project by project basis.
Mr. Yeomans noted that some departments see this as an opportunity to get control of
their assets. However, we need to have some consistency and need to develop a
procedure to do this so that everyone is on the same page.
The question was raised about the involvement of Corporate Planning in this process.
The response was that we need to work collectively with them; however, Finance needs
to get this done.
Both Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillor Sullivan agreed that there needs to be a
presentation to Common Council on this issue as it is a good knowledge tool.
Councillor Killen added that it should also be presented to other departments as a good
knowledge tool. The presentation to Council needs to come from the Finance
Committee and should be in a Council- friendly format.
Mrs. Graham noted that there is no money in the budget to steal resources from other
areas to accomplish this; however, there is some money in the budget for consultants.
How much we spend on consultants depends on how many internal staff are involved.
Mr. Crowley noted that, from an auditor's perspective, he expects the City to work
towards PSAB compliance in 2009.
4. Presentation on Value for Money (or Performance) Audit — Bob Crowley
Mr. Crowley noted that Performance Audits are more than a Value for Money Audit.
Performance Audits, which are used regularly by the Federal Government, are
systematic examinations of government activities, looking at such things as efficiency,
cost effectiveness and who is responsible. He asked if the City wants to incorporate
this into its audit process for the overall goal of continuing improvement. This audit can
be set up as an internal process.
Deputy Mayor Chase asked Mr. Crowley to identify areas they should be looking at. Mr.
Crowley asked the committee if this is something they want to have as part of the on-
going processes of the City. If so, the City needs to establish something that will be
there for the long term and to consider how it would be set up and devised.
Councillor Killen asked if this would mean having an auditor - general for the City and
was told that this would be external to this Committee. We would need to define the
process and objectives and what areas to deal with. Councillor Killen also asked who
decides what should be audited. Mr. Crowley responded that once the process is
developed, they need to define the areas they want to look at, which are usually the
areas where there is the most risk as this tends to be a risk -based audit process. Mr.
Yeomans noted that we need to decide if we are talking about a long -term commitment
and, if so, then decide what to do. It depends on the vision as to how this audit is
Deputy Mayor Chase noted that he would not like to use this to validate why we do
things, but to determine what are our best practices and could we do more with the
same dollars. Mr. Crowley noted that we could benchmark certain items or areas to
determine where we can improve and, as well, find our best practices out of this
Deputy Mayor Chase asked Mr. Crowley how he defines risk. Mr. Crowley defined risk
as where you could be losing the greatest number of dollars and where there are the
greatest number of inefficiencies or an area where we are losing assets. Mr. Crowley
noted that we already have internal benchmarks.
Deputy Mayor Chase noted that no one owns this process yet — there is $100,000 in the
budget. Councillor Sullivan felt that it should be owned by senior management as it is
their responsibility to make sure the City is run efficiently. Deputy Mayor Chase noted
that this process needs a political driver with Mr. Yeomans at the top. Mr. Yeomans
suggested that this Committee find out what Common Council wants to do as we need
consistency in order to go forward. Councillor Killen felt that this Committee needs to
take the lead on this, with Councillor Sullivan disagreeing, saying that in order to be
effective, this Committee cannot spread themselves too thin. He suggested an
Oversight Committee be put together consisting of the Finance Committee Chair, the
Commissioner of Finance, the City Manager and the Mayor. The formation of this
Committee could come as a recommendation from the Finance Committee.
Mr. Crowley noted that the Committee needs to determine what it is they want to do and
ensure that this Oversight Committee has the right mandate. Councillor Killen stated
that the Finance Committee needs to champion this.
As the Committee was going to be discussing items of a personnel nature, it was
decided at this time to go into a closed session.
Deputy Mayor Chase stated that the next step in moving towards a Performance Audit
process is to hire an outside consultant. This Committee needs to put together a
concept for presentation to Common Council.
Mr. Fudge noted that the Committee needs to define the performance indicators we
want to benchmark ourselves against. Mr. Yeomans responded that Corporate
Planning is trying to establish benchmarks. He mentioned that the Committee could
have someone from Ernst & Young come and give us a high level presentation on this.
He also noted that the Committee must make Common Council understand that this is a
long -term project. There will be an initial cost upfront but it will pay off down the road.
Finance Department needs resources, however, in order to achieve this. He also let the
Committee know that they will need to meet more frequently if they go this route, as well
as meeting quarterly.
Mr. Yeomans agreed to look at the calendar and set the next meeting date to have
Ernst & Young come in to speak on this.
On motion of Councillor Sullivan
Seconded by Councillor Mott
RESOLVED that the Finance Committee will meet
with an Advisory Services representative from Ernst & Young to talk about Performance
Audits, which is the next step in the establishment of a Performance Audit Program.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
It was suggested that a letter be sent from the Committee to the various Commissions,
Boards and Agencies, including Saint John Energy, advising them to prepare their
budgets for submission by the end of August 2009.
On motion of Councillor Killen
Seconded by Councillor Sullivan
RESOLVED that a letter be given to Common Council
from the Finance Committee advising them that the Committee is consulting with the
Auditor of record and developing a process and framework concerning the Value for
Money issue for Council's consideration.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.