2008-08-20 Finance Committee MinutesFINANCE COMMITTEE
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 2008 - 4:00 p.m.
Mayor Ivan Court
Deputy Mayor Chase
Councillor Killen
Councillor Mott
Councillor Sullivan
Greg Yeomans
Cathy Graham
Kevin Fudge
Hilary Nguyen
Also present — Barbara Mahaffy, Recording Secretary
Mr. Bob Crowley and Ms. Kerri Stevens of Ernst & Young were also in attendance.
1. Finance Committee Terms of Reference
Mr. Yeomans stated that the Terms of Reference were distributed to everyone present
in their package and asked if anyone had any questions or concerns. There were none.
2. Appointment of Chair
On motion of Councillor Mott
Seconded by Councillor Killen
RESOLVED that Deputy Mayor Chase would serve
as Chair of the Committee.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Following a brief discussion, it was agreed that the Nominating Committee should set
staggered terms for each Councillor on the Committee. There was some discussion as
to the frequency of the Finance Committee meetings, with the preference being to meet
more than the required once a year. It was agreed to discuss this at the end of this
3. Approval of Minutes — May 9, 2007
On motion of Councillor Mott
Seconded by Councillor Sullivan
RESOLVED that the minutes of the May 9, 2007
meeting be approved.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
4. Adoption of Agenda
On motion of Councillor Sullivan
Seconded by Councillor Killen
RESOLVED that the agenda for the August 20, 2008
meeting be adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
5. Audit Results - Ernst & Young
Mr. Crowley started his presentation by outlining the process that is usually followed,
which is a bit out of sync this year due to various extenuating circumstances. Mr.
Crowley noted that they met with Management prior to reporting to the Finance
Committee and that they report to Common Council through the Finance Committee.
The auditors then report, at a high level, at the Common Council meeting where the
audited financial statements are presented. Mr. Crowley asked the Councillors present
to make notes of things that they want to follow up on at the later Planning Meeting.
Mr. Crowley reviewed the methodology of the audit and provided the Committee with an
overview of their audit approach. He outlined that there are two general approaches to
auditing, the first being the substantive approach where they go through every piece of
paper, and secondly, the control -based audit where they look at the internal controls
that are in place, the latter of these two approaches being used for the City's audit. If
controls are in place, they run a test to ensure that the controls are working properly.
Mr. Crowley noted that there were no serious control deficiencies found in this audit.
Ernst & Young are required to confirm annually their independence and Mr. Crowley
indicated that they have done so and have no conflicts of interest.
Mr. Crowley outlined the letter of representations, which is still outstanding, but should
be received in the next few days. He gave an overview of the audit process, outlining
several matters for the Finance Committee's consideration.
He reviewed the professional standards that require the auditor to communicate certain
matters to the Finance Committee, with Management being aware of such
communications. Mr. Crowley did mention that the implementation of PSAB will cause
deficiencies every year as it evolves. Mr. Yeomans outlined the various changes that
will take place when PSAB comes into effect. Mayor Court inquired about provincial
funding available to assist with this transition to PSAB. Mr. Yeomans responded that
there is no extra funding provided for this. It will be challenging as the City may need to
hire resources to get where we need to be, as the Province wants us to be PSAB
compliant by January 1, 2009. It will be very difficult for the City to comply with this
deadline. Mayor Court felt strongly that we should be looking for transitional funding for
PSAB and indicated that a resolution should be drawn up and put forward at the
upcoming Cities of New Brunswick Association meeting on September 19. Mayor
Court, Deputy Mayor Chase and Mr. Yeomans will meet to ensure that this issue is on
the Common Council agenda for the September 2nd meeting.
On motion of Mayor Court
Seconded by Councillor Sullivan
RESOLVED that the Finance Committee recommend
that Common Council request transitional funding from the Province for PSAB
implementation and further that the support of the Cities of New Brunswick Association
be solicited in this regard.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Mr. Crowley reviewed the Pension Plan Accounting findings in response to a question
from Mayor Court about solvency. In response to a question from Mayor Court
concerning the $8,100 (General Fund — net income understatement), Mr. Crowley noted
that when dealing with $100 million budget, $8,100 was not a concern and that
management was made aware of this difference.
Mr. Crowley noted that the Gas Tax audit is not yet completed and is being conducted
to ensure that the money is being spent on what it should be. Mayor Court inquired as
to the yearly amount (of gas tax) the City is receiving now. Mr. Yeomans responded
that it is in the $5 million range and that he will confirm this figure for the Mayor.
Mr. Yeomans, at this point, informed the Committee that it has the right to have a
discussion with the auditors without staff members present, if they so wished.
Deputy Mayor Chase noted that every 4t" year (Leap Year), there is an extra week of
payroll and he inquired as to whether or not this has been corrected. Mr. Yeomans
responded that a day per year is accrued to allow for this. The audit looks at this
practice to ensure the accuracy of this procedure. Deputy Mayor Chase asked if City
employees were paid more than they actually earned every 4 years and the answer was
Councillor Sullivan inquired as to why the City pays their employees on a weekly basis,
with Mr. Yeomans responding that this is part of the union contract.
Staff members left the meeting for about 20 minutes so that the Committee could speak
to the auditors.
Mr. Crowley and Ms. Stevens left the meeting shortly after its resumption.
There was some discussion regarding the frequency of the Finance Committee
meetings. Deputy Mayor Chase inquired how much work it would be for staff to have
monthly financial statements available. Mr. Yeomans responded that it was not
possible to have monthly statements, but he could certainly provide quarterly
statements for the Committee. Deputy Mayor Chase requested that Mr. Yeomans
provide the Committee with a reasonable schedule of meeting dates, preferably
quarterly, as the Committee would like to meet more frequently. Mr. Yeomans asked
the Committee members to let him know what they would like to see at each meeting
and he will ensure that it is ready for them. Councillor Sullivan noted that there is more
opportunity for discussion and questions at Committee meetings. Mr. Yeomans also
stated that if the meetings are more frequent, there is less chance that there will any
surprises at the end of the year.
On motion of Councillor Sullivan
Seconded by Councillor Killen
RESOLVED that the Finance Committee meet in
September 2008 for planning purposes and to review the Terms of Reference.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
It was determined that there would be an Audit Planning Meeting in October.
6. Review of Audited Financial Statements
Before she proceeded with the review of the financial statements, Mrs. Graham asked
for feedback from the Committee as to what they want to hear. She outlined the various
reasons for the lateness of the statements this year. The financial statements are the
City's scorecard as to where we stand financially and are important to review. She then
reviewed the results of the financial statements for the General Fund, specifically the
Statement of Revenue and Expenses, noting the year -end deficit of $69,292.
Continuing, she provided a detailed review of the Schedule of Revenue Items, as well
as the Schedule of Expense Items.
Councillor Sullivan queried as to whether departments tend to go over budget and if
they do so, do they have to go through Common Council to do so. Mr. Yeomans
responded that the Finance Committee reports to Common Council and knows where
and why each department goes over budget. Each department knows where they are
going and analyze their monthly reports so as to avoid going over budget. They do not
need Common Council approval to do this. Councillor Sullivan questioned where is the
accountability for someone running over budget, to which the response was they are
accountable to Common Council through their reporting.
Councillor Sullivan left the meeting at 6:05 pm.
Mayor Court inquired about PSAB — will we be responsible to do internal auditing when
it is implemented? Mr. Yeomans responded by stating that we will still have to have
external auditors conduct any audits.
Councillor Killen noted that on the Schedule of Expense Items, everything looks to be in
line until one gets to the City Market expenses and they are up significantly in
comparison. In response, the City Market did major repairs this year and hired more
cleaning staff, which caused their expenses to increase.
Councillor Killen asked what the formula is that determines what each community pays
towards the regional facilities. Mr. Yeomans replied that it is determined by the
assessment base. The City of Saint John is responsible for the capital and the Regional
Facilities Commission determines how much each community contributes to the
regional facilities. There was brief discussion on property tax vs. assessment base.
Councillor Killen asked if the financial statement results could be presented in tangible
terms, such as what has been achieved with the money received. Mr. Yeomans
responded that the City is going towards performance measurement so that eventually
the City will be able to apply these measurements to each item. This is an evolving goal
that is being aimed for.
On motion of Councillor Mott
Seconded by Councillor Killen
RESOLVED that the audited Financial Statements for
the City of Saint John General Fund, Water and Sewerage Utility and Reserve and
Trust Funds as at December 31, 2007 be forwarded to Common Council on
September 2, 2008.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
There was a brief discussion about the Pension Plan, with Mr. Yeomans reviewing how
the liability is arrived at. Mayor Court asked what the maximum is that the Income Tax
Act allows employees to pay towards a pension plan. Mr. Yeomans responded 9 %.
The City had to put in a request to Revenue Canada to increase the contributions to
10.5 %.
The meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.