2011-01-04_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourCity of Saint John Common Council Meeting Tuesday, January 04, 2011 Committee of the Whole 1. Call to Order 5:00 p.m. 8th Floor Boardroom City Hall 1.1 Financial Matter 10.2(4)(c) 1.2 Legal Matter 10.2(4)(J) 1.3 Legal Matter 10.2(4)(c) 1.4 Land Matter 10.2(4)(d) Regular Meeting 1. Call to Order — Prayer 6:00 p.m. Council Chamber 2. Approval of Minutes 2.1 Minutes of December 6, 2010 3. Adoption of Agenda 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 5. Consent Agenda 5.1 Swearing In of New Councillor (Recommendation: Receive for Information) 5.2 Insurance: Agent of Record (Recommendation in Report) 5.3 Proposed Public Hearing Date 519 -519 Westmorland Rd, 991 Fairville Boulevard and 1925 Bayside Dr (Recommendation in Report) 5.4 Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority- Quit Claim Deed (Recommendation in Report) 6. Members Comments 7. Proclamation 8. Delegations/ Presentations 6:30 p.m. 8.1 Saint John Transit 2011 Budget 9. Public Hearings 7:00 p.m. 9.1 Proposed Street Closing Portion of Harding Street West 10. Consideration of By -laws 10.1 Third Reading Proposed By -Law Amendment Respecting Water and Sewerage 10.2 Third Reading - Proposed Street Closing Saint James Street 10.3(a) Third Reading Proposed Zoning By -Law Amendment - 142 Harrington Street 10.3(b) Section 39 Conditions 10.4(a) Third Reading Proposed Zoning By -Law Amendment - 237 -249 Mount Pleasant Avenue East 10.4(b) Section 39 Conditions 10.5 Third Reading Proposed Zoning By -Law Amendment - 6 Highwood Drive 11. Submissions by Council Members 11.1 Private Member's Bill for Pension Plan Reform (Councillor Sullivan) 11.2 Scheduling of Additional Ward Meeting (Councillor Snook) 11.3 Safer Communities and Neighbourhood Task Force (Councillor Snook) 11.4 Rainbow Park Update (Councillor Snook) 11.5 Community Center Partnerships (Councillor Snook) 12. Business Matters — Municipal Officers 12.1 City Manager: Community Centres Programming 12.2 City Manager: Pipeline Crossing Agreement with Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline- Crossing KP 98 13. Committee Reports 14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda 15. General Correspondence 16. Adjournment City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le mardi 4 janvier 2011 Comite plenier 1.Ouverture de la seance 17 h — Salle de conference, 8e etage, h6tel de ville 1.1 Question financi&re — alinea 10.2(4)c) 1.2 Question juridique — alinea 10.2(4)j) 1.3 Question juridique — alinea 10.2(4)c) 1.4 Question relative aux biens -fonds — alinea 10.2(4)d) Seance ordinaire 1.Ouverture de la seance, suivie de la priere 18 h — Salle du conseil 2. Approbation du proces- verbal 2.1 Proc&s- verbal de la seance tenue le 6 decembre 2010 3. Adoption de Pordre du jour 4. Divulgations de conflits d'interets 5. Questions soumises a Papprobation du conseil 5.1 Assermentation d'un nouveau conseiller (recommandation : accepter a titre informatif) 5.2 Assurance : Agent r6alisateur (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.3 Date propos6e de la tenue d'une audience publique relativement aux 515- 519, chemin Westmorland, au 99, boulevard Fairville et au 1925, promenade Bayside (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.4 Administration du pont du port de Saint John — Acte de renonciation (recommandation figurant au rapport) 6. Commentaires presentes par les membres 7. Proclamation 8. D616gations et pr6sentations 18h30 8.1 Budget de 2011 de la Commission des transports de Saint John 9. Audiences publiques 19h 9.1 Projet de modification de 1'Arrete concernant la fermeture et le barrage de routes — rue Harding Ouest 10. Etude des arretes municipaux 10.1 Troisieme lecture du projet de modification de 1'Arrete concernant les reseaux d'eau et d'egouts 10.2 Troisieme lecture du projet de modification de 1'Arrete concernant la fermeture et le barrage de routes visant la rue Saint James 10.3a) Troisieme lecture du projet de modification de 1'Arrete de zonage visant le 142, rue Harrington 10.3b) Conditions imposees par Particle 39 10.4a) Troisieme lecture du projet de modification de 1'Arrete de zonage visant les 237 -249, avenue Mount Pleasant Est 10.4b) Conditions imposees par Particle 39 10.5 Troisieme lecture du projet de modification de 1'Arrete de zonage visant le 6, promenade Highwood 11. Interventions des membres du conseil 11.1 Projet de loi emanant d'un depute concernant la reforme du regime de retraite (conseiller Sullivan) 11.2 Etablissement d'un calendrier pour une reunion de quartier supplementaire (conseiller Snook) 11.3 Groupe de travail sur la securite dans les collectivites et les quartiers (conseiller Snook) 11.4 Mise a jour relative au parc Rainbow (conseiller Snook) 11.5 Partenariats de centre communautaire (conseiller Snook) 12. Affaires municipales evoquees par les fonctionnaires municipaux 12.1 Directeur general : Programmation des centres communautaires 12.2 Directeur general : Convention entre la municipalite et la societe Maritimes and Northeast Pipeline Management Ltd. relative au croisement du gazoduc — croisement du gazoduc 98 13. Rapports deposes par les comites 14. Etude des sujets ecartes des questions soumises a 11approbation du conseil 15. Correspondance generale 16. Levee de la seance 95 -657 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 6, 2010 /LE 6 DECEMBRE 2010 COMMON COUNCIL MEETING — THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN CITY HALL — DECEMBER 6, 2010 - 6:30 P.M. Present: Ivan Court, Mayor Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillors Court, Farren, Higgins, McGuire, Mott, Snook, Sullivan, and Titus - and - P. Woods, City Manager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor; G. Yeomans, Commissioner of Finance and Treasurer; P. Groody, Commissioner of Municipal Operations; K. Forrest, Commissioner of Planning and Development; A. Poffenroth, Deputy Commissioner of Buildings and Inspection Services; K. Clifford, District Fire Chief; E. Gormley, Common Clerk and J. Taylor, Assistant Common Clerk. SEANCE DU CONSEIL COMMUNAL DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN TENUE A L'HOTEL DE VILLE, LE 6 DECEMBRE 2010 A 18 H 30 Sont presents : Ivan Court, maire le maire suppleant Chase et les conseillers Court, Farren, McGuire, Mott, Snook, Sullivan, Titus et la conseillere Higgins et P. Woods, directeur general; J. Nugent, avocat municipal; G. Yeomans, commissaire aux finances et tresorier; P. Groody, commissaire aux Operations municipales; K. Forrest, commissaire au service Urbanisme et developpement; A. Poffenroth, commissaire adjoint aux Services d'inspection et des batiments; K. Clifford, chef du service d'incendie de district; ainsi que E. Gormley, greffiere communale, et J. Taylor, greffier communal adjoint. 1. Call To Order — Prayer Mayor Court called the meeting to order and Councillor Snook offered the opening prayer. 1. Ouverture de la seance, suivie de la priere La seance est ouverte par le maire Court, et le conseiller Snook recite la priere d'ouverture. 2. Approval of Minutes On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of Common Council, held on November 22, 2010 be approved. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 2. Approbation du proces- verbal Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que le proces- verbal de la seance du conseil communal tenue le 22 novembre 2010 soit approuve. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 95 -658 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 6, 2010 /LE 6 DECEMBRE 2010 3. Approval of Agenda On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the agenda of this meeting be approved. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 3. Adoption de I'ordre du jour Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que I'ordre du jour de la presente seance soit adopt6. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 4. Divulgations de conflits d'interets 5. Consent Agenda 5.1 Refer to item 14.1. 5.2 That the letter dated November 22, 2010 from Gentle Path Counselling Services regarding Employee Assistance Programs be referred to the City Manager. 5.3 That the letter dated November 16, 2010 from Family Plus Life Solutions regarding Employee Assistance Programs be referred to the City Manager. 5.4 That the letter dated November 24, 2010 from the Saint John Police Association, requesting to present to Council regarding pension reforms, be received for information. 5.5 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010- 399: Purchase of Refuse Packer Truck, staff be authorized to purchase the packer truck, a 2006 International Cab and Chassis c/w a Labrie Expert 2000 packer body, presently on rental from AmTruck Ltd., in the negotiated amount of $77,000.00, plus tax. 5.6 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010- 395: Tender for Sand & Gravel— 2010- 561004T, the tender for the establishment of a supply agreement for the provision of sand, gravel and aggregate be awarded to the lowest bidder for each of the items tendered, as indicated on the submitted summary. 5.7 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010- 400: Purchase of Used Sweepers, the offer of Joe Johnson Equipment Limited to purchase one 2003 model year Elgin Eagle at a quoted price of $49,125.00, plus tax and one 2009 model year Elgin Whirlwind at a quoted price of $180,500.00, plus tax, be accepted. 5.8 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010- 396: Proposed Municipal Services and Public Utility Easements — 261 and 400 Chesley Drive, Common Council assent to the submitted photo- reduced OSCO Properties Limited Subdivision Pian, dated November 1, 2010 with respect to any necessary municipal services or public utility easements, and that Common Council assent to the submitted photo- reduced 635972 N.B. Ltd. Subdivision, dated November 1, 2010, with respect to any necessary municipal services or public utility easements. 5.9 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010- 397: Assent of Public Utility Easements — 21 and 22 Mill Cove Lane, Common Council assent to the submitted photo- reduced Melissa G. and Stephen B. Anderson Subdivision Plan, dated October 12, 2010 with respect to any necessary public utility easements. 95 -659 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 6, 2010 /LE 6 DECEMBRE 2010 5.10 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010 391: Stop -Up and Close Portion of Harding Street West, the Public Hearing for the consideration of the passing of a By -law to Stop Up and Close a 2,108 square metre ± portion of a public street known as Harding Street West, be set for Tuesday, January 4, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber. 5.11 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report Procurement, Legal and Project Management Services, Common Council approve the request of the Saint John Parking Commission: a) to have the City's Purchasing Agent administer on behalf of the Parking Commission the procurement process for the Peel Plaza Parking Garage so called; b) to have the Project Manager of the Peel Plaza Project provide project management services to the Parking Commission with respect to the said Parking Garage and further; c) the City Solicitor is hereby directed to provide to the Parking Commission legal services respecting the said procurement process, in each case as though the Peel Plaza Parking Garage were a City owned facility. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the recommendation set out for each consent agenda item respectively with the exception of item 5.1 Horizon Management Limited Request for Commercial Incentive Program, which has been identified for debate, be adopted. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 5. Questions soumises a I'approbation du conseil 5.1 Voir le point 14.1. 5.2 Resolu que la lettre de Gentle Path Counselling Services Ltd. datee du 22 novembre 2010 et relative aux programmes d'aide aux employes soit transmise au directeur general. 5.3 Resolu que la lettre de Family Plus /Life Solutions datee du 16 novembre 2010 et relative aux programmes d'aide aux employes soit transmise au directeur general. 5.4 Que la lettre datee du 24 novembre 2010 et regue de la Saint John Police Association Inc., qui souhaite faire une presentation devant le conseil au sujet de la reforme des pensions, soit acceptee a titre informatif. 5.5 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -399 : Achat dun camion compacteur d'ordures, le personnel soit autorise a acheter le camion compacteur presentement loue a la societe Am Truck Ltd., a savoir un chassis - cabine International 2006 dote d'une benne a ordures menageres modele Labrie Expert 2000 » pour la somme de 77 000 $, taxes en sus. 5.6 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -395 : Soumission 2010- 561004T relative a l'approvisionnement de sable et de gravier, la soumission pour la mise en place d'une entente sur I'approvisionnement de sable, de gravier et de granulat soit accorde au soumissionnaire le moins disant dans chaque cas, comme I'indique le sommaire des soumissions presente. 5.7 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -400 : Achat de balayeuses de voirie d'occasion, I'offre faite par la societe Joe Johnson Equipment Limited relativement a I'achat d'une balayeuse Elgin Eagle, modele 2003, au prix soumissionne de 49 125 $, taxes en sus, et a I'achat d'une balayeuse Elgin Whirlwind au prix soumissionne de 180 500 $, taxes en sus, soit acceptee. 5.8 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -396: Projet de servitudes pour services municipaux et d'utilite publique visant les 261 et 400, promenade Chesley, le conseil communal approuve le plan de lotissement provisoire avec photo reduite presente par OSCO Properties Limited et date du 1 er novembre 2010 relativement 6 toute servitude exigee aux fins des services 95 -660 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 6, 2010 /LE 6 DECEMBRE 2010 municipaux ou d'utilite publique, ainsi que le plan de lotissement provisoire avec photo reduite presente par 635972 N.B. Ltd. et date du 1 e novembre 2010 relativement a toute servitude exigee aux fins des services municipaux ou d'utilite publique. 5.9 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -397: Approbation de 1'emprise aux fins d'utilite publique visant les 21 et 22, al /6e Mill Cove, le conseil communal approuve le plan de lotissement avec photo reduite presente par Melissa G. et Stephen B. Anderson, du 12 octobre 2010, relativement a toute servitude de service public exigee. 5.10 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -391 : Fermeture et barrage dune partie de la rue Harding Ouest, le conseil communal fixe la date de I'audience publique relative a I'adoption d'un arrete visant a fermer et a barrer un trongon d'environ 2 108 metres carres de la rue Harding Ouest, rue publique, au mardi 4 janvier 2011, a 19 h, dans la salle du conseil. 5.11 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule Service d'approvisionnement, service juridique et service de gestion des projets, le conseil communal approuve la demande de la Commission sur le stationnement de Saint John visant a : a) charger I'agent d'achat de la ville, au nom de la Commission sur le stationnement de Saint John, de la gestion du processus d'approvisionnement relativement au soi - disant garage a etages de la place Peel; b) demander au gestionnaire du projet relatif a la place Peel de fournir des services de gestion a la Commission sur le stationnement de Saint John dans le cadre du soi - disant garage a etages de la place Peel; c) mandater I'avocat municipal, en vertu des presentes, pour qu'il fournisse des services juridiques a la Commission sur le stationnement de Saint John dans le cadre dudit processus d'approvisionnement. Dans chacun de ces cas, on considerera que le garage a etages de la place Peel appartient a la Ville. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que la recommandation formulee pour chacune des questions soumises a I'approbation du conseil, a 1'exclusion du point 5.1, Demande adressee par Horizon Management Limited relativement au programme d'encouragement commercial, et qui a ete selectionne aux fins de deliberations, soit adoptee. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 6. Members Comments Council members commented on various community events. 6. Commentaires pr6sent6s par les membres Les membres du conseil s'expriment sur diverses activites communautaires. 7. Proclamation 7.1 Anti Bullying Day December 17, 2010 The Mayor proclaimed the 17th day of December, 2010 as Anti Bullying Day in the City of Saint John. 7. Proclamation 7.1 Journ6e contre ('intimidation le 17 d6cembre 2010 Le maire declare le 17 d6cembre 2010 comme Journ6e contre ('intimidation dans The City of Saint John. 95 -661 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 6, 2010 /LE 6 DECEMBRE 2010 8. Delegations /Presentations 8.1 Results of 2010 Citizen Survey S. Rackley- Roach, Corporate Program Manager, explained that the City of Saint John engaged Ipsos Reid to design and conduct three annual citizen surveys, noting that the goal was to understand the needs and concerns of city residents and to improve service delivery. Referring to a submitted presentation, Peggy McGee, representing Ipsos Reid, presented the key findings of the survey and responded to questions from Council members. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that Council suspend the requirements of section 10.7 of the Procedural By -Law respecting delegations / presentations. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that Council receive for information the submitted report and presentation on the 2010 Citizen Survey. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 8. Delegations et presentations 8.1 Resultats du sondage 2010 mene aupres des citoyens S. Rackley- Roach, directrice des programmes corporatifs, explique que The City of Saint John a fait appel a Ipsos Reid pour concevoir et mener trois sondages annuels aupres des citoyens, precisant que I'objectif vise a cerner les besoins et les preoccupations des residents et b ameliorer la prestation des services. Faisant reference a une presentation anterieure, Peggy McGee, representant Ipsos Reid, presente les principaux resultats du sondage, puis repond aux questions des membres du conseil. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuybe par le conseiller Snook RESOLU que le conseil suspende les exigences de I'article 10.7 de I'arrbte sur le reglement intbrieur relativement aux delegations et aux presentations. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller Snook RESOLU que le conseil accepte a titre informatif la presentation et le rapport soumis relativement au sondage 2010 mene aupres des citoyens. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 8.2 River Road Community Alliance Referring to a submitted presentation, Michael Bonga, representing the River Road Community Alliance, highlighted the road and infrastructure work that has been completed by the City of Saint John on Westfield Road. He advised that the River Road Community Alliance is requesting that the City continue to provide funding for the completion of "Phase A ", and further, a detailed design of "Phase B ". Responding to a question, Mr. Groody advised that the City has allocated funds from the 2010 Capital budget for the remainder of "Phase A ", noting that this work is scheduled to be completed in 2011. He stated that he does not have information regarding the cost of "Phase B ". 95 -662 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 6, 2010 /LE 6 DECEMBRE 2010 On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that Council suspend the requirements of section 10.7 of the Procedural By -Law respecting delegations / presentations. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the River Road Community Alliance Inc. request for The City of Saint John's commitment to "Phase B" of the road reconstruction project on Westfield Road, as indentified in the submitted presentation, be referred to budget deliberations. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 8.2 Alliance communautaire du chemin River Faisant reference a une presentation anterieure, Michael Bonga, representant la River Road Community Alliance Inc., souligne les travaux routiers et d'infrastructure realises par The City of Saint John sur le chemin Westfield. II signale que la River Road Community Alliance Inc. demande a la Ville de maintenir son soutien financier pour pouvoir terminer la phase A et concevoir un plan detaille de la phase B. En reponse a une question posee, M. Groody signale que la Ville a affecte les fonds du budget d'immobilisations 2010 pour le reste des travaux relatifs a la phase A, precisant que ces derniers devraient titre acheves en 2011. II declare ne disposer d'aucune information en ce qui concerne le cout de la phase B. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que le conseil suspende les exigences de I'article 10.7 de I'arrete sur le reglement interieur relativement aux delegations et aux presentations. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que la demande de la River Road Community Alliance Inc. visant a obtenir 1'engagement de The City of Saint John envers la phase B du projet de refection du chemin Westfield, tel qu'il est defini dans la presentation anterieure, soit soumise aux deliberations budgetaires. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 8.3 PlanSJ Update J. Hamilton, Deputy Commissioner of Planning and Development, explained that the PlanSJ process has arrived at a key stage in the creation of a new municipal plan, noting that the Plan SJ team will be hosting an open -house meeting for the public on December 8t" Ms. Hamilton introduced the PlanSJ video and noted that it features citizens from the youth engagement meetings and the Chair of the PlanSJ Citizens Advisory Committee, Anne McShane. Referring to a submitted presentation, Cyndi Rotten ber-Walker and Mark Reid, representing Urban Strategies Inc., outlined the PlanSJ process; the growth strategy for Saint John; the feedback that was received from citizens; and the next steps in the process of creating a new municipal plan. Ms. Rottenber - Walker advised that citizens are encouraged to send in their comments on the submitted PlanSJ materials by January 11, 2011, noting that once the citizen feedback has been reviewed, staff will submit a report to Council. Responding to a question from Council, Ms. Hamilton advised that PlanSJ will continue to work with the Port Authority and the Saint John Airport, noting that both have been identified as important parts of the municipal plan. 95 -663 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 6, 2010 /LE 6 DECEMBRE 2010 On motion of Councillor McGuire Seconded by Councillor Titus RESOLVED that the presentation from PlanSJ entitled A New Direction: Saint John's Choice for Growth and Change, be received for information. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 8.3 Nouvelles sur le PlanSJ J. Hamilton, commissaire adjointe a I'urbanisme et au developpement, explique que, dans le cadre du processus du PlanSJ, on a atteint un stade determinant dans I'elaboration d'un nouveau plan municipal. En outre, elle souligne que I'equipe du PlanSJ organisera une reunion portes ouvertes a ('intention du public le 8 decembre. Mme Hamilton presente la video sur le PlanSJ et souligne que celle -ci fait intervenir les citoyens qui ont pris part aux reunions sur la mobilisation de la jeunesse et la presidente du Comite consultatif de citoyens, Anne McShane. Faisant reference a une presentation anterieure, Cyndi Rottenber - Walker et Mark Reid, representant Urban Strategies Inc., decrivent le processus du PlanSJ; la strategie de croissance pour Saint John; les commentaires regus de la part des citoyens; et les etapes suivantes du processus relatif a I'elaboration d'un nouveau plan municipal. Mme Rotten ber-Walker souligne que les citoyens sont encourages a faire parvenir leurs commentaires relativement a la documentation soumise portant sur le PlanSJ au plus tard le 11 janvier 2011. En outre, elle precise qu'une fois les commentaires examines, le personnel transmettra un rapport au conseil. En reponse a une question posee par le conseil, Mme Hamilton precise que I'equipe du PlanSJ continuera a travailler avec I'Administration portuaire de Saint John et avec I'aeroport de Saint John, etant donne le role decisif que ces deux acteurs jouent dans le plan municipal. Proposition du conseiller McGuire Appuyee par le conseiller Titus RESOLU que la presentation de 1'equipe du PlanSJ intitulee Une orientation nouvelle : choix de Saint John relativement a la croissance et au changement, soit acceptee a titre informatif. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 10. Consideration of By -laws 10.1 Third Reading Proposed Traffic ByLaw Amendment Respecting Change to Parking Snow Dates and Douglas Avenue (Councillors Court, Higgins and Titus withdrew) On motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Deputy Mayor Chase RESOLVED that third reading of the by -law entitled "By -Law Number MV -10 A Law to Amend a By -Law Respecting Traffic on Streets in the City of Saint John Made Under the Authority of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, and Amendments Thereto" amending paragraph 5(9)(a), Schedule B, Schedule H -1 and Schedule R, be tabled. Question being taken, the motion was defeated with the Mayor and Councillors Farren, McGuire and Snook voting nay. On motion of Councillor Snook Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the by -law entitled "By -Law Number MV -10 A Law to Amend a By -Law Respecting Traffic on Streets in the City of Saint John Made Under the Authority of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, and Amendments Thereto" amending paragraph 5(9)(a), Schedule B, Schedule H -1 and Schedule R, be read. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillor Sullivan voting nay. 95 -664 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 6, 2010 /LE 6 DECEMBRE 2010 The by -law entitled "By -Law Number MV -10 A Law to Amend a By -Law Respecting Traffic on Streets in the City of Saint John Made Under the Authority of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, and Amendments Thereto" was read in its entirety. On motion of Councillor McGuire Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that the by -law entitled " By -Law Number MV -10 A Law to Amend a By -Law Respecting Traffic on Streets in the City of Saint John Made Under the Authority of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, and Amendments Thereto" amending paragraph 5(9)(a), Schedule B, Schedule H -1 and Schedule R, be read a third time, enacted, and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillor Sullivan voting nay. Read a third time by title, the by -law entitled "By -Law Number MV -10 A Law to Amend a By -Law Respecting Traffic on Streets in the City of Saint John Made Under the Authority of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, and Amendments Thereto." 10. Etude des arretes municipaux 10.1 Troisieme lecture du projet de modification de I'Arrete sur la circulation concernant les changements apportes aux dates de stationnement pendant les operations de deneigement et a I'avenue Douglas (La conseillere Higgins et les conseillers Court et Titus quittent la reunion.) Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuyee par le maire suppleant Chase RESOLU que la troisieme lecture de 1'arrete intitule « Arrete no MV -10 modifiant I'Arrete relatif a la circulation dans les rues de The City of Saint John edicte en vertu de la Loi sur les vehicules a moteur (1973) et modifications afferentes » modifiant l'alinea 5(9)a), I'annexe B, I'annexe H -1 et I'annexe R soit reportee. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est rejetee. Le maire ainsi que les conseillers Farren, McGuire et Snook votent contre la proposition. Proposition du conseiller Snook Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que 1'arrete intitule « Arrete no MV -10 modifiant I'Arrete relatif a la circulation dans les rues de The City of Saint John edicte en vertu de la Loi sur les vehicules a moteur (1973) et modifications afferentes » modifiant I'alinea 5(9)a), I'annexe B, I'annexe H -1 et I'annexe R, fasse ('objet d'une lecture. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est acceptee. Le maire suppleant Chase et le conseiller Sullivan votent contre la proposition. L'arrete intitule « Arrete no MV -10 modifiant I'Arrete relatif a la circulation dans les rues de The City of Saint John edicte en vertu de la Loi sur les vehicules a moteur (1973) et modifications afferentes » est lu integralement. Proposition du conseiller McGuire Appuyee par le conseiller Farren RESOLU que 1'arrete intitule « Arrete no MV -10 modifiant I'Arrete relatif a la circulation dans les rues de The City of Saint John edicte en vertu de la Loi sur les vehicules a moteur (1973) et modifications afferentes » modifiant I'alinea 5(9)a), I'annexe B, I'annexe H -1 et I'annexe R, fasse ('objet d'une troisieme lecture, que ledit arrete soit edicte et que le sceau communal y soit appose. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est acceptee. Le maire suppleant Chase et le conseiller Sullivan votent contre la proposition. Troisieme lecture par titre de 1'arrete intitule « Arrete no MV -10 modifiant I'Arrete relatif a la circulation dans les rues de The City of Saint John edicte en vertu de la Loi sur les vehicules a moteur (1973) et modifications afferentes ». 10 95 -665 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 6, 2010 /LE 6 DECEMBRE 2010 10.2(a)Third Reading Zoning By -Law Amendment 234 Rodney Street 10.2(b)Section 39 Conditions On motion of Councillor Farren Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that the by -law entitled "By -Law Number C.P. 110 -164 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John," amending Schedule "A ", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 460 square metres, located at 234 Rodney Street, also identified as PID number 00363770, from "R -2" One and Two Family Residential to "R -4" Four Family Residential, be read. Question being taken, the motion was carried. The by -law entitled "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John" was read in its entirety. On motion of Councillor Farren Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, a parcel of land with an area of approximately 460 square metres, located at 234 Rodney Street, also identified as being PID number 00363770, be subject to the following condition: a. That the property be subject to a building inspection by the Building Inspector to ensure all building code issues are satisfied. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor Snook Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the by -law entitled "By -Law Number C.P. 110 -164 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John" amending Schedule "A ", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 460 square metres, located at 234 Rodney Street, also identified as PID number 00363770, from "R -2" One and Two Family Residential to "R -4" Four Family Residential, be read a third time, enacted, and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a third time by title, the by -law entitled "By -Law Number C.P. 110 -164 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John." 10.2a) Troisieme lecture de la modification de I'Arrete de zonage visant le 234, rue Rodney 10.2b) Conditions imposees par I'article 39 Proposition du conseiller Farren Appuyee par le conseiller Snook RESOLU que I'arrete intitule « Arrete n° C.P. 110 -164 modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John », modifiant I'annexe « A », plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, en procedant au rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 234, rue Rodney, d'une superficie approximative de 460 metres carres, inscrite sous le NID 00363770, pour la faire passer de zone residentielle — habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales « R -2 » a zone residentielle — habitations de quatre logements « R -4 », fasse ('objet d'une lecture. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. L'arrete intitule « Arrete modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John » est lu integralement. Proposition du conseiller Farren Appuyee par le conseiller Snook RESOLU qu'en vertu des conditions prevues a ('article 39 de la Loi sur I'urbanisme, I'usage propose d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 460 metres carres, situee au 234, rue Rodney et portant le NID 00363770, soit assujetti a la condition suivante : 11 95 -666 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 6, 2010 /LE 6 DECEMBRE 2010 a. que la propriete fasse ('objet d'une inspection menee par I'inspecteur des batiments afin de s'assurer que toutes les questions relatives au code du batiment sont reglees. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Proposition du conseiller Snook Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que I'arrete intitule « Arrete no C.P. 110 -164 modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John », modifiant I'annexe « A », plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, en procedant au rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 234, rue Rodney, d'une superficie approximative de 460 metres carres, inscrite sous le NID 00363770, pour la faire passer de zone residentielle — habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales « R -2 » a zone residentielle — habitations de quatre logements « R -4 », fasse ('objet d'une troisieme lecture, que ledit arrete soit edicte et que le sceau communal y soit appose. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Troisieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule « Arrete no C.P. 110 -164 modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John ». 10.3(a)Third Reading Zoning By -Law Amendment 159 St. John Street 10.3(b)Section 39 Conditions On motion of Councillor Snook Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the by -law entitled " By -Law Number C.P. 110 -163 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John" amending Schedule "A ", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 450 square metres, located at 159 St. John Street, also identified as PID number 00365122, from "R -2" One and Two Family Residential to "R -4" Four Family Residential, be read. Question being taken, the motion was carried. The by -law entitled "By -Law Number C.P. 110 -163 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John," was read in its entirety. On motion of Councillor Snook Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, a parcel of land with an area of approximately 450 square metres, located at 159 St. John Street, also identified as being PID number 00365122, be subject to the following conditions: a. That the owner satisfy the Zoning By -law requirement of providing five off - street spaces and; b. That the property be subject to a building inspection by the Building Inspector to ensure all building code issues are satisfied. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor Snook Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the by -law entitled "By -Law Number C.P. 110 -163 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John" amending Schedule "A ", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 450 square metres, located at 159 St. John Street, also identified as PID number 00365122, from "R -2" One and Two Family Residential to "R -4" Four Family Residential, be read a third time, enacted, and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a third time by title, the by -law entitled "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John ". (Councillors Court and Titus reentered the meeting) 12 95 -667 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 6, 2010 /LE 6 DECEMBRE 2010 10.3a) Troisieme lecture de la modification de I'Arrete de zonage visant le 159, rue St. John 10.3b) Conditions imposees par I'article 39 Proposition du conseiller Snook Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que I'arrete intitule « Arrete no C.P. 110 -163 modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John », modifiant I'annexe « A », plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, en procedant au rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 159, rue St. John, d'une superficie approximative de 450 metres carres, inscrite sous le NID 00365122, pour la faire passer de zone residentielle — habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales « R -2 » a zone residentielle — habitations de quatre logements « R -4 », fasse I'objet d'une lecture. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. L'arrete intitule « Arrete no C.P. 110 -163 modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John » est lu integralement. Proposition du conseiller Snook Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU qu'en vertu des conditions prevues a I'article 39 de la Loi sur I'urbanisme, ('usage propose d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 450 metres carres, situee au 159, rue St. John et portant le NID 00365122, soit assujetti aux conditions suivantes : a. que le proprietaire se conforme a 1'exigence de I'Arrete de zonage voulant que cinq places de stationnement hors voirie soient fournies; b. que la propriete fasse I'objet d'une inspection menee par l'inspecteur des batiments afin de s'assurer que toutes les questions relatives au code du batiment sont reglees. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Proposition du conseiller Snook Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que I'arrete intitule « Arrete no C.P. 110- 163 modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John », modifiant I'annexe « A », plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, en procedant au rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 159, rue St. John, d'une superficie approximative de 450 metres carres, inscrite sous le NID 00365122, pour la faire passer de zone residentielle — habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales « R -2 » a zone residentielle — habitations de quatre logements « R -4 », fasse I'objet d'une troisieme lecture, que ledit arrete soit edicte et que le sceau communal y soit appose. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Troisieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule « Arrete modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John ». (Les conseillers Court et Titus reintegrent la reunion.) 11. Submissions by Council Members 11.1 Intergovernmental Affairs Resource (Point Person) (Councillor McGuire) On motion of Councillor McGuire Seconded by Councillor Sullivan RESOLVED that an Intergovernmental Affairs position for The City of Saint John be closely examined for implementation within the city's current funding and organizational structure during Council's 2011 Budget deliberations. The Deputy Mayor stated that he would not support the motion if it required adding a new position to the establishment. voting nay. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Deputy Mayor Chase 13 95 -668 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 6, 2010 /LE 6 DECEMBRE 2010 11. Interventions des membres du conseil 11.1 Personne - ressource au sein des Affaires intergouvernementales (conseiller McGuire) Proposition du conseiller McGuire Appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan RESOLU que la creation d'un poste au sein des Affaires intergouvernementales pour The City of Saint John soit attentivement examine, et ce, en vue de son integration au sein de la structure actuelle de financement et organ isationnelle de la Ville, durant les deliberations du conseil relativement au budget de 2011. Le maire suppleant Chase declare qu'il n'appuierait pas la motion si celle -ci exigeait qu'un nouveau poste soit cree au sein des effectifs de la Ville. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Le maire suppleant Chase vote contre la proposition. 12. Business Matters - Municipal Officers 12.1 City Manager: Crescent Valley Update On motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that the submitted report M &C 2010- 390: Crescent Valley Update, be received for information. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 12. Affaires municipales evoquees par les fonctionnaires municipaux 12.1 Directeur general : Mise au point relativement au plan conceptuel de Crescent Valley Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuyee par le conseiller Snook RESOLU que le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010- 390 : Mise au point relativement au plan conceptuel de Crescent Valley soit accepte a titre informatif. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 12.2 City Manager: 2011 Insurance On motion of Councillor Farren Seconded by Councillor Sullivan RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010 -403: 2011 Insurance, Council accept the insurance package offered by Huestis Insurance Ltd., including the required increase in our Environmental Liability Limits to $5,000,000, and as such that Council approve payment as follows: Huestis Insurance Limited $ 932,479.00 Broken Down as Follows: Insurance premiums as per tender $ 889,197 Service Fee $ 18,000 Premium for increased Environmental Liability Limits $ 25,282 Total $ 932,479 Question being taken, the motion was carried. 14 95 -669 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 6, 2010 /LE 6 DECEMBRE 2010 12.2 Directeur general : Assurance pour 2011 Proposition du conseiller Farren Appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -19 : Assurance pour 2011, le conseil accepte I'offre d'assurances proposee par Huestis Insurance Ltd., y compris le passage obligatoire a 5 000 000 $ du plafond du passif environnemental, et approuve les paiements suivants : Huestis Insurance Limited 932479,00$ Somme repartie comme suit: Primes d'assurance conformement a la soumission 889 197 $ Frais de service 18 000 $ Primes correspondant a I'augmentation du plafond du passif environnemental 25 282 $ Total 932 479 $ A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 12.3 City Manager: Proposal for Operational Review - Fleet On motion of Deputy Mayor Chase Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010 -394: Proposal for Operational Review — Fleet, the proposal submitted by Mercury Associates Inc., for the undertaking of a Fleet Operations Assessment as detailed in the Request for Proposals of the same title and numbered 2010- 092204P, in the amount of $32,560.00, plus tax and an additional amount of $2,500.00 for travel and expenses to provide the required report to an open session meeting of Common Council, be accepted and further that upon successful completion of this project that Mercury be engaged to undertake a comprehensive review and report, complete with recommendations for "Right- Sizing" the City's fleet of vehicles and equipment at a quoted cost of $20,000.00. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Court voting nay. 12.3 Directeur general : Proposition d'examen operationnel pour le parc de vehicules Proposition du maire suppleant Chase Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -394 : Proposition d'examen operationnel pour le parc de vehicules, la proposition soumise par Mercury Associates Inc. visant a mener une evaluation operationnelle du parc de vehicules, telle qu'elle est decrite dans la demande de propositions portant le meme nom et le numero 2010- 092204P, pour la somme de 32 560 $, taxes en sus et le montant supplementaire de 2 500 $ pour les deplacements et les dxpenses liees a la presentation du rapport a I'occasion d'une seance publique du conseil communal, soit acceptee. II est en outre resolu qu'une fois le projet acheve avec succes, la societe Mercury Associates Inc. soit chargee de mener une etude complete et de rediger un rapport exhaustif comprenant les recommandations de rajustement du parc de vehicules et de 1'equipement de la Ville au prix soumissionne de 20 000 $. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Le conseiller Court vote contre la proposition. 15 95 -670 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 6, 2010 /LE 6 DECEMBRE 2010 12.4 City Manager: Quality, Cost and Sustainability — Our Essential Drinking Water Service On motion of Councillor Farren Seconded by Councillor Mott RESOLVED that the meeting time be extended beyond 10:00 p.m. as provided for in the Procedural By -law. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors Snook and Titus voting nay. On motion of Councillor Snook Seconded by Councillor Sullivan RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010 -395: Quality, Cost and Sustainability— Our Essential Drinking Water Service, the Mayor and Common Council continue to work diligently with elected representatives of the Province of New Brunswick and the Government of Canada to establish a definitive timeline for implementation and a firm funding commitment for the City of Saint John's Safe Clean Drinking Water Program; and to support the financial and business management measures that will be brought forward. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 12.4 Directeur general : Qualite, couts et durabilite, tels sont les mots d'ordre de notre Service d'eau potable Proposition du conseiller Farren Appuyee par le conseiller Mott RESOLU que la reunion se prolonge au -dela de 22 h, conformement aux dispositions de 1'arrete procedural. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Les conseillers Snook et Titus votent contre la proposition. Proposition du conseiller Snook Appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -395 : Qualite, couts et durabilite, tels sont les mots d'ordre de notre Service d'eau potable, le maire et le conseil communal continuent a travailler efficacement avec les elus municipaux de la province du Nouveau - Brunswick et du gouvernement du Canada afin de fixer un echeancier definitif pour la mise en ceuvre et un engagement ferme en matiere de financement dans le cadre du Programme sur la salubrite et proprete de 1'eau potable de The City of Saint John. II est en outre resolu qu'ils appuient les mesures en matiere de gestion financiere et commerciale qui seront presentees. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 12.5 City Manager: Vacant Land and Surplus Properties On motion of Councillor Farren Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010 -402: Vacant Land and Surplus Properties, Common Council direct staff to call for proposals for the sale and subsequent development of the following properties; 60 Canterbury Street, 360 Ludlow Street and128 St. John Street and report back with the results of the call. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 16 95 -671 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 6, 2010 /LE 6 DECEMBRE 2010 12.5 Directeur general : Terrain vacant et surplus de terrains Proposition du conseiller Farren Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -402 : Terrain vacant et surplus de terrains, le conseil communal autorise le personnel a lancer un appel d'offres pour la vente et I'amenagement subsequent des proprietes situees au 60, rue Canterbury; au 360, rue Ludlow et au 128, rue St. John, et qu'il presente les resultats de cet appel d'offres. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 13. Committee Reports 13.1 Finance Committee: 2010 Interim Financial Results On motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that the submitted report 2010 Interim Financial Results be received for information. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 13. Rapports deposes par les comites 13.1 Comite des finances : Bilan financier interimaire de 2010 Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuyee par le conseiller Snook RESOLU que le rapport soumis intitule Bilan financier interimaire de 2010 soit accepte a titre informatif. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda 14.1 Horizon Management Limited Request for Commercial Incentive Program (Councillor Titus withdrew from the meeting) On motion of Councillor McGuire Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010 -393: Horizon Management Limited Request for Commercial Incentive Program Funding — Depot Court, Common Council approve the request from Horizon Management Limited for additional financial assistance under the Commercial Incentive Program for its project at 360 Westmorland Road (Depot Court) in the amount of $44,500. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors Court and Farren voting nay. 14. Etude des sujets ecartes des questions soumises a I'approbation du conseil 14.1 Demande adressee par Horizon Management Limited relativement au programme d'encouragement commercial (Le conseiller Titus quitte la seance.) Proposition du conseiller McGuire Appuyee par le conseiller Snook RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -393 : Demande adressee par Horizon Management Limited relativement au financement du programme d'encouragement commercial — Depot a la cour, le conseil communal approuve la demande d'Horizon Management Limited visant a obtenir une aide financiere supplementaire de 44 500 $ dans le cadre du programme d'encouragement commercial, et ce, pour son projet visant le 360, rue Westmorland (depot a la cour). A I'issue du vote, la proposition est acceptee. Les conseillers Court et Farren votent contre. 17 95 -672 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 6, 2010 /LE 6 DECEMBRE 2010 15. General Correspondence 15. Correspondance g6n6rale 16. Adjournment The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned 10:05 p.m. 16. Lev6e de la seance Le maire declare que la seance est levee a 22 h 5. Mayor /maire Common Clerk/greffiere communale 18 i R � December 24, 2010 His Worship Mayor Ivan Court, Deputy Mayor Chase And Councillors Subject: Swearing -In of New Councillor Your Worship, Deputy and Councillors, This is to advise that Mel Norton took the oath of office as Councillor for the City of Saint John at a swearing -in ceremony on December 24, 2010 in the Ludlow Room, City Hall. His first Council meeting will be Tuesday, January 4, 2011, Recommendation: That this report be received for information. Sincerely, Elizabeth Gormley Common Clerk ly SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E21L 41-1 1 www.saint;ohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada E21L 4L1 19 The city of Saint John December 29, 2010 Common Council of The City of Saint John Your Worship and Councillors: Re: Insurance: Agent of Record City Solicitor's Office Bureau de Yovocat municipal It has been determined that the identity of the recommended Agent of Record set out in M &C 2010 -403 was incorrect. That recommendation identified the Agent of Record variously as "Huestis Insurance Ltd." and "Huestis Insurance Limited ". The correct identity of the Agent is "Huestis Commercial Insurance Ltd." As a result, action must be taken by Council in order to avoid any uncertainty or confusion as to the identity of the firm with whom The City intends to establish a contractual relationship with respect to our insurance coverage. Interestingly there are 15 corporations listed in the Registry that contain the words "Huestis Insurance" and consequently clarity in identifying the company with whom we will establish a contract is critical. Tr SAINT JOHN ------------ The following is the text of a resolution to correctly identify the Agent of Record: RESOLVED that the December 6, 2010 resolution of Common Council appointing an Agent of Record for the City's insurance portfolio and accepting the associated premium costs for the City's 2011 insurance requirements be amended by deleting the words "Huestis Insurance Ltd." and the words "Huestis Insurance Limited" and substituting in each case the words "Huestis Commercial Insurance Ltd." Yours Truly, rt-4C.- John L. Nugent City Solicitor P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L41-1 1 wwwsaingohn.ca I C.R 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada E2L 4L1 20 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M &C- 2011 -003 December 23, 2010 His Worship Mayor Ivan Court and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Proposed Public Hearing Date 515 -519 Westmorland Road, 991 Fairville Boulevard and 1925 Bayside Drive BACKGROUND: As provided in Common Council's resolution of August 3, 2004, this report indicates the rezoning and Section 39 amendment applications received and recommends an appropriate public hearing date. Details of the applications are available in the Common Clerk's office and will form part of the documentation presented at the public hearings. The following applications have been received. City of Saint John Name of Location Existing Applicant Zone Proposed Zone Reason Anderson 515 -519 "SC" Sec. 39 To permit an Architect Ltd. Westmorland Road Amendment expansion of (for Cadillac McAllister Place Fairview) Apple 991 Fairville 14" "SC -2" To permit a new Properties Ltd. Boulevard shopping centre Genivar Inc. 1925 Bayside "RF" "PQ" To permit a (for Barsa Drive gravel pit Ventures Ltd.) 21 M & C-2011— 003 - 2 - December 23, 2011 RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council schedule the public hearings for the rezoning and Section 39 amendment applications of Anderson Architect Ltd. (515 -519 Westmorland Road), Apple Properties Ltd. (991 Fairville Boulevard) and Genivar Inc. (1925 Bayside Drive) for Monday, January 31, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, and refer the applications to the Planning Advisory Committee for report and recommendation. Respectfully submitted, Ken Forrest, MCIP, RPP Commissioner Planning and Development J. Patrick Woods, CGA City Manager 22 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M &C- 2011 -004 December 30, 2010 His Worship Mayor Ivan Court and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority- Quit Claim Deed BACKGROUND: City of Saint John Counsel for the Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority ( SJHBA) has requested that the City of Saint John provide a Quit Claim Deed of the City's interest in certain lands located on the western side of the former Murray Street. By deed dated July 11, 1974, registered in the Saint John County Registry Office on November 20, 1974, in book 740 at page 529, as No. 251665. SJHBA conveyed to the City several parcels of land including four (4) lots on the western side of the former Murray Street; civic address 27 -33 Murray Street comprising lots 24 -27 inclusive. This acquisition of lands was authorized by a resolution of Common Council adopted September 8, 1969. Staff obtained from the Provincial Archives the background material for the September 8, 1969 resolution, including letters from the Redevelopment Officer to the Mayor and Council and mapping. It is clear from this mapping that only lots 24, 25 and a portion of lot 26 should have been conveyed to the City. Title to the remainder of lot 26 and all of lot 27 should have remained in SJHBA; these lands now comprising a portion of the lands designated Part 2 on a plan filed in Drawer 8 as No. 18 in the aforesaid Registry Office and being PID No. 426163. 23 M & C-2011— 004 - 2 - December 30, 2010 RECOMMENDATION: 1. That the City of Saint John join in a Quit Claim Deed to the Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority for lands designated PID No. 426163 and 2. That the Mayor and common Clerk execute the Quit Claim Deed. Respectfully submitted, Ken Forrest, MCIP, RPP Commissioner Planning and Development J. Patrick Woods, CGA City Manager Project No. 24 Service New Brunswick Service Nouveau - Brunswick Map Scale ! Echelle cartographique 1 : 1581 While this map may not be free from error or omission, care has been taken to ensure the best possible quality. This map is a graphical representation of property boundaries which approximates the size, configuration and location of properties, It is not a survey and is not intended to be used for legal descriptions or to calculate exact dimensions or area. M6me si cette carte n'est peut -titre pas libre de toute erreur ou omission, toutes les precautions ant ete prises pour en assurer la meilleure quality possible. Cette carte est une representation graphique approximative des terrains (fimites, dimensions, configuration et emplacement). Elie n'a aucun caractere offic:�V et ne doit donc pas servir a la redaction de la description officielle d'un terrain ni au calcul de ses dimensions exactes ou de sa superficie. N A d LO C " //n 0 00 � CO �J C N z a - r o = ti a +1 co d Q, O L a LZ Y O � O u J /Q lJ +n � co 2� V 7,N rn r ran has Y oQ U r- C :3O �NN Lo o ON 0 L U :3�0 CL a N O Lo NnCO CO 00 r o v o f a, 0. M 0 N 4� 6 O w c0 r tt Oo Ch d LO C " //n a (&,)./ /0, I �Q r Y ;,o a�Sa�l N 4i +� c[ V ,) r �J f � =n v o� l ) 1 jjID o 0 �J C � z a - r o = a tn o O d � rn O Q. LZ a E o co 2� ran U a (&,)./ /0, I �Q r Y ;,o a�Sa�l N 4i +� c[ V ,) r �J f � =n v o� l ) 1 jjID o F N -Y q 3 0 -NN D7 C -) L - O �Q� � a Q) :-&frnQ� CJ u� �0 Q r� r rn .p d> Z O0 W O } -C a >- 0 � \U - CL DO M'C: qt NCO co F N -Y q 3 0 -NN D7 C -) L - O �Q� � a Q) :-&frnQ� CJ u� �0 Q r� r rn .p d> Z O0 W O } -C a >- 0 � \U - CL Saint John Transit Presentation to • • Saint John Common Council January 4t ", 2011 Saint John Transit Commission Members •Chris Titus - Chairman •DwightAllaby — Vice Chairman ,*Lionel Bordage ,*Stephen Chase ,*Shelly Courser ,*Don Smith •Glen Tait 91w �M SAINT JOHN TRANSIT Benefits to Region • Promotes Economic Activity • Helps Meet Social Needs • Reduces Cost of Roads and Parking • Environmentally Friendly •Supports Healthy /Active Transportation SAINT JOHN '1'KANSIT Key Metrii�� for PIL,erforrr�anc� �v�rv��w Overview of performance of Saint John Transit relative to: ➢ Peer Group - Canadian cities (37) with population 50,000 — 150,000 ➢ Atlantic - Other Atlantic Canadian Transit Systems *2009 Data Unless Otherwise Stated SAINT JOHN TRANSIT Financial Performance Revenue/ Cost Ratio 60% 50% 40% +, N 0 a� 30% c v 20% 10% 55% 40% 0% --1 Saint John Atlantic Peer Group SAINT JOHN TRANSIT Financial Performance Municipal Subsidy per Capita $60 M +t Q Um $50 L Q $40 �L U $30 as L CL $20 C� r� a FE $10 M RE Saint John $55 $49 Atlantic Peer Group 91w �M SAINT JOHN TRANSIT Financial Subsidy Cost per Revenue Service Passenger $3.50 $3.00 V1 V) a $2.50 L Q. c $2.00 U bA c i $1.50 a� CL O $1.00 L 0 z $0.50 $0.00 $2.59 $1.56 $2.94 Saint John Atlantic Peer Group 91w �M SAINT JOHN TRANSIT $1.75 $1.70 $1.65 $1.60 a, L `,L° $1.55 a, oa c� $1.50 a $1.45 $1.40 $1.35 $1.30 Average Fare Saint John Atlantic Peer Group SAINT )OHN TRANSIT Cost Effectiveness Operating Cost per Revenue Service Passenger $5.00 $4.50 $4.00 $3.50 a� $3.00 $2.50 Ui W to $2.00 O V $1.50 $1.00 $0.50 $0.00 Saint John $4.53 $4.16 Atlantic Peer Group .. .. SAINT JOHN TRANSIT Cost Efficiency Operating Cost per Total Vehicle Hour $95.00 — L $90.00 0 `—' $85.00 s a� > I L $80.00 v CL 41 (A 0 $75.00 c c� i GJ Q 0 $70.00 $65.00 $91.00 $85.00 $84.00 $76.00 Saint John 2009 Atlantic 2009 Peer Group 2009 Saint John 2011 �■ iM SAINT )OHN TRANSIT Utilization of Service Passengers per Capita 30 25 a 20 c� V W a 15 i N G1 N m 10 CL 1 Saint John 26 25 Atlantic Peer Group 91w �M SAINT JOHN TRANSIT Utilization of Service Passengers per Revenue Vehicle Hours L 0 tto x a, v s a� v c a v L a L H N M CL 32.00 16.00 11 s1 1 2.00 1.00 22.23 23.46 22.84 Saint John Atlantic Peer Group vim�] SAINT JOHN TRANSIT Amount of Service Revenue Vehicle Hours per Capita 1.15 1.10 1.05 L 0 1.00 c 0 a 0.95 0.90 G1 I Saint John Atlantic 1.11 Peer Group 91w �M SAINT JOHN TRANSIT 0.90 -F- 0.84 � m 0.70 0.50 0 i a 0.40 0 c� 0.30 0.20 [fAift m Labour Productivity Saint John Atlantic Peer Group 7!:m�] SAINT JOHN TRANSIT Percentage of Municipal Spend on Public Transit — Operating Subsidy 14.00% T 3 12.00% a r- 0 -a 10.00% c a, CL +� 8.00% Q � v � _ to ~ 6.00% 0 3.80% 0 an 4.00% c� i 2.00% a, CL 0.00% - Saint John 12.74% Atlantic *Saint John Includes Debt Servicing Cost TO /MTL /ED /OTT SAINT )OHN TRANSIT Curr ent Serv/lce D I in Augu-sn't ��0� SAINT JOHN TRANSIT Service Standards Used in 2009 Design 1. Service within 500 m of 85% of city residents 2. Service on main lines from 6am to 12pm • Every 20 minutes during peak • Every 30 minutes off peak 3. Service on feeder routes from 6am to 10pm • Every 30 minutes during peak • Every 60 minutes off peak 4. Suburban service Monday to Friday; • 3 trips in the morning and 3 trips in the evening ■ iM SAINT )OHN TRANSIT • Current Service Coverage Main lines (service to Lancaster Mall, P West -side routes North and South routes 0 East -side routes • Comex (Grand Bay - Westfield, Hampton and KV) New Park `N Ride routes (Lorneville, Latimore, Loch Lommand) SAINT JOHN TRANSIT Impact from Introduction of Service Standards ➢ 28 % increase in service hours to 119,477 hours /year ➢ 12 % increase in revenue miles to 2,353,442 ➢ 25 % increase in capacity from 2.6m to 3.3m passengers ➢ 8 % increase in fuel consumption �■ iM SAINT )OHN TRANSIT Results from Redesign • 12% revenue and ridership increase (from 2.6mil to 2.9mil) • 300,000 more passengers in first year • Initial reduction in regional Greenhouse Gas Emissions estimated at 300,000 kg, despite increase in service kilometers • System capacity is increased from 2.6 mil to 3.3 mil, allowing for expanded ridership to get to the goal of 3.3 mil rides by 2013-14.� SAWT IOHN TRANSIT Results from Redesign Improved service to areas such as: • Hospital -the region's single largest employer • UNBSJ -now have capacity for U pass • Improves access to Retail Centers for shoppers and employees • Extended hours to priority neighborhoods allow residents increased options to /from employment • Improvements for those who are mobility challenged �■ iM SAINT )OHN TRANSIT Financial Realities 2011 Budget Challenges �■ iM SAINT )OHN TRANSIT Operators Wages & Benefits Gas and Oil Transportation Other Maintenance Wages & Benefits Pa its Building Operations Building Property Tax Administration Tota I Cost 2011 Budgeted Cost of Operations Without Adjustments 2010 Projected $4,561,825 $1,344,691 $548,929 $1,268,712 $743,007 $294,488 $383,335 $681,618 $9,826,605 2011 $4,728,302 $1,400,000 $574,200 $1,408,803 $897,600 $300,000 $380,000 $738,652 $10,427,557 .. �. SAINT )OHN TRANSIT 2011 Operating Budget Shortfall Without Adjustment 2010 Projected Revenue 2011 Budgeted Cost of Operations 2011 Operating Subsidy Required 2011 Operating Subsidy Confirmed by City of Saint John (1% increase on subsidy) Shortfall $4,986,522 $10,427,557 $5,441,035 $4,495,561 $945,474 �■ iM SAINT )OHN TRANSIT 2010 Projected Revenue 2011 Budgeted Cost of Operations 2011 Operating Subsidy Required 2011 Operating Subsidy Confirmed by City of Saint John Shortfall Option #1 Cut Service $4,986,522 10.427.557 $5,441,035 $4,495,561 $945,474 Cut routes that have less than 25% cost recovery to save 16,340 hours of service $933,831 Route Cuts Hours North End 21080 Millidgeville 2,080 Martinon 21080 Golden Grove / Latimore Lake 2,080 Red Head and Noon Hour Trips for 5 services 21750 Sunday / Holiday Service 21520 Reduce Evening Service from 10 pmto7pm Champlain Lakewood Churchill Heights /Milford Crescent Valley / North End 21750 Total 16,340 �■ iM SAINT )OHN TRANSIT Option #2 Increase Fares pppr, 2010 2011 Adult Cash Fare $2.50 $2.75 10% Senior Citizen Cash Fare $2.25 $2.50 11% 2010 Projected Revenue $4,986,522 Child Cash Fare $2.25 $2.50 11% 2011 Budgeted Cost of Operations $10,427,557 Adult 10 Ride Transcard $20.00 $23.00 13% Adult 20 Ride Transcard $40.00 $45.00 13% 2011 Operating Subsidy Senior/ Student 10 Ride Required $5,441,035 Transcard $17.50 $20.00 13% Senior / Student 20 Ride 2011 Operating Subsidy Transcard $35.00 $40.00 13% Confirmed by City of Saint John $4,495,561 Adult Monthly Pass $65.00 $70.00 8% Shortfall $945,474 Student Monthly Pass $55.00 $60.00 9% Senior Monthly Pass $45.00 $50.00 11% Plan for 8% Increase in Ridership + 10% Increase in Comex Cash Fare $3.25 $3.50 8% Fa res $937,466 Comex 10 Ride Punch Card $30.00 $ 10% Comex 20 Ride Punch Card $55.00 $ 9% Comex Monthly Pass $99.00 $1 . 10% SAINT JOHN TRANSIT 2010 Projected Revenue 2011 Budgeted Cost of Operations 2011 Operating Subsidy Required 2011 Operating Subsidy Confirmed by City of Saint John Shortfall Plan for 3% Increase in Ridership + 10% Increase in Fares Option #3 Increase Fares & Reduce Service Adult Cash Fare Senior Citizen Cash Fare $4,986,522 Child Cash Fare $10,070,369 $5,083,847 $4,495,561 $588,286 Adult 10 Ride Transcard Adult 20 Ride Transcard Senior/ Student 10 Ride Transcard Senior / Student 20 Ride Transcard Adult Monthly Pass Student Monthly Pass Senior Monthly Pass Comex Cash Fare $621,000 Comex 10 Ride Punch Card Comex 20 Ride Punch Card Comex Monthly Pass 2010 2011 $2.50 $2.75 $2.25 $2.50 $2.25 $2.50 $20.00 $23.00 $40.00 $45.00 $17.50 $20.00 $35.00 $40.00 $65.00 $55.00 $45.00 $70.00 $60.00 $50.00 10% 11% 11% 13% 13% 13% 13% 8°% 9% 11% $3.25 $3.50 8% $30.00 0 10% $55.00 0 9% $99.00 iio 10% SAINT )OHN TRANSIT Criteria for Service Cuts •Very Low Ridership ,*Minimum Impact 91w �M SAINT JOHN TRANSIT #12 Martinon #15 Harbour Bridge #16 Lorneville #20 Wright Street #21 South End #23 Crescent Valley #35 Red Head #36 Latimore Lake #36 Golden Grove #22 Millidgeville #24 North End Option #3 Service Reductions Current Daily Trips 8 12 7 22 22 24 8 6 6 8 # 22 Reduced Daily Trips 7 11 6 24 16 16 4 4 0 25 Millidgeville / North 8 Trips Combined SAINT )OHN TRANSIT 9. BY -LAW NUMBER M -23 A BY -LAW TO AMEND A BY -LAW RESPECTING THE STOPPING UP AND CLOSING OF HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN ARRETE No M -23 ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE SUR L'INTERRUPTION DE LA CIRCULATION ET LA FERMETURE DES ROUTES DANS THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by the Common Council of The Lors d'une r6union du conseil communal, The City of Saint John as follows: City of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit: I A by -law of The City of Saint John entitled, "A By -law Respecting The Stopping Up and Closing of Highways In The City of Saint John ", enacted on the nineteenth day of December, A.D. 2005, is hereby amended by adding thereto Section 215 immediately after Section 214 thereof, as follows: The City of Saint John does hereby stop up and close permanently the following portion of highway: Harding Street West: All that portion of Harding Street West, a public street in the City of Saint John, in the County of Saint John, in the Province of New Brunswick, comprising 2,108 square metres (22,691 square feet) more or less as shown on a Plan of Survey CAD No. S07018 -612 prepared by Genivar, surveyed by Andrew K. Toole, New Brunswick Land Surveyor, dated November 29, 2010. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the * * ** day of * * * *, A.D. 2011 and signed by: 1 Par les presentes, I'arrete de The City of Saint John intitule, « Uarrete sur ('interruption de ]a circulation et ]a fermeture des routes dans The City of Saint John n, decrete le 19 decembre 2005, est modifie par 1'ajout de Particle 215 immediatement apres ]'article 214, comme suit : Par les presentes, The City of Saint John barre et ferme de fa�on permanente ]a portion d'une route suivante : Rue Harding Ouest : Tout le trongon de ]a rue Harding Ouest, une rue publique situee dans The City of Saint John, dans le comte de Saint John et Bans la province du Nouveau - Brunswick, d'une superficie d'environ 2 108 m2 (22 691 pieds carres) et delimitee sur un plan d'arpentage (conception assistee par ordinateur n 507018 -612) prepare par Genivar, arpent6 par Andrew K. Toole, arpenteur pour la province du Nouveau - Brunswick, et date le 29 novembre 2010. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arrete * * ** 2011, avec les signatures suivantes : Mayor/Maire Common Clerlc/Greffiere communale First Reading - Premiere lecture -- Second Reading -- Deuxieme lecture -- Third Reading - Troisi6mc lecture - 56 STREET CLOSING HARDING STREET WEST Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending "A By -law Respecting The Stopping Up and Closing of a Highway In The City of Saint John" at its regular meeting to be held on Tuesday, January 4, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. to stop up and close the following portion of highway: Harding Street West: All that portion of Harding Street West, a public street in the City of Saint John, in the County of Saint John, in the Province of New Brunswick, comprising 2,108 square metres (22,691 square feet) more or less as shown on a Plan of Survey CAD No. 507018 -612 prepared by Genivar, surveyed by Andrew K. Toole, New Brunswick Land Surveyor, dated November 29, 2010. (INSERT PLAN) The proposed amendment and plan of the above described portion of highway may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday inclusive, holidays excepted. Written objections to the proposed amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall. 57 FERMETURE DE RUE RUE HARDING OUEST Par les pr&sentes, un avis public est donne par lequel le conseil de The City of Saint John indique son intention de modifier 1'c< Arret6 sur 1'interruption de ]a circulation et la fernieture des routes dans The City of Saint John >» lors de la reunion ordinaire qui se tiendra le mardi 4 janvier 2011 a 19 h afin d'interrompre la circulation et de fermer le trongon de route suivant : Rue Harding Ouest : Tout le tronron de ]a rue Harding Ouest, une rue publique situ6e dans The City of Saint John, dans le comt6 de Saint John et dans la province du Nouveau - Brunswick, d'une superficie d'environ 2 108 m2 (22 691 pieds carr6s) et d6limitee sur un plan d'arpentage (conception assist6e par ordinateur n° 507018 -612) pr6par6 par Genivar, arpent6 par Andrew K. Toole, arpenteur pour la province du Nouveau - Brunswick, et dat6 le 29 novembre 2010. (INSERER LE PLAN) Toute personae int6ress6e peut examiner le projet de modification et le plan des tron�ons de route decrits ci- dessus au bureau du greffier communal a 1'h6tel de ville au 15, Market Square, Saint John (N. -B.), entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les fours f6ri6s. Veuillez faire part de vos objections au projet de modification par 6crit a I'attention du soussign6 a 116tel de ville. - OMW w ARE M,L 00 AMOIMS w1i Iw11 1< Mai PORT M OF / U E PMIM OE U1 w.. � T 1 LSr - LM S M IM awlr 9= AMMM MU P004M Mr W WIM • �.F� 1 / �� WAVVIpL 0 IL-& W IW r09SKM Q-W ^ LF Fwwm W004ML us" t9w Laumm - 129 Min w wpROlr s OR a ftm w a= w wMLw rlrirsRrrr = ACMS.sr comb. - Its _ on mmm" aMIRffib a" " Oman r011Ati l0llLf MW� �1� �T Mi Mra� w �A[ #r 4A WWWAYM WW ^'0 ! . lywo ~m Mw4T. MWR Am _ am"w CT �AUW WK FA1 w1O NYMi AW CL 1 IR3f11CRlp ussam YK Lmm wwM "M MIMff w mrm 1rR �[ k1f LT/`If M'AO{R 't TIlR F�Wr!!i �� -IA um m iL � Kom A K FM 1A A swM am - OMW w ARE M,L 00 AMOIMS w1i Iw11 1< Mai PORT M OF / U E PMIM OE U1 w.. � 58 lop AI 1t; PAN An 1. = W WK AS V OPMWMPR f[ OW RI wm mm Fwr1/wIr w sown. WY Ali COMAM � ML UOL a"i u WE ROMOM lsimm 0t4my ..t am OF ZWT LF an �A..� K. JJn '� — rAA►. mw ` .�i irmomma PORY M OF / UK PARTS OE LA RUE HARDING u a m on= f Pun atilic S11�EET SST /OIJEW Laal� • L ams A u air wmm s1- wrr/41m .e.a �Lf AAA* o pw ar/w±c mt- ruff OK ftm -1M ACOMr r A PBV i s GAB% A � dF MMw1 SEAT sm ■rr Ow /LM _ �w Apps LA IWIIK I w sMR FARW K LA R♦[ MM�'AiiR N R wrrtAllMF W Manga aNAMOM "' sm MLA OL OWW4 Rauur. MCEIL T 1 LSr 58 lop AI 1t; PAN An 1. = W WK AS V OPMWMPR f[ OW RI wm mm Fwr1/wIr w sown. WY Ali COMAM � ML UOL a"i u WE ROMOM lsimm 0t4my ..t am OF ZWT LF an �A..� K. JJn '� — rAA►. mw ` .�i irmomma PORY M OF / UK PARTS OE LA RUE HARDING u a m on= f Pun atilic S11�EET SST /OIJEW Laal� • L ams A u air wmm s1- wrr/41m .e.a �Lf AAA* o pw ar/w±c mt- ruff OK ftm -1M ACOMr r A PBV i s GAB% A � dF MMw1 SEAT sm ■rr Ow /LM _ �w Apps LA IWIIK I w sMR FARW K LA R♦[ MM�'AiiR N R wrrtAllMF W Manga aNAMOM "' sm MLA OL OWW4 Rauur. MCEIL BY -LAW NUMBER M -16 A BY -LAW TO AMEND A BY -LAW RESPECTING WATER AND SEWERAGE Be it enacted by the Common Council of the City of Saint John as follows: A by -law of the City of Saint John entitled "A By -law Respecting Water and Sewerage" enacted on the 7th day of June, A.D. 2004, is hereby amended as follows: 1 Schedules "A" and `B" are repealed and the following are substituted: SCHEDULE "A" Effective January 1St, 2011 Flat rate customers Flat rate customers Yearly $421.62 Water charge SCHEDULE`B" Effective January 1St, 2011 METERED CUSTOMERS - WATER SERVICE CHARGE Meter Size Yearly $ Monthly $ Bi- Monthl $ 15mm 216.36 18.03 36.06 20mm 264.84 22.07 44.14 25mm 361.68 30.14 60.28 40mm 475.56 39.63 79.26 50mm 948.72 79.06 158.12 75mm 1,971.48 164.29 328.58 100mm 3,428.52 285.71 571.42 150mm 5,388.24 449.02 898.04 200mm 7,742.40 645.20 1,290.40 250mm & UP 10,485.96 873.83 1,747.66 METERED CUSTOMERS - CONSUMPTION CHARGE Monthly (by m) Bi- Monthly (by m ) Consumption m3 Rate $ /m3 Consumption n0 Rate $ /m3 For the first 50 1.0562 For the first 100 1.0562 For the next 124,950 0.6726 For the next 249,900 0.6726 For all in excess of 125,000 0.2373 For all in excess 1 of 250,000 0.2373 Spillage 0.1100 1 Spillage 0.1100 IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the ... day of January, A.D. 2011 and signed by: Mayor /maire ARRETE No M -16 ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE CONCERNANT LE RESEAU WEAU ET D'EGOUTS Le conseil communal de The City of Saint John d6cr6te ce qui suit : Par les presentes, 1'arret6 de The City of Saint John intitul6 << Arret6 concernant les r6seaux d'eau et d'6gouts », 6dict6 le 7 juin 2004, est modifi6 comme suit:: 1 Les annexes <<A» et «B» sont abrog6es et sont remplac6es par celles qui figurent aux pr6sentes. ANNEXE «A» En vigueur le ler janvier 2011 Tarif forfaitaire pour les clients Tarif forfaitaire pour Tarif 421,62$ les clients annuel 216.36 Redevance Sur Feau 36.06 20mm ANNEXE «B» En vigueur le ler janvier 2011 CLIENTS AVEC COMPTEUR -TARIF DES SERVICES D'EAU Dimension du compteur Tarif annuel ($) Tarif mensuel ($) Tari bimensuel($) 15mm 216.36 18.03 36.06 20mm 264.84 22.07 44.14 25mm 361.68 30.14 60.28 40mm 475.56 39.63 79.26 50mm 948.72 79.06 158.12 75mm 1,971.48 164.29 328.58 100mm 3,428.52 285.71 571.42 150mm 5,388.24 449.02 898.04 200mm 7,742.40 645.20 1,290.40 250mm et plus 10,485.96 873.83 1,747.66 CLIENTS AVEC COMPTEUR- FRAIS DE CONSOMMATION Mensuels (par m) Bimestriels (par in') Consommation Frais Consommation Frais m3 $ /m3 (m3 ) ($ /m3 Pour les 50 1,0562 Pour les 100 1,0562 premiers pr emiers Pour les 0,6726 Pour les 0,6726 124 950 249 900 suivants suivants Pour tome 0,2373 Pour tome 0,2373 consommafion consommafion au -dela de au -dela de 125 000 250 000 Renversement 0,1100 Renversement 0,1100 EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal Sur le pr6sent arret6 le ... janvier 2011, avec les signatures suivantes : Common Clerk/Greffi6re communale First Reading - December 20th, 2010 Premiere lecture Second Reading - December 20th, 2010 Deuxi&me lecture Third Reading - Troisi&me lecture 59 - le 20 decembre 2010 - le 20 decembre 2010 1 0. BY -LAW NUMBER M -23 A BY -LAW TO AMEND A BY -LAW RESPECTING THE STOPPING UP AND CLOSING OF HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN ARRETE No M -23 ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE SUR L'INTERRUPTION DE LA CIRCULATION ET LA FERMETURE DES ROUTES DANS THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by the Common Council Lors d'une rdunion du conseil of The City of Saint John as follows: communal, The City of Saint John a ddcr6t6 ce qui suit: 1 A by -law of The City of Saint John entitled, "A By -law Respecting The Stopping Up and Closing of Highways In The City of Saint John ", enacted on the nineteenth day of December, A.D. 2005, is hereby amended by adding thereto Section 213 immediately after Section 212 thereof, as follows: The City of Saint John does hereby stop up and close permanently the following portion of highway: SAINT JAMES STREET: All that portion of Saint James Street, a public street in the City of Saint John, in the County of Saint John, in the Province of New Brunswick being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the western side of Crown Street, at its intersection with the northern side of Saint James Street. Thence westward 25.2 metres along the northern side of Saint James Street. Thence southward 15.2 metres to the southern side of Saint James Street. Thence eastward 22.0 metres to the corner of Crown Street. Thence northward along the western side of Crown Street to the north- eastem comer of Saint James Street, the point of beginning. A tract of land containing an area of 360 square metres and being more particularly shown on a Plan of Sumey Showing portion of Saint James Street, City of Saint John, Saint John County, New Brunswick, prepared by Kierstead Quigley and Roberts Ltd. and dated July 16, 2010, said plan signed by John F. Quigley, New Brunswick Land Surveyor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the * * ** day of * * **, A.D. 2010 and signed by: Mayor /Maire 1 Par les prdsentes, 1'arret6 de The City of Saint John intitul6, « L'arr6t6 sur l'interruption de la circulation et la fermeture des routes dans The City of Saint John », d6cr6t6 le 19 d6cembre 2005, est modifi6 par Pajout de Iarticle 213 immddiatement apres Particle 212, comme suit: Par les pr6sentes, The City of Saint John barre et ferme de fawn permanente la portion d'une route suivante : RUE SAINT JAMES : La totalitd d'une partie de la Rue Saint James, une rue publique situ6e dans The City of Saint John, dans le com16 de Saint John et dans la province de Nouveau - Brunswick 6tant d6crite plus pr6cis6ment comme suit: Partant d'un point du c6t6 ouest de ]a Rue Crown, a son intersection avec le c6t6 nord de ]a Rue Saint James. De la, vers Fouest 25.2 metres longeant le cot6 nord de la Rue Saint James. De 15, 15.2 m6tres vers le sud jusqu'au cot6 sud de la Rue Saint James. De la, 22.0 metres vers Pest longeant le c6te sud de la Rue Saint James jusqu'a 1'extrdmitd ouest de la Rue Crown. De ]a, vers le nord longeant le cot6 ouest de la Rue Crown jusqu'au coin nord est de la Rue Saint James, ]e point de d6part. Une 6tendue de terrain comprenant une superficie de 360 metres carr6s et dtant d6sign6e plus particulierement sur un plan d'arpentage indiquant une partie de la Rue Saint James, Ville de Saint John, Comte de Saint John, Nouveau- Brunntick, pr6par6 par Kierstead Quigley and Roberts Ltd., dat6 du 16 juillet 2010 et sign6 par John F. Quigley, arpenteur- g6ometre du Nouveau - Brunswick. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arret6 * * * ** 2010, avec les signatures suivantes : Common Clerk/Greffi6re communale First Reading - August 30, 2010 Premiere lecture - le 30 aout 2010 Second Reading - August 30, 2010 Deuxieme lecture - le 30 aout 2010 Third Reading - Troisi6me lecture .� O M M.B. old on- a+IMll Mine (mod momok) N.B. Housing Corporation I �® kale dw anwa gie wpb db KL WE% WA06) • rVe Queen Street Pont EasUrq pWU*tq I lioewmant 53 25,35422.377 73413207.410 C&C 70 252*421.4W 7J61312.W4 Flit 5� No. 1577 7a 2&W0eAM 7363107,163 rrltt 79 2535400.955 7361202.466 C&C 3930 2335391D76 7361001954 kL9C41 {FEj 3937 2535117 -M 7361452.157 (Ad SB40 2535391,076 73636]6.819 WX \/ Soak Fade - 1.000036 Faeeeur d'/cirelle eorlrLla4r ubTsf - 1.000036 y a i APPROVALS: L Lot 83 -1 N.B. Housing Corporation Pion No. 1577 FID 4960 Plan Ma /doaalr 17. No. 150 Plan Flk /dossler 49. No, 7 Pion File /demlrt 57. No• as Lot 83-2 5� No. 1577 PON" of 3" jo1m io6t PWft 4h h M %W Jon Area - 360 m' waw?t V! � o y U L rue Saint James Street ` Eddy Group Llrnited / Plank Hoy 1831 / PO 11.39 �� / / LO Saint .fames Stnaat - Pu6fit Street The City of Sam .john. 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Ooied; Juy I6, 2010 16 jught 2010 Jela F Joe No./w. 0eoiar 10 -017S . No. 711' 4 9eok/Ma 397, Pop 11 � IW JV BY -LAW NUMBER C.P. 110 -165 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY -LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: The Zoning By -law of The City of Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of December, A.D. 2005, is amended by: 1 Amending Schedule "A ", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 690 square metres, located at 142 Harrington Street, also identified as PID No. 00371518, from "RM -IF" Multiple Residential Infill to "B-1" Local Business pursuant to a resolution adopted by Common Council under Section 39 of the Community Planning Act. - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by -law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Sea] of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the * day of *, A.D. 2011 and signed by: Mayor/Maire ARRETE No C.P. 110 -165 ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lors dune reunion du Conseil communal, The City of Saint John a d6cr&6 ce qui suit : L'arret6 sur le zonage de The City of Saint John, d6cr&6 le dix -neuf ( 19) decembre 2005, est modifi6 par: 1 La modification de 1'annexe «A », Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, permettant de modifier la d6signation pour parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 690 metres carr6s, situ6e au 142, rue Harrington, et portant le NID 00371518, de zone d'6dification de logements multiples sur terrain intercalaire u RM -IF » a zone Commerciale locale « B- 1 » conform6ment a une resolution adopt6e par le Conseil municipal en vertu de Particle 39 de la Loi sur I'urbanisme. - toutes les modifications sont indiqu6es sur le plan ci joint et font partie du present arrdt6. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le pr6sent arr6t& le 2011, avec les signatures suivantes : Common C1erk/Greffi6re communale First Reading - December 20, 2010 Premi6re lecture - le 20 decembre 2010 Second Reading - December 20, 2010 Deuxiemc lecture - le 20 decembre 2010 Third Reading - Troisi6me lecture - 62 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 1 URBANISME ET Dl�_VELOPPEMENT REZONING 1 REZONAGE Amending Schedule "A" of the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John Modifiant Annexe «A» de I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John t. St. FROM 1 DE RM -IF Multiple Residential Infill 1 zone d'edifices a logements multiples sur terrain intercalaire 4 qr qj 3� 4 TO 1 A B -1 Local Business 1 zone commerciale locale A Pursuant to a Resolution under Section 39 of the Community Planning Act W Conformement a une resolution adoptee par le conseil municipal en vertu de I'article 39 de la Loi sur i'urbanisme Applicant: Sharon Gainforth Location: 142 rue Harrington Street PID(s)INIP(s) 00371518 06N78NE Drawn BylCreee Par: Date Drawn /Carte Creee: David Couture December 30 decembre, 2010 Considered by P.A.C./consid &6 par le C.C.U.: December 14 decembre, 2010 Enacted by Council /Approuv6 par le Conseil: Filed in Registry Office /Enregistre le: By -Law #IArrete #: 63 � N C FT 9 a a M (9 S a FROM 1 DE RM -IF Multiple Residential Infill 1 zone d'edifices a logements multiples sur terrain intercalaire 4 qr qj 3� 4 TO 1 A B -1 Local Business 1 zone commerciale locale A Pursuant to a Resolution under Section 39 of the Community Planning Act W Conformement a une resolution adoptee par le conseil municipal en vertu de I'article 39 de la Loi sur i'urbanisme Applicant: Sharon Gainforth Location: 142 rue Harrington Street PID(s)INIP(s) 00371518 06N78NE Drawn BylCreee Par: Date Drawn /Carte Creee: David Couture December 30 decembre, 2010 Considered by P.A.C./consid &6 par le C.C.U.: December 14 decembre, 2010 Enacted by Council /Approuv6 par le Conseil: Filed in Registry Office /Enregistre le: By -Law #IArrete #: 63 I D. 3 (6) Section 39 Conditions — 142 Harrington Street That, pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the development and use of a parcel of land having an area of approximately 690 square metres, located at 142 Harrington Street, also identified as PID Number 00371515 be subject to the following conditions: (a) That the use of the site be limited to a business office and dwelling units; (b) That the parking area in the rear of the site be developed in accordance with a detailed plan prepared by the developer and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, detailing the layout of the parking area and landscaping and showing a minimum of four parking spaces; (c) That the developer pave all access, manoeuvring and parking areas with asphalt and that paved areas be enclosed with continuous cast -in -place concrete curbs where necessary to protect landscaped areas and to facilitate proper drainage; and (d) That the developer provide a detailed stormwater and site drainage plan and report, subject to the approval of the Chief City Engineer or his designate, indicating how storm water collection and disposal will be handled. 64 to - `t (0) BY -LAW NUMBER C.P. 110-166 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY -LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: The Zoning By -law of The City of Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of December, A.D. 2005, is amended by: 1, Amending Schedule "A ", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 1950 square metres, located at 237 -249 Mount Pleasant Avenue East, also identified as being PID Nos. 55143119, 00418608, 00418590, 55080386 and 00429050, from "R -2" One and Two Family Residential to "IL -1" Neighbourhood Institutional pursuant to a resolution adopted by Common Council under Section 39 of the Community Planning Act. - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by -law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the * day of *, A.D. 2011 and signed by: Mayor/Maire ARRETE No C.P. 110 -166 ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lars d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a d6cr6t6 ce qui suit: L'arret6 sur le zonage de The City of Saint John, d6cr6t6 le dix -neuf (19) decembre 2005, est modifi& par: 1 La modification de I'annexe « A», Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, permettant de modifier la designation pour une parcelle de terrain dune superficie d'environ 1950 metres carr6s, situde au 237 -249, avenue Mount Pleasant est, et portant les NID 55143119, 00418608, 00418590, 55080386 et 00429050, de zone rdsidentielle — habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales «R -2» a quartier a vocation collective c< IL -1 » conform6ment a une r6solution adopt6e par le conseil municipal en vertu de I'article 39 de la Lai sur l'urbanisme. - toutes les modifications sont indiqu6cs sur le plan ci joint et font partie du pr6sent arret6. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le pr6sent arret6 le 2011, aver les signatures suivantes : Common C1erk/Greffiere communale First Reading - December 20, 2010 Second Reading - December 20, 2010 Third Reading - 65 Premiere lecture - le 20 decembre 2010 Deuxi6me lecture - le 20 decembre 2010 Troisieme lecture PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 1 URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT REZONING I REZONAGE Amending Schedule "A" of the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John Modifiant Annexe «A» de I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John FROM 1 DE R -2 One and Two Family Residential I zone residentielle- habitations unifamililes et bifamiliales Asa TO 1 A IL -1 Neighbourhood Institutional 1 zone de quartier a vocation collectif Pursuant to a Resolution under Section 39 of the Community Planning Act Conformement a une resolution adoptee par le conseil municipal en vertu de Particle 39 de la Loi sur Purbanisme Applicant: Residential Contractors Limited on behalf of Jamie Dobbelsteyn Location: 237 -249 avenue Mount Pleasant E.1 Mount Pleasant Avenue E. PID(s)1NIP(s) 55143119,00418608,00418590,55080386&00429050 06P09SW Drawn By /Creee Par: David Couture Date Drawn /Carte Creee: December 30 decembre, 2010 Considered by P.A.C./consid &6 par le C.C.U.: December 14 decembre, 2010 Enacted by Council /Approuv6 par le Conseil: Filed in Registry Office /Enregistre le: By -Law #IArret6 #: .. 10.4 (10) Section 39 Conditions — 237 -249 Mount Pleasant Avenue East That, pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the development and use of a parcel of land having an area of approximately 1950 square metres, located at 237- 249 Mount Pleasant Avenue East, also identified as being PID Nos. 55143119, 00418608, 00418590, 55080386 and 00429050 be subject to the following conditions: (a) That the developer provide a detailed stormwater and site drainage plan and report, subject to the approval of the Chief City Engineer or his designate, indicating how storm water collection and disposal will be handled; (b) That the developer pave all access, manoeuvring and parking areas with asphalt and that paved areas be enclosed with continuous cast -in -place concrete curbs where necessary to protect landscaped areas and to facilitate proper drainage; (c) That development of the site be in accordance with a detailed site plan, prepared by the developer and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, and the Chief City Engineer or his designate, illustrating the location of all buildings, structures, parking areas, driveways, landscaping and other site features; (d) That the developer agrees to negotiate in good faith for the acquisition of the parcel of land required to correct the existing encroachment of City infrastructure onto the site; and (e) That the approved site plan be attached to any building permit application for the development and that the site improvements shown on the approved site plan be completed to the satisfaction of the Development Officer within one (1) year from the issuance of a building permit for the particular building. 67 io.5 BY -LAW NUMBER C.P. 110 -168 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY -LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: The Zoning By -law of The City of Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of December, A.D. 2005, is amended by: 1 Amending Schedule "A ", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 1000 square metres, located at 6 Highwood Drive, also identified as PID number 00020131, from "R -1A" One Family Residential to "R -2" One and Two Family Residential - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by -law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the * day of *, A.D. 2011 and signed by: Mayor/Maire ARRETE No G.P. 110 -168 ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lors d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a d6cr6t6 cc qui suit : L'arretd sur le zonage de The City of Saint John, d6cr6t6 le dix -neuf (19) decembre 2005, est modifi6 par: 1 La modification de 1'annexe «A », Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, permettant de modifier la d6signation pour une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 1 000 metres carr6s, situ6e au 6, promenade Highwood, et portant le NID 00020131, de zone zone rdsidentielle — habitations unifamiliales <(R-]A>> a zone r6sidentielle — habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales «R -2» - toutes les modifications sont indiqudes sur le plan ci joint et font partie du present arret6. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arr&6 le 2011, avec les signatures suivantes Common Clerk/Greffiere communale First Reading - December 20, 2010 Premiere lecture - le 20 decembre 2010 Second Reading - December 20, 2010 Deuxi6me Iecture - le 20 decembre 2010 Third Reading - Troisieme lecture - .: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 1 URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT REZONING ! REZONAGE Amending Schedule "A" of the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John Modifiant Annexe «A» de I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John b v o � P Q m FROM / DE TO 1A R -'l A R -2 One Family Residental One and Two Family Residential 1 1 zone r6sidentielle- habitations zone reesidentielle- habitations unifamiliales unifamiliales et bifamiliales Applicant: Anita Vivien Jenner Location: 6 promenade Highwood Drive PID(s)INIP(s) 00020131 06N99SW Drawn By /Creee Par: David Couture Date Drawn /Carte Creee: December 30 d6cembre, 2010 Considered by P.A.C. /considdr6 par le C.C.U.: December 14 d6cembre, 2010 Enacted by Council /ApproM par le Conseil: Filed in Registry office /Enregistre le: By -Law # /Arrete #: .• 12/30/2010 Your Worship Ivan Court Members of Common Council City of Saint John Dear Mayor Court and Members of Council Motion: Mayor Court, on behalf of Common Council, formally ask MLA Carl Killen to bring forward the required legislative changes to reform the Pension Plan of the City of Saint John. In order to achieve the pension reforms put forward by the City Manager (with the support of 580 City of Saint John employees) a private member of the Legislative Assembly must sponsor the legislative change. Mr. Killen is the logical choice for the city to approach. Having been a member of this council during the deliberations and development of the reform plan, he is acutely aware of the city's situation and the significance that a timely resolution has to the taxpayers of Saint John. Mr. Killen would also be a good choice to carry the legislation forward as one of his roles in the provincial government is that of Chair of the Standing Committee on Private Bills. In this capacity he would be very helpful in navigating the channels necessary to bring the required changes through while minimizing delays. Respectfully Submitted (Received via e -mail) Gary Sullivan rr SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 I www.saintjohn.ca I CA 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada E2L 41 70 December 30, 2010 His Worship Ivan Court and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: Subject: Scheduling of additional Ward Meetings On October 25, 2010, Councillor Patty Higgins requested that ward meetings take place before the conclusion of 2010. Subsequently, four Ward meetings were held respectively in each of our City's Wards. In Ward 3, the Ward meeting was very productive: 1. Information was shared about various projects and initiatives underway in response to expressed priorities and concerns of the constituents of Ward 3. 2. Citizen's concerns were heard by Mayor, Councillors and Staff. 3. At least two people contacted me to indicate the meeting inspired them to become more involved in the community. One of the challenges, however, in Ward 3, is the geographic make up of the area. Ward 3 consists of several unique and distinct communities. To adequately give the different neighbourhoods in the Ward a fair opportunity to access and participate in a Ward meeting, I propose that staff schedule three additional Ward meetings as soon as possible in the following areas: 1. Lower west side 2. Waterloo Village neighbourhood 3. East Saint john Motion: The city manager will consult with Ward Councillors and schedule additional Ward meetings where deemed necessary and appropriate. Respectively Submitted, (submitted via e-mail) Councillor Snook (94-- SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 41 I www.saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada ER 4L1 71 December 30, 2010 His Worship Ivan Court and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: Subject: Safer Communities and Neighbourhood Task Force In October 2008, Saint John Common Council requested the Provincial government of New Brunswick to adopt "Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods" (SCAN) legislation in order to address public disorder and neighbourhood deterioration caused by problem addresses; and urge other New Brunswick municipalities to do the same. In the last sitting of the legislature, this legislation was successfully passed! SCAN legislation uses civil law to promote peaceful communities and neighbourhood public safety. The legislation is designed to improve community safety by targeting and, if necessary, shutting down residential and commercial buildings which are habitually used for illegal activities. SCAN Legislation allows government to give residents a way to register complaints and help put an end to illegal activities in a neighbourhood. The legislation helps residents feel safe within their neighbourhoods and communities. Upon the passing of this legislation in New Brunswick, Common Council sent a request to the Provincial Government to help ensure that Saint John was the first municipality to have a SCAN task force. We were successful with regard to our desire to see our city become the "trailblazer" community for the SCAN pilot project. Unfortunately, many neighbourhoods in Saint John are experiencing fatigue over locations experiencing chronic crime. A grade five student from St. Patrick's School wrote to me saying: "I once saw a party where they were throwing beer bottles out the windows and smoking drugs, and they are always doing it," In many places, unacceptable behavior is becoming the norm. We need to respond and do better by putting this new legislation to work; building safer and stronger communities. SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 40 I vwwvsaingohn.ca C.P. 1971 Saint John, N.-B. Canada E2L 4L1 72 At this point, it is critical we do everything we can to promote and distribute information with regard to how a citizen can use this new resource. While I am aware of the public awareness campaign underway, I feel it can be enhanced by placing a link on the home page of the City of Saint John website, providing all the information (task force contact number etc) to citizens. Motion: The City Manager will place contact information with regard to the SCAN Task Force on the home page of the City of Saint John's website and, in consultation with the SCAN Task Force, explore other effective ways to promote and distribute information about how a citizen can use this new and valuable resource. Sincerely, (submitted via e-mail) Councillor Donnie Snook l� SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint john, NO Canada E2L 4LI wwwsaintiohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint john, N.-B. Canada E2L4LI 73 December 30, 2010 His Worship Ivan Court and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: Subject: Rainbow Park Update It's exciting to see the progress being made at Rainbow Park! This project demonstrates Common Council's commitment to reinvest in our recreational /park infrastructure and support the revitalization of our city's priority neighbourhoods. Motion: I propose that the city manager present a progress report to Council with regard to the reconstruction of Rainbow Park. This report should include the expected timeframe for the completion of work. Respectively Submitted, (submitted via e-mail) Councillor Snook SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L41-1 www.saintjohn.ca C.P. 1971 Saint John, N.-B. Canada E2L41_1 74 December 30, 2010 His Worship Ivan Court and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: Subject: Community Center Partnerships It is critical that the City of Saint John's Community Centers not only survive but thrive. I am suggesting that the city of Saint John explore the feasibility of establishing at our Community Centers an "after hours" PALS program support model in order to ensure enhanced mentorship support and recreation programming. The first PALS (Partners and Local Schools) program was initiated in 2000 by Mr. James K. Irving and Mrs. Bev MacDonald, Director of Education in School District 8. The aim of the program is to connect a local community school with a local business sponsor. The goal of PALS is to help students in our City's priority neighbourhoods realize their full potential. I contend that this model can be just as effective during the evening hours through the creation of partnerships and sponsorships for our city's Community Centers. "At risk" youth are especially vulnerable during after schoollevening hours. I believe the resource of our local community centers should be embraced as a critical asset in our neighbourhood revitalization /poverty reduction strategies. suggest we take the following action: 1. Develop a subcommittee of the Leisure Services Advisory Board to explore developing a pilot project "After Hours PALS" partnership at one of our local community centers. 2. Explore innovative program options that focus on healthy lifestyle choices, education and mentorship support. @4 -- SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 40 1 www.saintlohn.ca ! C.P. 1971 Saint John, N.-B. Canada E2L 4L7 75 3. Implement an approach that includes programming for the entire family. Intergenerational programming will help families find support, while connecting with others in the community. Our pilot project should consider adding a tagline to signage and promotional material: "A Community Center for the ENTIRE family!" 4. Establish a multidisciplinary approach to the delivery of services /programming. Bringing different organizations and resources "under one roof' would enhance our Community Centers! Counseling, music lessons and access to services as basic as haircuts could potentially be offered. 5. Creation of dynamic outreach strategy. Growth in the number of people accessing services will coincide with the additional resources being dedicated to the Community Center. Motion. The City Manger will explore the feasibility of creating an "After Hours" PALS program support model for the City of Saint John's Community Centers in order to ensure our children and youth have an increased level of mentorship support and recreational opportunities. The goal is to ensure there are sustainable and enhanced programs in our community centers through the establishment of creative partnerships with local businesses. Respectively Submitted, (Submitted via e-mail) Councillor Snook 4 __ SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint john, NB Canada E2L 4L1 I www saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N.-B. Canada E2L 4L1 76 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M &C 2011 January 4, 2011 His Worship Ivan Court And Members of Common Council: Your Worship and Councillors: The City of Saint fohn SUBJECT: Community Centres - Free Programs (YMCA Grant Request for Forest Glen Community Centre) BACKGROUND: During the October 12, 2010 Common Council meeting, staff presented a report regarding the YMCA request for a city grant to support the YMCA operations and programs delivered at the Forest Glen Community Centre. At that time council expressed concern that there were no free programs available at the Forest Glen Community Centre. Subsequently, during the October 25, 2010 meeting, Common Council made the following resolutions: RESOLVED that The City of Saint John will include in all future contracts with organizations requesting to operate a City of Saint John Community Centre the expectation and obligation to provide a free drop -in service to the children, youth, and families of our community; And further that the letter from Councillor Snook regarding Community Centre free drop -in programs be referred to the City Manager to consider part two of the motion. Staff met with the YMCA to discuss Council's concern and requested a revised proposal be presented that would include a free drop - in program component at the Forest Glen Community Centre. ANALYSIS The YMCA's revised grant submission for the Forest Glen Community Centre (copy attached) will align with the operations and programs of other Community centres as follows: Community Centres provide a blended program that includes: 77 1) Free drop — in programs: Include gym activities, basic arts & crafts, and games room activities and will be offered week nights during the fall / winter program season as outlined on page 10 of the attached proposal. 2) Paid program opportunities: Include specialized programs such as cheerleading, fitness classes, instructional classes, day camps and child care services. For youth who cannot afford to pay for these types of programs, financial provisions may be made discreetly and confidentially through financial assistance programs such as the City of Saint John PRO Kids and YMCA Strong Kids. 3) Facility rentals: Community Centres rent facility space for groups and organizations to run self - directed activities. These include gym rentals for adult ball hockey, volleyball, youth lacrosse, and softball. In addition, room rentals are available for showers and birthday parties, etc. In the case of the Forest Glen Community Centre School, District 8 has opted to assume this responsibility for gym and room rentals servicing the community directly. In 2011, Leisure Services staff will begin discussions with School District 8 regarding a new Community Centre — School use agreement, whereas the City of Saint John shall remain the direct liaison agency with School District 8 regarding the Millidgeville Community Centre, Forest Glen Community Centre, South End Community Centre and North End Community Centre (gymnasium use only). Staff will develop standards and bench marks to evaluate programs and operations of all service providers at the community centres supported by the City of Saint John. Staff will report back to Common Council prior to September 1, 2011 regarding recommendations for new agreements and financial implications in the provision of recreation services at the Community Centres. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The YMCA is requesting an annual grant of $49,000 which will support existing programs and the free drop -in program that Common Council has deemed essential as an important program element at Community Centres that the City of Saint John directly and indirectly supports. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that: 1) Common Council approve a grant in the amount of $49,000 for the YMCA to provide programs and services at the Forest Glen Community Centre for the period of January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 as per the original terms and conditions as set forth in the 2006 agreement; and 2) The YMCA will provide free drop -in programs as per the attached proposal; and 3) The City Solicitor be directed to prepare all necessary documents; and 4) That the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to sign any required contract documents. 78 Respectfully submitted, Bernie Morrison, Commissioner Leisure Services Patrick Woods City Manager 79 170 Saint John YMCA -YWCA We build strong kids, strong families and strong communities. FOREST GLEN COMMUNITY CENTRE GRANT PROPOSAL Dec 21st, 2010 :E ye Saint John YMCA -YWCA Private & Confidential Dec 21St, 2010 Leisure Services City of Saint John Attention: Kevin Watson Dear Kevin, Saint John YMCA -YWCA Inc. 130 Broadview Ave. Saint John NB E2L 5C5 Tel: (506) 634 -7720 Fax: (506) 634 -0783 www.saintjohnY.com Please find enclosed the proposal for financial support from the City of Saint John for the Saint John Y to operate the Forest Glen Community Centre in 2011. The Saint John Y is asking for the City of Saint John's continued support of a grant of $49,000 per year to support the programs and services of this essential community centre. On behalf of the Saint John Y, I would like to thank the City of Saint John and it's staff for their support over the past years and look forward to a continued successful partnership. The assistance we have received in the past from you has enabled the Saint John Y to continue to serve over 3,400 families in this community. The proposal includes a mix of paid and free programming. The Saint John Y prides itself on being open to all and to date has fulfilled this mission at the community centre. The Community will determine the want and the need for programs as they have in the past. I trust that we have included all the information needed to properly assess our current and future direction, however, should you require additional information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours very truly, jl,,1* 1zlh� Shilo Boucher, CA Chief Operating Officer cc. Pat Woods Table of Contents TheSaint John Y- History .............................................................. ..............................1 TheSaint John Y ............................................................................. ..............................3 OurMission ............................................................... ............................... 3 OurVision ................................................................. ............................... 3 Uniqueness of the YMCA - YWCA .................................... ............................... 3 Ownership................................................................. ............................... 3 The Saint John Y's Forest Glen Management Team ......... ............................... 4 MeetingCommunity Needs ............................................................ ..............................5 TheProposal .................................................................................... ..............................6 AppendixA — Board of Directors .................................................. ..............................7 AppendixB — Financials ................................................................. ..............................8 AppendixC — Programs Offered ................................................... ..............................9 AppendixD — Y Story .................................................................... .............................11 82 S,��n� JoM1n YMCA -YWCA The Saint John Y- History Background The Saint John YMCA -YWCA has been serving the Saint John community for the past 155 years. Throughout each generation, the Saint John Y has changed to reflect and respond to the needs in the community. One of these changes is the growth and development of Saint John YMCA -YWCA services and programs delivered throughout the region including after school care in local schools, operating three community centres, an Early Learning Centre and expanding our community outreach programs. These changes allow the Saint John Y to extend it's programs to all locations allowing families to find true value in being a member of the YMCA and become healthy active citizens. The Y is a place where both youth and adults become physically active, meet new people and learn new skills. The Saint John YMCA -YWCA is open to all and stands by its mission and core values. The Saint John Y is building strong kids, strong families and strong communities. The Saint John YMCA -YWCA today... • Over 7,000 men, women and children participate in YMCA -YWCA programs. Over 30% of members are children and youth. • Approximately 1 in 5 Y members is financially assisted, ensuring that the Y is open to everyone. • 11 licensed child care and after school centres are available to provide care for preschoolers and school aged children while parents are at work • More than 2,700 children gain values and skills through the summer day camp and residential camping programs. • Youth programming provides adolescents with a safe, fun experience while instilling community values. • Employment and Settlement Services provide training and support so unemployed individuals can acquire job skills and find work; new immigrants can learn English and begin to feel part of our community. Adults can learn computer skills and entrepreneurs get the support they need to start a new business. • Over 390 volunteers provide more than 6,500 hours of service at the Y and 133 donors support the work of the Y in our annual fundraising campaign, Strong Kids. 1 83 y Sy J.t YMCA- CA Partnerships We Have The Saint John YMCA -YWCA believes in partnering with private, public and other charitable organizations for the betterment of the community. Presently, we have a number of partners in the delivery of child, youth and adult programming. Our partners are: • School Districts 6 & 8 • City of Saint John • Social Development • Community Mental Health Association — Saint John Branch • Early Intervention • Horizon Health Authority • Walmart • Saint John Y's Men Club • Business Community Anti Poverty Initiative • Province of New Brunswick • United Way of Greater Saint John • New Brunswick Community College • Teen Resource Centre • Church of the Good Shepherd • Mind Care NB • New Brunswick Children's Foundation • Atlantic Coastal Action Program (ACAP) • Town of Quispamsis Citizenship and Immigration Canada • The New Multicultural Resource Centre • Management Resource Centre (MRC) — YMCA Canada East • YMCA Canada 2 84 y Sy J.t YMCA- CA The Saint John Y Our Mission The Saint John YMCA -YWCA is a charity, open to all, dedicated to providing programs and services to help individuals, families and communities grow and develop in spirit, mind and body. Our Vision The Saint John YMCA -YWCA is a leader in community collaboration and partnership dedicated to the well being of individuals, families and their communities Our Values Respect Enrichment Accessibility Caring Honesty Uniqueness of the YMCA -YWCA The purpose of YMCA -YWCA is to involve individuals and families of all backgrounds and abilities in the YMCA -YWCA so that they can grow healthier in spirit, mind and body, and develop a sense of responsibility to each other and the global community. This is accomplished by providing individuals with opportunities to participate, volunteer and donate in a YMCA -YWCA values based environment. The themes of belonging, serving, leading and renewing are fundamental to the nature and core of a YMCA -YWCA. Ownership The volunteer Board of Directors of the Saint John YMCA -YWCA governs the Y on behalf of the community and is ultimately accountable for all matters relating to the Y. At present there are 13 board members. The present chair is Alyson Townsend. (Appendix A) 3 85 y S­J..YMCA- CA The Saint John Y's Forest Glen Management Team Shilo Boucher, CA — Chief Operating Officer Shilo moved to Saint John in 1995 from Fredericton to take part in the Business Co -op program at the University of New Brunswick. She obtained her charted accountant designation in June of 2002 and worked as a manager at Deloitte & Touche before undertaking her new role as Chief Financial Officer at the Saint John YMCA -YWCA in October 2006 working with both the Saint John and Moncton Ys. In July of 2009, Shilo was promoted to Chief Operating Officer. Her primary role is to oversee the operations and ensuring that the Y continues to move forward by constantly evaluating community needs and ensuring that it remains true to its mission and values. Shilo also volunteers on the Board of Directors of the Resource Centre for Youth, Fusion Saint John and Vibrant Communities, leadership roundtable. Steve Ewart, Manager, Youth, Camping & Community Centres Steve is originally from Saint John and recently joined the Saint John Y. After graduating from UNB in 2001 with a Degree in Recreation and Leisure Studies, he joined NBCC St Andrews as a member of their Student Services Department. He then moved on and worked for UNB Saint John as their Residence Life Coordinator for 5years. Following this he held the position of Director of Recreation and Facilities with the Town of Florenceville- Bristol and for 3years. Steve's position at the Saint John Y is to oversee the Youth Department, Camp Glenburn, Glenn Carpenter Centre, Forest Glen Community Centre, Millidgeville Community Centre and Quispamsis Recreation Centre. As a member of the Senior Management Team, Steve is actively involved in the YMCA -YWCA and works to ensure we are meeting the needs of children and youth across greater Saint John. Heather Oldfield, Director, Forest Glen Community Centre Heather has worked for the Y for 9 years in many roles. She began a Childcare Teacher in the infant room and throughout her career gained experience as a Childcare Aid, Summer Day Camp Counsellor, and Afterschool Program Coordinator and most recently as Director of the Forest Glen Community Centre. Heather has completed her Early Childhood Education Diploma from New Brunswick Community College. Heather lives in the Forest Hills community and is passionate about the children and the area. She attended Forest Hills School and Forest Glen Community Centre since grade 4 and works to create the same fond memories of the centre for the youth that attend today. 4 IN Y Saint J.. YMC,McC Meeting Community Needs In September 2006, the Y began operating the Forest Glen Community Centre. The Y has embraced the community and the Centre incorporating the Y values and quality programming. Growth has occurred not only in programming but also in the number of families we help and the community support we have gained. The Y has entered its fourth year of operating the Forest Glen Community Centre and last year alone served over 3,400 participants in youth programming, morning and after school programs and summer day camps. The Forest Glen Community Centre is an important recreational site and home base for the community. Each year residents have enjoyed an increasing amount of activities for families and people of all ages to take part in. From childcare programs, drop in programs and health and recreation the Forest Glen Community Centre has offered the people of Forest Hills and surrounding area a safe positive environment to belong to. The Integrated summer day camp program provides an opportunity for all children to participate in the Day Camp experience regardless of their mental or physical limitations. Each camper is carefully cared for by a one -on -one support worker depending on their individual needs. This program allows children with various disabilities to participate in an inclusive summer program and participate in activities that they or their parents never imagined was possible. Children build friendships, push their limits to try new things and are included in a program that will be sure to put a smile on their faces. Forest Hills and surrounding area is a community in need of recreation opportunities. The programs the Y offers give the community the opportunity to take part in various activities whether it is childcare or fun, active, and educational programs for the children right in their own community. These activities help keep the children off the streets, teaches them leadership skills, a sense of community and most importantly how to have fun in a safe environment. The Y programs are open to all, everyone in the and around the community is given the opportunity to participate no matter their situation. Having programs that the people can access right in their own community benefits them as well as the community centre. Today the Y offers a variety of programs and as we move into a new phase with the Community Centre the Y will continue to offer current services as well as look to expand programming to encompass crafts, kids in the kitchen, soccer, badminton, morning parent /tot programs, seniors programs, a summer ball hockey league and a partnership with the school to develop a leadership program. A listing of all programs offered at the Centre can be found in Appendix C. All evening programs are free drop in programs. Survey's were conducted throughout the community and based on the feedback we have received, activities of interest to people who live in the area include family activities, crafts, soccer, senior programs, basketball, special events, and specialty classes. The current programs were felt by many to be essential to the community. 87 y Sy J.t YMCA- CA The Proposal The City of Saint John has supported the Saint John Y since 2006 through a grant and staff support. We are grateful for our partnership with the City, the School District and the Forest Hills Community. In September 2010 the Community Centre did see a change, with School District 8 assuming ownership. With this change the City is no longer named in our legal contracts, but we feel a partnership is still needed and worthwhile for the community. Since September the Saint John Y has seen challenges for the Centre as the loss of evening gym time has impacted programs normally offered. The school has granted the Y permission to use the gym area only on Tuesday evenings and every other Friday for programs. We are in the process of working with the City of Saint John and the School Board to try and obtain evening gym times Monday to Friday. Currently the school has evening rentals booked until the end of February. Annually the City of Saint John, as part of the tri -party agreement, has provided the Y with a grant of $35,874 which has helped the Y expand programs and cover costs of the facility. The Saint John Y believes the programs being offered are needed in the community and therefore we are asking for financial support from the City of Saint John to continue and expand recreational opportunities in the Forest Hills Community. The Saint John Y is requesting an annual grant in the amount of $49,000. The grant will go towards supporting the community center costs of maintaining the facility, providing free drop in programs for youth and supporting integrated day camps. The Y and the community believe in the need for the Forest Glen Community Centre which is evident from the financial commitment provided from our Strong Kids campaign and the United Way (Appendix B). The funds provided by the City of Saint John will go towards ensuring children, youth and families have an opportunity to participate in programs that will enrich them and their community. As part of this grant the Saint John Y will monitor participation, attendance, and impact overall on the community. The Y believes the programs offered should be assessed at the end of each year to ensure the dollars invested are being fully utilized. The Y has a commitment to the community to build strong kids, strong families and strong communities. Our continued partnership with the City of Saint John will help the Y with this commitment. "Young families need a caring, safe, welcoming environment to grow and play together, you see this everyday at the Saint John YMCA -YWCA. " Dale Knox, Past Chair Saint John YMCA -YWCA Board of Directors 6 y Sa 1j—YMCA -YWCA Appendix A —Board of Directors Alyson Townsend Chair Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Dale Knox Past Chair Tabufile Dean Mullin Treasurer Irving Oil Limited Dr. Shelley Rinehart Vice Chair Department of Energy, Province of NB Janet Scott Enterprise Saint John Christine Comeau Enterprise Saint John Kevin Condon Anyware Group Mary Jane Logan Hill Retired Eric Savoie Ernst and Young LLP Craig Wilson Cox & Palmer Joanne Sparkes Innovatia Christine Fagan Workplace Health & Safety Daniel Hickey Horizon Health Network - 7 Y S- ,J.MYMCA -YWCA Appendix B — Financials Forest Glen Community Centre Budget Revenue 2011 Afterschool 95 870 Morning 9,600 Clay Camps 65,500 Strong Kids 10,000 United Way 10.000 Total 19U,87D Expenses Wage & Benefits 145,760 Facility Costs /Rent 35,100 Program Expenses 8,000 Camp 'Supplies 9,81 T Food Expenses 1,660 Telephone 1,768 Advertising 3,600 Insurance Training Fees 34,165 Total 239,87D Net logs before Grant 49,000 City Grant 49,000 Forest Glen - Net Loss - .E y Sa ,J.MYMCA -YWCA Appendix C — Programs Currently Offered Childcare and Afterschool MORNING CARE Ages 5 - 12 years Monday - Friday ............ ...........................7:00 - 9:00 am AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM Ages 5 - 12 years Monday - Friday ........... ...........................2:15 — 6:00 pm FULL DAYAFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM The'Y' provides programs for children during the school professional development days and on snow days. Children enjoy a wide variety of activities on these days. Children are asked to bring a lunch, drinks and snacks. This is also offered to children who are not in the after school program. *Please note: this program is offered on a first come -first served basis. Ages 5 - 12 years Monday - Friday ....... ...........................7:00 am to 6:00 pm MARCH BREAK ADVENTURE AND BALL HOCKEY DAY CAMPS: Combines traditional camping programs with age appropriate activities including: arts & crafts, play room games, outdoor winter play, co- operative games, sports, out trips and more! SUMMER DAY CAMPS Junior Adventure Camp Ages: *5 -7 years Your camper will enjoy traditional camp adventures and age appropriate activities led by our qualified leaders. Children may enjoy gym games & sports, arts and crafts, swimming, out trips, theme days and more! Senior Adventure Camp Ages: 8 -12 years A camp designed for your older child to explore a vast variety of activities. Your child will be able to explore theme /interest groups that may include: arts and crafts, cooperative games, sports, swimming, out trips, special theme days and much more! Integrated Day Camp - Ages: *5 -12 years Our integrated program provides an opportunity for all children to participate in the Day Camp experience regardless of their abilities. Each camper will be carefully cared for depending on individual special needs. Campers will be integrated with our Junior and Senior Adventure Camps with their own camp counselor, and participate in games, crafts, gym sports, cooperative games and more! All campers will be contacted for a meeting with the Camp Director prior to starting to ensure they get the most out of their experience. Specialty Camps The YMCA -YWCA will be offering specialty camps throughout the summer giving your child a chance to participate in some of their favorite activities or try something new! All programs are recreational and are designed for children of all levels with fun in mind. Each camp will have daily specialty time as well as participate in traditional camp activities such as games, sports, swimming, out trips and theme days. Children can choose from: Ball Hockey, Cooking, Baseball, Just The Guys, Animal Adventure, Basketball, Girl Power, Cheerleading or Creative Creations. (All children must have completed Kindergarten.) 91 Y Saintj.MYMCA MCA Free Drop In Programs Come Drop In and Have Fun!!! *For all drop in ball hockey, you must use plastic blades only! Monday Just the Guys from 6pm -8pm ages 8 -13. The guys will hangout, get dirty, play sports and take part in a variety of activities. The guys will help choose daily sports, games and activities. Tuesday Ball Hockey from 6pm -7pm ages 7 -12 and 7pm -8pm ages 13 -17. Kids will learn and practice basic skills and demonstrate through games and tournaments. Wednesday Girl Power from 6pm -8pm ages 9 -14. Girls will have the opportunity participate in sports, listen to music, play games, crafts, board games and much more. Thursday Open Games Room from 6pm -8pm ages 8- 13. Kids will have the option of playing pool, board games, cards, indoor soccer and much more. Friday Drop in Dance from 6pm -8pm ages 5 -12 92 io I S- ,j-YM -W�A Appendix D — Y Story Summer at Forest Glen Community Centre The Intergraded Day camp is open to all. Many children have come through our doors with different special needs, children who need and enjoy everyday camp experiences. Each child in our camp learns from each other. One year we had two staff and one child who was hearing impaired. At the end of the summer, through games almost every child was able to communicate with both the child and staff through sign language. What an exciting thing to see! We also have children who are in wheelchairs and it is amazing to see how well the able bodied children adapt to someone who seems "different" then themselves. The children have learned that everyone is not the same and have helped those kids that need a little extra attention, some enjoying it so much they become "mini counsellors ", really learning what it is to help another person. There was another child who captured my heart, a little girl who was visually impaired. She wanted a camp experience and she received that but in return we received the bigger gift. This little girl included us in her life; she always brought another cane so a child would know how she makes her way from point A to point B and also allowed us to use her brailer. Not only did she enjoy our summer program but returned to the centre throughout the year to participate in other Y programs, including our New Years Eve Sleepover. Her parents were comfortable leaving her with the staff and the centre and as soon as she showed up she was asking about all of her friends from the summer. All YMCA Day Camps provide opportunities for children to learn, share, grow and try something new but there is just something a little more special that you feel when you walk into this camp program — it is a great experience for all and it screams INCLUSION! 11 93 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M & C 2011 -05 December 31, 2010 His Worship Mayor Ivan Court and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: Pipeline Crossing Agreement with Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline - Crossing KP 98 BACKGROUND: M. The City of Saint John As part of the Harbour Clean Up Project (Sanitary Lift Station # 10 and Force Main Installation Project), the City will cross the Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline's Saint John Lateral natural gas pipeline located at KP 98 on City Road. Maritimes & Northeast have reviewed the City's design drawings and have no objection to the crossing. A crossing agreement is required. Maritimes & Northeast have delivered to the City the required agreement. Staff reviewed the agreement and there are no concerns or objections. The purpose of this report is to present the agreement to Common Council for its consideration. RECOMMENDATION: That The City of Saint John enter into a Crossing Consent Agreement with Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline Limited Partnership, by its General Partner Maritimes and Northeast Pipeline Management Ltd. / Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline subject to the terms and conditions in the attached agreement, for the purposes of facilitating the force main installation as part of the Harbour Clean Up Project and that the Mayor and Common Clerk execute the said agreement. Respectfully submitted, Ken Forrest, MCIP, RPP Commissioner Planning & Development. 94 J. Patrick Woods, CGA City Manager �Marit'mes - �Nort�ez t Pipeline December 1, 2010 . Kendall Mason, P. Eng. Design Engineer Municipal Operations and Engineering City of Saint John P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 4L1 26 Alison Blvd. Fredericton, New Brunswick Canada E3C 2N3 Tel: (506) 462 -4800 Fax: (506) 462 -4811 Web Site: www.mnpp.com SUBJECT: Crossing Consent Agreement for your proposed crossing (KP 98) of Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline (`M &NP') Saint John Lateral. M &NP has reviewed the proposed crossing and will consent to it. In consideration of M &NP consenting to the crossings, we ask that you agree to the following conditions precedent: 1. That you will comply with the general conditions for consent in Schedule "A ", attached hereto; 2. That you and your contractor will install the crossing strictly in the manner described in Schedule "B ", attached hereto; 3. That the crossing will be designed and constructed strictly in accordance with your drawing: Harbour Station SLS No. 10 & Force Main; Sta. 1 +440 — 1 +580; Drawing No. C009; File 5040 -008, sheet 9 of 21, date stamped Oct. 6, 2010 and approved by M &NP attached as Schedule "C ", hereto; 4. That the crossing will be completed within one (1) year of the date of this letter, otherwise this consent will terminate and a new application will be required. 5. That as per Schedule "A ", Section 10, all contractors working near an exposed pipeline are required to wear appropriate PPE and fire retardant apparel. 6. That as per Schedule "A ", Section 5, Applicant shall submit certificates or other evidence of such insurance to M &NP prior to any work commencing for the Crossing. Please sign and return all three copies of the agreement, including the three copies of the enclosed drawings and schedules. We will subsequently sign the copies of the agreement and will return two for your use. Please ensure that a copy is sent to the persons who will be performing this work and that it is available "on- site ". Installation of the crossing can then proceed after giving a minimum of two business days advance notice to myself at (506) 462 - 48031461 -5681. 95 This Agreement and Schedules "A ", "B" and "C" constitute the entire Agreement between M &NP and the Applicant and any change or alteration hereof shall be made in writing between the parties. Yours very truly, MARITIMES & NORTHEAST PIPELINE Andrew Langille, M.Sc., P. Geo. Lands & Public Awareness Coordinator Read and agreed to at Saint John, New Brunswick this day of , 20 Applicant: THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Mayor Common Clerk Common Council Resolution: 20 0 SCHEDULE `A' General Conditions for Crossing Consent 1. In this agreement: (a) the term "Applicant" refers to the person(s) who will own, operate and maintain the Facility; (b) the term "Contractor" means the person(s) who constructs and installs the Facility; (c) the term "Facility" refers to the works of the Applicant as described in the covering letter - agreement to this Schedule; (d) the term "Crossing" refers to the crossing of M &NP's pipeline(s) by the Facility at the location described in the covering letter - agreement to this Schedule. 2. M &NP consents to the Crossing to the extent that it has the right to do so and the Applicant shall be responsible for obtaining all other applicable approvals, permits, orders and permissions required to construct and install the Facility. 3. Applicant agrees to comply with all applicable rules, orders, regulations, codes and guidelines of any competent government body or organization affecting the design, installation, construction and operation of the Facility. 4. Applicant agrees to indemnify and save harmless M &NP against any claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, damages, injuries (including injuries resulting in death) that may arise as a result of the construction, installation and operation of the Facility. 5. In connection with Clause 4, above, Applicant, or Contractor, at its own expense shall carry and keep in full force and effect; (a) Comprehensive General Liability insurance with an inclusive limit for personal injury and property damage of five Million dollars ($5,000,000.00), and; (b) Automobile Liability Insurance ( "owned" and "non- owned ") with an inclusive limit for bodily injury (including passengers) and property damage of One Million dollars ($1,000,000.00). Applicant shall submit certificates or other evidence of such insurance to M &NP prior to any work commencing for the Crossing. 6. Applicant agrees to personally perform the installation and construction of the Facility or else to closely supervise its installation and construction by a duly 97 qualified contractor(s) and to ensure that said contractor(s) complies with all terms and conditions of this agreement. 7. The Applicant shall pay forthwith upon presentation of an invoice by M &NP, all reasonable costs incurred by M &NP for: (a) Review, approval and inspection of the Crossing; (b) Reinforcing, modifying or relocating M &NP's pipeline(s) to accommodate the installation of Applicant's Crossing or the maintenance and repair of its Facility; (c) Any reasonable incremental costs inured by M &NP in the operation, maintenance, replacement and repair of its pipeline(s) which are caused by the Crossing. S. The terms and conditions of this consent shall apply to the construction and installation of the Crossing and any future maintenance work that may be required. 9. This consent is for the Facility shown in Schedule `C' only and any additional works or facilities proposed by the Applicant shall be the subject of a separate agreement. 10. Applicant hereby agrees and acknowledges that its rights in the Crossing are subordinate to the easement agreement(s) of M &NP that have been registered or obtained prior to this date and Applicant shall cooperate with all reasonable requests made by M &NP related to the operation, maintenance and repair of M &NP's pipeline(s) within the easement(s), in particular the use of Nomex or fire retardant equivalent apparel. 11. In the case of default by the Applicant to carry out any of the provisions of this agreement or if the condition of Applicant's Facility has deteriorated and adversely affects the operation of M &NP's pipeline(s), M &NP may give written notice thereof. If the Applicant fails to take all reasonable steps to remedy the default or the deterioration of the Facility within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the written notice by M &NP, M &NP may take such steps necessary to remedy the default or deterioration and Applicant shall be liable for and shall pay forthwith all reasonable costs incurred by M &NP in this regard. 12. All notices required to be given hereunder shall be delivered by registered mail or facsimile to the addresses shown on the covering letter- agreement and shall be deemed to be received on the fifth (5`'') day following mailing thereof or upon confirmation of facsimile transmission. 13. This agreement shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the province in which the Crossing is situate. 14. Neither party to this agreement shall assign or transfer their rights and obligations hereunder to a third party without first obtaining the written consent of the other party. .; 15. The rights and obligations of the parties hereto shall terminate upon the earlier of: (a) two (2) years from the date hereof if the Applicant has not completed the construction and installation of the Facility and restoration of the lands affected by the Crossing; or (b) upon the proper abandonment or removal of the Facility and restoration of the lands to a condition acceptable to M &NP and the owner of the property where the Crossing is situate. 1.6. If any part of this agreement shall become null and void by virtue of law or governmental regulation, it shall be severed from the agreement, but the remaining terms and conditions shall remain in full force and effect. .. SCHEDULE W Excavation and Operation of Heavy E ui ment 17. The following conditions shall apply whenever any construction activities shall require the need for the operation of equipment or excavation near M &NP's Pipeline(s). (a) To protect exposed M &NP Pipeline(s) from damage during the proposed work, M &NP's on -site inspector may require the Applicant to install certain safety precautions before beginning construction. (b) To avoid possible damage to M &NP's Pipeline(s) while excavating, the Pipeline(s) shall be supported adequately, as directed by M &NP's on -site inspector. (c) To avoid possible damage to M &NP's Pipeline(s), heavy equipment shall be restricted to crossing within the travelled portion of the easement unless other crossing locations are approved by M &NP's on -site inspector. (d) Applicant shall provide at least three (3) business days' advance notice prior to commencing any excavation near M &NP's Pipeline(s). General Conditions for Crossings of the Pipeline by Highways Private Roads, Railways and Utilities 18. The following general conditions shall apply to Crossings of M &NP's Pipeline(s) by a highway, private road, railway or utility: (a) In the case of a crossing of M &NP's Pipeline(s) by a highway, private road, railway or utility the Crossing shall, except as otherwise provided herein, conform to the respective specifications and requirements of the current Canadian Standards Association Code CAN /CSA Z662 — 99 for Gas Pipeline Systems and if the facility will result in the Maritimes Pipeline not conforming, the Crossing may be made only if the M &NP's Pipeline(s) is reconstructed to conform to such requirements, the cost of which shall be borne and paid for by the Applicant. (b) The Applicant shall pay all costs to ensure M &NP's Pipeline(s) shall, in all cases, be of sufficient strength to withstand all stresses and strains resulting from the Crossing. (c) The Crossing shall be constructed so as to cross M &NP's Pipeline(s) at an angle as close as practicable to ninety (90) degrees but not less than forty -five (45) degrees. (d) Parallel easements shall not encroach on the M &NP's Pipeline(s) easement without the prior written consent of M &NP and the owner of the lands being crossed. 100 19. At any crossing of M &NP's Pipeline(s), except crossings by overhead telephone, telegraph or power lines, M &NP's Pipeline(s) and the Facility shall be identified by suitable markers. 20. A buried utility shall cross under M &NP's Pipeline(s) unless otherwise approved by M &NP. A clearance of not less than 0.3m shall be maintained at the point of crossing between the utility and M &NP's Pipeline(s) and all other underground structures. In all circumstances, minimum clearances as stipulated in the current edition of Canadian Standards Association CAN /CSA- Z662 -99 "Gas Pipeline Systems" shall be complied with, Underground utility crossings shall also be subject to the following design constraints: (a) Utilities must be installed at a level grade across the entire width of M &NP's Pipeline easement with the exception of gravity dependent structures. In such cases, the minimum clearances which are specified between the utility and M &NP's Pipeline(s) crossed must be maintained. (b) In the case of any Applicant's buried pipelines, no joints may be made over or under any M &NP Pipeline(s). (c) If Applicant's pipeline(s) will operate under pressure, it/they shall be pre - tested to at least the required test pressure prior to its installation across M &NP's Pipeline easement. (d) If the case of buried power cables, the Applicant shall install a 75mm thick concrete slab, or suitable equivalent, approved by M &NP, placed 300mm above the utility service installation, the full width of M &NP's Pipeline easement. There shall be a minimum separation of 300mm between the top of the concrete slab and the bottom of M &NP's Pipeline(s). This separation shall be maintained over the entire width of the M &NP Pipeline easement(s). The concrete slab should be un- reinforced red dye concrete. The utility shall be permanently identified with "caution" tape on top of the concrete slab. (e) In the case of buried cables, no joints, splices. or other connections shall be made within the M &NP Pipeline easement. (f) The method of installation of all utilities crossing M &NP's Pipeline(s) below ground level must be specified in the Applicant's submission to M &NP. 2.1.. A public highway, logging road or private road shall be constructed so that the traveled surface thereof shall be not less than 1.5m above the top of M &NP's Pipeline(s) or the casing pipe, where required. The bottom of the ditches shall be not less than 1.2m above the top of M &NP's Pipeline(s) or casing pipe. Railway Crossing Requirements 101 22. The following conditions apply to the crossings of M &NP's Pipeline(s) by railways and shall supplement or supersede the conditions detailed in Section 2, 3, 4 and 5. (a) Where M &NP specifications stipulate, M &NP's Pipeline(s) shall be encased in a metal casing pipe, to be installed by M &NP, the cost of which shall be borne and paid for by the Applicant. (b) Railway crossings shall be constructed to allow the following minimum clearances: (i) One point seven (1.7) meters between the top of M &NP's Pipeline,(s) or casing pipe and the base of the rail for a distance of at least 8.am from the centerline of the outermost track. (ii) One point two (1.2) meters between the top of M &NP's Pipeline(s) or casing pipe and the bottom of the railway right-of-way ditch and/or natural ground surface. Overhead Crossing Requirements 23. The following conditions apply to the crossing of M &NP's Pipeline(s) by overhead telephone, telegraph, telecommunication and electrical power lines: (a) Prior to construction, the Applicant shall determine if electrical interference between the Applicant's facilities and M &NP's Pipeline(s) will occur. If so, the Applicant shall be responsible for providing mitigation design to a level of 15 volts A.C. Steady State; generally in accordance with CSA Standard C22.3 No 6M-1987 (or update), "Principles and Practices of Electrical Coordination Between Pipelines and Electric Supply Lines ". (b) The vertical distance between the lowest wire of an overhead line catenary and the surface of the ground within the pipeline easement shall not be less than the minimum vertical clearance distance set out in that part of the Canadian Electrical Code Part III (CSA Standard C22.3, "Overhead Systems and Underground Systems "). (c) The poles, pylons, towers, guys, anchors and any other supports of an overhead line shall be located outside the M &NP Pipeline easement and not within ten (10) meters of any M &NP Pipeline appurtenance. (d) The Applicant, for an overhead line shall, where directed by M &NP, install aerial warning devices for the protection of M &NP personnel and equipment conducting aerial patrols. Blasting Requirements 24. Prior written approval is required from M &NP if construction of the Facility requires the use of explosives. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable government laws, regulations and orders concerning the use, storage and transportation of explosives, including, but not limited to, the Canadian Explosives Act. The Applicant 102 shall comply with the safety requirements of M &NP. Further restrictions shall be stipulated, as required, by M &NP. Cathodic Protection Requirements 25. Applicant agrees to install, at its cost, all cathodic protection facilities deemed necessary by M &NP to protect M &NP's PipeIine(s) or otherwise reimburse M &NP for the cost of such facilities and installation. 103 SCHEDULE `C' Plan Showing Approved Crossing (Prepare 3 prints of your proposal drawing as set out in this Schedule `C' and attach them to the copies of the letter - agreement you return to M &NP) A drawing of each crossing shall be prepared in accordance with sub - sections A, B and D below. The drawing shall show the location and dimensions of the crossing and the clearance between the lowest catenary and the surface of the ground within the pipeline right -of -way or its projects limits. Standard Drawing Requirements (NOTE: All views to he combined in one drawing) A. PLAN VIEW Scale: • In metric — scale of 1:500 or at a scale which clearly defines all details of the crossing Dimensions: • Distance along the M &NP Pipeline easement to the crossing from a definable legal limit (i.e. lot line, river, road allowance limit, etc.) • Width of the M &NP Pipeline casement to one -tenth (0A) of a meter • Location of M &NP's Pipeline(s) within the easement to one -tenth (0.0) of a meter at right angles to the pipeline easement • Angle of the crossing (measured to the M &NP Pipeline easement) • Show the width of the utility easement(s) to one tenth (0.0) of a meter • Width of streets in vicinity of crossing Identify: • Legal description of the crossing location (i.e. property metes and bounds, PID, Parish, town, village, etc.) • All additional M &NP Pipeline appurtenances (i.e. concrete slabs, weights, pipeline markers, etc.) • North arrow • Scale B. SECTION VIEW 104 The section view is to be along the proposed utility that crosses M &NP's Pipeline. Scale: • In metric, vertical 1:100, horizontal 1:200 or to a scale that clearly identifies all details of the crossing Dimensions: • Depth of M &NP's Pipeline(s) to one -tenth (0.0) of a meter • Vertical distance of the proposed utility below grade to one -tenth (0.0) of a meter • Clearance to M &NP's Pipeline(s) • Diameter of each of M &NP's Pipeline to be crossed • Easement or right -of -way limits Identify: • If elevations are assumed, then reference the point of the assumed datum • Distance of the pipeline(s) to the M &NP Pipeline easement limits • Ground surface profile for the 20m on either side of crossing • Scale C. PROFILE VIEW The profile view is to be along M &NF's Pipeline(s) and is only required if the encroachments is on the M &NP Pipeline easement for a definable distance (i.e. parallel encroachments such as roads and any grading of the easement, etc.) Scale: • In metric, vertical 1:100, horizontal 1:200 or to a scale that clearly identifies all details of the crossing Dimensions: • Depth of M &NP's Pipeline(s) to one -tenth (0.0) of a meter • Depth of the proposed utility to one -tenth (0.0) of a meter + Clearance to M &NP's Pipeline(s) • Diameter of each M &NP Pipeline to be crossed • Easement or right -of -way limits Identify: • If elevations are assumed, then reference the point of the assumed datum 105 + Distance of the pipeline(s) to the M &NP Pipeline easement limits to one -tenth (0.0) of a meter • Ground surface profile for 20m on either side of crossing • Scale • Existing M &NP Pipeline markers D. LOCATION PLAN VIEW Scale: • In metric, scale of 1:12000 or to a scale that clearly identifies the location Dimensions: • Distance to the nearest town of major geographic feature to 0.1 of a kilometer Identify: • Parish, town, village, city, county, regional municipality, etc. • PID, street, highway, road, etc. • North arrow TITLE BLOCK Identify: • Name of the Applicant and the name of the engineering company who compiled the drawing (where applicable) • Drawing number and the date of the drawing • Revision dates (if applicable) • Signature of the applicant and the engineering company • Legal description of the crossing location • Description of the utility • Date of the survey ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Identify: • All specifications of the utility (i.e.) diameter, wall thickness, material to be conveyed, minimum yield strength, operating pressure, field test pressure, mill test pressure, materials comprising the utility, protective devices to be installed and the proper method of installation • Show a note referencing compliance with all applicable CSA standards and the National Energy Board Pipeline Crossing Regulations • Date of the proposed crossing 106 I ■lso>,. .� �f +�f `, �,1. .�i��:! ► . �" ' ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■E�l� ■ENEM■ EEEE ■M ■IMSEE ■E■ N ■EE ■M ■I ■EMEM■■ ■N■M■■■MINNEM ■■ MENEM m MEN MEMO ■M■raM■ MM■■■ NEON womE;uO■M■ NOON ■ ■ ■l1■ u■O ■■ ■NE■E ■■N■ HOMEN SEE MERM4111111EIMEM !rl ■E ■■EE■101114HEE 1 ANEMONE I II,i ■ ■i1 ■ ■MEN ■M ■l111 f lilt■■■■ ■ ■■ ■MME ■!�� l���i� ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■M�I�III�II�I�i�■ MEN M■■mmimii mlimmm■ MMNNlliiiilEMIINEM■ MMENIIiil ■1!L�I111��E iiS ©Ilii ilMf MRIW mom ■II::::I® ■S OMEN ■ MOM MOIL, EEO HE ONE 1