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2010-11-08_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour
City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday, November 08, 2010 Committee of the Whole 1. Call to Order 4:30 p.m. 8th Floor Boardroom City Hall 1.1(a,b) Approval of Minutes 1.2 Employment Matter 10.2(4)(c,j) 1.3 Land Matter 10.2(4)(c) 1.4 Financial Matter 10.2(4)(c) Regular Meeting 1. Call to Order — Prayer 6:30 p.m. Council Chamber 2. Approval of Minutes 2.1 Minutes of October 25, 2010 3. Adoption of Agenda 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest Items Forwarded from October 25, 2010 Council Agenda 4.1 Purchase and Sale Agreement for 90 -102 Mecklenburg Street 4.2 Planning Advisory Committee Report Re: Subdivision By -Law Amendment 4.3 Proposed Subdivision By -Law Amendment (1st & 2nd Reading Required) 4.4 Saint John Dental Society: Water Fluoridation 5. Consent Agenda 5.1 Teed Letter: Maintaining Fort Howe Blockhouse (Recommendation: Receive for Information) 5.2 Teed Letter: Unrepaired Danger (Recommendation: Receive for Information) 5.3 Loch Lomond Watershed Clean Up Day Update (Recommendation: Receive for Information) 5.4 Roof Replacement Saint John Arts Centre (Recommendation in Report) 5.5 Street Renaming (Recommendation in Report) 5.6 Request to Present Results of 2010 Citizen Survey (Recommendation: Refer to Clerk to schedule) 5.7 Funding Request for Field Upgrade of Millidgeville Field #1 (Recommendation: Refer to Capital Budget Deliberations) 5.8 Enterprise GIS Solution (Recommendation in Report) 6. Members Comments 7. Proclamation 7.1 Restorative Justice Week November 14 -21, 2010 7.2 World Town Planning Day November 8, 2010 8. Delegations/ Presentations 8.1 Plan SJ: Choices for Growth and Change 8.2 UNBSJ Update 2010 8.3 Friends of Rockwood Park Re Sandy Point Rd Planning Study 9. Public Hearings 10. Consideration of By -laws 10.1(a) Third Reading Zoning ByLaw Amendment 85 Whitebone Way 10.1(b) Section 39 Conditions 10.2 Third Reading Zoning ByLaw Amendment with Respect to Application Fees 10.3 Third Reading ByLaw Respecting the Procedures of Common Council 11. Submissions by Council Members 11.1 Glen Falls Options Report (Mayor Court) 11.2 Update Regarding Vacant & Derelict Property Legislation (Councillor McGuire) 11.3 Crescent Valley Redevelopment Initiative (Councillor McGuire) 11.4 Proposed By -Law Respecting Unsecured Refuse on Properties (Councillor Sullivan) 12. Business Matters - Municipal Officers 12.1 City Manager: Demolition of Dilapidated and Dangerous Building and Clean up of Debris at 2374, 2380 and 2384 Loch Lomond Road 12.2 City Manager: Duke Street West Stop Signs Request Follow Up 12.3 City Manager: Rehabilitation of Cottage Hill and Rockwood Park Water Storage Reservoirs 12.4 City Manager: Harbour Station SLS No 10 & Force Main 12.5 City Manager: Emergency Purchase Fire Department Aerial Truck 12.6 City Manager: 2010 Ward Meetings 12.7 City Manager: Loch Lomond Road Speed Limit Follow up 12.8 City Manager: Harbour Clean Up Sewer Lift Station 3 12.9 City Manager: Harbour Clean Up Crown Street Area 12.10 City Market Management Request for Proposals Results and Recommendation, MC2010 -371 13. Committee Reports 14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda 15. General Correspondence 15.1 Evans Letter: Basement Flooding August 2009 16. Adjournment The City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le lundi 8 novembre 2010 Comite plenier 1.Ouverture de la seance 16 h 30 Salle de conference, 8e etage, hotel de ville 1.1a,b) Approbation du proces- verbal 1.2 Question relative a 1'emploi — alineas 10.2(4)c), j) 1.3 Question relative aux biens -fonds — alinea 10.2(4)c) 1.4 Question financiere — alinea 10.2(4)c) Seance ordinaire 1. Ouverture de la seance, suivie de la priere 18 h 30 Salle du conseil 2. Approbation du proces- verbal 2.1 Proces- verbal de la seance tenue le 25 octobre 2010 3. Adoption de 1'ordre du jour 4. Divulgations de conflits d'interets Points reportes de 1'ordre du jour du conseil du 25 octobre 2010 4.1 Convention d'achat -vente visant la propriete situee aux 90 -102, rue Mecklenburg 4.2 Rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme concernant une modification de 1'Arrete de lotissement 4.3 Projet de modification de 1'Arrete de lotissement (premiere et seconde lectures necessaires) 4.4 Saint John Dental Society : Fluoration de 1'eau 5. Questions soumises i 11approbation du conseil 5.1 Lettre de M. Teed concernant le blockhaus de Fort Howe (recommandation accepter a titre informatif) 5.2 Lettre de M. Teed concernant la source de danger non reparee (recommandation : accepter a titre informatif) 5.3 Mise a jour de la journee de nettoyage du bassin hydrographique Loch Lomond (recommandation : accepter a titre informatif) 5.4 Remplacement du toit du Centre des arts de Saint John (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.5 Changement de nom de rue (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.6 Demande de presentation des r6sultats du sondage 2010 men6 aupr6s des citoyens (recommandation : transmettre a la greffiere pour qu'une date de presentation soit fix6e) 5.7 Demande de financement pour 1'am6lioration du terrain de sport no 1 de Millidgeville (recommandation : renvoyer aux discussions relatives au budget) 5.8 Solution SIG d'entreprise (syst6me d'information g6ographique) (recommandation figurant au rapport) 6. Commentaires pr6sent6s par les membres 7. Proclamation 7.1 Semaine de la justice r6paratrice, du 14 au 21 novembre 2010 7.2 Journ&e mondiale de 1'urbanisme, le 8 novembre 2010 8. Delegations et presentations 8.1 P1anSJ : Choix de croissance et de changement 8.2 Mise a jour 2010 de l'Universit6 du Nouveau - Brunswick, campus de Saint John 8.3 Groupe Friends of Rockwood Park concernant 1'6tude de planification portant sur le chemin Sandy Point 9. Audiences publiques 10. Etude des arret6s municipaux 10.1a) Troisieme lecture de la modification de 1'Arret6 de zonage visant le 85, voie Whitebone 10.1b) Conditions impos6es par Particle 39 10.2 Troisieme lecture de la modification de 1'Arret& de zonage concernant les frais relatifs a une demande 10.3 Troisieme lecture de 1'arrW relatif au reglement int&rieur du conseil communal 11. Interventions des membres du conseil 11.1 Rapports sur les possibilit6s pour Glen Falls (maire Court) 11.2 Mise a jour concernant les lois sur les propri6t6s vacantes et abandonn&es (conseiller McGuire) 11.3 Initiative de r&am&nagement de Crescent Valley (conseiller McGuire) 11.4 Arret6 propos6 concernant 1'entreposage de r6sidus non s6curitaires sur les propri6t6s (conseiller Sullivan) 12. Affaires municipales 6voqu6es par les fonctionnaires municipaux 12.1 Directeur g6n&ral : D&molition du batiment d6labr6 et dangereux et nettoyage des d6bris aux 2374, 2380 et 2384, chemin Loch Lomond 12.2 Directeur g6n6ral : Suivi de la demande de panneaux d'arret pour la rue Duke Ouest 12.3 Directeur g6n6ral : Restauration des reservoirs de retenue d'eau de Cottage Hill et du parc Rockwood 12.4 Directeur g6n6ral : Poste de relevage des eaux us6es no 10 et conduites de refoulement de Harbour Station 12.5 Directeur g6n6ral : Achat effectu& en cas d'urgence d'un carrion 616vateur pour le service d'incendie 12.6 Directeur g6n6ral : Reunions de quartier 2010 12.7 Directeur general : Suivi de la limitation de vitesse sur le chemin Loch Lomond 12.8 Directeur general : Nettoyage du port, station de relevement des eaux usees no 3 12.9 Directeur general : Nettoyage du port, secteur de la rue Crown 12.10 Demande de gestion du marche municipal pour les resultats et la recommandation concernant les propositions, M/C 2010 -371 13. Rapports deposes par les comites 14. Etude des sujets ecartes des questions soumises a Papprobation du conseil 15. Correspondance generale 15.1 Lettre de M. Evans concernant Pinondation du sous -sol, aout 2009 16. Levee de la seance 95 -571 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 COMMON COUNCIL MEETING — THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN CITY HALL — OCTOBER 25, 2010 - 6:30 P.M. Present: Ivan Court, Mayor Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillors Court, Higgins, McGuire, Mott, Snook, Sullivan, and Titus -and - P. Woods, City Manager; S. Brittain, Solicitor; G. Yeomans, Commissioner of Finance and Treasurer; P. Groody, Commissioner of Municipal Operations; K. Forrest, Commissioner of Planning and Development; A. Poffenroth, Deputy Commissioner of Buildings and Inspection Services; T. Leblanc, Police Staff Sergeant; R. Simonds, Fire Chief, B. Morrison, Commissioner of Leisure Services; E. Gormley, Common Clerk and J. Taylor, Assistant Common Clerk. SEANCE DU CONSEIL COMMUNAL DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN TENUE A L'HOTEL DE VILLE, LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 A 18 H 30 Sont presents : Ivan Court, maire le maire supplbant Chase et les conseillers Court, McGuire, Mott, Snook, Sullivan, Titus et la conseillere Higgins et P. Woods, directeur general; S. Brittain, avocat; G. Yeomans, commissaire aux finances et trbsorier; P. Groody, commissaire aux Operations municipales; K. Forrest, commissaire au service Urbanisme et dbveloppement; A. Poffenroth, commissaire adjoint aux Services d'inspection et des batiments; T. Leblanc, sergent d'6tat -major du Service de police; R. Simonds, chef du service d'incendie; B. Morrison, commissaire des Services des loisirs; ainsi que E. Gormley, greffiere communale, et J. Taylor, greffier communal adjoint. Call To Order — Prayer Mayor Court called the meeting to order and Reverend Clayton Meisner offered the opening prayer. Ouverture de la seance, suivie de la priere La sbance est ouverte par le maire Court, et le pasteur Clayton Meisner rbcite la pribre d'ouverture. 2. Approval of Minutes On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor Sullivan RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of Common Council, held on October 12, 2010 be approved. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Deputy Mayor Chase voting nay. 2. Approbation du proces- verbal Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuybe par le conseiller Sullivan RESOLU que le proces- verbal de la sbance du conseil communal tenue le 12 octobre 2010 soit approuvb. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est acceptbe. Le maire supplbant Chase vote contre la proposition. 95 -572 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 3. Approval of Agenda On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the agenda of this meeting be approved with the addition of items 13.7 Committee of the Whole: Carleton - Sewell Street Parking Garage; 13.8 Committee of the Whole: Irving Refining Limited; 13.9 Committee of the Whole: Appointments to Committees; and further, items 12.0 Beach Crescent & Meadowbank Drainage Basin; 15.1 Friends of Rockwood Park Inc: Request to Present; 15.2 Sauerteig Letter: Sandy Point Road Planning Study be moved forward to be considered with item 4.1 Drainage Basin Follow -up, Stormwater Management Strategy; and further, items 9.2(a) Proposed By -Law subdivision Amendment; 9.2(b) Planning Advisory Committee Report re: Subdivision By -Law Amendment be repositioned on the agenda as numbers 13.10 and 13.11 respectively. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Deputy Mayor Chase voting nay. 3. Adoption de I'ordre du jour Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que I'ordre du jour de la presente seance soit adopte, moyennant I'ajout des points 13.7 Comite plenier : Garage a etages des rues Carleton et Sewell; 13.8 Comite plenier : Irving Refining Limited; 13.9 Comite plenier : Recommandations de nominations pour sieger aux comites; 1'examen simultane des points 12.0 Modernisation du reseau d'egout pluvial du bassin versant du croissant Beach et de Meadowbank; 15.1 Demande visant a se presenter devant le conseil du groupe Friends of Rockwood Park; 15.2 Lettre reque de Sauerteig : Etude de planification portant sur le chemin Sandy Point avec le point 4.1 Suivi lie au bassin versant, Strategie de gestion des eaux pluviales; le remplacement respectif des points 9.2a) Projet de modification de I'Arrete de lotissement et 9.2b) Rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme concernant une modification de I'Arrete de lotissement par les points 13.10 et 13.11 a I'ordre du jour. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est acceptee. Le maire suppleant Chase vote contre la proposition. 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 4. Divulgations de conflits d'interets 13.7 Committee of the Whole: Carleton - Sewell Street Parking Garage On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that Common Council hereby authorizes a loan to the Saint John Parking Commission to be available should construction of the Peel Parking Garage so- called proceed, in an amount not to exceed eleven million dollars ($11,000,000.00) at an interest rate and net price to be as determined by the market at the time of the City's issuing the pertinent debenture to the New Brunswick Municipal Finance Corporation; such loan to be for a term mutually agreed to by the City and Parking Commission, but not exceeding twenty five years in any event, and having loan repayments which are synchronized with the repayment scheme established by the aforesaid debenture. Deputy Mayor Chase stated that he is not in favour of the motion due to the anticipated cost of the project, noting that the Parking Commission would not have sufficient capital budget funding for other projects should the parking garage be built. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillors Higgins and Snook voting nay. 95 -573 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 13.7 Comite plenier : Garage a etages des rues Carleton et Sewell Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que le conseil communal consente, par la presente, un pret a la Commission sur le stationnement de Saint John si cette derniere procede a la construction du soi- disant garage a etages de la place Peel, dont le montant ne doit pas depasser onze millions de dollars (11 000 000 $), a un taux d'interet et a un prix net determines par le marche au moment de I'emission des debentures pertinentes de la municipalite a la Corporation de financement des municipalites du Nouveau - Brunswick; qu'un tel pret soit accorde moyennant une duree sur laquelle The City of Saint John et la Commission sur le stationnement s'entendent, mais qui ne doit, en aucun cas, exceder 25 ans, et que le remboursement du pret synchronise par le plan de remboursement soit etabli par les debentures susmentionnees. Le maire suppleant Chase declare qu'il n'est pas en faveur de la proposition en raison du cout prevu du projet. II fait la remarque que la Commission n'aurait pas de fonds suffisants au budget d'immobilisations pour d'autres projets si le garage a etages etait construit. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Le maire suppleant Chase ainsi que la conseillere Higgins et le conseiller Snook votent contre la proposition. 13.8 Committee of the Whole: Irving Refining Limited On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the City Solicitor or his designate is hereby authorized to commence and proceed with an Application to the Court of Queen's Bench of New Brunswick for a determination of rights dependent upon the interpretation of An Act Relating to Irving Refining Limited and to Confirm and Make Valid a Certain Agreement Made Between The Municipality of The City and County of Saint John, The City of Saint John, The Simonds Sewerage Board, The Simonds Highway Board, and Irving Refining Limited S.N.B 1958, c. 72, the Agreement made a part thereof, and The Municipalities Act, R.S.N.B. 1973, c. M -22 and amendments thereto. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 13.8 Comite plenier : Irving Refining Limited Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que I'avocat municipal ou son remplagant soit autorise, par la presente, a deposer une requete aupres de la Cour du Banc de la Reine du Nouveau - Brunswick concernant la determination des droits fondee sur ('interpretation d'une loi liee a Irving Refining Limited, et a confirmer et a valider un certain contrat conclu entre la municipalite de la ville et du comte de Saint John, The City of Saint John, The Simonds Sewerage Board, The Simonds Highway Board et Irving Refining Limited, conformement au chapitre 72, L.R.N. -B., 1958, lequel est incorpore aux presentes par renvoi pour en faire partie integrante, et a la Loi sur les municipalites, L.R.N. -.B. 1973, c. M -22 et modifications afferentes. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 4.1 City Manager: Drainage Basin Follow -Up, Stormwater Management Strategy (Tabled Oct 12, 2010) On motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Councillor Mott RESOLVED that items 4.1(a,b,c,d) be lifted from the table. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 95 -574 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the stormwater drainage and sanitary system improvements proposed in the drainage basin studies submitted for the 2011 Capital budget processes for the General and Water and Sewerage Utility Funds be approved. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 4.1 Directeur general : Suivi lie au bassin versant, Strategie de gestion des eaux pluviales (proposition presentee le 12 octobre 2010) Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuyee par le conseiller Mott RESOLU que les points 4.1a), b), c), d) soient soumis aux fins de discussion. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que les ameliorations proposees au drainage des eaux de ruissellement et au systeme d'egouts sanitaires dans 1'etude consacree au bassin versant soumise aux fins du processus relatif au budget d'immobilisations de 2011 dans le cadre des fonds d'administration et du reseau d'aqueduc et d'egouts soient approuvees. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 12.0 Beach Crescent & Meadowbank Drainage Basin -Storm System Improvements On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010 -338: Beach Crescent & Meadowbank Drainage Basin — Storm System Improvements, Common Council consider the following measures during the 2011 Capital budgeting process for the General Fund and the Water & Sewerage Utility Fund: 1) Design and construction of the improvements necessary at the Beach Crescent SLS to correct dry- weather bypassing, including variable speed drives for the pumps at Kennebecasis Drive SLS #2. (W &S Utility Fund Capital $615,000) 2) Design and construction of the measures to eliminate the sources of inflow into the sanitary sewers within this basin. (General Fund Capital $175,000) 3) Design and construction of the Donaldson Street bypass sewer. (W &S Utility Fund Capital $800,000) 4) Design and construction of new sanitary sewers for separation. (W &S Utility Fund Capital $800,000). Question being taken, the motion was carried. 12.0 Modernisation du reseau d'egout pluvial du bassin versant du croissant Beach et de Meadowbank Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -338 : Modernisation du reseau d'egout pluvial du bassin versant du croissant Beach et de Meadowbank, le conseil communal envisage I'application des mesures suivantes au cours du processus relatif au budget d'immobilisations dans le cadre des fonds d'administration et du reseau d'aqueduc et d'egouts : 1) la conception et la construction des ameliorations necessaires a la station de relevage des eaux usees du croissant Beach pour corriger la derivation du debit d'etiage, y compris les entrai'nements a vitesse variable des pompes de la station de relevage des eaux usees no 2 de la promenade Kennebecasis (immobilisations du fonds du reseau d'aqueduc et d'egouts de 615 000 $); 95 -575 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 2) la conception et 1'e1aboration des mesures visant a eliminer les sources d'eau de captage dans les egouts sanitaires de ce bassin (immobilisations du fonds d'administration de 175 000 $); 3) la conception et la construction d'un egout de contournement de la rue Donaldson (immobilisations du fonds du reseau d'aqueduc et d'egouts de 800 000 $); 4) la conception et la construction de nouveaux egouts sanitaires aux fins de separation (immobilisations du fonds du reseau d'aqueduc et d'egouts de 800 000 $). A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 4.1(a) City Manager: Honeysuckle Drive / Sherbrooke Street Drainage Basin Study Report On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M & C 2010 -253: Honeysuckle Drive / Sherbrooke Street Drainage Basic Study Report, Common Council endorse the following actions: 1) Understand that Owners of properties that have experienced basement back -ups will be advised to have approved backwater valves installed on the sanitary and storm sewer laterals or internal plumbing fixtures in accordance with the Canadian Plumbing Code / Building Code, and further that property owners identified as having storm drainage cross connected into the sanitary system be contacted and requested to disconnect or otherwise modify existing conditions; 2) Authorize staff to enter into negotiations with CBCL Limited for preparation of final design drawings and specifications for the upgrade of Culvert 2 (lower Honeysuckle crossing) acquisition process and coordination of the HADD (Harmful Alteration Disruption Destruction) process with appropriate regulatory authorities in preparation for channel and culvert improvements in the Manawagonish Creek system; 3) Recommended improvements in the CBCL report be considered in the 2011 and future Capital programs. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 4.1a) Directeur general : Rapport d'etude concernant le bassin versant de la promenade Honeysuckle et de la rue Sherbrooke Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -253 : Rapport d'etude concernant le bassin versant de la promenade Honeysuckle et de la rue Sherbrooke, le conseil communal approuve les actions suivantes : 1) comprendre que les proprietaires fonciers ayant subi des refoulements d'egouts au sous -sol seront avises que des clapets anti - retour approuves doivent titre installes sur les egouts sanitaires et pluviaux lateraux ou sur les appareils sanitaires internes, conformement au Code national de la plomberie et au Code du batiment, que I'on communiquera avec les proprietaires fonciers dont la traversee de 1'ecoulement des eaux pluviales est branchee au systeme d'egouts sanitaires et qu'on leur demandera de la debrancher ou de modifier les conditions actuelles; 2) autoriser le personnel a entamer des negociations avec CBCL Limited aux fins de la preparation des specifications et des dessins definitifs de conception dans le cadre du processus d'acquisition et de la coordination du processus de deterioration, de destruction ou de perturbation de I'habitat concernant la refection du ponceau 2 avec les autorites reglementaires competentes en prevision des ameliorations apportees au canal et au ponceau dans le reseau d'evacuation des eaux usees du ruisseau Manawagonish; 3) prendre en compte dans les programmes d'immobilisations futurs et de 2011 les ameliorations recommandees dans le rapport de la CBCL. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 95 -576 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 4.1(b) City manager: Milford Drainage Basin Stormwater System Improvements On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M & C 2010 -255: Milford Drainage Basic Stormwater System Improvements, Common Council: 1) Recognize that the owners of the Milford Trailer Park will be directed to immediately undertake the necessary repairs to their storm and sanitary sewer system; 2) Authorize staff to initiate the engineering design for the six storm sewer separation projects identified in Table 1.0 of the submitted report; 3) Authorize staff to negotiate with Terrain Group for engineering design services for the aforementioned storm sewer separation projects; and 4) Consider required sewer upgrade projects in the 2011 and future Capital programs General and Utility Funds. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 4.1b) Directeur general : Modernisation du reseau d'egout pluvial du bassin versant de Milford Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -255: Modernisation du reseau d'egout pluvial du bassin versant de Milford, le conseil communal: 1) reconnaisse que les proprietaires du parc de maisons mobiles de Milford seront enjoints d'entreprendre immediatement les reparations necessaires a leur systeme d'egouts sanitaires et pluviaux; 2) autorise le personnel a proceder a la conception technique des projets de separation des six egouts pluviaux determines au tableau 1.0 du rapport presente; 3) autorise le personnel a negocier avec Terrain Group relativement aux services de conception technique pour les projets de separation des egouts pluviaux susmentionnes; 4) prendre en compte les projets de modernisation des egouts requis dans les programmes d'immobilisations futurs et de 2011 des fonds d'administration et du reseau d'aqueduc et d'egouts. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 4.1(c) City Manager: Beach Crescent & Meadowbank Drainage Basin — Storm System Improvements On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M & C 2010 -338: Beach Crescent & Meadowbank Drainage Basin — Storm System Improvements, Common Council approve the following measures during the 2011 Capital budgeting process for the General Fund and the Water and Sewerage Utility Fund: 1) Design and construction of the improvements necessary at the Beach Crescent SLS to correct dry- weather bypassing, including variable speed drives for the pumps at Kennebecasis Drive SLS #2 (W & S Utility Fund Capital $510,000); 2) Design and construction of the measures to eliminate the sources of inflow into the sanitary sewers within the basin (General Fund Capital $175,000); 3) Design and construction of the Donaldson Street bypass sewer (W & S Utility Fund Capital $800,000); 4) Begin a multi -year program of design and construction of new sanitary sewers in the Beach Crescent and Meadowbank Drainage Basin (W & S Utility Fund $1,200,000). Question being taken, the motion was carried. 95 -577 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 4.1c) Directeur general : Modernisation du reseau d'egout pluvial du bassin versant du croissant Beach et de Meadowbank Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -338: Modernisation du reseau d'egout pluvial du bassin versant du croissant Beach et de Meadowbank, le conseil communal approuve les mesures suivantes au cours du processus relatif au budget d'immobilisations pour 2011 dans le cadre des fonds d'administration et du reseau d'aqueduc et d'egouts : 1) la conception et la construction des ameliorations necessaires a la station de relevage des eaux usees du croissant Beach pour corriger la derivation du debit d'etiage, y compris les entrainements a vitesse variable des pompes de la station de relevage des eaux usees n° 2 de la promenade Kennebecasis (immobilisations du fonds du reseau d'aqueduc et d'egouts de 510 000 $); 2) la conception et 1'e1aboration des mesures visant a eliminer les sources d'eau de captage dans les egouts sanitaires de ce bassin (immobilisations du fonds d'administration de 175 000 $); 3) la conception et la construction d'un egout de contournement de la rue Donaldson (immobilisations du fonds du reseau d'aqueduc et d'egouts de 800 000 $); 4) lancement d'un programme s'echelonnant sur plusieurs annees relatif a la conception et a la construction de nouveaux egouts sanitaires dans le bassin versant du croissant Beach et de Meadowbank (fonds du reseau d'aqueduc et d'egouts de 1 200000$). A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 4.1(d) City Manager: Westgate Park Drainage Basin Study Stormwater Management Measures On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M & C 2010 -254: Westgate Park Drainage Basin Study Stormwater Management Measures, Common Council: 1) Refer a copy of the submitted Westgate Park Drainage Basin Study Stormwater Management Measures report to PlanSJ for Municipal Plan consideration, including appropriate development guidelines for lands in this drainage basin — so as to foster sustainable development without undue risk of flooding; 2) Direct staff to meet with NB Department of Environment officials to share the report's findings and to explore ways of making system improvements in the most cost - effective and environmentally responsible manner possible; 3) Direct staff to arrange for field delineation of the wetland area and 30 metre buffer strip in accordance with NB Department of Environment guidelines; 4) Reiterate that all future development must comply with the Storm Drainage Design Criteria Manual adopted by Council as policy in December 2008; 5) Direct that staff meet with developers and provide the findings of the report; 6) Refer the report recommendations, including land access requirements, for future Capital program consideration. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 4.1d) Directeur general : Mesures de gestion des eaux pluviales — Etude du bassin versant du parc Westgate Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -254 : Mesures de gestion des eaux pluviales — Etude du bassin versant du parc Westgate, le conseil communal : 1) achemine une copie du rapport portant sur les Mesures de gestion des eaux pluviales — Etude du bassin versant du parc Westgate a PlanSJ aux fins d'examen du plan d'amenagement, y compris les lignes directrices pertinentes en matiere d'amenagement des biens -fonds situes dans ce bassin versant afin de favoriser le developpement durable sans risque excessif d'inondation; 2) enjoigne le personnel a rencontrer les fonctionnaires du ministere de I'Environnement du Nouveau - Brunswick afin de communiquer les resultats du rapport et 95 -578 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 de trouver des moyens d'ameliorer le reseau de la maniere la plus rentable et la plus ecologique; 3) charge le personnel de prendre les dispositions necessaires pour la delimitation des terres humides et d'une zone tampon de 30 metres, conformement aux lignes directrices du ministere de I'Environnement du Nouveau - Brunswick; 4) repete que tous les amenagements futurs doivent titre conformes au Manuel relatif aux criteres de conception des reseaux pluviaux adopte par le conseil a titre de politique en decembre 2008; 5) ordonne que le personnel rencontre les promoteurs et fournisse les resultats du rapport; 6) achemine les recommandations formulees dans le rapport, y compris les exigences en matiere d'acces a un bien- fonds, aux fins d'examen du programme d'immobilisations futur. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 9. Public Hearings 7:00 P.M. 9.1(a) Proposed Zoning ByLaw Amendment 85 Whitebone Way 9.1(b) Planning Advisory Committee Recommending Rezoning The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was completed with regard to amending Schedule "A ", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 3 hectares, located at 85 Whitebone Way, also identified as PID numbers 00287805, 55162770 and 55162762, from 14" Heavy Industrial Park to 1 -2" Heavy Industrial, to permit a metal recycling business, with no letters of support or objection being received. Consideration was also given to a report from the Planning Advisory Committee submitting a copy of Planning Staffs report considered at its October 19, 2010 meeting at which the Committee recommended the re- zoning of a parcel of land located at 85 Whitebone Way as described above with Section 39 Conditions. The Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the re- zoning with Dennis Griffin stating that the proposed recycling business could pollute nearby lands and the water table. He also expressed concerns with respect to the noise caused by the machinery and the air pollution. The Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favour of the re- zoning with John Dolan, the property owner, indicating that he was in agreement with the staff report and recommendations. Mr. Dolan noted that his business would not be causing excessive noise, further noting that there would be no pollution run -off into the water system caused by the scrap metals as the plant would not be dealing with metals containing oils. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the by -law entitled "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John" amending Schedule "A ", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 3 hectares, located at 85 Whitebone Way, also identified as PID numbers 00287805, 55162770 and 55162762, from 14" Heavy Industrial Park to 1 -2" Heavy Industrial, be read a first time. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Higgins voting nay. Read a first time by title, the by -law entitled "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John." On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the by -law entitled "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John" amending Schedule "A ", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 3 hectares, located at 85 Whitebone Way, also identified as PID numbers 00287805, 55162770 and 55162762, from 14" Heavy Industrial Park to 1 -2" Heavy Industrial, be read a second time. voting nay. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Higgins 10 95 -579 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 Read a second time by title, the by -law entitled "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John." 9. Audiences publiques a 19 h 9.1a) Projet de modification de I'Arrete de zonage visant le 85, voie Whitebone 9.1 b) Rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant le rezonage La greffiere communale indique que les avis requis ont ete publies relativement a la modification de I'annexe A, plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, en vue du rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 85, voie Whitebone, d'une superficie d'environ 3 hectares et inscrite sous les NID 00287805, 55162770 et 55162762, afin de faire passer la classification s'y rapportant de zone de parc d'industrie lourde « 1 -4 » a zone d'industrie lourde « 1 -2 » en vue de permettre 1'exploitation d'une entreprise de recyclage de la ferraille, et qu'aucune lettre d'opposition ou d'appui n'a ete reque a cet egard. Examen d'un rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme, accompagne d'un exemplaire du rapport du personnel du service d'urbanisme, etudie lors de la seance du 19 octobre 2010, pendant laquelle le Comite a recommande de proceder au rezonage de la parcelle de terrain situee au 85, voie Whitebone, telle qu'elle est decrite ci- dessus, sous reserve des conditions imposees par I'article 39. Le maire invite le public a se prononcer contre le projet de rezonage. Dennis Griffin indique que le projet d'entreprise de recyclage de la ferraille pourrait polluer les biens -fonds avoisinants et la nappe phreatique. II se dit egalement preoccupe par le bruit cause par les machines et par la pollution atmospherique. Le maire invite le public a se prononcer en faveur du projet de rezonage. John Dolan, le proprietaire, indique qu'il est d'accord avec le rapport et les recommandations du personnel. 11 mentionne que son entreprise ne produirait pas de bruit excessif et qu'il n'y aurait aucun ecoulement polluant dans le reseau d'aqueduc cause par la ferraille, car l'usine ne recycle pas les metaux contenant des huiles. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que 1'arrete intitule « Arrete modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John », modifiant a I'annexe A, plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, le zonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 85, voie Whitebone, d'une superficie d'environ 3 hectares et portant les NID 00287805, 55162770 et 55162762, pour faire passer la classification s'y rapportant de zone de parc d'industrie lourde « 1-4 » a zone d'industrie lourde « 1 -2 », fasse ('objet d'une premiere lecture. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. La conseillere Higgins vote contre la proposition. Premiere lecture par titre de 1'arrete intitule « Arrete modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John ». Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que 1'arrete intitule « Arrete modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John », modifiant a I'annexe A, plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, le zonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 85, voie Whitebone, d'une superficie d'environ 3 hectares et portant les NID 00287805, 55162770 et 55162762, pour faire passer la classification s'y rapportant de zone de parc d'industrie lourde a 1-4 » a zone d'industrie lourde « 1 -2 », fasse ('objet d'une deuxieme lecture. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. La conseillere Higgins vote contre la proposition. Deuxieme lecture par titre de 1'arrete intitule « Arrete modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John ». 11 95 -580 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 9.3(a) Proposed Zoning By -Law Amendment Respecting Fees for Community Planning and Development Services 9.3(b) Planning Advisory Committee Report respecting Application Fees The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was completed with regard to amending the Zoning By -Law by deleting the existing Section 910(3)(a) and replacing it with a new Section 910(3)(a) and adding a section entitled "Fees for Community Planning and Development Services" under Section 910(6) with no letters of support or objection being received. Consideration was also given to a report from the Planning Advisory Committee submitting a copy of Planning Staff's report considered at its October 19, 2010 meeting at which the Committee recommended that Common Council reconsider the proposed fee increases, conduct additional consultation with the development community and introduce new fees to coincide with the new Municipal Plan. The Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the amendments with no one presenting. The Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favour of the amendments with no one presenting. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the by -law entitled "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John," by deleting the existing Section 910(3)(a) and replacing it with a new Section 910(3)(a) and adding a section entitled "Fees for Community Planning and Development Services" under Section 910(6), be read a first time. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a first time by title, the by -law entitled "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John." On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the by -law entitled "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John," by deleting the existing Section 910(3)(a) and replacing it with a new Section 910(3)(a) and adding a section entitled "Fees for Community Planning and Development Services" under Section 910(6), be read a second time. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a second time by title, the by -law entitled "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John." 9.3a) Projet de modification de I'Arrete de zonage relatif au droit a payer pour les services d'urbanisme et de developpement 9.3b) Rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme concernant les frais relatifs a une demande La greffiere communale indique que les avis requis ont ete publies relativement a la modification de I'Arrete de zonage en supprimant 1'alinea 910(3)a) et en le remplagant par le nouvel alinea 910(3)a) et en ajoutant un article intitule « Droit a payer pour les services d'urbanisme et de developpement » en vertu du paragraphe 910(6), et qu'aucune lettre d'appui ou d'opposition n'a ete reque a cet egard. Examen d'un rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme, accompagne d'une copie du rapport du personnel du service d'urbanisme, etudies lors de la reunion du 19 octobre 2010, a laquelle le Comite a recommande que le conseil communal reexamine le projet d'augmentation des droits a payer, lance une consultation additionnelle aupres de la communaute de developpement et presente de nouveaux droits a payer afin qu'ils coihcident avec le nouveau plan d'amenagement. Le maire invite le public a exprimer son opposition quant aux modifications, mais personne ne prend la parole. 12 95 -581 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 Le maire invite le public a exprimer son appui quant aux modifications, mais personne ne prend la parole. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que 1'arrete intitule « Arrete modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John », par la suppression de ('alinea 910(3)a) et par le remplacement du nouvel alinea 910(3)a) et par I'ajout d'un article intitule « Droit a payer pour les services d'urbanisme et de developpement » en vertu du paragraphe 910(6), fasse ('objet d'une premiere lecture. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Premiere lecture par titre de 1'arrete intitule « Arrete modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John ». Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que 1'arrete intitule « Arrete modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John », par la suppression de ('alinea 910(3)a) et par le remplacement du nouvel alinea 910(3)a) et par I'ajout d'un article intitule « Droit a payer pour les services d'urbanisme et de developpement » en vertu du paragraphe 910(6), fasse ('objet d'une deuxieme lecture. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Deuxieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule « Arrete modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John ». 9.4 By -Law Respecting the Procedures of the Common Council of The City of Saint John The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was completed with regard to the replacement of the current by -law Respecting the Procedures of the Common Council of The City of Saint John which dates back to 2006, which provides for the regulation of the meetings of the Common Council and the conduct thereof by bylaw with no letters of support or objection being received. The Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the proposed by -law with no one presenting. The Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favour of the proposed by -law with no one presenting. On motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Councillor Mott RESOLVED that the by -law entitled "A By -Law Respecting the Procedures of the Common Council of The City of Saint John," with regard to the replacement of the current by -law Respecting the Procedures of the Common Council of The City of Saint John which dates back to 2006, which provides for the regulation of the meetings of the Common Council and the conduct thereof by bylaw, be read a first time. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a first time by title, the by -law entitled "A By -Law Respecting the Procedures of the Common Council of The City of Saint John." On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor Sullivan RESOLVED that the by -law entitled "A By -Law Respecting the Procedures of the Common Council of The City of Saint John," with regard to the replacement of the current by -law Respecting the Procedures of the Common Council of The City of Saint John which dates back to 2006, which provides for the regulation of the meetings of the Common Council and the conduct thereof by bylaw, be read a second time. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a second time by title, the by -law entitled "A By -Law Respecting the Procedures of the Common Council of The City of Saint John." 13 95 -582 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 9.4 Arrete relatif au reglement interieur du conseil communal de The City of Saint John La greffiere communale indique que les avis requis ont ete publies en ce qui a trait au remplacement de I'arrete actuel relatif au reglement interieur du conseil communal de The City of Saint John qui remonte a 2006, lequel prevoit la reglementation des seances du conseil communal et les procedures regissant lesdites seances, et qu'aucune lettre d'appui ou d'opposition n'a ete reque a cet egard. Le maire invite le public a exprimer son opposition au projet d'arrete, mais personne ne prend la parole. Le maire invite le public a se prononcer en faveur du projet d'arrete, mais personne ne prend la parole. Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuyee par le conseiller Mott RESOLU que I'arrete intitule « Arrete relatif au reglement interieur du conseil communal de The City of Saint John » concernant le remplacement de I'arrete actuel relatif au reglement interieur du conseil communal de The City of Saint John qui remonte a 2006, lequel prevoit la reglementation des seances du conseil communal et les procedures regissant lesdites seances, fasse ('objet d'une premiere lecture. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Premiere lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule « Arrete relatif au reglement interieur du conseil communal de The City of Saint John ». Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan RESOLU que I'arrete intitule « Arrete relatif au reglement interieur du conseil communal de The City of Saint John » concernant le remplacement de I'arrete actuel relatif au reglement interieur du conseil communal de The City of Saint John qui remonte a 2006, lequel prevoit la reglementation des seances du conseil communal et les procedures regissant lesdites seances, fasse ('objet d'une deuxieme lecture. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Deuxieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule « Arrete relatif au reglement interieur du conseil communal de The City of Saint John ». 4.2 Friends of Rockwood Park Inc. Letter and Petition On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that Council receive for information the letter and Petition from Friends of Rockwood Park Inc dated October 7, 2010. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 4.2 Lettre et petition reques du groupe Friends of Rockwood Park Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller Snook RESOLU que le conseil accepte a titre informatif la lettre et la petition du groupe Friends of Rockwood Park datees du 7 octobre 2010. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 14 95 -583 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 15. General Correspondence 15.1 Friends of Rockwood Park Inc: Request to Present On motion of Councillor Higgins Seconded by Deputy Mayor Chase RESOLVED that the request of the Friends of Rockwood Park Inc. to present to Council be referred to the Clerk to schedule. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors McGuire, Sullivan and Titus voting nay. 15. Correspondance generale 15.1 Demande visant a se presenter devant le conseil du groupe Friends of Rockwood Park Proposition de la conseillere Higgins Appuyee par le maire suppleant Chase RESOLU que la demande du groupe Friends of Rockwood Park visant a se presenter devant le conseil soit transmise a la greffiere communale pour qu'elle fixe une date de presentation. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Les conseillers McGuire, Sullivan et Titus votent contre la proposition. 15.2 Sauerteig Letter: Sandy Point Road Planning Study On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that Council receive for information the Sauerteig letter dated October 21, 2010 entitled The Sandy Point Road (SPR) Planning Study. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 15.2 Lettre reque de Sauerteig : Etude de planification portant sur le chemin Sandy Point Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que le conseil accepte a titre informatif la lettre de Sauerteig datee du 21 octobre 2010 et intitulee Etude de planification portant sur le chemin Sandy Point. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 4.3 AIM Metal Shredding Plant, Pier 10, Port of Saint John The City Manager stated that the proponent of the proposed metal shredding plant intends to hold a public information meeting. Responding to a query from a Councillor with respect to the possible noise and dust caused by the proposed plant, the Commissioner of Planning and Development explained that the information dealing with those issues has been included the documentation that has been submitted as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment process. Mr. Forrest explained that the City staff does have membership on the Technical Review Committee, noting that currently staff has not concluded its review of the documentation for the proposed plant, further noting that staff could bring forward its conclusions to Council if directed. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that Council receive for information the letter from American Iron & Metal LP entitled AIM Metal Shredding Plant, Pier 10, Port of Saint John, NB. voting nay. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Higgins 15 95 -584 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 On motion of Deputy Mayor Chase Seconded by Councillor Higgins RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to engage Council in staff's final recommendations with respect to the Environmental Impact Assessment process. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Titus voting nay. 4.3 Usine de dechiquetage metallique d'AIM, quai 10, port de Saint John Le directeur general declare que le promoteur du projet d'usine de dechiquetage metallique a ('intention de tenir une reunion d'information publique. Repondant a une question posee par un conseiller relativement au bruit et a la poussiere possibles causes par I'usine proposee, le commissaire au service Urbanisme et developpement explique que ('information abordant ces problemes a ete incluse dans le document soumis dans le cadre du processus d'evaluation des incidences environnementales. M. Forrest explique que le personnel de la municipalite possede des membres faisant partie du Comite de revision technique. II note qu'actuellement le personnel n'a pas terming son examen de la documentation du projet d'usine et que le personnel pourrait soumettre ses conclusions au conseil, s'il etait charge de le faire. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que le conseil accepte a titre informatif la lettre de American Iron & Metal LP intitulee Usine de dechiquetage metallique d'AIM, quai 10, port de Saint John. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. La conseillere Higgins vote contre la proposition. Proposition du maire suppleant Chase Appuyee par la conseillere Higgins RESOLU que le directeur general soit mandate pour impliquer le conseil dans les recommandations finales du personnel concernant le processus d'evaluation des incidences environnementales. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Le conseiller Titus vote contre la proposition. 4.4 Benjamin Letter Regarding Landscaping East Point Center On motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the letter from Ian Benjamin entitled East Point Center — Unfinished Business on the Northwest Boundary be referred to the City Manager. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 4.4 Lettre de M. Benjamin relative a I'amenagement paysager du centre Est Point Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que la lettre de Ian Benjamin intitulee Centre Est Point — Travaux inacheves a la limite nord -est soit transmise au directeur general. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 16 95 -585 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 4.5 Commissioner of Finance: 2011 Operating and Capital Budgets On motion of Councillor McGuire Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that as recommended by the Commissioner of Finance in the submitted report entitled 2011 Operating and Capital Budget, Common Council approve the submitted proposed 2011 Budget Preparation Calendar; and further that the Commissioner of Finance and the City Manager be directed to prepare the proposed 2011 Capital budget for Council's review at the meeting of November 8t", 2010. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 4.5 Commissaire aux finances: Budget de depense et d'immobilisations 2011 Proposition du conseiller McGuire Appuyee par le conseiller Snook RESOLU que, comme le recommande le commissaire aux finances dans le rapport soumis intitule Budget de depense et d'immobilisations 2011, le conseil communal approuve la proposition du calendrier presente relatif a la preparation du budget 2011; et que le commissaire aux finances et le directeur general soient charges de preparer la proposition du budget d'immobilisations de 2011 aux fins d'examen par le conseil lors de la seance du 8 novembre 2010. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 4.6 Saint John Transit Commission: 2010 Budget Shortfall On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that Common Council receive for information the submitted Saint John Transit Commission letter regarding Property Tax Assessment. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 4.6 Commission de transport de Saint John : Insuffisances budgetaires en 2010 Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller Snook RESOLU que le conseil communal accepte a titre informatif la lettre soumise par la Commission des transports de Saint John concernant 1'evaluation municipale de I'impot foncier. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 4.7 Saint John Transit Commission: Request to Present On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that the Saint John Transit Commission's request to present to Common Council be referred to the Clerk to schedule. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillor Sullivan voting nay. 4.7 Demande soumise par la Commission de transport de Saint John visant a se presenter devant le conseil Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller Snook RESOLU que la demande soumise par la Commission des transports de Saint John visant a se presenter devant le conseil soit transmise a la greffiere communale pour qu'elle fixe une date de presentation. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est acceptee. Le maire suppleant Chase et le conseiller Sullivan votent contre la proposition. 17 95 -586 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 4.8(a) City of Saint John Pension Board of Trustees: Filing 2009 Valuation Report The Commissioner of Finance stated that the Pension Board is seeking a response from Council with respect to whether the City will comply with the $4,968,977 amount owing by November 15, 2010. Mr. Yeomans explained that if the Pension Board of Trustees does not receive a response from Council by October 31, 2010, then as Treasurer of the Pension board he has a responsibility to advise the Superintendant of Pensions on November 15, 2010, of the City's failure to comply with the additional pension contribution obligations. The City Manager stated that a formal request has been submitted to the Superintendant of Pensions for regulatory relief, noting that he has also met with the various employee groups last week and presented a comprehensive pension reform proposal. He explained that the employee groups will be preparing a response to the proposed pension reforms and that he will be presenting Council with the final recommendations at the November 8, 2010 Council meeting. On motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that Council receive for information the letter from the Pension Board of Trustees dated October 6, 2010, entitled Filing of 2009 Valuation Report. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 4.8(b,c) Adjustment to Contributions Following the Filing of the December 2009 Actuarial Valuation Report On motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that Council receive for information the Actuarial Report from AON Consulting as at December 31, 2009. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 4.8a) Conseil d'administration du regime de retraite de The City of Saint John Depot du rapport d'evaluation de 2009 Le commissaire aux finances declare que le conseil d'administration du regime de retraite attend une reponse du conseil dans le but de savoir si la municipalite respectera ses obligations en matiere de cotisation de retraite, dont le montant s'eleve a 4 968 977 $, avant le 15 novembre 2010. M. Yeomans explique que si le conseil d'administration du regime de retraite ne regoit pas une reponse du conseil d'ici le 31 octobre 2010, it lui incombera alors, a titre de tresorier du conseil d'administration du regime de retraite, d'aviser le surintendant des pensions le 15 novembre 2010 de I'inobservation des obligations supplementaires en matiere de cotisation de retraite par la municipalite. Le directeur general mentionne qu'une demande off icielle a ete soumise au surintendant des pensions aux fins de beneficier d'un assouplissement de la reglementation et qu'il a egalement rencontre divers groupes d'employes et presente une proposition detaillee concernant la reforme de pensions. II explique que les groupes d'employes prepareront une reponse relativement au projet de reforme des pensions, et qu'il presentera au conseil les recommandations finales lors de la seance du 8 novembre 2010 du conseil. Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuyee par le conseiller Snook RESOLU que le conseil accepte a titre informatif la lettre du conseil d'administration du regime de retraite datee du 6 octobre 2010 et intitulee Depot du rapport d'evaluation de 2009. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 18 95 -587 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 4.8b), c) Ajustement des contributions a la suite du depot du rapport devaluation actuarielle de decembre 2009 Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuybe par le conseiller Snook RESOLU que le conseil accepte a titre informatif le rapport actuariel de 1'entreprise AON Consulting Inc. au 31 decembre 2009. A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptbe. 4.9 Pension Board of Trustees: Common Council Appointment to Board of Pension Trustees On motion of Councillor Snook Seconded by Councillor Sullivan RESOLVED that Council receive for information the letter from the Pension Board of Trustees entitled Common Council Appointment to Board of Pension Trustees. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Deputy Mayor Chase voting nay. 4.9 Conseil d'administration du regime de retraite : Nomination du Conseil communal au conseil d'administration du regime de retraite Proposition du conseiller Snook Appuybe par le conseiller Sullivan RESOLU que le conseil accepte a titre informatif la lettre du conseil d'administration du rbgime de retraite intitulbe Nomination du conseil communal au conseil d'administration du rbgime de retraite. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est acceptbe. Le maire supplbant Chase vote contre la proposition. 4.10 Leisure Services Advisory Board: Lord Beaverbrook Arena On motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that the submitted letter from the Leisure Services Advisory Board dated September 26, 2010 respecting the Lord Beaverbrook Arena be referred to budget deliberations. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Titus voting nay. 4.10 Conseil consultatif des services des loisirs : Arena Lord Beaverbrook Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuybe par le conseiller Snook RESOLU que la lettre du Conseil consultatif des services des loisirs datee du 26 septembre 2010 et relative a I'arbna Lord Beaverbrook soit soumise aux deliberations budgbtaires. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptbe. Le conseiller Titus vote contre la proposition. 5. Consent Agenda 5.1 That the Proposed 2011 Common Council Schedule be approved as submitted. 5.2 That the Saint John Development Corporation's request to present to the Committee of the Whole be referred to the Clerk to schedule. 5.3 That the Rothesay Kings Rotary Girls Choir request for a donation be referred to budget deliberations. 19 95 -588 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 5.4 That the CCNB Saint John Chapter submitting responses to Council inquiries be received for information. 5.5 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010- 350: Request for Grant in the Amount of Municipal Fees for Abbey St. Andrew Inc., Council provide a grant in the amount of $5,000 to Abbey St Andrew Inc., on the condition that they sign the Agreement prepared by the City Solicitor pursuant to the August 18, 2008 resolution, and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to sign said Agreement. 5.6 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010- 348: Proposed Public Hearing Date, Common Council schedule the public hearings for the rezoning applications of W. S. Reid Chedore (159 St. John Street and 234 Rodney Street) for Monday, November 22, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, and refer the applications to the Planning Advisory Committee for report and recommendation. 5.7 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010- 361: Tender for the Supply of a Floating Baffle System — Lancaster Waste Water Treatment Facility, the tender from Environetics Inc., for the supply and delivery of three (3) custom fabricated floating bio- separator baffles for the Lancaster Waste Water Treatment Facility, at a cost of $41,950.00 plus HST be accepted. 5.8 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010- 362: Tender for Closed Circuit Video Inspection Units, the tender submitted by Saunders Equipment Ltd, for the supply and installation of a Closed Circuit Video Inspection Unit, in an existing Saint John Water vehicle, in the amount of $83,790.00 plus tax and the supply of the same equipment installed in a single axle trailer for use by Saint John Works, in the amount of $93,845.00 plus tax, be accepted. 5.9 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010- 353: Tenders for Rental Loaders, the bid from Wallace Equipment in the amount of $9,350.00 per unit per month, with no guaranteed minimum term, for the rental of two front end loaders with front plow and wing and the bid submitted by ALPA Equipment Ltd, for the supply of 2 standard front end loaders at a cost of $4,500.00 per unit per month with a guaranteed term of 6 months, be accepted and further that staff be authorized to extend these agreements at no additional cost and with the same terms and conditions, for a period equal to one additional year should it be determined to be in the City's best interests to do so. 5.10 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010- 351: Tender for Rubber Tire Excavator, the tender submitted by Strongco Equipment, in the amount of $163,696.00 plus tax, for the supply of a 2011 Volvo EW 160C wheel mounted excavator be accepted. 5.11 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010- 352: Proposal for Snow Plowing, the proposal of Galbraith Construction Ltd., for the establishment of a supply agreement for plowing services in the routes of South Bay and Morna, at the quoted hourly rates, and for a period of one year from the date of award by Council, with an option at the City's discretion to extend for a second year, at the same hourly rates, be accepted. 5.12 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010- 346: Intermediate and Return Mountain Biking Trails — Shamrock Park, Tender number 2010- 081207T: Intermediate and Return Mountain Biking Trails — Shamrock Park be awarded to the low bidder, Stream Environmental Corp., at the tendered price of $58,500.00, plus tax. 5.13 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report MC 2010- 360: Engagement of Engineering Consultant — Lorneville Road Storm Drainage Crossing at Mill Creek, and notwithstanding the City's Procurement Policy for engagement of professional services, Common Council authorize staff to conduct negotiations for the engagement of Genivar Consultants Limited Partnership for the design and construction management services required for the Lorneville Road Storm Drainage Crossing at Mill Creek. 20 95 -589 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 5.14 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010- 350: Engagement of Engineering Consultant — One Mile Lift Station Sanitary Forcemain Renewal, and notwithstanding the City's Procurement Policy for engagement of professional services, Common Council authorize staff to conduct negotiations for the engagement of Crandall Engineering Limited for design and construction management services for the One Mile Lift Station Sanitary Forcemain Renewal project. 5.15 That Common Council receive for information the submitted report M &C 2010- 359: Contract No. 2009 -24 — Beaverbrook Avenue Watermain Installation and Street Reconstruction. 5.16 Refer to item 14.1. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor Sullivan RESOLVED that the recommendation set out for each consent agenda item respectively with the exception of item 5.16 Purchase and Sale Agreement for 90 -102 Mecklenburg Street, which has been identified for debate, be adopted. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 5. Questions soumises a I'approbation du conseil 5.1 Que le calendrier des seances du conseil communal propose pour 2011 soit approuve tel qu'il est presente. 5.2 Que la demande soumise par Saint John Development Corporation visant a faire une presentation devant le comite plenier soit transmise a la greffiere pour qu'elle fixe une date de presentation. 5.3 Que la demande de dons adressee par la chorale Rothesay -Kings Rotary Girls Choir soit soumise aux deliberations budgetaires. 5.4 Que les reponses du Conseil de la conservation du Nouveau - Brunswick, section de Saint John, suite aux demandes formulees par le conseil soient acceptees a titre informatif. 5.5 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -350: Demande visant I'obtention dune subvention au montant des droits municipaux pour Abbey St Andrew Inc., le conseil accorde une subvention de 5 000 $ a Abbey St Andrew Inc. a condition que soit signe I'accord prepare par I'avocat municipal en vertu de la resolution du 18 aout 2008; et que le maire et la greffiere communale soient autorises a signer ledit accord. 5.6 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -348: Date proposee pour la tenue dune audience publique, le conseil communal fixe la date de I'audience publique relativement aux demandes de rezonage presentees par W. S. Reid Chedore (159, rue St. John et 234, rue Rodney), au lundi 22 novembre 2010 a 19 h dans la salle du conseil, et qu'il transmette les demandes au Comite consultatif d'urbanisme aux fins de rapport et de recommandation. 5.7 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -361 : Soumission relative a la fourniture dune chicane flottante — Installation de traitement des eaux us6es de Lancaster, la soumission presentee par Environetics Inc. pour la fourniture et la livraison de trois (3) chicanes flottantes fabriquees sur mesure dotees d'un separateur biologique pour la somme de 41 950 $, TVH en sus, soit acceptee. 5.8 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -362: Soumission relative a des unites d'inspection par camera video en circuit ferme, la soumission presentee par Saunders Equipment Ltd. pour la fourniture et ('installation d'une unite d'inspection par camera video en circuit ferme dans le vehicule actuel de Saint John Water pour la somme de 83 790 $, taxes en sus, et pour la fourniture du meme materiel installe dans une remorque a essieu simple a ('usage du service des travaux publics de Saint John pour la somme de 93 845 $, taxes en sus, soit acceptee. 21 95 -590 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 5.9 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -353: Soumissions relatives a des chargeurs loues, la soumission presentee par Wallace Equipment pour la location de deux chargeurs frontaux equipes de chasse -neige avant et d'ailerons, sans garantie de duree minimale, au montant de 9 350 $ chacun par mois, et la soumission soumise par ALPA Equipment Ltd. pour la fourniture de deux chargeurs frontaux ordinaires, au cout de 4 500 $ chacun par mois, avec une garantie de 6 mois, soient acceptees, et que le personnel soit autorise a prolonger ces contrats, sans frais supplementaires, et aux memes conditions, pour une periode equivalant a une annee additionnelle si I'on determine qu'il est dans I'interet superieur de la municipalite de le faire. 5.10 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -351 : Soumission relative a une excavatrice montee sur pneus, la soumission presentee par Strongco Equipment, au montant de 163 696 $, taxes en sus, pour la fourniture d'une excavatrice montee sur pneus Volvo EW 160C 2011, soit acceptee. 5.11 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -352 : Proposition relative au deneigement, la proposition de Galbraith Construction Ltd., ayant trait a 1'etablissement d'un contrat de fourniture d'une duree de un an, a compter de la date d'attribution du contrat par le conseil, pour des services de deneigement dans les zones de South Bay et Morna, au taux horaire propose, avec option de prolongation de deux ans a la discretion de la Ville, au meme taux horaire, soit acceptee. 5.12 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -346 : Pistes de ve /os tout- terrain de niveau intermediaire et pistes de retour au parc Shamrock, le contrat lie a la soumission no 2010- 081207T : Pistes de velos tout - terrain de niveau intermediaire et pistes de retour au parc Shamrock, soit accorde au soumissionnaire moins - disant, Stream Environmental Corp., au prix offert de 58 500 $, taxes en sus. 5.13 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -360: Embauche d'un ingenieur- conseil relativement a 1'ecoulement des eaux pluviales du chemin Lorneville au ruisseau Mill, le conseil communal, nonobstant la politique d'approvisionnement de la Ville relativement au recours a des services professionnels, autorise le personnel a entreprendre des negociations avec Genivar Consultants Limited Partnership pour fournir les services de gestion de la conception et de la construction necessaires a 1'ecoulement des eaux pluviales du chemin Lorneville au ruisseau Mill. 5.14 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -350: Embauche d'un ingenieur- conseil relativement au renouvellement de la conduite de refoulement d'un mille, le conseil communal, nonobstant la politique d'approvisionnement de la Ville relativement au recours a des services professionnels, autorise le personnel a entreprendre des negociations avec Crandall Engineering Limited pour fournir des services de gestion de la conception et de la construction ayant trait au projet de renouvellement de la conduite de refoulement d'un mille. 5.15 Que le conseil communal accepte a titre informatif le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -359 : Contrat no 2009 -24 — Installation dune nouvelle conduite d'eau principale et travaux de refection dans Favenue Beaverbrook. 5.16 Voir le point 14.1. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan RESOLU que la recommandation formulee pour chacune des questions soumises a I'approbation du conseil, a 1'exclusion du point 5.16, Convention d'achat -vente visant la propriete situee aux 90 -102, rue Mecklenburg, qui a ete selectionne aux fins de deliberation, soit adoptee. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 22 95 -591 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 6. Members Comments 6. Commentaires presentes par les membres 7. Proclamation 7.1 Diabetes Awareness Month November 2010 & World Diabetes Day November 14th, 2010 The Mayor proclaimed November 2010 as Diabetes Awareness Month and the 14th Day of November, 2010 as World Diabetes Day in the City of Saint John. 7. Proclamation 7.1 Mois de sensibilisation au diabete — novembre 2010 et Journee mondiale du diabete le 14 novembre 2010 Le maire proclame novembre 2010 comme Mois de sensibilisation au diabete et le 14 novembre 2010 comme Journee mondiale du diabete dans The City of Saint John. 8. Delegations /Presentations 8.1 Saint John River Society Referring to a submitted presentation, Dr. Cynthia Stacey, representing the Saint John River Society, updated Council with respect to the Saint John River being designated as a Canadian Heritage River. She advised that the Saint John River Society is currently soliciting input from communities and Councils through a series of public meetings. She explained that the next steps will be to gather background research for the designation document; develop a draft heritage strategy to be circulated to communities and stakeholders for review and comment; and to submit the application for designation to the Canadian Heritage Rivers Board in the Fall of 2011. 8. Delegations et presentations 8.1 The Saint John River Society Faisant reference a une presentation anterieure, la Dre Cynthia Stacey, representante de The Saint John River Society, informe le conseil de la designation de la riviere Saint -Jean en tant que riviere du patrimoine canadien. Elle souligne que The Saint John River Society est en train de solliciter la participation des collectivites et des conseils grace a plusieurs seances publiques. Elle explique que les prochaines etapes consisteront d'abord a recueillir les donnees de base pour le document de designation; a elaborer ensuite une strategie du patrimoine provisoire et a la distribuer aux collectivites et aux intervenants aux fins d'examen et de commentaires; et enfin a presenter la demande de designation a la Commission des rivieres du patrimoine canadien a I'automne 2011. 10. Consideration of By -laws 10.1 Third Reading Street Closing — Fort Dufferin Road On motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the by -law entitled "By -Law Number M -23, A By -Law to Amend a By -Law Respecting the Stopping Up and Closing of Highways in The City of Saint John" with regard to Fort Dufferin Road, be read. Question being taken, the motion was carried. The by -law entitled "By -Law Number M -23, A By -Law to Amend a By -Law Respecting the Stopping Up and Closing of Highways in The City of Saint John" was read in its entirety. On motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the by -law entitled "By -Law Number M -23, A By -Law to Amend a By -Law Respecting the Stopping Up and Closing of Highways in The City of Saint John" with regard to Fort Dufferin Road, be read a third time, enacted and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a third time by title the by -law entitled "By -Law Number M -23, A By -Law to Amend a By -Law Respecting the Stopping Up and Closing of Highways in The City of Saint John." 23 95 -592 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 10. Etude des arretes municipaux 10.1 Troisieme lecture de I'Arrete concernant le chemin Fort Dufferin Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que 1'arrete intitule « Arrete no M -23, Arrete modifiant I'Arrete sur ('interruption de la circulation et la fermeture des routes dans The City of Saint John » relativement au chemin Fort Dufferin, fasse ('objet d'une lecture. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. L'arrete intitule « Arrete no M -23, Arrete modifiant I'Arrete sur ('interruption de la circulation et la fermeture des routes dans The City of Saint John » est lu integralement. Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que 1'arrete intitule « Arrete no M -23, Arrete modifiant I'Arrete sur ('interruption de la circulation et la fermeture des routes dans The City of Saint John » relativement au chemin Fort Dufferin, fasse ('objet d'une troisieme lecture, qu'il soit edicte et que le sceau communal y soit appose. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Troisieme lecture par titre de 1'arrete intitule « Arrete no M -23, Arrete modifiant I'Arrete sur ('interruption de la circulation et la fermeture des routes dans The City of Saint John ». 10.2(a)Third Reading Zoning By -Law Amendment 582 -584 Green Head Road 10.2(b)Section 39 Conditions On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor Mott RESOLVED that the by -law entitled "By -Law Number C.P. 110 -159, A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John," amending Schedule "A ", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 1300 square metres, located at 582 -584 Green Head Road, also identified as PID numbers 00406983 and 00406868, from "R -2" One and Two Family Residential to "R -4" Four Family Residential, be read. Question being taken, the motion was carried. The by -law entitled "By -Law Number C.P. 110 -159 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John," was read in its entirety. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that, pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the development and use of a parcel of land with an area of approximately 1,300 square meters, located at 582 -584 Green Head Road, also identified as PID Numbers 00406983 and 00406868, be subject to the following conditions: (a) That the two lots be consolidated prior to issuance of a building permit for the third dwelling unit; (b) That all development be in accordance with the City of Saint John Zoning and Building By -Laws; (c) That the use of the property be limited to a maximum of three dwelling units; and (d) That the number of bedrooms in the new dwelling unit be limited to a maximum of one. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 24 95 -593 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the by -law entitled "By -Law Number C.P. 110 -159, A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John," amending Schedule "A ", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 1300 square metres, located at 582 -584 Green Head Road, also identified as PID numbers 00406983 and 00406868, from "R -2" One and Two Family Residential to "R -4" Four Family Residential, be read a third time, enacted and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a third time by title, the by -law entitled "By -Law Number C.P. 110 -159, A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John." 10.2a) Troisieme lecture de I'Arrete de zonage visant les 582 -584, chemin Green Head 10.2b) Conditions imposees par I'article 39 Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller Mott RESOLU que 1'arrete intitule a Arrete no C.P. 110- 159 modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John », modifiant I'annexe « A », plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, en procedant au rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee aux 582 -584, chemin Green Head, d'une superficie approximative de 1 300 metres carres, inscrite sous les NID 00406983 et 00406868, pour la faire passer de zone residentielle — habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales « R -2 » a zone residentielle — habitations de quatre logements « R -4 », fasse ('objet d'une lecture. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. L'arrete intitule « Arrete no C.P. 110 -159 modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John » est lu integralement. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU qu'en vertu de I'article 39 de la Loi sur 1'urbanisme, I'amenagement et ('utilisation d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ de 1 300 metres carres situee aux 582 -584, chemin Green Head et portant les NID 00406983 et 00406868, soient assujettis aux conditions suivantes : a) que les deux lots soient reunis avant qu'un permis de construction pour le troisieme logement ne soit delivre; b) que tous les amenagements soient conformes a I'Arrete sur les batiments et a I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John. c) que ('usage de la propriete soit limite a un nombre maximal de trois logements; d) qu'il n'y ait pas plus d'une chambre a coucher dans le nouveau logement. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que 1'arrete intitule « Arrete no C.P. 110- 159 modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John », modifiant I'annexe « A », plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, en procedant au rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee aux 582 -584, chemin Green Head, d'une superficie approximative de 1 300 metres carres, inscrite sous les NID 00406983 et 00406868, pour la faire passer de zone residentielle — habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales « R -2 » a zone residentielle — habitations de quatre logements « R -4 », fasse ('objet d'une troisieme lecture, que ledit arrete soit edicte et que le sceau communal y soit appose. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Troisieme lecture par titre de 1'arrete intitule « Arrete no C.P. 110 -159 modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John ». 25 95 -594 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 10.3(a)Third Reading Zoning By -Law Amendment 180 -182 Millidge Avenue 10.3(b)Section 39 Conditions On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the by -law entitled "By -Law Number C.P. 110 -160, A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John," amending Schedule "A ", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 530 square metres, located at 180 -182 Millidge Avenue, also identified as PID number 00042457, from "R -2" One and Two Family Residential to "R -4" Four Family Residential, be read. Question being taken, the motion was carried. The by -law entitled "By -Law Number C.P. 110 -160 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John," was read in its entirety. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that, pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the proposed rezoning of a parcel of land with an area of approximately 530 square metres, located at 180 -182 Millidge Avenue, also identified as being PID Number 00042457, be subject to the following conditions: (a) That the building be inspected by the Building Inspector to ensure all building code issues are satisfied; and (b) That the use of the building be limited to a maximum of three dwelling units. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that the by -law entitled "By -Law Number C.P. 110 -160, A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John," amending Schedule "A ", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 530 square metres, located at 180 -182 Millidge Avenue, also identified as PID number 00042457, from "R -2" One and Two Family Residential to "R -4" Four Family Residential, be read a third time, enacted and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a third time by title, the by -law entitled "By -Law Number C.P. 110 -160 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John." 26 95 -595 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 10.3a) Troisieme lecture de la modification de I'Arrete sur le zonage visant les 180 -182, avenue Millidge 10.3b) Conditions imposees par I'article 39 Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que 1'arrete intitule « Arrete no C.P. 110- 160 modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John », modifiant I'annexe « A », plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, en procedant au rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee aux 180 -182, avenue Millidge, d'une superficie approximative de 530 metres carres, inscrite sous le NID 00042457, pour la faire passer de zone residentielle — habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales « R -2 » a zone residentielle — habitations de quatre logements « R -4 », fasse ('objet d'une lecture. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. L'arrete intitule « Arrete no C.P. 110 -160 modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John » est lu integralement. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU qu'en vertu des conditions prevues a I'article 39 de la Loi sur I'urbanisme, le projet de rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 530 metres carres, situee aux 180 -182, avenue Millidge et portant le NID 00042457, soit assujetti aux conditions suivantes : a) que le batiment soit inspecte par I'inspecteur des batiments afin de s'assurer que toutes les questions relatives au code du batiment sont reglees; b) que ('usage du batiment soit limite a un nombre maximal de trois logements. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller Snook RESOLU que 1'arrete intitule « Arrete no C.P. 110- 160 modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John », modifiant I'annexe « A », plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, en procedant au rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee aux 180 -182, avenue Millidge, d'une superficie approximative de 530 metres carres, inscrite sous le NID 00042457, pour la faire passer de zone residentielle — habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales « R -2 » a zone residentielle — habitations de quatre logements « R -4 », fasse ('objet d'une troisieme lecture, que ledit arrete soit edicte et que le sceau communal y soit appose. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Troisieme lecture par titre de 1'arrete intitule « Arrete no C.P. 110 -160 modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John ». 27 95 -596 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 12. Business Matters - Municipal Officers 12.1 Development Status Update On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that Common Council receive for information the submitted report M &C 2010 -356: Development Status Update — Various Locations. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 12. Affaires municipales evoquees par les fonctionnaires municipaux 12.1 Mise a jour relative a I'amenagement Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire Resolu que le conseil communal accepte a titre informatif le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -356: Mise a jour relative a I'amenagement — Divers emplacements. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 12.3 Pesiticide Use in City Parks 2010 On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the submitted report M &C 2010: Use of Pesticides on City Property be received for information. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 12.3 Utilisation de pesticides dans les pares municipaux en 2010 Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010: Utilisation des pesticides sur les proprietes municipales soit accepte a titre informatif. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 12.4 Loch Lomond Watershed Clean Up Day November 10, 2010 On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that Common Council receive for information the submitted report M &C 2010 -354: Loch Lomond Watershed Clean -Up Day — November 10th, 2010. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 12.4 Journee de nettoyage du bassin versant Loch Lomond le 10 novembre 2010 Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que le conseil communal accepte a titre informatif le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -354 : Journee de nettoyage du bassin versant Loch Lomond le 10 novembre 2010. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 28 95 -597 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 12.5 Motorized Boating Loch Lomond Watershed On motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010 -355: Motorized Boating — Loch Lomond Watershed, Common Council authorize the Mayor to send a letter to the Minister of Environment expressing Council's concerns with the current boat motor exemptions within the Loch Lomond Watershed, and to state its opposition to the extension of any exemptions beyond the November 1 st, 2011 deadline, and further to urge the Minister to restrict any motorized boating within the Loch Lomond Watershed; choosing drinking water protection over recreation. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 12.5 Navigation motorisee — Bassin versant Loch Lomond Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -355: Navigation motorisee — Bassin versant Loch Lomond, le conseil communal autorise le maire a faire parvenir au ministre de I'Environnement une lettre dans laquelle it fait part des preoccupations du conseil quant aux derogations en vigueur concernant les bateaux a moteur sur le bassin versant Loch Lomond et montre son opposition relativement a la prolongation des derogations au -dela du 1 er novembre 2011. II est en outre resolu que le maire demande expressement au ministre de restreindre la navigation motorisee sur le bassin versant Loch Lomond, et ce, afin de privilegier la protection de 1'eau potable a I'aspect recreatif. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 13. Committee Reports 13.1 Saint John Board of Police Commissioners: Police Force 2010 Operating Budget August YTD Financial Results On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that Common Council receive for information the submitted report from the Saint John Board of Police Commissioners entitled Saint John Police Force 2010 Operating Budget August YTD Financial Results. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 13. Rapports deposes par les comites 13.1 Bureau des commissaires de la police de Saint John : Budget de fonctionnement de 2010 du Service de police — Bilan financier jusqu'au mois d'aout Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que le conseil communal accepte a titre informatif le rapport presente par le Bureau des commissaires du Service de police de Saint John intitule Budget de fonctionnement de 2010 du Service de police — Bilan financier jusqu'au mois d'aout. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 13.3 Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission: Submission of Proposed 2011 Operating Budget On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that Common Council receive for information the submitted documents from the Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission entitled Submission of Proposed Operating Budget for the Year 2011. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 13.3 Commission de gestion de dechets solides de la region de Fundy: 29 95 -598 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 Soumission du budget d'exploitation propose pour 2011 Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que le conseil communal accepte a titre informatif la documentation presentee par la Commission de gestion de dechets solides de la region de Fundy intitulee Soumission du budget d'exploitation propose pour 2011. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 13.4 Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission: Notice of Intention on a Borrowing Resolution On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that Common Council receive for information the submitted document from the Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission entitled Notice of Intention to Vote on a Borrowing Resolution. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 13.4 Commission de gestion de dechets solides de la region de Fundy: Avis indiquant ('intention d'emprunt par voie de resolution Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que le conseil communal accepte a titre informatif la documentation presentee par la Commission de gestion de dechets solides de la region de Fundy intitulee Avis indiquant 1'intention d'emprunt par voie de resolution. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 13.6 Uptown Saint John: Paramount Theatre King's Square On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that Council receive for information the letter from Uptown Saint John dated October 21, 2010, entitled Creative Strategy. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 13.6 Uptown Saint John : Theatre Paramount de King's Square Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que le conseil accepte a titre informatif la lettre de Uptown Saint John datee du 21 octobre 2010 et intitulee Strategie creative. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 12.2 Revitalization of the North End Community Centre (NECC) Trevor Gamblin, Building Maintenance Manager, provided an overview of the process that has taken place with respect to the revitalization plans for the North End Community Centre. Referring to a submitted report and presentation, Brian White and Jean Philippe Foisy of ADI Limited, updated Council with respect to the proposed revitalization of the North End Community Centre. On motion of Councillor Court Seconded by Councillor Titus RESOLVED that the City Manager's recommendation to engage ADI Limited in the amount of $136,337.20 plus HST to complete the detailed design of Phase 1 for the North End Community Centre, be referred to budget deliberations. Question being taken, the motion was defeated with the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor and Councillors Higgins, McGuire, Mott, Sullivan and Snook voting nay. 30 95 -599 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 On motion of Councillor McGuire Seconded by Councillor Mott RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010 -357. Revitalization of the North End Community Centre (NECC), Common Council: 1) adopt the Stantec Consulting and ADI Limited Studies and refer the North End Community Centre Revitalization project to the capital budget process for consideration of this four phased approach; and 2) engage ADI Limited in the amount of $136,337.20 plus HST to complete the detailed design of Phase 1 of this project with the objective of commencing Phase 1 of the construction in May of 2011. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Court voting nay. 12.2 Revitalisation du centre communautaire du quartier nord Trevor Gamblin, directeur de 1'entretien des immeubles, donne un aperqu du processus mis en place dans le cadre des projets de revitalisation du centre communautaire du quartier nord. Faisant reference a une presentation et a un rapport soumis, Brian White et Jean Philippe Foisy de la societe ADI Limited informent le conseil relativement a la revitalisation proposee du centre communautaire du quartier nord. Proposition du conseiller Court Appuyee par le conseiller Titus RESOLU que la recommandation du directeur general visant a recourir aux services de ADI Limited pour la somme de 136 337,20 $, TVH en sus, pour terminer la conception detaillee de la phase 1 de la revitalisation du centre communautaire du quartier nord, soit soumise aux deliberations budgetaires. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est rejetee. Le maire, le maire suppleant, la conseillere Higgins et les conseillers McGuire, Mott, Sullivan et Snook votent contre la proposition. Proposition du conseiller McGuire Appuyee par le conseiller Mott RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -357: Revitalisation du centre communautaire du quartiernord, le conseil communal : 1) adopte les etudes effectuees par les societes Stantec Consulting et ADI Limited et transmette le projet de revitalisation du centre communautaire au processus relatif au budget d'immobilisations aux fins d'examen de cette demarche en quatre phases; 2) fasse appel a la societe ADI Limited pour la somme de 136 337,20 $, TVH en sus, afin de terminer la conception detaillee de la phase 1 de ce projet, avec l'objectif de commencer la phase 1 de la construction au mois de mai 2011. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Le conseiller Court vote contre la proposition. 13.9 Committee of the Whole: Recommended Appointments to Committees. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor Sullivan RESOLVED that as recommended by the Committee of the Whole, Council make the following appointments to Committees: Citizen's Advisory Committee for Municipal Plan: to appoint Councillor Higgins from October 25, 2010 until the end of her term on Council. Saint John Energy: to appoint Councillor Court from October 25, 2010 until the end of his term on Council. Saint John Parking Commission: to appoint Don Smith for a three year term from October 25, 2010 to October 25, 2013. 31 95 -600 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 Saint John Transit Commission: to appoint Don Smith for a three year term from October 25, 2010 to October 25, 2013. Planning Advisory Committee: to appoint Michael Whelton, replacing Councillor Killen, from October 25, 2010 until January 1, 2011; to re- appoint Gerald Lowe for a three year term from January 1, 2011 until January 1, 2014; to appoint Carolyn Van der Veen for a three year term from January 1, 2011 until January 1, 2014. Revenue Generating Committee: to appoint Councillor Higgins from October 25, 2010 until the end of her term on Council. Rockwood Park Advisory Board: to appoint Councillor Farren from October 25, 2010 until the end of his term on Council. Trade and Convention Centre Oversight Committee: recommend that no change be made and that Mr. Yeomans will continue to serve. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillor Higgins voting nay. 13.9 Comite plenier : Recommandations denominations pour sieger aux comites Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan RESOLU que, comme le recommande le comite plenier, le conseil approuve les nominations suivantes : Comite consultatif de citoyens sur le plan municipal : La nomination de la conseillere Higgins, a compter du 25 octobre 2010 jusqu'a la fin de son mandat au sein du conseil. Saint John Energy : La nomination du conseiller Court, a compter du 25 octobre 2010 jusqu'a la fin de son mandat au sein du conseil. Commission sur le stationnement de Saint John : La nomination de Don Smith pour un mandat de trois ans allant du 25 octobre 2010 au 25 octobre 2013. Commission des transports de Saint John : La nomination de Don Smith pour un mandat de trois ans allant du 25 octobre 2010 au 25 octobre 2013. Comite consultatif d'urbanisme : La nomination de Michael Whelton, en remplacement du conseiller Killen, du 25 octobre 2010 au 1 er janvier 2011; le renouvellement de la nomination de Gerald Lowe pour un mandat de trois ans allant du 1 er janvier 2011 au 1,r janvier 2014; la nomination de Carolyn Van der Veen pour un mandat de trois ans allant du 1 er janvier 2011 au 1 er janvier 2014. Comite pour la production de recettes : La nomination de la conseillere Higgins, a compter du 25 octobre 2010 jusqu'a la fin de son mandat au sein du conseil. Conseil consultatif du parc Rockwood : La nomination du conseiller Farren, a compter du 25 octobre 2010 jusqu'a la fin de son mandat au sein du conseil. Comite de surveillance du centre des congres : Recommandation visant a n'effectuer aucun changement et a laisser sieger M. Yeomans. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est acceptee. Le maire suppleant Chase et la conseillere Higgins votent contre la proposition. 32 95 -601 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 13.5 Saint John 225: Amended Form of Public Art Contract On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that as recommended by the Saint John 225 Committee, Common Council approve the submitted amended form of Public Art Contract (including Attachments A and B) and authorize the Mayor and Common Clerk to execute same on behalf of the City. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 13.5 Comit6 de Saint John 225: Formulaire modifie lie aux contrats d'art civique Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller Snook RESOLU que, comme le recommande le Comit6 de Saint John 225, le conseil communal approuve la version modifiee du contrat d'art civique qui est presentee (y compris les annexes A et B) et autorise le maire et la greffiere communale a signer ledit formulaire au nom de la Ville. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 13.2 Uptown Saint John: Capital Budget and Street Work Priorities On motion of Deputy Mayor Chase Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that the Uptown Saint John submission entitled Capital Budget and Street Work Priorities be referred to budget deliberations. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Higgins voting nay. 13.2 Uptown Saint John : Budget d'immobilisation et priorit6s des travaux routiers Proposition du maire suppleant Chase Appuyee par le conseiller Snook RESOLU que la proposition presentee par Uptown Saint John intitulee Budget d'immobilisation et priorit6s des travaux routiers soit soumise aux deliberations budgetaires. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. La conseillere Higgins vote contre la proposition. (Councillor Titus withdrew from the meeting) 11. Submissions by Council Members 11.1(a,b) Traffic Roundabouts (Deputy Mayor Chase) The Deputy Mayor stated that he would like to withdraw the first recommendation appearing on his submitted letter respecting traffic roundabouts. On motion of Deputy Mayor Chase Seconded by Councillor Higgins RESOLVED that the submission from Deputy Mayor Chase dated October 21, 2010 and entitled Traffic Roundabouts, be: 1) referred to the City Manager to identify an immediate opportunity for a traffic roundabout; 2) referred to the Capital Budget for possible funding of the identified opportunity. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors Court and McGuire voting nay. 33 95 -602 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 (Le conseiller Titus quitte la seance.) 11. Interventions des membres du conseil 11.1a,b) Ronds - points de circulation (maire suppl6ant Chase) Le maire suppl6ant indique qu'il souhaiterait retirer la premiere recommandation de la lettre qu'il a presentee relativement aux ronds - points de circulation. Proposition du maire suppl6ant Chase Appuyee par la conseillere Higgins RESOLU que la presentation du maire suppl6ant Chase du 21 octobre 2010 intitulee Ronds - points de circulation, soit : 1) transmise au directeur general pour que celui -ci puisse deceler immediatement une occasion d'installer un rond -point de circulation; 2) discutee lors des deliberations du budget d'immobilisations en vue d'un eventuel financement. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Les conseillers Court et McGuire votent contre la proposition. 11.2 Ward Meetings (Councillor Higgins) On motion of Councillor Higgins Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that Council have Ward Meetings scheduled, publicly advertised, and held by the end of November 2010. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors Court and McGuire voting nay. 11.2 R6unions de quartier (conseillere Higgins) Proposition de la conseillere Higgins Appuyee par le conseiller Snook RESOLU que le conseil prevoit la tenue de reunions de quartier, qu'il en informe le public et qu'il les organise d'ici la fin du mois de novembre 2010. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Les conseillers Court et McGuire votent contre la proposition. 11.3 Appointment to Committees (Councillor Higgins) On motion of Councillor Higgins Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that Council receive for information the submitted request from Councillor Higgins entitled Appointment to Committees. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor McGuire voting nay. 11.3 Nomination pour si6ger aux comit6s (conseillere Higgins) Proposition de la conseillere Higgins Appuyee par le conseiller Snook RESOLU que le conseil accepte a titre informatif la demande presentee par la conseillere Higgins intitulee Nomination pour siegeraux comites. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Le conseiller McGuire vote contre la proposition. 34 95 -603 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 11.4 Council's Priorities (Councillor Higgins) On motion of Councillor Higgins Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that the Priorities for this Council's remaining time in office be clearly communicated to the newly - elected Provincial Government as soon as possible. Question being taken, the motion was carried. (Councillor Court withdrew from the meeting) 11.4 Priorites du conseil (conseillere Higgins) Proposition de la conseillere Higgins Appuyee par le conseiller Snook RESOLU que les priorites du conseil, a savoir le temps qui lui reste a sieger, soient clairement communiquees au gouvernement provincial nouvellement elu des que possible. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. (Le conseiller Court quitte la reunion.) 11.5 Community Centre Free Drop -in Program Services and Lease Agreements (Councillor Snook) On motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Councillor Higgins RESOLVED that the meeting time be extended beyond 10:00 p.m. as provided for in the Procedural By -law to deal with items 11.5 to 11.9 inclusive. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor Snook Seconded by Councillor Mott RESOLVED that The City of Saint John will include in all future contracts with organizations requesting to operate a City of Saint John Community Centre the expectation and obligation to provide a free drop -in service to the children, youth, and families of our community; And Further that the letter from Councillor Snook regarding Community Centre free drop -in programs be referred to the City Manager to consider part two of the motion. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 11.5 Services de halte - garderie gratuits et contrats de location du centre communautaire (conseiller Snook) Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuyee par la conseillere Higgins RESOLU que la reunion se prolonge au -dela de 22 h, conformement aux dispositions de 1'arrete procedural, afin de traiter des points 11.5 a 11.9 inclusivement. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Proposition du conseiller Snook Appuyee par le conseiller Mott RESOLU que The City of Saint John precise, dans tous les futurs contrats avec les organismes qui demandent a exploiter un centre communautaire de The City of Saint John, I'attente et ('obligation de fournir un service de halte - garderie gratuit aux enfants, aux jeunes et aux families de notre collectivite. II est en outre resolu que la lettre du conseiller Snook, concernant les services de halte- garderie gratuits, soit transmise au directeur general pour que celui -ci puisse examiner la deuxieme partie de la motion. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 35 95 -604 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 11.6 Implementation of Vacant and Derelict Buildings Strategy (Councillor Snook) On motion of Councillor Snook Seconded by Councillor Higgins RESOLVED that the City Manager present a report to Council on the level of funding that will be required to adequately resource the City's effort to address the issue of vacant / boarded up structures in our municipality, with the report to be submitted prior to the approval of the 2011 budget. Question being taken, the motion was carried. (Councillor Higgins withdrew from the meeting) 11.6 Mise en oeuvre d'une strategie relative aux batiments vacants et abandonnes (conseiller Snook) Proposition du conseiller Snook Appuyee par la conseillere Higgins RESOLU que le directeur general presente au conseil un rapport sur le niveau de financement requis pour permettre a la Ville de regler la question des structures vacantes ou condamnees clans notre collectivite. II est en outre resolu que ce rapport soit presente avant I'approbation du budget 2011. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. (La conseillere Higgins quitte la seance.) 11.7 Fairville Boulevard Corridor Project — 2011 (Councillor McGuire) On motion of Councillor McGuire Seconded by Councillor Sullivan RESOLVED that the submission from Councillor McGuire entitled Fairville Boulevard Corridor Project — 2011 be received for information. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 11.7 Projet de couloir du boulevard Fairville — 2011 (conseiller McGuire) Proposition du conseiller McGuire Appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan RESOLU que la presentation du conseiller McGuire intitulee Projet de couloir du boulevard Fairville — 2011 soit acceptee a titre informatif. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 11.8 Plan SJ (Councillor McGuire) On motion of Councillor McGuire Seconded by Councillor Sullivan RESOLVED that the submission from Councillor McGuire entitled PlanSJ be received for information. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 11.8 PlanSJ (conseiller McGuire) Proposition du conseiller McGuire Appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan RESOLU que la presentation du conseiller McGuire intitulee PlanSJ soit acceptee a titre informatif. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 36 95 -605 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 25, 2010 /LE 25 OCTOBRE 2010 11.9 Simms Corner Corridor (Councillor McGuire) On motion of Councillor McGuire Seconded by Councillor Sullivan RESOLVED that the submission from Councillor McGuire entitled Simms Corner Corridor be received for information. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 11.9 Couloir de Simms Corner (conseiller McGuire) Proposition du conseiller McGuire Appuybe par le conseiller Sullivan RESOLU clue la prbsentation du conseiller McGuire intitulbe Couloir de Simms Corner soit acceptbe a titre informatif. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda 14. Etude des sujets ecartes des questions soumises a I'approbation du Conseil Items Forwarded to the November 8`h, 2010 Agenda: 13.10 Proposed Subdivision By -Law Amendment 13.11 Planning Advisory Committee Re: Street Vesting (Widening) —Westfield Rd. 14.1 Purchase and Sale Agreement for 90 -102 Mecklenburg Street 15.3 Saint John Dental Society: Water Fluoridation Points reportes de I'ordre du jour du conseil du 8 novembre 2010 : 13.10 Projet de modification de I'Arrbte de lotissement 13.11 Comite consultatif d'urbanisme relativement a la devolution de terrain a titre de rue (blargissement), visant le chemin Westfield 14.1 Convention d'achat -vente visant la propribte sitube aux 90 -102, rue Mecklenburg 15.3 Saint John Dental Society : Fluoration de 1'eau 16. Adjournment The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m. 16. Levee de la seance Le maire declare clue la seance est levee a 22 h 20. Mayor / maire Common Clerk /greffiere communale 37 M & C 2010 -349 His Worship Mayor Ivan Court and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: Purchase and Sale Agreement for 90 -102 Mecklenburg Street oil] As Council may be aware, the Fundy Solid Waste Commission (FSWC) Recycling Program in the City's South -End has been challenging. Over the past eight years or more the blue bins for the recycling depot have been re- located to various sites in the South -End making it difficult for the residents in this area of the City to rely on an available service. At each of the previous locations, only temporary agreements with the land owners were possible. In November 2009, the blue bins were once again relocated; this time to 90 -102 Mecklenburg Street. This site is also used by the Saint John Parking Commission (SJPC) for winter snow ban off - street parking. The site consists of four vacant parcels of land along Mecklenburg Street, identified as PID Numbers 4127, 4135, 4143 and 4150. In total the land consists of approximately 1,895 square metres. The Planning Advisory Committee had previously considered a proposal to allow the blue bins to operate from the subject property. However, PAC concluded to only approve the use for a temporary period of time (approximately 6 months) to see if the intended use would have an adverse effect on the surrounding residential neighborhood. At its October 19th, 2010 meeting the Planning Advisory Committee once again considered a request to allow the blue bins to operate from the subject site without a restriction on the length of time. The Committee adopted planning staff recommendation to permit the recycling program to operate five community recycling bins, subject to the following conditions: a) The depot and site shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner at all times by the operator; b) The receptacles will be emptied on a daily basis so that recyclable material are always confined to the interior of the receptacles; c) The final daily pickup of recycled goods shall occur no later than 8:30 pm; and 38 d) The site shall be developed in accordance with a detailed site plan, prepared by the Developer and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, indicating the location of the recycling bins as well as screening vegetation or fencing. The approved site plan must be attached to the building permit application for the development. A representative of FSWC was present at the PAC meeting and was in agreement with the above noted terms and conditions. No one opposed the application. ANALYSIS: Earlier this year, the Saint John Parking Commission was approached by the property owner, Broco Investments Inc. to purchase the site for $180,000.00 for its continued use as a snow ban parking lot. At that time the SJPC believed that this proposal should be brought to the attention of the City of Saint John for consideration as a permanent location for the combined use of the blue bins and as a snow ban parking lot. In August 2009, SJPC had an appraisal of the property completed which resolved at that time the market value of the property was $150,000.00. Under the direction of the City Manager, Real Estate Services staff offered the property owner 10 per cent above the market value in August 2009, resulting in an offer to purchase of $165,000.00. Further negotiations ensued between Real Estate staff and the property owner, whereby Broco Investments Inc. resolved to accept the offer of $165,000.00, subject to the approval of Common Council. Although some time has elapsed since the Vendor signed the attached agreement, they have reiterated to Real Estate staff they still wish to conclude the land sale as detailed in the agreement. Considering the lapse of time since the appraisal was concluded, staff consider this offer to represent a fair market value for this property. The Saint John Parking Commission has indicated if the City acquires the subject property they are prepared to work with City staff to consider improvements to the parking lot portion of the site. Although previous locations for the recycling depot tended to be located on the fringe of the residential areas (bordering on the commercial or industrial uses), these more preferred locations are not available to the FSWC at this time. To ensure the recycling service continues to be offered to residents of the South -End, staff can support the use of the site as a recycling depot. However, it is recognized that over the longer term the highest and best use of the site would be for residential purposes and should be developed as such. Subsequent to the approval by the Planning Advisory Committee of October 19th, 2010, the attached Offer of Purchase and Sale is presented to Council for their consideration. 39 The recommendation contained in this report will facilitate the above noted land acquisition. That The City of Saint John purchase 90 -102 Mecklenburg Street from Broco Investments Inc. in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the Purchase and Sale Agreement attached to this report (M &C # 2010 -349). 2. That the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary documents. Respectfully submitted, Ken Forrest, MCIP, RPP Commissioner, Planning and Development J. Patrick Woods, C.G.A. City Manager Attachments CL /c 40 AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE The Purchaser agrees to purchase from the Vendor and the Vendor agrees to sell to the Purchaser the freehold interest in four properties of the Vendor's Lands, identified as PID No.'s 41 27, 4135, 4143 and 4150, as hereinafter set out upon the following terms and nditions- Vendor: BROCO INVESTMENTS INC. C/o Realty Executiv John Oijc /4Z 33 �Hanov reet ,6 4x, Sai .B,, E21. 3G1 $3.t 21vl¢ Purchaser: THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 15 Market Square Saint John, NB E2 41.1 Attention: Common Clerk Premises: Freehold interest in PID No.'s 4127, 4135, 4143 and 4150. Comprising 1,895 sq. m. +/- in total, as Illustrated on the plan hereto attached and marked Schedule "A" (hereinafter referred to as the "Real Property "). (Photo- reduced copy of said plan attached hereto) Purchase Price: $165,000.00 + HST if applicable or, Deposit: $2,000.00 payable adoption of Common Council Resolution Balance: $163,000.00 on Closing Closing Date: November 30, 2010. 1. The Purchaser shall acquire from the Vendor the unencumbered freehold title in the Real Property, 2. The Purchaser may examine the title to the Real Property at its own expense within twenty (30) days fallowing the Purchaser's acceptance of this offer. If within that time any valid objection to the title to the Real Property is made in writing by the Purchaser to the Vendor which the Vendor shall be unable or unwilling to remove within twenty (30) days of notification of such objection or objections and which the Purchaser will not waive, this agreement shall, notwithstanding any intermediate acts or negotiations in respect of such objections, be null and void and any deposit shall be returned by the Vendor without interest and the Vendor shall not be liable for any costs or damages. Save as to any valid objection so made within such time, the Purchaser shall be conclusively deemed to have accepted the title of the Vendor to the Real Property. 3. If the Purchaser defaults in the closing of the sale under the terms of this Agreement, any money paid hereunto shall be forfeited to the Vendor by way of liquidated damages and the Vendor 1 41 Agreement of Purchase and sale Broco Investments Inc. and The City of saint John shall have no further recourse against the Purchaser. 4. This offer shall be irrevocable by the Vendor until 4:00 p.m. local time on September 3, 2010 and upon acceptance by the Purchaser shall constitute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale binding upon the parties hereto. 5. This offer when accepted shall be read with all changes of gender or number required by the context shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their respective heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, and time shall in all respects be of the essence hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Vendor has caused these presents to be executed this. 3 S day tJst 2010. !!5;px PER: P/'� BRO INVE THE AND the Purchaser has caused these presents to be executed this day of August 2010. THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Mayor Common Clerk Common Council Resolution: 42 of e a P d f r e p e e P p P r O p s a P p p P ° w p P p + zze w nnw SCHEDULE "A" rF 130 1 N + 219 2 r k . ° 9 211 21 rue u ,0 207 � 230232 4 28 : 14 2 � + 4 • l4 10 12 a 2211! 200 + e e r + K 1 ° I0 e a r � h h N N W N h p ~ n v � + + B1 r 59 ►� • 45 A7 inn s p p a 11 e e e all a o o • o e p e s r i ► e p h o s 71 73 75 77 $709 85 43 Q e ef% st• ru F h { + 1 ° N N 386 • '125,127 _ 0 74 00060 October 20, 2010 Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Street Vesting (Widening) - Westfield Road (portions of PIDs 00000002 and 55107163) The Planning Advisory Committee considered the attached report at its October 19, 2010 meeting. The applicant, Mr. Brian Irving (Manager of Real Estate Services for the City of Saint John), appeared before the Committee in support of the application and staff recommendation. There were no other presentations made at the meeting concerning this matter, and no letters were received from area residents. After considering the matter, the Committee resolved to adopt the staff recommendation, which is set out below for your convenience. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Common Council assent to the submitted Her Majesty the Queen (Department of Supply and Services) tentative subdivision plan that would vest a total area of approximately 329 square metres (3,541 square feet) from portions of PID number 00000002 and 55107163 as part of the Westfield Road public street right -of -way. 2. That Common Council assent to any necessary municipal services or public utility easements with respect to the Westfield Road Reconstruction Project. Respectfully submitted, Terry Cornfield Chairman PF Project No. 10 -354 44 DATE: OCTOBER 15, 2010 TO: PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: COMMUNITY PLANNING � PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FOR: MEETING OF OCTOBER 19, 2010 PREPARED BY: REVIEWED BY: Patrick Foran Planning Officer SUBJECT: Name of Applicant: Name of Owner: Location: PID: Municipal Plan: Ken Forrest, MCIP, RPP Commissioner City of Saint John (Real Estate Services • Planning and Development) Department Of Supply and Services Westfield Road Portions of 00000002 and 55107163 Low Density Residential Zoning: "RS -2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential Proposal: To widen the Westfield Road public street right -of -way by vesting portions of the abutting properties. Type of Application: Subdivision JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to give its views to Common Council concerning the assent of streets and municipal services and public utility easements 45 Department of Supply and Services Page 2 Westfield Road October 15, 2010 STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE: That Common Council assent to the submitted Her Majesty the Queen (Department of Supply and Services) tentative subdivision plan that would vest a total area of approximately 329 square metres (3,541 square feet) from portions of PID number 00000002 and 55107163 as part of the Westfield Road public street right -of -way. 2. That Common Council assent to any necessary municipal services or public utility easements with respect to the Westfield Road Reconstruction Project. BACKGROUND: In January of this year, Common Council assented to three subdivision plans vesting a total area of 4,441 square metres (47,804 square feet) from portions of properties addressed as 2050, 2250 -2290 and 2285 Westfield Road as part of the Westfield Road public street right -of -way during a previous phase of the Westfield Road Reconstruction Project. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Municipal Operations and Engineering has no objection to the proposed street widening required for the Westfield Road improvements. Buildings and Inspection Services has no objections or concerns with the proposed street widening and / or subdivision of land. ANALYSIS: The subject area is a submerged parcel situated off the Westfield Road in the Ketepec/Belmont area along the south shore of Grand Bay (see attached location map). The site is comprised of portions of two properties, both owned by the Province of New Brunswick, located to the northwest of the Saint John Marina property at 2050 Westfield Road. As part of the 2009 and 2010 General Fund Capital Programs, Common Council approved the Westfield Road Reconstruction Project. This project includes street widening, improvements to street grades and embankments, and the inclusion of a sidewalk and bicycle lane. The improvements will also include the replacement of a large culvert (installed in 1921) that crosses beneath the Westfield Road at the bottom of a deep ravine in the vicinity of 2250 Westfield Road. A significantly larger culvert will be installed along both sides of the road which requires the freehold acquisition of the subject parcel. The necessary lands have been identified on the submitted tentative subdivision plan prepared by Terrain Group Inc. (see attachments), which are contiguous with one of the parcels acquired in an earlier phase of the widening of Westfield Road. Negotiations with the Province have concluded, and Common Council has approved the purchasing arrangements. As indicated, the parcels to be severed are submerged and would consequently not interfere with the development of the parent properties or result in any Zoning or Subdivision By -law deficiencies. Further, Municipal Operations and Engineering is supportive of this application. 46 Department of Supply and Services Westfield Road Page 3 October 15, 2010 The Community Planning Act requires that the Planning Advisory Committee provide a recommendation concerning the assent of public streets (or portions thereof). The purpose of this report is to seek this recommendation from the Committee. Also recommended is the assent for any necessary municipal services or public utility easements for the overall project. Given the nature of this application, no neighbourhood notification was provided. However, public engagement with local residents has been undertaken by Engineering concerning the overall street reconstruction project. PF Project No. 10-354 47 48 49 d e. �WgiK� K:�Yi�! e3i +G 1 Z y4 jW "g�¢cESffi a cNZ9g m Co °& 3 'rya LL Zb a VP 'A-r W zz a Fah Z �v & h Z�Zzo° k m AM 3. ky Wd II� LL. °aw `moo a �a000q ®❑ ®o®II moo g W 3N y F m> m CL Lj LLJ J N y V/ u N N N O IS zv$ ya aK6 �w ZO Oo 1-� Zjz •O �< O9O UZ6 2 -lz xw °aw m Fdyr uow� ooaw '¢ rya hw V� zwa ia4�is ui�rc Sao? <odo OW #�� < 06FQ % a g U OUj VJwW�� ZZZ ZL�rc; Z (_ap zFp�p?i ��� ofwiiGi O U u�OW Z €w NFNJ�NNpC Z04 UriF'�gz -.- 4w1 1-WO OZ6UyZ 0°�00�6NUOW NI? to ?xxW S 'G� �ZUUio <O >w WZJOFZa °F"UQ 4 Q $ v - o W 3R a al pz> 'a nm as o x' ou,z wv�i 'sr,°z�ex a z' 3 °g u a�J D DSO �O s -zs €�o U i+ mgo oD'Om a °w rn n n< 0 ¢ O MIR < n m = F LLIZ 50 BY -LAW NUMBER C.P.121- A LAW TO AMEND THE SAINT JOHN SUBDIVISION BY -LAW ARRETE No C.P. 121 - ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE DE LOTISSEMENT DE SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint Lors d'une reunion du conseil John in Common Council convened, as communal, The City of Saint John a follows: dscrets ce qui suit : The Saint John Subdivision By- L'arrets de lotissement de Saint law, enacted on the nineteenth day of John, decrete le dix -ncuf (19) decembre December, A.D. 2005, is amended by: 2005, est modifie par: 1. 2. Deleting the existing Section 5(1) and replacing it with the following new Section 5(1): "(a) No tentative plan shall be considered until a non - refundable review fee of $250 plus $50 per lot is paid; and (b) the review fee payable shall be increased to $1,200 plus $100 per lot if the proposed subdivision is to be serviced by private on -site water supply and/or private on -site sewage disposal facilities; (c) where as a result of an exemption by the Development Officer there is no tentative plan, the review fee required shall be paid prior to the approval of the subdivision plan." Adding the following as Section 5(3): "A review fee of $10 shall be required for examination of an instrument under paragraph 44(1)(1) of the Community Planning Act.' IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the * day of *, A.D. 2010 and signed by: Mayor/Maire 1. Supprimer Particle 5(1) en le remplagant par le nouvel article 5(l) suivant : a) Aucun plan provisoire n'est considers tant qu'un droit d'examen non remboursable de 250 $ plus 50 $ par lot n'a pas ete verse. b) Le droit d'examen exigible est de 1 200 $ plus 100 $ par lot si le lotissement propose est viabilise par un service d'adduction d'eau privy sur place ou des installations privees d'svacuation des eaux usees sur place. c) Lorsque, en raison d'une exemption accordee par Pagent d'amenagement, aucun plan provisoire n'est depose, le droit d'examen doit etre pays avant I'approbation du plan de lotissement. » 2. Ajouter le texte suivant en Cant qu'article 5(3) : << Un droit d'examen de 10S est exigible pour 1'examen d'un instrument vise par Palinea 44(1)(1) de la Loi sur Purhani sme. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arrets le 2010, avec les signatures suivantes Common C1erklGreffiere communale First Reading - Premiere lecture Second Reading - Deuxieme lecture Third Reading - Troisieme lecture 51 Dr. Kelly Keyes Manning 234 Loch Lomond Road Saint John, NB E2J 1 Y4 Phone: 634 -9602 Saint John Common Council City Hall 15 Market Square Saint John, N.B. Dear Mayor and Councillors October 8, 2010 1 have been asked on behalf of the Saint John Dental society to present the attached letter in support of Saint John Water. In the past year there have been upgrades to the water system. Saint John Water has shown a continued commitment to upgrading the city water supply and to vigilance in monitoring this system. It is the wish of the Saint John Dental Society to have open communication between the municipal water department (Saint John Water), the New Brunswick Public Health Department and the dental society. The following letter is in regards to water fluoridation. The treatment of our water supply in Saint John provides fluoride to our children as a dental health initiative, in line with recommendations from the Canadian Dental Association and the World Health Organization. As stewards and supporters of this initiative the Saint John City Council, Saint John Water and the Saint John Dental Society work together to provide the youngest and most vulnerable members of our society with the hope of good dental health and positive dental experiences for life. The Saint John Dental Society applauds this council that is so effective in supporting anti- poverty initiatives. Water fluoridation is a tangible anti- poverty initiative, and the benefits to our children are profound. Please contact me so that 1 may arrange to present this letter to council personally. Kind Regards, Kelly Keyes Manning, B.Sc. D.D.S. Saint John Dental Society member 52 Dear Mr. Brent McGovern, Saint John Water March 23, 2010 This letter is in regard to water fluoridation in the City of Saint John. It was brought to the attention of the Saint John Dental Society at our quarterly meeting that there was a three year absence of fluoridation on the East Side of the city (water supplied by the east side reservoir). The explanation given for the interruption was that a fire occurred in a building which damaged a feed line for the fluoride. At that time, upgrades to the system were undertaken. The combination of these occurrences led to a lack of fluoride for citizens living east of the Reversing Falls for three years. As you are aware, water fluoridation is a public health initiative which serves children whose primary and permanent teeth (baby and adult teeth) are forming in their jaw bones, and not yet visible in their mouths. As mineralization of these teeth occurs over time, fluoride is incorporated into the matrix of the enamel, making these teeth more resistant to decay. Ingested fluoride in the form of water fluoridation is paramount to this process. Water fluoridation is a scientifically proven, safe and effective means of preventing tooth decay in children (and in turn adults), but must occur when the teeth are developing. This is our concern with the three year absence. These children who have been deprived of fluoride for three years, cannot gain that time back. Topical fluoride does not have the same effect on developing teeth (i.e. toothpastes, and rinses).Other means of delivering ingested fluoride (the fluoride that must be swallowed) are available. Water fluoridation is the most effective way. Fluoride tablets (supplements) must be given according to age and the individual's exposure to other fluoride sources, as too much fluoride leads to a cosmetic mottling of the teeth (an opaque white or brownish colouring of the tooth enamel). The dental community was not informed of the cessation of fluoride in the water and as such was unable to provide an alternative source for those kids who needed the fluoride. They were not given supplements.( Nor were they signed up for fluoride rinse programs available in some schools. This is topical fluoride and is not an equivalent process, but some unfluoridated communities use it as a secondary means of preventing decay.) The children on the east side didn't receive these because their dental professionals and parents were not informed of the lack of fluoride from June 2006 to January 2010. In fact several times during this period, through the Telegraph Journal newspaper, the public was reassured that they were receiving fluoride citywide. The dissemination of this information is ultimately the responsibility of the Department of Health. The management of Saint John Water should have informed the Department of Health, the City Council and the dental community. As well, the Department of Health should have informed the dentists in the city and surrounding area of the interruption. This did not happen. Why this did not happen, one can only speculate. Three years may seem like a brief interruption of service to those not aware of the importance of fluoride. For a young child affected by decay of their "baby teeth "(some needed for 12 years service), when dental intervention requires local anaesthetic in minor cases, and general 53 anaesthetic and hospital care in advanced cases, the results can be devastating. As well, their adult teeth are compromised_ Preventive measures are paramount to modem dental care. Water fluoridation is an integral part of this. The World Health Organization includes it in the Top 10 of Public Health initiatives of this Century. It is the suggestion of the Saint John Dental Society that a policy be put in place that would inform the public and dental community if any interruption to the water fluoridation system occurs in the future. As a second layer of safety, The Department of Health should inform the dentists in the city and surrounding area in writing. Dental professionals could then make the proper recommendations to their patients. As a Dental Society, it is our mandate to provide a forum for dental health concerns. The policy change suggested would help ensure the dental health of our citizens. If you require further clarification of this position, please contact the Society or one of the members_ Thank you for serving the in good faith the citizens of Saint John. Sincerely, Members of the Saint John Dental Society V i 4L J or (/ I s' t f Ir J. •r/ 14_ 54 Members of the Dental Society of Saint John C-OPIOX, S-a lap '5zloswt 4034,- 25 7 21 7316, 61rnII",hztd, &5 tc5c- ExecUlxvt. S F C �kl 3 G,3 2, Pk 3'-1 55 d fr'a S • �I u� 1�e west c� ,�a� �ra.�,n� 6u�I�', ►,�� �n r;I S f ru c f tyre- s wh, c� Pr~ Of- s trr ! w{ y s Ke .5 `T 1 10 e k 11 01-t 5 e r r �7 Ut�d e /Veu, 1?5-ru,,, SYL f <!r f t- i1.� ��acyr�tr�rr��c v th1S r,� �1 25'fa l� s1ti�G� l.0 t fft rest` n �arTe�i Y to t 5 l _ �9 �,Q� . 'tGl�Y1 /'� lJ�'/ tam r P r7a-Z-, AZT 1" �r °�iosP� Qyry reInrzr, -s wh,cA are 9rae ��t a lA)e.h r4 7F16 er" flvt u`dJ llu 131oz I u aw-1 AV rumor Ot • /!da �— ���°� ?�' h rum /� �r�f >L� 11a/r� Se-` CIO- �rp me AE quaf 12.g tf� IAI�y /V 6' 56 120 History of New Brunswick. History of New spite of the efforts of the fleet to prevent them- became identified with the The establishments of Messrs. Simonds, Hazen, and assisted in establishing, at White were un ered more than once, and Mr. County, in the parish which Simon s re erva e to—escape their Early in the spring of visits. All the settlers of the township of Conway reinforced and his post was suffered from their epredations and most of them from any attack. His only were force to a an on their farms. -Under the- regard to the attitude of i circumstances it became necessary for the Halifax constantly being stirred up authorities to take some action for the purpose of- agents of Colonel Allan. D, enabling the St. John settlers to live in peace. sent Studholme a letter i Accordingly, late in the Autumn of 1777, Major declaration of war, but o• Studholme leas sent to TFi e t. o n I V1—v_e r with At y Colonel Franklin, the Indian amen, auzd ordere to establish himself t ere. He Father Bourg, they were kel took with him a frame block -house and four sit- make a treaty of peace wit pounders, an oo ° possession of a high and rocky Howe, in September, 1778, hill on the east -side. of the arbor on iv ach lie• -north of presents were giv erected a fortification, which he named Fort Howe, occasion, and a large sum ac in honor of t e ominander in Chief of the forces. in entertaining them. In tv in America. Studholme who was an able man, and the Micmacs of the Miramie full of energy, speedily made his position secure- the North Shore, as well & A short time before his arrival, a privateer,, St. John. Allan still contin, amounting eigh a ins, comman ed by oaieCrabtree, the Indians from their allian had been at St. John, and had robbed the truck without success. The Inc house o Ps, 'a- n s, azen, and White, of" during the rest of the war everything it contained, including the pledges given Machias was also felt in of by the Indians. These were Carrie to achias, raids that were made on th and delivered to Col. Allan. Crabtree was again the autumn of 1779, it was r sent to St. John to complete the destruction of the Indian rebels from Machias settlement, but before he got there Studholme had at Maugerville, and plundei arrived. Crabtree fie as soon as he became aware inhabitants, after which t Of tudholme's presence, for robbery was more to-. attacks were to be expected his taste than fighting, and St. John was no more from Machias could reach molested. Studholme remained at Fort Howe,. way of Eel River. To gu runswick. History of New Brunswick. 121 et to prevent them- !, became identified with the new province which he Simonds, Hazen, and assisted in establishing, and is buried in Kings than once, and Mr. County, in the parish which is named after Dina. Tillo to escape their Early in the spring of 1778, Studholme was township of Conway- reinforced and his pas vas now regar e as secure is and most of thein from any attack. His only anxiety now, was in farms. Under the, regard to the attitude of the Indians, who were ary for the Halifax constantly being stirred up to do mischief, by the t for the purpose of agents of Colonel Allan. During the summer, they 'S to live in peace. sent Studholme a letter which amounted to a imn of 1777, Major declaration of war, but owing to the efforts of ohn River with fifty Colonel Franklin, the Indian agent, and their priest, himself there. He Father Bourg, they were kept quiet and induced to Ouse, and four six- make a treaty of peace wz • e Htis , at Fort of a high and rocky !';' Howe, an ep em r, pwar s of x,000, tar•bor on which lie: ''' wor resen s were given the Indians on that. ' named Fort Howe, occasion, and a large sum additional was expended Chief of the forces. in entertaining them. In this treaty were included as an able man, and the Miemaes of the llirainic a an o er aces on his position secure... the Nort ore, as we as the Malicetes of the -rival, a privateer,. ; St. Jo n. an str continued his efforts to detach ed by one Crabtree, the Inc fans from their alliance with the British but [ robbed the truck without success. The Indians remained quiet .zen, and White, of during the rest of the war. Allan's presence at ig the pledges given ;; Machias was also felt in one or two insignificant tarried to Machias,., _ raids that were made on the settlers up river. In Crabtree was again " the autumn of 1779, it was reported, that a party of e destruction of the. Indian rebels. from Machias had captured a vessel sere Studholme had at Maugerville, and plundered two or three of the, as he became aware inhabitants, after which they made off. These obbery was more to, attacks were to be expected so long as the Indians John was no more, from Machias could reach the Upper St. John by ;d at Fort Howe, way of Eel River. To guard against them and 58 History of New va VMX'Z -11, QA New "&XIIN VZAI. protect the settlements, a block house was built at Oromoto a small 'Thomas Jefferson wAlose I neighborhood. The treatrn� the mouth of the aver and garrison place in it. t was named Fort Hughes, their t neighbors was a the Lieufi enant Governor of Nova Scotia, who e of the war. These , feature .after had succeeded Arbuthnot. It was placed under the .and harassed in every pos: a command of Lieutenant Constant Connor. their homes, their property + and subjected to personal The St. John River now became an important to imprisonment. part of the line of communication between Halifax cases large number and Quebec. The use of this route was first persecutions Nova Scotia during the w suggested by Lieutenant Governor Arbuthnot to in March, 1778, f xeneral Haldimand,who was in command at Quebec. evacuated Loyalists embarked in the t 'This route was -utilized -until the end of the war, Halifax. Some of these not only for despatches going from Quebec to Colonies and took part in t Halifax, but for communications between Quebec, and the British army in New York. The persons the King, but many re, From that time until the + chiefly employed in the arduous work of carrying were constantly arriving these despatches, were Lewis Mitchell and Louis of them took up their a Mercure, a French Acadian. It is worthy of note, When the Loyalist emigra that a message sent by this route, by Lieutenant Connor from Oromocto, gave General Haldimand ' war took place, they snug between themselves and tl the first information of the surrender of Lord remained in the thirteen e( Cornwallis. The story of the war of the Revolution is one was almost a matter of rE which no loyal citizen of the British Empire can and the descendants of regard with any pride, and which contains many up the argument for two episodes at which honest Americans must blush. my opinion, there was -distinction. Whether a 1 The bad faith displayed by Congress in refusing to - Refugee depended larger- carry out the terms of the surrender of the British army at Saratoga, shows that there were not many In Massachusetts, and inc England States, the Loyal honest m.en in that famous body. Instead of being minority that they had i ,sent to England as had been promised, they were against the current. Thi marched to Virginia, and kept there in camp for .several years, to the great financial benefit of to do but to escape to sor Eric L. Teed, O.—C-.-,--C.D., Q.C,, Kt.D 1018 Seawood Lane, Saint John, New Brunswick, E2M 3G8 Tel: (506) 672 -6856 Common Council October2ff, 2010 15 Market Square P. O. Box 1971 Saint John, N.B. E2L 4L1 Re: Unrepaired danger Your Worship and Councillors: I bring to your attention the dangerous situation at the foot of King Street at its junction with Chipman Hill. The street level is lower than the nearest catch basin and water continually collects there in wet weather and from ice in winter. Today as I was proceeding to cross the street a young lady came from the south to the north side. She tried to avoid getting her feet wet and was unable to see a break in the concrete and pavement. She tripped and nearly smashed onto the sidewalk but two gentlemen who happened to be there stopped her falling flat. This problem was raised by the late Phil Connell but has never been rectified. I understand once a danger caused by the City action or lack of action which has been brought to the attention of the City there can be grounds for a claim for damages which if she had fallen could have been considerable. I urge the City to direct priority be given to fix the problem as this is a busy crossing. Yrnirc tnIIV .1 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M &C2010 -366 n _ November 8", 2010 His Worship Mayor Ivan Court Thp City of Saint jz n And Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council, SUBJECT: LOCH LOMOND WATERSHED CLEAN-UP DAY UPDATE: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER JOT ", 2010, 10 AM — 3 PM LOCH LOMOND COMMUNITY CENTRE PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to inform Common Council and the public of the upcoming Watershed Clean -Up Day that is planned for Wednesday, November 10", 2010. BACKGROUND At the October 25" session of Common Council (M & C 2010-354) staff advised that a Watershed Clean -up Day was being planned for Wednesday, November 10", 2010, with details to follow at the next session of Common Council. ANALYSIS As noted in M & C 2010 354, the Watershed Clean -Up Day will be an opportunity to focus attention on the watershed and bring the issue of illegal dumping and the importance of protecting our watershed to the forefront. The event will be held on Wednesday, November 10`", 2010, from 10 am until 3 pm. Volunteers are welcome to gather at the Loch Lomond Community Centre which is located at Ben Lomond Corner. The Community Centre will serve both as a home base for the event as well as the location for the barbeque and refreshments that will be provided at midday. The details of the event have now been posted on the Facebook page entitled "Stop the Trashing of our Beautiful Loch Lomond Lakes ", that is administered by Ms. Bonny Culley (creator), Ms. Elizabeth Crowe and Mr. Greg Hiltz. The ad has also been placed on the City's website as of November 1St, 2010, and is being advertised in the local newspaper on November 8t ". SAFE, CLEAN DRINKING WATER 61 SAINT I0Hn LOCH LOMOND WATERSHED CLEAN -JP DAY UPDATE NOVEMBER 10, 2010 PAGE 2 NOVEMBER 81, 2010 Volunteers are asked to register by calling 658 -4455 or by doing so on the City of Saint John website at www.saintjohn.ca . Registration is necessary so that sufficient clean -up supplies, food and refreshments are available for the volunteers. Members of Council are invited to support our efforts to protect our drinking water supply by joining us for this event. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Common Council receive and file this report. Respectfully submitted, J.M. Paul Groody, P. Eng. Commissioner Municipal Operations and Engineering J. Patrick Woods, CGA City Manager SAFE, CLEAN DRINKING WATER 62 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M & C 2010 - 368 November 2, 2010 His Worship Mayor Ivan Court & Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council, SUBJECT: ROOF REPLACEMENT — SAINT JOHN ARTS CENTRE BACKGROUND �-A ary Of sallir jolm Tenders for the replacement of the roof at the Saint John Arts Centre were called on October 5, 2010. The scope of work includes the provision of all labour, materials, equipment and accessories to replace the aging roof per the tender's detailed specifications. ANALYSIS Tenders closed on Wednesday, October 27, 2010 with the following contractors choosing to respond by submitting bids: Contractor Bid Price (Exclusive of HST) 1. Dowd Roofing Inc. (Saint John, NB) $124,500.00 2. Flynn Canada Ltd. (Dieppe, NB) $142,600.00 The Engineer's estimate for the work was $155,000 + HST. The tenders were reviewed by staff of Materials Management and Facility Management and were found to be formal and complete in all respects. Staff believes that the tenderer has the necessary resources and expertise to perform the work, and recommend acceptance of their tender. 63 M &C2010 -368 PAGE TWO FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS This is a planned expenditure for which funds have been allocated in the City of Saint John's Facility Management Department's 2010 Capital Budget ($155,000.00). Total cost to the City of Saint John for this project if awarded as recommended will be $124,500.00 + HST. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended Tender No. 2010-082701T, Roof Replacement of Saint John Arts Centre, be awarded to the low bidder, Dowd Roofing Inc., at the tax - excluded tendered price of $124,500.00. Respectfully submitted, (0__,Jz g__ David Logan Purchasing Agent Patrick Woods City Manager 64 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M &C- 2010 -372 November 8, 2010 His Worship Mayor Ivan Court and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Street Re- naming BACKGROUND City of Saint John As part of the Peel Plaza development, some street reconfigurations will take need to take place. As part of this, Chipman Street has been closed and eventually Peel Street and Hazen Avenue will be realigned and connect to become one single street. In order to reduce confusion for emergency service providers, it is Staff's opinion that this new street should be assigned a single unique street name. The developer has suggested Peel Plaza as a potential street name for this new street. This proposed street name would meet NB 9 -1 -1 guidelines once "Peel Street" is eliminated; therefore Staff has no objection to this street name. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Common Council amend the list of Official Street Names and approve the following change to come into effect upon the new street being open to traffic: 1. Add the name place Peel Plaza; 2. Remove the name rue Peel Street; and 3. Remove the name avenue Hazen Avenue. It is also recommended that these changes take effect on the day that the new street is open to traffic and passable between Union Street and Carleton Street. Respectfully submitted, Ken Forrest, MCIP, RPP Commissioner Planning and Development 65 J. Patrick Woods, CGA City Manager REPORT TO COMMON ON COUNCIL M & C 2010 -375 November 4, 2010 His Worship Mayor Ivan Court and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Common Council: SUBJECT: Request to Present Results of 2010 Citizen Survey PURPOSE The City of Saint John The purpose of this report is to make a request that Ipsos Reid present the results of the 2010 citizen survey to Common Council. BACKGROUND The City of Saint John has made a commitment to demonstrating accountability for decisions made and results achieved with respect to the services it delivers to the public. In support of this commitment, the City of Saint John engaged Ipsos Reid to design and conduct three annual citizen surveys to understand the needs and concerns of its residents and to support its desire to continuously improve service delivery. The 2010 citizen survey was conducted between September 9 and 28, 2010. Ipsos Reid is prepared to present the results of this most recent citizen survey to Common Council. The presentation will highlight: • the value of conducting citizen surveys and how this information can be used to make decisions related to service delivery; • the issues that residents feel are in most need of attention and how Council's priorities align with these issues; • survey results related to citizen satisfaction with service delivery and the performance of Common Council and the Administration; and • methodology for conducting the survey. .. M &C 2010 -375 Request to Present Results of 2010 Citizen Survey 1161101811115 OU 1010 1: _ 1391 It is recommended that the Common Clerk be directed to schedule the presentation of 2010 citizen survey results at the November 22, 2010 Common Council meeting. Respectfully submitted, -"lea X Stephanie Rackley- Roach, PEng. Manager, Corporate Planning 1 atrick Woods, CGA City Manager 67 Page 2 Ecole Millidgeville North School Grades 3 to 8 Early French Immersion and Core English Programs 500 Woodward Avenue, Saint John, NB, E2K 4G7 Phone: 658 -5353 Fax: 658 -2739 Gary Sullivan, Principal Mayor Ivan Court and Councillors of the City of Saint John Common Clerk's Office City Hall, P. O. Box 1971 Saint John, N. B. E2 4L Dear Mayor Court and Councillors of the City of Saint John Greg Norton, Vice - Principal On behalf of the MiIlidgeville North School and several partners, I would like to request that the City of Saint John consider a partnership with the other two orders of government to fund a field upgrade of Millidgeville Field #1 to an artificial turf surface. The City is already partnered at this field, having paid for the installation of lights to increase the usefulness of this field facility. Partners that have expressed interest in this field upgrade for their use include Saint John High School, St. Malachy's Memorial High School and Harbourview High School. Also interested in this upgrade are the Saint John Trojans Rugby Club and both local soccer associations. Grass fields are meant for 20 hours of use per week before wearing them out. Artificial turf fields are only limited by the climate. With the lights and scoreboard already in place, this is an ideal location for an affordable upgrade to service our field sports community. Is the City of Saint John being asked to fund this alone? Definitely not. Our new Minister of Sport, also the MLA where this field is located is very aware of this plan to upgrade and I am sure is working within his sphere of influence to bring financial support to this project. Our MP, Rodney Weston, is also aware of our intention to upgrade the field. We have done our homework and received an estimate from CBCL of $ 1,299,690.00 including contingencies and engineering. This February, 2010 Opinion of Probable cost would mean a one -third share being $433 230 for each of the three orders of government. As a field owned by the provincial government, operated through the School District 8 Office, it would be governed by Department of Education Policy 407 on the community use of schools (see attached). I am available to meet with Council or staff at any time to share further on this project. Sincerely F Gary Sullivan Principal .: Project: Milledgeville Turf Field Date: February 26, 2010 Opinion of Probable Cost aBCL LIMITED Project Flo: 600521.00 ConsuNinp Engineers Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Amount Milledgeville: 70M x 137M Synthetic Turf Field 1 Site Works 1.01 Strip and Remove Topsoil & Sand M3 4,500 7.50 33,750.00 1.02 Place and Shape Topsoil & Sand M3 4,500 4.50 20,250.00 1.03 Cut Rock For Drainage System M3 3,400 25.00 85,000.00 1.04 Structural Fill M3 550 18.00 9,900.00 1,05 Drainage Layer M3 2,900 30.00 87,000.00 1.06 Levelling Layer L.S. 1 25,000.00 25,000.00 1.07 Installed Drainage System L.S. 1 135,000.00 135,000.00 1.08 Rubber Field Curbing M 420 100.00 42,000.00 1.09 Uprights & Supports No. 2 7,500.00 15,000.00 1.10 Gravel Surfaces M2 1,500 10.00 15,000.00 1.11 Topsoil & Sod M2 1,500 8.00 12,000.00 2 Storm Water System 2.01 Catchbasins 2.01.01 750mm No. 6 1,800.00 10,800.00 2.01.02 1050mm No. 3 2,100.00 6,300.00 2.02 Storm Sewer 2.02.01 300mm M 75 120.00 9,000.00 2.02.02 375mm M 150 145.00 21,750.00 2.02.03 450mm M 75 165.00 12,375.00 2.02.04 Bar Screen No. 1 500.00 500.00 2.02.05 Rip Rap Plunge Pool No. 1 2,500.00 2,500.00 3 Turf Supply & Install 3.01 Manufacture, Supply and Install Synthetic Turf M2 9,590 55.00 527,450.00 4 Reinstatement & Environmental Protection 4.01 Miscellaneous Reinstatement L.S. 1 10,000.00 10,000.00 4.02 Environmental Protection L.S. 1 2,500.00 2,500.00 Subtotal 1,083,075.00 Add 20% for Contingencies & Engineering 216,615,00 Opinion of Probable Construction Cost (HSTE) $1,299,690.00 .• New k Brunswick DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION POLICY 407 Page 1 of 6 rrriui wr r. - i Subject: Community Use of Schools Effective: July 1, 1986 Revised. April 2000, October 10, 2001; June 1, 2006 1.0 PURPOSE The intent of this policy is to set standards for, and facilitate the use of school facilities by the community during times when these facilities are not required for educational purposes. Appendix A of this policy replaces Policy 408 — Liability Waiver /Rental of Schools /Outside Groups. 2.0 APPLICATION This policy applies to agreements, of one year or less, regarding the use of public school facilities by the public. This policy does not apply to long -term agreements for the ongoing use of designated school space by persons or bodies outside the public education system. The terms of such agreements are generally expressed within leases or memoranda of understanding. 3.0 DEFINITIONS Youth refers to persons aged up to and including 24 years of age. 4.0 LEGAL AUTHORITY Education Act -- School Property 46(1) All school property is vested in the Minister. Education Act— Operation of Schools As of July 1, 2001, responsibility for the operation of schools (through superintendents) is transferred from the Minister to the District Education Councils (s.3). Education Act— Community Use of School Property 46(1) For such purposes and subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by regulation and to the extent practicable, a District Education Council, through the superintendent of the school district, shall make school property available for use by community groups or other persons or,organizations. ORIGINAL. SIGNED BY MINISTER 70 New z y Brunswick DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION POLICY 407 Page 2 of 6 46(2) Where a fee is charged for the use of school property under subsection (1), the District Education Council may retain and expend that fee in accordance with the regulations. 46(4) Where the Minister leases property for school purposes and the owner retains the right to make the property available for the use of third parties when the property is not required for school purposes, all fees paid to the owner for such use may be retained by the owner unless otherwise provided for in the lease. Education Act — Agreements 50(2) ... the Minister may enter into agreements (e_) with a municipality or any other corporate body respecting the construction or operation of school property for the educational, cultural and recreational use by the community. Education Act — Regulation 97 -950 — Community Use of School Property 9(1) For the purpose of section 46 of the Act, a District Education Council may authorize the use of school property for educational, cultural, recreational, commercial or personal purposes, as considered appropriate by the District Education Council. 9(2) Subject to subsection (3), a fee may be charged for the use of school property under section 46 of the Act, if (a) the fee does not have the effect of discouraging appropriate community use of school property and (b) the fee is not higher than the market commercial rate that would be charged for a similar facility unless such is required to offset incremental costs as required under subsection (3). 9(3) Where incremental costs are incurred as a result of making school property available for use by the community, the District Education Council shall ensure that a fee is collected and expended to offset those costs. 9(4) Any amount of the fee earned and retained by a District Education Council in excess of the amount required to offset incremental costs under subsection (3) shall be expended by the District Education Council for an educational purpose. 71 New : Brunswick DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION POLICY 407 Page 3 of 6 5.0 GOALS 1 PRINCIPLES The Department of Education believes that: 5.1 the primary use of school facilities is for the delivery of public education programs. A secondary use, recognized and promoted by the Department, is to meet community needs; 5.2 school facilities will be made available to the general community with priority to non - profit community activities for youth; 5.3 fees charged for community use of facilities should offset costs rather than being viewed as a means of revenue generation; and 5.4 the use of Education facilities must not place the school system in competition with private sector interests. 6.0 REQUIREMENTS 1 STANDARDS 6.1 Parameters for Community Use of Schools 6.1.1 The use of school premises/facilities shall not interfere with the normal operations of the school and pupil safety shall be the primary consideration when entering into a school use agreement. 6.1.2 Use of school premises/facilities shall be within the bounds of accepted community values. 6.1.3 The language of the learning environment will be considered when planning, promoting and conducting activities in schools. 6.1.4 All aspects of the use of school facilities by the community shall meet the requirements of the Office of the Fire Marshall. 6.1.5 Tobacco use is prohibited in school buildings and vehicles under Policy 702 - Tobacco -Free Schools. Smoking is prohibited on all school grounds at all times, as per the Smoke -free Places Act. 6.1.6 Requests to permit alcoholic beverages or games of chance (e.g. bingos, lotteries) on school property may be approved by the Superintendent, subject to DEC policies, and only on condition that a copy of any applicable license is submitted to the Superintendent prior to thb event. 72 New Qa Brunswick DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION POLICY 407 Page 4 of 6 6.2 Fees and Agreements 6.2.1 The requirement to offset incremental costs of community use of school facilities may be met through the charging of rental fees or the exchange of resources. For example, the use of gyms, meeting rooms, classrooms, fields and courts, cafeterias, auditoriums, library equipment, etc., could be exchanged for community facilities /services such as. use of arenas, pools, playgrounds, sports fields, snow plowing, maintenance of sports fields and courts, and human resources. Such exchanges must directly or indirectly benefit pupils. 6.2.2 Every use of school facilities by the community shall be defined by written agreement. The community use of schools agreement shall name the individual(s) responsible for supervision at the school facility during the event. When appropriate, a school use agreement shall contain the statement of indemnity included in Appendix A. 6.2.3 The school system official who signs the school use agreement shall ensure that users are provided with a copy of this policy. It shall be the responsibility of the user to be familiar with this policy and to adhere to its contents. 6.2.4 The user shall be held financially responsible for property damage or loss caused by the user including the user's members, guests and participants. 6.2.5 School districts are required to manage fees collected and keep appropriate records, in accordance with Policy 101 -- Financial Responsibilities of School Districts, for audit purposes. Such records will document the name of the school and the facility user, the nature of the event, fees charged and/or resources /services exchanged. 6.2.6 To avoid competition with the private sector, school use agreements authorizing the use of school facilities for personal or commercial gain shall only be considered if • there is no suitable commercial facility available in the community or the person or organization is charged a rental fee comparable to the commercial rate for a similar facility; and • the intended use does not violate the government's Conflict of Interest Policy AD -2915 61.7 In some cases it may be advantageous to permit a municipality, incorporated recreation council or other local government authority to act in place of a school district to coordinate the use of school facilities. The director of the Educational Facilities Branch of the Department shall be notified when such agreements are under consideration. The director will determine whether the signature of the Minister will be required in addition to those of the DEC and the local government authority. 73 New Brunswick DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION POLICY 407 Page 5 of 6 6.2.8 Joint school- community capital projects (permanent modification to school buildings) require approval of the Minister and may be considered when: • there is a commitment by a municipality or other organization or individual to fund the capital construction (the Department of Education shall not assume any costs associated with the capital construction); and • agreement can be reached confirming commitments of each party regarding capital and operating costs. The Department of Education will not contribute to operating costs for swimming pools but may pay a user fee in conjunction with school requirements. 7.0 GUIDELINES I RECOMMENDATIONS School districts may wish to use the following clauses in their standard Community Use of School Agreements. Financial Conditions • All payments, including fees for any supplementary services will be made, as per invoice rendered, not later than 30 days from the invoice date. • Fees of less than $100 must be paid in advance. • Applicants may be required to deposit a certified cheque or post a bond prior to being granted approval for the use of school premises/facilities, • The bond or certified cheque may be returned in full or in part, subject to assessment of any costs or damages related to the particular use of the school premises/facilities. In accordance with the Financial Administration Act, NSF cheques will incur a service fee of $25. • Individuals, groups or organizations that are in financial arrears of previous school use agreements shall not be eligible for rental of school facilities. General Conditions • Approval of the use of facilities may be cancelled immediately if the terms of the policy have been breached. • The user will ensure that adequate adult supervision is provided at all times and that all activities are conducted in a safe manner. • The district reserves the right to cancel an activity under exceptional circumstances and shall not be held responsible for any claims arising out of such cancellations. 74 New AQ Brunswick DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION POLICY 407 Page 6 of 6 • The user shall respect the approved room or facility capacity. • When keys to the school facility have been provided to the user, the supervisor of the event will be responsible for maintaining the keys in his /her possession at all times, ensuring the facility is securely locked after use and the keys are returned as agreed. • In cases where the Minister of Education is not the owner of the facility to be used, use by community groups must conform to the terms and conditions of the Department's lease. • The Superintendent or principal may set additional conditions as the situation warrants. 8.0 DISTRICT EDUCATION COUNCIL POLICYMAKING District Education Councils may establish policy, within the parameters of this policy and the Education Act, concerning community use of schools, including areas such as rental fee rates and expenditure of rental fees retained by the school district. 9.0 REFERENCES Policy-702 — Tobacco -Free Schools Policy AD -2915 -- Conflict of Interest Policy 101 — Financial Responsibilities of School Districts Smoke -free Places Act 10.0 CONTACTS FOR MORE INFORMATION Department of Education -- Educational Facilities Branch (506) 453 -2242 ORIGINAL SIGNED 13Y MINISTER 75 G> REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M & C — 2010 -380 5 November 2010 His Worship Ivan Court and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: t City of Saint john SUBJECT: ENTERPRISE GIS SOLUTION BACKGROUND: An important pillar of the City of Saint John's information systems integration is its Geographic Information System (GIS). Much of the data collected and managed by the City has a spatial component. This is true whether it is a park, sewer line, public transit route, fire hydrant or customer. In addition to tools that facilitate the collection, management and representation of data that is being collected by City departments, powerful spatial analysis tools are also required. These allow the City to Ieverage all information relating to location, including all events occurring at such locations or services provided to these locations. GIS is used as an analytical tool to improve City services. An enterprise GIS is an enabling technology that will help to manage the flow and access to information managed by many of the City's other information systems. The City's current GIS system is due to be replaced, as technology has improved substantially over the past ten years. ANALYSIS: An RFP for the acquisition of a new enterprise GIS was issued on May 28, 2010 with a closing date of June 17, 2010. The following five proponents chose to respond by submitting offers: ESRI Canada Bedford, NS Tamarack Geographic Technologies St. John's, NFLD Stantec Consulting Saint John, NB Rolta Canada Markham, ON Carts Fredericton, NB 76 Page 2 ANALYSIS CONT'D: A proposal evaluation committee, consisting of representatives from the City of Saint John's Planning and Development Department and Materials Management Department, reviewed each submission against standard evaluation criteria including: ➢ Quality and completeness of submission ➢ Demonstrated management and experience in similar projects ➢ Methodology and technical approach ➢ Understanding of CSJ vision and requirements ➢ Cost Upon completion of the proposal review, the evaluation committee unanimously ranked highest the proposal submitted by ESRI Canada. In addition, the proposal submitted by ESRI Canada represents the lowest -cost solution to the City of Saint John. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS: The total cost to the City of Saint John for the acquisition and implementation of the enterprise GIS solution, as proposed by ESRI Canada, will be $95,000.00 plus tax. This is a planned expenditure for which funds have been allocated in the GIS Division of the City of Saint John's Planning and Development Department's 2010 Capital Budget. INPUT FROM LEGAL: ESRI Canada has a template Service Agreement which it uses with all its clients. The Legal Department reviewed said Service Agreement and changed the provisions that caused some concerns (indemnity, limits on liability, etc.). ESRI has agreed to the changes proposed by the Legal Department and executed the Service Agreement in this revised form. The Legal Department also reviewed the Small Local Government Enterprise License Agreement necessary under ESRI's proposal, and is satisfied that it is in proper form and that the City may enter into same. 77 Page 3 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the proposal for the provision of an enterprise GIS solution submitted by ESRI Canada at a cost of 595,000.00 plus tax be accepted, and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the Service Agreement and the Small Local Government Enterprise License Agreement in the form already approved by the Legal Department. Respectfully submitted, — 0--� ec= David J. Logan Purchasing Agent P ick Woods Manager 78 The city of Saint John Mayor Ivan Court Mayor's Office Bureau du maire PROCLAMATION WHEREAS: in the face of crime or conflict, restorative justice offers a philosophy and approach that view these matters principally as harm done to people and relationships; and WHEREAS: restorative justice approaches strive to provide support and opportunities for the voluntary participation and communication between those affected by crime and conflict (victims, offenders, community) to encourage accountability, reparation and a movement towards understanding, feelings of satisfaction, healing and a sense of closure; and WHEREAS: this year's theme for Restorative Justice Week is "Reflections Past, Present and Future ", it is an opportunity to learn about restorative justice, educate and celebrate along with other communities across the country during the week; and NOW THEREFORE: I, Mayor Ivan Court, of Saint John do hereby proclaim November 14 - 21, 2010 as Restorative Justice Week in the City of Saint John. In witness whereof I have set my hand and affixed the official seal of the Mayor of the City of Saint John. %" SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 1 wwwsaintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B, Canada E2L 4L1 ---ter 79 The city of Saint John Mayor Ivan Court Mayor's Office Bureau du maire Proclamation WHEREAS November 81h of each year has been celebrated as World Town Planning Day since its inception in 1949 and is currently celebrated in over 30 countries on four continents; and WHEREAS the Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP) endorses World Town Planning Day as an opportunity to highlight the contribution that sound planning makes to the quality of our settlements and environment; and WHEREAS World Town Planning Day also celebrates Canadian accomplishments made in the collective decisions concerning our cities and regions that bring quality and meaning to our lives; and WHEREAS the celebration of World Town Planning Day gives us an opportunity to publicly recognize the participation and dedication of the members of planning commissions and other citizen planners who have contributed time and effort to the improvement of our many cities and regions; and WHEREAS we fully appreciate the many valuable contributions made by the professional community and regional planners and extend our thanks for the continued commitment to public service. NOW THEREFORE (,Mayor Ivan Court, C- — �� '� of the City of Saint John do hereby proclaim the day of November 8, 2010 asWORLD TOWN PLANNING DAY In witness whereof I have set my hand and affixed the official seal of the of the City of Saint John. lr, SAINT JOHN ------------ RO. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 41 I www.saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint 80 !n--L4L1j 81 1. Where we are in the PlanSJ Process 2. PlanSJ Directions 3. Where and How Saint John might grow 4. What we Heard 5. Next Steps 82 Wi nter/ H ivy r 2010 Public Launc44 Lanceniont p U 11 il C Spring/Nnternm 2010 Stakeholder Interviews, Pubfic Project Launch En tfov Ues ava C IL-- fnteirwenants, lancement P011C do Pmjet Defining issues & Opportunities surnrner /rte 200 Setting the Directio n D6finftiDn des enjeux Dkerminat-ion at des perspectives da I'arientation Opportunities + Directions Wotlikshop, Youth Engagement Atelier sur Jos possibilMs et les orientations, varlli#atpoln Elf-sj.evnes Fall/AutDrnne & Winter/'Haver 20:10/20:11 20il 7T Deaft 1' mall Mrin tipall Mu nwicipall Flan plan Ehauche du plan Version d6finifive d'am6nagernent du Plan Inunicipall FOGua Group S-assrons L I Public Hearing rnmunjty Open House I of Ob. eution5 S63ficas do gfoupc Cle discussion, j auntie pastes �ou vL% rtQs potl r la collectivlt6 Audienco publique des opposwons, IOrgr.•ing public engage-re-i*., ac,.w tFe, Tian ''., -?-,%j5kFtter5 Fac;ek)wk, k%11t',5r video and Citizen ktyi5,wy Committee. 1.191 Emergiff ng Directions to Iff Make Saint John the Best C ity it Can Be PIanSJ Directions 1. Saint John proactively makes choices to shape the best future for the City 2. Saint John celebrates its many waterfronts and position them as prominent and defining elements of the City. 3. Saint John is a thriving Urban Centre at the heart of the Greater Saint John Region 4. Saint John is comprised of healthy, unique and inclusive neighbourhoods 5. Saint John actively pursues a progressive, robust and prosperous economy. 6. Saint John values and protects its natural environments sand ecosystems. = T. Saint John grows the City smarter by developing complet and compact communities. 8. Saint John offers an enviable quality of life, choice and experience for all of its citizens. I 9. Saint John is committed to a strong plan for action and making change. Method for Creating the Options for Growth and Change Method for Creating the Options DIRECTIONS & CRITERIA LAND BUDGET E?1 OPPORTUNITY AREAS OPTIONS & EVALUATION The Land Budget Population & Employment Projections Committed Developments 2031 Land Budget IAA AAA 120,100 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 0,000 0 1971 W' Surrounding Communities ;_1 City of Saint John 1976 1981 198c) E:1'] 1991 1996 2001 2006 Assumes 14% population growth, 10K more people, 25% more jobs in Saint John by 2031 Population Projection for the City of Saint John 2006 -2031 80000 75000 70000 65000 60000 55000 50000 7 AK J 2006 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 Source: Strategic Projections Inc. TOTAL RESIDENTIAL: COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT: ^' 3500 Dwellings fw 310,000 Sq M • INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT: ^'550 Hectares ,�� - W-N I 1 I 18-M r,ommitted Development Sites P6,24S rus 47.�{1T1°•6U p.IRlit '�'l4E=tx5uy M'+� DN Green lands: X environmentally significant areas will be protected wherever possible (steep slopes, flood plains, the effects of climate change) Rural Development: some development in 3 historic rural areas X no additional ribbon development Areas of Stability /Minor Change: • healthy neighbourhoods will not experience significant physical change yet are not static • they will evolve naturally and in keeping with the existing neighbourhood character and scale Opportunity Areas — Places for Growth and Change: areas that have the potential for more significant change and development (i.e. areas of disinvestment, vacant land or land uses that are no longer as useful) effect positive change in the City's urban structure wo _or IMAKSHUNK�48 dip f ito 7./ Op I M • • hL LEGEND Proposed Growth Boundary Lakes and Rivers Protected Watershed Areas Rural Areas Parks Existing Developed Areas Cemeteries Flood Risk Areas ,�l W..--5j wv I.- - iMartinon to %v. South Bay No .,, I ip Wm Lorneville A. 1� Treadwell Lake vi Major Employment Centres Industrial Areas AN r' �L Commercial Centres 'P& ii it 4 r . e A # 40 t e A 98 LEGEND Proposed Growth Boundary Industrial Opportunity Areas a Retail /Commercial Opportunity Areas Office/ Institutional Centres - All R l k it 4 r . e A # 40 t e A 98 LEGEND Proposed Growth Boundary Industrial Opportunity Areas a Retail /Commercial Opportunity Areas Office/ Institutional Centres - All '�l�iSj g i erm vision rvr a atrvn10 Millidgeville °p- t . West Millidgeville Centre University Ave Corridor r. a UNB -SJ Plateau sr _ Crescent Valley .. { t rf rth End The No ,d 1 Fairville Place _ + == �` Waterloo Village The outh End Lower_ West Side Central_ ' Waterfront - ti, 4 99 Opportunity Areas for Change and Growth Servicing: ✓Already have access to municipal roads, water and sewers Able to Receive Growth: ✓ Have a combined capacity capable of accommodating forecasted growth to the year 2031 Suitable for Development: ✓ Protect areas of environmental significance wherever possible Protects Stable Neighbourhoods: ✓Avoid stable neighbourhoods wherever possible 101 s)r •.. F'rIW6 Suburban Opportunity Areas ~" UNBSJ Plateau • �; University Centre Ave Corridor.t Crescent Valley Waterloo Village North End, NOW* South End Central Waterfront 'lace Lower West Side 111% Forest Hills /Lakewood t f I iesmenvai u demand 7 UNBSJ Plateau j tea_ At University Ave, Millidgeville Centre A "-(. Corridor N� Millidgeville West" ► Crescent Valley VOW Waterloo Village The North End 1 # 1% Ob mob- 4p A tie South End low ill V W %�W' Monte Cristo Gault Rd Fairville Place 41 103 I Forest Hills/ I •< Lakewood W7 ,** Ift *0 N I al Waterfront t Side P6,24S rus 47.�{1T1°•6U p.IRlit '�'l4E=tx5uy M'+� 104 OPTION ONE: PRIORITIZING THE URBAN CORE -50% in urban Opportunity Areas -35% in suburban Opportunity Areas -15% through infill in rural opportunity areas, reoccupation of vacant buildings and minor infilling in other parts of the City OPTION TWO: DISTRIBUTING REDEVELOPMENT & GROWTH -25% in urban Opportunity Areas -60% in suburban Opportunity Areas -15% through infill in rural opportunity areas, reoccupation of vacant buildings and minor infilling in other parts of the City STATUS QUO: CONTINUING PAST PATTERNS -15% in urban areas -65% in suburban areas -20% in rural areas 105 , South End Central Waterfron 'Lower West Side WPM University Av� Millidgeville Centre,,,, Corridor Millidgeville West- Crescent Valley Wate�loo Village The North End 106 d• dp M.. I__". Forest Hills/ .' Lakewood T UNBSJ Plateaus =1 Y4 r University Ave / ~ + Millidgeville Centre Corridor Millidgeville West'--: - y The North End South End J Monte Cristo/-' f Central Waterfront Gault Rd , f 'Lower West Side �::: •� i•> ♦v., `Q i0 +�!��♦ ♦ +i��� ♦�7 it�� %i ii + %♦�i! iii i! % %i� :. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 107 Evaluating the Options for Growth and Change • 30+ criteria derived from the Plan Directions, under the following headings: ✓ Smart Growth and Design; ✓Employment; ✓ Environment; v' Mobility; v' inclusiveness and Quality of Life; ✓ Costing and Implementation • high, medium or low rankings of the "Do Nothing" scenario, Option 1 and Option 2 in relation to one another under each criteria • Preliminary evaluation presented here to initiate input and discussion mo • Compact land area • No `greenfield' development • Efficient use of existing servicing and infrastructure • Urban housing forms • Anticipates the needs of an aging population 2 • • Supportive of transit, walking, and cycling y r3', � t� o Cost effective service delivery go Investment and development in the most challenged areas Significant opportunity for ` positive change 110 4 Y s +1 w i 'P • • • • • • Disperses development Uses more land Requires more infrastructure Less supportive of transit, walking and cycling Some municipal services cost reduction Consistent with traditional market patterns Less investment in priority neighbourhoods Less opportunity for stabilization and revitalization r,. AIM i Pi IN W;000 F 111 i I I M d r'-'ryy Hard Infrastructure Municipal Services User Costs L-1 External Costs IN 0 2,000 4,000 6.000 8,000 10,000 1 2,000 14.000 Annual cinsts per household by development scenario (source: Costing Mechanism to Facilitate Sustainable Planning, CMHC 2005) ■ low density development i eater SLIburbs ■ bigh density development - downtown score "e P6,24S rus 47.�{1T1°•6U p.IRlit '�'l4E=tx5uy M'+� 113 'f'CGi?25 I I 0 Y t EA W 9 a i re • 140 attended the Choices event • 22 workbooks submitted • 18 written submissions • 70 Youth participated • 25 Developers and Landowners • Meetings with key stakeholder groups 0 } 114 1. Would you add or make changes to the Directions for Growth and Change? • Widespread public support for directions, growth boundary and environmental protection approach • Suggestion from Business community to be more optimistic on the Plan's growth assumptions • Comments from Homebuilders and Business community that growth boundary does not allow enough suburban or rural growth • Some site specific requests for expansions to growth boundary to accommodate property interests 115 2. Would you add or make changes to the Opportunity Areas? • Suggestion for urban areas to be prioritized to support development of priority neighbourhoods • Suggestion for suburban to add residential around UNBSJ, consider storm water issues in Millidgeville West, modify size of west and east suburban areas (Monte Cristo /Gault Road & Forest Hills /Lakewood Heights) • Suggestion for rural to re- examine Treadwell Lake to reflect watershed considerations, clarify rural development options 116 • Suggestions for Commercial opportunity areas: • Changes to McAllister to better address storm water concerns, site specific request to extend boundary • suggestions to prioritize and add more commercial in the north end near Crescent Valley • Requests to reflect importance of Airport, Port and other employment lands 117 3. Is there an Option that you prefer and why? Are there ways the Options could be improved? • There is strong support for Option 1, followed by support for a hybrid of Options one and two, and a few who preferred Option 2. Those who prefer option 2 have concerns about potential to limit housing choice. 118 P6,24S rus 47.�{1T1°•6U p.IRlit '�'l4E=tx5uy M'+� 119 e What will Saint John ; ".- -house to be? Help us darda Yck� pair- JOB I sY LIP.crom MC_-.ar,, L; ircr_i, the Uwr kzr. kw Grewth rand flsange Oprn Moua- lrhum6'.0 mhee1e,4.9Kim 5rflon SHVh5d•rsrol,Wyrrl 106 t%ck4y Road Drpp �y ary.inr fr:,r 4'fpm o vww and orrimat 9n tint Chgkat tr G-bwth drrd CYaiSe `ar Sair`-Jahn %fkrDuti. 4 • Lmokatmrrarwrte. can the [hakmfeGra thand Cha"A wech EP,-- firLE Nih&P 965eA &Aulkththe Priarul taa 6DD- 1k6the ,presesrtawntrt+MePIan'5Jtemb 6:0- LWWtoapane +dJ viskrh 7Al]- J04Afirs ld[tlMrseS_bdr,onkhtaaieeSP'dr t*Mh andChkMW For moire o 6�5 -?R4� I PIarYSJstL rrreiaant€ xrtlhts�co .�dt�etaf�nan�++kdc�9ua�a! Saint John's Choice for 120 Growth &Change Open House UNBSJ Grand Hall 40 Charlotte Street Kings Square, Uptown Wednesday December 8th 5 -9pm Presentation 5:30 pm • Complete Option Evaluation — Public review closed Oct 29 • Preferred Option for Growth & Change by mid November • Present Preferred Option to Council on December 6th • Community Open House: December 8, 2010: 30 day public review • Council Endorsement of Framework for Growth & Change February 2011 • Municipal Plan — by end of 2011 121 i l F i Ik 0011 R gkvlII PC 9MI k1l VAN 4011 V Stay in touch with the PlanSJ team Web: www.saintiohn.ca /PlanSJ Email: PlanSJ @saintjohn.ca Facebook Phone: 506 635 2000 -. "0110* T TEGIES AM"O INC SAINT JOIlh L `FXj UNB draft - check against delivery UNB Saint John Update 2010 Saint John Common Council I November 2010 123 the fundamentals • approaching 50 years of direct impact in Saint John now well established, with 2400+ students • undergraduate, graduate, and PhD programs UNB • attracting high - quality faculty, researchers, and students ,,axnt john • the driving force for internationalization in Saint John • large network of alumni who are community leaders, and have a profound and positive impact on Saint John • internationally relevant research activity • extensive community engagement and outreach • presence in Millidgeville and Uptown Saint John 124 UNB ..1fit john Part I: Return on Investment 125 City of Saint John: Strategic Investment • Forging Our Futures Campaign • recognized the profound economic and social impact of UNBSJ on Saint John UNB Saintfohn • $200,000 x ten years for the University Commons • succeeded in setting the pace for other support • transforms the campus and the student experience • a deliberate move to create opportunities 126 UNB sajnt john 127 IM-1 current major construction Pffgo University Commons UNB DMNB [adapted SJ College] :ntlo'n go NBCC -SJ Allied Health Canada Games Stadium redevelopment 129 capital investment UNB • total value of these projects: $ 50 million + ,,axnt john • Grant in Lieu of property tax makes this investment revenue positive for the City of Saint John 130 direct operational impact UNB • UNBSJ annual operating budget: $ 33 million + xntlon 300 + employees • UNB is a major employer in Saint John 131 social &economic impact • In New Brunswick, lifetime earnings for those with a bachelors degree are UNB higher by $884,480 and for those with SaIntl ohn an advanced degree by almost $1.3 hhhow-, million • UNB alumni in the City of Saint John area: 6,600+ • a healthier, more innovative, more productive civil society 132 1 �M r strategic impact • communities compete for talent, strive for a `creative class' of entrepreneurs and leaders • successful communities cultivate knowledge and UNB innovation to secure a more prosperous future xnthn • universities have become `critical infrastructure' • public universities have critical role in community development • this investment enabled co- location of partners at on UNBSJ's Tucker Park campus 133 Part II: UNB looking bv-- forward 134 challenges ahead 2011 + • demography: fewer available students in NB, Canada • structural deficit: we need to reach the `critical mass' required to sustain quality and accessibility for UNB students Saint join 6.- • global recession: diminished support on all fronts • heightened competition: among universities inside and outside Canada • aging infrastructure: competitiveness requires reinvestment in our campus 135 opportunities ahead • PlanSJ and the strategic planning process at UNB will create opportunities to align our efforts for significant mutual benefit for both campus and UNB community sainflohn • the 2007 PSE debate brought heightened awareness and greater clarity to the community /university relationship • Saint John still needs to speak with a single voice to be influential at the provincial and national level 136 opportunities ahead there are opportunities for mutual benefit in community engagement: • poverty reduction urban studies UNB .xnthhn • uptown and neighbourhood development • public safety arts and culture • youth attraction and retention • community brand development 137 UNB ..1fit john Part III: our partnership 138 the path forward • recognize UNB as a high - priority partner for community development • harmonize the PlanSJ and UNB planning efforts UNB Saintfohn • maintain momentum on co- location at Tucker Park • work together to make Saint John a place that attracts and retains the best talent in Canada • continue to build on community engagement successes 139 1 Presentation prepared by Friends of Rockwood Park { "= to for Saint John Common Council in response to:`,:.• =j Rockwood Park / Sandy Point Road Planning Study November 8, 2010 FRIENDS OF ROCK►YODII PART( Salnl John, N® I 9�1 J � FRIENDS OF ROCKWOOD PARK Saint john Mi Mission Statement: The mission of FORP Inc. is to work and advocate for the protection of the natural environment of Rockwood Park in Saint John, New Brunswick. FORP was established in 2005 to try to prevent environmental damage to the park by the construction of Emera Brunswick Pipeline and has been acting as a watchdog ever since. KA 141 Common Council and the public are waiting for reports from: 1. the City Solicitor on what lands were purchased and the reasons why they were purchased, in response to Councillor Farren's motion of August 3, 2010; 2. the report from the City manager in response to a motion to him on the damage to property at # 1641 Sandy Point Road caused by the extensive work along Sandy Point Road and the associated fill. 3. the report from the city manager on the Recommendations from the Rockwood Park Advisory Board. and Concerns re: 4. Reasons for the area of study extended into Rockwood Park 250 to 450 m. 5. the legal status of Highland Park lands in Rockwood Park 6. Proposed development in ADI study 7. Plan SJ 142 For decades, Saint John citizens have considered Rockwood Park to be the area between Sandy Point Rd., Foster Thurston drive and the throughway, Hawthorne Avenue and area around Lily Lake. This has been confirmed: in the city's tourist literature, in city maps, in special maps of Rockwood Park, in a master plan for the management of Rockwood Park commissioned by the city in 1988 • In Service New Brunswick records • Pg. 7 of Sandy Point Road Planning Study • Staff report Planning Commissioner Jim Baird in 2004 143 • City solicitor first reported that the boundaries of Rockwood Park were unknown. He later said that the legal Rockwood Park consists of Trust lands previously owned by Saint John Horticultural Association and that the rest of Rockwood Park is city -owned park land. • Mayor Court continues to say that the land traditionally known as Rockwood Park is parkland owned by the city BUT it is NOT Rockwood Park. "It's not part of Rockwood Park. It's never been part of Rockwood Park." - CBC news radio report. • What kind of reasoning is this? • City money was used to purchase this land. The city must have records showing what property was bought, from whom it was purchased and for what purpose it was purchased. 144 established in 1899 to acquire land and sell parcels to members of the company. became the property of the Saint John Horticultural Association is shown on maps as private property is it private property, or does it belong to the Saint John Horticultural Association? what is its current legal standing? 145 Elf • City purchased Lot 1671 in 1971 to augment Park land • Apr. 2003 Sandy Point Road Water & Sewer Extension and Road Reconstruction project was approved. • Nothing was mentioned in the Council Meeting regarding the lot PID00418129. • Aug. 2003 A blueprint of a possible future subdivision "Harrigan Lake Court" with several single - family dwelling lots was noted in the City's file for lot PID00418129. • Despite repeated inquiries by area residents, city officials never mentioned their plan to clear -cut Harrigan Lake Property and use it to dump construction debris and install the storm drain. DEC -2004 City advertises zoning from Park to R -1A Single - Family Residential Public notification by local newspaper notice local residents were advised by letter. Public notice stated PID numbers and did not say Rockwood Park. Rezoning of 1313 to 1711 Sandy Point Road from "P" (Park) to "R -1A" (One Family Residential) Municipal Designation Amendment for the same area from "Open Space" to " Low Density Residential" an. Darling's Rockwood Condominiums Darling Construction (North Star Holdings) applied to build "Rockwood Condominiums" (2 x 6 -story apartment buildings, each with 83 units) in 1671 Sandy Point Road. Darling later withdrew their application. an. Cavanagh's 48 townhouses Cavanagh Homes applied to build 48 townhouses in 4 hectares of city -owned land including 1581 and 1601 Sandy Point Road, next to Harrigan Lake property. une Moratorium on development 147 Leisure Services map of March 2009 shows this lot as park One of the park trails has been cut -off •]1]s W� 148 i " i 1 - .\GrlS I Storm drain flowing towards Harrigan Lake a .. • �L v __. r' Discharge from the storm drain is pooled in the delicate wetland 0 Proposed Development at 1671 Sandy Point Road ADI recommends in their report : two multi -unit apartmenticondoltownhouse buildings aligned perpendicular to Sandy Point Road. The scale of the buildings begin at the road with a 4 -5 storey tower apartment style building that gradually steps down to 2 -3 storey high nearest the Harrigan Lake look -off. Should this materialize, viewers might see this from the nature trails at Harrigan Lake. `« 3 • _ I f ._ Aadl 0} 4 , r� jr i OIL. lie .+ " — f • As I X-t' '.: • r ;' tom' • •�� ." � j "�'..: ii i �{t _ j .. »�'�i , r I- •rye �j 150 Inevitable Negative Impact to the Environment If two buildings contained 80 units each, the zoning by -law would require 200 parking spaces. That is approximately 3 acres of paved surfaces O Further clear- cutting would likely be needed to make a parking lot. O Pollutants such as salt, motor oil, soap and windshield washer fluid would run into Harrigan Lake through the storm drain. O Flooding is already reported by the homeowner adjacent to the clear -cut area. Melting snow and rain water falling on the hard surfaces, not being able to be absorbed into the ground, could cause further problems. 151 Planning and Development Real Estate Services Description of Plan: Parcels 08-3, and 08-4 Address: Sandy Point Road 151 _ Fieldstone Estates 64 Single Family Dwellings 80 acres 150 to 180 units yet to be developed 7 Rockwood Hills 92 Townhouses and .Y 108 Condo Units 1000 Sandy Point Rd 40 Apartments Crescent Valley Mixture of Single Family Dwellings , Semi- Detached Dwellings Row Houses Apartment Buildings Approx. 1,000 Units yet to be developed `FYJ In the immediate neighbourhood with current zoning: The City has already committed to 264 new housing units. 190 - 220 additional units are being considered. In the Crescent Valley area: There is a potential for 1,000 new units. So why is it necessary to seek additional building lots in this neighbourhood? Why inside Rockwood Park? ADI is recommending a major expansion - a new neighbourhood with significantly higher density This neighbourhood doesn't have the infrastructure to support this. • Roads are dangerous • No sidewalks • Far from schools and stores Shortcomings with the Study and the ADI Report • During the "public consultation" ADI proceeded to establish a Zone ADI was asked to confirm the of their own choosing for Housing boundaries of RP. Developments. • There has been no environmental impact assessment nor a traffic study to make an informed decision on housing development in and adjacent to Rockwood Park. • It concerns with only the Study area. It does not address the possible detrimental effects on the entire park's ecosystem. 153 • This 75 to 150 m deep Zone frequently encroaches heavily upon the existing landscape. • Clusters of 3- storey Apartment buildings in this Zone prevent a smooth transition into Rockwood Park • Nobody at the "Public Consultation asked for the proposed Trail Corridor with access from Sandy Point road Common Council asked the Planning Department for the Study. Apparently the Planning Department then used input by developers to establish a Study Area. This 250 to 450 m deep area would consume 113 of the Golf Course. Common Council asked to have the optimum future use along SPR identified. This implies to harmoniously combine the future type of housing with the existing one. The ADI report instead clusters 3- storey apartment buildings between one - family houses. ADI with the "No Net Loss of Parkland" slogan went outside the scope of its contract. They propose an exchange of Golf Course land with the Howes Lake area land. Developers can build on the Golf Course, and the public is stuck with the toxic lake. When 2 multi- storey Apartment Buildings were proposed at lot 1671 the public objected. They were than asked to and did participate in a "public consultation' session. ADI was told by all participants that the suburban landscape along Sandy Point Road should so remain. ADI disregarded this and proposed a maximum density scheme never used in a Canadian Park 154 • Example #1671 Sandy Point Road • Peter Maguire said he supports the development along Sandy Point Rd. Telegraph Journal March 31, 2010. • Councillor Donnie Snook quoted. "I hope this bounces the moratorium out of its place, so we can move forward with development, who wouldn't want to see development around the Park ?" Telegraph Journal August 18, 2009 • Councillor Gary Sullivan said when the Sandy Point Road Planning Study was submitted to the planning Department that this development plan was exactly what was asked for • Public consultation barriers in Sandy Point Road Planning Study and Plan SJ 155 FORP's Two Main Concerns ENVIRONMENTAL PLAN SJ Rockwood Park needs : 0 The Planning Dept is stressing the • Environmental sensitivity need to • A commitment to the real value Draw people back into the city of the park Revitalize existing neighbourhoods • Proper management Minimize sprawl • Conservation But the ADI Plan would : • Create a new urbanized area • Contribute to sprawl • Create traffic congestion and pollution • Seriously degrade Rockwood Park 156 1. Define what legally is the area of Rockwood Park, which then should be governed by the 1893 Act for the limitations of its use. 2. The ADI Professional Opinion be rejected as being not compatible with the existing country atmosphere. The city asked for optimum, not maximum, future use of these lands. 3. The current moratorium remain until a thorough independent comprehensive environmental impact assessment is done. 4. Develop and infill urbanized areas of the City, not Rockwood Park. 157 158 Wf BY -LAW NUMBER C.P. 110 -161 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY -LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: The Zoning By -law of The City of Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of December, A.D. 2005. is amended by: 1 Amending Schedule "A ", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 3 hectares, located at 85 Whitebone Way, also identified as PID numbers 00287805, 55162770 and 55162762, From 14" Heavy Industrial Park to "1 -2" Heavy Industrial pursuant to a resolution adopted by Common Council under Section 39 of the Community Planning Act. - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by -law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the * day of *, A.D. 2010 and signed by: Mayor/Maire ARRETE No C.P. 110 -161 ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lors d'une r6union du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a d6crete cc qui suit : L'arret6 sur le zonage de The City of Saint John, d6crete le dix -neuf (19) d6cembre 2005, est modie6 par : 1 La modification de I'annexe <(A », Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, permettant de modifier la designation pour une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 3 hectares, situ&e au 85, voie Whitebone, et portant les NID 00287805, 55162770 et 55162762, de zone de parc d'industrie lourde « 1 -4 )> a zone d'industrie lourde a 1 -2 » conformement a une resolution adoptde par le conseil municipal en vertu de Particle 39 de la Loi sur 1'urbanisme. - toutes les modifications sont indiqu6es sur le plan ci joint et font partie du present arrdtd. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arret6 le 2010, avec les signatures suivantes Common Clerk/Greffiere communaie First Reading - October 25, 2010 Premiere lecture - le 25 octobre 2010 Second Reading - October 25, 2010 Deuxieme lecture - le 25 octobre 2010 Third Reading - Troisietne lecture - 159 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 1 URBANISME ET D�VELOPPEMENT REZONING I REZONAGE Amending Schedule "A" of the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John Modifiant Annexe «Au de I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John } I , 1 FROM I DE TO IA I-4 1 -2 Heavy Industrial Park Heavy Industrial 1 zone de pare d'industrie lourde 1 zone d'industrie lourde Pursuant to a Resolution under Section 39 of the Community Planning Act Conform6ment a une resolution adopt &e par le conseil municipal en vertu de I'article 39 de la Loi sur l'urbanisme Applicant: Greenstar Recycling Limited Location: 85 voie Whitebone Way PID (s)INIP(s) 55162770, 55162762 & 00287805 06P16 Drawn By /Creee Par: David Couture Date Drawn /Carte Creee: November 4 novembre, 2010 Considered by P.A.C. /considdr6 par le C.C.U.: October 19 octobre, 2010 Enacted by Council /Approuv& par le Conseil: Piled in Registry Office /Enregistr6 le: By -Law # /ArrM #: 160 \�)' Section 39 Conditions — 85 Whitebone Way That, pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the development and use of a parcel of land with an area of approximately 3 hectares, located at 85 Whitebone Way, also identified as PID Numbers 00287805, 55162770 and 55162762, be subject to the following conditions: a. That the use be limited to those permitted in the 1 -4" Heavy Industrial Park zone and the proposed metal recycling facility. 161 \0 l ti BY -LAW NUMBER C.P. 110 -162 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY -LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: The Zoning By -law of The City of Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of December, A.D. 2005, is amended by: 1. 2. ARRETE No C.P. 110 -162 ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lors dune reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a d6cret6 ce qui suit : L'arret6 sur le nonage de The City of Saint John, d6cret6 le dix -neuf (19) d6cembre 2005, est modifi6 par: Deleting the existing Section 910(3)(a) 1 and replacing it with the following new Section 910(3)(a): "A person who seeks an amendment to this By -law or an amendment to a resolution or agreement pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act shall (i) address a written and signed application therefor to the Council; (ii) submit with the application a fee of $1,000 payable to the City of Saint John; (iii) file a copy of the application with the Committee;" Adding the following as Section 2. 910(6): "Fees for Community Planning and Development Services The following fees shall be applicable for the community planning and development services indicated: a) for applications for variance, conditional use, approval of a development for a temporary period, similar or compatible use, and change of non - conforming use, a fee of $250 shall be required at the time of application; b) for providing a zoning confirmation letter, a fee of $25 shall be required at the time of the request." IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the * day of *, A.D. 2010 and signed by: 162 Supprimer Particle 910(3)a) en le rempla� ant par le nouvel article 910(3)a) suivant: Quiconque souhaite faire modifier le present arrete ou une resolution ou une entente conform6ment a Particle 39 de la Loi stir Purhanisme : (i) pr6sente au conseil une demande 6crite et signee a cet 6gard; (ii) verse avee la demande un droit de 1 000 $ payable a The City of Saint John; (iii) remet une copie de la demande au comit6. Ajouter le texte suivant en tant qu'article 910(6) : « Droit a payer pour les services d'urbanisme et de d6veloppement Le droit suivant s'applique pour les services d'urbanisme et de developpement : a) pour les demandes de derogation, d'usage conditionnel, d'approbation d'un am6nagement temporaire, d'usage similaire ou compatible et de changement de Pusage non conforme, un droit de 250 $ sera exige au moment de presenter la demande; b) pour une lettre de confirmation du zonage, un droit de 25 $ sera exig6 au moment de presenter la demande. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arret6 le 2010, avee les signatures suivantes : Mayor /M aire Common Clerk/Greffiere communale First Reading; - October 25, 2010 Fremi6re lecture — le 25 octobre 2010 Second Reading - October 25, 2010 Deuxi6me lecture — le 25 octobre 2010 Third Reading - Troisi6me lecture - 163 r� to . BY -LAW NUMBER M -5 A BY -LAW RESPECTING THE PROCEDURES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Section 1 SHORT TITLE 1.1 Citation Section 2 INTERPRETATION 2.1 Clerk - defined 2.2 Committee - defined 2.3 Committee of the Whole - defined 2.4 Corporation - defined 2.5 Council - defined 2.6 Councillor - defined 2.7 Deputy Mayor - defined 2.8 Hearing - defined 2.9 Holiday - defined 2.10 Mayor - defined 2.11 Meeting - defined 2.12 Member - defined 2.13 Point of information - defined 2.14 Point of order - defined 2.15 Point of procedure - defined 2.16 Presiding Officer - defined 2.17 Question of privilege -- defined 2.18 Quorum - defined 2.19 Recorded vote - defined 2.20 Rules of procedure -- defined 2.21 Sergeant -at -Awns - defined 2.22 Special committee -- defined 2.23 Whole of Council - defined Section 3 GENERAL PROVISIONS 3.1 Rules - regulations - observed - by Council 3.2 Reference - Robert's Rules of Order 3.3 Conflict - Robert's Rules of Order 3.4 Conflict - statutory provisions 3.5 Rules - suspension - alteration - 2/3 consent - required 3.6 Quorum - majority of members 3.7 Quorum - not present - adjournment - exception 3.8 Decisions - Council - expressed - resolutions - by -laws 3.9 Resolutions - by -laws - passed - enacted - majority vote 3.10 Motion to Rescind 3.11 Motion to Reconsider 3.12 Adjournment - due to hour 3.13 Meeting - extension - not beyond 11:00pm 164 3.14 Adjournment - meeting not extended 3.15 Orders - authority - reserved - with Council 3.16 Recording - permitted - exception - closed meetings 3.17 Recording - broadcasting - permitted - conditions 3.18 Amendment - repeal - majority vote - required Section 4 MEETING 4.1 First meeting - Municipalities Act - applicable 4.2 First meeting - date - place - fixed by Clerk 4.3 Council business - Regular Meetings - Mondays 4.4 Regular meeting - location 4.5 Special meeting - other committee meeting - location 4.6 Holiday - meeting - next following day - not holiday 4.7 Public meeting - time - commencement 4.8 Public meeting - notice 4.9 Public meeting - notice - cancellation- rescheduled - change of time 4.10 Additional - subsequent meeting - majority vote 4.11 Audience - Council meeting - restrictions 4.12 Public member - expulsion - improper conduct 4.13 Regular Meetings - simultaneous interpretation Section 5 SPECIAL MEETING 5.1 Summoned - by Mayor - at any time 5.2 Summoned - by Clerk - majority - petition of Council 5.3 Notice - 24 hours in advance - requirements 5.4 Emergency - prior notice - not required 5.5 Emergency - notice - method - location 5.6 Business - stated - in notice - other - prohibited 5.7 Special meeting - notice - public Section 6 COUNCIL MEETINGS 6.1 Council Meetings - types 6.2 Open to Public - exception 6.3 Closed -- shall be - reasons 6.4 Closed - compliance - statutory requirements Section 7 ORDER OF BUSINESS 7.1 Quorum - present - meeting - call to order 7.2 Mayor absent - Deputy Mayor - call to order - presiding 7.3 Mayor absent - Deputy Mayor - call to order - presiding 7.4 Quorum - not present - in 30 minutes- adjournment 7.5 Adjournment - agenda - consideration - subsequent Section 8 AGENDA 8.1 Agenda - order of business 8.2 Agenda - order of business - alteration 165 2 8.3 Consent agenda - consideration of recommendations 8.4 Headings - order - prepared by Clerk 8.5 Submissions - listed - public matters 8.6 Delivery - to members - prior to meeting 8.7 Made available - to officials - staff 8.8 Made available - agenda - public 8.9 Not delivered - meeting valid 8.10 Submissions - to Clerk - deadline 8.11 Special meeting - preparation - requirements Section 9 REPORTS - PETITIONS 9.1 Included on agenda - by Clerk 9.2 Public Reports - Planning Advisory Committee Section 10 DELEGATION/PRESENTATIONS 10.1 Delegations /Presentations - request on agenda 10.2 Delegations/Presentations - permission to appear 10.3 Delegations /Presentations -- submission of materials 10.4 Delegations /Presentations - requested - at meeting - two thirds consent 10.5 Delegations /Presentations - maximum duration 10.6 Delegations /Presentations addressing Council 10.7 Delegations /Presentations -- finalization of matters Section 11 ROLES- MAYOR, DEPUTY MAYOR, COUNCILLORS 11.1 Role of the Mayor - Preside - provide leadership 11.2 Deputy Mayor - appointment - by election 11.3 Deputy Mayor - absence - inability to act 11.4 Deputy Mayor - powers - duties 11.5 Councillors - Responsibilities - participation - duties 11.6 Presiding Officer - duties at meetings Section 12 RULES OF CONDUCT - DEBATE 12.1 Speaking - Presiding Officer - not to leave chair 12.2 Speaking - order - determined - by Presiding Officer 12.3 Speaker - recognition - by Presiding Officer 12.4 Speaking - twice only - exception - Council approval 12.5 Speaking - twice - all members heard from 12.6 Motion - member making - additional 3 minutes 12.7 Speaking - time limitation 12.8 Question - put through - Presiding Officer 12.9 Motion - in debate - read - at any time 12.10 Disturbance - disorderly conduct - prohibited 12.11 Insults - offensive words - prohibited 12.12 Disobedience - rules - Presiding Officer - prohibited 12.13 Disturbance - leaving seat - during vote - prohibited 12.14 Interruption - speaker - prohibited - exception 3 166 Section 13 QUESTION OF PRIVILEGE - POINT OF INFORMATION - ORDER 13.1 Consideration - immediate 13.2 Question of privilege - order - over all matters 13.3 Point of information - answer - by Presiding Officer 13.4 Speaker - interruption - decision - Presiding Officer 13.5 Presiding Officer - challenged - overruled - procedure 13.6 Call to order - member - decision to expel Section 14 CONFLICT OF INTEREST 14.1 Ethical standards - reporting conflicts 14.2 Disclosure - file with Clerk - upon assuming office 14.3 Disclosure of conflict - while in office 14.4 Disclosure - to be filed with Clerk's office 14.5 Disclosure - during meeting 14.6 Declaration of conflict - must not participate 14.7 Declaration - Clerk to record 14.8 Members required to withdraw -- quorum Section 15 MOTIONS - ORDER 15.1 Moved - seconded - before debate - vote 15.2 Withdrawal - at any time - before vote 15.3 Public - to be heard - only after hearing 15.4 Motion Put - public participation - prohibited 15.5 Debate - amendment - permitted 15.6 In order - procedure 15.7 Adjourn - requirements 15.8 Adjourn - time specified - amendable 15.9 Proceed - beyond 10:00 p.m. - requirements 15.10 Tabling Motion - requirements 15.11 Put the question - requirements 15.12 Defer - certain time 15.13 Defer - Indefinitely 15.14 Refer - requirements 15.15 Amendment -a requirement 15.16 Amendment --- one at a time - limitation 15.17 Amendment - put - reverse order -- voting procedure 15.18 Introduction - without notice - leave 15.19 Matter - on agenda 15.20 Procedure - introduced orally 15.21 Suspend - rules - regulations 15.22 Point of order - procedure - information - privilege 15.23 Other - routine - as required 15.24 Motion by Member - notice - to Clerk - time limitation 15.25 Motion by Member - printed in full - on agenda 15.26 Motion by Member - in writing - mover - signature n 167 Section 16 VOTING 16.1 Motion - multiple - distinct propositions 16.2 Motion - after all spoken - put by Presiding Officer 16.3 Motion - put to vote - speaking - prohibited 16,4 Motion - vote - required - unless disqualified 16.5 Failure - to vote - deemed affirmative 16.6 Mayor - to vote 16.7 Equality of votes - decision - deemed negative 16.8 Method - recorded vote 16.9 Result - announced - by Presiding Officer 16.10 Result - disagreement - immediate -- recorded vote 16.11 Recorded vote - when requested - or required 16.12 Recorded vote - all required to vote 16.13 Names - votes - negative - position - recorded 16.14 Majority - requirement - by by -law 16.15 Greater than majority - required - recorded vote Section 17 BUSINESS 17.1 New business - consideration - requirements 17.2 Motion - not on agenda - Presiding Officer - advised 17.3 Motion - not on agenda - staff request Section 18 BY -LAWS - RESOLUTIONS - CONTRACTS 18.1 Consideration - approval - by Council 18.2 Bylaws - three readings same day - not permitted 18.3 Reports, Resolutions - filed with the Common Clerk Section 19 MINUTES 19.1 Information - requirements - taken by Clerk 19.2 Previous meeting - read aloud - two thirds majority 19.3 Approval - regular and special meetings 19.4 Approval - closed meeting 19.5 Public Record - closed meeting Section 20 COMMITTEES 20.1 Establishment - standing committees - as necessary 20.2 Budget Committee of the Whole - establishment 20.3 Budget Committee of the Whole - responsibilities 20.4 Budget Committee of the Whole - Chair - Vice -Chair 20.5 Budget Committee of the Whole - meetings - day - time 20.6 Budget Committee of the Whole - business - procedure 20.7 Special Committee - Appointment - by Council 20.8 Chair - appointed - procedures - determined - Council 20.9 Work - report - complete - committee dissolved 20.10 Mayor - ex- officio member - all committees 20.11 Committee Meetings - open to public 5 168 Section 21 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - PROCEDURE 21.1 Agenda - prepared by Clerk 21.2 Agenda - delivery - to members - prior to meetings 21.3 Agenda - to officials - staff 21.4 Agenda - not delivered - meeting valid 21.5 Agenda - submission - filing deadline 21.6 Agenda - special meetings - preparation 21.7 Chair - to preside - all meetings - voting authority 21.8 Vote - equal - deemed - negative 21.9 Presiding Officer - powers - responsibilities 21.10 Quorum - majority of members 21.11 Meeting - day - time 21.12 Special meeting - called - by Chair 21.13 Special meeting - called - written request - majority 21.14 Special meeting - Committee of the Whole - procedures 21.15 Business - procedure - exceptions 21.16 Speaking - no limitations 21.17 Speaking - to motion - once - until all spoken 21.18 Recorded vote - not required 21.19 Motion - to close debate - prohibited 21.20 Chair - participation 21.21 Point of order - procedure - decision - Chair 21.22 Delegations - hearing of - rules 21.23 Delegation/Presentation -- prior notice 21.24 Address - no notice - majority consent - required 21.25 Address - maximum duration 21.26 New motion - notice - in writing - deadline 21.27 Report - to Council - all matters - recommendations 21.28 Minutes - Committee of the Whole- taken by Clerk 21.29 Open meetings - exception 21.30 Proceedings - adopted - confirmed - by Council - motion 21.31 Recommendation - vote - requested Section 22 ENACTMENT 22.1 Effective date SCHEDULE Schedule `A' - Motions - Table of precedence 169 C PREAMBLE WHEREAS, the Province of New Brunswick Municipalities Act hereinafter referred to as the "Municipalities Act ", provides for the regulation of the meetings of the Common Council and the conduct thereof by By -law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that rules be made for the better regulation and conduct of such meetings, and that such rules be supplemental to and interpreted in accordance with the statutory provisions of the Municipalities Act; Be it enacted by the Common Council of The City of Saint John as follows; Section 1 SHORT TITLE 1.1 Citation This Bylaw may be cited as the "Procedural By -law." Section 2 INTERPRETATION 2.1 Clerk - defined "Clerk" means the Common Clerk or the Assistant Common Clerk of the City of Saint John. 2.2 Committee — defined "Committee" means a committee provided for or created by Common Council. 2.3 Committee of the Whole - defined "Committee of the Whole" means a committee of Council composed of all of the members sitting in committee as Committee of the Whole. 2.4 Corporation - defined "Corporation" means The Corporation of the City of Saint John. 2.5 Council - defined "Council" means the Mayor and Councillors of The City of Saint John 2.6 Councillor — defined "Councillor" means a member of Council other than the Mayor. 2.7 Deputy - defined "Deputy Mayor" means the member of Council who has been elected to act in the place or stead of the Mayor in the absence or incapacity of the Mayor. 2.8 Hearing — defined "Hearing" means a meeting of Council or that portion of a meeting of Council which has been given authority to conduct a hearing in matters pursuant to any legislation which requires Council to hear interested parties or to afford them an opportunity to be heard before taking action, passing a bylaw or making a decision. 2.9 Holiday — defined "Holiday" means any holiday as defined in the Interpretation Act, 2.10 Mayor - defined "Mayor" is the member of Council holding the office of Mayor. 2.11 Meeting - defined "Meeting" means any regular, special, or other meeting of the Council. 2.12 Member - defined "Member" means any person elected to the Council and includes the Mayor. 7 170 2.13 Point of information - defined "Point of information" is a request directed to the Presiding Officer or to another member or to staff of the Corporation, for information relevant to the business at hand, but not related to a point of procedure. 2.14 Point of order - defined "Point of Order" is the raising of a question by a member for the purpose of calling attention to any departure from this By -law or the customary modes or proceedings in debate or in the conduct of the Council's business including; (a) any breaches of the Procedural By -law; or (b) any defect in the constitution of any meeting of the Council; or (c) the use of improper, offensive or abusive language; or (d) notice of the fact that the matter under discussion is not within the scope of the motion; or (e) any other informality or irregularity in the proceedings of Council. 2.15 Point of procedure - defined "Point of Procedure" is a question directed to the Presiding Officer to obtain information on a matter of the procedural rules or the rules of the Council bearing on the business at hand in order to assist a member to make an appropriate motion, raise a point of order or understand the parliamentary situation or the effect of a motion. 2.16 Presiding Officer - defined "Presiding Officer'' means the Mayor or in his/her absence the Deputy Mayor, or in the absence of both of them, the member appointed under Section 11.3 to act in their absence, while presiding at meetings of Council. 2.17 Question of privilege - defined "Question of Privilege" is the raising of a question or request for the immediate consideration of a matter affecting the comfort, safety or orderliness of a member or the Council collectively, when a member believes that another member has spoken disrespectfully towards him or the Council, or when he believes his/her comments have been misunderstood or misinterpreted by another member or members. 2.18 Quorum — defined A majority of all the members elected to the Common Council shall constitute a quorum at any regular or special meeting of the Common Council. 2.19 Recorded vote — defined "Recorded vote" means a vote taken by a show of hands. 2.20 Rules of procedure - defined "Rules of Procedure" means the rules and regulations provided in this Bylaw. 2.21 Sergeant -at -Arms — defined Any member of the City Police shall be a Sergeant -At -Arms on call of the Presiding Officer. 2.22 Special committee - defined "Special Committee" means a committee of Council except Committee of the Whole which is established to consider and report on a specific subject, project, or undertaking. 2.23 Whole of Council — defined "Whole of Council" means those members of Council, including the Mayor, who are not disqualified from voting. Section 3 GENERAL PROVISIONS 3.1 Rules - regulations - observed - by Council The rules and regulations contained in this Bylaw shall be observed in all proceedings of the Council and shall be the rules and regulations for the order and dispatch of business in Council, committees and Committee of the Whole. A 171 3.2 Reference - Robert's Rules of Order When any matter relating to proceedings in Council or in committees or Committee of the Whole arises which is not covered by a provision of this By -law, the procedure to be followed shall be decided with reference to Robert's Rules of Order (101h Edition). 3.3 Conflict - Robert's Rules of Order In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this By -law and the provisions of the authority referred to in Section 3.2 the provisions of this By -law shall apply. 3.4 Conflict - statutory provisions The provisions of this By -law are subject to any statutory provisions in effect from time to time and in the event of any conflict between such statutory provisions and the provisions of this By -law, the statutory provisions shall apply. 3.5 Rules - suspension - alteration - 213consent required Notwithstanding any other provision of this By -law, in the absence of any statutory obligation the rules and regulations contained in this By -law may be suspended or altered for a single occasion with the consent of not less than two - thirds of the total membership of Common Council. 3.6 Quorum - majority of members A quorum of Council shall consist of a majority of the members of the Council. 3.7 Quorum - not present - adjournment - exception If at any meeting the number of members is reduced to less than a quorum, subject to the provisions of the Municipalities Act the Council meeting shall stand adjourned. 3.8 Decisions Council - expressed - resolutions - by -laws The Corporation makes decisions and expresses itself by Council passing resolutions and enacting by -laws. No act or decision of Council is valid unless it is authorized or adopted by a by -law or resolution at a Regular or Special Council meeting. 3.9 Resolutions - by -laws - passed - enacted - majority vote Except as otherwise provided, resolutions and by -laws are passed and enacted by majority vote. 3.10 Motion to Rescind The motion can only be made by a member who voted with the prevailing side, requires a two - thirds vote for adoption and can be applied to the vote on any motion except a) an affirmative vote whose provisions have been partly carried out; b) an affirmative vote in the nature of a contract when the party to the contract has been notified of the outcome; c) any vote which has caused something to be done that it is impossible to undo. 3.11 Reconsideration - any decision A motion to reconsider any action taken by the Common Council may be made only during the same meeting or at a recessed or adjourned session thereof. Such motion must be made by one of the prevailing side, but may be seconded by any member, takes precedence over all other motions, may be made at any time, requires a majority vote of the members present and it shall be debatable. Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent any member of the Common Council from making or remaking the same or any other motion at a subsequent meeting of the Common Council. 3.12 Adjournment - due to hour A regular or special meeting of Council shall adjourn no later than10:00 p.m. and shall reconvene at such other day and time as Council by resolution may direct. 3.13 Meeting - extension — not beyond 11.00pm Notwithstanding Section 3.12, Council may agree to an extension of a meeting beyond 10:00 p.m., but not beyond 11:00 p.m. if a majority of the members agree to do so. 9 172 3.14 Adjournment - meeting not extended If a Council meeting is still in session at 10:00 p.m. or if extended, at 11:00 p.m. the Clerk shall rise to notify Council and members of the public that the meeting is adjourned and of the date and time to which the meeting is adjourned. 3.15 Orders - authority - reserved - with Council No order or authority for the Corporation or any of its employees to do any matter or thing shall be recognized as emanating from a committee or Committee of the Whole, the authority of committees and Committee of the Whole being limited to the making of recommendations to Council, provided, notwithstanding anything in this By -law to the contrary, a committee shall have the authority to direct employees to report to it on any matter within that committee's jurisdiction as set forth in this By -law. 3.16 Recording - permitted - exception - closed meetings Council and Committee of the Whole meetings may be recorded by the Clerk or his /her designate as a means of assisting in the preparation of the minutes of that meeting. 3.17 Recording - broadcasting - permitted - conditions Council and Committee of the Whole meetings which are not closed to the public in accordance with the provision of this By -law may be taped, televised or otherwise electronically or mechanically recorded by a cable television company or by any other licensed telecommunications company provided that such taping, televising or recording is carried out in a manner which does not interfere with proceedings at the meeting. 3.18 Amendment - repeal - majority vote - required This By -law may be amended or repealed by a majority vote of the whole of Council. Section 4 MEETING 4.1 First meeting - Municipalities Act - applicable The first meeting of Council after a regular election shall be held no later than the Fifteenth day in June following the Council's election. 4.2 First meeting - date - place - fixed by Clerk The first meeting of Council after a regular election shall be held at a time and place fixed by the Clerk. 4.3 Council business — Regular Meetings - Mondays Except for the first meeting in a term of Council or as otherwise provided regular meetings of Council shall be held bi- weekly on Mondays for the purpose of transacting all business of Council, with the provision for a Council and/or Committee of the Whole meeting as required on the alternate Monday. Business which was originally scheduled for a Regular Council meeting and is left unfinished or is to be reconsidered shall be scheduled for the next Regular Council meeting. 4.4 Regular meeting - location Unless otherwise specifically set out in the notice for a meeting, all regularly scheduled meetings of Council, shall be held in the Council Chamber Lobby Level, 15 Market Square, City of Saint John. 4.5 Special meeting - other committee meeting - location Special or closed meetings of Council, Committee of the Whole and Budget Committee of the Whole and meetings of other committees created under this By -law shall be held at a place and time set out in the notice for the meeting. 4.6 Holiday - meeting - following day - not holiday If a regular meeting falls on a holiday, the meeting shall be at the same hour on the following day not being a holiday, unless otherwise determined by Council. 10 173 4.7 Public meeting - time - commencement Regular meetings referred to in Section 4.4 shall commence no earlier than 5:00pm and no later than 7:00 pm as determined by the Clerk and set out in the notice for the meeting. 4.8 Public meeting - notice The Clerk must give public notice of the time and place of a Regular Council, Committee of the Whole, Budget Committee of the Whole meeting by notifying the local media and by posting notice of the meeting on The City of Saint John web site (www.saintjohn.ca) the Friday before the date of the regular meeting. 4.9 Public meeting — notice — cancellation- rescheduled The Clerk must give public notice of a cancelled or rescheduled meeting or of the change of time or location by notifying the local media and posting notice to the public on The City of Saint John web site (www.saintjolm.ca) at least 24 hours before the date and time on which the Regular Council, Committee of the Whole, Budget Committee of the Whole meeting was to have been held. 4.10 Additional - subsequent meeting - majority vote Council by a majority vote of members present at a regular meeting of Council may determine that a subsequent meeting is to be held on a day or at a time different from that specified in Sections 4.3, 4.6 and 4.7. 4.11 Audience - Council meeting - restrictions Members of the public who constitute the audience in the Council Chamber during a Council meeting: (a) may not address Council without permission of the Council, (b) shall maintain order and quiet, (c) shall not interrupt or interfere with the proceedings, (d) shall not display signs or placards 4.12 Public member - expulsion - improper conduct Any person making personal, impertinent, or slanderous remarks or who shall become boisterous while in the Council Chamber or addressing the Common Council and refuses to apologize or withdraw his/her remarks when so directed by the Presiding Officer, or willfully obstructs the conduct of business, and refuses to desist when called upon to do so by the Presiding Officer, may be ordered by the Presiding Officer to leave the Common Council Chamber for that meeting, and, if he/she refuses to do so, he/she may, on the order of the Presiding Officer, be removed from that meeting. If necessary the Presiding Officer shall seek the appropriate assistance from the Sergeant at Arms or any member of the Saint John Police Force. He /she, or they, shall carry out all orders and instructions given by the Presiding Officer for the purposes of maintaining order and decorum at the Common Council meeting. 4.13 Regular Meetings — simultaneous interpretation Simultaneous interpretation services in both official languages will be provided at all regular Council meetings. An inability to provide interpretation services will not invalidate the Council meeting or any proceedings thereat. Section 5 SPECIAL MEETING 5.1 Summoned - by Mayor - at any time The Mayor may, at any time, through the Common Clerk summon a special meeting of Council. 5.2 Summoned - by Clerk - petition of Council The Clerk, upon receipt of the petition of any three members, shall summon a special meeting for the purpose and at the time specified in the petition. 11 174 5.3 Notice — 24 hours in advance - requirements Except as provided in Sections 5.4 and 5.5, The Clerk must give at least 24 hours notice in writing, signed by the Mayor or members responsible for calling the special meeting, stating the date and hour of the meeting and the purpose for which the meeting was called, to each member, either: (a) by leaving a copy of the notice with the member, or (b) by leaving a copy of the notice at the place of residence or business of the member; or (c) by emailing a copy to the member's City email address. 5.4 Emergency - prior notice - not required The notice requirement in Section 5.3 shall not apply to a special meeting summoned to deal with an emergency. 5.5 Emergency - notice — method - location For an emergency meeting the Clerk shall use his/her best efforts to give notice of the emergency meeting and the purpose or purposes of the meeting to each member, either by email, verbally or in writing, and notice shall be given as far in advance of the meeting as practicable. An emergency meeting may be conducted in person or from remote locations by use of telecommunications equipment. 5.6 Business - stated - in notice - other - prohibited No business other than that stated in the notice shall be considered at the special meeting. Council may determine with the unanimous consent of the members present to suspend this provision. 5.7 Special meeting - notice - public The Clerk must give public notice of the time and place of a special meeting by notifying the local media and by posting notice of the meeting to the public on The City of Saint John web site (www.saintjohn.ca) 24 hours before the date and hour of the meeting. Section 6 COUNCIL MEETINGS 6.1 Council Meetings —Types There shall be the following types of Council Meetings: Regular, Special, Emergency and Legal. 6.2 Open to public - exception Unless a meeting or portion thereof is closed to the public in accordance with the terms of applicable Provincial legislation, a member of the public may be excluded or removed from a Council meeting only for misconduct. 6.3 Closed - shall be — reasons A meeting shall not be closed to the public unless and until the Council has adopted a resolution to that effect, which resolution must also state the basis under the Municipalities Act for doing so. 6.4 Closed - compliance - statutory requirements Council proceedings and the record to be kept thereof are subject to the provisions of the Municipalities Act, including those dealing with the obligations of members of Council to vote when present; the circumstances in which the public may be excluded from a meeting; the scope of decisions which may be made at a meeting closed to the public, as well as the record which must be kept of such a meeting and its availability to the public. For ease of reference excerpts of the Municipalities Act are appended to, but do not from part of this by- law. 12 175 Section 7 QUORUM 7.1 Quorum - present - meeting - call to order When there are sufficient members present to constitute a quorum at the time set for the commencement of the meeting or as soon thereafter as the quorum is present, the Mayor, or if the Clerk has been advised that the Mayor will be absent or late, the Deputy Mayor, shall take the chair and call the meeting to order. 7.2 Mayor absent - Deputy Mayor - call to order - presiding In the event the Mayor does not attend within ten minutes after the time appointed, the Deputy Mayor shall assume the chair, call the members to order, and if a quorum is present preside during the meeting or until the arrival of the Mayor. 7.3 Mayor - Deputy Mayor - absent - procedure In the absence of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, if a quorum is present within ten minutes after the appointed time, the Clerk shall call the meeting to order and a Presiding Officer shall be chosen from the members present, who shall preside during the meeting or until the arrival of the Mayor or Deputy Mayor. 7.4 Quorum - not present - in 30 minutes - adjournment If there is no quorum within thirty minutes after the time appointed for the meeting, the Clerk shall record the names of all members present at that time and the meeting shall be deemed to be adjourned until the next regular meeting, unless a special meeting is called for that purpose in the meantime. 7.5 Adjournment - agenda - consideration - subsequent If Council is unable to meet for want of a quorum the agenda delivered for that Council or Committee meeting shall be considered at the next Council or Committee meeting prior to consideration of the agenda for the subsequent meeting or it shall be the agenda for a special meeting called for that purpose. Section 8 AGENDA 8.1 Agenda - Order of business The normal order of business for regular and special meetings of Council shall be as set forth in the agenda prepared by the Common Clerk, 8.2 Agenda - Order of business - alteration A member may, during a Council meeting, request that items on the agenda be rearranged in order to conduct the business before Council more expeditiously. 8.3 Consent agenda - consideration of recommendations The consent agenda items of business are considered to be routine and do not require debate or discussion. The items listed will be disposed of with one unanimous motion. Items on the agenda for regular meetings of Council including correspondence from citizens, groups and organizations and reports containing recommendations from the Clerk, from the Committee of the Whole, from other Committees, or from the Chief Administrative Officer or other Council Appointees may be adopted in a single motion of Council, but any of these items will be transferred to the regular agenda for consideration and debate upon the request of any member at the time of adopting the consent agenda. 8.4 Headings - order - prepared by Clerk Promptly at the hour set by this by -law on the day of each regular meeting, the Councillors., the Common Clerk, Chief Administrative Officer, City Solicitor and Mayor shall take their regular seats in the Council Chamber, and the business of the Common Council shall be taken up for consideration and disposition. 13 176 The Clerk shall prepare for the use of members at all Regular meetings of Council, other than Committee of the Whole, an agenda under the following headings: 1. call to order /invocation 2. approval of the minutes of previous meeting(s) of Council 3. adoption of agenda 4. disclosures of conflict of interest 5, adoption of consent agenda 6. members comments 7. proclamations 8. delegations /presentations 9. public hearing(s) 10. consideration of by -laws 11. submissions by Council members 12. business matters - Municipal Officers 13. committee reports 14. consideration of issues separated from consent agenda 15. general correspondence 16. adjournment 8.5 Submissions - listed - public matters The Clerk shall have prepared for the use of the members at all Regular Council meetings an agenda and Council kit, in electronic or printed format, which shall include all items in respect of the agenda matters. 8.6 Delivery - to members - prior to meeting The Clerk shall use his/her best efforts to ensure that copies of the agenda and Council kit for regular meetings of Council are delivered in printed format and/or distributed electronically to each member so that they will be received in each case by the Friday immediately preceding the Regular meeting. 8.7 Made available - to officials - staff The Clerk shall use his/her best efforts to eltsure that electronic copies of the agenda and Council kit for regular meetings of Council are made available to all corporation officials and staff who are to receive copies thereof as determined by the Chief Administrative Officer on the Friday immediately preceding the meeting. 8.8 Made available— agenda- public Copies of the agenda shall be made available to the general public at the Office of the Common Clerk and on the website of The City of Saint John by 4:30 p.m, on the Friday preceding the meeting. 8.9 Not delivered - on schedule - meeting valid Failure by the Clerk to meet the schedule set out in Sections 8.6., 8.7 and 8.8 will not invalidate the Council meeting or any proceeding thereat. 8.10 Submissions - to Clerk - deadline All submissions for inclusion in the agenda for regular meetings of Council shall be submitted to the Clerk not later than 4:00 p.m. on the Thursday prior to the date on which the agenda is to be distributed to members. 8.11 Special meeting - preparation - requirements For special meetings, the agenda shall be prepared as the Mayor, or in the case of a petition, the Clerk, may direct. 14 177 Section 9 REPORTS - PETITIONS 9.1 Included on agenda - by Clerk On receipt of a petition intended for Council the Clerk may include it as an item on the agenda for the next regular meeting of Council for which the Clerk is accepting agenda items in full or in summary form as lie /she sees fit. 9.2 Public Reports — Planning Advisory Committee If a public meeting has been scheduled at the direction of the Planning Advisory Committee prior to consideration of its report by Council, then all documents, staff reports and plans shalt be made available for viewing before and at such public meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee. Section 10 DELEGATIONS /PRESENTATIONS - PUBLIC 10.1 Delegations/Presentations - request on agenda - prior notice When a member of the public or a representative of any group of persons seeks to address Council, he /she shall submit a request, in writing to the Common Clerk, addressed to the Mayor and Councillors prior to 4:00 pm on the Thursday preceding the scheduled Council meeting. The Clerk will include the request on the agenda of the next regular meeting. 10.2 Delegations/Presentations — permission to appear Upon considering the request to make a presentation or hear a delegation Council may; a) decline to hear the delegation/presentation or b) set a date, no earlier than the next regular meeting, to hear the delegation/presentation or c) instruct the Clerk to schedule a mutually convenient time and date to hear the delegation/present at ion 10.3 Delegations/Presentations — submission of materials When a member of the public or a representative of any group is scheduled to address Council a copy of their presentation shall be submitted to the Common Clerk prior to 4:00 pm on the Thursday preceding the scheduled Council meeting. 10.4 Delegations /Presentations - requested - at meeting - majority consent No member of the public or representative of any group of persons will be permitted to address Council without the prior consent of two thirds of the total membership, other than persons entitled by statute to be heard or persons invited by notice authorized by Council, who have not been included in the agenda by the Clerk. 10.5 Delegations/Presentations - maximum duration - limitations Except with consent of Council, no member of the public shall address Council for more than fifteen minutes, exclusive of the time required to answer questions put to him/her by Council, except that a group of persons may have more than one spokesperson provided that the total length of time such spokesperson addresses Council shall not exceed fifteen minutes, exclusive of the time required to answer questions put to them by Council. 10.6 Delegations/Presentations — addressing Council Each member of the public or spokesperson on behalf of a delegation addressing the Council shall give his /her name and address. All remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a body and not to any member thereof. No person, other than the person having the floor, shall be pennitted to enter into any discussion without the permission of the Presiding Officer. No question shall be asked except through the Presiding Officer. 10.7 Delegations/Presentations — finalization of matters Finalization of matters presented by a delegation shall not be dealt with until after all items on the agenda have been dealt with. 15 178 Section 11 ROLES - MAYOR, DEPUTY MAYOR, COUNCILLORS 11.1 Role of the Mayor — preside — provide leadership The Mayor shall; (a) preside at all meetings of Council, except as provided for otherwise in this by -law (b) provide leadership to Council, (c) communicate information and recommend actions to Council for the improvement of the municipality's finances, administration and government, (d) speak on issues of concern to the municipality on behalf of Council, and (e) perform any other duties conferred upon him or her by this by -law or any Act or by Council. 11.2 Deputy Mayor - appointment - by election At the first meeting, Council shall elect a member to act as Deputy Mayor for the term of office of the Council 11.3 Mayor /Deputy Mayor — absence — inability to act In the absence or inability of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor to act, Council, by a majority vote, may appoint any other member to act in the place of the Mayor. 11.4 Deputy Mayor - powers - duties In the absence or inability of the Mayor to act, or if the office of Mayor is vacant, the Deputy Mayor shall act in the place of the Mayor, and while so acting, he /she possesses the powers and shall perform the duties of the Mayor as designated under the Municipalities Act and this By -law. 11.5 Councillors — responsibilities — participation - duties A Councillor shall; (a) consider the welfare and interests of the entire municipality when making decisions, (b) bring to the attention of Council matters that may promote the welfare or interests of the municipality, (c) participate in developing and evaluating the policies and programs of the municipality, (d) participate in meetings of Council, Council committees and any other body to which he or she is appointed by Council, and (e) perform any other duties conferred upon him or her by this or any other Act or by Council. 11.6 Presiding Officer — duties at meetings It is the duty of the Presiding Officer to; 1. open meetings of Council by taking the chair and calling the meeting to order; 2. to receive and submit, in the proper manner, all written motions presented by members; 3. put to a vote all questions which are regularly moved and seconded or necessarily arise in the course of proceedings; 4. determine what motions or amendments are in order, subject to an appeal to Council, and decline to put any motion or amendment before Council which he /she deems to be out of order or contrary to law; 5. state every question coming before the Common Council, announce the decision of the Common Council on all subjects; 6. follow the rules of procedure and keep the members, when engaged in debate, within the rules of procedure; 7. observe and enforce on all occasions order and decorum among the members and the public; 16 179 S. call by naive any member persisting in breach of the rules of procedure and, subject to a majority vote of members present, order him/her to vacate the Council Chamber; 9. consider proclamations and announce them to the Council; 10. authenticate by his /her signature, when necessary, all by -laws, contracts and other documents as required by statute or by -law; 11. respond to Council regarding points of order, when so requested by a member or members; 12. represent and support Council; 13. if he /she considers it necessary because of grave disorder, to adjourn the sitting or suspend the sitting for a time to be named by him/her. Section 12 RULES OF CONDUCT - DEBATE 12.1 Speaking - Presiding Officer The Presiding Officer may answer questions and may if he /she wishes, speak on a question, take a definite position and endeavor to persuade Council to support that position, while continuing to chair the meeting. The Presiding Officer will leave the chair if he /she wishes to introduce a motion. 12.2 Speaking - order - determined - by Presiding Officer When two or more members wish to speak, the Presiding Officer shall name the member who is to speak first. 12.3 Speaker - recognition - by Presiding Officer When a member wishes to speak at a Council meeting he shall be recognized by the Presiding Officer before doing so. No member will speak on any subject other than the subject in debate. 12.4 Speaking - twice only - exception - Council approval Members shall not speak more than twice on a motion except with the consent of the Presiding Officer. 12.5 Speaking - twice - all members heard from No member shall speak a second time unless all members have had an opportunity to speak once. 12.6 Motion - member making - additional 3 minutes Notwithstanding Sections 12.3 through 12.5 inclusive, the member who has made a motion (other than a motion for an amendment or a procedural motion) shall be allowed to close the debate for a maximum of an additional three minutes after all other members have been given an opportunity to speak. 12.7 Speaking - time limitation A member shall speak for a maximum of three minutes each time when speaking on a main motion and three minutes each time when speaking on any amendment. 12.8 Question - put through - Presiding Officer A member may ask a question of a previous speaker only through the Presiding Officer and the question must relate to the speaker's remarks but, in any event a member may ask a question of the Presiding Officer or of staff through the Presiding Officer prior to the motion being put to a vote. 12.9 Motion - in debate - read - at any time Any member may require the motion under debate to be read at any time during the debate. 12.10 Disturbance - disorderly conduct - prohibited No member shall disturb the proceedings of Council or another member by any disorderly conduct. 17 180 12.11 Insults - offensive words - prohibited No member shall use offensive words or insulting expressions in referring to Council, any other member, any employee of the City or any member of the public. 12.12 Disobedience - rules - Presiding Officer - prohibited No member shall disobey the rules of procedure or decision of the Presiding Officer or of Council on questions of order or practice or upon the interpretation of the rules of procedure. 12.13 Disturbance - leaving seat - during vote - prohibited No member shall leave his/her seat or make any noise or disturbance while a vote is being taken or until the result is declared. 12.14 Interruption - speaker - prohibited - exception No member shall interrupt a member while speaking, except to raise a point of order or question of privilege. Section 13 QUESTION OF PRIVILEGE - POINT OF INFORMATION /ORDER 13.1 Consideration - immediate Whenever a question of privilege or a point of order arises it shall be considered immediately. 13.2 Question of privilege - procedure - over all matters A member may rise at any time on a question of privilege and a question of privilege shall take precedence over all other matters. 13.3 Point of information - answer - by Presiding Officer When a point of information is raised, the Presiding Officer shall answer the question or direct the question to the appropriate member or staff member. 13.4 Speaker - interruption - decision - Presiding Officer A member may interrupt the person who has the floor to raise a point of order or a point of procedure when such member feels that there has been a deviation or departure from the rules of procedure and upon hearing such point of order or point of procedure, the ruling of the Presiding Officer shall be final unless a challenge is made pursuant to Sections 13.5 and 13.6. If a member, while speaking, be called to order, he /she shall cease speaking until the question of order is determined, and, if in order, he /she shall be permitted to proceed. 13.5 Presiding Officer- challenged - overruled - procedure Whenever a member wishes to challenge the ruling of the Presiding Officer on a point of order (including a determination that a motion is out of order) he shall make a motion substantially as follows: "That the decision of the Presiding Officer be overruled.- Thereafter the question shall be put to Council and Council shall decide the matter, by majority vote of members present, immediately without debate and this decision shall be final. 13.6 Call to order - member - decision to expel If any member uses insulting or improper language to the Presiding Officer or any member, and refuses to apologize or withdraw his/her remarks when so directed by the Presiding Officer, or willfully obstructs the conduct of business, and refuses to desist when called upon to do so by the Presiding Officer he/she may be ordered by the Presiding Officer to leave the Council Chamber for that meeting, and, if he /she refuses to do so, he /she may, on the order of the Presiding Officer, be removed; and on making an apology to the Presiding Officer and to any member insulted by him/her, may by a majority vote of the Common Council be permitted to resume his/her place at such meeting. 18 181 Section 14 CONFLICT OF INTEREST 14.1 Ethical Standards -- reporting conflicts Council Members shall be expected to maintain high ethical standards appropriate to their public office, and shall be expected to report any conflict of interest, as required in the Municipalities Act. 14.2 Disclosure — file with Clerk - upon assuming office Upon assuming office, each member shall file with the Clerk in the Form prescribed a statement disclosing any conflict of interest of which he /she has knowledge or should reasonably have knowledge; but a member need not disclose particulars of his/her financial interest or the extent of any interest in any matter giving rise to a conflict of interest. 14.3 Disclosure of conflict — while in office A disclosure similar to that described in 14.2 shall forthwith be made by each member where a conflict of interest arises while he /she is in office. 14.4 Disclosure — to be filed with Clerk's office Every disclosure of interest filed shall be recorded and kept in a file by the Clerk, and that file shall be open during regular office hours for inspection or examination by any person qualified to vote under the Municipal Elections Act. 14.5 Disclosure — during meeting Where a member has a conflict of interest with respect to any matter in which the Council is concerned and he /she is present at a meeting of Council, a committee of Council or any other meeting at which the business of Council is conducted and/or at which the matter is a subject of consideration he /she shall, a) as soon as the matter is introduced, disclose that he /she has a conflict of interest in the matter; and b) forthwith withdraw from the meeting room while the matter is under consideration or vote. 14.6 Declaration of conflict — must not participate After making the declaration, the member must not attempt in any way, whether before, during or after the meeting, to influence the voting on any question in respect of the matter. 14.7 Declaration — Clerk to record When a verbal declaration is made; (a) the person recording the minutes of the meeting must record the member's declaration, the reasons given for it and the times of the member's departure from the meeting room and, if applicable, of the member's return, and (b) the person presiding at the meeting must ensure that the member is not present at the meeting at the time of any vote on the matter. 14.8 Member required to withdraw - quorum Where the number of members who, by reason of the provisions of the Municipalities Act, are required to withdraw from a meeting is such that at that meeting the remaining members are not of sufficient number to constitute a quorum, notwithstanding any other general or special Act the remaining members shall be deemed to constitute a quorum if there are not fewer than three. Section 15 MOTION - ORDER 15.1 Moved - seconded - before debate — vote A motion shall have no standing and debate on it shall not commence until it has been moved and seconded and has been stated by the Presiding Officer as pending before the Council. 15.2 Withdrawal - at any time - before vote After a motion has been moved and seconded and stated by the Presiding Officer it is in the possession of Council for consideration but, with the consent of the majority of Council and 19 182 without debate, it may be withdrawn by the mover and seconder at any time before it has been voted on. 15.3 Public - to be heard — motion only after bearing If members of the public are to be heard on a matter, no motion shall be received until they have been heard. 15.4 Motion Put - public participation - prohibited No further public participation on a matter will be allowed after the motion has been duly made and seconded. 15.5 Debate - amendment - permitted All motions which properly are before Council for consideration are open to debate and may be amended except as specifically provided elsewhere in this By -law. 15.6 In order - procedure When a motion has been moved and seconded and is being considered by Council, no motion shall be received except a motion: (a) to set the time to adjourn; (b) to adjourn the meeting; (c) to lay the question on the table; (d) to put the previous question (close the debate); (e) to defer the question to a certain time or date; (f) to refer the question to some other person or group for consideration; (g) to amend the amendment; or (h) to amend the main motion; which shall have precedence in the order in which they are named and as more particularly referred to in Schedule `A'. 15.7 Adjourn - requirements A motion to adjourn: (a) shall not be amended or debated; and (b) shall always be in order except when a member is speaking or the members are voting. 15.8 Adjourn - time specified - amendable Notwithstanding Section 15.7 where a motion to adjourn includes the time at which the adjourned meeting will continue, that motion may be amended and debated as to that time. 15.9 Proceed - beyond 10 :00 p.m. - requirements Subject to Section 3.14, a motion to proceed beyond the hour of 10:00 p.m.: (a) shall not be amended or debated; and (b) shall always be in order except when a member is speaking or the members are voting 15.10 Tabling Motion — requirements A motion to table a motion shall state a reason, always be in order and shall not be debatable. A motion to take up a tabled matter is not subject to debate or amendment. A motion that has not been taken from the table for six months is deemed to be withdrawn. 1511 Put the Previous Question - requirements A motion to put the question: (a) shall not be amended or debated; (b) shall not be received in any committee or in the Committee of the Whole; and (c) requires the affirmative vote of two- thirds of the members present. 15.12 Defer — certain time A motion to defer to a certain time or date: (a) shall be open to debate only as to advisability of postponement; and (b) may be amended as to the time or date to which the matter is deferred. 15.13 Defer - Indefinitely A motion to defer a pending resolution or By -law indefinitely, is debatable and requires a majority vote to adopt. Its effect is to dispose of the resolution or By -law without a direct 20 183 vote on it. The resolution or By -law which is postponed indefinitely cannot be brought up again at the same meeting. There is no obligation to take the resolution up at a future meeting, but it can be raised at a future meeting. 15.14 Refer - requirements A motion to refer a matter under consideration to Committee of the Whole, a Committee, Chief Administrative Officer, City Solicitor, Common Clerk, or as otherwise directed: (a) shall be open to debate only on the propriety of referring the question and may be amended; and (b) shall include the terms on which the motion is being referred, and may include the time at which the matter is to be returned and whatever explanation may be necessary as to the purpose of the motion. 15.15 Amendment — requirement An amendment is a motion that the wording of another motion be changed before the vote on it is taken. The following main rules apply to amendments: (a) An amendment must be in one of these three forms: (1) to amend by inserting or adding text; or (2) to amend by striking out text; or (3) to amend by striking out text and inserting other text in its place. (b) An amendment is debatable, and requires a majority vote to adopt. (c) An amendment must be germane to (closely related to, or in some way involve) the motion which it seeks to modify and shall not be directly contrary to the main motion. 15.16 Amendment - one at a time — limitation There may be up to two amendments pending at the same time, while the resolution or By- law is on the floor: (1) a primary amendment (an amendment to the main motion); (2) a secondary amendment (an amendment to the amendment). (3) only one amendment at a time shall be presented to the main motion and only one amendment at a time shall be presented to an amendment. 15.17 Amendment - put - reverse order - voting procedure The Presiding Officer shall put amendments in the reverse order to which they have been moved and when all amendments are voted upon, the Presiding Officer shall put the main motion, incorporating any adopted amendments. 15.18 Introduction - without notice - leave Except as otherwise provided in this By -law, only the motions set out in Sections 15.19 through 15.23 inclusive, may be introduced orally without notice and without leave. 15.19 Matter - on agenda A motion on any subject matter that appears on the agenda for that meeting may be introduced orally without notice and without leave. 15.20 Procedure - introduced orally Motions listed in Section 15.6 may be introduced orally without notice and without leave. 15.21 Suspend - rules - regulations A motion to suspend the rules and regulations of this By -law may be introduced orally without notice and without leave. 15.22 Point of order - procedure - information - privilege A motion on a point of order, point of procedure, point of information or question of privilege may be introduced orally without notice and without leave. 15.23 Other - routine - as required Other motions made upon routine proceedings as may be required for the observance of the proprieties of Council; the maintenance of the authority of Council; the arrangement of its proceedings; the correctness of its records; or the fixing of its meetings or the dates and times of its meetings, may be introduced orally without notice and without leave. 21 184 15.24 Motion by Member - notice - to Clerk - time limitation A member wishing to place an item on the agenda, other than a motion referred to in Sections 15.19 through 15.23 inclusive, for consideration by Council shall deliver a motion, in writing, to the Clerk not later than 4:00 p.m. on the Thursday in the week that immediately precedes the day of the Council meeting. 15.25 Motion by Member - printed in full - on agenda The motion mentioned in Section 15.24 shall be printed in full for inclusion in the Council Kit for that meeting of the Council. 15.26 Motion by Member - in writing - mover - signature The motion mentioned in Section 15.24 shall be submitted to the Clerk in writing or by fax over the signature of the mover or from the member's known email address and shall provide sufficient background information relating to the motion. Section 16 VOTING 16.1 Motion - multiple - distinct propositions When a motion under consideration contains two or more distinct propositions, where any member so requests the vote upon each proposition shall be taken separately. 16.2 Motion - after all spoken - put by Presiding Officer The Presiding Officer shall put a motion to a vote immediately after all members desiring to speak on the motion have spoken. 16.3 Motion - put to vote - speaking - prohibited After a motion is put to a vote by the Presiding Officer, no member shall speak to that motion. 16.4 Motion - vote - required - unless disqualified Unless disqualified to vote by reason of conflict of interest or otherwise upon a by -law, resolution, motion or for any other purpose, each member present, including the Mayor, shall announce his/her vote openly and individually, and the Clerk shall record the decision, and no vote shall be taken by ballot or by any other method of secret voting, and every vote so taken is of no effect. 16.5 Failure -to vote- deemed affirmative Every member, including the Mayor, present at a meeting who is not disqualified from voting in accordance with Section 16.4, shall be deemed to be voting in the affirmative for the motion if he /she fails to announce his/her vote. 16.6 Mayor - to vote The Mayor, when present at a meeting of the Common Council shall preside and shall vote on all questions. 16.7 Equality of votes - decision - deemed negative The Mayor shall not have a casting vote but if because of the absence of a Councillor or Councillors there should be a tie upon any question such question shall be considered and declared lost. 16.8 Method — recorded vote A recorded vote shall be taken by a show of hands for each member present and qualified to vote. 16.9 Result - announced - by Presiding Officer The Presiding Officer shall announce the result of every vote. 16.10 Result - disagreement - immediate - recorded if a member disagrees with the announcement by the Presiding Officer of the result of any vote, he may object immediately to the Presiding Officer's declaration and require that a recorded vote be taken. 22 185 16.11 Recorded vote - when requested - or required A recorded vote shall be taken when called for by any member immediately prior or immediately subsequent to the taking of a vote or when required by law or under this By -law. 16.12 Recorded vote - order When a recorded vote is taken all members including the Mayor must vote unless disqualified by statute and any failure to vote by a member including the Mayor who is not disqualified shall be deemed to be an affirmative vote. 16.13 Names - votes - negative - position - recorded Unless required by any member present, only the names of those who voted against a motion shall be entered in the minutes. The members may request that the reasons for their nay vote be noted in the minutes. 16.14 Majority - requirement - by by -law Whenever this By -law requires a vote of a simple majority of Council, the requirement shall be interpreted as meaning such majority, of the members who are present and qualified to vote on the matter provided that this By -law or a relevant statute does not specify differently. 16.15 Greater than majority - required - recorded vote Whenever this By -law or any statute requires that a by -law be passed or any other action taken by a vote of two - thirds or any other fraction of Council greater than a majority, that vote shall be taken by recorded vote. Section 17 BUSINESS 17.1 New business - consideration - requirements No member shall present any matter to Council for its consideration at a meeting unless: (a) the matter appears on the agenda for that meeting; or (b) it is in accordance with Sections 15.7 through 15.23 inclusive; or (c) Council by two thirds majority vote of the membership grants leave to include the matter on the agenda without prior notice. 17.2 Motion - not on agenda - Presiding Officer - advised The Presiding Officer shall be advised of any motions proposed to be introduced which are not in the agenda and which do not come within Sections 15.7 through 15.23 inclusive at the time of adoption of the agenda. 17.3 Motion - not on agenda — staff request The Chief Administrative Officer, City Solicitor, Commissioner of Finance or Common Clerk of the Corporation may request that Council consider a matter not included in the agenda which calls for immediate and urgent consideration and Council, by a vote of two - thirds majority of the membership, shall determine whether or not to consider this matter. Section 18 BY- LAWS - REPORTS - RESOLUTIONS - CONTRACTS 18.1 Consideration - approval - by Council All by -laws, resolutions and contract documents shall, before presentation to the Common Council, have been approved as to form and legality by the City Solicitor or his/her authorized representative, and shall have been examined and approved for administration by the Chief Administrative Officer or his /her authorized representative where there are substantive matters of administration involved. 18.2 Bylaws - three readings same day — not permitted Unless otherwise provided by statute, a by -law shall be adopted in both official languages and may not receive three readings on the same day. 18.3 Reports, resolutions — filed with Common Clerk All reports and motions shall be filed with the Common Clerk. 23 186 Section 19 MINUTES 19.1 Information - requirements - taken by Clerk The Clerk or his/her designate shall take minutes of each Council meeting which minutes shall record, without note or comment: (a) the place, date and time of meetings; (b) the name or names of the presiding member or members and the record of attendance of the members and senior staff members; (c) the adoption of the minutes of prior meetings, and if requested, correction and; (d) all resolutions, decisions and other proceedings of Council. 19.2 Previous meeting - read aloud — 213 majority request The minutes of the previous meeting shall be presented to Council for approved in both official languages as circulated, subject to corrections of any errors found therein and shall not be read aloud. 19.3 Approval of Minutes The minutes of all Regular Council and Special Council meetings shall be adopted at a Regular Council meeting. The minutes of a Committee of Council shall be approved at a meeting of that Committee of Council and the recommendations from Committee of the Whole shall be considered for adoption at a Regular Council meeting. 19.4 Approval of Minutes — Closed Meeting The minutes of any meeting or portion of a meeting of Council or a committee of Council that was closed to the public shall be approved at the following closed meeting of Council or committee of Council. The minutes of any meeting or portion of a meeting of Council or a committee of Council that was closed to the public pursuant to subsection 10.2(4), of the Municipalities Act shall not be open for inspection or examination by members of the public. 19.5 Public Record — Closed Meeting A record of the closed meetings shall be prepared and signed by the Common Clerk containing only the following: (a) the type of matter under subsection 10.2(4) of the Municipalities Act that was discussed during the meeting; and (b) the date of the meeting. The record made shall be available for inspection in the office of the Clerk during regular business hours. Section 20 COMMITTEES 20.1 Establishment — standing committees - as necessary Council may by bylaw or resolution create such standing committees as are necessary or expedient for the orderly and efficient handling of the affairs of the Corporation and shall establish generally or in detail the duties and responsibilities, composition, and duration of a committee established. 20.2 Budget Committee of the Whole - establishment There shall be a Budget Committee of the Whole. 20.3 Budget Committee of the Whole - responsibilities The Budget Committee of the Whole shall consider matters and issues relating to the preparation, administration and monitoring of the operating and capital budgets of the Corporation, Water and Sewerage Utility, Trust Funds and other current and long -range fiscal planning for the Corporation. 24 187 20.4 Budget Committee of the Whole - Chair - Vice -Chair The Mayor and in his/her absence the Deputy Mayor shall serve as the Chair of the Budget Committee of the Whole. 20.5 Budget Committee of the Whole - meetings - day - time Meetings of the Budget Committee of the Whole may be called by the Chair whenever he/she considers it necessary. 20.6 Budget Committee of the Whole - business - procedure The business of the Budget Committee of the Whole shall be conducted in accordance with the rules governing the procedure of Committee of the Whole. 20.7 Special Committee - Appointment - by Council Council may by resolution appoint a Special Committee to consider and report on a specific subject, project or undertaking. 20.8 Chair - appointed - procedures - determined - Council When a Special Committee has been appointed by Council, Council shall; a) name the member of that Special Committee who is to act as Committee Chair, and in the absence of such direction the committee shall appoint its own chair, and b) shall determine whether or not the rules of procedure for Committee of the Whole apply to that special committee. 209 Work - report - complete - committee dissolved When a special committee has completed its work and made its report to Council, that committee shall be deemed to be dissolved. 20.10 Mayor - ex- officio member - all committees The Mayor shall be ex- officio a member of all standing and special committees, has all the privileges of committee membership, including the right to make motions and to vote but is not counted in determining the number required for a quorum or whether a quorum is present. 20.11 Committee Meetings — open to public All meetings of a committee of Council shall be open to the public. Sections 6.3 to 6.6 inclusive shall apply if it is necessary to close a committee meeting or portion of a committee meeting to the public. Section 21 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - PROCEDURE 21.1 Agenda - prepared by Clerk The Clerk shall prepare an agenda for all Committee of the Whole meetings. 21.2 Agenda - delivery - to members - prior to meetings The Clerk shall use his /her best efforts to ensure that the agenda and Council kit for regular, budget and special meetings of Committee of the Whole are available in electronic or printed format to each Committee of the Whole member so that they will be received in each case on the Friday of the week preceding the week of the meeting. 21.3 Agenda - to officials - staff - public hearing The Clerk shall use his/her best efforts to ensure that copies of the agenda and Council kit for regular, budget and special meetings of Committee of the Whole are distributed in electronic or printed format to all Corporation officials and staff, who are to receive copies thereof as determined by the Chief Administrative Officer, on the Friday of the week preceding the week of the meeting. 21.4 Agenda - not delivered - on schedule - meeting valid Failure by the Clerk to meet the schedule set out in Sections 21.2 and 21.3 will not invalidate the Committee of the Whole meeting or any proceedings thereat. 25 188 21.5 Agenda - submission - filing deadline All submissions for inclusion in the agenda for regular, budget and special meetings of Committee of the Whole shall be submitted to the Clerk not later than 4:00 p.m. on the Thursday prior to the date of the meeting. 21.6 Agenda - special meetings - preparation For special meetings of the Committee of the Whole, the agenda shall be prepared as the Committee Chair, or in the case of a petition, the Clerk, may direct. 21.7 Chair - to preside - all meetings - voting authority The Mayor and in his/her absence the Deputy Mayor shall serve as the Chair of the Committee of the Whole. The Committee Chair, or in his/her absence, such other member of the committee as may be chosen by the committee, shall preside at every meeting and may vote on all questions submitted. 21.8 Vote - equal - deemed - negative In a case of an equal division of votes, the Committee Chair shall not have a second or casting vote and the question shall be deemed to have been decided in the negative. 21.9 Presiding Officer - powers - responsibilities Except as otherwise provided in this By -law, the committee member presiding at a Committee of the Whole meeting, while presiding, shall have all of the powers and responsibilities of the Presiding Officer at a meeting of Council. 21.10 Quorum - majority of members A quorum of any Committee of the Whole shall be the majority of its members. 21.11 Meeting - day - time Unless otherwise provided by resolution at a Regular Council meeting, meetings of the Committee of the Whole shall be scheduled prior to a Regular Council Meeting commencing at a time to be set by the Clerk or on the Monday of the week falling between the bi- weekly Regular Council meetings. 21.12 Special meeting - called - by Chair A special meeting of a Committee of the Whole may be called by the Committee Chair whenever he /she considers it necessary. 21.13 Special meeting - called - written request - majority The Committee Chair or in the case of his /her neglect or failure, the Clerk, shall call a special meeting of Committee of the Whole whenever three of the members of that committee request in writing such a special meeting. 21.14 Special meeting - Committee of the Whole - procedures The provisions of Section 5, so far as they are applicable, apply to special meetings of Committee of the Whole. 21.15 Business - procedure - exceptions The business of Committee of the Whole shall be conducted in accordance with the rules governing the procedure of Council, so far as they are applicable, except as otherwise set out in this section. 21.16 Speaking - no limitations There is no limit to the number of times or length of time a member may speak to a motion in Committee of the Whole. 21.17 Speaking - to motion - once - until all spoken A member shall not speak more than once to a motion until every member who desires to speak has spoken once in Committee of the Whole. 21.18 Recorded vote - not required No recorded vote shall be required. 22.19 Motion - to close debate - prohibited A motion to put the previous question shall not be permitted in Committee of the Whole. 26 189 21.20 Chair - permitted a position - without leaving The Committee Chair or other presiding member may take a definite position and endeavor to persuade the Committee of the Whole on that position without leaving the chair in Committee of the Whole. 21.21 Point of order - procedure - decision - Chair When a point of order or procedure is raised or when a member is called to order in Committee of the Whole, the same procedure shall be adopted as in Council. 21.22 Delegations - hearing of — rules When a person or a representative of any group is scheduled to address Committee of the Whole a copy of the presentation shall be submitted to the Common Clerk prior to 4:00 pm on the Thursday preceding the scheduled Committee of the Whole meeting. 21.23 Delegation/Presentation - prior notice When a person or representative of any group of persons wishes to address Committee of the Whole he /she shall submit a request in writing to the Common Clerk, addressed to the Mayor and Council, prior to 4:00 p.m. on the Thursday preceding a Regular Council meeting. 21.24 Address - no notice - majority consent - required No person or representative of a group of persons who has not received the prior consent of the Council or Committee of the Whole will be permitted to address the Committee without the consent of a majority of the membership of Council. 21.25 Address - maximum duration Except with the majority consent of the Committee of the Whole, no person shall address the Committee for more than twenty minutes, exclusive of the time required to answer questions put to him/her by the Committee, except that a group of persons may have more than one spokesperson provided that the total length of time such spokesperson addresses the Committee shall not exceed thirty minutes, exclusive of the time required to answer questions put to them by Committee. 21.26 New motion - notice - in writing - deadline A member of Committee of the Whole wishing to introduce a motion, other than the type listed in Sections 15.7 through 15.23 inclusive, for consideration by Committee of the Whole shall deliver the motion in writing to the Clerk by 4:00 pm on the Thursday before the meeting of Committee of the Whole and shall provide the background associated with the item and the proposed motion. 21.27 Report - to Council - all matters - recommendations Committee of the Whole shall report to Council on all matters connected with the duties imposed on it and all matters referred to it and shall recommend such action as it deems appropriate. 21.28 Minutes - Committee of the Whole - taken by Clerk The Clerk or any employee of the Corporation designated by the Clerk shall take minutes of the Committee of the Whole meetings. 21.29 Open meetings - exception The provision of Sections 6.2 through 6.6 inclusive, regarding closing meetings to the public, apply to regular and special meetings of Committee of the Whole and except as permitted or provided in the Municipalities Act, Committee of the Whole meetings shall be open to the public. 21.30 Proceedings - adopted - confirmed - by Council - motion The recommendations of Committee of the Whole meetings may be adopted by Council in a single motion and the passage of such motion shall be taken to confirm all of the proceedings taken in the Committee of the Whole meeting except for those matters dealt with or voted on separately. 27 190 21.31 Recommendation - vote - requested A member may request prior to the adoption of the Committee of the Whole report or recommendations that Committee recommendations be voted on separately and such a request shall not require the introduction of a motion. Section 22 ENACTMENT 22.1 Effective date This By -law shall come into force on the * * ** day of * * * * * * *, 20tO. 28 191 SCHEDULE A TABLE OF PRECEDENCE 1. MOTION TO SET THE DATE AND TIME OF THE NEXT 0 Ensure that MEETING those who must - Requires a mover and a seconder leave, know the - Requires, for adoption, a majority vote time and place of - May be debated, but only as to the date and time. the next meeting. 2. MOTION TO SET THE TIME TO ADJOURN *To limit the - Requires a mover and a seconder length of the - Requires, for adoption, a majority vote meeting. - May be debated, but only as to the time of the adjournment 3. MOTION TO ADJOURN •To terminate - Requires a mover and a seconder meeting. - Requires for adoption, a majority vote - May not be debated 4. MOTION TO RECESS •Cooling off - Requires a mover and a seconder period. - Requires a majority vote - Must not be debated 5. MOTION TO RAISE A QUESTION OF PRIVILEGE •Ventilation - Requires a mover only, who may interrupt another speaker •Disorder in - Requires no vote gallery - Must not be debated •Any rights of members 6. MOTION TO RAISE A POINT OF ORDER *To call attention - Requires a mover only, who may interrupt another speaker *Failure to - Requires no vote observe rules. - Must not be debated 7. MOTION TO LAY ON THE TABLE OR MOTION TO •Consider REMOVE FROM THE TABLE immediately. - Requires a mover and a seconder - Requires a majority vote - Must not be debated 8. MOTION TO PUT THE PREVIOUS QUESTION •To limit - Requires a mover and a seconder amendments and - Requires a two- thirds vote force a direct vote - Must not be debated on the main motion. 29 192 9. MOTION TO DEFER TO A DEFINITE DATE AND TIME *Make way for - Requires a mover and a seconder more urgent - Requires a majority vote business. - May be debated, but only as to the time •Cooling off period. • Postpone •Way of determining support 10. MOTION TO REFER (e.g. TO A STANDING OR SPECIAL *When additional COMMITTEE) information or - Requires a mover and a seconder discussion is - Requires a majority vote needed. - May be debated only on the propriety of the referral 11. MOTION TO AMEND •To add, delete, - Requires a mover and a seconder or substitute - Requires a majority vote words in the wain - May be debated motion. 12. THE MAIN MOTION •The proposal - Requires a mover and a seconder before the - Requires a majority vote meeting. - May be debated 14. MOTION TO RESCIND eAnnul a motion - Is a main motion that has been - Requires a mover from the prevailing side and a seconder passed. - Requires a two - thirds vote 30 193 ARRETE No M -5 ARRETE CONCERNANT LE REGLEMENT INTERIEUR DU CONSEIL COMMUNAL DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Section I TITRE ABREGE 1.1 Citation Section 2 INTERPRETATION 2.1 Greffier /greffiere: definition 2.2 Comite : definition 2.3 Comitd plenier : definition 2.4 Corporation - definition 2.5 Conseil - definition 2.6 Conseiller - definition 2.7 Maire suppldant - ddfinition 2.8 Audience - ddfinition 2.9 Jour fdrid - ddfinition 2.10 Maire - ddfinition 2.11 Reunion - ddfinition 2.12 Membre - definition 2.13 Question de renseignement - ddfinition 2.14 Rappel au rdglement - ddfinition 2.15 Point de procedure - definition 2.16 PresidentlPresidente du conseil - ddfinition 2.17 Question de privilege - ddfinition 2.18 Quorum - definition 2.19 Vote enregistre -- definition 2.20 Regles de procedures - definition 2.21 Sergent d'armes - definition 2.22 Comitd special - ddfinition 2.23 Conseil pldnier - ddfinition Section 3 DISPOSITIONS GENERALES 3.1 Reglements observes par le conseil 3.2 Reference - Roberts Rules gfOrcler 3.3 Conflit - Roberts Rules of Order 3.4 Conflit - dispositions ldgislatives 3.5 Reglements, suspension, alteration, consentement des deux - tiers: exigences 3.6 Quorum - majoritd des membres 3.7 Quorum - absences, ajournement : exceptions 3.8 Decisions du conseil par voie de resolution, arretd municipal 3.9 Resolutions, arr6tes municipaux - adoptds, ddictes, vote majoritaire 3.10 Proposition de revocation 3.11 Proposition de rdexamen 3.12 Ajournement de la sdance en raison de 1'heure tardive 3.13 Prolongation de ]a reunion: jusqu'a 23 h au plus tard 3.14 Ajournement de la reunion: non prolongee 3.15 Ordonnances, autorite, decisions en ddlibdrd au sein du conseil municipal 31 194 3.16 Enregistrement sonore, autorisation, exceptions, reunions privees 3.17 Enregistrement sonore, diffusion, autorisation, conditions 3.18 Modification, revocation, vote majoritaire - exigences Section 4 REUNION 4.1 Premiere reunion, Loi sur les nwnicipalit&, applicabilite 4.2 Premiere reunion, date, lieu, fixde par le greffier/la greffiere 4.3 Activit6s du conscil, reunions ordinaires, lundi 4.4 Reunion ordinaire - lieu 4.5 Reunion extraordinaire, autres reunions de comit6s, lieu 4.6 Jour f6ri6 : reunion le jour non f666 suivant 4.7 Reunion publique : heure, d6but 4.8 Reunion publique - avis 4.9 Reunion publique, avis, annulation, changement de date, changement d'heure 4.10 Suppl6mentaire, reunion subs6quente, vote majoritaire 4.11 Assistance, r6union du conseil, restrictions 4.12 Membre de Passistance, expulsion, conduite inappropriee 4.13 Reunions ordinaires, interpretation simultanee Section 5 REUNION EXTRAORDINAIRE 5.1 Convoquee par le maire, en tout temps 5.2 Convoquee par le gretl3erlla greffi6re, petition presentee par le conseil 5.3 Avis, 24 heures a 1'avance, exigences 5.4 Urgence, avis pr6alable, aucune exigence 5.5 Urgence, avis, moyen, lieu 5.6 Activites, pr6cisees, a Pavis, autre, interdictions 5.7 Reunion extraordinaire, avis, public Section 6 REUNIONS DU CONSEIL 6.1 Reunions du conseil - types 6.2 Ouvertes au public, exception 6.3 Fermees au public, justification 6.4 Fermees au public, conformit6, exigences 16gislatives Section 7 ORDRE DU JOUR 7.1 Quorum, presences, reunion, ouverture 7.2 Absence du maire, maire suppl6ant, ouverture, pr6sidence 7.3 Absence du maire, maire suppleant, ouverture, pr6sidence 7.4 Quorum, absences, suspension en 30 minutes, ajournement 7.5 Ajournement, ordre dujour, examen, subsequent Section 8 ORDRE DU JOUR 8.1 Ordre du jour, points 8.2 Ordre du jour, points, modification 8.3 Questions soumises a I'approbation du conseil, etude des recommandations 8.4 Titres, point, r6diges par le greffierlla greff6re 32 195 8.5 Dep6t de documents, inscription, affaires publiques 8.6 Distribution aux membres avant la reunion 8.7 Disponible aux dirigeants et aux employes 8.8 Disponible, ordre du jour, reunion publique 8.9 Faute de distribution, validite de ]a reunion 8.1.0 Remise au greffier /greffiere, date limite 8.11 Reunion extraordinaire, preparation, exigences Section 9 RAPPORTS, PETITIONS 9.1 Inscription a 1'ordre du jour par le greffier /la greffiere 9.2 Rapports publics, Comite consultatif d'urbanisme Section 10 DELEGATION ET PRESENTATIONS 10.1 Delegations et presentations, demandes inscrites a I' ordre du jour 10.2 Delegations et presentations, permission accordee afm de se presenter 10.3 Delegations et presentations, transmission du materiel 10.4 Delegations et presentations, demandes, reunions, consentement a ]a majorite des deux tiers 10.5 Delegations et presentations, duree maximale 10.6 Delegations et presentations, devant le conseil 10.7 Delegations et presentations, conclusion des activites Section 11 ROLES ASSUMES PAR LE MAIRE, LE MAIRE SUPPLEANT ET LES CONSEILLERS 11.1 R61e du maire : presidence et leadership 11.2 Maire suppleant nomination par voie d'election 11.3 Maire suppleant : absence ou incapacite d'agir 11.4 Maire suppleant : pouvoirs et devoirs 11.5 Conseillers : responsabilites, participation et devoirs 11.6 President/Presidente du conseil : fonctions exercees au cours des reunions Section 12 REGLES DE PROCEDURES: IABATS 12.1 Intervention: le president/la presidente du conseil ne doit pas quitter son siege 12.2 Intervention: le president /la presidente du conseil dtermine l'ordre 12.3 Intervention: reconnaissance par le prdsident/la presidente du conseil 12.4 Intervention: deux seulement, exceptions, approbation du conseil 12.5 Intervention: deux fois, exercee par taus les membres 12.6 Proposition: par un membre, trois minutes additionnelles 12.7 Intervention: temps limite 12.8 Question: posee au president /presidente du Conseil 12.9 Proposition: pendant un debat, lecture, en tout temps 12.10 Atteinte a I'ordre : inconduite, interdiction 12.11 Insultes : mots offensifs, interdiction 12.12 Desobeissance : regles, pr6sidentlpresidente du Conseil, interdiction 12.13 Desobeissance : quitter son siege, pendant le vote, interdiction 12.14 Interruption: intervenant, interdiction, exceptions 33 196 Section 13 QUESTION DE PRIVILEGE: QUESTION DE RENSEIGNEMENT, ORDRE 13.1 Examen: immediatement 13.2 Question de privilege: ordre, touter les questions 13.3 Question de renseignement: reponse, president /presidente du conscil 13.4 Intervenant: interruption, decision, president /presidente du conseil 13.5 L'officer presidant: contestation, rejet, procedure 13.6 Rappel a l'ordre: membre, decision d'expulser Section 14 CONFLIT D'INTERETS 14.1 Normes ethiques: signalement des conflits 14.2 Divulgation: depot au greffe au moment de ]'entree en fonction 14.3 Divulgation des conflits : en fonction 14.4 Divulgation: depot au greffe 14.5 Divulgation: au tours dune reunion 14.6 Declaration de conflit d'interets: interdiction de participer 14.7 Declaration: inscription par le greffierlla greffiere 14.8 Exigence visant le retrait d'un membre: quorum Section 15 PROPOSITIONS: ORDRE 15.1 Proposition et appui: avant un debat, vote 15.2 Retrait en tout temps, avant le vote 15.3 Public: droit de parole, seulement a la suite d'une audience 15.4 Proposition: participation du public, interdiction 15.5 Debat: modification, autorisation 15.6 Recevabilite: procedure 15.7 Ajournement: exigences 15.8 Ajournement: heure indiquee, modifiable 15.9 Prolongation: plus tard que 22 h, exigences 15.10 Presentation d'une proposition: exigences 15.11 Evocation d'une question prealable : exigences 15.12 Report: heure precise 15.13 Report: indefiniment 15.14 Soumission: exigences 15.15 Modification: exigences 15.16 Modification: une a la fois, limite 15.17 Modification: proposition, ordre inverse, procedures relatives au vote 15.18 Introduction: sans preavis, autorisation 15.19 Point: a l'ordre du jour 15.20 Procedure: proposition orale 15.21 Suspension: reglements 15.22 Rappel au reglement: procedure, renseignement, privilege 15.23 Autre: usage, comme exige 15.24 Proposition presentee par un membre: avis au greffier /greffiere, ddlai 15.25 Proposition presentee par un membre: inscription integrale a l'ordre du jour 15.26 Proposition presentee par un membre: par ecrit, auteur, signature 34 197 Section 16 VOTE 16.1 Proposition: multiplicite, propositions distinctes 16.2 Proposition: a la suite de toutes interventions, proposition du president /presidente du Conseil 16.3 Proposition: vote, intervention, interdiction 16.4 Proposition: vote, exigences, sauf si le membre est prive du droit de voter 16.5 Maw: vote, affinnatif 16.6 Maire: vote 16.7 Egalite des votes: decision negative 16.8 Methode: enregistrement du vote 16.9 Resultats: annonce du president /presidente du Conseil 16.10 Resultats: desaccord, immediat, vote enregistre 16.11 Vote enregistre: sur demande, exigence 16.12 Vote enregistre: ordonnance de voter 16.13 Noms: votes, negatif, position, enregistrement 16.14 Majorite: exigences, en vertu dun arretd 16.15 Sup6rieur a la majorite: exigences, vote enregistre Section 17 ACTIVITES 17.1 Nouvelles activites: examen, exigences 17.2 Proposition: non inscrite a l'ordre du jour, president/presidente du Conseil, avis 17.3 Proposition: non inscrite a l'ordre du jour, demande du personnel Section 18 ARRETES MUNICIPAUX, RESOLUTIONS ET CONTRATS 18.1 Examen: approbation du Conseil 18.2 Arretes municipaux: trois lectures le m6me jour, interdiction 18.3 Rapports, resolutions: depot au greffe Section 19 PROCES- VERBAL 19.1 Renseignements: exigences, soumission au greffier /greffi6re 19.2 Derni6re reunion: lecture vive, majorite des deux tiers requise 19.3 Approbation du proc&s- verbal, reunions ordinaires et extraordinaires 19.4 Approbation du proc6s- verbal, reunion a huis clos 19.5 Archives publiques: reunions a huis clos Section 20 COMITES 20.1 Creation: comites permanents, au besoin 20.2 Comite pl6nier sur les budgets: creation 20.3 Comite pl6nier sur les budgets: creation 20.4 Comite pl6nier sur les budgets: president et vice - president /presidente et vice - presidente 20.5 Comite pl6nier sur les budgets: reunions, jour et heure 20.6 Comite pl6nier sur les budgets: activites, procedure 20.7 Comite special: nomination par le Conseil 20.8 President/Presidente: nomination, procedures, d6termination, Conseil 20.9 Travaux: rapport, integralitd, dissolution du Comite 20.10 Maire: membre d'office, tous les comites 35 198 20.11 Reunions des comites: ouvertes au public Section 21 COMITE PUNIER: PROCEDURES 21.1 Ordre du }our: rddigd par le greffier /la greffiere 21.2 Ordre du jour: distribution prealable aux membres 21.3 Ordre du jour: membres du conseil et employes 21.4 Ordre du jour: ddfaut de distribution a temps, validite de la reunion 21.5 Ordre du jour: presentations, delai de depot 21.6 Ordre du jour: reunions extraordinaires, redaction 21.7 President/Presidente: presidence, toutes les reunions, droit de vote 21.8 Vote: egalit6, negatif 21.9 President/Prdsidente du conseil: pouvoirs, responsabilites 21.10 Quorum - majoritd des membres 21.11 Reunion: jour, beure 21.12 Rdunion extraordinaire: convoquee par le president /la presidente 21.13 Reunion extraordinaire: convocation, demande par ecrit, majorite 21.14 Reunion extraordinaire: Comite plenier, procedures 21.15 Activites: procedures, exceptions 21.16 Intervention: aucune limitation 21.17 Intervention: proposition, une foil, jusqu'a ce que tous soient intervenus 21.18 Vote enregistre: non exige 21.19 Proposition: fin du debat, interdiction 21.20 President /Presidente: participation 21.21 Rappel au reglement: procedure, ddcision, prdsident/presidente 21.22 Delegations: intervention, regles 21.23 Delegations et presentations: prdavis 21.24 Adresse: aucun avis, consentement majoritaire, exigence 21.25 Adresse: duree maximale 21.26 Nouvelle proposition: avis, par ecrit, delai 21.27 Rapport: a ]'intention du conseil, toutes questions, recommandations 21.28 Proces- verbal: Comite plenier, redige par le greffier/la greffiere 21.29 Reunions publiques: exceptions 21.30 Deliberations: adoption, confirmation, par le conseil, proposition 21.31 Recommandations: vote, demande Section 22 MISE EN VIGUEUR 22.1 Date d'entrde en vigueur ANNEXE Annexe «A »: Propositions, table de precedence 36 199 PREAMBULE CONSIDERANT que la Loi sur les munic11xiIiI S de la province du Nouveau-Brunswick, ci- apres appeldc la Loi sur les nnunicipalites prevoit, en vertu d'un arrete municipal, la reglementation des seances du conseil communal et les procedures rdgissant lesdites seances; CONSIDERANT qu'il est jug& opportun que soient dtablies des regles aux fins de la r &glementation et de ]a canduite efficace de telles seances et que lesdites regles suppl &ent les dispositions I&gislatives de la Loi sur les municipalites et soient interprdtdes conformdment a ladite loi. Le conseil communal de The City of Saint John edicte cc qui suit: Section 1 TITRE ABREGE 1.1 Citation Titre abrege: Arrite coneernant I' f( Arr(,W sur les procMures» . Section 2 INTERPRETATION 2.1 Greffierlgreffiere - definition ((Greffierlgreff ere >> designe le greffier communal/la greffiere communale ou le greffier communal /la greffiere communale adjoint de The City of Saint John. 2.2 Comite: definition ((Comitd) designe un comit& sous la direction du conseil communal ou tree par cc dernier. 2.3 Comite plenier - definition «Comite pldnier)) designe un comite du conseil communal sur lequel si &gent tous les membres du conseil. 2.4 Corporation - definition «Corporation)) designe The Corporation of The City of Saint John. 2.5 Conseil - definition ((Conseil)) designe le maire et les conseillers de The City of Saint John. 2.6 Conseiller - definition «Conseillem designe un membre du conseil autre que le maire. 2.7 Suppleant - definition «Maire suppldant >) designe le membre du conseil elu afin d'agir au nom du maire en cas d'absence ou d'incapacit& du maire. 2.8 Audience - definition ((Audience)> designe une s&ance du conseil ou telle partic dune sdance du conseil, autoris &e a pr &voir une audience en vertu dune question ldgislative, qui exige que toute partie intdressde puisse se prdsenter devant le conseil ou soit donnde Poccasion de se pr&senter levant le conseil avant que le conseil entreprenne tout acre, edicte tout arrete municipal ou prenne une ddcision. 2.9 Jour ferie - definition «Jour ferid» designe tout jour f &rie tel qu'il est d&fini par ]a Loi d `interpr&ation. 2.10 Maire - definition ( (Maire)> ddsigne le membre du conseil qui est titulaire du poste de maire. 2.11 Seance - definition (S&ance)> ddsigne toute seance ordinaire, extraordinaire ou autre tenue par le conseil. 37 200 2.12 Membre - definition « Membre)> designe toute personne elue pour sieger au conseil, y compris le maire. 2.13 Question de renseignement - definition ((Question de renseignement» designe une demande adressec au president /presidente du conseil, a un autre membre ou a un employe de ]a Corporation, relative a des renseignements visant la question sous etude, non lice a une question de procedure. 2.14 Rappel au reglement - definition «Rappel au reglement» designe une question soulevde par un membre afin de souligner toute derogation au present arretd municipal ou aux moyens ou deliberations ]habituels de la tenue d'un debat ou a la conduite des affaires du conseil, y compris ce qui suit a) toute violation de I`Arr6te sur les procedures; b) tout defaut relatifA ]a constitution d'une seance du conseil; c)1'utilisation dun langage inapproprie, offensif ou abusif; d) avis donne que la question sous dtude ne releve pas de la matiere de la proposition; e) toute autre absence de formalite ou toute irregularite relative aux deliberations du conseil. 2.15 Point de procedure - definition «Point de procedure» designe une question adressee au presidentlpresidente du conseil visant A obtenir de ]'information portant sur les regles de procedure ou les reglements du conseil relativement aux activites qui font l'objet de deliberations afin d'aider un membre a presenter la proposition adequate, a invoquer un reglement ou a comprendre la situation parlementaire ou les consequences dune motion. 2.16 President/Pr6sidente du conseil - d6finition « PresidentlPresidente du conseil) designe le maire ou, en son absence, le maire suppleant ou, en ]'absence du maire et du maire suppleant, le membre noznmd aux termes de la section 1 l .3, pour agir en leur absence, au chapitre de ]a presidence des reunions du conseil. 2.17 Question de privilege - d6finition «Question de privilege» designe ]'intervention a laquelle un membre peut avoir recours a 1'etude d'une question ou d'une demande relativement a toute affaire touchant le bien -etre, la securitd ou la discipline d'un membre ou du conseil, collectivement, lorsqu'un membre est d'avis qu'un autre membre s'est prononce irrespectueusement a son egard on a 1'egard du conseil ou lorsqu'il est d'avis que ses commentaires sont mal compris ou mal interpretes par un autre membre. 2.18 Quorum - definition La majorite de taus les membres dlus au conseil communal constitue un quorum relativement A toute r6union ordinaire ou extraordinaire du conseil communal. 2.19 Vote enregistr6 — definition «Vote enregistr& signifie un vote pris en levant des mains. 2.20 R6gles de procedures - definition ( <Regles de procedure)) designe les reglements prevus au present arr6te municipal. 2.21 Sergent Warmes - definition Tout membre du corps de police peut agir en tant que sergent d'armes sur demande du pr6sident /presidente du conseil. 2.22 Comit6 special - definition «Comite speciab> designe un comite du conseil, a 1'exclusion du Comite plenier, tree afin d'etudier et de faire le compte rendu relatif a un sujet, un projet ou un engagement particulier. 2.23 Conseil pl6nier - definition (< Conseil plenier>> designe les membres du conseil, y compris le maire, qui ne sont pas priv6s du droit de voter. 38 201 Section 3 DISPOSITIONS GENERALES 3.1 Reglements observes par le conseff Les reglements prevus au present arrete doivent titre observes au tours de la tenue de toutes les deliberations du conseil et constituent les reglements relatifs a 1'ordre et au traitement des activites du conseil, des comit6s et du Comit6 pl6nier. 3.2 Reference - Robert's Rules of Order Lorsque aucune disposition du present arrete ne pre6voit une affaire soulev6e relativement aux deelib6rations du conseil ou une question sous etude par un comit6 ou le Comite pl6nier, le Robert's Rides of Order (10 edition) doit titre consult6 afin d'etablir la procedure adequate. 3.3 Conflit - Robert's Rules of Order Dans le cas d'un conflit entre les dispositions du present arrete et les dispositions des pouvoirs stipules en vertu de la section 3.2, les dispositions pr6vues par le present arrete s'appliquent. 3.4 Conflit - dispositions legislatives Les dispositions du present arrete sont sujettes a toute disposition legislative en vigueur, a tout moment, et dans le cas d'un conflit entre telles dispositions legislatives et les dispositions du present arretd, les dispositions legislatives ant pr6s6ance. 3.5 Reglements, suspension, alteration, le consentement des deux -tiers est exige Nonobstant toute autre disposition prevue au present arret6, en ]'absence d'une obligation legislative, les reglements prevus au present arrete peuvent titre suspendus temporairement ou modifies pour unc seule occasion moyennant le consentement d'au moins les deux -tiers du nombre total des membres du conseil communal. 3.6 Quorum - majorite des membres «Quorum» d6signe la majorite du nombre total de membres du conseil communal. 3.7 Quorum - absences, ajournement : exceptions Lorsque le nombre de membres presents a une reunion est insuffisant pour former le quorum, en vertu des dispositions de la Loi sur les municipalitis, la reunion du conseil doit We levee. 3.8 Decision du conseil, par voie de resolution, arrete municipal La Corporation prend les decisions et s'exprime au moyen de ]'adoption de resolutions et de la promulgation des arretes municipaux. Aucun acre entrepris ni decision prise par le conseil West valide a moins que 1'acte ou ]a decision ne soil autorise ou adoptd en vertu d'un arrete municipal ou d'une resolution au cours d'une reunion ordinaire ou extraordinaire du conseil. 3.9 116solutions, arretes municipaux - adoptes, edict6s, vote majoritaire Sauf dispositions contraires du present arrete, les resolutions et les arretes sont adoptes et 6dict6s par vote majoritaire. 3.10 Proposition de revocation La proposition ne peut titre pr6sent6e que par un membre qui a vot6 avec le camp qui 1'a emport6, ]'adoption requiert un vote majoritaire des deux tiers et s'applique a un vote relatif a toute proposition, a 1'exception a) d'un vote affirmatif dont certaines dispositions ont 6t6 ex6cut6es; b) d'un vote affirmatif visant un contrat lorsque ]a partie audit contrat est avisee des rdsultats; c) de tout vote qui a entrain 1'ex6cution d'un acte impossible a annuler. 3.11 Reexamen - toute d6cision Une proposition visant le reexamen d'un acte entrepris par le conseil communal ne peut titre pr6sent6e que pendant ladite reunion ou au cours dune seance suspendue ou report6e. Une telle proposition doit titre pr6sent6e par un membre qui a vot6 avec le camp qui 1'a emportd, mais peat titre appuy6e par n'importe quel membre, a pres6ance sur toutes les autres propositions, peut titre pr6sent6e en tout temps, exige un vote majoritaire des membres presents et fait ]'objet de deliberations. Aucune disposition du present arrete n'a pour effet d'empecher un membre du conseil communal de presenter ou de presenter de nouveau la im6me proposition ou toute autre proposition au cours d'une reunion ult6rieure du conseil communal. 39 202 3.12 Ajournement de la seance en raison de 1'heure tardive Une reunion ordinaire ou extraordinaire du conseil doit titre levee jusqu' a 22 h au plus Lard et doit titre convoquee de nouveau au jour et a 1'heure precises par le conseil par voie de resolution. 3.13 Prolongation de la reunion: jusqu' a 23 h au plus tard Nonobstant la section 3.12, le conseil peut convenir de prolonger la reunion jusqu'a 23 h au plus tard, plutot qu'a 22 h, lorsque la majorite des membres sont d'accord. 3.14 Ajournement de la reunion: non prolongee Lorsqu'une reunion du conseil est toujours en seance a 22 h ou lorsqu'elle est prolongee jusqu'a 23 h, le greffierlla greffiere doit soulever le point, avisant les membres du conseil et le public que la reunion est levee et indiquer la date et I'heure fixees pour la reprise de la seance. 3.15 Ordonnances, autorit6, decisions en d6liUr6 au sein du conseil municipal Aucune ordonnance ou autorite visant I'execution d'un acte, an nom de la Corporation et de ses employes, ne peut emaner dun comite ou du Comite plenier, I'autorite investie aux comites et au Comite plenier etant limitee a la formulation de recommandations a 1'intention du conseil, pourvu que, nonobstant toute disposition contraire prevue au present arrete, le comite soit investi de 1'autorite de charger ses employes a lui faire un compte rendu relatif a toute question relevant de la competence de tel comite, tel que le precise le present arrete. 3.16 Enregistrement sonore, autorisation, exceptions, reunions priv6es Le greffier /la greffiere ou son representant peut enregistrer les reunions du conseil et du Comite plenier afin de faciliter la redaction du proces- verbal de ladite reunion. 3.17 Enregistrement sonore, diffusion, autorisation, conditions Les reunions publiques du conseil et du Comite plenier, confonnement aux dispositions du present arrete, peuvent titre enregistrees, televisees ou autrement enregistrees electroniquement ou mecaniquement par une entreprise de cablodistribution ou par toute autre entreprise de telecommunications autorisee, pourvu que tel enregistrement ou diffusion soit effectue de maniere a ne pas entraver les deliberations de la reunion. 3.18 Modification, revocation, vote majoritaire - exigences Le present arrete peut titre modifie ou abroge par un vote majoritaire du Conseil plenier. Section 4 REUNION 4.1 Premiere reunion, Loi sur les municipalites, applicabilit6 Le premiere reunion du conseil convoquee apres une election ordinaire doit se tenir au plus Lard le quinzieme jour de juin a la suite de 1'e1ection du conseil. 4.2 Premiere reunion, date, lieu, fix6e par le greffier /la greffiere Le premiere reunion du conseil convoquee apres une election ordinaire doit se tenir an lieu et a 1'heure fixes par le greffierlia greffiere. 4.3 Activites du conseil, reunions ordinaires, lundi A 1'exception de la premiere reunion du conseil ou sauf disposition contraire, les reunions ordinaires du conseil doivent se tenir a la quinzaine, le lundi, et ont pour but la conduite de 1'ensemble des affaires du conseil, avec la provision pour un reunion ordinaire du conseil et /ou du comite plenier comme exige sur le lundi alternative. Les points initialement a Fordre du jour dune reunion ordinaire du conseil qui ne sont pas regles ou qui doivent titre reconsideres doivent figurer a 1'ordre du jour de la prochaine reunion ordinaire du conseil. 4.4 Reunion ordinaire - lieu Sauf indication contraire daps I'avis dune reunion, toutes les reunions periodiques du conseil doivent se tenir dans la salle du conseil, au niveau du hall d'entree, au 15, Market Square, ville de Saint John. 40 203 4.5 Reunion extraordinaire, aut res reunions de comites, lieu Les reunions extraordinaires ou a huis clos du conseil, du comtt6 plenier ou du comite plenier sur les budgets et les reunions de differents comites formes en vertu du present arrete doivent se tenir au lieu et a l'heure fixes dans ]'avis de ]a reunion. 4.6 Jour feria: reunion le jour non Eerie suivant Si une reunion ordinaire tombe un jour feria, la reunion doit se tenir a ]a meme heure le jour non feria suivant, a moins d'indication contraire du conseil. 4.7 Reunion publique : heure, debut Les reunions ordinaires auxquelles it est fait reference a la section 4.4 doivent debuter au plus t6t a 17 h et au plus tard a 19 h, comme le definit le greffiedla greffiere ou comme it est fixe dans ]'avis de la reunion. 4.8 Reunion publique - avis Le greffier /la grefiiere doit donner un avis public de ]'heure et du Iieu d'une reunion ordinaire du conseil, du comite plenier ou du comite plenier sur les budgets en avisant les medias locaux et en affichant un avis de la reunion sur le site Web de The City of Saint John (www.saintjohn.ca) le vendredi precedant la date de ]a reunion ordinaire. 4.9 Reunion publique, avis, annulation, changement de date Le greffierlla greffiere doit donner un avis public qu'une reunion est annulee ou reportee, ou que Pheure ou le lieu de la reunion est modifie, en avisant les medias locaux et en affichant un avis destine au public sur le site Web de The City of Saint John (www.saintiolm.ca) au moins 24 heures avant la date et ]'heure auxquelles ]a reunion ordinaire du conseil, du comite plenier ou du comite plenier sur les budgets devait se tenir. 4.10 Supplementaire, reunion subsequente, vote majoritaire Le conseil, par vote majoritaire des membres presents a une reunion ordinaire du conseil, peut decider de tenir une reunion subsequente a une date ou a une heure diff6rente de ce qui est indique aux sections 4.3, 4.6 et 4.7. 4.11 Assistance, reunion du conseil, restrictions Les membres du public qui composent ('assistance dans la salle du conseil durant une reunion du conseil: a) ne peuvent s`adresser au conseil sans la permission de celui -ci; b) doivent maintenir Pordre et le silence; c) ne doivent pas interrompre ou gener les deliberations; d) ne doivent pas exhiber de panneaux ou d'affiches. 4.12 Membre de 1' assistance, expulsion, conduite inappropriee Toute personne faisant des remarques personnelles, impertinences ou diffamatoires, ou qui devient turbulente alors qu'elle se trouve dans la salle du conseil ou qu'elle s'adresse au conseil communal et qu'elle refuse de s'excuser ou de retirer ses remarques lorsque le president /presidente du conseil le lui ordonne, ou qui intentionnellement entrave le deroulement des affaires et qui refuse de se desister lorsque le pr6sidentlla presidente du conseil le lui demande, peut se Faire demander, par le president/la presidente du conseil, de quitter la salle du conseil communal pour cette reunion, et si elle refuse, elle peut etre renvoyee de la reunion sur Pordre du president /presidente du conseil. Au besoin, le president /la presidente du conseil doit obtenir ('aide appropriee du serpent d'armes ou d'un membre du corps de police de Saint John. Ce ou ces derniers doivent executer les ordres et directives donn6s par le president /la presidente du conseil afin de maintenir Pordre et Ie decorum de la reunion du conseil communal. 4.13 Reunions ordinaires, interpretation simultanee Des services d'interpretation simultanee seront offerts dans les deux langues officielles dans le cadre des reunions ordinaires du conseil. L'incapacite a offrir des services d'interpr6tation n'invalidera pas la reunion du conseil ou les deliberations. 41 204 Section 5 REUNION EXTRAORDINAIRE 5.1 Convoqude par le maire, en tout temps Le maire peut, en tout temps, par 1'intermddiaire du greffier communal /greffiere communale, convoquer une reunion extraordinaire du conseil. 5.2 Convoquee par le greffier/la greffiere, petition pr6sentee par le conseil Le greffier /la greffiere peut, sur reception d'une petition signee par trois membres du conseil, convoquer une reunion extraordinaire dont le but et I'heure sont prdcisds dans la petition. 5.3 Avis, 24 heures a I' avance, exigences Sous rdserve des sections 5.4 et 5.5, le greffier /la greffiere doit donner un avis ecrit d'au moins 24 heures, signe par le maire ou les membres du conseil responsables d'avoir convoque la reunion extraordinaire, indiquant la date et l'heure de la rdunion et I'objectif visd par cette reunion, et ce, a chaque membre du conseil, soit a) en laissant une copie de ]'avis au membre; soit b) en laissant une copie de Pavis au lieu de residence ou d'affaires du membre. c) En envoyant une copie a l'addresse de courier electronique de la ville du member. 5.4 Urgence, avis pr6alable, aucune exigence L'obligation de donner un avis qui est stipulde a la section 5.3 ne s'applique pas dans le cadre d'une reunion extraordinaire convoquee pour faire face a une urgence. 5.5 Urgence, avis, moyen, lieu Dans Ie cadre d'une reunion d'urgence, le greffier /la greffiere doit faire tout son possible pour aviser chaque membre du conscil de la tenue d'une reunion d'urgence et de Pobjectif ou des objectifs vises par la rdunion, verbalement ou par ecrit ou par courielle electronique, et Pavis doit etre donna a ]'avance, dans un ddlai realisable. Une reunion d'urgence peat etre conduite en personne ou a partir d'emplacements eloignes, en ayant recours a du matdriel de telecommunications. 5.6 Activites, precisees, dans l' avis, autre, interdictions Aucune affaire autre que celle qui est mentionnee dans ]'avis ne doit etre consideree lors de la reunion extraordinaire. Le conseil peut decider, avec le consentement unanime des membres presents, de suspendre cette disposition. 5.7 Reunion extraordinaire, avis, public Le greffier/la greffiere doit donner un avis public de l'heure et du lieu d'une reunion extraordinaire en avisant les mddias locaux et en affichant un avis de la reunion, destine au public, sur le site Web de The City of Saint John (www.saintjohn.ca) 24 heures avant la date et Pheure de la tenue de la rdunion. Section 6 REUNIONS DU CONSEIL 6.1 Reunions du conseil- types Il existe les types de reunions du conseil suivants: ordinaire, extraordinaire, d'urgence et juridique. 6.2 Ouvertes au public, exception A moins qu'une reunion ne soit a huis clos ou que le public ne soit pas admis a une partie de celle -ci confonnement aux dispositions des lois provinciales applicables, un membre du public ne peut etre exclu ou renvoye de la reunion du conseil que pour mauvaise conduite. 6.3 Fermies au public, justification Une reunion ne doit pas etre fennee au public a moins et jusqu'a ce que le conseil adopte une resolution a cet effet, laquelle doit dgalement preciser les raisons de ]'adoption de la resolution en vertu de la Loi sur les nninicipalites. 42 205 6.4 Fermees au public, conformite, exigences legislatives Les deliberations du conseil et le dossier correspondant devant titre tenu sont assujettis aux dispositions de la Loi sur les munieipalites, y compris les deliberations qui traitent de ]'obligation, de la part des membres du conseil, de voter lorsqu'ils sont presents; les circonstances selon lesquelles le public nest pas admis a une reunion; la portee des decisions qui peuvent titre prises lors d'une reunion privee, ainsi que le dossier qui doit titre tenu d'une telle reunion et sa disponibilite pour le public. Par souci de commodite, des extraits de la Loi sur les 71Tunicipalit6s sont joints au present arrete mais n'en font pas partie. Section 7 QUORUM 7.1 Quorum, presences, reunion, ouverture Lorsqu'un nombre suffisant de membres sont presents pour constituer le quorum au moment fixe pour le debut de la reunion ou aussitot apres qu'un quorum est forme, le maire ou, lorsque le greffier /la greffiere est avise que le maire sera absent ou en retard, le maire suppleant, assume la presidence et procMe a ]'ouverture de la reunion. 7.2 Absence du moire, moire suppliant, ouverture, presidence Dans le cas ou le maire ne se presente pas a la reunion dans un delai de dix minutes suivant I'heure precisee, le maire suppleant doit assumer la presidence, rappeler les membres a Pordre et, lorsqu'un quorum est forme, presider la reunion ou presider jusqu'a I'arrivee du maire. 7.3 Moire, maire suppleant, absence, procedure En ]'absence du maire et du maire suppleant, lorsqu'un quorum est forme a ]'interieur d'une duree de dix minutes suivant Pheure fixee, le greffier /la greffiere doit ouvrir la reunion et un president / presidence du conseil est choisi parmi ]es membres presents afin de presider la reunion on de presider jusqu'a 1'arrivee du maire on du maire suppliant. 7.4 Quorum, absences, suspension en 30 minutes, ajournement Si le quorum nest pas forme a 1'interieur de trente minutes suivant Pheure fixee pour la tenue de la reunion, le greffier /la greffiere doit inscrire les noms de tous les membres presents a ce moment et ]a reunion est presumee suspendue jusqu% la procbaine reunion ordinaire, a moins qu'une reunion extraordinaire ne soit convoquee a ces fins entre - temps. 7.5 Ajournement, ordre du jour, examen, subsequent Lorsque le quorum nest pas atteint et que le conseil est done incapable de se reunir, I'ordre du jour etabli pour ladite reunion du conseil ou d'un comite doit titre examine a ]a prochaine reunion du conseil ou du comite, avant que soit examine 1'ordre du jour de la reunion subsequente, ou ]edit ordre du jour doit etre examine au tours d'une reunion extraordinaire convoquee a ces fins. Section 8 ORDRE DU JOUR 8.1 Ordre du jour, points L'ordre habitue] des deliberations de reunions ordinaires et extraordinaires du conseil doit correspondre a I'ordre du jour redige par le greffier communal /la greffiere communale. 8.2 Ordre du jour, points, modification Un membre pent, an tours d'une reunion du conseil, demander la modification de 1'ordre des points inscrits a I ordre du jour afin de traiter plus expeditivement les travaux presentes devant le conseil. 8.3 Questions soumises a 1' approbation du conseil, etude des recommandations Les questions soumises a ]'approbation du conseil sont censees titre de nature courante et ne requierent aucun debat ni discussion. Les points inscrits seront traites au moyen d'une 43 206 proposition unanime. Les points a ]'ordre du jour des reunions ordinaires du conseil, y compris la correspondance revue des citoyens, des groupes et des organismes ainsi que les rapports formulant des recommandations, presentes par le greffier /ia greffi6re, le Comite plenier, les autres comites et le directeur general ou autre titulaire, peuvent etre adoptes par une seule proposition du conseil, mais ces points seront pontes a ]'ordre du jour habituel aux fins d'examen et de debat sur demande deposee par tout membre au moment de ]'adoption de ladite question d'approbation. 8.4 Titres, point, redige par le greffierlla greffiere A I'heure exacte precisee par le present arrete, le jour de chaque reunion ordinaire, les conseillers, le greffier communallla greffi6re communale, le directeur general,l'avocat municipal et le maire prennent leur si6ge habitue] dans la salle du conseil et les travaux du conseil communal sont examines et r6gles. Le greffier /la greffi6re doit rediger, a ('intention des membres presents a toutes les reunions ordinaires du conseil, autres que les reunions du Comite plenier,l'ordre du jour selon les titres suivants 1. ouverture de ]a reunion et invocation; 2. approbation du proces- verbal de la derniere reunion du conseil; 3. adoption de Pordre dujour; 4. divulgation de conflits d'interets; 5. adoption des questions soumises a l'approbation du conseil; 6. commentaires presentes par les membres; 7. proclamations; 8. delegations et pr6sentations; 9. audiences publiques; 10. Etude des arr6t6s municipaux; 11. pr6sentations par les membres du conseil; 12. affaires municipales evoquees par les fonctionnaires municipaux; 13. rapports presentes par les comites; 14. etude des sujets ecartds des questions soumises 6 l'approbation du conseil; 15. correspondance g6nerale; 16. ajournement. 8.5 Depot de documents, inscription, affaires publiques Le greffierlla greffi6re doit preparer pour les membres presents, ]'ordre du jour de chaque reunion ordinaire du conseil ainsi qu'une trousse de documents sous forme electronique ou imprimee, qui doit inclure tous les elements relatifs aux points inscrits a ]'ordre du jour. 8.6 aux membres avant la reunion Le greffier /la greffi6re doit faire tout son possible pour s'assurer que les copies de ('ordre du jour et les trousses de documents relatives aux reunions du conseil sont distribuees sous forme imprimee ou electronique de mani6re a ce que chaque membre les regoive au plus lard le vendredi precedant la reunion ordinaire. 8.7 Disponible aux fonctionnaires et aux employes Le greffierlla greffiere doit faire tout son possible pour s'assurer que des copies de l'ordre du jour et de la trousse de documents, presentees aux membres dans le cadre des reunions ordinaires, soient transmises sous forme electronique ou imprimee a sous les fonctionnaires et employes de la Corporation qui doivent les avoir reques, comme l'indique ]e directeur general, le vendredi precedant la reunion. 8.8Disponible- ordre du jour - reunion publique Toute personne int6ressee peut obtenir une copie de ]'ordre du jour au bureau du greffier{ greffi6re ou sur le site Web de The City of Saint John, vers 16 h 30, au plus tard, le vendredi precedant la reunion. 8.9 Defout de distribution en temps opportun, validite de la reunion Si le greffierlla greffiere ne peut respecter le calendrier etabli aux sections 8.6, 8.7 et 8.8, la 44 207 reunion du conseil et toute activite entreprise Wen seront pas invalidees pour autant. 8.10 Transmission au greffierlgreffiere, Mai Toute proposition devant titre incluse a 1'ordre du jour des reunions ordinaires du conseil est deposee au greffe a 16 h, au plus tard, le jeudi precedant la date de distribution de I'ordre du jour aux membres. 8.11 Reunion extraordinaire, preparation, exigences L'ordre du jour des reunions extraordinaires est r6dige sous la direction du maire, mais dans le cas d'une petition, selon les directives du greffier /greffiere. Section 9 RAPPORTS, PETITIONS 9.1 Inscription a l'ordre du jour par le greffier/la greffiere Le greffier /la greffiere peut, sur reception d'une petition destinee au conseil, 1'ajouter comme point a Pordre du jour de la prochaine reunion ordinaire du conseil pour laquelle le greffier/la greffiere accepte les points a 1'ordre du jour partiellement ou entierement, comme ille juge approprie. 9.2 Rapports publics, Comit6 consultatif d'urbanisme Lorsqu'une reunion publique est convoquee par Ie Comite consultatif d'urbanisme avant que le conseil ait etudie son rapport, toute la documentation, les rapports des employes et les cartes d'am6nagement doivent titre mis a la disposition du public avant et pendant la tenue de ladite reunion publique de Comite consultatif d`urbanisme. Section 10 DELEGATIONS ET PRESENTATIONS PUBLIQUES 10.1 D616gations et presentations, demandes inscrites a l'ordre du jour, preavis Lorsqu'un membre du public ou un representant d'un groupe de personnes veut s'adresser au conseil, it doit presenter une demande par ecrit au greffier communallgreffiere communale, adressee au maire et au conseil, avant 16 h le jeudi precedant une reunion ordinaire du conseil. Le greffier/la greffiere doit ajouter la demande a Pordre du jour de ]a reunion ordinaire suivante. 10.2 Delegations et pr6sentations, permission accord6e afin de se pr6senter Apres avoir considers la demande de presentation ou de presentation par une delegation, le conseil peut : a) refuser d'entendre la delegation ou la presentation; b) fixer une date, qui ne doit pas titre ant6rieure a la reunion ordinaire suivante, pour entendre is delegation ou la presentation; c) informer le greffier/la greffiere qu'il doit planifier une rencontre pour entendre la delegation ou la presentation dont la date et Pheure conviennent aux deux parties. 10.3 D616gations et presentations, transmission du materiel Lorsqu'un membre du public ou un representant d'un groupe doit s'adresser au conseil, une copie de la presentation doit titre soumise au greffier communal /greffiere communale avant 16 h le jeudi pr6cedant la reunion pr6vue du conseil. 10.4 D616gations et pr6sentations, demandes, r6unions, consentement a la majorit6 des deux tiers Aucun membre du public ou representant d'un groupe de personnes n'a le droit de s'adresser au conseil sans Ie consentement prealable de la majorite des deux tiers du nombre total des membres, a 1'exception des personnes qui ont le droit d'etre entendues ou des personnes qui ont ete invitees par un avis autorise par Ie conseil, que le greffier /la greffiere a omis d'inclure a Pordre du Jour. 45 208 10.5 Delegations et presentations, duree maximale, restrictions 5auf sur consentement du conseil, un membre du public ne peut s'adresser au conseil pendant plus de quinze minutes, sans compter le temps necessaire pour repondre aux questions que lui pose le conseil, mis a part le fait qu'un groupe de personnes puisse avoir plus d'un porte- parole, a condition que la pdriode durant laquelle les porte- parole s'adressant au conseil ne depassent pas quinze minutes, sans compter le temps necessaire pour repondre aux questions que leur pose le conseil. 10.6 Delegations et presentations, devant le conseil Tous les membres du public ou les porte - parole d'une delegation qui s'adressent au conseil doivent donner leur nom et leur adresse. Toutes les remarques doivent etre adressees au conseil en tant qu'organisme et non a 1'un de ses membres en particulier. En aucun cas une personne, autre que celle qui a la parole, a le droit de participer a une discussion sans ]a permission du president /presidente du conseil. Toutes les questions doivent etre posees par 1'entremise du president/presidente du conseil. 10.7 Delegations et presentations, conclusion des activites La conclusion des activites presentees par une delegation ne doit pas etre abordee avant que ne soient examines tous les points a l'ordre du jour. Section 11 RQLES ASSUMES PAR LE MAIRE, LE MAIRE SUPPLEANT ET LES CONSEILLERS 11.1 R61e du maire: presidence et leadership Le maire doit: a) presider toutes les reunions du conseil, sauf disposition contraire du present arrete; b) faire preuve de leadership dans ses rapports avec le conseil; c) communiquer ]'information et recommander au conseilles mesures a prendre pour ]'amelioration des finances, de l'administration et de la gouvernance; d) s'exprimer sur des preoccupations de la municipalite au nom du conseil; e) s'acquitter de toutes autres fonctions qui lui sons conferees par le present arrete, par toute autre loi ou par le conseil. 11.2 Maire suppleant nomination par voie d'election Au tours de la premiere reunion, le conseil doit elire un membre pour assumer le poste de maire suppleant pour la duree du mandat du conseil. 11.3 Maire suppleant: absence ou incapacite d'agir En ]'absence ou ]'incapacite d'agir du maire et du maire suppleant, le conseil, par voie de vote majoritaire, peut nommer tout autre membre pour agir au nom du maire. 11.4 Maire suppleant: pouvoirs et devoirs En cas d'absence ou d'incapacite du maire, ou en cas de vacance de son poste, le maire suppleant le remplace et, pendant sa suppleance, celui -ci possede toutes les attributions et remplit toutes les fonctions du maire, comme le stipulent la Loi sou• ley rnunicipalites et le present arrete. 11.5 Conseillers : responsabilites, participation et devoirs Le conseiller doit a) tenir compte du bien -etre et des interets de toute la municipalite lors de la prise de decisions; b) porter a ]'attention du conseil des questions qui peuvent promouvoir le bien -etre ou les interets de la municipalite; c) participer a ]'elaboration et a 1'evaluation des politiques et des programmes de la municipalite; d) participer aux reunions du conseil, des comites du conseil et de tout autre organisme 46 209 auquel it a dte nommd par le Conseil; e) s'acquitter de toutes autres fonctions qui lui sont confdrdes par le present arrete, par toute autre loi ou par le conseil. 11.6 Prdsident/Presidente du conseil: fonctions exercdes au cours des reunions Le president /la presidente du conseil doit : 1. ouvrir la reunion du conseil en assumant ]a prdsidence et convoquer la reunion; 2. accueillir et sou nettre, de la manidre adequate, toutes les propositions presentdes par les membres; 3. soumettre au vote toutes les questions qui sont habituellement proposees et appuydes ou qui surviennent ndcessairement au cours des deliberations; 4. detenniner la recevabilitd des propositions et des modifications, sous reserve d'un appel lance au conseil et rejeter toute proposition ou modification dont est saisi le conseil qu'il juge irrecevable ou a 1'encontre de ]a loi; 5. prononcer chaque question posee devant le conseil et annoncer la decision prise par le conseil communal sur toutes les questions; 6. suivre les regles de procddure et s'assurer que les membres respectent ces regles pendant le debat; 7. observer et maintenir en tout temps l'ordre et le decorum des membres et du public; 8. appeler par son nom tout membre qui persiste a violer les regles de procddure et, sous reserve de la majorite des voies des membres presents, lui ordonner de se retirer de la salle du conseil; 9. dtudier les proclamations et les annoncer au conseil; 10. officialiser par sa signature, lorsqu'il s'avere necessaire, tous les arretds municipaux, les contrats et les autres documents exiges en vertu de la loi ou des arretds municipaux; 11. repondre aux questions posdes a Vintention du conseil par un membre relativement a un rappel au reulement; 12. representer et appuyer le conseil; 13. dans le cas ou it le juge necessaire en raison de graves perturbations, ajoumer ou suspendre la sdance pour la duree qu'il prdcise. Section 12 REGLESDEPROCEDURES:DEBATS 12.1 Intervention du prdsidentlpresidente du conseil Le president /la presidente du conseil peut rdpondre aux questions et, s'il le desire, intervenir dans une affaire, prendre une position definitive et tenter de persuader le conseil d'appuyer cette position, tout en continuant de prdsider la reunion. Le President /la Prdsidente du conseil quitter la chaise s'illelle veut presenter une proposition. 12.2 Intervention: le president/la prdsidente du conseil determine Pordre Lorsque deux ou plusieurs membres desirent intervenir, le president /la prdsidente du conseil doit nommer le membre qui pent intervenir en premier. 12.3 Intervention: reconnaissance par le president/la prdsidente du conseil Lorsqu'un membre desire intervenir au cours d'une rdunion du conseil, it doit avoir ete reconnu au prealable par le president/la presidente du conseil. Aucun membre ne peut intervenir sur une question autre que Celle qui fait ]'objet d'un debat. 12.4 Intervention: deux seulement, exceptions, approbation du conseil Les membres ne peuvent intervenir que deux fois dans une proposition, sauf avec le consentement du prdsidentfprdsidente du conseil. 12.5 Intervention: deux fois, exercee par to us les membres Aucun membre ne peut intervenir une deuxieme fois a moins que tous les membres aient eu ]'occasion d'intervenir une fois. Fly 210 12.6 Proposition: par un membre, trois minutes additionnelles Nonobstant les sections 12.3 a 12.5, inclusivement, Ie membre qui a presente une proposition (autre qu'une proposition modificatrice ou une proposition procedurale) peut poursuivre le ddbat pendant une durde suppldmentaire maximale de trois minutes et y mettre fin, lorsque tous les autres membres ont eu l'occasion d'intervenir. 12.7 Intervention: temps limite Un membre ne peut intervener que pour une durde maximale de trois minutes chaque fois qu'il intervient dans une proposition principale ou une modification. 12.8 Question: posee an pr6sident/pr6sidente du conseil Un membre ne peut adresser une question a un intervenant anterieur que par 1'entremise du president /presidente du conseil et cette question doit etre lide aux commentaires formulds par cet intervenant, mais de toute fa�on, un membre peut poser une question au president /presidente du conseil ou aux employes par 1'entremise du president /presidente du conseil prdalablement au vote sur la proposition. 12.9 Proposition: pendant un debat, lecture, en tout temps Tout membre peut exiger que la proposition debattue soit lue a tout moment durant le debat. 12.10 Atteinte a l'ordre: inconduite, interdiction Aucun membre ne peut perturber les ddlibdrations du conseil ou tout autre membre en raison de son inconduite. 12.11 Insultes: mots offensifs, interdiction Aucun membre ne doit utiliser de mots injurieux ou d'expressions insultantes lorsqu'il s'adresse au conseil, a un autre membre du conseil, a un employe de la ville ou a un membre du public. 12.12 Desobeissance: regles, presidentlpresidente du conseil, interdiction Aucun membre ne peut desobeir aux regles de procddure ou aux decisions du president /presidente du conseil ou du conseil sur des rappels au reglement, sur des questions de pratique ou sur l'interprdtation des regles de procddure. 12.13 Desob&ssance: quitter son siege, pendant le vote, interdiction Aucun membre ne doit quitter son siege, faire du bruit ou deranger durant 1'enregistrement d'un vote ou avant le devoilement des resultats. 12.14 Interruption: intervenant, interdiction, exceptions Aucun membre ne doit interrompre un autre membre alors que celui -ci parle, sauf pour invoquer un rappel au reglement ou une question de privilege. Section 13 QUESTION DE PRIVILEGE: QUESTION DE RENSEIGNEMENT, ORDRE 13.1 Examen: immediatement Lorsqu'une question de privilege ou un rappel au reglement se presente, it Taut en tenir compte immediatement. 13.2 Question de privilege: ordre, toutes les questions Un membre du conseil peut, en tout temps, soulever une question de privilege et celle -ci a prdsdance sur toute autre affaire. 13.3 Question de renseignement: reponse, president/prdsidente du conseil Lorsqu'une question de renseignement est soulevee, le president/la presidente du conseil doit repondre a la question ou la soumettre au membre ou a 1'employe municipal approprie. 13.4 Intervenant: interruption, decision, presidentJpresidente du conseil Un membre peut interrompre la personne qui a la parole pour soulever un rappel au reglement ou un point de procedure lorsqu'il pense qu'il y a eu un ecart ou une ddrogation aux regles de procddure. Une fois que le president /la presidente du conseil a entendu ce rappel au reglement ou ce point de procddure, sa decision est finale a moins qu'elle ne soit contestde en vertu des 48 211 sections 13.5 et 13.6. Si un membre qui a la parole est rappels a 1'ordre, it doit cesser de parler jusqu'a ce que le rappel au r6glement soit determine et, s'il est autorise, it peut poursuivre. 13.5 President/Presidente: contestation, rejet, procedure Lorsqu'un membre souhaite contester une decision du president /presidente relativement a un rappel au r6glement (y compris lorsqu'il est determine qu'une proposition est irreguli6re), it doit presenter une proposition essentiellement comme suit: «Que la decision du president / presidente soit r6fonn6e» Par la suite, la question doit titre presentee au conseil qui doit decider de I'affaire immediatement au moyen d'un vote majoritaire des membres presents, et ce, sans en d6battre, et la decision est finale. 13.6 Rappel a l'ordre: membre, decision d'expulser Si un membre du conseil utilise un langage insultant ou inappropri6 a l'endroit du president / presidente du conseil ou d'un autre membre, et qu'il refuse de s'excuser ou de retirer ses remarques lorsque le president/la presidente du conseil le lui ordonne, ou qu'il entrave intentionnellement le deroulement des affaires et qu'il refuse de se desister lorsque le president /la presidente du conseil le lui ordonne, le pr6sident/'la presidente du conseil peut lui dormer 1'ordre de quitter la salle du conseil dans le cadre de la presente reunion, et s'il refuse, it peut etre renvoye sur 1'ordre du presidentlpresidente du conseil; et en presentant des excuses au president /presidente du conseil et a tout membre qu'il a insults, it peut, par vote majoritaire du conseil communal, etre autorise a reprendre sa place au sein de la reunion. Section 14 CONFLIT D'INTERETS 14.1 Normes ethiques: signalement des conflits Les mernbres du conseil sont tenus d'observer des normes ethiques strictes qui conviennent a leurs fonctions officielles et de signaler tout conflit d'intdrets, comme 1'exige la Loi sur lev municipalites. 14.2 Divulgation: dip6t au greffe an moment de 1'entree en fonction Chaque membre qui entre en fonction doit d6poser aupr6s du greffier /greffi6re, sous la forme prescrite, un 6nonc6 indiquant tout conflit d'int6rets dont it a connaissance ou dont it devrait raisonnablement avoir connaissance; mais un membre nest pas tenu de reveler les details de ses int6r6ts d'ordre financier ou 1'etendue d'un quelconque interet dans n'importe quelle affaire donnant lieu a un conflit d'interets. 14.3 Divulgation des conflits: en fonction Une divulgation semblable a celle qui est decrite a la section 14.2 doit etre faite sans delai par chaque membre lorsqu'un conflit d'int6r6ts survient alors que celui -ci est en fonction. 14.4 Divulgation: depot au greffe Toute divulgation de conflit d'interets qui est d6posee doit etre consignee et conservee dans un dossier par le greffierlla greffrere, et toute personne ayant droit de vote en vertu de la Loi sur les elections municipales doit proceder a un examen du dossier durant les heures normales de bureau. 14.5 Divulgation: au tours dune reunion Lorsqu'un membre est en conflit d'int6rets relativement a toute affaire touchant le conseil et lorsqu'il assiste a une reunion du conseil, d'un comite du conseil ou a toute autre reunion traitant des affaires du conseil et/ou I'affaire est mise a 1'etude, it doit, a) divulguer qu'il a un conflit d'interets dans I'affaire aussit6t que celle -ci est presentee; et b) se retirer imm6diatement de la salle de reunion pendant que I'affaire est a 1'etude on fait 1'objet d'un vote. 49 212 14.6 Declaration de conflit d'inter6ts: interdiction de participer Apres avoir fait une declaration, le membre ne doit pas tenter, de quelque fagon que ce soit, avant, durant ou apres la reunion, d'influencer le vote Sur une question relative a 1'affaire. 14.7 Declaration: inscription par le greffrerlla greffiere Lorsqu'une declaration verbale est faite; a) la personne qui r6dige le proces- verbal dolt consigner la declaration du membre, les raisons A l'appui de la declaration et 1'heure a laquelle le membre a quitte la Salle de reunion et, le cas echeant, 1'heure de son retour, et b) le pr6sidentfla presidente de la reunion doit s'assurer que le membre dont it est question n'assiste pas a la reunion au moment de voter Sur la question. 14.8 Exigence visant Ie retrait d'un membre: quorum Lorsque le nombre de membres qui, en raison des dispositions de la Lai sur les "Junicipalit s, doivent quitter une reunion est tel que le nombre de membres restants a cette reunion nest pas suffisant pour constituer le quorum, les membres restants sont consid6r6s comme constituant le quorum s'ils sont au moins trois, et ce, nonobstant toute autre loi g6n6rale ou sp6ciale. Section 15 PROPOSITIONS: ORDRE 15.1 Proposition et appui: avant un debat, vote Une proposition ne doit pas faire l'objet de discussion et aucun d6bat a son sujet ne peut titre entame jusqu'a ce qu'elle ait etd presentee et appuy6e et que le pr6sidentlla presidente du conseil ait declare qu'elle pent faire l'objet d'un d6bat. 15.2 Retrait en tout temps, avant le vote Une fois qu'une proposition a et6 pr6sent6e, appuy6e et soumise par le pr6sident /la presidente du conseil, elle est prise en consideration par le conseil, mais, avec l'appui de la majorit6 du conseil et sans aucun d6bat, elle peut titre en tout temps retir6e par Pauteur et l'appuyeur avant de Faire l'objet d'un vote. 15.3 Public: droit de parole, proposition seulement a la suite dune audience Dans le cas ou le public avait droit de parole Sur une question, aucune proposition ne peut We revue avant que celui -ci n'ait ete entendu. 15.4 Proposition: participation du public, interdiction La participation du public Sur une question ne sera pas pennise apres que la proposition ait 6te dument pr6sent6e et appuy6e. 15.5 Mat: modification, autorisation Toutes les propositions qui sont prises en consideration par le conseil comme it se doit peuvent faire lobjet d'un d6bat et peuvent titre modifiees, a moins d'indications expresses dans le present arret6. 15.6 Recevabilit6: procedure Dans le cas ou une proposition a ete presentee, appuy6e et est prise en consideration par le conseil, aucune proposition ne peut titre revue, sauf s'il s'agit dune proposition: (i) pour fixer 1`heure d'ajoumement; G) pour lever la s6ance; (k) pour soumettre ]a question; (1) pour mettre la question pr6alable aux voix (mettre fin au d6bat); (m) pour reporter la question a une autre heure et a une autre date; (n) pour soumettre la question a une autre personne ou a un autre groupe pour examen; (0) pour amender la modification; ou (p) pour modifier la proposition principale; pour lesquelles la priorit6 est accord6e selon l'ordre de presentation et plus particulierement selon I'annexe «A». 50 213 15.7 Ajournement: exigences Une proposition d'ajoumement a) ne doit pas titre modifiee iti faire I'objet d'un debat; et b) doit toujours titre recevable, sauf lorsqu'un membre prend la parole ou que les membres procedent au vote. 15.8 Ajournement: heure indiquee, modifiable Nonobstant la section 15.7 selon laquelle une proposition d'ajoumement stipule I'heure a laquelle la seance ajoumee se poursuivra, cette proposition peut etre modifiee et faire l'objet d'un debat relativement a I'heure en question. 15.9 Prolongation: plus tard que 22 h, exigences Sous reserve de la section 3.14, une proposition visant a poursuivre la seance apres 22 h a) ne doit pas etre modifiee ni faire l'objet d'un debat; et b) doit toujours etre recevable, sauf lorsqu'un membre prend la parole ou que les membres procedent au vote. 15.10 Presentation dune proposition: exigences Une proposition pour deposer une proposition doit enoncer une raison, toujours titre recevable et ne pas faire l'objet d'un debat. Une proposition pour etudier une question qui a ete reportee ne doit pas donner lieu a un debat ni a une modification. Une proposition qui n'a pas ete etudiee depuis six mois est consideree comme retiree. 15.11 Evocation d'une question prealable: exigences Une proposition pour que les membres du conseil se prononcent sur la question: a) ne doit pas titre modifiee ni faire l'objet d'un debat; b) ne doit pas titre revue par quelque comite que ce soit ou le comite plenier; et c) necessite le vote affirmatif des deux tiers des membres presents. 15.12 Report: heure precise Une proposition pour reporter la seance a une autre heure ou a une autre date: a) ne peut faire 1'objet d'un debat qu'en ce qui a trait a la pertinence du report; et b) peut We modifiee, mais seulement un amendement de 1'heure ou de la date a laquelle la proposition est reportee est possible. 15.13 Report: indefiniment Une proposition pour reporter une resolution ou un arrete en instance indefiniment peut faire 1'objet d'un debat et necessite un vote majoritaire pour titre adoptee. La consequence d'une telle proposition consiste a rejeter la resolution ou Parretti sans proceder a un vote direct. La resolution ou 1'arretd qui est reporte indefiniment ne peut titre mentionne de nouveau au tours de la meme reunion. II nest pas obligatoire d'aborder la resolution au tours dune reunion future, mais it est possible de le faire. 15.14 Soumission: exigences Une proposition pour soumettre une affaire en deliberation au comite plenier, a un comite, au directeur general, a l'avocat municipal, au greffier communal /greffiere communale, ou autre: a) ne peut faire l'objet d'un debat que relativement au bien -fonde de la soumission d'une question et elle peut titre modifiee; et b) doit inclure les conditions selon lesquelles la proposition est soumise et peut preciser ('heure a laquelle la proposition est reportee et les explications qui peuvent titre necessaires quart au but de la proposition. 15.15 Modification: exigences Une modification est une proposition pour que le libelle dune autre proposition soit change avant qu'un vote ne soit enregistre pour cette derniere proposition. Les principales regles suivantes s'appliquent aux modifications: a) Une modification doit prendre Tune des formes suivantes (l) modifier en inserant ou en ajoutant du texte; ou (2) modifier en rayant du texte; ou 51 214 (3) modifier en rayant du texte et en ajoutant un autre texte a ]a place. b) Une modification peut faire 1'objet d'un d6bat et n6cessite un vote majoritaire pour etre adoptee. c) Une modification et la proposition visee par la modification doivent etre germaines (6troitement lilies ou reli6es dune quelconque fagon) et la proposition ne doit pas titre directement oppose a la proposition principale. 15.16 Modification: une a la fois, limite Pas plus de deux modifications peuvent titre en instance en meme temps pendant que la resolution ou Parretti est sujet a d6bat : (1) une modification primaire (une modification a la proposition principale); (2) une modification secondaire (une modification a la modification); (3) une seule modification a la fois peut titre apport6e a la proposition principale et une seule modification a la fois peut titre apportee a une modification. 15.17 Modification: proposition, ordre inverse, procedures relatives an vote Le president/la presidente du Conseil doit presenter ]es modifications selon l'ordre inverse de leur adoption et lorsque toutes les modifications auront fait 1'objet d'un vote, le president /la presidente du Conseil doit presenter la proposition principale en incluant toute modification ayant 6te adoptee. 15.18 Introduction: sans pr6avis, autorisation Sauf prescription contraire du present arrete, seules les propositions 6nonc6es aux sections 15.19 a 15.23 inclusivement peuvent titre presentees oralement sans avis et sans autorisation. 15.19 Point: A l'ordre du jour Une proposition sur un sujet apparaissant a 1'ordre du jour d'une reunion peut titre presentee oralement sans avis et sans autorisation. 15.20 Procedure: proposition orale Les propositions enum6rees a la section 15.6 peuvent titre presentees oralement sans avis et sans autorisation. 15.21 Suspension: reglements Une proposition visant a suspendre les reglements du present arret6 peut titre pr6sentee oralement sans avis et sans autorisation. 15.22 Rappel an reglement : proc6dure, renseignement, privilege Une proposition sur un rappel au reglement, un point de procedure, une question de renseignement ou une question de privilege peut titre presentee oralement sans avis et sans autorisation. 15.23 Autre: usage, comme exige Toute proposition faite sur des affaires courantes pouvant titre requise pour le respect des bienseances du Conseil; le maintien de 1'autorit6 conf&6 au Conseil; le remaniement de ses d6lib6rations; 1'exactitude de ses dossiers; ou 1'6tablissement des reunions ou des dates et heures des reunions du conseil, peat We present6e oralement sans avis et sans autorisation. 15.24 Proposition presentee par un membre: avis au greffier/greffiere, delai Un membre qui souhaite inscrire un point a 1'ordre du jour autre qu'une des propositions presentees aux sections 15.19 a 15.23 inclusivement aux fins d'6tude par le conseil doit remettre ]a proposition &rite au greffier /greffiere avant 16 h le jeudi de la semaine qui precede imm6diatement le jour prevu de la tenue de la reunion du conseil. 15.25 Proposition pr6sentee par un membre: inscription integrale a l'ordre du jour La proposition mentionn6e a la section 15.24 doit titre entierement imprimee et titre incluse dans la trousse de documents presentee aux membres dans le cadre de la presente reunion du conseil. 15.26 Proposition pr6sent6e par un membre: par 6crit, auteur, signature La proposition mentionn6e a la section 15.24 doit titre soumise au greffier/greffiere par 6crit ou par tel6copieur et inclure la signature de 1'auteur de la proposition ou a partir de Padresse 52 215 de courrier electronique connue du membre et dolt foumir suffisamment de renseignements generaux relatifs a la proposition. Section 16 VOTE 16.1 Proposition: multiplicite, propositions distinctes Lorsqu'une proposition a 1'etude contient deux propositions distinctes ou plus et qu'un membre le demande, le vote sur chaque proposition doit etre effectue separement. 16.2 Proposition: a la suite de toutes interventions, proposition du president/presidente du conseil Le president /la presidente du conseil doit proceder a un vote Sur une proposition immediatement apres que taus les membres desirant s'exprimer sur la proposition ant eu ]'occasion de le faire. 16,3 Proposition: vote, intervention, interdiction Apres que le president /la presidente du conseil a tenu un vote sur la proposition, aucun membre ne peut s'exprimer sur ladite proposition. 16.4 Proposition: vote, exigences, sauf si le membre est prive du droit de voter Sauf lorsqu'un conflit d'interets ou tout autre motif le prive du droit de voter sur un arrete, une resolution ou une proposition ou sur toute autre question, chaque membre present, y compris le maire, doit faire connaitre publiquement et personnellement son vote qui doit etre constate par le greffier /la greffiere; le vote ne peut avoir lieu par bulletin ou par toute autre methode garantissant I'anonymat; tout vote effectue Bans ces conditions est nul et sans effet. 16.5 Defaut : vote, affirmatif Tous les membres, y compris le maire, qui assistent a une reunion et qui ne sont pas prives du droit de vote, conformement a la section 16.4, sont consideres comme ayant vote en faveur de la proposition s'ils negligent de faire connaitre leer vote. 16.6 Maire: vote Lorsqu'il assiste a une reunion du conseil communal, le maire doit presider la reunion et voter sur toutes les questions. 16.7 Egalite des votes: decision negative Le maire ne doit pas avoir une voix preponderante, mais si en I'absence d'un ou de plusieurs conseillers it devait y avoir egalite des voix Sur une question, une telle question doit etre consideree et declaree comme etant perdue. 16.8 Methode: enregistrement du vote Pour que son vote soit enregistre, chaque membre present et ayant droit de vote doit le faire a main levee. 16.9 Resultats: annonce du presidentlpr6sidente de la reunion Le president/la pr du conseil doit annoncer le resultat de chaque vote. 16.10 Rksultats: desaccord, immediat, vote enregistre Lorsqu'un membre est en desaccord avec i'annonce du resultat d'un vote emise par le president/la presidente du conseil, it peut s'opposer immediatement a la declaration du president /presidente et demander 1'enregistrement du vote. 16.11 Vote enregistre: sur demande, exigence On procede a 1'enregistrement d'un vote lorsqu'un membre le demande immediatement avant ou apres la mise aux voix, lorsque la loi 1'exige ou en vertu du present arrete. 16.12 Vote enregistr6: ordonnance de voter Lorsqu'on procede a 1'enregistrement d'un vote, tous les membres, y compris le maire, doivent voter a moins d'etre prives du droit de voter en vertu de la loi; tout defaut de voter par un membre, y compris le maire, ayant le droit de voter, doit etre considers comme un vote affirmatif. 53 216 16.13 Noms: votes, negatif, position, enregistrement A mains qu'un membre present ne le demande, seuls les noms des personnes ayant vote contre une proposition figurent dans le proces- verbal. Les membres peuvent exiger que les raisons de leur vote negatif soient indiquees dans le proces- verbal. 16.14 Majorite : exigences, en vertu d'un arrete Lorsque le present arrete exige un vote a la majorite simple du conseil,l'exigence doit etre interpretee comme signifiant une telle majorite des membres presents et ayant le droit de voter sur la question, a condition que le present arrete ou une ordonnance pertinente ne mentionne pas autre chose. 16.15 Superieur a la majorite: exigences, vote enregistre Lorsque le present arrete ou une ordonnance exige qu'un arrete soit adopte ou qu'une me sure soit prise a la majorite des deux tiers des voix ou de toute autre fraction du conseil superieure A une majorite, on doit proceder a 1'enregistrement du vote. Section 17 ACTIVITES 17,1 Nouvelles activites: examen, exigences Lors des reunions, aucun membre ne doit presenter au conseil des questions aux fins d'examen a moins que: a) ]a question ne figure a l'ordre du jour de cette reunion; ou b) la question ne soit conforme aux sections 15.7 a 15.23 inclusivement; ou c) le conseil, par la majorite des deux tiers de ses membres, n'autorise ]'inclusion de ]a question a 1'ordre du jour sans preavis. 17.2 Proposition: non inscrite i l'ordre du jour, presidentlpresidente du conseil, avis Au moment de ]'adoption de 1'ordre du jour, le president/la presidente du conseil doit titre avise de la presentation des propositions ne figurant pas a Ibrdre du jour et non comprises dans les sections 15.7 a 15.23 inclusivement. 17.3 Proposition: non inscrite i Pordre du jour, demande du personnel Le directeur general, 1'avocat municipal, le commissaire aux finances ou le greffier communal /la greffiere communale de la Corporation peuvent demander que le conseil examine une question non incluse a l'ordre du jour et exigeant un examen immediat et urgent, au moyen du vote de la majorite des deux tiers des membres qui determinera ]'examen ou non de cette question. Section 18 ARRETES MUNICIPAUX, RAPPORTS, RESOLUTIONS ET CONTRATS 18.1 Examen: approbation du conseil Avant d' etre presentes au conseil communal, tous les arretes, resolutions et documents contractuels doivent avoir ete approuves, relativement a la forme et a la legalite, par 1'avocat municipal ou son representant autorise et doivent avoir ete examines et approuves aux fins d'application par le directeur general ou son representant autorise lorsque des questions de fonds sur ]'application sont soulevees. 18.2 Arretes municipaux: trois lectures le meme jour, interdiction A moins d'indication contraire dans la loi, un arrete doit titre adopte dans les deux langues officielles, et it est possible qu'il ne franchisse pas les etapes des trois lectures le meme jour. 18.3 Rapports, resolutions: d6pot au greffe Tous les rapports et propositions doivent etre produits au dossier du greffier communallgreffiere communale. 54 217 Section 19 PROLES- VERBAL 19.1 Renseignements: exgences, soumission au greffier /greffiere Le greffierlla greffiere ou son representant doit rediger les proces - verbaux de chaque reunion du conseil et consigner sans notes ni commentaires a) le lieu, la date et l'lheure des reunions; b) les noms du presidentlpresidente ou des membres et les presences des membres et du personnel de gestion; c) Padoption du proces - verbal des reunions precedentes et, au besoin, ]a correction de ce demier; d) toutes les resolutions, decisions et autres deliberations du conseil. 19.2 Derniere reunion: lecture vive, majoriti des deux tiers requise Le proces- verbal de la derriere reunion doit titre presente au conseil aux fins d'approbation daps les deux langues officielles, tel qu'il a ete distribue, sous reserve d'une rectification des erreurs s'y trouvant et it ne doit pas titre lu a voix haute. 19.3 Approbation du proces - verbal, reunions ordinaires et extraordinaires Le proces - verbal de chaque reunion ordinaire ou extraordinaire du conseil doit We adopte a une reunion ordinaire du conseil. Le proces- verbal d'un comite du conseil doit We approuve A une reunion dudit comite, et seules les recommandations du comite plenier seront examinees aux fins d'adoption lors d'une reunion ordinaire du conseil. 19.4 Approbation du proces- verbal, reunions i buis clos Les proces- verbaux de toute reunion ou de toute partie d'une reunion du conseil ou d'un comite du conseil qui etait fermee au public doivent titre approuves lors de la prochaine reunion a huis clos du conseil ou du comite du conseil. Les proces- verbaux de toute reunion ou de toute partie d'une reunion d'un conseil ou d'un comite du conseil qui etait fennee au public en application du paragraphe 10.2(4) de ]a Loi sur les nranicipalWs ne peuvent pas titre consultes et examines par les membres du public. 19.5 Archives publiques: reunions i huis clos Un registre des reunions a huis clos doit titre prepare et signe par le greffier communalda greffiere communale et doit contenir seulement cc qui suit : a) le type de questions en vertu du paragraphe 10.2(4) de la Loi sur les nual cipalitcs qui ont ete discutees pendant ]a reunion; et b) la date de la reunion. Ledit registre peut titre examine par le public au bureau du greffier /greffiere aux heures normales d'ouverture. Section 20 COMITES 20.1 Creation: comites permanents, au besoin Le conseil peut, par voie d'arrete ou de resolution, creer des comites permanents juges necessaires au traitement ordonne et efficace des affaires de la Corporation, et doit etablir, en general ou en detail, les taches et responsabilites, la composition et la duree d'un comite nommE 20.2 Comiti plenier des budgets: creation Un comite plenier des budgets doit 8tre cree. 20.3 Comiti plenier des budgets: responsabilitis Le comite plenier des budgets doit examiner les questions et problemes lies a la preparation, a la gestion et a la surveillance des budgets de depense et d'immobilisations de la Corporation, 55 218 du r6seau d'aqueduc et d'6gouts, des fonds en fiducie et d'autre planification fiscale en cours et a long terme de ]a Corporation. 20.4 Comit6 plenier des budgets: president et vice- president/presidente et vice - pr6sidente Le maire on, en son absence, le maire adjoint doit assumer la pr6sidente du comit6 pl6nier des budgets. 20.5 Comit6 pl6nier des budgets: reunions, jour et heure Les r6unions du comit6 pl6nier des budgets peuvent titre convoqu6es par le pr6sident/la pr6sidente lorsqu'il le juge n6cessaire. 20.6 Comit6 pl6nier des budgets: activit6s, procedure Les activit6s du comite pl6nier des budgets doivent titre menees conform6ment aux r6gles r6gissant la procedure du comit6 pl6nier. 20.7 Comite special: nomination par le conseil Le conseil pent, par voie de r6solution, nommer un comit6 special afin qu'il etudie un sujet, un projet on un engagement particulier et en fasse le compte rendu. 20.8 President/Presidente: nomination, proc6dures, determination, conseil Lorsqu'un comit6 sp6cial a 6t6 nomm6 par le conseil, le conseil doit : a) nommer le membre dudit comit6 qui agira a titre de pr6sident/presidente du comit6, et en ('absence de telles directives, le comit6 doit nommer son propre president /pr6sidente; b) doit d6terminer si les regles de procedure du comite pl6nier s'appliquent ou non au comit6 special. 20.9 Travaux: rapport, int6gralit6, dissolution du comit6 Lorsqu'un comit6 special a rempli son mandat et soumis son rapport final au conseil, ledit comit6 est consid6r6 avoir 6te dissous. 20.10 Maire: membre d'office, tous les comites De par ses fonctions, le maire doit titre membre de tons les comites permanents et speciaux, poss6der tous les privileges des membres du comit6, y compris ;e droit de faire des propositions et de voter, mais nest pas compt6 dans la determination du nombre requis pour un quorum ou s'il y a quorum. 20.11 Reunions des comites: ouvertes au public Toutes le r6unions d'un comit6 du conseil doivent titre ouvertes an public. Les sections 6.3 a 6.6 inclusivement doivent s'appliquer s'il s'avere n6cessaire de fermer an public une reunion ou une partie d'une reunion d'un comit6. Section 21 COMITE PUNIER: PROCEDURES 21.1 Ordre du jour: r6dig6 par le greffierlla greffiere Le greffier/la greffiere doit pr6parer un ordre du jour pour toutes les reunions du Comit6 pl6nier. 21.2 Ordre du jour: distribution pr6alable aux membres Le greffier/la greffi6re doit faire tout son possible pour s'assurer que Fordre du jour et de ]a trousse presentee aux membres dans le cadre des reunions ordinaires, budg6taires et extraordinaires du Comit6 pl6nier sont disponible sous Forme 6lectronique ou imprim6e a tous les membres du Comit6 pl6nier de maniere a ce qu'ils les regoivent toujours le vendredi de la semaine pr6c6dant celle ou se tiendra la reunion. 21.3 Ordre du jour: membres du conseil et employ6s - audience publique Le greffier/la greffiere doit faire tout son possible pour s'assurer que des copies de 1'ordre du jour et de ]a trousse present6e aux membres dans le cadre des reunions ordinaires, budg6taires et extraordinaires du Comit6 pl6nier soient transmises sous forme 6lectronique ou imprim6e a tons les fonctionnaires et employ6s de ]a Corporation qui les recevront, comme 1'a-indiqu6 le wV 219 directeur, le vendredi de la semaine precedant celle ou se tiendra la reunion. 21.4 Ordre du jour: defaut de distribution i temps, validite de la reunion Si le greffier /la greffiere ne respecte pas le calendrier etabli aux sections 21.2 et 21.3, la reunion du Comite plenier ou les deliberations Wen seront pas invalidees pour autant. 21.5 Ordre du jour: presentations, delai de dep6t Le greffier /la greffiere doit avoir requ toutes les presentations a mettre a Pordre du jour des reunions ordinaires, budgetaires et extraordinaires du Comite plenier au plus lard a 16 h le jeudi precedant la date de la reunion. 21.6 Ordre du jour: reunions extraordinaires, redaction Dans le cadre des reunions extraordinaires du Comite plenier, Pordre du jour doit &re prepare selon les exigences du president /presidente du comite ou, dans le cas dune petition, du greffier /greffiere. 21. 7 President/Presidente: presidence, toutes les reunions, droit de vote Le maire ou, en Pabsence du maire, le maire adjoint doit assumer la presidence du Comite plenier. Le president /la pr6sidente du comite ou, en l'absence du president/presidente, un autre membre du comite choisi par le comite doit presider chaque reunion et peut voter sur toutes les questions presentees. 21.8 Vote: egalite, negatif Dans le cas d'un partage egal des votes, le president/la presidente du comite ne doit pas disposer d'un second vote ou d'une voix prdponderante et on doit juger que la question a fait l'objet d'une decision negative. 21.9 President/Presidente du Conseil : pouvoirs, responsabilites Sauf indications contraires du present arrete, le membre du comite presidant a une reunion du Comite plenier disposera, au moment ou it preside, de taus les pouvoirs et responsabilites du president /presidente du conseil lors d'une reunion du conseil. 21.10 Quorum - majorite des membres «Quorum» designe la majorite des membres d'un Comite plenier. 21.11 Reunion: jour, heure Sauf indications contraires introduites par resolution tors d'une reunion ordinaire du conseil, les reunions du Comite plenier doivent etre fixees avant la tenue d'une reunion ordinaire du conseil i une date que fixera le greffier /la greffiere ou le lundi de la semaine precedant ou suivant les reunions ordinaires du conseil tenues a la quinzaine. 21.12 Reunion extraordinaire: convoquee par le president/la presidente Une r6union extraordinaire d'un Comite plenier peut etre convoquee par le president /la presidente du comite lorsqu'ille juge necessaire. 21.13 Reunion extraordinaire: convocation, demande par ecrit, majorite Le president/la presidente du comite ou, en cas de negligence ou de manquement du president /presidente, le greffier /greffiere peut convoquer une reunion extraordinaire du Comite plenier lorsque trois des membres de ce comite demandent par ecrit la tenue d'une telle reunion. 21.14 Reunion extraordinaire: Comite plenier, procedures Les dispositions de la section 5 s'appliquent aux reunions extraordinaires du Comite pl6nier, dans la mesure ou elles peuvent s'appliquer. 21.15 Activites: procedures, exceptions Les activites du Comite plenier doivent etre menees conformement aux regles regissant la proc6dure du conseil, dans la me sure ou elles peuvent s'appliquer, sauf indications contraires de la presente section. 21.16 Intervention: aucune limitation Un membre peut s'exprimer sur une proposition autant de fois et aussi longtemps qu'ille veut en Comite plenier. 57 220 21.17 Intervention: proposition, une fois, jusqu'i1 ce que to us soient intervenus Un membre pourra s'exprimer a nouveau sur une proposition apr6s que tous les membres qui veulent s'exprimer aient parld une fois en Comitd pl6nier. 21.18 Vote enregistr6: non exig6 Aucun vote enregistr6 nest exig6. 21.19 Proposition: mettre fin an ddbat, interdiction Une proposition visant a mettre la question pr&c dente aux voix nest pas autoris6e en Comit6 pl6nier. 21.20 Pr6sident/Pr6sidente: autorM s adopter une position, sans quitter la presidence Le pr6sident /la pr6sidente du comitd ou un autre membre prdsidant peut adopter une position ferme et s'efforcer de persuader les membres du Comitd pldnier de cette position sans quitter la pr6sidente du Comit6 pl6nier. 21.21 Rappel au reglement: procddure, ddcision, pr6sident /pr6sidente Lorsqu'un membre formule un rappel au r6glement ou soul6ve une question de procddure, ou qu'il est rappe16 a l'ordre au Comit6 pl6nier, la m6me procddure doit titre adopt6e comme elle 1'est au conseil. 21.22 D616gations: intervention, regles Lorsqu'une personne ou le repr6sentant d'un groupe doit s'adresser au Comitd pl6nier, une copie de la prdsentation doit titre soumise au greffier communal/greffidre communale avant 16 h le jeudi pr6c&dant ]a reunion pr6vue du Comit6 pl6nier. 21.23 D616gations et pr6sentations: pr6avis Lorsqu'une personne ou le repr6sentant d'un groupe de personnes veut s'adresser au Comit6 pl6nier, it doit pr6senter une demande par 6crit au greffier corrununal /greffi6re communale, adress6e au maire et au conseil, avant 16 h le jeudi pr6c6dant une reunion ordinaire du conseil. 21.24 Adresse: aucun avis, consentement majoritaire, exigence Une personne ou le repr6sentant d'un groupe de personnes qui n'a pas requ de consentement prdalable du conseil ou du Comit6 p16nier ne peut s'adresser au comitd sans obtenir le consentement de la majorit6 des membres du conseil. 21.25 Adresse: dur6e maximale Sauf sur consentement majoritaire du Comit6 pl6nier, personne ne peut s'adresser au comitd pendant plus de vingt minutes, sans compter le temps n6cessaire pour r6pondre aux questions que lui pose le comit6, mis a part le fait qu'un groupe de personnes puisse avoir plus d'un porte - parole, a condition que ]a p6riode totale durant laquelle les porte- parole s'adressent au comit6 ne d6passe pas vingt minutes, sans compter le temps n6cessaire pour r6pondre aux questions que leur pose le comitd. 21.26 Nouvelle proposition: avis, par dcrit, d6lai Un membre du Comit6 pl6nier qui veut presenter une proposition diffdrente de celles 6num6rdes daps les sections 15.7 a 15.23 inclusivement aux fins d'examen par le Comit6 pl6nier doit pr6senter la proposition par 6crit au greffier /greffi6re avant 16 h le jeudi pr6c6dant la reunion du Comit6 pl6nier et doit comprendre des renseignements g6n6raux relatifs a la question et a la proposition presentee. 21.27 Rapport: A 1'intention du conseil, toutes questions, recommendations Le Comit6 pl6nier doit faire rapport au conseil sur les questions lilies aux taches qui lui sont imposees et a toutes les questions qui lui sont transmises. Il doit 6galement recommander des mesures lorsqu'il le juge approprid. 21.28 Proces- verbal: Comit6 pl6nier, r6dig6 par le greffier /la greffi6re Le greffier /la greffi6re ou un employ6 de la Corporation nomm6 par le greffier /la greffi6re doit r6diger les proc6s- verbaux des reunions du Comitd pl6nier. 21.29 Rdunions publiques: exceptions Les dispositions pr6vues aux sections 6.2 a 6.6 inclusivement concernant la tenue de reunions 58 221 privees s'appliquent aux reunions ordinaires et extraordinaires du Comite plenier. De plus, les reunions du Comite plenier doivent etre publiques, sous reserve de ]a Loi sur les mun cipalites. 21.30 Procedures: adoption, confirmation, par le conseil, proposition Les recommandations formulees lors des reunions du Comite plenier peuvent etre adoptees par le conseil en une seule proposition et ]'adoption dune telle proposition doit etre menee a bien pour confirmer toutes les deliberations du Comite plenier, a 1'exception des questions traitees separement ou qui ont fair l'objet d'un vote distinct. 21.31 Recommandations: vote, demande Avant que ne soient adoptes le rapport ou les recommandations du Comite plenier, un membre peut demander que les recommandations soient sournises a un vote distinct et qu'une telle demande ne requiere pas la presentation d'une proposition. Section 22 MISE EN VIGUEUR 22.1 Date d'entree en vigueur Le present arrete entrera en vigueur le * * ** *******2010. 59 222 Section 23 Repeal/ Abrogation A by -law of The City of Saint John enacted on the 3rd day of January, 2006 entitled "A By -law Respecting the Procedures of the Common Council of The City of Saint John under the Authority of the Municipalities Act, R.S.N.B. 1973, C. M -22 and Amendments Thereto' and all amendments thereto are repealed on the coming into force of this by -law. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by- law the * ** day of * * * *, 2010 and signed by: Mayor /Maire Sont abrog6s, au moment de Pentree en vigueur du present arrete, Varrete de The City of Saint John intitule o Arr6te concernant le r6glement interieur du conseil communal de The City of Saint John en vertu de to Lai sur les municipalities, R.S.N.B. (1973, C. M -22) et ses modifications» et toute modification apportee audit arr6t6 edicte le 3rd jour de janvier 2006. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arrete le ** * * ** 2010, avec les signatures suivantes : Common Clerk/breffiere communale First Reading - October 25, 2010 Premiere lecture - Second Reading - October 25, 2010 Deuxi6me lecture Third Reading - Troisi&me lecture 223 le 25 octobre 2010 - le 25 octobre 2010 ee ANNEX A TABLE DE PRECEDENCE 1. PROPOSITION POUR FIXER LA DATE ET Pour assurer que les L'HEURE DE LA PROCHAINE REUNION personnes devant - Requiert un auteur et un appuyeur. s'absenter connaissent la - Pour que la proposition soit adoptee, le vote doit titre date, I'heure et le lieu de majoritaire. to prochaine reunion. 2. PROPOSITION VISANT A FIXER L'HEURE • Pour limiter la dur6e de la DE L'AJOURNEMENT reunion. - Requiert un auteur et un appuyeur. - Pour que la proposition soit adoptee, le vote doit etre majoritaire. - La proposition peut faire ]'objet d'une discussion ne portant que sur t'heure de Pajournement. 3. PROPOSITION D'AJOURNEMENT • Pour mettre fin a to - Requiert un auteur et un appuyeur. reunion. - Pour que la proposition soit adopt6e, Ie vote doit etre majoritaire. - Ne doit pas faire ]'objet d'une discussion. 4. PROPOSITION DE PAUSE P6riode de detente. - Requiert un auteur et un appuyeur. - La proposition n6cessite un vote majoritaire. - Ne doit pas faire ]'objet dune discussion. 5. PROPOSITION POUR SOULEVER UNE • Ventilation QUESTION DE D6sordre dans la tribune PRIVILEGE * Tous les droits des - Ne requiert qu'un auteur qm peut interrompre un autre members intervenant. - Ne requiert aucun vote. - Ne doit pas faire ]'objet d'une discussion. 6. PROPOSITION POUR FORMULER UN • Pour porter unc question a RAPPEL AU Pattention des members. REGLEMENT • D6faut de se conformer - Ne requiert qu'un auteur qm peut interrompre un autre aux regles. intervenant. - Ne requiert aucun vote. - Ne dolt pas faire I'objet d'une discussion. 61 224 7. PROPOSITION POUR SOUMETTRE UNE Prendre en consideration QUESTION OU PROPOSITION POUR RETIRER immediatement. UNE QUESTION - Requiert un auteur et un appuyeur. - La proposition necessite un vote majoritaire. - Ne doit pas faire ]'objet dune discussion. 8. PROPOSITION POUR QUE LES MEMBRES SE + Pour limiter les PRONONCENT SUR LA QUESTION modifications et forcer un PRECEDENTE vote direct sur la - Requiert un auteur et un appuyeur, proposition principale. - Pour etre adoptee, la proposition necessite les deux tiers desvotes. - Ne doit pas faire l objet d'une discussion. 9. PROPOSITION POUR REPORTER UNE QUESTION ,k UNE DATE ETA UNE HEURE • Faire place a des PRECISES questions plus urgentes. - Requiert un auteur et un appuyeur. • Periode de detente. - La proposition necessite un vote majoritaire. + Report. - La proposition peut faire ]'objet d'une discussion ne . Fagon de determiner le portant que soutien. sur la date et Pheure. 10. PROPOSITION POUR TRANSMETTRE UNE • Lorsq'il est necessaire QUESTION (p. ex. A UN COMITE PERMANENT d'obtenir des OU A UN COMITE SPECIAL) renseignements - Requiert un auteur et un appuyeur. supplementaires ou de - La proposition necessite un vote majoritaire. tenir d'autres discussions. - Pourrait etre seulement debattu sur ]a bienseance de ]a reference 11. PROPOSITION DE MODIFICATION • Pour ajouter, supprimer - Requiert un auteur et un appuyeur. ou substituer des mots - La proposition necessite un vote majoritaire. dans la proposition - Peut faire ]'objet dune discussion. principale. 12. LA MOTION PRINCIPALE • La proposition soumise a - Requiert un auteur et un appuyeur. 1'assemblee. - La proposition necessite un vote majoritaire. - Peut faire ]'objet d'une discussion. 14. PROPOSITION DE REVOCATION • Pour annuler une - Constitue une proposition principale. proposition qui a ete - Requiert un auteur ayant votd avec Ie camp qui 1'a adoptee, emporte et un appuyeur. - La proposition necessite les deux tiers des votes. 62 225 Deputy Mayor and Council, would like to have a report from staff on the feedback we received from citizens living in Glen Falls. Residents were asked to review options that could resolve the flooding in their area. This is important as we proceed with discussions with the provincial and federal levels of governments to explore the feasibility of the various options. Sincerely yours, 6L Ivan Court �r SAINT JOHN P.Q. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E21L 41-1 I www.saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada E21- 4L1 226 r x, November 8, 2010 Your Worship Mayor Ivan Court & Members of Common Council: Issue: Update Regarding Vacant & Derelict Property Legislation Context: • Within the past several weeks both the City Manager and I have been in contact with Ms. Jane Albert, Executive Secretary, Office of the Minister of Local Government. Our goal is to convene a meeting between critical participants from the Province of New Brunswick and The City of Saint John. • It should be noted that Ms. Albert has been extremely helpful to us in "moving ahead' with this meeting request. Motion: `Co be received for information Re ctf ly s mitted, r Peter McG ire Councillor — City of Saint John /�✓ SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E21- 41-11 www.saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B, Canada E21- 41-1 227 r' November 8, 2010 Your Worship Mayor Ivan Court & Members of Common Council: Issue: Crescent Valley Redevelopment Initiative Context: • Sometime ago the Province of New Brunswick announced they were moving ahead with critical thinking and planning with respect to the redevelopment of this important neighbourhood. • This neighbourhood has been identified though numerous community engagement sessions held by PlanSJ, as having strong potential for positive growth. • It will be critical for Mayor and Council to have frequent updates with respect to the Provincial government's critical thinking and planning process for this neighbourhood. Motion: That the City Manager provide an update with respect to the Province of New Brunswick's current planning stage regarding the positive redevelopment of the Crescent Valley Neighbourhood. iPelte e tfully s bmitted, McGuire Councillor —City of Saint John (P4- SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 saint John, NB Canada F21L 4L1 I www.saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada E2L 4L1 228 la r• •r 11/5/2010 Your Worship Ivan Court Members of Common Council City of Saint John Dear Mayor Court and Members of Council Motion: Staff prepare a bylaw that would require property owners to reimburse the city for expenses related to the emergency response related to unsecured refuse on their property. While the city currently has a system in place to work with property owners to haul away large items, some do not take advantage of it and leave furniture and other refuse items in their yard, inviting vandals to set the garbage on fire which threatens the buildings and their residents. My hope is that charging the property owners with the cost associated with the emergency response for that situation will motivate these property owners to take advantage of the City's large item removal service. Respectfully Submitted (received via e -mail) Gary Sullivan 6 04L, 1W SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 I www.saint ohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada E2L 4L1 229 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL OPEN SESSION M &C2010 -367 November 1, 2010 His Worship Ivan Court and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT City of Saint John Demolition of a dilapidated and dangerous building and cleanup of debris at 2374, 2380 and 2384 Loch Lomond Road, PID# 330316 BACKGROUND The property on Loch Lomond Road is the site of the former Daly's Convenience Store. Until recently, the property had three buildings - the old Daly's Store, an attached house and a large shed. These buildings stood deteriorated, dilapidated and open to casual entry for a number of years. In August 2010, the store and house suffered considerable fire damage and in September of this year, the store and house were demolished without a demolition permit. At the location of the former house, the basement pit has been left open and unprotected and demolition debris is filling the excavation. Also nearby is another large pile of demolition debris. The demolition materials have nails, sharp objects and jagged and protruding edges and this is dangerous to anyone who may enter onto the premise. Demolition activities have ceased since the start of October and there are no indications that the owner will be finishing this work, nor applying for a demolition permit to cover what has already been done. The large shed at the rear of the property is the only building of the three that remains standing. The shed is open and in dangerous and deteriorated condition. The large window at the front is broken and the glass is jagged and loose in the window frame. The doors at the front left are weathered, deteriorated and open. The door to the right is open as is the door at the rear. The building's exterior is sheet metal cladding and it has been damaged and punctured in a variety of locations. The elements are entering the building and this is contributing to its deterioration. At past inspections, the building was being used as a storage area for household items and construction materials and these items were haphazardly thrown inside. 230 M & C 2010 — 367 - 2 - November 1, 2010 At the front of the property, the gas pumps remain standing. During an inspection in the summer of this year, it was noted that the mechanics of the pumps were damaged and parts had been removed and left on the ground nearby. In the long grass of the rear yard of the property, construction materials with protruding nails and sharp edges have been left. The materials are only partially visible due to the long grass and this debris could cause harm and injury to someone who may step on it. On August 24, 2010 a Notice to Comply was issued because of the dangerous and dilapidated conditions of the buildings and property. The premise had been the site of 2 fires in the past year with the most recent occurring on August 13, 2010. The Notice to Comply was posted on the front door of the store on August 26, 2010 and on August 27, 2010 a copy of the Notice was served to an agent of the corporation, in accordance with the service requirements of the Municipalities Act. The corporation had 60 days to comply with the Notice. Since this date, the only activity on site was the demolition of the 2 front -most buildings. No contact from the corporation has been received and no demolition permit was applied for. The deadline for compliance was October 25, 2010 and this date has since passed. The Municipalities Act indicates that where a Notice to Comply has been issued arising from a condition where a building has become a hazard to the safety of the public by reason of dilapidation or unsoundness of structural strength, the municipality may cause the structure to be demolished. As required in the Act, a report from an engineer, forming part of the issued Notice to Comply, is attached and provides evidence to the building's dilapidation and hazard to the safety of the public. Attached for Council's reference is the Notice to Comply that was issued, the affidavit attesting to the service of the Notice to Comply to the family member of the corporation's director, the affidavits of service, a print out of Corporate Affair's Registry Database showing the director of the corporation and a copy of the letter sent to the corporation indicating that the compliance date has passed. Photographs of the premise and remaining building are also included with this report. Approval of Common Council is required prior to starting demolition and clean up activities at this property. The cost of demolishing the remaining building, removal of the debris and backfill of the foundation and clean up of the premise is estimated to be $20,000.00. Staff is currently investigating the possibility of dismantling the gas pumps and will include this in the scope of work, provided the cost is within the estimate and there is no potential of risk involved. As provided in the Act, the cost of the remedial actions will be billed to the corporation. If the bill remains unpaid, an application for cost reimbursement will be submitted to the Minister of Finance. RECOMMENDATION Your City Manager recommends that Common Council direct one or more of the Officers appointed and designated by Council in connection with the enforcement of the Saint John Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings By -law, to arrange for the 231 M & C 2010 — 367 - 3 - November 1, 2010 demolition of the building at 2374, 2380 and 2384 Loch Lomond Road, PID# 330316 and the removal of debris, backfill of foundation and cleanup of the premise in accordance with the applicable City purchasing policies. Respectfully submitted, Pamela Bentley, P. Eng. Technical Service Engineer Buildings and Inspection Services Amy Poffenroth, P.Eng. MBA Deputy Commissioner Buildings and Inspection Services Patrick Woods, CGA City Manager 232 PWR 233 ■1111 234 dg V- IF, N '&'I ay 2374, 2380 and 2384 Loch Lomond Rd 4 N" W -.1 ., ' 7.-F" Z_ 4Q& October 27, 2010 Ocif Corporate Affairs Registry De— ase Page 1 of I p e Service �' Brunswick Corporate Affairs Registry Database Help New Search Previous SNB Home • About SNB • Locations • Contact Us • FAQs A -Z Categories List • Privacy & Security • Francais https:// www. pxw2. snb .ca/cardonline /Search/details aspx 10/29/2010 General Information Reference Number: 004752 Name: DALY'S STOP 'N' SHOP LTD. Registration Date: 1978 -10 -05 Category Code: 59 Category: corporation — Business Corporations Act Status Code: A Status: Active Last Status Change Date: 2010 -10 -13 Available Documents Click here to view electronic documents for this record. Click here to order paper copies of documents. Click.here to order certified copies of documents. Annual Return Information Last Annual Return Filed: 2010 Revival Revival Date: 2005 -06 -09 Registered Office Address: 171 Quispamsis Road Rothesay NB E2E 2W1 Mailing Address Name: F. THOMAS DALY Address: F. THOMAS DALY 121 VINCENT Road QUISPAMSIS NB E2E 1S9 Directors Amendments Other Than a Name Change Date: 1998 -10 -30 SNB Home • About SNB • Locations • Contact Us • FAQs A -Z Categories List • Privacy & Security • Francais https:// www. pxw2. snb .ca/cardonline /Search/details aspx 10/29/2010 I also bring to your attention paragraph 102.1(1.1) of the Municipalities Act which states that where an entry warrant has been obtained under the Entry Warrant Act, a person who is leasing a dwelling or dwelling unit to another person shall not refuse entry to or obstruct or interfere with an officer referred to in subsection (1) who under the authority of that subsection is entering or attempting to enter the dwelling or dwelling unit to ensure compliance with a by -law under subsection 94(1) or 94(3) or section 190 of the Municipalities Act. A person who violates or fails to comply to paragraph 102.1(1.1) of the Municipalities Act may be subject to a fine of one thousand dollars. Where an offence continues for more than one day, a daily fine may be imposed. Pursuant to paragraph 102(1.4) of the Municipalities Act, where an offence continues for more than one day, the minimum fine that may be imposed is the sum of one thousand dollars and the minimum fine set by the Provincial Offences Procedures Act as a category F offence which is presently $240.00 multiplied by the number of days the offence continues up to the maximum fine set by the Provincial Offences Procedures Act as a category F offence which is presently $5,120.00 multiplied by the number of days that the offence continues. Pursuant to subparagraph 29(1)(a) of the By -law, failure to allow entry to a municipal officer where an Entry Warrant has been obtained is also a ticketable offence under the By -law, and may be subject to a fine of $1000.00. Pamela Bentley, P. Eng. Standards Officer c: David Somerville, Technical Services Inspector 238 CANADA PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK COUNTY OF SAINT JOHN IN THE MATTER OF THE BUILDING THAT IS LOCATED AT 2374, 2380, 2384 LOCH LOMOND ROAD, SAINT JOHN, N.B. ( PID number 330316) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE I, Jason Waye, of Quispamsis, N.B., Make Oath And Say As Follows: 1. I am employed by The City of Saint John in its Buildings and Inspection Services Department. I have personal knowledge of the matters herein deposed except where otherwise stated. 2. On u v5-1 26 Zoo at approximately 3 •c>o Pry ., I posted a copy of the attached Notice to Comply, marked Exhibit "A" and the attached Notice of Appeal, marked Exhibit "B "; to the front door of the building that is located at �37y. x380 , a a4 Saint John, N.B. Sworn To before me at the City of Saint John, N.B., on the day of . 2010 Pamela Bentley MARA KH. Sr --NnE ' OF OATH�� 239 i� 0Y t t si This is Exhibit A .Reed to in thq Affidavit Sworn before me a e City of Sain ,J Qhn, New ns the _l_C dqY of . >` Commissioner of Oaths P FORM 1 L-FORMULE 1 NOTICE TO COMPLY AVIS DE CONFORMITE (Municipalities Act, R.S.N.B.1973, (Loi sur les municipalites, L.R.N. -B. de 1973, c.M -22, s.190.01(3)) ch. M -22, par. 190.01(3)) Parcel Identifier: 330316 Num6ro d'identification de la parcelle : 330316 Address: 2374, 2380 and 2384 Loch Lomond Road, Adresse : 2374, 2380 et 2384, chemin Loch Lomond, Saint John, New Brunswick Saint John, Nouveau - Brunswick Owner(s) or Occupier(s): Propri6taire(s) ou occupant(s) Name: DaIy's Stop -N -Shop Ltd./ Daly's Stop W Shop Nom :Daly's Stop -N -Shop Ltd./ Daly's Stop 'N' Shop Ltd. Ltd. Address: 525 Hampton Road, Quispamsis, New Adresse : 525, chemin Hampton, Quispamsis, Brunswick, E2G 1C2 Nouveau - Brunswick, E2G 1C2 Municipality issuing notice: The City of Saint John By -law contravened: Saint John Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings By -Law, By -law Number M- 30 and amendments thereto. Provision(s) contravened: Paragraph 190.01(2) of the Municipalities Act, and amendments thereto. Description of condition(s): The . buildings and premises have become a hazard to the safety of the public by reason of dilapidation. The conditions of the buildings and premises are described in Schedule "A ", a true copy of the inspection report dated August 23, 2010 prepared by Pamela Bentley, P.Eng., By -law Enforcement Officer and reviewed by Amy Poffenroth., P.Eng., By -law Enforcement .Officer. Remedy or remedies required: The owner is to remedy the conditions by complying with the required remedial actions of the aforementioned inspection report and bring the buildings and premises into compliance with the aforesaid By -law. in the event that the owner does not remedy the condition of the buildings and premises in the time prescribed by this Notice to Comply, the buildings will be demolished as the corrective action to address the hazard to the safety of the public. All debris and items on the premises will be disposed of as the corrective action to address the hazard to the safety of the public. The aforementioned remedial actions relating to the demolition of the buildings and the disposal of debris and items on the premises do not include the carry =out clean -up, site rehabilitation, restoration of land, premises or personal property or other ret::e<iial action in order to control or reduce, eliminate the release, alter the manner of release or the release of any contaminant into or upon the environment or any part of the environment. 240 Municipalit6 signifiant Pavis : The City of Saint John Arret6 enfreint : Arrdtd concernant les batiments inesthetiques ou dangereux de The City of Saint John, Arrete numero M -30, ainsi que les modifications afferentes. Disposition(s) enfreinte(s) : Le paragraphe 190.01(2) de la Loi sur les municipalites, ainsi que les modifications afferentes. Description de la (des) condition(s) : Les batiments et les lieux sont devenus dangereux pour la securite du public du fait de delabrement. Les conditions des batiments et des lieux sont decrites a 1'annexe << A », une copie conforme du rapport d'inspection en date du 23 aout 2010 et prepare par Pamela Bentley, ing., une agente charge de 1'execution des arretes municipaux et r6vis6 par Amy Poffenroth, ing., une agente charge de 1'execution des arretes municipaux. Mesure(s) a prendre : Le proprietaire doit restaurer les conditions en se conformant aux recommandations du rapport d'inspection susmentionne et d'amener les batiments et les lieux en conformites avec 1'arrete. Dans 1'eventualite que le proprietaire ne remedie pas le batiment et les lieux daps le temps prescrit par le pr6sent avis de conformite, les batiments seront demolis comme mesure corrective compte tenu qu'il represente un danger pour la securite du public. Tous les debris et autres items sur les lieux seront disposes comme mesure corrective daps le but de remedier le danger pour la securite du public. Les mesures correctives susmentionnees relativement A la demolition des batiments et la disposition des debris et autres items sur les lieux ne comprennent pas le nettoyage, la remise en etat des lieux, des terrains ou des biens personnels ou toute autre mesure corrective dans le but de eontroler ou de reduire, d'eliminer le deverscment, de modifier le mode de d6versement ou le deversement d'un polluant dans ou. sur Penvironnement ou toute partie de I'environnement. Date by, which the remedy or remedies must occur: i Within 60 days of being served with the Notice to Comply. Date by which notice may be appealed: Within 14 days of being served with the Notice to Comply. Process to appeal: The owner may, within 14 days after having been served with this Notice To Comply, send a Notice of Appeal by registered mail to the Common Clerk of The City of Saint John, City Hall — 8'h Floor, 15 Market Square, Saint John, New Brunswick, E21, 4LL Potential penalty for non - compliance within specified time:2 Paragraphs 190.01(2.1) and 190.03(1) of the Municipalities Act, supra, state that a person who violates or fails to comply with paragraph 190.01(2) and fails to comply with the terms of the Notice to Comply given under . Section 190.011 of the said Act, commits an offence that is punishable under Part If of the Provincial Offences Procedure Act as a category F offence. Where an offence continues for more than one day, the minimum fine that may be unposed is the minimum fine set by the Provincial Offences Procedure Act for a category F offence multiplied by the number of days during which the offence continues, and the maximum fine that may be imposed is the maximum fine set by the Provincial Offences Procedure Act for a category F offence multiplied by the number of days during which the offence continues. Municipality's authority to undertake repairs . or rcmedy:3 Paragraph 190.04(1)(b) of the Municipalities Act, supra, states that if a Notice to Comply has been given under Section 190.011 of the said Act and the owner or occupier does not comply with the Notice to Comply, as deemed confirmed or as confirmed or modified by a committee of council or a judge under Section 190.021 of the said Act, within the time set out in the Notice to Comply, the municipality may, cause the building or structure of that owner or occupier to be demolished and the cost of carrying out. such work, including any related charge or fee, is chargeable to the owner or occupier and becomes a debt due to the municipality. 241 Date a laquelle la on les mesures doivent e"tre prisesi : Dans les 60 jours qui suivent la signification de Pavis de conformitd. Date a laquelle un appel de Pavis peut titre depose: Dans les 14 jours qui suivent la notification de l'avis de conformit6. Processus d'appel : Le proprietaire pout dans les 14 jours qui suivent la notification de l'avis de conformity, envoys un avis d'appel par courrier recommande a la greffiere communale de la municipalite, a The City of Saint John, Edifice de 1'h6tel de ville, 8e stage, 15 Market Square, Saint John, Nouveau - Brunswick, E21, 4L Penalite possible pour non-conforraW daps le delai prescrit2 : Les paragraphes 190.01(2.1) et 190.03(1) de la Loi sur les municipalites, supra, prevoient quiconque omet de se conformer au paragraphe 190.01(2) et omet de se conformer aux exigences formulyes dans un avis de conformite signifis aux termes de Particle 190.011 de ladite loi, commet une infraction qui est punissable on vertu de la Partie If de la Loi sur la procedure applicable aux infractions provinciales a titre d'infraction de la classe F. Lorsqu'une infraction se poursuit plus d'une journye, I'amende minimale qui pout titre imposee est l'amende minimale prsvue par la Loi sur la procedure applicable aux infractions provinciales pour une infraction de la classe F multiplies par le nombre de jours pendant lesquels Pinfraction se poursuit et, Pamende maximale qui pout titre imposee est 1' amende maximale prsvue par la Loi sur la procedure applicable aux infractions provinciales pour une infraction de la classe F multipliee par le nombre de jours pendant lesquels Pinfraction se poursuit. Pouvoir de la municipalite d'entreprendre les reparations on de prendre les mesures3 Conformement au paragraphe 190.04(1)(b) de -la Loi sur les municipalites, supra, si un avis de conformite a yty signifis aux termes de Particle 190.011 de ladite loi et quo le proprietaire ou Poccupant ne se conforme pas a ect avis de conformite Bans le delai imparti et tel qu'il est repute confirms ou tel qu'il est confirms ou modifie par un comite du conseil ou par un juge en vertu de Particle 190.021 de ladite loi, is municipalite peut faire dymolir le batiment ou la construction de ce proprietaire ou de cot occupant et les frais relatifs a 1'execution de ces travaux, y compris toute redevance ou tout droit affsrent, sont a la charge du proprietaire ou de 1'occupant et deviennent une creance de la municipalite. Dated at Saint John the 24Zay of August, 2010. Municipality: The City of Saint John Si e of Municipal Officer: tA Municipal Officer's Contact information: Name: Pamela Bentley, P. Eng. Mailing address: Buildings and Inspection Services Department The City of Saint John 15 Market Square City Hall Building, 10'` Floor P. O. Box 1971 Saint John, New Brunswick E21, 4L1 Telephone: (506) 658 -2911 Telecopier. (506) 632 -6199 Email: pamela. Seal of municil Notes: 1. All appropriate permits must be obtained and all relevant legislation must be complied with in the course of carrying out the required. remedial action. 2. Payment of the fine does not alleviate the obligation to comply with the by -law, standard or notice to comply. 3. Costs become a debt due to the municipality and may be added to the joint municipal and provincial Real Property Assessment and Tax Notice. 242 Fait a Saint John le aout 2010. Municipality: The City of Saint John Signature du representant municipal : Coordonnees du representant municipal: Nom: Pamela Bentley, ing Adresse postale : Departement aux services d'inspection et des bitiments The City of Saint John 15 Market Square Edifice de 1'h6tel de ville,10' etage Case postale 1971 Saint John (Nouveau- Brunswick) E2L 4L1 Telephone: (506) 658 -2911 Telecopieur : (506) 632 -6199 Courriel: pamela.bentley @saintjohn.ca Sceau de la munieipalit6 Notes 1. Tous les permis prescrits doivent titre obtenus et toute la legislation pertinente doit titre respectee, pendant 1'ex6cution de la mesure de recours. 2. Le paiement de 1'amende n'annule pas 1'obligation de respecter Parret6, la norme ou 1'avis de confonnit6. 3. Les touts deviennent une dette envers la municipalite et peuvent titre ajout6s i 1'avis d'6valuation et d'imp6t fancier municipal et provincial. INSPECTION REPORT Schedule "A" 2374, 2380 and 2384 Loch Lomond Road Saint John., New Brunswick PID# 330316 I h mby certify that this document is a true copy of the original. Dated at Saint John fins ,day of 2Q LO, Inspection Date: July 5, 2010 Inspector: Pamela Bentley, P. Eng. and Jason Waye Inspection Date: August 16, 2010 Inspector: Pamela Bentley, P. Eng. Inspections of the above -noted property revealed that the three buildings on the premise are dangerous, deteriorated and unsightly. All three buildings are vacant, without power, open to public entry and are in dilapidated condition. Two of the buildings are fire damaged. The first of the buildings is one storey and was formerly used as a convenience store and gas station. Behind this building is a two storey house which is connected to the store. At the rear of the house is a separate two storey barn/warehouse. One storey wood frame building formerly used as a convenience store and gas station The building has been unoccupied for a number of years. The vinyl siding at the front left of the building is fire damaged and hanging in' areas. The electrical wires for the lighting beneath the front cave are hanging. The front cave of the building is missing in areas and in other locations is deteriorated, has peeling paint and is falling. The fascia boards along the front of the building are rotted, missing and/or deteriorated. The roof at the front of the building appears to be sagging and deteriorated and the front window of the building has been damaged. The debris in the front parking area appears to have come from the building and there are remnants of a fire set at the .front left of the parking lot. There are two gas pumps that remain intact and one of the pumps at the front of the building has been opened and the mechanics are exposed to the elements. At the right side of the building, the vinyl siding is missing along most of the building. This is allowing the elements to penetrate the building and this is contributing to its deterioration. At the front upper portion of the building there is untreated and weathered plywood and the fascia along most of the length of -the right side of the building is weathered, deteriorated and/or rotted. There is some debris from the building lying on the ground along. the right side of the building. This debris includes broken glass from a florescent lamp and some of the debris has protruding nails. Other debris in this area is fire - damaged. The debris could cause harm to someone passing close as they may trip or slip and the broken glass and the protruding nails could cause cuts and punctures if they were to fall onto the debris. At the left side of the building, there is debris and old building materials lying on the ground. Some of the debris has protruding nails and this could cause injury to someone if they were to fall on the debris or slip and trip as a result of the debris in the area. The siding along the length of the left side of the building is missing and this is allowing the elements to penetrate the structure and is contributing to its deterioration. At the rear of the building, there is an open window which is allowing access into the structure and allowing rain and snow to enter. There is debris in the rear yard between the store and the house and this material includes old construction debris with protruding nails, fluorescent light bulb tubes and light fixtures that are hidden in the overgrown grass. These items present tripping hazards to anyone who may be passing in this location. The glass and protruding nails present safety hazards and could cause cuts and punctures if someone were to fall onto the debris. 1 243 At the rear of the building, the door providing access to the electrical panels of the store is open. Areas at the rear of the building have missing and/or weathered sheathing, and rotted and deteriorated fascias: This is allowing the rain and snow to penetrate the building's structure and this is contributing to its deterioration. The building is L- shaped and the rear ell of the store was damaged in a fire on August 13, 2010. At the July 5, 2010 inspection, prior to the August fire, the interior of the store was examined: At that time it was noted that the ceilings had fallen in areas and the roof was leaking. The interior walls of the store were extensively damaged in some locations and there was debris lying is on the floor. The bathrooms were extensively damaged and the bathroom sink had been removed and left on the bathroom floor. There was junk and debris littered throughout the building, including food, upturned shelving and shelving components, video machines, mouldy drywall and electrical cords and cables which were draped across the floor. There was a significant amount of mould in several locations of the building and this would be a health concern for persons entering the building. It would have also required extensive work to remove all traces of the mould from the building. The exterior of the store was examined after the August fire and it was noted that the rear roof of the store now has a large hole. The exterior rear wall of the store is also fire damaged and the rear yard behind the store has considerable fire - damaged materials lying on the ground. Power has been removed to the building and the lack of lighting combined with the debris on the floor of the store would be a tripping hazard to anyone who may enter. There may also be more debris on the floor as a result of the fire. The food that had been left in the building could be an attraction to rodents and pests and their presence is a health hazard to anyone entering the building or to anyone living in close proximity. The condition of the rear yard is a danger to anyone who may slip or trip on the debris. The front parking area of the building was the site of a fire previous to the one experienced on August 13, 2010 .and the debris and remnants present on site contain wires, nails and other metal items that could cause injury and/or puncture someone passing in the general location. Two storey wood frame house The two storey house behind the store was the subject of a Minimum Property Standards By -law enforcement case before becoming vacant in 2006. At the front of the house, the plywood panel has been partially pried off the main door. This panel was noted to be secure at the past inspection. The front shingles of the building have peeling paint and are extensively weathered. The trim at the front of the building is also weathered and the roof shingles at the front of the building are deteriorated. At the left side of the house, the stairs to the basement are accessible and the door into the basement is open. There is debris and garbage lying on the ground at the bottom of the stairs. Access was gained to the basement on July 5, 2010, and there is debris and junk on the basement floor. There is no handrail at the basement stairs and there is no power to the building. The debris and junk on the floor of the basement and at the bottom of the stairs, combined with the lack of lighting, is a tripping hazard to anyone who may enter the area. The structure that covers the basement stairs is weathered and dilapidated. The roof shingles of the enclosure are deteriorated and peeling and the fascia is rotted. The trim and shingles at the left side of the house are weathered and have peeling paint. The rear of the house has weathered and deteriorated shingles. The rear roof of the building also has deteriorated shingles and the roof is sagging at the midpoint. As a result of the fire on August 13, 2010, there are now large holes in the rear roof of the house. During the July 5, 2010 inspection, it was noted that the rear window pane of the house was broken and there was loose glass in the frame. Since that date, the window has been covered with panels. The rear door of the house was secure on July 5, 2010, but now the door frame and door are broken and it appears that the door may have been forced open. 2 244 The right side of the house has been damaged by the recent fire. The two right upper windows are broken and all glass is missing. The chimney is now also missing since the fire and there is no siding in the area that it once stood. As a result, the exterior wall studs are now exposed. The shingles on the right side of the building are charred and the eaves and trim have been fire damaged. There are loose and fire damaged materials on the roof of the store that may blow about and cause harm to anyone passing in proximity of the building. The remainder of the shingles on the right side have peeling paint and are very weathered. The interior main and second storeys of the house were not inspected, however, an inspection report dated December 15, 2005 prepared by Mark Slader, Technical Services Inspector of the Buildings and Inspection Services Department, states that he observed: • a sagging roof; • a lack of handrails at the front exterior stairs; • a leaning enclosure over the basement stairs; • a lack of handrails at the interior stairs to the second floor; • falling ceiling tile in the living room and at the front entrance; • sloping kitchen floors. It also appears that portions of the upper storey of the house are fire damaged and there is likely debris on the floor. These conditions could cause harm to anyone entering the building. The sagging roof and. sloping kitchen floors may be indicators of possible structural problems. Barn/warehouse The barn/warehouse is a metal two storey structure. At ground level, there is a sliding wood door at the front left side of the building and a door opening and window frame at the front right side. The right side door is missing from the frame and the barn is open to access. The window pane at the front is broken and the glass is loose and hanging in the window frame. The rear door of the barn appears to be open. The barn contains discarded household items including appliances, chairs and a mattress. There are other smaller discarded items littering the floor of the building. The metal sheathing of the building is damaged at the front right corner. The sliding wood door is deteriorated and has peeling paint. There is no power to the building and the debris and items inside the building and on the floor present tripping hazards to anyone who may enter the structure. The broken and loose glass in the front window could cause cuts or injury to anyone who is in the general area of the broken window. Behind the barn/warehouse, there is a length of construction materials which appears to have been the sign at the front of the convenience store. It has been left in the field at the rear of the property and it is deteriorated, rotted and somewhat hidden by the long grass in this location. There are protruding nails and it poses a tripping hazard to anyone walking in this area of the property. The nails could cause puncture or injuries to anyone who may fall onto the materials. Other items such as small car parts, machinery, and old construction debris were noted in the long grass at the rear of the barn/warehouse and these items are tripping hazards to anyone who may be passing on the property. Required Remedial Actions: The owner must comply with one of the two options stated below. Option 1: Remedy the conditions of the buildings and premise through repair and remedial actions as listed below: 1. The convenience store building must be made secure. All openings (windows and doors) must be covered with suitable materials designed to withstand prolonged exposure to the elements. The materials must be treated in such a manner so as to be urnfonn in appearance over all of the building. Thereafter, all openings must 2A be kept secure so as to prevent access into the .building and to prevent elements from deteriorating the building's structure and interior. The building must be made in accordance with the Saint John Unsightly Premise and Dangerous Buildings By-law and the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By -law 2. The roof of the convenience store must be repaired. Thereafter it shall be maintained in a watertight condition so as to prevent leakage into the building. It must be made in accordance with the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By -law. 3. The interior of the convenience store must be cleaned such that all mould has been removed. The food must be removed and disposed of and thereafter, the interior of the store shall be maintained such that its condition does not pose a health hazard to anyone who may enter or reside near the building. 4. The convenience store building must have all missing siding replaced and all broken or damaged siding repaired. Any missing, weathered and/or damaged fascia at all areas of the building are to be repaired and/or replaced. The damaged and weathered eaves are to be repaired or replaced and peeling paint is to be scraped and painted or replaced as necessary. Thereafter, all areas of the building are to be maintained so as to prevent its deterioration. The building is to be maintained in accordance with the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By- law. 5. Any electrical wiring hanging and loose at the convenience store building's exterior is to be repaired or removed. 6. The roof of the house must be repaired. Thereafter, it shall be maintained in a watertight condition so as to prevent leakage into the building. It must be made in accordance with the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By -law. 7. The deteriorated and weathered shingles, siding, trim, fascia and eaves of the house must be scraped, painted and/or repaired as necessary and thereafter be maintained so as to prevent deterioration. The building shall be maintained in accordance with the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By -law. 8. All unsecured openings of the house must be made secure. All broken doors and door frames must be repaired or replaced. The unsecured openings must be covered with suitable materials designed to withstand prolonged exposure to the elements. The materials must be treated in such a manner so as to be uniform in appearance over all of the building. Thereafter, all openings must be kept secure so as to prevent access into the building and to prevent the elements from deteriorating the building's structure and interior. The building must be made in accordance with the Saint John Unsightly Premise and Dangerous Buildings By- law and the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By-law 9. The barn/warehousc must have all broken glass removed and all openings into the building must be made secure. The unsecured openings must be covered with a suitable material designed to withstand prolonged exposure to the elements. The materials must be treated in such. a manner so as to be uniform in appearance over all of the building. Thereafter, all openings must be kept secure so as to prevent access into the buildings and to prevent elements from deteriorating the building's structure and interior. The building must be made in accordance with the Saint John Unsightly Premise and Dangerous Buildings By -law and the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By -law 10. The door to the barn/warehouse must be scraped, painted and/or repaired as necessary and thereafter be maintained so as to prevent its deterioration. The building shall be maintained in accordance with the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By -law. 4 246 I . The damaged siding must be repaired and/or replaced and thereafter be maintained so as to prevent its deterioration. The building shall be maintained in accordance with the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By -law. 12. The yards, parking lot and premise must be cleaned of all debris and discarded items. The discarded items must be removed and properly disposed of in an appropriate manner so that the premise is not a hazard to the safety of the public by reason of dilapidation. The premise must be made in accordance with the Saint John Unsightly Premise and Dangerous Buildings By -law. Option 2: Demolition of the three buildings and cleanup of all debris as listed in the actions below: 1. The buildings must be demolished to remove the hazards to the public by reason of dilapidation. The premise must be cleared of all debris and discarded items and the premise must be made reasonably level so as not to be a hazard to the safety of the public. After the removal of the buildings, the premise must be graded to prevent water drainage from affecting the neighbouring properties. The premise must be made in compliance with the Saint John Unsightly Premise and Dangerous Buildings By -law. Prepared by: (ameg- /0 Pamela Bentley, P. Eng. bate Technical Services Engineer Reviewed by: a y Poffe o , P. Eng., MBA uty Co issioner Buildings and Inspection Services 24,E Ajq Date nis m Gh! Hula - b !ef d to in the ffidavitof on 4u Sworn before me at the ity of ` < S �nt J�ohr�, New ns �����i �l 0 f NOTICE OF APPEAL S D'APPEL FORM 1 Commissioner of aths FORMULE 1 (Municipalities Act, R.S.N.B.1973, (Loi sur les unicipalites, L.R.N. -B. de 1973, c. M -22, s.190.021(1)) ch. M -22, par. 190.021(1)) MR SEMEY File No.: ossier BETWEEN : ENTRE : Appellant(s), and THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN, Appelant(s), -et- THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN, Respondent. Intimee. Parcel Identifier: PID # Numero d'identification de la parcelle : # NID Parcel Address: Owner(s) or Occupier(s): Name: Address: Telephone: Name: Address: Telephone: 248 Adresse de la parcelle : Proprietaire(s) ou occupant(s) Nom: Adresse: Telephone: Nom : Adresse Telephone: -2- The above named appellant(s) is (are) not satisfied with the terms and conditions set out in the notice that has been given under section 190.011 of the Municipalities Act and appeals to the Saint John Substandard Properties Appeal Committee. The appellant's grounds for this appeal are as follows (set out the grounds clearly but briefly): L'appelant(s) susnomme(s) n'accepte(nt) pas les modalit6s ou les conditions qui y sont 6nonce's dans 1'avis qui a ete notifie aux termes de Particle 190.011 de la Loi sur les municipalites et fait appel au ComW d'appel des proprietes inferieures aux normes de Saint John. Les motifs d'appel de 1'appelant(s) dans le present appel sont les suivants (enoncer les motifs de fargon claire et concise) : Dated at the day of Fait a , 2010. Signature of owner or occupier The appellant(s) intends to proceed in the English ❑ or French ❑ language (Please check the appropriate box). Please forward your Notice of Appeal by registered mail to the clerk of The City of Saint John within fourteen (14) days after having been given the notice at the fallowing address: Common Clerk's Office 15 Market Square, City Hall Building, 8th Floor P. O. Box 1971 Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 4L1 Telephone: 506-658-2862 Telecopier: 506-674-4214 Notes: 1. A notice that is not appealed within fourteen (14) days after having been given the notice shall be deemed to be confirmed. 249 2010. Signature du propri6taire ou Poccupant le L'appelant(s) a (ont) l'intention d'utiliser la langue frangaise ❑ ou anglaise ❑ (Veuillez cocher la case appropriee). Veuillez faire parvenir votre Avis d'appel par courrier recommande au secretaire de The City of Saint John dans les quatorze (14) jours qui suivent la notification de Pavis a 1'adresse suivante : Bureau du greffier communal 15 Market Square, Edifice de 1'h6tel de ville, 8e etage Case postale 1971 Saint John (Nouveau- Brunswick) E2L 4L1 T616phone: 506 -658 -2862 T616copieur: 506- 674 -4214 Notes : 1. Un avis dont it West pas interjete appel dans les quatorze (14) fours qui suivent .la notification de Pavis est r6put6e confirme. e -3- 2. Oh an appeal, the Saint John Substandard Properties Appeal Committee shall hold a hearing into the matter at which the owner(s) or occupier(s) bringing the appeal has (have) a right to be heard and may be represented by counsel. 3. On an appeal, the Saint John Substandard Properties Appeal Committee may confirm, modify or rescind the notice or extend the time for complying with the notice. 4. The Saint John Substandard Properties Appeal Committee shall provide a copy of its decision to the owner(s) or occupier(s) of the premises, building or structure who brought the appeal within fourteen (14) days after making its decision. 5. The owner(s) or occupier(s) provided with a copy of a decision from the Saint John Substandard Properties Appeal Committee may appeal the decision to a judge of The Court of Queen's Bench of New Brunswick within fourteen (14) days after the copy of the decision was provided to the owner(s) or occupier(s) on the grounds that (a) the procedure required to be followed by the Municipalities Act was not followed, or (b) the decision is patently unreasonable. 250 2. Lors d'un appel, le Comite d'appel des proprietes inferieures aux normes de Saint John doit tenir, sur le point en litige, une audience au..cours de laquelle le(s) proprietaire(s) ou 1'occupant(s) qui intedette(nt) appel a (ont) Ie droit d'etre entendu(s) et peut(vent) se faire representer par un avocat. 3. Lors d'un appel, le Comite d'appel des proprietes inferieures aux normes de Saint John peut confirmer, modifier ou annuler Favis ou proroger le delai pour s'y conformer. 4. Le Comite d'appel des proprietes inferieures aux normes de Saint John doit fournir une copie de sa decision au(x) proprietaire(s) ou a 1'occupant(s) des lieux, du batiment ou de la construction qui lui a(ont) interjete appel dans les quatorze (14) jours suivant la date a laquelle it a rendu sa decision. 5. Le(s) proprietaire(s) ou l'oecupant(s) a qui une copie d'une decision a ete fournie par le Comite d'appel des proprietes inferieures aux normes de Saint John peut(vent), dans les quatorze (14) jours qui suivent, iriterjeter appel de la decision devant un juge de la Cour du Banc de la Reine du Nouveau- Brunswick au motif que (a) la d6marche a suivre en vertu de la Loi sur les municipalites n'a pas ete suivie, ou (b) la decision est manifcstement de'raisonnable. October 29, 2010 Jildings and Inspection Services / Service �'inspection et des batiments Phone / T61: (506) 655 -2911 Fax/ Te16c: (506) 632 -6199 VIA PROCESS SERVER Case 08 -1216 Daly's Stop -N -Shop Ltd 171 Quispamsis Rd Rothesay, NB E2E 2W 1 Dear Sir(s): RE: 2374, 2380 and 2384 Loch Lomond Rd, Saint John, NB, PID # 330316 Non- Compliance with the Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings By -Jaw I am writing to follow up on the Notice to Comply that was posted on the front -most building on August 26, 2010. The Notice required compliance within the 60 days of this service. This letter is to advise you that the required date of compliance with the Notice was October 25, 2010. A recent inspection of the premise found that although two of the three buildings on site have been demolished, one building remains and additionally, the debris from the demolitions remains on site. The conditions giving rise to the Notice are still present and you are not in compliance with the By -law. Also be advised that the two buildings were demolished without a permit and this is a violation of the Saint John Building By -law. When there is non. - compliance with a Notice, a By -law Enforcement Officer has the authority to issue a ticket. A ticket can be issued for each day that the violation of the Notice continues and the amount of each ticket is $240.00. A charge can be laid in provincial Court, for not complying with a Notice to Comply. If a person is found guilty of the offence, the minimum fine that a judge can impose is $240.00. A judge may also fine the property owner(s) an additional amount of $240.00 to $5,120.04 ep r day that the offence continues. In addition to the above actions, a municipality may also cause the structures to be demolished and the property cleaned up of all debris. The cost of the work is billed to the property owner and becomes a debt due to the municipality. If the debt remains unpaid, lr SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L4L1 k www.sain4ohn.ca C.P. 1971 Saintlohr, N, -B, Canada E2L4L1 251 ? y the cost of such work may be collected by the Province of New Brunswick in the same manner as the collection of property taxes. I strongly urge you to take corrective action immediately. A permit is required for the demolitions of the buildings. Be advised that I am currently preparing a report for Common Council asking for their approval to have the buildings demolished and the property cleaned of all debris as the remedial actions outlined in the Notice to Comply. Unless there is considerable change to the state of the property, I will present this report at the November Sfh, 2010 meeting of Common Council. Regards, POjM d Pamela Bentley, P. Eng. Technical Services Enginee c: Jason Waye, Technical Services Inspector 252 "_MR7 PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK COUNTY OF SAINT JOHN CITY OF SAINT JOHN AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE of the City of Saint John in the County of Saint John and Province of New Brunswick MAKE OATH AND SAY AS FOLLOWS: 7"� 1. On the 'r1 day of �-zJ S j , 2010, I served �JivG/cJ with the following documents: • a Notice to Comply, attached hereto as Exhibit "A "; • a Notice of Appeal, attached hereto as Exhibit "B"; • and an accompanying letter attached hereto as Exhibit "C ", by leaving a copy with him er t 5 % l -7 �� �C� �v / 't . New Brunswick. 2. I was able to identify the person served by means of the fact that he acknowledged to me he V s S// u L l� CZ-i 1 0 (-- ]d 4'j D_t Sworn To before me at the City of Saint John, N.B., o the 30 day of ril 2010 n CC)�JJMISSiONER OF 0 TP DECEMBER 31-w, X13 253 This is Exhibit Refr to in th Atfi ar>f r, Sworn bef re mB at the City of pLnt,lohn, New B unswick the `���� ay of FORM 1 Commissioner of Oaths FORMULE 1 NOTICE TO COMPLY A S DE CONFORMITE (Municipalities Act, R.S.N.B. MrSILAW K 13EOU°r les municipalites, L.R.N. -B. de 1973, c.M -22, s.190.01 (3)) ch. M -22, par. 190.01(3)) Of, ji -4 �lOi '. Cf" t ' t 1 'P OO1 k�iSSION W Parcel Identifier: 330316 DwEmOERV NW& d'identification de la parcelle : 330316 Address: 2374, 2380 and 2384 Loch Lomond Road, Adresse : 2374, 2380 et 2384, chemin Loch Lomond, Saint John, New Brunswick Saint John, Nouveau - Brunswick Owner(s) or Occupier(s): Name: Daly's Stop -N -Shop Ltd./ Daly's Stop 'N' Shop Ltd. Address: 525 Hampton Road, Quispamsis, New Brunswick, E2G 1 C2 Municipality issuing notice: The City of Saint John Proprietaire(s) on occupant(s) : Nom : Daly's Stop -N -Shop Ltd./ Daly's Stop'N' Shop Ltd. Adresse : 525, chemin Hampton, Quispamsis, Nouveau - Brunswick, E2G 1 C2 Municipality signifiant 1'avis : The City of Saint John By -law contravened: Saint John Unsightly Premises Arrete enfreint : Arrete concernant les batiments and Dangerous Buildings By -Law, By -law Number M- inesthetiques ou dangereux de The City of Saint John, 30 and amendments thereto. Arrete numero M -30, ainsi que les modifications afferentes. Provision(s) contravened: Paragraph 190.01(2) of the Municipalities Act, and amendments thereto. Description of condition(s): The buildings and premises have become a hazard to the safety of the public by reason of dilapidation. The conditions of the buildings and premises are described in Schedule "A ", a true copy of the inspection report dated August 23, 2010 prepared by Pamela Bentley, P.Eng., By -law Enforcement Officer and reviewed by Amy Poffenroth., P.Eng., By -law Enforcement Officer. Remedy or remedies required: The owner is to remedy the conditions by complying with the required remedial actions of the aforementioned inspection report and bring the buildings and premises into compliance with the aforesaid By -law. In the event that the owner does not remedy the condition of the buildings and premises in the time prescribed by this Notice to Comply, the buildings will be demolished as the corrective action to address the hazard to the safety of the public. All debris and items on the premises will be disposed of as the corrective action to address the hazard to the safety of the public. The aforementioned remedial actions relating to the demolition of the buildings and the disposal of debris and items on the premises do not include the carry-out clean -up,. site rehabilitation, restoration of land, premises or personal property or other remedial action in order to control or reduce, eliminate the release, alter the manner of release or the release of any contaminant into or upon the environment or any part of the environment. 254 Disposition(s) enfreinte(s) : Le paragraphe 190.01(2) de la Loi sur les municipalites, ainsi que les modifications afferentes. Description de la (des) condition(s) : Les batiments et les lieux sont devenus dangereux pour la securite du public du fait de delabrement. Les conditions des batiments et des lieux sont decrites a 1'annexe « A >>, une copie conforme du rapport d'inspection en date du 23 aofrt 2010 et prepare par. Pamela Bentley, ing., une agente charge de 1'execution des arretes municipaux et revise par Amy Poffenroth, ing., une agente charge de 1'execution des. arretes municipaux. Mesure(s) a prendre : Le proprietaire doit restaurer les conditions en se confonnant aux recommandations du rapport d'inspection susmentionne et d'amener les batiments et les lieux en conformites aver 1'arrete. Dans 1'eventualite que le proprietaire ne remedie pas le batiment et les lieux dans le temps prescrit par le present avis de conformite, les batiments seront demolis comme mesure corrective compte tenu qu'il represente un danger pour la seeurite du public. Tous les debris et autres items sur les lieux seront disposes comme mesure corrective dans le .but de rem6dier le danger pour la se'curite du public. Les mesures correctives susmentionnees relativement a la demolition des batiments et la disposition des debris et autres items sur les lieux ne comprennent pas le nettoyage, la remise en etat des lieux, des terrains ou des biens personnels ou toute autre mesure corrective dans le but de contr6ler ou de reduire, d'elirniner le deversement, de modifier le mode de deversement ou le deversement d'un polluant dans ou sur 1'environnement ou toute partie de P environnement. Date by which the remedy or remedies must occur: i Within 60 days of being served with the Notice to Comply. Date by which notice may be appealed: Within 14 days of being served with the Notice to Comply. Process to appeal: The owner may, within 14 days after having been served with this Notice To Comply, send a Notice of Appeal by registered mail to the Common Clerk of The City of Saint John, City Hall — 8"i Floor, 15 Market Square, Saint John, New Brunswick, E21, 4L1. Potential penalty for noncompliance within specified time:2 Paragraphs 190.01(2.1) and 190.03(1) of the Municipalities Act, supra, state that a person who violates or fails to comply with paragraph 190.01(2) and fails to comply with the terms of the Notice to Comply given under Section 190.011 of the said Act, commits an offence that is punishable under Part H of the Provincial Offences Procedure Act as a category F offence. Where an offence continues for more than one day, the minimum fine that may be imposed is the minimum fine set by the Provincial Offences Procedure Act for a category F offence multiplied by the number of days during which the offence continues, and the maximum fine that may be imposed is the maximum fine set by the Provincial Offences Procedure Act for a category F offence multiplied by the number of days during which the offence continues. Municipality's authority to undertake repairs or remedy:3 Paragraph 190.04(1)(b) of the Municipalities Act, supra, states that if a Notice to Comply has been given under Section 190.011 of the said Act and the owner or occupier does not comply with the Notice to Comply, as deemed confirmed or as confirmed or modified by a committee of council or a judge under Section 190.021 of the said Act, within the time set out in the Notice to Comply, the municipality may, cause the building or structure of that owner or occupier to be demolished and the cost of carrying out such work, including any related charge or fee, is chargeable to the owner or occupier and becomes a debt due to the municipality. 255 Date a laquelle la ou les mesures doivent titre prisesi : Dans les 60 jours qui suivent la signification de 1'avis de conformite. Date a laquelle on appel de Pavis pent titre d6pos6: Dans les 14 jours qui suivent la notification de 1'avis de conformitd. Processus d'appel : Le propridtaire peut dans les 14 jours qui suivent la notification de 1'avis de confortnit6, envoys un avis d'appel par courrier recommande' a la greffiere communale de la municipalit6, a The City of Saint John, Edifice de Ph6tel de ville, 8e 6tage, 15 Market Square, Saint John, Nouveau - Brunswick, E2L 4L1. P6nalit6 possible pour nom- conformit6 dans le d6lai prescritz : Les paragraphes 190.01(2.1) ct 190.03(1) de la Loi sur les municipalites, supra, prdvoient quiconque omet de se conformer au paragraphe 190.01(2) et omet de se conformer aux exigences formuldes dans un avis de conformite sigaifie aux termes de Particle 190.011 de ladite loi, commet une infraction qui est punissable en vertu de la Partie H de la Loi sur la procedure applicable aux infractions provinciales a titre d'infraction de la classe F. Lorsqu'une infraction se poursuit plus d'une journde, 1'amende minimale qui peut titre imposde est I'amende minimale prdvue par la Loi sur la procedure applicable aux infractions provinciales pour une infraction de la classe F multipliee par le nombre de jours pendant lesquels Finfraction se poursuit et, Pamende maximale qui peut titre imposee est 1'amende maximale pr6vue par la Loi sur la procedure applicable . aux infractions provinciales pour une infraction de la classe F multipliec par le nombre de jours pendant lesquels Pinfraction se poursuit. Pouvoir de la municipalit6 d'entreprendre les r6parations ou de prendre les mesures3 : Conforme'ment au paragraphe 190.04(1)(b) de la Loi sur les municipalites, supra, si un avis de conformit6 a etd signifi6 aux termes de Particle 190.011 de ladite loi et que le proprietaire ou l'occupant ne se conforme pas a cet avis de conformitd dans le ddlai imparti et tel qu'il est rdputd confinmd ou tel qu'il est confirm ou modifid par un comitd du conscil ou par un juge en vertu de Particle 190.021 de ladite loi, la municipalit6 peut faire ddmolir le batiment ou la construction de ce propridtaire ou de cet occupant et les frais relatifs a 1'ex6cution de ces travaux, y compris toute redevance ou tout droit affdrent, sont a la charge du proprietaire ou de 1'occupant ct deviennent une crdance de la municipalit6. Dated at Saint John the 2-4day of August, 2010 Municipality: The City of Saint John Fait a Saint John le aout 2010. Municipality: The City of Saint John Si ure of Municipal` Offii cer: Signature du representant municipal Municipal Officer's Contact information: Coordounees du representant municipal: Name: Pamela Bentley, P. Eng. Mailing address: Buildings and Inspection Services Department The City of Saint John 15 Market Square City Hall Building, 10'h Floor P. O. Box 1971 Saint John, New Brunswick E21, 4L1 Telephone: (506) 658 -2911 Telecopier: (506) 632.6199 Email: pamela.bentley @sai Seal of municipality Notes: 1. All appropriate permits must be obtained and all relevant legislation must be complied with in the course of carrying out the required remedial action. 2. Payment of the fine does not alleviate the obligation to comply with the by -law, standard or notice to comply. 3. Costs become a debt due to the municipality and may be added to the joint municipal and provincial Deal Property Assessment and Tax Notice. 256 Nom: Pamela Bentley, ing Adresse postale : Departement aux services d'inspection et des batiments The City of Saint John 15 Market Square Edifice de Ph6tel de vilie,10e etage Case postale 1971 Saint John (Nouveau- Brunswick) E2L 4L1 Telephone: (506) 658 -2911 Te'le'copieur : (506) 632 -6199 Courriel: pamela.bentley @saintjohn.ca Sceau de la muni.cipalite Notes: 1. Tous les permis prescrits doivent titre obtenus et toute la Iegislation pertinente doit titre respectee, pendant Pex6cution de la mesure de recours_ 2. Le paiement de Pamende n'annule pas Pobligation de respecter Parretti, la norme ou Pavis de conformite. 3. Les touts deviennent une dette envers la municipalite et peuvent titre ajoutes a Pavis d'6valuation et d'impot foncier municipal et provincial. hereby certify that this INSPECTION REPORT document is a true copy of the Schedule "A" origi". 2374, 2380 and 2384 Loch Lomond Road rated at Saint John Saint John, New Brunswick PID# 330316 this � day of f Inspection Date: July 5, 2010 Inspector: Pamela Bentley, P. Eng. and Jason Waye Standards Officer Inspection Date: August 16, 2010 Inspector: Pamela Bentley, P. Eng. Inspections of the above -noted property revealed that the three buildings on the premise are dangerous, deteriorated and unsightly. All three buildings are vacant, without power, open to public entry and are in dilapidated condition. Two of the buildings are fire damaged. The first of the buildings is one storey and was formerly used as a convenience store and gas station. Behind this building is a two storey house which is connected to the store. At the rear of the house is a separate two storey barn/warehouse. One storey wood frame building formerly used as a convenience store and gas station The building has been unoccupied for a number of years. The vinyl siding at the front Ieft of the building is fire damaged and hanging in areas. The electrical wires for the lighting beneath the front eave are hanging. The front eave of the building is missing in areas and in other locations is deteriorated, has peeling paint and is falling. The fascia boards along the front of the building are rotted, missing and/or deteriorated. The roof at the front of the building appears to be sagging and deteriorated and the front window of the building has been damaged. The debris in the front parking area appears to have come from the building and there are remnants of a fire set at the front left of the parking lot. There are two gas pumps that remain, intact and one of the pumps at the front of the building has been opened and the mechanics are exposed to the elements. At the right side of the building, the vinyl siding is missing along most of the building. This is allowing the elements to penetrate the building and this is contributing to its deterioration. At the front upper portion of the building there is untreated and weathered plywood and the fascia along most of the length of the right side of the building is weathered, deteriorated and/or rotted. There is some debris from the building lying on the ground along. the right side of the building. This debris includes broken glass from a florescent lamp and some of the debris has protruding nails. Other debris in this area is fire - damaged. The debris could cause harm to someone passing close as they may trip or slip and the broken glass and the protruding nails could cause cuts and punctures if they were to all onto the debris. At the left side of the building, there is debris and old building materials lying on the ground. Some of the debris has protruding nails and this could cause injury to someone if they were to fail on the debris or slip and trip as a result of the debris in the area. The siding along the length of the left side of the building is missing and this is allowing the elements to penetrate the structure and is contributing to its deterioration. At the rear of the building, there is an open window which is allowing access into the structure and allowing rain and snow to enter. There is debris in the rear yard between the store and the house and this material includes old construction debris with protruding nails, fluorescent light bulb tubes and light fixtures that are hidden in the overgrown grass. These items present tripping hazards to 'anyone who may be passing in this location. The glass and protruding nails present safety hazards and could cause cuts and punctures if someone were to fall onto the debris. 25� At the rear of the building, the door providing access to the electrical panels of the store is open. Areas at the rear of the building have missing and/or weathered sheathing, and rotted and deteriorated fascias. This is allowing the rain and snow to penetrate the building's structure and this is contributing to its deterioration. The building is L- shaped and the rear ell of the store was damaged in a fire on August 13, 2010. At the July 5, 2010 inspection, prior to the August fire, the interior of the store was examined. At that time it was noted that the ceilings had fallen in areas and the roof was leaking. The interior walls of the store were extensively damaged in some locations and there was debris lying is on the floor. The bathrooms were extensively damaged and the bathroom sink had been removed and left on the bathroom floor. There was junk and debris littered throughout the building, including food, upturned shelving and shelving components, video machines, mouldy drywall and electrical cords and cables which were draped across the floor. There was a significant amount of mould in several locations of the building and this would be a health concern for persons entering the building. It would have also required extensive work to remove all traces of the mould from the building. The exterior of the store was examined after the August fire and it was noted that the rear roof of the store now has a large hole. The exterior rear wall of the store is also fire damaged and the rear yard behind the store has considerable fire- damaged materials lying on the ground. Power has been removed to the building and the lack of lighting combined with the debris on the floor of the store would be a tripping hazard to anyone who may enter. There may also be more debris on the floor as a result of the fire. The food that had been left in the building could be an attraction to rodents and pests and their presence is a health hazard to anyone entering the building or to anyone living in close proximity. The condition of the rear yard is a danger to anyone who may slip or trip on the debris. The front parking area of the building experienced on August 13, 2010 and th e wires, nails and other metal items that passing in the general location. Two storey wood frame house was the site of a fire previous to the one debris and remnants present on site contain could cause injury and /or puncture someone The two storey house behind the store was the subject of a Minimum Property Standards By -law enforcement case before becoming vacant in 2006. At the front of the house, the plywood panel has been partially pried off the main, door. This panel was noted to be secure at the past inspection. The front shingles of the building have peeling paint and are extensively weathered. The trim at the front of the building is also weathered and the roof shingles at the front of the building are deteriorated. At the left side of the house, the stairs to the basement are accessible and the door into the basement is open. There is debris and garbage lying on the ground at the bottom of the stairs. Access was gained to the basement on July 5, 2010, and there is debris and junk on the basement floor. There is no handrail at the basement stairs and there is no power to the building. The debris and junk on the floor of the basement and.at the bottom of the stairs, combined with the lack of lighting, is a tripping hazard to anyone who may enter the area. The structure that covers the basement stairs is weathered and dilapidated. The roof shingles of the enclosure are deteriorated and peeling and the fascia is rotted. The trim and shingles at the left side of the house are weathered and have peeling paint. The rear of the house has weathered and deteriorated shingles. The rear roof of the building also has deteriorated shingles and the roof is sagging at the midpoint. As a result of the fire on August 13, 2010, there are now large holes in the rear roof of the house. During the July 5, 2010 inspection, it was noted that the rear window pane of the house was broken and there was loose glass in the frame. Since that date, the window has been covered with panels. The rear door of the house was secure on July 5, 2010, but now the door frame and door are broken and it appears that the door may have been forced open. 2 258 The right side of the house has been damaged by the recent fire. The two right upper windows are broken and all glass is missing. The chimney is now also missing since the fire and there is no siding in the area that it once stood. As a result, the exterior wall studs are now exposed. The shingles on the right side of the building are charred and the eaves and trim have been fire damaged. There are loose and fire damaged materials on the roof of the store that may blow about and cause harm to anyone passing in proximity of the building. The remainder of the shingles on the right side have peeling paint and are very weathered. The interior main and second storeys of the house were not inspected, however, an inspection report dated December 15, 2005 prepared by Mark Slader, Technical Services Inspector of the Buildings and Inspection Services Department, states that he observed: • a sagging roof; • a lack of handrails at the front exterior stairs; • a leaning enclosure over the basement stairs; • a lack of handrails at the interior stairs to the second floor; • falling.ceiling tile in the living room and at the front entrance; • sloping kitchen floors. It also appears that portions of the upper storey of the house are fire damaged and there is likely debris on the floor. These conditions could cause harm to anyone entering the building. The sagging roof and sloping kitchen floors may be indicators of possible structural problems. Barn/warehouse The barn/warehouse is a metal two. storey structure. At ground level, there is a sliding wood door at the front left side of the building and a door opening and window frame at the front right side. The right side door is missing from the frame and the barn is open to access. The window pane at the front is broken and the glass is loose and hanging in the window frame. The rear door of the barn appears to be open. The barn contains discarded household items including appliances, chairs and a mattress. There are other smaller discarded items littering the floor of the building. The metal sheathing of the building is damaged at the front right corner. The sliding wood door is deteriorated and has peeling paint. There is no power to the building and the debris and items inside the building and on the floor present tripping hazards to anyone who may enter the structure. The broken and loose glass in the front window could cause cuts or injury to anyone who is in the general area of the broken window. Behind the barn/warehouse, there is a length of construction materials which appears to have been the sign at the front of the convenience store. It has been left in the field at the rear of the property and it is deteriorated, rotted and somewhat hidden by the long grass in this location. There are protruding nails and it poses a tripping hazard to anyone walking in this area of the property. The nails could cause puncture or injuries to anyone who may fall onto the materials. Other items such as small car parts, machinery, and old construction debris were noted in the long grass at the rear of the barmwarehouse and these items are tripping hazards to anyone who maybe passing on the property. Required Remedial Actions: The owner must comply with one of the two options stated below. Options 1: Remedy the conditions of the buildings and premise through repair and remedial actions as listed below: 1. The convenience store building must be made secure. All openings (windows and doors) must be covered with suitable materials designed to withstand prolonged exposure to the elements. -The materials must be treated in such a manner so as to be uniform in appearance over all of the building. 'thereafter, all openings must 25� be kept secure so as to prevent access into the .building and to prevent elements from deteriorating the building's structure and interior. The building must be made in accordance with the Saint John Unsightly Premise and Dangerous Buildings By -law and the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By -law 2. The roof of the convenience store must be repaired. Thereafter it shall be maintained in a watertight condition so as to prevent leakage into the building. It must be made in accordance with the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By -law. 3. The interior of the convenience store must be cleaned such that all mould has been removed. The food must be removed and disposed of and thereafter, the interior of the store shall be maintained such that its condition does not pose a health hazard to anyone who may enter or reside near the building. 4. The convenience store building must have all missing siding replaced and all broken or damaged siding repaired. Any missing, weathered and/or damaged fascia at all areas of the building are to be repaired and/or replaced. The damaged and weathered eaves are to be repaired or replaced and peeling paint is to be scraped and painted or replaced as necessary. Thereafter, all areas of the building are to be maintained so 'as. to prevent its deterioration. The building is to be maintained in accordance with the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By- law. 5. Any electrical wiring hanging and loose at the convenience store building's exterior is to be repaired or removed. 6. The roof of the house must be repaired. Thereafter, it shall be maintained in a watertight condition so as to prevent leakage into the building. It must be made in accordance with the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By -law. 7. The deteriorated and weathered shingles, siding, trim, fascia and eaves of the house must be scraped, painted and/or repaired as necessary and thereafter be maintained so as to prevent deterioration. The building shall be maintained in accordance with the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By -law. 8. All unsecured openings of the house must be made secure. All broken doors and door frames must be repaired or replaced. The unsecured openings must be covered with suitable materials designed to withstand prolonged exposure to the elements. The materials must be treated in such a manner so as to be uniform in appearance over all of the building. Thereafter, all openings must be kept secure so as to prevent access into the building and to prevent the elements from deteriorating the building's structure and interior. The building must be made in accordance with the Saint John Unsightly Premise and Dangerous Buildings By- law and the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By- -law 9. The barn/warehouse must have all broken glass removed and all openings into the building must be made secure. The unsecured openings must be covered with a suitable material designed to withstand prolonged exposure to the elements. The materials must be treated in such a manner so as to be uniform in appearance over all of the building. Thereafter, all openings must be kept secure so as to prevent access into the buildings and to prevent elements from deteriorating the building's structure and interior. The building must be made in accordance with the Saint John Unsightly Premise and Dangerous Buildings By -law and the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By -law 10. The door to the barn/warehouse must be scraped, painted and/or repaired as necessary and thereafter be maintained so as to prevent its deterioration. The building shall be maintained in accordance with the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By -law. 4 260 11. The damaged siding must be repaired and/or replaced and thereafter be maintained so as to prevent its deterioration. The building shall be maintained in accordance with the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By -law. 12. The yards, parking lot and premise must be cleaned of all debris and discarded items. The discarded items must be removed and properly disposed of in an appropriate manner so that the premise is not a hazard to the safety of the public by reason of dilapidation. The premise must be made in accordance with the Saint John Unsightly Premise and Dangerous Buildings By -law. Option 2: Demolition of the three buildings and cleanup of all debris as listed in the actions below: 1. The buildings must be demolished to remove the hazards to the public by reason of dilapidation. The premise must be cleared of all debris and discarded items and the premise must be made reasonably level so as not to be a hazard to the safety of the public. After the removal of the buildings, the premise must be graded to prevent water drainage from affecting the neighbouring properties. The premise must be made in compliance with the Saint John Unsightly Premise and Dangerous Buildings By -law. Prepared by: Spetif LA. Pamela Bentley, P. Eng. Technical Services Engineer Reviewed by: Amy Poffe o , P. Eng., MBA Deputy Co issioner Buildings and Inspection Services 260 Aua io 15ate /q Z3 Date NOTICE OF APPEAL FORM I (Municipalities Act, R.S.N.B.1973, c. M -22, s.190.021(1)) File No.: BETWEEN: Appellant(s), - and - THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN, Parcel Identifier: PID # Parcel Address: Owner(s) or Occupier(s): Name: Address: Telephone: Name: Address: Telephone: Respondent. P*XLA +i. TLF-Y Ca-l`IaSSK)t� I-A OF OA�� My CO1�hAiSSi©�! E IRr rwr,.F, U PER 3i 3t AVIS D'APPEL FORMULE 1 (Loi sur les municipalites, L.R.N. -B. de 1973, ch. M -22, par. 190.021(1)) N° du dossier: ENTRE: Appelant(s), -et- THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN, Intimee. Numero d'identification de la parcelle : # NID Adresse de la parcelle : Proprietaire(s) ou occupant(s) Nom: Adresse Telephone: Nom : Adresse: Telephone: This is Exhibit - Refeff d,t in the Affidavit of Sworn beford me at the City of Saint John, New �unswic tf .� cryofMC) Commissioner of Oaths 262 -2- The above named appellant(s) is (are) not satisfied with the terms and conditions set out in the notice that has been given under section 190.011 of the Municipalities Act and appeals to the Saint John Substandard Properties Appeal Committee. The appellant's grounds for this appeal are as follows (set out the grounds clearly but briefly): Dated at 2010. L' appelant(s) susnomm6(s) n' accepte(nt) pas les modalites ou Ies conditions qui y sont 6nonc6s dans 1'avis qui a ete notifi6 aux tenrnes de Particle 190.011 de la Loi sur les municipalites et fait appel au Comite d'appel des proprietes inferieures aux normes de Saint John. Les motifs d'appel de 1'appelant(s) dans le pr&sent appel sont les suivants (enoncer les motifs de fagon claire et concise) : the day of Fait a Signature of owner or occupier The appellant(s) intends to proceed in the English ❑ or French ❑ language (Please check the appropriate box). Please forward your Notice of Appeal by registered mail to the clerk of The City of Saint John within fourteen (14) days after having been given the notice at the following address: Common Clerk's Office 15 Market Square, City Hall Building, 8a' Floor P. O. Box 1971 Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 4L1 Telephone: 506-658-2862 Telecopier: 506 - 674 -4214 Notes: 1. A notice that is not appealed within fourteen (14) days after having been given the notice shall be deemed to be confirmed. 263 2010. Signature du proprietaire ou Poccupant le L'appelant(s) a (ant) Pintention d'utiliser la langue frangaise ❑ ou anglaise ❑ (Veuillez cocker la case appropriee). Veuillez faire parvenir votre Avis d'appel par courrier recommande au secretaire de The City of Saint John dans les quatorze (14) jours qui suivent la notification de l'avis a Vadresse suivante : Bureau du greffier communal 15 Market Square, Edifice de I'Mtel de ville, 8e 6tage Case postale 1971 Saint John (Nouveau- Brunswick) E2L 4L1 Telephone: 506-658-2862 Te16copieur: 506- 674 -4214 Notes : 1. Un avis dont it West pas interjete appel dans les quatorze (14) jours qui suivent la notification de I'avis est r6put6e confirm6. W -3- 2. On an appeal, the Saint John Substandard Properties Appeal Committee shall hold a hearing into the matter at which the owner(s) or occupier(s) bringing the appeal has (have) a right to be heard and may be represented by counsel. 3. On an appeal, the Saint John Substandard Properties Appeal Committee may confirm, modify or rescind the notice or extend the time for complying with the notice. 4. The Saint John Substandard Properties Appeal Committee shall provide a copy of its decision to the owner(s) or occupier(s) of the premises, building or structure who brought the appeal within fourteen (14) days after making its decision. 5. The owner(s) or occupier(s) provided with a copy of a decision from the Saint John Substandard Properties Appeal Committee may appeal the decision to a judge of The Court of Queen's Bench of New Brunswick within fourteen (14) days after the copy of the decision was provided to the owner(s) or occupier(s) on the grounds that (a) the procedure required to be followed by the Municipalities Act was not followed, or (b) the decision is patently unreasonable. 264 2. Lors d'un appel, le Comite d'appel des proprietes inferieures aux normes de Saint John dolt tenir, sur le point en litige, une audience au cours de laquelle le(s) proprietaire(s) ou l'oecupant(s) qui inter ette(nt) appel a (ont) le droit d'etre entendu(s) et peut(vent) se faire representer par un avocat. 3. Lors d'un appel, le Comite d'appel des proprietes inferieures aux normes de Saint John peut conformer, modifier ou annuler 1'avis ou proroger le delai pour s'y conformer. 4. Le Comite d'appel des proprietes inferieures aux no de Saint John doit fournir une copie de sa decision au(x) proprietaire(s) ou a l'occupant(s) des lieux, du batiment ou de la construction qui lui a(ont) interjete' appel dans les quatorze (14) fours suivant la date a laquelle it a rendu sa decision. 5. Le(s) proprietaire(s) ou 1'occupant(s) a qui une copie d'une decision a ete fournie par le Comite d'appel des proprietes inferieures aux normes de Saint John peut(vent), dans les quatorze (14) jours qui suivent, interjeter appel de la decision devant un juge de la Cour du Banc de la Reine du Nouveau - Brunswick au motif que (a) la dernarche a suivre en vertu de la Loi sur les municipalites n'a pas e'te' suivie, ou (b) la decision est manifestement deraisonnable. 1A �s n uildings and Inspection Services / Servict;a1linspeciion et des batiments Phone / T61: (506) 658 -2911 Fax 1 T61ec: (506) 632 -6199 The City of Saint john August 24, 2010 Case Number: 08 -1216 4td to in the Affidavit of i)efore me at the Cif : o' ..r.ohn, New Brunswick. .... - day of Daly's Stop -n -Shop Ltd. This is Exhibit a zi:;sioner of Oaths 171 Quispamsis Road -R ferr d to iP the Affidavit of Rothesay, NB ME 2W1 Sworn before me at the City of Saint John, New runswic of _20! c� Dear Sirs: Commissioner of Oaths � M, H. MnEv COAlfMSSfC?NKOF OATHe MyCOAMSSJON EXPIRES RE: Property located at 2374, 2380 and 2384 Loch Lomond RoaNMMiiii 13 P1D# 330316 Dangerous and Dilapidated Buildings and Premise An inspection conducted at the above -noted address on July 5, 2010 and August 16, 2010 concluded the following: The buildings and premise have become a hazard to the safety of the public by reason of dilapidation. The conditions of the buildings and premise are not in compliance with the Saint John Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings By- law: A Notice to Comply has been issued and is enclosed with this letter. The required remedies are stated in the Notice to Comply and accompanying inspection report. Action must be taken to remedy the condition of the building and premise within 60 days of being served the Notice to Comply. As the owner of the property, you have the right to an Appeal Hearing. To apply, you must complete the accompanying Notice of Appeal form and send it via registered mail to the Common Clerk of. The City of Saint John within 14 days of receiving the.Notice to Comply. Be advised that if a Notice to Comply is not adhered to within the specified time frame, the municipality has. the authority to lay an information in Provincial Court, or it may cause the building to be demolished and the property cleared of debris and junk, or it may carry out both actions. The cost of carrying out such work, including any related charge or fee, is chargeable to the owner and becomes a debt due to the municipality. SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971. Saint John, NB Canada E2L 411 www.saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -8. Canada E2L 40 265 Be advised that for any remedial or demolition work, the appropriate permits are required. These can be obtained from the Buildings and Inspection Services Department, 10' Floor, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thanking you in advance for your cooperation, Pamela Bentley, P. Eng. Technical Services Engineer enclosures 266 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL November 4, 2010 M &C2010 -370 His Worship Mayor Ivan Court and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: DUKE STREET WEST STOP SIGNS REQUEST: FOLLOW -UP BACKGROUND M. The City of Saint John At its April 12, 2010 meeting Common Council resolved "that the City Manager report on the suitability of placing stop signs on Duke Street West at the intersections of Lancaster St. and City Line for the dual purpose of traffic- calming and less treacherous circumstances for drivers emerging from either street during the winter months." At its April 26, 2010 meeting Common Council considered two City staff recommendations: (1) to prohibit on- street parking on the south side of Duke Street West between Champlain Street and City Line to improve the sight line needed by a motorist trying to exit City Line, and (2) to convert the section of Lancaster Street (Duke Street West to Guilford Street) into a one -way street in the southerly direction to prevent motorists from attempting to exit Lancaster Street onto Duke Street West where insufficient sight lines are available. Council asked staff to obtain the community's input, particularly on the recommendation to remove parking on Duke Street West, to be used as part of its decision on this matter. ANALYSIS Staff held a meeting at the Carleton Community Centre on the evening of May 19, 2010 that was open to any member of the public to discuss and provide input to the proposed changes. Nine members of the public attended the meeting. Staff presented the concerns originally brought forward by Council and then the recommended solutions. The members of the public then provided input. 267 M &C2010 -370 Page 2 Generally, the public participants believed the solutions were good, particularly after staff described the rationale for the changes. One resident who lives on the south side of Duke Street West between Champlain Street and City Line did have a concern over the loss of on- street parking; she does have off - street parking but it is further away than the on- street space, which is a concern given mobility challenges. Staff offered during the meeting to discuss potential solutions with the resident after the meeting but the resident declined the offer. Residents at the meeting also asked that on- street parking on other surrounding blocks be removed such as on Olive Street, Duke Street West from Lancaster Avenue to Champlain Street, and the Sunday parking permitted on Duke Street West. All these requests will need to be investigated with public input. Residents also indicated concern with an inaccessible section of sidewalk on the west side of City Line between Duke Street West and Guilford Street. This steep section has several stairs that are difficult for persons with mobility challenges. Staff is investigating if a feasible solution exists. Staff noted in a follow -up site visit that the sidewalk on the east side of this block of City Line is steep but is an alternative route as no stairs are present. As indicated in the previous staff report, there was no significant speed issue on Duke Street West discovered during a speed survey. Multi -Way Stop intersections are not recommended as a speed calming measure. Multi -Way Stop intersections are a good solution under circumstances not encountered at these two intersections: (1) A combined pedestrian and vehicular count of over 200 per hour on the minor street approach to an intersection (City Line or Lancaster in this case) over an eight hour period is required but City Line did not exceed a vehicle count of over 27 in any one hour during a 5 day count and Lancaster Street did not exceed a vehicle count of 24 during any one- hour period. Pedestrians were not counted during the survey but their totals would not cause the combined count to exceed 200. (2) Five or more vehicle accidents per year must be reported at an intersection but none had been reported within the last year at either intersection when records were requested from Police in the Spring. (3) An average delay of over 30 seconds during a peak traffic hour encountered by motorists from the minor street also indicates the need for a Multi -Way Stop intersection. This criteria was not measured in this instance but there was no reported concern from the public regarding unreasonable delay. Currently existing Multi -Way Stop intersections along Duke Street West at Watson and Ludlow provide an alternative should some motorists require lower delays when accessing Duke. Staff concluded during the investigation that available sight distances from the City Line and Lancaster Street approaches to the two intersections are not sufficient, which would contribute to some motorists' difficulty with emerging from either street. The required sight distance in either direction along Duke Street West from either side street approach is 125 metres, which is determined based on factors such as speed of vehicles on Duke Street West and the time required 268 M &C2010 -370 Page 3 to complete the turning movement. On- street parked vehicles on the south side of Duke Street West from Champlain Street to City Line limits the available sight distance to only approximately 30 metres, as seen in the adjacent picture. A hill in either direction on Duke Street West limits sight along this street by motorists approaching from Lancaster Street to 65 metres and 75 metres, respectively, which again is less than the required 125 metres. Prohibiting on- street parking on Duke Street West and preventing access to Duke Street West from Lancaster Street mitigates the issue from both Citv Line and Lancaster Street. CONCLUSIONS Alternative solutions to installing Multi -Way Stop signs at the intersections of City Line/Duke Street West and Lancaster Street/Duke Street West would address motorists' concerns of the steep grade from City Line and Lancaster Street. Prohibiting on- street parking on the south side of Duke Street West between Champlain Street and City Line would improve to acceptable levels the sight line needed by a motorist trying to exit City Line. Converting the section of Lancaster Street (Duke Street West to Guilford Street) into a one -way street in the southerly direction would prevent motorists from attempting to exit Lancaster Street onto Duke Street West where insufficient site lines are available. A meeting held to receive public input resulted in positive feedback to the proposed solutions, except for one resident who chose not to investigate solutions with staff. Opportunities to address a sidewalk accessibility concern and a request to investigate removing on- street parking on other near -by street blocks were also received by staff for future follow -up. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that Council amend the Traffic By -Law as follows to address the community's traffic concerns on Duke Street West expressed in this report and that this be referred to the City Solicitor to be put in proper form and translated: a) Amend Schedule B (No Parking Anytime) by adding Duke Street West, South side, from Champlain Street to City Line, and b) Amend Schedule D (One Way Streets) by adding Lancaster Street from Duke Street West to Guilford Street in the southerly direction. Respectfully submitted J. M. Paul Groody, P. Eng. Commissioner Municipal Operations & Engineering 269 J. Patrick Woods, CGA City Manager REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M &C2010 -378 November 4, 2010 His Worship Mayor Ivan Court & Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council, M. The City of Saint John SUBJECT: Contract No. 2010 -25 Rehabilitation of Cottage Hill and Rockwood Park Water Storage Reservoirs BACKGROUND On April 26, 2010 Council approved a recommendation for staff to seek funding approval under the Canada -New Brunswick Infrastructure Stimulus Fund program for alternate projects which included the Rehabilitation of Cottage Hill and Rockwood Park Water Storage Reservoirs. Funding approval for this project was received in the amount of $600,000 cost shared three ways under the Stimulus Program. The purpose of this report is to recommend award of the contract for the Rehabilitation of Cottage Hill and Rockwood Park Water Storage Reservoirs project. The work consists generally of rehabilitation of the interior lining, external coating, and metal works at both of the water storage reservoirs, as well as welding repairs, installation of a new access hatch, installation of a cathodic protection system, and fencing, at the Rockwood Park reservoir. TENDER RESULTS Tenders closed on November 3rd, 2010, with the following results, including HST: Jamac Painting & Sandblasting Ltd. $ 2,337,122.50 2. MacDonald Applicators Ltd. $ 649,105.90 The Engineer's estimate for the work was $539,236.00 including HST, and adjusted to $493,561.14 with the HST rebate. ANALYSIS The tenders were reviewed by staff and Crandall Engineering Ltd. and two tenders were found to be formal in all respects. A third tender submitted by Smith and McCarthy Painting Contractors Ltd. was rejected at the tender opening by the Tender Opening Committee in accordance with Division 2.15 item (f) as this tender did not contain a signed copy of the Addendum that had been issued. 270 M &C2010 -378 November 4, 2010 Page 2 The tendered amount from Jamac Painting and Excavating Ltd. as reported above is $2,337,122.50. Staff believes that Jamac intended to submit a bid amount of $828,290.00 but by mistake Jamac placed the amounts for the extension of the unit prices under the unit price column. In accordance with General Specification Section 2.18 Privilege Clause, the error in mathematics must be corrected and the correct total used for evaluation purposes. Upon detailed review of the tender prices, the cost of the exterior coatings was significantly more than the Engineer's estimate. This is most likely due to the weather conditions expected and the equipment and protection required to ensure quality coating systems are applied to the reservoirs. Staff is of the opinion that the low tenderer has the necessary resources and expertise to perform the work, and recommend acceptance of their tender. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The Contract includes work that is charged against the 2010 Water & Sewerage Utility Fund Capital Programs. Assuming award of the Contract to the low tenderer, an analysis has been completed which includes the estimated amount of work on this project that will be performed by City forces and others. The analysis concludes that a total amount of $600,000 was provided in the budgets and that the projected completion cost of the project included in the contract is estimated to be $122,873.41 for engineering costs and $594,126.06 for the contract construction costs, for a total of $716,999.47 including the City's eligible H.S.T. rebate - a $116,999.47 negative difference. This difference will be managed within the overall Water & Sewerage Capital Program. POLICY — TENDERING OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS The recommendation in this report is made in accordance with the provisions of Council's policy for the tendering of construction contracts, the City's General Specifications and the specific project specifications. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Contract No. 2010 -25 Rehabilitation of Cottage Hill and Rockwood Park Water Storage Reservoirs be awarded to the low tenderer, MacDonald Applicators Ltd. at the tendered price of $649,105.90 as calculated based upon estimated quantities, and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents. Respectfully submitted, J. M. Paul Groody, P. Eng. Commissioner, Municipal Operations & Engineering 271 J. Patrick Woods, CGA City Manager REPORT COMMON COUNCIL M &C2010 -365 November 1, 2010 His Worship Mayor Ivan Court and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: Contract 2010 -13: Harbour Station SLS No. 10 & Force Main INTRODUCTION M. The City of Saint John Saint John Harbour Clean -Up is about good health, clean waterways and quality of life. City of Saint John wastewater treatment and collection systems are being enhanced to protect people and the natural environment, and to help sustain institutions and the economy. Substantial progress has been made in the wastewater service. The purpose of this report is to recommend award of the contract for the construction of Harbour Station SLS No. 10 & Force Main. BACKGROUND The Harbour Clean -Up Program is comprised of two major project components, the Eastern Wastewater Treatment Facility and a Wastewater Collection System. Construction is well underway on the Eastern Wastewater Treatment Facility. The design work for the Wastewater Collection System is continuing with the following projects tendered and constructed: Bayside Drive Sanitary Forcemain Phase 1 and Phase 2, Monte Cristo Lift Station #34, Red Head Road Lift Station #1, Red Head Road Lift Station #50, and Newmans Brook Sewer Separation. The construction of Lift Station #2 is scheduled to be completed in late November 2010. TENDER RESULTS Tenders closed on October 27, 2010, for Harbour Station SLS No. 10 & Force Main with the following results: 1. Fairville Construction Ltd., Saint John, NB $3,798,993.90 2. Galbraith Construction Ltd., Saint John, NB $3,854,102.30 3. Dexter Construction Company Limited, Bedford, NS $3,977,680.23 4. Gulf Operators Ltd., Saint John, NB $4,180,392.26 5. Philson Ltd., Hanwell, NB $4,286,672.88 The Engineer's estimate for the work was $4,697,040.26. 272 M & C 2010 -365 November 1, 2010 Page 2 ANALYSIS The tenders were reviewed by staff and all tenders were found to be formal in all respects. Staff is of the opinion that the low tenderer has the necessary resources and expertise to perform the work, and recommend acceptance of their tender. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The Contract includes work that is charged against the 2010 Water & Sewerage Utility Fund Capital Program. Assuming award of the Contract to the low tenderer, an analysis has been completed which includes work that will be performed by City forces and others. The analysis concludes that a total amount of $5,006,900.00 was provided in the budget to complete the construction of the lift station, force main and gravity sewer work. The projected completion cost of this Contract is estimated to be $3,855,452.92 including the City's eligible H.S.T. rebate. The gravity sewer work will be tendered during the winter of 2011 and will utilize the remaining available budget amount for the project ($1,151,447.08). To date, the cumulative amount committed through award of Harbour Clean -Up Program projects is $66,712,182.69 including the City's eligible H.S.T. rebate. The overall total estimated cost of the Harbour Clean -Up Program as reported to Council on September 28, 2009 (M &C 2009 -318) is $99,400,000 including the City's eligible H.S.T. rebate. POLICY — TENDERING OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS The recommendation in this report is made in accordance with the provisions of Council's policy for the tendering of construction contracts, the City's General Specifications and the specific project specifications. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Contract No. 2010 -13: Harbour Station SLS No. 10 & Force Main be awarded to the low tenderer, Fairville Construction Ltd., at the tendered price of $3,798,993.90 as calculated based upon estimated quantities, and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents. Respectfully submitted, J. M. Paul Groody, P. Eng. Commissioner Municipal Operations & Engineering 273 J. Patrick Woods, CGA City Manager REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL f M & C — 2010 -376 City of saint JcoNiti 5 November 2010 His Worship Ivan Court and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Emergency Purchase — Fire Department Aerial Truck The purpose of this report is to seek Council's approval to provide the Purchasing Agent with pre - authorization to negotiate and subsequently purchase an aftermarket (used) aerial truck to replace an existing aerial truck which requires significant repairs which are cost prohibitive. Provisions to deviate from the regular tender process and grant approval to the Purchasing Agent are contemplated and codified in the City of Saint John Procurement Policy BACKGROUND The City of Saint John maintains a fleet of fire apparatus consistent with the operational needs of the Fire Department and congruent with the community risk profile. The replacement cycle for fire apparatus and the actual number of response units is reflected in a Resolution of Council which was adopted on April 20, 2006 titled; Fire Apparatus Replacement Program. Inherent in the Fire Apparatus Replacement Program is a replacement cycle which includes: a 10 year replacement cycle for Engine /Rescue units, a 15 year replacement cycle for Engine units and Tanker units and a 20 year replacement cycle for Aerial units. Among the most valuable assets within the Fire Department's fleet are three (3) aerial trucks; two of which are frontline units and one a reserve unit. One of the frontline units is deployed from Fire Station 1 in the city center, another frontline unit is deployed from Station 5 in the city's North End and the third unit (Ladder 7 - an unstaffed reserve unit) is housed in Station 7 on the City's West Side. Ladder 7 (the reserve unit) is the subject of this report. Ladder 7, which was being built as a demonstrator unit, was purchased by the City in 1993 at the negotiated cost of $ 555,000 from the U.S. manufacturer. It is a 1993, Simon/Duplux LTI 110' aerial truck with a 1250GPM pump and a 250 gallon tank. It was purchased as an emergency acquisition after one of the Fire Department's existing frontline aerial trucks sustained a catastrophic failure when the ladder boom collapsed at a major structure fire in the city's North End. 274 Page Two BACKGROUND .... Cont'd; Subsequent to the purchase of Ladder 7, the Fire Department was reorganized in the late 1990's as a result of significant personnel reductions. The rationalization of equipment and personnel resulted in combining two response units (an aerial truck and Engine /Pumper unit) in favor of a Quint aerial unit, a multifunction combination pumper and 75 foot aerial unit. Following the purchase of the Quint, Ladder 7 was designated a reserve unit and subsequently housed in Fire Station 7. As a reserve unit, the aerial is placed into service when the front line aerials are removed from service for preventative maintenance, regular repairs and emergency breakdowns. Additionally, it was recognized that a significant number of emergency incidents requires the deployment of both frontline aerials and as such a need exists to put the reserve unit into service on a regular basis; thus ensuring a minimum level of aerial protection was maintained in the community. The various demands for a reserve aerial unit within the Fire Department's fleet is well documented and recognized in Council's Fire Apparatus Replacement Program; which projected the replacement period for the reserve aerial unit to be 2013. As a reserve unit it is not uncommon for it to be put into service for a month at a time given that a Motor Vehicle Inspection (MVI) for a frontline unit may take an entire month from the time of initial inspection, parts are ordered and work completed. Recognizing that the utilization rate for a reserve aerial unit is less than that of a frontline aerial, it was anticipated that when Ladder 7 was to be replaced (in 2013), it would be replaced with an aftermarket (used) replacement unit. ANALYSIS The staff of Fleet Services provides ongoing maintenance and assessment of Fire Department apparatus. Given the nature of emergency operations supported by Fire Department aerials i.e. providing Fire Fighters access to the upper stories ofbuildings, enabling Fire Fighters to facilitate rescues in elevated areas and providing a waterway for master fire streams to be deployed through large diameter hose lines, the annual maintenance and inspections programs for these devices are thorough and complete. Accordingly, Fleet Services annually retains a third party aerial specialist to inspect the units and identify problems /deficiencies which are naked to the trained eye of mechanics. Using a quantitative approach, the aerial specialist X -ray the boom/ladder device and calibrates /measures the thickness of the outriggers which stabilize the unit during emergency operations. Most recently, Ladder 7 underwent an annual inspection by a third party aerial specialist which revealed significant problems relative to corrosion and other safety related considerations. In response to the findings of the aerial specialists, staff from Fleet Services undertook a further analysis to determine the projected cost to remediate the aerial device and make it roadworthy. 275 Page Three ANALYSIS .... Cont'd; An initial cost assessment, with input from both an American based rebuilder and their Canadian representative shop, located in New Brunswick, revealed that repairs will cost at least $ 200,000 with recognition that cost overruns are likely to occur once the major components of the device are disassembled and further examined. This latter consideration is further compounded by the fact that maintenance costs for Ladder 7, between 2007 — October 2010 were in excess of $45,000. Recognizing that Ladder 7 was scheduled to be replaced in 2013 and in further recognition that it was to be replaced with an aftermarket (used) unit, staff of Fleet Services have been actively scanning the market for a suitable replacement. Historically, the availability of aftermarket fire apparatus in the United States has been favorable given that generally, the US Fire Service tends to retire their response units at a faster rate than the Canadian Fire Service. However, with the slowing US economy, fewer aftermarket fire apparatus is available. Accordingly, fire apparatus brokers in the US are reluctant to negotiate a selling price or agree to hold fire apparatus on speculation that a buyer might be forthcoming. Council may recall previous instances when your Purchasing Agent attempted to secure fire apparatus that was deemed surplus in the US and selling below market value. Notwithstanding an agreement in principle between the Purchasing Agent and the vendor, by the time the Purchasing Agent appeared before Council to secure authorization, the vendor sold the units on a "first come, first serve basis ". Fortunately, the Procurement Policy for the City of Saint John contemplates those instances when there is a need to expedite the purchase of Goods and Service; thus minimizing the potential to lose a purchase opportunity which is in the best interest of the City of Saint John. It is codified under the Emergency Purchase provisions of the Procurement Policy and reads in part: "7. EMERGENCY PURCHASES: True emergencies generally occur as a result of fire, flood, water breaks or equipment repairs. There may also be other situations (administrative type) where it is not possible to comply with the normal bidding procedures. Emergencies of this type require the approval of the Director level or above. Departmental requirements arising from emergencies, are to be given priority treatment by the Purchasing Section and are to be submitted to this section if during normal working hours." 276 Page Four FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS If tendered, the estimated cost of a new aerial device, with a life expectancy of 20 years, ranges from $ 750,000 - $ 1,100,000 and would take, based on experience, approximately one year from the date of award to build, deliver, inspect and put into active service. The estimated cost of purchasing an aftermarket (used) aerial unit with a life expectancy of 13 — 15 years is between $ 400,000 and $ 500,000 and would take approximately 60 to 90 days from date of purchase to modify to suit minimum City specs and put into active service. This is an unplanned expenditure and as such funding to support this purchase is not contained in the 2010 Capital Budget. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Council direct the City Manager to; 1) authorize the Purchasing Agent to seek out and negotiate the purchase of an aftermarket aerial unit which meets the operational needs of the Fire Department but which does not exceed $ 500,000 Canadian, before tax, 2) allocate funds from the 2010 Capital Budget to cover the cost, and 3) report back to Council with the outcome of this initiative. Respectfully submitted, David Logan, CPPB Purchasing Agent Robert (Rob) Simonds, MA, CFO Fire Chief Patrick Woods, CGA City Manager 277 r REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M & C — 2010 -373 November 4, 2010 His Worship Mayor Ivan Court and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Common Council: SUBJECT: 2010 Ward Meetings PURPOSE At the October 25 meeting of Common Council, Council directed staff to begin planning for Ward Meetings to be held on or before November 30, 2010. The purpose of this report is to propose dates and a format for the meetings. BACKGROUND Ward Meetings are a forum used by Common Councillors to meet with their constituents. The last series of Ward Meetings (16 in total) were held in October and November of 2008. I The Cite of saint )oh Over 700 residents attended the meetings. Based on anecdotal and written reports resulting from those meetings, it was recommended that meetings for all wards be held on the same night or nights, ensuring that meetings focus on issues that are ward - specific. It was also noted that some residents requested a formal presentation and more information about City initiatives be available at the meetings. 278 M &C -20 3 0 -3 73 PROPOSED FORMAT The following outlines the proposed format that will be used to conduct the Ward Meetings. • Meetings will be set up auditorium style with Councillors at the front of the room engaging those in attendance to ask questions, identify Ward priorities and talk about what is working well in the Ward. • Staff will assist with logistics, note taking and follow up. • All of the meeting(s) will be held on the same night(s). o Option A: o One date (four locations, one in each ward) — Tuesday, November 30 (or alternate). o Option B: o Two dates (eight locations, two in each ward) — Tuesday, November 30 and Wednesday, December 1 (or alternates). • Arrangements will be also be made for a City -wide meeting to be conducted in French once the Ward schedule is confirmed. • Meeting format will be as follows: 6 :30pm Doors open. Information on P1anSJ, the Winter Management Plan and community centre programming will be available. 7:00pm Welcome and opening remarks from Councillors. 7:15pm Q and A session. Councillors will answer questions and address comment from attendees. Staff will take notes. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Common Council confirm their availability in order that staff can ensure effective advertising and timely logistical planning. If necessary, Council may suggest alternate dates. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Moar Manager, Communications J trick Woods, CGA Clity Manager 279 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL November 4, 2010 M &C2010 -369 His Worship Mayor Ivan Court and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: Loch Lomond Road Speed Limit: Follow -Up BACKGROUND M. The City of Saint John At its March 29, 2010 meeting Common Council resolved "that consideration be given to establish a consistent speed limit of 70 km per hour on Loch Lomond Road from the airport to the City, and that the matter be referred to the City Manager for review and recommendation." At its April 26, 2010 meeting Common Council considered City staff recommendations that the section of Loch Lomond Road from Bayside Drive to Hickey Road should have a consistent posted speed limit of 50 KM/H and a consistent speed limit of 60 KM /H should be applied from Hickey Road to St. Martin's Road. Common Council decided to table a decision upon further information. A re- assessment of the proposed speed limit between Linda Court and McAllister Drive was requested as the recommended speed limit of 50 KM/H was believed to be too low. Consideration of vehicle accident history was also requested. ANALYSIS Staff re- assessed the recommended speed limits along Loch Lomond Road. Originally, staff divided Loch Lomond Road into two segments (Bayside Drive to Hickey Road and Hickey Road to the Evergreen Avenue) to complete the analysis. In this re- assessment, staff divided Loch Lomond Road into four segments to reflect the requested concentrated analysis: • Segment 1: Bayside Drive to Linda Court, • Segment 2: Linda Court to 300 metres west of McAllister Drive, • Segment 3: 300 metres west of McAllister Drive to 300 metres east of Hickey Road, and • Segment 4: 300 metres east of Hickey Road to Evergreen Avenue. As indicated in the April report, staff used a Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) 2009 report titled "Canadian Guidelines for Establishing Posted Speed Limits ". The level of risk or totals associated with the eleven criteria considered in these guidelines is provided in the 280 M &C2010 -369 Page 2 following table for the four segments of Loch Lomond Road, along with the recommended posted speed limit according to the TAC evaluation method: Criteria Se ment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4 Horizontal Curves (Risk Level) Medium Medium Low Medium Vertical Curves (Risk Level) High High Medium Medium Average Lane Width (Risk Level) High High High High Roadside Hazards (Risk Level) High Medium Medium Low Pedestrian Exposure (Risk Level) Low Low Low Low Cyclist Exposure (Risk Level) Low Low Low Low Pavement Surface (Risk Level) Low Low Low Low On- Street Parking (Risk Level) Low Low Low Low Number of Intersections (Total) 20 2 4 35 Number of Driveways (Total) 65 23 19 300 Number of Interchanges (Total) 0 0 1 0 1 0 Resulting Posted Speed Limit 50 KM /H 60 KM /H 1 60 KM /H 1 60 KM /H The entire length of Loch Lomond Road is proposed to be part of the City's primary cycling network according to the Council- adopted Trails and Bikeway Strategic Plan. Although the available average road width is similar to other arterial streets, vehicles will need to share a portion of the width of Loch Lomond Road with this more active mode of transportation in the future; the High risk assigned to the average vehicle lane width criteria (highlighted in the table) reflects this characteristic. Painted bike lanes installed on portions of Loch Lomond Road, and to be extended in the future, dedicates road width to cyclists, resulting in a Low risk of exposure to these road users (also highlighted in the table). Decreasing the road width available to vehicles and presence of bicycles require consideration for a lower speed limit. The over 400 driveways that have direct access to Loch Lomond Road are also emphasized in the table. The primary purpose of Arterials, being the classification of Loch Lomond Road in the City's transportation network, is to support movement of traffic at higher speeds. Unfortunately the high number of driveways on Loch Lomond Road, as a result of ribbon land development being given attention through the PlanSJ process, has also provided Loch Lomond Road with attributes of a Local street classification; Local streets have a main purpose of providing property access. Lower speeds are more congruent with regular conflict between vehicles on a Local street and those accessing adjacent properties as well as the desire for slower moving traffic by adjacent residents. The choice of speed limit for Loch Lomond Road must consider both its Arterial and Local street characteristics. As indicated in the table, there is a change in the recommended speed limit of Segment 2 (Linda Court to McAllister Drive) when this portion of Loch Lomond Road was assessed separate from the larger segment (Bayside to Hickey Road) in the April report. A 60 KM /H speed limit is appropriate for this segment as opposed to the 50 KM/H suggested previously. 281 M &C2010 -369 Page 3 Staff is recommending the currently posted speed limit of 50 KM /H remain for Segment 3. The TAC evaluation suggests a 60 KM/H speed limit but this analysis does not account for the high traffic volume, number of lane maneuvers potentially required by a motorist, the hill close to the Loch Lomond/McAllister intersection from the eastbound approach, and the high concentration of motor vehicle accidents described in the next paragraphs. Staff also reviewed the history of motor vehicle accidents (MVA) on Loch Lomond Road as requested by Council. Data was gathered between January 1 and September 22, 2010. A total of 113 MVAs were reported on the municipal section from Bayside Drive to the Airport Arterial. As a benchmark, approximately 4% of the 2896 reported MVAs that occurred throughout the entire City over the same time frame were on Loch Lomond Road whereas this street makes up less than 2% of the overall length of City streets. The data on the two maps presented later in this report indicate the approximate locations of each of the 113 MVAs on Loch Lomond Road. Trending current MVA data based on attributes such as exact location and contributing factors to the accident (for instance if speed was a factor) is not presently available. The readily available `location' information is approximate only and is often identified as a close -by landmark such as an intersection; the clustering of MVAs around intersections on the following maps for instance does not necessary mean all the accidents were at the actual intersection. As well, not all accidents are reported to Police and the data does not account for near misses. The Traffic Division of the Saint John Police Force has recognized the need for more readily available data that can be used to measure trends and is currently implementing an electronic system that will provide this data in the future. 282 l / McAllister ickey Segment 3 Segment 2 Linda r(. Segment 1 Loch Lomond l Approximate Locations of O Individual Motor N t Vehicle Accidents Ba side in 2010 282 M &C2010 -369 Page 4 Airport Arteria Segment 4 , N Loch Lomond Approximate Locations of O Individual Motor ickey Vehicle Accidents in 2010 A number of amendments to the Traffic By -Law require Council's approval to implement these speed limit changes. These amendments include: • Adding Loch Lomond Road with limits of Linda Court to 300 metres west of McAllister Drive to Schedule M -1 (60 KM /H Speed Limits). • Adding Loch Lomond Road with limits of 300 metres east of Hickey Road to Evergreen Avenue to Schedule M -1 (60 KM/H Speed Limits). • Deleting from Appendix A (Speed Limits on Provincial Highways) the following: Loch Lomond Road with limits Kane's Corner to St. Anne's Street (50 KM/H), Loch Lomond Road with limits St. Anne's Street to Greenwood Street (70 KM /H), Loch Lomond Road with limits Greenwood Street to 1/2 mile east (50 KM /H), and Loch Lomond Road from above point to Evergreen Avenue (70 KM /H). These sections of Loch Lomond Road are no longer Provincial responsibility and therefore should be removed from this Appendix to reflect Municipal responsibility. An additional entry in Appendix A for Loch Lomond Road (limits of Evergreen Avenue to St. Martin's Road) should remain in the By -Law as this section of the road is still under Provincial responsibility and is already listed with a 60 KM /H speed limit. • Other than the recommended amendments listed above, no additional Traffic By -Law amendments are required to reflect the recommended speed limit of 50 KM/H from Bayside Drive to Linda Court and from McAllister Drive to Hickey Road (other than to reflect the limits of 300 metres west of McAllister Drive to 300 metres east of Hickey Road). RECOMMENDATION 283 M &C2010 -369 Page 5 Staff recommends that Council amend the Traffic By -Law as detailed in this report and that this be referred to the City Solicitor to be put in proper form and translated. Respectfully submitted, J. M. Paul Groody, P. Eng. Commissioner Municipal Operations & Engineering J. Patrick Woods, CGA City Manager 284 M & C — 2010 -364 November 5, 2010 His Worship Mayor Ivan Court and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Harbour Clean -Up — Sewer Lift Station #3 BACKGROUND: At its meeting of 30 March 2009 Common Council adopted a number of resolutions recommended in M &C 2009 -60 relating to the City's proposed acquisition of real property rights for the Harbour Clean -Up project, a portion of which includes Sewer Lift Station #3 (SLS #3). At that time SLS #3 was planned to be constructed on PID # 348094 (Irving Oil Limited), with pipelines to and from it constructed on PID # 55061717 (Bayside Realties Limited). During discussions with the landowners, the City was asked to relocate the placement of SLS #3 and during such discussions there were a number of transfers of title of the properties under consideration, resulting in new ownership of some of the properties and the retirement of PID # 55061717 into a new PID # 55200380. There are now 2 PID #'s under consideration as follows: PID # OWNER(S) 55164214 Irving Oil Limited 55200380 Fort Reliance Company Ltd., Highlands Operations Limited, Irving Oil Operations Limited, and Irving Oil Operations G.P. The land ownership and PID #'s of the properties now under consideration for SLS #3 are no longer those described in the resolutions adopted by Common Council under M &C 2009 -060. Therefore in order to enable the City to proceed with Notices of Entry for the properties now under consideration, Common Council would have to adopt further resolutions in that regard. 285 Report to Common Council Page 2 November 5, 2010 RECOMMENDATION: That the Common Council adopt the following resolutions: I. Resolved that it continues to be the objective of The City of Saint John to construct Harbour Clean Up Project Sewer Lift Station # 3 together with the associated ingress & egress, force mains, and gravity sewers on, in and through portions of PIDs 55164214 and 55200380 which shall follow generally the alignment set out on the plan titled Sanitary Lift Station # 3 And Associated Piping dated September 03, 2010 prepared by Crandall Engineering Limited (the "Crandall Plan) a copy of which is attached to M &C 2010 -364. Il. Be it further resolved that: (a) the City Solicitor or his designate be authorized to commence and proceed with the expropriation process to acquire access and title to the lands required to permit the construction and operation of Harbour Clean Up Project Sewer Lift Station #3 along the alignment shown generally on the Crandall Plan, a copy of which is attached to M &C 2010 -364; and, (b) Common Council hereby appoint each of CBCL Limited and Crandall Engineering Ltd. — Engineering, Surveying, Design, Project Management, Environmental Permitting Work; deStecher Appraisal Ltd. - Appraisal Services; Kierstead, Quigley & Roberts Ltd. — Surveying, Line Cutting; Hughes Surveys & Consultants — Surveying, Line Cutting; Conquest Engineering Ltd. — Geotechnical Analysis and Reporting; W &S General Contractors - Environmental Soil Investigation if required, the City's agents to make surveys, take levels, and make such borings, sink such trial pits or conduct such other tests as are necessary to ascertain suitability of the lands to be expropriated for the construction and operation of Harbour Clean Up Project Sewer Lift Station #3; and (c) Common Council hereby authorize entry by its employees and by its said agents upon the lands to be expropriated for the construction and operation of Harbour Clean Up Project Sewer Lift Station #3. I1I. Be it further resolved that: (a) the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute a Notice of Entry pursuant to the provisions of the Expropriation Act, Chapter E -14, RSNB 1973 and amendments thereto and the Regulations thereunder with respect to each property on which Clean Up Project Sewer Lift Station #3 shall be located and through which the associated force mains and gravity sewer shall run, such notice to advise that the City, its employees and its named agents intend to enter upon the properties in question commencing not earlier than November 15, 2010, and continuing as necessary but in no event later than August 31, 2012 for the purpose of conducting activity to determine the suitability of the lands for the purposes of Harbour Clean Up Project Sewer Lift Station #3; and 286 Report to Common Council November 5, 2010 Page 3 (b) the City Solicitor or his designate arrange that such Notice of Entry be given in accordance with the requirements of the Expropriation Act. IV. Be it further resolved that the City Manager be directed to proceed to negotiate the acquisition by agreement, all land interests required in connection with the proposed Harbour Clean Up Project Sewer Lift Station #3 to a maximum of 125% of appraised values. Respectfully submitted, Ken Forrest, MCIP, RPP Commissioner Planning and Development J. Patrick Woods, CGA City Manager Pw /P 287 i s zigg W } 1' - c M & C — 2010 -374 November 5, 2010 His Worship Mayor Ivan Court and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Harbour Clean -Up — Crown Street Area BACKGROUND: At its meeting of 30 March 2009 Common Council adopted a number of resolutions recommended in M &C 2009 -60 relating to the City's proposed acquisition of real property rights for the remainder Harbour Clean -Up project beyond the Lift Station #4 Project. These resolutions covered the area between Crown Street, the Courtenay Bay Causeway, Marsh Creek, and Thorne Ave. At that time the exact properties in this area that would be affected by the Harbour Clean -Up Project had not yet been identified. The design engineers have now determined that PID's 00017426, 00018358, 00424234, 00017434, 00018762, and 00018747 will be affected by the reconfiguration and upgrading of sanitary sewers in this area. Some of the timelines for Notice of Entry contained in the resolutions recommended in M &C 2009 -60 that were adopted by Common Council on 30 March 2009 have since lapsed. In order for the design engineers to complete their design in this area, and for the property acquisition process to commence, Notices of Entry are required and consequently Common Council should adopt further resolutions in that regard. 289 Report to Common Council Page 2 November 5, 2010 RECOMMENDATION: That the Common Council adopt the following resolutions: I. Be it confirmed and resolved that it is continues to be the objective of The City of Saint John to construct the remainder of the Harbour Clean Up Project, being the 22 sewer lift stations listed on Table 5.1 attached to M &C 2009 -060, together with the associated force mains and gravity sewers which shall follow generally the alignment set out on the overall plan prepared by CBCL, a copy of which is submitted with M &C 2010 -374 II. Be it further confirmed and resolved that: (a) the City Solicitor or his designate be authorized to commence and proceed with the expropriation process to acquire access and title to the lands required to permit the construction and operation of the remainder of the Harbour Clean Up Project along the alignment shown generally on the overall plan prepared by CBCL, a copy of which is submitted with M &C 2010 -374; and, (b) Common Council hereby appoint each of CBCL Limited and Crandall Engineering Ltd. — Engineering, Surveying, Design, Project Management, Environmental Permitting Work; deStecher Appraisal Ltd. - Appraisal Services; Kierstead, Quigley & Roberts Ltd. — Surveying, Line Cutting; Hughes Surveys & Consultants — Surveying, Line Cutting; Conquest Engineering Ltd. — Geotechnical Analysis and Reporting; W &S General Contractors - Environmental Soil Investigation if required, the City's agents to make surveys, take levels, and make such borings, sink such trial pits or conduct such other tests as are necessary to ascertain suitability of the lands to be expropriated for the construction and operation of the remainder of the Harbour Clean Up Project; and (c) Common Council hereby authorize entry by its employees and by its said agents upon the lands to be expropriated for the construction and operation of the remainder of the Harbour Clean Up Project. III. Be it further confirmed and resolved that: (a) the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute a Notice of Entry pursuant to the provisions of the Expropriation Act, Chapter E -14, RSNB 1973 and amendments thereto and the Regulations thereunder with respect to each property on which the remainder of the Harbour Clean Up Project shall be located and through which the associated force mains and gravity 290 Report to Common Council November 5, 2010 Page 3 sewer shall run, such notice to advise that the City, its employees and its named agents intend to enter upon the properties in question, being PID's 00017426, 00018358, 00424234, 00017434, 00018762, and 00018747, commencing not earlier than November 15, 2010, and continuing as necessary but in no event later than August 31, 2012 for the purpose of conducting activity to determine the suitability of the lands for the purposes of the remainder of the Harbour Clean Up Project; and (b) the City Solicitor or his designate arrange that such Notice of Entry be given in accordance with the requirements of the Expropriation Act. IV. Be it further confirmed and resolved that the City Manager be directed to proceed to negotiate the acquisition by agreement, all land interests required in connection with the proposed remainder of the Harbour Clean Up Project to a maximum of 125% of appraised values. Respectfully submitted, Ken Forrest, MCIP, RPP Commissioner Planning and Development J. Patrick Woods, CGA City Manager Attachments PW /P 291 Description of Plan: Crown Street, Causeway, Union Street area location N PID: 17426, 18358, 424234, 17434, 18747, 18762f 55208516 Date: November 04, 2010 292 _i 3 g�TGM °� 4 GR 2 O % y OKNE 3 MILLIDGEVILLE WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY RANDOLPH Qw S.L.S. #33 A44CK ORiVE r6 �E � bn R, a r± NOCONARU aME�4 tr ROAD COURT '1104 a qrR A Y1: d RpgRS MAD Sr . m 5. war ROpD °° z �.. .. �O Qps 0 _ r R�•.t - r b _i 3 g�TGM °� 4 GR 2 O % y OKNE 3 MILLIDGEVILLE WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY RANDOLPH Qw S.L.S. #33 A44CK ORiVE r6 �E � bn R, a r± 1� G 1�: g0� DOMINION PARR WOOOWPRO R Yil AN e a vp ypR� G SRCOp s o sx�� ARE CGU� BOArrs H� R� MILLIDGEVILLE .J °O Rfi9n oLO 5*N , RO PD ?OAST �pY yCELLY LANE MATTME�N JACK STREET LRNE S� RJ GGg�uRF s w 4 d� Np H £ G yo. 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Z coqFEP 1 _ ' • ^. f it p PLYMOUTH MANOR '•� b�-K LEOVRU COURT S ,- • �.:.1. r'3: � rr wad. % cV w v y \ s w NOR�N WtcMOREa Gt, 2NGR sPV cT Ge'P ..£: L 4y e = RP r'( SY``' % 'g"� `r', Bo, Cin 4PSt F M o g a s j ¢ 3NC pp�E s POKIOK R Gs t GZ YNaR c RTv R P n� o- TIJRNPULLPL4 GW' A 7{�z2 YA-F �'G< 'YS, r- 1�1�+ {y+'r cE z FGUUS UT. ��sc' �F� fief• u / o F P Ali -NUE :" ,gARAY F =d g0 � GCY $� " 3 �1 S.L. # S� 2 SAINT JOHN RIVER F o yS [tOPD g��gy4 �Eft A / O f/ 5 D � p BPLMnRPL P� � o AN SIX vS19UgN � fn uN f G w Hi � RIVER 4 eR Q. eFN �q`,Ge MIDLFORL.r µtGN�'Np RqG p S.L.S. #32 RDA9 a y h FRAn/ps EAST SIDE LDGHSIOE LN. w o- 'off r ° c� s � c �� v yVU`` MgRiFL '2 m N rF fy ee `r 'St' � n 6 S G 4 LEGVDN ELG PSETM c m SrRFFT fi¢ sy G�W�l S.L.S. #4 P A GDN¢E� P VACT�R Rpa R� "H�E� s`9 THORNE AVENUE O CT. CT. 00", o �x 4, U ,' r� a Ss gP SY ; NEVINS I{ANOvER j w G{7RMq� w.4. a2 SIP c" a ' '2C- t" 4 y PPEET ACCti v m`� LANE 4�E VETERANS CHEVRON., ,VpAO d Ny J" '� N Gr c : �� ?�F o 4' 41' 4°c cysT MIDULE cuNCTdN ouNCfla YISART .STREET (e CULLODEN LANE NL o WSARi STREET ,c iER4t F q5 _a6 S sl AQ sF 3 SFnRS x s V F W Q cK e gs G� cccor ouNCaRIN cr STREET CR 'R 5� rC SO An STREET R y� SrR JAS X44}' _S r BRYDEN ST. ThG RU- y�¢@,, 4,¢O `" as °. STEPHEN'S PARK W "ON7gOME �' 5� G`YP� `w `Cl Gl � PAUL HAFRS ST. POIfIOI( CT STREET 5TREE7 NeN ^aN a �pOR = e w Agoa y ° o° rc R qy DO/r r ti w t O O` S :n rn VIaCRIA ST' w � f7n11�V{!fS SSR�` F� 0 #22 NO RTH o �Rr ER R STATION �, w t STR EES L S #7 n -e a ^7cn e sr S� ay ytP�E� uNw ssR r END N N ELLIOT ROW N C°RL`�N t9 MAMMOND ° Wp(tING MpW'd.r. ++ .STREET },—ptti R S a [Ii ° -s m -s' � 0'N oSt. _' -;. c SIRES a ,��., cM o o :'•0.v Ilzwgi '.. STREET s v r;9Rf}y WAIN in ri `W} , 3 S E o w � S.L.S. �ry a REE 0 z a �' d S KING w gR &3 #23 1hclg,io V, STREET N N llNVON SY N. MFpx� NORSQUpRE K k' o a S L #14 x o MFR �NG H r P1610 i a 01N < $ e GN{ �G10 P so . -- c AA DAYSIDE S.L.S. #2 S.L.S. #3 W cWj . .$. Tp N s�9 GErN r COURTENAY BAY', LARfl� LONG SMYTHE STREET �R ��„ SET N KENNrcpY ° m FORT 0 *f7PSt"I<- MKS Sou ARE o- PE LaTOIJR FOfi RE M MFRA<ES cMURCN 7pEEt q�p NOf1S ti J PgAAE �, . •tom ORp{aCE rn S.L.S. #10A P E F ` ��' I � YY CENTER a 3 W MD S.L.S. #24 3 4 CHESLEY DRIVE A RE J S.L.S. #8 y o' �xyy^►��� �EDxFNB�RG CROWN STREET HARBOLR '� � ' . •. � NORSN STREET Of1YV't W V, 3 v `� g17EEN a EEN AiyOREWS ,�~ TCFr v ^d �QC„� SgNPRE �.. - STREET F 1 srT TEL W:5 n q, 4 ° a pn�rN P . MaRD1 +G g OeA Ross' f. s COVE Loo h LOWER U .PVENUE - J 1� I S.L.S. #9 ggGF VEW �R�NSNp WATER STREET'` }��UT SLIMMER SOUTH BAY ME DRIVE f _ ��� •ice , i ^l ..�5 'i' G n�OD4 S.L.S. �qT�o yam' N �w Sp n<< F WEST SIDE vri oP0 LL N F d ° r S.L.S. N GOfp eT STREET 1�e CAVEq S.L.S. �e LOWER' WEST SIDE. S.L.S. P`if}' pG 4 vS 4 Q h ter 2 #30 n Sr �1'cgs ��� D�` y/ hp °R� Y . ' 6,'. { "�• 1VE57 4p, -, '�6 #.y �'` � . • t,.. `►s, -L�"' �T r � �� � �asrER �c� � �s� S� sr a °s� �w to yZ 'l � �yf �` � _ • �'� i � r - F =o D. °3 5 '.ire "'1 f .1-• - ?"aLiir „µ•'� ^Y rt'4' r' • -r I�a�.. t oa`e, ��,` �'�y`�" q srRE� sw �G �gw a �`► ,. °r i.w'it� of �..�, y v 2 o B LI Ts ��2 GLpSE WtConsu"g C CL MI E „,.y� S, � .. sF.-- a' ,a -- •:;;1�' �+@ T ° 0 f i' 4k �' R w� Engln�'ers A �w eL. ' g _. joEt.4� _:- y a� i5` r y� i `F'• HNp MANCI.ESTEU' �:....,., -- _ .. o�� SR rOU Ca N�1G M u gyp- .n... �� .•, fl W �T � r � o N .c>_ � tv' °n,F Jw 9TH. G'�On,_ � G � y'�- .cin 7t” NyLGAN '�. LEGEND PROPOSED FORCEMAIN PROPOSED GRAVITY SEWER SAINT JOHN HARBOUR CITY OF SAINT JOHN WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM F "h y i CITY OF SAINT JOHN Q� 4 Mtpy� D 1• r n� �c q r- �v a - 1 4 ,•" G¢ DLD BLACK Rye gPi 510E S.L.S. #1 U�- S.L.S. #50 x' EASTERN WASTEWATER TREATMENT , FACILITY Y� rc tr ROAD GREEN MERD '1104 S Sr . 1� G 1�: g0� DOMINION PARR WOOOWPRO R Yil AN e a vp ypR� G SRCOp s o sx�� ARE CGU� BOArrs H� R� MILLIDGEVILLE .J °O Rfi9n oLO 5*N , RO PD ?OAST �pY yCELLY LANE MATTME�N JACK STREET LRNE S� RJ GGg�uRF s w 4 d� Np H £ G yo. 'o, g� F °doh 2O� IAe ROCKWOOD PARK ff y - ✓ v `w p F W 'rc `9 off' v fr "yf `t w pfyl'pi sP 1`a ..'}.'� �_ C�+..r'•' rk KYLE LgNE a� Q ca '?` � ' r;' ' °I o aw TFR,p °a ¢ - _ °.>,` ' - -_ ci vqi BONE ' I Rq- 17i., .�5r1[ ad•..:1 ' 3» ^7:.:.y.. 3 tAPN 1 a f P¢ STREEf " aGE' o- cy w ti K�( CR ,4 x MpNq T DN SgTUgiPFS! F C5pg 0 DaRR M= " sOR r l RiEEf 7 - '• e �..,�'i .� e - r '�°' . _ 1 �i ,u � w _ - J sh 9 RiNC PIyG�N =0 °CRESCENT gyG J U! Z coqFEP 1 _ ' • ^. f it p PLYMOUTH MANOR '•� b�-K LEOVRU COURT S ,- • �.:.1. r'3: � rr wad. % cV w v y \ s w NOR�N WtcMOREa Gt, 2NGR sPV cT Ge'P ..£: L 4y e = RP r'( SY``' % 'g"� `r', Bo, Cin 4PSt F M o g a s j ¢ 3NC pp�E s POKIOK R Gs t GZ YNaR c RTv R P n� o- TIJRNPULLPL4 GW' A 7{�z2 YA-F �'G< 'YS, r- 1�1�+ {y+'r cE z FGUUS UT. ��sc' �F� fief• u / o F P Ali -NUE :" ,gARAY F =d g0 � GCY $� " 3 �1 S.L. # S� 2 SAINT JOHN RIVER F o yS [tOPD g��gy4 �Eft A / O f/ 5 D � p BPLMnRPL P� � o AN SIX vS19UgN � fn uN f G w Hi � RIVER 4 eR Q. eFN �q`,Ge MIDLFORL.r µtGN�'Np RqG p S.L.S. #32 RDA9 a y h FRAn/ps EAST SIDE LDGHSIOE LN. w o- 'off r ° c� s � c �� v yVU`` MgRiFL '2 m N rF fy ee `r 'St' � n 6 S G 4 LEGVDN ELG PSETM c m SrRFFT fi¢ sy G�W�l S.L.S. #4 P A GDN¢E� P VACT�R Rpa R� "H�E� s`9 THORNE AVENUE O CT. CT. 00", o �x 4, U ,' r� a Ss gP SY ; NEVINS I{ANOvER j w G{7RMq� w.4. a2 SIP c" a ' '2C- t" 4 y PPEET ACCti v m`� LANE 4�E VETERANS CHEVRON., ,VpAO d Ny J" '� N Gr c : �� ?�F o 4' 41' 4°c cysT MIDULE cuNCTdN ouNCfla YISART .STREET (e CULLODEN LANE NL o WSARi STREET ,c iER4t F q5 _a6 S sl AQ sF 3 SFnRS x s V F W Q cK e gs G� cccor ouNCaRIN cr STREET CR 'R 5� rC SO An STREET R y� SrR JAS X44}' _S r BRYDEN ST. ThG RU- y�¢@,, 4,¢O `" as °. STEPHEN'S PARK W "ON7gOME �' 5� G`YP� `w `Cl Gl � PAUL HAFRS ST. POIfIOI( CT STREET 5TREE7 NeN ^aN a �pOR = e w Agoa y ° o° rc R qy DO/r r ti w t O O` S :n rn VIaCRIA ST' w � f7n11�V{!fS SSR�` F� 0 #22 NO RTH o �Rr ER R STATION �, w t STR EES L S #7 n -e a ^7cn e sr S� ay ytP�E� uNw ssR r END N N ELLIOT ROW N C°RL`�N t9 MAMMOND ° Wp(tING MpW'd.r. ++ .STREET },—ptti R S a [Ii ° -s m -s' � 0'N oSt. _' -;. c SIRES a ,��., cM o o :'•0.v Ilzwgi '.. STREET s v r;9Rf}y WAIN in ri `W} , 3 S E o w � S.L.S. �ry a REE 0 z a �' d S KING w gR &3 #23 1hclg,io V, STREET N N llNVON SY N. MFpx� NORSQUpRE K k' o a S L #14 x o MFR �NG H r P1610 i a 01N < $ e GN{ �G10 P so . -- c AA DAYSIDE S.L.S. #2 S.L.S. #3 W cWj . .$. Tp N s�9 GErN r COURTENAY BAY', LARfl� LONG SMYTHE STREET �R ��„ SET N KENNrcpY ° m FORT 0 *f7PSt"I<- MKS Sou ARE o- PE LaTOIJR FOfi RE M MFRA<ES cMURCN 7pEEt q�p NOf1S ti J PgAAE �, . •tom ORp{aCE rn S.L.S. #10A P E F ` ��' I � YY CENTER a 3 W MD S.L.S. #24 3 4 CHESLEY DRIVE A RE J S.L.S. #8 y o' �xyy^►��� �EDxFNB�RG CROWN STREET HARBOLR '� � ' . •. � NORSN STREET Of1YV't W V, 3 v `� g17EEN a EEN AiyOREWS ,�~ TCFr v ^d �QC„� SgNPRE �.. - STREET F 1 srT TEL W:5 n q, 4 ° a pn�rN P . MaRD1 +G g OeA Ross' f. s COVE Loo h LOWER U .PVENUE - J 1� I S.L.S. #9 ggGF VEW �R�NSNp WATER STREET'` }��UT SLIMMER SOUTH BAY ME DRIVE f _ ��� •ice , i ^l ..�5 'i' G n�OD4 S.L.S. �qT�o yam' N �w Sp n<< F WEST SIDE vri oP0 LL N F d ° r S.L.S. N GOfp eT STREET 1�e CAVEq S.L.S. �e LOWER' WEST SIDE. S.L.S. P`if}' pG 4 vS 4 Q h ter 2 #30 n Sr �1'cgs ��� D�` y/ hp °R� Y . ' 6,'. { "�• 1VE57 4p, -, '�6 #.y �'` � . • t,.. `►s, -L�"' �T r � �� � �asrER �c� � �s� S� sr a °s� �w to yZ 'l � �yf �` � _ • �'� i � r - F =o D. °3 5 '.ire "'1 f .1-• - ?"aLiir „µ•'� ^Y rt'4' r' • -r I�a�.. t oa`e, ��,` �'�y`�" q srRE� sw �G �gw a �`► ,. °r i.w'it� of �..�, y v 2 o B LI Ts ��2 GLpSE WtConsu"g C CL MI E „,.y� S, � .. sF.-- a' ,a -- •:;;1�' �+@ T ° 0 f i' 4k �' R w� Engln�'ers A �w eL. ' g _. joEt.4� _:- y a� i5` r y� i `F'• HNp MANCI.ESTEU' �:....,., -- _ .. o�� SR rOU Ca N�1G M u gyp- .n... �� .•, fl W �T � r � o N .c>_ � tv' °n,F Jw 9TH. G'�On,_ � G � y'�- .cin 7t” NyLGAN '�. LEGEND PROPOSED FORCEMAIN PROPOSED GRAVITY SEWER SAINT JOHN HARBOUR CITY OF SAINT JOHN WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM F "h y i CITY OF SAINT JOHN Q� 4 Mtpy� D 1• r n� �c q r- �v a - 1 4 ,•" G¢ DLD BLACK Rye gPi 510E S.L.S. #1 U�- S.L.S. #50 x' EASTERN WASTEWATER TREATMENT , FACILITY Y� REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL OPEN SESSION M &C2010 -371 November 3, 2010 His Worship Ivan Court and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT City Market Management Request for Proposals Results and Recommendation BACKGROUND City of Saint John At the April 12, 2010 meeting of Common Council, the following resolution was passed: "RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager, staff prepare a Request for Proposals for third party management of the City Market ". ANALYSIS RFP Description In May and June of 2010, staff prepared the Request for Proposals (RFP) document which clarified many aspects of the contract and incorporated various areas where staff saw the need for improvement based on staff s experience over the past five (5) years with third party management. Feedback from a Merchant Survey that was completed in February 2010 was also integrated into the RFP. Lastly, the RFP incorporated concerns and comments that members of Council communicated during a discussion which occurred at the Committee of the Whole meeting on April 12, 2010. Some of the changes and improvements that were included in the RFP are as follows: 1) Leasing and tenancy management of City Market Tower space; 2) Quarterly and annual reporting of City Market activities; 3) Sales trend identification and analysis; 4) Expanded hours of work to six days per week, plus Sundays and holidays when the City Market is open; 294 M &C 2010 -371 Page 2 of 11 City Market Management Request for Proposals Results and Recommendation 5) Expectations regarding availability of Deputy Market Clerk; 6) Development of a City Market interpretation program; 7) Tracking and analysis of traffic through the City Market; 8) Improvement of communication for coordination of activities between the Deputy Market Clerk's office, staff, and merchants; 9) Implementation of a means to gather feedback and input from merchants, visitors, and customers of the City Market; and 10) Focus on moving toward achieving the Vision of financial sustainability. This part of the RFP is described herein as "Part A — Management Services" and is a service comparable (with the above -noted changes /improvements) to that of which the City has received over the past five (5) years. In addition to the general management services requested in the RFP (i.e. Part A), staff also wanted to explore the potential of having the same third party organization provide building operations and maintenance services for the City Market. As such, staff included a Part B in the RFP for "Operational Management / Building Maintenance Services ". The RFP was structured such that proponents had the option to bid on only Management Services (Part A) or on both the Management Services and the Operational Management / Building Maintenance Services combined (Part A + Part B). Proponents were required to provide their fee proposal for Part A as well as a separate fee breakout for the combined service (Part A + Part B). This would provide staff the information required to evaluate the financial and operational implications of both potential scenarios. RFP Process The Request for Proposals (RFP) was first released to the public on July 23, 2010 and closed on August 12, 2010 (2010- 092203P). The RFP was publicly advertised on the City of Saint John's website, emailed directly to various management companies who provide these types of services, and to all members of the Building Owners and Managers Association of New Brunswick (BOMA NB). Four (4) organizations attended a pre -bid meeting which was held on August 3, 2010 to explain the RFP and to clarify any questions that the proponents had related to the RFP. An addendum to the RFP was released to the public on August 6, 2010, which provided responses to all questions asked during the pre -bid meeting. Only one bid was received at the time of the closing on August 12, 2010. This bid was for Part A of the RFP only. Upon review of the proposal submission, it was determined that the bid was non - compliant since it did not include a signed copy of the addendum which is a requirement outlined in the RFP. As such, the one and only bid was disqualified. On August 23, 2010 the RFP was released to the public for the second time (with only minor changes), using all the same methods of distribution as described above (2010- 092205P). The 295 M &C 2010 -371 Page 3 of 11 City Market Management Request for Proposals Results and Recommendation RFP closed on September 9, 2010 with only one compliant bidder, Drummond Consulting Ltd. Their proposal was for Part A only. The proposal submission from Drummond Consulting Ltd. was reviewed initially by staff of Materials Management and was found to be formal and complete in all respects. The proposal was submitted using a two envelope system (i.e. financial proposal submitted in an envelope separate from the technical proposal). The technical proposal was then forwarded to a four - person evaluation committee consisting of two Facility Management staff, and two business people from outside the City organization. The proposal was evaluated independently against requirements and criteria outlined in the RFP. After individual assessments of the proposal, the evaluation team met on September 16, 2010 to discuss the proposal submitted by Drummond Consulting Ltd. During this meeting, the evaluation team formulated questions which would be used as the basis of an interview session with the proponent. On October 1, 2010, the evaluation team and staff from Materials Management interviewed Drummond Consulting Ltd. to allow them to respond to the questions that arose from the meeting of the evaluation committee and to elaborate on various aspects of their proposal submission. Him hts of Proposal from Drummond Consulting Ltd. In reviewing the proposal submitted by Drummond Consulting Ltd. (DCL), the evaluation committee agreed that it was clear that they understood the Vision for the City Market as adopted by Common Council in 2004. Furthermore, DCL understood the objectives presented in the RFP, which included: maintaining the direction of the Vision; achieving financial self - sufficiency; providing a seamless delivery of service; and improving transparency and accountability of the management of the City Market. The evaluation team felt DCL illustrated in their proposal that their proposed team has the experience and expertise to fulfill the scope of work in its entirety (i.e. Part A). Their team has a combined experience of over 30 years in property management, retail leasing, and commercial marketing. The primary members of their proposed team are: David Drummond, the project Principle; Maureen Hayes, the City Market Manager; and a new hire (to be hired if DCL's proposal is successful) who will fulfill the role of Assistant Market Manager. Almost as important as the team's past experience in property management, retail leasing, and commercial marketing is their direct involvement with the City Market over the past five (5) years. DCL was able to demonstrate that they have gained invaluable knowledge of the City Market operations over the last five years and are eager to build on this knowledge to take the City Market to the next level. The evaluation committee considered this significant in their ability to provide a seamless delivery of service to merchants /tenants, visitors, customers, and staff. 296 M &C 2010 -371 Page 4 of 11 City Market Management Request for Proposals Results and Recommendation The scope of work presented in the proposal submission of DCL responded to various changes and improvements that staff incorporated into the RFP based on learning's over the past five years, comments from Common Council, and the merchant survey that was completed in early 2010 as previously mentioned. Presented in the table below are some of the highlights summarized from DCL's proposal that respond to these changes and improvements. Description Inclusion of leasing services Improved reporting Improved accountability Existing Contract • Leasing is separate service paid under separate invoice (approximately $18,000 per year on average) • City Market Tower excluded from management contract • No requirement for formal reporting to staff • No annual report presented to Common Council • No quantifiable performance measures in place to gauge success of City Market and/or value of management team 297 FA • Leasing services included in fee for management services • Formalizing and management of City Market Tower leases included • Implementation and administration of new leasing software included • Monthly progress reports to staff • Detailed reports to staff on quarterly basis • Annual report and presentation to Common Council • Refer also to "Improved accountability" below to see some of the items that will be reponea on • Implementation and administration of new leasing software which will capture sales data and other information from merchants • Implementation and analysis of visitor traffic counts • Reporting on marketing and promotions plans • Month to month sales analysis • Year over year sales analysis • Regional sales and revenue analysis and comparison • Development of a baseline for sales, traffic, customer service, and other quantifiable performance indicators • Development of annual targets for sales, traffic, customer service, and other quantifiable performance indicators M &C 2010 -371 Page 5 of 11 City Market Management Request for Proposals Results and Recommendation Description Existing Contract Proposed Change / Improvement Improved • Management presence on -site • Management staff will be on -site availability generally limited to Tuesday during all normal business hours through Saturday and during peak times • Principle does not maintain a • City Market Manager's hours on- regular schedule for being on -site site will be Tuesday through (available 24/7 by cell Saturday (8:30am to 4:30pm) and phone /email, and present as will be on call 24/7 required) • Assistant Market Manager will • City Market Manager does not be on -site on Mondays, as well as have a cell phone Sundays and Holidays when the City Market is open • Principle will be on -site a minimum of one day per week and be available 24/7 via cell phone and email • City Market Manager and Assistant Manager will have cell phones for 24/7 access • City Market land line will prompt callers to press a number to be connected to the cell phone of the appropriate person Implementation • Currently does not exist • Development and of City Market implementation of a historical interpretation interpretation program for the program City Market Implementation . Currently does not exist • Electronic door counters to be of traffic installed by the City of Saint counting and John analysis • Establishment of baseline and analysis of visitor traffic counts (e.g. evaluate the success of marketing, promotional events, etc.) Improved • Communication with • Development and communication merchants /tenants generally as implementation of "vendor- only" and required portion of website coordination • Email newsletter sent to • Distribution of weekly subscribers, including merchants memorandums to advise of and staff upcoming events • Communication and coordination • Continue email newsletter with staff accomplished mostly distribution through memorandum, which can . Implement bi- annual meetings be awkward and inefficient with merchants to solicit 298 M &C 2010 -371 Page 6 of 11 City Market Management Request for Proposals Results and Recommendation Description Existing Contract Proposed Change / Im rovement feedback and communicate progress • Hold bi- weekly meetings with City staff • Meet with City staff on quarterly basis to present progress report • Develop direct liaison with on- site staff and hold weekly meetings to communicate upcoming events and requirements Implementation No formal method exists to • Develop and implement methods of feedback receive feedback and input from to solicit feedback from visitors mechanisms visitors, customers, and/or and customers using a variety of merchants mediums • Implement bi- annual meetings with merchants to solicit feedback and communicate progress Work towards • New lease agreements have • Continue to negotiate leases financial moved towards market value towards market value sustainability • DCL does not have access the • Evaluate the potential to operating expenses for the City negotiate "Triple Net" form lease Market agreements (i.e. tenant pays a portion of operating costs) • Review operating costs with the City of Saint John to suggest ways in which we can continue to improve the efficiency of our operations • Development of a long term plan to achieve financial self- sufficiency Inclusion of • Promotions Fund administered • Administration of Merchant administration on behalf of the tenants by Association included in fee for of Merchant appointed three (3) person management services (i.e. no Association merchant executive who work separate fee to be paid) with management to implement marketing and programming campaign • Administration fee paid under separate invoice for this service ($7,200 per ear) Inclusion of • DCL manages and administers • Administration and management 299 M &C 2010 -371 Page 7 of 11 City Market Management Request for Proposals Results and Recommendation Description Existing Contract Proposed Change / Improvement administration contract of third party cleaning of third party cleaning company and company hired to clean the included in fee for management management of solarium and washrooms during services solarium prime business hours • Third party cleaning costs to be cleaning • Administration fee paid by the rolled into existing Supply City of Saint John for this service Agreement and paid by the City of Saint John directly (i.e. no administrative fee) Additional • Development of a formal and improvements transparent process for the selection/approval of new merchants and products • Continue to enhance website, Twitter use, and other similar media • Implement strategies to attract customers to the City Market on "slower" days (e.g. discount coupons, etc.) • Engage retail and design specialists to consult with management and merchants to renew display and merchandising presentation Interview Session Some highlights of the interview session with Drummond Consulting Ltd. include: • Learning more of David Drummond's involvement as Operations and Marketing Manager with Kitchener Farmers' Market in Ontario, as well as his extensive experience (over 25 years) in retail property management, marketing, and leasing • Confirming that most leases are expiring over the next five years which will allow us to renegotiate rates to move closer to the goal of financial self - sufficiency • Understanding some of the gaps in bench merchants (e.g. health food, portrait artist, knife sharpening, etc.) that will be sought after should DCL be awarded the contract • Understanding DCL's perspective on how potential new merchants are evaluated (local first, New Brunswick products, unique products, owner /operators, etc.) • Presenting some ideas for potential future entertainment (e.g. music, high school production, Imperial Theatre previews, readings, etc.) all with keeping the City Market fresh in mind • Presenting some ideas for potential future special events and programs (e.g. herb feature, other food related events, Smart Food TV, etc.) all with keeping the City Market fresh in mind 300 M &C 2010 -371 Page 8 of 11 City Market Management Request for Proposals Results and Recommendation • Learning more about how DCL plans to benchmark certain performance indicators such as sales, traffic, etc. using new technology that will be implemented at the City Market and how targets and realistic timelines will be developed on a go forward basis to evaluate the success of the City Market and the value of the management team • Understanding how the proposed new position of Assistant Market Manager would add value to the management of the City Market, including covering all hours that the City Market is open, assisting with administrative duties, assisting coordinating promotions and special events, managing bench signage and product display, analyzing sales and traffic data, freeing up time of City Market Manager for more community involvement and other higher level activities /planning, etc. • Hearing DCL's top five priorities should they be awarded the contract, namely: 1) sales reporting; 2) marketing plan development; 3) traffic analysis; 4) historical interpretation tour; and 5) long term leasing plan The evaluation team was very satisfied with DCL's response to all of the questions during the interview session and agreed that DCL illustrated that their proposed team has the experience, expertise, confidence, and the enthusiasm required to continue to achieve success at the City Market. Furthermore, it was apparent to the evaluation team that DCL understood the objectives of the City of Saint John and the Vision for the City Market. It was very evident through the enthusiasm that was conveyed during the interview session, that DCL is excited to take the City Market to the next level with fresh ideas and new strategies. Financial Considerations Staff evaluated the option of hiring new in -house permanent staff to fulfill the scope of work outlined in the RFP as opposed to continuing with the third party management arrangement. As staff has learned over these past five years with third party management, the number of hours alone that are dedicated to managing the City Market are equivalent to the hours of two (2) fulltime employees, especially considering the changes and improvements that have been identified and incorporated into the RFP. Based on consultation with staff from the City of Saint John Human Resource Department, the cost for in -house staffing would be approximately $162,000 (including salary and fringe benefits) for qualified employees to offer a similar level of expertise and experience offered by the current model. It is unlikely that the necessary skill set and expertise is available in -house currently, therefore the City would have to recruit externally. In addition to the cost of salaries, the City of Saint John would have to retain the services of a third party leasing specialist to negotiate lease agreements as required. The cost of this service could amount to as much as $25,000 per year or more depending on the number and complexity of leases that require renewal. In total, it is estimated that the cost of providing in -house management services would amount to approximately $187,000. This compares to a lump sum fee of $135,000 as provided in the financial proposal of Drummond Consulting Ltd. As presented above, having in -house staff provide management services has a cost estimated at almost 40% higher than that provided by third party management for the same level of service. In addition to the financial implication, staff believes that it would be unlikely to fmd staff that would possess all of the skill sets required to manage the City Market and maintain the level of service that is currently realized with third party management. These skill sets would include, 301 M &C 2010 -371 Page 9 of 11 City Market Management Request for Proposals Results and Recommendation but not be limited to, marketing, customer service, community involvement, leasing, sales, merchandising, and more. In addition, a third party management organization, such as DCL, has access to a number of outside resources which offer further expertise as required. An in -house staff person may not have these resources or there would an additional cost associated with accessing these resources. Two (2) permanent staff (both new hires) would be required at a minimum to cover the hours of operation of the City Market alone (open six days per week, and some Sundays and Holidays). The third party management arrangement offers more flexibility to cover for vacations, illness, and other absences as well as to work holidays and other hours outside a typical work week since they have more resources to draw upon and more discretion when scheduling hours /days of work. Having in -house staff perform this role would not be as flexible and may result in lack of coverage at the City Market in some cases. The City Market is a unique retail facility, and even with a good skill base, it would take time to become familiar with its operations, tenants, and clientele. Hiring new staff would result in a learning curve, and potentially a decline in the level of service currently provided at the City Market, at least for eight months to a year, although the exact timeframe is difficult to predict. It would also require additional time from existing resources within the Facility Management Division during the learning phase, and likely beyond. Merchant Input It is important to consider that the results of the Merchant Survey completed in early 2010 clearly favoured third party management to City staff management. In fact, based on the results of the survey, merchants, on average, were satisfied with the third party management structure at the City Market. Two thirds of respondents of the survey indicated that third party management is preferable to City management when it comes to responding flexibly and dynamically to opportunities that may arise. 78% of merchants who operated at the City Market prior to 2005 and who have experienced both City staff management and third party management, preferred the third party. As previously mentioned, staff used the information gathered from the Merchant Survey to develop changes and improvements that were incorporated into the RFP. Conclusion With consideration of the key points presented above, staff is confident that the right direction for the City Market management is via a third party arrangement, and not to revert to its management through in -house personnel. The existing base contract with DCL over the past five (5) years totaled $88,000 per year. In addition to this amount, leasing services have been provided for an average of approximately $18,000 per year. Administration of the Merchant's Association was provided at an additional cost of $7,200 per year. This amounts to a grand total of $113,200 per year (excluding HST). Due to various changes and improvements requested in the RFP, the above -noted original contract amount has been increased in the current proposal to $135,000, which includes leasing 302 M &C 2010 -371 Page 10 of 11 City Market Management Request for Proposals Results and Recommendation services, administration of the Merchant's Association, and excludes HST. The difference of $21,800 includes a six (6) percent increase in the contract value that was awarded five years ago as well as the addition of a new Assistant Market Manager position for a minimum of 20 hours per week. Staff believes that this increase is reasonable from the standpoint of inflation over the past five years and due to the added value the proposed new Assistant Market Manager position would bring to the City Market. The City of Saint John will also get the benefit from the other changes and improvements described in this report. In following the evaluation process, City staff is confident that the recommendation stemming from the evaluation committee is based on sound evaluation and judgment. Furthermore, based on staff experience with DCL over the past five years and DCL's response to the RFP, including changes and improvements summarized in this report, the evaluation committee believes the proponent has the necessary skills, expertise, and resources to perform the work as outlined in the RFP. Input from Other Sourees The Legal Department of the City of Saint John has reviewed the RFP, the proposal submitted by DCL, and this report and has drafted the Contract for Management Services, which has been attached to this report as Appendix B. The proposed duration of the Contract is five (5) years with an option to extend an additional two (2) years, followed by the option to extend a further two (2) years. Staff from the Human Resource Department of the City of Saint John provided input with respect to staffing and salaries during the preparation of this report. RECOMMENDATION Your City Manager recommends: (1) That the City accept Drummond Consulting Ltd's proposal dated September 8, 2010 submitted in response to Request for Proposal 2010- 092205P — Management Services Saint John City Market; an (2) That the City enter into an Agreement with Drummond Consulting Ltd. in the form and upon the terms and conditions as attached to M &C2010 -371 for Management Services for the Saint John City Market; and (3) That the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the said agreement. Respectfully submitted, Amy Poffenroth, P. Eng., MBA 303 M &C 2010 -371 Page 11 of 11 City Market Management Request for Proposals Results and Recommendation Deputy Commissioner Buildings and Inspection Services Patrick Woods, CA City Manager 304 APPENDIX A Sample List of Interview Questions 305 List of Interview Questions (emailed to Proponent on September 16, 2010) Staffing: ■ Should you be awarded the Contract, when would you commit to having someone in place for the Assistant Manager role? Leasing: • Specifically what leases are coming due over the next five years? • What is the financial value of this service? ■ Elaborate on your ideas for the development of a long term Strategic Leasing Plan? Bench Merchandising: • What is the current mix of bench tenants? • What is the mix of Saturday tenants? • What is working and what is not (and why)? • Where are the gaps? • What are some of your ideas for new tenants? • What is the market offering for new /interesting products, etc.? Promotions: • Comment on opportunities for year round entertainment? • What are some of your specific ideas for future promotions and/or themed events? Tourism: ■ What are some of your ideas on the development /implementation of a historical interpretation program for the City Market? Reporting / Performance Indicators: • On what specific indicators would you measure the success of the City Market? • What are some of your preliminary targets and timelines for these performance indicators? • What would a realistic timeline be to achieve financial self sufficiency and what are the key considerations of this being reality? • How would you go about soliciting feedback from the public? References: ■ Can you provide a reference from a past client? General: ■ What would be your top five (5) priorities once the Contract is awarded? 306 APPENDIX B Contract for Management Services 307 AGREEMENT This Agreement made in duplicate copies this day of November, 2010 _J: BY AND BETWEEN: THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN, having its City Hall at 15 Market Square, Saint John, New Brunswick, a body corporate by Royal Charter, confirmed and amended by Acts of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of New Brunswick, hereinafter called the "City" OF THE FIRST PART And DRUMMOND CONSULTING LTD., a company duly incorporated under the laws of the Province of New Brunswick, having its head office in the City of Saint John, in the County of Saint John and Province of New Brunswick, hereinafter called the "Company" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the City issued a Request for Proposal, 2010- 092205P for Management Services of the Saint John City Market (the "Request for Proposal "); and AND WHEREAS the Company submitted a proposal dated September 8, 2010 in response to the Request for Proposal (the "Proposal "); and AND WHEREAS the City and Company agreed to additional terms and conditions through negotiations which took place after the Company submitted the Proposal (the "Additional Terms and Conditions ") AND WHEREAS the Request for Proposal, the Proposal, the Additional Terms and Conditions and the Vision for the City Market, as adopted by Council on April 5, 2004, are attached hereto as Schedules "A", "B ", "C" and "D" respectively and form part hereof; and AND WHEREAS the Common Council of the City of Saint John at its meeting held on November 8, 2010 resolved to accept the Company's Proposal; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSED, that in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein and subject to the terms and conditions set out in the Request for Proposal, the Proposal and the City Market Vision, the parties for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns respectively, mutually agree as follows: 1. The Company shall perform the services and carry out the terms and conditions set out in the Request for Proposal, the Proposal, the Additional Terms and Conditions and the City Market Vision. 308 2. The City shall pay the Company, in return for the services performed, One Hundred and Thirty -Five Thousand Dollars plus HST per annum during the term, payable in 12 equal monthly installments, commencing December 1, 2010. Term 3. The terms of this Agreement is five (5) years, commencing December 1, 2010, and terminating on November 30, 2015. Renewal 4. (a) If the Company duly and regularly performs the services and observes the terms, conditions and covenants herein contained and on its part to be kept, performed and fulfilled, the City will not later than three (3) months before the expiration of the term hereof, offer to the Company a Renewal Agreement for a period of two (2) years subject to the same terms, conditions, and covenants as are herein contained and such offer shall be in writing addressed and mailed post pre -paid and registered to the Company at 12 Pitt Street, Sussex, New Brunswick. (b) The City, in like circumstances, will offer to the Company in writing one ftwther renewal for a term of two (2) years subject to the same terms, conditions and covenants as are herein contained, except that the last renewal shall not contain covenant or privilege for renewal of the within Agreement for a further term. Termination 5. The City may immediately terminate this Agreement upon giving notice to the Company where: a. The Company makes an assignment for the benefit of its creditors, is declared bankrupt or commits an act of bankruptcy, becomes insolvent, makes a proposal or otherwise takes advantage of provisions for relief under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada)or similar legislation in any jurisdiction, or any other type of insolvency proceedings being commenced by or against the Company under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) or similar legislation; b. The Company breaches any of the terms or conditions of the within Agreement; c. In the City's reasonable opinion, the Company, prior to or after executing this Agreement, makes a material misrepresentation or omission or provides materially inaccurate information to the City; d. The Company undergoes a change of control which, in the reasonable opinion of the City, adversely affects the Company's ability to satisfy some or all of its obligation under the within Agreement; e. The Company subcontracts for the provision of part or all of the services without first obtaining the written approval of the City. The above rights of termination are in addition to all other rights of termination available at law, or events of termination by operation of law. 309 Performance 6. Both parties agree to do everything necessary to ensure that the terms of this Agreement take effect. Non - Performance 7. The failure on the part of either party to exercise or enforce any right conferred upon it under this Agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any such right or operate to bar the exercise or enforcement thereof at any time or times thereafter. Indemnification 8. Notwithstanding any clauses herein, the Company does hereby indemnify and save harmless the City from all damages, causes, claims, expenses, demands, actions, suits or other proceedings by whomsoever claimed, made, brought or prosecuted in any manner and whether in respect of property owned by others or in respect of damage sustained by others based upon or arising out of or in connection with the performance of this Agreement or anything done or purported to be done in any manner hereunder, except for damages caused by the City's negligence. Remedies 9. Upon default by either party under any terms of this Agreement, and at any time after the default, either party shall have all rights and remedies provided by law and by this Agreement. 14. No delay or omission by either party in exercising any right or remedy shall operate as a waiver of them or of any other right or remedy, and no single or partial exercise of a right or remedy shall preclude any other or further exercise of them or the exercise of any other right or remedy. Furthermore, either party may remedy any default by the other party in any reasonable manner without waiving the default remedied and without waiving any other prior or subsequent default by the defaulting party. All rights and remedies of each party granted or recognized in this Agreement are cumulative and may be exercised at any time and from time to time independently or in combination. Mediation 11. All disputes arising out or in connection with this Agreement, or in respect of any legal relationship associated with or derived from this Agreement, shall be mediated pursuant to the National Mediation Rules of the ADR Institute of Canada, Inc. Despite this Agreement to mediate, a party. may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction or other competent authority for interim measures of protection at any time. The place of mediation shall be the City of 'Saint John and Province of New Brunswick. Force Majeure 12. It is agreed between the parties that neither party shall be held responsible for damages caused by delay or failure to perform his undertakings under the terms of the Agreement when the delay or failure is due to fires, strikes, floods, acts of God, lawful acts of public authorities, or delays or defaults caused by common carriers, which cannot be reasonably foreseen or provided against. No Assignment 13. This Agreement is not assignable. Any attempt to assign any of the rights, duties or obligations of this Agreement is void. Time 310 14. This Agreement shall not be enforced, or bind any of the parties, until executed by all the parties named in it. Notices 15. Any notice under this Agreement shall be sufficiently given by personal delivery or by registered letter, postage prepaid, mailed in a Canadian post office and prepaid courier, addressed, in the case of notice to the City of Saint John, to the Common Clerk, 15 Market Square, P. Q. Box 1971, Saint John, New Brunswick, E2L 4L1 and in the case of notice to the Company to 12 Pitt Sreet, Sussex, NB E4E IJ1, or to any other address as may be designated in writing by the parties, and the date of receipt of any notice by mailing shall be deemed conclusively to be 5 days aver the mailing. Reference to Prior Agreement 16. This Agreement supersedes and takes the place of all prior agreements entered into by the parties with respect to the Management of the City Market and the services the Company shall provide to the City therefor. Amendments 17. No change or modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless it is in writing and signed by each party. Acknowledgment of Terms and of Entirety 18. It is agreed that this written instrument embodies the entire agreement of the parties with regard to the matters dealt with in it, and that no understandings or agreements, verbal or otherwise, exist between the parties except as expressly set out in this instrument. Further Documents 19. The parties agree that each of them shall, upon reasonable request of the other, do or cause to be done all further lawful acts, deeds and assurances whatever for the better performance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Validity and Interpretation 20. Descriptive headings are inserted solely for convenience of reference, do not form part of this Agreement, and are not to be used as an aid in the interpretation of this Agreement. 21. It is intended that all provisions of this Agreement shall be fully binding and effective between the parties, but in the event that any particular provision or provisions or part of one is found to be void, voidable or unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, then the particular provision or provisions or part of the provision shall be deemed severed from the remainder of this Agreement and all other provisions shall remain in full force. Governing Law 22. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of New Brunswick. Successors, Assigns 23. This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding on the respective successors and assigns of each of the parties. 311 Independent Legal Advice 24. The parties each acknowledge having obtained their own independent legal advice with respect to the terms of this Agreement prior to its execution. Acknowledgment of Receipt of Copy 25. Each party acknowledges receipt of a true copy of this agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have affixed their respective corporate seals, attested by the hands of their respective officers duly authorized in that behalf on the day aforementioned. SIGNED, SEALED & DELIVERED } In the presence of } } } ) ) } } 312 THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN per Mayor Common Clerk Common Council Resolution: DRUMMOND CONSULTING LTD. Per: Presid t Mayor and Council I am writing this letter to follow up the letters that I sent to council on May 13 and May 31 regarding the flooding of my basement in August 2009. (both letters are attached). I am also sending a copy of the letter that we received from the insurance company cancelling the coverage of sewage backup on our insurance along with what they require to be done in order to have our insurance reinstated. In July, we received a letter from Brent McGovern, (also attached) saying that they were not going to do anything for us. That even though they have put back - up valves on for other citizens, that they are not doing it for us because they don't do it anymore. Many private companies are installing the back up devices in our city Furthermore they tell us that they don't know what caused the flooding but we should hire at our expense, a private contractor to video and inspect the lines. They also insinuate that we had disturbed the drain tiles when we put in our pool (which we put in 10 years ago). We have had it checked and have been told that our drainage system is ok. We have only flooded after these 2 storms in August 2009. At that time we were contacted by Mr. Groodys office because they were doing a study on why several houses in our area had flooded for the first time during these storms. As you can see in our previous letters, we feel that the clear cutting for the sub - division off of Summit Drive is the cause. After talking to Councillor Bruce Court, we were informed that Mr. Groody had told him that the old infrastructure of our 60 year old subdivision could not handle the increase of the additional housing projects. We are not satisfied with the response that we received from Mr. McGovern. We sent our letters to council, not to Mr. Groody or Mr. McGovern. The cost of such an undertaking should be decided only by council and a reply by the city manager. We would appreciate a vote from Council. We feel that what was caused by the City should be fixed by the City and not at our expense. Cc. Whelly and Kelly Thank You Terry Evans 400 To Mayor and Council My name is Terry Evans. My family and I have lived at 191 Lakewood Ave. in Lakewood Heights for the last 11 years. The house that we live in was built in 191. Last August, for the first time in 58 years, our finished basement flooded on 2 different occasions. Not with water, but with sewage backup. We had approximately 15 thousand dollars in damages. Our insurance company covered the damage but when our policy came up for renewal, they cancelled our coverage. The only way that they will reinstate it, is if we have a "four -inch, full port, backwater valve" installed into our entrance pipe. After doing research recently for something else, we found that many homes on Lakewood, Lakeview, Willie and Riley Streets have flooded in the last year. Most of them for the first time. It doesn't take a genius to come to the conclusion that the construction of the new houses off of Summit Drive as caused the problem. First the clear- cutting of the hill behind Willie Ave. and secondly, the storm sewer system running at capacity during a rainstorm. During the peak of the storm, the lift station at David Street is at its maximum. With the trees gone, the run off has nowhere to go so it backed up into our basement. When the rain subsided, the sewer system went back to running normal but left us devastated. We lost so many things that cannot be replaced. We should not have to worry every time that it rains. The contractor has made statements in the paper that he would be responsible for any damages. I think that since my flooding problem is the direct result of this build that either the contractor or the city should be responsible for having this valve installed, since this through no fault of my own. I look forward to hearing from you. Terry Evans 401 Wage 1 of 1 Debbie Evans From: "Debbie Evans" <tevansn609 @rogers.com> To: <fvan.court @saintjohn.ca> Cc: <step hen, chase @saintjohn.ca >; < christopher .titus @saintjohn.ca >; <bill,farren @saintjohn.ca >; <peter.mcguire@saintjohn.ca >; <gary.sullivan @saintjohn.ca>; <patty.higgins @saintjohn.ca >; <carl.killen @saintjohn.ca >; <donnie.snook@saintjohn.ca >; <bruce.court@saintjohn.ca >; <joe. mott @saintjohn.ca> Sent: May-31-10 12:42 PM Subject: basement flooding with sewage I am writing this letter as a follow up to the letter that 1 wrote to counsel on May 13th regarding the sewer backing up (twice) into our basement in August last year. We requested that the city or the contractor, install a backup valve on our fine to stop this from happening again. Because of a request by Mr. Chase to check into this, a gentleman named Mr. Rice came to our home to find out what had caused the problem. We thought that this would be quite easy to do since, (a) our home is 60 years old and had never flooded before and (b) a contractor has clear cut the hill behind us to build 15 new houses (so far) and all of a sudden we have sewage backing up into our basement. Mr. Rice came to the conclusion that it was a mystery to him. He said that they had checked the pipes and they were plastic and that water could not get into them. While Mr. Rice was here, they flushed out the pipes and said that there was no problem, yet when they flushed out the pipes, both our upstairs and downstairs toilets had water spray out of them. Also a mystery to Mr. Rice. After talking to some members of the water and sewage dept. and a plumber, some of the mysteries have been solved. They said that there are MANY ways for water to get into the lines in an old infrastructure. For example, some of the pipes in our sub - division have concrete sections attached to plastic pipe. They have had to dig up and repair some sections on connecting streets where the concrete has been worn and damaged. Since ail the lines connect, water can easily get into the lines. Another example is,some people years ago attached their drain tiles into the main lines, this could cause water to get into the lines as well. The only way to find out HOW would be to dig up all of the lines and I am sure that the city doesn't want to do that. We can't tell you HOW it happens, but we can tell you that it DOES happen and we don't want it to happen anymore. Mr. Rice said that if they installed a backup valve that it would DEFINITELY solve our problem but that they can't because if they did they would have to do it for everyone. The gentlemen from the water and sewage dept said that they install them all the time if it is the cities problem. That it takes only a day to do_ So why are they not doing it for us. When we went to counsel a few weeks ago regarding another developer wanting to build houses on the other side of us, we were assured that any problems would be looked after. If this is how you look after us I am VERY concerned for further development. We pay a lot for taxes and we pay a lot for water and sewerage. We are paying for a service and we expect to get service. We would like to have peace of mind that whenever it rains we are not going to have our belongings floating in sewer. I don't think that this is too much to ask for. We would appreciate your help with this. Thank You Terry Evans 402 31 /05 /2010 Mitchell McConnell Insurance Ltd, 660 Rothesay Avenue, Saint John NB E21-1 21-14 Telephone : (506) 634 -7200 Fax : (506) 633 -1858 February 2, 2010 Terry & Debbie Evans 191 Lakewood Ave. Saint John, NB E2J 3P2 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Evans: Reference: Homeowners Policy PER003563767 I am writing in regards to your homeowner's policy which renews March 13, 2010 Your company, AXA Insurance, has advised the renewal has been issued excluding sewer backup coverage due to the sewer backup loss dated August 30, 2009. You will be receiving your renewal shortly. In order for the coverage to be added back on an open or closed backflow must be installed by a professional plumber. Proof of same should be provided. If a sump pump only is installed, coverage will remain excluded. Please complete and return the attached sewer backup questionnaire. We appreciate your business and thank you for your attention to this matter. Yours truly, f ,'z Alice McLeod Mitchell McConnell Insurance Ltd 403 Preventative Measures The best protection available for a dwelling is the installation of a back flow valve (may also be called a back water, check or gate valve). There are two types — "normally open" and "normally closed ". Both can be very effective in preventing sewer back -up losses. However, installation of the `normally closed' variety may be impractical or not permitted by building code in some situations. This is why AXA Insurance recommends the use of the "normally open" back flow valve. "Normally Open" Valves • How they work: This valve is installed on the main dwelling drain. The valve remains open allowing drainage of water from the residence until a backward flow of waste water causes the valve to close. Once closed, no water /waste can enter the dwelling. When the water pressure has subsided, the valve will return to its original `open' position until another back flow occurs. • Normally open valves are approved by Ontario Building Code (item, and Canadian National Plumbing Code (item 4.6.4). • Normally open valves are easier to install and maintain because only one valve is required on the main dwelling drain. • Most municipalities require building permit for installation. NEIRMAL FLDW REVERSAL Re'sidenee 0-at to Convenient homeowner access Allows a cimulati, of air through plumbing system Vent Main IStack aloe Has built -in main Alf branches of sewer cleanout plumbing system protected 404 " Normall y Closed" Valves How they work: These valves are installed on each individual branch drain or fixture. The valve remains closed until waste outflow from the residence pushes it open. Once the outflow has passed, the spring - loaded valve closes again until the next outflow. • Normally Closed valves may not be approved by building or plumbing code in all areas. • Installation is more complex and potentially more expensive since a valve is required on each branch drain/fixture. Sump Pits / Pumps_ Sump pits and pumps may be installed in unfinished basements, or basements with a raised floor. Waste water that has backed up from the main building drain will feed into the sump pit and then be pumped out and away from the house under the lawn, connecting to the curb drain hole on the street. Given that the sump pump works on electrical power, many now come with battery backup in case of power failure. Sump pits /pumps do not prevent sewer back -up losses as do back flow valves; they only direct water back out of the dwelling after a back -up has occurred. While sump pumps are an effective measure in reducing the amount of damage in a sewer back -up loss, they do not prevent the loss itself. Consequently, AXA's requirement remains that a back flow valve be installed for continuation of sewer back -up coverage on risks that have experienced a sewer back -up loss. tA ,fit 5 3- .4 ea' Y 405 July 15, 2010 Mr. Terry Evans 191 Lakewood Avenue Saint John, NB E2J 3P2 RE: Basement Flooding Events Dear Mr. Evans: We are writing in response to your letter where you noted that you have lived at 191 Lakewood Avenue in Lakewood Heights for the last 11 years and that last August for the first time in 58 years your finished basement was flooded on 2 separate occasions. You further noted that the insurance company covered the damage but when your policy came up for renewal, your coverage was cancelled and the only way that they will reinstate your insurance is if you have a "four inch, full port, backwater valve" installed into the entrance pipe. We are also writing in response to your email of May 31, 2010. In response to the issue and concerns you have brought forward much work has been completed in an attempt to understand the two back -ups that you have experienced and the possible cause of them. An inflow and infiltration study that had been completed in your area to determine the extent of combined sewers and condition of sewers was reviewed. This study involved a thorough investigation of the sewers complete with smoke testing. The study reported that it did not reveal any sources of inflow; roof leaders, foundation drains, combined sewers or direct or indirect storm connections into the sanitary sewer on Lakewood Avenue however it does note that there are some manholes on the street that have the potential for infiltration. Through a site visit completed by Mr. Rice it is understood that your drain which leads from the bottom of your basement floor is tied directly into the sewer lateral which leads to the sanitary sewer system. You also reported you had a backwater valve installed on the drain lateral. As you further communicated to Mr. Rice it is also understood that your foundation drains go out the back of the house, as they were disturbed and discovered while you were digging to install an above - ground pool. SAINT JOHN RO. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 I www.saintjohn.ca I C.R 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada E2L 4Li 406 Mr. Terry Evans July 15, 2010 Page 2 Wastewater which collects and flows to the wastewater lift station at David Street has functioned as designed and the station is complete with an overflow pipe which also functions as designed. In some correspondence you had made reference to this facility; please note that if there was ever an issue at the wastewater lift station it would by -pass to the overflow pipe. Secondly if the wastewater lift station was a contributing factor to flooding then all other homes lower (at lower elevation) on Lakewood Avenue as well as those on David Street, McNamara Court, a portion of Summit Drive and a portion of Lakeview Drive would be impacted and experience sewer back -ups before it ever made its way into your home. As all of these homes are connected to the same sanitary system that your home is connected to and they are all at lower elevations. On December 3, 2009 because of the fall 2009 flooding events, video work of the sanitary sewer was completed from Lakeview Drive up to the end of Lakewood Avenue. From the video it was evident the pipe was in good condition and it is all newer PVC pipe. While there was some minor debris within the pipe it was typical of what can be found in a wastewater collection system and was not causing an obstruction. The debris was flushed and removed and the next day the sewer was once again videoed which demonstrated debris had been successfully removed. The storm water system was evaluated and found to be operating as designed. Storm water flow from the development off Summit Drive is designed to be collected into the piped system. In 2008, a storm sewer upgrade (300mm to 450mm) to the existing storm sewer on Summit Drive, from Dolly Drive to Willie Avenue was completed. This new 450mm storm sewer connects to the existing 900mm storm sewer which runs down Willie Avenue onto Riley Avenue and eventually discharges to an existing low lying wetland. There are no determined sources of inflow or infiltration identified that would permit storm water flow to enter into the sanitary system resulting in flooding issues on Lakewood Drive. A review of the fall flooding events and the data base created shows no pattern of flooding or indication of systemic system issues in your area, any flooding appears to be isolated cases. MOVING FORWARD The manholes on the street that have the reported potential for infiltration will be attended to and improvements made. With respect to backwater valve the City of Saint John no longer installs backwater valves as we follow the latest edition of the Canadian Plumbing Code (section 4.6.4(1) and 4.6.4(2) (see attached) which recommends that backwater valves should not be installed on the building sewer or drain unless necessary but instead should be installed on fixture drains or branch lines connected to the sewer (when the fixture is located below the level of the adjoining street). In other words, the backwater valve should be installed on fixtures in the basement or on a branch line where a backflow may occur; for instance on a branch line of a bathroom located in the basement of a house or any other 407 Mr. Terry Evans July 15, 2010 Page 3 branch lines in your basement that are connected to your sewer lateral. The reason for no longer continuing with the past practice of installing the backwater valves outside is that they are very difficult to maintain when installed underground and if not maintained can themselves become an obstacle that can lead to lateral blockages, Hence the Canadian Plumbing Code recommends that they be installed in the home and as such can be properly maintained. In accordance with the Plumbing Code it is recommended that you take the appropriate steps to install a backwater valve on your fixture drains /branch lines (that are located below the level of the adjoining street) that connect to your sanitary sewer lateral. While we understand you believe your drain tile runs out the back of your home, it is also recommended that you complete routine maintenance on your sewer lateral by hiring a private contractor to video and inspect your sanitary sewer lateral to ensure there are no foundation drain connections or any other possible sources of storm water infiltration. For your information and reference we have enclosed a City of Saint John Information Bulletin titled "Measures to Reduce the Risk of Basement Flooding from Rainfall Runoff', If there are any questions or if you would like to discuss further the above please contact one of the undersigned at 658 -4455. Yours truly, Cl — Brent M overn, P. Eng. Deputy Commissioner, Saint John Water c. P. Groody, P.Eng. J. Howley, P.Eng, M. Hugenholtz, BEng. 408 /��z Kevin Rice, B.Sc., C.E,T. Deputy Commissioner, Municipal Operations