2010-07-05_Minutes--Procès-verbal95 -374 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 5TH, 2010 /LE 5 JUILLET 2010 COMMON COUNCIL MEETING THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN CITY HALL JULY 5, 2010 6:45 P.M. Present: Ivan Court, Mayor 1. Call To Order Prayer 2. Approval of Minutes 2.1 Minutes of June 14, 2010 Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillors Court, Farren, Higgins, Killen, McGuire, Mott, Snook, Sullivan, and Titus and A. Beckett, Deputy City Manager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor; G. Yeomans, Commissioner of Finance and Treasurer; B. McGovern, Deputy Commission Saint John Water; J. Hamilton, Deputy Commissioner of Planning and Development; L. MacDonald, District Fire Chief; D. Parks, Police Inspector; E. Gormley, Common Clerk and J. Taylor, Assistant Common Clerk. SEANCE DU CONSEIL COMMUNAL DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN TENUE A L'HOTEL DE VILLE, LE 5 JUILLET 2010 A 18 H 45 Sont presents Ivan Court, maire le maire suppleant Chase et les conseillers Court, Farren, Killen, McGuire, Mott, Snook, Sullivan et Titus et la conseillere Higgins 1. Ouverture de la seance, suivie de la priere et A. Beckett, directeur general adjoint; J. Nugent, avocat municipal; G. Yeomans, commissaire aux finances et tresorier; B. McGovern, commissaire adjoint de Saint John Water; J. Hamilton, commissaire a I'urbanisme et au developpement; L. MacDonald, chef du service d'incendie; D. Parks, inspecteur de police; ainsi que E. Gormley, greffiere communale, et J. Taylor, greffier communal adjoint. Mayor Court called the meeting to order and Family and Community Minister Catherine Bonham, offered the opening prayer. La seance est ouverte par le maire Court, et la ministre du culte Catherine Bonham recite la priere d'ouverture. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor Killen RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of Common Council, held on June 14 2010 be approved. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 2. Approbation du proces- verbal 2.1 Proces- verbal de la seance tenue le 14 juin 2010 Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller Killen RESOLU que le proces- verbal de la seance du conseil communal tenue le 14 juin 2010 soit approuve. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 95 -375 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 5TH, 2010 /LE 5 JUILLET 2010 2.2 Minutes of June 21, 2010 On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor Killen RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of Common Council, held on June 21st, 2010 be approved. 2.2 Proces- verbal de la seance tenue le 21 juin 2010 Question being taken, the motion was carried. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller Killen RESOLU que le proces- verbal de la reunion du conseil communal tenue le 21 juin 2010 soit approuve. 3. Approval of Agenda approved. soit adopte. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the agenda of this meeting be Question being taken, the motion was carried. 3. Adoption de I'ordre du jour Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que I'ordre du jour de la presente seance A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest The City Solicitor declared a conflict of interest with item 5.8 Engagement of Engineering Consultant 4. Divulgations de conflits d'interets L'avocat municipal declare un conflit d'interets avec le point 5.8 Embauche d'un ingenieur- conseil 5. Consent Agenda (The City Solicitor withdrew from the meeting) 5.1 That the Teed letter dated June 28 2010, regarding the history of the "Sloven wagon be referred to the Destination Marketing Organization. 5.2 That the Ketchum letter dated June, 2010, thanking the Mayor and Council Members for support of the University Commons Project, be received for information. 5.3 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M C 2010 232: Proposed Public Hearing Date 4361 Loch Lomond Road, refer the rezoning application for 4361 Loch Lomond Road to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation, and schedule the public hearing for Tuesday, August 3, 2010 at 7:00 pm in the Council Chamber. 5.4 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M C 2010- 231: Stop -Up and Close Portion of St. James Street, the public hearing for the consideration of the passing of a By -law to Stop Up and Close an approximately 358 square metre portion of a public street known as St. James Street, be set for Monday August 16, 2010 7:00 pm in the Council Chamber. 5.7 Refer to item 14.1 5.8 Refer to item 14.2 95 -376 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 5TH, 2010 /LE 5 JUILLET 2010 5.5 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M C 2010- 236: Control No. 2009 -35 Woodward Avenue Pressure Reducing Valve and Chamber Renewal, the contract No. 2009 -35, be awarded to the low tenderer, Fairville Construction Ltd., at the tendered price of $283,856.00 as calculated based upon estimated quantities, and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents. 5.6 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M C 2010- 226: Design and Construction Management: Westmorland Road (Westmorland Mall to Kervin Road) Roadway Reconstruction, the proposal from Terrain Group Inc. for engineering services (design and construction management) for Westmorland Road (Westmorland Mall to Kervin Road) Roadway Reconstruction, be accepted and that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the appropriate documentation. 5.9 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M C 2010- 234: Council authorize the additional supply and installation of a fourth variable frequency drive to be completed under Contract 2009 -21: Lancaster Lagoon Waste Water Treatment Facility standby Diesel Generator and Variable Frequency Drives and that the Contract award value be increased by $59,099 (including HST) to $810,549. 5.10 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M C 2010- 228: High Efficiency Motors Lancaster Waste Water Treatment Facility (RFP No. 2010- 610501P), the proposal for the supply of four (4) High- Efficiency Motors submitted by CEI Electrical at a cost of $28,400 plus tax be accepted. 5.11 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M C 2010- 229: Tender for Splash Pads and Skating Rink Flemming Court and Rainbow Park, the tender No. 2010- 081203T: Splash Pads and Skating Rink Flemming Court and Rainbow Park, be awarded to the low bidder, Piscines Soucy Inc., at the tax included tendered price of $1,732,984.10 and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents. 5.12 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M C 2010- 233: Accessibility Upgrade Peter Murray Arena, the tender No. 2010- 081204T: Accessibility Upgrade Peter Murray Arena, be awarded to the low bidder, John Flood Sons, at the tax excluded tendered price of $30,636.00. 5.13 That the letter, from Bernard LeBlanc, President and CEO of Saint John Airport Inc., dated June 15, 2010, responding to the letter from Eric Teed regarding recognition of the contributions of Wallace Turnbull to aviation history, be received for information. 5.14 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report Re: Sale to James Linda Enterprise Inc., the City of Saint John convey to James Linda Enterprise Inc. the land now designated by PID number 55207450 upon the same terms and conditions (save except closing date) contained in the Agreement of Purchase Sale submitted with M C 2010 -189 and that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to sign any necessary documents. 5.15 Refer to item 14.3 5.16 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report Re: Rural Roads Upgrade Project, the City of Saint John pay, to a maximum of $500.00 per property, any mortgagee's administration discharge fee incurred to secure title for the City in the Rural Roads Upgrade Project. 5.17 Refer to item 14.4 5.18 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report Re: Contract Amendment Aliant Ethernet Services Schedule, the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to sign the contract for service as submitted. 5.19 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report Re: Yearly Discount Program with Bell Aliant, the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to sign the contract for service as submitted. 95 -377 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 5TH, 2010 /LE 5 JUILLET 2010 5.20 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report Re: Purchase of Licences for Microsoft Software, the Common Council authorize the enrollment into an agreement with Microsoft Corporation to provide licensing of software as provided for in the submitted agreement with Microsoft Corporation. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the recommendation set out for each consent agenda item respectively with the exception of items 5.7 Friends of Rockwood Park and SPRNG Letter; Sandy Point Rd Planning Study; 5.8 Engagement of Engineering Consultant; 5.15 Sale of Land in Rockwood Park; 5.17 Teed Letter: Support for Saint John Blood Processing Laboratory which have been identified for debate, be adopted. Question being taken, the motion was carried. (The City Solicitor reentered the meeting) 5. Questions soumises a ('approbation du conseil (L'avocat municipal quitte la reunion.) 5.1 Que la lettre de M. Teed du 28 juin 2010 concernant I'historique du haquet soit transmise a ('Organisation de marketing de destinations. 5.2 Que la lettre de R. Ketchum, datee de juin 2010, remerciant le maire et les membres du conseil de leur appui au projet des aires communes de I'Universite soit acceptee a titre informatif. 5.3 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -232 Date prevue d'une audience publique relativement au 4361, chemin Loch Lomond, la demande de rezonage du 4361, chemin Loch Lomond, soit transmise au Comite consultatif d'urbanisme aux fins de rapport et de recommendation, et que la date de ('audience publique soit fixee au mardi 3 aoCit 2010 a 19 h dans la salle du conseil. 5.3 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -231 Fermeture et barrage d'un trongon de /a rue St. James, le conseil communal fixe la date de ('audience publique relative a ('adoption d'un effete en vue de fermer et de barrer un trongon d'environ 358 metres carres de la rue St. James, rue publique, au lundi 16 aoCit 2010, a 19 h, dans la salle du conseil. 5.5 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -236: Contrat 2009 -35, relatif au renouvellement de /a valve et de /a chambre de detente de pression de l'avenue Woodward, le contrat 2009 -35 soit accorde au soumissionnaire le moins disant, Fairville Construction Ltd., au prix offert de 283 856 calcule selon les quantites estimatives, et que le maire et la greffiere communale soient autorises a signer les documents contractuels necessaires. 5.6 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -226: Gestion de /a conception et de /a construction du chemin Westmorland (du centre commercial Westmorland au chemin Kervin) refection de /a chaussee, la proposition presentee par Terrain Group Inc. relative aux services d'ingenierie (gestion de la conception et de la construction) pour les travaux de refection du chemin Westmorland (du centre commercial Westmorland au chemin Kervin) soit acceptee, et que le maire et la greffiere communale soient autorises a signer la documentation exigee a cet egard. 5.7 Voir le point 14.1 5.8 Voir le point 14.2 5.9 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -234 Le conseil autorise /a livraison supplementaire et ('installation d'un quatrieme mecanisme d'entrainement a frequence variable dans le cadre du contrat 2009 -21 Installation de traitement des eaux usees de Lancaster— Generatrice diesel autonome et mecanismes d'entrainement a frequence variable et que /a valeur du contrat augmente de 59 099 (y compris /a TVH) pour atteindre /a somme de 810 549 95 -378 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 5TH, 2010 /LE 5 JUILLET 2010 5.10 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -228: Moteurs a haut rendement Installation de traitement des eaux usees de Lancaster (DP 2010-610501P), la proposition relative a la livraison de quatre (4) moteurs a haut rendement soumise par CEI Electrical au coCit de 28 400 plus taxe soit acceptee. 5.11 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -229 Soumission relative aux fontaines a jets douchants eta une patinoire de la cour Flemming et du parc Rainbow, soumission 2010- 081203T, la soumission soit accordee au soumissionnaire le moins disant, Piscines Soucy Inc., au prix offert de 1 732 984,10 taxe comprise, et que le maire et /a greffiere communale soient autorises a signer les documents contractuels necessaires. 5.12 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -233: Modernisation de I'acces a I'arena Peter Murray, soumission 2010- 081204T, la soumission soit accordee au soumissionnaire le moins disant, John Flood Sons, au prix offert de 30 636 taxes non comprises. 5.13 Que la lettre de Bernard LeBlanc, president directeur general de la Saint John Airport Inc., datee du 15 juin 2010, en reponse a la lettre d'Eric Teed concernant la reconnaissance des contributions de Wallace Turnbull a I'histoire de ('aviation, soit acceptee a titre informatif. 5.14 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule Vente a James Linda Enterprise Inc., The City of Saint John remette a James Linda Enterprise Inc. le terrain actuellement designe sous le NID 55207450 selon les memes modalites (a ('exception de la date de cloture) etablies dans la convention d'achat -vente accompagnant le rapport M/C 2010 -189, et que le maire et la greffiere communale soient autorises a signer tous les documents necessaires. 5.15 Voir le point 14.3 5.16 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule Projet d'amelioration des routes rurales, The City of Saint John paie un maximum de 500 par terrain au compte des frais d'administration ou de liberation du creancier hypothecaire engages afin d'obtenir le titre au nom de la Ville pour le projet d'amelioration des routes rurales. 5.17 Voir le point 14.4. 5.18 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule Modifications de ('entente conclue avec Aliant Ethernet Services, le maire et la greffiere communale soient autorises a signer le contrat de service soumis. 5.19 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule Programme de rabais annuel avec Bell Aliant, le maire et la greffiere communale soient autorises a signer le contrat de service soumis. 5.20 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule Acquisition de licences pour le /ogiciel Microsoft, le conseil communal autorise la conclusion dune entente avec Microsoft Corporation rendant possible I'octroi de licences de logiciels tels qu'il est prevu dans ('entente soumise avec Microsoft Corporation. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que la recommandation enoncee pour cheque point de I'ordre du jour, respectivement, a ('exception des points 5.7 Lettre regue du groupe Friends of Rockwood Park et de SPRING; de ('Etude de planification portant sur le chemin Sandy Point, 5.8 Embauche d'un ingenieur- conseil, 5.15 Vente de terrain dans le parc Rockwood, 5.17 Lettre de M. Teed Soutien en faveur du laboratoire de traitement du sang a Saint John, qui devront etre debattus, soit adoptee. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. (L'avocat municipal se joint de nouveau a la seance.) 95 -379 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 5TH, 2010 /LE 5 JUILLET 2010 6. Members Comments Council members commented on various community events. 6. Commentaires presentes par les membres Les membres du conseil s'expriment sur diverses activites communautaires. 9. Public Hearings 7:00 P.M. 9.1 (a,b) Proposed Municipal Plan Zoning By -Law Amendments 47 -51 and 63 -69 Ross Street and 72 -74 St. James Street 9.1(c) Planning Advisory Committee Report recommending Municipal Plan and Zoning Amendments with Section 39 Conditions. The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was completed with regard to the proposed Municipal Plan and Re- zoning amendments for a parcel of land located at 47 -51 and 63 -69 Ross Street and 72 -74 St. James Street, having an area of approximately 1880 square metres, also identified as PID Nos. 00001628, 00001610, 00001594, 00001586 and 00001800 by amending schedule 2 -A and 2 -C of the Future Land Use Plan, to add the aforementioned properties to the list of approved Commercial Developments in sub section of the Municipal Development Plan.; and rezoning the same parcels of land from "RM -IF" Multiple Residential Infill to "B -2" General Business, to permit a parking area as requested by the applicant Victor Train. Consideration was also given to a report from the Planning Advisory Committee submitting a copy of Planning Staff's report considered at its June 29 2010 meeting at which the Committee decided to recommend approval as set out in the staff recommendation to amend the Municipal Plan and re -zone the parcels of land located at 47 -51 and 63 -69 Ross Street and 72 -74 St. James Street as described above, with Section 39 conditions. The Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the municipal plan amendment and re- zoning with no one presenting. The Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favour of the proposed amendment with Victor Train, the applicant, Mark Arsenault, representing the applicant; and Myra Eatman, business administrator at the Dental Assistant College, stating that they were in agreement with the recommendation of the Planning Advisory Committee. Responding to a question from a Council member, the Deputy Commissioner of Planning and Development stated that the ideal use for the subject property would be medium density residential, noting that planning staff recommended that the rezoning for a parking lot be approved for site specific use only. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Municipal Plan By -Law" amending Schedule 2 -A and 2 -C of the Future Land Use Plan redesignating land located at 47 -51 and 63 -69 Ross Street and 72 -74 St. James Street, having an area of approximately 1880 square metres, also identified as PID Nos. 00001628, 00001610, 00001594, 00001586 and 00001800 from Medium Density Residential to Approved Commercial Development classification; and to add the aforementioned properties to the list of approved Commercial Developments in sub- section of the Municipal Development Plan, be read a first time. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors Higgins, McGuire and Snook voting nay. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Municipal Plan By -Law" amending Schedule 2 -A and 2 -C of the Future Land Use Plan redesignating land located at 47 -51 and 63 -69 Ross Street and 72 -74 St. James Street, having an area of approximately 1880 square metres, also identified as PID Nos. 00001628, 00001610, 00001594, 00001586 and 00001800 from Medium Density Residential to Approved Commercial Development classification; and to add the aforementioned properties to the list of approved Commercial Developments in sub- section of the Municipal Development Plan, be read a second time. 95 -380 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 5TH, 2010 /LE 5 JUILLET 2010 Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors Higgins, McGuire and Snook voting nay. Read a second time by title, the by -law entitled "A Law to Amend the Municipal Plan By -Law" On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John" amending Schedule "A the zoning map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning parcels of land located at 47 -51 and 63 -69 Ross Street and 72 -74 St. James Street, having an area of approximately 1880 square metres, also identified as PID Nos. 00001628, 00001610, 00001594, 00001586 and 00001800, from "RM -IF" Multiple Residential Infill to "B -2" General Business, be read a first time. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors Higgins, McGuire, and Snook voting nay. Read a first time by title, the by -law entitled "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of the City of Saint John On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John" amending Schedule "A the zoning map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning parcels of land located at 47 -51 and 63 -69 Ross Street and 72 -74 St. James Street, having an area of approximately 1880 square metres, also identified as PID Nos. 00001628, 00001610, 00001594, 00001586 and 00001800, from "RM -IF" Multiple Residential Infill to "B -2" General Business, be read a second time. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors Higgins, McGuire and Snook voting nay. Read a second time by title, the by -law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John (Councillor Sullivan withdrew from the meeting) 9. Audiences publiques a 19 h 9.1 (a, b) Modifications au plan municipal propose et a I'arrete de zonage visant les 47 -51 et les 63 -69, rue Ross, et les 72 -74, rue St. James 9.1 (c) Rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant des modifications au plan municipal et au zonage conformement aux conditions imposees par ('article 39 La greffiere communale indique que les avis requis ont ete publies en ce qui concerne les modifications au plan municipal propose eta I'arrete de rezonage visant une parcelle de terrain sise aux 47 -51 et aux 63 -69, rue Ross, et aux 72 -74, rue St. James, dune superficie d'environ 1 880 metres carres, inscrite sous NID 00001628, 00001610, 00001594, 00001586 et 00001800, en modifiant ('annexe 2 -A et 2 -C du plan d'amenagement futur des terres en vue d'ajouter les terrains susmentionnes a la liste des zones d'amenagement commercial approuve visees au paragraphe du plan d'amenagement municipal et en procedant au rezonage des memes parcelles de terrain afin de faire passer la designation de zone d'edification de logements multiples sur terrain intercalaire RM -IF a zone commerciale generale B -2 en vue de permettre I'amenagement dune aire de stationnement a la demande du requerant Victor Train. Le conseil etudie egalement un rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme qui contient un exemplaire du rapport du personnel du Service d'urbanisme examine durant la seance du 29 juin 2010 au cours de laquelle le Comite a decide de recommender ('approbation telle qu'elle est etablie dans la recommandation du personnel visant a modifier le plan municipal eta proceder au rezonage de la parcelle de terrain sise aux 47 -51 et aux 63 -69, rue Ross, et aux 72 -74, rue St. James, comme it est decrit ci- dessus sous reserve des conditions imposees par ('article 39. 95 -381 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 5TH, 2010 /LE 5 JUILLET 2010 Le maire invite le public a exprimer son opposition a la modification du plan municipal et au rezonage, mais personne ne prend la parole. Le maire invite le public a exprimer son appui au projet de modification. Victorias Train, le requerant, Mark Arsenault, representant le requerant, et Myra Eatman, administratrice des affaires au Dental Assistants College, expriment leur appui a la recommandation du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme. En reponse a une question soulevee par un membre du conseil, le commissaire a I'urbanisme et au developpement indique que ('usage ideal du terrain vise serait une zone residentielle de moyenne densite, mentionnant que le personnel du service d'urbanisme a recommande que le rezonage du terrain de stationnement soit approuve seulement aux fins de ce site en particulier. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller Farren RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete relatif au plan municipal modifiant ('annexe 2 -A et 2 -C du plan d'amenagement futur des terres en vue du rezonage du terrain situe aux 47 -51 et aux 63 -69, rue Ross, et aux 72 -74, rue St. James, dune superficie d'environ 1 880 metres carres, inscrit sous les NID 00001628, 00001610, 00001594, 00001586 et 00001800, afin de faire passer la designation de zone residentielle de densite moyenne a zone d'amenagement commercial approuve, et afin d'ajouter les terrains susmentionnes a la liste des zones d'amenagement commercial approuve visees au paragraphe du plan d'amenagement municipal, fasse ('objet dune premiere lecture. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Les conseillers Higgins, McGuire et Snook votent contre la proposition. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller Farren RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete relatif au plan municipal modifiant ('annexe 2 -A et 2 -C du plan d'amenagement futur des terres en vue du rezonage du terrain situe aux 47 -51 et aux 63 -69, rue Ross, et aux 72 -74, rue St. James, dune superficie d'environ 1 880 metres carres, inscrit sous les NID 00001628, 00001610, 00001594, 00001586 et 00001800, afin de faire passer la designation de zone residentielle de densite moyenne a zone d'amenagement commercial approuve et afin d'ajouter les terrains susmentionnes a la liste des zones d'amenagement commercial approuve visees au paragraphe du plan d'amenagement municipal, fasse ('objet dune deuxieme lecture. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Les conseillers Higgins, McGuire et Snook votent contre la proposition. Deuxieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete relatif au plan municipal Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller Farren RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete relatif au zonage de The City Of Saint John modifiant ('annexe A plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, en vue du rezonage des parcelles de terrain sises aux 47 -51 et aux 63 -69, rue Ross, et aux 72 -74, rue St. James, dune superficie d'environ 1 880 metres carres, inscrites sous les NID 00001628, 00001610, 00001594, 00001586 et 00001800, afin de faire passer la designation de zone d'edification de logements multiples sur terrain intercalaire RM -IF a zone commerciale generale B -2 fasse ('objet dune premiere lecture. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Les conseillers Higgins, McGuire et Snook votent contre la proposition. Premiere lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John 95 -382 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 5TH, 2010 /LE 5 JUILLET 2010 Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller Farren RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete relatif au zonage de The City Of Saint John modifiant ('annexe A plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, en vue du rezonage des parcelles de terre sises aux 47 -51 et aux 63 -69, rue Ross, et aux 72 -74, rue St. James, dune superficie d'environ 1 880 metres carres, inscrites sous les NID 00001628, 00001610, 00001594, 00001586 et 00001800, afin de faire passer la designation de zone d'edification de logements multiples sur terrain intercalaire RM -IF a zone commerciale generale B -2 fasse ('objet dune deuxieme lecture. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Les conseillers Higgins, McGuire et Snook votent contre la proposition. Deuxieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John (Le conseiller Sullivan quitte la seance.) 9.2(a) Proposed Zoning By -Law Amendment 885 Danells Drive 9.2(b) Letter of opposition 9.2(c) Planning Advisory Committee Report recommending rezoning with Section 39 Conditions. The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was completed with regard to amending Schedule "A the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land located at 885 Danells Drive and having an area of approximately 3960 square metres, also identified as PID number 447821 from "IL -1" Neighbourhood Institutional to "B -2" General Business. Consideration was also given to a report from the Planning Advisory Committee submitting a copy of Planning Staff's report considered at its June 29th, 2010 meeting at which the Committee recommended the rezoning of a parcel of land located at 885 Danells Drive as described above with Section 39 Conditions. The Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the proposed amendment with no one presenting. The Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favour of the proposed amendment with Reid Chedore of Mosher Chedore Lawyers appearing on behalf of the applicant, stating that he was in agreement with the Planning Advisory Committee recommendation, but that he is opposed to the Planning staff report. Herb Hunter, Pastor of Fundamental Baptist Church of Lancaster Inc, stated that he is in agreement with the Planning Advisory Committee recommendation. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John" amending Schedule "A the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, a parcel of land located at 885 Danells Drive and having an area of approximately 3960 square metres, also identified as PID number 447821 from "IL -1" Neighbourhood Institutional to "B -2" General Business, be read a first time. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors Court and Killen voting nay. Read a first time by title, the by -law entitled "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John" amending Schedule "A the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, a parcel of land located at 885 Danells Drive and having an area of approximately 3960 square metres, also identified as PID number 447821 from "IL -1" Neighbourhood Institutional to "B -2" General Business, be read a second time. 95 -383 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 5TH, 2010 /LE 5 JUILLET 2010 Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors Court and Killen voting nay. Read a second time by title, the by -law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Zoning by -Law of The City of Saint John." (Councillor Sullivan re- entered the meeting) 9.2 (a) Projet de modification de I'arrete de zonage visant le 885, promenade Danells 9.2 (b) Lettre d'opposition 9.2 (c) Rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant le rezonage sous reserve des conditions imposees par ('article 39 La greffiere communale indique que les avis requis ont ete publies relativement a la modification de ('annexe A plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, en vue du rezonage dune parcelle de terrain sise au 885, promenade Danells, dune superficie d'environ 3960 metres carres, inscrite sous le NID 447821, afin de faire passer la designation de zone de quartier a vocation collective IL -1 a zone commerciale generale B -2 Le conseil etudie egalement un rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme qui contient un exemplaire du rapport du personnel du Service d'urbanisme examine durant la seance du 29 juin 2010 au cours de laquelle le Comite a recommande le rezonage de la parcelle de terrain situee au 885, promenade Danells, comme it est decrit ci- dessus sous reserve des conditions imposees par ('article 39. Le maire invite le public a exprimer son opposition au projet de modification, mais personne ne prend la parole. Le maire invite le public a exprimer son appui au projet de modification. Reid Chedore, du cabinet d'avocats Mosher Chedore, intervient au nom du requerant, exprimant son appui a la recommandation du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme, mais son opposition au rapport du personnel du service d'urbanisme. Herb Hunter, pasteur de la Fundamental Baptist Church of Lancaster Inc., indique qu'il est d'accord avec la recommandation du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller Farren RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John modifiant ('annexe A plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, en vue du rezonage dune parcelle de terrain situee au 885, promenade Danells, dune superficie d'environ 3960 metres carres, inscrite sous le NID 00010744, afin de faire passer la designation de zone de quartier a vocation collective IL -1 a zone centrale commerciale B -2 fasse ('objet dune premiere lecture. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est acceptee. Les conseillers Court et Killen votent contre la proposition. Premiere lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller Farren RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John modifiant ('annexe A plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, en vue du rezonage dune parcelle de terrain situee au 885, promenade Danells, dune superficie d'environ 3960 metres carres, inscrite sous le NID 00010744, afin de faire passer la designation de zone de quartier a vocation collective IL -1 a zone centrale commerciale B -2 fasse ('objet dune deuxieme lecture. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est acceptee. Les conseillers Court et Killen votent contre la proposition. Deuxieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John (Le conseiller Sullivan se joint de nouveau a la reunion.) 7. Proclamation 7.1 Storytent Launch Day July 5th, 2010 7.2 Charles Gorman Day July 6th, 2010 95 -384 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 5TH, 2010 /LE 5 JUILLET 2010 The Mayor proclaimed Monday July 5th, 2010 as Storytent Launch Day in the City of Saint John. The Mayor proclaimed Tuesday July 6th, 2010 as Charles Gorman Day in the City of Saint John. 7. Proclamation 7.1 Journee de lancement de Contes sous la tente le 5 juillet 2010 Le maire declare le lundi 5 juillet 2010 Journee de lancement de Contes sous la tente de The City of Saint John. 7.2 Journee Charles Gorman le 6 juillet 2010 Le maire declare le mardi 6 juillet 2010 Journee Charles Gorman de The City of Saint John. 8. Delegations /Presentations 8.1 Website Redevelopment The Deputy City Manager updated Council with respect to the redevelopment of the City of Saint John website, noting that the official launch would occur in mid -July 2010. 8. Delegations et presentations 8.1 Reamenagement du site Web Le directeur general adjoint informe le conseil sur le reamenagement du site Web de la Ville Saint John en soulignant que le lancement officiel aura lieu a la mi- juillet 2010. (Councillors Higgins, McGuire and Titus withdrew from the meeting) 10. Consideration of By -laws 10.1 Third Reading Traffic By -Law Amendment Re: Minimum Fine Amount On motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Councillor Killen RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "A By -Law to amend a By -Law Respecting Traffic on Streets in The City of Saint John made under the authority of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, and Amendments Thereto repealing Section 26(1) and replacing it with the following: "26(1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3) of this section, any person who violates any of the provisions of this by -law is guilty of an offence and liable upon conviction to a penalty of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) and not more than seventy -five dollars ($75.00) be read. voting nay. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Snook The by -law entitled, "A By -Law to amend a By -Law Respecting Traffic on Streets in The City of Saint John made under the authority of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, and Amendments Thereto was read in its entirety. On motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "A By -Law to amend a By -Law Respecting Traffic on Streets in The City of Saint John made under the authority of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, and Amendments Thereto repealing Section 26(1) and replacing it with the following: "26(1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3) of this section, any person who violates any of the provisions of this by -law is guilty of an offence and liable upon conviction to a penalty of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) and not more than seventy -five dollars ($75.00) be read a third time, enacted, and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto. 95 -385 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 5TH, 2010 /LE 5 JUILLET 2010 voting nay. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Snook Read a third time by title, the by -law entitled, "A By -Law to amend a By -Law Respecting Traffic on Streets in The City of Saint John made under the authority of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, and Amendments Thereto" (Les conseillers Higgins, McGuire et Titus quittent la reunion.) 10. Etude des arretes municipaux 10.1 Troisieme lecture de la modification de ('arrete relatif a la circulation concernant le montant minimal de I'amende Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuyee par le conseiller Killen RESOLU que ('arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete relatif a Ia circulation dans les rues de The City of Saint John edicte conformement a Ia Loi surles vehicules a moteur (1973) et modifications afferentes abrogeant le paragraphe 26 (1) et le remplagant par ce qui suit 26(1) En vertu des paragraphes (2) et (3) du present article, toute personne qui contrevient a une disposition du present arrete est coupable dune infraction et est tenue de payer, si eIIe est condamnee, un montant minimal de cinquante dollars (50 et un montant maximal de soixante quinze dollars (75 soit Iu. A ('issue du vote, Ia proposition est adoptee. Le conseiller Snook vote contre Ia proposition. L'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete relatif a la circulation dans les rues de The City of Saint John edicte conformement a la Loi surles vehicules a moteur (1973) et modifications afferentes est lu integralement. Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuyee par le conseiller Farren RESOLU que ('arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete relatif a la circulation dans les rues de The City of Saint John edicte conformement a la Loi surles vehicules a moteur (1973) et modifications afferentes abrogeant le paragraphe 26 (1) et le remplagant par ce qui suit 26(1) En vertu des paragraphes (2) et (3) du present article, toute personne qui contrevient a une disposition du present arrete est coupable dune infraction et est tenue de payer, si elle est condamnee, un montant minimal de cinquante dollars (50 et un montant maximal de soixante quinze dollars (75 fasse ('objet dune troisieme lecture, et que ledit arrete soit edicte et que le sceau communal y soit appose. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Le conseiller Snook vote contre la proposition. Troisieme lecture par titre de ('arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete relatif a la circulation dans les rues de The City of Saint John edicte conformement a la Loi surles vehicules a moteur (1973) et modifications afferentes 10.2 Third Reading Traffic By -Law Amendment Re: Authority to Enforce On motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Councillor Court RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "A By -Law to amend a By -Law Respecting Traffic on Streets in The City of Saint John made under the authority of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, and Amendments Thereto repealing Section 5(7) and replacing it with the following: "5(7) The provisions of Sections 5, 5.1, 7, 8, 15 and 16 may also be enforced by By -law Enforcement Officers appointed for such purposes by Common Council be read. Question being taken, the motion was carried. The by -law entitled, "A By -Law to amend a By -Law Respecting Traffic on Streets in The City of Saint John made under the authority of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, and Amendments Thereto was read in its entirety. On motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "A By -Law to amend a By -Law Respecting Traffic on Streets in The City of Saint John made under the authority of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, and Amendments Thereto repealing Section 5(7) and replacing it with the following: "5(7) The provisions of Sections 5, 5.1, 7, 8, 15 and 16 may also be enforced by By -law Enforcement Officers appointed for such purposes by Common Council be read a third time, enacted, and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a third time by title, the by -law entitled, "A By -Law to amend a By -Law Respecting Traffic on Streets in The City of Saint John made under the authority of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, and Amendments Thereto" 10.2 Troisieme lecture de la modification de I'arrete relatif a la circulation concernant I'autorite d'appliquer les dispositions Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuyee par le conseiller Court RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant I'Arrete relatif a Ia circulation dans les rues de The City of Saint John edicte conformement a Ia Loi surles vehicules a moteur (1973) et modifications afferentes abrogeant le paragraphe 5 (7) et le remplagant par ce qui suit 5(7) Les dispositions des articles 5, 5.1, 7, 8 15 et 16 peuvent etre egalement mises en application par des agents d'execution des arretes municipaux nommes a ce titre par le conseil communal soit Iu. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. L'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant I'Arrete relatif a la circulation dans les rues de The City of Saint John edicte conformement a la Loi surles vehicules a moteur (1973) et modifications afferentes est lu integralement. Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuyee par le conseiller Farren RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant I'Arrete relatif a la circulation dans les rues de The City of Saint John edicte conformement a la Loi surles vehicules a moteur (1973) et modifications afferentes abrogeant le paragraphe 5 (7) et le remplagant par ce qui suit 5(7) Les dispositions des articles 5, 5.1,7, 8, 15 et 16 peuvent etre egalement mises en application par des agents d'execution des arretes municipaux nommes a ce titre par le conseil communal fasse I'objet dune troisieme lecture, et que ledit arrete soit edicte et que le sceau communal y soit appose. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 95 -386 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 5TH, 2010 /LE 5 JUILLET 2010 Troisieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant I'Arrete relatif a la circulation dans les rues de The City of Saint John edicte conformement a la Loi surles vehicules a moteur (1973) et modifications afferentes 10.3 Public Presentation Proposed Municipal Plan Amendment 231 1 /2 Milford Rd. A public presentation was given for a proposed amendment to the Municipal Development Plan which would amend schedule 2 -A, the Future Land Use Plan, by redesignating a parcel of land with an area of approximately 15 hectares, located at 231 '/2 Milford Road, also identified as being PID Nos. 00405431, 00405423, 55183172 and 55049662, from Low Density Residential to Open Space classification to permit a public park. 95 -387 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 5TH, 2010 /LE 5 JUILLET 2010 10.3 Presentation publique relative au projet de modification du plan municipal visant le 231 1 /2, chemin Milford. Une presentation publique est donnee relativement au projet de modification du plan d'amenagement municipal visant a modifier ('annexe 2 -A du plan d'amenagement municipal, afin de faire passer la designation dune parcelle de terrain dune superficie approximative de 15 hectares, situee au 231 /2, chemin Milford et inscrite sous les NID 00405431, 00405423, 55183172 et 55049662, de zone residentielle a faible densite a zone d'espaces fibres en vue de permettre I'amenagement d'un parc public. (Councillors Higgins, McGuire and Titus reentered the meeting) (Les conseillers Higgins, McGuire et Titus se joignent de nouveau a la seance.) 11. 11.1 Submissions by Council Members Provisions in the Municipality Act Regarding Water Utility Funding (Deputy Mayor Chase) On motion of Deputy Mayor Chase Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that the submission from Deputy Mayor Chase entitled Provisions in the Municipality Act Regarding Water Utility Funding, be referred to the City Solicitor for an opinion regarding whether the Municipalities Act precludes the water utility from receiving funding from either the general operating or capital budgets of The City of Saint John. Question being taken, the motion was defeated with the Mayor and Councillors Court, Farren, Killen, McGuire and Titus voting nay. 11. 11.1 Interventions des membres du conseil Dispositions dans la Loi sur les municipalites relativement au financement du service d'eau (maire suppleant Chase) Proposition du maire suppleant Chase Appuyee par le conseiller Snook RESOLU que la presentation du maire suppleant Chase intitulee Dispositions dans /a Loi sur les municipalites relativement au financement du service d'eau soit renvoyee a I'avocat municipal afin d'obtenir une opinion a savoir si la Loi sur les municipalites interdit au service d'eau de recevoir des fonds a partir du budget de fonctionnement ou du budget d'investissement general de la The City of Saint John. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est rejetee. Le maire ainsi que les conseillers Court, Farren, Killen, McGuire et Titus votent contre la proposition. 12. Business Matters Municipal Officers 12.1 City Manager: Sandy Point Road Planning Study On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that: 1. Common Council direct staff to facilitate a consultation opportunity for interested parties to provide written comments on the Statement of Professional Opinion's Concept Plan, which are due by August 6, 2010. 2. Common Council refer the Statement of Professional Opinion to the Rockwood Park Advisory Board for report and recommendations, due August 6th, 2010. 3. Common Council direct staff to report back on these consultations with recommendations early Fall 2010. 95 -388 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 5TH, 2010 /LE 5 JUILLET 2010 12. Affaires municipales evoquees par les fonctionnaires municipaux 12.1 Directeur general Etude de planification portant sur le chemin Sandy Point Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que 1. Le conseil communal ordonne au personnel de faciliter ('organisation dune consultation afin de permettre aux parties interessees de presenter avant le 6 aout 2010 des commentaires ecrits sur plan conceptuel de Ia declaration d'opinion professionnelle. 2. Le conseil communal renvoie Ia declaration d'opinion professionnelle au Conseil consultatif du parc Rockwood aux fins de rapport et de recommandations a remettre avant le 6 aoCit 2010. 3. Le conseil communal ordonne au personnel de presenter au debut de I'automne un rapport sur ces consultations avec des recommandations. Question being taken, the motion was carried Councillors Farren, Higgins and Sullivan voting nay. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est acceptee. Les conseillers Farren et Sullivan et la conseillere Higgins votent contre la proposition. 12.2 City Manager: Update on Bridge Rd Simms Corner Fairville Blvd. Corridor On motion of Councillor Snook Seconded by Councillor Sullivan RESOLVED that Common Council: 1. Direct staff to: Review cost implications and propose a funding formula; Follow -up with NBDOT staff on land discussions to date for their input and authorization of the proposed land exchange to facilitate the project in advancing; Continue current land acquisition processes; Seek Provincial cost sharing and approval to initiate detailed design process to be undertaken by the consultant; Contact local utilities (SJ Energy; Enbridge; Maritime and Northeast; NB Power, Irving Refining (Oil Pipeline), BellAliant, Rogers Telecom and begin discussions on locations and re- locations of existing facilities in the corridor, and begin necessary regulatory processes; 2. Request the Mayor to contact Transportation Minister Landry for a status briefing; 3. Receive and this report for information Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors Court and Higgins voting nay. 95 -389 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 5TH, 2010 /LE 5 JUILLET 2010 12.2 Directeur general Mise a jour sur le chemin Bridge coin Simms couloir du boulevard Fairville Proposition du conseiller Snook Appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan RESOLU que le conseil communal 1. ordonne au personnel d'effectuer les taches suivantes examiner les consequences financieres et proposer une formule de financement; effectuer un suivi aupres du personnel du ministere des Transports du Nouveau Brunswick concernant les discussions sur les terrains jusqu'ici afin de recueillir son opinion et son autorisation sur le projet d'echange de terrains en vue de faciliter I'avancement du projet; continuer les processus actuels d'acquisition de terrains; obtenir le partage des coCits provincial et ('approbation pour lancer le processus de conception detainee a entreprendre par le consultant; communiquer avec les services d'utilite publique Iocaux (SJ Energy, Enbridge, Maritime and Northeast, Energie NB, Irving Refining (oleoduc), Bell Aliant, Rogers Telecommunications et commencer les discussions sur les emplacements et les deplacements des installations dans le couloir, et lancer les processus reglementaires necessaires; 2. demander que le maire communique avec le ministre des Transports Landry pour obtenir un compte rendu de la situation; 3. accepter ce rapport a titre informatif. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est acceptee. Le conseiller Court et la conseillere Higgins votent contre la proposition. 12.3 City Manager Update on Active Transportation Route Harbour Passage Alternative On motion of Councillor Killen Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that Common Council consider the submitted option, as outlined in the report entitled Update on Active Transportation Route Harbour Passage Alternative, and direct staff to report back at the July 19th, 2010 session of Common Council with information updates from the Provincial Department of Transportation and from ADI Limited. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors Higgins and Titus voting nay. 12.3 Directeur general Mise a jour sur la route pour les transports actifs, solution de rechange au passage du port Proposition du conseiller Killen Appuyee par le conseiller Farren RESOLU que le conseil communal etudie ('option soumise, telle qu'elle est decrite dans le rapport intitule Mise a four sur la route des transports actifs, solution de rechange au passage du port, et qu'il ordonne au personnel de presenter un compte rendu a la seance du conseil communal du 19 juillet 2010 avec les renseignements actualises du ministere provincial des Transports et d'ADI Limited. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est acceptee. La conseillere Higgins et le conseiller Titus votent contre la proposition. 13. Committee Reports 13.1 Saint John Industrial Parks: Industrial Development and Real Estate Tax Revenue On motion of Councillor Farren Seconded by Councillor Court RESOLVED that the report from Saint John Industrial Parks entitled Industrial Development and Real Estate Tax Revenue be received for information. voting nay. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Higgins 13. Rapports deposes par les comites 13.1 Parcs industriels de Saint John Recettes des impots fonciers et du developpement industriel Proposition du conseiller Farren Appuyee par le conseiller Court RESOLU que le rapport des Parcs industriels de Saint John intitule Recettes des impots fonciers et du developpement industriel soit accepte a titre informatif. 95 -390 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 5TH, 2010 /LE 5 JUILLET 2010 A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. La conseillere Higgins vote contre la proposition. 13.2 Enterprise Saint John: Council's Request for Input Industrial Parks /Renewable Energy On motion of Councillor Snook Seconded by Councillor Sullivan RESOLVED that the letter from Enterprise Saint Jon entitled Council's Request for Input Industrial Parks /Renewable Energy be received for information. voting nay. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Higgins 13.2 Enterprise Saint John Demande du conseil pour obtenir des commentaires parcs industriels /energie renouvelable Proposition du conseiller Snook Appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan RESOLU que la lettre d'Enterprise Saint John intitule Demande du Conseil pour obtenir des commentaires parcs industries /energie renouvelable soit accept& a titre informatif. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. La conseillere Higgins vote contre la proposition. 13.3 Saint John Board of Police Commissioners: Traffic Inconveniences on Habour Bridge On motion of Councillor Farren Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that the letter from the Saint John Board of Police Commissioners entitled Traffic Inconveniences on Harbour Bridge be received for information. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 13.3 Bureau des commissaires de la police de Saint John Derangements lies a la circulation sur le pont du port Proposition du conseiller Farren Appuyee par le conseiller Snook RESOLU que la lettre du Bureau des commissaires de la police de Saint John intitulee Derangements lies a /a circulation sur le pont du port soit accept& a titre informatif. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 95 -391 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 5TH, 2010 /LE 5 JUILLET 2010 14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda 14.1 Friends of Rockwood Park and SPRNG Letter Sandy Point Rd Planning Study On motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Councillor Court RESOLVED that the letter from Friends of Rockwood Park and the Sandy Point Road Neighbourhood Group, dated June 28, 2010 be referred to the City Manager and City Solicitor for a report, due July 19, 2010; and further, that Council extend the deadline until the end of August 2010, as described in the report entitled Sandy Point Study Road Planning Study (dated June 30, 2010) for the consultation opportunity with the public and the report and recommendation from the Rockwood Park Advisory Board. voting nay. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor McGuire 14. Etude des sujets ecartes des questions soumises a ('approbation du conseil 14.1 Lettre regue du groupe Friends of Rockwood Park et de SPRING Etude de planification portant sur le chemin Sandy Point Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuyee par le conseiller Court RESOLU que la lettre regue du groupe Friends of Rockwood Park et du groupe de voisinage du chemin Sandy, datee du 28 juin 2010, soit renvoyee au directeur general eta I'avocat municipal aux fins de rapport avant le 19 juillet 2010 et, en outre, que le conseil prolonge Ia date d'echeance jusqu'a Ia fin d'aout 2010, comme it est decrit dans le rapport intitule Etude de planification portant sur le chemin Sandy Point (date du 30 juin 2010), afin d'organiser une consultation avec le public ainsi qu'un rapport et une recommandation du Conseil consultatif du parc Rockwood. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Le conseiller McGuire vote contre la proposition. (The City Solicitor withdrew from the meeting) 14.2 Engagement of Engineering Consultant On motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Councillor Killen RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M C 2010 -227: Engagement of Engineering Consultant, should the Howes Lake Landfill Closure project be approved under the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund and notwithstanding the City's Procurement Policy for engagement of professional services, Council authorize staff to conduct negotiations for the engagement of GEMTEC Limited to carry out design and construction management services for the 2010 closure work at the former Howes Lake Landfill. voting nay. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Higgins (The City Solicitor reentered the meeting) (L'avocat municipal quitte la reunion.) 14.2 Embauche d'un ingenieur- conseil Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuyee par le conseiller Killen RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -227 Embauche d'un ingenieur- conseil, si le projet de fermeture du site d'enfouissement du lac Howes devait etre approuve dans le cadre du Fonds de stimulation de ('infrastructure et nonobstant la politique d'approvisionnement elaboree par Ia Ville relativement au recours a des services professionnels, le conseil autorise le personnel a mener des negociations pour embaucher GEMTEC Limited en vue de fournir des services de gestion de Ia conception et de construction Ties aux travaux de fermeture de 2010 au site d'enfouissement du lac Howes. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. La conseillere Higgins vote contre la proposition. (L'avocat municipal se joint de nouveau a la seance.) 14.3 Sale of Land in Rockwood Park On motion of Councillor McGuire Seconded by Councillor Court RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report Re: Sale of Land to Rockwood Park, the funds received from Bell Aliant Regional Communications Inc. for the conveyance of Lot 86 -1 on the Subdivision Plan filed in the Saint John County Registry Office as No. 2079, be forwarded to the Saint John Horticultural Association. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Higgins voting nay. (Councillor Higgins withdrew from the meeting) 14.3 Vente de terrain dans le parc Rockwood (La conseillere Higgins quitte la reunion.) On motion of Councillor Farren Seconded by Councillor Sullivan RESOLVED that the Mayor be directed to send a second letter of support for the Saint John Blood Processing Laboratory to Prime Minister Harper, Premier Graham, and the Canadian Blood Services. Proposition du conseiller McGuire Appuyee par le conseiller Court RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule Vente de terrain dans le parc Rockwood, les fonds regus de Bell Aliant Communications regionales Inc. pour le transfert du lot 86 -1 dans le plan de lotissement depose au bureau de I'enregistrement pour le comte de Saint John sous le n° 2079, soient achemines a ('Association d'horticulture de Saint John. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. La conseillere Higgins vote contre la proposition. 95 -392 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 5TH, 2010 /LE 5 JUILLET 2010 14.4 Teed Letter: Support for Saint John Blood Processing Laboratory Question being taken, the motion was carried. 95 -393 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 5TH, 2010 /LE 5 JUILLET 2010 14.4 Lettre Teed Soutien en faveur du laboratoire de traitement du sang a Saint John Proposition du conseiller Farren Appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan RESOLU que le maire soit charge d'envoyer une deuxieme lettre de soutien au laboratoire de traitement du sang a Saint John au Premier ministre Harper, au premier ministre Graham eta la Societe canadienne du sang. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 15. General Correspondence 15. Correspondance generale 16. Adjournment The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. 16. Levee de la seance Le maire declare que la seance est levee a 21 h 45. Mayor maire Common Clerk /greffiere communale