CITY HALL AUGUST 16, 2010 6:45 P.M.
Ivan Court, Mayor
Sont presents
Ivan Court, maire
1. Call To Order Prayer
1. Ouverture de la seance, suivie de la priere
2. Approval of Minutes
2. Approbation du proces- verbal
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Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillors Court, Farren, Higgins,
Killen, McGuire, Snook, Sullivan, and Titus
P. Woods, City Manager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor; B. McGovern,
Deputy Commissioner of Municipal Operations; K. Forrest,
Commissioner of Planning and Development; A. Poffenroth,
Deputy Commissioner of Buildings and Inspection Services;
M. King, Staff Sergeant Saint John Police Force; J. Taylor,
Assistant Common Clerk; K. Tibbits, Administrative Assistant.
le maire suppleant Chase et les conseillers Court, Farren, Killen,
McGuire, Snook, Sullivan, Titus et la conseillere Higgins
P. Woods, directeur general; J. Nugent, avocat municipal;
B. McGovern, commissaire aux Operations municipales;
K. Forrest, commissaire au service Urbanisme et developpement;
A. Poffenroth, commissaire adjoint aux Services d'inspection et
des batiments; S. Patterson, sergent d'etat -major Service de
police de Saint John; J. Taylor, greffier communal adjoint;
K. Tibbits, adjointe administrative.
Mayor Court called the meeting to order and Pastor David McElhinney of the River
Valley Wesleyan Church offered the opening prayer.
La seance est ouverte par le maire Court. David McElhinney, pasteur de la River Valley
Wesleyan Church, recite la priere d'ouverture.
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of
Common Council, held on July 19, 2010 be approved.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire
II est RESOLU que le proces- verbal de la seance
du conseil communal tenue le 19 juillet 2010 soit approuve.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
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3. Approval of Agenda
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the agenda of this meeting be
approved with addition of Item 3.2 Resignation of Andrew Beckett, Deputy City Manager
and Item 13.2 Committee of the Whole: Appointments to Committees.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
3. Adoption de I'ordre du jour
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que I'ordre du jour de la presente
reunion soit adopte, moyennant I'ajout des points 3.2 Demission d'Andrew Beckett,
directeur general adjoint et 13.2 Comite plenier Recommandations pour sieger aux
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
3.2 Andrew Beckett Resignation Letter
The Mayor advised that Deputy City Manager Andrew Beckett has submitted a letter of
resignation to the City Manager, noting that Mr. Beckett's last day of work would be
September 10 2010. The Mayor thanked Mr. Beckett for his 13 years of service to
the City of Saint John.
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that Council accept the resignation of
Andrew Beckett, Deputy City Manager of Programs and Priorities.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
3.2 Lettre de demission de Andrew Beckett
Le maire fait savoir qu'Andrew Beckett, directeur general adjoint, a presente une lettre
de demission au directeur general, indiquant que le dernier jour de travail de M. Beckett
serait le 10 septembre 2010. Le maire remercie M. Beckett pour ses 13 annees de
service consacrees a The City of Saint John.
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que le conseil accepte la demission
d'Andrew Beckett, directeur general adjoint, programmes et priorites.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest
4. Divulgations de conflits d'interets
5. Consent Agenda
5.1 That the E. Teed letter dated August 4, 2010 regarding Rooftop Gardens be
received for information.
5.2 That the New Brunswick Public Health Letter regarding Lyme Disease
Information Panels be referred to the City Manager and Rockwood Park Advisory Board.
5.3 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010-
271: Unidirectional Flushing, the quote from Aqua Data Atlantic be accepted for the
unidirectional flushing of the water distribution system and for the development of a
hydraulic model for the South Central Peninsula of Saint John and the remaining areas
of East Saint John.
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5.4 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010-
269: Engagement of Engineering Consultant Rehabilitation of Water Storage
Reservoirs, and as the water storage reservoir rehabilitation project has been approved
under the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund and notwithstanding the City's Procurement
Policy for engagement of professional services, Common Council authorize staff to
conduct negotiations for the engagement of Crandall Engineering to carry out design
and construction management services for the 2010 rehabilitation of the Cottage Hill and
Rockwood Park water storage reservoirs.
5.5 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010-
272, Tender number 2010-082701T: Roof Replacement Carleton Community Centre
be awarded to the single bidder, Dowd Roofing Inc., at the tax excluded tendered price
of $89,900.00.
5.6 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010-
263: Stop -Up and Close Portion of St. James Street Update, the public hearing for the
consideration of the passing of a By -law to Stop Up and Close an approximately 358
square metre portion of a public street known as St. James Street, be cancelled for
Monday August 16, 2010 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, and be rescheduled for
Monday August 30, 2010 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber.
5.7 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010-
264: Proposed Public Hearing Date, Common Council refer the rezoning applications for
61 Bayside Drive and 182 Golden Grove Road to the Planning Advisory Committee for a
report and recommendation, and schedule the public hearings for Monday, September
13, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber.
5.8 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010-
238: Acquisition of Portion of Fairville Boulevard from Province, and subject to the
consent of the Province (Transportation), the City acquire from the Province 447 square
metres of land (Lot number 10 -1) as shown on the drawing submitted with said report for
the sum of $13,410.00 and the costs (survey Service New Brunswick) associated
5.9 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report Funding
Support— Abbey St. Andrew Housing, Common Council provide funding support to a
maximum of $41,500 towards the cost of extending water, sewer and storm services to
the property line for the Abbey St. Andrew project in 2010 and funding to a maximum of
$46,000 towards the cost of restoring curbing, sidewalks and street paving in 2011.
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Farren
RESOLVED that the recommendation set out for
each consent agenda item respectively be adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
5. Questions soumises a ('approbation du conseil
5.1 Que la lettre de E. Teed datee du 4 aoCit 2010 concernant les jardins situes sur
les toits soit acceptee a titre informatif.
5.2 Que la lettre des services de la sante publique au Nouveau Brunswick au sujet
de panneaux d'information sur la maladie de Lyme soit transmise au directeur general et
au Conseil consultatif du parc Rockwood.
5.3 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule
M/C 2010 -271 Ringage unidirectionnel, la soumission presentee par l'entreprise
Aqua Data Atlantic, relativement au projet de rin9age unidirectionnel du reseau
d'aqueduc eta ('elaboration d'un modele hydraulique pour la peninsule centre -sud de
Saint John et les secteurs restants de Saint John Est, soit accepte.
5.4 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule
M/C 2010 -269 Embauche d'un ingenieur- conseil relativement a /a restauration des
reservoirs de retenue d'eau, et comme le projet de restauration des reservoirs de
retenue d'eau a ete approuve dans le cadre du Fonds de stimulation de ('infrastructure et
nonobstant la politique d'approvisionnement elaboree par la Ville relativement au
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AUGUST 16, 2010 /LE 16 AOUT 2010
recours a des services professionnels, le conseil autorise le personnel a mener des
negociations pour embaucher Crandall Engineering en vue de fournir des services de
gestion de la conception et de construction lies a la restauration de 2010 des reservoirs
de retenue d'eau de Cottage Hill et du parc Rockwood.
5.5 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule
M/C 2010 -272: Soumission 2010- 082701T relative au remplacement du toit du centre
communautaire Carleton, la soumission soit accordee au seul soumissionnaire, Dowd
Roofing Inc., au prix offert de 89 900 taxes en sus.
5.6 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule
M/C 2010 -263: Mise a jour sur la fermeture et le barrage d'une partie de /a rue
St. James, la date de l'audience publique relative a l'adoption d'un wrote en vue de
fermer et de barrer un trongon d'environ 358 metres carres de la rue St. James, rue
publique, fixee au lundi 16 aout 2010, a 19 h, dans la salle du conseil, soit annulee et
qu'elle soit repoussee au lundi 30 aoCit 2010 a 19 h, dans la salle du conseil.
5.7 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule
M/C 2010 -264 Date proposee de /a tenue d'une audience publique, Que le conseil
communal transmette les demandes de rezonage visant le 61, promenade Bayside et le
182, chemin Golden Grove au Comite consultatif d'urbanisme aux fins de rapport et de
recommandations, et qu'il fixe la date d'audiences publiques au lundi
13 septembre 2010, a 19 h, dans la salle du conseil.
5.8 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule
M/C 2010 -238 Acquisition d'une partie du boulevard Fairville par la province, et sous
reserve du consentement de la province (ministere des Transports), la Ville acquiert de
la province 447 metres carres de terrain (lot numero 10 -1) comme l'indique le plan
soumis avec ledit rapport pour la somme de 13 410 et les coCits connexes (sondage et
Service Nouveau Brunswick).
5.9 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule
Financement du projet de logements de l'abbaye Saint Andrew, le conseil communal
accorde un soutien financier jusqu'a concurrence de 41 500 pour etendre les services
d'eau, d'egout et d'eaux pluviales a la limite de la propriete pour le projet de l'abbaye
Saint Andrew en 2010, ainsi qu'un financement a hauteur de 46 000 pour la
restauration des bordures, des trottoirs et pour le revetement des rues en 2011.
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller Farren
RESOLU que la recommandation formulee pour
chacune des questions soumises a l'approbation du conseil soit adoptee.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
9. Public Hearings 7:00 P.M.
9.1(a) Proposed Zoning By -Law Amendment 982 -984 and 1000 Westfield Road
9.1(b) Planning Advisory Committee report recommending Rezoning
The Assistant Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was completed
with regard to amending Schedule "A the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by
re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 6600 square metres, located at
982 -984 1000 Westfield Road, also identified as PID numbers 00419093 and
00287680, from "B -2" General Business and "1 -1" Light Industrial to "1 -1" Light Industrial
and "RS -2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential with no objections being
Consideration was also given to a report from the Planning Advisory Committee
submitting a copy of Planning Staff's report considered at its August 10, 2010 meeting at
which time the Committee recommended the rezoning of a parcel of land located at
982 -984 and 1000 Westfield Road as described above with Section 39 conditions.
The Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the re- zoning with no one
The Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favour of the re- zoning with Rick
Turner of Hughes Survey and Consultants, appearing on behalf of the applicant,
indicating that he was in agreement with the staff report and recommendation.
On motion of Councillor Farren
Seconded by Councillor Snook
RESOLVED that the by -law entitled "A Law to
Amend the Zoning By -Law of the City of Saint John" amending Schedule "A the Zoning
Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of
approximately 6600 square metres, located at 982 -984 1000 Westfield Road, also
identified as PID numbers 00419093 and 00287680, from "B -2" General Business and
"1 -1" Light Industrial to "1 -1" Light Industrial and "RS -2" One and Two Family Suburban
Residential, be read a first time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a first time by title, the by -law entitled "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of
the City of Saint John."
On motion of Councillor Farren
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the by -law entitled "A Law to
Amend the Zoning By -Law of the City of Saint John" amending Schedule "A the Zoning
Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of
approximately 6600 square metres, located at 982 -984 1000 Westfield Road, also
identified as PID numbers 00419093 and 00287680, from "B -2" General Business and
"1 -1" Light Industrial to "1 -1" Light Industrial and "RS -2" One and Two Family Suburban
Residential, be read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
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AUGUST 16, 2010 /LE 16 AOUT 2010
Read a second time by title, the by -law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of
the City of Saint John."
9. Audiences publiques a 19 h
9.1a) Projet de modification de I'arrete de zonage visant les 982 -984 et
1000, chemin Westfield
9.1b) Rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant le rezonage
Le greffier communal adjoint indique que les avis requis ont ete publies relativement a la
modification de 1'annexe A, plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, en procedant au
rezonage dune parcelle de terrain dune superficie d'environ 6 600 metres carres situee
aux 982 -984 et 1000, chemin Westfield et portant les NID 00419093 et 00287680, afin
de faire passer la classification s'y rapportant de zone commerciale generale B -2 et
zone d'industrie legere 1 -1 a zone d'industrie legere 1 -1 et zone residentielle de
banlieue habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales RS -2 et qu'aucune objection n'a
ete regue a cet egard.
Examen d'un rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme, accompagne d'un exemplaire
du rapport redige par le personnel du Service d'urbanisme, etudie lors de la seance du
10 aoCit 2010, a laquelle le Comite a recommande de proceder au rezonage de la
parcelle de terrain situee aux 982 -984 et 1000, chemin Westfield, telle qu'elle est decrite
ci- dessus, sous reserve des conditions stipulees a ('article 39.
Le maire invite le public a se prononcer contre le rezonage, mais personne ne prend la
Le maire invite les membres du public a exprimer leur appui quant au rezonage.
Rick Turner, de Hughes Surveys Consultants, au nom du demandeur, indique qu'il est
d'accord avec le rapport et la recommandation du personnel.
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appuyee par le conseiller Snook
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete
modifiant I'arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John modifiant 1'annexe A, plan de
zonage de The City of Saint John, en procedant au rezonage dune parcelle de terrain
situee aux 982 -984 et 1000, chemin Westfield, dune superficie approximative de
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6 600 metres carres, portant les NID 00419093 et 00287680, pour faire passer la
designation s'y rapportant de zone commerciale generale B -2 et zone d'industrie
legere 1 -1 a zone d'industrie legere 1 -1 et zone residentielle de banlieue
habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales RS -2 fasse I'objet dune premiere lecture.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Premiere lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de
The City of Saint John
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete
modifiant I'arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John modifiant 1'annexe A, plan de
zonage de The City of Saint John, en procedant au rezonage dune parcelle de terrain
situee aux 982 -984 et 1000, chemin Westfield, dune superficie approximative de
6 600 metres carres, portant les NID 00419093 et 00287680, pour faire passer la
designation s'y rapportant de zone commerciale generale B -2 et zone d'industrie
legere 1 -1 a zone d'industrie legere 1 -1 et zone residentielle de banlieue
habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales RS -2 fasse I'objet dune deuxieme lecture.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Deuxieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de
The City of Saint John
9.2(a) Proposed Zoning By -Law Amendment 11 King William Road
9.2(b) Planning Advisory Committee report recommending Denial of Application
The Assistant Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was completed
with regard to amending Schedule "A the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by
re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 16 hectares, located at 11 King
William Road, also identified as PID number 55159719, from "RS -2" One and Two
Family Suburban Residential to "R -2" One and Two Family Residential, "TH"
Townhouse, "RM -1" Three Storey Multiple Residential and "B -2" General Business with
no objections being received.
Consideration was also given to a report from the Planning Advisory Committee
submitting a copy of Planning Staff's report considered at its August 10, 2010 meeting at
which time the Committee recommended denial of the rezoning of a parcel of land
located at 11 King William Road as described above.
The Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the rezoning with
Barbara Johnson of 57 Birchwood Place speaking against the proposal. She stated that
although she is in support of the residential housing component, she is against the
business component of the application and the portion of the housing that proposes a
multi apartment complex. Mr. David O'Toole indicated that although he supports the
residential housing aspect of the proposal that he is not in favour of any commercial
The Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favour of the re- zoning with
Mr. Rick Turner of Hughes Surveys and Consultants appearing on behalf of the
applicant. Mr. Turner stated that he is in agreement with the staff report and
recommendation but is not in agreement with the report from the Planning Advisory
Committee in which the denial of the application is being recommended. Addressing the
concerns of the Planning Advisory Committee, Mr. Turner expressed the view that this is
an appropriate location for the development further adding that the proposal falls within
the criteria of the current municipal plan. He further added that the infrastructure to
support the development exists and expressed the view that the majority of residents in
the area support the proposal. With respect to the commercial component of the
application, Mr. Turner stated that there are very strict conditions placed on the
commercial aspect, adding that the business component is a small, but integral part of
the proposal and is restricted to approximately 1000 square meters of space in total.
Mr. Wayne McGaughey, the owner of an auto repair shop in the area, also spoke in
favour of the proposed development.
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Snook
RESOLVED that the application with respect to the
re- zoning of a parcel of land with an area of approximately 16 hectares, located at
11 King William Road, also identified as PID number 55159719, from "RS -2" One and
Two Family Suburban Residential to "R -2" One and Two Family Residential, "TH"
Townhouse, "RM -1" Three Storey Multiple Residential and "B -2" General Business, be
tabled until the end of October in anticipation of the pending completion of a fiscal impact
Question being taken, the motion was defeated with Deputy Mayor
Chase, and Councillors Court, Higgins, Snook and Sullivan voting nay.
On motion of Councillor Sullivan
Seconded by Councillor Killen
RESOLVED that the application with respect to the
re- zoning of a parcel of land with an area of approximately 16 hectares, located at
11 King William Road, also identified as PID number 55159719, from "RS -2" One and
Two Family Suburban Residential to "R -2" One and Two Family Residential, "TH"
Townhouse, "RM -1" Three Storey Multiple Residential and "B -2" General Business, be
Question being taken, the motion was defeated with Mayor Court, Deputy
Mayor Chase, and Councillors Court, Farren, Higgins, and Snook voting nay.
On motion of Councillor Snook
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that the by -law entitled "A Law to
Amend the Zoning By -Law of the City of Saint John" amending Schedule "A the Zoning
Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of
approximately 16 hectares, located at 11 King William Road, also identified as PID
number 55159719, from "RS -2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "R -2" One
and Two Family Residential, "TH" Townhouse, "RM -1" Three Storey Multiple Residential
and "B -2" General Business, be read a first time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors Killen,
McGuire, Sullivan and Titus voting nay.
Read a first time by title, the by -law entitled "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of the
City of Saint John."
Councillor Farren withdrew from the meeting.
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AUGUST 16, 2010 /LE 16 AOUT 2010
On motion of Councillor Snook
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that the by -law entitled "A Law to
Amend the Zoning By -Law of the City of Saint John" amending Schedule "A the Zoning
Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of
approximately 16 hectares, located at 11 King William Road, also identified as PID
number 55159719, from "RS -2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "R -2" One
and Two Family Residential, "TH" Townhouse, "RM -1" Three Storey Multiple Residential
and "B -2" General Business, be read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors Killen,
McGuire, Sullivan and Titus voting nay.
Read a second time by title, the by -law entitled "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of
the City of Saint John."
9.2a) Projet de modification de I'Arrete de zonage visant le 11, chemin King
9.2b) Rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant le rejet de la
Le greffier communal adjoint indique que les avis requis ont ete publies relativement aux
modifications proposees a I'annexe A, plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, le
rezonage dune parcelle de terrain dune superficie d'environ 16 hectares situee au
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AUGUST 16, 2010 /LE 16 AOUT 2010
11, chemin King William et portant le NID 55159719 afin de faire passer la classification
s'y rapportant de zone residentielle de banlieue habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales
RS -2 a zone residentielle de banlieue habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales
R -2 zone de maisons en rangee TH zone residentielle d'immeubles a
logements multiples de trois etages RM -1 et zone commerciale generale B -2 et
qu'aucune objection n'a ete regue a cet egard.
Examen d'un rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme, accompagne d'un exemplaire
du rapport du personnel du service d'urbanisme, etudie lors de la seance du
10 aoCit 2010, au cours de laquelle le Comite a decide de recommander le rejet du
rezonage dune parcelle de terrain situee au 11, chemin King William, telle qu'elle est
decrite ci- dessus.
Le maire invite le public a venir exprimer son opposition au projet de rezonage,
Barbara Johnson, resident au 57, place Birchwood, se prononce contre la proposition.
Elle indique que bien qu'elle soit en faveur du volet sur les logements residentiels, elle
s'oppose au volet commercial de la demande eta la partie des logements proposant un
immeuble de plusieurs appartements. M. David O'Toole indique que bien qu'il appuie
I'aspect residentiel des logements de la proposition, il s'oppose a tout amenagement
Le maire invite ensuite les membres du public en faveur du rezonage a exprimer leur
appui. Rick Turner, de Hughes Surveys Consultants, prend la parole au nom du
demandeur et indique qu'il est d'accord avec le rapport et les recommandations du
personnel, mais qu'il n'est pas d'accord avec le rapport du Comite consultatif
d'urbanisme, dans lequel le rejet de la demande est recommande. En reponse aux
preoccupations du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme, M. Turner estime qu'il s'agit d'un
emplacement approprie pour I'amenagement et ajoute que la proposition respecte les
criteres du plan d'amenagement actuel. II ajoute egalement qu'une infrastructure visant
a appuyer I'amenagement est en place et il estime que la majorite des residents du
quartier appuient la proposition. En ce qui a trait au volet commercial de la demande,
M. Turner indique que des conditions tres strictes sont imposees relativement a I'aspect
commercial, ajoutant que le volet commercial est mineur, mais qu'il fait partie integrante
de la proposition et qu'il est limite a un espace d'environ 1 000 metres carres au total.
M. Wayne McGaughey, proprietaire d'un atelier de debosselage dans le quartier, s'est
aussi exprime en faveur de I'amenagement propose.
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller Snook
RESOLU que la demande relative au rezonage
dune parcelle de terrain situee au 11, chemin King William, dune superficie
approximative de 16 hectares, et portant le NID 55159719 afin de faire passer la
classification s'y rapportant de zone residentielle de banlieue habitations unifamiliales
et bifamiliales R -2 a zone residentielle de banlieue habitations unifamiliales et
bifamiliales R -2 zone de maisons en range TH zone residentielle d'immeubles
a logements multiples de trois etages RM -1 et zone commerciale generale B -2
soit reportee jusqu'a la fin du mois d'octobre, en prevision de I'achevement dune etude
sur ('incidence fiscale.
A ('issue du vote, la proposition est rejetee. Le maire suppleant Chase
ainsi que les conseillers Court, Snook, Sullivan et la conseillere Higgins votent contre la
Proposition du conseiller Sullivan
Appuyee par le conseiller Killen
RESOLU que la demande relative au rezonage
dune parcelle de terrain situee au 11, chemin King William, dune superficie
approximative de 16 hectares, et portant le NID 55159719 afin de faire passer la
classification s'y rapportant de zone residentielle de banlieue habitations unifamiliales
et bifamiliales RS -2 a zone residentielle de banlieue habitations unifamiliales et
bifamiliales R -2 zone de maisons en range TH zone residentielle d'immeubles
a logements multiples de trois etages RM -1 et zone commerciale generale B -2
soit rejetee.
A ('issue du vote, la proposition est rejetee. Le maire Court, le maire
suppleant Chase et les conseillers Court, Farren, Snook et la conseillere Higgins votent
contre la proposition.
Proposition du conseiller Snook
Appuyee par le conseiller Court
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant
I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John modifiant I'annexe A plan de zonage
de The City of Saint John, en procedant au rezonage dune parcelle de terrain situee au
11, chemin King William, dune superficie approximative de 16 hectares, et portant le
NID 55159719 afin de faire passer la classification s'y rapportant de zone residentielle
de banlieue habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales RS -2 a zone residentielle
habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales R -2 zone de maisons en rangee TH
zone residentielle d'immeubles a logements multiples de trois etages RM -1 et zone
commerciale generale B -2 fasse I'objet dune premiere lecture.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Les conseillers Killen,
McGuire, Sullivan et Titus votent contre la proposition.
Premiere lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de
The City of Saint John
Le conseiller Farren quitte la reunion.
95 -451
AUGUST 16, 2010 /LE 16 AOUT 2010
Proposition du conseiller Snook
Appuyee par le conseiller Court
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant
I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John modifiant I'annexe A plan de zonage
de The City of Saint John, en procedant au rezonage dune parcelle de terrain situee au
11, chemin King William, dune superficie approximative de 16 hectares, et portant le
NID 55159719 afin de faire passer la classification s'y rapportant de zone residentielle
de banlieue habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales RS -2 a zone residentielle de
banlieue habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales R -2 zone de maisons en rangee
TH zone residentielle d'immeubles a logements multiples de trois etages RM -1
et zone commerciale generale B -2 fasse I'objet dune deuxieme lecture.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Les conseillers Killen,
McGuire, Sullivan et Titus votent contre la proposition.
Deuxieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de
The City of Saint John
3.1 Public Engagement Report PIanSJ Opportunities and Directions
Councillor Farren re- entered the meeting.
Referring to a submitted report and presentation, Jacqueline Hamilton, Deputy
Commissioner of Planning and Development, updated Council on the Plan SJ public
engagement report.
Anne McShane, Chair of the Citizens' Advisory Committee, introduced the launch of the
opportunities video, noting that the video could be seen on The City of Saint John
website, on the PIanSJ Facebook page, in the PIanSJ Storefront in Brunswick Square
and as part of the Community Engagement workshops.
Mayor Court thanked the members of the Citizens' Advisory Committee and presented
On motion of Councillor Farren
Seconded by Councillor Killen
RESOLVED that Common Council accept the
PIanSJ Public Engagement Report #2 for the purposes of guiding the next stage of
public engagement and further that the previous motion adopted on August 3, 2010 be
rescinded and a revised date of September 2, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. be adopted for the
special Council meeting to be held at the PIanSJ Storefront to develop the options for
growth and change.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
95 -452
AUGUST 16, 2010 /LE 16 AOUT 2010
3.1 Rapport sur la mobilisation du public Possibilites et orientations du
Le conseiller Farren se joint de nouveau a la seance.
Mentionnant un rapport soumis et une presentation, Jacqueline Hamilton, commissaire
adjointe a I'urbanisme et au developpement, donne une mise a jour au conseil quant au
Rapport sur la mobilisation du public relativement au PIanSJ.
Anne McShane, presidente du Comite consultatif de citoyens, presente le lancement
dune video sur les perspectives et elle indique que la video pourrait etre visualisee sur
le site Web de The City of Saint John, sur la page Facebook du PIanSJ, dans le local du
PIanSJ au centre Brunswick Square et dans le cadre des ateliers lies a la mobilisation
Le maire Court remercie les membres du Comite consultatif de citoyens et decerne des
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appuyee par le conseiller Killen
RESOLU que le conseil communal accepte le
deuxieme rapport sur la mobilisation du public pour le PIanSJ, afin de guider la
prochaine etape de la mobilisation du public, que la proposition adoptee anterieurement
le 3 aoCit 2010 soit annulee et que la date revisee du 2 septembre 2010 a 16 h soit
adoptee pour la tenue de la seance extraordinaire du conseil dans le local du PIanSJ,
afin d'elaborer les options de croissance et de changement.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
6. Members Comments
Council members commented on various community events.
6. Commentaires presentes par les membres
Les membres du conseil s'expriment sur diverses activites communautaires.
7. Proclamation
7. Proclamation
8. Delegations /Presentations
8.1 Taxi Advisory Committee
Referring to a submitted presentation, Don LeBlanc, Chair of the Taxi Advisory
suggested that the Taxi Advisory Committee as it currently exists is essentially a non-
functioning committee and recommended that a new committee, a Taxi Authority, be
Mr. Nugent stated that it is not clear what level of authority the Taxi Advisory wished to
exercise as opposed its current advisory. He added that it would not be appropriate for
a staff member to comprise the Taxi Authority as part of a decision making body that is
implementing or administering policy, adding that it would be appropriate for a staff
member to provide support and or legal advice.
On motion of Councillor Sullivan
Seconded by Councillor Killen
RESOLVED that Council suspend section 10.7 of
the Procedural By -Law for this item.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Sullivan
Seconded by Councillor Killen
RESOLVED that the submitted presentation with
recommendations from the Taxi Advisory Committee be referred to the City Manager,
City Solicitor and Chief of Police for a report and recommendation.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
8. Delegations et presentations
8.1 Comite consultatif sur les taxis
95 -453
AUGUST 16, 2010 /LE 16 AOUT 2010
Mentionnant la presentation soumise, Don Leblanc, president du comite consultatif sur
les taxis, suggere que le comite consultatif sur les taxis tel qu'il existe actuellement est
un comite qui ne fonctionne absolument pas et il recommande qu'un nouveau comite,
representant des chauffeurs de taxis, soit mis en place.
M. Nugent indique que le niveau d'autorite que le representant de chauffeurs de taxis
souhaite exercer n'est pas clair par rapport aux responsabilites du comite actuel. II
ajoute qu'iI ne serait pas pertinent pour un membre du personnel d'inclure le
representant des chauffeurs de taxis a un organisme charge de prendre des decisions
qui met en oeuvre et administre des politiques. II ajoute qu'iI serait approprie pour un
membre du personnel d'offrir du soutien et des conseils juridiques.
Proposition du conseiller Sullivan
Appuyee par le conseiller Killen
RESOLU que le conseil suspende la section 10.7
de I'arrete relatif au reglement interieur.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Proposition du conseiller Sullivan
Appuyee par le conseiller Killen
RESOLU que la presentation avec les
recommandations du comite consultatif sur les taxis soient soumises au directeur
general, a I'avocat municipal et au chef de police aux fins de rapport et de
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
10. Consideration of By -laws
10.1 Proposed Municipal Plan Amendment 231 Milford Road
On motion of Councillor Sullivan
Seconded by Councillor Farren
RESOLVED that the proposed Municipal Plan By-
Law Amendment regarding 231 Milford Road be referred to the Planning Advisory
Committee for a report and recommendation and the necessary advertising be
authorized with a Public Hearing to be held on September 27, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the
Council Chamber.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
10. Etude des arretes municipaux
10.1 Projet de modification du plan municipal visant le 231 chemin Milford
Proposition du conseiller Sullivan
Appuyee par le conseiller Farren
RESOLU que le projet de modification du plan
municipal visant le 231 chemin Milford soit transmis au Comite consultatif d'urbanisme
en vue de I'etablissement d'un rapport et de la presentation de recommandations, que la
publication des avis exiges soit autorisee et qu'une audience publique soit fixee au
27 septembre 2010, a 19 h, dans la salle du conseil.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
95 -454
AUGUST 16, 2010 /LE 16 AOUT 2010
12. Business Matters Municipal Officers
12.3 City Manager: Contract Number 2010 -15: Asphalt Pavement Renewal 2010
On motion of Councillor Farren
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010 -270, Contract number 2010 -15: Asphalt
Pavement Renewal 2010, be awarded to the low tenderer, Debly Enterprises Ltd., at
the tendered price of $3,207,411.82 as calculated based upon estimated quantities and
that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract
documents, and further that Council authorize submission of an Infrastructure Stimulus
Fund project request, in the amount of $800,000, for the next phase of remediation of
the old Howe's Lake Landfill site.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
12. Affaires municipales evoquees par les fonctionnaires municipaux
12.3 Directeur general Contrat n 2010 -15 Refection du revetement
asphaltique pour 2010
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur
general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -270, contrat n° 2010 -15 Refection du
revetement asphaltique pour 2010, soit accorde au soumissionnaire moins disant, Debly
Enterprises Ltd. au prix offert de 3 207 411,82 etabli a partir de quantites estimatives,
que le maire et le greffier communal soient autorises a signer les documents
contractuels necessaires et que le conseil autorise la soumission dune demande de
projet relatif au fonds de stimulation de ('infrastructure, d'un montant de 800 000 pour
la prochaine phase de la restauration de I'ancien site d'enfouissement du lac Howes.
A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
12.4 City Manager: Review of Development Financial Incentives Report from
Hemson Consulting
On motion of Councillor Sullivan
Seconded by Councillor Farren
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010 -261: Review of Development Financial
Incentives Final Report from Hemson Consulting, Common Council:
1) Receive for information the Review of Development Financial Incentives
Report prepared by Hemson Consulting dated June, 2010;
2) Direct staff to make the Review of Development Financial Incentives
Report available in the offices of the Planning and Development Department and on the
City of Saint John website;
3) Invite the public to submit written comments respecting the Review of
Development Financial Incentives Report to the Planning and Development Department
by September 15, 2010;
4) Direct the Commissioner of Planning and Development to provide Common
Council with a summary of the written comments received from interested stakeholders
and that that the Commissioner be directed to provide Common Council with a report
detailing recommended changes to the City's residential, commercial, business park,
and heritage incentives in time to allow for implementation in early 2011.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
12.4 Directeur general Examen des incitatifs financiers pour I'amenagement
dans le rapport presente par Hemson Consulting
Proposition du conseiller Sullivan
Appuyee par le conseiller Farren
RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur
general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 261 Examen des incitatifs financiers
pour I'amenagement dans le rapport final presente par Hemson Consulting, le conseil
1) accepte a titre informatif ('examen des incitatifs financiers pour I'amenagement
dans le rapport presente par Hemson Consulting, date de juin 2010;
2) demande au personnel de mettre le rapport portant sur I'examen des incitatifs
financiers pour I'amenagement a disposition des bureaux du Service d'urbanisme et de
developpement et de I'afficher sur le site Web de The City of Saint John;
3) invite le public a soumettre par ecrit des commentaires Ties au rapport portant
sur I'examen des incitatifs financiers pour I'amenagement au Service d'urbanisme et de
developpement d'ici le 15 septembre 2010;
4) charge le commissaire a I'urbanisme et au developpement de fournir au
conseil communal un sommaire des commentaires ecrits regus de Ia part des
intervenants interesses et demande au commissionnaire de fournir au conseil communal
un rapport precisant les changements recommandes pour les incitatifs Ties a I'aspect
residentiel et commercial, au parc commercial et au patrimoine de Ia ville, a temps pour
Ia mise en oeuvre debut 2011.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
95 -455
AUGUST 16, 2010 /LE 16 AOUT 2010
12.6(a) City Manager: Dorchester Street Traffic and Parking By -Law Amendments
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010 -268: Dorchester Street Traffic and Parking
By -Law Amendments, Common Council endorse the conversion of Dorchester Street
between Carleton Street and Union Street to two -way traffic with the following
1) Amend the Traffic By -Law by adding Dorchester Street, Both Sides, from
Union Street to Carleton Street to Schedule B (No Parking Anytime);
2) Amend the Traffic By -Law by removing Dorchester Street, Union Street to
Carleton Street, in the Northerly Direction from Schedule D (One -Way Streets);
3) Amend the Traffic By -Law by adding Dorchester Street, southerly, to Union
Street to Schedule F (Prohibited Left Turns);
4) Amend the Traffic By -Law by removing Dorchester Street, Union Street to
Carleton Street, from Schedule J (No Overnight Parking);
5) Amend the Traffic By -Law by removing Dorchester Street, East Side,
commencing at a point 8 metres north of Union Street and extending 7 metres northerly,
from Schedule N (Loading Zones) and;
6) Amend the Parking By -Law by removing Dorchester Street, Union Street to
Carleton Street, Both Sides from Schedule A (Parking Meters).
voting nay.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Higgins
12.6a) Directeur general Modifications de I'arrete concernant le stationnement et
la circulation sur la rue Dorchester
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur
general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 268: Modifications de l'arrete
concernant le stationnement et /a circulation de /a rue Dorchester, le conseil communal
appuie la transformation de la rue Dorchester, entre la rue Carleton et la rue Union, en
une rue a double sens, moyennant ('execution des modifications suivantes
1) modification de I'arrete relatif a la circulation en ajoutant la rue Dorchester, des
deux cotes, de la rue Union a la rue Carleton a ('annexe B (stationnement interdit);
2) modification de I'arrete relatif a la circulation par le retrait de la rue Dorchester,
de la rue Union a la rue Carleton, en direction nord, de ('annexe D (rues a sens unique);
3) modification de I'arrete relatif a la circulation en ajoutant la rue Dorchester, en
direction sud jusqu'a la rue Union, a ('annexe F (virages a gauche interdits);
4) modification de I'arrete relatif a la circulation par le retrait la rue Dorchester, de
la rue Union a la rue Carleton, de ('annexe J (stationnement de nuit interdit);
5) modification de I'arrete relatif a la circulation par le retrait la rue Dorchester,
quartier est, partant d'un point situe a une distance de huit metres de la rue Union en
direction nord et poursuivant en direction nord sur une distance de sept metres, de
('annexe N (aire de chargement);
6) modification de I'arrete relatif au stationnement par le retrait la rue Dorchester,
de la rue Union a la rue Carleton, des deux cotes, de ('annexe A (parcometres).
A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. La conseillere Higgins vote
contre la proposition.
95 -456
AUGUST 16, 2010 /LE 16 AOUT 2010
12.6(b) City Solicitor: Traffic By -Law and Parking Meter By -Law Amendments
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the by -law entitled "A By -Law to
Amend a By -Law with Respect to Parking Zones and the Use of Parking Meters and Pay
and Display Machines," amending the Parking By -Law by removing Dorchester Street,
Union Street to Carleton Street, Both Sides from Schedule A, be read a first time.
voting nay.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Higgins
Read a first time by title, the by -law entitled "A By -Law to Amend a By -Law with Respect
to Parking Zones and the Use of Parking Meters and Pay and Display Machines."
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Farren
RESOLVED that the by -law entitled "A By -Law to
Amend a By -Law with Respect to Parking Zones and the Use of Parking Meters and Pay
and Display Machines," amending the Parking By -Law by removing Dorchester Street,
Union Street to Carleton Street, Both Sides from Schedule A, be read a second time.
voting nay.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Higgins
Read a second time by title, the by -law entitled "A By -Law to Amend a By -Law with
Respect to Parking Zones and the Use of Parking Meters and Pay and Display
On motion of Councillor McGuire
Seconded by Councillor Titus
RESOLVED that the by -law entitled "A By -Law to
Amend a By -Law Respecting Traffic on Streets in the City of Saint John made under the
Authority of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, and amendments thereto," by amending
Schedules B, D, F, J and N, be read a first time.
voting nay.
Read a first time by title, the by -law entitled "A By -Law to Amend a By -Law Respecting
Traffic on Streets in the City of Saint John made under the Authority of the Motor Vehicle
Act, 1973, and amendments thereto."
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Farren
RESOLVED that the by -law entitled "A By -Law to
Amend a By -Law Respecting Traffic on Streets in the City of Saint John made under the
Authority of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, and amendments thereto," by amending
Schedules B, D, F, J and N, be read a second time.
voting nay.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Higgins
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Higgins
Read a second time by title, the by -law entitled "A By -Law to Amend a By -Law
Respecting Traffic on Streets in the City of Saint John made under the Authority of the
Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, and amendments thereto."
95 -457
AUGUST 16, 2010 /LE 16 AOUT 2010
12.6b) Avocat municipal Modifications de I'arrete concernant la circulation et les
parcometres de la rue Dorchester
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant
('Arrete concernant les zones de stationnement et ('utilisation des parcometres et des
horodateurs modifiant I'arrete relatif au stationnement par le retrait Ia rue Dorchester,
de Ia rue Union a Ia rue Carleton, des deux cotes, de ('annexe A, soit Iu une premiere
A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. La conseillere Higgins vote
contre la proposition.
Premiere lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete concernant les
zones de stationnement et ('utilisation des parcometres et des horodateurs
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller Farren
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant
('Arrete concernant les zones de stationnement et ('utilisation des parcometres et des
horodateurs modifiant I'arrete relatif au stationnement par le retrait la rue Dorchester,
de la rue Union a la rue Carleton, des deux cotes, de ('annexe A, soit lu une deuxieme
A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. La conseillere Higgins vote
contre la proposition.
Deuxieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete concernant les
zones de stationnement et ('utilisation des parcometres et des horodateurs
Proposition du conseiller McGuire
Appuyee par le conseiller Titus
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant
('Arrete relatif a la circulation dans les rues de The City of Saint John edicte en vertu de
la Loi surles vehicules a moteur(1973) et modifications afferentes modifiant les
annexes B, D, F, J et N, fasse ('objet dune premiere lecture.
A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. La conseillere Higgins vote
contre la proposition.
Premiere lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete relatif a la
circulation dans les rues de The City of Saint John edicte en vertu de la Loi surles
vehicules a moteur (1973) et modifications afferentes
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller Farren
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant
('Arrete relatif a la circulation dans les rues de The City of Saint John edicte en vertu de
la Loi surles vehicules a moteur(1973) et modifications afferentes modifiant les
annexes B, D, F, J et N, fasse ('objet dune deuxieme lecture.
A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. La conseillere Higgins vote
contre la proposition.
Deuxieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete relatif a la
circulation dans les rues de The City of Saint John edicte en vertu de la Loi surles
vehicules a moteur (1973) et modifications afferentes
95 -458
AUGUST 16, 2010 /LE 16 AOUT 2010
12.7 City Manager: Engagement of Traffic Signal Maintenance and Training
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010 -266, Engagement of Traffic Signal
Maintenance and Training Services, Common Council authorize a supply agreement
with Flow Traffic Services Inc. for traffic signal maintenance and training services over
the period September 1, 2010 to April 1, 2011, in accordance with the request for
proposal dated July 22, 2010 and the vendor's proposal dated August 5, 2010.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Councillor Titus withdrew from the meeting.
12.7 Directeur general Recours a des services d'entretien des feux de
circulation et a des services de formation
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur
general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 -266, Recours a des services
d'entretien des feux de circulation eta des services de formation, le conseil communal
autorise un contrat d'approvisionnement avec Flow Traffic Services Inc. pour la
prestation de services d'entretien des feux de circulation eta des services de formation,
sur une periode allant du ter septembre 2010 au 1er avril 2011, conformement a la
demande de proposition datee du 22 juillet 2010 eta la proposition du fournisseur datee
du 5 aoCit 2010.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Le conseiller Titus quitte la reunion.
12.8 City Manager: Engagement of Consultant Rockwood Park Redevelopment
Phase 3
On motion of Councillor Farren
Seconded by Councillor Sullivan
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010: Engagement of Consultant— Rockwood
Park Redevelopment Phase 3, Common Council, notwithstanding the City's
Procurement Policy for engagement of Professional Services, authorize staff to conduct
negotiations for the engagement of BDA Landscape Architects to carry out design for the
third phase of the redevelopment of Rockwood Park.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
12.8 Directeur general Embauche d'un conseiller pour la phase 3 du projet de
reamenagement du parc Rockwood
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan
RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur
general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010 Embauche d'un conseiller pour la
phase 3 du projet de reamenagement du parc Rockwood, le conseil communal,
nonobstant la politique d'approvisionnement de la Ville relativement au recours a des
services professionnels, autorise le personnel a entreprendre des negociations avec
BDA Landscape Architects pour fournir des services de conception et de gestion
relativement a la au projet de reamenagement du parc Rockwood.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
13. Committee Reports
13.1 Planning Advisory Committee: Proposed Subdivision Old Lake Trail
(1433 Loch Lomond Road) Folkins Estates Inc. Subdivision
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
95 -459
AUGUST 16, 2010 /LE 16 AOUT 2010
On motion of Councillor Sullivan
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that as recommended by the Planning
Advisory Committee in the submitted report, Common Council:
1) assent to one or more subdivision plans, in one or more phases, with respect
to the vesting of the proposed public street extension and future street, as generally
indicated on the submitted photo- reduced tentative subdivision plan(s) entitled `Folkins
Estates Inc. Subdivision, Phase 5, Extension to Old Lake Trail' and `Folkins Estates Inc.
Subdivision, Phase 5, Lakewood', as well as to any necessary municipal services
easements and public utility easements;
2) under the authority of Section 57 of the Community Planning Act, release that
portion of the existing Land for Public Purposes dedication having an area of
approximately 1,360 square metres, identified as Parcel "X" on the submitted photo
reduced tentative subdivision plan entitled `Folkins Estates Inc. Subdivision, Phase 5
Extension to Old Lake Trail';
3) assent to the proposed Land for Public Purposes dedication of approximately
3,225 square metres adjacent to the proposed cul -de -sac terminus of Old Lake Trail, as
generally indicated on the submitted photo- reduced tentative subdivision plan entitled
`Folkins Estates Inc. Subdivision, Phase 5 Extension to Old Lake Trail';
4) authorize the preparation and execution of one or more City Developer
Subdivision Agreements to ensure provision of the required work and facilities, including
detailed site and drainage plans for the approval of the Chief City Engineer or designate.
13. Rapports deposes par les comites
13.1 Comite consultatif d'urbanisme Projet de lotissement au sentier Old Lake
(1433, chemin Loch Lomond), lotissement Folkins Estates Inc.
Proposition du conseiller Sullivan
Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que, comme le recommande le Comite
consultatif d'urbanisme dans le rapport soumis, le conseil communal
1) approuve le ou les plans de lotissement en une ou plusieurs phases, par
rapport a ('inclusion du prolongement de la rue publique proposee et de la rue future,
comme it est indique de fagon generale dans les plans de lotissement provisoires avec
photo reduite soumis intitules lotissement Folkins Estates Inc. prolongement du
sentier Old Lake (phase 5) et lotissement Folkins Estates Inc. Lakewood
(phase 5) de meme que les servitudes necessaires pour les services municipaux et
les services publics;
2) en vertu de ('article 57 de la Loi sur l'urbanisme, autorise le dessaisissement
dune partie d'un terrain d'utilite publique existant, dune superficie d'environ
1 360 metres carres, designee parcelle X sur le plan de lotissement provisoire avec
photo reduite intitule lotissement Folkins Estates Inc. prolongement du sentier Old
Lake (phase 5)
3) approuve ('affectation proposee du terrain d'utilite publique dune superficie
d'environ 3 225 metres carres, adjacent a I'extremite sans issue du sentier Old Lake
proposee, comme I'indique de maniere generale le plan de lotissement provisoire avec
photo reduite intitule lotissement Folkins Estates Inc. prolongement du sentier Old
Lake (phase 5)
4) autorise la redaction et la signature de contrats de lotissement entre la Ville et
le promoteur afin de permettre ('execution des travaux requis et la mise en place des
installations necessaires, y compris ('elaboration de plans de situation et de drainage
detailles soumis a ('approbation de I'ingenieur municipal en chef ou du remplagant.
A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda
14. Etude des sujets ecartes des questions soumises a ('approbation du
95 -460
AUGUST 16, 2010 /LE 16 AOUT 2010
15. General Correspondence
15.2 Human Development Council Letter: Mandatory Long -Form Census
On motion of Deputy Mayor Chase
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the Mayor be directed to send a
letter to the federal government requesting that it reconsider the decision to end the use
of the mandatory long -form census and to reinstate the mandatory long -form census in
2011 and beyond.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
15. Correspondance generale
15.2 Lettre du Conseil du perfectionnement social au sujet du recensement
detaille obligatoire
Proposition du maire suppleant Chase
Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que le maire soit charge d'envoyer une
lettre au gouvernement federal demandant de reexaminer la decision de mettre fin au
recours au recensement detaille obligatoire et de retablir le recensement detaille
obligatoire a partir de 2011.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
12.1 City Manager: Reflective Material on Dumpsters
On motion of Councillor Sullivan
Seconded by Councillor Farren
RESOLVED that the submitted report M &C 2010-
267: Reflective Material on Dumpsters, be received for information.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
12.1 Directeur general Materiau reflechissant sur les bennes a rebuts
Proposition du conseiller Sullivan
Appuyee par le conseiller Farren
RESOLU que le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010-
267 Materiau reflechissant sur les bennes a rebuts, soit accepte a titre informatif.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
12.2 City Manager: Pedestrian Traffic Improvement at King Saint Patrick
On motion of Councillor Sullivan
Seconded by Councillor Farren
RESOLVED that the submitted report M &C 2010-
265: Pedestrian Traffic Improvement at King Saint Patrick Intersection be received for
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
12.2 Directeur general Amelioration de la circulation pietonniere a
('intersection des rues King et Saint Patrick
Proposition du conseiller Sullivan
Appuyee par le conseiller Farren
RESOLU que le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2010-
265 Amelioration de /a circulation pietonniere a ('intersection des rues King et
Saint Patrick, soit accepte a titre informatif.
A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
8.2 Recreation Infrastructure, Facilities and Programming (IFP) Inventory Study
Forwarded to meeting of August 30, 2010.
8.2 Etude d'inventaire de ('infrastructure, des installations et des programmes
des Services des loisirs
Reporte a la seance du 30 aout 2010.
Submissions by Council Members
Expansion of MacKay Highway (Councillor Higgins)
Forwarded to meeting of August 30, 2010.
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Interventions des membres du conseil
Agrandissement de la route MacKay (conseillere Higgins)
Reporte a la seance du 30 aout 2010.
11.2 Reporting of Traffic Accidents (Councillor Higgins)
Forwarded to meeting of August 30, 2010.
11.2 Rapport sur les accidents de la route (conseillere Higgins)
Reporte a la seance du 30 aout 2010.
11.3 Reinstatement Request for Canadian Census (Councillor Higgins)
Forwarded to meeting of August 30, 2010.
11.3 Demande de retablissement du Recensement du Canada (conseillere
Reporte a la seance du 30 aout 2010.
11.4 Simms Corner Corridor Commitment (Councillor McGuire)
Forwarded to meeting of August 30, 2010.
11.4 Engagement relatif au couloir de Simms Corner (conseiller McGuire)
Reporte a la seance du 30 aout 2010.
12.5 City Manager: Planning Fees Review
Forwarded to meeting of August 30, 2010.
12.5 Directeur general Examen des frais d'urbanisme
Reporte a la seance du 30 aout 2010.
13.2 Committee of the Whole: Appointments to Committees
Forwarded to meeting of August 30, 2010.
13.2 Comite plenier Nominations aux comites
Reporte a la seance du 30 aout 2010.
15.1 SPRNG Letter: (Rockwood Park) Sandy Point Road Planning Study
Forwarded to meeting of August 30, 2010.
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15.1 Lettre de SPRNG au sujet de I'etude d'urbanisme portant sur le chemin
Sandy Point (parc Rockwood)
Reporte a la seance du 30 aout 2010.
16. Adjournment
The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
16. Levee de la seance
Le maire declare que la seance est levee a 22 h.
Mayor /maire
Assistant Common Clerk /greffier communal adjoint