2010-06-21_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaire . City of Saint John Cammon Council Meeting Manday, June 21, 2010 Location: Common Coancil Chamber Supplemental to Agenda 9.1(e) 233 Westmorland Road - Compatible Uses Section of Municipal Plan 13.5 Recommended Appointments to Corramittees 13.6 Lang-Term Disability Management / Non-Union City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le Luadi 21 juin, 2010 Lieu : Salle du conseil communal Ordre du jour suppXementaire 9.1e} 233 chemin Westmorland - Seckion du plan municipa[ concernant les utilisations compatibles 13.5 Recommandations de nominations pour sieger aux comites 13.6 Invalidite de longue duree - Personnel de gestion et employes non syndiques ~:Campa#~le Uses . k is the paiicy of the City of SainL John: To permit ia resideatial areas those neighbourhood commmity facfl.itY, remi, and personai service zases tbat are required to scrve PrimarflY #he needs of the loca2 populaiion, or aze rampauble with the residential ncighbaahood or arca. Evaluation of ccuipatsbility will consider the foIIowing: • a) the proposed sise is located cm an arterial or collector street; b) the buildings will be of an architectu-al sryle suitable to the reakential environment af the neigbbo+phood; and c) the 8oor area is appmzimately 100U s4uara. metm or less;. d) tbe uaes cosfvrnn w all reIevant provisions of the Municipal Plan and . the Bylaws that mgi~aeat n. 2:4.4, 6 To cnsure that non-msidectia.l uses that are permiaed in residratial sreas will aot become a*+uiQe a result in inapprapriate ` bapacu an adjacem rtsidential nses by requirmg them to mea suitabLe standards and by cvaluadag them with regard to: a) the lacatiaa aad orartment of parking arm; b) the minirai setback, skle yards and rear yasds; c) the arrangemeflts of lighting facilities to ensm thcy do not shine imo ~ - ~ .nearby resideaces; d) the pravision of buffer strips co separate such uses from adjacent residential uses; and . . e) the siting af bvildings, landscaping, aad the location, size, and type of ~ signs vsed. , 2.4,4.7 To exclude from residential aFeas, those uses that are not eompadble with, residential uses with respect w the following characteristics: u a) the generation of waffic tbat is eacessive in vohime and not loW in na0ne; I b) the production of smoke, dust, fumes, or noise; Ic} the creation of bazardous or dangerous conditiaas by virtue of the operation, material or equipment used. ~ The CIty of Saint John June 21, 2010 Deputy Mayor and Councillors Subject. Recomrnended Appointments to Committees The Committee of the Who[e having met on June 21, 2010, macie the following recommendations as appointments to committees: Saint John Energy: to re-appoint Lisa Keenan ancf to appoint Joanne Godfrey, each for a three year term from June 21, 2010 to June 21, 2013. Saint John Harbour Bridge: to re-appoint Robert McDevift far a three year term from June 21, 2010 to June 21, 2013. Harbour Station Commission: to re-appoint Barbara Hutton for a three year term from June 21, 2010 to June 21, 2013. Heritage Developrnent Board: to appoint Heather Urquart for a three year term from June 21, 2010 to December 21, 2012. Saint John Parking Cammission: to Te-appoint Shelly Courser and Dwight Allaby, each for a three year term frorrt June 21, 2010 to June 21, 2013. Rockwood Park: to re-appoint Henry Briggs for a one year term from June 21, 2010 to June 2'f, 2011. Communications Campaign - Volunteers: to approve $2,600 for the Communication Manager to proceed with a recruitment campaign to attract volunteers to the Agencies, Boards ancf Commissions. Sinceraly, , ~ ..r..... I~,,.,.....^^"" V Ivan Court Mayor ~ u~~~~N SAIhI"f I(]I-iN P.O. Bcax 1971 Sair+t john, F.lB Canada F,2L 41 I wwwosainqahn.ca C.P. 1971 Sairrt Johng N.-B. Carada ER 40 )a+ ~ A The Gty oP5aint John lune 21, 2010 Common Cauncil of the City of Saint lohn His Worship Mayar Court, Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillors, 5u6ject: Committee of the Whole - Long-Term Disability- Management/Non-Union The Committee of the Whole, having met on June 21, 2010, directed the Clerk to add the following proposed resolution to Council's open session agenda: "RE50LVED that the submitted proposal from Manulife Financial for long-term disability coverage far Management/Professional and Non-Union Employees be accepted." Respectfully Submitted, Jonathan Ta lar Assistant Common Clerk . . ~ _ ~ SAIN'T° ~101iN PO. x 1971 Saink John, dAB Can,ada E2L40 ~ .sainacahn.ca I C,P.1971 SainiJo}-sn, IV: B. Canada EZ. 4 L 11 ~w~.