2010-06-21_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaire
City of Saint John
Cammon Council Meeting
Manday, June 21, 2010
Location: Common Coancil Chamber
Supplemental to Agenda
9.1(e) 233 Westmorland Road - Compatible Uses Section of Municipal Plan
13.5 Recommended Appointments to Corramittees
13.6 Lang-Term Disability Management / Non-Union
City of Saint John
Seance du conseil communal
Le Luadi 21 juin, 2010
Lieu : Salle du conseil communal
Ordre du jour suppXementaire
9.1e} 233 chemin Westmorland - Seckion du plan municipa[ concernant les utilisations compatibles
13.5 Recommandations de nominations pour sieger aux comites
13.6 Invalidite de longue duree - Personnel de gestion et employes non syndiques
~:Campa#~le Uses .
k is the paiicy of the City of SainL John: To permit ia resideatial areas those neighbourhood commmity
facfl.itY, remi, and personai service zases tbat are required to scrve PrimarflY
#he needs of the loca2 populaiion, or aze rampauble with the residential
ncighbaahood or arca. Evaluation of ccuipatsbility will consider the
foIIowing: •
a) the proposed sise is located cm an arterial or collector street;
b) the buildings will be of an architectu-al sryle suitable to the
reakential environment af the neigbbo+phood; and
c) the 8oor area is appmzimately 100U s4uara. metm or less;.
d) tbe uaes cosfvrnn w all reIevant provisions of the Municipal Plan and
. the Bylaws that mgi~aeat n.
2:4.4, 6 To cnsure that non-msidectia.l uses that are permiaed in
residratial sreas will aot become a*+uiQe a result in inapprapriate
` bapacu an adjacem rtsidential nses by requirmg them to mea suitabLe
standards and by cvaluadag them with regard to:
a) the lacatiaa aad orartment of parking arm;
b) the minirai setback, skle yards and rear yasds;
c) the arrangemeflts of lighting facilities to ensm thcy do not shine imo
~ - ~ .nearby resideaces;
d) the pravision of buffer strips co separate such uses from adjacent
residential uses; and . .
e) the siting af bvildings, landscaping, aad the location, size, and type of
~ signs vsed.
, 2.4,4.7 To exclude from residential aFeas, those uses that are not
eompadble with, residential uses with respect w the following characteristics:
a) the generation of waffic tbat is eacessive in vohime and not loW in
I b) the production of smoke, dust, fumes, or noise;
Ic} the creation of bazardous or dangerous conditiaas by virtue of the
operation, material or equipment used.
The CIty of Saint John
June 21, 2010
Deputy Mayor and Councillors
Subject. Recomrnended Appointments to Committees
The Committee of the Who[e having met on June 21, 2010, macie the following
recommendations as appointments to committees:
Saint John Energy: to re-appoint Lisa Keenan ancf to appoint Joanne Godfrey, each for a three
year term from June 21, 2010 to June 21, 2013.
Saint John Harbour Bridge: to re-appoint Robert McDevift far a three year term from June 21,
2010 to June 21, 2013.
Harbour Station Commission: to re-appoint Barbara Hutton for a three year term from June
21, 2010 to June 21, 2013.
Heritage Developrnent Board: to appoint Heather Urquart for a three year term from June 21,
2010 to December 21, 2012.
Saint John Parking Cammission: to Te-appoint Shelly Courser and Dwight Allaby, each for a
three year term frorrt June 21, 2010 to June 21, 2013.
Rockwood Park: to re-appoint Henry Briggs for a one year term from June 21, 2010 to June
2'f, 2011.
Communications Campaign - Volunteers: to approve $2,600 for the Communication
Manager to proceed with a recruitment campaign to attract volunteers to the Agencies, Boards
ancf Commissions.
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Ivan Court
SAIhI"f I(]I-iN P.O. Bcax 1971 Sair+t john, F.lB Canada F,2L 41 I wwwosainqahn.ca C.P. 1971 Sairrt Johng N.-B. Carada ER 40
The Gty oP5aint John
lune 21, 2010
Common Cauncil of the City of Saint lohn
His Worship Mayar Court, Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillors,
5u6ject: Committee of the Whole - Long-Term Disability- Management/Non-Union
The Committee of the Whole, having met on June 21, 2010, directed the Clerk to add the following
proposed resolution to Council's open session agenda:
"RE50LVED that the submitted proposal from Manulife Financial for long-term disability
coverage far Management/Professional and Non-Union Employees be accepted."
Respectfully Submitted,
Jonathan Ta lar
Assistant Common Clerk
. .
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SAIN'T° ~101iN PO. x 1971 Saink John, dAB Can,ada E2L40 ~ .sainacahn.ca I C,P.1971 SainiJo}-sn, IV: B. Canada EZ. 4 L 11