Street Closing By-law Amendment Peel Street BY-LAW NUMBER M-23 ARRETE N° M-23 A BY-LAW TO AMEND ARRETE MODIFIANT A BY-LAW RESPECTING THE L'ARRETE SUR L'INTERRUPTION STOPPING UP AND CLOSING OF DE LA CIRCULATION ET LA HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF SAINT FERMETURE DES ROUTES DANS JOHN THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted bv the Common Lors d'une reunion du conseil Council of The City of Saint Joln as conuiiunal, The City of Saiiit Joln a follows: decrete ce qui suit : 1 A by-law of The City of Saiiit Joln 1 Par les presentes, 1'arrete de The entitled, "A B~T-la~~~ Respectiug The Cit~T of Saiiit Joln intitule, « L'arrete sur Stopping Up 3nd~Closing of HighNv3ys In 1'interniption de 13 circul3tion et 13 The City of Saiiit Joln", enacted on the fermeture des routes dans The City of Saiiit nineteenth dav of December, A.D. 2005, is John decrete le 19 decembre 2005, est herebv amended by adding thereto Section modifie par 1'ajout de 1'article 202 202 uiuiiediately after Section 201 thereof, uiuiiediatement apres 1'article 201, conuiie as follovvs: suit : 202 The Cit~T of Saiiit Joln does hereb~T 202 Par les presentes, The Cit~T of Saiiit stop up and ~ close permanently the John barre et ferme de faron permanente la folloNving portion of highN-, aN : portion d'une route suivante : PEEL STREET: All that portion of Peel RUE PEEL : Toute la partie de la nie Peel, Street, an 18.3 metre NN-ide public street iu etant une i-ue publique d'une largeur de the Cit~T of Saiiit Joln iu the Count~T of 18,3 metres situee dans The Cit~T of Saint ~John and Province of Nevv Saint John, dans le comte de Saint John et BrunsNN-iclc, comprisiug 1,03-31 square dans la proviuce du metres and more particularly shoNN-n on a Nouveau-BrunsNN-iclc, d'une superficie de Plan of Sunev, dated March 6, 2()()9 1()33 metres carres, plus particulierement attached hereto. deluiutee sur le plan d'aipentage ci-joiut date du 6 mars 2009. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saiiit Joln Saint John has caused the Corporate a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le Common Seal of the said Citv to be affiied present arrete le 3 aout 2()1(), avec les to tlus bv-law the 3rd dav of August, A.D. signatures suivantes : 2010 and signed by: Mavor/Maue Assistant Conuiion Clerk/greff~ier conuiiunal adjoiut Fust Readiug - April 14, 2009 Prenuere lecture - le 14 atirri12(_)(_)9 Second Reading - April 14, 2()()9 Deuiieme lecture - le 14 avril2()()9 Third Reading - August 3 2010 Troisieme lecture - le 3aout 2 ( )1( )