2006-09-25_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourCityof SaintJohn CommonCouncilMeeting Monday, September25,2006 Location:CommonCouncilChamber CommitteeoftheWhole 1.CalltoOrder–5:00pm 10.2(4)(j) 1.1Labourand EmploymentMatter 10.2(4)(d) 1.2PropertyMatter 10.2(4)(f,g) 1.3LegalSessionPropertyMatter 10.2(4)(g) 1.4LegalSessionLegalProceedings 10.2(4)(f) 1.5LegalSessionPropertyMatter RegularMeeting 1.CalltoOrder– Prayer 6:00p.m. 2.ApprovalofMinutes 2.1September7andSeptember11,2006 Minutes 3.AdoptionofAgenda 4.DisclosuresofConflictofInterest 5.AdoptionofConsentAgenda 5.1AppointmentstoVision2015Committee(Receiveforinformation) 5.2Eric TeedStreetReconstructionforSidewalks(Receiveforinformation) 5.3NBHistoricalSociety ThreeSistersLantern(RefertoWaterfront Development) 5.4MarjorieLeemanPromotionofFundyBayLobster(ReceiveforInformation) 5.5Letterof ThanksfromStRosePlaygroundCommittee(Receivefor information) 5.6TownofHamptonRegional EnviroFair(Referto EnvironmentCommittee) 5.7KevinandTinaStandingResidentialGarbagePickup(RefertoCityManager) 5.8PublicHearingDates77GoldenGroveRoad,1210LochLomondRoadand 270CottageRoad(Recommendation) 5.9GlobalCountryofWorldPeaceProposaltoBuildPeacePalace(RefertoCity Manager) 5.10SusanStoutRequestforFinancialContribution(ReceiveforInformation) 5.11HousingAlternativesRequesttoWaiverMunicipalFees(RefertoCity Manager) 5.12Women'sWellnessConferenceRequestforSponsorship(RefertoCity Manager) 5.13CrescentValleySurveyAction TeamRequesttoPresent(RefertoClerk) 5.14ACAPSaintJohnRequesttoPresent(RefertoClerk) 5.15SaintJohn'sBloomingSpirit-PrideinourPlace(RefertoClerk) 5.16LeaseofStalls16and17SlocumandFerrisCityMarket(Recommendation) 6.MembersComments 7.Proclamation 8.Delegations/Presentations 7:00p.m. 8.1RiskAnalysisProposedNaturalGasPipeline 7:30p.m. 8.2SaintJohnPoliceForcePlanforCommunityOffices 9.PublicHearing 10.ConsiderationofBy-laws 10.1 ThirdReadingCityMarketBy-lawStalls18,19&20 11.SubmissionsbyCouncilMembers 11.1OldNorth EndAffordableHomeOwnershipPilotInitiative(Councillor McGuire) 12.BusinessMatters–MunicipalOfficers 12.1MunicipalRuralInfrastructureFunding-ProjectNo12283 12.2RequestforPlacementofaMobileHome-865RedHeadRoad 12.3ReversingFallsBridge-RenewWater TransmissionMain 12.4GreenMunicipalFund(GMF)-ApplicationForFunding 12.5ProvisionofBankingServices 12.6BankingResolutions 12.7BorrowingResolution 12.8FinancialAssistance 12.9CapitalFinancing 12.10SaleoftheHiltonHotelParkingGarageSubleaseAgreement 12.11LeaseofLandat154GermainStreetWest 13.CommitteeReports 14.ConsiderationofIssuesSeparatedfromConsentAgenda 15.GeneralCorrespondence 16.Adjournment Cityof SaintJohn Séance duconseilcommunal Lelundi25septembre2006 Emplacement: Salle duconseilcommunal Comitéplénier 1.Ouverturedelaséance:17h 10.2(4)j) 1.1Questionrelativeauxressourceshumaines –alinéa 10.2(4)d) 1.2Questionrelativeàlapropriété–alinéa 10.2(4)f)etg) 1.3Séancejuridique–biens-fonds 10.2(4)g) 1.4Séancejuridique–procéduresjudiciaires 10.2(4)f) 1.5Séancejuridique–biens-fonds Séanceordinaire 1.Ouverturedelaréunion,suiviedelaprière. 2.Approbationduprocès-verbal 2.1Procès-verbauxdesréunionstenuesle7etle11septembre2006 3.Adoptiondel'ordredujour 4.Divulgationsdeconflitsd'intérêts 5.Adoptiondel'ordredujourrelatifauxquestionssoumisesàl'approbationdu conseil 5.1NominationspoursiégerauComitésurlaVision2015(accepteràtitre informatif) 5.2Eric Teed: Travauxderéfectionderouteetdetrottoirs(accepteràtitre informatif) 5.3SociétéhistoriqueduNouveau-Brunswick:lalanternedestrois sœurs (transmettreauPartenariatd'aménagementdusecteurriveraindeSaintJohn) 5.4MarjorieLeeman:publicitérelativeauhomarddelabaiedeFundy(accepter àtitreinformatif) 5.5LettrederemerciementsreçuedeStRosePlaygroundCommittee[comitéde terrainsdejeuxStRose](accepteràtitreinformatif) 5.6Lafoire EnviroFairdelavilledeHampton(transmettreauComitésur l'environnement) 5.7Kevinet TinaStanding:lacollectededéchetsrésidentiels(transmettreau directeurgénéral) 5.8Datesd'audiencespubliquesrelativementau77,cheminGoldenGrove,au 1210,cheminLochLomondetau270,cheminCottage(recommandations) 5.9PropositionprésentéeparGlobalCountryofWorldPeace[lePaysmondialde lapaixsurterre]voulantconstruireunPalaisdelapaix(transmettreaudirecteur général) 5.10DemandedefinancementprésentéeparSusanStout(accepteràtitre informatif) 5.11Demandeprésentéeparl'organismeHousingAlternatives[autreslogements] voulantabolirlesdroitsmunicipaux(transmettreaudirecteurgénéral) 5.12Demandedeparrainageprésentéeparlecongrèssurlebien-êtredesfemmes (transmettreaudirecteurgénéral) 5.13DemandeprésentéeparleCrescentValleySurveyAction Team[équipe d'actionsurl'étudeduquartierCrescentValley]voulantseprésenterdevantle conseil(transmettreaugreffier) 5.14DemandeprésentéeparlePAZCAdeSaintJohnvoulantseprésenterdevant leconseil(transmettreaugreffier) 5.15DemandeprésentéeparSaintJohn'sBloomingSpirit-PrideinourPlace (EspritflorissantdeSaintJohn–fiertédansnotrecommunauté)voulantse présenterdevantleconseil(transmettreaugreffier) os 5.16Locationdesétals n16et17,SlocumetFerris,aumarchémunicipal (recommandation) 6.Commentairesprésentésparlesmembres 7.Proclamation 8.Délégationsetprésentations 19 h 8.1–:Analysedesrisquesrelativementaupipelinedegaznaturelproposé 19h30 8.2–:PlanducorpsdepolicedeSaintJohnrelativementauxpoliciers communautaires 9.Audiencespubliques 10.Étudedesarrêtésmunicipaux 10.1Troisièmelecturedel'arrêtéconcernantlemarchéde TheCityofSaintJohn os relativementauxétals n18,19et20. 11.Interventiondesmembresduconseil 11.1Initiativepiloterelativeàlapossessiondemaisonsabordablesdansle quartierOldNorth End(conseillerMcGuire) 12.Affairesmunicipalesévoquéesparlesfonctionnairesmunicipaux o 12.1Financementrelatifàl'infrastructuremunicipalerurale:projet n12283 12.2Demanderelativeauplacementd'unemaisonmobilesurleterrain situéau 865,cheminRedHead 12.3PontdesChutesréversibles:remplacementdelaconduited'eauprincipale 12.4Fondsd'habilitationmunicipalvert:demandedefinancement 12.5Obtentiondeservicesbancaires 12.6Résolutionsbancaires 12.7 Empruntparrésolution 12.8Assistancefinancière 12.9Financementdesimmobilisations 12.10Ventedelaconventiondesous-locationdel'airedestationnement souterrainedel'hôtelHilton 12.11Locationdebiens-fonds situésau154,rueGermainOuest 13.Rapportsdéposésparlescomités 14.Étudedessujetsécartésdesquestionssoumisesàl'approbationduconseil 15.Correspondancegénérale 16.Clôturedelaséance present NormanMcFarlane,Mayor DeputyMayorHootonandCouncillorsChase,Court,Farren, Ferguson,McGuire,Tait,andWhite -and- T.Totten,CityManager;J.Nugent,CitySolicitor;GregYeomans, CommissionerofFinance;P. Groody,CommissionerofMunicipal Operations;J.Baird,CommissionerofPlanningand Development;B.Morrison,CommissionerofLeisureServices;R. Simonds,FireChief;A.Bodechon,ChiefofPolice;P.Woods, CommonClerkandDeputyCityManager;andE.Gormley, AssistantCommonClerk SÉANCEDUCONSEILCOMMUNALDETHECITY OFSAINTJOHN LE7SEPTEMBRE2006à18H15 Sontprésents : NormanMcFarlane,maire lamairesuppléanteHootonetlesconseillersChase,Court, Farren,Ferguson,McGuire,TaitetWhite et T.Totten,directeurgénéral;J.Nugent,avocatmunicipal; Greg Yeomans,commissaireauxfinances;P.Groody,commissaire auxopérationsmunicipales;J.Baird,commissaireàl'urbanisme etaudéveloppement;B.Morrison,commissaireauxservicesdes loisirs;R.Simonds,chefduserviced'incendie;A.Bodechon,chef depolice;P.Woods,greffiercommunaletdirecteurgénéral adjoint;ainsiqueE.Gormley,greffièrecommunaleadjointe 1.CallTo Order–Prayer, MayorMcFarlanecalledthemeetingtoorder. 1.Ouverturedelaréunion,suiviedelaprière LaséanceestouverteparlemaireMcFarlane. 3ApprovalofAgenda OnmotionofCouncillorFarren SecondedbyCouncillorCourt RESOLVED that theagendaofthismeetingbe approved. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. 3Adoptiondel'ordredu jour PropositionduconseillerFarren AppuyéeparleconseillerCourt RÉSOLUquel'ordredujourdelaprésenteséance soitadopté. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. 4.Divulgationsdeconflitsd'intérêts 8.Delegations/Presentations Referringtoasubmittedelectronicslidepresentation,RossJefferson,GeneralManager oftheWaterfrontPartnership,andAlSoppitt,PresidentandChiefExecutiveOfficerof theSaintJohnPortAuthorityjointlypresentedbackgroundinformationon thevisionfor theredevelopmentofSaintJohn’sinnerharbourover thenext15years.Theyexplained thattheplanhasapotentialtorealizeapproximately$265millioninnewdevelopment andincreasedtaxbase. Mr.Jeffersonoutlined thecostsincurredontheprojecttodate,thefundingsourceswith amountscommittedandtheestimatestotake theprojectthrough to thefinalsteps,and reviewedthefundingamountscontributedbyalllevelsofgovernmentandprivatesector donations,addingthatajointfundingapplicationhasrecentlybeensubmitted toACOA forfurtherfunding.Helistedtheaccomplishmentsrealizedtodateasfollows: -Completionof threephasesofHarbourPassage -DemolitionoftheformerLanticSugarRefineryBuildings -DemolitionofthePugsleyshedsonWaterStreet,andresultingrestorationofviews andvistastotheharbour -RestorationofWaterStreet -Reversalinthedecliningpropertyassessmentsinthecentralcore -Proposalsfornewmajordevelopmentssuchas theCoastGuardSite,withprevious proposalsnowbeingconstructedsuchasnewcondominiums,residentialdevelopments andofficespace -ArenewedsenseofprideforthecitizensofSaintJohn Mr.JeffersonpresentedtheWaterfrontDevelopmentPartnership’sthreeobjectives: 1)Developacommondesignstandardandcoordinatetomatch thosewith theSaint JohnportAuthorityCruiseTerminalProject,2)Explorepossibilitiesfordesigningand acquiringadditionalpublicaccess to thewaterfrontand,3)Seekandexploreadditional fundingpartnersandsources tosupporttheproject. Mr.Soppittgaveanoverviewofthepositivespin-offeffects toberealizedby the developmentand theimportanceoftheproposedcruiseterminalbuilding toWater Street,andthecruiseindustry. DanielGlenn,LandscapeArchitectpresenteddesignconceptsfortheBayofFundy CruiseWelcomeCenter,theworkingnameofamajordevelopmentbasedintheWater StreetPrecinctinSaintJohn,featuringamulti-purposecruisepassengerterminal. OnmotionofDeputyMayorHooton SecondedbyCouncillorWhite RESOLVED thatCouncilacceptandendorse the submittedconceptdesigns;endorse thepresentedprojectandbusinessproposalin conjunctionwiththeSaintJohnPortAuthority,andrefertherequestof$786,000.forthe projecttothe2007budgetdeliberations. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. 8.Délégationsetprésentations Sereportantàuneprésentationélectroniquedediapositives,RossJefferson,directeur généralduPartenariatdel'aménagementdusecteurriveraindeSaintJohn,etAl Soppitt,président-directeurgénéraldel'AdministrationportuairedeSaintJohn,ont présentéunevued'ensembledelavisionsurleréaménagementdel'arrière-portprévu aucoursdes15prochainesannées.Ilsaffirmentqueleplanprésentedesoccasions pouvantmeneràréalisationdecertainsprojetsd'aménagementetaugmenterl'assiette fiscaled'unevaleurd'environ276M$. M.Jeffersondécritlescoûtsattribuésauprojetjusqu'àmaintenant,lessourcesde financementetlesmontantsainsiquelessommesprévusafindemenerleprojet -l'achèvementdes troisphasesdupassageduport; -ladémolitiondesanciensimmeublesdelaraffineriedesucreLantic; -ladémolitiondesremisesPugsleysurlarueWateretlerétablissementdesvues panoramiquessurlehavre; -les travauxderéfectionsurlarueWater; -l'augmentationdesévaluationsfoncièresdanslecentre-ville; -ledépôtdepropositionsvisantdenouveauxprojetsd'aménagement,telsqueleslieux occupésparlaGardecôtière,etdenouveauxprojetsdeconstructionencours,telsque lescopropriétés,lesprojetsd'aménagementrésidentieletlesbureauxcommerciaux; -lenouveausentimentdefiertééprouvéparlescitoyensdeSaintJohn. M.Jeffersonprésenteles troisobjectifsformulésparlePartenariatd'aménagementdu secteurriveraindeSaintJohn:1)encouragerlespartiesprenantesàadopterdes normesdeconceptionquis'harmonisentavecleprojetrelatifau terminalpour paquebotsdecroisière;2)explorerlesoccasionsvisantlaconceptionetl'acquisitionde pointsd'accèsausecteurriverainpourlepublic;3)rechercheretétudierlesoccasions visantàformerdespartenariatsetà trouverdessourcesdefinancementpourappuyer leprojet. M.Soppittdonneunaperçudesretombéespositivesd'untelaménagementetsouligne l'importancepourlarueWateretlemarchédescroisières,del'immeubleproposépour le terminalpourpaquebotsdecroisière. DanielGlenn,architecte-paysagiste,présentedesdessinsconceptuelsducentre d'accueildecroisièresdelabaiedeFundy,lenomprovisoired'unprojet d'aménagementimportantsituédanslequartierentourantlarueWater,mettanten vedetteunterminalmultifonctionnelpourpaquebotsdecroisière. PropositiondelamairessesuppléanteHooton AppuyéeparleconseillerWhite RÉSOLUqueleconseilaccepteetapprouveles dessinsconceptuelsprésentés;approuvelapropositioncommercialeprésentéerelative auprojet,enpartenariatavecl'AdministrationportuairedeSaintJohn,et transmetteaux délibérationsbudgétairesde2007,unedemandedesubventionaumontantde 786000$pourfinancerleprojet. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. 12.BusinessMatters-Municipal Officers OnmotionofCouncillorWhite SecondedbyDeputyMayorHooton RESOLVED thatCouncilmeetingscheduledfor September11,2006beheldfrom5:30p.m.to7:00p.m.in theCouncilChamber. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. 12.Affairesmunicipalesévoquéesparlesfonctionnairesmunicipaux PropositionduconseillerWhite AppuyéeparlamairessesuppléanteHooton RÉSOLUquelaséanceduconseilprévuele 11septembre2006,soit tenuede17h30à19hdanslasalleduconseil. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. TheMayordeclaredthemeetingadjournedat7:45p.m. 16.Clôturedelaséance Lemairedéclarequelaséanceestlevéeà19h45. Mayor/maire CommonClerk/greffiercommunal present NormanMcFarlane,Mayor DeputyMayorHootonandCouncillorsChang,Chase,Court, Farren,Ferguson,McGuire,Tait,TitusandWhite -and- T.Totten,CityManager;J.Nugent,CitySolicitor;GregYeomans, CommissionerofFinanceandTreasurer;P.Groody, CommissionerofMunicipalOperations;B.Irving,RealEstate Manager;W.Edwards,CommissionerofBuildingsand InspectionServices;B.Morrison,CommissionerofLeisure Services;R.Simonds,FireChief;B.Reid,DeputyChiefofPolice; P.Woods,CommonClerkandDeputyCityManager;andE. Gormley,AssistantCommonClerk SÉANCEDUCONSEILCOMMUNALDETHECITY OFSAINTJOHN ÀL'HÔTELDEVILLE,LE11SEPTEMBRE2006À17H Sontprésents : NormanMcFarlane,maire lamairesuppléanteHootonetlesconseillersChang,Chase, Court,Farren,Ferguson,McGuire,Tait,TitusetWhite et T.Totten,directeurgénéral;J.Nugent,avocatmunicipal; Greg Yeomans,commissaireauxfinanceset trésorier;P. Groody, commissaireauxopérationsmunicipales;B.Irving,gestionnaire immobilier;W.Edwards,commissaireauxservicesd'inspection etdesbâtiments;B.Morrison,commissaireauxservicesdes loisirs;R.Simonds,chefduserviced'incendie;B.Reid,chefde policeadjoint;P.Woods,greffiercommunaletdirecteurgénéral adjoint;ainsiqueE.Gormley,greffièrecommunaleadjointe 1.CallTo Order–Prayer MayorMcFarlanecalledthemeetingtoorderandReverendDaveWarren offered theopeningprayer. 1.Ouverturedelaséance,suiviedelaprière LaséanceestouverteparlemaireMcFarlaneetlepasteurDaveWarren récitelaprièred'ouverture. 2ApprovalofMinutes OnmotionofCouncillorWhite SecondedbyCouncillorMcGuire RESOLVED that theminutesofthemeetingof CommonCouncil,heldonAugust28,2006,beapproved. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. 2Approbationduprocès-verbaldeladernièreréunion PropositionduconseillerWhite AppuyéeparleconseillerMcGuire RÉSOLUqueleprocès-verbaldelaséancedu conseilcommunal tenuele28août2006soitapprouvé OnmotionofDeputyMayorHooton SecondedbyCouncillorWhite RESOLVED that theagendaofthismeetingbe approvedwiththeadditionofitems12.6,Legal Opinionand10.2CityMarketBy-Law, whichformspartofitem5.1,LeaseofStalls18,19and20CityMarket. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. 3Adoptiondel'ordredu jour PropositiondelamairesuppléanteHooton AppuyéeparleconseillerWhite RÉSOLUquel'ordredujourdelaprésenteséance os soitapprouvé,moyennantl'ajoutdespoints n12.6,Conseilsjuridiques,et10.2,Arrêté o concernantlemarchédeTheCityofSaintJohn,aupoint n5.1,Locationdesétals os n18,19et20aumarchémunicipal. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. 4.DisclosuresofConflictofInterest 4.Divulgationsdeconflitsd'intérêts 5.AdoptionofConsentAgenda 5.1LeaseofStalls18,19and20-Lord’sLobster,CityMarket 1.ThatTheCityofSaintJohnenterintoaLeaseofSpaceforStalls18,19&20at theCityMarketwithLord’sLobsterLtd.asper the termsandconditionsascontainedin theLeasesubmittedherewith toM&C2006-249;and 2.thatCommonCouncilgive1stand2ndreadings tothesubmitted“CityMarketBy- Law”wherebysection5(2)isamendedtoaddfollowingSection5(2)(k),Section5(2)(l) Stalls18,19&20;and 3.furtherthat theMayorandCommonClerkbeauthorizedtoexecute theLease oranyotherdocumentrequiredtofinalize the transaction. 5.2SaleofCityLandoffLockhartStreetandCranstonAvenue 1.ThatTheCityofSaintJohnsell thefeesimpleinterestinPIDNumbers24927and 31401toJenniferCarterandJamesReederfor$3,000.plusHST,onorbeforeFriday, December22,2006,withtheconditionthatthe twoabovenotedpropertiesarerequired tobeconsolidatedwiththepropertyidentifiedascivic#203CranstonAvenue(PID Numbers26302and26310). 2.That theMayorandCommonClerkbeauthorizedtosignanynecessarydocuments requiredtofinalizethis transaction. 5.3AcquisitionofEasementfrom GalbraithEquipmentCo.Ltd.-PipelineRoad West ThatCommonCouncilamenditsresolutiononMonday,January16,2006containedin M&C2006-11,andreplaceitbydeleting“GalbraithConstructionCo.Ltd.”whereit appearsandsubstitutinginlieuthereof“GalbraithEquipmentCo.Ltd.”andthatallother itemsoftheresolutiononMonday,January16,2006containedinM&C2006-11, remainunchanged. 5.4PublicHearingDates251and361RiverviewDr.,461EllerdaleSt.and282 DouglasAvenue ThatCommonCouncilschedulethePublicHearingsfor theRezoningapplicationof 5.5SaleofPortionofClosedStreet(formerlyEgbertStreetExt.) ThatTheCityofSaintJohn transferthefeesimpleinterestintheStoppedUpand ClosedportionofEgbertStreet,asshownontheattachedplantoIrvingOilLimited(or relatedcompany)onorbeforeNovember30,2006for$1.00plusallexpensesincurred toeffecttheStopUpandClosure;andfurther that theMayorandCommonClerkbe authorizedtosign the transferoranyotherdocumentsrequiredtofinalizethis transaction. 5.6RequesttoPresentfromUptownSaintJohn That theletterfromUptownSaintJohnrequesting topresenttoCouncilonSeptember 25,2006topresentanoverviewoftheirnewbrandinginitiativeandashortpresentation ontheannualSantaClausparade,bereferredtotheCommonClerk. 5.7RequestforMayortoattendMarineModelExpo That theletterfromtheSaintJohnMarineModelersAssociationextendinganinvitation th totheMayor toconductopeningceremoniesandtoCounciltoattendthe 6Annual MarineModelExpo,andalsorequestingmonetaryhelpfrom theCity,bereferredtothe Mayor. 5.8LetterfromWayneSchedler-ConcernoverLandDevelopmentonPrince WilliamSt. That theletterfromWayneSchedlerexpressingconcernovertheproposed developmentacrossthestreetfromhisresidenceonPrinceWilliamStreet,bereferred totheCityManager. 5.9LetterfromSeniors’ResourceCentre-WheelchairAccessibility That theletterfromSeniors’ResourceCentrerecommendingthatCouncilreviewits buildingby-lawstoensurethatresidentialbuildingshavesufficientdoorwaywidthfor easywheelchairaccess,bereferred totheCityManager. OnmotionofDeputyMayorHooton SecondedbyCouncillorWhite RESOLVED that theConsentAgendabeadopted. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. 5.Adoptiondel'ordredu jourrelatifauxquestionssoumisesàl'approbation duconseil os 5.1Locationdesétals n18,19et20:Lord'sLobsteraumarchémunicipal os 1.QueTheCityofSaintJohnconclueunbailrelatifauxétals n18,19et20au marchémunicipalentreelle-mêmeetLord'sLobsterLtd.,conformémentauxmodalités o etconditionsstipuléesenvertudubailjointaucontrat nMC2006-249; 2.queleconseilcommunalprocèdeauxpremièreetdeuxièmelecturesdel'Arrêté concernantlemarchédeTheCityofSaintJohnprésenté,modifiantl'article5(2)afin os d'ajouterl'article5(2)l),relatifauxétals n18,19et20,àlasuitedel'article5(2)k); 3.deplus,quelemaireetlegreffiercommunalsoientautorisésàsignerleditbailet touteautredocumentationrequiseafindeconclureladitetransaction. 5.2Ventedebiens-fondsmunicipauxsituésprèsdelarueLockhartetde l'avenueCranston 1.QueTheCityofSaintJohnprocèdeàlaventedel'intérêtenfiefsimpledesbiens- fondsportantlesNID24927et31401àJenniferCarteretJamesReederpourlasomme 2.quelemaireetlegreffiercommunalsoientautorisésàsignertoutedocumentation exigéeafindeconclureladite transaction. 5.3Acquisitiond'uneemprisesurleterrainappartenantàGalbraithEquipment Co.Ltd.surlecheminPipeline Ouest Queleconseilcommunalmodifielarésolutionadoptéelelundi16janvier2006,prévue aucontratMC2006-11,afindesupprimerlenom«GalbraithConstructionCo.Ltd.», chaquefoisqu'ilparaît,etdeleremplacerpar«GalbraithEquipmentCo.Ltd.»,etque touteautredispositiondeladiterésolutiondatéedulundi16janvier2006,prévueau contratMC2006-11,demeureenvigueur. 5.4Datesfixéespourlatenued'audiencespubliquesrelativementau251etau 361,promenadeRiverview,au461,rueEllerdaleetau282,avenueDouglas Queleconseilcommunalfixeaumardi10octobre2006à19hdanslasalleduconseil la tenued'audiencespubliquesrelativementàlademandederezonagedéposéepar RandyP.Ryan,visantle251etle361,promenadeRiverview;àlademandedéposée parHughesSurveys(aunomdeWilmotDevelopmentsLtd.)visantlamodificationdes conditionsimposéesparl'article39relativementau461,rueEllerdale;etàlademande derezonagedéposéeparHospice GreaterSaintJohn,visantle282,avenueDouglas. 5.5Vented'unepartied'uneruefermée(anciennementl'extensiondelarue Egbert) QueTheCityofSaintJohn transfèrel'intérêtenfiefsimpled'unepartieferméeetbarrée delarueEgbert,telqueledélimiteleplanci-joint,àIrvingOilLimited(ouàunesociété associée),auplustardle30novembre2006,pourlasommede100$,ainsiqu'une sommeégaleautotaldesdépensesencouruespourréalisertelsbarrageetfermeture; deplus,quelemaireetlegreffiercommunalsoientautorisésàsignerl'actede transfert ettouteautredocumentationrequiseafindeconclureladite transaction. 5.6DemandedeUptownSaintJohnvoulantseprésenterdevantleconseil QuelalettrereçuedeUptownSaintJohn,voulantseprésenterdevantleconseille 25septembre2006,afindedonnerunaperçudesanouvelleinitiativedegriffeetune brèveprésentationrelativeaudéfilédupèreNoël,soit transmiseaugreffiercommunal. 5.7Demandeadresséeaumairevoulantqu'ilassisteàl'expositionde maquettesdebateaux Quelalettred'invitation,ainsiqu'unedemandedesubvention,reçuedeSaintJohn MarineModelersAssociation[associationdesréalisateursdemaquettesdebateaux], voulantquelemaireprésidelacérémonied'ouverturedelasixièmeexpositionannuelle demaquettesdebateauxetquelesmembresduconseilyparticipent,soit transmiseau maire. 5.8LettrereçuedeWayneSchedlerrelativeàsesinquiétudesvisant l'aménagementdeterrainssurlaruePrinceWilliam QuelalettrereçuedeWayneSchedler,exprimantsesinquiétudesrelativementà l'aménagementproposéenfacedesarésidencesituéesurlaruePrinceWilliam,soit transmiseaudirecteurgénéral. 5.9Lettrereçueducentrederessourcesdesaînésrelativeàl'accèspourles fauteuilsroulants Quelalettrereçueducentrederessourcesdesaînés,voulantqueleconseilexamine lesarrêtésrelatifsàlaconstructionafindes'assurerquelesimmeublesrésidentielssont munisdeportesd'entréesuffisammentlargesafindepermettrel'accèsenfauteuil roulant,soittransmiseaudirecteurgénéral. RÉSOLUquel'ordredujourrelatifauxquestions soumisesàl'approbationduconseilsoitadopté. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. 6.MembersComments 6.Commentairesprésentésparlesmembres 7.Proclamation 7.1 TheMayorproclaimedthemonthofSeptember,2006ArthritisAwarenessMonth in theCityofSaintJohn. 7.2 TheMayorproclaimedFriday,September15,2006UnitedWayDayin theCityof SaintJohn. (DeputyMayorHootonwithdrewfromthemeetingasshewasnotpresent forthepublichearingof57BroadviewAvenueheldonAugust28,2006.) 7.Proclamation 7.1 Lemairedéclarequelemoisdeseptembre2006estlemoisdesensibilisationà l'arthritedansTheCityofSaintJohn. 7.2 Lemairedéclarequelevendredi15septembre2006estla«Journéede Centraide»dansTheCityofSaintJohn. (LamairesuppléanteHootonquittelaséancepuisqu'elleétaitabsente lorsdesaudiencespubliquestenuesle28août2006relativesau57,avenue Broadview.) 8.Delegations/Presentations 8.Délégationsetprésentations 10.ConsiderationofBy-laws 10.1ThirdReading-ZoningBy-law57BroadviewAvenue OnmotionofCouncillorTitus SecondedbyCouncillorCourt RESOLVED that theby-lawentitled,“By-law NumberC.P.110-22,ALawtoAmendtheZoningBy-lawofTheCityofSaintJohn”,re- zoningaparceloflandhavinganareaofapproximately405squaremetres,locatedat 57BroadviewAvenue,alsoidentifiedasbeingPIDNumber00000257,from“IL-1” NeighbourhoodInstitutionalto“RM-IF”MultipleResidentialInfillclassification,beread. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. Theby-lawentitled,“By-lawNumberC.P.110-22,ALawtoAmendtheZoningBy-lawof TheCityofSaintJohn”wasreadinitsentirety. OnmotionofCouncillorTitus SecondedbyCouncillorWhite RESOLVED that theby-lawentitled,“By-law NumberC.P.110-22,ALawtoAmendtheZoningBy-lawofTheCityofSaintJohn”,re- zoningaparceloflandhavinganareaofapproximately405squaremetres,locatedat 57BroadviewAvenue,alsoidentifiedasbeingPIDNumber00000257,from“IL-1” NeighbourhoodInstitutionalto“RM-IF”MultipleResidentialInfillclassification,bereada third time,enacted,andtheCorporateCommonSealaffixedthereto. Questionbeingtakenthemotionwascarried (DeputyMayorHootonre-enteredthemeeting.) 10.Étudedesarrêtésmunicipaux 10.1Troisièmelecturedel'arrêtésurlezonagevisantle57,avenueBroadview PropositionduconseillerTitus AppuyéeparleconseillerCourt o RÉSOLUquel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté nC.P.110- 22,modifiantl'arrêtésurlezonagedeTheCityofSaintJohn»,relatifaurezonaged'une parcelledeterraind'unesuperficieapproximativede405mètrescarrés,situéeau 57,avenueBroadviewetidentifiéesousleNID00000257,envuedefairepasserla classificationdezonedequartieràvocationcollective«IL-1»àzoned'édificationde logementsmultiplessurterrainintercalaire«RM-IL»,fassel'objetd'unelecture. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. o L'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté nC.P.110-22modifiantl'arrêtésurlezonagedeTheCityof SaintJohn»estluintégralement. PropositionduconseillerTitus AppuyéeparleconseillerWhite o RÉSOLUquel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté nC.P.110- 22,modifiantl'arrêtésurlezonagedeTheCityofSaintJohn»,relatifaurezonaged'une parcelledeterraind'unesuperficieapproximativede405mètrescarrés,situéeau 57,avenueBroadviewetidentifiéesousleNID00000257,envuedefairepasserla classificationdezonedequartieràvocationcollective«IL-1»àzoned'édificationde logementsmultiplessurterrainintercalaire«RM-IL»,fassel'objetd'une troisième lecture,queleditarrêtésoitédictéetquelesceaucommunalysoitapposé. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. o Troisièmelecturepar titredel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté nC.P.110-22modifiantl'arrêtésur lezonagedeTheCityofSaintJohn». (LamairesuppléanteHootonestdenouveauprésenteàlaréunion.) 10.2CityMarketBy-lawAmendment-LordsLobster-Stalls18,19and20 OnmotionofCouncillorWhite SecondedbyDeputyMayorHooton RESOLVED that theby-lawentitled,“By-law NumberC-1,ABy-lawRelating to theMarketintheCityofSaintJohn”,amending Section5(2)regardingStalls18&19and20bereadafirst time. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. Readafirst timeby title,theby-lawentitled,“By-lawNumberC-1,ABy-lawRelatingto theMarketintheCityofSaintJohn”. OnmotionofCouncillorWhite SecondedbyDeputyMayorHooton RESOLVED that theby-lawentitled,“By-law NumberC-1,ABy-lawRelating to theMarketintheCityofSaintJohn”,amending Section5(2)regardingStalls18&19and20bereadasecond time. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. Readasecond timeby title,theby-lawentitled,“By-lawNumberC-1,ABy-lawRelating totheMarketintheCityofSaintJohn”. PropositionduconseillerWhite AppuyéeparlamairesuppléanteHooton o RÉSOLUquel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté nC-1 concernantlemarchédeTheCityofSaintJohn»,modifiantleparagraphe5(2)relatif os auxétals n18,19et20,fassel'objetd'unepremièrelecture. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. o Premièrelecturepar titredel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté nC-1concernantlemarchédeThe CityofSaintJohn». PropositionduconseillerWhite AppuyéeparlamairesuppléanteHooton o RÉSOLUquel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté nC-1 concernantlemarchédeTheCityofSaintJohn»,modifiantleparagraphe5(2)relatif os auxétals n18,19et20,fassel'objetd'unedeuxièmelecture. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. o Deuxièmelecturepar titredel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté nC-1concernantlemarchéde TheCityofSaintJohn». 11.SubmissionsbyCouncilMembers 11.1ReadyJohnInc. OnmotionofCouncillorCourt SecondedbyCouncillorFarren RESOLVED thatitem6.11,LeaseofLandtoMega EnterprisesInc.,whichwastabledonDecember19,2005,beliftedfromthe table. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. OnmotionofCouncillorCourt SecondedbyDeputyMayorHooton RESOLVED that theCitySolicitor takethe necessarystepsrequiredtoachievevacantpossessionofitslandslocatedat154 GermainStreetWest,PIDNumber368100,and that theCitySolicitorandCityManager reportbacktoCouncilin twoweeks,and thattheDepartmentoftheEnvironmentbe contactedregardingtheproperty. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. 11.Interventiondesmembresduconseil 11.1ReadyJohnInc. PropositionduconseillerCourt AppuyéeparleconseillerFarren o RÉSOLUquelepoint n6.11,Locationdebiens- fondsàMegaEnterprisesInc.,reportéelorsdelaséancetenuele19décembre2005, soitexaminédèsmaintenant. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. PropositionduconseillerCourt AppuyéeparlamairesuppléanteHooton RÉSOLUquel'avocatmunicipalentreprenneles démarchesnécessairesafind'obtenirlalibrepossessiondesbiens-fondssituésau 154,rueGermainOuest,identifiéssousleNID368100,etquel'avocatmunicipaletle directeurgénéralavisentleconseildesdémarchesentreprisesdansundélaidedeux semainesetqu'oncommuniqueavecleministèredel'Environnementrelativementà 11.2EstablishmentofIndependentEthicsPanel/Commission OnmotionofCouncillorFerguson SecondedbyCouncillorFarren RESOLVED thatCommonCouncilestablishan independentethicspanel/commissiontodevelopaframeworkforthedevelopmentofan evolvingpolicythatensuresindependentoversightandaccountabilityformunicipal operationsandmunicipalofficials(includingelectedofficials);tosupportconflictof interestidentification/preventionand tosupportbestethicspracticeinrespect to workplacerelationsandpersonnelmatters. CouncilMembersexpressed theirviewson themotionasfollows: DeputyMayorHooton–motioniscounter toVision2015. CouncillorTait–substanceofmotionistheresponsibilityofCouncilandprovisionsfor accountabilityarecoveredintheMunicipalitiesAct. CouncillorChang–concreteexamplesneedtobepresentedandwhatthemotionhoped toaccomplishbeforesupporting. CouncillorCourt–Councilmembers’ethicalbehaviourwillbejudgedbycitizens. CouncillorMcGuire–thesisofthemotionisbasedonasubjectiveviewwhichis inappropriateforCouncil’sadoption. CouncillorTitus–thereissufficientlegislationinplacetodealwithitemsinthemotion. CouncillorWhite–Councilmembershaveabilitytoactethicallyonbehalfofcitizens. MayorMcFarlane–conflictofinterestiscoveredintheMunicipalitiesAct,andisthe responsibilityofeachCouncilmembertoactaccordingly. TheCityManagerexplainedthatthereareprocurementpoliciesandaseriesofHuman ResourcepoliciesallapprovedbyCouncilwhichaddresstheitemsin themotionasfar ascitystaffisconcerned.Headvisedthatanydeviationsinpoliciesarebroughtto Council,addingthatanybudgetorotherpolicyquestionsthatCouncilmembershave shouldbebroughtforwardtostaffforresponses. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwasdefeated,withtheMayor,Deputy MayorandCouncillorsChang,Chase,Court,McGuire,Tait,TitusandWhitevoting, ‘nay’. 11.2Établissementd'uncomitéoud'unecommissionautonomed'éthique PropositionduconseillerFerguson AppuyéeparleconseillerFarren RÉSOLUqueleconseilcommunalétablisseun comitéouunecommissionautonomed'éthiqueafind'élaboreruncadrederéférence pourconcevoirunepolitiqueévolutivedanslebutdes'assurerquelesreprésentants municipaux(ycomprislesreprésentantsélus)exploitentlamunicipalité consciencieusementetagissentavecresponsabilité;etpoursoutenirtouteintervention encasdeconflitd'intérêt,ouprévenircesderniers,etappuyerlapratiqueéthique relativementauxrelationsenmilieudetravailetdanslecadredesressources humaines. Lesconseillerssuivantsexprimentleursopinions: lamairesuppléanteHooton : lapropositionvaàl'encontredelaVision2015; leconseillerTait:l'essentieldelapropositionrelèvedelaresponsabilitéduconseilet lesdispositionsrelativesàlaresponsabilitésontprévuesenvertudelaLoisurles municipalités; leconseillerChang :desexemplesconcretsdoiventêtrecitésetlebutdelaproposition déterminéavantquelapropositionpuisseêtreappuyée; leconseillerCourt : lescitoyensjugerontducomportementéthiquedesmembresdu conseil; leconseillerMcGuire:l'hypothèsedelapropositionestfondéesuruneopinion subjectiveetdoncsonadoptionparleconseilestinopportune; leconseillerTitus:lalégislationenvigueurestsuffisantepour traiterdespointsdela proposition; conséquence. Ledirecteurgénéralexpliqueque,encequiatraitauxemployés,leconseilaapprouvé despolitiquesd'approvisionnementetunesériedepolitiquesrelativesauxressources humainesafindetraiterdesdispositionsdelaproposition.Ilsouligneque toute dérogationauxpolitiquesestprésentéedevantleconseiletajoutequetoutepolitique budgétaireettoutequestionrelativeauxpolitiques,soulevéeparlesmembresdu conseil,doitêtresoumiseauxemployésmunicipauxauxfinsderéponse. Àl’issueduvote,lapropositionestrejetée.Lemaire,lamairesuppléante etlesconseillersChang,Chase,Court,McGuire,Tait,TitusetWhitevotentcontrela proposition. 12.BusinessMatters-Municipal Officers 12.1Contract2006-31-RothesayRoad(Route100)-KennebecasisParkRoad Reconstruction-ProvinciallyDesignatedHighwaysImprovementProgram OnmotionofCouncillorWhite SecondedbyDeputyMayorHooton RESOLVED thatasrecommendedby theCity Manager,ContractNo.2006-31,RothesayRoad(Route100)–atKennebecasisPark - RoadReconstruction,ProvinciallyDesignatedHighwaysImprovementProgram,be awardedto thelow tenderer,GalbraithConstructionLtd.,atitstenderedpriceof $170,432.ascalculatedbaseduponestimatedquantities,andfurtherthattheMayorand CommonClerkbeauthorizedtoexecutethenecessarycontractdocuments. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. 12.Affairesmunicipalesévoquéesparlesfonctionnairesmunicipaux o 12.1Contrat n2006-31relatifaucheminRothesay(route100)situéprèsdu parcKennebecasis,visantlestravauxderéfectionenvertuduprogramme d'améliorationdesroutesprovincialesdésignées PropositionduconseillerWhite AppuyéeparlamairesuppléanteHooton RÉSOLUque,commelerecommandeledirecteur o général,lecontrat n2006-31,relatifaux travauxderéfectionprévussurlechemin Rothesay(route100),prèsduparcKennebecasis,danslecadreduprogramme d'améliorationdesroutesprovincialesdésignées,soitaccordéausoumissionnaire moins-disant,GalbraithConstructionLtd.,auprixoffertde170432$,établiàpartirde quantitésestimatives,etquelemaireetlegreffiercommunalsoientautorisésàsignerla documentationcontractuelleexigée. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. 12.2Contract2006-13-LancasterLagoonCell#1BiosolidsRemovaland Dewatering OnmotionofCouncillorFarren SecondedbyCouncillorWhite RESOLVED thatasrecommendedby theCity Manager,Contract2006–13:LancasterLagoonCell#1BiosolidsRemovaland Dewatering,beawarded to thelow tenderer,Consolidated GirouxEnvironmentInc.atits tenderedpriceof$110,040.ascalculatedbaseduponestimatedquantities,andfurther thattheMayorandCommonClerkbeauthorized toexecute thenecessarycontract documents. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. PropositionduconseillerFarren AppuyéeparleconseillerWhite RÉSOLUque,commelerecommandeledirecteur oo général,lecontrat n2006-13,relatifàlacellule n1dubassinhydrographique Lancastervisantl'enlèvementetleséchagedebiosolides,soitaccordéau soumissionnairemoins-disant,Consolidated GirouxEnvironmentInc.,auprixoffertde 110040$,établiàpartirdequantitésestimativeset,quelemaireetlegreffier communalsoientautorisésàsignerladocumentationcontractuelleexigée. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. 12.3Contract2006-30-WatermainCleaningandLiningPhase I OnmotionofCouncillorFarren SecondedbyDeputyMayorHooton RESOLVED thatasrecommendedby theCity Manager,ContractNo.2006-30:WatermainCleaning&Lining–Phase1,beawardedto the tenderer,AlltechSolutionsInc.,atitstenderedpriceof$281,814.75ascalculated baseduponestimatedquantities,andfurtherthattheMayorandCommonClerkbe authorizedtoexecutethenecessarycontractdocuments. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. o 12.3Contrat n2006-30relatifàlapremièreétapedunettoyageetdurevêtement delaconduited'eauprincipale PropositionduconseillerFarren AppuyéeparlamairesuppléanteHooton RÉSOLUque,commelerecommandeledirecteur o général,lecontrat n2006-30,relatifàlapremièreétapedunettoyageetdurevêtement delaconduited'eauprincipale,soitaccordéausoumissionnaireAlltechSolutionsInc., auprixoffertde281814,75$,établiàpartirdequantitésestimatives,etquelemaireet legreffiercommunalsoientautorisésàsignerladocumentationcontractuellerequise. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. 12.4Contract2006-32GaultRoad-NewStormSewer OnmotionofCouncillorCourt SecondedbyCouncillorFarren RESOLVED thatasrecommendedby theCity Manager,Contract2006-32:GaultRoad–NewStormSewerbeawardedto thelow tenderer,GalbraithConstructionLtd.,atitstenderedpriceof$177,594.ascalculated baseduponestimatedquantities,andfurtherthattheMayorandCommonClerkbe authorizedtoexecutethenecessarycontractdocuments. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. o 12.4Contrat n2006-32:installationdenouveauxégoutspluviauxsurlechemin Gault PropositionduconseillerCourt AppuyéeparleconseillerFarren RÉSOLUque,commelerecommandeledirecteur o général,lecontrat n2006-32relatifàl'installationdenouveauxégoutspluviauxsurle chemin Gault,soitaccordéausoumissionnairemoins-disant,GalbraithConstruction Ltd.,auprixoffertde177594$,établiàpartirdequantitésestimativeset,quelemaire etlegreffiercommunalsoientautorisésàsignerladocumentationcontractuelleexigée. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. OnmotionofDeputyMayorHooton SecondedbyCouncillorTitus RESOLVED thatasrecommendedby theCity Manager,CommonCouncilaccepttheproposalfrom theYMCA-YWCAtooperatethe ForestGlenCommunityCentreunderthetermsoutlinedinthesubmittedreportand attachments;thesubmittedproposedagreementpreparedby theCitySolicitorbe accepted,andtheMayorandCommonClerkareauthorizedtosign theagreement. CouncillorFergusoncommentedthathedoesnotbelievetheYMCA-YWCAcarriesout thesame typeofprogrammingas themunicipalitydoes,addingthathedoesnot considerthisagreementtobegoodfor themunicipality. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarriedwithCouncillorFerguson votingnay. 12.5PropositionprésentéeparleYMCA-YWCArelativeàl'exploitationducentre communautaireForest Glen PropositiondelamairesuppléanteHooton AppuyéeparleconseillerTitus RÉSOLUque,commelerecommandeledirecteur général,leconseilcommunalacceptelapropositionprésentéeparleYMCA-YWCA relativeàl'exploitationducentrecommunautaireForestGlen,sousréservedes conditionssoulignéesaurapportsoumisetauxpiècesjointesàcedernier;quela conventionproposéeprésentéeetrédigéeparl'avocatmunicipalsoitacceptéeetquele maireetlegreffiercommunalsoientautorisésàsignerladiteconvention. LeconseillerFergusonmentionnequ'àsonavisleYMCA-YWCAneprésentepasla mêmeprogrammationofferteparlamunicipalitéetquecetteconventionn'avantagepas laville. Àl’issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée.LeconseillerFergusonvote contrelaproposition. 12.6Legal Opinion-LeavetoAppeal-ATULocal1182andCityofSaintJohn , TheCityofSaintJohnPensionBoard,andtheSuperintendentofPensions. OnmotionofCouncillorWhite SecondedbyDeputyMayorHooton RESOLVED that theCitySolicitororhisdesignate beauthorized toseekleaveandifgrantedtopursuetheappeal to theSupremeCourtof CanadafromtheNewBrunswickCourtofAppealDecisioninAmalgamatedTransit Union,Local1182-and-TheCityofSaintJohn,TheCityofSaintJohnPensionBoard, andtheSuperintendentofPensions. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarriedwithCouncillorsFarrenand Fergusonvotingnay. 12.6Conseil juridiquerelatifàl'autorisationd'appeldansl'affaireduSUT, sectionlocale1182,etTheCityofSaintJohn,leconseilderetraitedeThe CityofSaintJohn,etlesurintendantdespensions PropositionduconseillerWhite AppuyéeparlamairesuppléanteHooton RÉSOLUquel'avocatmunicipalouson représentantsoitautoriséàdéposerunedemanded'autorisationd'appeletque,sicette dernièreestacceptée,d'intenterlesprocéduresd'appeldevantlacourSuprêmedu Canadacontrelejugementrenduparlacourd'AppelduNouveau-Brunswickdans l'affaireduSyndicatunidu transport,sectionlocale1182,etTheCityofSaintJohn,le conseilderetraitedeTheCityofSaintJohn,etlesurintendantdespensions. Àl’issueduvote,lapropositionestacceptée.LesconseillersFarrenet Fergusonvotentcontrelaproposition 13.1RecommendationforApprovalofSubdivision-57BroadviewAvenue OnmotionofCouncillorWhite SecondedbyCouncillorMcGuire RESOLVED thatasrecommendedby thePlanning AdvisoryCommittee,CommonCouncilassent toasubdivisioningeneralaccordance withthesubmittedphoto-reducedSaintJohnNon-ProfitHousingInc.tentative subdivisionplanandassenttoanynecessarypublicutilityeasementsinconjunctionwith thissubdivision;and thatCommonCouncilre-zonetheaforementionedportionofa parceloflandlocatedat57BroadviewAvenue,alsoidentifiedasPIDNumber257,from “IL-1”NeighbourhoodInstitutionalto“RM-IF”MultipleResidentialInfill topermit the constructionofamultipledwellingwithfourdwellingunits. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. 13.Rapportsdéposésparlescomités 13.1Recommandationsrelativesàl'approbationdelotissementvisantle 57,avenueBroadview PropositionduconseillerWhite AppuyéeparleconseillerMcGuire RÉSOLUque,commelerecommandeleComité consultatifd'urbanisme,leconseilcommunalconsenteaulotissement,généralement conformeàlaphotoréduiteduplanprovisoiredelotissementprésentéparl'organisme SaintJohnNon-ProfitHousingInc., [logementsansbutlucratifdeSaintJohn]et consenteàtouteservitudeauxfinsd'utilitépubliquerelativeauditlotissement;quele conseilcommunalprocèdeaurezonagedelaparcelledeterrainsusmentionnéesituée au57,avenueBroadview,identifiéesousleNID257,afindefairepasserla classificationdezonedequartieràvocationcollective«IL-1»àzoned'édificationde logementsmultiplessurterrainintercalaire«RM-IF»,pourpermettrelaconstruction d'unimmeubleàquatrelogements. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. 13.2PublicUtilityEasements-4401LochLomondRoad OnmotionofCouncillorCourt SecondedbyCouncillorWhite RESOLVED thatasrecommendedby thePlanning AdvisoryCommission,CommonCouncilassentto thesubmittedphoto-reducedCityof SaintJohn tentativesubdivisionplanat4401LochLomondRoadwithrespecttoany necessarypublicutilityeasements. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. 13.2Servitudeauxfinsd'utilitépublicvisantle4401,cheminLochLomond PropositionduconseillerCourt AppuyéeparleconseillerWhite RÉSOLUque,commelerecommandeleComité consultatifd'urbanisme,leconseilcommunalapprouveleplandelotissementprovisoire deTheCityofSaintJohnsurphotoréduiterelatifau4401,cheminLochLomond, relativementàtouteservituded'utilitépubliquerequise. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. 13.3BoardofPoliceCommissioners-SaintJohnPoliceForceAnnualReport OnmotionofCouncillorWhite SecondedbyCouncillorCourt RESOLVED that theletterfromtheChairofthe SaintBoardofPoliceCommissionerssubmitting the2005SaintJohnPoliceForce 13.313.3BureaudescommissairesduservicedepolicedeSaintJohnvisantle rapportannuelducorpsdepolicedeSaintJohn PropositionduconseillerWhite AppuyéeparleconseillerCourt RÉSOLUquelalettreprésentéeparleprésidentdu BureaudescommissairesduservicedepolicedeSaintJohn,accompagnédurapport annuelde2005ducorpsdepolicedeSaintJohn,soitaccueilliàtitreinformatif. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. 9.PublicHearings7:00P.M. 9.1StreetClosing-ConstanceStreet TheCommonClerkadvisedthatthenecessaryadvertisingwascompletedwithregardto aproposedstreetclosingBy-lawAmendmenttostopupandcloseConstanceStreet. TheMayorcalledformembersofthepublictospeakagainsttheproposedstreetclosing withnoonepresenting. TheMayorcalledformembersofthepublictospeakinfavoroftheproposedstreet closingwithnoonepresenting. OnmotionofCouncillorWhite SecondedbyCouncillorTait RESOLVED that theby-lawentitled,"By-law NumberM-23,aBy-lawtoAmendaBy-lawRespectingtheStoppingUpandClosingof HighwaysintheCityOfSaintJohn",withregard topermanentlystoppingupandclosing ConstanceStreet,bereadafirst time. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. Readafirst timeby title,theby-lawentitled,"By-lawNumberM-23,aBy-lawtoAmenda By-lawRespectingtheStoppingUpandClosingofHighwaysintheCityOfSaintJohn". OnmotionofCouncillorWhite SecondedbyCouncillorTitus RESOLVEDthattheby-lawentitled,"By-law NumberM-23,aBy-lawtoAmendaBy-lawRespectingtheStoppingUpandClosingof HighwaysintheCityofSaintJohn",withregardtopermanentlystoppingupandclosing ConstanceStreet,bereadasecond time. Questionbeingtaken, themotionwascarried. Readasecond timeby title,theby-lawentitled,"By-lawNumberM-23,aBy-lawto AmendaBy-lawRespecting theStoppingUpandClosingofHighwaysin theCityOf SaintJohn". 9.Audiencespubliquesà19 h 9.1FermeturedelarueConstance Legreffiercommunalindiquequelesavisrequisontétépubliésrelativementauprojet demodificationdel'arrêtésurlafermeturederoutesenvuedefermeretdebarrerlarue Constance. Lemaireinvitelepublicàexprimersonoppositionquantàlafermeturedelarue,mais personneneprendlaparole. Lemaireinvitelepublicàexprimersonsoutienquantàlafermeturedelarue,mais personneneprendlaparole. RÉSOLUquel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté n o M-23 modifiantl'arrêtéconcernantlafermetureetlebarragederoutesdansTheCityofSaint John»relativementàlafermetureetaubarragedefaçonpermanentedelarue Constance,fassel'objetd'unepremièrelecture. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. o Premièrelecturepar titredel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté nM-23modifiantl'arrêté concernantlafermetureetlebarragederoutesdansTheCityofSaintJohn». PropositionduconseillerWhite AppuyéeparleconseillerTitus o RÉSOLUquel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté nM-23 modifiantl'arrêtéconcernantlafermetureetlebarragederoutesdansTheCityofSaint John»relativementàlafermetureetaubarragedefaçonpermanentedelarue Constance,fassel'objetd'unedeuxièmelecture. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. o Deuxièmelecturepar titredel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté nM-23modifiantl'arrêté concernantlafermetureetlebarragederoutesdansTheCityofSaintJohn». 14.ConsiderationofIssuesSeparatedfromConsentAgenda 14.Étudedessujetsécartésdesquestionssoumisesàl'approbationdu conseil 16.Adjournment TheMayordeclaredthemeetingadjournedat7:05p.m. 16.Clôturedelaséance Lemairedéclarequelaséanceestlevéeà19h05. Mayor/maire CommonClerk/greffiercommunal September22,2006 DeputyMayorHooton AndCouncillors, Subject:AppointmentstoVision2015Committee OnAugust28,2006Counciladoptedthe followingresolutionasaresultof Council’sdecisionofAugust1,2006 toreduce thesizeof theVision2015 SteeringCommittee fromsixmembers to fivetoensure thatacommitteeof CouncilwouldnotconsistofthemajorityofCouncil. “RESOLVED thatanyCouncillorwishing toserveon theVision2015Steering Committee,expressaninterestto theMayorbySeptember1,2006and that the Mayor,DeputyMayorandMr.Beckett,asaresourceperson,meetwith those Councillorswishingtoserveon thecommittee todiscuss therole,expectations andrequiredlevelofcommitment,and that theMayorandDeputyMayorbe authorized toappoint thenewVision2015SteeringCommittee.” OnSeptember18,2006 theDeputyMayorand I, with theAssistantCommon Clerkpresent,interviewedCouncillorswhoexpressedaninterestinservingon theCommittee.Thefollowingquestionswerepreparedwiththeassistanceof Mr.Beckettandwerepresented toallcandidates forresponses. 1.Describewhatyouthink theVision2015Programisallabout? 2.Whatdoessuccesslooklike? 3.Whatdoyouseeas theroleoftheVision2015Committee? 4.WhatdoyouseeasyourroleasaCouncillorandasamemberof this Committee?(includingtimecommitment) Iampleased toadvise that togetherwiththeDeputyMayorandmyself, CouncillorsChang,McGuireandTaitarethenewmembersofVision2015 SteeringCommittee for theremainderof theirCouncilterms. Recommendation:thatthisreportbereceivedfor information. Yours truly, MayorMcFarlane Eric L. Teed, O.C., C.D., Q.C. 127 Prince William Street, Saint John, New Brunswick, E2L 2B4 Tel: (506) 634-7324 Fax: (506) 634-7423 September 11, 2006 Common Council City of Saint John Your Worship and Councillors, The recent reconstruction of the street crossing at the junction of former Church Street with Prince William Street is an excellent example of how the sidewalk crossing should be constructed to accommodate those in wheelchairs, walkers and those who have difficulty with vision and walking. A smooth grade from the sidewalk surface to the street surface on both the north and south sides of the sidewalk is a positive approach. It is not known if this type of construction is going to be used throughout the city but if not, I would urge the City to adopt a policy directing all sidewalks and street entrances to be made in a similar form. This would solve many of the problems faced by a growing number of people. Yours truly. ~.". /''''11 , / ./ ", ~~'""'" / 1...... rr5'hfJ r':H:' mt1 (?,nll1rwJok r#f?irtl'1noa-/ C\9Jl'1oifJtp P.O. Box 6446, Station "A", Saint John, N.B. E2L 4R8 September 8, 2006 Common Council City of SaintJolm Saint John, NB y our Worship and Councillors, Members of the New Brunswick Historical Society attended the meeting respecting the unveiling of the design concepts for the Saint J ohn Waterfront Development Partnershi p and enj oyed the generally positive concepts. However, there was one matter which the Board of Directors felt should be brought to Council's attention for direction. The designer was dealing with the south end of Prince William Street, where there is the so- called 3 Sisters Lamp. His concept was to have this changed, with trees growing around it so as to make a nice park. With this proposal he has missed completely the concept of the 3 Sisters. The Common Council adopted an Arts and Culture Policy on September 26, 2005. It lists under the definitions of art. civic arts, landscape architecture and art in public places. (Section 2.1 (vi)) It also declares that 'Culture' incorporates heritage, history and other elements that distinguish a given society, including its identity (Section 2.1 Cd)). The policy outlines the following principle in section 4.1, item 7: "Saint John's unique history and heritage, including its unique built heritage, should continue to be preserved, used and promoted. " The goal set out in section 5.3 states "the City has a responsibility to support, maintain and develop the distinctive natural and built features of Saint John." Section 7.8 states "in order to achieve real results, this policy and action plans under it must be coordinated with, and integrated into, all of the City's other plans, policies, developments, activities and initiatives, including Saint John's historical and heritage assets." In keeping with this policy, it is submitted the "3 Sisters Lanternll is an heritage and historical asset and should not be lost sight of by denying its navigational heritage with the planting of trees in front of it, destroying its proper view and understanding of its use. The 3 Sisters were a navigational tool, started in the l800s. A ship coming up the bay would see these three lights, and the navigator would be able to take a navigational bearing and come into the harbour with reasonable safety. This was an important navigational aid until it ceased to be of value due to changes in technology. There was a proposal to remove this until the city took steps to have the 3 sisters lantern be preserved as a part of the City's Heritage, particularly as it related to shipping. Those coming down Prince William Street can look down the street and see these navigational aids which represented a phase of the city's history. The continuing concept is people coming in ships, by sailor otherwise, should be able to look in and see a reminder of a phase of this City's history. To have these obscured by trees, no matter how pretty, defeats the concept of this landmark's purpose and preservation. It is understood successful efforts were made to maintain the 3 sisters navigational aid a number of years ago as a part of the City's heritage. To treat this navigational aid as merely a land monument is to defeat its whole raison d'etre. Because of its link to the Saint John waterfront, it is important they be maintained in a position where their use in relation to marine work would be recognized; othef\Vise this monument will become both obscure and obsolete. Council is urged that action be taken to inform the landscape developer that this is part of the City's heritage, which involves being able to view these lamps from the ocean where they were once of aid to mariners, as well as from Prince William Street.. Yours truly, August 22, 2006 Common Council City of Saint John y our Worship and Councilors, Recently the CBC had a program which makes the claim that Maine lobsters were the best. It is felt that this needs to be corrected. Lobsters are special seafood which is of growing interest to visitors and residents alike. Saint John in particular should be emphasizing this choice of food. What is not appreciated by many is that Bay of Fundy Hard Shelled lobsters are Canada's best. They are superior to any lobsters caught elsewhere on the Atlantic seaboard, as a growing number of lobster connoisseurs have come to discover. It is believed that the functioning of the Bay of Fundy tides, which is not duplicated anywhere in the world, contributes to the excellent quality of the Bay of Fundy lobster. The high tides produce currents that bring feed to the growing lobster in a manner which is unique to this region. The cold Fundy water also contributes to the hard shell of the lobster. It is known that because of the cold temperature and other environmental factors the growth of the Fundy Bay lobster is slowed so that a one year old Bay of Fundy lobster may be slightly shorter that those that develop in other locations. This, in fact, results in better meat quality. There can be other Canadian hard sheUed lobsters, but the Bay of Fundy hard shelled lobster is Canada's best. Saint Johners should be willing and prpud to contradict claims respecting other areas. The would should be told that Bay of Fundy Hard Shell Lobsters are not only Canada's best, but the world's best. This is being brought to your attention as it is felt that, as the Council has been promoting businesses and commercial deve Iopments, and as the lobster industry too can have important beneficial effects for the City, some consideration of how to promote this business might be given by council. Y7J~r ~ Marjorie LeJan P.O. Box 703 Fairhaven, N.B. KIA OC9 Fax: (506) 747-1081 979 Manawagonish Rd, Saint John? N. B, gZM 3X2 Sep1emberI2?2006 Mayor Norm McFarlane & Council City of Saint John, P,O. Box 1971 Saint John, N. B. E2L 4L 1 Your Worship and Councillors: We are very excited to report that the new playground at St Rose School is presently in place and receiving much use by the school and the community. This was only made possible as a result of the generosity of groups such as the City of Saint John who saw our need and was generous in contributing to this worthwhile project, We have placed a sign on the playground acknowledging all those generous supporters and of course? the City of Saint John is included. To acknowledge aU of the generous support we received for our project, we are having a short ceremony on Friday. September 29th 2006 from 11 :00 - II :30 a.m. to commemorate the official opening of the St. Rose Sehool playground. The children want to say thank you in person. Members of the media will be present and we extend an invitation to all the Councillors for this special occasion. I hope you and the Councillors can be in attendance. Please RSVP myself at 672-13;4 to let us know who can be present. I can't wait for you to see the many happy children! ~in.,erelY~ , , /" , _ crt. ' ..-:~~ Kelly Campbell Chair. St. Rose School Playgrmmd Committee September 11, 2006 HAMPTON 1t4. tU(Il, It4twz,ef City of Saint John Mayor and Council P.O. Box 1971, Market Square Saint John, N.B. E2L 4Ll Dear Mayor and Council: The Town of Hampton is holding its first ever regional Envirofair on Saturday, October 21st at various locations around Town. These will include the Town Hall, Fire Station, Tourist Bureau and area schools. The event will have an 'old fashioned fall fair' feel to it and will embrace four major environmental themes or threads. 1. To protect our environment. 2. To restore our air, land and water resources. 3. To support sustainable planning and development. 4. To "green~' our community. We are hoping that people from surrounding communities attend the fair and much of the fair will have a regional as well as local focus. We are hoping that it will become an annual event to bring the 'green' community and the community at large together at one time and place each year. We have already invited local businesses, government departments and volunteer organizations to participate. We are also planning to have local food and refreshment vendors, buskers, local entertainers, family activities, speakers and workshops. Our keynote speakers will include Bob Bancroft (wildlife biologist of CBC radio fame), Bob Osborne (President ofCornhill Nurseries) and a spokesperson from Efficiency NB. The fair will be informative and also very entertainingl We would like to invite the City of Saint John to participate by providing a display booth that will highlight the 'green' initiatives that you have organized, supported or taken part in. This will you give your community a chance to promote the positive roll it plays in caring for the environment. ., ...2 Town of Hampton, 27 Centennial Road, P.O. Box 1066. Hampton, NB, Canada E5N 8Hl Tel (506) 832-6065 · Fax (506) 832-6098 · e-mail: hampton@nbnet.nb.ca All participants at the fair are requested to plan their participation to avoid garbage and minimize energy use. Composting and recycling facilities will be available at each site. Attached are a list of guidelines and a registration form. Please read over the guidelines for further information and provide the information requested if you choose to register. Participation is free! In the event that your community is unable to participate, we urge you to include the attached public service announcement in your newsletters, on your website or in other promotional material. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Laurie Mills, the Coordinator of the Town of Hampton Envirofair, at 832-7842 or by email atlhmills@gmail.com. This event promises to be a fun filled day for all. We invite you to come and be a part of the festivities. Municipalities in this region have good reason to be proud of their environmental efforts and this is a great opportunity to let the public know just how many "green" things have been accomplished so far. Looking forward to hearing back from you. Sincerely, J~~ Town of Hampton 2006 Envirofair Guidelines for ParticiDation . The fair will be held from 10:00 AM until 4:30 PM Saturday, October 21 st 2006, in Hampton. . Display space is freet . Exhibitors must provide their own equipment for display purposes (racks, backgrounds, table covers, audio visual equipment, etc.) . Food will be sold as part of the fair, and there are several restaurants in town as well. . There will be limited electrical outlets available, on a first come first served basis. Please try to limit your power usage. . Your exhibit should be interactive and add to the festive atmosphere. Please "show and tell" as well as display your products and literature! . Please remember that this fair is focused on reducing our environmental impact. Please use recycled paper and other products wherever possible, and keep their use to a minimum. Place your emphasis on promoting your website as a source of further informatibn. . This will be a waste free event'" the Fundy Solid Waste Commission will provide containers for recycling and composting, There should be no 'garbage' generated. . Indoor space (2m by 3m) will be allocated in the order in which applications are received. If you require mepre than one space, please let us know on your application. . Your exhibit may not interfere with other exhibitors or any aisles which may be needed for public access. . Please note that the deadline to register is September 21 st. Registration Form Please print: Municipality Name: .............................,........,...,...,............ Contact name and title: .,...",........."....,.,........,...,.,...,........,.. Email Address: ......,.....,...,...",...."...,.,.,...."......,.,....,...,.,... URL: ...',.........".........,...,.....,....".'.,.....".,.....,..........,...... Mailing Address: ,.....'......",.........,......,.....,..............'.......,' Telephone: Land...... ,........ ..........., ......................... Cell. . . .. . , .. .. . ' .. . . . . .. . . . , . , . .. . ' , .. . .. . . " . .. . .. . . ... Fax:.......,................ ............................ Table(s) required... ..yes... ..no How many.,..... Chair required... ..yes... ,.. no How many,...".. Electrical outlet required... ..yes..... .no (Limited number available on a first come first served basis) Please describe briefly the nature of your display/presentation: . . . I , . . ~ I . I I I I . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , I . . < . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I , . . . . ,. .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . , . , . . . . . ~ . . . . I . . . . . I I . . . . . . I . I . . . , . . . r , . . . . . . , I . I . . . . . . . . I . I . I . . . . . . . I . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . ... . . . I . . , . . . . , . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... I . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ Please describe briefly the interactive portion of your exhibit/presentation: ...........,..........................................................,.......................................................... .................................................................................................,............................... ...............................................................................,.'............................................... ....................,............................................................................................................ ..................................................................... As an incentive for attendees, we plan to award prizes to those who attend all or most of the exhibits. If you would like to contribute an item, please list it below. The items will be collected on the morning of the fair. ................................................................................................................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................,......+.................,................................ Return this form to: ML Laurie Mills, Hampton Envirofair Fax: 506-832-6405 E-mail: Ihmills@gmail.com Or Mail to: Hampton Envirofair 808 Main Street, P,Q. Box 1066 Hampton NB, E5N 8Hl To be received no later than September 21 st, 2006 September 19, 2006 Kevin and Tina Standing 227 Cranston Avenue Saint John, New Brunswick E2K 3N3 5066580185 Your Worship, Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council, First of all I want to thank the Mayor and Members of Council who responded to my letters. Thank you for giving encouragement to a citizen in respect to taking our matter further to achieve resolve. Everyone is likely aware of the issue we have in relation to zoning and our home~based residential business. There are varying degrees of levels of corporate business, all having positive effects on our community. In respect to this matter our small home-based residential business is of little impact to historically what we have received as garbage collection in the past. The by-law language interpretation is ambiguous in that it clearly recognizes commercial but not home-based residential business. The letter that was addressed to us clearly states that we pay taxes for a salon/residence. We take pride that our home-based business produces little to no garbage. We compost and recycle anything related to grooming. The same applies to our residential garbage. Please reconsider the position on discontinuing our residential garbage pick up at our home and also please consider continuing our garbage pick up until you can review this. We look forward to a timely response. Regards, '(I~ d- ~,~ 5bJ 1/ Tina and Kevin Standin;; REPORT TO COMMON COUNCI~ 6,Cb M & C ~ 2006 ~ 262 September 19, 2006 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Public Hearing Dates 77 Golden Grove Road, 1210 Cottage Road I I ] I I I I I i I i oeb Lomond Road and 27~ City of Saint John I I BACKGROUND: I As provided in Common Council's resolution f August 3, 2004, this report I indicates the Rezoning and Section 39 applicat ons received and recommends I appropriate public hearing date. i I The full applications are available in the Com on Clerk's office and will foLJ part of the documentation presented at the Pub 'c Hearing. fj I I The following applications have been received. I Name of Location Existing Proposed Reason I Applicant Zone Zone I I I F. G. Ganong 77 Golden "sz- 8" (Electrical) Ltd. Grove Rd. Galbraith 1210 Loch "RS-2" Florists Ltd. Lomond Rd. Hughes Surveys & 270 Cottage "RSS" Consultants Inc. Rd. (for Berryman Investments Inc.) Text Amendment To permi a lounge "B-2" To permi a commerc a building To perm;'~ one and - family re i e - tial subdi i i n I "R-2" Report to Common Council September 19,2006 RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council schedule the Public He ings for the rezoning applic ti s ofF. G. Ganong (Electrical) Ltd. (77 Golden G ove Road), Galbraith Florist (1210 Loch Lomond Road) and Hughes Survey & Consultants Inc. (for Berryman Investments Inc.) (270 Cottage Road for Monday, October 23,2 0 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber. Respectfully submitted, ~~/foy Jim R. Baird, MCIP Commissioner Plannin and Developm JRB(r .....r..I".. - ,. , ;~',~ ~-,-,:., .,' '. . '.' ," . I ;~~liil,,,'~jt~>. G LOBA.L COUNTRY ()F WORLD PEi\CE I Canadian Administrative Center-292 IUdgeside Farm Drive, Ottawa, ON K2W 182 Tel: 1~613~839-9393 Fax: 1~613-839-9394 Email: globalcountry@maharisJiLca Website: www.globalcountry.org September 20th , 2006 The Honorable Mayor Norm McFarlane And Members of the City Council City of Saint John. Dear Honorable Mayor McFarlane and Members of the City Council, We would like to meet the City Council aqd present a proposal to build a "Peace Palace~~ in your city. This Peace Palace would serv~ as a center for the prevention of crime and terrorism in Saint John. We would like to meet the Council on Tuesday October 10 or Monday October 23 if it is convenient. In light of the recent terrorist threat in our nation and the upsurge of violent crime in Canadian cities this year, you will agree thflt it is urgent that we implement innovative new programs for preventing crime and textrorism. The recent events at Dawson College in Montreal are casting a dark and disturb~g shadow on education. The programs that would be offered by outj organization through the Peace Palace will create a measurable effect of peace and haJtmony for the whole city, which will be seen in reduced crime rates and other negative trertds, as well as increased positive social and economic trends. Our organization will arrange the fmancing for the Peace Palace. but would like the city to provide the land. The Peace Palace would be a two-story structure of approximately 18,000 square feet and will require approximately 1 acre of land, which could be in any city park or other lands owned by the city. The Global Country of World Peace is an ilntemational, educational, and charitable organization operating in over 100 countries for the past 50 years. It is dedicated to creating permanent peace and unity in the family of nations through the application of complete scientific knowledge of Natural taw to all areas of human life. The Peace Palace for your city will also house an "Invincibility School" for approximately 100 students. The students of this high school will study a rigorous traditional academic curriculum. At the same time, they will all practice technologies for the development of consciousness. including Transcendental Meditation, which scientific research has fOWld develops the total brain functioning of the students and solves many of the problems that schools are facing today due to increased stress in the classrooms. Scientific research has also shown that when students practice Transcendental Meditation and its advanced technique of Yogic Plying together in a group, it produces a powerful infl~nce of peace and coherence in the collective consciousness of the city. This harmonious influence neutralizes negative and destructive thinking and behavior in the whole population, thus preventing violent crime, terrorist acts and all negative trends. In this way, the Peace Palace and Invincibility School will provide invincible peace and security for your city. In your parental role of providing safety and security for every citizen of your city, we invite you to support the establishment of this Peace Palace for Saint John. It will crown your administration with a crime-free. problem. free city and unprecedented achievements in all areas of city life. We look forward to meeting with the City Council to present our proposal and to answer questions. As soon as we know the date of the meeting, we will provide copies of a portfolio outlining the various aspects of our proposal. We want to act quickly to establish the Peace Palace and Invincibility School, so that immediately we create this influence of peace for the whole city. You may contact us at 506-635-3347 to let us know the date of the meeting. With very ~t regycts, ~) _~/t:J2l( t:nL-stl cL , Miville Couture Representative of the Global Country of World Peace in Saint John. FROM: Susan Stout 1030 Mollins Drive Saint John NB E2M 4L8 (i:l.J..- 83~ 7. tRot ~ -; :J.. 7~ ATTENTION Common Council I am writing to ask for help for my two daughters. I am attending school at the Academy of Learning and I am a mother of three active teenagers. My two daughters have a request. They are both very good students. Krisanne is my oldest she goes to Saint John High School, and my younger daughter Jenny goes to Barnhill Middle school. Krisanne is presently in grade 12. She attended late emersion and has taken many IB courses in her high school. She coaches my younger daughter's middle school cheerleading team and works part time at Burger King. She was also coaching twnbling at CSA Cheer Gym to pay her way to attend the gym, which is $60.00 a month. And last year was the co captain on her SJHS cheer squad. Jenny is in grade eight and is also doing well in French emersion. She is 13 years old and Krisanne is 17. They have both been involved in gymnastics as well as cheerleading for many years. This is Krisanne's last chance to compete before she goes on to university. The team they are on at CSA is planning to compete at a very large competition in Texas in February. The girls have been trying to mise money for this trip. The purpose of this letter is to ask the city to sponsor them for $2000.00 all they need is 1000 dollars each. They have managed to raise enough to put a deposit on their air tickets. I can probably save enough for myself to go but not all three of us and I would hate to see them miss out on this opportunity to represent Canada, New Brunswick and most importantly Saint John in this event. I have attached the gyms proposal and would be grateful if you could help us. Krisanne was also the president of her student council in middle school and Jenny also plays Soccer and is on her middle school cheer team as well as training at the CSA gym. Thank you for your consideration 1 / /.'// f/1" /<::.:.' VV.. 'ii' It'., r' ; AI'V .lQc, v, rJ)!! ~.""."'.,....."'.,~' ,~,,-,...... . hamp{on~fffl~". :' Arnie,fics t... ..,):" ' .."." -.. , Champion Spirit Athletics is an All-Star Cheerleading and Dance gym based in Saint John N.8. There are almost 200 athletes currently involved in Champion Spirit Athletics. Guys and girls who, ranging in age from 5 years old to adults will travel across the Provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia in various regional, National and International events to compete a two and a half-minute routine. We are planning to have the C.S.A Senior <Explosion' competitive team travel to NCA All star Nationals in Dallas Texas in February 2007 to compete in one of the Largest Cheerleading Competitions in the world. Our C.S.A Junior 'Dynamite' AlIstars are heading to Springfield Massachusetts in April 2007 for the Jamfest National Championships. All Star Cheerleading is an exciting, growing sport where many young Athletes have an opportunity to compete on the Provincial and National and International level. Unfortunately, the cost associated with travel, competition entry fees, unifonns, and gym tuition can become very expensive. We hope that every athlete who is interested in competing has an opportunity no matter the cost. Not only do these kids work hard all year long to ~ajntain their skill level and prepare for each competition, but they participate in numerous fund raisers to help pay for the costs of competition, uniforms, travel and National competitions. This year, expenses can run as high as $1500 for the entire competition season. We would like to ask you for a donation to help with these expenses in exchange for advertising (or your business. Sponsorship opportunities are available to those businesses or individuals that wish to help defray the expenses of our athletes, Sponsorships can be designated to one athlete or an entire team. The following is what you or your business will receive when you become a Champion Spirit . Athletics A II star Cheerleading Sponsor. Thank you for your time and consideration of sponsorship, Sincerely. K ( I 9 (I n I) f:' ~en n f.f(:)~. S fO(J~u SicA if- c Jen,c '( f){/J/{51 (1/) F Cheerleader's Name Team Donation Amount (please look at the various donation levels then check off your choice and send a donation to our mailing address. Please send your company logo and all the information you want in your adveliisement to email address:mmcnamee@nb.sympatico.ca ): Our Website has been visited over 76 000 Times by members of our Club, their family's friends and other league lineup members in just our first year of operation t Bronze Level $25.00 Recognition on the website. Silver Level $50.00 Company name (with live hyper/ink) website advertisement Gold Level $100.00 Company name and logo (with live hyperlink) advertised for one month on our wehsite. (Your own ad or we can make one for you) **Pennanent Listing of sponsorship on website and listing on team t-shirt. _ Platinum Level $200.00 ** Permanent Company name and logo advertisement on website, (Your own ad or we can make one for you), listing in our brochures and on team t-shirt. **Advertising in our Gym till the end of the Cheer Season. _ Double Platinum Level $500.00 **Permanent, Company name (with live hyperlink), Advertisement on Home page (Your own banner ad or we can make one for you), Half page Ad in Ollr brochures and a listing on team t-shirt. ** Advertising in our Gym till the end of the Cheer Season. _ Triple Platinum Level $600.00+ ** Permanent Company name (with live hyperlink) Advertisement on Home page (Your own banner ad or we can make one for you), Halfpage Ad in our brochures. Y. page Ad in our tournament program and a listing on team t-shirt. **Advertising in our Gym till the end of tile Cheer Season, *AIl Double and Triple Platinum levels will receive a team plaque from the squad thaL child belongs to thanking them for sponsorship. All other levels will receive a Certificate of Recognition and a thank you letter from your cheerleader. **Till the end ofthis Cheerleading Year- April 2007 ** -' WWIV .Ieaguelineup.com/championspirit Please make Checks Payable to: "Champion Spirit Athletics" Please mail Checks to: Champion Spirit Athletics Melissa McNamee- Owner/Operator 674 Michael Cres Saint John N.B E2J2T1 Phone~ 642-4004(Horne) 635-5887(CSA Gym) EMAIL CompanyInformationto:mmcnamee@.nb.svnmatico.ca Please Include: Name Company Name Address City Provinu Postal Code Pbone Number Website/ EltUlil Address Please attach Company Logo to email HOUSING ALTERNATIVES INC. Parrtown Place, 28 King Street, Suite 3C, Saint John, N.B. E2L 1 G3 Tel: 632-9393 · Fax: 632-1785 September 20, 2006 Mayor Norm McFarlane Members of Common Council, P. O. Box 1971, Saint John, NB E2L 4L 1 Dear Mayor McFarlane: Rehabitat Inc., a non-profit housing organization, intends to develop a 16-unit non-profit, affordable housing project for low-income single adults and families on the corner of Adelaide Street and Victoria Street in the old North End of Saint John. As a non-profit organization we are always faced with the challenge of working with very limited financial resources. In order to ensure the success of this desperately needed housing project we would respectfully request the waiving of all municipal fees relating to permits. Thank you in advance for your continued support of adequate and affordable housing for the citizens of Saint John. Yours truly, '//(!LdLJut ~ Kit Hickey J~ Executive Director THIE SAINT JOHN C 0 E september 15,2006 ",....:";";':It~l Common Council City of Saint John Saint John, NB Dear Mayor and Councillors: Thank you very much for your dontinued interest in the WOmen's WeHness COnference. We appreciate the past support proVided by the City of Saint John and I am writing to provide information about our 2007 conference with the hope that the City win continue to be a sponsor of this event. First of all, let me say that our most recent conferences on Active Living in 2005 and Thinking Wen - Feeling Well in 2006 were giant successes! Both events were sold out well in advance, with about 270 women attending~ Speakers, workshops and exhibits were on target and well received by delegates. Due to the generosity of our sponsors, approximately 20% of delegates who would be unable to pay the conference fee were able to attend as sponsored registrants. We are proud to present our theme for 2007 - "Having Enough - the Economics of Women's Lives", which we believe can provide significant benefit to the Greater Saint John Community. This theme was identified in an AUantic Health Sciences Corponrtion study as one of the top five concerns of women in Region 2. We are working with BCAPI and Vibrant communities staff to develop a program that will be rel~nt to improving the financial wetl being of women in the Saint John region. The program win renect a holistic approach, exploring the connection between community well being and women's economics; preparing sons and daughters to be mindful of their role in an economic workl; social and wortpIace policy and its impact on families and community; and the thin line between prosperity and poverty. We'll celebrate initiatives and people in our community that make a difference. This on~ay conference is scheduled for Friday, March 30, 2001 at the Delta Brunswick Hotel. Our program committee is preparing an exciting line-up of keynote speakers and wor1cshop presenters; more detaUs wilt be avaifable In a few weeks. As well, an exhibits Hall will complement the theme. I am i"duding a brief documenl that outlines the philosophy and purpose of the Women's Wellness Conference and our planning thus far on next year's theme, as well as our 2007 Sponsorship Program. We are pleased that AUantic Health Sciences Corporation Women and Children's Program continues to be a Partner Sponsor in this event. I hope that the City of Saint John will continue in its role as a Major Sponsor and consider a sponsorship amount of $2000. "Having Enough. is about building capacity within our community and encouraging women of all socio-economic groups to make changes that will improve their lives, the lives of their families and the community - potentially highly beneficial results for the Cityl I will contact you in the next couple of weeks to determine if there is more information I can provide or if you would like to meet to discuss the conference in more detail. Again. thank you for your interest in the Saint John Women's Wellness Conference and for your past support. . I "~ .SIn~IY, \. t / '1 ,-, /'rii.,.t4 ~-t:-~(.t~J Nancy.. Little~06~"v.' Chair, Sponsorstnf39j Saint John Women's Wellness Conference 649-6268; xwood@nbnet.nb.ca Saint John Women's Wellness Conference - 2007 Having Enough Ou r pu rpose is to deliver education and information on a variety of health related issues of importance and relevance to 011 Women in the Greater Saint John Community In such a way that women are motivated and empowered to make change, either in their personal or family lives or In their community. Our phi 10 sop hy is th<pt the approximately 300 women who attend the conference will step yp to take greater responsibility for their self-care as well as that of their families and communities. We are committed to the belief that women wqrking together are a powerful force in improving the well-being of our lives and communities. To ensure that we have a:broad base of the population in attendance, we provide scholarships to approximately 20% of our participants who would otherwise not be able to afford conference fees, Our principles are t9 serve as a catalyst for enhancing the quality of life of women in the comrrunity; to be relevant to diverse groups of women; including professIonals in the area as well as those who have little knowledge of the topic; tb be accessible; to be realistic in scope; to promote commitment byland to those volunteers who plan the conference; to seek a brqad base of community support and financial sponsorship; to be challe~ging, thought provoking, stimulating and empowering; to attract tt'\e best available speakers; and to feed the mind, body and spirit of cbnference goers. I Our plan is to present t~emes of relevance to women in the Greater Saint John area as identifi~d by an Atlantic Health Sciences Corporation study. The following five ){eor plan has been identified: Active Living, presented 2005; Thinking Well - Feeling Well, presented 2006; Having Enough, planned 2007; SClfe and Healthy Communities, planned 2008; Relationships, tentative 2d09. Our 2007 theme is jHaving Enough - the Economics of , Women's Lives. Thisitheme was identified in the AHSC study as one I of the top five concerns of women in Region 2, The program will reflect a holistic approach, explorimg the connection between community well being and women's ecorjomics, preparing sons and daughters to be mindful of their role in an Epconomic world. social and workplace policy and its impact on families1and community and the thin line between prosperity and poverty. We will celebrate those initiatives and people in our community that make a difference, This one-day conference }ViII be held on March 3D, 2007 at the Delta Brunswick Hotel, In additi<j)n to keynote speakers and workshop presenters, an Exhibits Hall will complement the theme, , Ou r aud ience is wom n who have a desire to pay forward or to give back, women living in po erty who have something to share, mothers raising children, professio als who are in a position to influence corporate, government and commu ity policy, women who mentor others, and women who are moving 0 new stages of their financial lives, Possible topics inclute exploring the thin line between prosperity and poverty: understandi g how our community is faring and the impact of poverty on our social f brlc; entrepreneurialism and women in business; changing lives through taking charge, community asset building, volunteering, and mento ing; exploring and celebrating the good things happening in our comm nity; examining the workplace connection; raising a mindful child; fin ncial planning and reality for all phases of women's lives; becoming activists and changing mindsets, I Sponsors and stak~holders are those businesses and community groups who support the eneral goals of building stronger communities, empowering individuals t make change, improving the lives of our young people, and moving fro poverty to prosperity. We are proud of our continued association wi Atlantic Health Sciences Corporation Women and Children's Program 5 our Partner Sponsor. 20 7 Sponsorshi p Program Wo en's Wallness Conference Title Sponsor ($3500 - $5,000) . The Title sponsor should have an a~nity with the Women's Wellness Conference. The program and purpose of the Women's Wallness onference should support and promote the work of the Title Sponsor. . The Title Sponsor logo will receive p sitioning with "Saint John Women's Wellness Conference" on all posters, brochures and print ads. , . The Title Sponsor corporate banner ill appear on the front of the staging during the Conference. . Five registrations will be provided to the Title Sponsor. . Exhibit space will be reserved for th Title Sponsor. . The Title Sponsor will have first opp rtunity to provide collateral for participant packs received at registration. . The Title Sponsor will be invited to i troduce the Key Note Speaker. Partner Sponsor ($3000 . $3500) . AH C Women and Children's Health Program . The Partner Sponsor logo will recei special positioning on all posters, brochures and print ads. . The AHSC Corporate Banner will a pear on the front of the staging during the Conference. . Five registrations will be provided to the Partner Sponsor. . Exhibit space will be reserved for th Partner Sponsor. . The Partner Sponsor will have first pportunity to provide collateral for participant packs received at registration. . The Partner sponsor will be invited tp introduce the Opening Speaker. I Major Sponsor ($1,000 - $3500.00) 1 . Major Sponsors should have a stro 9 desire to appeal to the Women's Wellness audience either to promote their products, services or ompany or to acknowledge the women who support their products, services and/or company. . Major Sponsors logo will appear on II posters, brochures and print ads . Major Sponsors corporate banner w II be displayed in a prominent place throughout the conference. . Three registrations will be provided 0 the Major Sponsors. . Exhibit space will be reserved for th Major Sponsors. . Major Sponsors will be invited to pr vide collateral for participant packs received at registration. Program Sponsor ($500 for each ses ion) . Program Sponsors should have an ffinity for the Workshop Session being presented. The Workshop should support and promote the mi sian of the Program Sponsor or acknowledge the Sponsors products, services and/or company. . The Workshop Session will carry th name of the Program Sponsor. . One registration will be provided for each session sponsored. . The Program Sponsor will be invite to introduce the workshop presenter. . Program Sponsors will be invited to provide collateral for participant packs received at registration. Participant Contributors . Participant Contributors should hav an interest in funding the conference and ensuring that women have full access to the conference by re oving any financial barriers to attendance. . Names of Participant Contributors ill appear in the Participant packs received at registration. 2007 Sponsorship Plan 20 September 2006 Mayor Norm MacFarlane and City C uncil C/O Patrick Woods, Common Clerk City of Saint John !5, Market Square C,P. 1971 Saint John, NB E2L 4Ll Hon. Mayor and Council, I am writing on behalf of the Cresce Valley Survey Action Team to request an opportunity to appear before Council. The Survey Action Team would like to present findings from the Crescent Valley Community Survey that would be of interest to the City of Sa nt John. The Crescent Valley Survey Action i a group often Crescent Valley residents who conducted a survey of Crescent Valley residents in January f2006 with coordinating support from Vibrant Communities Saint John, We would be prepared to make a bri f 15-minute presentation in the latter part of November. This would allow us to include ideas from a publ c planning event in early November that builds on the concerns and ideas of residents arising from the s ey. Trusting that this request would be c mpatible with your scheduling needs, Yours truly, CtUkY W~d Colleen Grattan Gic~ For Gail Taylor, Community Coach +or Vibrant Communi ies Saint John · 330 Wentworth Street Saint Jo n, New Brunswick · E2L 5E4 · Fax: 5 6-634-1308/1-800-567-3453 · Phone: 506-693-4422 ATLANTIC COASTAL ACTION PROGRAM Executive Committee President Greg Marquis },t Vice President Jean MacDonald 2nd Vice President David Muir Treasurer Terry Cormier Secretary Mike Griffm Past President Deanna Vlug Board or Directors Gordon Dalzell Patrick Desmond Keith Fowler Jack Keir Claude MacKinnon David Methven Susan Atkinson Don Shaw Rick Turner Peter McKelvey Craig SiIliphant Rob MacAndrew Executive Director Tim Vickers AP Saint John 76 rmain St.. PO Box 6878, Stn. A Sain John. NB - E2L 4S3 Tel: 506) 652-2227 - Fax: (506) 633-2184 emai: acapsj@rogers.com - web: www.acapsj.com I September 21, 2006 City Hall Cle ks Office 8th Floor, Cit Hall Saint John, N Re: Presenta ion to City Council on December 18, 2006 Dear Mayor d Councilors, ACAP Saint 000 requests the opportunity provide you with an update on our activities d partnerships pertaining to environmental initiatives in greater Saint 000. We are proposing the Common Council meeting on Monday. Dee mber 18. 2006 for the presentation. If you have y questions, or require clarification of the specifics of presentation, lease contact me at your earliest convenience, Please reply your earliest convenience. Thank you, " P.O, Bo C.P. 1971 Saint Joh ,NBlN,-B. Canada 2L 4L 1 www.saintjohn.ca September 18, 2006 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Fellow Councillors, Re: Saint John's Blooming Spirit: Pride in our Place I Background: ~' The City of Saint John has had a longstanding ass dation with Communities i national competition designed to bring communiti s together and build pride i efforts for the cities and towns in which they live. ~ A group of local volunteers developed a new i tiative 'Saint John's Bloom'n Pride in our Place' to encourage beautification pro' ects highlighting the true na colorful and distinct neighbourhoods, our heritage d our culture. i Spirit: of our oom, a 1f own Five categories were established in the competit on and through the genero 't of our sponsor's, $500 scholarships were made available 0 youth in our community. Resolution: i That a presentation of the Blooming Spirit Sc olarships be scheduled fori t next meeting of Common Council. Respectfully, , J ~ k-e ~)~U/w)i:j L- Michelle Hooton Deputy Mayor M&C–2006-260 September22,2006 HisWorshipMayorNormMcFarlaneand MembersofCommonCouncil YourWorshipandCouncillors: SUBJECTLeaseofStalls16and17-SlocumandFerris,CityMarket : BACKGROUND : SlocumandFerrishasearneditsreputationasastapleofferingoftheCity Market.Owner-operatorDavidForestellhasownedandoperatedthisvenuefor morethan17years.HislovefortheMarketandcommitmenttocustomerservice hasearnedhimsomeofthemostloyalclientelefoundinthehistoricvenue. Overthepast12monthsMr.ForestellandtheDeputyMarketClerkhaveworked towardsanagreementtosecurethistenancyforatermandunderconnditions beneficialtobothparties. TheproposedLeasewas slowlynegotiatedasthetenant wasmonitoringtheCity’schangestotheMarketandgaugingtheenvironment he’dbeoperatinginduringtheupcomingyears.Finallysatisfiedwiththe directionoftheCityMarket,theproposedleasewasagreedupon,subjectto Council’sapproval. SlocumandFerrisoperateinspacereferredtoasstalls16and17attheCity Market(plussomeassociatedbench),spacetotalling819squarefeet.Additional mezzaninespaceof498sq.ft.isutilizedandwillbedeemedaszerosq.ft. consistentwiththepreciousleaseswhichhavemezzanineorbasementstorage. TheproposedleasewouldcommenceretroactivetoApril1,2006andwould expire7yearslater.Therentescalatesfromabaseof$25.00persquarefootto $31.00persquarefootinyearseven,fora$28.00averageovertheterm. . ReporttoCommonCouncilPage2 September22,2006 RECOMMENDATION : 1. ThatTheCityofSaintJohnentersintoaLeaseofSpaceforStalls16and17at theCityMarketwith045255N.B.Ltd.asperthetermsandconditionsas containedinthe LeaseattachedherewithtoM&C2006-260;and stnd 2.thatCommonCouncilgive 1and 2readingtotheattached“City Market By-Law”wherebysection5(2)isamendedtoaddfollowingSection5(2)(l), Section5(2)(m)Stalls16&17;and 3.furtherthattheMayorandCommonClerkbeauthorizedtoexecutetheLease oranyotherdocumentrequiredtofinalizethetransaction. Respectfullysubmitted, JimR.Baird,MCIP Commissioner PlanningandDevelopment Terrence Totten,C.A. CityManager BY -LAW NUMBER C-l A BY -LA W RELATING TO THE MARKET IN THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by the Common Council of The City of Saint John as follows: A By-law of The City of Saint John entitled "A By-law Relating to the Market In The City of Saint John", enacted on the 18th day of May, A.D. 2005 is Hereby amended as follows: I Amending Section 5(2) by adding the following Immediately after subsection 5(2)(1): (m) Stalls 16 & 17 IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Common Corporate Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the day of September A.D. 2006 and signed by: ARRETE NUMERO C-l ARRETE CONCERNANT LE MARCHE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Le conseil communal de The City of Saint John edicte: L'arrete concernant Ie march6 de The City of Saint John decrete Ie 18 mai 2005, est modifie comme suit: I La modification du paragraphe 5(2) par l'adjonction de ce qui suit immMiatement apres l'alinea 5(2)(1): (m) Kiosques 16 & 17 EN FOI DE QUOI The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur Ie present arrete Ie septembre 2006, avec les signatures suivantes: MayorlMaire Common ClerklGrefiere communale First Reading Second Reading Third Reading - Sept. 25, 2006 - Sept. 25, 2006 ,2006 Premiere lecture Deuxieme lecture Troisieme lecture - 25 sept., 2006 - 25 sept., 2006 ,2006 LEASE Standard Forms of Conveyances Act, S.N.B. 1980, c. S-12, s.2 The parties to this lease are: The City of Saint John, having its City Hall at 15 Market Square, Saint John, New Brunswick, a body corporate by Royal Charter, confirmed and amended by Acts of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of New Brunswick, the "Lessor" - and - 045255 N~B. Ltd., having its registered office at 29 Peat Drive, Quispamsis, New Brunswick, E2E 4R6, a duly incorporated company doing business under the registered business name "Slocum & Ferris", the "Lessee" The "Rules and Regulations" attached hereto as Schedule "D" and the Form attached hereto as Schedule "D~ 1" form part of this Lease. The Lessor leases to the Lessee the premises described in Schedule "A" attached hereto on the following conditions: Duration: Date of Commencement: Date of Termination: Payment Dates: Place of Payment: T years April 1 , 2006 March 31, 2013 First day of each and every month during the term hereof Cashier's Office City Hall Saint John, NB This lease contains the covenants and conditions which are attached and set out in Schedule "C". DATED , 2006. SIGNED, SEALED & DELIVERED In the presence of: ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN N.M. McFarlane, Mayor J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk Pet: / .' ;> l--' Common Council Resolution: 045255 N.B. LTD. a r~.. ;",; And: .~~'-. r 1'1 f:1)> I 0 z ......z I (") ,,9-,8Z :\ ..........fTl -t>- I 0 " 11: )> I r I I c -'"::u s: 'I .ITI I J I )> I' z -' I 0 " : I :1 ...--.. I I I I fT1 I -<.J I p- I VI I (j) ITI I ,~ I )> I OJ 'I ~ CD I ] r rr1 I ,I I ;J )> I !J ;:0 I fTl P- I I ,~ I '-i) 1 '~ ~ :-" "---" ,.--.. r (j)C) ~[Tl 0;:0 )>0 g)> IC c(f) r.'z 0 :S::fTl -.J. R> '-..., , . OJ U ~:O fT1 r 1\ 0 ;::0 -,;:0 ;u )> I (j) Z 0"'-'" "---" :. fTl )> -n" (J) O' fT1 )> ~ CD r 0 (Tl +-- )> ;a (J1 fl1 N )> ()l co (J1 ...... to .-.. '<l.. .... QO 1'oj "-' ::::. ~ U Bench Space (Leaseable Area 98 ft2) -e = f fol;1 i [ , ~,-:--,._,~ ~_~.~",~_d':;r.'.~e~"~~"'~"=~'~"'='=" -,.., - --- -- . _.... ._., .",__,~...'~__..' .'-r_ .n_ ,".' . . I, ,1 ..o-.t~ r fT1 )> (J) (ll c: Z fTl o \ '"o-,r o ft- ~ )> F (J) ......--1 -...I)> F N L-I ,- -...,J (J) ......--1 Ol)> F .......... ~ LEASE FOR STALL SPACE CITY MARKET 045255 N.n. LTD.lSLOCUM & FERRIS SCHEDULE "C" ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS 1.01 Definitions In this lease: a) "Additional Rent" means all and any monies required to be paid by the Lessee to the Lessor under or pursuant to the terms of this Lease, save only for Gross Rent; b) "Architect" shall mean the architect from time to time named by the Lessor or at the option of the Lessor, the Lessor's general contractor. Any certificate provided by the Architect and called for by the terms of this Lease shall be final and binding on the parties hereto; c) "Commencement Date" means a date determined in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.03; d) "Common Areas" means those areas, facilities, utilities, improvements, equipment and installations in the City Market which from time to time are not designated or intended by the Lessor to be leased to tenants of the City Market, and those areas, facilities, utilities, improvements, equipment and installations which serve or are for the benefit of the City Market whether or not located in, adjacent to or near the City Market and which are designated from time to time by the Lessor as part of the Common Areas. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Common Areas includes all parking areas, all entrances and exits thereto and all structural elements thereof, access roads, truck courts, driveways, truckways, delivery passages, the roof, exterior weather walls, exterior and interior structural elements and bearing walls in the building and improvements comprising the City Market, package pick-up stations, loading and related areas, pedestrian stairways, ramps, electrical, telephone, meter, valve, mechanical, mail storage service and janitor rooms and galleries, rrre preventions, security and communication systems, columns, pipes, electrical, plumbing, drainage, any central system for the provision of heating, ventilating or air conditioning to Ieaseable premises or any enclosed Common Areas and all other installations, equipment or services located therein or related thereto as well as the structures housing installations, including but not limited to all open and enclosed malls, courts and arcades, public seating and service areas,' corridors, furniture, ,first aid amVor information stations, auditoria, conference rooms, nurseries, childcare play areas and related kitchen and storage facilities, escalators, elevators, public washrooms, music systems and any atrium seating/food court; e) "C.P.I." means the Consumer Price Index (All Items) for Canada (or any index published in substitution for the Consumer Price Index or any other replacement index reasonably designated by the Lessor, if it is no longer published) published by Statistics Canada (or by any successor thereof or any other governmental agency, including a provincial agency); f) "Atrium Seating/Food Court" means those portions of the Common Areas designated by the Lessor from time to time for use in support of the operations of any group of premises providing quick food service to customers of the City Market and includes, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, public table and seating areas, waste collection facilities and other areas, facilities and equipment intended for such use; g) "Gross Receipts" means the total of, all, gross sales and receipts from all business conducted upon or from the Leased Premises, whether or not by the Lessee, and whether for cash, cheques, credit, charge account, exchange or otherwise, and shall include, but not be limited to, amounts received or receivable from the sale of goods or services and the amount of all orders taken or received at the Leased Premises regardless of where they are filled, whether such sales be made at a sales desk or counter, over the telephone or bv any vending device. Interest. instalment. fmance charges and deposits will be i. sales for which the customer has received a refund, provided that the original sale was included in Gross Receipts; 11. sales of merchandise in exchange for returned merchandise, but only to the extent the original sale of the returned merchandise was included in Gross Receipts; iii. HST and any other sales, use, excise or gross receipts tax directly on sales and collected from customers at the point of sale, provided that the amount thereof is added to the selling price and shown and/or collected as a separate item, and paid by the Lessee to such governmental authority; IV. delivery charges; v. transfers of merchandise between stores of the Lessee or returned to suppliers of the Lessee, but only if such transfer or return is not for the purpose of reducing Gross Receipts. h) "HST" means harmonized sales taxes, value-added taxes, multi-stage taxes, business transfer taxes or other similar taxes however they are characterized and any taxes in lieu thereo f; i) "Hazardous Substances" means any, contaminant, pollutant, dangerous substance, potentially dangerous substance, noxious substance, toxic substance, hazardous waste" flammable, explosive or radioactive materia], urea formaldehyde foam insulation, asbestos, PCB's or any other substances or materials that are declared or defmed to be hazardous, toxic, contaminants or pollutants in or pursuant to any applicable federal, provincial or municipal statute, by-law or regulation; j) "Lessor" includes the Lessor and its successors and assigns; k) "Lease" means this indenture of lease and includes any riders and schedules hereto and shall also include any agreements entered into which have the effect of amending this indenture from time to time; 1) "Leased Premises" means the premises leased to the Lessee as referred to and described in Section 2.0] hereof. Save as mentioned below, the boundaries of the Leased Premises' shall extend from the top surface of the structural sub floor to the bottom surface of the structural ceiling. If the Leased Premises have no ceiling abutting the demising walls, but rather are open to the ceiling of the City Market building, the boundaries of the Leased Premises extend from the top surface of the structural sub floor to the height of the demising walls; m) "Lease Year" shall mean a period of time, the first Lease Year commencing on the Commencement Date and ending on the 3et day of December in the calendar year of the Commencement Date. Thereafter Lease Years shall consist of consecutive periods of twelve calendar months ending in each case on December 31St, save for the last Lease Year of the Term which shall tenninate upon the expiration or earlier tennination of this Lease, as the case may be; n) "Gross Rent" means the annual Gross Rent payable by the Lessee pursuant to Section 3.01; 0) "Operating Costs" means the total cost and expense incurred in owning, operating, maintaining, managing and administering the City Market and the Common Areas, specifically including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any capital or place of ownership taxes levied against the Lessor or any owners of the City Market on account of their interest in the City Market, in an amount equitably allocated to the City Market by the Lessor; gardening and landscaping charges; the cost and expenses of taking out the insurance described in Section 9.03; cleaning, snow removal, garbage and, waste collection and disposal; lighting, electricity, public utilities, loud speakers, public address and musical broadcasting systems and any telephone answering service used in or serving the City Market, and the cost of electricity and maintenance for any signs designated by the Lessor as part of the Common Areas; policing, security, supervision and traffic control; salaries and benefits of all supervisory and other personnel employed in cOllllection with the City Market and management office rent imputed to the City Market by the Lessor, acting reasonably; Management Fee, the cost of providing _.J.J~L~_......_l _........1r.:.--..... ......... ........1......... ,-................................. II ............... .r"........ -0'-1....... t..................~4. _f: LL_ r"~L_. lI.K__1__.1. ___1._.L1.___ supplies used in the maintenance and operation of the City Market and the Common Areas; accounting and audit fees incurred in the preparation of the statements required to be prepared and supplied by the Lessor under the terms of this Lease; heating, ventilating and air conditioning of the Common Areas; all repairs and replacements to and maintenance and operation of the City Market and the Common Areas; depreciation or amortization of the costs, including repair and replacement, of all maintenance and cleaning equipment, master utility meters, and all other fixtures, equipment, and facilities serving or comprising the City Market or the Common Areas; which are not charged fully in the Lease Year in which they are incurred, from the earlier of the date when the cost was incurred or the Commencement Date, at rates on the various items determined from time to time by the Lessor in accordance with sound accounting principles; p) "Proportionate Share" means a fraction, the numerator of which is the Rentable Area of the Leased Premises and the denominator of which is the Rentable Area of the City Market; q) "Rent" means all Gross Rent and Additional Rent payable pursuant to the terms of this Lease; r) "Rentable Area of the Leased Premises" means the area expressed in square feet of aU floors of the Leased Premises measured from: i. the exterior face of all exterior walls, doors and windows; ii. the exterior face of all interior walls, doors and windows separating the Leased Premises from Common Areas; if any; and 1Il. the centre line of all interior walls' separating the Leased Premises from adjoining leasable premises. The Rentable Area of the Leased Premises includes all interior space whether or, not occupied by projections, structures or columns, structural or non-structural, and if the store front is recessed from the lease line, the area of such recess for all purposes lies within the Rentable Area of the Leased Premises. s) "Rentable Area of the City Market" means the area in square feet of all rentable premises in the City Market set aside for leasing by the Lessor from time to time, except for any occupancy as designated by the Lessor for which there is no Gross Rent payable. Provided however that the Lessor shall credit to Operating Costs any contributions received in respect of such Operating Costs from the occupants of any of the areas excluded from the Rentable Area of the City Market in accordance with this definition. Provided further that in determining the fraction that is the Lessee's Proportionate Share, if the Leased Premises consists of any of the foregoing excluded categories, the Rentable Area of that category will be included in the Rentable Area of the City Market; t) "Rules and Regulations" means the rules and regulations adopted and promulgated by the Lessor from time to time acting reasonably, including those listed on Schedule "D"; u) "City Market" means the lands and premises known by the civic address 47 Charlotte Street, Saint John, New Brunswick, as such lands and premises may be altered, expanded or reduced from time to time and the buildings, improvements, equipment and facilities erected thereon or situate from time to time therein; v) "Taxes" means all duties, real property taxes, charges, assessments and payments, from time to time levied, assessed or imposed upon the City Market or any part thereof or upon the Lessor by reason of its ownership of the City Market, by any taxing authority. Taxes shall also include any penalties, late payment or interest charges imposed by any municipality or other taxing authority as a result oUhe Lessee's late payments of any taxes or instalments thereof. For greater certainty "Taxes" shall exclude any penalties or interest incurred by the Lessor as a result of its failure to pay Taxes in a timely manner, except Taxes shall include any interest in respect of a deferral of payment in accordance with sound accounting practices if permitted by statute or pursuant to an agreement with the taxing authority; and (ii) income, profit or excess profits taxes of the Lessor; w) "Lessee" means the party named as Lessee in this Lease; and x) "Term" means the period referred to in Section 2.03. ARTICLE II GRANT, TERM AND INTENT 2.01 Leased Premises (a) In consideration of the rents, covenants and agreements hereinafter reserved and contained on the part of the Lessee to be paid, observed and performed, the Lessor demises and leases to the Lessee and the Lessee leases from the Lessor, the Leased Premises. The Leased Premises are presently designated as Stalls No. 16 and 17 and are shown outlined in red on Schedule "A" attached hereto and contain a Rentable Area of approximately Eight Hundred Nineteen Square Feet (819 ft2). In the event the Leased Premises is re-measured the Lessee shall pay all rents based on a maximum square footage of Eight Hundred Nineteen Square Feet (819 fe), the demise shall include Four Hundred Ninety Eight Square Feet (498 fe) of mezzanine space located above the herein demised stalls and also Ninety Eight Square Feet (98 fe) of bench space including the Eighteen Square Feet (18 ft2) "end cap", provided however, the Lessee has use of the bench space from and including Mondays to and including Fridays only. The Lessor shall have use of the bench space save and except the "end cap" on Saturdays and on Sundays and holidays should the Market be open for business. ' 2.02 Use of Common Areas' The use and occupation by the Lessee of the Leased Premises shall entitle the Lessee to the use in common with all others entitled thereto of the Common Areas, subject however, to the terms and conditions of this Lease and to reasonable rules and regulations for the use thereof as prescribed from time to time by the Landlord. 2.03 Term of Lease TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Leased Premises for and during the term of Seven (7) years to be computed from April 1, 2006 and fully to be completed and ended on March 31, 2013 save as hereinafter provided for earlier termination. PROVIDED THAT if there is any Lessor's Work or Lessee's Work to be performed prior to the Lessee opening for business in the Leased Premises or the Leased Premises are occupied by a third party as of the date of this Lease, the Commencement Date shall be the earlier of: ' a) thirty (30) days after the Lessor has delivered vacant possession of the Leased Premises to the Lessee notwithstanding that the Lessor may still, during such thirty (30) day period, be completing its work; or b) the opening by the Lessee to the public of its business in the Leased Premises. Notwithstanding any change in the Commencement Date calculated in accordance with the preceding provisions hereof, the Terms shall expire on the date set for such expiry in the first paragraph of this Section 2.03, subject always to earlier termination as provided for in this Lease. PROVIDED THAT upon the Lessor or its Architect giving notice to the Lessee that the Leased Premises are available for the commencement of the Lessee's Work, the Lessee shall immediately take possession of the Leased Premises and shall occupy same for the purpose of fixturing and installing its inventory, at its own risk, for a period of thirty (30) days after receipt of such notice or until the Lessee opens for business to the public in the Leased Premises, free of the payment of Gross Rent, and Additional Rent save for the obligation of the Lessee to pay for all utility charges used by the Lessee or consumed in the Leased Premises during the period of such flXturing, and shall during the period from the giving of such notice until the Commencement Date be a tenant in the Leased Premises subject to the same covenants and agreements as are contained in this Lease, mutatis mutandis. FURTHER PROVIDED THAT NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY, if the Lessor is unable to deliver vacant possession of the Leased Premises to the Lessee for any reason, including but not limited to the holding over or retention of possession of any other lessee or occupant, or the lack of completion of any repairs, improvements or alterations required to be completed before the Lessee's occupancy of the Leased Premises, then the time for commencement of the Term shall be extended to correspond with the period of delay and the Lessee shall not be entitled to any abatement or diminution of Rent (except that Rent shall not commence to be payable until possession of the Leased Premises is given by the Lessor to the Lessee) nor shall the validity ofthis Lease or the parties' respective obligations hereunder be affected. However, if the Lessor does not give vacant possession of the Leased P"",l3..-n1~,J:]o~ tn t'h~ T ~~~~~ ul;th-i1"l iC.:!lV (h' rnnnthQ ~f thp rl'!::!tp f"\f th;Q T P!II::"~ t'h..:a.., th~ T ,::1of;lo~("'l.r 't"r"II~U at 1~ "'.....t1^T'I of no effect whatsoever. Any deposit paid by the Lessee to the Lessor shall be returned without interest or deduction, and neither party shall have any further liability to the other. Forthwith, upon the Commencement Date being detennined in accordance with the foregoing, the Lessee shall execute an acknowledgement of same on Lessor's usual form. The Lessee shall pay all Gross Rent and Additional Rent calculated on a per diem basis, from the end of the rent-free period to the last day of the month in which the Commencement Date occurs and thereafter all payments of Rent shall be made on the fIrst day of each month throughout the Term unless otherwise specifIed herein. 2.04 Option to Renew The Lessee shall have the option to renew this Lease for a further one (1) term of five (5) years at the then prevailing market rate by providing written notice of its intention to renew to the Lessor no later than six (6) months prior to the expiration of the Initial Term. ARTICLE UI RENT AND DEPOSIT 3.01 Gross Rent The Lessee shall pay arumal Gross Rent to the average amount of Twenty-Seven ($27.00) Dollars per square foot of Leased Premises. The Gross Rent shall be paid in equal monthly instalments, monthly in advance. According to the following schedule: Year 1 Year 2 - Year 3 - Year 4 - Year 5 - Year 6 - Year 7 - $1,706.00 monthly ($25.00 per square foot) $1,775.00 monthly ($26.00 per square foot) $1,843.00 monthly ($27.00 per square foot) $1,911.00 monthly ($28.00 per square foot) $1,979.00 monthly ($29.00 per square foot) $2,047.50 monthly ($30.00 per square foot) $2,115.75 monthly ($31.00 per square foot) 3.02 Reports by Lessee a) The Lessee shall submit to the Lessor on or before the lOth'day following the end of each calendar month during the Term and including the 10th day of the month following the end of the Term, at the place then fixed for the payment of Rent, a written statement signed by the Lessee showing the amount of Gross Receipts for the preceding month (and fractional month, if any) and the amount of Gross Receipts for all preceding months of such Lease Year; b) On or before the 60th day following the end of each Lease Year (including the last Lease Year of the Term) the Lessee shall submit to the Lessor a statement in such form, style and scope as the Lessor reasonably determines, showing the amount of Gross Receipts during the preceding Lease Year, which statement shall be duly certified to be correct by the Lessee. The Lessee will not change its procedure relating to any aspect of its reporting of Gross Receipts without the prior written consent of the Lessor, which consent shall not be umeasonably withheld. c) In addition to any other reports required by this Section 3.02, the Lessee shall also supply to the Lessor a statement of the approximate amount of Gross Receipts . during any particular week in respect of which such a statement is requested by the Lessor, it being acknowledged that such weekly statement will be requested during weeks when promotions or other special activities are being carried on in the City Market. 3.03 Audit (Malldatory wllell rellt calculatioll hased 011 Lessee's sales) At its option, the Lessor may cause, at any reasonable time upon five (5) days' prior written notice to the Lessee, a complete audit to be made of the Lessee's entire business affairs and records relating to the Leased Premises for the period covered by any statement issued by the Lessee pursuant to Section 3.02. Any information obtairied by the Lessor as a result of such audit shall be held in strict confidence by the T eo......n.......... 3.04 Rent Past Due If the Lessee fails to pay, when the same is due and payable, any Gross Rent, Additional Rent or other amount payable by the Lessee under this Lease, such unpaid amounts shall bear interest from the due date thereof to the date of payment, compounded monthly at the rate equal to four (4) percentage points in excess of the Prime Rate. 3.05 Deposit The Lessor acknowledges receipt of Zero Dollars ($00.00) which it will apply towards the payment of Gross Rent for the fIrst and last months of the Term except that the Lessor may apply all or part of the amount retained for application towards the last month's Gross Rent as compensation for any loss or damage arising from the breach by the Lessee of any provisions of this Lease. This right will not be construed to limit the Lessor's other rights under this Lease or at law or to limit the amount recoverable by the Lessor for damages in respect of breaches by the Lessee of this Lease. If the Lessor uses all or part of the deposit for the last month's Gross Rent as provided above, the Lessee will, upon notification by the Lessor, pay to the Lessor the amount required to reimburse it for the amounts so applied. The Lessor will not be required to pay interest to the Lessee on any of the amounts paid to the Lessor or retained by it under this section. The Lessor may deliver the aforesaid deposit to any purchaser of the Lessor's interest in the City Market or any part thereof, whereupon the Lessor will immediately be discharged from any further liability with respect to the deposit. The Lessee will not assign or encumber its interest in the deposit except in connection with a pennitted Transfer, in which case the Lessee's interest in the deposit will be deemed to have been assigned to the permitted Transferee as of the date of the Transfer. 3.06 Pre~Authorized Payments/Postdated Cheques The Lessee may participate in a pre-authorized payment plan whereby the Lessor will be authorized to debit the Lessee's bank account each month from time to time during each Lease Year in an amount equal to the Gross Rent and Additional Rent payable on a monthly basis, and, if applicable, generally any amount payable provisionally pursuant to the provisions of this Lease on an estimated basis. In the event the Lessee opts to participate in the pre-authorized payment plan, the Lessee shall sign a form of application which is the same or similar to Schedule "D-l", to give fullforce and effect to the foregoing within five (5) days of presentation. In lieu of the pre-authorized payment plan referred to above, the Lessor shall be entitled to require the Lessee to present at the beginning of each Lease Year a series of monthly postdated cheques for each such Lease Year for the aggregate of the monthly payments of Gross Rent payable on a monthly basis, and, if applicable, any amount payable provisionally pursuant to the provisions of this Lease on an estimated basis. ARTICLE IV TAXES 4.01 Taxes Payable by the Lessor The Lessor shall pay all Taxes which are levied, rated, charged or assessed against the City Market or any part thereof subject always to the provisions of this Lease regarding payment of Taxes by the Lessee. However, the Lessor may defer payment of any such Taxes or defer compliance with any statute, law, by-law, regulation or ordinance in connection with the levying of any such Taxes in each case to the , fullest extent pennitted by law, so long as it diligently prosecutes any contest or appeal of any such Taxes. 4.02 Taxes Payable by Lessee a) The Lessee shall during the Term pay, without any deduction, abatement or set-off whatsoever, all Taxes levied, laid or assessed on or against the Leased Premises; b) In the case of assessments for local improvements or betterments which are assessed or imposed during the tenn and which may by law be payable in instalments, the Lessee shall only be obligated to pay such instalments as same fall due during the Term, together with interest on deferred payments; c) In any suit or proceeding of any kind or nature arising or growing out of the failure of the Lessee to keep any covenant contained in this Article, the certificate or receipt of the department, officer or bureau charged with collection of the Taxes, showing that the tax, assessment or other charge affecting the Leased Premises is due and payable or has been paid, shall be prima facia evidencethat such tax, assessment or other charge was due and payable as a lien or charge against the Leased Premises or that it has been paid as such by the Lessor; own expense and free of expense to the Lessor) any and all Taxes levied, assessed or imposed upon or against the Leased Premises or Taxes in lieu thereofrequired to be paid by the Lessee hereunder. No such contest shall defer or suspend the Lessee's obligations to pay the Taxes as herein provided pending the contest, but if by law it is necessary that such payment be suspended to preserve or perfect the Lessee's contest, then the contest shall not be undertaken without there being first deposited with the Lessor a sum of money equal to twice the amount of th~ Taxes that are the subject of the contest, to be held by the Lessor as an indemnity to pay such Taxes upon conclusion of the contest and all costs thereof that may be imposed upon the Lessor or the Leased Premises. Any costs associated with an appeal undertaken by the Lessor, the Lessee shall pay their proportionate share of such costs; e) The Lessee upon request of the Lessor will promptly exhibit to the Lessor all paid bills for Taxes which bills after inspection by the Lessor shall be returned to the Lessee. 4.03 HST Payable by Lessee The Lessee shall pay to the Lessor all HST on Rent and any other HST imposed by the applicable legislation on the Lessor or Lessee with respect to this Lease, in the manner and at the times required by the applicable legislation. Such amounts are not consideration for the rental of space or the provision by the Lessor of any service under this Lease, but shall be deemed to be Rent and the Lessor shall have all of the' same remedies for and rights ofrecovery of such amounts as it has for recovery of Rent under this Lease. If a deposit is forfeited to the ,Lessor, or an amount becomes payable to the Lessor due to a default or as consideration for a modification of this Lease, and the applicable legislation deems a part of the deposit or amount to include HST, the deposit or amount will be increased and the increase paid by the Lessee so that the Lessor will receive the full amount of the forfeited deposit or other amount payable without encroachment by any deemed HST portion. 4.04 Business Taxes and Other Taxes of Lessee The Lessee shall pay to the lawful taxing authorities, when the same becomes due and payable: a) all taxes, rates, duties, assessments and other charges that are levied, rated, charged or assessed against or in respect of all improvements, equipment and facilities of the Lessee on or in the Leased Premises; and b) every tax and license fee which is levied, rated, charged or assessed against or in respect of any business carried on in the Leased Premises or in respect of the use or occupancy thereof whether in any case any such taxes, rates, duties, assessments or license fees are rated, charged or assessed by any federal, provincial, municipal or other body. ARTICLE V UTILITIES 5.01 Utilities The Lessee shall pay all utilities directly to the utility company, on a metered basis. In the event that a Lessee leases cooler space with the Leased Premises, the Lessee shall pay to the Lessor the Lessee's proportionate share of any utility consumed. ARTICLE VI MERCHANTS~ ASSOCIA nON 6.01 Merchants~ Association If and when an association or corporation of merchants or lessees (the "Association") is formed comprising tenants of the City Market, the Lessee shall forthwith become a member of such Association or if such an Association has already been formed, the Lessee shall forthwith become a member thereof and the Lessee shall retain its membership in such Association during the entire. Term and shall abide by all rules, regulations, by-laws; decisions, directions, dues and assessments of the Association. Such Association shall in no way affect the rights of the Lessor and any by-laws, rules and regulations of such Asso~i!ltion shall at all timeR he Rubiect to the Drior annroval of the Lessor. 6.02 Promotion Fund The Lessee shall pay to the Lessor an amount equal to 6% of annual Gross Rent to be paid in twelve (12) monthly instalments each instalment payable on the 1 st day of each month during the Term. ARTICLE VII CONDUCT OF BUSINESS BY TENANT 7.01 Use of Leased Premises a) The Leased Premises shall be used continuously, actively and diligently for the sole purpose of a grocer, restaurant and caterer; products generally sold by major grocery chains including but not restricted to: produce, baked goods, dry goods, mats, drugs, sundries, gift items, bulk foods, soups, ice cream, ice cream bars, fresh pasta, pre-packaged salads, mineral water, juices, frozen bagels, Dairy town products as well as prepared or made to order fresh or frozen foods and those products known for being native to New Brunswick. The Lessee will not use or permit or suffer the use of the Leased Premises or any part thereof for any other business or purpose. In connection with the business to be conducted by the Lessee on the Leased Premises, the Lessee shall only use the advertised name "Slocum & Ferris" and will not change the advertised name of the business to be operated in the Leased Premises without the prior mitten consent of the Lessor. The Lessee shall not introduce new product lines,or offer new services to its customers without first obtaining the mitten consent of the Lessor. The Lessee acknowledges that it would be reasonable for the Lessor to withhold its consent if the introduction by the Lessee of such product line or service would compete with the business of other tenants in the City Market or infringe on exclusive covenants granted by the Lessor. Unless otherwise specifically set out in this Lease to the contrary, nothing contained in this Lease shall: (i) confer upon the Lessee the exclusive right to sell or provide in the City Market any of the products or servicespennitted to be sold or provided from the Leased Premises pursuant to this Section 7.01; nor (ii) prevent the Lessor from leasing any other' premises in the City Market to any other tenant(s) carrying on a business which is similar in whole or in part to the business permitted to be carried on from the Leased Premises pursuant to this Section 7.01. b) The Lessee acknowledges that its continued occupancy of the Leased Premises and the regular conduct of business therein are of utmost importance to neighbouring tenants and to the Lessor in the renting of space in the City Market, the renewal of other leases therein, the efficient and economic supply of services and utilities, and in the character and quality of other tenants in the City Market. The Lessee therefore covenants and agrees that throughout the Term it will occupy the entire Leased Premises, comply strictly with the provisions of Section 7.01 and not vacate or abandon the Leased Premises at any time during the Term. The Lessee acknowledges that the Lessor is executing this Lease in reliance thereupon and that the same is a material element inducing the Lessor to execute this Lease. The Lessee further agrees that if it vacates or abandons the Leased Premises or fails to so conduct its business therein, or uses or permits or suffers the use of the Leased Premises for any purpose not specifically herein authorized and allowed, the Lessee will be in breach of the Lessee's obligations under the Lease, and then, without constituting a waiver of the Lessee's obligations or limiting the Lessor's remedies under this Lease, all Rent reserved in this Lease will immediately become due and payable to the Lessor unless guaranteed to the satisfaction of the Lessor. The Lessor will have the right, without prejudice to any other rights which it may have under this Lease or at law, to obtain an injunction requiring the Lessee to comply with the provisions of this Section 7.01(b). 7.02 Conduct and Operation of Business The Lessee shall occupy the Leased Premises from and after the Commencement Date and thereafter shall conduct continuously and actively the business set out in Section 7.01, in the whole of the Leased Premises. In the conduct of the Lessee's business pursuant to this Lease the Lessee shall: a) operate its business with due diligence and efficiency and maintain an adequate staff to properly serve all customers; own, install and keep in good order and condition free from liens or rights of third parties, fixtures and equipment of first class quality; and carry at b) conduct its business in the Leased Premises during such hours and on such days as the Lessor from time to time requires or permits and at no other time. However the Lessee is not required or permitted to carry on its business during any period prohibited by any law regulating the hours of business. If the Lessee fails to open on the Commencement Date or during the days and/or hours required by the Lessor, then in addition to all other' amounts of Rent payable under this Lease the Lessee shall pay as Additional Rent to the Lessor upon demand as liquidated damages and not as a penalty,an amount equal to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day for each and every day that the Lessee is in default. When not open for business the security of the Leased Premises is the sole responsibility of the Lessee; c) keep displays of merchandise in the display windows (if any) of the Leased Premises, and keep the display windows and signs (if any) in the Leased Premises well-lit during the hours the Lessordesignates from time to time, acting reasonably; d) stock in the Leased Premises only merchandise the Lessee intends to offer for retail sale from the Leased Premises, and not use any portion of the Leased Premises for office, clerical or other non-selling purposes except minor parts reasonably required for the Lessee's business in the Leased Premises; e) abide by all rules and regulations and general policies formulated by the Lessor, acting reasonably, from time to time relating to the delivery of goods to the Leased Premises; f) not allow or cause to be committed any waste upon or damage to the Leased Premises or any nuisance or other act or thing which disturbs the quiet enjoyment of any other lessee in the City Market or which unreasonably disturbs or interferes with or annoys any third party, or which may damage the City Market; g) not allow or cause to be done any act in or about the Common Areas or the City Market which in the Lessor's opinion, acting reasonably, hinders or interrupts the City Market's flow of traffic in any way, obstructs the free movement or parties doing business in the City Market; h) not allow or cause business to be solicited in any part of the City Market other than the Leased Premises, nor display any merchandise outside the Leased Premises at any time without the prior written consent of the Lessor; i) use the name designated for the City Market by the Lessor from time to time and all insignia or other identifying names and marks designated by the Lessor in connection with the advertising of the business conducted in the Leased Premises. Notwithstanding the foregoing the Lessee will not acquire any rights in such names; marks or insignia and upon the Lessor's request the Lessee will abandon or assign to the Lessor any such rights which the Lessee may acquire by operation of law and will' promptly execute any documents required by the Lessor to give effect to this subparagraph (i); j) not install or allow in the Leased Premises any transmitter device nor erect any aerial on the roof of any building forming part of the City Market or on any exterior walls of the Leased Premises or in any of the Common Areas. Any such installation shall be subject to removal by the Lessor without notice at any time and such removal shall be done and all damage as a result thereof shall be made good, in each case, at the cost of the Lessee, payable as Additional Rent on demand; k) not use any travelling or flashing lights or signs or any loudspeakers, television, phonograph, radio or other audiovisual or mechanical devices in a manner so that they can be heard or seen outside of the Leased Premises without the prior written consent of the Lessor. If the Lessee uses any such equipment without receiving the prior written consent of the Lessor, the Lessor shall be entitled to remove such equipment without notice at any time and such removal shall be done and all damage as a result thereof shall be made good, in each case, at the cost of the Lessee, payable as Additional Rent on demand; 1) not install or allow in the Leased Premises any equipment which will exceed or overload the capacity of any utility, electrical or mechanical facilities in the Leased Premises or of which the Lessor has not approved. If the Lessee requires additional utility, electrical or mechanical facilities, the Lessor may in its sole discretion if they are available elect to install them at the Lessee's expense and in accordance with plans and specifications to be approved in advance in writing by the Lessor; machinery, equipment, article or thing shall be subjectto removal by the Lessor without notice at any time and such removal shall be done and all damages as a result thereof shall be made good, in each case, at the cost of the Lessee, payable as Additional Rent on demand; n) observe and comply with all federal, provincial or municipal laws pertaining to or affecting the Leased Premises, the Lessee's use of the Leased Premises or the conduct of any business in the Leased Premises, or the making of any repairs, replacements, . alterations, additions, changes, substitutions or improvements of or to the Leased Premises, and the regulations of any insurance underwriters in respect of the insurance maintained by the Lessor in respect of the City Market, and cany out all modifications to the Leased Premises and the Lessee's conduct of business or in use of the Leased Premises which may be required by any such authorities. 7.03 Prohibited Activities a) The Lessee acknowledges that it is only one of many tenants in the City Market and that therefore the Lessee shall conduct its business in the Leased Premises in a manner consistent with the best interests of the City Market as a whole; b) The Lessor shall have the right to cause the Lessee to discontinue and the Lessee shall thereupon forthwith discontinue the sale of any item, merchandise, commodity or the supply of any service or the canying on of any business, any of which is either prohibited by this Section 7.03 or which the Lessor, acting reasonably, determines is not directly related to the business set out in Section 7.01. The Lessee will not allow or cause the use of any part of the Leased Premises for any of the following businesses or activities: 1. the sale of secondhand goods or surplus articles, insurance salvage stock, fire sale stock or bankruptcy stock; u. the sale of goods, except as may be specifically permitted by the provisions of Section 7.01; 111. an auction, bulk sale (other than a bulk sale made to an assignee or sublessee pursuant to a permitted assignment or subletting hereunder), liquidation sale, "going out of business" or bankruptcy sale, or warehouse sale; iv. any advertising or selling procedures which would, or any sale or business conduct or practice which would, because of the merchandising methods or quality of operation likely to be used, in either case in the Lessor's opinion, tend to lower the character of the City Market or harm or tend to harm the business or reputation of the Lessor or reflect unfavourably on the City Market, the Lessor or other tenants in the City Market or tend to confuse, deceive, mislead or be fraudulent to the public; or v. a mail order business, save and except for dulse and. maple products or a departinent store, junior department store or variety store. 7.04 Hazardous Substances The Tenant covenants and agrees to utilize the Leased Premises and operate its business in a manner so that no part of the Leased Premises or surrounding lands are used to generate, manufacture, refine, treat, transport, store, handle, dispose of, transfer, produce or process any Hazardous Substance, except in strict compliance with all applicable federal, provincial and municipal statutes, by-laws and regulations, including, without limitation, environmental, land use and occupational and health and safety laws, regulations, requirements, permits" statutes, by-laws and regulations. Further the Lessee hereby covenants and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Lessor and those for whom the Lessor is in law responsible from any and all loses, costs, claims, damages, liabilities, expenses or injuries caused or contributed to by any Hazardous Substances which are at any time located, stored or incorporated in any part of the Leased Premises. The Lessee hereby agrees that the Lessor or its authorized representatives shall have the right at the Lessee's expense, payable as Additional Rent within fifteen (15) days of receipt of an invoice therefor, to conduct such environmental site reviews and investigations as it may deem necessary for the purpose of ensuring compliance with this Section 7.04. The Lessee's obligations pursuant to this Section 7.04 shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of the Tenn. ARTICLE VIII FIXTURES, ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS AND LESSOR'S CONTROL OF CITY MARKET 8.01 Installations by the Lessee All equipment, fixtures and improvements installed by the Lessee in the Leased Premises shall be new or completely reconditioned. The Lessee shall not make any alterations, additions or improvements or install or cause to be installed any trade fixtures, exterior signs, floor covering, interior or exterior lighting, plumbing fixtures, shades or awnings or make any changes to the store front without first obtaining the' . Lessor's written approval and consent. The Lessee shall present to the Lessor plans and specifications in form, content and such detail as the Lessor may reasonably require for such work at the time approval is sought. The Lessee covenants that any work that may be done in respect of the Leased Premises by or on behalf of the Lessee shall be done in such a mamer as not to conflict or interfere with any work being done or about to be done by the Lessor in or about the City Market, whether such conflict or interference shall arise in relation to labour unions or otherwise and the Lessee shall obtain all requisite permits, licenses and inspections in respect of any such work done by or on the Lessee's behalf. Notwithstanding anything herein contained, the Lessee shall make no alterations, additions or improvements that are of a structural nature or that would lessen the value or Rentable Area of the Leased Premises or the City Market, or would interfere with the usage of the Common Areas. All alterations, decorations, additions and improvements made by the Lessee or made by the Lessor on the Lessee's behalf by agreement under this Lease shall immediately upon installation or affixation become the property of the Lessor without compensation therefor to the Lessee, but the Lessor shall be under no obligation to repair, maintain or insure the alterations, decorations, additions or improvements. Such alterations, decorations, additions and improvements shall not be removed from the Leased Premises without prior consent in writing from the Lessor. Upon expiration of this Lease, the Lessee shall, at the option of the Lessor, remove all trade fixtures and personal property and shall remove all such alterations, decorations, additions and improvements and restore the Leased Premises as required by the Lessor. 8.02 Maintenance and Repair by the Lessee The Lessee will at all times keep the Leased Premises (including exterior entrances and all glass and show windows) and all partitions, doors, fixtures, equipment and appurtenances thereof (including lighting, heating and plumbing fixtures, and the electrical and mechanical systems) in good order, condition and repair (including periodic painting or redecorating and preventative maintenance as determined by the Lessor and including such repairs or replacements as are required to keep the Leased Premises in good repair and condition). All aforesaid maintenance, repairs, restorations and replacements shaH be in quality and class equal to the original work or installations. 8.03 Signs, Awnings, Canopies The Lessee will not place or suffer to be placed or maintained on any exterior door, wall or window of the Leased Premises any sign, awning or canopy or advertising matter or other thing of any kind, and will not place or maintain any decoration, lettering or advertising matter on the glass of any window or door of the Leased Premises without first obtaining the Lessor's written approval and consent. The Lessee further agrees to maintain such sign, awning, canopy, decoration, lettering, advertising matter or other thing as may be approved in good condition and repair at all times, and in addition to the foregoing, the Lessee shall maintain any signs or displays of its goods or wares which may be seen from the exterior of the Leased Premises in a manner which is in keeping with the character of the City Market of which the Leased Premises form a part and which is designed to enhance the business of the Lessee. 8.04 Surrender of Leased Premises Subject to Article 10.01, the Lessee will leave the Leased Premises in good repair, reasonable wear and tear only excepted. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, at the expiration or earlier termination of the Term the Lessee shall surrender the Leased Premises in the same condition as the Leased Premises were in upon delivery of possession thereto under this Lease, reasonable wear and tear only excepted, and shall, surrender all keys for the Leased Premises to the Landlord at the place then fixed for the payment of Rent and shall inform the Lessor of all combinations on locks, safes and vaults, if any, in the Leased Premises. Should the Lessee fail to remove its fixtures and personal property, such fixtures and personal property shall be deemed to be abandoned by the Lessee and may be appropriated, sold or otherwise disposed of by the Lessor without notice or obligation to compensate the Lessee or to account therefor. The Lessee's obligations to observe or perform this covenant shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of the Term of this Lease. 8.05 Lessee to Discharge aU Liens The Lessee will ensure that no construction or other lien or charge, or notice thereof, is registered or filed against: a) the City Market or any part of it; or b) the Lessee's interest in the Leased Premises or any of the leasehold improvements in the Leased Premises. by any person claiming by, through, under or against the Lessee or its contractors or subcontractors. If such a lien or charge or notice thereof is registered or filed and the Lessee fails to discharge it within five (5) days after written notice from the Lessor, the Lessor may discharge it by paying the amount claimed to be due into court or directly to the claimant and the Lessee will pay to the Lessor as Additional Rent on demand all costs (including legal fees) incurred by the Lessor in connection therewith, together with an administrative overhead charge of fifteen percent (15%) thereon. 8.06 Rules and Regulations The Lessee will comply with the Rules and Regulations. The Lessor reserves the right from time to time to amend or supplement the Rules and Regulations. Notice of such amendments and supplements, if any, shall be given to the Lessee, and the Lessee agrees thereupon to comply with and observe all such amendments and supplements, provided that no Rule or Regulation shall contradict any provision of this Lease. The Lessor shall not be responsible to the Lessee for non-observance or violation of any of the prcivisions of such Rules and Regulations by any other tenant of the City Market or of the terms of any other lease of premises in the City Market and the Lessor shall be under no obligation to enforce any such provisions. All Rules and Regulations shall be enforced against the Lessee in a non-discriminatory manner. ' 8.07 Maintenance and Repair by the Lessor The Lessor shall, subject to the other provisions of this Lease, maintain and repair or cause to be maintained and repaired, the structure of the City Market, including without limitation, the foundations, exterior weather walls, sub floor, roof, bearing walls and structural columns and beams of the City Market. If, however, the Lessoris required to maintain or repair any structural portions or any other portion of the Leased Premises or the City Market by reason of the negligent acts or omissions of the Lessee, its employees, agents, invitees, suppliers, agents and servants of suppliers, licensees, concessionaires or subtenants, the Lessee shall pay on demand as Additional Rent, the Lessor's costs for making such maintenance or repairs, together with an administrative fee of fifteen percent (15%) of such costs. 8.08 Control of City Market by Lessor The City Market and the Common Areas are at all times subject to the exclusive control and management of the Lessor. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Lessor has the right in its control, management and operation of the City Market and by the establishment of rules and regulations and general policies with respect to the operation of the City Market or any part thereof at all times throughout the Term to construct, maintain and operate lighting facilities and heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems; provide supervision and policing services for the City Market; close all or any portion of the City Market to such extent as may in the opinion of the Lessor's counsel be legally sufficient to prevent a dedication thereof or the accrual of any rights to any third party or the public; grant, modify and terminate easements or other agreements pertaining to the use and maintenance of all or any part of the City Market; obstruct or close off all or any part of the City Market for the purpose of maintenance, repair or construction, employ all personnel, including supervisory personnel and managers necessary for the operation, maintenance and control of the City Market; use any part of the Common Areas from time to time for merchandising, display, decorations, entertainment and structures designed for retail selling or special features or promotional activities; designate the areas and entrances and the times in, through and at which loading and unloading of goods shall be carried out; control, supervise and generally regulate the delivery or shipping of merchandise, supplies and fixtures to and from the Leased Premises, and other portions, of the City Market; designate and specify the kind of container to be used for garbage and refuse in the manner and the times and places at which same is to be placed for collection (if the Lessor for the more efficient and proper operation of the City Market provides or designates a commercial service for the pickup and disposal of refuse and garbage instead of or in addition to the service provided by the municipality, the Lessee shall use same at the Lessee's cost); from time to time change the area, level, location, arrangement or use of the City Market or any part thereof;, construct other buildings or improvements in the City Market and make changes to any part thereof; construct other buildings' or improvements in the City Market and make changes to any part of the City Market; and do and perform such other acts in and to the City Market as in the use of good business judgment the Lessor determines to be advisable for the more efficient and proper operation of the City Market. diminution or abatement of Rent nor is any alteration or diminution of the Common Areas deemed constructive or actual eviction, or a breach of any covenant for quiet enjoyment contained in this Lease. 8.09 Lessor's Right to Enter Leased Premises a) It is not a re-entry or a breach of quiet enjoyment if the Lessor or its authorized representatives enter the Leased Premises at reasonable times to: i. examine them; ii. make permitted or required repairs, alterations, improvements or additions to the Leased Premises (including the pipes, conduits, wiring, ducts, colut1ll1s and other installations in the Leased Premises) or the City Market or adjacent property; or iii. excavate land adjacent or subjacent to the Leased Premises; in each case (to the extent reasonably possible in the circwnstances) without unreasonably interfering with the Lessee's business operations in the Leased Premises, and the Lessor may take material into and on the Leased Premises for those purposes. Rent will not abate or be reduced while the repairs, alterations, improvements or additions are being made. The Lessor will take reasonable steps to minimize any interruption of business resulting from any entry. b) At any time during the Term, the Lessor may exhibit the Leased Premises to prospective purchasers and during the six (6) months prior to the expiration of the term ofthis Lease, the Lessor may exhibit the Leased Premises to prospective tenants and place upon the Leased Premises the usual notice "To Let" which notice the Lessee shall permit to remain where placed without molestation; c) If the Lessee shall not be personally present to open and permit an entry into the Leased Premises, at any time, when for any reason an entry therein shall be necessary or permissible, the Lessor or the Lessor's agents may enter the same by a master key, or may forcibly enter the same, without rendering the Lessor or such agents liable therefor, and without in any manner affecting the obligations and covenants of this Lease; d) Nothing in this Section contained, however, shall be deemed or construed to impose upon the Lessor any obligation, responsibility or liability whatsoever for the care, maintenance or repair of the City Market or any part thereof, except as otherwise in this Lease specifically provided. ARTICLE IX INSURANCE AND INDEMNITY 9.01 Lessee's Insurance a) The Lessee shall throughout the Term, at its own cost and expense, takeout and keep in full force and effect the following insurance: 1. All-risk insurance upon property owned by the Lessee or for which the Lessee is legally liable (including, signs and plate glass) and which is located within the City Market in an amount of not less than the full replacement cost thereof; ii. Comprehensive General Liability with minimum limits of at least Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) or such higher limits as the Lessor may reasonably require from time to time. This policy shall include: a) The City added as an Additional Insured; b) Inclusive limits for bodily injury and property damage; c) Personal injury liability; d) Tenant's Legal Liability; e) Contractual Liability with respect to this Lease; t) Premises, Property and Operations; i) ,A Thirty (30) days written notice of Cancellation shall be given to the City of SaintJ ohn. iii. The Lessee shall also provide any other form of insurance as the Lessee or the Lessor may reasonably require from time to time in form, in amounts and for insurance risks against which a prudent tenant would insure. b) All policies shall be taken out with reputable and recognized insurers acceptable to the Lessor and shall be in a form satisfactory from time to time to the Lessor. The Lessee agrees that certificates of insurance of each such insurance policy will be delivered to the Lessor as soon as practicable after the placing of the required insurance. All policies shall contain an undertaking by the insurers to notify the Lessor in writing not less than thirty (30) days prior to any material change, cancellation or termination thereof; c) The Lessee agrees that if the Lessee fails to take out or keep in force any such insurance referred to in this Section 9.01, or should any such insurance not be approved by the Lessor and should the Lessee not rectify the situation immediately after written notice by the Lessor to the Lessee, the Lessor has the right without assuming any obligation in connection therewith to effect such insurance at the sole cost of the Lessee and all outlays by the Lessor shall be immediately paid by the Lessee to the Lessor as Additional Rent without prejudice to any other rights and remedies of the Lessor under this Lease. 9.02 Increase in Insurance Premium The Lessee will not allow or cause anything to occur in the Leased Premises which shall cause any increase of premium for any insurance on the Leased Premises or the City Market or any part thereof above the rate for the least hazardous type of occupancy legally permitted in the Leased Premises. If the Lessee is in default Wlder this Section 9.02 the Lessee shall pay any resulting additional premium on any insurance policies taken out or maintained by the Lessor, or if any insurance policy upon the Leased Premises or the City Market or any part thereof shall be cancelled or refused to be renewed hy an insurer by reason of the use or occupation of the Leased Premises or any part thereof or the acts or omissions of the Lessee, the Lessee shall forthwith remedy or rectify such use or occupation upon request to do so in writing by the Lessor, and if the Lessee shall fail to do so within twenty-four (24) hours of such written request, the Lessor shall have the right to enter the Leased Premises and rectify the situation, without liability to the Lessee for any loss or damage occasioned by such entry and rectification, or shall be entitled to hold the Lessee liable for any damage or loss resulting from such cancellation or refusal, or the Lessor may at its option determine this Lease forthwith by leaving upon the Leased Premises notice in writing of its intention to do so, and thereupon Rent and any other payments for which the Lessee is liable under this Lease shall be apportioned and paid in full to the date of such determination of the Lease, and together with an amount equal to the Gross Rent payable for a period of one (1) year as liquidated damages, and the Lessee shall immediately deliver up possession of the Leased Premises, a schedule issued by the organization making the insurance rate on the Leased Premises, showing the various components of such rate, shall be conclusive evidence of the several items and charges which make the fire insurance rate of the Leased Premises. Bills for such additional premiums shall be rendered by the Lessor to the Lessee at such times as the Lessor may elect and shall be due from and payable by the Lessee when rendered, and the amount thereof shall be deemed to be and be paid as Additional Rent. 9.03 Loss or Damage The Lessor shall not be liable for any death or injury arising from or out of any occurrence in, upon, at or relating to the City Market, or damage to property of the Lessee or of others located on the Leased Premises, nor shall it be responsible for any loss of or damage to any property of the Lessee or others from any cause whatsoever, except any such death, injury, loss or damage results from the negligence of the Lessor, its agents, servants or employees or other persons for whom the Lessor is in law responsible. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Lessor shall not be liable for any injury or damage to persons or property resulting from fire, explosion, falling plaster, steam, gas, electricity, water, rain, flood, snow or leaks from any part of the Leased Premises or from the pipes, appliances, plumbing works, roof or subsurface of any floor or ceiling or from the street or any other place or other tenants or persons in the City Market or by occupants of adjacent property thereto, or the public, or caused by construction or by any private, public or quasi-public work. All property of the Lessee kept or stored on the Leased Premises shall be so kept or stored at the risk of the Lessee only and the Lessee shall indemnify the Lessor and save it harmless from any claims arising out of any damages to the same, including, without limitation, any subrogation claims by the Lessor's insurers. In no event shall the Lessor be liable for any injury to the Lessee, its servants, agents, employees, customers and invitees or for any injury or damage to the Leased Premises or to any property of the Lessee, or to any property of any other person, firm or corporation on or about the Leased Premises caused by an interruption, suspension or failure in the supply of any utilities to the Leased Premises. 9.04 Indemnification of the Lessor The Lessee will indemnifY the Lessor, and save harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, damages, liability and expense in connection with loss of life, personal injury and/or damage to property arising from or out of any OCcurrence in, upon or at the Leased premises, the occupancy or use by the Lessee of the Leased premises or any part thereof, or occasioned wholly or in part by any act or omission of the Lessee, its agents, contractors, employees, servants, licensees, or concessionaires or invitees. In case the Lessor shall, without fault on its part, be made a party to any litigation commenced by or against the Lessee, then the Lessee shall protect and hold it hannless and shall pay all costs, expenses and solicitors' and counsel fees on a solicitor and client basis incurred or paid by them in connection with such litigation. ARTICLE X DAMAGE, DESTRUCTION AND EXPROPRIATION 10.01 Total or Partial Destruction 'of Leased Premises If, during the Term, the Leased Premises are expropriated or totally or partially destroyed or damaged by any cause in respect of which the Lessor is insured, the following provisions shall have effect a) If the Leased Premises are rendered partially unfit for occupancy by the Lessee, Gross Rent only shall abate in part only, in the proportion that the part of the Leased Premises rendered unfit for occupancy by the Lessee bears to the whole of the Leased Premises or if the Leased Premises are rendered wholly unfit for occupancy by the Lessee the Rent hereby reserved shall be suspended in either event until the day following a reasonable period (taking into account the extent of the Lessee's restoration) following completion of the Lessor's restoration; b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (a), if the Leased Premises in the opinion of the Architect shall be incapable of being rebuilt and/or repaired or restored with reasonable diligence within 180 days of the happening of such destruction or damage, then the Lessor may at its option terminate this Lease by notice in writing to the Lessee given within thirty (30) days of the date of such destruction or damage and in the event of such notice being so given this Lease shall cease and become null and void from the date of such destruction or damage and the Lessee shall immediately surrender the Leased Premises and all interest therein to the Lessor and the Rent shall be apportioned and shall be payable by the Lessee only to the date of such destruction or damage and the Lessor may re-enter and repossess the Leased Premises discharged of this Lease; If the Leased Premises are capable of being rebuilt and/or repaired or restored within 180 days of the happening of such damage or destruction or if within the period of thirty (30) days referred to in Section 1O.01(b) the Lessor shall not give notice terminating this Lease, the Lessor shall with reasonable promptitude proceed to rebuild and/or repair or restore the Leased Premises to the extent of the Lessor's repair obligations under the Lease and the Lessee shall Immediately upon substantial completion of the Lessor's work and, within a reasonable period determined by the Lessor (given the extent of the Lessee's restoration) complete the restoration of the Leased Premises. ' The certificate of the Architect shall bind the parties as to the (i) extent to which the Leased Premises are unfit for occupancy; (ii) time required to rebuild and/or repair or restore the Leased Premises; and (iii) due completion of repairs. 10.02 Total or Partial Destruction of City Market In the event that a substantial portion of the City Market shall be expropriated or damaged or destroyed by fire or other cause, or in the event the costs as estimated by the Lessor ofrepairing, restoring or rebuilding will exceed by $250,000 or more the proceeds of insurance available to the Lessor, notwithstanding that the Leased Premises may be unaffected, or in the event the Lessor shall have the right, to be exercised by notice in writing delivered to the Lessee within sixty (60) days from and after said occurrence, to elect to cancel and terminate this Lease. Upon the giving of such notice to the Lessee, the Term of this Lease shall expire upon the third (3rd) day after such notice is given, and the Lessee shall vacate the Leased Premises and surrender the same to the Lessor. 10.03 Abatement of Rent Notwithstanding anything herein before contained, all abatements of Rent set out in this Article X shall be limited to an amount equal to the amount which the Lessor collects under any rental income insurance. 10.04 Expropriation Awards The Lessor and the Lessee will co-operate with each other if there is an expropriation of aU or part of the Leased Premises or the City Market, so that each may receive the maximum award that it is entitled to at law. To the extent, however, that a part of the City Market, other than the Leased Premises, is expropriated, the full proceeds that are paid or awarded as a result, will belong solely to the Lessor, and the Lessee will assign to the Lessor any rights that it may have or acquire in respect of the proceedings or awards and will execute the documents that the Lessor reasonably requires in order to give effect to this intention. ARTICLE XI STATUS STATEMENT, SUBORDINATION AND ATTORNMENT 11.01 Status Statement Within fifteen (15) days after request, the Lessee will sign and deliver to the Lessor a status statement or certificate, stating that this Lease is in full force and effect, any modifications to this Lease, the commencement and expiry dates of this Lease, the date to which Rent has been paid, the amount of any prepaid Rent or deposits held by the Lessor, whether there is any existing default aJid the particulars, and any other information required by the party requesting it. 11.02 Power of Attorney The Lessee hereby irrevocably appoints the Lessor as the attorney for the Lessee with full power and authority to execute and deliver in the name of the Lessee any instruments or certificates required to carry out the intent of Section 11.01 which the Lessee shall have failedto sign and deliver within fifteen (15) days after the date of a written request by the Lessor to execute such instruments. ARTICLE XII TRANSFERS BY LESSEE 12.01 Transfer Defined "Transfer" means, (i) an assignment, sale, conveyance, sublease, or other disposition of this Lease or the Leased Premises, or any part of them or any interest in this Lease (whether by operation of law or otherwise), or in a partnership that is a Lessee under this Lease, (ii) a mortgage, charge or debenture (floating or otherwise) or other encumbrance of this Lease or the Leased Premises or any part of them, or of any interest in this Lease or of a partnership, or partnership interest, where the partnership is a Lessee under this Lease, (iii) a parting with or sharing of possession of all or part of the Leased Premises, and (iv) a transfer or issue by sale, assignment, bequest, inheritance, operation of law or other disposition, or by subscription of all or part of the corporate shares of the Lessee or an "affiliate" (as that term is defined on the date of this Lease under the Canada Business Corporations Act) of the Lessee which results in a change inthe effective voting control of the Lessee. "Transferor" and "Transferee" have meanings corresponding to the definition of "Transfer" set out above, (it being understood that for a Transfer described in clause (iv) the Transferor is the person that has effective voting control before the Transfer and the Transferee is the person that has effective voting control after the Transfer). 12.02 Consent Required The Lessee will not allow or cause a Transfer, without the prior written consent of the Lessor in each instance which consent may not be unreasonably withheld. Notwithstanding any statutory provisions to the contrary, Lessor's consent shall not be deemed to have been unreasonably withheld where Lessor refuses consent to a Transfer within twenty-four (24) months of either the Commencement Date or a previous Transfer. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, no Transfer shall be effective and no consent shall be given unless the following provisions have been complied with: 1. There is no default of the obligations of the Lessee under this Lease; ii. The Lessee shall have given at least thirty (30) days' prior written notice of the proposed Transfer and the effective date thereof to the Lessor; Hi. A duplicate original of the documents affecting the Transfer shall be given t6 the Lessor within thirty (30) days after the execution and delivery thereof; all the agreements, provisions, covenants and conditions hereof on the Lessee's part to be performed or observed from and after the effective date of the Transfer. The Lessee acknowledges that the factors governing the granting of the Lessor's consent to any Transfer may include, without limitation, the restrictive clauses entered into with other tenants by the Lessor, the financial background, business history and' the capability of the proposed Transferee in the Lessee's line of business, and the nature of the business practices ofthe proposed Transferee. The consent by the Lessor to any Transfer shall not constitute a waiver of the necessity for such consent to any subsequent Transfer. If a Transfer takes place, the Lessor may.collect rent from the Transferee, and apply the net amount collected to the Rent herein reserved, but no such action shall be deenied a waiver of the, requirement to obtain consent or the acceptance of the Transferee as lessee, or a release of the Lessee or any Indenmifier from the further perfonnance by the Lessee of covenants on the part of the Lessee herein contained. Notwithstanding any Transfer, the Lessee shall remain fully liable under this Lease and shall not be released from performing any of the obligations of the Lessee under this Lease. Any Transfer, if consented to by the Lessor, may at the Lessor's option be documented by the Lessor or its solicitors, and any and all legal costs and the Lessor's then-standard fee with respect thereto or to any documents reflecting the Lessor's consent to the Transfer shall be payable by the Lessee on demand as Additional Rent. 12.03 No Advertising of Leased Premises The Lessee shall not print, publish, post, display or broadcast any notice or advertisement to the effect that the Leased Premises are for lease or for sale or otherwise advertise the proposed sale or lease of the whole or any part of the Leased Premises and shall not pennit any broker or other party to do any of the foregoing, unless the complete text and format of any such notice, advertisement or offer is first approved in writing by the Lessor. Without in any way restricting or limiting the Lessor's right to refuse any text or format on other grounds, any text or fonnat proposed by the Lessee shall not contain any reference to the rental rate of the Leased Premises. ARTICLE XIII DEFAULT OF LESSEE 13.01 Right to Re-Enter When a) the Lessee shall be in default in the payment of any Rent whether lawfully demanded or not and such default shall continue for a period of five (5) consecutive days; or b) the Lessee shall be in default of any of its covenants, obligations or agreements under this Lease or of any term or condition of this Lease (other than its covenant to pay Rent) and such default shall continue for a period of fifteen (15) consecutive days or such longer or shorter period as the Lessor, acting reasonably, determines after five (5) days written notice by the Lessor to the Lessee specifying with reasonable particularity the nature of such default and requiring the same to be remedied; then and in any of such cases the then current month's Rent, together with the Rent for the three (3) months next ensuing shall immediately become due and payable, and at the option of the Lessor, the Terms shall become forfeited and void, and the Lessor may without notice or any form of legal process whatsoever forthwith re-enter upon the Leased Premises or any part thereof in the name of the whole and repossess and enjoy the same as of its former estate, anything contained in any statute or law to the contrary notwithstanding, provided however, that such forfeiture shall be wholly without prejudice to the right of the Lessor to recover arrears of rent or damages for any antecedent default by the Lessee of its covenants, obligations or agreements under this Lease or any tenn or condition of this Lease and provided further that notwithstanding any such forfeiture the Lessor may subsequently recover from the Lessee damages for loss of Rent suffered by reason of this Lease having been prematurely detennined. In addition, the Lessor shall have the right to remove and sell the Lessee's goods and chattels and trade fixtures and apply the proceeds thereof to Rent due under the Lease. 13.02 Right to Re-Let Should the Lessor elect to re-enter, as herein provided, or should it take possession pursuant to legal proceedings or pursuant to any notice provided for by law, it may either terminate this Lease or it may from time to time without terminating this Lease, make such alterations and repairs as may be necessary in order to re-let the Leased Premises, and re-let the Leased Premises or any part thereof as agent for the Lessee for such term or terms (which may be for a term extending beyond the Term of this Lease) and at second, to the repayment of any reasonable costs and expenses of such re-letting, including brokerage fees and solicitors' fees and of costs of such alterations and repairs; third, to the payment of Rent due as the, same may become due and payable hereunder. If such Rent received from suchre-letting during any month be less than that to be paid during that month by the Lessee hereunder, the Lessee shall pay any such deficiency to the Lessor. Such deficiency shall be calculated and paid montWy. No such re-entry or taking possession of the Leased Premises by the Lessor shall be construed as an election on its part to terminate this Lease unless a written notice of such intention be given to the lessee or unless the termination thereof be decreed by a court of competent jurisdiction. Notwithstanding any such re-letting without termination, the Lessor may at any time thereafter elect to tenninate this Lease for such previous breach. Should the Lessor at any time terminate this Lease for any breach, in addition to any other remedies it may have, it may recover from the Lessee all damages it may incur by reason of such breach, including the cost of recovering the Leased Premises, and including the worth at the time of such termination of the excess, if any, of the amount of Rent and charges equivalent to Rent reserved in this Lease for the remainder of the Term hereof over the then reasonable rental value of the Leased Premises for the remainder of the Term hereof, all of which amounts shall be immediately due and payable from the Lessee to the Lessor. In determining the Rent which would be payable by the Lessee hereunder, subsequent to default, the annual Rent for each year of the unexpired Term shall be equal to the greater of: (a) the average arumal Gross Rent and Percentage Rent payable by the Lessee from the Commencement Date to the time of default or during the preceding three (3) full calendar years, whichever period is shorter; and (b) Gross Rent payable hereunder, together with all Additional Rent which would have been payable during the calendar year in which this Lease was terminated, prorated over a full calendar year, if required. 13.03 Legal Expenses In case suit shall be brought for recovery of possession of the Leased Premises, for the recovery of Rent or any other amount due under the provisions of this Lease, or because of the breach of any other covenant herein contained on the part of the Lessee to be kept or performed and a breach shall be established, the Lessee shall pay to the Lessor all expenses incurred therefor, including reasonable solicitors' and counsel fees on a solicitor and his client basis. 13.04 Bankruptcy The Lessee covenants and agrees that if the Ternl or any of the goods and chattels of the Lessee on the Leased Premises shall be at any time during the Term seized or taken in execution or attachment by any creditor of the Lessee or if a receiver, interim receiver or receiver and manager is appointed for the assets or business of the Lessee or if the Lessee shall make any assignment for the benefit of creditors or any bulk sale or, becoming bankrupt or insolvent, shall take the benefit of any Act now or hereafter in force for bankrupt or insolvent debtors or if any order shall be made for the winding up of the Lessee, or if the Leased Premises shall without the written consent of the Lessor become and remain vacant for a period of fifteen (15) days, or be used by any other persons than such as are entitled to use them under the terms of this Lease, or if the Lessee shall without the written consent of the Lessor abandon or attempt to abandon the Leased Premises or to sell or dispose of goods or chattels of the Lessee or to remove them or any of them from the Leased Premises so that there would not in the event of such abandonment, sale or disposal be sufficient goods on the Leased Premises subject to distress to satisfy the Rent above due or accruing due, then and in every such case the then current month's Rent and the next ensuring three (3) months' Rent shall immediately become due and be paid and the Lessor may re-enter and take possession of the Leased premises as though the Lessee or the servants of the Lessee or any other occupant of the Leased Premises were holding over after the expiration of the Term and the Term shall, at the option of the Lessor" immediately without any notice or opportunity for. cure provided to the Lessee, become forfeited and determined, and in every one of the cases above such accelerated Rent shall be recoverable by the Lessor in the same manner as the Rent hereby reserved and if Rent were in arrears and the said option shall be deemed to have been exercised if the Lessor or its agents given notice to the Lessee as provided for herein. 13.05 Lessor May Perform Lessee's Covenants If the Lessee shall fail to perform any of its covenants or obligations under or in respect of this Lease, the Lessor may from time to time at its discretion, perform or cause to be performed any such covenants or obligations, or any part thereof, and for such purpose may do such things upon or in respect of the Leased Premises or any part thereof as the Lessor may consider requisite or necessary. All expenses incurred and expenditures made by or on behalf of the Lessor under this Section, together with an administrative fee equal to fifteen (15%) percent thereon, shall be forthwith paid by the Lessee to the Lessor on demand as Additional Rent. 13.06 Waiver of Exemptions from Distress Despite any applicable Act, legislation or any legal or equitable rule of law: (a) none of the inventory, furniture, equipment or other property at any time owned by the Lessee is exempt from distress; 13.07 Remedies Cumulative No reference to nor exercise of any specific right or remedy by the Lessor will prejudice or preclude the Lessor from exercising or invoking any other remedy in respect thereof, whether allowed at law or expressly provided for in this Lease. No such remedy will be exclusive or dependent upon any other such remedy, but the Lessor may from time to time exercise anyone or more of such remedies independently or in combination. ARTICLE XIV MISCELLANEOUS 14.01 Overholding If the Lessee remains in possession of the Leased Premises after the end of the Term and without the execution and delivery of a new lease, there shall be no tacit renewal of this Lease and the Term hereby granted, and the Lessee shall be deemed to be occupying the Leased Premises as a Lessee from month to month at monthly rent payable in advance on the first day of each month equal to the sum of: ' 1. one and one half (1 Y2) times the Gross Rent payable during the last monthofthe Term; and ii. one-twelfth of the Additional Rent payable by the Lessee for the Lease Year immediately preceding the last Lease Year of the Term; and otherwise upon the same terms and conditions as are set forth in this Lease, except as to duration of Term, and any right of renewai mutatis mutandis. 14.02 Successors This Lease applies to the successors and assigns of the Lessor and, if Article XII is complied with, the heirs, executors, administrators and permitted successors and permitted assigns of the Lessee. If there is more than one party named as Lessee, they are jointly and severally liable under this Lease. 14.03 Waiver Failure by the Lessor to require performance of any term, covenant or condition herein contained shall not be deemed to be a waiver of such term, covenant or condition or of any subsequent breach of the same or of any other term, covenant or condition herein contained. The subsequent acceptance of Rent hereunder by the Lessor shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any preceding breach of the Lessee of any term, covenant or condition of this Lease, other than the failure of the Lessee to pay the particular rent so' accepted, regardless of the Lessor's know ledge of such preceding breach at the time of acceptance of such Rent. No covenant, term or condition of this Lease shall be deemed to have been waived by the Lessor, unless such waiver be in writing by the Lessor. 14.04 Accord and Satisfaction No payment by the Lessee or receipt by the Lessor of a lesser' amount than the monthly Rent herein stipulated shan be deemed to be other than on account of the earliest stipulated Rent, nor shall any endorsement or statement or any cheque or any letter accompanying any cheque or payment as Rent be deemed an accord and satisfaction, and the Lessor may accept such cheque or payment without prejudice to the Lessor's right to recover the balance of such Rent or pursue any other remedy in this Lease provided. 14.05 Entire Agreement This Lease sets forth all the. covenants, promises, agreements, conditions and understandings between the Lessor and the Lessee concerning the Leased Premises and there are no covenants, promises, agreements, conditions or representations, either oral or written, between them other than are herein and in the said schedules and rider, if any, set forth. Except as herein otherwise provided, no subsequent alteration, amendment, change or addition to this Lease shall be binding upon the Lessor or the Lessee unless reduced to writing and signed by them. 14.06 No Partnership The Lessor does not, in any way or for any purpose, become a partner of the Lessee in the conduct of its business, or otherwise, or joint venturer or a member of a joint enterprise with the Lessee. 14.07 Force Majeure other reason of a like nature not the fault of the party delayed in performing work or doing acts required under the terms of this Lease, then performance of such act shall be excused for the period of the delay and the period for the performance of any such act shall be extended for a period equivalent to the period of such delay. Notwithstanding anything herein contained, the provisions of this Section 14.07 shall not operate to excuse the Lessee from the prompt payment of Gross Rent, Additional Rent or any other payments required by the terms of this Lease, nor entitle the Lessee to compensation for any inconvenience, nuisance or discomfort thereby occasioned. 14.08 Notices Any notice herein provided or permitted to be given by the Lessee to the Lessor shall be sufficiently given if delivered personally to the Common Clerk, or if transmitted by telecopier or if mailed in Canada, registered and postage prepaid, addressed to the Lessor at: CIO The Common Clerk, The City of Saint John, P. O. Box 1971, 15 Market Square, Saint John, New Brunswick, E2L 4L1, with a copy to Real Estate Services, The City of Saint John, P. O. Box 1971, 15 Market Square, Saint John, New Brunswick, E2L 4 L1, and any notice herein provided or permitted to be given by the Lessor to the Lessee shall be sufficiently given if delivered personally to the party being given such notke or to a responsible employee of the party being given such notice, or if transmitted by telecopier or if mailed in Canada, registered and postage prepaid, addressed to the Lessee at the Leased Premises at 29 Peat Drive, Quispamsis, New Brunswick, E2E 4R6. Any such notice given as aforesaid shall be conclusively deemed to have been given on the day on which such notice is delivered or transmitted or on the third day that there is postal delivery following the day on which such notice is mailed, as the case may be. Either party may at any time give notice in writing to the other of any change of address of the party given such notice and from and after the giving of such notice the address therein specified shall be deemed to include any request, statement or other writing in this Lease provided or permitted to be given by the Lessor to the Lessee or by the Lessee to the Lessor. If there is more than one party named as Lessee, notice to one shall be deemed sufficient as notice to alL 14.09 Place for Payment of Rent The Lessee shall pay the Rent. Including all Additional Rent, at the office of the Lessor specified in Section 14.08 or as such place or places as the Lessor may designate from time to time by notice in writing: currently to the Cashier's Office, City Hall, P. O. Box 1971, 15 Market Square, Saint John, New Brunswick, E2L 4 L 1. 14.10 Approval in Writing Wherever the Lessor's consent is required to be given hereunder or wherever the Lessor must approve any act or performance by the Lessee, such consent or approval, as the case may be, shall be given in writing by the Lessor before same and shall be deemed to be effective. 14.11 Governing Law The Lease is to be governed by and construed according to the laws of the Province of New Brunswick. 14.12 Captions and Section Numbers The captions, section numbers and article numbers appearing in this Lease are inserted only as a matter of convenience and in no way define, limit, construe or describe the scope or intent of such sections or articles or of this Lease, nor in any way affect this Lease. 14.13 Partial Invalidity If any term, covenant or condition of this Lease or the application thereof to any person or, circumstance shall, to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Lease and/or the application of such term, covenant or condition to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby and each term, covenant or condition of this Lease shall be separately valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 14.14 No Option The submission of this Lease for examination does not constitute a reservation of or option for the Leased Premises and this Lease becomes effective as a Lease only upon execution and delivery thereof by the Lessor and the Lessee. 14.15 Time To Be of the Essence The Lessor covenants with the Lessee for quiet enjoyment. 14.16 Quiet Enjoyment 14.17 Riders and Schedules Schedules attached hereto form part of this Lease. '14.18 Rent Free Period The Lessor and the Lessee agree so long as the Lessee is not in default under the Lease, the Lessee will not be responsible for Gross Rent for the period from and including April 1, 2006 to and including June 30, 2006. Utilities, Promotion Funds/Merchants' Association dues are payable during the Rent Free Period. SCHEDULE"D" RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. All loading and unloading of goods shall be done only at such times, in the areas, and through the entrances, designated for such purposes by the Landlord. 2. The delivery or shipping of merchandise, supplies and fixtures to and from the Leased Premises shaH be subject to such controls as in the judgment of the Landlord are necessary for the proper operation of the Leased Premises and/or the City Market. 3. All garbage and refuse shall be kept in the kind of containers specified by the Landlord and shall not be burned in or about the Leased Premises. 4. No radio, television, telegraphic or telephone or similar device and no water pipe, gas pipe or electric wire shall be installed or connected without obtaining in each instance the written consent of the Landlord.' All such connections shall be installed in accordance wit~ the. Landlord's direction and without such direction no boring or cutting for wires or pipes shall be pennitted. 5. The Tenant will be required to remain open for business as follows: a. Stalls shall be open for business at all times while the market is open to the public. b. Year round stands shall be open for business at all times while the market is open to the public. 6. The plumbing facilities shall not be used for any other purpose than that for which they are intended, and no foreign substance of any kind shall be thrown therein, and the expense of any breakage, stoppage or damage resulting from a violation of this provision shall be borne by the Tenant. 7. The Tenant shall use at the cost of the Tenant a nationally recognized pest extermination contractor. 8. The Tenant, its employees or agents, shall not mark, paint, drill or in any way deface any walls, ceilings, partitions, floors, wood, stone or iron without the written consent of the Landlord. 9. Except as permitted in the lease to which these rules and regulations are annexed, the Tenant shall not permit any cooking in the Leased Premises without the written consent of the Landlord. 10. No aisle, sidewalk, entry, passageway, elevator or staircase shall be obstructed or used by the Tenant, its officers, agents, servants, employees, contractors, customers, invitees or licensees for any purpose other than ingress to and egress from the Leased Premises. 11. The Tenant, its officers, agents, servants, employees, contractors, customers, invitees or licensees shall not bring in or take out, position, construct, install or move any safe or other heavy equipment or furniture without first obtaining the consent in writing of the Landlord. In giving such consent, the Landlord shall have the right in its sole discretion, to prescribe the weight permitted and the position thereof,' and the use and design of planks, skids or platforms to distribute the weight thereof. All damage done to the City Market by moving or using any such safe, heavy equipment or furniture shall be repaired at the expense of the Tenant. The moving of all equipment and the furniture shall occur only during those hours when the City Market shall not be open for business or any other time consented to by the landlord. 12. All persons entering and leaving the building in which the Leased Premises are situated must do so during hours the City Market is staffed by City Market employees. The Landlord at its sole discretion may determine the hours the City Market is staffed. Tenants shall register in books if so required by the Landlord when accessing the Market "after Market hours". The Landlord is under no responsibility for failure to enforce this rule. 13. The Tenant shall not place or cause to be placed any additional locks upon any doors of the Leased Premises without the approval of the Landlord and subject to any conditions imposed by the Landlord. 14. No one shall use the Leased Premises for sleeping apartments or residential purposes, or for the storage of personal effects or articles other than those required for the purposes permitted bv the Number of Signs; Each tenancy will be permitted one bench-top sign on each bench (7'- 0" length), or one projecting sign on each aisle-side that identifie!1 the business by name and type; 15. Subject to the Landlord's providing such service, the Tenant shall permit window cleaners to clean the windows of the Leased Premises from time to time and at reasonable ,times. 16. Any hand trucks, carryalls or similar appliances used in any building in the Shopping Centre shall be equipped with rubber tires, side guards and such other safeguards as the Landlord shall require. 17. No animals or birds shall be brought into the Leased Premises except as permitted by the lease to which these rules and regulations are annexed. 18. Except as pennitted in the lease to which these rules and regulations are annexed, the Tenant shall not permit the delivery of any food or beverage to the Leased Premises without the approval of the Landlord. 19. The Tenant shall not solicit business in the common areas or distribute any handbills or other advertising matter in the common areas or in automobiles parked in the parking areas. 20. The Tenant may only sell merchandise that is approved by the Landlord tlrrough their lease or otherwise. 21. The Tenant shall not keep or display any merchandise on or otherWise obstruct the common areas adjacent to the Leased Premises. 22. The Tenant shall not use or permit any of the Leased Premises to be used in such a manner as to cause annoying noises or vibrations or offensive odours. 23. The Tenant is responsible to remove garbage from their premises and deliver to the compactor designated by the Landlord and to place the garbage in the compactor. 24. A set of plans must 'be presented and the approval must be given by the landlord for any improvements or painting, etc. to the stands (including signs). 25. Merchandise, displays, shelves, etc., are not to exceed the height of the bottom meat hook bars on each stand. 26. No solid dividers are to be placed between the top and bottom meat hook bars. 27. Displays underneath the stands must be set up 6" off the floor on legs or wheels so the floor can be swept and washed down properly. 28. Covers are not to be placed over merchandise on stands without the prior approval of the Landlord. 29. Signage is to be in keeping with the historic character of the City Market and must meet the following criteria: . Materials; Wood and metal are considered to be appropriate materials. Plastic may be used provided that it looks like one of the acceptable materials. Internally-illuminated plastic faced box signs will not be acceptable; Bench-top Signs; These signs are the preferred primary form of sign age. They must be located 1 to 2 inches above the top rail of the bench, and should display the business name. They will consist of a 8" high by 6'-0" long narrow band of material with the lettering printed, painted, composed of individual raised letters, or lettering cut into the material and painted a contrasting colour. The rear may not be used for signage over another tenancy; Projecting Signs: Projecting signs may be used and shall be constructed as two-sided signs. They may only be located at a bench post, and must be rigidly fastened in place. They shall be vertical in proportion. The maximum size for projecting signs shall be 18" high x 12" wide. Only one per tenancy per aisle side shall be permitted as Business identifications; Lighted Signs; Not pennitted; Temporary Signs: Any number of signs advertising goods for sale, specials, etc. shall be permitted. They may not exceed 8.5" x II" in size, and must not excessively obscure the view through the bench between the first and last rail above the bench. TRANSIT NUMBER BANK AND BRANCH SCHEDULE "01" APPLICATION FOR AGREEMENT HEAD OFFICE OR PROPRIETOR'S NAME ACCOUNT RECEIVABLE NUMBER STORE NAME AND NUMBER DATE OF LEASE MONTHLY CHARGES STORE ADDRESS DATE OF LAST PAYMENT HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER NAME IN WHICH ACCOUNT STANDS IN BANK RECORDS SIGNING OFFICER SIGNATURE REOUEST FOR PRE-AUTHORIZED PAYMENTS I authorize (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") And/or to debit the account of the undersigned maintained with the financial institution indicated above, monthly, in accordance with the PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION below, for the purpose of paying monthly rentals as noted above. , ''PLEASE ENCLOSE AN UNSIGNED SAMPLE CHEOUE FROM YOUR BANK OR TRUST COMPANY" AUTHORIZATION TO HONOUR PAYMENTS NAME OF BANK ADDRESS You are hereby requested and authorized to pay and debit my/our account at your office or at another branch. of your institution if it is transferred there; all cheques drawn on you on my behalf and made payable to the Company or drawn on you by, ; and all amounts specified on any magnetic or computer produced paper tapes requesting you to pay the Company or In consideration of your acting as aforesaid, it is agreed that your treatment of each cheque and/or tape and your rights with respect to it shall be the same as if it were signed by the undersianed oersonallv. authorizina ,'inri rf'ntlf'<:;tinn VOl] to n:::.v .-:Inrl rrprlit C:lIrh :ornnllnt tn the - z- DATE: If the financial institution indicated above is not a bank in which THE BANK Acr OF CANADA applies, "cheque" as unused in this authorization shall include an "Order" that would be a cheque within he meaning of section 165 in THE BILLS OF EXCHANGE Acr (CANADA). Any delivery of this authorization to you will constitute delivery by the undersigned. (The signature appearing below must be the same as the signature appearing in the signature file of the financial institution identified above.) AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S) OPENSESSION M&C–2006-270 st September21,2006 HisWorshipMayorNormMcFarlaneand MembersofCommonCouncil YourWorshipandCouncillors: SUBJECTRiskAnalysisofthe ProposedNaturalGasPipeline : BACKGROUND: AsCouncilisawareEmeraBrunswickPipelineCompanyLtd.hasmadeapplicationwiththe NationalEnergyBoard(NEB)fortheconstructionandoperationofa30inchdiameternaturalgas transmissionpipelinefromtheLiquefiedNaturalGas(LNG)siteatCanaporttomarketsinthe UnitedStates.Inresponsetoconcernswithrespecttotheproposedpreferredroute(ascitedbythe th proponents),CommonCouncilatitsmeetingofJuly18,2006resolvedthattheFireChiefbe commissionedwiththeresponsibilityofconductingariskanalysisontheproposedNaturalGas (NG)pipeline,includingbutnotlimitedtothecriteriaidentifiedinthebodyofthesubmittedreport; thattheFireChiefbegrantedpermissiontoseekanyexternalprofessionaladvicenecessaryto completethein-depthriskanalysis;thatthisriskanalysisiscompletedforthwithinaneffortto ensurethatthiscommunityiswellinformedpriortotheNationalEnergyHearings;andtheFire ChiefprovideafullreportonthefindingstoCommonCouncil. ThepurposeofthisreportistopresenttheriskanalysistoCommonCouncilforreviewand consideration. ANALYSIS : Methodology Aconsultativeandinclusiveapproachwasutilizedinconductingtheriskanalysis.Inputand commentswerereceivedfrom:memberagenciesoftheSaintJohnEmergency Management 2 Organization(SJEMO),concernedcitizens,seniorrepresentativesfromEmeraBrunswickand designatedrepresentativesfrom MaritimesandNortheastPipelines.Inaddition,inquiresweremade totheNationalEnergyBoard,theUSFederalEnergyRegulationCommission(FERC)andother Canadianmunicipalitieswhere similarinfrastructureexist. TechnicalexpertisewasrequestedandprovidedbytheNationalFireProtectionAssociation (NFPA).Mr.SeanTracey(PEng.),theRegionalManagerforCanadaconductedatwo(2)daysite visitinSaintJohn.Mr.TraceywhoalsoservesastheChairoftheCanadianCenterforEmergency ManagementaccompaniedrepresentativesfromtheSaintJohnFireDepartment(SJFD),SJEMO andaseniorrepresentativefromMN&Ponatouroftheproponent’spreferredroute.Hisinsights andadvicewereinvaluableinconductingtheanalysis.(Detailsofhisfindingsarecontainedinthe bodyoftheRiskAnalysis). Theanalysisconsideredfactorssuchas:productandprojectcharacteristics,characteristicsofthe proposedroutingcorridor,hazardconsiderationsandpotentialconsequencestothecommunity, applicablestandards,historicalanalysis,eventcausationandinputfromothersources. NaturalGasPipeline Project EmeraBrunswickPipelineCompanyLtd.isproposingtoconstructandoperatea30inchdiameter naturalgastransmissionpipelinethroughSaintJohn.Thispipelinewillbedesignedtooperateat 1,440psi.Theproposedinfrastructureisincontrasttothelowpressuregasdistributionsystem whichtraversesthroughourcommunity.Theproposedtransmissionpipelinewillfollowadefined corridor;thegasthatwilltravelthroughthepipelinewillnotcontaintheodourantMercaptan. Theproposed30inchpipelinewilltransportnaturalgasandnaturalgasonly.Theproductwill arriveatCanaportinaliquefiedstate.TheLNGplantwillthenconvertthegasfromitsliquidstate toitsgaseousstate.Noliquidgaswillbetransferredthroughthepipeline.AlthoughtheLNGand thenaturalgaspipelineprojectsarerelated,theyareconsideredseparateanddistinctintheeyesof theregulatorybodies. ConsistentwiththeresolutionofCommonCouncil,theLNGfacilityisnotwithinthescopeofthis report. ProposedCorridorthroughSaintJohn AsCouncilisaware,EmeraBrunswickPipelineCompanyLtd.’sapplicationtoconstructand operatea30inchdiameternaturalgastransmissionpipelinedidnotcontaintheactuallocationof thepipeline,onlythecorridorinwhichitwouldbeconstructed.Duringthescheduledhearingsin November,theNEBwillentertaintheproponents’applicationrelativetotheirCertificateofPublic ConvenienceandNecessity.ShouldtheNEBgrantthe“Certificate”thentheproponentwillbe requiredtofileadetailedroutingplanrelativetotheexactlocationoftheinfrastructure;thiswould requireaseparatereviewbytheNEB. 3 Thecorridorforthenaturalgastransmissionpipeline,asfiledbyEmerastartsattheLNGfacility beingconstructedatCanaportandtravels: x NorthalongtherearofpropertiesinRedHead;throughMcAllisterIndustrialParkbetween CaveCourtandtheSaintJohnRegionalCorrectionalCentre; x Theninanorth-westerlydirectionthroughtheeasternportionofGrandviewIndustrialPark toGrandviewAvenue; x EasterlybetweentheIrvingOilRefineryandthewestsideoftheChamplainHeights Subdivision; x ThengenerallynorthwesterlythoughcommercialandresidentialdevelopmenttoRockwood Park; x ThepipelinecorridorthenturnsinasouthwesterlydirectionthroughRockwoodPark;south throughtheNorthEndpassingneartheRegionalHospitalandFireStation8;abruptly turningwestandcrossingtheSt.JohnRiveratSparCove; x GenerallycontinuinginasouthwesterlydirectionthroughMilford; x ThenalongtheNBSouthernraillinetotheSouthBayRoadrightnexttoCentracareandthe RidgewoodfacilitywhereitturnsabruptsouthtowardsWestGatePark; x ThecorridorthenskirtsalongCullinanAvenue,crossingtheCitymainwaterline,crossing thethroughway; x Thengenerallyparallelingtheexisting16inchnaturalgaspipelinelineandtheIrvingOil PipelineuntiljustpasttheKingWilliamRoadinSpruceLakeIndustrialPark;and x ThenthecorridorcontinuesalongtheSpruceLakeWaterSheduntiloutsideoftheCity limits. TheRiskAnalysis Seeattachment. CONCLUSION: TheRiskAnalysisoftheproposedprojectinthecontextofpublicsafetysupportstheprevious policydocumentsubmittedbytheCityManagerwithregardtorecommendingtotheNational EnergyBoardthattheNaturalGasPipelineberoutedunderwaterbywayoftheharbour. ShouldtheNEBdeterminethatalandbasedrouteismoresuitablethenamarineroute,then considerationmustbegiventosatisfyingthesalientconcernsthatemergedfromtheriskanalysis.In addition,notwithstandingthattheproponentisrequiredtodevelopanEmergencyResponsePlan (ERP)priortooperating,ithasbeenconcludedthatoptimizingcitizensafetyandprotectingthe criticalinfrastructurethatsupportsemergencyresponseagencieswouldbebestachievediftheCity ofSaintJohnwasrequiredtoagreetotheprovisionsofthe ERP. 4 RECOMENDATION: ItisrecommendedthattheRiskAnalysis(asattachedhereto)bereceivedandfiledandthatCouncil adopttherecommendationssetoutintheRiskAnalysisReport. Respectfullysubmitted, Robert(Rob)SimondsTerryTotten,FCA FireChiefCityManager Attachment Î×ÍÕßÒßÔÇÍ×Í Î×ÍÕßÒßÔÇÍ×Í ±º ±º Û³»®¿Þ®«²­©·½µÐ·°»´·²»Ý±³°¿²§Ô¬¼ò­ Û³»®¿Þ®«²­©·½µÐ·°»´·²»Ý±³°¿²§Ô¬¼ò­ °®»º»®®»¼²¿¬«®¿´¹¿­°·°»´·²»½±®®·¼±® °®»º»®®»¼²¿¬«®¿´¹¿­°·°»´·²»½±®®·¼±® ̸»Ý·¬§±ºÍ¿·²¬Ö±¸² ̸»Ý·¬§±ºÍ¿·²¬Ö±¸² ¬¸®±«¹¸ ¬¸®±«¹¸ Ю»°¿®»¼ ¾§æ Í¿·²¬ Ö±¸² Ú·®» Ü»°¿®¬³»²¬ Ü¿¬»æ Í»°¬»³¾»® îîôîððê Í«¾³·¬¬»¼ ¬±æ ݱ³³±² ݱ«²½·´ Ì¿¾´» ±º ݱ²¬»²¬­ п¹» × Û¨»½«¬·ª» Í«³³¿®§ î ×× Ü»º·²·¬·±²­ ïì ××× Ð®±¼«½¬ ݸ¿®¿½¬»®·­¬·½­ ïè ×Ê ß²¿´§­·­ ±º ß°°´·½¿¾´» ͬ¿²¼¿®¼­ îì Ê Ûª»²¬ Ý¿«­¿¬·±² îé Ê× Ð®±¾¿¾·´·¬·»­ ¿²¼ б­­·¾·´·¬·»ÊoéÄÍØÊÜÏÙøÇØÏÉÊ  Ê×× Ü±½«³»²¬»¼ Ò¿¬«®¿´ Ù¿­ з°»´·²» ײ½·¼»²¬­ íï Ê××× ×³°¿½¬ñݱ²­»¯«»²½» ±º ¬¸» ɱ®­¬ úÜÊØ÷ÜÔÑÈËØøÇØÏÉoêÜÔÏÉóÎÕÏ  ôåëØÊÍÎÏÊØÜÏÙúÎÏÊØÌÈØÏÚØüÏÜÑÄÊÔÊoêÜÔÏÉóÎÕÏ  åëØÇÔØÆÎ×ûØËÚÕÜöËÎÈÍjÊìÈÜÏÉÔÉܬ·ª» η­µ ß²¿´§­·­ ܱ½«³»²¬ ëì È× ×²°«¬ º®±³ Ѭ¸»® ͱ«®½»­ ëé È×× Ú·²¼·²¹ ¿²¼ ݱ²½»®²­ êí È××× Î»½±³³»²¼¿¬·±²­ êë È×Ê Î»º»®»²½»­ êé åçüÍÍØÏÙÔÅ oêØÜÏéËÜÚØÄ êè Ý¿²¿¼·¿² Ü·®»½¬±® ±º ÒÚÐß åçôüÍÍØÏÙÔÅ oï÷íü    åçôôüÍÍØÏÙÔÅ 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FRENCH, Q.C. Chair/President ANDREW BRITTON Vice Chair/Vice Preskknt WES COSMAN Secretary/Secretaire IV AN COURT Commissioner/ Commissa ire DAVID EMERSON C ommissioner/C ommissaire CHARLENE HAYES Commissioner/ Commissaire NORMAN Ml;FARLANE CommissionerlCommissaire SARAH WILSON Executive Secretary/ Secreta ire Administrative TelephonelTetephone: (506) 674-4142 FaxlTilicopieur: (506) 648-3304 E-maiVCourriel: sarah. wilson@mintjohn,ca ~ SAINT JOHN Explore our past! Explorez noire passe Discover YOW" fUturel Decouvrez volre avenir September 2 2006 His Worship ayor Norman McF lane And Members of Common Counc 1 Your Worship and Councillors: Re: Presentat on to Common Co neil of The Saint Jo n Police Force PIa for Community Offices copies of the Saint John poli ffices which will be the suJie ommon Council on Monday, I am pleased t enclose herewith 1 Force Plan for Community Police the Commissi n' s presentation to September 25t . Enclosures of 1 2 <: . 5 6 BY-LAWNUMBERC-1ARRTÉNUMÉROC-1 ABY-LAWRELATINGTOTHEMARKETARRTÉCONCERNANTLEMARCHÉDE INTHECITYOF SAINTJOHNTHECITYOF SAINTJOHN BeitenactedbytheCommonCouncilofLe conseilcommunaldeTheCityof Saint TheCityof SaintJohn asfollows:Johnédicte: ABy-lawoftheCityof SaintJohnentitledL’arrêtéintitulé“Arrêtéconcernantle “ABy-lawRelatingtotheMarketInTheCityofmarchédeTheCityof SaintJohn”décrétéle18 th SaintJohn”,enactedonthe18dayofMay,A.D.mai2005,estmodifié commesuit: 2005ishereby amended asfollows: 11 AmendingSection5(2)by addingtheLamodificationduparagraphe5(2)par followingimmediately aftersubsection5(2)(k):l’adjonctionde cequisuitimmédiatement après l’alinéa5(2)(k): (1) Stalls18,19&20(1)Kiosques18,19&20 INWITNESSWHEREOFTheCityof SaintJohnEN FOIDEQUOITheCityof SaintJohn a fait hascausedtheCommonCorporate Sealofthesaidapposersonsceaucommunalsurlepresent arrêtele Citytobe affixedtothisby-lawthe*dayof*septembre2006,aveclessignaturessuivantes: SeptemberA.D.2006andsignedby: _______________________________________ Mayor/Maire ______________________________________ CommonClerk/Greffiercommunal FirstReading- September11,2006Premièrelecture11septembre,2006 SecondReading- September11,2006Deuxièmelecture11septembre,2006 ThirdReading-Troisièmelecture September20,2006 MayorMcFarlaneandCouncillors YourWorshipandCouncillors: Re: OldNorthEndAffordableHomeOwnershipPilotInitiative Oneof theprimeobjectivescoming from theNovember2005 ONEChange NeighbourhoodPlanningCharrettewas tomove theOldNorthEnd community fromover80%rental toabetterbalancewithhomeownership. The targetestablishedwas toachieve50%homeownershipwithin10-15 years. Preamble ThisMayorandCouncil,inpartnershipwithavarietyofcommunity stakeholders,havebuiltastrongallianceinadvocating forincreased affordablehousinginourCity. Asacommunityweneed tocreateacontinuumofhousingpossibilitiesto enhanceourneighbourhoodsbothsociallyandeconomically.Asmallgroup ofcommunitystakeholdershavebeenmeeting tobrainstormhowaffordable homeownershipcanbecomeanoptionwithin thiscontinuum,anditisclear thatanopportunityexiststoproveitcanworkinthisneighbourhood. Westronglybelieve thataffordablehomeownershipwillgreatlycontributeto aneighbourhood’swellbeing throughprideinownership,securityof tenure, andcontrolofone’sownenvironment. -2- Numeroussuccessfulinnovativemodelsexistacross thecountrywhichcould beusefulmodels toassistindesigningaSaintJohnaffordablehome ownershipproject.Theseinclude OwnershipAffordabilityPartnership- Hamilton(HOAP), QuintDevelopmentCorporation-Saskatoon,Calgary CommunityLandTrustSocietyandAffordableNewHomeDevelopment Foundation-Saskatoon. Motion ThatastheCouncillorresponsibleforSocialDevelopment I provide representationwithin theOldNorthEndAffordableHomeOwnershipPilot Initiativemembership. Respectfullysubmitted, PeterMcGuire Councillor PM/jaf ~.\ \ P.O. Box/C.P. 1971 Saint John, NB/N.-B. Canada E2L 4L1 www.saintjohn.ca 'fit City of saint John September 18, 2006 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors, Re: Municipal Rural Infrastructure Funding - Project No 12283 Attached for Council approval is a funding agreement under the Municipa Rural Infrastructure Funding program in the amount of$5,533,332. The funding under this program will go towards the $8,300,000 cost of construct on of a new lift station at Thorne A venue and associated forcemainlcollector system, major component of the future Eastern Wastewater Treatment Facility Collection Syst The Funding agreement also requires the City of Saint John to establish a capital reserve account to be used to pay for the replacement of specific capital items (pu s, grit removal and bar screen). The funding requirement is $7000 annually to a otal of $70,000, Resolution: That Common Council approve the funding offer of $5,533,332 from the M icipal Rural Infrastructure Program for Project No. 12283 and that the Mayor and C mmon Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement. :\S\S~ lJatrick Woods Deputy City Manager Terrence L Totten City Manager August 30, 2006 His Worship Norm McFarlane Mayor of Saint John 15 Market Square P. O. Box 6191 Saint John, NB E2E 5L5 __ ..~ A10LtVI Dear~YOr: /V< Subject: Project No. 12283 Minister Environment BNewU Nouv~auk rUnSWIC CAN A D A Ministre nvironnement In regards to your above noted application for assistance under the Canada - New Brunswick Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund, I am pleased to inform you that a financial con ribution of 66 2/3 percent of the eligible costs of the project to a maximum of $5,533,332 has been granted. This contribution is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the atiac ed. Please be advised that under this Agreement no public announcement or call for ten r shall be made by the City of Saint John without the prior consent of the Management Comm tee of the Canada - New Brunswick Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund. Public announcem nts will be made in conjunction with representatives of both the federal and provincial go ernments. Kindly contact Andre Chenard, Director, Green Infrastructure Programs at (506) 45 -4947 for the respective protocol. We would ask that you indicate ~greement with the contents of this letter, togeth r with the attached schedules, by signing the enclosed copy and returning it to us. Please retain the duplicate copy for your files. Thank you for your interest in the anada - New Brunswick Municipal Rurallnfrastru ture Fund and I wish you success in your fut re endeavours. S'?III/(l2 /)evor A. Holder ~~ister Enclosures - Schedule "A" - Schedule "B" - Schedule Ole" - Schedule liD" - Schedule "E" * Contract Tender Call Replacement Reserve C.E.A.A. Screening Report 1 Claim Form p.o. Box 6000 Fredericton New Brunswick Canada E3B 5H 1 se postale 6000 F dericton ouveau-Brunswick nada E3B 5Hl SCHEDULE "A" RE: City of Saint John PROJECT NO. 12283 With respect to your applica ion for assistance under the Canada - New Bru swick Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund, an offer of financial assistance is hereby aut orized by the Department of Enviro ment, hereinafter referred to as the "Department". This offer relates to the details elineated below, collectively herein referred to s the "project" . PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project includes the desig and construction of a new lift stati n and 30% of the associated forcemainlcoIlector s stem. The construction of this new Ii t station at Thome Avenue (Lift Station #4) and ass ciated forcemainlcollector system is major component of the Saint John Harbour Cl n-up. Lift Station #4 will eventually ump sanitary sewage from portions of the North En ,City Centre, South End, Rothesay venue and East Saint John to the proposed new astern Wastewater Treatment Facilit for treatment. The proposed Lift Station #4 a d the associated forcemain/collector is a major component of the future Eastern Wast water Treatment Facility Collection ystem. The sewerage will be pumped from Lift Stat on #4 along the entire length of B yside Drive to the new Eastern Wastewater Tre tment Facility. Construction will incl de the installation of nearly 1600 lineal meters of 6 0 mm diameter forcemain and appr imately 630 lineal meters of 200 mm diameter ravity sewers. All wastewater from 'ft Station #4 will be transported southward ala g the entire length of Bayside Dri e via a large 600mm diameter forcemain. This large forcemain would then continu along the Red Head Road and discharge as influen at the Eastern Wastewater Treatment acility. TOTAL PROJECT COSTS: $8,300,000 INELIGIBLE PROJECT C STS: o ELIGIBLE PROJECT COS : $8,300,000 FINANCING OF PROJECT: Municipal Rural Infrastructure und City of Saint John $5,533,332 $2.766.668 $8,300,000 TOTAL 2 The Canada - New Brunswic Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund shall cant financial incentive of 66 2/3 ercent of the costs of the aforementioned eligible cost of $8,300,000 being a~ amount not exceeding $5,533,332. Subject Agreement, the City of Saint 10hn shall be responsible for contributing one-thir Eligible Costs of project imple ented under this Agreement. This Agreement is subject to t e Canada - New Brunswick Municipal Rural Infrast cture Fund Agreement dated Decem er 3,2004. In the event of a conflict between the lauses herein and the said Municip I Rural Infrastructure Fund Agreement, the latt shall prevail. I Cost over runs will not be con idered as eligible costs and will be the responsibilit City of Saint John. No contri utions shall be made by the Municipal Rural Infrast Fund with respect to any c sts incurred other than the eligible project costs The Municipal Rural Infrastructur Fund may approve eligible costs other than those et out above, but no costs except th se specifically approved in writing by the Canada - New Brunswick Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund Management Committee ill be considered eligible project cos s for the purposes of this offer. For the purposes of this Agre ment, "Eligible Costs" mean all direct costs prope ly and reasonably incurred and paid solely and specifically by an Applicant or Third Party, which are invoiced against a contract for goods and/or services necessary for t e due implementation of a Project, in luding: a) the capital costs s defined and determined by the Generally A cepted Accounting Princi les which are in effect in Canada, including those published in the ha dbook of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accou tants) of acquiring, cons cting or renovating a fixed capital asset: I b) the salaries, fees, emuneration paid to professionals, technical per onnel, consultants and c ntractors specifically engaged to undertake the esign, engineering, manuf ctuting or construction of an Eligible Project and elated facilities and struct s, and environmental assessments, where applica c) any other costs whi h are incurred and paid in the implementation of a oject that are approved in advance by the Management Committee. Ineligible Costs I [ Costs related to the following +e not eligible: a) services or works 1'ormally provided by an Applicant or any other ag cyof an Applicant; I 1 3 I b) the salaries and otJer employment bene. fits of any employees, overhea costs as well as other 4rect or indirect operating or administrative costs of an Applicant and mpre specifically these costs as related to pi nning, engineering, architecture, supervision, management and other s rvices provided by an Apt:1licant's permanent staff; I c) feasibility and plan,ing studies; 1 i d) harmonized sales _~ax (HST) for which the Applicant or a Third P y IS eligible for a tax re~ate and all other costs eligible for rebates; e) the purchase of lanis or any interest therein; f) leasing land, buildirygs, equipment and other facilities; I g) contributions or cotfnlltments in kind; and I h) the repair or generakperiOdiC maintenaJ1lce of a roadway and related st ctures or an existing facili~y and/or equipment Itherein. I Replacement Reserve Funds ! 1 A Replacement Reserve fund JhalI be maintained for future replacement of variou short life items. The amount of rev,nue to be used or set aside for replacement reserve shall be determined by the applica t or their consultant in conjunction with the Provi ce as outlined in Schedule "C". he said reserve is to be funded annually with i terest accruing thereon. The use d disposition of reserve funds as created is sub ect to approval of the Province of ew Brunswick and is to be reported in your dited financial statements. The sai reserve fund is no be comprised of monies inc uding accumulated interest and mus be held in a separate account and/or indicated ly in accounts or instruments, insur d by the Canadian! Deposit Insurance Corporation New Brunswick Credit Union Depo it Insurance Corpottation, or as approved by the Pr vince. Withdrawals are to be credited 0 interest first and t1hen principal. i 1 Canadian Environmental As~essment Act Screening Report i I i : The Atlantic Canada opportu!'ties Agency is thq federal responsible authority r the project as defined in the Act The department !has screened the project for a verse environmental effects as requ red under Section IS of the Act. On the basis f this screening, the department has. eterrnined that the !decision opposite the "X" outli ed in Schedule "D" applies to this pr~posa1. I fu addition to the foregoing, thif offer is subject to ~e following leons and conditio s: I ~ 1. This offer is governed by the laws of the Provi~ce of New Brunswick. All app 'cable labour, environmental and Human rights legislat1ion and standards shall be respe ted. I ! 4 I i 2. With respect to environm.ental legislation, t~. e project may be subject to, mong others, New Brunswick I Regulation 87-831 Environmental Impact Asse sment Regulation - Clean Enviropment Act. This Rqgulation contains a list of un de akings found in Schedule A of ~he Regulation, wh~ch are required to be register d and screened to determine Wh~her a full EnvironIri.ental Impact Assessment is wanted. If the project requires re stration, a determi~.ation on the project must be 0 tained from the Minister of Envir nment prior any wqrk on the actual project beginni g. 3. No public announcement bf an activity unde1 this Agreement shall be made by the City of Saint John withoult the prior consent [of the Management Committee of the Canada - New Brunswick Municipal Rural Inf~astructure Fund. I 4. The City of Saint John sh~l1 not change the pfoject scope without the prior a proval of the Management Comrpittee of the Cana4a - New Brunswick Municip Rural Infrastructure Fund. I 5. When any other federal orlroVinCial assistanctis given or is to be given in res ect of the project which was no taken into consid ration in the original applicati n, the contribution hereunder ma be reduced by a co esponding amount. I I 6. If any contractual commitment was made with respect to the development of the project before February 24 2005, the day on ~hich your application was recei ed by the Department, this offe is void whether lor not such contractual com itment remains in force. I I I I 7. No progress claim, except ~or the final progre~s claim will be made for amou ts less than 10 percent of the e igible project cost~ Each claim for payment s all be I submitted on forms herein provided, as per Scpedule "E" and supported by co ies of paid invoices and cancelIe cheques. ! 8. During the construction of he project: I a) minutes of all prog~ess meetings be I forwarded to the Director, Green Infrastructure Program~, of this Departmen~. , i b) all change orders in exdess of ten thousand K$lO,OOO) be approved by the D' ector, Green Infrastructure Pr$grams, of this Dep:Jrtment. c) any contract item thatJxceedS the Origina~'amount by more than fifteen th usand dollars ($15,000) req res a written expl nation be provided to the Di ector, Green Infrastructure Pr, grams, of this Dep ment. , I I I 5 , d) prior to final inspectioh, a minimum of fi e (5) working days notice be p ovided to the Director, Green ~nfrastructure Progr ms, of this Department. I 9. No claim shall be paid by ~e Department unl ss it is received on or before M of the year following the I1iscal Year in whic the Eligible Cost is incurred an circumstances, no later th~ March 31, 2011. i 10. The applicant shall allO~anY authorized r~lpresentative of the Province f New Brunswick or any member of the Management Committee or his or her repres ntative reasonable access to the p ject site to inspec and assess project progress, to review all records and accounts aintained and to arry out the evaluation process of the Municipal Rural Infrastruc ure Fund. II, The applicant shall keep, r 36 months folIo ing project completion, all acc unting books, records and statem nts pertaining to pr ject costs and make these avail ble for auditing and provide any tatistical data req . d by the Management Com ttee of the Infrastructure Agreeme t. i I 12. No member of the House qf Commons or the ~gislative Assembly shall be a arty to this project or derive any brnefit arising theref~om. I I 13. All operating costs are to ~e borne by the City of Saint John and satisfactory fi ancial arrangements must be in pl~ce to do so. , I I 14, The applicant shall indeml ify and save h~less the parties to this agreem nt and their Ministers, officers an employees from d against all claims, demands, losses, damages, costs of any kind based upon any inj ry or death of a person or dama e to or loss of property arising fr m any willful or n gligent act, omission or delay on the part of the third party or its servants or agents i carrying out the contract. I 15. Title to all land required f~r the project will held in the City of Saint John' name, and ownership for all other assets required fo the project shall be vested in t e City of Saint John for a perio~ of 10 years fro the project completion date. If the Department is not satisfie<ll that assets are be ng held as required, it may te 'nate further contributions hereu+der and request the repayment of all contributions ade to the City of Saint John. 1 I 16. The City of Saint John ~i1l be responsible ~or arranging the engineering esign, calling of public tenders ahd awarding of the contract to the successful bidd r, and overall management of the! contract. The City of Saint John will adhere to th spirit and principals of the Crown Construction Con acts Act and Regulations. 17. The Department must be linformed of the r suIts within 10 days after the tender . I openmg. 6 I 18. The City of Saint John must consent to the participation of the Departmen or its representative at all public tender openin s and allow the Department or its representative to be an active participant 'n establishing criteria, selecti g and awarding all contracts. 19. The results of the public tetJder opening will reported in writing to the Dep 20. In the event of a breach of any of the terms a d conditions of the Letter of ffer by I the City of Saint John, no further contribution shall be made by the Departm nt and all previous payments shall be returned to th Department within 30 days of ritten notification to that effect. 21 a) Canada - New Brunswick Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund signs, provo d by the Department, may be i~sta1led on all site reflecting the Federal and Pr vincial governments involvement iin the program, ex ept where a sign is inappropri te and thus agreed to by the Ma~agement Committe of the Municipal Rural Infras cture Fund. b) The Department shall provide site signs. c) The City of Saint Jolin will be responsi Ie for the installation of the ign In accordance with the sp~cifications provide by the Department. 22 This offer is made purs~ant to the Canad - New Brunswick Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund, and th~refore all relevant rovisions of the program shall a ply. This offer will remain open fpr acceptance for days from its date. Please i dicate agreement with the contents o~ this letter, together with Schedule "A", "B", "C" d "D" by signing the enclosed copy ~nd returning it to u. Please retain the duplicate c py for your files. No funds will be I advanced to the C ty of Saint John until we rece ve the signed document. t;?~ George Haines Acting Deputy Minister Department of Environment This offer for project # 12283 ;accepted this Witness Return Contract before Octob4r 30,2006. 7 day of 2 06. Signature (Corporate Seal) Title Canada - New Brunswick Mu~icipal Rural Infrast cture Fund Secretariat P.O. Box 6000 20 McGloin Street Marysville Place Fredericton, N. B. E3B 5RI SCHEDULE" " I In an effort to have uniform standards applied to a 1 matters concerning the Canad - New Brunswick Municipal Rural IMrastructure Fund, e ask you to adhere to the fol owing example for any tender calls iS$ued for projects fu ded under the agreement. I Canada - New Dr nswick Muni i al Rural Infrast cture Fund Fonds su l'infrastructure unici ale rurale C~mada - Nouveau- runswick (name of municip lityor organization-opt onal) TENDER CALL Canada The Tender document shoul~ include the follow ng statement: New "- Brun u.veau '-ck I ''This project is being implem~nted pursuant to th Canada - New Brunswick Mu icipal Rural Infrastructure Fund agreement and will be inanced in accordance with th terms and conditions of this agreeme~t." Your cooperation is greatly aPBreciated. Should y u have any further questions re arding this matter, please contact Andtte Chenard at (506) 57-4947. SCHEDULE 'C" Replacement Reserve A Replacement Reserve fund shall be maintained or future replacement of variou items. The amount of revenue to b~ set aside in your capital reserve account, as an annual aIlo,:ance, shall be dete~n~~ by the applicant or the.ir consu1t~nt in conjunctio~ ith the Province who must be satlsfl~d that reserve fund WIll be avaIlable when reqUIre. The intent is that this fund shall o~ly be used to pay f r the replacement of capital ite sand not for ordinary maintenance aPdJor minor repairs 0 the project. Transfers to the capital reserv~ account in the unt of $7,000.00 per year shal be set aside for a minimum of 10 !years or until the City of Saint John has establ'shed a replacement reserve fund of $70,000.00. The replacement reserve shall pnly be used, unles otherwise approved by the Min ster of the Environment and Local Odvemment and/or hi or her designate, to pay for the cost of replacement of capital items as follows: . Pumps · Grit Removal and Bar Screen Capital Replacement Reserve funds, along with cumulated interest, must be h ld in a separate account and/or invested only in account or instruments insured by the anada Deposit Insurance Corporation and pursuant to th provisions of the Trustees Ac , or as may otherwise be approved by the Province of N w Brunswick. Withdrawals ar to be credited to the interest first anq then the principal. i "Replacement Reserve" fund~ will be part of y ur capital reserve fund and reported in the audited annual financial statements ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMlENTS (to beforwa ded to the proponent) Project Name: Location: Thorne A venue Lift Station and F rcemain Saint John, New Brunswick Comments Potential impacts of this project are associated with cons ruction and operation phase dist rbances. Mitigation I Environmental Protection Measures The proponent must ensure that a copt ofthese "Enviro ental Requirements" will be rea ilyavailable on site for inspection and reference Wllposes during the onstruction phase of the projec , and that all contractors and their agents will be: made aware of an respect the following require ents where applicable to their direct involvemenn in the work. Sewage collection system and lift stat~on must be installe by certified contractors and m "ntained on a regular basis. Work should be scheduled to avoid penods of heavy preci itation. Erosion control structur s (temporary matting, geotextile filter fabric) are to[be used, as appropr ate, to prevent erosion and silty noff during the construction phase. These structures are to be left in lace until vegetation is re-estab ished and/or all exposed soils are stabilized. Machinery must be checked for lea]kage of lubricants r fuel and must be in good w rking order. Refuelling must be done at least 30 mj from any water bo y. Basic petroleum spill clean~ p equipment should be on-site. All spills or leaks ~hould be promptly contained, cleaned up and repo ed to the 24 hour environmental emergencies repqrting system (1-800 565-1633). The exposed soil area must be minimized by limiting the a ea that is exposed at one time d by limiting the time that anyone area is expose~. All stockpiled s il must be covered and/or dyk d to prevent erosion or silty runoff from leaving the site. Wherever ossible, exposed soil should be replanted or sodded to ensure soil stabilization. d well maintained noise suppre ion devices. estriction and use smaller, Ie s disturbing ethods are to be employed wh n required. All construction wastes must be recycled where possible r othenvise disposed of approp iately. All construction equipment must be fitted with standard Construction activities must respect appropriate time equipment where possible. Appropriate dust suppression The proponent must follow all best practices associated ith the work being undertaken i this project. The proponent is responsible to obtain iall necessary pennit , licenses and authorizations re uired for this proposed project. Any and all stipulati~ns outlined by fede al. provincial, or municipal auth rities and/or their officers must be strictly followed. Any discrepanc es must be successfully reso1v d before the pertinent work may begin. Project #: 12283 JUlIe 8. 2006 Follow-Up Requirements Section 38(1) of the Canadian Environmental Assessme t Act requires the Responsible Authority to verify environmental assessment predictions and mitigati n efficacy through the conduct 0 a Follow Up Program. In this regard, the proponent will be expecte to provide site access to AC A and/or its delegate to perform related duties as required. CANADA - NEW BRUNSWIC K MUNICIPAL RURAL INFRASTRUCTU RE FUND DETAILED C ..AIM List all costs with invoices and !cheques number on this form. Include 8C opy of each invoices and cancelled cheque (both sides) with yc ur claim. Be thorough. Fail J re to record and support each cost can cause delays receiving) our cheque. Project Number Application's Name: HST: Address: Description Name of Supplier Cheaue No. Invoice Amount For offic~ use only Total Costs The undersigned hereby certify that the invoice above has been paid and the work completed. Signature Total Eligible Name Contr bution Title OffiCE rs Signature Date Date for ffica use only REPORT TO COMM N COUNCIL J- \ ?- ~ M & C - 2006 - 264 September 21, 2006 City of Saint John His Worship Mayor Norm cFarlane and Members of Common Coun il Your Worship and Councill rs: SUBJECT: Request for lacement of a Mo i1e Home 865 Red He d Road (File) INTRODUCTION: The Municipalities Act enab es Common Counc I to include a provision in its Mobile Home Parks By-law to allow individual obile homes, on a temporary basis not to exceed one (1) ear, on properties t normally would not permit such structures due to their oning designations. While previous Councils ha e debated this prac . ce, the exercising of this authority has continued. Pr viously approved a plications have involved the , healthcare of a family mem er, special economi hardships, or a temporary ~' approval so that a conventio al home could be c nstructed in the very near fu r. Renewals have also been gr ted in a number 0 cases allowing the mobile ho to remain for many years. ' AN AL YSIS: 1 An application has been rec ived from the land wner's son, Christopher Grim" requesting permission to pia e a mini-home on t e large subject property (rear I remainder) at 865 Red Head Road (see attachm nts). I t While no exact location has een provided, it is elieved that it would be SitUlltr.' at the end of a newly create private access kno as Griffin Lane just beyond 1 Griffin Lane (formerly prop sed Lot 06-2). Th applicant indicates that the mobile home would be pure ased from an imm diate family member, and beu d I Report to Common Council September 21, 2006 I i p age ~ as a residence for him and hi family. The appli nt suggests that in a few ye&r they hope to be in a financial position to purchas their first new home. This portion of the large subj ct property is zone "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential. The ning By-law does at permit the placement of mobile homes (mini-homes) n this area of the co munity. However, as mentioned, Common Counci does have the auth rity to allow a mini-home on this property for a temporary period. N.B. Department of Public Haith Services has n objection to this application. Overhead public utilities wo ld be available alon the private roadway. A pole extension may be necessary epending on the ex t location of the mini-home. The Fire Department has bee made aware ofthi application, and has no objection provided the privat access road (Griffi Lane) is maintained to allow for the access and egress of e ergencyapparatu throughout the year. Notwithstanding the above c mments, this appli ation does cause concern. Firstly, the reason for the req est appears to fail e standards established by Council. Indeed, the situatio is considered rath r typical for many younger families living in the comm ity, and further req ests ofthis nature may be like} if permission is granted in th's case. I Also, while it is recognized at a conventional h me could be constructed on :t1b subject property accessing th newly created pri ate access, which was approy. e by the Planning Advisory Co ittee earlier this ear, access for emergency : response will be dependent 0 the private mainte ance of this roadway. The ro has a travel distance of over 30 metres (853 fee) from Red Head Road. This setback from the public road ould, however, pr vide for a good separation distance from the other horn s in the neighbourh od. Finally, it is the opinion of st fthat the continu ion of allowing for mobile '. I homes, especially for long p riods oftime, contr ry to the City's zoning prog~.mf and without any participatio by existing stakeh lders in affected I neighbourhoods, adversely fects the residential development of the commurtitr Given these mentioned cone rns staffis unable t support the approval of this I request. The Mobile Home Parks By- aw does not requir any public notification for thi type of application. Since it as not been the pra tice of Common Council to se public participation, no letter have been sent to urrounding property owners' regarding this matter. Report to Common Council September 21, 2006 PagJe 1. Strate ic Plan Confo The Goals of Saint Jo promote a variet of housing types in order to, meet the needs of all aint Johners. The unicipal Development Plan, recognize mobile ho es (mini-homes) as one form of necessary housiIlLg for the community. ey, like all other:D rms of housing, should be ' promoted within the ontext of the munic pal planning (zoning) progralm 2. N.B. Department of ublic Healtb Serv ces has no objection to this application. Fire Department ha no objection provi ed the existing private access can be maintained pr perly in order to all w for the access and egress of emergency apparatus. 3. Financial 1m lication N/A RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council not a prove the temporar placement of a mini-home on the subject property situated t 865 Red Head Ro d. Respectfully submitted, ~a Jim R. Baird, MCIP Commissioner Planning d Development Terrence Totten, C.A. City Manager Attachments MRO/m PLANNING AND DEVELO MENT/URBA ISME ET DEVELOPP RS - , Subject Site/site en question: ~ PID(s)/N IP(s): 00336701 Location: 865, ch. Red Head Rd. Date: September/septembre 7,2006 Scale/echelle: Not to scale! as a I'echelle ..............-. ", >'.. , " . ---"""'4!:., " ", \ '", , '. " "__~"\. '\ \.' ., " <g ~ c .. 0.... Q:a ?-oj! (I) 0 ~i}, .... a:l a:l ';:; I"l o o 9 c:.. ~ g; I"l ,., o o 9 ~ ~ z;- .... Q.) - 0.0 o'W .... '" 0..'6 o ,gg _Co ~ c o .(j) .- '> :.oC'l .g , CP I f'\ u::> ~ V/O .... C c:>- .-013 J:~ ....... ,,0:;5 ~ 0-- 0 g(;~&"2U 0.. \ "0 '6 ~ <1> (I) to 0(/\ 0 .~.-c.O (1)_-- ~ :r;o.... ....C-+oJ C c Q) 0 -0 Z;-.- ~O;J(E.D~ ~ t" ..- C \ \- ( :z c 3 C C'I 52.78 g 0 .ti "" ~5 0 . .~ g ~ ,)t .i GJ "" C'l" S~ .b~ :<2 o~ '<- t ~ ~ 2. ~...; 3.~ 1l,c;1..,ii:. a;e:o~ Q): c:..co"",e:2 -Q..3u. ~'c E. ~ ~ c.. .., .;t3Zc-i.E +\ (/l N G) .... \ .... lO " ~o"2, lO ~ 0'> '" cD ~ ,..; ,..; '? 0 r:J <:> III .... ~ Il) (.II ~. II ..... 0 ;:; (J) 'E .3 0 - rJ) Q) 0 Q) (/l \D C'I 0 -otj. :t c'e? o ... ",,0 ~ o.K 0- 0 ::l .,.. (j) .c O:l 0- z /)0 06' \ ,0 ~f:) \f..; \ \ i \ ..oc;l6' oo".):,f>:'':P ,,\1;1 August 14, 2006 Attention: Ci Council Mem en I Dear Council, I I I, Christopher Griffin, WpUld like permissio purchase from my older brother [(Andrew Griffin) 0 865 Red Head Road. This will only be a temp rary arrangement at I I am currently in a comnlon law situation wi my girlfriend and her five 1'.,. e daughter. I am seeking PermiSSirn to temporarily pI ce this mini home on my fathe land for my family to live in, fO~ at this time we c at afford a high mortgage ort purchase any land of our own. I will be able to save enough mo I would greatly apprecia your consideratio in this matter and thank you tly in advance for taking the time t review my request. Christopher Griffm M&C2006–268 HisWorshipMayorNormMcFarlane andMembersofCommonCouncil YourWorshipandMembersofCouncil: SUBJECT: ReversingFallsBridge–RenewWaterTransmissionMain PURPOSE: ThepurposeofthisreportistoobtainCouncil’searlyapprovalforahighpriorityprojectunder theproposed2007Water&SewerageUtilityFundCapitalProgram,andtorequestthat CommonCouncilauthorizestafftoconductappropriatenegotiationsfortheengagementofan engineeringconsultanttocarryoutdesignandconstructionmanagementservicesfortheproject. BACKGROUND: In2004/2005,CBCLLimitedsubmittedtworeportstotheCitythatwerecompletedin conjunctionwiththeapproved2004Water&SewerageUtilityFundCapitalProgram.The reportswereentitled“InterconnectionoftheEastandWestSaintJohnWaterSystems”and “ReversingFallsBridge–StructuralAnalysis”.Thereportscontainedanalysis, recommendations,andpreliminarydesignsfortheReversingFallsBridgeWaterTransmission Mainproject. ANALYSIS: ItisproposedtoobtainCouncil’searlyapprovalforaprojectintheplanned2007Water& SewerageUtilityFundCapitalProgram.Theprojectisforthedesign,constructionand constructionmanagementforthereplacementofanexisting475mmsteelwatertransmission mainwithtwonew600mmwatertransmissionmainsundertheReversingFallsBridge.This projecthasbeenrecommendedintheWaterStrategy,theEastWaterSystemReconfiguration andtheWestWaterSystemReconfigurationstudies.Staffhavebeenconcernedwiththe integrityoftheexisting1950’svintage475mmsteelwatermainforsometime.Recentchanges totheoperationofthewatersystem–providingeasternwatertoMainStreetWest,Lancaster AvenueandtheLowerWestSidecombinedwithanincreasedoperatingpressurehasresultedin M&C2006-268 September21,2006 Page2 theReversingFallsBridge–RenewWaterTransmissionMainprojectbecomingthehighest priorityunderthe2007WaterServiceNeedscategory.Thisisacomplexprojectandinorderto achievecompletioninthe2007constructionseason,thedesignandapprovalsprocessmustbegin thisfall. Theestimatedcostoftheengineeringdesignandconstructionmanagementworkis approximately$370,000andstaffrecommendthedirectengagementofCBCLLimitedforthis projectastheyhaverecentlycompletedthebackgroundstudiesfortheprojectandwere responsibleforthedesignandconstructionmanagementassociatedwithContract2004-19: InterconnectionoftheEastandWestWaterSystems–MainStreetWestandLancasterAvenue whichhavebeensubstantiallycompleted.TheReversingFallsBridge–RenewWater TransmissionMainprojectwouldbeconsideredanextensionoftherecentlycompleteddesign andconstructionmanagementworkbyCBCLLimited.Theconsultantengagementwillbe conductedinaccordancewiththeprocessapprovedbyCouncilonFebruary13,2006forthe Engagementof EngineeringConsultants–2006CapitalProgram(M&C2006-31). Thecostfortheconstructionoftheproposedprojectisapproximately$2,130,000andfollowing thecompletionofthedetaileddesignbytheconsultant,theprojectwillbetenderedin accordancewiththeCity’s TenderingPolicyforConstructionContracts. RECOMMENDATION: ItisrecommendedthatCommonCouncilprovideearlyapprovaloftheReversingFallsBridge– RenewWaterTransmissionMainprojectasoutlinedinthisreportintheamountof$2,500,000 asproposedunderthe2007Water&SewerageUtilityFundCapitalProgram,andthatCommon Councilauthorizestafftoconductnegotiationsfortheengagementofanengineeringconsultant tocarryoutthedesignandconstructionmanagementservicesfortheproject. Respectfullysubmitted, J.M.PaulGroody,P.Eng. Commissioner, MunicipalOperations& Engineering TerrenceL.Totten,F.C.A. CityManager M&C2006-269 September21,2006 HisWorshipMayorNormMcFarlane andMembersofCommonCouncil YourWorshipandMembersofCouncil, SUBJECTGreenMunicipalFund(GMF)–ApplicationforFunding : ThepurposeofthisletteristoappriseCouncilofarecentinitiativewhereapplicationwasmade totheGreenMunicipalFund(GMF)torequestfinancialsupportfortheproposed2007Water& SewerageUtilityFundcleaningandliningcapitalproject.Applicationwassubmittedtothe th FederationofCanadianMunicipalitiesonSeptember20,2006. Theprinciplegoalsoftheapplicationandtherelatedprojectaretoimprovedrinkingwater quality,whilesubstantiallyreducingwaterlossthroughflushing,improvingfireflowsand extendingtheservicelifeofwatermainsbyatleast30to35years. BACKGROUND TheGovernmentofCanadaendowedtheFederationofCanadianMunicipalitiestoestablishand managetheGreenMunicipalFund(GMF). TheGMFsupportsstudies,fieldtests,plansandcapitalprojectsacrossCanadatoimprovethe qualityofwater,soilandairandtoreducegreenhousegasemissions. StaffhasidentifiedtheGMFasapossiblesourceoffundingtoassistinthecleaningandlining initiative.The2007capitalprogramproposestocleanandlineapproximately6kmofwater mainatacostof$1million(includingHST).Applicationforfundingwasasfollows. AmountofFunding%of (WithoutHST)TotalProjectFunding GMFloan$289,473.6933 GMFgrant$289,473.6933 CityofSaintJohn Water&SewerageUtility$298,245.6234 ItshouldbenotedthatthisisthefirstyeartheCityofSaintJohn(SaintJohnWater)hasmade applicationforGMFfunding. M&C2006-269 GreenMunicipalFund-ApplicationforFunding September21,2006 Page2 SUMMARY GMFhasadvisedthatapplicantswillbeadvisediftheirapplicationhasbeenacceptedwithin onetothreeweeksofreceipt.Applicantswhoseapplicationisacceptedthenreceive instructionsonpreparingandsubmittingfullproposalsforfundingwhicharetobesubmittedby November1,2006. ShouldtheinitialapplicationbeacceptedandthefullproposaltoGMFbeaccepted,itwillbe assessedbyacommitteeofexpertsandtheprojectsmostlikelytodeliversignificant environmental,economicandsocialbenefitswillreceiveoffersoffinancingbyMarch2007. RECOMMENDATION Itisrecommendedthatthisreportbereceivedandfiled. Respectfullysubmitted, J.M.PaulGroody,P.Eng.TerrenceL.Totten,F.C.A. Commissioner,MunicipalOperationsCityManager M&C-2006–265 September25,2006 HisWorshipMayorNormMcFarlane andMembersofCommonCouncil YourWorshipandMembersofCouncil, SUBJECT Provisionofbankingservices BACKGROUND InJune2001Counciladoptedthefollowingresolution“Resolvedthatas recommendedbytheCityManager,theproposaloftheBankofNovaScotiabe acceptedfortheprovisionofbankingservicesforaperiodoffiveyears,withan option foranadditionalfiveyears”. th TheoriginalfiveyeartermexpiredasofJune30,2006.TheBankofNova Scotiahasofferedtorenewthecontractforanadditionalfiveyearsunderthe TermsandConditionsoftheoriginalproposal. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS FundsareincludedannuallyintheFiscalChargessectionoftheOperating Budget tocover thecostsofthisservice. M&C–2006–265 September6,2006 Page2 RECOMMENDATION ItisrecommendedthattheproposaloftheBankofNovaScotiafortheprovision ofbankingservices for thefiveyearperiodendingJune30,2011beaccepted. Respectfullysubmitted, GregoryJ.Yeomans,CGA,MBA CommissionerofFinance T.L.Totten,FCA CityManager OPENSESSION M&C2006-266 September25,2006 HisWorshipMayorNormMcFarlane AndMembersofCommonCouncil SUBJECT:BANKINGRESOLUTIONS BACKGROUND: TheBankofNovaScotiaistheCity’sbanker.Inconjunctionwiththeoperationofthe City’sbankaccountswiththeBankofNovaScotia,theBankrequirescertainresolutions tobepassedbyCommonCouncil.Oneoftheseisthebankingresolutionthatsetsout thesigningofficersoftheCorporation.Asaresultoftherecentstaffingchangesitis necessarytomodifytheexistingbankingresolutionstoreflecttheactualstaffing structure. RECOMMENDATION: ItisrecommendedthatCommonCounciladopttheattachedresolutionsfortheBankof NovaScotia. Respectfullysubmitted, ___________________________ GregoryJ.Yeomans,CGA,MBA CommissionerofFinance _____________________ TerrenceL.Totten,F.C.A. CityManager RESOLUTIONSASTOTHECITY OFSAINTJOHNBANKACCOUNTSWITH THEBANK OFNOVASCOTIA RESOLVED: A. That theresolutionsdatedFebruary23,2003relating to theoperationof bankaccounts fortheCityofSaintJohnwiththeBankofNovaScotiabe andisherebyrescinded. AND RESOLVED B.1 ThataccountsinthenameoftheCityofSaintJohn(hereincalledthe “City”)andbearingthefollowingnamesandnumbersshallbekeptatthe BankofNovaScotia: PensionFund55-17 OperatingAccount0053-12 PayrollAccount0001-16 USDollarAccount1864-14 EmployeePurchaseAccount0361-10 TreasuryAccount0106-18 PayrollRejectAccount0102-19 PensionPayrollRejectAccount0122-11 CityofS.J.(BondAccount)14-14 CityofS.J.MealPurchase626-18 O’ConnellTrust0479-10 L.R.RossTrust0484-10 StockfordTrust0503-18 TuckerTrust0520-19 A.CarleSmithTrust0522-13 LandSubdivisionTrust0957-10 EquipmentReplacementFund0957-10 B. 2 Thatany twoof the: CommissionerofFinance AssistantComptroller(s) Comptroller DeputyCityManager(s) beandareherebyauthorizedonbehalfof theCity: PAGETWO RESOLUTIONS(cont’d.) B.2(a) Toborrowmoney from theBankofNovaScotiauponcreditofthe Cityoncheques,promissorynotes,billsofexchangeorotherwise insuchamountsandsubject tosuchtermsasmaybeconsidered advisable; B.2(b) Tosign,make,draw,accept,endorse,executeanddeliveron behalfofandinthenameoftheCityallsuchcheques,promissory notes,billsofexchange,drafts,acceptances,ordersforthe paymentofmoney,warehousereceipts,billsoflading,agreements togivesecurity,assignments,transfers,conveyances,hypothecs, mortgages,pledges,securitiesandotheragreements,documents andinstrumentsasmaybenecessaryorusefulinconnectionwith theborrowingofmoneyandotherbankingbusinessof theCity. B.3 Thatanyoneof: CommissionerofFinance AssistantComptroller(s) Comptroller DeputyCityManager(s) beandisherebyauthorizedbytheCity: B.3(a) TonegotiatewithortransfertotheBankofNovaScotiafordeposit ordiscountwithorcollectionbytheBank(butforthecreditofthe City’saccountsonly)cheques,promissorynotes,billsofexchange, drafts,ordersforthepaymentofmoneyandotherinstruments, whethernegotiableornot,purportingtobesignedorendorsedon behalfof theCitybyanyoneof themorhaving thenameof theCity impressedthereonbyrubberstamporotherdevisewithoutany signature; B.3(b) Toarrange,settle,balanceandcertifyallbooksandaccounts betweentheCityofSaintJohnandtheBankandtoreceiveallpaid chequesandothervouchers,unpaidandunacceptedbillsof exchangeandothernegotiableinstrumentsandtosigntheBank’s formofsettlementofbalancesandrelease; B.3(c) Todelegateanyauthorityconferredonsuchpersonbysub- paragraphs(a)and(b)ofthisparagraphbyanyotheremployeeof theCity,bynoticeinwritingfiledwiththeBank. PAGETHREE RESOLUTIONS(cont’d.) B. 4 Thatallagreements,documentsandinstrumentssigned,drawn, accepted,endorsedorexecutedasaforesaidshallbevalidandbindingon theCity. B. 5 ThattheCityshallfurnishtheBankwithalistofnamesofallpersons authorizedbythisResolutiontodoanyactorthing,togetherwiththe specimensoftheirsignatures,andshallnotifytheBankfromtimetotime inwritingofallchangesofsuchpersons;andsuchlistwhenreceivedby theBankshallbebindingontheCityuntilwrittennoticetothecontrary shallhavebeengiventotheBankandreceiptofsuchnotice acknowledgedby theBank B. 6 ThatthisResolutionshallbecommunicatedtotheBankandshall continueinforceasbetweentheCityandtheBankuntilwrittennoticeto thecontraryshallhavebeengiventotheBankandreceiptofsuchnotice acknowledgedby theBank. C.1 ThatnotwithstandingResolutionB.2(b), theBankofNovaScotiais authorizedanddirected topayanyandallcheques,promissorynotes, billsofexchangeorotherwiseagainstthesaidaccountswhichmaybe presented forpaymentbearingthe facsimilesignatureimpressed thereon bymechanicalmeans toallintentsandpurposesas thoughsuch signatureshadbeensignedby thesaid Officersin theirownhandwriting anddulyissuedby themwith theauthorityandonbehalfof theCityof SaintJohn. C. 2 ThatinconsiderationoftheBankofNovaScotia’spayingornegotiating cheques,promissorynotes,billsofexchangeorotherwise,issuedon behalfofTheCityofSaintJohnandbearingthemechanicallyimprinted facsimilesignaturesoftheCommissionerofFinanceandtheAssistant Comptroller,theCityofSaintJohnwillanddoesherebyundertaketohold theBankofNovaScotiaharmlessfromandindemnifiedagainstallloss, costs,damagesandexpensesarisingoutofthepaymentorthe negotiationofanycheque,promissorynote,billofexchangeorotherwise onwhich thefacsimilesignatureshavebeenwrongfullyimpressed. OPENSESSION M&C2006-267 September25,2006 HisWorshipMayorNormMcFarlane AndMembersofCommonCouncil SUBJECT:BORROWINGRESOLUTIONS BACKGROUND: TheBankofNovaScotiahasrequestedcertainresolutionstobepassedbyCommon Council toformalize thelineofcreditwiththeCity.Councilnormallypassestherequired resolutionsduringthefirstpartoftheyear.TheBankrequirestheappropriate resolutionsfor2006. ANALYSIS: TheCityhashadan$11,200,000lineofcreditwiththeBankofNovaScotiafora numberofyears.Thisamountrepresents$3,200,000forgeneraloperatingpurposes and$8,000,000forbridgefinancingoncapitalexpenditures.Thecalculationoftheline ofcreditforoperatingpurposesisoutlinedintheMunicipalitiesActandissetata maximumof4%of theoperatingbudget.Basedonthecity’s2006operatingbudget the maximumtheCitycouldborrowforoperatingpurposesis$4,264,850.Itisproposedto seekapprovalfrom thebanktosettheoperatinglineofcreditat$4,250,000. Withrespecttothebridgefinancingforcapitalexpenditures,asaresultof themagnitude oftheCity’scapitalprograms,itisproposedtoseekanincreaseinthiscreditfromthe current$8,000,000to$12,000,000.Itismostunlikelythatactualborrowingswillreach thesecombinedlevels,butthereisnoharminhavingthecreditlimitsinplaceasa precautionarymeasure. M&C2006-267 September25,2006 PAGETWO RECOMMENDATIONS: Itisrecommendedthatforgeneraloperatingpurposes: 1.That theCommissionerofFinanceisherebyauthorizedtoborrow,onbehalfofthe CityofSaintJohn(theCorporation),fromtheBankofNovaScotia(theBank)from time to timebywayofpromissorynote,asumorsumsnotexceedingatanyone timefourmilliontwohundredandfiftythousanddollars($4,250,000)tomeetcurrent expendituresoftheCorporationfortheyear2006; 2.Thatany twooftheCommissionerofFinance, theDeputyCityManager,Comptroller orAssistantComptrollerareherebyauthorizedtosignonbehalfoftheCorporation andtofurnish to theBankfrom timetotimeapromissorynoteornotessealedwith thecorporatesealforthesumorsumssoborrowedwithinterestatsuchrateasthe bankmayfrom timeto timedetermine; 3.That theCommissionerofFinanceisherebyauthorizedanddirectedtofurnishtothe Bankatthetimeofeachborrowingandatsuchother timesas theBankmayfrom time to timerequest,astatementshowingthenatureandamountoftheestimated revenuesofthecurrentyearnotyetcollectedorwhere theestimatesfortheyear havenotbeenadopted,astatementshowing thenatureandamountof the estimatedrevenuesoftheCorporationassetforthintheestimatesadoptedforthe nextprecedingyearandalsoshowingthetotalofanyamountsborrowedin the currentyearandinanyprecedingyear thathavenotbeenrepaid,and 4.That theCommissionerofFinanceisherebyauthorizedanddirectedtoapplyin paymentofallsumsborrowedfrom theBank,withinterestthereon,allofthemonies hereaftercollectedorreceivedonaccountorrealizedinrespectofthe taxeslevied forthecurrentyearandforanyprecedingyearsandallofthemoniescollectedor receivedfromanyothersource. 5.ThatforthepurposesofbridgefinancingonCapitalExpenditures, thattheCityof SaintJohnestablisharevolvingtermloantobridgefinancecapitalexpenditurestoa maximumof$12,000,000andtheCommissionerofFinancebeauthorizedtoborrow from theBanktothespecifiedlimit,and M&C2006-267 September25,2006 PAGETHREE RECOMMENDATIONS(CONT’D.) 6.Thatany twooftheCommissionerofFinance, theDeputyCityManager,Comptroller orAssistantComptrollerareherebyauthorizedtosignonbehalfoftheCorporation andtofurnish to theBankfrom timetotimeapromissorynoteornotessealedwith thecorporatesealforthesumorsumssoborrowedwithinterestatsuchrateasthe Bankmayfrom timeto timedetermine,and 7.Thatany twooftheCommissionerofFinance, theDeputyCityManager,Comptroller orAssistantComptrollerareherebyauthorizedtosignonbehalfoftheCorporation andtofurnish to theBankanAgreementorAgreementsunder thesealofthe CorporationprovidingforpaymenttotheBankofallamountsrequiredtobepaidby theBankpursuanttoeachpromissorynoteof theCorporationguaranteedbythe BankwithinterestatsuchrateastheBankmayfrom timetotimedetermineandofa guaranteefeeinrespectofeachsuchpromissorynoteatsuchrateastheBankmay from timetotimedetermine. Respectfullysubmitted, ____________________________ GregoryJ.Yeomans,CGA,MBA CommissionerofFinance _____________________ TerrenceL.Totten,F.C.A. CityManager M&C-2006–271 September25,2006 HisWorshipMayorNormMcFarlane andMembersofCommonCouncil YourWorshipandMembersofCouncil, SUBJECT FinancialAssistancefrom theProvince BACKGROUND InDecember2005Counciladoptedthefollowingresolution“Resolvedthat Councilrequestassistancefromtheprovincetoborrow$12.3milliontofundthe shortfallinthePensionPlanfortheyears2004,2005,and2006,andifnotwith thehelpoftheprovince,thenborrowonitsown,withrepaymentsbeingpartof theoperatingbudget”. AswasreportedtoCouncilatthemeetingofMay23,2006$1,200,000ofthis shortfallwasabletobefundedasaresultofanoperatingsurplusfor2005inthe GeneralFundandanadditionalamountof$1,163,086wasfundedfromthe WaterandSewerageUtility2005surplus.Inthe2006GeneralFundoperating budgetanamountof$1,400,000wasbudgetedtobepaidin2006andafurther $200,000wasbudgetedintheWater&SewerageUtility2006budgetleavinga fundingshortfallof$8,336,914. TheSuperintendentofPensionshasorderedtheCitytomaketherequired fundingpaymentsfor2004and2005whichhasbeendone($8,244,100).The 2006fundingpaymentsarealsoduebuthavenotyetmadependingreceiptof thefinancialassistancerequestedoftheprovince. M&C–2006–271 September25,2006 Page2 TherequestforassistancewasmadeinJanuaryofthisyear.Followingarecent conversationwiththeDepartmentofLocalGovernmentafollow-upletterwas sentonSeptember8,2006.Wehavebeenadvisedthatarevisedresolutionof Councilisrequired. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS AsCouncilwasadvisedattheMay23,2006meetingpermissionhasbeen obtainedfromtheDepartmentofLocalGovernmenttoamortizetheremaining unfundedpensionobligationfor2004,2005and2006,overtheperiod2007to 2011.Thiswillgenerateanannualchargeof$1,680,000plusinterestduringthis period.Theactualamountofinterestwillnotbeknownuntiltheprovinceissues adebenturetheinterestrateofwhichwillbedeterminedbymarketconditions. RECOMMENDATION ItisrecommendedthatCouncilasktheprovinceforaloanofupto$8,400,000, withrepaymentsbeingpartoftheoperatingbudget,thattheborrowingbeinthe formofadebenturewiththeProvinceofNewBrunswickandthattheMayorand CommonClerkbeauthorizedtosignthedebentureonbehalfoftheCityofSaint John. Respectfullysubmitted, GregoryJ.Yeomans,CGA,MBA CommissionerofFinance T.L.Totten,FCA CityManager OPENSESSION M&C–2006-272 September25,2006 HisWorshipMayorNormMcFarlaneand MembersofCommonCouncil YourWorshipandCouncillors: CAPITALFINANCING Subject: TheattachedNoticeofMotionhasbeenpreparedasafirststepinthepermanent financingofcertainCapitalProjects.Thepurposeoftheissueissummarizedonthe attachedschedule. ThegivingofthisNoticeofMotiondoesnotcommittheCitytoanyfurtheraction.Itdoes, however,placetheCityinapositiontotakeactionaftertheexpiryof30daysatsuchtime asbondmarketconditionsandopportunitiespermit. At thisstage,itisnotnecessary tosetlimitswithrespecttothecouponrateortheterms forwhichbondsaretobeissued.Thesewillbeestablishedatalaterdateandwillbe related to themarketconditionsat that time. Respectfullysubmitted, GregoryJ.Yeomans,CGA,MBA CommissionerofFinance TerrenceL.Totten,CA CityManager NOTICE OFMOTION HisWorshiptheMayorgavethefollowingNoticeofMotion.“IdoherebygiveNoticethatI will,atameetingofCommonCouncilheldaftertheexpirationofthirtydaysfromthisday, moveorcause tobemoved, the followingresolution: Namely, RESOLVED thatoccasionhavingariseninthepublicinterestforthefollowing PublicCivicWorksandneededCivic Improvements, thatis tosay: (Details toberead from“Purposeof the Issue”).” THEREFORERESOLVED thatdebenturesbeissuedunderprovisionsoftheActsof Assembly52,Victoria,Chapter27,Section29andamendmentsthereto,totheamountof $19,900,000. TheCityofSaintJohn ProposedissueofDebentures ToBeDated OnorAfter October25,2006 Purposeof Issue GENERALFUND General Government$1,250,000 TransportationServices$6,000,000 EnvironmentalDevelopment$2,250,000 RecreationandCulture$1,500,000 $11,000,000 WATER&SEWERAGEUTILITY WaterSystem$6,500,000 SewerSystem$1,500,0008,000,000 SAINTJOHNTRANSIT 900,000 TOTAL $19,900,000 I REPORT rq COMMO COUNCIL September 22, 2006 M&C #2006-273 I His Worship Mayor Norm M~Farlane and Members of Common cruncil Your Worship and Members fCouncil: SUBJECT: SALE OF THE IL TON HOTEL PARKING GA GE SUBLEASE This past week, the Hilton Hqtel in Saint John w sold by Hilton Canada to Inve t Hotels G.P. Ltd. The transac*on was to closed 0 Tuesday, September 18, 2006, As part of this transaction, th~ City of Saint John as requested to provide consen to the assignment of the Parking G age Sublease. Unfortunately, staffwas not i a position to obtai the approval of Common Co cil prior to the closing. The City Manager did, at th request of the Purchaser, provi e the attached letter and is now see ing the approval 0 Common Council. The documentation that Cou1cil is being asked t approve generally provides for; 1. The Purchaser to ass$e the responsibili of Hilton Canada Ltd. under th Parking Garage Suble~se. I 2. The City aCknOWledgfg that should the P chaser default on the terms of he Parking Garage Suble e, the lendor can t e the necessary steps to make he City "whole" and then see a new tenant for th premises. Before the letter to the Solici~or for the Purchas was sent, this item was discuss with staff in the Legal Departmentr staff of the Saint J hn Development Corporation d Legal Counsel to that Corporation. Report to Common Council Subject: SALEOFTHEHILTO HOTEL PARKING GARGE S LEASE AGREEME T I I I I RECOMMENDATION: I I I That the City of Saint John aSfent to the assignm Hilton Canada Co. to Invest I10tels G.P. Ltd; Page 2 t of the Parking Garage Sublea e from And that the City enter into t e Parking Garage S blease Acknowledgement Agr ement; And further that the Mayor Common Clerk b authorized to execute the Agre ents attached to M&C # 2006-273. -",>- errence L. Totten, FeA CITY MANAGER Attachments PARKING GARAGE SU LEASE ACKNO LEDGEMENT AGREEME T (City) THIS AGREEMEr made as of the day of September, 2006. AMONG: I THE CITY OF S~INT JOHN (hereinafter called ~e "Sublandlord") I I I I - and - I I INNVEST HOTE~S GP LTD., in its apacity as general partner for and on behalfollINNVEST HOTE S LP (hereinafter called tte "Subtenant") GE CANADA REt' L ESTA~::A CING HOLDING COMPANY (hereinafter called the "Mortgagee") WHEREAS: A. By indenture of sub-sublea e made as of the 31 t day of May, 1983 between th Sublandlord as Lessor of the First art and The Rocca roup Market Square Deve10pm nt Limited ("Rocca") as Lessee ofth Second Part, the S blandlord did demise nnto Race certain premises referred to therein as the "Demised Premises' and did grant certain rights to occa, the Demised Premises and the said rig ts being referred to in the said indenture oflease an herein as the "Lessee Rights" for a term c mmencing at midn ght on the 31 st day of May, 198 and ending at midnight on the second ay falling immediat ly prior to the 31st day of May, 049, at the rentals and subject to the cove ants, conditions an agreements therein contained, hich said sub-sublease was registered in the fflee of the Regist ar of Deeds in and for the COUll of Saint John (the "Registry Office") on September 14, 1983 in Book 1019 at page 739 as No. 310645, the lands upon which the Demised IPremises are locate being referred to herein as the' Lands". I I B. Rocca assigned the sub-sub~ease to Market Squ e Hotel Limited ("Market Squ e Hotel") by assigrunent dated as of ~he 1 st day of Octob r, 1983 and registered in the Re istry Office on August 31,1984 in BOOM 1059 at page 733 a No. 317403. I I C. Market Square Hotel aSSi~ed the sub-sublease to Centennial Leaseholds Limit d ("Centennial") by assignment date as of the 30th day f August, 1984 and registered i the Registry Office on August 31, 198 in Book 1059 at p ge 779 as No. 317409. S:\F - J Clients\Hilton Hotels Corporation\] 06131 0 Sale of Saint John Hi ton\Documents\Parking Garage Sublease Acknowledgement Agreement McCarthy Tctrault.doc ~ 2 - I D. Centennial assigned the sut,' -sublease to Rocca Market Square Hotel Limited b assignment dated as of the 30th da of August, 1984 d registered in the Registry Of August 31, 1984 in Book 1059 at age 830 as No. 317 15. E. The sub-sublease was amelded by amending a eement entered into by the Su landlord and Rocca Market Square Hotel LImited dated as oft 20th day of March, 1986 and r gistered in the Registry Office on March 2~, 1986 in Book 114 at page 142 as No. 328563. 1 I F. By certificate of arnendmeljlt issued under the usiness Corporations Act (New Brunswick) on July 25, 1986, Roc~a Market Square H tel Limited changed its name to Market Square Hotel Limited ("MSHL"). I I G. The sub-sublease was furt~er amended by ame ding agreement entered into by he Sublandlord and MSHL dated as or the 1st day of Jan ary, 1991 and registered in the egistry Office on February 7, 1991 in Book 1479 at page 163 No. 368156. H. MSHL was continued und r the Canada Rusin S8 Corporations Act as 310067 Canada. Inc. by certificate of continuance ated December 21, 994 and registered in the Regis y Office on January 30, 1995 as No. 39852 and amalgamated ith Hilton. Canada Inc. to conti ue as Hilton Canada Inc. by certificate 0 amalgamation dat d January 1, 1995 and registere in the Registry Office on January 30, 19Q5 as No. 398526. I I. Hilton Canada Inc. was continued under the C mpanies Act (Nova Scotia) by c rtificate of continuance dated December 181, 2001 and registere in the Registry Office on July 1,2004 as No. 18765116 and amalgamated with 3061270 Nov Scotia Company by certificate f amalgamation dated January 1, 20~2 and registered on July 21, 2004 as No. 18765082 0 continue as Hilton Canada Co. i i J. The sub-sublease was fur~er amended by ame ding agreement entered into by e Sublandlord and Hilton Canada C~. dated June 30, 20 4 and registered in the Registry ffice on September 8, 2004 as No. 190652 7 (the sub-sublease as so amended by the three am nding agreements being hereinafter calle the "Parking Gara e Sublease"). K. Hilton Canada Co. assigne the Parking Garag Sublease to the Subtenant by a signment dated as of the day ofSeptemberl 006 and registered n the Registry Office on Septe er ------> 2006 in Book at page i as No. L. The Subtenant intend~ortgage its interest' the Parking Garage Sublease t the Mortgagee by a debenture to be d~ed September ., 20 6 from the Subtenant (which d benture as amended, supplemented, modifi d, renewed or repl ced from time to time is hereina er called the "Debenture") as security for e obligations referr d to in the Debenture, I WITNESSETH th~t in consideration 0 the sum of TWO ($2.0Q) DOL ARS and other good and valuable considera ion (the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged by the parties heret ) and the mutual co enants and agreements hereina er contained, the parties hereto covenant and agree as fol ows: 1. The Sub1andlord covenant~, undertakes and a ees with the Mortgagee that: , I I S:\F . J Clients\Hilton Hotels Corporation\] 0611310 Sale of Saint John H lton\Documents\Parking Garage Sublease Acknowledgement Agreement McCarthy TetrtlUltdoc - 3 - I (a) If the Subtenant de aults under the Par 'ng Garage Sublease and fails to cure such default within any ure period allowed nder the Parking Garage Suble se, or if the Subtenant defa Its under the Parkin Garage Sublease and there is n period for the Subtenant to cure such default, t e Sublandlord agrees to give witten notice of such failu e to cure or such de ault, as the case may be, to the ortgagee and the Mortgagee hall have a period f twenty (20) days after the date of such notice within whic to cure the default r defaults specified in such noti e. If after the expiration f twenty (20) days after the giving of such notice a aforesaid the default specifie in such notice shal continue to exist, then and in e ery such event, but not othe ise, at the option 0 the Sub landlord, the Parking Gage Sublease may from and after the conc1u ion ofthe said period of twenty (20) days be terminated. No ithstanding the for going provisions of this paragr h 2(a), if the default reasona~y requires more ti e for the Mortgagee to cure tha the aforesaid twenty (2 ) day period the Su landlord shall not have the righ to terminate the Parki g Garage Sublease f the curing of the default is pro ptly commenced by the ortgagee after the 'ving of such notice to it and is with due diligence thereafter completed. (b) If, as a result of a d fault under the Par ing Garage Sublease which is n of being cured by e Mortgagee, the P rking Garage Sublease shall be before its stated ex iration date, or ifth Parking Garage Sublease is at terminated, disclai ed or surrendered, t e Sub landlord shall give writte notice to the Mortgagee pro ptlyaccompanied y particulars of the nature and e tent of I the default which b ought about termin tion, disclaimer or surrender an the Sublandlord agrees hat upon the reque t ofthe Mortgagee, if such requ st is made in writing wit in twenty (20) day after the giving ofthe above-m ntioned notice by the Subl dlord, it will grant the Mortgagee or the nominee f the Mortgagee a new Ie se between the Su landlord, as sublandlord, and th Mortgagee or the n minee of the Mortg gee, as subtenant, for a term eq al in duration to the then emaining residue of the term of the Parking Garage Sublease and at the same rent and otherwise upo the same terms and including t e same covenants, provisos agreements and co ditions as are contained in the arking Garage Sublease; p vided, however, Sublandlord's obligation to gr t the new lease is conditi nal upon the Subia dlord being paid all moneys wh ch would have been lawfully ue and owing unde the forfeited lease if it had not een forfeited (other th accelerated rent) to the date of the new lease and eement of the Mortgagee or its nominee to perfi rm such other covenants under e forfeited lease whic may be in default rovided they are not reasonably incapable of being erformed by the M rtgagee or its nominee. Any su h new lease and the leaseh ld estate thereby c ated shall retain the same priori y as the Parking Garage Sublease with respect t any mortgage ofthe Sublandlo d's interest or other lie , charge or encumb ance thereof created by the Subl ndlord. All revenues collect d by the Sublandlo d from the Demised Premises d ring the interval following t nnination of the Pa king Garage Sublease and prior 0 the commencement of e term of the new I ase shall be credited against an arrears under the Parking Gjarage Sublease whi h would have existed had it not een terminated, and paJinents as they fall d c under the new lease. The fail re of the S:\F . J Clients\Hilton Hotels Corporation\ 10613] 0 Sale of Saint John Hi ton\Documents\Parking Garage Sublease Acknowledgement Agreement McCarthy Tetrault. doc - 4 ~ Mortgagee or its no inee to execute an deliver to the Sub landlord the ew lease within twenty (20) ays after it has bee tendered by the Sublandlord to the Mortgagee or its no inee, or to campI with any afthe other provision and conditions herein s ecified with respec to such new lease, shall conclus vely, unless otherwise a eed to in writing b tween the Sublandlord and the ortgagee or its nominee, be eemed an abando ent and waiver on the part ofth Mortgagee of all ri hts to obtain such n w lease. If there is more than ne mortgagee of the ri ht, title and interest of the Subtenant in and to the P king Garage Sublease th t makes a request fi r a new lease pursuant to any ot er agreement entered i to by the Sublandl rd, the Sub landlord shall enter i to a new lease with whichev r of such mortgage s making such request has the encumbrance prior n registration. (c) The Mortgagee sha I not be liable to th Sublandlord under the Parking arage Sublease for the ful lment or non-fulfil ent of any of the obligations 0 the Subtenant thereund r, except as hereina er set out. The Mortgagee her by agrees with the Sublandlor that if the Mortga ee forecloses or takes possessio of the Tenant's interest in he Parking Garage Sublease, then, so long as the M rtgagee shall be the owner f or in possession 0 such interest, the Mortgagee sh 11 observe and perfo all the obligations fthe Subtenant under the Parki g Garage Sublease and that i the Mortgagee exer ises any power of sale under th Debenture, the Mo gagee shall require he purchaser to agree with the Sublandlord to obs e and perform all he obligations of the Subtenant der the Parking Garage Su lease. 2. The Sublandlord and the S btenant agree with e Mortgagee that, so long as th Debenture remains outstanding, th terms of the Parki g Garage Sublease shall not be ended, supplemented, modified, cancelled forfeited, surrende ed or (subject to the express te s of this Agreement) terminated prior to th end of the term res rved by the Parking Garage Sub ease without, and the same shall not be ffective without, e prior written consent of the M rtgagee. 3, The registration on title of discharge of the D benture shall constitute an auto termination of this Agreement. 4. The Sublandlord shall fro time to time upon e written request of the Subten t or the Mortgagee, promptly advise the M rtgagee in writing fthe status of the Parking Gara e Sublease and the Subtenant's per:D rmance thereunder nd such other information as ill Y reasonably be required by the Mo gagee and any cost in connection therewith shall b for the account of the Subtenant and not t e Sublandlord or th Mortgagee. The written status eport shall not be construed as a waiver y the Sublandlord i respect of any obligations to b performed under the Parking Gara e Sublease. 5. Any notices or other comm nications to be give by any party hereunder to any ther party shall be given or made by deliverin the same by hand, r by mailing the same in a seale envelope by registered mail, return receipt r quested, or by facsi ile transmission addressed to t e party to whom the notice is directed, at the ddress set out belo or to such alternative address as may from time to time be designated by noti e given in the manu r provided in this paragraph: S:\F - ] Clients\Hilton Hotels Corporation\1 061310 Sale of Saint John Hi ton\Documents\Parking Garage Sublease Acknowledgement Agreement McCarthy Tetrault.doc - 5 - (a) to the Sublandlord 1: Cit Hall P. O. Box 1971 Saint John NB E2 4Ll Attention: The ommon Clerk Facsimile No. ) (b) to the Subtenant at: c/o InnVest REIT 5090 Explorer Dri 7th Floor Mississauga, Onta 0 L4W 4 T9 Attention: Ke y Gibson Facsimile No. (905 206-7114 ( c) to the Mortgagee at 123 Front Street W st Suite 1400, P.O. B x 14 Toronto, Ontario M5J 2M2 Attention: Dire tor of Canadian As et Management Each such notice shall be dated as f the date of its del very or mailing, as the case ma be. If so mailed, it shall be deemed given 0 the fifth (5th) busi ess day following the date of so mailing it. In the event of interruption or i mediately pending interruption to the postal servic , each such notice shall be delivered by h d or facsimile tra smission. If delivered by facsi ile transmission, any such notice shall be deemed to be de ivered on the date of transmissi n, if received before 4:00 p.m. on any b siness day of the i tended recipient or othetwise 0 the first business day of the intended recipi nt following trans ission. 6. The Sublandlord will not s 11 or encumber its i terest, except to a purchaser or encumbrancer which shall, before uch sale is effected at the Subtenant's expense, ent into either an agreement with the Subte ant and the Mortg ee substantially in the form an tenns of this Agreement or an acknowled ent addressed to th Mortgagee confirming that sue purchaser or encumbrancer is fami iar with the terms 0 this Agreement and is bound b them. S:\F - J Clients\Hilton Hotels C0J11oration\1 06 310 Sale of Saint John Hi ton\Documents\Parking Garage Sublease Acknowledgement Agreement McCarthy Tetrault.doc - 6 - Any such agreement with any enc brancer shall pro ide that such encumbrancer shal not be bound by the tenns hereof unless d until it is in poss ssion or ownership (whether by itself or through a receiver, manager or rec iver and manager) f Sublandlord's interest in the nds. 7. If any term, covenant, obli ation or agreement ontained in this Agreement, or e application thereof to any person 0 circumstance shall to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of th s Agreement or the pplication of such term, coven t, obligation or agreement to persons or circumstances at er than those as to which it is h ld invalid or unenforceable, shall not e affected thereby d each term, covenant, obligat on and agreement herein contained shall b separately valid a d enforceable to the fullest exte t permitted by law. terparts each of which when s executed s together shall constitute one d the gree that for the purpose of ofti r, all constitute an original execu d copy. 8. This Agreement may be ex cuted in several co shall be deemed to be an original d which counterpa same instrument. The parties hereb acknowledge and acceptance and execution an execu ed facsimile copy s ereto have duly executed this greement IN WITNESS WH as of the date first above written. HE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Name: Title: Mayor Name: Title: Common Clerk I NVEST HOTELS GP LTD., nits c pacityas general partner for an on b halfofINNVEST HOTELS L Name: Title: I I S:\F - J Clients\Hilton Hotels Corporation\1061310 Sale of Saint John Hi ton\Documents\Parking Garage Sublcase Acknowledgement Agreement McCarthy Tetrault. doc - 7 - E CANADA REAL EST A TIt INANCING HOLDING COM ANY Name: Title: S:\F - J Clicnts\Hilton Hotels Corporation\! 061 j] 0 Sale of Saint John Hilt n\Documents\Parking Garage Sublease I Acknowledgement Agreement McCarthy Tetrault. doc I I September 19, 2006 I Thr ity of saint John , City Manager's Office Bureau du directeur general P.O. Box/C P. 1971 Saint John, NBfN.-B. Canada E L 4L1 www.saintjohn.ca FAXED ORIGINAL 632-8809 Mr. Peter Forestell Patterson, Palmer Barristers & Solicitors One Brunswick Square Dear Mr. ForesteI1: Subject: Sale of the Hilton Hot I This is to advise that at the nex regularly schedule meeting of Common Council, I am prepared to recommend; 1. That the City of Saint J hn consent to the a signment of the sublease, and; I 2. Enter into the Acknowl dgement Agreem with the new sub-tenants' len~ r. I am not in a position at this ti e to recommend th the City of Saint John conseni 0 the assig t of the Manage t greement with res ect to the Saint John Trade an~ Cony on Center. . I REPORT TP COMMON COUNCIL I [ I I i I M & C - 2006-261 I I I I I September 22,2006 \ "1. His Worship Mayor Norm Members of Common Co City of saint John Your Worship and Councill SUBJECT: at 154 Germain treet West BACKGROUND: In a report to Common C recommended: 16, 2005, the City Manaf r That Council au orize the City Sol' citor to take the necessary st~ s required to achi ve vacant posses ion of its lands located at ~. 4 Germain St. Wes , PID 368100. I 2. That Council di ect the appropriat staff to ensure that a fence I s erected between is property at 154 ermain St. West and the adjacf t lands owned by ega Enterprises In ." , However, at its meeting of D cember 19, 2005 Ommon Council; 1. Resolved that the issue of the lease 154 Germain Stre t West be tabled; I f land to Mega Enterprises I~c , I 2. Resolved that e City manager explore the possibility of arrangement that ould realize a relo ation of the business. I I I City staff discussed with the rincipals of Ready John Inc. the re-Iocation ofth~' business from its Germain Street West locati n to another suitable locatid , possibly a site in one of the ndustrial Parks. A site containing a couple of ac~ would be required, as well a building andlo re-imbursement of the sum $60,000.00 representing rece t renovations' to th building at 154 Germain Str West. There is also the issue of the lease by an between Ready Jolm and Me which would require ame ding if not te ination. Staff considered $200,000.00 starting point to e excessive and co d not therefore make a positi recommendation to assist in the re-location of e Ready John business. As t~ issue of the lease was tabled, in January '06, in e normal course, the City bill" I I Receive and File. pagt I I I I I and received the 2006 annn I rent payment fro the tenant. The tenant remain~ in possession of the premises. J' Common Council at its m ting of September 11, 2006 authorized The Cit f Saint John to take the reco mended steps req ired to achieve vacant posses i n of its lands located at 154 G rmain Street West ID #368100. I In a separate report in Leg I Session the City olicitor will advise what specf IC steps are, or have been en, to achieve acant possession. Once va t possession is obtained st ff will have furth r discussions with Council n appropriate steps. i I I I I I I I i I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Report to Common Council September 22, 2006 RECOMMENDATION: ..............,' ~/ ''-''e....-.'' ",- Terrence Totten, F.C.A. City Manager BIIlll ! ,~ I; {)~i~.' ''-.~~~./ ..-" ~ :....----., ~~ rt" ~!j '1:; -', (IIJ ;'S S":r Ij :-"-.... . ~/'~.,I~~!,~ ~;~~ ! "~11i ,." -, (la ;:~ /I :t Ii ~ ~~ L~ '" '" ~ /Iii ~ '.' (rIJ"rtJ",r L~.,/.~' " ~:-~~ '--.. l.al) . .ot (~ ) " " " Description of Plan: Sketch in tion of the leased la d. Pan:N/A Date: 1. 20, 2006 PID:368100 Address: 54 Germain St. W.