2006-08-14_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaire City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday, August 14, 2006 Common Council Chamber Supplemental Agenda 5.7 Committee of the Whole Report - Appointment of Arbitrator (Recommendation) Re: 9.1 Letter from Tom Zed regarding Public Hearing 76 Coburg Street 10.2 Replacement of By-law M-7 Parking Zones 13.0 Committee of the Whole Report - Nomination to Board of Saint John Airport City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le lundi 14 aout, 2006 Salle du conseil communal L'ordre du jour supplementaire 5.7 Rapport du comite plenier relativement a la nomination de I'arbitre Alinea 9.1: Lettre du Paul Zed relativement d'une audience publique a 76 rue Coburg 10.2 Remplacement de I'arrete M-7 concernant les zones de stationnement 13.0 Rapport du comite plenier relativement aux nominations au L'aeroport Saint John . Legal Department John L. Nugent City Solicitor P.O. Box 1971 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L 1 Tel.: 506658-2860 Fax: 506 658-2802 S.1 LEGAL SESSION August 2, 2006 Common Council of The City of Saint John Your Worship and Councillors City of Saint John Appointment of Arbitrator Contract 2005-27 - Debly Enterprises Ltd. Street Reconstruction on McAllister Drive The City of Saint John entered into Contract 2005-27 with Debly Enterprises Ltd. for Street Reconstruction work on McAllister Drive (Rothesay A venue to Majors Brook Drive) in the City of Saint John. The Contract called for the backfilling of the pipe trenches on McAllister Drive to be done with pit run gravel material but the City subsequently requested Debly Enterprises Ltd. to instead do the backfilling of the said trenches using shale rock, geotextile fabric, and geogrid. A dispute arose between the City and Debly Enterprises Ltd. with respect to the amount to be paid for the substituted materials. Debly Enterprises Ltd. has given the City notice that it wishes to have the dispute put before a Board of Arbitration. The arbitration procedure requires each party to appoint an arbitrator and those persons in turn appoint the third arbitrator. Debly Enterprises Ltd. has notified the City that it has appointed Michael Whitford as an arbitrator. The City should now appoint an arbitrator. City staff contacted Mr. Gordon Mouland, P. Eng., to determine whether or nor he would agree to be appointed as an arbitrator and he has agreed to do so if the City wishes to appoint him. Mr. Mouland advised that he and his company have done work for the City and will be doing work in the near future for Debly Enterprises Ltd. He indicated that he can act impartially with respect to the arbitration and would treat each party equally and fairly. The solicitor for Debly Enterprises Ltd. has confirmed that her client does not object to the appointment of Mr. Mouland as an arbitrator. The adoption of the attached resolution in Open Session would be in order if Common Council wishes to appoint Mr. Mouland as an arbitrator with respect to the resolution of the above dispute. Yours truly Zt~ Solicitor Whereas The City of Saint John entered into Contract 2005-27 with Debly Enterprises Ltd. for Street Reconstruction work on McAllister Drive (Rothesay A venue to Majors Brook Drive) in the City of Saint John. And Whereas the Contract called for the backfilling of the pipe trenches on McAllister Drive to be done with pit run gravel material but the City subsequently requested Debly Enterprises Ltd. to instead do the backfilling of the said trenches using shale rock, geotextile fabric, and geogrid. And Whereas a dispute has arisen between the City and Debly Enterprises Ltd. with respect to the amount to be paid for the aforesaid substituted materials. And Whereas Debly Enterprises Ltd. has served the City with a Notice To Arbitrate wherein Debly Enterprises Ltd. requires that the matter in dispute be referred to a Board of Arbitration. The arbitration procedure requires each party to appoint an arbitrator and those persons in turn appoint the third arbitrator. And Whereas Debly Enterprises Ltd. has advised the City that it has appointed Mr. Michael Whitford as an arbitrator. And Whereas City staffhas contacted Mr. Gordon Mouland, P. Eng., of Fundy Engineering & Consulting Ltd., with a view to having him appointed as an arbitrator. He has agreed to be appointed as an arbitrator ifthe City wishes to appoint him. Debly Enterprises Ltd. has, through its solicitor, indicated that it has no objection to the appointment of Mr. Mouland as an arbitrator. Resolved that Mr. Gordon Mouland is hereby appointed as by the City of Saint John as an arbitrator on the Board of Arbitration involving City of Saint John Contract 2005-27. .' \ 'C"l \ (~ ':\,0> ~:.... I,ll '; \-A .\ ' \9- ZED & COMPANY BARRISTERS+SOLICITORS+ NOTARIES Thomas J. Zed, B.A., LL.B David G. Gauthier, B.A., LL.B. Joel C. Y ouden, B.A., B.Ed LL.B R. Scott Wilson, P. Eng, LL. B Mailing Address Suite 1501, 15 Market Square Saint John, NB E2L lE7 Telephone: 1 506-634-0800 Facsimile: 1 506-634-7938 Toll Free: 1 866-534-0800 August 14,2006 City of Saint John Common Clerk's Office 15 Market Square, 81h Floor Saint John, NB E2L 4Ll Attention: Mr J. Patrick Woods Dear Mr. Woods: Re: 70 Coburl!: Street Consider this letter Zed and Company's consent to accept the Planning Advisory Board's recommendations and conditions regarding the rezoning of76 Coburg Street. Thank you for your consideration of our application. Yours truly, <1 Q ---1- ~- L ~ - ) Vu~\~~ ~) G . Thomas J. Zed, Esq. ZED & COMPANY. TJZ/sg \0' ';)v BY-LAW NUMBER M-7 A BY -LAW TO AMEND A BY-LAW WITH RESPECT TO PARKING ZONES AND THE USE OF PARKING METERS AND PAY AND DISPLAY MACHINES Be it enacted by the Common Council of The City of Saint John as follows: A By-Law of The City of Saint John entitled "A By-Law to Amend A By-Law With Respect to Parking Zones and The Use of Parking Meters and Pay and Display Machines" enacted on the 15th day of March, 2004 is hereby amended as follows: 1 Subsection 6( 1) is repealed and the following is substituted: 6(1)(a) Subject to subsections (b), this section applies from 08:00 to 18:00 on Monday to Friday, inclusive, 6(1)(b) This section applies from 7:00 to 18:00 on Monday to Friday, inclusive, to the following locations: Southeast side of Coburg Street between Cliff Street and Bayard Drive; Southeast side of Bayard Drive between Coburg Street and Castle Street; The two St. Joseph's Hospital parking lots described in Schedule "C" while they are being leased by the Saint John Parking Commission and are available for parking by the public. 2 Schedule "C" is amended by adding to it the following: STREET LIMITS SIDE Coburg St Bayard Dr Cliff St to Bayard Dr Coburg St to Castle St Southeast Southeast St. Joseph's Hospital Bayard Drive Parking Lot (PID #16147) while it is being leased by the Saint John Parking Commission and is available for parking by the public. ARRtTTE NO M-7 ARRETE MODIFIANT L' ARRETE CONCERNANTLES ZONES DE ST A TIONNEMENT ET L'UTILISA TION DES P ARCOMETRES ET DES HORODATEURS Le Conseil communal de la City of Saint John edicte ce qui suit. L'arrete de la City of Saint John intitule <<Arrete modifiant l'arrete concernant les zones de stationnement et l'utilisation des parcometres et des horodateurs >>, promulgue Ie 15 mars 2004, est par les presentes modi fie comme suit. 1 Le paragraphe 6(1) est abroge et remplace par ce qui suit: 6(1 )a) Le present article s'applique de 8 h a 18 h du lundi au vendredi, inclusivement, sous reserve de l'alinea b. 6( l)b) Le present article s'applique de 7 h a 18 h du lundi au vendredi, inclusivement, dans les endroits ci-dessous : du cote sud-est de la rue Coburg entre la rue Cliff et la promenade Bayard; du cote sud-est de la promenade Bayard entre la rue Coburg et la rue Castle; dans les deux terrains de stationnement de l'hOpita1 St. Joseph decrits a I' annexe << C >> pendant que la Commission de stationnement de Saint John les loue et les met a 1a disposition du public a des fins de stationnement. 2 L'annexe << C >> est modifiee par I'addition de ce qui suit: RUE CCHE LIMITES Rue Coburg Pr. Bayard rue Cliff a la pr. Bayard sud-est rue Coburg a la rue Castle sud-est Terrain de stationnement de la promenade Bayard de l'hOpital St. Joseph (NID 16147) pendant que la Commission de stationnement de Saint John Ie loue et Ie met a la disposition du public a des fins de stationnement. 1 St. Joseph's Hospital Golding Street Parking Lot (PID #14423, #14431, #15982, #14506 and #14498) while it is being leased by the Saint John Parking Commission and is available for parking by the public. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the day of, A.D. 2006 signed by: Terrain de stationnement de 1a rue Golding de l'hOpital St. Joseph (NID 14423, 14431, 15982, 14506 et 14498) pendant que la Commission de stationnement de Saint John Ie loue et Ie met a 1a disposition du public a des fins de stationnement. EN FOI DE QUaI, la City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur Ie present arrete Ie **** 2006, avec 1es signatures ci-apres : Mayor/maire Assistant Common Clerk/Greffiere communale adjointe First Reading Second Reading Third Reading - August 1, 2006 - August 1, 2006 Premiere lecture Deuxieme lecture Troisieme lecture - 1 aout, 2006 - 1 aout, 2006 2 )~ Common Clerk's Office Bureau du greffier communal P.O. Box/C.P. 1971 Saint John, NB/N.-B. Canada E2L 4L1 www.saintjohn.ca 'J , / tfrL The City of Saint John lO.2(4)(b) August 14,2006 Deputy Mayor Michelle Hooton and Members of Common Council Members of Council, Re: Nominating Committee Recommendation The Nominating Committee met with Kathleen MacDonald, Noel Wittrien and Blair MacDonald on July 28,2006. As a result of those meetings the Committee makes the following recommendation: That Kathleen MacDonald be nominated to the Saint John Airport Inc. for a term of three years ending May, 2009. Respectfully submitted, oj . "7 ./~~ Mayor Norm McFarlane Chairman