2006-06-19_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaire 12.17 Red Head Secondary Access R .- ning 176 Tower St. Re: 5.19 Surrender of Lease - City Re: 9.3 Letter of Support - Propos d Re: 9.4(a) Letter of Objection - 310 rland Rd. Re: 10.1 Vesting - Tisdale Place Re: 10.3(a) Section 39 Conditions - Pop s d Re-zoning 2075 Loch Lomond Rd. Re: 1 0.3(b) Proposed Amendment t ect n 39 Conditions - 2075 Loch Lomond Rd. Re: 12.6, 12.7, 12.9 Presentation S in Jo Water I I I i I Alinea 5.19 Resiliation du bail de location de Il'eta I Alinea 9.3 Lettre d'appuie pour Ie projet de m~difi relativement au terrain situe au 1032, prom nfde Alinea 9.4(a) Objection par ecrit de modifi a~ion au terrain situe au 2075, chemin Loch Lorn 1 I Alinea 10.1 Devolution des allees - place T sd~le I i Alinea 10.3(a) Conditions imposees par l'a ic~e 3 chemin Loch Lomond i I I Alinea 1 0.3(b) Modification sur des conditi n~ im terrain situe au 2075, chemin Loch I I Alinea 12.6, 12.7, 12.9 Presentation de Sai t WOh 12.17 Processus d'expropriation relatif a la Oi~ d' o << 4 >> au Marche municipal tion de l'arn3te sur Ie zonage cCavour l'arrete sur Ie zonage relativement elativement au terrain situe au 2075, sees par l'article 39 relativement au ater ces secondaire Red Head /)." '" / - / \ C( ,,) f ---" Council At!enda JlI n~ 19 '006 - Item 5.19 M & C 2006-153 Subject: Termination of Lease Stall #4 City Market RECOMMENDATION: That The City of Saint Joh] tccep Nougatine et Chocolat Inc. fpr St: I June 30, 2006. I I a Surrender of the Lease with #4 at the City Market effective . q ,L\ (().) {to JOHN C. MARTIN ....................................................................................................................~........ ... ................................................................................................. 77 Loch Lomond Rd. Saint John, N.B., Canada E2L 4S1 Tel: (506) 652 8868 Mayor & Council c/o Common Clerk I wish to express my objection to FURTHE~ D ELOPMENT on Westmorland Road and the rezoning of 31 0 Westmorland Rload like reconsideration to be given to a uirement that access from Rothesay andatory prior to the development al e dy approved in the area of the Home ~ Ret//~)~ John C Mart ftfi. (el") lAft~ 0/ t' 1t / ~4 J~ n. 7j!. n If./-/ {;' ( . ~' tQ, I PROPOSED RESOLUTION - VESTING dale Place - June 19, 2006 RESOLVED that: ALL THOSE CERTAIN lands situate lying and bei in the City of Saint John in the County of Saint John and Province of New Bruns i k and more particularly described as those lanes or portions thereof having a width of . 7 metre (15 feet) more or less, commonly referred to as "fire lanes" or "service la s" shown on the "Plan of Tisdale Place Situate at St. (sic) John, N.B." filed in the S int John County Registry Office on January 22, 1921, as File 13#37 lying within the b ndaries of lands assigned PID 00322180 by Service New Brunswick, vest in The ity of Saint John pursuant to the provision of "An Act to Authorize The City of Saint J hn to Discontinue or Temporarily Close Up Public Streets in the City of Saint John en Necessary" (N.B. Statutes 56 Victoria 1893, Chapter 41 as amended). N' )D-3{~) Section 39 Conditions - 2075 ch Lomond Road That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of t Community Planning Act, the proposed development of the parcel of land locat d immediately adjacent to 2075 Loch Lomond Road, also identified as being the front p ion of PID No. 00325209, be limited to the following: (a) This area only be developed with a paved driv commercial development at 2075 Loch Lomond 55164230, and that no buildings or structures (ex permitted within this area; and (b) That a board-on-board fence with a minimum ight of 2.4 metres be constructed by the proponent along the common property bou ary with 2051 Loch Lomond Road (PID No. 00331041), and that such fence b onstructed 8.5 metres back from Loch Lomond Road to the front of the existin commercial building, a distance of approximately 35 metres, and that su h fencing must be completed prior to the development of the proposed commer i I driveway; ay access for the adjoining d, also identified as being PID No. pt for fencing) be and that the land and any structure thereon must developed and used in conformity with the proposal and condition identified herein. /0, 3 ( icY) SECTION 39 CONDITIONS - 2075 OCH LOMOND ROAD RESOLVED that Common Council amend the, Se ton 39 conditions imposed on the July 7,2003 rezoning of the property located at 2 5 Loch Lomond Road, also identified as PID No. 55164230, by replacing the existing c n itions with the following: (a) That the property only be develope with one-storey buildings and limited to the following uses: business offi church, community centre, dwelling unit, funeral home, park, personal ice shop, repair service shop, retail store, school, health club, or a gro p care facility, (b) That no building or structure (exce t for fencing) be situated within 6 metres of the eastern side propert oundary of the property; (c) That a board-on-board fence with inimum height of 2.4 metres be constructed by the proponent alon t e common property boundary with 2109 Loch Lomond Road (PID No.5 027973), and that such fence be constructed 8.5 metres back from 0 h Lomond Road to the rear of the existing commercial building, a dist ce of approximately 57 metres, and that such fencing must be complet d prior to the issuance of a building permit for the development of the p posed future office building; (d) That exterior lighting not operate a r 10:00 p.m. daily, and that such lighting be designed in a manner th does not direct light onto adjacent residential properties; (e) That the development be in accord ce with one or more detailed site plans approved by the Developme t fficer illustrating asphalt parking areas and driveways; (f) That site be developed in accordan with one or more detailed drainage plans, subject to the approval of th hief City Engineer, including the installation of any necessary catch sins; (g) All disturbed areas of the developm t site not occupied by buildings, parking areas and driveways be la d caped within six (6) months from the issuance of a building permit fo ny phase of the commercial development; and the land and any building or str ture thereon must be developed and used in conformity with the pro sal and conditions identified herein. {'l" '\ Cl I ~" / ; D<. \ ! / !' 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(1) > .- en e $ >< W .c CO .- - en (1) Q):::; -0 0 CO "- ,,-+-oJ C)C 0.0 ~~ c E .Q Q)+-oJ +-oJ CO en "- >.::) 00.2' +-oJ'+- C e co 0 u~ tt= (1) . -- s.... C ::) 0> +-oJ .- 0 en ::) "- +-oJ en CO "- '+- e ~ ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ ~ 0 ...... ca .c ....., tn C o -- ...... CJ G) ...... o S- a. c .- >- CJ ca ::::J 0" CD ". ca c. .- tJJ ::::J o -- S- CD U) .. .. .,. C; N .., .... o N N .... o N .... C; N +-I COZ" ,-...en e (1) .2 S +-oJ '-'" ~. Q) ~~ tt=co =...J 2(1) '-'" 0 en =' (1) "- ._ a. ~oo .- 0-- J2ZO' +-I en c CO (1)W E'-'" +-oJ Q) co~ Q) CO J:;. ...J C "- "- (1) (1) E -0 .- Om ~...J -r- -r- o N -0 C co o -r- o N C) C .t: ::) -0 -0 (1) +-oJ o ::) "- +-oJ en c o o en +-oJ c co - c.. en 0) .......... co .......... en W 0) -0 -- C/) .......... cn(D 0)0 s~ -..-...... ..c.... -- -C.~ OID Ot: ~~ C 0) - (9 Q) C -- -c o o - LL \1 \1' City Solicitor's Office Bureau de l'avocat municipal P.O. Box! . . 1971 Saint John B/N.-B. Canada E 4L1 www.saintjohn.ca The City of Saint John June 19,2006 Common Council of The City of Saint John Your Worship and Councillors: Re: Red Head Secondary Access Road - xpropriation The City on May 25, 2006 expropriated tit! 0 Parcels 06-08, 06-10, 06-13, 06-14,06-15,06-17, 06-19A, 06-19B, 06-20 n 06-21. Agreement upon compensation in the amoun f $16,582.50 has been reached with the owner of Parcels 06-20 and 06-21. t is now in order for Common Council to authorize payment of that amount i exchange for a Release in the City's favour. The text of an appropriate reso ion is attached. Unfortunately, agreement upon compensation t4 r the remaining parcels has not been possible. In these cases the City must n offer and tender compensation to the former owners. The Expropriation Ac quires that we tender 100% of the market value of the lands. However, e rly in the process and as an expression of good faith, a commitment w made to the owners that they would receive not less than 125% of the arket value, regardless of the outcome of negotiations with them. Ac 0 dingly, the offer and tender recommended to Council reflects an amou t that is 25% greater than the market value determined by an independen ppraisal firm. In addition to compensation it is in order at this time, wi h respect to those parcels upon which agreement as to compensation has no een reached, to address entry into possession of those lands. The text of a opriate resolutions authorizing the making of an offer and tender and the ent into possession of these parcels is also attached. RjC~j;J~~j- ~ty ;~lic~ornt Attachs. RESOLVED THAT the amount of $16,582 be paid to Mrs. Winnifred V. Trecartin in full compensation for her i terest in Parcel 06-20 (PID #55181077) and Parcel 06-21 (PID #55181 9) expropriated by the City on May 25, 2006, in exchange for a Full Relea in favour of the City respecting the expropriation of the aforesaid parcels. I. RESOLVED THAT: l. An offer of $6,790.00 be made t Dennis James Griffin and Elizabeth Janice Griffin in full c pensation of their interest in Parcel 06-08 (PID #55181051) s wn on Plan of Survey to Accompany Notice of Expropriation, ed May 23, 2006 and certified correct by Hughes Surveys & Con u tants Inc., which parcel was expropriated by The City of Saint Jo on the 25th day of May, 2006 and which amount represents 125% oft e market value of the parcel as determined by Destecher Appraisals L n. the aforesaid amount of $6,790.00 Griffin and Elizabeth Janice Griffin; tendered upon Dennis James ]]]. a copy of the Appraisal Report pre Destecher Appraisals Ltd. and upon made, be served upon Dennis J ame Griffin; and ed by David D. Babineau of ich the Offer and Tender are riffin and Elizabeth Janice FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that where s the said Parcel 06-08 (PID #55181051) is not occupied for purposes 0 the Expropriation Act, the Common Council does hereby authorize the i y's taking physical possession of Parcel 06-08 (PID #55181051) upon the te ering of compensation. II. RESOLVED THAT: 1. An offer of $1,618.75 be made j i tly to Alison Jane McKiel, Douglas Roy McKiel as well as Roy rust Corporation of Canada in full compensation oftheir interest i arcel 06-13 (PID #55181010) shown on Plan of Survey to Accomp Notice of Expropriation, dated May 23, 2006 and certified correct b ughes Surveys & Consultants Inc., which parcel was expropriated The City of Saint John on the 25th day of May, 2006 and which ount represents 125% of the market value of the parcel as determin by Destecher Appraisals Ltd.; 11. the aforesaid amount of $1,618.75 McKiel, Douglas Roy McKiel an Canada; tendered upon Alison Jane oyal Trust Corporation of Ill. a copy of the Appraisal Report pre Destecher Appraisals Ltd. and upon made, be served upon Alison Jane M Royal Trust Corporation of Canada ed by David D. Babineau of ich the Offer and Tender are . el, Douglas Roy McKiel and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that where #55181010) is not occupied for purposes Common Council does hereby authorize the of Parcel 06-13 (PID #55181010) upon the te the said Parcel 06-13 (PID f the Expropriation Act, the ty's taking physical possession ering of compensation. III. RESOLVED THAT: 1. An offer of $13,136.25 and $3, 1.25 be made to Thomas Developments Limited in full comp sation of its interest in Parcel 06-14 (PID #55181044) and Pa el 06-15 (PID #55181036) respectively, shown on Plan of Su ey to Accompany Notice of Expropriation, dated May 23, 2006 d certified correct by Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc., which pels were expropriated by The City of Saint John on the 25th day 0 May, 2006 and which amount represents 125% of the market value 0 the parcels as determined by Destecher Appraisals Ltd.; ll. the aforesaid amounts of $13,136.25 Thomas Developments Limited; d $3,871.25 be tendered upon ]]]. a copy of the Appraisal Report pre Destecher Appraisals Ltd. and upon made, be served upon Thomas Develo ed by David D. Babineau of ich the Offer and Tender are ents Limited; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that where #55181044) and Parcel 06-15 (PID #551810 of the Expropriation Act, the Common Co City's taking physical possession of Parce Parcel 06-15 (PID #55181036) upon the tend the said Parcel 06-14 (PID ) are not occupied for purposes cil does hereby authorize the 06-14 (PID #55181044) and ng of compensation. IV. RESOLVED THAT: 1. An offer of $5,556.25 be made Marion E. Debly in full compensation of her interest in Parce 6-17 (PID #55181028) shown on Plan of Survey to Accompany No i e of Expropriation, dated May 23, 2006 and certified correct by Hu s Surveys & Consultants Inc., which parcel was expropriated by Th City of Saint John on the 25th day of May, 2006 and which amoun epresents 125% of the market value of the parcel as determined by D techer Appraisals Ltd.; 11. the aforesaid amount of $5,556.25 be t dered upon Marion E. Debly; 111. a copy of the Appraisal Report pre ed by David D. Babineau of Destecher Appraisals Ltd. and upon ich the Offer and Tender are made, be served upon Marion E. Deb y and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that where the said Parcel 06-17 (PID #55181028) is not occupied for purposes f the Expropriation Act, the Common Council does hereby authorize the 'ty's taking physical possession of Parcel 06-17 (PID #55181028) upon tende' g of compensation. V. RESOLVED THAT: 1. An offer of $1,385.00 and $7,051.25 made to the Heirs of Thomas Bean in full compensation of their n erest in Parcel 06-19A (PID #55179998) and Parcel 06-19B (PID 55180004) respectively shown on Plan of Survey to Accompany Noti of Expropriation, dated March 24, 2006 and certified correct by Hu s Surveys & Consultants Inc., which parcels were expropriated by T City of Saint John on the 30th day of March, 2006 and which amou t represents 125% of the market value of the parcels as determined by stecher Appraisals Ltd.; 11. the aforesaid amounts of $1,385.00 a for the benefit of the Heirs of Thoma $7,051.25 be paid into Court ean; 111. a copy of the Appraisal Report pre a ed by David D. Babineau of Destecher Appraisals Ltd. and upon ich the Offer and Tender are made, accompany the aforesaid payme into Court; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that where the said Parcel 06-19A (PID #55179998) and Parcel 06-19B (PID #5 180004) are not occupied for purposes of the Expropriation Act, the Comm Council does hereby authorize the City's taking physical possession of Pare I 06-19A (PID #55179998) and Parcel 06-19B (PID #55180004) upon tende n of compensation. VI. RESOLVED THAT: 1. An offer of $1,047.50 be made to th state of Thomas Graham in full compensation of its interest in reel 06-10 (PID #55180020) shown on Plan of Survey to Accompa Notice of Expropriation, dated March 24, 2006 and certified correct b ughes Surveys & Consultants Inc., which parcel was expropriated b The City of Saint John on the 30th day of March, 2006 and which a ount represents 125% of the market value ofthe parcel as determin d by Destecher Appraisals Ltd.; 11. the aforesaid amount of $1,047.50 be id into Court for the benefit of the Heirs of Thomas Graham; 111. a copy of the Appraisal Report pre a ed by David D. Babineau of Destecher Appraisals Ltd. and upon ich the Offer and Tender are made, accompany the aforesaid payme into Court; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that where the said Parcel 06-10 (PID #55180020) is not occupied for purposes f the Expropriation Act, the Common Council does hereby authorize the i y's taking physical possession of Parcel 06-10 (PID #55180020) upon tende' g of compensation.