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2008-12-20_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour
City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Saturday, December 20, 2008 Committee of the Whole 1. Call to Order -Council Chamber Open to the Public Budget Presentations 9:00 a.m. 1(a) Leisure Services 10:30 a.m. 1(U) Corporate Plaiuung 1(c) Information Technology 1(d) Communications Time Permitting Legal & Common Clerk 1 City of Saint John Leisure Services Department Proposed Budget - 2009 pity Of saint J®hn Leisure Services Department Proposed Budget 2009 P~°esentation to Comn~an Council 3 ~~0~~~~~o~Q~ ~ ~ Leisure Services Y Cl[y PF SA~I1[ ~Pllll Leisure Services/ Services des IoI5ir5 Agenda i~ Introduction z~ Background ~7 Services 4~ Service Challenges s7 2009 Proposed ©perating Budget Leisure Services /Services des loisirs Introduction i~ a ~ ~ J i r M~ w~ ,m~~, i ~w K~~- Leisure Services /Services des loisirs 1 4 Introduction Recreation and Parks joined together in 1996 z~ Leisure Services was farmed in 2pp3 s} Steady decline in budgets ga Steady decline in resources s} Strategic Plan 2003 - Leisure Services J Services des laisirs SerVICeS Parks & Open Space z) Facilitated Wellness {Health & Social) 37 Recreation and Leisure Facilities 47 Recreation and Leisure Programming s7 Community Development Leisure Services ~ Services des loisirs Services Parks & Qpen Space: Maintaining, preserving, developing, acquiring and protecting Saint ]ohn's natural and outdoor environment. ~µq~~ ~3 I t 1 1" iV' Flt 3 1 t. H f ~ ~'t' ~ ~ Lel$lare $ErvICeS ~ $eNICeS deS dDiSirS 5 Services Facilitated Wellness (Health & Social): Programs and services to improve the well-being of all citizens. r ~ ~ ~ ?,rr F~ ,.s- k leisure Services / Servkes des loisirs Services Recreatipn and Leisure Facilities Facilities for all citizens to eejoy leisure activities. ~ ~~-~s . yz. ~ ,;yin=~:.; Leisure Services /Services des loisirs Services Recreation and Leisure Programming Programs meeting a wide range of artistic, cultural, athletic, social and educational ia~«~~». F a ~ L ~ ~,:..t - 4 Leisure Services / ~Y-ervlces des loisirs i 3 6 Services Community Development: Supporting and consulting with citizens to enhance leisure gpportunities. _ f . ~ rt Ls€sure Services J Services des loisirs Service Challenges ? Demographics Weilness ? Inclusion Socio-economic ReSOUrceS Leisure Services (Services des loisirs Service Challenges Demographics: There has been a steady decline in the population of Saint ]ohn since 1991 (Slats Canada, 2D06}. Saint ]ohn has the smallest proportion of young people and the largess proportion of seniors in the region (An overview of Health Status Report, AHSC). Leisure Services / Semces des loisirs 4 7 ii I Service Challenges Wellness: : Yoath obesity rates in Canada have tripled over the past 25 years. (Province Of New Brunswick, Get Wellness Soon, 2008}. : New Brunswick has the hi hest rate of physical inackiviry over the aqe of 20 in Canada (Province of New Brunswick, Get Wellness Soon, 2p08). : Statistics Canada has rated New Brunswick as having one of the hi hest obesity rates in the coungqyy at 33.8°/u (Province of New 1~runswick, Get wellness Soan, 2p08) At 24.4% of the~opulation 15 and over, the obesity rate in Saint John in 20 5 was 157% of the national average and 106% of the provincial average (Community Neaith Survey) Leisure Services /Services des loisirs Service Challenges Inclusion: : There are 8,300 children in Saint John living in poverty (PRO Kids). There are 16,360 children under the age of 19 in Saint ]ohn (Stats Canada Community Profile}. On average the City's community centres serve 1000 Children per year from all backgrounds (Community Centre Survey). : Some of our facilities are physically inaccessible and need upgrading. leisure Services / Services des loisirs Service Challenges SpCio-r:CpnpmiC: More than 30% of teen births in the ?ttyy of Saint ]ohn in 2{106-2007 were to mothers younger than 18. (AHSC) - 23%of New Brunswick births to teens take place in Safnt ]ohn and the surrounding area (Greater Saint ]ohn Teen Pregnancy Committee). [n Saint ]ohn the child poverty rate, based on the Low 1n[ome Meawre, was 25.3% in 2005. {Stahsdcs Canada} The violent Crime rate in Saint ]ohn CMA was 38%ahove the national average and 5795 above the 2005 rate for New Bmnswick `fhe rape was up 54 % frpm 1991 (vital Statistics Report, 2007} Leisure Services I Services des loisirs 8 Serrrice Challenges Resources: Since 1998 Leisure Services workforce has been reduced by over 30°!0. During the same period the Leisure Services Budget has decreased by over 1 mi6iion dollars. 2008 saw the first significant capital investment in recreation fatilitie5 Since 1998. The Leisure Services staff has an averege age of 48. Leisure Services !services des Ioisir5 2009 Operating Budget One of Council's Pr+arikies: A significant re-investment in existing recreational facilities and programs with the goal of planning and constructing one new recreational facility based on the needs of the community. Leisure Services /services des laisirs 2009 Operating Budget Ward Meetings: One of the main concerns arising out of the ward meetings was the communities concerns far neglect of recreational facilities and the need far enhancements and upgrades, Leisure Services J Services des loisirs U 9 2009 Operating Budget Budgets: 1. Administration P.R.O. Kids 3. Arenas 4. Facilities Maintenance 5. Landscape Maintenance 6. Leisure Services Programming 7. Community Grant Program , LeISUre servlCes l 52rViCeS des IOISIfS 2009 Operating Budget Administration: ~ 4 Management staff a 3 full-tune administrative staff a Management of agreements and licenses o Liaison and funding far various advisory hoards and committees o Staff development and training o Administrative support for all staff Y Facility and program tx~akings a. General administration (purchasing, payroll, ero.) M 2009 Proposed Budget $857,335 Leisure Services J $erviCeS des loisirs 2009 Operating Budget P.R.a. Kids Administration: ~ One management position o One part time position o Administration budget ro Cover advertising, office supplies, fundraising costs, etc. s All costs are shares with ether municipalities - Rothesay, Quispamsis, Grand Bay/ Westfield. m All funds raised ga completely td Support children ~ Funds raised this year $104,000 (September) o Children placed in 2008 is 597 a 2009 proposed Budget $78,17p 4eisure Services J Services des 3oisirs 10 I 2009 iDperating Budget Arenas: a 20 full-time staff far 6 months c The operation and maintenance of 3 arenas far 23 weeks far 16 hours each day from end of October to beginning of April each year. r The operation of one arena for 38 weeks far 16 hours each day from end of October h3 beginning of April and providing summer ice from June to September. s 2009 Proposed Budget is $ 1,174,b42 Leisure Services 1 Services des loisirs 2009 Operating Budget Facilities Management: a 20 ful!-time staff & 18 Casuals {6 months) a 3 full-tme staff for 12 months w On site maintenance and supervision a# the three major sports complexes (Memorial Park, Shamrock Park, Forest Hills Park, Allison Grounds) a 72 playgrounds inspected weekly and maintenance carried out as needed F 16 tennis courts are maintained at fi IoGations a 30 tlaseball/softball fields maintained at 25 locations ~ Z footdall fields, 5 soccer fields, 1 field hockey ~ 6 beaches are maintained 20{19 Proposed Budget $ 1,355,165 Leisure Services! Sero~ces des pi5ir5 2009 Operating Budget Landscape Maintenance: ~ 10 full-time staff & 20 casuals a Maintenance all laadsraped areas, parks and squares ¢ Plant 65,000 to 70,000 annuals and bulbs in its fiowerbeds, planters and hanging baskets each year o- Maintenance of OPd Loyalist Burial Grounds, Harbour Passage, King's Square, Water St., Queens Square, Rockwood Park. ~ Maintain 36 hectares ofgrassed area; Cut 430 hectares each year (1100 football fields) ¢ Tree maintenance ~ Maintain over 30km of trails city-wide including Harbour Passage e Landscape maintenance tourist sites 0 2009 Proposed Budget $ 1,859,748 Leisure Services /Services des lolsirs C.~ 11 i 2009 Operating Budget Leisure 5elvit:es Programming: 0 8 full-time staff, ZD sessionals & 2 casuals ~ Supports the operation pF 6 community centres to provide programming for City residents a There are approximately 200 programs offered each year throughh these 6 community centres a Supports file operation of 5 pr'svately operated community centres ~ Various programming in 4 Wards o- Programming Far various facilities a Community Development Projects fi Developing various partnerships with outside community groups and agencres ~ Lifeguard servioeS are provided at 4 city beaches ° 0 2009 Proposed Dudgek $ 1,253,311 Leisure Services! Services des Ivislrs 2009 Operating Budget Community Grant Program: ~ Community Grant Program = $90,000 a Boys & Girls CIu6 = $114,400 a Aquatic Clubs = $15,361 Youth Subsidy = $191,639 ¢ tJnallacated = $40,OD0 ~ Total budget = 451,400 Leisure Services) Services des loisirs 2009 Operating Budget Proposed Adjustments far 2009:. Lifeguard Servioes increases and funding for Lily Lake Life Guards and purchase of new beach equipment = $44,000 Recreation Equipment for Community Centres = $6,D00 ¦ Funding for additional Community Centre Staff = $8,535 LeisureServices /Services des loisirs 9 12 2009 Operating Budget Proprsed Adjustments for 2009: ¦ Funding for additional 5 casual staff for Lily Lake Ice Maintenance, Harbour Passage, night shift washrooms, additional field maintenance, new parks an Water St„ Ross Memorial Park, Irving Dome, St. Patrick's Sq., St. Andrew's Sq., Station 1 Skate Park. {6 @ $620Jwk x 24 wks} $89,280 ¦ Requirement for materials for Harbour Passage and other sitE's, general need for increased materials $68.093 L215ure Services / Servires des loisirs 2009 Operating Budget Proposed Adjustments far 2009: • 10°/a fuel increase = $15,297 • 3 % Hydro increase = $7,565 • 2.6% CPI = $49,315 • Insurance deduetibleincrease $3,441 • Increases,in YMCA contract approved by Council in ]une 2006 = $23,000 • Taxes far lily Lake Pavilson $34,000 • Advertising and promotion $47,000 Leisure ServECes J Services des loisirs 2009 Operating Budget Proposed Adjustments for 2009: • Community Grant Program • Boys & Girls Club request for subsidy increase from $140,000 to $114,400 = $14,400 • Request to increase Community Grant Program from $lB,oOO to $90,000 = $az,ooo - Increase in Youth Subsidy (to cover additional ice time at Harbour Station) from $167,639 ro $191,539 = $z4,0ao • Total request for Grant Program increase ($11p,400 - $40,000) already in program = $70,400 Leisu2 Services /Services des loisirs n 13 2009 Operating Budget Proposed Adjustments for 2004: Operating Budget: $395,677 Community Grant Program : $ 7D,400 Total Request: $4bb,027 Leisure Services /Services des loisirs 2009 Proposed Operating Budget Summary • Administration $ 857,335 • P.R.O. Kids $ 78,170 • Arenas $ 1,170,642 • Fadlities Maintenance $ 1,355,165 • Landscape Maintenance $ 1,859,748 • Leisure Services Programming $ 1,259,311 Total Operating Budget $ 6,56D,37f • Community Grant Program ~ 451.400 Total Leisure Services $ 7,031,771 Leisure Services /Services des loisirs Budget Reduction of 5% Leisure Seances / Services des loisirs 11 14 Budget Reduction of 5% $309,132 Leisure Services /Services des loisirs Budget Reduction of 5% i) Lifeguards = $109,OQQ z~ Summer Playgrounds = $ 1QO,D00 s) dne Arena $390,000 {50% revenue) _ $195,000 al 'Tree Maintenance Program = $200,OOp s~ One Community Centre = $ifi0,D00 s) Marigolds on Main 5t = $15,U00 Mispec Park = $23,Q00 Leisure Services /Services des loisirs 2009 Leisure Services Budget Thank You Leisure Servires /Services des loisirs 15 City of Saint John I~eisrxre Services I)epart~nent Proposed Budget 2009 apartment ~vervla 16 LEISURE SERVICES DEPARTMENT, The Leisure Services Department is responsible for the programming and maintenance of the City's green spaces, recreational facilities a11d providing community leis~.~re opport?.ulities. The Service has ui operating budget of approximately $6 million and a staff of 49 permanent employees and up to 50 casual/ student outside workers, commuulity centre staff and playground supervisors in summer. Staff breal~down is as follows: 33 Parlcs Staff 8 Recreation Staff 3 Administrative Staff 4 Managers I Contract Position (PRO Kids) Administration Contract Management - This area is responsible for the administration and management of over 30 contracts. These contracts are agreements of various descriptions dealing with anything from concession operations to full management contracts. Anynew partnerships developed are required to have an agreement and it is the responsibly of staff in this area to develop and monitor these contracts. Training -all training for staff is identified aild co-ordulated with Human Resources Department. It is the goal of LeisLUre Services to provide training where possible for as manly employees each year as necessary. Horticulture and Arboriculture training is ongoing, training in First Aid, CPR and WHMIS is C011dllcted regularly as is driver training, safety training, facility orientation, etc. Attempts are made to enslrre as many staff as possible attend seminars and conferences pertaining to their area of expertise. If courses are not readily available and the training is needed, courses wi11 be designed and qualified instructors hired. Examples of this are: - Horticultural Certification Program, - Arena Operators Certification Program, - ISA Certification Preparation Program, - Community Development Certification Program, - Sports Field and Turf Management Program, - Comm~.ulity Centre Operations Orientation and Training, - Arena Operations Orientatian & Training, - Playground Itlspection Certification, - IPM Certification These certification programs are designed in partnership between the City and an accredited educational institution such as the New Brunswick Community College, Nova Scotia Agriculture College and /or one of the regions universities. Sud~et Management -Monthly budget variance reports are prepared and staff meeting takes place in groups and individually to monitor budgets. Reports are produced for Finance Department. 17 General Administrative Duties -The general management of the office affairs, such as information teclnlology, scheduling of support staff, personnel administration, etc. Landscape Maintenance _HortieuIture - maintenance of flowerbeds, s11t-~.ibs, bulbs, preparation of beds, planting, cultivating, weeding, spraying, watering, fertilising, litter removal, and general grooming. There are seven gardeners working in this area sonic of which are certified tln-ough an in-house designed program by the City of Saint John in partnership with the New Brunswick Community College. The training of staff for this certification required one day per week for 2.5 years; all of which was sponsored and funded by the City of Saint John, Pesticides-the City is very discriminate in the use of chemical pesticides, All applicators are trained and licensed by the Province of New Brunswick. Full body protection is required when applying pesticides and sufficient public notice is required prior to and for 24 hours after application. Pesticides are applied to the sports fields or major competition turf and intensive hortic?.ilture areas. No chemicals are used on play spaces, Rockwood Park or playgrounds. Pesticides are only applied on an as regtrired.base. Leisure Services is switching its focus to Il~tegrated Pest Management (IPM} and has 5 staff certified in this area. Parks & Sa wares - maintenance of turf areas, floral displays, repairs to fences, park benches, picnic tables, monuments, water fountains, painting, flags, and inspections. The prime horticulture areas are Kings Square, the Loyalist Burial Grolmds, Harbour Passage, King Street, City Hall, Water Street, St. Andrew's Square, St. Patrick's Square, areas of the uptown and Rockwood Park. Other horticulture areas include interchanges, the Horticultural Gardens and the Saint John Throughway. The business area is also decorated with ~0 hanging baskets and street planters. The City plant aild maintains between 45,000 and 50,000 alu~uals each year in flowerbeds throughout the city. The City received a national award form the National Capital Commission in 1996 and 1997 for its floral displays in the Uptown area. Mowing -cutting grass to a specified height /location at 141 locations (54 lea.), edging, string trimming, litter removal, inspections, and special requests. Mowing on a seasonal schedule of the 54 Ha. which amounts to 660.7 ha per year of maintained grass or 1,100 football fields. Naturalisation - a number of areas have been planted with slu•rxbs and natuural vegetation to reduce the need for mowing. These include areas which are difficult or time consluning to mow such highway interchanges. A newly development natural marshland on the Saint John Harbour front provides water purification to street run-off prior to entering the harbour. Arboriculture -maintenance of 11,000 street trees, pruning, removals where necessary, surgery, fertilising, watering, spraying, storm damage, inspections. In the past the City planted up to 300 trees per year, This has been dramatically reduced over the past few years. The City does accept donations for tree plantings. There are seven ISA (International Society of Arboriculture} Certif ed Arborists working in this area and all work is performed to ISA standards. The pruning and removals work is primarily done in the winter by a block pruning program. Emergency situations are done year around. There are 49 different species of street trees in Saint John that have been inventoried. The City diversifies the 18 selection of species planted as much as possible each year. The parks have not been inventoried to date and the more exotic species are planted in the parks. Rockwood Park -maintenance and programming of a 1,140 Ha. park which includes a farm, a zoo, a golf course, playgrounds, beaches, trails, lakes, water sports, a campground and an interpretative centre, cross country skiing, and day adventure tours. All programming and maintenance within this park area are aimed at environmental education outdoor pursuits. Composting -all waste products from trees and flower beds are taken to a central location and composted. This compost is used to amend soils wherever needed. The chips from forestry operations are used for trail dressings. Soil is saved from building projects and reused around the city in landscaping projects. Tourist Sites -The City of Saint John manages its own to Visitor lnforrnation Centres (V1C). These are given a high priority and receive greater attention. Facilities Maintenance Snorts -responsible for the scheduling and programming of the sporting venues. This includes the development of partnerships and serving as a liaison to the sporting community. This area is responsible to monitor trends in sports and provide advice and guidance in the development of needed sporting facilities. There is also a responsibility to seek and attract major sporting events to the City. The City worPcs with 122 sporting organization within the Saint John area. Plav~rounds -maintenance of 721ocations, performing inspections, and repair to play stntcti~res, garbage containers, picnic tables, parl{ benches, painting, litter removal, filling and grading sand, installation of new equipment. All playground maintenance and construction is in accordance to the CSA Standard for Play Spaces and staffs are trained on these standards. Sports Fields - maintenance of 601oeations and the prograim~ning of 39 locations; turf inauitenatice, fertilizing, aerating, top dressing, seeding, sodding, mowing, warning tracks, crown grading, litter picking, painting, fence repairs, lining, marring, minor building repairs„ includes tennis court maintenance. The fields are classified according to the maintenance they receive and the programming requirements. Beaches -Filling and grading beach and swi~mining areas, setting a,ip and dismantling scheduled programs, litter and garbage removal, repairs to fences, guard chairs, and other amenities, safety inspections. There are b major beaches in Saint John of which 4 have life guards. Arenas - operation of faun civic arenas for various programs from 8:00 a.m. to 1:fl0 a.m. seven days per week from October to April each year. One of these arenas remains open for stunmer operation. Outd©or Ice Rinks -there are a number of these locations each winter. Generally these are operated by commzmity groups but, weather permitting the City does maintain ice on Lily Lake and sometimes at Fisher Lakes in Rockwood Parlc. Skatepark: newly opened in October 2008. 19 J Community DeveYapment This area operates as a unit to encourage the community to take the initiative and provide recreational opportunities for themselves. Through this program, there 11as been projects fionl neighbourhood clean ups to complete management contracts for major recreational facilities by community groups. There are six commtulity centres operated by the municipality (3 directly and 3 by way of contract) and five operated by citizen and voltulteer groups. The city has taken the direction ir1 providing assistance to private groups and acting as facilitators to ensure services are provided. It has become the City's role to identify trends and assist where possible in putting together partners to develop programs and facilities. The City will omen provide a small grant to , initiate a partnership. There have been a ntunber of community beautification aild awareness projects. These consisted from clean-up of wooded and beach areas to awareness programs. A number of groups have adapted areas and started to develop these areas as parks, such as the park on Scotia View Drive operated by t11e Lancaster Kiwanis, T11e Lancaster Kiwanis were also instrtunental in providing all the trees on Manchester Ave. Marigolds on Main Street National Wiruler of the CPRA 2003 Award of Excellence for Innovation has been a very successful beautification prograrn involving partnerships between the City, Schools and p~~vate businesses. This year marks 11 years for the program which involved up to S00 school children ages from kindergarten to grade five students. 35,000 marigolds are planted each year on Main Street. Sneeial services are provided for persons with special needs and for seniors. Seniors nrograrns--The City provides a co-ordinator to work with and assist seniors in developing recreational opportunities. Natural Ice Rinks -Each year commtulity groups wanting to put an outdoor ice rink in their neighbourhood ai~e assisted by providing guidance and materials. PR4 Kids -this is a program designed to offer opporttulities to youth to participate in a leisure activity which noilnally would have been cast prohibitive. In 2008 PRC Rids will have placed over G00 youth in various leisure pursuits through this program. Community Centres: Tl1e City operates b community centres located in key areas of the city. These service the community by providing programming for all age groups. As well, there are 5 community associations which operafie commtulity centres through volunteers. The city provides these centres with a small operating grant each years as well as working with the various groups in setting up their programs. Greater Saint Jahn Community Gardens -Staffs works with the Greater Saint Jahn Community Gardens, located at the entrance to Rockwood Park. This is a self sttfficiEnt program and will have 100 gardeners this year. There are plans to expand this program to the South end this summer. 20 City of Saint John Leisure Services Department Proposed Budget 2009 organizational Chart 21 ~rervices De~~r~Yn'en~ ~,,ei~ur'~ Commissioner gecreation MaIIager parrs manager Ad~ninistra~ve 0~tcer 'Team Leader anageT Rockwood FLeldsfNreflas YRG lids M park Coordinator General Inclusion Foreman Comm t N Inspections pe~velop Admi~s~ative Assistant (3) special Frojects parks Foreman +Cummittees Team Leader Community rseniors~ Centre Community Coordinator Associations t~~ City of Faint Join Leisure Services Tl~epartment Proposed Budget 2009 r Budget .I~acum.entS 23 - l r~ ti! a~irr € ~ F'+rfiY Y Y 4 I r 4 - ~ ~ t l- p r f t { 2 > I 4 ~ y1 ~ 1- - i^ _ t} _ E r-- tE v i, : 1 - r .f€ ~r - r-~ts~ r t - ~ 1 7~` ..1 r r t - Y - I r _ t f rs,~ .:9 ''~y 7~ ' ~ 'F a a - _ { T ~ ; 13 \ + , t .r 4.y. } yr ms- 3".,, ~ { r r -4,,, f 1 V' 4-_ ~-:c ~tf it r'€~ -sir a. S ri~ 4 s - - ~lA~~~k~`^~ iL~r~- r r'~'rk~ t_r+>X; _ _ '"t'~ 3 y+~ '„i ,~j`•J- rFCts ~ 4~ - ~ _ f ' _ t t 1il~r t i- - nE',.f:I $ --1 Y 4 - _ ' s__t ~ t- _ -'t `e- }tr f,~`x{ r 'fit ~r;S r r~ i-- ,e~ ir7 ~ xar € fl i _ _ }r, S ~ v € ~ e r ~~;i, - sc~.'-.. ;;r z r t - - _ ta5 ]]q~ a d~as - - ~yY 11} ~ _t t r t 4~ -Y ~ _ { l _J-~- {ti?Vip~ 4V _ 'L- ~ ~ „r t x 4 y t _,<x ~ - ~g s e M - „e: ~ Ss s, ~ t ~ f k r € - ~ _ _ _ S'e .F" _ _4.i r'_ ~ :h ~ t~ L(, T _Y.. 1 E - t~ $ ~t F i' Y. ~r } 3 1.1~I~3~ll1IT~8•',$~P=fil~£~$.`~~I_~~~ i~° ~a e~ r ~ r:~'. IM a ~ 9_... r u _ ~ 5 ...t'~.;~.~',°.:•"o ,r5r: t ~,r."r.~ u J t d x, 3,~7'!4G4 ,~'4,`r 04, i, ;ytF ~4 - r„i_ . Y,._ a..'~fiG"r~;~::f,+; h k - ,.'?m.. ' q ` ~34.5:~;:. ~ y.Y~. i _ k ..N:: _ - 1 ~ } _ v ~ tk d { ar ~}-s a_ . c ~ 5~R7t"'3 a,.f $ ¢ - yp~,~, + .y~ `~~c! Ss - ~s'` _ _ ~.4 x{, _ _ ~w,y~~ ~y r.~x,. e ~ r' V~11~7Y~.., T'r't+~~~4#17~i ~.Y~D'_ -.1~r~1~"8~ ~~v:t.~~~~r~{,~~ a~ /~/y l~~W~1 fG7~': E 3 ~ L :t'lyt1~ ~':j- 3 }i ,-.3 J ~ _ I~ ? J6®11 ~7 .ao- ~ ~ - liL ~8 l~e~+crifitibri ;_~c s..~~~' 2 2 ~'[l~g'Grl 2tib~9~~T ~ - ~ ~ . . ~ , °'~7ata1~ 2bX~9 Ts~ ,~OO~ Totat R~~reat~oin 2049 ?'aEals. r. .w r'F. e,c t..: e,. ,t-fi,.. ;4,~.... .Ca.~. a.... n .a _ .h 1D 02 Salaries nan union ry---q~9,956R__w._5~ 5 ~~~t ~-_.__._._._~__.._._v.-._.v__..____.._-...._.._---.___-_...449 537 _--375,235- 10 04 Salaries 486 569 493 - 10 Salaries Temporary _ 6,066: 6,4_59 ' _ 199,717 212 242 , 10 12 Wages Local 18 - D , D' 533,354 525,531 589,837 0 ° 1,648,722 ' 10 14 Wa es Other Re ular ~,.__...._,.._._,__,......._l~_~___u~._~~____.._.___`____...___.,..___~----.....___-___--:_~_.__.....___._.__..__.__..---._.._..___.._._..-._._.._ g g 0 0 153,097: 0 329,040 0 482,138 11 04 Overtime 486 3,594 .._.~_O_-__-__._~__._.._._~.:Po,~__.~..____-.____._m_...___.___,._.___._.,_._...___.-._._ _.____...__._.q~,.-..__.. D ...._._._.__..----...._-__w,_.___________ _ 0 0 3,594 11 10 Overtime Temporary ~ - ~ _18,242 ~~.24804 u._._.__..._.___,_-_,_........._.._......_._._.,.-_.___..._-.___._..__.__ __.-,~,,...~._._._e,..___ 0 11 12 Overtime Local 18 0 __,r..____...-,_..~_~..~___~______D 11 14 Overtime Other Re ular . - _ g 0 : 0 _~._____°_..._-~~-D.~_._._._._._.iD__ l__16.855`,.._...._~___._.~~_O_ 59,901 7o Pe Adjusted Frin es - - ` - . D 0 a-- g D o q, 10957~ 926370 _ 13514~ ____.._......__.a._____.___._.__.._____----._.-----__,_._....__.__.~..._._.--._....._... ~ 02 Retirement Benefits _ 0 0 0 4 Pension 134 832 148 639 190 137 650 952 0' 0 0 0' 0' 0' 0. 14 08 EI D , D ; 4 ,__~._,._..__~..___=.-__..---0,._n......___.._.___.~ .r...__..__..__.~0 14 10 Health & Dental . _ 14 12 Grouplnsurance _...__.__.~.OD__~..,...__.-_..mo__...~.._.___._._...,._.._~'~m,._.__~..._O - 14 14 Workers Compensation 0 0 0. 0 0 0, 0, PERSONNEI_COSi'S -.....562,866_,.._-._70,646 839,834.-,..685,167 ' 1Y,084,372a^-__ 759,391N4-~~~4A02,277 _.____.___.._-__._.__._____.-___.___..__.____.._-----..__.-_-__________.________.~_____._o..__..___..__.__._ __._o__.______.._.__.._._.® General Services 20 04 Postage 2,883: 315 0 351 0 3,198 ' 20 06 FreightlExpress/Cartage ---_.____,._O___._..__~_r~~0 20 08 Telephane/Pagers 25,279 ~ 712: . 0 6,168 ' ~--_..-_.__.,._351. __.____._____.._:...__.___.._.._____.~,..~.____._.-..__._._.,...~,.__..__.__-..~_.__._.g,894_:x____.m.16,537 °__.__._____58,590 20 10 Advertising _50,465 3,155 i 0 0 0 ' 6 662 60,283 20 12 Travel 1-4,888 _ 394_y___.____._._ -----~_Y._.---.--_.__D _,_...____.4,0543' 17,D49~-,--- _ 36,385 20 16 Other Training 32 050 0 ___.._.~...am._.._.._.._._____.._._~_ 3,412 35,462 22 MembershipslProfessional Fees 2,803 0 - 33 147 20 24 Recep#ions __-_.1-6,68 - - --1,600-_~._._.__~___.._Q V____.~_..---_ac~^mmm_.2,310 ,---~_T__._,680____..a _____38,147 20 30 Other General 5enrices 16 546 _20,639 SS,472~ _....______~-.._.._._-._.-_..._.O_..._._._....__._a_...,.0._••____._......_.__._..w-,.,.,~-._.._.m mow. 0` 0' Insurance 22 04 Vehicle Insurance 19,728.. _..,-.r. _m_.,.-~...___..__..__ ~_7..,__-..~._._ 0=...,_ 22 06 Fire Insurance 259 0 ; 4 453 10,501. 5,75$ - -5,363 } ~ ___b._. 26,334 _ 22 08 Insurance Deductible 25,000 _ _0 ~ _ 0 0 D 0 25,000 22 30 Other Insurance ____Q_'.._. Q ^'.0_.,..~...._.__.__ 0 ____-._._._N.-v_~.-. _------m-~-O 121121200$ 1 0' 0 0` D' A ~ eS, kn ~ _ ~ A _k Y~ tt~ U- ~ S 1~,- ~ ~ o- -1 k - - i' i t f 3~- r~ s, tx - p~i s K 1 A 1' r.t f ~k s - _ -~L vv ~ - r x-~ t t :`w; ~ ~ ~'@ ~ ~ a t- a~€ y t k~-~' ~ k - i a , - j5 1 ~ d ~ { d u _ ~ tP u' - ~ _ _ e ~,_r ~ ' 'r ~ -2 a r, ; a ` ~s ~n~ cfi'j - _ tom' _s~ s~4 -t a „ z- _ xi y rot, .h.h t'. ~~i'"~'li ~Y( -t'C .i l' - :5 lam, F~ 6 a,a't 'S -h f~, y,: Y _ _ i~' ti 1, - .-`..~~9y~ Ei..f4'.'d~:~V r"~~~~--` ~`L ~~7/ - ~-y~~~/ _ - .'r _ '~a3~, _ ' k x a,. &st,.t,r.., :yr-'... i:..:i.?,., r ~ - .n,,, :-s.sr `~F -,L a d. F:` _ _ _ ,zw... nm, .vu.a.. v v :,.,P ~..r .....s 5 tin. f V- F, ;sl'r -Y ~1, ~..r,; ,c.::k ,_...~...t*,"!a-,:.,.:r,~..:° ,n-s3' `.,U,,:< .1, „i,~ "~.""Yr S- ,t A l.dt: - re, x r' .iti _ n r ~ _ M.. t .mot'%i~' h G i. 3 _ _ ~..i~q^'-,'., s, vi Ts~ ~ s 4 - 3t w~` ~ _j _ i n~_, ti - .~.M1~i _ 2t 't ~t 'r. :lt, it~l+ 4-5. J; - - - 1~i1#1111~SRdd~4iC ~k R 1 r fflw r17~1 IS i ~Y S - 1V -k 5 V 7f rT k'~f i ;a eI 5 - a'- ~~'-'s i~79 ! a 3 y A{ 1 h,.r 1 t _ 1 _ € x y~ f - t 1 t 1 a { i~' ~ t Y - - ~f 'x § ; f 1 5 V ^WC vt - 1 ~ _ V _ y, -1 S tt ft kT&V4=t¢kyp~V A h~'~ _~3 i f k, yk f' 4 ~ _3E --f #t -4~1 z~. 5. ' - „C _ e _ 1,- y t - `a tp- _ k' s rte: } i r ~ s, ' ~ 4F - t ° p 'n § - 7 a> t 's t ~ - c F- p - ~ f s- ~ ~~i ,~3 _t li'"` a~+~~ ~ ~ -1 'r uk - ..7~~ [ "r -:',~rv 1-~I~ € S', -t ~ S.,S ~ y 4 _ `4 r _ 2-.. 's- s!~'' .ie:I~ 'F~ 4.. .J:S Y+, ek.. .13kT... 2c _ u ~ f k A' =1'~Yl~i1l1~ . ;~-F?~C~°,I~~i~s~.- ~Cft1k1~°=2i19g~ lrt z .~1,: ~l~:~ antis+~a~e ~Q49 ~ - ~ h.~ h - st.i~,m _.a t t d i 4~' 9 ~ "sip .;f*,,k-, .<r _ t~~sOt`Fp#i ' EL 1~~tgc~i tin > ~ . a 24f59 Totai Tntai ~ T~tal>' 2b~9'Cotat~r, Q09 T+ci Rgcr~ation 2Qn9 Totals ' t.....:.:~,... , , : ~,E _ _ _ _ ,.4 , ,s;.,. 0 10,7 Pro#essional Services (Outside) 24 D6 Engineering) Architectural - 10,779 D . D 0 ' 0 79 24 10 I'olicel5ecuri Services -___.__.._.__._~.._.._.__.___._.__a...__.._._-..___..__.....-.~.,..-.-._. a_~___..n.-._•_._,_0 ty _ r._~~_ _,,.u..,._.. _ ____._Q ~__.T 24 12 Other Professional Services D. D 0' 0 0 0 0 D, o o; D o D D Purchased Services (Outside] 26 04 LaundrylDry Cleaning D 2$9 " 0 0 ' D 1,733 2,022 , 26 07 Solid Waste Collection 0 ' 0 ' 29,692 4,043 0 0 ; 33,736 _____..____.._r..~ _ ~ .~..~._~_..~e~T__P._.~.n.._.,.-.-a_....__....__..-_...__._._..__....____-____._-_._____....._.__._.______ _ _ Z6 10 Photography 0; 0? 0: 0 D D D 26 12 Cleaners/Janitors 20,928-, - 20,128 26 30 Other Purchased Services 0 ; D 0 ° 0 27,899 ' 116,570 ; 144,469 .__.....___..__....__._._...._.._.._..__________._.__.___~..__---._.._...__._...__.__-_.---.___..__,_._,_._.__....-__...._e__ D D ~ 0 _s 0, 0_ D _ 0 ~ Repairs & Maintenance outside) 30 04 Vehaclesl Heavy Equipment -~-------~.Ou~----__._ _,._~_.~-u_.__O_'_-_-__.__~___00-.~_~ -_----u00_'.-._ _ 3D 06 Office Equipment 0 D; 0 0 0 0. 0 30 30 Other Repairs 3,465 D 7,130 ~ 0 ' 9,588 0 2D,184 . D' 0 0 D; 0 0, 0 Rentals 32 04 Office Equipment o 0' 0 _ 0_ 0 p: D: 32 06 UehicleslHea E ui ment D '°_°__,-_~..__._~_:,.._,.,...o.~ ..q_7.~_.~__.~__~___~~^-----rt.____-.'.__ ~+Y 4 p ...____-...__...__._.....____~..w.__ 28 739 0 ' 46 319 - _.._~~;___~_____75,058 _ 32 OS Buildings D ' 0 0 0 D _ 103,748 ~ 1D3,748 ; 1,158 • 1,924 6,948 4,574 20,14$ 32 30 Other Rentals _.._._.~'540...........____._.__.-DD-_,._.__-_.____.-----.._.....___..____.._._.__._~_._...__.__.~._.._..__,.,-..__-------_~___~.,__.__._._...._......,..,....-I Purchased Goods(General) 4D 01 Sandl GravellFill/Loam 0 0 . 28,949 ' 0 . 24,D83 D 53,033 _ -.----.__.______.._____.,__...____....__-.__._______~_,r.,..~.mm..__ 4D 02 Meals ----_8,629:-~_^____.21D_~_..___._.~.__.1,158w.._..._..a.-3,313____.__3,475 __,10,305_;.__..._.-_...._._27.090_', 4D D3 ChemicalslLime D : D 14,896 0 • 0 0 14,896 4D 04 Lumber 0 D ' 1,158 0 1,158 0 2,316 4D D5 FuellGaslOil 0 ~ D 10,114 24,298 0 15,495 49,907 4D D6 Cementf Glass Products D D D' 0 0 0 0 40 07 CompressorslPumpslFans _ 0 .._._.__...._.._...-.0..,_-__.._._~.._.._._...._.__...D..__..._.-..__.____~_-_.------_-..._..__..._._.----._..-----,-._.____._.__.___.._..-.__, _ . - D 3,125 0 : 3,125 40 08 Footwear 0 , __r1'$___._._.___..~___..._.___..______~_---__._._.__.__.__..__. __.r_.___--- -..._.-,.._-___0..,,_~.., _^.,...2,779 ` _46 ' 4,D9D D ; 8,717_'; 40 09 Apparel! Hatsl Helmets - ,....___o _._.____..._.__.4,929______.....2,079___...___ 3,674W _------2,661 _,__._.___._..,--13,335 4D 10 Cleanin IJanitorlalSu lies _ ;~.__~.__~...,,.,..Q...-a__..H__......._9,157~-.-___.____.._-______._..__._.___.__._._____.---_.__.______..__.___~_.__. g pp 11,049 7,197 4,969: 32,372 4D 11 MedicallFirstAidSupplies _~r ___.__.._.._,__.m_347 ~T_^ ^ F. 579 A'._,.._ 1,105 ___-__._._--2,031_ 40 12 Hand Tools 0 ' 0 2,316 ' 1,366 3,474 0 ~ 7,156 _ _ - _ - 2,779 D 2,779 40 13 Safety Supplies - 0 . e - 0 ~ - 0 , - - ' . 40 14 Uffice Supplies 13,951 158 0 ' 0 : 1,970 2,576 1$,655 40 1B Electricity 0 0 51,570: 161,599 ; 27,272 22,763 ~ 263,203 12/12/2008 40 1$ Water Su I Ci 2 D D ___~__..___.___,__..~.__.:,,~..~.,,w-,,,,o~„m.~,,,:,,:,_,~~,...,~._.~..~.~.._.~.,..._.__.~----_----~__...-.___._ ppy- ty 2,OD0 • 19,640: 2,316 3,465 27,421 ; T tv_ -'._..,.-~:Y ~,a,.....-: 32 mltr-°Y:..;•_ ~C-~ \ ~r.;(...n .Ff~.Sa. _ _ S y J 4 - - l - _ t,; mac„ : E^, ~2-dC _ ~ i V , < J ~ 3 . Ft~ r€ '2.~ x ~€°F tni:F±k'~1~~°~R v 3 6 ~ 3 f. Y ~ 4 _ F L t d _ :3 _ ~ ~ _ -:f. - - d n . *s. I.- $ RAF z = =r ~ ~.3~ 2:...~_, z G~ ~urdf ~o 1,1171 1'1iE. - : ry i r=,>a°i,'..¢3 ~i i -j k,~ i, r~~M1,sr.,. .~„>rI~S ~ E_'a 2 - a•q^ o :t.:.t E.:•~s, e! ~ r~,.r i'ti - '+c~;~ 4 1 .:i 4 1 ~ ~i4 - - ~,~"FF'` 'r _ _ :r FF i k"~C--^`E t I r r` x~ _ bs--,..: F_..~,a.rF~,i..A` ,LF ,'....F 3c.,. y,F'F} _ _ Y -t µ f . 1-- `y.f "rx~en € ~ ,4:: l =d - ¢ - w:'i -rT v r, I ~ 'C ~ a c - ' i° f s F R, F~ S.1~k-, r->- rises a ~ F - iT.y.j~y_`-~'y~`, r,I F { ~ x t e~.I~yy$ -s4r T"R'7~ ~4 ~ I ~ _ _ Fyy sr z 1 - . r VLC~~Fi~: rl~li 17ei~+.eV°Palili Y..j O{~ , l ~F ~f 4 1 Y3 ki _ Y } .i~~ ~ ; i ~~'V~Sn„ y~4 F L~~~': x -4- - .::,.y::, _ . '..i ~i¢'r, _ ' ? I ~ 'l t 1 ~x ~ _ stn : ~ ~ , , s . ~ d+ Ae1t"n~n ~ Pit~"KiliS C>Eli~ie~~t~0~ An3ha~ :=L~~#~i~+~~yy+~ 1iQ0$ C~escrlptiirn~° ~L ~`0~3F,iJ~#Q., tic~n ~QOff."TrI Z011S~`71 ,`T~c~t~l° ~ 2tlII~;F''i`o~ai;P ~~1i9"~~ta1 .:-Recr+sii~~iin . ~ ,,~.•z.,.,...~..-., ~ r , 209 `1"o~ts _ f 40 19 Hardware.. I Q _ F . 0 ..~.:.:atc`s:;=,7,627 ' 1,617 6,485 0_ 15,629 40 21 Custom Printed Material ~ 0 ; _ _ U .~__O_,.__..._._....__-~ .--.._.___._.__._._Q 1,278. _.T_ . _ _ 1,,278_a - - _ 86,261 40 60 5eedsPNurserylGreenhouse Stack 0___ _ 0 ; 14,896 ; 25,700 , 60,89$ 13,215_',_.______._...____....._._., 0 75,793 40 61 Fertilizer 0 : 0 : 13,896 0 : 5 790 0 19,686 40 63 Pectic des a ui ment 0 _ ....20,74® ..~n__v_..__._0_ mm._..___ 1,158 _;n_, m.v.~_ 27,65 _ 48;158 q p _ - Other Government Services 65 02 Provincial Property Taxes 8,310 , 0 0 0 I 145,028 15,864 169 202 65 10 Radio Licences 0' 0' 0 0 0 0" 0 65 30 Other Government Services 0: 0 0 0; 0 0 0 _ _ _ 0 Internal Charges (City} 70 02 Fleet Maintenance .._..._8,820 4. ___o___`F__!____1,1.1,233 ___..66,1.16-_--168,561'_^.__.__._8,820_.::_-_-- 363,550 _ 70 04 Fleet Fuel 3,025 0 55,972 807 ' 52,971 4,143 116,917 70 O6 Carpentry 0 0 25,579 27,235 5,790 3,155 61,759 70 08 Building maintenance 129 0 : 13,236 115,591 11,191 30,031 170,177 _._-.,._r_,~.___._.._..-.__._.__...._.__._._._._.n...._...,...._....____._...__.._.____.__._...._..._.__...~_.....__.___..__---_._--,-._._.... 70 2D Computers 13,794 690 0 0 0 0 14,484 70 30 Other Internal Charges _____.__.._~,0_r._ ..,,~.,~..___.00_ __P.v-~.__. a..._._._:_Q_'_....~ _ ..._o__.: _..._.....36,03._..___- o-;_ _.-36.030_' _ _ _ Asset Purchases 90 10 Machine 8FE ui ment "'D - _..0..:....___-__,34,739 ...:........._........0 ~ 36,810- -"-_T___......-._0-,--_-_.__...._71,549. ry q p _....,,.v 90 14 Fumiturel Fixtures 7,850 ` 0 0 0 0 0 7,850 ' - - .m._ _ _ . _ _ _ 90 16 Other Equipment (Office} 0 : 0 0 . 0 _ 0 . Q_" -------.____._..____.,m,.m,,...-------._.___._.___..__-..___._._ 90 18 Computers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 30 Other Asset Expenditures 0 : 0 0 0 0 2,310 2,310 __._....___.__.._,...__~_.._,T........~~._..____.__.----_.-----._-__._~~_,_.__.....,_...__. __._._.__-.~...._.~.._._...w..._._ o o D o o D o --.._...T_...__..__-__._._-- GOODS 8~ SERVICES 294,469,_._ 7,524. „ -._Pw_515,330_ _T_ 485,474 775,376 499,920 ~ 2,578,094 , 0 TOTAL 857,335: 78,170 1,355,165 1,170,642 1,859,748: 1,259,311 6,580,371 ; Community Grants _ 451,400 2009 Requested 7,031,777 ; 12/12/2008 3 Camp°~ 2Q1~ Zp12 G?~nt ~~rem ~t Z~f1t] r Co?r?munitll oast Qct 23 u~ 720x0 ~ ub reQ ~pQ9 ~Qg Tota?~ 9Q, $9Q.QOQ $90AQ© $14,4fl4 for B&G CI 20Q7 211+08 $g4,aaa $ p04 12a}426 $123,55~ 20t)~ over - urrassigfied time ~b~ect OOfI $18,a~ $15,QQa $114~~ $117,374 $ 351 $15,361 $g4~ For Ha~our 5tat+an ice res $18, 1a0,gOQ $1Qp,OGU $40,x00 $15, $40,000 $15,361 $191,639 rer?tals ~ecceation Cent $92,©~ $ $40,000 $15,361 $181,639 15,361 ~ 426 ,~42p,55T gg,G Giub $15,1 $ $181,639 191,639 417 , $15,361 14,374 Nubs $167,639 $'167,639 '~51,4QQ AQua~c DOQ $841,0+00 ena Re~te1 $167 ,6`3`x' x,341 w Youth ~ $~93,~0 N S4,rviCes Budget Additions Ross Irving QDme (3rd Year), 2QQ'~ Leisure 3 Sisters, on and Shamrock H• passage, addit~o$ and 9 n$ ar~'~nt '~~Ce at A _ 'total lili Lake ice, washroo - $gg,2S0 errwr?al, Night shift Staif?n9 $B2Qtwk far 24 wks ~ 6casuals@ n:t ~ent~F~C~_r~-~a~`~_- 3Sisters parr, f kr~c`.~±lonal C,ommu ` Y _ news park, and ,~F~raae ~ _ trails, St. A'~ ri'tzeC, tr~4a' 2° hr~l~^~l c., ,e~,., parK .~l,fert and p,,ddi~~ J _ e Rockwood ant rentals, Dare ~r3 for 32 ~~'~s passag ~ equipm a to Victorian maintenarrc a for faClliti f Gen $97,815 rbour as ants ft~r dome such „nFSter - urrem park,lrv?ng for incr s fuel, s~ rc Additional req ark, Skate a need eased Additional r Al ~Qn ~rour?d , Total ~r,agc ~f,t,r~~a~ ~ ~b$~Q93 emorial P gill also be mans. AVt..Units. Ross M There itai develop needs. for sand based vandalism rep ua ~ with new cap , water Goods and SeNices rtonal vehicle rentals, Robinson soh as add' Units. amenities and grass seed. A mans 9 2006 nraterials, eation equip roved ,tune lining Centres rea' d app crsrt?n'unrty erase MCG~ Courrc $6 OQa YMCA tuards and beach buoy linesltrailer rental ~3,Q0t) LI- iifeg ant ~gq.,000 e irflC ~i~~ Grant Su99$sted incfO~L pavilion (2~ uaac safety s & Beaches $3,41 eased tax ark zone P Lifeguard rb1e $34,~Q Year end reG°ft and W Insurance peduct $g7,Qpt3 "fax , . 1Agt7Q Total ?n r 2p08 -additional ~ Adv~i?s g ~~~"+5~ N ~ uestfr°m ~°venrbe w $72,©~ t Bu~$f, Additional goods and Boys and Girf Club req t {;rant Program inanity Gran eammunity pevelopm$n se ~24,QQa is currently in Cflm Youth Arena Subs y rncrea uest = ~110.~~ h°wever $tit),~ 4(30 ReQ _ $70, Communibl grants _ 57D,~00 ~Tota1 Co",munity Grants As per fiinan~ 815,297 As R~ finance x,7,666 As per finance ''10"!u fuel ~,q,g,315 3°!° ?-lydr° l X72,278 To°te1 G$'~ ~ ~nta9g increase nested for ~,OQ9 66,Q27 Total req Zty of Saint John leisure Services ]department Proposed Budget 2009 +~oneerns Raised At a,rd Meetin s g 29 City of Saint Jahn Concerns Raised During Ward 1 Meetings Leisure Services: Q: Tennis courts repairs, desire far localized recreational opportunities. A: Leisure Services is in the process of redeveloping a number of old recreation facilities. The need for tennis facilities has declined and a number of these sites are being renovated in other uses such as road hockey, basketball, and skate parks. The terl~~is will remain but on a small scale, The teiuiis courts at Memorial did need work gild that will be done for 2009 season. Q: General concerns over repairs and maintenance of existing facilities. A: Leisuue Services shares those concerns. We are actively reviewing our facilities and repairing or completely renovating where necessary. We are in the process of developing new maintenance standards which will address concenis on a timelier base. Q: Maintain and if possible expand the playground supervision program. A: The city operates programs at St. Rose, Carleton CC, Lornevillc, and KBM. This program will expand as partners are found to run the programs. Our plans are to keep this and expand where passible. Q: Old set of railway ties going down to beach behind community centre -who is responsible for maintenance and repair? A: These were installed by Western Beaches Society in partnership with the City a number of years ago. The steps are on city property and Leisure Services is responsible. They will be inspected and repaired or removed as the need pray be. Q: Damage and possible da~nagc being done to Rockwood Park and Mispec Park by LNG Plant, pipeline and possible second refinery. A: All work being done is in accordance to EIA standards witls input from public through. public meetings, surveys, etc. Q: Lack of reclamation to pipeline route through Rockwood Park, A: The reclamation work has mostly been done to the satisfaction of the City and the Saint John Horticultural Association. Hydro seeding has been done twice and will be followed up in the spring. All contours have been restored. Over time the shrubbery will rejuvenate. There has been very little negative concern expressed by the general public about the reclamation efforts. Q: Hilton Belyea Playground...wllat's up? A: The playground was redeveloped acid relocated as to the wishes of the comm~.urity. Two public meetings were held in 2007 to develop a plan for the regulation size soccer field, relocate the playground, add in a basketball court., a trail, and benches. This project is complete. Q: City needs to increase spending on Recreation.. . A: The city has dramatically increased the capital spending on facilities. Leisure Services is developing all its parks and facilities over the next number of years. However, funding has to be 30 balanced with other infrastructure needs as well. In 2009 there is an anticipated $7 million to be spent on recreatian infrastructure rehabilitation. There is a need for increased programming funding and a request has been submitted to the 2009 budget process for both programming and maintenance ftmding. Q: Playground in area needs to be fixed up- Located by the chtbliouse - Martinan. A: We do not have any plans at this point to renovate this playground. It is a private facility. However, Leisure Services has worked with numerous community graups aver the years to secure finding, design and construction of playground units. This offer is there far Hartino~i as well. Staff will be following up. Bernie Harrison Commissioner of Leisure Services November 20, 2008 31 j City of Saint John Concerns Raised During'Ward 2 Meetings >l~eisure Services: Q: Tennis Courts in Milledgeville need upgrading. A: Funds have been requested in 2009 budget to re-blind the tennis courts. Q: Should be making more extensive use of Lily Lake during winter time. A: The Lily Lake Pavilion is now frilly operational, offering a number of programs, year around. There argil have been plans to provide outdoor ice skating. This of course is very weather dependant. There is hiking and when weather permits X-country skiing. Q: New playing field at Milledgeville north -old piece of fence along Boars Head Road that needs replacing, fields being cut too short. A: This facility is owned and maintained by,Schoal District #8. This information will be passed to them for their consideration. Q: Pathway along railway line around Harbour Station is -possible to incorporate rota trail network? A: This land belongs to CN Rail. It is possible to consider this as part of a trail network through appropriate agreements. Leisz~re Services has requested fimding for a design of a city-wide trail networlf to be done in 2009. This will be incorporated into that study if it is funded. This comment will also be passed on to Waterfront Development. Q: Who is responsible for maintenance of the blockhouse on Fort Howe`? A: The City of Saint John is responsible. This building does need renovations, etc. There is a master plan to have Fort Howe redeveloped but it is a few years out on the list. In the meantime, only necessary work is carried out on the Block House. Q: Plant trees on Main Street A: There is not any space on Main Street to plant trees. Leisure Services has planted trees on the medium in the past and they have not survived due mostly to snow removal and salt damage. There was even difficulty with grass. Marigolds on Main Street is a response to that issue. Bernie Harrison Commissioner of Leisure Services November 20, 2008 32 City of Saint John Concerns Raised Daring Ward 3 Meetings Leisure Services: Q: Desire to Have more recreational/ playground opportunities in East Saint John (are fields neglected?) A: Leisure Services has requested funding in the 2009 budget to conduct a community wide needs assessment to provide the necessary infoi7nation on programming and facility needs to provide the necessary infoi~.nation to develop the various areas of the city. It is not known. specifically what is needed in the various communities and through a series of meetings and surveys, it is anticipated we will have a better sense of what is needed. - Q: Location of food banl~ on Westside {too far away from where the need is in the commiu~ity). This was discussed at the meeting with Blaine Harris that some discussions are i~ulderway to possibly have the Food Bank located at the Carleton Community Centre. A: There is a report on Co~.uicil's agenda for November 24 requesting fiulding to partner with the Province of New Brtulswick to have the basement renovated to accommodate a Wellness Centre and the Food Bank. If all funding is secured, it is anticipated the facility will be available in spring of 2009. Q: Greater Focus on Tourism needed, it is more than just cruise slops. Need stronger selling function around things that are here. A: This is not my area of responsibility or expertise but I am involved with the Reversing Falls Project. This project which is aimed at redevelopment and re-branding the Reversing Falls will be a major tourist draw. Q: DisaUled Access for Community Centres... A: This is a very important issue. Leisure Services is plasining redevelopments of all. centres over the next years and accessibility is of major importance. The North End Commtu~ity Centre is slated for renovations on 2009; Carleton CC is being worked an and will continue with new accessible washrooms in 2009. All other centres will be receiving an audit in 2009 to determine needs including accessibility. Q: Support expressed for re-development of Rainbow Park. A: Leisure Services has requested funding to get this project started. The design has been completed and now partners are needed to make this a reality. Q: Prioritize pedestrian/ cycling anode of transport. Have areas (parks, boardwalks, etc.) connected for pedestrian, A: Leisuue Services has been actively working towards connections between parks. Ili 2009 funds have been requested to develop a city wide trail network. Bernie Morrison Commissioner of Leisure Services November 20, 2008 33 i City of Sint John Concerns Raises! During Ward 4 Meetings Leisure Services: Q: Want to see the City stop using pesticides: A: We are presently moving towards Integrated Pest Management (IPMj. At present we have 6 staff certified in IPM and will be certifying others. It is our interest to start addressing pest prOb~~I718 t170Ltgh Otllel' 173ean5 a5 well. By 113CreaSlllg alit 1nalntei1a11Ce pracilces we znay be able to greatly reduce our dependence on pesticides. We have renZaved tl3e requirement for pesticides licenses fra~13 our staff qualifications and are actively training in IPM. T11e «se of pesticides play always be there as part of an IPM program but it will be greatly ~•edltced. At present we apply pesticides only to No. 1 turf fields and areas such as King°s Square and Burial Ground. Q: Compli~33ent made about playgroiu3d supervision program A: Thank you. This has been a very successful program and it is our plan to continue and to expand as we succeed in getting more partners. Q: Little River Reseivair -need support in trying to establisl3 biking/ walking trails in the area. A: There is a conunittee established which is moving arl this issue. Leisure Services has assigned staff to assist. Q: Playing Field at Forest Hills Needs major Upgrade A: This field is the responsibility of School I}istrict #8. City staff 13as had a niunber of meetings with the school district on this matter and there maybe some progress i13 the fuhire. The field will be extremely expensive to repair. The issue is that the field was built on wooden fill which has decayed and created air pockets which are collapsing. The entire site needs to be excavated aild back filled. There is no concrete plan in piece at this time to address. Q: Need more recreational facilities for winter-time activities. A: This is a difficult one. If it is outdoor activities, we are at the mercy of the weather and the last few years have not been conducive to malting slti trails or natural ice 77nks. There are cominLUiity groups working toward building outdoor artificial ice surfaces. As well, tl3ere are a number of activities available in Rockwood Park at the Lily Lake Pavilion. Q: Completion of Playground at Forest Hills - (foam surfaces, deteriorating bricks, fence needs repair A: This is one location which has suffered much vandalism aver the past few years. The brick wall deteriorating is directly related to vandalism as is the fence. Trees have been destroyed ai3d all the brink planters had to be removed due to damage. The pea-gravel surface does need to be replaced with foam but this is a major financial consideration. Some of the present foam is being willfully destroyed as well. We need to have mare vigilance in the neigl7baurhoad to stop the destruction. We have two other sites in the City which are receiving very little vandalism. Bernie Morrison Commissioner of Leisure Services November 20, 2008 34 j City of Saint John Leisure Services Department Proposed Budget 2009 List of ~Qmmunity Partners 35 i Community In~ol~ement The following is a list of committees, agencies, etc that the staff of Leisure Services are involved with at varying degrees. This list is not in any order and is an example of the many groups where staff serves as members and the City of Saint John liaison. Staff provides guidance, advice and resources. Active Living Alliance for Canadians with. a Disability Adult Education Program Canada Day Committees Canada Games Aquatic Centre Canadian Mental Health Association Centennial School {Playground Project) Cerebral Palsy Association Champlain Heights Home & School CNf6 Communities in Bloom Crescent Valley Tenant Association Disability Awareness Week Committee ° Fitness New Fort LaTour Development Society Fundy Professional Recreation Association Saint Jahn Sport Associations & Clubs (Tennis, Judo, Hockey, Soccer, High School Sports, Rugby, Football, Softball, Baseball, etc.) Fundy Volksport Association Glen Falls Home & School Greater Saint John Community Gardens Greater Saint John Transportation Committee Harbour Passage Garden Party Committee Harbour Passage Working Committee John Kelly Recreation Bursary Committee Lancaster Kiwanis Club Loch Lomond Home & School Loyalist City Seniors Association Manawagonish Road Tree Preservation Society Marco Pofo Quitters Guild Mispec Park Recreation Committee Muscular Dystrophy Association New Brunswick Abilities Council Premier's Council Status of Disabled Persons Paraplegic Association PRO Kids Recreation Implementation Committee Leisure Services Advisory Board Recreation New Brunswick Red Head Residents Association Rockwood Park Advisory Board Rockwood Park Dog Bark Park Saint John Ability Advisory Committee Saint John Association for Community Living Saint John Bays & Girls Club Saint Jahn Deaf & Hard of Hearing Saint John EMO Saint John Horseshoe Club Saint John Kiwanis Club 36 J Saint John Seniors Resource Centre Saint Jahn Skate Park Association Saint John 5parts Hall of Fame Saint Jahn Waterfront Partnership Saint Jahn Winterlights School D#strict 8 Seaside Lawn Bowling Club Shamrock Park Tennis Association Shining Horizons Therapeutic Riding Association Southern Railway - Carleton Community Centre Look, Listen and Learn Kiosk; Westside Days Special Events -Marathon-by-the-Sea, Rockwood Park Triathlon, Velo N8 Mountain Bike Championships, Canadian Orienteering Championships, Cross Country Running Championships, etc. United Catena Training Centre United Commercial Travelers , Uptown Saint John Various ad Hoe Committees Various Special i=vents Venue Saint Jahn committee of business partners, Leisure Services and Tourism aimed at attracting sporting events and conventions to Saint John. YM-YWCA - partner in various youth programming as well as managing 2 community centres. Commissions, Boards and Committees The staff of the Leisure Services Department has representation an many national, provincial and local commissions, boards and committees. Staff is encouraged to participate as this forum provides an opportunity for networking with other recreation, sports and parks. National Provincial Winterlights Recreation New Brunswick Active Living Alliance for Canadians Fundy Recreational Professionals with a Disability. Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance Inclusive Recreation Canadian Park and Recreation Fitness New Brunswick Association Canadian Association of Sport New Brunswick Horticulture Trades Heritage Association Communities in Bloom Canadian Nursery, Landscape, Trades Association Atlantic Chapter of the International society of Arboriculture Society of Municipal Arborists 37 C©mmunity Engagement The Staff of Leisure Services provides diverse recreational, leisure, safety and educational opportunities through direct programming, facilitation and partnerships with variaus agencies, organizations and groups within the Saint John Community. Harbour Passage Working Group Saint John Emergency Management Loyalist Zone Seniors Walk for MS KV Marathon Rockwood Park Advisory Board Canada Games Stadium Committee Carleton Community Centre Advisory Board Rockwood Park Construction and Restoration CALP Regional Committee (Community Adult ~ . Planning Consultative Committee Learning Program) Venue Saint Jahn Canada Games Aquatic Centre (Beach Program} Safe Kids CV Resource Centre l=arth Day a New Brunswick Day Parade Saint John Santa Glaus Parade Good Neighbours -Senior Watch Campu College Student Placement Program Trans Canada Trail } Visit Ganada Visitez Loyalist Zone Seniors WinterLights Conference Westside Santa Ciaus Parade i Kids n Kops Marigolds on Market Place Saint Jahn Sports Hall of Fame Marigolds on Main Street John Kelly Bursary ~ West Side Days Youth Apprentice Program- School District 8 ~ Marathon by the Sea f Rockwood Park Bark Park ~ Centennial School Playground Mispec Park Recreation Association ~ Senior Friendship Games Greater Saint Jahn Community Gardens Senior Transportation Fundy Regional Games Youth Engagement Project Men at Xerox Westside NB Day Parade j Lower River Passage Dev. Committee PALS Program (Lorne School) Somerset Day Care Advisory Board Canada Day Committee PRO Kids Management Development Project Return to Work (Local 18) Waterfront Development Partnership Saint John Horticultural Association Geo Park Development Committee J Uptown Saint John Integrated Community Sustainability Plan Com. Saint John's Blooming Spirit 38 Priority Neighbourhoods The staff of Leisure Services works with Vibrant Conunnnities and the five priority neigl~botulloods. The City of Saint John provides support to these organizations through the neighbourhood stimulation grant program. Vibrant Communities Westside PACT Crescent Valley Resource Centre /ROC O.N.E. Change Inc. PULSE, Seacats Village ~ Non- City Owned Community Centres . The staff of Leisure Services provides assistance to local co~rununity centres which are owned and operated by non-profit community groups and organizations. The City of Saint John provides each centre with a small operational grant each year for a total of $ l $,0©0. ~ Latimore Lake Recreation Association KBM Association ~ Lornevilie Community Centre Loch Lomond Community Centre De~ulis Morris Community Centre Milford Coinmtulity Centre ~ Playground Program Sites The staff of Leisure Services provides an eight week summer playground program at the following sites throughout the city. Leisiu•e Services Direct Delivery Leisure Services Support to Cther Agencies Somerset Community Centre Latimore Lake ConunLmity Centre North End Coininluiity Centre Glen Falls Home & School Association Loch Lomond ICBM ~ Carleton Community Centre Carleton Community Centre Advisory Board Champlain Heights Beaconsfield Seawood ~ St. Rose Lorneville 1 39 otr _ r~~ ~ ~ - 1 - _ ~ ~ r ~ r - , ' I ~ a ~ - °e - - . e~°...°..°....~: ~ ~•e•e.e•:.e•e.e•:.::•e.....:°:•}e•.c•°•°•:°~•e : °•~•xe ~ °°+e•e•:ee•e.e•:ee•e. •e.e•:•e•e.e•:.e•e.e•:.e•e.e•:•e•e.e•:.e•e.e•:.e•e.e•:•e•e.e•:.e•e.e•:.e•e.e•:•e•e.e•:.e•e.e•:.e•e.e•:•e•e.e•:.e•e.e•:.e•e.e•:•e•e.:• ~~~~~•~°~~~:':~~'i!.~:°:~.~•:':'e~:°:•:'e~:°:•: e~e°~°V°:°:'~~'e~e(~e~e°::'e~e°::'e~ °::°e~:°::°e~:°::°e~:°::°e~:°::°e~:°::°e~:°::°e~:°::°e~:°::°e~:°::°e~:°::°e~:°::°e~:°::°e~:°::°e~:°::°e~:°::°e~:°::' .......,~..x:::b::X::X:::?::X::X:::c...,..}...s::z;...,..X:X:a:a::a....a...p..;~...e..ti::a:::a::;}:::a...::a:;a:::::}::a°,:a::}::; X::}::a::}:::Xaa~:a}:° X:::z:::~::~,a:i~:X::a::~:°t::S:::x::a:::}:::}:::ic:ae::s::x::}:::u::s:at::a::x:a:a::s:;X:a::}:.a::}:::>:::x::X::}:::}:::x::: .°a {}:XX:?}:%:X}:XXX}::{:ti:ti}:}:X}:}: }:XXXX}:XX}:XX :X:?X X:?:iX XXX °X}:}:XXX}:XXX}:::XX:?:tiXXX}:X:}:}:}:X:%}:X}kXX°°:tiY.:ti:ti:%.i}:::X:%XX:ti7::tiXX}:}::ti}: }:+°;y }:7{X;i?: X:tiXXXX}; }::5}:XXX}: }:X:ti' ."{,'°ti°^ 'ti:':°'K X*•: •'ti ••.••ti • •'C°• ••6 ° • r....?..•... }::•::?::X:?X::X :X:::=?. 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Same day. (Changes to solid waste pick up) S I_-- us~rs~taz~assreas~e~srssz~~s ~t F FEE ~ t~kSi I~~~rf~~ u r ~A~, _ . - ~ _ P~~f i~. ~6ssty gt~ai~, ~ ~ ~ i;'y~lr~~j}~)1 _ ~ . , ~~kfi;~fi-~i~ ~ « ! f...~. .ter. em EE ~ ~ 7 t- J - Cost $50, 000 -~a 63 k . ~ _ , I S - 1 e ® ~ Loo t out for us. (Worker safety) E F , . A I[I I' ~ ~I~ ~ ! ~I i I I i i ii~'~' I I ~ !I i ~ ~ ~~I~ _ I'~~ ~ II'~!~I I ! '~~'1'_'~~, U . t do, ~.r k- Cost: $19, 740 -~a 64 k . ~ _ , I S - 1 e ® ~ Let's Ta t. (Community engagement) f; .1~~~.l~htra ~L~T'aT~~.4~ ~1~~ ~+~H a~ ~ . j~ et~r~~~ ~ T ~ ` LL -gym :~~.zd«~~~~..~ ' ~ E ~q ~ '~R4° LT`sXV 'A~ 7 - eft, xa.~u'a*R v~,<x.a~a§Trie:a•-Qe.~.~s>c - .s-s'. F~.Gde,dx 4 - s'r rya n~'< t °a,„ cR.e.-ee §sm ~efi :-eY-. KBr~GSrc~ka. b&n - e~'.. re.~ (t '..,r e-~.r, ~e ~L:§.,_::.~' fa~~ r4~a~auaY iaa ^°hn ~'Ra aar ~.sa=e.x, ~rP~t g~~ere dk ~r axe C . 5,,.. fFe - F"sr sus P -s t~ rr. .,~s~. ~ ~~lS,+~m?'4ip<.7.#'~~6ia.=FaKi~~*~:~~e -....ft.F, .:L-~~e'kc f.P.-vk.. r~.~xc rt l¢,- f 7asx~x'q :t4:?5~@: N.wts}cwse*rTE' _ ~ _ t e..c<.. rr..c--..~s es :rrre-n .rr i_ t.•i`*,w~§e*.aa.~~.~q~sa~~Y !~ne~v-£r F`._,a efi .,.sc l.[... „r.cne R. ~r..~ =.ew.r~.~~~a261'. aisa _ _ t ~"i . fT- lF , Cost: $14, 250 -~a 65 ® ® ® ~ Add one resource Become proactive not reactive Develop consistent look, feel and voice for our Communications Complete communications strategy including web and media strategies Develop internal communications strategy Reactivate Saint John Emergency Communicators Group Find new ways to inform and educate the public and enable the further dialogue with our citizens. (Municipal plan, Water strategy, Harbour clean up updates, proposed infrastructure and recreation projects etc) 66 ~suo,-sa~~ ~o s=ua~~o~ i . ~,{~yp I ,ia. j~~ < ~ a ,r'_ ~ The city of Saint John December 20, 2008 His Worship Mayor Ivan Court And Councillors Your Worship and Councillors, Re: Common Council and Common Clerk 2409 Budget Attached for Cauncil's consideration are the proposed 2009-12 budgets for Common Council and the Cleric's Office. Sincerely, 1 ~ Elizabeth Gormle Y Common Clerk Attachment i~ SAINT' j[~HN P.o. Sox 1.971 Saint John, IBS Canada E2L 4L1 www.sa°rntjohn.ca ~ C.P. 1971 Saint john, hJ.-S. Canada E2L 4L1 68 COMMON COUNCIL BUDGET -REVISED DECEMBER 4, 200$ ACCOUNT COMMON COUNCIL 20118 2009 2010 2011 20°12 NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 110-0605-422-10-02 Salaries -non-union - re By-law 128,667 128,667 128 667 128,667 190-0605-422-12-04 Allowances - re By-law 64,333 64,333 64 333 64,333 110-0605-422.14-04 Fringe Benefits - - - Total Wages & Benefits 193,D00 193,000 193,000 193,000 110-0605-422-20-06 FreightlExpresslCartage -courier services 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 110-0605-422-20-08 Telephone -Blackberry charges and Internet 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 110-0605-422-20-12 Travel - FCM 40,000 40,000 , .40,000 40,000 110-0605-422-20-14 CcsnferenceslCourses 7.000 7,000 _ 7,000 7,000 110-0605-422-20-22 Memberships -Cities of N.B. $30,828, 40,000 40,000 _ 40,000 40,000 Federation of Canadian Municipalities $7,971, = Atlantic Mayor's Secretariat $500 _ 110-0605-422-20-24 Receptions -various dinners, etc. 37,000 37,000 37,000 37,000 110-D605-422-20-30 General Services - tither 287,000 7,000 = 7,000 7,000 910-0605-422-22-06 Fire Insurance -for Silver Mace valued at 25,650 650 = 650 650 j $70,000, includes theft, etc. & ins. deductible 110-0605-422-26-30 Other Services -sponsorships, gifts, etc. 8,OOa 8,000 8,000 8,000 - 110-0605-422-40-02 Meals 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 110-0605-422-40-14 Office Supplies 500 500 500 500 110-0605-422-40-50 Other Goods -Scholarship flowers 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 110-0605-422-60-01 Grants» 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 110-0605-422-70-20 Computers -internal charges -Council's laptops 21,000 21,000 = 21,000 21,000 110-0605-422-90-18 Computers 0 0 0 0 r. 395,159 736,150 431,150 431,150 431,150 TOTAL An increase of $340,991.00 in 2009 reflects the reality of travel and telephone costs experienced in 2008; increased meal charges to reflect weekly meetings; a $25,000. insurance deductible with respect #o the legal proceedings; Pension Board v. John Ferguson; cost associated with management performance review; advisory services for pension changes and possible public inquiry into pension fund. Proposed -Common Clerk Budget, 2009-2012 Account Account Description Budget 2009 2010 2011 2012 Number 2008 110-0801-442- Salary non union, 278,355 2$9,489 301,069 3t3,112 10-02 EG,JT,PA,NC 11D-0801- Salary 486, VJ,Admin 7, 154,948 161,146 167,592 442.10-D4 Admin 4, Admin 5 148,9$9 (5-proposed Ctee pasitlan) 110-0801- Salary temp 2 summer 20,004 20,$00 21,632 22,497 442.10-10 students Cierk and Mayor 110-0801- Overtime 486 - ' 442.11-04 I10-0801-442- BringeBenefits 107,363 111,657 116,123 120,768 14-04 Total Wages & Benefits 554,707 576,894 599,474 623,969 I10-0801-442- Postage 2,004 2,250 20-04 2,080 2,163 I10-080]-442- Telephone 5,000 5,200 5,40$ 5,624 20-08 110-0801-442- Advertising 70,000 72,800 75,712 78,74D 2D-1 D 110-080]-442- Travel 9,000 9,360 9,734 10,123 20-12 110-0801-442- ConferenceslCourses 11,500 11,960 12,438 12,936 20-14 110-0801-442- Memberships 1,800 1,872 1,947 2,025 20-22 31,200 32,448 33,746 110-D801-442- Other General Services 30,000 20-30 Co-op, courrier 110-0801-442- 1,248 1,298 1,350 22-30 Other Insurance 1,20D 110-D801-442- Legal - - - - 24-04 110-0801-442- Other Professional Services 62,480 64,979 69,578 24-I2 Archive work for depts. RM 12,OD0 110-0801-442- Communications - 24-21 110-0801-442- Official Languages Act _ - ' 26-17 ]14-0801-442- Translation Services 71,000 73,840 76,794 79,865 26- l 9 11D-OSD1-442- Interpretation Services 59,DOD b1,360 63,814 66,367 26-20 110-0801-442- Transferred 26 21 Training Official Languages to HR 110-0801-442- Other Purchased Serv. 9,000 1 D,000 10,000 1 D,000 26-30 Incl university courses 110-0801-442- Office Equipment. 26,500 25,SD0 25,500 25,500 30-D6 110-0801-442- Computers - - - 30-10 110-0801-442- Meals 500 5DO 500 500 70 40-oz ] I0-0801-442- OFCice supplies 10,000 10,25® ]0,527 10,527 40-14 ]]Q-0$01-442- 1,000 1,000 1,000 40-15 Books/Periodicals 1,000 1,500 1,500 2,000 110-0801-442- Custom Printed Materials 1,500 40-21 110-0801-442- 2,000 2,000 2,000 40-50 Other Gauds 2,000 110-0801-442- 3,000 3,000 3,000 70-05 Carpentry ~ 3,000 110_0801-442- Computers S,8$0 6,033 5,140 6,190 70-20 110-0$01-442- Office Equipment - - - - 40-16 110-0801-442- Computers - - 90-18 Total -Gauds Services 331,880 393,193 405,)52 423,321 Total Expenditures 788,352 886,58? 9713,087 1,006,922 1,047,240 Increases over 21708: Adjustment for Clerk Asst. Clerk's salaries Increase 1 position @ level '7 admin Decrease in position ~ Ievel 5 admin Increase of $50,0{}0 translation & interpretation due to weekly meetings Increase of $20,000 webcasting. 71