2008-09-29_ Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier d'ordre du jouriY
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City of Saint John
Common Council Meeting
Monday, September 29th: 2008
Location. Common Council Chamber
Supplemental to Agenda
11.14 Letter to Minister Landry (Mayor Court)
11.15 Letter to Premier Graham regarding Lorne Middle School (Mayor Court)
11:16 Letter to Premier Graham with respect to the Forrest Industry
13.4 Management Employees Salary Increase
13.5 Report from City Solicitor Re: Allan A. Williams - 60 inch pipeline
13.6 Deed of Gift - Brunswick Pipeline,
The City of Saint John
September 24, 2008
The Honourable Denis Landry
Minister of Transportation
PO Box 6000
Fredericton, N13 E313 SHJ.
Dear Minister Landry:
I am writing you today with reference to a serious concern we have with respect to trespassing
and vandalism on New Brunswick Southern Railway tracks running through the City of Saint
In the past few years, there have been a significant number of incidents including fires being set
on the tracks, large signs being put on the tracks, the train being pelted with rocks, etc. These
incidents could easily have resulted in a train derailment. Although local law enforcement has
been involved, the existing provincial legislation (the "Trespass Act") does not apply to these
We understand that both New Brunswick Southern Railway and New Brunswick East Coast
Railway have written to you concerning this issue and are asking for a specific change to
existing legislation. We are writing this letter in support of their request. We would ask that you
consider amending the provincial Shortline Railway Act to make it an offense to trespass on
railway property and to provide a specific penalty (i.e. a fine) for offenders. We strongly believe
that enhancing and strengthening this legislation will act as a deterrent to would-be offenders,
thereby resulting in a significant reduction in the number of these dangerous and potentially
fatal incidents.
Yours tr ly,
Mayor Ivan Court, City of Saint John
cc: The Honourable John Foran
Minister of Public Safety
SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 40 ~ wwwsaintjohn.ca C.P. 1971 Saint John, N.-B. Canada 1:2L 41
Sept 25, 2008
From: Mayor Court
To Common Council
I am requesting Common Council send a letter to Premier Graham, The Minister of
Education, and School District 8 officials to retain Lorne Middle School and Hazen
White St. Francis School in their present locations. The City of Saint John has invested
and plans to invest considerable amounts of money to revitalize these venerable
communities. The proposed closure of these community schools will have a detrimental
impact in the cities ability to revitalize the community. Every effort and consideration
should be made to retain the positive presence of these schools in the community. The
community school is a key building block to revitalization.
Respectfully submitted,
Mayor Ivan Court
Sept 25, 2008
Fr; Mayor Court
To: Common Council
I move Common Council forward a letter to Premier Graham expressing our concern for
the future of the forest industry. The management of this industry has a direct and indirect
economic benefit to every municipality in New Brunswick. Any reduction in the
workforce would be detrimental to the economic well being of the province. The
government should adopt a policy that protects the environment with proper forest
management techniques and at the same time protect jobs, directly and indirectly related
to the forest industry. The harvesting of this renewable resource will help the province
achieve its goal of economic self sufficiency.
Respectfully submitted,
Mayor Ivan Court
The Cary ofSaLnr John
Committee of the Whole
Your Worship Ivan Court
Members of Common Council
City of Saint John
Dear Mayor Court and Members of Council
Whereas The smallest increase for all other employee groups of the city that have been
completed was 3.25%
Whereas This classification of staff is often called upon to work beyond 37 hours per week
without compensation
Whereas The 2% increase that was initially given was given back in increased pension
contributions, leaving these employees with a net loss in take home pay due to
Be it resolved that Management Employees receive a 0.5% salary increase, retroactive to
January 1, 200'
Respectfully Submitted,
KcccivW by e-mail
Gary Sullivan
4r'YNT JC Hhs'
P.O. Box 1971 Satnt John, NB Canada E2L 4L7 ; www.satngohn.ca E C.P. 1971 Saint John, N.-B. Canada E2L 4L1
J 5
RESOLVED that the City Solicitor, or a designate thereof, is hereby
authorized to commence appropriate legal proceedings in the narne of the
City of Saint John against Allan A. Williams for the purpose of protecting
the structural integrity and functionality of the City's 60 inch water
pipeline passing through the Williams Property (identified by PID No.
00287474) should engineering reports prepared by CBCL and/or Conquest
Engineering objectively identify Mr. Williams' activities over and around
the said pipeline as constituting a threat thereto.
Respectfully Submitted,
John Lli agent
City Solicitor
~~1 U
The City of saint John
Section 10.2(4)(f) and (g
September 16'1', 2008
Committee of the Whole
of Common Council of
The City of Saint John.
Mayor Court and Committee Members:
Re: Deed of Gift - Brunswick Pipeline
By correspondence from Mr. Robin McAdam dated March 9th, 2007, Brunswick Pipeline
committed to the establishment of a $2,000,000 endowment fund to provide an ongoing
source of funding to the Saint John Horticultural Association (the "SJHA"). In particular,
Mr. McAdam's March 9'h, 2007 correspondence states as follows:
6 Brunswick Pipeline will establish a trust fund in the amount of $2
million, with the intention being to provide a lasting benefit
through an ongoing source of income for the operation of the
SJHA. The terms of reference of the trust will be discussed with
the City and with the SJHA. The trust fund will be established
within 45 days of Brunswick Pipeline confirming that it intends to
proceed to construct the Brunswick Pipeline.
Attached, please find a copy of a Deed of Gift which addresses all of the outstanding
legal issues raised between the parties thereto to my satisfaction. Both Brunswick
Pipeline and the SJHA have approved the Deed of Gift. The Deed of Gift now requires
the consideration and approval of Common Council together with the nomination of two
individuals to serve as the City of Saint John's original administrators under the Deed of
Respectfully Submitted,
Jo ug t.
Cit ,Solicitor
SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E21L 4L7 www.saintjohn.ca ( C.P. 1971 Saint John,, N.-B. Canada E21L 4L1