2008-09-02_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier d'ordre du jourCity of Saint John
Common Council Meeting
Monday, September 2nd, 2008
Location: Common Council Chamber
Supplemental to Agenda
7. Proclamation
7.2 Equal Parent's Week Proclamation
9. Public Hearings
9.1 (c) Letters of Opposition to Rezoning Application of 25 -35 Bentley st.
10. Consideration of By -Laws
10.1(a) Map of 1060 Sandy Point Rd
10.3 Minimum Property Standards By -Law
13. Committee Reports
13.4 Nominating Committee Appointments
City of Saint John
Seance du conseil communal
Le lundi 2 septembre 2008
Lieu : Salle du conseil communal
Ordre du jour supplementaire
7. Proclamation
7.2 Declaration relative a la Semaine de I'egalite des parents
9. Audiences publiques
9.1 c) Lettres d'opposition a la demande de rezonage relative au 25 -35, rue Bentley
10. Etude des arretes municipaux
10.1a) Carte du 1060, chemin Sandy Point
10.3 Arrete sur les normes minimales regissant les residences
13. Rapports deposes par les comites
13.4 Nominations du Comite des candidatures
WHEREAS: the New Brunswick Children's Equal Parenting Association, a children's
rights organization which works to strengthen families through education and
advocacy and to assure a child the frequent and continuing contact with two
parents and extended family when families break up, or are never formed; and
WHEREAS: in furtherance of these objectives, the NBCEPA advocates parenting education
before marriage, during marriage, and in the event of separation, works to
demilitarize divorce between parents who are involved in marital disputes,
substituting conciliation and mediation for the adversarial process, and
providing for comprehensive child support; and
WHEREAS: we recognize the right of children to continue to receive the same access to
both parents which is sanctioned in families with married parents, and that
children cannot benefit from family values when they are allowed to suffer the
loss of a parent and perpetuation of irresponsibility by parents against each
other and their children; and
WHEREAS: we recognize that nothing can take the place of the love of a parent in
children's lives, and it takes the equal presence of both parents in children's
lives to meet their children's need for that love; and
WHEREAS: we recognize that "the best interest of children" cannot be met unless we
maximize the ability of both parents to raise and nurture their children and
afford children the maximum parenting effort and involvement each parent is
willing and able to contribute in raising their children; and
WHEREAS: we recognize that we as a society share the responsibility to keep families
together by promoting a system that protects the right of children to be raised
and nurtured by both parents and the right of families to exist and function as
a family, as civil rights and human rights inalienable to all families; and
WHEREAS: The City of Saint John joins the New Brunswick Children's Equal Parenting
Association in declaring September 7 to 14, 2008 as Equal Parents Week, and
September 10, 2008 as Equal Parents Day to raise public awareness of the
urgent need of our children for the love and support from both parents, their
extended families, and stepfamilies.
NOW THEREFORE: i, Mayor Ivan Court, of Saint John do hereby request the
citizens of Saint John to join with our Council in supporting New Brunswick Children's Equal
Parenting Association. I va
In witness whereof I have set my hand and affixed the official seal of the Mayor of
Saint John.
.._.a. _______ ................................................ _________ .
.SMNT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada EL410 � :daingohn.ca I CA 1971 Saint; io hni, N,
August 20, 2008
Planning and Development
P.O. Box 1971
Saint John, N.B.
To Whom It May Concern,
AUG 21 2003
We as homeowners do not feel that it is in the best interest of our area to have such a
large multi unit here. There will be the loss of our view, in building a three-storey unit.
There will be the issue of parking, this is a busy street with limited on street parking.
There will be an issue with garbage, this neighborhood takes pride in keeping our streets
clean. Then, most of the neighbors work and our concern will be that there will be
transients and our home safety may become an issue with such a large increase of
population. There will be a very noticeable increase in noise level.
We are also concerned that the city has promoted the Harbor Passage as a safe and
pleasant place for walkers & joggers. We feel that there will be a problem with them not
feeling comfortable and therefore they will stop using it. After all the work the city has
put into promoting this it would be a shame if it came to and end because they no longer
feel safe.
We are definitely against the building of 50 units, something on a smaller scale 5 to 10
units would be a more reasonable proposal.
Thank you,
Sharon Baird
22 Bentley Street
Saint John, N.B.
E2K 1B3
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AUG 22 ZN3
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Andrew and Kimberly Dvkemmn
Z82 Douglas Ave,
Saint John, N.B.
August 20, 2008
Re: Rezoning application-25-35 Bentley Street.
Dear Ms. Herring,
Planning and Development
1.0. Box 1971
;oint John, N.B.
We have reviewed the rezoning application and have several concerns. The major ones follow:
I. Douglas Avenue/ Bentley Street is a heritage area in Saint John, any structures that are built
in this area must be sensitive to and blend in with the architecture of the area. Manv
homes io the area are custom designs with elegant and stylish exterior detailing. Any new
structures {n the area should have the same attention to exterior detail. An example ofa
new structure in the area with appropriate detail is the Jacqueline Premises. TanneryCmurt
would be on Harbour Passage which is a showcase for Saint John, something to be proud of.
Any new structures on Harbour Passage should be "showcase structures", structures that
the Planning department and citizens can take pride in.
l While we agree with the necessity for green spaces (especially with small 400 sq. foot
apartments), the new building adds green spaces at the expense of parking. With SOor
more people in the building having family and friends visit, 26 parking spaces is far too few.
This is a greater concern considering there is no street parking on one side of Bentley with
the bicycle |aoeandthe fact that the street is quite narrow. There are already 8existing
buildings that require some parking on the street. (t can not support any others. We use
space in front of our home for parking for ourselves, our family and our tenant. |donot
wish ta share this parking space. You MUST have appropriate parking for the number of
tenants, AND maintain attractive green space like all the other HOMES in the area.
In summary, Douglas Avenue and Bentley street consist of mainly single/ two family homes. This is an
area of incredible character and charm. Most of the homes in this area date back to the early 19O0's. It
|s not en area that is made upoflarge apartment buildings. This neighborhood is one ufthe
destinations for tourists because of its history and interesting architecture. |t would beaterrible
disservice to add this type ofstructure. We are strongly opposed to this structure being built imour
neighborhood. Surely there are other more suitable areas for a large apartment complex other than a
heritage area. |t seems ridiculous to imagine taking a beautiful area steeped in history and adding a
large new apartment building.
This City needs to consider carefully and strive to maintain areas of character and history, not destroy
Thank you for your consideration.
)cy Technician
Date: 2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name: Lis � Mc- Le
Address: ;2—
Re: Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex.
Date: tyA I J— 2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
AUG 22
Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex,
_4iwao f
Rrz(' �N
Date: P2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name:
Address: � T4 a v 0, �zy
Re- Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex,
AUG en, 2 2' j":C' 3
Date: a a. 'g, I ,2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name:. t,
Address: Y n R a
Re: Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
f 7A
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex.
. ... . ......
AUG 22 Z-3C3
Date: 2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name:
Address: ay/ 5 &V - a&zc� lao-14
Re: Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit nq/n-�derly, single, fixed income housing complex.
IUG 22 2'
Date: AV C- 2 2- _,2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name:
Address: �
Re: Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex,
Date: AL, :�,: Z i ,2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name:
Address: �h_
Re: Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex.
� It
248 Douglas Avenue
Saint John, New Brunswick
E2K I E6
August 22, 2008
Sarah Herring, MCIP, RR-P
Planning Development Officer
10`h Floor Planning
PO Box 1971
Saint John, New Brunswick
CC: Members of Planning Advisory Committee
Mayor and Members of Common Council
AUG 22 20'03
-91PSAT4 T.
I am writing this letter to advocate my opposition to the proposal to re-zone 25-35
Bentley Street from B-2 to RM-2 to allow for the construction of a 50 unit complex.
My name is Brett Mclean. My wife Lisa, our two year old son and I live at 248 Douglas
Avenue. We purchased this property from Darling Real Estate in 2004. The house was
operating as a fledgling Bed & Breakfast at the time that we purchased it. We decided
after we moved in to also operate a Bed & Breakfast. We have spent the past four years
advertising, renovating, buying period pieces of furniture, maintaining the heritage
character of the house and growing our business. We have turned this property into a
very viable, self sustaining business.
I am opposing the Tannery Court proposal for two main reasons. I am not opposed to
development "of any kind" on this parcel of land at 25-35 Bentley Street and I am not
opposed to Income Assisted Housing. What I am opposed to is a large scale, high density
development that does not fit the historic nature of this area and to a building that will
eliminate, from every level, the views that I have of the Saint John Harbour and the Bay
of Fundy.
My house has stood high on the hillside of Douglas Avenue for 157 years with a
commanding view of the Saint John Harbour, long before much of what I see from the
rear windows of my house today. My house has one of the few remaining authentic
"widows watches" in the City, the purpose of which was to look out over the Harbour
and the Bay to see the ships coming back into Port. I have built up my business on this
fact. I have 5 rooms, 4 of which have this view. These rooms rent for more than the ones
without the view and they are always the first to be rented.
The Bed & Breakfast business is not purely accommodation. To explain this comment,
people don't stay at a B&B just because they need a place to lay their head, generally.
They stay because they like the homey, quiet atmosphere, they appreciate the historic
nature of many B&Bs; my guests always ask the storey of the house and they enjoy the
views. There have been headlines lately about Saint John and the Bay of Fundy being
nominated as one of the Seven Wonders of Nature. People will journey here to visit for
this reason and they will stay at places like mine and Mr. Holyoke's Homeport B&B
down the street because they can wake up looking out over this wonder.
The impact of this large scale, high density development on my property will be two fold:
It will diminish my quality of life at 248 Douglas Avenue, my home. I have a large, quiet
back yard (see attached pictures) where my two year old plays on his playset. Now we
will have all these people and all this movement and this large 3 storey shadow casting
over it. This type of high density housing which does not match the character of the
neighborhood will certainly diminish my property value.
Secondly, this development will have a major impact on my business. I market the views
from my house (see attached advertising). People don't rent our Merlot suite on the third
floor of our house for $155 per night because they like to climb stairs; they rent it
because you can see for miles over the Bay of Fundy. These people will not pay $155.00
per night to look at the back of a plain brick building.
I want to stress that I am not anti- development. The in flux of people to Saint John with
all of the new energy projects has been a great asset to me. I want to stress that I am not
a "NIMBY" nay-sayer who is against low income housing. Many of the people I have
spoken to have expressed concerns that they may look snobbish or elitist if they oppose
the development publicly because it's non-profit. I want to be clear that what I am
opposed to is the size and height of this building and the number of people who will be in
it and coming and going from it. I understand from the application to Planning that there
is to be no provision for air conditioning. This tells me that on a hot summer night, 50
windows could open up to send the sounds of televisions and telephone conversations
and stereos playing and guitars into my back yard. I can just see my guests reporting to
breakfast asking for a refund because they didn't sleep with the noise from next door.
Again, nothing to do with the type of housing, just the number of units, the density is
much, much too high. On Douglas Avenue and Bentley Street there are single family
homes, duplexes, 3 and 4 unit buildings. There are no 10 or 20 or 50 unit buildings. This
development clearly does not fit this neighborhood.
There was an application for rezoning before Council in February, 2008 that would have
allowed a historic home at 282 Douglas Avenue to be converted to an I I unit complex. It
was recommended by the Planning department and -upheld by Common Council that I I
units were too many for this type of neighborhood and would change the character of
what existed in a non-positive way. This being the precedent, a 50 unit building less than
300m down the street from 282 Douglas Avenue would certainly affect the character of
the neighborhood in a non-positive way,
I spoke with a business analyst who told me, "This development has the potential to
completely eradicate the desirability of your building as a Bed & Breakfast. Your type of
business depends on the historical value of your home, the magnificent water views and
historical nature of the neighborhood in which it sits" he went on to say that the density
of this development would certainly have an adverse effect on the surrounding
neighborhood and based on precedents set all across Canada, will de-value the
neighboring properties.
A 1980 study for the Planning Department referred to the Douglas Avenue corridor as "a
gem of the City that should be preserved". Saint John Tourism has been promoting the
heritage value in Saint John for a long time. There is an RFP out right now from the City
to study the North end of the City and identify buildings of historical character and
significance to be put into a register of places to see and do in Saint John. Why would
the City allow this high rise, high density development to proceed on this land when it
will have such a detrimental effect on the character of the entire neighborhood? The city
bus tour that takes tourists from market Slip through the City stops in front of our house
daily to point out the widows watch and explain the historic significance of it. This
widow's watch adds great value to my property and it will be rendered nothing more than
an ornamentation if this building is constructed.
It is my understanding that Planning Advisory Committee has an obligation to look at
two factors when contemplating a rezoning application and the affect it will have on
adjacent property owner; financial loss and Infringement on a right. I have invested
approx $500,000 in my property and I have a right to enjoy it, the views that go with it,
the quiet back yard, and the family nature of the neighborhood in which it sits. I have
invested 4 years building my business and I will suffer a loss, both in my traffic and in
my value if I decide to sell. Even now, if I were to decide today that I don't want to fight
this fight and I just want to sell and leave, my real estate agent would be forced to
disclose to any buyer that the beautiful views and the quiet backyard won't last as there is
a 50 unit complex going up. These infringements and these losses are very real and I
implore you to consider them carefully in your deliberations. Please think about
everyone on Douglas Avenue and Alexandra Street and Bentley Street and how this
development will change what we have. To move this development to another more
suitable location with similar densities and heights will not impact the development or the
people who will eventually live in it, but it will forever change the historic nature our
neighborhood and I believe that is a right that we have to fight for.
Respectfully Submitted,
Brett McLean. P. Eng,
k; el�,
Li Mclean, B.ScF
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p re,•HardGaro t a i,✓IAT%�I train tµ m
loch Lamand Mall
{Next Ta Bank o1 Monkrealf Eye Care Face Cara Hsu Ca r
648.9675 F.01. C Packages , Gr C Sun Care t trxrx
Loch Lomond tlall
r 696 4b47 Cosntabas waxing • Ben's Services
slersWalr$aloon f6oASSed- - - -_ - -- :- P er60aates s in 'rrr��1 jr � BlOItEB[EMTS �!P'�
S eda
IBELIJt'EIfAAESTAETICS - REDHEAD,} T,3r° Cn &SpaEquipn ent,Design &Supp
9, } lies ° r
A'. ProfeaslonalFullServiceAnsthetieSalon s x a' d Wien y Week
Speclaliztlng In �y
Convenient 5teres, Open 7 Da s a W
Saint John
arll4Urgs,IP$dicurgs Gel N41it, Waxing
658- 9
l3r il~lir$; FarJals` & Elody TreE ants , 66 Pflnce YJilliarn
aetamenw':Products; Relaxallasl blasfiagas 7� �+ r i 420 Rothesa Ave.
'V.- Hot'SCtine Therapy. EOr Candling' 642 9534
Salon >1 C 36 Sydney _ - -_ 652.4146i r r `" FaX:9.42- 422�74$3S VVwsM i!ta fit,�m Beaut caen
ad'8 Tvloblle Aesli et<clen • Daborali 2w0ker Salpn i41 '141 "Hawthorne Av - " ' P
Parka as & Gift CerdOeates Available ;Salim 9B Hair Design k Esthetics
a , s
+w Drive =. 6$B 1733„ . g8 Princess - 636 9848 y
p 64Zy4618 ,
seats Hairstyling Brunswick S '?' fi42.406D harper Edga Salon 244 Main Ham ton 832`0437 &rather s Bauy SdPpy
-J f t$Etgtiatte Pay Spa, 475 Mdl,dge b722772
4 '
Bar Sht 23 Mann N1 672-7953 Srrtart5tyle 450 yy'estmoriand Rd 636-8102 GLAMOUR SOURCES LIMITED-
IIa.V@'Si�A11 STUDIO ' ttips 59Cantiebwy -- - -• 658121Q 1e >
Beauty Products Dls{ributo "r - JOlcop
in Rlcicl's Plaza 135 Hampton Rd 847 1141 ISO. Goidwell]KMS Plant' Es a,,
ledkot Products &Color Ear Piercing Style'n'.Tan:1 DD Princess 632 1885 ` Escehbal & PodB( 4.
Faclal'Naxing ,, - $93 3$25 s .
iUth CUi> lee THE GRAND HAIR STUDIO Suite 301.358 Rothesay AV 1800 561 9275
Total Hair Gave Tell Free- r
X83 B19$ t7pan Tuas Ivied ®5 Thurs Fri 9 8 Sat '9 4
�9 ChUrchafl ffl4d Phony for Appofntr rants walk Ins WatooOe, t
61 Baysitle Or 638,:7470 ftDDY S S; SONS 'T
e;Cehtre. uis airisis . "- 4,°849.814 __GrandBay1Westfield 738-35,37, 660Rothes#Av -- MENAPAGE38}
218 City Line W fii2,9H7a TatallyYoP skin Care Center .193 River UaBey�Dr (SEE ADVERTtS 633 3097'
iNIGag 9 f?: -637 +9384. 633 3109 - i
seC,?i, - Trade Secret McAllister PI 658.9976
ligi$' tropical Tandnc 77 Gulden Grave Rd --r 696 1150°, Malttime Beauty 424 RTISE E AV ---
NSTITt7T6 30 CKWite -x� 693 4125 l
(SEE ADVERTISEMENT PAGE 38} SI YOUS'dtt�11E±ez 041 ovei., ale
±� 4 VILLAGE HAIR DESIGN 1j:BSCO' BEAUTY SY$'TEIMS INVIvioncton Un h6' a a�f3 CAE "bins de 6
pRntuye CUnitStiowna Av, 63� s31 t earnlLY HAiiicA�E BOp2 3934
B V15if . "
loll1 adoly 21 MPA 1jgi r Dr 696 661.0
l7penT.ue5daythroagh Saturday No CI arge Dial-, veUillBZVfJUS IRSCIlle 10�(I Ui�
P (SEE AtVkRT1513HT P71GE 37) a aM tDn83Z•A433 .
; . 2z C
tlt;td�MdAlllst%r Place Mall x 5341199_
WaterlOD.lBkaFWty salon 10 Wa1e11ao 693.2661 �iut i Aq�iN
IN�5 N3AN$iIih�C PAGE 3j _ aindtesstq 8 Esthetics, Schools-
- SEE AOVERTISEFt1EN1....,,..o ° 87 394
yV line Jutras Cwnor See schoals H 9
Ganaall�In NalO4ne yalcsrylidgForlheEn6raFemity,., TaehnicaL&Trade
ctrl North 693 3490
.) ... Fealuring Pr ®mlum organic Products
634 9219 Ful19arpanServlces E1y'DOmenrio °' -• ..'180 813.954¢ it
s,„ifeauty Salon 80 Pnnces5 f ton 10 4tas [slurs 913 Fr16 7 Prit 6 3 Weltoine Wagon
s HayrstyHng REen&Eltirig? Fined (VOIR L ANNCNCE A LA PAGE, 38) )9
4o$Stephppson Tower Saint 1aht1- 633.1216 9 Charlotte k $34 7565
ToP`�laik'Fea .Lj gfieldV4,41'r -a48.0o4� 1 VOi�lkifln'Q }rOLli1�@ ,
{SEE ADVERTISENh NT PAGE �7); : I, Laves Hair Studio 1371 Sand Cove Rd 672 779T in YC1�1 1 eIIOW P ge5Trr1
rs Cmg f1l r
Cycle Hat 131, Champlain br 696A924, 2Ct0
� E..-'.
Meese styling 647 z94D G EgU1��r1�ti & A Tfirtrler s Hare 190 ^King
R 633.0074
t -P d it� c �OA _. v •, s,r4r•. t � r;, inn
P Iftllrigs P1u ;tlfd Cne Brunswick S One -.
pAmtiareLlt Cflotce 66 waterloo 642 2662
IN ? 'St�hplR St4L�lTION
T ' " . "fetal Family Hair Care
iRtISK Heir are Products specializing In
C01ors Cuts Perms' YPp1n4 Slytling
Haymarket S4Plaza .. 652 7830 L;.
s 8etylgin6 the Half.Carp'Nepdsrol a
.. r Families far t:1vaC 15 years
Tanning Fsca1 Waning & Ear Piercing
McAllister PI Mali 8341337,
r 5tudlo t714 Bott esay Rd' 844.8DOfii
:60t & AfstnTIC STum"
aped Foot Care, i C N Nail $pecfallst
gocrela Waxing, Facials Parfdmtad
0ioulet Glaan:SpaelousFArdl&ty
,n,grj Rothesay P3a� $4T 888fY
ilr Company 52F Mart Rd 849.2887,
.... r9:.... ------- - -- 847.8302..
l�UYAL HAIK WCarure ,
Hair Care For.The Entire Family'
'4 Style cuts M Folls — Colors - PerMS HI Lites, .
Waxing •far Piero ng
.,r iopp• Aliant Suildlhgl,
liojaI Half Design - 652=1525
S M Nails 519 Westmorland = 6334893
c,,UIr M, ITf- :+HtFL -L
15$ Route,850 ldngston ---- nsc•r I�< ;
ppffenn lrin 8'%ta'357 Dufferin Row
Fade Of'Leinster Inn Style 8 & B s
reat,Loealson,Rate4Room 4 Star I;;
65Z 3275 -
96 Leanster; --° s
Evelyn s K& ox Bow Falrlt Bloomfield 83$ .451Y.
i'Undy Helg�ts Bpd & Breakfast i
4 -
. :.360 tn .635.1213
HiCmT?rofcssisnal Ca:
d' A4 8aak ast
fianptnn Bebandb.com
wwwh ampt
g3x -x993
rdNnyotherLeading Brands
40S'Valn Ham:
Mahogany Manor- i.24Germain• - - -- 536 "BDOD;
MDore's,SPRClaitlg9 & Tov[ist Har1e:,
1254 R66te'825 Gardners Creek Salohn
j f
Nostalgia's Naek St'Martuls 833.4957
OceamSunset Bed & Breakfast "
155 Maces Bay Rd plates Bay . - 659.2551
IW , .
18tf ct� 1 R a. Cd
5a ar B & B 4-Snow's s Ln = - B33.224%
. .
aside,Bed & Breakfast t M —8- 3.2491
49 west Quaco Rd 833.2481
kT4.%� Canada Select ` " Vz Lux sous Rooms'
Caritral Location W7it7 Barbour -& R ver
"Lac g Term E3usmess SutteS wJVw the nntega.ca
248 Douglas Av • -.'.': ,.. ... ,.'.
Bed and Breakfast Travel Guide
Page 1 of 2
New Brunswick
' Fundy Shore
St Andrews
SalatJohn B&B Guide New Brunswick
Along the shores of the Bay of Fundy, perhaps one of
men4wme wonoecsnrmevvunoano argu ably on par
with the Great Barrier Reef of Australia |u where you'll
find the picturesque and cultural city of Saint John
surrounded by beautiful sandstone cliffs and glorious
ocean sandy beaches.
Explore the charming shores, admire the superb
natural maritime scenery and traditions in this
sparsely populated region of Canada, Visit Fundy
National Park, a wi|dUfn sanctuary and ah1ker'y
paradise with miles upon miles of scenic coastal trails,
hike the wonderful beaten paths and breathe the
invigorating pure, pine-scented mountain air. You can
play golf ot one ofthe many golf courses, go horse
riding or sailing tours are available as is the popular
whale, seals, porpoises and shark watching in the
bay. Don't miss the powerful and striking tide that
creates the unique 'Reversing FaUs', these amazing
rapids considered the highest in the world, which flow
backwards twice a day athigh tide and literally makes
the StJohn's River run in reverse ..,upstream! Get a
close up view of the natural wonder from a jet boat or
you can feel a bit safer from the phenomenon in the
Observation Deck. The nearby town ofWest Quaco
provides excellent beaches for fun, sand and sea and
for the little ones there are plenty nf attractions and
activities in the recreational parks.
Other cities in this area:
HQpqwQtlhiH B&B Guide New Brunswick
Area Guides for New Brunswick, Fundy Shore
Bayof�� B&B Guide New Brunswick
Province Guides for New Brunswick
B&B Guide New,.B
The Garden Gate Bed
The Vintage Bed & Breakfast - Gallery
The 42 foot Great Room of The Vintage B&B
The gotgeous kitchen of The
Vintage B&B
Watch a sunrise Eke this from the
widow's watch of The Vintage B&B
Rooms& Rates Packages - Directions
Photo Gallery - Policies About Saint John - About Us
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1_--. ) 1- -- -- I-- I I -- I---- I Q 111) (1) rIfAQ
The Vintage B & B, Saint John, Bed and Breakfast Accommodation
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About BBCanada
Why List With Us
Other Directories
Site Statistics Number of Rooms: 4
Testimonials Breakfast Service : Full,
Beds Available : Queen, King,
Bathrooms Available : Private, Ensuite,
Payrnent Methods
V1. A j /J�
• Low Season $95.00 - $125.00 and High Season $100-00- $155
• A 4 1/2 star Bed & Breakfast in an 1868 Itallanate Victorian Mansion lo
Uptown Saint John and the Trinity Royal Heritage Area.
• Large Widow's Watch (Belvedere) with 360 degree panoramic view of
the Bay of_F_uody_
• 4 beautiful guest rooms each distinctly different in style and color witl
tubs, marble sinks and separate showers.
• Each room has Satellite or cable T.V. and available VCR's, in-room co
water and complimentary morning paper.
• Third floor suite has a full kitchen with full size fridge, stove and micr,
bedroom and a private ensuite with two person Jacuzzi, Posted rates
10$ charge for each additional guest,
• Private oak panelled guests study on the second floor is complete witl
copier. • Posted rates include HST and a full served breakfast at 8:30
Check In/Check Out : Check In between 5:00 pm and Midnight/ Check Ot
Cancellation : 48 hours prior to date of check in. (As much notice as possi
Seasonal Information : Open year round with low season rates from Nov(
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1! I I I #n A � n I , --I Q /1) 111) A A Q
Saint John Bed and Breakfast, New Brunswick - B&B BnBStar.com
Street 1371 Sand Cove Road
City Saint Sohn (i)
Phone (506) 672 7799
Price from 85
Directions & Weather
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Fjq_Me I TraMgj..gpjde Map Special Offers I B&B Owners I contact us
p I Search I
Page 2 of 4
-- /1"% -0 , ---1, A—, IQ I +-- A 2-1 A— Q I— Q /1) 1) /1) (-) () 5z
Date: 4L1 4 - -7— 4 _'2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name: X14 -1
Re: Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex.
n 2,
Date: 2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name: (!_a<'lOt L. ) \'m e � e -z-
Address:- L
Re: Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex.
Date. 6VU-1
I _,2008
To: Sarah Iwing, I
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name-.
'44. AVI
Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex.
j� AUG 2,5 2M13
Date: 2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name- 444ft1
Address:, ou
Re: Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex.
Date: _,2008
a* t
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: N
Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non - elderly, single, fixed income housing complex,
AUG 2,5 ni
Date: ,2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name:
1/ gAddress:
Re. Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex,
Date: _'2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
---- A
From: Name:
Re: Re Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex.
AUG 25
Date: 21 .2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name:—(--
Re- Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed,5g,�apit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex.
AUa 25
Date: Z. 4-1 2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name: We'a /"�
e,'- 0 6
Address:- 9- '2-
Re: Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex.
AUG 2,3.
Date: '4�_4 12008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name:
Address: /_3 L)o S U
Re: Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex.
Date: LA,5L 9, 2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
AUG ,r,-3 25 2
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name: )�-tD t V_15'
Address:- 2- Ct
Re: Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street-
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex.
Date: 2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name:
Address: 0=:e
Re- Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex.
Date: Af
, a 2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name:
Address: 13_1 z
Re: Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex.
Si nature
AUG 2 �j,
Date: 2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name:
Re: Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex.
Date: 2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name:
Address :- 120 - _-to_- —5— ✓
Re: Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex.
Date: o _,2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name
AUG 210 2 03
Re: Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex,
Date: Aoen2.5' 2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name:—,
Address:. 041B � i-,45 IF
Re: Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
AUG 25 2003
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex.
Sign tore
To-. Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer)
City of saint John
Copies to'
Mayor and Members of Common council
Planning Advisory Committee Member,
FrOM Name'
AUG 26
'Re- Zoning Of 25-35 Bentley Street.
Re: to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing complex
the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
I d _
0 not want the City of Saint John to aPPro've
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High leRllCourt to
, sing, fixed income housing complex-
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, -
AUG 26
Date: 2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From. Name:
Address: lyp_
Re: Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex.
mlm I' ii ,�'
Date. z� P2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name: —Geo
Address:. wx Ate,
Re: Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex.
AUG 26 2008
Date: 2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name-.— L,6, Anjvok m�
Address: Ave,
Re: Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex,
AUG So 2003
Date: g4" 2008
To: Sarah erring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name:-W,4-'a
Address:.!V A'a."es-
Re: Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re- zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex.
Signature q
Date: 2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name,—
- —6tA-1 64 CAT-S NSA
Re: Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex.
C P0 �Seo
t"t (0d3 S' I a I
H 0-3 57P8
Date: 2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name:
Re: Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex.
Date: R-15,2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name:
Re: Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex.
' Vftq AUG 26 23
Date: _,2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name:
Re: Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley greet:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex.
X ze
Date: 2008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name.— J4,,
Address: ly OUr-N,-
Re: Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
ja* .� the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex.
Date: I 01-og- a r 52008
To: Sarah Herring,
Planning Development Officer,
City of Saint John
Copies to:
Mayor and Members of Common Council
Planning Advisory Committee Members
From: Name:
Address: q 0 Oct I 61 le_
Re Re-Zoning of 25-35 Bentley Street:
to allow 50 unit Income Assisted Housing Complex
I do not want the City of Saint John to approve the re-zoning of the parcel of land at
25-35 Bentley Street from B-2 to High Rise Residential to allow Tannery Court to
build the proposed 50 unit non-elderly, single, fixed income housing complex.
Q _V
R R, r, 17- 17, 1 F-D
Planning Advisory Committee,
Coty of Saint \john,
A �Z-
PO Box 1971 U 0
Saint John NB E2L4L1
August 20, 2008
Correspondence dated August 13, 2008 arrived by post at our home! 6 Roatan Way this
date. The correspondence indicated an application to modify the OUSTING turnabout
from 124 ft. to 108 ft.
First of all my wife and I are firmly against any changes to the roadway in front of or
leading to our new home. We will explain why!
This past winter I spent hours cleaning up the mess in front of our driveway left by the
snow plows. We were left with deep ridges and high snow banks that I had to remove
with my time, any energy, my gas and my snow blower. We called the City on several
occasions to no avail. When, and I say when the wing plow came up the street it was
required to back into our driveway to turn. Several times our driveway markers were
knocked down and on one occasion broken.
The amount of snow moved by the wing plow, when it was used on most occasions
ended up at the comer or in front of our driveway.
When the City Packer (garbage removal) visits our street the driver must turn several
times to reverse his direction. When delivery or confused drivers of larger trucks arrive
on Roatan Way they require every foot of the turnaround to reverse their direction.
From the time any wife and I began speaking with Mr. Folkins many months ago, never
was there any indication of a possible change in front of our property and, every copy of
the sub division plans showed Roatan Way (at one time Natures Way with a full turn
This requested change impacts in a very negative way on our use of our driveway, on the
service we should receive from City services and upon any person who might wish to
visit us. Are they to turn at the bottom of the street and back the full distance to our home
and driveway'? Are we expected to do the same? My wife and I bought this property
because of the contour of the road, the beauty of the land and the view of the lake.
Now after we have spent thousands of dollars on the exterior of our property — lawn,
gardens, and driveway we are notified of a major change to the approach to our home.
Rest assured we are very much against changing the lay of the roadway.
I was told personally that the adjoining land to our home would never be developed. We
were never told that the street would eventually end up as a DEAD END rather than a
turnabout! Had we been informed of that in early discussions it would have impacted in a
major way on our possible purchase of the land.
A short time ago we paid $3,600.00 in taxes. We are yet to have a completed street, no
sidewalk, one street light, improper drainage at the bottom of the street and now the
removal of a turning area in front of our home. I don't think so!
A decision to reduce the width of Roatan Way will impact negatively on this property
more than any other. Where will the snow be pushed this winter? I know where, right into
our driveway! How will the garbage be collected, drive in back out, I bet not! And the list
goes on.
Enough said, we are sure you can see the frustration and disappointment this has caused
this household.
We are dead set against any change to the street design!
J Kevin McDonald
Deborah J. MeD d
U�l W'J' /_UUC) 1L U. •+J ? e = PAGE 02
August 25, 2008
Dear Planning and Advisory ('01-nmittee
As a property owner an Roatan. Way we are opposed to the variance that would allow the
removal of the cul-de-sac. Our boi,-ne was purchased at a coTisideTable price with the cul-
de-sac in place and was thought to bean asset, which if removed may after the value of
Being parents of young cbildrcn it is also comforting toiujow tbat traffic icy kcr. t to a
minimal, 6nd our children can play safely' with their bikes and other childhood toys at the
top of the street in a larger than normal area.
During the winter months the cul-de-sac will aide in snow rcrnoval, if the street was
turned in to a dead end the snow would most likely he plowed and le-ft as a bank at the
top of the street which not only could make driving difficult but also could prove to be
dangerous for small children.
Thank You
Sholly and Richard Award
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Amending Schedule "A" of the Zoning By-Law of The City of Saint John
Modifiant Annexe r<Aaa de I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint Jahn
m1 ,
i �V
B-2 RM-2
General Business I Nigh Rise Multiple Residential
Zone commercial generale I Zone de tours d'haaitations
logements multiples
Pursuant to a Resolution under Section 39 of the Community Planning Act
Conformement a une resolution adoptee par le conseil municipal en vertu de
I'article 39 de la Loi surl'urbanistrne
Applicant: Terrain Group Inc. on behalf of Caliber Consulting Limited
Location: 1660 chemin Sandy Point Road
PID(s) /NIP(s) Portion of /de 55196193
Drawn fay /Cr6ee Par: David Couture
Bate Drawn /Carte Cr66e: August 21 ao0t, 2008
Recommended by P.A.Cdconsidure par le C.C.u.: August 12 ao0t, 2088
Enacted by CouncilfApprouO par le Conseil:
Filed in Registry OfficeiEnregistre le:
By -Law WArr@tA #:
By -law Number M -14
The City of Saint John
New Brunswick
Arrete numero M -14
The City of Saint John
Nouveau - Brunswick
Table of Contents
Section Page
1 Title & Scope
2 Definitions
3 Adoption of Provincial Residential
et d'occupation des residences
Properties Code
4 Appointment of Standards & Inspection
5 General Duties & Obligations
6 Responsibilites of Occupants 10
7 Cooking Facilities
8 Plumbing
9 Toilet, Wash & Other Sanitary
et d'occupation des residences
10 Garbage, Storage & Disposal
11 Fire Protection Measures
12 Egress
13 Floors
14 Basements, Cellars & Unheated
15 Water Damage
16 Doors & Windows
17 Exterior Walls
18 Stairs, Porches & Landings
19 Handrails
20 Retaining Walls
21 Signs
22 Air Conditioners & Projections
Table des matieres
Section Page
1 Titre et champ d'application
2 Definitions
3 Adoption du Code provincial d'entretien
et d'occupation des residences
4 Nomination des agents des normes et
des inspections
5 Fonctions et responsabilit6s
6 Responsabilit6 des occupants
7 Installation de cuisine
8 Installation de plomberie
9 Salles de toilette, salles de bain et
autres installations sanitaires
10 Elimination des d6chets
11 Mesures de protection- incendie
12 Issues
13 Planchers
14 Sous -sols, caves et vides sanitaires
non chauff6s
15 D6g5ts caus6s par I'eau
16 Portes et fenetres
17 Murs ext6rieurs
18 Escaliers, porches et paliers
19 Mains courantes
20 Murs de sout6nement
21 Panneaux
22 Climatiseurs et saillies
23 Issuance of Notice to Comply 18
24 Proof of Service 19
25 Admissible Evidence 20
26 Appeals 21
27 Registration of Notice to Comply 23
28 Offences
29 Ticketable Offences
30 Remedies
31 Emergency Situations
32 Measures Taken
33 Right of Entry
34 Certificate for Debt
35 Lien
36 Debt Due to Municipality
37 Repeal
23 Emission d'avis de conformite 18
24 Preuve de la notification
25 Admissible en preuve
26 Appels
27 Enregistrement d'avis de
28 Infractions
29 Infractions pouvant faire I'objet d'une
30 Recours
31 Situations d'urgence
32 Mesures prises
33 Droit de penetrer
34 Certificat de creance
35 Privilege
36 Creance d'une municipality
37 Abrogation
The Common Council of The City of Saint
John, under authority vested in it by
Section 94 of the Municipalities Act,
R.S.N.B. 1973, c.M -22, and amendments
thereto, enacts as follows:
Le conseil communal de The City of Saint
John, en vertu des pouvoirs que lui
confere I'article 94 de la Loi sur les
municipalites, L.R.N. -B. 1973,
chapitre M -22, ainsi que les modifications
afferentes, edicte :
1(1) This By -law may be cited as the 1(1) Le present arrete de The City of
"Saint John Minimum Property Saint John peut titre cite sous le
Standards By- lave". titre Arrete sur les normes
minimales regissant les residences.
1(2) This By -law outlines the minimum 1(2) Le present arrete, qui definit les
standards of residential properties normes minimales regissant les
within The City of Saint John and residences de The City of Saint
has the following objectives: John, a pour objectifs :
(a) to adopt and establish standards
governing the condition,
occupancy and maintenance of
residential property; and
(b) to provide safeguards for the
safety, health and welfare of the
general public and of occupiers
and users of residential
a) d'adopter et de fixer des normes
regissant 1'etat, ('occupation et
1'entretien des residences ;
b) de garantir la securite, la sante
et le bien -titre du public ainsi
que des occupants et usagers
des residences.
1(3) The Saint John Building By -Law 1(3) L'Arrete sur les batiments de
and the Zoning By -Law apply with Saint John et I'Arrete de zonage
respect to any work which is to be sont valables pour tout travail qui
carried out as a result of the sera effectue en application du
enforcement of this By -law. present arrete.
2(1) In this By -law: 2(1) Les definitions qui suivent
s'appliquent au present arrete :
(a) "City' means The City of Saint
(b) "Code" means the Residential
Properties Maintenance and
Occupancy Code Approved
Regulation — Municipalities Act,
New Brunswick Regulation 84-
86, under the Municipalities Act,
and amendments thereto;
(c) "Dwelling" means a building any
part of which is used or is
intended to be used for the
purposes of human habitation,
whether or not the building is in
such state of disrepair so as to
be unfit for such purpose;
(d) "Dwelling unit' means one or
more rooms located within a
dwelling and used or intended to
be used for human habitation by
one or more persons;
(e) "Exit' means that part of a
means of egress, including
doorways, that leads from the
floor area it serves, to a
separate building, an open
public thoroughfare, or an
exterior open space protected
from fire exposure from the
building and having access to an
open public thoroughfare;
a) « agent des inspections
designe un agent des
inspections nomme en vertu du
present arrete et designe par
resolution du conseil communal.
(Inspection Officer)
b) « agent des normes)) designe
un agent des normes nomme en
vertu du present arrete ainsi
qu'un agent charge de
1'execution des arretes
municipaux nomme
conformement a I'article 14 de la
Loi sur la Police et designe par
resolution du conseil communal.
(Standards Officer)
c) « avis de conformit& designe
un avis emis par un agent des
normes selon la formule visee
par reglement en vertu de la Loi
sur les municipalites.
(Notice to Comply)
d) « Code » designe Reglement
portant approbation du code
d'entretien et d'occupation des
residences — Loi sur les
municipalites, Reglement du
Nouveau - Brunswick 84 -86 ainsi
que ses modifications afferentes.
e) « Code national du batiment »
designe 1'edition et les parties
actuelles les plus a jour du Code
national du batiment du Canada
adoptees par la province du
Nouveau - Brunswick et le conseil
communal de The City of Saint
John. (National Building Code)
(� "Flame Spread Rating" means
an index or classification
indicating the extent of spread -
of -flame on the surface of a
material or an assembly of
materials as determined in a
standard fire test as prescribed
in the National Building Code of
(g) "Guard" means a protective
barrier around openings in floors
or at the open sides of stairs,
landings, balconies,
mezzanines, galleries, raised
walkways or other locations to
prevent accidental falls from one
level to another;
(h) "Inspection Officer" means an
inspection officer appointed
under this By -law and
designated by resolution of
Common Council;
(i) "Means of egress" means a
continuous path of travel
provided for the escape of
persons from any point in a
building or contained open
space to a separate building, an
open public thoroughfare, or an
exterior open space protected
from fire exposure from the
building and having access to an
open public thoroughfare;
garde-corps)) designe une
barriere de protection placee
autour des ouvertures dans un
plancher ou sur les cotes
ouverts d'un escalier, d'un palier,
d'un balcon, d'une mezzanine,
d'une galerie ou d'un passage
pieton sureleve ou a tout autre
endroit afin de prevenir une
chute accidentelle dans le vide.
g) « habitation » designe un
batiment dont une partie sert ou
est destinee a loger des
personnes, que ce batiment soit
ou non dans un etat de
delabrement qui le rende
inhabitable. (Dwelling)
h) « indice de propagation de la
flamme » designe un indice ou
classification indiquant I'ampleur
de la propagation de la flamme a
la surface d'un materiau ou d'un
ensemble de materiaux,
determine selon 1'essai
normalise de resistance au feu
prescrit dans le Code national du
batiment du Canada.
(Flame Spread Rating)
i) a ingenieur qualifie » designe un
ingenieur agree aupres de
I'Association des ingenieurs et
des geoscientifiques du
Nouveau - Brunswick (AIGNB)
possedant des competences
reconnues dans le domaine dont
it est question.
(Qualified engineer)
(j) "National Building Code" means
that current, most updated
edition and parts of the National
Building Code of Canada
adopted by the Province of New
Brunswick and the Common
Council of The City of Saint
(k) Notice to Comply' means a
notice in the form prescribed by
Regulation under the
Municipalities Act issued by a
Standards Officer;
(1) "Occupier" means a person who
is leasing a dwelling or dwelling
unit from another person;
(m) "Owner" means any person
entitled to any freehold or other
estate or interest in land, at law
or in equity, in possession, or in
futurity or expectancy, such as a
mortgagee, mortgagor, lessee
under lease, tenant, occupant,
licencee, permittee or any other
person having care, control,
domain and management over
the premises or who receives
any rent or pays municipal taxes
in respect thereof;
(n) "Premise" means land with all its
appurtenances and structures
j) « issue » designe la partie d'un
moyen d'evacuation, y compris
les portes, qui conduit de I'aire
de plancher qu'il dessert a un
batiment distinct, a une vole de
circulation publique ou a un
endroit exterieur a decouvert
non expose au feu provenant du
batiment et ayant un acces a
une vole de circulation publique.
k) « lieux ))" designe un terrain
avec toutes ses dependances et
structures y afferentes.
1) « logement » designe une ou
plusieurs pieces situees dans
une habitation et servant ou
destinees a loger une ou
plusieurs personnes.
(Dwelling unit)
m) « moyen d'evacuation » designe
une vole continue d'evacuation
permettant aux personnes qui se
trouvent a un endroit quelconque
d'un batiment ou d'une cour
interieure d'acceder a un
batiment distinct, a une vole de
circulation publique ou a un
endroit exterieur a decouvert
non expose au feu provenant du
batiment et donnant acces a une
voie de circulation publique.
(Means of egress)
n) « occupant)) designe la
personne a qui une autre
personne loue une habitation ou
un logement. (Occupier)
(o) Qualified engineer" means a
professional engineer registered
with the Association of
Professional Engineers and
Geoscientists of New Brunswick
(APEGNB) who has established
competence in the subject being
(p) Standards Officer" means a
standards officer appointed
under this By -law and also a by-
law enforcement officer
appointed pursuant to section 14
of the Police Act and designated
by resolution of Common
Council; and
q) "Structure" means any
construction composed of one or
more parts or members, joined
together in some definite
o) « proprietaire » designe toute
personne qui a droit a un droit
en tenure
libre ou a tout autre
droit ou
interet sur un
bien- fonds,
en droit ou en equity,
actuel ou
eventuel, tel qu'un
hypothecaire, un
hypothecaire, un
preneur a
bail, un locataire, un
le titulaire d'un droit
ou permis d'usage ou toute autre
ayant le soin, le
controle, la
propriete pleine et
entiere et
la gestion des locaux
ou qui en
pergoit le loyer ou en
paye les
taxes municipales.
p) « structure » designe un ouvrage
de construction compose de
pieces jointes d'une fagon bien
determinee. (Structure)
q) « Ville » designe The City of
Saint John. (City)
3(1) The Residential Properties 3(1)
Le Reglement portant approbation
Maintenance and Occupancy Code
du code d'entretien et d'occupation
Approval Regulation —
des residences — Loi sur les
Municipalities Act approved by the
municipalites approuve par le
Lieutenant — Governor in Council
lieutenant - gouverneur en conseil en
pursuant to section 93 of the said
vertu de I'article 93 de la Loi sur les
Municipalities Act, is hereby
municipalites est adopte.
3(2) Where there is conflict between the 3(2) En cas d'incompatibilite entre le
Code and this By -law, the higher Code et le present arrete, la norme
standard shall apply. la plus severe s'applique.
4(1) Common Council may, for the
purposes of the administration and
enforcement of this By -law, appoint
Standards Officers and Inspection
Officers who may exercise such
powers and perform such duties as
may be set out in this By -law and /or
in the Code and /or in the
Municipalities Act.
4(2) Each Standards Officer and
Inspection Officer appointed under
this section shall be issued with an
identity card bearing his name, his
title, his signature, his photograph,
the City Crest and the signature of
the Building Inspector.
4(1) Le conseil communal peut, pour les
fins de I'administration et de
I'application du present arrete,
nommer des agents des normes et
des agents des inspections charges
d'exercer les pouvoirs et remplir les
fonctions prevus dans le present
arrete et/ou le Code et/ou la Loi sur
les municipalites.
4(2) Est delivre A chacun des agents des
normes et agents des inspections
nommes en vertu du present article
une carte -photo d'identite sur
laquelle figurent son nom, son titre
et sa signature ainsi que les
armoiries de la municipalite et la
signature de I'inspecteur des
5(1) No owner shall permit the use of, 5(1)
rent or offer to rent any building or
part thereof that does not conform
to the standards established by this
By -law.
5(2) A person who is leasing a dwelling
unit to another person shall affix a
number or a letter or a combination
of both numbers and letters to the
entrance door to every dwelling
unit, which can be easily seen and
read by persons providing
emergency services.
II est interdit au proprietaire d'utiliser
tout b5timent ou partie de batiment
non conforme aux normes etablies
par le present arrete, d'en permettre
('utilisation, de le louer ou de I'offrir
en location.
5(2) Une personne qui loue un logement
A une autre personne doit apposer,
A la porte principale de chaque
logement, un numero ou une lettre
ou une combinaison des
deux pouvant facilement titre vu et
lu par les personnes qui fournissent
des services d'urgence.
6(1) Every occupier of a dwelling or 6(1)
dwelling unit shall maintain that part
of the premise which he controls or
occupies in a reasonably clean,
sanitary and safe condition.
Chaque occupant d'une habitation
ou d'un logement doit maintenir la
partie des lieux qu'il occupe ou qui
est placee sous son autorite en bon
etat de proprete, de salubrite et de
6(2) An occupier shall not obstruct an 6(2) Un occupant ne doit pas obstruer
exit over which he has control. une issue placee sous son autorite.
7(1) Where a dwelling unit is provided 7(1) Dans le cas ou un logement serait
with cooking facilities: dote d'une installation de cuisine
(a) the unit must be equipped with a
sink with hot and cold running
water; and
(b) the unit must have a floor area
of at least 11.2 square metres if
the unit is occupied by only one
7(2) A kitchen used by the occupiers of
more than one dwelling unit shall
contain a sink, cooking facilities,
and a refrigerator that has at least
0.056 cubic metres of space for
each occupier.
a) le logement doit titre dote d'un
evier alimente en eau courante
chaude et froide ; et
b) le logement doit avoir une sire
de plancher d'au moins
11,2 metres carres s'il est
occupe par une seule personne.
7(2) Une cuisine utilisee par
occupants de plusieurs logements
doit titre dotee d'un
d'installations de cuisson et
refrigerateur qui prevoit
moins 0,056 metres cubes
chaque occupant.
- 11 -
8(1) Every dwelling and dwelling unit 8(1) Chaque habitation et chaque
shall contain plumbing which shall logement doivent titre dotes d'une
meet the standards and installation de plomberie qui repond
requirements of the National aux normes et aux exigences du
Building Code. Code national du batiment.
9(1) Toilet rooms, bathrooms and 9(1)
shower rooms serving more than
one dwelling unit shall be
accessible from a public hallway.
9(2) Toilet rooms, bathrooms and
shower rooms shall be fully
enclosed and have doors that are
capable of being locked from the
inside only. These rooms shall
provide privacy to the residents.
10(1) Every owner shall:
(a) provide an exterior garbage
enclosure which shall be
adequate to contain two week's
garbage; and
(b) dispose of the garbage and
refuse in accordance with the
provisions of the Solid Waste
By -law of The City of Saint John.
Les salles de toilette, les salles de
bain et les salles de douche
utilisees par les occupants de
plusieurs logements doivent titre
accessibles a partir d'un corridor
9(2) Les salles de toilette, les salles de
bain et les salles de douche doivent
titre completement closes et dotees
de portes se verrouillant de
I'interieur seulement. De telles
salles doivent garantir I'intimite des
10(1) Le proprietaire doit :
a) fournir une enceinte a dechets
exterieure pouvant recevoir les
dechets de deux semaines
entieres ; et
b) assurer I'elimination des ordures
et dechets conformement aux
dispositions de I'Arrete de The
City of Saint John sur les
dechets solides.
11(1) Every owner shall provide fire
separations between adjacent units,
hallways, exit paths, and floor
assemblies by a fire separation
having a fire resistance rating of not
less than that required by the
National Building Code.
11(2) Furnace rooms, service rooms,
storage rooms, and garages must
be separated from the remainder of
the dwelling by a fire separation
having a fire resistance rating of not
less than that required by the
National Building Code.
11(3) Every owner of a dwelling shall
install and maintain a smoke alarm
in good working order within 5
metres of every bedroom and at
least one smoke alarm is to be
provided on every floor level.
11(1) Tout proprietaire doit fournir des
separations coupe -feu entre les
logements adjacents, les couloirs,
les voles d'issue et les elements de
plancher ayant un degre de
resistance au feu au moins egal a
celui exige par le Code national du
11(2) Les chaufferies, les locaux
techniques, les locaux
d'entreposage et les garages
doivent titre isoles du reste de
('habitation par une separation
coupe -feu ayant un degre de
resistance au feu au moins egal a
celui exige par le Code national du
11(3) Tout proprietaire d'une habitation
doit installer un avertisseur de
fumee a moins de 5 metres de
chaque chambre a coucher et le
maintenir en bon etat de
fonctionnement. De plus, au moins
un avertisseur de fumee doit titre
installe a chaque etage.
11(4) An occupier shall not disconnect or 11(4) Un occupant ne doit pas, dans son
remove smoke alarms or remove habitation ou son logement,
batteries of smoke alarms within debrancher ou enlever les
their dwelling or dwelling unit. avertisseurs de fumee ou en retirer
les piles.
11(5) Every owner of a dwelling shall
provide that all exposed interior
surfaces shall have a flame spread
rating of not more than 150 as per
Appendix D of the National Building
Code, except whereas permitted by
the National Building Code.
11(5) Tout proprietaire dune habitation
doit veiller a ce que toutes les
surfaces interieures exposees aient
un indice de propagation de la
flamme d'au plus 150
conformement a ('annexe D du
Code national du batiment, sauf
dans les cas permis par le Code
national du batiment.
11(6) Every owner of a dwelling not
provided with sprinkler protection
shall provide each bedroom with
one exterior window openable from
the inside without the use of tools or
special knowledge and shall provide
unobstructed opening with areas
not less than 0.35 square metres
and with no dimension less than
380 millimetres.
12(1) Every dwelling unit shall have safe,
continuous and unobstructed
access to exits.
12(2) There shall be provided two means
of egress from every floor area in a
dwelling. Two separate exits in
opposite directions must be
available from an egress door from
a dwelling unit which opens onto a
corridor or exterior passageway,
unless the dwelling unit has a
second and separate means of
11(6) Tout proprietaire d'une habitation
non dotee d'une protection par
gicleurs doit installer dans chaque
chambre a coucher une fenetre
exterieure ouvrable de I'interieur
sans outils ni connaissances
speciales qui offre une ouverture
degagee d'une surface d'au
moins 0,35 metres carres, sans
qu'aucune dimension ne soit
inferieure a 380 millimetres.
12(1) Chaque logement doit avoir un
acces sur, continu et non obstrue a
une issue.
12(2) Deux issues distinctes doivent titre
prevues a chaque etage d'une
habitation. Deux issues distinctes
situees dans des directions
opposees doivent pouvoir titre
atteintes a partir d'une porte de
sortie d'un logement qui donne sur
un couloir ou une voie de passage
exterieure, sauf si le logement
comporte un second moyen
d'evacuation independant du
12(3) Where a dwelling unit has a direct 12(3)
access to an exit at street or grade
level, a single exit is permitted,
provided that the exit serves only
that dwelling unit.
Dans le cas ou le logement
communiquerait directement avec
une issue au niveau du sol ou de la
rue, it est permis de n'avoir qu'une
seule issue, pour autant que Celle -ci
ne serve qu'a ce logement.
12(4) Where an occupier must travel 12(4) Dans le cas ou un occupant devrait
more than one flight of interior stairs monter ou descendre plus d'une
to access an exit, the dwelling unit volee interieure pour acceder a une
must be provided with a second issue, le logement doit en compter
exit. une seconde.
13(1) Every floor shall not have a slope of
more than 10 millimetres in 2
13(2) Every owner shall provide and
maintain in good repair guards
around openings in interior floors,
exterior decks, landings, porches,
and balconies and at the open side
of stairs, and shall be:
(a) not less than 900 millimetres in
height in the case of stairways
and interior floor openings, and
not less than 1070 millimetres in
height in all other cases;
(b) spaced not greater than 100
millimetres apart; and
(c) not facilitate climbing.
13(1) Les planchers ne doivent pas avoir
une pente de plus de 10 millimetres
sur 2 metres.
14(1) Basements, crawl spaces or cellars
shall be kept dry of water on floors
by use of ventilation, floor drains or
other approved means.
13(2) Tout proprietaire doit fournir et
maintenir en bon etat les
garde -corps places autour des
ouvertures d'un plancher interieur,
d'une terrasse exterieure, d'un
palier, d'un porche et d'un balcon
ainsi que ceux places sur le cote
ouvert d'un escalier. Les garde -
corps :
15(1) Any building component which has
been subjected to water damage
shall be repaired or replaced.
a) doivent avoir une hauteur d'au
moins 900 millimetres lorsqu'ils
sont places autour des
ouvertures d'un escalier ou d'un
plancher interieur et une
hauteur d'au moins 1070
millimetres dans tous les autres
cas ;
b) ne doivent pas titre espaces par
plus de 100 millimetres; et
c) ne permettent pas 1'escalade.
14(1) Les sous -sols, les vides sanitaires
ou les caves doivent titre maintenus
exempts d'eau au sol au moyen de
ventilation, d'avaloirs de sol ou
d'autres moyens approuves.
15(1) Toute composante d'un batiment
exposee a un degat cause par I'eau
doit titre reparee ou remplacee.
16(1) Rotted or damaged doors, door
frames, window frames, sashes and
casings, weather - stripping, broken
glass and defective door and
window hardware shall be repaired
or replaced.
16(2) All windows intended to be opened
and all exterior doors in a dwelling
unit shall have hardware which will
allow them to be locked or
otherwise secured from inside the
16(1) Les portes, encadrements de porte,
encadrements de fenetre, chassis
et dormants pourris ou
endommages, les coupe -bise et les
vitrages brises et la ferronnerie
defectueuse des portes et fenetres
doivent titre repares ou remplaces.
16(2) Toutes les fenetres qui ouvrent et
toutes les portes exterieures d'un
logement doivent comporter des
ferrures permettant de les
verrouiller ou de les condemner de
I'interieur du batiment.
16(3) At least one entrance door to a 16(3) Au moins une porte d'entree au
dwelling unit shall have hardware logement doit comporter des
which permits the door to be locked ferrures permettant de la verrouiller
or secured from both inside and ou de la condamner de I'interieur ou
outside of the unit. de 1'exterieur du logement.
17(1) Exterior walls and exterior openings 17(1)
shall be maintained in good repair
and weatherproofed to prevent the
entrance of wind or precipitation
into the dwelling.
Les murs exterieurs et les
ouvertures exterieures doivent titre
maintenus en bon etat et etanches
de fagon a empecher que le vent ou
les precipitations ne penetrent a
I'interieur de ('habitation.
17(2) Cornices and flashing shall be 17(2) Les corniches et les solins doivent
maintained in a water -tight condition titre maintenus etanches afin
so as to prevent leakage of water d'empecher I'eau de penetrer a
into the dwelling. I'interieur de ('habitation.
18(1) Every porch, balcony, exterior fire
escape, deck, landing, exit stairs
and exterior stairs must be provided
with a suitable foundation that
extends 1.2 metres below grade or
to solid bedrock or has been
designed by a qualified engineer.
18(2) Every porch, balcony, exterior fire
escape, deck, landing, exit stairs,
exterior stairs and supporting
structural member shall be
maintained so as to be free of rot,
deterioration or other defects.
18(3) Every porch, balcony, exterior fire
escape, deck, landing, exit stairs,
exterior stairs and supporting
structural member shall be treated
with paint or stain or other suitable
means as required to prevent
18(1) Tous les porches, balcons,
escaliers de secours, terrasses,
paliers, escaliers de sortie,
escaliers exterieurs doivent titre
dotes d'une fondation appropriee
qui doit titre a 1,2 metre au- dessous
du niveau du sol ou sur de la roche
solidifiee ou conque par un
ingenieur qualifie.
18(2) Tous les porches, balcons,
escaliers de secours exterieurs,
terrasses, paliers, escaliers de
sortie, escaliers exterieurs et
elements de soutenement doivent
titre entretenus de fagon a titre
exempts de pourriture, de
deterioration ou d'autres defauts.
18(3) Tous les porches, balcons,
escaliers de secours exterieurs,
terrasses, paliers, escaliers de
sortie, escaliers exterieurs et
elements de soutenement doivent
titre traites au moyen d'une peinture
ou d'une teinture ou d'autres
moyens appropries de fagon a
prevenir leur deterioration.
19(1) Every owner shall provide and 19(1) Tout proprietaire doit fournir et
maintain handrails in good repair, maintenir en bon etat les mains
and shall be: courantes qui doivent titre :
(a) provided on at least one side of
stairs which are less than 1100
millimetres in width;
(b) provided on two sides of stairs
which are 1100 millimetres in
width or greater;
a) installees sur au moins un cote
d'un escalier d'une largeur
inferieure a 1 100 millimetres ;
b) installees sur les deux cotes
d'un escalier d'une largeur
de 1 100 millimetres ou plus;
(c) continuous throughout the
length of the stairway, except
where interrupted by doorways
or newel posts at changes in
direction; and
(d) not less than 800 millimetres in
height, and not more than 965
millimetres in height.
c) continues sur toute la longueur
de 1'escalier, sauf si elles sont
interrompues par des entrees de
porte ou des balustres aux
changements de direction ; et
d) d'une hauteur d'au
moins 800 millimetres et d'au
plus 965 millimetres.
20(1) All retaining walls and barriers shall 20(1) Tous les murs de soutenement
be: doivent titre :
(a) kept in good repair;
(b) free from accident hazards; and
(c) protected by paint, preservative
or other weather - resistant
21(1) All signs and billboards including
their supporting members shall be
maintained in good repair and any
signs which are excessively
weathered or faded, or those upon
which the paint has excessively
peeled or cracked, shall be
removed, repainted or replaced.
22(1) All air conditioners shall be securely
anchored and maintained in a safe
mechanical and electrical condition.
a) maintenus en bon etat ;
b) exempts de risques d'accident ;
c) proteges au moyen de peinture,
d'agents de preservation ou
d'autres materiaux a 1'epreuve
des intemperies.
21(1) Tous les panneaux et tableaux
d'affichage, y
compris leurs
elements de soutien, doivent titre
maintenus en bon
etat et tous les
panneaux qui sont
trop alteres ou
defraichis ou dont
la peinture est
trop craquelee ou
ecaillee doivent
titre enleves,
repeints ou
22(1) Tous les climatiseurs doivent titre
bien ancres et maintenus en etat
mecanique et electrique securitaire.
22(2) All canopies, marquees, signs,
awnings, standpipes, exhaust
ducts, and similar projections, shall
be maintained in good repair,
properly anchored and protected
against decay or deterioration.
23(1) Where the condition of a premise,
dwelling, dwelling unit or structure
does not comply with this By -law, a
Standards Officer may notify the
owner or occupier of the premise,
dwelling, dwelling unit or structure
by notice which shall:
(a) be in writing;
(b) be signed by the Standards
(c) state the manner in which the
premise, dwelling, dwelling unit
or structure does not comply
with this By -law;
(d) state what must be done to
correct the condition;
(e) state the date before which the
condition must be corrected; and
(f) if an appeal may be brought
under subsection 26(1), state
the final date for giving notice of
the appeal.
22(2) Tous les panneaux, avanc6es,
marquises, auvents, colonnes
montantes, conduits d'6vacuation et
autres saillies de m6me nature
doivent titre maintenus en bon 6tat,
bien ancr6s et prot6g6s contre la
d6gradation ou la deterioration.
23(1) Lorsqu'une situation mentionn6e
dans le pr6sent arr6t6 existe
relativement a une habitation, un
logement, une structure ou aux
lieux, un agent des normes peut
aviser le propri6taire ou I'occupant
de ('habitation, du logement, d'une
structure ou des lieux par avis selon
la formule prescrite par r6glement et
qui dolt
a) titre 6crit ;
b) titre sign6 par I'agent des
normes ;
c) dtablir 1'existence de la situation
menant au non respect du
pr6sent arr6t6 par ('habitation, le
logement, la structure ou les
lieux ;
d) sp6cifier ce qu'il faut faire pour
rem6dier a cette situation ;
e) sp6cifier le d6lai accord6 pour
rem6dier a cette situation ; et
f) sp6cifier le d6lai imparti pour
donner un avis d'appel si un
appel peut titre interjet6 en vertu
du paragraphe 26(1).
24(1) A notice referred to in subsection 24(1) L'avis vise au paragraphe 23(1)
23(1) shall be given: doit titre notifie :
(a) if the person to be notified is an
individual, by personal delivery
on the individual or by posting
the notice in a conspicuous
place on the premise, dwelling,
dwelling unit or structure, or
(b) if the person to be notified is a
corporation, by personal delivery
on an officer, director or agent of
the corporation or on a manager
or person who appears to be in
control of any office or other
place of business where the
corporation carries on business
in New Brunswick or by posting
the notice in a conspicuous
place on the premise, dwelling,
dwelling unit or structure.
24(2) Proof of the giving of notice in either
manner provided for in subsection
24(1) may be by a certificate or an
affidavit purporting to be signed by
the Standards Officer referred to in
subsection 23(1), naming the
person to whom notice was given
and specifying the time, place and
manner in which notice was given.
a) si le destinataire est un
particulier, par remise en main
propre au destinataire ou par
son affichage sur les lieux,
('habitation, le logement ou la
structure en un endroit visible ;
b) si le destinataire est une
corporation, par remise en main
propre a tout dirigeant, a tout
administrateur, a tout
representant de la corporation
ou a tout gerant ou A toute
personne qui parait titre
responsable d'un bureau ou
autre etablissement de la
corporation au
Nouveau - Brunswick ou par son
affichage sur les lieux,
('habitation, le logement ou la
structure en un endroit visible.
24(2) La preuve de la notification d'un
avis par Tune des fagons prevues
au paragraphe 24(1) peut titre faite
au moyen d'un certificat ou d'un
affidavit presente comme etant
signe par I'agent des normes vise
au paragraphe 23(1), et indiquant le
nom de I'interesse, ainsi que
I'heure, la date, le lieu et le mode de
25(1) A document purporting to be a 25(1) Un document presente comme
Certificate under subsection 24(2) etant un certificat en vertu du
shall be: paragraphe 24(2) doit:
(a) admissible in evidence without
proof of signature, and
(b) conclusive proof that the person
named in the certificate received
notice of the matters referred to
in the certificate.
25(2) In any prosecution for a violation
under this By -law, where proof of
the giving of notice is made as
prescribed under subsection 24(2),
the burden of proving that one is not
the person named in the certificate
or affidavit shall be upon the person
a) titre admissible en preuve sans
qu'il soit necessaire de prouver
I'authenticite de la signature ; et
b) constituer une preuve
concluante que la personne
designee dans le certificat a requ
notification des faits qui y sont
25(2) Dans toute poursuite pour une
infraction en vertu du present
arrete, lorsque la preuve de la
notification de I'avis est faite
paragraphe 24(2), it
personne accusee
qu'elle n'est pas
nommee dans le
incombe a la
de prouver
la personne
certificat ou
25(3) A notice given under 25(3) Un avis notifie en application du
subsection 24(1) and purporting to paragraphe 24(1) et presente
be signed by a Standards Officer comme etant signe par un agent
shall be: des normes :
(a) received in evidence by any
court in the Province without
proof of the signature,
(b) proof in the absence of evidence
to the contrary of the facts
stated in the notice, and
a) doit titre admis comme preuve
devant tout tribunal de la
province sans qu'il soit
necessaire de prouver
I'authenticite de la signature ;
b) doit faire foi, en I'absence d'une
preuve contraire, des faits qui y
sont enonces ; et
(c) in a prosecution for a violation
under this By -law, proof in the
absence of evidence to the
contrary that the person named
in the notice is the owner or
occupier of the premise,
dwelling, dwelling unit or
structure in respect of which the
notice was given.
26(1) An owner or occupier of a premise,
dwelling, dwelling unit or structure
who has been given a notice under
subsection 24(1), other than a
notice prepared under subsection
31(2), and who is not satisfied with
the terms or conditions set out in
the notice may appeal to the
appropriate committee of council by
sending a notice of appeal by
registered mail to the clerk of the
municipality within 14 days after
having been given the notice.
c) dans toute poursuite pour une
infraction en vertu du present
arrete, doit faire foi, en I'absence
d'une preuve contraire, que la
personne qui y est nommee est
le proprietaire ou I'occupant des
lieux, de ('habitation, du
logement ou de la structure pour
lesquels la notification a ete
26(1) Le proprietaire ou I'occupant des
lieux, de ('habitation, du logement
ou de la structure a qui un avis a
ete notifie aux termes du
paragraphe 24(1), a 1'exception d'un
avis qui a ete prepare aux termes
du paragraphe 31(2), et qui
n'accepte pas les modalites ou les
conditions qui y sont enoncees peut
interjeter appel devant le comite du
conseil approprie en envoyant un
avis d'appel par courrier
recommande au secretaire de la
municipality dans les 14 jours qui
suivent la notification de I'avis.
26(2) A notice that is not appealed within 26(2) L'avis dont it West pas interjete
the time referred to in subsection appel dans le delai imparti au
26(1) shall be deemed to be paragraphe 26(1) est repute
confirmed. confirme.
26(3) On an appeal, the committee of
council shall hold a hearing into the
matter at which the owner or
occupier bringing the appeal has a
right to be heard and may be
represented by counsel.
26(3) Lors d'un appel, le comite du
conseil doit tenir, sur le point en
litige, une audience au cours de
laquelle le proprietaire ou I'occupant
qui interjette appel a le droit d'etre
entendu et peut se faire representer
par un avocat.
26(4) On an appeal, the committee of 26(4) Lors d'un appel, le comite du
council may confirm, modify or conseil peut confirmer, modifier ou
rescind the notice or extend the annuler I'avis ou proroger le delai
time for complying with the notice. pour s'y conformer.
26(5) The committee of council shall
provide a copy of its decision to the
owner or occupier of the premise,
dwelling, dwelling unit or structure
who brought the appeal within 14
days after making its decision.
26(6) The owner or occupier provided
with a copy of a decision under
subsection 26(5) may appeal the
decision to a judge of The Court of
Queen's Bench of New Brunswick
within 14 days after the copy of the
decision was provided to the owner
or occupier on the grounds that:
(a) the procedure required to be
followed by the Municipalities
Act was not followed, or
(b) the decision is patently
26(7) On the appeal, the judge of The
Court of Queen's Bench of New
Brunswick may confirm, modify or
rescind the whole or any part of the
decision of the committee of
council, and the decision of the
judge under this subsection is not
subject to appeal.
26(5) Le comite du conseil doit fournir une
copie de sa decision au proprietaire
ou 5 I'occupant des lieux, de
('habitation, du logement ou de la
structure qui lui a interjete appel
dans les 14 jours suivant la date a
laquelle it a rendu sa decision.
26(6) Le proprietaire ou I'occupant a qui
une copie d'une decision a ete
fournie aux termes du
paragraphe 26(5) peut, dans les
14 jours qui suivent, interjeter appel
de la decision devant un juge de la
Cour du Banc de la Reine du
Nouveau - Brunswick au motif que :
a) la demarche a suivre en vertu de
la Loi sur les municipalites n'a
pas ete suivie ; ou
b) la decision est manifestement
26(7) Lors de I'appel, le juge de la Cour
du Banc de la Reine du
Nouveau - Brunswick peut confirmer,
modifier ou annuler, en tout ou en
partie, la decision du comite du
Conseil et la decision du juge en
vertu de ce paragraphe n'est pas
susceptible d'appel.
26(8) A notice that is deemed to be
confirmed under subsection 26(2)
or that is confirmed or modified by
the committee of council under
subsection 26(4) or a judge of The
Court of Queen's Bench of New
Brunswick under subsection 26(7),
as the case may be, shall be final
and binding upon the owner or
occupier who shall comply within
the time and in the manner
specified in the notice.
26(9) An appeal does not prevent a
further notice from being given
under section 24(1) or from being
prepared and signed under
subsection 31(2) in relation to a
condition referred to in the notice
that is the subject of the appeal if
there has been a change in the
27(1) In this section:
(a) "land registration office" means
the registry office for a county or
the land titles office for a land
registration district.
26(8) L'avis qui est repute confirm6 aux
termes du paragraphe 26(2) ou
est confirm6 ou modifi6 par
comit6 du conseil aux termes
paragraphe 26(4) ou par un juge
la Cour du Banc de la Reine
Nouveau - Brunswick aux termes
paragraphe 26(7), selon le cas,
d6finitif et lie le propri6taire
I'occupant, qui sont tenus de
conformer dans le d6lai et de
mani6re qui sont pr6cis6s dans
26(9) Un appel n'a pas pour effet
d'emp6cher la notification d'un
autre avis aux termes du
paragraphe 24(1) ou la preparation
et la signature d'un autre avis aux
termes du paragraphe 31(2) par
rapport a une situation indiqu6e
dans I'avis faisant ('objet de I'appel
s'il y eut un changement de
27(1) Dans le pr6sent article
a) « bureau d'enregistrement des
biens -fonds » d6signe le bureau
d'enregistrement d'un comt6 ou
le bureau d'enregistrement
foncier d'une circonscription
d'enregistrement foncier.
27(2) A notice given under section 24(1)
may be registered in the
appropriate land registration office
and, upon such registration, any
subsequent owner of the premise,
dwelling, dwelling unit or structure
in respect of which the notice was
given shall be deemed, for the
purposes of section 30 and 31, to
have been given the notice on the
day on which the notice was given
under section 24(1).
27(2) L'avis notifie aux termes du
paragraphe 24(1) peut etre
enregistre au bureau
d'enregistrement des biens -fonds
approprie et des 1'enregistrement,
tout proprietaire subsequent des
lieux, de I'habitation, du logement
ou de la structure pour lesquels la
notification a ete effectuee est
repute, pour I'application des
articles 30 et 31, avoir requ
notification de I'avis a la date a
laquelle I'avis avait ete notifie aux
termes du paragraphe 24(1).
27(3) For the purposes of registering a 27(3)
notice under subsection 27(2),
section 44 of the Registry Act and
section 55 of the Land Titles Act do
not apply.
27(4) Within 30 days after the terms of
the notice have been complied with
or a debt due to a municipality
under subsection 30(1) or 32(1) or
due to the Minister of Finance under
subsection 36(3), as the case may
be, is discharged, the municipality
shall provide a certificate in the form
prescribed by regulation to that
effect to the person to whom the
notice was given under section
24(1) or deemed to have been
given under subsection 27(2), as
the case may be, and the certificate
shall operate as a discharge of the
L'article 44 de la Loi sur
Penregistrement et I'article 55 de la
Loi sur Penregistrement foncier ne
s'appliquent pas a 1'enregistrement
d'un avis aux termes du
paragraphe 27(2).
27(4) Si les exigences formulees dans
I'avis ont ete satisfaites ou que la
creance de la municipalite aux
termes du
paragraphe 30(1) ou 32(1) ou la
dette du ministre des Finances aux
termes du paragraphe 36(3), selon
le cas, a ete reglee, la municipalite
doit, dans les 30 jours qui suivent,
fournir a la personne a qui un avis
avait ete notifie aux termes du
paragraphe 24(1) ou a la personne
qui est reputee avoir requ
notification de I'avis aux termes du
paragraphe 27(2), selon le cas, un
certificat a cette fin, en la forme
prescrite par reglement, qui a pour
effet d'annuler I'avis.
27(5) A person to whom a certificate is
provided under subsection 27(4)
may register the certificate in the
appropriate land registration office,
and, upon registration of the
certificate, the appropriate registrar
of the land registration office may
cancel registration of the notice in
respect of which the certificate was
28(1) A person who fails to comply with
the terms of a notice given under
section 24(1) commits an offence
that is, subject to subsections 28(2)
and 28(3), punishable under Part II
of the Provincial Offences
Procedure Act as a category F
28(2) Notwithstanding subsection 56(6) of
the Provincial Offences Procedure
Act, where a person who is leasing
a premise, dwelling, dwelling unit or
structure to another person commits
an offence under subsection 28(1)
in relation to a notice given under
section 24(1) with respect to the
premise, dwelling, dwelling unit or
structure, the minimum fine that
may be imposed by a judge under
that Act in respect of the offence
shall be one thousand dollars.
28(3) Where an offence under subsection
28(1) continues for more than one
27(5) Toute personne a qui un certificat a
ete fourni aux termes du
paragraphe 27(4) peut faire
enregistrer le certificat au bureau
d'enregistrement des biens -fonds
approprie et des 1'enregistrement, le
registraire approprie du bureau
d'enregistrement des biens -fonds
peut annuler 1'enregistrement de
I'avis pour lequel le certificat avait
ete fourni.
28(1) Quiconque omet de se conformer
aux exigences formulees dans un
avis notifie aux termes du
paragraphe 24(1) commet une
infraction qui est, sous reserve des
paragraphes 28(2) et 28(3),
punissable en vertu de la Partie II
de la Loi sur la procedure
applicable aux infractions
provinciales a titre d'infraction de la
classe F.
28(2) Nonobstant le paragraphe 56(6) de
la Loi sur la procedure applicable
aux infractions provinciales,
lorsqu'une personne qui loue des
lieux, une habitation, un logement
ou une structure a une autre
personne commet ('infraction
prevue au
paragraphe 28(1) relativement a
I'avis notifie aux termes du
paragraphe 24(1) par rapport aux
lieux, a ('habitation, au logement ou
a la structure, I'amende minimale
qui peut etre imposee par un juge
en vertu de cette loi relativement a
('infraction est de 1 000 $.
28(3) Lorsqu'une infraction prevue au
paragraphe 28(1) se poursuit
pendant plus d'une journee,
(a) if the offence was committed by
a person in relation to notice
given under section 24(1) with
respect to a premise, dwelling,
dwelling unit or structure the
person is leasing to another
(i) the minimum fine that may
be imposed is the sum of
(A) one thousand dollars, and
(B) the minimum fine set by
the Provincial Offences
Procedure Act for a
category F offence
multiplied by the number
of days during which the
offence continues after
the first day, and
(ii) the maximum fine that may
be imposed is the maximum
fine set by the Provincial
Offences Procedure Act for a
category F offence multiplied
by the number of days during
which the offence continues,
(b) in any other case,
a) dans le cas ou ('infraction aurait
ete commise par une personne
relativement a un avis notifie aux
termes du paragraphe 24(1) par
rapport a une habitation, un
logement, une structure ou des
lieux que celle -ci loue a une
autre personne,
(i) I'amende minimale qui peut
titre imposee est la somme
des montants suivants :
(A) 1 000 $ ; et
(B) I'amende minimale
prevue par la Loi sur la
procedure applicable aux
infractions provinciales
pour une infraction de la
classe F multipliee par le
nombre de jours pendant
lesquels ('infraction se
poursuit apres la premiere
journee ; et
(ii) I'amende maximale qui peut
titre imposee est I'amende
maximale prevue par la Loi
sur la procedure applicable
aux infractions provinciales
pour une infraction de la
classe F multipliee par le
nombre de jours pendant
lesquels ('infraction se
poursuit ; et
b) dans tout autre cas,
(i) the minimum fine that may
be imposed is the minimum
fine set by the Provincial
Offences Procedure Act for
a category F offence
multiplied by the number of
days during which the
offence continues, and
(ii) the maximum fine that may
be imposed is the maximum
fine set by the Provincial
Offences Procedure Act for a
category F offence multiplied
by the number of days during
which the offence continues.
28(4) The conviction of a person under
this section does not operate as a
bar to further prosecution for the
continued neglect or failure on his
or her part to comply with the
provisions under this By -law.
(i) I'amende minimale qui peut
titre imposee est I'amende
minimale prevue par la Loi
sur la procedure applicable
aux infractions provinciales
pour une infraction de la
classe F multipliee par le
nombre de jours pendant
lesquels ('infraction se
poursuit, et
(ii) I'amende maximale qui peut
titre imposee est I'amende
maximale prevue par la Loi
sur la procedure applicable
aux infractions provinciales
pour une infraction de la
classe F multipliee par le
nombre de jours pendant
lesquels ('infraction se
28(4) La declaration de culpabilite d'une
personne en application du present
article n'exclut pas les poursuites
ulterieures si cette personne
continue de negliger ou d'omettre
de se conformer aux dispositions du
present arrete.
29(1) Upon the service of a ticket by a
Standards Officer, a person who:
(a) commits an offence under
subsection 94.2(3) or 102.1(1.2) of
the Municipalities Act may pay an
amount of nine hundred dollars and
upon such payment, the person is
not liable to be prosecuted for the
29(1) A la delivrance d'une contravention
par I'agent des normes, une
personne qui :
a) commet ('infraction prevue au
paragraphe 94.2(3) ou 102.1(1.2)
de la Loi sur les municipalites peut
payer un montant de 900 $ pour
('infraction et une fois le montant
paye, la personne nest plus
susceptible de poursuites
judiciaires ;
(b) violates any provision of this By -law b)
may pay an amount of two hundred
dollars and upon such payment, the
person is not liable to be prosecuted
for the offence.
contrevient a toute disposition du
present arrete peut payer un
montant de 200 $ pour ('infraction et
une fois le montant paye, la
personne nest plus susceptible de
poursuites judiciaires.
30(1) If a notice has been given under
section 24(1), other than a notice
prepared under subsection 31(2),
and the owner or occupier does not
comply with the notice, as deemed
confirmed or as confirmed or
modified by a committee of council
or a judge under section 26, within
the time set out in the notice, the
municipality may, rather than
commencing proceedings in
respect of the violation or in
addition to doing so, cause the
condition or a portion of the
condition as set out in the notice to
be repaired or remedied and the
cost of carrying out such work,
including any related charge or fee,
is chargeable to the owner or
occupier and becomes a debt due
to the municipality.
30(2) For the purpose of subsection
30(1), the Standards Officer who
gave the notice in respect of the
premise, dwelling, dwelling unit or
structure and the employees of the
municipality or other persons acting
on behalf of the municipality may, at
all reasonable times, enter upon the
premise, dwelling, dwelling unit or
structure, in order to repair or
remedy the premise, dwelling,
dwelling unit or structure, as the
case may be.
30(1) Si un avis a ete notifie aux termes
du paragraphe 24(1), a 1'exception
d'un avis qui a ete prepare aux
termes du paragraphe 31(2), et que
le proprietaire ou ('occupant ne se
conforme pas a cet avis dans le
delai imparti et tel qu'il est repute
confirme ou tel qu'il est confirme ou
modifie par un comite du conseil ou
par un juge en vertu de I'article 26,
la municipalite peut, au lieu
d'intenter des procedures relatives a
('infraction ou en plus d'intenter des
procedures relatives a ('infraction,
faire en sorte que la situation ou
une partie de la situation etablie par
('avis soit reparee ou restauree, et
les frais relatifs a 1'execution de ces
travaux, y compris toute redevance
ou tout droit afferent, sont a la
charge du proprietaire ou de
('occupant et deviennent une
creance de la municipalite.
30(2) Pour ('application du
paragraphe 30(1), I'agent des
normes qui a notifie ('avis
relativement aux lieux, a
I'habitation, au logement ou a la
structure et les employes de la
municipalite ou toute autre
personne qui agit au nom de
celle -ci peuvent penetrer, a tout
moment raisonnable, dans les lieux,
I'habitation, le logement ou la
structure pour reparer ou restaurer
les lieux, I'habitation, le logement ou
la structure, selon le cas.
30(3) A municipality or a person acting on
its behalf is not liable to
compensate an owner or occupier
or any other person by reason of
anything done by or on behalf of the
municipality in the reasonable
exercise of its powers under this
31(1) In this section:
(a) "emergency' includes a situation
in which there is imminent
danger to public safety or of
serious harm to the premise,
dwelling, dwelling unit or
30(3) La municipalite ou toute personne
agissant en son nom n'est pas
tenue d'indemniser le proprietaire,
['occupant ou toute autre personne
pour quelque acte accompli dans
1'exercice raisonnable des pouvoirs
que lui confere le present article.
31(2) If upon inspection of a property
under section 102.1 of the
Municipalities Act, a Standards
Officer is satisfied that there is
nonconformity with a By -law under
section 94 of the said Act to such
an extent as to pose an emergency,
the Standards Officer may prepare
and sign a notice referred to in
subsection 23(1) requiring the
owner or occupier of the premise,
dwelling, dwelling unit or structure
in respect of which the notice is
prepared to immediately carry out
work to terminate the danger.
31(1) Dans le present article
a) « situation d'urgence » s'entend
notamment d'une situation o6 it
existe un danger imminent a la
securite publique ou lorsque des
lieux, de I'habitation, du
logement ou de la structure sont
en danger imminent de subir un
grave prejudice.
31(2) Si au cours d'une inspection d'une
propriete aux termes de
I'article 102.1 de la Loi sur les
municipalites, un agent des normes
est convaincu que la propriete n'est
pas conforme A un arrete pris en
vertu de ['article 94 de ladite Loi au
point de creer une situation
d'urgence, it peut preparer et signer
I'avis vise au
paragraphe 23(1) exigeant que le
proprietaire ou I'occupant des lieux,
de I'habitation, du logement ou de la
structure vises par I'avis execute
immediatement des travaux en vue
d'ecarter le danger.
31(3) After having prepared and signed a
notice referred to in subsection
31(2), the Standards Officer may,
either before or after the notice is
given under section 24(1), take any
measures necessary to terminate
the danger giving rise to the
emergency, and, for this purpose,
the Standards Officer who prepared
the notice and the employees of the
municipality or other persons acting
on behalf of the municipality may, at
any time, enter upon the premise,
dwelling, dwelling unit or structure
in respect of which the notice was
31(4) A municipality or a person acting on
its behalf is not liable to
compensate an owner or occupier
or any other person by reason of
anything done by or on behalf of the
municipality in the reasonable
exercise of its powers under this
32(1) The cost of taking measures under
subsection 31(3), including any
related charge or fee, is chargeable
to the owner or occupier and
becomes a debt due to the
31(3) Apres avoir prepare et signe I'avis
mentionne au paragraphe 31(2),
I'agent des normes peut, avant la
notification de I'avis aux termes du
paragraphe 24(1) ou apres, prendre
les mesures necessaires pour
ecarter le danger donnant lieu a la
situation d'urgence et a cette fin,
I'agent des normes qui a prepare
I'avis, les employes de la
municipalite ou toute autre
personne agissant au nom de
celle -ci peuvent penetrer, en tout
temps, dans les lieux, ('habitation, le
logement ou la structure vises par
31(4) La municipalite ou toute personne
agissant en son nom n'est pas
tenue d'indemniser le proprietaire,
1'occupant ou toute autre personne
pour quelque acte accompli dans
1'exercice raisonnable des pouvoirs
que lui confere le present article.
32(1) Les frais relatifs a la prise de
mesures en vertu du
paragraphe 31(3), y compris toute
redevance ou tout droit afferent,
sont a la charge du proprietaire ou
de I'occupant et deviennent une
creance de la municipalite.
32(2) If the notice was not given before
measures were taken to terminate
the danger, the Standards Officer
shall give a copy of the notice under
section 24(1) as soon as possible
after the measures have been
taken, and the copy of the notice
shall have attached to it a
statement by the Standards Officer
describing the measures taken by
the municipality and providing
details of the amount expended in
taking such measures.
32(3) If the notice was given before the
measures were taken, the
Standards Officer shall give a copy
of the statement mentioned in
subsection 32(2) in the same
manner as a notice is given under
section 24(1) as soon as
practicable after the measures have
been taken.
33(1) No person shall refuse entry to or
obstruct or interfere with a
Standards Officer referred to in
subsection 30(2) or 32(3) who
under the authority of that
subsection is entering or attempting
to enter the premise, dwelling,
dwelling unit or structure.
32(2) Si I'avis n'a pas ete notifie avant
que des mesures ne soient prises
pour ecarter le danger, I'agent des
normes notifie aux termes du
paragraphe 24(1) et aussitot que
possible apres que ces mesures
aient ete prises, une copie de I'avis,
a laquelle est jointe une declaration
de I'agent des normes faisant etat
des mesures prises par la
municipality et donnant les details
des depenses engagees pour ces
32(3) Si I'avis a ete notifie avant que des
mesures ne soient prises, I'agent
des normes notifie une copie de la
declaration visee au
paragraphe 32(2) de la meme
maniere qu'un avis est notifie aux
termes du paragraphe 24(1), et ce,
aussitot que possible apres que ces
mesures aient ete prises.
33(1) Nul ne peut refuser de permettre a
un agent des normes vise au
paragraphe 30(2) ou 32(3) de
penetrer dans les lieux, I'habitation,
le logement ou la structure en vertu
de ce paragraphe ni 1'entraver ou le
gener alors qu'il penetre ou tente de
penetrer dans les lieux, I'habitation,
le logement ou la structure en vertu
de ce paragraphe.
33(2) When entering any property, and 33(2) Tout agent des normes ou agent
upon demand by any person, any des inspections qui penetre dans
Standards Officer or Inspection toute propriete doit, a la demande
Officer shall produce his identity de toute personne, presenter sa
card. carte d'identite.
33(3) A person who violates or fails to
comply with subsection 33(1)
commits an offence that is, subject
to subsections 33(4) and 33(5),
punishable under Part II of the
Provincial Offences Procedure Act
as a category F offence.
33(4) Notwithstanding subsection 56(6) of
the Provincial Offences Procedure
Act, where a person who is leasing
a premise, dwelling, dwelling unit or
structure to another person
commits an offence under
subsection 33(3) in relation to the
premise, dwelling, dwelling unit or
structure, the minimum fine that
may be imposed by a judge under
the Provincial Offences Procedure
Act in respect of the offence shall
be one thousand dollars.
33(5) Where an offence under subsection
33(3) continues for more than one
(a) if the offence was committed in
relation to a premise, dwelling,
dwelling unit or structure by a
person who is leasing the
premise, dwelling, dwelling unit
or structure to another person,
(i) the minimum fine that may
be imposed is the sum of
(A) one thousand dollars,
33(3) Quiconque contrevient ou omet de
se conformer au paragraphe 33(1)
commet une infraction qui est, sous
reserve des paragraphes 33(4)
et 33(5), punissable en vertu de la
Partie II de la Loi sur la procedure
applicable aux infractions
provinciales a titre d'infraction de la
classe F.
33(4) Nonobstant le paragraphe 56(6) de
la Loi sur la procedure applicable
aux infractions provinciales,
lorsqu'une personne qui loue une
habitation, un logement, une
structure ou des lieux a une autre
personne commet ('infraction prevue
au paragraphe 33(3) relativement a
('habitation, au logement, a la
structure ou aux lieux, I'amende
minimale qui peut titre imposee par
un juge en vertu de la Loi sur la
procedure applicable aux infractions
provinciales relativement a
('infraction est de 1 000 $.
33(5) Lorsqu'une infraction prevue au
paragraphe 33(3) se poursuit
pendant plus d'une journee,
a) dans le cas ou ('infraction aurait
ete commise relativement a une
habitation, un logement, une
structure ou des lieux par une
personne qui loue I'habitation, le
logement, la structure ou les
lieux a une autre personne,
(i) I'amende minimale qui peut
titre imposee est la somme
des montants suivants :
(A) 1 000 $ ; et
(B) the minimum fine set by
the Provincial Offences
Procedure Act for a
category F offence
multiplied by the number
of days during which the
offence continues after
the first day, and
(ii) the maximum fine that may
be imposed is the maximum
fine set by the Provincial
Offences Procedure Act for a
category F offence multiplied
by the number of days during
which the offence continues,
(b) in any other case,
(i) the minimum fine that may
be imposed is the minimum
fine set by the Provincial
Offences Procedure Act for a
category F offence multiplied
by the number of days during
which the offence continues,
(ii) the maximum fine that may
be imposed is the maximum
fine set by the Provincial
Offences Procedure Act for a
category F offence multiplied
by the number of days during
which the offence continues.
(B) I'amende minimale
prevue par la Loi sur la
procedure applicable aux
infractions provinciales
pour une infraction de la
classe F multipliee par le
nombre de jours pendant
lesquels ('infraction se
poursuit apres la
premiere journee ; et
(ii) I'amende maximale qui peut
titre imposee est I'amende
maximale prevue par la Loi
sur la procedure applicable
aux infractions provinciales
pour une infraction de la
classe F multipliee par le
nombre de jours pendant
lesquels ('infraction se
poursuit ; et
b) dans tout autre cas,
(i) I'amende minimale qui peut
titre imposee est I'amende
minimale prevue par la Loi
sur la procedure applicable
aux infractions provinciales
pour une infraction de la
classe F multipliee par le
nombre de jours pendant
lesquels ('infraction se
poursuit, et
(ii) I'amende maximale qui peut
titre imposee est I'amende
maximale prevue par la Loi
sur la procedure applicable
aux infractions provinciales
pour une infraction de la
classe F multipliee par le
nombre de jours pendant
lesquels ('infraction se
34(1) Where the cost of carrying out work
or the cost of taking measures
becomes a debt due to a
municipality under subsection 30(1)
or 32(1), as the case may be, a
Standards Officer of the
municipality may issue a certificate
stating the amount of the debt due
and the name of the owner or
occupier from whom the debt is
34(2) A certificate issued under
subsection 34(1) may be filed in
The Court of Queen's Bench of
New Brunswick and a certificate so
filed shall be entered and recorded
in the Court and when so entered
and recorded may be enforced as a
judgment obtained in the Court by
the municipality against the person
named in the certificate for a debt of
the amount specified in the
34(3) All reasonable costs and charges
attendant upon the filing, entering
and recording of a certificate under
subsection 34(2) may be recovered
as if the amount had been included
in the certificate.
34(1) Lorsque les frais relatifs a
1'execution de travaux ou a la prise
de mesures deviennent une
creance de la municipalite en vertu
du paragraphe 30(1) ou 32(1), selon
le cas, un agent des normes de la
municipalite peut delivrer un
certificat indiquant le montant de la
creance et le nom du proprietaire ou
de I'occupant responsable de la
34(2) Un certificat delivre en
vertu du
paragraphe 34(1) peut titre depose
a la Cour du Banc de la
Reine du
Nouveau - Brunswick ou it
doit titre
inscrit et enregistre, et it
peut alors
titre execute comme un
obtenu de la Cour
par la
municipalite contre la
dont le nom est inscrit dans le
certificat, pour une dette dont le
montant y est precise.
34(3) Tous les frais et depenses
raisonnables relatifs au depot, a
('inscription et a 1'enregistrement
d'un certificat en vertu du
paragraphe 34(2) peuvent titre
recouvres comme si le montant
avait ete inclus dans le certificat.
35(1) The cost of carrying out work under
subsection 30(1) or of taking
measures under subsection 31(3),
as the case may be, and all
reasonable costs and charges
attendant upon the filing, entering
and recording of a certificate under
section 34 shall, notwithstanding
subsection 72(2) of the Workers'
Compensation Act and until paid,
form a lien upon the real property in
respect of which the work is carried
out or the measures are taken in
priority to every claim, privilege, lien
or other encumbrance, whenever
created, subject only to taxes levied
under the Real Property Tax Act
and a special lien under subsection
189(10) of the said Act.
35(2) The lien in subsection 35(1)
(a) attaches when the work under
subsection 30(1) is begun or the
measures under subsection
31(3) are begun, as the case
may be, and does not require
registration or filing of any
document or the giving of notice
to any person to create or
preserve it, and
(b) follows the real property to
which it attaches into whosever
hands the real property comes.
35(1) Les frais relatifs a 1'ex6cution des
travaux en vertu du
paragraphe 30(1) ou a la prise de
mesures en vertu du
paragraphe 31(3), selon le cas, et
tous les frais et d6penses
raisonnables relatifs au d6p6t, a
('inscription et a 1'enregistrement
d'un certificat en vertu de
I'article 34 constituent, jusqu'a leur
paiement, nonobstant le
paragraphe 72(2) de la Loi sur les
accidents du travail, un privilege
grevant le bien r6el sur lequel les
travaux sont effectu6s ou les
mesures sont prises, en priority sur
toute r6clamation, droit, privilege ou
autre charge, quelle que soit
1'6poque de leur cr6ation, sous la
seule r6serve des imp6ts lev6s en
vertu de la Loi sur 17mp6t foncier et
d'un privilege special en vertu du
paragraphe 189(10) de ladite Loi.
35(2) Le privilege vis6 au
paragraphe 35(l):
a) s'applique lorsque les travaux
vis6s au paragraphe 30(1) ou les
mesures vis6es au
paragraphe 31(3), selon le cas,
ont ddbut6 et sans qu'il soit
n6cessaire, pour le cr6er ou le
conserver, d'enregistrer ou de
d6poser un document
quelconque ou d'aviser qui que
ce soit, et
b) suit le bien r6el qu'il gr6ve en
quelques mains que ce bien reel
se trouve.
35(3) Any mortgagee, judgment creditor
or other person having any claim,
privilege, lien or other encumbrance
upon or against the real property to
which is attached a lien under
subsection 35(1):
(a) may pay the amount of the lien,
(b) may add the amount to the
person's mortgage, judgment or
other security, and
(c) has the same rights and
remedies for the amount as are
contained in the person's
36(1) Where a debt due to a municipality
under subsection 30(1) or 32(1)
remains unpaid in whole or in part
and the Minister of Finance is of the
opinion that the municipality has
made reasonable efforts to recover
the unpaid amount, the Minister of
Finance shall, if the municipality
requests him or her to do so before
December 31 in any year, pay to
the municipality the following
amounts at the same time as the
first payment is made to the
municipality under section 6 of the
Municipal Assistance Act in the
following year:
(a) the unpaid amount of the debt;
(b) interest on the unpaid amount of
the debt
35(3) Tout creancier hypothecaire ou
creancier sur jugement ou tout autre
titulaire d'une reclamation, d'un
droit, d'un privilege ou de toute
autre charge sur le bien reel greve
d'un privilege en vertu du
paragraphe 35(l):
a) peut acquitter le montant du
b) peut ajouter ce montant au
montant de son hypotheque,
jugement ou autre surete, et
c) a, a 1'egard de ce montant, les
memes droits et recours que
ceux que comporte sa surete.
36(1) Lorsqu'une creance d'une
municipalite en vertu du
paragraphe 30(1) ou 32(1) demeure
impayee, en totalite ou en partie, et
que le ministre des Finances est
d'avis que la municipalite a fait des
efforts raisonnables pour recouvrer
le montant impaye, le ministre des
Finances doit, si la municipalite lui a
fait demande avant le 31 decembre
d'une annee, verser les montants
suivants a la municipalite en meme
temps qu'il effectue, lors de la
prochaine annee, le premier
versement a la municipalite en vertu
de I'article 6 de la Loi sur Paide aux
municipalites :
a) le montant impaye de la creance
; et
b) I'interet sur le montant impaye
de la creance
(i) calculated at the same rate
as is applied in determining
the amount of a penalty
under subsection 10(3) of the
Real Property Tax Act, and
(ii) accruing from the day the
municipality completes the
work or measures in respect
of which the debt arose to
the day the municipality
makes a request under this
subsection for payment in
respect of the debt.
36(2) A municipality shall make a request
under subsection 36(1) by
submitting to the Minister of
Finance a statement of the
expenditures of the municipality that
gave rise to the debt.
36(3) Subject to subsection 36(4), where
a debt due to a municipality under
subsection 30(1) or 32(1) in relation
to work carried out or measures
taken with respect to the premise,
dwelling, dwelling unit or structure
remains unpaid, in whole or in part,
by the person liable to pay the debt
and the Minister of Finance has
made a payment under subsection
36(1) in respect of the debt:
(a) any part of the debt that remains
unpaid by the person liable to
pay the debt becomes a debt
due to the Minister of Finance,
(i) calcule au meme taux
applique pour determiner le
montant d'une penalite
prevue par le
paragraphe 10(3) de la Loi
sur Pimp& foncier, et
(ii) qui court a partir de la date a
laquelle la municipalite a
acheve les travaux ou les
mesures qui ont donne lieu a
la creance jusqu'a la date a
laquelle la municipalite a fait
sa demande pour un
versement relativement a la
creance aux termes du
present paragraphe.
36(2) Une municipalite fait une demande
aux termes du paragraphe 36(1) en
presentant au ministre des Finances
un etat des depenses engagees par
celle -ci qui a donne lieu a la
36(3) Sous reserve du paragraphe 36(4),
lorsqu'une creance d'une
municipalite en vertu du
paragraphe 30(1) ou 32(1) relative
a des travaux effectues ou a des
mesures prises par rapport a des
lieux, a une habitation, a un
logement ou a une structure
demeure impayee, en totalite ou en
partie, par la personne tenue au
paiement de la creance et que le
ministre des Finances a effectue un
versement aux termes du
paragraphe 36(1) relativement a la
a) toute partie de la creance qui
demeure impayee par la
personne tenue au paiement de
la creance devient une dette due
au ministre des Finances, et
(b) the Minister of Finance shall
collect the following amounts
from the owner of the premise,
dwelling, dwelling unit or
structure in the same manner
that taxes on real property are
collected under the Real
Property Tax Act:
(i) any part of the debt under
subsection 30(1) or 32(1)
that remains unpaid by the
person liable to pay the debt;
(ii) interest on the unpaid part of
the debt
(A) calculated at the same
rate as is applied in
determining the amount
of a penalty under
subsection 10(3) of the
Real Property Tax Act,
(B) accruing from the day the
municipality completes
the work or measures in
respect of which the debt
arose to the day the
municipality makes a
request under subsection
36(1) for payment in
respect of the debt.
b) le ministre des Finances doit
percevoir du propri6taire des
lieux, de I'habitation, du
logement ou de la structure les
montants suivants de la m6me
mani6re que I'imp6t foncier en
vertu de la Loi sur Pimp&
(i) toute partie de la cr6ance en
vertu du paragraphe 30(1)
ou 32(1) qui demeure
impay6e par la personne
tenue au paiement de la
cr6ance ; et
(ii) I'int6r6t sur la partie de la
cr6ance qui demeure
(A) calcul6 au m6me taux
appliqu6 pour d6terminer
le montant d'une p6nalit6
pr6vue par le
paragraphe 10(3) de la
Loi sur 1'imp6t foncier, et
(B) qui court a partir de la
date a laquelle la
municipalit6 a achev6 les
travaux ou les mesures
qui ont donn6 lieu a la
cr6ance jusqu'a la date a
laquelle la municipalit6 a
fait sa demande pour un
versement relativement a
la cr6ance aux termes du
paragraphe 36(1).
36(4) Subject to subsections 36(5) and
36(6), section 7, section 10, except
subsection 10(2), and sections 11,
12, 13, 14, 14.1, 15, 16, 19, 20, 24
and 25 of the Real Property Tax Act
apply with the necessary
modifications for the purposes of
subsection 36(3).
36(5) Where the amounts referred to in
paragraph 36(3)(b) remain unpaid,
those amounts and any penalty
added to them under subsection
36(4) constitute a lien on the real
property in respect of which the
work was carried out or the
measures were taken, and the lien
ranks equally with a lien under
subsection 11(1) of the Real
Property Tax Act.
36(6) Where the real property is sold
under any order of foreclosure,
order for seizure and sale,
execution or other legal process or
a power of sale under a debenture
or mortgage or under subsection
44(1) of the Property Act, the
amount of a lien referred to in
subsection 36(5) constitutes a
charge on the proceeds that ranks
equally with a charge under
subsection 11(1) of the Real
Property Tax Act.
36(4) Sous reserve des
paragraphes 36(5) et 36(6),
I'article 7, I'article 10, a 1'exception
du paragraphe 10(2), et les
articles 11, 12, 13, 14, 14.1, 15, 16,
19, 20, 24 et 25 de la Loi sur 1'imp6t
foncier s'appliquent avec les
modifications necessaires pour
I'application du paragraphe 36(3).
36(5) Lorsque les montants vises a
I'alinea 36(3)b) demeurent impayes,
ces montants et toute penalite y
ajoutee en vertu du
paragraphe 36(4) constituent un
privilege sur les biens reels qui ont
fait ('objet de travaux effectues ou
des mesures prises et le privilege
prend un rang egal au privilege
prevu au paragraphe 11 (1) de la Loi
sur 1'imp6t foncier.
36(6) En cas de vente d'un bien reel en
vertu d'une ordonnance de saisie
hypothecaire, de saisie et vente ou
d'execution ou par d'autres voies
judiciaires ou en vertu d'un pouvoir
de vente en vertu d'une debenture
ou d'une hypotheque ou en vertu du
paragraphe 44(1) de la Loi sur les
biens, le montant d'un privilege vise
au paragraphe 36(5) constitue une
charge qui prend un rang egal a une
charge visee au paragraphe 11 (1)
de la Loi sur I'impot foncier.
37(1) A By -law of the City of Saint John
enacted on the fifth day of July,
2004 entitled "A By -law Respecting
Standards for Maintenance And
Occupancy Of Buildings And
Premises" and all amendments
thereto is repealed on the coming
into force of this by -law.
John has caused the Corporate
Common Seal of the said City to be
affixed to this by -law the day
of August, A.D. 2008 and signed by:
37(1) Un arrete de The City of Saint John
edicte le 5 juillet 2004 et intitule
Arrete relatif aux normes d'entretien
et d'occupation des batiments et
locaux, ensemble ses modifications,
est abroge des 1'entree en vigueur
du present arrete.
EN FOI DE QUO[, The City of Saint John
a fait apposer son sceau communal
sur le present arrete le aout
2008, avec les signatures
suivantes :
Mayor /Maire
City Clerk/Greffiere communale
First Reading - Premiere lecture -
Second Reading - Deuxieme lecture -
Third Reading - Troisieme lecture -
September 2 d 2008
Deputy Mayor Chase
And Councillors
SUBJECT: Appointments to Committees
The Committee of the Whole having met on September 2nd, 2008 makes the following
Saint John Industrial Parks Ltd. — to appoint Andy Lodge for a three year term ending
September 2nd, 2011.
Greater Saint John Community Economic Development Agency — to appoint Dr. Robert
Mackinnon and Anita Punamiya to 3 year terms ending September 2nd 2011,
Ivan Court
RO. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 I wwwsaintjohn.ca CY 1971 Saint John, N,-B. Canada E2L 4L1