2008-08-18_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier d'ordre du jourCity of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday, August 18, 2008 Location: Common Council Chamber Supplemental to Agenda 5.24 South End Days Letter (Receive for Information) 8.1(a) Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA) presentation 12.0(a)Proposed Sale of Lantic Sugar Site: Amended Resolution (Report from City Manager) 13.3 Nominating Committee: Recommended Appointments to Committees City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le lundi 18 aout 2008 Lieu : Salle du conseil communal Ordre du jour supplementaire 5.24 Lettre relative a la j ournee du quartier sud (accepter a titre informatif) 8.1(a) Presentation de CUTA 12.0(a)Projet de vente de Femplacement de Sucre Lantic : modification de la resolution (rapport presente par le directeur general). 13.3 Comite des candidatures : recommandations de nominations pour sieger aux comites. v ~ I',II ! r ~ _ ~"yam ~ uu ~ x i ~j i 111111 ~ ~ ~ 01 ~ c .ca a4 c' ~t c r- 'k 'Zi 71 nti Cp L f' 1 rxs' qJ~ r I i ~ Mr ~ d"tl r r - r li~ i C"_ Hill ri r0/iii o r; 4 Ili M 13 i1lWidi ~ ;iii■4 ' n E E U e 0 ° C i CP 0,. 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South End Days, August 23"d Your Worship Mayor Ivan Court 4 Councillors; The organizing committee for the South End Day would like to invite you to join us in the South End on Saturday, August 23 from 10am to 4pm. This event will be a fun filled day to bring the citizens for the Lower South End together to celebrate our community. South End Day is taking place on Carmarthen Street between Queen Street and St. James Street, f=amilies will be able to participate in a variety of events during the day - BBQ, face painting, bingo, children's games and live entertainment. Draws and giveaways will be made throughout the day! We hope you will be able to join us on Saturday, August 23r4 for some family fun! For more information, please contact, Donnie Snook 647--1599 or Niki Wilson 633-2909, Thank you! Cynthia Dupere South End DoyCommittee member M&C #2008-248 August 18, 2008 His Worship Mayor :Ivan Court And Members of Common Council Your "Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: PROPOSED SALE OF LANTIC SUGAR SITE: AMENDED RESOLUTION The City of Saint John The purpose of this report is to seek an amendment to the City Manager's recommendation made in his report to Council dated June 23, 2008. The nature of the amendment is to delete from the recommendation reference to PID's 55066765 since that small portion of land is not owned by the City and PID's 55065411 and 00018333. These last PID's referred to so called water lots that the City had been paying $19,000 to the Port following the purchase of the Lantic Sugar site, however, the lease to the water lots expired a couple of years ago. Therefore, the completed motion as amended will read as follows; RECOMMENDATION AS AMENDED: That Common Council advise both Saint John Port Authority and Irving Oil that the City of Saint John is prepared to sell those parcels of City owned lands referred to as the Lantic Sugar (PID #'s 00002261, 55071005, 00002444, and 55147482) to Irving Oil Limited for the sole purpose of Irving Oil Limited immediately transferring title of those same lands to the Saint John Port Authority on the following terms and conditions. (1) The price to be paid is the current fair market value of the property as determined by a qualified independent professional appraiser, provided the fair market value does not exceed $1 million. (2) Given that the City is to understand that all three parties mentioned in this report have commissioned Appraisal Reports of the Lantic Sugar site, the parties agree to simply take the average of the Farr Market Value contained in each of those reports and agree that this average shall be the Fair Market Value of the lands for purposes of this transaction. However, the parties also agree that in the event that the City's Appraisal is the highest of the three, yet less than a million dollars, the city's appraisal shall represent the Fair Market Value of the property for purposes of this transaction. Report to Conznion Council Subject: Open or Closed Lterns.• The Process Page 2 (3) That the City of Saint John is provided with an undertaking by Irving Oil Limited that the company will undertake a public consultation process with respect to the design and usage of the public spaces in and around Long Wharf. (4) That the Saint John Dort Authority confirms that it is the Port's intention to utilize the Lantic Sugar site as an extension of the Louver Cove Terminal ensuring and contributing to the long term viability of this "Working Port." (5) Given concerns with respect to this transaction negatively affecting the operations of the Port, the Saint John Port Authority provide to Common Council, prior to finalizing this transaction, a copy of the information provided at the public announcement as well as any other information that can provide Common Council with assurances that this transaction is consistent with the Port's Long Term Business flan. (6) That the City of Saint John be provided with assurances that there is nothing in the agreement between hying Oil Limited and the Saint John Port Authority that will preclude the City of Saint John from receiving either municipal property taxes or a grant in lieu of taxes, on an annual basis, equal to the municipal tax rate multiplied by the assessed value of the real property to be constructed on the site. (7) That Irving Oil shall, at the appropriate time, initiate making application to have the development site rezoned from Heavy Industrial to a zone better suited for the proposed development. (8) That it is understood that Council's support for this transaction does not implicitly or explly indicate Council's support for any rezoning application. omitted, Tielfence L. Totten, CITY MANAGER b } ~r The City of Sant John August 14th, 2008 Deputy Mayor Chase And Councillors SUBJECT: Recommended Appointments to Committees The Nominating Committee met on August 8, 2008 and makes the following recommendations: Saint John Parking Commission - That Lionel Bordage and Councillor Killen be appointed to the Saint John Parking Commission for a three year term ending August 181h 2011. Saint John Transit Commission - to appoint Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillor Titus beginning September 2, 2008 ending September 2' , 2011. Jeux Canada Games Foundation - to appoint Bill Thompson for a 3 year term ending August 18, 2011. Trade and Convention Centre Oversight Committee - to appoint Councillor Sullivan, Ralph Holyoke, Peter Gaulton, and Greg Yeomans to a 3 year term ending August 11, 2011. Greater Saint John Regional Facilities Commission - to appoint Mayor Court and Councillor Sullivan, and Councillor Higgins as an alternate for 3 year terms ending August 18, 2011. SAINT" JOHN RO. Box 1971 Saint Johan, NB Canada E2L 41-1 I www.saintjohn.ca I C.I. 1971 Saint John, N.-B. Canada E2L 40