2008-04-28_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaire (2)City of Saint John
Common Council Meeting
Monday, April 28, 2008
Supplemental Agenda
2.1 Minutes Special Council Meeting March 27, 2008
2.3 Minutes Special Council Meeting April 17, 2008
13.4 Investment in Municipal Infrastructure and Retail Drive
13.5 Property Acquisition
City of Saint John
Stance du conseil communal
Le lundi, 28 avril, 2008
Ordre du jour supplementaire
2.1 Le proces-verbal de la seance extraordinaire du conseil communal tenue
le 27 mars 2008
2.3 Le proces-verbal de la seance extraordinaire du conseil communal tenue
le 27 avril 2008
13.4 Rapport du comite plenier relatif a I'investissement Bans les
infrastructures municipales
13.5 Rapport du comite plenier relatif a ('acquisition de biens- fonds
MARCH 27, 2008/LE 27 MARS 2008
~ ( CITY HALL -March 27, 2008, 5:00 P.M.
Norman McFarlane, Mayor
Deputy Mayor Hooton and Councillors Chang, Chase, Court,
Farren, Ferguson, McGuire, Tait, Titus and White
- and -
T. Totten, City Manager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor; Greg Yeomans,
Commissioner of Finance and Treasurer; J. Baird, Commissioner
of Planning and Development; P. Woods, Deputy City Manager;
A. Beckett, Deputy City Manager of Programs and Priorities; A.
Bodechon, Chief of Police; W. Reid, Deputy Police Chief; E.
Gormley, Common Clerk and J. Ferrar, Administrative Assistant
Sont presents
Norman McFarlane, maire
la mairesse suppleante Hooton et les conseillers Chang, Chase,
Court, Farren, Ferguson, McGuire, Tait, Titus et White
T. Totten, directeur general; J. Nugent, avocat municipal;
Greg Yeomans, commissaire aux finances et tresorier; J. Baird,
commissaire a I'urbanisme et au developpement; P. Woods,
directeur general adjoint; A. Beckett, directeur general adjoint,
programmes et priorites; A. Bodechon, chef de police; B. Reid,
chef de police adjoint; ainsi que E. Gormley, greffiere communale
et J. Ferrar, adjointe administrative.
Call To Order -Prayer
Mayor McFarlane called the meeting to order and offered the opening prayer.
Ouverture de la seance, suivie de la priere
La seance est ouverte par le maire McFarlane qui recite la priere d'ouverture.
1.1 North of Union Street Development
Referring to his submitted report, the City Manager, through an electronic presentation,
reviewed the recommendations for the North of Union Development.
On motion of Councillor Tait
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager, Common Council adopt the following recommendations with respect to the
North of Union Development:
a) With respect to the Development Plan
a. That the City of Saint John reconfirm its desire to approve a Development Concept
that would result in the construction of Justice Facility, a Police Facility and the required
Parking Facility in the area which is now been commonly referred to as "North Of Union".
b. That Council confirms its position that the preferred Development Concept includes
the Justice Facility being constructed on the lands commonly known as the YMCA site.
MARCH 27, 2008/LE 27 MARS 2008/
c. That Council approves the construction of the Police Facility in the block generally
bounded by Hazen, Chipman, Peel and Union Streets (may include portions of existing
Right of Ways).
d. That Council approves the construction of a Parking Facility on what is commonly
referred to as the Carleton Street Escarpment.
b) With respect to Public Consultations
a. That Common Council will require that any development proposal to be considered
must address, and be sensitive to, the "Big Ideas" and "Design Guidelines" that were
developed as a result of receiving public input.
b That any development proposal, when received, be not only evaluated against these
"Big Ideas" and a list of other criteria to be developed, but must also be evaluated with
respect to the developers commitment to ongoing public consultation as part of the
Development Planning Process.
c. That the Public be provided with opportunities for input on final designs for each of
the major public components and new design concept for the site (Police Facility,
Parking Garage, Public Plaza) input regarding proposals for development of the area
from the private sector and input regarding art components to be associated with the
new development.
c) With respect to the requirements of the Police Facility
a. That Common Council request the Police Commission to have their Architects of
record revisit their program and conceptual plans to determine if it is possible to:
i. Have the facility be located generally within the block as identified without significantly
diminishing the operational efficiencies.
ii. Pay particular attention to the views expressed regarding streetscapes during the
public consultations and in particular the'Design Guidelines'.
iii. Once the Police Commission has approved a revised conceptual design, submit the
design to Council for authority to proceed.
d) With respect to the Police tenancy in City Hall
a. That the City of Saint John formally notify the existing owners of the City Hall building
prior to April 30, 2008 that the City is exercising its option to extend its occupancy
related to the Police Space until April 30, 2011.
e) With respect to developing an effective Alternative Procurement Method
a. That Common Council authorize the City Manager, working with the City's
Purchasing Agent and City Solicitor to embark on a process of inviting submissions for
professional expertise related to the following:
i. Preparing a Call for Expressions of Interest and Statement of Qualifications;
ii. Assistance in the review and short listing of possible Developers;
iii. Preparation of the final Request for Proposal with an established Evaluation Process;
iv. Preparation of the final contract documents in consultation with the City Solicitor.
f) With respect to the issue of Tender versus An Alternative Procurement Process
a. That Common Council authorize the City Manager to proceed on the basis of using
an Alternative Procurement Process that would result in:
i. A Call for Expressions of Interests and Statement of Qualifications as the initial step;
ii. Followed by a Short Listing Exercise based on criteria to be established;
iii. Issuance of a Call for Proposals to qualified Development Companies or
MARCH 27, 2008/LE 27 MARS 2008
iv. That the Call for Proposals will stipulate the City's desire to have the respondents
indicate options related to the design (excluding Police HQ), construction, financing and
perhaps ongoing maintenance of any of the components of the development or part(s)
thereof namely, the Police HQ, the Parking Structure, Rehabilitation of the Carnegie
Building, all Civil Works, the Plaza and Public Spaces deemed critical to this
g) With respect to Discussions with Property Owners in the Area
a. That Common Council direct the City Manager to cease making any further offers on
properties in the general area without prior direction from Council sitting in Committee of
the Whole.
b. That the City Manager be directed to communicate to any property owner in the area
who is in possession of an offer from the City Manager, that they have until April 30`h to
accept the offer (subject to Council approval) as presented or the Offer is off the table.
c. That Council request the Saint John Parking Commission to take any reasonable
steps to acquire any additional lands that would allow for a properly designed Parking
Facility on the proposed escarpment site.
h) With respect to Negotiations with the Province of New Brunswick
a That the City Manager in conjunction with the Police Commission, be directed to work
toward finalizing the following:
i. A Formal Memorandum of Intent related to the cost sharing of certain elements
(Plaza, Public Space, Parking, Secure Link, Holding Cells) of the development including;
ii. Agreement with respect to on going responsibilities for each of these components
including maintenance, upkeep and staffing and;
iii. Agreement with respect to responsibility for design and construction of these shared
elements and;
iv. Agreement with respect to scheduling and completion dates
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
1.1 Amenagement du secteur situe au Hord de la rue Union
Se reportant a son rapport presente anterieurement, le directeur general, a I'aide d'un
diaporama electronique, fait le point sur les recommandations formulees Bans le cadre
du projet d'amenagement du secteur situe au Hord de la rue Union.
Proposition du conseiller Tait
Appuyee par le conseiller Court
RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur
general, le conseil communal adopte les recommandations suivantes relativement au
projet d'amenagement du secteur situe au Hord de la rue Union
A. Plan d'amenagement
a) que The City of Saint John reconfirme son desir d'approuver un concept
d'amenagement qui viserait a construire un centre judiciaire, un poste de police et un
parc de stationnement dans le secteur communement appele le « Hord de la rue
Union »;
b) que le conseil confirme sa position par rapport au concept d'amenagement voulant
que le centre judiciaire soit de preference construct sur le terrain communement appele
('emplacement du YMCA;
c) que le conseil approuve la construction du centre judiciaire sur Pilot generalement
delimits par les rues Hazen, Chipman, Peel et Union (certaines portions des droits de
passage existants pourraient y figurer);
d) que le conseil approuve la construction d'un parc de stationnement sur le terrain
communement appele I'escarpement de la rue Carleton.
MARCH 27, 20081LE 27 MARS 20081
B. Consultations publiques
a) que le conseil communal exige que toute proposition d'amenagement examinee traite
des «grandes idees » et des «lignes directrices de conception » elaborees par suite a
la contribution du public;
b) que toute proposition d'amenagement regue soft evaluee en tenant compte de ces
«grandes idees » et une liste d'autres criteres devant titre elabores et, qu'en outre, que
cette proposition snit evaluee en considerant ('engagement du promoteur a poursuivre
les consultations publiques a meme le processus de planification du projet
c) qu'on accorde au public des occasions de s'exprimer relativement aux concepts
definitifs de chaque element public important, aux nouvelles conceptions touchant
('emplacement (poste de police, garage de stationnement, place publique), aux opinions
du secteur prive sur les propositions d'amenagement du quartier et aux suggestions
visant les composantes artistiques liees au nouveau projet d'amenagement.
C. Exigences relatives au poste de police
a) que le conseil communal exige que la Commission de police demande aux
architectes inscrits au dossier de proceder a un reexamen de leurs programme et plans
de conception afin de determiner si les mesures suivantes sont realisables
i) amenager ('installation a I'interieur de Pilot, de fa~on generate, comme it a ete
determine, sans toutefois restreindre considerablement I'efficacite operationnelle;
ii) preter une attention particuliere aux opinions exprimees pendant les consultations
publiques en matiere de paysages de rue et plus precisement dans le cadre des «lignes
directrices de conception »;
iii). soumettre le concept au conseil a des fins d'autorisation a proceder, une fois que la
Commission de police aura approuve la conception revisee.
D. Bail conclu par le corps de police relatif a ('hotel de ville
a) que The City of Saint John avise officiellement les proprietaires actuels de I'immeuble
abritant ('hotel de ville au plus tard le 30 avril 2008 que la Ville prevoit exercer son option
de reconduire jusqu'au 30 avril 2011 le bail relatif a I'espace occupe par le corps de
E. Elaboration dune methode d'approvisionnement efficace differente
a) que le conseil communal autorise le directeur general, en collaboration avec ('agent
d'achat municipal et I'avocat municipal, d'intenter un processus d'appel de soumissions
pour engager des experts dans les domaines suivants
i) la preparation d'un appel de manifestation d'interet et d'enonce de criteres de merite;
ii) de ('aide pour examiner et selectionner les promoteurs eventuels;
iii) la preparation dune demande de proposition definitive et I'etablissement d'un
processus devaluation;
iv) la redaction de la documentation contractuelle definitive en collaboration avec
I'avocat municipal;
F. Soumission relative ~ une methode d'approvisionnementdifftirente
a) que le conseil communal autorise le directeur general a proceder selon une methode
d'approvisionnementdifftirente visant a obtenir les resultats suivants
i) un appel de manifestation d'interet et d'enoncti de criteres de merite comme premiere
ii) par la suite, I'etablissement dune liste restreinte de candidats fondee sur des criteres
iii) la delivrance d'un appel de propositions aux entreprises ou aux consortiums
MARCH 27, 2008lLE 27 MARS 2008
iv) que I'appel de propositions stipule que la Ville desire que les repondants precisent
des options liees a la conception (a ('exclusion du quartier general de police), a la
construction, au financement et peut-titre a I'entretien regulier de tout dement de
I'amenagement, dans son ensemble ou en partie, le quartier general de police, la
construction du parc de stationnement, la rehabilitation de I'immeuble Carnegie, tous les
travaux civiques, la place publique et les lieux publics juges cruciaux pour ce projet
G. Discussions avec les proprietaires du quartier
a) que le Conseil communal charge le directeur general de cesser le depot d'offres sur
les proprietes dans les environs sans autorisation prealable du Conseil siegeant en
comite plenier;
b) que le directeur general soft charge de communiquer avec tout proprietaire du
quartier en possession dune offre delivree par le directeur general indiquant que la date
limite d'acceptation de I'offre, telle qu'elle est presentee, est fixee au 30 avril au plus tard
(sous reserve de ('approbation du Conseil) et qu'a ('expiration de ce delai, I'offre nest
plus valable.
c) que le Conseil demande a la Commission sur le stationnement de Saint John
d'entreprendre toute demarche raisonnable afin d'acquerir des terrains additionnels qui
permettraient de concevoir un parc de stationnement adequat sur ('emplacement de
H. Negotiations avec la province du Nouveau-Brunswick
a) que le directeur general, en collaboration avec la Commission de police, soit charge
de conclure les conventions suivantes
i) un memorandum declaratif d'intention officiel relatif au partage des Gouts de certains
elements (place publique, espaces d'acces au public, lieux securitaires, quartiers
cellulaires) du projet d'amenagement, y compris les suivants
ii) une entente conclue relativement aux responsabilites continues de chacun de ces
elements, notamment le maintien, I'entretien et les effectifs;
iii) une entente relative aux responsabilites en matiere de conception et de construction
de ces elements partages;
iv) une entente relative au calendrier indiquant les dates d'achevement des travaux.
,4 Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
16. Adjournment
The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned.
16. Levee de la seance
Le maire declare que la seance est levee
Common Clerk/Greffiere communale
April 17, 2008lLe avril 2008
CITY HALL -SPECIAL MEETING, April 17, 2008 8:00 A.M.
' ~ present
Norman McFarlane, Mayor
Deputy Mayor Hooton and Councillors Chang, Chase, Court, and
T. Totten, City Manager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor; Greg Yeomans,
Commissioner of Finance and Treasurer; and E. Gormley,
Common Clerk
Sont presents
Norman McFarlane, maire
le maire suppleant Hooton et les conseillers Chang, Chase, Court
et Titus
T. Totten, directeur general; J. Nugent, avocat municipal;
Greg Yeomans, commissaire aux finances et tresorier; et
E. Gormley, greffiere communale
1. Call To Order
Mayor McFarlane called the special meeting to order.
1. Ouverture de la seance
La seance extraordinaire est ouverte par le maire McFarlane.
2. 2008 Debenture Issue
On motion of Deputy Mayor Hooton
Seconded by Councillor Titus
Whereas occasion having arisen in the public interest for the following public civic works
and needed civic improvements, that is to say:
General Government $ 500,000
Protective Services $ 750,000
Transportation Services $ 4,000,000
Environmental Health $ 300,000
Economic Development $ 1,500,000
Parks and Recreation $ 1,450,000
Water System $ 2,000,000
Sewer System $ 500.000
$ 8,500,000
$ 2,500,000
TOTAL $ 11,000,00
April 17, 2008/Le avril 2008
1. Therefore resolved that debentures be issued under provisions of the Acts of
Assembly 52, Victoria, Chapter 27, Section 29 and amendments thereto to the
amount of $11,000,ODO.
2. Commissioner of Finance be authorized to issue and to sell to the New
Brunswick Municipal Finance Corporation (the "Corporation") a City of Saint John
bond or debenture in the principal amount of $11,000,000 at such terms and
conditions as are recommended by the Corporation.
3. And further that the City of Saint John agrees to issue post-dated cheques to the
Corporation, or other such arrangements as the Corporation may from time to
time accept, in payment of principal and interest charges on the above bond or
debenture as and when they are required by the Corporation.
4. And further that the Commissioner of Finance be hereby authorized to receive an
offer in connection with the foregoing debentures at a price not less than $98 per
$100 of debenture, at interest rates not to exceed an average of 6.50% and at a
term not to exceed 15 years for the issue related to the General Fund and Transit
and not to exceed 20 years for the Water & Sewerage Utility.
5. And further that the Commissioner of Finance report to Common Council the
exact values for price per $100 of debenture, interest rate and term in years,
together with the date of the issue.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
2. Emission de debentures pour 2008
Proposition de la mairesse suppleante Hooton
Appuyee par le conseiller Titus
Considerant la necessite, dans I'interet public, de proceder a ('execution de travaux
publics et d'apporter certaines ameliorations municipales, a savoir
Administration generate
Services de protection
Services de transport
Salubrite de I'environnement
Developpement economique
Pares et loisirs
500 000 $
750 000 $
4 000 000 $
300 000 $
1 500 000 $
1 450 000 $
8 500 000 $
Reseau d'aqueduc
Reseau d'egouts
2 000 000 $
500 000 $
2 500 000 $
TOTAL 11 000 000
1. En consequence, it est resolu que soient emises des debentures en vertu des
dispositions des Lois de !a Chambre d'assemb/ee, 52 Victoria, chapitre 27,
article 29, et des modifications afferentes, pour la somme de 11 000 000 $;
2. que le commissaire aux finances soit autorise a emettre et a vendre a la
Corporation de financement des municipalites du Nouveau-Brunswick (la
April 17, 20081Le avril 2008
« Corporation ») une obligation ou une debenture de The City of Saint John au
montant principal de 11 000 000 $ etablie selon les modalites recommandees
par la Corporation;
3. en outre, que The City of Saint John accorde son assentiment a ('emission de
cheques postdates au nom de la Corporation, ou a toute autre disposition que la
Corporation peut accepter a tout moment, pour le paiement du principal et des
interets relatifs a ('obligation ou ~ la debenture susmentionnee au moment requis
et dans la forme exigee par la Corporation;
4. de plus, que le commissaire aux finances soit autorise, par les presentes, a
accepter une offre, relativement aux debentures susmentionnees, a un tarif egal
a au moins 98 $ pour 100 $ d'obligations, a un taux d'interet maximal de 6,5
en moyenne et pour une duree maximale de 15 ans pour ('emission relative au
fonds d'administration et au service de transport et une duree maximale de
20 ans pour le reseau d'aqueduc et d'egouts;
5. et de plus, que le commissaire aux finances presente un compte rendu au
Conseil communal, indiquant la valeur exacte du tarif pour 100 $ en debentures,
le taux d'interet, et le terme en annees, ainsi que la date d'emission.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
3. Adjournment
The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:05 a.m.
3. Levee de la seance
Le maire declare que la seance est levee a 8 h 5.
Common Clerk/greffiere communale
(3 . `~
a :o~
M&C #2007-132 a,
The City of Saint Iohn
Apri124, 2008
His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Members of Council:
The purpose of this report is to seek a decision of Common Council related to a request
from East Point Inc. for an additional contribution of $1.6 million towards the
construction of the municipally owned street known as Retail Drive.
Rational for the Request:
Council will recall that East Point Inc, had originally sought approval to construct only a
small portion of Retail Drive. However, because of Council's concerns related to the
volume of traffic on McAllister Drive, Council and staff encouraged East Point Inc. to
construct all of Retail Drive from Westmorland Road to Rothesay Avenue. East Point
Inc. and staff entered into negations and staff was successful in capping the City
investment at $3.5 million of which, $650,000 would be repayable at some future date.
In other words, the City's net investment would ultimately be $2,850,000.
East Point Inc. reluctantly agreed and proceeded to build all of Retail Drive according to
City specifications and also agreed to add additional lanes and change the slope of the
road to improve vehicle safety. Althaugh East Point Inc. did agree and proceed, the
Developer's position has always been that the Developer has invested more than its fair
share in this portion of municipal infrastructure. Their position has always been based on
the findings of an analysis prepared by ADI Limited. ADI, after having studied traffic
patterns, concluded that Retail Drive would not only serve the retail development, but
would eliminate considerable congestion on other municipal streets.
Report to Common Council Page 2
Subject: Investment in Municipal Infrastructure and Retail Drive
Applying ADI's rational, the City's share including piping materials would amount to
$4,231,000 (based on the original design and cost estimates). With the increased costs of
construction of the enhanced road, the Developer's position is that the City's net
contribution of $2,850,000 is approximately $1.6 million less than what it should have
otherwise been.
The ramifications of this situation is that the high cost incurred by the Developer to
construct all of Retail Drive is causing the cost of servicing the lands adjacent to Retail
Drive to be more than the market can bear. In other words, the high cost of constructing
Retail Drive is making the land unattractive to the multinational retailers, many of whom
are willing to locate in Saint John, and in fact want to locate in East Saint John.
Based on information supplied by the Developer, a business case has been prepared by
the City that can be recovered in six to seven years. Staff believes this analysis to be very
conservative. However, to provide added protection to taxpayers, the Development
Agreement has been amended to reflect the fact that the additional investment by the City
would not be made until the steel work has been erected for at least another 135,000 sq.
ft. of retail space. In other words, the investment will be made only when it is clear that
construction and therefore tax base will accrue.
That Common Council considers this request and should Council determine that the
additional investment is in the best interest of the community, the following resolution
would be appropriate;
That Common Council approve the attached Agreement between East Point Inc.
and the City of Saint John and authorize the Mayor and Common Clerk to execute the
Terrence L. Totten, FCA
April 22/08
THIS AGREEMENT made in triplicate this day of , 2008.
EAST POINT INC., a body corporate
incorporated under the laws of the Province of
New Brunswick, having its registered office at
479 Rothesay Avenue, Saint John, New
Brunswick, hereinafter called "East Point",
THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN, having its City
Hall at 15 Market Square, Saint John, New
Brunswick, a body corporate by Royal Charter,
confirmed and amended by Acts of the
Legislative Assembly of the Province of New
Brunswick, hereinafter called the "City",
WHEREAS the Common Council of the City pursuant to the provisions of the
Community Planning Act, Chapter C-13, R.S.N.B. 1973 as amended, at its open session
meeting held pn the 10`~ day of April 2006 gave third reading... to the redesignation and
rezoning of lalnds located at 336 Westmorland Road, Saint John,: N.B. now having PIDs
55183222, 00304535, 55182455, 55182448, 55182463, 55183859, SS183495, 55101166,
55101158, 55190037 and 55186001 ("East Point Shopping Centre"); arid:.
WHEREAS the parties hereto et al entered .into axi Agreement dated September
16, 2006 pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, hereinafter the Section
39 Agreement, which Agreement is recorded in the`Land Titles Office for Saint John
County on September 19, 2006 as Nb: 22773429, and which provided inter alia for the
City's contribution towazd East Point's'costin constructing Retail Drive, a public street;
WHEREAS East Point has requested. a grant from the City to assist with the cost
of constructing various infrastructure components within the East Point Shopping Centre;
WHEREAS the City,has considered the aforesaid request and is of the view that
such a grant fior the puzpose described in the immediately preceding recital would assist
with the development o~the municipality;
of the mutu~l covenants contained herein as well as other good and valuable
consideration, the receipt .and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties
hereto agree as follows:
1. (1) The City shall, subject to subsection (2) hereof, make a grant in the amount of
$950,Og0.00 to East Point within thirty (30) days immediately following the written
certification by the City's Building Inspector that at least 90% of the structural steel
has beep erected with respect to the construction within the East Point Shopping
Centre, of a retail building having a floor area of at least 135,000 square feet in the
event that a building permit therefor has been applied for and issued to an
internationally recognized big box retailer, so-called.
(2) The grant described in subsection (1) hereof is made upon condition that
should building permits not be issued between the date of this agreement and April
1, 2011 for the construction within East Point Shopping Centre of retail buildings
having a combined floor area equal to or greater than the difference between
231,000 square feet and the actual floor azea measured in square feet of the
building described in subsection (1) hereof as confirmed by the City's Building
Inspector, then East Point shall pay to the City not later than April 30, 2011 an
amount being the product of $4.11 multiplied by the difference between 231,000
and the total floor area measured in square feet of retail buildings within the East
Point Shopping Centre for which building permits have been issued between the
date hereof and April 1, 2011.
2. The City shall in the event that the grant contemplated by Section 1 hereof is made
to East Point, and within thirty (30) days immediately following any payment being made
to the City by East Point pursuant to Section 26 of the Section 39 Agreement, and as
often as that might happen, make a grant to East Point of an equivalent amount of such
3. East Point hereby expressly acknowledges and agrees that the maximum amount
payable by the City to East Point pursuant to the Section 39 Agreement is $3.5 Million
after taking into account that portion of HST that is recoverable by the City.
4. All notices and approvals required or permitted by this Agreement shall be in
writing and delivered personally or by courier or sent by telecopier to each of the parties
at their respective New Brunswick addresses as follows:
(a) In the case of the City at:
The City of Saint John
$s' Floor, City Hall, 15 Market Square
P.0. Box 1971
Saint John, NB E2L 4L1
Attention: Elizabeth Gormley
Common Clerk
Fax Number: 506-674-4214
(b) In the case of the Developer at:
479 Rothesay Avenue
Saint John, NB
E2L 407
Fax Number 506-634-2236 with a copy to
Cox & Palmer
Suite 1500, One Brunswick Square
Saint John, N.B. E2L 4H8
Attention: William H. Teed, Q.C.
Fax Number: 506-632-8809
or at such other address or fax number of which the addressee may from time to
time have ngtified the addressor. A notice shall be deemed to have been sent and
received on the day it is delivered personally or by courier or on the day on which
transmission is confirmed, if telecopied. If such day is not a Business Day or if
the notice is received after ordinary office hours (time of place of receipt), the
notice shall be deemed to have been sent and received on the next Business Day.
5. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement among the parties with respect
to the matters herein and supersedes all prior or collateral agreements and
understandings, whether oral or written, between the parties or their respective
representatives. This agreement shall not be modified, amended or assigned except with
the consent in writing of the parties hereto.
6. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of
the Province of New Brunswick.
7. This agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties
hereto their successors and assigns respectively.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have duly executed these presents the
day and year first above written,
In the presence of: )
Troy Northrup, President
N.M. McFarlane, Mayor
Elizabeth Gormley,
Common Clerk
Common Council Resolution:
April , 2008.
Form 45
Land Titles Act, S.N.B. 1981, c.L-1.1, s.55
Deponent: Troy D. Northrup
477 Rothesay Avenue
Saint John, NB E2L 4G7
Office Held by Deponent: President
Corporation: East Point Inc.
Place of Execution: Saint John, New Brunswick
Date of Execution: April , 2008
I, Troy D. Northrup, the deponent, make oath and say:
1. That I hold the office specified above in the corporation specified above, and am
authorized to make this affidavit and have personal knowledge of the matters
hereinafter deposed to;
2. That the attached instrument was executed by me as the officer duly authorized to
execute the instrument on behalf of the corporation;
3. That the seal of the corporation was affixed to the instrument by order of the Board
of Directors of the corporation;
4. That the instrument was executed at the place and on the date specified above;
5. That the ownership of a shaze of the corporation does not entitle the owner thereof
to occupy the parcel described in the attached instrument as a marital home.
SWORN TO at Saint John,
in the County of Saint John and )
Province of New Brunswick, on )
the day of April, 2008. )
William H. Teed, Q.C. )
A Commissioner of Oaths )
Being a Solicitor )
Troy D. Northrup
Form 45
Land Titles Act, S.N.B. 1981, c.L-1.1, s.55
Deponent: Elizabeth Gormley
City of Saint John
15 Market Square
PO Box 1971
Saint John, NB E2L 4L1
Office Held by Deponent: Common Clerk
Other Officer who Executed the Instrument:
Office Held by other Officer who
Executed the Instrument:
Place of Execution:
Date of Execution:
The City of Saint John
N. M. McFarlane
City of Saint John
15 Market Squaze
PO Box 1971
Saint John, NB E2L 4L1
Saint John, New Brunswick
April , 2008
I, Elizabeth Gormley, the deponent, make oath and say:
1. That I hold the office specified above in the corporation specified above, and am
authorized to make this affidavit and have personal knowledge of the matters
hereinafter deposed to;
2. That the attached instrument was executed by me and the other officer specified
above, as the officers duly authorized to execute the instrument on behalf of the
3. That the seal of the corporation was affixed to the instrument by order of the
Common Council of The City of Saint John;
4. That the instrument was executed at the place and on the date specified above;
5. That the corporation has no shareholders.
SWORN TO at Saint John,
in the County of Saint John and
Province of New Brunswick, on
the day of April, 2008.
Elizabeth A. Gormley
Lynda D. Farrell
A Commissioner of Oaths
Being a Solicitor
That Common Council approve the acquisition of PID Number 37754,
37788 and 37796 from 603887 NB Ltd. for the total purchase price of
$820,000. as per the conditions set out in the submitted letter.
Sherwood ` Flanagan
April 24, 2008
City of Saint John
15 Market Square
Saint John, New Brunswick
Attention: Terry Totten
Dear Mr. Totten:
Re: City of Saint John p/f 6038$7 N.B. Ltd.
Further to the above matter and your correspondence of February 14, 2008 and
April 16, 20D8, we are writing to formally accept the City's offer to Purchase the
properties as PID 37754, 37788 & 37796 for the amount of $820,000.00 with the
following conditions:
1. 20% deposit payable upon execution of the Agreement;
2. approval of Common Council;
3. Vacant possession with a closing date of on or before July 31, 2008;
4. 603887 N.B. Ltd can recover from the properties shrubs etc related to the
landscaping improvements and fixtures etc~~•from the interior of the
properties prior to closing; and
5. The Tenants of 10 Peel Street being permit#ed to keep signage indicating
their new location on 10 Peel Street as long as the building stands;
Please forward -the Agreement of Purchase and Sale for execution at your
earliest opportunity.
Yours very truly,
denotes Pmfeeelons! CorpoiaCOn
:'Yl • ~t,.~.t,~,-~ ~( (.tit-u /~~ Li'/~
Mary-Eileen Flanagan* •. U
..,_, ~
~ /~ ~.
10 Peel Street ~ Salnt Jahn ~ New Brunswick ~ E2L 3G9 • Tel.• 506.634:61 • Fax: 506.634.0456