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2008-03-17_& 18_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaire (2)
City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday & Tuesday, March 17 & 18, 2008 Supplemental Agenda 3.0 Appointment of Common Clerk Re: 3.1 North of Union Project -Public Consultation Process Report 10.1(b) Revised Zoning By-Law 10 St. James Street 10.2 A Law to Amend the Development Scheme By-Law City of Saint John Seance du Conseil communal Le lundi et le mardi 17 et 18 mars 2008 Ordre du jour supplementaire 3.0 Nomination de la Greffiere Objet 3.1 Le projet du Hord de la rue Union - le processus de consultation communautaire 10.1(b) La modification de I'arrete sur le zonage visant le 10, rue St. James 10.2 Arrete modifiant I'arrete portant adoption d'un projet d'amenagement 3`~ Common Council meeting in Committee of the Whole on March 17, 2008, makes the following recoiruner~dation; That the resignation of J. Patrick Woods from the position of Common Clerk of the City of Saint John herleby accepted, effective March 17, 2008 and further, That Elizabeth Gormley is heneby appointed Common Clerk of the City of Saint John pursuant to Sectipn 74(2) of the Municipalities Act of the Province of New Brunswick, 'effective March 17, 2008, beginning at an annual rate of pay established Hat Group 7 Step 2 on the 2008 Management Salary grid, and provided with ~ weeks of annual vacation. ~~ ~~ s North of Union Project Public Consultation Process & Outcomes Report to City of Saint John Common Council Cities & " Environment Faculty of Architecture & Plannin~ ~ n Dalhousie Universi March 17, 2008 Table of Contents Introduction ~ Summary of Community Meetings 2 Big Ideas 4 Concept Plan: Illustration of the Big Ideas 6 Guide to Public Improvements & Design Guidelines ~ $ Recommendations to Common Council Z~ Introduction Saint John has a tremendous opportunity to take advantage of the development potential in the Uptown and to build on the momentum of the discussions surrounding the North of Union site. The development of the Police Headquarters and Provincial Justice facility (and the associated parking needs) has brought people together to establish a shared vision and set the tone for future development projects in the city that will meet the needs of current and future residents and visitors. A great city is shaped by its citizens. The citizens of Saint John have real passion about the quality of their city, a place where they want to live, work and play. They also have pride in their community's heritage and a fear of losing what defines their community. Over the last two months, the Cities & Environment Unit has designed and led a community consultation process to explore with Saint John citizens the development possibilities North of Union. In order to be able to discuss specific aspects of the site, it was essential for community members to first find common ground regarding how new development can contribute to a larger vision for the Uptown. This project has created an exciting opportunity to define this vision and make it a reality. It is rare that places have the opportunity to both establish a vision and take immediate action toward. achieving that vision. The potential for Saint John is tremendous. The Cities & Environment Unit's role was to not only design and lead a community consultation process, but also to consolidate and contribute to the ideas that came out of the community sessions. The following report summarizes this consultation process and presents the major products that resulted from this work. Prepared by: Cities & Environment Unit, March 17, 2008 Summary of Community Meetings Community Meeting Date: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 Time: 7pm - 9pm Goal • To hear concerns and ideas from community members specifically about existing heritage buildings on the North of Union site. Meeting Summary City staff hosted an evening meeting to give citizens an opportunity to discuss concerns regarding existing heritage buildings on the North of Union site. Panels illustrating important heritage buildings in the area as well as North of Union project panels were available for people to review. Jim Bezanson presented on the architectural and historical significance of some key buildings in and around the North of Union site. Elizabeth DeLuisa, from Active Transportation Saint John (ATSJ), presented concerns and recommendations from ATSJ regarding the North of Union project. Microphones were available for individuals to ask questions or make specific comments regarding the North of Union project. The Cities & Environment Unit took notes summarizing participants' ideas at the session. Community Workshop Date: Saturday March 1, 2008 Time: loam - 3pm Goals • To develop a vision for the broader area (the Uptown) to set the tone for all new development within the Uptown, including the North of Union Site. • To discuss desired urban design guidelines for the Uptown area. Workshop Summary Approximately eighty citizens from Saint John attended this full day community workshop. The day was divided into two distinct sessions -morning and afternoon. Each session consisted of small group round table discussions with one CEU planner or City planner at each table to lead the discussion. Base maps of the area, a chart of the fixed/flexible/wide open elements relating to the North of Union development, markers, trace paper and flip charts were available at each table. During the morning session, groups worked to develop Big Ideas and principles regarding future development in the Uptown. Each group was charged with thinking beyond the physical design of specific buildings or streets in order to consider different ideas and visions for the larger area. The discussion established a shared sense of what this area could become. Notes from each group discussion were pinned up for participants to review during lunch. CEU and City staff worked during the lunch hour to pull out the major themes from each group discussion. The themes were used to create Big Ideas and principles for development. Before groups began work during the afternoon, the Big Ideas and principles were projected and presented. During the afternoon, the Big Ideas and principles were applied to the North of Union site in order to determine what type of development is desired for the area. Groups used the available base maps, trace paper, markers and fixed/flexible/wide open chart to sketch out how the Big Ideas and principles would inform elements of the North of Union development. Through this exercise, groups developed specific design guidelines intended to inform future development on the North of Union site and within the larger Uptown area. Prepared by: Cities & Environment Unit, March 17, 2008 2 Outcomes The citizens of Saint John are passionate about their community and contributed many thoughtful ideas and perspectives during this full day workshop. The BJg Ideas were a direct outcome of this session. In addition, Cities & Environment Unit staff used the ideas and concerns from the session as the basis to produce proposed Design Guidelines and a Concept Plan that are intended to direct development in the Uptown, including the North of Union Site. Open House Wednesday, March 12, 2008 Time: 5pm - 9pm Goal • To report back to interested and committed community members before taking ideas and recommendations to Common Council. Meeting Summary The meeting consisted of a presentation, time to review the display panels and proposed Design Guidelines and a question and answer period. CEU staff presented an overview of public consultation sessions to date and explained the Big Ideas, proposed Design Guidelines and the next steps in this process. The Big Ideas and Concept Plan were described on the display panel and participants also received a proposed Design Guideline handout. During the question and answer period, community members raised concerns about the process and content presented. These concerns were recorded and responded to by CEU and City staff: Outstanding Concerns Many of the concerns and ideas raised in the aforementioned meetings were incorporated into the Big Ideas, Concept Plan and Implementation Strategy. These documents clearly outline acommunity-based vision for the Uptown and the North of Union site. Community members also articulated their concerns regarding the public participation process and what they do not want for Uptown Saint John. The main outstanding concerns include: • The North of Union project and the public consultation process are being rushed and these rushed decisions will have lasting negative impacts on the community. • Community members are not clear on how and when they will be able to further participate in shaping both the North of Union development and other developments in Saint John in the future. • The City is not sufficiently forthcoming with information and decision making lacks transparency. • The absence of other stakeholders (e.g., Province, private sector, etc.) raises concerns about how the community's ideas will be implemented. • Saint John is in need of more detailed urban design guidelines for the North of Union site. • The North of Union site is not the best location and/or an appropriate location for the proposed police headquarters. • There is no clear commitment to protect, reuse and/or revitalize existing heritage buildings on the North of Union site and in the Uptown area. Prepared by: Cities & Environment Unit, March 17, 2008 SIG [DEAS INTRODUCTION The Big Ideas presented here were created to guide development in Uptown Saint John and were generated through consultation with the public. These ideas are based on the notion that the Uptown is already a unique and vibrant area, and that by building on these strengths and respecting the historical significance of the area, new development will encourage more people to come to the Uptown to work, live and play. In doing so, the Uptown will become a complete neighbourhood comprised of residential, commercial and service-oriented development. OPEN SPACES New open space should be created that meets the needs of many people and connects existing infrastructure to a variety of interesting places (e.g., the waterfront). These safe and accessible spaces will provide opportunities for people to meet and gather at different times of the day, and throughout the different seasons. INTENSI TY AND DIVERSITY OF USE ` It is important to attract a variety of people (e.g., young, old, families, low income, young professionals, etc.) to Uptown Saint John. Providing a mix of good-quality housing types (affordable and market), green developments and more services and amenities will lead to a thriving neighbourhood and community. PARKING Parking must not dominate any development. Parking should be concentrated close to transportation hubs at access points along the highway. This strategy will ensure city streets are more pedestrian and bicycle friendly. TRANSPORTATION The Uptown should build active transportation infrastructure into all future development to ensure safe and comfortable pedestrian and bicycle environments. Combined with a focus on local and regional transit options, this will make it easier to live car free. HERITAGE The heritage buildings in the Uptown help us celebrate the history of our city. These buildings will act as catalysts for innovative infill, reuse and revitalization that can accommodate a variety of different uses. Buildings constructed today are the heritage buildings of the future. ARTS AND CULTURE The Arts Centre located in the Carnegie building is an important focal point that will strengthen the Uptown's connection to the artist community. The Carnegie building will be the anchor from which other facilities and services can grow (i.e., arts corridor). STREETS Streets are places of intensity, variety and human interaction. They must celebrate our culture and identity. Streets must be walkable, comfortable and beautiful, and should also be destinations in their own right. They must attract and support a variety of uses throughout the day and night. A continuous, transparent and porous streetwall with appropriately sized buildings will create streets that are interesting, comfortable and accessible to pedestrians. Prepared by: Cities & Environment Unit, March 77, 2008 4 BIG IDEAS SUSTAINABILITY New development in the Uptown will serve as a leading example of sustainable and green design. This development will not only provide opportunities for people to connect with their surroundings, but will provide a healthy environment where people can work, live and play without having to travel great distances. An emphasis on sustainable development will contribute to a strong and thriving community. PROCESS Creating a shared vision for the Uptown will give community members an idea of what development to say `yes' to and will also give the community the confidence to say `no' to bad development. The Uptown is in need of a comprehensive community-based plan that will capture the ideas and dreams of community members through an open public consultation process. In addition, the public's visions and ideas must become formally legislated policy to ensure ideas become reality. Prepared by: Cities & Environment Unit, March 17, 2008 Concept Pfan Illustration of the Big Ideas This Concept Plan is an illustration of what the Uptown area and the North of Union site could become if they were developed according to the Big Ideas and proposed Design Guidelines and with investment in public infrastructure improvements. The Concept Plan is not meant to represent the design of specific buildings, instead it is intended to illustrate some of the development possibilities and potential for the area. ,~F``, ,- , N ~ , >., t p "'\` ~ `._ ~ '~ y r .... `, ! ~ ,, '~I { _,~ J, i , . ~ w r: ~ i T~ f ~ ~' ' ~ h _ ,. _: . , - ~ ~ 1 i a " ~ - .- .~ .. l,~ ~ ' ~I -.±~i n.. ~ v>a,~Ik ~~ r-F~ s' ~!~ I ~1 1 l~ ~ ~ ~~_, I I ~`~~ • i, .. 1~~ }+~^--~'^.._~ ~ ^y - ~. ..i~T~ ~..1--'-~.I; ~4t 4~ Y,~ _ 1 L r~~T~ < t ~ ;Y ~ j i 1. ~,~`~ I t ' ~~ ~ ; ~ 1 ~}~, ( _ i' i rte; _ r i~ ~~.'{ 77 . ~, ~ ~~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ _____ ~ I J ,,, __ i 1 l t1 . r " ; - _ , -~--~ u ~ ~~ -- --- f ' ~ Ji `~ -~ - ^ Pedestrian-Oriented Areas ~ k ~ _ _ _ ,,~ ___ ~F , !_ _~--__~ ---~ `~ i~ Open Space _ - __ ~' , ~ f , . ii I 1 - _ i ~1 `i a. ~ ~~ 1 (~ .,. 0 50 100 200 _ 300 400 500 ~ I! Q `~' i.' t ~ _ - Meters G Prepared by: Cities & Environment Unit, March 17, 2008 6 Concept Plan Elements O Union Street Instead of widening Union Street to facilitate increased traffic flow, the focus is on improving the pedestrian environment to provide a continuous walkable connection across the peninsula to the waterfront. Birycling and other active modes of transportation are also promoted along its length. Union Street supports a mix of uses, including residential and street-oriented commercial uses. O Provincial Justice Facility This carefully designed public institution sets a high standard for the quality of new buildings and public spaces in Saint John. This building frames attractive and vibrant public spaces, including a new pedestrian street. The Provincial Justice Facility exists as part of the public sphere, building on the mix of people and diversity of uses in the Uptown. 0 Carnegie Building/Arts Centre The Arts Centre has room to grow north and south along Hazen Avenue or east toward Peel Street. It anchors a new arts corridor that extends south through the downtown, connecting existing and possible future arts related uses. ® Pedestrian Street This new pedestrian-only street enables comfortable pedestrian access through the heart of the Uptown area. It connects east from Saint Patrick Street to a new park at Wellington Row and serves as a link in the peninsula's open space network. O Police Headquarters This high quality street-oriented public institution includes community-oriented facilities and uses that are accessible and visible from the surrounding streets. The footprint of the building is limited to respect and maintain the area's historical street grid. The design and construction of a new public facility provides the opportunity to apply Saint John's Sustainability Principles by focusing on environmentally-sound design, technologies and materials. © Mixed-Use Infill Development These blocks present numerous opportunities for mixed-use (commercial, institutions and residential) development that integrates with existing uses and buildings, including valuable heritage buildings. New development will fill in the gaps in the urban structure and frame vibrant, pedestrian-friendly local streets. O Parking Structures Parking structures located close to major access points to the peninsula will encourage a reduction of commuter traffic throughout the downtown. Commuters can connect to the downtown through the pedway system or local transit shuttles. Parking facilities can be integrated into transportation hubs that connect to a variety of other transportation modes and include some convenience amenities.. ® Saint Patrick Street A tree lined Saint Patrick Street with narrowed traffic lanes and an improved pedestrian environment serves as a gateway to King Street and the Uptown. Existing buildings can be opened up to the street providing new opportunities for street level commercial activity. O Gateway Landmark corner buildings frame this intersection and form a visible gateway into the city. Prepared by: Cities & Environment Unit, March 17, 2008 Concept Plan Illustration of the Big Ideas These sketches illustrate some of the possible spatial relationships between buildings and public open spaces. Also depicted are some ideas about how higher point towers might fit into future development of the area and how the siting of new landmark buildings at the end of important streets could create prominent terminating vistas. .~ .r`\ Prepared by: Cities & Environment Unit, March 77, 2008 Concept Pian Illustration of the Big Ideas The following sketches illustrate some ideas about the high quality public spaces and amenities that are possible such as wide sidewalks, tree lined streets, benches and room for sidewalk cafe and restaurant seating. Current conditions: Looking west from Wellington Row toward Peel Street Prepared by: Cities & Environment Unit, March 17, 2008 9 Looking east from Hazen Avenue along a new pedestrian street. Ca~cept P~[an Illustration of the Big Ideas Prepared by: Cities & Environment Unit, March 17, 2048 10 ~;urrent conaitions: Looking north along Peel Street from Union Street Looking north along Peel Street from Union Street. Concept Plan OPEN SPACE Illustration of the Big Ideas New open space should be created that meets the needs of many people and connects existing infrastructure to a variety of interesting places (e.g., the waterfront). These safe and accessible spaces will provide opportunities for people to meet and gather at different times of the day, and throughout the different seasons. f ,, 4 ~> 'f~ ~ ,,~ ~. i 4 ~ - -- - ` ,, ~r +~ r, _ -~ a ~ . `_1'v ~ .~ ~~ ~ I ~ , 0 ^ ^ r ,, , ~ cke, ,\ .. i fir' ~~ ] ,. i _ ~ 1 r . t 2; ~^ ^ L ` ~ '' r- _ i i i ': r~ yi i -- .... _ ..-. £~w~iC _ __ - r r ~ + ~ ~ a~ ~ _ >>~ r_ ~l;~-,i ~~; _ ~ ~ - ---~ ' ~~ ~~ +Jt' 1 i _ 1t ` i~ ' [ - a F -„ _ I i ~' ~- -- r _ ,~, ~ ~ '~ ~~-~ _ ~ cr .: Existing Green Space ~ ; - ~ ' ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ - -~- _ ~~ ' New Park/Green Space Pedestrian Street Green Streets ~ --.. i! J ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~; -z~ 1- ~ _~~ _~ s ~ -- _ ~ ~~ ~~ ,i i ~ iJ ,~ ,~ ~ ~; I I~ a r 0 50 100. 200 300 400 500 Meters ~~ Prepared by: Cities & Environment Unif, March 77, 2008 11 Concept Plan INTENSITYAND DIVERSITY OF USE Illustration of the Big Ideas It is important to attract a variety of people (e.g., young, old, families, low income, young professionals, etc.) to Uptown Saint John. Providing a mix of good-quality housing types (affordable and market), green developrrlents and more services and amenities will lead to a thriving neighbourhood and community. ;=° _ , ~> ?~ •~ '~ ` ~ s ~ ~ . i ~ 4 ~ I __ f _ ~_ ~' ~ It / ' r rtrr ' 11 - .. -t ~.. ~ i ~1 ~~ ~• ~ / ~+ t ' ~ r . { - . ,cry r n'rttirtb-;~' :~ ~ ~ r a .- . _^- `t '~.i'J. ., '3'"~,Trg . _ .~ ~.I f.: ~~ ' fir.'! . 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Combined with a focus on local and regional transit options, this will make it easier to live car free. ~... ~ t~J E ~, ~ ~ i ,~, `~ i :, F -, ~, ~ ~ ' ~; ~1~~ ,.~ ` ~l~ ~~ „ ~ (~ ~ /' ~ i 1~ i + T ', i ~ !~ - ~ ~ ~ l5 ~ ` _ __ ~ ~ f _ ~ 1 , 41 /, \ _ ~ ,. ._. r~ I~' ~- 11 t~ ~ ~ f ~ l~ ~'` VIII. ~~._ ~ {~"''}~!~' ,~~j ~i 7~~' r~~ ~ i ~ r! ~ ~~(( ~~ j~ a~ { ti ~i ~ ~ - ?'t ~ ~~ ... v-_") ~'~~ i ti) , L' __ .;+n t ~C4~Zi yyy~~#~~a ~{ r- ~ ~` 7a ~~c~` ~ i ~ ~ ~ is -{~~ ,'~ - , =- ~ ~-- Z ~ c~ ~-; ~ L_'~ ~~''. ~ ~ ~ f ~, ~~ ~ ~~ ~ _ ~r ~ * ` _ ~~ C ~ ``3 7;h,~ 1..:.... , ~~~ H!*i. --. "~K~ ~Fl., ti~-i.~-..u. _ ~~,;a-{~~'i ~ ..r r. S u. .I i. ~ _ ,~ _ '"-,. _ _ ~E' , 11~ ~ {~ , - ~ _~ I ~ ! ~ ` i -- fir -i ~ .(i _~_~ j it I . ~ ~. ~ 1 i ~~ ,-- ;, r; ilrY - ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~-- ~ ~j i7Y '( r Suggested Bus Route ~ 33 ` ii 1 (, ' ~ u i I 'F ~ 1 ~ r-~~ i ,~ d ~ ~.-r _ ~ .~ -~ i 5 i - ~ ~ 11 I~.- t 1 i _ r __Il~ _ ~ f ~,r . f _ - -= _ _ Pedestrian-Oriented Street I ~' ~.. i ~ i !( i }' 5. Parking ~; l ~; # ', ;' ~ {~ ,. ~ 1 ii d ~% 0 50 100 200 300 400 500 Meters Prepared by: Cifies & Environment Unit, March 17, 2008 14 Concept Plan HERITAGE Illustration of the Big Ideas The heritage buildings in the Uptown help us celebrate the history of our city. These buildings will act as catalysts for innovative infill, reuse and revitalization that can accommodate a variety of different uses. Buildings constructed today are the heritage buildings of the future. N ~~ ~II~~, ~~ ,~y~ ~, ~ ~' .~... __.~_...~ ,.. ~ I ~~ ,- ~, `' - ~ 54 ~~.~1" ~ ~ I ~^ `___,f ~~J'r .' 1. i ih ~,... .. _ ~ ,, _. ~~ ~ r - ,` `~ ~-~ t I m .t ~ _- ~~ - f.. t ` 'i~ t~i i _ ~ ~ ''~ 1 - s ~ i ~ ~I~ . .. ~ .i - - ., ~ _-- '1~ ,.. 1 , i ~ -- ,oly~ ~ i ~ ~ ~r _i( -:~t ~f I I ~; ` , Z r _ ~ ~ ~. ~ '_ l 'f ~ 4 ~ ,t- ,a ____-._ Landmark Buildings ~ '' ` li _ ,. , ^ Mixed Infill/Heritage Buildings = ~ ,' I I_ ~ ~' I f: Q 0 50 100 200 300 400 500 ~'`' Meters Prepared by: Cities & Environment Unit, March 17, 2008 15 Concept Plan ARTS AND CULTURE Illustration of the Big Ideas The Arts Centre located in the Carnegie building is an important focal point that will strengthen the Uptown's connection to the artist community. The Carnegie building will be the anchor from which other facilities and services can grow (i.e., arts corridor). .-- ,l T i 7 - 4. -~"`~ _ - q - I Y/~' / TAI / ti ~ ~~~.( s,. -~ ~~. 3 ~ ~ ZZZaaa 1 „~ ~ # ~ r{_~:~~~z sF ~,,~ z ~~ ,..:1 ~~~1 ~ ~] ~"~ ~j'~.^~e~r'rc*~se ~7'q~~= ~I ( _~, .: `~ ---• I ... 4 s - ~ ~ ~~ ~_ ` i ~ `~~ ~~ ~'y j ~ ~+~$/~~c_.l+ ~.,~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ' i .. ` 4~f ~ I _ , c, ` Ir ~ Jr ~ \... 1 ~ Y I I ~ _ .._ ~ ~t~~+~:~ ~ e. f ~ ~ f _ I ~ ~ 7 ~~ -. ? `- _ i ~ b C ?~ J t~ - ) nr?~ l .~ 1 1 ~ .__._ ~~ ~ l I t i ~~' ~ k{~ iR ~r ~~ ~ ~ I L` 0 y. Carne ie Buildin /Arts Centre I ~_ . 4.. - -. ~ -- = jl r r `° _ ~.. ._..._ __ - ~. _ g g , _ ~ ~ ~ ~ -, `' , ,l ~- Arts Corridor II ~ ~~ ~~ . n , c 0 SO 100 200 300 400 S00 ~ r-' Meters G Prepared by: Cities & Environment Unit, March 77, 2008 16 Concept Plan STREETS Illustration of the Big Ideas Streets are places of intensity, variety and human interaction. They must celebrate our culture and identity. Streets must be walkable, comfortable and beautiful, and should also be destinations in their own right. They must attract and support a variety of uses throughout the day and night. A continuous, transparent and porous streetwall with appropriately sized buildings will create streets that are interesting, comfortable and accessible to pedestrians. N i' :" .~ _, . ~, ;_ -; - ,= ~ . ;~, ~_. l >'I ~ _ !~ 1 ~~ ~, ~ ,~ ~ ° ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ,.i l,,_t _ ~ _~_ ~ r 1 ,.. ,- ~ ~= , -ri~ ' ~ 1 r~r ,, I ~ ~%I/ ...: ~ ~ _ ~ ~ . I ~ ~~ ~. ~ W r ~ f3. --~, r > t C• ~Y r \\\))) F ~ .~ r_ .1. ~.~ t 1 1 1 5 `~ ~ ~ ~k. ~~ . 1, .- F r~ t' ~ '. ~_~~ l,_ i. ~_ ~~. f ! 1, `~ ~~ _ i ~~r ~i~~t -- ~ ~ E ~~~~ ~ -..-k~+r~rrfi --..: ~~ .. .,a .. ~~ ,;, f) ~` ~ ~ t~ ~ , i ~, I ~ _ '. i~ ~ ~ i; / ~ i ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~r , , - ll. ~ ~ ti ;'( ~~ Green Streets ~ ?-~- - ~- ~ -~ ;i Pedestrian-Only Street ^ '; , a so goo zoo 30o aoo soo Meters Prepared by: Cities & Environment Unit, March 77, 2008 ~ n -, , _ I' I 1 .. '4 1. J~~~) C; ,.. ~~ ~... _ ( ~t I ~. ~ ~~ ~ li' ' 'i F 17 Guide to Public Improvements & Design Guidelines Introduction To achieve the community's vision for the Uptown and realize the full potential of the North of Union site, the City of Saint John must both invest in the creation of high quality public spaces and regulate the form of future development. The following includes a guide to the necessary public improvements and a proposed set of Design Guidelines. By understanding how these two elements work together, the community of Saint John will be able to move forward with confidence, knowing they are creating great streets and complete neighbourhoods in the Uptown that will benefit current and future generations. Guide to Public Improvements Public infrastructure creates the context for buildings and defines the nature of public systems. Public spaces should be carefully considered and designed to ensure that streets, parks, walkways and other gathering spaces add to the diversity of neighourhoods and attract people to the Uptown. Movement In order to achieve a sustainable and vibrant community, streets should be pedestrian oriented. • Focus on people in a walkable downtown by ensuring active transportation options. • Make streets into destinations instead of arterials. ` • To improve pedestrian walkability, maintain or consider narrowing existing streets. • Concentrate parking in easily accessed locations at the gateways to the city. • Parking does more than store cars, it can act as a transfer point with convenience amenities and green functions. • Develop safe and weather protected bus stops which are a permanent, significant part of the street. • Support bike use by providing bike racks and bike lanes. • Ensure pedways are safe connections to streets rather than alternatives to streets. Open Spaces The Uptown should enhance and build open spaces which are safe and accessible. These open spaces should provide important opportunities for people to meet and gather at different times of the day throughout the different seasons. • Connect the Uptown to the Waterfront and other parts of the city through walkable, safe and continuous streetscapes and pathways. • Enhance and highlight important views, taking into consideration the topography of the area. • Create and enhance green spaces. Green spaces can be: » parks, green roofs, greenhouses, play-grounds » many different sizes » enhanced by natural features (waterfront, topography) • Contribute to the health and sustainability of Saint John by building public recreation spaces. Prepared by: Cities & Environment Unit, March 17, 2008 ~ $ Special Streets The unique identity of streets can attract pe'pple to the Uptown and should be supported by public infrastructure. • Develop Green Streets that are pedestrian friendly that have more sidewalk than asphalt and greenery planted along the edges. ' • Support an Arts Corridor as a possibility fore hancing the arts with the Carnegie building functioning as an anchor from which other services and facilitiescan stem. Design Guidelines Design guidelines describe how buildings should front onto the street to create comfortable and continuous pedestrian-oriented public space. Design guidelines also establish requirements for a mix of uses. Developing new buildings according to these guidelines will promote a complete neighbourhood that will attract a variety of people to live, work and play in the Uptown. Built Form ~~ New buildings in the Uptown should ensure cont;~nuous, transparent and interesting streets with varied choices for pedestrian movement. Blocks • Retain and reinforce historical smaller block patterns to ensure more edge space, better relation to public space and more pedestrian pathways (continuity anc~ choice of movement). Infill • Respect existing streetwall when building betwheen older existing buildings. • In some situations where the gap between t~{vo existing buildings is narrower than the width of adjacent buildings, infill can be set back slightly to creme an interesting rhythm along the streetwall. Height • Build generally 5-6 stories (50-60 feet) • Include possibility of point towers (up to 150 feet) in appropriate locations and with appropriate setbacks from the street. Environmental Consideration • New development will serve as an example of leading sustainable and green design and construction. » Green Roofs » LEED building standards Prepared by: Cities & Environment Unit, March 17, 20Q8 19 Streets Streets are places of intensity, variety and human interaction, which celebrate culture and identity. Streets should be walkable, comfortable and beautiful as pathwa~s and destinations. Scale • Ensure a relation between the street, its build"ngs and these buildings' uses. • Provide a number of entrances and access po~nts when creating new buildings to enhance the diversity of life on the streets. ', • Orient buildings towards the street at the pedestrian level. Corners • Recognize corners as significant points along the street, deserving special treatment in terms of design and use. Continuity of Buildings • Encourage the continuity of streets and discoutrage inactive uses like surface parking. Mix of Uses A mix of uses extends and intensifies street use throughout the day, making a neighbourhood lively, attractive and safe. A mix of uses can occur horizontally along streets or vertically within buildings. Amenities • Support amenities which bring people to the area to live, work and play (complete neighbourhood). » Residential development that suits different incomes and lifestyles. » Commercial development that is diverse amd unique. » Recreational development for a healthy ac~ive population. » Services that meet all the needs of a thriving community. Institutions • Ensure institutions are part of the public sphjere; building on the mix of people and diversity of uses in the Uptown. • Orient the buildings to the street with multiplle entrances on all street sides and public gathering spaces. Residential • Encourage residential development on every street to ensure round the clock continuity of use by people who have a vested interest in the area -this is how ~he idea of a `sustainable neighbourhood is created. • Build a variety of housing types in the Uptown (e.g., low income and market housing). • Encourage residential development amongst commercial, recreational and institutional uses to reinforce the idea of being able to live, work and play witho~it traveling great distances. Prepared by: Cities & Environment Unit, March 77, 2048 20 Recommendations to Common Council 1. Accept Big Ideas, Guide to Public Improvements, Design Guidelines and the Concept Plan in principle and use these as the basis for developing a more detailfd site plan and set of design guidelines for the North of Union project. 2. Endorse ongoing public engagement and invglvement in the development and implementation of planning strategies and policies for Uptown Saint John end the North of Union site. Prepared by: Cities & Environment Unit, March 17, 20j08 21 w ~~~~ /~ BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 110-64 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHI~T ARRETE N° C.P. 110-64 ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint Lors dune reunion du conseil John in Common Council convened, as communal, The City of Saint John a follows: decrete ce qui suit The Zoning By-law of The C~ty of Saint John enacted on the nineteenth ay of December, A.D. 2005, is amended by:', Amending Schedule "A",'' the Zoning Map of The City of Saint Jolln, by re-zoning a parcel of land with an ea of approximately 590 square metres, 1 Gated at 10 5t. lames Street, also identified as being PID Numbers 00001735 and 55061485, from "RM-IF" M~rltiple Residential Infill to "B-2" General Business pursuant to a resolution adopted by Common Council under Section',39 of the Community Planning Act. L'arrete sur le zonage de The City of Saint John, decretd le dix-neuf (19) decembre 2005, est modifie par 1 La modification de 1'annexe «?.», Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, permettant de modifier 1a designation dune parcelle de terrain dune superficie d'environ 590 metres cartes, situee au 10, rue St. James, et portant les NID 0000]735 et 55061485, de zone d'edification de logements multiples sur terrain intercalaire « RM-1F » a zone Commerciale generate « B-2 » conformement a une resolution adoptee par ]e conseil municipal en vertu de Particle 39 de la Loi sur l'urbanisme - all as shown on the plan attached het~eto and forming part of this by-law. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Co orate Common Seal of the said City to be ffixed to this b -law the * day of *, A.D~2008 Y and signed by: I - toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur le plan ci-joint et font partie du present arrete. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arrete le 2008, avec les signatures suivantes Mayor/I~Iaire Cotrun~n Clerk/Greffier communal i First Reading -March 3, 2008 Second Reading -March 3, 2008 Third Reading - Premiere lecture - 3 mars 2008 Deuxieme lecture - 3 mars 2008 Troisieme lecture - ~- n ~~ ~~ BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 12-1. A LAW TO AMEND THE DEVELOPMENT SCHEME BY-LAW Be it enacted by The City of (Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: The By-law of The City of 'iSaint John entitled "Development Schema By- law", enacted on the 19th day of December, A.D. 2005 is amended by: 1 Amending the Saint John East Development Scheme by removing (,from the Scheme a parcel of land with an az?ea of approximately 20 hectares, located on' both sides of Heather Way, between Grandview Avenue and Wyatt Crescent, also identified as being PID Nos. 00456640, 0045657, 00456665, 55124341 and 5512358, together with the Local Common to ated adjacent to PID Nos. 00456640, 0045657 and 00456665 IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corpprate Common Sea] of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the ** day of **, A.D. ;2008 and signed by: ARRETE N° C.P. 12-1 ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE PORTANT ADOPTION D'UN PROJET D'AMENAGEMENT Lors dune reunion du Conseil communal, The City of Saint John a edicte ce qui suit L'arrete de The City of Saint John intitul6 «Arrete portant adoption d'un projet d'amenagement» decrete le 19 decembre 2005 est modifie par 1 la modification du plan d'amenagement de Pest de Saint John a y enlever une parcelle de terrain dune superficie d'environ 20 hectares, situee des deux cotes de la voie Heather, entre 1'avenue Grandview et le croissant Wyatt, et portant les NID 00456640, 00456657, 00456665, 55124341 et 55124358, de meme que le bien-fond collectif adjacent aux NID 00456640, 00456657 et 0046665 EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arrete le *** 2008, avec les signatures suivantes Mayor/Maure Common ~lerk/Greffiere communale First Reading -March 3, 2008 ' Premiere lecture - 3 mars 2008 Second Reading -March 3, 2008 Deuxieme lecture - 3 mars 2008 Third Reading - Troisieme lecture -